#I just wanted to get this off my chest
heartbreakercupcake · 7 months
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when people start talking shit about Dana just being some whore slut who left Miguel for no reason I'm just gonna point to this part in the comics-
Like seriously, by no means am I saying what she did was okay, but you people make me feel like we read two different comics, Miguel, EVEN IF HE DIDN'T MEAN TOO, drove Dana away, also this wasn't even the first time he was violent against her
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Like I KNOW he was "on drugs" but like still
AND EVEN AFTER THAT she still stuck by him she was willing to get rapture for him cause she knows the effects of it, like come on now,
Also she was TRYING to keep the relationship together but Miguel out right refused to talk to her or be honest with her
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Like I know people are upset for her getting close with Tyler Stone, but you people gotta understand that he was clearly manipulating which she wasn't in the best place emotionally cause Miguel just wouldn't say anything and the last thing he did was call her stupid and threw a plant at her, and at that point she thought it was over.
Look you don't have to like Dana, or agree with the choices she made, you can dislike/hate her BUT DON'T FUCKING LIE ABOUT HER OR ACT LIKE SHE WASN'T GOING THREW SOME SHIT HERSELF,
like I get it bad writing and all that but have that same energy for Miguel, cause he CLEARLY wasn't perfect either.
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elssecondaccount · 2 months
So I was thinking to myself about a lot of things and
I miss when content creators were just that. People who created content. When there were no (or at least less) huge controversies and huge reveals of “turns out one of your favourite internet people is secretly a terrible person!”. I miss when I could watch/read/listen to/enjoy the content I like without feeling bad for liking it. I miss when I could watch people’s channels and be subscribed/following/whatever without being criticised. I miss when we could just be happy to like what we like.
And even with all this, I still try. I want to enjoy my content in the same way I used to, without anxiety and fear of constant judgement and hatred following me. I’ve had to learn how to separate the art from the artist quickly, lest I shut myself off from it entirely or become a stan for someone who doesn’t deserve my energy.
But it’s hard. Many of the creators I once loved are either terrible, still friends with the terrible people, creating entirely different content from what I used to enjoy from them (I’m glad they moved on to something they’re happier with btw, I just miss their old content), or dead. The people around me cringe at the mention of many of their channels/names, making it difficult to say even so much as “I used to like this” without being harshly judged and criticised.
All in all, I think it’s important to understand that you shouldn’t be cruel to someone who likes something with a problematic creator. New controversy about an influencer you like doesn’t mean you’re terrible for liking them. And definitely don’t believe that you either have to support them completely or shut yourself off from their content.
Don’t bully people about their likes or dislikes. If you don’t agree, then accept you have differing opinions. If you don’t understand, ask them about it before condemning them to your judgement.
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To The TWST Community...
TW: A semi-rant post, but really, it’s just me asking everyone to please listen to what I have to say... it’s not much but I hope you could just hear me out.
Yes, it’s about the “Cupid-Lolita” case, but also every other issue similar to this. I am not picking sides with anyone, but I want to address something really important to me so please... if you can, hear me out.
Also, please don’t come after anyone. No one wants that either.
I think everyone’s heard of the whole “Cupid-Lolita” incident and after reading different posts about the situation, I genuinely cried. I really felt it. It was really overwhelming, and yes, I am a sensitive person.
Honestly, I didn’t really know there was tension before, and I probably should have paid attention... but the past is the past. I only wish to ask of our community to please... we need to stop fighting.
I know it’s ultimately inevitable that two people would end up arguing one way or another, or how tensions can arise one way or another, but really even so it could be better if we could at least talk it out rationally. Yes, yes, it’s... awkward (well that’s an understatement) for us to do so, but we have to try. If one of us are open to reason with the other party’s feelings... the other would most likely try to do so. It wouldn’t mean you two would surely reconciling with one another, but at least the situation was handled calmly.
I know... feelings get the better of us. I would know, I literally just said I cried about something that wasn’t directly my problem, but I did because... I don’t understand why we fight and hurt each other.
We are a community, and we should strive for unity. Of course, there are many of us that can’t get along with other “many of us” within this fandom, but we really shouldn’t let our emotions get the better of us...
Whoever’s at fault in this issue doesn’t matter. This includes for every other issue similar to this one.
This issue, let me remind you, shouldn’t teach us to distant ourselves, 
it should teach us in how we can be more of a community. A united one. What we learnt shouldn’t be taken for granted, and we shouldn’t just stay disappointed. We should change, to strive to be a more united fandom! I’m guilty of this too, but I want to change!
I sound gullible, yes, but would you really want to see writers, artists, even worse your moots fight?
Then let’s be peaceful, and strive to heal, not to wound.
