#I’m not into that kink but; I might be diving into it idk
sweetlovingfictionals · 10 months
What are your opinions on selfcest?
I absolutely love it to be honest ? ? Like!! Think about it, especially if it’s a egotistical F/O that is all like “yeah, the only one good enough for me is me!” And they’ll kiss and bone their own self it’s such a great trope. I actually follow this trope with Rocket, Leonardo / Donatello, Collin, Reptile / Baraka, and Angel Dust as my main selfcest contenders.
But honestly? The idea of a ‘canon’ character and ‘AU’ character messing around and making out and dating is such a fascinating topic to me. Like think about it. Take Rocket for example. Guardians Rocket x Bounty Hunter Rocket and these two just colliding. These two have morbid curiosity what it’s like to make out and fuck each other. Because who knows when they’ll ever get a chance to do it again??
I actually follow the trope on E6 (shhhhhh)
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viktoriakomova · 6 months
Not to get Sad but like. I miss not knowing what’s going on with gymnastics in a way lmao? Like I peer pressured (complimentary, pat-on-back celebration worthy 😎) some of my normie friends into getting bama szn tix and I brought them to a meet last year and they were so so jazzed about like. ALL of it.
In a way I do understand bc it’s all just so impressive to Normies who mostly can’t even touch their toes let alone do a passable cartwheel etc so like EVERYTHING is awesome by default. And that’s not true of basketball football etc like most able bodied people can do the basics of those sports even if their performance is terrible. Most people can throw a ball or dribble it even if they suck, or carry it and run at some speed. But yeah ykwim
Like one of my friends, his favorite skill is a double pike on floor. He just thinks it’s the most impressive thing and he loves watching it every single time, he doesn’t know shit about difficulty ratings he’s just watching what’s in front of him and in a way I’m extremely jealous of him 😭😭😭😭
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coldresolve · 4 months
Please engage with this anon ask in good faith. I know I'm almost repeating what another anon said but I'm giving my own opinion on this topic, and hopefully in a more concise way.
I personally think you're clashing with the whump community or being ignored by people who follow you on the torture apologia post due to a difference in how whump is seen by you and your audience.
For exemple, I don't know your instance on people who write rape erotica, stalking erotica, or kidnapping erotica. People who write this stuff to exclusively jack off are not writing it as a realistic portrayal of these topics, nor do I think they're rape, stalking or kidnapping apologists for writing the way they do. Hell, visit the yandere erotica side of Tumblr and you'll see that.
It's engaging in bad faith and not engaging with the genre properly to read this kind of writing and then accuse them of being apologists. 
Now the whump community, as someone who has been here regularly in the last few years, feels in it's majority as a non sexual torture porn community. With that I mean they write whump in the same way one would write a torture erotic scenario, except in a non sexual way. If you see how people talk about whumperflies you will see it's true. I'm not the first to point this out. 
I would say 30% of the community writes whump as a serious deep dive into torture and it's effects, 60% as a non sexual "kink" way, and 10% as actual kink. Engaging with this 60% of the community that writes almost to “jack off” in a way (and the 10% that writes it as an actual kink) and expect them to write what they do the way you, a serious thriller writer, does, it's almost like going at people who write dark, fucked up and unrealistic erotica and holding them to the same standards as realistic romance. It's just not how it works and it's engaging with the work in bad faith. 
Unless you also think the people who write that sort of fucked up erotica should also stop and only write it realistically. Then my bad, I don't agree but I hope you have a nice day and find people who agree. Because I don't think you will find them with the people you're trying to reach and you will keep getting frustrated because you're not being heard.
I don't think I will change your opinion due to you being dead set on it, but I hope you at least give it a thought instead of just saying "don't engage with my content if you don't agree" while also asking yourself why you're being ignored.
the very first sentence of your ask seems to accuse me of taking all your buddies in bad faith, and as a guy who famously can’t spot the blatant irony in a move like that, i guess i’ll just take it seriously. after all, some people are reading what i’m saying right now with the notion in the back of their heads that i might be deliberately dishonest or unreasonable, and i’ve barely even started talking yet. so thanks
it’s not that i don’t engage in good faith or aren’t willing to change my opinion if i’m presented with a genuinely better viewpoint, it’s that people who disagree with me just tend to have such shit non-arguments, so goddamn consistently, i’ve started being able to predict the bullshit before it even registers as conscious thought to them – and then they keep fucking proving me right. you included, not to muddy the waters or anything cough, payback
being kinda mean about it is not the same as misconstruing someone’s position, for the record. so with that in mind, here’s 2100 words of, genuinely, good faith arguments mixed with the occasional jabs of a guy who refuses to infantilize people over how little they’ve thought things through. 
i know i literally just insulted your intelligence - which was in response to you sewing doubt about my credibility, idk if i mentioned that part – sarcasm aside though, the bar is genuinely set so low here, and you are one of the few people who seem to at least know how to construct something that looks like a proper criticism. your formatting is terrible, please don't do 3 paragraph breaks in a row all the time. it's got some structure issues, you repeat yourself a bit, and go on tangents that aren’t quite connected to anything, but, with that said, all the necessary elements of an argument are in there. credit where its due, and all that
to prove to you that i’m responding to you in good faith, im gonna start out by giving you the strongest interpretation of the core of your argument as i can, in my own words, so you know exactly what i’m responding to. you called your version concise, prepare for something concise-r. and let me know if i misunderstood anything.
by criticizing whump writing for the use of torture apologia, i am ignoring the conventions (aka the set expectations between writer and reader) set by whump as a genre.
a core convention of whump as a genre is that it is not meant to reflect reality.
therefore, my criticism of whump writing is not applicable.
the rape kink subgenre of erotica features rape apologism. (i know you mentioned a bunch but let's just stick to the rape kink for the sake of brevity)
a core convention of the rape kink subgenre is that it is not meant to reflect reality.
since i criticise the whump community for torture apologia under the same premises, i must also be critical of rape kink content.
now for the acknowledgement of common ground: i agree with points 4 and 5.
moving on. i’m gonna start upfront by addressing a part of your ask that i didn’t mention above, which is the similarity you drew between the physical response to reading whump (“whumperflies”) and the physical response to reading kink (sexual pleasure). not to burst your bubble right off the gate, but the reason i didn’t include it as part of your argument is that it literally means nothing. any genre of fiction can do this. music does it. eating tasty food does it. a roller coaster ride does it. having sex does it. i don’t know why people treat this like some kind of valid argument in and of itself, what you’re describing here is the release of endorphins. this is enjoying things 101, welcome to the human experience, it’s not all bad.
on to my response to your actual argument, which is where things take a turn: i don’t believe that “whump” can be classified as a genre.
the following fucking 1000 words - no im not kidding, im on good faith behavior here - are fundamentally tedious. it goes into some literary theory and some longwinded explanations as to why i hold this opinion, and also lays out my views on the rape kink stuff. skip to the red part for my conclusions if you’re not interested in the nitty gritty.
the term “genre” is hard to pin down, and you’ll find different definitions of it online. i think you, anon, would agree that a core part of a genre is that it’s a category of media that has specific socially developed conventions, which is another way to say that writers expect their readers to approach their work in certain ways, and readers in turn expect the work itself to feature certain components. for the latter, this can mean things like tone/mood, subject matter, motifs, composition, conflict type, writing style, or what have you. a genre is defined by the many different expectations, or conventions, that we have for it. convention is a fancy word for "an agreement about how this thing is usually done".
let’s take mystery fiction as an illustrative example, because the mystery genre is pretty straightforward. a mystery writer expects the following things in their reader: curiosity and a desire to know more, attentiveness, a willingness to ask questions, and to be skeptical of the information that is given. in turn, the reader expects certain things from mystery fiction, especially the following sequence: an event occurs, the protagonist wants to find out whodunit, the mystery is unraveled little by little as the protagonist looks for clues and gathers evidence, until it is finally solved with a big reveal in the climax of the story. the central driving factor within every mystery is the protagonist’s aim to find out what happened and why. this is inherent to mystery fiction. you cannot write mystery without it.
this is just to give you a solid grasp of what these conventions usually look like. now, uh. i’m sex repulsed, so please excuse my lack of familiarity with this next bit.
the genre of erotica has the following conventions: something sexy is gonna happen, and i think that sums it up. the most important expectations tied to erotica, i would argue, are actually held by the author, towards the reader. being fully aware that the sexiness of things is exaggerated for the sake of atmosphere, erotica authors expect their readers to understand that their work might not always reflect what reality will be like, and that it serves the sole purpose of a sexual fantasy. in the case of kink/fetish content surrounding rape, this expectation increases exponentially – so much so, that just to be absolutely sure everybody’s on the same page, a lot of these writers go out of their way to remind their readers out-of-text, all the goddamn time, plastering disclaimers all the fuck over their writing and bios, that their writing does not reflect reality, that no, your typical rape victim isn't secretly into it, that consent is always mandatory, etc.
it is my strongly held passionate belief that this is ok lol. erotica is not for me but i have nothing against people with rape kinks, like you're implying. it’s about the very, very strong nature of the conventions associated with this genre of content, which is evidenced most clearly by the many serious discussions about rape and rape apologism that happen out-of-text in these communities, that makes me pretty confident that they’re fully aware that they’re engaging in fantasy. just so we’re clear on that.
while we’re on that topic: no such discussions happen in the whump community in regards to real life torture or torture apologia, at least i’ve never seen it happen. and i find it more than a little bit sussy that ive gotten this many asks over the last few days asking me if brainwashing is real or not. this staggering lack of awareness about what torture can and can't do should be concerning to people, but for some reason, it is not. your overall approach to the subject of torture hasn't given me the impression that you guys can tell fact from fiction, that you are even aware of where reality ends and where the fantasy begins. but i digress.
you can see solid proof that whump is not a “genre” just by going through the community tags here on tumblr. the genres that people use and engage with through fandom here vary from superhero movies to medical dramas, historical fiction, action thrillers, horror, musicals, anime, fantasy, etc. the list goes on and on. and i get that genres can overlap, and that you want to counter right now that someone writing “fantasy whump” is a combination of two genres, but… then there’s all those gif blogs. and what do we do about those? this type of fandom whump doesn’t create content in this one unifying “whump genre” – it pulls content from a wide breadth of genres and staples that same exact label on it, whump.
here's what that means: emotional or physical distress.
that’s not a genre. it’s a subject matter.
and it includes all the so-called “subgenres” too, by the way, from the hurt/comfort (drama, action, often romance) to pure torture porn (thriller/suspense/horror) to more in-depth explorations of trauma and recovery (psychological realism) to pet whump (ffffucking magical realism) to sickfics (drama, medical drama, often romance). the expectations you have as a writer and as a reader, the socially determined conventions, are fundamentally inconsistent among all of these different genres. its why you guys kept fighting – im assuming you still do, its been a while since i checked – over what the fuck “whump” even means.
if you as a reader approach a recovery arc in the same way you do the torture porn, both of which are whump, you’re going to get bored very quickly, because your expectations and the expectations set by the author are incompatible. you're expecting something quick-paced and intense, something extreme and graphic. instead you're met with a much slower pace, a subtler form of character exploration. the dialogue is more subdued. the writing style is different. the scene structure is different, the story beats are different. there’s an attention to inner conflict, to symbolism and metaphor, to long sequences of dialogues and silences between characters which just aren’t there in the torture porn. the tonal shift alone should give it away easily. this is because these two things come from different genres. the subject matter - emotional or physical distress - is the only common thread here.
homicide is a subject matter, and how it is portrayed and explored depends on the genre it inhabits. a homicide in mystery fiction sets up a mystery, some puzzle to solve. homicide in slashers is extreme and gory, over-the-top, served for shock value. homicide in psychological fiction isn’t sensationalized in the same way – it’s grim, somber, something you have to think about. depictions of homicide in comedy or parodies tend to serve as gallows humor. in action – well, those are the bad guys, they fall over, and that’s about that.
homicide as a subject matter serves vastly different purposes across genres, and because of that, it can't set up any expectations in the reader, other than the somebody-gets-murdered part. it doesn't have a convention as to how it will be presented or portrayed, what the mood is going to be, which part of it you're supposed to be paying attention to as an audience member. subject matters have no conventions. they are just "the thing you are portraying."
and this is also true for emotional or physical distress. your only expectation is this: someone feels emotional or physical distress. that's about all you're gonna know about a work from reading the word whump alone - the rest comes from the genre it inhabits. whump itself is just not a literary genre.
the first point of your argument hinges on the idea that whump follows a specific set of social conventions. i disagree with that, for the reasons i hope ive managed to lay out well here. whump has no conventions, because it is not a genre.
and if you think im wrong about this – plot twist, that doesn’t even actually matter. i made you read all of this shit for nothing. this was all just an excuse for me to trick you all into my needless literary theory nerd shit, get got
see, the second point of your argument hinges on the idea that a fundamental convention set by whump as a “genre” is that it is not meant to reflect reality. but you provided me with an interesting statistic, and while i recognize that you literally just pulled it out of your own ass as a way to give yourself a vague air of empiricism, i just want you to keep in mind that you yourself brought this up. 
