#I will post just mina tomorrow
cjbee · 4 months
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My Husband And I Are Being Stalked By Dracula And So I Have To Level Up My Vampire Hunting Skills To 100
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pocketramblr · 5 months
Messy doodle from the Dracula AU: Yoichi Kudou and his wife, accidental vampire hunters
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
The Harkers are both selfish.
Well, sort of. In a selfless, self-sacrificing way.
I've had this idea percolating for the past few days... something about how Jonathan and Mina represent a sort of example of selfish love, despite their complete willingness to make personal sacrifices for one another. Or rather, in many instances, their selfish motivation leads to selfless actions. They also demonstrate a neat contrast with Arthur/Lucy as an example of desire over duty, in certain ways.
The TL;DR goes something like "JonMina are deeply in love and increasingly feral," but if you want a much longer and more specific exploration, there's the cut.
To start off, their romance is very supportive of one another. They both work to make sure the other has no need to make sacrifices, or at least so that their sacrifices are both made in service of future happiness. So, Mina may be quitting her job as a teacher, but (quite aside from it being a cultural norm to stop working after being married) she isn't giving up on her work entirely, she's planning to help Jonathan. He's working himself extremely hard in order to be able to afford to marry her sooner. Mina mentions once that they have to be careful with their money since they aren't as well off as Lucy, for example. They're still probably wealthy enough to have a few servants, but definitely at the lower end for their expected class. They are making a bunch of small sacrifices but those are all made together, with a clear sense that they've discussed these moves and are planning for the future. It's a trade-off, in order to achieve their goal (being married happily) sooner. Any little sacrifice from one is either matched or shared for the most part, and they tend not to even view them as sacrifices so much as they are excited for the future. This is kind of a 'selfish' point of view if you feel the need to inflict that kind of binary, but definitely not in any negative way, more just knowing what they want and actively working towards it.
It's only when Dracula comes into the picture that we start seeing them making real sacrifices. And for the most part, they're all very understandable.
I'm going to talk through these in a bit more detail in a moment, but just to preface - there's definitely a trend of things getting more and more intense as we go along. And the more that happens, the more selfish/selfless each decision becomes. And the more they choose individually instead of together.
Mina leaves Lucy behind to go care for Jonathan
Jonathan asks her not to read the journal but trusts her to do so if needed
Jonathan tries to throw himself back into regular life; Mina hides her own worries to stay strong for him
Mina reads his journal and shares it with Van Helsing, they start vampire hunting
Jonathan leaves Mina out, and she doesn't protest
Mina submits to Dracula's attack so that he doesn't harm Jonathan; she declares herself unclean/unworthy of touching him, which he denies
Mina decides to kill herself if she hurts anyone she loves, and asks others to kill her; Jonathan decides to join her in vampirism
Mina asks to be left out again, and Jonathan breaks his vow not to put any distance between them
Leaving Lucy behind is a tough call, but very understandable given that she is starting to do a little better and has more people to support her. Meanwhile, Jonathan has been missing for a long time and Mina pretty much presumed him dead. This is an example of her choosing Jonathan over others but nothing too egregious. It shows how devoted to him Mina is, that she drops everything to go to him.
The reason I listed the journal is because it's a mixed bag here. It shows great trust and faith in Mina, and he has very excellent reasons to not fully know whether to believe it himself/to not want anyone else to know. But he is giving up any hope of certainty or reassurance about what happened to him in favor of trying to be happy with Mina. He's deliberately choosing not to dig further, and that's a sacrifice in a sense. So is Mina's willingness to go along with this - but both are made out of love and a focus on their future, just like before.
When they actually try to resume normal life though, the cracks are very much showing. Jonathan has PTSD, and Mina is extremely stressed out about him but trying very hard not to show it. If he weren't doing so poorly, she probably would've been by to see Lucy sooner. Both of them are trying to make sacrifices for the other one (Jonathan throwing himself back into the groove of normal life, Mina being supportive) without really consulting together in the same way as before, and eventually it isn't sustainable. Mina has permission to read his journal, so it isn't exactly a betrayal, but it is a sacrifice. She's giving up on the notion that the efforts both of them have been making since coming back are working. She's giving up, very soon, her natural skepticism and her peace of mind about the state of the world and what exists in it. Again, this is a 'selfless' act in the sense that it involves personal sacrifice for his sake, but 'selfish' in that her love for him is what matters most and any sacrifice in service of that is necessary to make. The more selfless act is for them both to go all in on Dracula hunting right away, though that may be somewhat necessary to give Jonathan closure.
They briefly come back together again and are working in concert, but at the suggestion of the other members of the group Jonathan agrees to leave Mina out for her own good. This seems at first to be the height of discord between them; they talk very little. Mina tries to hide her tears from Jonathan, and while he notices he doesn't talk to her about it. There's a total communication breakdown for a little while. And the reasoning is their usual brand of selfish concern for the other, but for the first time we see it actively hurt the other person. Jonathan wants Mina safe and protected from Dracula's influence, and in trying to ensure that he makes her feel left out and undervalued, and leaves her vulnerable to Dracula. Mina wants to support Jonathan and to stay as close to him as possible, and in doing so hides and dismisses her own feelings and symptoms which leads to Dracula's worst attack. I definitely think there is some direct Dracula magic interfering with Mina (at a minimum) here, but the result is the same. And at this point, they kick things into high gear.
Obviously, Mina is the most physically harmed that night. But Jonathan is hurt deeply too. (Also: obviously neither are at fault for anything here, the blame lies with Dracula, but this is more about how they feel than the facts of the situation.) She knows he wouldn't hesitate to put himself in danger to protect her from Dracula, but she feels the same way and so submits to Dracula's bite in order to protect him. This makes them both feel guilty - Jonathan for being right there and unable to stop it, as well as for being the hostage she had to protect; Mina for 'agreeing' in any sense to such an act. Mina feels unclean afterwards (because she knows she resembles his source of trauma) and tries to sacrifice herself for his sake, unwilling to touch him as she is now. Jonathan in turn rejects this, fully willing to bear with any possible flashbacks it may cause because Mina is more important to him.
Now we get to the next day. I actually want to quote a little bit for this one, because it's the key to all of this and why I wanted to write this meta. Mina and Jonathan both take their thoughts to extremes of self-sacrifice for the other, without consulting one another at all.
"But dear Madam Mina, are you not afraid; not for yourself, but for others from yourself, after what has happened?" Her face grew set in its lines, but her eyes shone with the devotion of a martyr as she answered:—
"Ah no! for my mind is made up!"
"To what?" he asked gently, whilst we were all very still; for each in our own way we had a sort of vague idea of what she meant. Her answer came with direct simplicity, as though she were simply stating a fact:—
"Because if I find in myself—and I shall watch keenly for it—a sign of harm to any that I love, I shall die!"
"You would not kill yourself?" he asked, hoarsely.
"I would; if there were no friend who loved me, who would save me such a pain, and so desperate an effort!" She looked at him meaningly as she spoke.
Then without a word we all knelt down together, and, all holding hands, swore to be true to each other. We men pledged ourselves to raise the veil of sorrow from the head of her whom, each in his own way, we loved; and we prayed for help and guidance in the terrible task which lay before us.
It was then time to start. So I said farewell to Mina, a parting which neither of us shall forget to our dying day; and we set out.
To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.
Both of them state firmly that their minds are made up. Neither have consulted the other, and in fact there seems a deliberate intent to leave the other out. Mina leaves Jonathan along with the rest to piece together her meaning at first, while Jonathan agrees with the group to free Mina from Dracula's influence right before resolving to join her if needed. And here we see a kind of divide for the first time between the previously-overlapping selfishness and selflessness.
Mina is determined to die rather than become like Dracula or Lucy. She is willing to kill herself, which would in fact sacrifice her soul just as surely, in order to ensure her corruption does not spread to others she loves. She will protect Jonathan from herself at whatever cost is necessary, whether he likes it or not. She is the selfless side to their love, she is protecting others no matter the personal cost.
Jonathan is the opposite. His decision here directly repudiates Mina's stated wish of being killed if she turns into a vampire. Instead, he decides to join her. He would rather sacrifice his soul and become a monster, spreading misery and death and corruption, rather than ever harm her. Even if that goes against what she wants. He is the selfish side to their love, willing to harm anyone as long as he doesn't have to pay the cost of losing her.
