#I'm literally in the middle of writing a fanfic about this rn
thottybrucewayne · 8 months
Yall know that Jason isn't 100 percent in the right and his methods aren't like, rational, right? Even if he was just murdering predators and people who deal drugs to children, he really didn't have any plans on what to do about the aftermath. The fall out of that. It's one of the most annoying things about Jason being written by a ton of middle-aged white men with shit politics, Jason is never really shown at that point to understand that his methods aren't really doing anything to help the people of Gotham. That aggravates me because, as a child who grew up on the streets of Gotham you'd think he'd be more knowledgeable about the way crime happens, why it happens, and how to help the victims of said crimes best. Yeah, he killed those child traffickers, but what about the kids? You can kill the drug dealers but that won't stop the flow of drugs into the community esp when cops are heavily involved in the selling of drugs within low-income communities. The issues with Jason's "war on crime" are as glaringly obvious as Bruce's in that they prioritize punishment and putting bandaids on bullet wounds for lack of a better word. The care they offer is temporary and comes with limitations, in Bruce's case it's charity instead of mutual aid. With Jason, it's him leaving the aftermath of his killing an abuser or a predator to other people. In Red Hood the lost days, (fuck Judd Winick btw), Talia mentioned that Jason killed half his teachers because of the things they did (spoilers it's a lot of awful shit) and it seemed like he was covering his tracks, and I think that She was right. If Jason was really all that concerned about the things that these people were doing, he would have gone out of his way to ensure their victims' safety but he doesn't even think about it. The victims and survivors aren't mentioned past what was done to them. They're presented as just the reason for Jason's methods and not people in their own right. TLDR: Acting like either Jason or Bruce is 100 percent in the wrong or in the right is wrong because they're both being written by comic writers who have a pretty rudimentary understanding of poverty, drug use, and crime and everyone would benefit from sitting down and reading some theory I think.
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vrmxlho · 2 years
Hi can you write some fluff headcanons of gokurakugai characters ? Maybe their S/O taking care of them when they come home from work? Especially with Yoru, Alma, Tao,
There's like no content of gokurakugai 😭
you are so right we 100% need more content cuz every fanfic or scenario abt them is all in my head and i think i’m going insane 😭😭 ALSO ALMA MY LOVE MY WHOLE BLOG IS DEDICATED TO HIM, PRETTY BABY, if anyone is seeing this go read gokurakugai rn, this isn’t a request it’s an order 👿 +++ is this even what you meant by the request??? i have 0 reading comprehension skills
cw: not proofread + swearing + bad english because i'm sleepy >:(
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this man oh my lord
he could have literally had the most peaceful night of his life but when he gets home he makes a huge deal about it just to get kisses and hugs
he loves when you baby him
could come home with a single scratch on his hand but he will milk the shit out of
he always asks for kisses wherever he's hurt
he tells you that they're the only antidote to the pain he feels
you actually have no idea what he does since he's so mysterious but you're always worried because of the ungodly hours he comes back at
one day you just started inspecting his body in the shower and you were surprised by how many scratches and strange bruises there were and from then on you never left his side
you always have ice packs and heating pads at home to throw at him whenever he's complaining
though you do love hugging him and cuddling
most of the time to 'take care' of him all you do is give him back rubs which ends with you on his lap making out with him
although he always comes home in middle of the night and leaves early in the morning he always falls asleep after you because he wants to make sure you're not stressing too much
his personal philosophy is "holding hands saves lives" and he lives by it
always holding your hands because he had a "long day"
technically, length-wise, he did...
but he was really just walking around strangling people so
acts like he's dying so he can get your attention
actually pathetic (affectionate)
"y/n, i can feel myself slipping away." he was lying on the sofa dramatically. eyes closed, legs slightly falling off the edge and his hand on his head. he didn't notice you watching him and when he opened his eyes to check if you were paying attention, your gazes locked. he quickly turned away of course, and let out a theatrical sigh. "y/n please." you had diverted your attention for about one second because the soup you were making was making gross bubbly noises and you wanted to turn the gas off, but yoru needed you all to himself. he looked cute here. his face a bit flushed because he really did have a fever. his hair was a mess and his long body was flopped in an uncomfortable position in order to leave some space for you. you poured the soup into a small bowl and walked up to him. "my arms hurt." "i'm not going to feed you." he pouted. "i guess i won't eat then." rolling your eyes, you placed yourself on the sofa, took a spoonful of soup, blew a bit on it and motioned it his open mouth. it felt good being next to him. at least you could make sure he was safe. he could be calm with you. he could finally rest.
ALMA アルマ
he’s always late from work cuz he's a hard working baby
but even if he does come back at ungodly hours he always manages to bring food with him
and it's always your favs
somehow he has food from your favourite restaurant that closed down two years ago and who's chef was imprisoned for arson?????
what does this man do...
the second he gets home you're checking to see if he's fine and if he's going to need emergency iron tablets from blood loss
he hates when you do that because he feels like it's his duty to take care of you and that if you're the one doing the caring he's failed in some way
so he always brushes you off and tells you to go to sleep because its 03:41!!
it takes a bit, nay, a lot of insisting for him to finally let you take care of him
so the first thing you do is have a shower, washing his back and giving him head massages while he tells you about his day
checking over his chest because you're worried he's hurt and telling him to shut up when he laughs at how much you care
he tells you he would do blood tests everyday if you were the one examining him
if he ever comes back even slightly hurt you'll scold him for being careless and then give him kisses, telling him you'd die if anything happens to him
that made him want to try even harder and make sure you were never sad or scared
kindest baby, my actual husband
if for some reason he's come home without food and you're hungry he will cook for you, he's been helping out at auntie's just to be able to please you
what a man
"alma dear, there's no need to cook we can just go to the convenience store!" "convenience store? i'm not letting you eat that..." "babe about 1/2 of your meals are from the convenience store. you must be tired, i know how much you work..." "you take care of me every night, let me do something for you for once." he had stopped dicing the onions. both of your eyes were stinging but alma could be very stubborn when he wanted to be. he set down the knife, slightly patted his hands on his apron and pulling you in by the waist. "i really appreciate everything you do for me, you know. but i feel bad for making you worry so much." "don't feel bad alma, i love you." to this he pulled you into a tight hug and all you could do was put your arms around his neck. he smelled like a mixture of blood and soap. he felt warm but you could feel the tiredness in the hug. you wanted to sedate him so he would actually take a fucking break. "alma i swear to god, if you do let me take care of you i'm going to shove this knife into you." "it wouldn't be so bad if you did it." you hate how he made you blush even when he was a blink from deep sleep. i guess it can't be helped. he would never allow you to be the caregiver, so you might as well accept all the love he was giving right?