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floofysmallbob · 3 months
hi yes this is probably triggering and traumatizing so TW: KNIVES, SELF HARM, SUICIDE, NIGHTMARES, DEATH, LOSS OF A PARENT
I just kinda need somewhere to share this, even if not many people read it. I don’t typically have nightmares, but I had one the other night. It was the average dream, weird dream logic, I had to be social, etc, but the part I remember was the worst part. I was in an unfamiliar kitchen, somehow completely wooden, and my dad(who I’m not in very much contact with, I still see him when he drops my sister off after he’s had her for the weekends, and he calls my sister at night) was chopping blueberries on an also wooden cutting board, somehow perfectly into fourths.
!!this is the possibly triggering part!!
and he just laid his head down on the cutting board, face down, raised his kn1fe(which was much too large for cutting blueberries), and chopped the back of his neck. I didn’t see it in the dream, but nightmare or not, it’s extremely traumatizing to hear a knife cut through your father’s neck.
I remember not even waking up after that horrid part, and I had to watch my dad be lowered into the ground.
I woke up, and for the next few days, I didn’t want to go to sleep, I didn’t want to have my neck or back not up against a surface, I had to repeat to myslef that I was fine, my dad was fine, got really overwhelmed when I heard his voice on call, got really scared when cutting up vegetables while making dinner, and absolutely refused to let my mom eat blueberries.
I know it’s nothing like losing a parent or watching someone commit su1c!de in real life, but it was still scarring.
so if you took the time to read this, thank you, and to anyone who has had similar experiences, whether it being a similar situation happening in real life, or similarly horrible nightmares, just some small tips on how to handle this would be nice.
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chloeseyeliner · 6 months
not that anyone cares, but
i did it!
i got through the important phone call safe and sound after trying thrice and failing!
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lunas-treehouse · 2 months
If you are a person who shits on classic disney princesses read this
you are embarrassing yourself. most the shit youve said isnt true.
cinderella wasnt "waiting for a man" she was raised in an abusive household by a step mother who veiwed her as less and made her act as a maid.
aurora being asleep most her movie isnt her fault. she was cursed.
snow white was an abused girl who was happy to be with the dwarves and even happier to get her prince i dont know why thats considered terrible. wouldnt you be overjoyed if someone took you to live in a whole ass castle???
ariel was a curious girl who loved to learn about humans. she was as much as an anthropologist as she could be in her situation. and her dad literally DESTROYED all her special possessions in front of her only for ursula to use her distress to manipulate her. she wanted to be human- getting derek was a bonus.
you dont shit on anna for ending up with kristoff in the end do you? you dont shit on belle for loving the beast [unless its that stockholme syndrome debate]. i dont see you guys talking about real disney princess issues like pochahontus in general or the fact tiana was a frog most of her movie adding to the trend of poc being animals in disney movies.
and a lot of you just love the villains- proclaiming theyre better than the protagonists and theyre innicent.
ursula manipulated a vulnerable teenage girl and then tried to kill her and derek along with many others who were on that ship.
malefacent cursed a fuckin baby.
hades was creepy as hell to meg and literally owned her.
jafars a fucking creep who perved on a 16 year old girl.
like- you can totally enjoy them as villains its why disney villains are looked to as this like expectations for villains almost, but dont act like theyre good people or theyre better than the protagonist they hurt. especially when youre JUST mocking the princesses- that shit reeks of victim blaming and mysoginy.
grow up. being kind and persevering like the disney princesses do will always be better than treating people like shit like the disney villains do.
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swe3tte4rs · 4 months
I hate being a girl who is embarrassed to even breathe 😭😭😭
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v4mp-wife · 4 months
It annoys me so much when someone is better than me at something i like. Because when I do it, and I like it they start pointing out everything wrong with it. Constructive criticism can be a good thing but there's a time for that. I didn't ask for your feedback, I'm showing you because I want you to be proud of me. But you have to go ahead and point out everything wrong with it and proceed to explain how it's oh so easy for you. Just shut up
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merlwybs-wife · 2 years
idk if i’ve already ranted about this-- if i have, i apologize. but it seems like something’s in the water lately where i’m arguing with people about ERP and it’s “legitimacy” as RP. 
let’s talk for a second, and if you disagree or dislike i’m ranting, i won’t take offense if you unfollow me. you’re free to do as you will, to have a different opinion. i just like to think that opinions can be changed with new insight, and this is a topic that’s really been getting to me lately.
I think a lot of RPers are “old fashioned” and have instilled this mentality in the RP community that ERP is lesser. That “only a certain type of person ERPs” and “they’re just getting their rocks off.” That there’s no literary value to it.
As someone who has RP’d a prostitute & courtesan for YEARS, I’m here to say that is horribly wrong. 
Don’t get me wrong-- yes, it does attract “certain people.” But, in my experience? It’s absolutely NOT the bulk of players. The majority of players I meet in the various RP communities I’m in WANT story, build-up, character arcs. They won’t ERP if they don’t have this. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that’s 90% of people I meet. The other 10%? Don’t really care either way. I fall into that 10%, if you’re wondering. 
