#Jake the Jackal
torra-and-the-toons · 5 months
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Furry Brooklyn99 Starting with none other than Jake the Jackal.
No, I will not explain myself.
B99 Zootopia AU
[Charles] [Gina] [Amy] [Rosa] [Scully]
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oyasumidoodles · 1 year
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15 days of FatT: Haunted
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blackbackedjackal · 6 months
He's the only valid American dragon to me
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
The Jackal and the Bird | 3
chapter summary: Harrow decides to make an unwanted appearance and Steven learns something new.
a/n: enjoy :)
(t/w): m/m, canon-typical violence
for m/nblm, no fem aligned
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The Hot Guy From Work Kicks Ass
When Steven described his ideal first date, he didn’t think he’d put ‘a deadly car chase with men he didn’t know’ anywhere on the list.
In fact, he’d put it under the Things I Don’t Want to Do column. But he still found himself driving a slow cupcake van, chased by random men who were shooting at him, alongside the hot guy from work.
You were focused on the men behind you. You lacked a gun, instead, you stood at the back of the truck, keeping the doors shut. You directed Steven as best you could, trying to keep him calm. It wasn't really working, but he appreciated the effort. At least you seemed to know what you were doing.
“C’mon, move your arse!” He huffed, slamming the wheel. The older woman in the other car moved aside. “Thank you! So sorry, thank you!” …only for her to flip him off a moment later.
“Focus, Steven!” You reminded, gripping the door handle tighter when a loud thud sounded in the car. You muttered a curse under your breath, turning your attention to the doors. He didn't know how the hell you weren't getting shot, but he was thankful for whatever luck you were having.
In all honesty, you'd been hit several times by now, though it all healed faster than Steven could see.
You watched him take deep breaths, trying to focus on the road ahead. Confident that it would take a while for anyone to break through the doors, you moved toward the front of the truck.
Steven didn't even realize how much he'd been muttering until you put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped a bit, looking over to you for a second before switching back to the road.
You climbed into the passenger seat, looking at him sympathetically. "I know you're confused, Steven, but just focus on driving for me, okay? I'll worry about them," you assured.
He glanced over to you, hands gripping the wheel so tight he shook. Eventually, he nodded, giving his full attention to the road again.
Unfortunately, one of the men behind you managed to reach the car, shooting open the handles. He staggered his way to the front, attempting to grab onto Steven only to get a cupcake thrown in his face.
It gave you the chance to grab his arm, fully throwing him out of the van. Hopefully, Steven didn't have time to assess your strength.
"I'm sorry about the cupcake," he mumbled, as if the owner could still hear him.
He could hear the sound of you fighting other men, occasionally hearing one of the men yell. He resisted the urge to turn around, willing himself to focus on the road. Though it was tempting, he managed.
The gunshot was what finally made him turn around.
A brought on a strange sensation, though one he was familiar with. Like he was thrown out of his own body. His eyes shifted back, muscles tensing, and then everything went black.
He wasn't sure how long he was out, but when he woke up, things looked a bit different.
He whipped around, looking over his surroundings. The first thing that drew his attention was the gun in his hand. He fumbled with it, finally gripping it tightly.
You sat next to him, though he focused his eyes back on the road as fast as he could.
"Wake up Marc!" A loud voice boomed, nearly startling him out of his skin. “If he loses the scarab, I’ll kill you both!”
Frankly, the giant loud mystery voice was a bit terrifying, so (for now) he’d just go along with it.
“Good shot,” You chuckled, not concerned with the echoing shots from other cars behind you.
“Oh, bollocks, you’re bleeding,” Steven said, tearing his eyes from the road and looking over to your face. Bright red blood was dripping down your face, small drops seeping into your shirt. He barely managed to tear his eyes away, half focused on you and half on the road.
Your brows furrowed, tapping around your face until you felt warm blood. You looked perplexed before humming.
“No worries, it isn’t mine.”
Steven nodded slowly, unsure whether that made him feel better or worse.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” Steven complained, half speaking to you and half to the mystery voice in his head.
“Truck, stupid!” The voice shouted.
“What?” He questioned, unsure what was even said.
His eyes widened, skidding around a truck full of logs before the same feeling of panic took over his chest and his eyes shifted back.
When he woke up again, he was faced with a car driving toward him, several aggressive-looking men staring him in the eye.
“Huh?” He questioned, looking around him before putting the pieces together. “Oh god, I’m driving backwards.”
You were firing off a few shots at the cars in front of you through the broken windshield. He was concerned for your safety, but it seemed like you could handle yourself.
When another man peaked out of the truck, gun pointed at him, he launched the gun in his hand at the car, hoping it would at least crack the windshield.
“Did he just throw the gun?!” The voice questioned. He even heard a quiet sigh from your direction.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t his brightest idea, but in fairness, he had no idea what the hell was happening.
“I don’t know what I’m doing!” He shouted, trying to explain to you and the voice.
“Then leave us be, parasite!” The voice sounded annoyed, as if Steven was nothing more than an inconvenience.
“I know Steven, it’s okay.” You offered, your voice much calmer than the loud one in his head. It was calming to hear you talk, and you brought whatever comfort you could in the confusing mess he was in.
The engine let out a sputter before he felt his vision fade and the tight feeling return to his chest. He looked over at you, confused and afraid before everything faded out yet again.
Waking up was slightly better this time, but anything was better than driving backwards without a license. The engine was sputtering more now, before finally giving out.
“Oh come on, come on!” He yelled desperately, slapping the dashboard as if it would help.
“It’s not exactly made for high-speed chases,” You muttered. You were right of course, but he was hoping that it would start again, even for a little. Just enough to get out of sight.
It didn’t take long for the men to catch up, pulling behind the van.
“Stay here, Steven,” You said. Steven only nodded, completely unsure what to do.
But you barely had the chance to take a few steps before logs came barreling down from the ledge above, slamming into the cars and whoever was standing with them.
Steven let out a rather undignified yelp, “Oh shit!”
Before it all went black again.
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Sun streamed through the window, hitting Steven’s side of the bed. He huffed, nearly turning to go back to sleep before he realized what the hell just happened.
He bolted up, wrinkled sheets falling down his chest, covered by a shirt that wasn’t his.
“Oh god,” He muttered, looking around the room.
It certainly wasn’t his flat. It was larger, much larger, and had a separate bedroom.
Glancing down at the bed next to him clued him in though. Your half-asleep form lay next to him, jolted from his sudden movement.
The reality of sitting in a bed, any bed, brought a rush of relief over him. He chuckled, soon fully laughing. Though he was lacking his usual leg harness, there was still a feeling of comfort in knowing he hadn’t woken up halfway across the room and gotten kicked out.
“Oh god,” He mumbled again, this time in relief.
He slumped back into the bed with another harsh movement, now fully waking you up.
“Bit early for you, love,” You said, your voice rough. Marc hadn’t really spoken last night. There was no explanation, no word, nothing. Just a simple good night before he slid into your bed. At least he was still sleeping in the same bed as you.
And that sentence alone almost sent Steven into cardiac arrest.
The way you said it. The gravelly sound of your voice early in the morning was one thing. How strangely domestic it was to hear was another. But what really did him in, was hearing the soft “love” you uttered, staring straight at him.
“You alright?” You questioned, brow lifted.
Steven snapped out of his thoughts, stuttering a bit.
All the while, you were rather confused. Marc wasn’t really a morning person (though he often didn’t have a choice in the matter), but right now he seemed more awake than he was the previous night.
He looked nervous, trying to stutter out a reply. It only took a moment for you to realize this was not, in fact, your husband.
It was somewhat disappointing, mostly because you had a million and one things to ask Marc, but Steven was also a welcome party.
“Steven.” You smiled at him as he nodded softly. His hair was messy, curls frizzy from sleeping on your pillows. You were sure your hair didn’t look much better, but it looked strangely good on him.
“You alright there?”
“Did I have off today?” He questioned under his breath, mostly to himself.
You shook your head. “I may have called us out of work, not like Donna could stop me.” You chuckled. His brow furrowed.
“Oh, it’s Friday. I’ve got off anyway, no need to trouble yourself for me,” He chuckled, looking away from you.
Oh. Right. That.
The main issue with that statement was that Steven still thought it was Friday. Considering that you and Marc had been… busy the past few days, it was most definitely Sunday.