I would say 30% of the whump community writes whump as a serious deep dive into torture and it's effects, ...
do you see why i think people keep accidentally proving me right? this “serious deep dive into torture and its effects” by a staggering third of whump writers, according to you, sounds an awful lot like they are aiming for realism – something that should not be possible within the conventions of this “genre”. what the fuck, huh.
i’m just guessing here, so take this whole paragraph with a grain of salt, but this reads to me like someone who made that convention absolutely the fuck up as a last minute resort to absolve themself from the criticism of apologia, specifically, because they saw this convention work for rape erotica. which is why y’all bring that particular subgenre up so much in this discussion. but because you don’t actually view this “it’s not meant to reflect reality” convention as fundamental to whump in any capacity, in the same way it is with rape erotica, well. it just slips out, yknow.
not to mention that thing i said about you guys not even being able to distinguish fact from fiction in regards to torture, regardless of the many, many posts yall make about "realism in whump" - which also kinda dulls your point. but whatever anon, you made my argument better than i could’ve
your third point hinged on the validity of the first two, which i’d like to think i’ve demonstrated, in good faith, at the very least are based on questionable premises - one by me, and one by yourself. the sixth point is null and void for the same reasons.
alas, i have to conclude that your writing is not absolved of my criticism quite yet. A for effort tho. at least i had fun with it
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I love your writing so very much but I have to go anon cause I’m shy hehe.
Would you be open to writing something about a superchub!Bucky and his doting bf Steve playing around with immobility kink?
Steve spending a day stuffing Bucky until he can’t stand up from the couch, getting everything for him so he never get up for the whole of it, taunting Bucky a little bit that if he keeps this up he’ll be too big to do anything for himself but eat (they’re both a little turned on by imagining it).
Idk if that is anything you might like, but I wanted to ask bc again I love your content!
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Thank you!! 🥰
And what else is the anon function on Tumblr for? Lol sometimes you gotta peak out between your fingers while sending someone your thots, I get it!
Would you be open to writing something about a superchub!Bucky and his doting bf Steve playing around with immobility kink?
One word: YES.
But also many more words than just one-
Warning for unbeta'd stucky belly kink with fantasy and real immobility kink, stuffing, weight gain, etc.
I love love love the idea of Bucky sitting and being doted on the entire day, getting fuller and fuller, packed tighter and tighter, belly getting rounder and rounder under that thick layer of fat 😳
However, you know what this made me think of??
It made me a think of a feedism post I saw forever ago and can't track down rn but it amounted to: wouldn't it be great if for a weekend we pretend I'm immobile? You bring me food. You feed me. You fuck me and do all the work. It's fun. It's hot. It becomes an every weekend activity. And then a vacation activity, a stay-cation in our house except... after it keeps happening, our role played immobility, eventually, I really become immobile. It takes a while for us to notice though. Because weren't still playing. So lost in the game. Until- it's not a game anymore 😳
Like, imagine that happening with this huge Bucky and Steve-? 🥴🥴🥴
It starts years back when Bucky just first gets a little, erm, husky from bulking at the gym. For this bulk he ends up not going to workout as much as he planned to because he gets super busy with work or whatever, but in his mind, he’s still bulking, so he eats like he really was bulking until… oops… he's gained like 15, maybe 20 lbs? Getting some nice fluff on top of his muscles and, oh, Bucky really likes the way it feels.
The way it feels being bigger.
The way it feels when Steve feeds him.
And he really likes this new kink he’s found on the internet while trying to figure out just how weird he was for liking those two things. Turns out... he's not all that weird. Theres a community of people around it, actually.
He introduces the kink to Steve and they dive into it fast. Steve remains a gym rat as they both were when they began dating, but he comes home and feeds Bucky until Bucky feels like he can’t move. Steve teases Bucky that he’s eating everything Steve craves but can’t have (that’s not really what’s going on, but the role-play of it gets them both hot so… what does it matter, whether its true or not?). And eventually, Steve teases Bucky that if he keeps stuffing himself, he won’t be able to move when he used to go to the gym twice a day. What a change. Bucky likes the change. He likes the idea of being pinned to one spot by his changes. He likes the contrast between all his soft, round fat and Steve's cut, hard muscles. Steve's fitness versus Bucky's fatness.
Bucky begs Steve to stuff him until he can’t move, he's so desperate to feel more of those feelings he's having surrounding his (sort of) new kink. His new body.
He begs and begs and begs. 
And eats and eats and eats because Steve can’t resist his begging or his puppy dog eyes or his pouting. 
With all that intense feeding, both stuffing on junk food and the red meat (for Steve's muscle/gains) and boost/gainer shakes, Bucky piles on weight criminally easy until he really is on the cusp of immobility because it takes so much effort to move. He’s so heavy.
And it's all Bucky wants for Steve to keep him as his pet glutton, unable to move and doted on by his ridiculously fit, strong, and capable boyfriend. All he wants to get larger and larger, fatter and fatter while Steve gets more fit- he's training for a marathon right now. The contrast between their bodies is endlessly sexy to them both... 
They play with immobility a lot. It’s easier to play the closer it gets too.
So, playing, the most Bucky moves for a while is between the couch and the bed, heavy, plodding steps that take forever, winding Bucky while his boyfriend is right next to him, light on his feet and only breathing heavily because he’s turned on. Turned on by this because Bucky is turned on by it too; it being the heavy jiggle of all his fat as he shuffles from the bed to the couch, stuffed from breakfast in bed and now holding what part of his stomach that he can actually reach. Trying to hold himself together practically. He’s so round. He’s so stuffed but you can’t tell because his packed hard stomach is buried under all that blubber. And by the time he gets to the couch, he’s had to stop several times, pausing to gather his strength to get there. 
Once on the couch, Steve brings him a gainer shake not unlike the protein shakes he makes for himself before he goes to the gym (but with about double the calories and more sugar) to “keep up his fluids”. Bucky guzzles it down like nothing. Like it's water. He’s still hot and sweaty from walking. Hot as in temperature and hot as in turned on... Steve is gonna have to use that gym-honed strength to lift his heavy, heavy tummy and fat pad up out of the way to get to his dick before long 🥵 Then, he can use his hands or put his mouth on him while Bucky rubs his upset, full tummy and contemplates how he could possibly get himself fuller. 🥴🥴 Ever hungry for the perfect feeling of being pushed all the way to his limits- about to burst he’s so bloated and full and heavy with it. Getting heavier the more he eats. The more he stuffs into his fat face. 
But that’s the thing.
Bucky stays on the couch for the rest of the day- eating. He has snacks while sitting on the couch. He has lunch while sitting on the couch. He has more snacks while sitting on the couch. He has dinner while sitting on the couch. He has dessert while sitting on the couch. He… he tries to get up to follow Steve to the bedroom so they can sleep together, Steve cuddling as close as he possibly can to his big, fat, fucking huge boyfriend who's body is a pillow all over, soft, but-
Oh, shit. 
Bucky moans. He can’t get up. 
It’s not the first time he’s eaten himself into the inability to get up off the couch, so they camp out in the living room all night. However, it is the first time he’s done it by accident. Usually, when he can’t move from the couch to the bed it’s pretend, more of that role-play, or it’s planned in the day's events… an all-day stuffing that leaves him unable to move under the weight of all those calories. Now he just can’t move from a normal day of eating.
That shouldn’t make him as hot as it does but… here he is. And Steve has to go and find his cock where it’s buried under all his blubber again. 
In the morning - when he’s the lightest and his stomach is the least round it’ll be all day, not yet stuffed full - Bucky tries again. He grunts and then moans.
He can’t get up. 🥵😫
He can’t-
It’s all his fantasies (all the realistic ones) come true. 
He’s eaten himself so big he can’t get off his huge, fat ass. He’s too fucking fat. So big. So large that Steve has to stretch himself out to straddle one of his huge thighs. So massive that he can’t touch the roundest part of his stomach, it’s grown out so big, so round. So vast that he’s got more than a double chin- three or four instead. So mammoth that he’s stuck in place, overwhelmed by his own body. 
Steve is overwhelmed by his body too. 
Sure, they could ease up and not stuff Bucky every hour (probably more like every half hour at this point) and he would drop enough weight quickly, it’s not like he’ll starve, that he could get mobility back in the snap of someone’s fingers but… this is too good. It's too good to be stuck on his huge ass with his only job to eat. It's not even his own job to rub his unbelievably massive stomach anymore. He can't reach all of it. So he can't do a good job of it. Steve has to do that instead. Bucky just gets to stuff his face and grow.
I went off-script from your prompt but I hope you still enjoyed it 🥰
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scarletlizzard · 2 months
As a recap of pt 1, there are overarching themes of religion, and the danger of assumptions. It’s important to note that alcohol has been at play since the beginning, whether as a crutch, veil, or catalyst. Additionally, this whole part may serve as a cautionary tale to those who have an inclination to put people on a pedestal.
There are countless buzz words that add to the religious undertones. Overall, I will venture to say that part two really plays with the idea of needing someone biblically. Additionally, there’s a motif of fire throughout the piece, at this point, it’s just important to keep in mind how it grows from beginning to end. Here, it starts in the cheeks of Reader’s face and spreads from there until it swallows both characters whole.
Reader is recounting the “heavenly” experience with Natasha right before they meet again. Reader wants to drown in the sight of Natasha, a play on the idea of baptism, where you accept god as your your lord and savior, and christ as his son before being dipped into a pool by a pastor in front of witnesses. (Idk if I got that right - signed, a recovering catholic). The same can be said about Reader wanting to accept Natasha into their life. However, reader is still consuming Natasha the same way everyone else is by way of drooling and ogling Natasha in her outfit—this push and pull between consumption and connection is consistent throughout the rest of the part.
Make no mistake that both Natasha and Reader are still operating with walls intact. But between the last part and now, there’s moments where one peeks over the wall to see what might be waiting on the other side. As previously alluded to, Natasha is not the god. There’s a glimpse of that now since Nat has sought out reader in hopes that she will not be lead astray by putting her faith into reader.
I’m going to say something from left field: the scene where reader finds Natasha waiting outside of her classroom is reminiscent of the line in “From Eden” by Hozier.
I slithered here from Eden, just to sit outside your door.
However, Natasha isn’t waiting to prey on reader’s hospitality as the devil in disguise, she’s begging for it as a follower. Here, it’s expressly made apparent that Reader is the one being worshiped. I would even go as far to say that reader is the devil and Natasha is an angel.
Moving on, Reader is finally getting to know Natasha beyond the physical, uncovering the duality of Natasha bit by bit. Reader’s assumptions are shattered by the fact that Natasha wants to be a PT, something that requires a high degree of care and gentleness. On the flip side, Nat’s backup is to be a personal trainer, a person who pushes the limits of another. This is also demonstrated by Natasha’s change in demeanor when interacting with the rest of the world compared to how she is with Reader.
A final note for this sequence: going back to the motif of fire — it represents lust and passion…but it also destruction if it’s not properly controlled/contained….
Notes: Rose has a height kink. Also vans = gay. Neck = Vampires = Twilight. Rose has freckles? Only child! Cheek kiss oooh they’re going steady! - 🧊
Ding ding! We have a winner, people!! I feel like you might be inside my head, and it's kind of freaking me out? Let's dive in, big guy
As I said from part 1, the themes of sex being a Holy experience stay in my work. Worshipping someone, feeling the Holy ghost enter your body with every lingering touch, the heavens shining down on you with every time their lips touch your skin. Ascending to a new high with every orgasm. Tell me that's not a Holy experience. You can't, sorry!
