#It’s probably mediocre but the smut is good
the-heartlines · 1 year
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'his naughty little vixen' [explicit/2K] rhaegon twincest fic for @firebloodkink (on twt) prompt: 'rhaenyra and aegon are twins who are trying to fuck in secret while the family celebrates christmas.'
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dykenav · 8 months
so like what if I unpacked my religious trauma in this griddlehark smut fic. what then
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cuubism · 7 months
I've written something very silly. Dating apps, texting fic, crack, smut. desire messing with dream. onlyfans creator hob. trans dream. Enjoy.
U up?
The notification from an unfamiliar app stared up at Dream from his locked phone screen. He frowned, perplexed. Nobody texted him. Certainly not with such vernacular.
Dream opened the notification. It pulled up the messaging page of a dating app, one he himself had certainly not installed—
Desire. He grit his teeth. Unfortunately, they weren’t nearby to receive his ire.
Dream looked again at U up? on the message interface. He clicked on the profile of the man who’d sent it, a “Kyle” who would not have looked out of place shotgunning a beer at a rager. Of course, Desire had not only gone to great lengths to establish him on this insipid app, but had also spent time matching him with the exact opposite of his type, presumably to cause him never-ending grief and annoyance. As usual.
Dream should probably have just deleted the app. Instead he responded, For?
What he received in response, a few minutes later, was a poorly-lit photograph of Kyle’s penis. Dream pinched his nose between thumb and forefinger with a sigh. He should have known.
I have seen better, he replied, and closed out of the app.
He had been back at his writing for ten minutes or so when his phone buzzed again. He checked the notification.
Brad: you could be MY good boy, kitty cat 😽
Dream gagged, but opened the man’s profile out of perilous, morbid curiosity.
Brad, 28, Hedge Fund Manager, “Looking for something casual on the DL”, likes golf and cryptocurrency— oh, dear. Somehow, Dream doubted this Brad truly wanted Dream to become a part of his life. Nor did Dream want to be his ‘kitty cat’.
He was going to have words with Desire.
You strike me as a man who brings choking into the bedroom without knowing what a safe word is, he wrote. Am I accurate?
I can choke you if you want, baby 😜, wrote Brad. Which may as well have been a yes.
Dream did not think that Brad was the person he wanted that from. Not to mention that his utter lack of kink safety knowledge would probably land Dream in hospital, and there were more interesting ways for that to happen than mediocre sex in a finance associate’s penthouse.
I would prefer to keep my brain cells, he wrote, and closed the app.
Over the next few days, Dream fielded many strange, annoying, and obscene messages from people on this app. He certainly had not “swiped right” on anybody himself, so he could only assumed Desire had done so on his behalf and had now left him to suffer the consequences of “matching.” By all rights, he should have just deleted the app off his phone. But Dream rarely communicated with anyone, certainly not strangers, and there was something a little bit entertaining about seeing what kind of drivel was being thrown his way. Was this how people attempted to court over the internet? Or perhaps Desire had merely “matched” him with the dregs of humanity.
By the end of the week, Dream had received seven “dick pics”, four offers to share one or more of his body parts in exchange for cash, and a request to become a seventy-five year-old man’s “sugar baby.” He was uncertain precisely what that entailed, but he was fairly certain he would not like it.
He had also received a text from Desire that read, enjoying yourself? ;) to which he did not respond.
His meager entertainment expended, Dream was on the verge of finally deleting the app when he received a different message:
Hob: Do you think it’s possible to cheat death by force of will, or are you too busy craving its sweet release to consider it?
Dream frowned, perplexed by the specificity of the message. Finally it occurred to him to actually look at the profile Desire had made. He swiped over to said screen, and sighed in aggravation.
Desire had, at least, chosen flattering photos of him. He supposed if the goal was to have Dream sexually harassed over the internet, this would have been a requirement. The photos definitely suggested something other than “serious, committed relationship”, but they weren’t terrible, at least.
As for the text—well, Dream finally understood where some of the more unhinged messages he had received had come from. He read through the given prompts, and Desire’s answers to them:
Dating me is like: You found a stray cat and brought it home and fed it and you were going to take it to the animal shelter but now it won't leave. It’s pretty cute if a bit mangy but it won’t stop biting your hand and mewing pathetically. The sex is pretty good tho.
“Pretty good.” Desire had written all this and couldn’t even manage to make Dream sound like a satisfying hookup. Typical.
He read on:
I’ll fall for you if: You tell me I’m a good boy 😳
Things were falling into place in Dream’s mind now.
Hob’s strange message seemed to arise from the main part of Dream’s profile, where Desire had listed his “religion” as “worshipping l’appel du vide.” An interesting element for this “Hob” to focus on. Dream did not think it was typical for messages on these apps to open with a discussion of death.
He switched back over to the messaging page of the app, and replied: I consider death often. As to your query, it depends: are you thinking of death as an entity one could escape, or a force like gravity? Or perhaps a place one must go?
Hmm, Hob responded, good question. I think it’s like a state. But a state of nothingness. See, if I thought it was a *place*, might be willing to go, see something new and all. But what’s the point of nothingness?
Nothingness is its own satisfaction, wrote Dream. It seemed peaceful, to him. Quiet. The lack of need for satisfaction in the first place.
But you won’t be there, so you won’t get to experience it, said Hob.
Huh. The void really is calling to you. You don’t like experience, then?
Is that innuendo? Dream asked.
Could be. If it is, do I get to be part of the toxic codependent relationship that ends horribly for everyone?
Another reference to Desire’s profile choices. What Dream was apparently “looking for in a relationship.”
That depends on the quality of your experience, he wrote.
I’ve received good reviews, said Hob.
You’ve yet to call me “kitten,” so I suppose I must concur on that front, replied Dream.
You started that one, little stray cat, said Hob.
Technically Desire had started it, but Dream had to grudgingly admit that his profile did invite such comments.
Having a smashing time in your dm’s, then? Hob continued.
I have received several unsolicited pictures of genitalia, wrote Dream.
Oh yeah? said Hob. Anything good?
Random strangers’ genitals did not interest Dream. There was a reason he did not watch porn. Mediocre at best, Dream said.
There was a long pause, and Dream hastily added, Do not send me a picture of your dick as comparison.
My dick is already all over the internet, you don’t need to get it here 😛, said Hob.
Dream blinked several times at his phone screen, as if to clear away a fog before a message that might make more sense.
What, he wrote.
Before Hob could reply, it occurred to Dream that perhaps he should actually look at Hob’s own profile. He had gotten too caught up in the strange conversation to remember to do so.
He opened it and— froze.
Dream had already deduced that Desire had intentionally matched him with whoever they thought Dream would be least interested in. He could see why they had thought the same of Hob, primarily because he was very different from Dream. In the past, Dream had tended to have flings with people who were rather like him, in some respects. “Tortured artists,” Death would say.
This was not Hob. For one, unlike Dream’s pouty and morose profile photo, Hob was actually smiling in the first picture on his page. And what a smile.
He was handsome, too. At least, Dream thought so. Handsome in a homey, comfortable way, the type of handsome that suggested really good hugs, and coffee in the mornings, and someone to come home to. Dream scrolled through more photos, and caught the spark of mischief in his eyes that belied his easy nature. This best matched the way Hob spoke in his messages, he thought.
It was not so much that Hob was his usual type, and more that Desire had unintentionally uncovered a type Dream had not known he had. He swallowed hard. Scrolled back up to read the details of Hob’s bio, in search of answers to the strangeness of Hob’s response.
Ah. His profession was listed as “OnlyFans creator.” That would explain it. He supposed he could track down Hob’s profile on said app. Dream was historically not very interested in porn, however. But he was finding himself interested in Hob.
He moved back to the messaging page, and wrote, before Hob could question why Dream was confused about information that was clearly stated in his profile, Ah. I see. I’m afraid I don’t watch porn.
That a moral stance? Bcuz I get enough of that already, trust me.
Personal taste, said Dream.
Prefer to get it in person, eh? said Hob.
You’d do numbers on OnlyFans just fyi, Hob wrote. If u ever wanted more cash. Or does Poetry & Malaise pay better than I thought?
Dream’s “career,” according to Desire.
He supposed Hob's comment was flattering, in a way. Is that your own bias, Hob? Or your considered opinion as a professional?
Both ;), said Hob.
If that is your situation, then why are you on this app, dare I ask? Most people I have encountered seem to just be interested in sex but I doubt you are suffering from a dearth of it.
What, porn stars can’t want to get married? :(
Dream could imagine his pout. It was surprisingly endearing.
THAT is why you are here?
Sure, be judgmental about it, mister “I want to get consumed.” Or was that about vore and I misread it as metaphorical?
Dream spluttered, though Hob was not physically present to see it. Indeed, Desire had written that Dream wanted “someone he could consume and be consumed by in turn,” which was surprisingly accurate considering its intention had been to mess with him.
It is not VORE, he wrote. Then followed it up with, I have frequently been accused of being intense, possessive, and overbearing.
Well then we have that in common, Hob replied. By the way, sex for work is not the same as sex with someone you really care about. Or would you feel emotionally fulfilled after fucking your colleagues?
I don’t have colleagues, said Dream.
Right, right. Poetry and malaise.
And have you achieved much emotionally fulfilling sex from this app?
No :(, said Hob.
You are too handsome for that to be the case, wrote Dream, and realized what he had said a moment after he’d hit send.
He panicked internally until Hob replied, And here I thought I was just annoying you 🥰.
I might be having a crisis over your photos myself, Hob added, but let’s not discuss it or I’ll embarrass myself.
We could discuss it in a different venue, Dream wrote, heart in his throat. I am interested also in hearing your plans to thwart death. Perhaps over drinks?
Thought you’d never ask :)
So they set a time.
Drinks turned quickly into tumbling into Hob’s flat turned quickly into Hob pushing Dream up against the door and kissing him senseless turned quickly into falling into Hob’s bed. Dream was feeling quite happy about his decision to go on a date with this weird, death-obsessed OnlyFans creator. He had been right about Hob giving good hugs, he had learned that when Hob had greeted him at the bar. He had also learned that Hob really knew how to use his tongue.
“Fuck, Dream,” Hob said, looking up at him, lips wet. He had his hands wrapped around Dream’s thighs and his face between Dream’s legs, and yes, Dream was feeling very satisfied with his decision, indeed. He might even have to send Desire a gift basket. “You taste so good.”
“Your mouth is ungodly,” said Dream, tipping his head back against the pillow with a groan as Hob continued teasing him with that mouth, swiping his tongue through Dream’s folds and sucking on his clit.
“Converted you to a new religion? You’re done with the void, then?”
Dream twisted his hands in Hob’s hair, holding on tight, thighs trembling, heartbeat racing in his throat. “Perhaps.”
“Is Dream your real name, by the way?” Hob asked, pushing one finger into Dream, and then quickly two, as Dream moaned and clenched down on him. “I kind of thought it was fake.”
“No,” said Dream, though it came out as another moan. “It is real.”
“Fascinating.” And he went back to torturing Dream with his mouth, fucking him deep on his fingers, until Dream was squirming and writhing under him, trying to get away from Hob’s relentlessness even as he wanted to throw himself into its fire. He felt hot, feverish, taut all over, Hob’s hands were so good, and his mouth—
“Hob,” he whined, “please.”
Hob paused, looked up at him, lips and nose wet with Dream’s fluids. Then grinned cheekily. “Yes, kitten?”
And why did something that had sounded so revolting coming from anonymous strangers only make Dream laugh when Hob said it? He laughed, a horrible, choking laugh, and Hob laughed too, incredulously. Dream could not remember ever laughing during sex, it had always been a torrid and serious affair. But Hob was so charming and handsome and Dream wanted to kiss him.
“Come,” he commanded, drawing Hob up towards him by his hair, and Hob went, and Dream brought their lips together. Hob’s mouth was slick and tasted of Dream. It was heady.
Dream wrapped a leg around his waist and pulled him closer until their bodies were pressed together, and Hob ground his cock between Dream’s legs, between his folds and against his clit. He didn’t try to actually fuck Dream, though, which Dream figured was Hob’s professional good sense considering they hadn’t discussed birth control or anything in that vein in their haste. He imagined what might have happened if he had instead gone home with Brad of the un-negotiated choking kink, and laughed despite himself.
“What are you laughing at?” asked Hob, lifting his head to look at him. He really was so appealing, with his dark eyes, hair falling long over his forehead, his voice that was much more honey-warm than Dream could have imagined over text.
“I was thinking of the catastrophe that would have resulted had I slept with one of the questionable individuals I’ve encountered on that app, and my good fortune in finding you instead.”
Hob smiled, and kissed him, a proper first date type kiss, sweet and kind. Then he said, dragging his hand through Dream’s hair, tugging on it, “Don’t think about anyone else.” He kissed Dream’s jaw, then down his neck, nipping at his skin.
Dream dug his nails into Hob’s back, into his strong shoulders as Hob ground against him. He wished Hob was fucking him. His cock felt so good even just moving between Dream’s legs, and the weight of his body over Dream’s was so grounding. Next time, maybe.
He shivered as Hob moved faster over him, claimed his mouth with a hard kiss. “Come on me,” Dream urged, pulling Hob in tighter again with his leg wrapped around his waist. He reached between them and got his hand around Hob, and Hob groaned.
Dream pulled him off in time with Hob’s own thrusts, and soon felt Hob’s hips stuttering, his grip tightening in Dream’s hair. He came over Dream’s hand and stomach, breathing hard against Dream’s throat. But he didn’t pause very long to recover himself, instead slipping three fingers back into Dream, making Dream arch against him with a shout.
Hob worked him mercilessly until Dream was clenching around him with a gasp, body shaking as his orgasm ramped back up and hit him, fast and hard. Hob grinned against his throat as Dream panted, then gently pulled his fingers free and raised his head to look Dream in the eye as he brought them to his mouth and sucked them clean of Dream’s spend. Fucking. Hell. And this man couldn’t find someone to marry him?
Hob kissed him again, and again it was sweet, and firm, like his hugs. Dream kissed him back, petting Hob’s hair. Pleased with the position he’d found himself in. Pleased with Hob.
“Good?” Hob asked, stroking a hand up and down his side.
“Very,” Dream sighed.
“Good,” said Hob. “For me, too.”
He kissed Dream’s cheek, and then went and got a soft wet cloth to clean them both up, and even brought Dream a glass of water. Truly Dream’s good fortune was unparalleled on this day.
Hob slipped back into bed beside him, and Dream laid on his side, head pillowed on his arm, gazing at him. Tucked an errant strand of Hob’s hair behind his ear. Ran his fingers over the stubble on Hob’s cheek. He really was quite handsome, especially mussed from sex, in the low bedroom light. Perhaps Dream was going to have to find his OnlyFans. Just so he could… take this home with him.
“You really are even prettier in person,” Hob murmured, studying him. “Although I don’t think the rest of your profile was really doing you justice.”
“That is because my sibling initially created it to annoy me,” Dream admitted. “However, I think I am the one who’s come out on top in the end.”
“That does explain some things,” Hob said with a chuckle. He took Dream’s hand and kissed his fingertips, met his eyes again. “I promise I won’t break your heart. If you stay.”
My BFF’s take on why you should date me, Desire’s profile fills had read: With luck you can be the next person to break his heart <3
Once again, it had not been entirely inaccurate. But perhaps it would be this time.
“I think I am inclined to,” he said quietly, and Hob smiled, that warm, endearing smile.
So Dream did stay that night, cuddled up in Hob’s arms. Feeling all warm inside, even when Hob had fallen asleep, and Dream was still awake, lying beside him. He often had a hard time sleeping, but he didn’t mind so much, right now. Hob was pleasant to cuddle up to, even if Dream couldn’t sleep. Hob was pleasant all around, in fact. Dream tended to fall fast and hard and he could already feel it hovering over him like a cresting wave. Fortunately, Hob didn’t seem inclined to be any more casual about him than Dream was feeling about him.
Dream thought he could get used to this.
With Hob’s arm still wrapped around his waist, Dream swiped his phone off the nightstand and opened his text thread with Desire, which still had enjoying yourself? ;) as the last message, as yet not responded to.
Having made Desire wait for several days already, Dream wrote, with a little smile, I think I am going to get married, and turned off his phone.
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neet-elite · 8 months
Party For Two — (SDV) Sebastian
Pairing: Sebastian/ Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 6,077 Warnings: Love confession, mutual masturbation, premature ejaculation, creampie, fingering Synopsis: Sam promised to watch the episode himself, all bundled up under blankets in his own living room— Sebastian knows his best friend is probably practicing guitar instead, and Abigail will be too stubborn to give up gaming for a show she can catch up on when you ramble about it in the group chat later. Still, there’s comfort in the space they’ve provided him, his chest warm and gaze half-lidded as you press play, the shows intro sequence filling the remaining small space left between two bodies.
He’d like to fill that space with himself, eventually.
A/N: Crossposting this from my AO3. I wont be reposting every fic, but the most "recent" that seem to be popular. For my full catalogue then find my AO3 account in my pinned.
It’s the usual hang out night, held at your farmhouse this time round because you insisted on doing your fair share of hosting, only, Sebastian can’t help but feel that it’s anything but usual. What was meant to be a four person TV series watch has now turned into a party for two. Sam, currently sick with allergies and Abigail, busy trying (and most likely failing) to beat ‘Journey Of The Prairie King’— something that Sebastian is sure will take more than one night of attempts, she’s already been stuck on it for a week... And well, he can’t really fault Sam for not wanting to make anyone else sick. If anything, he’s thankful to be the only one to show up besides you. It’s not really that bad of a turn out, not when he’s been secretly wanting to spend more alone time with just you and him anyway. Because see, he’s always been interested in you ever since you first came to the valley, and it’s as time’s went on and you slowly assimilated into his little trio friend group that he found himself thinking: yeah, four is a better number anyway. A small crush, he tells himself. Nothing serious, he jokes with Sam. No I wasn’t staring, he whispers to Abi. But deep down, he knows exactly what he feels, and as you finally come back into your living room with excitement in your eyes he knows it to be true— he wants to see that face every day going forward.
“Sorry for the wait!” You smile, his eyes drawn to your blushed cheeks when your attention is immediately focused on the TV in front of you. Tonight seems like a good time to confess, because while he certainly wants to do other things with you, it’d be rude not to make his intentions clear in the first place. To be a gentleman, and at the very least provide courtesy before anything else, smiling warmly back at you while you busy yourself with getting comfortable next to him. He likes you, and he’d be a fool not to take advantage of the opportunity right in front of him. Alone, with you. There really isn’t a better scenario to confess in, is there?
“S’all right,” He half-grunts as he repositions himself to be more facing sideways so that he can keep looking at your pretty face, as he always does. “You ready for the next episode?”
“Yes!” You beam back at him, remote control in your hand as you glance at him for what he thinks is a final time tonight before starting the weekly show, so he does his best to respond in kind. It’s one that the group had decided to watch together, and though Sebastian wasn’t that interested in the premise, he did enjoy the thought of spending more time with you, which is why he mostly agreed to join in the first place. He’s grown to like the show more anyway, though he’s unsure if that’s down to the (honestly, pretty mediocre) cinematography or because he gets to stare at you for an extended period of time each week. Lovingly, of course, he’d hate to come off as a creep. Always cautious about his looking, but feeling unable to control his desires for too long before he’s eyeing you up and down again. He always waits to dive deeper into his thoughts of you until he’s home at least, mostly because he can’t stand the thought of popping a boner in front of so many people and to be left unable to live it down for the rest of his life, but also because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable at all. Would rather the boner scenario to making you feel any negativity in any capacity. “I’m so glad Sam and Abi said it was cool to continue, I’ve been waiting all week to see what happens next!”
Ah, yeah, the romantic plot line or… Something. It’s difficult to pay attention to the current story when his vision is so full of you each week, but he’s heard you chat about it enough to get a good idea of what to expect next. The protagonist and her love interest, finally, seemingly getting together. It’s cute to see you so invested in something, and he too finds himself thankful that his friends have allowed the continuation of the series in the privacy of a company of two. “Yeah, real nice of them, huh?” He continues out of pleasantries, knowing just how much you wanna get started. Sam promised to watch the episode himself, all bundled up under blankets in his own living room— Sebastian knows his best friend is probably practicing guitar instead, and Abigail will be too stubborn to give up gaming for a show she can catch up on when you ramble about it in the group chat later. Still, there’s comfort in the space they’ve provided him, his chest warm and gaze half-lidded as you press play, the shows intro sequence filling the remaining small space left between two bodies.
He’d like to fill that space with himself, eventually.
Even during the admittedly drawn out intro you’re cutely engrossed, the glow from the TV shining in your eyes so prettily, like there were stars or something, and he cringes at his sappy internal monologue. You’re still far more interesting to watch than whatever the screen is currently showing, and he takes his time when committing every detail of you to memory tonight. The innocent way your eyes are glued to the screen, the unknowing smile on your face as your favorite character shows on screen, the way you edge just slightly off your seat as if to get closer, closer to the screen instead of his arms. He huffs impatiently, low and quiet to himself at the thought. What he wouldn’t give to have you in his lap instead, he’d even still let you watch your favorite show, so long as he could hold you. Softly touching you, kissing the top of your head as a reminder that you are wanted. So deep in his thoughts of you that he doesn’t even realize how much time has passed— it can’t be that much— but he distinctly hears a moan that drags him back to reality. A soft but sinful one, his head snapping to the source of the sound as his cheeks instinctively flush. It’s coming from the TV, an intimate sex scene including those two characters you like so much. Already? He thinks to himself, so much for tension, before he finds his eyes once again falling on you, and he gasps a little at the sight that greets him.
Too many times he’s spent lonely late nights imagining exactly how you look right now, curled up in on yourself as you avert your gaze from the screen with an almost shy look on your face. Honestly, he never thought you’d ever optionally look away when this show was on, but he thinks you’re embarrassed. A sneaky smirk plastered on his face at the realization. It is a little awkward to be watching a sex scene with your friends, he can admit that. But he finds it difficult to feel uneasy himself, too amused at the way you clear your throat as the moans continue to fill the otherwise silence of your living room, keeping his vision locked on you to see exactly how you react to the explicit scene playing out with curiosity. Something he can use again you in the future.
“We can skip past it, if you want.” He offers before really thinking, his heart pace quickening as he tries his best to resolve your discomfort. Sure, it’s fun to watch you struggle, but all he wants is for you to be happy. “Really, I don’t mind—”
“No, it’s— I mean, it’s okay, really.” You stumble over your words, flashing him an appreciative smile before lowering your head once more to the ground.
Well, okay, he thinks. You’re clearly struggling to get through the scene, and though he’d rather you welcomed his help with open arms, he doesn’t mind watching you grow increasingly riled up by the exaggerated gasps and sighs from the show. In his more perverted mind, it’s easy to imagine that he’s watching porn with you right now, a quick look back at the TV screen shows naked bodies rolling around together, sharp inhales and teasing giggles. He wonders if you’d react the same way to him, then just as promptly he corrects himself and knows he’d have you moaning louder than that. And deep down in the pit of his stomach, or a bit lower than that, he feels as though this is his chance to show you that fact too, sighing to himself as he tries to resolve his inner conflict— and obviously fails. Because it’s about you, and he hasn’t a hope in Hell when it comes to you.
“You sure?” His voice is soft, spoken lightly and carried with faux reassurance while his hand stretches out to meet your trembling thigh, sucking air in through his teeth at the way you jump from his touch. “I don’t mind, cause it seems to be… Getting to you, y’know?” He smirks through his words, knowingly teasing you despite his heart wanting nothing more than to soothe. Can’t help it, you’re too cute like this, all blushy and pouty thanks to his words. And given the chance, he’ll do more than just soothe things for you anyway, so he doesn’t feel too bad in his taunts. He notices your thighs squeeze together in response to his words, or maybe it’s because of his feather light touch, he doesn’t mind either way. Regardless, his cock stirs in his tight pants at just how easy you seem to be, how innocent and sensitive you’re acting, shying away from his view at just how quickly he’s picked up on the state of you. You like this scene, maybe a little too much, huh? Not that he’s complaining, his own heart racing at just the light drag of his knuckles up and down your leg, catching the way you shiver into him, the small bite of your lip that causes his cock to jerk against his leg. Ah, maybe confessing can wait a little bit longer.
It takes him a moment to find his voice again when you refuse to answer, and he’s surprised to hear the breathy tone he carries with his words— “You can… Y’know, deal with it, if ya want.” He pauses, gauging your reaction to his invitation to touch yourself. Internally, he’s debating on his next words with extreme caution. Sure, it’s normal to masturbate, everyone does it, everyone knows everyone does it. But, is it too weird to talk about it with your friends? Maybe only if they’re the opposite gender, right? Because he’s had countless conversations about the topic with Sam, but never with Abigail. And he realizes then that it’s because he’s got a crush on you, and rather than it being an invitation, it’s an attempt at begging. “Really, I don’t mind.” He simply settles on, smiling reassuringly at you when your eyes finally meet his. And it’s true, he doesn’t mind, would relish the opportunity to relieve himself in private too if he’s honest— the look you’re giving him going straight to his cock as he imagines fucking his friend right on the very couch you sit on.
And then quietly, almost inaudible, he hears you squeak: “Really? You’re okay with that?” and he all too eagerly nods.
“Absolutely. Who am I to judge what you get off to, right?” He half laughs, attempting to make the otherwise awkward situation just a bit less embarrassing for you, shifting in his seat to hopefully make his hard cock less noticeable. “Take your time, I’ll be right here—”
Oh, wait, you’re undressing right in front of him? Instinctively, he looks at your face for answers, a quick flit up only to be met with a playful grin. Seductive, maybe? He knows better than to assume, though more than that, he knows better than to speak up when your crush is taking the first step towards assumed intimacy. Well, there’s no hiding his hard on now, is there? Your bold actions causing his pants to feel even tighter, his hands frozen in his lap while he carefully watches you peel off each individual layer of clothing slowly. So slowly that he’s convinced you’re teasing him, the continued gasps and groans emanating from the TV fading into the distant background as he instead favors listening to the soft shuffles of your clothes, the muffled thud as they’re dropped carelessly to your floor. Fuck, he already thought you were pretty before, but seeing you take action like this almost makes him dizzy with how attractive he finds you, and his inability to take the initiative back from you due to how in awe he is of your body only further turns him on. He knows you know well enough that he hadn’t meant to take care of “business” right here and now, in front of him on your well worn couch, but he can hardly complain at how you chose to mischaracterize his words when he’s no better than you are right now. “I—” he tries to speak. “I mean— fuck, okay—” He’s laughing, though not at you, and your cheeky side smirk back at him lets him know you understand.
“Is this okay?” You whisper at him.
“Shit, yeah, no, it’s cool. I— I don’t mind, go ahead.” He struggles to get the words out fast enough, but he smiles back at you when hearing your nervous giggle.
Without realizing, he anxiously runs his hand through his hair, thumbing stray strands out his face so he has a better view of your revealing body. The last item of clothing drops and he exhales harshly, unaware of the breath he was holding up until that point. You’re naked bar your underwear, and he curses low under his breath at the mere sight. This is confirmation, isn’t it? That his feelings aren’t just one sided, that he was taking too long to confess and so your hand was metaphorically forced, swallowing hard at the sight of your hand actually dropping to pet lightly at your clothed cunt. “Fuck y’can’t just— I mean I want you to it’s just—” He’s already gasping, replaying scenarios he’s fucked his fist to at night but coming up empty. Nothing compares to you right now, the cute blush on your cheeks, the way your lips part with heavy breathing. Shit, okay, he needs to tell you exactly how he feels. Wide palmed stroking at his painfully hard cock, no shame left in his system when you’ve just given him a wordless go ahead, he’s ready to cum just from your show of want— but he instead just teases himself. Wants to really show his appreciation of you soon enough, but first he needs to take control back. You’ve had your fun, now let him.
He clears his suddenly dry throat while you angle yourself towards him, biting your lip to presumably stifle moans. No, don’t do that, he thinks, cocky confidence taking over his mind with the understanding that you’re waiting, seeking his command like a good girl— and he’s all too happy to give in to you. Watching you drag a single finger up and down your clothed slit idly, eyeing at the growing wet patch near the bottom, fuck he wants a taste— “You can take em off.” He quickly glances up at you, but as if physically pulled back down, he’s drawn to look at your cunt again, his palm circling against the clothed wet tip of his cock as he leaks precum all over the inside of his pants for you.
And though he’s controlled mostly by his cock right now, he’s still a little surprised to see you listen to his words, his voice coming out in a shocked rasp of “Fuck, you’re really doing it…” which is less of a question and more of an admiration. Because yes, while this is the single hottest thing to ever happen to him, he also genuinely likes you. Wants to be with you for more than just this, but a little indulgence never hurt anyone, right? Seems you agree from how eagerly you get moving, his eyes glued to the spot between your legs as you hike them up a little, knees pressed to your chest to give him such a good fucking view, oh my God, of your pretty little cunt before your panties peel and drop to the pile of your other clothing on the floor. His cock hard and wet, drooling over his legs enough to prompt him into at least unbuttoning his pants to offer just a little relief— only a little. Because he’s more focused on you right now, and how pretty your thighs look when pressed together like that, and how tasty your wet little cunt looks as he finds it difficult to keep himself sat in place at the other end of the couch from you, wanting only to dive head first between your legs to eat you dry— he’s never been hornier than he is right now, and it’s all your fault. He’s got front row seats to the best show in the house— you, and he’s filled with need to show you that you’re a lot hotter than whatever they were showing on TV.
