legglesspotato Β· 4 days
I took Luke out at the moment because he’s a child and I would be afraid I’d just resort to headcannoning average things that kids do, if that makes sense? So, instead, I added Thirteen because I think I’d be more comfortable with her?
Also if you have a specific headcannon you want me to do you can always send me an ask!
Dw, if you’ve sent me an ask before, I’m still going to post them sometime soon!
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legglesspotato Β· 4 days
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Woahwoah, Solomon? I mean…
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legglesspotato Β· 7 days
Solomon appreciation post πŸ‘πŸ»
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legglesspotato Β· 10 days
Hiiii 🀠
Heyyyy anon! :)
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legglesspotato Β· 11 days
how do you think a like idk present time om! au would go? like mc plays the game and just gets randomly teleported to hell and is like "yas bxtch I got this" and cheats lesson 16, gets perfect grades, AND rizzes up the brothers + dateables. like I need inspo for this au even though I have like a billion aus to finish already πŸ˜»β€ΌοΈ
First off, thank you for the suggestion! I have a hard time understanding things sometimes so I’m just trying to make sure I’m getting your request right? Are you talking about Nightbringer MC tries to go back to their β€˜present time’ (OG games timeline) but it basically resets everything and it’s like they appeared for the first time in the Devildom again with their knowledge about everything? And like MC, obviously, knows about everything and everyone? If so, I have a few ideas and, if not, please tell me lol. If this isn’t what you wanted I could also do something like that as well!
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legglesspotato Β· 11 days
I enabled asks so if anyone wants to say anything/has any ideas they want my opinion on/expand on they can! :)
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legglesspotato Β· 27 days
This is a very rushed thought but…
Imagine a world where Diavolo and Lucifer’s dynamic is similar to that of Spinel and Pink Diamond from Steven Universe like… what if Diavolo just one day abandoned him and he just sat there stewing in his rage of abandonment…
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legglesspotato Β· 28 days
Lucifer appreciation post πŸ‘πŸ»
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legglesspotato Β· 28 days
Simeon appreciation post πŸ‘πŸ»
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These are a bunch of Simeon pictures I took!
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legglesspotato Β· 28 days
What if MC likes to horde/collect very specific things that one (or more) of the characters use often so they show off their collection and everyone is STUNNED! For example:
Imagine MC is super into rocks and crystals and has an INSANE amount in the room they’re staying in while Solomon grossly underestimated how much of a specific crystal he needs for a spell…
Solomon: *Deep sigh*
MC: β€œHmmm? Solomon? What’s wrong?”
Solomon: β€œOh? Oh, MC it’s you! Nothings wrong, I just miscalculated how much [insert crystal] I need for this spell I wanted to try….”
*MC perks up when they hear Solomon say the name of the crystal they have tons of*
MC: β€œ[Insert crystal name]? You mean [insert very accurate description of said crystal]?
*Solomon slightly confused why you seem to know a lot about that particular crystal and how you know so much about it. Solomon wonders if you may have some and could lend him some*
Solomon: β€œYeah, that’s the one… why? Do you know where I might be able to obtain some easily?”
*MC enthusiastically nods and leads them either to their room in the HOL or Purgatory Hall (Depending which game/story this takes place in)*
*Solomon stares into their room in awe*
Solomon: β€œI…. MC… why do you have so much [insert crystal]”
MC: β€œI think they’re neat :3”
Solomon: β€œY-you think they’re β€˜neat’… you think [insert crystal name] is so neat your entire room is practically filled with it!?”
MC: β€œIt has a pretty color and has a nice sound when you hit them together! :)”
Solomon: β€œUhmmm…”
*Solomon is very visibly judging MC*
*MC frowns*
MC: β€œWell, are you going to just stand there and judge me or, were you looking to borrow a few because if you keep standing there with that stupid look-…”
Solomon: β€œOh, uhm, yes! I need some!-β€œ
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legglesspotato Β· 28 days
So, I sometimes get the random urge to organize and clean things and I can imagine myself/MC randomly cleaning the entirety of the HOL with Lucifer being really suspicious of the reason why:
Lucifer: β€œSo you’re telling me… you just vacuumed the floors, swept the floors, dusted, cleaned the windows of the entire house. As well as, clean the fridge, go grocery shopping for more food to satisfy Beels hunger for absolutely no reason?”
MC: β€œYep!”
Lucifer: β€œβ€¦β€
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legglesspotato Β· 7 months
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