#I will update my pet demon au masterlist too
kakushino · 7 months
Grief is love's souvenir.
The poetic thought doesn't make it any less hurtful to be cast aside for one mistake (not a "consistent behaviour" you speak of).
I shouldn't look for external validation, but I do, and according to the consensus of the "big blogs" and ex-mutuals I am lesser than dirt and don't deserve even a "you fucked up" private message before I am cancelled. This pain caused by my ex-friends' abandonment is in many ways worse than my family member passing away not two weeks ago.
This feels like Johnny Depp trial all over again. You don't need to mention my name to spread hate. And you have done that. My asks have been filling up with shit - pure shit. (Other than the 3 anons and one mutual who stayed)
I do want to call out one person in particular who will know when they read this: For being a 'drama-free', 'non-problematic' person, you sure know how to vague post after stalking me while I'm blocked. Mean girl toxicity, you called it, I believe.
This fandom seems to be a minefield right now. I stepped on a mine it seems, so I am stepping back to gather all the shattered pieces of myself. To the dearest of mines: I will still be on discord or reachable through DMs.
Congratulations, you won. Are you happy?
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coming to be a nuisance in ur inbox again because this wip just hit 8k words and i STILL have the big climactic bit left to write and im in that stage of writing where ive started at my fic too long so now im like "?? what are this gross nasty dusty old words?" kdfhjgl
good work organizing your masterlist! that's always such a chore skdhfhfdg. plus i found that really cool wing kink thing you wrote for luci and i have a luci fan friend who is huge into any kind of fic about his wings and loves sub!luci hehe~
i find it challenging to write about the demon's inhuman features sometimes, and it was great reading through lucifer's sensations during the experience. loved that one!
also while i am desperately avoiding my wips i will remark that p much nobody writes the kind of extreme kinks i get excited about XD liz's pet au and their writing in general is a pretty good example.
i'm into horror/gore as well, too, so skdhfgldhfg i'm used to my kinks being offputting to people. i have written a bit abt,, demon culture,, and gore-themed romance between demons bc sdkhfglh HEY IF IT GROWS BACK,, i do think i even mentioned detachable dicks to u so u probs know some of that sdkhfglkh
okay ty for listening i go back to my wip now
HEY! Your never a nuisance in my inbox!! I love getting your asks!!
Gosh if that is not a wip mood lol. I think I have like... at least two or three current wips that I want to finish that are Long and keep getting too disacted to finish lol. I think one of the main reasons why my Mini Fic section is so big in my masterlist is because I work best with short, a few paragraphs at most, ideas or ease I loose steam lol. It's bad for writting but it does mean I come up with a lot of ideas at least?
I'm glad you liked the Luci wing kink stuff!! One of the reasons why I really wanted to update my masterlist is because I didn't think a lot of people were seeing some my works I posted at weird times lol. I hope your friend enjoys the post! Gosh I love Lucifer with bird instincts I really want to do more with it lol. Is it technically pregnancy kink if Lucifer is being broody about eggs lol? French fries has lowkey got me into pregnancy kink, but I don't actually like the more technically issues with pregnancy, so now I'm just imagining what a broody Luci would be like lol.
I totally understand not really knowing how to write about the demon's more inhuman features. Quite a few of them don't really have an animal associated with them and more just has random horns or stuff. I only really Lucifer easier to write because Bird.
Also...yeahi totally get the thing about having hard kinks lol. I don't think my kinks are hard, like gore or anything like that (although I do enjoy a good *written* gore post some times, depands on how it's written. I went crazy about your demon courting post that was top notch. I absolutely love the idea that demons have a different culture than humans.) I just think one of my kinks are more....weirder. Like, full confession time, I got some of my kinks from hentai manga. This was mainly because I didn't like real life porn and tumblr smut was full of written fics about real people. So i really only had Ao3. So I'm not really surprised that a lot of stuff I find hot I see no contact for lol. I do have one of my more, Weirder kinks content queued up so look forward to seeing that soon I guess?? I'm trying to face my fear and be more relaxed about the content the put out there.
Good luck on your wip!! :D
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elsecrytt · 3 years
Last updated: 2022-03-31 2022-08-28
Demon Culture
Part 1 (Ignoring a demon)
Part 2 (Demon courting)
Part 2 Continued: Whip of Love Interactions
Part 2 Continued: Demon courtship gestures
Demon courting
So what's up with Diavolo?
An unreasonably long thread about Pet AU Lucifer
Cat Witch Reader vs Satan cat obsession:
-Initial Idea
-Satan is soft on cats... when you are one.
Shared AUs/Fics
Coward!MC my beloved
-Your Courage, My Love (Lucifer/Reader, Satan/Reader, implied Mammon/Reader)
-Sucks to be Murdered (Lesson 16 aftermath)
-Something to Protect (Lucifer/Reader, Satan/Reader, implied Diavolo/Reader, Mammon/Reader)
All 7 Brothers + A side of side character
Waking up with the Boys
Bridal Carrying your man out of Nowhere
In Pursuit of Pleasure Part I
Bad Dog (Lucifer jerks it while thinking of you,,, so romantic)
Lucifer's Type
Character Musings Part I - Part II
Pet AU Luci and his AMAB!Reader owner
Mammon can be a littol dom... as a treat. Just a little
You are a witch and MAMMON owes you MONEY, what happens next will SHOCK YOU
Thoughts on Admiral!Leviathan
"Bite Me" means what it says for demons
Would Satan fuck you with his brothers sleeping in the same room? The answer will SHOCK YOU
Why won't vampire!reader come out of their room? Detective Satan is on the case!
What if you and Satan liked each other so much but were too scared to say so and it got... toxic? But you still had sex.
He is beauty, he is grace, he is yandere all over the place
Domming Belphie post Lesson 16
Slap... the butt
Blue Raspberry (more like... blew raspberry hehehe)
Multiple Characters
Crow Familiars [Lucifer, Mammon]
Scratches on his back... [Diavolo, Lucifer, Mammon, Simeon]
Scratches on his back... [Satan]
MC Immortality? [Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan]
Heartache [Lucifer and Diavolo triangulation]
The Son he Calls Brother [Satan and Lucifer after the fall]
Satan/MC/Diavolo Manifesto Part I - Part II
Cat(3) Manifesto w/ Sources
Cat(3) Solomon/MC/Satan
Satan/MC/Diavolo SFW
Satan/MC/Barbatos SFW - NSFW
Among Demons - Intro
Among Demons - Routine
Thoughts on Yandere Diavolo/MC/Lucifer
Yandere!Diavolo Part I
The Price of Wrath (Elsey/Satan)
-The Price of Wrath - The Bargain
-The Price of Wrath - Inspection
Elsey Preys on an Unsuspecting Satan
MC!Monday Part 4
General MC!Elsey ramblings
Rambling about MC!Elsey and their pacts
Elsey Rambles
Rejection Series - WiP Idea
Rejection Series - Ask
About Barbatos in S3 and S4
L71 re-write (Barbatos)
L70 Ranting
Season 4 Ranting
Season 4 Ranting Part II
Season 4 Ranting Part III
Rambling about MC!Elsey and their pacts
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Con Man's Daughter
Posting this because there isn't enough biodad! John Constantine content.
(Part 2)
I feel like this should be a Damianette story or just platonic relationship after Jon got aged-up to seventeen and Damian wanted a friend his age but doesn’t want to admit it.
So basically there is this big bad in Gotham using magic that Batman was fighting at the time and enlisted John Constantine to help out.
John realizes that the villain is using a Miraculous.
“Oh. I think I know how he gets his powers. And lucky for you, Bats, I know an expert on this special brand of magic.”
And he did the smart thing and called up Marinette who at the time was already Guardian and was looking for other lost Miraculouses like in the Treasure Hunter AU I wrote.
He calls her at a really bad time. She was in the process of being chased by the guardians of the place. Monsters and evil spirits.
“Hello, Dad. What do you need and can you do it quickly?”
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s me. How is my little cupcake up to these days?”
“You called at a bad time.” Gunshots.
“Somewhere in Japan. Getting a Miraculous. And why can’t you call me to check in on me and not ask me to help you with whatever mess you got yourself into.” More gunshots sounds and it was telling that Marinette was using a gun.
“Where did you get a gun? And don’t you have school?”
“It’s summer break. Don’t worry Maman and Papa know. Well, the fact that I am in Japan anyways.” Marinette sounded a little out of breath. Roaring and horrifying sounds at the other end. “Can we do this later?”
“As it happens, there is a villain going around Gotham with what I think is a Miraculous.”
Swears on the other end.
“Oi. Watch your fucking language, young lady.”
“How about a No and move the fuck back, old man. I am coming over right now.”
“Old man? I am not that old-” as a magic blue portal opens up in the Bat Cave.
And a red Chinese dragon comes out with someone riding it.
Its rider was a black-haired girl. She had a trench coat similar to Constantine's. I imagine her with a fedora. Like Carmen Sandiego style but not red. Sometimes red but only when she has to steal it from a museum or high security places and she leaves a name card with the name Carmen Sandiego. A sword strapped to her back and a dagger to her thigh.
She had a gun in her hand which she used to shoot the monsters as it was halfway through the portal and yelled out the spell to close it.
“Brilliant entrance but you are in lots of trouble, little lady. What were you thinking about going to another country unsupervised? And isn’t there still a butterfly problem in Paris?”
“One, I wasn’t unsupervised. I had Tikki, a billion years old being and a sort of god. Two.Well, it got boring trying to track Hawk-bitch down. And I found this legend about a guy with a Miraculous who disappeared in the temple and thought hey, more miraculous could mean another edge to defeating Moth-man.”
More bickering and John grounding Marinette who was acting very nonchalant about it.
Okay, at this point, I should say that Batman and Robin are in the background trying to make some sense.
Batman is surprised to find out that Constantine has a daughter who is also involved in magic like her Father but an apparently more specialised kind called the Miraculous. He is a little miffed that he didn’t know about John having a daughter. He did consider it weird at first that she had a slight french accent unlike her father’s Liverpool accent although she pronounced some words like he does.
He also connected some dots that she is also the Parisian heroine, Lady Rouge who Wonder Woman introduced to the League a while back and had declined to join the Young Justice or Teen Titans until everything in Paris was resolved.
Damian on the other hand was suspicious of the new arrival and came to the same conclusion as his father about the daughter thing.
Batman after a few minutes, clears his throat.
The Constantines stop arguing.
“Bonjour. Batman. Robin. Pleasure to meet you. I am Mari Constantine and yes, I am this homeless looking man’s brilliant daughter.” “Hey”
“Well, Mari. Your father thinks you can help us with this new criminal turning Gotham upside down. Literally in some cases. He said that you might be able to help us.” Batman said as he pulled up zoomed in picture of the Miraculous.
Mari looks through the Miraculous grimoire and tells them all about it and power-ups, basically the most effective thing to defeat the guy is to get the Miraculous off them. Plus a spell that would make the Miraculous ineffective if casted within a certain radius of it.
“Thank you for the information, Mari. Constantine, let’s go.”
Mari made to follow them.
“You young lady are grounded and staying here.”
“I don’t need another supervillain using the Miraculous which are my responsibility as Guardian to retrieve them for their own misuse and wreaking havoc on the city. And what if there is an akuma in Paris? I can’t go there if I am grounded in the Batcave although it is a cool place to hang out.”
“You can portal back to Paris but you are not going to follow me. Understood?”
“yes. crystal”
“Good. After me and Batsy get the Miraculous, you can do your Guardian duties.”
Damian snickers. Until Batman cut his mood short, “You are staying behind too. Robin.”