Alcohol - tale as old as time. You said it best, crutch, veil, or catalyst? Ultimately, it depends on how you choose to act on it.
The fire shows not only the connection between the two, but also a telling sign of what's to come with their relationship. Blazing bright and hot right now, but will it soon burn out? Or will they work to keep it burning? Adding firewood and stoking the flames, resulting in a roaring fire? Or simply let it fizzle out, leaving the coals to cool and the ash turn to dust?
(Recovering Catholic absolutely sent me across the orbit.) But correct on all counts!
The peeking over the walls part - BEAUTIFUL! Neither of them seem to know how to move around or over their own walls, let alone into each other's. Although the cracks seem to be splitting farther open.
Chefs kiss and bonus points for the Hozier connection, I absolutely love that!
And there it is, people!! Playing along with the overall theme of this Holy Experience.
R is the Devil. Natasha is an Angel.
Thank you for noticing the change in demeanor between Nat with the world and with R! Only further proves the crumbling of her walls.
Notes: Do I have a height kink?? NEVER thought about that, will be thinking about it for the rest of the night wow. (Love Twilight, btw you're correct)
Oh, the neck. THE NECK! The neck 😩 I can't legally say how I feel about the neck. Know this - the feelings are STRONG!
Freckles? Hmmm. I wouldn't call them freckles.. I have a little over 10 little marks (sun spots? moles? unsure!) spread across my face, though, so very close!
Only child!
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sweetcrazyluvie · 3 months
would you mind?
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boyfriend!jungwoo x afab reader
18+ mdni, smut
summary: jungwoo doesn’t last long inside of you so you have to take some control.
wc: 1k
cw: unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, daddy kink, girl idk I was horny as fuck (still am) and I won’t him so bad
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jungwoo hisses through his teeth as he pushes himself into you. his face dives right into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and then letting out a sigh of pleasure and relief.
“uh, baby, shit I’m think I’m coming…”
“but you just put it in?”
“I know…”
jungwoo is five strokes in before he’s emptied himself into your warm walls, his whines and moans so sweet and loud.
“oh my god, woo. seriously?” you laugh softly.
your hand finds treasure in his ruffled hair and the other on his cheek.
“what? it’s not my fault you feel so good,” he whines.
“I do?”
“yes, baby,” he says, face flushed red in embarrassment.
you giggle and then kiss the mole under his eye.
you guys are already in a missionary position so you wrap your legs around his waist to lock him in better as you can feel some of his seed begin to spill out of you.
this seems to get your boyfriend going again as he starts to rut his hips into you with rhythm.
“you’re not gonna last long this time, huh?” you tease.
“with the way you’re squeezing onto me, I might not,” he confesses with a shaky voice.
you can’t help but laugh at him a little bit. it’s so adorable.
“hey! it’s not funny. I’m trying, you know.”
his release makes it easier for him to slide in and out of you along with the little white, creamy ring of love that has formed right on your entrance.
you can tell he’s holding back to make himself last longer for you—his eyes shut closed and his whimpers more subdued.
but you don’t want that; you want him to feel good.
“come on… it’s ok. I don’t mind.”
he groans loudly when you clench around him on purpose.
you smirk at this, already knowing your next move to get him to unravel.
“please daddy. I want it so bad,” you coo.
that’s when his hips start to stutter and he looks at you with eyes full of desire.
“shit, can you say that again?”
“hmm?” you tease.
“baby p-please. i need to hear it from your pretty mouth.”
“daddy… need you to come in me so bad… please...”
you wrap your legs tighter around him, pushing him closer into your walls. and just like that, you feel yourself getting filled up to the brim with his love.
“aaa… that’s not fair…” he whimpers as his hips pathetically grind into yours, cum still shooting into you.
“you’re so cute.”
his hips are still moving into you as your walls suck him dry and your hands run smoothly along his back.
it’s endearing the way he kind of trembles in your arms but tries to hide it.
“think you gotta another one in you?” you ask.
“yeah,” he says weakly. “need to make my baby cum too.”
he looks spent already though so you decide to take matters into your own hands.
you flip him over so that you’re straddling his hips, hard cock still in you.
he tries to get up in protest but you place your hand on his chest and push his body back down onto the bed so he lays flat.
“no. it’s my turn. and I wanna ride.”
“but y/n-”
before he gets to complain more, you roll your hips onto his and it shuts him right up. instead, he whines in his sweet, honey-like voice again for you.
“touch me,” you whisper, guiding his hands to your tits.
“mmm…” he mumbles quietly.
he fondles your breasts with his huge, warm hands and pinches your nipples just the way you like. he knows all the things that get you going even at moments like these when your body is too much to handle for him.
it gets you to squeeze your walls tighter on him, earning back more delicious moans from your boyfriend. he is always vocal for you and the way you feel and that’s something you have always adored about him. you hate that he tried concealing it earlier because you laughed, but happy that he let those walls fall down.
you lean in to kiss him with passion and heat. your tongues collide as you just moan into others mouths, the pleasure only intensifying.
you alternate between moving your hips back and forth, then in slow circles, and then bouncing up and down.
the slaps of your skin and the wet sounds only ignite the adrenaline in your body.
“jungwoo~” you whine as you let go from the kiss, desperate for release.
you feel it building up in your stomach, the euphoria bubbling to the surface.
you keep riding him—riding the edge of this dangerous pleasure. his cock starts to twitch in you and you know he’s about to cum for the third time. he’s drunk on your walls and the way you feel.
he’s a moaning mess under you.
and even then, you rest your forehead on his and helplessly moan “I love you daddy” over and over again as you chase your high.
“baby…ahhh..hhh” he chokes out.
his hands abandon your boobs and head straight to your hips to guide you up and down his thick cock that is now dripping with your incoming release.
the feeling is indescribable. all you know is you need to finish and need him to finish inside you too.
“daddy… love you… love you so much…” you babble as the searing pleasure wants to rip you open.
“s-such a good girl for me.”
you hands latch onto the top of his head, gripping onto the hair they find. your mouth is like a magnet to his face, kissing and sucking anywhere it can.
“that’s it, baby, you got it.”
and your walls clench with all their might.
“yeah just like that, cum on daddy.”
jungwoo’s nails dig deep into your skin as his head tilts backwards.
then his warm ropes coat your plush walls. and seconds later, the pressure in your stomach snaps and you gush all over your boyfriend’s cock.
jungwoo helps you ride it out, hands still guiding you with care and love.
you both are at a loss for words as the rush comes down. so you just shove your face into the crook of his neck and start to plant kisses all over his neck and jaw.
“I don’t know how you do it, baby.”
“I don’t do anything special,” you say. “But I think I just made you become a daddy for real.”
he laughs at this and runs his fingers through his hair, looking at the ceiling.
“I might as well just seal the deal then, huh?”
“wait what?”
he flips you over and then pushes your knees to your chest. he inserts his cock into you again, and with only a couple of strokes, he is pouring into you for the fourth time.
once he pulls out, he uses his long fingers to push the seed back into you, making sure every last drop doesn’t go to waste.
“ok, baby…that should do it,” he says confidently.
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘˗ˏˋ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˎˊ˗∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
a/n: let’s pretend this was posted on jungwoo day ijbol. and yes I titled this after that one freaky ass janet jackson song 😭🤦🏽‍♂️
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ao3commentoftheday · 3 years
Do you think it's worthwhile to explore the same trope, kink, or AU many times? I know about the two cake theory but in my mind I always associated that with different authors writing the same premise. So now I'm wondering - do readers think a writer is stale if they have their go to favorite things to write? Do they find it annoying? Or is it the same level of excitement as it is when you see similar ideas from different writers? Idk I guess I am torn between wanting to challenge myself and continue to improve as a writer and acknowledging that this is all for fun and what's even the point if I'm not having fun. Is it even possible to have both? Should I let go of the idea of challenging myself and dive headfirst into self indulgence? Or is it possible to improve my craft AND write all my favorite things even if there's some repetition involved?
Every writer has things that they enjoy writing and there’s no harm at all in writing a lot of it. I love fake dating, and I’ve written more than my share. A sampling of comments I’ve received on my own fake dating fics:
Oh, I’m such a sucker for fake dating, and you have done it so well before, I can not wait to read what are you going to do with this!
Pi + fake dating = a flat out joy guaranteed
I'm very excited for this. You have no idea. I've been dying for a fake-wedding-dating-AU-thing and I'm so glad you're writing it  
I would say stop but DON'T EVER.  
So yeah, I think it’s probably okay if you write the same type of story over and over again. Your readers won’t mind at all. You might even become known for your writing of a particular type of story. If that’s something that would make you feel constrained, then you might want to be careful with it. If it’s something you’d take pride in, then go all out.
You definitely can improve and stretch yourself in your writing while also indulging yourself in your favourite ships or tropes. Another thing I love to write is a meet cute. So one thing I did was write meet cutes in various literary styles from Gothic to Douglas Adams. If you know a particular trope well, you can start to play with the trope and invert it in different ways. If you love a particular ship or a particular kink or a particular AU, there’s always a way to change it up. 
Hell, one time I wrote a fic for the express purpose of using as many words as I possibly could from my fandom friend’s English language textbook so she could see the words used in context and have something more interesting to study. 
The only limit when it comes to your creativity is your own imagination :)
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cloudystevie · 4 years
thirst tweets
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pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 2,180
summary: your boyfriend reads thirst tweets for an interview, and he sees yours.
warnings: dom! chris, sub! reader, smut, daddy kink, brief thigh riding, degradation, mocking, choking, being gagged with fingers, brief? aftercare, and bad writing
authors note: notes: this is for my bae @manyuwus so thank you for inspiring this also this is kinda different than my normal oneshot vibe. i wrote this in 2 days which is a new record for me.
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“Okay honey, I gotta get going now, come give me a kiss.” Chris was standing next to the hotel room door, holding his arms out for you. You pouted, getting up from the bed and giving him a kiss, “hurry back, I’ll be waiting daddy.” You snickered at his groan, he looked at you with his nose scrunched up, “you’re gonna be the death of me babygirl.’
You playfully shoved him out the hotel door, whistling at him while he was walking away making him look back at you and chuckle, cheeks turning pink in embarrassment. How you still managed to make him blush like that, he would never understand. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Chris sat down on the chair, a bucket of ‘thirst tweets’ in front of him. The crew fiddled around with his mic, adjusting it before setting a few pieces of his hair in place and Chris cleared his throat giving a thumbs up, indicating he was ready to go. 
“Hi, my name is Chris Evans and I’m going to be reading thirst tweets. Let’s dive in.”
He looked up at the camera, smiling a little before reaching his hand into the bucket, pulling out the first little slip of paper,
chris evans could run me over with a car and i would say thank you.
He laughed hesitantly, before scrunching up his nose, “umm thanks? I guess?” 
i would like my money back on all my panties that have been ruined, courtesy of chris evans
chris evans is the daddiest of all daddies send tweet
“Alright next one here we go. Might I add I feel like these have been pretty tame so far, I’ve seen much worse on my own timeline. But I probably just jinxed that.” 
The crew laughed at his frightful tone when he playfully shuddered. Chris reached his hand in to pull out another slip of paper. His eyes scanned over the username and he had refrain from gasping when he saw your twitter handle. The team watched his reaction carefully, his assistant thought it would be funny to ask you to tweet something vulgar so she could request for it to be in the video.
i wonder if chris evans is actually as big as everyone believes him to be. idk man doesn’t seem real likely. definitely all talk no game vibes ajsjsj
He had to genuinely refrain from growling out loud, you would be fucking in for it when he got back to the room. “I can assure you, I know a thing or two.” He ended his sentence off with a wink, reading off the rest of the slips and commenting on them, yours still lingering in the back of his mind. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You giggled as you read the texts from Chris’ assistant, she sent a video of when he read yours and your poor boyfriend looked so flustered. You couldn’t wait for him to get back. Until then, you would wait patiently, and by that you meant that you would put on some of his favourite lingerie and pretend to be lounging around when he walked inside.
You heard the door open and slam shut just in time for you to plop down on the massive bed, you looked up innocently, fluttering your lashes at your fuming boyfriend, “hi baby. Did you have fun?”
He huffed a laugh through his nose before striding over to you, wrapping a firm hand around your throat to pull you closer to his face, his rough treatment eliciting a sharp gasp from your lips. “I think you know just how much fun I had you little minx.”