Both of these feel opposed to one another... but the thing is, with these two I truly cannot be certain that they wouldn't swap decisions if they had swapped roles. If Jonathan were the one turning into a vampire, might Mina be willing to sacrifice everyone else? Quite possibly. I definitely think he'd be advocating to sacrifice himself in that situation, just as she is.
The broken promise to never hide anything from her again, the lack of trust that follows... those are just extensions of these decisions, they're the fallout. Mina and Jonathan are together so often now, but there is a wall between them. And that wall is built out of their love, each of them. They love the other one so much that it can drive them to anything. After Dracula's (third) attack on Mina, both she and Jonathan stop planning for the future, and begin preparing for their own personal worst-case scenarios.
Mina's greatest fear is harming Jonathan.
Jonathan's greatest fear is losing Mina.
She's willing to ensure he loses her forever to make sure her fear doesn't come true; he's willing to allow her to harm him irreparably in order to make sure his fear is never realized.
Mina's actions seem more selfless because in sparing Jonathan, she spares others as well. His seem more selfish because in protecting Mina, he might harm others. And maybe that's all it comes down to, the situation, because otherwise their motivation and even in large part their attitudes and the ways they react are the same.
Dracula/his influence has been the sole reason they were both pushed to these extremes, and if they are able to defeat him soon it may not be too late to return back to something closer to where they started. But if the situation gets pushed too much more, it will eventually break in one direction or another. And time is ticking away.
Edit - I tried to sum this up/clarify a little bit here. Basically, the motivation is usually selfish in a sense, even when that results in self-sacrifice. But the results are usually selfless/don't harm others. Later on when we see them stop communicating and working together as much, their decisions start hurting one another to a degree, and then this culminates in their individual decisions about what to do if Mina becomes a vampire, which regardless of the effect on everyone else, don't take the personal preferences of their partner into consideration.
A short little note on duty vs. desire, primarily focusing on Arthur and Jonathan, but dipping into Mina and Lucy as well.
Beginning with Arthur:
"I have a duty to do in protecting her grave from outrage; and, by God, I shall do it!"
"My true friend, from the bottom of my broken heart I thank you. Tell me what I am to do, and I shall not falter!"
Arthur felt a duty to Lucy's corpse and to her soul. He resisted Lucy's call (albeit not without help), and then asked Van Helsing to tell him what to do to save her soul. He already considered her as lost to him. All that was left now was to do right by her memory in whatever way he could. He forced himself through the terrible act of staking her, despite any horror or guilt or loss he might feel, because he knew it was his duty. He saw it through and then it was finished.
She is calling to me.
The first to act was Harker, who, with a quick movement, threw himself before the door leading into the room in the front of the house. 
Starting with the first line - Jonathan's entry ends on this note. He answered. This line is both chilling and romantic in spades. Mina's call may very well be echoing Lucy's calls to Arthur in the graveyard here, but Jonathan has no one to pull him back. And if they tried he wouldn't let them, because his perspective is different.
Jonathan is driven by a desire to be with Mina at any cost. He wishes to save her human self, but even if she fully turns into a vampire he refuses to consider that a loss. He will chase after her. He is barely willing to wait to collaborate and isn't easily taking directions from anyone but Mina herself. He isn't waiting to throw himself into the action.
The difference isn't in how much they love their partners so much as it is in the way they express said love, and the situation they believe themselves to be in. For Arthur, everything was already done and all he had left was his duty. For Jonathan, nothing is even close to ending, and he wants to make sure it never does.
Similarly, Mina is actively going after what she wants, while Lucy plays a much more passive role and expresses real feelings of responsibility/guilt over choosing who to marry for example. Mina is a very responsible person who feels societal duty weigh on her but who is in the end always able to choose personal desires over it (nicely summed up by her concerns over holding Jonathan's arm in the park, and then deciding to keep on doing it). Lucy acts much more carefree, but it is in fact often an act brought on by her strong sense of duty to behave as the cheerful friend/good daughter/happy fiance/etc.
You could probably extend this into a longer meta on duty/desire in these two couples. Arthur is driven by duty so often (to his father, the responsibilities as well as freedoms his title holds, to Lucy's memory and Dracula's defeat) and his desires seem more exceptions despite how carefree he presents himself/how relatively easy of a life he has had so far. The same is true for Lucy. Jonathan is the opposite, with his goals (his career, Mina, defeating Dracula) being more related to personal desire even if there is overlap with duty there/circumstances have forced him to be more responsible in the past. The same is true with Mina. There's also places you can go with Art's freedoms vs. Jonathan's as relates to their class and the duties that go along with it (Arthur has obligations to his dad and can't be with Lucy, but he can just break in wherever and get away with it; Jonathan is trapped by social rules in Dracula's castle, but he can marry Mina immediately once the option is there). Again, same for Lucy and Mina. That's way off-topic for this meta though, and this is already much longer than planned, so I'm not going to go there.
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cutearose · 2 years
should I have stayed up to read the fifty page dracula daily email? no! but I did! and now I have emotions!
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arthur-r · 1 year
not trying to get my hopes up but um. cello bow dropped into the crowd?? hello????
#going to a happy fits concert in the very near future i’m beyond excited about it#and as a cellist i have special feelings about the happy fits and i would literally die if i got one of calvins bows#for the record he takes terrible care of them (hard rock riffs on cello is inevitably hard on it and also. i don’t think he uses rosin#considering all the fraying. that is constantly there. these are terribly maintained bows)#however. i would scream and cry if i could have one to keep in a very special place and never ever let it go#we’re going to be standing at the front cause i’m bringing my little sister who’s very small so we’re showing up early#and we’re going to be right up as close to the front as we can get and i just think if he did it again i could catch it#(he has historically done this for at least one other concert i’ve seen it on video before from not on this tour)#anyway it’s the happy fits and daisy the great and that’s like. my two favorite currently active musicians#(phoneboy will also be there but i hardly know them so that’s less exciting)#anyway i’m going to bring a piece of paper and a sharpie for getting autographs and just very strongly hope that the stars will align for me#it will also still be incredibly cool just getting to see them play. but i would cry if any of them touch my hand or drop a cello bow or any#of the many things that instagram videos have gotten my hopes up about (somebody posted to their instagram story mina touched their hand)#in conclusion i haven’t been doing the most incredibly good mentally but i’m kind of hoping this concert will be the best day of my life#that would kind of be a sad life. but like. the point is i hope it goes well and it’s happening soon. and yeah#spent all of tonight transferring seven of the new daisy the great songs into ultimate guitar#and i got super hyperfocus about it so now i’m doing a little bit unwell. but i’m also proud of myself for figuring it all out#and anyway i’m pretty much heading to bed but i got this instagram notification (i have instagram for bands and irls) and i just can’t#so yeah. in conclusion. calvin langman do this in minneapolis challenge#and i’ll likely not be around here til tomorrow or afterward cause it’s late. but yeah#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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alcoholfreenayeon · 2 months
You and Karina go on a cute picnic date but instead of having the food you guys brought you decide to eat something else…her
A/N: Well….the timing is a bit awkward but we move. Dont lose hope Karina nation, y’all will rise again. Sorry if it’s a bit short. The g!p Mina fic will be next, tomorrow hopefully.
Karina x reader
CW: Smut, some fluff
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Karina was still taking pictures while you had already sat down and were watching her with a smile, thinking how pretty she is. A few moments later, she comes back to sit by your side, looking at the photos when she notices you staring at her, she smiles at you and goes back to posting the pictures. She then puts her phone down and goes through the basket to see what she wants to eat when she sees that you are still looking at her.
“What…”, she says looking down and blushing a little.
“You are really really pretty”, you say, smirking, enjoying her sudden shyness.
“Let’s just eat…weren’t you the one complaining you were hungry”, she says pretending not to hear you but the red cheeks were quite visible.
“You are right”, you admit with a smile, “but I want some-”
“Shush!”, she cuts you off, reading your intentions almost immediately, rolling her eyes.
You sigh and decide to stop your pursuit for now when Karina catches you by surprise.
“I suppose….”, she didn’t even finish her sentence when you were already spreading her legs. She sighs and rolls her eyes again but a slight blush was visible and she couldn’t help but bite her lips gently as she watched you be so eager for her.
Karina leaned against a tree while you put yourself in between her legs. You couldn’t stop smiling and who wouldn’t, when someone like Karina is in front of you, waiting to be eaten out. You start by kissing and caressing her thighs, taking your time, kissing, rubbing and even gently sucking her inner thighs.