“But Father, why? I am much more capable than Constantine.”
“Hey!” Both father and daughter.
Damian is staying behind too because of the Miraculous power or other reasons and keeps an eye on Mari.
Damian stays behind and there were some protests about mari mad about having a babysitter and Damian doesn’t want to be a babysitter. Despite the two of them being around the same age.
“I got an eye on you so no funny business.”
“Okay, Dad, I am not going to have sex with Robin.” Mari said with a shit- eating grin. Robin definitely didn’t blush.
“I hate you sometimes.”
“I love you too, Dad. Go save the world. Byee.”
John eyes her suspiciously because she is not one to give up that easily usually.
He casts a spell to watch her as they leave. and which she totally knew about.
“So...I have one question.”
“Tt, ask and don’t bother me anymore.”
“Is Batman Bruce Wayne?”
Damian looks up, totally caught off guard.
“I am going to take that as a yes.”
Puts sword at her neck. “How did you find out?!”
“Opened up Google Maps and saw that we are under Wayne Manor. Connected the dots. Also I already knew when Dad made a bet with me once to find out Batman’s secret identity but he never did confirm it for me. And can you please not tell your father about this? I don’t feel like being interrogated by the Bat in the future yet.”
“Father must know about this.”
“I saw you looking at Scarlet here. An animal lover then? You can give her some belly rubs. She deserves it after helping me outrun those monsters.”
His silence was brought. To pet a dragon.
One thing after another and he ends up bringing out his pets-Jerry the turkey, Goliath the dragon-bat, Titus- and her introducing him to her other pets like a hellhound, griffin and other mythical creatures who mostly roam free but come to her when she calls for them and also the kwamis, at least the ones who came with her.
After 30 mins have passed, “So Robin how do you feel about disobeying our fathers?”
“I am in.”
“Depends. Are we going after the (villain's name) ?”
Awesome montage of them getting rid of the spell John casted and flying out of the Batcave on their respective giant flying pets to the villain’s base.
Meanwhile, their fathers are not doing so well and are trapped in a death trap. John can’t say the spell because the villain made him unable to talk.
“At least, the kids are staying put.”
Cut to Damian and Mari jumping off their pets and onto the roof. Taking out the guards posted there and going into the building all sneakily and also taking out the guards that come their way.
They dropped into the room where their fathers and the villain is.
“Why am I not surprised?”
Villain starts an evil monologue about his mastermind plan to which Damian cuts it short by trying to cut him down with his katana. Mari goes to deactivate the death trap.
They are evenly matched with Damian’s training and the Miraculous.
Mari steps in as Damian was about to be killed. Taps on the shoulder of the villain and when he turns around, gives an awesome right hook that knocks him out.
Takes away the Miraculous and curses him. Wiped the dude’s memories of it.
“When I said stay in the Batcave, I meant stay behind at the Batcave. What point of being grounded, don’t you understand?”
“You mean, Oh, Mari, light of my life, my wonderful daughter, thank you for saving my ass. You are the best.’ by that, right?”
Mari and Damian exchanged numbers and email addresses.
As she was about to leave the Batcave, “It’s been nice meeting you, Mr. Wayne.” and leaves with a wink.
John ‘ungrounds’ her for the look on Batman’s face.
After this, Marinette and Damian become friends who bitch and vent to each other about their alter egos and various villains of their respective cities. (In codes, just in case) They also share updates about their pets and love of drawings.
They have that type of friendship where they trade favors. Mari calls Damian to Paris sometimes to help out with the akuma of the day and Damian sometimes calls her in when Bruce doesn’t let him go investigate a case so he can sneak out by magical means or as back up for when his brothers were too annoying to deal with.
It’s summer break so no missing school.
John and Bruce are aware of their friendship and some of the shenanigans the pair gets into behind their back.
Right. how this all started...
John and Sabine first met when the latter was still in college somewhere in France. John was tracking down a demonic entity which was targeting Sabine for some reason and she was the next target.
John saved her life and exorcised the demon. There was a heat of the moment thing and they had a one-night stand. There were a few more flings and hook-ups after that night.
And nine months later, Marinette Cheryl Cheng-Constantine was born.
When Sabine first found out, she called John to come over and he thought that it was a call for another hook-up and was very surprised to find out that it was not and that he was going to be a father.
They both like each other but do not want to be in a relationship together so they both remained as friends and John agreed after some strong-arming at the very least to meet his daughter before he goes to do his job. And pay for child support. And help Sabine during her pregnancy.
Pregnant Sabine was someone you don’t want to mess with. And John has never met a demon or anyone scarier than her.
He was at first not into meeting his child and there was a self-pity party he threw himself with how the child was going to live a bad life because he was the dad and how he destroyed every good thing in his life.
That’s why he is going to meet the baby once and leave maybe a letter and the occasional birthday present and stay out of their life. Forever.
The day Marinette was born and it took one look into her eyes for the HellBlazer to fall under the spell and all of his plans to stay out of her life to burn away.
At first, he tried. He really tried but he couldn’t do it.
Lasted 4 months before he came back, wanting to place protection spells on her and sigils around the house to keep away the forces of Heaven and Hell and other entities so they won’t use her against him as a bargaining chip.
Sabine calls him to babysit. He could have refused and Sabine would have easily found a babysitter. He moans and whines about how he is a great mage and not a bloody babysitter. Sabine retorts that it is actually called parenting since he is Marinette’s father. He grumbles but in the end, agrees.
The great John Constantine is wrapped around the little girl’s finger.
He was around for some of Marinette’s firsts. Her first word was “John”.
It made him cry. He wasn’t a good man and he doesn’t deserve someone this precious. His daughter doesn’t deserve someone like him as a father but fate made it that way and what can you do about it.
After an exhausting week of doing the usual and coming back from Hell, he saw that Sabine had sent him a video. It was Marinette taking her first steps.
Chas swears that in all the years that he has known John Constantine he has never seen the man look so happy.
When Tom came into the picture, John was there to take care of a toddler Marinette while Tom and Sabine went on dates.
Insert John threatening a much bigger Tom while holding a baby Marinette with wide eyes and hugging a teddy bear with the same coat as John’s. (It was something Sabine brought on a whim and to tease John when he came around.)
Tom is supportive and treats Marinette like his own flesh and blood.
John resolved to leave for good now that Tom would be there to be a father figure for Marinette.
That plan fell into the drain the moment he was going to leave for what was supposed to be the last time before Sabine pulled him back and knocked some sense into him.
His face was a big giveaway. Sabine knows that despite his claims of being a terrible father for Marinette, he was a good one and damnit she was going to make sure that Marinette would get to know her actual father.
Tom later made an awkward talk with John about how he was not going to replace John’s role as Marinette’s father.
Marinette was the flower girl at Tom and Sabine’s wedding. John was there too.
During bedtime, John would read her stories and use his magic to make it come to life. Although he would feel a little drained afterwards, it was worth it to see her smile.
Sometimes he told stories about his tamer adventures. (After cutting out some of the inappropriate bits)
When Marinette was about 5 or 6, Sabine was out on an errand and Tom was at home with Mari and helping her with her homework. There was a crash downstairs at the bakery. Tom went down to check it out to find John lying on the ground.
With a weak cough, he said, “Close the door. Close it.” Before losing consciousness
Tom did before a man with pitch black eyes slammed against it.
Thankfully John had installed heavy wards around the bakery when it first opened.
They held against the demon on John’s tail. Tom brought John inside and unsure of what to do, grabbed a rolling pin on the counter.
The man outside started pounding on the glass door and every time his hands touched the door, light glowed outwards, showing the invisible magic barrier around the bakery. Sparks and steams fizzled with every pound.
Despite the reddening and burns of his hands, the not-human didn’t slow down.
“ʝօɦռ....ʏօʊ ӄռօա ȶɦǟȶ ɨȶ'ֆ օռʟʏ ǟ ʍǟȶȶɛʀ օʄ ȶɨʍɛ ɮɛʄօʀɛ ɨ ɮʀɛǟӄ ȶɦʀօʊɢɦ ȶɦɛֆɛ աǟʀɖֆ. օռƈɛ ɨ ɢɛȶ ʏօʊ,” He laughs, the sound sends chills down the large man’s spine, “ȶɦɛʀɛ ǟʀɛ ֆօ ʍǟռʏ ȶɦɨռɢֆ ɨ ɦǟʋɛ քʟǟռռɛɖ ʄօʀ ʏօʊ.”
Tom knew that Marinette’s father was a con man. Come on, Master and Practitioner of the Dark Arts and Occult. But he was a good father nonetheless despite all his flaws and Sabine liked him enough so that was good enough for him.
Before today, magic was just the sleight of hands and use of fancy tools to sell the illusions. Now, with a could-be-a-demon knocking on his door to get to the father of the girl he sees as his daughter, he’s not so sure.
“Tom? Qu'est-ce qui se passe? (What’s going on?)” A little voice came from the stairs, “Dad!” Marinette padded across the floor to the body of her passed out father.
She shook him awake and there were a few soft slaps to the face.
“Dad, what’s happened?”
John mumbles, “Demon…. possessing some rich guy….. Exorcism…. Doesn’t like me very much…Don’t worry...wards going to hold.”
John manages to stand before falling down and Tom catches him before he hits the floor. He has a concussion. Tom turns to Marinette, “Go, Hide and don’t come out until It’s safe.” which she did
Unfortunately, a while later, Sabine returns from her night out and the demon upon seeing Sabine. “ɛӼƈɛʟʟɛռȶ..”
The demon possessed Sabine and the previously possessed dude hit the sidewalk with a thud.
“ɨռȶɛʀɛֆȶɨռɢ....” The voice coming out of Sabine didn’t sound like her mother which scared Marinette a lot. “օքɛռ ȶɦɨֆ ɖօօʀ օʀ,”the demon pulled a knife out of thin air, ,“ȶɦɨֆ ɮօɖʏ ɢɛȶֆ ɨȶ.”
Tom hesitated until the demon put the knife on Sabine’s neck and put enough force for a thin line of blood to be shown.
He opens the door and the demon knocks him out. Stepping over his unconscious body and looking down on it, “ʄօʀ ȶɦǟȶ, ɨ ǟʍ ɢօɨռɢ ȶօ ʟɛȶ ʏօʊ ʟɨʋɛ ʊռȶɨʟ ɨ ǟʍ ɖօռɛ աɨȶɦ ʝօɦռ, օʄ ƈօʊʀֆɛ.” and cackles. The sound was so wrong and unnerving and little Marinette tried very hard for her sobs not to be heard.
Too bad the demon had super hearing. “Come out, my little blossom. Maman is home. Why don’t you come out and give me a hug?”
It sounded so much like her mother and she nearly believed that it was her mother and not some entity in control of her body.
But she knew better from John’s stories of dealing with demons and how they would use the voice of loved ones to lure them out and into a trap. (Definitely not something one should tell as a bedtime story but Marinette was very different and had an unconventional childhood with John Constantine as her father.)
Wait...she got struck with an idea but she wasn’t sure if it would work.
Before she could do anything, the door of the cabinet she was hiding in was opened and she was dragged out.
The demon lifted her a few feet above the ground by the collar of her dress.
It heard Marinette saying something. “աɦǟȶ ǟʀɛ ʏօʊ ֆǟʏɨռɢ ƈɦɨʟɖ, ֆքɛǟӄ ʟօʊɖɛʀ?”
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.” Marinette was now screaming the words at the top of her lungs. She repeated the spell over and over again with fierce determination.
John, being his paranoid self, taught her the spell for an exorcism, just in case. Demons spared no one, not even a girl.