“Touch yourself, please— God,” He ends up begging, too turned on to really care for the embarrassment of sounding so needy, and it seems you’re much the same. A small whine escaping your lips that, he swears, almost makes him cum on the spot. So completely fraught with need for you right now that his body automatically turns to face you, one leg bent and pressed against the back of the couch while the other hangs off the edge, his rock hard cock front and center for you to masturbate to— no regret present on his features as he looks to your moving fingers with glazed over eyes, his mouth remaining slightly agape while he breathes shallowly. This is so much better than anything his mind could create, his chest tight with want for you and his balls full of seed, the palm resting on his cock now digging harder, circling his cock faster in a plead to have you match his pace. You must know what you do to him, otherwise you wouldn’t be taking your time so slowly, bitting on the inside of his cheek with impatience until your finger finally meets your slit and your legs magically open. And fuck, what a sight that is. His hips jut up on their own accord once you’re in position, head tilted back slightly as if to try and calm himself down before snapping back to watch you part your lips and drag a finger from bottom to top on your slit.
No amount of porn could have prepared him for this, the intimacy present in each glide of your finger up and down your cunt, collecting the slick drooling from your hole to drag it back up to your clit. He can hear just how wet you are, heart caught in his throat as he swallows thickly in concentration. “You’re not watching the show…” You mewl, and he has half a mind to pin you under him right there and then.
“Don’t care, this is better.” He’s quick to moan. “Can you— Can you go a little faster?”
You nod, and he has to fight with himself to keep his eyes from rolling back into his skull at the sweet sounds you let out at the increased pace. His fist wraps tight around the bit of cock he can reach before he grows immediately frustrated and instead digs his hands under his pants to free his cock some more, sighing into the relaxed feeling of freedom until he once again starts to palm at himself— then he’s tight lipped groaning. He feels like a dirty pervert, touching himself to you touching yourself, and he wonders if you feel the same. He thinks you should feel like royalty, the full effect you have on him in clear display as he touches himself to you, struggles to keep his hands to himself when you sound so pretty for him. And you’re such a good listener too, his cock jerking to the understanding that you want to please him too, fucking your little cunt faster as per his words, your palm sticky with slick that he wants to lick all clean for you.
He can’t hold back much longer.
“Do you mind if I—?” He asks, alluding to his cock as he nods down to it— still clothed, still rock hard and needy, still leaking precum, still wanting to be balls deep in you.
A quick nod of your head and he’s pulling his pants off faster than he’s ever done in his life, boxers coming with them as he clumsily tugs them off enough to kick them the rest of the way, throwing them into his own pile of clothing on the floor to half match your state of nakedness. He hisses into the cold air that kisses his tip once free, almost moaning as it slaps against his tummy with how rigid he is. “So fuckin’ hard—” He hums, mostly to himself, but he’s happy you’ve heard him too given the soft moan you let out too. “Look at what you did to me, fuck, what you do to me—” He praises you, leaning back against the armrest of your couch to fuck his hips forward, just a little, as if to really show off just how much he wants you, his fist quickly connecting to the base of his cock before he’s dragging it upwards to collect the copious amounts of precum you’ve pulled out of him and pulling back down, coating his whole length wet to tug at. And he’s not shy about it either, too far gone with the lust pooling in his tummy to care much for anything other than the need to get off, to get off with you. As he always does, really, even if most nights he’s alone in doing so, but now’s his opportunity to show you how much he likes you— cock hard and ready just for you, because of you.
He doesn’t mind an audience as he jacks off, so long as that audience consists of you. Hurriedly fucking his fist to a desperate tempo to try and quell the butterflies that fill his chest every time you make a sound, pulling the hem of his hoodie up to reveal some of his toned tummy for you to gawk at, to somewhat return the favor. God, you sound better than he thought you would, his own moans caught and quiet as he does his best to instead make room for you, to listen intently, ignoring the loud schlick of his fist pumping up and down on his dribbling cock and rather focusing on the wet squelch of your little cunt. How fast your fingers fuck into yourself, how he hopes to God you’re thinking of him, wanting to replace your fingers for his cock as he so urgently needs to. No words are said, not that he can think of any anyway— head empty and replaced with primal need, wanting moans shared among friends as he gets off with you. How he wishes he could speak though, to tell you how hot you are, how he’s dreamed of this for so long, how he’s so close to cumming just from watching you— doesn’t even have to be touched by you, just being in your presence is enough to get him off. And he’s focusing so hard on the way you flick at your clit, how fastly you circle against it, learning exactly what you like so he can hopefully mimic it at a later date all while he’s thrusting into his tightly closed fist and mumbling your name like some sort of prayer.
He’s getting dangerously close, and he hasn’t even been able to appreciate you like you deserve, show you exactly how he feels about you. And so—
“You wanna— wanna ride me?” He ends up choking out, acting out of pure instinct and talking before fully realizing his words, eyes rolling to the back of his head despite his best efforts when instead of verbally responding, you start climbing towards him. All of it happens so fast, his knees buckling and straightening out on the couch, sliding further down the length of it so that only his head remains on the armrest and you have plenty room to sit on top. His hands work on autopilot, finding home on your hips to help steady you above his lap as your nails rake up his tummy, digging under his hoodie to drag it further up his chest, causing him to moan into the hunger of your actions. Urgency is what he feels, desperate for the feeling of you wrapped around him as you immediately take hold of the base of his cock as soon as you can, his hips bucking into your touch to seek the tightness of your hole, unable to stop the tense moans tumbling from his open mouth. “Fuck, that’s it, guide it in— Sit on it, yeah?” he hopelessly babbles, fingers digging into the fat of your waist to try and pull you down his cock as you catch the tip to your hole— and then he’s done for. Completely at your mercy as you slow the tempo down, gradually fucking more of his length into your little cunt with subtle bounces until he’s all the way inside and he can finally breathe again. It’s difficult keeping himself held back enough not to hurt you when you feel better than anything he’s experienced before, his jaw strained and appreciative moans high-strung as he wills his hips to still for a second or two, let you grow accustomed to his fat length.
It takes him a second to actually collect his breath though, mind clouded by how tight and warm you are wrapped around his stupidly hard cock— so much so that it’s impossible to form any coherent thought as you sit flush on his lap. “No idea.” He manages to mumble, groaning at the seductive way your breathe huh? in response. Causes his hips to fuck upwards into you regardless of his best efforts, trying to thrust deeper into your tiny hole until there’s nothing left for you to take and grinding his hips against you. “You’ve got no idea how much I’ve wanted this, fuck.” His hands dragging your waist down to circle you on his cock for you, doing all of the heavy lifting simply because he can’t stop. “Can’t believe I’m fuckin’ inside of you, shit, y’feel so good—” he continues to gasp, his ass lifted off the couch under him to really drive his cock further into you. The action causing you to whine his name so perfectly, so sweetly as he circles his cock in you that he’s forced into more movement. Like something inside of him snaps, the last remaining resolve he has to treat you right falling the moment he hears his name sounding like that. And then he’s going, his beg for you to ride him thrown out the window as soon as he thrusts once into you, instead forcing you to fall back down on his cock with every precise hump of his cock into you, bouncing you up and down at his own pace due to how powerful and needy his thrusts are. You’re not riding him so much as he’s fucking you from below, keeping you pinned close to his cock so that he’s barely exiting your perfect cunt despite humping you into the air. He holds on to you like his life depends on it, a droning whine escaping his lips at the increased friction he fucks into you with, spilling loads of precum against your insides that inevitably end up running back down his cock with each speedy thrust. And your tits, God your fuckin’ tits, hypnotized by they way they bounce with his fucks— so badly does he want to reach out and grab one of em, drag it into his mouth for him to feed on while he fucks you raw— fuck he’s fucking you raw. A rough growl clawing up his throat at the thought, feels too fucking good to warn you of his predicament, can’t stop fucking into you like he was under a spell.
A shuddered “Tight little cunt, yeah? Feel s’fuckin’ good, shit— Look so hot riding me like this—” cut off only by a gasp at the sound of you so needy for more, his cock throbbing inside of you with want to preform but he’s so close it almost pains him to hold back. He was right, you are louder than the show girl, self assurance running through him and going right to his tip with the confidence that he’s fucking you better, the loud skin on skin slap resonating in the room to drown out whatever is left of the TV. He’s never felt so good before in his life, unable to even imagine going back to a life of just his hand now that he’s had a taste of your cunt, the feeling of your legs squeezing around him as you attempt to match his speed only to inevitably fail from how frantically he thrusts into you from below is too fucking cute, his balls tight and taut as he nears his end before he’s even truly started: something that would be embarrassing if not for the fact that he hopes you understand it’s because you really do feel that fucking good and he’s genuinely that in love with you that he can’t— he can’t hold back any longer. Fucking his dream girl while she displays herself so completely on top? The sight of your tits, your cute scrunched up face, the feeling of your cute little cunt sucking his cock so well? Yeah, there’s no way he was gonna last very long.
“Sorry— M’sorry, babe—” he whines, a high pitched sound to match his eager humps as he’s unable to stop the predictable from happening, looking directly into your eyes in hopes of communicating just how badly he wants to make it up to you immediately following as he thrusts into you a couple more times, fast and hard, burying himself completely into you before shooting a fat load deep inside your tiny cunt. A soft sob of your name followed by loud, gasped moans, like he’s forgot how to breathe again, his hips still obsessively humping into you to prolong his orgasm— the best of his life, might he add— and to fuck his cum deeper into you in some sort of innate need to claim you, insides and all. He said he was sorry, but he isn’t really. Not even when you let out a pathetic whine from the loss of stimulation, promising you: “Jus’ a minute, gimmie a sec.” With harsh pants as he allows himself to come down just enough to move back into action. He wants to act fast, to build upon what he’s just promised you.
“C’mere,” he breathlessly pleads with you, signaling for you to hop off his cock for a moment, forgetting all about the mess his cum will surely stain into your couch. “Jus’ sit right there, trust me.”
And because you’re a good girl, you listen, and he tuts affectionately down at you to soothe the pout you’re sporting. “Lean back a bit for me, yeah? Let me apologize.” He whispers, soft and flirtatiously, helping to guide you into position on your back, similar to how he was just moments ago while he hovers over you. The confused stare you look back at him with is so cute, and he can feel his mushy affection for you edge back in as his cock controlled brain starts to calm down, now focused solely on making sure you’re seen to as his dominant hand dips and disappears between your legs. Not a second later and he’s collecting the dripping cum he’s just fucked into you from your hole, using it as lube to rub gently at your clit as you look at him with shock. “Told ya.” He smiles, rubbing soothingly at your inner thigh with his free hand while he strokes your puffy clit. “Sensitive girl, made me feel so good, fuck— Y’look so pretty like this,” he dotes on you, hoping his words will help you get off where his cock failed— though he doesn’t think you mind too much. Not with how your grasping so insistently to his loose hoodie for stability, or from the way your legs wriggle and draw him closer, the room filled with your enticing moans each time he completes a circle on your clit. Now, with a clearer head and with you quite literally in the palm of his hand, he coos down at you with intent. “Think I love you. Really.” And he can’t stop the loving smile that tugs on his lips, nor the surprised sigh that sneaks up on him as he feels your locked thighs tremble around his back.
Next time, he’ll have you cumming on his cock. He has to, the sight of your back arching into him, the lewd expression you wear so well with the voiceless moan, fuck, he can feel his cock harden again just from pleasing you. His heart full at the thought that hearing his confession is what finally made you cum, humming quietly down to you while he finger fucks you through your high, thumb still rubbing lightly against your used clit while you gush for him— “So pretty, good girl.” He compliments you, praising you for a job well done in getting him off and satisfying his need to see you finish, too. It’s all he wants, really. To make you happy by any means necessary, and he’s happy to fill the role you had him play tonight any day, gently helping you come down from your high with slowly decreased movements until you lazily smile back at his adoring expression.
“Feelin’ good?” He asks calmly, because he obviously knows the answer already, but he wants to check in with you regardless.
You nod sleepily, followed by a soft “Mhm, thank you.” Before reaching you arms out for him to lean into, and he enthusiastically gives you what you’re seeking, his half hard cock resting against your sticky cunt as he wraps his arms around you too, pulling you in for a tight hunched over hug on your (now) stained couch.
Better than any show ever, he’s sure.
“I meant it, y’know.” He whispers against your neck after a silent moment, nosing further into it until he’s able to place a few light kisses against your heated skin with a smile.
“I know.” You reply, and he can’t help but remain hopeful when you squeeze his body tighter, wrapping your legs around him further to ask for more closeness. “But you made me miss my favorite show, so…”
He laughs a genuine, deep, bark of laughter against your shoulder before he huffs defiantly, pulling himself off your exhausted body with the intent on chastising you for alluding to the fact that your show is better than his sex, but he can’t find any strength left in him to tell you off after catching sight of how pretty you are when all fucked out. So instead, “I know, I’m sorry.” He relents, sitting back into his original side of the couch to stretch out a bit. “We can try watching again after a shower, if you want?”
“Yeah.” You yawn, and his heart hurts with just how much he loves you. The simplistic domesticity of the moment getting to his head as you extend a hand for him to hold, to help you get to your feet. “I’d like that.”
He’ll just have to get your return confession out of you… After your show.
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ddejavvu · 9 months
Anakin smiling at your crying face and praising you "good girl" "you're doing do well" 🙈
send me anakin thoughts/requests please !!
this post is 18+, minors dni.
yeah the thing is i have a huge thing for dacryphilia to the point where i almost always include tears in smut but then i remember wait shit that isn't normal and i need to warn people about that so this is just a safe haven for me thank you <3
it's most likely after a lot of overstim or edging, he gets off on having enough power over you to literally bring you to tears as you babble his name and beg him for something to work with, please. or just to let you cum, he might not even be teasing you he's just edging you so goddamn much that you're going to cum whether he likes it or not and you really don't want him to be upset with you for cumming earlier than you were supposed to.
but the thing is he's not trying to be all sadistic-controlling-boyfriend type deal (at least.. not always.. we'll discuss that later if you're into it..)
he is just in awe of you. he's so force-sensitive that he can literally feel your veins pumping and thrumming with arousal, with hot, fiery, desperate, mind-blowing lust and it's only turning him on more. he aches to feel you like this, he presses his face against your skin just to feel the rush of your blood through your veins as you writhe and squirm and beg for him to let you cum. he sticks his tongue out and licks a stripe up your back to feel the heat of your skin beneath his tongue, and if you let him he'll sink his teeth into you. he doesn't care what part of your body he burrows into, although he's particularly partial to the left side of your chest so that he can ram his face up against your beating heart and feel how elevated its rhythm is, all because of him. he takes pride in being able to work you up this much, and he's absolutely awestruck that you work so perfectly with him. because this, the way that your body practically sings with desperation, with lust, with arousal, has only been, and will only be because of him. you're his, you're clearly a gift for him from the force itself, and he takes his time to appreciate that gift every time he's able to, even if it means accidentally driving you to tears of frustration/desperation.
when he notices the crystalline tear tracks down your cheeks he croons sympathetically, though the awestruck smile never leaves his face as he reaches out to wipe a bead of the liquid off of your face.
"it's alright, sweetheart," he'll hum, one hand on your stomach to better connect himself with the divinity of your body and the bond he shares with you, "it's alright, you're doing incredible. you're incredible, I- I love you."
his words, though sweet as they are, probably don't help much if you're just trying to get off. they only make your chest convulse with more sobs, your body begging for a release, and if you clutch at his arm with the tips of your nails digging into his skin, and beg him, 'please, ani, please, I need to- please, I need to cum! please,' he'll give you that sweet smile of his, eyes shining with wonder and infatuation as he finally gives in.
'I love you' he'll pledge in a languid murmur to your body, mind, and soul as he captures your spit-soaked lips in his plump pink ones. his muscled arms keep him hovering over you as he finally pushes his cock into your aching hole, and he won't let you out of the kiss for the entire time, unless he's pulling back to look you dead in the eyes and drink up your attention and affection and love. this is genuinely a spiritual experience for him, he is the living force and he's never felt a closer connection to it than when he's fucking into your drooling hole.
he'll properly kiss away all of your tears after more stream down your cheeks at the feeling of your intense orgasm, then he'll lick his lips and kiss you all over again like he hasn't just licked out every inch of your mouth. sex with him is absolutely never mediocre, he makes sure of it.
anyways if you're not into divine filth yeah he likes controlling your orgasms and making you cry <3 it's a total power trip, an ego boost, and one thing we know about The Chosen One is that he's never going to walk away from the chance to drain power out of whoever will give it to him.
if you give it to him (and triple-check that you know your safeword) he'll spread you out over the bed, tell you that under no circumstances are you allowed to touch yourself, then get off on the control he feels as he plays with you. he'll tweak your nipples in his tightly pinched fingers, he'll lick long, languid stripes up your slit without ever pushing his tongue past your entrance, or palm your bulging cock through your underwear without ever letting his skin touch yours. he purposefully works you up just to the brink of an orgasm and then full stops, sits back, and admires his handywork. you're trembling, itching with the urge to touch yourself and relieve the stifling pressure down south, but he wants to know how long you'll last under his penetrating gaze. he watches you like you're his prey, with hunger in his eyes that lets you know he's not going to put you out of your misery too soon; he can wait to sink his teeth into you until you break first. he'll stand there staring at you and you'll just feel so small and pathetic under his gaze, tears spilling down your cheeks as you beg and plead and bargain for him to give you what he wants.
the head rush of power he gets from this is insane. it means that when you finally beg hard enough, or he can tell that you're not going to last much longer no matter how hard you try, he's going to fuck you like an animal. he's going to pounce and tear into you, teeth biting at your lips and hips jackhammering against your own in a pace that nearly breaks the bed. it's messy and feral and hot and heavy and overwhelming and he'll lick the tears right off of your cheeks as you wail his name because you can't think of anything else while he pounds you into the mattress.
and another: overstimulation.
there's absolutely nothing anakin finds sexier than driving you to the brink of fucking madness. setting your skin on fire and holding a vibrator in your hole while you wriggle and squirm and plead with him that you just need to be allowed to cum, please. but he's not going to let you, because he knows you're stronger than that, and you're just impatient. he'll press it even further against your sweet spot and watch with a twisted grin as you burst into tears, bucking your hips desperately up against it chasing a high you know you're not allowed to indulge yet. he'll wait until you surge forwards, clamoring into his lap all sweaty and slick and desperate as you sob against his face or chest that you need him to let you cum, now, please! then all he has to do is take his cock out (insanely hard, he's lucky he has good restraint) and lower you right down onto it, let your tears soak into his skin as he shoves his tongue down your throat <3
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moremaybank · 1 year
pairing rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary rafe wants to watch you do his job for him
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, oral sex (with a toy), masturbation, cum stuffing (that's right, right ??? LMAO), overstimulation, anal play, language, i think that's it
author’s note ignore how terrible the summary is and enjoy the (mediocre) smut instead LOL. proofread but i probably missed shit as per usual. inspired by this post.
rafe masterlist
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Being as intoxicating as you are should be a crime. Rafe’s always thought so. In fact, it’s what he’s thinking now from his place above you. 
Your upper back is propped up against his thick pillows, and your legs are on either side of his frame. Your hair is way past tousled, but it still looks gorgeous. Your dampened and dewy skin is littered with purple splotches and bite marks, evidence of Rafe’s greedy mouth leaving its mark on you. Your tits are bouncing each time his cock slams deep inside of you. Your cunt is so wet that you’ve made a mess all over yourself and Rafe by extension. The crude noises of your creaminess fill the room with each demanding and deep stroke, and if you were to ask Rafe what he thought heaven felt like, this would be it. 
But the part that has him the most captivated is getting to fuck you while watching you suck off the toy he bought you. He watches your swollen lips stretch around the thickness of the dildo as you take it to the back of your throat over and over. Spit strings are dribbling down your chin and onto your warm flesh, and mascara-saturated tears are flowing down your cheeks as you deep-throat the dildo, filling Rafe with a deep sense of pride. His good girl, always eager and willing to please him and make his wishes come true. 
“Keep crying, baby. So goddamn pretty when you cry for me.”
Rafe’s thrusts become cruel as he lets himself become mesmerized by you, and you mewl as best as you can manage, your eyes now screwing shut. The coil in your belly is burning brightly, threading to explode as Rafe’s cock rubs against your sweet spot overwhelmingly. You begin to clamp down on him, and a stern look washes over his face. 
“You wanna be my good girl, right, baby?” You nod, humming around the toy in response. “Then don’t cum yet. Hold it,” he instructs.
His hips pick up quickly as he chases his high, and you’re turning into a whimpering mess as you try to stave off your orgasm. You’re struggling to keep up the work on the dildo between your lips, and Rafe takes notice. “Take that out. Spit on it,” he rasps, plunging into you even harder, if possible. 
You do as he says, releasing the toy from your mouth and spitting on it. When Rafe’s satisfied with it, he takes it from your hand and withdraws his cock from you. Your pussy spasms as it mourns your now-lost orgasm, and you pout as your eyes lock on Rafe. 
“You’ll get yours, sweetheart,” he breathes. You watch as he begins to jerk himself off, and you spit onto your fingers and bring them down to play with your clit. Rafe’s eyes land on your actions, and his hand picks up a swift pace that forces you to do the same. “Fuck, keep playing with yourself like that. ‘M right fucking there.” His breath hitches, and he cums loudly, coating the dildo in his other hand.
“Rafe,” you whine, “‘S not fair. Wanted you to cum inside me.”
Rafe chuckles, and the hand that previously encircled his cock comes up to your face. “Don’t worry, my cum-hungry baby,” he coos, using the pad of his thumb to swipe away some of your escaped tears,  “Not a single drop of this is going to waste because you’re going to fuck it into yourself nice and deep for me. Isn’t that right?”
You give him a greedy nod, impatient and yearning for your own orgasm. Rafe’s hands splay over the backs of your thighs after handing you the dildo, stretching you out nice and wide so he can get a good look at what you’re doing. You grip it at the base, bringing the tip to your sopping entrance. You push it inside, you and Rafe both watching your pussy swallow the head. You inhale a shaky breath as you shove the rest of the shaft inside you. Your eyes move up to look at Rafe, silently asking permission to start.
Rafe nods, “Go ahead, baby. Get that pussy all messy for me. Show me how good you can be.” 
You grant his wish, starting to slowly fuck yourself with the thick toy. You instantly throw your head back when you begin to feel it touching the inner depths of your walls, but Rafe is quick to correct your form. His hand wraps around your throat, bringing your head back upright. His hand then slithers to the back of your neck, “Nuh-uh. I want you to watch yourself. I don’t want you to miss a thing.”
Your gaze moves to your cunt, and you watch as your pussy takes every last inch of the toy with each flick of your wrist. You maintain a steady pace, your abundant slick allowing the toy to slip inside you with little to no effort each time. Your moans increase in volume the rougher you go, with Rafe’s instructions, of course. 
“Harder, baby. Take what you want from it. Make yourself cum for me,” he rasps, bringing a hand to your clit after moistening it with his tongue. His fingers find your bundle of nerves instantly, rubbing it harshly as he watches you fuck yourself harder. 
“Rafe, fuck,” you cry, fighting the urge to shut your eyes as the feeling of euphoria fast approaches you. “Please. N-need to cum.”
“Not yet, baby. Go harder for me.”
“I can’t,” you sob, the intense waves of pleasure from all the stimulation practically leaving you dumbfounded.
“Yes you can, princess. Be my good girl. Harder,” he speaks, his free hand landing a harsh smack on the side of your ass. You start to weep as you obey his orders once again. The head of the dildo slots against your cervix, and your legs begin to shake as you ram it inside of you. 
“Beg me for it, baby. How bad do you want it?” Rafe asks.
“P-please, Rafe. Need it so fucking bad. Please let me cum,” you plead through your sobs. Rafe smirks, wetting his lips with his tongue as the thumb of his free hand probes your puckered hole. The abundance of slick pooling down to your ass is enough lubrication for Rafe to slot it inside, and he’s elated when he hears your shaky gasp.
“Cum for me, princess. Scream for it,” he says as his fingers work harshly on your clit and his thumb penetrates your ass. The force of everything going on quickly becomes too much to bear, and you crumble under the pressure, erupting loudly without shame. You call out Rafe’s name as you cum, and Rafe is once again beguiled by his lovely muse. 
“That’s it, baby. Let it all out.”
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updated rafe taglist (join here!): @pankowperfection @oncasette @rafesmoon @hopesdadswife @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @whoisdrewstarkey @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @twelfthmortalofcrimsonpalace @laineywilsons @sw34terw34ther @adoreyouusugar @sweetestdesire @cecesrings @tinyluvs @rafesmuse @indigoflorals @skydisneylover
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vivalabunbun · 1 year
There Are Nothing But Flowers
Summary: You want to play house and he’s just hungry.
Word Count: 11.3K
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Smut(r18+), Modern AU, Vampire AU, TW: Death, Terminally ill! Reader,  TW: Medical gaslighting, description of medial treatments & corruption, TW: Blood & Blood drinking, vague mentions of violence, Contract Marriage AU, slight! enemies to lovers, Slow burn, NSFW, Fluff, Heavy Angst, Unrequited love?, Vampire! Alhaitham, Dom! Alhaitham, Human! Reader, biting, slight orgasm denial, overstimulation, creampie, slight corruption kink, temperature play? you fall hard, slow fic, tragedy. 
Authors note: This is the other side to this work, your side of the story, please read the tags carefully. I wanted to explore the other side of the garden wall and themes of mortality, it’s heavy, please read when you feel well enough to see what lies beyond. Enjoy. 
Side note: the aftermath
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“Honey, I’ll be off to work now.” A dapper man straightens out his tie, a briefcase in his other hand.
“Dear…aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Are my pants unzipped again?” His eyes darted down as disembodied laughter rang out in the unseen background.
“No, you forgot this.” The pattering of house slippers stops as the woman cradles her lover's face between her hands.
The kiss from her immaculately painted lips melted the wrinkles from his forehead as the taller man leaned into his deserved affection.
“Have a good day at work, my love.”
A quiet house on the hill, white picket fences, and a lovely dog wagging its tail in the green yard. Eyes watching the vibrancies dance along a small screen, blocking out the gray in the peripheral.
Everything about this drama was cliché, the plot slow and predictable, just mediocre. So perfectly mundane that your hand itches to grab it through the screen like a thief. But are you really a thief if you steal back what was taken from you? 
Before your mind can explore that comparison further a knock drags you out of the immersion, thumb quickly taps the screen to halt the fantasy. 
“Good evening, ma’am.” The doctor in his white uniform enters. 
“Hello, doctor.” 
Two polite smiles greet each other, neither truly reaching the eyes. Your hands neatly folded together, his fiddling with the chipboard which held your verdict.
Observing how his teeth bit the inside of his cheek as his eyes scanned the charts. Your hands remain still even as he takes a deep breath.
“Unfortunately it has spread beyond our initial expectations. The results show that it’s progressed to a late stage despite our best efforts. Right now, you only have a few treatment options left.”
What happened to ‘just that time of the month’, ‘just get fresh air’, and ‘just give it some time’? 
“There’s a series of procedures to cut out the spread, however, it might be very difficult as the infection is deep and intertwined with healthy tissue. The success rate is low, and the probability of it coming back is very high.” 
What happened to ‘you’re young and healthy, it’s nothing’? 
“The next possible treatment would be Kalpalata Lotuses. It has properties to slow inflections and has pain-reducing effects, however, it’s slow and inefficient in the long run. If you choose the first option you’ll have to pair it with treatment two. The first could give you fourteen years, the second on its own might only give you half of that.” 
What were these past months spent behind a glass prison all for? 
The constant hum of the machines filled in the dead space, the beeps on the monitors counting the passing seconds as two lips remained closed.
From the hallways, the chattering of nurses provided proof that the world in fact has not stopped spinning. Something dreadful filled the room, a silent suffocation. He was the first to fold. 
“Please take your time to think this decision over, I’ll leave you to get some rest. Have a good night ma’am.” There was a flutter of pages folding back down to the clipboard.
The doctors were letting you pick your poison, how thoughtful of them. 
Just as before two polite smiles that didn’t reach the eyes acknowledged each other, with a nod the doctor took his leave, eager to end his shift, to escape the unseen hands.
Not a word slipped past your lips during the one-sided conversation, tongue unable to string together a single sentence. What is there left to say? 
As you lay back down your fingers brushed against the screen, restarting the episode as the laughter of an audience resonated along the sterile walls. 
Maybe if the doctors, with their acclaimed degrees and status, were just a little more attentive.
Maybe if they didn’t simply see you as a lady with nonsensical symptoms.
Maybe if they didn’t view you as a statistic.
Then you wouldn’t have collapsed that day at work.
Then you wouldn’t have spent grueling months undergoing diagnosis after diagnosis.
Then maybe just maybe the Pythagorean Cup wouldn’t have surpassed its threshold, emptying out all hope. 