TAO タオ
there i said it
not even a potential mother, she is THE mother
barely gets hurt because she's so cool and hot like that
you're always worried though, because you know she's the type to get into dangerous situations and misjudge or underestimate them
however, she never allows you to take care of her, she's gruff and reserved most of the time, even if she loves you very dearly
but after whining about how much you wanted to baby her she'll stop resisting as much
she'll allow you to make her meals
mostly because she can't be bothered but also because she loves tasting the love in your food
she'll reward you with kisses and massages
even when she's the one who's sore and in need of massages
she sort of projects her needs onto you because she's like a mum
(please come home tao, the kids miss you)
though she is very obedient when you order her to eat, or to sleep on time
she lets you fix her wounds up and undress her when she's really tired (not always in a sexual way)
if she ever thinks you're paying her too much attention though she will straight up tell you to calm down and assure you that she's fine
she feels really bad for making you worry
but deep down she really enjoys the attention
not that she'd ever admit it
"you're back tao! what do you want for dinner?" "nothing honestly, alma and i already ate." "oh." you hated when she did this. yes this was so you could rest with her. and yes, it meant more cuddles and warm hugs. but you really wanted to take care of her. be motherly. so you gave her a pout and pleading puppy dog eyes. to this she raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "this won't work. let's just go to bed." "you will sit here and you will have dinner with me." she did as you said. she sat down with a huff and rested her head in her hand as you cooked away in front of her. it was nice and silent, the quietness was comforting. but you also wanted to hear about her day. listen to her rants and such. "so...tell me about your day." "it's really late dear, let's just sleep. i'll tell you tomorrow." "oh come on you always say that." "promise." you set down your plate, turning back to her. "i'm in middle of cooking, stop being rude." "fine..." the night passed slowly. somehow she ended up putting on some music and while you waited for the food to be done cooking you danced. you held her in your arms for she was exhausted. you loved it like this. in the arms of the one you loved. where you both would be safe, and cared for.
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alkiii1w · 1 year
Pact Marks<3
summery: where the demon brothers pact marks are n how they would kiss it/why they would kiss it ig?? idk how to explain this help. i did this based off of their animals btw also i kept it simple
genre: fluff
tw: not proof read, i wrote this within a hour and right before bed + i posted it a day after so SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! i would write indivual fanfics for this but i'm literally so sleepy rn
i didn't expect so many people wanting this?? also english isnt my first language, please be nice!! on some, i used their animals as ref cause i couldnt genuiely think of anything
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Extra info - the pact mark swould be faint to the naked eye but to the owner of the pact marks, oh boy.. They see it clearer than day.
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Lucifer - As the eldest and the avatar of delight, I feel like his pact mark would sit on the very top, the highest mark on your frame. Maybe a touch pattern of a peacock's feather on your forehead or a diamond shape much like his nested on your forehead. He would leave quick but warm kiss on it before you go to school or while your sleeping. Lucifer loves kissing you here because demons are tall, way taller than an average human. He doesn't have to bend over a lot and can just kiss you quickly and lovingly.
Mammon - For Mammon, there are multiple viable locations. The again of your hand or on your spine. The back of your hand would be a raven feather, it's darkish. But, on sunny days, it'd shine like gold. On your backbone, it would withal be a raven feather however the little strands of the feather are composed of sharp claws in case you appearance proximately. Mammon would kiss the back of your hand and hold it regularly as it just offers him a warm feeling while he's contacting his pact mark. He would kiss your spine to make you flustered, as an instance when you're showering together or your changing. The cool contact of his lips sends shivers down your spine.
Leviathan - His would be on your neck, a serpent. Like a choker but within the shape of a snake. It wraps around your neck consummately, the head nesting at the middle of your neck and the tail either exactly ceasing at its mouth or the top overlapping the tail. Leviathan adores it when you let him burrow his head in your neck and pepper short kisses as you spoon him.
Satan - Satans pact mark is 100% on your coller bones. You can not convince me in any other case. if you asked him, "whats your favored a part of me?" He'd say coller bones. His pact mark is long and simple nearly like whilst your looking at someone read a book and you see squiggly traces on that book. however, his pact mark has some vines coming out then and there. each hazard he gets, he's going to kiss your collarbones. He loves your coller bones for no apparent reason. (He's just weird like that btw)
Asmodeus - Either a womb tattoo or a tramp stamp. He would path kisses from the womb to your lips or kiss your the tramp stamp similar to Mammon, to tease you. Asmodeus will put his hand ontop of his percent mark to experience the warm temperature of it. With the mark to your womb, he'd lay his head there as you read a book or play some games on your DDD.
Beelzebub - I feel like it'd be near your lips or at the tip of your tongue. Additionally maybe to your arm. A tree connecting a number of your tastebuds with the branches to spreading out to either side, it is now not tiny however not honestly massive either. it's at the tip of your tongue, he loves kissing you and sucking your tongue. On your arm it's a tree too but larger than the one on your tongue and it has a little fly next to it.
Belphegor - i'm sorry but i have no idea about him LMAO i think his would be on your cheek or your chest. Where he can lazily kiss in his sleep or before his sleep.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
Just reread almost alll of your titans ‘cause I saw that the brain rot was seeping in again and UGH I forgot how much i loved those ficssss!! In the middle of No Place Like Home rn and it’s doing a total number on me omg
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omg I am so glad!!!
the brainrot is definitely seeping in again. honestly, it's like Titans is my house. every other fandom is like a cute little vacation or visiting a friend's house, but Titans is MY FUCKING HOUSE. Jaycen said that I make Titans feel like a world he can be invited into, and like I make the characters feel like real people 'because I know them so well' and it's like YES I DO KNOW THEM
even the side characters (like fucking Adamson) - feel like such real people to me. I feel like I know everything about them. even Feddei. I know him. Mr fucking ranch cornnuts and YOOHOO??? like dude. I feel like I went to high school with him
so I'm back home now <3
I love writing for Titans so much, and I always have fun with these characters and these settings. I always have fun trying to fix this canon lmao
anyway - thank you so much <3 I definitely think that out of all the stuff I have written, No Place Like Home is literally my best fanfic of all time. like if I had to rank all the fics on my AO3, I think I could easily put No Place Like Home at the top. so it's very nice to hear other people give it praise and appreciate it as much as I love it <33
Read It Here: No Place Like Home - Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Disabled!Reader x Jason Todd (90k Series - Completed, Poly Relationship, Smut and Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Happy Ending.)