It screamed “NO….” as Sabine’s body contorted in strange angles before a dark shadow seemed to be dragged down into the ground. It made a desperate attempt to possess John before it was pulled away and disappeared. There was no sign that there was a demon attack.
After John woke up, he managed to piece together that his 5-years-old (Sorry 5 and a half) daughter sent a demon back to hell.
He was a very proud dad. (He was a tad worried about the consequences from this event and demons hold one hell of a grudge. He wanted his daughter to live a very safe and happy life. The bakery’s wards also need an upgrade.)
He also got the job of explaining what he actually did to Tom. And lots of reassuring.
Sabine, on one hand, was not happy that Marinette knew how to do magic. That is until John told her that he did it just in case so she can protect herself and later it was agreed that Marinette can learn some Magic spells and charms to better protect herself and when she is older, she can decide if she wants to continue or not.
(Part 2)
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bluerosette23 · 4 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg5
Fifth Part of the masterlist. (Updated: Apr 27 2020*)
< Page5   [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @theatreandcomicfreak  (Masterlist) (More) Ideas ~ An Unrefusable Promise ~ Chances ~ I Wish It Was You ~ Promises ~ Secret Relationship [Garmari] ~ Soulmate AU Idea ~ Sunshines? ~ The Perfect Date [Garmari] ~ The Promised Neverland ~ Maribat AU ~ What’s In A Family? A Cat and Bug Game Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ HC1 Guilt and Love Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ How To Heal A Missing Heart [Kaldur x Marinette] Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 I’ll Never Forgive You Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 Jealous Adrien Series Daminette HC1 ~ Timari ~ Daminette Ficlet Pt1 ~ Jasonette ~ Marijon ~ Daminette Pt2 ~ Roynette ~ Kaldurnette ~ Wallynette ~ Dickinette ~ Jasonette (Soulmate AU) ~ Cassnette ~ Garmari   Maribat Halloween D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 Maribat March D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 Miraculous:Reborn (Maribat Injury AU)  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 Of Roommates And Red Heroes  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 Teen Titans AU  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7.1 ~ Pt7.2 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 Worth  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 Prompts Pr8 ~ Pr11 ~ Pr14[1 ~ 2]
by @thebookwormfairy​ Daminette Countdown Soulmate AU ft. Captain the Retired Police Dog Found Dog AU Love At First Curse We Were Kids Next Door Fairytail AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ OVA Gotham Falls Pt1 Maribat Buzzfeed Unsolved AU (Pt1 ~ Pt2) Marinette with a Constant Hickey What if Marinette had a Retired Dog as a Pet Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6
by @thehallowsden​ A Final Goodbye Till Next Time Encounter With Fear How to Calm Down an Angry Damian By Tim Drake Multiverse Ship AU (1 ~ 2)
by @thequestionablyhuman​ Unnamed Maribat AU Preview Twin League of Assassins Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @thepeacetea​ Daminette Soulmate AU Idea Daminette Soulmate Snippit  ~  AO3 History Repeats [Jasonette] Light Before The Knight [Brucinette] Mine [MariJon]  ~  AO3 Mistake Of A Lifetime Schwarze Geist and Stille Schonheit The Manor The Past That Made The Future [Brucinette] Broken Angels  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12 ~ CH13 ~ CH14 ~ CH15 ~ CH16 ~ CH17
by @thyladyanput​ A Day In Themyscira A Drop Of Bourbon:Marinette  ~  AO3 A Wedding Of Lies Clues To My Heart Dousing The Fire Tumblr Prompts(Ao3) Seeing Green  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12 ~ CH13 ~ CH14 ~ CH15 Seeing Red  ~ AO3 CH1
by @tinybriewrites​ Hell AU? (Idk what to call this) ~ Imagine Your OTP ~ Knotted Halves ~ Top 10 Bruce Wayne Dumbass Moments: Maribat AU Set The Stage Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @tired-college-student-writing​ (Markiplier_Egos) #Wayne Angel  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 Tim’s Secret Weapon  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5  ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11
by @trashystar420​ Babysitter Aged Reverse AU CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 
by @unholykrow​ Bruce Fucking Wayne: Serial Adopter AU/HCs Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 Demon Twins AU/HCs Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 Stalking Shadows CH1  
by @unmaskedagain [Masterpost] Chaotic Chat Daddy’s Little Villain Day And Night Five Boys The Batfamily Scared Off Lady Noire In Gotham Ladybug In Smallville ~ Ladybug In Gotham (in Space) ~ Ladybug (Not) In Paris Leonard Snart:Marinette’s Father Marinette:Blood Of Steel Marinette:Mother Of Superboy Marinette VS Santa ~ Marinette VS Santa:The Rematch No, Bruce! You Can’t Adopt Her Sorry, It’s Reserved Spider VS Bird 
by @un-romancible-npc​ Chance CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3.1 ~ CH3.5 ~ CH4 
by @username-not-spoken-for​ The Lady And The Bird Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 
by @valeks-princess​ Pursuant, Tracking Home  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7
by @virgil-is-a-cutie​ Pain Never Dies (Neither Does Love) Surprises CH1 ~ CH2 ~ HCs ~ CH3 Tom Dupain Was Related to Oswald Cobblepot HCs Pt1 ~ Pt2 Wally West Dating Marinette HCs Pt1 ~ Pt2 Uncle Oswald CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3
by @vivilakitty Future Kids Idea Immortal Marinette Breaking Down (1 ~2) Ideas Jagged Concert  (No.5) ~  Based on Lucky Me (No.8) by sage-sam ~ Based on the Story Broken Angels (No.10) by thepeacetea ~ What If Lila Actually Knew The Waynes (No.11) ~ The Everyone Loves Marinette Club  (No.13) ~ I Don’t Know Anymore (No. 14) ~ Bad Luck, Good Luck ~ (No.19) ~ Lila In Gotham (No. 20) ~ Idea? (No. 27) ~ Explanation To My Post (No.28) ~ Younger Damian AU (No. 29) ~ Slut Lila (No. 30) Ideas[Links] 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 22 ~ 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~ 26 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ 29 ~ 30 ~ 31 ~ 32 ~ 33 ~ 34 ~ 35 What If They Played Smart (V1 ~ V2 ~ V3.1 ~ V3.2)
by @writingideasandrandomstuff College Classmates CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11
by @zebrabaker Akumanette Falling For You [Dicki/Marinette] Maria Anne Prince-Wang [Jasonette] Pt1 Pain, Loss, And Recovery Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 Paris Stands Alone Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5
by @zerotosiki A Little Too Much - Daminette SongFic Give Me A Second Chance - Maribat Ideas Bonus Stories of ALTM Pt1 ~ Pt2
by Silent_Radioactivity Maribat AU Magical Girl in Gotham ~  AO3 Dark Squire in Paris  ~  AO3 Guardians of Miracles  ~  AO3
OTHERS Headcanons Batfamily Car Trip Batfamily On Reality TV In Case of Emergency:Break Bruce Numbers Who Threw Damian Out of The Window
< Page5   [Daminette December Masterlist]
582 notes · View notes
amenomiko · 5 years
Masterlist 1
-Updated as of 03 JULY 2020-
-My Plushies Collection ahahaha
-Me and Uesugi Kenshin
-My Cos as MC is Featured in IkeSen Group in Insta
-My Cos as Mizusaki Mai
-MC with Angel and Demon Tattoo on her back
-If MC Become a Man / Boy
-Fujoshi MC
-IkeSen Lords and Their Own Game Itself
-MC as Little Kid / Small Child
-IkeSen Lords, Before and After Falling In Love uwu
-MC’s Quirk (BNHA Crossover)
-Prank Game
-Ice Cream’s Fault
-What Baby???
-Warlords and Her Pregnancy Hormones & Tantrums
-Warlords as Kaomoji
-Warlords in Facebook PM
-Ah, My Dear Daughter..
-MC that wants to be Pampered
-”Father, Mother, Where did I came from?”
-When He Look Into Her Phone Gallery
-Threatening Him
-Let Me Kiss It Away
-There’s a Bun in the Oven
-Let Me Sleep In Your Warmth
-MC and Ice Cream
-Those Sweet Moments
-Maid Dress
-IkeSen Warlords as Vampire
-IkeSen MC is a Fighter and She’s in Action (Sequel to IkeSen MC is a Fighter)
-Pocky Game
-Tsun Tsun (Tsundere) MC
-Real Gender of Her (Sequel)
-Him, Before, During, and After
-Cotton Candy
-What Being Like a Girl Feels Like
-MC as a Cat or Dog
-MC’s Bra
-IkeSen and Tired MC
-Boyfriend T-shirt
-There’s Only One Bed
-Modern Lingerie
-Ikesen Warlords and Couvade Syndrome
-Warlords with Modern Job
-If IkeSen Warlords is an animal (Cat & Dog)
-IkeSen MC is a Fighter
IkeSen and their Daughter’s First Word
-IkeSen Reactions when MC intervene during their Interview
-IkeSen Reactions if MC is a virgin
-IkeSen Daddies Reactions when their Daughter said “I love You”
-IkeSen Reactions when MC said “Mind Your Own Business”
-IkeSen Reactions when MC explained about BDSM / Pegging
-What if they had a Daughter (Part 2)
-What if they had a Daughter (Part 1)
-IkeSen Reactions to MC Skincare Routine
-When She’s Having a Fever
-When She’s on Her Period
-When She spend time with their Pets
-Their Reactions when her Cooking is Bad
-MC and Ghost Stories
-Nicknames for Warlords by MC
-IkeSen Warlords when MC passes by him
-Ikemen Sengoku Warlords be like.. and also be like..
-IkeSen Warlords and MC’s EX Boyfriend
-MC and her Cat Tongue
-When MC Gave Birth
-IkeSen Warlords and MC exchanged their Soul in each other’s body
-Due to Differences in Height
-Tried to be a Tsundere
-Sending him off for his Short Mission
-MC and Cockroach
-MC being Sneaky
-Absent Minded MC
-Unusual Respond when She is Pounded on the Futon
-MC, in the verge of tears from a stupid argument
-She can’t sleep
-IkeSen Warlords and Luggage Waiting Area
-”I’m Pregnant”
-Seduce Attempt No.1
-When their daughter said “I hate you!”
-When they went to the mall
-”Today is not a safe day!”
-When she accidentally called him “Daddy”
-”Honey, I want a baby again.”
-When they wear each other’s casual yukata
-”I love you ___”
-Her Bad Habit (Kenshin, Mitsunari, Yukimura)
-MC, Lord and Her Thesis
-She is a Ballerina
-Pretending She is the ‘Bad Guy’
-A very SHY MC
-Him with Her Depression (Mitsuhide & Ieyasu)
-She Died in front of Him (Nobunaga & Kenshin)
-Ask the Warlords (Mitsuhide, Nobunaga & Masamune)
-Ask the Warlords (Mitsuhide, Kenshin & Ieyasu)
-Ask the Warlords (Masamune, Mitsuhide & Mitsunari)
-Ask the Warlords (Masamune, Mitsuhide & Shingen)
-Ask the Warlords (Nobunaga)
-Ask the Warlords (Mitsuhide, Nobunaga & Shingen)
-Ask the Warlords (Hideyoshi & Mitsuhide)
-Pairings (Some of Them)
-Warlords & Babies (Some of Them)
-If She is Psychic (Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Kenshin)
-Her Twin Sister (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Kenshin, Masamune)
-Her Reaction When He Sleep Talk (Masamne, Ieyasu, Yukimura)
-His Reaction When She is SO ANGRY (Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Yukimura, Nobunaga, Masamune) GIFs
-Insecure MC about her Body and Looks (Were teased for it)
-Comforting Tired MC (GIFs)
-When the Baby Girl Cry (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Kenshin)
-Dying MC (Nobunaga, Masamune, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Kenshin)
-Different Story of MC (Abused Ex-Husband and MC with a Child)
-Jealous Warlords
-Meeting Her Parents and Siblings (Twin Brother)
-Jealous Bosses (Modern AU)
-When She’s about to Give Birth Moment (Oda Forces)            
-Jealous Warlords
-Lovey Dovey (ODA FORCES)
-Their Children Visit from the Future
-MC that has is like a Female Version of Mitsunari
-Accidentally watch him taking a bath
-IkeSen Daddies Meeting Their Daughter’s Lover for the First Time
-Secretly Dating (ODA FORCES)
- IkeSen Daddies when their Child Walk for the First Time (ODA FORCES)
-Real Gender of Her (AZUCHI CASTLE)
-IkeSen MC and Thunder
-Jealous Warlords when MC is being affectionate with their Son
-What if they had a Son?
