#I’m just fucking around and finding out yknow
peapod20001 · 11 months
I learned how to draw so I could make the guys in my head real and also so I can be annoying with random gift art
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Trying to plan a road-trip for yourself when you when a deadline for when you have to be at the end destination but you get to make the entire plan to actually get there is the worst ever actually
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psychoticwillgraham · 2 months
had to get in bed early bc as soon as I tried to play online with a friend i got nauseous as fuck and ran straight to the bathroom where i proceeded to dry heave for a minute straight bc of the screen. I’ve been neglecting my physical health ever since grandma died by not eating (not doing it consciously, everything just tastes bland or has a weird aftertaste plus there’s nothing around here to get out and even if i buy the stuff i want at the store, as soon as i go to eat it, i suddenly refuse to eat it and i feel like i don’t even have to eat and only do so once i get horrible cramps from not eating all day) and overdoing the caffeine every day for a year and a half, so it’s finally catching up to me.
neglecting my physical health for this long has finally taken its toll on me and i need to try and fix it before i actually get sick enough to end up in the hospital, but i legit don’t think i can. I can’t just force myself to eat bc i already won’t eat most things due to the texture or consistency and i cant force myself to eat the few things I actually will eat. the caffeine i can fix, and it won’t take all that long to fix it, but the eating problem? I have zero fucking clue how I’m gonna fix that.
my online friend that I video chat with every day is gonna start calling me at 6:30am every day to remind me to make myself something to eat, scrambled eggs specifically bc it’s easy to cook pretty quick and is actually good for u inline pancakes and syrup, and make sure I have a snack bag packed for work days bc if I don’t eat breakfast, I won’t be able to eat again until 12:30 when we get back in from the route and rn I can’t wait that long, so tomorrow on our weekly grocery run, I’m gonna try and get stuff that’s not sugary to snack on during the route.
I’m definitely gonna be pissed off every morning with his calling for a while bc I’m very grumpy that early, but rn I need the annoyance of it. Will I bitch and moan about it every single day? oh yeah. do I absolutely have to do it otherwise I’ll get sick? unfortunately yes, I do. I’m limiting caffeine to only in the mornings at work, and it’s just gonna be tea instead of coffee (which I already do) and limit the sweet tea at lunch, so at least I’ve got a basic plan for now. actually making myself eat tho? that’s the real challenge.
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livelaughlovesubs · 13 days
Nini I want to fuck a demon boy so bad I can't. I'm so sleep deprived and this is the only thing on my mind. The idea of this powerful demon who's not used to being challenged, just ending up ass up face down on the floor, bed WHEREVER. It's not important. Ending up like that is just peak. Also I like to think they'd have sensitive tails. So. Like. I totally.
Wanna make them fuck themselves with their own tail. I think that'd be great. I think it would be awesome.
I want them to get so flustered at the idea of doing it, but do it anyway just coz I told them to. I can almost imagine them finding their own prostate with their tail, and really they can't decide which sensation to focus on. Feeling themselves clench around their own tail, or the way the slightly pointed end slams into their prostate. And bonus points if they cum and you overstim them by grabbing their tail and fucking them so much harder than they could themselves. Hooray, now they've got
your hand around their already much too sensitive tail
said sensitive tail is being slammed into their ass
it's gotta feel so good, they'd probably be so tight around themselves
your hand is gonna slip a few times, which is gonna end up in stroking their tail, which has got to feel like heaven for them
not to forget that you're thrusting their tails directly onto their prostate without letting them breathe
I just. I don't know. I think they'd look so pretty, flushed and begging to stop, even though it's them that keeps weakly trying to thrust their tail back into themselves. Also, they'd look so pathetic, sobbing from the overstimulation. I'm a sucker for tears trailing down their faces, eyes red and a little puffy. It'd almost make you wanna be nice to them. Almost.
But yknow, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And sometimes what a girl's gotta do is fuck a demon stupid with their own tail. (I don't have the same way with words as some people, but like do you see the vision)
~a sleep deprived,🧁anon
You are so smart holy shit. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Fucking a demon with their own tail? Why didn’t I think of something as great as this??! Lemme write down my thoughts for a sec- (btw I thought you are like, very religious?)
Dom!reader x sub!character
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You had a long day behind you, and there was nothing sweeter than the thought of finally getting some sleep. All you wanted was to have a good rest, but to your demise you woke up in the middle of the night with something heavy on top of you. “Ops, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Oh well this will do too.” What the hell? It was a fucking person?? First thing you did was push him off of you and turning on the lights, then you thought this was some kind of weird joke. He had two horns growing out of his forehead, as well as a super long tail with a heart shaped tip. Not to mention the pink, glowing tattoo on his pelvis. When he opened his mouth again, you thought you didn’t hear right. “I’m an incubus, pleasant to meet you~ now let me feast on you, pretty please?”
An incubus, so, in other words a demon. What in the- never mind. He said he wanted to feast on you? Heck no, he woke you up in the middle of the night and is expecting you to have the energy to fuck him? As soon as he got up to try make a move on you, you flipped him over and tangled your hand in his hair, then pressed his face into your pillow. “If you are that desperate do it yourself.” Of course that little slut was into that.
He reached for his dick, but you slapped his hand away and instead grabbed his tail. “MhMngh- aaAAHhnn~!” A surprised yet blissful moan escaped him, face all red as lust fills their already sinful body. Anticipation swelling inside them at the thought of what you might do with them. That’s when they felt their own tail poking against their butt… wait wha? In the mean time you stroked it gently while whispering, “I want to watch you fuck yourself, who knows, I might reward you afterwards.” Suddenly all their previous confidence vanished as embarrassment took over. With their own tail..?? How did you even get that idea! Not even something as perverted as them had such outrageous ideas..!
In the end they could only obey without protesting, trusting their already super sensitive tail into their tight, wet hole. Each time they accidentally hit their prostate, they’d yelp and whimpers. Pretty tears are already rolling down their even prettier faces. Eyes half lidded as they whine, “mhm! Ah-ahhHh.. nghHnn~!!” All while their poor, useless dick is twitching around on its own, making a mess everywhere <3
Gojo, Sukuna, Dazai, Fyodor, Nikolai, jouno, Scaramouch, Kaeya, lyney, Ayato, Aventurine, Sampo, Jing Yuan (?), Douma - your favourites
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jenosbigtoe · 7 months
what would happen if simp fwb haechan saw oc kissing at a party or something
mdni. nsfw 18+
pairing: fwb!lee haechan x reader
warnings: unprotected sex, creampies
“hey siri what’s the fastest, easiest, most painless way to die?”
he would see you making out with jaehyun at a party, sitting on his lap and grinding on his dick and all, and seriously would contemplate murder-suicide for a good sec. like why does that slick motherfucker jaehyun always get all the bitches? you’re literally his and everyone knows how down bad haechan is for you, so why would jaehyun even dare to put his grimy hands on you? he wouldn’t even confront you guys at first, he would just start drinking vodka straight from a bottle he found lying around.
texting mark and be like “just caught y/n cheating on me”
mark: “are y’all even dating”
haechan: “yes”
mark: “?when?”
haechan: “…okay actually no but-“
mark would later find his wasted ass on the balcony about to jump and have hold him back. he’d call you like “y/n come get this loser”. and you would hear haechan yelling in the back like “SHE’S FOR THE STREETS”
you’d stomp up stairs to collect him, finding him drunk and wasted out of his mind.
“no! leave me alone, you cheater! go back to sucking faces with that manwhore i don’t even care,” he whines and pouts, kicking and squirming around in your arms as you carried his ass to a random bed.
“stop being a brat, hyuck. you need to calm down. i’m missing out on good dick because of you,” you’d roll your eyes at your best friend’s childish antics.
haechan would look up into your eyes, his face red from all the drinking and lips jutted out from pouting so hard. “baby, you know you’re mine. why do you need to go to anyone else for dick when you have me in your back pocket?” fat tears would well up into his eyes as his lips quivered.
your face softened as you gave him a crushing hug. “don’t cry, hyuck. m sorry; i didn’t know you saw. but we’re not exclusive, yknow?”
he buried his face into your neck, deeply inhaling your sweet your sweet smell. you could feel a few tears on your skin. “don’t remind me.”
you stayed in that position for a good while, as haechan sniffled and sniffed against your neck. he was quiet for a bit, which made you think he fell asleep, when all of a sudden he pinned you down on the bed before you knew what was going on. he pressed his body against yours, using his weight to hold you down, and grabbed both of your hands and held them above your head. he used his thigh to rub and grind against your already throbbing pussy.
“m tired of this. m tired of you playing with my feelings like this. sucking face with one of my guy friends, rubbing it in that you’re not my girlfriend yet. the reality is: you’re fucking mine. mine. my girl. everything about you is mine and it’s been this way since we met when we were kids and you were the sweetest girl on the playground.” he whispered lowly into your ear and licked your earlobe as he did this. he reached one of his hands down into your pants and started playing with and teasing your little pussy.
you whined and bucked against his hand. “hyuck”
he took his hand out and slapped your pussy. “ah. let me finish, slut. you’re fucking mine and i’m gonna prove it to you. no one will ever make you feel like i do. you drive me crazy and i’m so obsessed with you. i love you, baby. i have always loved you and i will prove how much i love you and this pussy.”
your poor pussy was so sore and bruised the next day you couldn’t even walk or sit right. and he refused to wear a condom and finished inside you multiple times that night. oh yeah, and you guys came out as official the next day.
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bwabys-scenarios · 4 months
helloooo!! I saw ur requests were open and that you were askin for some dungeon meshi x chubby reader....I gotchu covered.
May I please request some Chilchuck(or..Chilchack?? Ive no clue what the spelling is..) x Chubby!Reader and maybe also some Laois x Chubby!Reader? If you dont do multiples then either guy is fine!!
Sfw and nsfw on how they interact and think of your body? Scenarios like you tending to grab Chilchuck away from danger alot so he gets alot of booba action?? Embarrassed flustered old man?? Having to look up at you(if you were to be taller) but all he sees is ur chest?? Him givin Alot of needy attention to them when you do fool around cuz it Has been a big thing on his mind?? Him stiching and adjusting ur undershirt so it actually helps support ur chest a bit better and ur so grateful? Laois having a staring habit when he spaces out...yknow him and his tendencies to be curious(he wanted to Count Izutsumi nipples for gods sake.), he just doesnt know, he doesnt mean for it to be creepy or anything he jus is SO infactuated w ur body its so so so beautiful to him, him getting super happy and starts exploring ur body when consent is given?? Alot of his attention is on ur chest too, weighing it, squeezing. Stuff w warm body heat too, Just all around big loving
Thank you so much if you decide to do this and incredibly sorry if I messed up in my ask in anyway 💖💖💖
Chilchuck x Chubby!Reader SFW/NSFW HCs
a/n: I will do the Laois one in a separate post!! The Chilchuck ideas just… spoke to me!! Also pls send me Dungeon Meshi requests… I’m open to writing for all the adult characters…
warnings: boob sucking, tittyfucking, breeding, cockwarming, thigh fucking, pussy eating
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-you’re probably the only one in the party that he can sleep next to without complaining. you’re soft and warm, and when you ask if you can share his bed with him for the night because it’s cold, he’s… a bit too eager to lift up his blanket for you to join him.