You’d kept Steven out of work, saying the two of you had a family emergency (the look on Donna’s face when you told her you were married was something you’d savor for years).
“Um, Steven,” you said, cringing slightly. “It’s Sunday.”
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Last I checked, Friday still comes after Thursday,” he joked. You could hear the nervous tone of his voice.
“Sorry, love. Definitely Sunday.” You grabbed your phone, clicking open the screen and showing him the date.
He muttered something under his breath. “I’ve gotta go, yeah?” He hurriedly stood from the bed, nearly tripping over the shoes Marc had left beside the bed. His clothes weren’t nearby, leaving him to nervously look around the room. He let out a small curse, looking back toward you.
“Steven, you can stay, you know?” You reassured. “I like you being here.”
He seemed too nervous to listen to you, like a startled animal looking for a way out.
“No, I just,” He huffed, turning back to you after making sure his clothes weren’t anywhere visible. “I’ve gotta get home. Got a fish, and I’ve definitely gotta get back into work, I mean–”
“Steven. Don’t be so nervous, I want you here.” He still seemed stiff, but the tension stayed in his shoulders. “If you want to leave, I won’t stop you, just let me grab you a change of clothes.”
You stood from the bed, clad in only your boxers. Steve froze a bit, but nodded. He didn’t really know where to look, first making clear eye contact before suddenly finding the wall far too interesting.
You chuckled, pulling out some of your ill-fitting clothing and tossing it to him. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but it would certainly do.
“I’ll return your clothes another time, alright?”
He left with a swift nod, barely avoiding hitting his shoulder on your door frame.
You sighed softly at how nervous he was. He was so different from Marc. Marc always held himself with confidence, Steven seemed afraid to just be in your presence.
For now, it was an adjustment you’d have to get used to.
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``That’s not Gus, I know that’s not Gus,” Steven mumbled, hand on his chin.
The fish in question was swimming in the tank. The tank that most certainly did not belong to him (whatever that fish’s name was). The now missing Gus had completely disappeared, though Steven doubted he’d gotten up and walked away.
“If you’re Gus, then I’m the bloody queen of Shiba,” He huffed, walking toward his kitchen only to hit his foot against a desk.
He let out an instant hiss, glaring down at the wood as if that would help. But the closer he looked, the more he noticed the odd position.
“What’s this about?” He questioned.
What he hadn’t been expecting was some kind of secret cabinet in his walls.
The only notable item was a cell phone. It only contained two contacts, neither of which were very helpful.
The first titled “Layla”, the second simply labeled “Cariño”
“Alright…” He clicked on Layla, holding the phone up to his ear as it dialed.
“Oh my god, you’re alive!”
A woman immediately answered, surprising him.
“Yeah… alright.”
“That’s it?! I’ve been texting and calling you for months! You couldn’t give me any sign that you were okay? What about your husband?! Have you even talked to him since?!” She let out a heavy sigh, calming herself down. “I thought something happened to you two. Where are you? Where’ve you been? Are you with him now?”
Steven had no idea what to say. First off, this “Layla” seemed beyond upset with him, and next, she was the second person to tell him he had a husband. Apparently.
“Sorry, I just found this phone in my flat and I’m just trying to figure out whose it is.”
There was a beat of silence before “Layla” spoke, sounding even more confused. “What's with this accent?”
“What's happening right now? Let me talk to him, okay?”
“Sorry, who? Who do you think I am?”
“What do you mean ‘who’, Marc? Is he not there?”
“What did you just call me? Why did you call me Marc, and who are you talking about?”
He waited for an answered only to hear the buzz of a disconnected line. He pulled the phone away from his ear, mumbling as he dialed again only to receive no answer.
He sighed, slumping in the chair before looking down at the phone again. One more contact, and hopefully this one would be more helpful.
Steven, stop.
A sudden voice made him jolt. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard it, he knew that much. But there was no one else in his flat. There never was.
So, he assumed it was him. His head, most likely. Maybe he was just tired.
Steven, no.
He ignored it this time, dialing the next number.
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“Is this some kind of joke?”
Whatever the hell he was doing, it wasn’t funny.
You usually kept the burner phones Marc gave you in your bedside table. Since finding him again, you’d forgotten your usual routine of staring at the phone, hoping it would ring.
But now? He had to be mocking you.
“Sorry, what?”
You huffed, holding the phone tight against your ear, your grip squeezing the metal.
“Don’t break another one, my friend,” Anubis chuckled, lounging on the couch in your room. You only rolled your eyes at him, but lessened your grip.
“You heard me Marc, this isn’t funny. If you’re trying to make fun of me I don’t get the joke.” This was a call you’d waited so long for, and of course it only happens after you already find him.
“Why do you people keep calling me Marc? I found a phone in my flat, I’m trying to figure out what on Earth it’s doing there.”
The fury faded out, but came back quickly. Marc told Steven absolutely nothing. Though you didn’t understand their situation, or their relationship, Steven was probably confused as hell.
“Y/n? Why are you a contact on the weird phone in my walls?”
A question you didn’t know how to answer.
“It’s a long story,” you said, internally sighing. “Did you call anyone else?”
“Just some lady named Layla. She called me Marc too. Kept yelling at me for being British. What am I supposed to do about that, change nationality?”
He laughed at his own joke, but you couldn’t bring yourself too.
If he called Layla, that meant she was almost undoubtedly tracking the phone. Which also meant that Marc would not be happy if she ended up in the middle of all this again.
“It’s alright Steven, I know her. She was probably just confused.”
There was a beat of silence, and you were certain you could hear Steven mumbling to himself (something about an annoying mirror).
“Alright then. If you’re sure."
"I'll see you tomorrow, Steven."
"Yeah, um, one quick question. What exactly does 'Cariño mean?"
"Cariño?" You paused a moment. It might overwhelm Steven slightly. You supposed it was more up to Marc than you, if there was a way for Marc to explain. "It's... just a term of endearment in Spanish."
You heard Steven hum. "Right, then. I'll see you tomorrow."
He hung up, the line going silent. You tossed the phone back into the drawer, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Sometimes I still wonder how you fell for a mortal.” Anubis’ voice echoed through the room along with a low-toned chuckle.
You sighed at the comment. Ever since marrying Marc, Anubis asked you that fairly constantly.
“Sometimes I do too,” you hummed in agreement. Marc had his moments, yes, and sometimes you did regret falling for a mortal.
But not because of who Marc is, only that your time with him was limited.
“It couldn’t be Ra?”
You sighed. This was a complaint you got… more often than you like to admit.
“He’s too absorbed with himself,” You waved Anubis off, settling down on the bed again. “And I hardly know what he’s saying half the time, he talks too fast.”
Anubis groaned slightly, that much you both could agree on. “Sekhmet?”
You chuckled, “I’m pretty sure she’d rip my head off before I suggested it. Have you seen her breathe fire?” She was nice enough when she wasn’t angry, but that was rare.
“Min! He was always nice,” Anubis lamented.
You rolled your eyes, “He can’t go a full conversation without flirting with someone. He’d cheat on me within the hour.”
Anubis at least had to agree with that. “Reshep then, he was quite a warrior.”
You raised a brow “Is he even around anymore? Besides, Qadesh would have a snake around my throat in seconds.” You shivered at the idea. Qadesh was always sweet, but that wasn’t someone you were up to testing.
Anubis huffed, the room falling silent for a moment. “I supposed the mortal will do.”
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He was alone in the flat, he knew that much. Unless he counted Fake Gus, which he wasn’t going to do.
“Hello?” Steven’s head whipped around, looking over his flat from his position.
Steven, you need to stop.
The voice was familiar. The kind of familiar that stings in the back of your mind, as if you aren’t quite sure where you know it from. Had he met them before? Maybe an old friend? A neighbor?
Neighbor, it had to be neighbor.
“Who said that?” He questioned, taking some weary steps toward the center of his flat. It wasn’t the cleanest, which made it hard to see if anyone was there.
You’re gonna get yourself in trouble. Don’t get him involved.
“Oh, no no no, mate,” Steven muttered, nervously chuckling. “Someone’s having a laugh.”
He looked into the mirror to his side, certain he saw his reflection glaring.
“Oh god, oh god.” When he focused, he could only see himself. No one else was there, no one else could be there.