The dialogue continues but it’s all but a fuzzy ringing now. Eyes watching the passing car lights dance upon the gray ceiling from the late evening traffic of workers, with their white or blue collars, eager to return home. 
You longed for that, to return there. Hands itching to rip out the tube from your arm and the sensor with its pitched beeps. 
Fourteen years, fourteen years of what? Bed sores from thin sheets? Chest pains at too deep of breaths? Stitches recovering only to be ripped open again? 
Sounds more like a punishment delivered deep underground in a place whose temperature rivals the surface of a burning star. 
Was it because you cursed at the man who cut you in line once?
Was it because you stole your college roommate’s sweater?
Was it because you never brought offerings to the Sanctuary of Surasthana? 
Were you such a despicable person in a past life that the sins carried over? 
Heavy lids closed to soothe the burning in your eyes, letting the warm trails run down your cheek. Reining your senses back from its escapade with a slow breath. 
No. It’s none of that. It’s just life, capricious life. Capricious life that took your parents and now is hunting you. 
There’s no karmic debt to pay off, there’s no faceless god to pray to. Setting one foot onto the path of true adulthood, only for your eyes to spot the end just over the horizon. What can you do? 
The jumbled laughs and fuzzy speeches coming from your phone’s speaker were becoming too much. Thus you rolled your heavy body over to silence it. Once again the world outside the window was in view, the soft orange glow from the office right across leaking into the suffocating grey. 
Oh, he’s at his desk tonight. 
Wet eyes watch as the ashen-haired being shifts through sheets of crisp paper and his pen moving constantly. It’s strange, a bit mocking even, that an immortal creature could be so mundane.
Maybe that’s why their office is just across the Bimarstan, to taunt those who longed for that reality, beckoning them to sign their names on a dotted line. 
Candace’s words were right, it’s a predatory scheme. 
Perhaps hold habits die hard, after all, vampires are creatures of the night that once terrorized generations of humans. 
Shielded by the panes of glass separating the two buildings, it was safe to continue this strange routine. Is staring at a stranger considered stalking if they’re the only view the windows offer? 
He got up from his desk, moving towards the filing cabinet just off to the side, allowing for his profile to come into view. 
He’s handsome, features outshining any of the male leads you’ve seen in movies. 
Teal eyes, ashen hair like moonlight, tall and broad stature. It’s no mystery why so many heroes and heroines fell into depravity, lured in by their beauty, entranced minds blindly offering up their everything. 
You weren’t special enough to be immune. Hence, why you continued to watch the nameless vampire who doesn’t know yours. Resting your cheek upon the stiff pillow, the feeling in your arm decreases like the cars in the streets. The pitched beeps keeping time.
He stood back up from his desk again, one hand grabbing the coat thrown over the back of a chair. Placing pens back into a cup and paper back into folders, he walks to the door before his hand shuts off the warm orange light. 
It looks like tonight’s episode has ended on time like always. Rolling back to stare at the drab ceiling, allowing blood to rush back into your arm as the sensation of pins and needles crawled up. It wasn’t bothersome, as tonight's viewing evoked entertaining thoughts. 
What a punctual vampire, where does he go after midnight? To a tavern or home?
Is someone waiting at the door for him there? Welcoming him back with soft lips?
Is that why he’s so eager to leave?
Your lids were growing heavy, the view of a blank ceiling wanes your alertness. The sweet curiosities coax you to continue in the realm of dreams, you listened to their call. 
Could you be that someone? 
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“So, how ya feeling?” Dehya places down a container filled with baklava. 
The metal legs of the visitor's chair scraped across the floor as she awaits your response.
“Would you still be my friend if I was a rock, Dehya?”
“Ahh, not this again.” She rolls her eyes. 
Sitting upright in the hospital bed, hands folded together you awaited her response.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll still love you to bits even if you’re a pebble or something,” Dehya sighs, but there’s an upward tilt in her lips. 
“I’ll love you too.” You helped yourself to some baklava. 
A reward for your diversion of a miserable topic with sweet nonsense and special words. After all, she’s got a difficult job during the night, no need to make the day as difficult. Your mother used to say to save such words only for a special someone, but that’s the point of a word if it's never used?
“So, a few weeks ago I took this assignment that–” Dehya’s sapphire eyes moved behind you, gazing out the window where the sunlight poured in. 
“Ugh, his office is right across from you.” 
“Alhaitham, he’s a vampire I had the misfortune of meeting during a job, not that he’d remember.” 
So the vampire’s name was Alhaitham, it felt nice on your tongue. 
“Oh? How come?” 
“He just always talks in long, convoluted sentences, and in that snooty tone, snooty even for a vampire.” Dehya takes a piece of baklava to ease her from that bitter work experience. 
“My, I wonder how his spouse bares with him.” The bait was set out. 
“Pfft?! Ahaha! Who? It’s nearly impossible to spend five minutes by his side.” 
“Mm, really?” 
“No ring on his finger. From what I’ve gathered even other vampires can’t stand that personality of his.” Dehya takes another piece. 
The container of baklava now only holds a few crumbs and traces of sweet syrup. The sun was beginning to kiss the horizon, a sign that your friend’s visit was coming to an end.
After all, she’s got a duty to fulfill as a hunter that maintains the balance between mortals and creatures who dare cross the boundaries of the law. 
Right as your hand returns from the air after bidding goodbye, it lands on the cold screen of your phone. In an age of growing cities and ever-advancing technologies, you’re grateful for these developments. As it makes your next actions possible.
It’s hard to miss a name when the letters are written in bold, imposing signs along the building just beyond the panes of glass.
As per Sumeru regulation, all employed vampires must be listed on company sites, an attempt at keeping track of such creatures. 
Scrolling page after page until eyes landed upon familiar ash-mint trusses.
Name: Alhaitham
Species: Vampire (Born)
Title: Secretary
Years At Company: 168
Fingers clicked on the next tab. 
“To apply for a blood contract, one must bring personal identification, and fill out an application during an appointed consultation with the vampire present. Once the boundaries of the contract are established, it will go through the approvement process.” 
Eyes moved to the next tab.
“Seven years is the maximum time for a singular contract, but it can be renewed every seven years. Both parties must fulfill the terms written on the contract. The value of a contract is determined by the amount of blood offered on a regular basis or in a future deposit. Applying for a contract that gives the maximum, 10 pints, in a full sum amount must pass a psychological evaluation.” 
Fourteen years is an unjustly cruel fate, but seven… Seven might be tolerable. After all, it’s often called the number of luck, you wonder if vampires were aware of this, maybe that’s why they chose that arbitrary number. 
Waiting as the sun disappears behind the horizon with your head resting against the stiff pillow. The warm orange glow from the office across from you signaled the start of tonight’s episode. Observing every stop and start of his pen as two voices wrangled your thoughts. 
There was a guest featured in this episode it seems, another vampire enters the office with a fresh stack of paper. He seemed eager for Alhaitham’s approval, even going as far as offering a pen out from his own pocket. However, this plan was foiled by a simple rise of hand by the male lead. 
The universal signal for rejection. 
The guest seemed dumbstruck. The only explanation the silver-haired lead gave was a simple gesture toward a clock. The guest’s hands were moving frantically as if to convey the urgency of the papers piled up.
However, Alhaitham simply takes his coat from the back of his chair and shuts off the warm light. 
In the murky darkness, your eyes could just barely make out the silhouettes of two figures traversing out of the office. Oh, tonight’s episode has ended just on time as always. 
How shamelessly punctual that vampire is. Some might even call it selfish. But what’s wrong with being selfish? After all, all true passions in life in the end are thinly veiled excuses for selfishness. 
If life wanted to be shamelessly selfish, then why can’t you? With that, it seems one voice has finally emerged victorious. 
Your fingers crept towards a button just off to the side, a quiet ding resounding as the bright glow flashed. Breaths counting the minutes before a set of footsteps stopped in front of your room, followed by a polite knock. 
“Is there something you need, ma’am?”
“Yes, I want to discharge myself tomorrow, as soon as possible.”
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Your eyes traced over the too-long string of zeros printed on the check, hands wanting to crumble up the slip of paper. So this is how much your life was worth. Standing outside the Bimarstan, you peered up at the tall building that once caged you. 
Were the administrators looking down at you at this moment from their high offices? Were they watching your reaction to their little bribe? Pushing you to keep your lips shut, so that their mistakes and misjudgments won’t reach the ears of the press? 
It doesn’t really matter now, but it was thoughtful of them to hand out an extra bargaining chip. Refocusing your attention back on the building just across the street, there were still some preparations to finish.  
The time was now 6:30 pm, the sun has ran off into the night allowing for the stars to guide you back to the building just beyond the glass.
A simple bag held your offerings: proof of identity, property documents, doctor's notes, and bank statements handsomely topped off with the help of a certain check. 
There’s a jitter in your legs as you stood just beyond the threshold of the sliding doors. Is it really the right thing to do?
What would be the look on the faces of your dearest friends?
Would the handsome stranger show last night’s gesture to you too? 
Your lungs steadily filled with the crisp air, pushing their capacity almost to the point of pain, you exhaled. 
The right thing to do is to be selfish, they’ll understand sooner or later, and the worst thing he could do is say no.
Even if you leave with your cheeks burning in shame, the burn would only last seven years. Your feet stepped past the threshold and the glass doors parted. 
“Excuse me, is Mr. Alhaitham here tonight?” You already knew the answer. 
“Hm? Yes… Are you looking for him, youngster?” The receptionist quirks a brow at you. 
“Yes, I want to schedule a contract consultation with him right now.” You take note of her name tag. 
“Hold just one moment, the secretary-”
“Is his schedule occupied right now?” 
“No, but if you’d let me finish, Alhaitham isn’t one of the vampires that usually accept such-”  
“Please, Madam Faruzan?” 
You weren’t sure if it was the polite address of her name or the plead in your gaze that was the cause of the decisive furrow between her brows. However, her shoulders slumped forward as a huff leaves her lips. 
“Alright, please follow me.” She gestures a hand, welcoming you to the elevator just behind the desk. 
“Thank you.” 
Within the confines of the fancy cart, the blue-haired vampire asks over and over if you had all the correct documents, listing each one out. Your skilled ears tuned every word out, nodding along to feign attention. Finally, the saving grace of a pleasant ding signals the chart’s stop at its destination. 
When the polished doors slid apart, you charged out into the floor, your legs guiding you to the office with the clearest view of your old glass cage.
From behind you, Faruzan called out your name as she mutter something about how humans these days are always in just a rush. Your ears could care less about her words. 
Gallivanting through the threshold of his open office door, you finally came face to face with the male lead you’ve been fawning over.
As his eyes meet yours, you observed the brilliant shades of teal and ocher in them. Really, the view from across two panes of glass couldn’t detail his true beauty. 
“Hello, Mr. Alhaitham.” You beamed your best smile. 
The pattering of steps behind you comes to a stop as Faruzan finally catches up exasperated at your impatience. 
“Secretary Alhaitham, this young lady here would like to make a blood contract with you.” 
The weight of his teal gaze shifted back on your frame after your late introduction, assessing the situation as you awaited his response. 
“I see.” He nods while walking out from behind the desk, pulling out the chair in front of it.
The receptionist took her cue to leave the room, shutting the office door on the way out. The room now balanced with just one mortal and one immortal. 
You paid no mind to his words as you settled down into the seat, after all, you’ve already read through them. Instead, your ears absorbed his timbre tone and smooth cadence. What a dangerously beautiful voice, it’s beckoning you towards the murkier waters. 
“What are your demands?” 
“Marry me.” Your lips blurted the truth out before shame got the chance to stop them.
Remember, the worst he could do is to show you the door. 
In truth, you were preparing yourself to see the open palm of his large hand as he rejects your ridiculous proposal. Yet, here you were, still in his office. Sitting just across the expanse of his dark oak desk, all your documents scattered across it as Alhaitham’s pen guided across a form. 
“What are the living arrangements you expect?” He doesn’t glance up from the paper.
“Mm… Would moving into your home be possible? Married couples usually live together.” 
“That’s possible. Expectations for domestic and financial responsibilities?” 
“I can’t work, so I don’t mind taking care of the house. But, I do want us to share some chores, so I don’t go insane.” You wonder if the ends of his lips would curl at your humor.
“I see.” The pen continues to record the sentences down on the form. 
You kept the smile up despite the sting of failure. 
“So… How much blood do vampires need?” Best to move on. 
“It depends. Humans can give at most two pints of blood safely, and only once every two months.”
“You only need to feed once every two months?”
“Yes, would that be an issue?” 
Lips parted, your next sentence dangles just off the tip of it. However, it seems that Alhaitham had already read them. 
“Mortal medicine has no effect on our bodies.” 
“Are there any restrictions on affection? Any personal boundaries?” You pivoted to another question. 
The pen stops for a moment, his teal eyes shifting off the paper for just a brief moment as he evaluates numerous scenarios, or at least that’s what you think he’s doing. 
“Deep kisses are not permitted.” Alhaitham’s teal eyes pierced straight into yours as he delivered the verdict. 
It’s silly really, you really don’t have the right to demand an ounce of touch from him, you aren’t entitled to his personal space. However, something still made your stomach sink. 
“Oh?... May I ask why?”
“There runs the risk of blood contamination through exchanging saliva, our incisors are quite sharp.” 
Oh. You read between the lines he penned down. The most sacred law of this age, a time where mortals and immortals walk alongside each other: vampires cannot turn humans into immortal beings. 
He’s being precautious, after all the price he’d have to pay for a drop of his blood tainting yours is far greater than anything you could offer. Yet, the greed deep within you wouldn’t stay silent. 
“Are closed-mouth kisses okay then?” Haggling the clauses like you were at a market stall. 
Once more the pen stops as he contemplates your bargain. 
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“The contract has been submitted to the legal department. If you pass the evaluation, it’ll be approved by the end of this month. I look forward to your cooperation.” 
And with his disembodied voice over the phone, he accepts your proposal. Alhaitham agreed to play the role of your husband. The anticipation that weighed down your shoulders for the past three days was finally lifted. Hopefully he can’t hear your idiotic grin through the phone. 
“No, I won’t accept this.” Dehya slams her glass down, unfazed by the glances from surrounding tables. 
“Please reconsider your decision.” Candace gives you her disapproving gaze. 
Shifting your eyes over to Nilou, poor sweet Nilou whose wide eyes could only convey the word ‘why?’. The interrogation after showing the ring to your dearest friends was much more intense than the evaluation you underwent to get the marriage approved. 
However, it’s to be expected. After all, two of the people at this table were hunters. If anyone knew the true brutality vampires hold, it would be them. 
Tapping on the screen of your phone to reveal the time. Of course, you won’t arrive at this negotiation unprepared. Glancing back up to face the counsel of your friends, a honeyed smile on your lips. 
“Would you guys have the time to accompany me to a doctor’s visit?” 
That took longer than you expected, walking out of the sliding glass doors which reflect the everchanging hues of dusk. The cause for this extended session at the Bimarstan was the numerous times your dearest guests made the poor doctor repeat your verdict. 
Each time hoping that something different would leave his mouth. Peering up at the building across the street, you wonder if he’s getting ready to leave the house soon. 
The closing of the automatic doors draws your attention back to the three figures who followed behind you. Pensiveness eyes downcasted as their minds continued to digest the events that have unfolded. 
“Pfft! What’s with this atmosphere?” A giggle leaves your breath, it’s unbefitting for a gathering of friends. 
“I won’t force you to attend my wedding if you don’t want to. However, I’ll be quite the lonely bride without any bridesmaids.” There was your honeyed smile again.
They could say no, they could beg you to drink the first poison offered by the doctors, they could ask you to give them more time, to give yourself more time. But they won’t. You knew they won’t.
Unlike you, they’re selfless and heedful, all your fortune in life must’ve been spent on finding such dear friends. 
You’re the only selfish one. 
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There are many things you like about Alhaitham. Even excluding his excellent physique, his starlight hair and beryl-citrine eyes, he’s got the perfect traits of a life partner. He satisfies all the aspects of the ideal husband. Never leaving you wanting or hungry. You could list all his positive traits.
One, by simply holding out a hand, he’ll place his black card onto your awaiting palm. Not even batting an eye when you returned home from a ‘simple grocery run’ in a new set of clothes with the tags still on.
When you mentioned to him that a TV would look nice on the empty living room wall, he ordered one on the same day. How dreamy. 
Two, he’s quite the interesting specimen. 
“So, if someone were to douse you with blessed water, your flesh won’t burn?” 
Alhaitham humors your ridiculous inquires about his species, enlightening you to just how inaccurate those films and shows you loved were.
He even humors the trivial anniversaries, celebrations, and dates inspired by any recent dramas you fancied. The wedding was proof enough: he tolerates your fantasies. 
Three, what you liked most of all: he’s too smart to ask redundant questions. After all, he’s read the files, he’s seen the diagnosis.
It’s not some secret that shall not be told, not a monster that shall not be named. Just like how there’s no point in telling someone the sky is blue, there’s nothing left to say about the doctor's notes.
No surprises, no sudden alarms, just the artificially sweet lull of domestic life. 
Performing the part of a doting husband with such spectacular accuracy, you could almost mistake it as sincere.
You applaud the amount of skill it takes. However, costars are meant to bring out the best in each other, pushing one another past their thresholds for an excellent show. 
The slightest blunders of lines and facial muscles couldn’t fool your expert gaze. It does take one to know one. 
“Haitham,” you called out. 
Setting down the two servings of biryani on the dinner table, the rich spices perfumed through the halls. It only takes one call for Alhaitham to come out from his library, halting for a second at the threshold of the kitchen before swiftly composing himself once more. 
“Dinner is ready, it’s biryani tonight.” You gestured for him to take a seat, a smile ever present on your lips. 
“Thank you.” He takes his place. 
You take your place just across the table, wasting no time enjoying the fruit of labor after standing over a stove. Every grain of rice perfectly coated in the right amount of seasoning, just the correct level of richness. The recipe you followed online deserved its high rating, it’s delicious. 
Traveling across the length of the dinner table, your leaden gaze landed upon the figure who has yet to touch his meal. That must’ve been enough for him to take his cue, bringing a spoon full into his mouth, chewing then shallowing. 
“How is it?” Resting an elbow on the polished oak.
“You’ve worked hard on this dish, thank you.” He takes another bite. 
Letting out a pleased hum, you released him from this scene. Turning your attention back to your own meal. 
You’ll clear your plate in about twenty more bites, and he’ll continue to push the contents of his plate around once in a while faking a bite. Then after you’re finished, he’ll swiftly offer to clear the table and dishes, telling you to retire to the bedroom for rest. 
A clever diversion from his ultimate goal of dumping your cooking into the trash. You’ve gone through this script for two years now. 
It’s practically impossible to completely suppress one’s true intentions and instincts. Alhaitham can’t fully prevent the corners of his lips from down-turning every time you address him with that botched nickname. 
He can’t entirely stop the sigh escaping his lips whenever you call for him to help with menial tasks, unbefitting for such a noble creature. 
He can’t suppress the repulsive scrunch of his nose every time your cooking assaults his palate, the same reaction witnessed during the bi-monthly feeding sessions.
The same disgust he has of your blood, you thought mortal medicines has no effect on such beings, an oversight on his part. 
He’s not as much of a mastermind as he might think, after all, he’s the one who allowed a piece of paper to be dangled over his head. Placing the power of clauses into the palm of your awaiting hand. 
You tell him ‘jump’, and he’ll ask how high with disdain thinly veiled behind brilliant teal.
Humans are defined by their curiosity and greed, mortal hands always playing chicken with a boundary, testing how far they could go. You’re not special enough to be different.
Perhaps the only time he gets the advantage is when you bare your neck for him. Fangs hastily piercing skin, hands a bit too harsh around the neck. He wants it to hurt, you know. 
Too bad, months spent at the hospital trained your tolerance to such sensations. 
If life wants to entangle its fingers into your hair and cruelly tow you to and fro, why can’t you enjoy that same feeling? You’ll just grasp at any wisp of control, you’re a simple human after all. You’d even grasp onto death to stable yourself.
Mortal self-interest versus immortal apathy, what a disastrous harmony. 
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Ah, you slept a bit too long. Extended nap causing you to miss a scheduled cup of tea. Tapping a finger along the cool marble countertop you watched the kettle boil.
Frame resting against the counter, each tap against the marble was a futile attempt at distraction. Kalpalata Lotus’ effects can only last four hours, what a shame. 
The steady rhythm of taps interrupted now and then by a pulse of pain as the leaves steeped. Starting deep within your core then crawling it’s up to your lungs like a shadow overtaking a frail flower. 
This must be your warranted punishment for a transgression committed over the weekend. Dragging a creature of the night into the bright, unwelcoming sun all for a silly farmer’s market. Alhaitham’s slumped figure and worn tone were the cue. 
You thought vampires weren’t like how the drama portrayed them, but perhaps there’s some truth, an oversight on your part.
You played chicken with that boundary and got burned, how will you soothe the wounds of guilt now? 
Foregoing honey this time, you hastily swallowed the entire contents of the cup. No matter how fast you push the tea down your throat, no matter how many spoonfuls of honey you put into it: it’s unpalatable. 
The herbal tang dried the inside of your mouth, yet the bitterness made your salivary glands go into overdrive. This is what purgatory is like, huh? 
The chime of your ringtone snapped you back to reality. Glancing over at the screen: Candace. A call so late, she’s at work now, isn’t she?
Swiftly pushing down the bitterness that lingered, clearing your throat before accepting the call. 
“Good evening, how are you feeling, any discomfort?” 
“Pfft! The diligent Candace gets on her phone during work just to check up on me? I’m swooned.” Your bell-like laughter made the pain worse as it rang through the empty house. 
From the other side, you could pick up the faint giggle, you envision her fighting back a smile. 
“Yes, yes. But more importantly, where are you now?” 
“Home, why? Did you want to visit? I got some baklava.” 
“Good, stay there.” There’s an instant switch to the mood. 
“Mm?” You hummed, passively acknowledging the tension. 
“Please stay inside. There’s a rouge vampire at large, hunters are scattered all throughout the city.” 
Leaving you with a cliffhanger, she knew you’d want a taste of the details. You’ll bite. 
“Oh? That serious, what did they do?” 
“He turned his lover.” 
Goosebumps ran up your neck in the perfectly tempered room. That vampire crossed the forbidden line in the sand, straight into the ocean of inevitable demise. 
The most sacred rule results in the most miserable end. Once caught, his chest will be pierced with silver, heart torn from his body. She doesn’t need to detail those, you already knew. 
“His lover has been located, they’re receiving treatment, unsure of the status. However, you should tell your husband to be careful.” 
“I should be saying that to you. Stay safe out there, he’s probably on his way back anyways.” Your eyes glanced at the clock, 11: 59 pm. 
“Alright, I will. You should really rest, it’s so late.” 
“Mm? Says you, Candace. Tell Dehya I said to stay out of trouble.” 
She hums in response. Right after you chimed your farewell and right before she disconnected the call, you slipped in one more line. 
“Please stay safe.” Addressed to no one person in particular. 
The hands on the clock now read 3: 21 am, a fresh cup of tea now rested in between your hands. Eye reflecting back at you, still no message, not a single call. His voicemail now ingrained into your ears. 
In an age where humans and vampires now live side by side, it’d be naive to believe that such arrangements are free from prejudice. After all, centuries of fear and hatred don’t just vanish into the air like the vapors of hot tea.
If a vampire is slain during a hunt, a creature unrelated to the true prey, oh well. 
It was for the greater good, it was to maintain the peace, to ensure humanity’s safety. You’re not in the mood to debate such flimsy excuses. 
It’s now 4: 34 am, the blushing hues of dawn were just about to creep through the curtains by the front door. Your legs begged for rest, your shoulders heavy, but you refused to leave your post. 
Finally, the clink of keys slotting into place sang through the entranceway. The heavy oak door opens, you don’t need to study his expression, he’s disappointed to see you. 
“Where’ve you been?” No chirp in your command. 
“I went drinking with coworkers.”
You know, you could smell it on him. 
“Why didn’t you call beforehand?”
Alhaitham doesn’t bother to suppress his deep exhale, nor the downward tug at his lips. Disdain meets disappointment, eyes and frowns locked into a staredown as the hands of a clock kept time.
In the peripheral you spot warm orange chasing away the pink, clearing the way for the most brilliant star. Oh, it looks like your wound wasn’t soothed enough. You closed your eyes. 
What went wrong with the script? 
It’s not selfishness, it’s plain immaturity. Immaturity breeds cruelty. The same immature cruelty of a curious child who ripped off the hypnotically beautiful wings of a butterfly. 
Perhaps the corruption of your tissues has made its way into your personality, an unforeseen consequence of that herbal tea. Or maybe your transgressions were the influence of a green-eyed monster. Immortality gives him an overabundance of what you’re deprived of. 
But it’s not his fault, it’s not an unseen monster’s fault, it’s your immaturity that’s ruining this performance. 
This just won’t do. With the script going awry long ago, there’s no use in trying to follow it, the two of two should conserve your energy.
It’s best to rewrite it again, to say lines that’ll move the scene along in the right direction, to save this domestic drama. You’ll be the first to fold. 
“My life’s too short for misunderstandings and messy communication,” you huffed. 
Lids opening back up to catch his gaze again, restrained and artificially blank as always. Still, he’s got beautiful eyes. 
“I’m your wife, and you’re my husband.” You stated the obvious.
Alhaitham knows that, so his lips remain still.
“So when my husband, who usually arrives home at half past midnight on the dot, didn’t arrive home until dawn without a single text or call, I got worried.” 
Another deep exhale from him. 
“You don’t need to report every movement to me, I don’t want that either. But if you plan on staying out please give me a simple text, so I don’t have to spend hours worrying about why my husband isn’t answering my calls.” 
The discoloration under your eyes, the slump of your heavy shoulders, and the unsteadiness of your knees. He’s observing them all, isn’t he? A pro-actor accesses the situation before deciding how to respond to an ad-lib. 
“I understand, I’ll do that from now on,” he answers. 
What a typical response for him, but maybe not so much for a husband. 
“You’re supposed to apologize, ya know: ‘I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time, my wife’,” you advised. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time, my wife,” he parroted. 
You’ll suppress your giggles for now, this successful pivot of a dreadful scene caused a grin to break out on your face. One that reaches your eyes. 
Arms outstretched you wrapped them around his neck as your lips warmed up his cool cheek, tying the ending together with repetition that’s now become a habit. 
“Welcome home, Haitham.” 
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“Closed… for construction?...” Your eyes trailed across the bolded letters. 
The grand garden was blocked off by iron gates and mossy stonewalls, path dimly lit by dull streetlamps. 
It’s your third anniversary, to celebrate a new chapter, a reworked script, you planned this special itinerary. The Pardis Dhyai was the grandest garden in all of Sumeru, and they offered night tours. It was perfect, but it seems that you miscalculated.
“It’s negligence on their part for not having this notification on their website.” Alhaitham’s baritone voice draws you from your thoughts. 
You must look so idiotic right now. Getting all dressed up and even coaxing him from the comfort of the house just to bring Alhaitham to a wall. You didn’t fight the slump of your shoulders, the fires of shame licked at your cheeks. You feel the weight of his teal eyes. 
“The street market is open tonight, would you like to go there instead?” 
What a good husband, stepping in to remedy his wife’s mistakes. Finally gathering the courage to connect with his gaze, you notice the faint twitch of his nose as a breeze passed by. 
“Do you not like flowers?” 
“Their fragrance is overbearing.” 
Recalling the times you’ve shoved an excessive bouquet in front of his face during previous anniversaries, the familiar burn of guilt crept up your back. You just can’t do anything right tonight, huh? 
“There’s no point in standing around.” He stretched out a hand towards you, palms waiting. 
“... Heh, it’s a good thing it’s closed then huh, Haitham?” Placing your warm hand into his cold grasp, a meek smile stretches your lips. 
Alhaitham hums in response, mercifully guiding you in the direction of the night market. As you walked along the dimly illuminated path, your eyes traveled back to the stonewall once more, its height towering even over your husband. 
“I’ve never visited this place before… what a shame…” The comment slipped your tongue before you could bite it back. 
Alhaitham promptly stops, turning back to glance between you and the mossy wall. The lullabies of crickets filled the nothingness, much like they did during the wedding night. The smile on your face grew tighter, he must think you’re whining. 
Before you could conquer up a line to transition from this scene, Alhaitham had released your hand, only for his arms to hoist you off the ground.
Tender hold balancing you against his firm frame, you had to tilt your neck down to look at his face. Following the subtle motion of his head you looked in the same direction, eyes widening as realization dawned upon you. 
The garden wall towered over the two of you, but as one, you were able to peer over the craggy barrier that once blocked your view. Wind blowing the floral fragrance over your face unobstructed. 
“What do you see?” The deep vibrations of his chest resonate against your body.
There was no one here tonight. Just a husband and wife enjoying a moment so private, not even the moon dare intrude. Sweetness meddling with bitter guilt, crafting something bittersweet.
“Flowers…very beautiful flowers,” you answered, gazing beyond the stones. 
“It’s a garden after all.” 
The contrast between this gentle scene and his curt response pushes a laugh from your breath. 
