#Killing it as always with your big brain goddamn
demonic-charcuterie · 4 months
Alastor X technology obsessed reader
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Alastor continued to wrapped his arms around and and sigh as he felt the warm bath water slosh around him. A drop of water landed directly onto his nose as you shook gently on top of him as you giggled at your phone. “Hehe what a fucking idiot!” You cackled as the video continued to play.
“Doe, that is the 4th time you’ve played that damned video.”
“Oh I know baby but it gets better every FffFUCKING time!” You snickered. Alastor gently slide his hands down to your inner thighs and gave them a gentle squeeze but nuzzling his face into your neck. You and Alastor had been sitting in this bath for more than hour to the point that the water was barely lukewarm.
You and Alastor! Talk about an unlikely marriage. You spawned in hell many years after Alastor started killing overlords. You were scrolling on your phone when you bumped into him. “Oh sorry- Oh. My. God!”
“Well hello dar- what are you doing?”
“What’s up guys! It’s me,Y/n you’re favorite burning bitch and you’ll never guess you I just ran into. Alastor the radio de- ouch!” You yelled as Alastor’s cane came down on your hand and knocked your phone out of it. “Sorry my dear but this face was made for radio.” He said as he smiled down at you. Swiftly,he turned as his heel and began to walk away but paused as he felt your arm slipped interlocking with his.
After that you seemed to always find him or maybe he was finding you? You turned a corner- there he was. “Oh well hello my dear!”
“Alastor!” You would squeal and ran into his arms…we’ll actually you ran into and wrapped your arms around him and he just let you. After that you just started actually planning hangouts. “Hey what’s your social? What do you mean you don’t have a phone? H-how do you talk to people?” You asked him you brain seemed to almost be breaking. Alastor simply chucked an patted your head. You looked up at him shocked before smiling and grabbing his wrist to move his hand down to your cheek and nuzzled into it. “You know this would make a great Sinstagram story-“ you said while pulling your phone from your pocket but Alastor quickly pushed your hand down and placed a kiss to your lips. “Don’t ruin it…” he whispered.
Your eyes widened before you pulled him closer by his shirt and kissing him harder fighting for dominance.
You and Alastor actually didn’t take that long to get married surprisingly. You just ran up to Rosie and she said you could have a small ceremony in the town hall with one of Alastor’s servants performed the ceremony. You made a big mistake letting him take photos because his face was almost in none of them and they were all shaky as if he didn’t know how to work a camera but you know he did. You were heartbroken when he left for all those years. He did give you a warning unlike with any of his other friends.
“Darling I just need you to know I love you and will never stop…” he said while running a hand through your hair. “Yeah I know silly hehe.” You answered.
“Good…we’ll I’m afraid I’ll be gone for a good while. I’ll seen soon…” All you did was lay on the bed while scrolling and waving him off. “Shoo shoo” you said like you always did. It was a joke you would later regret making. When you got word that your husband chilling at this lame as hAZbiN HoTEl you nearly broke the door down. You eyes were glowing red and your were snarling. “What the FUCK?!” Angeldust screamed as you burst threw the door. “W-WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GODDAMNED HUSHAND?” For some reason everyone’s head turned to Angeldust. “What!? I ain’t never been high enough to get married and forget about it!”
Your nose twitched in anger. “ALASTOR!” You barked. Alastor at that moment appeared around the corner. “Oh Charlie a new guest- y/n?” He said his smile going down to a grin as it seemed to falter. “My love is that you?” He said as he ran to you clutching his staff tight in hand. “Alastor! You cried before running into his arms and beating your hands on his chest. “You bitch! Y-your left me you left me! I-I hate you!” You screamed but all Alastor did was hold you tighter. “I-I missed you so much.” You cried as you both sunk down to the floor.
“Ummmm Alastor who is that?” Vaggie said breaking the silence.
“Everyone this is my wife Y/n”
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Negan x reader - insanity comes and goes
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Hands stuffed in your pocket, you grinned a little bit at the man who was stood in front of you, bat over his shoulder while his people fixed their guns in you.
“So, (Y/N), are you gonna tell me why you’re skulking around home? How’d you get so far?”
“Why would I do that? Takes all the fun out of the game Negan.”
He hummed a little, walking over and he looked at you, reaching up to brush some hair from your face.
“Why not join me? You could have anything you ever wanted here, that prick can barely offer you any food. You tell me what he’s planning and I’ll let you keep your shit, and give you more.”
This had been his play the entire time, Negan was sure that he could turn you against Rick and the others and use you as a double agent.
The issue with that is that was boring, and you didn’t feel like selling out your friends just for some stuff that didn’t even matter in this world anymore.
You smirked a little, and in a swift motion took the bat from his hands.
“Give Lucille back!” He roared.
“Aw is this special to you? You want it back you big baby?”
You raised your brows in suggestion then you moved your hand, flinging the bay across the fence, out into all of the walkers.
He stormed over, grabbing you by the collar he landed a punch on your face, and he slammed you against the fence.
He sneered, clenching his jaw.
“Whatever game you’re fucking playing, I’m done with it. I’m going to have tour god damn bones sent back to the prick…”
“And I’m gonna haunt your ass until you go insane.” You smirked.
You tossed you aside, and you heard a loud bang before everything went black.
“Get me Lucille!” He snapped.
He looked down at your body, bullet in your head, and he walked past you over to his men and back inside.
He ordered somebody to take your body and throw it to the walkers, and he began gathering a company to pay Alexandria a visit, less than impressed with your visit.
He walked outside, and he was stopped by Simon.
“She’s gone.”
“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone? She wasn’t exactly fucking going anywhere Simon!”
“She’s gone Negan, someone came outside to move the body and it’s not there, there isn’t even a blood trail.”
Negan yelled, slamming his fist into the side of the truck.
“Then they find it!”
He got into the truck, balling his hands into fists in pure rage.
He stayed silent as they made their way to the community, and the gates were opened when they arrived.
“Rick!” He roared.
Said man came jogging over, slowly down to a walk.
“That bitch of a friend of yours, you send her to my home?”
“Who?” Rick asked confused.
“(Y/N), because I hate to break it to you but I put a bullet in the middle of her pretty little head, but now her body is missing, so how many did you send?”
“I never sent anyone.”
Negan grabbed Rick by the back of his shirt, dragging him towards his house and the people followed to see what was going on.
He tossed Rick to the ground and Negan took his gun, aiming it at Carl.
“You tell me the truth, or I put a bullet in your goddamn son too.”
“Oo scary.” You mocked.
“What the fuck?”
Negan turned around to see you sitting on the curb, and you grinned, offering him a little wave.
“Holy crap, now either you’re dead and I’m seeing shit, or there’s more than one of you.”
You hummed a little bit.
“No, just want. I don’t think poor Rick here could handle more than one of me, I annoy him enough.”
“Now I remember watching a bullet go through your brain.”
“Oh yeah? What it look like? Was there a lotta blood? Cause that’s always a fun way to die.”
“Let’s fucking find out!”
Negan took Rick’s gun and aimed it at you, pulling the trigger and a few people screamed.
Negan looked around at them all, noticing the lack of horror or sadness on their faces.
“Come on! What’s wrong with your people I just killed your friend!”
You pushed yourself up, rubbing your forehead, and you looked at your blood on the floor.
“Damn, that is a lot of blood.”
“What the fuck?!”
Negan walked over, shooting your again, and he grabbed his bat, hitting you a few times for good measure.
Your blood splattered his clothes and the ground, and he just stood there looking at you, watching you.
“(Y/N)s just going to wake up again.” Carl called.
Negan looked to him, and Carl shrugged a little bit.
“Apparently out of all the people in the world, death just don’t like me.” You said.
You sat up, wiping the blood from your eyes and you watched Negan spun around with a mortified look on his face.
He’d seen some shit, and done some shit, but this? This was something different compared to anything he had ever seen or done.
“What the shit is wrong with you? Why won’t you die?!”
He swung his bat again, this time keeping an eye on you, and he could see the blood stop flowing from your wound, and you grinned a little bit.
“Please keep going, maybe I can actually get a good night sleep for once.”
He took a few steps away from you, and you sat in your own blood, just grinning from ear to ear at him.
“I told you I’d haunt your ass…”
Negan looked to Rick.
“Tell me this shit ain’t real.”
“No, it’s real. Apparently there’s just no getting rid of (Y/N) at this point.” Rick sighed.
You pushed yourself up, wiping your hands on your shirt.
“Nope, you’re stuck with my ass until you die!” You beamed.
“This is fucking insane. You’re fucking insane.” Negan said.
You gave a half shrug.
“Maybe just a lot, yeah. Sanity comes and goes.”
You took a step forward and he subconsciously took one back.
The problem with being human was that no matter how big and tough you acted, if you saw something that wasn’t natural, your immediate response is to stay away from it.
So Negan pulled Rick in front of him and you stopped walking.
“What the actual fuck…? Now I got some psychos in my lot, but you? You’re a whole new level of fucked.”
“I know! It’s great!” You laughed.
You bent down, picking up a tree branch and you looked at Negan.
“So, who do you think will win? Me or you? Cause I’m kinda wondering how long it’ll take me to beat the shit outta you with this branch before it breaks.”
“You come any closer and I’ll paint the ground with his blood.”
You hummed.
“Yeah, okay.”
You tossed the stick aside.
“Oh by the way Negan, you should probably evacuate your base.”
“What the fuck did you do?”
“I maybe have rigged some explosives. I was bored waiting for you.”
Some of his men began running back to their cars and trucks.
“You should probably find them before someone triggers one.” You smirked.
He clenched his jaw, pushing Rick to the ground.
“Run…” you whispered.
You grabbed the stick and ran after them all, yelling as they jumped into their vehicles to try and get away from you.
It made you laugh loudly and you swung it at the door of Negans truck.
“You fucked it Negan! You can’t kill me but I can kill the shit out of you!”
He stuck his middle finger up at you as he drove away and you grinned proudly at Rick and a Michonne.
Daryl put his arm around your shoulders.
“See, this is why we need a crazy immortal son of a bitch.” He said.
“Yeah, what he said.”
“Well, at least that’ll make him rethink his next plans for a while.” Michonne said.
And it did.
Negan was now rethinking what he had been doing there.
People were a resource, he didn’t want to kill them, and apparently no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t kill you.
So he had to find a way to get around that if he wanted to keep doing what he was doing, but a voice in the back of his head was also warning him not to cross paths with you again.
But he wasn’t one to back down from a fight, and this just made things a whole lot more interesting
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nexusnyx · 1 year
heyyy. so what if reader and joel got in a really big argument because he wasn’t being safe and putting his life on the line and that pissed her off. so joel gets on a horse, and rides off into the sunset in true cowboy fashion. when she’s on a supply run with some of the other people from tommy’s town, they find joel, injured and hiding out in a barn. she didn’t recognize him at first, and pointed her gun at him but when he’s like “it’s me.” she’s all like “for fuck’s sake, joel. i almost shot you.” “someone already did.” and yeah feel free to take that anywhere u want <3
that's such a cinematic idea!! you've got a good imagination, Sof. thanks for the request. — main masterlist | 🏷️: established 'situationship', post-outbreak, mentions of past attempted suicide, hurt/comfort, fluff. [WC: 1.7k]
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˗ˏˋ꒰ foolish ꒱
All of his recklessness had a direction. A purpose.
Joel had no reason to tend to his own life with careful hands. Not when those same hands had inflicted so much damage already. When they'd caused so much destruction. He knew how to direct his anger and reckless behavior well—to protect, evade, survive.
All of that kept him away from building any kind of real relations, but that goes up in flames after Ellie. And then it really disappears after you.
Joel's scared again. He panics. He cares, and he talks about himself, and he lets spill out secrets he never once spoke about.
He's just not ready for what comes after they're out in the open.
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“I just can’t concentrate if I’m worried about you going in with your knuckles and elbows to someone’s fucking face instead of at least trying to keep it cool. y’know? I don’t know. Call me crazy, Joel. I thought you could control yourself.”
“No. That just ain’t fair. Was I supposed to do nothin’?”
“Yes! Exactly. If you’d given me at least one second—”
“He asked if you up for offer. I should’ve fuckin’ killed, him.”
“Joel, he could’ve asked ‘if the little bitch worth a quarter or 10 bucks’ and I couldn’t give less of a shit—”
“You—I swear to god.”
“He’s an animal! And a fucking idiot. But he was the idiotic animal with the goddamn information. Which we needed. And now we don’t have, ‘cause he and his buddies have ran back to wherever the hell they’re hiding and we’re never gonna see them again. And they had the real deal—they had medicine we need that are lacking in the stock.”
“I know. I know. Fuckin’ hell, I know.”
“... you know I’d help you do anything you wanted, right? I don’t care about what they say. And I’d wanna kill anyone who disrespected you like that, too, but we gotta be at least smart before we’re emotional.”
“...Tommy’s gonna fuckin’ kill me.”
“No, he won’t. I’ll talk to him. Make something up.”
“You don’t need to.”
“I know. But I’m gonna.”
“...thank you. … I really am sorry, ‘kay? I’m still gettin’ used to—I just. I saw red.”
“And I get that.”
“...you really do, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Remember how I acted at that river trade? Because of what that man said about you?”
“Couldn’t forget it if someone blew my brains away. … You’re a lil’ crazy, baby, y’know that?”
“Coming from you, Miller. That’s rich.”
“Yeah… It’s kinda beautiful. You’re like—a force o’nature, or somethin’. Fuck, I’m sorry—I’m drunk—but listen. I won’t fuck up again.”
“I know you’ve got my back. I just want you to have yours, too. I worry about you and how you dive head first into dangerous shit ‘cause when it comes to you, you don’t think.”
“... had no reason to, ‘till recently.”
“Well, now you do. Should’ve always had, but now you really do ‘cause there are people, like Ellie, like Tommy, like me, who are gonna be pretty pissed off if you’re stabbed again anytime soon. Don’t make me go feral and have to kill a fucker ‘cause you know me by now. I have the whole thing where I have to bury the bodies I’m responsible for and, honestly—have pity on my back’s sake, Joel. I don’t got the back for that shit anymore.”
“You’re so—can’t believe your fuckin’ jokes sometimes.”
“You’re laughing.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m crazy too, obviously.”
“‘don’t got the back for it’. You’re—You know, I never thought I’d be this happy I didn’t blow my brains out. Last time I thought that Ellie was standin’ on top of a fuckin’ dinosaur and—”
Joel shivered.
You found him as you were searching a barn on a supply run with Tommy, the day after he ran away on Shimmer’s back.
A stom had followed his departure, not minutes later, and he was still out of the gates when the time to close them came by, which meant he’d been locked out. Tommy was the one to give the ‘ok’ for the gatekeepers to shut them down, his face twisted into a painful twist and an apologetic look sent your way, but it was also Tommy who nodded his agreement to go with you when you announced you were going out the very next morning despite the horrible weather and the feet of snow making everything ten times harder.
It was obvious to you he couldn’t have gone far.
When you find him, Joel speaks up first. “It’s me.” He somehow heard you coming before you saw him.
Of course he did. It’s Joel.
The voice still makes you flinch—Joel was kneeling on the ground with his thickest jacket wrapped around him and his knees pulled up, and—”Jesus Christ, Joel. I almost fuckin’ shot you.”
As you’re lowering your gun, he goes. “It’s happened before.”
It’s such an oddly-timed joke that it halts your steps toward him, but then, his eyes find yours and it happens, just like always. You two share a private, ‘this is a fucked up joke, but we find it funny either way’ laugh. The same one that bonded you two.
You kneel beside him, taking out the blanket you brought in your backpack exactly for this, and wrap it around his shoulders, rubbing him up and down on his arms and his back.