Steven. Stop looking.
The voice was firm, as if speaking to an out of hand child. A pawn that had moved a step out of line.
He swung open the door, spotting nothing. He let out a heavy sigh, muttering ‘bloody hell’ under his breath.
The calm didn’t last long though.
It was taller than him. Much, much taller.
It stalked over him like a predator gazing at weak prey. As if it knew he was nothing more than an ant. And above all, it was fucking terrifying.
He could see through it’s skull, the large, cavernous eyes glaring through him. It looked surprisingly regal, even as it chased him down the halls, the overhead lights blinking rapidly.
It was a bird, that much was obvious. But it most certainly wasn’t alive.
The skin was completely missing, and it sported the body of a human being, a human much to tall to be… well, human.
He wanted to sob. He wanted to scream and run, and he found himself launching into the elevator, pinned to the back as it slowly stalked down the hall.
He made eye contact, or at least he thought he did. The empty sockets made it hard to tell where the creature was gazing.
He was preparing for whatever bony talons it had to come out and grab him when a woman appeared out of nowhere.
“Hold the door,” She said calmly. Thankfully she was close, because Steven had in no way processed her request.
“Thank you,” She offered, nodding at him nervously.
As his heart began to slow, he realized he was half on the ground, probably staring at the woman like she was mad.
“Hiya,” he said nervously, giving her a timid wave as he attempted to recompose himself.
“Hi,” she said, not looking at him for too long. “You alright?”
“Fine, thank you,” He reassured, trying not to let his voice crack. “Just… lost my contact lens.” He propped himself up, standing with the assistance of the rail behind him. Honestly, he was still dizzy from running with so much adrenaline pumping through him.
“Hope you find it.”
The ride was quiet and awkward, though Steven hoped the poor lady didn’t hate him despite how disheveled he was.
“Electrical problems in the building, innit?” He questioned, silently hoping someone besides him had seen everything earlier.
He was gather that the answer was no from how confused the woman looked. “Always the same, innit?” She nervously laughed, clearly uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Steven was just as uncomfortable, and he hardly noticed the way she shifted away from him.
“Are we back on the fifth floor?” Steven didn’t even remember going down. How long was he sitting in the elevator for?
“Yes the fifth,” The woman spoke as the doors opened. “My friend Claire lives here, I’m visiting her. She’s expecting me.”
She pounded on the door, waiting for someone to open it while repeatedly glancing at Steven as the elevator doors closed.
Steven would’ve felt worse it he was more focused. His heart was still beating fast, air still unable to stay in his lungs. As if he just couldn’t inhale enough.
The next day wasn’t much better.
He swore he spotted the skeletal bird again on his way to work. That and the man from his dream was following him.
He tried to brush it off, he really did. But even though he knew he sounded insane, he still asked J.B. not to let anyone in. Not that he agreed.
It wasn’t until he saw the man from the bus again that he truly freaked out.
Your day was less eventful so far. Donna had complimented another of your suits for the third time that day, Anubis was chatting about how he disliked Marc, and the museum was just as full as usual.
It wasn’t until you saw Harrow sneaking around that you thought anything was amiss.
You approached him without hesitation, hoping Steven wouldn’t spot him.
“Is this your brightest plan?” You questioned, looking over the odd group who seemed to linger by him, no doubt his followers. “You had to know I’d be here, or did I evade your sight?”
He looked slightly surprised, though you had to admit that he covered it well. If you were human you might’ve missed it. It seems he truly didn’t expect you there. Interesting.
“The half-god. Have I done something to upset you?” He questioned. Half was a techniq
“The half-god. Have I done something to upset you?” He questioned. Half was a technicality, but who was really keeping track at this point.
“Leave Steven out of this. He doesn’t have your scarab. Move on to whatever being you have murder next.”
Harrow only hummed at your words, opening his mouth to retort when another voice interrupted.
“Y/n…?” Steven’s meek voice drew your attention. He looked confused, as if he’d spent time gathering the courage just to say something. “Do… do you know him?”
You glared at Harrow, watching as he completely turned his back to you. A bold move.
“Not in a way that matters.”
“So you really do work here,” Harrow began, disrupting your conversation with Steven.
Steven mumbled something under his breath, nervously grasping at the strap of his bag.
“I assumed ‘Steven Grant’ was an alias. Imagine my surprise to find you here.” Part of you was pissed that Steven had to mention his actual name, though you knew Harrow would’ve found him either way.
“Ronnie!” Steven turned, trying to grab the attention of a nearby security guard. “This man right here has been following me, now, I don’t know if—”
Steven was cut off by the guard rolling up his sleeve, revealing a tattoo of balanced scales. “Praise Ammit.”
Steven looked surprisingly hurt, “Ronnie? You’re part of this?” He huffed at the lack of response, turning back to Harrow. “Mate, I don’t have your bloody beetle. I swear.”
That wasn’t exactly a lie, Steven didn’t have the beetle. The issue was that Marc did.
“Oh, no. The scarab doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to her.” Harrow gestured to a painted figure, the art chipping slightly. “Do you know Ammit?”
“Do I know Ammit? No, not personally,” Steven joked, growing increasingly uncomfortable when neither Harrow nor his men saw the humor. “Egyptian deity, right? World’s first bogerman.”
“She was only the ‘bogeyman’ for evildoers.” Harrow insisted.
“...right…” Steven mumbled, backing off a bit from the man in front of him.
“She grew weary of having to wait for sinners to commit their crime before punishing them. Would you wait to weed a garden until after the roses were dead?” Harrow took a threatening step forward, forcing Steven to take a step back.
He shook his head nervously, “I wouldn’t do that.”
“Ammit would wash the world with innocent blood and leave no one left,” You insisted. You didn’t know her well, you barely knew her at all, really. She was the second god to ever be condemned, right after your father.
“Until a person commits an evil act, they’re innocent,” You explained. “Besides, what about the guilty who have innocent children? Ammit would destroy innocent children and family lines without a second thought. Or do you believe those innocent children should be tortured simply for having an ‘evil’ parent?”
Harrow turned to you now, though he didn’t let his sight fully leave Steven.
“Of course not. Ammit only punishes those who deserve it.” His words were hardly true. “The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives. Past, present, and future.”
He turned back to Steven, watching the man nervously nod in agreement, whispering a quiet “got it”.
“She knows what we’ve done,” Harrow insisted, his voice growing more firm. “What we will do.”
“Great, okay. Well, the books must’ve left that part out.” You admired Steven for joking, but with how frightened he looked, you weren’t sure he was joking.
“Consider this, had Ammit been free, she would’ve prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought,” Harrow’s voice grew louder, gesturing out as he stepped forward. Steven stepped back, avoiding the man as best he could.
“Nero, the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot.”
“Not nice people.” At this point Steven was running on pure survival instinct, though you hoped he knew you wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Not until you were long dead.
“But she was betrayed.”
“Was she,” Steven questioned, looking around for a way out.
“By indolent fellow gods.” Harrow turned to you with aggression. You didn’t regret anything of course, Ammit was a danger. It was all a blur really, after Set was taken out of the Annead, Anubis took his place. He had done most of the heavy lifting. Ammit most likely blamed you too, though. “By her own avatar.”
Now that you remembered. Alexander the Great. Admittedly, he was pretty great.
“‘Avatar’, blue people. Love that film.” Steven clutched his bag closer, more frantic about leaving. You took a step closer, ready to jump in the second Harrow tried anything.
“By Avatar, what I mean—”
“You mean the anime?”
“Steven. Stop it.”
Steven froze, his voice fading before he spoke softly. “Are you going to kill me?”
“He won’t touch you,” You reassured, reminding Harrow of your presence.
“It’s maddening, isn’t it. The voice in your head. Relentless, forever unsatisfied.” Harrow likely meant Khonshu, but with Marc in his head, Steven was overwhelmed. “No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell. And the more you ask for help, the more you begin to sound like the boy who cried wolf.”
Steven had calmed ever so slightly, though he still reminded you of a frightened cat preparing to run. “I can’t help you,” He shook his head rapidly, as if trying to convince Harrow.
“I am trying to help you.”
“Don’t pretend.” Your eyes narrowed, watching Harrow like a hawk stalking its prey.
“I saw you kill that woman in the Alps.” Steven said as firmly as he could manage, taking a small step toward you.