-he complains that you don’t eat enough, and ends up giving you bits of his lunch and dinner. he just think your chubby cheeks are so cute when you’re chewing and likes to watch you eat. he does worry for you though…
-if it’s dark and you’re a bit afraid, he’ll hold your hand. if you ask him why in front of Laois or Marcille he’ll get all flustered and say he didn’t want you to trip him up.
-he only reaches your boobs, which is both a blessing and a curse for him. he can look at your boobs all day with little to no suspicion, but he also gets pulled into your boobs quite often when you hug him or try and save him from an attack. that might sound good to some people, but to him it gets him all flustered and hard embarrassed, then he gets teased by Marcille :(
-oh my gosh snuggles with him are so nice. he’s rather light so once the two of you are close, he’ll lie on top of you and bury his face in your chest or tummy! he’s actually quite the cuddlebug, and will want to snuggle you every single night after the first time.
-your tummy… he loves it so much. Chilchuck is quite the fan of anything soft, so more often than not, when he’s taking a nap he’ll have his head in your lap and face buried in your chubby tummy.
-he’s a bit embarrassed to show you affection in front of the others, so ways he shows he cares are usually subtle unless it’s behind closed doors or away from prying eyes. he peels your apples for you, bandages you up after you get hurt, will tug on your shirt to remind you that he’s here and that he loves you, and give your palm secret kisses when no one’s looking.
-he’s surprisingly possessive? when Laois looks at you, even if he’s just curious and wants to ask you questions, Chilchuck rushes over and finds some excuse to pull you away. he’s the most worried about Laois, but doesn’t like Senshi being all close to you either. he puts up with it more though, but dislikes that Senshi acts like yours and his relationship is like puppy love(Chilchuck is a grown ass man 😭)
-he’s very soft with you, very rarely being sarcastic or short with you specifically. he made you cry once early on in your relationship and it absolutely devastated him, so since then he’s been a lot more careful about what he says
-speaking of crying, he can’t stand your tears, it makes him nervous. if you’re a cry baby be prepared for him to be fretting over you constantly!
-you’re the person everyone in the party wants to snuggle with when it gets cold, so he has to shoo people away, blushing and stuttering about how they’re crowding you. once they’re all pouting and walking away, he huffs and snuggles up to you. you find his jealousy pretty cute, so you lift up your shirt a little so he can duck under it and rest his head on your chubby tummy or breasts.
-your chubby cheeks activate his cuteness aggression. he didn’t even know he liked cute things until he saw your cheeks puffed out and warm after someone made you mad. he nearly stopped breathing, it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t help but cup your cheek in his hands. your face heated up even more when he stared up at your with those adoring eyes, gently pinching your cheeks. “soft… so soft and warm…”
-he can be a bit clingy at times, especially when it gets colder out. when you go to sleep, he has to sleep under your shirt, his head on your chest or tummy. you complain about him stretching your your shirts, but he thinks the slightly oversized look is cute on you. honestly, everything is cute on you, because you’re adorable to him.
-boobies… he loves your boobs so much. they’re soft and warm, feeling nice and heavy in his hands when he holds them. loves when he gets to bury his face in your bare chest and just snooze… but he also adores getting to play with your nipples, gently nibbling and suckling on the perky buds. he won’t lie, he can get hard just from looking at your clothed chest…
-he is absolutely a service dom that wants to make you feel good, but he can also enjoy being taken care of sometimes!
-enjoys being between your thighs more than he likes to admit. the first time he tasted your pussy was also the first time you ever saw him look so… in love. he gets pussy drunk within minutes, not able to stop sucking on your sensitive clit until you push his head away. he had a wife so he’s definitely experienced with pleasing a woman, so don’t be surprised when he has you cumming on his tongue for an hour or more! <3
-when he’s feeling a bit horny and doesn’t want to bother you at night, he’ll kiss your temple and hold onto your hips as he fucks your thighs, his cock lightly brushing against your pussy. your thighs are fat and soft, and he just loves nestling his cock between them!
-sometimes he’s just tired and wants some snuggles, so he’ll have his cock buried inside of you while you sit on his lap. the first time he asked for this you were terrified you’d crush him because he’s so small and you’re chubby, but he begged for it, something he had never done before. you relented, and as soon as he was buried inside of you, with his head nuzzled against your chest, he looked just too content. “thank you, love… it’s perfect…”
-he’s embarrassed by how good it feels to hear you moan his name, when you say how his cock feels so nice when it hits that certain spot and how you’re gonna cum way quicker than he expected. you being so attracted to him, feeling so much pleasure by him just thrusting into you gets him feeling giddy!
-he most certainly has a bit of a breeding kink… he has 3 daughters already that he loves, but… the urge to claim you and give you a child as well does make his body heat up and his pants grow tight. Chilchuck would like to get you pregnant, but only when it’s safe to do so. he doesn’t pull out though… he just can’t, it’s too tempting and you’re way too warm and cozy… it’s why he loves cockwarming so much!
-circling back to boobs… he’s definitely the type to enjoy a good tittyfuck, but it’ll take him a while to accept this. he’s utterly embarrassed to have his cock anywhere near your face due to being a bit shy, but once he’s nestled between your breasts and your tongue touches the tip of his cock, he groans, nearly cumming right then and there. he’s already a huge fan of your breasts, so feeling them on his cock is otherworldly, and it becomes one of his favorite ways to relieve stress
-he likes to either cum inside of you or on your tummy… he refuses to cum on your face, and will only cum in your mouth if you ask. when he fucks your thighs, he does tend to make a mess all over you and feels awful since it’s not exactly easy to bathe regularly in the dungeon. but you do look awfully cute, messy and sticky with his cum, puffing out your chubby cheek to give him a pout.
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moonalumi · 5 months
omg can u write high ellie getting distracted by u during a movie ^_^ maybe w clothed/partially clothed sex … also love ur work xox
mmm i love me some high ellie also SORRY FIR TAKING SO LONG TO DO THIS
high sub!top ellie getting distracted
warnings- ELLIE BEGGING ELLIE BEGGING GUYS AHHH um fingering (r and e receiving) they do it to each other at the same time, reader and ellie also compete for dominance kinda, ma / mama kink
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a puff of smoke invades your nose and a coughing ellie causes you to lift up from your resting place on her chest.
“elll i was comfyyy” you complain as ellie chugs down a water, some of it spilling down her chin.
she lazily smile at you and brings you back down to lay on her, “i’m sorry baby… mm c’mere.” you feel ellie’s nose nuzzle into your hair and her damp lips leaving wet kisses on the back of your neck; to which you shudder and smack her arm.
“stop being horny and watch the movie. i’ve been wanting to watch it with you for a while.” you always try to be stern with her but when she gives you that adorable toothy smile it’s hard not to do whatever she asks you to.
“yknow it’s impossible for me to not be horny” ellie empthatizes her statement with a grip on your ass.
swatting her hand away you smack her again, “god you become a hornball when you’re high”
her hand finds the plush of your ass again, “please ma…” ellie adds with a whiny rasp to her voice, “we can pause the movie and then get right back to it after please”
oh she just knows what to say and do to convince you. ‘fuck you’ you think before you grab her hand and make her palm your pussy through your shorts; making ellie let out a low groan and start rubbing you.
“thank you mama thank you…fuck i need this”ellie’s fingers trail up then slide into the waistband of your shorts and panties, “gotta get this pussy nice and wet.” she whispers mostly to herself.
your pelvis jerks up when her long fingers circle around your hole that’s getting wetter and wetter by the second, then rub your slick back up, spreading your folds, and reaching your clit and rubbing in tight circles.
you let out soft little moans at her movements and burry your face in her neck. fingers clenching around her waist.
“you just get soaked so fast hmm baby…barely even started and it’s a whole water park.” ellie’s free hand beginning to slip under her boxers before you stop her and replace it with your own. jaw practically dropping after teasing your fingers around her hole and feeling the absolute mess she’s made of herself. those poor (lucky) boxers drenched in ellie’s arousal.
“fuck ellie..mphm.. you’re the one who’s a water park oh my god”
ellie moans and closes her thighs around your hand that’s now messily rubbing at her clit that’s thumping against your fingertips.
“tis’ all your fault…ohhh mmfuck!” her hips jerk up as you ease two fingers inside her, feeling her clench and gush around them.
ellie fingers fumble around between your legs and she plunges them inside you, base of her knuckles getting soaked by your slick.
the bed becomes a mess of moans and heavy breaths. creaking slightly at the movement of two horny girls grinding against each others messy fingers. the movie, now forgotten, still playing in the background.
“ellie please faster” you beg, pussy rubbing all over the palm of her hand as ellie obeys and fucks into you faster; you shortly following and causing ellie to squelch around your digits.
she spread her legs wider for you and circles her hips. her stomach caving in and abs flexing all in your view, “fuck fuck baby i’m gonna cum”
“already?” you ask breathlessly as you attempt to go deeper, “barely even let me have my fun with you”
ellies eyes widen and she holds onto your wrist, “no no please don’t stop please please”
you giggle but get cut off by a hard thrust she gives your g-spot. a moan escapes your lips and your body jerks at every hard thrust she gives you. fingertips just hitting that spot perfectly and stretching you out perfectly making you lose the ability to even think and drool on her chest.
“yeah w-whos about to cum now hmm?” she says, trying to sound all tough and dommy but her voice just sounds too needy and shaky to convince you. especially cause she cuts herself off with a whimper as she start creaming around your fingers.
“j-just like that els..nghnn i-i’m gnna” one last thrust and you’re squirming and cumming with her. both of you fucking each other through your orgasms. both of your fingers pruned and sticky with each others cum.
slowing down and catch your breaths, ellie gives you a little forehead kiss before she pulls out and examines her hand. cum sliding down and onto her knuckles.
“look at that damn” ellie chuckles as you burry your face into her neck again.
