#I just went to the watch now section on Google
jes12321 · 1 year
For everyone wondering where you’re gonna watch Merlin after today, it is available for free on YouTube, Pluto TV, Tubi, Crackle, and PLEX as well as with an Amazon Prime subscription.
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Obligatory tma halloween headcanons post:
tim and sasha are OBVIOUSLY barbie and ken from the barbie movie (other people have said it before and i'll gladly support it)
martin is some horribly obscure costume from a book or a poem no one really knows about and he gets a bit sad that no one knows who he is but then sasha does a quick google and subtly drops hints to everyone to go be like "heyyyy martin, amazing x costume" and then he cheers up
jon just refuses to dress up and everyone (especially Tim) bullies him like "oh amazing socially inept man who's desperately trying to seem good at his job costume!! you've got it spot on!!" and he's so furious that he puts on a costume
and in every iteration of these headcanons, martin is FLOORED at whatever he eventually dresses up as and i am all for that i will eat that shit up
he's so starved for interactions with his crush that he goes feral over jon in non-office clothes
favourite jon costumes include: normal clothes plus cat ears, normal clothes and everyone thinks he's come as a vampire, normal clothes in the later seasons and sasha would be like "jon its not ok for you to dress up as a homeless person" with a shit eating grin and jon's like ...what
bonus - jon doesn't need to dress up cause he's already got his costume - it's someone who's good at their job!!
elias LOVES halloween i bet that man is like fuck yeah i can freak out my archival workers in a whole host of new ways - plastic spiders around the office for jon, little clown dolls for tim, eyes EVERYWHERE and its so gaudy and terrible and everyone despises him
also he really doubles down on calling jon the archivist
i feel like tim secretly hates halloween now but in like early working at the institute, he went along with it cause martin put out a little pumpkin on his desk and sasha smiled at it
melanie fucking loves halloween, she's a legitimately terrifying costume, let's go through the haunted house kinda gal and i love that for her. she's a lets watch all three human centipedes in one night and see what happens kinda gal
daisy and basira despise it cause of all the weird shit that people pull on halloween (and they're on edge that they'll be called for some section 31 shit for all of it)
jon also hates halloween for a similar reason - the increase of joke statements and general taking the piss about the magnus institute
yeah that's all i got. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
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fandomhype · 3 months
Plagiarism Somerton
I obviously didn't watch the new James Somerton apology video ON his channel because I did not want to give that man the views and you shouldn't either! It has been re-uploaded and summarised elsewhere so that he doesn't benefit if anyone wants to see it.
The original hbomberguy video was wild to me because of all the stealing, I found it highly entertaining, loved all the Memes and it honestly did my imposter syndrome wonders! but then I watched the Todd in the shadows video and it really upset me.
He didn't just steal from other LGBT creators he lied to his mostly young LGBT audiance who were looking to an elder gay for guidance and to learn about their history.
Todd's video starts with a clip of James lies being spread by another person on a podcast, there's clips of people discussing his made up gay nazi fanfic he has presented as hard facts. He actively harmed his own community for cash! There are young gay men bringing that subject up in conversation being laughed at for falling for it and that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
Now I'm not a part of that community but a lot of people I love are so that angered me a lot.
...and then he comes back with another apology video, conveniently within the three months he would have had to post something on his channel to retain his monetisation status weirdly?! In which he blames both a head injury and his ADHD for his theft - at no point does he address the lying in either apology video or any of the apology posts he made that I could find.
I have combined ADHD, when I was first diagnosed the NHS referred to it as ADD with Hyperactivity element but everyone seems to have gone back to calling it ADHD and that is the term used most commonly online so that is what I refer to it is as.
I am medicated but there has been a world wide shortage of my medication and I was without it for some time over winter, which was HELL! I got nothing done.
I am in no way a big creator, Youtube for me is a fun wee hobby that will hopefully grow and allow me to collaborate with other people with similar interests but ADHD is for sure a large part of my journey as a creator.
I've published like 7 videos and currently have around 10 being worked on because, you know... ADHD! *siren noises*
I know that I am forgetful sometimes, just for the record I also had several head injuries and concussions as a child because Lil undiagnosed at the time me truly had no fear of climbing or other dangerous activities so I have my script (because free talking a subject with this brain would be nearly impossible) open in one google doc and my research open in another. It's not hard.
That's the way it was at school, college and Uni too. James claims he went to Uni to do business. Every university uses anti-plagerism software for essays and has done since like the mid 2000's? so he knows not to copy pasta. He's straight up lying there.
Another thing he's lying about is his ADHD making him forget he copied things. Now if you tell me a joke that I like it'll stick in my head and I will straight up tell it as my own later, I've been called out for this many times! But entire articles? whole sections of other peoples videos? (he also flipped a fan Vid he had ripped off of another YouTube to avoid detection and tried to pass it off as his own) No that's not something you can accidentally do even with a swiss cheese brain like mine.
Weirdly all the the paragraphs James claims he accidentally copied were also edited to remove aspects of the Trans, Bi and Ace experiences that James markedly does not believe exist. Strange considering he accidentally copied them and assumed they were his own words? Imagine going back through a paragraph you think you wrote yesterday in the edit the next day and finding swarths of things you don't agree with there?!
Why am I telling you all this? Well because I wanted to put my two cents in as a creator with this condition, partly because I felt it was somewhat of an attack on us!? He's put it out there that ADHD creators are liable to steal from others and that's not ok by me. Also I just really like the sound of my own typing!
TL;DR : James Sommerton is a suck ass liar and he doesn't get to use his disability as an excuse for what he did! and...
Also watch Todd's Vid, everyone saw the Hbomberguy one but this one goes deeper:
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wanderingsoul6261 · 2 years
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Captain Price x Reader
Credit to the original owner of this gif, I got the gif off Google, but if the original owner let's me know it belongs to them, they will be credited appropriately.
Description: during a strong storm, their house loses power. Price and Y/N settle for some takeout and cuddles on the couch.
Likely not the greatest peice that I have written, but I have struggled for a few days with this and have decided to just make it the best I can. Damn writers block.
This man in this gif though. 😫 this man could gladly have all of me.
Warnings: none.
Y/N was in the process of getting dinner started when the power went out. The two had almost expected it, with how bad the storm outside was raging. They looked up and around, suddenly tense.
"John?" They waited for several moments with no response. "John?" They moved away from the countertop, trying to find him with the little bit of moonlight that was coming through the windows of the house.
Cars outside still drove through the neighborhood, being the only other noise other than the rain hitting the roof and the wind roaring outside.
"I'm here, love." They turned their head and saw him emerging from the hallway, a small box in his hands. "Candles." He said. Y/N joined him in the kitchen, watching as he started to light some of the candles.
"We don't have much of them. But I figured we can put what candles we do have in more important rooms. Kitchen, our bedroom, bathroom, so on." Y/N nodded, agreeing with him. They rested a hand on the mid section of his back, pressed a kiss to his cheek, and grabbed two candles to start dispersing them around the house.
Once it was done, the two met back in the kitchen.
"Now the problem we have is dinner."  Y/N brought up, sitting at the island counter. Price leaned against it, glancing over at the gathered ingredients, put on the counter courtesy of Y/N, so that they could start dinner.
"I can go grab takeout." He said. "Chinese?" Price asked. Y/N let out a hum.
"What about the sandwich shop down the street?" They asked. Price smiled and nodded.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"Surprise me. You can never go wrong with any of their sandwiches there." Y/N explained. Price nodded again, leaning forward to press a kiss to their lips.
"Okay. I'll be back." He walked over to the front door, pulling on his shoes and throwing a jacket on. Y/N could hear the jingle of keys as they leaned against the wall.
"Try not to get too soaked out there."
"There's been worse." He jokes. Price walked back over to them, rested his hands on their cheeks and pressed a kiss to their forehead. "I'll be back before you know it." Y/N gave him a smile as they watched him leave.
Once he was gone, Y/N was left in silence. They out a sigh through their nose. Turning around, they slowly made their way to the room that they shared with John. The book that they had been reading sat on their night stand a with a quick fumble through their nightstand drawer allowed them to find their book light.
When Price came back, Y/N was on the living room couch, reading their book. However, when they noticed that he was back, they closed their book and set it on the coffee table.
"Welcome back to the land of darkness." Y/n joked. Price chuckled, kicking off his shoes and walking over to take a seat next to them. He fished their sandwich out of the bag, passing it to them. Y/N murmured a "thank you". The two ate in silence, just relishing in the company of each other. It was the quiet moments that the two typically enjoyed.