“I only told her what millions more will soon learn.”
“They don’t need to learn,” You argued back, your tone firm. If anything, you’d prefer Harrow to focus on you instead of Steven. But Marc was at the center of everything, and as far as Harrow knew, they were one and the same.
“Do you want to know the truth?” Harrow firmly grabbed Steven’s arm, bringing his forearms forward.
“Don’t you touch him Harrow,” You said, stepping closer.
Almost immediately, you were grabbed by two other people. They held onto your forearms, subtly, but firmly. It was enough for any outsiders to think you were just a weird group of friends. It was for the best really, the last thing you needed was civilians getting involved.
Harrow’s arms gripped Steven’s tightly, the dark scale tattoo shifting.
Steven was innocent, that much you knew. But by Ammit’s standards? Marc wasn’t. And you had no idea how she’d assess them.
“...there’s chaos in you.” Harrow’s words were quiet, you barely heard them from a few feet away.
“There’s what?” Steven questioned, expression turning serious.
You sighed, deciding you’d had enough. No, you didn’t feel like explaining magical powers to the police, but it was worth the risk.
Dark particles swirled around your hands, golden specks littered throughout them.
You sent out a pulse of energy, forcing your captor’s hands away from your wrists.
Harrowed turned around to face you, realizing you were a more prevalent threat. You nodded to Steven, who thankfully got your message and left.
You kept the energy covering your hands, a silent threat to everyone around you.
“You know I’m not one to anger gods,” Harrow began.
He was riding a thin line with you. Though a small percentage, you were still part human. But as the son of Set… well… people didn’t tend to mess with the son of evil incarnate.
The real question was how far Harrow was willing to go… how far he’d test the little protection Ammit offered.
None of the gods would defend her, and you doubted they’d defend him. But Harrow wasn’t known for being reasonable.
“You of all people should understand,” Harrow claimed. “Isn’t your title the ‘God of Balance’? With Set gone, they need a demigod to replace him.” Though, technically, he hadn’t said anything wrong, you felt defensive nonetheless. Bringing up your father wasn’t a good route for anyone to take.
“If you know me, then you know damn well I’m not a fan of Ammit.” You knew Ammit remembered you. She had to.
“Perhaps,” Harrow relented. “But I know you understand her.”
Harrow stepped back, waving off the rest of his followers. As much as you wanted to argue, you were happy to see him go.
The only thing that made you freeze up, was when you caught Steven’s eye in the doorway.
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tags: @queenofthekill @bigdog310 @yumeillu @annoyingmarvelreader @flaminbread @howlingmoonaite @kr-mlk @zayisbored @sl33pyt1r3 @pshhbam @spicydonut25 @dilf-licker @what-the-heckin-heck @murdickdocked @some-times-funny @manlypinky @silvercrescentwolf @winxschester @vlktorheartssage @ravenqueen27
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amnyatas · 7 months
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anyway Throckmorton is Finn and all his mounts are dyed yellow for Jake!
got the robo arm and the leafblade 'cause i couldn't decide on an arm and just went for both. woulda done the outfit for the shorts and short sleeves but i needed a hat and arm, y'know?
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marcspectrr · 2 years
I like to think Jake got a door too.
I was reading a line of @betweenthescarletmoon 's writing and it got me to thinking about the systems memories. In Asylum, Marc's organizing principle presents itself as a psychiatric hospital, with all of the doors holding his memories.
We get the night he saved Steven from the jackal in the museums bathroom and the day of Wendy's shiva.
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We also get the cafeteria filled with all of Marc's victims.
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But it's not just his memories. Some doors belong to Steven, like the night he changed the sky.
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At the point in the episode where Steven escaped Marc and is reliving his memory of the day Roro died, we see Marc anxiously pacing the halls, checking door after door. He then comes up to one door that stops him in his tracks. He freezes, startles, staring at the face of his mother.
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Except up until now, we haven't seen her in this light. This is different from the woman we saw in the backyard, the woman who's happily cooking for her family, who lightly scolds Marc for teasing his little brother, who makes sure they're careful when they leave to go play.
Here, she's framed, for the first time, as a threat. Cold and disconnected. Instilling actual fear into Marc, to the point he can't physically move. And if you believe Jake was created as a result of Wendy's abuse, born at a time where she started to become a threat towards Marc, I don't feel like this door holds Marc's memory of her, instead it holds Jake's.
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Right after this, we see Marc turn towards another door, this time holding a memory with Wendy as no longer this motherly, loving figure. She yells, she screams, the shift in dynamic very prominent.
(I wanna say the door with her staring out was one of the only doors they don't end up going into but I'm pretty sure this shot was a hint at the deleted confrontation scene with Marc and Steven we were supposed to get in the last episode. Regardless. I feel like Jake easily could've been the one who spent the most time around Wendy when things got bad, leading to this particular memory of her. We know she knows about Steven so this could even be a memory that Jake made sure to keep from Marc, one where she is particularly vocal about Steven's existence.)
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isa-ah · 1 year
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new guy. jake time
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branchedman · 1 year
art talking about how all of his characters have terrible coping mechanisms i feel so called out rn
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Moon Knightober Day 8: Jackal. 
Jake thinks they are nice doggos. He is trying to figure out how to lure it home and hide it from Steven and Marc. Jake no. You can’t keep that in your cab. 
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Jackal (#8 MKtober)
Where...how....but just...WHAT?!
Is it going to eat us? 'Cause those blokes have some wide jaws.
"It hasn't yet," Jake replied smugly, lying back on the bed with a whistle. "Here boy." There was a snarl before something landed beside Jake, who just reached over without a flinch. A jackal, a bloody jackal, lets out what would be similar to a dog's croon as Jake scratches behind one of its ears, and leans into his touch. It would be almost comical if Steven hadn't nearly died to one before, and Marc was just astonished as he was terrified as the thing just...lapped up Jake's attention.
You do know we can't house that thing here, right?
"Khonshu said I could summon her when I want."
I'm sorry her?
"Si, her. I call her Marcine." Jake smirked, and Steven begins to howl with laughter somewhere in their shared mind.
I'm going to kill Layla for giving you that idea.
"No you won't."
Marc sighed, watching the jackal just wriggle around on the bed as Jake happily entertained her.
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delcakoo2 · 2 years
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ema’s fic rec’s ₊˚⏃⊹!
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i decided to make a lil’ masterlist of fics i thoroughly enjoyed for you guys to also read and support these amazing authors <3 make sure to give them lots of feedback and love; do not be a silent reader T-T! also, there will be no social media aus or smut in any fics below. have fun!!
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⚠︎ yang jungwon:
http-do-you-luv-me? ★!!! (16k, jock won, e2l, f, a)
i have reread this masterpiece countless times and it’s p much my comfort fic T-T i could rant about it forever, even if u dont read enha/longfics just read RNNN, all time fav fs <3
for any price ★ (9.4k, assassin won, f, a)
saw assassin and clicked immediately jshsjs, very unique and exciting!! plus yeonjun is featured.. *stares*
in your dreams ★ (10k, dreamwatcher? won, e2l, f, a)
you cannot find any other fic like this one, very creative idea and has a bit of everything !!
love that blooms (demigod au, f)
chasin’ your pretty thoughts (22k, mindreader won, f, a)
lost cause (8.5k, classmate won, f, a)
would you be so kind? (3.7k, classmate won, f)
crepuscule (11.5k, vampire won, f, a)
closer (4.7k, ravenclaw won, f, a)
war tactics and kisses (demigod au, f)
attention, please! (9k, jock won, f, a)
⚠︎ lee heeseung:
always been you (16.5k, badboy/bestfriend hee, f)
my camp counselor is kinda hot (demigod au, f)
attention, please! (8k, jock hee, f, a)
⚠︎ park jay:
study lessons (12.3k, jock jay, f, a)
⚠︎ sim jake:
none for now <\3
⚠︎ park sunghoon:
the 7th sense (10.3k, dragon hoon, f, a)
marriage discount (2k, fake dating, f)
reasons to date (2.8k, classmate/friend hoon, f)
enchanted (3k+ ongoing series, prince hoon, f)
⚠︎ kim sunoo:
none for now <\3
⚠︎ nishimura riki:
sixteen eighty-five ★! (6k, e2l jock/newsclub riki, f, a)
another all time fav, everything about it is just what i enjoy in a fic and i could reread it over and over <33 niki is so mean but then so nice it’s just auhsjs aww
dear bus-noona ★ (0.8k, stranger riki, f)
i barely read short drabbles, but this was absolutely adorable and had me laughing and smiling even with just 800 words <3
kitty got your tongue (14.6k, assassin riki, f, a)
sucks to be you, sleepyhead (demigod au, e2l f)
all i want for christmas is you (5.4k, e2l, fake dating, f)
attention, please! (10.8k, jock riki, e2l, f, a)
lucky charm (2.6k, classmate riki, e2l, f)
behind the net! (9.8k, jock riki, team manager reader, e2l, f, a, plugging my own fic cuz why not)
⚠︎ ot7:
silenced ★! (20k+, zombie apocalypse series)
i just love apocalypse aus so when i found this i KNEW i’d love it <3 the boys are all so loveable and unique in their own ways and mc is so chill but also a badass <3 very high recommend!!!!