“shut up you probably did worse” you mumble as now you drag out of her boxers. hand looking exactly like hers now.
ellie giggles and brings it up to her lips and suckles all the cum off it. slick now glistening on her lips.
“you gonna clean me up now too?”
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mandowifey · 1 year
What kind of father figure behaviours would Miguel have?? I’m thinking protective af
Oh boy oh boy oh boy BUCKLE UP.
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Father!Miguel O'Hara Headcannons
Warnings: ANGST, SO MUCH ANGST, Mentions of child loss, death, violence, this is canon Miguel, reader can give birth but is not gendered. Mentions of trauma, depression, bad brain times. He's a broken man, yknow?
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First and foremost, Miguel is scared.
This is a man who had lost it all twice. He had watched his child die. He had lapsed so terribly into himself that he was able to rationalize stepping into another man's life and pretending to be him. He isn't right minded, he's broken and hurting.
All that self blame and doubt chokes him sometimes.
He hurts, constantly.
When you tell him you're pregnant, everything goes still. Fatherhood is something that had always been just outside of his grasp, and now it was here right in front of him. He doesn't fill with light, or smile and laugh, but he does look at you like he's seeing a ghost. There is fear in his eyes, not of you or the baby, but himself.
Because what if he fucks this up again?
Miguel can not stand the idea of opening himself to that pain. He already shoulders that guilt every day, rewatching videos of himself with his daughter. Can he even find room in his heart for another child? He almost feels like it is a betrayal, that he was never a good man to begin with if he were so willing to move on.
When your face drops and your eyes brim with tears, he pulls out of it.
One of Miguel's best abilities is being strong for others. He can be what you need right now, and he will.
Cue the absolute nightmare of expecting his child.
Aside from you being sick, Miguel worries, constantly.
The man can hardly focus on his work. He always asks one of the doctors to go check on you or have you in contact with him. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean the multiverse loses its importance. But god is he distracted.
"Have you been eating enough?"
"Taking your vitamins?"
"How much water have you had?"
It'd be cute if you didn't know better.
You know how much he has lost and you know that he is petrified of losing you both too. Not to mention you are certain he feels undeserving of another chance, especially after destroying an innocent alternate universe.
The way he looks at you tells you everything; he thinks you are made of glass. Something fragile that could break any moment. While you try to assure him that isn't the case, he still worries.
Once you start showing, it's over.
He is constantly caressing your stomach, holding you close, breathing you in. He thinks you smell so good pregnant. Miguel loves to feel your belly, cooing to you about how good you look carrying his child. You don't doubt for a second he loves you.
Miguel is protective, most assuredly. When you want to go walking around the base or go grab snacks he is on you like a shadow. Always watching, always protecting. He makes sure the other spider folk don't bump you, and offers to carry you when you mention your feet swelling.
God, he'd love to feed you. Checking on you constantly if you're hungry, offering to run and grab any cravings you ask for.
When you get further along, he likes to talk to the baby. Speaking in Spanish occasionally but mostly asking if they are giving you trouble.
"They are gonna have my attitude, I know it."
Oh boy, when the baby comes?
Ohhhh boy.
First off it is a way bigger deal than it has to be.
That man would be in the middle of a job and get a ring on his watch.
And she looks at him in time to watch him clawing back into a portal.
Him running full speed, throwing himself against walls and scratching down them to get to your room faster.
His mask withdrawing to show messy hair and wide brown eyes, coming to your side and taking your hand.
"I'm here, Im here." As he kisses into your damp hair.
You get to surprise him, twice.
He didn't know the sex, and didn't know you were having two.
When he see's his daughters for the first time, his eyes leak. The smile on his face stretches miles, his arms open as he cradles them into him. Oh he'd be melting.
You'd never seen him cry, but that day he does.
He's so proud of you, telling you how well you did and how much he loves you.
"Okay Miguel, gotta let me hold one." You laugh.
He's inseparable from you. Looking at those babies with such love and surprise, unable to believe that he was a father, again.
When you fall asleep with the girls tucked in your arms, he stays up and pets your hair.
And he promises himself that this time it will be different.
Your babies would be HELLA protected.
Good god, he is like a hawk with those girls.
Always watching, always making sure they were safe. He'd have eyes on them constantly.
Miguel is a good man at heart, and now he wants to make things right. He'd dedicate as much time to your family as possible, asking Jessica to stand in for him as often as possible (until she herself has her child).
He'd want to teach them to be like him. One of your daughters can stick to walls, and the other has tiny claws like he does. You enjoy lounging on the couch while he climbs the walls with the girls giggling after him.
Your family is beautiful, blissful. He protects all three of you.
And while sometimes you have to hold him at night and assure him that its okay to move on, he knows he's doing his best. He wraps you in his arms and looks at the baby monitor screen, watching the girls sleep. He begins to doze as you pet his hair, assuring him they were just fine.
Miguel would fall asleep against you, head tucked in your neck and strong arms locked around you.
And he would believe it was okay to forgive himself.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
okay i have a joel request!! so yknow in the game where joel pushes ellie into the water as a joke, how about that situation with reader while they’re just playing around and reader pretends to drown or like not come back up to the surface to get back at him LOL and he’s just not happy
hey there! i love this idea, i did give it a lil of my own twist bc i like to write a very grumpy Joel lol - i hope you like it :)
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Joel Miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
She's just trying to get him to lighten up, but Joel is far from amused.
warnings | 18+ angst, allusions to smut, joel is a stinker
“Absolutely not.”
“No. We’re supposed to be on patrol, not fucking around.” She huffs, turning heel and traipsing further away from him and closer to the lake they had just come across. It’s the middle of the summer, and even up in the mountains, the heat is nearly stifling, especially as they’ve been hiking around on patrol for the last three hours. 
She kneels down at the water’s edge, dipping her hand into the lake. The water is refreshingly cool, and sends a shiver down her spine. She looks over her shoulder at Joel, who’s standing with his arms crossed over his chest, a pursed look on his face as he squints at her. Rolling her eyes, she stands, dropping her rifle down alongside her as she starts to toe off her boots and peel off her shirt. She can hear him scoff behind her.
“What’re you doing?” Now bare from the waist up, she turns to look at him, enjoying his wide eyes and slack expression as he takes in her figure, like it isn’t the thousandth time he’s seen her like this. 
“Our shift’s almost over and we haven’t seen a damn thing. I’m hot and tired and I’m gonna cool off in the lake. You don’t wanna join me? Fine. You can stay scowling like that and keep watch, Miller.” Before he can reply, she’s already turning back around, shucking off her pants and underwear in one brisk tug. She hears him gruffly sigh her name, but she gives it no acknowledgement, wading out into the lake until she can float lazily in the deepest part. It really does feel good, the cool water easing her aching muscles. She tips her head back, letting out a moan of relief, her eyes fluttering shut. When she cracks one eye open, she sees that Joel has sidled up along the water’s edge, his scowl softened into a little pout as he watches her.
“Just get in, Joel. Feels so good.” She can just barely hear his grumbles as she watches him sit down at the edge of the lake.
The moment she has the idea, she knows it’s mean, cruel even. But she’s sick of him taking everything so goddamn seriously. They’ve been living in Jackson for months now, the most comfortable and safe situation they’ve probably ever found themselves in, but Joel is still acting like a skittish asshole. So, she decides that if he can’t lighten up on his own, she’s gonna make him.
She calls his name to get his attention, acting like she’s about to say something more before letting out a dramatic gasp and starting to splash jerkily in the water. He’s up in a flash, calling her name in concern. Got him. She pushes herself down under the water, sinking slowly to the bottom of the lake.
Joel meanwhile is a frantic mess as he practically dives into the water still in his clothes. He keeps calling her name, dipping under the water, but it’s too murky to see anything. Even at the deepest part of the lake, the water only comes up to his chest as he moves around, eyes darting everywhere for her. He lets out a loud curse when something brushes against his leg.
She pops out of the water with a spluttering laugh, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck as he tries to jerk away. His hands find purchase on her waist, squeezing harshly as he lets out another string of curses. She can’t stop laughing, trying to lightly shush his exclamations, but judging from the look on Joel’s face, he doesn’t find anything about this funny. 
“Oh, c’mon, Joel–” he doesn’t let her finish before he’s shrugging out of her hold, leaving her splashing back into the water as he trudges back onto shore. He doesn’t even look at her as he wrings out the ends of his shirt, sliding his rifle back onto his shoulder.
“Get out and get dressed. We’re going home, goddamnit.” She swallows hard, still treading lightly in the middle of the lake, clearly not moving quick enough for Joel as he finally turns and fixes her with a steely glare.
“Now!” She jumps in her skin at his raspy shout, quickly swimming back to land before his temper fires any further. 
It’s a very quiet hike back to Jackson, and she winces when Tommy greets them at the gate, slapping Joel on the shoulder before looking at his brother questioningly.
“What the fuck happened to your clothes, man?” Joel huffs, shrugging off Tommy’s hand and stomping off toward their home. She smiles apologetically at Tommy before trailing behind Joel, entirely dreading the groveling she’s going to have to do.
When they both get home, he still won’t talk to her, won’t even look at her as she follows him into their bedroom, watching him shuck off his damp clothes for a dry shirt and pants. 
“Joel, I’m sorry, ok? Will you please just–” he holds up his hand, and she stutters into silence.
“Don’t– just don’t.” Before she can say anything else, he’s already shuffling out of the room with a huff. She sighs when she hears the front door open and slam behind him.
She spends the rest of the afternoon helping at the greenhouses, only being shaken out of her guilty thoughts when Ellie joins her, kneeling down alongside her and the garden beds.
“Just ran into the old man at the stables. Is there a reason he looks more pissed off than usual?” She huffs, sitting back on her haunches where she had been tending several plants.
“Think I’m in the doghouse, kid. Did something kinda mean to him on patrol today.” Ellie snorts, shrugging lightly.
“Eh, he probably deserved it. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. Joel couldn’t stay mad at you even if he tried.” She sighs, offering the girl a small smile as she squeezes her shoulder.
“I’d rather not think about it anymore. What’re you up to, huh?” Ellie grins.
“Just stopping by to let you know I’m hanging out with Dina tonight. Probably won’t be home until late so don’t wait up.” She can’t help but smile at the girl’s obvious excitement, laughing lightly.
“Alright, kid. Just be safe, ok? And smart.” Ellie nods as she gets up, already backpedaling away.
