#I’m so tired but I have a bigger project coming up soon so !!!
dinjoyer · 2 years
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Real quick doodle in between projects
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
Heya! Could you do a Damian Priest x fem!reader where they dated in the past and are re-united at Dominiks wedding?
damian priest x reader
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one more dance
he recognized you the moment you entered the reception. yes, maybe your hair was a little shorter, but he would recognise you in a room full of people.
he knew you and dom’s wife were friends but he wasn’t expecting to see you at the wedding, not when two days before you posted that you were having a work meeting in london.
that being the reason why you two broke up. you always loved each other but breaking up was the easiest way to get going with your lives and career.
his work as a wrestler meant he was always travelling and even if, at the beginning, you loved travelling with him, it came to a point where you weren’t able to follow him and work at the same time.
you were working in tourism, that meant you were always travelling too.
your schedule wasn’t compatible with his schedule no more. he was always travelling. you were always travelling and no matter how much you loved each other, there was something missing between the two of you.
you missed him having close at night when he was somewhere far away having a show. he missed not being able to call you when you were away because of work.
it just wasn’t working anymore. and it was killing you both. so ending it was the best choice.
but when he saw you wearing that purple short dress, memories came back in an instant. memories of you two being happy, memories of you smiling and laughing at his jokes. memories of how your body was made for his bigger one. memories of how he knew you and your body so well.
and in all honesty, he was missing all of that.
he missed you.
and maybe today was the day he could have his second chance with you.
he approached you carefully.
you saw him coming straight to you so you waved at him “hey” you smiled at him and hugged him.
“hey” he smiled back “you look amazing! how are you doing?”
“oh i’m great, i was in london for a work project but i would have hated myself if i missed the wedding…”you said laughing.
“so, you leaving soon?”
“tomorrow…right after lunch…i honestly can’t wait to come back home tho…pretty tiring project, what about you? you made it far” you said proudly.
you’ve always been proud of him. proud of his achievements. you’ve always been his first supporter and he knew that.
“yes, it’s been going good” he smiled “i can’t believe i got the opportunity to be one of the leads in wwe now…with the judgment day and stuff…it’s been amazing” he smiled at you.
“i knew you would have make it far…punisher…” you joked sipping champagne.
how he missed you calling him like that.
“so…” he wanted, no, he needed to know if you were single, if you were dating but he just didn’t know how to ask you that without sounding rude or noisy “apart from work…how’s life going? any changes in your life?”
“not many…but my sister got a baby” you said smiling. damian and your sister had a pretty good friendship back in time.
“no way…i’m so happy for her! tell her that!”
“i will” you laughed “what about you? anything new? girlfriend? wife? lovers? or are you still living your rockstar life?” you asked.
damian was taken aback from your sudden question.
so you were curious.
“single as you left me” he joked making you laugh, even if you felt a little sorry about that, knowing that he was trying to make it work between the two of you, it was you who were too scared of the possible repercussions and changes, that’s why you broke up with him “are you seeing someone?” he asked.
“no…you know it’s too…complicated …” you smiled “i’ve tried…i had a relationship in the past but it didn’t work…probably i’m not meant to be in a relationship but it’s completely fine, i still have my pretty big house and my mercedes benz” you said, making him chuckle.
but he knew you were lying.
as you were still speaking, the dj put on a romantic ballad, inviting all the couples to dance.
“would you dance with me hermosa? one more dance?” he invited you and you couldn’t say no so you took his hand and let him lead you to the dancefloor.
his hands gently posing on your hips as your hands went behind his back. your head on his chest as you were listening to his soft heartbeat. you tried not to cry because you were missing all of that. you realised how stupid and reckless you’ve been years ago.
“you’re still good at dancing uh?” you smirked at him.
“only because i have the best partner with me right now” he said smiling.
“i’m so sorry” you looked up in his eyes, voice still soft “i’m so sorry for breaking up with you, for hurting you…i never meant to hurt you in the first place dam…i thought…well, i wasn’t really thinking, i was just scared” a tear dropped from your eye and his thumb quickly wiped it away.
“i know hermosa…i know” he smiled.
“you should be mad at me damian…”
“i can’t be mad at you…not when i still love you like the first day we met…i could never be mad at you querida…” he kissed your head.
“i miss all of this…i miss you so much damian”
“i miss you too y/n…” he said softly “we can make it work love…we can do it…but please, if there’s something going on, i need you to talk to me, not to hide and run away…that’s all i’m asking” damian said and you nodded.
“i promise” you smiled.
his lips gently touched yours and you felt your legs all jelly. how you missed him.
on the other side of the room there were dom and juliette watching the two of you together, smirking as their plan worked.
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zuleyhasposts · 8 months
Stand By Your Man (Negan/You)
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We're fully of stories about this hot man, but I think they are never enough. I posted already on AO3, but I want to give a try here on Tumblr too. If anything, please let me know what you think about the story and if you would change something. Sadly, I know that the first chapter is always "boring" because it's an introduction, but I promise you it'll be more interesting as soon as we get into it. You have my word!
I'll post the first chapter - even if I wrote and published the second one - and see people actually enjoy it. I'll give the AO3 link too, because you never know.
Chapter One - Meeting
You both looked at each other, probably waiting for one to speak first. It wasn’t a matter of shyness, it was more about studying the person you have in front of you.
He found you in an abandoned house, full of walkers dead on the floor - even if they’re already dead - and he didn’t ask you anything. He was simply staring with a smirk on this face. It made you wonder what was so enjoyable to have that expression.
He lowered himself to be at the same height as you, directly staring into your eyes now. Before the apocalypse you would have called this behavior anormal, but now you wondered what was actually normal and what now.
“Look what we have here.” His smile grew bigger and you started questioning yourself if you should fear for your life.
“Look what? You never saw a person?” You tilted your head to the side and put your hands on your hips.
He started to laugh, as if he didn’t hear a good joke like that in a while. Problem was it wasn’t actually a joke and you were serious. “So, you do speak, doll.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Put your fucking attitude aside and tell me your name.” He said, pointing at you with the bloody bat he carried. If he wasn’t scary, for sure that bat was.
“Full name, doll.”
You rolled your eyes at his wanting to know this much, forgetting for a second that there was a full bat pointed at you. You were lucky he could still handle your attitude; if he was someone else, there would probably be more blood on the floor.
“(Y/N) (L/N). What’s your name?”
You were expecting a bad answer to your question, something like “shut the fuck up, it isn’t your business”, but it didn’t happen. He actually told you his name and smiled after saying it.
“I’m Negan.”
You could hear different voices outside and you could understand that he was probably the leader of some group. It was for the best to play cool and avoid the risk of being kidnapped - and probably be tortured too - if you could. Let’s be clear: you could defend yourself, but you were too tired. You killed who knows how many walkers and there was no more strength in your body.
“So, Negan,” you started to walk closer to him, “how can I help you?”
“I don’t think you can actually help me, doll.” He smiled again, knowing he was actually right. “But I can help you if you accept my offer.”
You raised your eyebrow at what he stated and you already knew he wouldn’t have accepted a “no” as an answer. Crossing your arms, you answered. “What do you offer?”
“Come with me and be my wife.” He opened his arms as an invitation. “I can give you food, new clothes and protection. You couldn’t ask for more.”
Your mind was quite shocked by the request, but not that surprised. You were about to answer, if it wasn’t for your stomach that started to grumble. The fact that it made him laugh was enough to make the situation embarrassing.
“I was about to answer that…” you stopped for a second wondering if he could be offended by what you were about to say, “I don’t want to be your wife and I clearly don’t need protection, but I’ll gladly take the food.”
“And do you think it’s fair for you to eat without thanking me?” There was a bit of dislike in what he said, but still not offended enough to hurt you. You thought he was right though, you had to do something to make you useful enough to be taken. “I think you have people that work for you, right? Let me be one of them!”
He seemed to actually think about it. “And why should I trust you and your capacity doll?”
“I mean, look around! I killed all these walkers alone.” You didn’t want to sound like you were begging him, but you needed to eat something. “Give me a chance.”
He licked his lower lip and you could tell he was enjoying the image of you being desperate for his help. A shiver was felt in your bones, and it wasn’t because you felt cold.
“I’ll give you a chance, doll.” He cupped your left cheek, gently pulling it. “Just because I don’t want to say no to this pretty face of yours.”
You moved away his hand and went to grab your things, even if there wasn’t much to take. The most important thing you always carried with you was the two daggers that saved your ass until now.
“You should be fucking grateful to have my attention, doll.” He said while going out of the house. “You could have caught the attention of my beautiful Lucille here,” the grip of the bat was way more tense now and you understood that “Lucille” was the name of his weapon, “and I can fucking assure that you wouldn’t have liked it.”
You followed him outside, and you could see the sun was about to set and the air was becoming colder. You consider yourself lucky that Negan “found” you, it would have been a very dangerous night to experience again. You wanted to rest your eyes and your body just for one night.
“I can agree that I wouldn’t have liked it.” You said, trying to wash off the anger he was probably building in his body. First impressions are always important and you knew you had to put a grip on your attitude, at least for now.
He let out a laugh and you could feel your body lighter now. It worked, you thought.
You both walked for a bit until you weren’t in front of a few trucks and some men.
“Finally you are here, boss” a man spoke and he caught your attention because of his burned face. You hoped it wasn’t because of Negan. “Who is she?”
“We have a new guest with us!” He put an arm behind your back, guiding you to be in front of him. “Why don’t you introduce yourself, doll?”
He wanted to make you feel embarrassed and you knew it. It felt like when the professor made you introduce yourself in front of the class, you had all eyes on you and you didn’t like it.
“I’m (Y/N).” You tried to not raise your hand like you were greeting them, you didn’t want to be even more embarrassed. “Negan found me in an abandoned house and offered me to be one of you.”
“One of us?” Another man spoke and this one had a funny mustache, you better avoid pointing that out. “How do we know if she’s actually useful?”
“Simon, I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Negan said and you could see Simon actually backing out. I could see that all of them were actually scared of him. How much you wanted to yell to all of them that they were a bunch of pussies, but you shushed the thought to the back of your mind.
“When we’ll have the occasion, I’ll show you how useful I am, Simon.” You said moving out of the way and entering a random truck. At this point you didn’t care anymore, you only wanted to eat and sleep.
“Now I see why you picked her up.” Simon said, putting his hand on Negan’s shoulder. You could hear that they both laughed at the stupid comment that the mustache man made and it made you want to throw something at their heads. It was the worst mistake to accept this offer.
The drive wasn’t very long and you could wish it was more quiet, but the curiosity was enough to question you stuff. You couldn’t deny the desire to tell everybody to shut the fuck up for five minutes, but the least thing you wanted was to make Negan and his men angry.
When you all finally reached the place, it surprised you. You didn’t expect something this big and you neither expected Negan to be the leader of something this huge. You looked around and you felt like a kid entering a luna park.
“Do you like it?” Negan asked, proud same as a king proud of his kingdom.
“You actually surprised me, I didn’t expect something like this.”
You entered inside the Sanctuary and it made you even more impressed than before. While you looked around, Negan was explaining everything as rules, assignments and these types of stuff. As you understood: his wives didn’t work for any points, while others had to work to have them. It was fair for Negan, but not fair for the others, but you still didn’t say anything about it.
You both stopped walking when you reached what was your new room. You couldn’t believe you had a room for yourself only. You didn’t care if the room itself was overall a bare room, it was perfect.
“Well, doll, this is your room.”
“It’s perfect, thank you so much!”
He liked the fact that you were happy and grateful for a simple room like that. Negan almost made it a habit to hear people complaining at the beginning because they wanted something more. Who could imagine that people were still spoiled during an apocalypse?
He left you in your room, giving you the time to make yourself comfortable. He told you that in a few days you would have started to work with them, so it was important for you to feel good if you wanted to be one of them. You thanked him again like it wasn’t never enough.
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blueandbetaraptors · 9 days
🚨 Jurassic world sick fic is done. It’s not perfect but I think it’s good if you like short stories with action and vomiting… hehe..
Requested by @jurassicsickfics
Authors note: I don’t own any of these characters, I love Jurassic park/ world. This was just for fun. Pls let me know what yall think but also pls no hate
Claire had a long day ahead of her. The biggest thing she has today is a meeting with InGen, their new project was almost ready to go on exhibit at Jurassic world. They wanted to “up the wow factor” so they created the Indominus Rex. A lab created dinosaur, bigger than a T-Rex. Modified with other genes like velociraptor which gave it the ability to communicate with that species . The special part of this dinosaur was that it could camouflage due to the cuddlefish genes. Claire never liked the idea of a dinosaur being so advanced so she asked Owen Grady to come and check the stability of the cage. Owen was the head raptor trainer. He raised and trained velociraptors. His team consisted of Blue, the alpha, echo, charlie and delta. Claire trusted Owen and his judgement. After the meeting she had other stuff to do.
Claire quickly made herself a cup of coffee as she drove to the park. Realizing she forgot to eat she found a granola bar wedged between her seat and her console. Without thinking she opened up the wrapper and ate the half stale bar. Shrugging off the odd taste she figured it was just a bit old since it’s hot where the park is situated. She quickly gets set up at her office and grabs the necessary paperwork she needs for the meeting. Her stomach growls angrily and nausea creeps up into her throat. She takes a swig of water to swallow the nausea down. She did not have time to get sick. She had so much to do before the indominus gets put out for public display. She takes a deep breath to calm herself and her nerves. She fixes her skirt and quickly but calmly heads towards the inclosure that contains the Indominus. When Claire gets into the room with massive floor to ceiling windows she sees Owen talking to her assistant Tara. They both look at her,
“Morning Claire.” Owen says.
“Morning ma’am” Tara follows suit.
“Morning guys, Owen have you had time to look at the inclosure? Tara what time are the representatives coming in?”
“Well the walls seem tall enough to contain such a beast, what security measures do you have?” Owen says as he looks at the enclosure.
“They should be here in ten minutes ma’am.” Tara responds.
“50,000 volts on the top, a tracker implanted into the Indominus.. we also..* Claire suddenly stops as she feels her stomach suddenly cramp harshly. She swallows thickly trying to not throw up on the floor.
“Claire are you feeling ok?” Owen asks as he steps forward.
“I’m fine Owen, just a bit tired.”
“You look green, are you sure you’re ok?” Owen once again asked.
