#I’m here 2 vibe and chat and
raytm · 2 months
I’m sorry all I do is yap about my muses but I will do it again !!! And again and again !!! 😔🙌🎤💯
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sequinsnstars · 6 days
i have to confess… reading the final books of hoo turned me into a frank girl not a leo girl
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littlebirdy0301 · 11 months
I think. I have just had an “ohhhh” moment. and that I am probably demiromantic
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt. 7
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]
“I’m having a child.”
Danny stared at Batman.
“…Uh, congrats?”
Batman whips out a stack of paper and a pen. “It’s you. Sign here and initial the highlighted spots.”
Danny instinctively, from years of dealing with Vlad, whacked the stack right out of Batman’s hands and into the bay. He doesn’t even feel bad about littering this time because, “Begone, fruitloop!”
Wait, no, that’s not what he meant.
“I mean- I have parents!”
“Not for long.” Batman muttered and then did a double take. “You have parents? How?”
Danny gasped, placing a hand on his chest to clutch his metaphorical pearls. He ignored Batman’s mutters. Everyone knows the vigilante has an adoption problem. At least, everyone who lived in Gotham did, as everyone who didn’t was somehow convinced that he “worked alone” or some bullshit like that. “Are you naturally this insensitive or were you dropped on your head as a baby? Obviously I had to come from somewhere.”
“They’re still… alive?”
“And kicking,” Danny said, inching away from yet another rich weird guy trying to adopt him. “Mostly the kicking part, though.” He said, remembering the sparring sessions. His mom could kick his as six ways to Sunday with nothing but jiu-jitsu and still have time to work in the lab.
“I see.”
“I’m charging you extra for the emotional upheaval. I have trauma regarding rich people trying to adopt me.”
Batman sullenly handed over a thousand.
“Sweet. There’s a group of shades down here asking if you could find their murderer. Apparently the serial killer is still at large.” Danny pointed.
“Of course. Tell me everything.”
The adoption papers disappeared as Batman went into detective mode.
Danny shoved the cash into his glowing chest and breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to make rent this month so it was a windfall running into Batman.
“Hey, Tim?”
Tim woke up from his Power Nap. “Huh?”
“Phantom’s complaining that Batman kept trying to adopt him.”
Tim blinked. “Uh.. what does that have to do with me?”
Danny stared at him, a patiently amused smile on his face. “Just in case the rumor about the Wayne’s sugar-daddy-into the Bats was a thing. Other than that, we might have to confront Batman to get him off of Phantom’s back. ”
“You… want to confront Batman.”
“Hey, man, Phantom’s a friend and it’s ride or die.” Danny snickered. It was literally die, with his Phantom side of things. He held two fists up, and wound them, like Popeye right after eating spinach or something. “And if Batman bothers Phantom, we ride at dawn.”
“Batman doesn’t come out unless it’s dark, though? Or for the Justice League.” Tim grinned. He mentally classified Danny under his “to go to” list. That’s where Bart, Bernard, Cassie, Kon, and Garfield were. If he starts shit, he could count on them to have his back and cause even more shit. Danny, wanting to fistfight Bruce over the man making Phantom uncomfortable? He absolutely is making that list.
“Then we ride at, like, dusk. Or uh, like 10PM. I gotta get my beauty sleep.”
“You’ll definitely need it,” Tim inconspicuously texted the group chat, which quickly blew up.
“Shut up,” Danny playfully shoved Tim. “Wait, can Batman even legally adopt? Isn’t being a vigilante illegal? And how can he adopt someone dead?”
Tim dramatically flailed and splayed over Danny’s carpeted living room. “Dunno about his identity,” he lied to Danny, like a liar. “But Gotham has a bunch of laws for the undead/restored to life people so there’s probably enough gray space there.”
Danny spluttered. “You guys have undead friendly laws?”
“Yeah, geht do you think Grundy just chills out? Plus, we have like a minor resurrection event every few years. It usually doesn’t stick but sometimes it does. Bruce pushed for those laws when Jason came back to life, except he doesn’t actually want people to know he’s like, alive.”
“Jason died?” Danny blinked. Well, that would explain the vibes. “Huh. So what’s up with his rank vibes then?”
“Rank vibes?” Tim pressed record on his phone.
Danny nodded. “Yeah, you know how Phantom’s got like a really chill green vibe?” Inwardly, Danny snickered at his pun. Chill. Yeah, he meant that very literally. “Jason’s got kind of a rank green vibe. He’s kind of stinky? Definitely never introduce him to Phantom.” Danny’s senses got worse in his ghost form.
“Jason regularly showers, though?!”
“Not smell! Like, a spiritual smell?”
“You can smell souls?!” Tim sat up. “Bro, you’re a meta?!”
“Uh.” Danny hesitated. “Yeah. I can smell souls. It’s a thing. Everyone from my town can do it.”
“What?!” Tim paused. “Wait, can Phantom smell souls?”
“Yeah. We’re, uh, from the same town.”
“Danny, what the fuck?”
“Hey, don’t look at me like that, you’re the one with a soul-sick brother! Not to mention, you’re kinda stinky too!”
“Soul-stinky nerd man!”
“I stink?!” Jason spluttered out, extremely offended.
“The Lazarus pits. He’s most likely smelling traces of Lazarus pit on you, you imbecile.”
“We need to speak to Phantom. This instant.”
“I dunno, B. Danny sounded like he was gonna break your face if you bothered Phantom anymore.” Dick snickered.
“Yeah,” Tim chimed in, from his seat in front of the Bat-computer. “He was pretty serious.”
“Are we just gonna glaze over the fact that they’re from the same town?!” Stephanie exclaimed, practicing her moves on a training dummy.
“How does that even work? What does that mean? I thought Phantom was an immortal?” Duke asked.
“We also can’t rule out time-travel.” Barbara slammed her baton into a training dummy, twisting her wheelchair in an agile maneuver that left the dummy on the floor.
“No bothering Phantom.” Cass proclaimed.
“That’s quite right. You all have a warm dinner sitting above your cave and should it remain uneaten, I assure you that sherbet Sunday and crêpe Tuesday shall be canceled.” Alfred stepped in. The Bats, threatened, scrambled to ditch their gear and go upstairs.
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latenightdaydreams · 10 days
Can you please write part of roommate reader? I've hoped it could be a new series 🥺🥺 I'm obsessed with that story lol😩😩😩
yes!! ofc!! 💗
Roommates Part 2 (fem)
Part 1
Master List (✍🏽)
>cw: fem/afab, oral, p in v, squirting, dirty talk
2.3k word count
Two weeks have passed since König moved in, since the incident happened. You still haven’t talked to him much other than an awkward “hello” here and there. König has been understanding of your behavior, but he honestly wishes you both could move past it. He was wondering if maybe he should just move out.
Today, as you walk out of your room, the aromatic smell of coffee hits you. You see, König leaning against the sink, wearing only gray sweatpants. In his hand he holds a mug of coffee and in the other his phone as he scrolled on it. His blue eyes look up and land on you. A smile forms on his lips, shoving his cell phone into his pocket.
“Guten Morgen. Would you like some coffee? It just finished brewing.” He smiles and shows off his sharp canines.
“Um, no thanks.” You say awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him.
Trying to ignore him as you walk to the pantry and grab a box of cereal. Then you hear the cabinet open and you see König grabbing a bowl for you. He holds it out for you and you nod in thanks. As you place it all on the table, you see König opening the fridge to get you the milk.
“You don’t have to do everything for me.”
“I don’t mind.” He looks at you as he places the milk on the table and lingers for a while. “I just feel bad for making you feel uncomfortable in your own home.”
“It- you did nothing wrong. Honestly. I’m just, well, mortified.” You say as you fidget with the flap on the box of cereal.
“You don’t have to be. I understand how awkward it must be for you, but please know I don’t judge you for it. If we could just start over and pretend it never happened, I’d like that a lot.”
König looks at you, waiting to see if you’d accept his offer. His eyes drift to your breasts as you look away, trailing up along the curve of your neck and back to your eyes as you look back at him.
“I’d like that.”
A wide smile creeps across König’s lips. “I’m glad.”
That was the start of a slow developing relationship. Eating breakfast together and chatting before bed became somewhat of a ritual for the both of you. Slowly, you both opened up to each other about life goals and past challenges. Without realizing it, you both have revolved your routines around seeing one another. The last few months together have been the happiest he’s been in decades.
Today, when you got home from work, there was a different vibe in the apartment. You kicked off your shoes and placed your bag down by the door.
König’s blue eyes trail up your body, not caring to be discreet. An open beer sitting on the coffee table in front of him. You both look at each other for a moment before you walk forward to the couch and sit next to him.
“Are you okay?”
König doesn’t respond right away; he leans back into the throw pillows. “I’m getting deployed soon.” His blue eyes meet you again. Usually, he wouldn’t care, but he’s been slowly building a relationship with you and now he is being pulled away from you. You’ve felt like home. He’s wasted all this time
“Oh, for how long?” You try to mask the disappointment in your tone.
“Anywhere from six months to a year.”
“That’s a long time.”
“It is.” König’s eyes trail down from your eyes to your lips.
“When do you leave?”
“In three days.” He says, reaching forward for the beer and taking a swig.
Your jaw drops, looking surprised to hear how soon he will leave you. It’s his job, but right now you feel selfish because you want him to stay. You’ll miss his company, miss him.
“The apartment will feel empty without you.” The words flow from your lips with a hint of sorrow.
König forces a small smile. “I really like you.” It was time you both stopped acting like shy teenagers and just got your feelings out there for one another. “I have feelings for you.”
This isn’t recent news to you; you’ve always sort of known he likes you. The way he gazes at you, packs lunches for you, and smiles when he sees you- it’s all very obvious. You’re pretty sure he already knows that you like him, too.
“I have feelings for you, too.”
König’s eyes light up as you confess your feelings are mutual. A smirk comes across his lips. A wave of confidence comes over him as he leans towards you, his hand cupping your face as he places a tender kiss on your lips.
It’s as if sparks go off and travel throughout your whole body as your lips meet. You kiss back eagerly, your lips pressing harder into his as one of your hands moves to his thigh. The feeling of your warm hand makes him shiver.
He slowly pulls away from the kiss and looks down at you. In his mind, he is running through the different ways he can ask you for more. Ask you to wait for him to come back. Give him your body so he can have something to remember while away, other than the mental image you squirting. Months have been wasted because he doesn’t think he’s deserving of you.
You can see the look in his eyes, your hand lightly squeezes his thigh. “Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”
“I want you.” He finally says. You’ll either agree or reject him. It felt as if a lifetime passed before he felt you move your hand up his thigh more.
“I want you too.”
Words aren’t needed anymore. He grabs your waist and brings you on to his lap. His mouth pressing into yours, opening to lick your bottom lip. You accept him into your mouth as your tongues swirl together. His gigantic hands caress your body, one trailing down the curve of your hip and the other under your shirt, climbing up to your bra.
You can feel his erection press into you, small moans leaving both of your lips into each other’s mouths. His hand slips underneath your bra and cups your breast in his hand. Your skin is so warm and soft. A groan leaving his mouth as his fingers pinch your nipple.
König pulls his mouth away from yours and lifts your shirt off of your body. His lips find yours again as he tosses the shirt on the back of the couch. He reaches around your body to unhook your bra as your tongues flick over one another’s. 
He pulls back again and looks down at your glorious breasts. “Wow.” He looks at you, speechless, for a moment. His eyes meet yours as his mouth drifts to your chest. In one hand, he grips your heavy breast and brings it to his mouth. His tongue reaches out and flicks at your nipple. A small whimper leaves your lips before he wraps his lips around your nipple, latching on to it. Your fingers comb through his messy blonde hair as his mouth hungrily goes back and forth between both breasts.
His fingers fidget with the belt you're wearing, trying to pull your bottoms off of you as fast as he can. You assist him and unbutton your pants, lifting your ass so he can pull your pants off of you. Lips leaving your breasts, he lets his gaze roam over your body. He runs his fingers down your thighs. A little of prickly hair, but König couldn’t care less.
“You’re stunning.” He says, his voice lower than a whisper.
König stands with you in his arms, turning to place you on the couch. He lays you back, almost recreating when he walked in on you, masturbating. It’s all he’s been thinking about, fucking you in that position.
“It was a busy day at work.” You say bashfully, worried about your pussy maybe smelling.
“Perfect.” König says as he continues to kiss down your body.
A blush comes across your face as you look down at him kissing all over your belly, under your belly, your hips, and moving down… You let out a pleasured gasp as he kisses your pussy lips. His hands grasping your legs and spreading them apart, placing one over his arm and the other resting on the coffee table. He kisses up and down your pussy without kicking you. His eyes closed as if he was kissing a lover. Breathing in deeply and taking in your raw natural scent.
Finally, his eyes open and make eye contact with you. His fat tongue pressed down on to your pussy and swipes up quickly, parting your folds around his tongue. You taste fucking divine. He lets out a groan once your juices touch his taste buds.
Your hand reaches out to the back of his head, holding him against you. Moans flowing from your lips as he rapidly flicks his tongue over your clit. His free hand slides up your leg to your pussy. One finger circles around the entrance of your vagina. Slowly, he slips it in. His finger curved upwards as he slowly begins to move it in and out of it.
You close your eyes and drop your head back, letting your body fully appreciate the pleasure it’s receiving right now. Legs twitching as his tongue and arm moves faster. One of your hands moves to your nipple. You tug on it, catching König’s attention.
His cock is rock hard in his pants, absent-mindedly grinding his hips into the couch cushion. The moans you make match what he heard that day he walked in on you. A second finger slips in as his eyes watch you closely. Your hand moves from his head and squeezes the pillows behind your head.
“König, I’m going to cum.” Your voice is higher pitched.
“Are you going to squirt for your König?”
“Yes!” Your back arches as your body trembles. “Fuucckkk!”
König gets hit in the face by your squirting. He opens his mouth and drinks you in, finally being able to taste you. Removing his fingers from your pussy, he rubs them over your clit quickly. He shoves his face into your cunt and shakes his head back and forth.
“Fuck you’re amazing.” He growls.
His hands quickly pull down his pants. He pulls his shirt over his head to reveal his scarred body to you. Your eyes trace over his muscular but soft body as he stands and pulls down his boxes. You try to not act surprised seeing how hung he is when deep down inside you’re worried it will hurt.
König kneels on the couch in front of you, pulling your hips to him. He rubs his raw cock against your clit, getting himself covered in your cum. Since he is a big guy, this angle was a little awkward. One leg over his shoulder, the other one resting down, he lowers himself to kiss your lips.
“Beg for my pussy.” You look into his blue eyes.
König is absolutely shocked, but fuck was that hot.
“Please let me fuck your pussy.” He begs almost pathetically. Never has he been put in this position before. “Please I need to feel you.” He whispers, leaning down and kissing your neck softly. His hips rock against you, aching to thrust into you.
“Fuck me.”
König didn’t hesitate, he thrust into you. He watches your face as he does. Your face scrunches as you feel him bottom out inside of you. Shoving his 10-inch cock into you as much as you’ll take. Whimpers leave your lips and your eyes maintain contact with his.
“That’s it, Liebling. You can take me.” His voice is low and sensual. Slowly he pulls back and thrust into you again, harder this time.
“Oh my god! Please fuck me!” You’ve never felt a cock this good before, not even your toys can compare. His hips begin to slam into you.
Pathetic little mewls escape your mouth as your eyes flutter back. A cocky grin appears on his face as he sees you turn from that dominant woman to a cock hungry mess.
“You take my cock so well, meine Kleine Hure.”
Not speaking German, you’re unaware he just called you his little whore, but the tone in his voice excites you. Your eyes stay locked on his as his hips roll into you at a rapid pace. The feeling of your wet pussy wrapping tightly around him is pushing him to the edge.
“I’m going to cum Liebling…” He pants as he leans in to kiss on your neck. His cock begins to throb as he moans loudly, moaning out your name. You caress his body as he lays on you, catching his breath.
König sits up, wrapping his arms around your body to pull you up with him. Your body straddles his lap as you both kiss.
“I want you to be mine. I want to know that I have you to come home to. That your body and mind are mine.” He kisses your cheek softly, waiting for your response.
His words make you pause, you pull away to look into his eyes. You trace each scar that covers his handsome face, trying to memorize him and this moment, knowing he will be leaving soon.
“I’ll wait for you. I’m yours.”
“And I’m yours, Liebling.”
König leans in to kiss your lips again, addicted to the way you taste. Even the way your breath smells. He’s just in love with everything about you.
“What does Liebling mean?”
“Oh, it’s like calling you, my love.”
“That’s really cute.” You giggle and think back to sex. “What does Kleine Hure mean?” The German words come out pronounced terribly, but König understood.
König clears his throat and blushes, “Oh, uh-”
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cieloclercs · 10 months
Could you do a Oscar Piastri x verstappen!youngersister
secret glances, eyes talk of love — oscar piastri
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pairings: oscar piastri x verstappen!reader
warnings. started out as fluff but it sort of turned into angst along the way?? not like superrr angsty but it’s definitely sad vibes
word count. 1.2k
author’s note. hi anon! thank you so much for the request <3 i loved writing this concept! ps, i’d definitely be open to doing a part 2 if anyone is interested 👀
Decked out in a Red Bull jacket and cap, it's a wonder no one outside the McLaren garages notices you. Maybe you've grown so used to sneaking around that it now comes as second nature. It's been like this since the start of the season: the secret kisses in quiet corners, making up excuses to get away from the Red Bull garage (and your over-protective brother), and, of course, your fair share of close calls. You aren't exactly inconspicuous in the paddock. There are eyes following you almost everywhere you go — but over time, you've learnt to avoid them. You can only thank your lucky stars no one seems to have caught on yet.
Sometimes you wish it didn't have to be this way; that you could be like any other normal couple on the grid. Kiss him when he triumphs, comfort him when he falls. The feeling can grow intense, especially after a day like today. You have to watch him on the podium like any other supposedly indifferent onlooker, pretending that your cheers are only for your brother on the top step. Oscar's first top-three finish in Formula 1 (albeit in a sprint race) is by no means insignificant, and all you want to do is pull him into you over the railing and kiss him. But you can't. Not here, not with your brother and father, and the whole world watching. You've already agreed that keeping your relationship a secret is best for the both of you. Yet that doesn't stop you from wishing for more.
Instead, you’re left to sneak into his driver’s room as soon as your brother’s back is turned. He’s caught up in the media pen, chatting with Charles. Another thing you’ve learnt over the past six months is never to miss an opportunity when it presents itself – this is as good as any you’ll ever find, because Max is talkative at the best of times, but even more so when his childhood rival is around. You leave them somewhere between ‘safety car restart’ and ‘left-hand tyre degradation’. He won’t even notice you’re gone.
Oscar is halfway out of his suit when you arrive. His back faces you, covered only by his white fireproofs. You can see every move of his muscles beneath them. You murmur a soft greeting as you step into the room and close the door behind you, heart lifting to see him turn to you and grin. To the world, you know Oscar will appear calm and level-headed about his result – but with you, in private, he’s as happy as a puppy dog being given his favourite treat.
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” You whisper into his shoulder as he wraps you up into a hug. “You drove so well.”
His lips curve upwards, and you feel it against the skin of your neck. Oscar’s hands fall instinctively to your hips when you pull away, rubbing slow circles that he probably doesn’t realise leave burning trails against your flesh. You loop your arms around his broad shoulders, playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck, just as he likes. He lets out a contented sigh.
“I panicked at the restart.” Oscar smiles down at you sheepishly. You roll your eyes. It’s typical of him – always so critical, even when he’s just produced one of the best rookie performances in Formula 1 for years. Sometimes you wish he could see himself the way you see him. Then maybe he’d celebrate a little harder, look a little prouder when things finally start paying off for him. It’s not that he isn’t confident – but Oscar’s confidence is the quiet, self-assured kind. Sometimes you just wish he would shout from the rooftops about how incredible he is: because if you can’t do it, then you need someone to.
“It doesn’t matter.” You tell him firmly, “No one was going to be able to hold off that rocket ship. Not even you.”
He giggles at the term. It’s such a lovely sound, you think. Your favourite in the entire world.
“D’you think you can get him to slow down a bit? Give the rest of us a chance?” Oscar asks, arching an eyebrow mischievously. You grin back, a little reluctant to shake your head.
“I wish I could, but he’s just not wired that way.” You sigh. It morphs into a giggle when he grips your waist tighter, pulling you into his chest. You look up, and he’s already gazing down at you expectantly. His hair is still a little sweaty from his balaclava, but you find you like it that way. He has the cutest little ringlet sticking out from the rest of his relatively tame curls. You fight the urge to tug on it.
“You still haven’t given me a kiss.” Oscar remarks with another cheeky raise of his eyebrows. He leans forward, puckering his lips the slightest bit, and you laugh, louder this time.
