#I’m going to draw this later 😈
tragicstarz · 1 month
Pop-pop taking away kaylees IPad after she sold nacho on the black market for a box of fidget toys
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Day 3: Double Penetration - Steve/Bucky
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Kinktober Day 3: Double Pentration -  Steve/Bucky x f!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, hatefucking, threesome, nicknames, size difference, choking, lots of swearing, discussion of masturbation, oral (m and f receiving), multiple orgasms, piv sex, anal sex, anal fingering, cum swallowing no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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You couldn’t get away from them quick enough, feet aching with each stomp as you exited the quinjet into the Avengers tower.
Tony was waiting at the entryway, “good mission then?” he smirked, having already listened to the argument on the comms between you and the two assholes and Tony being a smug prick rushed to welcome you back to the building. He had also been the other option to go on the mission but nope, you had to draw the short straw and endure the suffering of the two super soldiers.
It wasn’t like you attended these missions in a foul mood, prepared to argue, you were always keen to follow the instructions given by Fury. However, like usual, the two men had nearly caused you to be compromised thanks to Steve’s superiority complex, putting himself directly into the middle of the action instead of following the stealth instructions. This meant that you spent more time fighting off people than trying to save the captors and by the time you were aiding them out of the hell hole they were being kept in, you were shattered and bruised. Especially as you were not able to heal as quickly as the other two, it wasn’t as simple as having a drink and walking it off before continuing with the action.
This led to a shouting match on the journey home, with Bucky backing up Steve’s actions leaving you 2 vs 1 as per usual. You were fed up following them around, nearly getting killed AGAIN because of their stupid decisions, you weren’t going to let them get away with it for much longer.
Dropping your bag onto the floor beside Tony, you huffed irritated, “I’m never going on another mission with those assholes ever again Stark, keep them out of my way”. Your feet couldn’t walk you quick enough as you rushed to the tower elevator, not stopping to listen to whatever shit Steve and Bucky had to say, relief easing your muscles as the doors finally closed and you were alone.
It was hours later when you were finally in bed, having showered, applied cream to the forming bruises on your arms and legs and had some shitty film on in the background.
Just as your eyes were dropping with exhaustion, did a firm knock sound at your door. Your heart plummeted in your chest, not having any energy to have a discussion with anyone right now.  “Yes? What do you want?” you asked dryly.
No one answered which only caused you to roll your eyes and release another exasperated sigh as you heaved your body from the bed, once again stomping to show your displeasure and hastily swinging the door open.
“Oh for fucks sake, what do you both want? I thought we agreed to debrief tomorrow?” Stood before you were the two men you least wanted to see in the world. Gone were their expensive superhero suits and instead replaced with matching grey SHIELD t-shirts that hug their muscles, along with some dark grey joggers, hair slightly damp from recent showers.
Bucky was the one to respond, chuckling deeply and rolling his shoulders to relieve the tension and displaying his obvious annoyance. “It’s not the debrief Doll, that’s not why we’re here”.
Moving your weight from one foot to another, folding your arms sternly across your chest as you moved, glancing between the two men you replied, “well, what the fuck do you want, I was just about to get some well-deserved sleep”.
Steve now inched forward, standing to his full height, making your neck strain back further to look him in the eye, “let us in, this isn’t a conversation for the corridor”.
For some reason his words sent a panic through your thoughts, he never spoke to you in that calm tone, maybe something had truly gone wrong in the mission and needed discussing.
Contemplating it for a moment and glancing behind you to check your room and to see it in an organised manner, you moved to the side, holding the door open further for them both to enter.
Steve and Bucky stepped in and you noticed the way both of their eyes flicked to every inch of your room, assessing it, even this pissed you off, it was your safe space they should stop being so nosey but you refrained from sighing again as you shut the door, turning to face them, leaning into the wood.
“Well? What is it then?”
Neither answered immediately, both still walking around the room slowly.
Bucky spoke first, but not about why he was here, “I didn’t have you as a book reader” he mumbled, hand skimming over the book you’d left open at your desk.
This time you couldn’t hold back the sigh and rolling of your eyes for what felt like the 100th time that day, “so you’ve come to my room to talk about books?”
Steve turned to you now, pointing in your direction, “there you go again, sighing like being in our presence really is some horrific burden”.
“I mean it is, I’ve not exactly kept this a secret, Rogers” you retorted, walking further into the room.
Bucky shook his head in a condescending manner. “You’ve got a real mouth on you, you know that Doll?” 
Snapping your head towards Bucky you couldn’t help the aggressive tone as you snapped, “I’ve asked you to stop calling me Doll, I’m not one of your stupid dames from the 1920s”.
Neither men responded, instead, they looked towards one another, still wandering slowly around the room before Steve settled on the edge of the bed, a sight you never thought you would see and one that you weren’t sure how to feel about, it sent a sort of thrill through you but you shook it off as he began talking.
“You know, Stark mentioned something to us after you stomped off like a child”.
You scoffed, “fuck off Rogers-”
“Let me finish. He mentioned something that we initially shrugged off, in fact, it sort of repulsed us at first but the more we thought about it, the more it started to make sense”.
Steve left you pondering on his statement, “well? What did Stark suggest?”
You watched as Steve stood, taking strong steps towards you, distracting you from Bucky as he too stepped closer from behind. It wasn’t until they stood only a step away that you became a little apprehensive, neck once again straining to look up at the blonde.
“He suggested that we all needed a god, hard, fuck to get over whatever tension there is between us”.
You laughed. Hard. Like really belly laughed until tears were dripping from the corner of your eyes. You had also expected both of them to laugh as well at the ridiculous notion that had been presented to you but they both were watching you with hard expressions. “Wait, you aren’t joking? You can’t be fucking serious, do you really think I want to touch either of you? What a joke.”
Bucky’s cool metal hand was quick as he cupped your throat, cutting off your laughter, his grip hard enough to have you struggling against him but still be able to suck in small breaths. “What the fuck are you doing Barnes?”
Steve began tutting, “No, here’s the thing, you are going to listen to us for once”, he raised his hand to grip your cheeks so that your mouth smushed together so you reached up to hold onto his thick wrist, hoping to ease the grip he had but of course, he didn’t budge. It also didn’t help the situation that you were dressed for bed in only an oversized t-shirt and underwear.
“You have been a pain in our sides since you joined the team, but, we won’t take away that you are an asset on these missions but that doesn’t explain the reason as to why you decided to fight us tooth and nail with every single fucking thing that we do”.
Steve took a breath to calm himself before continuing, “now when Stark said his stupid idea we both brushed him off, but then we thought about it more and more. The way the tension was always thick in the air when the three of us are together, the way my cock twitches in the shower when I think about you in that uniform of yours. We all clearly just need to get things off of our chest or at least…get each other off”.
His lips smirked up as you contemplated this. But surely they couldn’t be serious right? This had to be some big practical joke… but then again, you couldn’t deny the initial attraction that you had when you’d first seen them. I mean, who wouldn’t be attracted to Captain fucking America and the Winter Soldier? They were tall, handsome, incredibly strong, you couldn’t help the schoolgirl crush the first time you’d been introduced to them.
However, after spending more time with them and seeing their arrogance and self-righteousness attitude, you’d ignored that impulse that had struck through you. So no, there was no way that you were actually contemplating this, he had to be making this up.
You were about to try and shove him off again but as your eyes dropped low, you could see the very prominent and remarkably sizeable shape that had formed in his joggers, maybe that serum did more than grow them in height and strength.
Steve caught you staring at his erection, glancing wickedly up to Bucky behind you as he stepped closer, both of their bodies now touching yours so that you could now feel Bucky’s firm rod being prodded into your lower back.
Ok so they were both definitely into this and your mind was racing, images flashing through your mind as to the potential of whatever it was that they were asking for, and your body betrayed your strong willpower as arousal hummed through and in between your legs, causing you to rub your thighs together to ease the tension.
The blonde noticed, his eyes lowering to watch before glazing back towards your face with half-lidded eyes, his pupils widely dilated with arousal.
Pushing on his wrist that was still firmly gripping your cheeks, he let go as you tried to speak with confidence, “fine, if we do this, it doesn’t mean that I’ll stop hating you guys because I still fucking do, but I’ll do whatever it is that you want to do”.
Steve didn’t seem convinced, “not quite what we were hoping to hear. It’s not just what we want to do, I need you to say it’s what you want as well, otherwise, we’re walking straight out of here and not returning and you can continue to think about us whilst in the shower, rubbing between your legs, shouting our names like our super soldier serum can’t hear between floors at just what you do after a mission”.
Your cheeks were burning hot, it had only been a few occasions that you’d done this, you just felt so wound up that you needed to relieve the tension and they both just happened to be the first people you thought of whilst masturbating.
“Fine Rogers, I want this ok? So hurry up and fuck me so I can kick you both out of my room”.
Steve chuckled darkly, squaring his shoulders as he looked above your head towards Bucky and gave a quick nod in his direction.
Bucky’s metal arm finally released your neck, allowing you to take a deep breath in for only a second before you were having his hands grip your thighs, lifting you up until you were folded up against Bucky’s chest, legs now spread in his grip. Scared that you might fall, you reached behind to grip the back of Bucky's head, pulling on his shoulder-length hair.
Steve took a step back, admiring the view before him, and without wasting another moment, he gripped your underwear in two places and effortlessly ripped them in half, chucking the offending material somewhere over his shoulder, now leaving you completely exposed to him.
“Even though you are the fucking bane of my life, I’ve always wanted to do this”, his voice was dark and gruff as he spoke, face inching forward before finally pouncing onto your moistening cunt. Your shout for euphoria made your ears ring from the volume but you couldn’t help it as he didn’t hold back at all, eating you out like a man starved.
His tongue delved deep between your folds, making sure not to miss a single nerve ending, spending specific time to push it into your eager hole, loving how he knew the exact spot to flick his tongue to have your head falling back against Bucky’s shoulder. He then spent time concentrating on your clit, kneading it with his tongue, rotating in circles, sucking it into his mouth, everything so deliciously pleasurably that you were pulling Bucky’s hair harsher, shout out as it all came crashing down, the waves of pleasure pulsing through you.
Steve released your clit slowly, looking up at you with hungry eyes as you tried to regain your breathing, the man definitely knew what he was doing with his tongue that's for sure. Tapping on Bucky’s head, he understand that you wanted to be put down, slowly easing you to your feet.
“My turn”, you seductively whispered, dropping to your knees, ignoring the pinch of pain from the bruises that were on your knees from the mission as you looked up expectedly, mouth wide open and ready.
Both men eased their cocks out of their joggers, leaving the material halfway down their delicious thighs, hands tossing themselves off as they down at you.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to see you on your knees like this” Bucky explained as he directed you to his cock, pointing it in your face. You were mesmerised by the sheer size of them both, thick and long, it had your mouth watering and also cunt pulsing in anticipation.
Reaching forward you gripped the base of Bucky, making sure to hold his eye contact as you licked along the underside of his cock, wetting it before sucking on his tip and enjoying the way he sucked in a breath at the sensation.
You were only able to take half of his cock to the back of your throat before you were gagging, so you made sure to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks as you moved up, enjoying the salty taste of him. Reaching out with your hand, you gripped onto Steve’s cock, not wanting him to feel lonely as you were able to suck off Bucky and toss off Steve at the same time, loving the sensation of having two of the world's biggest heroes in front of you, falling apart as you used your body.
As tears started to form in your eyes due to gagging over Bucky’s length, you pulled off and started to suck Steve’s cock, alternating between both men’s cock with your mouth or hand. The duo were groaning, hands on the back of your head to hold you there causing strings of saliva to dribble down your chin, mixing with the tears that were flowing down your face from the stimulations
As you tried to take Steve as far as you could into your mouth, the other hand gripping onto Bucky’s member so that it tensed, Steve finally tapped your cheek. Pulling off him, he signalled for you to stand but your knees were wobbly from being in that position so he effectively picked you up, your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you to the bed.
He placed you in the centre of your unmade bed, pulling off his clothes to match Bucky who had already stripped off. As they stood there watching you lean up on your forearms to inspect their every move, Steve asked, “who do you want first, me or Bucky?”
Smirking up at them, you responded, “why do I have to only pick one when I could have you both”. With that you turned on the bed, lying face first and lifted your arse into the air, presenting yourself to the two of them.
Bucky whistled at the sight, “you really think you can take us both?”
“Oh I know I can take you both, now hurry up and fuck me already”.
Bucky chuckled, “always so demanding Doll”, he knelt on the edge of the bed, pulling your leg back causing you to slide and then turning you so you were once more on your back. Looking down at you with an eyebrow raised he asked in a deepened voice, “What? Not going to chastise me for calling you Doll?”
Scoffing you refrained from rolling your eyes, “there's no way I’m having a go at you right now, not when you stand in the way of providing me with orgasms, Barnes”.
“Hmm”, he leaned over you, forearms resting on either side of your head, his mouth close to yours that you thought he might kiss you but he didn’t, instead he shifted his hips closer. “See, I think you secretly love that name, shall we test that theory?”
“What are you-”
Your words became caught in your throat as he began thrusting into your cunt, slowly and tentatively as to not hurt you, doing a good job at really stretching you out, feeling as if you were nearly at your max already but he kept going and going until finally he brushed against your cervix.
“Fuck” you cursed loudly, eyes rolling back now for a completely different reaction as he allowed your time to adjust until finally, his voice snapped you out of the blissful state.
“So how are you feeling… Doll?” Your pussy squeezed around his cock at the nickname, revealing another one of your well-kept secrets that you did, in fact, enjoy him calling you that name.
Bucky’s face was alight with amusement, loving that he had discovered this about you, “I had the suspicion that the name was turning you on, is that why you so desperately fought us to not call you that, was it because you were becoming aroused?”
“Fuck you, Barnes”.
“Actually, I think it’s more fuck you, Doll” he eased his cock out before sliding back in again. Bucky’s hips snapped into yours, starting off slow before building momentum, your cunt clinging to his cock desperately with each thrust.
It turned you on further to think that Steve was standing just beside Bucky watching you being fucked and with the hyperstimulation of his girthy cock and the fact that this was even happening, your orgasm came on quickly and suddenly. You only just had time to warn Barnes that you were cuming, hands grabbing onto his back as your cunt convulsed around him, squeezing him thoroughly.
Not giving you any time to come down from your high, the brunette whilst still balls deep, turned you both over so he was now underneath and you were now lying on his chest. Tiredly, you looked over your shoulder, smiling as Steve climbed onto the bed and remained behind you.
“Come on then Rogers, let’s see what you’ve got to offer”. Steve smirked at your taunting, reaching to your lips to press his fingers against them, hoping you would open them which you did, and sucked on them, coating the two digits with plenty of spit.
Pulling them out, he aimed them towards your puckered hole, easing one finger in at a time, making sure to thoroughly stretch you out, and adding three more fingers until he was satisfied that you would be able to take him without hurting yourself.
All the while Bucky had remained sheathed in your cunt, still thick and hard, you guessed that this had something to do with the serum that he could stay like this for so long. Without any further waiting, Steve’s cock brushed against your asshole, his warm tip taking its time to tease before being eased in. You felt your body trying to tense at being stretched from the second hole but you willed it to relax, and inch by inch disappeared into your hole.
Just as you felt like you were going to explode from fulness, he stopped, breathing heavily himself. “You’re so fucking tight” he muttered between breaths. The sensation was extremely intense, all of your vulnerable nerves were being touched in both the front and the back.
Steve’s hand fell into your hair once he had composed himself, pulling back harshly, effectively lifting you up from Bucky’s chest so that you had to lean your hands on his pecks whilst his hands rested against your breasts, which were still covered in your oversized shirt.
As Steve began to move, making sure to work with Bucky’s movements, you couldn’t believe how incredible pleasuring it felt, it was almost too much as each graze of someone's cock had you twitching to cum. 
