#I'm so proud of the rest of her outfit too
just-jordie-things · 6 months
the subject of every photo - fushiguro megumi
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word count: 5,555 (i'm so proud of that) warnings: swearin' summary: a photoshoot at the pumpkin patch isn't his ideal day, but at least megumi gets to spend time with you. and maybe he'll take a few pictures anyway. (a/n): really delayed pumpkin themed fic with the softest boy but i needed to write this ok a greater power called upon me to do it
“It’ll be fun!” Nobara had claimed, although her tone was more threatening than bubbly.  “It’s just a little photoshoot at a pumpkin patch, why so gloomy about it?” 
And it wasn’t that Megumi was gloomy about it, because he wasn’t.  It would be immature to pout about a simple hangout among friends.  The thing was… he just didn’t care for the whole pumpkin patch thing that really seemed to take off on instagram and tiktok these last few years.
He hadn’t carved a pumpkin since he was just a tot, and even then he’d only done it to satisfy Gojo’s bonkers need to participate in every holiday tradition.  He never particularly liked scooping the guts and seeds out, and as a kid wasn’t decent enough with a blade to carve a face that actually looked interesting.  Not to mention, it was always chilly in late October, making it insufferable to wander around outside solely to pick out a big orange vegetable.  
Really, if he wanted a pumpkin that bad, he would’ve picked out a discount one from the grocery store.  But really, he didn’t want a pumpkin.
Nonetheless, Nobara had bought four disposable cameras— which he didn’t know were even still a thing— told everyone to wear their cutest, coziest outfit, and pretty much demanded they all go spend the afternoon at one of the more popular farms in town.  As with most plans, Megumi begrudgingly agreed.
Even under three layers— his coat, his sweater, and the long sleeved tee he wore underneath them both— the crisp air still pricked at his skin and left goosebumps in it’s wake.  It was hard to enjoy being out here when he was fighting the urge to shiver.
“It’s pretty cold for this, huh?” 
Megumi wipes away the resting bitch face he’d been making, opting instead for as much neutrality as he could muster.  He turns to (y/n), only to find her peering up at him from behind her little plastic camera.  His brows wrinkle.
“Don’t take a picture of me at that angle” 
He puts his hand over the lens and pushes it away before she could even think about snapping the photo, and she chuckles a bit at his boyish antics.  He almost cracks a smile when she’s peeking up at him with her cheeks tinged pink from the cold.  He squashes it before his lip could curl too far.
“Well what side do you prefer then?” She teases, shifting around to stand before him and raising her shitty little camera again.  “Full portrait? Or perhaps a side profile?”
Megumi rolls his eyes, but when he starts to walk away, she’s quick to follow.  He doesn’t dislike her company.
Nobara is off farther in the field, ordering Yuuji to pick up as many pumpkins as he can for the perfect picture.  It was only a matter of time before she came over and started barking at the two of them to make the perfect poses as well.
“So why do you hate pumpkin patches?” (y/n) breaks their silence, but when he turns to her again, she’s fixing her camera on a sparrow pecking away at a less than ripe pumpkin.
“I don’t hate pumpkin patches,” He replies, but even he has to admit the dryness in his voice makes it seem a bit unbelievable.  “It’s just…” He glances at her out of the corner of his eye, but he’s quick to straighten his gaze when he finds her full attention on him now.  “Cold” He finishes, lamely, but it’s not untrue.
He fiddles with the plastic camera in his hands.
“Yeah,” (y/n) agrees from beside him.  “Would’ve been nice to do this a few weeks ago, when it was still sunny” 
Megumi nods back at her, unsure of what else to say.
He hoped that they weren’t doomed to only speak about the weather today.  However that meant he’d probably have to put the effort in to change the subject.  His palms began to sweat.
It was their day off, so he didn’t want to strike up a conversation about work, and preferably he’d like to avoid the subject of sorcery altogether.  So that narrowed down the options by a lot.
He knew that like him, she liked to read.  But she was more into the fantasy stuff, and the only book off the top of his head he could make conversation about was The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe and he was fairly certain that wasn’t currently on her shelf.
Was it always this hard or was he just overthinking it? 
“Wait, stay right there!” 
Before he can suck it up and ask how her most recent assignment went, (y/n’s) throwing her arms up at him to make him freeze in place.  Megumi startles at the sudden movement and holler, but he listens and stays put while she backs up a few steps.
“The sun is peeking out,” She explains, before steadying her camera in front of her face.  “The lighting is great” She says with a grin, and then without warning, she snaps the photo.
Megumi wants to complain, he didn’t even have time to smile or pose or anything.  When that picture got printed, he’d just be a guy standing there, probably with a resting bitch face.  Nobara wouldn’t be happy.
But (y/n’s) still grinning as she lowers the camera.
“Too bad we gotta wait so long to see ‘em,” She says as she heads back towards him.  “It’d be nice to—” 
“Stop moving” 
He’s more blunt than she is, already lifting his camera and peeking through the small lens.  (y/n) gets the hint and retraces her steps to fit properly in the frame.
“Better?” She asks, tossing her hair over her shoulder dramatically before posing with a bright smile.
Megumi snaps the photo without warning, although he’s sure that this one will turn out much better than the one she’d taken of him.  For one, she’s smiling, but he’s also certain that she’s much more photogenic than he is.
She’s at his side again as they wander around the patch, fiddling to fit the camera into the pocket of her coat.  It takes him a few minutes to find his courage again, but eventually Megumi clears his throat and tries to spark conversation.
“Gojo used to take a million pictures of me and Tsumiki” 
That seems to be exactly the right thing to say, because (y/n’s) entire demeanor lights up as she looks up at him with wide eyes.
“Really?” She laughs softly at the mental picture.  “Did he keep, like, photo albums and stuff?” 
“Oh yeah,” Megumi snorted, recalling the rows of photo books on the living room bookshelf when he was young.  “Dozens, at least.  It was like he couldn’t commit a thing to memory, always had to document everything” 
When he was young, it was obnoxious to always have a camera shoved in his face.  Now though, he wonders if the crazy bastard still had those albums.
“That’s sweet,” (y/n) muses, wandering off a bit to check out a display of gourds, all varying in shapes and colors.  “I bet there’s tons of embarrassing ones of you, too” She teases. 
Megumi doesn’t give her an answer, instead silently watching as she picks up a large green vegetable with a curly top.  She holds the long end in her hand, before turning to face Megumi with the plump end out, holding it like it was a very deformed gun.
He rolls his eyes at the joke, but just as she looks away, he snaps a photo.
(y/n) seems to not even notice, setting the gourd back on the display and turning back to Megumi to continue their conversation.
“Was he a scrapbook mom?”
He chuckles, and he wants to deny it, but he can’t.  Even if he tried he thinks she’d see through it with how he smiles with all of his teeth.  She’s laughing before he even explains.
“He made one scrapbook, ever,” He tells her.  “And you have to swear to never tell them this,” He adds quickly.  (y/n) doesn’t have to ask to know who he means, and she simply drags her thumb and forefinger over her lips as if to zip them up.  “It took him weeks.  I think the kitchen table was covered in all of his crafts for a solid month” 
“You’re kidding!” She laughs louder, loving the image of her mentor hunched over a table while he glued down photos and ribbon to pretty sheets of paper.
“I wish I was.  I think it’s why he only ever made one,” Megumi shrugged.  “But it’s… a lot.  Every sheet was three dimensional.  The spine of the scrapbook was stretched so wide the thing couldn’t even sit flat” 
He knows that all of the pictures in that book would be embarrassing now.  Gojo liked to document every first— first day of school, first science project, first A+, along with more ridiculous milestones, like when Megumi chopped all of his hair off in the fifth grade and looked ridiculous.  If he remembered correctly, Gojo glued that hair in the book too, as if it were his baby hairs.  That scrapbook really should be burned, but a part of him wishes he could show her now, just to prove how messy it really is.
“I’d do anything to get my hands on it,” (y/n) sighed, almost as if she could read his mind.  “My parents did some stuff like that, but they certainly weren’t obsessive” 
“Obsession is all he knows” Megumi mumbles, and he doesn’t mean to be funny, but she laughs, and it makes his chest feel warm.
“I still think it’s sweet,” She assures him, and then she stops in their slow and aimless walk, kneeling down to tie the shoelaces on her boot.  Megumi waits beside her.  He cared much more for her company than he did seeing the pumpkin patch.  “He probably just wanted to save lots of memories of you guys when you were little.  All parents say it goes by fast” 
She goes to tie the other boot, and Megumi can only stand there in soft surprise.  Sure, deep down he always considered Gojo his parent, because he simply just was.  But no one else referred to their relationship that way, the others always called him teacher or mentor.  But (y/n) must’ve understood that it was more than that.
He’s pulling his camera out again and stealing another quick picture while she was still focused on her shoes.
When she stands, he’s got the camera tucked back into his pocket and an innocent look on his face.
“Want to take a picture over there?” She asks, pointing to the tower of hay bales set up mostly for photos.  Originally it was for children to climb and play on, but it’s purpose was far more often served as a posing station.
Megumi simply nods, and follows her as she races over the tower.  It shouldn’t have surprised him when she started climbing the thing right away.  Surely Nobara had been over here earlier, striking a pose with one hand on her hip and the other on the stack of hay, but not (y/n), who was almost to the top.
“You’re not gonna fall, right?” Megumi asks unsurely as she’s grabbing at the highest bale.
“I’m a trained athlete!” She shrieks back, clearly offended.
“I’m more worried about you destroying the play area” Megumi retorted, his lip curling upwards against his will.  He can’t help but take a picture before she’s settled.  Her hair’s a mess and her limbs are everywhere as she tries to steady herself on the wobbling tower, but it’s a perfect picture nonetheless.
“This is great!” She shouts back at him, before stretching her hands above her head.  “Take my photo like this!” 
It’s silly, it’s childish, but Megumi’s laughing to himself as he snaps a couple.
Somehow she manages to climb down without toppling the entire thing, and they quickly make their way across the pumpkin patch before an employee could scold them for being grown adults playing on the children’s setup.
Megumi finds it easier to talk with her the longer they walk around, aimlessly eyeing pumpkins without committing to picking any out, taking photos here and there, but mostly they just wander around and talk.  Yuji and Nobara seem so wrapped up in the full on photoshoot they were having with each other that it could seem like they’d completely forgotten the other pair, but Megumi didn’t mind one bit.
Hang outs never turned out like this.  Nobara tended to cling to (y/n) like a lifeline.  She was always dragging her off to the next boutique on the strip or game in the arcade or exhibit at the museum— wherever they went, it seemed as soon as Megumi would get a minute of alone time with her, Nobara would steal her away.  It was deflating, but he couldn’t be mad, they were best friends after all.
Today was like a gloomy day miracle.  He almost felt spoiled having the last half hour with her all to himself.  All of her laughter and smiles were only for him.  It warmed up his chilled hands until soon, even the breeze wouldn’t make him shiver.
(y/n) didn’t appear to have the same effect, shaking like a leaf every time the wind picked up.  She always shrank into the collar of her coat and shoved her hands into her pockets, and after a few times, Megumi couldn’t stand to see her freezing.
“Let’s go inside for a bit,” He nodded his head towards the small shop.  (y/n) pouted back at him, before glancing around the pumpkin patch, clearly looking for their friends.  “They won’t be upset that we went inside because we’re cold,” Megumi chuckles to himself, before gently pushing his hand against the small of her back so that he’d follow her.  “I’ll text Itadori” He adds for good measure.
After a moment of hesitation she agreed and walked along with him, but just slow enough that he left his hand on her lower back.  Just because it was nice to be so close to him.
Stepping into the shop was an instant rush of fresh warm air, and she finally felt like she could stretch her fingers.  There was a small bakery inside with only a couple of tables, but without anyone else inside it was perfectly quaint to warm up in.
“I’m going to order a hot chocolate, do you want anything?”
The offer was sweet, but she’s already making her way to the counter, set on a mission as soon as the alluring smell of apples and cinnamon wafted past her nose.
“I could go for a coffee” Megumi hummed as he followed.
He’s ordering for the both of them as soon as a clerk arrives behind the counter, two drinks along with the enormous bear claw in the glass case that (y/n) hadn’t torn her eyes away from since stepping up to the counter.  She tries to fight him when he pulls out his wallet but he’s faster at tapping his card to the reader than she is at hitting him.
Even once they sit down with their drinks and the pastry that takes up most of the table space between them, she argues with him about the payment, and all he can do is shake his head— and maybe smile to himself just a little bit.  After realizing arguing is futile, she decides that as long as he eats some of the bear claw, she can forgive him.
And they continue to chat, about dumb things, about nothing, about everything.  Megumi learns all about the book series that she is reading, along with her plans for getting promoted faster, and that her dream pet is a sugar glider.
“That’s ridiculous,” He mumbles through a mouthful of almond paste and cinnamon.  “When would you ever have the time to take care of something like that?”
“That’s why it’s a dream pet, dummy,” (y/n) rolls her eyes at him.  “Doesn’t have to be realistic.  Don’t you have a dream pet?” 
“I kinda already have a lot of pets” 
“Oh, right,” She laughs to herself, and he thinks he can see a hint of a blush dusting over her cheeks.  Was she embarrassed? He wasn’t sure exactly.  But it was really cute.  “Well if there’s ever a sugar glider shikigami, please summon it for me” She tells him in all seriousness, and Megumi bites his tongue as he agrees to the condition immediately.
He pulls out his camera for the tenth time that day and rests his elbows on the table as he brings it to his face.  (y/n’s) eyes widen before she’s covering half her face with one hand.
“Are you taking a picture of me right now?” She hisses anxiously, before shaking her head at him.
“Duh” He mutters out as he tilts forward and back, trying to find just the right angle of lighting.
“I’m eating—” 
“So? Not like you have food on your face.  Hush.  Go back to eating or something” 
“I am not letting you take a picture of me while I eat” 
“Alright then just sit there then” 
She’s grabbing her paper cup of hot cocoa to use as a shield, but it’s too late.  Megumi clicks the button and she can hear the soft whirring coming from inside the camera.
The lens cuts to black and Megumi pulls the camera away, eyeing the little roll of numbers next to the lens.
“I’m out already,” He says, tossing it onto the table.  “Guess I win” 
(y/n) laughs to herself.
“I didn’t know this was a competition,” She takes a sip of her warm beverage before setting it back down.  “But I can’t believe you finished before me”
“How many do you have left?” 
Curiously, (y/n) pulls the camera out of her pocket and eyes the tape with the amount of film left.  She frowns as she looks back up at him.
“Just one,” She answers, and her frown tilts into a small, soft smile before she asks, “Do you want to take one together?” 
Greedily, Nobara snatches the stack of freshly printed photos out of Megumi’s hands.  (y/n) and Yuji are too busy sharing theirs with each other, and Nobara had been dying to know what photos Megumi and (y/n) had taken on their last outing.  By the time the group had met up and gone home, their cameras were already full, and she knew she hadn’t been the subject of a single one of them.
“I swear Fushiguro if these are all dumb pictures of pumpkins, I’ll—” 
But her threat falls short after sliding through the first three pictures.
The first was (y/n) on the path, just standing and smiling.  It wasn’t special, there wasn’t even a pumpkin in the background, but it was cute.
The second was a picture of her crouched down and tying her shoe.  Her face wasn’t even in the picture, her hair was hanging in front of it, but if you squinted you could barely make out the tip of her nose.
Then the third was another candid, where she was pretending to hold a gourd like a gun.
“What the—?” 
Nobara flips through to the next one in the stack, and yet again there’s a candid of her climbing up the side of a hay bale tower.  At least that one captured her smile.  She shouldn’t have been surprised to see the fifth one in the stack was also of (y/n), this time sitting on top of the haystack victoriously
“You’ve got to be kidding me, dude” 
“Okay give them back—!” Megumi tries to grab the stack of pictures from Nobara before she could keep being nosey, but she deflects fast, swiveling to turn away from him and keep skipping through the photos.
He shouldn’t have let her get her hands on them to begin with, but it was too late now.  If he caused too big of a scene, Yuji and (y/n) would notice.  He didn’t exactly want all of his pictures on display.
So Nobara kept flipping.
One was of her lifting up the tiniest of pumpkins— definitely the runt of the whole patch.  It fit in the palm of her hand but she seemed delighted by it.
The next few were just of her walking around, nothing too exciting in the frame.  Just the occasional pumpkin in the background.
There was a decent one taken from inside the shop.  (y/n) was still in the frame but her back was turned as she eyed the glass case of sweets.  Nobara could almost let Megumi off the hook for that one.  Almost.
And then the last photo was of her laughing, the blurry image of a paper cup waving in the space beside her face.  Her eyes are on the camera, so she must’ve known he was taking that picture, but judging by the surprise in her expression, it was easy to conclude she was trying to hide behind that cup.
Once she’d ogled every picture, Nobara finally turned back to Megumi.  Her brows twitched and furrowed, lips parted in shock, not a single word spoken as she handed the stack back to him.  It’s practically shoved towards him, but he doesn’t complain, just snatches them back as fast as he can.
He wants to find a way to quickly and discreetly ask her to keep this to herself, but before he can find the words, she’s gawking at him again.
“Every single one?” Nobara asks in a mutter.
“We hung out the whole time, okay? It's not like—” Megumi tries to defend himself, but it’s no use.  Nobara’s already speaking over him again.
“It’s almost pathetic, dude.  Just ask her out like a normal person” 
His brows almost raise to his hairline in shock.  Here he thought she was about to call him out for being a creep or something.  But no, her disgust only lied in his pathetic pining and lack of action.  Maybe he should have assumed that already.
He doesn’t get the chance to say anything before Nobara’s marching over to Yuji and demanding to see his photos as well.  Megumi’s left reeling from the whole interaction, the humiliation still lingering in his gut.
The feeling remains as (y/n) makes her way to him, her own fresh stack of photos in her hands.  There’s a nervous sort of smile on her face as she glances back at Yuji and Nobara, double checking that they were out of earshot.
“They took that pretty seriously, huh?” Her voice was still low, careful not to draw the attention of their rambunctious friends.  “Yuji takes great photos, don’t get me wrong.  But I think she should pay him for his time” 
There’s some relief in his chest when he cracks a smile, a small laugh coming out.  He could only imagine the quality of Nobara and Yuji’s photos, certainly prepped for instagram.
“I bet she still puts filters over all of them” He mutters back, and (y/n) stifles a giggle behind her hand, but nods her head in agreement.
“Can we leave now or what?” Nobara calls out, already dragging Yuji by the arm to leave the store.  “I want to get boba before home” 
“Boba sounds good,” (y/n) agrees softly.  “Let’s go” 
As the red head continued to drag her friend despite him arguing that he was an adult who could walk by himself, she turned and aggressively whispered something to him.  After her obvious threatening, she glances back at (y/n) and Megumi, which Yuji promptly follows her pointed glance.  Suddenly after that he was upright and speed walking along with her.