-Why is my wife so cute
-When he have to go for his duties / missions after MC gave birth
-When she Lost her Memories Temporarily
-When their Daughter woke up in the middle of the night
-Different Persona
-MC is Drunk
-The Opposite Effect
-Beach Vacation + Meme Reenact by Sasuke and MC
-Best Friends, Less than Lovers, But...
-Lovey Dovey (Uesugi-Takeda)
-Secretly Dating
- IkeSen Daddies when their Child Walk for the First Time (UESUGI - TAKEDA FORCES)
-Real Gender of Her (KASUGAYAMA CASTLE)
-Jealous Warlords when MC is being affectionate with their Son
-What if they had a Son?
-When their Daughter woke up in the middle of the night
-When He have to go for his duties / missions after MC gave birth
-When She Lost her Memories Temporarily
-MC is Drunk
-Doctor, Help Me (Ieyasu x MC)
-I Hate Him... Do I...? (Nobunaga x MC)
-My Breasts is Too Big (All x MC)
-Wedding Night (Kenshin x MC)
-When He Do It Outside (All x MC)
-Let’s Take Responsibility Together (Mitsuhide x MC)
-I was just ‘Helping’ You (Masamune x MC)
-She Can’t Help It (Kenshin x MC)
-A Cunning Fox can be Jealous too (Mitsuhide x MC)
-Fever.. Yeah Right (Ieyasu x MC)
-Claiming It (Mitsuhide x MC)
-Only For Your Pleasure (Masamune x MC)
-I Want a New Sibling (Nobunaga x MC)
- The.... Lollipop (All Warlords x MC)
- I Can’t Hold Back (Mitsunari x MC)
-They Know (Part 2) (Mitsunari x MC)
-The Best Gift Ever (Masamune x MC)
-This Is Not Their First (Sasuke x MC)
-Irresistible (Mitsunari x MC)
-Say It (Ieyasu x MC)
-The Meaning Behind His Smile (Mitsunari x MC)
-Fine (Ieyasu x MC)
-His Charm is not Everything for Everyone (Shingen x MC)
-Always (Mitsuhide x MC)
-They Know (Mitsunari x MC)
-Before You Know it (PART 2 - Ieyasu x MC x Hideyoshi)
-Before You Know it (PART 1 - Mainly Ieyasu x MC)
-New Kind of Play (Kenshin x MC)
-Making Him Addicted (Mitsunari x MC)
-Easier Said than Done (Masamune x MC)
-For the Very First Time (Hideyoshi x MC)
-I Don’t Care (Ieyasu x MC)
-His Lord and His Lucky Charm’s Secret (Nobunaga x MC)
-It’s Not too Late.. Is It? Part 2 (Masamune x MC)
- Light of Hope (Shingen x MC)
- It’s Not too Late.. Is it? Part 1 (Masamune x MC)
-I Can’t Help It (Hideyoshi x MC)
-Look at Me (Hideyoshi x MC)
-The Price (Masamune x MC)
-Goodbye is not The End (Nobunaga x MC)
-I Just Love You (Masamune x MC)
-Notice Me My Lord~ (Masamune x MC)
-Notice Me My Lord~ (Ieyasu x MC)
-Hot Chocolate (Mitsuhide x MC)
-Oh Gosh (Hideyoshi x MC)
-They Do Not Know (Kenshin x MC)
-Snuggle Snuggle (Ieyasu x MC)
-I didn’t Say I’m Nice (Yukimura x MC)
-It’s Cold (Sasuke x MC)
-My Adorable Wife (Mitsuhide x MC)
-MC and Chair
-Me, Cosplaying as Rie, for 2020 Valentine’s
-Nyanyan Lords and Rie (Picrew)
-Rie Drawing by Me 2
-Rie Drawing by Me 1
-Beautiful Drawing by azziezee of my OC <3
-Rie and Some of the Lords (Picrew)
-My OC (Ame Rie) Background and Info
-Warlords and My OC in Picrew 1
636 notes · View notes
kpoppwriter · 5 years
Ughhhhhh I spent 4 hours on this
Updated: 06/18/19
EXO Reactions
EXO Reaction: You do aegyo
EXO Reaction: You’re short
EXO Reaction: He jokes about your insecurities
EXO Reaction: You’re his sister and stressed from school
EXO Reaction: He walks in on Xiumin and his GF
EXO Reaction: You suddenly kiss him
EXO Reaction: You get scared and hide behind him
EXO Reaction: You cuddle up to him because you’re scared of the dark
EXO Reaction: He walks in on Sehun and his GF
EXO Reaction: You get mad at him for buying you an expensive gift
EXO Reaction: You distance yourself because you don’t deserve him
EXO Reaction: Their S/O invites him to join them in the shower/bath
Mafia!EXO Reaction: Arguing with their pregnant wife
EXO Reaction: Walking in on their girlfriend touching herself
EXO Reaction: Idol girlfriend performs a sexy stage
EXO Reaction: You’re in pain because of your period
EXO Reaction: Going down on him
EXO Reaction: Sweet and cuddly girlfriend
EXO Reaction: S/O crying during sex because it’s so good
EXO Reaction: S/O holding in moans during sex
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Girlfriend doesn’t like being affectionate
EXO Reaction: Really good sex with their girlfriend
Mafia!EXO Reaction: Their S/O dying
EXO Reaction: Not wanting to have sex because you’re insecure
EXO Reaction: Argument with S/O
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Sleepy S/O walking around in underwear
EXO Reaction: S/O getting sick before their birthday
EXO Reaction: Argument with S/O pt. 2
EXO Reaction: Teasing them in public
EXO Reaction: Shy S/O
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Friend stressing out and having a meltdown
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Being close to an ex-member
EXO Reaction: Idol S/O ignoring them to break up
EXO (OT12) Reaction: S/O gets turned on by neck kisses
EXO Reaction: Their S/O Doesn’t Want Sex In The Relationship
EXO Reaction: Sehun Coming To Them For Advice On A Crush
EXO Reaction: Their S/O Isn’t Very Girly
EXO Reaction: Walking In On Their Crush Naked
EXO Reaction: Idol S/O Singing An Emotional and Powerful Song
EXO Reaction: Normally Quiet S/O Being a Horny Mess
EXO Reaction: One of the Members is in a Relationship
EXO Reaction: Their Crush Drunkenly Flirting with Them
EXO Reaction: Rejecting Their Marriage Proposal
EXO Reaction: Their Crush Going into SubSpace
EXO Reaction: Shitting on their Dick  - Ex-Members Version
EXO Reaction: Being Completely Obedient
EXO Reaction: You Pet Every Animal You See
EXO Reaction: Hurting you During Sex
EXO (OT12) Reaction: Sweet S/O being Kinky
EXO Reaction: Not Feeling Pain When Being Overstimulated
EXO Reaction: Being Submissive
BTS Reactions
BTS Reaction: You break up with him because of hate
BTS Reaction: You distance yourself because you don’t deserve him
BTS Reaction: You get mad at him for buying you an expensive gift
NCT Reactions
NCT 127 Reaction: You’re having surgery
NCT (Legal Line) Reaction: Being kissed on the neck
NCT U + Kun Reaction: Pushing him up against the wall and kissing him
NCT U + Johnny Reaction: Being self-conscious of your acne
NCT Dream Reaction: Sharing a Desk with his crush
NCT U Reaction: You being Famous
NCT Dream Reaction: Being a Singer
Super Junior Reactions
Super Junior Reaction: Idol S/O Fainting On Stage From Overexhaustion
Super Junior Reaction: Idol S/O performing one of their songs
Super Junior Reaction: Pushing him up against the wall and kissing him
Super Junior Reaction: You gush about another group
Super Junior Reactions: S/O holding in moans during sex
Super Junior Reaction: S/O Asking Them To Teach Them Choreography
Super Junior Reaction: Their child says ‘Dada’ for the first time
Super Junior Reaction: Taking Care Of His Sick S/O
Super Junior Reaction: Their S/O Gets Turned On By Neck Kisses
Super Junior Reaction: Teasing in Public
Super Junior Reaction: Normally Quiet S/O Being a Horny Mess
Super Junior Reaction: Their Child’s Mother Hates You
Super Junior Reaction: Girlfriend Coming Out As Bi/Pan
Super Junior Reaction: Walking In on Their Crush Naked
TVXQ Reactions
TVXQ Reaction: He’s cast in a drama with his S/O
TVXQ Reaction: Being teased for being whipped for his S/O
TVXQ Reaction: Dating a Suju member’s sister
TVXQ Reaction: Their juniors are excited to see their S/O
TVXQ Reaction: Someone walks in on him and his S/O having sex
Day6 Reactions
Day6 Reaction: Asking them to go rougher in bed
Day6 Reaction: Being Overstimulated (Male S/O)
Day6 Reaction: Wet T-shirt
BigBang Reactions
BigBang Reaction: You Mumble Their Name In Your Sleep
BigBang Reaction: Their Child’s Mother Hates You
BigBang Reaction: S/O Winning Rookie of the Year
BigBang Reaction: Their Sister Dressing Provocative
BigBang Reaction: Their Sister Being A Famous Model
SHINee Reactions
SHINee Reaction: Normally Quiet S/O Being a Horny Mess
Block B Reactions
Block B Reaction: Someone Walks In on Him Having Sex
Monsta X Reactions
Monsta X Reaction: Cuddling Because You’re Scared of the Dark
Monsta X Reaction: Waking Up to You being Gone
Monsta X Reaction: Hurting you In Bed
I Will Go - optional bias angst
You and Me, Just Like This - Taeyong fluff songfic
Let Me Help You - Mark fluff/angst songfic
The Rain and The Memories - Lucas angst songfic
Little Notes and Hugs - Jaehyun fluff songfic pt. 1
Ice Cream and Playgrounds - Jaehyun fluff songfic pt 2
But Do You Like Like Him? - Haechan fluff
One Time - Jaehyun smut/angst
Sleepy Shower - Taeyong fluff
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Johnny vampire smut
The Irresponsibility of Drinking - Xiumin angst/fluff
Collaboration - Sehun angst/fluff
Daddy - Xiumin smut
Forgotten Tragedy - Yixing Mafia!au angst
All Mine - Jealous Xiumin smut
After Performance Affection - Junmyeon fluff
The Love That Comes With Fear - Yixing fluff
Hate Comments - Chanyeol fluff
Hello Baby - Sehun fluff
The Wrong Kind Of Juice - Xiumin fluff
A Cup Of Coffee - Sehun fluff
Fishy Funeral - Xiumin fluff/comedy/angst(?)