It was an endless cycle of smacking hips together, orgasming hard and then them continuing. You weren't even sure how many times your pussy had convulsed around them both but by this point you had more dribble leaking down your chin and your mind was filled with white noise. The boys noticed that you seemed to be nearing your end and willed themselves to stop holding back their own orgasms.
“Fuck I’m going to cum” Steve stuttered first, pulling out at the same time as Bucky and man-handling you onto your back on the bed. You couldn’t even feel your legs, you had been well and truly fucked as the two super soldiers knelt over your face, tossing themselves off vigorously.
Noticing their plan, in your deliriously fucked out brain you managed to open your mouth and stick your tongue out in preparation for their cum. Steve was the first to shoot his load into your mouth, not missing a single drop as you eagerly licked your lips to make sure his salty goodness was drunk. Bucky followed him soon after, also cuming in your mouth but having to catch a drip with his thumb, pushing his white seed back into your mouth which you eagerly suck and drank down.
Closing your eyes, you were completely exhausted, only just being able to hear the boys beginning to redress themselves. Smiling to yourself, you managed to croak out, voice laced with tiredness, “could you both kindly fuck off and close the door behind you”.
Both of them chuckled as they exited without another word, leaving you to sleep peacefully.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 10 months
Howlin' for You
[A/N: Highly recommend listening to “Not Afraid Anymore” from Fifty Shades Darker while reading what’s under the cut 😘 Enjoy, my fellow Hotch sluts 😈🖤]
“Oracle of Quantico,” Penelope’s voices rings out clearly through the car, “speak and be heard.”
“Hey, baby girl,” Derek croons from his spot next to you in the driver’s seat, and you chime in, “Hi, Pen! Can you do some digging for me?”
“Can I- Y/N Y/L/N,” she admonishes playfully, and you share a knowing smile with Derek. “How long have you been with this team now? You know I’m a digital shovel. Give me a name, date, or a hint of nefarious activity, and I shall reveal all, my love.”
“It’s, uh, the local sheriff,” you confess through a grimace. “Wilson. Who invited us in. I think he’s involved with the sole witness we can’t seem to find. So don’t send anything to their office, just call us or Hotch, okay?”
“Oh, you smart little cookie, you’ve got it. PG out.”
Derek shakes his head before flicking on the turn signal and pulling over at the newest crime scene. “You’re sure about the picture you saw, Y/L/N?”
“No doubt,” you assure him. “I just need Garcia to find me proof that he can’t deny.”
“If it’s there to be found, she’ll find it,” he answers, turning the Suburban off and pausing with his fingers tucked into the car door handle. “But these small town cops are just gonna hate us even more once we prove your theory right.”
“Oh no,” you deadpan, “however will we go on without their respect and admiration?” You hop out of the SUV, not missing the way Derek rolls his eyes before following you across the lawn to grab a pair of gloves from the forensics team and head inside the latest victim’s house.
Several minutes later, you’re examining the contents of the shelves in the living room when your phone rings, and Penelope animatedly confirms what you suspected earlier today. You enter the bedroom where Hotch is analyzing the scene with a critical eye and gently grasp his elbow to guide him away from the primary crime scene- and earshot of Sheriff Wilson.
“What is it?” he murmurs softly, resisting the urge to pluck your bottom lip out from where your teeth are nervously gnawing on it, keenly aware of the local law enforcement’s prying eyes. When you don’t respond immediately, he prompts, “Y/N?”
“Pen and I found something,” you answer. “And you’re not gonna like it.”
You share the information with Aaron in hushed tones, and his brow grows more furrowed the longer you talk. When you finish with a deep breath, he turns on his heel to chew out the officer, but looks back at you before walking away. Taking a quick peek around to make sure you’re alone, he pecks your lips and commends your intuition with a soft smile.
If you had a tail, it would be wagging right about now.
“I don’t have to listen to this!” Sheriff Wilson explodes out of the bedroom, Hotch hot on his heels as they head toward the front yard. You follow after, fingers twitching at your side and ready to draw your gun when you see other officers taking an interest in their heated conversation, fiery eyes set on your boss- but more importantly in this moment, the man you love.
“Everybody just take it easy,” you counsel, grateful when you feel Derek’s solid form now pressing against your arm. Hotch meets the sheriff’s ire with an eerie calm, speaking too low for you to hear. An eerie calm, that is, until Wilson says something clearly so egregious that Aaron barks, “Get off my crime scene, Sheriff, before I have you charged with obstruction of justice.”
The entire neighborhood seems to fall silent; the birds cease chirping, the wind stops rustling through the trees, the local officers slink away from the altercation, and the sheriff opens his mouth to respond, but no words form on his stunned lips. He stalks off to his police cruiser in a huff, and Aaron turns back to instruct Derek to follow him and find out where the witness is.
You, on the other hand, are frozen in place, in awe of the raw power and authority emanating from your imposing man. Your erratic heartbeat thrums between your legs, and if you had even a shred less of self-respect, you would fall to your knees right now to worship Aaron like he deserves.
Instead, you swallow down the saliva pooling in your mouth at the phantom taste of him on your tongue and follow him back into the house to continue cataloguing the crime scene.
Your hunger will have to wait. 
“Fuck, I’m so glad to be leaving this town tomorrow,” Aaron confesses as the hotel room door clicks shut behind you. He turns to find you blindly following him further into the room, a vacant expression on your face, though your eyes track his every move. “Honey, what is it?” His brows draw together in concern while he tugs at his tie. You watch his fingers work their way into the knot to undo it, and your tongue darts out to wet your lips while the embers that’ve been burning in your lower belly for days flare to life. “Honey?” Aaron tries again, genuinely growing worried now. “Do you feel sick? Or did one of those assholes say something to you to get back at me? Just tell me what’s wrong and I’ll-”
“No, Aaron,” you finally blurt out. “I’m just- I need you,” you confess softly, wringing your hands.
He cocks an eyebrow, and you know immediately that he understands your meaning but is choosing to toy with you now. “I’m right here, sweetheart.”
“No, Aaron,” you repeat, more forcefully this time. “I need you.” Finally, after days of suppressing your desire, you snap and push him to sit on the edge of the bed so you can straddle his lap, a soft gasp escaping your parted lips when your skirt rides up enough to let you feel the heat of him through your already wet panties. You start grinding on him in earnest, rocking your hips against the zipper of his slacks in search of some kind of reprieve from the persistent ache between your legs. It’s not enough, and you tell him as much amid a whine.
“Oh god,” you keen breathily, “oh fuck, I need more.” His tie already loosened, you tug the loop of fabric over his head and toss it behind you, then pop open the top few buttons of his shirt and mouth hungrily at his chest, moaning at the salt on his skin from chasing down the unsub earlier. You suck a few possessive marks into his skin, whimpering at the feeling of him growing hard beneath you from your repetitive motions, and slide your hands into his hair for a better grip.
Then you feel Aaron’s strong hand on the nape of your neck, pulling you back and forcing you to detach your swollen lips from his chest, now marred with teeth marks from your desperation. He tucks his index finger under your chin and lifts your head up to find tears welling in your eyes and your bottom lip trembling. “Why are you pouting, sweet girl?” The condescension in his tone and the weight of the power he holds over you sends another wave of arousal pooling between your already slick thighs. “Are you feeling empty?”
You blink slowly, and traitorous tears roll down your cheeks when you drop your head into a nod with a pathetic sniffle. He takes pity on you and slides his thumb into your mouth, allowing you to suck on it and gratefully swirl your tongue around the thick digit as you start grinding on him again. Then he runs his thumb down your chin leaving a cooling trail of your own spit on your heated skin before dipping his hand under your skirt to press his thumb against the embarrassingly wet spot on your panties. Your head falls back and your mouth drops open, but no sound comes out as your brain short circuits. You’re practically vibrating at this point, so utterly desperate for him, and he laughs darkly at your need which only serves to turn you on even more. “How long have you been thinking about this, hm?”
“Since-” You swallow down the saliva flooding your mouth before mustering up the resolve to continue. “Since you yelled at the sheriff,” you confess softly, and he chuckles again.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Aaron tuts. “That was days ago.”
You let out a startled squeak when he roughly grabs your hips and deposits you on the bed without warning. His large hands tuck into the dip of your shirt and then he’s ripping it open, buttons flying in all directions. He flips you over with no semblance of tenderness and you let out a gasp, one of his hands unclasping your bra while the other tugs down the zipper at the back of your pencil skirt.
Suddenly you’re on your back again, and within the span of a few seconds you’re laid bare before a fully clothed Aaron, sans tie and the few buttons of his shirt you managed to fumble open earlier. You stare up at his towering figure in awe, your breath coming in short pants that match the heaving of his chest, the only sign that he’s as turned on as you are.
Then he’s undoing his belt buckle, and your walls flutter at the thought of what’s coming next. “Yes, oh yes, please, please, please,” you beg breathily, squeezing your eyes shut and fisting the sheets at the telltale sound of Aaron’s zipper opening.
He slides his cock through your folds to gather your wetness then presses just the tip in, and you release a downright pornographic moan at the sensation. Aaron ever so gently rests his hand on your throat and squeezes once to get your attention, waiting for your bleary eyes to focus on his face before shushing you softly. “Everyone’s rooms are nearby and they need to rest, so you have to be quiet, okay, angel? Can you do that for me?”
Somewhere in the back of your fuzzy brain, you realize he didn’t say anything about caring if your team can hear how much pleasure he wrings out of you. He just wants to ensure your friends can get their much needed sleep after a trying case.
But then you hone in on the throbbing between your legs again, and you remember he’s waiting for an answer. You’re so desperate for him to be inside you that you’d say yes to anything he asked right now, so you nod vigorously, biting down on your lip and squeezing your eyes shut once more. He smiles proudly and says, “That’s my good girl.” Aaron presses his other hand to your lower belly and finally, finally slides into you agonizingly slowly while reverently professing, “You look so good when you’re full of me.”
You’re helpless to do anything but nod again because he’s right, of course he’s right. This is when you feel the most beautiful, feel entirely whole and complete, when you’re being worshipped by and getting to worship Aaron Hotchner.
You let out a whimper that your partner intuits as a plea for him to move, and he begins slowly thrusting in and out of your wet heat, the hand on your stomach keeping you keenly aware of just how big he is with each drive of his hips. Aaron squeezes your throat gently, and somewhere in the back of your mind you know that means he wants your eyes on him. You lift your heavy-lidded gaze to his, weighed down by lust and love, to find him watching your every micro-expression and easily reading your reactions. He can feel what angle, what speed, what pressure makes your body sing, and he hits all the right spots as he gradually picks up his pace.  The bite of his metal belt buckle against the back of your thigh with each roll of his hips reminds you that he’s still fully dressed while you’re stark naked and completely at his mercy, and the power dynamic has you clenching around him, doing everything you can to be as close to him as possible.
By this point, you’re a hiccuping, crying, desperate mess, and when Aaron releases his hold on your throat to grip your hip instead, you choke out a plea of, “Harder.”
“More, baby?” he asks between pants, and you whimper, “Please, daddy, please.”
Aaron lifts your ankle onto his shoulder to get an even deeper angle, pressing his hand down more forcefully against your stomach so he can feel himself moving inside of you with every thrust. He picks up speed until you can’t even cry his name anymore, just little gasps knocking out of you each time his hips meet yours.
Seeking better leverage, he pauses his worship of your body to slide you higher up on the bed so he can brace himself against the wall with his right arm. The change in angle and power of his thrusts has you seeing stars, your hands fisting in his hair in an attempt to anchor yourself to the real world. “My good girl,” he punctuates each word with a hard thrust, a sheen of sweat coating his forehead and a few errant strands of hair falling into his face.
You can’t say anything back, rendered dumbstruck by his expert ministrations, so Aaron carries on with his adoration. “In the field and in my bed, hm? My good little girl. All mine.”
His words are getting breathier by the minute, morphing into whimpers of pleasure that mimic your own, and you start crying harder knowing he’s about to really fill you up. He leans down to lick your tears off your cheeks and you shudder underneath him, raking your nails down his back and clinging to him for dear life.
When you feel his thick cock twitch inside of you, you start babbling, “Yes, yes, yes, give it to me, daddy. Please, oh god, please fucking breed me.” Your desperate command turns out to be Aaron’s undoing, and the feeling of him painting your walls with a surprised gasp has you clamping down around him, every nerve in your body firing at once as an indescribable orgasm rips through you. Despite the muscles in his legs spasming, Aaron continues fucking you through it, evidently trying to make good on your request.
Spent and satiated, Aaron eases out of you, giving you a quick cleanup and shedding himself of his clothes before climbing into bed to help you back down to earth. He pulls you into his lap and dries your tears, dotting gentle kisses along your cheeks, neck, and shoulders. You wrap your limbs around his body, clinging to him, and Aaron rubs your back until you calm down and your hiccups subside to deep breaths instead.
Ever so quietly, he asks, “Better, my baby?” You nod your head where it’s resting in the crook of his neck and murmur, “Thank you, Aaron. I needed that. Needed you so badly.”
“Anything you need, princess, you know that.” There's a thoughtful pause and then, “We’ll talk about that… new thing later. After a good night’s rest.” You’re grateful he turned off the light before getting into bed because a blush warms your cheeks at the memory. Even though he can’t see your face, he knows you’re getting shy and emits a soft laugh. “If you couldn’t tell, I loved it,” Aaron reassures you, then presses his lips to your temple.
He settles back into the bed with you in his arms, running his fingers through your hair to further calm your breathing. “Now get some sleep,” he orders gently. “If you really want me to make you a mama, you need to rest before we practice again tomorrow morning.”
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner
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honeypiehotchner · 10 months
Devil's Backbone (Unsub!Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- part five
Some of these parts are going to be pretty short as things ramp up, which is why I wanted to do two parts a week! Promise it'll make sense as it goes on 😈
Don't forget to follow @honeypiehotchnerlibrary and turn on post notifications to be "tagged" when a new part goes up!
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Five: Don't pin it all on me -- "Blame" by Bastille
Sunlight warmed your cheeks, waking you up slow and sweet. Spring air filtered into the room from the open window, birds chirping on the tree branches just above the house. It was pure peace.
You rolled over and clutched the closest pillow to your chest, inhaling the fresh scent. Your new laundry detergent had a lavender fragrance, but this was something else. Something better.
“Hey, honey,” a smooth voice called from the hallway. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” It sounded so familiar, yet so new.
Your eyes opened as you rolled back over, meeting Aaron’s soft gaze. He wore jeans and a light blue button down, your favorite. You hummed. He looked good. He always looked good.
“You’re not awake yet,” he cooed, his footsteps drawing closer, the swish of his sock feet against the hardwood. “Go back to sleep, honey.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead. You felt it. “I’ll be back later.”
Your mind drifted forward, anxiety swirling. Where was he going? Why was he leaving?
“Wait,” you blurted, your eyes shooting open to find Aaron was already gone. “Aaron?”
You threw the covers off your body, standing up to look for him. You wore one of his shirts, the collar hanging loosely off your shoulder.
Down the hall, into the living room, you searched. But he was gone. It didn’t even sound like he was still outside, getting in his car, cranking the engine. He was already gone. Completely gone--
“Y/N?” an urgent voice called from outside. It sounded muffled, and it wasn’t Aaron this time. “Y/N!” it called again.
“Yeah?” you yelled, walking toward the front door with tentative steps.
It was far away, further away than you remembered. It kept moving. You kept reaching for it, but it kept getting smaller, always out of reach no matter how fast you walked. You tried to jump, but it failed.
“Shit,” you cussed, tripping over the circular rug by your couch. When you looked up again, you were in Aaron’s office at the BAU, facing his window, rain beating on the glass. “Huh?”
“Y/N!” the voice called again, this time sounding like it came from down in the bullpen. “Y/N!”
“Aaron!” you yelled back, spinning around. “Aaron! Wait!”
You lurched forward, reaching for Hotch’s office door, fingers straining, mouth open, ready to scream don’t go please don’t go you have to stay you don’t know what’s out there--
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, it was just a bad dream,” Morgan whispered, his eyebrows pressed together. “You okay?”