(y/n) and Megumi share a baffled look as their friends so blatantly ditch them, but they don’t exactly pick up the pace to follow.
“So, did you get good photos?” Megumi asks, tucking his own away in his pocket.  Foolishly, he hoped if they were out of sight she wouldn’t ask him about them.
“Oh,” (y/n) chuckles nervously, holding her stack of pictures in both hands.  She tilts them towards herself so he can’t see, and Megumi raises a brow at the secrecy.  “It’s kind of embarrassing, actually” She says sheepishly.
Her cheeks flood with color, and Megumi can’t help the curious grin that begins to stretch across his face.
“Embarrassing?” He repeats, sounding horrifically hopeful.  (y/n) sighs, and sticks her arm out, handing him the stack.  He’s quick to take them and start flipping through, eyeing her anxious demeanor in his peripheral vision.
“Yuji’s probably going to tell you anyway.  But… they’re sort of all..” 
His steps slow further after quickly sliding through the bunch of pictures.
The first was at the entrance of the pumpkin patch, with the cute sign with the family name painted on it, and just under it was him.  He wasn’t paying attention, and quite frankly he looked rather bored standing there.  She must’ve taken it while he was still pouting about having to go.
The next photo was of the sparrow poking at the rotted pumpkin, and he had to admit the way she captured it actually was sort of cute.
The third was the photo Megumi dreaded seeing.  He recognized it as soon as he saw himself standing on the thin path of dirt.  He grimaced as he looked closer to see just how bad it was.  But to his surprise, he wasn’t scowling like he thought he’d been.  He was actually smiling.  
Which was odd… he certainly didn’t remember smiling for that picture.  He clearly remembered being upset because he hadn’t tried to look nice for her picture at all.
He glances at (y/n) to gauge her reaction so far, but she was holding her expression at a neutral state, waiting for him to react first.
So Megumi goes back to the photos, and flips to the next one.  Which was… also him.  It wasn’t anything special, just him standing there, but he was smiling a little bit in that one, too.
When the following is also a candid of him with that dumb little smile, he glances over at (y/n) again, raising a brow at her in silent question.
She’s a tough one to crack, but the corner of her lips gives her away as she tries to bite back a smile.  His own smile is unable to be hidden as he flips through a few more photos.
And to his shock and delight, they’re all him.  Him while he was picking up that big pumpkin she dared him to, him while he was drinking his coffee and not paying attention, him just standing and doing nothing in particular, but for whatever reason, she’d used up all her film on capturing it.  
His favorite is the one of the both of them.  She’d given him the camera so he could stretch his arm out and snap the photo selfie style.  They’re sitting at the small table, two paper cups and the enormous bear claw between them, but pushed aside as (y/n) leans across the tabletop in order to better center herself.  She’s grinning from ear to ear, her chin set in one hand while the other holds up a peace sign.  Megumi’s smile isn’t as wide but nevertheless it’s genuine, and anyone looking at the picture would know.  It’s a great picture of the two of them, and he thinks it’s probably the first, too. 
Megumi hadn’t realized he’d gone through the whole stack till he flips to the next one and is met with the first photo, but once he does, (y/n’s) quick to reach out and take them back.  She doesn’t snatch them as aggressively as Nobara had, she handles them gently, careful not to leave an ugly smudge or crease.
Megumi watches with eager intrigue as she tucks the edges together neatly, making the stack smooth in her hands.
“Sorry if that’s creepy— is that creepy?” She turns to him suddenly, full of worry that she’d crossed a line, but Megumi just chuckles, and shakes his head at her.
“Not creepy” He muses, his soft smile remaining as he dips his hand into his pocket, retrieving his own small collection of photos.
He stares at them for an indecisive minute, clenching and unclenching his jaw, working up the courage to make the smallest of gestures.  When he does hold them out to her, he still doesn’t say a thing.  His throat is too dry and hot to even try.  He thinks it would be worse if his voice cracked right now.
(y/n) smiles as she tucks her pictures away in her purse with great care so that she could better look through the pictures he’d taken.  His face flushes with color when she finally takes them from him.  Even the small brush of the tips of her fingers against his has Megumi’s breath catching in his throat.
And he holds his breath as she eagerly slides through the stack of photos.  His throat is far too constricted now to show any sign of life.  He very well could pass out at any moment.  He just hopes she’d leave him there in a heap on the ground.
The relief of the exhale doesn’t come until she begins to giggle.  It’s soft at first, almost under her breath as she continues admiring his photos, but then it erupts into something brilliant and bubbly, as if it was coming out of her uncontrollably.  As lovely as the reaction was, it didn’t do much to ease Megumi’s nerves.  They began to sink their teeth into his heart and gut, and he knew that any minute now, his knees would give out.
When her laughter calms down and she finally looks up at him, the surprise is evident on his features when he sees her colored cheeks and nervous smile.  She hands the stack back to him, and Megumi’s quick to tuck them into his pocket, where maybe he they’d disappear forever, or at least just from the front of their minds.
“That’s pretty cute, huh?” She asks, an aftershock of quiet laughter shaking her shoulders and crinkling the corners of her eyes.  This time, Megumi can’t help the way he laughs with her, but he does duck his head bashfully.
(y/n) thinks it’s all the more cuter, how he resorts to his nervous habit of rubbing the back of his neck and looking anywhere but directly at her.  She wonders if he even knows he’s doing it.  With a surge of confidence, she rocks on her feet.
“Wanna ditch our friends and get lunch or something?” 
He shrugs and nods, thinking anything would be better sustenance than the too-sugary drinks that Nobara had an addiction to.  But the implication of the question dawns on him too late, and suddenly his eyes are widening as he realizes what she really meant.
“You mean— like, a date?” 
It’s so damn cute the way his brows furrow and then raise ever so slightly, waiting without a single ounce of patience for her clarification.  (y/n’s) giggling again as she nods her head, putting him out of his misery.
“Yeah, like a date,” She repeats teasingly.
Megumi nods his head again, this time faster, as if there was a time limit to her offer and he was worried he’d already wasted too much of it.  Her smile brightens and there’s a small but noticeable skip in her step as they head off in a new direction together.
“Now maybe it won’t be so creepy when our friends see those pictures” She says, and Megumi can’t decipher if she’s messing with him or not.  The look he gives her barely hides his panic.
“They’re gonna see them?”
“What do you think they’re talking about right now?” (y/n) retorts, knowing for a fact that Yuji and Nobara were gossiping away about the pair’s photos that consisted only of each other.  
The thought makes Megumi’s face feel hot, and there’s no discretion in the way he tugs at his collar.  The idea makes him nervous, his stomach flipping excessively.  That said, he knew with the amount of gossip those two chatterboxes would generate, there was plenty of time to add a date to today’s agenda.
“They probably won’t even notice we’re gone”
(y/n) nods in agreement.
“They’ll be grateful to have the time for girl talk,” She teases.
With purpose, she steps closer to him so she could link her arm around his, tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow and shyly smiling up at him.  Megumi returns the smile, his arm hooking a little further to keep her tucked next to him as close as he wanted.  It was another chilly day outside, but he could almost forget about it with the way her closeness sparked warmth in his chest that flooded throughout his whole body.  He hoped he’d get to do this for the rest of their day—
“So… where do we want to go?”
—and more days to come. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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katiemcabeswife · 24 days
Awkward Conversations Outfits
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader || Alexia overhears a conversation and assumes the worst, leading to a confusing and awkward conversation.
she wrote something! i apologise for the lack of fics but i don't want to give you guys some half-assed writing that i'm not proud of, and i haven't written anything anywhere near my own standards lately (not that i've been able to finish anything) so i hope you enjoy this and that i can get back into the grove of writing and give yous some more fics x
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"And then once I think I've figured it out, I second guess myself and think it's too ugly and that I'm going to be judged and then when I look around, there's just clothes everywhere and all I wanna do is out on my frumpiest sweats and cry into my pillow! I don't understand how you guys do it!" Alexia was stunned to hear you rant so freely about a subject she had never heard you utter a word about.
She walked through the door halting your conversation, "Hola, chicas!" She announced herself and watched you slump back into your chair while Ingrid and Frido shared a glance.
"Hola, Ale," You grumbled out, disheartened.
Ingrid struck up a new conversation between the four of you as the rest of the team began to trickle into the changing room. Alexia remained silent though, trying to come up with a reason as to why you wouldn't come to her about this sort of thing, why it had to be Ingrid and Frido you chose to confide in. While it would definitely be an awkward conversation, Alexia would be more than happy to have that sort of talk with you. After taking you in at a young age, you had both bonded so well your relationship resembled that of mother and daughter.
You noticed Alexia seemed to be a little distanced and quiet so you made a move to check in on her when the team started to head out to the pitch, "Hola, Ale," You greeted, wrapping your arms around her and pressing your cheek to hers.
Her arms came to hold yours but she moved her cheek away from yours to lay a quick peck to it, "Hola, bebé, everything ok?" She rested her cheek on yours once again, relishing in the closeness and comfort it provided.
Your brows furrowed slightly, "Of course, I actually came to check on you," You giggled.
Alexia sighed as she saw this as you deflecting. She pulled away from you wholey before holding your face between her palms, "Well thank you for thinking of me, I'm fine, thank you," She pecked her lips against your forehead, filling your soul with warmth, "You know you can always talk to me, right? About anything. No judgement, sí?" She was looking deep into your eyes for any sign of sadness or lies.
All she could find was confusion, "Sí, you sure you're feeling alright?" You jokingly placed the back of your hand on her forehead.
Alexia responded by shoving your head in the opposite way, "Enough now," The lightness in her tone assured you that she was only joking.
Training went on, as usual, you were paired with Keira for drills meaning that you never got the chance to speak directly to Alexia until you were heading out to her car. You spent the drive home with a furrow in your brow uncanny to the one that rested on Alexia’s face as the older woman remained quiet and seemed lost in thought.
Once you arrived home Alexia haphazardly threw the keys onto the kitchen counter before turning to you who stood awkwardly between her and your bedroom, “You can go shower, Cari, dinner should be ready in an hour,” The small, tight smile she wore forced you to reciprocate but filled your mind with anxiety and guilt that came from an unknown source.
After showering, unpacking and repacking your training bag you shuffled out to the living room stiffly to find Alexia resting on the couch, watching some trashy reality tv. Her head raised from its slumped position, “Hola, Princesa,” She tapped the seat next to her, signalling you to join her which you did instantly.
She wrapped her arms around you and ran her hands through your freshly washed hair, “Are you sure you are feeling alright?” She spoke softly but her tone was heavy with concern.
You shrugged your shoulders, admitting defeat, “I feel like you’re upset with me,” You mumbled into her chest, limbs tense and eyes trained on the tv.
You lowered your head as Alexia manoeuvred the two of you so you were facing one another, “Why would you think that?” She lifted your chin with her fingers.
“You just seem…off, and I can’t help but think that I had something to do with it because you seemed fine in training laughing with ‘Tana and stuff.” You unknowingly jutted out your bottom lip, reminding Alexia of your youth.
She shuffled apprehensively in her seat, “It’s just that I accidentally heard your conversation with Ingrid and Frido and felt a little upset you didn’t come to me about it,” She was shy to admit she had basically eavesdropped on your very private conversation.
“Oh,” Alexia was too busy looking everywhere but your eyes to notice the relief in your tone.
“So,” She shrugged now feeling awkward and uncomfortable, “Is there anything you want to ask me?”
“I guess just how you manage to feel sure of yourself and confident with whatever you’re wearing?” Alexia’s eyes bulged out of their sockets and her mind began to run 100 miles per minute.
She turned pink at the question, her reaction throwing you off significantly, “Wearing!? I didn’t think you- I thought-” She was stumbling over her words and by now you were in a state of total confusion. She managed to get herself together and forced out a string of advice, “Well, everyone looks different but everyone is beautiful and there is no one way to look and if you are truly scared your partner is going to judge you, you shouldn’t be with them, let alone trust them with your body,” She had you in the first half but your brain completely melted by the second.
You cut her off instantly, “Ale, what are you talking about? That whole conversation was about how I never know what to wear before games and going out to dinners, stuff like that. I was frustrated with how you, Ingrid, Frido and the whole team to be fair, always look so cool and confident. What are you thinking it was about?”
“¡Oh, gracias a Dios!” She looked to the ceiling as she fell against the back of the couch, “I thought it was a whole other conversation about something way more uncomfortable,” She laughed to herself.
“Oh, Ale! Gross!” You whacked her while joining in on her laughter.
She took a deep breath before continuing, “You just have to own what you’re wearing, you are gorgeous and will look good in anything! Trust me,” She emphasised when she saw you roll your eyes, “How about after dinner, we go look in your closet and pick out some outfits so this weekend you have options for before the game? Sí?” 
You nodded with a smile on your face, “Gracias, Ale,” You moved over to her and she wrapped you in her arms, laying a kiss on your temple. You stilled for a moment before taking a deep breath, “I think dinner is burning,” You said calmly.
Alexia hummed before taking in what you said, “¿Qué?” She yelled and pulled away, running to the kitchen as you doubled over with laughter.
645 notes · View notes
theyluvkarolina · 1 month
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` balkans do it better!! ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ dna results say oscar is part ex-yugoslavian! and what better way to reconnect with your culture than with your balkan gf?
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ oscar piastri x (fem) yugo-balkan!reader
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌 ୨୧ none!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ reader is targeted for a specific group of people, however, all people are able to read and enjoy the story!
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ oscar having yugoslav ancestry is so loehfkw;ejh;liuehvei 😮‍💨😵‍💫 takes place after belgian gp. also idk if it’s obvi but i’ve been obsessed with the chicken date video and lando w/ amelia and their social media comments.
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y/n_l/n81 ✔︎
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y/n_l/n81 moj australijanac ♡ I know the season isn't over yet but I'm so proud of you and everything you accomplished. from meeting each other due to our bad directions, to coming to your first ever f1 races and losing my voice from screaming at how scared i was for you on the track. loving you from now to forever! 🧡
tagged ; oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri ✔︎ those are definitely some photos of me..
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ they show how much of a cutie you are :)) → oscarpiastri ✔︎ …ok whatever you say → landonorris ✔︎ you don’t see it but he’s blushing and kicking his feet 🤭 🤭 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ is he really?? 🤭 → oscarpiastri ✔︎ no comment
username1 everyday i strive to have a relationship like y/n and oscar.
username2 they are so cute together 🥹
username3 when is it my time 😔
username4 does oscar fall asleep anywhere at any given time he can? 💀
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ trust me, his snoozing used to be worse before f1. → oscarpiastri ✔︎ no need to expose me like that 😐 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ oh ljubavi, you’ve been exposed for a while…
username5 i’m still new to the drivers and their gf’s… how did these two meet??? I never knew oscar had a gf.
→ username6 basically, oscar and y/n met when he was in school in england while she was on a trip in england with her friends as a graduation celebration! y/n’s friends decided to go watch a F3 race but she got lost in the paddock when trying to find the bathroom and met oscar trying to help her but then they both got lost because it was his first time there too😭
y/n_l/n81 posted a story 12 minutes ago!
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oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri luckily? what does that mean
y/n_l/n81 :))
oscarpiastri oh no.
y/n_l/n81 oh yes.
oscarpiastri ✔︎
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oscarpiastri it’s been fun in belgium but time for some rest and relaxation 👍 (karlo joins the journey as well)
tagged ; y/n_l/n81
landonorris ✔︎ oscar blink twice if you need help
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ i’ve BEEN blinking. → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ don’t listen to him lando! he’s cranky without his nap → oscarpiastri ✔︎ no i’m not → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ sure…
username7 the y/n crumbbbsss 🤌 🤌 🤌
pierregasly ✔︎ what is with girls and packing so much 😅
fransiscac.gomes ✔︎ to have outfits for every occasion obviously 🙄 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ men just don’t get it → oscarpiastri ✔︎ ??? → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ don’t question me oscar. you know i know how long you've been wearing the same shorts for.
danielricciardo ✔︎ bare shoulder??? naughty boy oscar
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ please don’t say that ever again. → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ can a girl not sleep in a top for once?? 😞😞 → username8 LMAO
*liked by y/n_l/n81!*
→ username10 who is karlo?? → username11 karlo is the stuffed koala y/n has! oscar got it for her on their first date when y/n came to Australia! and since she brought him to every race she went to. → username12 stop it that is so cute. 😭
username13 where you travelling to??
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ you’ll see 🤫 → username12 based on her insta story, she unintentionally spoiled where they were going 😭 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ SHHHHH
y/n_l/n81 posted a story 5 minutes ago!
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landonorris replied to your story!
landonorris anytime 🙃 landonorris but for the love of god stop being so lovey dovey it makes me wanna puke
y/n_l/n81 you’re just jealous because you’re single
y/n_l/n81 jealous jealous boy
landonorris oh please i’m not single
y/n_l/n81 🤨🤨 really?
landonorris ofc i have amelia obvi 🙄 🙄
y/n_l/n81 …sure!
oscarpiastri ✔︎
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oscarpiastri on the move. cya belgium 👋 ✈️
tagged ; y/n_l/n81
username14 anyone know where they are going???
→ mclaren ✔︎ getting us a WDC 🏆 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ not on my watch → mclaren ✔︎ :(
username15 wearing sweatpants is so real
username16 airplanes are so uncomfy for what
username17 based on y/n stories and her being yugo-balkan… i think we know where they are going.
markwebber ✔︎ stay safe kids 😊
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ will do 🫡 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ yes “dad” 🙃 → username18 *daddy → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ 🤨 📸
y/n_l/n81 posted a story 2 hours ago!
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y/n_l/n81 ✔︎
📍 Slovenia
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y/n_l/n81 sunny slovenia 🇸🇮 ☀️
tagged ; oscarpiastri
fransiscac.gomes ✔︎ you have to send cafè recs 🫣
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ ofccc anything for my gf 🫶 → pierregasly ✔︎ excuse me? → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ you’re excused.
→ username20 literally sobbing → username21 why can’t this be me. → username22 going to sleep in the middle of the highway! → username23 throwing myself off the san francisco bridge! → landonorris ✔︎ @ ameliadimz could be us fr??? → ameliadimz ✔︎ whatever you say pooks 😍😍
username24 where is the location? it’s so pretty!