Patting his arm, you signaled for him to place you down, and carefully he follows your instruction. Once your feet touched the solid earth again, you pressed your face into his shoulder. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“It’s our anniversary.” The justification of his actions. 
“Of course… now let’s go, I want to try the samosas there!” The brightness returns back to your lips. 
This time, you lead the way. Warm hands mingle with his cold ones, creating a comfortable temperature as you gallivanted along as one. Under the moonless sky, you told him your first true lie, a full lie. 
How troublesome, you said you’d clean the library tonight. Looking around at the piles of books littered all throughout and the coating of dust. If only a nap didn’t eat away at the day, then maybe you wouldn’t be so pressed for time. 
Oh well, rolling up your sleeves to begin your promised duty. No use in mulling over it, and no use in blaming the nap either. It’s to be expected, after all, tea time is now every three hours. 
Alhaitham’s collection of books is nothing to scoff at, in fact, you’re willing to wager his collection rivals those of academic archives.
How long did it take for him to gather them? What criteria must they fit to catch his interest?
Small inquiries bloomed through your thoughts as each journal slid back into its rightful shelves. 
It can’t be helped. Finally, after four years, you’re now allowed past the threshold of his library. The last corner of the house which was wholly his. You’re allowed a glimpse into his sanctuary. The exhilaration from this privilege was enough to outweigh the tediousness. 
Eyes switching back and forth between the two covers currently in your hands. So focused on deciding between which shelves to place them your ears failed to pick up the poised footsteps coming your way. It took a pair of adamant hands on your shoulders to wake you from these thoughts
“Why weren’t you at the door?” A familiar baritone voice.
Oh, you weren’t mindful of the time at all. Meeting teal irises as you glanced back over a shoulder, not missing the ghost of a furrow between his brow. Alhaitham isn’t one who’s fond of deviations from a practiced script. 
“Sorry, sorry I got caught up in these books.” You couldn’t help but giggle. 
Placing the books back down and spinning around, cradling his face between your warm palms, you carefully placed a kiss on his cold lips. 
“Welcome home, Haitham.” You whispered against them. 
Alhaitham hummed as his eyes closed, savoring the sensation of your warmth transferring to him. How unbefitting of such a noble creature, melting into the touch of a mere mortal. What a beautiful view to witness, so lovely in fact, a certain phrase clawed its way to the tip of your tongue. 
“I...” You waited for his brilliant beryl eyes to reveal themselves again.
The soft trills of crickets creep in through the window, a call back to a night when an executive decision was reached by both parties to remove necessary lines from the script.
“… wonder if you collect books in place of company.” You’ll heed their warning. 
There was a sigh that filled the distance between you. 
“They’re great stimulants for the mind, perhaps you should read some.” No hesitation in his sardonic counter to your playfulness. 
“Pfft! Haitham, I can’t read half of these languages.” 
 It’ll be redundant to reinstate such words into a script that wasn’t written for it no? A part of you wonders if the quip was supposed to be a diversion from the faint downward pull of his lips.
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The windows were cracked ajar allowing the crisp night breeze into the sanctuary of the bedroom, the new air circulating through helped push out the stuffiness. However, Summer was always too hot for you.
“Haitham.” Under the glow of a waxing moon, your hands reached out. 
Soon, the cool cheeks of your husband settled into the space between your palms, taking away the excess heat. You brought him closer, allowing your foreheads to touch. 
To never be bothered by the polar extremes of temperature, how nice it is to be born of the supernatural. 
“Mmm… It’s been a while, aren’t you hungry?” You broke the comfortable silence. 
“I’m fine.” Two firm arms pulled you closer. 
His gray lashes were still shut, concealing away the teal stained with hints of scarlet. A tell-tale sign. It’s about five years too late for him to lie to you. Like a stubborn child refusing to take his medicine, where did the arrogant vampire go?
It’ll be best to change tactics, everything must have its fair compensation, a principle Alhaitham follows to its core. Sliding your hands away from his face and down along the contour of his body as your face rests into the crook of his neck.
“It’s really hot tonight.” Warm palms sneaking under the barrier of a shirt. 
There’s a hiss that sounds next to your ear as two hands firmly grasp your hips. Emboldened by his reaction, your hands continued to explore his sculpted frame, icy skin stealing away the warmth that smothered you. Alhaitham’s fingers kneaded your hips in contemplation. Moving closer to his ear, your breath ghosted over them. 
“Haitham, can you make it go away?” The final push. 
A deep growl reverberated against his chest, a sign of his surrender to your whims. A gasp is knocked out of your lips as your back meets with the plush mattress. This time two icy palms traversed the sweltering outline of your skin, goosebumps trailing behind his every touch. 
You hummed at the sensation as his hands travel further up, pushing the troublesome fabric of your shirt out of the way, exposing your soft breast to the air. A moan slipped off your tongue as Alhaitham gropes at the soft mounds, placing a kiss in the valley between them, cold fingers playing with the nipples now perked. 
Wrapping your legs around his solid frame, your hands tugged at the shirt that blocked your view of his godly body. A silent whine for him to take it off, and like the good husband he is, Alhaitham complies. In return, your shirt was also stripped from your frame, a fair trade. Cheeks stained red from shame your mind was too muddled to process, you blame it on the heat. 
More icy kisses trailed along your chest and neck, as cool fingers sneaked under the waistband of your shorts. His icy touches land straight against your puffy lips, labia glistening with slickness. You flinched at the sudden temperature change against your pussy, and his hand twitched at the small surprise. 
“Wet already, and nothing underneath…” Alhaitham’s baritone voice reports his finding against your ear. 
“Mmm,” you sounded out, shivering at the combination of his voice and teasing fingers. 
“How lewd.” 
“You don’t like it?”
Instantly, a stiff mass was pressed against the softness of your thighs. 
“Do I seem displeased?” 
Entangling your fingers into ashen locks, you let a giggle flutter your chest against his. Two hearts beating on opposite sides. Shorts pulled off the length of your legs and kicked to the side, leaving you bare underneath his mercy.
Rolling your hips against his cool palms to generate some friction, your clit begging for an ounce of attention. A quick slap against the sensitive bud jolts your body as you moan, a swift punishment for your impatience. 
As if to soothe the lingering sting, his fingers circle the bundle causing your legs to shiver as pleasure runs up them. Your folds release more of their essence, Alhaitham’s fingers collect it, tracing your entrance with fleeting touches. The heat engulfing your body was beginning to become too much, your walls clenching around nothing desperately. Your legs pull him closer, attempting to spur on the tempo. 
Your feeble strength is nothing against his, Alhaitham effortlessly pulls away from your trap. A whine left your throat as even his ashen locks freed themselves from your grasp. 
“Shh, let me have a taste first.” He pulls you toward the edge of the bed. 
Vascular hands gripping onto your thighs, spreading them open to allow him unobstructed access to your dripping greed. A firm hold denies you the opportunity to slither away from the cool breaths hitting your pussy lips. 
Alhaitham’s tongue teases its way between your folds, collecting your escaped honey into his mouth as he releases a satisfied grunt. Licking stripes along your pussy, cool lips brushing against your sensitive clit. Your fingers found their way back to his silken locks, the back of your hand blocking your mouth. 
Objecting against your cruel act of denying him the privilege of your moans, a finger was abruptly thrusted into your soaked walls with a squelch, causing your back to arch off the sheets. Hand no longer able to withhold the sinful sounds from his awaiting ears. 
  Another finger soon makes its way into your gummy walls, sliding to curl against that one spot deep within before sliding out and repeating. All the while his lips closed around your delicate bud, suckling and abusing it with his brutish tongue. 
He was supposed to cool you down in this unbearable heat, yet your body only burned more under his ministration. Your walls desperately clenched down as your fingers tightened their hold on his ashen hair, trying to find any perch for your sanity to cling to. 
Your actions only spurred him on, harsh sucks to your swollen clit and fingers increasing their pace. He wanted to ravish you wholly, to leave you a mess beyond saving. White flashes shoot up your trembling legs still held apart by his iron grip. If he continues then you might really fall beyond the grace of help. 
Your slurred speech must’ve made your words incoherent, as Alhaitham only added more force behind his movements. Your slicked walls clenched around his fingers as they continued to pinpoint your weak spot, the messy licks and sucks at your clit causing the knot in your core to grow tighter and tighter. Or maybe your husband is just too famished to know mercy. 
Back raising off the bed, no matter how hard your fingers cling onto his hair and the messy sheets you couldn’t stop the fall off the edge as your eyes saw the back of your head. A broken moan resounded through the room. Hopefully, it’s too late for anyone on a late-night stroll past the open window. Every fiber of your being shivering and nerve overwhelmed with hot flashes of pleasure. All the while Alhaitham’s tongue never stopped its torture. 
Laying bonelessly upon the ruined sheets, hands limp by your side. Your chest heaves trying to remember how to breathe as a large figure looms over you. Your quivering pussy reluctantly released his fingers as a string of slick connected them.
Unfocused eyes watch as your husband’s tongue cleans the essences off, making sure to clean every inch. 
You felt so empty inside, the heat between your legs only escalating as your walls clenched around nothing. Was it the heat or pleasure that’s melting your mind? You don’t know and were too desperate to care. You wanted relief from the heat and judging by the hard shape pressed into your thigh, he needed relief too. 
Wordless your nimble fingers reached down, curling over the waistbands of his pants and boxers you pulled them down. Finally freeing his cock, it slaps against his naval as the leaking precum spears across his exposed skin. Playfully, your finger toys with his swollen tip, gathering up the precum as a hiss leaves his clenched teeth.
Making sure to look directly into his piercing eyes, you brought the finger into your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the digit and then pulling it out from your lips with an audible pop. 
Your shameless behavior earned you a guttural growl from Alhaitham, soon your hand was pinned above your head. His face was just inches away, the brilliant teal of eyes now wholly glazed over with crimson. Everyone is warned to never play with fire, but it’s just too addicting to resist. 
“Brazen girl,” he snarls. 
You countered with a grin, cheeks a deep red, but what’s there to hide from someone who’s laid you bare numerous times before? 
Sucking in a gasp as his thick tip rubbed against your negligent folds, your leaking walls trembling with anticipation. Longing for the stretch only he could offer you.
Of course, nothing ever comes easily when it comes to him. Self-control honed by years of experience, all held by the iron grip of his analytical mind. A battle you’ll never win, so it’s best to sacrifice your self-respect in favor of your aching pussy. A fool for pleasure, gone far beyond the point of saving. 
“Please… I want you to ruin me… please ruin me.” Sinful words rolling off your tongue. 
Words that finally snapped the last thread of self-restraint Alhaitham had, instantaneously his hips met yours. Your gummy walls, long ingrained in his shape, welcomed the familiar stretch, clamping down as a wet slap resounded through the room. Alhaitham pushed his cock in further, pinning your body deeper into the mattress, hissing at the heat that engulfed his length. 
Your mouth falls open, pleasure shooting through overstimulated nerves, the bed creaking underneath you as his hips pulled away just to snap back. Setting a more punishing pace than usual, the bed shook in protest as your pussy welcomed each thrust, slick walls wrapping around his girth.
Moans flowed out of your mouth like how water flows through rivers, any semblance of embarrassment drowned out by molten pleasure. Two bodies connecting and mingling together to create a private heaven. 
Alhaitham’s hand abandons its grip on your wrist in favor of getting more leverage on your hips, purple marks promising to appear in the morning.
Before your muddled mind could process it, icy lips crashed into your plush ones, a tongue crossed the line. Sloppy and hungry was how his mouth devoured yours. Tongues clashing and dancing as he shallows each moan of yours. 
He pulls away momentarily as you took the opportunity to steal a few breaths. Scarlet-hazed eyes observe the transgression just committed before his lips moved back to reconnect with yours.
It’s clear he doesn’t give a damn about that arbitrary rule anymore. Why must forbidden acts always feel so good? 
Free hands now found purchase on his broad back, nails digging into the smooth skin trying to balance out the onslaught of pleasure invading every fiber of your being. Legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him deeper into the sheets with you never once interrupting his savage pace.
Your attempts at staving off your independent orgasm were futile, teary eyes rolling back as your walls clenched and your body shook. 
Alhaitham released your lips in time to savor the broken symphony of a moan leaving your throat, the sheets underneath you a soaking mess, proof of your fall from cloud nine.
Despite this, your husband doesn’t slow down in the slightest. The sight in front of him only heightened the hunger in his eyes. 
The solid oak bed frame swayed in time with the pistoning of his thrust, tight walls clamping down yet giving no resistance as his thick tip continued to bully that sweet spot. His chilly breath against your nape, tongue running a wet trail to prepare the area. Sensations your melted mind could barely register.
His fingers dig deeper into your hips as he pulls them flushed against his, thick cock pressing further into your wanton core. 
A sharp prick shoots up your nape before the sensation of your walls being filled beyond capacity distracts from it. Your pussy pitifully attempts to suck in every last drop before succumbing, letting his essence join yours in making a mess of the sheets. Trembling hands run along his muscular back, pulling him closer to your heaving chest. 
Your pants counted in time with the hands of a clock, shards of your sanity slowly returning to you as gulps moved down Alhaitham’s throat. With a satisfied sigh, his incisors released your neck, tongue lapping over the escaped drops of scarlet.
Slowly pulling away from your embrace, his untainted teal eyes scan over you. Hair fanned out behind you, chest still heaving, and cheeks still violently flushed. You must look absolutely ruined, just as you asked of him. 
Carefully, he pulls out from your gummy walls, trembling walls allowed to gather their senses again. Detangling your legs from him with tender hands he repositions your droopy body comfortably along plush pillows. 
Humming in gratitude as you rolled onto your stomach, face buried into the luxurious pillows which held his opulent scent. The aftermath of passion gradually faded away from recovering nerves. The space next to you dips down as his frame joins you, a cool hand resting along the curve of your back. 
The soft sways of leaves in the night breeze, slowing pants, and the sweet lull of nothingness filled the air of this private haven. Two hearts, one mortal and one immortal, beating together.
“Would you want more time?” Came a question that broke the silence.
A hushed invitation slipped to you behind the watchful eyes of the divine. A lure towards deep waters by his beckoning voice. 
Perhaps your curiosity has influenced him as well. All your innocent inquiries must’ve muddled the line, question after question brushing away at the definition until misunderstanding took its place.
This won’t do. Your time is too short and his time too precious to be wasted on miscommunication.
Since it was you who muddled the line, it shall be you who reestablishes it. 
“I was born a human,” you began.
Pausing to enjoy the feeling of his cool fingers drawing unknown shapes into your back and the gentle vibrations of his hum. 
“I will die as one.”
With those simple words, the line was once again clearly drawn in the sand.
Separating you from him, and him from you. Just as the laws of morals, nature, and this world dictated. 
After all, it was you who said: “For a fraction of your time, I’ll give you all of mine”. Not the other way around. The price he’d have to pay is far greater than anything you’re willing to sacrifice.
No, you’re too selfish for that.
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Under a waning moon, the market was lively tonight. Bright lanterns and stringed lights challenged the radiance of the sky’s stars. The twinkling momentarily distracts your mind from the cries of your muscles and the aches of your bones. 
What a simple thing you are, or perhaps you’re just a human in the purest sense. So entranced by the beauty of a rose, it distracts from the sting of thorns.
Such drab comparisons have no place in your thoughts tonight. 
As if to run away from them, your legs moved with volition, weaving in and out of the surges of crowds with clumsy grace, some haggling, some laughing, some yelling. 
Glazing up at the moon above, it was as if she was following your every step, watching, judging the performance of this daydream.
It wasn’t long before the volition faded away as you slowed to a halt, lung greedily trying to hog all the air they could. A herbal scent found its way to your senses, a quick glance to your left confirms your suspicions. 
It looks like your legs couldn’t carry you far enough in the end. Stopping right in front of a display of dried Kalpalata Lotuses, the moon must be laughing right now. 
You weren’t sure which one tasted more bitter, the herb or the irony.
Straightening your posture back up, ready to push through the burn of your muscles once more before a cold grasp grounded you back into reality. 
Whipping your head around, bewildered eyes connected with placid teal. There was a furrow in the brows that framed the hypnotic azure.
“Don’t go where my hand can’t reach.” Alhaitham’s atonal voice carried over the chatter of the streets. 
Bringing your husband out of the house, only to then leave him alone in a sea of people. What a capricious wife you are.
Perhaps Alhaitham foresaw this exact situation, that’d explain the recent spike in his reclusiveness. Seeing this, a giggle bubbled up in your throat. 
“Oh?~ Someone’s been watching my dramas. Where’d you learn that line from?” 
As he sighs your giggles only increased, cold fingers loosening around your wrist. 
“It’s exceptionally crowded tonight, be mindful of your surroundings.” 
You simply nodded along, a sign to him that you’re only absorbing half of his words, another sigh from him and another giggle from you. 
“A bag of Kalpalata Lotuses for the two of you tonight as well?” The vendor, ready with a fresh paper bag, intrudes on this raillery. 
Your lips pressed into a thin line, silencing your giggles as your eyes trailed over the dulled hues of the dried herb. 
Four hours went to three went to two and now down to one. Each cup becoming more and more unpalatable. There comes a point when a bucket can longer keep a sinking ship afloat, perhaps it’s better to gaze upon the starry night as one disappears under the waves.
“Actually… Padisarah tea tastes better, I want a bag of that instead.” A honeyed smile dawned upon your lips as you glazed back up at him. 
Alhaitham parts his lips, a response ready to fall off his tongue, but he closes them just as swiftly. Returning a hum of acknowledgment at your request, handing over the mora in exchange for the bag of dried Padisarah. 
Your attention has already shifted away from this scene, eyes avoiding the dull hues, finally landing upon wood carved with much creative liberty. There’s enough space for another sculpture no? It’d be nice to add more company to the home. 
Before the muscles in your legs could budge, a hand twitched, reminding you of the loose hold still around your wrist. 
A good partner should respect the wishes of their spouse. Warm fingers slide into the space between cold ones, intertwining like the lights above with the sky.
All it took was a soft tug for a human to move a vampire through the bustling crowd. 
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A common phrase uttered to unwell patients is ‘mind over body’.
However, there’s only so much the body can take before it rebels against the mastermind.
Even your own body had enough of your selfishness. 
Protest taking the form of wheezes, lethargy, and that piercing ache forever present deep within. You were always the one to toe the line, pushing your luck to the limits and beyond, only stopped by a towering wall. 
It’s time to lay rest under silken sheets and plush pillows. Something you’ve been doing very often these days. Perhaps your body is just practicing for the ending.  
The cumbersome duvet fails to capture the wisps of warmth only a Sumerian Summer can offer, it fails to prevent the chill from penetrating deep into your every bone.
Dull senses alert you to a shift in weight on the mattress. Fighting against the leaden weight of your lids, you opened your eyes to the sight of your husband.
Ashen hair slightly trussed and button down wrinkled as his frame lays next to yours. He must have come here straight from the door, a once-practiced tradition slowly faded away much like strength from your limbs. 
The muscles on his face relaxed, neutral by default, yet his eyes were downturned much like the corners of his lips.
Your husband must be deep in thought. His thumb is digging into his palm again, it seems that Alhaitham has developed a new habit. Hazy eyes carefully focused on how the nail threatened to break the surface of his palm.
That’s no good. 
Ignoring the exhaustion, you slipped your fingers in between his, shielding his palm from the assaults of his thumb, settling into a gentle embrace as two rings clinked together.
The weight of a teal gaze centers on you.
“My husband is such a handsome actor.” Breathy voice barely a whisper. 
Chest protesting against your action with wheezes, but you needed to finish this script, it's what a co-star should do.
“You don’t have to play this role anymore.” Exposing your neck to him as your lashes fluttered shut, it was time to pay your dues. 
Much like the clauses written on parchment signed by two names, the ending of this script must be followed, your body already taking its cue.
At least the doctors were accurate this time, how punctual your body is. 
A brisk breath brushed against your nape, skin reacting with a trail of goosebumps as you feel the presence of sharp incisors draws near before grazing against your delicate neck. Your mind counts back, ready for the final pierce of pain to come. 
Three… Two… The pressure of his fangs disappears from your skin. Replaced by the touch of gentle lips.
Opening your eyes with confusion and lost anticipation, you were met with stoic eyes.
“You don’t have to hold yourself back.”
“I’m not holding myself back,” Alhaitham answers without the slightest pause.
Your chest wheezes once more at your lung’s clumsy attempt at gathering a breath.
“What a silly vampire,” you giggled, the crimson hues were obvious even to your dimming vision. 
After the numerous questions you asked and the innumerable answers he gave these past seven years, you still couldn’t fully comprehend him. Neither of you were the masterminds you thought you were, huh? 
In the end, both of you were fools trying to perform a stage play.
Your mind ponders this revelation as Alhaitham tugs the covers up your body, gentle hand running along your body through the thick fabric barrier. 
The faint ticks of a clock pull a buried secret from the guard sanctuary of your thoughts, dusting off the obscurity to reexamine the details in full clarity.
What was the end of the path like? Well, just like the scene blocked off by a garden wall under that moonless night, it’s all the same.
Maybe tonight you’ll tell him the truth.
What was over that wall? With its stones piled high and with moss creeping through its crevices, a wall that only creatures born within the grace of an undecided god could peer past. What did it conceal?
A nothingness so empty, ultimate peace could reside. 
Seems like you’ve discovered something new in the end, you shameless fool. Death is nothingness in the end, a nothingness that fingers pass right through. 
So instead of holding on to nothing, you’d rather grasp a cold hand as nothingness envelopes you. He didn’t seem to mind. 
You wanted to tell this to the creature who humored your daydream for all these years. If he doesn’t want your blood then you could at least impart this priceless insight to him. 
Oh, it’s such a shame that your tongue just won’t move anymore. Instead, you’ll offer him a smile. In hopes that Alhaitham could decrypt the curvature of your lips with his seven years of experience. To translate your silent message into a language known to man with his lifetimes of wisdom. 
It’s all you could do to thank him for holding your hand as the dirge of Summer crickets fade out and the last first rays of a grieving sun kiss the horizon. The final wisp of warmth escaping down your cheek. 
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daddyfordaeddy · 3 months
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Pairing: god of time! San x f! Reader
Word Count: 2113
Warnings: cursing, dub con (it's a planned scenario but only shown to be one at the end so read with caution) (smut warnings under cut)
Genre: smut, rated E for explicit, established relationship au
Summary: Strange things keep happening, and your best friend may know something about it
Smut warnings: fingering, oral (female receiving, male recieving but only like a sentence and implied), unprotected sex (wrap before tap guys🔫), dirty talk, slight begging if you squint, felching (again), cum play, praise, light breast play, dub con, roleplay (they're roleplaying that san is her best friend who takes advantage of her), creampie i think?
I’m only doing a couple of the February Filth Fest, and this is day/track 25! free use/spit play, and i chose the former! this is a pretty heavy fic (dubcon) ad if you don't like it, please click away! while at the end it's mentioned that this is just a scenario, it's not really said outright and it's only at the very end so please!! read with caution!
And this is the last of the FFF i'm writing! i hope you enjoyed the burst of smuts from me and maybe you'll see more in the future ;)
ALSO! as threatened by @sanjoongie...dedicated to her and it's for topaz's eyes only lol /hj
A strange taste fills your mouth and you stop mid-sentence, clearing your throat and chugging the rest of your water. Your best friend, San, is watching you with concern on his face. “You good (Y/N)?”
You nod, clearing your throat again and swallowing down the strange bitter taste in your throat. “Uh. Yeah,” you say, smiling at him. “Just got a weird taste in your throat. Probably choked on my spit or something.”
San hums, brushing over the incident, but when he’s left for his apartment and all you have to keep you company is silence, you rush to the bathroom to cough and gargle the familiar taste of come out of your mouth. That has been happening to you for the past few days. You’ll be in the middle of the most mediocre task and in the blink of an eye your mouth or ass is sore and there’s cum dripping somewhere.
You remember the first time it happened like it was yesterday (and to be honest, it was only just the past Saturday). You were just doing your laundry with San playing video games as he usually does since you just ‘have the better router’, when you felt your underwear grow sticky and your legs quiver like when you use your Hitachi in privacy. With a glance at San, you slid into the bathroom and yanked your underwear down, staring for a good moment at the wetness that covered both the cloth and your thighs. There was no mistake about it. You had orgasmed.
You had brushed it off as just some random body thing, but then it happened again. And again. Some days you’d just be having dinner, and on others, you’d just be reading a book and you’ll find yourself ass up and underwear soaked. Every once in a while, you’d even have the taste of come on your tongue.
You swear you’re haunted, but no amount of salt, or incense, or candles kept whatever entity it was from coming and using you in the blink of an eye.
But one day, you were just trying to have a nice shower when this time, when you blinked, you were laying on the ground with come all over your face and your cunt ached and gaped more than you were used to. Tentatively, you pushed two fingers inside you, subconsciously letting out a sigh at the stretch. When you draw them back out, your eyebrows raise at the white, sticky release clinging to your fingers. That was a first, and you hate that you grow wetter at the idea.
This needs to stop.
“San, I think I’m being haunted,” you cry, launching yourself into his arms as soon as he opens the door at eleven at night. “I swear I can’t stop it.”
San’s brows furrow the slightest bit. “What do you mean? Why so late?” Even through his confusion, he lets you in and locks the door behind him, a fact you’re eternally grateful for.
“Okay, hear me out. I think a ghost is haunting me and using my body as a toy.” You know you sound like a fool with how San’s expression changes to that of slight amusement. “You don’t have to believe me, but I swear it’s happening!”
With a sigh coming from the depths of his soul, San opens the blanket he had swaddled himself in, and you quickly curl up under his arm. “Do you want to stay here tonight? We can check it out tomorrow.”
You nod as best you can with your face in his warm, sturdy, chest and the two of you waddle your way to his bed. The covers are thrown off haphazardly and you almost feel bad until you remember what happens to you when you’re in your apartment and you let it go.
As you melt into the bed, San throws an arm around you and mumbles in your ear, “You did look pretty good sprawled out in the shower.”
It’s almost embarrassing it takes you a minute to register what he says but your eyes snap open to find San staring at you right in the eyes with a smirk growing on his face. You jerk away from him but you’re tangled in the sheets and you just fall to the ground.
You try again, but this time, something’s off. Your limbs aren’t moving how you want them to…or moving at all. San’s smile only grows wider as he leans over the edge of the bed to stare at you. “Surprise,” he hums, reaching down to pull you back onto the bed like you weigh nothing. “You were just too easy, (Y/N)ie. Running straight to my arms like I’m the one to save you? Pathetic.” He scoffs, his hands wandering down your sides. It would feel ticklish but as much as you try to squirm, nothing happens and his hands keep moving.
With a glint in his eye, his large palm comes to rest on your cunt, still soaked through from what he did to you in the shower. And within a second, he pushes your panties aside and presses his fingers into you, groaning at how loose you are. “It was so fucking easy,” he moans, moving closer to you so his breath fans over your face. You can smell the mint toothpaste and you want to spit in his face, but you can’t. “You don’t even remember anything, right? Just what happens after. But God, now you finally can see exactly what I do.”
His hands slide up your torso, pushing your bra up to play with your nipples. “So pretty and pliant for me,” his lips twist into a smile and he presses a kiss to your slightly open mouth. “God, I’ve waited for this for so long. You never saw the way I looked at so, what was a guy supposed to do? Now I finally have you.”
His breathing becomes laboured as his mouth trails down your neck before nipping at the soft flesh of your breast. You can feel his hard-on pressing into your thigh, twitching and forming a wet patch at the front of his grey sweatpants. San’s hand reaches between your bodies to shove his pants down enough to free his cock, slapping it against your cunt before lining up and pushing in slowly. “Fuck,” he groans, his eyes rolling back in his head at the feeling of your hot pussy swallowing him up. “Just as sloppy and loose as I like it.”
He presses his lips feverishly against your unresponsive mouth, thrusting harshly. Each time he pulls out and slams back in, you can hear every squelch and you want to moan at how his thick cock hits the perfect spot every time. You hate that you love the feeling of him stretching you out and kissing your walls so sweetly. But the worst part is the fact that as much as you can feel every little bit of pleasure he’s serving you, you can’t move an inch to chase your own pleasure. The slow pressure building in your gut stays stagnant and you won’t come, not until you’re free from this prison of time.
San’s still mouthing at your parted lips, his hands wandering around your torso and gripping at your skin. His thrusts have become more erratic, pistoning in and out of you as his cock throbs. “Oh my God,” he groans, high-pitched and almost whining as he comes deep inside of you. With each rope of cum, you can feel it filling you up so well and if you could, you would relax at the end of it. San pants against your lips, his eyes squeezing shut as sweat falls on you.
His hands are still gripping onto your hips like there’s no tomorrow, but his hips come to a still as he jerks once, twice, and the last bits of come spurt out of him.  “God, still so perfect,” San hums, biting at your lower lip. “So much better when you look at me like that. So pretty.”
His hands cup your face and stroke your cheek. He slowly pulls out of you but to your surprise, instead of letting you regain control of your body, he shifts, sliding lower. It takes you a moment to register what’s happening but as soon as his warm breath hits your core it hits.