When they had finished, Price ended up laying against the arm of the couch. Y/N laid against his chest. Other than the sound of the rain and the roaring of the wind, the only other thing Y/N could hear was the gentle lull of Price's heartbeat. His hands slowly carded through their hair. The two of them stayed quiet, and Y/N was so quiet that Price thought that they had fallen asleep.
"Love?" A soft Hum rumbled against Price's chest, telling him that they were awake.
"Thought you were sleeping." He said quietly.
"Not yet." They answered. After several more moments, they spoke again. "Can you read to me?"
"You want me to read to you?" He asked. They moved their head against their chest. Price could only let out a small chuckle as he spotted their book on the coffee with table. "Why?"
"I like the sound of your voice." Y/N mumbled, half asleep. A small smile adorned his face as he started to read their book. It didn't take long for Y/N to fall asleep once he started reading, and he realized, Price put the book back on the coffee table. He grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over the two of them. His arms rested gently on their back and closed his eyes, urging himself to fall asleep.
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Home Is Where You Are
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader Summary: (From This Ask) Reconnecting: You and Pavitr were childhood besties, yet in-between your friendship, you had to move away. You guys were still in touch as well, but little did Pavitr know you decided to surprise him by finally moving back to your hometown where you and Pavitr used to live. Tags: Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers
Also Read on AO3
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🎵 🎶 The sight of you lit me up Could not believe my luck Now I know where I need to be Home is where you are 🎵 🎶 Song by Ant Utama A/N: Google says "meri jaan" can be used to refer both your gf/bf and your friends too(?), so if it's not so irl, just assume they're comfy w/ it 😅😅😅 LOL
Pavitr Prabhakar -or Pavi, as you often call him- has been your bff since childhood.
Stuck at the hip, running around doing mischeif and pleading your parents to allow just 5 more minutes playtime.. Oh, those were the days! A chuckle slips your lips when you remember that even as a child, he was proud of his hair.
You remember vividly, back when you guys first met. Pavitr's hair was wild and curly and all over the place, bouncing with his every step. It was physically untamable for him. He was fussing with it and you, having watched him for quite a while, offered to help him keep it in place with a messy pigtail and putting all your hairclips on him. It didn't help much but little Pavitr had been very grateful, a big smile pulled across his face.
That was in kindergarten.
Growing up, you became the closest of friends -and the most chaotic. There was no one in school who hadn't heard of the infamous micheif-makers, the prankster pair. Prank wars 24/7 and very concerning to the school board.  It was even more hectic when they tried to put you guys in different sections to discipline you. You threw a tantrum, he spilled food everywhere as all the other kids joined in; it was sort of a mutiny you guys had started. The headmistress then decided it was best for everyone to not separate you two and let you guys be in the same class thereon on the condition that there will be no more horsing around.
Things finally went back to normal and all was going well.. until your parents got a transfer.
You remember that day, when your parents said you were going to move. Initially, you had been over the moon, not knowing that it meant leaving Pavitr for good. God, you were so naive. But when it finally  dawned on you that this is where your friendship will possibly end, you ran to his house and cried to him. Pavitr shared your sentiment; he loved as much as you loved him and separating you guys just was wrong.
Whenever there's something scary at night or if he hears weird sounds that frighten him, Pavitr used to hide under the bed until it goes away. He suggested you do the same. So there you both were, crouching  under his tiny bed and staying there sharing stories and whatever 11 year olds talk about.
Uncle Bhim did find you soon enough and called your worried parents. A lot of kicking and screaming and yelling 'I don't wanna goooooooo!' while your parents dragged your naughty butt to the new home, practically ripping your hand away from Pav's.
It had been a bit too dramatic, now that you think about it, though a little funny too.
Pav had been crying for a week after you left, just like you, and every night for a month, Uncle Bhim would let him call you and speak. Then school began, and you drifted apart.
You stepped out of the airport and raised a finger, calling for a taxi.
It's been 10 years now. A decade since you and Pavi last saw each other in person. Sure, you stay in touch via video calls and social media but nothing beats physical connection.
You've graduated and found a new internship at your dream company that requires you to stay in Mumbattan. What else do you need? To say you were happy would be an understatement.
Dropping your things at your own apartment, you take the cab straight to Maya auntie's as he's still staying here to take care of her. (Hope she still likes pranks!)
The elderly woman is the first to greet you, full of joy, her aged eyes shining with tears of sentiment. "Oh, mera beta!"
You let her wrap you in her embrace and hug you close. Maya auntie shares your tears, giving a moment of respectful silence to Uncle Bhim. It's hard to digest his death when you loved him like your own father.
After pleasantries are exchanged, you're about to ask about him when doubt creeps upon you. Sure, you've talked a lot but.. Does he still feel the same way about you, or is it the version of you in his head? Does he still value your friendship like before? Or were you just a passing cloud? A chapter in his book? Just a childhood memory and nothing more?
But most importantly, has he found someone else more worthy of his time?
Maya auntie, always as perceptive as ever, sees the hesitation in your eyes and encourages you to give him a surprise, assuring you that, of course, nothing is more important to him than your friendship.
With renewed confidence, you walk into Pavitr's room. He isn't there but you hear the water running. Assuming he's taking a bath, you take your time to look around the room.
The sky blue wall is a bit faded but it brings you happy memories. Same big old window from which you used to watch the city. Books, books and more books, some kind of gadget and a- is that spandex!? A Halloween costume, perhaps.
A framed picture is sitting on his desk, of your childhood selves holding hands, your front teeth missing, standing before Pavitr's apartment. It was the first time you had come over. Aww!
The cot is certainly larger than last time and you hide a chuckle when you think if you both can fit under this one.
Actually.... didn't Maya aunty talk about surprise?
Giggling like the mischievous child still inside you, you crawl under the bed. What you expected is to not fit under it, what you didn't expect is a red and blue hand-painted shoe box filled with little trinkets.
The lid is open, so you're not actually intruding on his privacy.. (Right?)
The box is filled with shiny stuff and upon inspecting one, you realise these are the same gifts that you gave Pavitr a decade ago. He.. he still cherishes them? Your heart swells.
A glittery red paper heart catches your eye but you don't remember giving it to him. Sloppy cursive runs in gold glitter:
"I threw my plans all away So that I could hear you say You love me, yes, you want me The sight of you lit me up Could not believe my luck Now I know where I need to be Home is where you are
I miss you meri jaan 💔 "
It takes a moment before you realise it's from him. He'd written it to you before you moved but never actually came around to giving it.
Oh, oh God, Pavitr loves you!
Tears of joy gislten in your eyes. You did have a similar thought once,  but dismissed as soon as it came. You would never believe if someone told you Pav had had feelings for you. And seemingly, still does.
A greeting card falls out, a dried rose attached to it. It was written on last Valentines day:
"A little birdie told me you wished for a Knight in shining armour. Now that I'm here, what are your other two wishes, meri jaan? ;P"
Wet thuds sound and you look up -wincing from the bump to your head- to see Pavitr come out of the bathroom, towel-drying his curly hair and dripping water everywhere.
"Looking swag as always, Pav!", he says, making finger guns to his reflection, flaunting his amazing hair as he runs a hand through his damp curls. And, wow, it's grown longer!
The moment you try to scare him from under the bed, he stiffens and turns around cautiously. Grabbing a cricket bat, he curls his other hand into a mudra. (Is he going to spiritualize you to the death??)
"Who is it? Whoever you are, better come out or else-!"
"Or else, you'll crouch under the bed?"
He drops the cricket bat, frozen in pleasant shock.
You're struck speechless too, lost in his eyes. Wow, Pavitr has.. grown. He's so very handsome, much more than you remember. You gasp softly, mesmerized by his beauty.
"O-Oh my god, N/N?!"
He engulfs you in an embrace, hugging to tight to his chest. His wet cheek rests cool against your warm skin, so close you can smell his shampoo. "Ah, I can't believe it! Meri jaan, is it really you? H-how-?"
"A little birdie told me you wished for a Knight in shining armour. Now that I'm here, what are your other two wishes.. meri jaan?"
It takes him less than a second to realise you'd read his card. "Oh God, you read that!?" He blushes terribly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as he stumbles over his words. It's cute to see him flustered.
The laughter dies but your smile stays.
"Y/n", his breath is hot in your ear, "may I.."
Your heart beat quickens, stuttering with every stretching moment. Every breath you take is growing heavy.
Your noses touch. He's close, so close..