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ ljubljana! it’s such a beautiful city 🫶
username25 the scenery is actually stunning.
oscarpiastri ✔︎
📍 Croatia
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oscarpiastri captivating croatia 🇭🇷 🫧
tagged ; y/n_l/n81
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ who is that pretty lady?? 🥴
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ my gf, you might know her 😉 → landonorris ✔︎ awwwhhh 😊 (puking rn) → username26 HELP LANDO → username27 this man isn’t real 😭😭 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ i think you mean CHILD
username28 the water is actually not real cause it’s so pretty what
username29 okay oscar we see you with the shirtless pic
→ username30 HE’S TURNING INTO GEORGE 😭 → username31 STOP IT RN.
username32 little oscar is growing up 😢
georgerussell63 ✔︎ there can only be one good at shirtless photos.
→ username33 HELLO??
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ @ oscarpiastri thoughts on fritule?
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ delicious. tell baba to make more when we come over next time → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ 🥹🥹
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎
📍 Serbia
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y/n_l/n81 stunning serbia 🇷🇸 ✨
tagged ; oscarpiastri
username34 these couple photos are so 🫠 🫠
→ landonorris ✔︎ annoying? → charles_leclerc ✔︎ cheesy? → danielricciardo ✔︎ disgustingly cute? → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ i’m → oscarpiastri ✔︎ 🫤
→ username36 it’s literally so stunning → username37 the architecture??? the art??? out of this world. → username38 orthodox churches >>>> → username39 churches with good designs in general >>>
username40 y/n and oscar came back to insta, served cunt, then left.
→ username41 i aspire to be them.
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ @ oscarpiastri thoughts on ćevapi?
→ oscarpiastri 10/10 would eat again. but please don’t shove them down my throat this time 🫤 → danielricciardo kinky 😏
oscarpiastri ✔︎
📍 Bosnia and Herzegovina
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oscarpiastri beautiful bosnia and hearty herzegovina 🇧🇦 🌿 (in the region of @ lailahsanovic *not denmark this time)
tagged ; y/n_l/n81
lailahsanovic ✔︎ my sunning girl ❤️
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ mwah mwah → oscarpiastri ✔︎ thirsting over my gf in my own comments? → lailahsanovic ✔︎ get used to it 😊
username42 anyone noticed that y/n and oscar have matching captions for the countries they’ve been to??
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ finally! someone caught on 🥹
landonorris ✔︎ idk about you oscar but i feel like pushin y/n off the bridge
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ HELLO??? → oscarpiastri ✔︎ idk how to feel about you plotting to kill my gf 😬 → y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ you’re supposed to make sure i stay safe??? → landonorris ✔︎ trying to finish off where oscar pistorius left off 🤷‍♂️
username43 bro the greenery with the bridge??
username44 anyone know what bridge they are at?
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ it’s the Stari Most/Mostar bridge!
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ this ice cream remains superior 🥴🥴
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎
📍 Montenegro
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y/n_l/n81 marvelous montenegro 🇲🇪 ⛰️
tagged ; oscarpiastri
username46 never beating the polite cat allegations
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ @ oscarpiastri my handsome boy ❤️ all the mountains in the country but your still my best view :)
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ love you ❤️ → username47 you don’t see it but there are tears streaming down my face rn. → username48 WHY CAN’T I FIND LOVE LIKE THIS → username49 oscar is def giggling and kicking his feet rn → oscarpiastri ✔︎ i love my gf but i’m not sure if it’s that much 😅
username50 the mountains, the water, the oscar pic, y/n crumbs, everything is so 🤌🤌
oscarpiastri ✔︎
📍 North Macedonia
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oscarpiastri miraculous macedonia 🇲🇰 ⛪️
tagged ; y/n_l/n81
username51 THE Y/N PHOTO???
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ best bf of the year award for this photo 🤭🤭
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ only for you 🙃
alexandrasaintmleux i can never get tired of these posts 😊
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ definitely getting ideas for vacation
→ kellypiquet ✔︎ 🫣 🫣
username53 i never know that macedonia had large bodies of water??
→ y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ it’s the Ohrid lake! → username54 it doesn’t even look like a lake 😭 i thought it was the ocean
oscarpiastri and y/n_l/n81 ✔︎
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oscarpiastri ✔︎ this has by far been the best exploration of countries i’ve been in. Taking a DNA to find out that I had the same ethnicity as my girlfriend is something I’ll be grateful for. I want to thank Y/N for taking (forcing) me to do this trip and take a dive on a side of a culture i never thought I’d get to know. From learning how to kolo (very badly 😅), to making palačinka, and eating some of the best sweets ever. So thank you, ljubavi moja ❤️
tagged ; y/n_l/n81
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ MOJA LJUBAVI
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ ZLATO
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ DRAGI
y/n_l/n81 ✔︎ i’m so happy you loved it ❤️
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ i will always enjoy anything you do
username55 the y/n spam 😭😭
username56 balkans do it better 🤷
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Translations ;
moja australijanac ; my australian
moja ljubavi ; my love
zlato ; gold
dragi ; darling
702 notes · View notes
spookysteddie · 4 months
That Friday Night
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Modern!Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Influencer!fem!reader
read part one here
cw: alcohol, drugs (weed and cocaine), clubbing, slight Dom!Eddie if you squint, possessive!Eddie, swearing, pet names, oral (fem!receiving), light choking, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, edging, creampie. (let me know if I missed anything)
wc: 4.3k (I'm so sorry)
a/n: First of all, I want to thank every single person who liked, reblogged or made comments about part one. I was shitting myself posting it because (like I said) this is not an original thought. I'd read a few and it gave me this wave of inspiration. I am very proud of this part. It's also a little long (sorry sorry sorry I couldn't stop) . Also I don't think I'll be doing a tag list? When I used to do that no one on the list would like the fic and it was a lot of work. I hope that is okay? Let me know if you want more! I love and appreciate all of you!
You weren’t the type of person who got shy. Your entire job is being in front of a camera, telling people what you like, what you wear, the type of music you listen to. You did brand deals and went on lots of trips with people you didn’t know. Public interaction was easy for you and you definitely enjoyed it. 
But being personally invited to your favorite band's concert (even if you had tickets already) as their frontman's personal guest? It makes you weak in the knees. 
Telling your team about the phone call went about as good as one would expect. Anna and Case frown at you while continuing to say ‘you could’ve let it go to voicemail and we could’ve handled it directly with his people. AND why did you have him send the information directly to you?’
They weren't necessarily wrong in being upset. There were plenty of ways a conversation like that could be twisted and fucked with, especially if, for whatever reason, someone was recording the phone call. It was very easy for them to manipulate and edit that kind of shit, and drama was the last thing you wanted. 
However, the rest of the week went by without an issue. The gossip magazines had moved on to something else (though there were a few who continued to speculate about your non-relationship with Eddie. You did your deals, and kept yourself busy. And by the time Friday rolled around you were hardly nervous. 
Or that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
“Bell bottom star pants. Absolutely,” Hana says from her place on your bathroom counter, practically in the sink. “With that black leather top you love AND the red leather jacket. Oh! Oh! Oh! And the red boots!” 
You put the outfit on, looking in the mirror, “you don’t think it’s too… stereotypical?” 
Hana looks at you through the mirror, “no such thing. You look great.” 
Hana was one of the few people in your life who’d tell you like it is. You could trust her to tell you if her gut feelings were off, or on. She was your best friend and one of the few people who weren’t just here for the exposure. She’s here to be your cheerleader and you were hers. 
“Alright, let's get this going before I change my mind which I am two seconds away from doing.” 
You should’ve changed your mind. 
You can hardly keep from throwing up as you're led by security to a private entrance. To get there you have to pass by their tour buses. All you can hear is loud music and whooping from inside. It’s clear they’re running around in there as the bus is rocking and all you can do is pray they don’t see you. 
You’re far too sober for the interaction you’ll be having at this current time. 
Unfortunately for you, the universe hates you. Just when you think you’re home free, the door opens, almost smacking you in the face. 
“Don’t think you can get away that easy, Asher,” Eddie says as he looks down at you. His pupils are blown wide, clearly from whatever drug he’s consumed. More than likely cocaine and weed. His words aren’t slurred so he isn’t drunk, though he does have a beer bottle in his large hands. 
God his hands, there have been many times where you’d imagine them wrapped around your throat, cutting off air as he fucks you like he hates you. You bet he could reach you even as he’s eating you out, he’s so tall and long. 
You wish you could say the grin you shoot at him is fake, however with the way he’s looking at you, like he wants to devour and smother you, it's not. You feel like a fucking school girl who has a crush. Your heart pounds so fast in your chest and you swear everyone around you can hear it. 
“We weren’t running away,” you say, voice a little breathier than you’d like. “Um this is my best friend-” 
“Hana, nice to meet you,” he cuts you off. It’s then that you see his eyes get wide and you know he’s been stalking your profile. Not that you can say anything because you’ve done it… a lot. “I, uh, saw the instagram story you put up earlier.” 
Hana smirks, “sure you did, big boy.” She pats his chest and is clearly much braver than you. That’s another thing about you and her, if one of you is feeling not confident, the other makes up for it. Like, on your own, asking for ketchup feels like cutting off a limb, but if she can't do it then it's up to you and vice versa. 
Eddie scratches the back of his neck, his black t-shirt stretching over his wide shoulder, “want to join us? We have alcohol!” 
“We would love that. Wouldn’t we?” Hana looks down at you with her brows raised, still taller than you in heels. 
You nod, “yes. Yeah absolutely! Are we allowed to photograph in here?” 
You know it’s a stupid thing to ask, but you also don’t want to take a photo of you and Hana and then not be able to post it. And what if you get photos with the rest of the band? Everyone already knows you’re going to be here. Just not… in this tour bus. 
Eddie nods, holding out his hand, “you are allowed to do whatever you want, pretty girl. And if anyone has an issue, send them my way, yeah?” He kisses the hand you’ve placed in his before leading you up the stairs of his bus. 
It's chaos in there, pure and utter chaos. You turn to look at Hana, silently telling her how insane this is. She nods slightly, but you see the grin on her face. Hana loves this stuff; the parties, the madness, all of it.
Eddie introduces you to the band, pulling you in closer by the waist. “You all need to be on your best behavior. No one touches her. Do you all understand me?” Your heart flutters at how serious he is and it instantly forces his bandmates eyes to fall to your feet. It’s impressive, actually. 
Suddenly, a bottle of beer is in your hands, passed to you by Eddie. “Oh… thank you.” You can hardly look at him as a small smile forms on your lips. His attention makes you feel all kinds of funny inside, your stomach doing flips. You know you have to look at him eventually, but he’s just so pretty that it actually hurts. 
“Um, so are you excited for your show?” This time you manage to actually drag your eyes to his. He smiles at you, his teeth so beautiful and perfect. It’s when he sits down that you realize that was a stupid question. Of course he’s excited. This is his actual job. 
He leans forward, elbows resting on his knees as he looks up at you through his lashes, you could kiss him. But you don’t for obvious reasons. Reasons you can't really think of at the moment. Not when he’s looking at you like that.  The beer bottle hangs in his right hand between his legs. 
“Very. Not much comes close to the feeling I get when we’re on that stage.” He shakes his head, curly hair moving with him, “plus, being able to hear people sing my songs back to me is fucking incredible.” 
His hand finds yours, pulling you a little closer. Eddie is testing the waters, you know this. Unfortunately for you, your brain can’t see through the cloud of lust. So, you let him pull you closer, sit you on his lap, and wrap an arm around you. 
Your brain does catch up, quicker than expected. “It seems like it’d be incredible. I applaud you cause I could never do that. I have stage fright.” 
He blinks up at you, “stage fright? Haven’t you done red carpet interviews and stuff?” 
You shift a little, shrugging, “well yes. But that’s different.” You can't stop the awkward laugh that comes out of you. It was true, it was different. You weren’t exactly sure why but it was. 
Eddie's thumb moves along your side slightly and it leaves goosebumps in its wake. 
“I’m being honest, the lights are so bright that I can’t see everyone in the crowds. Mainly just the front rows. Makes it easier.” 
Eddie puts his beer bottle on the ground by his feet before sitting up and grabbing a joint. He’s quiet as he lights it, puffing out smoke to get it going. “Want some?” 
He holds the joint towards you, waiting for your answer. You’ve done this before at the frat houses at college. You’ve done it here and there in high school as well. This is second nature, but this time you’re nervous. What if you forget how to inhale? What if you throw up? Any number of things can happen. 
Something happens inside you and your brain finally catches up to itself. A small stroke of confidence happens and without taking your eyes off of him, you lean forward, wrapping your lips around the joint and inhaling. His eyes stay locked on yours, his tongue wetting his lips. You pull back, slowly blowing out the smoke. 
“Fuckin’ hell.” It comes out in a whisper and you know he didn’t mean to say it out loud. His eyes falling from your eyes, to your lips and back again. 
God you want to kiss him. His pillowy lips would feel amazing against yours, you just know it. You start to lean into him, desperate to know if you’re right.   
A bang on the door scares the fuck out of the both of you and Eddies boot knocks over his bottle. It’s a good thing he drank most of it, the contents not spilling on the plush carpet. 
“Let’s get going guys. Put your dicks back in your pants, we have a show to do.” You know that voice, that’s their manager. He’s the one who called your people to make sure you had all the rules for this evening. 
Photos are fine. 
Everyone must be tagged. 
Nothing negative. 
Absolutely no photos of any white substances. Even if it’s sugar. 
That last one would be hard considering it was on every flat surface in neat, clean lines. 
You go to stand up, but Eddie stops you, his hand tightening on your hip. “Promise I’ll see ya after?” 
You nod, “y-yeah of course.” 
Before you know it, his lips are on yours. The kiss is soft, sweet and you don’t want it to end. In fact, you totally forget about all the other people in the room. Your hands find his face, pulling him closer as his tongue begs for permission. And once you grant it, it’s game over. 
He tastes like beer and weed and cigarettes and you love it. You want more. You want to get closer. 
But it’s not long before the door to his trailer opens up, his manager stepping into the bus. “I said get your dicks and tongues together. We cannot be late.” 
By the time the show is over you barely have a voice, and you’re sure you’ve never been more turned on in your life. It might seem silly to say, but Eddie's kiss lingered the entire show and all you want is more. 
Back stage the band is still running on adrenaline, drinking water for once to try and refuel for the rest of the night. The rest of the night being a club that they frequent. A club you don’t go to because of that exact reason. 
“Ohhhhh! There's the prettiest girls I’ve ever laid eyes on!” Eddie's voice booms as security goes to double check you and Hana. “Hey! Leave them alone. They’re with me.” 
Security stands back, hands raise like he knows it’ll cause more issues if he doesn’t. You almost feel bad for the poor guy, he was just trying to do his job. Like what if you had a bomb or something? 
“C’mon we gotta get outta here.” He laces his fingers with yours before he pulls you along with him. You look over your shoulder, catching Hana's eyes. 
Go! She mouths, hanging off Gareth's arm. I’ll meet you there! 
And so, you go. Are you nervous? Yes absolutely. Are you going to pretend you aren’t and have some confidence? Yes. Fake it till you make it right?
Eddie opens the door to the car, extending a hand, “ladies first.” 
You grin at him as you elegantly slide into the car, “wow. I didn’t know you were such a gentle man.” This time when you giggle, it's cute and self assured. 
“Yes, I have been told my entire life that I look,” he slides in sucking in a soft, thinking breath, “mean and scary.” 
“You look like a doberman but they’re precious babies.” You mean it too. He looks a little mean and scary, especially in the red lights of the stage. Not to mention the “devil music” (says the media) which can get a little dark. But that’s what makes it great, in your opinion. Plus, he does look like doberman. Like he could probably kill you but would actually not? 
“‘Precious babies?’” 
You nod, “mhm! I grew up with them. Very sweet and love kisses. Oh! And they each had their own comfort toys.” 
“Then maybe I am one because I do love kisses.” He’s closer now, his breath fanning over your face. He still smells like beer and cigarettes mixed in with the smell of his cologne. 
It’s your turn to close the gap and planting your lips on his. The kiss is hotter, more intense. One could argue it’s because of the alcohol swimming in your system that makes you so bold. You’re buzzed, but not drunk. It isn’t long before his hands are in your hair, tugging. It makes you moan in his mouth, opening up to him. 
He sits back, his hands in your hair pulling you with him, making you sit in his lap. Your legs rest on either side of his hips, your cunt nestled right against the bulge in his pants. He couldn’t hide it even if he wanted to. You test the waters by rocking your hips, the friction being so sweet that you’re the one who lets out a moan. 
“God, that is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.” He kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking as he goes. “Should record it and use it in our next song.” 
You hum and grin, “I wouldn’t mind that. Always wanted to be in a song. Can’t sing though.”  
He nips at your ear, “that’s my job baby.” 
Eddie's large hand grips your hips, stopping your movements. You want to whine, you want to protest. You were so fucking close. 
“We’ll save that for when we're back at my place.” 
You grin and kiss along his jaw, “who says I’m going back to your place?” 
“The way you were just grindin’ against my cock, angel.” He grins, “also with how you’re lookin’ at me.” 
“And how am I looking at you? Hmm?” 
“Like you want me to fuck you while your brain leaks out your cunt.” 
You shudder at the crudeness of his words. No one has ever spoken to you like that and looked like him. The car stopping in front of the club saves you from trying to come up with an answer. One you know will either be embarrassing or non-existent. 
He looks over at the paparazzi that is waiting and sighs, “are we going in together or…” 
The decision you make is quick. If you’re going to do this, even for one night, you’re going to do it together and let them talk. You give him a quick kiss, “together. Give ‘em something to talk about, yeah?” 
So, you do. 
The second you’re out of the car, cameras flash and photographers call out a mix of your name and his and you can hardly understand what they’re saying. You don’t stop to pose, letting them only photograph you and him walking hand and hand. Give them crumbs as your manager says. Once you’re in the club, not even needing to show an ID or give a name. 
From there the night happens in a blur. The band has the VIP section where bottles of expensive liquor are brought over by women dressed in a bikini. You know how much all of this costs (more than you can afford that’s for sure) but you also know that all of this is on Eddie and the bands tab. He’s told you six times. 
So you drink. And you smoke. And you watch pretty white lines disappear, most of which disappear up Eddie's nose. Of course you take videos, vlogging your night and making sure to follow all the rules that were set prior to this meeting. Taking photos to remember the night. Hana is having a blast, taking shots like it’s her job and making out with Gareth in between. Of course she takes photos with you, sitting in your lap and giggling so much the photos come out blurry. But those are your favorite kinds of photos. 
“Dance with me?” Eddie says in your ear over the music. 
You take the shot that is in your hands, “lead the way.” 
The second you’re surrounded by sweaty bodies you feel invisible. You’re sure someone has cameras on you and him but at the moment you don’t care. 
Your hips move to the music, back against Eddie's chest while his hands explore your body. His lips move against your neck, sucking a dark mark into it that you know you’ll struggle to cover later. Again, you don’t care. What you do care about is the hardness that you feel against your back. 