“Drop it Owen, I’m fine.” She snaps at Owen, to raises his hands in defense.
“Sorry just trying to help, where’s the beast now?” Owen asks.
“Says he’s in the far north east corner.” She replies while pulling up the tracker. She winces as the nausea continues to creep up.
Suddenly InGen files into the room. Claire shakes of the nausea and puts on her business face. She manages to get through the meeting. However as soon as they are gone,
“I’ll be right back.” She quickly says and walks with purpose out and then when she’s sure no one is around she rushes to the bathroom and bends over the bowl. She feels the hot rush of vomit flowing up her throat but then.. nothing. Nothing happens. She feels so nauseous but nothing happens. Then when she’s least expecting it it comes launching out, projectilng onto the back of the toilet bowl before she can lean completely into the bowl. She gasps and gags at the sheer force that her stomach is contracting. She stays, hunched over violently vomiting when she hears a knock on the door.
“Ma’am, we have a problem, Owen needs you.”
“I..I’ll be right there!” She calls, taking a few deep breaths satisfied her stomach has calmed down she cleans up washes her mouth and goes to find Owen.
“What’s wrong Owen?”
“ um, were these claw marks there before?” Owen asks as he peers to the wall to see deep, 5 feet long gouges in the wall.
“D..did she try to climb out?” Asks someone else.
“Says that she’s still in the inclosure.” (She/he idk what gender the Dino is so it’s probably gonna change cause I don’t have energy to fix it)
“I’m gonna go check it out.” Owen walks out and shortly later Owen is seen in the inclosure with another Jurassic world worker. As they examine the walls, they realize that they aren’t alone. Suddenly a tree rustles.
“Run! She’s in there with you!!” Claire yells over the intercom and watches as Owen and the other worker scrambles for safety just as the giant white dinosaurs bounds out snapping its jaws towards them. Them make it through the gate but it didn’t close in time and they watch as the Indominus breaks through the enclosure.
Feeling sick Claire quickly finds a trashcan and proceeds to throw up again. Her assistant, notices.
“Are you ok?!” She asks
“I’m fine, where Owen?”
Meanwhile Owen climbs under a car as his fellow worker tries to hide in front of a vehicle but is no match. Owen shuts his eyes as he watches his co-worker get gobbled up. Owen quickly and quietly rips the gas line off the car and drenches his body in it to hopefully hide his scent. He watches as the bloody teeth get next to the car and the Dino sniffs and then walks off. He waits then rolls out and runs to find Claire.
“Claire! The Indominus has escaped! We need.. Claire! What the heck!” Owen says and then stops when he sees her throwing up violently into a trash, with her assistant next to her, rubbing her back.”
“I’m.. *throws up* fine*gag* we need to.. shut down.. t..the park… w..we don’t know what’s.. in this Dino…” she paused and then suddenly lurches forward as a big wave of sick pours through her lips and into the transcan.
“She’s been sick for at least three minutes.” Says the assistant.
“She needs medical.” Owen responds immediately.
“I..it’s just food poisoning… ate.. old.. granola bar…” she barely gets out before she’s dry heaving and spitting bile out.
He was torn… care for Claire or go save his raptors and stop this monster that was created.
“Don’t care, your dehydrated and we need you ok cause we are about to be in a life and death situation now that the Indominus has escaped, and I need to get back to the girls cause InGen wants to equip my raptors to hunt this Dino and I really don’t want them to. It’s too dangerous and unpredictable. “ Owen says as he calls over his radio.
Suddenly paramedics and a gurney rush in.
They take Claire away while Owen follows to provide protection.
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justimagineok · 1 year
the hate effect || knj || archive 4
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series masterlist
Recommended song: lonely by RM
“In a moment of eternity
It's neatly packed here
I hate this hotel room
I'm floating alone
This loud horn
As wide as the narrowed room
I'm trapped in myself”
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"Day 10957.
I am fine. Being a famous and successful idol helps a lot to have pleasant mornings. I opened my window, stretched and exercised before heading to Hybe. Exercising helps keep my mind focused. Lately, it's been one of the few things that help me stay sane. Make no mistake, I love being who I am and working with what I work with, but... sometimes I miss it. Lack of freedom. It's like a phantom limb. I want trivial things with the freedom that I had but that I can't accomplish, but again, don't be fooled. I don't want your pity. I didn't ask for it. I’m fine.
I am fine.
Lately, the days have been looking the same. It's been a long time since the days have looked the same, actually. Now that we've taken some time off as a group to focus on personal projects, I've been feeling more... lonely? Loneliness is a normal feeling, so I don't mind sharing it with you that I feel it.
I have this feeling in me sometimes, like something is missing, like it's not complete. Maybe I'm depressed.
I feel bad for having such a comfortable life and being so... apathetic. But what can I do? Life is like this. Good and bad days. A repetition of the same days, on a ridiculous Ferris wheel that never, ever stops. Not even when we're already sick on our stomach.
Sometimes I get tired of this fucking Ferris wheel. But I keep going round and round and round.
I believe that we all live in a kind of Ferris wheel. The one for some is small, with little view and on a tight stool, which is in danger of falling off at any moment. Others live in a bigger one, with a view of the whole world, like mine. From here we see the most beautiful places, the funniest people, but we also see all the dirt, falsehood and stupidity. Some join other people's Ferris wheel, so they are no longer alone and other people, like me, have people on their own Ferris wheel, shouting words of encouragement at me. But I'm alone on this one.
I am tired.
And I'm fucking lonely.
I hoped today was just another morning, just another day in the thousands of days I've lived, but it seems that today has also become my day one.
Bang PD mentioned something about a new head of makeup, but he never said any names. If he did, I would recognize her name right away. I would recognize her with my eyes closed.
I couldn't contain myself and ended up saying YN's name as soon as I saw her, but I thought my voice would come out stronger. Why did I speak like that? It came out as a whisper. Like a shy confession. I thought she didn't even hear me, but she did. I wanted to know why she pretended not to know me, but I won't ask.
What is she doing here? After all these years... what is she doing here? Did she come after me? Did she miss me? Has she forgiven me? Is there still something to forgive?
No. I am professional. I can't believe I'm thinking about this. She hasn't shown any signs of being impressed to see me, so why am I reacting like this?
Learn your place, Kim Namjoon, come on. Put your shit together.
But what is this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach? It's not my usual boring Ferris wheel sickness. It's something different. I still can't say if it's good or bad, but it's... different.
She is as beautiful as she was back then. I wonder if her smile is still capable of brightening up a morning, like it did with my mornings.
I don't know... I feel like there's something different. I wanted to understand this feeling like I've seen her every day for the last ten years... When I saw YN that day, it wasn't as a surprise, but as a confirmation of something I've been thinking about all this time. A dream materialized right in front of me. The word 'dream' is dangerous. I must use it more carefully.
But what other word could you use to describe her?"
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“I tried a million times to let you go
So many memories are on the floor
And now I hate the cities I don't belong
Just wanna go back home “
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dearreader · 7 months
latam swiftie here
I'm not on tik tok so idk what's going on there. The math side of the easter eggs has got a bit out of hand and they don'tknow what they're talking about. And I agree with you on "not needing an announcement to make it special". I feel this is kind of similar to when ppl complain about the surprise songs they got. I would have never chosen Labyrinth!! And I got it and loved every second of it!! It's special because it was my surprise song, not the other way around.
I didn't believe we'd get an announcement tonight until her dancers started posting black hearts. But my favourite thing would be for her to just play foolish one.
I'm super grateful for the shows, I got to see the mashup, it was insane and I loved every second of it. I had been waiting for over a decade for this so it meant everything to me. I am not expecting her to do anything other than show up at the announced time and perform (as long as weather and health allows her to).
I waited 3 years between 1989 and rep, im not expecting releases this often. No one was expecting 1989 tv right after speak now (I certainly wasn't expecting it until early next year the soonest). But she did announce it and it did happen. Thats just why it's not that crazy to think of an announcement this soon. It just hurts to see everyone calling us ungrateful. Over 17 years we only got 3 tour dates. And we're so so grateful for it, we tried to show her that with the "we will stay" fan project. I screamed so loud every single lyric I damaged my vocal chords and it took me a week to recover. People are still making edits, friendship bracelets, they're gathering in the parks and doing swiftie meetups, today I gave two fbs away on the subway!!
The reasons why I believe she won't come back are market-related and financial, but the whole T4F fiasco didn't help at all. The local producer (T4F) is responsible, not the stadium (Im saying this bc i saw this confusion a lot, here those are two different companies, I believe in the US it's the same one).
I understand and agree with what you said, I just want you to know we're very grateful for what we got. (and I didn't think you were rude). In all honestly, the feeling I got from everyone in that crowd was excitement and wanting to be a part of something this big. We didn't want to show anything other than support and love. I heard exactly 0 people complain we didn't get an announcement (but I'm not on tik tok so i might be wrong lol)
And no, we're not really a part of this whole thing the same way everyone (the US, Europe and even parts of Asia/Oceania) is. But I'm not gonna complain because at least we got tour dates. There are lots of places who got no tours dates at all (African swifties you're in my heart). I obviously understand she can't please the entire world and that there are financial decisions to be made!! She's a human and a business woman and I understand. But it does mean we get left aside (again! This is a world/capitalism problem where poorer countries get less chances in general and I'm not expecting Taylor to solve this).
Im sorry, this is so long. Im just trying to say that this is a reality (a sad one), that we understand it exceeds her 100%, and are grateful she toured this year. But that in the bigger picture, we're not a part of things like "the rest of you" and I believe thats where this whole rep tv thing is coming from. It doesn't mean we're not super grateful she took a chance on us and visited this year 😊
Thank you for reading and answering. I know you didn't have to. I really hope you enjoy the last show of 2023 :)
hi, please forgive me for a not good response as i’m tired and focusing on my breathing right now.
but thank you again for responding and explaining more about the financial aspect. and i’m so sorry if i ever implied latam swifties were ungrateful, i never meant to or ever thought that as everything i’ve seen has been nothing but overwhelming love and support from latam, and i really really hope she you’re there again because it’s clear the fans love her and i want her to just be able to be with fans and people who love the music. and the fact you guys are still doing friendship bracelet exchanges is insane and i love it!
and i do think she plans on releasing all of the taylor’s versions on the tour and she wanted to hit certain dates, which is why she announced speak now and 1989 so close together. i think we’ll get reputation sometimes early next year (late january or february ((but i think february is more accurate))) and debut a bit closer to the end of the tour.
and i’m not going and sit here and say you’re apart of this tour just as much as any other location is, because again i’m an american so no matter what i’m not going to understand what it’s like in latam. but i really hope it doesn’t feel like you’re apart if this differently than anyone else, this tour is a monumental moment in taylor’s life and career and the fact she’s able to go to so many locations (especially for the first time) is so massive and big in of itself. an album announcement is a special thing but it doesn’t make the tour or anything about the night any less special.
again, im sorry if this isn’t the best response, but i do hope that you have a good night 🫶🏻
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bloodyhairy · 8 months
hey guys. how are you all? just wanted to drop by and give a bit of an update. i’m trying not to make my pain about a much bigger thing than just me be the focal point of my conversations. but lately i’m just so tired and off kilter. the situation in gaza is so scary. i’m disillusioned and disappointed with the world. i feel the way i felt when i was 20 and my best friend died. i felt like the grief aged me 10 years in one day. this is taking a similar toll on a much larger scale. i want to be positive though, especially here. i’m developing new habits, very good ones—limited screen time before bed and upon waking up for the first couple of hours of the day. i’m also developing a very exciting project. this one will take some time but the announcement will come before the end of the year. i have so much cool shit brewing that i want to put out. i’ve been channeling a lot of my feelings and thoughts into some really exciting creative writing projects. i’m suuuper excited to move into my new place which will be around december/january. but you’ll hear all about it soon. thanks for reading guys. i hope you’re all doing well. free palestine x
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fearofahumanplanet · 2 years
Dickheads & Dolts for the WIP Challenge (bc I TOTALLY didn't want to ask about The Serpents They Stone just to get some juicy details)
I respect your restraint, brave soldier.
Also, I actually remember what that one is too. It's nonsense, is what it is. It was me making a parody of a D&D campaign for fun. It's not really something I aimed to do anything with, and was me just fucking around, but let me find a good tidbit for an excerpt.
Looking back on it, definitely not something I'd show anymore. Some of the humor is - eeeehhhh yeesh. There is also nine of these. I pretty much just used them as filler for my audience between bigger projects. Got tired of doing them, though. Not my style of comedy.
Thanks for the ask!
CW: Bad
Session 04 (The Rats)
You have wandered the trail for a few hours now, approaching the small town of Nargathlep. A little while out, you hear a strange, rabid hissing. As you turn, you see three rats, surrounding you.
Xarvull: Seriously? You’re putting us into a fight with no gear?
Charlayne: It’s just rats, what’s the worst that could happen?
Faetal: Char… Never say that.
(clears throat) Guys? Roll initiative. (pause) Okay, Ris, you’re up.
Nerissa: Wait, hold on, why are we fighting rats? That’s like kicking a kindergartner.
No, no, they’re giant rats.
Nerissa: Giant rats?
Nerissa: How giant?
Like, as big as a dog.
Nerissa: That’s not giant.
It is, when you compare it to the size of a regular rat.
Nerissa: Still… why are we attacking them?
They’re attacking you.
Nerissa: Rats aren’t feral.
Giant rats are.
Nerissa: What, so they’re feral just because they’re bigger?
Nerissa: This reeks of railroading. I want a pet rat.
Just attack the damn thing!
Nerissa: I’m a bard!
So? You have abilities.
Nerissa: Not offensive ones! I play tunes and make people smile! I’m not-
Colletta: You’ll make me smile.
Shut up! Ris, just take an action.
Nerissa: Fine, you’re all feeling inspired. Whoo. Everyone here is so strong, so powerful, and so brave to take on a couple of slightly bigger than usual rats.
(sighs) Char, you’re up.
Charlayne: Right, fire bolt.
Erm.. Okay. Also, roll for your wild magic.
Charlayne: 1.
...Well, that was quick.
Faetal: Oh, no, how much worse can this even get?
Colletta: Immensely.
Well, Charlayne immediately disappears, teleporting into the Astral Plane, far from the fight.
Colletta: Did the fire bolt at least-
Colletta: Fuck it, I’m attacking these dicks-
It’s not your turn.