You were suddenly very aware that you were in the jet, sprawled across two of the seats with your blanket kicked to the floor. Emily, JJ, Rossi, and Spencer stared at you, various shades of worry covering their expressions. qq
Right. Arkansas. Four women had gone missing, and the first one’s body was found just yesterday. Completely unrecognizable, if it weren’t for a tattoo and dental records. And a fifth went missing this morning, though they weren’t entirely sure she was connected. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry. Morgan and Rossi made the decision to head out there.
“I’m good,” you replied, flashing Morgan a smile. “Good. Just didn’t sleep well last night.”
Morgan sighed, taking the seat across from you. Everyone went back to their respective menial tasks, but you knew they were all listening in on your conversation.
“You said that yesterday,” Morgan said, leaning forward to keep his voice low. “And the day before that.”
“And the day before that,” you nodded. “I know.”
“You know you can talk to me,” he said. “What’s goin’ on?”
“Nothing,” you shook your head, laughing him off. “I’m fine, I’m just…stressed, I don’t know. It’s been hectic here, that’s all.”
“It has,” Morgan agreed. “I know you miss him--”
“I did not say that.”
“Y/N, you whispered Aaron in your sleep.”
Morgan nodded. “Yeah. You did. It’s been hard, we all feel for him, but…” He paused, gesturing toward you, but saying nothing.
“What?” you pressed. He was holding something back, you knew it.
“I know the two of you were…close.”
“Derek,” you scoffed. This was getting ridiculous.
“And listen, I’m not judging, alright? I get it. It happens. But if you need time off, I need you to say that.” This was Acting Unit Chief Derek Morgan filtering in, mixing with his usual Protective Brother act. You didn’t like it. You wanted him to stop being so good at profiling you.
“I’m fine,” you said, realizing you sounded exactly like Hotch before he left. You corrected yourself. “Thank you for checking in, but I’m good. How far away are we?”
Morgan took a moment, but accepted the subject change. “About forty minutes.”
“Okay,” you said, sitting up fully. “Should we revisit victimology?”
“Sure,” Morgan nodded. “Let’s do it.”
Hours away, almost to Washington state, Aaron continued driving.
He hadn’t slept in days. There was no time. If he was to do what he needed to get done, he had to do it quickly.
The files sat in the passenger seat, open to the picture of the unsub. He wore a smile. Asshole.
This case was special. The unsub was nearly convicted, but the case was dismissed last minute. The evidence against him was strong, but not strong enough, apparently. The BAU was asked to appear in court -- Hotch was -- but there was no time. Another case came up, one more urgent than a court appearance.
Hotch should’ve never turned his back on it. He should’ve gone to court and put the unsub away for good. Now he had to make up for it. Now he had to make it right because the unsub had moved away just to continue killing. Because he didn’t show in court.
Maybe. Hotch didn’t know for sure, but he thought so. All he had to do was find the guy, and it would be over soon enough.
He pulled off the interstate to fill up on gas, paying with cash. He grabbed another coffee while he was stopped, and an energy drink from the fridge.
Back on the road, Aaron began to think of you.
He hated to leave you. He really did. But he had to, and he knew that. You would’ve tried to stop him. You did try to stop him. But you had turned him in to Strauss. That was your fault-- this was your fault. If you hadn’t said anything, then he would be back at the BAU right now, doing paperwork until God knows what hour in the morning.
But was that what he wanted right now? He was tired of doing paperwork. Tired of being the boss of it all when it never even mattered. None of it made a difference. It never would.
This, though, this would make a difference. He had to do this. He had to stop them. No one else would. It had to be a him. It always had to be him.
Did it?
He heard your voice in his head, the soft, stay, please, as if that would really work. (It almost did. He almost went to your apartment, almost knocked on your doour, almost made it all different--)
He stopped, slapping the radio dial, wanting music to block out his thoughts. Only it was the news, so all he heard was about the disastrous storm that was behind him, rolling into Washington with his four wheels.
He drove faster. The snowstorm couldn’t protect the unsub, or Hotch, from themselves. It was too late for protection.
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vargaslovinghours · 9 months
It's here! It's the big one-oh! Get ready for the 10th! (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)
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Starting off with some Just Desserts stuff; it's not exactly against the rules to modify Pets with features they wouldn't naturally have - like a cat with wings - but it is side-eyed by other players
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He might be projecting just a little bit lol
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Obviously he'd support Joel wiping the floor with other Pets in the arena haha
Next one's a continuation, comic-style!
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Since they've only got the one pet between them, they have to take turns directing Joel so he doesn't get confused on who to listen to haha, I'm sure it doesn't help that they have similar voices and Scriabin is constantly butting in. I think in this setting Edgar might be able to get away with pushing him around a little more haha ♪ He'll still pay for that later :)
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FNF x Vargas! Quick, who wants to collab as I know Nothing about music composition lol - what might their voices/instrumentation sound like! I’ve always been a fan of strings for Edgar, piano for Scriabin personally :)
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These were the two poses I had the absolute strongest mental images for, so they get the big pretties! Scriabin having a secondary feature to his Up animation (not just pointing a finger gun but also “shooting” it), only being visible when the note is held ah, I just love the animation in my mind’s eye lol
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Two poses inspired by their bouncies! Edgar’s Down and Scriabin’s Right - I didn’t have them onhand for reference, but I’d definitely push them closer to the originals :D
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I really like the idea of most of Edgar’s poses being smaller, more closed-in, and Scriabin’s being big and bombastic, but their Lefts are the opposite! Haha ♪
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I've seen a good several songs that have a mid-level transformation which I find Very cool :D I suppose these could also be for different stages, but going from a whole Edgar to him missing an eye and actively bleeding and screaming and stumbling around to the music - I just think it's a neat concept lol
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Scriabin's transformation would be with his wings of course!
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More of the WOY idea! Scriabin's being so nice 😈♥
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You know I had to draw Jake in this style, he's too cute not to, I had to! Fun proportions hehe
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Two little balls of sunshine <3 This was the one where I really couldn't decide what art style I was most reminded of between Steven Universe and the rest haha
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A rubber hose smooch! Cartoony mwah!
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Don't be fooled Wander, kisses are temporary, bullying Edgar is forever
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The topic drifted at one point to the idea of Scriabin and Edgar being able to turn their brain-sharing on and off which gave me a Two Yeses/One No idea
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Started with them on equal footing - both of them can say no to oppose the other, and in order to link back up they have to both agree! And how that might look depending on who initiates hehe <3
I think it'd be good for them to have hard boundaries in place, not able to be coerced into giving up their privacy :)
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As well as them being able to just tap in and Know again, Scriabin using it to be lazy and not try to communicate with his mouth haha
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But even with those hard stops in place, how would sleep affect things! If he tried, could Scriabin break into Edgar's dreams? Even if he gave permission, would his subconscious allow that? :0 It's interesting!
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Quick break for a scribbly concept of how I wanted my first Vargas Drabbles soft cover to look haha - I didn't end up using the red inlay but it's definitely an idea for next time 👀
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Back to brain-sharing, but this time featuring a return to body-sharing! :00 I hadn't considered it until Zarla mentioned them physically phasing together and then became Very interested in exploring it, when isn’t Scriabin annoying tho lol. It’s because you love him, Edgar!
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Falling back into old habits of emotionally degrading Edgar, but he has the power to kick you out now! Just try your smart mouth on him from out here, where it hurts less!
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Get back in on good behaviour, or because he misses him too much ♥ I love his sweet face here I 💕💗💖❤️💞💝
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How dare he be so inviting, Scriabin has to deal with a physical heart and you are trying to kill him, cruel mean Edgar (lol)
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Inspired by the hug test haha ♪ Hug him!
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This was supposed to be a sweet moment :( Scriabin can't help it, being vulnerable is icky haha
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But when offered the opportunity, you take what you can get <3 They are so damn cute, gah
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Hehe ♪ There needs to be Some level of awkwardness to it, it's still Vargas after all. Would it hurt? No, maybe more like an organ shifting back into its correct position :)
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How's he supposed to help it when you make it so easy
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They'd have to negotiate safe and opportune times to share minds if it required them to share a body! Scheduling when to be apart would probably be stressful, but so would being together haha
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Edgar doesn't want to deal with this until he's more awake, and maybe not at all if he gets jealous hehe
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And finally again, we've returned to the Two Yeses/One No idea - who gets to decide who's "No" counts once they're already enmeshed? :) Introducing the Lobster Trap ✨
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“slrch” is such a gross sound effect haha
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Really struggling with the concept of Scriabin’s autonomy! He quite literally exists outside of you now Edgar, you have to let him grow on his own!
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Scriabin probably just wants out to do something Edgar morally objects to, enough to suffer his company while pissed. The idea of Scriabin having his own body and still having to take Edgar over to exert his own personhood again, ugh, it’s so fraught <3
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The Lobster Trap has so many potential outcomes, even discounting one side over the other! Obviously I had to make as many as I could come up with lol; starting with Scriabin getting to decide when he hops in, and Edgar getting to decide if he lets him out - two yeses all around to show it As Intended, all going well :)
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And here are Edgar's No options: his no overrides letting Scriabin out, but does nothing to deter Scriabin from coming in without his permission. I think this is one of the worst configurations for them haha ♪ It’s so easy for them to be cruel to each other!
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Now the other way around! Scriabin has to get Edgar's permission to come in, so here's their Two Yeses :D Obviously he did it to annoy Edgar, he'll never get to read in peace haha. Not that he would even without this hehe
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Edgar's No would shut Scriabin out, which I think would be good for them honestly; Edgar gets time to process things on his own without Scriabin manipulating him from the inside, and Scriabin gets to eat humble pie
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Two Yeses again, though it was hard to imagine a situation where Scriabin would willingly hop out at Edgar's request - to make fun of him though? Yes ✨
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And again, Edgar's No not overriding Scriabin's Yes - I think this would be really good for them! Edgar doesn't get to hold him against his will, and Scriabin doesn't get to burst in without his permission!
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But really, it'll always be messy with them <3 Even in the best scenario, if Edgar's Yes overrides Scriabin's No of being forced inside - even if he couldn't hold him there, just the action of making him see from his point of view and all that entails... ♪
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Little jailbird, just wants to fly away on clipped wings 💔
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Now for something completely different lol. Scriabin wrote a resumé! I’m sure it’s full of accurate information to help him land a proper interview :)
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Good, good, dates, prior experience, employers, skills, conquests-
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Scriabin insists he's a sexpert but if there's a degree on his wall I haven't seen it
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There is such a Massive difference between writing resumés and actually doing the work the resumé is required for, come on. I do love just how miffed Edgar looks tho haha
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S: >:3c | E: Yeah alright point taken
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Tiny spacefiller - he's so mad! He's gonna tell you all about it!
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Oh hey wow Nny's still here, that's neat. Originally there was an Edgar next to him but only the main character turned out cute, rude
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Quietly cutting potatoes <3 Domestic
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I love Scriabin getting scared inside Edgar but him having to put on an outwardly placid face so he doesn't freak Nny out in turn haha. Nny's love language is knives
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But that's where the nutrients are! Speaking of Ghost-
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Teaching him how to flay skin, not necessarily strictly on potatoes hehe. I like the idea of Nny kinda spacing out when it comes to his favourite activities - yeah he hates touching people, but that takes a backseat to talking about murder and playing with knives
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Obviously Edgar's a bit distracted himself lol. Nny just casually talking about what happens when you separate the flesh from the body and Edgar and Scriabin are over here discussing Just how gay this is haha
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I went and reread one of my old drafts of One Way Mirror recently and ahh I’d forgotten how sassy they are with each other lol
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I'm still crazy about them <3 They drive me absolutely mad 💕 I think it's funny too, since I started writing OWM while deeply fixated but didn't think much of the Flavour of my writing I didn't expect anything from rereading, but it does taste a bit like mainfic hehe ♪
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I love when Scriabin argues how much he wants to "help" Edgar while controlling him up and down, Edgar's not about to take this sitting down if he can help it! Also emasculating insults my beloved ♥
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Thinking again about Hunchback; not quite any of the already-established stuff (they're not playing the roles, nor are they separate and seen the movie! What!), about why Scriabin would side-eye Edgar so much during Out There. It's a good song for him :) And I love drawing him like this haha, proud and haughty angle <3
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Edgar with slightly less floofy hair and the closed-line nose style from a few years ago lol ♪ I do like bridge/bottom of the nose style I've grown into, but it's still a fun style to return to every once in a while :)
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And one last sneaky cheeky kiss for smooch practice before the very end! Just try and stop me! Why did Scriabin turn out so pretty tho ♥
So that's June through September, again-again! Well, almost - turns out I actually made too many sketches for my Blank Slate AU/fic - literally as many as are featured here! - so it needed its own post. So please look forward to that!
#💟#Doodles#Art#Sketchdump#Scriabin#Edgar#Jake#Nny#Blood#There's also some potential body horror and possible uncomfortable boundary-crossing so be warned#So the standard Vargas fare haha#Lots of crossovers this time! Practically crossover central in here! Lol#The FNF doodles were like 95% inspired by the absolutely Incredible Animation vs. Friday Night Funkin mod#Specifically Stickin' To It but honestly watch/listen to the whole thing it's actually incredible#I've seen some pretty amazing FNF mods but that one hits different for me it is So inspiring#I mean yeah I already love AvA lol but just ugh the amount of care and work that so obviously went into it <3#The kind of passion is contagious! As evidenced by all the other crossovers as well lol#WOY passion <3 And yeah I'll count Just Desserts too why not haha#The biggest inspiration is still the original tho >:3c Nothing sparks images quite like The Source - of course haha#Conversation is a big aspect of that haha - all of those middle doodles of them mind sharing again were largely just from talking :D#And I mean - some leftover thoughts and feelings about You Can't Live Like This but when am I not lol#I want to see them being good to each other! I want to see them being cruel to each other!#Dynamic truly unmatched haha#I did actually write a temp resumé for Scriabin (as practice :P) but there's a lot of ambiguity left open lol#I do love them being domestic together#Some of these feel real disjointed 'cause if you read the last bit you know I had to cut a lot!#Well rather - separate them out into their own sketchdump lol I can do ~90 images but not double that I already had to make this three times#Which means I Think that I've gotten all formatting errors from attempt two but if I didn't? Just ignore those if you'd be so kind <3#I could go back and fix them but hahahaha absolutely not you actually couldn't pay me#Lol tho ♪ Just happy to have another one done :)
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rhoorl · 9 months
Week in Review | Sept. 10
Happy Sunday! As I post this, I’m headed to the airport. I’ll be out of town all week for work which means this latest stretch of craziness will be over soon. I’ll be able to breathe a very big sigh of relief by the time I’m back home Friday. 
Before I start this week's recap, I wanted to take a moment to say how much fun I've been having over here the last couple of months on this platform. I've met some pretty awesome people - if you ever want to say hi, my inbox is open!
Thank you to everyone who left me such kind comments, reblogs, and messages related to the latest chapter of Working Title. It means so much that anyone reads what I put out there, let alone feels compelled enough to tell me about it. A few of you (you know who you are) brought me nearly to tears this week with your sweet and encouraging words, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have read a lot about the negativity others experience on this site, which breaks my heart, but I’ve been trying to carve out a positive place here...with plenty of thirsty thots to boot (more on that later).
Fics I read this week:
Frankie Morales
Sunsetz by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin - Frankie is a menace in the best possible way 😈 but he also gets the happiness he deserves 🥹
Two great ones from @legendary-pink-dot for those of us deep in the Catfish Pond Bush Pilot and Stages of Growth are both perfection!
Javier Peña
Siempre Te Voy a Querer @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin -  Angela brought us a fic about Javi's black shirt last week, and now we get one with the pink shirt! 💕
Just Good Friends and Jeans of a Sexual Nature by @secretelephanttattoo - Cute chemistry, a fluffy Javi, tight jeans, bad puns…I loved both of these!