“You’re such a dork.” You snort. But you press your lips to his anyway. Somehow, they always taste like some kind of citrus fruit – what exactly you can’t put your finger on. It overwhelms you, clouding your mind and your senses, making your knees weak. They’re soft too, his lips, like pillows. You can feel him smile into your mouth, swallowing your soft sighs. It’s not fair, you think, that a person can make you feel this way with just a kiss; not fair that you’re grappling at his shoulders for support, afraid your knees are going to give out if you don’t. He never lets you fall though. His arms are always there, pulling you in, crowding you against the wall, in your hair, all over your body, lighting every inch of it on fire.
Then there’s a knock on the door, and the spell is broken.
You turn towards the sound, breathing heavily. Oscar glances at you, with a look that reads keep quiet. He clears his throat, calling through to whoever is stood outside his driver’s room.
“What is it?” he croaks.
There’s some shuffling from the other side of the door. Then: “Uh – Team meeting in ten minutes.” The person says. Oscar calls back some kind of affirmation, but you don’t hear it. That feeling is back. The one where you long not to hide in secrecy. It’s so unfair that he makes you feel so safe, so loved, and you can’t even show it to the rest of the world. You want people to know that he’s yours.
“You ok?” Oscar asks after a beat of silence. Your eyes find his, and you nod. I will be, maybe, you think. You want to tell him that you’re sick of hiding, but you’re not sure how he’ll take it. You both have a lot at stake. What if he can only love you in secret, never in front of the world?
He kisses you goodbye, and you allow yourself to believe that’s not the case. Oscar isn’t shy about his affections – he’s soft and he’s clingy and his eyes when he looks at you are full of love. They’re your own reflected straight back at you. One day you’ll walk into the paddock, and it’ll be with his hand in yours. You swear it.
But if he doesn’t want that, a life in the shadows is surely better than a life without him.
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whimsyfinny · 4 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: None (Yet) in chapters to come there will be smut (and lots of it) and possible violence/blood/gore
Chapter Word Count: 1566
A/N: My first Supernatural fic so I hope it doesn’t suck ass. Only proof read by myself, so pls let me know of any errors so I can correct! Also I know at this point in the series Dean is more serious, however I love pre-Hell Dean so imma bring some of those vibes in here. This is also posted on my AO3.
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Please Read the below first:
Chapter 1
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 2
The journey to the bunker was pretty uneventful, with Sam and Charlie chatting amongst themselves in the front of the car whilst both myself and Dean sat miserably next to each other in the back like a couple of criminals who’d been arrested. The chains on my handcuffs jangled as I rubbed my sore knuckles; the skin raw, bruised and red from either my own blood or - most likely - Deans. As I did, I could feel a red hot glare burning into the side of my face from the older Winchester, as though he was in disbelief that I even had the audacity to feel any pain or discomfort right now as dark red scabs formed on his nose and cheek. We pulled up next to the bunker, and I didn’t get much chance to look at the surrounding scenery as the moment we were parked, the golden retriever duo up front hopped out, slammed their doors shut and threw ours open, Sam gently yet firmly grasping my elbow and pulling me to my feet whilst Charlie did the same for Dean. We were marched into the building and we soon arrived in what I assumed to be the kitchen. Sam pushed gently on my shoulder, urging me to take a seat at the table to which I obliged with Dean following suit and taking a seat opposite me. We stared each other down from across the table for a few moments, the atmosphere growing thicker by the second as his brilliant green eyes pierced mine.
“Enough the pair of you!” Charlie exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “Look, I’ve got some things to say before we release you both back into the wild. It won’t take long,” she sighed and rubbed her temples. “I wanted to introduce you guys to (Y/n) because I thought you would get along! With your shared interest in hunting, bootcut jeans, rock music and most importantly - pie.”
Dean and I shot each other a quick glance before looking away again. Charlie continued.
“You’ve had one disagreement, and even though I was impressed by the performance it definitely didn’t warrant the carnage. You’re both adults, so act like it and stop bickering like children. You’re going to be living and working together now so you’re both just going to have to suck it up and move on.”
Sam stepped forward; “I agree with Charlie. (Y/n) you have no idea how much of a help you being here is going to be. We’ve been going around in circles for months and we really need a fresh pair of eyes. Plus you get free food and board, if that helps,” he grinned slightly trying to lighten the mood. I humoured him and softened my eyes, raising my eyebrows in acknowledgment to the pros of staying here.
“Right,” he clapped his hands together, “we’re going to remove the tape and you’re both going to be civilised. You promise?”
I gave Dean one final long, hard stare before nodding.
”Good,” Sams soft cool fingers grazed my cheek as he pulled up the corner of the tape, gently peeling it back until it was removed and I could finally take a deep breath. Meanwhile, Charlie approached Dean and in one swift movement ripped the tape from his mouth in under a second.
“FUCK!” He cried out as he tenderly touched his now extra sore swollen lips. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“Right, I’m going to go and get (Y/n)s belongings from the motel room she’s staying in and check her out then I’ll be right back with all her stuff. I’ll see you guys later!” And before I could even protest for her to take me with her, she’d turned on her heel and hightailed it out of the bunker, leaving Sam to undo our cuffs and set us free.
“That bitch,” I sighed, huffing a strand of hair out of my face. Sam knelt before me, that kind look in his eye ever twinkling.
“(Y/n) I promise you that you're safe here. It’s warded to the teeth and full of everything we need to survive. We’ve got you,” he patted my knee before taking my hands in his, using a small key to finally undo the cuffs right before they clattered to the floor. I leant down to pick them up, and by the time I’d sat back up to place them on the kitchen table, he was already beside Dean doing the same for him. His own cuffs removed and rubbing his wrists, he stood, looking from me to Sam a few times before speaking.
“Well I’ve already suffered enough today so I’m going to spend time coming up with a better excuse as to why I look like this,” he gestured to his beaten face and turned to leave, mumbling a quick ‘see ya later’ to Sam before leaving the kitchen. Sam stood awkwardly for a second, before declaring that he was going to get some lunch for everyone and also scurried away, leaving me completely alone in alien territory. I was still sat at the table as I began to look around.
This place was a dump.
How did these grown ass men live in conditions like this? The dirty dishes were piled so high that it was a surprise they hadn’t toppled over yet. Empty beer bottles cluttered the table and countertops, the bin was overflowing with bulging bin bags dumped right next to it without being taken outside and the smell was starting to make me feel a little nauseous. How does Sam expect us all to eat and live together in conditions like this? It was like living with a couple of wild animals. After a few silent moments to myself I released a breath I’d been holding whilst I pondered. I ran my hands through my hair and laughed at myself in disbelief. I’m gonna have to clean the fucking kitchen. Without giving it a second thought and running the risk that I’d change my mind, I scooped my hair into a high ponytail using the bobble on my wrist and pushed up my sleeves, finding a pair of rubber gloves under the sink. Let’s clean this bitch.
In the space of about an hour and a half (a gruelling hour and a half), I’d washed and dried the dishes, putting them away in their respective places, taken out all the trash and lined the bin with a fresh bag, scrubbed and disinfected every surface and had even mopped the floors. The smell of rotting trash was dissipating and the urge to claw off my own skin had gone. I’d propped the mop against the wall and stepped back to admire my hard labour when I heard a door open and close, the entering footsteps heading my way. Sam emerged into the kitchen, a stunned look on his face as he walked to the table slowly, placing about 6 bags of ‘groceries’ on its surface. His mouth opened and closed a few times like he was searching for the right things to say.
“You’re welcome,” I cut in, hoping to help him find his words.
“Yeah, thank you! I’m sorry, I didn't know what to say - you really didn’t have to do this. It’s embarrassing that you were even put in a situation where you felt you had to,” he grimaced a little, only now realising what a horror show it was that they were living in. “But seriously thank you, I really appreciate it,” he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Sam was sweet and easy to like - unlike his Neanderthal brother. I felt like I could trust him.
I peeled my gloves off, threw them in the bin and approached the kitchen table where Sam was pulling out a case of beer.
“Here, you deserve one of these,” he said, handing me one. The bottle was nice and cool on my hot fingertips, my warm skin instantly relishing the coldness.
“Thank you,” I smiled before popping the cap and taking a long, well deserved drink. I savoured the moment, genuinely appreciating Sam’s gesture. Although all nice moments comes to an end, and soon Dean was striding into the room bold as brass, seating himself at the table and helping himself to a beer without so much as a hello. It wasn’t until he’d drained half the bottle in one gulp that he realised the kitchen was clean. He grinned and looked at his brother.
“Hey, nice job Sammy! It looks great in here, I owe you one,” he raised his bottle as if making a small toast whilst Sam’s eyes flicked to mine.
“Uh, Dean… this wasn’t me. You need to thank (Y/n) for that,” Deans grin faulted slightly as he looked between the two of us before it returned. I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows in suspicion. His forest green eyes pierced into mine as he almost purred his next sentence.
“Well, Sammy, it looks like we’ve bagged ourselves a maid. Does she cook too?”
I slammed my bottle on the table, much like I did earlier. Only Sam flinched.
“I’m not your fucking maid,” I snarled, resenting that shit-eating grin on the older Winchesters lips. He chuckled, the sound coming deep from within his chest as he rose to his feet.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33
Up Next:
Chapter 3
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teamblck · 4 months
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john ‘soap’ mactavish headcanons 🧼
part 2
this is SFW but the first one is suggestive so minors dni!!!
heart banner by cafekitsune
• will whisper the dirtiest shit in your ear in public and then will just walk away
• sleeps naked
• loves his SO to wear his clothes
• shirts, socks, boxers— he doesn’t care
• has a family group chat
• the BEST listener
• when he gets out of the shower at home and the mirror and shower are steamed up he draws little pictures on them. sometimes they are of you two as stick figures, sometimes they are suggestive, and then sometimes it’s sweet messages.
• once bleached his hair in high school
• hates doing laundry
• not the best cook but tries his hardest when cooking for other people
• his nieces and nephews make him play video games with him whenever he visits
• does not get jealous easy
• give the vibe of ‘wear whatever you want i can fight’
• likes head scratches
• in public he is a big hand holder and has to constantly he touching somehow
• would move in fairly quick but it wouldn’t be weird because he basically lived at your place before anyway
• most of his negative emotions first manifest as anger and frustration (!!of course not like abuse or anything!!! he just gets very frustrated and can sometimes snap when he doesn’t mean to) but as soon as he calms down, which is usually pretty quick, he’s constantly apologizing.
• wants a whole clan of kids
• i feel like as a child he was very scared of needles and would have to be held down at the doctors
• likes to share headphones with you
• back on his SO wearing his clothes
• he would go out of his way to hide like jackets and sweaters so his partner has to wear his
• “lass that’s a shame you cannae find your jacket, i’m sure it’s around here somewhere. here wear mine”
• sneezes really loud
• secretly not so secretly loves rom coms
• has 1000% had a full convo with ghost while he’s asleep under the mask
• once set his ringtone in gaz’s phone to the SCOTLAND FOREVER sound
been in a soap mood for like the past week so here’s some more thoughts about my favorite scot
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Listening In 2
Find my CoD masterlist
Soap has to work undercover at a restaurant to get info on a target, and meets a waitress he enjoys flustering. He immediately decides he wants to share her with Ghost. Four part mini series, porn then feelings.
Part two: in which Ghost gets hands-on.
This probably has Vegas vibes because I started writing it while I was in Vegas. Oops.
Warnings: swearing, waitress gets a little creeped on (not by Ghost or Soap), manhandling, Simon is pushy, praise kink, dirty talk, check ins, biting, fingering, piv sex, unexpected tenderness, bit of aftercare. This is 80% filth.
Word count: 4.6k
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The mark was being uncooperative. He’d shown up to the bar multiple times, but they still hadn’t gotten the info they needed.
Not that Johnny seemed to mind - he’d taken to bartending like a duck to water. Bloody showoff. Simon snorted softly behind his balaclava as he watched Johnny entertain a few people with some bottles. 
Simon’s gaze wandered from Johnny to the pretty little waitress. She was busy working, smile firmly in place. She really was pretty. And Johnny had been right - she made the prettiest noises. 
Simon was tempted to find out what noises he could get her to make. 
Instead he simply watched and waited to see if their mark would come in. 
And he did. Half an hour later, their mark walked in and went to a table, a business associate following. It was just bad luck that the table was their waitress’s. 
“Soap,” he murmured into comms, “mark is at table 42. Watch yourself.” 
“Copy,” Soap murmured back. 
Ghost saw the moment Soap realized the full situation - their waitress stopped at the table to take orders, and Soap tensed. But he stayed on mission and didn’t interfere, staying behind the bar where he needed to be. 
Ghost was already working on audio for that table, working quickly. 
And it turned out to be a good thing he did, too, even as his lips curled in disdain at what he was hearing. 
“...one of my favorite places,” their mark was saying to his companion, smarmy grin clear in his voice. “The wait staff here are always… attentive.” 
“I certainly hope so.” The companion’s gaze lingered on their waitress. “The uniforms certainly are a good color.”
Both men laughed at that. “You know,” the mark said, leaning in and lowering his voice just a little. Not that he needed to - the place was busy tonight, Ghost doubted anyone else could overhear them. “If one catches your eye…”
“Don’t worry, my friend,” the companion said, clapping his shoulder. “I know my business. Wouldn’t get you in trouble over a pretty little thing.” He winked, and both men laughed again. Ghost set his teeth, watching and listening. 
Facial recognition came back with a match on the companion, and Ghost spared a moment to look it over. Riley Finch. Been accused of human trafficking on more than one occasion, but no solid evidence had ever been collected to put him away. 
Ghost’s lips pulled in a sneer. Human trafficking, huh? Ghost had half a mind to see how Riley Finch liked being taken against his will and dumped somewhere. Preferably in a dark cell to never see the light of day again. 
The next hour dragged. The two men talked business, obliquely enough that Ghost didn’t get anything actionable, just interesting. Things to follow up on. 
And then Riley watched the pretty waitress go, tapping the table a couple times. “That one’s not one of your favorites, is she?”
“Nah,” the mark said, leaning back. “Too uptight for me.”
The mark laughed, clapping his shoulder. “Don’t get me in trouble,” he said, standing. “I’m goin’ up to the bar.”
Riley nodded, grinning. “I’ll see you later.” 
The two men separated - the mark went up to the bar, where Soap had a good handle on things. Riley, however, managed to follow the waitress up to a computer station and stood there chatting with her. Ghost swore softly - he had video there but no audio. 
But whatever Riley said had the waitress shrinking in on herself a little, smile nowhere to be seen, shoulders hunched. Ghost watched as she printed out a receipt and tucked it in a little black folder, shaking her head at Riley. She made her escape as fast as she could without being too obvious. 
Ghost debated for a moment, watching Riley loiter. It was possible he’d give up on whatever it was he wanted.
Then again, it was possible he wouldn’t. He did have a history of being a creepy bastard.
Making his decision, Ghost quickly checked the schedule for the employees. He had half an hour. Plenty of time. 
You pulled your coat on, glancing around as you left. You’d had creeps approach you before, you’d dealt with handsy customers and entitled men. 
But something about the man earlier set you on edge, made you paranoid. It was enough to make you regret that you had to walk home alone. Even if it was only midnight. 
Pulling your coat tighter around yourself and wishing you had more than pepper spray in your purse, you slipped out the back. 
And nearly shrieked when you spotted a person leaning against the wall of the alleyway, clad head to toe in black, huge and hulking. 
He called your name, voice rough. It was enough to have you pausing, at least. “I’m a friend of Johnny,” he said, hands out and open at his sides. Trying to be non-threatening. “He asked me to walk you home.”
You raised one eyebrow at him, shifting your weight uncertainly. “Didn’t say anything to me.”
“Said he saw that guy harassing you, wanted to make sure you’re fine.” He shifted off the wall so you could see him better, although he didn’t move towards you. 
“Oh.” You warmed, touched by the thoughtfulness of the gesture. “Um. Okay.” But you still slipped one hand in your purse, clutching your pepper spray. Not that you hoped to use it, but still. Never hurt to be careful. A few steps brought you closer to the giant man, and you frowned when you saw he was wearing a full on balaclava. 
Weird, but, well… you’d seen weirder here. 
“Just… don’t try anything funny.” You narrowed your eyes a little up at him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” His voice was dry as dust and startled you into laughter. 
He fell into step next to you as you exited the alleyway. Your fingers tightened around your pepper spray but you didn’t pull it out, instead settling for a quick (paranoid) look around before you started towards your apartment. 
“What’s your name?” you asked, glancing briefly up at him before you went back to scanning your surroundings. 
“Simon,” you repeated, noticing the odd twitch of his shoulders. “I hope this isn’t putting you too far out of your way.”
“Don’t worry about it.” The words were gruff but not unkind.
You merged with the crowd of party-goers, not paying them any mind. At least until Simon grabbed your purse strap, pulling you firmly behind him. Well. Okay then. Your heart beat faster at that, but it wasn’t because you were scared. Or even intimidated.
So you maybe kind of had a thing for big guys tossing you around a bit. Maybe. At least hypothetically - you’d never had a chance to test it out. But based on the thrumming beneath your skin, you were thinking hell yes you had a thing for this. 
He stepped to the side, keeping closer to the buildings, and you took a couple quick steps to catch up to him. 
The silence was almost uncomfortable between the two of you. He didn’t seem inclined to chat, and you weren’t sure where to even start. You didn’t know him, had no idea what to even try talking about. It didn’t quite hit your anxiety, but it did make you feel awkward and more shy than normal. 
You stepped off the curb between buildings and felt his hand secure around your purse strap again. But this time he didn’t yank you behind him, just kept his grip on you as you navigated through the crowd going the opposite direction. 
“Doing okay back there?” you couldn’t help but ask, glancing back at him, caught between amusement and worry. The crowds could be a lot, as well you knew. You’d had a lot of trouble adapting at first. 
He grunted, releasing you again once the rowdy partiers were gone. So you just kept walking. 
At least you tried to, until suddenly you were being yanked in between two buildings, a firm hand around your wrist. You drew in a startled breath, eyes blowing wide, as another hand secured over the lower half of your face.
“Hush, just me,” Simon whispered, placing his bulk between you and the street. “Stay quiet.”
You pushed at his hand, alarmed, and he shot you a look before releasing you. Lifting his hand to the front of his balaclava, he mimed holding a finger to his lips for silence. 
Heart hammering (and not just because of the scare of being yanked around), you leaned very carefully to look around him. And then swallowed hard.
The guy who’d near-threatened you at work was walking slowly down the street. From the opposite direction. He hadn’t followed you - he’d anticipated your route home and gotten ahead of you. You must have made a noise because Simon’s hand clamped back over your mouth, pulling you back to where you couldn’t see anything.
And where you couldn’t be seen. 
Hard eyes glittered down at you, and you blinked rapidly, trying to will away scared tears. He huffed, near inaudible, and his gaze softened. A little bit. Releasing you again, he pointed firmly at you and then, yet again, made the sign for silence. You nodded shakily, twisting your fingers together. 
Moments passed in complete silence but for your racing heart, much too long to be counted. You barely dared to shift your weight, let alone try to look out at the street again. 
Moving slowly, Simon crowded you back, step by step, until your back hit the brick wall, catching at your clothes. You stared up at him, eyes wide, staying silent though your lips had parted. He stopped with barely any space between you, one foot between yours, hand catching your jaw. You couldn’t help the little shiver that went down your spine at the way he towered over you, easily eclipsing the rest of the world. 
“Stay close,” was all he said before he stepped back, releasing you. Almost dizzy, you followed, stumbling a little on your first step. By the time you two left the alleyway, you felt steadier. 
The remainder of the walk was silent, with you sticking close to Simon and occasionally giving directions. 
You paused outside your building, glancing up at the big man, unsure what to do now. You were probably safe here.
But that “probably” caught in your head, left you feeling uncertain. 
“Want me to walk you to your door?” The offer was quiet, yanking your gaze back to him. 
You bit your lip and then nodded slowly. “If it’s no trouble?”
He huffed quietly and nodded for you to go first. You got into the elevator with a certain sense of deja vu, especially when he settled right next to you. Not across the elevator car, like any normal person. Nope, right next to you. 
And you didn’t move away, didn’t tell him to move. Just stood with his warmth inches away the entire ride up to your floor. 
“That one’s mine,” you said as you stepped off the elevator, pointing to your door.
Simon nodded and continued to follow you. So you unlocked the door and pushed it open, looking back to ask him if he wanted to come in.
Big hands landed on your hips, guiding you inside before turning you quickly. Your back hit the door and those hands landed on either side of your head as Simon loomed over you, caging you in. 
“You like this,” he rumbled, low and dark. “Don’t you? Saw you earlier. Like it when someone throws you around? Holds you down?” 
You swallowed, mind blank, heart racing. But not with fear. 
“Asked you a question, dove.” He leaned in closer, one foot pushing between yours until you were quite thoroughly trapped between him and the door.
“I… maybe? I don’t… I’ve never…” You were pretty sure you were about to combust on the spot. 