“Yes ma’am! And hey, seriously, don’t sweat whatever funk you put the old man in. I’m sure it’ll blow over soon enough.” She does her best to give Ellie one more smile, but it quickly wilts away once the girl is out of sight. The truth is, she hadn’t seen him quite that angry in a long time, and for it to be over something so silly, it has her worried. It was an unnecessarily dumb thing to do, sure, but it certainly didn’t merit such a backlash of a response from him. 
She sighs, getting back to work, but she can’t shake the swirling thought that she’s really not looking forward to talking with him again.
She lingers well into dusk at the greenhouses, knowing full well it’s not because she has a particular fondness for mulch. By the time she reaches their house, the sun has set and a faint glow comes from the windows. It’s quiet when she steps inside, she can just make out the faint twang of guitar strings coming from upstairs. Not a great sign, she knows Joel tends to play when he wants to be left alone. 
As she makes her way upstairs, she takes a few steadying breaths, padding quietly into their bedroom. He’s sitting on the end of the bed, brow furrowed in concentration on his fingers lightly plucking at the guitar strings. He doesn’t even look her way, continuing to play nonsense chords. She sighs, getting up on the bed to kneel behind him. She can feel his muscles tense when she brings her palms to his shoulders, but he slackens slightly when she lays a kiss between his shoulder blades. 
“I’m sorry, Joel. I really am.” She murmurs it into the worn material of his t-shirt, pressing her forehead into his back. She can feel the push and pull of the sigh he lets out, can hear the sound of him gently setting his guitar down. One of his hands tangles with hers where it’s resting over his shoulder. His voice is low and thick when he speaks, what remains of his southern drawl muddling the words together.
“Fucking scared me. What were you thinking? I just– I–” She shushes him, moving to sit next to him, but Joel has something else in mind, squeezing her hip to guide her to straddle his thighs. Now that he’s finally looking at her, she kind of wishes he’d stop, his eyes so intensely staring her down. She huffs, winding her arms behind his neck.
“I wasn’t thinking, alright? It was stupid– just a stupid thing to do and I’m sorry. But Joel, you just– you got so angry. I haven’t seen you like that in a long time. I just feel like it was a little blown out of proportion.” He sighs, his fingers flexing into the plush of her hips as he studies her face.
“I know you’re right, but christ– I just feel restless. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, I guess. For all this to be too good to be true.” Her brow furrows and she dips her head to catch his downturned gaze.
“What if it isn’t too good to be true, huh? This is the longest we’ve stayed anywhere in a long time, hell, maybe ever. I understand, I really do. But I think we have a really good thing here, and you’re so skittish it’s passing right by you.” A deep frown still creases his face, his gaze not quite meeting hers. She starts laying smacking kisses to his cheeks, the downturned corners of his mouth, punctuating each with reassuring mantras.
“I’m safe. You’re safe. Ellie’s safe. We’re safe.” He grumbles under her ministrations, squeezing her hips, but she can tell by the way his features are softening that he’s finally starting to give in to her coaxing, letting out a long sigh as he looks at her.
“You’re right– but I can’t help being on edge. Just the thought of something happening to you or Ellie– I don’t even–” She cuts him off, tugging lightly at the curls at the nape of his neck.
“So don’t. Just be here with us, right now. Here with me.” She presses a chaste peck to his lips to seal her words, but as she pulls away, he chases after it, pulling her into a deeper kiss. They’re both a bit breathless once they finally separate, a smile daring to tug at the corners of Joel’s lips.
“Still a little mad at you.” She huffs, pouting out her lip at him.
“Aw, poor baby. Want me to make it up to you?” He lets out a breathy chuckle as she’s already slinking out of his hold, down onto her knees between his legs. She rubs her palms up his thighs and he shakes his head at her, nothing but fondness in his eyes.
“Gonna be the death of me, woman.” 
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sensivs · 8 months
Hakari x male reader x kirara
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A/n: GRRRRR MY LIGHTSKIN DADDY HAKARI DOESNT GET ENOUGH ATTENTIONNNNN ALONG WITH MY SUGAR PLUM PIE KIARAAAAA, also I discussed what type of fuckers Hakari and kirara r with @ — mmonikurr and we both agreed that Hakari is the more rougher one during sex while Kirara is like super sweet
Cw: rough sex , Hakari being a complete asshole towards the reader during sex , edging , degradation , Hakari not knowing wtf is aftercare , cruel hakari , spitroast , sweet kiara , transfem Kirara , praise , positive affirmations from Kirara , I love Kirara
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Y/n looked up at the ceiling, his head hanging off the couch and his legs propped up on the back cushion. Kirara sat right beside him while scrolling through her phone, giggling from time to time.
Y/n blew raspberries for a second before opening his mouth, “ugh, is Hakari ever gonna come back?” Kirara looked up(down??) from her phone to look at her boyfriend, and then to the door.
“Hm, i thought he said he’d be back in a few seconds..” Kirara pouted slightly before scrolling back on her phone. Just at that moment, the door slammed open and in walked in a scary looking hakari, spooking the two on the couch.
Y/n quickly sat up correctly and gulped slightly, sweat dripped down from his temple as he saw Hakari turn his attention to him.
He was pissed. It was evident all over his face, and the rage was all due because of y/n interfering with a plan of Hakari’s. So y/n accepted his fate and let his and his boyfriend’s lips clash into one another.
The kiss was extremely lustful, both hakari’s and y/n’s tongues battled against each other, drool slipped through the cracks of their lips. But at the end, Hakari had beaten y/n in dominance.
Hakari pulled away, his eyes were filled with both rage and sexual desire. “Lay down.” Hakari ordered, y/n quickly obeyed and laid his head on kiara’s lap.
Kirara smiled softly as she twirled y/n’s hair on her pointer finger, y/n shifted uneasily on her thighs, trying to find a suitable spot so his back wouldn’t end up hurting the next morning from this plowing he was going to experience.
Hakari wasted no time in unclothing the bottom half of y/n and himself. Y/n shivered slightly due to the freezing cold AC brushing along his dick.
“You’re such a cutie y/n” y/n blushed and thanked Kirara for such a compliment. “Jeez stop with all your lovey-dovey shit, I’m right here yknow?” Hakari said in an aggravated tone.
“Ah.. sorry kinji..” hakari just rolled his eyes and flipped y/n on his stomach, “Kirara, take off your pants would you?”
‘What a change in tone’ y/n thought to himself, hearing his boyfriend talk to his girl in a totally different tone than what he was using earlier made him feel like Hakari was just being petty.
Kirara complied with Hakari’s command and took off her jeans along with the thong she was wearing. Her cock sprung out and swung itself on top of y/n’s face. Its pretty pink tip slightly shiny due to her precum rubbing itself onto it.
Hakari grabbed a good portion of y/n’s hair on the back of his head , “how about you suck on kiara’s dick while I fuck you, ay?” fear struck into y/n and just as he was about to protest Hakari had already forced y/n’s face towards kirara’s dick, causing both y/n’s mouth and kirara’s entire cock to connect.
Hoshi jolted, not expecting such a warm and slutty mouth to wrap itself around her entire cock that quick. She slapped a hand over her mouth and threw her head back. Moaning into the palm of their hand.
Hakari chuckled at kirara’s reaction to y/n’s moist mouth engulfing her cock in one sitting, keeping his grip on the back of y/n’s head, Hakari began bobbing y/n’s head for him, making the poor man choke.
“A-AH! H-Hakari don’t be so rough on him..! I don’t want him dying while sucking my dick..” Kirara said through gasps, trying to hold in her pleasurable noises. Hakari chuckled some more before finally letting go of y/n’s hair. Letting the man finally come up from kiara’s cock and letting him breathe.
But his freedom didn’t last long, as his hair was quickly grabbed again and pulled back harshly. Hakari then slipped his dick inside y/n’s hole, making y/n moan out loudly.
“FUCK! Have you’ve gotten tighter or something y/n?” Hakari questioned with a smirk on his face, knowing that y/n was now fixated on his fat cock deep in his ass. Hakari leaned in towards y/n’s ear.
“Yknow, im starting to feel hot” hakari whispered into the boy’s ear under him. “W-wha-?!” And again, y/n’s sentence was cut off quickly by a harsh thrust by kinji. Y/n’s eyes rolled back into his skull and his jaw was left ajar.
“One thrust and you already look dumbfucked, how slutty can you really get?” Hakari said between harsh thrusts, “kinjiii.. don’t be so mean to y/n, yknow he cant take in your big cock inside him” kirara pouted and crossed her arms.
“Fuck.. you know I can’t hold back when I’m fucking this slut of a boyfriend I have” Hakari said through heavy huffs. Kirara hummed, “I wouldn’t either to be honest, he looks so adorable with his eyes rolled back like that” kirara cooed.
Hakari let out breathy curses as he continued with his harsh pace, hips slamming into y/n’s ass like this was the last time they would fuck. Kirara couldn’t hold back and anymore and started jerking off to the scene unfolding in front of her. Small moans slipping out from her mouth time to time.
“Fuck.. I’m not gonna last any longer..” kinji said breathlessly. “M-Me either.. Ngh!” Kirara whispered, trying to keep her moans in control.
“How ‘bout you slut? Are you close to finishing?” All y/n could muster at that moment were some loud moans and whimpers. “Sounds to me like you are. Don’t worry, I’m right behind you” Hakari’s thrusts sped up, along with kirara’s strokes.
“HNNGG!! C-CUMMING!! IM CUMMING KINJJIIIII!!” Y/n said in a broken voice, tears filled his eyes and spilled out in huge amounts as he came hot ropes of cum.
Hakari wasn’t lying when he said he was right behind y/n, just after y/n finished cumming Hakari managed to spill his load deep within his boyfriend’s guts.
And after kinji, kirara came as well, her own hot ropes of cum spilled out from the tip of her cock and landing on y/n’s abdomen.
Hakari let go of y/n’s hair, letting him fall onto kirara’s lap once again. “‘Karriii!! You can’t just drop him like he’s some doll!” Kirara scolded kinji for his recklessness.
“Jeez sorry.. also could you get him.. I don’t know..? Some water or something?” Hakari questioned his wording of his sentence, he never picked up a book or an article of aftercare that’s for sure.
Hoshi scoffed while rolling her eyes, “sure, go change Hakari I’m pretty sure we’ll get some company soon..” kinji let out one of his signature chuckles.