As he licks a broad stripe up the pool of his come and your slick, you jolt with a gasp, your body finally back to yours. Before you can do anything, struggle, moan, even blink, San sucks harshly at your clit and your hands fly to grip his hair as you half scream half moan. “Shit–” you whine out, voice broken as if you’ve forgotten how to speak. “San– please–”
As a response, his tongue flicks your clit and his grip on your hips tightens as he pulls you even closer to him. “Fuck, taste so good, and you taste even better begging for me.” His voice is so raspy as he mouths his way down to your fluttering hole, shoving his tongue in and working it against your clenching walls.
You squeal, legs jerking but you can’t move too much before they suddenly are still and you lift your head to see San staring right at you as he tastes you. “Isn’t it so much easier that way?” he murmurs into your dripping cunt, eyes burning with desire. “No struggling, just feeling?”
Before you can respond, his teeth scrape against your sensitive bud and the slow build-up of your orgasm finally crashes over you. Your brain goes fuzzy and your vision burns white as you throw your head back onto the mattress and your hands grip his hair so tight you fear you might’ve pulled out some hair. You swear you’ve gone deaf for a few blissful seconds before you come back down from your high and San’s slowed his licks as he groans, sitting up and pressing just the head of his dick into you as he cums again, painting your folds white. Gently, he pushes his come back inside of you around his dick while thrusting shallowly into you, moaning as his come foams up around his fingers. “God, you’re such a fucking dream," San moans, crawling up to meet your tired face and kiss you deep, his tongue working its way into your slack mouth, and you can taste his come on his tongue.
A pause, and he cups your face and presses another, lighter, kiss to your lips. You respond this time, pulling him closer by his shirt collar. “I wasn’t too rough with you, right?” His voice is much smaller now, and your eyes crinkle as you smile at him fondly.
“Of course not. You never are. Sure, I was a bit sore after you used your powers, but hey, that’s what makes it good.” You press a kiss on his cheek. “I’m just happy I got to be with you. I mean, who else can boast they’re dating a god of time?”
San chuckles, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer. “And I’m lucky to be dating the one and only (Y/N).” He presses another sweet kiss to your temple. “You did so well for me too. Now, let’s get you in the bath and clean you up.”
You chuckle, winding your arms around his neck and kissing his jawline. “Or…we could use another round.”
“Ah, you’re not tired yet? I just used you for a good hour,” San scolds, but you can feel him growing hard against your hip again. “Maybe I should tire you out for real.”
With a smirk, you reach down and palm his growing erection. “Maybe you should,” you start to say, but you’re soon cut off by his lips on yours. He picks you up, making you squeal as he carries you to the connected bathroom. “Aw,” you pout, but San kisses it away and you see the darkness in his eyes.
“Don’t ‘aw’ so soon, baby. If you want a round two, it’d just be easier to do it here,” San teases and your eyes brighten at his implications. “Now be good for me and get on your knees.”
In the blink of an eye, you find yourself already ready in position on the cold tile and heat pools in your core as you smile and open your mouth wide. Your body freezes, but your mind relaxes as you let him slip his half-hard cock into your mouth. There are many perks to dating him, and this is just one of them.
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ughgoaway · 4 months
An encounter
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content warnings; smut (duh), threesome, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, slight cumplay maybe? swearing, drinking and possibly mediocre writing. and also probably more things I'm forgetting...
a/n; idk why, but I have actually never been more nervous to post a fic?? maybe I'm just insecure because JESUS CHRIST writing threesomes is so fucking difficult. I'm just thankful there was only one dick involved in this one. also i fear i made this a little too gay... i mention the girlfriend A LOT. soooo... sorry about that <3
anyway special thanks to @think0fmehigh for being the nicest human ever and encouraging me to try and write this!! she is to blame if this is awful (jk it is all my fault lol)
word count; 5k -ish
Sweaty bodies press into your sides, the beat of the music pumps through the room, and you can feel the vibrations moving within you. With a heavy sigh and a wide smile, you throw your head back, letting your body move to the song carelessly. 
The music was swirling in your brain, and you were carelessly dancing, paying no attention to anyone else around you. So when you feel someone bump into you from behind, you immediately go to apologise.
Before you get a chance, you feel a pair of hands slide around your waist. You flick your eyes down and see perfectly manicured red nails spreading across your stomach, almost as if they were asking permission to pull you back into their body. 
Maybe it's the alcohol running through your veins, or the music pumping in your ears, or perhaps the fact that you haven't had a good fuck in 4 months. But you lean back into the mystery person's grip, pressing yourself against their hot body.
A wave of floral perfume overtakes your senses. The sickly sweet scent causes goosebumps to spread over your skin as you fight the urge to throw your head back and bury your head in her neck. sharp nails dig deeper into your skin, and you feel yourself hoping that she leaves crescent-shaped marks behind, to prove that this feeling is real. 
After a few minutes of moving together, you gain the confidence to flick your eyes back, to finally see the woman who has been practically fucking you in the middle of a crowded club Heavy eyeliner surrounded her hooded eyes and a deep red lipstick was smudged over her lips. Long curls of hair fell down her neck and chest, and even in the dark lights of the club, you could see her glowing skin, each pulsing light highlighted the thin sheen covering her.
With this newfound confidence, you press your body back against hers, your sticky skin sliding together as you grind against her. The rumble of a groan rips through her chest, and you can feel the vibrations as she presses herself even closer to you. Power thrums through your veins, and you can't help but giggle at the feeling of heat pulsating through you.
After a few minutes of dancing together, you feel her bend down to your ear. You prepare yourself for her hot breath in your ear, for her to whisper filthy things that make you drip down your thighs. You swear you can almost hear her inviting her back to her place, asking if she can bury her face between your legs until you're a sobbing mess.
Instead, she traces the outline of your ear with her tongue and begins pressing kisses to the outside of your neck, nipping and sucking your damp skin.
You let out a shuddered gasp at the sensation, and you can feel a smirk dancing across her lips. She slides her hands down from your waist to the tops of your thighs, inching dangerously close to your barely covered core.
The short skirt you were wearing didn't leave much to the imagination, and you wouldn't be shocked if she’d already caught a glimpse of your red panties from the way you were moving against her.
Once the song ends, you feel her grip around you loosen, and images of her spinning you around and shoving her tongue in your mouth as she gropes your exposed skin come to mind.
Except, before you can process the loss of her, she's slinked off into the crowd, leaving you breathless and annoyingly turned on.
Fucking hell. time for a drink.
You manage to part the sea of bodies and stumble to the bar, you shout over the pumping music and order a vodka cranberry. It might be a basic drink, but it was cheap and cheerful, and just what you need after being pied off by one of the hottest women you've ever seen.
“Put it on my tab mate, what's one more drink?” you hear a deep voice from behind you say, the timbre of his voice makes your pulse skitter. It was silky smooth and dripping with something you couldn't quite put your finger on. It wasn't confidence or hunger, not even lust. It was just something.
you feel his body press up against you before he slides onto the stool to your left, his hot breath dances over the back of your neck, and you almost shiver at the sensation. But you were more than ready to shoot him down, you didn't come expecting anything tonight, and after dancing with that girl for 10 minutes you're not sure a man could fill the hole she’d left behind.
However, when you flick your eyes over to him, any sense of apprehension melts away and is replaced with pure lust. His dark eyes still managed to glow in the low lights of the club, and his pretty wine-stained lips were already begging to be bitten and kissed. Perfect ringlets framed his face, dark but with swirls of grey dancing through them. A light spattering of facial hair covered his jaw, just enough to scratch your skin deliciously.
“Thanks” you say, smirking over at the mystery man. You pause and wait for him to fill in his name, but he doesn't. Simply smiling smugly and taking a sip of his red wine, you watch a droplet fall on his lips and study the way his tongue darts out to catch it.
His intense eye contact makes you nervous, and you almost pull your eyes away. His heavy gaze was confident, as if he knew something you didn't. You almost scoff at his obvious bravado, but that dies in your throat when you see the woman you were dancing with earlier slink up to his side.
His calloused fingers slide around her waist, and you can see the tension in his grip, his almost white fingertips letting everyone know he was staking his claim on her.
“Hey baby,” she says, bending down and kissing the mystery man messily. You can see their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. The kiss is filthy, all teeth and tongues, perfectly wet and sticky, strings of saliva trailing between the pair.
You can feel yourself yearning to be involved somehow, to be pressed between them. You want to be both of them. You want to feel the grip of his hand around your neck like it is on hers, the subtle display of dominance making your pulse race. But you also want that dominance rattling through your bones. You want to overpower her and let her know who owns who.
The bartender slamming your glass on the bar in from of you pulls you out of the trance you were in, and you already feel a flush covering your cheeks. The heat spreads down your neck and chest, a pretty pink haze covering every piece of your skin. Fucking hell, you hope they didn't notice the way you were gawking at them.
They did, of course.
You start gulping down your drink, needing whatever liquid courage you can get right now. The man grabs your glass to stop you, gripping the base forcefully, “Woah, slow down there, love. Dont want you drinking too much tonight.”
You eye him suspiciously and place the glass down, “no? Why’s that?” You smirk over at the pair of them, tracing the rim of your cup with your ring finger. The girl bites her lips, leaving you completely entranced by the view of them both in front of you.
The throaty laugh from the man in front of you pulls you back once again, and you can see in his eyes that he knows you want her. And that you want him to.
“Well, not to be a cliche,” she starts, tracing your body with her eyes shamelessly, lingering as long as she pleases, “but we saw you across the bar and thought you were beautiful” She finished her sentence with a smirk and a lick of her lips. 
You can see the man's hands tense again, pulling her in even closer to his side. The light dances over her exposed legs as she slides into his lap without a second thought, draping herself over him. You can't help but follow the line of her legs all the way up, your eyes catch at the highest slither of skin, and you imagine that if she moved her leg ever so slightly you would be able to see what underwear she was wearing.
But based on how tight her dress was and the lack of panty lines, you would guess the answer is none.
You snort out a laugh at her wording, fanning yourself as the heat of the club begins to get to you, "This is starting to sound like the start of a shit porno”
You gulp down the remainder of your drink and hold eye contact with the man as you do, and you revel in the way his irises darken even further at your teasing actions. You know you couldn't keep up this faux-dominant act much longer, but his reactions were too tantalising to stop. The way his shoulder tensed and his pupils blew out.
You could see his chest shake with laughter every time you pretended to be in control. He could see right fucking through you.
“We were hoping it would end up being more like a good porno,” he drawls out, “if you agree to come home with us, that is” You follow his hand as it runs through his hair, before dropping to his wine glass and wrapping around it.
You can see the glimmer of a tattoo poking out of his sleeve, and you find yourself yearning to know if he has any more. Or if his pretty girlfriend does. Maybe you could trace each one with your tongue, holding eye contact with them as you did.
You know you should mull this over more, make them work for it. But honestly, any fight you might have put up disappeared about 3 months ago.
“Call a cab then, let's go have a little fun” 
The poor cab driver is trying his best to keep his eyes on the road, but he can't help but flick them up to the rearview mirror every once in a while to catch the movie playing out behind him. 
You’re sitting in between the two of them, Matty's lips are hot against your neck, licking and sucking every piece of exposed skin. He kisses over the lipstick stains left by Scarlett, smiling as he thinks about sharing you between them. Your face is stained with smudged red as her lips work fervently against yours. The taste of her is almost overtaking your senses. The sweet strawberry flavour fills your mouth.
You only learnt their names when you were desperately kissing Matty outside the club, and you heard Scarlett groan it from behind you. Was it kind of slutty to agree to a threesome before you knew either of their names? Maybe, but you never claimed to not be a slut.
Matty works diligently behind your ear, sucking a deep purple hickey into your soft skin. You moan wantonly at the sensation, and you can feel the smirk on Scarlett's lips at your needy noises. Matty pulls from your neck and twists your head away from Scarlett, pushing his lips against yours harshly and licking inside your mouth.
He snaps away with a heaving chest and smirks over to his girlfriend, “Can fucking taste you on her tongue. Do you like that angel? I can already tell she’s been all over you” You whimper needily, nodding desperately at Matty and pulling his curls, craving his lips back on yours.
Scarlett's hands slide over your chest, palming your boobs and thumbing over your nipples through the thin mesh of your shirt. The scratch of the fabric against your sensitive skin was dizzying, and you had to fight every urge to fall back into her and moan helplessly.
you both stumbled into the house messily, following Matty's every command. Which led you here, kneeling on the bed in front of him, panting, staring at Scarlett with lust-blown eyes.
“Put on a little performance for me ladies, c'mon” Matty demands, sitting back against the pillows and watching you both wordlessly, his eyes growing dark at the scene playing out in front of him.
Scarlett peels off her poor excuse for a dress, and you watch with wide eyes, tracing over every inch of her body. She tugs at your clothes, and you follow her silent order, ripping off your tiny skirt and flimsy shirt quickly. 
You see her hold in a moan at the sight of you just in your panties, her teeth scraping over her lips as she hungrily eyes you over. Your shirt looked bad with a bra, so you decided to forgo one tonight, much to her delight.
She surges forward and pushes you onto the bed below, hovering over you with dark eyes before kissing your neck hungrily, marking you wherever she can reach. With featherlight kisses, she begins moving down your body, flicking her eyes up to you and grinning at the blissed-out look on your face.
Matty hisses as he palms himself over his jeans, the pressure of the heavy fabric against his hard cock was making his head hazy. But he kept teasing himself, watching as his girlfriend began to make her way down your exposed chest. Every new patch of skin was explored, tracing it with her tongue and mouthing over you, nipping and soothing as she moved. 
Breathy moans leave your lips at the sensation of her mouth on your skin, the way her hot breath dances over you . Goosebumps arise all over your body. The heat was pulsing in your veins, and it kept growing hotter the further down she moved. Her heavy breathing over your clothed core made you feel as if you were burning from the inside out. 
Scarlett flicked her eyes up to Matty and wordlessly asked his permission. After a hasty nod, she grabbed the string of your panties with her teeth and began tugging them down your shaking thighs. Your jaw dropped as you watched the vision in front of you, thoughtlessly you lifted your hips to help her drag your underwear off you. 
The cold air against your wet cunt made you gasp, your slick spreading over your inner thighs as you writhed helplessly. With a heavy smirk, Scarlett came crawling back up the bed, gripping your knees and ripping your legs apart, you saw her eyes grow darker at the sight of you all spread out for her. 
“Such a pretty pussy, can I taste?” you open your mouth to answer, but before you can get a word out you hear Matty’s voice all around you,
“Go on baby, let me see you eat her”
You feel Matty moving behind you as Scarlett edges closer to your core, pressing wet kisses up your thighs, tasting the slick spread over them. You open your eyes to Matty looming over you, his eyelids heavy, and his chest heaving. 
His once perfectly manicured curls are now frazzled from your hands running through them, pulling and revelling in the grunts that were ripped from his throat. His neck was already blooming with purple hickies, scratches framing them perfectly from Scarlett's hands desperately pawing at him.
Scarlett finally puts her mouth on you, licking a broad stripe up your pussy before sucking your clit harshly, moaning desperately at the taste of you, as if she would die without you filling her senses.
She mouthed at you like you were a delicate fruit, spreading your lips with her tongue and tasting every inch she could. Your slick was dripping down her chin, like juice from a peach. She burrowed herself deeper in your pussy, flicking her tongue over your clit and teasing it with the tip.
Just as Scarlett begins her assault on your cunt, Matty crashes his lips onto yours, moving harshly and licking needily at the seam of your closed mouth. He bites down on your bottom lip gently, causing a gasp to fall from your mouth.
Matty seizes the opportunity to shove his tongue inside, smirking at the feeling of you meeting him and tangling them together. He pulls back, panting, trying to catch what little breath he has. When you finally open your eyes again, he can barely see the colour of them, black pupils overtaking every inch. 
The fog surrounding you made you feel like you were underwater. All you could hear was your muffled groans and deliciously wet and sticky noses from Scarlett between your legs. Matty pulled your attention back with a cruel laugh as he brought his thumb up to your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth open delicately. 
You watch as spit falls from his lips, the light catching it as it drops into your waiting mouth. A loud cry falls rips out of your chest as you swallow diligently, and Matty growls as he slams his lips back against yours, chasing the taste of himself.
Scarlett continues to devour you with a sly smirk on her face, listening to your cries muffled by Matty’s lips. He can feel the vibrations of every pretty noise you make. Part of him wants to separate so he can hear your cries, but he can't bring himself to pull away from your waiting mouth.
Eventually, his lack of oxygen means Matty drags himself away from you again, strings of spit spreading between you gleaming in the light. Matty’s lips were puffy and ruby-red from your harsh kisses. They pulled into a familiar smile as he flicked his eyes down to his girlfriend between your thighs. 
She holds his eye contact, and you can feel her smile against your core. They ignore you as they stare at each other, treating you as if you're simply there as a toy for their pleasure.
“Does that feel good, angel?” Matty asks teasingly. Just as you whimper out a response, he moves his hands down your chest, pulling and teasing your nipples. You cry weakly, squirming at the onslaught of sensations on your pebbled skin. 
The whites of your eyes are all matty can see as you whimper and moan, your jaw drops as he tugs at your tits, and it shakes as he soothes them with his palms 
Scarlett continues to consume you, fucking you with her tongue mercilessly, your sopping hole welcoming her hungrily. Each motion brought you closer to the edge, and Matty could tell by your hazy eyes and wrecked moans. But he didn't want you to cum just yet, he needed to drag this out a little longer.
With a harsh tug, he drags Scarlett out from between your thighs, a garbled moan leaves her lips, and Matty can see your wetness covering the bottom half of her face. 
You cry at the loss of sensation, but any complaints leave you when you see the image in front of you. Scarlett’s hair was a mess from your hands pulling at it needily, her eyes were hooded and you could see the remnants of her lipstick smudged over her cheeks and chin, the Ruby-woo framing her mouth beautifully.
Matty grunts at the sight and pulls her in roughly, desperately licking in her mouth and devouring her, chasing the taste of you. The musky taste fills his mouth, and they both moan needily, your slick spreading over their faces as they move their mouths together. 
You lay there helplessly as they made out above you, entranced by how fucking filthy they looked. Any orgasm that was building within you was quickly fading but you couldn't care less as you watched them in awe.
With a filthy smirk, Matty pulls away from her, flicking his eyes down to you before his grin grows even more. “Get on your hands and knees,” he orders, clicking his fingers at you. Laughing as you immediately begin to scramble, following his every demand.
“Lie down in front of her, she's gonna eat your pretty cunt now, sweetheart” Scarlett nods in a haze, moving without a second thought.
You lap desperately at her clit, teasing it with the tip of your tongue and sucking on it hungrily. A mixture of her slick and your saliva is dripping down your chin, but all you can focus on is fucking her with your tongue.
But soon your focus is ripped away from you as you feel Matty sink into your needy pussy, you feel your walls welcome him easily, pulsing around his shaft.
Matty stands behind you and smooths his hands over your ass, watching the skin pull under his palms as he pounds into you. Jckhammering his hips as he stares in awe, studying how you desperately mouth at his girlfriend's pussy.
Every swirl of your tongue drives you crazier, the distinctly sweet taste overtakes your senses, and you can't help but eat her out like a woman starved.
The pleading whimpers falling from your lips are muffled by Scarlett's pussy, she feels the vibrations of your begging against her. With each moment the coil in her stomach is only winding tighter and tighter.
She cracked her eyes open to take in the scene in front of her, you mouthing at her between her legs and Matty pumping into you with a merciless rhythm. Part of her wishes Matty was fucking her rather than you, but she soon forgets that when you bury your tongue as deep as you can into her hole and lick her walls, chasing her g-spot greedily. She kicks her legs helplessly at the feeling, ecstasy bubbling in her gut.
Your eyes are closed in bliss as shockwaves rattle through you. Electricity is running through your veins with every thrust. You can tell you’re already nearing the edge, Scarlett's mouth having already brought you so close only minutes earlier. Warning bells go off in your head telling you to warn Matty, but the combination of his deep thrusts and her delicious cunt was dizzying, making it impossible for you to pull away.
If you didn't know better you'd think Matty was in your fucking guts, every thrust feels deeper than the last. He's brutally pumping into you, not giving you any rest before pressing himself as deep as he can inside you.
Somehow, he finds that spot inside of you with each roll of his hips, causing stars to dance across your vision whenever he buries himself inside you to the hilt. You can hear his animalistic grunts behind you every time your warm walls welcome him inside.
Beads of sweat drip from his neck down his chest pooling in his collarbones as he ruts into you, and he can feel your racing pulse in your pussy.
“That feel good angel? You like it when I fuck you this? So. Fucking. Deep.” he punctuates each word with a hard thrust, skin slapping skin and moans are all you can hear in the room, cutting through the thick, hazy air.
Scarlett feels your moans get more are more needy against her she knows you're nearing the edge. The fire pooling in your abdomen is growing too hot to ignore.
Only you can't bring yourself to pull away from her delicious nectar, moaning as you continue to eat her out furiously. Not letting her have a moment of peace, swapping between fucking her hole with your tongue and sucking on her puffy clit. Your fingers grip her thighs tightly, sliding your hands up her legs to pull apart her folds so you can drive further into her cunt. 
“She’s- f-fuck. Little slut’s about to cum. I can fucking feel her- ugh- her desperate fucking whines against my cunt.” Scarlett can't help the cry that falls from her lips when she finishes speaking, her words only driving you harder.
Matty laughs cruelly at you both, ripping his hands away from his tight grip on your hips to clasp the back of your head.
“Oh yeah? Is that right angel? You have to make her cum first before you can, sweet girl. C’mon, make her cum all over your pretty face” Matty pushes your head further into her overstimulated cunt, making you both whine and cry out powerlessly. 
Scarlett’s words seemingly do the same thing for Matty that they did to you, and you can feel his speed up even more, sinking into you feverishly. The tip of his dick massages your walls as he fucks you.
The burning in Matty's thighs is nothing but an afterthought, all he can focus on is making you feel so good that you can't help but make Scarlett cum. He wants to watch her fall apart in front of him whilst he pumps another girl full of his cum. “You're such a slut, letting us use you like a fucking sex toy. Just here for our- shit- our amusement.” he laughs wickedly at his words, and at the muffled whimper he hears from you afterwards.
Maybe it's Matty’s words or the way your tongue is driving into her mercilessly, but Scarlett finally feels the rubber band inside of her snap. With a shout, she squirts all over your face, covering you and the sheets below in her juices.
She would swear on whatever God there might be that she's never felt this fucking good, every nerve ending is on fire and she can feel a tingle from her toes all the way up to her scalp. Her legs kick helplessly as the sensation continues, dragging on for what feels like forever. 
As soon as you feel her release on your face, you can help cumming. Crying into her cunt as you fall apart around Matty’s cock. You're practically convulsing at the feeling, especially when Matty continues to fuck into you with abandon.
But you can’t pull yourself away from Scarlett, so you understand the primal need to keep going. You can feel your pulse in your head, racing as Matty continues to pound into you, the sound of your pumping blood swirling in your ears.
Matty groans and throws his head back. Your wet walls pulsing around him were almost enough to push him over the edge. But Scarlett yanking you by your hair off of her pussy and moving down until she was licking her juices off your face, all whilst holding eye contact with Matty, was the final fucking straw.
With a heavy grunt, Matty empties himself inside of you, each pulse of your walls around him milking his cock. Shockwaves gripped his body as Matty continued his shallow thrusts inside you, the slight overstimulation making his vision blur.
With a heaving chest, Matty stops moving, throwing his head back in ecstasy just as the feelings blooming within him start to dissipate. 
Scarlett flops back on the bed unceremoniously, her body aching as she lets out an airy giggle at the absurdity of what just happened. You can't help but join her, breathless giggles falling from your lips, which are only interrupted by a sharp hiss when Matty pulls out of you.
“I know, sorry angel.” Matty pouts as he speaks, but very quickly gets distracted.
“Fuck.” he whispers, watching his cum drip from your weeping hole. The pearly streams of his release fall out of you, leaving milky trails in their wake, decorating your skin beautifully.
“Come over here baby, look how fucking filthy she is” Matty waves Scarlett over and she scrambles up immediately, crawling over the bed to stare at your pussy.
She moans at the sight of her boyfriend's cum dripping out of you, she imagines the taste of him combining with the sweet taste of your cunt from earlier, and the idea makes her mouth water. 
Without a second thought, she leant forward and started lapping at your hole, cleaning you up with her tongue. You cry out at the feeling, gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles turn white, and your jaw shakes as the sensations rattle through your bones.  
“Stop,” you protest weakly, “if I cum again i think i'll die” You whimper at the feeling of Scarlett's breathy laugh against you, even the puff of hot air feels like too much.
Thankfully, she pulls away quickly, slotting her mouth against Matty’s, dripping his cum from her tongue onto his as she kisses him. He grunts at the feeling, marvelling at the taste of all three of you in his mouth.
Matty briefly thinks that this night might be one of the hottest things to ever happen to him, but his girlfriend moaning against his lips brings him back to earth.
“I'm so fucking glad I went to the club tonight,” you say as you flop forward onto the blanket, flipping over to see Matty and Scarlett sitting at the end, licking into each other's mouths with abandon.
She pulls away with a filthy smirk, eyeing Matty before turning to you and crawling over, “We are too. Turned out better than a shit porno, no?” she giggles as she quotes your words earlier in the night. You see Matty move his hand and lightly slap her ass, smirking at her weak cry. 
“Cheeky, but true. It was very nice meeting you…” Matty pauses and in that moment realises he hadn't thought to ask your name this whole night. 
You look up at him with a teasing smirk and shake your head, “Y/n. Thanks for asking, by the way,” you turn your focus to Scarlett, pressing your lips against hers with a light giggle.
“y/n, yes. Meant to ask that.” he says with a smirk, following Scarlett's lead and moving up the bed to meet the two of you.
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potatomountain · 8 months
*739 San
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*739 Masterlist
Synopsis: with sex work legal, it was as readily available as texting *739, filling out the form sent, and setting a time and place with an easy charge to your credit card. Even the more hefty kinks could be fulfilled with a professionalism that was respected, and could be addicting.
Word count: 8.5k (22pages)
Warnings below cut! taglist at the bottom
Smut warnings: Pet play, praise, degradation, san x fem reader, switch san, switch reader, strength play, use of toys, pet names, masturbation, cum play, cum eating, overstimulation, squirting, oral (fem receiving), paid sex, sex worker, some impact play, some predator/prey play, mirror sex, some choking- let me know if i missed any!
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"I don't think this is going to work out." Your current, well now ex, boyfriend spoke from across the cafe table. When he had asked to meet up at a cafe neither of you had been to, you had expected this. Really you had seen this coming for weeks.
Frowning down at your drink of choice, not as good as your usual from your favorite cafe, you shrugged. "Do I get an explanation? Or, let me guess." Setting the cheap cup down you lifted your gaze to the man across you, brows pulled down. "I'm too independent? I don't seem to have time for you, too cold? Too demanding? You probably feel inferior to me right? Making six figures a year, nicer apartment, nicer car, barely any shared interests, and I don't satisfy you enough?"
With each word his cheeks grew red with anger, hand tight around the cup. "You really think you are so high and mighty? That you are that much better than me? Have to rub it in constantly? Fucking Bitch." He stood, slamming the coffee down and spilling it on the table and his hand. He just cursed once more before storming off.
And you didn't care. 
If anything you were upset with yourself. Every time you dated you had gone by their terms. Wearing clothes they liked, spending so much of your money on dates and gifts, only for them to fuck you poorly and treat you like a trophy wife once you've invested enough.
Their love and attention was always conditional, and at this point you were beginning to wonder if it was worth it.
Sighing, you stood up and headed for the counter with the intent of getting one more drink to go. Sure it wasn't your usual, it wasn't as good, but it was good enough and you needed the extra boost. The line was just a tad longer than it had been moments ago unfortunately, a few chatterboxes behind you.
"Seriously you need to check it out! I thought it was bullshit until I tried it." A pair of girls were huddled together, and a quick curious glance showed they were huddled around their phones. "Like look at him! He's model quality and it felt like living through the perfect porn scene!"
"It must have been expensive though… for this type of quality. My roommate goes to the one downtown sometimes and she said even those were pricey as hell and mediocre."
"Oh please. This is worth it I promise. You wanna get over that bad ex of yours? Get a good dick down, and this is the place to do it."
Keeping your eyes forward you were tempted to ignore the conversation, but the girl's words intrigued you more than anything else. Get over a bad ex huh?
With determination you turned to look at the girls, startling them. "What are you two talking about? I'm curious."
The two girls looked at each other, then the one holding the phone looked back at you. "The sex hotline, star seven three nine. Don't you know about it?" 
"The biggest selection of sex workers out there, and apparently the best according to her." The other spoke, pointing to her friend.
A sex worker? Would that really dull the ache? Help with the bitterness dating had instilled in you? It would be an arrangement on your terms, transparent and nothing with-held. A simple transaction, a contract, no different than one of your own business contracts right? 
"Now why didn't I think of that. Huh." It was such a brilliant idea you were stumped that you hadn't thought of it as an option. "Order whatever you like off the menu girls, it's on me." Feeling a bit invigorated you turned back to the counter, a cat-eyed boy on the other side with broad shoulders. "As for me, I'll have another one of these." 