When you’re satisfied with your job — he quit shivering — you finally make eye contact.
“You got stuck because of the storm, right?” your question comes out in a whisper, and your breath fogs up the air between the both of you.
You didn’t run away, right?
Joel takes a deep breath, and nods. His eyes close for a moment before he leans in slowly until his forehead is touching yours.
“Told you I wouldn’t do that.” Joel said those words a couple of months ago, and you still had trouble wrapping your head around them. I ain’t goin’ nowhere. I like it here. With you.
“‘kay.” Your lips search his in the dark and find them waiting for the kiss already. With your hands still on his shoulders, you can feel a lot of tension dissipating when you sigh into the kiss, and Joel seems to fully come back to his body. You pull away against your will, and take a few seconds before you’re able to open your eyes.
His warmth always spreads through you like an oven slowly heating up.
“‘m sorry if I scared you.”
It’s inevitable—a smile blossoms in your face, and you start laughing.
“What?” Joel asks, confused and serving the biggest doe eyes in your direction.
For someone who punched first and asked questions later, a night stuck with the howling story winds made quick work of reminding him he was cared for. “Nothing.” I love you. “You did scare me. I spent all night thinking about whether you were okay or not.” The doe eyes seem to glisten with the soft light, and it pulls you in to seal your lips on his again. “But it’s ok. I just wanna go now and run you a hot bath and massage… all of your body. Is that ok? Can I do that?”
Joel’s eyes said I’ve never felt more vulnerable and that’s going to be a lot, but it also said it’s exactly what I need and I don’t know how to say that out loud. From his lips, it came out, “I… yeah. Yeah, ya can. I wanna… Wash your hair. And—you. ‘s that weird?”
“It’s not.”
“I like that smile on you. ‘s my favorite.”
“I am so happy I left Tommy behind.” Joel laughs at that, and he makes a move to get up. “I’m serious. We’d never hear the end of this.”He gets up with your help, and you two can walk side by side, leaning on each other and not speak of the storm that passed and carried more than just heavy snow all around. The things that are rising and growing between you are deep-rooted somewhere—nothing seems to shake you and Joel away. Only closer together. Tighter. Realer.
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🏷 @sakuralikestars — @mostardentily — @thegreat-annamaria — @leiticia — @polyglot-noodle — @casssiopeiaaa — @levylovegood — @simply-sams-things — @lavenderhhze — @gracie7209 — @waywardwolfbonklight — @shadytalething — @yesimwriting — @celestialstar111 — @averysblog — @pedrostories — @fleursirvart — @sirtommyholland — @capbrie — @hawsx3 — @superflymaterial — @ashleyforeverareject — @girlofchaos — @queerponcho — @am-3-thyst — @nyotamalfoy — @my-tearsricochet — @ponyboys-sunsets — @peqchsoup
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ* . join my Fireplace celebration. * | send me mail 💌
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tokkias · 10 months
tell me you loved me from the start ship: natsu dragneel x lucy heartfilia summary: There's nothing that can get between a friendship as strong as Natsu and Lucy's—or at least, that's what they'd like to think. Sometimes feelings are a little too complicated for it to be smooth sailing when you're feeling them towards your best friend. Lucy finds that one out the hard way. ao3
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Lucy had always been good at keeping secrets. Many a friend or guildmate had confided in her before, and as such, she had gained plenty of dirt that she was sure the guild’s gossips would kill for, by virtue of being able to keep her mouth shut. She was, for the most part, an open book. There were a few things she felt the need to keep close to her chest, which would have been difficult to achieve in the first place considering just how nosy her best friend was.
Given their frequent close proximity, Lucy couldn’t keep a secret from Natsu, even if she wanted to. He knew everything about her, and she, in turn, knew everything about him. She trusted him, so there was no reason to keep secrets. They both spoke candidly to each other about their lives and their feelings, each seeing no reason to keep things from the other.
For the most part, anyway.
It was just one, teensy, tiny little secret, something she was sure would go away at first. She had expected it to pass quickly; what she had not expected was for her little, baby crush on him to spiral out of control into a full-blown yearning for her partner that consumed her entire being to the point where he was always on her mind at any given time.
Part of her felt guilty for keeping it from him, though the other reasoned that she was sure Natsu felt similarly on some things. Romance was never the type of thing they spoke about; he didn’t ask and she didn’t tell, but that was before her thoughts of romance involved him.
A brief period of contemplation had passed in which she thought about letting him know, but the realistic part of her brain reminded her of the irreparable damage that could be done to their relationship. She liked what they had too much to throw it away over anything. Instead, she resigned herself to the fact that Natsu would never know.
It wasn’t the most well-kept secret: Levy knew about it, as did Erza, Mira, and Wendy; even Gray had been in on it too, but Natsu still remained none the wiser. It was nice being able to confide in others when she couldn’t with Natsu, but it felt wrong to keep secrets from him.
It had been about a year or so since her feelings had become too big to contain, and she had let it slip to Levy, and somehow it had become an open secret to everyone but Natsu. Perhaps it was out of pity, for fear of watching their sweet angel Lucy be rejected by a dense and romance-averse Natsu, but whatever the reason, everyone was sure to keep tight-lipped around him.
That’s what made it all the worse when it was Lucy who accidentally managed to let part of the secret slip.
Lucy rested her chin in the heel of her hands, her elbows balanced on the table below her where she sat in defeat, her gaze not even focused on Levy before her as she expressed her woes.
"I just wish he’d look at me, you know?" She sighed, resisting the urge to flop down onto the table in defeat. "I want him to say I’m pretty, or something, but it’s like he doesn’t even see me as a woman."
"Who doesn’t see you as a woman?" Came the voice of the man in question as he slid into the seat next to her, and Lucy immediately froze.
"Oooooooooohhh~ Lucy’s got boy problems," Happy chimed in with his sing-song teasing.
The two of them had been out on a solo job for a few days and hadn’t been expected back until tomorrow. Had she known there was a possibility that they would come to the guild hall today, Lucy would have kept her stupid mouth shut. Now, all she could do was gape like a goddamned moron as she sat paralysed in fear that she had just let it slip.
"Soooooo~ Who’s the lucky fella?" Happy sang, clearly trying to worm his way into information that could be used against her down the line.
"Yeah, I wanna know too," Natsu added, his tone and gaze much more serious than Happy’s.
Lucy looked over to Levy in a plea for help, but it seemed as though she had slunk away in the moments since Natsu’s arrival, leaving her to deal with this one on her own.
"How was the job? Did you do any cool stuff? Eat any good food?" She asked in a desperate hope of diverting the conversation.
"The job was fine, I kicked some ass and Happy ate so much fish afterwards that he passed out," Natsu replied in quick succession, seeing right through her. "Who is this guy you’ve got a crush on?"
"Crush? Who said anything about a crush?" She sputtered, trying to maintain her composure.
It wasn’t technically a lie. What she had going on was far beyond a crush.
"You did, just now," he said bluntly. "You said you wish he’d call you pretty. You only say that mushy stuff about guys you wanna date."
Lucy paused for a moment, surprised by how adamant he was about this. She’d assumed that getting him to talk about his job, all the cool things he did, all the bad guys he’d fought, and all the food he’d eaten along the way would be enough to divert his attention, but he was stuck on the one thing she did not want to talk about with him.
"Come on, I promise I won’t tell anyone," he whined through her silence.
That’s ironic , she thought to herself.
"No," was all she managed to get out without incriminating herself.
"Why not?"
"Because I don’t want to."
"What if I say please?"
"The answer is still no."
"Pretty please?"
The two of them continued to run in circles, neither willing to be the first to break, but knowing just how stubborn Natsu could be, Lucy was beginning ware down, only, not in the way he might have hoped.
"I’m not going to tell you, Natsu, so just drop it, okay?" She finally said, unwilling to let this go on any longer than it needed to.
"Why not?" He repeated.
"Can we not do this?" Lucy sighed. "Please?"
He sounded like a broken record at this point, and figuring that she was not going to win their little game, Lucy simply didn’t reply. Natsu, on the other hand, was not satisfied with this response.
"Tell me," he said.
Lucy stood her ground.
"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me," he began to repeat, over and over again, until the words began to blur together and Lucy simply could not take it anymore.
Grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder, Lucy stood up to take her leave.
"I’m going home," she declared. "Go bother someone else."
She half-expected him to follow behind and continue his nagging, but it seemed her foul mood had done enough to have her off the hook for now.
By the time her rent was due once more and it was time for them to take on a new job, Lucy had hoped that Natsu had dropped the subject. She had hoped that in the time between when she last saw him and now, he had found a new subject to fixate on. That was decidedly not the case.
Suddenly, she regretted agreeing to walk the scenic route.
"Have you changed your mind yet?"
"No, Natsu, I have not changed my mind," Lucy sighed, arms folded across her chest as they walked. "I’m not going to tell you."
"Come oooonnnnnn," Natsu drawled. "If you tell me, I’ll be your best friend."
Lucy quirked an eyebrow.
"I already am your best friend."
"Nuh-uh," he refuted. "Happy’s my best friend."
"Aye!" Happy butted in, much to Lucy’s chagrin.
"But if you tell us who you like, I’ll let you be my new best friend."
"Hey!" Happy added, clearly not pleased to have the position of Natsu’s best friend being used as a bargaining chip.
Lucy looked over at him to ensure he saw just how unimpressed she looked with his deal.
"You’re not very good at this whole bribery thing, are you?"
Deflating at her reply, Natsu’s shoulders slumped forward and he stuck his lips out in a pout, apparently having thought that worming his way into Lucy’s secret would be much easier than it actually was.
"Please?" He tried rather pathetically this time.
"Still no."
"Will you tell me?" Happy chimed in.
"Absolutely not."
"What if I promise not to tell Natsu?"
"Wh- Hey! That’s no fair!" Natsu cried out.
"That’s a lie, and you know it," Lucy said.
Happy responded with a sheepish look that told her that she was right on the money. That damn cat would backstab her for the promise of fish any day.
"What if I annoy you into telling us?" Natsu suggested, and Lucy grimaced at the idea.
Being annoying was certainly high on the list of things that those two were good at, and anyone not as strong as her may have caved right at that moment, but Lucy remained strong.
"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Happy began to chant, with the background vocals of Natsu’s "pleaaaassssssseeeeeee," ringing in the back.
Pressing her hands over her ears in some attempt to block the noise out, Lucy had never regretted not taking the train more than now.
The thud of Natsu’s pack hitting the floor was louder than usual as he let out his frustration on the poor thing. Though he had been all smiles just before, Happy was quick to notice the way his mood had soured into an almost sombre state the moment Lucy was no longer around, and he thought he had an inkling as to why.
"Are you sad because Lucy won’t tell you who she likes?"
"No," Natsu shrugged, brows furrowed as if he were deep in the dregs of thought—something Happy rarely saw on his face. "Maybe, I guess."
Natsu let out a hefty sigh, though the expression on his face remained inscrutable, even to Happy.
"I just-" He stopped, his brain unable to keep up with the words he was saying. "You know."
He didn’t have to elaborate. He did know.
Though Natsu was never really one to talk about his feelings too much, he’d confided in Happy on many occasions about his little Lucy problem. Though some liked to think of him as dumb, dense, and unaware, Happy knew better than that. He knew that Natsu had his complicated feelings and emotions just like anyone else; he just kept them closer to his chest and played things off like they didn’t affect him at all. In quiet moments like this, however, Happy caught a glimpse into what was really going on in that brain of his.
"Why are you doing this if it’s just going to hurt your feelings knowing that she likes someone else?" Happy asked, trying his best to be empathetic to his situation.
Natsu was quiet for a moment as he mulled the question over in his mind. Happy knew there wasn’t really an answer—not a rational one, anyway. Anything beyond admitting that this was just some unusual form of self-inflicted pain would be nothing short of a blatant lie.
"‘Cause I need to make sure they’re good enough for her," is what he settled on.
It sounded reasonable enough. If Happy didn’t know better, he might have almost believed him.
"I can’t let Lucy date some loser who doesn’t call her pretty," Natsu huffed. "What kinda best friend would I be if I did that?"
Happy didn’t reply, instead letting him try to justify himself, though perhaps more to convince himself than Happy. He didn’t feel the need to probe further—he’d simply deny any accusations he made because Natsu was stubborn like that. If he wanted to figure out his Lucy troubles, he’d simply have to do it in his own time.
When Natsu hadn’t brought it up again the next time they were together, Lucy had thought she was safe. Little did she know, he had simply lulled her into a false sense of security that remained throughout lunch and all the way back to her apartment.
That was until the moment her apartment door clicked shut, and as if treating her secret as a reward for him to receive for not bringing it up all day, Natsu asked, "are you going to tell me who you like now?"
Lucy crossed her arms and let out a huff. He sounded like a damn high schooler, pestering her over some stupid crush, unable or unwilling to let it go. She didn’t even know why he cared so much, but she was certain that she cared more about keeping her secret than he did about knowing it, so instead of responding, she just shot him back a deeply unimpressed look.
Her lack of response did not deter Natsu, who, in the time between first bugging her about it and now, had come up with a new strategy.
"Is it Gray?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. "‘Cause he’s not good enough for you. You could do better than him."
"It’s not Gray," she dryly replied.
"Laxus?" He probed.
"Elfman? Gajeel?"
"Is it Bixlow?"
Realising he wasn’t going to stop any time soon, Lucy just gave him a blank stare, but he remained undeterred. He continued to list people until she was certain that he had named every single man in the guild, no matter how appropriate.
"Are you done?" She asked, fingertips pressing into her temples, thoroughly over whatever little game Natsu was playing.
The only solace she got from this situation was Happy’s silence. He had been quiet from the moment Natsu started nagging her—almost suspiciously so. Any other time, the cat might have jumped at the chance to annoy her until smoke was pouring out of her ears, but he hadn’t said a word. Supposing she shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Lucy was willing to take whatever small victories she could get in the wake of Natsu’s inability to just leave her alone.
"Was it any of those guys?" He asked.
"So he’s not part of the guild?"
Lucy stayed silent at his question. If Natsu was going to run around in circles, she would let him, but she wasn’t about to lie to his face. She was simply ready to wait until he would tire himself out and get bored of her lacklustre answers, but it seemed he didn’t have plans to stop any time soon.
"Is he from another guild? Sabretooth? Is it Sting? Rouge?"
With a groan, Lucy flopped down onto her bed, which Natsu seemed to take as a no.
"It’s not Jellal, is it?"
"No, I’m not interested in being shanked by Erza," she replied in earnest.
"Yeah, that’s probably for the best," he mused.
After a moment of quiet contemplation, Natsu spoke up again.
"Was it that guy from the library?"
"Why?" Lucy finally responded, thoroughly sick of this game.
"Why what?"
"Why do you want to know?" She asked, irritation seeping into her voice.
"‘Cause I’m your friend, and friends tell each other stuff like this," he justified.
Lucy scoffed at his almost humorous answer.
Yes, of course they were friends—they were best friends, but this, whatever it was, was not something they did. They didn’t talk about crushes or romance because Natsu never showed any interest in it until now.
But even if she wanted to, she couldn’t, because telling Natsu that every time she read a romance novel, she imagined the love interest as him, would completely and irrevocably ruin their relationship. Lucy liked what they had too much to change that, no matter how much her heart ached knowing that what she wanted with him was always just a little far out of her grasp.
"I’m not to tell you, okay?" She huffed.
"Why not?" Natsu hit back, seemingly growing frustrated at this trivial impasse that they had found themselves at.
"Because I don’t want to."
"But I’m your friend."
"I know you’re my friend, but I don’t-" Lucy paused to let her mind catch up with her mouth before she said something she might regret.
She didn’t want to argue with Natsu. She knew that he didn’t want to argue with her either, but it just seemed like this was something that they wouldn’t be able to compromise on.
