#It was wild
At the airport in San Francisco and they're playing episodes of Supernatural in one of the bars in the year of our Lord 2024
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evelyn-art-05 · 7 months
I really do hope that someday parents stop thinking their kids should learn English first, or really any local language, instead of their native tongue when living somewhere
My abuelito didn't learn Spanish first when he was young because his parents didn't want him to grow up "troubled", and so he never fully learned Spanish. And when they died, he ended up forgetting how to speak it at all! He couldn't teach it to my mom, and so my mom couldn't teach it to me, and so much of the culture that we would've had is gone because of that
It's so, SO incredibly important to have sole sort of connection to your family's culture, even just through language, especially when you live in an area where it's extremely lacking!! That entire side of my family has been feeling that disconnect for so long, and my mom has been trying to make up for it by learning every traditional dish she can because learning an entire language is so difficult for her at her age
Please don't think that your kids, or that you yourself, should learn the local most spoken language because it will be "easier." It's just going to make you grieve that connection you could've had
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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please enjoy these doodles i did in class
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gay-mooshrooms · 6 months
Nothing can encapsulate the feeling of watching Phil and Wilbur kiss in the new Sorry trailer while in an art classroom and not being able to scream
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manhattan-gamestop · 5 months
Ok everyone quick question:
I know I'm asking this on the No One Drives website, but after a long commute I got curious. Also, if you're comfortable, tag the country you're in!
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crazykuroneko · 17 days
we really didn't know the shit they just committed when this dropped
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phaginof · 5 months
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something about this video permanently altered the timeline, like this video dropped and i just knew… without her we would not be living in this beautiful gay we know you know timeline
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alannatheterrible · 2 years
It's so funny when people accuse you of falling into a cult when you start aligning yourself with radical feminism because they can't fathom the idea that you can form thoughts of your own. I literally had some beliefs and attitudes my whole life and only recently found out that some other women agree with me and I'm not crazy I'm just a radfem 💀
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six-tooth · 2 months
Digital Circus is probably on it's way to being my biggest hyperfixation of all time, second only to Undertale
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coockie8 · 2 years
just saw an anti on twitter say "No one jerks off or sexualizes fictional murder be fucking serious" and ngl my brain short-circuited a little. Like the echo chamber! Imagine pretending an entire sub-genre of porn doesn't exist to fit your narrative. Out here acting like Guro isn't a relatively to wildly popular thing lmao
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prince-liest · 2 months
Can u explain like I’m 5 what homestuck is? Google is not being very helpful and I think the best person to ask is someone familiar with the.. game? Web comic? How did u get into it?
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Homestuck is a webcomic that started out as a "choose your own adventure" forum game where people could vote on what the main character should do next, and eventually was turned into a proper author-written story with a multimedia experience (because being on the web allowed some "pages" to be things like animated videos or Flash games, etc). The most famous example is probably [S] Cascade, which is a 14 minute long Flash animation that plays at the end of Act V and upon release crashed not only the website and its forums, but also megaupload, Newgrounds, Livestream, and even fucking Twitter due to how many people were trying to watch and stream it.
Homestuck is about a boy named John Egbert and his three friends that, on his birthday, receive and play a video game that ends the world—and subsequently challenges them to create a new one. It's incredibly long, emotional, and the cast of characters is very large with a lot of time travel, multiple dimensions, and (my favorite) aliens, so this description is very much just the initial premise, but explaining more than that right off the bat is an exercise in sadomasochism, I think. That said, I think the pacing at which the story expands is appropriate.
And I discovered Homestuck in either 2010 or possibly 2011! It's been a while. I vaguely recall a friend introducing me to it, but I don't remember who.
If you do decide to get into Homestuck, I recommend the Homestuck Complete Collection, which has included all of the old dead links/jokes, gif animations, videos, and flash games that were in the original, many of which have been dead on the actual mspaintadventures website that Homestuck was originally on for a long time.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 20 days
"These characters don't deserve to be redeemed because under US law they'd be charged with a bunch of horrible crimes and imprisoned even though they're teenagers."
1) This isn't real life or the US!!
2) The protagonists would also be guilty of those crimes and have even been arrested and jailed in-universe for murder!!
3) Some of us believe in restorative justice, you fucking cop!!
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kirbroskie · 6 months
Today I had a dream I was Meta knight and dedede was kidnapped by dark meta knight, so me, bandee, and kirby had to go save him.
It was very romantic😔
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elovna · 1 month
Do you guys remember back in 2021 where TikTok was so allergic to straight people they were trying to call Huntlow a proship
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f1version · 9 months
The end of the race was such a bittersweet moment for me. From “CARLOS IS ABOUT TO WIN” to George’s dnf to now i’m on the floor breaking down in tears to “CARLOS WON” to i’m overwhelmed so i’m crying and laughing at the same time to “CARLANDO 1-2” to i’m screaming in spanish to “LANDOO” to I’m rushing to my calculator to “wait…LEWIS YOU ARE 3RD ON THE CHAMPIONSHIP” to “Oh my GOODNESS Lew just got his 196” to the bittersweet “what could have been a merc 3-4” to “VAMOSSS” to have no idea anymore here comes the podium and i’m so happy and overwhelmed is crazy.
And all that happened in two minutes ✨
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dove-does-stuff · 4 days
The most fucked up glitch I’ve ever found was when molly macaw was supposed to chase me but she never appeared so I went to where she was meant to be and then ran because I thought I was being chased, causing me to fall out of the map and die. When I tried to play again the game quite literally started playing the end credits thing. 10/10 never want to do that again <33
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