"Sure thing ma'am." He was quick to ring you up, the two girls behind you eager to take you up on your offer and ordering as well. "Quite a generous deed ma'am."
You shrugged at his words, looking him over slowly. "I give rewards as I see fit."
"And their gossip about a sex hotline is deserving?" He questioned without any malice, mere curiosity and an innocent look in his eyes. He reminded you of a kitten, fearless and adorable, just wanting to play right before they sink their claws into your knees to try and do so.
"They've given me an answer to a problem I have, no matter how unconventional, so yes I think it is." You looked at the two girls and gave them a half smile. "Actually, I wouldn't mind hearing more details about this sex hotline and your experiences. Do you have time?"
"Sure! We were going to do some school work anyway." The first girl spoke up, only to be elbowed by the second. "I was going to help my friend sign up. You get a first timer discount."
"Interesting…" Humming to yourself you turned back to the cashier and held out your card to pay. "What about you, cashier boy? Have you tried the service?"
He shook his head. "Can't say I have, hard to afford it with a cafe job like this. But I've heard very good things. They're professional and as the girls said have a wide variety of workers. I think all kinks are on the table too and they take it very seriously."
"Oh they do! I had to Google a lot of the kinks listed because I never heard of them before. Did you know they'll even do some of the more dangerous kinks? I wasn't sure that was legal." The experienced girl whispered to you.
"Anything is legal if you word the paperwork right." You countered, eyes on the man as he handed back your card. "Thank you."
"No problem ma'am. Food and drinks will be right out, and good luck with your experience. Can I get a name for the order?"
You gave your name as you pocketed your card, only for one of the girls behind you to gasp. "Hm?"
"I thought you looked familiar! You run a few cat homes don't you?" 
"Oh so you are a big business woman?" The first girl wiggled her brows. "You probably could afford the best of the best on the hotline."
You shrugged, thinking it over. "Maybe, but I'm not that wealthy. Those cat homes are paid for out of my pocket, you know, and I do hope to open more." On a subject you were passionate about you followed the girls over to a table and awaited your order.
You liked cats a lot, they were aloof and independent and strong-willed. They gave love on their conditions, and when they did they ended up the most loyal and adorable companions without sacrificing any of their personal space or personality. Often compared to cats, they were kindred spirits to you.
It was perhaps because of your love of cats you glanced back at the man at the counter. Cat-like eyes, a cheshire grin, broad shoulders and a bit of himbo energy… he reminded you of the beloved felines.
Maybe you didn't need a boyfriend, a companion like a pet would be better wouldn't it?
You spent a bit of time at the cafe with the two girls, getting their number and even offering to pay for the other girl's first time if your own really was amazing as her friend said. You filled out the kinks you were interested in, built a satisfying profile for yourself, filled out the waivers and paperwork and just when it got time to schedule your session you realized the time.
So you rushed it.
When greeted with an option to be surprised by who the company picked or view and pick one yourself, you just hit surprise and quickly paid and set your time for later that night. You weren't one to wait around, instead you like to charge head first especially when it came to an idea that, so far, had no cons to it whatsoever.
Curiosity also killed the cat and you were one curious woman.
But you were also a businesswoman, throwing yourself into your meetings and reviewing contracts, going over budgets and coming up with new plans for your business; the day went by fast without a second thought to your scheduled night.
At least not until you were on the drive home and a call came in. Connected to your Bluetooth, you answered thinking it was perhaps someone in the office. Your name being called through the car speakers by a somewhat familiar voice only solidified that thought. "Yes, what is it?"
"My name is San, I'm calling about our session tonight? To confirm some things?"
For a moment your mind was drawing a blank, going over your mental schedule for the day before letting out a little “Ah” when the light bulb lit up. “That’s right, I had nearly forgotten. Please go ahead with what you have to say San.” You kept your tone light, no different than if you were discussing terms for a contract. While it was technically a contract, the nature of it should have you treating this a bit differently than normal; truth be told it was no different to you.
“Right… the purpose of this call is just to go over the list of kinks and go over safety measures and any disclosures, as well as map out the scene you had in mind.” His voice rang through the bluetooth of your dash, your eyes on the road as the information felt pretty basic to you.
“Understandable, you may continue.”
You could hear a bit of a chuckle on the other end, the sound drawing your attention. “I have the feeling you prefer to be the one in charge of the scene, is that correct?”
After mulling it over for a moment you answered. “Yes and no. I’m used to relinquishing command in the bedroom but it’s only gotten me into some… poor excuses for a good time. For this session I hope I can be honest and forthcoming with my desires and that they will be met, but I am not one to ask my partner to give up their own for mine either.”
The line went silent and for a moment you questioned if the call was dropped.
“I see, this explains the pet play.”
“Does it? How so?”
“Pet play is a bit more endearing than slave/master dynamics, leaning more towards mutual agreements and praise. You want someone who is going to enjoy doting and pleasing you.”
“Or I have a thing for furries.”
He chuckled at your nonchalant retort. “Maybe. I think you have a clear image of what you want. Perhaps you can describe it to me first?”
Biting down on your lip you pulled to a stop at a red light, thinking over the boxes you had checked out. “I want… I want to be in command. To coo and wiggle my finger and my lover would be eager to come. They’d get off on how many times they could make me come, how good they could fuck me, and they would listen to every command I give during. No expectations of what I can do for them, if I said bark they just would. But I think I’d prefer a cat.” Your finger was tapping on the steering wheel, imagining the scene with a faceless man at first. “Toys, tongue, hands, cock- they would use these and more. I think I’d love to see them beg for me, for a taste, for a touch. Every woman wants to be worshiped and desired, I just don’t want to feel as if they are becoming less of themselves to do it.”
His humming pulled you out of your monologue just in time to hit the gas when the light turned green. “I think I can do that just fine. Now that I have an idea of what you would like, let’s go over a list first. Just a simple yes or no will work, is that alright?”
“Sweet. I’ll start with the first thing that comes to mind. Pet play is usually accompanied by the pet donning on lingerie or items to make them appear like a pet. Since you prefer a cat, would you like me to have on items to fit that image?”
You hadn’t thought that far, but now your mind ran with the idea to an alarming decree. Cat ears, a leash and collar… perhaps a tail. It was enticing to say the least. “Yes.”
“I’ll list the items I am comfortable wearing for these. Please respond accordingly. Cat ear.” You replied yes to almost them all, saying no to paws but agreeing to a tail anally inserted. The pleased hum he had given in reaction was almost like a purr.
You were beginning to get excited for this session on a new level.
“Next- toys. Vibrators?”
“Anal plugs used on you?”
“I would like to let you know that for toys to use on me, vibrators will suffice.”
“What about cock rings? Pocket pussy? Are those on the table?”
“Do you want them to be?”
“Hm… that’s a maybe.” You didn’t want to write it off, who knows how this session was going to.
“Then yes I am as well. I will be supplying the toys for the session. Some other kinks to go over. Since you are going to be the one in command, I will follow each kink up with a yes or no of my own. Is that alright?”
“Yes, that’s understandable.” How you were managing this conversation while driving home was unbeknownst to you. Each second that passed had you more eager for the coming session.
“Very well, I’ll start with choking. Yes.”
You weren’t that surprised by his answer somehow. “No.”
“Impact play. Yes.”
A smile pulled on your lips as you imagined just how you could use that. “Depends on context.”
“How so?”
“I am not one for receiving punishment. For other situations I can’t say I’ve experienced it to know if I enjoy it but I am not against it.”
“Very well. Dacryphilia? Yes."
“Overstimulation? Yes”
"Bondage? Yes"
The more this list continued the more you were looking forward to this. "On myself, no. But using it- yes"
“My, I really am the bottom here huh?” He chuckled and you found it charming.
“That works for me. I think I’d enjoy seeing you a mess, San.”
There was a sputter on the other end that had your smile widening. You had noticed a gradual breathlessness to his voice the longer the conversation went on, and now that you were pulling up to your garage you could focus a bit more on that. “I’m not opposed to that either. Cumeating? Yes.”
“I was beginning to think you don’t like being the one who is a mess.” Now there was a smirk to his tone.
“Not particularing but I am not against it. I want to see if you can make a mess of me.”
“Ah, prideful huh? Well, how does strength play sound? I like using it.”
“Are you strong then, San? I’m excited to see you use that.”
He chuckled a bit breathless. “We’re getting away from yes or no answers. Let’s move onto safety measures. I’m partial to the color system; red for stop, yellow for slow, green for good. But you also filled out the safe word. Can you repeat to me what you put down?”
“You really do like cats.”
This time his comment had you flustered. “Perhaps. Does everything check out so far San?”
“One last thing. Are there any titles or pet names you would like used in the scene?”
You hadn’t thought about it, but like some other things he had brought up your mind ran wild with the ideas. “Miss or Ma’am. I’d like to refer to you as kitty.”
“Noted. That checks off everything. I’m obligated to inform you that since you have it checked that unprotected sex is alright, you did sign a nondisclosure writing off all rights and responsibilities on our end should this session result in a pregnancy. Is that understood?”
“Very much so. I just arrived at my home, we still have a half hour until the scheduled time, correct? Is it alright if we end the call here so I can prepare?”
“I was just about to ask the same. Yes, if there is nothing else you want to discuss now, any other questions can wait until my arrival. We’ll start the scene when you are ready, as I’ll be at your mercy from the moment I step into your home. Is that clear?”
“Crystal. I’ll see you shortly Kitty.” You didn’t wait for a reply before hanging up, turning your car off and practically rushing into your home. You had limited time to prepare both yourself and the space you wanted for the scene, not sure if thirty minutes would cut it but you were determined to try. 
Shoes kicked off just inside the door, you headed for your bedroom. Thankfully you were meticulous about your space and not much would need to be cleaned, but you did switch out your bedding for the night, throwing your old sheets in the wash before putting on your nicer black silken sheets. You also took care of the plethora of stuffed cat animals, setting the current chosen one back in the net with the others. You debated on hiding the stuffed animals but what was the point? You did not care what opinion this San would have of you as long as he did what you were paying him for.
That just left yourself. Stepping into your master bathroom, you made quick work of your clothes into the hamper and stepped into the shower, washing up in a timely manner and going so far as to tidy up every hair on your body to match your usual proper and clean image.
Your conversation with your soon-to-be-sex-partner popped back into your head, remembering the part of being a mess. Yes, you weren’t one who liked being a mess, but needless to say you wanted to see if he could make one out of you: to achieve something that none of your exes had ever come close to, but you could manage on your own with your own toys. You still had your doubts, it was a pretty specific fantasy and there were parts you just didn’t think a stranger could pull off.
It would be a win in your book if he could manage half of your fantasy, so you kept your hopes up.
After a quick skin care routine and some lotion and moisturizer, you debated on even wearing clothes for this. It hadn’t been discussed, and you didn’t see much of a point but- you had implied you wanted to make a mess out of him. Having a pet that would go feral over you was quickly becoming a fantasy you wanted to see brought to fruition.
So you opted for a lingerie robe. You had a few that went with a few sets, all things you had bought for previous relationships, and chose a simple silk and lace black one that cut off mid thigh but hung over your hands. Simple, elegant, and with just a pull of the sash you would be naked.
Just in time as the doorbell rang, signaling the beginning of the rest of the night. Passing your bedroom mirror you took one last look at yourself, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves as you headed for the front door. You only briefly glanced at the security monitor next to it, spotting wide shoulders and a black cap from the upper angle of your camera. You thought nothing of it, unlocking the deadbolt and swinging the door open, knowing the robe covered enough to be modest just in the unforeseen event that this man wasn’t San.
Your first thought was that it wasn’t, eyes finding familiar ones and going wide. “You?”
Those memorable cat-like eyes from the cafe widened under the cap, just as taken back as you were. “Well this is awkward…”
However, the irony of the situation had you laughing, leaning against the door as you dragged your gaze over the length of him. From those sharp features, a collar around his neck with a cute golden bell, a tight black shirt that was form fitting of his broad shoulders and small waist down to the ripped jeans were snug around his waist but showed off some of his toned legs underneath. He was, by all means, even more attractive than he had been in the cafe.
“Hm, a little bit but I think this is just a bonus for me. Come in will you?” Taking a step back you held the door open for him. Having a face to go along with the voice and conversation just reignited your excitement for this evening.
Thrown off by your words, San eyed you a bit skeptical as he stepped inside, a duffle bag in his hand that you hadn’t noticed before. “A bonus?”
Shutting the door and securing the lock you nodded. “Yes. Truth be told you were what I had in mind for this, or at least someone of your stature and energy. Who knew choosing random would result in such a lucky find.” You practically purred out as you turned to him, eyes racking over his back. When you looked back up he was looking over his shoulder watching you, the cap blocking the light from reaching his eyes so you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “However, if that knowledge makes things too awkward for you to perform, I expect either a refund or a new pet to take your place. So does it bother you kitty?”
You weren’t mistaken when you saw his jaw clench, his movements slow but tantalizing as he turned to face you. “Not at all, I take my job very seriously Ma’am. In fact I find our prior acquaintance to be a bonus as well. Truth be told, when I saw your name on the customer form I had hoped it was you.” He admitted.
Now that was unexpected, your eyes wide as saucers as you processed this information. “Oh? Does that mean you were wanting this even before I signed up?” At his nod you let out a pleased sound, closing the distance between you two. “Well, kitty, follow me to my room and we can discuss just how you want to start this. I think you are deserving of a reward, since you are already playing so well into what I want.”
You led the way with your head held high and a giddy smile on your lips. This new information had this session feeling even more real, more exciting. He wanted you enough he hoped you were the one who had arranged for this session, and lucky for the both of you that you were. 
You didn’t need to look back to know he was following, at first hearing him shuffle his shoes off and then catch up to you with ease. He was broad enough you could see him in your peripheral vision, his footsteps soft for his size. “Ma’am… this session is about you, pleasing you is enough of a reward.” 
Unsure if that was true or just him being a professional, you shook your head and glanced back. “We’ll see about that. Even pets want attention and love their way. So-” Opening your bedroom door you stepped inside and right over to the large bed, “-I’ll let you decide how we start. You have that big bag there, you have your hands, mouth, cock; if pleasing me is what you want, then you can choose the first way you do it. I mean, after you get rid of your clothes.”
Dropping the duffle bag on the chair by your mirror, San kept his eyes glued on you. “Well, you reward what you think is deserving, and you’re always straight to the point, hm? I knew that from the cafe, and just like I thought it’s going to make this even more exciting.” He pulled off his cap first, then his shirt, tossing both next to the duffle bag. The bell on his collar jingled when he had discarded his shirt, taking your mind down a delicious thought process: Would it jingle with each thrust?
The temptation to find out was nearly overwhelming, but you kept your cool as you sat on the bed and crossed one knee over the other. This was business, at least that was how you had viewed it; now the lines were getting a little blurred as you took in every inch of him with a hungry gaze. “My my such an eager kitty, but where are your cat ears?”
His hands paused on the button of his jeans, lips spreading into a wide grin you were already coming to enjoy as he reached for the bag. A second later he was securing cat ears into his red hair, cute bows on them that almost made the look comical… almost. Hands back on his jeans he made quick work of them, kicking them off and leaving him in nothing. The lack of underwear surprised you, but it made sense when you saw a black fur tail dangling between his legs. It only had your attention for a split second, eyes drawn to what wasn’t hanging in the front but stood up tall.
You almost caught yourself drooling. Biting down on your lip, you shifted both feet on the ground, content with watching him. He seemed too preoccupied to notice your reaction, turning his back to you and giving you quite the view of where the tail was inserted. You’ve never seen that on a man, certainly not on one built like he was, but you certainly did not dislike it.
“Ah, here it is!” Turning back to you he held a toy in his hand, a silicone bullet with the elongated tail and button. “I like this one for starters.” He strode right over to you, setting the toy on the bed as he hunched over just enough, eyes seemingly innocent and an excitable grin. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret Ma’am. See I decided that if it was you, I’d ignore the time limit. Sure you paid for two whole hours, and I’m sure that might be enough, but I want to make a mess out of you and I don’t plan to stop until I have. Even if it takes all night.”
The low declaration had heat coursing through you, brightening your cheeks a few shades of pink and lips parting to either gape or answer. You couldn’t get your brain to function fast enough to decide before his lips were on yours, a ghost of a touch at first but with each stroke he added more pressure, more desire.  
Part of you wanted to stay in control, to push him away and command him, but mostly you were perfectly content with the heated kisses. Reaching up you grabbed both the collar and his hair, pulling him closer and spreading your legs for him when he nudged your knee with his knuckles.
You memorized the way he tasted, almost like he drank a coffee on the way over, mingled with the chapstick he had on his lips. The combination wasn’t bad, in fact it was almost intoxicating, something about it making you want to kiss him more. So focused on his lips that the touch to your pussy had you shivering, his finger sliding over your slick folds and a chuckle vibrating against your lips. “Miss is so excited hm? I wonder how easily this toy is going to slip in.”
Curiosity had you pulling your lips away to look down, both of you watching as he pushed the silicone bullet vibrator inside, the small toy disappearing between your folds. He used his fingers to push it deeper, causing your breath to hitch as he stretched you out. He didn’t pull them out right away, instead curling them to tease you, a groan falling from his lips that was like music to your ears. You weren’t even touching him and he was making sounds like that? Breathing a bit rapidly just as you were? From inserting a toy and his fingers inside you?
Now this could get addicting. HE could get addicting. 
Spreading your legs further you leaned back on your hands, biting down on your lip as you watched him pull the two fingers out and bring them to his mouth. He didn’t tear his gaze from your cunt, and yours was glued to his tongue wrapping around the two fingers sucking them clean.
He definitely knew what he was doing. “Kitty, put on a leash for me will you.” Lustful eyes flicking up to yours, he purred around his index finger before standing up and walking back over to the duffle bag. He pulled out the leash, turning “Bring the bag. I don’t need you leaving me every time you want to grab a new toy to use.”
“Mm good point.” Grabbing the bag he set it down next to the bed before attaching the leash to the collar he wore. He held out the other end to you, immediately being pulled on top of you when you gave it a tug. He managed to catch himself with a hand on either side of you, his breath against your cheek as you locked eyes. “Yes?”
With a devilish smirk of your own you shrugged. “Nothing, just wanted to see if I could actually pull you. You may continue.”
With a chuckle he leaned forward, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “Pull harder next time Ma’am.” Gently nibbling on your nape, his tongue ran up to your ear as he pulled open the sash, letting the robe fall open. The next second he was reaching lower, turning on the toy by the button at the end and listening to its hum course through your body. The breathless moan you let out in response had his cock twitching.
“N-Noted.” Exposing your neck to him, you watched through lidded eyes as he trailed kisses down your body. The ears tickled against your flesh, the leather leash limp in your hand dragging along the curve of your body as well- all of these felt more intense than it was due to the vibrations coursing through you.
Truth be told he was the first man to use toys on you, others finding them an affront to their capabilities, but not San. No, from the size of that bag and how eager he seemed about the leash, he seemed to like using toys. While that was a good thing, you also realized you had a lot less control over this situation than you thought. 
“Hm?” He hummed against your navel, hands gripping the flesh of your thighs and holding your legs open.
Just a little lower and he would look absolutely perfect, but you still wanted to give him a bit of a reward. “Lay on the bed, I want to use you.” Your choice of words had heat pooling in his eyes. After placing a chaste kiss to your inner thighs, he climbed on the bed around you and did as instructed, eyes on the leash in your hand.
Standing up you let the robe drop to the floor, taking in the sight of him laying there ready for you, trusting you to use him as you see fit. Muscles taunt, cock leaking precum against his abdomen, and tongue running over his lips as he took in the sight of you as well. Giving him a bit of a show, you ran your hands over your sides and up to your chest, thumbs running over your perky nipples as you climbed on the bed. Impatience was clear in the way he watched you, his hands tugging at the sheets beneath to keep from reaching out.
Part of you wished he would, give you a reason to punish him, but you liked how obedient he was. “That’s it, my pretty kitty. I have just the treat for you.” You swung your leg over, pushing the tail of the toy aside before lowering until you could feel each of his hot breaths on your folds. “Use just your mouth, I want to see your hands stroking that pretty cock for me. Show me how much you love it. Does my pet understand?”
“Yes Ma’am.” The two words were more like a guttural groan, hands tugging on sheets a bit harder. 
“Good boy- dinner is served th-en.” You barely got the words out before his mouth was on you, tongue pressing up against your clit. You lowered yourself more, playing with your own breasts while still holding the leash in your hand. He was messy, a bit feral even, and you were loving that.
Like you had ordered, one of his hands wrapped around his cock, using the bit of precum to lube himself up. Being the generous owner you were, you leaned forward, letting a glob of spit dribble down onto his cock. He groaned against your folds, hand working the spit over himself a bit faster than before. 
“Ah so good, just like that.” Your hips began to grind down against his mouth, the stimulation against your clit with the toy and the sight he made felt amazing. He was needy beneath you, switching between his lips and tongue, quickly finding the perfect rhythm that had moans falling from your lips in between praises.
Your own hands working on your breasts, all the different ways of pleasure twisting and combining to bring you closer and closer to your high. “Use both hands, want you to cum Kitty. I told you I want you a mess. Understand?” With a tug on the leash, his hips bucked and you felt him moan. 
There was no doubt in your mind he wasn’t enjoying this, the rapid way he was stroking himself, now coupled with massaging his balls. He dug his heels into the bed to lift his hips, thrusting up into his hand at a similar pace to his tongue flicking against your clit. You were close, the praise you were giving devolved into moans.
As if sensing it, he worked a bit harder, bringing you to a climax that had you soaking his mouth and legs tightening around his head. He didn’t seem to mind at all, groaning as he lapped at your wetness, the work of his hands becoming a bit unsteady.
The thick white spurts falling over his chest and abdomen came as a shock to you, his hips stuttering as you had lifted yourself off to keep from being too over stimmed. You definitely didn’t expect him to come so fast, but the fact he did filled you with pride. Did you taste that good? Did he enjoy this that much? The breathless stutters that left him as he pushed out the last drops of cum he could onto his stomach had you clenching around the toy.
Being reminded of it, you sat to the side of him and turned the toy off, leaving it in for now. Your legs were still trembling, satisfied for the moment. “I wasn’t expecting you to be such a mess already, poor kitty, can’t you handle yourself better than this?” You leaned down, face hovering over his as you took in the sight of your slick all over his mouth and chin. It was hot, the sight of him alone heating you up.
He grinned, wide and cute despite the situation. “I’m just getting started, Ma’am.”
“I’d hope so.” Tucking a finger under the leather of the collar, you pulled him up to meet you halfway, lips moving against his and getting a taste of yourself on his lips. The kiss was heated, messy, each stroke of your lips needier than the last. You could feel his hands on your hips, lowering you onto the bed as he moved on top, pressing his body against yours and smearing  his cum onto your skin.
Not that you cared, you wanted to be a mess. Fucked dumb, worn out you wouldn’t want to get out of bed for days. But first, you wanted to play with your pet some more. Gripping the leash you managed to flip the two of you over so you were back on top, lips still clashing with his. He groaned beneath you, grinding his hips up to rub his half hard cock against your folds, his hands on your hips moving you in sync with him.
Giggling you pulled away, tugging at his bottom lip with your teeth. “Aht, you’re getting a punishment first Kitty.”
“W-Why?” He whined out, chasing your lips with his when you sat up. With a dazed look in his eyes he added on “Ma’am.”
“Because I never told you that you could cum. So if you want to be a mess that badly… I’m going to make you a mess. Go sit on that chair over there, legs up.” You maneuvered off him before he could protest, brow lifted as you waited for him to obey.
True to his role, but not without a pout, San made his way over to the chair and leaned back, a blush on his high cheeks as he pulled his legs up and held them to his chest. He looked so beautiful there, cute little blush matching the cat ears and the cute tail dangling from his ass, all on display for you.
Licking your lips you sauntered over, running your hands over his rear and up over the back of his thighs. With a devilish smile you grabbed the leash and wrapped it under the backs of his knees, holding the end against the arm of the chair to keep him in place. “Now now, you’re going to still and do nothing except what I tell you. Don’t move your body, don't break your gaze from mine, and certainly don’t cum unless I say. Understood my little pet?”
He nodded, biting down on his lip as he watched you place a foot on either side of him and step onto the chair. With your free hand you gripped his cock, pulling it up so that you could lower yourself down. The first inch had a gasp leaving your lips, gaze locked on his as you took inch by inch until you were sitting on the back of his thighs, San folding under you for you to use as you please. This was a position you always wanted to try, and so far it was everything you hoped for. A big strong man bent to your will beneath you, cock throbbing in your cunt, ready for you to use.
“Fuck you look so pretty like this. You’re my pretty kitty aren't you? How does my pussy feel? You like it?” Keeping him fully sheathed you rotated your hips forward, biting back your own moan at how good he felt with that bullet still inside. It must have felt just as good for him, his mouth falling open and his hands gripping the sides of the chair. When he nodded, you tutted, snapping your hips to get a reaction out of him, pleased with the jiggle of the bell. “Use your words.”
“F-fuck yes, feels so good Ma’am. So fucking tight.” His whiney words hit as deep as his cock did, motivating you even further.
“Mmm, you fill me up so good, kitty. Can you feel how deep you are?” Another snap of your hips, taking in every subtle shift of his expression. 
“Yes yes, I can feel the bullet.”
“Do you want me to move?” You urged, leaning forward until your shoulders were hitting his calves, his mouth just out of reach but you could feel his heavy pants. 
“Yes Ma’am. I want you to fuck yourself on my cock.”
You tightened the leash, clenching your walls around him on command, tsking. “I’m giving the orders right now. You have to beg for what you want, pets ask nicely.”
“P-please Ma’am, please fuck yourself on my cock? Use me, please.” He begged, but it wasn’t enough. You lifted yourself up before slamming yourself down, the deep moan leaving him doing wonders to your own brain. “Yes yes like that. More like that. Please Miss.”
With a breathless giggle, you did it again, the jiggle from the bell music to your ears. “That’s it, keep begging.” You managed to reach between you both and turn the toy on, his hips jerked as it vibrated against his tip inside you. With him filling you up like this you could feel it much more than before, making your head spin.
His head fell back but your eyes stayed locked, so much desire in his that it almost flustered you. Gripping the arm rests with both hands now, you moved your hips, grinding them forward while keeping him mostly sheathed inside and hitting all the right angles. Your pace was painfully slow, hips stopping whenever he stopped begging which he was now doing as easily as breathing. The whiniest words leaving his lips followed by a moan whenever you obliged.
You weren’t unaffected either, breathing harder with each flick of your hips, each press of his cock head against your inner walls. His pleas had progressively gone from “please use me” to “fuck I wanna cum. Please let me cum.”
“Hold it, you don’t get to cum until I say.” Your command lacked oomph with how breathless you were, your own patience running thin. Only when you noticed he was drooling a bit did it snap, your fingers digging into the fabric of the chair as you lifted yourself up only to slam back down. Your pace was harsh, much faster and harder than it had been seconds before. If you thought he had been vocal, it was nothing compared to the whines and grunts that left him now, drowning out the sound of the bell jiggling with each slam of your body down against his.
“Ma’am- want to cum. Want to cum. Let me cum.”
He was very addictive indeed. “Then cum, make a mess.” You weren’t at all disappointed when you felt him begin to unload in your cunt, managing to pull off him and watch his load unravel on his chest and face instead, a few drops getting into his open mouth. It was filthy… and hot. Hot enough that with the vibrator still driving you crazy, your hips were stuttering with your own climax, soaking your thighs and pushing out his cum onto his thighs and ass.
You didn’t give either of you a chance to come down much before you were pushing him back inside and fucking at the same pace you had been before. “What’s your color?” Despite the fact he was the one getting paid to fuck, you felt the need to ask with how intense this was.
“Green! Fucking hell so green!” No longer able to keep his eyes on yours he was a drooling mess, managing to thrust his hips up to bounce you harder on his cock. “Fuck going to milk me dry. Gunna come again- shitshitshit.” Seemingly lost to the pleasure he grabbed your hands to keep you from falling off him as he kept going.
Letting him have control, your head fell forward, moans tumbling from your lips, marveling at how he managed to turn this position around and fuck you so good despite his own sounds indicating he was fucked dumber than you were.
He had you coming around his cock before he did, both of you a twitching mess as this time he unloaded himself into you. Somehow you managed to reach between you and turn the toy off again, legs still shaking as you climbed off and watched his legs fall to the floor. Both of you were panting, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, a wide satisfied grin on his face as he lounged there catching his breath.
You weren’t doing much better, but you could stand. “God you are a fucking mess. Such a filthy kitty, don’t tell me you’re tapping out before me?” Your taunt was only half-cocked, running a hand through your hair to pull the sticky strands off your face, shaking your head.
The satisfied grin turned into a smirk as he opened one eye to watch you, a deep chuckle escaping him. “I told you, Ma’am, that I wasn’t stopping until I made a mess out of you. Do you really want to test me?”
Hands on your hips, you stood your ground as your heart rate was returning to a normal pace. “You’re shooting blanks, little pet, I don’t think you can keep going, viagra or not.”