"Look," she sighed. "I’m not going to tell you, so you can either make peace with that or you can leave."
Her remark was met with an almost astonished silence. Perhaps he hadn’t expected her to put her foot down like that. Maybe he had just assumed that she would eventually cave to his pleas. Whatever it was that was going through his head, Lucy couldn’t exactly see it on his face, so they simply sat in silence as she awaited his reply.
It didn’t come the way she had hoped.
Instead, he turned on his heel and headed for the door.
"Come on, Happy."
All Lucy could do was stare and gape as he left without another word, Happy shooting her an apologetic look before following his friend out the door.
She knew she had given him an ultimatum, but she didn’t think that was the option he was going to choose. It all felt so childish to her, leaving over a silly little crush. That had always been her fear, but she had never thought it would happen before she got the nerve to tell him.
It had her heart aching in her chest and tears pricking in the corner of her eyes, and all she could do was let her pillow soak up her sorrows.
The silence on the way home from Lucy’s apartment was uncomfortable. Happy could practically hear the way that Natsu seethed and sulked as they walked the ever-familiar path back to the cottage in the woods. Happy never really minded the silence between them, but this time was different. This time, Natsu was hurting, and Happy didn’t have the words to make it better.
"I don’t get it," Natsu said, finally breaking the silence. "Why won’t she tell me? Is it someone we don’t know? I named everyone."
Perhaps the worst part of this was watching this all fly over Natsu’s head.
There’d always been an inkling in the back of Happy’s mind about the way Lucy felt. He’d always wondered if Lucy saw Natsu as a little bit more than a friend, but over time he had simply put that down to Lucy being weird. Now, though, after Natsu’s interrogation and Lucy’s little scene, the pieces were beginning to fall into place.
Happy knew better than anyone that Natsu was not dumb. A little dense, maybe, sure, but never stupid, so the fact that he couldn’t see what was happening right in front of him had Happy scratching his head.
"Well, you didn’t name everyone," he curtly replied.
Natsu was quiet again for a moment, contemplative, before he spoke up again.
"You think it’s Alzack?" He asked, evident confusion tainting his voice, so genuine that Happy wanted to throttle him right then and there. "‘Cause I don’t think Lucy would stoop that low."
"I don’t think it’s Alzack," Happy shot back, trying to keep a straight face.
For as much prank potential as there was in spilling Lucy’s blatantly obvious secret, it also had the potential of her never speaking to either of them again out of sheer anger and mortification. So in the name of maintaining their friendship, Happy kept his mouth shut.
"Who do you think it is?" Natsu said, glancing in Happy’s direction.
Happy looked at him for a moment before responding. There was genuine intrigue in his friends’ eyes, perhaps a hint of desperation. Happy had to break their eye contact and look forward to the path before them before guilt started to eat him whole.
"I don’t know," he lied, earning a defeated sigh from Natsu beside him.
It certainly didn’t feel good lying to his best friend like that, but even Happy knew it wasn’t his place to meddle in their relationship. At best, it was disingenuous; at worst, he was wrong and getting his hopes up for nothing. He simply had to have faith that Natsu would put things together himself. If he was going to continue to sulk the way he was, Happy could only hope that he figured things out quickly.
When Natsu had stormed out of her apartment without a word, Lucy had hoped that he simply needed some time to himself. He could be a temperamental sort of guy, but sometimes all he needed was a little bit of time to blow off some steam before he was back to his usual self.
Unfortunately, this time, it seemed he needed a little more than that.
It had been a week.
A whole week since she had seen Natsu, much less spoken to him. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he had been deliberately avoiding her, and that fact was beginning to piss her off.
The last thing Lucy had wanted was for her feelings for Natsu to cause a rift in their relationship, but it seemed as though she had no choice in the matter. Either she told him and things would grow weird between them, or she kept her secret and he would continue to resent her.
Damned if she did, damned if she didn’t.
In the week since he had walked out on her, Lucy had done a lot of thinking between all the tears.
Would it really be that bad if he knew? Surely their friendship was strong enough to withstand the fallout from it. Though, the longer Natsu avoided her over it, the more uncertain she became.
But maybe he deserved to know. Maybe it wasn’t right to keep a secret so heavily involving him. Maybe he would understand, and if they just talked about it, they would come to an understanding and maintain the easy friendship they had.
Maybe she should have thought more about what exactly it was that she wanted to say to him before she had come all the way out to his little cottage in the woods.
She hadn’t really thought about why she was coming out here or what she wanted to say. There was an equal chance that she was going to chew him out or that she was going to burst into tears the moment she saw him. She was so angry at him for letting this get in the way of their friendship, but more than that, she missed him. She missed hearing his laughter from across the guild hall, she missed taking jobs with him. She missed his teasing, his warmth, his comfort. She missed the way he’d crawl into her sheets at night and pretend to be asleep, so she couldn’t kick him out, not knowing that these days she’d never make him leave. Just thinking about it was enough to make the tears almost breach, but as she bit down on her lip, she maintained her composure and rapped her fist against the front door.
Every semblance of composure left her once the door opened and she caught a glimpse of Natsu on the other side, looking at her like a deer in headlights, as if her mere presence had struck the fear of god into his heart.
In that moment, she was overwhelmed with so many emotions—relief, joy, sadness, absolute seething fury.
It seemed that last one was the one that took over when Lucy finally opened her mouth.
"What the hell is wrong with you!"
Part of her was expecting Natsu to slam the door in her face, but all he could do was stand there and gape as she yelled at him.
"You are so stupid! You storm out on me, and then you not only don’t speak to me, but you don’t even show your face at the guild? You dumb, stupid idiot!"
Her expression didn’t match her harsh words as her lip began to quiver, all the emotions of the past week coming crashing down on her as she spoke.
"You idiot, you don’t know—hic—you don’t even know how lonely I’ve been…"
With that, the dam burst, and she was in full tears, sobbing and wailing. She tried to step towards him but stumbled slightly, with Natsu catching her before she could fall. Feeling his touch once more only served to make her cry harder as she recalled how much she had missed it in their time apart.
With no words to make her feel better, Natsu simply wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she cried.
"Please don’t cry…" He mumbled, resting his forehead on the crown of her head.
"I don’t understand!" Lucy wailed. "Why does- Why does who I like matter so much that you’re willing to hurt me over it?"
Natsu’s jaw clenched, and she could feel his grip on her tighten, as though her words had caused him physical pain.
"I don’t- That’s not what I-" He barely managed to stutter out, clearly struggling to find the words. "Lucy…"
Though her grief-stricken wails had subsided, Lucy continued to sob, gasping for breath between them as Natsu struggled for an answer. When the words didn’t seem to come to him, there was only one thing he could think to say.
"I’m sorry…"
Lucy could hear the remorse dripping from every syllable. Natsu rarely apologised, even rarer did he mean it. This time, he did.
He wasn’t apologising because he was made to; he wasn’t apologising because he felt he had to. He was genuinely remorseful for making her feel this way.
"I still don’t understand," Lucy murmured. "Why? I mean- I don’t- It’s so stupid…" She paused to suck in a breath and gather her thoughts. "You completely avoid me because I won’t tell you who I like? Why do you care so much?"
"I- I just-"
Natsu sputtered out the words, clearly unable to form a coherent answer to the question, almost as if he didn’t know himself.
Lucy looked up at him with glassy, pleading eyes. For the first time since she had shown up, she got a good look at him, too blinded by anger and tears to have caught a glimpse prior. He looked so terribly lost and guilty, his brain seemingly barely able to comprehend the speed in which this had all happened. She couldn’t quite find it in herself to blame him.
She had shown up out of the blue, chewed him out before bursting into tears in his arms. It certainly was not her finest moment, but keeping up appearances was the last thing on her mind. Natsu was her friend—her best friend. Not having him by her side was like some cruel, twisted torture, a reminder of days long past that she had hoped she would never have to relive. She never wanted to not be with him if she could at all help it, and if weeping in his arms was the best way to get that across, then so be it.
"I don’t want you to like some… stupid guy who’s gonna hurt you because he doesn’t think you’re pretty," he said, cobbling his words together with uncertainty as he spoke.
"You’re already hurting me!" Lucy blurted out, not taking a moment to think about what she was saying.
She hardly even registered what she had said until he was looking down at her in some gut-wrenching combination of horror and confusion. It was like her words hadn’t quite set in, but he got the gist of where she was coming from. It was like he knew how she felt but wasn’t sure how to feel about it himself, and the idea of that made her swallow thickly to push down the bile that threatened to rise.
He looked at her slack-jawed before he managed to sputter out, "me?"
With no backing out of this one, Lucy decided the only way she was getting out was through.
"Yes, you, stupid! Are you blind?"
Her insulting words didn’t seem to hit him as he simply stood, lost in his own thoughts for a moment before he finally spoke up again.
"Why didn’t you tell me?"
"Because… I like the way things are between us," she breathed. "I don’t want to change that because I like you. It would just… make things weird, and I don’t want to lose what we have."
Natsu furrowed his brows slightly.
"Why would it be weird?" He asked, his voice low and soft, but she wasn’t certain he meant it to be. "I don’t think that’s weird."
"It is! It’s always weird when someone likes someone else, but they don’t feel the same, and it’s just-"
"Who said I didn’t like you?" Natsu interrupted.
Lucy stuttered around an answer, not truly knowing what to say. No one had said that. She’d simply assumed that there was no possible way that her feelings would be reciprocated because it was Natsu. Natsu, who had never shown romantic interest in anyone, let alone her. It was just an informed assumption based on years of friendship that she thought was just that—friendship. She had never considered the idea that he might feel the same way, and now it felt like everything she knew about him had been flipped on its head.
"I just didn’t think that you-"
Her breath hitched in the middle of her sentence as her mind began to race with the possibility of being loved back.
"Why’d you never ask me?"
Because I didn’t want you to reject me. Because I couldn’t handle seeing your face as you tried to let me down easy. Because I knew that if I did, things would never be the same between us again.
There were so many answers to his question running through her head that she just couldn’t seem to figure out which one she wanted to hear.
"Because I wasn’t sure I was ready for the answer."
Natsu was quiet for a moment in response, and Lucy felt her heart sink to her stomach. He still hadn’t given her a real answer. For all she knew, she was simply getting her hopes up only to watch her friendship with Natsu come crumbling down.
In a small, dwindling moment of courage, Lucy squeaked out a soft, "do you?"
"Yeah," he breathed. "I do."
His words were a little shaky, but he said them with such conviction that Lucy couldn't do anything but believe them.
"And for the record, I think you're really pretty."
Those were the words that she had been waiting for him to say for all too long. She had dreamed of hearing it from him for longer than she could recall.
Suddenly, everything started to fall into place.
"Is that… Is that why you’ve been avoiding me all week?" She asked. "Because you were jealous?"
Well, it sounds bad when you put it that way…" He murmured.
"It sounds bad no matter what way you put it!" Lucy exclaimed.
So much of the pain and despair she had been feeling could have been foregone if he had just told her how he felt. She had never felt such joy and such frustration at the very same time, because, god, he felt the same way about her, but he had put her through such heartache over a little secret that it made her want to scream.
"I don’t know if I should be mad or if I should kiss you senseless."
She knew she couldn’t be mad, even if she tried. He was protecting his heart the same way she was protecting hers—she could never hold that against him. She’d be a hypocrite to pretend she was any better.
"Can you do the second one?" Natsu asked, drawing her back into the moment and away from her thoughts—and who was she to deny him?
With no reply, Lucy placed her hands on his shoulders and pressed her lips against his, sending them stumbling back into his home. He caught her by the hips, hands gripping tight, and Lucy hoped that he wouldn’t be letting go any time soon.
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bunny-bandit69 · 9 months
Sanji × Fem!Reader
Sanji is hot, yes. And this is mainly based off the Live Action version so, yehh.. wouldn't really say spoilers as I jumped parts a good ammount to reach the smut, but enjoy~! @gamekun I dedicate this to you.
Warning: FemDom, Pegging, Praise, Swearing, Sanji is a goddamn bottom, both characters are switches. <3
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You grew up along side Sanji, from the day you were dropped on that ship to following the boy around in the kitchen to help with anything at all.. However Sanji was always picking fights with the head chef because he wanted to have something cooked a certain way. Which that went on for ages, until the night pirates came to raid the ship.. " Sanji Im scared! " You sobbed, holding onto him whilst he backed you both up into a corner, a knife grasped in his hand tightly. " Don't worry, I've got you. " You knew he was brave, Sanji always was even in the most fucked up of situations,, However you knew that you both didn't stand a chance against a ship of pirates. And soon enough a big scary man barged through the door proving your point exactly,, the man however started looking around to notice what Sanji had last been cooking,, what he did next shocked you, he tasted it and said that it was good but needed oregano which caused Sanji to launch towards the man while screaming. " SANJI NO! " You yelped, chasing after him blindly.. Then everything blacked out,, you did not remember much after that.. You woke up on a cold wet rock in the middle of the ocean, with no one around. " What happened to everyone? " You heard Sanji ask the man,, The man of course said they all died before throwing a bag at him. " This is for you and her, go slow as its the only rations we have, and dont bug me unless you see a ship. " And with that.. The horror of your life began in motion, for days on end you sat at the edge of the rock beside Sanji, never speaking a word...
Time Skip ➜
The man who had rescued you both soon enough became a guardian of sorts, as well as revealing that he was a pirate named Red Leg of the cook pirates. At some point he even retired and became the chef and owner of a restaurant named Baratie. Along side were you and Sanji who were still as close as ever, you dare say you even became a couple after long enough. Zeff was always harsh on Sanji about his cooking, but Sanji put up with it and kept creating new things,, Till the day a bunch of shit excuses of pirates came into the place. One wearing a straw hat, one with 3 swords,, one with weird hair,, and another, a female with orange hair. Sanji became almost instantly infatuated with the orange haired woman which caused your blood to absolutely boil. You knew he was a flirt by nature to get better tips but, the way he absolutely stared at her didn't sit right with you. That night you hardly saw him, he was off doing god knows what with seas know fucking who. It was the first night you had slept alone in the bed and you hated it.. You hated it so much that you even cried a little.
Time Skip ➜
After having gotten to know the band of pirates as well as help Zeff save the green haired one youd come to learn was named Zoro, you'd forgiven Sanji and he apologized for being so absent so everything was back to normal as it should have been. All good things come to an end at some point, always.. and that ending was the day Luffy was almost killed by Arlong.. Nami had betrayed the entire group and fled with the map Luffy so desperately fought to get,, but even in the situation being so dire you couldn't help but stare at Sanji. After he dove into the water to save the little pirate, he sat knelt on the dock panting softly.. The unholy thoughts that racked your brain watching him kneel like that was the most inappropriate thing for the moment.
Even later that evening while everyone recuperated themselves you were lost in thought, imagining the ways you could bend the blonde to your will. You couldn't lie, the last time you and Sanji had been physical was months ago now, and it made your thoughts even worse. " Y/N? Are you alright? " Luffy called, eyeing you from his side of the ship which snapped you back to attention, nodding quickly before standing. " Im.. going to go find Sanji, try to get some rest guys. Goodnight " You muttered, glancing at Usopp before fulling leaving.You eventually did find Sanji, in your bedroom on the Baratie packing some of his things. " So you're going with them? As Zeff said. " Sanji only nodded, continuing as he was until you came to stop him by grabbing his arm. " Do you plan to take me with you or leave me here? " And with this you saw pain cross Sanjis face. " I can't take you with me, this is dangerous, and Zeff needs you.. And I won't be anything if I stay on this ship. " You only grinned, taking his words as a challenge. " You really think, I'm going let you walk out of here without bringing me with? Think again, now be a good boy, and kneel for me my love " Sanjis face now went blank, almost like he stopped thinking but his body obeyed like it always has and sunk down to the floor, his hands resting on his knees. " Im.. forgive me mon amour.. I will not abandon you here.. " At this you smiled softly, running your hand through his hair while he leaned into your stomach. " Can we have some fun..? " He muttered just loud enough for you to hear it, which caused your smile to grow ten fold,, as your hand traveled along the crown of his head to the back of his head you grabbed a handful of his hair to pull his head back. " You best apologize to me first, for threatening to leave me on this ship. " You could see it in his eyes he was internally screaming. Normally Sanji had control but every now and then you'd have the wheel,, and he was always so cute as a submissive little whore between your legs doing everything possible to please you.