Meanwhile Karina could only sigh in contentment, her breathing slowly getting heavier as she gets more and more aroused.
You continue to tease her when suddenly you both hear some laughter in the distance….
“Someone’s coming!”, Karina panicked, trying to move your head away.
You reluctantly pull away, looking around for the source while Karina quickly readjusted her sundress. A few seconds later you both could see a small group of people walking by, you smile and greet them and smile back, chatting to themselves as they walk past. Karina could only look down, staring at the basket, her face flushed.
You both wait a few minutes to make sure the coast is clear and take a sigh of relief. Karina looks at you and squeals when you suddenly kiss her.
But she starts to kiss you back and you both make out for a couple minutes and then you pull away and begin to kiss her neck. She softly moans, closing her eyes and letting you do what want but when you begin to go lower, she jolts back to reality, grabbing your shoulders.
“What are you doing???”, she asks, “we were already almost caught! We can’t kee-”
You cut her off by kissing her again and she gives in again letting you kiss her. When you both end the kiss, you can’t help but smirk while she sighs, huffing and looking away but she’s flushed, “you always get your way….do what you want”
You suppress a smile and turn her cheek so she faces you, “I’ll stop then since you aren’t in the mood”.
She looks at you, gritting her teeth and just for a moment, you see her bite her lip but she tries to hide it, “No, might as well continue now”.
You smirk and get down to business, going back to teasing her but moving closer and closer to where she wants you which becomes more and more evident from her small gasps and sighs. However, you don’t let off her easy and stop there, so close yet so far and just take your sweet time sucking and gently biting her inner thighs until you finally heard her plead for you to continue.
And then you finally get to it, moving her panties to the side, you give her a few long licks bottom to top making her breathe hard and shiver before diving right in, licking all her sweet spots causing her to start whining. You eat her out like she likes it and soon enough you feel her legs tighten around you and her hands on your head as Karina now begins to pant hard, trying not to be loud when suddenly once again you both hear voices in distance.
Karina panics again, “stop, stop some-”.
You cut her off by placing your hand on her mouth and continue to lick her even more intensely and she bites down on your hand and begins to practically choke you on her thighs and you could tell she was getting real close. She covers her face with one hand while gripping your hair tightly with other. A few moments later you feel her whole body jolt and shake as she cums but you don’t stop and instead begin to suck her clit while starting to finger her and Karina screams, throwing herself back as she jerks around from the mind numbing pleasure and suddenly falls silent, unable to make a sound, unable to comprehend the pleasure and she cums again, even harder this time and falls limp.
You keep going for a few moments more before stopping and admiring her as she pants and slowly comes back to her senses. Karina can just look at you from below with lust in her eyes. You move up to her and give her a peck, smiling mischievously. She sits back up after a minute, quickly making herself presentable, still panting, “you can stop smiling now”, she says rolling her eyes but she had a small smile.
You keep grinning and begin to dig into the basket when she leaps on you, looking at you with intent as she pushes you down, “don’t think you’re the only one who can get their way”, she says smirking as her hands begin to reach down.
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spider-xan · 11 months
So this is not something I'm going to do regularly, but in anticipation of tomorrow's update for May 24, I'm just going to give a heads up to first-time readers who may want a warning that the entry will include a racist and specifically anti-Black line, as I remember some people being caught really off-guard by it last year, especially given which character says it and the nature of the update otherwise.
The point of this post is also NOT to be like, look at this evil racist character, you're not allowed to like them or you're also racist, etc., it's just for people who may prefer to know it's coming, even if it's to be expected in a Victorian novel.
If you want to know what the actual line is and the textual context for it, I've included it and some brief commentary under a cut, but there are SPOILERS for tomorrow, so click at your own risk!
Well, my dear, number Two came after lunch. He is such a nice fellow, an American from Texas, and he looks so young and so fresh that it seems almost impossible that he has been to so many places and has had such adventures. I sympathise with poor Desdemona when she had such a dangerous stream poured in her ear, even by a black man.
This excerpt is from a letter Lucy writes to Mina, the character in question is Quincey Morris, who is first introduced on May 24, and Lucy is obviously referencing Othello the Shakespeare play and the character himself.
Now, Quincey's race is never confirmed in the text, and while some people read the line as proof that he's Black, it could also read as Lucy comparing being attracted to an American as an Englishwoman to a white woman being drawn to a Black man, and you could also make a case for Quincey being white like the real-life figure he is very likely based on (William Frederick Cody, aka Buffalo Bill, who was friends with Henry Irving and thus Stoker also knew him) and context clues or mixed-race based on Stoker's other writings and his belief that having pure white ancestry was a weakness that could be countered by racial mixing (which might be surprising for him, but is still rooted in eugenics and racist ideas), but regardless of what Quincey's racial background is, it's a racist line both bc of the 'dangerous Black man seducing white women' and 'incredible that a white woman could be attracted even to a Black man' readings.
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doodle-pops · 8 days
Modern AU: Sugar Daddy | My Sugar Daddy Loves Me
Headcanon: Maglor, Finrod, Ecthelion, Thingol, Elrond
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Request: Hi Mina I hope you doing well could you please write a part 2 of your sugar daddy au? With Ecthelion, Maglor, Finrod, Elrond and Maeglin - Anon
A/N: Not gonna lie, I had a hard time envisioning Finrod as a sugar daddy since I link those who are Daddy/DILF material as a sugar daddy. He seemed so aloof as a sugar daddy and more like Friends with Benefits lol.
Warnings: a female-focused reader, smut, breeding/creampies
➽ Part 1 | Part 2
➽ Modern AU Series
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ. Maglor
➽ He’s a world-renowned pop star who is beloved by everyone, and you are his lovely darling he met during a backstage meet and greet when he slipped his number into your back pocket and whispered, ‘Call me.’
➽ Of course you called him because that’s how you receive gifts on your doorstep after every performance he has, world tours, or when his albums go platinum. You are the mysterious lover that his fans talk about because of paparazzi.
➽ For the most of your dynamic shared with him, you are kept a secret because, to him, it makes everything more thrilling. All those posts of him on vacation or tours with snips of your hands, legs or back, or the albums being written about you, make everything invigorating.
➽ On the days when he does return from touring, you are showered in affection abundantly. Necklaces and anklets with your name or his name, dozens of roses, lingerie, the latest fashion wear, a lump sum of money floating into your account and some days between the sheets.
➽ Plus, that pretty black credit card in your back pocket feels incredibly heavy with all the financial opportunities it’s allowing you to make. It doesn’t bother him with you swipe his card to make your purchases because he has lots of trust in you (please don’t rob him).
➽ The dynamic between you both differs from the others who would reward you for excelling at your job or studies. With Maglor, he’ll reward you for being silent as he takes you in the recording booth during breaks, support him during his concerts, and when he wins awards.
➽ Apart from dropping all the materialistic gifts on you, Maglor takes him time to worship you from head to toe. You are, after all, the inspiration behind his best-selling albums, and he has inserted your moans as background vocals on some of his songs.
➽ A passion lover you got as a sugar daddy with an oral fixation (best his mouth). He has to show you how talented those lips are; singing isn’t all that he can do with his tongue. Plus, he’s also a guitarist, so let the realisation sink in with those fingers.
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ. Finrod
➽ Right off the bat, his type of sugar daddy isn’t for pleasure purposes and it’s the last reason why he was willing to care for you. He just wants someone to spoil and spend lots of time with because he’s rich and lonely in his mansion.
➽ Being spoilt is something you never have to question because he’s eager to be your sugar daddy even though he doesn’t consider himself as one. He’ll just tell you that he’s a good friend helping another friend out while handing you his unlimited credit card and a bunch of gifts.
➽ The adventurous type to call you up in the middle of the night and TELL you that he already booked you all a flight a trip to a tropical island for two weeks filled with various fun activities. The idea that you have classes or work tomorrow doesn’t sink in until you’re reminding him.
➽ It’s a frequent occurrence with him visiting/calling at early hours to check out new places in the city or for you to come over because his giant house is lonely. At some point, you are living in with him and all the maids have become familiar with you.
➽ If you’re a college student, you are funded, and yes, he does have an interest in your academics. However, he’s a lot more understanding if you fail a course because he’s the reason (making you miss classes with those trips); he might suggest dropping out and letting him permanently care for you because he can also get you a decent job without a degree.