You spin around, grinning up at him. God he’s so fucking tall you have to tilt your head up a good bit to look at him. 
“We should get out of here,” you say as he pulls you into him. 
He smirks, “thought you weren’t coming back to my place sweetheart.” 
“Seems I told a fib. Now, I need you to take me home and fuck me like you hate me.” 
It’s all he needs before he’s grabbing you by the hand and pulling you out of the club. The car is there and he quickly pulls you into the back seat. Once those doors are closed, the window tint so dark you couldn’t see inside if you tried, his mouth his on yours. Your stomach flips and the neediness you feel coming off of him. He pulls you till you’re straddling him, legs on either side of his hips. Not really the safest but at this point, all you need is his lips on you. 
The ride to Eddie’s consists of lots of kissing, so much so that you know your lips are swollen. You don’t get to see much of Eddie’s house, too focused on getting inside the house and into his bedroom. He drags you up the stairs, your hand is his. And once you’re in his room, he has you pressed up against his bedroom door. 
“You’re so fucking hot, baby.” Eddie pushes your jacket off your shoulders while he speaks, his words going straight to your clit. Your mind can barely comprehend that Eddie Munson, the man you’ve had a crush on since they were considered an ‘underground band,’ is currently taking off your clothes. 
You do the same to him, pushing his leather jacket to the ground before tugging at the ends of his shirt and pulling it over his head. “Me? You are so beautiful.” 
He hums, popping the button on your jeans, “should we take a poll on who's prettier? Winner takes the loser on a date?” 
That makes you laugh, “sounds like a deal. But first, you need to fuck me.” 
His eyes nearly go black at that and before you can think, he’s throwing you on this bed. You land with a small oomph. You decide to take a little initiative, pulling off your boots, scooting off your pants and pulling off your top. 
Eddie watches, rapt and almost possessed, his eyes scanning your partially naked body. It’s not anything more than someone would see if you posted in a bathing suit, but you can’t help but feel nervous that he isn’t going to like you. 
He quickly puts those fears (fears he knows nothing about) to rest as he settles between your legs. His eyes don’t leave yours as he kisses up your thighs. You know there is a wet patch on your underwear and you know he can see it. You do feel embarrassed about it, but at the same time, Eddie is slightly rutting against the bed so he must like it. Right? 
You can feel your body heat as he gets closer and closer to your center. 
“Eddie, please don’t tease me.” Never have you begged a man. Typically whoever you were in bed with did the begging, much to your dislike. You were desperate for someone to take charge. Now you know why they didn’t. One bruise and they get shit from all your followers. Even if you tell them to leave these men alone. 
But Eddie? He wasn’t afraid. 
“But it’s so much fun to watch you squirm.” 
You huff, squirming exactly like he said as he sits up to pull your underwear down your legs before setting back between them. “Need you to touch me.” 
He licks a stripe up your slit, sucking on your clit as he gets to the top. The sound that falls from your lips is beautiful, sweeter than the sound you made in the car. Now Eddie really wants to put you in a song, but the jealous, primal side of him never wants someone else to be able to hear your moans. 
In fact, he doesn’t want to think about any of the other men who’ve heard you make these sounds. Murder wasn't really on his list of things he enjoyed. Bar fights? Yes. Murder? No. 
“You make the prettiest sounds, sweetheart. S’very hot.”  He slides two fingers inside you with little resistance, curling them up to hit the spongy spot inside you. The stretch feels good, your hips moving on their own, riding Eddie's fingers. 
You're close, the build up of this moment really getting closer than you originally thought. “Squeezin’ my fingers so tight, baby. Are you close?” 
You nod, afraid if you speak you’ll say something ridiculous. 
But that isn’t good enough for Eddie. “Words.” 
That was clearly the wrong thing to say because he pulls his fingers from inside you, the emptiness making you gasp, “no! No, no, no I was so close!” 
He laughs as he pushes his pants and boxers off his body. “Exactly. Want you to cum with my cock inside you.” 
You look down between your bodies and your eyes widen. He was big and you accidentally voice what you’re thinking, “fuck… not gonna fit.” 
His laugh drags your eyes back to him, his cock moving through your slick and bumping your clit. “Baby you are so wet that I have no doubt it’ll fit.”  
You don’t have time to be embarrassed about it because Eddie is pushing inside you. The size of him stretching you makes you feel like he’s going to split you in half. But you don’t care, the burn just turns you on more and more and before you know it he’s seated inside you fully. 
“Fuck, Eddie.” 
Eddie is panting, trying to keep still so he doesn’t cum before he wants to. “Feel so fuckin’ good, sweetheart. A man could become obsessed with this pussy.” 
He moves right as you begin to speak, nearly knocking the air out of your lungs. He feels like he’s everywhere. “W-witchcraft” 
He fucks you harder, his cock hitting your cervix. You’re definitely going to have a bruise there but it's so worth it. 
“Didn’t know you were into dark shit. S’my schtick.” 
You wrap your legs around him, orgasm building again, “more alike than you originally thought huh?” 
He wraps a tattooed hand around your throat, squeezing gently and making your head spin, “oh, angel, I knew how alike we were the second you told everyone how bad you wanted to fuck me.” 
“C-can you blame me? Knew you’d fuck me just h-how I like.” 
You clench around him making him hiss, “yeah you need someone who will take control huh?” 
The hand around your neck slides down your body till he finds your clit, circling it. 
“Oh god! Please.” 
“I can get used to you prayin’ to me.” His thrusts are losing rhythm (something he’s usually very good at keeping) and you know he’s close. “Cum baby. I need it.” 
And it’s all you need to fall over the cliff and into bliss. He follows you, coming inside you while you squeeze around him. You both moan each other's names and you sigh as you come down. 
Eddie breaks the silence first, “that was… amazing.” 
You hum in agreement as he slides out of you and curls up beside you. You take a moment before getting up and cleaning up in the bathroom. When you come back Eddie has left out an old Corroded Coffin t-shirt and some boxers. And once they’re on, you slide back into his bed, laying your head on his chest.
“We should put that poll up, huh? I’m itching to win this bet.” Eddie laughs as he says it and before you know it, you two are finding a photo the both of you like and posting it on your story with the caption, ‘which one is prettier? Honesty is the best policy.’ 
“And now… we wait.”
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wileys-russo · 7 months
you NEED to write something about one of these
+ the gucci exhibition outfit
we are getting fed🧎🏼‍♀️
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heels II l.williamson
"how's your thesis going then pretty girl?" arms wrapped around you as leah rested her chin atop your head, gently massaging your shoulders as you welcomed the girls slender fingers attacking the knots in your muscles which had been cramped over your laptop all day.
"it’s getting there." you sighed, eyes closing as your head slumped back a little in relief. "do you have time to help me with my makeup please?" the blonde asked hopefully, kissing your cheeky sweetly as you nodded.
"of course baby. now?" you offered looking up at her with a smile. "yes please, thank you." she mumbled against your lips as she kissed you, stealing the breath from your lungs before pulling away and offering her hand.
helping you up you followed her to the bathroom where she'd already laid everything out. "i tried to make it easier." leah gestured as you smiled, pecking her lips and gesturing for her to sit on the edge of the bath.
"what are you wearing?" you asked curiously, her hands resting on your hips as you stood between her legs, starting to do her base. "you'll see later. but its black!" she smiled, eyes closed as you frowned but hummed, knowing the woman was far too stubborn to give in if you'd bothered to try and get it out of her.
"i got cleared to wear heels again today." leah grinned once you'd finished her base, tapping her shoulders as you rifled through your makeup trying to work out what you wanted to do for her eyes.
"every little change is one step closer to being back on the pitch. i am so proud of you lee." you smiled, your eyes shone with pride as you rewarded her with a kiss, your girlfriend mumbling how grateful she was for your support.
"so you said black. what do you want for your eyes then babe? are you taking a statement bag or a clutch or anything?" you asked, hands on hips as you surveyed her. "mm something light? you know what i like." the blonde shrugged and you nodded, grabbing what you wanted as she closed her eyes again.
"all done." you stole a kiss once you'd finished as her blue eyes fluttered open. "you look gorgeous. i'll leave you to get ready, did you want anything to eat before you go? or leave you something leftover for later?" you questioned as the older girl stood.
"you look gorgeous. but no that's alright love, they'll feed me there and i'm not sure when i'll be home." she smiled apologetically as you nodded in understanding, not the biggest lover of social events you never minded a night in on your own, understanding from the get go that they were a key part of leahs job.
your relationship with the english captain wasn't a secret but it was private, and so you accompanied her to the occasional event at her request but mostly you were happy to support her from afar, comforted in knowing that it was your bed she always returned to afterwards anyway.
it was around an hour later when leah emerged again, smiling in amusement watching your body sway to and fro to the music gently floating around the kitchen as you cooked. your back facing her you hadn't noticed her presence yet.
"mmm dinner and a show? i'm almost tempted not to leave." leah joked, eyes fixated on your behind in a pair of very short shorts, her hoodie adoring your top half as you jumped, caught off guard at her voice as you spun around clutching your chest in surprise.
but nothing compared to the surprise felt as you took your girlfriend in, fixated on what she was wearing, or more specifically what she wasn't wearing.
"jesus fucking christ leah." you breathed out quietly, jaw hanging slack as the defender smirked, your reaction all she'd been hoping for and more. "do we like?" she cocked an eyebrow toward you as you nodded wordlessly.
the tiny black skirt had a small arch up the side, showing off her incredibly tanned thigh, the short length only highlighting the blondes gorgeously long legs.
her top, if you could even call it that, resembled more that of a bikini as it clung to her chest, barely covering her breasts.
her toned abs were out on full display which practically left you drooling, your head a fuzzy mess as you'd become accustomed to her leaning more into her masculinity when dressing.
but tonight gone were the tailored suits, dress shoes, button ups and jorts. she was a picture of feminine ethereal radiance and your entire body was screaming for her. a million and one thoughts raced through your mind as leah slowly advanced toward you, heels clicking against the hardwood floor.
"you look so very cute when you're flustered baby." she purred, hands flat against the counter, arms either side of you trapping you between her scantily clad body and the counter.
her lips ghosted yours teasingly, warm breath fanning your face. you almost moaned as you craned your neck up to kiss her and she pulled her head back with an infuriatingly sexy smirk.
normally a good head taller than you on an average day, in her heels leah towered over you, her hand grabbing your chin as her thumb stroked your jaw, her rings cold against your skin.
"be a good girl and wait up for me baby, i'll see you when i get home." she whispered, leaning in as if to kiss you, lips instead pressing to your forehead fondly.
"are you seriously going to call me a good girl dressed like that and leave without even giving me a proper kiss?" you managed out in disbelief, slumping against the counter as she backed off.
"mm, have a nice night darling." she blew you a kiss and just like that her heels clacked away and you heard the front door close before you could even breathe, feet rooted firmly to the floor.
some days you were convinced she would be the death of you.
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jinnie-ret · 7 months
Hello! Can i request a ninth member of where shes the youngest and really shy, and she has made her first solo album but she has to dress kind of revealing nothing to bad! And she gets really shy and the boys encourage her, the rest is up to you! Have a wonderful day/night <3
super shy
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 0.8k
summary: y/n is surprised when the boys turn up at her album debut shoot, and they reassure her on her worries about her new daring look
Hope you have a wonderful day too my lovely! Enjoy! <3
"Hi Stays! We're taking photos for my album shoot, 'Flora', where I've already released my single 'Salvia'," Y/N beamed at the camera, hair and makeup ready yet she hadn't gotten changed into the gorgeous yellow gown she was due to wear.
"I feel a bit nervous to wear this dress because it's kind of... sexy? But not hard sexy... like soft sexy?" Y/N scratched her head, thinking back on Hyunjin's words and changing it up as she said the phrase in English.
"But stylists unnies said it's pretty so I'm going to try it on now!"
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"Annyeong Stay!" Felix waved at the camera, the rest of the group walking behind him as they entered the studio where Y/N was having her photoshoot.
"Today we're surprising Y/N at her photoshoot!" Seungmin cheered.
"And we bought her flowers to support her!" Han said, peering his head round into the camera, which then panned to them all carrying a bouquet each of flowers, ranging from roses to marigolds and even some sunflowers which Changbin was holding onto in the crook of his arm.
How do you think Y/N will react?
"I think she'll be happy," Chan smiled as the cameraman asked the question and moved further back in his steps to ask some of the other boys some questions.
"She'll probably cry," Lee Know laughed.
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Great job, Y/N, take a break!
"Ah Stay, I feel so revealed right now," Y/N laughed as she spoke to the camera, opening her dressing room door, ready to grab a blanket, before 8 men were shouting and cheering for her.
"Y/N!!!" they cheered, some gasping as they took in her gorgeous, elegant appearance.
"Ooh, you look hot," Hyunjin winked at her.
"Whoa," Seungmin stood there, for once losing his normally well kept composure.
"This is the most revealing outfit I've ever seen you wear," Jisung gasped, but he couldn't look away.
"I know, I know, it feels so strange!" Y/N nodded along, eyes quickly scanning the room before fixating onto a blanket and wrapping it around her to cover her chest area.
"You really do look beautiful, Y/Nnie," Changbin warmly said.
"How did you get the confidence to pull this off? We've never seen you dressed like this before, wow!" Chan shook his head, giggling lightly.
"Tell me about it! Stylist unnies insisted so I thought I'd try, and, yeah, I don't know," Y/N shrugged and sat down next to Jeongin, leaning her head on his shoulder as she crossed her legs over.
Y/N, we need you back now for some more photos.
"Oh, we bought you some flowers to have in your shoot! I think the staff have just arranged them all!" Felix clapped his hands together excitedly, as Lee Know helped you up to your feet, folding up the blanket to the side.
"Stoppp! You guys are the sweetest, I have the best members," Y/N gushed, looking around at all of them and grinning.
"It's what you deserve, we're so proud of you for working so hard," Changbin beamed at her. He went to pat her head before changing his mind at her styled her and patting her shoulders instead.
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"I can't believe you were shy to do this at first. You look like a model!" Han praised her as the shoot finished up.
"I actually really like it now, haha," Y/N did a cute little spin in her dress, though she did nearly trip up on all of the fabric.
"Careful!" Chan's eyes widened.
"Not quite used to these heels yet haha," Y/N blushed as she then took them off, deciding she didn't need to risk her or anyone elses lives.
"I bet you'll be on magazine covers too, these photos are... just wow!" Hyunjin ushered her to run over, his eyes fixated on the smaller screen where a crew member was flicking through the photos.
"This solo debut, wahhh it's going to be so hot!" Jeongin fanned his face.
"Oh wow, I love it!!!" Y/N did a little jump, hand covering her chest as she knelt down next to the two.
"Here, take this," Seungmin handed her his hoodie, which she instantly planted over her head.
"Thanks Minnie," Y/N said, her head tilted backwards, a cute smile on her face, and a slightly crazy look in her eyes which made Seungmin giggle and walk away.
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"Bye Stay! We're all heading home now. I've had such a good day with the members surprising me! I hope you enjoy the album once it comes out! Love you Stays!" Y/N blew a kiss to the camera in the back of the car, before Han was snatching it and mockingly doing the same thing.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Love on Tour: The Documentary
we all know harry is working on a documentary, so this is my take on how young dad!harry would approach it!
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
and now a little key:
bold and italics: camera directions, or what you would be seeing as a viewer of the documentary in person
just italics: interviewer questions, or people who are speaking off camera
Part 2 Part 3
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Harry jogs off stage, his mask wrapped securely around his ears as he leaves the sounds of thousands of screams behind. Even so, his squinted eyes make it obvious that he’s smiling. He walks into his dressing room and shuts the door with a soft click and immediately starts to change out of his concert outfit. After shimmying into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Harry grabs his phone and sits down on the couch.
“Hi, Mama.”
“Hi, baby. How was the show?”
"Amazing. I feel like we get better with each performance."
"Aw, H. I'm so happy for you!"
Harry grins at his phone while resting his chin on his hand. "Missed seeing you. Missed seeing all of you."
"We're so proud of you, baby. No matter how far away we are," the voice on the other side of Harry's phone says. "In other news, the bub has been quite active today."
"Yeah?" Harry says, and his demeanor immediately visibly brightens. "Hope she's not giving you too much trouble."
"We don't know if it's a she, H."
"I do. I have a sixth sense for these types of things."
Cut to Harry sitting in an empty room for his interview.
“So, why did you decide to talk about all of this now?”
Harry rubs his chin as he ponders the question. “I think…I think it’s hard not to. When I think back on my career, I think about how old Simone was or how Jules had just begun walking or sneaking to a courthouse to get married. My family is a part of my life and has been a part of most of my career. My kids, my wife...they mean everything to me, and I—I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I can’t imagine my life, my career any differently. I wouldn’t want to do this without my family.”
The camera cuts to a series of home videos—Y/n and Harry sharing a kiss in a courthouse, members of One Direction celebrating around them, a toddler in Harry’s lap as he plays the piano, Y/n on a tour bus with a small bundle in her arms, Harry catching a little girl as she jumps into a pool, a little girl with dark curls playing with all members of One Direction backstage at a concert venue, Harry asleep on a hotel bed with his face covered in play makeup, a three year old sleeping next to him.
“Should we start with when you met Y/n?”
His grin is immediate. “I was seventeen years old.”
Harry’s voice becomes a voice over as clips of him and the members of One Direction film their music video for What Makes You Beautiful. 
“It sounds cheesy, but I’ve always thought it was fate that we met. Her friend was an extra in the video, and she happened to tag along. I was immediately taken with her. We got along really well and talked long after I left LA.”
The camera cuts back to Harry.
“Just talked?”
Harry blushes. “Obviously not, but I’m a gentleman. All I’ll say is, kids, understand the importance of practicing protected sex.”
A cut to a similar room where Y/n sits.
“He said that? My husband, everybody.”
Everyone behind the studio laughs with her.
“So you got pregnant.”
Y/n nods. “Oh yeah.”
“Was there ever a moment where you didn’t want to tell Harry?”
“It definitely crossed my mind. We were so young and we didn’t see each other very often in the grand scheme of things. No one ever expects something like this to happen to them, but it happened to us.”
Back to Harry.
“I was terrified. Mostly terrified to tell my mum, but it…it changed everything. Here I was thinking my life had already changed drastically with the band, and then Y/n is pregnant.”
The camera cuts to Anne’s interview.
“I mean, I think the possibility is in the back of parent’s mind,” she says, shaking her head a little. “But you raise your children to be smart and responsible and hope for the best.”
“How did that conversation go when Harry told you?”