You tried your hardest to stifle a giggle at how frustrated your boyfriend had become, but when his hand shot down to feel you through your tiny lace panties, he was the one laughing.
“I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you sitting here all dolled up for me to ruin, you little slut.”
But you couldn’t go down this easy, it was always funner this way anyway, “who said I was waiting for you Chris?” You had a smirk on your face until he outright growled and pushed you flat down on the bed.
He shoved his solid thigh in between your legs, pressing up harshly against your rapidly slickening core. He grabbed your hips and pushed them down onto his, ignoring your breathless pleas. “You’re mine. Do you need a reminder?”
You gulped thinking back to the last time this happened, frantically shaking your head no. “No daddy I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.” Chris loved how easy it was to get inside your head, and the fact that you gave him so much power made all the blood in his body rush straight to his cock.
“You didn’t mean it huh?” He spat, increasing the pressure of his thigh against your cunt. You sobbed out, shaking your head no. He let you go with a push, laughing at you when you whined out for him, reaching out to pull him back, but he only grabbed your wrists in his hand, stating his control over you and your body, and how effortlessly you submitted to him. 
He flipped you over, trailing his dull fingernails over the backs of your thighs, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You bucked your hips back, desperate for any attention you could where you needed it most. His hot breath fanned over your sensitive skin as he pressed soft kisses there. “Now why don’t we try that again. Who did you get dressed up for honey?”
You could feel his smirk against your bare skin but your eyebrows were furrowed as you panted, pure need in your voice.
“All for you daddy. So you could come back and fuck me hard.”
That got Chris, as he moved to pull his throbbing cock out of his tight pants, hissing when he finally freed himself from the restricting confines of his ridiculously overpriced bottoms. You turned over your shoulder to see his whole length slap against his clothed abdomen. A moan fell past your lips when he began stroking himself languidly eyes closing in bliss.
But then his eyes snapped open and he placed a strong hand on the back of your neck, “bad girls don’t get to see daddy’s cock. They only get to feel it.”
You let out a sound you would be too embarrassed to even think about making, but Chris just smirked, running his thick cock head up and down you wet folds, making you both even needier for each other. 
You felt his beard scratching at your shoulder, as he placed wet kisses all around the skin there, “you want it hard and fast? I thought daddy’s princess liked it slow?” 
You both knew damn well neither of you liked it slow. Your favourite was when he got so mean and rough, making you want to listen and follow all his commands.
“I want it hard daddy pretty please?” The innocence lacing your tone made Chris’ cock twitch, as he pushed just the tip in, eliciting a harsh gasp from you. 
Lifting his head off your chest, he placed his hand on the small of your back, forcing an even deeper arch making you clench. “You need to be fucked like a slut? Need daddy to pound that tight cunt? Answer me!” He growled spanking your ass roughly, kneeding the stinging flesh afterwards. 
“Yes daddy please! Fuck me like a whore daddy please!” You sobbed pathetically. And Chris took mercy on you, finally sliding his member into you completely. You moaned and cried out as he began to grind into you slowly, really making you feel every inch of him. 
Chris stilled his hips for a few moments, simply watching the way you needily fucked yourself back onto his cock. He threw his head back, biting his lip hard at how greedy you were for him. But he remembered why he was fucking you; to show you who you belonged to. Show you just how good he could make you feel.
He grabbed your hips with a bruising grip forcing you to stop your movements as you whined when you no longer felt his thick cock massaging your walls.
“I don’t remember giving you permission to move. But I’ll let it slide just this once. Now shut up and take my cock.”
Your pussy clamped around him as he began to thrust into you with powerful force. He knitted his eyebrows together as he watched your tight cunt swallow him completely. You were so beautiful, and he told you just that.
(Something about your boyfriend calling you beautiful with his hand holding you down and cock slamming into you... yeah you got lucky)
His hips were slamming against yours with power, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the extravagant room. Chris pulled you up by the neck, the new position making your toes curl and eyes roll back as he hit your g-spot with each and every thrust. 
You shook around him and for a few moments you were genuinely wondering if the ceiling always had stars painted on. “Tell me who’s cock is taking you apart?” 
Your back arched and slumped against him as he pounded into you relentlessly, you could barely form a coherent thought, let alone speak. And Chris definitely picked up on that.
“Oh what? Daddy’s cock feel too good baby? Dumb little girl can’t even think when she’s being fucked. Daddy’s so silly for asking a question and expecting an answer. My stupid girl.” He mocked you, sending heat straight to your core as you felt your orgasm building up, strong.
Spit dribbled down your cheek as he shoved two of his thick fingers into your mouth, making you gag at the sudden intrusion. You moaned around his digits, grabbing his wrist tightly, digging your nails into his skin. He wrapped his thick forearm around your tummy, until his fingers found your clit and he rubbed messy circles around your aching nub.
Your head fell back against his massive chest as he fucked you hard from behind. Though Chris wanted a new position, one he knew you couldn’t last in, so he picked you up and spun you around, pushing your thighs all the way back as he watched your already sensitive cunt pulse in need. You were mindlessly begging for him and he granted you relief as he pushed himself inside of you, your legs beginning to shake violently as he wrapped one of his strong hands around your throat and used the other to rub circles on your pulsing clit. His dirty talk never coming to a halt.
You clenched your eyes shut, moans and screams falling past your lips, Chris watching as your body was practically consumed by pleasure.
Pleasure he was giving you.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me, come on little girl, cum for daddy.”
It took all of two more thrusts before you convulsed around Chris. Your arousal leaking and staining your thighs as your back arched off the bed, Chris putting some of his weight on your body to hold you down as you jolted on the bed.
You bit your lip as you looked at Chris through your eyelashes, “please cum inside me. I want you to fill me up daddy, pretty please?”
He nodded his a head, guttural groan escaping from his chest as he buried himself to the hilt, filling you up with his thick ropes of cum. You moaned at the feeling of being so full, of being claimed by Chris. This was exactly what you had hoped would happen.
His head dropped down to your neck as he sucked on your skin there, riding out his release. Groaning your name as he came down from his high. He pulled out of you, giving you a sweet kiss on your forehead before getting up to get you a wet towel so he could softly clean you. Laughing when you made grabby hands at him, your eyes still lidded over in submission. “I’ll be right back baby, just gonna get you some water and something to clean ya up with. Don’t ya worry.”
He made quick work to grab a cold water bottle from the fridge, and wetting a clean hand towel as he made his way back to where you were still patiently waiting for him. He gently cleaned up your sensitive folds, pressing soft kissed to your puffy folds in an attempt to soothe you. He lifted your neck up so you could gulp down some cool water. And sighing, pulling you back to rest against his chest. Rubbing his hand up and down your back in a calming manner, “you know I read your tweet right?”
You nodded your head softly, curling into him like a kitten, “I know, ‘s why I wrote it.”
He laughed deeply, wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you closer to his own. Letting his lips rest against your forehead as you two drifted off into a blissful post-sex slumber.
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tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @hermayone @donutloverxo @sambucky8 @tvckerlance
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
yay! so description = physically i’m 161 cm, i have dark brown straight hair and dark brown eyes, tan skin. other than that i think i’m funny, emotional and kind.. and i’m the mom friend i can’t stop being motherly lol
fav song = the ordinary man by lee seung gi and because of you by lana del rey, i can’t choose
ideal date = a date that we can hold hands.. i love holding hands… also snowy winter day dates 10/10
kinks= praise, breeding/creampie/impregnation, idk its a kink but manhandling, and lovemaking lmao
and male character please, thank you ❤️❤️
Match-up Event Masterlist
I match you with...
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Geten doesn't really know love. Having spent his whole life following Re-Destro's goals, he never really took the time to even think about such a useless, unneccessary feeling, because that's exactly what it is: a weakness, something to be buried deep inside one's mind, forgotten fantasy unimportant next to the PLF's future. And yet, why does that little four-letter word make its way to his every thought whenever his icy gaze lands on you? Why does the idea of dumb, stupid love sound absolutely exquisite to him when it's paired with the sight of you? Just like he's never known love, he's never known a kind, caring touch either. Is that why your every action make his heart flutter in his chest? Is that why he has to tighten his fists whenever you smile to him, just to hold back to overwhelming need to touch you? If that's what love is, he doesn't want it, doesn't want to feel weak and subdued. But he should have known not to be overconfident once again, because as soon as you look his way, your oh so pretty eyes diving into his icy blue, he's on his knees, worshipping, loving, accepting all the weakness that comes with adoring you because there is nothing more beautiful than the smile you give him whenever he takes your hand in his.
His fingers are cold when they tighten over yours, and a shy, faint blush always dusts over his cheeks at the thought that the touch might be uncomfortable for you, but it feels as if all of the ice coating his harsh little heart slowly melts under spring sunrays whenever you tell him that it's okay. He won't let his feelings show, simply letting a neutral huff slip through his lips, but he'll still softly brush his thumb on your silky skin in such a loving, yearning gesture he'll feel like he's going to faint if you ever ask him to stop. Snowy winter dates are a delight with him because he's in his element and he'll use his every ability in the hopes to make you smile. He'll make you cute, adorable little animals out of ice, take you ice-skating wherever you want, and if you wish for it, he can even take you on a snowy winter date in the middle of summer. Nothing is impossible when you're by his side and, after all, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you, if only it would bring a smile on your face or a chuckle slipping through your lips. If this is love, he thinks when you marvel at one of his tiny ice creations, then maybe it's not so bad.
Once he's decided that he loves you, he needs to have you whole. He'll be rough as he pushes you against a wall just to, ever so softly, place a kiss on your lips, enjoying the fact that he has you trapped just as much as the warmth that courses through his veins every time his fingers make contact with your silky skin and the shivers that ran through it under his ministrations. He's not so cold anymore then, will whisper sweet words in your ear as he has you laying underneath him, giving soft little pecks all over your throat and collarbones as he murmurs you're so beautiful, the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on. And then, when he's inside you, he'll only have one thing on his mind; filling you with his cum, having you carry his seed until you're dripping on the sheets once he's done with you and even then, he'll gather the little white beads slipping through your folds on his fingers and push all of it back inside. I need to make sure I'm breeding you just right, he'd tell you, satisfied smile on his lips as he finishes inside you over, and over, and over again.
Please tell me if you liked it ♡
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Long Flight (Taeyong x you x jaehyun)
SUGGESTIVEEEE YAHOOO (sorry idk what’s with me, I made this into suggestive fic and the idea started when I took a long flight across Pacific Ocean) 
tagging @neopalette and @yutahoes
a/n : do not proceed if you’re young (innocent) other than that, just go lol i know we’re all thirsty. daddy dom and master kink 
jae is your colleague cabin crew (and your daddy), Taeyong is a famous designer taking first class flights who happens to get you as his stewardess and oh a fun night is about to happen in this long flight 
Long flights are a literal pain in the ass. For lee taeyong, long flights are inevitable especially with his business trips that require him to fly from Korea to the Free land of the United States. He is lucky as a designer to be called from one runway to another. Attending photoshoots, ending the runway of his collections and of course after parties.
Though he is never fond of the jetlag and morning flights plus the 12 hours butt pain, he finally meets you. From one of his shittiest flight. He needs to rush to New York but his plane got canceled and that’s how both of you meet. You're in charge of the first class passengers and importantly, him. You're trained to give the best service, making sure his seat is comfortable and his bed ready if he really wants to lay down.
“A long flight ahead sir,” you greet him after keeping his suit on the hanger and helping him with his stuffs.
He looks coy with his fitted bomber jacket and eye glasses. His fragrance reminds you of the forest with deep musk coming out from him.
“Yes and my flight got canceled. I was moved here.” He rumbles, though he is sort of happy because he got upgraded to the first class. His invitation earlier was only for business class but here he is now on the second floor with a nice personal stewardess and of course a bed.
“I am so sorry about that, but i'm here to help you enjoy your flight.” You smile nicely to him.
“For now do you want some drinks?” you take out the menu sheet you’ve prepared.
He takes a glance and smirks “Surprise me? I’m in for an enjoyable flight with you (y/n).” Taeyong winks to you.
You blush, “My pleasure, Lee Taeyong-ssi" you bow before leaving him to take the drink and calm your heartbeat.
You know him, he is famous for his designs and cool godly handsome face. Gosh he really looks handsome!