“Use your words, dove.” 
You closed your eyes briefly, struggling, biting your lip. Your hands twisted into your skirt. 
One big hand closed around both of your wrists, pulling your arms up over your head and holding you there. You gasped, eyes flying wide open again, to find his face right in front of yours. 
“Tell me to stop,” he said, quiet and completely serious. “Tell me to back off, and I will.” He waited a beat, another. “But if you don’t say anything, I’m going to keep going until you say otherwise. Got it?” 
You nodded slowly, licking your lips. 
“Verbal response, dove.” His fingers tightened ever so slightly around your wrists. 
“I understand.” 
"Good girl." He hummed, holding you in place easily as he lowered his head to nose your skin through his balaclava. You couldn't hold back the shudder at those words, and he rumbled a low laugh. "Like that, hm? We'll add it to the list." 
You squirmed a little, gasping when he lifted his knee to press his thigh between your legs. 
"Need something, dove?" The smirk was clear in his voice. "Gotta ask for it." 
("Easy, Simon," Johnny whispered in his ear, though the want was clear in his voice. "Take it easy on her, aye?") 
You licked your lips, twisting your fingers just for something to do, some outlet for the low simmering in you. "Can I…?" You trailed off, swallowing hard. 
"Go on." Simon gripped your hip with his free hand, thumb smoothing over your skin, and when had he managed to get under your shirt? 
"Can I kiss you?" You closed your eyes, burning under your skin. Your heart was definitely too soft for this - you didn't want to fool around with someone unless you knew them a little better. And in this particular case, that meant you wanted to kiss Simon. 
There was silence from the man in front of you for the longest moment of your life. Then a soft huff. His hand left your hip, and for a wild moment you thought he'd back off and leave. 
But lips landed on yours, soft but unyielding. You gasped and he wasted no time, licking into your mouth and dominating the kiss. You made a soft noise and he pressed closer, thigh pressing between your legs and prompting another noise from you. 
"Good fucking girl," he rasped, low and pleased. You blinked your eyes open a little hazily to see the balaclava falling back into place, his eyes nearly black now. 
You twisted your wrists again, caught between the desire to ask him to let you go, and the urge to just… let him. It was kind of… nice. Maybe. Even just the thought had warmth gathering in your cheeks and elsewhere. 
"You do like this." His grip tightened ever so slightly, pulling your hands further up until you were up on your tiptoes, held firm between him and the door. "Fuck, dove. Too tempting." 
"Is that good or bad?" The question slipped out without your permission, and you nearly choked on your tongue. "I–sorry, I didn't mean–" 
"It's a good thing." Simon tipped his head, watching you closely. "You have no idea how good you look, do you?"
You couldn't answer that, just swallowing hard. But you didn't struggle. 
He hummed, thoughtful. "Bet you'll look even better in bed." He pulled away from you suddenly enough that you swayed, but his hands kept you steady. “Which door?”
“This one.” Still reeling a little, you walked into your bedroom. Frankly, you were amazed you stayed upright, between the desire pooling between your legs and the mortification trying valiantly to get a grip on your head. “I–Are you sure–” 
Simon’s hands landed on your hips again from behind, pulling you back into his chest. “Am I sure I want this?” he murmured, low and raspy. “I’m very sure, dove. Been sure since I saw you.” 
Heat flared and you squirmed a little, unsure what to do with your hands. (It’s not like you did this often. Or ever. Johnny had been the first time in a long time, and that was very different from this.) 
“Want help getting rid of these?” Simon tugged at your shirt and skirt, clothed nose brushing against your cheek. 
“I… maybe?” You hated how uncertain you sounded. 
Simon must have heard it too because he slowed, hands rubbing small, warm circles into your hips. “You can always say no,” he rumbled. “Always. Right?”
“Right,” you breathed, somehow reassured. “Then… Yes. Please.” 
“Good girl.” He hummed, fingers making quick work of the buttons on your shirt, though he left it hanging open for now. Your skirt puddled on the floor at your feet moments later. "Now, unless you tell me to stop, I'm gonna ravish that gorgeous neck, and I'm going to fuck you."
The sound you made was embarrassingly loud, and your eyes slammed closed in mortification. But Simon just groaned softly, his hands on your hips pulling your back tight to his front so you could feel his bulge. 
"Too sweet, dove," he rumbled into your ear, pulling you into a slow grind back against him. "Gonna let me ruin you?"
You gasped as his fingers shoved your panties down, straying over the newly-bared skin. "Y-yes." 
Your shirt hit the floor on the other side of the room, and a moment later your bra followed. Teeth nipped at the skin just behind your ear as those big, warm hands cupped your breasts. 
"Let's see how loud you can be for me," he growled, breath warm on your ear, before he bit down on the junction of your neck and shoulder. Your yelp caught somewhere between pain and desire, and you didn't want to admit how much you enjoyed that.
Between his fingers toying with your nipples and his teeth leaving marks in your neck, it didn't take long for you to start whimpering, squirming against him and reaching one hand back behind you. You paused when your fingers touched the fabric of his balaclava, hesitating. 
"Just don't pull it off," he grunted, lips barely parting from your skin. "But if you need something to hold on to…" His hands slid back down to your hips, guiding you forward. You sucked in a breath when he more or less gently pushed you forward until your knees bumped your bed. One big hand at the nape of your neck guided your head down until your hands hit the bed and fisted in the blankets, holding you upright. "Fuckin' perfect, dove." 
You squirmed again, far too warm, aching for more. "Simon…" 
"Easy, dove." His hand smoothed from the nape of your neck all the way down your back in one long stroke, easy and warm. "I got ya." His teeth set against the nape of your neck, making you shiver, even as one big finger pressed into you. Your high-pitched noise would have been embarrassing if you had the brain power to think. As it was, everything had narrowed down to the two of you and your bed. 
And then he bit down on the knob of your spine and you whined, arching your back and pushing yourself back on his finger. The low sound he made vibrated against your skin. 
"Fuck," you gasped, fingers curling tighter in the blankets, dropping your head. "Big fingers." 
He chuckled, low and rumbling, nudging his nose against the mark undoubtedly blooming on your skin. "Better get used to it," he growled, sliding a second finger in. 
You gasped, wiggling your hips. Even just two fingers was a bit of a stretch, but it felt good. He felt good. Even the pain seemed to heighten the pleasure, making you more aware. His fingers curled in you, pulling a high moan from your throat. 
"Could listen to you all night," he breathed against the skin of your back. He nipped at one spot, sharp and stinging, followed by a soothing swipe of his tongue. 
"Maybe not all night," you muttered and then squeaked at a harder thrust from his fingers. 
"Still have the energy to mouth off, huh?" He sounded amused, free hand sliding around to your front and down. "See how long that lasts." He scissored his fingers in you, stretching you wider, before setting a relentless pace. You quickly lost what little coherence you had, hips moving with his fingers, jerking when he pressed against your clit. "Much better," he purred low against your skin. 
Your elbows gave out, sending your face into the bed and muffling your whines. His fingers just felt too good, hitting all the right spots in you and filling you deliciously. 
"One more, dove," he murmured, lips trailing up behind your ear. "You can take it." 
He didn't give you time to object (not that you would have), sliding a third finger in you. You gasped and shivered hard, eyelashes fluttering, pushing your hips back onto his fingers. You were so close, whining softly. 
"Good fucking girl," he growled, low and rasping just behind your ear. 
You gasped as your orgasm washed over you, clenching down tight around his fingers. His fingers didn't slow in you until you were whining from overstimulation, trying to jerk your hips away. Then he pulled his fingers from you with a lewd noise. 
"Still want more?" He asked, almost gentle. His lips brushed the shell of your ear. 
"Just… gimme a sec," you murmured, still panting. Your thighs felt a little quivery. 
One big hand smoothed down your back. "Take your time," he murmured. 
You calmed slowly, listening to him behind you. You could hear his buckle clink, then a rip of plastic. 
"Better?" Simon asked softly, his hand coming back to the nape of your neck. 
"Mmhm." You blinked slowly, warmth curling in your belly again. 
"Move up." He tapped your thigh, gently guiding you up until you were on your hands and knees on the bed. His weight dipped the mattress behind you, his gaze an almost physical weight. 
You breathed slowly, tipping your head to glance back at him. He hadn't undressed, just pushing his pants and boxers out of the way, condom already on. 
"Ready?" He asked, hand squeezing your hip. 
For a moment, just a moment, you wondered what the hell you were doing. You didn't do stuff like this. But, well, he'd already been so good with his fingers…
So you nodded, bracing yourself a little more firmly. "Ready." 
"Atta girl." He leaned down, the brief press of a kiss to the top of your spine surprising you, before he shifted behind you. The tip of his cock notched into place, and you tried to focus on your breathing as he pushed into you, slow and steady. The angle let you feel all of him, and you couldn’t hold back your moan if you tried. His hips pressed into your ass and he stilled, giving you a few moments. 
“Simon–” you started, only to gasp as he pulled back, just as slow and steady. 
“Yes, dove?” He sounded smugly amused, hands firm on your hips. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, trying to squirm and only succeeding in getting him to hold you tighter. 
“Gettin’ there.” His hips hit your ass again, still moving slow. This was a unique kind of torture, letting you feel him and do nothing else. 
“Simon, please,” you begged, trying to move your hips back against him. 
“Easy, dove.” Lips landed on the back of your shoulder, surprisingly tender. And then he bit down and you yelped, the pain-pleasure making you clench around him. His groan vibrated against your skin, the best kind of feedback loop. “Too tempting. You want more?” 
“Please.” You tipped your head to look back at him, not that you could see much - he’d pulled his mask up across his nose. 
He hummed acknowledgement and sat up again, holding still for a moment, adjusting his grip on you. Then he slammed into you, hard and fast, and you shouted. He didn’t relent even a little, holding you exactly where he wanted as he pounded into you. You could do nothing but hold tight to the sheets, keening. You could feel him so deep, almost achingly so, constantly riding the edge of pleasure and too much. 
He hissed out a curse and one of his hands moved, looping under you and across your chest to grab your opposite shoulder. You were about to ask what he was doing when he hauled you upright until you were leaning back into his chest, thighs spread wide over his. You choked on a gasp, one hand grabbing his forearm, your other reaching behind you for his hip. Based on the plush give under your fingers, you got his ass instead. 
Not that he minded, judging from the way his hips thrust up into you. 
“You’re gonna come just like this,” he growled in your ear, low and filthy, even as the hand on your hip slid lower and inwards until his fingers could press against your clit. His arm banded across your chest kept you from falling forward again with the force of his thrusts, and you tipped your head back against his shoulder. 
“Please,” you gasped, fingers tightening around him, nails digging into his skin. 
He groaned, low and rough, ducking his head enough to bite under your ear. It felt like he was everywhere - reaching so deep you half-thought he’d leave an imprint of himself behind, solid and hot against your back, fingers holding tight to your shoulder. He rubbed tight circles over your clit and you came with a high whine, shuddering against him. 
“Atta girl,” he muttered with a low groan. “Fuck!” He bit down on your shoulder, his hips stuttering before pressing up into you and stilling. 
You loosened your grip on him, blinking slowly as you calmed. “Sorry,” you murmured, stroking over the nail marks you’d left on his arm. 
He chuckled, holding you steady still. “Don’t have to apologize for that.”
“Still.” You gently tugged his arm until he released you with an amused huff. But you lifted his arm to kiss the marks. His breathing hitched behind you. 
“Well, if that’s how you apologize, won’t say no to that.” He was amused, his other hand patting your thigh. 
You smiled and kissed his palm. You couldn’t resist. “Need me to move?” 
“Nah. You’re good.” He freed his hand, tugging his mask back into place. 
This was… actually kind of nice. Feeling him soften inside you. Hmm. Something to explore later, maybe. 
Yeah. As if you’d ever have an opportunity like this again. 
But you did move after a minute, very carefully moving off of him before flopping face-first onto the bed. 
He huffed a laugh, patting your ass. “Don’t smother yourself,” was all he said before he stood, the bed shifting with his movement. You didn’t look, giving him a bit of privacy until you heard the bathroom door close. Then you tossed your clothes in the laundry bin and pulled on a sleep shirt. 
He emerged looking like nothing had happened, clothes righted. You kind of regretted that - you wanted some evidence on him, like he’d left at least a dozen marks on you. But you squashed that desire down, smiling up at him. 
“Thank you. For walking me home.” You paused. “And for all the rest.”
He huffed another laugh. “Any time, dove. Keep outta trouble.” 
You locked the front door again after he was gone and then stood there for a moment, back to the door, thinking back over the events of the night. Wow. Just wow. 
Not that you were objecting. 
“Simon,” Johnny growled into his ear. “Ye right bastard.”
“Distracted?” Simon purred, very smug as he walked back to their apartment. 
“I still have to close,” Johnny hissed. “Fuck. Fuck! Those sounds…”
“You were right.” Simon grinned under his balaclava. “She does make the sweetest sounds.”
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hellfirenacht · 8 months
Wing Man Part 3
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A/N: This fic is all vibes, no plot so it's hard to write lol. I have a few ideas now thanks to the wonderful @crocwork-clockodile and @hellfiredarling 💜
As usual, typos are fixed live and in post lol
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie. 
Chapter Summary: You really should be trying to flirt, but somehow you and Eddie can only ever talk about Chris Morrison.
5k words
Part 1 Part 2
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Steve did not show back up for at least a half hour after he ‘went to the bathroom’. Had you not been in your current situation, you would have made fun of him for being ‘backed up’ or something along those lines.
But in all honesty, you hardly even noticed that he was gone. When Eddie dropped the puck the world had faded into a whirlwind of clacking, yelling, and pitting children against each other. With the sudden death match, Dustin had won. You had taken Mike's place, giving him a condescending pat on the head. He hadn’t been pleased about the situation, but at least it kept him from saying whatever rule-grudge that he held against Eddie.
To your surprise, Eddie had stuck around to watch the match between you and Dustin. You tried not to be too nervous as the match went on, but your freshman friend was your saving grace even as he kicked your ass.
“Eddie’s been the leader of Hellfire for years now.” Dustin said, dropping the puck down and hitting it. “He’s always been the DM.”
“Except for Chris Morrison.” you said.
“Yeah except that guy.” Dustin nodded.
“He started the club, but I made it the merry band of bandits and misfits that it is today.” Eddie said, his hands resting against the side of the table, leaning forward. You’d only been chatting with him and Dustin for a few minutes, but you had quickly learned that Eddie was not the type to stay still for very long.
“You’re gonna get your finger smashed if you keep your hand there.” you said, glancing at how close his fingers were to the smooth surface of the rink. “You’re putting a lot of trust in geometry that this puck isn’t going to crush your hand. It’s already tried to kill me once.” You doubted that the heavy silver rings on his fingers would help at all.
Eddie looked down at his hands and pulled back, just in time for the puck to nearly hit where his fingers had been. “Shit, I didn’t even notice.”
“I notice everything.” You said, not noticing as Dustin smacked the puck at an angle that went directly into your goal. “I notice some things.”
Dustin laughed, and Eddie even grinned at the joke. With that point it was game set and match, or something like that.
“Alright, I’m going to go win some tickets now.” Dustin said, putting the clacker? Paddle? Not-Hockey Stick? Down. You still didn’t know what it was called, but luckily air hockey probably wouldn’t come up again later.
You expected Eddie to leave again, but instead he leaned back against the table, now free to let his fingers dangle without fear of being crushed.
“So you really were interested in Hellfire when you were still in school?” he asked, tilting his head over at you. That same distant and unreadable expression on his face. You really wished that you knew what he was thinking right now.
“Yeah, I saw you guys always having fun so I thought I wanted to try.” you said. “But, you know. Chris Morrison.”
“Forget about Chris Morrison.” Eddie turned towards you, standing upright and looking down at you. How did he feel so tall all of the sudden? How did he keep doing that? What magic switch was he able to turn on and off in his brain to make him go from ‘just a guy’ to ‘hey, I’m in charge here.’? “What made you have an interest in Dungeons and Dragons?”
“The dragons first, and then the dungeons.” It was the first thing that popped into your head, and you immediately realized it was maybe a little stupid and sarcastic. To be fair, you also were a little stupid and sarcastic, but with the way he was looking at you, Eddie wanted a real answer. The look on his face was actually a little funny, the way his whole face fell in annoyance.
Right, he didn’t know you. You didn’t know him. He was still trying to decide if you were some sort of friend or foe. You suspected that if Dustin hadn’t chatted with you so easily through your match with him Eddie wouldn’t have bothered talking to you more.
Maybe you should fire Steve and make Dustin your wing man instead.
He didn’t immediately leave though, which made you assume that you were being given a second chance to give him a real answer.
“Alright, I played a lot of make-believe as a kid.” you said. “Then as I got older, people stopped playing, but I wasn’t ready to be done. Then when I heard about this club where you could play make-believe again, I thought it would let me have that feeling again. I thought it’d be cool to, I don’t know, have people to play with again.”
It was a childish answer, but it was a real one. Everything in your life after middle school had been a steady monotonous stream of ‘work, home, work, school, home, school function, work, home’.
“Hellfire Club isn’t Make-Believe Club.” Eddie said, still staring you down. “Yeah, it’s a fantasy game but we take it seriously. It’s not all princesses and fairy tales.”
Actually, this guy might be getting on your nerves now.
“You’re taking my answer awful personally.” you said, straightening up under his gaze. You didn’t care how intimidating he was trying to be right now, he had pissed you off. “You asked why I wanted to play, I gave you my answer. You don’t have to like it, but there it is.”
He seemed taken aback by your bluntness. He blinked, his round eyes shifting to something else. “You’re right.” he said finally with a subtle laugh. “That was a dick thing to say. I really sounded like Chris Morrison for a second.”
“Yeah, you did.” you agreed. “You always this cynical about people?”
“Well, when you’re the town freak it comes with the title.” he shrugged.
“Does it come with a sash too? Or perhaps a crown?”
“No, unfortunately Hawkins High didn’t have that in the budget this year.”
“You should take that up with the student council.”
“Or City Hall.”
He was smiling at you now, and you hated how that smile was brighter than any of the flashing lights of the arcade. The longer you looked at him, the more attractive he got. God, you were going to kill Steve for delivering something you couldn’t have.
Eddie’s demeanor changed as you two bantered, no longer on edge now. Now that he seemed sure that you weren’t here to cause problems or were just looking to laugh at the freaks, his stance was much more relaxed. You looked him over again, taking advantage of his gaze drifting to where two other members were hunched over an arcade cabinet.
He had long wavy brown hair, and you tried to place how you could have missed that in school. Surely you would have remembered someone like him, right? It felt so much like you were missing something, but you couldn’t place where you knew him. It was going to drive you insane.
“So it looks like I’m done here.” You jumped as Steve appeared behind you. You looked over at him, your face reading with panic at the idea of him ditching out on you now. Yeah, things were going a lot better without him here, and he had not been very helpful-
Okay, maybe he didn’t need to be here to help with your attempt to flirt but you still weren’t exactly eager to be left alone.
Eddie looked between the two of you and you turned to Eddie. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna see him off.” You said.
“Right, yeah.” Eddie nodded. He was on his guard again and you felt bad that Steve’s presence caused that.
Eddie and Steve looked at each other, a tension between the two of them. For five full seconds they just stared at each other with you in the middle, wondering what the actual fuck was going on.
That’s when Eddie threw up his hands over his hand in an imitation of horns and sputtered at Steve who was immediately taken aback. It was so out of left field, and you let out a laugh before covering your mouth and grabbing Steve and dragging him away towards the entrance.
“What was that about?” you asked as you two stepped outside. “And where the hell were you for the past half hour?”
“I was giving you space because you weren’t going to get anywhere with me around.” Steve said, looking back over his shoulder. Eddie had disappeared into the arcade with his club. “He really does live up to his nickname.”
“Nickname? You’re trying to set me up with a high schooler with a nickname?” You sighed.
“Yeah, and you were basically drooling over him the whole time you were talking so, you know, you’re welcome about that.” Steve said. “Everyone called him a freak in school so, Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson.”
“Yeah, he mentioned something about being the town freak.” you said. “Why’s he a freak exactly?”
Steve tilted his head, as if he couldn’t tell if you were joking or serious. “He runs a club called Hellfire, plays that weird game you and Dustin keep talking about, and just- look at him! With the long hair and the chains and metal patches.”
“According to you, I was looking at him.” you snorted. “So he plays games and dresses differently and has taste in music. Doesn’t make him a freak.”
“Right, I forgot you’re a total weirdo who’d be into that.”
“He was your idea!”
Steve couldn’t argue with that. All the things that he would have found off putting to him in high school now seemed to parallel and fit with someone who he now considered a close friend. He’d been wrong about a lot in the past year, maybe he’d been wrong about Eddie too.
“So are you gonna actually flirt with him when I leave or are you just gonna stand there and make small talk?” Steve asked, crossing his arms. “I introduced you two, at least tell me you’re going to put in the effort.”