Joel Miller
Sequins by @trulybetty - A little further down I talk about posts from the week, and Betty whipped this story up from one of said posts. This story is SO good and when you reread it you pick up on small details. I don't want to give much away, but Joel takes advantage of reader wearing a short skirt...
Marcus Pike
Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls by @toomanystoriessolittletime - I just can't quit this FBI agent. This has some fluff and smut, the perfect Marcus combo.
Compulsory Reading
These are fics I love and have mentioned in previous weeks and have tried to shout from the rooftops. I highly recommend each and every one of these (some are done and some are still in progress). I'm definitely missing some, but I have plans to do a masterlist of my all-time favorites soon.
Frankie: The Layover by @goodwithcheese / The Pilot and His Girl by @avastrasposts / Just a Number by @linzels-blog / Shared Breaths by @frenchiereading
Javier Peña: Late Night Texts by @mvtthewmurdvck / It’s Never Too Late by @javierpena-inatacvest
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels: The House by @gemmahale
Dieter Bravo: Destiny & Deliverance by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Mr. Ben: Visiting by @ladamedusoif
Benny Miller/Garrett Hedlund
Thank you to @musings-of-a-rose for recommending Tides & Heat by @dameronscopilot … Good lord this one has it all and Benny is just 🥵 through it all.
Don’t worry, Garrett Hedlund was back on his bullshit this week posting things on his IG like this to distract me. This man is literally Benny and I cannot with him (in the most loving way).
Things I watched:
I caught up on some Real Housewives. If you really want to ever get me going, ask me about housewives. Bravo is one of the few topics I have encyclopedic knowledge about.
I meant to say this a couple of weeks ago, but I’m watching Sons of Anarchy when I can. I’m not as familiar with Charlie Hunnam as an actor and seeing as Will has a bit of a more prominent role in upcoming chapters of Delta Landscaping, I figured I’d watch something else he was in. 
I watched Dirt Music with Garrett Hedlund … he has an Australian accent and he plays the guitar in it, I was swooning. The movie also features absolutely stunning shots of Australia.
Pedro rewatches are a given at this point - Narcos was on heavy rotation this week during my WFH days. I do have Prospect on the list to watch soon because I keep seeing so much about Ezra. Maybe I'll watch it sometime this week if anyone wants to watch it and chat?
Fun things from the week:
Last Sunday I went to my first Halloween Horror Nights event at Universal and did all things TLOU. I posted a recap about it and am excited to go again later this month. 
Posts from this week:
So, Dieter has been taking up significant real estate in my brain for months now, so I was immediately hooked when I saw this deep dive from @for-a-longlongtime. It was such and interesting read. I want to rewatch the Dieter scenes now knowing the background with the art.
My coworker and I did our little monthly ritual unveiling which Pedro will grace my calendar at work for the next month. Doesn’t he look great?
Feral corner:
Thots ran wild this week thanks to certain GIFs and a convo I had with @trulybetty about who else, that menace Joel. This thread made me feel several emotions. Fire Meets Gasoline gets a permanent reblog anytime I see it. Also, the Casillero del Diablo photos were just too much. And to round out my little feral corner, this post by @morallyinept is just … well, go read it (for science). 
Things I'm excited for:
Being done with two big work events that I’ve been planning for months. :)
Fic updates:
I published an update for Working Title this week and hope to have the next Delta Landscaping chapter out by Tuesday! I still have an idea for a Frankie one-shot involving an airplane ride/turbulence - seeing as I’ll be taking some plane trips this week it may get written (as long as my boss doesn’t sit next to me). 
I know he won’t see it but I have to shout out Mr Rhoorl who will be handling a toddler and dog on his own while I’m out this week. The last time I was away from my crew was about this same time last year and I was not in a good place - between being away from my daughter for the first time and the hormones associated with ending breastfeeding I was a hot ass mess. But, I’m in a lot better of a mental space these days, so I’m actually looking forward to some time away knowing he’s got it more than handled. 
If you read all of this thank you, or if you scrolled to the bottom to confirm I was actually done talking, hey, you made it! Hope you have a great week!
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Schnarkos: Revelations
Weiss: *wearing an elegant blue dress* Thanks for agreeing to come with me to this SDC function, Pyrrha. Without you and Jaune here I don’t know if I would have come…
Pyrrha: *wearing an elegant dress trimmed with gold* Of course, sweetie. We’re always here to support you. Though I hope Jaune arrives soon…
Jacques: Good evening, daughter. So glad you could make time to attend and support the family business!
Weiss: *under her breath* Oh, gods…
Weiss: Good evening, father. Allow me to introduce Pyrrha Nikos, my girlfriend.
Jacques: Ah! The champion herself! We were so pleased to hear that Weiss was dating a woman of your stature! *takes her hand* Could I impose on you to join us later for a photo?
Pyrrha: It’s…nice to meet you, Mister Schnee. *awkwardly shaking hands*
Weiss: And my boyfriend Jaune should be along soon as well…
Jacques: *talking over Weiss* I hope that now that Weiss is settling down we will see more of her in Atlas. It seems more proper for the SDC heiress to spend time close to home!
Pyrrha: *uncomfortable* Um, I see…
Jacques: We were all supportive of her decision to go off and attend Beacon, of course, but we’re looking forward to-
*disturbance occurs across the ballroom*
Jacques: Now what could that be?
Atlas Elites: *murmuring and staring*
Whitley: *pulls Weiss aside* Sister, I need your help RIGHT NOW.
Weiss: Whitley, what’s wrong?
Whitley: *puts his hands on Weiss’s shoulders* Someone just arrived. Someone BEAUTIFUL! A blonde angel in the most perfect, pure white! I only caught a glimpse from behind, but I need your help talking to her!
Weiss: Uh…okay, I suppose…
Whitley: There she is now! *points*
Weiss: *follows Whitley’s finger and immediately recognizes the blonde in the dress* Oh, dear…
Whitley: *slowly blushing as his eyes travel up long, shapely legs* I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful…
Whitley: I must meet her! *hurries forward*
Weiss: Whitley, wait-!
Whitley: Excuse me, miss! My name is Whitley Schnee. Are you enjoying yourself at my family’s party? I hope you might do me the honor of a dance?
Jaune: *turns around, causing his skirt to twirl elegantly* 🙂?
Whitley: 😧
Jaune: Oh, hey! You’re Weiss’s little brother right? Nice to meet ya! *wraps Whitley in Arc hug™️*
Whitley: 😳?!?! So warm…?!
Jacques: What is going on here? Whitley, do you know this…person?!
Whitley: *face squeezed against Jaune’s chest* 😖 I…? 🥵
Jaune: You’re Weiss’s dad, right? Nice to meet you! Sorry for being late, I had trouble getting my dress zipped in the back. 😁 *holds out a hand while continuing to hug Whitley*
Jacques: *speechless*
Weiss: …Father, brother, this is Jaune, our boyfriend.
Pyrrha: *gives Jaune a kiss on the cheek and pries open his arms to release Whitley* Jaune, you don’t have to wear a dress to every fancy event!
Jaune: 😅 I know, but you and Weiss always say you like how it looks, so I figured I’d dress up for my girlfriends!
Jacques: This…is your boyfriend…?!
Whitley: I’m attracted to my sister’s boyfriend?! Wearing a dress?!?! 🤯
Weiss: *links her arm with Jaune’s* This is Jaune Arc, my boyfriend and Pyrrha’s. We met at Beacon where he was the leader of his team.
Jaune: 😁
Jacques: …I see…*ignores Jaune’s hand*
Jacques: …I suppose it’s understandable that you would go slumming while away.
Jaune: What’s slumming?
Pyrrha: 😡 How dare y-
Weiss: *steps between her father and her tall boyfriend/girlfriend*
Weiss: 😈 *gently taps her glass with a spoon to draw everyone’s attention*
Weiss: Attention, everyone! I’ve noticed that some here have been watching my boyfriend Jaune Arc since he arrived. May I have a show of hands for those who find mister Arc attractive in his dress?
Atlas Elites: 🙋‍♂️🙋
Whitley: 😣 🤚
Jacques: *sputtering in indignation*
Weiss: And how many people here are also attracted to my girlfriend Pyrrha Nikos, champion athlete and Vytal tournament winner?
Atlas Elites: 🙋‍♂️🙋
Whitley/Winter: 😣🤚
Jacques: *enraged sputtering intensifies*
Weiss: *wraps arms around Pyrrha and Jaune’s waists* Thank you for inviting us to the party, father, but I’m afraid we have someplace to be! *turns to Pyrrha/Jaune* Shall we?
Jaune/Pyrrha/Weiss: *turn together to walk away*
Pyrrha: 😡 🖕
Jaune: 🙂 👋 Thanks for inviting us! See you at the next holiday party!
Weiss: 😉 *swaying her hips and strutting between her two tall muscular partners as Schnarkos trio make their exit*
Jaune: Uhh…Weiss? Your hand is sliding down to my-
Weiss: Don’t worry, Jaune, I’m just making sure everyone knows which Schnee is most successful in life. 😈
Jacques: …
Whitley: 🥵 Am I attracted to men?!
Winter: 🥲 Weiss has done so much better than the rest of us…
Atlas Elites: 😧 *staring at Jaune/Pyrrha in their respective dresses, escorting tiny ice princess out the door*
Willow: *sniffles* I’m so proud/jealous of my daughter!
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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anxiescape · 11 months
It’s a million bajillion degrees and I’m currently suffering from heatstroke, so writing is confusing and drawing is confusing and everything is confusing.
So, uhh, here’s a cute little character that @amalgamorph​ and I made. We were gonna wait until her story was a little more developed to share her but uhh i don’t feel good and i wanna be productive so here you go
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This is Princess Yingyue!
Who are her parents? Well, I’ll tell you. 😈
I have a one-shot that takes place later in Stargaze. Here’s the scene:
Wukong is hosting a party on Flower Fruit Mountain for the sages, as per usual. It’s a party to celebrate something or other, so they bring him gifts. Peng, the jokester that they are, thought it would be really funny to gift Wukong a bottle of pregnancy water from the Mother-Child River in the Kingdom of Women. They all laughed (except for Liu’er who’s a little confused), and the party continued.
Later, when they’re all sufficiently drunk, they decide to hold a drinking contest (because that makes sense 🙄). Peng, who really is very drunk and not thinking straight, thinks it would be hilarious to slip the water into Wukong’s wine. Surely Wukong would catch it before drinking it. Right? And then they can all laugh again and move on.
Wukong is super drunk at this point, but he’s trying to beat DBK. So he asks Liu’er to drink his cup for him, claiming that it still counts. Liu’er teases him for being a lightweight, and downs the drink before anyone can say anything.
Well, frick.
Peng, Yellowtusk, and Azure (who also knew what Peng did and tried to convince them it was a terrible idea) all look at one another like “👁️👄👁️”, and silently agree to take this to the grave. Surely nothing will come of this, right? Maybe pregnancy water doesn’t work on celestial monkeys. They all go to bed, and in the morning Liu’er looks just the same. The water is suppose to cause pregnancy and birth within three days, so if he looks the same, then surely it didn’t work, and no one will ever know.
Wrong. It just took longer to work.
Anyway, long story short, Liu’er is pregnant (woohoo mpreg, gosh i’m tired and i wanna go to bed). Neither of the monkeys know how this happened, and Wukong proudly starts proclaiming that it’s his kid, because, y’know... 👀
Long story short, pregnancy shenanigans, cute moments, sad moments, drama, and a very traumatic birth result in the adorable baby Yingyue, who got a lot of her powers from her mama. Papa? Birth giver.
Wukong dubs her Princess of Flower Fruit Mountain, and they all live happily ever after.
Until the pilgrim journey.
Oh dear.
Anyway, here’s a cute sketch of the happy family! Once I feel better, I will fix it up and make it look nice, but until then here you go.
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okay i’m gonna go pass out again or somethin don’t @ me
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sinsiriuslyemo · 6 months
Title: We Got Everything Here
Pairing: Drexyl Spivey/Reader
Rating: NC17 (smut, language)
Summary: A continuation of the reader from I Know I'm Pretty. Your roommate, Alex, goes out in a date, which leaves you and Drexyl with the apartment to yourselves.
Notes: Check the warnings, ya'll, cause as it turns out, Drexyl is a kinky motherfucker 😈 On that note, if I wasn't already going to hell before, I for sure am now. Pretty sure Drexyl's down there, so it's totally fine 😂
Warnings: language, referrenced voyeurism, exhibitionism, DD/lg dynamics, spanking, dirty talk with some degradation, rough sex, face fucking, face sitting
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That first afternoon with Drexyl had been the start of something new. Much to your secret delight, he had come to see you almost every night, unless he was meeting with a ‘business associate’. He never specified what that meant and you never asked. He even stayed the night a few times, which surprised you as he hadn’t struck you as the commitment type. But after the fourth night he stayed over, he had started calling you his girl, and you hadn’t challenged him. But what surprised you even more than everything else was that apparently, despite his rough exterior, he was quite the affectionate type as well. He held your hand whenever you were out together, cuddled with you through the night, and even brought you thoughtful gifts every now and then. He was even friendly with your roommate, Alex. More than once, he would snuggle up on the couch with you, while Alex would take up space on the opposite end, and the three of you would watch movies.
Mean Streets was his all time favorite, while you preferred The Deep. Alex, on the other hand, was much more likely to suggest something like The Goodbye Girl, and even though he would roll his eyes and groan about it, he would still sit and watch romantic comedies with the two of you. Of course, those were also the nights where he would finger you under the blanket while you tried not to make obvious what he was doing, but Alex didn’t need to know that. Nor did she need to know that sometimes you would snake your arm behind you to rub the hard bulge in his pants, the two of you working each other up into a stifled frenzy before you excused yourselves to the bathroom or your bedroom.
It was a Friday night, Alex was in the kitchen, finally making cannabis butter for her pot cookies while you worked on a tattoo design for a client on the couch. The phone rang, and you blindly reached over to pick it up off the floor.
“What’s my girl doing right now?” The rumble of his voice never failed to send a shiver down your body, which would settle between your legs.
“Working on a tattoo. You?” Biting down on your bottom lip, you carefully shaded the design you had been drawing up all afternoon.
“About to come to see you after this fool bounces.” He paused for a moment and from the fading background noise, you could tell he was walking into another room. “Whatchu got on?”
“Why don’t you just come over and find out?” you teased.
His drawled out chuckle made your nipples harden beneath your shirt.
“Alex won’t be here,” you added with a smirk.
“Mhm, she's just finishing up her cannabis butter and then she’s got a date.”
“So maybe you shouldn’t be wearing anything at all by the time I get there,” he purred, sending another flurry of shivers down your frame.
“Maybe I won’t,” you replied as Alex put her butter in the fridge to solidify before she went to her room. “But if I do that, just know that if you take too long to get here, I’ll start without you.”
“You’re a fucking tease,” he breathed. “You know that vibrator you got ain't got nothing on me.”
“Maybe I’ll just use it to warm me up then,” you answered, rubbing your thighs together to create a bit of friction.
“God damn, baby,” he groaned.
“Yo, Drexyl, I’m out!” you heard from a distance away on the other end.
“Yeah, aiight, Spider! Later, man!” he called back. “I’ll be there in fifteen, you better be waiting for me with that pussy on full display, you feel me?”
“What if I’m not?” you challenged playfully.
“Then Daddy’s gonna spank that ass until it’s glowing.”
A thrill flooded your stomach at his use of the title you’d given him the last time he’d been over. It had tumbled from your lips by accident, while he had you bent over the vanity in the bathroom before a shower. As soon as the two syllables had rolled off your tongue, his eyes had met yours in the mirror, swirling with more lust than you’d ever seen in him. His hips had paused as he leaned over you and held your face with a hand under your jaw.