⚠︎ choi yeonjun:
steal my heart (19.6k, royal + arranged marriage au, f, a)
i said “why won’t you forget?” (2.7k, runaway beomjun, f, a)
mr. vice president (7.3k, frenemies/academic rival yeonjun, f, a)
⚠︎ choi soobin:
actions have consequences (4k, lifeguard au, f, a)
⚠︎ choi beomgyu:
the prince and the jackal ★!! (11.8k natureprince gyu, f)
AAH ANOTHER ALL TIME FAV, i could talk about it forever, but it’s just so unique and close to my heart and the bantering is so cute, idc if u dont read txt read rn it’s amazing <3
the only exception ★ (12.4k, stranger gyu, f)
this fic is just so warm and homely? it made me smile lots T-T
i said “why won’t you “forget?” (2.7k, runaway beomjun, f, a)
favor (4k+ twoshot, classmate gyu, f, a)
⚠︎ kang taehyun:
none yet <\3
⚠︎ huening kai:
none yet <\3
EXTRA ! (i don’t read bts anymore, but i wanted to include these since they’re still favs of mine!)
so you wanna be the best ★ (8.1k, POKEMON TRAINER JUNGKOOK! f)
I GREW UP WITH POKEMON, DIGIMON ALL THAT. so when i saw this??? i genuinely screamed this. one is vv close to my heart <3
lifeguard ★ (12.6k, lifeguard jungkook, f)
this fic will get you to giggle at least once, istg one of the funniest fics i’ve read it is HILARIOUS i’m not over jk putting sunscreen on mcs back and her thinking it was tae the whole time T-T
thank you for reading!! again, make sure to give the authors lots of love :D
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Burden of Truth
Father Figure! Marc Spector x Teen! Non-binary! Reader Father Figure! Steven Grant x Teen! Non-binary! Reader Mother Figure! Layla El-Faouly x Teen! Non-binary! Reader
Eventual! Father Figure! Jake Lockley x Teen! Non-binary! Reader
Book 1:
Follows the Events of Season One
Prologue: On the Precipice
Chapter One: In the Alps
Chapter Two: In the Flat
Chapter Three: To the Neighborhood
Chapter Four: In the Discussion
Chapter Five: Against the Jackal
Chapter Six: Across Cairo
Chapter Seven: Inside the Pyramid
Chapter Eight: To Mogart
Chapter Nine: In the Skies
Chapter Ten: Into the Tunnels
Chapter Eleven: At the Sarcophagus
Chapter Twelve: During the Ritual
Chapter Thirteen: Against Harrow and Ammit
Chapter Fourteen: After the Battle
Chapter Fifteen: In a New Chapter
Pride Specials: 2024
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
The Jackal and the Bird | Prologue
summary: your life as a demigod (and friend of Anubis) is fairly normal. that is, until you spot your husband at a museum... insisting his name is steven... and saying he doesn't even remember you. and to top it all off, some guy is trying to help a giant crocodile kill some people. great.
(t/w): m/m, violence, cursing
for m/nblm, no fem aligned
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Your house was completely silent, save for the soft patter of rain on your windows.
Even though it was 3 am and storming, you could still hear the sound of distant cars honking. London was like New York in that way, it never truly slept.
You were stuck in your own head, blocking out the sounds of the world.
“You must leave soon,” A voice called, breaking the enjoyable quiet. “There are souls to carry over.”
The voice was deep, so deep it rumbled through your chest. The first time you’d heard it, it had startled you, but now you’d grown accustomed to it.
You sighed. In some ways, you hated your job.
Not your normal job, of course. Collecting and studying ancient artifacts was your passion.
No. You hated your night job.
“Who is it this time?” You questioned, standing up from your couch. You were still dressed for your day job, having been too tired to bother changing once you came home. The National Art Museum in London had just released an exhibit on the Ennead, and since you were the only curator, it had taken up a lot of your time.
“Two young women. Set to die in their homes.” The voice didn’t sound sad, despite the grim topic. You knew it wasn’t a lack of empathy, he was just so used to witnessing death. You too had grown numb to it, though watching souls pass on had never gotten easier.
“I take it they don’t go peacefully,” You assumed, slipping off your blazer.
“Do they ever?”
No. They didn’t.
You took a deep breath, summoning your suit.
As Anubis’ avatar, your suit was centered around jackals. Your golden eyes were the only thing visible in the dark night sky. The rest of your outfit was black, save for the ankh in the middle of your chest. Pieces of your suit flowed like dark mummy wrappings, moving with the wind. Though your eyes were sometimes obscured by your hood, they were usually enough to terrify your targets.
Your suit was always empowering. Something about the look of fear in those you passed judgment on would send a rush of adrenaline through you. It was both frightening and incredible.
After a moment or two, you walked over to your window, sliding it open and closing it behind you, clinging onto the side of your apartment (perhaps apartment wasn’t the right word, maybe penthouse).
You jumped onto the roof of the next building with ease. After only a second, Anubis appeared beside you, holding his staff topped with an ankh.
The god was much taller than you, likely twice your height. His clothing was dark, and he wore a similar hood to yours. The only non-human part of him, besides his height, was his jackal head. Even with his purely golden eyes, you could tell he was staring off into the night.
Black curls of wrappings floated off him, as if he was one of the mummies he watched over. Besides his eyes, the golden ankh in the center of his chest was the only sign of color. It glinted in the moonlight, much like the same symbol on your chest.
You inhaled deeply, taking in London’s night air. It wasn’t nearly as clean as the remote corners of the world you’d been to, but it was better than your stuffy apartment.
“You must be careful. I smell a bird…” Anubis’ nose twitched as if someone had swiped a feather below it.
You crane your head up to look him in the eyes, tilting your head.
“A bird?” You questioned. “Did Thoth choose an avatar? I thought he was still in Egypt, he hates working with humans.”
Thoth was one of the few other gods you’d ever had contact with. He didn’t like humans very much, usually regarding them as having lower intelligence. Since he was the god of wisdom, he wasn’t really wrong.
“I’m not certain, the smell is faint.”
You sighed. Sometimes you wished things could be easy.
“Do you think he’ll interfere?” You didn’t think you were ready for another discussion with Thoth. Somehow, the god always seemed condescending. Sure, he was smarter than just about anyone, but you still didn’t like being talked down to by an overgrown bird.
“He may, old friend.” Anubis huffed. “We will need to watch for him.”
You nodded, watching as Anubis vanished into sand on the night air.
You hopped from rooftop to rooftop with ease, heading toward the location of your next targets.
A skill of yours was sensing those who would die soon. Finding soon-to-be-dead souls was a talent you wish you didn’t have.
Sometimes you’d see them on the street, their souls out of place in the crowds. You always went out of your way to be nice to them, but there wasn’t any way you could help. Sadly, death was inevitable. Even if you helped them dodge their set death, fate would find another way to kill them.
It didn’t make it any less heartbreaking.
The innocent souls of the world may not have had anyone to help, but you and Anubis would make sure they carried onto the field of reeds.
You landed on the roof of your target building soon after.
You slid open a window, landing on the wooden floor quietly.
It was a fairly modern apartment, nothing impressive, but definitely wealthier than most. It smelled like the various flowers that decorated the room, sitting in vases around you.
But what stuck with you most, was the screaming.
