#I voted in the others to watch but a few that I chose won by very tiny margins
ok so i purposefully didn't vote for either door nor antigone bc i don't wna t to commit myself to anything, but can i ask what the staticstic are at/who's in the lead?
I am actually doing the same soooo
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kirikorik · 18 days
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- And yet you left me. - And yet I left you. You'll never forget…
Joost Klein × fem!reader.
Summary: You loved each other when you were teenagers, then he ran away, and now he's back again, and no matter how much you try to avoid him, you won't succeed... After many years, you receive an invitation to a party in honor of Joost's loss at Eurovision.
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 16+! Triggers! Violence! Sexualization! Sexy theme! Not canon! The story is not reality and everything except the known facts is my fantasy!
I don't know English. Maybe there are a lot of mistakes. ♡♡♡
The party is in full swing. The sounds of electronic music are hitting your ears, but you are laughing happily, feeling the vibration in your chest. You are a little drunk, you want to relax a little after work, so you replace your drink with a new one and go further to the dance floor to forget yourself this evening. This party was a celebration of losing.
Just a few days ago, Eurovision ended, Switzerland won with some damn singer. You had nothing against the performer from this country, but you were still bitter and offended for what you did to the «main star» of this party. Joost Klein was expelled. He could have easily won, the vote ratings in his honor were skyrocketing. People liked his songs, his style, people liked him as a person. But the truth is that people couldn't help but like Joost. He was something of a cherished dream. Unattainable and too mundane. The guys wanted to be friends with him, the girls just wanted him. And yet he was excluded from Eurovision, and now Joost was celebrating his loss, his lost dream…
You raise your hands, the flashing lights in front of your eyes spin, sweat rolls down your forehead. The room is hot and stuffy, but you don't care. You don't care. Your only dream is that this evening will never end and that you will never see Joost again. But he's like a ghost, a silhouette shining in the golden light. Joost is irresistible from the tips of his snow-white hair to his bottomless blue eyes.
The crowd is moving, changing, and no matter how much you blink, you still see only him in front of you. He has white paint on his face, black circles around his eyes, he's wearing his favorite makeup, which makes your legs give way. He looks so fake… Joost is unpredictable. Joost is crazy. Joost… You're fucking in love with him.
Someone steps on your foot, but you don't care. You close your eyes painfully and swear to yourself that you won't open them until dawn today. So as not to see his silhouette, so as not to hear his voice in the songs tickling your ears, so as not to feel his hot palms on your ribs, so as not to cry from how hard his nails dig into your skin. He's standing behind you, snuggling up to you, dancing to your rhythm. He is tall, even very tall, so casually he puts his chin on top of your head and slows down to the beat of his music, as if you are dancing not to loud, rhythmic hip-hop, but to the melody accompanying your unforgettable waltz. People are drunk and don't notice you. You don't want to think about whether it's a dream, whether you feel his touch. You take a deep breath…
You and Joost weren't friends, but you were definitely more than just acquaintances. You've known him for most of your life, ever since you went to school, when you lived next door to him. Joost Klein is a naughty, arrogant wretch. — that's what your parents used to say. Joost Klein was a couple of years older than you, and you were forbidden to communicate with him, but, to tell the truth, you didn't even know him. You often watched from the window of the children's bedroom as he played ball with his father and older brother, but you were always afraid to approach them. Your parents never paid enough attention to you.
Once in childhood, your mother ordered you to put on black clothes. But you didn't listen and chose a white shirt with red hearts. Of course, no one told you that it was very important, your parents ignored you. Standing at the funeral of Joost's father, who died of cancer, you realized what a mistake you had made. Joost looked into your eyes without blinking, as if he had known you for a long time. He probably hated the scarlet hearts on your shirt. You tightened your grip on your mother's hand and lowered your tear-stained gaze to the ground.
He was thirteen, and you were a couple of years younger and didn't understand much when an ambulance arrived at your neighbor's house a year later. You didn't understand much when a body covered with a black cloth was carried out of the house on a stretcher. You didn't understand much when the white-haired boy jumped out after the doctors, screaming loudly and heartbreakingly. You didn't understand much when Joost's older brother held him in his arms, comforting him. You didn't understand a lot, but bitter tears were rolling down your cheeks. You never saw Miss Klein again.
You're afraid, but you still lean back against Joost's wide, sweat-soaked chest, cling to him as if for the last breath of air, but you don't open your eyes even when his right palm begins to slide over your cheek. He knows that you won't dare to look at him, and yet he's watching your face intently in the hope of seeing at least something.…
When Joost returned to school a few months later, he was smiling as if nothing had happened. As if his heart didn't hurt unbearably much. Then, looking at him from around the corner, you promised to share his pain with him. Being the only viewer of his YouTube channel, you, as the most devoted fan, listened attentively to all his speeches. You left likes on his videos, wrote comments, it seemed like you knew everything about him. You weren't sure if Joost at least remember your name.…
When you turned 15, you often watched at night as Joost ran away from home, as each time he was picked up by the same dark blue car with his friends. You dreamed of going to the same place where Joost went one day. He always returned just before dawn, always with a drunken sincere smile on his lips, always happy. Was he happy? Even a fool would have realized that it wasn't.
Your hips move in a slow rhythm to the right and left, Joost pressing his pelvis against you follows your every movement, exhaling hotly into the back of your head, making you tremble and tremble…
You remember the horror reflected on your face when you looked into someone else's blue eyes. So similar to Joost's eyes… A brunette twice your size was pinning you to the wall with his body… It's the first time you've run away from home after your adult friends. The guy standing in front of you was Joost's classmate, one of his best friends. But, nevertheless, it was he who persistently groped you, drunkenly muttering something and ignoring your tears, running his hands under your short skirt. The room is dark, music is blaring outside the door, no one will hear you.…
A calloused palm squeezes your thin neck, interrupting you breathing for a few moments, and then sliding back to your cheekbone. Your ears are blocked, you can't hear the music and Joost's ragged breathing over your temple. He doesn't say a word, but you understand everything and therefore drink the remaining alcohol in the glass at a time. There's no way you're going to listen to him. Do you want to forget about the existence of Joost Klein… And yet you're at his party. And yet you responded to his invitation, but not to the bell.…
You swallow back tears, mumble something about your parents, about your mother, beg him to stop and not touch you. But other men's hands are not listening to you, lifting up your short top. Other people's lips wetly kiss your neck, nibble your shoulders. You try to push Joost's friend away, but you can't do anything, he's older and twice your size, stronger…
You dig your nails into Joost's forearm, trying to stop him and forbid him to stop. You pray that he doesn't stop, and you hope that you're dreaming all this.
The flash is followed by a loud bang and swearing. Dirty alien hands are letting you go. You shiver and cling to the wall, staring wide-eyed at the floor. Your fingers lower the edge of your skirt, wanting to cover your body as much as possible. You're almost hysterical, and when someone else's hands fall on your shaking shoulders again, you shudder violently, raising your head sharply. Joost is standing in front of you. Pale. He seems very scared. There are drops of blood on his cheekbone, the knuckles of his right hand are broken, and his best friend is lying unconscious on the icy floor next to you. But he hugs you with trembling hands and prays that you will be all right. His sweet lonely neighbor, who seems to know everything about him and at the same time nothing at all. Joost was not a fighter, he was not an athlete, and although in junior high he often fought with other children, as he got older, he completely forgot about it. And yet, when he saw you in tears, his fists automatically clenched. He was only thinking about how to protect you. — It's time for us to go home. He says softly, before borrowing an old navy blue car from a friend and taking you away.…
You hate him. You hate it as much as you hate yourself. But for Joost, you are the most valuable, the closest. You're what he always wants, but his hands only touch you when he's drunk. His lips don't know the taste of your lips. His eyes have never seen your naked body. Although he would be willing to give a lot if you told him at least once — yes. You loved him. He knew it, but it was all terribly ridiculous, almost disgustingly funny.
It's cold in the car, it smells like weed and alcohol. Joost doesn't seem to have a driver's license. But you don't even think about it, clinging to the car window and shivering in the front seat. Joost's doesn't look at you, but he's gripping the steering wheel tightly. An oppressive silence fills the interior of the car, and only occasionally your short sobs scare the two of you.
— Bastard… — you whisper softly, bringing your hands back and painfully digging your nails into Joost's scalpel, tangling your hands in his snow—white hair. You think he doesn't hear your words, but Just just chuckles softly and snuggles closer to you.
You don't say a word to each other when your parents meet you at the door of the house more angry than scared, you want to hate Joost for telling your parents everything. But it seems that the contempt in the eyes of your mother and father in Joost's direction is enough for you two.
— Y/n… — he drunkenly mutters your name…
You're under house arrest, and all you have is a view of his house from the window. You cry, remembering everything that happened, and you can't contain your anger when you see Joost climbing out of his room window again late at night. But the car in the yard is already a different color: scarlet, expensive and shiny, and a tall brunette is driving… There is disappointment in your heart, pain in your soul…
His hands tickle your ribs, stroke your waist, pity your body. Joost is unpredictable, like the first snow in October or the last in May. He comes unexpectedly, bursts into your life without any warning, as if you've been waiting for him for a long time. Have you been waiting for him? In response, you are silent, but your trembling hands stroke his cheekbones, slide along his neck while you press your back against his chest. You arch in the small of your back and hear your bones crunch, but it doesn't hurt you, just a little bit.
He smiles, it seems to sparkle and happily at his new girlfriend, a fateful brunette his high school classmate. She is one of the most beautiful girls in school: rich parents, good reputation, excellent grades. Joost is her opposite, but opposites eventually attract, don't they? You bite the inside of your cheek, talking to your friends, but your eyes are glued to the newly minted couple cooing at the entrance to the chemistry room…
— Why again? — you mumble, knowing the answer perfectly well…
When you see them naked in Joost's bedroom through the window of your house, something inside dies. You cry loudly, wipe your tears into your pillow, swallow your sobs and hope that everything will end soon.…
— I promised you, — Joost replies with an ironic laugh, whispering in your ear. Your skin is covered with goosebumps, and tears come to your eyes again.
You're drunk again, you ran away from home again, but now you have a reason for it — non-reciprocal love. There is a fog in my head, a picture floats before my eyes, how you joyfully rush into the arms of some unknown guy. Now you're 16, now you can. Someone's lips are sliding down your neck, somewhere in your head your mind is screaming at you to run, whispering that you don't want this. Your heart squeezes painfully in my chest, and your watery eyes are filled with memories of that damn night when Joost's ex-best friend tried to force you… You feel sick, sick and…
— Do you remember the night I promised I'd never leave you? — that damn grin that suits Joost so well doesn't leave his lips while he leaves a trail of kisses on your neck. Maybe you'll finally come to terms, maybe you'll finally give a damn and just say — yes?
Your head is spinning, and your legs don't hold you at all when long-familiar male hands, covered with ridiculous tattoos, pull you out of someone else's arms. You want to scream, but you just melt under the influence of a few bottles of alcohol and obediently follow Joost through the crowd. Somewhere behind you, you hear a woman screaming. The scream of that brunette bitch, that's what you called her.
— You were very drunk, crying and begging me not to leave you, remember? — Joost is circling you in his arms, hoarsely and insistently, without stopping whispering…
You're screaming. Loudly, tearing his throat out as the car leaves the city. Joost doesn't say a word, he's mad as hell, and except for the look in his eyes — «I told you never to go to high school parties again.» — You can't see anything anymore.
— I'd like to forget… — you see bright lights through your closed eyelids.…
It's night outside, the sky is overcast, and you can't see the moon or the stars, only the headlights of a damn car you know illuminate the road. Joost is looking at you, right into your eyes. His face is young without wrinkles and although his life has been hard, he still has naivety in his soft features. His white fluffy hair, always sticking out in different directions is wet. His white T-shirt is stuck to his chest, he breathes loudly, pulls his light eyebrows together and shushes through his teeth… In all the years that you've known each other, you've never had a normal conversation. But it doesn't seem to be necessary for any of you when you impulsively approach him and find his lips at random. You're fucking drunk giving Joost your first kiss. Joost doesn't push you away, and you beg him never to leave you again, he swears he won't leave you.…
— You'll never forget… — the blond man laughs slyly, resting his chin on your shoulder, you can feel his heart beating in his chest with your shoulder blades, and you want to tear out your own.…
A ringing slap in the face tears the air with a pop. The fatal couple, consisting of an failed singer, a party lover and the obedient daughter of rich parents, breaks up right in the hallway of the school. Now Joost's ex-girlfriend slaps him in the face. It's painful. But instead of at least saying something to her, Joost looks sideways with his icy blue eyes at you…
— Never… — you stutter, and tears come to your eyes… It's not even fair…
You have never said words of love to each other, never swore eternal feelings and promised nothing. You did not meet, did not touch each other, only with glances, only in whispers, only with short poems and songs.
— Never… — he whispers in response to your words, but the music interrupts him.…
And after that, Joost drops out of school, just leaves without even finishing his studies, he doesn't tell you a damn thing, just disappears after your long nights on the hood of his battered car, when you watched the stars with such love, each other…
You beg him to tell you why when he's packing his bags. You ask him to explain to you why when he buys train tickets. You whisper, «What about me?» When he just sighs softly and obediently turns away and goes deep into his house. You do not dare to follow him.
— And yet you left me… — you say, laughing softly, with irony, as lonely tears roll down your cheeks.
A few hours before his flight, you call him on the phone, ignoring the screaming music behind you, the laughter of people and… Joost knows perfectly well where you are, but only listens silently to your drunken pleas to come back, pick you up from this damn party, as he always did. Take you home and take care of you. Joost hangs up, you try again, you text him with loud sobs: — «Damn bastard, I love you!» — But it never reaches him, and a notification is displayed on your phone screen: «The contact blocked you.»
— And yet I left you. — Joost confirms your words. There's no need to lie, you both know everything.
The house opposite is now empty, you will no longer find any of the members of the little Klein family. And neither his friends nor classmates know where he is. After six months, you give up and stop looking for him…
— I was looking for you. — you're not lying, and, to tell the truth, all those five years that you were so far from each other, you kept looking for him. You kept looking until one day you came across a song with a familiar voice on the radio. You were ready to die to those damn lines: «Hearts on her shirt, kisses on her cheeks. Tears, behind which the eyes are not visible, she screamed after: You swore! And I blocked her contact with a bitter smile on my lips.»
— I'm sorry. — the only thing he says, and you don't know if he's really sorry, but you just nod. Tears are already streaming down your cheeks…
— I hate you. — your hands drop, and you finally open your eyes, which are glistening with tears, but still don't turn around.
— It's not true! — Joost exclaims almost resentfully in your ear and jerks you sharply.
In the five years that he was gone, you tried to live without him. You graduated from high school with honors and entered a prestigious university. You forbade yourself to listen to songs and all the art, it reminded you of only one person you've known for a long time.
Your tear-stained eyes express neither hatred nor contempt, only deep resentment when you meet the gaze of clear blue irises. Joost is still the same, although he is five years older. He's 26 now, and your age difference doesn't seem that surprising. Blond tousled hair, the same as before but shorter. Bright eyebrows, the same as eyelashes. He has grown a short beard and a small mustache above his plump lips, but it suits him. He smiles and… It's still the same smile. A smile you haven't seen in so long. And the smile you've been in love with for so long.
Joost suffered and tortured himself all these five years, but he knew that it was necessary, he knew that otherwise his dreams would not come true. Sacrifices were required, and unfortunately, on the way to his success, the first and biggest obstacle was you, and he decided that before it was too late, before things went too far, he needed to leave. But he loved you, loved you all these years, and you can't count the countless drafts and tracks that he wrote for you, but without releasing them in the hope that one day, when he returns, you will forgive him and listen to all these hundreds of tracks dedicated only to you with him. He had a lot of albums with your name on them.
— I don't want to see you anymore… — you mumble, your gaze slides down. You don't want to see his painted face anymore, he always hid behind the mask of his openness. But you knew how his heart could ache, how his hands could tremble, what his needy hugs could be. He needed you as much as you needed him, and yet…
Joost's eyes narrow, he shakes his head with a slight understanding smile on his lips, and then bends lower knowing that you will not pull away and whispers monotonously and hoarsely:
— Liar. — Joost concludes the verdict, crawling with his fingertips under your short top, wanting to feel you closer, wanting you…
— Which one of us is a liar here? — you laugh ironically and put your hand behind his head, tangling your fingers in his blond hair, they feel as soft as before and if you close your eyes you can probably believe that five years is not so much.
— Forgive me, honing(Honey)… — he does not dare to look into your eyes, even though you are looking for his gaze.
The crowd around you is pushing, jumping and shouting something loudly, the bright flashes of the spotlights hurt your eyes, make them water. You feel dizzy, your chest hurts, your legs can't hold you, and if it weren't for Joost's firm grip on your waist, you would have fallen. You wouldn't mind being trampled by a crowd. You wouldn't mind not seeing his face anymore, not feeling the air saturated with his scent…
And yet you can't take your eyes off his makeup, from his plump lips mutilated by a bitter smile. Even if he was regretting it wasn't that he left and left you. But he was definitely regretting for you.
— You know what, I won't forgive you, — you snort, biting your lip. Regret has long settled in your heart, and now, except for tears and aching pain, you can't seem to feel anything else.
— I know you hate me, — Joost freezes in front of your face, looks straight into your eyes, exhales hotly on your cracked, bleeding lips. — I know you love me. — he has an apologetic smile on his lips, but he doesn't regret anything when he touches your lips with a sweet kiss soaked in poison. You don't regret anything, biting his lips in return. The kiss is sour from the taste of blood, salty from the bitter tears rolling down your cheeks, and yet it's the only thing you want from each other.…
The sound of music is deafening, but your heart is beating much louder and your chest is constricted much more than from the touch of his lips. Joost pulls you to him, hugs you tightly, circles you, takes you out of the room. You know that tomorrow won't come. Joost's eyes are clear, clear, blue, almost transparent, so similar to the cloudless sky you looked at as a child. Behind the veil of tears, your eyes look like the cloudy sky that Joost looked at, holding back tears, at his father's funeral. And yet you whisper love to each other, and yet you beg not to leave.…
The loud, ear-piercing ringing of the alarm clock makes your heart skip a beat. You jump up clutching your aching head. The alcohol you drank yesterday makes itself felt and you slide back onto the soft pillow, smearing your bedroom with a blurry look. Fortunately, at least you are at home. A tired sigh leaves your lips and you jerk your head, a damn dream, a damn ghost with the face of your first love — Joost Klein. You roll over on your side and a single tear rolls down your cheek before you turn on your phone, open social media and notice hundreds of notifications. You're confused, your eyebrows furrow and you click on one of the links, looking closely at the photo with the caption: «Childhood friend of Joost Klein…»
In the photo, your eyes are glistening with alcohol, and your pupils are large and dark, your head is tilted back, a half-smile plays on your lips, and you look at the man in front of you in love, but his face is in shadow and you can hardly see anything. You feel awkward, even scared, confused. You straighten up, sit on the bed and zoom in on the image, noticing with a surprised «oh» traces of white paint on your face…
— Good morning, liefste(love). — a familiar hoarse, almost purring purring voice takes care of your ears, you freeze with your eyes wide open and turn to the door. There he stood at the threshold. Almost completely naked, with a rustic food tray in his hands and traces of remaining white makeup on his face. Joost Klein.
Your first and only love. Your first and last addiction. Your first and greatest pain.
— I brought us breakfast! — he laughs and talks as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't disappeared for five whole years and then returned without warning. You frown, the heart in your chest once again makes itself felt, but you shrug off the pain when you notice traces of pinkish kisses on Joost's face, neck, chest and arms. White paint and red lipstick mixed together. Joost grins, and you realize with surprise, but without any regrets, that the heart and the first kiss are now not the only thing that you gave him…
Don't post this anywhere without my permission!
I'm waiting for requests if there are any?
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megraen · 9 months
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @incognito-insomniac
Correlation of Survival (Daryl Dixon x OC) won with 7 votes! Got my best mate, Skelly, to chuck me a prompt, so enjoy!
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The lit cigarette was hanging from between his lips as Daryl shivered from the frigid January air. The rest of his group was safely inside the concrete storage lockers below, rugged up with blankets while he was spending the evening on watch until T-Dog would relieve him later on. He pulled tighter at the poncho wrapped around his torso, his crossbow hanging loosely at his side. After all they’d experienced in the past three months since Atlanta, it made sense to be on watch. Yet, since the fall of the farm, they hadn’t encountered another group and the walkers were basically frozen solid, just like Cassidy had theories, making Daryl wonder if there was much point to being on watch out in the freezing cold. As he removed the cigarette from his lips, he heard the heavy rooftop door open. Blowing out a puff of smoke, he turned from where he sat on an old metal create that had been brought up to be used as a seat and noticed Cassidy, her body covered in a nearly comically large blanket and a steaming mug in her hands. “Numbers.” He greeted her, the little nickname Daryl had come up with since leaving Atlanta for the scientist’s love for mathematics.
Cassidy simply nodded, moving towards him, extending the mug in her hands out to him. “I bought you some coffee to warm you up.” He tossed what was left of his cigarette to the ground and stomped it with his heel, thanking her as he took the mug from her. A content sigh left his lips as the heat warmed his hands, distracting him from Cassidy sitting down next to him on his left. “Has it been quiet again?”
“Yeah.” He grunted, taking a sip of the hot caffeinated liquid, it immediately warming his body as it pooled in his stomach. “You should be inside. Staying warming.” Daryl didn’t look at her as he chugged back the rest of the coffee, dumping the now empty mug on the seat to his right.
“I was concerned,” Cassidy stated, looking down over the snow-dusted parking lot below that was cluttered with abandoned cars and a few walkers that had been turned into ice sculptures. Daryl glanced at the brunette, his jaw tightening over how she could speak so nonchalantly as she always did over matters others saw as emotional. But that was who Cassidy Frost was, all logic, while Daryl was someone who couldn’t hold back his emotions and instead chose to bury them. Daryl Scoffed, looking away from her. As long as the woman kept her mouth shut, he was content to have her there. As Daryl shivered again, Cassidy glanced at him, her eyes rolling over his form as she observed how his body was reacting to the freezing weather. She looked away from him, head angled as she thought. With her head straightening, Cassidy loosed the massive blanket that was around her body, throwing half of it around Daryl.
Daryl immediately tensed up as he felt Cassidy’s hand brush up against his back. “What you doin’ woman?” He bit out. But she ignored him as she reached across his front, pulling more of the blanket around him as she shuffled in close next to him. Daryl’s jaw was tense, and his body ridged from how close she was, realising that they were basically cuddling under the blanket.
“You were shivering,” Cassidy spoke, finally giving an explanation for her behaviour. She held snugly onto her half on the blanket as she continued to gaze over the parking lot, oblivious to Daryl’s physical response to her actions. “Your body muscles were contracting and relaxing in an attempt to warm up your body.”
Daryl scoffed. “I know what a damn shiver is.” He found himself beginning to relax, blaming it on the heat the blanket provided. Daryl rolled his jaw as he pulled at the blanket around his shoulders slowly from the base of the blanket by his stomach, embarrassed and hoping she wouldn’t notice that he was actively seeking out the warmth. “Thanks…” He mumbled and fought back a small smirk as she commented back with a ‘you’re welcome’ in her usual emotionless tone.
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wongyuuu · 1 year
Boys Planet - 1
Honestly, what a shit show. Were they competing to see who is the worst? Because this can’t be possible. One of the Masters said that the production team did a really good job at finding trainees, like where?
I’ll mention the battles and pick a favorite, then I’ll say my current top 9. This is not in order of preference, it’s just the order I remember them.
Burn it up – Wanna One
No one really stood out to me, the vocals where bad at some points. I can���t really choose one for this.
Danger – BTS
I really like how no one really knew this sing. No one knows dark era bts and I feel so especial because I do and that’s my second favorite album by them. Moving on... Both were kind of bad too. The i-land boy, I Chan (I think), he messed up baaaad, I was cringing while watching. Don’t remember much of G-Group tho be honest, so I would say that K-Group was better because SeungHwan did a great job with the little he had.