Before you knew it he had already pushed your lower clothing down,, almost if a core memory he instantly started to place kisses along your stomach and thighs, but avoiding your cunt until given permission.. " Go ahead~ " You cooed softly, moving to lift one of your legs onto the stool sitting at the end of your bed to give Sanji better access of which he quickly took advantage of.. The feeling of his tongue cirling around your clit had you moaning softly while grabbing his hair harder,, pushing him as far against you as you could.. You didn't care if he suffocated right now either, just wanted your release and to punish him for possibly leaving you. " Fuck.. just like that,, good boy... " You kept spitting out small praises between moans that seemed to urge him on even more,, suckling harshly on your small bundle of nerves which caused your vision to explode in stars. Before you got to the edge though you could feel him starting to slow, starting to gain control of the situation which urked slightly as you were the one holding him buried in between your legs. " If.. you stop, I won't even touch you Sanji. " Your voice croaked, breathless from how well he was able to use his tongue but,, guess that's given due to him being a chef having to taste his food. Your threat alone caused an audible whine to escape him while he started back up his momentum, easily bringing you crashing over the edge onto his face.
After a moment of coming down from your high you'd let him pull away,, and my fucking God the view of his flushed face,, hair sticky from sweat as well as the puppy dog look in his eyes almost had you bursting again, it was earlier on the docks but so much hotter,, but now it wad time for his punishment. " Up. " You commanded gently, watching as he stood and a wave of confusion crossed his face,, " Stay still~ " You cooed, moving behind him, now going to grab one of his ties he normally wore.. but it was specifically the one he's tied you up with before. " Strip for me baby~ " He still couldn't see you which made him nervous,, worried of what was running through your brain. Once he had stripped entirely you'd grab his arms and pull them behind him to start tieing the soft fabric around his wrists,, you could tell his brain instantly stopped working which you took advantage for to be able to push him onto the bed once you tied the final knot. The fact you had this man bent over your bed with his hands tied gave you such a powerful feeling. " Say.. What do you think I should do to punish you? .. Should I just tease you or,, " As you spoke your hands started to grope his ass gently. " Should I see how well you could take me this time? " You watched him visibly shudder at this,, shudder at the fact you had threatened to peg him, but honestly he didn't seem against it. " D-do your worst.. " He huffed, his accent making his stutter sound so much cuter. You'd specifically ordered a special item just for the case a nice 8 inch dildo with a strap to go around your hips. He couldn't see the size or what you were holding in general since his face was buried against the pillows,, most likely mentally preparing himself. " Cmon my love~ spread your legs for me~.. " You purred softly, trailing one hand along his back while the other held a small bottle of lubrication that tilted slowly to pour a little ammount onto his hole. " Hey that's cold! " He yelped, pulling away only for you to laugh softly and rub his lower back. " It's okay dear,, it'll warm up soon enough~ " And you were correct as you just as quickly grabbed the base of the dildo to line it up with his entrance before slowly pressing in, watching the man before you moan out like a whore at the stretch was the last thing you'd expected,, " Oh? My Sanji is a little whore huh~? " You voice purred, now pushing half way inside, giving him the false hope that was all until you slammed the last half inside of him and you could swear he came just from that. " S-shit.. Y/N.. please move~ " He mewled, whining softly while trying to move himself along the dildo only to have no luck as you pulled away slowly, snapping your hips to shove back deep within him causing even more filthy mewls and begs to grace your ears. " That's my good boy.. Always doing so well for me.. " With each word you spoke you made sure to insinuate it with a thrust, burying as deep as you could within him. " im- I can't take it! Is too much I'm gonna explode! " He cried out, causing your pace to speed up even more until the point you had to lean over him for support while railing him over and over.. " Do it. Cum for me like the slut you are. " You spat, watching his body spasm as his own orgasm washed over him harshly. " That's it.. Relax.. " You purred, leaning into giving him the affection he deserves for being so good, as you pulled out and took off the harness you saw that he was still trembling slightly. " Damn, I didn't know you liked taking it up the ass that much~ " You laughed, smacking his ass before climbing onto the bed to untie his wrists from their binds. " Fuck you. " He mumbled, blushing heavily while turning over to look at you. " I just did. "
Time Skip ➜
The next day you and Sanji had both piled onto the Straw hats ship and started along your way,, Sanji of course wanted to ignore Zeff but in the end caved and said his goodbyes. " So guys! What's on the dinner menu?? " You heard Luffy shout, clapping his hands together. " Well tonight I will be making a smoked salmon with my special sauce. " Sanji responded, which caused Luffy to run around happily. " And you, I'll deal with you after Y/N. " That stopped you dead in your tracks, looking towards Sanji who only winked before walking away leaving you dumfounded. Well shit.. You were fucked.
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k2ntoss · 5 months
so i was about to fall asleep but then i started thinking about constantine's sidekick!reader again and just imagining a little scenario where they and jason are having a little tiff or something after some kind of mission...like they're both running on adrenaline and maybe a little manic cuz one of them almost got really hurt or something, and then just at one point reader gets tired off the back and forth and just uses their magic to pull jason over by his collar and kisses him to shut him up? and jason just melts immediately?? mmmmmm god i seriously cant stop thinking about this man
-🦊 (thank you for indulging my brain rot every day, it makes me smile sm every time i see your thoughts and additions to my lil ideas😙)
YA GIRL IS FUCKING BAAAACK i do have news but lets leave them for another moment, now i'm here to be amazed by your ideas that feed the little beast inside my head, chef kiss, michelin star kinda shit
it's been years since you started by john's side, it all ending in you learning a few (almost all) of his traits, a mini me and an obnoxious sorceress is what most people would call you, but a caring person nonetheless and that's something you also got from your mentor. john constantine was a drunk silly man, a jerk but he took you in like his kid, he took care of you and protected the only stream of light that his life had.
all of that made easier for you to notice when someone cared for you, making jason's anger melt your heart right now even if you've been pestering him all the way round. the aftermath of this mission was a ton of adrenaline, a big nasty wound on your side and both of you covered in disgusting hellish goo.
some dumb criminal decided that summoning demons was a good idea to terrorize gotham, as if the city didn't had enough demons already. when jason and you attended that particular call you never thought you would end up hurt but how could you not after pestering a demon, all cocky and smug around it before it all ended up in a few more inferior demons attacking you but hey, you managed yourself.
"for once, learn to keep your smart mouth shut or you'll get yourself killed" jason starts, he's towering over you and his arms are crossed on his chest "you're always testing your goddamn luck and look where it got you"
"dick always runs his mouth when he's fighting, it's funny, jay" you smirk, the mention of his older brother makes him shake his head and sigh heavily "it's not that bad, mom" but a sudden pinch of pain makes you grunt when your hand brushes the wound.
"yeah, not that bad" jason is probably a bit more angry when you laugh softly "mind telling me why are you laughing?"
"it's nothing, mommy hen" you shrug before leaning into a wall under his gaze, you can see jason is worried but once again would it be you if you didn't teased the guy a little? "it's hard to think when we're both covered in sticky goo" and even if the comment is meant to tease him, jason looks at you unamused.
"it's not gonna work for you, let me see your side" he speaks while walking closer, jason takes his gloves off and tugs them into one of the pockets of his tactical cargo pants "you have no spell or shit to heal this so we'll do this my way"
"not gonna happen, mr. hood" and jason stops, taking off his helmet too to let you see his stern expression and it's enough to let you know you've gotten under his skin "you expect me to undress here? just like that? no foreplay?"
"i'm being serious, y/n" there it is, jason's voice turns lower and you know he is indeed worried.
a soft sigh escapes your lips, using the resting energy on your body to use your telekinesis and it's hard because jason is good on resisting magic but when it comes to you he almost always let's you get away with it. his body is pulled closer to yours, his body sliding all the way towards you and when he's right in front of you it's your hand the one that tugs him from the collar of his shirt before your lips collide with his in a chaste kiss.
there's a small smile on your lips because he melts into your touch, kissing you back with one of his hands on your waist and the other one cupping your face.
"is it always this easy to shut you up?"
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emmyrosee · 2 years
can I get some more of that
soft bakugou
bc DAMNNN that’s some good shit
i cannot believe how much love he’s getting on my page PFFFFF-
Katsuki’s voice shatters your eardrums as he pads close behind you, only making you scream and run more. His fingers barely graze the back of your- his - hoodie, making you scream louder and try to duck away from his paws.
Granted, if he really wanted to catch you, he could’ve with ridiculous ease to do, and that’s your own saving grace in proving he’s not too mad at your antics.
But god, was he still pissed.
Or it seemed as such; it seemed like Bakugo was always a little pissed, even at his most relaxed and loving. It’s an act, a show to keep you on your toes in his presence- despite having been dating for several years- he loves you with all his heart… but…
“B-But Katsukiiii!” You whine, finding a small gap of safety in one side of your kitchen island, which he stands, panting, at the other side of. “You look so pretty! And you love me sooooo much!”
He did, too. It was almost a crime.
In the end, would’ve been easier to not put on a nice, ruby red lipstick on his lips, a small amount of sapphire shimmer on his eyes, and one cheek of blush- he’d started to wake up from the brush strokes- but he’d never let you do it if he was awake. When his big, currant eyes opened up to blink at you, the rare, sleepy smile he’d flashed you quickly fell when he saw how close you were with one of your makeup brushes.
“You didn’t,” he snarled, and you chuckled nervously.
“Uh…” you chew your lip nervously, “I love you?”
“We’re engaged, you can’t kill me-“
“I said,” he sits up and stares at you, eyes glimmering in predatory mischief. “Run.”
Thus, here you were.
“Being cute can’t get you out of every goddamned thing, dumbass!” He barks, chest heaving for breath and calmness from the anger. Thick hands plant on the island, the engagement ring on his left finder making a resounding ‘tink!’ to cut the tension in the air with a knife.
“That’s not true and you know it!” You argue, but the grin on your face doesn’t falter.
Sick of this game, Katsuki leans towards the left, making you lean for the right. Then, he pops to the right, and you dash for the left. To the left is vacant with chairs and has the hallway that carries you to your room, and seeing that as your best option, you squeak and make a dash to the left.
And that only makes Katsuki scoop you up from the floor and place you on your back, on top of the kitchen island.
“Come on!” You whine, writhing and trying to kick him away with a giggly protest, the signals in your brain crossing when thick fingers dig under the fabric of your shirt, tickling your ribs and drilling under your arms and squeezing your hips, the tingles being everywhere at once and your brain has not one clue how to process it.
“KATSUKI!” You shriek, your hands shoving uselessly at his shoulders, trying to curl in on yourself despite his body being planted between your legs. Your eyes screw shut as you laugh as hard as your body lets you, but it’s clearly not all in vain as between your howls, you hear the low, raspy chuckles of Bakugo. “N-NOT FAIR!”
“It wasn’t fair that you put makeup on me without my consent,” he says, voice filled with annoyance, and if you didn’t know him better, you’d miss the obvious smile in his tone. “Now die.”
And you do. For a few minutes, you’re whining and giggling desperately underneath him, swatting at his shoulders and kneeing his back to make him stop, but deep down it’s a side of Katsuki you seldom see, and he just looks so damn good doing it. It always surprises you how much you adore this more playful side of him, and you’ll let him torment you if it means he’ll show that side of him more.
“Have you learned your stupid lesson, dumbass?” He snarls, watching with a grin as you rapidly nod your head. “Are you gonna stop being an absolute menace when I just want to fuckin’ sleep?” Once again, you nod quickly, desperate to appease the furious blonde, and finally with a satisfied smirk, he lowers his hands from your sides and smoothes them soothingly down the legs that are currently digging into his back.
“You and I both know you’re not going to hold true to that,” he scoffs, gently easing your legs to release him from their tight grip around his waist. You shake your head, and he merely surrenders to the idea you’ll never let him nap normally.
“Alright, now get this shit off of my face,” he growls, padding over to the sink in search for something to scrub his face clean with. Still giggling, you curl on yourself to rid the phantom tickles from your muscles.
You finally calm down and force yourself to sit up, a small bit of sadness in your gaze. “I thought you’d at least look at it first,” you hum, fiddling with your fingers. You hear him click his tongue and stalk over to you, big hands cupping your cheek to bring you into a kiss, his nose nudging yours affectionately.
“I’ll look before I wash it off,” he mutters, parting from you with a grumble and a hand carding through his unruly hair. “You just don’t have to do it in my sleep, you coulda just asked me like a normal person. For fucks sake, have I ever been able to say no to you? ‘M not gonna start now, unfortunately.” Then, he plants a small kiss to your cheek, offering you a hum and a nod as he inspects the mark.
“‘M more of a pink lipstick kinda guy, anyways.”
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“Lance, buddy.” Hunk nudges his best friend gently, who is currently dead to the world, somehow using his own shoulder as a headrest. “We’re here. Up you get.” Lance makes a noise that sounds vaguely like a mix of muffled yelling and sobbing, then testily uncurls himself, opening bleary brown eyes just to glare through the windshield.
“You’ll be fine, you drama queen,” Hunk admonishes. “You’re always fine once your brain kicks in.”
Lance only grunts, shifting his gaze to the door and opening it.
Well, trying to. It takes him four tries before Hunk takes pity on him, turning off the car before getting out of his own seat and walking to the other side to open Lance’s door for him. He sighs slightly to himself — he’d been planning on dropping Lance off at work and then jetting, but he should’ve known that wasn’t happening.
“C’mon, out you get,” he says, opening the door. He has to stop Lance from faceplanting on the pavement when he trips over nothing.
“Yeesh,” comes a voice from behind them, “what alien came down in the night and sucked out his brains? Or whatever’s left of them, anyways.”
Pidge stands by the rear door of the cafe holding three bags of coffee beans in her arms, glasses gleaming in the moonlight and smirk making her look impish. Her poofy dandelion hair is more of a mess than usual, as if a brush was a distant thought.
“He’s on low power mode,” Hunk explains. He slips an arm around Lance’s shoulders, patting him delicately and perhaps a bit patronizingly on the cheek. Lance responds only by groaning again and flopping his head back to rest on Hunk. “Lance is very big on beauty sleep, you see. So this is kind of a nightmare for him.”
Pidge’s smirk only gets wider. “I do see.”
Somehow, she makes a simple phrase of acknowledgment sound like she has just formed several evil plans in her head and is about to commence Lance’s downfall. She makes no attempt to hide this, which speaks to her power.
“Pidge? Everything okay out there?” calls a voice from inside the cafe.
“All good, Shiro! Just harassing Lance!”
“Oh, okay then.”
This makes Lance pull away from Hunk in pure indignation, jaw dropped and eyes furrowed on betrayal.
Hunk bursts out laughing.
“I think you’re good now, dude,” he says, patting Lance’s back one last time before waving goodbye and heading back to his car. Lance watches him go, then stomps into the cafe, putting his apron on as aggressively as he can possibly manage and scowling at a gleeful Pidge.
“Hello, Zombie Lance,” greets an amused Shiro. He looks impossibly normal for a man who has to be awake and working at Three In The Goddamn Morning. “Thanks for coming in, kiddo. I appreciate it.”