“What’d you just call me?” he’d asked, and for a second you’d thought maybe you had turned him off, but when it took you a moment too long to answer, he thrust once, hard enough to dig your hips against the edge of the vanity. “I asked you a question,” he’d growled. “What did you just call me?”
Holding his stare in the mirror, you swallowed and repeated, “Daddy.”
His eyes had darkened and the corner of his lips twitched into what might’ve been a smirk if his attention hadn’t then been captured by pounding you into the vanity harder. “Say it again.”
So hearing him use the moniker again without any prompting made your toes curl against the couch cushion beneath them.
“You promise?” you asked, the fingers of your free hand coming to graze along your neck where a mark he’d given you from the same day in the bathroom was just beginning to fade.
He chuckled. “Damn right. Fifteen minutes.”
You hung up just as Alex was coming back into the living room in a short sundress, putting on lip gloss.
“Okay, that should be fine in the fridge,” she said, gesturing toward the kitchen. “I’m planning on not coming home, so you should have the place to yourselves. I assume Drexyl’s coming over again?”
“Yeah, he’s on his way now,” you answered. “Why? Is there any reason you would come home tonight?”
“Well, it’s the third date so theoretically he should be getting laid at the end of the night, but he still has the entire date to turn out to be a douche monkey so I dunno. Hopefully, he won’t be. It’s been way too long since I’ve had any dick, and I swear to the gods if I have to pretend not to notice that Drexyl’s fingering you under the blanket again, I’ll fucking die.”
Your eyes widened, almost popping out of your sockets. “How did you—?”
“Oh come on, Y/N, seriously?” She started imitating you, or at least her perception of you; gasping and jolting in place, whimpering softly, her shoulders were stiff and her jaw was clenched. Her lips parted as a sharp breath pushed through them, and she clamped her mouth shut, jaw trembling with an imaginary effort. The next moment, her expression had dropped as she looked at you with a pointed stare. “I didn’t think you liked Richard Dreyfuss that much.”
Pursing your lips, you tried not to laugh. “Sorry if we made it awkward.”
“Actually, it was kinda hot, I’m honestly a little pissed that you didn’t invite me to watch, but it’s cool. I had Richard and Marcia to keep me company, I guess.”
“You would seriously watch?” you asked with an arched brow. “I knew you were kinky, but I didn’t think you were that kinky.”
“Hell yes, I would watch, bitch!” she replied, looking herself over in the mirror next to the couch and earning a laugh from you. “Okay, how do I look?”
“You look hot.”
“Yeah, but, like, would you fuck me?”
“Absolutely,” you answered.
She grinned at you and picked up her purse from the TV stand. “Tell Drexyl I said hi, and as for you, if I don’t end up getting laid tonight, I expect full details of what you guys did.” She walked to the door and turned to look at you. “With sound effects.”
You laughed and gave her a wave, turning back to your design. You drew a few more lines and decided to finish the rest the next day, picking up the phone to order a pizza for you and Drexyl.
Just as you hung up, there was a knock at the door, and you went to answer it, biting down on your bottom lip when you remembered his promise to spank you if you weren’t naked by the time he arrived. Opening the door, you gave him a sultry smile as he gave you a once over and stepped toward you until his chest was nearly touching yours. His eyes took in your sleeveless shirt and soft cotton shorts before they came up to meet yours again.
“You look sexy, but I thought I told you I wanted you naked by the time I got here,” he said, closing the door behind him and locking it.
“I figured you would want to unwrap me yourself, Daddy,” you answered.
He smirked down at you, and in a flash, his hand came up to grab a fistful of your hair, tilting your head back. “Nice save, Not Sugar.”
You smirked back. “Thanks.”
“But don’t think it’s gonna get you outta that spanking.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” you said.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips to yours, his free hand slipping under your shirt to the small of your back, pulling you flush against him as he walked the two of you further into the apartment. Releasing your hair, he took your shirt off, groaning at the sight of your bare breasts. Hands following the curves of your sides, he slid both of them under your cotton shorts to grab your ass.
“I ordered pizza,” you said as he kissed along one side of your neck.
He grunted in acknowledgement against your collarbone, bending enough to tug your shorts off, leaving you in your dark gray boyshorts with marijuana leaves printed all over them. “Nice panties.”
He sat down on the couch as you thanked him, and before you could sit beside him, grabbed your wrist, yanking you down across his lap.
You yelped in surprise, gasping as the thrill in your belly reignited. Your hips instinctively arched back, presenting your ass to him and your breathing deepened. A tingle bloomed between your legs, an itch forming on your ass cheeks at the realization that he was going to spank you. Waiting for the first blow was sweet agony, the anticipation for contact alone making your muscles clench as the tickle between your thighs continued to build. You jolted, moaning when his hand gently caressed one ass cheek, squeezing every so often while his other hand laid on the small of your back.
“Listen here,” he said softly, his hand lowering to stroke over the back of your thigh. “When Daddy tells you to do somethin’…” The first slap surprised you, making you gasp and your eyes widen as the reverberations from the impact spread through your core. The heat it left on your ass combined with the cool breeze on the back of your thigh where his hand had been was intoxicating, pulling you deeper under his spell. “I expect you to do it.” He spanked you again on the opposite cheek, his hand coming down faster than the one before, but it wasn’t until the third slap that you grunted, the sting finally delivering more pain than tingle. “You got me?”
Panting softly, you nodded. Apparently that wasn’t good enough for him because the next time his hand came down on your skin, the sting set fire to your ass, the heat and pain lingering just a bit longer. You cried out, lifting your ass slightly up to him.
“Say it!” The dangerously low growl of his voice sent a shiver down to your cunt, hardening your nipples in its path as a moan blew through your lips.
The next spank was harder still. His hand stayed behind this time to squeeze your ass cheek, pinching it between his fingers and the heel of his palm. Tears formed in your eyes as your muscles contracted, making your hips squirm in his lap. “Yeah, what?”
Before you could answer, his hand came down three more times, alternating cheeks and making you quickly realize that his promise to spank you until your ass glowed was not sexy hyperbole. It was a promise, and one that had your panties soaked in arousal.
“I got it, Daddy,” you whimpered.
“Good girl.”
You moaned as his hands soothed the sting that lingered on your backside. His erection poked against your stomach, and you took a deep breath to allow your diaphragm to expand, pressing back against him. Just as you were beginning to relax beneath his touch, he spanked you two more times, harder. Crying out at the fire his spanks induced on your skin, you squirmed again in his lap. Your panties had just become so wet they stuck to your labia, the soaked cotton creating a makeshift mold of your pussy. The slick between the tops of your thighs was becoming sticky, and you wiggled some more, trying to get his hand to move again.
“Next time I won’t be so nice,” he said, squeezing one ass cheek tightly, earning a whine before he leaned back on the couch, both his hands leaving you. “Stand up.”
You pouted but immediately obeyed, moving slowly in an effort to keep physical contact with him until the very last minute. You didn’t have to wait long for his hands to be on you again, pulling down your panties. He hissed at the clear string of arousal that connected your underwear with your center, and licked his lips while you stepped out of the soiled cloth.
“Fuck, baby girl, so wet for Daddy, aren’t you,” he purred, one hand immediately coming to slide his fingers through your folds.
He wasted no time, thrusting first one then two fingers inside you while the other hand held your hip. Using the fingers in your cunt, he tugged you toward him, pressing against your g spot for as long as it took to pull you between his knees. You moaned, hands instinctively going to his shoulders in an effort to hold yourself up. Leaning forward, he dropped wet kisses over your stomach while his fingers moved hard and fast inside you.
Your knees buckled, muscles briefly hugging his fingers. Closing your eyes, you panted through parted lips, breath catching in your throat when he curled his digits inside you and tickled your g spot. Rolling your hips, you chased the orgasm that you could feel building in the pit of your stomach. Just as the tingles reached a fever-pitch, he pulled his fingers out, leaving just the tips inside.
Your muscles seemed to freeze mid-clench, unable to gain purchase on something to pull you over the edge. There was something slowly rolling down your labia, and you could only guess that more lubricant oozed from your body. Your own fingers pressing against his shoulders, you whined and wiggled in place. Opening your eyes, you looked down to find him with a cocky smirk on his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry, baby girl, did you wanna come?” he teased, sliding his fingers back inside you.
You gasped, moaning just as there was a knock on the door. No! Go away! Fuck!
“Pizza,” you whimpered. Alex wouldn’t have knocked.
He grunted, clearly also a bit annoyed at the interruption as he slowly walked his digits inside you, earning another moan, instantly refocusing you. His fingers once again slipped from your depths, prompting a sob of protest to fall from your lips. You bounced in place, your eyes pleading.
You were so close. So fucking close. You just needed him to finish you.
“What? You wanna leave him out there?” he asked with a smirk as he stood. He brought a finger up to your face. “Don’t move, you hear?”
You nodded. “I won’t, Daddy.” Rubbing your thighs together, you closed your eyes, legs still moving to create friction between your thighs.
“Nope. I don’t wanna see any of that,” he said pointing at your hips. “I said, don’t fucking move.”
Is he joking?!
“You’ll stand there and wait for Daddy to make you come.”
Something rolled up the underside of your clit, and you moaned softly, nodding. “Okay, Daddy.”
He walked to the door and opened it just enough to grab the pizza, making sure to keep the delivery person from seeing that you were standing naked in the middle of the living room. You didn’t dare say so out loud, but your pussy even throbbed at the thought of them looking at you — naked and dripping wet on the hardwood floors, and likely looking absolutely wrecked.
You’d teased Alex earlier about having a voyeur kink, but maybe it was you that had an exhibition kink.
You wiggled in place, catching yourself just in time. You had already pushed it when you didn’t do as he’d asked before he got here, this time you would do as he said, still desperate for release.
He closed the door and came back with the pizza, knitting his brows when he finally realized something was different in the living room. “Shit, where’d the coffee table go?”
“It’s over there, Alex needed someplace to put her project,” you said, pointing with your thumb behind you, where the coffee table sat with a full model of a building and surrounding landscape. “Now come back over here and make me come.”
Snorting, he put the pizza down on the peninsula that separated the living room from the kitchen and came up behind you.
“You think you’re running the show, baby girl?” he asked, trailing his fingertips down your side, eliciting a shiver from you.
“Please, Daddy?” you pleaded, wiggling your hips against his erection, the denim of his jeans rough against your red cheeks. The itch between your legs became unbearable.
“You begging?” he teased.
“Yes! Please!” you urged through clenched teeth.
The vibration of his chuckle trickled over your skin, hardening your nipples into two stiff peaks as he moved past you and sat on the couch again. One of his hands went to hold you by the hip while the other trailed up your inner thighs. You arched your hips forward as his fingertips made contact with your soaked folds.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, baby,” he whispered to you, thrusting his fingers in you again and tugging you toward him, pressing on your g spot. “Go ahead and come for Daddy,” he purred and his fingers curled to wiggle against the spongy gland, relentlessly stimulating it until your full focus was on what was happening between your legs.
Your hands shot to his shoulders, holding onto him firmly as the pressure coiled inside you, tightening until you were holding your breath, anticipating when it would finally burst. With a stuttered gasp, your pussy fluttered around his fingers as your orgasm crashed over you. You tried to buck your hips, but could barely move due to the grip he had on you, which only intensified your release.
“That’s it, baby girl, show Daddy what a needy little whore you can be for him,” he purred against your stomach, causing another rush of tickles to the apex of your thighs. He dropped wet kisses and bites all over your midsection, the fingers inside you beginning to thrust again.
A sob ripped from your throat as another surge of tickles bloomed between your thighs, legs trembling as another intense orgasm crested. To your surprise, you wanted more of him, even in the throes of your second orgasm.
“Fuck me, Daddy,” you whimpered.
A gasp escaped through your lips as he pulled his fingers away and turned you around, dropping you on the couch on your back. With his hands behind your knees, he yanked you to the edge, pushing against your inner thighs to widen them enough for him to kneel between them.
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked, the clinks of his belt sending goosebumps over your body.
“Yes, please!” you replied sweetly, holding your legs apart by the back of your knees. You wiggled your ass for him and smiled as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans.
“You’re so fucking cute, baby,” he said as he shoved his pants out of the way and slapped his cock on your slit. Your muscles clenched in anticipation. “Tell Daddy how bad you want his cock.”
“Please, I want your cock, Daddy!” you whimpered, rocking your hips against him as he slid his shaft along your folds. “Please fuck me!”
That seemed to do the trick and a gasp stuttered in your throat, your eyes immediately lowering to where he sunk into you. You let out the breath as his hips pressed against your ass. Hands on your knees, he pulled them down, keeping them as wide as they would go.
“Feet on the floor, baby,” he purred, grabbing your hips in both hands before he began a pace that was slow enough to be agonizing, but hard enough to make your breasts ripple from the impact. “Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes, Daddy!” You arched your hips to try to make it so that his shaft would drag along the sensitive spot inside you. Clenching your teeth, you moved insistently, desperate for him to increase the pace.
He reached up with one hand and pinched each of your nipples one at a time, making you arch your back toward him as you cried out.
“Tell me what you want.”
“F-faster, Daddy,” you stuttered.
“You want me to fuck you faster?”
You nodded as a series of mewls tumbled from your lips when you tried to answer properly.
“Greedy little slut,” he hissed behind a smirk before he snapped his hips faster. “Fuck, baby, your pussy’s so wet right now. So fucking tight.” The hand that had been playing with your breasts moved to cup your jaw, his thumb thrusting between your lips. “I think I’ll use this pretty mouth as my cum-dump.”
Your eyes rolled back as you moaned around his thumb, your legs widening as your cunt walls fluttered around him.
“Yeah, I know you like that. You like when I use your holes like a cock-sleeve, don’t you, baby?” His thumb pressed down on your tongue as he bent forward, taking your earlobe between his teeth.
“Yes, Daddy,” you groaned, the words partially obscured by his thumb.
“Such a good girl.” He moved faster, and you began to pant noisily around his thumb. “That’s it, come on, baby, come on Daddy’s cock,” he urged in whispers against your ear.
Your body responded immediately, trembling as your muscles clenched around his thick shaft. Your throat was raw, but that didn’t stop you from crying out again and again, your hips bucking against him desperately. This orgasm lasted somehow longer than the first two, your pussy squeezing his cock again and again until he slowly pulled out. You whined, wanting to feel him come inside you, but automatically opened your mouth when he took a fistful of your hair and pulled you to a sitting position as he stood.
“Good girl, open up,” he groaned, pushing you down on him and thrusting into your throat. “You better swallow every last fucking drop, you hear me?”
You tried to say, “Yes, Daddy,” but it just sounded like wet, muffled noise as he fucked your mouth relentlessly, his balls slapping against your chin.
It wasn’t long before the thick vein on the underside of his cock throbbed against your tongue, stream after stream of his cum spurting down your throat. His groans and praises continued as he held you down, thrusting shallowly against your face while you swallowed around him as quickly as you could, careful not to waste a single drop.
Your nose was smushed against the trimmed hairs just beneath his hips and your face grew hot with the lack of oxygen, tears blurring your vision as your hands went to his hips. You coughed around him, swallowing one last time as he finally pulled out. When your airway was clear, you took a huge gulp of air and licked your lips before taking his head in again. Drexyl groaned under his breath as your tongue gently slid over his tip, gathering the last few drops of his orgasm.
“Fuck!” he hissed, loosening his grip on your hair. With the same hand, he cupped beneath your jaw and tilted your head up as he bent forward. “You look so pretty choking on my cock, baby,” he purred, kissing your lips. His free hand came up to cup your face, thumb wiping your tears away from under one eye. “You hungry?”
“Starving,” you answered, your voice ragged.
“Go clean up, I’ll get you some pizza,” he replied, kissing you again before he stuffed himself back into his jeans and buttoned them up. He walked to the kitchen. “We’ll watch whatever you want.”
“How about The Godfather?” you asked as he put the pizza on the stove and took out a couple of plates.
He grinned over at you, pulling out two slices of pizza. “A gangster movie, huh? That's my girl.”