Suddenly, he twirls you around and begins to sing:
"The sight of you lit me up Could not believe my luck Now I know where I need to be Home is where you are!"
Once you recover, you try to hit him in the chest for playing you like that, but he's quicker. You giggle, laughter erupting from your throat as he hugs you from behind, pecking your cheek like he used to do all those years ago as you sing along.
It may be unspoken, but it exists. He's never forgotten, nor have you.
"Now I know where I need to be Home is where you are!"
hope you enjoyed it!
@moraleswithoutmorals I am so sorry for the delay, I think I need some more time for the other prompts (seriously, they're SO GOOD i can't CHOOSE!) and I think of merging a couple prompts, hope that's fine with you 😊
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waddingham · 8 months
would love to hear some happy news today, hows poppy doing 🥺
aw im sorry i didn't see this before i went to bed so here have this <3
When she pushes her hair back for the fifth time in half as many minutes, this time with an adorably tiny huff of frustration, he intervenes.
"Poppy, honey, is your hair botherin' you? You want me to put it up for you?"
She nods, scowling at the game in front of her, and Ted makes a mental note that it might be about time for a haircut.
Poppy pops up and disappears without explanation, so Ted follows her up the stairs to the bathroom. He finds her on her tip-toes digging into a drawer filled with colorful hair contraptions.
"Whatcha lookin' for, hmm?"
"Here," she says, holding up two tiny yellow hair ties to him. "Can you do the plaits like Mama does, please?"
"Oh," he says, taking the hair ties. Shoot.
He has no idea how to do her braids. And he really is certain it won't be as neat and efficient as Rebecca does it.
But she's pointing those doe eyes up at him and it can't be too hard. And he would love to know, to be able to do it as easily as Rebecca, so it's about time he learned.
"That depends," he says, squatting down. "I've never done your braids before, Pop. But if you're patient while I learn, I think we can do it."
Poppy nods and he smiles, sweeping her up onto his hip as he rises.
"Alright, c'mon."
He gets her settled in front of him on the chaise end of the sofa, occupied with a coloring book. They're French braids, he knows that, and he's watched Rebecca do it, but at speeds he couldn't follow if he tried, so his first order of business is a consultation with Mr. Google.
He watches a video as he mindlessly combs his fingers through Poppy's waves, which seem to have less and less real curl by the day. He works out any little tangles with his fingers as he gets the gist of the twist.
"Looks simple enough," he mutters mostly to himself.
He gets her hair parted all the way down, knowing she wants two braids. That should make it easier, maybe, he thinks as he ties up one side to keep it out of the way.
He starts at the top of her head scooping up some hair. He splits it into three sections, then goes back to the video to make sure he's got it right when he starts crossing the side strands over into the middle. He doesn't even get to adding hair before he realizes he is way too close to her part for it to be right, and starts over.
It is tricky. Way trickier than the video or Rebecca makes it look. The first twists are easy enough, but trying to pick up the right amount of hair and add it to the bundle without mixing it in with the other two strands or dropping any is difficult.
"Oh, this takes practice," he mutters as he combs it back out, having accidentally made one strand twice as big as the rest.
"This might take a minute," he warns Poppy. "You okay with that?"
"Yeah. I'm colorin'," she assures him and he smiles. Of course she doesn't care as long as it's out of her face.
He tries to figure the best way to hold onto the strands to not make a mess of this, asking Poppy about what she's coloring as he does some trial and error. Very slowly, he starts to get it, and learns how to backtrack without having to take the whole thing out and start over when he messes it up. Which really speeds the process up.
"Okay," he says slowly, smiling as he braids the ends of her hair until they're too small to work with, bundling them together just below the edge of her shoulder. "I think we got something here."
He holds a hand out in front of her.
"Hair tie me."
She hands him the little elastic and he ties it off. It's a little lopsided as one third grew too fast, maybe a little loose at the top where he was wary of pulling too tight, but it looks like success.
It's easier the second time, now that he's got the motion down, even though he still fumbles a little bit with it. But Poppy's unbothered and he goes slow, trying to get it smoother than the other side.
He grins wide as he secures it, satisfied with the mostly-symmetrical, somewhat messy result.
"How's that, Pops?" he asks, leaning forward. "That feel okay?"
She nods, bringing her hands up to feel it.
"It ain't pullin' or anything?"
"Nope," she says, turning around with a smile. "Good job, Teddy."
He grins at her heartfelt praise as she gives him a little hug before climbing down from the sofa.
"Thank you, pumpkin," he chuckles.
She goes back to her game on the floor and he goes back to his laptop, finishing up his chunk of the coaching report. He kills some time with Poppy then, letting her explain the baffling rules of the game she's made up with the Guess Who? boards. He's just starting to think about what they might do for dinner when he hears Rebecca come in the front door.
She calls out a greeting and Poppy hops up, always eager to greet her mother. She meets her in the doorway to the living room where she gets lifted up with a, "Mummy."
"Hi, baby," Rebecca smiles, kissing her little girl's cheek. She does a double take when she pulls back though, sweeping a hand over her hair. "I didn't do this this morning, did I?"
Poppy shakes her head, smiling. "Teddy did it."
"Teddy did it?" she says, turning to where Ted is still stretched out on the floor. He gives her a smile at the look on her face.
"Well, let's just have a look," she says, setting Poppy on her feet on the couch, where she spins around.
"How'd I do, boss?" he asks.
She nods, the corners of her mouth pulled down in an expression of impressed surprise.
"Very good for your first time and not having someone to teach you," she says, giving him a smile.
"Poppy was very, very patient with me," he praises.
"He only pulled once," Poppy says, turning to her mother with a pointed look.
"Oh, unlike your horrid, evil mother who just lives to tug on your hair," she says dramatically, pulling Poppy into her arms again. She cradles her against her, tickling her belly and squeezing a giggle out of her as she continues to lament, "Oh, how terrible, how cruel she is."
Ted snorts, having heard this particular topic argued probably a dozen times now.
Rebecca drops down onto the couch with Poppy in her arms, letting out a sigh. Poppy wiggles until she gets herself upright on Rebecca's lap, who looks over her hair again with a soft smile, tucking one loose bit beneath another.
"Did you thank Teddy for painstakingly teaching himself how to manage your hair?"
She frowns as she thinks, then gasps, "I forgot!" before she climbs off Rebecca completely.
She comes to him with a sweet, "Thank you, Teddy," and presses a teeny tiny little kiss to his cheek that has him smiling wide.
"You're very welcome, baby."
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thebestestofbees · 8 months
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The ride to the store was surprisingly tame. Sure you had a few questions here and there, but other than that, it was calm. Once you pulled into a parking space, you turned to all the puppets.
"Since this isn't your world, here is our alibi: You're siblings of mine and like to cosplay, got it?" You say. The puppets nodded slightly aware of where your coming from. "Alright now, come on." You say, turning off your car and getting out, the puppets following you.
You walk up to the Walmart and pull a cart from numerous ones. Once the puppets came up to you, you grabbed Wally by his armpits, making him mutter, "I'm up here now." And putting him in the shopping cart where a child is supposed to go.
Sally and Julie immediately went up to the cart and grabbed onto the railing, Julie hopping in place. "Can we get in?!" Julie asked with a bright smile looking up at you excitedly.
"Sure." The moment you say that, Julie hops in the cart, sitting down criss crossed, while Sally just raises her arms up in your direction, in a similar fashion to how a toddler would get an adult to pick them up. You raised an eyebrow at Sally.
Sally just made grabbed hands at you. "Up. Up neighbor!" She said, going on her tippy toes for a short moment. You gave a small chuckle and took Sally up by her arm pits, lifting her up with ease, and placed her next to Julie. You took the bar and strolled into the store with the rest of the puppets.
You looked at the list on your phone and moved over to the fruits section to get the first thing on your list. Fruits and vegetables. You stopped the cart and left for a moment to get Bell peppers. Poppy peered over your shoulder, tilting her head as you weighted and bagged the bell peppers.
"What are those?" Poppy asked, watching as you tied the bag closed. "I'm getting bell peppers, for cooking." You said, placing the bell peppers next to Julie, who immediately grabbed the bag and started to balance the bell peppers inside the bag. "But they don't look or sound like the bells I've seen. Why are they called that?" Wally asked, turning his head from the bag of bell peppers in Julie's hands, turning to you.
"Well I don't know." You fished out your phone. "Hey Google." Your phone lit up, and so did the puppets surrounding your cart. "why are bell peppers called bell peppers?"