Colletta: Who’s turn is it?
The rats.
Colletta: No, I’m attacking-
Xarvull: Colletta, you’re a rogue, go hide-
Colletta: I’m attacking!
Okay. As soon as you step forward, the forest brush collapses underneath you, and you fall into a hidden pit, 6’ deep. It was a cleverly designed trap. Take 1d10 damage please.
Colletta: Wait- The rats designed a pit trap?!
They’re very smart rats.
Colletta: They don’t have thumbs!
Faetal: Neither do you.
They are telepathic rats.
Nerissa: Telepathic…
Very telepathic. But only outside of combat.
Xarvull: You can’t be serious?
Charlayne: Karen… You realize telepathy is not the same thing as telekinesis, right?
(pause) They are also telekinetic rats.
Xarvull: Oh, for-
Colletta: Wait, I’m dead.
Faetal: What?!
Colletta: Karen, 1d10 is enough to kill me!
Oh. You’re not dead. You’re just making your death saving throws.
Colletta: Right. Can someone come rez me?
Xarvull: You’re in a pit.
Nerissa: Can the heal slut do her thing?
Faetal: I’m not a heal slut!
You don’t rez someone who’s making death saving throws. She just rolls a few times to see if she actually dies or not.
Colletta: What? That’s fucking stupid…
Or you could die immediately with no opportunity to save yourself.
Colletta: Okay, okay, I’ll roll.
Anyways, the rats swarm Xarvull, biting him-
Xarvull: I have steel armor. Those fuckers ain’t biting through.
You know how D&D works, Xar-
Xarvull: Yeah, and it doesn’t involve rats that conveniently gain telepathy when they need to murder my girlfriend, so I’m gonna start calling bullshit where I see it.
Charlayne: Hey? Guys? Hassle Plane? A little help here?
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sstarfruitt · 1 month
can I request a one shot of ray eating you out for the first time 🤭 very gentle and makes sure to go slow so you’re comfortable. I NEED SOFT TOP RAY CONTENT NOW PLZZZZZ 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Taking a Break
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Ray Stantz X Reader (NSFW, MINORS DNI)
heheheha first official request post uwu
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“Hi, Ray.”
Ray turned and looked up at you from his papers and open books scattered across your apartment’s desk. He smiled warmly up at you, despite the exhaustion in his eyes. “Hi, Dear,” he answered contentedly. He looked a mess, having been here for hours researching for a personal project. Something about the history of American witchcraft, he had told you earlier. Why he decided to do this right after a long shift at the firehouse, you had no idea.
“You’ve been here for a while,” you purred to him, reaching up to brush your fingertips over the side of his jaw. “Why don’t you take a little break?”
He reached up to squeeze your hand gently. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I really want to get this done.”
“You won’t even stop for a meal?”
He shook his head softly. “Sorry. I promise I’ll come find you when it’s finished,” he said, glancing up at you again before swiveling his chair back towards his work.
You huffed softly as you turned and left the room. This man is impossible, you thought to yourself. He’s been at it for five hours now and he won’t even stop for food.
What could you get him to stop for? It was always so difficult to get him out of his studying. Not food, not a movie…
Maybe… you wondered. You smiled mischievously, glancing back at the closed door of the office room. Maybe I don’t need anything else to offer him.
In the hallway, you kicked off your shoes, careful to keep them from hitting the ground and making noise. Soon your pants hit the floor, and your shirt followed moments later. After a few moments, you were standing nude in the hall. You shivered softly. It was chilly in the hall, since the space was bigger. All the more reason to slip back into the study space.
You padded in quietly, but not quietly enough that he didn’t hear you. “What’s up?” He asked, not looking up from his book. Soon you were behind him, and you pressed a kiss to the back of his head. Your palms slid down his shoulders for a moment before squeezing them gently. “C’mon, Honey, I already told you.”
“Ray, you’re always telling me how important it is to take breaks.”
“I know, but I need to get this done by next week.”
“You have so much time,” you sighed.
“Dear, I said-“ he began to swivel around to face you, but the second his eyes fell onto your body, he went quiet. His mouth hung open slightly, and you watched as his eyes trailed up your nude shape before meeting your gaze. “(Y/N),” he breathed.
“You’ve been so busy lately, Ray,” you said quietly. “Aren’t you tired? Your mind deserves a break.” As you spoke, you stepped forward and sat in his lap, straddling his thighs. “C’mon. Just half an hour. Take a break for half an hour with me.”
Instantly, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly, squeezing you to his chest. He buried his face into your neck, his warm breath ghosting over your shoulder. You felt him melt into you, his body relaxing.
“Maybe… maybe just half an hour.” You giggled softly, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair.
But soon, he was moving again. You felt his lips press a kiss to your neck- then another, and another. He peppered them down across your shoulder, taking his time. “Ray…” you sighed happily.
“You’re so good to me,” he answered quietly. “I’m lucky to have you.”
“Quit being corny,” you responded jokingly.
“No, I mean it,” he said, leaning back to meet your eyes. “Always looking out for me, and keeping me out of trouble… You’re wonderful.” A flushed heat rolled over your cheeks, and you looked away sheepishly. “And pretty too,” he continued, smiling softly. As he spoke, he loosened one arm to let his fingertips brush down the curve of your spine. You couldn’t help but shiver softly at the sensation.
“Let me take care of you,” he breathed.
You furrowed your brow a little at him. “Ray,” you answered. “This is about you.”
“Well, if you want to make me happy, you’ll let me take care of you.”
“C’mon, Ray.”
He sighed. “Don’t you love me?”, he started.
“Of course I do.”
“And you wanna make me happy?”
“Of course.”
“You know what would make me happy? Letting me take care of my wonderful partner.”
You sighed back at him. For a moment, you met his eyes, before shaking your head, an amused smile playing at the corner of your lips. “Fine. Whatever makes you happy.”
He grinned happily in response, and leaned in to peck your lips. “Love you,” he said playfully after he pulled away. “Now, let’s see…”
Ray hooked his hands under your thighs firmly, and stood up with a grunt. “Ray?!”, you exclaimed in surprise, clinging to his arms tightly. He set you on the edge of his desk carefully. You put your arms behind you, propping yourself up on the desk with your hands. “Here? Really?”
“We can go to the bedroom if you want. I just didn’t feel like walking you all the way there,” he answered, plopping down in his chair as he spoke.
“…No, this works,” you answered. He smiled back at that.
You smiled back… but you figured you could tease him with it. After meeting his eyes, you sighed contentedly, leaning back until you were laid across the desk comfortably. As you shifted, your legs parted slightly. With the change in angle and position of your legs, everything was clear to see. You heard him make the tiniest noise of surprise.
Before you knew it, you felt the warmth of his large hands smooth over your thighs. You lifted your head to look at him, and he smiled back at you sheepishly as he scooted in to settle between your knees.
“Ray…” you said quietly.
“Can I tell you something embarrassing?”
He blinked curiously at you. “Of course, is something wrong?”
“No, it’s…” you trailed off again for a moment. “I’ve never been eaten out before.”
“Oh,” he sighed with relief. He smoothed a hand over the underside of your thigh affectionately. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. To be honest, even though I’ve had sexual encounters before, I’ve never given oral.”
“Really?” you giggled.
“Really,” he answered. “And it’d be an honor to be your first.”
“And only.”
He looked up at you with surprise, and smiled tenderly. “And only,” he repeated back. At that, he leaned down to press a kiss to your stomach, below your navel. At that, you whimpered softly. Another kiss was pressed to the underside of your thigh, making you squirm a little. “Ready?”, he asked softly.
“Yeah,” you answered. You looked down at him, him meeting your eyes briefly for confirmation before he dipped his head down.
And to your surprise, with no warning, a warm kiss was pressed to your clit. You whined in surprise, your hips squirming again. Weakly, you dropped your head back onto the desk, and your fingers found their way into his hair, gripping at it gently. “You’re okay, (Y/N). Just relax,” he hummed softly, before pressing on another kiss. You responded with another whine.
Gently, he sealed his lips around it again, working it softly against his tongue. It was agonizing trying not to instantly fall into a squirming, whining, moaning mess. You managed to keep your mouth shut, but your feelings were obvious, given by how your fingers tightly gripped at his hair, and how your thighs gently hugged his head. The warm, wet, gentle feeling of him pleasuring you was amazing.
But soon, it stopped. You almost lifted your head to ask what was wrong, but before you could, you felt the feeling of his tongue pushing into you. You finally choked out a broken moan.
He pulled away for a moment, looking up at you. “You alright?” He asked.
“Y-yeah, it just… just feels good…“ you whimpered. “Please, Ray.”
At that, he grinned briefly- but quickly dipped back down, not wanting to leave you waiting. His tongue gently pushed in again for a few moments, massaging all he could reach before pulling it out to settle back on your clit. His hands, which previously sat on top of your thighs, now hooked around the sides of them so he could pull you in closer to him. Once you were close enough that he could hug your thighs in his arms, he hummed contentedly against your clit, eliciting another whine from you.
For a while, he held you like that. Gently holding your thighs, his fingers ghosting along the inner sides of them, and his mouth gently working at your clit. Sometimes he would unseal his lips from it to lower his head and bury his tongue in you again, always stopping eventually to work his way back up.
“(Y/N),” he said softly between kisses. “It alright if I use my hand?”
“Please!” You responded eagerly. He smiled softly before pressing in another kiss. He unhooked one arm from around your thigh, before resting the pads of his fingers against your entrance. “Ray…” you sighed needily. At that, he finally pushed a finger in, slow and careful. You whined desperately at the feeling of him pressing into you, his finger warm against your walls. Soon a second pressed in with the first. He was impressed by how well you took it- all thanks to the slick that coated his fingers, and made him able to push in with no resistance other than the gentle squeeze of your walls. He angled his fingers to press gently into your sweet spot, stroking it gently with each pump of his fingers. You moaned again eagerly.
Eventually, the words he’d been waiting for fell from your lips. “Ray, I’m gonna…”
He hummed affirmatively against your clit again, before picking up the pace of the ministrations of his tongue and pushing his fingers in a little harder. You moaned wantonly, and your fingers gripped at his hair more tightly. Soon, your desperation took over, and you began gently and weakly rolling your hips, getting some extra stimulation from your shallow movements. Within moments, you fell apart. You moaned again, arching your back against the table as your finish washed over you. He, on the other hand, continued to gently work you through your finish, only stopping when you gently pulled his hair back. His fingers slipped out from inside of you, and he wiped his lips and chin clean with the back of that hand.
“You alright?” He asked softly.
You sat up gingerly, your arms shaking faintly. “Y-yeah-“ you answered shakily. You were still coming down from the high, and it was obvious. Upon noticing, he stood up to gather you into his arms and sit back down, now holding you in his lap, your legs now straddling his thighs. He held you to his chest as you enjoyed the afterglow. You hummed contentedly, nuzzling into his neck and soaking in the heat of his body.
“You’re so good to me, (Y/N),” he sighed quietly.
“You deserve it,” you answered softly. Your hand slowly traveled up his arm to settle on his shoulder.
“After I ignored you for hours?”
“It’s okay, Ray. I know you didn’t mean to ignore me. You just have a lot on your plate right now.” You leaned back a little to meet his eyes. “But it’s not good to force yourself to work for hours straight. You need to let your mind rest sometimes.”
“I guess you’re right,” he answered. His eyes traveled to the floor thoughtfully- but soon he looked back up at you, smiling softly. “Hey, you want to help me with something?”
“Sure,” you answered happily.
But to your surprise, he gently wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you forward. As your body became flush with his, you gasped softly. He was rock hard, pressed against your core through the fabric of his slacks. “I see what you need help with now.”
“You walk into my office room naked, let me give you oral on my desk, and you’re surprised that I need you now?” He responded playfully.
“No, just surprised you’re so forward about it.”
“Can’t help it. I need you, (Y/N).”
You brushed your fingers through his hair before cupping his cheek. “Well, you have me.”
“Another half an hour of break time couldn’t hurt.”
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milo-is-rambling · 11 months
I really want to paint something big. I think it would do something. Make me feel something. I want a big canvas project. Like a canvas the same height as me. That would be so expensive but I want it. I don’t even have paper that big I only have regular printer paper and maybe 11 x 17 (printer department flashbacks) ughhhhhhh. What time does five below open. Maybe. No. Ugh fucking stupid baby car (in my head I’m like a sim I’m stomping outside and kicking over the trash can) I hate the baby car. Maybe I could suck it up. If I can go early. It won’t be crazy hot (lying) but I could go to five below and get at least a bigger sketch pad (I know I have so many notebooks and sketchbooks and smaller canvases I’m not using rn that are fine but I want the happy buying things chemicals) I am so tired right now and I took a very large bong rip and now I’m just stream of consciousness typing and it’s ugh yeah my brain is tired and I want to be happy and do something I can pretend is productive but I don’t have any real ideas for art stuff. Well I did have an idea last night for a cardboard thing. Hmmm. And I haven’t done magazine collage in a while I could do that. Hmmmmm. I feel like if i don’t do something productive soon I’m going to explode (taking meds is working. Also three weeks back on meds as of yesterday) maybe I’ll move around my flags and posters today…… hmmm. However my mom did come into my room the other day (hanging out with funk) and randomly look at my wall (she doesn’t normally sit at my desk to look closely at that wall) and she was just like wow there’s a lot of thumbtacks in that wall. So I do feel like maybe moving posters and stuff is not the move. However. I also feel like I desperately need to get out of the patterns I’m stuck in so I want to change my environment instead of myself bc I’m avoiding changing myself always for reasons I’m not even sure of. Lie. Putting in effort scares me. Knowing i could put work into being a person and still crumble again and lose it all is terrifying and it feels like every time something goes well something else comes crashing down and I can never have everything going well at once. That’s why. But that’s also an excuse to not change my shitty behavior bc it’s hard and I’m lazy. But is that the mean voice in my head or is that the truth. Am I lazy or have I been depressed for so long I don’t know how to be happy. I was thinking about natural selection yesterday while I was swimming. (Water motif) (I laughed when I thought it so I had to add it) anyways. Natural selection. I was just thinking like. My brain is fucked. If you put my brain into any other body in any other place in any other situation they would still be depressed. I have a chemical imbalance like it’s just fucked to begin with. So then you have to be like okay so if I don’t go on meds. I can’t do anything. I’m literally like. I just rot away and do nothing when I’m depressed. But when I was like 11/12 the depression hit hard as fuck and I don’t remember when I got put on meds the first time but I think I was 14 or 15. Well. Wait. I did take a liquid dose of an antipsychotic when I was 13 because I couldn’t take pills (still hate taking pills). I forgot about that until just this moment. That was a ROUGH time in my life. And I just. Fully forgot about it. Okay. Ignoring that it’s been like six years since I first started seeing a therapist oh my god seven years since ***** i don’t even want to have a tag for him lol ignoring it !!!! Ignoring it !!!! Ignoring it !!! Not thinking about it !!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 ignoring it. Okay. I forgot what my point was. I think my point was I should’ve been dead years ago if meds didn’t exist and yet I still have this cycle of taking them taking them then not taking them and now I’m on a taking them cycle but like what is wrong with me !!! Oh yeah the chemical imbalance and then add some traumatic shit too !! Ughhhh!!!! BRAINS ARE SO LOUD. I want to sleep.