Being Mischievous Has Consequences - Kyungsoo smut
My Princess - Junmyeon Royalty AU smut
Learned From The Best - Sehun fluff/comedy
Yes Sir - Junmyeon smut
A Remedy For Being Warm - Xiumin smut
Love On Set Of A Variety Show - Yixing fluff
Perfect - Yixing Mafia AU fluff
Too Much Running - Yixing fluff
Temerate - Sehun Mafia AU
The Battle of the Bands - Chanyeol band au
Hearts and Stars - Junmyeon soulmate au
Tacenda - Chanyeol mob au
Super Junior
Brunch? - Heechul fluff/comedy
One Condition - Leeteuk/Heechul smut (threesome)
A Special Song - Donghae fluff
See Ya Later, Dad - Donghae fluff
Opia - Siwon Secret Agent AU
Cloudburst - Eunhyuk fluff/suggestive
Serendipity - Eunhyuk fluff
Homework Help - Leeteuk smut
Insouciant - Leeteuk smut
Frisson - Eunhyuk smut
Revenge is Always Hell - Shindong smut
Appetence - Siwon smut/fluff
Needy Night - Kyuhyun smut
Slip Up - Leeteuk smut
Ardent - Eunhyuk smut
Jungkook smut crack fic
Soldier - Taemin angst
Laser Tag Kisses - Minho fluff
Girlfriend Confusion - Taemin fluff
Chthonic - Taemin demon au pt. 1
Imprecate - Taemin demon au pt. 2
That’s Not In The Script - Minho smut
Monsta X
A Little Jealousy - Minhyuk fluff
Is This What You Wanted? - YoungK smut
Rehearsal - Changmin smut
Ataraxia - Changmin fluff
Laconic - Changmin fluff
Best Friends (With Benefits) - TVXQ smut
Let’s Make A Baby - Changmin fluff
Alternative - Changmin angst/fluff
Wanna One
Penny Up, Penny Drop - Seongwoo fluff
Echo - Hui soulmate au
Blue Button Up - Hui smut
Hold Me Forever - DEAN fluff
Lazy Day - Zico smut
Back 2 U - GDragon angst/fluff
Poisoned Love - Sooho (Hwarang) angst
A Delicate Flower - Sooho angst pt 2
Day Trip - Junmyeon Train to Busan AU
         pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | epilogue
Belladonna - Baekhyun Royalty AU
        pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 8 | pt. 9
Saving Far Water - Multi Idol Escape the Night AU (discontinued)
        Character Profiles | pt. 1 | pt. 2 | poll 1 | pt. 3 | poll 2
Lotto Series - EXO songfics based off the Lotto Repackage
         Lotto | Lucky One | Monster | Artifical Love | Can’t Bring Me Down |                     Cloud 9 | Heaven | She’s Dreaming | White Noise | One and Only |                        They Never Know | Stronger
Attention - Chanyeol Stalker AU (discontinued)
        Prologue | pt. 1
Love Shot Series - EXO Songfics based on the Love Shot Repackage
         Love Shot | Tempo | Trama | Wait | Sign | Ooh La La La | Gravity |                          With You | 24/7 | Bad Dream | Damage | Smile On My Face | Oasis        
Koi No Yokan - Good Boy/Bad Boy series with @allyreactions​
         pt. 1 |
EXO Headcanon: Kissing You
EXO Headcanon: Big Booty
EXO Headcanon: Freinds with Benefits
EXO Headcanon: Cockwarming
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Overstimulation
EXO Headcanon: Aftercare
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Orgasm Denial/Edging
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Proposing
Wolf!EXO Headcanon: Finding his mate
EXO Headcanon: Girlfriend suggests making a sex tape
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Thigh riding
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Their S/O has bad migraines
EXO Headcanon: Dominating and BDSM
EXO Headcanon: Female Member
EXO Headcanon: First Kiss with Sehun
EXO Headcanon: You’re Their Stylist
EXO Headcanon: Picnic with Chanyeol
EXO Headcanon: Kissing Kris
EXO Headcanon: First Kiss and First Time with Kris (Male S/O)
EXO Headcanon: Kris Overstimulating you
EXO Headcanon: Snow Day
EXO (OT12) Headcanon: Spanking
EXO Headcanon: Sex with Jongin (Male Reader)
EXO Headcanon: Receiving Head (Male Reader)
EXO Headcanon: Kissing Luhan
EXO Headcanon: Kissing Tao
EXO as Your Boyfriend
EXO as Your Boyfriend (NSFW)
EXO Ex-Members as Your Boyfriend (NSFW)
BTS Headcanon: Rejecting a girl for their career (Namjoon and Yoongi)
Super Junior
Super Junior Headcanon: Cockwarming
Super Junior Headcanon: Orgasm Denial/Edging
Super Junior Headcanon: Dating a new idol with an age gap
Super Junior Headcanon: Being asked about their beautiful girlfriend
Super Junior Headcanon: Spontaneous sex
Super Junior Headcanon: Rainy Day Cuddling
Super Junior Headcanon: Comforting a stressed S/O
Super Junior Headcanon: Angry Sex with Heechul
Super Junior Headcanon: Thigh Riding
Super Junior Headcanon: 1 Year Anniversary
Super Junior Headcanon: Pool/Shower Sex
Super Junior Headcanon: Impregnation Kink
Super Junior Headcanon: Eunhyuk falling for a One Night Stand
Super Junior Juniors (Headcanons on the children of SuJu)
Super Junior as Your Boyfriend
Fist Time With
NCT (Legal Line) Headcanon: Overstimulation
NCT 127 Headcanon: Being teased about his girlfriend on a VLive
NCT 127 Headcanon: You’re shorter than him
NCT 127 + Ten Headcanon: Thigh Riding
NCT U + Ten Headcanon: Sugar Mommy
NCT as Your Boyfriend
SHINee Headcanon: Proposing
SHINee Headcanon: Rocker Girlfriend
Sex With
Day6 Headcanon: Surprising him with lingerie
Monsta X
Monsta X Headcanon: Teasing in public
BigBang Headcanon: Comforting a stressed S/O
BigBang Headcanon: Degrading With Seunghyun
BigBang Headcanon: Proposing
GOT7 as Your Boyfriend
TVXQ Headcanon: Getting a Blowjob
First Time With
Pentagon Headcanon: First Kiss with Hui
Dating Poly!Kpop
TeukChul | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
EunHae | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
SuBaek | 2
Sex With
SKY (Sehun, Kai, Chanyeol)
To Be Possessive
Drabble game #1 ~ Prompt list ~ Masterlist
300 Follower Drabble Game ~ Prompt List ~ Masterlist
Drabble game #3 ~ Prompt List ~ Masterlist
Chanyeol Smut
ChanBaek Smut | 2 | 3 | 4
Kris Wu Smut
Junmyeon Smut | 2 | 3
EunHae Smut | 2
Eunhyuk Drabble
Heechul Drabble | 2
Taemin Drabble
Baekhyun Drabble
Siwon Drabble | 2
Xiumin Drabble
Seunghyun Drabble
Sehun Drabble | 2
Kyungsoo Drabble
God Siwon
Siwon Fantasy
Heechul Fantasy
YoungK Fantasy
Fake Snaps
Boyfriend Jongdae
Boyfriend Donghae
Boyfriend Sehun | 2
Boyfriend Yixing
Boyfriend Leeteuk
Boyfriend Junmyeon | 2
Daddy Junmyeon
Boyfriend Eunhyuk
Daddy Xiumin
Smutty Yesung
Boyfriend Heechul
Boyfriend Kris
Big Brother Shindong
Smutty Donghae
Smutty Yuta
Big Brother Siwon
Boyfriend Baekhyun
Younger Brother Chanyeol
Boyfriend Woosung
Big Brother Xiumin
300 Follower Admin Asks
kpop 8 + 11
personal 3 + kpop 17
personal 10 + 13
kpop 11 + 19
kpop 25 + bonus
personal 14 + 21
personal 11 + 20
NSFW Headcanons
Shindong - D,J,K,M,U,X,Y
Donghae - A-Z
Eunhyuk - A-Z
Mark Lee - A-Z
Kyuhyun - A-Z
Xiumin - A-Z
Sehun - A-Z
Yixing - A-Z
Taeyong - A-Z
Heechul - A-Z
Jackson - A-Z
Leeteuk - A-Z
Jaebum - A-Z
Taemin - A-Z
Phone Lockscreens and Wallpapers
Suho Lockscreens/Wallpapers
Mixed EXO Lockscreens/Wallpapers
Jaehyun/Mark/Zico/Jooheon/Lucas Lockscreens/Wallpapers
Professor Max’s Korean Class
The Alphabet - Vowels
The Alphabet - Consonants
The Alphabet - Syllables and Words
Lesson One - Section One
Lesson One - Section Two
Lesson One - Section Three
Lesson Two - Section One
Kpop/South Korea Psychology Paper
Iris Masterlist
Who I Write For
511 notes · View notes
kpopfic-recs · 5 years
♡ bts fic recs masterlist ♡
Note: If you are unable to view the formatting on the mobile app, switch to reading on your mobile browser
(Last update 4/27/20)
Key: Fluff (❀) Angst (☆) Smut (☾) Personal Favorite (♡) Completed Series (✓) Incomplete Series (✗) 
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Kim Namjoon
↳ One Shots
Stories by dreamscript II ❀
Summary: Writer’s blocks are never fun (Writer!AU).
Length of story: 3.2k words
Warnings: None
Roast by dreamscript II ❀
Summary: You’re single, studious and savage (College!AU).
Length of story: 3.5k words
Warnings: None
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Kim Seokjin
↳ Series
Vampires Will Never Hurt You by ibangtanthings II (+ Jungkook) ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: You get caught between Jin, the vampire carrying a dark past, and Jungkook, his childhood friend that ran away from it all. Both of them try their best to protect you from each other…and themselves.
Length of story: 5 parts/27.2k words
Warnings: Blood, violence, death
    ↳ One Shots
My Type by floralseokjin II ☾
Summary: You take the college nerd’s virginity.
Length of story: 6.1k words
Warnings: Unprotected sex
Made Just For You by mortaljin II ❀ ☆ 
Summary: You are fairly new to the world of being a genetics researcher, and you’ve only held this position for six months before your boss entrusts a serious case upon you. Jin is a lab-made hybrid, and they made him wrong. Is it possible though, that even with his wrongly coded DNA, that he was made just for you?
Length of story: 7.8k words
Warnings: Illness, hospitals, near death experiences
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Min Yoongi
↳ One Shots
Chocolate Confessions by jimlingss II ❀
Summary: “You better watch out Min…” You started picking up your pace. “Next time it’s Valentine's Day, expect a letter and a chocolate box.” (Valentines!AU)
Length of story: 1.9k words
Warnings: None
Baby, Can I? By btssmutgalore II ☆ ☾
Summary: Yoongi is your friend, but all it takes is one wrong move of his hand for you to start thinking of him as something more than that. (FWB!AU)
Length of story: 5.5k words
Warnings: Drinking
Princess ‘n the Knight by jimlingss II ❀
Summary: Yoongi, a commoner, and the princess of their kingdom, fall in love. (Modern Fairytale!AU, Royalty!AU).
Length of story: 6.1k words
Warnings: None
Anonymous Love by mortaljin II ❀
Summary: One sticky note turns into two, two into four, four into dozens. Who in their right mind would confess their love for you, anonymously, via sticky-notes? Why do your seven best friends have shit-eating grins on their faces? (High School!AU)
Length of story: 6.6k words
Warnings: None
The Third & Sixth by jimlingss II ❀
Summary: One. Two. Three. Fantastic things come in threes, that includes you and your two best friends. But when they start dating each other, you quickly come to realize that you’ve become the infamous third wheel. Left out — invading their date — forced to watch them canoodle — an unnecessary extension to the group. It only worsens when you upgrade into the fifth wheel…..until a special sixth comes along.