"According to the Encyclopedia, Bell pepper is the common name for a Cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum, widely cultivated for their edible, bell shaped fruits." Your device said.
You stopped speaking as you let your phone do the talking for you. "I guess that's why." You say, Wally hums and nods slowly, putting his hands on the bars of the cart. Howdy started to chuckle. "That's a neat little do-hickey you got there, what's it called again, Google?" Howdy asked, resting on of his arms on the cart.
"It's called a phone, Google is just the AI that helps answer questions and scower the internet, you know?" The puppets seemed lost at your explanation. "Right, I forgot you guys are like really old." You face palmed. "But we all have phones." Wally piped up. "Yeah, I'd though about that. A touch tone telephone right?" You asked, Wally tilted his head. "A what?"
You searched it up and showed Wally. His eyes lit up in recognition and he pointed to the pictures of a touch tone telephone. "That looks like my phone!" Wally smiled. You pulled your phone away, "yeah, that's called a touch tone telephone." You say, putting your phone and wallet next to Wally and started to move away from the spot, getting more fruits and vegetables.
After about an hour of shopping for groceries, you decided to let the puppets get one thing each, while you waited at self checkout.
Once you had said that the puppets scattered even Julie and Sally had jumped out of the cart and ran to the other isles. All the puppets except for Howdy and Wally, who was still in the cart. "So, show me this self checkout thing, I'm real interested about how it works." Howdy spoke up, you shrugged and pushed the basket full of groceries to the Self checkout.
Once you got there, you started to scan your items, to which Howdy was quite shocked over, he kept asking questions, such as how does it work, what's that number that was increasing, how is the scanner scanning the black and white lines on every product and so on.
You answered most of his questions with some patience. You bagged all your items and pulled out your wallet, taking out your card and paying for your groceries. "I'd say, what kind of business are they runnin here? Definitely not any funny business." Howdy remarked, not seeing a single joke in any of the payment process. It was a little astounding, but really what could Howdy expect from a Self Checkout?
Just then the puppets show up again all with different items from all kinds of sections. Sally had come back with a bedazzled diary looking book, complete with it's own lock, Julie had a pack of chalk with all the colors, Frank had a book on Butterflies and bugs, Eddie had a pack of stamps, Poppy had a knitting kit, and Barnaby had a bugle Bike horn.
"This really shows how all of your personalities differ." You say as you scan the items and bag them, the puppets looking at the machine it a confused fascination. You buy the extra things and finally leave the store without any more mishaps.
You load the bags into your trunk as the puppets get situated inside the car. Once your done you put the bread and eggs in Frank's lap. "It's fragile." You say as you clo see the passenger door and get into the driver's seat. "Alright, Home time." You say starting the car.
"LoOk." The author says, shakily raising the new update on a silver platter. "I dId It."
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exoticalmonde · 1 month
Arknights Chapter XIII - The Whirlpool That Is Passion (Part I)
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WARNING: This post is going to contain a lot of yapping from me about Hoederer and how much I love him and would also have a LOT of spoilers.
I am also a great yume-shipper, so my Dr. and Hoederer are married, that information should help with the weird comments sometimes.
Might make it different parts because all those SS will never fit even up to the part I am right now.
Perhaps first of all I need to mention how the pulling went? Apart from my day being catastrophically long and arduous, I managed to sneak some snacking in-between the one additional hour I had left after returning home.
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I was actually shaking. Jittering out of my bones, near-heart attack type of activity was happening on my side of the screen while everybody else watched. I was supposed to take SS of every 10-pull but... I got ahead of myself. I think I had around 130 pulls, excluding the ones that I could buy from the ticket shop and the Originium that I blew for a skin.
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I even kind of... Skipped my first Hoederer. The one below is the second one, that I ended my funds for, until I could buy the level 60 pack from the shop.
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But we caught the third one.
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And as it happens I was underprepared with money and XP cards, though I had all the materials for his skills. Bless the green tickets for allowing me to bulk-buy some of them actually since... My god farming for the RMA70-12 is tedious, fruitless and sad.
If I could get a penny for every single time this loser was being problematic I would have enough to buy them and never have problems again.
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In any case, he could be immediately E1 lvl80d, and I have been grinding enough to get him to E2 on the same day. He's currently lvl60, cooking his M3 on S1 with Wishlash giving him a thumbs up every time he pulls out a whole boiled chicken to eat.
Starved Sarkaz, am I right?
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Even his little token that you get when he joins you another time... I am actually crying, I love him so much and I am so happy he became playable.
Speaking of, did anybody know that the furniture set is separated into a couple other, smaller sets, or was I supposed to learn this from googling it myself?
Apparently, the whole set is called Mercenaries' Hideout, but the smaller sections of it are:
Writing Is Meaningless
Don't Ever Truly Rest
Secondhand Goods
Maintain Your Health
And I am sitting here, tears in my eyes reading their descriptions... When I first remembered that Chapter 13 was coming with a new set I almost screamed. Dr. Pinkie was making fun of me for calling this jail cell basically the same epithets you would use for a five-star hotel, but it really was close to my heart the way it mixed compact with DIY/'Hey, you'll never guess what I found on the street' kind of interior.
And because it is based around Hoederer, we are going to look through it first and read the descriptions before I actually descend into the story.
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Description of the full set reads:
A recreation of a hideout in Kazdel, based on Hoederer's description and a number of additional details provided by Ines. As for anything not recreated from their recollections, it's best not to touch—Anything added by W might just blow up.
I love to imagine that these three have to share a dorm and the Doctor just goes up to Ines and Hoederer and asks if there is anything they can do to make it cosy or somehow homey. Also to think that both of them would have recollections of these 'hideouts' in Kazdel... Meanwhile, W seems like she's never been in those? My memory is kind of fuzzy about just how old the three are in comparison to each other.
Before/After Kazdel is pretty much like Before/After Eve was on the internet.
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Basement Flooring:
Flooring that recreates the vibes of the basement where the mercenaries lived back in Kazdel. Ines sometimes muses that the place would be more suitable as a small shop. The two both ignored W's suggestion to sell potatoes there.
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Basement Wallpaper:
Wallpaper that recreates the look of the basement where the mercenaries lived back in Kazdel. The gray walls look almost exactly the same as before. This time, when they look out the window, it is not the dust-covered Kazdel that they see.
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'Our Current State'
A light tube is attached to a frame haphazardly welded together from multiple iron plates, letting out a warm glow despite its appearance. No matter how unstable it may seem, its light can carry the mercenaries through the dark night.
Somehow this little light contraption is 10000x better than any glaring white LED lightbulb that you could ever introduce to me these days.
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Rust-colored Rug
A rug showing signs of age that look almost like rust. For some reason, this makes it blend in with the room's style. Is there a color that better reflects life in Kazdel? At least it's not blood-colored.
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Writing Work Desk
A desk piled with books and documents. There are clear traces of manual craftsmanship. Few of the Sarkaz publications sitting on the desk are actually written in the Sarkaz language.
Hoederer's writing desk, I love him so much. The place he might be writing down the different things he wants to be telling to his class, because you KNOW I will absolutely be filing for sponsorship to get him those books and songs he might want to use. Pull in other Sarkaz on the ship to help. Not sure who I have who could be specifically from Kazdel times, but we will find them for you sweetie.
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Intel Organizer
A must-have document pegboard for mercenaries, usually used to confirm target information and locations prior to missions. The photographs are always taken down whenever their owner returns. Yet sometimes, their owner never returns.
... I think I am actually going to die from sadness and we have not even started the chapter yet.
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Storage Steel Pipe
A rack welded together from steel pipes and plates, normally used to hang clothes and hats. "How many times do I have to say this? Do not hang your work aprons here!"
I don't know who is speaking but the 'work apron' looks like it's Hoederer's and if I have to assume it's probably Ines who is scolding him about it. Little rebel, does it anyways.
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Mercenaries' Bed
A flatbed trolley turned sofa bed. The fabric has frayed, but it is indeed soft and roomy. The broken wheel hubs ensure that it stays in place. For a very long time, this was the only place where the nights were not plagued by nightmares.
Imagine being on your trolley sofa-bed and suddenly RI begins moving because there is an emergency and your silly wheels go squeak-squeak towards the other end of the room at the same speed at which you were sitting still because everything else is moving but the bed is trying to stay at the same spot---
Me: "Do we know how fast RI moves?" Pinkie: "As fast as Czernobog can move towards Lungmen. It has to be fast enough to outrun a tornado." Me: "OH. Alright. Yeah, that makes sense."