Smiling back, you stood and went to the bathroom, not bothering with your clothes, and washed your face. Turning to look at your ass in the mirror, you smiled to yourself at the redness of your cheeks, grazing your fingers over a handprint on your left one. Biting your bottom lip, you turned off the light and went back into the living room.
Drexyl was already sitting on the couch eating a slice of pizza, your plate sitting beside him. His eyes moved to you, arching a brow when you sat down, still naked. “You’re not gonna put anything on?”
“Why should I?” you asked, smirking at him as you took a bite from your pizza.
“Fucking tease,” he murmured, using the remote to hit play on the VCR.
“By the way, Alex knows you’ve been fingering me under the blanket when we watch romantic comedies.”
“The fuck you tell her that for?” he asked, taking another bite of his pizza.
You swallowed the bite that was in your mouth. “I didn’t. She figured it out.”
“That’s cause you make too much noise,” he mumbled playfully behind his hand.
“Shut up,” you replied in a chuckle.
The two of you ate your pizza and watched the movie in a comfortable silence. Every now and then, from the corner of your eye, you’d see Drexyl look over at you, appreciating your still naked form. About halfway through the movie, he shifted in his seat as you stood and took both plates into the kitchen, putting them in the sink.
“You see the mark I left for you?”
You didn’t have to look back at him to know he was smiling, and it made your own lips curl upward. “Was that the plan all along?”
“Damn right it was,” he answered.
Shooting him a smile over your shoulder, you moved to the fridge and opened it. “You want dessert? I think we might have some chocolate pudding.”
“Nah, I don’t want pudding,” he answered, his eyes still on you.
There was a moment of silence before you saw him move to sit on the floor from the corner of your eye.
“How bout you come over here and put that pretty pussy on my face?” he purred.
The muscles between your legs clenched, sending a tingle to your clit as you looked back at him. Slowly closing the fridge, you walked up to him.
He leaned his head back and licked his lips as you moved to straddle his face, standing over him. Smirking up at you, he swirled his tongue through your folds. His hands cradled your ass, holding you to him as he used his tongue to massage over your sex. Pulling you closer, he sucked your clit between his lips and groaned at your taste.
Gasping, you brought your hands to the back of his head, holding him in place while your hips rocked against him. You shivered at the way his facial hair lightly scratched your labia, the tips of the hair on his chin feathering your opening. Wincing when his hands squeezed your ass possessively, you closed your eyes, letting the dull pain mixed with sharp pleasure take hold of you. Your thighs flexed as you fought the urge to close your legs around his head, the familiar pressure beginning to coil deep inside you. Your muscles clenched in search of something to squeeze, to no avail.
Empty. You were so empty.
Your orgasm was lingering just beneath the surface, your hips bucking as you desperately tried to push yourself over the edge. Crying out when he moved his hands from your ass to your hips, holding you still and doubled his efforts, sliding a pointed tongue to your entrance and thrusting it in as far as it would go. Your pussy tried to close around it when he slipped it out and back to your clit.
“Ooh fuck, Daddy!”
“That’s my girl, come for Daddy, baby.” The vibration of his words tickled your swollen bud, and he dropped an open-mouthed kiss on your clit, sucking it. But it was when his fingers sank into you again and curled forward that your muscles contracted. Your legs trembled as your fourth orgasm of the night washed over you, your legs turning to jello.
Drexyl tightened his hold on your hips, holding you up as he continued to lick and suck your cunt, lapping up every drip that flowed out. With his mouth still latched onto your pussy, he gently pushed you onto the couch. He grunted when his lips lost contact with your core, licking a path from your clit, up the center of your stomach.
“Oh yeah, fuck me again, Daddy,” you whimpered in a small voice. “I want you to come in my pussy.”
“Oh fuck, baby,” he whispered back, taking your lips with his as he settled between your legs.
Reaching down, you began to unbutton his jeans when he stood and quickly shed all his clothes, making you chuckle softly.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he lay between your thighs again, one hand reaching for him. Your eyes widened slightly as his cock slid into your hyper-sensitive pussy, sending tickles along your inner walls.
He groaned against your neck as his hips pressed into yours, not waiting for long before he began a steady pace. A gentle slap of skin on skin and heavy breathing filled the air. He didn’t always fuck you sweetly, but when he did, it still carried an air of the animal he could be, and the one he could turn you into. Biting down gently on your neck made your walls clamp around him as you rocked your hips up to him.
“Good girl, fuck me back. That’s it.”
His whispers tugged you along, closer and closer to the edge the both of you loved so much, his hips quickening. Your eyes stung with the sweat building on your face, some of it rolling down your temple as he licked a path up your neck, over the sharp curve of your chin before he slid his tongue in your mouth. You automatically began to suck on it, the way you would sock his cock during your more passionate blowjobs. He groaned, and his hips were pounding you hard, jerking you up and down.
Your orgasm hit you from nowhere, jolting you like a rubber band that had been pulled taut and then released over your entire body. Arching your back, you whined and gasped, stomach trembling in pleasure while your cunt milked him. Your muscles clenched even harder when he grunted a final time, grinding himself into you as he spurted his cum in your pussy.
It was a few more minutes before either of you spoke, and had you not been so thoroughly serviced, you might not have asked what you did then, “Would you ever be okay with Alex watching us?”
He picked up his head, smirk on his face but with an arched brow above his good eye. “Watch us fuck?”
“Watch you finger me,” you clarified, not quite ready to offer your roommate a full show just yet. Maybe someday.
“You want her to see what a little whore you are for my cock?” he asked, dropping a kiss beneath your earlobe.
“I dunno, but if she ever asks again, I at least wanna know where you stand,” you replied.
He thought it over for a moment, then bobbed his shoulders. “If you’re cool with it, sure.”
Grinning up at him, you pulled him down for another kiss, your nails scraping down his shoulder blade. He pulled out of you and laid behind you, pulling down the blanket from the back of the couch to cover your waists as he settled in to watch the rest of the movie, which was close to over by now.
Pulling his arm tighter around you, you sighed contently. “We can watch Mean Streets after this if you want.”
You felt rather than saw his satisfied grin. “You treat me so good, baby.”
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gardenofnineveh · 1 year
Imagine Lucemond royal family AU but WWII Dunkirk ver.
POV: Lucerys and Aemond (nothing going on between the two at the moment) go off to meet sailors of the royal navy in order to boost ship morale before the sailors depart for Dunkirk.
Of course, over there our darling sweet Prince Lucerys meets none other than our favorite Bri’ish navy boy Tom Bennet. Tom, being the suave chap he is, whispers to the prince “Can I have a kiss when we happen to meet next time, if I make it back?” as Lucerys shakes Tom’s hand to thank him for his service.
Lucerys immediately flushes into the shade of an English rose. He tries to control the sheepish smile creeping up his flushed cheeks but cannot. Luke’s eyes linger on Tom a moment longer than usual, and he dips his chin just ever so slightly - one could only tell if one is right in front of Lucerys at the time. Can you blame him though? The boy is such a cutie and 100% Lucerys’ type ❤️
Aemond, on the other hand, witnesses this indecent exchange. He pulls the captain aside.
Aemond: Hmm… I take that you understand that this operation is the most dangerous yet most crucial to ensure our continued war efforts?
Captain: Yes, your Highness!
Aemond: I reckon that the men are willing to give their lives for their country?
Captain: Yes, your Highness!
Aemond: Hmm… good. (*long exhale*) Make sure the Jerries have that one (*gestures towards Tom with his singular eye and leans in to whisper to the captain, who is aghast at Prince Aemond’s implication*). Should that boy see the white shores of Dover again, you can kiss your military career goodbye 😈
Later in day…
Tom purposely bumps hard into Aemond’s shoulder as they pass each other by chance.
Tom: I heard that.
Aemond: Hmm…
Tom: If you think I’d be so easily defeated by the Jerries or your little ass kissers in the navy, lemme tell ya - you are dead wrong, mate! (*jabs his index finger into Aemond’s shoulder*) Hmm!
Aemond: (*fuming, a hand clawed around Tom’s throat*) I’d have you tried for your insolence.
Tom: Oh, why’s that? Is it because your nephew like me better this way? Does it make you feel more like man? I reckon I made quite the impression with his Highness today. You saw that we took a liking to each other; perhaps, your nephew likes his men, mmmh, less neurotic.
Aemond: (*stunned, loosens his hold*)
Tom: (*takes his time fixing his clothing and whispers in Aemond’s ear*) Once I get back from France, I’m going to be Lucerys’ boyfriend, mmmh, then his prince consort. Perhaps the Queen’d consider us marrying before the war is even over. I’d save a seat for you at the wedding, so you can see your nephew moan against my mouth while you pathetically try to stop yourself from bursting in tears, mmmhh 😈
[Gosh, Aemond hates that face so much. Aemond, ever the (shitty) strategist proceeds to draw a comparison diagram of him vs. Tom.]
(This gonna be part of Aemond’s many spicy 🌶️ dreams. I started writing another post about how Aemond gets jealous when Luke spends the summer with Aegon and starts having interesting dreams, but the nsfw part got too long…)
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rainyraisin · 5 months
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My artstyle changed a lot this year, especially after my shift from ibis paint to procreate after getting my iPad (drawing on an iPad is the BEST btw 100% recommend I love it way more than a phone and it didn’t die after a month like my old wacom 💀💀). I’m relatively happy with where my art is atm and I hope to continue to improve in 2024!
Explanation of all the silly art down below! (Mostly so I can tell y’all who the fanart is for but also cause I like rambling)
January: A drawing of my Rise Leo human design I did to test out a pixel brush I found for Ibis Paint. He’s very fun to draw hehe I need to draw him more-
February: I wanted to learn how to draw the future designs of Leo and Mikey along with CJ so I planned to draw them all together! I struggled with Leo though so I just got rid of him. Sorry Peepaw 😞😞💔💔💔
March: Fanart for @beannary ‘s TLP au! I love it so much so I had to draw smth for it hehe 😈😈💥💥💥 which reminds me I need to draw more at some point- might redraw it at some point cause I’m not super happy with how it turned out but I do like the idea a lot
April: The month I created Reticent! April’s Fools was the first episode I came up with so I drew a chapter poster! It ended up being very different to the chapter cover I drew a couple months later but it’s still cool :D Leo is being weirdly affectionate to Mikey though what the heck that isn’t like him smh. Although I guess it was meant to be purposefully exaggerated sooooo 🥰
May: Reticent Casey!!! I don’t have much to say it’s just Reticent Casey HDKSGXKSHD this wasnt a very good art month
June: Krangified Donnie is literally my favourite concept ever thats it that’s all I have to say dbskdbwkh I adore Krangified Donnie and if the Rise brainrot takes over the Reticent brainrot for a while then I will probably be drawing Krangified Donnie during that time sorry not sorry
July: Reticent Chapter 3’s cover yippee!!! Still my favourite Reticent cover although Chapter 8’s is a close second (I can’t wait to post it once it’s been betaread yippee!!!). The scribble over Leo’s eyes is literally just because I was struggling to draw his eyes and i was getting annoyed dbskdbskdb it’s actually a very common issue with him (common Ret!Leo L). Also Mikey being reflected in the mirror is a reference to Mirror Man by Jack Stauber which I’ve basically considered his theme song since @aaronymous999 introduced it to me ebwjcbkwhd thank you Mr. Aaronymous! Also somebody said he was in the barbie box and I still need to draw that to this day because Mikey would’ve killed to go see Barbie.
August: RET DONNIE WOOOOO he’s being bullied again!!! I drew that piece for a colour palette challenge request and realised I got the prompt wrong so I just made it into its own thing 💥💥💥 it’s usually a flickering light gif but I chose to just use the version with the light on for this post. The photos in the background were really fun to draw hehe either April’s or Mikey’s is my favourite.
September: MY 500 FOLLOWER DTIYS YIPPEE (/my 150 follower DTIYS for tumblr). This one took me. Forever to draw and I love it to pieces hehe it was really fun to design Mikey’s room and figure out outfits for the sillies and idk the concept of a sleepover just seemed really fun to me dbskbdkdb- and all the entries I got were so so awesome I loved them all to pieces!!! I still look at them all the time hehe
October: FANART OF @endlesslogo ‘S HUMAN RISE LEO DESIGN WOOOOOO!!! This was the piece I started rendering on hehe it was so much fun to draw!!!! Although I did have a fight with rendering the hair for over an hour svsjegksbdk HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT FR!!!
November: Me and my friends were working on a crossover between our TMNT iterations so I drew all of our Karai’s together!!! Confluence Karai is on the left, created by Salem and Marine, New Stars Karai is in the middle created by Starla, and Reticent Karai is on the right created by me! All our Karais have such cool designs AHHHHH literally dead over them constantly/pos
December: Most of December I spent drawing Christmas presents so this was my present for Salem!!! Confluence!Jonatello my beloved….
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sunlightandsuffering · 3 months
I don’t deserve you 😭❤️ I actually just commented on your newest drabble on the dark blog!! My guilty pleasure would be under the table shenanigans during the dinner double date in MM but I know you haven’t written that yet so don’t worry!! I’m just curious about your ideas 👀
BABY ILY U DESERVE EVERYTHING! I HAVE TRIED LIKE 1000 TIMES TO WRITE THIS FOR U I HAVE LIKE 6 ITERATIONS SO ILL GIVE U MY BEST ONE SO FAR 😭😭 I’m having trouble with the tension or something it just keeps turning into a meme instead so I think after this scene where like they fight that Eren is gonna pull out the big guns under the table! HES GONNA STEAL COLTS CHAIR NONCHALANTLY !! AND THEN THE HAND ON THE THIGH ACTION WILL START! And after that it’ll be all magic 😈😈 and Mikasa will be forced to react but we’ll see my writing usually gets away from me 😂😂
“I hear seafood can be a real aphrodisiac,” Hitch says breathlessly as Eren hands her another oyster, her face flushed and Eren smiles wickedly at the change in conversation.
“I guess later on we’ll find out.”
Mikasa restrains herself from reaching across the table to stab Eren with her fork. Their plates are thankfully cleared before Mikasa can follow through on the desire.
Because Eren’s hand is grasped in Hitch’s, and she’s smiling up at him with such adoration, Mikasa can barely take it. The entire restaurant suddenly seems too suffocating, and she stands abruptly before she can do something stupid like strangle the blonde girl.
“I’m going to wash up before dessert,” She excuses herself and without another word she’s gone, off towards the bathroom without a look back.
Even the women’s washroom seems too cramped, and she bypasses it entirely to head out the large fire exit a little past the kitchen where chefs are barking out orders. The cold air is a relief as she steps outside into the brisk winter air, she hadn’t realized just how hot she’d been inside.
Mikasa fans herself lightly, flushed from emotions other than just her raging jealousy, fuck her stupid sex magic, fuck all of it.
Her musings are interrupted by none other than the problem himself, the back door slamming shut behind him, and immediately she greets him with a murderous glare.
“Antagonizing me during dinner, really, Eren?”
Eren shrugs casually, unphased by the accusation, “It’s not antagonizing, I was trying to make you jealous.”
Mikasa scoffs, looking away from him to stare out into the dark alley, a few dumpsters and a stray cat their only audience.
Before she can respond she can feel Eren’s dark presence looming behind her, his breath at her pulse, “And it’s working.”
Mikasa refutes this vehemently, “It’s not–”
She is cut off by a kiss that goes straight to her head, so ruinous that all protests leave her mind at once, the harsh possessive grip of his hands at her hips, lips bruising her own.
He’s walking her back towards the wall of the alley, and she’s sealed between cold brick and the addictive warmth of Eren’s body, caging her in. He kisses her like he’s trying to convince her of something and fuck it whatever it is she’s convinced, her hands knotted in his hair, yanking him closer.
They go blow for blow, he squeezes her ass, hauling her up into his arms, she pulls his hair, pulling it from its tie. Let him explain that to Hitch, the hair she’s been covering all night, she was the one who got to touch it first, mess it up.