“Doubt that, but alright”
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simplybakugou · 20 days
omg I saw you post about wanting dad!Bakugo ideas and tbh I have so many but I don't wanna be greedy or overwhelming so here's one <3 Dad!Bakugo when you get caught sneaking out. He assumes the worst- thinking you were out drinking, partying, something like that (y/n would be like.. 14-16 or somethin, yknow?) But in reality you were just sneaking out to go to the 24/7 ramen place down the street with your secret partner who you haven't told your dad about bc they're the same gender as you <3 It's a lot, I completely understand if ya aren't interested in writing it <33 I just think it would be a really cute and emotional but also amusing and heartfelt idea that I would love to read but can't find the motivation to write </3 Love your work!!!!
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⋆ PAIRING: dad!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; teeniest tiniest bit of angst; fluff; talks of being closeted ⋆ WORD COUNT: 3492
A/N: not me writing two works in 2024 back to back?! crazy omg. also i decided to make y/n bakugou’s s/o and not his child as that’s what i’m most comfortable writing about. hope that’s okay! also please feel free to send as many dad!bakugou ideas you want cause i’ve been wanting to write as many as i can. sorry if the ending is awkward i had some trouble finishing it :( tysm for requesting and i hope you enjoy :)
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“Fuck,” Bakugou cursed to himself, setting the knife down and grabbing a paper towel to tend to the small cut he had just accidentally put onto his index finger. Your home was filled with a savory aroma as Bakugou’s cooked dinner as he did every night.
“Are you alright, Katsuki?” You asked from the dining room, averting your eyes from your laptop and peering into the kitchen to check on your husband. 
“I’m fine. It’s just a small cut,” Bakugou called out, grabbing and applying a band-aid from the cabinet and onto his finger. Afterwards he went back to the task at hand. “Where’s Suki?” 
“She’s upstairs, I think she’s showering. Apparently they were working on training their quirks in U.A. and she said she felt disgusting,” you responded, reverting your attention back to the work you had left on your laptop. 
“So they’re already training their quirks? I need to train with her more then.” Bakugou turned the stove off as he moved tonight’s dinner to a singular dish. He went over to the dining table where you were seated to set the table.
You furrowed your brows at him. “Katsuki, she trains enough at U.A., not to mention you train with her after she comes back from school too. You’ll overwork her if you do even more than that.”
“She needs the training. She has to get stronger if she wants to get better.” Bakugou spoke to you while walking back and forth from the kitchen to the dining table as he placed all of his dishes down for his family to share. “She’s gonna get her provisional license soon and I don’t want her to fail like I fucking did.”
“I understand, but you’re being too hard on yourself and on her,” you said, shaking your head at your husband who has a tendency to overwork himself. 
“If she’s gonna be the best, she has to be better than me. And I’m gonna make sure she’s a hundred times better than I ever was in U.A.,” Bakugou stated adamantly as he sat himself across from you.
You sighed, closing your laptop and setting it aside so you could eat. “You’re impossible, you know that?” 
Bakugou smirked as he was about to let out a snarky comment until Suki walked downstairs, a towel in hand as she was still drying her ash blonde. 
You smiled at the sight of your daughter. “Suki! You’re just in time for dinner.”
Suki stopped as she took in her parents at the dining table and the giant spread of food Bakugou had prepared. “Oh, I thought I told you guys I wasn’t that hungry today…”
Bakugou whipped his head around to look at his daughter. “No you fucking didn’t.”
“Whoops,” Suki said, laughing cautiously as she rubbed the nape of her neck with her hand. “I’m kinda tired from all the training today so I think I’m just going to head to bed.”
You frowned. “Are you sure? Maybe eat just a little, sweetie.”
Suki shook her head. “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll be fine.” She turned to her father. “And I’m sorry, Dad. I know you worked hard to make all of this.”
Bakugou sighed. “It’s fine. Pay me back with training right after you get back from school tomorrow.”
Suki winced but nodded reluctantly for her father’s sake. “Alright.” She turned around and made her way upstairs as she called out, “I’m going to bed. Good night!”
“Good night, sweetie!” You called back out to her. You averted your attention to the delicious spread in front of you, once again thankful for having a husband who could cook so well and alleviate you from the burden of having to do so. 
“That shitty kid needs to eat more,” Bakugou grumbled, shoving his homemade meal into his mouth in the process. “She’s not gonna get stronger if she doesn’t eat well.”
“I agree with you there. At least with the eating more part.” You took a sip of water. “I hope she’s doing okay. You don’t think she’s overwhelmed at school and she’s just not telling us, right?”
“She’s fine, you’re worrying too fucking much, Y/N.” He glanced back at the stairs before eating again despite his statement. He didn’t want to say it aloud as he knew you would start freaking out but he was also concerned. Bakugou always wanted what’s best for his daughter who was inspired by her pro hero father to become a pro hero herself. When Suki expressed her interest in becoming a pro, Bakugou had to physically hold himself back in a way to not overwhelm her with how excited he was with the news. And you could see it yourself. You saw the way Bakugou perked up and seemed more enthusiastic, in his own way of course, every time Suki asked for training advice or told Bakugou about her day at school. You loved and admired their bond and how much closer they were getting the more she developed her quirk and skills. 
You leaned back, patting your full stomach. “That was delicious, Katsu.” You stood up with your empty plate in one hand and patted his head with your other. Bakugou glared at you as he stood and cleared the table. 
You went over to the sink to wash the dishes, intent on putting your share of the housework as Bakugou cooked only to be lightly pushed out of the way as Bakugou began to wash the dishes. 
“Katsuki!” You exclaimed. “You always do this. I’m supposed to be the one who cleans up when you cook.”
You attempted to push him back but unsurprisingly he didn’t budge as he ignored you and continued to clean. “Oh, shut it. Just go finish your paperwork over there.”
“Fine,” you huffed as you sat back down at the dining table. Instead of finishing your paperwork you sat begrudgingly in your seat with your laptop in your lap as you waited for Bakugou so the two of you could go to bed together. 
Thankfully with Bakugou being Bakugou, he was finished in no time and the two of you went upstairs to get some sleep. 
As you were situating yourself in bed, Bakugou stood in front of Suki’s room. He knocked on her door and the absence of a response prompted Bakugou to open the door slowly. He poked his head in and saw Suki fast asleep with her lights still on. He smiled softly at the sight of his sleeping daughter and even though he knew he was tough on her, he knew she was working hard to prove to him how she will become an incredible hero.
“Katsuki, are you coming?” You called from your room.
“Yeah, yeah,” Bakugou responded as he turned Suki’s light off and closed her door. 
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The alarm blaring from her phone jolted Suki awake. She quickly turned it off, hoping it didn’t wake her parents in the same manner as it did her. The time on her phone read 3:30 AM as Suki slipped out of bed. She quickly changed out of her pajamas and into sweatpants and a sweater and tiptoed out of her room. 
Suki glanced over at yours and Bakugou’s bedroom door, thankful as it was closed shut. Sometimes Bakugou would sleep with the door cracked open slightly as he was convinced he would be able to hear anybody sneaking in if anyone attempted to rob your home or attack his family. You would call him crazy and usually waited for him to fall asleep before closing the door all the way in which Suki was ecstatic that you did so that day as well. 
Suki made her way down to the front door and took her keys and her jacket and left her home. She grabbed her bicycle that was propped on the side of the house and began making her way down the road. She shivered as the cold winter air hit her face as she rode her bike, her eyes watering as they searched for one particular person.
Suki smiled once she spotted who she was meeting at 3:30 AM on a school night.
“Took you long enough!” Yui, Suki’s girlfriend, called out from her respective bike. 
Suki grinned at her girlfriend and stopped her bike beside her. “Are you sure this place is open 24/7?”
Yui nodded. “They just opened up. Did your old man catch you?”
Suki shook her head. “I even skipped dinner and I’m starving now.”
Suki knew she wasn’t supposed to be out so late but she couldn’t help it; she missed her girlfriend. In addition, during the day she was busy at U.A. and afterwards she would train with her father. In the evening she’d have to keep up with her studies and her homework, making it almost impossible to spend time with her partner. Not to mention, Suki still hadn’t come out to you or Bakugou.
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust either of you but there was a small, miniscule feeling Suki had in the back of her mind that made her fear your reactions to having a girlfriend. Thankfully, unlike Yui’s parents, you and Bakugou never mentioned or questioned if Suki had a boyfriend, but she knew Bakugou especially would disapprove of anything that would divert her attention from her training and studies.
“Come on, let’s go!” Yui exclaimed and the two girls continued down the road to the ramen shop.
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Bakugou woke up feeling immobilized. In an attempt to go to the bathroom, Bakugou tried to get up but couldn’t do so as you were literally holding him down in your sleep. Your arm was wrapped around his torso, your leg over his thighs, and your cheek was pressed against his chest. In moments like these he blamed you for making him feel sore in the morning. 
“Y/N,” Bakugou said softly as he quite literally peeled you off of his body. He was successful and he laughed once he heard you groaning in your sleep as you turned the other way.
Bakugou went to the bathroom and just as he was on his way back to his room to fall back asleep right beside you, he noticed Suki’s door was ever so slightly left open. He knew she always criticized him for leaving his door open so he knew something was up immediately.
Bakugou went over to Suki’s door, knocking once again just as he did before going to sleep earlier and again there was no response. He pushed the door open, furrowing his brows at the sight of what was supposed to be Suki’s body under her covers but Bakugou was too clever to fall for something so simple. He walked closer to her bed and pulled back the covers, not surprised to see two pillows that were formed to imitate her body.
“She fucking snuck out,” Bakugou muttered angrily to himself. He threw the blanket back onto the bed and went back to his bedroom where you were sleeping. He shook you awake. “Y/N, wake up.”
You woke up frighteningly, sitting upright. “What? What’s wrong?” You asked confused and tired. 
“Suki’s not here.”
“What?!” You exclaimed, immediately jumping out of bed and running to Suki’s room to check. You turned back to Bakugou. “Do you think she was abducted? Or kidnapped? Oh no, do you think one of those villains you fought came back for revenge?! Our poor baby–”
“Y/N, calm down,” Bakugou said, placing his hands on your shoulders. “She’s not kidnapped. That little shit snuck out.”
“What? There’s no way Suki would sneak out, Katsuki.”
“She put her pillows under the covers to make it look like she was sleeping.”
“But… why would she do that?” You questioned. This was completely unlike Suki, which made you ponder even more about her motive. Usually if she wanted to go anywhere or do anything, she would ask you or Bakugou for permission in which, most of the time, you both would say yes. 
“Who fucking knows. She’s probably out drinking or partying. She’s fifteen for fucks sake.”
“I don’t know, Katsu, I don’t think she’s the type to do something like that. The only possibility that makes sense is…” You thought about it some more until it finally hit you. “Maybe she’s seeing a boy!”
“A what?” 