He shook his head, gripping the edge of the arm rest and sitting up, a predatory look in his eyes as he licked the remaining cum off his lips. “I don’t use viagra Miss, but I should mention for safety reasons that if we go any more without a break… I might break you.” 
The mere idea had you shivering, for the first time this night you were intimidated by him. The way he was watching you as he seemed to regain his composure became more predatory by the second, the idea of the pet eating you alive exciting you on a whole other level.
The look of understanding settling in his eyes told you that he was aware of your current direction of thoughts. You took a step back, glancing around the room as the urge to run was becoming stronger by the second.
You nearly missed the low rumble, breath catching in your lungs as you looked back at him. “Green.”
The split second the word was out of your mouth he was off the chair and you were running towards the bathroom, adrenaline of the chase exciting you. You didn’t make it to the door, his arm wrapping around your waist and turning you to him, silencing anything you had to say with a messy kiss. You could taste his cum on his tongue, feel his hands run up your body, moving you back. Your ass hit the cold glass of the mirror hanging on the wall, the whimper leaving you getting swallowed by him.
Your head was swimming with desire, hands gripping his biceps unsure whether to push him away or pull him closer. He decided for you, pulling away to turn you around and press you firmly against the mirror, trailing open mouth kisses down your neck. “Still want to order your pet around? Or can I finally show you what I can do to you? Please you so well I’ll be the only little kitty you ever want again?”
The mere idea of him fucking you that good left you breathless, a nod of your head all you could manage. He picked you up by the back of your thighs then, wrapping an arm under your legs and holding you back against him. You could only watch through the mirror, the toy sticking out of your dripping cunt on display, his eyes watching over your shoulder as he nibbled on your shoulder. With his free hand he pulled the toy out by the tail, holding it between two fingers as he gripped his dick and guided the tip in place.
For a brief moment neither of you moved, staring at your reflection. You could see everything below and so could he. The next moment however he was pounding up into you hard. The bell jiggled just behind your head, nearly animalistic grunts leaving him as he held you up with no issues with just one arm. Even with the constant motions he managed to move you around, pushing your legs to either side of your torso so your knees aligned with your shoulders, leaving your breasts to bounce on display. His fingers dug into your thigh hard enough bruises would be left, and yet he still managed to bring his free hand up and hold the toy up against your clit now that it was turned on once more.
He had said he liked strength play, but you hadn’t even thought this possible. Any thoughts or doubts were wiped clean as you lost yourself to the pleasure. The sounds he made, deep grunts and growls, as your cunt constantly squeezed his cock, hips stuttering as the constant vibrations on your clit were quickly bringing you to a high.
You cried out louder than you thought you could when you did, coming so hard your juices squirted out onto the mirror. The primal growl he let out against your shoulder as he bit down did things to your mind and body. You were barely selfaware for the seconds that followed, tongue sticking out and drool running down your chin as your head fell back, still twitching and coming as he fucked you through your climax.
It was both painful and pleasurable as he kept going, dropping the toy to the floor and now holding your thighs with both hands. “Not messy enough. Just a bit more.” He shifted and somehow managed to go harder, hitting all the right spots that had you clawing at his arms and tears running down your cheeks from the overstimulation.
Black clouded your vision for a moment as you were squirting all over the both of you, hard enough his cock was pushed out, his own cum squirting up on your thighs and the mirror as well. You were left shaking in his embrace, whimpering and begging. “No more. You win. You win.”
So fucked out you didn’t register the kiss he placed against your cheek, or that he was laying you down on the silken sheets a moment later. He laid down next to you, that you did register just barely, turning to look over at him. His brows were pushed together as he watched you with a look of concern, perking up when he noticed you focused enough on him.
“Hey, how are you feeling? That wasn’t too much was it?”
Your mind floundered for some semblance of words to speak, gaping like a fish before settling on a lazy smile. “I think I just forgot I existed for a moment there. Damn.” Laughing a bit breathlessly you shut your eyes, making a mental check of your body. “Next time just fuck me like that.”
“Next time?” Humor was laced in his words.
“Mhmm. Next time. We can talk about the time after that later. For now… how does a cat nap sound before we have to clean up?”He chuckled, curling up into your side much like a cat would. “Sounds like a deal.”
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taglist: @justhere4kpop  /  @warpedspirit /  @candypop1611  / @spooo00oky @sanniessnails / @gugggu6gvai / @starillusion13 / @tunaasan / @lavishloving / @h-nji / @tearfulsparks78 / @minkysmilk /
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lefteagleblizzard · 2 months
𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖒
Derek danforth x gender neutral reader
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Summary: Derek think it’s a good idea to have some fun with you during a council meeting.
You can also read this on wattpad or ao3
Warnings: Boss x advisor relationship. no use of Y/N. Very filthy smut. Humiliation. Keep in mind that I haven’t watched the movie. It’s been so long since I posted anything here so apologies if it’s cringe and mediocre.
3704 words in total.
“Come and sit in my lap.”
you looked over to Derek, who was sitting in his big and comfortable chair beside you. You raised your eyebrows.
“You heard me.” Derek grinned at you, patted one of his thighs. “Come sit in my lap.”
you looked away from him, towards the double doors at the other end of the hall that should be opening any minute now to let in the members of the council.
“Derek, no. The council will be here soon.”
“So, it’s unprofessional, and you have to focus. And, since I’m your advisor, it would probably be a good idea if I did too.”
“I’m the CEO . I can have you in my lap during a meeting if I want.” There was a slight whine to Derek’s words. you glanced back over at him and breathed a little sigh. The man was practically pouting at you.
“Fine.” You knew there was no denying Derek when he really wanted something. You stood, and before you could actually make a move to seat himself properly in Derek’s lap he grabbed you and pulled you on top of him. you gave a small cry of surprise, founding yourself seated across him sideways, one of Derek’s arms around your legs, the other around your waist.
“There we go,” Derek breathed in satisfaction. He kissed at you’s ear, then ran parted lips over your jawline. you shivered a little.
“Derek, now isn’t a good time.”
“The council’s not here yet,” he argued.
“Yeah, but- mm…” Derek had quelled your protest by putting his lips to yours. You opened your mouth to accept his tongue, letting out a quiet moan. You were very glad that the table wasn’t made of transparent glass. What was happening wouldn’t be overly obvious to anyone unless they would bent down on purpose, and people made sure not to look at you for too long unless they wanted to end up fired like it happened weeks ago to a man you now completely forgotten.
Though, you couldn’t help but be annoyed by it. You wouldn’t be able to take care of your urges till after the meeting, which would make the whole thing seem longer than it really was.
Derek pulled away from your mouth, tilted his head to kiss at your neck above your collar.
“Fuck,” you muttered. “Derek, stop it.” Even as you said it, you were leaning your head back to give him better access. You just couldn’t help it. You were willing to give yourself to Derek whenever he wanted you.
Derek laughed lightly against your skin. “Yeah, okay, you.” He tugged on your collar with his teeth, and for some reason that drove you wild with lust. You groaned in frustration, grabbed at Derek’s face.
“Stop. Now I’m not gonna be able to concentrate,” you complained.
Derek lifted his head up and you let his hand fall to your chest. The CEO had a smirk on his face when he looked at you.
“That was the plan,” he told you.
“I know I am,” Derek said proudly.
you turned your head when you heard the doors open. You made to stand as council-members began to file in, but Derek’s hold on you tightened.
“No. Stay put.”
“You think they’re gonna take you seriously with me in your lap?” you asked quietly, turning your attention back to Derek.
“If I had some random person in my lap, probably not, but they know who you are,” Derek replied. “Why are you making it seem like it’s a big deal?”
“Because…” you trailed off, unsure of how to explain. Being this close to Derek made it hard for you to think about anything but him, about where you wanted him to put his hands, his mouth. You squirmed a little in a half-hearted attempt to get free. That didn’t help, only made you think of another, more enjoyable way you wanted to be moving on him.
“Hold still. Now you’re just being undignified.”
You know what? Two can play at this game.
you firmly ground your ass down against Derek, put your mouth to his ear. “Whatever you say, CEO. ”
Derek made a growling sound low in his throat, opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by one of the members of the council.
“Mr. Danforth, we’re all here, if you’re ready to begin.”
Derek drew his head up. “Um, yes, I’m ready.” He tightened his hold on you, who was now looking at the council seated in front of you, determined to pay attention.
Your focus didn’t last very long. A minute or so into it, the hand that Derek had around your legs began to creep up your thigh. You glanced at Derek. Despite where his hand was going he seemed intent on the topic being discussed.
You tried to surreptitiously take Derek’s hand and slide it away, but you got your own slapped for it. Then Derek’s hand was back on your thigh.
Shit, Derek, not in front of everyone.
Embarrassed, you wanted to protest out loud, but Derek was in the middle of speaking. He palmed at you through your pants almost absentmindedly. you pressed your knuckles to your mouth to keep in any sound. A surprised little yelp made it through as Derek suddenly squeezed. The man looked to you, feigning surprise.
“you, do you have something to say?” He asked it politely, as one would ask their advisor for their opinion, as if the meeting were the only thing that was going on. Though, you knew that most advisors didn’t have their CEO ’s hand playing between their legs.
“N-nothing. Sorry to interrupt.” You had to school his voice into evenness as Derek squeezed again. You could feel his face going red. “Please continue.”
And, with a little nod, Derek did, seeming to pay no more attention to you. What he was doing with his hand said otherwise. He kept moving his hand through your pants and it took every ounce of self control to not buck into him. You bit at your knuckles, glanced at the council. They were all very pointedly looking at Derek’s face or each other, anywhere but at you. Some even had a slight pinkness to their cheeks.
Dammit, Derek, stop it.
His body was clearly negating that. You had to strain to keep your hips in place. You tried your best to keep any sound from coming out, but a small, needy whimper escaped you.
“Everything alright, you?” Derek asked, looking at you with complete obliviousness.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m-” Derek’s hand slipped under your waistband- “fine.” The word came out weak and breathy.
“You paying attention to what we’re talking about?” His fingers were now working torturously, moving slowly up and down.
“Um...” you felt angry and frustrated with Derek. Why did he feel the need to humiliate you like this in front of the council?
Right. He gets off on humiliating me.
“Uh…” What had Derek said the meeting was going to be about earlier? Granted, he’d told you while he’d been dozing after their usual morning romp. “Market conditions?” Your voice came out higher than usual, and you put your knuckles back in your mouth after you finished speaking. You shifted a little, planning on moving away from Derek’s hand, but your body had other ideas, instead moving into it. You gasped a little. You were sure that his face was the reddest it had ever been.
You were afraid he’d gotten it wrong and Derek was going to use that to humiliate you further, but he just nodded and looked back to the council. They continued their discussion, and you didn’t hear a word of it. All you could pay attention to was the way Derek’s hand moved with agonizing slowness. It set you alight with pleasant, maddening arousal. You dug your teeth into your knuckles, groaned quietly in frustration, hoping Derek wouldn’t call you out on the noise.
Derek rubbed his thumb in the right place. You released a moan into his hand before you could stop yourself or try to lower the volume of it. You squirmed a little in both embarrassment and want - need . You needed more . The councilman who had been speaking faltered for a moment, and you could feel your mortification digging a hole into you, but then the man continued, very clearly ignoring you. You still couldn’t help feeling like everyone in the room was staring at you. Though they were trying their best not to look at him, they knew what Derek was doing with his hand.
Then Derek stopped moving his hand altogether, just held onto you, and it was driving you crazy much faster than the slow movements had. Your breaths came hard as he fought with himself to not move. Sweat beaded at your temples.
After a minute or so, one man of the council stood, as if to leave. your chest swelled with relief.
“Um, perhaps we can discuss this later, sir,” he said. “You seem preoccupied.”
Please, Derek, just agree with him. you almost said it out loud.
“No, we’re not done yet. Sit and we’ll continue.”
You whined out of pure desperation, then instantly regretted the sound, though it had come out against your will. Surely everyone had heard it.
“Well, then your, uh, advisor-” the man paused and cleared his throat, looked to the floor for a moment, clearly uncomfortable- “seems preoccupied.”
Derek looked to you, winked at you, and he responded with a glare.
“No, they’re fine.” He began moving his hand again, ever so slowly, and you wanted to cry out of anger and frustration. You hated that Derek was tormenting you like this, wanted for him to dismiss the council so the both of you could do whatever you pleased.
The man sat back down, eliciting a whimper from you. You’ll have to suffer longer now.
Yoh paid absolutely no attention to the rest of the meeting, didn’t even bother trying to. The way Derek was touching you just felt so good. You tried your best to remain still and quiet, but the occasional quiet moan would slip out with a shift of your hips. By the time the meeting was drawing to an end, you were shaking with restraint, face and neck heated scarlet, sweat dripping down the sides of your face.
You let out a huge breath when the last council-member left and the door closed behind them. You sagged against Derek.
“ Ah… Oh gods, Derek, don’t do that!”
Derek bared his cock to open air, he was stroking it faster now with one hand while the other was taking care of you. Clutching at his hand, you were now moaning unashamedly. You wanted to cum, could feel that he was close to it too.
“Don’t do what?”
“What you just-!” you couldn’t finish, pleasure stealing your ability to speak. You became a mewling, writhing mess against Derek. Yes, this was what he wanted.
“Cum, baby. Come on.”
You sobbed with relief as your climax overtook you. Pleasure burned with sweet, hot release through your veins. You arched into Derek when it hit it’s peak, tightening your grip on his hand. The sensation drew the tears you have been holding back from your eyes.
Then it was over and you sagged against him. You wanted to rest against him for a moment, but Derek was pushing you down onto the floor before you could recover.
“Knees,” he ordered.
And before you could really process what was going on or what he was doing, you found yourself kneeling between Derek’s legs with his cock ready to be taken care of. You sucked him ravenously as he wanted it. Derek moaned and threaded his fingers through your hair.
“Yeah, that’s it baby. That’s it.” He applied pressure to your head. “Now choke yourself on it.”
You did so without hesitation, reminding yourself to breathe through your nose, though it was difficult with it pressed right against Derek’s pelvis. Your throat calmed after a few moments, and one of Derek’s hands stroked praisingly over your face.
“You want me to bury myself in you like this?”
You bobbed your head up and down in a nod like you were supposed to when Derek asked you such a question. The movement had the CEO gasping and tugging at your hair.
“And are you gonna cum for me again?”
You nodded, pleased with the moan it brought from Derek’s lips. That meant he was doing your job as his lover well.
“Now up. Undress for me nice and slow.”
You did as you were told, standing and beginning to slowly pull your pants but not before glancing back at the door behind you. You bent down and took off the expensive shoes Derek gifted you (one of the many gifts he gave you ever since your relationship started). You kissed and suckled the head of Derek’s cock before taking care of your shirt.
Here you were now, standing naked in front of the CEO , who let his eyes roam over you though he has seen you like this a thousand times.
Derek ran a hand reverently up your body, starting from your thigh and tracing his fingers up over your abdomen towards one of the many hickeys he had left this morning. He rested his palm over the mark, your pounding heart.
“You’re hot,” Derek breathed. “I’m so lucky to have you.” Before you could respond, he grabbed at your waist and yanked you forward. There was enough room on his big chair for you to place your knees on either side of him and straddle him. You were pressed against Derek and he sighed at the pleasure of it, placing your hands on his shoulders.
Derek’s left hand grabbed at your neck, his right brushing fingers over your lips. You knew what he wanted, so you opened your mouth for him, let him put three fingers inside. You closed your eyes as you did it, moaned around his fingers as if you was enjoying it. You swirled your tongue around them and sucked at them, didn’t stop even when Derek pushed them farther into your mouth and choked you.
“ Shit .” He let go of your neck, instead ran his hand over your back, over the once-smooth skin that was now puckered with countless hickeys. He groped at your ass and you moaned again, this one born of need.
Derek pulled his fingers from your mouth once he was satisfied that they were properly coated in saliva.
You gave a satisfied cry as one finger pressed into you, curved your body into it. You wanted Derek so badly it was nearly painful. His mouth was parted in heaving breaths.
Derek dipped his tongue into your mouth, pulled it back, and did so again. You tried to latch onto it with your lips but Derek wouldn’t let you.
“Use your words. What do you want?” He curled your finger inside of you, brushing that spot.
“Ah!” you arched into the touch, opening your eyes to meet Derek’s gaze. Lust burned in the CEO’s eyes. “I-I want you to kiss me.”
“Mm, what else?” He slid in a second finger.
“Want to ride you,” you gasped out. “A-and make you cum.”
Derek circled his fingers to open you up and you closed your eyes again to revel in the sensation. You wiggled yourself backwards onto those fingers. You would have continued letting your pleasure be known, but Derek silenced you with his mouth.
Derek kissed you as he usually did: like he was trying to eat you and suck out your soul. You loved it and tried to kiss back with the same passion, though you knew you could never match it.
Derek pulled his mouth away from yours, brought it down to suck at your throat above the collar. you tilted your head back, and Derek slipped another finger into you.
“ Yes”
“You like that, baby?” Derek rumbled against your neck.
“ Ungh , yeah.”
“More formal,” Derek commanded.
“Yes, CEO .” You gave a small cry as Derek bit at your neck, and part of you loved the pain of it.
“You want my dick?”
“Y-yes, CEO.”
“How badly?”
“So, so badly,” you whined. You rocked yourself on his fingers, a demonstration of what you’d do on his length. “I need it. Please.”
“You need your boss’ dick?”
“Oh gods, yes!”
Derek licked across your jawline and you moaned loudly at the action. You clenched your muscles around Derek’s fingers.
“Please, please, Derek.” He writhed desperately against him “ Please. ”
Derek chuckled against your neck, and you swore you almost climaxed from the sound of it, the vibration of it against you, the scratch of his beard. He nipped at you and you shuddered.
“Derek…” he pleaded.
Derek ceded to your begging and withdrew his fingers. He barely gave you time to take his cock and position it correctly before he was driving you down onto it, so fast that it hurt. You let out a pleased cry as it filled you.
“Oh gods , you!” You yelled, Derek going to grasp at your hips. For a moment neither of you moved, just basked in your connection, your heaving breaths mingling together. you felt Derek’s mouth near yours and you kissed him hard as you began rocking yourself on him. He moaned into your mouth, accepting his tongue when he shoved it inside. You sucked on it gently, using one of your hands to grab at Derek’s hair.
Derek used his hold on your hips to control your pace, forcing you to move slower. you loved and hated it, loved how it let the pleasure simmer inside of you, but hated how it wasn’t the ferocity you were craving. Though, with Derek you’d get that at some point.
Derek pulled away from your mouth, lowering his head to kiss at your collarbone. He moaned against your skin, pressed his lips to you in an honorary way.
“You happy now, darling?” Derek asked. you could feel him smiling.
“More,” you gasped out. You couldn’t hide that he was greedy when it came to sex, and there was no point. Derek was the one who had made you like this.
Derek’s teeth grazed your hardened right nipple and you whimpered, curved your chest into him. Derek complied with your wish, biting down hard on your nipple and working it with his tongue.
“Oh gods, Derek,” you got out breathlessly, the pain of his teeth shooting pleasure all over your body. You tried moving your hips faster, but he tightened his grip till it hurt, fighting against your movements.
“No, you. Slow for now, okay?”
Once you agreed, Derek brought his attention to your other nipple to reward you. It felt so good you wanted to cry, a small sob escaping your lips. You clawed at Derek’s chest with one hand, the other still with fingers twined in his hair.
After sucking quite generously on your nipple, Derek brought his head up, kissed you briefly. His grip loosened on your hips.
“I’ll leave the lead to you. Let me see what you want.”
“Yes, Derek.” you were relieved to be allowed to do what you wanted. You put your hands on Derek’s shoulders to steady yourself, used your legs to move over his cock, raising yourself up and then slamming back down. The sound of slapping skin only aroused you more. Derek’s moans sent goosebumps on your arms and sent pleasant tingles through you.
“My cock is good enough to make you cum.”he growled.
“Ah shit! Yeah, baby, right there. Move just like that. Move just like that for me.”
Derek cursed profusely as you moved on him voraciously. You pounded pleasure into his nerves, and it just built in intensity with each movement.
After a minute or so you were reaching your end. Pleasure roped violently through your body and you shouted. You didn’t stop moving though, knew that you weren’t allowed to truly be finished until Derek was. You rode through your climax and past it, the sweetness of it reaching a point that was unbearable. You sobbed, tears in your eyes, your insides throbbing and oversensitive, but still, you kept on.
“Keep going, baby. You’re doing great,” Derek encouraged. “You’re doing so well.”
You slowed your movements, gasping for breath. “I-I can’t, Derek.”
“Yes you can. Faster. I’m almost there. Just a little more, come on.”
You knew you had no choice but to obey him, didn’t want to face the consequences of not, and picked up your pace again.
“That’s it, love. Good job.”
It hurt in an almost delicious way, like forcing yourself to eat something that was too sweet. You wanted it at the same time you didn’t, the feeling of Derek inside of you just too much to handle.
“You’re doing so good. So good. Come on. Come on . Almost there, almost there. Agh! That’s it! Yes! ”
you sobbed loudly at the sensation of Derek finishing inside of you. It was too much for your body to handle. Once it was over you made to move off of him, your legs already trembling in the mid air, but Derek held you there with a grunt.
“No. Stay.”
“Stay, just one more second.”
You gave up, sagged against him, resting your head on his shoulder, trying to catch your breath. Derek stroked a hand over your sweaty back.
You felt a hand stroking your face.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Anger suddenly hit you at those words. The gall of Derek to ask if he was okay, the audacity.You opened your eyes, planning on snapping at him, but you saw the smile on your face and the anger melted away. You smiled back.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You lifted your head, pecked Derek on the lips. “Better than okay.”
“Good, ’cause I have to fill you in on that meeting.” Derek’s grin turned devilish. “It wasn’t actually about market conditions.”
“Oh, you son of a bitch.” Despite your words, you laughed, and Derek joined in.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
The Lonely Hearts Club: Part One
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Summary: You decide to press pause on your relationship with Andrew Barber. Too bad your hotshot attorney of an ex-boyfriend doesn't understand the meaning of the word. Takes place directly after the events in Photo Shoot Faux Pas. Read Part Two!
Warnings: Angst, Break-ups, Cursing, Andy Being a Menace, Insecure Reader, Eventual Smut, Manhandling, Punishments, Minors DNI
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! This multi-part fic will feature a combination of requests from the likes of @writer84, @lexivass, @moejdaw, as well as several other anonymous readers. Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
“Come on, girl. You can do this.”
“Yeah, but maybe…” You trail off as you approach Andy’s front door. Fishing the key out of your pocket, you insert it into the lock. Thanks to your shaking hands, it actually takes a few seconds longer than it probably should. “Maybe I oughta wait.”
“Babe.” Your friend blows out a breath, the noise coming across the other line like static. “We’ve been over this like a dozen times already. Today is just another day; it’s no different from any other.” 
Your friends had been quick to remind you that Valentine’s Day didn’t really matter. At its core, it was nothing more than a cheap gimmick big corporations used to upsell mediocre chocolate and subpar rom-coms. Right?
“I know, I know.” There really wasn’t much more you could say beyond that. Not after the two of you had painstakingly broken down every detail of this very scenario just last night. During which time you also managed to consume several bottles of wine. 
You’d been all up in your feelings from the moment you’d arrived at your best friend’s house. And Sara had spent a good hour sitting with you on her living room floor, gently rocking you back and forth while you quietly sobbed into her sweater. 
Andy hated it when you cried. But when you did, he was always so good at using his big body to comfort you – to calm you down. He’d been the one that you’d really wanted last night. You’d been so tempted to call him, even before the alcohol had started flowing. 
However, all your girls had said “no”. And when they couldn’t get you to listen to reason, they’d instructed Sara to remove the temptation by swiping your phone and hiding it away. At the time you’d been highly upset. But now you were grateful for their interference. Because this was something you had to do. 
Provided that you could make yourself stick with the fucking plan.
“Are you in yet?” Sara asks, her voice briefly snapping you back into the present.
“I am. I–I’m just gonna leave it on the table. Along with the muffins.” Squeezing your eyes shut, you brace for the sound you’re pretty sure is about to viciously assault your eardrums in three…two…one…
Here it comes.
“YOU BOUGHT HIM FUCKING MUFFINS?!” She screeches, her tone rife with stunned exasperation. “Are you being serious right now?!”
Yes, you did that. It didn’t seem right to just drop the note and run. At least not without leaving a little something else to go with it, apparently in the form of cinnamon spice crunch.
“Don’t judge me, bitch. This shit is hard enough as it is.” You growl into the receiver, setting the box of delicious smelling baked goods onto his kitchen counter. “I just wanna make sure he has something to tide him over until we – until we, um…” Gripping the edge of a chair, you force yourself to take a series of deep breaths.
“Shit, Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, baby.” Your friend immediately backpedals. But it doesn’t matter. It’s not like you can hear her anyway over the sound of the distant roaring in your ears. “I know this is hard, honey. But you’ve got to pull it together.” 
This whole thing was making you feel ill. 
Fuck! Like it or not, she was right. The last thing you wanted to do was start crying again. Because you knew if you allowed yourself to break down here, it would be impossible to stop. And that’s exactly where you could not afford to let Andrew Stephen Barber to find you right now.
Standing in the middle of his kitchen, openly crying. Desperately wanting to be held by the one man who had the power to shatter you into a million glittering pieces with nothing more than a simple touch.
And while that might seem a bit dramatic, it also didn’t make it any less true. Which meant that you needed to get out there, fast. You couldn’t allow yourself to forget that you really did have somewhere else to be. Standing up straight, you tuck Andy’s house key into the folded up piece of paper and then place it on top of the muffins.
Time to go. 
Turning on your heel, you make a beeline for the exit. Hopefully you’d feel better once you were on the road. As you leave, you make a mental note to worry about everything else later. Until then, you just had to focus on the now.    
“Fuck!” You hiss as the door slams closed behind you. 
“What? Is Andy home? Did he –” You cut her off, feeling frustrated even as the sickly-sweet taste of regret threatens to claw its way up your throat. 
“No. I just forgot to grab that stupid fucking album is all.” With a huff, you jog over to your car. “And it’s not like I can go back in for it or anything since I left him his key. Fuuuuck!” You close the driver’s side door before turning on your vehicle and putting it in gear.
“Girl, who gives a shit!” Sara snorts, clearly relieved that your activities weren’t interrupted. “Look at it this way, whether you like it or not, you just gave that ungrateful bastard something to remember you by.”
Good point, Sara. That’s exactly why she had been designated as your emotional support person for this entire emotionally draining escape. 
“True.” Time to focus on the road. If traffic cooperated, you had just enough time to get yourself to your next destination without risking getting a ticket.
Not that that mattered much anymore. The days of anyone giving a shit about your potentially reckless activities were most likely a thing of the past. Oh well. You looked forward to no longer having to stock up on aloe. Yeah, the price of that stock was about to go way down. 
A tiny giggle bubbles up, escaping before you can stop it. 
“Are you okay, Y/N? I know that was rough back there, but I really think you did the right thing. Plus, I’ve been updating everyone on the group chat, and they all agree.” You resolve to check the thread later so that you can provide everyone with an update.
See that Andy Bear? This whole damned thing had been workshopped from start to finish. You can’t possibly accuse me of being impulsive now. You let out another burst of laughter, this one sounding a touch more hysterical than the last.  
“Also, Rhea really wants to know where you got those friggin’ muffins…”
“Tell her I’ll message her with the name of the bakery later.” You merge onto the highway as you head towards downtown. “Thanks for all your help today, Sara. Couldn’t have done it without you girls.”
“Hey boo – you know we love Andy’s fine ass. We just happen to love your ass a hell of a lot more. Now drive safe and text us when you land.” You know she’s telling the truth. All of your girls were pretty darn fond of your man, but you were their girl first. And their loyalty was to you.
Something for which you were exceedingly grateful.
“You got it – talk soon.” 
You end the call before settling in for the remainder of the drive. Not wanting to be alone with your thoughts, you quickly decide to turn on the radio – only to be surprised when Mariah Carey’s “We Belong Together” begins playing over the speakers.
“Wow.” You whisper with a shake of your head. “That is so not fair.”
Sometimes the gods possessed a real fucked up sense of humor.
Your bottom lip quivers as the lyrics hit home, hot tears blurring your vision. You let out an audible sniffle before dashing at them with your sleeve. But you don’t change the station. And you no longer try to stem the flow. Instead you finally give yourself over to the pain that was your heart breaking – piece by piece.
You’d talk to Andy in a couple of weeks. He’d give you space. He’d give you time. And if he didn’t want to work things out when it was all said and done…then you would have to find a way to live without him. And you would find a way.
But first, you had a plane to catch. And then you were gonna get yourself a margarita and – no – scratch that.
Make that a bottle of tequila.   
Five hours later…
Andy shoulders his way into his house from the garage, absentmindedly toeing off his shoes as he sorts through his mail. 
Bill. Bill. Junk. A Postcard from his Dentist. Another bill. And more junk.
With a grunt, he tosses the stack of unwanted papers onto the table. And then he spies the pink box resting on the counter. A smile curves its way across his handsome lips when he realizes that you must’ve stopped by at some point during the day. 
But he does find it rather odd that you wouldn’t have let him know. Sure, it was Valentine’s Day, but the two of you weren’t supposed to get together until this weekend. 