Aju Nice – Seventeen
I’m sad again, I didn’t like either performance, I feel like K-Group was slightly better because of their main vocalist was really good but the other boys was really not it, I do know that he was in bad condition but still… idk
Hot Sauce – NCT Dream
Let’s start with the fact that I hate this song, with passion, so I’m biased into hating the performances. So I say neither, tending a little bit to K-Group because Hanbini was sooo good
Love Me Right – Exo
This might seem impossible, but I really thought that Hui was gonna fuck this up for his team. He was trying too hard, too much. What he wanted to do didn’t match the song, at all. Though as whole K-Group was more consistent the performance, both vocally and dance wise, Jay’s high note was better, it fit the song better.
Kill This Love – Blackpink
This fight was unfair, K-Group didn’t stand a chance. They did a great job, Gun Wook worked them to be really powerful, with big movements but it was a lost battle. Keita really did a good job of putting this team together, he chose them for this song in specific. K-Group did their best but the result of obvious. I feel like this team should have won the Studio Choom and M!Countdown stage but it is what it is.
Back Door – Stray Kids
ha…. I am basic ass bitch sometimes... Ji Woong had one line and a dream, minimum effort, maximum achievement. The struggles Yujin went through also touched my heart. Tae Re is such a good vocalist. And the guy who was center, he did a good job too. I think it was funny how everyone was sort of trying to mimic Hyunjin’s facial expressions, both in K and G groups.
And here's my top time (against you're about to see how basic I am) .
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This is my last vote. It had some changes since I started to vote because I didn't have a good top 9 in head. So yeah. I like how this looks, I feel like this could be a great group. Some of you may argue that it doesn't have many global trainees but if we have to be honest, once the final gets here, Koreans will vote for the Korean trainees only so we will get lucky to see even 3 global kids here.
And here's a not so popular opinion:
I WANT and HOPE mnet will manipulate the final group. Koreans vote with their ass and global fans vote for the meme kid.
Koreans made Lee Da Eul, who might have a sweet voice when singing in his tone but is terrible in every other way, 6th in the ranking (he dropped to 13th in the announcement that was made today and honestly that's still too high for him). And because of what? Cause he looked cute in his profile photo, one of the few who looked okay.
And global fans? Are even worse because they dont even vote for someone whos cute, they vote because "ah, hes funny". Their voting for Do Ha, a really nice boy if you ask me, but, much like Da Eul, can't really sing and can't really dance. And the other My House boy, the one in red, he also isn't good but keeps getting votes because he seem funny.
And we can argue that the industry needs to change, people have to sing in their key and so on, however for most boy groups, their main vocalist sings very high. Chen, Jungkook, Eunkwang, Jay B, Jongho, Sungmin, Taehyun, DK, Heesung they all sing very high. I can't even think of a main vocalist who couldn't reach those high notes. And the dancing, although I am the first to admit that 4th gen is too focused in dancing, needs to be good, it's one of the essences of kpop.
So mnet, manipulate away. Make me hate someone, make me love someone. Actually manipulate the results (in a way that people can't tell that it was manipulated, still having X1 war flashbacks). I don't care, I want a good group, whatever it takes
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3416 · 1 year
Maple Leafs player survey, Part 1: Desert island movies, future coaches and more
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By Joshua Kloke | Feb 3, 2023 | The Athletic
Maple Leafs fans, it’s the All-Star break and there’s a lull in the schedule for a while here, so let’s take a step back and reflect: Even after Wednesday’s loss to the Bruins, the Leafs still have a .673 win percentage after 52 games, good for fifth-best in the NHL and are once again in contention for home-ice advantage in the first round of the playoffs.
In short, for now, life is good, right?
With that sense of big-picture positivity in mind and no games to wring your hands over until late next week, The Athletic wanted to keep things light. We posed six fun questions to the Leafs over the last few months in the hopes of providing fans with a look inside the characters and relationships that make up this team.
Part one looks at the Maple Leafs’ desert island movies, the cleanest, and messiest players and which Leaf is likeliest to become a head coach.
Part two, soon to come, will tackle an entirely different set of questions.
What is your desert island movie?
If the Maple Leafs were ever forced to ride a bus between games like a minor hockey team and then had the option of watching just one single movie for the whole team, I feel confident in stating “The Dark Knight” would be the movie of choice: When asked if they had to watch just one movie for the rest of their lives, the majority of Leafs chose the 2008 classic.
“Probably my favourite,” said Michael Bunting.
“It’s an unreal movie,” said William Nylander confidently.
“Heath Ledger,” he added, which sort of says a lot.
In fact, Ledger’s performance won over another Swede.
“For the Joker performance alone,” said Pierre Engvall.
Some of the Leafs actually had more detailed reasoning for picking “The Dark Knight”.
“You’d probably want to pick a really long movie, right?” said Matt Murray, before noting that the two-and-a-half-hour banger is “one of the best movies of all time.”
Rest assured, there would be some pushback from other Leafs.
“I’d go with ‘Goodfellas,’” said Mark Giordano, because Mark Giordano is a person who knows what’s what. “I love everything about that movie. I’m a big mob movie guy.”
Justin Holl went a little off the board with his vote for “Billy Madison.”
“I just think it’s a great flick. I read something about music in your formative years sticking with you, and maybe it’s the same for movies,” he said.
Minutes later, Holl came back, unhappy with his choice.
“I’ve gotta revise my movie. ‘The Grinch.’ Christmas every day,” he said, before walking away confidently.
Speaking of uplifting choices, Conor Timmins voted for “Peanut Butter Falcon.”
“I highly suggest it,” Timmins said. “I like a wholesome, feel-good movie.”
Perhaps to be expected from someone educated at Harvard University, Alex Kerfoot furrowed his brow and had some questions of his own when the question was posed to him.
“What’s the difference between your favourite movie and a desert island movie?” he asked.
“You’d have to watch it again and again,” I explained. “So one of my favourite movies is ‘Seven,’ but it’s dark, I don’t know if I could go back to that place again and again.”
“I think I’d want some comedy,” Kerfoot said. “Keep things light, keep myself happy out there… I think I’d go with ‘The Internship.’
“I think because they (Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn) hadn’t come out with one for a while and when it came out and there was a lot of built-up anticipation,” he said. “I just think they’re so funny together. Movies are a little bit like music. When I hear a song, I think back to when I first heard that song. And with ‘The Internship,’ I was at a happy point in my life. I like to reminisce.”
Others said they wouldn’t have a vote, like David Kampf, whose only request would be for a “sports movie,” or Calle Jarnkrok.
“I’m not a big movie guy,” Jarnkrok saod. “I watch more TV shows. I’m watching ‘Yellowstone’ right now. I watch every show there is. When you’re on the road, there’s nothing else to do, so I just watch a lot of TV.”
Interestingly enough, Ilya Samsonov also didn’t vote for a movie.
“’Game of Thrones.’ I started watching it during COVID. My wife said to me, ‘Watch this, please. Your life will be changed after this.’ I said, ‘No way, I won’t like it.’ But I had a lot of time, and I started watching it, and it was unbelievable,” he said.
Finally, John Tavares and T.J. Brodie reassured my confidence in them as smart dudes when they voted for ‘The Shawshank Redemption.’ I told Brodie that would also be my vote, with an asterisk.
“It might give you that sense of hope that you’re going to get off the island, but ultimately, you’re not,” I explained to Brodie.
Brodie just gave me a blank stare.
“I was just thinking that I’d be there for so long, and it’s a long movie,” Brodie said. “It’s a time killer.”
Can’t argue with the logic of one of the team’s most responsible players.
Who is the cleanest and messiest teammate?
It’s worth remembering here how much time an NHL team spends together.
For that reason, these players probably pick up on personal habits in a very real way. And that’s why when I asked players who the cleanest and messiest teammate was, none of them looked at me with scrunched faces. If someone is keeping things tight, or if someone is verging on becoming a slob, they’re going to know about it.
Let’s start with the messiest Leaf. The salaciousness here is undoubtedly what fans are going to be interested in.
“I know who is the messiest,” Kampf said without hesitating. “Bunts. He always has clothes around his stall. Trainers have to clean up after him all the time.”
“Bunting,” Giordano agreed. “I haven’t been to his place, but at his stall, he’s got his slippers and stuff all over the place.”
It’s not just how he conducts himself in the dressing room, apparently.
“The messiest is Bunting,” Brodie saod. “He spills on his shoes every meal.”
It’s worth noting here that Bunting himself laughed off the notion that he was the messiest, and instead voted the way a few other Leafs did: for Nylander.
“The messiest has to be Willy,” agreed Timothy Liljegren. “I haven’t been to his apartment this year, so I don’t know though.”
Nylander also earned a vote from Wayne Simmonds, who sits near Nylander in the dressing room.
“His trainer has already tidied up his stall,” said Simmonds, shaking his head. “You can’t judge it now.”
I asked Nylander himself for confirmation.
“Could be,” said Nylander with the kind of grin that straddled the line between guilty and ambivalent.
As for the cleanest, the votes were split between three players: Auston Matthews, Tavares and Kampf.
“His whole lifestyle is clean,” said Bunting of Kampf.
“I like it if I have everything, just…” said Kampf, motioning his arms around in a precise manner. “I like it in my life, to have everything clean.”
Which Leaf will eventually be a head coach?
This was a simple question that, admittedly, I thought would draw some routine answers: Pick the veteran who knows the game, right?
“Jake Muzzin,” Kampf said, confirming my suspicions. “He’s a smart guy and he could be a great coach.”
Well, I was wrong. More on that in a bit.
Because there were votes for Muzzin, sure, including from Matt Murray.
“You can tell the way he thinks the game, he sees things big picture and he’s always thinking about the little things within the game,” Murray said.
“He’s got that personality,” Brodie said.
There were also votes for two other vets including Tavares and Giordano.
“Last year, I would have said Jason Spezza,” Engvall said. “I could see Giordano being a good coach. And not just because of his age. He’s played for a long time, he knows a lot about hockey. He’s a confident guy.”
“Maybe (Giordano) could be an assistant coach,” Liljegren said. “Johnny has this serious demeanour and Gio is a little bit more talkative.”
“Like good cop, bad cop?” I asked.
“…maybe not bad cop,” Liljegren deadpanned in a way only Liljegren can.
“That’s a compliment,” Giordano said when told he earned plenty of votes. “I could see myself coaching one day, for sure.”
But there were still some curveballs.
“We have a couple guys who know the game well,” said Simmonds, noting Tavares and Mitch Marner. “Those guys think the game extremely well.”
I was surprised by that answer, but not as surprised as the answer I got from Calle Jarnkrok.
“Ras, for sure,” Jarnkrok said of defenceman Rasmus Sandin.
No offence to the youngish defenceman, but his relaxed, take-life-as-it-comes demeanour doesn’t scream NHL head coach.
Jarnkrok disagreed.
“He looks like he takes notes when he’s listening to Keefer,” Jarnkrok said of Sandin’s studious approach with Sheldon Keefe. “He could be a head coach.”
Ask enough silly questions and you might learn something, I guess.
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albonium · 1 year
thanks @formula-red for tagging me! i'll try to do it without rambling too much
Are you named after anyone? nope but my parents chose my name by writing names on a wall at my grandparents' house (they had just bought it and were renovating it), everyone could write propositions and vote by putting a stick next to one every day. julie won, closely followed by pauline and charlotte. my dad wanted to call me axelle because of belgian singer axelle red.
When was the last time you cried? last night when daniil crashed and doriane cried 😭
Do you have kids? you'd need to call the vatican bc idk how it could have happened lol. i don't want children i very much enjoy having free time and money. pregnancy scares the shit out of me and i'd never be able to trust someone enough to settle down with them and risk other living beings' life being shit because of my choices.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? yes and it tends to get me into trouble 💀
What sports do you play/have you played? i tried different things but the ones that lasted the longest were swimming and badminton. i did a bit of rugby and bouldering when i was in school.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? no idea? as in physically or ? physically i guess their face???? and their height because i'm quite tall. otherwise the way people look at me/behave when i wear a ffp2 mask pretty much tells me what i need to know straight away...
Scary movies or happy ending? happy ending i can't watch scary stuff because i'll have nightmares and shit myself every time something creaks at night. max f was playing phasmophobia last night i closed the stream as fast as i could
Any special talents? i can do pretty much everything with both hands including writing, i'm good at parallel parking ?
Where were you born? somewhere in north eastern france where they teach toddlers german bc of how close we are to the border (i'm still shit at it)
What are your hobbies? motorsports (duh) and baking/cooking. i like trying new things and dishes from around the world. if trying new hobbies was an olympic sport i'd get a medal. rn i spend most of my time looking up how to decorate my place. i did watercolours for a few months. i made my own desk. i bought stuff to learn to knit ? i play the guitar and i'd love to learn other instruments
Do you have any pets? i don't live with my parents anymore but we still have a cat (he's my baby) and a parrot (he likes me too much if you know what i mean 💀)
How tall are you? 1,80m (5ft10 ???)
Fave subject in school? physics chemistry and history
Dream job? i've always wanted to do something scientific, i ended up studying material science and engineering and my last jobs were being a lab tech. first one was in r&d and i really want to go back to that. it's the perfect combo of doing science-y things and still doing things with my hands and not sit behind a computer all day. (still too much excel for my taste)
Eye colour? green
i'm not tagging everyone because idk who did it or not, do it if you want to and say you're tagged by me if you want i guess???????
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Ok wait I’m not done ranting about tonight’s Survivor yet.
Another reason that Maryanne and Drea chose to not vote each other out is because they probably realized they NEED each other to be present in the game to have a chance to win.
There has never been a Black winner who didn’t have another Black contestant with them either at the end, or close to the end.
Wendell had Laurel, who he teamed up with after the tribe switch, and stuck with until the final tribal council. Wendell has said (I believe during one of the Black Voice of Survivor Roundtables) that for the first few days on the island, he actually purposefully avoided being seen talking to the other Black contestant, Desiree, because he didn’t want either of them to be targeted and stand out for aligning early on. When he had a more comfortable position in the game, and his alliance with Dominick, that’s when he felt safe enough to become close to Laurel. That relationship with Laurel literally won him the game since she was the unprecedented tie breaking vote.
Jeremy had Tasha with him at the end. The alliances of Cambodia were pretty fluid throughout the season, especially due to all the swaps, it wasn’t until later in the merge that he and Tasha, along with Spencer, really became a team. The jury accused Tasha of doing all of Jeremy’s dirty work, and he got an unanimous vote in the end.
Earl had Cassandra and Dreamz, and to this day this is the only fully Black Final Three in Survivor history. I admittedly have not yet watched this season in full (my brother has gotten into Survivor, so I want to watch this season with him eventually), but part of that is because I’ve heard over the years that this jury is infamously bitter during final tribal and that Lisi was racist, so I’m sort of dreading watching it even though I know Earl wins in the end with the unanimous vote.
Vecepia is the only Black winner to win Survivor without having another Black person with them at the final tribal council. For most of the merge, she and Sean were the only people from her original tribe and the only Black people left in the game. Luckily, instead of being picked off one by one, they wrangled together people at the bottom of the other alliance to vote everyone else out. He got 5th place, so he was with her for 36 of the 39 days. She only won against Neleh by one vote. She became the first Black winner, the ONLY Black woman to win so far, and the first Black winner of any reality TV show.
When Survivor Winners at War came around, Wendell and Jeremy once again made a point of not seeming like they were a pair because they knew, as the only Black people, other contestants might make assumptions. This didn’t work since Wendell was eliminated at the merge because of how “close” he was to Jeremy, and Jeremy was on the chopping block for nearly every tribal council until he was finally eliminated. The other contestants considered Jeremy and Wendell to be an obvious pair, but did not seem to care about “Cops R Us.” I’m not even complaining about Cop R Us as an alliance, unless it’s to complain about the name, since I genuinely enjoyed watching Tony and Sarah’s friendship get them far in the game and have an emotional end. But Wendell and Jeremy had a target on their back from the get-go because as the only two Black men, everyone just assumes they’re a tight pair and tight pairs are dangerous so they have to go. Tony and Sarah had the privilege of not LOOKING like they’d be a tight pair, despite having played on 2 other seasons together and sharing a profession and having A NAME for their alliance, so they stayed a little more under the radar. So while we need other Black people to be with us in the game order to win, just being seen talking to other Black people can be dangerous because it can scare the other contestants into thinking there’s an alliance that needs to be broken up. It’s a very fragile balance, which is why it’s only been accomplished 4 times so far. (Also Vecepia says she wasn’t even asked to compete in Winners at War, so there’s that. Earl declined due to having a new baby)
Something that’s weird, and something that I didn’t notice until writing this post, is that when we do win Survivor, we either win unanimous votes, or we win by only one vote (and it’s the one made by another Black contestant). Not sure what that means exactly, but it’s interesting now that I’ve noticed.
We’ve had 4 winners out of 41 seasons, less than 10% of winners are Black when we make up 12.4% of the American population (14.2% if you count mixed-race Black people like myself). We’ve had only one Black woman win, and that was 20 years ago. In 3 of the 4 cases, there was another Black person sitting at final tribal council with the winner.
There has been 1 Final Two with one Black person in it (Vecepia won), 3 Final Threes with at least two Black people (Earl, Jeremy, and Wendell won), and 7 Final Threes with only one Black person (no Black winners). Statistically, we need another Black person in the Final Three in order to win because we’ve never won a season as the lone Black person at the end. The only time we have won alone was when it was a Final Two, and Survivor doesn’t seem to want to ever do those again.
I hope Maryanne and Drea make it to the end together, and that we finally get another Black woman winning. Based on every other situation, they need each other there to win.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Waiting for you - Harry Styles
❄️ FANFICmas 2020 ❄️
Read more about FANFICmas here!
i wrote it over like a month ago, but kept it for today, i hope yall will like it! it’s a cute bestfriends to lovers fic, so yeah... happy holidays, hope you are having an amazing time!
word count: 13k
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Harry Styles has been a household name around your home, but not for the reason many would think. While for the rest of the world he was the famous singer, former member of One Direction and recent solo artist, the guy who performs at the biggest arenas, wins awards and sings his heart out through the radio, for you and your mom he was the goofy, curly haired boy who lived across the street with his mum, sister and stepdad.
You still remember all too clear the first time you met him. You and your mum just moved into your new home after the nasty divorce of your parents, ready to start a new life. You’ve barely turned twelve, it was quite the awkward stage of your teenage years, you were still trying to find yourself on the rocky road of growing up. Moving to a whole new town and switching schools were terrifying and you had quite a few nightmares about possible outcomes of being the new girl in the neighborhood.
You and your mum just finished unpacking the dishes in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. She rushed to answer it and you wandered behind her, curiously peeking at the guests under her arm as she held the door open.
“Hi! We saw the trucks and thought we would say hi! I’m Anne and this is my son, Harry,” the nice woman greeted your mum and stepping aside she gestured towards the teenage boy standing next to her.
His green eyes fell to you almost immediately and you forgot to breathe for a moment. You were not the kind to crush that easily on guys, well, not until you laid your eyes on Harry. He smirked at you, nodding in your way in such an easy-going manner and you could feel the heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks and ears.
Anne and your mum quickly became good friends. She was the rock your mum definitely needed after such a bad year behind her and you were glad she found support in such a wonderful woman as Anne. Their newly funded friendship got stronger day by day until the two families just… simply felt one.
Growing up the Styles siblings and Anne came and go in your home as if they lived there too. On many occasions you came home from school only to find Anne in the kitchen while your mother wasn’t even home. Anne always knew when your mum was working the night shift at the hospital where she was a nurse and always made sure you had a warm dinner on those evenings, often inviting you over to just stay at theirs while your mum was away working. Birthdays, graduations, Easters and Christmases, they were all spent at either yours or at the Styles home, strengthening the bond between the two families.
You have always had a strong friendship with Gemma, but maybe because you were closer in age or for something else, but you became the closest with Harry. Two peas in a pod, as your mums liked to call the two of you. You weren’t just neighbors or good friends, it was clear to anyone and to both of you as well that you were the best of friends. You were there for each other at the best and worst of times, before and after Harry’s launch to stardom. You were there with him all along, sometimes physically, sometimes just through text messages and reassuring calls when he just needed a piece of his home away from home. Late night calls and talks were your usual when he was on the road and he made sure to only talk about his life after you’ve told him everything about yours, even if the most interesting thing was that you were able to buy three socks for the price of two. Harry listened and cared for everything that happened to you, not letting you think even for a moment that he would forget about his best friend when he is on the other side of the planet.
The two of you grew up together and while his life consisted of concerts, screaming fans, telly appearances and award shows, your mundane everydays went on the same was as any normal young girl’s: you graduated from high school, went to uni and then started a career for yourself. As time was moving it became a little more and more complicated to stay as close as you used to, though, both of you terribly busy with your own personal lives, so the calls, texts and meetings became less frequent, but you were always able to pick up from where you left, it was as easy with him as it could be.
Maybe that’s why you grew to love him in a more than friendly way through the years. Slowly, but surely you started to realize what an amazing man he really was –is. It was impossible not to fall for him, however you valued your close friendship more than to just ruin it with dropping a bomb on Harry. You always thought he doesn’t feel the same way, so you were sadly left with your daydreams and fantasies about him only your bedroom walls heard.
This year it’s gonna be the tenth Christmas you get to celebrate together, quite the anniversary. There were only two years when you didn’t see each other during the holidays, the first one because you and your mum spent it in Canada with some relatives that live there, and the second one was because Harry couldn’t come home a few years ago, having a too tight schedule. But this year, everyone made sure to make it back home in time. Harry called you three month before Christmas to check in if you are still gonna coming home.
“Would be an idiot not to. Can’t wait to stuff my head with cookies!” you chuckled.
“Have you found your sweater yet?” Harry questioned, the muffled noise of the traffic around him broke through the line as he was on his way home when he called.
“Not yet. But I’ve been looking. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win this year,” you smirked in victory.
“Oh, not so fast with the assumptions, little girl!” he warned you making you laugh.
The two of you had a kind of tradition. Every year, you go on mission to find the ugliest Christmas sweaters one could find, and then perform a chosen song at the karaoke machine after dinner, entertaining the rest of the family. Those performances are the best memories you nurse. Your absolute favorite one was just a couple of years ago when Harry’s sweater was filled with weird looking reindeers in quite inappropriate poses, he even added a glittery pair of sunnies and he sang I Want To Break Free from the Queen. Everyone was on the floor laughing as he took the living room by storm as if it was the Maddison Square Garden filled with thousands of screaming fans, while it was just the five of you.
He won that year, Hell, even you voted on him, giving him the cleanest win of all times, but you swore to live up to that performance and you really feel like this year is gonna be your chance to live up to that promise. You have quite some tricks up your sleeves.
These past couple of years you were anxiously waiting for the holidays to roll around, because you knew you would get to spend so much time with Harry and through the year, even with several occasions of the two of you meeting, you missed him dearly. Sometimes you selfishly wished he would have just stayed the boy across the street so your lives could take tracks that run at least close to each other, but you always reminded yourself that his work was his life and you would have never taken away his true passion and happiness. Besides, you love watching him perform from time to time, that was just one of your favorite sides of him, see his eyes shine so bright as he sang to his fans. You used to envy the fangirls, it always seemed like he had a special connection with them, but you realized that you were one of them. You felt the same excitement when he stepped on the stage, you bought all his albums, even though he made sure you’d be one of the first people to get your hands on it. You had a second copy of them, because buying it gave you the extra jolt of happiness and the feeling that you were a tiny part of his success too. You watched all his music videos, knew the lyrics to his songs and cheered on him whenever he won another award. Difference was that at the end of the day you could call him and tell him how proud you were of him and he stared back at you with that beautiful grin, his dimples digging deep in his cheeks, telling you that he wouldn’t be here without you. You always knew he just said it to make you feel special, but he insisted it was the truth.
“I’m telling you. It you weren’t with me I would have gone crazy already, pulling a Justin Bieber or summat. Don’t think you are any less than what you are, that’s just daft.”
Every time he said something along those lines those damned butterflies in your stomach went crazy and you tried your best to ignore them. You didn’t always succeed, but the effort was there.