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blogevaawrites · 3 years
Keeping to the schedule.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, sad, marriage, divorce, smut
Summary: After seven years of being married, two daughters and a difficult divorce, they try to understand what went wrong and why they let that happen. 
Part I
“I’m so sorry to do this but we’re having problems with a few scenes. I won’t be at home until next week.” He said from the other side of the line. Since the divorce we have been being very strict with the custody agreement of our children.
“So, will you come to pick them up the next Friday?” I asked.
“Yes, I will be there. And again, I’m really sorry, I tried to do everything in my hands” I knew that he doesn’t like to change anything about the kids, he says we should try to give them as much stability as we can. I couldn’t agree more.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” I simply said.
We got married seven years ago, we had a happy marriage, but loneliness and exhaustion made me give up on our marriage. He started to spend more time away, accepting more projects in L.A or any part of the world but home. I guess home wasn’t what it used to be for him and for me because eventually I stopped complaining about his absence.
“I need to talk to you.” I said when I saw him getting out of the shower. I closed the door of the bathroom and l leaned on the sink. “About what? I’m kind of tired, can we leave it for tomorrow?” He said, drying himself with a towel. I was sick of it; I was being left to a side for so long that I didn’t hold it on.  “Not really.” He looked at me then, normally I don’t insist. “I filed for divorce.” His face went from confusion to anger quickly.
We fought, he got really mad. I knew I should have talk to him before doing it, but he was never around, I was mad and sad, I wasn’t thinking properly. He didn’t talk to me for four months after that night, he moved to his mother’s house and did everything in his hands to accelerate the process. I know I didn’t deal very well with all of that and either he did. Our relationship since then got even more complicate.
Our obsession with our kids’ stability grew after that. We both knew they were going suffer the most, at least Anna. She was almost six when all of that happened, she asked a few times, but we never gave her an answer she could understand. Emma was only four, she noticed that something was wrong but was too young to assimilate it.  
“Mom, Lindsay is having a sleepover this Thursday, and we don’t have school on Friday, can I go? Her mom will call you tomorrow to ask you, can I go, please?” Anna asked, taking my attention from the road as I drove us to home.
“Sure honey” I said with my eyes on the road.
“Dad is coming on Friday, right? I will tell her mom to bring me back in the morning” she always gets excited to see him, both do it.
“It’s not necessary honey, he probably will come to pick you up after dinner. I will pick you up to get lunch together at the park, what do you think?” she nodded enthusiastic, eating her sandwich.
Thursday comes quickly and Martha, Lindsay’s mom, picked Anna up. Emma got to sleep very early after a long afternoon at the park. I went down to watch a few minutes a TV show before to go to bed. The doorbell rang, startling me, it wasn’t late, but I wasn’t expecting anybody. When I got close to the door, I recognized the silhouette of the person behind the door.
“Hi, what are you doing here?”
“I wrapped the film early, I’m sorry if it is too late but I knew you wouldn’t mind. You can have the entire day to yourself tomorrow, in this way.”
“It’s fine, but Anna is not here, she’s at Lindsay’s house and Emma is already sleeping.” He looked devastated and it broke my heart. He usually doesn’t spent too long without seeing them. “You can see Emma if you want to.” I offered and he accepted quickly. He got into the house and went upstairs to Emma’s room.
After a few minutes, he came down to the kitchen where I was preparing things for tomorrow. I wouldn’t say our relationship was good, o was getting better. it was confusing. “How have you been? How was everything with the kids?” he asked from the doorframe. I turned around to see him and answered, “It was fine, no incidents.” I simply said. We looked each other for a while, we haven’t talk since we had sex the last time, he came to bring the girls back. He stayed for dinner and a while after, the girls went to sleep, we started to talk about them, about our past together, about us a couple. We kissed and one thing took us to another.
“I want to talk about the last time. I don’t want you to think I…” he started; I knew it didn’t mean anything for him, it was just sex, he has been avoiding me since then but him bringing the subject up made me mad and it hurt me a little.
“I know! Don’t worry! Let’s just forget about it.” I said walking to the front door.
“No, it’s just that we were kind of drunk and got emotional.” He started to say without following me.
“It was just sex. I get it! You made it very clear when you couldn’t wait to leave.” As soon as we were done, he got up from the bed and started to dress up. He told me it was late, and he had a thing to do in the morning, but I knew he was lying. He left me, naked in the bed, the one we shared for several years.  
“I didn’t want the girls to get confused.” He got closer to the door, shaking his head, and rubbing his face roughly with his hands.
“You didn’t want me to get confused.” His eyes got bigger, and I could see the anger growing in his face.
“You couldn’t care less about what I wanted so don’t tell me what my intentions were.”
“You made them very clear.”
He looked confused, but he moved quickly. “You always so understanding. But why don’t you just listen to me? I’m trying to …” He couldn’t say anything more.
“You’re right, it’s kind of late and there isn’t a reason for you to stay.” I interrupted him, he looked mad.
He took a deep breath and kept on “I’m picking the kids tomorrow’s morning” he informed me before walking out.
“They won’t be here until late afternoon.” I said back. He looked at me without saying anything and kept on his walking. I stood at the door, looking how he got in the car. He turned on the engine, and before driving away he looked at me through the window. “Thank God we’re divorced.”
When the topic isn’t our kids, it never goes well. I guess we’re still hurt.
I didn’t fully understand why he got so angry until I saw the pictures.
After he picked the girls the next day, I did some work and later I filled a glass with wine and turned on the television to pick up a film to watch but my phone rang.
“Hey hon! How are you doing?” Lily asked, with a worried voice that I didn’t get.
“Hey! Why are you asking like that? I’m pretty fine.” I said laughing.
“Well! I don’t know, I thought you will be kind of sad o maybe angry, if my ex-husband was dating with somebody after not even a year from our divorce, I would be ready to kill him.”
“What? What are you talking about? I mean he hadn’t told me anything, I don’t think he’s dating again.” I said quite confused.
“Shit! You haven’t seen it, have you?”
Right away, I googled him with the call waiting.
Chris Evans is off market again? The former superhero and the upcoming actress Rachel Welles spotted holding hands and getting affectionate.
He was trying to talk about our night together because he was going to tell me about her. I felt my heart shrinking. I guess I should have been ready for this, he was free to be with whoever he wanted but it hurt me.
“I’m sorry, girl. It must be weird and hurtful. If you need anything you know I’m right here, right?” she asked kindly.
“I’m fine. he’s free to be with anybody but I guess I wasn’t as much ready to see it as I thought.”
“Yeah, knowing something isn’t always mean assimilating it, right?”
After the call I refilled my glass and went to sleep with a few tears in my cheeks.
Our relationship began so natural, and it went so fast. We met through common friends, we dated just for tree moths after he asked me to move on with him. We didn’t take long to get married either, we both just knew that it was the right decision. I really loved him, and I know he loved me too. It wasn’t a fantasy, but we were grown-ups when he met, we knew what we wanted for life, in a partner and we found it in each other.
He was a great husband, a great father and a great friend. I single tear fell through my cheek, remembering the beginning of our freefall.
“There’s not a good way to say this. I’m really sorry to tell this but, Mrs. Evans you had a miscarriage.” Doctor Lars said. I felt Chris’s hand in my knee, comforting me. I felt I couldn’t breathe. My heart broke in pieces. “But I’m six months pregnant, this usually happens during the first trimester. This can’t be true.” My mouth slurred. “Well, the actual name is a late-miscarriage, there are several things that may play a part in causing it so we need to do a few tests to find a cause. I know this isn’t easy, but these things can happen, and we can’t do anything to prevent it.” I touched my barely swollen belly, missing the movements of my baby. “What are we doing now?” Chris talked, taking care of the situation. “You will need to go through labour to give birth to you baby. I know this can be a very distressing time and you may be in shock but there’s not other way.” I could hear him breathe hardly before kissing my head.
We went through our worst nightmare. I gave birth to a baby I could take care of. Thankfully, after inducing the labour, the birth came quickly. We decided not to hold the baby. We thought it will be less traumatic in that way.
He went with me through all of that, but we changed. Everything changed.
Five days later, I came into our bedroom to see him packing his suitcase.
“What are you doing? I asked softly.
“I need to go to L.A for a few interviews and shoot a few scenes” I looked at him straightly. Not quite believing he was going to leave so early after everything. “Don’t worry, I asked my mother to come to help you with everything.” he said, seeing my expression. I didn’t want to be alone, I didn’t want his mom here, I wanted him. I caressed his back, calling his attention.
“Don’t go, please.” I muttered. “It will be just a couple days, two weeks max.” he said holding me in his arms.
“Two weeks?” that was so fucking long.
“Listen, I can really do anything. I’m sorry but it’s work. What you want me to do?” he tried to reason with me, in vain.
“Call Meghan and ask her to reschedule it. We have an appointment with Doctor Lars next week.” I didn’t like to complain about his job or ask him to not to do it, but I couldn’t go through that alone.
“Everything will be fine, call me after the appointment and tell me what she says. I will be here as soon as I can.” I pushed him away with my eyes watering.
“Okay” for the first time in our life together he was putting his family in a second place.
The worst thing it was that trip didn’t last 2 weeks, but 3 months. He told me that his next project was being moved forward, and nothing else. He left me alone in the worst moment of my life and I couldn’t forget it.  
After a few more glasses of wine, I took me phone and I called him.
“Hello” he said with a surprised voice. “What’s going on?”
“What was what you wanted to tell me last time? Hey, I know we just fuck but I’m actually in a relationship with some else and you must forget about it.” I slurred, mimicking him.
“You know it.” He said, I could hear him moving to another place. I guess he left the house.
“Of course, I do. Do you think I live under a rock?” I wasn’t jealous I was mad at him, at myself.
“Okay I get it you’re mad, but I wanted to talk…”
“What for? To say sorry for fucking me or to ask me to keep back of your new love.”
“No, it’s not like…”
“Why did you leave me? Why wasn’t I your priority anymore? I asked, removing the tears away from my face. My voice broke a few times, I was unable to keep myself still.
“Where are you? Are you drunk?” he asked hurriedly.
“It wasn’t my blame; I couldn’t have known it.” I kept talking.
“What are you talking about?” his voice was full of curiosity and confusion.
“We didn’t name him, he died without a name.” my face was completely wet, my arms were crossed around my stomach and my heart… I couldn’t feel my heart.
“Are you at home? Pease tell me where you are.” He asked desperately.
“Yes, I’m here.” I muttered before hanging up.
A few minutes later I heard the door opening, and his footsteps. I was in completely darkness, no TV, no lights, nothing but somehow, he knew exactly where I was.
“Hey! What’s going on? What happened?” he asked softly, sitting next to me in the half-furnished nursery.
“Why did you leave me?”
“Well, when you wife files for divorce, it’s actually kind of what you have do” he said with a sad smile in his face.
“You left me way before that.” I said quickly, he left me when we lost our baby. “We never talked about him.”
“I don’t think you are in an appropriate state to talk about him.” He said without looking at me.
“I’m fine. Don’t make excuses! You just don’t want to talk about him with me.”
“I don’t want to talk about him with nobody.”
“I’m not nobody.”
“Why is this so important now? It’s been a year since then, we are not together anymore...” he started to get up from the floor.
“You’re dating again…” I finished the sentence off for him “you told me you weren’t ready. You said you missed me, that you missed us.” I said, remembering what he told me when he was taking me to our bedroom between kisses and caresses.
His face looked confused and tired.
“I don’t get it. Why are so upset? You filed for divorce without telling me why, without giving me a chance to make it better. All I know is you felt neglected, but I didn’t do anything wrong. I thought we were just going through a rough patch, but I thought it was normal after all.” His voice was firmed, he wasn’t yelling me, but I bet he wanted. “I know you don’t think this but I’m not the bad guy here.” His eyes were red and watering. He never told me anything of this. He had been too angry to talk to me about anything.
He walked to the door, ready to leave me.
“You left me.” I said, calling his attention.  
“You already said that.” He barked back.  
“When I asked you to stay you left me for almost four months after I gave birth to my death son. I needed you Chris, and you rather work than be with your wife.” His face kept straight; he knew what I was talking about. I got up when I saw him get closer to me. He looked at me for minutes, as he wasn’t sure about his next words.
“I went to therapy. I didn’t come back home because I wasn’t stable, not because I was working, not because I wanted to leave, it was because I didn’t see another way to deal with everything. You were right when you said holding our baby it would be traumatic, it was.” I didn’t understand what he was talking about, we agreed on not to hold the baby when he was born but he cleared all up “I couldn’t help it, I saw him coming out of you as the same way Emma and Anna did. I needed to see him, and it was the worst thing I could have done, but it was my son.” His eyes never left mine when his body got much closer to me. “I lost my son too, honey. I couldn’t be there for you because I wasn’t handling in the right way.” I saw a single tear going down through his cheek. At least I wasn’t the only one crying.
“Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“Because you gave birth to him! How the fucking hell could I have told you I was the one losing his mind after that? I know I should have stayed with you but believe me, there wasn’t another option, I didn’t find another way.”  
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strampunch · 3 years
“Labours of Love”
Summer Holmestice 2021 for “Ghostbees” 
After my giftee ( @ghostbees ) mentioned "scrapbooking" and "English paper piecing" I went down a rabbithole of research and learnt about this wonderful quilting technique.