Lance shoots him a tired thumbs up and then heads to the kitchen.
“Never in my life have I seen him like this,” Pidge remarks. She is practically bouncing off the walls.
Shiro raises an eyebrow at her. “He’s the only one here who can bake. You’re not allowed to make him quit.”
“Can I make him consider it?”
Pidge pouts. “Aw, Shiro, come on! You’re not here on the afternoon shifts! He and Allura gang up on me, Shiro. I am a victim. They do that weirdo thing where they communicate with eyebrow wiggles and Looks Of Judgement and then suddenly they know every embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
Shiro snorts, but shakes his head again. “Still no, Pidge. You’re all an asset to this team. Besides, Lance is the only one who doesn’t hate interacting with customers during rush. Do you want to start doing that? Because that’s what you’ll be doing if you annoy him into quitting.”
“Fine,” Pidge grouches. “I’ll only torment him a little. Until he gets his voice back. Fair’s fair.”
She sprints off before Shiro can stop her.
Chuckling to himself, Shiro continues unpacking the supply shipment, stacking sacks of flour in the store room and bringing boxes of teabags up front. They’ll probably be fine. They’ve worked here for years and managed to not kill each other. Sure, Shiro has never had three of his early-morning bakers and stockers quit at the same time, nor has he ever had to panic-text his best employees to get them to work outside their usual shift in the dead of night, but he’ll…manage. Hopefully.
“I’m here! I’m here! I’m not late, I’m —” Allura stumbles into the storeroom, frantically trying to tie her thick, kinky hair out of her face and shove it into her visor. She gives up very quickly, tossing the visor on a random surface and smiling sheepishly at her boss. “I’m a little late. But in my defense, Uncle Coran is trying to build a flux capacitor again so all the clocks were behind.”
“Grab a sack of flour, you walking mess,” Shiro says fondly. Smiling back at him, Allura does, picking up three sacks with complete ease and stacking them neatly.
“What do we have to do to open?” she asks. “I’ve done it a couple times, I think, but never this early, and —”
She’s interrupted by screeching, followed by cackling, and then the sound of several things clanging together as they fall to the floor.
She purses her lips, clearly fighting back a giggle. “Pidge and Lance in the kitchen?”
Shiro sighs. “Unfortunately.”
They follow the sounds of destruction, pulling the two fools away from each other, Allura dragging Pidge to go help her with the unloading and Shiro staying to help Lance. Between the four of them they manage to get the cafe stocked and prepped for the day, supplies out where they belong and enough goodies baked for the morning rush.
“Thanks again,” Shiro tells them, when six rolls around and they get ready to open.
Lance grins at him, having woken up fully sometimes around four. “All good! Opening shift is kinda nice, actually. You get to see the sunrise.”
Shiro smiles back, somewhat nervously. “It’s great that you feel that way, buddy.”
“Oh no,” Pidge says, sensing his tone.
Shiro pushes on. “—because Stephanie, Tyler, and Lou all quit. So. I am completely out of an opening shift.”
All three of them blink.
“Have you been opening on your own every morning?” Allura asks, concerned.
“No, this just happened,” Shiro assures. “That’s why I called you guys in. I know it’s frustrating, but I was hoping you guys would be willing to take this shift for a while, at least until I can get new hires. You guys like working together, so I pulled all three of you, but you don’t all have to say yes. I can definitely ask the late afternoon or evening shifts.”
“I never said anything about liking to work with the gremlin,” Lance grumbles, but he’s resting his elbow on Pidge’s head and his tone is nothing but fond.
“Yeah, and who says I want to work with two beanstalks?” Pidge complains. “If you move these two knuckleheads to this shift then maybe I can go back to my regular shift and work with appropriately sized people!”
“Oh, darling, I don’t believe any of our coworkers are preschoolers.” Allura bends down to Pidge’s height, face exaggeratedly sympathetic. “Child labour is illegal, you see.”
Pidge scowls as Allura and Lance burst into cackles, high-fiving each other. “You see?” she demands, gesturing between them and Shiro. “They gang up on me! Workplace harassment! I can’t believe you’re making me take the morning shift with these two doodooheads!”
“This is the best gift you could have possibly given me, Shiro,” Lance says, wiping a fake tear from his eye. “I’m eternally grateful for this opportunity.”
Allura sniggers. “As am I.”
“Alright, alright,” Shiro says, rolling his eyes. He shrugs on his jacket, tossing the keys to Allura — the most trustworthy of the bunch (Pidge will most definitely make copies for nefarious purposes and the one and only time Lance was trusted with the keys, they ended up accidentally baked into a banana loaf). “I’m gonna sort some things out and see what I can do to get some newbies hired. No killing each other while I’m out, and no making each other quit either. Play nice, children.”
The three of them call out some derivative of “will do, father!” and wave him goodbye, watching him unchain his bike from the side of the building and pedal off.
The second he’s out of eyesight, Lance turns towards the other two, hand flying to his nose. “Dibs on first pick of breakfast! And on not unlocking the doors!”
“Hey! No way!”
“You only get to dibs one, you cheater!”
Usually, Lance works from ten to five, so he gets the second wave of breakfast rush and both waves of lunch rush. Early dinner rush too, but only if he’s working on weekends.
Early morning rush, though, is a whole different ballpark. There are way more people, somehow, and a lot of them are ruder. Possibly the lack of coffee, but still. Pidge intentionally makes decaf after notices several people be much meaner than Lance than usual.
Not that she thinks Lance notices she does this. But she’s not very subtle, and every time she does it makes Lance smile.
“Whew,” Allura huffs, slumping over the counter. “That was rough.”
“Was it ever,” Lance grumbles. The cafe has been quiet for five whole minutes, signalling an end to the dreaded mass of customers who’ve yet to caffeinate themselves.
Pidge is very scowly. “That one guy was such a prick. He was so mean to Lance for no reason, and then he called you hotcheeks, Allura! Ugh. He’s going to be so miserable when he gets caffeine withdrawals. I hope they’re particularly bad for him.”
“Careful there, Pidgey,” Allura says, sharing a grin with Lance. “It almost sounds like you care about us.”
“That has nothing — I do not! I’m just —” She flounders, ears going red. There’s no bleeding heart like Pidge, but God forbid she ever admit it. “I’m going on break! Fuck you guys!”
She stomps off to the back, throwing her apron at Lance’s head as she turns the corner. Allura and Lance look at each other, and last approximately four seconds before cracking up.
“Payback,” Lance says between giggles. “She was a total shit this morning. I considered throwing eggs at her.”
“You didn’t consider shit. You did throw an egg at her.”
“Yeah, but she dodged, so it doesn’t count.”
Allura rolls her eyes. “If I put you in a chokehold but you don’t die, it still —”
She cuts herself off at the sound of the windchimes hanging from the door, looking over to see a guy walk in, their age, wearing a cropped leather jacket, fingerless gloves, big emo boots, and —
“Is that a mullet?” Lance mutters, aghast. “In this day and age? Unironically?”
Allura bites her lip, hurriedly turning towards the espresso machine. “I’ll get started on a coffee as black as his soul,” she teases under her breath.
Lance has the bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, and even then he can’t stop his smile. He turns to the guy. “Welcome to Starbrews. What can I get for you?” he asks, voice shaking with mirth. He glances at the man’s gloves, and then back at his face. “A pink drink?”
Is he being a little mean? Yeah, probably. Can he kiss any tip goodbye? Most definitely.
Oh, well.
The man scoffs. “Is that your idea of being funny?”
Lance shrugs, very much amused even if the beloved customer isn’t. “What’re you gonna get, then?”
The man hesitates for a beat, still glaring at Lance, then mutters, “A pink drink.”
Lance does his absolute best to keep his smirk at a reasonable level. He sees Allura’s shoulders shaking out of the corner of his eye.
“What size?” he asks pleasantly, tapping the register.
“A medium,” the man says, with no small amount of attitude.
Without waiting for the man to finish, Lance shakes his head.
Oh, he is delighting in this.
“Sorry,” he hums. “I don’t know what that is.”
The man looks a hair’s breadth away from reaching over to strangle Lance, which is excellent. Instead he places his hands on the counter very gently, in a way that tells you he is physically holding himself back from slamming them, and leans in close. He hums, mocking the way Lance did earlier, condescending smirk on his face. “It’s, like, in between a small and a lar—”
“Shh,” Lance interrupts, matching the man’s position, leaning so close he can see the freckles that dot his nose, and the faint scar on his cheek. “We go by tall, grande, and venti here? Most people know that.”
Most people don’t know that, actually. This is a privately owned cafe. This isn’t a Starbucks. Shiro just has an all-encompassing loathing for Starbucks and anything associated with it, and expresses this loathing with as much copyright as he can get away with, which is a lot. (Aside from the sizing, they even have two menus, labelled ‘Our Menu’ and ‘The Starbucks Menu’. How Shiro has not yet received a cease and desist, Lance does not know, but the pettiness as a whole brings him great joy.)
But for whatever reason, Lance appears to be set on being as annoying as possible to this random man today. Perhaps it’s because he is personally offended by the mullet. Perhaps it’s because Lance is neurotic and the man is objectively very attractive. No one will ever know exactly how Lance’s mind works, least of all himself.
The man’s eyebrows narrow, and something shifts in his expression. He smirks widely, tilting his head at Lance and putting his hand to his heart in a false show of genuineness.
“Aw,” he coos, as patronizing as Lance was seconds ago. “Do I look like most people, sweetheart?”
The mocking pet name only emboldens Lance further. He straightens, punching in the order — not that he needs to, there’s no way Allura isn’t paying full and complete attention, but still — and grinning.
“Absolutely not,” he chirps, as preppily as he can.
The man huffs, straightening up as well. “Hm. That was a little condescending, don’t you think?”
“Was it?” Lance drawls.
“Yeah,” the man says flatly.
“Interesting,” Lance dismisses. “Can I get a name for the order? Or does Billy Ray Cyrus work for you?”
Allura can’t tamp down her laugh at that one, clamping her hand over her mouth as soon as the sound escapes and hurriedly reaching for the coconut milk.
“Keith is fine,” Keith grouches.
“Sure thing,” Lance assures, writing Billy Ray Cyrus on the cup, and then a heart just to be annoying. He slides the cup over to Allura, who fills it up and walks it over to the counter.
“Pink drink for Billy Ray Cyrus?” she calls, because she may pretend to be more mature than Lance but deep down she is just as much of a shit disturber.
Keith scowls. “Not my name.” He takes the offered drink and then — to Lance and Allura’s great surprise — drops some money into the tip jar, before leaving the cafe in a huff.
“You are going to get your dumb ass fired,” Allura says once he’s gone.
“Nah,” Lance dismisses, grinning cheekily at her. “Shiro likes me too much. Plus, how would he ever find out?”
Allura grabs a rag and stars wiping the machines down, shaking her head. “You’d be surprised.”
“Oh, come on. What’s Mr. Emo gonna do? Tell Shiro? It’s not like they know each other. That would be romcom levels of ridiculous plot hangering. Not happening.”
“Whatever you say, Lance. When this comes back to bite you in the ass, I am going to point and laugh.”
scene from this video
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tripthelightfatality · 9 months
Exodus Unholy |D.W.R x S.F.K|
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Warnings: TW: Heavy BDSM, Dom! Danny, Sub! Sam, Oral (M Rec), Impact play, Unprotected anal sex, Toy use, Double penetration, Hair pulling, Consensual slapping, Orgasm denial, Overstimulation, Biting, Hickeys, Dirty talk, Dacryphilia, Pure filth, Porn without plot
Summary: Danny knew that Sam needed a little attitude check and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Word count: 3440
Thank you for being so patient with me! This took hella long to write but it was worth it. Hope you enjoy my Sanny brain rot lmao.
If there was one thing Sam Kiszka was notorious for it was being the biggest pain in the ass. He had many simple pleasures in life and what he chose today was getting a rise out of his boyfriend.
Filthy words rolled off of Sam’s lips into Danny’s ears. Everything from ‘I need you to fuck me, daddy’ to ‘If you don’t, I’ll just finish myself off’ were thrown out. Rather than give in, Danny was adamant on standing his ground.
“That mouth can get you in a world of trouble so I suggest you use it wisely” Danny whispered into Sam’s ear.
Strike one.
“Hmmm I don’t think I will. It’s my mouth and I’ll use it how I damn well please...unless you have a better use for it” Sam hissed back.
Strike two.
Danny raised both eyebrows and placed a hand on Sam’s knee. He gave it a firm squeeze to indicate “This is your final chance to get your act together before I take matters into my own hands’.
If you’re going to be a brat, go big or go home was Sam’s personal motto and he was sticking to it. To finish the job, he said the one thing that would definitely land him in the line of fire:
“I guess you’re too much of a pussy to put me in my place. What a shame I guess”
Strike three.
Danny grabbed his car keys and Sam’s hand. He was going to make Sam eat those words. The ride home was eerily quiet and Sam was now questioning if he went too far. Usually Danny talks about what’s waiting for him at home but the silence was too close for comfort. Once the car was parked in the driveway, Danny looked straight ahead and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.
“You are going to walk your ass into the house and go straight to the dwelling. When I’m good and ready, I better see you naked and on your goddamn knees”
To avoid digging his grave any further, Sam ran out of the car and into the house. His heart was threatening to burst from his chest as he thought about what’s to come.
“Looks like someone forgot how to behave in public. Well now you’ve got my full fucking attention, Sammy boy.”
A loud gag ripped through the air as Danny pulled out his fingers from Sam’s throat; The saliva covered digits glistened in the dim light.
“Listen to how pitiful you sound. Be thankful that I’m even helping you take my cock down your throat. I should just let you choke on it like the little fuck slut you are” Danny huffed while wrapping a hand around Sam’s neck.
Degradation was like a second language in the bedroom. When it was used, it was used to the fullest extent. Sam coughed and shuddered at Danny’s statement. His hands were bound with metal cuffs behind his back and knees were digging into the concrete floor. Being a disobedient brat always led to a punishment but being dragged into the dwelling meant he fucked up royally.
“T-Thank you…”Sam rasped out. He looked up with teary eyes and saw just how angry Danny actually was.
As a swift hand cracked against Sam’s cheek, Danny’s grip on his neck tighter ever so slightly. His other hand tilted up his chin so Sam could fully look him in the eye. If looks could kill then Danny would be behind the trigger.
“You know how to address me. Try again”
“T-Thank you, Sir…” Sam quickly corrected himself.
Danny shook his head and gripped Sam’s jaw. His honey doe eyes were met with the lustful obsidians of the man above him. Sam wasn’t afraid to play with fire when it came to his bratty tendencies but no matter how high his crimes were stacked, Danny will always become the executioner.
“Since you don’t know how to control that mouth of yours, I’m going to put it to better use.” Danny removed his hands from Sam to free his throbbing cock from his jeans.
Like presenting an offering, Sam opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. His heart was fluttering in his chest waiting for Danny to be buried deep into his throat. Danny tapped the head of his dick against Sam’s tongue and slid into him in one swift motion. Giving him no time to adjust, Danny began to thrust into Sam’s mouth.
“That’s right…fucking take it. Gag on me you little slut” Danny grunted out while placing both of his hands on the sides of Sam’s head and fucking into the back of his throat. A stream of tears and drool fell down Sam’s chin as Danny set a vicious pace in his throat. The sound of gags and broken moans was like a symphony to Danny’s ears. His thrusts stopped suddenly as Danny held Sam’s head down.
“Only good boys get to breathe and you are far from that. But I know you’d die happy if it meant you got to go out choking on me. Isn’t that right, Princess?”