 Now it’s two days before Christmas and you are already standing in your old room after coming home from London, leaving your small but cozy little apartment empty until the next year. The walls are still the same lilac color you chose when you were fourteen, a twin bed is pushed against the wall under your window, the wardrobe’s door is littered with old pictures from high school and ones you cut out from magazines. You just never got around to take them down and after a while it brought you a comforting sense every time you came home. A warm nostalgia took over you when you saw them, so they eventually stayed.
Your suitcase is lying on the floor as you unpack some stuff you’ll be using often during your stay, but you don’t get far in the packing when you hear an all too familiar voice coming from downstairs. Leaving your stuff as it is you rush down and throw your arms around Anne from behind, who is standing in the kitchen with your mum.
“My sweet angel! How are you?!” she cheers turning around in your hold to hug you back, giving you a tight squeeze before she pushes you away so she can have a good look on you. “Swear you get prettier every time I see you!”
“Stop it, my head’s gonna get big,” you chuckle feeling yourself blushing a little.
“Never gonna stop praising my daughter,” she smiles and gifts you with a cheeky wink.
Anne was never shy to let you know that she thought of you as a second daughter and you still remember how it felt when she called you that for the first time. It felt nice to know that you could count on her no matter what.
The three of you chat in the kitchen, Anne asks you about your job and how things have been going, she hasn’t seen you in a while. You missed the times when you could just go across the street and have a talk with her whenever you wanted, but since you’ve moved to London, Harry wasn’t the only one you didn’t get to see as often as you would have wanted. Your job and life overall got you so busy sometimes, you barely had time to call your own mum.
“Harry is arriving this evening. Wanna come with us to fetch him up at the airport?” she asks you and of course you say yes. You wouldn’t miss the chance to greet him with a bone crushing hug just after he lands.
However, as the time nears when you’d have to leave to the airport, Anne calls you up and asks if you could go on your own.
“I didn’t finish cooking and Gems is in an online meeting. Would you mind if you went alone?” she asks and though it sounds a little made up, you don’t question her.
On your way to the airport you are nervously drumming on the wheel, the thought of seeing Harry excites and worries you a little. It’s been months since you last seen him in the flesh and though you’ve talked plenty of times on the phone and in video calls, it’s just not the same. You find yourself wondering if he still smells the same, if you’ll fit the same way into his embrace as before. When you were younger you often liked to think about the two of you as two pieces of legos when you hugged. Your frame just fitted so perfectly against his body, he was your absolutely favorite person to hug.
Standing in a corner at the terminal, you keep checking the board until his flight’s status changes to landed. Then your eyes are glued to the sliding glass doors, knowing well it’s gonna take him some time to get his bags and walk out, but you are just way too excited to finally see him again.
People start walking through the doors and your head perks up every time you see a slightly tall frame, only to realize it’s still not him. Until it is.
You can’t bite your growing smile back when you spot him, a beanie and the hood of his hoodie covering his mop of hair, sunnies hiding his eyes, but you’d recognize him even from just the tiniest detail. You push yourself away from the wall as you see him look around, probably searching for his mum and sister, because he was already on his way when Anne decided it’s gonna be you who fetches him up, so he doesn’t know about the change.
“Excuse me, can I get a picture?” you ask teasingly walking up to him and for a moment you can tell he believes it’s a fan who recognized him, but his face quickly changes once his eyes land on you.
“Fo’ fuck’s sake, you had me for a second,” he breathes out, his arms already reaching out to pull you against him and you gladly envelop yourself into his hold. “What are you doing here?” he mumbles tightening his arms around you, and you don’t mind it. As you face is pressed into his shoulder you smile when you realize that he still smells the same. Like home.
“Your mum asked me to come and get you because she didn’t finish cooking. But if you ask me she just wanted to surprise you with me. You happy to see me?” you smirk up at him letting your head fall back so you could look into his eyes.
“Always,” he grins before placing a soft kiss to your temple and letting go of you.
The two of you leave the terminal before anyone could recognize him and packing his stuff up into the car you head back home.
You hand your phone over to him once you hit the road so he can be in charge of the music and it’s no surprise when he starts playing Christmas music straight away. Grinning to yourself you glance over at him and see him scrolling through your camera roll like the nosy little gremlin that he is.
“Hey! I did not give you permission to snoop around my phone!” you warn him, but don’t try to snatch it away from him, there’s really nothing he shouldn’t see, besides, half of those pics have been sent to him through messages.
“Just tryna catch up w’ you,” he mumbles under his breath, continuously opening up photos he is interested in. “New couch, eh?” he asks showing you the screen for a second.
“Yeah, bought it a few weeks ago. You like it?”
“Looks comfy. I should try it out sometime.”
“You never sleep on my couch, what are you talking about?”
“Right, you always drag me t’ your bed,” he snorts and you gasp at him, smacking his chest gently.
“That’s so not true! You always just arbitrarily make yourself comfortable in my bed and I don’t have the heart to kick you out,” you correct him.
There hasn’t been many times when Harry crashed at your place, but when he did, he always slept in your bed with you, and the two of you have shared a bed a few other times prior too. It’s nothing new, though it does have a deeper meaning for you than for him, you think. Waking up with Harry snoring lightly next to you, admiring how peaceful and beautiful he is in this intimate state, you just wish you could see him like this all the time.
Harry smirks at you cheekily, scrunching his nose as he chuckles.
“’Cause I wouldn’t want to sleep anywhere else, Love,” he says before turning his attention back to your phone while you try to ignore the butterflies in your stomach at the nickname.
It’s quite late by the time you get home, you’ve run into some traffic, but it just meant more time with Harry. You gladly listened to his stories and you are happy you got some alone time with him. Parking up to your driveway you help him unload his bags before locking the car.
“Wanna go to the Christmas market in the morning? Promised Gemma I’d go with her and Michal,” he asks, slowly walking down the driveway towards his home.
“Uh, sure,” you nod smiling. Not that you had any other plans, the holidays are reserved for family and the Styles’ are family.
“Great, I’ll be here at ten. And thanks for the ride,” he smirks waving goodbye and you watch him cross the street before he disappears in his home and you do the same.
“Y/N? Is that you?” your mum calls out when you walk in.
“Were you expecting anyone else?” you ask, hanging your coat before you join her in the living room.
“Not,” she smiles giddily. “Was everything alright at the airport?”
You throw your legs over her lap and she squeezes your ankles playfully.
“Yeah, everything fine.”
“How is Harry?”
“Cheeky and smug, as always,” you huff smirking.
“Can’t wait to see him. I feel like I haven’t seen ‘im in ages.”
“When are they coming over tomorrow?”
“Anne said she’ll come around four to help me cook, the rest I don’t know. Dinner will be done around seven though.”
“I’m pretty sure Gemma and Harry will be here along with Anne,” you snort, knowing well they wouldn’t miss a chance to come over, especially Harry. He has been talking nonstop how he’ll be glued to your hip once he is back home, making up for all the time you’ve spent apart.
“They surely will,” your mum chuckles before you both turn your attention at the telly.
You go to bed way after midnight and finish up the packing you left abruptly when you left to get Harry. Shuffling around in your room you glance out the window and see that the light in Harry’s room is on too. Peeking out you lean against the window’s frame, thinking about the times when the two of you sat in the window, talking on the phone after curfew, keeping your voice down so your parents didn’t wake up, sharing secrets and your silliest thoughts. With Harry, you never felt like you had to keep anything back, he would have never judged you for anything, you could be your true self around him and vice versa.
A tall figure appears at the window and as Harry glances out his window he is quick to see you sitting on the window sill, your head resting against the frame. The two houses are not far away from each other and you see him grinning as he sits at the window as well, pulling out his phone, a moment later yours starts buzzing on the nightstand. You quickly grab it, and go back to the window.
“Creeping on me, eh?” he hums into the phone and you roll your eyes at him.
“Was just admiring the street lights, don’t flatter yourself, your head is getting too big,” you huff, but you can’t push your smirk down.
“Admit it, you were hoping to see me roam around naked, weren’t you?”
“As if I haven’t seen you like that before,” you snort making him laugh too. It’s true, Harry has never been shy to get rid of his clothes and he also doesn’t bother to draw the blinds whenever he is changing. You once saw him butt naked when he was nineteen, and when you told him to close the blinds next time he is changing, he just shrugged with a smug smile.
“’M not ashamed of anything, Love,” he told you and you had to turn away because you were blushing for sure.
“Right, you’re a fan of putting yourself on full display when you’re naked, almost forgot,” you chuckle shaking your head. “Millions of girls have the picture of you, lying naked on their walls.”
“You one of them?” he cheekily asks.
“Nah, doesn’t go well with the vibe of my apartment.”
“Shame. Though I think it would definitely look amazin’ above your bed, Love.”
“Now would it? I don’t know about that.”
“I’ll get you a copy framed,” he smirks and you can see it clear even from the distance. “Y’ know what? I’ll make you an exclusive one. One that nobody else has, how does that sound?”
“I can’t believe you, Styles,” you chuckle shaking your head. “I’m not gonna answer this, just gonna head to bed. You should too.”
“So we’re not sharing any secrets like we used to? Thought you’d have something fo’ me.”
“You know everything, Harry,” you sigh with a soft smile, though your heart skips a beat. He does know everything, except one big, fat, heavy secret you’ve been carrying around for way too long, that will probably stay with you forever.
“Right. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Night, Harry.”
“Good night, Love,” he murmurs and you know he is smiling, thought he steps away from the window as he says goodbye and you do the same before ending the call.
 “Hey! That’s mine!” you protest as Harry steals another roasted chestnut from your little paper bag, but you can’t stay mad at him when he is smiling at you so sweetly.
“Sorry, tastes better when it’s someone else’s.”
“Sure,” you snort and just let him get as many as he wants. You wouldn’t have eaten it all anyway.
It’s quite cold out in the town, but at least there’s no rain or storm, so the weather didn’t try to ruin your little trip to the Christmas market.
Gemma calls out for Harry to show him something and you just keep wandering between the booths, enjoying the atmosphere quite a lot, you have no idea when was the last time you got to come to the market, though you always loved coming when you were younger.
Finishing up your chestnuts you throw the paper bag into a trash can and turn around to find the rest of your little group, spotting Harry and Gemma deep in discussion next to a booth that offers handmade ceramic mugs. As you walk closer it almost seems like as if they were having a fight, which is just odd, they rarely do that.
“Just get your head out of your arse!” you catch Gemma telling her brother who only groans in frustration before he spots you, a smile plastering across his face.
“Hey, there you are!” he beams.
“Everything alright?” you ask looking at them.
“Sure, just Gemma is being a little nosy, is all,” Harry waves in dismiss. You glance over to Gems, but she is already back in discussion with Michal so you decide to drop it. “You ate all the chestnuts?” Harry asks offended, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
“Well, it was mine, so of course I ate them!”
“Selfish,” he narrows his eyes at you, but you both know it’s just a joke.
You walk further down in the aisle, occasionally stopping at some of the booth when you spot a place that offers hot chocolate in cute little mugs that you can take home with you if you’d like, or just take it back and get your money back.
“Oh look!” you gasp excitedly and head towards the hot chocolate booth. The old lady smiles brightly at the two of you as you take a look at all the choices. “Oh my god, they have caramel flavored!” you cheer, basically already drooling at the thought of a good, caramel flavored hot chocolate.
“What can I get for the lovely couple?” the lady smiles warmly at the two of you and you freeze at her assumption.
“Oh we—“ you start, but Harry cuts you off.
“A caramel flavored and a plain one, please,” he orders, without even batting an eye about how the lady just called you a couple. You can feel your cheeks heating up at the thought, but you try to calm yourself. He probably just didn’t want to get into explaining that you two are not an item and let her think what she wanted.
The nice lady hands you your mug and you take Harry’s as well as he pays for both of them. You would try to argue with him and pay yours, but you are already used to how stubborn he is and he never lets you split anything, it’s always on him.
“Thank you, have a nice day!” Harry calls out to the lady before the two of you leave. You peek at him handing him his mug, looking for any clue that would give away if this little scene got him just as bothered as it did you, but he looks perfectly fine and relaxed, so you decide not to bring it up. You’re sure he didn’t think much of it.
Your little stroll stretches into the afternoon, the four of you decide to have lunch out there too, then you just opt for a walk in town as Gemma wants to do a quick last minute Christmas shopping, so by the time you get home Anne is already over at yours helping your mum with dinner. Tonight you are all eating at yours, then tomorrow it’s the Styles’ turn to host, this is how you agreed this year.
“Woah, it smells amazing!” you call out walking into the house. The delicious smells fill up the whole place and you hear the two women giggling in the kitchen.
“Hi Honey, how was the market?” your mum greets you, a glass of red wine in her hand and the same goes for Anne.
“Great, we have a new mug,” you say holding up the emptied out hot chocolate mug. Stepping to the sink you wash it quickly and drying off you put it away in one of the cabinets.
You stick around in the kitchen and not so much later Harry comes over, the two of you leave your mums alone and get comfortable in front of the telly.
All channels are filled with holiday movies and you don’t mind, really, you like them all even if you’ve seen them a million times, you still find them funny and cute. Harry feels the same way, so when you settle on Love Actually he doesn’t say a word.
What startles you is that he grabs your ankles and pulls your legs over his lap, a small shriek escaping your mouth since you weren’t expecting him to do that. You’re sitting sideways, your legs are bent at the knee and Harry is kind of hugging them as his eyes are glued to the screen.
You find it rather hard to focus on the movie when Harry’s fingers keep fidgeting on your legs, they keep running up and down, sometimes he lays his hands flat on your knees, there’s no spot he hasn’t touched since you started watching the movie.
About an hour into the film he turns to you and you look at him in question.
“’M in the mood to cuddle,” he announces and starts moving around, not even letting you protest as he basically crawls to your lap, resting his head on your stomach as the two of you lay on the couch.
“Am I now your personal pillow?” you ask chuckling, but you wouldn’t want him to move for anything. Feeling him weigh down on you just feels so warm and simple but amazing.
“The best one,” he mumbles, bringing a hand to your side as you let your fingers comb through his curls.
You keep massaging his scalp and he lets out soft moans when you go over a soft spot, you can’t help but chuckle as he melts under your hands. His fingers start drawing circles on your side and the movie is long forgotten by you, all you can focus on is how great it is to have Harry so close to you. He is known to be a physical person, you are used to hugs and touches, but it seems like he is a little needier now than the usual.
You don’t mind it though, you just try to enjoy the moment, because it can end anytime.
Gemma and Michal come over a little before seven, and while your mums finish up the cooking the four of you set the table. You grab the crystal glasses and start placing them to the table, Harry lending you a hand. Once the table is all set you shuffle into the kitchen to see if there’s anything you can help with, Harry following you behind, placing a hand to the small of your back.
As you stand and wait for you mum to finish up the meals so you can help carry them to the table you feel Harry’s hand wander over to your hip, giving it a squeeze as he stands closer, so his chest is pressed against your back.
“Harry?” you ask a little out of breath.
“Hm?” he innocently hums.
“What’s with you today?” Turning your head to the side your eyes lock with his, but he just shrugs smiling.
“Guess I just missed yeh a lot.”
“You’re weird,” you chuckle shaking your head, but don’t make an effort to push him away. His touch feels way too good to put an end to it and you just want to be selfish a little longer.
His hands leave you when the two of you help to bring the food to the table, and you almost wish they would just return, but you gotta swallow the thought.
The food is amazing, as always. You all sip on some wine, just having a genuinely good time, enjoying that all of you are back at one place, something that rarely happens now that all three of you kids are all grown up.
At one point Harry rests his arm on the back of your chair, no one seems to notice but you. All these little things have been driving you crazy all day and your mind seems to be playing a nasty game with you. There’s no way Harry thinks of these details more than what they are, a friendly gesture towards an old friend of his.
When Gemma is telling a story about some weird guy she met at work Harry reaches up and pushes your hair behind your ear, his finger lingering over your neck a little longer than you would have expected. Turning to face him you give him a questioning look, not sure what to think about his needy and touchy self all of a sudden.
“What?” you mouth him, but he just smiles at you absentmindedly, curling a strand of hair around his finger, playing with it for a moment before letting go of it and going for another lock. You reach up and pull his hand away, feeling yourself heating up from his touch, but when you are about to let go of his hand he grabs yours, lacing your fingers together with yours as he rests them on his thigh.
“Harry…” you breathe out, glancing at the others, relieved to see that they are not paying much attention to the two of you.
“What? Am I not allowed to touch you?” he asks with a smug smirk and you roll your eyes at him.
“As I said, you’re weird,” you mumble under your breath looking down at your now empty plate. Harry gives your hand a squeeze.
“But like, the good kind of weird, yeah?”
“Shut up,” you chuckle shaking your head at him.
You try to tell yourself he is just needy because it’s been so long since you last saw each other. It can’t be more, you push even the smallest thought to the back of your mind, though it surely lingers there throughout the evening.
He helps you with washing the dishes, you stand arm to arm at the sink as you scrub the plates and hand over to him for drying. He gently hums to himself all along, swaying his hips, bumping against yours. At first you resist it, but then you catch the rhythm and start moving along, so your hips meet in the middle before swinging to the opposite side.
“What’s the song?” you ask finishing up the last plate.
“Just something random,” he shrugs smirking over at you. You hand him the last plate, he is still singing, making up gibberish lyrics to his song and once he puts the plate down he throws the kitchen cloth to the counter and easily grabs your waist pulling you against him as he starts swaying with you to his impromptu song. You let out a small shriek at the sudden movement, but eventually melt into his hold. The humming slowly turns into an all too familiar melody as Harry starts singing Sweet Creature into your ear, slow dancing in the kitchen while you hear your mums and Gemma laugh outside somewhere.
Your hands run up his arms and stop behind his neck as you lock your fingers and let him hold you close, his palms are pressed to your waist, fingers gently stroking you through the fabric of your shirt. You take a deep breath and his cologne fills your nose, one of your favorite scents, sometimes you just wish you could spray it on your pillow so it would always smell like him.
“Sweet creature, wherever I go, you bring me home…” he softly sings, leaning back just enough for your eyes to meet. It feels like your heart is about to burst out of your chest, it’s not the first time you feel so intimidated by him, like you could pass out any moment, but this is a little different. As if his eyes were telling you another story, but you can’t completely make up the words.
“Sweet creature, when I run out of road, you bring me home, you’ll bring me home.” He finishes the song, hums the closing melody and you watch him in complete awe. Your lips part when you catch his gaze move down to them and you swear you see him leaning closer, as if he is about to kiss you. Your breath gets caught in your throat, he is so close, just a few more inches and you’d taste those perfect lips of his, the ones you’ve been dreaming about for way too long.
It almost happens, it seems, but just when that last push is about to set in Gemma waltz into the kitchen and you step back faster than light, pushing him away even though the sudden lack of his touch is more painful than you were expecting.
“You guys—Oh, what’s up?” she asks stopping at the door and you feel yourself getting redder with each passing moment, the heat crawling up your neck, ears cheeks, right to the top of your head. What were you thinking? You let yourself believe Harry would ever kiss you, this whole scene was nothing more than just a friendly moment the two of you were sharing.
“I’m—sorry,” you breathe out making your way out of the kitchen, right up to your room to have some well needed space.
“Way to ruin everything,” Harry snickers at his sister.
“You joking? You wanted to kiss her in her mum’s kitchen?” Gemma snaps at him in disbelief.
“We were having a moment,” he mumbles rubbing his face with his hands. “Up until you stomped in with your big mouth.”
“Well, if you were havin’ a moment, just make it happen again.”
“As if it’s that easy, Gemma!” he scoffs throwing his hands in the air.
“Man up and tell her how you feel, don’t have to complicate it too much,” she shrugs before walking out and leaving her brother alone. Harry growls in frustration, the gears in his head turning wildly as he is trying to figure out how to come clear to you about his feelings.
 Meanwhile, up in your room you get out your laptop and busy yourself with checking up on messages and emails you’ve been ignoring, hoping that the uneasy feeling in your chest will ease very soon. Your hands were shaking when you locked yourself up in your room, but as you get focused on other tasks you slowly gain your balance back.
You kind of even forget that the Styles’ were over, you only realize that you abruptly pulled yourself out of the evening when there’s a soft knock on your door.
“Come on in!” you call out and a moment later Harry’s head pops in, eyes softly falling on your sitting figure on the bed. “Hey,” you smile at him faintly.
“Hey. Thought you were sleepin’s or summat.” Coming inside he closes the door behind him then sits on your plush rug in the middle of the room.
“Just… sorted some work related things out,” you sigh.
“Working during the holidays? Tha’s not healthy.”
“I know, I’m done,” you smile shutting the laptop down and putting it aside. “Sorry I disappeared, I just—“
“No worries,” Harry shakes his head. “Mum and Gems went home, they thought you were sleeping too, tha’s why they didn’t say goodbye.”
“Oh, alright.”
“But I thought we could have a sleepover,” he peeks at you with a boyish smile.
“What, like we did in middle school?” you chuckle.
“Yea, thought it would be fun.”
“Well, I don’t think my bed would fit us comfortably and we don’t have the mattress anymore that you used to sleep on,” you tell him looking around.
“Nonsense, I’m not tha’ big,” he insists hopping to his feet and throwing himself on the bed, ignoring that you’re already there. His body takes up more than half on the bed , limbs wrapping around you as he brings you down to the mattress next to him, you can’t help the laugh that leaves your lips.
“You’re like a gigantic baby, Harry!” you laugh as he keeps you down on the bed with his arm.
“It’s perfectly fine for two people,” he mumbles with a smirk, closing his eyes as his head sinks into your pillow.
“Do you ever get no as an answer?” you ask looking at him in awe. You can never get used to seeing him so up close, like not many get to.
“No,” he huffs in satisfaction, his arm bringing you closer to him and you just giggle at him.
“I’m not sleeping just yet, gotta have a shower first.”
“Do what you want, I’ll be here,” he mumbles but you snort at him.
“You’re not sleeping in my bed without having a shower,” you tell him before you grab your pajamas and head to the bathroom.
You have a quick shower and get done with all your evening business. Returning to your room you find Harry sitting on the floor, his back against the side of the bed as he is scrolling through his phone.
“Does mum know you’re staying over?” you ask him as you throw your used clothes into the hamper, moving around the room while feeling his eyes on you.
“Yeah. ‘S all good.”
“You need a towel?”
“Yes please,” he says pushing himself up from the floor.
“Clothes?” you ask with an arched brow. He just grins at you and it’s enough of an answer. “Here,” you give him the shirt and sweats he has left at yours quite some time ago, along with a clean towel.
“Thanks,” he smirks before leaving to occupy the bathroom.
He doesn’t take long in there, you’re lying in bed already when he returns, smelling like your shower gel, strawberry and melon.
He throws his clothes to the chair in the corner and then lies beside you on the bed. You scoot over to the wall to give him space, but he is quick to bring you closer to him once he has made himself comfortable. You lay your head on his shoulder as you are both scrolling through your phones.
When you had enough, you throw yours to the nightstand, and stay cuddled up to his side.
“Do you remember the last time I slept here?” he asks tossing his phone to the nightstand and bringing his arms around you.
“Mm, was it at my twentieth birthday?”
“Yeah. You were so wasted,” he chuckles and you smirk to yourself
“But you took good care of me.”
“I did. You were so cute, rambling about how much you love me when I took you home from the pub.”
You bite into your bottom lip. You still remember that night vividly. Your birthday party had gone a little wild and you had gotten drunker than you intended to. Luckily, he was there to bring your home and he stayed in the bathroom with you as you threw up everything you ate and drank that evening. Then he made you take a shower, got you fresh clothes out and helped you get into bed. He slept next to you that night, holding you in his arms, gently caressing your back and upper arm as you fell into your drunken slumber. In the morning you told yourself he just did what any other friend would do, helping you out when you were clearly knocked out, but he made you breakfast in the morning since your mum was working all night and morning and he stayed over later the afternoon to make sure you were alright.
What you told him in your drunken state about loving him, it wasn’t just your friendly side, it was your drunken self coming clear to him, telling him that you are in love with him, but he didn’t take it seriously and you were too ashamed and awkward to even bring it up to him after that, so it was all forgotten very soon.