Actually, ‘begging’ was a better word.
It was a woman, likely younger than you, pleading with an unknown figure. You could hear it in the living room, coming from one of the other open doors, presumably the bedroom.
Her voice cracked every few seconds, interrupted by her sobs. Your heart broke for her, though you knew you couldn’t help.
You heard the sound of glass breaking, and a shrill scream, followed by more crying.
You inhaled deeply, using one of the skills Anubis granted you.
The gift (or curse) of being a fly on the wall. A rush of warmth spread through your body as you stepped into the bedroom, completely unsensed by those around you. Even though they couldn’t see you, you’d still have to be careful not to make any noise.
Two women were on the ground, one’s head in the lap of the other. You didn’t need to be Anubis’ avatar to see that she was fading fast.
A large wound covered her stomach, and bright red blood pooled onto the floor, barely visible in the lamp-lit room.
“Simone… please…”
You could hear the other woman’s quiet pleas, holding the other, who was presumably Simone, close to her chest. She was attempting to talk, begging for someone named Anne (who you assumed was the other girl) to run. She wasn’t strong enough to speak above a quiet whisper. You doubted even Anne could hear her.
“You can’t leave me,” Anne said firmly, grasping Simone’s face with a gentleness you recognized. You held Marc the same way. Your heart broke just a little more for them.
Simone was dying quickly. You could feel her soul fading, slowly pulled by Anubis’ power. Anne was injured as well. Though it wasn’t enough to kill her, you knew it would be a matter of time.
You could hear heavy footsteps approaching, and it seemed Anne heard the same thing.
She stood up, quickly and quietly rushing to shut the door, but a man dressed in all black reached it first, forcing it open. Anne stepped back, standing in front of Simone.
You could sense her fear. It ran through her veins like a drug. But you could also sense her determination. She would go down swinging, you could tell.
“Was wonderin’ where you got to,” The man laughed. He had an American accent, his voice gruff and harsh. “That bitch dead yet?” He gestured to Simone, who was slipping away ever faster. She likely had less than a few minutes now.
“Don’t you talk about her like that,” Anne spoke firmly, staring the man down. The fear in her body started to waver, turning to pure anger.
Another man walked in behind him. “Quit talking. We need to go, she probably called the cops.”
The other man, as if he only just realized that, nodded and moved forward.
He took out a knife, glinting in the low light of the room.
He slashed at Anne, and she stepped back quickly. You could see it had cut her shirt, but she seemed unharmed.
She swung up her leg, kicking him in the face and knocking him to the ground.
You were impressed. Her kick was messy and she nearly fell over after, so it was obvious she had no fight training. But you could respect someone like her.
The man’s knife had clattered to the floor with him, and Anne picked it up, quickly stabbing the man in the neck. It wasn’t his jugular, but she dug it in deep, taking it out and stabbing again. She was just about to do it a third time when a shot rang out.
She could only shakily look down as blood poured from her own neck, dripping down onto the floor. She looked over to Simone, falling to the ground with her.
“I give him one damn job,” The other man muttered, hooking his pistol back up to his thigh.
The man on the floor was choking, blood pouring from his neck and mouth.
“Have fun with that,” The one in the doorway said, walking back through the house.
You sped in front of him, finally releasing your camouflage and staring at him.
Once he turned a corner, he jumped at the sight of you before him, a dark mask with golden eyes staring him down. You could feel fear sting his mind, but he pushed it away.
“The hell are you? One of those hero freaks?” He unstrapped his gun, pointing it at your head.
“Far from it.”
His eyes narrowed as he fired. The bullet bounced off your mask, not even scratching it. He looked surprised, firing several more bullets in succession.
You sighed. They never caught on that bullets wouldn’t work.
You simply walked up to him, enduring his fire until, finally, his clip ran out.
Your hand wrapped around his neck, cutting off his airflow.
“May Anubis judge you harshly.”
Clamping your hand down, you heard a loud snap. You dropped him to the ground, feeling Anubis drag his soul away with no further words.
You made your way back to the bedroom. The first man was standing up now, staggering to the door while holding his wound. He met your eyes when you walked in, and fear spread through him like wildfire.
“May your soul be condemned to the sands,” You said firmly, whipping out a golden ankh from your chest and using the sharp end to slice through his jugular. More blood fell from his throat and he collapsed almost immediately. Anubis dragged him away.
You finally turned to the two women, both now lying dead on the cold floor. You sighed. This part of your job was always the saddest.
You reached into their bodies, pulling their souls from their corpses.
Even their souls were afraid when they saw you, but Anne seemed to calm after looking over you.
“Are you the reaper? Death, I mean.”
You considered her question. “In some ways, yes, I am.”
She nodded. Simone was staring at Anne, tears sparkling in her eyes.
“You should’ve run.” She said, one hand covering her mouth as she tried not to cry. Guilt raged through her.
“I wasn’t leaving you.” Anne said, her voice unwavering.
“It is alright,” You reassured. “You will have time to talk in the field of reeds.”
“The what?” Simone questioned.
You didn’t answer, simply resting a hand on them. “May Anubis judge you kindly.”
They dissipated into mist, their spirits fading from the world.
You slipped into the night, far too ready to return home.
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Marc was confused.
Marc was very confused.
According to Khonshu two murderers and thieves they’d been tracking had just landed in London. They picked a fairly standard house as their target, and it was the perfect time to end them.
But now that he stood in the home, four bodies littered the floor.
“The hell happened here?” He asked, looking over two women, one with a bullet wound and the other one stabbed.
Khonshu sat on an armchair in the corner.
“It smells like a mutt,” The god said angrily.
Marc’s mask faded as he somehow looked even more confused.
“The dog is nearby, I can smell him,” Khonshu said, as if it was meant to clarify.
“Yeah, that doesn’t explain anything,” Marc commented, looking over to the man with throat wounds on the floor. His blood was puddled around the room, as if he’d staggered from place to place before finally giving up.
“The Jackal, Death,” Khonshu began. “Anubis’ jackal is likely near. You must be careful with him, he is not a man to be trifled with or underestimated.”
“Another avatar?” Marc was slightly curious.
Khonshu sighed, as if he was already tired of explaining. “He is not simply an avatar, like humans would be. He is the son of Set, but he spends far too much time around Anubis.” It was easy to tell the god had some animosity toward Anubis, for whatever reason.
“So basically two more gods just interrupted our mission?” Marc questioned. “If they’re so good at this why don’t you get a team up or something? Send them a list of the people I’m supposed to hunt down,” Marc suggested, thankful he wouldn’t have to add more bodies to his count that night.
“They have rules and methods that must be followed. They do not just kill, they condemn the wicked for eternity. And they’re very picky about receiving help.”
Marc paused for a second, nearly laughing despite the blood under his feet. “All I’m hearing is that you tried to get in on their operation and they said they’re too cool for you.”
Khonshu was silent for a moment, forcing a smile and a scoff from Marc. “If that is how you would like to say it, yes.” Khonshu agreed.
Marc left the bedroom, stepping over the second man’s body in the doorway. He slipped out a window without another word.
At least his hands were clean tonight.
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cure-typhoon · 3 months
what animal do u associate to each kid or troll. like u see this animal and r like yup thats [blank].
HMMM okey theres like certain animals the characters are already established as, but i dont totally agree with all of them
Beta kids and Alpha Kids:
June and Jane - Okey everyone says bunny for June and i understand why but idk I preffer a cameleon or a lizard and the bunny for Jane or maybe a bull for her, yeah i think that fits
Rose and Roxy - Yeah yeah theyre cat people and whatever but i always imagined as Roxy as a Fox and Rose as an owl lol or a black puma or like those scotish round cats
Dave and Dirk: Dave is those little birds that i see around where i live (sparrows?) and Dirk is a peacock
Jade and Jake - I dont have any creative one for Jade, i mean she is totally a dog but also a wolf or a coyote and Jake HMMMMM hyena (dont ask idk why) or like....parrot or white cockatoo
Beta Trolls and Alpha Trolls:
Karkat and Kankri: crabs, like there has never been a more crab character than karkat, he is a king crab, spiky boi. kankri is a spider crab
Aradia and Damara: Bighorn sheeps for both but also this one for Godtier Aradia
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Tavros and Rufioh: Buffalos
Sollux and Mituna: why bees, like i get it but whyy. they are this
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Nepeta and Meulin: Nepeta is a Tiger and Meulin is a Lion
Kanaya and Porrim: the fucking fluffiest moth i cant recall the name and Porrim is a moon moth
Terezi and Latula: Dragonfly for both of them
Vriska and Aranea: IM NOT LOOKING FOR SPECIFIC SPIDERS theyre both wolf to me, well Vriska is a Wolf and Aranea is a Jackal
Equius and Horuss: this fuckers
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Gamzee and Kurloz: EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT THEM bdkadn
They're both clownfish no i won't apologize
Eridan and Cronus: Cronus is an electric eel and Eridan is a whale or a dolphin, maybe a pelican
Feferi and Meenah: Feferi is a jellyfish and Meenah is a Mantaray
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onbearfeet · 3 months
Kat watches Moon Knight
Okay, so with the encouragement of several people on here and the emotional support of my roommate, I have finally (in February 2024) started watching Moon Knight, a show whose basic concept scares the shit out of me.