Length of story: 7.9k words
Warnings: Drinking
Dreamcatcher by jimlingss II ❀ ☆
Summary: When your dreams are more or less nightmares, monsters inside your head that eat you alive, it seems like the only person who can help you is Min Yoongi, professional dream chaser.
Length of story: 13k words
Warnings: None
Push and Pull by hobibliophile II (+ Hoseok) ❀ ☾
Summary: Your roommate Yoongi’s been going through a bit of a rough patch, so you suggest taking in another roommate to make paying rent easier. Hoseok turns out to be more than either of you expect, but neither of you are complaining. (Roommate!AU)
Length of story: 14k words
Warnings: Threesome
Yeuk by dreamhimcloser II ❀
Summary: The reasons why he saved your life all those times were selfish; he just wanted peace of mind for himself. You were completely oblivious to this part, and with the innocence Yoongi was amazed to find you possess, you believed with your whole heart that all those times he helped you made him your guardian angel. Yoongi almost choked on air when he heard you say that to your friend over the phone the first time you voiced your feelings, feeling like a total idiot for going those lengths for you. (Demon!AU)
Length of story: 15.5k words
Warnings: Death (sort of)
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Jung Hoseok
↳ Series
Meadows by mortaljin II ❀ ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: You plant flowers because there is no consequence to accidentally killing one, that’s why you don’t have a pet. Your life becomes a lot more stressful one day, however, when you barter for an exotic flower seed at your local market place. No matter what you do, it won’t grow. The old woman who gave it to you gave you no instructions, other than adequate water and sunlight, on how to care for the flower. You were about to give up, ready to smash the flower pot to smithereens, when the softest, faintest voice begs you not to. You were just hearing things, right? It’s not like the voice came from the seed, right? (Fairy!AU)
Length of story: 11 parts/75.9k words
Warnings: Blood, violence, death (sort of), mentions of emotional/physical abuse, slight degradation, bondage, drinking, implied “miscarriage”
Sleep by ibangtanthings II (+ Jimin) ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: After a failed suicide attempt, you find yourself trying to live again with the man who saved you and his best friend.
Length of story: 24 parts/86.5k words
Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, suicide, alcohol abuse, violence, blood, drinking
  ↳ One Shots
Distractions by dreamscript II ☾
Summary: Hoseok is…hot. And happens to be your classmate. (High School!AU)
Length of story: 2.2k words
Warnings: None
Sunshine by dreamscript II ❀
Summary: “And no, he doesn’t wash off the ink, even when you draw a huge dick on his forehead and the teachers give him dirty looks.” (High School!AU)
Length of story: 2.4k words
Warnings: None
Sunshower by jimlingss II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: Hoseok is the sun, but you are the rain.
Length of story: 4k words
Warnings: Depression, mentions of drinking
Cupid’s Blind by jimlingss II ❀ ☆ ♡
Summary: One - lovers are tied by red strings. Two - you hate love. Three - a certain angel literally cannot say ‘no’ to ‘please.’ (Angel!AU) 
Length of story: 7.3k words
Warnings: pretty sad ending?
Push and Pull by hobibliophile II (+ Yoongi) ❀ ☾
Summary: Your roommate Yoongi’s been going through a bit of a rough patch, so you suggest taking in another roommate to make paying rent easier. Hoseok turns out to be more than either of you expect, but neither of you are complaining. (Roommate!AU)
Length of story: 14k words
Warnings: Threesome
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Park Jimin
↳ Series
Best Friend of My Friend with Benefits by xiutingmyself II (+ Jungkook) ☾ ✗
Summary: You and Jimin have been friends with benefits for a while. Because of that, you’ve met his best friend Jungkook on several occasions. Some of those moments were not so appropriate. But your not-so-existent relationship with Jungkook changes when you work at the same place as him and have to pretend to be his girlfriend.
Length of story: 3+ parts/10.6k+ words
Warnings: Violence
Polar Opposites by jimlingss II ❀ ☾ ✓
Summary: You and Jimin are the two top students in your contemporary dance department, but one night Jimin finds out about your job on the side. (Stripper!AU)
Length of story: 2 parts/11.9k words
Warnings: Stripping/pole dancing, implied smut
Retribution by fightmejeonkook II ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: You run into a really rude doctor while taking your friend to the hospital, and later discover that he lives in the apartment across from yours.
Length of story: 4 parts/17.3k words
Warnings: Blood
Syndromes by taegonia II ❀ ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: Lima syndrome is the result of the abductor/kidnapper sympathizing with his hostages. And Park Jimin had never heard of it before, when he took you as his hostage. 
Length of story: 14 parts/58.2k words
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence
Sleep by ibangtanthings II (+ Hoseok) ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: After a failed suicide attempt, you find yourself trying to live again with the man who saved you and his best friend.
Length of story: 24 parts/86.5k words
Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, suicide, alcohol abuse, violence, blood, drinking
  ↳ One Shots
Till Death Due Us Part by jimlingss II ❀ ☆
Summary: You get cancer and your husband Jimin doesn't find out until it's too late.
Length of story: 2.1k words
Warnings: Major character death, illness
Metanoia by taesthetes II ❀ ☆
Summary: Things get interesting when the good girl falls for the bad boy. (Harry Potter!AU, Fuckboy!AU)
Length of story: 5.3k words
Warnings: None
Soliloquy by kinktae II ❀
Summary: Jimin was a boy who had an affinity for flowers. You were a girl who liked to talk to them. When you both end up in the same place at the same time, it only made sense that you both would have a lot to talk about. It all should have been very simple. Except for the incredibly complex fact that Jimin was an angel and you were painfully human, completely oblivious to his existence and how he had somehow fallen deeply and foolishly in love with you. (Angel!AU)
Length of story: 7k words
Warnings: Mentions of death
little monster by floralseokjin II ☾
Summary: You’ve been good friends with your roommate Jimin for a while, occasionally flirting with each other, especially when you’ve had a drink, but nothing has ever happened between the two of you…until that is, he secretly listens to you and Namjoon have sex one day…He thinks you don’t know, but he’s wrong.
Length of story: 8.8k words
Warnings: Voyeurism
Lavender Hues by inktae II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: It all started with brown and lilac eyes, a shy and virtuous smile -
and you thought you knew beauty before. (Fantasy!AU)
Length of story: 13.1k words
Warnings: None
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Kim Taehyung
↳ Series
Seal by dreamscript II ❀ ✓
Summary: You seal Taehyung in a teapot and call it a Taepot. (Demon!AU)
Length of story: 3 parts/11.6k words
Warnings: None
Infatuation by jhopesjawline II ❀ ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: Laying in bed, Taehyung’s mind skimmed over the events from today, always pausing to think about the extremely pretty girl who was staring at him earlier. He was determined to find out who she was, she wasn’t getting away so easily. Or: when the notorious fuckboy wants to be your friend.
Length of story: 13 parts/40.5k words
Warnings: None
  ↳ One Shots
Temptation by tae-namjoon II ☾
Summary: Taehyung just really wants to watch porn with you.
Length of story: 2.5k words
Warnings: None
Give You the World by fortheloveofbangtan II ❀ ☾
Summary: If there’s one thing that inspired you to keep going in life, it was a simple picture painted on a wall by a street artist named V. It changed your life- he changed your life and all you want to do is meet him. But what if V is closer than you think? (Street Artist!AU)
Length of story: 11.7k words
Warnings: None
Rent-A-Boyfriend by jimlingss II ❀
Summary: Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love? If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you! Don’t be alone for this Valentine’s Day! Come Rent a Boyfriend! (Terms and conditions may apply. We are not responsible for any emotional or sentimental damages. Please take caution with Rent-a-Boyfriend.)
Length of story: 12k words
Warnings: None
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Jeon Jungkook
↳ Series
Mirrors by yoonia II ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: “Don’t argue. Just do it.” When he finds a way to remind you how good you are together. (FWB!AU)
Length of story: 2 parts/8.4k words
Warnings: None
Best Friend of My Friend with Benefits by xiutingmyself II (+ Jimin) ☾ ✗
Summary: You and Jimin have been friends with benefits for a while. Because of that, you’ve met his best friend Jungkook on several occasions. Some of those moments were not so appropriate. But your not-so-existent relationship with Jungkook changes when you work at the same place as him and have to pretend to be his girlfriend.
Length of story: 3+ parts/10.6k+ words
Warnings: Violence
Lightweight by btssmutgalore II ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: Jungkook is tired of you seeing him as a kid, so he takes matters into his own hands. 
Length of story: 2 parts/21.4k words
Warnings: None
I Hate You, I Love You by jungblue II ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: You hated him at seven, warmed up to him at twelve, and liked him at fifteen. Now the two of you are twenty years old and inseparable best friends… and you’re absolutely in love with him; he’s in love too—just not with you.
Length of story: 4 parts/22.8k words
Warnings: None
Just Friends by kinktae II ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: Jeon Jungkook was many things. He was an asshole, a tease, and kind of an inconsiderate roommate. But most of all, he’s your best friend, and has been since you were 10. When he suddenly confesses his attraction to you and proposes sleeping together, you are smart enough to turn him down. You knew Jungkook; you knew how he moved from one girl to the next. You, too, were many things, but just another notch in Jungkook’s belt was something you’d never be.
Length of story: 3 parts/27.1k words
Warnings: Drinking, spanking, daddy kink
Vampires Will Never Hurt You by ibangtanthings II (+ Seokjin) ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: You get caught between Jin, the vampire carrying a dark past, and Jungkook, his childhood friend that ran away from it all. Both of them try their best to protect you from each other…and themselves.
Length of story: 5 parts/27.2k words
Warnings: Blood, violence, death
  Watch Me Babygirl by lunarimagines II ❀ ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: Jungkook is your brother’s annoying best friend. You can’t stand him but he just can’t resist teasing you. How far will he actually go? (Fuckboy!AU)
Length of story: 20 parts/40.9k words
Warnings: None
  ↳ One Shots
Homecoming by minlattes II ☾
Summary: Jungkook comes home from being on tour, and how he finds you is not how he expected.
Length of story: 1.5k words
Warnings: Voyeurism, masturbation/mutual masturbation
The Golden Ones by xiutingmyself II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: You and Jungkook are the best of the best at school, the golden ones. But being the competitive people you both are causes for some mischief.
Length of story: 2.7k words
Warnings: None, oral sex
“Wanna Bet?” “You Heard Me, Take It Off” by taegonia II ☾
Summary: You make a bet with Jungkook to see who lasts longer.
Length of story: 2.8k words
Warnings: Oral sex
I Will Not Lose! by jimlingss II ❀
Summary: A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you. (Magic!AU)
Length of story: 6.3k words
Warnings: None
Spellbound by jeonseok II ❀
Summary: Summoning a demon had probably been a mistake on your part, but what have you ever done to deserve such an annoying demon anyways?
Length of story: 7.5k words
Warnings: Drinking, sexual content (not really smut)
playing with fire by floralseokjin II ☾
Summary: Jungkook seems to have a little crush on you, and no matter how much you try to ignore it, you seem to be losing your resolve with each passing day.