Following that you planned on telling him how you feel, several times. You even wrote a little speech you planned to give him when the time comes, but you couldn’t do it. The fear of losing him if he doesn’t feel the same was stronger than you expected and every time you had the chance to come clear, you chickened out. The thought of losing him as a friend is way worse than having to push your feelings down... forever. You just can’t imagine your life without Harry in it and you can’t risk losing him.
The two of you talk for quite a while, laughing about the good old times, until you both fall asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night you wake up and feel Harry wrapped around you, his head lying on your chest as he is snoring softly. He truly is like a big baby, an arm thrown over your stomach, his legs tangled with yours. Good Lord, how amazing it feels to have him so close to you!
Reaching up you tangle your fingers through his hair gently so he doesn’t wake up, his soft curls glide between your fingers easily and lifting your head you kiss the top of his head before letting yourself drift back to sleep.
When you open your eyes the next time the situation is the opposite, you are the one cuddled up to Harry’s side who is scrolling through his phone with one hand, keeping the other one on your arm.
“Mornin’, sleepy head,” he chuckles softly when he sees you awake.
“Mmm, what time is it?” you ask letting your head rest on his chest a little longer.
“Quarter to nine. You can sleep a little more if you want, it’s not that late.”
“No, I promised mum I’d help her wrap gifts,” you sigh rolling over to your stomach as you push yourself up to your elbows to look at him. “Love the double chin you got going there,” you tease him sleepily and he just smirks.
“Yea? Quite cute, right? Worked a lot on it,” he jokes running his finger over it before letting out a chuckle. “Ready for our battle today?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be. You are going down this year, Styles,” you tell him pushing yourself up into a sitting position. Harry only pushes himself further on the bed enough to rest his head against the headboard.
“Oh really? I wouldn’t be that sure about tha’,” he warns you, but you are feeling pretty confident about your performance this year. There’s no way he can top it.
“We’ll see. Alright, I need a coffee. Want something for breakfast?” you ask him crawling out of the bed.
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
Your mum is already in the kitchen, sipping on her morning coffee while reading the paper. She doesn’t find it even a bit weird that Harry spent the night at yours, it’s been quite the usual for you. Harry helps you make eggs and bacon and the three of you eat together, having a lovely time and you genuinely feel like it’s just like in the good old times when you were still living home and Harry wasn’t Harry Styles, but the boy from across the street.
He goes home after breakfast to help his own mum with the cooking for tonight’s dinner and you don’t do much for the rest of the day, just spend time with your mum, watch movies and relax. It’s nice to unwind after such a busy year behind you.
Not long before five you go to take a shower and get ready to head over to the Styles’ and you pack everything you’ll need for the evening: gifts, ugly sweater, accessories. Harry is going down this year for sure.
It’s a little past six when you and your mum walk across the street, Anne’s Christmas lights are putting the little town house into the spirit for sure. You don’t even ring the bell, just walk straight in, like you always do. The Christmas tree stands tall in their living room and the table is already nicely set. Gemma and Michal are snuggled up on the couch while Harry is helping Anne in the kitchen with the finishing touches.
“I’m rooting for you this year,” Gemma winks at you when you set down your bag in the corner that has everything you’ll need for your performance.
“He’s gonna lose this round,” you smirk proudly, very sure in yourself.
Harry greets you with a bright smile and a tight hug when he walks into the living room, as if you didn’t just see each other a few hours earlier.
When the food is ready you all sit down to eat, and though you’re trying your best to focus on the conversation, you’re getting excited about tonight’s karaoke battle.
“Anxious much?” Harry asks you quietly.
“Why are you asking?”
He doesn’t answer, just places a hand to your thigh stopping it from shaking, making you realize you’ve been probably bouncing it all along. He smirks at you as you just roll your eyes at him.
“’S okay, you can handle one more year of losing,” he teases you and you give him an arched eyebrow.
“Don’t be so full of yourself, Harry,” you warn him, but he just squeezes your thigh again before bringing his hands back up to the table, leaving you a little breathless with his touch.
You all help clean up the table after dinner and when it’s done, you gather in the living room to open gifts.
When Harry’s career launched, the first few years you felt anxious about gifting him, because you felt like you couldn’t give him enough. He had all the money and bought everything he needed for himself, there wasn’t much you could give him. But when one time, you admitted to him this struggle of yours he assured you that it doesn’t matter what you give him, it’ll always be precious to him.
“You thought about me, you took the time to buy something for me, and that’s more than enough, Y/N,” he told you and though it took you time, but you got used to it. Especially when you saw the same excitement in his eyes every time you gifted something to him, you slowly but surely realized he wasn’t expecting a Gucci suit, but a thoughtful gesture.
Gathering in the living room you open the presents one by one and just as always, everyone was quite creative with the gifts. You can’t help but still feel a little anxious when Harry grabs his gift from you. Giving you an excited look he unties the little bow on the top and tears the wrapping paper off.
“Y/N!” he breathes out, eyes softening as he pulls the knitted cardigan out of the box.
“I always saw you wearing all sorts of cardigans and so I finally had a reason to learn how to knit, so I thought I would make one for you,” you ramble as he holds up the baby blue cardigan that has little daisies all over the front. It took you an entire week to just make the daisies, you worked on the whole cardigan for more than two months, usually in the middle of the night, staying up until unholy hours to finish in time.
But Harry’s smile is worth it all, he is beaming, clearly so in love with what you made him, so you breathe out relieved. He then puts it aside and wraps his arms around you pulling you into the tightest hug.
“Thank you, I love it so much,” he mumbles and kisses your temple and you breathe in his sweet scent, burying yourself in his embrace, hugging his waist.
When you part, Harry reaches for a box from under the tree and hands it to you, a nervous smile tugging on his lips. You can tell he wrapped the gift himself, the silver wrapping paper is a little uneven, but the huge rainbow colored bow on the top is the perfect touch that makes it like a piece of him.
You carefully tear the paper off, peeking inside you just see a plain box that doesn’t give much away. Glancing up at Harry you see how he is anxiously biting his bottom lip, even though you’d be happy with a gift as small as a candle. It’s the thought that counts.
“I-I wasn’t sure if this was the one you mentioned to me, so I hope it’s gonna be alright,” he mumbles, eyes fixed on your hands as they open the box, while you try to think back what you have told him about that caught his attention, but you just can’t recall what you wanted to get so badly you told Harry about it.
As you open the box you don’t process what it is immediately, the plastic wrapper making it hard to figure it out, but when you carefully pull out the object, you gasp in surprise.
“Harry!” you breathe out as you pull off the plastic of the old, vintage polaroid camera. It’s not one of these new types you can buy in stores easily, this is a classic, must have quite a history behind it.
Now you vaguely remember talking about longing for an oldschool, vintage camera, but it was months ago and you’ve forgotten about the whole thing since these devices cost a fortune because there aren’t many left from them. But now there’s one in your hands, because Harry not only listened to you, but he remembered and went out of his way to find you one in amazing condition.
“This must have cost a fortune!” you huff, your heart pounding in your chest, though you already know it doesn’t matter to him.
“This face is worth every penny,” he smiles at you softly before you throw yourself at him for another round of hugging. This man surely knows how to have you wrapped around his fingers.
The two of you sit on the floor as you figure out how to make the camera work, Harry bought everything needed, so you have a few packs of films as well. When it’s all done you bring it up to your face and aim it at Harry. It takes him a moment to realize that you’re about to snap your first photo and he tries to snatch the camera away, but it’s too late, the flash goes off and the device pushes out the undeveloped picture.
“You wasted your first snap on me?” he protests rubbing his eyes after the flash blinded him for a little.
“It’s not a waste,” you tell him as you patiently wait for the picture to finally appear.
Slowly, the colors start to show and in a couple of minutes Harry’s face appears, his hand reaching in the direction of the camera, looking out of focus, only his face appearing clearly. He looks so delicate, his eyes dazzling as a soft smile plays on his lips. This moment now will live forever not just in your mind, but on this photo.
 Harry goes out with his karaoke performance this year for sure and you’d be actually anxious about him winning if only you didn’t have the absolutely best performance right in your pocket.
His sweater this year features some really ugly looking penguins and a horroristic reindeer on the back, it’s really ugly and you can’t even imagine who thought it would be fine to make it and then sell it. His choice of music is also excellent, he has a great eye for songs you’d never imagine him perform and then shock everyone with it. This year, he chose Rude Boy by none other than Rihanna, and it’s fantastic, no one can make it through the song without crying. Harry makes sure to put on his best show, even dancing and twerking unapologetically, trying everything to win the battle and you are amazed by his effort. Above all the fun and jokes, he nails the song, that’s undeniable. It always baffles you how he can just slay any and all genres, even the ones that stand a million miles away from his style.
When the song is over, you all cheer for him, because he truly deserves it. He grins down at you in victory, but you just give him a challenging smirk.
“You can just give up now, if you want,” he teases you as you stand up from the couch and the two of you trade places.
“Oh, I think you should be the one to worry about losing,” you warn him grabbing your bag. Stepping to Gemma you whisper into her ear, instructing her to put on your song when you call out from the bathroom, since you are planning on do a grandiose entrance. When she hears what song you’ll be singing she gasps.
“Oh my fucking God, no way!” he looks at your with wide eyes.
“What? What is it?” Harry asks, dying to know what you just told his sister, but you shake your head at him.
“Patience,” you tell him before locking yourself up in the bathroom.
This year, you didn’t find the sweater, the sweater found you. On one of your thrift tours, you were digging up a huge pile of clothes when you came right across it and you knew what you needed to do.
Putting on the sweater you fix up your hair quickly before putting on your party glasses, the one that lights up if you switch it on. You take one last look at yourself in the mirror and smirk at your reflection knowing well you’ll have everyone dead when you walk out.
“Gemma! You can start it!” you call out with your hand on the doorknob, waiting to hear the music. Gemma quickly starts in and you haven’t even stepped out, you can hear a round of gasps.
Best Song Ever blasts through the speakers and you walk out trying your best to imitate a younger version of Harry, wearing the absolute ugliest Christmas sweater ever, that has the faces of One Direction all over it, filling up every inch of the fabric, and all of them have poorly photoshopped Santa hats on, it’s just literal trash and ridiculously perfect for the battle.
You grab the mic and start singing as everyone screams in the room. You jump, sing and even do the dance moves the boys do in the original music video, and when you look at Harry you see him staring at you in disbelief and total defeat. Everyone knows you won, nothing can top this performance ever and you could burst from the sweet feeling of victory.
By the end of the song everyone is up on their feet dancing and singing with you, a mini party forming in the middle of the living room and you all scream the last lines as the song comes to its end.
“I think we don’t even need to vote this time,” you say when the music stops, everyone screaming in agreement while Harry stares down at you, trying to hide his growing smirk.
“Where did you even find this?” he asks chuckling as he takes a better look at the sweater.
“At a thrift store, it called out my name, knew it’d be perfect.”
“It really is ugly, if I’m being honest,” he sighs, his eyes meeting yours again. “And the song… I accept defeat, you earned this victory, Y/N,” he tells you bowing and admitting your victory.
 Later that night everyone is so keen on watching Holiday, you agree to stay even though you feel your eyelids heavily weighing down, threatening to close with each passing moment. You let your head rest on Harry’s shoulder and he presses his cheek against the crown of your head.
It’s not a surprise you fall asleep halfway into the movie, but what you weren’t expecting is to wake up and find yourself not on the couch anymore, but in Harry’s bed. It’s dark, only the moon is shining through his windows and as you turn to the right you see that he is sleeping peacefully next to you on his back, one arm spread next to him, hand hanging from the edge, the other one resting on his stomach, rising and falling in a slow rhythm.
Squinting your eyes you look at the digital clock on his dresser, it reads 3:23 am so you’ve been asleep for quite a few hours now. You don’t even remember him bringing you up here, but you’re definitely not mad that he didn’t bring you home, just up to his room.
Rolling to your side you give yourself a moment to adorn his beauty without fearing he would catch your wandering eyes. Everything seems so perfect about him, the line of his nose, his cupid’s bow that delicately rolls into her lips. The crease between his eyebrows, his soft skin on his cheeks, down his neck that runs into his broad shoulders and inked, strong arms. You truly think there’s no man that could compare to him and you are lucky enough to live your life so close to him, be able to touch him, hear his voice whenever you miss him, see his smile and share a connection with him.
It’s so silly, but you think of him as your personal ray of sunshine in your life. Just the smallest things about him can brighten your worst day, he’ll always have a special place in your heart, no matter where life takes the two of you.
Watching him sleeping you allow yourself to break free from your doubts and fears and scooting closer you shyly curl up to his side, your head resting on his shoulder, but you can’t even make yourself comfortable before you feel him moving under you.
Sucking on your breath you think he’ll push you away, not wanting you so close, but instead, he pulls his arm from under you, curling around your frame as he pulls you tight to him, almost making you lie on top of him. Your whole body is pressed against him and you mingle a leg between his long ones under the soft sheets. You let out a long huff at the warm touch of his body against your skin, completely lost in him.
“You alright?” he mumbles in his sleep laced voice, his eyes remain closed.
“Yeah. Is this okay?” you nervously ask as you lay your hand flat on his stomach. He brings his hand that was hanging from the bed on his other side and covers yours, as he squeezes you tight to his side.
“’M all yours,” he breathes out, his words sending a shiver down your spine. You’re sure he didn’t mean it like that, but it warmed your heart to hear it from him and you let your mind play with the thought that there was more behind his words than a friendly manner.
Nuzzling your head into his chest you close your eyes and listening to his steady heartbeat you let yourself fall back asleep.
 Your morning is filled with coffee, pancakes, laughter and great company. Harry doesn’t let you leave without having breakfast with them, so you sit with the Styles family and laugh about the craziest stories from your teenage years.
“Remember when we tried to run away?” Harry grins at you, his red mug that had white polka dots all over it in his hands as he eyes you.
“Oh, how could I forget that?” you huff and Gemma turns to you with surprise in her eyes.
“Wait, I didn’t know about that!”
“Because we didn’t get too far,” Harry laughs. “We were, what, like fifteen?”
“Yeah, it was a few weeks after my fifteenth birthday,” you nod smiling.
“I had a fight with mum about God knows what, then stormed over to Y/N’s and talked her into running away. So we packed our backpacks and left.”
“Where did you go?” Michal asks with an amused grin as he listens to the story.
“We didn’t want to go into town, running into anyone we know, so we thought we would just go straight out to the meadow that’s there,” Harry says gesturing towards the window. The edge of the town is not so war, and a huge meadow lies there, a little stream running across it. “We walked for quite long, but then it started to get dark and we had nowhere to go, so we just ended up coming back home. No one even noticed we were gone, they thought we just went out to bike or something,” he finishes laughing.
“You knew about this?” Gemma asks Anne.
“Yeah, he came clear the next day, thinking he would piss me off with it, but I didn’t care, he came back for dinner, so it was alright,” Anne explains laughing.
It’s been so long since it happened, but I still remember it vividly, only that it was a more dramatic memory back then, now I can only laugh at it.
“We should go for a walk today,” Harry prompts to you.
“Wanna run away again?” you tease him.
“Always,” he chuckles.
You help cleaning up and agree with Harry to meet outside in an hour to take a walk to the meadow. Going home you take a shower and wash the dishes your mum left in the sink when she left for her morning shift. You put on a pair of boyfriend jeans, a warm sweater and your jacket with your trusty boots and you walk out the house right when Harry steps out as well. He grins in your way as the two of you meet in the middle of the street. He holds his arm out for you.
“M’ lady?” he smirks as you link your arm with his and the two of you head out for your little walk. It’s a gloomy day, might rain later as well, but it’s dry so far, so you’re just hoping to get home before it starts raining. Your runaway attempt wasn’t the only time the two of you came out here, it was kind of your place when you felt like having a break from everyone else. You biked out here, brought your favorite snacks and just ran around, enjoying the stillness.
However it also holds a bitter memory as well.
A little further down among the trees happened Harry’s first kiss and you witnessed it, feeling your heart break to a million pieces when you saw him lock lips with someone who wasn’t you.
Debby Hamilton was a friend of yours in sixth grade, you’d say, your only friend beside Harry and the three of you often hung out together around that time. Debby was a delight, you always desired to be more like her, boys liked her and she knew it damn well, but it didn’t make her cocky and egoistic. You always thought Harry had a crush on her, why would have he? They kind of looked cute together.
It was a Friday afternoon and Harry asked if you wanted to come out and listen to his new cassette he got for his old Walkman he refused to get rid of as technology was evolving. You figured he’d want Debby there as well so you invited her along, but didn’t tell Harry. He never made a move on Debby and you thought he was just looking for the right time.
That afternoon, you were supposed to meet them out there at five, but you didn’t leave until half past five and it takes about twenty minutes to get out there. Though you gave them the alone time technically, it still startled you when you found them under one of the oak trees, Debby leaning her back against the tree as Harry stood in front of her. She was smiling up at him sweetly, saying something to him and you were just about to call out for them and apologize for being late when Harry ducked his head and kissed Debby right in front of your eyes.
That was your first and probably worst heartbreak and you were only twelve. You felt betrayed, hopeless and naïve to think Harry would ever have a thing for you when there were girls like Debby. You left without letting them know you were there. When Harry asked you later why you didn’t come you told him you felt sick to your stomach, which wasn’t a total lie, you had quite the nausea after seeing Harry with Debby, but he didn’t have to know all the details.
He later told you about kissing Debby and you pretended like you didn’t know about it. However they never dated and not long after their kiss Debby drifted away from the two of you. Not that you minded, you had a bitter feeling every time you had to look at her after that, jealousy raging in your chest knowing that she got Harry’s first kiss.
He didn’t bring it up after and you weren’t keen on talking about it, but you still know which tree they were standing under and now as you near the area you see that it still stands tall near the tiny stream.
Peeking up at Harry you see that his eyes are focused on the same tree, but then he catches you looking.
“Memories?” you innocently ask, feeling your chest tightening. You don’t even know why you asked. It’s been over a decade since that kiss, you are both adults, but you still can’t help the sadness that washes over you at just the thought, why would you want to get him talk about it now?
“’S just… that’s the tree I kissed Debby when I was twelve,” he mumbles with a shrug. Biting into your bottom lip you look at the old oak tree nodding your head and before you could stop yourself, you speak up.
“I know.”
“What? How would you? I never told you,” Harry asks stopping, a puzzled look pulling on his face.
“Well I… It doesn’t matter,” you sigh, regretting ever opening your mouth.
“It does. Tell me!” he pleads standing in front of you.
“I know it, because… I was here.”
“You what?”
“I came, I was just very late. And when I arrived you two were standing there and I saw you kiss. I thought I shouldn’t interrupt whatever was happening so I went home and let you two be,” you explain, changing it up a little bit.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why is it important that I saw it? It doesn’t change anything, right?” you ask with a smile that you intended to look innocent, but deep down it’s filled with pain.
Harry opens his mouth as if he wants to say something, but then remains silent and you are done talking about it, so you just quietly keep walking, Harry catching up with you a few moments later.
It’s awfully quiet after your revelation, it seems like Harry is deep in his thoughts and though you’re dying to know what’s occupying his bright thoughts, you’re kind of afraid you’d hear something you didn’t want to.
The two of you soon head back home and slowly, but you forget about the whole Debby thing. Harry starts talking again, but he looks a little keyed up still when you reach your street.
“Wanna come over later?” you ask standing on the pavement in front of your house, it’s just an innocent question. Harry nods his head.
“Sure. Is your mum working?” he asks glancing at the house, though he knows she is, the car is not on the driveway.
“Yeah. She’ll be home around six.”
He nods again and you want to ask if he is alright, but you decide not to. You share a quick hug before he heads over to his home and you do the same. The house waits for you in silence and when the door clicks behind you, it weighs down on you heavier than you were expecting. You hang your jacket, kick your boots off and throw yourself to the couch, covering your eyes with your arm as you huff out in frustration. You feel silly for getting upset about such a small thing even after so much time, but you just can’t help it.
You barely realize the sound of the front door opening, taking your arm off your eyes you see Harry walk in, eyebrows furrowed, a worried look on his handsome face.
“Harry—“ “I was waiting for you that day,” he simply says as you sit up with wide eyes, confused about what he is really talking about.
“That day, we agreed to meet out there to listen to my new Stevie Wonder cassette, but you didn’t show up, Debby did even though I didn’t invite her out there.”
“Well, I did, thought you wanted her there too,” you explain, startled by the situation.
“I would have invited her if I wanted her to be there, but I wanted to be with you. Only you.”
“I-I’m sorry?” you breathe out, not seeing where he is going with it.
“Y/N, you don’t understand,” he huffs and he is right. You don’t. “I wanted to meet you, but you never came, or at least I thought. Then Debby showed up, I was frustrated that you weren’t there and she was being all nice, telling me how cute I looked when I was worried and it all just happened so fast and… I didn’t even want to kiss her.” He looks properly upset telling you the story and he takes a deep breath before his eyes meet yours with a hard stare. “I wanted to be with you,” he repeats.
“Harry, I’m sorry, I didn’t—“
He shakes his hair, not even letting you finish, because he knows what you wanted to say and that you still don’t understand the meaning behind his words.
“Y/N, I wanted to kiss you,” he then finally says and you suck on your breath as he continues. “Well, not right then and there, but I’ve been meaning to kiss you, I just didn’t know when. I thought that if we have a moment that afternoon I’d do it, but you never came and I was mad and disappointed. I hated myself for kissing Debby, because I didn’t really want to, it just… happened. I wanted to tell you, and I intended to do it when I told you we kissed, but you acted so happy, I figured you didn’t feel the same way about me as I did for you. So I didn’t tell you the rest, but…” He sighs in defeat, looking for words, but he ran out.
“Why are you telling this to me now?” you ask a little out of breath, your head feeling heavy at the new information you just heard.
“Why didn’t you tell me you saw us and why did you go home without a word?” he asks ignoring your question.
“I… don’t—“
“Don’t try to lie.”
Gulping hard you lick your dried lips as you stare back at him.
“Because I was… jealous.” Your voice comes out only as a whisper. Harry’s lips part as he takes two steps closer to you.
“You had feelings for me?” he asks and you just nod your head, not trusting yourself with your voice. “Do you still have feelings for me?”
“I do,” you whisper your answer and Harry lets out a sharp breath as he leaps across the room in your way. You jump to your feet, thinking that he’ll lash out on your for keeping it a secret and you open your mouth to explain yourself, but you never get to speak up because as Harry reaches you, one hand snaps to the back of your neck, the other one to your waist, yanking you against him as his lips crash to yours.
You gasp in surprise, but it doesn’t take long to kiss him back, your numb mind blindly reacting to his sudden action. Your hands snake up to the back of his neck as you pull him closer, returning his hungry kisses. His soft lips feel so smooth and warm against yours and when his tongue runs along your bottom lip you whimper letting your tongues meet in the middle.
He is intoxicating and it doesn’t help that your adrenaline level is up in the sky, you’ve fantasized about it way too many times, and now that it’s happening your body is burning in flames. He kisses you all over and over again, his body pressing against yours hard and when he even leans in making you lean back, you lose balance and the two of you fall to the couch, both of you gasping as you are forced to part your lips.
“Fuck,” you chuckle as Harry is basically lying on you, holding himself up on his arms, but you feel him everywhere.
“’M sorry, I got a little carried away, but I’ve been dying to do this since forever,” he admits chuckling as he lifts his head and looks down at you with those bright green eyes of his.
“Really?” you breathe out, only slowly processing what’s really just happened.
“Y/N, I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you hiding behind your mum.”
“Idiot, you were just a kid, you weren’t in love,” you chuckle, running up your hands to the back of his neck, your fingers playing with the soft curls. He smirks and nuzzles his nose against yours.
“Oh, I was, I just didn’t know it yet.” Leaning down he pecks your lips softly. “I’ve been meaning to tell you so many times, but I didn’t want it to ruin our friendship. Though I was growing impatient these last few years.”
“Yeah?” you chuckle.
“You can’t imagine,” he huffs shaking his head. I almost kissed you the other day in the kitchen, but Gemma completely ruined the moment.”
“I’m sorry I ran away, I was just—“ “No need to apologize. I guess it all played out well after all, right?” he smirks and you can’t help but chuckle.