Context: I had an adopted older brother with DID. Note that I said "had". That's past tense because life treated him so appallingly poorly that he died (horribly, in prison) when I was 19. Part of that abuse was enabled by pop-culture depictions of DID in the 1980s and 90s that convinced everyone who knew about his condition (including the court system) that he was a walking time bomb.
One of my earliest memories is of my brother as a young adult, playing Super Mario Bros with my toddler self. Another is of him patiently teaching me how to make friends with a large dog. I never met any of his alters, afaik; I was small and cute and safe for him to be himself with, so he probably didn't need them around me. He was a profoundly gentle man when he was allowed, and it hurt like hell to see him turned into a monster in movies and on TV. I've turned off a lot of "psychological thrillers" in sorrow and disgust.
Ironically, I loved Moon Knight comics as a kid in the 90s, BEFORE he was retconned to have DID circa the mid-2000s. Because those comics came out right after my brother died in 2002 and leaned HARD into making people with DID seem like violently unstable monsters (for reference, see the cover of Moon Knight: God and Country), I stopped reading them around 2008, when I couldn't take being poked in the trauma by a comfort character anymore.
But I do love Werewolf By Night, and there's been a lot of good fic mashing Jack up with Moon Knight without dehumanizing anyone, and several people have encouraged me to try the show. So this post will be a place for my thoughts as I try to work my way through with my Essential Editions in one hand and my memories of my brother in the other. I'll add to it as I watch.
If this entertains the Moon Knight fandom or provides useful fic reference, so be it. Just don't be jerks on my post.
Also, anyone who chooses to be shitty about my brother will be eaten by bears. I don't make the rules.
Episode 1
Okay, we open with Steven as our POV character, and he's...convinced he's a sleepwalker. All right, not terrible. Steven is now a bumbling nerd, which is probably an improvement; good luck making a billionaire playboy sympathetic in the 2020s. Jake would be the logical everyman POV from the comics, but I understand from fic that he's got a different role now. I'm confused about the accent, but it's only episode 1, and Steven clearly doesn't yet know who Khonshu is, or that Marc exists, so obviously there's a ways to go here. (Is Marc ... undercover inside Steven? Ugh, this is a trope I have seen and do not like.)
Did Marc kill Steven's fish? Did Khonshu kill Steven's fish? I'm baffled by the fish. Which is a nice break from the larger anxiety. I'm gonna try to worry more about the fish.
The bits with Steven losing time and finding himself in odd situations were distressingly close to the old tropes, but both of those happened to my brother, so I'm not going to bitch about them quite yet. I want to be as fair as I can.
Oh, hey, I recognize Harrow from the comics. What up, dude. How's the cult biz treating you?
The end of the episode, with the jackal thing chasing Steven into the bathroom, came RIGHT up to the line for me. I realized that what I was most afraid of was that the story would assign "good" and "bad" labels to the alters--make Steven the sweet, innocent one and Marc (or maybe Jake, I guess) the monstrous killer. The early flashes of Steven covered in blood didn't really help allay that anxiety. And now Marc is demanding that Steven let him have control in a pretty threatening manner. But so far, it seems like the contrast between Marc and Steven is one of competence--Marc is better at fighting and Steven is better at ... panicking? Unclear. At least Oscar Isaac is playing the protagonist, so his character(s) might remain sympathetic. Nobody has been monsterized quite yet.
I finished the episode with every muscle in my body locked up, waiting for the emotional punch in the face. But I did finish it, and I think I'm gonna try episode two.
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ivonhart · 10 months
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the moon | steven grant x fem werewolf!reader
+ marc spector & jake lockley
— chapter two
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cross posted on ao3
gif credit: @paper-n-ashes
summary: You've always hated the moon. Hated the way it made your body bend and break into a new form every month. Hated the way it tied you to one of the many gods of it. But you couldn't hate what the moon connected you to…who it connected you to.
a/n: Expect slower updates because I'm getting stuff sorted out for my new job which is taking up a good chunk of energy and that doesn't even include personal hardships. Any and all patience and understanding would be greatly appreciated.
As you sat across the street from the museum entrance, watching as the last remaining workers file their way out you couldn’t help the anxiety filling your chest. With each passing minute the scars that coated the inside of your arm grew more and more agitated. Your sharp nails racked up and down across the skin, causing the blood vessels to pop. Something was wrong. Normally, Steven would be making his way out but today was different. “YOU DOG!”
The sudden voice of Khonshu caused you to yelp. Your ears slightly ringing from the volume of his yell. “What are you still doing out here, hmm?” A confused expression passed your face as you looked up at him. “What are you talking about?” You said while a small wince as you stood up. Your knees popping back into place from staying dormant for a long period of time.
“First the parasite woke up during Marc’s mission for the Scarab, completely messing it up, and now Harrow is after him because he told him his name.” The mention of the man’s previous Avatar made your eyes blow wide and without another look at the god, you raced across the street.
“Give me the Scarab and you won’t be torn apart.” A low growl left the lips of the wolf making her way through the museum. Her nose zeroed in on the familiar scent that surrounded the human. “FindStevenFindStevenFindSteven.” It’s all the wolf could think as her giant paws slide across the tile floors. That’s when a loud scream bounced around the museum walls. Her ears flicked back and forth in order to locate which way it came from. “FindSteven.” Find. Find. Find. That’s all the human told her to do. Find Steven.
Steven’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it. A wolf at least seven feet tall with black fur devoid of any color aside from the large glowing white eyes and crescent moon on its forehead. Steven was too entranced, and scared, by the wolf that he didn’t realize the Jackal was right on top of him until it was too late.
The impact from the monster sent Steven sliding across the tile before dumping up against a podium, smacking his head in the process. Despite his unfocused eyes, the man still knew that the thing was racing towards him once more with its jaws wide open.
However, before the creature would wrap its mouth around his head, the black wolf slammed straight into it. Both bodies smashed into a glass case, causing it to explode. As Steven’s eyes became steady and the ringing in his ears faded he took note of a wet sound. Slowly, the man rose to his feet and what he saw across the room made his legs almost buckle once more.
The wolf tearing apart the monster’s body with crazed movements. The once polished white floors got draped over by the quickly growing pool of blood and entrails. Steven couldn’t hold back his screech at the sight which caused the wolf’s head to snap towards him once more. Bile rose into his throat when he saw the blood and flesh dripping from the animal’s mouth.
“StevenStevenStevenSteven.” Her voice muttered over and over again within the wolf’s mind. Slowly, the wolf turned from the body but before she could do anything else she watched the man sprint towards a bathroom.
“MakeSureHeIsSaf–LookForMor–SafeSafeSafe.” The voice blended together in a mix of thoughts, causing the wolf to go after Steven. Unfortunately, before the wolf could make her way towards the bathroom, another Jackal jumped from behind the corner and sent its claws into her side.
The moment Marc exited the bathroom in his armor he was immediately at your side after defeating the last monster. The black fur falling from your body, leaving you in a pool of her blood and fur. When his hand grazed your shoulder, you released a low groan as you rolled on to your back. You always hated the aftermath of changing, the wear and tear on your joints caused them to lock up.