Length of story: 8.5k words
Warnings: Exhibitionist themes
Runaway Puppy by jimlingss II ❀
Summary: You’re a part of a mafia with your father and one day you get kidnapped. (Mafia!AU)
Length of story: 8.3k words
Warnings: Some violence
Damn the Delivery Boy by deerguk II ❀ ☾
Summary: Jeon Jeongguk is a computer science major working as a pizza delivery boy, and you are an uninspired published author who has just started an art degree. When you realise that the delivery boy is your old high school crush, he keeps coming back, but with more to offer than just puff pastry and vegetarian supreme. Though little did he know that he would end up giving you something much more that flips both of your worlds completely upside down in the form of two blue lines and nine months.
Length of story: 9.7k words
Warnings: None
Beneficial by jiminables II ❀ ☆ ☾ ♡
Summary: You’ve been friends for as long as you can remember. So you guess it has its perks. (FWB!AU)
Length of story: 13.8k words
Warnings: None
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All Members
↳ Series
Generation by jimlingss II ❀ ☆ ☾ ♡ ✓
Summary: Humanity is held by the arms of temptation, always sinning. In order to keep the world from being consumed by evil and keep it balanced between good and bad - a sin collector exists, purging black orbs from people’s souls.
Length of story: 5 parts/15.6k words
Warnings: Major character death, violence
A Bed of Roses by jimlingss II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Superpowers are supposed to make you invincible, someone who could save the world, a hero. It’s not supposed to be like this...not like this.
Length of story: 8 parts/38.3k words
Warnings: Violence
  ↳ One Shots
Seasons Grieving by jimlingss II ❀ ☆
Summary: The five stages of grief include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
Length of story: 4.3k words
Warnings: Death
The Seven Kinds of Love by jimlingss II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: Love - an intense feeling of deep affection.
Length of story: 8k words
Warnings: None
14 notes · View notes
the-resurrection-3d · 5 years
Tumblr media
So anyway I edited my fic masterlist to procrastinate. This is only the Eddsworld portion, divided up by ship. The very end has my multi-ship collections, so if you want ficlets of X ship, check those. Includes nsfw links. I’ll keep this post updated!
melty future - it’s hard out here for a lost time traveler and a bunch of mutant freaks  | rated T | 1.5k | Tags - 3-sentence fic collection, found family 
tasteless - tom takes a demon to Denny’s | rated T |  2.3k | tags - fantasy / CB AU, underage drinking, brief eye horror, arson 
thank god I’m pretty (in bits and pieces) - when Matt is fourteen, his aunt tells him the world is going to end. | “finished”, 6k | Tags - misgendering, gender fantasy AU, minor character death 
we buffer, we suffer - edd and Tord try and write a reader-insert fanfic about their favorite OC, Clownius Thundercock | rated M | 1.2k | tags - cock slapping, tentacles, rescue, breast fucking, bukkake, characters writing fanfiction 
sunshine sparkle -  matt wonders what it would be like, living someplace other than a gremlins’ den | rated T | .6k | tags - background polyworld, matt gets irl cyberbullied 
went for the kiss and got the bite - tord and Matt spend the last hours of Christmas together, and maybe set a guy on fire in the process. | rated T | 1.2k |  tags - implied drug use, zombie AU
bezoar -“Fine, whatever, but if he pukes on me I’m putting all your heads on pikes.” Instead of his giant robot, Tord gets the flu, and Tom tries to get even | rated T | 1.2k | Tags - sick fic, canon divergent, post The End, vomiting | FFN mirror | Wattpad mirror 
Dumb / I stole my dad’s fic and made it tomtord because I like giving him a stroke - fuck you, dad you suck  | rated M | .3k 
Only God Forgives - what a lovely, useful idiot | rated E | 1.2k | Tags – A/B/O, Cervix Penetration, Vaginal Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
orange  | rated M | .5k | tags – gentle sex, fluff, cockwarming
and everything you say gives me a real bad feeling – five times Edd lost Tord and the one time he found him again. (tonight, I am pleased to announce a comedy in six parts) | wip, 7.5k | Tags – canon divergence, high school AU, zombeh AU, creatures and monsters AU, green leader AU, post-canon, alternate timelines, pining, one-sided relationship, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending | FFN mirror 
crush - “i’m gonna get Matt to burn that,” Edd says...Tord runs his fingers gently over Garfield’s face, the white thought bubble asking, Why me?, before he simply says, “You wouldn’t. You think my pain is too funny.” | rated E | 1.7k | tags - omegaverse, cannibalism, vaginal sex, weird biology, metafic, mild gore 
peter pan syndrome- edd asks, what do you want to be when you grow up? it sounds better than so where the fuck have you been? and I dreamt an even uglier version of you made me eat lead. | rated T | 1.3k | tags - minimalism, drugs mention, sexual humor, morning after, reminiscing | FFN mirror, Wattpad mirror 
nobody - he didn’t buy that old cloning machine for nothing | rated E | 1.5k | tags - exhibitionism, referenced TomMatt, oral sex, fingering, over-stimulation 
show me your blood - "see, we have all worked very hard to put value down on paper, and I am not going to dishonor our efforts by never stealing from another man.I said yes to the world and I have never been told no since.” | rated T | 7.3k | tags - established relationship, time travel, green leader au, hurt no comfort 
The Pinnacle of Romance – “I just wanted to have a romantic evening” | rated M  | Tags – gun kink/play, power play, roughhousing, reunions, porn with feelings | FFN mirror  
werewolf heart - this is the part Green Leader finds easy | rated G | .6k | tags - implied brainwashing, noncon kissing 
interlude to a guiltless exile - matt looks into those haunting eyes – silver pools without white, only large cuts of black. Shark’s eyes. Looking for too long makes Matt feel like when he’s dreaming and the tide’s pulling the earth out from under his feet. “How long can you survive out of water?” | rated T | 1.5k | tags - mermaid AU, fluff and hurt/comfort
mortals sipping nectar at five cents a glass - tom needs help relaxing, and Matt is happy to indulge him... | rated M | 1.1k | tags - experimental style, implied alcoholism, massages, fluff, angst with a happy ending, non-graphic smut, background polyworld | Wattpad mirror 
survivors - “the premise is that this doctor gets stranded on an island and eventually has to start cutting off his own legs and stuff for food” | rated T  | .5k | Tags – sexual humor, zombeh AU, references to drugs, references to cannibalism, pov second person
always said I'd be famous (guess that I lied) - sssh, it's okay baby, he soothes, petting Tom's hair; I have a dick big enough for all of us. Matt snorts, hides his grin behind his hand. Tord inspects his nails. Before Tom can chip in (holding onto him tight enough so he can't move his arm back for a good gut punch), Edd snaps at Matt, Just read the damn story. | rated T | 1.1k | tags - pillow and blanket forts, reading aloud, mild sexual content, fluff without plot
birthday cake - "you ungrateful —" Matt goes in for the side of Edd's stomach, the kill zone. "It's my birthday and I'm not only giving you head but a piece of modern. art.—" a few quick cuts of his hand to frame his face "—to commemorate the occasion." | rated M | .9k | tags - oral sex, foursome - m/m/m/m, shyness, hand jobs 
[insert neutral milk hotel quote] - matt gets fucked ; a direct sequel to ‘stupid fucking bullshit’ | rated E | 2.8k | tags - gangbang, oral sex, metafiction, monster tom, bottom matt, dirty talk, subdrop, over-stimulation, trans male character 
but I am home - maybe in this story the wolf doesn’t have to die | rated M | wip, 2k | Tags - subdrop, aftercare, nightmares, hurt/comfort, implied pet play, self harm mention, rape mention, red riding hood AU, bookstore AU
damnatio memoriae - shakespeare was wrong; most of us are not players. |  rated T | 1.2k | tags - one-sided attraction, army life, public execution, first person pov 
daze - "and then they fucked." - William Shakespeare | rated E | .3k | tags - vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, porn without plot, triple drabble 
our love gorges - while Red Leader and his unlucky human friend negotiate over dinner, Paul and Patryck are left to their own devices | Paultryck, background PaulTordtryck | finished, 10.4k | Tags – fantasy AU, bdsm, scratching, comfort sex, dom/sub, aftercare, mild blood, burnplay, blow jobs, outdoor sex, unhealthy coping mechanisms, suicidal thoughts, body horror, control issues, praise kink, consensual but not safe or sane, dead dove: do not eat
soft boy hours - let’s be young for a while | rated M | 1.6k | Tags - massage, frottage, fluff and smut, foreplay, post-canon | FFN mirror 
the ren and stimpy show - on today’s episode: Tord has very strange fantasies | rated T | 1k | Tags - domestic fluff, post-canon, sexual humor, minimalism | FFN mirror 
lain with holy wars - do you want kids? | rated T | .6k | tags - post-canon, implied child abuse / domestic violence, fluff, light angst 
some fuckin stupid bullshit just read the tags and get off my balls - I reach into hat labeled “story ideas.” It says, “Everyone gangbangs Paul.” Again? Hat falls and spills. They all say, “Everyone gangbangs Paul.” | PaulEdd, Paultryck, PaulTord, TordPauPat, PaulTom, PaulMatt, MattTom | rated E | 2.5k | Tags - gangbang, ruined orgasm, anal sex, blow jobs, handjobs, creampie, bondage, dom/sub undertones
A.T. Field - “show me where you wanna be touched.” It’s disgusting | Tordtryck, background Paultryck | rated E | 1.3k | Tags - vaginal fingering, angst, implied character death, implied traitor AU, unhealthy relationships, consensual but not safe or sane 
a real crowd pleaser - there are a lot of advantages to fucking your boss. | rated E | 1.3k | Tags - threesome- M/M/M, blow jobs, dom/sub, bondage, orgasm denial 
presented without context - who’s going to tell their fuckbuddy they probably caused their parents’ divorce as they’re getting blown? Never mind, Tord would. | rated E | 1.5k | Tags - threesome, praise kink, spitroasting, dom/sub
violence – you’ve made this place unbecoming. Do I have to stay? | rated G | .6k | Tags – sharing a bed, cuddling and snuggling, hurt/comfort, minimalism fluff | FFN mirror 