“He was practically crying over the phone, which made me…less angry, which isn’t even the right word, I don’t think. Poor Harry was so scared, and all I kept thinking was, ‘I send my son to Hollywood and a few months later he gets some girl pregnant.’ I didn’t even know he was dating Y/n.”
“You didn’t?”
“No, so that made the whole thing even more surprising. But he kept saying, ‘Mum, she’s not just some girl. She’s really special.’ Things like that. But I won’t lie, it was a lot to digest.”
Back to Y/n.
“What was it like meeting Anne for the first time?”
“Oh God,” Y/n says. “Mortifying. I was already showing when we met, which made the whole thing that much worse. We couldn’t even pretend we were meeting under normal ‘meet your boyfriend’s mom for the first time’ circumstances. But she was really nice. She asked how I was feeling and helped me get set up with the right doctors. She made me feel welcome, which I appreciated.”
Back to Harry.
“Her parents weren’t as supportive as mine, and she was feeling kind of isolated and overwhelmed, so I convinced my mum to let Y/n live with her.”
Back to Y/n.
“You lived with Harry’s mother?”
Y/n nods and smiles at the camera. “It felt like the right thing to do at the time, and I stand by it. Things were really tense at home, and I just thought it would be a little easier going through everything with people who were completely on board.” Y/n shrugs. “I was young and scared and needed a maternal figure. I tried to think of it as going off to college.”
“But no one had a clue about any of this.”
Back to Harry.
Harry shakes his head. “My management at the time wanted to make this go away as quickly as possible. They tried to pay Y/n off so she wouldn’t contact me again or say anything about it.”
Back to Y/n.
“Yeah, but I told them to shove their offer up their asses. It wasn’t nearly as much as I would’ve gotten from child support, first of all.”
“Did you ever consider taking the offer?”
“Of course I did. I had to consider all my options.” Y/n is quiet for a moment and doesn’t look at the camera. “I eventually decided to stay with Harry and have the baby, but, you know, I had my whole life ahead of me. Both of us did.”
Back to Harry.
“Did you know about that?”
“The payoff? Yeah, she told me shortly after. As for the other stuff…I knew. And I would’ve respected whatever decision she made. But when she decided to keep the baby and keep me in her life, I told management they would have to figure something else out, and keeping her and the pregnancy was their solution.”
“What was it like to be in One Direction while having a baby at home?”
“Strange,” Harry says. “Like, some of the best moments of my life were in the band, but then I would get a text from Y/n and it would be a picture of Simone in the bathtub covered in bubbles, and I would want to be there all of a sudden.”
A series of videos and photographs of Harry and Y/n in 2012 appear. In hotel rooms, backstage at One Direction concerts, homes. With each image, Y/n’s baby bump grows.
(Voiceover) “It was this weird mix of having so much fun and feeling bad when I realized Y/n was at home by herself with a newborn. She’s never blamed me or never asked me to stop what I was doing, but this tiny seed of guilt was always in the back of my mind.
A video of a young Harry and Y/n appears. They seem to be in a dressing room. Y/n lays against Harry while his hand rests on her baby bump. Y/n looks up at Harry and smiles, and he smiles back before he looks up and realizes they’re being filmed. “Oi! Get out of here, Louis!” Louis laughs from behind the camera and says, “You’ll thank me later!”
“We were faced with a lot of decisions, none of them easy. And sneaking around had its drawbacks, especially when my management team wanted me to start doing all the fake dating and stuff.”
Harry stops talking, as if recalling a memory, but he doesn’t share it. “But one thing was easy at least. When we first met, we bonded over our love for Nina Simone. When Y/n suggested it, it just sounded right.”
Back to Harry in his dressing room.
“How is everyone?” he asks Y/n over the phone.
“I have four little monkeys that should be asleep, but they wanted to say goodnight first.”
Harry’s grin widens as a chorus of hellos echoes from his phone. From a different angle over his shoulder, four faces can be seen on his screen. “Hi, hi, hi, hi. Are you all being good for your mumma?”
“Where are you?”
“How was the show?”
“Hi my loves. The show went really, really great. I miss you all so much,” Harry says.
“When are you coming home, Dada?”
“Soon, Maeve, I promise. Just a couple more nights and I’ll be home.”
“Can we get ice cream when you come home?”
Harry laughs. “Yes, peanut, we can get ice cream. Now go to sleep. It’s past your bedtime.”
There’s lots of protesting from the four children on the phone, but one voice pipes up above the rest. “Can you sing us a song?”
“Of course, JuJu. How could I forget? What would you like?”
Back to Harry’s interview.
“So, how many kids do you have now?”
“I am a proud father of six. Five girls, one boy, one set of twins.”
“Full house then.”
Harry nods and makes a mock-exasperated sigh. “Oh yeah.”
“What’s that like?”
“There’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure. Y/n’s the real marvel, though. I don’t know how she does it.”
Back to Y/n.
“I’m not gonna lie, there are times where I don’t even feel like a person, but Harry works just as hard to give our family the life we have. And he’s an incredible dad. He’ll come home from tour, clearly exhausted, and he’ll still be the first one out of bed to get the kids ready for school and make breakfast and change diapers. I mean, the man doesn’t stop.”
“You’re a team, then.”
Y/n smiles. “Yeah. We’re a team. All eight of us.”
“Did you see yourself ever having six kids?”
“I mean...technically we were supposed to stop at four.”
“So what happened?”
Y/n sighs and shakes her head exasperatedly. “The pandemic happened.”
A home video begins to play in the Styles’ living room. Harry is filming and Y/n is in front of it with her hands behind her back.
“Alright. Tell me why the camera’s out, Mama. Where are the kids?”
“They’re building a pillow fort for us in our room, but first…I  have a surprise for you.”
Y/n leans past the camera to give him a small gift bag. Crinkling is heard as Harry pulls tissue paper out of the bag. “Are you serious?”
Y/n nods, a large grin on her face. “I’m about six weeks along.”
Harry laughs, and the camera wobbles as he rushes over to Y/n to pick her up. Their giggles and cheers of excitement can be heard offscreen.
“We’re having a baby!” Harry says.
Back to Harry.
“Are you gonna go for lucky number seven?”
Harry scratches the back of his head. “Currently up for debate. The missus is apprehensive, but I think I’m wearing her down.
Back to Y/n
Y/n scoffs and shakes her head. “He can keep on dreaming.”
“So you’ve had this discussion before?”
“It’s…been mentioned once or twice. But any time he brings it up I threaten him with no sex for two weeks. Am I allowed to say that?”
Back to Harry.
Harry opens his mouth to speak when a small hand tugs on his shirt. Looking down, he smiles. Harry bends down and picks up a little girl. For privacy reasons, her face is blurred. She wraps her arms around his neck so she’s in his lap and her back is facing the camera.
“I’m hungry,” the little girl says in what can only be described as a “monster voice.”
Matching her tone, Harry asks, “What would you like, GiGi?”
“Grilled cheese.”
Harry shakes his head and kisses GiGi’s temple. He covers the microphone clipped on his shirt so he can talk to his daughter privately. With another kiss, he lets go of the mic. “You got it.” Harry shrugs at the camera with a smile. To the camera, he says, “Can we finish this later? Duty calls.”
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mintmatcha · 9 months
5 pm on a Friday night, Kita starts a video call with Aran, Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna. thinking this is a mistake, none of them answer.
Until he calls again.
And again.
Atsumu answers from a bar, shouting over the rising noise.
"Are you dying?" he bemoans, "What warrants calling three times?"
"This could have been a text." Suna is hoarding a squat rack in his gym, leaned against a suspiciously heavy load.
"Guys, cool it," Aran whispers. His daughter is curled on his chest, blowing bubbles in her bottle, "Kita, tell us what's up."
Osamu says nothing. He's busy working, ear bud in one ear. Every now and again he nods to show he's still listening.
"I'm sorry, it's not an emergency."
"Atsumu, shut up."
Kita gives a shaky laugh as he fumbles with his phone. It falls a couple time as he tries to stand in up against a ledge, but once it's settled, he steps back.
"I have a date tonight," he explains, rubbing the back of his neck, "Do I look like...?"
The grey haired man gestures to his outfit; a striped shirt under overalls. "Like a rice farmer?"
"You are a rice farmer, so it's not really a bad thing."
"It's not great."
Osamu spares the screen a glance, then nods wistfully. Then, he fumbles with his headphone cord, encrusting it with dirty fingers as he lifts it up to his mouth. "You gotta change the pants."
The rest of the group agrees.
"Do you still have those jeans from high school? Those made your ass look so fuckable."
Suna groans. "Dude, shut up."
"What do you want from me? I'm gay for men."
Aran's baby coos, detaching from her bottle.
"I'm with Osamu." The proud father of the group handles both crisises easily. "Lose the overalls. Maybe a clean shoe, too."
"Yeah, the white rubber boots are killing the vibe," Suna says.
"I think we are ignoring the fact Kita has a date." Atsumu says in a sing-song voice, taking a sip from a martini glass. Another hand quickly snatches it away.
"Drink your own drink, Miya."
Kita has peeled off his outer layer and has begun scrambling through a nearby drawer. He finds what he's been tasked to: an older pair of blue jeans that fit just right. It takes a couple of jumps to get into them, but once they button, the chorus starts again.
"That's better."
"You look nice."
"Sooo fuckable."
Osamu gives the screen a thumbs up.
"Thank you all," Kita hopes they don't notice how pink his cheeks are, "I appreciate it."
"I expect an invite to the wedding," Aran takes the tiny hand of the baby and forces her to wave goodbye. She's too focused on dinner to notice.
"I expect juicy details about the sex." Atsumu nudges his date's side conspiratorially.
"Kita isn't a sex on the first date kind of guy."
"He should be!" Atsumu nudges his date, "We all deserve a little wet on our dicks-"
"Tiny ears are listening!"
Kita laughs, but he's not sure why. Nerves he didn't realize were tense have been soothed.
"Thank you," he says, "I appreciate it."
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biteofcherry · 11 months
Hi! ALPHA STEVEEEEE oh my actual days. i have an unhealthy attachement to GoT. If his omega was feeling insecure how would he react? I feel like he would be completely flabbergasted and considering how she is very much independent she might not tell him at first. but if he found out...
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A study
alpha!Steve Rogers x omega female reader
warnings: none; fluffy hurt/comfort; alpha has unique ways of improving your mood; but there's also understanding and communication; alpha Steve is a warning okay?
Grain of Truth Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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"I guess this one could work," you shrugged, watching yourself in the mirror with growing resentment.
Your words reached Steve with quite a delay. He was staring at you, his mind occupied with images of ripping the fabric off of your body to get his hands on the magnificence of your curves and softness.
You looked absolutely fantastic in that dress - and it wasn't even some revealing, super sexy evening gown, but rather a chic, modest piece. Perfect for attending a conference.
And when you first saw that dress on the display as you passed the shop, you seemed to love it. How could it change so quickly?
Steve's gaze dragged up your body until he met your eyes in the mirror.
It was the very first time you showed annoyance with your looks, even if occasionally you fussed about not fitting into your favorite clothes right before the heat, because your body was accumulating fat to survive days of endless fucking.
"What is it?" Steve's brows furrowed as he took a step closer and you felt the warmth of his body at your back.
His hands slipped onto your hips and he rested his chin on top of your head as he held your gaze in the reflection.
"Nothing," you shrugged again, instinctively leaning into your alpha's embrace. "It's a good dress, but it doesn't really matter, right?"
Steve sensed that clearly it did matter, so he waited patiently for you to elaborate.
"I just have one meaningless presentation, nobody will pay attention to it beside just politely listening and clapping after I'm done." You tried to play it cool, like it didn't bother you that there was going to be a different star at the conference.
"Unlike Hope," you muttered, your tone more bitter than you wanted to let on.
Hope was- not exactly a friend, but not an enemy either.
You went to the same university, shared some mutual friends and occasionally worked on the same projects before graduation. Then you pursued your career goals while Hope went on to rock the world with everything that she had.
She was stunning, always had a line of men and women trailing behind her with dreams of spending time with her. She had a brilliant mind, too. Honestly, she had it all, in your opinion.
Including the freedom of not being driven by designation and hormones, since she was a beta.
As it turned out, Hope now had not one but three degrees and steered her career toward medical science for the military purposes. You were proud of how you were actually helping people day to day, running your small research, but it suddenly felt less significant compared to Hope's straight road to saving the world.
When you stumbled into her an hour ago, your brief, quite warm conversation revealed she was going to be the mysterious grand star at the conference you were also attending.
And she too was searching for an outfit. Judging by the label on the bag she was carrying, Hope was going to have something designer. Perhaps even custom fitted.
Then it turned out Steve was familiar with one of her projects; he saw it used in action when back in the military.
They switched feedback and information about Hope's upgrades so flawlessly and passionately, and you just stood there with a smile, nodding your head in pretend-interest.
Hope had it all. Still. Just like she had in uni.
Including attention of your mate.
You knew Steve loved you, you didn't fear him leaving you to chase anyone else. But love didn't mean he was impressed, or interested in your meager career.
The only profit you'd gain from presenting your study at the conference would be Maria's proud face as she added to your clinic's website information about running research acknowledged at international conferences.
"Hope?" One of Steve's eyebrows quirked up, confusion settling on his face. "That beta we ran into?"
"Yes, that beta whose great improvements to the battlefield medicine-" you mocked Steve's voice- "you were complimenting less than an hour ago," you glared at him, barely stopping yourself from stomping on his foot.
"Sweet brat," Steve's hands tightened their grip on your hips, an almost painful reminder to watch your tone.
"I was a Captain in the Army and sometimes on missions things got really bad. I simply appreciate that Hope's projects helped to save lives of some of my men."
"I know her work is important." You grit out, crossing your arms over your chest. "Which is why I know everyone will look forward to her presentation and discussion panel with her. So I don't need to bother stressing over my showing."
Steve recited the full title of your presentation and research, showing you he was always paying attention to what was important to you.
"Hope's work may be desired by the big, important institutions," he said, "but it's your research that has the potential of aiding people nationally, in their day to day struggles."
Your heart melted at the conviction in Steve's voice. Through the bond you sensed a steady rhythm and a flush of fiery pride that your alpha felt about your work.
"And you know what else?" Steve bent down a little, resting his chin in the crook of your neck, his lips brushing your cheek.
"Hope has nothing beyond her career. Beneath the smell of perfume, there's only the scent of the lab on her. No partner, neither long term nor a fuckbuddy. No remnants of anyone familiar, like a friend or a pet."
"Maybe she chose it that way," Steve mused, rubbing soothing circles on your hips with his thumbs, "or maybe she spends the rest of her day being as fussy as you, feeling bitter that she doesn't have a mate and love like you."
You sighed softly, uncrossing your arms. You rested your hands atop Steve's forearms, caressing his warm skin.
You tilted your head slightly as your placated insecurities slowly retreated, living room to the mentioned fussy streak. That still wasn't entirely gone, strumming inside you with a need to act out.
"So you were checking her scent?" It was a deliberate poke, delivered with a glare.
Steve huffed and closed his eyes for a second. Then he straightened and in one swift move twirled you around.
He pushed you back against the mirror, gripping the back of your neck with one of his large hands.
"If you're sporting for a spanking until you sob all your frustration and insecurities out, I will happily arrange it." His voice remained soft, but dropped to that low octave a breath away from a growl.
"Or maybe we can make you more excited on that stage?" You gulped nervously as Steve's eyes darkened.
His lips trailed along your jaw, teeth just barely grazing your skin.
"You'll be giving your lecture wearing nothing but that pretty dress, while I sit in the first row with your panties in my pocket. Knowing that as soon as you're done with your presentation, I'm going to be fucking you full of my cum..."
Steve nipped your chin in reprimand when your eyes closed, the sting making you open them instantly.
"So that when you do the rounds at the banquet later that beta you're jealous off knows that you've won something she'll never have. A true mate."
Your clamped your hands on Steve's shoulders, gripping the fabric of his too tight t-shirt.
"You can't solve everything with sex, you know," you said breathlessly, clenching your thighs as you felt Steve's free hand slide up the pencil skirt of the dress you were trying on.
"How about we conduct a longitudinal study on that?" Steve chuckled and slapped your thigh.
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caramelcleopatraa · 5 months
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word count: 1,700~
x: this fic idea won in the polls :) this series was inspired by kayjayxchar on wattpad ( she's A1 ) and then while writing, I decided to make this into sort of a series. no smut in this part ( I know I know, its such a tragedy! ) but don't underestimate what I got in the works :p not proofread... yet
content: Mafia!Roman Reigns x Designer!Reader, fluff, suggestive themes ( gets a lil steamy ;) )
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 Your fingers type away at your computer, responding to emails from your clients. Your employees are setting up the shop, preparing for another busy day. You were one of the top rated designers in the state of Florida. You’ve been able to travel around the country teaching classes, working your magic for top notch celebrities, and make public appearances. To cut it short, you were living your best life, truly. You got to do what you were passionate about and go against the standard of your families’ traditions and values. You were proud of yourself that you are successful as you are. The chime of your door interrupts your thoughts as a group of people walk into your shop before opening time.
“Wassup biiiiiittch!” One of your closest friends, Trinity, was the first to make herself known. She throws herself on you, and you welcome her sudden embrace. She often visited you at your shop to check on you in her free time, and you always welcomed her company, especially on busy days. Today however, she was coming to you as a client. Because she was your friend and today was one of your busiest days, you told her to come an hour and a half early before you opened. That gave you plenty of time to fit your friends, clean up, and open on time. You scan the group that entered through the door with her. You saw Trinity, her husband Jimmy, his twin Jey and his wife Talia. Your eyes shifted to the larger frame that stood behind them, that was accompanied by a shorter, voluptuous woman. It was someone you knew too well. Anyone that lived in Florida had to know his name. Roman Reigns. standing next to him, was what looked like a model, which you would later know to be De’arra. The group of six admired your shop, casually walking around and scouting different designs that were displayed on the walls. 
Men’s Side
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Women’s Side 
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“No matter how many times I come in here, I'm always shocked. Is this new?” Jey says, pointing to the gray suits on your model displays. “Yeah, new in stock. Ya like it?” You sing shakily as Trinity rocked you to death. “Can I take this off ya hands?” “You can after i fit you” You chuckled at his eagerness.
“Annyways..” Talia says, pushing her way through Jimmy and Jey. “This is Roman. I told him that I know a really good designer that can whip up an amazing suit. So he’s here to get fitted as well as the rest of us.” Talia explains to you, while you finish typing up your last email. You look up to find him staring at you. You notice his chocolate brown eyes and brown skin that complimented each other. You try your best to not let that distract you as you reach your hand towards him. You didn’t think he would’ve actually shaken your hand due to how cold people described him to be. You contentedly grinned when his warm hand engulfed yours. “Nice to meet you, beautiful” “Nice to meet you too, handsome.” ‘oh my god he’s so damn fine. how am i supposed to stay professional around this man!??’