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"No Overloading"
Originally an exquisite wooden hanging lamp that lets out a warm glow. There are always knickknacks piled on top. It has a warning placed above: "No stacking!" Hoederer asked Ines, "Is this really something we can use?" Ines answered, "Yes."
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Simple Study Ceiling Light
A part that the mercenaries removed from who-knows-what and hung from the ceiling. It started glowing, and not only is it very bright, it's also very hot. Ines asked Hoederer, "Is this really something we can use?" Hoederer answered, "Yes."
Hoederer, sweetie, I think if Ines gets to ask 'Can we use this safely?' then perhaps we might not have to use a random fire stick someone found somewhere.
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Portable Stove
A stove that's portable, easy to assemble. What's on it likely belongs to a certain dangerous individual. Do not touch. "Oh, the paper in the stove? I ran out of fuel. By the way, Hoederer, you hungry? I cooked some potatoes over there."
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A bookshelf put together from multiple recycled materials. The lamp at the top was brought back by Ines. She said it was to make it easier to see shadows. The box at the foot of the shelf is full of historical studies.
Yeah, I too need a dowry chest full of books to feel satisfied.
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Secondhand File Cabinet
A heavy steel file cabinet containing the historical data of each Sarkaz clan. Today, even the names of many of the clans documented within are indecipherable.
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themessengervevo · 6 months
Hello everyone! Before I begin, I have to say I very much thank everyone who shared my story around. It may not be much, but it could lead to something more. Thank you for doing that.
Since my goal with my original post was to not only address my sudden unfair banning from the platform but to also give attention to other problems with this platform, I decided to give this operation a catchy name of sorts. You can call it
Operation Take That!
or anything else really. Hopefully that will give this movement more of an identity.
In other news though, I may have discovered some very peculiar bugs that affect the Youtube experience for me, and I'll show these in this post to give bugfix suggestions. For the sake of clarity, and also because I like old stuff, I will be showing these screenshots with CustomTube enabled. It's an extension for Chrome and Firefox that changes the look of the Youtube layout to older ones, specifically mid 2014 in this case.
First on my examination will be the home page. For this and other instances, I will be comparing how a banned user sees a page with the same tab but in a container so as to show how a normal user sees the same page. So how does the home page should usually look like? It should look as shown here:
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Notice the sidebar on the left. Now lets compare it with the non-container homepage, and see what we get:
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You can immediately see how the sidebar is gone. Why? If you can't login into a youtube account, why remove the sidebar? It still wouldnt let you sign in anyway because you are terminated. It is simply unnessesary!
Now lets move onto the watch page, and see how that is different, here is a screengrab of a random video I took from the home page in the container:
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Again, notice the sidebar, but also the Like and Dislike buttons and the row of buttons from "About" to "More". Lets also compare the comments section, here is how it looks in container:
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Great, right? Now lets see how those two look without container:
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Notice how wrong everything looks? The lack of sidebar again, the misshapen Like button, the Save button here is the default one, the Share button has been replaced with a number, and the More button has three dots underneath it. Odd right? Lets see the comment section now:
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Oh wait, there is no comment section here, because it's stuck in a loading loop! Again, why does this need to happen when you get banned? This is just unnessesary again!
Here's some other issues that I know of or found that I feel like need to be fixed:
The Like and Dislike buttons in comment sections lead to the sign in, unlike the ones under the video itself.
There's been performance issues for users of Firefox, including an intentional 5-second slowdown and big lag. The lag one in particular seems to be happening to everyone, not just me with an almost decade-old laptop at this point. Some speculate these changes were made by Google as part of a tactic to get non-Chrome users to, well, use Chrome, and see it as just plain being greedy. I think so too.
Occasionally, when I enter the home page from a watch page, the tab assumes I am logged in and shows my pfp and notification bell and all. I can click the pfp to open what would be the menu there, but is stuck in an endless loop. As well, the page im on shows a "Something went wrong" error. Very weird. That needs to be fixed too I think.
Again, please reblog and share this post around to not only hear my story but to hear my criticisms and suggestions too. I might make more of these posts to show how bad Youtube's getting as a platform. Also I am still considering whether to get a Boosty or not. Maybe even a Ko-fi if they allow that. Again, thank you for your support so far, I couldn't be more happy to hear your thoughts on this, and if any of you had or have the same experience I'm having, please reach out!
- Thank you, The Messenger.
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i’m in act 3 of baldurs gate 3 with 2/3 [collected items] for the main story point so here’s some (stupid/absurd) shit i’ve done in my first run of the game!
spoilers ahead!
(also a little out of order towards the end cause i’ve dropped 169 hours into this bad boy lol)
after recruiting astarion and shadowheart i went to the mindflayer in the ship ruins, trying to resist the mental connection and instantly died leaving shadowheart and astarion to fight the mindflayer who pretty much instantly killed them and had to immediately reload
almost didnt recruit gale cause i somehow missed walking by his rock the first time and had to google where he was 💀
sided with the tieflings instead of laezel and when she got knocked unconscious i tried to cure wounds her and she didnt get back up
i then proceeded to accidentally loot everything off her person so she was laying in mud naked and unaware
stole the druids statue after completing the main quest line so that the tieflings wouldnt die but now i have no use for it
almost didnt recruit laezel because i almost didnt go through with checking out the mountain pass and was going to strictly stick to the underdark
in the grymforge i killed all the duergar before letting out nere because i couldn’t get them to side with me for combat and thought this would be easier
had to revive laezel after killing the gith who killed her and that night i long rested i forgot i looted everything off her body and so instead of being in sleep clothing she was just naked
when in the gith creche (?) i pretty much killed all the gith i came across (not on purpose though)
when walking in the underdark i was going to climb up netting but i passed my perception check too late and traps went off and then i couldnt get up the wall
finding the fish cult and killing them and their god
glitched out halsins questline so i had to leave him in act 2 (maybe i didn’t glitch it, was maybe just the order i did stuff but 🤷‍♂️)
was so invested in shadowheart lore i immediately did the gauntlet of shar before talking to isobel at last light inn or going into moonrise towers so that was fun
gave the toll collector an identity crisis so they killed themself
convinced the nurses to "experiment" on each other and watched them kill themselves and then failed to convince the surgeon to do the same
in raphaels quest for astarion i had the guy tell his group to kill themselves, told him to kill his pet, and the told him to kill himself
did kethrics phase one no problem got to phase two and told him he could right his wrongs and watched him kill himself and then immediately had to fight the god of death (phase three)
dribbles scavenger hunt (not yet completed)
went into the sewers via the emperors old hideout only to get greeted by orin pretending to be laezel and find out she kidnapped laezel
fought cazador and when astarion asked for help ascending i told him no and watched him kill cazador, break the staff, and then break up with me and leave the party with tears in his eyes ( i reloaded instantly afterwards)
in act one at the goblin camp i put poison in their alcohol and watched them drop like flies
in act one, at the creche, when speaking with the doctor there and using the device i failed all the saves and laezel almost died but the spirit guardian had to step in cause they didnt like that
slept with the emperor in act three soley for the achievement and then reloaded because i felt bad for cheating on astarion
(fun fact abt this one the three people who walked in on me were astarion wyll and jaehira and it made me want to die until i remembered this was a reload done solely for the achievement and not my main save lol)
took out the steelwatch before speaking to gortash and now all of wyrms rock fortress is red so im just an enemy to one section of the city
said i would save the gondians(?), watched several of them die in the prison and then when uprising in the lab every last one of them died in combat
had to fight gortash with no cut scene and cause of the order i did things in uhh wylls dad had to die cause no way was i letting him renew his pact with mizora but the worst part is his quest line, as of when i last was on, is glitched and when i go to speak to him in regards to the quest marker over his head he just greets me like usual 😭
because of the order i did stuff i lost my wyrms rock (fortress) teleport point and when i tried to cross the bridge they wouldn’t let me so i killed a man (the fraudulent toy maker arfur or whatever) and they still wouldn’t let me in so i just decided to enter from the lower city
oh and if you’re wondering why i didn’t go to gortash sooner, when i tried to enter that area/sharess caress, the fist had a steel watch check me and they declared me an enemy of the state or whatever and i got arrested on the spot and then was too afraid to re-enter wyrms rock cause i thought if i went in the front again that the steelwatch would arrest me again 💀
was also surprised when gale was totally okay with breaking into private quarters when it was for his own gain idk the bit i’ve talked to him i just didn’t expect for him to be so okay and on board with it? whatever he got to read his silly book and tell me that he wants to become a god but we’ll deal with that later
also breaking into the vault for jaehiras quest was so silly! after rescuing mayrina in act one my ass always tries to keep water on me and what do you know it was useful for causing a short circuit (with a little help from call lightning lol)
and that’s all i can think of right now (3:30am) but i’m sure there’s more to come as deal with orin and rescue minsc… and also collect dribbles head lmao
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Olfactory memory is the wildest thing.