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halfwild · 1 month
15 questions for 15 (or so!) friends!
tagged by @euphcme!! ty cleo!!
are you named after anyone? nah, my parents just flipped through a baby book until they found a name they agreed on. i was close to being named taylor, but ultimately they decided against it because then my initials would be the same as my siblings and they wanted us to be easily distinguishable by just initials. for my middle name, which i won't say what it is cuz it's not a typical "middle name", my mom said she just chose one that was more traditional to kind of offset the more trendy first name. that way, if i grew up and didn't like how popular haley was, i could go by my middle name instead
when was the last time you cried? i have a goldfish memory so i have no idea, but it was surely this week and probably over something really dumb like i stubbed my toe or read a sad fanfic honestly.... it luckily Has Not Been That Serious for me lately (knock on wood), so no big reasons to cry and just silly ones and for this i am very grateful!!
do you have kids? i am not mentally stable or financially secure enough for a child rn, but i do think i might want them later on (esp if i find a loving partner who agrees). i personally think that, at 25, i am too young to have kids (i know people my age are parents, but it completely baffles and scares me), so it's not something i'm gonna put too much thought into until i'm in my 30s. 30 is also, coincidentally, the age i'll be when my iud expires (unless the fda approves it for longer), so i am fully Not Worrying About It Yet 😌 thats for future haley to hem and haw about. current haley is vibing with 0 responsibilities over other living breathing human beings
what sport do you play / have played? i have never actually played a sport... my parents made me try so many when i was a kid, but i would literally throw fits and scream until they let me quit. i did play recreational tennis for a little bit and i always want to go back to it cuz i still have the racquet, but i don't currently have anyone to play with!
do you use sarcasm? absolutely. it became a problem at work (reported to HR cuz someone thought i was serious), so i have to really try and contain myself in professional settings 🙃
what's the first thing you notice about people? hair! then style/fashion, demeanor, and general age range. if they're in my age range and i'm otherwise attracted to them, the very next thing i always check is their hands bc i lovveeeeeee hands (rings, tattoos, nail polish 🤍)
what's your eye color? like a denim blue/gray with green/gold/hazel central heterochromia (prev also has CH which is very cool, hey twin!)
scary movies or happy endings? 90% of all media i consume has a happy ending and i rarely watch scary movies except at halloween, so happy endings!! give me that HEA or give me death!!!!
any talents? oversharing and never shutting the fuck up or being able to read a room 🤍 no but fr, i can play the flute if i choose to (which i rarely do bc i live in an apartment and do not want my neighbors to Crucify Me). i also embroider/cross stitch, but that may be more of a hobby? i do write very well, and i love it so so so much, but finding motivation and time is nearly impossible for me lately. i have absolutely been having a quarter life crisis about the fact that i am neglecting almost every creative outlet in my life due to burnout - would love to get back to it and learn how to sew since i need to learn how to alter my clothing as off-the-rack does not fit nor flatter my body... tall chubby girl problems frfr
where were you born? take a map of the usa, put a pin in a place you would never want to go, and you're probably semi-close!
what are your hobbies? reading and listening to music are the biggies. if i have any downtime at all, i will usually be reading. i cancelled all my streaming services bc i literally was not using them since i'm always reading instead... libby app and my kindle are my beloveds 🤍 and for music, i literally netted like... 190,000+ minutes on my spotify wrapped last yr bc the only times im NOT listening to music are when im sleeping or if im doing something that prevents me from listening to music (like a meeting at work where i have to actively participate). i also like to build lego sets! but i don't have room for any more of them tbh my apartment is FULL up on stuff since it's soooo tiny and i took in a lot of my grandma's stuff after she died since i couldn't bear parting with it, so i have 0 room now. next time i want to build one, i'll just have to take apart and then redo one instead of get a new one
do you have any pets? unfortunately no, but i would love a cat! a little afraid to get one for two reasons tho. 1) i have never Had a pet before and am afraid of doing wrong by the little baby, and 2) i Was attacked by a cat a few years ago and am still a little afraid of them. i have a friend whose cat is VERY aggressive (lots of biting, scratching, jumping on and attacking them) and i would not do well with a cat like that and would want a more mellow cat (they can playfight with me occasionally of course, but i could not deal with the near-constant attacking my friend endures. it would absolutely freak me out). but, since you can't really know a cats personality until you get them home and acclimated to the new environment and owner, there's no guarantee i wouldn't get a cat i'd be afraid of, so i've held off on adopting for now. i keep hoping i will get blessed by the cat distribution system and they will give me a cat they know will mesh with me, since i know cats like that exist. my siblings cat is literally the sweetest baby and has never hurt, scratched, bit, or attacked them before and just snuggles or ignores them and that is the kind of cat i would need. @ the universe..... please....
how tall are you? 5'8.5/174cm almost exactly. if i'm talking to a man, i round down and tell him i'm 5'8 but if i'm talking to a woman i round up and say i'm 5'9 (gotta impress the ladies with my height, gotta humble the 5'10 man who said he's 6'0 and is now upset he's so close in height to me when i'm 5'8)
favorite subject in school? english, science, and history! but i was a total nerd and loved every class tbh
dream job? novel writer! but writing is so difficult for me lately since my job is so draining of all my time and mental energy that even when i have free time, i can't bring myself to do anything other than rot or read and listen to music. but, i can't quit my job to write bc i cant afford to live w/o my job, so for the time being, my bestselling debut novel that will get a movie deal and change my life for the better, making me vastly wealthy and enabling me to continue writing at my leisure, is still stuck inside my head
I truly cannot think of 15 people to tag in this cuz it is very, very late and i am very, very tired but i will tag.... 3 people rn and edit it if i think of more later!! no hard feelings if you don't want to do this, but i'd love to read your responses if you do 🤍
@lastparty @ratatouiile @lvagirl
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geddy-leesbian · 2 months
20 questions for fic authors
tagged by @courtofparrots
1. How many works do you have?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Resident Evil rn, but I've written for Starcraft, MTG, Fire Emblem, pokemon, and X-Men. (Some of them aren't things I've bothered putting on ao3, and I know I had one X-Men fic on AO3 at one point but I deleted for reasons I can't remember tbh.)