Still smiling, Andy makes his way over to the box of treats, humming a little tune as he goes. While he had a feeling something was going on with you lately, he’d simply chalked it up to stress. But he also knew that once he got you in his bed and settled himself between those gorgeous thighs, it was only a matter of time before he’d have you speaking in tongues…
Which would hopefully lead to you spilling your pretty little guts. So that he could finally try to fix whatever it was that kept making you seem so sad.  
He picks up the note, his head tilting to the side as he tries to make sense of the meaning behind your interesting dessert choice. Confused, he decides to read your message. With a sigh, he unfolds the piece of paper. Only to be caught off guard when a key falls out and onto the surface below, the sharp clatter making him jump.
“What the fuck?” He snarls as his eyes quickly scan the tear-stained piece of paper. “No. Oh no, baby girl…fuck no…” 
He could not fucking believe what he was reading. 
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Andrew grips the edge of the counter as his legs threaten to give out underneath him. However, it’s not until the fourth reread that it all finally clicks into place.
You'd just tried to break-up with him. On fucking Valentine’s Day of all fucking days. But if you thought that leaving him a “Dear John” letter and a box of muffins before running off to god-knows-where was going to be the end of it, then well…the joke was on you. Because there was no way in hell he was ready to let you go. At least not without one hell of fight. 
"Alright." A dark chuckle escapes as he crumples the note in fist. Part of him wished that he still carried a lighter so that he could go outside and burn your fucking letter. “But make no mistake, sweetness, we’re not done here.”
However, Andrew Barber could be patient until he saw you again. He’d give you a couple days to get your mind right. But when he found you – and he would – he wasn’t going to stop until he had you back in his life and in his bed, right where you fucking belonged. 
You could count on that shit.
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chanis-banani · 5 months
To your Avalon
Note: gosh it's been a while since I've written anything and I missed working on all of my projects so much. I thought a lot about which idea I should continue writing on, and then I figured: what better way to come back to tumblr than by adding a new group to my list? Expect a lot more of The Boyz from me ;)
Synopsis: Juyeon had looked your way. And he was blushing. There had always been amazing chemistry between you, but tonight, both of you are ready to drive that cemistry to a whole new level. After escaping Eric's late New Year's Eve party, Juyeon can't wait to explore every part of you.
Genre: mostly fluff, followed by a tiny bit of sensual smut
Pairing: juyeon x afab reader
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: parties (ew), alcohol, a bit of oral (f receiving)
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"Nobody needs to come along."
That's how it all escalated.
Barely thirty minutes ago, you had still been at the party, having a good time, dancing to mediocre music. Overall the party was a little boring, and there weren’t many people you knew, but it was fun enough.
One of the few familiar faces was Lee Juyeon, though to say that you were friends would be putting it strongly. You'd spoken to him before, about the weather, about music, about some people you both knew, your favorite food, his favorite color, and just once about the meaning of life. But all of these conversations had been short-lived and usually got interrupted by either one of you being called by a friend.
And yet, even though you merely knew him on this superficial level, something just felt right whenever you were able to talk with him. The way he would look at you every time you spoke, listening intently, like he truly enjoyed hearing you tell your life stories… Perhaps it was just delusion, but you could have sworn you’d seen that gaze of his dart towards your lips a few times.
It was probably delusion.
Today should have been like any other day. The party was hosted by Eric, to celebrate New Year’s Eve, even though it was about two weeks late for that. You stood in the kitchen with a friend and you were in the middle of laughing at one of their genius jokes when you noticed Juyeon’s figure from the corner of your eye. Immediately, you felt a heavy feeling in your stomach. He caught you laughing, how cliché! What if he was going to think you were just putting up a show to catch his attention?
With your smile now removed entirely from your heated face, you poured yourself a glass of champagne, and quickly reengaged in the conversation with your friend, who hadn’t noticed your brief moment of panic. Every now and then, you couldn’t help but take a quick look in Juyeon’s direction, just to see that he remained caught up in his conversation as well.
By the sixth time you peeked at him, you came to the shocking realization that he was looking right back at you. The moment couldn’t have lasted more than a millisecond, but it was enough. Too much even. Juyeon had looked your way. He had seemed thrilled at the eye contact, and even though he had turned his head away from you immediately, you hadn’t missed the deep red color that had appeared on his ears and cheeks.
Juyeon had looked your way. And he was blushing.
After this moment, you caught him taking little glances at you several more times. At first, it appeared to be almost accidental, but as time went on, you got a growing feeling that he was doing it on purpose. You decided that you’d had enough of this when he even threw you a little smirk. Not wanting him to see how worked up you got over him, you stopped looking in his direction and focused on your friend instead. Mostly.
A couple of minutes later, you found yourself all alone in the kitchen, after your friend had left to go to the bathroom. Trying not to act as mortified as you were, you focused on the bottle of champagne, as you were about to pour yourself a second glass. Right when you were about to tilt the bottle, you caught a familiar figure approaching you from the corner of your eye. Before you could even act at all, Juyeon’s large warm hand brushed against yours as he gently took the bottle from your hands.
“Allow me.”
The warmth, along with the playfulness in his voice made your cheeks burning hot all over again. With your eyes fully fixed on the way he poured the champagne into your glass, you tried to ignore the violent tornado that seemed to be ripping your stomach apart. You didn’t know what kind of “butterflies” other people felt in their bellies, but you were damn sure they had never laid eyes on Lee Juyeon.
“Did you know Hyunjae’s running an afterparty?” he asked while pouring himself a glass of champagne too. His eyes were creased in his usual, delightful smile, which was enough to completely distract you from any conversation points whatsoever. You took a subtle deep breath in order to snap out of it, but the sight of his lips…
“Here you go.” Juyeon handed your own glass back to you with that same dazzling smile and he carefully clinked his glass against yours as a matter of saying cheers. “Happy new year,” you joked, while returning the gesture to him. As you looked up at Juyeon - as one does when saying cheers - you caught a glimpse of your friend, who was making her way back from the bathroom. God, please not now. You finally had this boy all to yourself.
Your friend waved enthusiastically, and you gave them an awkward little wave in return. Juyeon turned his head to see what was going on, and when he looked your way again, his demeanor had changed a little. His body had tensed and the relaxed expression he wore on his face just before, now made way for a more nervous appearance. 
“Y/n…,” he uttered while putting his glass back on the counter, “Do you maybe want to get out of here?” 
He was so close to you now. You hadn’t even noticed how close he had gotten. The way he stood in front of you completely blocked your view from your friend, and part of you felt inexplicably grateful for this. His voice had sounded exhilarated, which made you all the more nervous. But at the same time… incredibly excited.
“Sure!” you said, while nodding perhaps a tad too enthusiastically, “is the afterparty just at Hyunjae’s place?” His eyebrow perked up at your question, which sent a slight tremble through your hand when you tried to take another sip from your champagne.
“Nobody needs to come along.”
The way he spoke was hushed, almost secretive. It had barely been more than a whisper, yet he had pronounced every word with so much clarity that there was no way to misunderstand what he had said.
“Every time I get to talk to you, we find ourselves caught in such crowded places. It’s hard to get to know you like this.”
You tried to avoid his gaze when you involuntarily felt how your lips curled into an awkward grin, and you nervously played around with the glass in your hands. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, and whether it was because of Juyeon or the champagne, a dizzy feeling began to rise. Or maybe it was because he stood close enough for you to have the smell of his cologne drowning out any other sensation for a second.
Juyeon broke the tension by taking a sip from his own glass, which made it a little easier for you to wrap your head around the situation. Maybe he just wanted to take you to the movies? … at 1 am? Please. Despite your immense nervousness to even be near him like this, there wasn’t a single cell in your body that made you doubt how much you wanted exactly the same thing he wanted - whatever that might be.
Shit. Your friend had almost made their way through the other partygoers and startled you and Juyeon out of this moment of anticipation. In coincidental unison, the two of you set your champagne glasses back on the counter, and Juyeon straightened his back. This was it. This was when each of you would say their goodbyes for the night, like any other time you’d ever managed to speak to each other for more than five minutes.
But Juyeon didn’t say goodbye. He didn’t say anything.
Instead, you felt how his fingers brushed softly against yours, as he reached out his hand to you. His palm pointed up, his fingers were in a relaxed, welcoming position. Inviting.
“Are we ready to risk it all?”
His voice sounded equally as inviting, and with that, like in some kind of trance, you felt your own hand holding on to Juyeon’s.
The excited sound of your voices filled the apartment even before you entered, as Juyeon chuckled while you were fumbling around to find the right key. He was so close to you again. The little space that was left between the two of you only grew smaller and smaller and smaller. Now small enough to feel his breath on your cheek. His hand rested very lightly on your waist. The scent of his cologne intoxicated you even more. It took a lot of effort to keep your breathing at a regular pace, until you finally got the key and opened the door.
Unable to suppress your excitement, the two of you giggled as you entered the apartment and within seconds, Juyeon finally wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him. He buried his face into your neck, his lips curled up from the excitement and satisfaction of finally having you all to himself, and he deeply inhaled your scent. Even through all the layers of clothes, you could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest, forming a drumming sensation against your own.
Both completely breathless, you took a moment to simply exist there. With your head snuggled against his shoulder, you relished in his company. Silently drinking in the experience of how he held you so tightly, how his muscles felt as they were wrapped around you like this, and how his hair tickled the side of your cheek. The room was now perfectly tranquil, the silence not even broken by your breathing, as both of you seemed too afraid to be woken from this everlasting dream. All there was, was the sound of your heartbeat, and muted traffic noise in the far distance.
And then another deep inhale from Juyeon. “You hug nicely,” he let out softly under his breath, before pulling away slightly to look at you. “You’re one to talk,” you muttered in response, delighted by the way his smile washed over his face again.
Acting completely on impulse at first, you pressed a kiss on his neck, right beside his jaw. You hadn’t thought much of it, but when you noticed the slight shudder that pulled through his body in response, you wanted to kiss his neck even more. So you did.
With every touch, the goosebumps on his skin got just a little more intense, and his fingers clenched themselves more tightly around your arm. 
Both of you were slightly pulled out of your trance when he suddenly let out a little moan, which he had tried to suppress, and you pulled away from his neck to look at him, only to be kissed almost immediately. Though the kiss may have been sudden, he was so gentle; only kissing your lips lightly, like he was waiting for some kind of response before venturing any further. And once you opened your mouth to let in his tongue, he didn’t waste a second to explore you more. 
Somewhat impatiently, he moved on from your mouth to your neck again. A lovely chill went through your body as he kissed his way from your jaw to your neck, treating every spot exactly like he had treated your mouth, and he moved further and further down. First to your shoulder, then to your chest and so on. He proceeded to kiss your body, only being separated from you by the clothes you were still wearing and he moved down and down to your upper belly, then your lower belly, and eventually he kneeled to kiss your hips.
With his fingers hooked on the rim of your trousers, he looked up at you with pleading eyes. “Is it okay if I…” he started, and before he could even finish his question, you were already desperately nodding yes at him.
A soft sigh of excitement escaped him and his fingers rushed to unbutton and unzip your jeans. In the blink of an eye, your trousers were hanging around your ankles and Juyeon’s fingers were running all over your bare skin, earning a little gasp from both of you. It felt like your head was spinning from the way his hands grabbed at you, the way his lips felt warm and lush on your inner thighs, and the way his teeth scraped at your skin ever so softly, yet hastily. He almost appeared like a fish out of water, the way he craved your body, and it seemed like he would surely choke if he didn’t get to touch you quickly.
With hasty movements, he tugged at your panties until they hung around your ankles, along with your jeans, and he brought one of his hands between your legs to reach his fingers between your folds.
The way he went about it was exhilarating and you fully wanted him to continue, yet maybe not at this pace. You took his hastiness as a compliment, knowing it meant nothing more than that he was excited to finally be doing this with you, but you wanted to slow things down a little just to catch this high.
Right when he was about to dive into you with his mouth, you brushed your fingers through his hair and softly said his name to him. This made him look up at you, the corners of his mouth still vaguely curled into a smile, and his eyes hopeful. “We can take our time,” you whispered to him softly.
His body relaxed at these words and the way you stroked your fingers through his hair, like he got so worked up in his own excitement, he had driven himself crazy, and your permission to take it slowly was enough to make him come to his senses again. His smile grew a little bigger on one side of his mouth, his eyes smiling along at you.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
As soon as he got rid of his jacket, his hands were already back on you again and he shifted you to the middle of the bed. He hooked his fingers under your shirt and you lifted your arms in the air so he could pull it over your head. Then he proceeded to take off his own shirt as well, while you unhooked your bra and tossed it away into the room.
He reached his face back between your legs, more slowly and more intentionally this time, and pressed a long, careful kiss on your clit. His big, strong hands held you tightly by one of your thighs to help you keep your balance, which was much needed. He reached forward with his eyes almost fully closed and an electrical sensation shot up your spine when you felt his upper lip on your clit, while his tongue slid up between your folds.
Before he would lick you any more, he pulled away again, rose to his feet, and gave you a soft kiss on your lips. Right when you were about to start complaining, you were suddenly lifted up and he placed you on the edge of your own bed. When he took a step back to crouch down and untie his shoelaces, you got the memo and you quickly began to take off your shoes as well and got rid of the jeans and panties that still hung around your ankles.
Finally serenity returned now that you were completely nude, no longer protected by the comfort of any piece of clothing whatsoever. The air felt cold against your bare skin, and this sensation was all too welcome after how heated you had gotten from Juyeon. Despite the darkness of the night, some light made its way into your room from the street lanterns outside and this was enough to admire Juyeon’s body. He was still in his pants, but that didn’t seem to concern him in the slightest. All of his attention was on you.
“Beautiful…” he muttered under his breath. The way he said it made it seem like it wasn’t supposed to be said out loud, and even in this dimly lit room you could see his ears getting red right after he said it.
Slowly and very gently now, he eased you on your back while getting on top of you, and he pressed a kiss on your collarbone. “Are you absolutely sure you feel comfortable with this?” he hummed softly while working his kisses up to your neck, creating goosebumps all over your skin. “Yes… Please…” you whine softly. You hadn’t even noticed how tightly you had been holding on to his arm until now.
He raised his head and brought his face close to yours, hovering directly above you with that same damn smile again. “And you’re really sure you won’t regret it later if we continue now?” His voice was so wonderful he made your head spin just by asking these questions.
“Absolutely sure,” you replied with even more determination now, and he pressed a satisfied little kiss on your lips, only to continue on down to your breast. You tensed when you felt how his lips cupped your nipple, and the feeling of his breath on your bare, sensitive skin sent a delightful shiver down your spine.
“And you’re not just saying this because you don’t dare to back out anymore?”
You immediately shook your head and squirmed a little when he dragged his tongue along your nipple. “Juyeon, I’ve been ready since before we left,” you say firmly while placing one hand on his head to stroke your fingers through his hair, “so please… Take me now.”
Finally satisfied, he pressed one final kiss on your breast before moving downward. You arched your back when he passed right past your sensitive area, and then his lips met your skin again on your inner thigh, all the way down by your knee. From there, he began to trail his kisses up, very slowly, taking his time with every single one, taking his time to drink in all of your little reactions, your scent, and the realization that this long-awaited moment was finally here. His kisses continued to trail upwards again until you could feel his breath on your vulva.
A strong shudder went through you as he took his time to tease you, continuing to press kisses on your thighs while being ever so close to the area you needed him the most. Your heart was racing and your entire body was covered in goosebumps from the sensation of his soft lips against your sensitive skin and the tickling of his hair. 
Finally, he pressed one last kiss on your thigh and you felt how he held his face right before your opening now, hearing him whisper softly:
“Take me to your Avalon…”
End note: I'm a tease, I know. Maybe if you guys beg me enough, I might consider writing the rest of the smut scene, from start to finish if you know what I mean ;)
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crepe-of-wrath · 1 year
Shameless Shouta Scarf Smut Saturday
fourth one in a row
warnings/tags: 18+; bondage; fem reader; praise kink; possessive power dynamics; vigilante Aizawa/eeeeeevil Hero Commission AU to set up the Daddyzawa vibes; people who exasperate each other-to-lovers; Author Reader just wants to be Aizawa's good girl is that really so much to ask?
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One month. The representative of the HPSC was on TV explaining that it had been one month since the vigilante Eraserhead had devastated the nation and attempted to undermine the harmony of society by abducting you, [Name], the popular and promising hope of the people and probable future No. 1 Hero.
"Hmmm," said Shouta, who was reclining on the couch behind you, hair tied up, wearing only some sweatpants slung rather low on his hips. "How wicked of me to do such a thing."
You giggled.
In reality, he had saved your life from a bunch of rather low-level villains who should have been easy work for the Hero Commission's new poster child.
But, as he had taken great pains to point out to you back then, it wasn't easy work for you because you didn't know what you were doing. In response, you had hurled at him all the nasty words the HPSC had taught you--bitter man, mediocrity, couldn't even keep a position teaching little kids, reduced to cheap vigilante work.
That had been when he made you the offer. "Show me you have the skills to escape from a 'bitter, mediocre vigilante' like me," he had said, "and I'll let you go and tell all your little friends in the press just how silly you made me look."
It turned out the only mediocre hero in his little hideaway was you. And boy, did Shouta love reminding you of it every single time he bound or tripped you with that goddamned scarf of his:
"Shouldn't you be able to escape, since you're the Future No. 1 Hero, sweetie?"
"Oh angel, what would all your fans say if they saw this?"
At first, you hated the derisive pet names and you hated how he would pick you up, pressing the scratchy fibers of the binding cloth into you, as though you were little more than a bundle to bring back into the house. And you could tell that he hated your lack of awareness and was exasperated at how you just expected everything to work out somehow.
But, slowly, things had started to change. You had become addicted to the white-hot lust that was triggered every single time those binding cloths wrapped around you, bringing you to the ground so that Shouta could loom over you, letting you take in his toned body before hoisting you over his shoulder and taking you back to your "captivity."
As for him, it was little things--your conversations now being punctuated with lots of shared dry humor, him suddenly developing a penchant for regular shirtlessness and wearing his hair the way you liked, the fact that he bough you small gifts and new clothes (skimpy to boot), his gestures like taking the time to make you nice tea--that spoke loudly indeed.
That's why your "escape" attempts had become increasingly laughable and now amounted to little more than "chase me, Shouta, and bind me and throw me over your shoulder and 'accidentally' touch me wherever you want while sternly lecturing me," and why his once derisive pet names of angel and sweetheart were now delivered in such a way that made your thighs slick and your brain fogged.
Although you clearly wanted to fuck one another to oblivion, the only accurate thing the HPSC had told you about Eraserhead was that he was desperate to be Not Like Other Heroes. Thus, there was a part of him that was angry with himself for falling under the spell of the shatteringly beautiful favorite of the loathsome Commission, just like so many other fools, and so, unfortunately for you both, he was fighting himself.
Fortunately, you knew how to read people and give them what they wanted without them even realizing what you were doing. It was the silver lining of your dysfunctional youth, what had allowed you to bewitch the HPSC and the public, and would soon--very soon if you had your way--allow you to complete the bewitchment of Shouta Aizawa himself.
You hadn't realized that this was the one-month anniversary of your disappearance--that was a lucky stroke. It would surely make him think about how awful you had been back then, which would only heighten how sweet you had become for him now. You had even chose to wear his most salacious gift to date, a deep purple tank and boy-short set. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off you, and the way he fondled the binding cloth he kept next to him signaled that he was very ready to chase you.
Since you were, after all, about giving people what they wanted, when his phone surprised you both by ringing, you bolted. You had already decided to put in a bit more effort this time, to really make him work for it and get his blood up. You weren't entirely hopeless--Shouta himself had said all you needed was actual proper teaching--and you did last a good ten minutes longer than usual before one of his deceptions worked and you felt the capture weapon encircle you from the ankles up.
You loved it. It was such a high when the binding cloth wrapped around you, gently squeezing your body, the pinch of the fibers stoking your desire. You made a good show of struggling, especially when Shouta finally walked up to where you lay and stood over your body, straddling you as you writhed.
He shook his head and tutted. "Captured again, angel. What a shame." He plucked you off the ground as though you were weightless, and put you over his shoulder.
You squirmed more than usual, trying to kick up, which had the unintended-but-not-really effect of pressing your breasts into his back. You wanted to claw down the expanse of his back so badly; you had vowed to yourself that this would be one of the first things you did once he finally, finally fucked you. With every kick and wriggle, you also tried to grind yourself into his shoulder. Shouta was no fool and knew what you were doing; he was responding to your wantonness with the occasional spank of your ass and stern commands to stop being so ridiculous.
You knew your scheme had been successful when, instead of taking you inside, he slid you off his shoulder and practically threw you against the exterior wall of the house. "You need to be taken care of," he growled low in your ear. You gently bucked your hips toward him as much as your bindings allowed and whimpered. As he responded with a firm and powerful thrust that made you cry out a little, and not just because you could feel him hardening, he continued. "Those people took advantage of you, threw you out there without any real training, and almost got you killed."
He took his hands off of you, balled them up into fists, and pressed them into the wall above your head. His breathing was heavy and his eyes were as desperate as you had ever seen them. He was so close to giving himself over to what he--and you--truly wanted, but something, whether stubbornness, shame, or some jumble of the two, was still stopping him. You could take it no longer; it was time to give him a little push.
You looked up at him, batted your pretty eyes, and then looked down like a good, shy girl would. "I know, Shouta," you said in your softest, sweetest voice. "I need someone to take care of me." You paused, darted your eyes up and down quickly, and hoped you were as blushing and docile as his heart's deepest desire. "I...I need you to take care of me, please."
His breath hitched. You were almost there. So close you could nearly taste him. "I will be so good for you, Shouta. Just for you, your own good girl, who is so grateful to you for protecting her."
It was at this moment that you both became aware that, because of the way your clothes had gotten caught up in the capture weapon, one of your shoulder straps was slipping. You tried to shimmy your shoulder a little bit. You didn't know if it helped, or if the universe and gravity were just on your side, but it tumbled off, leaving what you knew was a bare, soft, inviting expanse all for him.
That broke the dam. Shouta closed around you so tightly that, even if you hadn't been restrained, it would have been impossible to move. Little sparks moved through your body as first his hair and then his lips brushed against your bare shoulder.
"You're mine now," he said in a hot, clipped whisper between pressing kisses on your shoulder and neck. You couldn't stop your entire body from shuddering in pleasure at having won, and your head fell heavy into his shoulder. You pulled at the binding cloth and whined, hoping that he would release your arms and let you embrace him.
"Not yet," he whispered into your ear. "I still want to play. Don't you want to play...kitten?"
This time, instead of just shuddering from pleasure, you convulsed, and your legs gave way. Shouta scooped you up bridal-style, and your limp body melded into his own. He gently moved the hair away from your eyes as he looked at you in triumph and murmured, "Good girl" into your forehead as he placed a gentle kiss.
You gave him your softest smile as you nestled into the muscles of his chest, more than content to let him think he was the one who won today.
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hiii are u still writing 4 sp?? if u are can you pleasee write high smut with mean!dom kenny PLEASE 🙏🏻
i fucking love high smut.
kenny had laid his dick against your stomach to see how far in you it would go and it reached your belly button. "mm i can't take it." you thought your sentence would end there and a "it won't fit, kenny." just had to be added to the end.
he lowly chuckles and makes eye contact with your slightly red and droopy eyes. "aw you big baby, it's fine." he taunts you, prodding his tip against your sopping entrance. you whine and pout and he only laughs as he slips the tip in with ease due to your slick.
you bite your lip, thinking it wasn't so bad until he aggressively thrusted the rest of his length into you and your stomach turned, you shrieked and your shoulders impulsively shrugged up. you were twitching, probably not only because of the high but because kenny's dick was destroying your insides. he doesn't ask or wait he just kept going at a mediocre pace.
maybe the high made it more pleasurable, you didn't know, but it hurt so fucking good. it felt like nothing you'd felt before. so good.
"see you're okay, all the whining over what?" he laughs and starts going faster.
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jujutsutrash · 8 months
My apologies for delivering something without smut right in October, instead of kinktober (unless body swapping is your kink) let's call this one kenjakutober. I dunno, this weirdo has been in my mind a lot recently, maybe because he was my second fav behind gojo, and oh, well, gojo got boxed for good. Guess Kenny wins.
Kenjaku x Reader. 1.2k (tw: death, and Kenjaku's flavor of body swapping)
Honestly, the whole experience since meeting you was something Kenjaku could describe as unique. not, by any means, bad, but definetly unexpected - though, not unwelcome. you were a powerful sorcerer, in fact, too powerful for your time. it had been a couple hundred years since the Heian era, and in this age of blades and samurais, jujutsu had been losing its strength. that made you a stranger in your time.
At first he'd seen in you a good tool to aid in his plans, a source of power that could prove itself useful. you were a sorcerer with strength but no actual purpose, and he could give you one - although, it would be his. you took to the job without hesitancy, wanting to escape the fate decided to you by your clan. an arranged marriage, a waste of your life on someone who'd certainly resent how much more powerful than him you were.
Now he clearly understood that what you saw on the deal he offered was a chance at freedom, to live your life unchained by anyone. it seemed a worthy shot, even if you could tell his motives seemed not to be fully on the clear. but you didn't care, figuring it better to be involved in something possibly bad than to be involved in nothing at all. better the evil you don't know than the one you do - better to take this leap than be chained to domestic servitude, wasting away your existence doing nothing interesting.
To be quite fair, he found that thinking admirable. maybe that was why Kenjaku started to grow found of you. In these new times, few were the people willing to take the gamble, willing to get their hands a little bloody to live life how they wanted to. oh, you truly were like a treasure from a time long gone. brave and powerful, curious and unafraid, unshaken by the things he did and the ones he had you do. and above all lustful for a life that's not mediocre. lustful for a life that would be better than just good enough. to achieve things, to see things, to experience more.
You were almost like kindred spirits. and overtime that was probably how he let you work your way under his skin. one day he just found himself desiring you, and soon enough he was working his way under your clothes. You were beautiful - that had been undeniable since day one, but hadn't really had any importance until this sudden shift. what Kenjaku originally wanted from you was your ability to work. but then things changed, he wanted that and something more - an useful setup, really, two birds with one stone and all that.
It was a convenient situation. on one hand you completed every task and job given with almost brutal precision. on the other you were an entertaining company and a good source of pleasure. it was fun. just a satisfying circumstance. or at least that was the case in the beginning.
Without even noticing Kenjaku started growing to like you - feelings he never really expected to have. that that he actively shunned them, he still had his priorities straight and the sentiment existed in the background, a fun little side task. it was just surprising to see it happen anyway, something to take note off. it was good knowing life could still surprise him at least, even after a couple hundred years around.
it was good, something fun to stave off the boredom and monotony. not only a warm body on cold nights but one that willingly came to him - even after having known exactly what he was. a normal person would have been afraid, but not you. he could appreciate how you put your need to have what you desired over even any sense of self preservation. you were definetly an interesting company - it explained how he came to feel for you.
Though, no good thing can last forever. well, not so much a rule for Kenjaku, but one for almost everybody else - you included. your end came at the hands of a curse, one that he managed to exterminate himself, but then it was already too late. he found you laying dead in a pool of your own blood, body covered in smaller wounds, clear sings that you didn't go down easy. though, he had realized that earlier, the curse was powerful but he found it in terrible shape. you fell, but you fought to the bitter end, that too was admirable.
So Kenjaku did the only respectable thing he could think of doing.
His first thought when he found your body was to turn you into a cursed object, so he could revive you at a later point. it would be useful, but somehow it felt lacking. though, as he looked at your bloody form for longer, a thought crept into his head. you had a great cursed technique, a powerful body, and there was a curiosity in him, a wondering that wouldn't cease. what would it be like to occupy that body?
The idea just seemed right. and as he looked down, witnessing your cold hands warming up, it felt right too. looking at the mirror for the first time after switching bodies always seemed a little odd, but this time it didn't, not quite so much. things just seemed to sit right as he moved to brush a strand of hair away, watching as your soft hand reach out to pull the hair back, leaving clear the still fresh scar across your forehead. Well, Kenjaku's forehead now.
The wound was so fresh that liquid still pooled around the points where the stitches connected the two parts of the skull. what would you have thought? you probably wouldn't have minded, you were never quite so squeamish. and it just felt right. Kenjaku's soul seemed to just sit right in this body - no longer you, but still yours in ways kenjaku knew so well. one last gift from the grave, a body that fit so easily.
Looking at the mirror again, warm hands reached to adjust the soft locks of hair just like you did it. oh, yes, that looked perfect, gazing at the reflection, Kenjaku could almost believe it was you. but she was a different person, although a related one, this time around. one that, having full access to your memories and experiences now she could be sure, was certainly part of what made you, well, you.
It was strange, seeing her own life in third person. but that was a good strange, a interesting experience for sure, getting to go through all these years again, but from a new perspective. to feel everything as you felt it - from pleasure to pain, oh, and love, of course. It was different, interesting, something Kenjaku wasn't sure if she'd be able to do again any time soon. yeah, taking your body was the right choice. it was powerful, beautiful, and most definetly a remarkable experience. what a great way to end something good.
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