➽ As I mentioned, pleasure isn’t something Finrod is interested in during the agreement. That’s something you would have to initiate one night as you’re relaxing in bed or returning from dinner. Take the lead and make him rethink his agreement to incorporate it often and scrap the ‘friends’ talk.
➽ He isn’t someone who becomes stressed, so if anything, you’re the one who’s getting the rough sex when you’re stressed. He is happy to help because if you’re keeping him company, he has to return the favour with an open mind. And trust me when I say, he’s good at what he does but acts casual as if he didn’t strip away your ability to walk.
➽ At least your time being his sugar baby will be fun and filled with excitement, something that outshines the finances and pleasure he blesses you with. His desire for companionship helps to make the dynamic between you two worthwhile.
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ. Ecthelion
➽ Responsible for marketing some of the most valuable gemstones around the world; mostly invested in the diamond stock market. The first time you met him and stepped into his house, you noticed how much he was obsessed with the gemstone. You don’t complain because it’s what he gifts you whenever you perform well for him.
➽ He covers all your tuition expenses and living commodities and gives you one of his unlimited credit cards to shop for your heart's desires. In return, you must bring home good grades (he’ll tell you what’s good) and keep up your good reputation. He doesn’t want you to ever tarnish your reputation.
➽ Ecthelion is wealthy and educated, so he doesn’t mind getting involved and invested in your field of work or degree program. Depending on what it is, he’ll extend his knowledge, but if he doesn’t know, he’ll make attempts to get you good connections to boost your career.
➽ So long as you maintain your good grades and reputation, you’re in it for life. He’s taking you vacations to tropical islands, opera shows, shopping sprees, buying you the most expensive jewellery sets and clothes. You will be rocking the best designer clothes, Ecthelion isn’t standing for you wearing simple clothes.
➽ Of course, when you perform excellently for him, he will return the favour with more than just trips and money. He established in the beginning that he was seeking companionship during your deal, and as much as he wanted to keep things professional, something about the red lipstick you adore wearing sucked him in.
➽ Perhaps allowing you to give him a blowjob under the table in his office during a quick visit and leaving lipstick smeared all over his cock made him change his mind about keeping things professional. He was pleased when you agreed to make the relationship more intimate than hugs and kisses.
➽ He wastes no time whenever he’s stressed to relieve himself through you (with your consent). You’re his little stress reliever, and in return, Ecthelion doesn’t mind letting you use him to beat your stress. Sex is rough and steamy between you both. You are getting bent over countertops, work desk, pressed against the wall, he’s hungry beneath his professional demeanour.
➽ While he is a formal and sophisticated gentleman, and he would not touch you inappropriately in public, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t purchase you vibrator panties and plugs. You’re sitting beside him during a conference meeting and he’s causally playing with the speed on his phone, making you cum.
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ. Thingol
➽ This sugar daddy is drifting over to the DILF side of things and do not be fooled by his silver hair, he isn’t old, he’s simply trendy and into the latest fashion styles. Giovani, Armani, Dior, Marco Polo, Ralph Lauren and the list goes on. Thingol is an old-money type of sugar daddy, and he adores showing off his wealth to you.
➽ To be honest, Thingol really want to be your sugar daddy because he saw you and liked you. At the time, you were a broke college student or young worker struggling in the business world who used the opportunity he was providing to build your career and status.
➽ Thingol doesn’t care about all that (at first), but he does ensure all your needs and desires are met. Tuitions paid, loans cleared, no negative credit score or empty bank account. You’re the rich student on campus or your job that everyone is jealous of because he makes sure the world knows you’re spoilt by rolling up in some custom Rolls Royce or Bently.
➽ Your unlimited credit cards weigh a ton in your pocket, but who cares because you’re rich and being pampered as you deserve? Of course, nothing in life comes for free and without payment. Thingol might carry some age because he has a fully grown child, but he isn’t old.
➽ He makes it clear that he would enjoy being intimate and seeking companionship in return for the wealth spent on you. Do you decline, of course not (you can’t, or you’ll end up poor again).
➽ Thingol is the definition of old is the new young. This man has the stamina to last for a lifetime and makes sure you’re always satisfied. He can be stingy and demand that you give him more attention (he’s a receiver more than a giver). You’ll have to catch him in the right mood for him to be on the giving end.
➽ But still, you can’t complain because you’re getting good dic—. Anyway speaking of spoiling you, he adores whenever you’re completely decked out in lingerie for him, i.e. just all the jewellery he bought for you and nothing else.
➽ He does have a slight breeding kink, but it isn’t intending to want children, so you have nothing to worry about. Thingol just enjoys the sight of prettying his sugar baby.
➽ Know that he’ll gift you some necklace or ring that informs everyone that you’re his and no one else’s. If you ask him if it means he’s proposing, he’ll reply with something along the lines of, “You’re already mine princess, wedding ring or not.”
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ. Elrond
➽ DILF number three and it makes perfect sense since he’s a descendant of many DILFs (Fingolfin, Turgon, Thingol). But Elrond doesn’t mind being someone’s sugar daddy, though his intentions are more for genuine purposes. If you want more, you’re gonna have to do all the work to show him that it’s more than paying your tuition and giving you money.
➽ Nevertheless, he covers all your expenses and demands that you perform excellently in your field of study or job. Elrond would even go out of his way to personally teach you (and no, I don’t mean bending you over the desk type of teaching) to ensure success is at your fingertips.
➽ This man is the most passionate and dedicated sugar daddy who cares about your well-being to a great extent. He’s well-rounded, so he’s fulfilling all your needs and wants, health, education, finances, basic commodities and living expenses. Please don’t disappoint him by failing your classes, he’s pulling all his money into the best tutors.
➽ In return for your devotion and passion for excellence, you are getting spoiled but not like the others. Elrond doesn’t mind giving you money or taking you on shopping sprees or trips around the world, he simply doesn’t want you dependent dependent on him to always provide since he’s building you up to become your own boss and financially secure.
➽ He’ll spoil, but not to that extent. Such a philosophical man, teaching all about life and how to be independent and headstrong.
➽ Now, as I’ve previously mentioned, if you want him to take you to bed, impressions are everything. Elrond’s the type to get impressed by your sense of elegance, sophistication and linguistics. Show him how skilled your tongue is, and he’ll be wanting more. No doubt he’s rewriting the contract in his mind.
➽ He has kids and knows how to ramp in between the sheets. In his state, he probably isn’t interested in more given his desire for companionship, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to be giving out creampies. The sight of it is his catalyst for wanting to give you more and keep you up all night.
➽ He’s a gentleman in the streets and will incapacitate you in the sheets. Tricks up his sleeves despite having an old fashion appeal about him. Give him a dance dressed in some pretty lingerie—nothing overly fancy, he likes elegance and simplicity—while he sips on whisky or brandy in a button-down shirt and his tie lazily discarded around his neck.
➽ Treat him well because running multiple companies is tiring, so relieve his stress while he relieves yours and you’ll be the happiest sugar baby ever.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @mcwentfandomtraveling @involuntaryspasms @aconstructofamind @addaigio
If you would like to be tagged, click the taglist link.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
Just curious babe but are you in a baby fever mood? Loving all the things you’re posting and sharing but my own baby fever is raging from just imaging Katsuki as the soft and nearly perfect dad-even better if he’s a girl dad and is always down to throw on a tutu for his little princesses.
yes how did you know i have bakubaby-itis.
ok so my thing is, is that yourself and bakugou’s first kid is a baby girl and she’s the most spoiled little thing in the entire world :(
like he can never ever say no to her, it’s practically impossible because— she’s his first kid, he’s got a stable career, he can afford to take care of his family so of course that means bakugou is gonna do whatever he can to make his angel baby smile.
so you like come home from work one day, the agency having made you stay late to fill out damage request forms from your latest patrol or something and you cannot find your husband or your two year old anywhere.
there’s evidence of their activity all over the house — glitter in the living room that’ll be hard to remove, flour and sugar grains strewn across the kitchen where you think bakugou’s attempted to bake sugar cookies with your daughter (it smells like burning too), there’s crayon marks along some of the walls which you’ll have to have a word with him about later.
but the deeper you go into your home, the less evidence of them you find and your heart rate picks up— what if there’s been a break in? someone’s hurt? you know that your husband can handle himself, but katsuki using his quirk around your baby has always been a touchy subject, maybe something… maybe something has happened.
then you catch a glimpse of your daughter’s bedroom door open; and with your heart in your stomach you venture in, only to find your husband— the great and most feared dynamight passed out on the floor, drool on his bottom lip and stickers on his cheeks. there’s red glitter on the tips of bakugou’s hair and smeared across his eyelids, a pretty pink tutu snug on his slender hips and a plastic pink ‘alien queen’ themed tea cup hanging loose from his right hand ( courtesy of Aunty mimi or mina ).
you smoke and step further into your daughter’s room, hands on your hips when you catch her attempting to hold a tea cup to her red riot stuffie ( thank you uncle riot and bless her hand eye coordination ), still quite wide awake and babbling happily to herself. “c’mon sweetheart,” bed time,” you coo fondly, picking up your curly haired baby, lips smooshed into her chubby cheek as you hold her close despite the tutu she has on that matches her daddy’s. “it’s so late baby, must’ve worn daddy out s’much, huh?”