(Also for the rest of these questions I'm just going to focus on my RE fics since my others are all ancient)
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1. How Do You Talk To Girls?
2. oh my god, it's my life, what am I doing kicking at the foundation?
3. Something A Little More Plain
4. Digital Man//Open Secrets
5. The Analog Kid
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but I'm not always great at it. I 100% do read and appreciate all of them, brain machine is just bad at responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a long-awaited treasure at the end of my cruel fate
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well it's not posted, but the series that starts with sum of my confession will have the happiest ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet (I would welcome it tho because spite motivates me. I came up with my entire "Luis was groomed by Umbrella and went to a special Umbrella boarding school" headcanon because someone said the timeline for Luis is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE and THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he could believably be 28 in RE4 and I was mad and wiki deep dived for other RE child prodigal and found out they had a whole ass sketchy boarding school for child prodigies they poached)
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I try, but I always feel so cringe about it and don't post it so ://
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not seriously
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back when I was in middle school on quotev lmao
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
For "all-time" I'm going to have to be niche and say Valerian Mengsk/Matt Horner because I have shipped those two the longest/most consistently out of everything I've ever shipped
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh god so many. mostly the second chapter of my "first" (technically it was my second and another was first but I deleted it for Reasons) Serrennedy fic. The draft just got too messy and there's so much that I've just given up on it
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything except dialogue lmao, but especially action
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not brave enough to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was literally writing pokemon fanfic in first grade. any time we had a creative writing assignment where it was possible I would write a pokemon story.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh god that's a tough one. Generally whatever I'm working on the most is my favorite, so I'd say Is Any Killer Worth More Than His Crime? but that feels like a cop out so,,,, Digital Man is really high up there, but I feel like the fact the fic that comes before it in the series (New World Man) is 100% my least favorite and my worst fic drags Digital Man down by association. So I think the number one spot should go to oh my god… instead.
as usual anyone who wants to do it can say I tagged them :3
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
About Me
i realised that i've been on here for a while now and i didn't actually introduce myself lol. i literally just appeared out of thin air and was like: EdDiE
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name: angel
i really haven't decided if i want to share my name publicly, not bc i don't trust people but i have a deep-rooted fear of irl friends finding my account. that's literally the only reason. and I'm not being fancy, angel is taken from my middle name lol
pronouns: she/her
i will automatically call everyone a 'they' unless i'm aware of pronouns but if i ever do offend you or get it wrong, please tell me! i'd hate to make anyone feel upset
age: 20
[this blog isn't necessarily 18+ but i do feel uncomfortable with minors reading these fics that are x reader with older characters. in light of that, please be sure to read the warnings at each post]
time-zone: GMT (UK)
i wanted to let everyone know this just in case i miss messages or asks, i'm not ignoring you i promise i'm just sleeping lmao. or, yay me, i'm at uni
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fanfics - masterlist
i mostly write for stranger things, a show i will forever be obsessed with, but i am willing to create fanfics for other shows. i have a few ideas but i guess it depends on motivation atm
honestly i want everything to feel safe here! if you guys want to request a fic or even just talk, i am here for it!
as said before, this blog isn't yet 18+ restricted, but i do expect everyone to read warnings with caution
if you want to request a fic, please pop them in my asks and i'll try and get around to them (i'm working on a few rn so if you've requested and haven't heard anything, it's because i've been really busy with home stuff)
and if you just wanna talk, my dms are always open :)
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sherifftillman · 1 year
edancy for this ask game because its me and of course i'd ask JHBSDKNJF
wouldn't expect anything less, bby <3
when I started shipping it if I did: shortly after joining the server and seeing the eddie x nancy channel, even if i was too overwhelmed by it to ever really contribute LMAO. but yeah, i'd never really thought of it as a pairing until i started reading you guys' works.
my thoughts: i love them to bits. i've been rarepair shipping for years, but being out of fandom so long made me forget how much i loved it until edancy sucked me right back in.
what makes me happy about them: they're so opposite but so complementary? like i'm watching brooklyn nine nine rn bc the final season is finally available in the uk and they're literally just stranger things' peraltiago.
what makes me sad about them: well, eddie's dead. so there's that. but also the fact that there was prime chance for nancy, while talking to wayne, to have learned things about eddie that she could have asked him about and we could have gotten more of his backstory? AND the same thing that makes me sad about every eddie ship, for a small town that seems all up in everybody's business, i wish there'd been some kind of allusion as to how they perceived each other growing up. especially with it being canon that nancy used to play d&d with the party, surely they'd have encountered each other looking it up in middle school??
things done in fanfic that annoys me: honestly i've only ever read fics written by people who are in the server bc you guys' characterisation of them both is the only one i trust, lol.
things I look for in fanfic: again, since it's a rarepair, literally any lmao. but i do skim the fic just to make sure the characterisation of nancy is just right. there's a lot of people out there who do her dirty.
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: pretty much anyone with either of them, except b*lly, j*son, and i don't ship st*ncy unless platonically, either.
my happily ever after for them: again i accidentally helped make this part of road trip canon lmao, but the two of them travelling the world together, kicking ass n taking names. deciding to elope somewhere just bc they feel the moment's right.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i don't really see them as "spooners" necessarily, i think they typically cuddle with nancy laying her head on his chest.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i just really, really love the idea of them essentially doing parallel play together. eddie strumming on his guitar while nancy reads. nancy plotting where she wants corroded coffin to tour next so that she can tag along while he busies himself writing his next campaign.
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catdadeddie · 2 years
No you know what? Screw people's feelings. I'm starting a call-out thread of fics.
Nobody Will Believe You. Or? - Lotte15
Print Doesn't Lie (Unlike You) - CorgiQueen14 (who was literally called out for racism amongst the others, "apologises" then proceeds to immediately write another fic shitting all over Chimney??)
The End of the Line...? - AriesGirl121 (honestly surprised she wasn't on the call out list, her works are a fucking nightmare.)
All of these are within the last 4 days. So smack in the middle of the call outs and discussions on how not to be racist in fanfic. Unbelievable.
The first author has been called out many times for having disgusting fics and has zero remorse.
I was answering an ask on corgiqueen as you sent this 😂😭 like don't like Chim. That's fine. But the endless need to portray him as this horrible person is frustrating beyond believe. They're apologetic for things or willing to discuss thing, but not about how they might as well wrote an oc in Chimney's place.