You winced and glanced back to the arcade, you couldn’t see Eddie but you knew he was still in there.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Steve gawked at you. “This whole thing was your idea and you’re not even going to try?”
“Listen, Steve, I like him. I do. That’s the problem. You actually hit the nail on the head, and he is absolutely my type.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“I’m not his type.” you admitted. “See, I know guys like Eddie. I’ve fallen for guys like Eddie. Funny thing about a lot of male weirdos, freaks, and outcasts, is that they still loooove themselves some popular girls. Girls like that love them because they’re trying to either fix them or piss off their parents. Freak guys don’t like weirdo girls.”
“You’re being the biggest dingus in the world and I think you’re full of shit.” Steve said bluntly. “Nice try, but you’re gonna go in there and flirt with him. Did he actually say that he was into that type?”
“Well, no but-”
“But nothing!” Steve sighed. “Listen, you’re cute, okay? I’ve seen what you look like when you’re not at work.” He gestured to your outfit. “If I took you to a party or a bar I’d be able to help you get at least six numbers by the end of the night.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “So why are you so bent out of shape about Eddie?”
“Because you’re picky, and you’re my friend.” It was a surprisingly nice sentiment. “I’m fine dating around while I figure out what I want, but you’re not the same. You need someone who is going to understand what you’re talking about, and he is the only person in Hawkins who would also bite a head off a bat.”
“You know, everyone wants to talk about how Ozzy bit the head off a bat but no one wants to talk about how that whole thing actually happened-” you started.
“Nope. Not me. Don’t tell me, tell him.” Steve cut you off. “I should be telling you that talking about biting animal heads is not the best way to flirt but he might be into it. Just promise me you’ll at least try okay?”
Steve gave you a pleading look, and you couldn’t say no. You didn’t have the heart to. He was right, you’d given up before you’d even tried. Steve went out of his way to hand pick a potential date for you, someone he never would have even bothered talking to before. You had to try.
You breathed in the cool night air deeply, holding it before exhaling slowly. “Alright, I’ll try.” you promised.
“I expect you to tell me everything tomorrow!” Steve said as he started walking towards the parking lot you found yourself following him, your body reacting to all the times you two had parked next to each other at work.
“Yeah, yeah, you get first dibs on any kiss and tell!” you shot back. “After the details you gave me from your dates, I promise I’ll be worse.”
Steve pulled you in and gave you a hug, and you squeezed him tightly in return. You never would have thought that Steve Harrington of all people would end up such a good friend, but you were glad he was there. You two said your goodbyes before he got into his car. You waited until he’d pulled safely out of the parking lot before turning back into the arcade.
Just go in there, crash the Hellfire Club meeting again, and shamelessly flirt with Eddie Munson. Three things, that’s all you needed to do.
You pushed the doors of the arcade open and walked back inside.
You wander around the arcade.
You’re alone.
There was no sign of Eddie or any of the Hellfire Club. You were completely alone in the arcade now and there was a pang in your stomach. You had told Eddie you’d be right back, but he was gone. Maybe your comment about still wanting to play had totally fucked over your chance to talk to him more after all.
You made your way back outside, just in time to see a van peel out of the parking lot. Your eyes widened when you saw Dusting looking out the window with an apologetic look and mouthing what you assumed to be the word “Sorry”.
Eddie must have gathered up the club to go somewhere else. You wanted to be fine, you wanted to shrug it off as you had every other time you’d failed to impress a guy, but you felt disappointed. Really disappointed. Sure you’d only talked to the guy for a half hour, most of which was spent talking trash as you all played air hockey, but you’d had fun. More fun than you’d had in a while with a guy, Steve notwithstanding.
It felt like Chris Morrison all over again.
You sighed to yourself and made your way to the car. Of course the second you wanted to try you ended up alone again.
Well, that killed it for tonight. You pushed the rejection out of your mind and made your way back to your own car, thinking about how you were going to tell Steve that you’d blown your chance.
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Eddie Munson didn’t know what to make of the fact that Steve Harrington of all people was at the arcade. Popular? Played sports? Someone like him didn’t hang around at the arcade, not under any normal circumstances. The only thing that made sense about him being there was that he was with a girl, one that didn’t match up with the normal type that someone like Steve should be dating.
He had planned on avoiding Steve, choosing to focus on his club rather than antagonize the former king of Hawkins high. Really, he did. But then that shrimp Henderson had made his way over to Steve and his date. The kid already talked about Steve too much as it was, always going on about how cool he was while also dodging questions about how the two had met and become friends. Eddie had long since given up on asking about it, not that he cared. Not that he was jealous that the kid he was growing to see like a little brother already had another older male friend in his life.
That wasn’t Eddie’s style.
But this was Hellfire Club, and Eddie wasn’t about to lose another member to the dark side. Dustin had been looking forward to this rare gathering of the club outside of school, more than usual actually. He’d been wearing that same shit eating grin he always did when he was about to pull some bullshit at the table. Now Eddie knew why.
This little shit was trying to introduce him to Steve. Dustin talked Steve up so much, and now he just happened to be here on a date the same time as Sidequest Day? That was too convenient. Eddie shouldn’t have been surprised that Dustin was trying to bridge his friends together, but he was.
So, when Eddie saw Dustin watching Steve and his date chatting and playing Q*bert, he could have ignored the bait. He should have ignored the bait. But then Chris Morrison’s name was mentioned, and curiosity got the best of him.
Plus how could he ever resist talking shit about Chris Morrison.
So he walked up to the group, fully prepared to make agonzing small talk with Steve for thirty seconds before dragging Henderson away to focus on the real reason he was there. It wasn’t often that everyone had the time or money to come to the arcade like this, and Eddie had been lucky enough to make a special sale that day to some senior from the art department. He didn’t often have spending money for something like the arcade. He’d prefer to go to the movies or get his supply from Rick or buy anything to maintain his guitars, or upkeep of his van. Arcade time with Hellfire was something that happened once a semester at best, with the promise of him giving out advantages during the campaign he was running.
“Henderson is right. Morrison was the biggest asshole that Hellfire has ever seen. Worst DM too.” Eddie said, glancing between Dustin with a warning glare and Steve with a weary look.
He didn’t expect you, the girl playing the cabinet, to be the one to speak up. You knew Chris? This night kept getting weirder. When Eddie turned to Steve, to ask about what he was doing at the arcade, just to appease Dustin, Steve directed his attention back to you.
That made more sense, Steve Harrington wouldn’t be at an arcade on a Saturday night unless there was a girl involved.
When you turned around to face him, he noticed the way your eyes looked him down and up quickly. That was something he was used to with most people in Hawkins. They’d size him up just so that they could try and tear down the freak. There was a look in your eyes that he couldn’t quite catch before it turned into one of... disappointment? Discomfort? Shit, it was all the same to him.
Dustin made quick introductions of everyone, and Eddie was surprised when you offered your hand so easily despite the look in your eyes. Well, at least you were polite. It hadn’t even been two minutes and Eddie was already itching to get back to spending time with his club rather than crashing whatever meeting Dustin had clearly planned here.
But he’d be polite, humor the kid for just a second. If Dustin wanted him to meet Steve, then Eddie would be the contrarian and make small talk with his date instead.
You two would have graduated the same year, had Eddie not been held back. Yeah, it was starting to come back to him. He remembered you.
And that was enough of socializing with the upper class for the night. Eddie started directing Dustin back to club activities before Steve spoke up again.
“So, my friend here actually had an interest in Hellfire Club back in the day.”
It could have been left at that, but Eddie was getting more and more irritated over this situation. He looked at you, who looked like a deer in the headlights. Of course, Dustin might have seen something in Steve but he was no different now than he was back then.
“Really?” Eddie said. “And what about our little club was so interesting to you?”
He shot a glare to Steve, but looked down at you with a frown. You’d always seemed nice at school, but he’d made that mistake before. Eddie always liked the groups that kept to themselves and didn’t whisper behind his back or cause trouble for his friends. It was a shame he had been wrong about you.
But when you answered awkwardly about asking Chris to join, there was something in the way you spoke that was genuine. Either you were a really good actress, or you were being serious about it. Eddie might have been the biggest cynic in Hawkins, but he always did have a weakness to cute girls.
The conversation fizzled out quickly, and as much as Eddie didn’t mind talking to you he still wasn’t interested in crashing your date or getting to know Steve at this time. Not when his club started going wild across the room as Lucas was scoring big at a game.
So he turned around and left the two of you alone, running off to see what the jackpot prize was that Lucas had claimed.
For about ten minutes everything went back to normal. He was in the middle of an intense racing game against Jeff, when suddenly he heard Dustin screaming for him, causing his car to spin out and lose spectacularly.
Tonight was not going well at all for Eddie Munson.
Pushing down his irritation, he could hear it in Henderson’s voice that he was about to start trouble again. Of course as he made his way over to the hockey table, there you and Steve were again. Great. Eddie was so excited to be the third wheel during his club’s meet up.
But then Steve disappeared to take a shit. Well, he didn’t say that exactly but it made Eddie feel better to think of Steve having a miserable time in the bathroom. Jealous? No. Not at all.
Maybe a little.
You didn’t seem to like that Steve had left you, and Eddie figured you were uncomfortable without your date around. Dustin only ever talked Steve up, but had never mentioned you to his knowledge.
When the puck went flying towards your face a moment later, Eddie’s eyes widened with shock as you caught it with a laugh. The way you spoke to Wheeler and Henderson was familiar, as if you’d met them before. How did they know you? You were cuter when you were laughing with his friends.
As Eddie watched the chaos of you bantering with his freshmen, his mind wandered to what you would have looked like in the darkness of the prop department wearing the Hellfire shirt. With how easily you got along with Henderson and Wheeler he was sure you would have fit in.
Damn Chris Morrison and damn Steve Harrington.
He snapped out of his thoughts when you spoke up, a glint in your eyes as you handed over the puck.
“What say you, Eddie of Hellfire?” The way you spoke to him, a hint of a laugh in your voice but not in the normal mocking way he’d hear from others at school, made him break out into an unabashed grin as he took the puck.
“Sudden death it is.”
Making small talk with you was easy, and it wasn’t long until Eddie had forgotten about Steve completely as Dustin decided to bridge the gap between the two of you. You were the assistant manager at Family Video, had helped Dustin and Mike with homework on occasion, and were a regular at the Rocky Horror Picture Show that played at the seedy theater on the outskirts of town.
Eddie was starting to like you more the more the three of you chatted. When the topic od D&D came back up, your answer had struck a chord with him.
“I wasn’t done playing.”
Those words would tumble around in the back of his mind for the rest of the evening. They had been honest, raw words. There was a weight to them that he’d carried himself for a long time. Growing up with Al Munson didn’t exactly give him the idyllic childhood that one would see in movies or tv. Play time wasn’t exactly a priority when you were just trying to fucking survive.
He’d challenged your answer, when he knew in his cynical heart that he was the same. Between Hellfire and his band, there wasn’t much else he had going for personal enjoyment. Of course there was time to hang out with his friends and the occasional odd night where he crashed at Rick’s place when his home with Wayne felt too small or cramped.
Eddie wanted to ask you what you’d play, if you ever did have a chance to join a campaign. He wondered if you enjoyed fantasy the same way he did, if you were a fighter, a spell caster, or a healer.
Then Steve showed back up.
Right, you were here with Steve on a date. A date that had way too much fiber and had probably exploded the toilet while he left you hanging for going on forty minutes now. And now Harrington decided that the date was over? Jesus, this guy didn’t know what he was missing out on. Eddie felt for you, he’d been on his share of bad dates in the past too, and bad nights that he wished were dates.
He shook the image of Paige out of his head.
You gave him a smile as you said goodbye. Well, you said you’d be back in a moment but Eddie knew that the night was over. You walked out of the Arcade with Steve, and that would be that.
Sidequest day was always short, with limited spending money between members and the machines eating quarters like candy. Soon his little sheepies were gathered around him again, talking about their winnings and who deserved to get some sort of perk for the game. It was almost unanimously decided that it would go to Lucas, after he’d nearly broken the basketball machine from how fast he had been throwing balls.
Eddie still had a bill burning a hole in his pocket, having spent more time talking to you than playing games. He had to get this weird night out of his mind, and turned towards the group, knowing that he was going to regret this.
“Whoever has any money left, pool it in I’ll take us to get pizza.” He said. This was followed by cheers and a scrambling of pulling out loose quarters, dimes, and even a five that Gareth forgot he had in his wallet. Eddie lead them all towards the parking lot, his eyes scanning the parking lot for you.
You and Steve were chatting by his car and laughing the same way that you had laughed with him before Steve pulled you into a tight hug. Maybe your date wasn’t a bust after all. Eddie didn’t know why he cared, this was only the third time you’d met. You didn’t know him.
Dustin nudged Eddie, that same smug grin on his face.
“Pretty fun night, huh, Eddie?” he said.
“Your plan didn’t work, shrimp.” Eddie said. “I know you were trying to set something up and I’m not interested.”
Dustin looked surprised, and looked like he was going to argue but a sharp glare from Eddie shut him up. Eddie never had an interest in meeting Steve, and it was clear Steve felt the same way, going so far as to ditch his date to hide in the bathroom the whole time. Eddie didn’t know what the kid saw in Harrington but Eddie was less than impressed.
“Geeze, sorry.” Dustin sighed. “I thought you two would get along.”
“You know, a little humility wouldn’t hurt you.” Eddie said before grabbing his shoulder. “Next time you decide I have to meet someone, don’t make it during Hellfire, mk?”
Dustin looked disappointed but nodded as everyone piled illegally in the back of Eddie’s van. As long as Eddie didn’t drive like a madman (a difficult feat) it would be safe enough. He’d put the seats down to haul equipment years ago, and never could get them to come back up. He could fix it if he wanted, but there was never a real reason to.
As everyone got settled, Dustin looked over at Mike with a shrug. The two of them had thought that things were going well between the two of you, but the look in Eddie’s eyes had said otherwise now.
“Maybe she just wasn’t his type?” Mike said, as the rest of the club chatted. “Eddie doesn’t really talk about those things anyway. Maybe he doesn’t even want a girlfriend.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t see the way they were talking. Even if he wasn’t into her like that, they were still getting along.” Dustin sighed and shifted to look out the window as Eddie started up the van. Everyone in the back held on for dear life as Eddie started out of the parking lot.
As they passed your car, Dustin caught your eye just as you stepped out looking dejected.
“Sorry” Dustin mouthed to you.
It had been a bust tonight, but something felt off. Why would Eddie have such a clearly good time talking to you, just to turn around and say he wasn’t interested?
Dustin made a mental note to drop into Family Video tomorrow to talk to you and Steve.
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Part 4
Dividers by @strangergraphics
Tag list: @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @mistonk @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated
Comments and reblogs help me know that y'all read and enjoy it, which feeds my excitement to write!
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findmeintheferns · 1 year
your bestfriend’s roommate
(part one)
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𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: you’ve had the same plug for years, but he wasn’t replying & you were desperate. your bestfriend had been wanting you to switch to her roommate for ages so fuck it. problem is though, you weren’t expecting her to be this attractive…
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: a lil bit of smut, drug use (weed), slowish burn, kinda boring sorry lol writers block
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 2.2 k
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: dealer ellie williams (TLOU) x reader (y/n)
You stare down at your phone for the 100th time only to once again get met with a blank screen. It had been 5 whole hours yet still nothing. You tried not to let it bother you but at this point you were well and truly feeling impatient. You groan, flipping the phone over so you can no longer fixate on it.
Dina notices your frustration, “I’ve told you so many times that my friend is a way better plug, she replies almost instantly. Plus, she’s in my dorm, you can visit me & stock up at the same time.”
You’ve heard this spiel before, but you weren’t sold on it. You liked having a dealer that was strictly business, you’ve never been one to want to stay and chat, you just want to get your weed so you can go home & get high as soon as possible. Plus, you’ve had the same dealer for over 2 years now, going to someone else would be like a betrayal.
You go to reply but Dina beats you to it,
“Yeah, yeah I know. You guys have an unbreakable bond or whatever.”
You give her a small smile, “I mean hey if he doesn’t reply in the next hour, I might get desperate. I told Alex we could smoke & get ice-cream tonight.”
Dina lets out a snort, “Oof yeah, you’ll definitely be needing the weed if you’re spending the night hanging out with him.”
You roll your eyes, not wanting to reply to her snarky comment. You had nearly been dating for nearly a year, but she still hated him. She never really liked him in the first place, she says ‘his vibe is off’, whatever that means. After a little incident with his best friend Mia however, her dislike turned to hatred. Nothing bad even happened, you overreacted. They hung out, you weren’t aware, and you walked in on them hugging. You got upset at first yeah, but he reassured you that it meant nothing, that she was having a bad day and it was just a simple hug. You believe him, so that’s that.
Dina grabs your phone from off the table, distracting you from your thoughts.
“Just let me put her number in your contacts in case okay? Her name’s Ellie.”
“Fineeeee. I need to go anyway. If I don’t study for this exam I’m screwed, I slept through like half of the lectures.” You sigh, stressed about all the content you have to somehow remember over the span of a few days.
Dina pulls you into a hug, “You’re terrible. Good luck with that, I love you dumbass.”
You pull away and laugh at your brutally honest friend as she begins to walk away, “Yeah, yeah, I love you too I guess.”
You grab your bag, placing a tip under your now empty coffee cup before leaving the little café.
You stare at the clock, it’s an hour before you’re meant to meet Alex and your dealer still hasn’t replied.
“Ughhhhhhh. Whatever. Fine. Fuck it.” you murmur, pulling out your phone.
You really didn’t feel like texting a new dealer, you’re pretty introverted already and it seemed like a lot of effort. But what were you supposed to do.
You unlock your phone and open contacts, Ellie’s profile popping up straight away. You send a short text, introducing yourself as Dina’s friend and asking if she had anything to sell tonight, you weren’t in a place to be picky.
To your surprise it was only 5 minutes before you received a reply. Her response was short too;
ellie: yeah, i’ve got a bunch. do you want to come here & pick up? that way you can decide what you want
y/n: oh okay, sure. what time?
ellie: now?
y/n: okay. see u in 5.
ellie: you know where to find me
You did appreciate that she didn’t drag out the conversation, but you were still nervous about meeting someone new. Dina’s dorm room is only a short walk from yours which you couldn’t lie, was pretty convenient if Ellie did become your new dealer. Once you arrive at the door you stop for a moment and take a deep breath in, hoping the conversation would be as short as it always was with your normal dealer. If only Dina was here to make things less awkward, but she had volleyball on tonight.
You knock and the door opens instantly. Suddenly your whole body completely stiffens as your eyes meet the girl opening the door. You know you should be speaking right now, but you’re weren’t mentally prepared for this. She looked absolutely nothing like you had imagined. You don’t know why but you kinda assumed she’d be on the gross & dodgy side. She was in fact the complete opposite. She was wearing baggy grey sweatpants and a tank top that hugged her body. Her short brown hair was half tied up in a little knot, her fringe falling over her face. She must of been getting ready for bed. You really wish Dina had gone into more detail when describing her, you weren’t prepared for her to be this…well, attractive, for lack of better words.
“Y/n? You here to pick up yeah?” Ellie’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, yeah, sorry. Yes I am” you quickly respond, kinda embarrassed about the pause.
“All good, come in and I’ll get you what you need. Sorry about the mess.”
You walk inside the dorm, you had been in there before obviously, but not while Ellie was there. You never even really payed attention to her side of the room yet now you can’t take your eyes off it.
“So, what are you after? I’ll see if I have some.” Ellie asks
“Honestly I don’t mind. Whatever’s your favourite at the moment”
You don’t want to drag this out, you need to head to Alex’s soon and you already feel awkward from the previous interaction.
“Hmmm. Probably blue dream then, it’s mostly Sativa. Really helps with relaxing.”
You shrug “I trust you.”
She puts your weed into a small ziplock baggie and you pay. You quickly try and say goodbye as you walk towards the door but she stops you
“Yeah you’re gonna have to stay at least for a little longer.”
Confused, you stare at her blankly, “Umm, why?”
She returns your glare, “Have you never picked up before or something?”
This kinda offends you and you don’t really know why.
“Yes I have. For your information my dealer just isn’t responding tonight. This is a one off.”
Ellie scoffs, “Huh, lemme guess. Derek is your dealer?”
This takes you back for a moment,
“Yeah… how do you know that?”
She laughs, relaxing her stance and moving to lean back onto her bed.
“Makes sense why you don’t know pick up etiquette. You need to stay here for a little so it doesn’t look sus. Otherwise cops will catch on, just like with your friend Derek. He was lazy and now he’s screwed. You definitely won’t be hearing from him for a while.”
Great. Well that makes sense why he wasn’t responding. You sigh and flop down onto Dina’s bed, staring up at the roof. You really don’t feel like staying here for any longer.
“Aww, am I that terrible to hang out with?”
You roll your head to stare at her, but she’s already looking at you. You wonder what she’s thinking.