Your poker face stayed true as you continued to engage with your client. De’arra, stayed close to him, latched on at the arm. She pulled on his arm to get his attention, but he simply dismissed her by saying “Wait over there for me sweets”, and she happily obliged. 
“So how does this whole thing work?” He says, tugging at his black tee. “You’ve never gotten fitted here before and my place runs a little differently than most. We have our scheduled appointments set up so that we can fit our clients, try on potential outfits for you, and send you home with them hours later. There’s a huge inventory that I have attached to this store so as soon as I get done recording your requests, we can get your order started as soon as possible. Any questions?” Roman smiles smugly and looks at Talia “She’s good.” Talia retaliates with “I told you so.” You blushed at their nice comments. To you, it didn’t seem like much. You were simply explaining how your company works so that your client has a basic rundown of how things work. Trinity nudged your shoulder as soon as she noticed your flustered state. You covered your face and did a quick spin, a little habit that formed when you get flustered. The group laughed at your small action. You snapped back into business mode and called your assistant to help you distribute the party of five.
“Aahkilah, can you help me with this party of five?”
 “Coming!” She galloped out to the main area with a work outfit that was damn near cutting dress code, but you didn’t have time to deal with that shit right now. “You can take the couples since they have been fitted before. Be flexible enough to make changes on the spot if our presets don’t fit like they’re supposed to. I’ll take Roman and do the whole process since he’ll be new information in the system.” She was fairly new, and you didn’t trust her just yet with doing an entire fitting appointment on a new client. Plus, you could tell everything that you were saying was going over her head as she basically eye-fucked your client. “But that’s not fairrrruuh! why can’t I take him?” she says, almost mimicking a complaining child. Your eyes close slowly as you sigh and respond “Because you’re not ready to give a full fitting appointment yet.” 
You wanted to put a nail in this conversation so you could do your job. But, this woman had a damn mission. “You just wanna get him in your private fitting room and fuck him!! You’re not slic-" “ He came here for a fitting! A fitting done by me girl! It was his request. Please don’t make me have to deal with a child right now.” You were starting to get loud, so you didn’t go back and forth with her like you usually would to whip that bitch into shape. The twins were barely succeeding at hiding their laughter as well as Talia. Roman and Trinity wore smirks on their faces as you reprimanded your employee. She finally buckled down and made sure that the room was ready for the couples. You called in another employee, Gio, to help you with your workload online while you fit your client.
“Oh my god who is that-“ You hit her and stop her sentence and she looks at you like you're crazy. “What!? He’s fine as fuck!” You mentally facepalm as she tries to whisper to you, that ends up more like a whisper scream. “Mhm” You said, as you went behind your desk and pulled up some work for her to do. “Oh don’t tell me you don’t think he’s fine! isn’t he right up your alley? Tall? muscular? deep voice? beard? The whole nine?” You took pride in the fact that you took time to know your employees on a personal level. You did not think she was going to air out all of the information you told her however. You gave Gio a look that screamed ‘shut the FUCK up’ and she responded to your look by playfully rolling her eyes. You turn the computer towards her. “You’re here to get a bag, not play matchmaker” She groans in response and says “Whatever.” to your dismissive comment. ‘she did not have to embarrass me like that. OMG WHAAT THE FU-‘
“The whole nine huh?” You hear a deep voice mirror your employee’s statement. You turn around to face Roman, the corner of his lips still curled into that mind melting smirk. He motioned up and down his body, trying to fluster you. Your eyes drift over his muscular body. “Little ole me?” ‘LITTLE?’ 
“Little?” Your face contorted into a confused expression, that earns a laugh out of the tall samoan. He starts to walk towards you, decreasing the amount of space between you too. Your momma ain’t raise no bitch so you stood your ground… well, you tried. You could clearly distinguish the height difference between you and him, and your head raised as your eyes met his. Your hand rested on your hip and your head tilted, slightly sizing him up. “Sir, I will let you know that this is a professional business.” You said, ending off your sentence with a smirk. Just as you expected, he challenged you back, “Well I'm not invading your personal space, am I?” He said, as the corner of his lips tugged to form another smirk. Anyone in the room would have felt the tension and both of you were desperately waiting on someone to make a move. “Nah, i just don't want a wannabe gangsta playboy fucking up my reputation.” His eyes fluttered closed as he laughed at your statement. You had amused him and peaked his interest. He closed the gap between you two. His breath ghosted over your lips as he said, “So you must know i’m good at fucking something else up, huh?” His eyes glazed over your soft lips, coated with lip gloss. You took a moment to gather yourself before prompting another response. ”Well I wouldn't know cause it’s just rumors.” You shrugged your shoulders looking off to the side. 
“You know how those be.”
“Mhm” He licked his lips. From how close you guys were, you were surprised that his tongue didn't make contact with your bottom lip. “What they been saying about me ma?”
“That apparently you’re good in bed” You raised your pointer and middle fingers bent to imitate quotation marks.
“Mhm, keep going”
“Boy ion know, I really don't be concerned with you.” Your hand returned to your hip. Your attitude started to shine through. 
“Maybe it’s because I haven't taken care of you yet sweetheart” He leans down to whisper the sentence in your ear. You feel his lips lightly touch your ear and your entire body froze. 
You huffed, and said “You say that like you're so sure of yourself.” You challenged his boldness, but nothing could prepare you for what he said to you next.
“Maybe when we hit this fitting room, I can show you how sure I am”
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deeeefinitely meant to post this last week but finals and grades got me one more time. I'm on break for the rest of the month so I can try my hand at being consistent. let me know if you want to be added to my taglist and how you guys like part 1!
~ your hippie author
🏷️ tags :) @harmshake
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meowlod · 6 months
focalors in the 4.2 archon quest does something to me. that VOICE is so pretty. the OUTFIT. shes so mother.
i would let her destroy me, make me a mess, do stuff to me and i wouldn‘t mind. please continue.
shes definitely a titty grabber. likes to randomly grab your breasts from behind and squish them like a toy.
i think she would be a great cuddle partner, like, she would give you a thousand of warm cuddles. burying and resting her face into the crook of your neck and have her soft arms wrapped around your body as you both lie under the blankets. she wants to keep you warm and comfy so you wont get sick.
oh and shes a big teaser, definitely. basically teases you about everything possible until you get super embarrassed from all of it. and that woman wouldn‘t stop!! no she will not, until you actually want her to stop, then she‘ll respect you and stop, of course.
if she used to battle and fight, then she would teach you on how to use a sword. she is always being careful to not wound you. and if she does, she will just simply heal you or get you bandages.
talks about furina sometimes whenever you both are sitting somewhere, or laying down on a bed.
and when she dies, she wants you to take care of furina. comfort her at any time whenever shes in a sad mood, get her favourite desserts, give her cheek kisses, dance with her, go to her tea parties, etc. make her happy, and focalors would be proud of you.
but you also have to stay close to furina whenever shes in a bad mood. if you went out somewhere without telling her, especially at night, she'll think that you are starting to dislike and leave her, or that you got kidnapped, making her panic. if you come back, the first thing she always does is run up to you and hug you tightly, asking you where you went, and why you didn't tell her that you went out. its best to tell her the truth, or she will ignore you for a day.
but she cant ignore you for long, because she can be a pretty clingy person. slowly crawling into the bed you're sleeping in, quietly wrapping her arms around your body and slowly starting to cuddle you, mumbling to herself about stuff such as “am i too annoying for them?“ or “i'm sorry if i did something you didn't like.“, hoping you wouldn't wake up and hear her talking bad about herself.
furina will randomly pin you to any wall to jokingly flirt with you. if you flirt back, she'll have a red face for the rest of the day! it can be outside, inside, to the bed, to the grass…seriously, everywhere.
if you buy her gifts, especially with desserts inside them, she'll buy you a gift aswell, but a bigger, and a more expensive one.
LOVES to teach you to dance a waltz or help you sing. if you suck at any of those, she will gladly help you because you are someone she deeply cares and trusts.
if you're sad, she comes running up to you with your favourite food, plushies, etc. to comfort you and have you smiling again. she hates seeing you sad, and doesn't want you to go through the stuff she did.
too shy to ask you out on a date, but will pull an all nighter to practice words and flirty pick up lines to say to you. if you're the first one to ask her out on a date, she'll get mostly flustered but will be happy, jumping into your arms and giving you thousand of kisses.
if you guys are together, she's extra clingy and could be a little jealous if a man or a woman stares at you. you're her partner, of course you should be paying attention to her! if you look back at the stranger, she will wrap her arm around your waist and glare at the stranger who was looking at you, silently telling them that you're hers, and shes yours.
animal lover! if she sees a cat or a dog anywhere, she pulls you along and walks towards the little animal and will pet it, feed it, caress it, etc. if you're a animal lover aswell, expect a lot of animal plushies in the house and furina bringing a random cat inside.
if you kiss furina in public infront of everyone, she would push you away and laugh like nothing happened. but if you're somewhere private, hidden, or in a back alley with her, she'll kiss you with alot of passion like she was starving for that kiss.
cake lover. please buy her cake anytime! it can be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or anything. she will even demand you to get her a cake when she feels like it. or you both just cook a cake together.
can't cook, but is still learning! loves to make sweets, and sometimes asks you for help. if you can't cook aswell, then…expect alot of flour or a whole mess in the kitchen. you both have to clean everything up if you guys are finished with baking or cooking. she can also make YOU clean everything, just to piss you a little off. but she will help a little bit, don't worry.
listens to your problems in life, and talks to you about her problems aswell. you both deeply care for each other, and she trusts you enough to talk about her secrets and stuff she never wanted to mention because of her insecurity.
makes you sit on her lap while you both play games or watch a movie on the tv.
and furina absolutely loves piggy rides.
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umipuppy · 5 months
Picture Of Us ( 01 )
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Bada Lee x Famous dancer fem!reader
warnings: (MDNI), language, mentions of fill with bada fingers, fluff?, provocations, 16+?
part 2 here
Years ago...
- It was winter, the snow covered the entire campus of your school, you were getting ready to leave the school wait for your mother to pick you up until a girl bumped into you, you knew who it was, it was Bada Lee an amazing dancer who performed at the school during school events, you thought she was a great her moves were spectacular and made everyone gawk, From that day on, you and she became best friends, even though today you have 28 years together
Now she's a well-known choreographer all over Kpop and an even more amazing dancer
You were a famous choreographer too and you taught at the Justjerk Dance Academy...
- You were anxious because it was your first On The Stage of your best friend You were in the front row anxious and excited, about 4 days before they announced the first On The Stage your girlfriend had broken up with you for reasons of betrayal of her... but now none of that mattered to you, you were only focused on one thing: the performances of your best friend and her BEBE team, they won the street woman figther 2, so you came to honor them
- just before the show starts, Bada Lee spots you from afar and runs up to you to greet you
"hey y/n" you can hear her calling you from afar and coming to see you
"My god bada you look very beautiful!! " you say complimenting her outfit
"oh thank you so much cute cat" she calls you by your childhood nickname and automatic you blush
"What are you doing here bada? Shouldn't you be in the dressing room along with the other girls? " You ask her and she answers
"It should... But as I saw you couldn't help but say hello to my amazing best friend, could you? After she says it she gives you a smile
"Close your eyes for a minute" you ask her
Automatically she closes and asks " what do you have for me ??? "
You say "it's not just for you but for you and the rest of the girls, now you can open your eyes"
She slowly opens her eyes and sees you holding a bouquet of blue tulips shining with a card on top with a photo of you and the baby girls, Bada's eyes fill with tears and soon she will give you a hug
"Y/n didn't need it, that's very beautiful thank you very much! the girls are going to love it"
"I'm only giving you this because I know how hard you've worked together and also happy 1 year of Team Bebe you guys deserve so much! You guys are amazing," you say wiping away your tears of emotion
after that Bada thanks you once again and runs to the dressing room to show the girls
"GIRLS, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW" Bada walks into team bebe's dressing room screaming
"What was Badari?" Tatter asks Bada entering the room
"Come here and close your eyes, if I see someone with their eyes open they won't win huh! I'm watching," she says laughing softly
She places the bouquet with the card and the photo on the table and asks them to open their eyes
" My god how beautiful WAIT A Y/N IS HERE? " Lusher asks with his eyes shining
"I couldn't believe she was here, she's in the front row waiting to see us! She gave this bouquet for our 1 year of Team Bebe and for us winning the SWF and how proud she is of us! Bada's eyes fill with tears she never thought her best friend would do this for her and her team, when bada went to look to the side Sowoen was in tears from crying so much emotion Sowoen was like a little sister to you, you were her emotional support she loved you more than anything
"Sowonie don't cry" Bada goes to her to give her a hug and comfort the maknae of the team, the other girls had their eyes shining and tears were falling on their faces as they read your letter and the picture of all of you
---Time Skip------
The Bebe team had just entered the stage, their eyes lit up seeing the girls performing with so much desire and with a sparkle in their eyes to see so many people gathered to see them dance...
you were jumping and screaming with every move they made especially bada, you screamed when she made that move in Rihanna's cockiness, her heart was racing a thousand an hour her breathing was heavy you couldn't think of anything else but how proud you were to see them achieving everything they ever wanted after so much work on perfecting their moves. You'd never forget that moment, you could see how happy they were to be up there doing what they like...
After they introduced themselves, the MC asked them to give a speech about what it was like to be here, and you listened carefully
Bada took the microphone and began to make an impromptu speech: "Me and the girls are very happy and very happy that you are here to see us dance and have fun with us, this would not be possible without you too, we are very grateful for each and every one of you who is here today, may you continue on our journey ahead, thank you very much indeed! and I would also like to thank you for this amazing opportunity that you have given us THANK YOU SO MUCH BEBIS ! She finishes by looking for something in her coat and making a heart for the crowd, her eyes were watering to have heard this from her you were feeling very happy inside and proud of course !
After a long show you went to the dressing rooms because there was a card that gave you access to the backstage, you ran to the girls' dressing room and you knocked on the door about 3 times and didn't open it because you wanted to make a surprise
"Tatter open the door must be someone from production," Cheche says to tatter
"It's okay it's alright" she runs to open the door, when she sees you she doesn't think
she runs to open the door, when she sees you she doesn't think twice and hugs you very tight and says "Y/N MY GOD I MISS YOU" and keeps hugging you tight
When the girls heard your name they ran to hug you and find you
they all give you a hug and thank you for everything you've done for them and how grateful they are to have you as a friend, they invite you to sit on their couch and you start talking and Bada sits next to you holding your hand
Kyma asks you if you'd like to have dinner with the girls and you reply "of course I'd love to go out to dinner with my girls" you say excited to have dinner with them
---Time Skip------
You already found yourself having dinner at a restaurant that you always go to when you have nothing to do, you are practically friends with the owner so sometimes he reserves the restaurant just for you
you had ordered a Japchae accompanied by a soju to celebrate this amazing night that was happening, during dinner you laughed a lot talked about various subjects until it was 11:30 pm and you were all already saying goodbye to you and Bada because you were going to sleep at her house tonight, you and the girls gave each other some hugs and went your separate ways, while you and Bada were walking through the streets of the bustling city of Seoul, you spotted a karaoke house open at 11:51 p.m., you immediately asked Bada
" Bada, you know I like you a lot, don't you? " You tried to find a way to ask her
What's your new idea? Please don't rob a bank," she says, making fun of her and laughing
"Spare me this time you're going to say yes! You know that karaoke in front of you? We might as well go, right? You ask the eldest silently and thinking of an answer
"Hmm let me see I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA" she says excitedly
"LET'S GO THEN" you say pulling her hand and going inside the karaoke
"But we're going to have rules, aren't we?" says Bada Lee, raising an eyebrow waiting for his answer
"Of course we will, the rules are as follows. If you win I'll pay you anything you want and if I win vice versa, what do you think? "You give this idea of a rule already inside the room looking for a song to start singing
"Closed then, but get your wallet ready 'cause we know I'm going to win I'm the queen of karaoke" she says teasing you
"That's what we're going to see, baby," you counter her teasing
after that you choose the song Abracadabra Do Brown Eyed Girls and start playing the song you jumped and sang as the song was playing, Bada Lee just kept looking at you and laughing at you singing She knew you were great at karaoke but she had to win this time
her turn was over now it was her turn she chose Maria, Justin Bieber she knew you loved this song
She sang looking into your eyes without looking away if you wanted to feel butterflies in your stomach, that look penetrating your eyes, you tried not to show anything, she was your best friend, you couldn't feel anything for her, right?...
after a few songs played and you sang finally the points were going to come out, you were extremely confident that you were going to win until you heard a scream coming from Bada
"FUCK HAHA I WON I FUCKING WON" You couldn't believe it she had won you had no reaction at all
"NO LIE NO CHANCE WAS STOLEN HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?" You were in denial that she had won meanwhile Bada laughed in your face she was red from laughing so hard she got from you
she looks into your eyes and asks "can I make my requests so Mrs. Y/n?"
You snort at her question and you immediately say "go ahead, make your wishes" you roll your eyes
"I'd like the tastiest chocolate ice cream I have with all the accompaniments, I'm in need of a cold ice cream, could you do that for me?"  She looks at you with a puppy face
an idea pops into your head and you immediately say "of course Miss Bada" with that you take your cell phone and run out of the room slamming the door of the room where Bada was, you went straight to an ice cream shop that she loved always when you went out she went there she loved the ice cream of that place, you took her ice cream and ran back to the room where Bada was lying on the couch fiddling with her cell phone Looking at some funny tweets, she jumped up when you opened the door hard, you handed her the ice cream and her eyes lit up when she saw that ice cream
"Happy now?" you ask to the tallest
And she replies: "Obviously, yes, look at this, my God, it must be delicious", she without thinking twice eats that ice cream with so much taste, but she thought of an idea...
After this rush you lay down on the couch and started to fiddle with your cell phone when you looked to the side Bada was all dirty with chocolate her white blouse was all stained her chin was covered in ice cream the around her mouth dripped chocolate in the pants of the tallest what you didn't expect was that she was doing this on purpose to tease you, You saw this scene and thought of nothing but laughing until your belly hurt with laughter
"Bada, you look like a child eating my god" you complain to the tallest one who doesn't even give the ball, but you keep eating your ice cream in a slow way, you get paralyzed and say "can you clean up please?" you keep laughing and take a picture of the tallest one putting it on your lock screen
"I'm going to go to the bathroom to get some paper for you to clean up, okay? and finish this ice cream soon, we have one more round, right?" you leave the room giving a wink to Bada and going to get paper for Bada you clean it, you go back to the room sitting next to Bada
And she had gotten even dirtier, you couldn't believe what you were seeing...