“Come on, it’s the only thing that makes sense. I don’t think she’s the type to go out drinking.”
“I’d rather her go to a party than be alone with a boy this fucking late.” Bakugou clenched his fists at the thought. “I’m gonna go find her.”
“Wait!” Bakugou ignored you as he continued downstairs, grabbing his coat and throwing his shoes on. “Don’t go out and use your quirk.”
“Why the fuck not? It’s the fastest way to get to her.”
You sighed hopelessly at your husband. “It’s 4 AM, Katsu, your explosions will wake up the whole neighborhood. Just take the car.”
“I hate that fucking piece of shit,” Bakugou grumbled. “Fine.”
“And take this, too.” You tossed his phone that you had quickly grabbed, which he caught with ease. “Call me when you find her.”
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Bakugou felt himself getting more and more impatient as he drove in circles around his neighborhood. He knew Suki couldn’t have gone far as he noticed her bike was missing. He checked her friends’ houses that he was aware of for any signs of partying and checked every convenience store nearby as he knew Suki loved them. Bakugou cursed at his daughter internally as she had also turned off her location on her phone. The last place left to check was the new ramen shop that had just opened and you had begged Bakugou to try out with you once he had some time off from work.
Bakugou recognized Suki’s bike parked right in front along with another bike right next to hers. To his knowledge you were right; Suki was here to meet a boy.
Bakugou felt himself getting angrier. How could Suki sneak out for a stupid boy? Doesn’t she know training has to be her top priority? Boys are a distraction and wouldn’t do her any good. He felt justified in these thoughts as he didn’t start dating until after he graduated which was when he met you.
Nevertheless, Bakugou parked and exited the car. He was planning on busting the door down to the restaurant, scold Suki, and murder whatever stupid boy had stolen his only daughter’s heart.
And Bakugou fully planned to do so until he stopped in his tracks at the sight he caught through the window. Suki was laughing, leaning on the person next to her. It was a girl. Initially Bakugou assumed it was a new friend that Suki had made until this new “friend” kissed his daughter on the cheek.
At that moment Bakugou understood fully what was going on. He was still upset that Suki felt like she had to sneak around to spend time with her girlfriend and he still thought having a partner could be a distraction but Bakugou knew he shouldn’t be physically upset as he initially intended to. 
So Bakugou waited, his arms across his chest as he leaned against his car and waited for Suki to come out from the restaurant.
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When she was getting up to leave with her girlfriend by her side, Suki couldn’t remember the last time she enjoyed herself as much as she did in that ramen shop. She felt so comfortable in her skin and wished she could spend time with Yui more so that she didn’t have to sneak out like she did that night.
“I had a lot of fun today,” Yui said as the girls thanked the shop owners and made their way to the exit.
“Me too. Maybe next time we can go on a date during the day and not 5 AM,” Suki joked and Yui agreed.
“Mhm. But do you feel comfortable telling your parents?”
Suki sighed. “I want to tell them soon. It’s just so scary.”
“I get it, believe me.” Yui pushed the door open and they both walked towards their bikes. “Text me whenever you’re free again.”
Suki nodded and gave her girlfriend a small peck. “Come on, I’ll drop you off.”
“Suki, I live literally right next door. If anything I should be dropping you off,” Yui said with a laugh. “Are you okay getting home?”
Suki nodded confidently. “Absolutely. I’m in U.A. for a reason, you know.”
The girls continued and finished their goodbyes and Suki watched Yui take her bike on a very short ride to her house. She waved to Yui once more before turning around to head back home in the opposite direction. And that was when she finally saw him.
There Bakugou was, still leaned against his car down the road with stern crimson eyes watching his daughter. Suki’s eyes widened at the sight and immediately wanted the ground to swallow her whole. “Dad?!”
“About damn time you noticed me,” Bakugou grumbled, loud enough for Suki to hear as she cautiously walked towards Bakugou.
“What’re you doing here? How’d you find me?” Suki’s bike fell on its side as she loosened her grip out of shock.
“I just wanted to check on you when I woke up and saw you weren’t in bed. Do you know how fucking terrifying that is?” Bakugou asked angrily. Suki winced at her father’s tone, looking down and away from the intensity of his gaze. 
Bakugou sighed, calming himself down. After seeing how happy Suki and her girlfriend were together, he felt his initial anger diminish. “Why didn’t you just tell Mom and me you wanted to hang out with your girlfriend?” 
Suki felt overwhelmed with mixed emotions. She felt exposed but also guilty for not being open with her parents. “I-I don’t know. It was hard keeping this from you.”
Bakugou watched Suki closely and briefly. He could see her body shaking in what he assumed to be fear. He had caught her in an intimate moment with her significant other, someone that she felt that she had to hide from her parents. And it broke Bakugou’s heart thinking about how difficult it must have been carrying a secret so big and integral to who she was as a person.
Bakugou took a few steps forward, closing the gap between him and his daughter and he embraced her. Suki, whose eyes were still fixated on the ground, was taken aback at this sudden act. Her father, one who rarely showed any physical affection, was hugging her so tightly. “I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like having to keep this secret.”
Suki’s vision blurred as tears began to well in her eyes. She buried her face in Bakugou’s chest and she returned the embrace. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you guys,” Suki blurted out in between her sobs.
Bakugou patted her ash blonde hair down with his hand, still holding her as tight as he possibly could. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry for making you feel like you can’t be open with me. I know I can be shitty and tough on you but I’ve always wanted what’s best for you.”
Suki sniffled as she pulled away, rubbing her eyes and ridding her cheeks from the tears that had stained them. “It’s not that I felt like I couldn’t open up to you or Mom. I knew deep down that you guys would accept me regardless if I were gay or straight but I kept psyching myself out.”
Bakugou smiled softly, patting her back. “Suki, there’s nothing on this fucking Earth you could ever do to make me or your mother disappointed in you. Even if you decided to not be a hero anymore, I wouldn’t give a shit. All I want is for you to put your all into whatever it is you do and not to half ass anything.”
Suki smiled sheepishly. “Thanks, Dad.” Bakugou knelt down and grabbed Suki’s bike, wheeling it over to his car as he put it in the trunk. 
“So am I off the hook for sneaking out?” Suki asked, hoping to hear the answer she wanted to hear as she walked over to the passenger side of the vehicle.
“Fuck no. You’re still in trouble,” Bakugou stated simply in which Suki sighed, not surprised at the answer. “Now you don’t have to sneak out to see your girlfriend, at least.” The two entered the car and Bakugou turned the vehicle on as he turned it around to head back home. 
“Can I invite Yui over for dinner sometime?” Suki asked, looking at her father expectantly.
“Yeah. You gotta explain to your Mom what happened. She’s at home thinking you got kidnapped.” The two laughed as they made their way back home to you.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 months
Topic: Genshin impact.
au: Sagau.
idea: So what if you had the powers of every character you played as in every game you played and then get isekaid into genshin impact with imposter au. I imagine it goes smth like
Zhongli: “I will have order!”
reader, Who played Roblox as someone who lagged the game (explanation: I’m pretty sure ping is also how time works in games. If you can control the flow of ping you can control the flow of time in games.): “ZA WARUDO!”
Heyyy!! Thanks for waiting for the reply/response from my slow ass :0
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So they did clarify what they meant/expand so imma just copy paste that here!
“k now I remember. So basically imma write it here since it’s easier: Basically you don’t have to (but you can) transform into the character that has those set of powers but if you do those powers are enhanced.”
Sun: Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Light Imposter AU (as in, NOT Yandere/Dark), mild crossover elements bc Shapeshifter Shenanigans™️
Stars: bro idek
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, genshin typical mild violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so fair warning,, ive never seen jojo bizarre, but i appreciate i come off well-read/watched? LMAO
so im just gonna kinda,, guess? like just cycle thru diff. random media, and im hoping both me and you reading this will have a fun time (as this is a little challenge, but i like it so ill give it a shot, dont kno if its a good one but- 😅)
so to set the scene, of how u got to this point, ykno of running like ur life (maybe?) depends on u running around different teyvat countries,
u thought it was weird everyone knew a little too much about you?? (ofc theyve heard u during gaming, they know u the same way we all know Markiplier, get it?)
then a bunch of NPCs/Vision users/Archons?? were REALLY invested in talking to you, which freaked u out even more
and by the time you saw Zhongli, yknow, just the oldest god in game, making a fast-walk towards you, ykno the retired god who didnt move an inch when an old water god attacked Liyue for a test, is now hurrying to you???
ur logically get so fucking scared sm shits abt to go down, u just start running
it isnt until ur reaching for a ledge and some webbing shoots out of ur arm (from a glitchy little spot on ur arm, where it could be coming out of ur skin, but sometimes its a blue and red bracelet)
it latched onto the nearest building, and thats how u find out u can grapple ur way, literally Spiderman style, out of the harbor
and bro, idk if it would be fun, or confusing and stressful, or maybe both?? to just find out u can use any video game power from any game youve played before as you go running from countries bc for some freaky reason they know too much abt you/are pursuing you-
dUDE- they had small statues of you in like every little section of their cities
u head to Mondstadt and as Venti comes screaming and flying at you (in excitement, but ur freaked), u go to hold a hand up and suddenly ur holding a heavy stone tablet that unleashes some holographic yellow chains that freeze him in place-?? why is this familiar-
oh my god u have the sheikah slate from Breath of the Wild,
and as ur booking it out of there, u manage to get ahold of a sword, and u know exactly how to use it to knock back favonius knights trying to stop you (they are concerned for their god who is just unleashing random powers on ppl, pls let Grandmaster Jean just talk to you Your Majesty-!!)
by the time you teleport ur way to Inazuma, (bc u still have this worlds access to ur player/traveler’s powers), ur trying to find a nice place to stay for a little bit
at least in that sweet spot of the Raiden not noticing/finding you, while things cool down on the main continent, before moving on,
and u get some tools to help fashion just a little shelter, bc u dont have any money/mora rn, and ur able to literally build a house???
a mailbox pops up and thanks you for renting with Tom Nook???? As in Animal Crossing-
and rlly if the BOTW/slate thing didnt clue u into video game powers, then this definitely would tbh lmao
right as u see Yae Miko circling ur house, with an armful of books? ..is she planning to thru them at you??, u get the hell out of dodge before her favorite god can follow along
(she knows ur prefrences in books and got authors/trends to start so youd have plenty to read, and she was making sure it was ur house before politely dropping them off! how was she to know thatd spook their favorite God, Ei?!)