They kiss like they fight, with more passion than she’s ever felt in her life and probably more aggression than is appropriate.
He slams her back into the brick wall so harshly that for a moment the breath is knocked out of her but there is no reprieve, Eren stealing the air from her lungs as he follows her with kisses.
But she’s not to be outdone, bites his bottom lip so hard she draws blood, digs her nails into the firm muscles of his shoulders.
“Fuck Mikasa,” he grunts shoving the hem of her shirt up, rough hands hungrily exploring soft curves, mapping out every inch of smooth skin
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mxnkeydo · 10 months
so scarlet (it was maroon) ✧ sokeefe
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✧ ship: Sophie x Keefe
✧ what to expect: it all went down went a book went soaring across the classroom but sophie never expects it to end the way it does. acrylic smeared on cheeks, pigment-stained clothes, and a whole keefe sencen later, maybe she never despised him as much as she thought she did.
✧ genre: romance, fluff, humor, sarcasm - enemies to lovers trope, human au, and a love triangle to torment you guys 😈
✧ word count: 1.58k
✧ warnings: mild use of swearing
✧ link to masterlist
✧ link to chapter six
✧ link to chapter eight
✧ A/N: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SM AHHHH i hope you love it as much as i do!!!! (i know this chapter is all fluff, but be prepared for some angsty chapters ahead...MUAHAHAHAHA)
✧ taglist: @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @somerandomhuman080 @foxglove-and-foxfire-lover @carolineforbae
reblogs would be most appreciated! :)))
“Why the hell is your shirt so wet?”
Keefe stopped in his tracks, mentally bracing himself for an argument or a lecture. Slowly, he turned to face his father.
“It’s nothing,” he settled for, trying to escape the situation, but Cassius took one big stride closer to grip his son’s varsity jacket by the collar. Keefe whipped his head to the side; the cigarette smell coming from his mouth was too much to bear.
“Oh, but it’s something,” his father insisted. “What did you do this time, you useless delinquent?”
“I got paint on my shirt, that’s all!”
“Well. Wouldn’t expect anything better from you.” Cassius snorted. “No dinner for you tonight. Go up to your room and stay there, you hear me boy?”
Keefe’s rebellious streak suddenly emerged and he shot back, “I’m not ability challenged, you know. I can hear just fine.”
Cassius shoved him back so hard, Keefe hit the wall with an “oof”. His father only laughed cruelly and strolled the other way like he hadn’t just abused his only son–whose elbow was probably damaged from the impact. Keefe gripped his injured arm and scurried up the stairs, half in fear and half because he needed to get away from everyone. There was someone who could make him feel better, but he was too tired to call her. Plus, he was ninety-nine percent sure she wouldn’t want to be around a depressed kid who didn’t have his feelings set straight. In this state, he would most likely embarrass himself in the worst way possible. It was better for everyone if he was left alone.
Just before Keefe went to sleep, he removed the false bottom from his drawer and rummaged through. Once his fingers brushed against a spiral notebook, he pulled it out and settled in his bed, taking off his shirt to wrap it around his arm like a sling. And with a deep breath, he pressed his pencil to the paper.
Keefe let his hands completely take over, drawing curved lines and shading different sections. He drew two perfect eyes, tiny flecks surrounding the iris. He sketched her full lips, her blinding beam, the way her left eye had more lashes than the other since she always pulled on them.
When he was finished, he was left with a portrait of Sophie Elizabeth Foster staring up at him with a wide, innocent look. Keefe gripped his notebook, not able to take his eyes off her. How a girl like her had come into his life so suddenly, he didn’t know. But the universe seemed to taunt him with the fact that she would never be his.
The funny part? Keefe already belonged to her.
Sophie and Keefe had just stepped into her house when her phone rang with a notification. “What now?” Sophie sighed as she pulled it out. Keefe leaned forward to see but the glare of the lights made it extremely difficult. He watched Sophie instead, as her eyes widened and her brows rose far above her hairline. 
“What happened?” Keefe dared to ask, only to be hit by the Foster frenzy Sophie was going through.
“Oh, shit! I am so sorry, Keefe, I can’t do our session today. Fitz and I have a date at four that I can’t cancel. I don’t even have time to get ready!”
Keefe wilted visibly at his ex best friend’s name. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at his watch: three thirty-six. 
“It’s fine.” At his tutee’s agitated expression, he said, “It’s fine, Foster. Really. I don’t mind.” But in his head, he thought fiercely, oh, but I do mind. I mind very much.
That very thought evaporated when Sophie shot him a grateful smile, leaving his brain blank and useless for anything other than gawking at her. “Thank you so much,” she said in one breath. “I’ll drop you off on the way, alright?” Leaving no room for an argument, she dropped her bag at the bottom of the staircase and dashed up to her room.
Silence. The ginormous gold clock hanging on the living room wall ticked mercilessly. Keefe pinned his eyes to the minute hand and watched it make its way around the circular surface.
Once that got boring, Keefe began to explore the house. It was extremely quiet, of course; Grady was probably at work, and maybe Edaline was out running errands. But even with no one present, he could still imagine the joyful memories made here: baking in the kitchen, games in the main room, happy meals in the dining area. Upon the sight of that glass table, Keefe was brought back to the time when Sophie invited him to dinner. It was ridiculously awkward, of course, but that didn’t mean he hated it entirely. In fact, it was probably his first time in ages having home-cooked food with other people; he and his father usually got takeout and ate in their separate chambers.
At this point, Keefe was near the stairs, admiring himself in the mirror hanging off one of the walls, flexing his injured elbow. And at this precise moment, Sophie chose to emerge from her bedroom. 
The soft taps of her converse jolted him out of his narcissistic trance, causing him to look up. Once he set his eyes on her, he couldn’t bring himself to look away. 
Unlike Biana, Sophie wasn’t much for sparkles and extravaganza, yet somehow she managed to make everything look good. Keefe ran his eyes over the simple white crop top, her denim shorts, and the pink and blue flannel she’d thrown on over it as she descended like a regal queen. Her hair was down as usual, like a graceful waterfall, but she’d braided it in a half-up half-down hairdo. She was gorgeous, she was stunning, she was beautiful, and Keefe couldn’t help but stare.
Sophie looked at him through her lashes. “Keefe? Keefe! C’mon, let’s g–”
It all played out in slow motion. On the second to last step of the stairs, Sophie yelped, tripping over her own feet, arms pinwheeling in an attempt to regain balance. As she fell backward, Keefe grabbed her hand and planted his on her back, promptly preventing her from splitting her head open on the steps. 
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, Keefe thought in a blur of thrill and shock. Because in this position, with Sophie in his arms, her lips were closer than they ever had been before. In the next few seconds, their choppy breaths synchronized with one another like a harmony to a melody. For some reason, Keefe seemed to feel everything but nothing at once. It was a curious emotion, one he’d never felt prior to Sophie’s appearance in his life, but it resurfaced every time he was within a six-feet radius of her. He was one-hundred percent sure Sophie could hear the wild, hysteric beat of his heart.
She was a mess of gorgeous chaos, he could see it clearer than anything in her eyes. He looked at her fondly, savoring the moment before it ended; Keefe knew it was only for a few seconds, but to him it lasted an eternity
She has a boyfriend, an unelpful voice sang in his head. Clearing his throat, Keefe pulled her to a standing position.
“That was quite the fall, Foster,” he said to break the tense silence. A bright red color crept onto Sophie’s cheeks. “You really know how to make a dramatic entrance, don’t you?”
“I didn’t fall,” she muttered defiantly as they walked to the door, still flustered. “I just— attacked the floor.”
Keefe lifted one eyebrow. “Backwards?”
“I’m freaking talented, okay?” 
“Whatever you say, Foster,” Keefe said, grinning like a maniac. A minute passed before Sophie glanced over again and said,
“Quit smirking at me!” 
“I’m not smirking.”
“Well stop laughing at me, I’m serious!”
“I’m not laughing!” Sophie crossed her arms, frowning. Keefe could sense the irritation building up inside of her and couldn’t resist feeling somewhat proud that he was able to get a rise out of her so quickly.
“Then quit whatever it is you’re doing.”
“This is just me with a cheery disposition, a ray of sunshine in the mist of bleakness! Don’t put a cloud over my sunshine– OW!” 
Sophie was the one smirking now, her arm still outstretched from flinging her purse at his head (with a surprising amount of force that Keefe hadn’t anticipated). In her eyes was an evil glint, the one he’d seen when Ms. Clarette had forced Sophie to apologize for smacking him with that book of hers.
When she brushed her hair out of her face and strided towards her car, he swore he spotted a hint of a genuine smile on her face. Out of the blue, he wondered what ran through her head when someone said his name. Did her stomach flutter nervously like his did? Did she feel giddy too?
Of course she didn’t. She had Fitz to think about, didn’t she? She already had someone to fawn over. 
But he just couldn’t stay mad, seeing her cute pout while she struggled to open the car door before realizing she hadn’t unlocked it yet. Keefe snickered, stopping abruptly when Sophie shot him a glare that could kill.  “Just get in the fucking car, Sencen,” she said exasperatedly. Trying his best to forget his crush was going on a date with his ex best friend, Keefe gave her a mock salute.
“Aye aye, Captain.”
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 39
anon - I feel like, y/n does ALOT to protect her inner child and she's working on healing her, but I feel like she has hallucinations and she can sometimes see her 8 year old self running around and giggling since the incident, it stops after a while, but MAN was she glad to see that her inner child is growing strong
anon - Baby Scarab: A piece of literature synonymous with greatness. What if there was a total rise in rent in the building they all live in and it's gonna be a genuine struggle for Y/N to keep up with it as well as pay for all other life necessities so the boys just offer her permanent residence in their flat?
@brry-b - I want me some more grandpa Khonshu moments so I have an excuse to draw fanart of him heheh 😈🫴
anon - what if it turns out y/n has never had something trivial like raspberries or something silly and they have her try them and IMMEDIATE ALLERGIC REACTION, BLUE TO THE SKY PEOPLE
A/N : brry-b i love your fanart :))
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : an important question is asked <3
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), language, spidey stuff, eating disorders, hallucinations, allergic reaction, crying, child abuse, fluff, let me know if i missed anything
you’ve been sitting across from steven for almost ten minutes, your food untouched while he kept eye contact with you.
you couldn’t even rip off the bandages around your waist, due to it being from khonshu making it almost indestructible.
you were making this harder than it had to be.
it all made you think to about ten minutes ago.
ten minutes earlier, you sat nervously in your seat at the table while steven made lunch.
they all thought you were all better, and ready to eat again without feeling insecure.
but you weren’t, you still had that feeling in the back of your head.
they are just saying these things to make you feel better, not because it’s true.
steven came over and set your plate down in front of you, and you glare down at it.
he sat down across from you and noticed the look on your face.
“y/n, you alright?” he asks and you nod slowly.
“i’m not-“
“if you’re going to say you’re not hungry, save it” he starts, making you look up at him.
“you have to eat”
you sigh and stare back down at it, and you admit that it looks really good, but you just can’t bring yourself to pick up the fork.
“y/n” steven says in a more stern voice than before.
“yeah?” you respond, looking back up.
“eat your lunch” he tells you and you hum.
“can i save it for later?” you ask quietly and he shakes his head.
“you’re not leaving this table until you finish that” he points to your plate with his own fork.
“yeah? who’s gonna stop me?” you begin to get up, but are stopped when mummy like bandages wrap around your waist and the back of the chair, keeping you from leaving it.
“what the hell, khonshu?” you look beside you to see the bird, steven raising his eyebrows at you.
“i’m sorry, spider child, it must be done” he leaves, and you turn to glare back at steven.
“it’s a simple task, really” he begins. “at least half of it. please” his tone softens.
you sigh again and shake your head lightly. “why is it such a big deal?”
“because you need-“
“this is going a bit far, isn’t it?” you cut steven off, and he scoffs quietly.
“y/n! please!” he exclaims, and you stare at him wide eyed.
“sorry, just- just at least have a little” he switches up the deal, and you look down to your lap.
you sense a switch, so you brace yourself for whatever he’s going to say.
he clears his throat and you look up at him, and you see that his hand is out and reached towards you.
“give me your phone” he orders and you scoff at him.
he raises an eyebrow at you, challenging you to argue back.
you let out a breath and dig your phone out of your pocket, smacking it in his hand as hard as you can, making him wince.
“watch it” he points at you, pocketing your phone.
you flip him off and pick up the fork, chucking it at him, just to have him catch it.
“wow, real mature” he says, tossing it back, making a clattering noise against the table.
you covered your ears when it did that, the sharp noise hurting your ears.
“sorry” marc mutters and you nod.
you angrily pick up the fork and start eating out of annoyance, and the fact that they would keep you there until you did.
they were just worried. 
and you were just not feeling yourself at the moment.
and it was the hunger.
you were hangry, basically. you hadn’t eaten breakfast and now you were too far gone to want lunch.
except, before you didn’t have a marc. or a steven, or a khonshu to make sure you were staying healthy.
steven ended up coming out again, watching to make sure you actually ate your food.
he felt bad. he felt terrible. he shouldn’t have pushed you, what if you really weren’t hungry?
but you hadn’t eaten all day.
but nothing. 
this is what they were all here for, they were here to make sure you don’t accidentally kill yourself trying to keep your life together.
your whole life you were alone. you had nobody.
they understand that they made you uncomfortable by pushing you to eat, but you needed it as much as you don’t want to admit it.
“i’m sorry” you whisper while slowly eating your lunch, steven leaning forwards with careful movements.
“don’t be sorry, we-“
“i need to tell you guys something” you blurt, making steven nod and you take a shaky breath.
“first off, thank you” you begin, all three of the boys listening intently.
“before you guys i.. i don’t remember the last time i ate there full meals a day” you take another breath.
“as i’ve said before, i was basically starved in one of my homes, but there’s another that did the same thing. except… except it was worse.” you tell them slowly.
you feel the bandages around your waist fade away as you continue, mentally thanking and cursing out khonshu at the same time.
“i couldn’t.. they used to lock me in the basement without food for days if i looked at them wrong” you take another bite of your lunch.
“if i had more than two meals a day they’d call me greedy and..” you trail off quietly while you hear steven’s breath hitch.
“they would.. uhm.. hit me” you let out a breath.
“i just don’t- i know you guys wouldn’t hit me but it’s always-“
“in the back of your mind?” steven finishes for you and you nod.
“we don’t think you’re greedy. if anything, we want to give you more than just this” you see steven make eye contact with marc and jake through the reflection on the table.
“so that’s leads us to ask you something” he starts. “something very important”
you furrow your brows and nod, finishing almost half of your lunch.
“how would you like to.. move in with us?” steven asks quietly, you dropping your fork on your plate in shock and freezing.
“they turned your power and your water off, plus you stay here most of the time anyways so-“ marc starts, and you interrupt him.
“yeah- i’ll… i’ll- i would love to” you stammer over your words, tears gathering in your eyes and you get up, steven doing the same and bringing you into a tight hug.
your chin was resting on his shoulder while you stood on the tips of your toes, one of stevens hands on the back of your head, and the other holding your back close to him.
both your arms were around his torso, making sure your still healing leg didn’t press too hard against his.
you take a sharp breath and chant a couple dozen ‘thank you’s’ to them, which results in steven tightening his grip on you.
“you don’t need to thank us. this is your home. officially” he says and you chuckle, slowly letting go of him.
“listen, i’m so sorry those people did those things to you” steven changes the subject and you look down at the floor.
“but hey, i’m sure jake will try and find them to talk” he pokes your chin, making you look back up at him.
you smile at him and shake your head.
“don’t, jake. they aren’t worth it” you shrug and you hear him groan.
“but princesa, talking is my passion” 
“by talking he means beating the shit out of people” marc scoffs and you purse your lips.