“Come on. Up you go.” Marc said softly, his hand barely touching your back as he helped you stand. “I’m really feeling this one, Marc.” You said through a wince. Your hand holding your side where the Jackal attacked your wolf. Despite your advanced healing granted from the armor Khonshu begrudgingly gave you, the injuries sustained by the wolf would occasionally travel bodies. Leaving your more fragile bones to hold the aches and pains.
The moment the two of you entered your apartment, the air grew tense. The man stood stiff next to your couch while you allowed the armor to disappear from your body, leaving you bare while you made your way to your closest. “Why didn’t you tell me what happened during the mission, Marc?”
Your question cut through the growing tension, almost making the man flinch. “I didn’t know he gave Harrow his name. I had it handled before he–” You were quick to cut him off. “NO!” The yell followed you as you stomped out from your room to where Marc was. Now dressed in casual wear.
“No, you weren’t handling it. None of this…” You gestured to the man. “...is handled. You told me you would keep him out of harm's way but since her death he has been fronting more and more even during times you don’t want and that leads to him being in danger.”
You knew mentioning her was a sore subject but you had to get your point across. No matter how tight your heart squeezed when you watched the man drop his head. “You can’t keep me in the dark here.” You took a step closer. “I can’t protect Steven if I don’t know what is going on. And if I can’t protect Steven then he would get hurt which, in turn, would hurt you.” A long sigh left your mouth.
“And I can’t have you hurt.” Underneath his curls, Marc’s eyes widened ever so slightly before he shook it off. “Look…” He said your name. “...I didn’t want you to worry about Steven getting mixed up in all of this.”
A low growl clawed its way up your throat as anger boiled inside you. Why couldn’t Marc understand? “HE’S ALREADY IN THIS!” You pointed at the man who had trouble holding your piercing gaze. “I don’t understand why you won’t tell him. It’s the only way to keep you both safe.”
“Not telling him will keep him saf–” Once more you cut Marc off with a scoff. “Yeah, you’re sure doing a good job with that, huh? It’s not like Steven juST GOT CHASED BY JACKALS!” Each word brought you closer to the man and each word made Marc’s chest grow tighter and tighter.
“Do you even know the effect all of this has on Steven? He’s been making a life for himself and because you are so stubborn and won’t show yourself, the guy thinks he's losing his mind!” Your finger jammed into his chest as you, unintentionally, delivered the words that would send Marc over the edge.
“It’s going to be all your fault if something happens to him!” It was as if something flipped inside Marc’s head which caused him to start smashing his palms into his head. “NO! NO! NO!” Any anger you once felt washed away as your eyes grew wide.
Quickly, you grabbed the man’s wrists and spoke. Confusion and fear filling your body as you did. “Marc? Marc I’m sor–” His eyes snapped to yours and instantly rolled back. You knew what was happening…you've seen it before.
But not like this…not this close. You were quick to move his body to the couch and step away. Suddenly, Steven’s eyes shot open; his breathing heavy and uneven. “S-Steven?” Your soft voice helped anchor the man to his surroundings as he looked up at you. Nerves filled your chest and out of habit your claws began scratching the scars along your arm.
An action caught by the man in front of you. The scars you sported on display for him to see. “It’s…It’s okay. You’re in my apartment.” The words came out unsure for you didn’t know how to go about the switch first hand. His eyes snapped back and forth from yours to your surroundings.
“I was walking and saw you wandering in the streets. When I realized you were asleep I managed to maneuver you here in order to make sure you were safe till you woke up.” Thankfully, the man’s breathing grew more steady but the lack of response didn’t help your anxiety.
You softly said your name. “Remember?” You asked. “We met at the museum and exchanged numbers a few days ago.” Steven softly nodded. “Yes…Yes, the pretty lady.” He repeated your name a few times before you watched his body deflate.
“Oh bollocks…” Your heart broke at the sound of absolute shame dripping from his words. “You probably think I’ve gone mad.” Steven’s eyes grew glossy as he dropped his head with a weak laugh. “I guess I am, eh?” You quickly shook your head and knelt down. Your hands hesitantly cupping his clasped ones ever so gently.
“No. No, you’re not crazy. You were just sleepwalking.” Steven stayed silent, but you could hear the soft sniffles that left him. Smell the salt forming within his tears as they slid down his cheeks that were hidden behind his dropped head. “Oh, Steven.”
Your voice was soft yet strained as you held back tears for the man. He was in so much pain, so much anguish. Without thinking, you brought his knuckles to your lips. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you.”
The words came out in a whisper, caressing the man’s knuckles as your lips brushed across his skin before making contact. Steven’s breathing came to a halt at the action. Heat rushing to his cheeks over the fact you had just kissed his hands. His hands you held so gently…lovingly…as if he were made of glass.
Realizing what you were doing, you quickly stepped back with a small laugh. “Um…” Your nails went to your inner arm once again. “Would you like any tea to help you calm down? I’m worried you’re still a bit out of it so I don’t want to send you on your way just yet.”
His eyes were so wide…wide with confusion at the question, like he never had someone concern themselves over him. He slowly nodded with a stutter. “Y-Yes…that would be splendid.” After you brewed him a cup, the two of you sat in silence for a while before Steven, eventually, spoke after putting his cup down.
“Why are you so nice to me?” His voice was so quiet you might have missed it if you didn’t have advanced hearing. Your eyes snapped to him with a raised eyebrow as he continued. “I mean…most people would think I was bonkers and left me to wander the streets.”
Slowly, he eyed you from under his hair. “But not you.” You wanted to reach out and grab his hand again, but you opted to latch on to your scared arm. Your head turned down looking at your crossed legs. “I…I like being around you, Steven.”
You slowly said while not meeting his eyes. “I know we’ve only spoken a few times, but I enjoy our chats so much and I’ve wanted to talk to you for so long.” You heard a short gasp and realized what you had said. “What do you mean, Love?” Love. It was a slip of the tongue on his part but you continued past it. Despite the fluttering you felt in your chest.
Ignoring the way your cheeks rose in temperature you choked out a laugh and replied. “I always saw you come out of your building when I started my morning walks.” It wasn’t a lie. You did take morning walks but in the same direction heading to the same location.
“I never had the courage to go and talk to you because you always seemed to be in a rush and didn’t want to get in your way.” It was silent for a few seconds before Steven whispered out. “I felt that way when I saw you in the museum.” Slowly, you looked up at him and noted the pink hue tinting his cheeks.
“As I was making my way back to the gift shop from my break…I saw the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on staring at a sarcophagus.” His hands grew clammy underneath your soft gaze. Eyes wide as you hung on every word he spoke.
“I-It took everything I had to go over and talk to you.” He dropped his eyes and laughed slightly. “When I got home that night I thought I made you up, but I saw you again after the failed date…I was so happy.” The last word came out breathless, causing you to smile. You quietly called his name and when he looked up at you your hand softly cupped his cheek. Your eyes never left his as your thumb slowly stroked his cheek. “I’m so glad I met you.”
Steven released a breath that seemed to carry all the weight he once bore, softening his shoulders as he leaned into your touch. Your long nails creating goosebumps across his body with each stroke, leaving him with shaky breaths.
Unfortunately, the surreal moment came to an end when a harsh gush of wind whipped through your living room. The glimpse of the white robs instantly soured your mood, causing you to drop your hand while clearing your throat.
“Y-You should probably be on your way now.” Steven watched as you stood from the couch to make distance. Your eyes shooting over to the open window as if someone was standing there. “It’s getting pretty late.” Slowly, the man nodded his head in confusion while respecting your request and making his way to your door. With an awkward goodbye, you found yourself in your living room…but this time it was much less warm.
a/n: This chapter was lowkey a bitch to write. I had originally planned on having the reader and Steven kiss but decided that might be a bit to soon even if I wrote it like one of the alters took over for a second to make Steven do it. So I settled just for some Steven fluff. Also, I wanted to show the wolf as a separate character and not just something the reader changes into and has full control over. I've always liked when werewolves are portrayed as being their own being, sharing a mind with other. Like Marc.
tag list: @n1ght5h4d3-24 / @sunipostsstuff / @blackholegladiator / @ajeff855 / @daughterofthequeen / @faefanatic / @dropdeadbec / @sgt-morgan / @milk-bulb / @dev-angeline / @griffinkid2187 / @mxltifxnd0m / @badbishsblog / @local-mr-frog / @khaleesihavilliard / @rmoonstoner / @thewinterv / @oscarissac2099
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