u get to Sumeru and think ur safe, hiding in an abandoned forest watcher outpost (1 person treehouse rlly) when Nahida shows up in ur dreams,
and u just,
walk out of the dream, into reality, and possess a nearby ruin guard so u can sleep in peace, bc she cant access a robot,
that one baffled u as you re-possessed ur own body before realizing-
Five Nights at Freddy’s. 💀
U cant do that forever, so u try Fontaine, hoping Neuvillette/Furina wont rlly give af abt you, plus theyre the latest region, so maybe they have the least exposure to whatever the other archons didnt like abt you??
u get there and are immediately summoned to court, and right as the mekas show up to escort you, jfc they have a mecha army
(meanwhile, theyre thinking, yknow. high profile guest/our god of gods. ofc we need state of the art mekas to escort them, its only polite-)
meanwhile ur cape has now become wings, and a mask covers ur face as you glide and fly ur way over the city in an attempt to get to where u assume Snezhnaya is
it doesnt occur to you the game until ur running out of stamnia and catch ur reflection in the waters of fontaine, Sky: Children of the Light
u hope the Tsaritsa’s dislike for other gods/Celestia doesnt extend to ur otherworldly presence so ur just hoping for the best atp tbh
tbh youd forget what all powers you have, and the absolute chaos ur causing urself as u try to desperately rememeber what games youve played thru ur entire life is NOT helping to reduce confusion when u randomly wake up with elf ears (legend of zelda/botw) or get dragged into another ruin machine when u fall asleep/faint/do smth u guess mimics death lmao- (fnaf) 💀
(meanwhile the Tsaritsa does get wind ur coming this way, and just, makes the people have a parade/festival to celebrate you coming,
she did also have to get Pierro/Captaino to physically restrain some of them from going ahead to meet/escort you to the palace, she’d heard how the others scared u off, and was, ironically, hoping the warm welcome would clear things up)
well that was, something. 😃🫠
sorry lil car, that was such a fun idea idk if i did it justice!! i thought itd be too op to include every media youve consumed ever, so i kept it to video games, (which, could u cheat the system if youve played smash bros??)
i hope it was at least a decent read, and sorry im half asleep so i was not v funny this time around, but, again, hope u got smth out of it 😭
on another note, im having my wisdom teeth surgery this friday, send whatever u got my way, prayers, blessings, good vibes, ill take anything im nervous 🙃
have a good week guys!
Safe Travels Lil Car,
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stormsplurge · 2 months
happy tears overflowing, lightning bolts so overwhelming
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warnings: slight smut at the end, just fem receiving oral, 18+ read at your own risk
pairing(s): seth jarvis x fem! reader
inspired by anime eyes by kacey musgraves <3
1192 words
a/n: this is my first time writing x reader smut and my first time writing x reader stuff in a whiiiiile so i apologize if this is rough. regardless, i hope you enjoy!
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“seth.” you said, putting down the knife you were chopping vegetables with, “i can feel your eyes staring a hole in the back of my head.”
“if you want me to stop you should try being less beautiful.” he replied.
before you could open your mouth to reply, he’d made his way across the kitchen and pulled you away from the counter. 
“seth!” you shrieked as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into the air. 
you two had been spending the last week in minnesota, spending time with burnzie’s family and enjoying the last bits of summer before you had to get back to carolina. it was through burnzie, actually, that you’d met seth. he was a frequent customer at the animal shelter you worked at, eventually becoming a volunteer, and one of your friends.
you’d organized an adoption event, trying to find some of the pets forever homes and make room for new rescues, and burnzie offered to bring his “friends” as volunteers. he’d forgotten to mention those friends were a bunch of professional hockey players. 
seth had immediately caught your eye. his gap-toothed smile and infectious laughter, but also the edges of his shoulder tattoo peeking out from the edge of his t-shirt sleeves. everything about him was drawing you in, by the time he’d brought you adoption papers to sign off on you knew he’d had you.
“you’re adopting lulu?” you questioned, petting the gorgeous pitbull puppy in his arms.
“if it’s okay.” he responded, focusing his eyes away from the dog and looking into yours for approval.
“of course it’s okay” you said, “i’m so glad she’s finding her forever home. she’s been in the shelter for forever.”
“do you think i could get your number?” he quickly replied, before adding a “so i can text you if i have any questions about, yknow, lulu.”
“jarvis.” you chirped. “if you wanted my number you could have just asked, you didn’t need to adopt a puppy.”
“i know… but lulu was looking at me with her sad puppy dog eyes i couldn’t just leave her here.”
oh god, you thought. i’m fucked.
seth asked you out not even a week later.
he’d managed to get his hands on your work schedule and sent a flower every hour, all eight hours you were all at work. at first it was a daisy, with a note attached with only the word “go” you on it. next came a lily, with a note saying “out”. eventually leaving you with eight different flowers spelling out “go out with me please, love seth.” and a mystery address attached to the final one.
everything about the date was perfect, he’d found a secluded park where you wouldn’t be bothered by anybody and set up a picnic. every snack you’d offhandedly mentioned while you two had been texting, all of your favorite foods, everything you could think of was laid out on the blanket.
“oh seth…” you marveled. “you didn’t have to do this all for me.”
“of course i did.” he said, matter of factly. “my mom raised me to never half-ass anything, especially when it comes to a beautiful woman.”
“how’d you even think of this.”
“well burnzie mentioned that you’d been stressed out at work, and aho told me his girlfriend thinks this park is really romantic. so, yeah.”
“i love it.” you said, placing your hand on top of his, where it sat resting on his thigh. “thank you.”
from there the rest was history, the last year you’d spent with seth had been some of the best of your life. every minute of your day was filled with love, from lulu’s morning kisses to the daily texts you would get from jarvy as soon as practice was over. everything about it was perfect. 
“seth.” you said as he gently placed you on the counter. “i love you.”
“i know.” he mused, tilting your chin up and placing a kiss on your lips. 
“we shouldn’t be doing this here.” you whispered as his lips trailed over your jaw and onto your neck. “anyone could walk in at any second.”
“they wont be back for another couple of hours, i promise.” he replied as he placed his hands under your thighs and picked you up. you looped your arms around his neck, letting him carry you into the guestroom. 
the kisses were unrelenting at this point. your neck, your collarbones, the spot above your belly button. slowly making his way down to the edge of your shorts. 
“can i?” he asked, waiting for a yes to leave your lips before hooking his finger under the waistband and pulling the fabric down. the energy in the room had quickly turned from comforting to intense, seth’s eyes focusing exclusively on you. 
“you are so beautiful.” he breathes out between kisses, letting the stubble on his cheeks scratch against your inner thighs. 
“you don’t have to keep saying that.” you reply as he brings his tongue to your pussy.
seth aproached sex the same way he did hockey. making every second count, every move having an end goal. on the ice this meant helping his team and scoring goals, and in the bedroom it meant making sure you always felt good. 
you moaned his name as he inched his middle finger farther into you, bringing your hands to his hair and wrapping your fingers in the slight curls that formed at the nape of his neck. 
“you should, ah-, shave the sides again.” you whined, twitching with every slight movement he made. 
“bring back the mullet?” he chuckled, pushing his ring finger in as he spoke. “what about racing stripes should i do those too?”
a yes slipped out of your lips, followed quickly by seth pumping his fingers in and out of you at a desperate pace. his mouth made it’s way to your core as you felt yourself begin to unravel, rapidly reaching your peak.
“seth.” you moaned, throwing your head back. “i’m so close.”
“i know baby, you’re doing so good for me.” 
you were seeing stars, forgetting that you were in someone else’s house, panting and moaning and whining as loud as you could. the pressure in-between your legs growing until you couldn’t take it anymore, coming with seths name on your lips and his head in between your legs.
he was grinning at you from the edge of the bed, already back to his giggly self.
“i love you so much.” he said, making his way up the bed and tucking your hair between your ear.
you shushed him as you brought your hands to his cheeks and pulled him into a deep kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. if it were any other day you’d happily go for another round, but the sun was getting to you so you just rolled seth onto his side and burrowed yourself in his chest. the smell of sweat and deodorant pulling you into him. as you felt your eyes begin to grow heavier you felt him drape a blanket over the two of you.
“i love you too.” 
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devoureddreaa · 3 months
“you’re tiny…like an actual doll.”
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my friends either gonna be very happy i wrote this, ooooor she’s gonna rub it in my face that i don’t really like toji like that and still wrote this. (paris, i’m in your walls) but, hope you enjoooooooy!!!
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“hey..” god, we’re you tired. the job you had was majorly exhausting..and the people there were shorty, but the pay is what was making it worth it in the end.
you slumped your tired body against the wooden door, slowly dragging your hand up on the two locks locking the door. you kicked the overbearing stilettos that you had to where off, your feet were killing your like hell.
“toji, why is it so dark in here..?”
it wasn’t that dark, you were just tired as hell. there was a small lamp sitting in the living room that was illuminating some light around the small surrounded area. you called out for ya boyfriend again, but no answer.
maybe he isn’t home..
“it’s late though, where could he— SHIT!”
suddenly you were lifted from off the ground, way off the ground, and held onto what felt like somebody shoulders. the instinct was the start kicking and screaming like hell, which you did. until you were flopped down onto the couch and your mouth was covered.
“what are you screaming for?”
with the small lighting shining a few feet away, you saw that the person who had you screaming like you were in the horror movie was your own boyfriend… “toji! why the fuck would you do that?!”
“to wake you up, duh.” a dark, raspy chuckle erupted from his chest when he saw the irritable pout in your face.
you crossed your arms over your chest, “you think you’re so—”
“yea toots, i think i’m hilarious..” he stood up and picked you up again..more gently this time. his strong and calloused hands keeping you steady by the curve of your waist. your legs finding their way wrapped around his waist and your arms snaking around his neck.
“you look cute dressed like a small secretary.” a signature mischievous smirked started to grow on this face
“small?” you question, but it want like he was lying either way.
“yea, like a doll.” the man paused for a moment, “my doll, though..”
“you’re a fucking idiot..” you laughing, pushing his face away.
“yknow it’s true, toots.”
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p.s. i started gagging like writing this (//_-) /hj. + i told you guys i was coming with the conteeeent have faith mls!!! but again, paris i’m in your walls. and i hope the rest of you enjooooy!! love you, baaaaiii!!! (if you say any typos, no you didn’t)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Jealous, jealous, jealous girl pt 2
Part 1-
Request- reader and hobie get into an argument bc of how she treats Gwen, they break up, reader starts to get even angrier at people even Pavitr (my poor baby), she finds out that Gwen started to stay at Hobie’s place and she hears him call Gwen “Gwendy” (he does that in the movie and I think it’s cute) so she just stops coming to the spider society HQ all together bc that was her final straw, somehow Hobie finds her and she tells him about how really felt deep down 😔
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“Look, I’m just saying you can’t get mad everytime I even talk to her.” He said as calmly as he could.