“yeah. i got that”
you were currently taking down any and all shelves and posters you had up on the walls of your room.
in the dark.
because you’re too broke to pay the stupidly high rent.
marc was in your kitchen, boxing up the few plates, bowls, and cups you had.
you accidentally dropped a thumbtack on the floor, making you silently curse and bend down to find it, seeing that it rolled under your bed.
you peek under and see most of your egyptian stuffed animals under it and one thing you thought you’d never have to see again.
it was a wristband you had forgotten about.
something you never wanted to think of ever again.
something you didn’t want to tell anybody, not even steven, marc, or jake.
you grabbed the tac and the wristband, rubbing your thumb over your name printed on it.
“don’t blame yourself” you heard a young voice say.
you shoot your head up and see nothing, making you blink a couple times while clenching your jaw.
now that you think of it, you recognized the voice, and it sounded a lot like-
“me” you whisper to yourself, looking up and seeing yourself for a split second.
but it was you as a child.
specifically when you were with the worst family ever.
you remember it clearly, your cheeks were hollow, and your eyes were sunken.
the dirt and dust that gathered in your hair and on your skin disgusted you.
you weren’t allowed to come upstairs more than half the time, and there was no bathroom in the basement.
meaning you could clean yourself, and you had to sneak up to go to the bathroom and steal food away without anyone noticing.
she was gone as soon as she appeared.
you closed you eyes for a moment before looking back down at the wristband.
it brought you pain to even look at it. but you still couldn’t bring yourself to throw it away.
until now, that is.
you stand back up and look across the room to where you had a trash bag.
clutching the plastic bracelet to your chest for a moment, you let out a sigh and toss it in the bag, watching as it settled on top of the other garbage you found in your room.
you wanted to let go of those memories. your brain didn’t let you because it was the only thing keeping you in reality.
but now you had your dads to keep you grounded.
you smile to yourself and hear your younger self laughing from behind you, making you turn around to see nothing.
you don’t remember laughing when you were a small kid, let alone smile.
whatever you were hanging onto with that wristband must’ve kept you attached to the memories.
and now, that shell of a child you were? she was happy. she was finally at ease now that you finally let go.
marc took that time to come in, lightly knocking on your doorframe.
“you doing alright?” he asks softly and you turn to him and nod.
marc tilts his head at you and tries to hide a small smile forming on his face by frowning.
“don’t do that, you look like a muppet” you tell him and he gives you a look.
“you’re gonna have to be nicer to us now that you’re our new roommate” he says to you and you scoff.
“thank you again” you respond quietly, marc pushing himself off the doorframe to approach you.
“i don’t know what i would’ve done honestly” you begin. “id probably just go find some other dilf to live with” you shrug and marc makes a face.
“are you calling me a dilf?”
“if the boot fits” you mumble, looking away from him and taking down another poster.
“rude” he mutters and you chuckle.
“you and layla literally fucked on the couch” 
“be thankful we didn’t do it on the bed, you sleep there” marc tells you, and you turn around, making a face at him.
“you’re lucky i don’t just-“
“just what?” marc presses and you hum.
“that’s what i thought”
marc helps you roll up the poster, sticking it in one of the boxes.
“we can take a little break, come back tomorrow” marc suggests and you nod.
“we have a week before they ask for my key back” you shrug, putting the thumb tacks on your empty nightstand.
“how about we relax, maybe we can go on a walk and i can get you raspberries or something” he says and you hear jake and steven groan.
“you’re so lame, spector” jake voices and you snort.
“what? raspberries are good” he turns to you. “you like raspberries, right?”
you smile and shrug. “i’ve never had them” 
marc stops in his tracks, as he was about to open the door.
“how have you never had raspberries?” he asks and you shrug again.
“they’re expensive” you say quietly and marc grabs your hand, leading you out of your soon to be ex apartment.
“i’m definitely getting you some raspberries, now” he tells you, now pressing the button for the main floor.
“raspberries must be the lamest thing you can get her” jake starts, making you raise an eyebrow.
“get her a puppy”
“yeah, marc get me a puppy” you agree and he shakes his head.
“no more pets, you’re lucky i let you keep those cats” he tells you and you shrug.
“i guess that’s fair”
you two step out of the elevator, marc still leading you to where the nearest market there is.
once marc had bought a small plastic container of raspberries, you two quickly found a spot in a half filled park, both of you sitting down at one of the old picnic table across from each other.
“how long have you been thinking about asking me to move in with you?” you ask, making marc think about it for a moment.
“well not long. you basically already lived with us, it just wasn’t official” he answers and you smile.
marc opens the small container of the tiny dark pink fruit, picking one and popping it into his mouth.
“..are they good?” you ask, only a little nervous since you’ve never tried them before.
“yeah, just at least try one” marc tells you and you nod.
you pick one up out of the container and study it for a second before putting it in your mouth.
you chew it for a second before swallowing it, looking up to marc who had a look of anticipation on his face.
you nod at him. “it’s good- they’re good” you say, your spidey senses tingling all of a sudden.
you look around, seeing nothing again as marc makes a face.
“what’s wrong?”
“i can sense something. and it’s right here” you say, looking all around you.
you notice a small sting in your throat, causing you to cough to try and ease the sensation.
“are they supposed to make your throat hurt?” you ask marc and you see the color drain from his face.
“no- are you feeling okay? your face just turned really red” he says and you feel your breathing become wheezy.
“yeah, why can’t i breath now?” you ask him, itching at your hand which had the raspberry in it.
marc gets up and circles the table, coming to sit next to you.
“heyheyhey- i don’t want to alarm you but i think your body isn’t reacting well to the raspberries” you hear steven say, and you start coughing into your elbow again.
“you either need to throw it up or we need to get to the emergency room” steven panics, jake staying quiet out of the weird sense of anxiety he felt.
marc had a hand on each of your shoulders, nodding along to what steven was saying.
“okay- just..-“ you quickly get up, going over to the nearest trash can, taking a minute to throw up into it.
you couldn’t care less about the stares you were getting.
marc rushed over to pull your hair back, and glaring back at anyone that makes a face in your direction.
when you were done, you wiped your mouth with your sleeve and sat down on the ground.
marc was standing above you as a couple came walking over to you both.
“is she okay?” one of the men asks, and marc nods at him.
“yeah, she just got a little sick, that’s all” he waves them off, and you give them a thumbs up.
“are you sure? does she need anything?” the other man asks.
marc looks down to you who’s shaking your head, marc looking back up to shake his own.
“no, she’s alright”
“if you say so, hope she gets better!” he says, both of the men walking away while you bring your knees to your chest.
“they were good while they lasted” you joke, marc sitting down on the grassy surface next to you.
“i guess the universe had a reason to not have you try raspberries” marc says and you chuckle.
“you wanna get home?” he asks.
“yeah” you murmur, marc helping you up and making sure to take the raspberries as well.
“marc, she’s allergic to those!”
“it’s not like she’s going to eat them” marc argues and you nod.
“steven he’s fine” you start. “besides, it’s not his fault, i didn’t know i was allergic to raspberries” you shrug, already seeing your destination in view.
“so how’s the boyfriend?” marc asks out of no where, making you shoot your head to him, ceasing the itching on your hand.
“he’s not my boyfriend” you mutter, and you hear jake chuckle.
“but you want him to be, cariño” jake teases and you scoff.
“you didn’t deny it”
“shut up, jake”
later that night, after you could breath properly again, jake was rewrapping your leg.
even though you had faster healing, it still wasn’t instant.
jake had to hold your leg down, since you kept flinching away.
he had you sat on the bathroom counter, luna and pedro sitting next to each other watching you from the doorframe.
“you’re almost done” he tells you, finishing the last stitch, and unraveling the bandages while you clutched the counter as if your life depended on it.
jake looks up at you with a tight lipped smile, and stops his movements for a moment.
“i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable” he apologizes and you lift an eyebrow in confusion.
“i mean about.. your guy friend” he clarifies, and you sigh, smiling back at him slightly.
“i know you’re just joking, that’s why i’m not uncomfortable” you tell him and he nods, going back to wrapping your leg.
after he does so, he helps you off the counter, to which marc puts everything away in its rightful places.
you pick up pedro, holding her close to her chest as marc turns back to you.
“why are you so attached to those?” he asks, moving past you to walk back to the living room.
“they are my babies, and you named this one” you run in front of him to shove pedro in his face.
marc raises an eyebrow and reaches a hand up to pet the cat, then taking her from you to hold himself.
“yeah but what’s the point?”
“…they are cute”
“is that your excuse for everything?” 
“only when it’s the cats and steven”
“why steven?”
“because he’s british”
“stop this nonsense” khonshu bangs his stick on the ground, making you and marc turn to where he had been standing.
“the felines used to be worshiped” khonshu starts. “let the child have her fun, spector” he says, making you chuckle, luna hopping up on the couch and curling up into a little ball.
“whatever” marc mutters, putting pedro down on the ground.
“stevens making dinner and you-“
“are going to eat it, i know” you finish for him, moving to sit on the couch next to luna as steven did his thing.
“you know, i never took jake as a cat mom” you tell khonshu, as he is perched up on the back of the couch.
“of course it’s the only one with a brain that is obsessed with the tiny creature” khonshu tells you and you hum.
“do you know any gods that aren’t egyptian?” you ask him and he nods.
“like thor? maybe loki?” you ask again and he nods again.
“it was in my youth that i saw the odinsons. before i was banished from asgard” he informs you and you nod.
“i believe it”
khonshu hits you in the head with the moon on his stick, making you throw your fist at his beak.
khonshu groans and rubs the spot you hit, surprised by your sudden act of violence.
“i think lockley has rubbed off on you too much”
“maybe” you respond, khonshu tilting his head at the sleeping cat beside you.
“so about asgard” you begin, khonshu groaning in annoyance.
that evening was spent eating dinner, then begging khonshu to tell you about asgard.
you read somewhere that loki fucked a horse and you had to know if it was true.
khonshu refused to answer, just leaving you in the dark.
it was whatever.
now, the boys were a bit more confident now that you were officially living with them.
i mean, you were basically their kid already.
it just needed a bit more time, and they already had a huge thing planned.
layla was in on it, and even khonshu was.
now, they were thinking of getting another certain someone in on it as well.
and they knew just who could distract you long enough to get it ready.
when the time came, of course.
which is soon since they aren’t scared of what your reaction will be.
they are sure it will be fine.
great even.
A/N : hope you all liked it! also the stuff about khonshu being banished from asgard, and even being there in the first place are made up by yours truly.
idk if khonshu has ever even heard of thor or loki. but whatever
thank you all for the support too! i love interacting with you guys, i swear you guys make my day better when i see a notification in my inbox :)))
see you all in two days <3
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee
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future-boi · 7 months
Doctober 2023 Summary
Completed 24/31 prompts!
List of all the prompts I did for Doctober 2023 below
So happy to be done 🥳🥳🥳👏👏👏
1. Sunrise: Tbh I don’t feel any which way about this one and I think it’s because I created it to be a companion piece to Sunset. So its like lowkey half-assed but also far from it. I’m very happy with how that turned out so that’s something…
2. Desert
3. Gun Fight😜🤧☠️: Ah, the first meme post. I felt shaky posting this. Cherry, I hope you know I did it for/because of you
4. Light Blue😈: Ah yes, the first Hell Valley angst post. I’ve always been super proud of it and I’m really happy that others are still liking/reblogging to this day! Almost a month later
5. Alarm Clock😜☠️: AH YES, the first post to really give me anxiety about posting. I was like this ain’t a SIMPLE meme anymore, ITS GOT COMPLEXITY.
6. Ticking Time Bomb  
7. Family😇: This one was super wholesome and the first time in a long while drawing Jules and Verney!
8. Outatime😜💛: This one was a fun one! There was a moment where I wasn’t sure if I should do a background… I’m glad I still had fun with it, it took a lotta work hahaha
9. Zipline
10. Nuclear  
11. Briefcase😜☠️: We back doing goofy shit again… but I really liked this one and had a lotta fun with it. definitely up there with Rear View Mirror.
12. Train Tracks  
13. Photo Album😜: This one was fun and gave me a break from drawing (aside from the days I didn’t do anything…)
14. Coffee😇💛☠️: This one’s so wholesome. But Im biased af
15. Invention😜🤧: This is the first certified half-assed art piece LMAO im sorry to admit it but I gotta speak the truth
16. Stage
17. Einstein😜: This was really fun, I love poking fun at Biff but who doesn’t?
18. Letter  
19. Memory 😇😈: Didn’t like the linework on this one I think that’s why I was feeling so negative about it… or maybe the composition… overall, I think I can do better.
20. Rearview Mirror😜💛🔥☠️: This one’s definitely the funnest one I’ve worked on and still makes me giggle.
21. Improvement😇: I was stressing over trying to finish it so I don’t have the happiest memories of working on this one…
22. Constellation😇💛: This one’s special to me so I was gonna love it no matter what lmao. I really enjoyed working on it even though I wish I had more time.
23. Nostalgia😇💛: One of the faves and always will be. The vibes are on point.
24. Record Player😈: The return of Hell Valley angst
25. Café😇: I’m happy with the color palette. I want to revisit this one some other time cuz I feel like I could do more if I had more time. Not sure if I should categorize this under half assed attempt or not.
26. Anniversary😇🤧: Yeah this was another half assed one, sorry
27. Thunderstorm😈: Angst and Hell Valley are synonymous at this point. I really liked this one, especially how it transitions from colored to black and white
28. Metallic😜☠️: Nimona. That’s all I gotta say. Nah jk I wasn’t going to do this but the no pines timeline was really interesting to learn about… and by interesting, I mean scary. But hey, it gives us another angle to the bttf storyline.
29. 2023😇😜🤧: Talked about the musical. Drew a few doodles. Hair style reveal?
30. Sunset😇⚡: Gives all the warm fuzzies, how could you hate it? Very happy with my use of color here.
31. Free Day (Halloween)😈🎃☠️: We don’t talk about this one… It’s the number one rule of the club 😉
What the emojis mean:
🤧 Half Assed
😜 Funny/Meme
😇 Warm Fuzzies
😈 Angst
💛 Top 5
🔥 Funnest Prompt
🎃 Spookiest
⚡ Personal Fave
My goal for this prompt list challenge was to focus on quality over quantity. There’s a few half-assed art pieces that snuck in, but it could have been worse. By quality, I wanted clean line art, backgrounds, and if I have enough time, color!
What drove me to create art: Showing other people that are in this fandom (most notably ⚡@cheriboms). I’d love to interact with other mutuals on here. Shout outs: 💛@bttf-dork 💛@synthsays 💛@alex-a-fans. I feel like I’ve been doing that more towards the end of the challenge, but yall give me motivation! And sometimes, inspiration!
What I learned:
🤔 I can actually draw backgrounds if I actually try [wowowow who'da thunk] It’s much easier to draw a background from a reference rather than coming up with one on your own. So I need to keep that in mind whenever I feel discouraged.
🤔 I feel like my work is very dramatic. Like melodramatic fr. Or at least it can be... I blame watching those tv dramas with my mom when I was a kid. But then again, if you want to incite emotion out of an audience, you gotta know how to frame stuff and do all the fancy cinematography work. So you gotta be dramatic to an extent. I got really really bored with my ideas that weren’t telling a story(or rather a more interesting story…). And that effected my motivation.
🤔 Looking back at the list, I noticed that my top 5s are all either silly or wholesome and I’m glad and relieved about that. I said that I’m really dramatic and there’s quite a bit of angst in there, but ig I’m not THAT edgy (or maybe the prompts didn’t allow me to be🤔👀)
Things that I want to improve on: COLOR THEORY. Brush theory/line weight. I’ve been experimenting a tiny bit with this throughout the month, but I want to delve into it. Since I didn’t work on something for more than a day, I felt like I was throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.🤪I didn’t get to really study what colors work well and why and experiment with it.
A lot of the ones that I’m not very proud of could be chalked up to not having enough time to work on it/make it better, so that’s an interesting dilemma.
TL,DR; I talk too much. Gotta work faster smh git gud 🙄
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