Your light steps bring you to the bar in the lounge and your fellow mate, Jaehyun, is already busy making orders for the other passengers.
“What may I help you with?” Jaehyun playfully smiles at you and winks. You're used to it, you share almost all of your trips with Jaehyun and you won’t lie, both of you share some nights together.
Your eyes scan the liquor collection and hum while you think “I'll just get him some gin and tonic.”
Jaehyun nods “Who is the special guest tonight?”
You gulp “Lee Taeyong, the famous designer.”
Jaehyun smirks, “Lucky you! Guess I'll be alone tonight and the night after.” He steps out of his cubicle and playfully slaps your ass. You glare at him but he just pushes you the drink and kisses your cheek “Goodluck, heard he was a bad drinker.”
You professionally go back to the narrow hallway and stop just in time to see Taeyong taking off his jacket.
“Here's your drink and please let me help you with your jacket.” You reach out your hands and he gladly passes it to you.
“Hmm gin and tonic, simple but best for me.thanks" he winks and gulps down half of the drink.
His face turns red and you clearly knows tomorrow an apple juice might be a better option.
“Did I turn red?” he asks with big eyes while touching his forehead and cheeks to check his heat.
You nod “A bit sir, but you still look great.” You blurt out and turn shy suddenly when he smiles and runs a finger over your arm “Aw thank you, heard that a lot but it sounds better from your red lips. I wonder why you don’t end up on my runway but here instead in this small airplane!”
He sure is not hearing himself, you know he's more humble than this. Must be the drink.
You just smile and nod “Well, I am glad I can serve you tonight. Now, we'll take off soon. Please fasten your seatbelt and ring me up if you need anything. Enjoy your flight sir,” you bow before returning to your seat so the plane can take off.
Taeyong keeps his eyes on you as you exit the aisle and he can’t help but bite his lips when he sees how perfect you walk in a heel and how beautiful your legs are.
“I should probably start making stewardess uniforms.” He giggles to himself before feeling fuzzy and closes his eyes to sleep.
“So, any sign he's into you?” Jaehyun asks after the plane is steady in the sky and you're not called over yet. You sit on the stool and lean your chin on your arms.
“What? No way. He's out of my league.” You look to your arms and feel Jaehyun staring at you.
“Huh? Don’t you see how he looks at you when you leave him?” Jaehyun asks while his hands are still busy making drinks. The bar is empty, the passengers are still mostly sitting on their compartments.
You raise a brow “You were stalking me?”
He wiggles his brow “Gotta make sure you are working and not flirting with him.” He pulls your chin and blows over your lips “I know how naughty my little baby can be.”
You feel heat creeps into your core and cheeks. If both of you are not in duty, you'd play along and ask for drinks already.
“Stop teasing me, I am working.” You cough and try to remain professional though Jaehyun's deep stare is not helping you at all.
“We’re going to stay in New York for two nights, where do we wanna go?” Jae traces random lines on your arm and you hold your breath “I don’t know, guess we can have a night of sleep and the other one for fun.” You wink and his smile blooms “Fun? Are we thinking of the same fun?”
You want to answer him but a bell chimes and you glance to the intercom to see Taeyong's request for your assistant.
Jaehyun sighs “Tough competition I smell here.”
You tap his shoulder “Aw don’t be sad. I'll be right back, promise.” You blow him a flying kiss and tidy up your uniform before marching to Taeyong.
“Yes, how may I help you?” you nicely check on his stuffs, and he looks at you with clouded eyes. Gosh how many alcohol did Jaehyun put earlier? Is Taeyong this light headed?
“I- I want some snacks.” He looks at you with “that" gaze.
You gulp “Oh right, I can do that. We have-" you almost recite him the snack options before he pulls you onto his lap and snakes his arm around your waist.
“Not that snack, come on I know you know it.” He boldly presses his nose on your neck taking a whiff of your scent
You shiver and breathily moan “Sorry sir, I'm on duty.” You remind him but your hands are already touching his hard abs and thigh
Taeyong giggles next to your ear “On duty? baby I saw you flirting with that bartender guy right there. Didn’t you promise me you'll serve me well tonight?” his tone sounds sad at the end and you never like to hear someone sad because of you, so you quickly look around and whisper back to him
“I- I am-" you stutter when he runs his hand closer to your core “You're what princess?” he grins smugly
He sure is drunk. But he's super hot and you're super aroused!
“I am Sorry sir,” you whisper and he smiles with satisfaction.
“Good girl, now after dinner when the bed time is near, I'll ask you to prepare for my room and princess, be ready." He presses a small kiss on your nape and you gasp. Taeyong quickly presses his hand over your lips “uh oh we don’t want to get in touble right?”
You nod and when he taps you back, you get up and return to work like nothing happens.
Dinner is served and you notice the first class passengers are just few tonight. Only Taeyong and three other people. You notice Taeyong's bed is also far from the other's rooms.
He requested for a glass of red wine on dinner and when you collect his plates, you notice he finishes all of it. Wow, just how drunk is he planning to be?
“Baby, just remember you owe me one fun night,” Jaehyun whispers next to you when he sees you fix your face and tidy your appearance.
You roll your eyes “You look more interested into him, do you want to join us?” you tease him
Jaehyun turns red and he growls “Baby, try to remember all the wrongs you make today. We'll see if you can get as much spanks as your faults, daddy will reminds his baby about her attitudes.” He palms your breast and you clasp your mouth when you see the light for your duty lights up.
“Duty calls, gotta go-" you lean next to his ears “Daddy,” you kiss him quick and walk to Taeyong.
“Evening sir, tired already? Do you want me to prepare your bed?” You ask the standard procedure and he nods.
“Alright let me take you there, master.” You whisper before kissing him quick and following him to his cubicle.
“You're such a good kitten aren’t you? So ready for your master.” He grins when he sees the small bedroom already tidied up and shone in dim lights.
He goes into the room and after making sure no one sees, you enter and lock the door.
“I am glad I got to do this in first class, not in the lavatory.” Taeyong sounds drunk and confused to which you mentally slap yourself.
“Whoops sorry, ruined the mood. Come here kitty, master can show you how great he is when powered with wine!” he unbottons his shirt and you climb to his lap
“Tell me sir, do you want the soft kitty or bad kitty?” your fingers already play with his hairs and you lightly grind on his lap.
He groans when you touch his hardness and from his hooded eyes he makes his request “Both kitty, both.”
“Greedy, but as you wish master. Your words are my command.” You tie your hair up before diving to a deep desperate kiss with both of your hands roaming wildly around each others curves.
Your breathy moans could be heard if anyone is standing right in front of the door, you don’t mind it though. The room is locked, Taeyong rocks you so well and he is wild on bed. It's like having the best wildest fever dream and you're reaching cloud nine on a plane!
He was a great man in bed, a great master who puts you back in place and a great one to teach your soft side more about the wild fun.
You slip out of his hug when you notice he'd fallen asleep. Gently you tuck back your heels and uniform. Your under garments are broken but you'll skip them
With one sticky post it left on the bedside and a kiss, you slowly creep out from his room to meet your cabin crew.
“last night you were both wild and loud.” Jaehyun already greets you on the bar and you pause in track
“You were eavesdropping?” you turn to look at him
He shrugs his shoulder “Someone ordered a drink, I happened to pass by you and your master.” He playfully scans your body.
“Where did your bra go baby?” He walks closer to you and calmly pulls your chin up to face him.
“Look at daddy when you want to answer.” He warns you when you're about to answer.
Your eyes shake as you lock eyes with his fiery one.
“Broken, i'll change into another pair.” You gulp suddenly feeling small and vulnerable to Jaehyun.
“Don’t bother wearing one. I want to see them suffer in cold.” Jaehyun flicks one of your nub and you shudder
“Yes daddy.” You gulp “Anything else?”
“Oh, no touching yourself until I got to be the one touching you. Also, once we land… you're taking a room with me.” He takes your neck and pulls you into his chest “I want all of his traces gone by the time we're together.” He growls next to your ear “Understand baby?”
You nod “Words" he coughs and you mumble “Yes daddy.”
“Good, now don’t forget all the things you did and good luck finishing your errands.” He pats your ass and pushes you lightly.
“Good morning sir, how's your sleep last night?” you go back to your daily routine like nothing happened last night.
Taeyong looks sober already and his stomach is rumbling “Good. I had a good sleep, lucky me for I have to catch up a runway this afternoon.”
You nod “Coffee or tea for breakfast?”
He smiles “Coffee, without alcohol okay" he winks and you smile “Alright one coffee coming to you along with your breakfast sir.”
He turns red “calling me sir just makes me turns hot again princess.”
You wink “I'll be right back sir.”
:”Wait!” he holds your hand and you pause in track “Here take this,” he fishes something out of his bag and hands you a nice invitation
“Come to the gala, walk to the backstage pass and meet me for your dress.” He puts on his sunglasses
“I am invited? Well thank you sir, it's such an honor.” You smile widely
He shakes his head and peeks from his shades “Invited? You're my guest of honor. You'll walk the runway!”
You stare at him in disbelief and he quickly taps your arm “Now go princess, prepare me your best breakfast and i'll see you later.”
Oh yeah this will be the greatest experience and oh no tomorrow is gonna be the longest night with Jaehyun.
end, yow any great smut writers if you see this and want to  make the hot scene TAG ME I WANNA READ :D thanks!!
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kjmsupremacist · 3 years
Felix sweet boy baby angel but Christopher Bang is literally Satan? Idk if you saw but Hyunjin ratted him out on live and said the lyrics for Red Light were toned down. I don’t want to know. I don’t. He was already talking about edging and I don’t want to know. He can keep his Scorpio Venus and his Sag Mars away from me and everyone I love. I would give anything to know his rising if sign. It’s giving Earth but there’s so much air in his chart it’s hard to be sure. 🤖
i am so happy you sent me this ask because i have been looking for an excuse to talk about red lights. I sent leon and margot a seven minute long voice message when i was doing my research for my red lights-inspired fic like that's where i'm at.
First, yes, I saw Hyunjin's comments! that's what chris gets for trying to say hyunjin wrote all the lyrics in the first place. nice try, chris. also, his scorpio venus is SEXY. i won't be taking criticism on this opinion.
Now. Please see under the cut if you want to watch me dissect Red Lights -- both the lyrics and the MV.
so, credit where credit's due--I skimmed this and this reddit posts while I was doing my research.
now. we all know that on the surface, this song is about sex (and specifically bondage and edging—that much is clear). but, ah, how's the saying go? "everything is about sex except for sex, which is about power"? sure.
yeah, it's meant to be sexy. they did that for us and im still not sure if I want to kill them for it or thank them with my life. BUT, as they mentioned in the howl in harmony video, it's primarily a song about obsession.
The first reddit post does a great (albeit kind of aggressive) breakdown of the lyrics, where it becomes really clear that they're talking about the relationship they have with their work and the relationship they have with fans. In essence, the song is about how they want to give their lives and all their time to making more content for fans so that they will continue to receive love from us. The red lights are actually the recording light on a camera (hence the line “set the mic up”).
And so a relationship like the one depicted here is dark and intense, and yes—passionate and driven by love—but ultimately, it consumes itself in the vortex of its own desire, and then peters out into a sort of blank monotony—learned through repetition, a habitual reflex instead of a true reaction.
Then, the second reddit post goes on a deep dive of some of the symbolism seen in the MV—specifically, the use of kink. This is where it gets really fun.
We mostly see Hyunjin in shibari-style bondage. OP posits (and I agree) that he is meant to represent passion without discipline. The shibari ropes are tied messily (and so therefore dangerously) which is perfect for representing how often kink (and other obsessions) can devolve—you plunge in headfirst, but you are directionless except for the insistent tug in your gut that cries for more, more.
Chan, on the other hand, is seen primarily (esp in solo scenes) bound by heavy chains. He represents discipline with no passion. In the Howl in Harmony video, I believe he mentions that after a long day of practice, he'll still find himself in the recording studio, even though he's tired. He does what he has to on autopilot, because he knows he must, because it’s the only thing he feels he can do.
If Hyunjin is mania, then Chan is depression. The chains are GREAT symbolism because this dutiful march towards burnout and beyond is, as the lyrics suggest, stemming from a desire to keep receiving love (from fans)—that if you just work hard enough then no one will ever leave you. You wish to bind the person (or people) you love to you, but in the end the bonds only weigh you down.