I tried skimming the last one, but I don't have the attention span for it rn.
The fact that we're seeing these after everything lately is just sad and disappointing.
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iamthepulta · 2 years
OH ALSO 4, 32, 38 (but mostly the second part honestly) and 40
4: What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Nonchalantly??????? I don't know why?????? As a child I read Johnny Tremain and for SOME REASON nonchalantly is just???? my word????? and I don't know why?????? Non-chalAnT. NonchalanT. It's so fun to say I have no explanation.
32: What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic that you return to time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean for you?
I'll be honest, I don't remember lines, just feelings, or maybe three words that encompassed the emotion. I'm literally looking at my bookshelf rn, I'm cheating. Maybe a vivid story from James Herriot: I always remember him sticking his arm in that cow for hours trying to get the calf's feet around to give birth, and the farmer was just sitting there laughing at him. And after hours and hours when he finally birthed this calf, he got a bucket of ice cold water and they were very lackadaisical about it. That sticks with me. The memory of the fat pampered shih tzu also sticks with me too and it makes me scared about my dogs getting fat, but it was so funny it's still warm and awesome. A lot of James Herriot rattles in my brain.
38: What is something about your writing process YOU think is really weird? What do cats say about us?
I write things simply because I can. I'll see an idea or a theme or historical fact and write it into a story because I just want to see this pinprick in action. This is not a good way to write, I'm finding, because I hit the middle of the story and that's why I never finish things. xD I don't have an ending, I just have characters and a scene.
"Human," I imagine Freya saying. "You must allow me the hamburger to protect Pultaclan. It is the only way."
However, currency is not her strength and I must convince her that chicken treats are equally valid and I pay rent monthly to protect Pultaclan.
Sun lasts for six years. Gods said let there be snow. Winter is coming.
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the art teacher is so cool
the art teacher just turned on a video of Taylor Swift performing How You Get the Girl which has got to be one of my favorite Taylor songs.
now that most of my classes are over, i have a ton of free time now. what have i been doing with this free time? making a powerpoint explaining the entirety of the fnaf lore. my mom and i have been trying to heal our relationship. since she doesn't understand me (cliche ik, but true), i didn't share myself. she hates horror, i love it. but she said she was sad that she didn't even know what my interests are so that's why i'm making the powerpoint explaining the fnaf lore, so she can know me better even though i know she's going to hate all every part of fnaf. i was sick yesterday and my sister forgot to pick up one of our friends on the way to school because i wasn't there to remind her and now he has detention for being late to class lmao. Taylor Swift released her version of This Love last night and I'm in love with it it's SO GOOD.
today a friend texted me and asked me about people who have made impacts on me, real or fictional,. friends or strangers. some people have simply impacted me by making me feel less alone, making me feel seen. I didn't really include those people and my friend said i wasn't allowed to say Michael Afton smh. but i can't seem to stfu about him ever so i understand why she said that lmao. I'm totally not working on my third--wait maybe fourth--fanfic about him rn.... anyways here's a copy of what i told her about people who have impacted me:
tyler joseph and his band (twenty one pilots) convinced me not to 💀myself and gave me hope and showed me the importance of art, two of my teachers are like father figures to me so that's a huge impact on my personal growth, my middle school english teacher was the sweetest woman with the best roasts ever who i credit as making me into the writer i am today, lily sigh (iisuperwomanii) is a youtuber i grew up watching who made me laugh, feel safe, taught me important life lessons-through the years i watched her she basically raised me, when i was a little kid i loved ariel the little mermaid and she's the reason i'm a competitive swimmer today, gerard way is the lead singer of a band i used to be obsessed with and he encouraged me to be myself and showed me that i can survive hard times just like him, my favorite asmr creator, Gibi, comforted me and gave me rest when i was anxious and showed me it's okay to be into nerdy geek stuff no matter how old you are (she's like late 20s rn i think and her bedroom looks like a teen girl gamer room) my favorite twitch streamer nick smithyman never fails to make me laugh and interacts with his fans and makes a ton of your mom jokes. taylor swift taught me how to recover from breakups when i thought i never could and helped me express my feelings in a healthy way that no one else could and taught me that i can find happiness in myself, without needing anyone else.
i don't know if you can tell but i am most impacted through art more than anything else. i believe art is what makes us human. i could talk about the beauty of art and stories and storytelling forever. maybe i've already talked about here but idc. all of those things are what make us human. and when i say art i don't just mean visual art. music, poetry, filmmaking, video games, writing, architecture, speaking, dancing, anything that humans create is art and it tells a story. maybe it literally tells a story but even a story tells a story of the artist. whether the artist intended there to be a story or not, art tells a little story about who we are. art tells the story of an individual and tells a piece of a story of humanity. storytelling through art connects us all and that is why art of all kinds impacts people so strongly. this is why i want to work in a library, surrounded by my favorite kind of art that i can indulge in and best of all, share it with others.
maybe i just repeat myself over and over again but i'm okay with that.
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reliquiaen · 2 years
Hey! I've been your follower since u wrote AT fanfics and because of your work, amongst other beautiful fanfics I've read over time, I've really wanted to try making my own.
I was just wondering what books have u read since u wrote Pray for the Preacher's daughter? Also do u have any book recommendation for newbies in creative writing?
English isn't my native language so sorry if it's a bit confusing to read
dang son that's a long time to be following me. like. a long time. wow hi nice to still have you here in spite of... fandom hopping and all that haha. thank you, i'm always so chuffed to hear someone likes my writing, literal day-maker tbh, god bless ♥
i uh... haven't read as much recently as i might like actually. i find it hard to get invested in new books and my living situation doesn't give me room to be storing books anyway. mostly i just reread a few of the ones i have pdfs of.
for book recs, i find those real hard to give out actually, mostly since people have different tastes you know? what do you like, mate? haha
still, for the simple fact of learning about writing styles i can recommend a few series/authors. this is not an exhaustive list, it's just some books i think have nice writing.
for the simple fact that the show is airing rn and i have it on the brain: if you can find a copy of robert jordan's wheel of time series (and you have the stomach for a monolithic 14 book series that gets real boring and slow in the middle ngl) you should definitely read it. world-building, characterisation, various cultures, all that is really good. his descriptive writing is out of this world and i guarantee you'll learn more new words in the first book than you might think. i know i did. just. really good jumping off point for third-person story-telling.