The other day I was just sitting and waiting for my class and I randomly started smelling something that would NOT stop putting the thought of Good Luck Charlie in my head and I had no idea why. I mean, I hadn’t even thought of Good Luck Charlie in such a long time, and now I had the theme song playing in my head. As I sat there, perplexed at how a smell could remind me of any TV show, let alone such a random one from my childhood, it suddenly hit me what the smell reminded me of. Those squishy cake toys.
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I think it was May of 2017 when I had received one of these from a friend as a party favor from her 13th birthday party. I loved it. I mean, I was infatuated by it. It smelled (kind of?) like strawberries, and you could squish it every which way and it would slowly grow back to its normal size and shape. It really wasn’t all that exciting or remarkable, but I loved it. I would be holding it, squishing it, smelling it, all of the sensory aspects that I could possibly take in from that toy, all throughout the summer of 2017 (especially the early summer).
I didn’t watch Disney channel growing up (for what I used to think was because my parents didn’t want me to watch it, but it turns out we just didn’t have access to it for a while) and I wasn’t really allowed to watch YouTube on my own because of negative experiences my parents had had with my older sister, which had made them more stringent on rules. Of course I, being the big Rule-Breaker I was, would disregard (or rather find loopholes for) these rules, and use google docs (I think an “explore” section or something? I haven’t used google docs in years) to watch, prepare yourselves, Good Luck Charlie (as well as other Disney Channel shows and random Harry Potter behind the scenes videos). Literally any chance I could get, I would use my family’s ten year old mac and find my crusty headphones and hide away in my rooms so I could be such a rule breaker and watch Good Luck Charlie. And of course, the super blurry and grainy, filmed from another screen type of videos. I would pause the video every minute or so to make sure I didn’t hear any approaching footsteps, and if I did, I would quickly switch to a different google docs tab and show them how I was “working on writing stories”. As time went on, I would sneak onto pinterest so I could see screenshots of Tumblr posts because in my little middle school mind, anyone who posted funny things on Tumblr was a celebrity who deserved my utmost respect. If you posted on Tumblr in 2017 or earlier, just know that little me was your biggest fan. But before that, I was just a girl who secretly watched grainy videos of Good Luck Charlie while I played with my squishy cake toy and thought I was the biggest rule breaker in the world.
(I just thought I should share.)
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skzhocomments · 7 months
THE WHITE LILY (Mafia Book #1 - Bang Chan) - Chapter 7 - SKZ, you're next
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
General masterlist
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
Let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist for this story or on the general taglist!
Chapter 7 - SKZ, you're next
chapter word count: 2.6k words
~1 year and 2 months before Present Day~
~Emilia's POV~
"Shade, right, right! Go right! Right, okay?"
"Heard you the first time, Dark."
"What a strange duo you two are." Laughed Seungmin through the earpiece.
"Yea, Dark and Shade, both equally idiots it seems." Spat Minho.
"Shut up, kitty." I spat back.
"Who the fuck do you think you're calling kitty?!"
"Anyways, you're almost there." our bickering was interrupted by Seungmin.
I've already been with Stray Kids for four months now, when Chan considered that we should strengthen our teamwork to integrate me more in the team. So, his master plan was to send me, Changbin, Minho and Seungmin on the most boring mission ever. Infiltrate in a house and steal a few unimportant documents, just for the sake of doing so.
"We don't want anything dangerous to happen to any of you" he said and picked this random house in the middle of nowhere that belongs (or used to belong?) to some enemy gang I haven't heard of before.
Of course, me and Chan also had our... private teammate sessions, but they involved more mating and less teamwork. We were sleeping together almost every night – some nights involving sex, others just enjoying each other's company and learning things about who we truly were when no one was watching.
I started trusting Chan with all my being. Four months might not seem like much to some, but he knew more about me than anyone else.
"This place looks like shit" Changbin spat.
"Didn't take you much for a complainer." I joked around, painfully aware that Changbin is (and probably has always been) a complainer.
"Yea Binnie, just do the mission and shut the fuck up." We both heard Minho whine in the earpiece.
"Kitty, are you always so involved when you're on the other side of the mic?"
"I swear to God if you call me kitty one more time I-"
"Oops, you're breaking up."
"Shade I will fucking rip you hair off."
"And I'll get you some kitty treats if you act nice."
"Okay, okay, we got it." Sky interrupted us. "So, how's the house looking?"
"Horrible. And it smells" Changbin put an emphasis on the last word.
He was right, though. There weren't even any guards and the house seemed abandoned. The walls inside were full of dust, there were dirty pots on the floor's kitchen and trash everywhere else, and the smell. God, the smell was rancid. It was simply filthy, and it didn't seem like anyone has been here in the past decade or so. Maybe Google "crackhouse" and you'd get a hint.
If Chan wouldn't have insisted to treat it as an actual mission and go in sneakingly, we could've literally walked through the front door without anything or anyone to stop us.
So that's where we're currently at.
"Ok guys-"
"And girls, asshole" I spat.
"... I will pretend I didn't hear that, Shade."
"Ignorance is bliss, Sky." I rolled my eyes, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see me. However, Changbin did and let a chuckle escape.
I smiled back at him. Maybe we could get along after all?
"So- as I was saying before someone interrupted me, you should reach the section of the map we talked about. It should have two rooms, one in the front and one in the back. We don't know where the safe is, so just figure it out together."
"You prefer front or back?" Changbin asked.
"My, my, Dark, what a naughty question!" I chuckled and jokingly touched his biceps.
And I swear I felt a shiver from him and saw a small shake of his head.
"Ok, go to the front one and I'll get the back." He continued, ignoring my teasing.
I went into the dark corridor towards the door in front of me and pulled out my gun. I should treat this like a normal mission after all, right?
As soon as I opened the door, the stench was even worse, almost unbearable, and it made me gag and feel like throwing up.
I identified the cause quickly: in the middle of the room, a dead body of what used to be a woman was lying dead on the ground between all that clutter and trash. She was in a decomposing state and judging by the bloating she died about 3-5 days ago.
"Found the safe!" Changbin's victorious scream could be heard through the earpiece. "Shade, come give me a hand in opening this up!"
I was sick to my stomach but somehow couldn't take my eyes away from the woman. That's the funny thing about being in a mafia. You see a lot of dead bodies. But most of them fresh and with gun wounds or other injuries caused by yourself. You almost never get to see or smell death like this. In my experience, anyway. I was never the one to take care of dead bodies.
"Shade?" Changbin asked again, but just as I wanted to reply, something shifted next to the body.
Squinting my eyes and pointing my gun there, I was met with a pair of two bright blue eyes.
A... toddler?!
As soon as he saw me, he started bawling his eyes out.
"Shade? What was that?"
"There's a fucking toddler here, Sky!" I said hurriedly and sprinted towards the kid.
I picked him up and looked at him, speaking kind words in hopes of calming him down. It was obvious he's been pooping and peeing himself ever since his mother – or the woman on the floor – passed away; he was very dirty and smelled of... many indescribable things.
Soon, Changbin came in the room.
"Shit. Fuck. What the fuck is this?"
"I know, right?"
"Is she fucking dead?" Changbin asked, pointing to the woman on the ground and pinching his nose.
"What does it look like to you, Dark?!" I replied sarcastically.
"Guys, what's going on?" Minho asked.
"There's a fucking dead woman and a kid here!"
"The kid's alive though, he seems to be 2-3 years old I think." I interrupted Changbin.
"Wh- how long has the woman been dead?"
"A few days at most."
"Shade, how can you hold that thing in your arms? It stinks." Changbin was still pinching his nose and scrunching his face.
"He's a fucking kid, Dark. Get over yourself!"
"Guys, stop, can you identify the woman?"
"Negative. She's been beat up. Can't distinguish her face from minced meat. Must be why she died." Said Changbin after looking around for any form of identification and examining the woman.
"And the kid? How is it alive?" Sky asked.
"He..." Changbin started "I don't know..."
"No idea... now that you mention it, there's also not much to show that the woman actually died here. No blood, no nothing. It's like... someone placed her here for us to find." I concluded.