So then the part where they’re tied together, back to back, at the end, shows when passion and discipline come into balance. And that’s creation for the love of creation while still maintaining a respect for yourself, the art, and your audience. (or idk. maybe they just thought we'd like to see them tied to one another. and they were right).
It's also fun because while we see Hyunjin and Chan both assume positions of domination and submission, it's clear Chan is meant to be the “dominant force” here (hence discipline). The reason we do see instances of Hyunjin in power (choking Chan, standing over him on the table) is because any somewhat healthy d/s relationship involves first the surrender of power. The dom is only perceived to be in power because the sub first relinquishes it them. So. You know.
I will say I'm not sure what to say about the edging theme (BNKSJDF) besides the obvious—almost giving you what you want, but not quite.
And finally, this is not part of either of those two reddit posts, but I was ENTHRALLED by the use of mirror and mirror-esque imagery throughout the MV and in the choreo. I love mirrors as a symbol so we're going to talk about that, too.
First and most obviously, it may be a bit on the nose. In art, mirrors and reflections are often used to show that there is a deeper meaning than what is clear on the surface. So this might have just been hyunchan going "hey! it's not just about sex!"
but I think there's more to it than that. Mirrors are often used as a vessel of truth—in some Chinese myths, for example, mirrors can repel demons, as they will show a demon’s true form. Or see the Little Mermaid—though Ursula managed to change her outward appearance, she was caught in her lie when another character (sebastian, i think?) saw her reflection in the mirror.
Additionally, one’s reflection used to be thought to contain one’s soul—which is why mirrors were covered in the home of person who had just passed, so they would not be trapped as a ghost in the world of the living.
For this reason, mirrors are often also considered dangerous. Think of Narcissus, for a start, who fell in love with his own reflection and sat at the water's edge, pining, until he fucking died. Or consider the following quote (which I love) from Fernando Pessoa:
“Man shouldn’t be able to see his own face – there’s nothing more sinister. Nature gave him the gift of not being able to see it, and of not being able to stare into his own eyes. Only in the water of rivers and ponds could he look at his face. And the very posture he had to assume was symbolic. He had to bend over, stoop down, to commit the ignominy of beholding himself. The inventor of the mirror poisoned the human heart.”
We use mirrors to watch ourselves watching ourselves (and the Margaret Atwood who lives in our heads cries “male fantasies, male fantasies! You are you own voyeur!”). We perform for the mirror—often what we see in the mirror is not actually how we are seen by others! We think we may find truth there, when in reality it is a distortion. Ties itself up really nicely, I think.
In any case, this really goes well with the theme of obsession in the song—staring in the mirror asking, what do others see? What is wrong about me? What can I do better? The idea of looking in the mirror to seek what others see, both positive and negative, is common throughout. And I think their use of mirrored choreo (esp when it seems like one of them is the reflection!!), as well as mirror placement on the set of the mv, and ESPECIALLY the lovely bit at the end where they both stand staring carefully at their own reflections, all work to drive that theme home.
and i don't even know how to touch on all the color symbolism (when it changes between color and b&w?? the palette being overwhelmingly yellow and red and black???), or the lens filters (warping, blurring, etc), or the way they superimposed pieces of the video on top of other pieces, or the use of that one stark white background—without writing a fucking dissertation (and this is already a ridiculously long post) so i'll just stop here.
This is all to say, maybe what they meant was that the lyrics were a lot more aggressive about these themes and they were asked to tone them down to keep it neutral.
or maybe they're just sexy, sexy motherfuckers and their managers bonked them on the head and sent them to horny jail.
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jungshookz · 3 years
cee what goes through ur mind when ur writing smut
the following is a train of thought that choo-choos through my head whenever i have to write something remotely nsfw please enjoy
time to write smut
it's time to write
when was the last time i even wrote smut??
literally don't remember
do i have to??
i guess i have to spice things up every now and then
i mean i guess i should start off with foreplay or something because we can't just dive right in
i guess that's kind of hot so it could work
yah i'm happy with that
i'm kind of hungry
should i go down for a snack
i can bring my laptop down with me
but then i'm going to get crumbs all over the keyboard
okay let me just get a snack real quick and then i'll be right back to finish this
post-snack cee
well that was a DELICIOUS snack
i will definitely have to have another snack break soon
okay where were we
now i have to write the actual smut
hold on
does this work??
i don't know if this works
is the human body capable of twisting like this??
maybe if he puts his leg there... and y/n can kind of...
or maybe if he's behind her?? maybe it'll work better if-?
okay i don't think that works let me delete that really quick
maybe i should move on to another scene and then i'll come back and finish this one
okay yeah that sounds like a good plan
what about some dialogue?
let's do some dialogue
dialogue should be no problem
...is that too dirty?
that feels like it's too much
or is it not dirty enough?
how dirty-mouthed am i allowed to be here??
i feel like if i put this in everyone's going to think that it's my kink
i guess it's not that big of a deal because this is kind of my kink
if i leave this in people might think i'm like a FREAK freak in bed
maybe i should reword this and make it less intense
okay i'll just leave it at that
idk if that's hot or not but it's staying in there
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1800sunaarinn · 4 years
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anon asks:
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tw. knife play.
lordie!! knife play is one of my fav kinks to read about, it makes me go whoosh in the tummy. oof, these headcanons are my view of them, please don’t take them seriously 💀 also, word of warning, i’m not that good at writing and describing knife play! it’s a fav to read but a pain to write hehe. i definitely got more confident towards the end, 🙂.
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♰ Chrollo Luclifer
i think chrollo would definitely be the most tamest when it comes to knife play, only because he doesn’t want to mark up your pretty skin with thin scars
he wouldn’t use it as a form of punishment because he tends to go all out with his punishments, and there’s no telling if he would be to control himself when in that mindset
but, i think if you do ask him to go a bit harder with the knife, he would. he respects your wishes and places your want above anything else, so there’s that.
he’ll be sweet about it, but with an underlying hint of sadism, because this is chrollo we’re talking about. he steals and kills to get what he want!!
but,,, i do think he might go against his rule of not using it as a form of punishment when you’ve really made him angry.
he won’t slash and dice at you, lololol. but he would press the knife deeper against your skin, idk tbh!!
#///:!!! +
“So pretty, baby.” Chrollo’s gray eyes had their usual warmth, watching with a small cruel twinged smile as your body reacted to the fresh, long, thin line of cut skin. The warm blood pressed against the open wound and fell down like a curtain, quickly reaching your left breast and coating it the skin.
The pain didn’t register, only tendrils of pleasure warping around your body, causing a short shudder. Warmth filled your body, and the need to be cut at again had you begging for more. “Kur, more, I need more!”
“As you wish,” And, thus started a chain of thin cuts along the top of your breasts. Each cut causing a different pleasurable sound to escape you, and each sound turning Chrollo on even more than before.
Your hands were gripping the sheets, your eyes closed shut to conceal the watering, and your jaw slacken. It were simple cuts you were receiving, small thin cuts, yet it was enough to dampen your panties. The ache between your legs became more dominant, and you tried to close your legs only to remember who were between them.
Chrollo noticed the action, grinning with sudden mischief. He began to softly drag the knife against your skin, between your breasts, down your stomach and only inches above your lacy, red silky panties. Your hips jerked upwards softly, in a silent ask to get a move on.
“Kur, come on!”
“Are you going to ask nicely?”
He only hummed, one hand gripping your thigh and spreading them. You only watch in anticipation as the knife is brought closer to your soft flesh, mouth watering at the thought of feeling the pinch of pain and pleasure on your sensitive thighs.
You’re not left disappointed, as the knife softly traces against your skin. The cool metal sending shivers through you, the blade softly rubbing against your skin. The slightest bit of pressure was added, breaking the skin and sending blood spilling down.
You reacted with a soft moan, eyes trained on the knife and blood. The knife moved with the same amount of pressure along your thigh, unlike last time, he doesn’t stop with a single thin cut, he continued on with the knife. Only lifting it a tiny bit before reconnecting it.
Your head had fell back then, soft whimpers leaving your throat at the continued pain in your thigh.
“Hm, pretty.” Chrollo hummed, you look up then, noticing the mirth and excitement in his eyes. “You are mine, forever, now. You know that right?”
You only nod in agreement, not registering the kanji characters that spelled out Kuroro Lucilfer. “You are mine too, right?”
The knife cuts through the skin, presenting your wet and dripping cunt to him. He pressed the flat side of the knife against your cunt lips, trailing down snd collecting your wetness on the blade. “Right,” he answered back, looking into your eyes as he placed the wet knife in his mouth, licking your arousal from it with a hum.
He chunked the knife away then, it landed perfectly in the wall, but you ignored it in favor of diving your hands into his black hair. Sharply moaning when his eagerly leaned forward and attacked your aching cunt.
It was then you actually took note of his name against your thigh.
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🃏 Hisoka Morow
honestly, this clown will definitely be the most sadistic one of the three. now, now, here me out! not only does he like that you let him fight you, sex you, but you also let him mark you up?! with a knife, no less?!?!
bloodlust bc he wants to kill? we don’t know her!! all we know is that listing to see your blood running down the valley of your breasts, and ultimately him licking it up.
but,, despite his obvious eagerness to do this act with you. he would be a little worried about your blood loss, bc bitch is not letting up on the deep ass cuts, and it’s not like you’re stopping him.
you’re much as a sadistic as him, so he probably have cuts everywhere as well. but with texture surprise, you both have most of those cuts concealed. this will definitely turn into some type of power olay on who can get the most cuts and the deepest.
hisoka finds pleasure in just about anything, so it isn’t surprise when he decides to fuck you while also cutting you.
like chrollo, his name will be somewhere on your body. and your name on his body, don’t forget that!!
#///:!!! +
You pant lightly, thighs tightening just a bit around Hisoka’s thighs as the knife along your collarbone drags down in a slow and tantalizing pace. It was a deep cut that sent a small abundance of blood spilling down, running along your chest and breasts, and eventually dripping onto Hisoka’s lap. The smirk plastered on Hisoka’s lips was enough for you know to that he was only getting started, but so were you.
“My turn,” You said, a smirk of your own appearing. The bedazzled knife in your hand was cold, the blade glinting beautifully in the light. You twirl the knife a few times before teasingly dragging it against his cheek and jaw, grinning when his smirk slip.
The knife drags pass his throat, and in between his collarbones. Then, you add press and drag the knife down. Blood immediately stains his skin and chases after the knife, collecting and doubling in size.
Hisoka overexaggerates his whimpers, barely concealing his excitement.
You barely had enough time to pull your knife away before gripping your hair, pulling back and exposing your naked upper half. His own knife teasingly smoothing across your expanse of skin, grinning with bloodlust as he makes small cuts along your stomach, watching in sick satisfaction when your hips jerks.
“Ah!” You moan, having nearly forgot that his cock was buried deep within you. The sudden movement pressed his deeper, and sent waves of pleasures through your body, your cuts tingling with the sensation.
With the knife dragging against your waist and hip teasingly, back and forth, not even close to cutting the skin but enough to keep you on edge. Hisoka leaned forward and latched his mouth on your skin, tongue lapping at the blood.
Your moans reverberating around the room as your hips move at a slow pace, as his warm tongue licked along your skin, as the cool knife teasingly drags along your skin.
“M-more, Hisoka!” You urge, hands settling on his shoulders. With a single push, he fell back against the back, the knives forgotten on the floor.
Both hands on his chest, and his hands on your hips, you began to move your hips quicker, chasing an orgasm. Both of your moans created a symphony.
Your own blood dripped onto Hisoka, mixing together with his, and outlining the characters that spelled out your name.
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📍Illumi Zoldyck
first and foremost,, illumi would definitely be more than happier to extract his control over you. which is mostly way he’ll be the one to have the most marks, bc, one you a bad bitch and two he not finna extract any type of control over you
you built different. nobody finna manipulate or control you, and that’s just facts. and besides, illumi is fucking sub and if anybody tells me otherwise, you’re wrong❤️. idk idk idk, this man is a sub and i’m not taking constructive criticism.
he might look bad and tough, but that’s all out the window the second he under you!! i’m telling you, this man will be so pliant in your arms it’s crazy. ofc once he actually trusts you enough to be in this situation, duh.
he will definitely have that dumb ass look in his eyes ⚫️.⚫️, and you’re like 👁^➖ “i gotchu babe.” type shit. this don’t make any sense.
idk idk idk i think when he’s comfortable enough, he will definitely start moaning and whimpering when you cut him. but, like, knife play almost never leads to sex. illumi just likes to being cut at by you—!!
he wants you to cut him a bit too deep, but you’re like not too deep because you have no idea what type of relaxes might kick in if you go too deep. one wrong move and you dead, dead as a cockroach 🤪.