“I guess,” you breathe out and the smile slowly fades from your lips. “And now what?” you ask quietly, staring up at him.
“Now… We’ll try to make things work. Test the waters. I’m very serious about this, Y/N,” he tells you. “I’ve been waiting for this my whole life so I’m not gonna let go of you now.”
“You have no idea how happy this is making me,” you choke out feeling the tears forming in your eyes.
“Oh Love, please don’t cry,” he begs and leaning down he kisses your tears away. “I’m right here, with you. Sorry it took me so long you get here, but I’m here now.”
“I know,” you huff blinking away the tears as you pull him down and press your lips to his. “I love you, Harry,” you whisper against his perfect lips. You feel him exhale sharply as he keeps kissing you before he lifts his head so your eyes meet again.
“I’ve always loved you.”
 Thank you for reading, let me know what you thought about it!
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Kinda Like It When You Lie
Pairing: Destroyer!Chris x Reader
Summary: You discover the reason why Chris has been lying to you about his whereabouts.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: le smut, le angst, le toxicity but a sorta happy ending I guess???
A/N: I tagged everyone in my Everything Bucky tag list because why not lmfao okay but no, I’m not sure how often I will be writing fics for Seb’s other characters so I won’t be having a separate tag list for that yet. If this isn’t something you’re not interested in, feel free to ignore skskks
I am dedicating this piece to @lookiamtrying​ who got so pissed off that her mans Chris got a lower vote count than Mickey (prior to the release of Monday) when I did my character fic survey lmfao ilysm, Mina!!! This was also inspired by FLETCHER’s If You’re Gonna Lie
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Chris kissed you as if it was his last day on earth. It made your insides twist in a blissful way, the kind of kiss that literally took your breath away and made your head spin. You could feel your lungs burning up from the lack of oxygen and yet you didn’t want to pull away.
All you could focus on was how his lips moved against yours, how his tongue danced around your mouth as if he owned you. And in that moment, he really did.
You got lost in Chris— his taste, his rough palms against the smooth expanse of your skin, his weight on top of you as he pressed you down against the cheap motel bed.
It wasn’t until you tried to touch Chris that you realized he had restrained your wrists with something cold and hard. Pulling away from his fervent kiss, you glanced up and saw that he had both of your wrists handcuffed against the headboard.
Tugging at your wrists, you let out a chuckle. “What’re ya, a cop?” you asked.
Chris breathed out through his nose, “Kinda.” he rasped out before taking your bottom lip in between his teeth, tugging at it before sliding his tongue back into your mouth.
You moaned into the kiss and opened up your legs to fully accommodate Chris’ huge build, his pelvis thrusting against your clothed core making you whine against his lips.
“You gonna arrest me or somethin’?” you asked playfully, tilting your neck to the side as you allowed Chris to nip at your skin, his thick beard scratching you much to your delight.
He pulled back to look at your eyes, “Only for stealin’ my heart, darling.”
What you thought was a one-night stand turned into something more. Not that you were complaining, in fact, you’d quickly fallen head over heels for Chris. How could you not when he was the most honest man you’d met in your entire life?
After that first night, Chris told you everything about him and his job. An FBI agent who needed to go undercover as a drug dealer in order to infiltrate a huge drug syndicate. He had been undercover for a while now and it was consuming, he said. That’s how you found him drinking alone at the bar you worked at.
“You planning to consume our entire stock of beers or what?”
Chris let out a breathy chuckle as you placed two more bottles of beer on his table. The man had been in the bar for hours now, drowning his miseries away since his arrival. You noticed him as soon as he sauntered into the bar— all beard and tattooed muscles on display with the denim vest he wore.
“I’m sorry.” he huffed out and you were surprised at how soft spoken he was despite his tough exterior. “Work’s been stressing me out, is all.” He explained with a firm smile.
You couldn’t help but return the gesture, “Thought you were stressin’ over your girl.” You smirked.
Chris narrowed his eyes at you, tongue darting out to lick his lower lip. “Got no girl to come home to.” He said, voice an octave lower and a little bit rougher.
You bit your lip and shrugged, “Man like you can easily find a solution to that.” You said and winked before heading back behind the bar, swaying your hips a little more than the usual.
By the time you reached the bar, you looked back at Chris and caught him staring with a certain look in his eyes.
The same look he would give you whenever you get mad at him for coming home late. The look that always won you over no matter what.
“You said you’d be home by eight, Chris. That was four hours ago.”
Chris rubbed his face and dropped his keys on the tray by the front door. You watched him with suspecting eyes as he trudged towards you, eyes tired yet apologetic.
“‘m sorry, sweetheart. Went out with the guys, you know how it is.” he said and tried to reach out to you but you were quick to step back.
“Could’ve texted me, y’know? I made dinner, your favorite. Got cold and decided to throw it in the bin when you didn’t show up.” you said, shaking your head in disappointment and turned around to retreat back into the bedroom.
Chris caught you and gripped your waist in his strong hands, preventing you from further walking away. He pulled your back against his chest, nuzzling his face into your neck as he whispered apologies into your ear.
“I’m sorry, babe. Let me make it up to you, huh?” he murmured roughly into your ear. “Wanna make you feel good, make you forget my sins.” he teased, earning a soft chuckle from you.
He sucked the skin beneath your earlobe, making your knees weak and your core throb. Chris gently turned you around to face him until your eyes met his-- dark and still apologetic, you wondered why because you’d already forgiven him the moment his hands touched your skin.
Your question was immediately forgotten when Chris kissed you, tongue quickly finding its way into your mouth. His kisses were always so urgent, so hungry and feral.
He always kissed you as if it was the last time.
Clothes strewn everywhere, raspy grunts and high pitched moans, sweaty bodies moving against each other. Every single time you and Chris argued, it always ended the same way, with you giving in to his sweet words and hot touches.
A hand on your nape kept your cheek pressed down onto the mattress as Chris pounded you from behind. Laying flat on your stomach, you could feel every ridge and every vein of his cock as it dragged against your walls. Gripping the sheets tightly, your knuckles turned white as you slightly lifted your ass up earning a harsh spank from Chris.
“You fuckin’ like it when I fuck you rough?” he growled, spanking your ass again before squeezing it into his large hand.
You whimpered at the cold sensation of the rings on Chris’ fingers, wanting it to mark your skin as soon as he was done with you. You moaned when Chris pulled back until only the tip of his hard cock remained in your tight pussy. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes when he pushed your nape further into the mattress at the same time he slammed back in with such force that made you elicit a sound akin to a wail.
“Right there, Chris!” you wantonly pleaded, your drool soaking the sheets beneath you.
“I got you, baby. Gonna fuck you so good you’d forget what you were mad about.”
And forget you did, not just once, not twice. Not even thrice. Every single time Chris came home to you smelling like someone else’s perfume when he claimed to be out with his friends, you always ended up willingly forgetting about it. Chris had you wrapped around his finger and you knew it.
You knew he was lying about his whereabouts and the thing was, you chose to believe in it.
Because with each lie that slipped past his lips, came the sweetest apology followed by a promise to make you feel good and Chris always delivered.
You’d rather hear Chris’ lies than to hear his goodbye just so you can have him in your bed again and again and again.
The last lie you tolerated was when he forgot about your anniversary and came home the next day, all moody and grumpy. He went straight to the bathroom, mumbling about how he was tired from work and you didn’t know whether he was lying again or not.
You’d believed too many of his lies by now that you couldn’t even determine which ones were the truth and which ones weren’t.
“Happy anniversary to us, Chris. In case you forgot.” you said as soon as he got out of the shower.
Chris’ face fell, eyes refusing to meet yours from shame. He should be ashamed and so should you, because you’ve tolerated his lies for a year now and no matter how much you wanted to confront him, you always ended up forgiving him.
“Fuck.” he cursed. “I’m sorry, it’s just that...the buy bust operation was last night and it slipped my mind.” he said.
And there it was again, the look in his eyes that turned you into a moaning mess beneath him as soon as his lips found yours. Whenever Chris would lie, it always seemed to be so fucking worth it. Because he always fucked you senseless until you were stupid for him, enough to let him get away with his pathetic excuses.
But not tonight, because as Chris bent you in half with his cock slipping in and out of your wet cunt, you promised that this will be the last time you’d enjoy the aftermath of his lies.
“Come on, baby. Give me one more. Want this pussy to milk my cock dry, c’mon pretty girl.” he urged, slipping a hand in between your sweaty bodies, his thumb swiping at your clit until stars exploded behind your eyes.
His name was chanted out like a prayer, your lips red and swollen from being kissed and bitten. A few more hard thrusts and you felt Chris spill his seed into you, warm ropes of his cum painting your walls. He carefully slipped your legs off from his shoulders before laying down on top of you, pressing open-mouthed kisses on your chest as the both of you caught on your breaths.
“Where were you last night?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Chris turned his head to you, trying to read your face but you kept your gaze on the ceiling. Tears escaped your eyes as you laid on the bed, blinking them away when they wouldn’t stop spilling.
“I want the truth, Chris.” you added, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
The bed moved when Chris sat up, reaching for your face and turning it to wards him. Your lips were trembling, fighting back your sob. Chris closed his eyes and shook his head.
“I’m sorry.” he said.
“I don’t want your apology, Chris. I want the truth, please.” you begged.
“I can’t stay with you anymore.” he said.
You frowned and sat up, bringing the sheets up to cover your naked body. “Who’s she?” you asked. “I know you’ve been seein’ someone behind my back, I want to know. Who is she? ‘nother FBI agent? Or someone you met while you were undercover?” you were more of mad than hurt now, all your suppressed emotions finally resurfacing and begging to be released.
Chris swallowed and refused to meet your gaze, “It’s...it’s not like that.” he said.
“The fuck you mean, Chris?” you asked.
There was silence for a brief moment, as if Chris was gathering up all the courage he had left in him. And then he looked at you with the same guilty, apologetic eyes again. But it was different now because you knew that there wouldn’t be anymore lies which meant no more sweet talk and no more Chris in your bed until the next morning.
“I never cheated on you.” he huffed out. “I’ve always been...with Erin.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You were a part of my undercover. The leader of the drug syndicate I was trying to infiltrate frequented the bar you worked at. Needed to get as much as information as I can and I easily got that when we started—”
Your hand trembled after landing a solid slap on Chris’ face. Your heart ached, your vision spun and suddenly, nothing made any sense to you anymore. All this time, you thought that was Chris was being unfaithful to you when in truth, he was cheating…with you.
Now you finally understood why he always kissed you as if it was the last time, why he looked at you with those apologetic eyes whenever he came home late, whenever he lied.
Chris told you the entire truth, that he was at the bar during an operation and not after. He manipulated you into believing that everything he told you were real, that he was a good and an honest man, that Erin was nothing but a partner at work.
“When you said you love me, was that a lie too?” you asked, voice breaking because this was too much. Everything was too much.
Chris held your face in between his hands, rubbing his thumbs across your cheeks, “No. No, that wasn’t a lie. I do, I love you. As soon as the operation was done, I couldn’t say goodbye. I always said I’d tell you the truth but I couldn’t. I wish I hadn’t met you like this.” he reassured.
You pushed him away and covered your face with your hands, unable to believe that for an entire year, you’d dedicated your life and your love to someone who had been using you.
“Does she know about me?” you asked.
Chris nodded, “She does.”
You scoffed, “She fuckin’ pities me, doesn’t she? Probably told you to take your time, ‘cause the truth will fuckin’ ruin me.” you said and chuckled bitterly.
“You used me, Chris. Fuckin’ used me and made me a goddamn fool. Is Chris even your real name? Who the fuck are you?” you asked.
“I lied about everything except for two things. My name and when I said I love you.”
You shook your head, wiping away your tears. You’ve finally woken up, brought yourself back to consciousness and decided to accept that Chris was never honest and that not once did he become yours.
Picking up the pieces of your broken trust was very much like working with the shards of a broken mirror. At times you came out unscathed but for the most part, you were left wounded and bleeding and in pain.
Putting all the broken pieces back together was definitely not easy and it took you years to do so. No matter how careful you were though, the mirror was never completed. There were ugly cracks and everywhere that you couldn’t hide and there was a missing piece. But that’s alright, because you tried to put yourself back together and you weren’t perfect but at least you did your best.
The bar you started working for was quite new, which explained how busy it was even on a slow Wednesday. It wasn’t as big as the old bar you used to work at, but this was newer and catered to a more classy crowd.
No rough bikers, no FBI agents going undercover, no funny businesses.
“Two bottles of beer for table seven.” your manager called out, “Thought it’d be slow today, boy was I wrong.” she commented to which you chuckled.
Taking out two ice-cold bottles from the fridge, you weaved through the crowd and tables until you reached your destination. Placing the bottles on top of the table, you asked the customer if he wanted to order something to go with his drinks.
Taking out your notepad, you finally looked up and was met with a pair of familiar blue eyes. You almost didn’t recognize Chris if it weren’t for those eyes. He was no longer sporting a buzz cut and had longer locks, his beard had grown out but was well-trimmed. His tattooed arms weren’t in full display and instead of the usual denim outfits he wore, he was merely clad in a plaid, maroon button down shirt.
You couldn’t help but scoff, “Let me guess, you’re undercover and your target is a frequent customer here.” you said.
Chris laughed mirthlessly and shook his head, “I quit from that job years ago.” he said, much to your surprise.
“You stressin’ over your girl?” you asked.
“Got no girl to come home to...anymore.” Chris replied, those damn apologetic eyes making your knees weak once again.
You rolled your eyes at him and placed your notepad back in your apron, “If you’ve nothin’ else to order, then enjoy your beer. I guess.” you said and turned around but was quickly tugged back when Chris grabbed at your wrist.
Scowling at him, you eyed his hand and then back up at his eyes. They didn’t look apologetic though, you realized, he was giving you the same look but something was different.
You just didn’t know what changed.
“I did love you.” he said. “And I still do and I want to come home to you again.” he quickly added, tightening his grip around your wrist as if he was afraid to let you go.
Surprisingly, there was not an ounce of anger left in your heart. It had been a complete three years since the incident. He left you feeling used and broken but you managed to fix yourself. Not completely, but enough to find it in your heart to forgive Chris for what he did.
“I want to believe you, I really do. But it’s hard for me to do that now.” you explained.
Chris nodded in understanding, “I know but I want to start over again. Make things right, if you’d let me. No lies this time, just me and my truth.” he said, his thumb rubbing soft circles against the inside of your wrist.
Honesty. Pure and genuine honesty— that’s what changed in the way Chris looked at you. There wasn’t any guilt in there anymore, no hidden agendas and whatnot.
Just the truth and the missing piece you never knew you needed to complete your mirror.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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heejojo · 3 years
Mr Hollywood
summary: Sim Jaeyun had made it, he had finally fulfilled his dream of being an artist but he had to leave the place he called he called home promising he would come back when everything was okay. He’s back now but are you sure it’s the same Jake you once knew?
genre: fluff, minor angst, childhood lovers turned exes to lovers again
pairing: Celebrity Sim Jaeyun x non-celebrity reader (with enhypen and treasure appearances)
warning: none
word count: 4.1k
a/n: although it has been proofread, I cannot guarantee no errors so please let me know if you see any! please let me know what you think. likes and reblogs are appreciated and I hope you have a good day.
listen to the playlist here
send an ask or fill out this form to be part of the taglist!
taglist (open): @enhyphun @jungwoniics @penny-quinn @ncthpen @fylithia @taecup-ontrack @renee1414@studioreader
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“And the Artist Of The Year Award goes to none other than...” the announcer said, keeping you all at the edge of your seats. Everyone here had voted for Jake so many times so that he would win. The announcer looked at the folded card in his hand before smiling and saying.
“Jake Sim!” The screams of everyone in the beer parlour with you watching the award ceremony were probably louder than those in the venue itself. You all watched in pride as the look of shock was evident on his face and he shakily walked to the podium to collect the award. You smiled at how good he looked, he had come so far from the boy you once knew here.
Five years ago, Jake had left his hometown, where he grew up for 18 years to pursue his dream. Granted, not everyone is supposed to stay for the rest of their lives but he thought he was going to stay but he made up his mind to leave for his passion. You all supported him even if you weren’t able to talk to him because of his busy schedule. Being able to cheer him from the sidelines was what you were content with. He was the pride of the town and people did not hesitate to show him off.
He gave the announcer a bow and collected the award. You could see the way his hands shook as he collected the award as if it felt unreal that he won.
“I would like to thank God for the ability to get to this point today and to thank my parents for always teaching me the right way and having the courage to let their child pursue his dreams even if it meant that I would be very far away; almost out of reach even. I love you. To all those that have continuously supported me and listened to my music, thank you. To the staff that have worked so hard and everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting, a big thank you to you" he said and walked off.
The excitement of the crowd reduced and everyone eventually retired to their homes while chatting amongst themselves. You think about the award one more time, feeling happy for him and move on. After all, the same way Sim has a life to live is the same way you do also.
The next day, when you wake up you feel a shift in the atmosphere. The birds are still chirping, yes but something feels unusual. You brush off the paranoia you feel and decide to do your usual morning duties and carry on with your day. While other people your age wanted to have prestigious jobs(not like there was anything wrong with that), you wanted something simple and had decided on being either a cafe owner or a florist.
Sadly, the cafe owner agenda wasn't able to work out because everyone in the vicinity was now aware of the way you burned down a cafe trying to bake and collectively decided that you should not be allowed to make food for people. Flowers were better than running a cafe shop. You stayed with your flowers and you were able to give
someone a flower when they needed it.
Need a flower for your mother? You got it, a daylily was exactly what they needed. Wanted to attend a funeral? Take a bouquet of lilies. It was easy to understand and you didn't directly put anyone in harm’s way. Although your shop was hardly ever full, you were content with everything.
That's why you're shocked when you find a line of people waiting to be let into your shop at 9 am. You raised an eyebrow in confusion but you opened the door nevertheless. At the end of the day, you were the one earning the money. You had things to buy, didn't you?
You take your place at the counter and start attending to the customers. They didn't tell you to pick out one for them and just chose it themselves. The crowd slowly reduced till there was only one person left. When there remained a few people, you quietly moved to one person to ask for the reason why they were so cheerful today.
"Jungwon, do you know why everyone is so happy today? My shop was full today!"
"Are you complaining about it?" He asks. Jungwon was the son of the cafe shop owner. He came to your shop frequently when he was on his break and you would talk to each other.
“Of course, I’m not. I just want to know what’s making everyone come here all of a sudden. Even old man Jay came here and you know that man never leaves his house. He bought a red carnation and I’m confused because who does he have affection for that he’s getting them flowers”
“He has a wife you know”
“Please, the last time they had a conversation with each other was when he asked for a divorce” you deadpanned.
“Look Y/N, who’s the one person in this town anyone would do anything for?”
“Kim Junkyu?”
“Close but not him, I wouldn’t do anything for him” Jungwon stated making you roll your eyes.
“The only person left is Sim Jaeyun and we know it’s not possible”
“Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner”
You give him a shaky smile before asking him, “You’re joking right?”
“I’m not,” he says sincerely. You nod your head and go sit on the nearest stool. Placing a hand on your throat as you begin to scratch at it (something you did when you were nervous) and just sit in silence while Jungwon continues talking.
“After the award ceremony, his management released a statement on his Instagram saying that he would be going on hiatus for two months to visit his family. So we townsmen decided to get flowers to pave the road with because he would be coming back. We would have used gold leaves but it’s too expensive”
He continued talking and talking while you were still trying to process the fact that Jake would be coming back. Physically he was still going to be the same Jake you had a crush on before he left but personality-wise? You doubted that. You heard stories of the way fame had changed people; the love from others would get to their heads and make them overly egotistical. A part of you knew that he wouldn’t change but the other part was unsure. Before he left, you made him promise to not change and while you knew promises could be broken, you knew he wouldn’t break them.
“Jungwon, I want to close the shop for today. I’m not feeling too well and want to rest a bit”
“No problem Y/N! If you want, I can stay here and do business for you”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve made enough money today to last me for next month” you say and shoo him away.
At home, you just sit and think for some time before getting up to make some tea and reminiscing about your high school memories. You hardly had feelings for people so when you did, you let them know immediately. When you told Jake that you liked him, he told you that he felt the same. You ignored him for a week after that because you didn’t think that far. After that, you met up with him and explained the reason why you avoided him. You went out with each other for less than 2 weeks and during that period, he had told you about his dreams of becoming an artist and you supported him wholeheartedly.
He would carry your books from school and you both would walk home together every day. He'd play the violin for you because he was good. You'd both pet stray cats and run when they started chasing you. All good things came to an end when he told you that he had to leave to pursue his dream. You both knew you were too young to even attempt a long-distance relationship so you let each other go even though it hurt. You’d watch his music videos and support his activities even though there was a possibility he would never return. Now that he was going to be here, how were you going to cope knowing that your feelings for him were still the same while his feelings could have gone, especially with all the beautiful people in the industry?
That night, while everyone was outside welcoming Mr Hollywood, you stayed in your house dreading the days that would come. The town was small so there was no way that you wouldn’t bump into him. The voices were loud when you tried to sleep. Seems like everyone was ecstatic that Jake had come back. The noise wasn’t able to let you sleep but deep down you knew it was because you were nervous.
You decide to bake cookies to reduce the stress you are currently feeling. You had learnt from your mistakes and no longer burnt kitchens (your kitchen being valid proof of that), but Jungwon’s dad still wouldn’t lift his ban. You baked cookies till 2 am before you were really tired enough to sleep. You had baked almost a hundred cookies that night.
The next morning, you made sure to wake up early so you wouldn’t run into anyone. Thankfully, the townspeople didn’t want to buy flowers that morning and got started on the orders that people out of town had placed. You brought cookies for Jungwon so he could test them. You were trying to fix the counter when someone walked in, making the bell jingle. Assuming it was Jungwon, you say, “Jungwon the cookies are on the counter. Test them and tell me what you think, don’t eat them and run away”
“I’m not a Jungwon but can I talk to Y/N?” You’re startled but you freeze, instantly recognizing the voice. Jake Sim.
“Hello, what would you like?” you asked with a forced smile. You were way too close, the proximity was making you uneasy. He looked a bit disappointed with the way you answered him but what did he expect to come to? It had been five years.
“I just wanted to tal-” he is cut off by Jungwon bursting through the door.
“Y/N, you will not believe who I saw. I saw Jake Sim with my very own two eyes. He looks so much hotter in real life. Do you think he’d sign my back if I asked-” he stopped instantly when he saw the person that was in the flower shop.
He looked like a fish out of water with the way his mouth was agape. Looking at you, then at Jake and then you again. He brought his hand to his head and he hit it hard making you startled.
“Sorry I will leave now,” Jungwon said.
“To cry” he murmured, making you chuckle. Jungwon was someone that cried when he did something embarrassing.
“Jungwon wait,” you say and walk to give him the cookies you had packed for him with a little note.
“Eat them and get back to me when you’re less you know...embarrassed” He snatches them from your hands and makes a run for the door. You giggle then you remember that Jake was still present. Turning to face him, you ask if he wants anything. “I want to talk to you”
You motion him to sit on the spare chair you had and he obliges. Before you even ask him a question, he begins, “Was that your boyfriend?”
“No, not that it concerns you though”
“Where you last night? I saw everyone but you. The Johnny kid said you were feeling ill. I doubt that wasn’t true as you made cookies. The last time I remembered, you were really bad at anything relating to the kitchen”
“Times change and people change, Jaeyun. It’s been 5 years since we last had a conversation with each other. I’m not the same and I’m sure you’re not the same either”
“Let’s get to know each other again. Do things the old fashioned way. Go on dates, paint, and bake with each other. Do some of the things we could have done 5 years ago.”
“And then when you have to leave and have no contact with each other again”
“I won’t do that, I promise. Never again.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Let me prove it to you-”
He’s cut off by the entrance of another customer and stands up to leave but you don’t miss the longing look in his eyes. You hope he can see the same look in yours that’s covered by hurt and waiting for someone to return.
You were not expecting Jake to be at your store first thing on a Friday morning. He was even earlier than you and you're the boss.