clowns, all of you clowns - You fall asleep with his arm clutched to your chest. Various eddsworld ficlets/scraps from the last year | EddTord, TomTord, EddTom, Paultryck, TordPaultryck, Tordtryck | wip, 9.3k | Tags - high school AU, zombies AU, fantasy AU, hurt/comfort, humor, fluff. First chapter is the table of contents. | FFN mirror for chapter 18 [TomTord], FFN mirror for chapter 24 [EddTord], FFN mirror of chapter 20 [Gen, Rejects] 
warped tour - dreamwidth doesn’t have any Eddsworld presence so I’ve declared the 3-Sentence Fic-A-Thon free real estate. First prompt: Tordtryck, there was a hidden message in their miserable Christmas presents | Tordtryck, MattTom, Edd & Matt & Tom & Tord, Tomatoredd & Scribble Tom | finished, 1k | Tags - 3 Sentence Fiction, college AU, bookstore AU, sexual humor, angst and humor, post-apocalypse, zombies | FFN mirror of Rejects parts 
42 notes · View notes
peaches-of-1 · 6 years
This is the BTS Masterlist. Other lists include:
Blackpink  🐨
Stray Kids
Red Velvet
KARD   🐨
Multifandom (Also acts as a Catch All for Fandoms I don’t stan)  🐨
Monsta X  🐨
SHINee  🐨
Pentagon   🐨
🍑 = My favorites | 🐨 = Updated Last Week
Aesthetix: Aesthetics/moodboards that I have made
Suga as Adam from Beauty and the Beast
V (Taehyung) as Aladdin from Aladdin
RM as Li Shang from Mulan
Jimin as Naveen from Princess and the Frog
Jungkook as Flynn Rider from Tangled
J-Hope as Peter Pan from Peter Pan🍑
Jin as Tarzan from Tarzan
Winnie the Pooh
Jungkook as Roo
Hobi as Piglet 🍑
Jimin as Pooh
Jin as Rabbit 🍑
Yoongi as Kanga
Tae as Tigger
Namjoon as Owl
V (Taehyung) 2017
Hoseok 2018
Yoongi 2018
New Years 2018 (Black Tie)
Christmas 2017
Valentine’s Day 2018
White Day 2018
Friday the 13th (April 2018) 🍑
Friday the 13th (July 2018)
Mythical Creatures
Unicorn J-Hope 🍑
Vampire Jin
Centaur Jungkook
Merman Jimin 🍑
Incubus RM
Dragon Suga
Werewolf V
Yoongi Mermaid
Jimin + Fairy Prince
Elements (1)
Suga & Ice
J-Hope & Air
RM & Earth
Jin & Earth
Jimin & Water
V & Lightning
Jungkook & Metal
Elements (2-Requested)
Jungkook & Fire
Others  🐨
Nature Photographer RM 🍑
Nyctophilia Suga
Bias Tag RM
Sugar Daddy Tae
Yoongi’s indoor day ft. coffee
Date with photographer Tae
Travelling with Jin
Amusement park date with Jungkook 🍑
Namjoon Amusement park date
High School Sweethearts with Jungkook
Dinner Date with Hoseok
Rainy day Study Date with Jimin
Jimin at a Masquerade Ball 🍑
Jin and a Sheep/Soft Jin (Request)
Namjoon as Rhysand from A Court of Thorns and Roses
Jimin + Space
Yoongi + Trans BF
Beach Day with BTS
Fall Jungkook
Star Alien Hobi
Alien Invasion Taehyung
Hoseok Camping Trip  🍑
Jin Proposal
Jin Wedding, peony version
Hobi and goth gf
Taehyung Plus Size Barbie gf
Hoseok at his Studio Apt
BTS Barista!AU  🍑
Namjoon’s Crabs  🍑
Arctic Tundra Adventure with Taehyung  🍑
Aftercare with Jin
Hobi and femme Alien s/o  🍑
Back to School with Jungkook
Song Lyrics
Jimin + “I Like Me Better” by Lauv
RM + “Ride” by SoMo
RM + “Get On Your Knees” by Nicki Minaj ft. Ariana Grande
Jin + Hot pink
Taehyung + Lilac
Jin + Pink Variety
Jin + Silver 🍑
Jimin + Pastel pink
Suga + Orange
Jimin + Black
Namjoon + Purple
Tae + Aqua blue
Hyung line + grayscale
Tae + Aqua blue (2.0)
Namjoon + Black
Tae + Gold  🍑
Jimin + Pastel Blue
Hobi + Gold and red
Taehyung + Pastel Blue  🍑
Jungkook + Blue
Yoongi + Teal/Turquoise
Yoongi + Pink
Hobi + Silver
Jin + Grey
Namjoon + Yellow
Hobi + Black Lace
Jungkook + White and Ivory  🍑
Jungkook + Lavender
Alice in Wonderland
Jimin as Alice and Dormouse
Taehyung as Mad Hatter and Absolem
Jungkook as White Rabbit
Jin as Queen of Hearts 🍑
Yoongi as Cheshire Cat
Hoseok as Mad Hatter
Namjoon as Alice and Absolem
Gods/Goddesses (April Theme)
Namjoon as Posidon 🍑
Yoongi as Zeus
Taehyung as Hera
Yoongi as Nyx
Hobi as Ra
Jin as Aphrodite
Jimin as Artemis
Jungkook as Eros
Taehyung as Hestia
Yoongi as Tibetan Snow Lion
7 Deadly Sings
Hobi as Pride  🍑
Jungkook as Envy
Namjoon as Greed
Jimin as Lust  🍑
Suga as Sloth
Jin as Gluttony
Taehyung as Wrath
Circus AU
Normal Route- (Y/N), Jimin, Taehyung, Jin
Mafia AU
Supreme Boi
OC: Desta
Demon AU
Chapter 5 Outfits
Chapter 7 Outfits
Chapter 9 Outfits
#Flowers + Yoongi  🍑
#TeasingSex + Jin (NSFW)  🍑
#Protective + Namjoon
#Dom + Jimin (NSFW)
#Bondage + Namjoon (NSFW)  🍑
#AirplaneSex + Hobi (NSFW)
#WaxPlay + Yoongi (NSFW)
#TrainSex + Taehyung (NSFW)
#Puppers + Taehyung  🍑
#ShowerSex + Jungkook
#Wanderlust + Jin  🍑
#Koya + Namjoon
#Koala + Jimin (ft. Others)
#Soft + Jimin
Cartoon Characters (June+)  🐨
Taehyung as Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Jungkook as Deku (Boku no Hero Academia)
Namjoon as Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Jin as Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Jimin as Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as L (Death Note)
Jungkook as Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight)
Jungkook as Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as Neji Hyuga (Naruto)
Taehyung as Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as Makoto (Free!)
Hoseok as Woody Woodpecker
Jimin as Pikachu (Pokémon)
Jin as Johnny Bravo
Jin as Link (Legend of Zelda)
Namjoon as Mushu (Mulan)
Suga and Hoseok as Kiki and Lala (Little Twin Stars)
Taehyung and Jungkook as the Hitachiin Twins (Ouran High School Host Club)
Jimin as Hello Kitty
Taehyung as Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
Yoongi as Batman
Jin as Princess Bubblegum
Suga as Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Jungkook as Inuyasha
Jungkook as Chihiro (Spirited Away)
Jungkook as My Melody (Hello Kitty)
Taehyung as Keith Kogane (Voltron)
Hobi as Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Yoongi as Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Namjoon as Kyoya (OHSHC)
Pride Colors  🐨
Jimin + bi colors 🍑
Yoongi + pan colors
Namjoon + Ace colors
Jin + Demisexual colors
Kookie + trans colors 
Hobi + Intersex colors
Hobi + Autosexual colors
Namjoon + Pan colors  🍑
Yoongi + Trans colors  🍑
POC bf (Trope)
Jungkook + Travel bf
Namjoon + Pink UwU bf
Yoongi + Minty shy bf  🍑
Jin + Techie bf
Taehyung + Flower bf
Hobi + Tennis bf
Jimin + Pastel bf  🍑
POC gf (Time period)
Yoongi + Rennaissance gf  🍑
Jungkook + 90s gf
Jin + Ancient Greek gf  🍑
Hobi + Roaring 20s gf
Taehyung + 70s gf
Namjoon + 50s gf
Jimin + 80s gf  🍑
Moodboard Challenges (Others in series x x x)
Jin + Nightcrawler (1/?)
Pastel Pink Jungkook (2/?)
Nature Witch Yoongi (3/?)  🍑
Hobi + Hummingbird (4/?)
Jin + Yeehonk Wedding (5/?)
Taehyung + London at Night (6/?)
Jimin + Beach (7/?)  🍑
Jungkook + Zoo Date (8/?) [Not the right number but eh]
Writinx: Things I Wrote
You fall asleep while BTS records
Red Carpet Wardrobe Malfunction
Request- BTS finding out you smoke
You’re Scared of the Dark
Accidentally Confessing
Catch You Dancing Like No one is Watching 🍑
Request- BTS Giving Aftercare
Request- Abusive ex
Request- Using a Safword
Request- Shy Strip Teasing
Request- BTS Finds You Writing member x member Smut
BTS- Finding your Fandom Tumblr 🍑
Request- Interpreter GF to BTS
Request- Birthday Sex Slave 🍑
BTS- You Put Gifts into their Luggage
BTS- They See You in Their Clothes
Request- S/o Gets Cat-called 🍑
Request- You Have Small Boobs (body positivity)
Request- You Like being Called Names in bed
Dating a Theatre Nerd- Vocal Line, Rap Line 🍑
They Hear You Sing for the First Time
Request- You take Them to a BDSM club
Request- They visit you in the hospital
Request- You’re exhausted after play rehearsal 🍑
Request- They Don’t Know you’re a professional Dancer
Request- They Spoil You with gifts 🍑
Request- You Get in a fight and they pick you up from the police
Bias Line: You’re Quiet until You’re Horny 🍑
Request- Figure Skating S/O
Request- Spoiled GF
You Send a Panty Pic
Request- Angry Sex
Request- You are in a Kid’s car and offer bf BTS a juice box
Request- Airport Goodbye 🍑
Request- See You in Wedding Dress 🍑
Request- Food Sharing S/O
Request- Food Porn in public 🍑
Request- Stuck with S/O inside car during snowstorm
Request- Denying sexytimes
Request- Teach Blowjob 🍑
Request- Rain on wedding day 🍑
Request- You call them beautiful during a casual moment
Request- Boys comfort you from having a bad day at work
Request- They see themselves as your phone wallpaper
Request- Clingy gf 🍑
Request- Nervous Around guys
Request- S/O tells them to go fuck themselves
Request- Outside date
Request- Plastic Surgeries GF
Request- BTS finds out Kookie is a Little
Request- Long Distance Relationship
Request- Meeting up with fellow ARMY who doesn’t know you’re dating a member (Vocal line)
Request- S/O working too hard to produce an album
Request- GF has scary dog that’s a teddy bear (Hyung Line) 🍑
Request- You have a big scar on your leg
<<BTS Reactions- Part 2>> 
Most to Least (MtL)
Drop Food on the Floor and Eat it
To Eat Cold Pizza
Green Room Quickie
BTS as...
BTS as Musicals 🍑
BTS voices as Type of Fabric
Undertale Characters
Mystic Messenger Characters
NekoPara Characters
Full Stories
Training (NSFW) 🍑
Love at first sight (Fluff)
(V) Taehyung
Unexpected pt1 (NSFW)
Unexpected pt2 (NSFW)
First Valentine’s Day Together:
Jin | Suga | V (Tae) | Jimin | Hoseok | Jungkook | Namjoon
Theatre Kid Series- Paused
She/Her: Prologue 1
He/Him: Prologue 1
They/Them: Prologue 1
🎪BigHit Bigtop (Circus AU)- Currently Ongoing
Prologue: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3
Choice #1.1
Choice #2.3
Choice #3.1
Choice #4.2
Choice #5.4
Choice #6.1
🌹666 So Fresh (Demon AU)- Active
Chapter 1: 
Chapter 2: 
Chapter 3: 
Chapter 4: 
Chapter 5: Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 6: 
Chapter 7: 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: 
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
🌇The Trusted (Mafia AU)- Finished
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
👔Bad Manager- Idol!AU while dating BTS member and having an abusive manager
Adrift (Mermaid AU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
7 AUs
Jin + CEO!AU
Yoongi + Florist AU
Jin fluff for a friend
Raffle Winner 1 (Jin pov)
Raffle Winner 2 (Hoseok wedding)
Raffle Winner 3 (Monsta x Wonho)
Writing Challenges
Day 1- Elementary Card Exchange (Reader x Jin) 🍑
Day 2- Flowers (Reader x Suga)
Day 3- First Kiss (Reader x Hoseok)
Day 4- Love Letters (Male!Reader x Taehyung) 🍑
Day 5- Bad First Date (Reader x Namjoon)
Day 6- Already Taken (Jimin) 🍑
Day 7- First Time to Meet (Reader x Taehyung)
Day 8- Long Distance (Jungkook x Reader)
Day 9- Meet the Pet (Namjoon x Reader)
Day 10- Candy ( Reader x Yoongi)
Day 11- Perfect Date (Jimin x Reader) 🍑
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