You get to clean shirt from the highest
"Did you have to get your white shirt dirty? Is that serious?" you see her giving a corner smile while still smearing herself with the chocolate
"Come on, eat this ice cream soon" you say anxiously already
"No, I said that I'm going to take my time with this ice cream and that's exactly what I'm going to do. It's not my fault," she says teasing you
"Whose fault is mine then? eat fast I'm getting sleepy already" you say lying on the couch across the room facing Bada while she ate you fell asleep and slept on the couch right there
She sees that you have fallen asleep and slowly she goes up to you and makes drawings all over your face, she covers your face with chocolate frosting while she did this she didn't hold back and had to laugh she didn't care if you woke up what she was most attached to as her face was funny with the drawings
----- time skip -----
01:57 am
you wake up at this time all sweaty and with your whole body aching right when you open your eyes you see Bada red from laughing so much but when you look at her quickly she changes her expression to a serious one trying to hold back her laughter
"I'll go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" you say leaving the room, right when you left Bada couldn't contain herself she was even now laughing at what she did to her face
A few minutes later you return to the room red with rage
"BADA, LEE, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE?" You ask her angrily but she couldn't hold back her laughter and fell to the floor laughing and you started laughing along your belly it hurt more and more that you were laughing
About 10 minutes went by and you were lying on the floor laughing until now you were out of breath from laughing
"LMAO, when we get to your house you're going to clean my face, that's your punishment for painting me like that" you say, trying to draw in the air to be able to talk between laughs
"Alright, alright," Bada says laughing even harder,
Her laugh was contagious, you'd see her laughing and you'd think "oh my god, how can a girl be so beautiful laughing" and you're still laughing with her
Minutes went by and you went down to go home, you were extremely tired especially bada
Right when you get home you ask
"Bada, can I wear one of your clothes? I didn't bring any clothes" you ask the tallest one who was entering the apartment turning on the lights
"Yes, you can! I have some big hoodies in my closet, you can take them, you'll enjoy wearing them," Bada says, smiling at you
you walk into Bada's room and you see how beautiful he is
you take a duckdive shirt with BADA written BADA on the back and on the front TEAM BEBE and a pair of black and white striped pants and show it to the taller one "can I get these two here?" you ask waiting for permission
"Of course!! you can take it" Bada says
Right after you change you go back to the room you can't help but notice Bada's mouth open when she saw you with her clothes, she was wearing a shirt just like yours but green from Duckdive without Bada on the back and red pants with black, you looked like a couple wearing matching things and Bada's heart races when he sees you.
"I'm feeling so Bada Lee right now" you laugh out loud
"You look beautiful just like me" Bada teases you with a scarstic tone
You sit facing the taller one waiting for her to wipe your face
"You look so cute that cute cat" she teases you
"Fuck you" you say as she wipes her face gently, her long and slender fingers were so soft, impure thoughts took over your mind, you could only think of her filling you with her fingers, but you were her best friend, you couldn't have those thoughts, right?
"That's it, I'm done, Miss Y/N," Bada says, stroking her face
"Thank you so much," you say, ruffling her hair a little.
it didn't take long for Badá to fall asleep...
until an idea popped into your mind "What if I make the same drawings she did on me?" you didn't think twice and went to Bada's bathroom to get a tube of toothpaste to put your plan into action
You stood next to Bada stroking her hair while putting some toothpaste on her fingers and running it over her face and writing "revenge" on her forehead
Right after that you went running to the bathroom to wash your hand so as not to leave it with the strong smell of mint
you lay down next to Bada and fell asleep in her arms, without realizing you were hugging Bada's waist sleeping on her chest
----Bada's vision------
I was pretending the whole time I was asleep to see Y/N's next move What was she going to do? I could smell the strong smell of mint and toothpaste running down my neck I could feel her heavy breathing on my chest I could feel the warmth of her body against mine I had never felt anything like this something took over my body but I couldn't do anything but fall asleep and wait for tomorrow...
Bada slept cuddling you, holding your body against hers, your breathing was synchronized
- - - - - Time Skip - - - - -
It's morning the sun beats down against Bada's bedroom window, she woke up just before you she was still holding you she didn't let go of you even for a moment
---Your Vision------
You wake up with your eyes half open by the glare of the sun, you see Bada staring at the window half pensive...
" Good morning Badari ! " you say looking at her wanting to laugh because of your face full of toothpaste
"Good morning miss y/n, could you explain to me what that would be on my beautiful and wonderful face?" Bada asks raising an eyebrow
You couldn't help but laugh She laughed along
"You'll see Y/n" she threatens you laughing
while Bada is still in bed you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your skin care with the highest products, while you do your skin care you get a call from Lusher, you answer the call saying
"Good morning Lusher!! All right?" you ask smearing the guasha on your face
Lusher notices that you are in the bathroom and asks "Everything yes!! What about you? Are you in Bada's house? how are you with the leader?" you choke on your saliva and say "Yes, she's fine, it's just that her face is a little weird" you say holding back your laughter
"What do you mean, strange?" Lusher asks for you
"BADARIIIIII" you call bada and she comes running to the bathroom tripping over her own foot
"Hey Bada!" says Lusher
"Hey Luster, how's it going?" says Bada, approaching the camera and grabbing her waist Pressing her body with your body it makes you blush and continues as if nothing happened, when Lusher sees the taller one's face full of toothpaste she starts laughing and Bada soon says "One more to make fun of my face, my god what a world this is" she says whimpering and pressing her waist harder, you look at the confused bada and then hang up the call saying goodbye to Lusher who was still laughing said she would tell you something important later, with that bada washed her own face and started her skin care.
You went down to Bada's kitchen and started making a well-prepared coffee for you and her
----Time Skip------
you were at the dinner table eating and talking and laughing at yesterday's events Bada enjoyed her food very much, she had never eaten home food as good as yours until...
"Y/n, can I make you a little bit of a personal request? And maybe it makes you mad? Bada says looking deep into his eyes
"Of course, go ahead if it's in my power I can carry out that request," you say taking a glass of water and drinking it slowly
Bada took courage within 19 years of friendship with you...
"So I... Can I kiss you?" Bada says red-faced and her hand covering her own face
After she says that, you end up drowning with the water, you didn't expect that kind of question... You didn't know what to feel It seems that the most awaited day has arrived, the day you have been waiting for the most has really arrived on a platter for you...
OK THIS IS REALLY GOOD!! forgive me if there are mistakes!! English is not my first language!! wait for more chapters... 🫶🏻 and also a merry Christmas!!
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stressed-and-queer · 9 months
Reasons why Merlins s1 ep4 "The Poisoned Chalice" is one of my favorite episodes (spoilers)
Gaius giving Merlin a fake proverb and Merlin calling him out on it
Merlin: "Someone has to keep the place running"
Gaius: 🤨
Merlin gets so excited he gets to go to the ball and it's adorable
The iconic outfit Arthur picks out for him
Gwen teasing him about the hat
Arthur looking back at Merlin clearly amused
The moment "Clara" confirms that Arthur's cup is poisoned he immediately leaves to save Arthur
Arthur keeps on trying to take a sip of the cup thinking the speech is over only to be interrupted again 🤣
Merlin: *Takes Arthur's cup*
Arthur: #annoyed
Uther asks Merlin for proof about his claims about the cup being poisoned and Arthur immediately goes into protective boyfriend mode
Arthur got so worried when Uther decided he would drink the wine
To the point that he tried to drink it himself knowing there was a possibility it was poisoned.
He was literally willing to do that for a servant he met 4 EP ago
Continuing with the point that they met 4 EP ago, they've known each other for like what, a month at the most and Merlin was already willing to die for Arthur
"but if it's poisoned, he'll die :('
Arthur was so fucking worried when Merlin drank the wine, you could tell just by the way he stood
*Dramatic music playing after Merlin drank the wine for a dramatic pause* Merlin: ...It's fine
The fact that the poison took a few moments to kick in. Idk it made it seem more realistic
You cannot convince me Arthur wasn't planning on somehow getting Merlin back from Bayard
When Merlin starts to choke, Arthur's face immediately drops. There's just a look of pure worry and dread
When Merlin falls to the ground unconscious, Arthur is there by his side in a matter of seconds
Arthur didn't even think twice when he picked Merlin up to carry him to Gaius's physician chambers
Arthur asking if Merlin was going to be ok
Gaius explains how to save Merlin, and how dangerous a journey it would be and Arthur is still willing to go to save Merlin
Gaius: A single drip of venom from the Cockatrice would mean certain death
Arthur: Sounds like fun!
Morgana has so much faith that Arthur would save Merlin she wasn't even worried
She relieved Gwen from her duties for the rest of the night so she could take care of Merlin!!!
"I can't stand by and watch him die!"
" Then don't watch"
The ways those lines are delivered are sooooo good omg
The way Arthur leans against the fireplace
Morgana is the one that convinced Arthur to defy his father and save Merlin
Merlin saying a spell in his sleep
And Gaius having to cover for him because Gwen was literally right there
Gaius immediately knows it's Nimue that poisoned the cup when he finds out the poison has been magically enhanced
"He's just a boy"
"Have you seen your son recently?"
Merlin literally moans Arthur's name in his sleep
"Art-Arthur, Arthur...ngh" -Merlin s1 ep4
Even when Merlin is literally dying and unconscious he's still trying to save Arthur
The whole act that Nimue puts on that Arthur falls for instantly
When Arthur flights the Cockatrice with his sword. I love all the fancy movements Bradley had to learn for the role of Arthur
Merlin moaning Arthur's name pt2
Merlin tries to warn Arthur that it's a trap in his sleep
"Who are you!"
"The last face you'll ever see"
Merlin moans Arthurs name pt3
"Do not let Merlin die because of something I did"
Arthur is willing to be put into the stocks for a month if it means Merlin gets the antidote
Arthur reaching for the flower through the bars of his cell
The way they snuck the flower out of the cell
"That's disgusting, you would be ashamed of yourself you're old enough to be her grandfather"
"I'm proud of you Arthur, never forget that"
Arthur went to check in on Merlin to make sure he was doing ok
"Arthur....thank you"
"You too, get some rest"
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infinitywrites · 9 months
I Didn't Expect You Part 3 ~ Conrad Fisher
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(Part 2) (Masterlist) (Part 4)
synopsis: Y/N never expected it to be the summer that everything changed. Conrad, Belly and Steven were all dealing with the consequences of recent break ups while Jeremiah's wasn't acting like himself. Susannah was undergoing treatment that provided unpredictable health results and kept her loved ones on the edge of tragedy. Had they drained the well of the magic of Cousin's beach? Or could something new fulfil it again?
warnings: multichapter slow burn, warnings will update with every chapter, timeline is both POST S2 and a retelling of S2 with changes, everyone swears A LOT, 4th of July party, THIRST, Cam Cameron, Taylor Jewel, Nicole (sorry to this Queen), Gigi, Marisa and girlfriend, Dara, Conrad's friend Danny (made this character into my own thing), hints of Belly/Jeremiah, I don't know shit about sports
word count: 4,058
You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I, I, I can see ya, do ya?
But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you
It was finally here; the reason we'd all come back to Cousin's this summer at all. Susannah's famous 4th of July party was underway in all its glory despite the setbacks of the past year. Everyone had spent the day before running errands and putting up decorations, preparing appetizers and double checking the rest of the seafood catering while the woman of the hour sat on her chaise lounge and orchestrated it all to perfection. I barely talked to Belly and Steven that day let alone Conrad but it wasn't awkward when we were sent on a few errands together or standing side by side chopping veggies again. We all had a common purpose and it felt good. The five of us joined Belly on her night swim before bed that night to clean off the remnants of a productive day.
I pulled out my black swimsuit from the top drawer the next morning and was stopped in the doorway to the bedroom by Belly. "What is that?"
I looked at her for a second, confused before answering, "I'm gonna change into my suit after I shower." I attempted to leave again but she wouldn't move. Belly shook her head and muttered a handful of no no no's. I sighed dramatically, "What's your issue, girly?"
"Why did we go shopping for new bikinis if you aren't gonna wear yours? I learned about complimenting colours for you and look!" She rushed into the bedroom, pulled out the purple one that Taylor had treated her to for her birthday and the coral one hidden at the bottom of my top drawer. Belly held them up together to show me and I could tell she was moments from an adolescent tantrum. "Come on, it's the 4th and they're so pretty! Don't make me do it alone."
"Wear your Speedo with me then!"
"If you brought a cuter one piece, I'd compromise but you only brought two suits and only one of them is cute." She shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world and she's biding her time until I gave in.
She wasn't not wrong but that doesn't mean I made it easy for her. "What has Taylor done to you? We're here for less than a week, what do I need more suits for?"
"For the party, Y/N! You brought this one for the party so don't back down now."
I took the first step and grabbed it from her hands at least as I contemplated. "I feel kinda slutty…"
Belly translated, "Which means you look hot in it, amazing. I agree."
"Who are you right now?"
"Make sure you tell Taylor, she's gonna be so proud of me." She turned away from me to rustle through her drawers and assemble her outfit.
"Belly. It's a family party."
"Other people will be there! Jere said Cam's coming, Dara, Marisa and her girlfriend and then Conrad said something about Danny too. I invited Nicole but she said she wasn't sure and then my dad should be here with Taylor any minute. Lots of people not related to us." She wasn't even looking at me anymore and I didn't know if she'd just gotten good at this or she'd realized that she'd always had me wrapped around her little finger.
I sighed, "If I bring this with me, can I please shower now?"
Belly tosses the next words over her shoulder, mood changed on a dime from her dramatic pout. "Hurry up! Everyone will be here soon."
I groaned dramatically to try and get a final rise out of her but she was in her own world, discovering the perfect holiday fit.
Taylor did congratulate Belly when she arrived even when I insisted I hadn't made my mind up yet on what I was wearing under my dress. It was fun getting ready with the girls again, trading new makeup hacks and exchanging jewelry and shoes like we'd always done in the summers. There were last minute adjustments to our outfits only caught by an objective opinion. We'd all decided that red, white and blue was out this year and we committed to pink, purple and green instead. Taylor said they were meant to stand out and own it. I just always hated red against my skin tone.
I was the last one to get downstairs to greet Uncle John and the 'debs' as we affectionately called them since last summer. Susannah was set up on the outdoor couch in a floppy white sun hat and linen set that made her look like she should be vacationing in someone more tropical. The group of us had perfected the unspoken rotation of checking in with her, refilling her drink or keeping her snacks stocked. She seemed quite happy to lay around and watch the party unfold before her eyes.
Belly dropped her jaw in a silent scream when she saw me in my coral bikini covered up by my sheer white cover dress and squealed as she clapped her hands together, "See? Compromise!"
I just rolled my eyes and prayed no one was paying attention to her insanity. "Yeah, yeah. You look cute too." Her and Taylor were the cut off shorts sisters and they worked it.
The food was incredible, the decorations held up in the breeze and it seemed like we'd pulled it off. We'd managed a normal but perfect set up for Susannah's favourite holiday.
"I probably shouldn't have fucked Liam Meyer again but other than that hot girl summer is a go." The group of girls were sitting by the pool, dipping their feet in or laid back in the lounge chairs while Steven and Jeremiah were already swimming around and dunking each other. I'd always liked Nicole for the most part (if I forgot about her nasty revenge streak) but I would have liked to know less about her sex life. I was the only one though because the rest of the girls were giggling and eager to hear more stories from her.
Belly agreed, "I hear you. I swore to myself I wouldn't get tied down this summer."
Nicole looked surprised but impressed and Taylor smiled at Belly happily, "She's branching out from the Fisher family this year, right Cinderbelly?"
Belly shoved her arm and looked around to see if anyone heard. "Shut up! But…yeah, I guess."
"Good for you, girl. No need to settle for one summer boy when there's lots to choose from…at this party alone." Marisa's eyes were across the pool where Cam Cameron and Danny walked into the yard and waved their hellos around. The girl's attention was distracted by them for a moment.
Belly laughs, "I meant more like eating as much ice cream as I wanted and skipping shaving my legs a few days in a row."
Nicole looks at her friends before nodding, "I mean…that's cute too."
"Hot girl summer can mean whatever you want, Bells." I couldn't hold it back but tried to keep my tone as light as possible and Taylor shot me a grateful smile.
Nicole looked right at me like I must have read her mind, "Exactly. Mine just means the sampling platter of the finest dick that Cousin's Beach has to offer."
Her eyes focused over my shoulder and her mischievous smile grew as she spoke. The girls facing her way giggled loudly and I turned to look at what they saw. It was all the guys climbing out of the pool, looking fucking good because of course they did. I wasn't completely oblivious no matter what Taylor thought. Except Steven because gross but he was definitely being looked at by everyone that wasn't his blood relative. Conrad must have come out of hiding too because there he was, right in the middle of the group pushing the wet hair out of his eyes and laughing at something his friend said. Danny Wilder, who was tall and broad and looking damn good this summer.
I didn't even notice how my head tipped to the side until Taylor smacked my arm and gasped a wicked laugh. "OhmiGod, she's human after all!"
I laughed, "Shut up! You know what? Apparently I'm the only one with balls too." I got up and shrugged my shoulders at them before making a beeline to refill my drink and grab two towels before I spotted Cam and gently hip checked him to get his attention.
He was talking to Danny but quickly flashed his wide smile, "YN!"
I handed them each a towel and smiled back. Danny muttered a quick thanks before being dragged away by Conrad. I thought I heard him complain about why he didn't get towel service. I refocused my attention, "I'm so glad you came."
"Me too. Mrs. Fisher hosts the best parties."
"Good to know you're still as smart as you are sweet." He blushes and smiles. I stepped a bit closer to him and lowered my voice so hopefully he'd be the only one to hear. "Hey, I hope this isn't weird but I didn't get a chance to say anything after you and Belly–"
The poor guy looked so worried for a second, "Oh, that's totally cool now. Belly and I are good."
"No, that's what I mean. You were so great to her in every way and when– Just as someone who loves her and worries about her, you couldn't have handled that situation better. So thank you."
He shrugs as his smile spreads across his face again. "Ah, I got a good mom."
"Never change, Cam Cameron." I held his forearm gently and shook him in the mock threat.
"I'll remember that, Y/N. Thanks."
I nodded, "Can I get you anything? There's frozen virgin margaritas this time."