From the EQS website: "English Paper Piecing is a method of quilting that involves using a paper shape, most commonly a hexagon, to add stability to the quilt. The quilt is hand stitched with pieces of fabric cut a ¼ inch bigger than the paper shape. The fabric is basted to the paper shapes before the shapes are sewn together. Once the quilt top is completed the papers are removed." The technique dates from 1770s and was popular during the early 1800s in the UK, then in the mid 19th century in the US and it made a comeback during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the pattern was called in the sewing magazines "Grandma's Flower Garden", but before that it was simply known as hexagonal pattern or (you guessed it) honeycomb pattern. The paper used for these quilts were usually recycled from newspapers or scrapped letters, and the fabric used to come from old garments that had seen better days, and since a lot of the times the paper was simply left in these quilts are marvelous time capsules that contain a wealth of information about the person who made them and their environment. I encourage you to look up English paper piecing (EPP) quilts from the early Victorian decades, they're fascinating!
So this little series of illustrations shows Watson dealing with Holmes still indulging in scrapbooking, and how the doctor picks up the discarded pieces and their old 221B era clothes to make something entirely new and uniquely theirs.
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1. I keep seeing lovely examples of Victorian silk braces with floral embroidery and I couldn’t resist giving the boys some fancy ones. Also I know that a bright pink and blue shirt is probably not too historically accurate 1910s but screw it, trans flag shirt colours!
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2. I both hate and love drawing furniture. Footstools/ottomans are cute, though.
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3. “My dear fellow, if you didn’t spend all morning in bed instead of reading the newspaper as soon it arrives all of this could be avoided.”  Also Holmes is wearing a silk piano shawl because what are gender norms?
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4. Holmes not only uses newspaper clippings for scrapbooking, but per Ghostbees’ suggestion I looked briefly into the Victorian hobby of pressing and collecting seaweed and I think it would be a fantastic subject for Holmes to branch out to (especially if there’s any poisonous types).
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5. Old dressing gowns and blankets that have seen better days. The moths got ahold of them but I’m pretty sure the constant chemical experiments back at 221B claimed more than one victim. 
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6. I got a bit carried away with the ink and gouache here. But it was fascinating to see the first published patterns in magazines making their appearance, especially in publications aimed at women that contained a wide range of home-related subjects. 
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7. Someone in the Dreamwidth website pointed out that both Holmes and Watson are working on beehives and that warmed my heart. One interesting bit about EPP is that the paper can be left inside the quilt, so historians have been able to gather very detailed information about the person who crafted these pieces and their life. 
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8. Oh god so many hexagons. Here’s an example of one of those magazines with patterns and instructions. 
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9. I had too much fun giving them embroidered slippers. It’s a shame I overdid the watercolours and turned out quite muddy, but I would love to draw their clothes in more detail in the future.
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10. Smooch! (Also the paisley trim is my favourite part) 
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11. Initially I wanted this story to end in a picnic at Beachy Head, until I was told that quilts aren’t picnic blankets and are more appropriate for domestic use only. You still get to see some of the cliffs at least!
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12. Another accidental discovery during my research: pickle and marmalade jars! I could draw a hundred of them and not get tired. That little spoon! Ugh!
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13. I will never not cry about these two old fools in love. 
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14. Cross stitching and lettering isn’t my forte, nor is Watson’s, but I saw several quilts had names sewn into one panel, almost like a painter signing their canvas, or dedicating  the piece to a loved one. So you know I had to add this little detail, plus some green carnations for extra queerness, a forget-me-not flower and a plump bee because I have to be extra. 
Looking back this is one of the things I’m the most proud of that I have made this year, or even longer. I work digitally for my job and I miss the feel of traditional materials, so this was a project that let me flex those watercolour muscles and try gouache for the first time. All while drawing incredibly indulgent things, so thank you Basil for giving me an excuse to have some fun. 
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part eighteen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of +sex
word count: 2k
series masterlist
“Sam and I will take the bunk beds.”
The room was a decent size. It was definitely bigger than Sam’s dad had made it sound. A large window on the back wall flooded the space with natural light and offered a view of the city below. By the door was a small fridge and a countertop with a sink and a couple of burners built in so that guests could cook their own meals. There was a queen sized bed jutting out from the western-facing wall and built into the adjacent wall were two twin-sized bunks, one on top of the other, making the room feel... cozy.
Harry and Tom traded looks with each other.
The boys visibly relaxed and chuckled awkwardly.
“If I ever have to share a bed with Tom again it’ll be too soon,” Harry sighed.
“Is that any way to treat your big brother?” Tom scoffed.
“I’m taller than you.”
“For now.”
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean? You’re twenty-five, you’re done growing.”
Tom shrugged. “Yeah, but I could always make you shorter.”
“Oh, what are you going to do, cut my legs off?” Harry challenged.
“I never said that.”
“Jesus Christ guys,” Sam said, finally cutting in. “Can we not threaten each other until we’ve had at least a few hours of sleep?”
“Whatever,” his twin grumbled, kicking off his shoes by the door.
Tom slung his backpack onto the top bunk and pulled his sweatshirt off over his head, exposing a strip of his stomach in the process. You looked away instinctively, hoping that you hadn’t drawn any attention to yourself while doing so.
“You always get the top bunk,” Harry whined.
“Yeah, because I’m older.”
“That’s not fair!”
“My brothers are actually ten years old,” Sam explained to you, raising his voice so that you could hear him over the bickering.
“No, I think ten-year-olds know how to take turns,” you said dismissively, not missing the glares from the other two Hollands.
“You’re right,” Sam agreed. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and sighed. “Reminds me of the family vacations we used to take. The six of us used to share one hotel room when we traveled.”
“Four boys... I don’t know how your mom did it.”
“None of us do.”
“I thought we were going to sleep,” Harry muttered from where he was already laying down on the bottom bunk, clearly irritated.
“Give us a minute to settle in, dude,” Sam shot back before dropping into a whisper. “It’s going to be a long week.”
You shook your head, putting your hands on his shoulders. “Everyone’s just cranky because they’re tired,” you reasoned. “We’ll get some sleep and then grab some food and then maybe they’ll be in a better mood.”
“You don’t know them like I do,” Sam warned.
“That’s true, but won’t they tone it down since I’m here?”
Sam snorted. “Wishful thinking.”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever, I’m going to hop in the shower. I feel gross after being on a plane for so long.”
“I’ll go after you,” Sam replied with a nod. “Let me know if you need anything.”
You thanked him with a kiss under the watchful eyes of his brothers who both groaned in protest.
“Oh, fuck off,” Sam growled against your lips.
“By the way, sharing a bed doesn’t mean you get to mess around because I don’t want to hear that shit.”
“Harry!” Sam and Tom shouted, Tom going as far as throwing a pillow at his younger brother from the top bunk.
“Just being honest! We heard you going at it like rabbits when you had your own room, and I didn’t say anything about it then-”
“Harry.” To your surprise, it was Tom who cut him off, raising another pillow in warning. Thankfully, Harry took the hint that time and shut up, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.
You smiled to yourself with the knowledge that your little Easy A stunt had worked, and looked over to see that Sam was wearing a matching smirk. He winked at you before turning to glare at his brothers.
“On that note, I’m going to shower,” you said, mostly to Sam, and made your way over to where you had dropped your suitcase by the door.
You gathered a set of pajamas to change into and then wandered into the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind you. It was one of those rolling doors so you had to be extra careful not to knock it off its hinges or the track and cause even more noise than necessary. You set your change of clothes on the counter next to the sink and began to undress, leaving your worn clothes on the floor.
The shower was kept in a room separate from the room with the sink and vanity, something you had read was common for Japanese washrooms. Inside the second room was a bathtub with a complicated looking panel next to it. With a closer inspection you determined it was used to fill the bath with water and customize the temperature. The showerhead was secured to the wall just to the side of the tub which meant you would have to hold it while you showered, but you didn’t mind. You were used to holding the showerhead for... other reasons.
Your shower was quick. You didn’t want to take too long when you knew other people were waiting for it. You were drained too. Even as you dried yourself off with a towel you could feel your arms start to get heavier.
You wrapped your hair in your towel and put on your pajamas shortly after, trying not to cringe at the way the fabric clung to your still-damp body. Usually you wouldn’t get dressed in the bathroom right after taking a shower because it was always so humid and sticky, you’d go out in the bedroom to do it, but as Sam’s girlfriend the latter wasn’t an option. So you dealt with the discomfort and ventured back into the main room.
It was dark now. Someone, you assumed Sam, had pulled the blackout curtains shut so that the daylight could no longer stream through the window. Harry was already fast asleep, but Tom and Sam were still awake, scrolling through their phones on their respective sides of the room.
Sam was perched on top of your bed, resting comfortably. He wasn’t underneath the covers, probably because he knew you didn’t like to share a bed with someone who hadn’t showered.
He smiled when he saw you and pushed himself up onto his elbows.
“Shower’s all yours,” you said.
You watched him rifle through his suitcase for pajamas and then eventually disappear into the bathroom before finally flinging yourself onto the bed. You still needed to take your hair out of the towel and brush your teeth, but you took a moment to just. Lay there.
Tom didn’t acknowledge you, hadn’t so much as looked at you since you came out of the bathroom, but you still found yourself looking over to him.
At the airport he had seemed at least a little concerned that he would have to share a room with you. Even in the cab to the hotel he kept sneaking glances at you when he thought you weren’t paying attention. But now he looked completely relaxed and you were second guessing yourself. Maybe you’d been projecting. Maybe he hadn’t been anxious at all.
You, on the other hand, felt like you hadn’t been able to exhale since Dom had announced that you’d be sharing a room with Sam’s brothers.
It had dawned on you as soon as you stepped into the hotel room that you’d never be able to let your guard down. Before this point you had at least been able to take breaks, retreat to your hotel room with Sam and be yourselves without worrying that one of his family members was around. You hadn’t needed to keep up the act 24/7, but now you had no other choice. It was only for a week, but you knew it was going to be exhausting. You weren’t even sure that your current performance was believable, and that was without all of the more intimate interactions couples had in private. The good night kisses, the cuddling in bed together, falling asleep in each other's arms, the good morning kisses, all things you’d have to take into consideration. Most couples you knew moved in harmony, like they were one person, half of a whole. You and Sam were more like the hands on a clock. You were always moving in the same direction, and once in a while you’d overlap, but more often than not you were facing each other on completely opposite sides of the clock. It was what made you such good friends. Best friends. But what would make you terrible lovers.
To be fair, a lot of people misunderstood your dynamic, which you had been using to your advantage. They assumed that since you were always together you were basically the same person- and they weren’t necessarily wrong. You and Sam spent a majority of your time together. You knew each other well enough to finish each other’s sentences, to voice aloud what the other was thinking before they even said it.
The vibration of your phone next to you disrupted your train of thought. It was a text from Sam.
Can you come here rq? I need help lol.
Confused, you pushed back the covers and stood up. You dropped your phone back on the bed and walked over to the bathroom, keenly aware of the way Tom stiffened in his bed.
You rolled back the door and found Sam standing in his boxers next to the tub.
“What is it?” you asked, shutting the door behind you.
“How did you figure out the shower? I can’t get the water to be hot.”
“This is what you called me in here for?” you said, exasperation dripping from your voice.
“Yes! I don’t want to take a cold shower.” He said it like it should’ve been obvious.
“Did you try messing with the knobs? That’s how I figured it out.”
Sam’s cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as he pursed his lips, thinking about how to answer.
“Not all of them,” he admitted.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“It’s the one on the left, dumbass,” you said and twisted the knob for him.
“Thanks,” he mumbled sheepishly. “I just didn’t want to fuck up the shower or anything.”
Men, you thought to yourself shaking your head.
“I’m going to bed,” you told him. “Before your brothers think I’m in here giving you head or something.”
“Let them think what they want,” he said, shrugging it off.
“I want to preserve what little amount of respect they have for me, thanks.”
Sam just chuckled and thanked you again as you let yourself out into the room with the sink. While you were there you hung up your wet towel and brushed your teeth with your finger and the toothpaste the hotel provided. You were too lazy to go get your toothbrush out of your bag.
“That was fast.”
You jumped, hand racing to your heart when you realized it was just Tom. He was still in his bed, but had rolled onto one side so that he could talk to you.
“You scared the shit out of me!” you hissed.
“Sorry.” He didn’t sound very sorry. “What did my brother want?”
God damn it, Sam.
“Why do you ask?”
Tom shrugged. “Just wondering.”
“He needed help figuring out the shower,” you explained.
“Glad he has you for that.”
You narrowed your eyes at the boy in the top bunk. He was trying to get under your skin. Why?
The ball was in your court. You could be the bigger person and let it go, or-
“He has me for a lot of things.” You pushed your tongue against your cheek so that there was a visible outline and brought your fist up to your mouth, moving it back and forth subtly so that he’d get the idea without being too obscene. “But you already knew that, didn’t you?"
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
forever tags: @mischiefmanaged49 @bookingbee @cloverrover @captainbuckyy @perhaps-he-schnapped-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @the-queen-procrastinator @tastingthestarz @sleepybesson @everythingbooknerd @sunshine96love @bitchymathematician @livingincompletesilence @melsbooktrash @swim-deep-or-die @fizzy828 @spider-slutt @theamuz @nedthegay @astroasethic @stuckonspidey @darlingtholland @sgtbookybarnes @tinyplanet-explorers @dragonage2011 @uglypastels @gen-tlehoe @devin-marie @r-wooooosh @hell-yeah-peter-parker @itssnowingandimstuckinside @relise-thefury @osteporosis @legendsofwholock @peterunderoos @fuckyeahhomerun @nobelwarriorheroes @delicately-important-trash @thwip-it-real-good @claryfray101 @gioandrolli @tomhollandseverything @cool-ultra-nerd @marajillana @dinasaur36 @farfromhaz @hanlons-wp @moon-390
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biaswreckme · 3 years
how to care for your hybrid | jjk
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Pairing: hybrid!Jungkook/Reader
Member: Jungkook
Length: 5253 words
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, 5+1
Rating: 18+
Triggers/Warnings: smut, hybrid smut, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), insinuation of past abuse (but nothing explicit or even saying what happened), mention of abandonment 
Project: @btscreatorscorner​ March workshop with the theme push the limits
Summary: how to care for your hybrid, or 5 times you cared for bunny hybrid!Jungkook and one time he took care of you
A/N: So this was supposed to be a drabble and it turned out to be a 5k fic. Alright. This was written for this month’s workshop for BTS Creators’ Corner network, and the theme was to push the limits. I had never written a hybrid fic before, so I interpret the theme as coming out of my writing comfort zone (even though it’s still smut...) Thankssss to my lobely lobely betas, @heejinnien​ for beta-reading the sfw parts of this fic, and to @taegularities​​ for beta-reading the nsfw bit :3 I love you girls ♥
You can find the sequel here.