“mm!! mama!” she squeals in response, big red eyes full of love as you tuck her in and kiss her forehead goodnight. clean up will have to wait until tomorrow, you have to worry about getting katsuki into bed too now.
when you’ve woken him up ( embarrassed and almost as red as the glitter in his hair ), katsuki let’s you sit him down on the bed— swiping your makeup wipes over his stained cheeks while you sit in his lap, cleaning him up, you say. “you’ve spoiled her too much kats, s’nearly nine and a two year old has no business being up at that time.” you tell him, barely scolding him and smiling softly to yourself as the older bakugou starts to unbutton your hero costume from behind to help you out of it.
you still haven’t changed.
“where d’ya think she gets it from, hah? her momma’s a spoiled princess too,” bakugou tells you gruffly, voice laced with sleep, as you brush back his hair to remove stray glitter from his forehead. “b’sides, we wanted to wait up f’ya…” his warm fingers dig into the tense spot in your lower back, vermillion eyes looking up at you full of love and adoration. “can’t say no to her when she’s not the only one missin’ mummy.”
katsuki steals a kiss from you then, hot and a little sloppy like when you were teenagers and before you both became responsible parents— and you indulge him even though he oddly tastes like burnt sugar cookies and plastic, because you love katsuki, and sometimes it’s okay to spoil him back.
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jinlias · 10 months
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a/n: how could i post a month of blurbs and no angst? sike u thought bitch.
you can tell the exact moment she breaks. you’ve been trying to tell her you’ve noticed it all, but you always missed her.
“hey, wheres mina?” the last group arrives at the dorm, but instead of four, it’s only sana, jihyo and momo.
“practicing” momo responds absentmindedly, her mind completely on the cold noodles they picked up on the way.
“again?” jihyo shares your concern, both your eyes speaking for themselves. she almost stops eating to come with you, but you reassure her it’s better you go alone.
if this wasn’t your partner’s breaking point, it was yours.
you couldn’t believe you were, but in your head, silently, you were weighing out whether this or her anxiety break had been worse.
from a while back, you noticed mina had been spending way too much time practicing than normal, dancing, singing, all of the above. for some reason, her diet was much stricter than yours or the others and her scheduled was way more packed all of the sudden.
come to think of it, you never heard her say no anymore.
“mina, elle wants you for their july-“ “yes”
“after the shoot, do you think you can take a couple of picture at the grand opening-“ “sure”
“do you have any free time slots tomorrow” “i’ll make the time”
but she wasn’t enthusiastic about it either. and trust, the sex was there and so were the loving kisses and whispers, it’s just, her eyes, mina isn’t there anymore.
“okay. i hear you” jihyo rubbed your back up and down as she listened the first time. you felt so bad you had woken her up in the middle of the night to complain, but more than your leader she was your best friend, if anything she could possibly get through mina. “not me, i can try, but there’s no way she’ll hear me out before you”
“she’s killing herself” jihyo wipes your tears and takes a deep breath to hold some of her own.
“i know it’s hard to think about but y/n- i need you to break her-” the entire time the words came from her mouth, she can see the denial in your eyes and how the pout on your lips deepened.
that was then, now, you’re angry.
“oh, this again. awesome, i’m kind of rusty myself” you drop your gym bag on the floor and begin to tie your hair as you get in position.
you can’t lie and say you willingly got out of bed at almost ten at night to practice. you willingly got out of bed this late because of her. one more night feeling the bed deepen with her body at some much late hour than you tried going to sleep was going to drive you off a cliff.
“y/n? what are you doing here baby?” your eyes press shut and you turn your head to the side when she pauses the music, arms crossed as a tactic to not let her in this time.
“what are you doing here mina?” you never did what jihyo asked, it hurt you to hurt her, but now you had to, because you love her, and you want her to love herself again too.
“i’m.. rehearsing” she replies as if it were obvious.
“i can see that, but why? do you know what time it is?”
“it’s late, if we don’t go home we’re going to have trouble waking up tomorrow” her chest stings at all the ‘we’s, and you can see her now usual facade start to lessen. she’s heard you before, she just never listened.
“go home. i’ll be there soon” she tries to shake all the red blaring sirens telling her she’s tired, that you’re right and that she should go home with you, try to sleep more than four hours tonight.
“i’m not going anywhere without you mina” your hands fall at your sides and you begin to walk towards her, stopping only a couple of steps apart. “you can’t tell me you don’t know what you’re doing”
“i’m just practicing babe, i’ll be there soon. i promise”
“you’ve broken a lot of promises lately, you know that right?” you watch her swallow, turn around to fidget with something at the radio station instead of looking at you. “if you know exactly what i’m talking about, why tip toe?”
“i don’t know y/n” her voice raises higher than the usual whisper, and you don’t know whether to be upset at her or put yourself in her shoes. “it’s working. i’ll be home soon”
“what’s working?”
“i said-“
“yeah, you said you’ll be home soon. but you’ve told me that the last three nights and it wasn’t true. what’s working?”
“y/n- i-“
“mina, this is not working. nothing is working. im worried about you all the time and you’re not even letting me in. either we go home and talk about proper help or i’ll be joining you.”
“baby. it doesn’t work like that” she’s scared, you can see that much now, she’s finally allowing herself to feel rather than bottle it up and swallow it down with her usual work ethic.
“all these late practices, the crazy diets. cramped schedule? count me in, i’ll do it all if that’s what it takes for you to stop” she looks like she’s been caught, biting her lips and looking down in shame. and you let yourself calm down, soften even as you walk towards her, closer until you’re asking for her hands. “i’m worried mina. let me help you”
“you don’t understand” a single tear falls on your hands, now clasped together with hers as she stares at them.
“then tell me. i’ll listen. if you’re scared, i’m here. mina. i love you, i’m done letting you go through this alone” you squeeze her hands, hoping for some sort of emotion, thankfully she squeezes yours back.
“i don’t want the girls to know” she sniffles, watching you nod and swallow a lump in your throat, hoping no tears came out, because you’ve cried enough. you needed to be there like mina had been for you when you needed, loving you through all your hardships.
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their-pebble-bear · 10 months
Them (BakuSquad X Reader)
Note: Honestly this was a unofficial request and I'm here to please ;)
Gender Neutral Reader so everyone can enjoy ❤️
I also headcannon Sero being really good at languages. Is this true? I don't know.
I also don't write about Mina.
Masterlist - Requests: Open
Summary: The Bakusquad is pining after reader and they start discussing with themselves who deserves reader the most.
Warnings: None tbh. From now on I will not be warning about cussing. It's a given with me.
Taglist: @antisocial-minnie
I am opening a taglist, just comment on the post of you wanna be added to my MHA taglist :3
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Maybe in some world, the boys would have been civilised about this discussion. But even as pro heroes they were still teenagers at heart.
"No, look I deserve to be with them. I'm a protector, can handle a thousand punches and I have the personality of a Golden Retriever." Kirishima said with a shark toothed grin.
All the boys groaned and looked at him with plain faces.
"Y'all are dumb. Of course I'm the most suitable. I'm strong, hard working, extremely dedicated and feriously loyal." Bakugou said with a smirk, putting his arms on either side of him, taking up most space and leaving them behind Kiri and Sero who sat on either side of him.
The boys all looked at eachother and nodded. He wasn't wrong but they wouldn't dare mention his temperament. They wanted to get home to their shift tomorrow and preferably not burnt.
"Guys, I know they will choose me. Nobody can deny these amazing eyes and incredible humour." Denki winked as he finger gunned.