Sam nodded to the best of his abilities then coughed as Danny pulled out. The rush of oxygen made his head feel dizzy and his cock throb, almost like a full body high without any drugs. Just being manhandled alone was enough to make him cum easily.
“Y-Yes sir…I’d be the happiest slut on this planet if it meant I got to worship your divine cock. I’d grovel at your feet every waking moment just to let you know where I belong”
While Danny was fluent in crude prose, Sam’s expertise was counteracting those obscenities with admiration. His bratty mouth may get him into trouble but it can also get him out. Danny leaned in close then placed his hand on the side of Sam’s cheek, slowly slipping his fingers towards the nape of his neck. With one quick snap, Danny grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked Sam’s head back.
“It’s gonna take more than ass kissing to get you out of this, darling.” With pursed lips, Danny spat onto Sam’s tongue and smeared it around with the head of his dick. Sliding back into his throat, the sinful dissonance coming from Sam recapitulates. At the pace Danny was going, Sam’s throat was bound to be sore the next day. A fresh set of tears mixed in with the rest of the saliva running down his chin.
“I haven’t even touched your cock and you’re already making a mess of yourself. Fucking disgusting how you’re getting off from this”
That was the final nail in the coffin. It wasn’t often that words could get him to finish but mixing that with pitiless actions of his dominant counterpart became simply unbearable. Sam whined pathetically as he came on the floor without giving a proper warning. The temporary relief was short-lived as Danny pulled out of his mouth.
“Oh sweetheart, you’re just digging your grave deeper.”
Danny placed a heavy hand on the top of Sam’s head and pushed him to the floor.
“Clean up your fucking mess”
Sam winced and began to lick up the small pool beneath him. He glanced up to see Danny’s pleased reaction and swallowed up his release.
“I hope that was worth it because you’re not allowed to cum from now on. Do you understand?”
Sam whimpered and slowly nodded. Putting up a fight in this position wasn’t worth the trouble. However he did take solace knowing he had the choice to pick the punishment.
“You’ve disobeyed me too much today” Danny sneered while squatting down to Sam’s level.
“I’ve had it with your bratty ass today.”
In a lapse of judgment, Sam decided to add fuel to the already burning fire. He smirked then looked directly into Danny’s eyes.
“And what are you gonna do about it, Danny?”
Sam was awaiting another strike to his face but it never came. Instead something more ominous was looming on the horizon. Grabbing a fistful of hair, Danny yanked Sam off the ground and dragged him towards the modestly sized St. Andrew’s cross mounted on the wall.The grip on his hair was dropped as his cuffs were removed. Momentary freedom dissipated as Sam’s wrists and ankles were locked into place.
“I was going to let you pick your poison but I don’t think you deserve such a privilege”
Danny was seething at this point. A couple swatts to the ass wasn’t enough to get the point across. Glancing over at the matte black chest, lovingly called Pandora’s box, a different idea came into play. Sauntering over to the chest Danny opened it and fished out the item he was looking for. He walked back over to Sam and leaned close to his ear.
“Matter of fact, you don’t even deserve to look at me”
Taking away one of the core senses was one of a part of a punishment in Danny’s book along with many other stipulations. Sam swallowed harshly and bit his lip as the silk blindfold robbed him of his eyesight.
Danny had three different tiers of punishment depending on the crime: his hand, which was the equivalent of getting a slap on the wrist. The flogger, the sting of the leather was more of a putting you in your place method. The worst and final tier was the cane. That was bought out only if the most severe punishments were due.
“I better hear you count every strike. If you lose count then it starts back at number one. What’s your color?”
Sam took comfort knowing that if the safeword was said, everything stopped and he would be taken care of. Both of them go off of the color system: Green means “I’m good”, Yellow “Take it easy on me”, and Red “Everything needs to stop”.
“G-Green sir…”
The first blow of the cane smacked against Sam’s right cheek echoed through the air. With no warning, the sudden strike caused Sam to shriek in shock. It wasn’t long before the lingering sting began to set in. Catching his breath, he started to count.
The second strike hurt worse than the first since he was expecting it but actions had dire consequences.
“How many was that, brat?”
Admiring the marks Danny has painted across Sam’s ass, he took a handful of his cheek and squeezed. Tears soaked through the blindfold and shaky breaths fell from Sam’s lips; crimson imprints adorned his alabaster skin.
“S-Six sir…”
Once he was satisfied with his work, Danny put down the cane and released him from the cross. The cuffs returned back onto Sam’s wrists as his knees kissed the concrete once more. It took a second for Sam’s eyes to adjust to the light when the blindfold was removed but the tears made it just a tad bit harder.
He glanced up to see Danny knelt down in front of him with that damned smirk. Sam let some more tears roll down his face in hopes that some mercy would be given but he was sorely mistaken.
“A hard head makes a soft ass. You could cry me a fucking river for all I care.”
Danny grabbed Sam’s chin and slowly licked up the stray tears. He watched Sam’s eyes roll into the back of his head as a deplorable whine rattled out of his chest, that very sound went straight to Danny’s already painfully hard dick.
“Oh, someone liked that. Does my precious little crybaby enjoy getting treated like a whore?”
Sam sniffed and slowly nodded. Danny already knew the answer but it was the humiliation aspect that really got him off.
“Pathetic. Get up and bend your ass over the bed”
Sam slowly got off the floor and made his way to the bed. Glancing down at his knees, he can see the bruising starting to form. Danny placed his hand on the center of Sam’s back and bent him over; the soft material of the sheets rushing against his chest and face.
“Mmmm…I’m going to ruin this fucking hole of yours, Princess” Danny purred while spreading Sam’s cheeks and spitting right onto his pulsing hole. Sam whimpered as he felt the saliva drip down. He was achingly hard and desperate for Danny to direct some sort of attention down below. The sigh of relief that rolled off of his lips when the single finger slid into him elicited a sinister chuckle out of the man above.
“Do you think you deserve my cock in your ass after all that trouble you put yourself through? Because I surely don’t think you do”
While one’s pain is another’s pleasure, he enjoyed watching the man below him spill at the seams. Danny thrusted his finger at an agonizing slow pace. Sam whined and tried to move his hips upward to get more friction. He needed more than just the finger; He craved the pure wrath of Danny.
“M-More…please sir”
He was greeted with another open palm to the tender side of his cheek. Sam winced as he was still hurting from the caning from earlier.
“You are in no position to make requests. You will take what I give you and be fucking grateful for it. Do I make myself clear?”
Sam nodded rapidly. “Y-Yes sir…I’m sorry”
“It’s really a pity. I was ready to fuck you stupid but I see the lesson hasn’t stuck. Do we have to start all over again?”
Sam shook his head in a panic and whimpered pleadingly. He knew if the process started all over again then it would be over before the beginning.
“Nonononono please don’t start over! I-I won’t be able to contain myself if you do…”
At this point, Sam didn’t care how desperate he sounded. All he wanted was Danny to fuck him to the point of no return. There was one last card in his hand that would get him anything he wanted and in a last ditch effort, he was ready to play.
“P-Please daddy…”
That two word phrase felt like a punch to the gut. Of course Sam would fight fire with fire just to have the odds in his favor. Danny pulled away from Sam all together then reached over to grab the bottle of lube on the nightstand. Popping the cap, he squeezed a liberal amount onto his hand.
He placed it back on the table and slowly stroked himself until he was deemed ready. Sam softly gasped as he felt the blunt tip teasing his rim. Within the blink of an eye, Danny slid himself in. Giving no time to adjust, he began to fuck Sam into the mattress. Danny had a vice grip on Sam’s hips as he pounded into him, fingers digging harshly into his skin. Staccato moans bounced off the walls with each thrust.
“Maybe I should fill all your little holes, yeah? Would that make your whore heart flutter?” He growled while sucking a deep hickey onto the junction of Sam’s neck.
Sam whined and clenched around him. The mix of Danny hitting his sweet spot and nails digging into his hips were beginning to be overwhelming to his senses. To add onto his canvas, Danny bit down on Sam’s shoulder with a long groan.
“Do what you please with me…f-fill all of me up, daddy”
Just those words alone almost made Danny finish. Slowing his thrusts down, he licked up the shell of Sam’s ear once more.
“Yeah? All you want to be my personal fuck toy. Well get this, Sammy…That’s all you’re gonna be…another hole to warm my cock. Say it, cockslut”
“I-I’m just another hole to warm your cock, daddy…”
Sam longed for Danny to give his neglected cock some attention but in true sadistic fashion, he loved to watch his boyfriend unravel into a puddle of nothing.
“Since I’m feeling generous, open your goddamn mouth”
Through the pornographic moans, Sam managed to open his mouth wide enough in order to obey Danny’s command. The taste of plastic melted onto his tongue as he recognized the toy.
“Does my little bitch like to be filled to the brim? Remember…it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full” Danny groaned while thrusting the phallic toy into Sam’s mouth in tandem with his thrusts.
If the filthy noises weren’t pouring out in the moment, they definitely were now. Sam could feel that familiar burn in his stomach building rapidly. He gurgled out a pathetic whine in hopes that Danny would grant permission for his release.
“Oh you’re gonna have to do much better than that. You haven’t even come close to earning the right to cum. Fucking hold it or this all stops. I have no problem edging you all night”
To test Danny’s threat was highly tempting but that reward would not outweigh the risk. If Danny says he will do something then best believe he will follow through. Sam’s now red cock was throbbing with burning wanton as he was being fucked from both ends. He could tell that Danny was starting to get close from his faltering thrusts. In a last act of desperation, he began to fuck himself against Danny’s length. It wasn’t long before Sam’s impending climax was lurking dangerously close. Pleading for release, all that came out what’s gargled moans.
“Do it. Be a good boy and cum around my cock”
Sam’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he came all over the sheets. If Danny didn’t have the tight grip on his hips then he definitely would have collapsed over. Letting out an animalistic moan, Danny released himself deep into Sam’s heat.
For a quick second, a few chaste kisses were placed on Sam’s shoulders. Both men hissed in unison as Danny pulled out and yanked the toy out of Sam’s mouth. The only thing that was audible was soft pants as Sam came down from his high. With carefulness, Sam was freed from his bonds. Gentle kisses were peppered on his wrists and palms but the tenderness of the moment was short lived.
“Oh you thought we were done? God I truly did fuck you stupid” Danny darkly chuckled while sliding the toy into Sam’s now sensitive hole.
“One more and then we’re done”
Sam let out a high pitched whimper and gripped the sheets until his knuckles turned white. Fresh tears rolled down his cheeks but this time they were tears of pleasure.
“T-Thank you for using all my holes, daddy ! O-Oh fuck…”
A huge grin plastered itself across Danny’s face as he slowly thrusted the toy deeply into Sam.
“There’s my good boy. Sounds like you’ve finally found your manners.”
With each thrust, the warmth in his stomach came back with full force. Sam looked up at Danny and touched his face with a shaky hand. His legs began to shake as he was teetering dangerously close to his climax. Danny smashed his lips against Sam’s and swallowed his moans as he finished all over his abdomen.
Little stars clouded Sam’s vision as he descended from his last orgasm. He looked absolutely fucked out but it was one that suited him best. Danny softly patted his hip to let him know he’s pulling out the toy. A soft wince fell from Sam’s lips but the pain was over within a second. After putting the toy down, Danny grabbed a towel and wiped off Sam’s stomach.
“Let’s get you taken care of, sweetheart. I’ll be right back” Danny softly cooed while giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. Sam gently hummed and closed his eyes for a second. He heard the sounds of running water in the background and tried to stay awake. The little slumber was interrupted as Danny gently picked him up and walked to the bathroom. The aftercare portion was usually both of their favorite parts after a session in the dwelling. After being gently placed in the tub and sliding in behind him, Danny put up Sam’s hair so it wouldn’t get wet.
“Good lord I did a number on you” Danny laughed while tracing his fingers against the menagerie of hickeys decorating his skin.
Sam softly chuckled and smiled. “Walking is definitely going to be a chore for the next few days but it was so worth it”
Danny shook his head and wrapped around his waist. He placed a soft kiss on the back of Sam’s neck then rested his chin on his shoulder. Sam leaned into Danny’s chest and sighed happily.
“I love you, Danny Wagner. Forever and always”
Tag list: @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @ageofwagner @positivegvfthings @obetrolncocktails @sunandthemoontwinflames @highlyextensivebule @songbirds-sweet @jordie-gvf @takenbythemadness @puzzle-gvf
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pryce0 · 1 year
im a big fan of your work & would love to read something about the reader saying some hurtful things to arthur during an argument (like he was already insecure about that, maybe related to him being a bad man) and then apologising to him after and making sure that he doesnt think that about himself I JUST KNOW YOUD WRITE THAT PERFECTLY
Am I a Bad Man? - Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader (Part 1)
Tumblr media
gif by; unknown :-(
word count; 715
last part: here
Masterlist: here
a/n: ANON. THIS IS 2 MONTHS LATE I AM SO SORRY. I LOVE YOU I AM SO SORRY. i also had to split this up into 2 parts, i’m so sorry!! i promise to get the second part out as soon as my brain lets me write properly <3
Everything has been pissing you off lately. Someone always ends up in the way of your chores; trying to chop wood? Sean is nagging your ear off. Carrying sacks for Pearson? Every single fucking person is standing in your way. Trying to wash clothes? All of the damn men decide to pile their shit on you instead of the others also washing at the same time.
No one really noticed your frustration, either. It’s not like you expected anyone to but it would be nice if everyone would learn some damn self spacial awareness, maybe step to the side when a huffing and puffing person is marching through camp while carrying sacks. It doesn’t help that you’ve been mostly annoyed with Arthur. Every time you need something, he’s gone, doing something that Dutch set him off to do. Like a damn dog. Currently, the camp is celebrating someone’s big heist. As much as it would bring you joy to join the celebration, the joint singing and the guitar strums are quite frankly, just pissing you off. The hot anger is rising in your stomach to your throat from every giggle, every yell. You can’t take it right now.
You find yourself wandering a bit outside of camp with a whiskey in hand you took on your way out. “A drink right now sounds fabulous.” You mutter as you uncap the delicious drink. As soon as you were about to take a sip, of course, just someone had to bother you.
Arthur calls your name from a small distance away which sets fire inside of your soul. You growl and turn to the man who’s approaching you, his eyebrows furrowed. Not like you can see much in the dark which subsequently makes you rage. You open your mouth, interrupting whatever he was saying; not like you were listening too well.. “Nice to see you too, Arthur, but I really need some time alone.” You bark, finally taking a sip of your whiskey. Arthur blinks at you before he opens his mouth again. “Look, I get it, you need your alone time, and I’ll be outta your hair in just a moment,” He mutters. “I have to be on my way anyw-“
“Can’t you get to the fucking point, Morgan? I’m losing my goddamn mind with every word that comes out of your mouth right now!” You snap at him, your knuckles white as you clutch your bottle quite tightly. Arthur growls under his breath as he approaches you, now anger radiating off of him. His boots crunch the grass and weeds under him, his finger pointing at your chest, accusatory. “Hey now, you’ve had a bad day, but don’t fuckin’ take it out on me!”
You laugh before you take a sip, attempting to settle your nerves. You swallow and wipe your mouth, glaring at him. “Get the fuck out of here, Arthur. I’m in seriously no mood to be dealin’ with you right now. You said you had somethin’ to do, right? Why don’t you fucking go run along do your job Dutch gave to you?” You seethe, pushing the finger that was pointing at you away. “Yeah, go fucking do your job like the goddamn mutt you are, Morgan. Go kill for him, go torture for Dutch. Live up to your reputation, why don’t you?? Oh, it isn’t even a fucking reputation by this point, it’s the truth.”