“What are you doing here?” you ask. He was bouncing on his feet and looking cherry when you hadn’t even gotten enough sleep.
“I’m here to take you out. Do it like the old times where I’d wait for you so we could go to school together”
“I have work to do today and I’m going to be booked so another time”
“I have come to offer my assistance so tomorrow we can go out together”
“Don’t you have things to do?”
“I’m on a hiatus, I’m free for almost two months and if you want I can be free for more. Imagine all the things we could do in that time” he trails off, fantasizing when you hadn’t even told him that you still liked him. Meanwhile, you had opened the door and walked in.
"Aren't you going to come in and stop thinking of cute stuff?" you ask him and he quickly runs in, flustered.
He takes a look around and puts on a determined face and gets a broom and starts cleaning. For someone that's supposed to be a celebrity, he was cleaning like an employee. You take a rag and wipe all the surfaces and take care of the flowers. After an hour, the shop is ready to open. Customers come rolling in once they see a new help. Although they're surprised, they don't question it.
During your break, Jake picks up a chrysanthemum and hands it to you. "It's for you because you're beautiful," he says
"Hate to rain on your parade but if you gave me this in Italy, it means you wish I were dead" and with that, he takes back the flower instantly and brings a single red rose. You receive it with a small laugh, finding it funny when he doesn't want you misinterpreting him. You were having a sweet moment with him until Jungwon came in again.
"I'm getting tired of seeing you here Mr Sim. As much as I adore you, I need to meet my friend" he states and pulls you to the back. "Care to explain why Jake Sim is in your store again!?"
"Nope" you respond, popping the p. He brought his hand to his forehead and tried to relax his muscles because according to him, he doesn't want to look forty-five when he's thirty years old.
"Look, it's weird coming here and seeing you have company. I'm not against you having company seeing as you've been lonely the entire time I've known you but, I can't stay in his presence! Why must a man Look so gorgeous!? He's ruining my already broken esteem. Everybody saw him in real life and was wondering how a man could look that good."
"They saw him when he was seventeen years old," you tell him.
"And he's twenty-three now! He doesn't look the same and I don't even need to have known him then to know now"
"Jungwon, I want you to get to the point," you tell him, basically pleading at that point because your break would soon be over.
"I'll see you when I have enough confidence to meet him," he says and leaves the store. You shake your head at his overdramatic behaviour and continue with your day. Jake proves to be amazing assistance and you got things done quicker and even closed earlier.
"Thank you for offering help, you can go home now. See you tomorrow" you say in an attempt to shoo him out.
"I want to walk you home" he announces and goes with you home.
"Do you hate me for not talking to you?" he asks.
"I don't hate you. To be honest, I think we both did the right thing by not talking to each other. It was good we had each other in mind but I would have caused too much of a distraction for you. It was great you focused on your career and achieved your goals. I did well too"
"Johnny boy said you were lonely though," he said.
"Number one, I know you know his name is Jungwon but you're just being petty. Two, why were you eavesdropping on our conversation and three, I still had a bit of hope that one day you'd return. I didn't think that you'd come" you say truthfully. The night was making you vulnerable when answering his questions.
"I always asked my mum how you were doing when I called her, you know? I wanted to check up on you without doing so myself. I'd ask her to give you a pop tart because I knew they were your favourite"
Even though he was still far away, he still had kept you in his mind the same way you did for him.
You got home and stayed at the door before you took him by the shoulder and said, "Let's go out together and have fun". He gives you a soft smile and watches you go in before he retires to his own home.
The following day, you're waiting for him to come. You had tried to dress up for the date but didn't want to underdress or overdress since he hadn't told you where you were going. So you decided to wear a simple sundress and made yourself look nice. He arrived wearing something as casual as you in a car.
"Is this your dad's?" you questioned.
"Yup, I borrowed it to take you out,” he says and winks at you. You shake your head laughing and get in the passenger seat and he drives.
“Where are we going?” you ask, curious.
“You’ll see when we get there” you don’t respond but wind down the window and feel the wind on your face which makes you smile.
You catch Jake glancing at you while he’s driving and he doesn’t even try to hide it. “At least try to pretend you’re not starting”
“I can’t help it, you’re so pretty” This kid, he was making it too easy for you to fall for him.
“Do you still like me, Jaeyun?” you inquire.
“I do,” he said with certainty. Has he always been this bold? You don’t say anything and continue to look out so he reaches over and takes one of your hands in his while he uses his other one to drive. You look at him but just continue doing what you’re doing.
“You might not believe me but I mean it,” he says, lightly squeezing your hand as a form of reassurance.
He stops the car at an aquarium and you both come out. You have a wonderful time and although people recognize him and are surprised to see him with you, they don't say anything and leave you alone. You smiled that day more than you had ever smiled before.
"The fishes look good to eat" you whisper in his ear and he playfully smacks your arm and jokes.
"You monster! How can you say that!?" to which you jokingly shrug.
After the aquarium, he takes you to a flower field. "I did my research this time so I don't give you a wrong flower." He picked up a primrose and says, "I know this one means love is eternal so I'm giving it to you because no matter the distance between us, our love will be forever"
You feel warm this time and know that even if he were to leave again, the distance wouldn't matter because together, you both could overcome anything.
"You're all I need" you manage to say.
"When did you get all sentimental?" he teases and you chase after him in the flower field. When you get tired, you lie down on the grass and he lays next to you. Your hands find his hands amid all the grass and you squeeze it. Unknowingly, you fall asleep next to him.
The next weeks that follow include you two bonding and Jake having fun and being relaxed. He was able to write a song but wouldn't let you see the lyrics, saying it wasn't something he wants you to see yet. You met his parents and thanked his mum for taking care of you indirectly and conversed with his dad too. You could tell that he hadn't forgotten any of the values his parents had thought him. He grew up surrounded by a lot of love so he had more than enough to give.
He also met your parents and he was nervous even though you had tried to reassure him that they wouldn't do anything to him. Your father tried to act scary but deep down you knew he had a soft spot for him. Your mom was showering with more affection than she gave you and Jungwon tried stylishly asking him for his celebrity crush numbers.
"Jake, since you're dating my friend can you link me up with Han Sohee? You've worked with her before, help a friend out"
"I'll ask her but no promises" Jungwon was so happy the entire day.
A few days before Jake had to go back because his hiatus was over, you both were talking about how things would be while baking muffins.
"Y/N don't think I won’t talk to you when I go because I can already see the gears turning in your head."
"Pass me the butter Jaeyun"
"Are we back to the first-name basis? Call me the sweet names" he whined.
"Just pass the butter babe" and he passes it instantly.
"Now back to what you were saying, I know you won't forget me obviously and if you try I I can always take a flight to get to you." You tell him. You weren't going to wait around for him anymore. If you missed him, you'd go see him if he was unable to come to see you.
"Better, I was already worried," he says and gives you a back hug.
The day he left was bittersweet and you shed a few tears. It took a lot of willpower to not cry in front of him. You didn't want him to leave but you knew that he had a job to get to and you couldn't be in the way of that.
You both regularly kept in touch, calling each other at least twice a week to catch up on what had happened during each other's week. He hadn't told you that he released a new song and you found out through his fanboy Jungwon who was now the self-acclaimed president of his fan club.
"Y/N, have you heard Jake's new solo? I cried to it for an hour straight" You didn't have any time to check what was going on because someone had ordered flowers for their wedding and you had to get them done quickly.
"New solo?" you ask and Jungwon sits you down and plays the song for you. Truth be told, you cried as well. It felt like he was there with you telling you that he'd never change.
You watched the interview and when he was asked about the meaning or person behind the song, he said, "There's someone that I love and I wanted to let her know that no matter how famous I get, I won't ever change and she shouldn't change either". He looked directly at the camera then continued, "You're stuck with me forever".
That night, you called him and cried on the phone to him telling him about how you saw the interview.
"Y/N, you know I care about you" you sobbed even harder.
"I care about you too, forever"
"Forever baby, regardless of the distance"
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bloop-noop · 3 years
You should write something where reader is a streamer and is on love or host and dream is on there and they you know find out their feelings for each other<333 and maybe if you want to add a little ✨angst✨ into the mix another cc is on readers love or host and they get heart broken seeing the interaction between reader and dream ùwú only if you want to though💕
Love or host
Content: slight angst at the end, but lots of fluffy feels.
Dream x gender neutral reader
Pronouns: they/them
I tried but I hope you liked it, I've been busy with school but I had fun, I accidentally got my feels all fluttery while I wrote XD
Tonight was the night that y/n would finally find 'love' after being broken hearted by empty promises of empty marriages and proposals from their friends. Y/n was nervous unsure who was going to be their love or host. Friends jokingly said they were going to show up on their love or host to steal people who were trying to fight for their love for y/n, which made sense but they couldn't help but feel upset. 
The stream had barely started with the slight intro which turned into the music portion of the stream, y/n sat and pondered nervously of who all joined. Maybe their friends really did join and there was literally no spot for other people who wanted to join. Or maybe she picked the wrong person and got hosted. Who knows, a few songs later the music portion had ended and it was time for everyone on the show to start getting ready for the reveal of everyone who was participating. 
They didn't want to see who was all there out of fear but when the call of everyone popped up on the screen. To their surprise a few friends they knew were there and to another surprise their friend Dream was on their love or host. Obviously no camera showing his face but his little icon was placed instead. 
Austin had moved immediately to introductions starting with y/n, "alrighty folks the guest of tonight's love or host y/n! Everyone give them a round of applause." Everyone clapped, along with the stream chat as clapping emojis or the word 'clap' was displayed on the screen going by fast. "Now y/n why don't you introduce yourself to those who don't know you, I mean who doesn't, but anyway take it away."
Y/n bursted out of their daydreaming and smiled at her camera shyly, "hi, everyone. Um as some of you know I'm y/n I do (content) on (platform) and I have quite a large following and I'm excited to be here. Even though at first I meant it as a joke but…here I am!" 
"Excellent, absolutely excellent, now to the contestants! First we are starting with Mr/Ms. (Friend's name)! Go ahead and introduce yourself."
"Oh…um well I'm (friend's name) and I am a friend of y/n here and I am here to win their love or host. And as must as you think I'm hosting you n/n I am not. I truly chose love." A few contestants awe'd while some scoffed or jokingly teased them about choosing host. "Alrighty thank you Mr/Ms. (Friend's name). Next up is the famous Dream, introduce yourself."
"Well I'm Dream, I'm also a friend of y/n we did some streams together and I want to be the one who wins tonight. Don't stress about me choosing love or host just know that in the end I would give my time for you y/n." Y/n was shocked at what Dream had said, their cheeks were painfully obvious to the viewers and to the others who were looking at the call. "Aw lookie there y/n is already blushing and we haven't even gotten through half of them. Anyway, let's continue."
While viewers were talking about Dream's introduction, another person was staring at Dream's icon while others introduced themselves. They couldn't help but feel jealous and disappointed that their words didn't strike y/n's heart like Dream's did. 
"Alright question time. All of you will get to answer a question but some will only be directed to y) n or you guys then by the end of the question, y/n will choose who does not get to continue. Ready? Alright first question not to y/n and this is the most common question on this show. 'Where would you take y/n on the first date?' Let's start with Dream, Dream you have the floor."
"Well in terms of first date uh I'd probably say that I would have a Minecraft date, since we live far, we can have dates on the Dream SMP or a new world. But if we meet up, then it would still be Minecraft."
Y/n thought about his answer long and hard, Minecraft date with Dream seemed cool but…not something they would do for a first date. A few others went before it was (friend's name) turn to answer. 
"I know what y/n likes to do. I know they like (favorite series) so we would binge watch it as many times as they want and we could cook together (favorite food) I know y/n isn't really big ok dates, something small but fun for the both of us. I actually enjoy cooking with y/n, so many stories on that but yeah that's what I would do on our first date."
Y/n sat in their chair flabbergasted, surprised mostly, but this is the first time (friend's name) had ever said anything sentimental, or either y/n was completely oblivious. But the thought of a date like that warmed y/n's heart. They smiled at their friends' cameras and seeing their faces made y/n smile even more. And deep down y/n's friend knew he had won that. 
"Smooth guy/girl aren't you kid? Seems like Dream and (friend's name) are competing for y/n's love, the rest of you better start fighting tooth and nail for y/n because it seems like they are getting popular now." Austin said with a mischievous tone not well hidden from sight. 
After an hour people were kicked off one by one after each question leaving Dream and (friend's name) I'm the final round. Everyone who was on was very lovely even though half did choose host but still wonderful people. 
Meanwhile Dream and (friend's name) were glaring at each other, well at their screen and since Dream couldn't be seen, only noises of annoyance were heard. They seemed to have been dissing at each other whenever y/n would blush or laugh or shyly looked away from one of the two, even the chat had noticed the two bicker which caused a spiral for the two. 
But now it was the last round. The one on one date neared at any second. Y/n fiddled with their fingers under their desk while they figured out who went first, and to their surprise it was their friend. "Alright you two I'm going to start the timer for you two and then well end I'm starting your timer now." Numbers displayed on the screen only the stream could see but with small silence y/n broke the silence. "Did you think you would make it this far (friend's name)?" Y/n said chuckling at their friend who scratched their cheek nervously. "If I'm honest I actually did. Look I know Dream and I bickered like school girls but I hope you choose me. Watching random movies or each junk food till we get fat, something we can do together. Long as it's with you. What about you y/n?"
"What about me?" Confused at the question she thought about what to say next before the timer sound went off. "Alright you two times up, Dream is already prepared for you y/n so please mute up (friend's name).”
The timer had started once again and immediately Dream had said his hello. "Hey y/n! Crazy night hasn't it?" "Oh um yes it has. I assume it's the same for you, so Dream why did you want to come to my love or host, I thought you would be on George's?" Y/n giggled as Dream stuttered to find his words, "I um…well I wanted to be here for you. I think you are more important than George…wait no that came out wrong! I mean like fuck…if you choose me I swear I'll show you what I mean, is that blackmail? God I hope not but I-I hope you choose me. I have a lot to say but I guess we won't have time. But I am glad I got to be here and choose love." Dream smiled at his screen with a blush covering his cheeks, even if they couldn't see it, they could definitely hear from the sound of his voice. "We'll see Dream, I guess this is goodbye for now. It was nice talking to you."
"Alright chat now we are ready for the final vote, who will y/n choose? Dream or (friend's name)? Alright y/n whenever you are ready just DM me who you choose"
Everyone who was watching, waited impatiently as y/n thought long and hard who they would choose. A frown was plastered on their lips but soon took a deep breath replacing the frown to a small smile. 
"Ok folks we have the results. And tonight the winner of tonight's love or host guest starring y/n is!"
Seconds went by as everyone's heart raced waiting for the man to finally reveal who had won. Seconds felt like hours till Austin finally revealed, "(Friend's name)...I'm sorry but Dream has won y/n's love or host! Congratulations Dream for winning the heart of our beloved y/n! And get this y/n, your man Dream chose. He had chosen…love! He chose love!" Y/n gasped laughing covering their mouth from shock. "Sorry (friend's name) tonight just isn't your night, actually (friend's name) had also chosen love which is unfortunate." Y/n's smile faltered a bit at their friend watching them sigh with a sad smile. "It's fine y/n I had fun, but I better get going.” With that, they left Dream and y/n's to their own date which wasn't streamed. 
Dream turned on his camera without y/n noticing, they spoke about random topics till y/n gasped a little. "Y/n you alright?" "I-I yes! I just didn't um…expect you to turn your camera on which surprised me." Dream frowned a little, feeling insecure about himself, seeing his expression made y/n jump into panic. "Wait, I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I was just surprised since I've never seen your face before. Did you know you are really handsome Dream?" Both blushed at y/n's words. Since then they had both gotten closer, but at a cost of y/n and (friend's name) to drift further apart. 
Y/n didn't understand why their friend had suddenly stopped talking to them since the love or host. They left upset, thinking they did something wrong. Dream assured them that it would take a while for them to come back since he knew that (friend's name) had a crush of his beloved partner.
Words: 1,731
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bittydragon · 3 years
The Problems Arising (The Election)
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Notes: Here it is! This is the start of that big project I told you all about yesterday! This story is based off of the request by @potatonugget7 - “I was wondering if you could do like, the whole Schlatt arc of L’Manburg but with borrower Tubbo?” (Just in case the picture decides to not load for some dumb reason.) (Also, only reason I’m not answering this as the ask itself is purely due to formatting reasons) Let me tell you, this has been a blast to create. I have actually been talking with the person who sent me this ask and they helped me develop the story. Personally, I think this is turning out amazing. I am very excited to share this project with you all and hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
“Wilbur, relax! We’ve got this in the bag! There’s no way we could lose this thing, not after all the work we have put into this.”
“But Tommy! SWAG2020 has begun gaining a following and Schlatt’s sudden entrance to the election could send this all for a loop. Can we really still win?”
Tubbo watched as his best friend and his brother argued over what the outcome for this election would be. 
Wilbur had only become increasingly anxious over the results whilst Tommy was completely confident in their abilities to win the election. 
Tubbo wished he could help, but it was rather difficult when he was only a few inches tall. All he could do was sit there and give whatever words of encouragement he could think of to help calm the two humans’ nerves. 
But in this moment, Tubbo couldn’t even think of what he could say. Wilbur was rightfully worried, Quackity had begun to gain a following and Schlatt’s sudden entry to the election threw everyone off. 
Though, Tommy’s optimism had its own truth behind it. The two brothers had put a lot of work into their election campaign, and that isn’t even considering the amount of work they  put into building the country as a whole. 
With all this in mind, Tubbo still had high hopes that Wilbur and Tommy would still win.
“Guys, at this point it’s useless to argue about the outcome, the votes are all in already. Nothing is going to change the outcome now.” 
Both humans went silent and turned to Tubbo, who barely flinched at the sudden attention. He was used to it at this point. He was just happy that they actually listened to him instead of ignoring him because he was different. 
“Though, I do want to ask a favor of you Wilbur.”
Wilbur sent him a questioning gaze. “And what would that be, Tubbo?” Tubbo took a deep breath. He just hoped that they would be alright with this.
“Could I come and watch this time? I could just hide in your pocket!” He took a deep breath as he noticed Tommy was about to say something and continued. 
“I just feel as if I don’t get to see what happens with you guys. Plus, I want to be there to celebrate with you two afterwards!” He sent them a wide smile, which thankfully seemed to calm both of their nerves.
“Of course, Tubbo. I’d be happy to-”
“Wait! Why don’t you want me to carry you? Why the hell did you ask Wilbur and not me, your best friend if I may add.”
“Tommy, I wouldn’t trust you to actually keep me hidden either if I were Tubbo, dumbass.”
Tubbo giggled as Tommy began sputtering out various curses and insults. Wilbur only looked on in amusement. Tubbo enjoyed these little moments with them. 
They were like a family, something Tubbo hadn’t really had before meeting Tommy.
All too soon, their fun was stopped by the distant ringing of a bell. All three of them knew what this bell meant; the time to announce the results of the election. 
They all stood there in silence for a brief moment to let it sink in. Eventually, Wilbur turned towards Tubbo and extended his hand out to him with a smile.
“Shall we?” Tubbo nodded and quickly climbed onto Wilbur’s hand. 
His grip tightened ever so slightly to keep himself balanced as the hand moved upwards. It seemed to take no time at all before he reached the pocket of Wilbur’s uniform and slid into it. 
He began situating himself inside of the pocket as he felt Wilbur lean down to pick up the envelope that contained the final results. 
When everyone was ready, they left towards the podium with a heavy silence hanging between them.
The walk was uneventful and quiet, all three too caught up in their own thoughts. As they approached the podium, they could see many of the citizens of L’Manburg had already begun to gather below. With a heavy sigh, Wilbur walked up towards the podium with Tommy trailing behind him.
As soon as they reached the podium, Tubbo ducked back into the pocket. He’d rather not be seen by others. He’d be content with only listening to the results, they really weren’t something he needed to see to know the outcome.
Tubbo heard faint conversation around him as Wilbur prepared to announce the results that were located in the envelope from earlier. A moment later, Wilbur tapped the microphone and cleared his throat; everyone went silent.
“Hello everyone, and welcome to the L’Manburg election results! In my hand are the final votes for the election, the deciding factor on L’Manburg’s next president.” Tubbo felt Wilbur take a deep breath as he lifted the envelope for everyone in the audience to see.
“This envelope contains the popular votes for the four running parties: POG2020 consisting of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit, SWAG2020 consisting of Quackity and George, Coconut2020 consisting of Fundy and Nihachu, and Schlatt2020 consisting of Schlatt. With that said, I will now read out the results of the election.”
Silence was all that met Wilbur’s words. Tubbo assumed everyone was anticipating the results with baited breath because even he felt his own doubts creeping in. 
However he shook it off as he heard Wilbur tear the envelope open and pull out the sheet of paper.
A few seconds later, Wilbur suddenly tensed up. It felt so slight that he was sure that no one watching would notice, but Tubbo could feel it from inside the pocket. 
He was confused, POG2020 was the clear favorite, at least, he thought they were the clear favorite. But the way Wilbur tensed up made his doubts increase tenfold.
“In fourth place with 9% of the vote, we have Coconut2020!”
Cheering suddenly erupted from beside Wilbur, and Tubbo made a quick guess that it was Fundy cheering. At least he still seemed happy despite losing the election.
“In third place with 16% of the vote, we have Schlatt2020!”
An astonished silence followed the announcement. Tubbo shifted in surprise as well. Schlatt had been such a late entry to the election as a whole, and yet, he didn’t receive the lowest amount of votes. He had actually managed to gain a decent following for only being in L’Manburg for a few days, prior to the election.
“That leaves us with the last two parties: POG2020,” he paused for effect before continuing on, “and SWAG2020.” Silence hung in the air, only broken by a small cheer behind Wilbur that went ignored by everyone. 
“In second place with 30% of the vote,” Wilbur paused, raising the suspense.Tubbo held his breath, hoping that POG2020 came out as the elected party. 
Cheer erupted from all around, the loudest being Tommy who was standing right beside Wilbur. Even Tubbo couldn’t help but let out a relieved laugh, they had won the election.
“That leaves POG2020 with 45% of the popular vote.” Tommy’s cheering increased tenfold at the new statement. Tubbo knew that if he wasn’t in Wilbur’s pocket at that exact moment, Tommy would be all over his brother in excitement. 
Tubbo was about to tap Wilbur to show him how excited he was when he began to speak again.
“Tommy, Tommy please settle down. I need to announce one other thing.” Tommy lessened his cheering but Tubbo knew he was probably still smiling like an idiot. They had won, they did it!
“Two days ago, a deal was made between candidate Quackity and candidate Schlatt. They both agreed to create a coalition government based off of both of their respective followings. Therefore, the new party of Schlatt2020 has 46% of the popular vote. Meaning that Schlatt2020 has won the election by 1% of the vote.”
Tubbo could no longer pay attention to everything going on around him, all of the words around him blending into white noise. 
They had actually lost the election. 
Wilbur and Tommy didn’t win when it should have been an easy victory for them. The only reason they lost was because of the new coalition government pooling their votes together.
So what was going to happen now? This Schlatt person was the new president of L’Manburg? 
He had only been in these lands for around a week prior and the people had already decided that they preferred him over Wilbur. Wilbur hadn’t done anything wrong, he had done nothing to cause a dislike towards him. 
And L’Manburg chose a new member over one of the original founders.
Tubbo eventually let himself tune back into the happenings around him and risked a glance over the edge of the pocket as Schlatt began his inauguration speech. 
He hadn’t noticed when they moved down from the platform to stand with the rest of L’Manburg’s citizens. He really was lost in his thoughts it seemed.
He glanced over to Tommy who sent a small worried look back. Tommy had done so much for this country and he was now nothing more than another citizen. 
Tubbo hoped that Schlatt would at least honor Tommy’s contributions to the country at the very least. 
“My first decree, as the president of L’Manburg, the Emperor of this great country!” Tubbo turned his gaze to the podium where the ram hybrid began giving his first decree. 
That first line alone made a small chill run down Tubbo’s spine. 
“Is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot,” Schlatt paused for a minute and his smile grew bigger. “And TommyInnit!”