#///:!!! +
You were sitting on Illumi’s lap, perfectly clothed, a small twinge of cruelty in your eyes as you twirl the knife in your fingers. Illumi was only half dressed, his pants on, his shirt missing, and his long hair spilling over his shoulders and onto the bed.
“You’re mine, yes?” You ask, twirling the knife even faster before gripping it with a small smack. You stared into his black eyes, not bothered that they were as emotionless as always.
“I am to be your husband.” He answered, a bit robotically. You were working on that, though, safely and healthy undoing years and years of conditioning seemed a bit impossible. Especially for someone like Illumi who held his family’s traditional above anything else.
“Mhm,” You hummed, placing the knife against his neck and smirking when his breath hitched slightly. You trailed the knife down his shoulder blade, along his arm and dragging the smallest hint of blood. Then with a quickness that rival his own, your hand was tangled in his hair, wrapped around your hand and you tugged harshly. The knife back his throat. “You are mine, yes?”
You briefly imagined if this was hard for him to admit, he was use to being able to have his control on others, but you proved to be different, you brought out a different side of him. Had this been anyone else, he would’ve killed them. But you were you, his fiancée, the person he trusted with his life. The only person he will ever allowed this to happen. “I am yours.”
“Good boy,” You praise, kissing his cheeks before letting go of his hair. There was the faintest hint of blush on his cheeks. The knife dragged downwards, skimming over his collarbones and down his chest, smoothed over the rigs in his stomach before back up again. Only this time, with added pressure that caused blood to immediately spill over.
He didn’t show any indication that he was in pain, or pleasure for that matter. You took that as challenge, as you always do. Right underneath his left pectoral, you began to carve your name into his skin. Deep enough to scar over and show, and you relished in the sharp intake of breath from Illumi.
“Is that your name?” He asked, and you looked up to meet his eyes, startling at the sudden fire burning in them. He was looking at you as if you were meal ready to be eaten, the sudden emotion cussing you to pause slightly.
“And, if it is?” You raised a brow, collecting yourself easily and finishing off the last character of your name.
“Then, it is only fair that I carve my name into your skin as well.” Illumi stated, and quickly, the knife was snatched for you hands and your back was meeting the soft bed. You had no time to collect yourself, your pants being tugged off, revealing your lacy panties, and his large hand on your thigh.
“Aht, aht—!” You pressed your foot to his bare chest, eyes burning with similar fire. “Ask me first, Illumi.”
“I shouldn’t have—”
“Illumi, ask me first.” Your tone left no room for arguing.
He blinked once, eyes boring into yours, seemingly trying to assert his dominance. He definitely needed some more work, his lingering controlling nature still present. But, you weren’t going to back down. Kneeling over for a man is not something you do, something your mother always told you not to do.
You raised a brow.
“May I?” He asked, his tone the same flat number it always is. You nod your consent. He goes to bring the knife closer, but you stop him again. “Thank you,”
You smirk then, “you’re welcome, pretty boy.” And you watch as his cheeks turn a small hint of pink, and as the knife began to carve his name into your soft thigh.
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📍. 20/13/11.
note — oof, can you tell who my favorite in the adult trio is? i definitely gained more confidence in this towards the end. i’m not fully happy with this, but i’m confident enough to post it??
requests for one shots are closed.
thirst anon, character anon, and regular anon questions are open.
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To Your Throat
hey y’all with knife kinks and shit, come get y’all juice. Reader’s a gal in this ‘cause uh... girls are hot idk. 
-Mod Pasta 🍜 🍝
Word Count: 2675
Warnings: Knife play, blood play, blood, dominance, rough sex
Loving someone with so much pent up pain, hatred, and regret was difficult: You weren’t going to act like it was an easy task. It was admittedly probably your most toxic, abusive, and satisfying relationship. For every harsh word was covered with a kiss, the heat of his flames could never match his passion, and his lust was beyond even that.
For one of the most wanted murderers, he was quite the lovebug. He actually enjoyed being around you, evidenced by your relationship that has lasted many years. Now that he joined the Villains on the Run club, however, alone time has come sparingly; Therefor, whenever he visited, sex came first. His pent up frustrations were gladly (on both ends) taken out fucking you senseless. However, sometimes you felt like you wanted more. Doggy style could only get so rough, you wanted something dangerous...
And after a bit of research, you knew what you wanted: However, convincing Touya to get a knife anywhere near you would be a tight bargain. He once filleted a man who grabbed your arm at a rave, and he made a point to keep you as far from danger as possible. That being said, he’s a walking danger, so your lips curled into a smile. Tomorrow might just be more fun than usual.
Upon the knock at your door, you felt butterflies in your stomach that you thought had been squashed a while ago. You rushed to it, a flushed smile upon your face as streetlamp light flooded in around a hooded figure. You grabbed his wrist, pulling the white haired man inside: How courteous, he showered before coming to see you.
“Someone’s happy to see - Woah-” His eyes widened as you pulled him in, closing the door behind him. He smiled with a short chuckle as you bolted past him to your kitchen. He followed, interested in your shenanigan's, “(F/N), what’re you up t - Oh shit-!”
You had grabbed a fairly dull kitchen knife and placed it on your counter in preparation of his arrival. You put it into your hands, carefully holding it out and walking back to him. Upon seeing you holding it out like a gift, he stood with wide, confused eyes, “I had an idea-”
“I see that,” He whistled lowly, grabbing the hilt and taking the knife from you with raised eyebrows. As if you didn’t already know he was an expert, he twirled it once in his hands before shoving it into his pocket, “Did you need me to cut some vegetables?”
“I-Uh-” It was now that you stuttered, turning a bit red and grinning, abashed. You put your hands down, awkwardly drawing your words out, “Well, you see, I kinda like... I had this idea-”
“I heard the first time,” You huffed at his interruption, and he just grinned like a bitch and crossed his arms, pushing past you to find what he could scarf down in the kitchen.
“Well, we’re always so uh... rough, in bed, right?” He nodding with a hum, grabbing an apple and opening your fridge while taking a bite from it, “Knives are rough, right?”
The apple hit the floor, and the blue eyes of a slightly flustered, slightly worried, and now fairly horny man met your own slowly. He held a block of cheese in one hand, and upon making eye contact, he quickly grabbed the apple, rubbing it off on his shirt and taking another very large bite from it, “Yeah, they are, but I’m not stabbing you (F/N).”
“No no no! Like, just hold it to my neck or something!” You exclaimed with a small laugh, and he bared his teeth in the most confused, awkward smile you’ve seen on him in a long time.
“I didn’t take you for the knife-play type,” He clicked his tongue, placing the cheese on your counter and cutting a couple slices off, popping them into his mouth for an apple-cheese combo.
“Well, uh, I just want um, more roughness, and you’re already great at that, so-” Your cheeks continued to darken, and you knew he was playing some game by not taking you right then and there. This walking sack of horny shit would be on you in a second usually, but now? He was up to something.
“Thanks,” He nodded, giving you a cheeky eyebrow raise.
“Does this mean you’ve done this before?” You became more intrigued: he was never that open about his past, never told you his last name, and it took you two years to learn that Dabi wasn’t even his first name.
“Of course I have, I’ve done a lot worse,” He then grabbed the blade of the knife aiming the hilt at you, “To understand what you’re getting into, try and hold it onto me. Go on,” He shoved it toward you, and you scrambled forward, grabbing the knife and looking down at it.
“Right, uh,” You swallowed hard as he casually ate apples and cheese. You looked up at him, and he didn’t even give you the pleasure of his mental presence. You scoffed, stomping around the island and holding the knife to his throat, “Hey, at least p-”
“Too slow,” He immediately knocked the knife out of your hand, grabbed it, and switched positions. He shoved you forward into the fridge, knocking the wind out of you. The knife was pressed firmly against your upper throat, and you shouted, hands flying to his chest.
“T-Touya!” You exclaimed, subconsciously pressing your legs tightly together. Yes, this is what you wanted. As if a light switch went off in his head, he pulled away from you, turning the blade of the knife away and pressing his lips together with a sigh.
“I won’t hurt you,” His mouth twitched, “I’m sorry for scaring-” Upon seeing your wide pupils and obviously flushed, aroused body, he paused, and his own cheeks darkened.
“No, that’s what I want, but only uh... if you want it,” Your arms dropped next to your sides, and you rubbed your neck where the knife had been, feeling the indentation and looking at the cheese behind him, “If you want dinner, let me-”
“Dinner after sex,” He stated, grabbing the cheese and nodding as you got out of his way. He put it away, then grabbed your wrist not unlike you had done to him, “Now.”
“Now? Oh, now, yeah!” You nodded, happily letting him guide you to the bedroom. Upon entering, he turned the light on, unlike his usual affinity for the darkness that hid his scars. You imagined he needed to see what he was doing with the knife, of course.
He placed the knife on the night stand, then paused, a smile growing on his lips. You recognized that look as the one he gave right before roasting a man alive, or when he was about to turn and throw you onto the bed. You received the latter, your back against the sheets in less than a second. He was on top of you, his usual cape that covered you both like a tent was replaced by a hoodie that he was removing now. You quickly did the same with your shirt, and he began undoing his belt. You felt a rush of excitement, pulling your pyjama pants down. Before you could get any undergarments off, however, he grabbed them and seared them off.
“Touya!” You gasped in offense, grabbing his arm. He slapped your hand away, grabbing your jaw with little care and pulling you up into a heated kiss.
“I’ll buy you new ones, shut up,” He growled, and you felt the cold metal of his stitches contrast with the heat of his body. His hands went to your hips, and he lowered himself down to your heat, “Fuck, now you got me riled up.”
“As if you weren’t already,” You teased with a laugh, then a small whimper when his long tongue dragged up your vagina.
“I was before you wanted the knife,” He brought your clit between his teeth, his hot, long fingers finding their way inside of you. His usually disgusted other people, but the joints in his fingers always pressed against the right places to drive you mad. He sucked, pulling a shout from you, “Now you’ve really got me high on you.”
“Oh shut up Shakespeare,” You couldn’t bring yourself to laugh, however: his poetic way with words always made your heart flutter.
He did shut up, however, diving into you and bringing more screams of pleasure that you had to muffle with your hand, gripping the bedsheets under you as he pulled sweet moans from you. Soon enough you were falling around his tongue and fingers, the man knowing all the stops to pull you apart like taffy. You whimpered, panting and huffing. He wasn’t satisfied enough, however, and you started to get up as he pulled his boxers off.
“L-Let me make that up t-t-oh-!” You exclaimed when you suddenly felt sharp, cold metal against your sternum. You looked down to see the tip of your kitchen knife pressed in between your breasts, and you looked back up to Touya with wide eyes, “Oh-”
“Down, now,” He snapped, and you fell back, eyes wider than the full moon. He fell back with you, climbing back on top as you parted your legs for him. He slowly lowered his face to you, bringing the knife up to your chin, “Get a condom.”
“Yes,” You couldn’t nod, so you reached without looking to your bedside dresser and opened it, pulling the box out and then one packet out, throwing the box on the ground.
“Take it out,” He continued, a spark in his eyes that you could tell was turning into a raging fire. You did as you were told, that same fire catching within you, “Put it on.”
“Yes,” You whispered, reaching down to his erection. He was hard as stone at this point, turned on by the situation at hand.
“Yes what?” He growled, his smile turning into a devious, evil grin that sent pleasant shivers down your back.
“Yes sir,” You took a sharp breath, and with his free hand, he aligned at your entrance, pushing in. You breathed out in relief, closing your eyes.
“Don’t relax,” The knife was suddenly at your throat, pressing in as he pressed deeper, “This might be dull, but I don’t need a knife to end your life,” He started a rhythm that quickly picked up speed. You gasped, your whines growing louder into moans.
“Please,” You begged, “Touya,” He grit his teeth, and you were confused for a second before you felt his hand on your throat. You yelped in surprise, but having handed your safety to this man many times, you trusted him. He pressed against your jugular vein, cutting blood off to your head. You could feel the hilt of the knife in his hand, and your whimpering gasps could barley express how much pleasure surged through you.