There’s nothing but the distant sound of the gang celebrating after your piercing sentence. Arthur’s jaw is dropped, looking back at you with such betrayal. Your heart drops to your stomach as you process everything you just said. Cold panic floods your veins as you watch him stutter in pure shock and anger. “Fuck, Arthur, I-“ “Don’t.”
You immediately shut up but your stomach twists as he looks furious and, and, sad. He looks nearly devastated. “Nevermind.” He mutters, turning around and walking back to camp without a word. “Arthur!” You call after him, your throat tightening. You jog up the path to catch up but you’re met the sight of Arthur on his horse which makes your heart skip. “Arthur, please! I’m sorry!” You attempt to yell, but the wind blows against you from him galloping out of camp.
You messed up big time.
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promptcontainmentzone · 5 months
FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS SENTENCE STARTERS. warnings for: guns, violence, death, murder.
What in the goddamn…?
Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, like smooth little babies...
Baby, the odds may look long, but that's just because we ain't done rigging them. I won't toss the dice until we are.
Look, I ain't a harbor for illusions. I ain't expecting to get out of this shin-dig alive.
Can you spell detention? I'll tell you how I spell it: DEATHtention.
You are in the LIBRARY. Be quiet here and filled with SHHHHH.
I am lord of this institution. Where once, long ago, I was a student here. Now, I am its OMNIPOTENT GOD-PRINCIPAL.
______, you're about to have your FAVORITE treat - a VISITOR. Won't that be nice? DON'T eat the visitor, boy. Don't. Please.
What YOU ask is of NULL importance! _____ besieges us, there are more important things to worry about than DATA and FACTS!
ENOUGH! Stop filling my precious brain cell units with irrelevant data!
And… I wonder why it didn't hit me before, until I saw that memory in your hands.
How gracious of you. A mannerly killing.
Can't have brains moving around of their own volition.
In short: Brains, a heart, and courage... spine. I think there was a story once where a band of murderous thugs sought these things.
The ghosts aren't real? That changes everything.
Baby, this little reunion of ours? Chalk me up as a no-show.
I'm familiar with the care and handling of explosives.
How hard can it be? Just light them and throw.
I'd love to debate you on this, but there's no time.
No way. I'm not going to torch myself for your amusement.
It would be pretty funny, wouldn't it? Oh, don't look at me that way. I'm sure you'll be fine.
_____ is dead - what a mess you've made!
There will be no repeat of the trouble we had last time, I trust?
Even now? On the brink of battle?
You'll need a disguise, then. Or overwhelming firepower. Whatever works.
You must be, like… a brain in a jar!
Frontal assaults on casinos? Not good for business.
You have an interest in this even if you're too stupid to know it. If you have an interest in breathing, you have an interest in this.
They have no idea what other cards I'm holding. It's a strong hand, believe me - I dealt it to myself.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It'd be like them to keep paperwork.
I don't have friends here.
We'll kill more with two of us.
You only trust strangers?
Besides. I was on break when it happened.
I want you to find something out for me. I don't know if there's anything to find, but I need someone to try.
Gonna be hard covering you when I can't move my legs.
Goddamn it! Don't sneak up on me like that. What do you want?
Let me aim that for you next time.
You're hiding something. Spit it out. You owe me.
You got no right asking me that. Drop it.
It's just something I'm not ready to discuss. With you or anybody.
That part of my life is over now. So is this discussion.
Must've been one hell of a miscommunication.
Yeah, well. That's how they wrote it up in the report.
Life has a way of punishing you for the mistakes you make. Big enough mistake, punishment can take a while.
You're like a switchblade stuck on flick.
Shhhh… we're hunting shitheads.
All this planning won't matter much when the bullets fly, anyway.
No sense trying to hold the past between your fingers when it's nothing but dirt.
That fucking monument outside?
Started? Took to it like a fish to water... well, if you know what a fish is.
What the hell is a fish?
They're like birds, except they stay underwater.
Anyway, I've seen pictures. One guy even had one above his bar in Redding, except it was made of Pre-War plastic.
Greetings, _____. The disappointment you are about to experience delights me.
Can I order room service?
Am I punching too much? I get carried away.
You mean like this melee weapon right here in my hand at this very second?
Are you talking to me, or a future _____ who is not already doing that?
He always does what he feels is right. Usually that's a great quality.
Sure, I left them. But that didn't mean I'd ever be free of them.
We always make enemies, never allies.
Hold on. I see something I want to punch.
But at least I got the chance to try. At least I know for sure that there was nothing I could do.
Wow, _____ is looking for you, huh? What do you think he wants? Bowling partner?
But… you don't have a "this is good news" expression on your face.
Well, welcome, then. I'm _____. I live in a hole in the ground.
Well that shouldn't be a problem for me. I can't afford anything like that.
I've heard they shoot lasers from their eyes.
I just kind of drift from place to place.
I'll be honest. You're the first person I've run across out here that looks like she can really handle herself.
Aw, you really know how to make a girl feel like a stray cat.
He was dead when I got there.
This better not be about the meaning of life.
Damn, son, you look like ten miles of bad road.
Are you following me?
I saved your life so I kinda feel responsible for you is all.
I'll let that slide seeing how you gotta mind full of vengeance for that no-good polecat and all.
Yup, but this is getting a might embarrassing - people are going to start to talk.
That's a puzzle, all right. I'm sure it's nothing.
What in tarnation was you thinkin'?
I'll thank you not to touch my plunder.
Meaner than a rattlesnake, ain't ya?
To the Bone Orchard you go!
Seems they made like a ghost.
Won't help you none to lay low.
The Boss is pretty clear on this. I can't let you in unless you're by your lonesome.
You did a super job wrapping things up! And I'm not just saying that because I have to!
Here's a print-out with some additional information!
What? Did you expect me to applaud your efforts to support a deranged warlord?
That wig is going to haunt my nightmares. Seriously.
That one… had a little kick to it. The poisonous kind of kick.
Ahh, that feels better. I might not die for a while yet.
Am I dead? Is this Heaven? Oh. Hi _____. Guess not.
Will the medical wonders of the post-apocalyptic world never cease?
Back to the tomb, I suppose. If you need me, et cetera.
Strange how dead bodies appear wherever you go.
As the old saying goes, two's company, but three's a small army. Okay, I'm paraphrasing a bit, but you get the idea.
Wait, wait, wait a second. What's going on? Am I playing Vergil to your Dante?
I've woken up worse places. Not many, though.
That's sounding dangerously close to a plan, _____.
Alrighty then, I'll just head out. Alone. By myself. Into the dangerous wastes.
If I buy it out there, I want twelve mariachi bands playing at my funeral. A medal might be nice, too.
I'm not exactly a mercenary, but taking out scumbags of this magnitude wouldn't cause me to lose any sleep.
Why don't you make like Odysseus and get lost?
For as lack of adornment is said to become some women, so will this place, without your presence, bring delight.
I've run out of witty ways to tell you to leave, so why don't you just go?
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growling · 2 months
for the ask game (with either raincode or danganronpa) :
👛 your favorite rare pair?
💕a ship you’d defend with your life?
♠️ favorite protagonist?
(from this ask game)
👛 your favorite rare pair?
I don't think much about danganronpa shipping anymore (my brain is now just permanently rotating enoshima, kamukura, komaeda, ouma and kiibo there like rotisserie chickens instead, i am TOO BUSY!!!), so rain code it is: yumayomi/kokohell/the japanese side calls it yumayomi ig and the english side does not call it anything because no one except me and like 2 other people care. yuma & yomi are just so objectively hilarious as a duo and the possibilities of putting them in Situations are fucking endless nobody does it like they do it. every day another yuma and yomi au idea establishes itself in my mind i am running out of storage room i have so many other things i should care about that aren't wacky rain code yaois but guess what i cannot they won't let me
(also fubuyomi honorable mention. I have to mention fubuyomi they also drive me but I have zero words to describe it. oh and worshipper x priest despite me keeping silent about it for a solid few months i did not forget religious serial killer toxic sludge yaoi anyway have you listened to we will commit wolf murder by of montreal for no reason in particular)
💕a ship you’d defend with your life?
zero hesistation ougoku danganronpa like what is you people's PROBLEM??? "it's abusive" jesse what the fuck are you talking about. Ouma did not "manipulate" him Gokuhara knew exactly what he was doing. Ouma explicitly told him his plans for the Insect Meet and Greet in the FTE's right before the event, and Gokuhara got mad at him because he lied about liking bugs, (which Ouma had to do because you've all seen how Gokuhara reacts to people that don't. you've seen it) NOT because he suddenly realized he was being manipulated or something. So many people dismiss the sheer amount of agency Gokuhara actually had in chapter 4, in favour of painting the situation as just "poor stupid baby gonta got tricked into murder by the big bad ouma :((((" while. he is not STUPID (HE IS LITERALLY A SCIENTIST??) he was not COERCED into his crimes, he was a WILLING ACCOMPLICE!!!!!! I FEEL LIKE I'M LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND!!!!! He did it in a misguided attempt at mercy killing his classmates after finding out the world got fucked and everything sucks now. There are multiple pieces of dialogue that highly imply Ouma did in fact also want to mercy kill the class - which also makes sense as it would end the killing game (you know his. main. true. goal.) This would mean that he only started his plan to become the “mastermind” after Gonta told him to not die with him <- this one's quoted from my favourite dr theory blog jacksmusesdrv3 hello hava good day I couldn't find another way to word this myself. "Ouma faked being sad Gokuhara's about to be/got executed in front of him" his reaction literally parallels Kuzuryuu's to Pekoyama's death buddy. buddy. Ouma's entire thing is that he lies about lying about lying about lying WHY are you taking his word at face value why are you believing whAT THE LIAR IS TELLING YOU?????? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. PUT ME OUT OF MY FUCKING MISERY I CANNOT TAKE THIS. People treat Gokuhara like he's stupid (which is "funny" (he said through clenched teeth) since isn't that the entire thing everybody ingame severely underestimates him and then. i can't) while he and Ouma are two of some of the smartest people in the game. And! Gokuhara is perfectly capable of lying and having ulterior motives we've all saw him do that right :)))) multiple times right :)))))) Gokuhara even SAYS Ouma didn't trick him BECAUSE HE DIDN'T. HE DID NOT. These two have the some of the most genuine dynamics in dr, and the best in ndrv3, and you dare disrespect them like this. shame on you. SHAME. People always assume the worst in Ouma, and the best in Gokuhara. This is my personal hell. I am not okay.
♠️ favorite protagonist?
Easily Yuma, beating literally all of dr's protags (though dr1 Naegi has second place. I love you Naegi Makoto). Where do I even start? I think I'm too tired after the above rant to articulate myself anymore and I think if I wasn't that essay would take an entire week to finish lmao.
Thanks for the ask anon :3 !!!
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andromebaa · 8 months
The Big Just the Two of Us Post
In February this year, I started writing a little silly fic for funsies. Well actually, I literally posted a chapter I wrote a year ago on my brand-new AO3 account. I thought, hm, maybe someone might be interested in this? I'm gonna be real with you all - I had literally no plans. Like, none. It was just a one-off chapter. Just a silly concept - what if Kaito and Kokichi got stuck in a simulation? Wouldn't that be hilarious? What kinda silly shenanigans would these two guys get up to? They'd probably just keep killing each other lmao. Nine months and over 140,000 words later, I churned out the longest piece of writing I have ever created. Ever. I'm not even joking.
Did I ever know that my magnum opus was gonna be a horror/sci-fi Oumota fic? No. Am I glad it is? Surprisingly, yes. There is so much I want to say and I don't even know where to begin. Massive shout-out to everyone who has been reading since the beginning. I can't believe you still stuck around even when the fic took like several shocking swerves. All of those kudos and comments meant so much to me too. The actual joy I got every time my comment notification went up by one is a type of euphoria I'll never get over.
Also another shout-out to the people who unbookmarked en masse once it got real messed up I'm so sorry but yeah I totally get it. Trust me I was not expecting it to get so dark lmao. Thanks @theskix for putting up with me talking about this goddamn fic for nine months straight (cheese forgive me) and being a fantastic springboard for ideas (brain fuzzy but I'm pretty sure he's the guy who came up with Miu eating cereal while walking in on them say thank you) Shout out to the concept of Oumota and every single Oumota fan in existence cuz like holy crap apparently people who like scary stuff and suffering just gravitate to these two guys apparently. Like I don't think I can begin to stress that I was never an Oumota fan. This fic turned me into one. I literally cannot stop thinking about them my brain is full of worms (or leeches I'm funni). Now for the fun part - what's coming up next? Well I'm planning on taking a break from any massive projects for the next month and a bit so I can participate in NaNoWriMo. May as well keep riding the train while it's still running, right? Once we get to December, I'm hoping to start the next fic in what I want to call my Dangan Horror trilogy. I'm also wanting to start writing a fic set in the Just the Two of Us universe from Miu's perspective. I may do these both at the same time, but I'll see how I go. I may do some smaller fics from time to time, especially if any fun-looking writing/themed events pop up, but I'll get to those when they occur. As always, my ask box and messages are open so please feel free to ask me anything about Just the Two of Us. I'm happy to give more info on my writing process, inspiration, headcanons, or anything you're dying to know. Thank you so so much for your continued support! It seriously means the world to me and provides me the motivation to continue to write. Until next time! ~ Mosey/Andromebaa
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jennathearcher · 12 days
I was tagged by the always wonderful @gellavonhamster to post four characters that make me go "my man, my man, my man!!"
(I've done an images-only version of this post previously, but I'm thrilled to elaborate on WHY I adore said characters here :P)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
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(fanart credit here)
How do I begin to explain Jonathan Archivist? He's flawless :P In all seriousness, Jon is legit one of the best, most complex characters I've ever seen in media, and perhaps one of the first characters to ever make me go "THAT ONE. MINE." XD
The best part is when I first started listening to the podcast, and didn't really know WHERE it was going to go or how big the story was going to become, I had s1 Jon who is kind of an asshole and I was SO frustrated by his skepticism CONSTANTLY XD then the end of s1 rolls around, s2 illustrates a character arc that encapsulates the immediate aftermath of a severe trauma SO well, and by the end of s2, I had my ".....oh. Oh no" moment :P
Jon spends pretty much the rest of the series just GOING THROUGH IT in one way or another, and pretty consistently going "This is fine" about all of it even though he is Very Not Fine :P I want to just wrap this man in a big cozy blanket and TAKE CARE OF HIM. Because Jon goes through so much of his whole storyline.....essentially ALONE and it DRIVES ME BONKERS XD There's a point in this series where Jon has pretty much lost every friend he's ever had and it is HEARTBREAKING.
But also, his transformation throughout the series :P I don't want to go into TOO much detail here for spoiler reasons, but god. Jon has moments especially in the latter half of the series where he is SCARY. HE IS POWERFUL. AND HE IS GODDAMN SEXY :P (my bestie likes to listen to s5 episodes with me and laugh maniacally over me Losing My Shit from sheer simp-itude XD)
Also, bonus points for being a Canon Asexual 8D like me!! <3
Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077)
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Oh, Johnny, Johnny <3 I pretty much went into this game knowing he was gonna steal my heart, but even then, I was utterly unprepared for just how attached I would become :3
A lot of that is due to playing as a POV character that you essentially craft yourself from the ground up -- prime real estate for a self insert lover like myself XD And despite there being a myriad of colorful characters in the world of Cyberpunk, four of which you can romance, everyone can pretty much agree that Johnny is by far the most important character to the PC, who has the placeholder moniker of V.
The basics of the game's story are that your character, V, is a mercenary in the postapocalyptic world of 2077, and they are betrayed and nearly killed by one of their clients -- their life only being saved due to the presence of a chip they installed in their head during a job, without realizing said chip contained, essentially, the soul of Johnny Silverhand; a rock star turned terrorist who died in 2023.