1. Provide them with a comfortable home
You still remembered the day you had brought Jungkook home from the shelter. You had gone with a friend, just as a companion, not intending nor really wanting to adopt a hybrid. Sure, you’d feel lonely sometimes, living by yourself and in a foreign country, but the thought of adopting a hybrid had never crossed your mind. Adopting a plant? Sure. Adopting a cat? Maybe. Adopting a hybrid? Never. Until you saw him, that is.
The shelter was legit, your friend had said, having done her research. But the place still made you uncomfortable; the creatures, those people, inside the divisions - you refuse to think of them as cages - waiting for someone to help. You had to bite your lip to keep from crying upon seeing them, knowing it was a rescue shelter, and then your eyes crossed with his.
There was some magnetic energy in the air that had pulled you closer to his unit until you could read the informational pamphlet: he was named Jungkook, a rescue bunny hybrid. Your gaze had immediately shifted to the man again; he was only a couple of years younger than you, but there had been something about his gaze that almost hypnotized you. He had such wide, expressive, and round eyes glistening with moisture and paired with his ears drooping low on the back of his head, you could not resist it.
There would be a home inspection and you would need to get some provisions to fulfill all the exigencies, but you rushed to get everything together. They had provided you with a list of items to make the bunny hybrid comfortable and ease the transition, and you did not hesitate, deciding to worry about the credit card bills later.
And so you took him home. He had clung to you entering the apartment, slowly exploring the space and showing where he would be sleeping. At the shelter, they had told you the hybrid would need an appropriate bed, but you hadn’t felt comfortable just getting a bunny bed at the store, so you got him a real and human bed, wanting him to feel at ease enough to not need to shift into a full bunny to sleep - they had also told you he tended to do that, sleeping as a bunny because he did not feel comfortable in his hybrid human-like body.
You had gotten the basics necessary for the approval of the adoption, and then you took him to the store, letting him choose his own things. It would be a while until that wide-eyed, surprised look would leave his expression, even when you were alone at the apartment and just hanging out on the couch on a Sunday night. That first night, giving him the blankets and tucking him in, you promised to take care of him, and you could barely hear his voice in reply, so small and shy, even though he was much taller - and more muscly - than you. It did not feel right that he had to make himself so quiet and small if that was even possible, so you swore to yourself that you would do everything to help him come out of his shell.
And soon you would find yourself in the company of a very loud and boisterous bunny, no shame about singing, his love for gaming until late hours, and working out. And you could not avoid falling in love with him.
2. Make sure they are getting appropriate food
It was a Friday night, you got home tired after a long day at work, and you smiled to yourself, biting your own lip upon the sight that greeted you upon entering the apartment. A shirtless Jungkook, towel haphazardly thrown over his shoulders, his torso glistening with sweat from working out in your living room. He lifted his head upon hearing you enter, a big smile lighting up his face and his long ears pointed up. He got up and made a movement to hug you.
“Hi, noona!”
“Oh no, you don’t,” you barely ducked out of the day. “Jungkook, you’re sweaty…”
He was faster than you, predicting where you were going to dodge his new attempt at enveloping you with his arms, something he had been picking up whenever you joined him in a boxing workout. His arms quickly went around your body, pressing you against him, your forearms up in the failed endeavor of avoiding getting his sweat all over you. He hugged you tight, his chin resting on your shoulder and you felt one of his ears on your head as his entire body seemed to tremble, and as you looked down you saw his tail wiggle from side to side rapidly.
“You’re finally home,” he sighed, swaying you softly from side to side.
“Is everything okay, bun? I’m sorry I’m late, they had me stay…”
“I’m so hungry,” you could almost see the pout, knowing the small lisp that came out whenever he pursed his lips and whined.
You looked around the living room, seeing the empty protein shaker bottle on the coffee table, narrowing your eyes.
“Didn’t you have your shake? You were working out.”
“Well, I did…” he started.
“We went grocery shopping and there are still some veggies and fruit cut up from our weekend meal prep, bun,” you felt him hiding his face even more on your shoulder, squeezing your body. “What’s going on? Am I forgetting something?” There was a slightly teasing tone in your voice, knowing what he wanted.
“You promised…” his voice was a mumble, muffled by the way his pouty lips were pressing on your body, but before you could ask him to repeat, “You promised pizza night, noona.”
“I know, bun, I haven’t forgotten it,” you stepped away from him, looking into his eyes and seeing his demeanor change completely.
“I made the order when I was stuck at a red light. I got your favorite,” you were about to continue, but was interrupted by his sweaty hug again, this time accompanied by a chuckle.
“Ok, we have just enough time to shower before it arrives, so let’s run and get ready.”
You were right and there was just enough time to quickly wash the day - and Jungkook’s sweat - away. You set up the coffee table while he went to get the pizza, knowing it would be hot and he would almost drop it entering the apartment as usual. You sat side by side on the floor in front of the small table, turning the television on to the show you have been binging, your backs propped up against the sofa.
Jungkook was usually very strict with his diet, being mindful of the food he ingested to maintain his physique and try to lower his body fat percentage - which was crazy to you, his muscles were already prominent and he seemed to get only bigger… how were you supposed to leave the house to work when you had your bun looking like that, especially early mornings, his hooded half-open eyes almost smiling at you wishing you a good day at work. Your fridge was always full of fresh and cut-up vegetables, fruit, and greens, catering to his diet (and you had to admit you have been eating much better since he entered your life). Sometimes you thought it was all his difficulties from before, his time spent in the shelter, that he had such a love for a cheesy hot pizza every once in a while during the weekend.
And how could you say no to him when he purposefully lowered his ears, pouted, and widened his big round eyes even more to convince you?
3. Explore new things together
“Come on baby, you said you wanted to try this. It’s just us now.”
“Y… yes, noona. It’s just so… big.” Jungkook’s eyes were wide open, looking at the size of the pool in the club. For as much of a muscle bunny he was, the sheer magnitude of the pool seemed to scare him.
He first brought up the idea when you were watching tv a few days ago, some random program late at night showing people on a beach, and Jungkook had seemed to be fixated on the screen. He wanted to visit the sea, for he had never been there before. You agreed to it, but you had to admit that you were scared too, so you compromised: you would start your water adventures at a pool, so he could test things out, see if he truly enjoyed being in the water and swimming.
A few calls later there you were, standing by the water. You picked a time when they said people weren’t usually in - it even involved getting a day off work so you could go this early, but you would do everything for Jungkook. You looked at him, observant, watching his reactions carefully. His ears were down the back of his head, his hands clenched together in front of his shirtless torso, his front teeth worrying into his bottom lip. You took one of his hands into yours and started taking him in the direction of the small ladder to enter the pool. For a moment you wanted to jump in, but you didn’t want to make him even more nervous.
“It’s okay, bun, we’re going into the shallower part so most of your body will be above the water, ok?”
He nodded, but still seemed hesitant to get in, waiting for you to do it first. You stepped down the small ladder, showing him that almost half of your body was above the water, that he would be safe and didn’t need to worry about this part. The water was on the warmer side; you thought going for the hot pool was the best idea to help him feel comfortable at first. He stepped in feet by feet, slowly, his nose scrunched, but the moment he felt the warmth on his feet it was like magic: his ears shot up and his eyes widened in surprise, his mouth coming into a small circle.
You smiled encouragingly and stepped back, giving him some space, seeing him put one of his feet to the bottom and then the other, grounding himself. He was taller than you and he noticed the difference in the level of the water surrounding you. You lowered your body, telling him you were doing it first so as not to frighten him and submerged yourself to get your hair wet. When you emerged, you saw his eyes were wide again, but his ears were not down as before. There was a glint of curiosity in his expression and you nodded in encouragement for him to try it out.
“It’s just like when you wet your hair in the tube, bun. Here, hold on to my hands and remember to hold your breath.”
He did so, holding them tightly in his fists as he bent his knees and lowered his body. You chuckled slightly when you saw that half of his ears were still out of the water, so you quickly untangled one of your hands from his and lightly pressed on them so they were submerged too. He got up and shook his head, water droplets flying everywhere. He started laughing when he saw you put your hands in your eyes, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“Yes, noona, it’s good.”
“Are you ready to go a bit deeper?” His long ears perked up at your question, but his face seemed apprehensive. “Not much, we’re not swimming today, just going a bit more so you can maybe try floating.” His head moved up and down, agreeing to the idea, and you couldn’t help but think it was so cute the way his ears moved too.
You grabbed both his hands again so you were looking at each other as you slowly started to step back further into the deeper part of the pool. You didn’t rush, letting him adjust to the increasing level of the water, and only moved when he seemed comfortable. Jungkook always loved to have baths, so you figured he would love going to the pool too, especially a hot one. His smile got wider with each step, feeling more confident and safe with you. When the water hit your shoulders, you stopped and let his hands go.
“Bun, let’s try floating, ok? We’re starting small today, so you can just come closer and put your arms around my shoulders.” You said as you turned your back to him, and almost immediately you felt his arms around you. “Good! Now try letting your feet rise from the floor, let your body float a little.”
He tentatively lifted his feet, clinging to you harder as his body moved with the slow slushing of the water.
“I’ve got you, Kook,” you said as you pressed your hands to his. “I’m not letting go. Trust me, bun. Kick your feet back and put your weight on me.”
You felt him kick the water behind you, his strong arms flexing as he let his weight fall onto you. You knew the moment he started to float and enjoyed it; he pressed his face against your neck and started giggling, and when you looked at him, his nose was scrunched with happiness. His long ears were slightly facing backward, his eyes half-closed, and his little tail wiggling. You walked around the same area of the pool while he kicked his feet behind him, laughing freely as he enjoyed himself. As soon as you taught him to swim you would be taking a small holiday on the beach; you wanted to see this joy in him forever.
This moment was worth everything.
4. Make sure they are getting enough attention
“Morning, noona.”
You heard his voice, so gentle and still thick from sleep, waking up to the sound and the small kisses, his lips softly pressing against the back of your neck, his nose smelling your hair, his warm chest pressed against your back. You made an attempt to move your body but he tightened his arms around you.
“No moving yet, noona.”
“Morning, bun. What are you doing?”
“Just making sure you’re not going to leave my arms today,” he started, and you noticed his voice was heavy with emotion.
He stayed quiet, hiding his face on your shoulder blades, and you did not say anything else until you felt it, until you felt them. There were small droplets of tears falling on your skin, and you turned around quickly to look at him fighting his embrace. Your hands immediately went to his face, wiping his cheeks, seeing him close his eyes and just quietly crying. Whenever he got like this, he would usually be quieter, needing to talk in his own time, so you did not ask him anything else, giving him space to let his feelings out. All you did was press your forehead against his and wipe his tears with your thumbs, and when you saw he would not stop so soon, you hugged him, letting your shirt dampen without caring about it. The moment you cradled his head against your chest, sobs started to wreck his body, making him shake and you could feel tears gathering in your own eyes. You had no idea how long you were like that, slowly caressing his hair, minding his long ears, but all that mattered was Jungkook. Slowly you felt his body starting to shake less, his hard sobs turning into small hiccups as he almost clawed at your back, needing to be closer to you.
“You’re… you’re not leaving me, right, noona?” His voice was quiet, but his question was too loud in the silence of the bedroom on a Saturday morning.
“Jungkook… no, love, I’m not leaving you,” your heart started to crackle with this question, and you pressed him against you even more. “Why, why do you think that, bun?”
He sniffled, pressing his nose against you and inhaling deeply, then said, his tone still small, “I’m feeling lonely… this past week…”
“Oh, Kook…” it seemed impossible, but you held him even closer to you, “I’ve been just too busy and exhausted from work, I know I got here yesterday and you were already in bed… I’m sorry, I’m sorry...”
He sniffled again and you felt a new wave of fresh tears wetting your clothes.
“I thought…” he started, but his voice faltered. “I thought I made you mad. I thought you were angry at me… and that…” there was a small sob that shook his entire body, “I was scared, noona, I was scared you were going to take me back.”
You could not stop your own tears from falling on top of his head; you had no idea he had felt that way. You had tried texting him during the day whenever you could have a moment for yourself at work throughout this insane week, but again and again, they demanded more hours from you and you did not have the chance to say no. Jungkook was still finding his freedom and footing in the world, and it had worried you that you had to leave him to spend more time by himself than usual. But you never expected this reaction, and you made up your mind. They could ask someone else at work, why did it always have to be you?
“No, Kook… Listen, bun,” your voice trembled, so you paused to be more stable when talking to him. “I’m so sorry you were alone this week, this is not going to happen again, I promise. And the day you came home with me I made a promise, remember? I’m never taking you back unless you want to go.”
He shook his head quickly, signaling his opposition to the idea.
“I don’t want you to go either, bun. I love you, and I’m sorry again.”
He finally looked at you, murmuring I love you too, a small smile gracing his lips. Your chest was starting to feel lighter, starting to relax after being so worried at his crying. You had never seen him like this, and you never wanted to see it again.
“What do you need from me, bun?” you said and kissed his forehead, letting your lips linger for a brief second.
“Can we just… stay in bed today? I want to stay like this in your arms, I missed you too much, noona.”
“Whatever you want, love, I’m yours.”
“I never want to leave this bed,” he whined, burrowing closer to you, and you noticed that even though his face was swollen from the tears and his voice was hoarse, his ears were more relaxed than they were before; they were tense in a way that was new to you.
“What about food? And I’m sorry, you’re not using this bed as a toilet, ok?” you tried to lighten the mood and it worked, the sound of his delightful chuckle filling the room, and you laughed along. But you understood and agreed. You never wanted to leave this bed. And at least for the day, you would only leave when necessary, needing to feel him in your embrace and carefully observe as he truly started to believe in you, leaving his worries in the past.
5. Love them unconditionally
The first time it happened was purely accidental. You were cuddling on the sofa, watching television, your hand caressing his hair when you felt his entire body tremble with such force that you stopped and looked at him, your hands away from him.