"That's crazy. But it makes sense." Changbin analysed the floor and indeed, he saw no blood stains.
"Would... would Chan do something like this?" I asked, unsure. "Maybe it's part of the mission?"
"No. No way. He draws the line at children." Minho replied confidently.
The baby was now calmer, although he was still quietly sobbing. Poor thing must've been starving here.
"Wait a bit, we'll call him and ask what to do. Take some pictures of the scene in the meantime." Sky continued.
"Ok, just got off the phone with Chan. He said burn the house down and bring the kid with you." Minho replied, urging us to return fast.
And that's what we did.
"Stop being such a cry-baby!"
"You try being in the car with that stinky kid for 2 hours and we'll talk after!"
Han and Changbin were arguing after the latter complained about the mission to literally everyone that would listen.
"Yea, well, try holding it in your arms for those two hours and we will speak after." I interjected.
We were all baffled about who the woman could've been. Seungmin asked us to take samples from her body before setting the house on fire so he could try to identify her, but he said it should take a few days, so all that's left to do is wait.
"I'm guessing whoever did this assumed the kid will die anyway and didn't bother killing him." Chan started.
We were all gathered around the kitchen table. All, except for Hyo, who suddenly took on a motherly role and insisted on taking care of the kid.
I never struck myself as a potential good mother, so that, at least, was admirable. Even if Hyo's a bitch, I guess she has some good parts to her.
"Anyways, until the probe results come back, let's let this slide. How about you tell me how the mission went?" Chan started.
"Oh, me and Shade are such a great couple!" Changbin said smugly and put his arm around my waist smirking.
Chan's expression darkened for a split second. It was barely noticeable, and I doubt anyone else saw it except me. After all, we decided to keep our "relationship" (or whatever the heck we could call it) a secret from the others.
"Do you mean team?" I asked and slapped Changbin's hand away, making him giggle.
"It went fine, but I think Shade could use some training in the communication department." Replied Minho.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I answered with a tint of anger in my tone.
"Shade - calm down. What do you mean, Minho?" asked Chan.
"Don't take it personally, but you literally didn't say anything when you saw that woman's body and the child. We found out what's going on 3 minutes later, when Changbin got there and told us. That's bad. In a mission, those 3 minutes of information could be valuable. They could mean life or dead."
"Changbin? Seungmin? What do you say? Do you agree?" Chan turned his eyes to the two.
"Mhm. Minho made an excellent point. You have to work on your communication skills." Said Seungmin.
This felt really humiliating. They were hurting my ego and that felt like a punch in the gut.
Thanks god that bitch Hyo isn't here. She would've never let me live this down.
"I've been working alone these past few years, so I don't know what you want from me." I retorted with spite.
I knew they were right, but I wasn't ready to accept their criticism yet.
"Shade, they don't mean it in a bad way." Chan tried to reason with me, so I simply nodded, hoping they will drop it.
Just then, a ray of sunshine came through the door and saved the day.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but Hyo finished washing the baby and she's noticed a weird mark on him. Can you come upstairs?" said Felix in a serious tone.
We all headed towards Hyo's room and entered. As soon as she saw me, her face contorted with anger, and she started screaming.
"Wish I could, but I have no desire to do so." I chuckled.
"Hyo, calm down, what's up?" asked Chan, concerned.
"She can't be here. I don't want her here. Are you fucking setting us up, bitch?!" she continued in a rage, confusing everyone.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snapped back.
"Shade, it might be better if you went to your room for now, ok?" Chan spoke, trying to get Hyo to calm down.
"Why do I have to leave?!"
"Please, just... don't argue with me right now and go to your room."
So that's how it's gonna be, hm? Whenever Hyo's mad, I would become the supporting role.
I didn't have to say anything, as a roll of my eyes did the trick. Disappointed in Chan, I got out of the room and went in mine, locking the door behind me.
I dropped on the bed and looked outside the window. The sky was glistening beautifully in warm tones, the sun setting slowly. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, relaxing my body, and drifted off to a deep slumber.
~Third person POV~
"Bang Chan, the fact that you brought this bitch here, with us, will bring our fall!" Hyo started screaming as soon as Emilia left the room.
"Hyo, please calm down. Let's talk this over calmly, okay? What happened?"
"Look at this! Just look!"
Hyo turned the screaming child on his belly. He was upset about the whole commotion, but she didn't seem to care too much about his screams. A more pressing matter was at hand, and she had to show it to everyone.
"Is this not her fucking mafia?! I'm telling you, she fucking deceived us all!" Hyo said, pointing at the baby's back.
He had bad, fresh scars that could've only been made by a hot iron that read "SKZ your next", signed by a single rose symbol.
"The Scarlet Rose. It's her fucking mafia, isn't it?!"
Chan was perplexed by this. It was indeed Emilia's old mafia signature. He got a knot in his stomach and started wondering whether what Hyo was saying could be true. Would Emilia really betray Stray Kids? Would she really betray him?
"I can't believe that baby will be marked for life with that... and it's written wrong." Said Seungmin, making everyone turn their attention to the baby again and noticing the obvious grammar mistake.
"No, seriously. "YOUR"? Who the heck writes like that? Must've been an idiot. Is that why Shade is a bit dumb sometimes, I wonder? Runs through the mafia..." continued Seungmin sassily.
"Stop that! Can't you see the bigger picture? Shade is fucking with us!" Hyo shouted.
"We can't know that for sure." Intervened Changbin, standing up for Emilia. "She seemed as confused as everyone else on the mission."
"Yea, I agree. We don't have all the facts. We don't even know who the woman is yet. Maybe it has nothing to do with Shade whatsoever." Said Felix, making the others nod.
"Besides, how could Shade even know we were going there? You just told us last night, Chan. And the woman's been dead for what? 3-5 days?" Minho intervened as well. Even though he wasn't Shade's biggest fan, it wasn't right to have all blame on her for something like this.
"It's weird indeed. I gotta be honest, when I dropped the documents yesterday morning, I didn't check that room, so we can't be sure if the woman was there before I went there, or if someone put her there after I left. I didn't hear any baby, though..."
"What's safe to say is, she didn't die there." Changbin affirmed.
"Come on, Chan. It's obvious what happened! Her Mafia put the woman there after you left and informed us of the mission, when she freaking told them! She's pretending, y'all. How can you trust her so blindly?" Hyo rolled her eyes and started tending to the baby, calming it down.
Quiet mumbling could be heard between the other members.
"How can we know she's not setting us up?" she spoke again. "You like her, I get it." She spat. "But her whole getting-out-of-the-mafia-plan mission was to infiltrate us and kill you, Chris. How can we be so sure that she's not just playing a role right now?"
Hyo was in love with Chan. Always has been, always will be. But Chan never looked at her that way. And all of a sudden, he's brought this... disgusting bitch into the gang. Into her gang. 
If that wasn't already bad, the way he was eye-fucking her all the time was really getting under her skin. She hated her guts and wished she could just disappear. Why did everyone trust her? She was just a random girl from another mafia. She would never be part of SKZ. She was not to be trusted.
And this kid right here was all the evidence that was needed to support the theory: Emilia was surely gathering information about Stray Kids and would tear them down with the first chance she gets.
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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starified-lizzy · 2 months
I have zero contractual obligation to do this, but I’m doing this anyways because I think it’s genuinely a really cool app, especially for note-takers (both for professional, school, and personal usage).
EVERNOTE BABY (it also has a desktop version!!!)
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I was watching TikTok before it gets banned, as one does, and I came across a video of someone talking about the whole issue with Google Docs issuing the stuff you write in a doc to train AI.
I don’t know what compelled me, but I went into the comment section to see what others had to say, and saw someone recommend Evernote for- not only keeping track of notes for stories, but also being able to add media and other stuff pretty easily (I’ve only used the note-writing bit since I’ve got it [2 days ago], so idk how that part works just yet).
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The home page of Evernote is really nicely structured imo. You have notes at the top, and everything else at the bottom. There’s other options to add as well in settings, it’s not limited to just those three, but that’s all I personally see a use for with what I’m using the app for.
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Now time to show off the cool shit this app can do in the notes section because that’s what I mainly use this app for, using an example from the character notes for the FNF au!
The larger and bolder text is done similarly to Microsoft Word and Google Docs, where there’s a bar above the keyboard that has all the text options.
You can bold, italics, underline, strike through, change text size, create a bulleted list(or a numbered/lettered one if you prefer that), you can indent your shit so that you can now format text to school standards (how every English paper demands an indent with a new paragraph 😒), and more.