“It’s not that” You lie, because it kinda is. “I’m just meant to be meeting up with Alex right now”
She laughs to herself again, “Oh that’s right, Alex, your boyfriend.”
“What’s funny about that? How do you even know that?” you retort, pissed off at this point.
“No, no, nothing. Dina told me is all.” She smiles
You sit up, ready to leave, “Right, well, I need to go. Thanks for the weed.”
You move towards the door but once again Ellie stops you before you can open it.
“Hey, I’m sorry” She says softly “I didn’t meant to upset you, stay a little longer and have a joint.”
The way she’s looking at you makes your stomach churn, but not in a bad way. There’s something so endearing about her, even when she’s pissing you off.
“I really should go, I’ll be late” You respond, trying to not be tempted by the offer.
“It’s on me, just because I annoyed you” she smirks.
You know you should decline, but it’s a lot harder than it would seem.
“Fine. One joint”
So, you didn’t just have one joint, you both shared quite a few. You weren’t sure if it was just the weed that made being around Ellie more manageable, but you were actually having fun. You unintentionally lost track of time, talking about anything and everything. Ellie told you all about her Astronomy major and her favourite astronaut, Sally Ride. You told her about how much you hated math and your inability to focus during lectures. You had moved closer together so that you were both laying down, squished on the same bed staring at the roof. Ellie turned her head to face yours,
“You look pretty stoned” she whispered, a big grin on her face.
She was so close to you it made you nervous, but also kinda excited. She looked incredibly attractive, you kept trying to deny it, but you couldn’t help it. The way she held herself, the way she spoke, her looks, all of it was pulling you in even though you knew it shouldn’t.
You giggled, wanting to reply with a snarky comment but being too high to think of one. You went to take the joint from her, but got distracted by the tattoo on her arm. It was pretty big, it was some sort of moth and a fern. You followed it down until it ended, stopping at her hand. You intertwined your fingers with hers, lifting it up so you could get a better look.
“What?” she laughed, confused as to what you were trying to do.
You didn’t think, you just spoke, “You have really attractive hands Ellie”
For a moment she looked taken back by your comment, but she was too high too overthink it. She moved so that her body was on top of yours, your hands still connected. You felt yourself getting wet, too horny to think about the consequences of what was happening right now. She grinded her thigh into your pussy causing your eyes to roll back as you let out a soft moan. She leaned down and pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah?” she whispered, replying to your previous statement “You should see what they can d-“
Ellie was cut off by the sound of ringing. Fuck. You jerk up, grabbing your phone. Surely enough, it was Alex calling. What had you done.
“Fuck, fuck-fuck-fuck” you mumble under your breath, picking up the phone call.
Alex: “Y/n? You okay?”
Y/n: “Alex I’m so sorry I was studying and I must have fallen asleep.”
Alex: “Ah, no weed then?”
Y/n: “No weed, I’m sorry. Rain check?”
Alex: “All good, love you.”
Y/n: “Love you.”
You felt incredibly guilty, probably the most guilty you’ve ever felt in your life. How could you lose track of time like that? How could you act on impulse like that?
Ellie broke you out of your train of thought “Shit. I don’t even know how that happened. Y/n? Are you okay? Fuck I’m sorry.”
You knew you had to leave before you made an even more regrettable decision. Quickly grabbing your stuff you began to walk to the door,
“All good. I need to go. Thanks, erm, for the weed”
Ellie tries to say something else but it’s too late, you are out of the dorm in no time, almost sprinting back to your room.
That night you got barely any sleep, mad at yourself for taking things so far. You knew it was wrong, so why did you feel yourself wanting more.
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writingmingyu · 6 months
Fade Into You
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Title: Fade into You Pairing: Joshua x Gender-Neutral!Reader Genre: Fluff, childhood friends to lovers Summary: After drunkenly agreeing to meet an online friend in real life for the first time, you discover this wasn’t the first time you’d met. Word count: 4.8k plus 2
Author’s Note: This was part of the @svthub Fall-ing for You collab! I had fun writing this as it's something different for me. I wanted to give off Gilmore Girls vibes with this and I think I achieved it.
I hope you enjoy reading! And don't forget to check out all the other fics that are part of this collab!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
You double-checked your appearance in the rearview mirror before taking a deep breath and leaving the car. You were about to go on your first blind date in forever and you were freaking out. 
Well it wasn't entirely blind, you had been talking to JH48536 for about a month now and finally had the confidence - or too much wine - to agree to meet in person. You were just worried it was going to be a disaster. 
Everyone had warned you that meeting up with someone from an online chat room was dangerous. You had about six friends in a group chat on standby ready to jump in and save you at a moment's notice. Even as you walked through the parking lot towards the cafe you spotted Soonyoung and Minghao chilling in Soonyoung's car. 
Subtle. You texted Minghao as you opened the cafe door. 
Just say the word and we'll create a diversion. Was the response you got back. You shook your head with a smile before pocketing your phone, imagining Minghao running into the cafe with ketchup on his face yelling that there was some kind of crash outside. Soonyoung would be lying in the middle of the street. 
You open the door to the cafe and are immediately hit with the warmth and smell of coffee beans. You loved coming into a cosy space after being out in the autumn air, no matter how little or how long you were outside. You approach the counter and read the specials board, just as someone is calling out the name of the next person’s order.
You’re head turns on instinct to look for who this Joshua might be. It couldn’t be, you thought to yourself as you scanned the room. But sure enough, it was as if you had materialised him from thin air.
Joshua Hong stood up from the corner of the room and made his way to the counter. He was taller and his hair was darker, but there was no mistaking this man. It was Joshua, your Joshua. The same Joshua you had been best friends with when you were ten years old. The one you had kind of had a crush on but were too afraid to admit and then his family moved out of town and you never saw him again. Until now.
He smiled as he thanked the waitress for his coffee, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. He still had the same mischievous smirk that used to get you two into plenty of trouble as kids.
“Joshua?” You say, catching his attention before he heads back to his seat.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Joshua walked over to give you a hug. It had been ten years, but he still smelt the same as you remembered, like toasted almonds and sandalwood.
“What’re you doing here?” You were still in a bit of a daze when you separated. Your heart beating faster and a flush coming to your cheeks. You hadn’t really thought about Joshua since he’d moved away but now he was standing in front of you and memories came flooding back.
“I just moved back into town, I was actually thinking about you the other day.”
“Really?” You cursed yourself for sounding hopeful.
“Yeah, I was wondering if you still lived here. And here you are.”
“Here I am,”
“Do you wanna hang out for a bit? I’m supposed to be meeting someone but they’re not here yet.”
“Yeah sure, let me just order some coffee first.”
Joshua headed back to his seat and you ordered a pumpkin spice latte. As you were waiting at the counter, your phone pinged with a message. It was just Soonyoung asking if everything was going okay, but you’d been distracted by your childhood friend reappearing that you’d completely forgotten why you were there.
Yeah, everything’s fine. He’s not here yet but ran into an old friend. You texted back.
You got your latte and went to sit down opposite Joshua. You still couldn’t believe he was back after all this time. But as you fell into conversation, it was almost as if you two had never been apart. You were instantly reminiscing about the past and all the adventures you had together.
“So I’m thinking I have been stood up,” Joshua says after a while. You had both finished your coffees and time had been ticking on.
“Oh, I totally forgot you were meeting someone!” Come to think of it, you were supposed to meet someone too. You check your phone to see a few messages in the group chat - Minghao had done a drive-by of the cafe window to scope out your ‘childhood friend’ and everyone was wondering if he was cute.
Pics??? Soonyoung had asked.
He’s definitely her type. Minghao had reported back to the group.
You rolled your eyes and opened up the app where you had been talking to your mystery man. Your heart almost stopped when you saw he was online, and you felt like time had slowed when you could see he was typing. This was definitely going to be a ‘sorry I can’t make it’ message. You had been talking with Joshua for at least half an hour, there was no way this guy was going to show up now.
“Is something wrong?” Joshua asked.
“Everything’s fine,” you say, the guy had stopped typing and you looked up to see Joshua had pulled out his own phone. “It’s just, I was supposed to meet someone too, and I was just checking to see if he had messaged, it looked like he was typing so I think he might’ve changed his mind.”
“Oh no, that sucks,” 
“It’s fine,” you tried to brush it off. It wasn’t the first time you’d been stood up, besides you had your friends outside so you wouldn’t be lonely. “Did you hear from the person you were supposed to meet?”
“I’m actually just going to send them a message now,” Joshua turned back to his phone and began typing again, you watched as he typed out his message and pressed send. Maybe he was having better luck than you were. “Maybe they didn’t see me in the corner.”
As Joshua puts his phone away, you’re phone pings with a message. Your heart is beating in your ears as you glance down, prepared for the worst.
Hey, I’m here but I got caught up talking with a friend - I don’t know if you’re here yet but just wanted to let you know I didn’t forget about our meeting today 🙂 We are in the corner of the cafe, just come over and say hi.
“Oh my God,” you whisper to yourself. You read the message a couple of times over before looking up at the man in front of you. Was Joshua the person you were supposed to meet today? This didn’t make any sense. You had been talking to this guy for weeks, surely you would have pieced together if you were talking to someone you knew? 
You looked at the username again and suddenly it clicked - JH48536 - Joshua Hong. How it hadn’t occurred to you before you had no idea. You had never asked this man his name, he had never asked for yours either and most of the time you just thought it was a random username with letters and numbers. You didn’t think it actually stood for anything.
“Joshua, is your online username JH48536?”
“Um…yes?” He responds looking confused.
“And did you just send a message saying you are with a friend and you didn’t forget about your meeting today?”
Joshua’s confused face turns to one of realisation as he pieces together what you’d just told him. “So you’re HopelessRomantic24893?” Your username was not your best, but you hated being put on the spot for that kind of thing.
You nod still in shock, thinking about when Joshua was talking to you online. He had mentioned something about his childhood best friend, he was sad that you’d never kept in touch after he moved and you had related to that saying you missed the old boy next door. It’s crazy how you never made the connection about each other before.
“That’s wild,” Joshua leans back in his chair. He was probably doing the same thing you were doing, trying to see if there were hints in your previous conversations about who you were. “I had no idea,”
“Me neither,” you wanted to laugh, it was a strange coincidence but you were relieved to know that you weren’t stood up and grateful that the person you met online wasn’t a total stranger.
“So what now?” 
“Well, I should probably text my friends and let them know you’re not a serial killer.” 
Joshua laughs, “how do you know it’s been a long time,”
“I feel like if you wanted to kill me, you would’ve lured me into a dark alleyway by now. Besides you didn’t know I was your mystery date,” you typed out a message to your friends that you were fine before stowing your phone away.
“True, but now I know, there’s still time.”
“Well, my friends know who you are now so I’d say reschedule the murder plans for another day.”
“I guess I’ll have to go with plan B.” Joshua gets up from his seat and holds out his hand. “Y/N, would you like to come with me on a trip to the town’s autumn fair?”
“I’d love to,” You take his hand and you head out of the cafe.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
You hadn’t been to the annual autumn fair since you were sixteen. It was the kind of thing that only appealed to families and elder people. It was held at the farm on the edge of town and the whole community came together to celebrate the harvest season. 
Before you step out of the car, you begin swiping away messages from the overactive group chat. Once you had told the boys, Joshua was your blind date they started freaking out and wanting more information. All you told them was you were safe and they could go home. But you couldn't help looking over your shoulder to see if Minghao and Soonyoung had followed you. They had to be around here somewhere, they weren’t going to leave without photos for the group chat.
"Wow, I haven't been here in forever." Joshua yawned, stretching his arms above his head. You couldn't help but notice his sweater ride up when he stretched, revealing some of his stomach. 
"Me neither," you replied, taking a breath and looking around. "Still looks the same though."
You had loved coming to the farm with Joshua as a child. You would compete in apple bobbing and he always won, chase each other through the corn maze and spend hours in the pumpkin patch choosing the perfect pumpkins for carving. 
"Where do we start?"
"Well, I don't know if apple bobbing is still your thing," you say as you pay for your entry fees. "But I think you still hold the record."
"No way, really?" Joshua's eyes lit up. "Let's go see."
You approached the apple bobbing stations by the barn. There were a group of kids huddled around a barrel trying to grab apples with their teeth. Looking back you realised it probably wasn't the smartest thing to be doing growing up, but it was tradition. 
The leaderboard was pinned to one of the barn doors and Joshua walked ahead to read it. 
"Joshua Hong, twelve apples." He read. "I was good."
"Y/N, three apples," you pointed at the bottom. "I shouldn't even be on there."
"Three's pretty good, considering." Joshua tilted his head toward the group of children. They probably had one apple between them.
"Apple bobbing is hard, you just have a big mouth."
"Nah you just didn't wanna get wet." 
"Getting a little wet never hurt anyone, you wanna go again?" The words come out of your mouth before you realise what you've said. It wasn't exactly the first date activity you had in mind, and you usually wouldn't be so forward but being around an old friend made things easier. If anything, it was your childhood competitiveness coming out. 
"I'm game if you are," Joshua was already shrugging out of his coat and scarf.
You rolled your eyes. "Game on," you pull your own scarf off and knelt down in front of a free barrel. 
"Y/N? Joshua Hong?" The woman who was supervising the apple bobbing came to stand in front of you. 
"Mrs McDonnell! Nice to see you!" Joshua smiled, he always was a charmer to people of authority, your old principal especially. 
"Don’t tell me you two are really going apple bobbing,” the principal looked down disapprovingly at both of you but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.
"Absolutely, we are. I came to defend my title.”
"Well, you know the rules, you have two minutes to get as many apples as possible. You can only use your teeth, no hands! I know you used to cheat Joshua.”
“So that’s how you have managed to get so many apples,” you should have known he was cheating but you were always too busy focusing on your own apple-bobbing attempts to notice.
“That’s not true! And I’ll prove it, right here, right now.” Joshua put his hands behind his back. 
“All right, I’ll be keeping a firm eye on you then.” Mrs McDonnell opened her phone to set a timer. “Your two minutes starts…. Now!”
You and Joshua both lean down towards the apples in the water, immediately being brought back to being ten years old, you begin to work an apple over to the edge of the barrel to try to bite into it. Joshua’s head was next to yours and you could feel him struggling next to you, he definitely cheated when you were children.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally had a good enough grasp on the apple with your teeth to pull it out of the water and you dropped down next to you. Before heading back in, you took a few seconds to watch Joshua. He was trying the same technique as you and was furiously biting at an apple trying to get enough of a grip to lift it, but it kept floating away.
“Not so easy without your hands, is it?” You smirk.
“You’re just a square for playing by the rules.” Joshua shot back, finally managing to grasp the apple with his teeth and pull it out of the water.
“Thirty seconds left!” Mrs McDonnell calls.
You both dive back into the water and almost bump heads, but you work hard to get a second apple. All you needed was one to beat Joshua and that was something you could hold over his head forever.
Thankfully, you were able to spy a smaller apple and were able to get a good hold of it and you pulled it out of the water just as the timer finished.
“Ha!” You said triumphantly. “I win!”
“Congratulations Y/N! I knew you could do it.” Mrs McDonnell handed both of you towels to wipe your faces. “Now, go cause havoc somewhere else. I have children to supervise.”
You dab your face and pick up your belongings. “Don’t feel too bad for losing, it’s your own fault for cheating years ago. There was no way you were going to live up to that.”
“Well, there goes my plan to impress you with my apple-bobbing skills.”  Joshua reached over to wipe some water from your chin. He lingered for a second and your cheeks flushed at the intimate gesture.
“Oh please,” you brought yourself out of the moment. “It was never your apple-bobbing skills that impressed me.”
“Then what was it?”
You thought about your answer as you both left the barn. There were a lot of things that Joshua did to impress you as a child. He was an adventurous kid, and he never backed down from a challenge. The confidence he emanated was contagious and he pushed you out of your comfort zone. 
“The way you were so fearless as a kid.” 
“As a kid? You mean I’m not now?” 
“Well, we only just got reacquainted I don’t know if you still take risks like you used to.”
“I definitely do,” there was a twinkle in his eye, he had a plan.
“Like what?” you were curious, so you played into it.
“Like meeting up with a stranger I met online,”
You rolled your eyes, “I did that too, doesn’t count.”
“What about this?”
Joshua turned to face you, his hands coming up to cup your face and tilting your head up to kiss you. The kiss was soft and only lasted a few seconds, but the spark you felt when your lips connected was electric. You’d never imagined kissing Joshua Hong, you only realised you had feelings for him after he’d moved away but even then, you never pictured anything coming from the crush. You never thought you’d see him again, but here he was, standing in the middle of the fall fair with you, kissing you. 
When he pulled away, you only wish he’d stayed longer, closer to you in your space. Your face felt cold from where his hands had been.
“It was a mistake wasn’t it?” Joshua said, interpreting your pout for him stepping over a line.
“No! The opposite,” you rushed to say. “I’m just surprised.”
“Surprised because I’m still a risk-taker or because I’m an awesome kisser?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Surprised that you think you’re an awesome kisser. Come on, let’s go check out the rest of the fair.”
The rest of the afternoon passed by peacefully, you walked together through the vendors selling trinkets and produce. Both of you willingly taking any free sample that someone offered, just like when you were kids. Though this time, you felt a little guilty so ended up buying a few items from the sellers.
At the end of the stalls, you see someone selling hot chocolate, so you both decide to stop to have a cup. It was the same stall you had always begged your moms to take you to, and they rarely said yes, but now as adults you were not going to deny yourself the pleasure.
Once you had gotten your cup you turned to try to find a place to sit amongst all the people in the makeshift food court area when two people in the corner caught your eye. “I’ll be back,” you tell Joshua.
Your hunch was right about your friends following you to the fair. You headed towards Soonyoung and Minghao.
“What are you guys doing here?” You demanded trying to keep cool.
“Making sure your friend isn’t a murderer,” Soonyoung replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “Just because you knew each other when you were twelve doesn’t mean anything, he could have turned into a murderer since then.”
“That’s funny, he said the same thing. But as you can see, I’m still alive.”
“Look, we’re just enjoying the fair like everyone else, what’s the big deal?” Minghao asked.
“It’s just weird for you to be stalking me on a date. I don’t stalk you guys on your dates.”
“You asked us to,” Soonyoung had a point.
“I guess I did initially. But I told you guys everything was fine.”
“Yeah but if we hadn’t come we wouldn’t have seen the kiss!” Minghao exclaimed, pulling out his phone. It was zoomed in and very blurry, but there was no mistake that was your first kiss with Joshua caught on camera. Had they really been following you that closely?
“Oh my God, tell me you didn’t tell the group chat?!” You pull your phone out to see a LOT of unread messages.
“Sorry, we’re excited for you. This guy seems like a keeper!” 
“That’s great but could you leave us alone now?”
“Fine, but you better text us to make sure you get home safe,” Soonyoung said.
“Sure thing Dad.” 
“I’m just saying, the murderer thing has yet to be disproven. There’s still time for him to lure you into the woods to your death.”
You sighed, Soonyoung was always one for dramatics. “When do you think he’ll pass that test?”
“Maybe by the third date, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.”
“Okay, I’m leaving now. You guys should too.”
“We love you too!”
You turned back to your date and hoped you didn’t look too flustered. Joshua had found a table and was just scrolling on his phone. You couldn’t help but get butterflies as you made your way back towards him. It was a strange feeling, one that reminded you of when you used to see Joshua as a kid. You thought it was just excitement for seeing your best friend but maybe there had always been something more there.
“There you are, I thought I’d lost you.” Joshua put his phone away.
“Sorry I just ran into some friends, I just wanted to say hi.”
“That’s cool, so what next?”
“I’m not sure, I’m just glad we were able to get some hot chocolate.” You take a sip of your drink, it had cooled down while you were talking to your friends but it still tasted just as you remembered. Sickly sweet and smooth like silk.
“I think I have an idea.”
Joshua wrapped his hand around yours as he pulled you towards the corn maze. You protested as you were sure to get lost since you hadn’t been there in ten years. “Muscle memory,” Joshua had said, walking backwards as he pulled you in. “I bet I could get us out of here blindfolded. 
You let yourself be dragged into the maze but you didn’t think anything good was going to come of it. The maze was giant and even as kids you usually had to be rescued after getting lost in there. It was one of the only times you were allowed to use your cellphone as a kid and while Joshua always put on a brave face, he was just as scared as you were back then.
“You know, I don’t think we’ve ever made it out of this maze,” you remind him as you begin making turns, left and right, right then left.
“Not with that attitude we didn't. I'm pretty sure we go right here…”
You let Joshua take the lead as you navigated your way through the maze. You were surprised at how well he was doing, or at least amazed at his confidence. You two didn’t speak much as you passed by families, groups of children and other couples. 
A few times you hit dead-ends but Joshua didn’t let you dwell on it too long before he was taking off in a new direction. Even if you were going to be stuck here for a while, you didn’t mind watching Joshua’s broad shoulders and his behind as you followed him around.