Time seemed to stop for Tubbo as he registered the new president’s words among the now growing cheers and screams. But that meant they couldn’t be on L’Manburg lands. 
They weren’t allowed to stay so what are they going to-
“Get ‘em outta here!”
Suddenly, Tubbo felt Wilbur jerk as he turned tail to run. He faintly heard him yelling at Tommy to run, over the roaring blood in his ears. 
He ducked into the pocket as soon as Wilbur lurched forward, like he’d been struck by an arrow. 
Tubbo ducked as low as he could in the pocket to avoid falling out in the commotion, especially when Wilbur whipped around to check who was behind him. 
He then heard Wilbur chug a potion and noticed as the effects began taking place, making Wilbur’s body seemingly disappear into thin air.
Before he was completely out of sight though, another arrow hit Wilbur and next thing Tubbo knew he was free falling toward the ground. 
What just happened? 
He attempted to prop himself up on his arms in the tall grass, only to see items littered around him. 
The sound of people running fell on deaf ears as Tubbo attempted to regain his bearings. It had all gone so fast, he wasn’t exactly sure what had just happened.
“Well this is unexpected. The fuck are you supposed to be?” 
Tubbo stared wide-eyed up at the figure that was now towering over him. 
It was the ram hybrid, the one who beat Wilbur in the election. At Tubbo’s silence, Schlatt’s eyes narrowed and he let out a small noise of annoyance. 
Before he could register what was happening, a large hand reached down and snatched him up in a tight fist.
Tubbo began trying to squirm out of the suffocating grip to no avail as he was lifted off of the ground. The fist only squeezed harder, pushing Tubbo’s breath out of him. 
He stopped struggling in hopes that he would be allowed to breathe easier and possibly get a chance to escape. 
One glance at his captor however, dashed all hope that Tubbo had. He watched in horror as the ram’s expression changed from confusion to a sinister looking grin.
“You belonged to Wilbur, didn’t you?” Schlatt smirked and began twisting Tubbo around in his grip. “If that’s the case, you might be useful.”
Tubbo tried to steady himself in the man’s hands but was constantly knocked over by Schlatt twisting and turning him. 
With the implications Schlatt made and the constant twisting; Tubbo felt sick to his stomach.
The movement finally stopped, only for Tubbo to be trapped in a tight fist once more as Schlatt bent down to pick up the potions that Wilbur had dropped. 
He seemed uninterested in most of the things Wilbur dropped when he died, he only seemed to be interested in the potions and Tubbo.
That did not bode well for Tubbo at all.
A few seconds later, Schlatt stored the potions on his person and began walking towards the White House with Tubbo in hand. 
Schlatt didn’t even look at him as he began shifting Tubbo around again, further disorienting the tiny boy. A quick glance at the ram however, heavily implied that he was doing this on purpose.
It felt like forever before they reached the White House, at least for Tubbo it did. He felt dizzy and sick by the time they stopped walking, anymore and it may have caused him to throw up. 
He was so out of it that he didn’t even notice Schlatt creating a small glass box on the table until he was dropped into it.
Tubbo landed on his butt inside the enclosure with a grunt of pain before looking up in fear. Schlatt smiled and propped his head up on his hand atop the table.
“There you go, pet. Just like home, right? Of course it is!” He leaned in, not giving Tubbo a chance to respond. “‘Cause little fucking things like you are nothing more than pets.”
Tubbo scooted backwards, hoping to put as much distance between himself and Schlatt despite the glass enclosure. He shrunk back further as Schlatt laughed at his actions.
Before either of them could do anything else, someone else entered the White House with a loud, excited cheer.
“Eyyyy, Schlatt! Mr. President! How does it feel to have all this power in your new nation?” Tubbo glanced over to see the newcomer. 
He quickly deduced that this was Quackity, Schlatt’s vice president and the reason Schlatt became president. 
Tubbo knew that Schlatt wouldn’t have won if Quackity hadn’t pooled his votes with Schlatt, meaning he already had a bitter feeling towards him.
“So what’s our first plan of action- Schlatt? What the fuck is that?”
Tubbo was now extremely aware of the new pair of eyes on him, the attention was too much. Unfortunately, in his situation there was nothing he could do to escape the attention. 
Tommy and Wilbur at least respected his privacy whenever he felt overwhelmed, these two however, most definitely did not.
“Dunno, but it was sitting amongst Soot’s stuff after he was killed. Brought it back here as soon as I realized that this weird creature could be used against him if he tries any funny business.” Schlatt never took his eyes off Tubbo as he spoke, unnerving the tiny boy even more.
Tubbo switched his gaze towards Quackity and noticed a small unease forming in his expression. It was almost as if the idea of Schlatt using a small person as nothing more than a tool unnerved him. 
It made Tubbo feel a bit of hope for his situation.
“As weird as this is, I’ll be fine with this ‘cause you’re right, it does give us the upper hand against Wilbur and Tommy!”
And with that, any hope Tubbo had left was shattered. The new vice president wasn’t going to do anything to stop Schlatt, he was too loyal to the president.
“That’s what I thought! This is why you’re my vice president! Come now, we have much to figure out with my new country!”
With that, they left the room, leaving Tubbo alone in his glass enclosure. He curled up into himself as tears threatened to fall. 
He knew he wasn’t going to be able to escape this situation easily, if he could even escape at all. All he wanted was to end this new nightmare.
He just wanted to be back with Tommy.
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corpseskitten · 4 years
opposites attract | corpse husband
Corpse knew his friends were curious about his mysterious partner who was faceless just like he was. But when they collide, his friends realise there really is more to them than meets the eye.
Corpse and his partner are complete opposites.
notes: I hate that my muse is like this and fully went down the road of ‘oh, what if!!!’ and here we are. feel free to drop any requests whilst I go and weep over the fact my hyper fixation is probably going to drive me mad with various plot bunnies and ideas. warnings: none pairing: corpse x gender neutral!reader word count: 2.5k
if you see any mistakes, no ya didn’t
“Are you sure?” Corpse had asked them quietly, knowing that this was a big step for them at least. 
“It’s about time that they saw who I am, and it’d probably help them understand why you click so well with Sykkuno.” Their voice was soft and light, a stark contrast to his low tones and almost growling rumbles. 
“Part of me feels anxious for you, knowing what people might say.” He admitted softly and they let their hand rest on his face, a fond smile appearing as he tilted his head into their touch, eyes slipping closed for just a moment.
“Considering we’ve been together for well over a year, I’m certainly more secure in my relationship with you, not to mention, if they do try and say anything, I’m going to be the one gasping your name at the end of the day.” Despite how difficult he knew it was for them to speak so brash, their own shy nature warring with the idea of those words, he appreciated that they reminded him who they were with.
He turned his head to kiss their palm, slowly trailing kisses down their arm and letting his lips linger on their throat. He was slow with each kiss, finally reaching to just their ear and let out a slow breath, feeling them shiver. 
“You’ll remember nothing but my name, baby.” His voice was musky and low and he heard them let out a very shaky breath as he slowly resumed his kisses before finding their lips, their body practically melting into his. 
“You do that on purpose.” They grumbled once he pulled away, a soft laugh escaping him as he listed his own hand, trailing the back of his fingers down their cheek.
“I can see you’re anxious about this. And I know that this is the quickest way to get you to relax.” He hummed and despite the pout on their lips, they didn’t argue nor deny it because they knew he was telling the truth. 
“I hate that you’re right.” They finally groused out and he laughed before pressing another kiss to their lips before gently pushing them to their gaming setup. 
He’d jumped at the opportunity to move in with them, a smaller town with less people, not to mention better internet, which had made them laugh the first time he streamed when he was at theirs. 
People had been aware that he was in a relationship, he’d been honest about that when Sykkuno had caught him off guard when he tried his hand at Minecraft with the other streamer and it had been a question that he didn’t mind answering, unlike previous times towards the start of their relationship. 
When he’d moved in, the second bedroom had been transformed into a permanent shared office between the two of them. There was enough room that they could have their own set ups and he’d remain off camera so that Corpse could come and go as he pleased. This time, however, he chose to move his chair so he was just off screen, sending them the invite to the discord just as they clicked stream once they had everything set up.
They had their own sets of headphones connected, but a shared mic between the two of them on this set up and they gave Corpse a nervous look as they joined the discord voice chat.
“Hello?” Rae’s voice was first.
“Hey guys.” Corpse gave them a reprieve, noticing that their leg was shaking. His hand reached out to rest on their knee and they gave him a grateful look.
“Wait, Corpse? Hold on, this isn’t your usual discord...” Sykkuno trailed off and he squeezed their knee, watching as they took in a deep breath.
“That would be because it’s not his. Hi, I’m the one that Corpse often refers to as his partner, or otherwise known as Mouse.” That had been the compromise for the two of them. They were wary enough letting their face get known, but they refused to even give anyone their own name, and he understood that. Mouse had become a joke at first, due to their timid nature when they’d first met him, but the term of endearment had stuck.
“Wait, you’re Mouse?!” Rae gasped through the headphones and they let off a soft chuckle.
“I’d be very surprised if I wasn’t, since he’s been calling me that from day one.” 
“They’re also streaming so you can see their face if you want.” Corpse supplied helpfully and Rae’s reaction was the first one.
“Oh my god, you’re his literal opposite.” You watched as your viewer count shot up, especially once Corpse had tweeted the link from his account. 
“I mean, they do say opposites attract and all that.” Their laugh was flustered and nervous, and he started rubbing his thumb in soothing circular motions on their thigh. 
“Oh-well Corpse, you managed to catch a very fine fish-wait-that’s not what I meant.” Sykkuno’s immediate stumble had them laughing and they felt more relaxed as the rest of the group laughed.
“You’re fine Sykkuno. But I definitely found a good one.” They grinned at him and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek for that. 
“Hey Mouse, how did you two meet, because, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’d be the last person we’d expect Corpsey boy here to date.” Sean interrupted and they grinned almost devilishly, a groan erupting from Corpse’s lips which caused the others to start laughing.
“Oh my loving partner quite literally had me falling over him and the first thing he could say after I said thank you—because he’d managed a spectacular catch—was ‘your eyes are pretty’ and then immediately apologised and rushed off. I was left quite stunned by him and his voice, and the fates were kind enough to let us run into each other again a couple of hours later.” They explained and he sighed.
“Corpse I know you said you weren’t good around people, but c’mon, how did you manage to recover from literally running away?” There was an amused lilt to his tone and Corpse sighed.
“To be fair, they’d practically fallen into me, so I was caught off guard. But later on, a friend had convinced me to come out, seeing as the place wouldn’t be crowded. And so I thought, fuck it, why not? And they were just there by themselves, and I did kind of feel bad. I did kinda fuck up again because apparently I frighten people and ruin outfits.” They rolled their eyes, cutting in.
“What he’s failing to say is that he just ‘hey!’ and put his hand on my shoulder and I jumped a mile, knocking my drink over. He really did, sort of, intimidate me at first, and he was quick to point that out, hence my nickname, But we clicked and haven’t really looked back.” Sean was the first to laugh.
“Only Corpse could fuck up spectacularly twice, and still end up with a date.” The group laughed at that and they glanced over to him, noting the flush on his cheeks. Leaning over, they kissed his cheek again, causing him to cover his face, making them laugh.
“I’m just trying to figure out why Mouse reminds me of someone...” Sykkuno murmured as the game loaded up and everyone went mute. 
“How long before they realise it’s because I’m far too much like Sykkuno?” They grinned at him as the word ‘Crewmate’ lit up their screen.
Corpse smirked.
“By the first meeting at least. I’m betting that it’ll be Sean who picks up on it first.”
“My bet’s on Rae.”
“Winner gets to pick this evening's dinner?” The slight smirk on his lips told them that he had more ideas than just dinner, but it was certainly not appropriate to discuss on the stream.
“You’re on. I’ve been craving Ricotta for the last week now.” Corpse laughed as they finally moved from the dropship.
For the first round, they did tag along with Sykkuno and Rae, doing the tasks with Corpse commenting on who was around for the stream. A few times they cut in to thank for the subs and Corpse did a couple too, making the chat pick up a little bit more.
Just as they ran up to Navigation, the report button popped up and so they hit it, causing people to unmute.
“So, uh Sykkuno’s body was just outside of Navigation.” 
“And the last person we saw with him was Lily.” Corpse added, earning a splutter of indignation from the accused. 
“Listen up bud, just because you aren’t here to actually avenge Sykkuno’s death does not mean you get to butt in.” The others laughed at that.
“But he’s right, you were the last one to be seen with him, Lily.” They added, and Toast started the interrogation on Lily which had her try to throw it back on Mouse, since they’d found the body.
“I mean, I could be an imposter. But I wouldn’t have gone for Sykkuno. I would not be alive talking if I had.” Corpse laughed at that, especially when Lily spluttered in anger as she got voted off.
The game went on for three more rounds before They voted off Felix in a stand-off with Sean which won them the game.
And then the lobby refreshed and everyone started talking once more.
“Oh Mouse! I figured out why Sykkuno thought you were familiar!” Rae crowed and they gave Corpse the smug look as his head fell into his hands. “You’re basically Sykkuno but not Sykkuno. So I guess Sykkuno’s double, but in personality and not looks?” This time they switched the mic on, laughing as Corpse groaned out loud.
“Jack I was counting on you to figure it out before Rae!” He complained, earning laughter from the group.
“What did you just win, Mouse?” 
“I get to pick dinner tonight and someone’s gonna pay for it. I’ve been craving Ricotta all week and this makes my victory so much sweeter because I don’t have to pay for it.” They sang down the microphone before Corpse pushed their chair away from him, only to pull them back seconds later.
“I mean, I’d guessed it out loud on my stream, but then my chat started yelling about the bet, so I was waitin’ to see if Rae had figured it out.” Sean admitted.
“Traitor.” Corpse accused, making Sean protest loudly.
“Hey! You two were the ones who decided to be cute and make a bet on it.” 
“So-uh, I guess there’s two of me now? Is that what Rae’s trying to say?” Sykkuno finally cut in and they grinned at Corpse.
“Never Sykkuno. You’re both unique, but you can’t deny that the second they started saying about how they could be the imposter, it’s like you’d taken over for a second.” Corpse was trying his hardest to not laugh, but then Sykkuno giggled.
“That is true. Well it’s nice to finally meet ya Mouse. Maybe we’ll get to be impostors together and bamboozle them into voting off the wrong people.” This set Corpse off again and they grinned widely.
“Sounds like a solid plan Sykkuno.” Corpse was still laughing, but it warmed his heart that one of his best friends got on with the person he loved.
The stream continued in that vein, with Corpse watching the chat more than the game, especially when a few more ruder commenters seemed to happily voice their dislike of them. So doing what he did best, he stole the mic from the desk, pulling it closer and they paused, eyeing him carefully.
“If you would kindly stop talking shit about someone that I love, that’d be fucking fantastic. Don’t be dicks.” And he replaced the mic before refocusing on the game, acting like he hadn’t done anything. 
“Really?” They questioned as they finally moved in the game. 
“What?” The attempted innocence set them off and it took a good five minutes to calm down, to which they got murdered by Rae. 
“Making me lose! How dare you!” They got out before they started laughing again. This time Corpse joined in, tugging the chair closer to him so they were just out of frame.
“No one gets to bad mouth you.” He finally got out and they shared a few kisses before they returned their attention to the game to find that they’d lost. 
After exchanging goodbyes and then stopping the stream, the groan that left his lips as they made an order for their food, made them chuckle as he finally coaxed them from their gaming chair, only to get to the living room and sit back down, his hands pulling them so that they straddled his lap.
“Don’t think I forgot your words from earlier, baby.” His hands were slow to slide up under their shirt and the almost breathy chuckle that left his lips as they looked away, sent shivers down their spine.
“You’re really choosing to do this now?” they finally got out, their eyes unable to look him in the face.
They didn’t anticipate his deliberate movements then, the way one hand moved around to the side before pulling it from under the material, his fingers and thumb grasping their chin firmly, tilting their head to look at him.
Their breath caught in their throat, the almost smug look on his face doing nothing to stop the flush of need sweeping their body as he pulled them closer, his lips capturing theirs, the touch much more softer than the grasp he had on their chin.
“You started it, baby. Tell me, what were you going to do? What do you want me to do?” And it took them a full second to comprehend, fighting with their words as he held them in place, unable to move or look away.
“I’m going to be the one gasping your name at the end of the day. I-I want you to make me forget-” their voice faltered for a second before they pulled in a slow breath, their eyes meeting his with a determination he rarely saw, “forget everything but your name.” 
They shifted in his lap, a low groan escaping from him as their fingers moved to his hair and his hand finally let go of their chin, slipping back under their shirt.
“Gonna make a mess?” The question seemed to have them pause, a softer moan escaping as his fingers drifted across their body, the sensation of his fingertips and almost breathless voice making them pause their train of thought, part of them desperately wanting to answer, but a stronger part pushing to carry on.
The decision was taken from them as the doorbell went off and they groaned, face falling into his neck and he laughed, arms wrapping around them before moving them off his lap, a noise of protest escaping them.
“The build up is just part of the fun, love. And anyway, you’re my dessert.” 
if you want to be added to a taglist, let me know! 
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Oh Lady Luck (How I miss you so!)
Okay; first off. I hated this. I had a massive case of writer’s block while doing it and lost inspiration near the end.
Oh Lady Luck (How I miss you so!)
           Bustier’s class was the luckiest in school, everyone knew it. They got to go on the most amazing trips, win contest after contest, competition after competition, met all sorts of celebrities, frequently got to meet Ladybug, through the best dances and school plays, and always seemed to have a pep in their step. Anything any of the students went after they always managed to get. Everyone knew Bustier’s class was the luckiest in school. Then one day that changed dramatically.
“You’ve changed,” Alya accused Marinette after the class voted her out as Class president. “You become a bully.”
           Alix snorted, “More like a jealous bitch.”
           There were nods from the other students in class. Lila smiled at Marinette; happy that her promise to ruin the girl was coming true.
“You’re always so mean to Lila,” Rose added. “It’s not nice.”
“You’re worse than Chloe now,” Kim glared.
           Juleka frowned, “We miss the old Marinette.”
“You should’ve chilled out like I told you to, dudette,” Nino said with a shake of his head, clearly disappointed.
“We can’t be your friends anymore,” Alya crossed her arms.
           Marinette had listen to them quietly as they relayed reason after reason why they were ending their friendships with her; all to do with Lila. She didn’t bother to look at Adrien. He had warned her what was going to happen; Nino had told him. There had also been a group text apparently. Adrien made it clear he stood with Marinette. Even more so, when he chose to sit with her in the back of the class, a fierce glare on his face at the other students.
The bluenette placed down her pencil, closed her sketchbook and said, “Fine. Then we’re not friends anymore.”
“That’s counts double for me,” Adrien hissed. “Lose my number. In fact, don’t bother; I’ll just change it. That goes for every last one of you. I’ll be informing my Father and Nathalie that only Chloe and Marinette are on my visitors list.”
           The class blinked in shock. Not expecting that reaction from the blond boy who was usually so amicable and nice.
           Chloe watched with amused eyes. She had been sentenced to the back of the room not long after Marinette. “We’ve never been friends but consider all extra little perks you’ve gotten used to: dead and over with.”
           That was it. None of the other students knew what to say or do. They hadn’t gotten the reaction they expected. Marinette didn’t seem to care. Adrien seemed ready to set them on fire. Chloe looked rather pleased at the idea of seeing them burn. Most shrugged it off; figuring at least two of the three (Marinette and Adrien) would come crawling back in no time.
           They didn’t.
           Things started to change for the students in Bustier’s class the next day.
           Lila woke up in the morning to an email confirming that she would no longer being a model or any type of employee for the Gabriel Agreste brand. Or as Nathalie put it when the sausage hair girl called her, “We will no longer be needing your services, Miss Rossi. Do not contact us again.” Click.
           That was when Lila realized her plan of using Gabriel to get Adrien under her thumb had went up in flames. She hoped that Adrien wasn’t informed so that maybe she could still use his father as a threat against the boy.
           When she go to class, the blond model sent her a vicious smirk. Lila paled. She knew without a doubt that Adrien didn’t just know Lila was fired, he was the one got her fired.
           Nino woke up to the news that the gig he was due to play, his big break, had replaced him. It would’ve been huge for his career.
Oh well, he thought, back to DJ-ing for birthday parties.
           Alya accidently dropped her phone in the toilet; ruining hundreds of videos and pictures for the Ladyblog.
           Alix took a dive while skating; broke her ankle and the watch her dad gave her.
           Max broke his glasses.
           Kim got food poisoning.
           Ivan’s dad ran over his drum set while parking in the garage.
           Rose tried to call Prince Ali and found out he changed his number.
           Nathaniel spilled coffee all over his Ladybug comic strips. Marc had been pissed.
           Juleka’s mom accidently put bleach in with a load of her laundry; it ruined everything.
           By the time they had all got to class, all the students were in a terrible mood. However, when Marinette walked in with a box full of delicious smelling breakfast pastries; they perked up. The bluenette always seemed to know when they needed a pick me up. And there was nothing like a treat from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.
           Marinette didn’t acknowledge any of their presences. She walked straight to the back of the classroom, sat in her seat between Chloe and Adrien. “Morning!” She beamed at her friends. “I brought treats for the three of us.”
“Awesome!” Adrien smiled, quickly opening the box and snagging a chocolate croissant. “Delicous, Thank you” He said. Or least they thought he said that. His mouth was full and it was mostly garbled.
           Chloe rolled her eyes. She grabbed a mixed berries and cream cheese pastry, “Perfect way to start the day. Thank you, Marinette.”
           Marinette took out her favorite: a berry and jasmine scone. Then she promptly through the box away; making clear that she hadn’t brought any for anyone else. “Anything for my friends.”
“We’ll do lunch at Le Grand Paris,” Chloe said. “On me of course. The chef there is to die for.”
           The other students visibly wilted. Alya in particular who loved going to Le Grand Paris as her mother was the head chef.
           It all went downhill from there.
           Over the next week things went from bad to worse for the students.
           Bustier told the class their trip the Presidential office was cancelled due to an unexpected flooding incident. The plan had been for the class to tour the office and have amazing picnic on the beach afterwards
           Lila’s mother, who had been busy nearly 24/7, officially went on vacation, meaning she plenty of time to spend with her daughter. Her daughter was panicked when her mother inquired about visiting her school.
           Alya discovered that the hits to her site had started to declined dramatically. She didn’t have time to worry about that as her internship with a local new studio had been cancelled; something about realizing Alya didn’t have enough experience. So her summer plans were cancelled.
           Nino’s Dj equipment sparked or shorted out or something but nothing would work anymore. He had cancel the rest of his gigs until he could buy new ones.
           Kim lost a swim match against Ondine.
           Markov got a virus and broke down causing Max to break down in tears.
           Nathaniel lost the expensive sketch pencil he won in a contest.
           Alix’s grandmother brought her a new dresses; frilly monstrosities that Alix’s forced her to wear to school for the entire week.
           Rose, Ivan, and Juleka were heartbroken when Luka announced he was going Solo.
           It didn’t help anyone’s mood that every day Marinette, Chloe, and Adrien walked into class with big smiles on their faces and pleasantly discussed their amazing plans.
           On Wednesday, Adrien invited Marinette and Chloe to come with him to meet the Prime Minister.
           Apparently, Adrien’s dad had called in favors so the three would tour Palais Bourbon, where the French Parliament meets.
“He said I could invite all my friends!” Adrien smiled.
           Marinette had been shocked at this. Until Adrien explained that his aunt had threatened to reveal to the world Gabriel Agreste’s neglectful behavior, his tendency break child labor laws, and his need to isolate Adrien. Thanks to his aunt, Adrien had a much free-er schedule and Gabriel had been in therapy for weeks. “I’ll bring food from the bakery. We can have a picnic!”
“Beach day!” Chloe cheered.
           No one else so much as smiled at the news. Even more so when pictures surfaced on Friday of Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, Ondine, Marc, Mireille, and Aurore with various members of Parliament; including the prime minister.