That little grey bar separating Nene from Darnell, and Darnell for DD, is done by putting three asterisks (***) OR three equals (===) on a line and then starting a new line. The app will automatically turn it into that kickass grey bar!
There is (sadly, imo) an option to use AI to “clean up” your notes/text. If you don’t want it, don’t use it. I’d prefer if they didn’t have AI in the app all together, but, to me, it’s really the only downside to this app. And- in their defense- as far as I know, they aren’t using it to steal your data or train AI like Google is.
So, once again, not a contractual obligation, but I do genuinely like this app literally in just the two-ish days I’ve used it so much that I’m literally actually planning on moving all my notes regarding my stories to it.
I think I’ll still keep actually writing my stories on the built-in notes app, but that’s mainly because the format I write in is so I can easily keep track of what I need to italicize or not, and using the built-in functions of Evernote for that will make transferring it to ao3 so much more difficult imo.
So, I’ll personally keep the stories to the notes app, but transfer the actual notes to Evernote because it’s formatted better :>
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lieslab · 2 months
i’m so confused, did hyunjin read one of your works, if so which one?
Not one of my works. I believe it was a few weeks ago that there was a Google form posted to Twitter (you will never hear me call it X) and it was posted by W Korea. You had the option to fill it out and ask a question to potentially have Hyunjin answer it.
Every section was filled out in Korean. Was I going to let the opportunity slip by? Absolutely not. So I went to Google translate and translated everything to English because I don't speak Korean, translated my answers to Korean, and submitted it.
In the very beginning, when the video was first posted, English subtitles weren't available unless you watched the video with auto-translate. Were they reliable? Apparently not because when you watched the video with auto-translate, it seemed like he was saying 'Lie' as the person who asked the question 😅
However, now that the official English subtitles are on the video, Google translate managed to ask my question properly, but it screwed up the nickname. It turns out if you try to translate 'lie' through Google translate, it turns into 'don't li.'
So instead of being 'lie,' he got a 'don't li-' and proceeded to say "must have wanted to put 'don't lie' but got cut off." It makes it sound like an ominous threat instead and honestly, it's hilarious. I'm glad that he answered the question honestly and I've learned that Google translate isn't reliable.
Clearly, I should just bite the bullet and sit down and teach myself Korean. I've been wanting to, but I keep putting it off. Lesson learned because I'd rather not threaten another k-pop idol 😭😭😭
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
So apparently the limit isn’t 500 characters cuz that one ask was as long as my google doc sooo I sectioned off and kept under 500 characters for now reason :/// anywayyys here’s the rest of my ask (feel free to chop this up into different posts it’s very long oop)
I ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY LOVE the concept of ‘Donnie needs to see the bad in order to quell his mind and prepare for all the situations and that Leo would get so lost with the doom’. So they would come together, support each other, and tell each other what they’ve seen, as to give their twin what they need to hear. It’s so absolutely beautiful imo. The idea that Donnie had all of his recordings for Leo to watch once he died would be devastating, because imo the seer thing would force them to be even closer with each other and they’d have an even greater bond. Plus they’d probably get into more disasters because of the visions which would make their nickname all the more applicable.
If there’s rumor that Master Leonardo has visions of the future, is there anything for Master Donatello? Because the line about Donnie’s future self giving him lottery numbers like he’d asked- is in my mind is if he’d always been able to see the future is that him just trying to deny the future and the visions a final time as he stares upon a kid that he saw grew up while he dreamt? Would the future lotto ticket line make Casey pick up on anything because of it?
(I came across your raph cuddles leo to help with the visions and saw glowy Leo and went 👀👀👀👀 I have to see this au and went it’s only 3, I took a really long nap at six and I have nothing to do tomorrow ima read this and then promptly consumed the entire tag in 2 hours and wrote for another two (including formatting to fit the seemingly correct 500 character limit) and went I need to know more and then the questions and ideas kept coming lmao again I know I’ve said this a lot but don’t how long this is it just latched onto my brain and now it won’t let go it’s a masterpiece I love it so much❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩🤩 I’m probably gonna come back w more questions as I have serious brainrot because of it and I love it so much (also your family web au and adopted donnie aus look great to so I’ll have to read them as well but maybe not now was I don’t need to start at 3am like I did yesterday lmao but) the point is you have a galaxy brain and you are wonderful — ☄️
Yeah, I think it's the replies that have a short character limit. Not sure if asks have one or not, but yeah!
But yeah, them having those powers would definitely get them into more trouble as a result. (i'm toying with a having an entire plot line dedicated to just that sort of trouble.)
And i think him denying it based off the lack of Lotto numbers really would be him still trying to deny the future visions stuff. Like there's this kid, sitting right there in front of him. He's seen him grow up in both Leo's and his own dreams, and now he's right there telling them the world is going to turn into Leo's nightmares (not in as many words but yeah) if they don't help him stop it. I don't think CJ would pick up on anything from that line though. He wasn't even aware Future Leo had future vision and Donnie was better at hiding his then Leo was. It's probably not until Donnie starts using the nickname he isn't supposed to know, that CJ realizes Donnie knows more than he's saying.
And that's very sweet! Thank yoU! i can't take full credit for it though, since a lot of this AU has come into being from Asks! But thank you all the same! : )
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ut-poppy-fangame · 2 years
Devlog: Timeline of the Timeline Plaza
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On this month’s devlog, I actually wanted to talk about something that's rather crucial to our game, the main hub. Because Poppy Buys Milk is centered around one area of the Omega Timeline; The Timeline Plaza, so it's crucial for the sake of the game that it's the best it can be, right?
Though we had seen some glimpses into the Timeline Plaza from the Poppy's Story Music Video and the OT Server's promotional post, when the time came to actually make a cohesive enviroment for the game to play out in, we had to go through a few iterations.
As some may know, Fms, the director of Poppy Buys Milk, pitched the game through a google powerpoint presentation. In it, he presented this concept for the Timeline Plaza map; a single screen with all the buildings inmediately available, a watch tower, several flavor buildings, and about four shops.
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And later on we polished it with a more straight forward drawing. We got rid of the watchtower idea pretty early on.
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When the time came to actually tile together a map that could replicate this layout however, we split up the starting area and the plaza for simplicity sake. the plaza was also made considerbly smaller.
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There was also the issue of players getting potentially lost. How would the players find the shop that actually SOLD milk, the point of the game?
One of the things we eventually addressed was having the goal in clear sight. The idea is that the player should be able to just go and buy the milk. 
We also reduced the amount of shops from 5 to 4, since we realized five shops was all too much, and we could merge the "Candy" shop with the milk shop.
The White Void part of the map was merged with the map as well since it was weird how it was smaller than the rest of the plaza.
We actually spent a few months with this layout. We designed ALL major buildings, made the tiles, designed the interior of a lot of buildings, and we had more or less almost finished designing all the rooms.
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You might have seen this, as in the 2nd Anniversary stream for Poppy's Story, we publicly showcased the game in its unfinished glory showcasing this iteration of the Timeline Plaza. We were pretty confident about it.
A few months later, however, I realized the amount of with this map, some even inherited from the original concept map; it was still too big, yet it was also cramped, so it was difficult to properly space out the game's quests.
The buildings were laid out next to each other very weirdly. I hadn't realized that most games don't let you walk behind the buildings for a reason; they eat up a lot of space you could use, and it just looks weird.
There was also the issue it didn't really feel like a lived-in place. There were too many shops, and not enough houses. This is supposed to be one of, if not, the most inhabited space in the Omega Timeline, it should absolutely have more houses strewn about like a town does.
Furthermore, some of the buildings featured here didn't really had a point (which, I get it's a game about buying milk, but come on). A good handful didn't even have quests attached to them, so they didn't fullfill any purpose in the overall game.
Also the “houses” looked really, really ugly.
So ultimately, we went back to the drawing board. We scrapped a few of the buildings that had no purpose, but we kept most of the old ones given, you know, we already made them.
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With our third and final iteration, we decided to cut up the map into multiple sections— firstly, to make it easier to distribute content across the plaza, but also so that the buildings were unintrusive. Splitting up the areas also made it so landmarks could be made more easily. 
It also allowed us to add more natural folliage, while in the previous iteration, all the folliage was mostly used to surround the play area. 
Now, of course, you might be wondering what the map looks like now. Well, you’ll have to play the final game to see it!
And that’s everything for this week’s Devlog. We’ll see you all next week.
- Fms
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