“Ah ha!” Joshua exclaimed as you made your way out of the exit. Or rather…the entrance. Somehow you had gone in a huge circle and ended up at the beginning again.
“At least we made it out,” you laughed. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks, is it possible the place got bigger since we’ve last been here?”
“Probably, I mean they have to do something to keep people coming back year after year. Still, your navigation skills were very impressive. I wouldn’t have been able to get out of there without you.”
“You’re welcome,” Joshua smiled.
“So we’ve conquered the maze…sort of. Now come on, there’s one last thing we have to do before we leave.”
You led the way this time as you made it to the merry-go-round in the middle of the grounds. It was one of your favourite things about the fair and the place where you always imagined you would have your first kiss.
When you told Joshua this he leaned over from his horse and kissed you on the cheek. “I know we had our first kiss earlier, but we can pretend this was our first.”
“I’ll tell everyone, we had a magical day at the fair and he kissed me on the merry-go-round.”
“That's all I ask,”
You look over at Joshua, but this time not as the boy you once knew but the man he is. It was different now, knowing that all the things an online stranger had told you now applied to the same person you knew as a child. He wasn’t that boy anymore and while you might have had a crush on the boy he was, you were wondering if you could love the man he is now.
As you exited the merry-go-round the fair was shutting down so you made your way back to the car. 
You were sad the day was ending because it had been so perfect. You didn't think you'd ever have a first date like this again. Hopefully, you won't have any more first dates at all. 
When you pulled up to your house, Joshua insisted on walking you to your door, you rolled your eyes but allowed him to anyway.
“You know, no one has ever done this for me before.”
“That’s because you wouldn’t let them.”
“No, it’s because no one has ever offered.”
“Well that’s silly, how else are they going to get their goodnight kiss?”
You blush, knowing that’s what the end of the date was coming to. Even though Joshua had already kissed you a couple of times today, this was the one you had mentally prepared for, and even then you weren’t sure you were ready.
“I guess they don’t get one,”
“And do I?”
“Of course,”
You close your eyes and lean in as Joshua does the same, your lips gently brushing against each other as you feel the jolt of electricity you felt earlier in the middle of the fair. This time Joshua’s hands found their way to your waist to pull your body flush against his, his tongue parting your lips to deepen the kiss.
It lasted minutes, maybe hours, you couldn’t tell the time when you finally pulled apart. Remembering that you were on the porch and any one of your nosy neighbours had probably seen you.
“So?” Joshua said when he stepped back.
“So what?”
“Now will you admit I’m an awesome kisser?”
“Please, that was all me,” You laughed.
“As if,” he laughed too. “I definitely contributed at least 75%.”
“Hmm, let’s agree it was 50/50.”
“Fine, so when can I see you again?”
There was a glint of hope in Joshua’s eyes that made your heart flutter. He was nervous as if you would deny him the chance to see you again.
“Tomorrow?” You bit your lip hoping it didn’t sound too eager. The day had been so fun and you didn’t want to go without seeing him for too long either.
“Sounds good,” Joshua leaned in to give you another kiss, this time on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight,”
“Goodnight, Joshua.”
You stayed on the porch until Joshua had disappeared out of sight before heading inside to warm up. You had desperately wanted to invite him inside but based on the kiss you had had on the porch things probably would have escalated a lot faster than you were ready for. But given the fact you were seeing him tomorrow, you weren’t sure how much more self-control you’d be able to have.
You went upstairs to run yourself a bath and finally let yourself wrap your head around the events of the day. You opened up your phone to reread messages you had sent to Joshua before you knew who he really was. Rereading the texts, you began to read between the lines and piece together the Joshua you knew before with the one you saw today. It was easy now that you knew what you were looking for.
As you reached the end of your messages you saw a new one had appeared while you were scrolling.
Hey, glad to have met you today. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds. 🙂
You smiled before typing a reply and sinking into your bath. Another message arrived on your phone and you checked to see yet another message from Soonyoung asking if you got home yet, he had sent at least five in the last half hour. You rolled your eyes at the messages before texting back that you were alive and then opened up the group chat to fill them in on your date.
“You guys will never guess what happened today…” You started, knowing they’d be hanging on to your every word.
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icantpickabiasugh · 1 year
Our Secret-yjw
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☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Our secret- yang Jungwon
Parring-Yang Jungwon x fem!reader
Summary- Dim lights and locker room vibes leave mutual friends in a bit of a situation
Word count- 1k+
Warnings- SMUT!! Hickeys, making out, awkwardness, like bit of fluff. Lmk if there is anything more!
Reading time-4 minutes (in head)
A/n. Heyyy so this is my first fan fic ever I’m kinda nervous ahhh. Sorry it took awhile it’s currently 1:30 am but I wanted to post something before I went to bed! I was writing the Han fic but hit a bit of a wall so I quickly wrote this I was planning on doing a pt. 2 but only if you guys want. Please please PLEASE send feedback I could really use it! Enjoy my loves-☺️😘
You didn’t like going out much, you felt that it was a waste of time to get wasted with a bunch of people you didn’t know in a hot gross frat house, instead you rather liked the idea of spending your Saturday nights on the couch with your favorite drama and some snacks.
“Come on y/n, it’s the pep rally you HAVE to come!”
“Do I though, do I really”
Your friend Yujin however loved going out and meeting new people.
“Oh come on party pooper it’s your second year here and away from home and you’ve only been to TWO parties, you know how sad that is y/n?”
“FINE fine! But as after I’m going home I’m not leaving to some party”
You’d meet up with all your friends and their friends at the pep rally and go find a good view with some drinks and snacks
You left to go to the bathroom.
Excusing yourself from the group you go to the locker rooms looking for the bathroom.
You’re just outside the boy's football team’s locker room near the bathrooms you see Jungwon exiting giving him a small smile and walking past a couple feet away he calls out your name.
“Hey y/n”
Slowly turning around to look at him a bit confused
“Y-yeah? Jungwon?”
Jungwon was a part of your friends circle but you never really talked you saw a lot of his posts and comments on insta though and you did have the occasional chat online but that was about it what would he want to talk about?
“I was wondering y-you don’t post about Changbin anymore, did d-did you guys break up?”
“Ah y-yeah we did about three months ago”
“Oh well I’m-im sorry”
“Ah no need to be it was mutual”
“Well in that case I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out… sometime?”
“That'd be great Jungwon id love to”
Hearing keys rattling and someone jogging you get startled as Jungwon quickly pulls you into the changing rooms
“Shhhh, we’re not meant to be here. Quietly run into that shower stall”
He softly whispers into your ear.
Backed against the wall and Jungwon’s body you are stuck breathing in his intoxicating scent you watch as he peeks out of the small stall and out into the looker room
“I think they’re leaving”
A second after saying so he’s push-up against your faces mere inches apart. He puts a finger to his lips brushing yours in the process
Sighing in relief he straightens up his posture a little
“S-sorry I didn’t mean to-mhnp”
Quick to shut him up you pull him in for a kiss by the back of his neck
“Mmhm~mmm y-y/n we should~mmhm mmm s-stop”
Pulling away confused you look at him
“D-do you not like me!?”
"NO no I-I do I really do it’s just, are YOU sure you want to do this? I get it if you're not over your last relationship-“
“What are you on about of course I want this I've wanted this for 3 years”
Wha- t-three years!?”
“Yes okay, now shut up and kiss me”
“Fine by me”
You and Jungwon had been gone from your friends for like fifteen minutes now and since then things had gotten a little more heated.
Your hand where in his hair as he suckles on your skin just under your ear his hand held your waist as he kisses the span of your neck making a trail back to your lips he moans as you pull his hair.
“Fuck I want you so bad”
“We can’t, the game will be over soon and the others will want to leave”
“Fuck the game and fuck the others I want you here and I want you now”
“Hell Jungwon you're so hot”
Releasing a shaky breath he moves to pull up your dress.
Moving your panties to the side he runs a finger through your folds and up your slit you moan at the feeling
“Ohh shit, Jungwon please”
“Please what baby, use your words”
“Please fuck me, ahh please I need it”
“Good girl” he growls in your ear undoing his pants and pulling his hard cock out it hits his stomach with a slap
“Jump baby”
Doing so you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. positioning his cock at your entrance he slides it up and down your folds teasing you a bit
“You sure you want this baby”
“Couldn’t be more certain, now hurry up and put it in”
“Nghhh fuck baby you're so tight”
Giving you time to adjust to his size you slowly start rolling your hips on his.
Now Jungwon wasn’t awfully long as he was thick with a long vein running from the base of his cock to his pretty pink tip
As he stands moving he starts finding a steady pace and angle after shifting a bit he hit a squishy spot inside of you that felt just oh so good seeming happy with the sudden loud moan he’s pulled from you he smirks
“Did I find it, baby”
To fucked dumb to give a response you babble out his name.
He soon picks up the pace hitting that spot fast and hard each time
“J-Jungwon I’m gonna-fuck! I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it baby cum all over my big cock”
“Ahh ahh fuck shit I can’t hold it!”
He whispers in your ear one last time holding you tight against him “cum”
He’s quick to follow suit cumming deep In you he fucks you both through your highs
Pulling out he replaces his cock with his two fingers
“Keep it In for me yeah?”
Nodding softly you catch your breath and let him take care of you
“You did so good for me, I’m so proud” he whispers kissing your teary cheeks
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
Walking hand in hand back to your friends you find them coming the opposite way
“Hey there you guys are we’ve been looking for you two for ages” called out Sunoo
“Hey why are you guys holding hands” Jake questions
“Y/n IS THAT A HICKEY on your neck!!?” Yujin yells running at you
“Shit” you mutter under your breath.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Dirty Thirty
Pairing: Kishibe x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
cw: thigh riding, cunnilingus, fingering, spanking, spit play, vaginal sex (doggy, cowgirl), cockwarming, use of pet names (princess and Master)
Word Count: ~5.6k
Summary: An alluring stranger gives you a special treat on the night of your 30th birthday. 
Notes: Kishibe is in his mid 40s. Also, apparently he is 6’4”, so reader is shorter, below 6’. This is very self-indulgent considering my own 30th is in a few days (shout out to all my fellow Pisces babes)! Also, I started this after finishing Chainsaw Man a few weeks ago, so this is a result of heavy Kishibe brainrot.
Additional Note: Check out Part 2 here: After Last Night! Reblogs, likes, and/or comments are appreciated. Thank you for reading!
The bass of EDM music reverberates through the speakers at the DJ’s booth. This particular bar you frequent turns into a club at 11 PM. College kids from the university down the street congregate in this establishment on the weekends, like today. You and your friends have been here since an hour ago, drinking and chatting in a booth hidden away to the side of the dancefloor. After dinner, you stopped by for a quick drink. With the booze and vibes just right, you ended up staying. 
Tonight, you celebrate your birthday. It’s the end of an era, really. You’re officially thirty. You’ve been dreading this day for the past few months, sad to bid farewell to your twenties, which wasn’t all that anyways. The number of times your friends reassure you that your thirties are the new twenties only brings you mild comfort. Glancing at the crowd tearing up the dancefloor, you can’t help being envious of their youth. 
Maybe it’s your buzz talking. You’re not one to feel sorry for yourself, especially about something as inevitable as aging. Thirty is young. Who cares if you’re the only one in your inner circle who’s single, unmarried, or childless? There’s no shame in it. You’re sick of women being scrutinized each year they get older for not doing what society tells them they should do. Who the fuck cares if you don’t have a ring on your finger or haven’t popped a baby out your vagina yet? It isn’t on your radar, and that’s perfectly fine. Men don’t get this much shit for remaining bachelors well into their forties or fifties, why should you?
You fidget with the glittery Dirty 30! sash you wear over your little black dress. A shimmering tiara sparkles on top of your head to complete your ensemble. Your friend’s voice in your ear snaps you out of your thoughts. “Hey birthday girl, how’s it going?”
Smiling, you hold your half empty glass up towards the middle. “Good. Thanks so much for coming out to celebrate tonight!” You’re ready to chug the rest of your liquor so you can head to the dancefloor. The other three women in your group cheers, clinking their drinks with yours. 
You’re about to suggest dancing when your friend says, “Shall we call it a night?”
It catches you off guard. The music just started and it’s not even midnight yet. You’re not ready to go back to the real world; it’s your special day until you fall asleep, which you don’t plan to do for a few more hours. You’re silent though, listening as the other girls repeat a similar sentiment. 
“My husband is waiting for me at home, so yes.”
“And my babies have an early morning play date tomorrow!”
Your friend beside you turns to you and asks, “Ready to go?”
Contemplating for a moment, you respond, “I think I might stay, actually. Have another drink or two.”
They stare at you bewildered, surprised you want to be here alone, which is unusual for you. “Are you sure?” they clarify.
“Yeah! Go ahead, I’ll be fine! I’m a big girl now,” you joke, standing up to hug them. They kiss you on the cheek, greeting you one last happy birthday before leaving together to go home to their husbands and children. 
Craving another drink, you abandon your booth to approach the bar. You order your favorite: a vodka cranberry, your comfort cocktail throughout your 20s. A reminder that you’re still the same you despite moving up a decade. 
You close your tab, promising yourself this is your last, and go back to your table. It’s now occupied by an older man in a black coat, sipping on amber liquor. Annoyed, and slightly intrigued, you sit opposite of him in the same booth. He lifts his head up slowly, noticing you. 
“Hi there,” you greet him. Even in the dim light, the stitched scar on his left cheek stands out. The metal piercings on his ears glisten, the strobe lights reflecting off them from the dancefloor. 
“Can I help you?” His voice is low and raspy, either naturally or from the alcohol. 
“I was sitting here earlier. The other tables are all occupied, and I really don’t want to stand around on the dancefloor by myself. Can I sit here until I finish my drink? There’s plenty of room for the both of us.” You put on your most charming smile.
“Where are your friends? I’m sure you’d rather sit with them instead of with an old man like me.”
“They ditched me to go home. Besides, it looks like you could use the company.” You tip your cocktail into your mouth, keeping your gaze on him. 
He watches you, skeptical. “How old are you?”
You glance down at your sash, which is now twisted so that the answer to his question is on your back where he can’t see. You grin at him. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman her age?”
He hums, unamused. “I’m not keen on hanging out with girls in their 20s. Not really my style. Not tonight, anyways.”
“How old do you think I am?” 
Narrowing his eyes at your tiara, he responds, “You’re wearing a crown, drinking a cranberry vodka at a bar that plays this shit music. I’d say you’re 23.”
This amuses you, like getting asked for your ID does, which is becoming rarer nowadays. It’s flattering.
“Hey, you’re here too. The only difference is that you’re drinking a whiskey,” you tease him, pointing at his glass. 
“In my defense, I finished work nearby and this shitty cesspool was the closest bar I could find.” He takes a swig of his alcohol. “So, am I right?”
Sliding the sash to face him, you answer, “Nope. You’re wrong. Lucky for you, today is my birthday. And I just turned thirty.” 
He cracks a smile at this, giving you a flutter below your belly. You’re not typically into older men; however, this guy has piqued your interest. There’s something about him that is alluring. Exciting. 
“Happy birthday,” he says, swallowing the rest of his whiskey. “Get anything good?” 
“No. But the night’s not over yet.” You’re full-on flirting now, not at all ashamed of how brazen you’re acting. Fuck it. You only turn thirty once, right?
There’s distance between you, but the tension is so thick, you could smell the bold scent of liquor coating his lips. He leans closer, a wicked glint in his eyes. “Well, I guess it’s my responsibility now to give you something good.”
Minutes later, you’re in the back of the cab, riding towards an address he mutters to the driver. He holds you, interlocking his fingers with yours, peering out his window in silence. You focus on your entwined hands resting on the middle seat, the intimacy of it all distracting you from the fact that you’re about to hook up with this attractive stranger. 
The driver arrives to a swanky apartment complex. Once inside, Kishibe doesn’t give you enough time to marvel at the beautiful interior of the room. In an instant, his lips are on yours, both palms cupping your cheeks assertively. Breath hot and chalky from the mint you saw him savor earlier in the car. It barely masks the lingering taste of that cigarette you witnessed him drag waiting for your ride. He didn’t have the same type of smoker’s breath that you’re sick of from your coworkers. With him, you don’t mind it at all. 
His hand trails down your neck, thumb carefully brushing over a pulse point right below your chin. His skin is rough and calloused compared to yours. The scraggly facial hair scattered along his jaw is scratchy on your cheeks. 
He breaks the kiss, gazing at you while he removes his overcoat, hanging it on the rack in the corner, kicking his shoes off in the process. There’s a small bar cart in the kitchen, where he pours himself a whiskey. At the freezer, he reaches for the ice, dropping three cubes into the dark liquor with a plop. You stand still, observing him, nervous and thrilled about what this mysterious man will do to you tonight.
At the couch, he takes a seat, thighs spread wide, his wrist hanging low between them, gripping the top of the glass with his fingertips. “Come here,” he beckons. 
Removing your heels quickly and abandoning your purse, you step towards him, ready to sit beside him until he demands, “No. Not there.” He pats his thigh with his free hand. “Here.”
Your body trembles with lust as you straddle him, pussy pulsing against his muscular thigh. He studies you, from your hazy stare down to him between your legs, savoring his cold liquor all the while. You gulp loudly, obediently waiting for his next command. 
Gently removing the crown atop your head and tossing it aside, he asks, “What do you want from me, princess? It’s your birthday after all.” Hearing him call you princess gives you a rush you can no longer contain. You start moving on his thigh, riding it to feel the glorious sensations on your clit.
His chuckle vibrates through his chest as you grasp at his collar to hold you steady. “This is what you want? Okay. Take what you need. Come on my thigh. I’ll watch.” His gravelly voice in your ear makes you ride him harder, grinding against him until your creamy mess is soaking through the thin fabric of your panties. You clench his tie, loosening it around his neck. He continues to watch you, sipping on his booze, enjoying his own private show.
Once the glass is empty except for the melting ice, he sets it down on the coffee table, pulling you in closer, his hand behind your neck. Lightly blowing cool, whiskey breath along your lips. You lean forward to kiss him, his tongue slipping past to explore your needy mouth. The longing for his touch on every inch of your body grows stronger by the second as you moan into the kiss, bouncing on his leg. 
“Can you come by yourself? Or do you need my tongue on it? I can lick it up real good if you’ll let me.” His obscene suggestion surprises you, as if you weren’t already performing lewd acts on his lap. You tug at his tie to pull him into another fierce kiss before sitting next to him on the couch, lifting the hem of your dress up to reveal your wet undergarments. 
“I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. But I’m not calling you Daddy,” you tease, spreading wide for him. 
His voice is low in his throat, kneeling on the carpet, face positioned between your thighs. “Good, because I prefer to be called Master.”
You roll your eyes at him, to which he responds, “What? You don’t like that? I bet I’ll have you screaming it all night long.”
This has you speechless as he drifts towards you, staring at the wet spot soaking through your lingerie. “Look how fucking wet you are for me.” He hooks his fingers around the fabric, stretching it to the side to expose your sopping cunt. Leaning in closer, he flicks his tongue gently onto your clit, causing you to squirm above him. 
He’s testing the waters, starting slow to gauge your limit. It’s gentle at first, toying with your bud until it’s plump and sensitive. Until your wanton moans are bouncing off the walls of his big, fancy apartment. There’s no doubt that he knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s obvious this man has years of experience beyond you. Having this stranger swirl his tongue on the most intimate parts of your body makes you weak in the knees. This is the first time all night that you’re thankful to be turning thirty. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in this apartment, getting wrecked and torn apart by him.
“I’ve always wanted a plaything I can ruin,” he breathes out, finally wrapping his lips around you. “Will you be my pretty plaything tonight?” He surrounds your clit, drawing an erotic whimper from your mouth. 
“Fuck, Kishibe. Yes. Use me as your plaything, fuck.”
He eats you out noisily, emphasizing every wet sound his mouth makes on your swollen bud. Several times, he spits on it, spreading his saliva up and down your pussy, plunging his tongue into your entrance to get it lubricated with his own drool.  
“You’re fucking drenched down here. When’s the last time you let a grown man eat you out like this? I bet you’ve never been with someone like me, huh?”
You shake your head, swiping through his hair, spreading yourself wider for him. “Never.”
“I can tell,” he says, slipping his middle and ring finger into your entrance. “So fucking wet for me. I love it.” He pumps into you, curling his digits just right, resonating all the way down to your toes. His lips latch onto your clit, drinking you up to quench his insatiable thirst. 
“Hold these for me,” he says, guiding your fingers to your panties. “Want to stroke my cock while I eat this gorgeous pussy out.” You hear the unbuckling of his belt, the sound of him shoving his fist into his slacks to jerk off. The vibrations from his moans tickle your skin as he nuzzles himself deeper into your arousal, practically drowning in it, flattening his tongue to smear his warm saliva all over. You whine in ecstasy, heedless of attracting any neighboring attention to your explicit blubbering. 