           Thursday, Chloe loudly invited Marinette and Adrien to an event for her mother, “It’s a fashion show! It’s tonight. Adrien can relax behind the scenes, while Mari and me model on the run way. Mama’s lost a few models so I told her I could recommend a few friends.”
“I’m modeling!” Marinette paled so much, her friends were sure she’d pass out.
“I get to do nothing!” Adrien grinned.
           Pictures of Chloe and Marinette modeling exploded across the internet; multiple fashion websites and online magazines deeming the girls’ Style Queen’s secret weapon and modeling next big thing.
           Most of the guys in class shrugged it off. But a few of the girls turned greened with envy; Lila in particular.
           On Friday, Marinette invited Adrien and Chloe to meet her uncle and her cousin, “He’s back in town on Saturday and he wants to meet all my friends.”
           No one else in class paid too much to that. Who cared about Marinette’s uncle? Or her cousin? They were probably just as stuck-up and nasty as she was.
           Then on Saturday, picture of the same group who went to Parliament, plus Luka, with Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale started trending on the internet. Jagged Stone posted a tweet about how awesome his honorary niece was, with a picture of him and Marinette. Clara posted a pic with her favorite little cousin, Marinette.
           Alya couldn’t believe her eyes and immediately started texting Marinette for the deets. She received a text back saying; new number; who dis?
           Nino flat-out called Adrien only hear that the number had been disconnected.
           The rest of the class faced the same issue.
           And then one by one, they each remembered that they weren’t friends with any of the tree Ostracized students anymore.
           Monday, Alya found out that BugOut, a competing Ladybug blog, had been officially endorsed by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Something that hadn’t happened with the Ladyblog.
           Max lost the science fair. For the first time. He had to go see the school guidance counselor.
           Kim got kicked off the team for his poor grade.
           Lila’s finally called the school to schedule an appointment. Lila was Akumatized within the five minutes.
           Alix’s grandma brought her more clothes; some which were tacky sweaters with cats all over them
           Nathaniel misplaced his new sketch book, with his redone Ladybug comic strips. He never found it. Marc wasn’t happy.
           Nino got a call to dj a huge event only to have to decline as he hadn’t bought new equipment yet.
           It was Adrien that brought in breakfast for the other two; Mcdonalds. Much to the Chloe and Marinette’s dismay, but they didn’t say anything as the boy was clearly happy about being allowed to eat it for the first time.
           Marinette unwrapped her sausage Mcgriddle, wondering who she hurt in a past life, “Jagged is doing a private concert. You two want to come?”
           Adrien nodded, his mouth full of fried hash brown and bacon. “Count me in,” They think he said.
           Chloe held the egg mcmuffin in her hand like it was physically hurting her to do so, “I’m in,” she said. “And I’m bringing breakfast tomorrow.”
           The class was dismayed at missing at meeting Jagged Stone again.
“Are you going to invite us?” Alya asked with a huff.
           Marinette didn’t even look in her direction, “Sorry Uncle Jagged said I can only invite my friends.”
           Over the course of the next few months, things continued to fall apart for the class. They tried planning one of their usual amazing dances, only for everything to crash and burn. Then they remembered that Marinette planned everything, and before her, Chloe.
           The class never made enough money fundraising so nearly all planned class trips were canceled.
           They had to deal with seeing pictures of Marinette, Adrien, and Chloe and all their friends meeting all sorts of celebrities.
           Ladybug disowned the Ladyblog; causing Alya to burst into tears.
           No matter what any of the students tried, did, competed in, they never won. They practically failed at everything.
           Rose tried to bake cookies for the class; her kitchen caught on fire.
           Max applied for science camp; all spots were full.
           Nathaniel who had lost his comic drawing for the twelfth time in a row was finally told by Marc to take a hike.
           Nino lost his hat, broke his glasses, a dog at his homework, and he tripped landed face down in the mud; all on the way to school one morning.
           The students were constantly late, frustrated, and always seemed to have something accidently spilled or thrown on their clothes.
           Lila’s  mother, who finally decided to just randomly drop by the school after being told repeatedly by her daughter that it was closed so she couldn’t do the appointment for months, was shocked to say the least when it was clearly opened and active. She had a long talk with the Principle and all of Lila’s lies were revealed to class.
           Class was very apologetic to the three ostracized students after that but it didn’t matter. The three made it clear they weren’t interested in renewing their friendships.
           By the end of the year Bustier’s class went from the luckiest in school to the unluckiest kids on the planet.
           The students of Bustier’s class couldn’t help but wonder aloud why they lucked changed do much.
           Tikki, Plagg, and Pollen, hidden away in their chosens’ school bags just smirked.
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plumoh · 3 years
[SK8] whirlwind
Rating: G
Word count: 2341
Summary: Three times Kaoru gets into a fight; Kojirou is never too far away. / high school era.
Note: AO3 link. As usual, high school era means pre-relationship and Kaoru being a little bit oblivious to Kojirou’s feelings haha.
Kaoru didn’t mean to punch him.
Well. That’s not exactly true. He did want to punch that smug smile off the bastard’s face, but he didn’t mean to knock him out. It’s not his fault that his punch landed exactly at an angle that made the guy’s head twist on the side and bang on the streetlamp, before collapsing on the ground and invoking a silence so loud everyone’s breathing felt like an entire storm.
And then all the guy’s goons start screaming and yelling for blood, pointing accusing fingers at Kaoru like Kaoru just killed someone (their boss isn’t dead, not yet), and most of them also start crowding around him with a palpable vengeful intent. As if that will ever intimidate him.
Nobody thinks that Kaoru is built to fight, which propels them into a state of shock and complete disbelief when he attacks first and manages to strike down two people by smashing their heads together and kicking them in the stomach for good measure. He doesn’t stop moving, always ready to spring back and to collide his fist with something breakable or crouching low to dodge and literally sweep them off their feet. He’s like a volcano being poked until it swallows everything around him.
His impulsiveness means he gets hurt too, mostly from his own moves that use more strength than necessary, but also from attacks he decides to go up against instead of avoiding, simply to get closer to his opponent. He ends up with scratches on his face and bruises on his legs or cuts on his arms, in a way that undeniably adds to his overall appearance of a troublemaker. He doesn’t give a shit; the messier and more dangerous he looks, the better.
It’s when most of the guys have fled, leaving Kaoru breathing hard and leaning forward with his hands on his knees, that Kojirou materializes next to him.
“What the hell, Kaoru?” Kojirou yells, not knowing if touching Kaoru will be a wise idea. “Did you pick a fight with random people again?”
“I didn’t pick a fight with them, they provoked me,” Kaoru growls, wiping the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand. It comes away with a little blood. “Why do you always assume I’m the one instigating?”
“Maybe because two times out of three you’re the one who throws the first punch,” Kojirou mumbles.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence.”
“Am I wrong, though?”
Kaoru makes a poor attempt at shoving Kojirou in the shoulder but he misses by a large margin and ends up swatting at his chest, which does nothing to abate Kojirou’s annoyance.
“Shut up,” Kaoru says.
Kojirou shakes his head and takes Kaoru’s arm to steady him, dragging him towards a less crowded and more luminous place to get a look at his injuries with supplies that seem to have appeared from nowhere.
Kojirou nearly lands on his face after failing a trick, all graceless and devoid of finesse, which makes Kaoru double over in laughter.
“That was really stupid,” Kaoru snorts.
“Yeah, I didn’t see you try doing that trick,” Kojirou scoffs.
“At least I don’t look like a limp caterpillar when I’m on the ground like you are.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
Kojirou picks himself up from the ground and dusts off his pants, looking back at the track that he just descended from. Kaoru watches the way Kojirou is considering the path again, eyes focused on the last meters of the bumpy pavement. They chose this part of the track specifically because it isn’t well-maintained, full of holes and uneven ground that forces them to work on their stability. Kojirou, like the brainless ape he is, wanted to show off by doing some fancy trick that only served as evidence of his stupidity.
“Hey, you’re Sakurayashiki, right?”
Kaoru turns around and raises en eyebrow. He has no idea who the guy talking to him is.
“Get out of our turf,” the guy says on a tone that’s supposed to be menacing. “Or you’ll regret it.”
“Your turf?” Kaoru repeats, unimpressed. “The hell are you on?”
“You thought you could swing by after sending some of our guys to the hospital?”
The words go in Kaoru’s ear and make a swift exit in the other. He blinks.
“I didn’t send anyone in the hospital,” he says, tone raising like a question as he turns around to address Kojirou.
Kojirou lifts his hands in sign of innocence. “I don’t know, I’m not there to watch you fight every single person in this city.”
“You would remember if I did anything like that, wouldn’t you?”
“I just said I don’t know!”
“Stop ignoring me!”
Kojirou shouts wordlessly and yanks Kaoru by the arm, saving him from a well-aimed kick that would have sent Kaoru sprawling, and suddenly it’s like a switch has been flipped.
People say that Kaoru has a bad temper, an accusation that’s not totally unfounded. He’s quick to anger and he doesn’t mince his words—when he’s having a casual conversation with someone, many wrinkle their nose at his lack of proper forms of address, and others outright say he shouldn’t be so aggressive in his choice of words. One can only imagine how vulgar and straightforward he is when he’s insulting someone or spitting out a string of curses that are probably not yet in the dictionary.
Kojirou, of course, has a deep knowledge of the ways Kaoru can react before a taunt, a physical threat or a low blow to his ego. He’s not exactly a saint either, since he will without a doubt get into a fight if he’s provoked enough, or throw back cruel words when the situation calls for it, but between the two, Kojirou has less difficulty keeping his bad mood in check.
Kaoru twists around and is ready to swing his fist at full speed, but Kojirou is already scolding him while having a grip of iron on his arm. He’s also trying to drag him back, stopping him from making even one step towards their opponent who is, quite frankly, looking too fucking pleased with himself.
“What, too chicken to fight me?” the guy snickers. “Too scared of hurting your little hands?”
“I’m gonna punch a hole through your skull, you absolute buffoon,” Kaoru hisses, struggling against Kojirou’s grip. “Let me go, Kojirou!”
“Stop getting into fights, damn it!” Kojirou yells.
“He asked for it!”
“Same difference, you idiot!”
Kojirou loops his arms under Kaoru’s armpits and keeps him still, pressed against his torso, even when Kaoru is trying to pull forward with the sheer force of his will. Kojirou’s stronger than Kaoru, but Kaoru doesn’t give a shit when he is moved by rage alone, stomping and wriggling and squirming in the hopes of getting away.
The guy is watching them with the most self-satisfied smirk ever, as if Kaoru’s inaction is proof of his victory over a petty squabble that Kaoru himself doesn’t remember. It pisses him off.
He usually wouldn’t resort to such dirty tactics. In a fight, the more they use their fists and feet and entire bodies, the more gratifying it is. Sporting injuries and scars are simply a natural consequence of it, and everyone should wear them proudly—like real battle scars, resembling a physical history of their hard-won fights.
Kaoru’s skateboard is within leg reach. He has long legs, Kojirou keeps reminding him, so might as well make use of them. He makes one big step forward, grunting when he’s met with resistance due to Kojirou holding him back, but he manages to have his foot on the tail-end of the deck and brings the skateboard at his feet. He can feel Kojirou’s and the bastard’s confused and intrigued gazes on him; all he does is offer a grin, the sunlight catching on his lip ring like some wicked gleam of mischievousness.
Kaoru gives a harsh kick into his skateboard that goes straight towards the guy, hitting his ankle at full speed and tearing a cry of pain and surprise out of his throat. He puts all his weight on his other foot and cradles his injured ankle, glaring at Kaoru with burning anger. Kaoru isn’t sorry in the least.
“I’ll end you,” the man threatens, visibly shaking with fury.
“Good luck with that ankle,” Kaoru replies smugly. “You’ll fall over before you can land a single hit on me.”
Kojirou audibly sighs and shakes his head. And then, two things happen at once.
The first is that their friend bends down with difficulty, not wishing to put strain on his ankle, and picks up the skateboard. He gives it a long contemplative look, like he’s wondering if this object is worth his interest, before dropping it back on the ground and getting on it.
The second is Kaoru watching this with mounting irritation and rage, and he decides that stomping on Kojirou’s foot to let him go is less aggravating than letting some random prick steal his skateboard. So he does just that with minimal hesitation, causing Kojirou to loudly yelp as his grip loosens enough for Kaoru to slip out.
Skating all day doesn’t mean they can’t run with their feet. Kaoru pushes on his feet like his life depends on it and in a few large strides he catches up to the guy just as he starts skating away, and Kaoru, without a second thought, decks him.
Skateboard back in hand, a broad smile splitting his face in two, Kaoru leaves the track with a victorious fist lifted in the air, to Kojirou’s growing exasperation.
Kaoru presses his lips together and remains stubbornly silent.
Arms crossed and a frown deeper than usual on his face, Kojirou is staring at him with disappointment so clear that Kaoru actually feels bad, for once. He shrugs.
“You’re lucky that it didn’t rip off your lip,” Kojirou continues. “Why did you get piercings if you know you’ll never resist fighting people? Do you want to risk permanent damage just because your brain is filled with a useless need to fight?”
“Shut up, Kojirou,” Kaoru mutters.
Kaoru winces when Kojirou presses something cold on his mouth, gently dabbing at it and being careful about the lip ring, whose presence alone did a number on his face. Having his head smashed into the ground would do that, he supposes.
Kojirou is silently working on cleaning and bandaging his various cuts and bruises on his face. Kaoru glances up, noticing that the tense line of Kojirou’s shoulders is heavier than usual, a bit more worried, as if today’s encounter could have ended in a disaster. It wasn’t any worse than the previous times. Maybe Kaoru got roughed up a bit more and maybe he got kicked in the ribs more times than necessary and yes, maybe he should have taken off his earrings and lip ring before going skating, but these are all possible factors disrupting his routine he always considers before doing anything. And it’s not like he knows in advance that someone will pick a fight with him. He just got unlucky this time.
Kaoru watches Kojirou’s brows knit together in concentration. This isn’t a rare expression on his face, but Kaoru has never noticed the way Kojirou’s focus is single-minded when he does this kind of detail-oriented tasks, or the way he purses his lips like he does when he’s trying to solve a complicated math problem. It’s the face he makes when something requires his entire attention, unperturbed and going at the pace he needs to finish what he started.
“Hm,” Kaoru says, partly because he’s thinking and partly because he shouldn’t open his still bleeding mouth.
“What?” Kojirou’s gaze never strays from Kaoru’s injury.
Kojirou takes Kaoru’s hand and guides it towards the compress placed on the corner of his mouth, and makes him apply pressure while the cleaning shifts to his ear. Kaoru’s lip isn’t bleeding as much as before, judging by the color of the compress that didn’t become completely red in five seconds, so he supposes talking shouldn’t make matters worse.
“Your precision is a bit surprising,” he admits, laughter in his voice. “I didn’t think you could be so calm while handling things that need careful maneuvering.”
“I’m not the one who can’t break eggs without dropping pieces of shell in them,” Kojirou snipes back.
Kaoru rolls his eyes. “Breaking eggs needs practicing, and I can still pick out the shell pieces if I really need to. If you poke someone in the wrong place while tending to their injuries then you’ll make it worse, moron.”
Kojirou is visibly putting all his efforts into remaining focused on his task, trying not to get riled up by Kaoru’s comments. It would be funny to watch, actually, if Kaoru wasn’t the one receiving treatment.
“I haven’t let you down yet, have I?” Kojirou asks.
And Kaoru can’t find anything scathing as an answer, staring at Kojirou’s bright eyes that never hide what he’s feeling.
“I suppose you haven’t, no,” Kaoru says lowly.
“You’re so much trouble, you know that?” Kojirou sighs.
But he finally meets Kaoru’s gaze and Kaoru is almost taken aback by the sincerity and raw emotion shining in it, like Kojirou is looking at a treasure he has locked behind a chest and kept the key close to his heart. Kaoru swallows.
“Not as much as you,” he replies with less bite than he intended.
“Says the one who is covered in bandages and band-aids.”
“I have to put up with your nonsense every day!”
“And I have to drag your ass back from whatever scuffle you get involved in!”
Kaoru shoves his hand in Kojirou’s face, and they start jostling each other, as if they weren’t being as still and cautious as possible to avoid complicating the process of patching Kaoru up. This familiarity, too, is something that will never change, no matter what happens—Kojirou has Kaoru’s back.
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The Farm Stand
Days 10-11: peaches, hug
Read it on AO3 here!
It was Steve’s idea. Billy could have said no, obviously. He was a grown-ass adult, and now that he had his own apartment and a hefty government stipend and never had to see Neil again, he generally did what he wanted. But it was Steve’s idea, so he said yes. He complained a lot about it, but he also got up at the ass-crack of dawn and pulled up in front of Steve and Robin’s apartment half an hour before he had to. He knocked on the door. When Robin opened it, he held up the tray of coffees in his other hand. 
“Oh thank God,” she said. “Steve can never figure out that stupid fancy coffee maker until he’s had at least one cup of coffee.” Billy raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, it’s a real catch-22,” Robin said, eagerly taking the coffee he handed her. Billy followed her to the kitchen, where Steve had just resorted to banging his forehead against the cabinets above the coffee maker. Billy crossed the room, tentatively grabbed the back of Steve’s t-shirt and pulled him away from the cabinets, and handed him the hazelnut-flavored abomination he always ordered. Steve stared at it for a long moment, and then took it, raised it to his face, and inhaled deeply. 
“I love you so much,” he breathed out, eyes closed, and Billy knew he was talking to his dumb coffee, but it still sent a little thrill through him. Apparently it was enough for him just to be in Steve’s general vicinity when he said it. God, he was pathetic.
“Are you actually going to be ready to leave in half an hour, dingus?” Robin’s voice was skeptical. Steve swallowed the huge sip of coffee he had just taken and looked at the clock on the stove with wide eyes. 
“Half an hour?” he asked, alarm in his voice. Robin stared at him. 
“You were the one who said that we absolutely had to leave by six thirty. ‘Otherwise we’ll miss all the good produce, Robin,’ you said with your stupid huge Bambi eyes. I swear to God, if you’re not ready to leave at precisely six thirty, I will—“ Steve didn’t wait to hear the rest of the threat. He took his coffee and vanished down the hallway toward the bathroom. 
Heather knocked on the door fifteen minutes later, far too energetic for how early it was. Billy leaned on the counter, sipping his coffee and watching Robin and Heather shoot little smiles at each other until Steve reappeared at six twenty-five. He had on one of his dumb vests, and his hair was only partially tamed, and Billy wanted to call off the whole trip and steer him straight into his bedroom, and into his bed. But the trip was Steve’s idea and Billy was probably never actually going to follow through on his feelings, so he got into the passenger seat of Steve’s car instead.  
The ninety-minute drive was surprisingly bearable. Steve had chosen music that did not completely offend Billy’s sensibilities, and Robin and Heather mostly kept their hands to themselves in the backseat. Conversation flowed easily, and Billy wondered once again how exactly he had ended up as a part of this little friend group. 
Shared trauma creates bonds, he could hear his therapist saying, but was it really shared trauma when he had been the source of it for everybody else? He tried to shut down that particular line of thinking, and was grateful a few minutes later when Steve pulled him back into the conversation. The four of them were in the middle of a spirited discussion about where they were getting lunch after this (Billy and Heather were voting for pizza, while Steve and Robin were dead-set on burgers—they were absolutely going to end up getting burgers, but it was still fun to argue about it) when the car slowed and Billy was surprised to see a faded wooden sign announcing that they had arrived at The Farm Stand. 
Steve pulled into a parking space and got out, stretching out after the drive. He glanced around the parking lot and nodded approvingly at how empty it was. 
“I’m telling you,” he said, “this place is going to be jam-packed in half an hour. Good luck getting any morels or peaches then.” Robin shook her head as she climbed out of the backseat. 
“It’s way too early in the year for peaches, dingus. I can’t believe you made me get up this early for out-of-season produce.”
“Just you wait,” Steve said. “I’m going to make a peach-rhubarb cobbler that is going to blow your mind.” Billy followed them toward the produce stand, taking in the expanse of fields beyond it.
“Have you ever been here before?” Heather asked, falling into step beside him. Billy shook his head. 
“It’s nice this time of year,” she said, “although this is the first time I’ve been in years. We came out here every year during elementary school for apple picking, so I was pretty over it after that. But they have all kinds of animals, and beehives, and they do tours of the orchards and stuff.” Billy hummed in response. He didn’t care all that much about fresh produce or farm animals, but he did care about how excited Steve was to be here. He watched as Steve made his way through the produce stand, asking enthusiastic questions and seemingly buying a little bit of everything. Eventually, Steve was satisfied, though he kept tossing longing glances back at the few things he hadn’t purchased. With some difficulty, Robin persuaded him to leave his haul in the trunk of the car while they walked around the rest of the property. 
“It’s not even supposed to get all that warm today, Steven. Everything’s going to be fine. Put your stuff away so we can go look at the horses.” After a final, token protest Steve did, and they wandered over to the paddock. There was a miniature donkey in with the horses, and both Robin and Heather cooed over it. They wandered around for a while, until Robin and Heather decided to go on an orchard tour, and Steve wanted to visit the beehives and sample some honey. Billy followed Steve because that was just what he did now, apparently. Besides, Robin and Heather were almost surely going to spend the whole tour finding places where they could sneak off and make out, and Billy didn’t want to cramp their style. 
Steve was apparently just as passionate about honey as he was about produce, and Billy wandered off in the middle of his enthusiastic discussion with an equally passionate beekeeper about the different types of honey available for purchase. He eventually stopped in front of a large enclosure, which housed several miniature goats. There was a pair of baby goats running around with the others and as he watched them play-fight, Billy felt a familiar prickling behind his eyelids. 
Come on, he thought to himself, not here. Because this was a thing that he did now. Crying about stupid shit. About nothing. He hated it. 
Not about nothing, he heard his therapist say, voice calm and measured. It’s a kind of displacement. You refuse to grieve for yourself, for the things you’ve lost or never had, so those emotions find another outlet. Billy didn’t care what she called it—it was still dumb. Pathetic, even. And now here he was, crying actual tears over baby goats, of all things, right out in the open, where anyone could see him. Where Steve could see him. He sniffled a little and wiped a careless hand over his eyes, hoping he would be done before Steve reappeared. So of course Steve chose that moment to seek him out, as if summoned.  
“Hey, check it out, they had—are you ok?” Steve’s voice was all concern, and it only made Billy’s eyes well up even more. “What’s wrong, B?” Steve asked gently. Billy didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. Steve, of course, kept talking. “Do you hate it here? I was worried you would hate it. We can go if you want to. I can find Robin and Heather…” Steve looked around, as though he was going to go get them right now, and Billy’s desire to reassure him won out over his dignity. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” he said, voice choked with unshed tears. “I don’t hate it here. I just…do this sometimes now.”
“Yeah?” Steve asked carefully. Billy shrugged and gestured helplessly at the baby goats. 
“They’re just so small,” he said, and then he was crying harder. 
“Come here,” Steve said, and then he was setting down his bag of honey and his hands were on Billy’s shoulders and he was pulling him in for a hug, which wasn’t—they didn’t do that. Billy had been all over Steve Harrington in high school, constantly in his space, but things had changed. Now, after everything, he did his best to maintain a careful distance from Steve, largely because he no longer trusted himself to stop touching Steve if he ever really got started. It had only taken a week or two of Billy tensing up at Steve’s touch and Steve looking faintly wounded every time for Steve to start keeping his distance as well. 
But now here they were, Steve’s arms solid and warm around Billy, and Billy’s arms instinctively coming up around Steve’s waist. Billy froze, expecting Steve to pull away fairly quickly, but he didn’t. He held on until Billy felt himself actually relaxing into the hug, melting against Steve and tucking his face into Steve’s shoulder. Billy figured he could let himself have this, just for a minute. Tears still slipped down his face, dampening a spot on Steve’s shirt. 
“That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Steve murmured into his ear. 
“The baby goats?” Billy mumbled. “I know.” Steve pulled back far enough to look Billy in the eye, and smiled. 
“No, dumbass,” Steve said, voice full of affection. His eyes were wide and warm and he brought a hand up to brush away some of Billy’s tears. “You crying about baby goats.” 
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