if you make it through those books and you're like, huh. what else? do yourself a favour and read literally any book by brandon sanderson. he finished the wheel of time books and like... you can't go wrong with any pick of his books. the mistborn trilogy will give you FEELINGS, but if you're after a stand-alone novel, i can not recommend warbreaker or the legion books enough. they're short, they're punchy, and his magic systems are always breathtaking.
kj taylor's fallen moon trilogy is quite good, excellent if you're looking for How To Write Convincing Villains. the author herself is a delight as well if that matters at all lmao. can't speak for the follow up trilogy bc i haven't read it but i'm sure it's just as good. (also she's aussie which always delights me, love a good aussie author)
also do yourself a favour and read the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. douglas adams was a master wordsmith and the books are so much fun. it's one of the few hard copies i have here in england bc i just love it so so much. never fails to make me laugh.
if you're more into crime stuff, i do recommend karen slaughter. i've only read a few of her books (courtesy of my mum who's an avid fan) but the ones i did read were thrilling cover to cover.
i guess my best advice is to read widely? my typical fare is fantasy, i'm such a ho for a good fantasy book, idk if it's obvious in my fic writing but that's where my soul lives, it's what i first started writing (literally my very first original writing was some stupid knock off of the dragonlink series).
go grimdark gothic and pick up brent weeks' way of shadows books (incredible covers is why i picked them up and the story did not disappoint). traumatise yourself and read stephen king (i've read just a few of his but 'the outsider' was so gripping i legit stole it off my mum for two days to binge read it and she got mad at me). read some kristin cashore books (bitterblue is fabulous, just saying) and enjoy your tropey fantasy. i've got 'everything leads to you' by nina lacour and 'the abyss surrounds us' by emily skrutskie and like any of malinda lo's books and OMG 'the memoirs of lady trent' by marie brennan.
and uh. don't forget to keep reading fanfics haha. much of my writing style is grounded very firmly in the third person fantasy from whence i came, but my transition into present tense is fanfiction's fault entirely baby. and you pick up tropes - my foundation stones! - much better in fic because it distils them down nicely i feel. people who've been writing fic a while already have a feel for the tropes that make stories work so you might have to pay a bit more attention when you start out, don't worry about it, that'll come naturally with practice. which you gotta do.
also also, dictionaries and thesauruses are your friends. thesaurus.com is part of my dna now. go there. sign up. word of the day yourself. it's great stuff and even if you don't remember all of them, adding a few new words to your arsenal now and then can't hurt.
just practice. experiment with what you write and how you write it. not everything you type has to be published either. lord knows i don't post any of my personal work anywhere and half my fics never see the light of day either. write for you and have fun.
hope this helps somewhat. feel free to hmu if you wanna ask anything else lol i know i got a bit longwinded my bad ^^;
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not-delicious-milk · 3 years
yo I'm gonna be a coward. I've read fan fiction since middle school, and during that time I've read some truly cursed things. I personally have tried to avoid reading mentor/student relationships cause they squik me the f out. But I've always been more treat the immortals like they are their apparent physical age for shipping. So people trying to lewd the pre pubescent with the excuse that they're immortal are obviously full of shit. pt 1.
pt.2 but shipping like Rukia/ Ichigo is fine cause they're the same apparent physical age and act with about the same lvl of maturity. While shipping him with Yoruichi would be sketch. So full disclosure I don't ship Sukuna and Megumi, I don't really see them having chemistry, and no one has written anything good enough to change my mind. But it doesn't freak me out like Megumi and Gojo. Would you be willing to write why you don't consider the vampire rule to apply here?
i’m not completely familiar with the vampire rule, but i would assume you mean that apparent age trumps actual age when it lines up with mental and emotional development?
personally, i’m not a huge fan of that train of thought -- i agree that it’s important to consider mental age when it comes to immortals or very, very old entities, but actual age is still important. and that’s because of the whole reason why big age gaps are fucked up, i.e an imbalance of power that can easily be exploited. adults have more experience, influence, and physical maturity than children or teens do, which they can leverage to groom or abuse a younger partner. as much as i will admit to not hating twilight that much (breaking dawn made me want to give myself a lobotomy though) and honestly sort of liking the trope of “human girl in love with an ancient supernatural being” or any variants of that, there’s an important distinction that needs to be made with it so it’s not awful.
the answer has little to do with mental age. it has to do with power dynamics.
for a vampire romance (which i’m just going to use as a general term for these sorts of relationships) it is absolutely necessary for there to be some caveat in place to prevent the supernatural party from just taking advantage of the mortal one. usually we don’t even think about that when reading or watching vampire romances, because how could such a charming creature of the night stoop so low? 
but it’s important to note that vampires, in gothic literature, existed to fulfill a very specific role. the repressed victorians loved incorporating taboo subjects into their stories, for the steamy scenes i guess, but couldn’t easily do so within the confines of proper literature. one of those taboo subjects was r*pe, which they both found very hot in a forbidden sort of way and longed to explore in their writing without societal backlash, and if you cast an eye upon dracula or carmilla it’s quite easy to guess where those subjects ended up. 
so, for a proper vampire romance, it can’t just end in a straight up kidnapping or taking by force, both because that would be narratively uninteresting and morally corrupt. sometimes there’s a supernatural reason for it, like a protection that the mortal party has to prevent the immortal one from abusing their powers. for example, bella in twilight is immune to telepathy and later develops a shield power against all vampire powers, preventing edward from being able to take advantage of her or invade her privacy any more than he was already doing, fuck you stephanie meyer. sometimes the mortal party has a power of their own that, while relatively useless in situations where the immortal one can swoop in and save them dramatically, is very useful against said immortal party for whatever reason. for example, kagome’s status as the reincarnation of the priestess migoriko would theoretically prevent inuyasha from harming her; in a more explicit example, nanami from kamisama kiss holds absolute divine control over tomoe and could order him to stop if ever he tried anything she didn’t like. although there’s an age gap in those stories, it doesn’t feel like it, not just because of the immortal party’s mental age but because of their inability to take advantage of said gap.
can you see where this is going? 
megumi/gojo is absolutely foul -- there’s the grooming aspect, the fact gojo knew megumi when he was five and practically raised him as a father, and the implicit power imbalance of a teacher/student relationship. there’s no question as to why it’s so repulsive to think about.