“Jungkook, bun, what… did I hurt you?”
You were worried; his arms were crossed in front of his body and his hands clasped together tightly on his lap. His doe-like eyes were more expressive than ever, open wide, his long ears were down, and he seemed to still be shivering. What had you done? You noticed there was a pink hue starting to tint his cheeks and neck and when you kept staring at him, you saw that he tried to make himself smaller. You felt tears start to gather in the corners of your eyes, fearful that you had done something to remind him of his life before, as he usually referred to the time that preceded the shelter.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook. I’m so sorry, just tell me what I did so I don’t do it again.”
“You didn’t…” he started, his voice slightly higher-pitched than usual. He cleared his throat and continued, his eyes wandering around the living room,  “you… I…”
You nodded, trying to encourage him to speak, needing to know what went wrong.
“Noona… my ears… my bunny ears, they’re, hm, too sensitive,” he said, blushing harder, and he shuddered.
Oh. Your gaze shifted downwards, and you could see his hands were trying to conceal his erection. You licked your lips unconsciously, and his eyes seemed to get even bigger.
“Bad sensitive or good sensitive?”
He looked down at your question, clenching his hands and pressing them on his crotch, but said “Good sensitive, I think?”
You scooted a little closer to him on the couch but still did not touch him. “Talk to me, bun,” you said softly, feeling that the subject was delicate, but you wanted to know whether or not to bring it up again, whether or not you could touch him like that.
“Noona… no one ever touched them like this before, like you,” he seemed hesitant, but continued nonetheless, “you don’t hurt me. You like it, you like me, right?”
You did not think twice before enveloping him into a hug, pressing him tight against you, overwhelmed with emotions at his question.
“I love you, Jungkook. Every part of you.” You had a feeling that this was what he needed to hear. It was not often that you saw him being insecure anymore, and it tugged on your heart uncomfortably. “You don’t ever have to feel bad with me, ok? I love you,” you repeated, emphasizing, trying to comfort him.
“I love you too, Y/n,” his voice continued soft, but he looked a tiny percentage more confident. “I think… at some point… maybe…” he looked at you, and you nodded again for him to continue. “I think I might want you to touch them when we’re, you know,” he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, chuckling, and there he was, getting back to you.
You laughed with him. It was unusual seeing him this shy in talking about sex, as he was definitely not shy at all performing it or even talking about it most of the time, but you understood this was a different issue.
“Only if it will make you feel good, bun, you know I don’t want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable,” you took his hand and held it, caressing the back of it with your thumb, and he nodded.
The next time it happened was not accidental at all, and it caught you by surprise.
You were already in bed, whispering sweet nothings as sleep didn’t reach you. The kiss started innocent enough, his lips pressing softly against yours while his hands stopped at your lower back, pulling you towards his body. His tongue caressed your lower lip and you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss as you pressed your body closer to his. His leg nudged its way between yours, and shortly after he rolled over you, his underwear not able to conceal his erection and you felt it directly where you needed it as he grabbed your leg and wrapped it around his waist.
His kisses moved down to your neck, nipping and sucking, his hips subtly moving, stimulating you. You grabbed his hair as he descended, lifting your tank top, softly sucking on your nipples as his hands started to lower your panties. He wasted no time, licking your slit from bottom to top, pausing to circle your clit before putting his lips around it and sucking rhythmically as one of his fingers teased your opening, slowly moving in and out. It wasn’t long until you felt your orgasm building that your hands grabbed his hair, pulling him up and towards you.
“I want you in me,” you whispered against his lips, tasting yourself, you needed to feel him.
He nodded and quickly removed his underwear, throwing it haphazardly behind him. He moved back between your legs, lowering his body on top of yours as you crossed your legs on his waist, helping the angle. His cock started to press into you and you felt the delicious stretch, inch by inch. His thickness filled you perfectly; you could almost feel the veiny lines that adorned the underside of his cock pressed on your walls, and whenever his hips made those small sharp trusts, the upwards curve of his erection put some pressure just right where your sweet spot was.
It was sweet and slow, your mouths connected in a seemingly never-ending kiss, his hips moving without rush, the pleasure building unhurriedly and constantly, his weight on top of you heightening the feelings. You started canting your hips with his, your languid movements following his rhythm, and his hand reached to yours, intertwined your fingers. He broke the kiss, looking into your eyes as he directed your hand to his hair. You immediately entangled your fingers on his dark strands, tugging on it and he moaned, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again and stopping the movements of his hips. Before you could ask what happened, he pushed your fingers from his hair, shaking his head softly and smiling. Still staring, he lowered his head and made your fingertips graze against one of his long ears, almost a ghost-like touch. You opened your mouth in surprise and let out a loud moan at the same time, as your first touch on that sensitive part of his made him snap his hips hard once against yours.
A shiver perpassed his body, probably due to the intensity of the touch, but he looked at you and nodded, and so you did not hesitate. Your other hand went to his head too, so you could gently caress his bunny ears; he trembled again but started moving his hips, this time with more urgency and small whines came out of his mouth in between kisses on your neck. One of his hands sneaked between your bodies, his thumb circling your clit, pressing on it, needing you to get closer, the intensity of his orgasm starting to overwhelm him. You were already close, so close to it, but you wanted him to reach his peak with you.
“Can I…” you pause to moan, feeling the edge approaching, “can I touch your tail too?”
He seemed so lost in the moment that you had to repeat the question, the need clear in your voice, and upon hearing it again, he did not hesitate in moaning out an affirmation, curious to see what it would feel like. You waited until you were at the brink of the precipice, your right hand going down his body, his back. And just as a sharp snap of hips hit you just right, snapping the coil of your orgasm, your fingers reached the fluffy tail. Feeling your touch, Jungkook let out a loud shout and stopped his hips, his cock deep inside you as you felt him pulse and his entire body trembled. He fell on top of you as aftershocks still ran through his figure, little high-pitched moans leaving his lips. You were not sure how long you were like that, legs entangled, your fingers caressing his back soothingly as your own body calmed down from the intense orgasm.
“I’m…” he moaned out, “good. We’re doing this again as soon as I have control over my body, okay?”
You chuckled and he moaned for you to stop, the tiniest of movements overwhelming his senses. The next time you giggled at a comment he made, he turned you over, pushing your upper body into the bed and hoisting your hips up, and you certainly did not laugh anymore that night.
+1: Expect to be surprised by them
You heard the commotion outside on the street and you ran out of the apartment to the front door of the small building to see what it was about, and you opened it just in time to see Jungkook stepping out of the cause of the noise.
“Bun, what’s all this?”
“Oh hi noona! Surprise!”
It was indeed a surprise. This morning you had woken up and could not find Jungkook anywhere so you assumed he had gone for a run, but apparently not. There he was standing and waving at you in front of a camper van, a huge smile on his face, his long ears perked up. You could see your neighbors, Taehyung and his cat hybrid Jimin next to him, a sheepish expression on Taehyung’s face and a smile as big as Jungkook’s on Jimin’s lips.
“We’re going camping, noona!” Jungkook said as he approached you, enveloping you into his arms. “You’ve been so tired from work and now that you have a break, I thought we could go camping and have some fun…”
“Right now?” You asked, a little overwhelmed, but starting to get excited about the idea.
“Yes! Taehyung-hyung called up this place and rented the van, we got groceries, and Jimin even helped me pick a new coat for you, noona, I know you needed one.”
You felt your eyes tear up. You were so used to taking care of Jungkook and putting him in the first place that it was strange having someone take care of you like this. But this was Jungkook, you should have expected that. The day you brought him home from the shelter, he had said he would take care of you just as much as you would take care of him. You kissed him softly, pressing him against your body, and you whispered a thank you low in his ear.
“I love you, noona. Now let’s get your things ready, we have to get going, or else Tae-hyung said he is going to play all his old records in this player he brought the entire trip,” he stated wide-eyed and clearly hinting that he definitely did not want that.
You chuckled, knowing how picky Jungkook was with everything - his food, his clothes, his music. You took his hand and pulled him into the house, waving to the other boys at the front, signaling you would be out in a minute. You quickly packed a bag with Jungkook’s help and you waited as he got his camera and equipment bag, not forgetting the aux cord, set on not letting the other boys have control over the music.
What you would find only later on that evening is that for the first night, Taehyung and Jimin would set their tent a little far from the camp, giving you two some space for the date Jungkook had planned. A bottle of your favorite wine, Jungkook cooking a simple dinner by the fire camp, the bun’s eyes shining brightly as he scrunched his nose, and his small tail wagging slowly to the rhythm of a Frank Sinatra record under the moonlight.
Hope you enjoyed it and if you want to read more, how about finding out about the first time bun!Jungkook went to the beach?
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sincerelystranger · 3 years
It’s a strange feeling to learn something new about a person you thought you knew everything about, and the newness leaves a strange taste in Jiang Cheng’s mouth, a faintly uncomfortable feeling in his gut.
It’s not anything major – not really anyway – and it shouldn’t bother him so much but…
But the thing is…
Wei Wuxian lies.
He lies a lot.
And his lies are about stupid things – like that he’s fine when he’s obviously not, and that he’s forgotten something when he hasn’t, and…
Well, he lies.
And it’s surprising to Jiang Cheng, because he always thought that Wei Wuxian was basically incapable of lying. Incapable of just saying nice shit to smooth things over. Incapable of hiding his feelings at the expense of someone else’s pride. Incapable of just saying some stupid white lie when some idiot in charge asked him something.
Now, Jiang Cheng realizes that Wei Wuxian wasn’t incapable, he was just unwilling.
And maybe it’s because of this new face – younger and stranger and just a little bit familiar – or maybe it’s because Jiang Cheng is older now, and maybe just a little bit wiser, but it’s easier to read Wei Wuxian now.
Easier to see the slight downturn of his lips before he gives a fake smile. Easier to notice the strange, tired nervousness in his eyes as he checks to see if his lies have been believed.
Easier to see, but not any easier to understand.
“So you just randomly decided to come to Lotus Pier,” he asks slowly, his eyes carefully tracking every nervous tick of Wei Wuxian’s brow.
“Yeah,” Wei Wuxian smiles, scrunching up his nose as if he’s being mischievous. “Can I stay, oh great Sect leader Jiang?”
He’s so obviously unhappy that it makes Jiang Cheng’s jaw ache.
“I promise I won’t stay long. Maybe just a week. And I’ll be quiet. You’ll barely know I’m here!”
“Shut up,” Jiang Cheng sighs, stepping to the side to let Wei Wuxian in through the gate. “Since when have you needed my permission to stay here.”
“Your kindness knows no bounds, great Sect Leader Jiang,” Wei Wuxian says, bowing obnoxiously as he slides his way past Jiang Cheng.
“It knows bounds and I’m sure you’ll test them,” Jiang Cheng replies, kicking at Wei Wuxian’s knees as he follows him inside.
Wei Wuxian hums as he walks and excitedly waves to disciples he knows.
To anyone else, he probably looks careless and happy, but Jiang Cheng knows better.
He can see the tense set of his shoulders, the forced bounce in his steps, the fake lift of his lips and the way his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
His stupid brother is miserable and it’s obvious. Achingly so.
It makes something clench tightly in Jiang Cheng’s stomach. A strange, stuffy feeling in his chest. It’s…
“You know where your room is,” he says, wanting to quickly part from Wei Wuxian before this irritation grows into something bigger. “Should I expect your stupid husband to be here soon?”
That Lan-er will know how to handle a sad Wei Wuxian. And, historically speaking, wherever Wei Wuxian goes, Lan-er is soon to follow. There’s no way he’d let Wei Wuxian just hang out in Lotus Pier by himself for a week.
Wei Wuxian stumbles over his own feet at the mention of the Lan-er.
“Ah, Lan Zhan?” he asks, a weak smile on his face.
“He’s not coming.”
Very strange.
Jiang Cheng feels a strange nervousness join the irritation in his stomach. If the Lan-er isn’t coming, then…
Then Jiang Cheng is going to have to…
“Well whatever, whatever,” he says hurriedly, turning away to walk towards the main hall. “Do whatever you want.”
It’s not Jiang Cheng’s problem and Jiang Cheng doesn’t care.
He doesn’t.
So what if his stupid brother is stupidly sad? What if it has something to do with his equally stupid husband? Who cares?
Not Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng does not care at all.
Jiang Cheng successfully spends the whole day not caring about his stupid sad brother and his stupid sad marital problems.
He eats lunch and even dinner with Wei Wuxian and pretends to fall for his stupid ‘I’m totally fine and super happy’ façade. Wei Wuxian is obviously putting in a lot of effort to appear normal. It’s basically a kindness to go along with it.
It is.
Anyway, it isn’t Jiang Cheng’s problem and Jiang Cheng doesn’t care.
So when his head disciple catches him as he’s walking back to his room after dinner and tells him that Hanguang-jun has checked in to a local inn by the piers, Jiang Cheng just waves him off.
Not his problem. He doesn’t care.
He doesn’t care.
Except it’s very rude of the Lan-er to come to Lotus Pier and not pay respects to the sect leader. Jiang Cheng should probably go and set him straight.
Lan-er looks an absolute mess as he opens the door for Jiang Cheng.
His hair is perfect, of course, and his clothes are perfect, of course, and his expression is the same placid expression he always wears, but he looks a mess.
It’s just something about his aura.
He’s obviously torn up about something.
Or maybe Jiang Cheng is projecting – whatever.
“Very rude to come all the way to Lotus Pier without paying respects to the sect leader, don’t you think?” Jiang Cheng asks as he walks into the room. “Even more disrespectful to disregard my hospitality and choose to stay in an inn instead of Lotus Pier.” He sits down at the table and considers whether or not the Lan-er would take offense if he orders some wine.
Lan-er takes a seat across from him, his expression betraying no emotion other than what might be slight annoyance. “Wei Ying wishes to be… alone.” Lan-er’s voice does something strange as he says alone and his brow twitches just bit and it does something strange to his face – it makes him look… like he might be seconds away from bursting into tears.
Fuck Lan-er’s feelings. Jiang Cheng yells for some wine.
“Did he say that? Because he hasn’t really been alone since he’s come here,” Jiang Cheng says, pouring some wine into his cup. “He spent all day with the disciples and he ate lunch and dinner with me.”
Lan-er’s face does something strange again, and he almost – almost – sighs.
“So what you really mean is Wei Wuxian told you not to follow him to Lotus Pier, right?”