“Come on my face,” he muffles, too busy lapping up your clit to pull away, fingers pumping in and out of you, shiny and sleek with your slick.
It doesn’t take much longer for you to reach your orgasm, pleasure jolting through your body while he works you until you’re overstimulated, twitching from the euphoria. He laughs softly, face glistening with your essence, taking a seat beside you. You watch him in a daze as he sticks his cum-coated fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean. “You want a taste, too?”
You nod, disoriented from your intense climax. He drags your bottom lip down using the pad of his thumb, mumbling, “Open.”
Obediently, you stick your tongue out for him, knowing fully well what he’s about to do. Your pussy throbs again, ready to be fucked for real by this provocative stranger you were so fortunate to meet tonight. 
He grazes your open tongue, then spits in your mouth. “Swallow,” he demands, voice husky with desire. You do, making sure to gulp loudly, incredibly aroused and needy for his cock. 
“Show me,” he whispers, opening his own mouth to mimic you. “Ah.”
You show him your tongue again, a dumb expression on your face while he inspects. Satisfied, he grunts, “Fuck, you’re bad. You’re a bad girl, aren’t you?” He reaches down to your soaked panties clinging to you. “Take these off.”
He slides out of his trousers, revealing briefs that barely conceal his obvious bulge. As you slip out of your underwear, he removes his, displaying his impressive cock. “You going to ride this cock now?”
Without a word, you nod. You’re already anticipating how fucking amazing he’s going to feel inside you. Your brain is jumbled with naughty thoughts of him taking you in all positions in every room of his apartment. 
There’s a hungry gleam in his eyes as he watches you mount him. You hoist your dress up, stripping it from your body. He unclasps your bra, baring your breasts to him while he still wears his dress shirt and tie. For some reason, you want him to keep it on. Get it nice and dirty with slick and sweat.
You reach behind you to position him at your entrance. Once aligned, you slowly sink onto his cock, allowing yourself a few seconds to adjust to his size. Given his stature, it’s not surprising how big he is, both in length and girth. When you bottom out, he lets out a raspy fuck, holding your ass to squeeze your plush cheeks. “I’m ready whenever you are, princess. Like I said, take what you need from me. Milk me dry. I know you want to.”
Spurred by his provocative encouragement, you ride him, rocking your hips back and forth onto his lap, gripping his cock tight with your wet cunt. Forehead pressed to his, lids closed, jaw hanging open, experiencing the best fuck of your life. With a brief glance, you catch him watching you, a similar dazed expression on his face. You bounce on him faster, his dick pounding into you over and over again, determined to feel every inch you possibly can. 
“Fuck, Kishibe, feels so fucking good,” you moan, directing his fingers down to your clit. “I want to come all over this cock. Make me come, Master.”
Bingo. His eyes widen as soon as it slips from your mouth. It’s the magic word. The trigger. 
Without hesitation, he brushes his thumb ruthlessly onto your swollen bud. “Say it again,” he demands, pressing it hard as he massages it, eyes wild with lust.
“Fuck, make me come, Master. Make me come.” You’re riding him so fucking good, couch creaking, clutching his shoulders tight, his carnal stare locked on your every movement. 
“Tell me when you’re close,” he growls.
“I’m close, I’m close!”
Suddenly, he pulls out, cock covered in your arousal, wet and stiff against his abdomen. Strings of slick cling to the hem of his dress shirt. You’re about ready to yell at him for teasing you. Before you can, he stands up, grabbing your wrist to lead you into the bedroom. His breathing is heavy as he points to the bed, hastily removing his clothes. “On your knees, ass up. I’m going to fuck you so good. Make you squirt all over my fucking sheets.”
The anger immediately subsides and you’re back to being eager again, knowing damn well that he means every fucking word he says. You do as he commands, wiggling your ass to entice him. He chuckles behind you. “I’m sorry for denying you earlier. I just really want to see this ass bounce on my cock like this.” He teases you with his tip, tapping your clit, sliding it along your pussy lips. 
“You’re not forgiven,” you pout, growing impatient. 
Placing a soft kiss on your lower back, he laughs again. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about this stranger you met mere hours ago, it’s that he is a man of his word. 
He guides his cock into you slowly, stretching you little by little until you’re squeezing him, his entire length inside you. “Look at you, sucking me in again like you were made for me.” He starts thrusting, holding you steady to penetrate you deeper. 
“So fucking good!” you cry out, fists bunched on his silky sheets, drool leaking from the corner of your mouth. 
“I know, princess. It’s amazing for me too.” His heavy balls slap your damp skin with every brutal thrust of his hips, fucking you hard, dipping into your sweet spot until you’re woozy with pleasure. “You take it so good. So fucking sexy.” He tightens his grip on you, increasing his pace. “So fucking beautiful.”
You throw your ass back, arching your spine to get the perfect angle. With your cheeks bouncing obscenely against his thighs, you beg, “Spank me, Master. Spank me like a bad girl.”
Not wasting a second, his rough palm connects with your ass, the loud smack ringing in your ears. He spanks you again and again, your pussy clenching him tighter while you continue to thrust back onto his cock. You’re about ready to burst, desperate to reach your second orgasm after being denied earlier. You play with your puffy clit, electricity rippling through your body upon contact. Whimpering, you rub your bud faster as he pounds into you, cursing under his breath. 
“Fuck,” he moans, staring at your ass jiggle after each fresh slap he delivers. “Come on my cock, princess. That’s it. Get it creamy. Just like that, fuck.”
Waves of pleasure sweep over you, the intensity of it causing you to tremble before him. In the midst of your climax, you plead for him to finish inside you, greedy for his cum. It doesn’t take long for him to fill you up, staying nestled deep in you as he releases his warm load, letting out a husky fuck.
He pulls out, his warm release leaking from your pussy, dripping onto his sheets. He ogles at the pornographic sight in front of him, pleased with himself.
“Like what you see?” you tease, lowering your torso and relaxing on the bed.
“You are a naughty, naughty girl,” he says, collapsing beside you. “Can’t believe I let you seduce me.”
“Oh, so it’s my fault? You were the one who offered to give me something good for my birthday.” 
He raises a brow at you. “Did I succeed?”
You gaze at him, properly examining his appearance. Scruffy facial hair, eyes that are perpetually tired, the striking scar aligned with his frown. You find yourself wondering what his story is; someone this fetching must have a story.  
“Considering the mess we made, I would say you exceeded my expectations.” You lay your palm on his firm chest, his now steady heartbeat lightly thumping against your fingertips.
“I’m glad to hear I wasn’t a disappointment.” He doesn’t take his gaze off you. Normally, you’d be intimidated by such intense eye contact. With him, it’s different. You feel safe. He places his hand on top of yours, rugged thumb gently caressing the skin of your knuckles. The two of you stay like this, enjoying each other’s presence in an easy silence. 
“We can’t do this again,” he mutters, finally looking away from you. He turns onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, your hand still snug under his.
“Why not?” The shift in energy surprises you. This is not the typical pillow talk you’re accustomed too. 
“I’ll keep wanting to see you if we keep this up,” he admits. Although it’s a sweet sentiment, he’s deciding to end it here and now, not even waiting until the morning like in a typical one-night-stand.
Matching his candid demeanor, you ask, “What’s wrong with wanting to see me again?” A strange feeling of unease swells in your chest, anxious for whatever truth he’s about to reveal. 
He takes a breath before explaining, “I’m a Devil Hunter. The best in the world. My job is very dangerous. A young woman like yourself shouldn’t get attached to me. My life is expendable.” He avoids you while he speaks, eyes laser focused on the ceiling, barely blinking. It’s as if he doesn’t want to say it; rather, it’s part of a script, forced to recite the lines like it’s standard procedure. How often has he had to deliver this sober spiel to his ex-lovers? You start to pity him, speculating how detached he must remain to the outside world strictly because of his risky profession. 
You continue to stare at him, letting the information sink it. The air is thick with a serious tension. It’s a sudden switch from the wild romp you just experienced. Choosing not to pester him further, you decide to lighten the mood. You scoot towards him, mouth skimming his ear, muttering, “Well, l didn’t really like you anyways.” The cold metal of his piercings contrast the soft warmth of your lips.
He turns to you again, the tension in his brows easing slowly as he gives you a small smirk. “Oh yeah?”
You nuzzle your nose against his. “Yeah.”
“Good. It’s better this way,” he says, planting a kiss on the forehead. 
Sighing, you ask, “Can I at least spend the night?” 
“Of course. I’ll even cook you breakfast tomorrow morning.”
“I hope that doesn’t mean a cup of coffee with a splash of whiskey and a couple cigarettes,” you joke. 
He chuckles. “I’ll throw in some eggs for protein, does that work?”
“Sure. I’ll take whatever I can get, since this is the last time we’ll be seeing each other.” 
There’s a small smile on his lips as he gazes at you. A minute passes and he reaches for you, grazing your cheek delicately. You feel comfortable in bed with him. Protected. You snuggle into his chest, his arms wrapping you into a bear hug. Cozy in his embrace, you listen to his rhythmic breathing, lulling you to sleep.
In the morning, you wake up alone, tucked under the covers, clothed only in a dress shirt, barely buttoned. The bedroom door is wide open, the sound of a pan scraping on iron ringing in your ears and the inviting smell of food cooking wafting from the kitchen. 
You spot a pack of baby wipes on the drawer next to you, noticing that your body is fresh and clean, opposite the sticky mess you fell asleep to. Next to it is a brand-new toothbrush and toothpaste. With these items in hand, you tip-toe into the bathroom, appreciating his thoughtfulness.  
When you’re done, you study his bedroom for the first time, and probably last. There are no pictures hung anywhere, no personal touch to anything. Only small traces of a man whose entire existence is his job. Several ties scattered on his dresser next to a metal flask. A mini calendar on his nightstand with random scribblings of future work commitments. Hamper in the corner of the room, filled to the brim with white dress shirts, black slacks, and a couple of mismatched argyle socks. You’re slightly tempted to investigate some drawers to see the type of weapons a Devil Hunter of his caliber carries, but you don’t.
You lean against the doorframe, watching him in the kitchen. He’s in a plain white t-shirt with navy-blue pajama pants. As promised, he is cooking a batch of scrambled eggs over the stove, a steaming mug of coffee in one hand, spatula in the other. Looking domestic and sexy as hell. His words replay in your mind. You shouldn’t get attached to someone like me. You almost regret sleeping with him, knowing you’ll miss him after you leave. 
Quietly, you stroll towards him until he notices you. When he does, he takes a sip of coffee and mutters, “Morning, princess.” 
Positioned behind him, you wrap your arms around his waist, raising your heels to place a gentle kiss on the back of his neck. It’s only now that you realize how much taller he is than you. “Good morning, handsome. This is a pleasant surprise.”
“I told you I’d cook you breakfast, didn’t I?” He cranes his neck to face you, smirking. 
“You did. I’m pleased to see you keep your promise,” you tell him, resting your cheek on his back. “You’re truly a man of your word. I think that deserves a reward.” You slide your thumbs under the waistband of his pajama bottoms, teasing him. 
“If you tempt me, you won’t be able to taste this delicious meal I prepared for you,” he comments, setting his coffee mug down the counter and turning off the burner. His hand covers yours, maneuvering it over the growing bulge in his pants. 
“Maybe I’m craving something else for breakfast.” You start palming his erection, suddenly hungry for him rather than the food. 
He turns to face you, looking at you up and down in his dress shirt, your legs clenched together to hide your arousal. Still smirking, he says, “You’re making this much harder than it needs to be.” He slowly pushes you against the counter, running his fingers up your inner thigh, spreading your legs to expose your wet cunt. 
You moan, anticipating another round of intense fucking, this time in his kitchen. It makes you want to christen every part of his apartment. 
“How are you this fucking wet for me already?” He whispers, rubbing his thumb on your throbbing clit. “You’re so sexy, it’s driving me insane.”
“Kishibe,” you breath out, struggling to steady yourself. “Fuck.”
“I got you. Get on the counter for me, princess. Spread those legs so I can lick that pussy clean.” 
With his hands on your waist guiding you, you hop up, opening wide for him. Knees bent and body folded forward, he starts licking your clit, palming his erection through his pants. You come within minutes, gushing over his tongue as it glides along your slit, nose digging firmly onto your swollen bud. 
“Fuck me, Kishibe. Want that big cock inside me. Want you to fill me up again with your cum.” You hop back down, turning around and lifting the hem of the dress shirt past your ass, ready to get railed right there on the countertop.
“Not like this,” he murmurs, kissing you on the cheek. “Wait for me in my room. We’re going to have breakfast in bed together.”
Minutes later, a tray with a plate full of eggs, toast, and bacon set on top is temporarily forgotten as the two of you fuck on the other side of the bed. Him sitting up, back pressed to the headboard, you riding him until he spills inside you, causing you to orgasm again all over him. 
You slump forward, resting your head on his shoulder, tired and satiated from another amazing fuck. Attempting to slide off him, he kisses you on the lips, his grip firm on your waist, unyielding. “Keep my cock inside you. Can you do that for me?” 
In your blissful state, all you can do is nod, getting comfortable on his lap. He reaches for a slice of bacon on the tray, letting you take the first bites before he finishes it, doing the same for a piece of buttered toast. He feeds you forkfuls of scrambled eggs, using the same utensil for himself. It’s pleasantly intimate for two people who just met. Playing the role of a long-term couple, indulging in simple delights together, like breakfast in bed.
Plate cleared, both your bellies full of nourishment, you stay in this position, kissing each other leisurely, no rush to separate. He whispers your name, fondling your breasts through the fabric of his dress shirt that you’ve made yours. He repeats it a few more times, relishing how it feels on his lips before he never has to utter it again. 
It’s bittersweet, knowing it’s ending as soon as it begun. You have no reason to be so smitten with him. You’re two people who hardly know each other. Still, you find yourself not wanting to say goodbye yet. Something’s there. A tiny spark flickering in the distance. Maybe you’re one of many women he’s done this with before. Maybe you’re nothing special. But in this fleeting moment, you let yourself believe it’s real.
The two of you reluctantly part after an especially long, passionate kiss. You dismount him, grabbing the wipes to clean up the mess that was made earlier. He gives you a smooch on the forehead before getting out of bed to exit the room, returning in less than a minute to hand you your outfit from last night. You briefly recall carelessly discarding it all over his living room floor right before you pounced on him. Is it too soon to consider that a fond memory? It hasn’t even been 24 hours and you’re reminiscing about him already. 
He leaves you alone in the bedroom to change. Before you undress, you bring the sleeves of the shirt to your nose and inhale deeply, memorizing his scent. You almost want to keep this shirt as proof that this happened. That Kishibe is real.
Back in your black dress, you sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for his return. When he walks in, he points at the sash and tiara next to you on the bed. “You’re not going to wear that?”
Shrugging, you respond, “It’s no longer my birthday, so it feels silly wearing it. Just toss it.”
You check your phone, estimating the time of arrival for the ride you requested. Any minute now, they’ll be here, ending your short-lived tryst. He offers to drop you off, but you refuse, not bothering to explain that doing that will result in you dragging him into your own apartment and keeping him a willing hostage for another few hours. It’ll only make it more difficult to not get attached. He doesn’t question it, probably understanding this himself. 
The ping from the app chimes through your phone. You stand up, smiling at him, swinging your purse over your shoulder. “That’s my ride.”
He walks you to the door, waiting for you to strap on your heels. Once they’re on, you smile. “I guess this is it. Thank you for a fun night.”
“Thank you too. This was fun.” It could be wishful thinking, but you hear a waver in his voice. Is he a little bit sad too?
You face the door, ready to turn the knob, when you feel his grip on your wrist. He spins you towards him, kissing you feverishly, his hand caressing your cheek, the other behind your neck. Yearning for one more moment of intimacy with you. He breaks away, resting his forehead against yours, eyes shut as he says goodbye with one last whisper of your name. You avoid his gaze as you exit, walking out of his life.
It’s better this way. 
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odyssean-flower · 6 months
The Winding Path of Fate Chapter 8 - Summer: Honeymoon Prelude
Pairing: Neuvillette x Female Reader Summary: Furina shows up and bothers Neuvillette about his marriage Warnings: None except for the fact that this story is 50% written based on vibes Note: I update this story on AO3 first so please subscribe to the fic there if you’d like to read it faster Note 2: If you want to be on the taglist for this fic, please make a reply to this post, send a message or send a private ask
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Have a pic of Neuvillette hanging out at Dvalin's place
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“My dear Iudex, you’ve been making yourself awfully scarce lately, haven’t you?”  
The doors of Neuvillette’s office doors flew open along with that voice, belonging to the last person he wanted to see right now. Of course, she chose the perfect moment to make her entrance—during his tea break, when he couldn’t use the excuse of work to force her to leave.  
“Lady Furina,” he inclined his head. He had an inkling as to what this conversation was going to be about, and he had prepared himself for it. “I do not quite understand what you mean.”  
“You leave the opera house as soon as possible whenever we’re both present at a trial, and your schedule is mysteriously arranged so that you’re out of the office whenever I’m free. How very odd, wouldn’t you agree? It’s almost as if you’re avoiding me, but why ever would you do that?”   
Furina put her hand on her hips, a knowing smile on her face. Ah, she wishes to draw this out, Neuvillette thought, then refilled his cup and took a sip of water.  
“As you know, Furina, summer is the season when crime rates skyrocket, which means a higher workload. For both of us,” Neuvillette said. “You are, of course, welcome to schedule an appointment with Sedene in the main lobby, if you wish to chat with me. We’ll do our best to accommodate you into our schedule.”  
Furina raised an eyebrow. “Are you being serious right now? I’m your superior, and you answer to me, so why do I have to make an appointment to speak to you? And besides, the crime rate has always increased during the summer for the past five hundred years and probably beyond that, and yet I never had any trouble finding you for a chat...until this year. I do wonder what changed.”  
“What may be the case for previous years may not be the same for the present. Now, if you will excuse me, my break is almost over.”  
Furina glared at him. “You’re really going to drag this out, are you?”  
Neuvillette closed his eyes and took another sip of water. “I’m afraid I do not know what you are talking about.”  
“Oh, really? Playing dumb is not a good look on you, my dear Chief Justice,” Furina said, then began to walk around the office leisurely. She stopped in front of a framed painting near Neuvillette’s desk. “My, my, what’s this? A new painting in your office? When was the last time you added a new decoration to your office, fifty years ago? Although, I must say, it certainly clashes with the rest of the décor in here, with how gloomy the subject is, and the amateurish technique. Shall I suggest some excellent artists for you to commission?”  
“There will be no need for that,” Neuvillette stood up and walked over to Furina, semi-blocking the painting from her view. A simple glimpse of the misty hues and the memories they evoked calmed him slightly. “You have no authority over what I choose to put in my office.”   
“Oh?” Furina smirked up at him triumphantly, as though she had landed a point in a game. “So this painting is important to you, eh? Or perhaps...the artist themselves?”  
Neuvillette remained silent and turned back towards his desk. He knew Furina for far too long to understand that in situations like these, ignoring her was the best way to handle her.  
As he sat back down in his chair, he heard indignant footsteps follow him.  
“Quit it, Neuvillette!” Furina slammed her hands down onto his desk and bent down, glaring at him. “I know you’re married!”  
“Yes,” Neuvillette said. “I am. In accordance with your wishes, or should I say, orders for me.”  
“Is that all you’re going to say to me?”  
“What do you mean? I do not see what more there is to say regarding this topic.”  
Furina stared at him incredulously, her mouth agape. “You do not see? You, the Iudex of Fontaine, do not see what more there is to say to your Archon , the one who kindly advised you to try experiencing the joys of matrimony, about your marriage ?”  
“I did inform you.”  
“In a single-sentence letter!” Furina slammed her hands against his desk again, causing him to wince slightly. “One of the most anticipated events in Fontaine’s history, and not even a single notice in the Steambird’s marriage announcement sections! Was there even a wedding, or did you just sign your names in the registry book?”  
“The marriage was valid in the eyes of the law.”  
“So you didn’t even hold a ceremony?” Furina exclaimed. “I cannot believe this, Neuvillette. The marriage of a man of your rank and status should have been a grand celebration all throughout Fontaine! There should have been a whole month of performances at the opera! Street festivals every day! A beautiful, eight-hour-long ceremony with me officiating!”   
“That sounds immensely disruptive to the public order, not to mention a logistics nightmare.”  
“So? At least it would be an enjoyable and memorable experience for all the citizens of Fontaine. I bet your idea of a fun celebration would be to stare at the sea for a whole day and making everyone drink your precious water, or something boring like that.”  
Neuvillette said nothing. Furina, for all her faults, understood him all too well.   
“As a public figure, Neuvillette, you should remember that everything you do affects them, and that they are all watching you. That doesn’t only go for judgments and the like, but also your personal matters. Don’t you think that you owe the people a small share in your newfound happiness?”  