They all stared dead faced at him and continued. He pouted as he huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Honestly I think I have the best chance, I mean I'm the linguistic here, sì? Le persone cadono tutte ai miei piedi quando comincio a parlare in una lingua diversa." Sero purred as he spoke in Italian, leaning with a hand under his chin and a finger swiping at his lips as he said so.
They couldn't really stop their hearts from beating faster, to stop the small flush of pink from appearing on their faces.
"Or I want all of you and we can all be together?" The person in question rolled their eyes as they shook their head.
They all looked at eachother and shrugged.
Yes it was that easy.
sì? Le persone cadono tutte ai miei piedi quando comincio a parlare in una lingua diversa."
Sero said; "yes? The people all fall at my feet when I start talking in a different tongue."
Please note! This is all my original work! I do not give permission to repost, credit yourself or steal my ideas. Reblogs are appreciated! The picture is not to be saved and used! That is originally made by my fiancé!
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resinfish · 10 months
So the good news is we recovered the Mina and some others. The bad news is
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It doesn't even benefit him to do this. He can't sell what he kept/broke. He's just being an asshole. They're going back tomorrow because they have him on tape promising to return it all. In the meantime
Anything and everything to take wholesalejim (ebay store, storefront titled Jim's Wholesale) down. Post this to a known Anonymous hangout. Tell us if you know a low cost PI. The law has failed, money has failed, and my friend's ready to give up. We'll try one more time, just.
Jesus christ I hate people.
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lilspidermonkey · 1 year
Bakugou x reader Touch Chapter I
Okay, so just a Bakugou x reader I came up with on the fly, I’ll be posting updates as often as I can, but also no promises on how soon they’ll come out!
Apologies in advance for any spelling or grammer issues, I’m not that great with words.
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Aizawa sighed in extreme tiredness, it was already late enough as it was (for him) and he didn’t want to be dealing with this more than he wanted to be.
Bakugou was sitting on the couch quivering in fuming anger.
Aizawa looked to the boy, and the other students who happened to be around him, Kirishima, Sero, and the rest of the ‘Bakusquad.’
Seeing all this commotion, he couldn’t help but sigh once again.
This was exhausting just standing in the same room.
Aizawa rubbed his head, “We’ve been told to keep you away from all contact with people. The minute you come into contact with bare skin, the quirk will activate.” He sighed. “So, no physical contact with anyone for the next 24 hours.”
Kirishima smiled down at Bakugou as he leaned against the couch, “Damn, sorry man, but I’m sure it’ll end up fine in the end.” He tried to reassure the angry blonde.
Kaminari smiled, “Right! You hate direct contact with anyone anyways!” he pointed out.
Sero pointed, “Not unless he’s fighting or threatening people, so I guess that’s gonna have to put on hold for a while.” He grinned.
Kaminari’s eyes sparkled, “That’s right!” he said with mischief in his voice.
Kirishima shook his head, “Don’t get any ideas, dude.” He said rubbing his head.
Bakugou growled and glared at Kaminari, “I can still blow you to hell without touching your pathetic ass!!” Bakugou screamed.
Aizawa rubbed his head, “Quiet down, all of you.” He said.
Bakugou stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets, “This is ridiculous, I’m going to bed.” He said stomping away.
Kirishima walked after Bakugou, “Hold up, Bakugou, we still gotta talk about how to handle this whole thing!” He called.
Bakugou turned his head to look over his shoulder, “I can figure this out on my own, just keep yourselves away from me!” he called.
You jumped down the stairs with a smile, “Mina! Wanna talk about what we’ve got planned tomorrow?” you called as you turned the corner the same time as Bakugou, Bakugou’s eyes widened in surprise.
You, on impulse, accidently activated your quirk, setting up a wall to stop the two of you from colliding, but pushing the wall a little more forward, so that Bakugou bashed into it a lot more than if he had bumped into you.
You blinked in surprise, “Yikes, that was close.” You looked Bakugou up and down.
Bakugou’s glare intensified, “Look where you’re going, Bubble Brat.” He spat.
You glared at him through the transparent purple dusted and slightly sparkly wall.
You huffed, “It was one time! I put you in a stupid bubble one time! You have got to get over it!” you groaned and took the wall down, avoiding his touch. “I ought to be calling you ‘Bubble Boy Bakugou’, now that has a ring to it.” You said walking away.
Bakugou growled and stormed after you, “Like hell you will be!” he said.
You turned back around, “I’m sorry, you don’t control the way I talk, so, try the intimidation on someone else, Mister Bubbles.” You smirked.
Bakugou growled, “You looking for a fight? Huh?” he said in anger.
You stood there as Bakugou got close, trying to be intimidating, but you just stood there, “What if I am?” you said with a smile.
Bakugou growled down at you, but turned and walked away, “Whatever.” He said.
But as he turned, you rolled your eyes and managed to get in front of him, “Hey, chill out, I’m not going to actually call you that, Bubbles isn’t something I’d associate with you anyways, doesn’t really fit.” You said.
Bakugou just looked down at you then looked off to the side, “Whatever.” He said.
You smiled, “Such a grump as always, but somethings up.” You leaned to the side to glance past him at your other classmates.
You smiled at them, “Anyone want to tell me who pissed him off this time?” you asked.
Kirishima laughed, “Well, the thing is-”
Bakugou turned abruptly, “Nothing! No one!” he growled and pushed past you, oddly taking a moment to glance at your sleeved arms. “It’s none of your business.”
But as he was pushing past you, he accidentally caught your shoulder a little too roughly and pushed you off your feet.
Trying to steady yourself you went to fall forward, Bakugou reaching out to catch you.
You were caught mid-air, Bakugou had caught your hand, that you reached out to gasp on to anything that would obviously not be there.
Bakugou seemed to freeze in his hold of your hand, eyes wide as he stared at your bare hands that clutched each other.
You pulled yourself up, “Yikes, kinda your fault, but thanks for the good catch at least.” You said.
Bakugou was still frozen, his eyes not leaving your conjoined hands.
You lifted an eyebrow at the boy, turning to maybe gauge a reaction from the others.
Some of the boys had gotten out of there resting spots, thanks to the falling situation, in a panic, but they all too seemed to be frozen in mid-air.
You blinked, shaking your head. “I’m officially confused.”
You looked to the tired teacher who was also looking at your interlocked hands, the poor man seemingly more tired than ever before.
You tried to get your hand out of Bakugou’s, “You’re freaking me out, normally a girl would be happy about this, or a little terrified since it’s you, but you’re just freaking me out.” You said.
Bakugou’s eyes moved away from your hands to your eyes, still shocked and frozen in a near emotionless stare.
You glared, “Do I have to punch you with my free hand before you give me an answer?”
Bakugou’s face finally defrosted, melting into one of embarrassment and anger, so extremely red.
You froze now, almost terrified, “Something tells me…I’m in trouble.” You mumbled.
Bakugou blew up, “You idiot!!!” he screamed, holding up your clutched hands in front of you both. “Look what you’ve done!!”
You blanked, “…What?” you said with a confused very Kaminari-like smile.
Aizawa sighed, “Guess it’s too late. Now let’s discuss the problem that will unfortunately unravel from all of this.”
You looked at him, “What problem? What is with all this?” You shook your hand trying to get a clutching Bakugou off you, to no avail. “What the hell is happening!?”
 After sitting down in the living room, Bakugou next to you on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest in a huff, hand finally leaving yours.
You had frozen while listening to the explanation from your teacher.
Aizawa was too tired for this.
You cleared your throat and shook your hands in front of yourself, “Let me get this straight, this whole situation is because, this big dumb blonde knocked into some poor girl with a quirk that, and correct me if I’m wrong, ‘gives you attachment issues’?” you said. At the nod from your teacher you continued, “And the first person whose skin he touches within 24 hours, he becomes attached to and must be in their presence as well as share skin contact with them for a limited time a day? Or he becomes…” you shrugged your arms, “panicky?”
Aizawa nodded, “That sounds about right.” He said.
You blinked and smiled, “Well, isn’t that just something.” You turned to the boy next to you. “You are the most idiotic Bubble Bitch Bastard I’ve ever laid eyes on!” you yelled.
Bakugou glared at you, “What’d you say!? This is your fault!” he yelled.
You stood up, “You are delusional if you think you can blame this on me! You’re the one who smashed your unnecessarily big shoulders into some poor girl!”
Bakugou also stood, “You’re the one who fell and grabbed onto me!”
You got into his face, “After you, once again, used your big ass shoulders to push into me! And you’re the one who grabbed my hand!!”