“It’s not even just you talking to her anymore! You’re hanging out with her more than you are me! You’re fucking calling her nicknames!”
“It’s just cause we’re working together, there’s nothing else goin’ on, love-“
“Don’t call me that. I never said there was anything else going on. And that’s not all because you wanna know what else I saw? Her fucking clothes in your room! Her shoes, shirt, pants. You told me that she wasn’t staying anymore, you lied to me.”
“I couldn’t tell you, cause I knew you’d get angry.”
“You knew and you did it anyway?”
“I’m sorry. Okay? I’m sorry.“ he said, but he didn’t say it in a genuine way.
“We’re done. You keep lying to me, and I can’t do it anymore.” You said, tears at your eyes.
“Wh- Y/n- Y/n, don’t-“ he said as you started to mess with your watch, going straight to the HQ.
When you entered the portal he groaned and sighed, he laid on his bed and put his hands over his face.
“Fuck.” He knew he messed up.
It seemed as if he moved on quicker than you. You came to work on the verge of tears everyday, and he was laughing and talking with Gwen everyday.
Pavitr helped you through everything, staying at your house sometimes, and you staying at his. His aunt loved you.
You were having lunch with him, you both sat in silence and eating.
“So, how you handling the whole…” he asked after a while of silence.
You sighed “Not good. He just keeps hanging out with her, and I heard that she was staying at his again!” You started to get pissed off every time you talked about it.
“Alright, alright, calm down. You guys needa talk it out.”
You thought for a moment.
“I guess.. I just… I dunno, it kinda hurts to see him, yknow?”
“I get it, just talk to him when you’re ready, because I want the gang back! I miss all of you guys, and it’s not like I don’t like hanging out with you.. it’s just… better with all of you. And Hobie told me some things, I think you guys can work it out”
“Some things? What things Pavitr..?” You said.
“Just some… non important things..”
He looked the other way, struggling to meet your gaze.
You rolled your eyes, and stood up, throwing away the garbage.
“Wait- y/n, I’m sorry-“
You left him alone, and he sighed as he continued to eat.
As she walked out, you ran into Hobie and Gwen speaking.
You hid so they didn’t see you.
“Gwendy, next time ya come over, quit forgetting your toothbrush.”
“Gwendy..?” You whispered to yourself. You knew she was being called nicknames but it was different hearing it.
You rolled your eyes, as you quickly walked past them. Gwen stared at you, while Hobie just ignored you.
Hobie sighed when you left.
“You guys still not talking?”
“Nah. I was thinking of it… but I gotta wait until she’s not pisssed off.. which is rare.” He shrugged.
They walked into the lunchroom, seeing pavitr sit there and stare at his food.
“Yo, Pavitr.” Hobie said, excited and ready to get a happy welcome.
Pavitr just looked at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I told her that you said some things, I didn’t tell her exactly what, but she got all mad and left me! Fix your stuff man, she’s a great person, and I want her back.”
Hobie just sighed as Pavitr stood up and threw his trash away as well.
“Just talk to her.” Gwen shrugged when he looked at her.
“We got into an argument over you. That’s why it happened.”
She laughed “I’m flattered but I’m not worth breaking up over. You two were probably the cutest couple I’ve seen.”
He sighed “Yeah. You’re right.”
With tears in your eyes you left the HQ, telling spider byte you’d be away for a while, her asking a lot of questions and then saying she’s got it there.
You didn’t tell Miguel or anyone else, just her.
You went to your apartment, and went straight to your bed. You didn’t even realize you were crying. When you did, you let it all out. Ugly crying felt good to do at the moment, so that’s what you did.
You cried for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Then you fell asleep.
You woke up, and pretty much did the same thing for a few days.
Jessica was constantly bothering you, telling you you had to be in.
“‘M still sick with the virus. Can’t.” You lied.
She rolled her eyes “You’re full of shit.”
“Yeah… cus of the virus.”
She sighed “Funny. Just… be in soon, I can’t keep covering for you.”
“I will.”
After a day or two, people at the HQ noticed. Pavitr, Gwen, and Hobie mostly noticed, Jessica, Miguel, And Charlotte, whom you were also close with, noticed.
(Charlotte is sun-spider)
No one bothered to come by except for Pavitr for a while.
He tried to convince you to come back, but also letting you know of everything happening.
“Alright, I gotta go, see you!” He said, opening a portal.
“Yeah, see you.”
A day after, instead of jessica it was Miguel himself that called through your watch.
You sighed “Yeah, yeah, I’ll come in-“
“You better. You know that spot guy we were looking at?”
“He’s a bigger issue than we thought. We’re looking for him right now. You have to come in today, no excuses.” He said.
“Okay. Yeah. I will in a little..”
He disappeared and you sighed, laying back in bed.
There was a knock at your front door, making you jump.
You groaned in annoyance and got up.
“What?” You opened the door, and then you saw it was hobie.
You tried to slam the door, but he stopped it with his foot.
“Hello to you too.” He mumbled.
“What do you want, Hobie?”
“I wanna talk.”
“Okay. Talk.”
“I’m sorry. I am. I miss you, a lot. And I just want to… fix things. If it’s possible, Y’Know? Im sorry for lying, and sorry for.. everything.”
You stared at him for a while, and this time he sounded genuine. He looks like he’s been… crying?
“I miss you too hobie. God, I fucking-“ you took in a sharp breath “I love you. I always have, since the moment I saw you, and I don’t think that’s ever gonna change. But it hurts. It fucking hurts. You went behind my back, and lied to me.”
He listened and stared.
“I don’t love Gwen. I love you. Like you said, always have, always will. And I’m sorry I lied.. but Gwen’s my friend, and you and her could really get along. If you’re asking me to stop being friends with her-“
“I’m not asking you to stop being friends with her. I’m asking you to not lie about it next time. Don’t lie about how she’s not staying at your place when she is.” You said, you feel like you were repeating yourself as you raised your voice.
“I won’t. If you give me another chance, I will never lie to you again. I screwed up, and honestly I’d do anything for you to forgive me. And maybe if we could go on a date.. yknow, redo the whole thing.
“I forgive you. And yeah.” You said after a while of silence.
He smiled ever so slightly. “Thank you. You coming back to HQ now?”
“Yeah. Miguel’s gonna blow my brains out if I don’t.”
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luvryeo · 11 months
right here, right now — jeong yunho
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0.1K MILESTONE EVENT ⟢ OPEN fem!reader , afab!reader , smut , cw : light sub(reader)/dom(yunho) dynamics, dirty talk, clit play , wc : 0.8K , more yunho for everyone !! thanks for sending this in ❄️ anon i'm officially a slut for this man <3 MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI
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when yunho plops down next to you for a break in practicing choreography, you do your best to force your expression into one of loving neutrality. but when he leans close and whispers in your ear, his words leave you stammering, searching helplessly for something to say back.
“baby,” he starts, and you can already hear a sense of warning in his voice, “if you keep looking at me like that, i’m not responsible for what happens next.”
shit. you’ve been caught. it’s not your fault he looks so goddamn hot like this, with that sleeveless shirt and the concentrated look on his sweaty bare face.
“l-like what?” you question, trying to play dumb and maybe going a little too far with the act, because you’re sure that he knows that you know exactly how you were looking at him.
“like you wanna fuck me, right here, right now,” he keeps his voice low, and you can see from your reflection in the mirror that it looks like he’s whispering anything completely normal into your ear (save for the clearly flustered look on your face).
but you, no matter how flustered, want to tease back, just a little. you pout at him. “maybe i do,” you pause, purely for dramatic effect, “yknow, wanna fuck you, right here, right now.”
at that, he has to hold back a groan from escaping his throat. he places a firm hand on your upper thigh. “you know that practically anyone could walk in here, at any moment?”
you nod, “i don’t care. please?”
“please what, baby?” now he’s staring into your eyes, gaze challenging as his hand travels from your thigh to the waistband of your pants. as his fingers slip under, you pull in a sharp breath, your eyes fluttering between his and the hand growing dangerously close to where you want it most. “eyes up here. answer my question,” he prompts, voice low and husky.
“please … will you play with me?”
“how?” he demands, and his fingers begin to prod at your core over your panties. you’re so turned on, and have been for so long, you have to hold back a wanton moan at just that. quickly, he finds the growing wet patch on your underwear. he starts rubbing a few fingers over it, seemingly satisfied at the feeling. “i had to see how wet just watching me made you,” he says more to himself than to you, still waiting for you to give him a better answer.
“i need your fingers,” you whine. he just cocks an eyebrow, a slight smirk pulling at his lips, and you know before he can open his mouth what he wants from you. “in my pussy, please.”
“good girl,” he praises, finally letting his fingers reach up and rub your clit, quickly pulling a moan from you. your head falls onto his shoulder, hips stuttering, desperate for more than just his fingers over your panties.
“more, please,” you beg.
“always so needy for me, aren’t you?”
“yes,” you breathe out, nodding your head absentmindedly. 
“fuck, you’re so good for me, baby. so turned on just by me dancing, huh?” you can hear in his voice just how much he loves how desperate you are for him.
“you’re so fucking hot,” you groan against his neck. finally, he removes his hand from your throbbing clit to pull on the waistband of your sweats and panties, slipping them down to your ankles as you lift your hips automatically at his movements. you shiver when the cold air meets your exposed cunt, and moan loudly when his fingers gather up your arousal to start circling around your clit again. he shushes you, but it’s half-hearted, because he doesn’t really care if people hear you. you still heed his hushes, trying to quiet yourself just a bit by tilting your head just a bit to attach your lips to his neck, sucking kisses into his slightly salty skin. “i love you,” you whine out.
“i love you too, baby,” he says, voice regaining some of its normal sweetness as he smiles at your words. “i love you so much, and i’m gonna make you cum just by rubbing your cute little clit, then i’m gonna stick my fingers in your cunt and make you cum again. and if you keep being such a good girl, i’ll fuck you against the mirrors just like i know you want me to. how’s that sound, baby?” the way he lets such dirty words flow from his mouth has you bucking your hips, whining when he uses his free hand to try and hold you still. “i asked a question,” he reminds you.
“yes! please, god, yes. that sounds so so good, baby. please, please fuck me, make me cum, i’ll be good for you, i swear!”
satisfied, he rubs his fingers around you faster and harder, making you cry out. “i know you will, baby, i know.”
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