Neuvillette’s brow furrowed slightly. Though he admittedly found Furina’s logic puzzling most of the time, he did somewhat see her point, and she did have more experience than him with understanding the thinking of the people...  
Furina, sensing him waver, clapped her hands together. “It’s still not too late to make this the event of the year. No, the century! I can contact the Steambird to put up a full page announcement, and we need to get started on wedding planning right away--”  
“I am afraid that I must decline,” Neuvillette said, standing up and staring down at Furina. “That was a moving speech you gave, Furina, but you seemed to have forgotten one thing. You were the one who continuously insisted that I get married, but you have stipulated nothing else. A marriage is a private matter between the individuals involved, and they, and only they, have the right to decide how their marriage will be. My wife and I have mutually decided that there will be no ceremony, and we are both perfectly content with that decision.”  
“ Both of you?” Furina raised an eyebrow. “How very interesting. Did both of you decide to keep this marriage so private as well?”  
“Yes, we have. It was in our best interests.”  
“I'm assuming there was no honeymoon as well, also mutually agreed upon by you both? Please tell me you at least took her out on a date!”  
Date. Neuvillette startled at that word. He wasn’t sure why. “I have not.”  
“And she is perfectly happy with this? You’ve asked her?”  
“I fail to see how any of this is relevant to you. As I have told you many times, this is a personal matter between me and my wife.”  
Furina shook her head with a mixture of exasperation and pity. “My dear Iudex...it appears that you have completely missed the point of why I made the suggestion for you to marry. And your choice of a bride...I don’t know how you did it, but you seemed to have perfectly matched with someone as dull as you are. Either that, or she is so completely terrified of you that she is merely going along with whatever you tell her.”  
“Do not talk about her in that way. You know nothing about her,” Neuvillette gritted out, then stood and glared down at Furina once more, even as he felt seeds of doubt planted in his heart. His wife generally went along with whatever he said. He had always assumed that it was because they had similar temperaments, but could he be mistaken? This was far from the first time that he had mistaken assumptions about humans.  
But Furina wasn’t intimidated in the slightest by that stern gaze, which was usually enough to strike fear into the hearts of anyone unfortunate to be on their receiving end. In fact, she let out a loud peal of laughter.  
“Oh, this is just perfect!” the Hydro Archon laughed, perching herself on Neuvillette’s desk. “I’ve never seen you react like that for a human before! Your bride must truly be someone extraordinary. I must meet her!”  
“No, you will not,” Neuvillette said firmly. “You wished for me to marry, and I have. My wife and I have no need for your meddling in our private lives.”  
Though the marriage was a sham, though the strange new feelings that arose within him lately confused him, one singular conviction burned brightly within his heart: to protect the peace of his wife—his friend—no matter what.  
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As you walked out of the eleavator of the Palais Mermonia to the first floor, you saw groups of people here and there, talking animatedly about something. They were throwing frequent glances at the doors to Neuvillette’s office.  
Did something happen? You wondered with not a little bit of worry. You had just left the license office on the seventh floor after asking about your position on the waiting list (you had barely progressed, but you felt a strange sense of relief upon learning that). Originally, you had planned on visiting the office every week to ask about it—you've learned from your short time dealing with the bureaucracy of the Palais that things tended to speed up considerably when you made yourself known frequently.   
But recently, you found yourself less...vigilant when it came to such things. It was so easy to relax when you weren’t constantly worrying about your budget and studying rigorously, or when you were living with someone who genuinely seemed to enjoy your company, who looked you straight in the eye instead of past you at someone better.  
A knot of tension that you had been carrying around for a long time loosened just a little. You only ever felt this feeling when you were reading about Remuria.  
It had become much more difficult to suppress that voice in your head telling you to relax, asking you, “Don't you want more?”   
For someone like you, who needed to concentrate wholeheartedly on your own future, having an idle mind was a dangerous thing.  
“Sedene, is there something going on with Monsieur Neuvillette?” you asked the Melusine at the front desk, who was nervously looking at the shut doors of the office. She jumped at your voice.  
“Oh, Madame!” she exclaimed in a whisper. Was it just your imagination, or did she look even more nervous. “I would highly recommend you to not visit Monsieur Neuvillette right now.”  
I wasn’t going to, you thought, but didn’t say it aloud. Visiting him at work seemed to cross an invisible line. “Why not?”  
Before Sedene could answer, the doors flew open, and the Hydro Archon herself marched out, looking incensed.   
“Don’t you forget, Neuvillette, that I will get my way in the end,” she turned back and declared, then tossed her hair and strode right past you, presumably to her apartments. She didn’t spare a single glance at you.  
Whoa. This is the first time I’ve seen Lady Furina up close. She had that same immortal, untouchable aura that Neuvillette also had. Just what you’d expect from a god.  
Once she left the main floor, people began to discuss the events that had just occurred loudly and in earnest. You, however, weren’t paying any attention to them. You were looking at Neuvillette’s office, where you could see the man himself standing at his desk, staring down at it. Occasionally, he glanced at something on the wall. You couldn’t see his expression from here, but you didn’t feel you needed to. He was upset.  
You looked back at Sedene almost reflexively. “Go,” she nodded encouragingly. You looked around briefly. No one was looking in your direction.  
You took in a deep breath to shake off your nerves, even though this was just a simple check-in on your husband? Friend? Neither of those words felt right.  
Don’t overthink this. Just keep things natural, you told yourself, then walked inside the office, closing the doors behind you.  
You couldn’t help but look around at the office as you approached the desk. It was a lot more spacious than you imagined and had an air of elegance that matched its owner.   
Neuvillette didn’t seem to have noticed your entrance. He was still staring at his desk. You could see the deep furrow between his brows, and the frown on his lips. What did he and Lady Furina argue about for him to be brooding over it so much?  
Now that you were here, you had no idea what to say. But you couldn’t just leave now. At that moment, you spotted his silver cup, nearly empty. There was a glass pitcher on a side table. You slowly walked over to it and picked it up, then refilled his cup. He looked up at your movements., and his eyes widened when his eyes landed on your face.   
“Here, Monsieur Neuvillette,” you offered the water to him. “I think you might need it.”  
His hand slowly stretched out to take the cup from you, but his eyes never left your face. “Madame, what are you doing here?”  
“W-Well, I, um...” you fidgeted. “I was just visiting the license office, and then, I saw that there was a c-commotion going on here, and then Lady Furina came out, and you looked very...” Your voice trailed off when you saw his expression change. The troubled look on his face was wiped away like a slate being cleaned, and his usual look returned.  
“You should not have come here. It is better if you do not visit me at the Palais.”  
“Oh...okay,” a wave of disappointment rose up inside your chest. It was understandable, really. Your relationship with Neuvillette needed to be kept as low-key and secretive as possible, and you shouldn’t interrupt him at work—it would only distract him (were you a distraction? Did you qualify as one?). Besides, visiting his workplace was such a...wifely thing to do. “I’m sorry. I was just worried about how you were doing, but I can just ask you at home. I’ll take my leave now, sir. Goodbye.”  
“No, please wait, Madame,” Neuvillette came around to your side of the desk as you slowly backed away. “I apologize for my earlier brusqueness. I was not myself. Please, feel free to stay here.”  
“I shouldn’t...” you said. It was clear that Neuvillette was trying his best to maintain his polite demeanour. “I would only distract you from your important work.”  
“I could use a distraction right now,” Neuvillette said. Wow, that fight with Lady Furina must have been bad, you thought. “And I would very much like to talk to you. That is, if you would like to. I do not wish to force you. ”  
Something in his voice made you stop backing away. It almost sounded like a plea.   
You sat down on the blue couch next to his desk, and Neuvillette likewise sat down in his chair.  
For a few minutes, neither of you spoke. You stared at the wall across from you, at the gramophone in the corner, at the window behind him. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Neuvillette staring at the papers on his desk, occasionally taking a sip of water.  
Should I ask what happened, or should I wait for him to talk about it, you puzzled over the dilemma. Neuvillette wasn’t the type to talk about himself, so it would probably be better if you brought it up, but on the other hand, what if the argument with Furina was about something confidential, like trials or governance, something not meant for you to know?  
Surprisingly, it was Neuvillette who spoke first.   
“Madame, earlier you said that you were visiting the license office. How did it go?”  
“Huh?” you blinked in confusion. That was unexpected. “Oh, um, well, I suppose. I haven’t progressed much on the waiting list at all.”  
“Ah, I see. How unfortunate to hear. But don’t lose heart, I have no doubt that you will get your license in due time.”  
Neuvillette’s expression didn’t change much as he said those words. You weren’t sure what you were expecting.  
“Yes, I know. I hope so too.”  
Another silence. You decided to use this opportunity to ask him about his argument with Furina. “So--”  
“The sunflower seeds you’ve planted seem to be growing well. They seem to be growing taller every time I see them.”  
“...They are, although it would take more than a month before they can bloom.”  
It had been a few weeks since your parents sent you the sunflower seeds. You decided to plant them by the front door as well as in the garden, near the porch door. Despite Neuvillette’s mysterious promise to “do something about the rain,” you had been prepared to go outside to water the seedlings frequently, but sure enough, there had been a full two weeks of rain. Not the long and violent rainstorms of the earlier rainy season, but briefer, gentler showers that were suitable for young, fragile sprouts. These rains seemed to belong in spring rather than summer.  
When you had remarked upon the timeliness and aptness of the rains to Neuvillette, he had said something vague like, “Perhaps someone out there heard your request,” but was amusingly disgruntled when you suggested that the “someone” was most likely Furina, who being the God of Hydro was the most logical answer. “I have my doubts about that,” was all he said.  
You weren’t a fool. You knew that Neuvillette probably used his powers to make it rain. Of course, that was just an assumption, since he disappointingly never used his powers in front of you. For all you knew, he could only breathe fire or something. But still, it was fun to tease him a little by thanking Furina out loud whenever it rained.  
“They would be a sight to behold when the time comes,” Neuvillette said. “I am very much looking forward to it.”  
You nodded. “We should take pictures and invite the Melusines.”  
Now was your chance to ask him. “But putting that aside, what—”  
“Speaking of the Melusines, I’ve heard from them that they have been enjoying your drawing lessons very much.”  
You stared at him. He was definitely doing this on purpose. “I’m glad to hear that, it was enjoyable for me as well,” you said at last when Neuvillette showed no sign of relenting.   
“Were there any difficulties?”  
“It was tough at first,” you admitted. “Since Melusines don’t have fingers, so it was difficult for me to teach them how to grip a pencil properly. And the way they see color is different from humans, too, which leads to a lot of fascinating results when it comes to coloring. But other than that, they are all very good students.”  
Neuvillette nodded, smiling a little, as he always did when the topic of Melusines came up. “It must be good for you as well, to gain teaching experience.”  
It was indeed. You used to help as a teaching assistant at the schoolhouse in your hometown, but ever since you moved to the Court of Fontaine, you had mainly focused on book studying and hardly gained any practical experience.   
“Enough about me,” you said firmly. Neuvillette didn’t seem to have any intention of speaking about the argument at all, and it bothered you deeply. "I want to ask about—”  
“How do you think of taking our honeymoon?” Neuvillette said at the same time.  
“Huh?” You stood up and walked over to him. Were your ears working correctly just now? “I don’t believe I heard you right. Did you just say ‘honeymoon.’?”  
“Yes,” Neuvillette said, then took another sip of water. “Or, um, it could be a date, if you would prefer to think of it that way.”  
Once again, you stared at him with incredulity. He was avoiding your gaze.  
“What brought this on?” you asked, but the answer came to you at once. “Did Lady Furina have something to do with it?”  
Neuvillette said nothing. He was really going to drag this out, wasn’t he, you thought. Feeling a stab of annoyance, you moved over to the side of the desk and bent down so that you were looking him directly in the eye.  
“Monsieur, let me repeat my question once again. Is your argument with Lady Furina behind this proposal?”  
“Yes,” he breathed, staring back into your eyes. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but you pressed on.  
“Did the argument have to do with our marriage?”  
“...Yes,” he said, and then cleared his throat. You waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t.  
“Alright, then,” you said at last. “I will go on this honeymoon or date or whatever with you.”  
“You will?” Neuvillette looked genuinely surprised. “I do not want you to feel pressured. You are under no obligation to accept. I...do not want you to agree because you are afraid of me.”  
Now you felt concerned. “Do I seem afraid of you, sir?”  
There was a discomforting pause before he answered, “I do not know. I am not good at discerning these sorts of things.”  
“Then, allow me to make it clear,” you said and straightened up. “I am not doing this out of fear or intimidation of you. I’m agreeing out of my own desire to find out just what exactly is troubling you. This is the same for anything you ask of me.”  
Neuvillette stared at your face. Something he saw there must have convinced him, for you felt an invisible tension disappear from him. “I’m very pleased to hear that.”  
The two of you smiled at each other for a moment, then looked away.  
“So, when are we going on this honeymoon?” you asked to distract from the delicate atmosphere that had appeared. “I should start preparing right away.”  
“Tomorrow,” Neuvillette replied, like it was natural to simply go on vacations the very next day. “It will only be for a day, I’m afraid.”  
“Tomorrow?” you exclaimed. “So soon?”  
“Why not tomorrow? In my experience, it is always better to take action right away.”  
“But...but, what about your duties. The crime rates?”  
“I am going to arrange for my subordinates to handle a part of my work. There are no trials tomorrow, and I have faith that the Palais can do without me for one day. You don’t have any plans tomorrow as well, Madame?”  
You shook your head. “Then...have you already decided where we’re going to go?”  
“I have. It’s somewhere I have wanted to take you to for some time.”  
You felt your cheeks turn red despite yourself. “I-I see. Then I’m sure it must be somewhere amazing.”  
In addition to your worry and concern about Neuvillette, there was now a thin thread of excitement. You had never really travelled before. And now the Chief Justice himself was personally taking you somewhere.  
You wandered around the office, your dormant imagination going wild. Since it was Neuvillette, it must be a place with lots of water. Maybe he was taking you to the beach? Did you need to buy swimwear? Would Neuvillette bring swimwear? You briefly attempted to imagine him swimming before immediately pushing that thought out of your mind. It felt indecent.  
“Wait...” you stopped in front of a very familiar painting. It was jarring against the brightly lit room and even the gilt frame surrounding it. How had you not noticed it before? “You hung my painting in your office?”  
“Ah, yes,” Neuvillette walked over to you. “I found that this was the most suitable place for it.”  
He then noticed your distressed expression, and his face fell. “...Do you not want me to hang it here?”  
“Oh, no, no, not at all,” you shook your head. “It’s my gift to you, so you should do whatever you like with it, it’s just that...”  
“Yes?” Neuvillette prompted you.  
“It’s just that...it looks so out of place here. If I had known you were going to put it here, I would have painted something better.”  
“There is no need for that,” Neuvillette said. “I enjoy looking at it. It brings me calm, particularly on bright, stressful days like these. I feel as though I am looking out a window into the rain.”  
“Oh!” Your voice cracked, and you felt lightheaded. You hadn't considered it anything special, you just wanted to show your gratitude to him and hoped he found it pleasing. You assumed that he put it in his study or something, but you never expected for him to put it here, where doubtless so many important people visited. And yet it was hung up proudly, like the work of a master.  
I enjoy looking at it. It brings me calm.  
You felt extremely embarrassed—but also an overpowering joy that you hadn’t experienced in a long, long time.  
“I-I see,” you stuttered out. What was going on? A moment ago, you felt utterly calm, and now you were acting like a nervous schoolgirl. You slowly backed away. “A-As the a-artist, I-I'm, um, very happy to hear that.”  
Neuvillette frowned. “Are you alright, Madame?”  
You could only imagine the expression on your face right now. “Y-Yes, sir. I’m perfectly fine. I should really take my leave now and leave you to your duties. I’ll, um, see you at home!”  
You turned your back to a dumbfounded Neuvillette and opened the doors, then peeked outside. The Gestionnaires were all bent over their typewriters. You slipped outside.  
You did your best to maintain your composure as you walked out of the Palais, and descended in the elevator, before inexplicably breaking into a run, all the way back home.  
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@just-simping-over-genshin, @xalphafox, @jqnehr, @favficdump, @thetwinkims, @cielclassy, @the-mxs-of-many, @mxyarylla, @lynettezz
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cocogum · 3 months
Let’s TALK about episodes 9 and 10 people… (part 2)
And of course, we got Qilby who’s finally got the eliatrope dofus back and left the chat. I liked how he was talking to Shinonome tho even if she was still in their shared dofus. This taught me that even if one sibling is alive, they can still communicate with their twin in their dofus.
And here we go again with Qilby wanting to make A NEW ELIACUBE. Only this time, he’ll name that one the “Eliasphere”.
Because of this, it was finally confirmed that Lokus was a mechasm. And it all makes perfect sense now.
When Qilby finally reached Lokus’ heart, we get flashes and quick imageries of those very same mechasms. When we pause on every single one of them, we get to see these:
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(I love how these mechasms kinda look like biblical angels tho lol)
Yeah, we’re screwed.
And then we’re back with Yugo and my god he keeps convulsing so much I’m so confused as to how he can keep talking so normally after all this.
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I didn’t even try to screenshot this at a good angle, this is exactly what happened when I just took it. It’s perfect.
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ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS SHOT?!? I know how some of us have seen this scene as a preview for the episode but I just LOVE how good this looks. The colors and the vibe are sending me!! I still also remember how people used to theorize on who this could have been lying down in front of Toross back when we didn’t know it was Yugo. I heard things like Amalia, Nora, Yugo obviously, and even Efrim. Those were some fun times…
Bro. I can’t stop staring.
I know he’s going through hell right now but like….damn he’s built. He’s such a slut.
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*clears throat*
😩❤️‍🔥💖🎶DADDY’S HOME🎶💖❤️‍🔥😩‼️‼️‼️
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I believe his growth and powers should get elevated to fight stronger opponents which is why I am happy that he grew 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢 I only want the best for him after all 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢
Yugo just accepted death when you think about it. When Oropo explained to him what the necromes would do and what would become of him, Yugo was lost yes but he accepted it. He welcomed it even. Right after that, we see him fighting with Bouillon and smiling. He’s smiling when he shouldn’t be. But because Oropo told him he’d make him stop thinking about the outside world, he’s smiling. The slow process of his death was currently happening and Yugo couldn’t do a thing.
That’s what frustrates me but makes me admire Yugo. It’s the fact that he always gets so close to death but when he learns that there’s finally nothing he can do about it, he just accepts it.
I think that’s pretty respectable but….
Honestly he can be even dumber than Dally sometimes.
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I just-
I can’t handle his smugness stop.
But in all seriousness tho I gotta address Nora.
Because omg Nora.
I genuinely feel so horrible for her.
She spent thousands of years searching for her mother with Efrim. She spent so many years of her life looking for her mother and never gave up. She almost lost the connection and then got it back and when she finally found her, she lost Efrim, then went with her mother and has done nothing else but listen to her mother, give out orders for her, and try to be the center of the family circle so she could keep its balance.
She has realized that she will no longer be able to be reborn like her other siblings and will eventually stay stuck in her dofus for all eternity. She is aware that when she dies, she won’t be remembered by her other siblings and her place in the council of six will fade away as if all those thousands of years spent with them happened for nothing. The only one who will remember her will be Qilby who will think of her as the long-lost sister none of the others remember and will ever get to meet her. She will disappear in the face of the krosmoz and will never come back.
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As if things couldn’t get any worse, she gets tricked by Efrim and gets statufied so that her powers can be used by Toross whenever he wants to. Her situation became ironic, even laughable too. Because now, instead of dying and not being able to go back to her dofus, she is physically incapable of moving and will forever be used by Toross. No matter the outcome, Nora can’t come back to her dofus. Compared to Yugo, Toross doesn’t let out a tear at his action inflicted on Nora and instead thanks her. Nora’s last memory of all of this is Toross telling her how the world will have nothing but hunger.
“You can't do this! Have mercy! Don’t make me responsible for the end of the world!”
In the end, her last word was her brother’s name.
Nora deserved more.
All she had done as of now was help others and try to fix what she could. She never stopped to think about what she could’ve done for herself.
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That Qilby vs Lokus fight is just *chef’s kiss*
“My brother, my king.”
Qilby is a real legend.
Now some people might wonder why his death was considered a sad one when he can just die, get reborn, and not lose any of his memories. While that is technically true, he’s not losing anything. And that’s exactly why it’s sad. Qilby can’t lose anything no matter what he does. Which is why he had no trouble dying. If dying meant helping Yugo find some way to obtain Lokus’ heart, then he’d do it. Unlike his siblings, he’s the only one able to confidently have that mindset and say it’s nothing to worry about. He did it for his king so that like he told Yugo:
“I hope that when we wake up, the planets will still be here.”
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And this is why Yugo cried for him.
Despite being rejected over and over again, despite being called a traitor, despite being called a monster and a killer, Qilby stayed true to himself even until the end. Qilby’s sense of wonder and curiosity, the very same things that had made him look like a freak to Yugo, is what saved his king.
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