Aizawa sighed, “Enough, it’s way too late for this. We’ll sort all of this out, but for now, you two are going to have to just learn to get along with each other.” He said. “Thanks to the situation, some things will be changed around to prevent unnecessary further problems.”
You swallowed your anger and looked to your teacher, “Things? Such as?” you asked.
Aizawa rubbed his head, “Bakugou won’t be able to go for long without being your presence and skinship, so to avoid Bakugou from freaking out, so to start, your desks will be put together, and during the day I expect you two to be civil with each other and suck it up for as long as needed.”
You cleared your throat, “How long are we talking here?” you asked.
Aizawa gave you a sour look, “It is undetermined of how long the quirk will last, but all we know is that it is temporary, we’ve been given a heads up that it should last up to a couple of weeks at least.”
Bakugou raised an eyebrow, “At least? You’ve got to be kidding me!” he yelled.
You sat back down on the couch, rubbing at your face, “I guess there’s no point in getting too upset over this, whether we like it or not, this is happening.” You mumbled, mostly to yourself.
Bakugou grumbled and sat back on the couch next to you.
You glanced at the boy who seemed to be constantly glaring down at his feet, but you also noticed that he was sitting closer to you than he normally sat next to anyone.
You sighed, “Do we know how bad Bakugou’s…’panics’ would be?” you asked.
Bakugou huffed, “I’m sure that it wouldn’t be anything I couldn’t handle.” He grumbled.
Aizawa sighed, “It’s not fully set in stone, apparently some people react worse than others.” The teacher looked to Bakugou. “I don’t have time for you to be putting on a brave face, you need to suck it up and accept help with this. I’m serious.” He said.
Bakugou huffed but didn’t respond.
You sighed, “So I’m supposed to be his personal….comfort…person?” you asked, struggling with words.
Aizawa looked at you, looked at the ground and back at you, “Okay, look, I know that this is a difficult situation. And I need to know, considering the circumstances of this quirk accident, that you, (Y/n), are okay with this situation.”
You blinked, “What?”
Aizawa sighed, “This is a quirk accident that has now involved you, and considering the affects, being in a physically involved situation, I’d like to hear from you that you would be okay with all this. And if you aren’t, you wont be forced into this situation.” He explained.
Looking down you licked your lips, and looked back up, “What happens to Bakugou if I say I’m not?” you asked.
Bakugou huffs yet again, “You don’t need to worry about me, I can handle myself.” He says.
You nudge him, “Common, this isn’t the time to be high and mighty. Please don’t right now.” You said.
Bakugou spares you a quick glance, but he just looks away again.
Aizawa rubbed the back of his neck, “If you are uncomfortable with this, you will not be forced into it. We will figure out ways to keep Bakugo calm through his situation. Such as medications and such.”
You looked off to the side, picturing so many possibilities in your head about the situations Bakugou would be put into. And having medication shoved down your throat only to have it not always work was not something to constantly rely on.
You looked at Bakugou, sulking against the couch beside you. It didn’t make you uncomfortable to be so close to Bakugou, heck you guys fight a lot, but to you it’s all fun and games, most of the time anyways. You always felt that Bakugou felt the same, he was rough with you, but you didn’t necessarily see that as a bad thing.
Being close, as in skin to skin and physically dependant, it did seem a little freaky.
But you didn’t feel like it was overly bad or anything.
You took a steadying breath and looked to your teacher, “I’ll do it, it’s fine with me.” You said.
You felt Bakugou’s eyes on you, and just smiled.
Aizawa nodded, “You sure? You don’t have to do this.” He said.
You nodded, “Yeah, I’m really okay with it.” You grinned at the boy. “When it’s all over he’ll have to owe me big time, haha!” you laughed.
Bakugou glared, “As if.” He said.
“This is going to be so weird.”
You looked over the back of the couch at some of your classmates and friends who stayed around for the whole thing.
You laughed some more, “How do you think I feel?”
Bakugou glared, “Laugh is up.” Bakugou stood, “I’m going to bed. Its too late for this crap.” He said.
As he went to walk away, he froze after a few steps.
You blinked at him, watching him as he tried to force himself to move forward, but he couldn’t seem to.
Opening your mouth in realization, you pointed at the frozen boy, “Don’t tell me that’s as far as you can get without-”
Bakugou swung around, red in the face with embarrassment, “Don’t say it!” he yelled.
You giggled a little, which seemed to only piss off the struggling boy.
He swung on his heals, and speed walked over to you, grabbing you by the  arm, and pulling you off the couch.
Your eyes widened, “Violence isn’t the answer!” you cried.
Bakugou glared, “First of all, yes, it is, second, I’m too tired for this, so let’s go already.”
You blinked, “What?”
 -chapter I finished-
Chapter II Link Here: https://at.tumblr.com/lilspidermonkey/bakugou-x-reader-touch-chapter-ii/28j0ojodj3dd
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vickyvicarious · 6 months
Before I began to restore these women to their dead selves through my awful work, [...] Had I not seen the repose in the first place, and the gladness that stole over it just ere the final dissolution came, as realisation that the soul had been won, I could not have gone further with my butchery. I could not have endured the horrid screeching as the stake drove home; the plunging of writhing form, and lips of bloody foam. I should have fled in terror and left my work undone. But it is over! And the poor souls, I can pity them now and weep, as I think of them placid each in her full sleep of death for a short moment ere fading.
I love this framing. First of all, I love that from beginning to end this is not depicted as anything like a triumph. Even though strategically it may well be so, Van Helsing takes no pleasure, not even in a cathartic revenge way, in killing them. He hates every second of it. Not just because he's afraid but because it makes him feel like a butcher, he can't endure the signs of their suffering.
But he frames it as "restoring" them. This wording is consistent with how he comforted the suitors about the necessity of killing vampire!Lucy, and I love how that doesn't suddenly vanish when the vampire is no longer someone they care about. Van Helsing's only exposure to these women has been as a scary story, or them circling him terrifyingly in the night. He never knew them as people and never will. But he still hates having to kill them, and he still finds great comfort in the idea that by doing so he is freeing them from this evil state, and restoring them back to the way they should have been after death. Mina does the same with Dracula tomorrow - even Dracula. And she has some extra reason to be personally invested there (I'll try and find my post from last year about it) but I just like how consistent this detail is.
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jjongscardigan · 6 days
WONDERWALL ₊ ⊹⟡ — p.jongseong
Note: My last post in a while if I'm not mistaken. 🤔 I'd like to write a few chapters before I start publishing everything. I'm going on a trip tomorrow so I'll probably write a little during the bus ride.
01. Jay Park, you're an asshole!
Jay finds himself seated at his usual lunch table, basking in the familiarity of the space, when suddenly, a forceful hand slams down, disrupting his moment of peace. "Why aren't you answering my messages, babe?" A perplexed expression crosses Jay's face as he tilts his head in confusion, unable to stifle a laugh. "Babe? Who are you again?"
The girl's initial smile quickly fades, replaced by a sour expression, her eye twitching with irritation. "We literally went out this weekend? Does that mean nothing to you?" Jay scans the growing crowd around them, realizing the attention their exchange is attracting. "That's what people usually do before sleeping with each other. Listen, Minhae, we're not dating. It was just a hookup. Get over it."
Before Jay can fully process the situation, his tray, filled with steaming jjanjangmyeon, is unceremoniously poured over his head, eliciting a surprised laugh as he wipes the noodles from his eyes. "I hope that this decreased your anger. Have a nice day, Minhae."
With a nonchalant shrug, Jay begins to walk away, only to hear a distant scream behind him. "My name is Mina, you arsehole." The echoes of her frustration linger in the air as Jay continues on his way, pulling the noodles out of his hair.
As Jay exits the cafeteria, his friends Jake, Yizhuo, and Sunghoon catch up to him, their laughter echoing down the corridor. With grins plastered on their faces, they waste no time in teasing him about the spectacle they witnessed. "Well, well, well, looks like someone's making waves again," Jake remarks, his tone laced with amusement as they fall into step alongside Jay.
Yizhuo shoots him a playful wink, "You never fail to entertain us, Jay. Jjanjangmyeon shower and all!" Sunghoon chimes in with a chuckle, though his expression remains stoic, "You know, most people just get a pat on the back for a job well done. You get noodles dumped on your head."
The trio of friends continues to jest and joke as they make their way down the bustling corridor, the sound of their laughter mingling with the chatter of passing students. Jay can't help but chuckle along with them.