megumi/sukuna is equally repulsive, but really only when it exists in fan works. in the canon, sukuna doesn’t have the opportunity to so much as interact with megumi most of the time, let alone take advantage of him, and yuuji would stop that before it ever happened. it feels like a classic vampire romance because the power imbalance should, theoretically, be nerfed by outside circumstances. of course this isn’t the case in any sukufushi fanworks, because it would obviously be boring for sukuna to respect megumi’s boundaries and also to not date a fucking 15 year old from inside the body of another 15 year old, jesus christ. in sukufushi fanworks, which as i’ve stated is the only place sukufushi even exists, there is always something cancelling out the restraints placed on sukuna’s power, whether it be that he has his own body, takes advantage of “enchain”, is able to take control of yuuji’s body on his own, yuuji lets him out for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter. 
there’s always something like that because sukufushi doesn’t exist as a vampire romance, it exists as something more like tentacle p*rn. 
that’s not a sentence i ever thought i’d write, but i think it makes sense? it’s not supposed to be an actual relationship, it’s more like wish fulfillment for people with degradation and pain kinks. in sukufushi fan works, sukuna wields absolute power over megumi and takes full advantage of the age gap and power gap between them. just like how tentacle p*rn strips away the right to refuse in the face of absolute alien power and a language barrier that keeps consent from being withdrawn, sukufushi strips away megumi’s right to refuse in the face of absolute curse power and sukuna’s inability to take “no” for an answer. this is why all explicit sukufushi fics end with megumi being r*ped or nearly r*ped. 
please don’t ask me how i know all of this. sometimes good fanfics have sukufushi scenes in them and i have to like, scroll past the paragraphs really fast to get back to the plot. it’s just that omnipresent.
in other words, megumi/gojo is more grounded in “reality” (not the reality of a functional teacher/student relationship, but the reality of a 28 year old man really being 28 years old) and absent of vampire romance justifications for the age gap. it feels gross because it is and also because there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be.
megumi/sukuna doesn’t feel that way at first, especially if you mainly see sort of canon compliant shipping of it. it’s really common and also never commented on when people joke about sukuna having a “crush” on megumi based on his lines of dialogue when he says he’s curious about him or whatnot. that obeys vampire romance rules, so it doesn’t feel weird. sukuna really doesn’t want to kill or harm megumi because he’s important to his plans later, so that’s out. yuuji would never let sukuna touch megumi with a 10 foot pole either, so that’s out. really their only interactions are hypothetical, besides that one time in shibuya, and even then literally nothing happened. sukuna didn’t want his pawn to break yet, that’s all. even when people overanalyze it they can’t really get any farther than “looks like someone’s got a crush on fushigurooooo” because that’s the farthest it can go. 
if you start looking into sukufushi fanart or fanfics, which is about 95% of the content for sukufushi anyway because again, it’s not supported by the canon at all, vampire romance is replaced unceremoniously by tentacle p*rn. which is why i hate it so much. 
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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norisquared · 3 years
Idk if this is good advice, but find a plot that interests u. Outlining is always good (can't have too much outlining). I'm the opposite where I only can write longfics bc I wanna have background, conflicts/character development occur aka a complete story. Be excited about your story (cheesy but gives motivation to write longfics) Reading fanfics of the type you wanna write always works for me. Just go for it! Write what u wanna write. Hope any of this helps! :) - AnonymousNuisance
man outlining is my nemesis like it sucks all the fun out of it for me. the closest i’ve come to planning a fic from the start is when i have an idea in the middle night and i know full well i won’t remember it
but being excited abt writing is what it’s all abt!!! like what’s a hobby if its not fun. i’m having mass amounts of fun with a little thing I'm writing rn (i say little both 3k words in and i haven't even reached the og premise) but like apart from trying my hand at some action scenes its literally just canon-compliant fluff. all my stuff is fluff wtf. i wanna do more sometimes
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
wait hold on so your follower count has increased by a hundred since I got here? 🥺 this is awesome, Chris, congrats! 🥳 and I think everything can be a milestone if it's one for you 🤗 and if u want to do something special to celebrate, go for it! :D as long as you do it for yourself and not because you feel like you have to, do you hear me? <.< about "Something Special"...it's just 🥺 really something special lmao funfact, when DK started singing "ice cream, you scream" and so on, I was immediately reminded on "Ice Cream" by TXT as the lyrics go "i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream". Idk if you know them but they had their comeback on monday and this is one of the b-side tracks. I actually had to check if the lyrics are the same but I think you published the fic on the same day they released the album so that would be almost impossible anyway 😅 now, the banner for "the zest of life" is sooooooooo cute 🥺 and everything you post about it just makes me more and more excited skajdjlkwjeadswa literally can't wait until you post it <3 also HAPPY JUNE TO YOU TOO <333 I'm also highkey excited for your other wips, especially your series and the sequels :D the gif of the dog looking out the window is soooooo relatable why are you so cute 🥺 you're right, I discovered your blog through class president and I couldn't be happier about it 🥰 ngl, enemies to lovers (+ fake dating) is one of my favourite genres and then there's friends to lovers and I'm all soft and cuddly 🥺 nooooo, don't make yourself cry D; tho I definitely get your pain 💔 being a perfectionist doesn't make your life easy but it leads to great results when it comes to your fics :D and I'm very happy to hear that you're slowly getting over it and feel better about your writing <3 definitely gonna note that website down since I'm currently trying to write myself lmao failing greatly at it because I never manage to actually finish a wip. which brings me to the fanfic writer ask game :D 🍄 how do you get yourself in the mood to write? I'm really curious about this because sometimes I just can't get myself to write though I actually would love to 🙁 ahhh the good old times in middle school everyone regrets when they get older :'D when I'm on a holiday with my family or literally just anywhere outside I'm taking photos with my phone of everything that crosses my way and looks in the slightest way worth capturing my storage space is hysterically laughing in the distance :') would love to see some photos taken by you some day ngl well, I haven't continued watching Vincenzo yet, I keep watching Friends atm though thanks for the heads up <3 and I love Chayoung, she's iconic but after I learned who she works for I was lowkey disappointed :( trying not to spoiler anything rn for anyone else akjdnwaölkejd srsly, I don't think any of my friends has a healthy sleep schedule though we all have to get up early but I hope you slept well last night and have a great day <3 wait, I wanted to ask you in which time zone you live? Because it was 7pm here when you said it's 11am for you, so I was wondering 😅 sending love and good vibes ❤️✨