He was fucking you at a rough pace, and once you started to see black spots, you grabbed his arm. He loosened his grip, and you gasped for breath, endorphins surging through you, “Fuck, Touya,” You moaned his name at a pitch you hadn’t expected, and he grunted, lowered himself down as his nails dug into your hips so he could get deeper.
“Say my name again,” He groaned, breathing heavily. You did as you were told, and you felt his teeth in your skin, biting deep, deeper than usual. He was finally starting to catch on that you enjoyed the thrill, the danger, and possibly even a bit of pain. You gasped, grabbing his shoulders and sinking your own nails in.
“Please,” Slipped out again, and he pulled back, licking his lips. His eyes, burning the same colour as his flames, bore into your own in a silent question. What do you want me to do to you?
Your eyes went to the knife in his hand, and he cocked an eyebrow, then swallowed hard. His pace slowed down, and you start to think you might have crossed a line. Before you could ask, however, a focused look dawned his face, and you felt his thrusts become methodical and deep as he brought the tip of the knife to your chest. When it first grazed your skin, you were surprised by how much a little cut could hurt.
However, with every thrust came a rush of pleasure that lapped the pain away, leaving it seared with pleasure instead. You felt overwhelmed and overstimulated, barely having the energy to twitch and grip the pillow under your head. He bit his lower lip, obviously paying attention to his work on your chest and breasts, but also fucking you in almost a primal, needy way. He wanted to work, but he needed you.
Eventually you came, warning him with a short shout, then long moan as your legs tightened around him. He paused his work of light scratches and nicks, then once you quieted down, continued as if it was a mere distraction. As his thrusts started to get sloppier and he was grunting with even the minimal effort he was exerting, you knew he was close to done: Your own body was fried, and the only reminder of the real world was the barely bleeding marks upon your chest. You doubted they would even permanently scar: that’s how delicate he was.
Finally, once he finished however, he tossed the knife onto your other pillow, grabbing your hips with both hands and suddenly increasing the pace, thrusting into you. You yelped, gasping and grabbing onto the sheets once again as reality flushed back in. You felt a single trickle of blood fall off your side, but the pain from the marks he made merely stung a little: Too much pleasure was coursing through you to care. He finished quickly, and you felt sufficiently used as he flopped next to you, grabbing the knife before and tossing it off the bed, “Fuck.”
“Fuck ind-wait, did you write something?” You looked down at your chest to see what he had been doing. The man snickered, then began to laugh, pulling the condom off.
“I’ll be right back,” He got up, and you heard the bathroom door open once he left the room. You waited patiently, and when he came back with gauze, medical tape, and isopropyl alcohol, you whined with less of a sexy undertone, “Ah ah ah, it’s gotta be cleaned or it’ll get infected.”
“What if I wanna be infected,” You mumbled, and he raised a single eyebrow, pulling his boxers on before sitting next to you and going to work cleaning the marks. It stung so much worse than when he made them, and you hissed in pain.
“Fuck, did I cut too deep? I’m sorry, I-”
“No, no, I liked it, really. I liked all of it,” You nodded quickly, waving your hands around. He pressed his lips together with a small sigh, and you assumed it was more self-disappointment.
“I might have gone a little sadistic, I’m sorry you had to see that side of me,” He muttered, and you felt his personal shame creeping into him, evident in the tone of his voice. You gently put a hand on his own, pausing him for a second to look into his eyes.
“I love all parts of you, Touya,” You smiled, bringing a hesitant one from the usually snarky boy. He could let his guard down with you, he could be himself with you, “Even the ones you might not like.”
“Even my uneven balls?” The laugh that erupted from the both of you was loud enough to rival a train, and the rest of the evening consisted of similar laughter, and banter to follow.
The next couple weeks, however, you had to spend knowing someone’s name was engraved upon your chest. You were marked, owned, and carved in by the symbols for Touya,  燈 矢.
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i-did · 3 years
Thank you for the reply to my ask!! It was especially interesting because u have hcs that are one-of-a-kind to find in this fandom. The pup play for Andrew took me by suprise at first but now that I think about it does seem to fit him lol, how do you think he would engage with it? Like, for example: I think the collar thing is cool, but further on from that, I can't rlly decide whether I think Andrew would be okay with Neil like pulling on the collar or if that's too aggressive, or other things that pup play can involve, etc. Again, ur thoughts?
Yeah of course, I feel like 90% of my anons are saying something like ‘this is a stupid question’ or ‘sorry for wasting your time’ or something like that, but you guys ask really cool questions and I love answering them. Sometimes it takes me a while to respond, so thank you for your patience when I do.
Yeah, I feel this fandom is actually pretty ‘straight forward’ with most of the NSFW headcanons. I don’t want to be rude, but most of them seem very generic or cookie cutter. I've seen a lot of really sweet headcanons out there, but not a lot of exploration. Idk maybe it's because I'm one of the few mlm, but my NSFW HC definitely stray from what I've seen. Characters tend to fit into the typical ‘top/dom and bottom/sub’ roles a lot, and I haven’t seen a lot of other stuff out there. I also think overall in society there is a huge emphasis on penetrative sex being the ‘final’ step to sex, and is ‘the real deal,’ which I don’t think fits Andrew and Neil’s relationship. Will they do it sometimes? Yeah, sure, and I agree with Nora that when Andrew’s ready they switch basically 50/50, but overall they do lots of other things and get just as much, if not more pleasure out of it.
pup play HC below the cut:
Okay, onto the pup-play. Pup play is actually very huge in the gay community. While I personally HC Neil and Andrew don’t have a lot of cultural connection to the community, I also think when they start to explore this and learn more they end up looking into websites and servers which are centered around mlm pup-players. I don’t think they look much into it outside discovering it is a ‘thing’ however.
Andrew won't ever think to himself ‘Neil is my handler’ and I don’t know if I see him wearing the hood, which is the mask that they wear. I could see Andrew in the muzzle that's similar to the one Brad Pit wears in the 1999 Rolling Stones photoshoot–and I actually have a WIP drawing of Andrew in one inspired by said photoshoot. I think Andrew being told by Neil that he has to try to get Neil off with the muzzle still on is a challenge they might do. Andrew is very confident in his oral sex skills, and shows very little gag reflex, so they could get to the point of Neil touching said muzzle and sticking his dick between the bars for Andrew to kiss and lick. The muzzle in the photoshoot actually allows for Brad Pit to fully open his mouth into a smiling yell, so a similar one would allow Andrew to suck Neil off while still wearing it.
I do think he would have a collar with a ring on it, and Neil might tug Andrew to his knees or pull him closer when they get there. I don’t think this would happen fast of course, but I think Neil being in control while Andrew learns to let himself get off in front of him it could provide to be helpful. It would likely start with Neil’s hands and mouth kissing and touching around the collar as Andrew just gets used to it and comfortable. Andrew’s neck is very sensitive, and I think the collar could play into that canon fact. I think later on Neil gently tugs it, and eventually will use it almost to guide Andrew into a position, but they're never going to be rough with it. There's nothing wrong with consensual rough play like that, I personally just don’t see either one liking it.
I can imagine Neil sitting and having Andrew get himself off only by humping his leg, which is both a position where Neil can’t see Andrew’s dick but still his face and Andrew is still in physical control of all the sexual contact. It’s also a common thing for handlers to make their pups do in order to get off. This to me is a good one for them, it’s not very intense and if Andrew gets overwhelmed the contact is still minimal and on a non-sexual organ–his dick on Neil’s leg. Andrew would also be either sitting on Neil’s lap or on the floor near Neil’s leg, and would avoid feeling trapped. Andrew also gets to set the pace, and honestly Neil would be likely staring into Andrew’s eyes over anything, or depending on the position, kissing Andrew.
I feel like Neil likes giving Andrew praise and while Andrew would never ask for it or admit it, he enjoys receiving it. To him it's an assurance that he is doing something okay and what is happening is a good thing, and Neil… just needs to tell Andrew how good of a job he’s doing. And praise is a pretty common thing to give your pup.
I also think Andrew could find comfort in the ‘animalistic’ aspect of sex. Sex as a primal thing can make a lot of people feel less anxious and overthink it less. While not for everyone, sex is an inherent thing to many, and letting it exist as an instinct can be freeing and get rid of shame about urges. Andrew being a pup and Neil as a handler could relieve some of those feelings from Andrew of him afraid of being both out of control but also too controlling. If sex is both something he can’t help but the ‘leash’ is in his sexual partners hand, I feel he could feel a lot more at ease and avoid feelings of guilt.
A quick list of things I don't think Andrew and Neil would do while engaging in pup play:
I don't see Andrew going on walks, moshing, or romping, or ever actively ‘playing out’ being a dog. I don't see him barking, or having chew toys, and I don’t see them going to events. I don’t think Andrew would ever ‘ask to be pet,’ while they pup play, but I do see him silently putting Neil’s hands on his head, or leaning his head towards Neil silently and Neil scratching and petting his hair and running his fingers though it, which Andrew loves.
I could see Neil ‘giving Andrew treats,’ but mostly as Neil feeding Andrew Reece’s Pieces and Andrew sucks on Neil’s fingers type of deal, rather than in a pup play treats sense.
I don’t think Neil would call him ‘pup’ or any of the other common titles, and Andrew wouldn’t call Neil ‘sir’. I feel they stick with names and never dive deep into that aspect of pup play.
I don’t see Andrew ever fully going into headspace since I think he wouldn’t engage with a lot of the pup-play kink aspects where he actively acts out the role of a pup. Andrew does need aftercare after sex, but he almost needs it after any kind of sex where he gets off, especially in the beginning. Unlike most aftercare however, Andrew mostly will choose if he wants Neil to be around or not, and sometimes he chooses to deal with however he feels alone. Neil won’t ever push and force Andrew to stay, because Neil puts a lot of weight into Andrew’s word for what he asked for.
Also, a major misunderstanding of pup play is that it’s a humiliation kink, this isn't true. I don’t think Andrew and Neil would ever be into intense humiliation or degradation, in a similar way that I don’t see either one into anything too rough or heavy power play.
Anyways– here is a link someone who plays as a pup sent to me to educate me on it:
This response mostly centered around Andrew's feelings and likes over Neil's, especially since I see it as more Andrew's kink that Neil enjoys with him. I'm surprised no one asked me about Neil's armpit and sweat kink tbh.
It’s a good resource and if you wanna learn more you should check it out.
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asukaskerian · 3 years
What are your top 5 ships you don't write fic for?
i... don’t really have pairings that i actively ship and yet won’t write for. usually i have placeholder ships, that i like well enough in fandoms i pass through devouring all i can get, but i don’t actively ship them. like steve/bucky and dean/castiel and derek/stiles and geralt/jaskier, i dive into it because the dynamic is interesting enough in fanfic but like, i haven’t even seen the canon and have no plans to because outside of stories i’m reading i have no interest in the characters, no daydreaming adventures or canon analysis or anything. i’m not emotionally involved i guess.
so... i’ll limit myself to fandoms i’m active in.. >_>
5. sometimes hashirama/tobirama, i like the loyalty/dedication but i’m mostly into it for tobirama. XD
4. renji/rukia but i only like from like, one author, so i don’t wanna try.
3. izuna/hashirama/mito where the fuck did this one come from??? it’s super rare but a lot of fun, but i am not writing hashirama romance so nope.
2. .......... goddamn it, kakashi/obito. >:( i did not want to like you. hnnnngh.
1. Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji from jujutsu kaisen. oh my god all my kinks. it’s like if kyuubi was a dom and also evil for real instead of just grumpy. the selfcest kink angle, the mind dimension /mental bond, the struggle for dominance, the v likely dubcon dynamic... hmm, yes. this one i MIGHT get a fic out for, idk, it might also peter out but at the moment, fuck yes.
and i won’t even bother with the homestuck fic i used to read because there was a time when i had spoons by the truckful and if i could think even a spark of “oh hey sexy” i would write something for it. i did not get around to writing them all before my fandom energy died but with seven more hours in a day over those years i absolutely would have. gamzee/terezi. karkat/meenah. sollux/aradia/feferi. grand highblood/dad... wait, i did write this one XD i had a whole list. hnnngh what a great cast.
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