Lan-er doesn’t answer but his silence is answer enough for Jiang Cheng. He downs his cup of wine.
This really isn’t his problem. 
“What the fuck did you do?” Jiang Cheng asks, and his voice comes out angrier than he means it to.
He’s not angry.
He shouldn’t be angry.
Because this isn’t his problem… but…
He slams his cup down on the table. “I know that fucking idiot – I can’t think of a thing in this world you could do to make him angry with you, so whatever you did must be pretty bad,” he says. 
He can feel hot anger growing in his stomach with every word that comes out of his mouth. His idiot brother thinks that the Lan-er is the best thing since music was first created. The Lan-er could probably tell his stupid brother to cut his hands off and Wei Wuxian would probably do it happily. If Wei Wuxian is upset with the Lan-er…
Upset enough to leave…
Jiang Cheng has to let go of the cup in his hand or risk it shattering. He’s so angry his fingers shake.
“I will personally escort you out of Yunmeng unless you tell me what you did,” he threatens lowly.
Lan-er just looks down at the table and if Jiang Cheng didn’t know better – if Jiang Cheng didn’t know that this was the man who stood against the world with Wei Wuxian – then he would assume that Lan-er didn’t care.
But Jiang Cheng knows better.
The Lan-er has to care. He has to.
He came all the way to Yunmeng and checked into this small inn by the water because he… because he cares.
The Lan-er doesn’t sigh, but he breathes deeply before he opens his mouth.
“I…” he closes his mouth again, his brow furrowing just the slightest bit in frustration. He looks up, and for the first time since Jiang Cheng entered the room, he meets Jiang Cheng’s eyes. “I can’t seem to stop… grieving.”
Jiang Cheng feels the anger in his body leave him in a sudden gush. Confusion rushing in to replace it.
Jiang Cheng just stares at Lan-er.
Lan-er stares back.
What does Lan-er have to grieve?
Jiang Cheng refills his cup with wine and breaks eye contact with the Lan-er. He drinks his wine slowly and breathes. He needs to handle this… carefully. The Lan-er is obviously going through something.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks finally.
Lan-er looks back down to the table and something about his expression lets Jiang Cheng know that Lan-er totally regrets admitting anything to Jiang Cheng. He thinks Jiang Cheng is a fucking idiot. Which isn’t fair because it’s the Lan-er who isn’t making any fucking sense.
Jiang Cheng takes a breath and tries to ask the question again – even more carefully.
“What the fuck, or who the fuck are you grieving? And why is Wei Wuxian upset about it?”
Great job. Jiang Cheng is really good at this. All those years mediating shit for Jin Ling have really paid off.
Lan-er closes his eyes for a moment and breathes out slowly. He opens them and looks back up to meet Jiang Cheng’s gaze.
“I can’t seem to stop grieving Wei Ying,” he says slowly, his gaze steady, his words sure. He says it like it should make sense.
Jiang Cheng fills his cup again and looks at Lan-er in concern. “Wei Wuxian is alive,” he says earnestly, because maybe the Lan-er is going through some mental breakdown. “He’s annoying the shit out of me at Lotus Pier.”
Lan-er shakes his head just the slightest bit. “I understand Wei Ying is alive,” he says, “but… I grieved for him for so long and… and I can’t seem to stop.”
Jiang Cheng thinks he can… understand… a little bit.
“You mean you’re scared?” he asks quietly.
Lan-er grimaces just a little, as if Jiang Cheng’s words hit a little too close to home and he nods.
“Wei Ying says it makes him feel lonely. He says that perhaps I’m more in love with his memory than…”
This is so not Jiang Cheng’s problem and way above Jiang Cheng’s pay grade. He doesn’t… Jin Ling’s problems never prepared him for this.
He drinks his cup of wine slowly, to buy some time and to gather some liquid courage.
“Well,” he starts, waving his cup towards Lan-er like it might offer up some answers, “You know, he’s an idiot.”
Lan-er’s expression shutters close. “Wei Ying is not an idiot,” he says tersely.
“He is,” Jiang Cheng replies firmly. “He’s an idiot for sure. And that idiot is at Lotus Pier right now, miserable as hell, because he thinks he might be the reason you might be even a little bit unhappy.”
Lan-er looks up at Jiang Cheng again.
“That idiot is stupidly in love with you. You know that, right?” Jiang Cheng asks. “Knowing him, he’s probably preparing himself to leave you so you can find some greater happiness or something.”
Lan-er’s brows furrow together. “There is no greater happiness than Wei Ying,” he says seriously, as if that isn’t the grossest thing Jiang Cheng has ever heard.
“Don’t tell me that,” Jiang Cheng says with a roll of his eyes, “Go tell Wei Wuxian that!”
“Wei Ying said he wants to be alone,” Lan-er says dejectedly.
Jiang Cheng sighs and refills his cup. He’s well on his way to tipsy now and his tolerance for stupidity is going down with every sip of wine.
“You know he lies, right?” Jiang Cheng asks, “He lies like… all the fucking time.”
Lan-er just stares at him as if Jiang Cheng is speaking in another language.
It’s almost funny.
“He says he’s okay when he’s obviously not, he smiles when he doesn’t feel like smiling,” Jiang Cheng says as examples, “Oh! And you probably didn’t even know he noticed you were grieving until he just blew up about it, right?”
Lan-er nods slowly.
“You get it now? Your stupid husband lies.”
“My husband is not stupid,” Lan-er says.
Jiang Cheng waves it off with his cup of wine, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. What I mean is that Wei Wuxian lied about wanting to be alone. He doesn’t want to be alone – trust me.”
Lan-er just stares at Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng might just be imagining it but it looks like there’s some sort of hopeful light in Lan-er’s eyes – like he might be desperately wanting to believe Jiang Cheng.
He should believe Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng is right.
“But I can’t stop grieving,” Lan-er says softly, the hopeful light in his eyes dying.
“Of course you can’t stop grieving,” Jiang Cheng says, and he’s almost done with his bottle of wine at this point. This conversation needs to be over before his wine is done.
Lan-er looks at Jiang Cheng in question. Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. Wei Wuxian and his husband owe Jiang Cheng so much for this. So. Much
“You love him,” Jiang Cheng says slowly, “You probably love him more than you did twenty years ago. More than you did last year, right?”
Lan-er nods.
“So of course you can’t stop grieving,” Jiang Cheng says, “You’ve already experienced what it’s like to lose him. You can’t stop grieving because your heart is just trying to prepare itself for the worst possible outcome.”
Lan-er lifts a hand to hold over his heart. He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t look quite convinced.
“Look, your grieving is probably keeping mementos and writing shit down about Wei Wuxian and just trying your best to remember him, right? Trying your best to keep as much of him as you can?”
Lan-er nods slowly, as if he’s a little bit suspicious of how Jiang Cheng might know this. “Did Wei Ying…?”
Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes again. He’s all out of wine and patience. “No,” he says, “that idiot hasn’t said a word to me about your little problem.” He stands then and walks over to the corner where a small satchel is – all the Lan-er brought with him to Yunmeng. “You can’t stop grieving him because you’re so stupidly in love with him that the thought of losing him scares you to fucking death.”
He picks up the satchel and throws it to Lan-er who, annoyingly enough, catches it easily. “Spare my idiot brother a night of misery. Come to Lotus Pier.”
Jiang Cheng walks out the inn, not even bothering to look back to see if the Lan-er will follow. He’s done all he can. If the idiot in white still chooses to stay at the inn, well… Jiang Cheng will chase him out of Yunmeng tomorrow.
Lan-er catches up to him about midway to Lotus Pier. He’s quiet and Jiang Cheng feels perfectly content to keep the silence. He feels warm and light from the wine and the night is cool and clear. He feels…
“How did you know the reason for my grieving?” Lan-er says suddenly. It’s unlike him to break the silence first. He must really want to know.
Jiang Cheng has half a mind not to tell him. He sort of wants to keep this to himself. But maybe it’s the wine or the clear night or just his general good mood but…
“I grieve Jin Ling,” he admits lightly. “He was the only family I had after I lost everyone. He was just a little baby; you know? But I was constantly terrified of losing him. Even now, I still have the clothes he used to wear when he was a toddler. I have the first bow I gave him. The first shoes he wore when he could first walk. I remember, I used to just stare at him because I was afraid I might forget what he looked like.”
He doesn’t look at Lan-er as he admits this. And it’s strange to admit this to Lan-er of all people. But… Lan-er can keep a secret – Jiang Cheng knows this. Maybe that’s why he feels safe to admit it.
“Luckily, Jin Ling isn’t a fucking idiot like my brother,” he says, “Jin Ling just thinks I’m a sentimental uncle.”
Lan-er doesn’t say anything in response, but Jiang Cheng finds he doesn’t care.
It’s a strange feeling to learn something new about someone he thought he knew all about, even stranger to learn that someone he thought infallible shares the same fears as him.
It’s… strange.
But under the cool clear skies of Yunmeng, he feels strangely close to Lan-er.
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
My Best Friend’s Sister
Genre: College AU
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes (This is apart of my 1.5K follower celebration, requests are now closed)
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: Little Angsty, Wanda is rude to the Reader, fluffy towards the end
Description:   Wanda doesn’t seem to like you being Pietro’s best friend.  She tells you one night that it’s because she’s afraid that you would leave him once you realized that he wasn’t ever going to look at you as anything other than a friend.  You tell her that that won’t be an issue because Pietro isn’t your type.
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Wanda Maximoff was an enigma to you.  
Meeting her had been purely coincidental since the two of you didn’t even run in the same crowds.  The only reason you knew she existed was because of her twin brother Pietro.  You and Pietro were in the same classes together and when you had been paired for a project you had hit it off nicely and became fast friends.  He was constantly teasing you and treating you as if you were his sister.
Maybe that was because he had a sister so it just came naturally to him.
When you met Wanda you had been excited to meet the most important person in Pietro’s life.  The two of them had been on their own for a while and you didn’t expect to be best friends with her like you were him, but you still wanted to be on friendly terms at least.  But that first meeting hadn’t gone as planned.
“Wan, we’re here!”  Pietro said as he opened the door to their apartment and stepped inside.  He was grinning and vibrating with excitement.
Wanda came around the corner looking like she was ready to go out with friends, “Oh was that today?”  Her gaze lingered on you for a moment, and you felt your smile falling as you saw that she was brushing you off.  You knew from the look on her face that she had no interest in find out more about you, and she probably never wanted to meet you in the first place.  “Sorry, I forgot.  I’m going out with Natasha, Steve, and Sam.”  Then she was brushing past the two of you and disappearing out of sight.
Pietro apologized for her behavior and you told him it was okay, but there was a part of you that was a little hurt by how she had brushed off meeting you.  The two of you had never met before that moment so how could she act like this?  
Things didn’t get better after that.  One night when Pietro invited you over you discovered that Wanda had friends over as well.  That was fine, you knew Natasha and her boyfriend Steve from a class you didn’t have with Pietro and greeted them warmly when the three of you noticed one another.  Wanda was silently brooding into her drink and you steered clear of her since it seemed like she wasn’t your biggest fan for whatever reason.
Months of this happened, Wanda barely gave you the time of day and it got to a point where you just stopped going over to Piero’s apartment.  He understood, he always apologized for his sister’s behavior.  Maybe the two of you were just too different, you preferred nights in with Pietro watching movies and she seemed to like going out and being around groups of people.
Although you couldn’t help the tiny crush that was starting to form.  You would see her around campus with her friends or her brother and you just observed her.  Pietro told you stories about how she was when they were kids still living in Sokovia before they came to the States after their parents’ deaths.  There was a side to her that she wasn’t showing you, the sweet caring Wanda, and you wondered if you would ever get to see that or if maybe whatever it was that made her ignore you would just linger between the two of you forever.
One day you went into your favorite coffee shop to study and get some work done.  It was your favorite place on campus to come and the barista greeted you warmly when you approached the counter.  When you went to take a seat you saw Wanda by the windows with her nose buried in a book.  Steeling your nerves you marched over to her, “Can we talk?”
She looked up and said, “Uh sure?”
You slid into the seat across from her and folded your hands in your lap so she couldn’t see how badly you were shaking.  “Why don’t you like me?”  Ripping the Band-Aid off was the only thing you could do, there was no point in beating around the bush.
Wanda marked her place in her book and mimicked your position, “Why should I try to be your friend when you’re just going to leave my brother like everyone else?  Girls come and go all the time, he wants to be their friend and when things don’t progress further than that they leave.  It’s happened too many times now and I’m tired of trying to make small talk with the girls he’s friends with only to find out two weeks later they’re no longer interested in him because he’s not interested in them.”
So that’s what this was all about.
“Well Piet’s not my type,” you told her.  “He’s honestly like a brother to me.  A really annoying brother, we were studying one time and I fed him after midnight and I swear he turned into Gizmo from Gremlins.”
You watched as she bit her lip before bursting out laughing, it was infectious and soon you joined in on the laughter.  “He is like a little gremlin sometimes, I agree,” she told you.  “So you promise that you’re not going to leave him when you realize he’s not interested in anything other than friendship?”
“Nope,” you told her.
Months later you were staying over at Pietro’s and Wanda’s apartment when Pietro passed out and you and Wanda stayed up talking.  “So you know how when we had that talk months ago and you told me that he wasn’t your type?”  You nodded your head.  “What is your type?”
It had been months of the two of you sharing lingering looks and touches with one another.  It was time to come clean.  “You,” you told her truthfully.
Her fingers brushed against yours, “You’re mine too.”  The two of you shared a shy smile.  “Wanna go see a movie on Friday?”
“I’d love to,” and you could already feel the excited butterflies in your stomach.  You glanced toward the couch where Pietro was still fast asleep, “How are we gonna tell, Piet?”
She chuckled, “Let’s not tell him just yet.  Knowing him he’ll try to butt in.  Let’s just see how things pan out before we go telling him anything.  He’ll make a bigger deal out of it than need be and I don’t want to get his hopes up.”
“He is overly excitable like a puppy,” you giggled.
And that’s what the two of you did until it had been a month and you finally came clean to Pietro that the two of you were dating.  And just like you thought he was excited and wanted to know details.  He was also already planning your wedding.  You handed Wanda a ten dollar bill because the two of you had placed bets on when the marriage topic would be brought up, and clearly you had lost that bet.  But it was okay, you were just happy that he was happy.
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