That sparked his interest. "Oh, actually…"
"Right? My idea and I'm very proud." I walked him over to the drinks table and swore I could feel a prickling on my neck. I looked over my shoulder to check my surroundings but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
The gang started to mingle a bit more after I broke the ice and I saw Cam giggling at something Dara said, Taylor and Steven were essentially beating each other up and if it wasn't so quintessentially them I might have worried. Jeremiah was sitting next to Belly on a lounge chair, trying to cheer her up no doubt. He'd always had a sixth sense for when she needed it most and he'd perfected how to make her smile. He was holding her hands in his lap and her smile was starting to light her face back up. I was smiling at the display when I went to find my own seat and got a glimpse of Nicole trailing her fingers up and down Conrad's abs. I took back what I thought earlier; she had steel ones.
Danny glanced in my direction and we exchanged quick smiles before he looked back at Conrad, who didn't look as happy about Nicole's bold moves as I expected. Next thing I knew, Danny was leaning against the table in front of me and when I looked back in Conrad's direction, he was shooting daggers of betrayal through his eyes at his friend who'd abandoned him. Danny Wilder was either stone cold or completely oblivious.
"Hey." Definitely oblivious if I judged that sweet smile correctly.
"Hi." I couldn't help but smile back again.
"I just, uh, wanted to say thank you for the towel. I didn't know your hostess skills were at the 'anticipation of needs' level." Just when the smile was drifting off my face, it came back with a vengeance.
"I mean, I was taught by the best." I gestured towards Susannah on her couch throne and noticed Conrad looking over his shoulder at us with a look of bewildered disgust. He was such a fucking drama queen and all it really made me want to do was flirt with his cute friend more.
Danny's focus was steadfast, unlike my own and it was exhilarating. He deserved my undivided attention. "That's true. You could pass it down the family line or charge for your services."
My eyes narrowed but the smile didn't leave my face, "You wanna pay me to bring you a towel?"
He paused and contemplated, "Yeah, that sounded way better in my head." The thing about Danny was that he was smart, as smart as Conrad or Steven but he wasn't trying to prove anything. If he said something stupid, his ego was never bruised and he was the first one to laugh at himself, not unlike sweet Cam Cameron who embraced his awkwardness and seemed to grow more into his own confidence every day.
I decided to throw him a bone, "How's school?"
He took a deep breath, "It's…a lot but I knew that going in. I mean, I love it so…"
"You're lucky." The sincerity between us was refreshing. Conversations with him had always been easy.
"Actually, I'm playing a little around Cousin's if you wanna come check it out. Conrad's supposed to play backup if he decides to get off his ass this summer." The idea piqued my interest. I could never call myself a baseball fan but baseball players…
"I never agreed to that!" At the mention of his name, Conrad yelled his interruption and practically galloped over to where we stood.
He claimed his territory by slinging his arm around Danny's shoulders and plastering on a smile that didn't reach his eyes right in my direction. "Besides, what the fuck are you guys talking about me for? I thought you were flirting."
We were embarrassed for exactly two seconds before we exchanged exasperated gestures at Conrad's fuckery. Danny shoved him and I rolled my eyes, "Fuck off, bro."
Conrad laughed in his direction, "Jeez, sorry. Y/N is leaving on Monday anyway. So too bad, so sad."
Danny's face falls in disappointment, "Shit, really? I thought you guys usually stayed for the summer."
I shrugged and regretted the short term plans for the first time since I'd gotten there. "Yeah, it's just been a busy year."
Danny nodded in understanding and Conrad looked between us before shouting at the top of his lungs, "Who's down for chicken?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "You hate chicken." Everyone around them was hooting and hollering in agreement.
"No, you hate chicken. Let's go!" His crazy eyes had gotten out of control and I wasn't convinced he didn't suggest it just to piss me off. So I sat down on the pool's edge in protest and Danny asked if he could join me. We watched the first few rounds and I decided it was a way better game to watch than to play. No bruises on your arms or thighs from overzealous team members and I could even stay dry if I wanted.
Taylor tried to claim Steven at one point but he dodged her, "Not this time, Taylor. I want a fighting chance." He swam over to my direction and I sighed. He smiled expectantly, "Come here, you."
"You know I'm not good at this game."
"You're better than Taylor."
Taylor splashed him, "I can't believe you're being mean right now." She swam away and I resigned myself to my fate.
Steven splashed Taylor back but he was too close to Danny and we got sprayed . "Shit! I'm an idiot, sorry guys." I stood up to take my cover dress off before I slid into the pool. I saw Danny wave Steven off as he laughed.
I splashed him back gently and smiled, "It's fine. Go ask Cam if he's down."
"Oh, excellent idea."
I shouldn't have been surprised that it ended up being a chicken tournament in the end. There were too many varsity athletes at this party. Belly and Conrad alone could have been the driving competitive force so when I kicked him in the chest on accident, he said he was making it his mission to take me out. Jeremiah and Belly were a formidable team which surprised no one no matter how much shit his brother gave him. The teams weren't set at first but the strongest pairs stuck together after a while. Cam and Dara bowed out early due to weak arms and bad balance, their words, but they were giggling when they admitted it. Belly was determined to get Marisa and her girlfriend, Sarah eliminated as soon as possible which took a while but in true Conklin fashion, was a success. Taylor had abandoned the whole thing for snacks and I was so jealous.
Next up was Conrad and Nicole against Steven and I and as much as I wanted to do my best for Steven, expectations were low. Cam had taken up the mantle of announcer while Danny handled the scoreboard and refereeing. Nicole and I climbed onto the boys shoulders and looked at each other to exchange a friendly smile.
"Ooh! Here, let me help you with that." Nicole brushed Conrad's wet bangs from his forehead and he muttered a thanks. It looked like him and Steven were having a silent conversation.
"I thought you quit football last year, Con? I swear I've got more wiggle room up here than last year." She then made her point by wiggling her hips in place. The stones.
My brows raised against my will, I stifled a chuckle and tried to cover the reaction by joining in, "Funny, I think you lost weight, Stevie."
"If you think I won't dunk you right now…" Steven threatened as Conrad laughed at his expense.
Cam made his round announcement and read off the current score from Danny's phone. I squared myself on Steven's shoulders and took a deep breath while the boys shit talked until it got ridiculous.
"I'm gonna make you hate this game even more than you already do, Y/N!" Conrad spat and I just stared back at him for a second before I heard Cam yell 'GO!'.
I almost had that shit in the bag, Steven laughing maniacally, and Conrad must have known it too because all of the sudden when Nicole was starting to tip, I was distracted by a ticklish feeling on the bottoms of my feet under the water. I tried to squirm away while concentrating on the game but ultimately, I squirmed right off Steven's shoulders and into the water.
"What the fuck, Y/N?" Steven exclaimed in defeat and went to complain to Danny and Cam.
"You fucking cheater…" I came up from the water and spluttered. Conrad was laughing and high fiving Nicole.
Next thing I knew he was holding his hand out to me, "Come 'ere. I'll try and give you a fighting chance. You're embarrassing yourself at this point."
I scoffed at his offer, "Fuck off, I took Taylor down!"
I had no intention of replacing Nicole on his team but he grabbed me around the middle and dragged me along with him as he nodded placatingly, "There's the energy we need! Keep that up."
I wondered if Nicole had told him she wanted an out because when I looked around the pool I saw her getting out entirely.
Conrad whistled, "Jere! You and me, let's go. Pick your best fighter." The fucker wasn't wrong and we did beat Belly and Jeremiah. It was the first time I knocked Belly off balance but I still didn't know what Nicole was talking about, Conrad wasn't any bigger or stronger this summer. There were better ways to hit on him.
In the end, the championship went to Belly and Jeremiah even after mine and Conrad's temporary victory. They both shoved it in Conrad's face mercilessly and I couldn't help but enjoy every second. He called me a traitor when I wasn't shy about how much joy it gave me to see him lose even if I was right there along with him. Luckily it didn't trigger a bad mood like it might have done a few years prior and we all celebrated with crab legs and cake.
I was tossing my paper plate into the trash when Danny found me again equipped with puppy dog eyes, "I feel bad."
"Cause I lost the chicken tournament? Don't. Conrad's the one who needs someone to help nurse his war wounds." I nodded in his direction where he was chugging a margarita.
Danny looked back at him and chuckled softly, "Oh, believe me I know."
Conrad called from a few feet away, "I'm still pissed at you for dropping the ball!"
His focus turned back to me, "But that's not why. You asked me about school and that idiot interrupted before I could reciprocate. So are you excited? Stanford, right?"
I was surprised he remembered. "Good memory. I'm excited, I'm just also…trying not to think about it at all, you know? I don't wanna freak myself out."
"Oh, no. Believe me. That's smart. It's a lot of pressure and you gotta move to the west coast on top of everything." He nodded and blew out a breath.
I narrowed my eyes as my smile grew, "Are you saying, hot shot pitcher destined to go pro, Danny Wilder, was nervous about starting at Northeastern?"
Danny blushed and it looked good against his tan skin. He tried to laugh through it but before he could respond Conrad poked his head between us again. It was inevitable.
"Did he tell you that he sweat through his new uniform in the first practice?" Danny's shoulders slumped as his head turned towards Conrad's grin. "Honestly, bro, you should probably get that checked out."
I just focused my gaze at the grass for a moment before I tore into Conrad again. But it wasn't necessary.
Danny squared his shoulders as he looked at his friend, "You're just pissed because you gave up your football scholarship and went pre med instead. Not to mention your fastball was always a half second behind mine." Danny shrugged at his expense and I saw the moment Conrad froze. He scoffed and pushed his friend too hard to pretend it was a joke anymore.
My eyes closed as I sighed and I was treated to the sight of poor Danny's bewildered face when I opened them, calling out to his friend. "Connie, come on, man…"
We watched him stalk back into the house. "Ignore him. He's been like that for a while."
Danny was still focused on Conrad's path, "Do you think…? He knows he's a great ball player. I swear, I say that shit to him all the time."
I did my best to reassure him, "I know. You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
He finally looked back at me and sighed. "Okay. Only because you said so."
"Wow. Some power I have." The spirit of our back and forth had lost most of its momentum.
"I'd say but uh, could you go check on him anyway? Maybe I'm just soft but I'm gonna feel shitty until he comes back and I think you could convince him." His brown eyes were pleading and it was so unfair. He was pulling a Steven.
I scoffed a laugh and meant to say under my breath, "Why does everyone think I'm the Conrad whisperer all of a sudden?"
Danny furrowed his brow in confusion, "Sorry?"
I mentally slapped myself out of my own thoughts and nodded in his direction. There was no way I was ever getting out of this. "Only because you're such a good friend. He barely deserves you."
The sincerity in his voice was so pure it hurt. "Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment…I think." A real smile came out at the end and it brought out mine too.
"You should."
"If it helps, tell him I'm an idiot and his arm was always better than mine." Danny pauses for a moment, "Which isn't true but…" He made a shushing gesture and I laughed softly.
"Yeah, not a chance. I draw the line at inflating his ego."
His eyebrow quirked up, "But not mine?"
I debated with myself for a moment, "Uh, to be determined, I guess."
Danny hummed, "Okay. Good luck."
The laugh that escaped my lips wasn't as sincere as he was as I focused on the sliding door, "I'm gonna need it."
author's note: I hope you enjoyed part 1 of 4th of July! I ended up having to cut in half but that means part 4 is coming so soon! I'm making shit up about sports and other things I don't know a lot about in this fic and I've accepted it so I hope you can join me 😅. Thank you again for the support 💙💚💛🧡. Reply with comments and let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist. If you'd like to ask me about any upcoming chapter warnings you wanna be warned of ahead of time (angst? 18+ smut?) then come visit my blog with any questions and I'll be happy to answer!
taglist: @c4rpediem-s @jackierose902109 @lcvecstiel @h0t-as-h3ll @stylesxroyalty @fandom-addict404
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u10como · 2 months
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Prince Isaac was nervous.
He fully supported the peace treaty with the Elven kingdom and knew it was needed, but he wasn't thrilled about being used as his father's bargaining chip. The war was now reaching its 800th year, which meant even the elves went through several generations since it started any nobody really remembered the true reason - elves blamed humans, humans blamed elves - the usual. But nobody can wage a war forever - if not for economic reasons then for the sheer fact it starts to seem meaningless after several decades of largely no progress in either of the side's favor.
King Langdon III, Isaac's father, decided to make his name in the annals of his kingdom as the great peacemaker. He could drive the final blow to the elven kingdom if he decided so - after all, during the rules of Kings Horatio I, Langdon II and especially Tiberius V, Isaac's grandfather and Langdon III's father, the humans made several great breakthroughs in technology, which allowed them to take the upper hand over the elves - firearms exceeding the range of elven bows, steam powered siege engines impervious to any weapon crafted by elven smiths, even flying machines, soaring far above the reach of best elven archers. But King Langdon III felt his people were growing tired of the contstant state of war and suspected the elves might feel the same. Actually, he knew if he was in the place of Auberon IV, the king of elves, he would beg for a peace treaty long ago - but he also knew the elves were too proud, perhaps even foolhardy to accept one-sided defeat. Thus, king Langdon III offered a mutual peace treaty between the kingdoms, which, to prince Isaac's annoyance, pivoted around royal wedding between human prince and elven princess.
Prince Isaac however felt like he isn't prepared to get married, even less so for complete stranger He knew elven women were considered very beautiful, but none of the elven women he ever saw before was up to his tastes. Not only were they usually much taller than him, but prince Isaac had sort of peculiar taste when it came to women. He never admitted that, because he felt ashamed of it but he was really attracted to women missing limbs. But from what he knew, elves were always perfect. He remembered hearing a tale of Elven warrior who survived being banished to deep woods centuries ago and lived with human lumberjack, but nobody ever saw living, breathing elf with missing limbs ever since - even in the face of total annihilation, the elves kep their bigoted views and their permanently injured soldiers were still sacrificed to keep up the aura of their race's flawless perfection. No - he was destined to marry not for love, but for politics. What does it matter if she was a woman of race which appeared physically perfect in everyone else's eyes: To him, that argument was hollow. Yet, being a gentleman, he still felt the need to introduce himself - she was their honored guest and, if everything goes according to plan, they were going to spend the rest of their lives with one another, so getting to know her can't hurt.
Knocking at the elven princess' chamber door, he heard her answer in weak, timid, yet melodic voice: "C... come in!" As he opened the door, prince Isaac was thoroughly surprised by the appearance of his future wife: She was beautiful, yet not in the expectable elven manner: She was slightly shorter than him, with beautifully rounded hips completely unlike any elf he ever saw before. She had jet black hair and shy expression of a trapped doe, trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Greetings, i'm prince Isaac, your... ahem... future husband? pleased to meet you..." he approached her with outstretched hand." "Oh... Hello, my Lord... i'm Delia... she replied, turning her eyes to him. As she saw his hand, a panic appeared briefly in her eyes before she timidly rose her right foot and took Isaac's hand in it. At thet moment Isaac noticed - Delia had no arms - her outfit should have made that detail apparent, but Isaac never expected elven princess to lack any appendage, let alone both arms at her shoulders. Gently squeezing her foot, he kissed her ankle to Delia's surprise. "I'm sorry, my Lord i am... This..." she said... "My father thought he will get rid of the family shame i am and be free to marry off my beautiful sisters to the counts of elven colonies across the sea, but if you send me back i'm sure you can negotiate an exchange for one of them..." "No!" said Isaac perhaps too sharply, startling Delila. "How could i do that? You're our honored guest, and if your family doesn't treat you well it's even more so our duty to keep you safe with us!" "But my father treats me well! He loves me! He kept me alive in secret despite the fact i was born... damaged - is there a greater sign of love?" "Delia... you are not damaged. To me, you are more beautiful than any woman i ever saw - human or elven. I would never return you back - even less so now that i know how you were treated - Yes, you might consider it a kindness on your father's part and i've no doubt he genuinely thought so too, but even so, sending you back to this life would be cruel. Here, you can be free - go wherever you want, meet whoever you wish, not hidden out of sight because of some preposterous superiority complex your father refuses to let go of." "You... you want to marry me, then, my Lord?" "Please, drop the lord, Delia, i'm Isaac." "So you want to marry me... Isaac?" "I always imagined i would marry for love, not for political machinations. But that's something you and i can work on together, but only if you want to marry me, Delia?." "I would love to, Isaac!"
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 10 months
Home Run
A short and sweet blurb about Brooklyn at the kickball game!
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While you and baby Aaliyah stayed home and out of the summer heat, Jack was excited to spend the day with Brooklyn at the Homies Celebrity Kickball game. She had no idea what kickball was, so they spent most of the morning talking about it over breakfast. When she heard that Urban and her other uncles were going to be there she was excited, and the sport didn't even matter.
As soon as they arrived, fans were calling for Jack, asking for pictures and autographs. Brooklyn wasn't phased as she was used to the crowds at Jack's concerts and events she was allowed to attend.
"Yes, baby?" Jack looked down at Brooklyn as he finished an autograph for a fan, his daughter pulling on his jersey.
"I can't play. I don't have a jerby." She looked down at her own outfit, realizing she wasn't dressed like her dad or Uncle Urban.
"I've got one for your right here, chickadee." Urban walked over with the smallest size he could find of their white jersey, putting it on Brooklyn, laughing when the hem still dusted against the ground, completely covering her little body. He made a couple knots on each side so she could at least run. "Now you're ready to go."
"Thank you Uncle Urby. Now I'm ready to play!"
"Do you remember what we practiced?" Urban bent down to Brooklyn's level, looking at her over his sunglasses. "What do you do once you kick the ball?"
"Run like hell!" Brooklyn jumped up and down, earning a high five from Urban. "That's my girl." He picked her up, walking her over to the home plate. Everyone on the field had an understanding that Brooklyn was guaranteed a home run, but she didn't have to know that.
Jack walked up behind her, preparing to kick the ball for her, trying to protect her from getting hit. "Do you want me to help you kick, Brookie?"
She looked up at Jack, rolling her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest like his question was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard. "No, I don't want help."
Jack backed off, his hands in the air in surrender. "Alright, big girl." He motioned to the pitcher to pitch the ball low and slow so she at least had a chance to kick it.
Brooklyn gave it her best effort to kick the ball as it came to her, her kick hard enough to get it past the plate.
"Run, B, Run!" Urban called out to her, and Brooklyn took off running toward first base, her little legs moving as fast as they could.
Jack kicked the ball further down the field before the opposing team could get to it, jogging behind her. He could see her start to slow down, so he picked her up under the arms, carrying her toward second base. He handed her off to Urban, who took off with Brooklyn, rounding third base, before he put her down again.
"C'mon, let's go!" He encouraged her as she ran the rest of the way into home. She was met with high fives from both teams and cheers from the crowd, a big smile on her face as she jumped up and down.
"I did it, daddy!"
"You did so good, B!" Jack swept her into his arms.
"I ran like hell like Uncle Urby told me too!", she giggled, so proud of her accomplishment.
"You sure did baby!" Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "When mama finds out he told you that, Uncle Urby is gonna be in big trouble."
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