As they reach the end of the hallway, they remember Jay's disheveled appearance and the noodles clinging to his uniform. Without hesitation, Jake pulls out a packet of tissues from his bag and hands them to Jay, while Yizhuo and Sunghoon help him clean up the remaining noodles from his hair and uniform.
"You're a right mess, Jay," Jake jokes, as they work to tidy him up. Yizhuo, ever the storyteller, playfully recites the lunchtime events, exaggerating the details for added comedic effect, much to everyone's amusement.
Once Jay is somewhat presentable again, Sunghoon offers him his spare hoodie to cover up the stains on his uniform. "Here, mate, this should do the trick," he says in his usual calm tone, handing over the garment.
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taglist: @hrts4hees @luvnicho @kim2005bomi @n1k1mura @eclipse-777 @kgyam4 @heeslut4life
© jjongscardigan 2024 - do not copy, translate, or plagiarize my work on other platforms!
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basketballanonsblog · 3 months
Posting this 3 days early because who cares about the schedule right? 🫠
Jeongyeon x Reader: soulmate AU
A sprinkle of Motzu at the beginning
Synopsis: You're slowly learning to love life again
Reason to love
"Tzuyu, relax. I'm sure Momo will love whatever you'll do for valentines day."
The youngest of the group sought out advice, going on a tangent about different ideas. She stopped pacing around and took a deep breath.
"You're right. What are your plans for y/n tomorrow?"
"Nothing extravagant, just a surprise picnic."
"Y/n unnie will love it nonetheless."
The maknae's words made Jeongyeon feel better than she'd like to admit.
You stretched your arms before opening your eyes. Looking left, your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the love of your life.
It was extraordinary. No matter how many tales you heard about what it's like to find your soulmate, it paled in comparison to the actual feeling.
You wouldn't complain if Jeongyeon was the only person you could look at for the rest of your life.
Seeing her barefaced and serene, you silently vowed to do everything in your power to protect her.
"I can feel you staring." She said without opening her eyes. You became bashful, leaning down to press kisses to her cheek until she squealed.
"How can I not stare? You're so beautiful."
"Even if I just woke up?"
"I'll only believe you if you kiss me."
You didn't hesitate to obey, and you felt her arms encircle your shoulders. For all you knew, an hour could've passed. But unfortunately, the real world was calling.
"I wish I could stay in bed with you, but I have to go to the office."
That was the first Jeongyeon was hearing of this.
"I thought you were free today?"
"Why?" She realised you were unaware it was valentines day.
"Nothing. Have fun at work." Was she disappointed? Definitely, but she understood that your job was important.
You chewed on the end of your pen whilst looking out of the window. The shift in Jeongyeon's demeanour bothered you.
Have you forgotten something? Your two month anniversary was all you could think of, but that was still over a week away.
Mina will know, you decided. Popping your head out the door you called to your friend.
"Mina! What's special about today?"
She was taken aback by your abruptness but recovered swiftly.
"Um...valentines day? Chaeyoung is taking me out to dinner tonight."
"Thank you."
You practically slammed the door, and Mina laughed when you exclaimed "y/n you idiot!"
Jeongyeon walked towards your office with the picnic basket. She almost abandoned the idea since you were clueless about today's date. However, you sent her a text asking her to stop by because you've cleared out most of your afternoon schedules.
"Y/n didn't mean to forget." Mina said after they greeted each other.
"She's never celebrated valentines day before." Now that, Jeongyeon didn't know, making her frown.
"But, y/n is 219 years old."
"Yes. She detested the idea of celebrating many things alone, such as her birthday and valentines day. Over time, they became like any other day."
She was saddened to hear that. Anyone who loves as deeply as you do doesn't deserve to bear the weight of loneliness.
"Don't let me keep you. It's just her in there, so you can walk straight in." Mina snapped Jeongyeon out of her thoughts.
You were sitting on your desk when she entered, and you held her close once she was within reach.
"I'm sorry, my love. I'm still getting used to the fact that I finally found the person I can share my life with."
You rested your head against her chest. "Please be patient with me."
"Of course, baby." She combed her fingers through your hair while you basked in the comfort she exuded.
"I hope you don't mind, we have a visitor for lunch."
You stood upright, motioning for Jeongyeon to face the door.
"3, 2, 1..."
A little girl ran into the office, laughing.
"Hi Miss y/n!" She leapt into your chair, spinning around.
"Hey Eun-ji." She spun around for a couple of times before realising Jeongyeon was there too. Her eyes narrowed in curiosity causing Jeongyeon to waver slightly at her gaze.
Since when are children this intimidating?
"Hello, I'm -" She attempted to break the ice.
"You're Miss y/n's angel!"
Her what?
Eun-ji picked up the photo of Jeongyeon you kept on your desk.
"I saw this, and Miss y/n said you're her angel."
"Did she now?" She smirked at you, making your ears turn red. You sheepishly rubbed your nape and cleared your throat.
"Lunch! Let's go, I'm hungry." You let Eun-ji jump on your back while you grabbed the picnic basket; avoiding eye contact with your girlfriend.
Jeongyeon slipped her hand in yours while the pair of you watched Eun-ji play in the park, the food long gone.
She knew you received your fair share of demons over the years, but she admired how you tried your best not to let them consume you.
"How did you meet her?"
"I shouldn't say too much, but something terrible happened to her, and I'm the prosecutor for this case. Trials can be hard enough to begin with, but it gets a whole lot more complicated when you add a child. It's my responsibility to make sure she's prepared, and despite being professional, she's somehow grown attached to me."
"Like you can't say the same." She teased.
"Perhaps." A hint of a smile appeared.
"It's understandable. I feel calm when I'm with you, and I'm guessing it's the same for her. No matter how aloof you try to act, there's just something inherently... warm about you."
The little girl reappeared, urging you to accompany her. You didn't resist as she pulled you to the playground.
Affection swelled within Jeongyeon as she watched Eun-ji, and you run around.
"There are those butterflies in my stomach again." She whispered to herself.
And if for a moment she imagined a future of you running around with a little one of your own, then she'd never tell.
Eun-ji joined her eventually, resting against her on the bench.
"Are you tired now?"
"A tiny bit, but I'm having fun with you and Miss y/n!" She tucked her hair behind the girl's ear and gave her a bottle of water.
"Jagiya!" You called out, catching both of their attention. "Watch this!"
You jumped, grabbing the monkey bars, before flipping your body around, making you hang upside down.
"Y/n unnie is silly." Eun-ji giggled at your antics.
"She is, isn't she? Stay here for a minute, sweetheart. " Jeongyeon made her way to you, bringing a smile to your face.
"Is Eun-ji okay?" The pair of you looked at the girl, who waved back.
"Yeah, she's just tired." Your girlfriend couldn't take you seriously as you were upside down.
"You know, it's hard to believe you're over two hundred years old when you're being playful like this."
"Be honest, honey, you love it." Her expression softened, and she couldn't resist leaning up slightly to kiss you.
"I do."
God...you'd never get tired of her kisses.
"You always make me feel lightheaded, my love."
"That's not me, silly. It's just the blood rushing to your head."
"I'll only get down for another kiss." You stuck your lips out, making Jeongyeon laugh.
"No chance!" She walked back to Eun-ji, leaving you upside down and pouting.
The sun was setting, and the little girl was asleep against your shoulder as you carried her. You looked to your girlfriend, whose hand was intertwined with yours.
It all felt a bit domestic, to be honest, but you didn't mind one bit.
"Jeongyeon, I'm sorry." You blurted out, causing her to face you so quickly, but you froze for a second, feeling nervous.
"What for honey?"
"I know this wasn't how you envisioned spending our first valentines day together. I'm trying my hardest to be better, to learn that I shouldn't constantly shut people out. Especially you. Jeongyeon, you have turned my world upside down, and I love you so much for that. Because of you, I'm beginning to find joy and love in the things I've ignored for so long. You're my reason to live, and I want to share every facet of my life with you."
Tears pricked the corner of her eyes during your mini heartfelt speech.
"Oh honey, I never doubted you. I see that you're trying your best, and I appreciate it more than you can imagine. You're right. This isn't how I imagined the day would go. But honestly? I wouldn't change a single thing about it."
"Really? So you were still... happy today?"
Jeongyeon stepped closer to you, being careful not to awake the girl before kissing your forehead.
"The happiest."
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