The main plot of the game focuses on V's attempts to stabilize Johnny's presence in their brain, before the chip eventually overwrites their consciousness and kills them. A lot of that depends on the player's interactions with Johnny throughout the game, but as you can imagine, literally sharing a brain and body with someone can be quite the bonding experience :P
Especially because Johnny is a MESS. He's an alcoholic and drug addict who hides his supreme self-loathing behind a seemingly massive ego -- who talks a big game about his hatred of capitalism but in reality blew up the biggest conglomerate in the city because his girlfriend died (and it was his fault) and he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings.
The moments in the game when Johnny actually opens up to V are CAPTIVATING, certainly in part due to a masterful performance from Keanu Reeves :P This is one of those games that just grabs you with its immersion, and got me genuinely emotional several times during my first playthrough. (One day, I'll get the chance to play it again :P one day XD)
Plus there's also the aspect of building my own personal canon for my V and her relationship with Johnny, and all that adds up to holding a very special place in my heart :3
Gale Dekarios (Baldur's Gate 3)
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Of course I jumped onto the BG3 train for Astarion and ended up falling head-over for the character I most commonly heard referred to as annoying :P
A dorky wizard you say? Who's highly autistic coded? Loves books and his cat? Strongly implied to be an abuse survivor at the hands of an older female partner? AND HE'S SUICIDAL??? I didn't stand a fucking chance :P
I just love listening to him talk so much XD and thank god because he never shuts up :P Nothing like a guy who thinks he's the smartest man in the room who is, IN FACT, very very dumb <3
And lest we forget if you keep him around until the third act of the game, he decides his new coping mechanism is SEEKING GODLY POWER like babe please calm down XD
I've done pretty much all of his possible endings so far outside of doing his origin run (aka playing through the whole game as him), and I just. LOVE HIM SO MUCH <3 I'm excited to romance him again, especially since I missed out on stuff the first time XD Every time I start a new playthrough I end up half-romancing him anyway because I CAN'T HELP MYSELF :P ultimately breaking my own heart when I have to commit to the character I originally set out to romance in the first place XD and he's always the first companion I get to the Exceptional approval level :3
that's my emotional support wizard :P and I WILL make him useful by juicing him up with all the good spells, thank you VERY MUCH XD
Black Leg Sanji (One Piece)
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You all knew this was coming :P
Hey, you ever casually look at a fun pirate manga here and there as a teenager without ever really getting into it, but you know EXACTLY which character would be your fave and just kinda tuck that away in the back of your mind?
And then some odd years later, that manga gets adapted into an extremely successful and astonishingly well made live action Netflix series that is much more accessible to you than the source material?
And THEN that gets you engaging with more and more of the source material's fan content until you still haven't even watched the anime proper yet and somehow THIS has happened to you??
Anyway moral of the story is that your first instinct as to what character is going to be your favorite it always right no matter what :P OH MY GOD WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME
I just. Love him SO MUCH.
He smokes CONSTANTLY. He's ALWAYS associated with fire. He LIGHTS HIMSELF ON FIRE FOR COMBAT PURPOSES. And yet he has the most water elemental oriented soul I've EVER SEEN. (and CHRIST HOW IS HE SO FUCKING SHREDDED--)
He's 80% Leg. His EYEBROWS do the fucking THING. He's FRENCH. The extent of his post-timeskip transformation is PARTING HIS HAIR DIFFERENTLY. His name is a PUN. He is AN IDIOT and also SO SMART. He has to have 17 karmic punishments from the narrative before we ever get to his tragic backstory. His adoptive dad ate his own foot.
He's a Hopeless Romantic. He COMPLETELY FORGETS HOW TO ACT every time he so much as Sees A Woman at thirty paces. He gets so many comedic anime nosebleeds that it becomes A PLOT POINT. He has a CODE OF CHIVALRY that actually makes sense kind of (especially once you know his tragic backstory).
Lest we forget to mention that he's part of a FOUND FAMILY!!!! He has SO much love to give and his love language is all of them :P A different one for each person on the crew, as far as I can tell. With Zoro it's "the only person who's allowed to kill you is me, dammit" XD
I just. Husband Material. HUSBAND. I wanna lock that shit down SO BAD. I'm AS OBSESSED WITH HIM as he is with EVERYONE ELSE and by god I am making it the problem of all of my followers :P
tagging (with no pressure) @pink-cenobite @talesfromthecrypts @piratespencil @thebarefootking @damngoodbabysiitter @lady-phasma and anyone else who wants to do the thing!! <3
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zanyzensblog · 1 year
Suletta Sunday omg holy crap!
My reactions More or less in order. But probably a jumbled mess. Spoilers ahead. 
Oh wow we’re really just getting right into it.
Damn, Suletta really loves her mom and sis and doesn’t want them to become even bigger war criminals.
Damn it Laudna, you’re emitting peak incel women hating energy right here. Stop it.
Suletta is officially the best damn pilot of the show, maybe Eri was holding back a bit but still the fact she’s flying through all of Aerial’s bits is something I don’t think even Guel in a gundam could really do.
Somebody else is in the data storm? Oooo our elusive Notrette perhaps?
Oh crap, the Assembly league has a death star. A big one. Annnnd of course those bene gesserit looking bitches are not only saving their own skins but making a play to be the top dogs. Ugh.
Elan 5 a little bit of a badass. 
*Gives gun to Belmira “I could never” (oh come you know you’ve basically killed scores) “I’m not giving a gun to a student.” (Damn it I almost like this guy even though he killed Nadim and basically started this whole mess)
“where did you get a gun?” “Who cares?” LOL
I always knew Haro’s were evil. Always knew it!
Damn Propera hitting them with the “You didn’t think I would change the password?” good villainess shit there.
Damn it Laudna, why do you suck sooo damn bad? Guel just kill his ass, the additional ptsd will be worth it.
Oh damn Guel is gonna die nooooooo not our boy!
*Sees flashback of when Guel met Laudna and Guel was immediately an accepting big brother happy to have a little bro.* Sniff, I’m not crying. Damn bro.
Felsi you goddamn miracle. MVP. Would have bet money one of the brothers was gonna die but nope, not if Felsi had any say in it. Attagirl!
Miorine calling out Prospera’s clear favoritism of Eri over Suletta.
Miorine remembering what I assume is a whole ass genome sequence she learned of yesterday that translates to an I love you from her mother to override Quiet Zero was absolutely baller and she’s got a galaxy brain if there ever was one. 
Damn Bel, way to step up a bit.
Damn Elan5, nice shot.
Miorine basically telling Prospera “I’m marrying your daughter no matter what, we’re gonna be a family. So deal.” Happy Pride month indeed! Love to see it!
Oh crap, here comes the double cross from the bigwigs, they’re a firing the laser!
Eri noo!
Prospera’s mark? What’s going on there?
Holy crap most of Aerial actually survived that? That Gundam really is built different. But did Eri still die? Is there anything left of her? If not, Prospera’s gonna utterly freaking lose it on somebody. 
Closing thoughts Next episode is called the Final Episode? Huh, feels a little weird to title something that. I doubt this series is gonna get another season (Really wish it would, it’s done pretty damn solid storytelling for the amount going on and the small amount of episodes it has. Though still it definitely could have benefited from more episodes and a little more time to breathe and develop certain plots) 
I mean hopefully maybe it’ll at least get a movie (Gundam 00 did it) or a spinoff at worst (freaking Gundam Seed had like 3 right?) So here’s hoping we get to see more of this Gundam timeline cause damn, they made a solid and fun anime with this one. Last episode I’m almost positive we’re gonna get Delling talking about what exactly happened to Notrette and why he made Quiet Zero (I’m still positive it’s a Gendo Ikari thing, I’ll eat a hat if I’m wrong.) and also, hopefully we’ll finally get to hear wedding bells!! Get the best dresses! Chuchu should be Miorine’s maid of honor and Guel should Suletta’s best man! Don’t @ me.
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wingedquill · 8 months
whumptober day 1 | alternative prompt: "broken" | word count: 1572
fandom: Stranger Things | characters: Steve and Robin | cw: daemon-related torture, major character death (ish) | tags: daemon au, unhappy ending (for now)
Robin will hate herself forever for it, but part of her sees the whole “getting kidnapped and slapped around by Russian guards” thing as a big fucking adventure, a wild story that she’ll be able to tell people when they ask her how she spent her summer, right up until they start beating Steve’s daemon.
And then everything gets really real, really fast.
Her ears start ringing after the first hit, like it’s her they’ve just suckerpunched instead of Steve’s fucking soul, and all of her clever plans of a glorious escape turn to static in her brain. Steve screams, short and agonized, and she can feel his whole body spasming against her.
They’re tied back to back. She can see Estella but he can’t, he couldn’t even see the blow coming.
This isn’t happening. This isn’t—this isn’t something that happens.
The guard draws back his arm again. The baton comes back down. Steve screams again, somehow louder.
“Who do you work for?” the guard asks, swinging the baton back and forth like a batter getting ready to hit a home run. He sounds almost bored. Like this is something he does every day. Like this is normal.
“I—I don’t—” Steve gasps. “I don’t—please—please no—”
Another whistle of air, another crack. Estella whines, high and animal-like, like she’s a real dog. The general laughs from somewhere behind her.
“They start leaking Dust, after a while,” he says. “I’ve always found it a pretty sight. Most disagree. I will not have my men stop when you start to dissolve, Butterscotch. Who. Do you. Work. For?”
“No one,” Steve sobs. “No one, please—”
Another swing. Another. Another, another, another, too fast for Robin to track, too fast for her to distinguish them.
“Stop!” she hollers. “Stop, we don’t know anything, we’re just kids, he doesn’t…he didn’t do anything to you, stop!”
“Would you rather we ask your hummingbird?” the general snorts. The guard lifts his foot, lets it hover over Estella’s paw. “You did spit at me, after all. You did something.”
Achilles curls up against her chest, whole body vibrating like a tiny heart. God if they started…if they started hitting him…one strike of that baton would be enough to kill him, to kill her.
The guard crushes his foot down. Gold starts to seep out from underneath it, pooling over the floor like dry ice smoke. Steve’s whole body contracts, jolting so hard that for a moment Robin thinks he’ll knock them both over.
“Please,” Robin whispers, watching helplessly as Steve’s soul bleeds all over the cold tile floor. “Please.”
It’s all either of them can say for the next—hour she thinks? Longer? Steve stops screaming at some point, stops struggling against her. If it weren’t for the feeling of his breaths, and Estella’s long, continuous whimpers, she’d think he was dead.
“Stop,” the general says eventually, when there’s a veritable pool of Dust around Estella, bright and gleaming as a firework. Fuck, they were supposed to be watching the fireworks today, they were supposed to steal a gallon of ice cream out of the freezer and lug it up the big hill behind the mall, they were supposed to be goddamn children about it—
“You are very good at keeping quiet,” he says, and there’s rustling behind her. Steve’s warmth disappears from her back, and then she’s being hauled upwards, hands gripping her arms. She doesn’t fight them. She doesn’t want to give them any more excuses to—god there were knives on the fucking table, and pliers, and a fucking bonesaw, and she doesn’t know if the Russians are planning on using them on her, or Steve, or Estella, and—
“Most men would have spilled everything by now,” the general continues as his men bully Robin forward, and she can finally, finally make eye contact with Steve.
He’s conscious. Standing. But there’s something horribly, horribly wrong with his eyes.
They’re shuttered. Or empty. Or gone, or—
“Steve,” she croaks, trying to reach for him. One of the men yanks her arms back, hissing a command in Russian in her ear.
“But you’d let us break you without answering the most basic question. So either you are a better spy than any man I’ve ever trained, or you truly are just a know-nothing child.”
He tuts, almost sympathetically. Behind Robin, there’s a rattling of chains, a loud whine, the sound of a body being dragged over the floor. Steve twitches, tears slipping from his empty eyes as he’s finally able to see what they’ve done to him. Estella makes a noise like a sob, legs twitching as she tries to gather them underneath her.
She fails. They keep dragging her like a sack of meat, smearing gold across the tiles. Bile sloshes in Robin’s stomach.
“For what it’s worth,” the general says, shoving Steve towards the door. He stumbles over his own feet, whole body hunched over in pain. “I do hope it’s the former. I truly do. But either way…either way we are out of time to ask you things. But worry not. We will learn something from you nonetheless.”
“What are you gonna do to me?” Steve croaks.
Me. Not us. Robin wonders if the thought of them hurting her is so unthinkable Steve hasn’t even considered it, or if he’s trying to keep them from realizing it's a possibility.
“You have seen our accomplishments, yes?” the general says. He parades them out of the cell, one hand on Steve’s shoulder like he might try to run. Like he wouldn’t get a bullet in the soul for trying. “You have seen the rift. We believe there is another world on the other side, and we would like very much for our scientists to explore that world. But there are many possible dangers that we do not yet know how to prepare for.”
“So you wanna throw me in?” 
Steve doesn’t sound like he’s discussing the concept of being thrown into a fucking hellworld with his torturer. He sounds like he’s asking his fucking basketball coach if he really wants him to play the second half.
“No,” the general laughs. “No. We do not want to see what you might get up to unmonitored. But there is a test you may help us with.”
If she were a hero, Robin would tell them to do it to her. She would tell them that Steve had had enough. She would tell them that they’d already broken him.
But she’s not a hero. She’s not a hero, and she’s watching a daemon bleed on the ground, and this doesn’t fucking happen. So her vocal cords stay frozen shut, and Achilles stays safe against her heart, and she does nothing to stop whatever’s about to happen to Steve.
They push through another set of doors and there’s the rift. Most of it looks just as it had before, a violent mess of red and black spreading over the wall like a disgusting fungus, but there’s an opening right in the middle. Not quite big enough for a person.
“I’m told we finally broke through while we were having our…discussion,” the general says. He inclines his head, and the two men holding Estella start dragging her over to a massive cage on the end of a chain. “And so you get to assist us with our first, and most important test. To make sure the daemonic bond can survive unscathed between dimensions.”
“No,” Steve whispers, glancing between the cage and the rift. “No, you—what’s that gonna do?”
“We don’t know,” the general says. “Hopefully nothing.”
Steve looks at her wildly as the guards bundle Estella into the cage. Help me. Do something. She can read that as clear as if he said it.
But she can’t move. She can’t speak. Her feet are frozen to the floor and her tongue is glued to her mouth. She’s a bug encased in amber, and she can do nothing but watch as the two guards hoist Estella’s cage between them.
“Steve,” the daemon groans, Dust spilling from her mouth like vomit. “I love—”
The guards hurl the cage forward, right through the opening in the rift.
Robin stands there.
Steve’s knees buckle.
“Get her out,” he gasps. “Get her out, get her—get her out, get her out, fucking get her out of there!”
The general barks an order and the two guards scramble for the chain. Steve collapses entirely, limbs jerking and thrashing against his binds.
“Get her out!” he wails. “Please, dear God, get her—”
And he just…stops.
All at once, like the power’s been cut to his brain. His limbs stop jerking, his eyes stop rolling. He goes completely and utterly still.
Robin stands there.
The general leans down, presses his fingers against Steve’s jugular. Frowns.
“Playing dead will not work with me, Butterscotch,” he says.
Robin stands there.
The two guards haul the cage back out of the void. It’s empty.
Everything freezes for a minute. The general stares at the cage, and for the first time in this entire fucked-up ordeal, Robin thinks she catches a flash of guilt in her eyes.
He murmurs something under his breath.
Robin will spend the next week pouring over Russian dictionaries and anthropological texts to learn both the phrase and the meaning behind it. When she does, it won’t tell her anything she doesn’t already know.
Living broken. 
Steve is severed. His soul is dead. He'll be an empty shell for the rest of his life.
And Robin just stands there.
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