yes omg you’ve been here basically since the beginning 😭 i know i say this a lot, but your support means the world to me and i’m thankful you’re here with me on this journey💕 i might just wait until i hit 200 to do a celebration! i want to try to get through these reqs from the first milestone and then we shall see how i’m feeling. but eternally grateful for all the support and growth anyways :’)
hehe ‘something special’ is part of a whole long series i’ve been writing for my friend and i (for our eyes only) but it’s one of my favorite scenes and him dropping the ice cream just felt very on brand 😭 he’s so silly and i love him and his bright energy. also funny story abt txt, i literally decided to stan them for reals w this comeback! so i know exactly what you’re talking abt!!! and actually i just did a smol uke cover of anti-romantic heh it’s been on repeat for the last few days and i love the whole album. every song is so good, esp 0X1=lovesong and dear sputnik, in addition to anti-romantic and ice cream ofc! well actually they’re all good sjdfkjadlf but yeah i think i’m officially a moa now :D
ahhhh thank you i love the banner!! i was soooo excited for it bc i finally figured out how to edit gifs on photoshop which is a GAME CHANGER (had to stop myself from making gifs for all my fics bc my computer actually can’t handle the processing so now i need to update the hardware skdjaldks but that’s another story) anyways ahhh i’m happy to hear that you’re excited for it! i hope it meets your expectations <3
man, my wips, i wish i could i just crank them all out bc i wanna know what happens askdlal i’ve been saying this a lot lately, but i’m like, WHAT HAPPENS and i have to respond to myself like IDK U TELL ME and my internal monologue is just that back and forth 💀 but i think that’s a great lead in to your ask game question:
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write? honestly, it usually just kind of hits me at random times. some days, i have so many ideas and so i’ll plot everything out but i won’t actually write, so i’ll leave it for a while and then maybe come back to it when i get too impatient with myself. other days, if i feel stuck, what i’ll do is just kind of word vomit my thoughts and go back and edit everything later, or feel out the vibes. but i feel you, writing is honestly very hard, especially if the motivation just isn’t there :’( but i think my best advice is to just get ideas out of your head and onto theoretical paper!! then just start typing even if it’s just your thoughts like “uh idk what to write but maybe if kdjflsfjlkas”
omg no i feel that, before i upgraded my phone, my camera roll was just full of photos (and also pics of sf9 and svt LOL). but i just made a thread on my twt abt my fave photos and i’d be happy to share them :)) (see below)
mmm i won’t say anything abt vincenzo until you start it back up again ;) but friends!! that reminds me, i need to watch the reunion ep!!??! not ready to cry tho :’)
i hAD a sleep schedule at some point in my life, but now... it’s messed up again LOL but i’m in the mountain time zone in the states ! so 1 hour ahead of PST if that’s any help kdljasf but i hope you’re getting rest and sleep!! i’m a big advocate for sleep and rest so !!!!!!!!!!
anyways, sending my love as always <3
EDIT 2: okay here we go
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lilolilyr · 4 years
Exxcuse me while I freak out about this vry gay coded (Vry Straight tm) German TV shortfilm series (that I rly only started bc my parents were watching it, but now I have Ships and am invested and it has 0 fandom because German)
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Just two women and their kids... living together... co-parenting...
A blonde and a brunette....
If you don't want any spoilies just let me tell you that it's like actually good despite not actually being gay & if you understand German & want to watch it it's in the zdf Mediathek rn until october 2020. I'm providing gay (au: canon divergence) fanfic here & if anyone watches it, ships them too & has any fanfic/fanart/... content let me know!!! I mean it!!! I wanna see it!!!!
If you're asking yourself why daheck I'm writing in English rn despite the show being in German- I don't know, man. Ask my brain.
Now to the spoilers!
So the story is that Ella (quick facts: the blonde one, from a Big City, studied to be a lawyer but never did her internship which she needs to actually be a lawyer because the ppl in the lawyer's offices she tried to work at didn't want to deal with her because she has asperger-autism) finds out that her dead husband Thomas didn't just leave her a house in the middle of nowhere but that said house is very much lived in- he had a secret live and a family with...
Christina! (The brunette, she has one 14y/o son- not from Thomas- a 6y/o daughter- from Thomas- & is pregnant- from Thomas-, a male best friend who lives next door, runs a small Café in this little coast town the series is set in, money troubles and def can't afford to get kicked out of the house.)
Now obviously they don't get on at first- they both try to hire (the same, because the town only has the one) lawyer to get rid of each other... but during the first episode they get to know and like each other and in the end Ella even gets the house back from a guy who wants to turn it into a hotel or sth instead of selling it to him, & the old lawyer guy offers that she can do her internship with him- and from that point on, Ella, Christina + Kids are living together...
And Oh Dear God they are shippable.
One episode is literally called sth like 'the thing about love' & this is the pic for it:
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Like??? You're just asking for me to ship it???
Of course instead Christina is dating some male tourist & Ella is in a more-fuckbuddies-than-relationship with Christina's bff... [which, I can still accept all that as canon if I headcanon them as bi, Christina probably needs a quick affair with some rando before she can start sth srious (with Ella plssss), & Ella and the dude (Jannis) are actually kinda shippable as is he with Christina so how bout some poly action? Given that in one ep three minor characters get a happily ever after I Don't Fucking See Why Not The Main Characters Too (ok it was never said that the two minor character dudes were together but the minor character gal was with both of them) anywayys I might write ot3 fanfic sometime soon]
Btw quite some of the things Ella does are also Mood for me- I mean, idk how accurate the depiction of aspergers' is bc I don't have it/personally know anyone who does but given that all ppl are different even if they have the same diagnosis & the character Ella def has difficulties in social interaction & communication which google tells me are the main things in an asperger diagnosis, I think they probably did an ok job, also it's just nice to see a Not Neurotypical person as a main character & actually succeeding at what she does!
Back to shipping
Christina and Ella are def co-parenting the kids, the girl even asked whether she could call Ella mom too...
Also one time Christina kissed Ella's cheek and I just about squealed
Christina also owns at least two rainbow sweaters
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Couldn't find a pic of the other one but it has the Correct Pride Flag Colours and she was wearing it to a parent-teacher conference she went to With! Ella! & all the characters thought they're a couple too.
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I Ship It
Hope I'm not entirely alone, tumblr & ao3 don't even recognise the fandom as a tag much less the ship, so rn it feels like I'm swimming with a pool noodle of ship! XD
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