I don’t care if it goes nowhere. I don’t care if it’s a one time thing. 
But you know what? 9/10 RPs I’ve done with people where ERP is the first encounter? The writer sticks around, we keep in touch. We make something out of it. We RP with different characters, too. 
ERP is not lacking in quality, either.
I’ve never done an ERP that’s reduced to repetitive, simple statements.
To me, ERP allows me to explore a unique dynamic. How does my character approach physical, intimate affection? It challenges me to be evocative, and unique in my approaches. Because, yeah, it is really easy to fall into the loop of writing the same damn thing over and over in ERP-- since there tends to be quite a few posts describing the same thing over and over. It pushes me to write as expressively as possible, both physically and emotionally. 
I love it.
Now, with that statement, you might be wondering if I get off on it.
And, I don’t mind telling you: No, not really. I’m on the ace spectrum, actually. 
But to that note? I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong or shameful about feeling sexual in response to art! Just don’t be weird about it. :c Don’t tell me you’re doing things, don’t disappear for a half hour, and don’t mix IC and OOC. And we’re golden! You can get off all you want! I legit don’t care!
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Beauty-Beast family headcanons
Besties, I’ve been ruminating about Rosabella and her family for a year now, so here’s what I’ve come up with:
Rosabella most definitely has siblings, I have very little proof but no doubts.
You know how in the original story, the Beauty is the youngest of 13, and the siblings actually play an important part in the story? Well, in order to fulfill her destiny she needs to have siblings, older ones too.
But on that note, I don’t think her parents had more than one kid just to fill in the parts for the story, nonono, they know better than that. They just struck me as the kind of couple that would want to have lots of kids to raise, love and whatnot. The fact that their kids have a roll to play in a story is very secondary to them, if not even tertiary, bottom of the priority list.
This leads me to my second point: their kingdom’s succession system.
I’m very into the idea that Destiny Laws (mentioned in Rosabella’s doll diary) control a huge portion of Ever After’s societal norms to maintain an order that would allow stories to be retold as accurate as possible.
So, this would mean that in Rosabella’s kingdom, the heir to the throne is the elder son (who would inherit the role of The Beast) or the youngest daughter (who would inherit the role of The Beauty). This is by law, of course, and we know Ever After is a very traditional and conservative society that would never allow to have a girl be a beast, god forbid. And if you’re nb you’re doomed, I’m sorry :(.
This has some very interesting consequences:
1. Beauty and the Beast did not choose for their kids to have ‘Beauty’ as their last name, bc their heir was going to play that role. No, they did it bc of all the stigma that would surround their kids to be associated with the Beast family (I headcanon the previous beast to be an abusive dipshit that almost drowned their kingdom, so everyone just asumes Rosa’s father is the same). It did not prevent them from getting at least a little bullied, tho.
2. They didn’t have the destiny talk with their kids until they definitely decided to stop having children, so Rosa and her siblings’ formative years were free of the pressure that comes with destiny.
3. Because of that, the Beauty-Beast siblings are quite close. They never had dumb rivalries based on who got the better destiny growing up. This, despite knowing one of them would eventually be the heir to the throne - their parents were very adamant on treating them equally.
Anyways, it’s safe to say I’m very frustrated with her wasted potential,,
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dellinah · 11 months
I recently lost my best friend to cancer, and words cannot describe how incredibly painful every waking hour has been since I got the news.
They say time heals all, and I can only hope that the memories that suffocate me now will soon become nostalgic treasures that will soothe my longing.
Right now, it fucking hurts tho
And grief is just a weird feeling. It's trying to face a reality that you cannot comprehend, much less accept; but it forces itself onto you regardless, bc there's no way back.
No way out.
This how it is now.
But really, in trying to process this new reality, it has dawned upon me just how... weird, it is.
Just how weird it all feels to me.
I still know his birthday by heart.
And when it comes around, I know I will think of what gift I should get him for a second - before remembering he's gone, and crying all over again over a wound that never truly healed.
I still know his favorite shows, and I know that he collected funko pops of them. There's a list on my phone with the ones he already had, so that I knew to look for new ones when shopping around.
The messages we sent are still on my phone. Still among the most recent ones, for now.
And when I click on them, the last words we ever exchanged (and will ever exchange) stare back at me. Just like they're any other ordinary message, unaware of the massive weight they carry to me.
As does his profile picture, a frozen image of what he will forever look like in my mind.
Spared the burden and the blessing of aging beyond his mid twenties.
The audio messages are still there, too.
His voice still calls me, by name, every time I hit play. Like an echo of what once was, a voice I will never hear again in this lifetime.
But the recordings remain.
And it hurts me so, so bad.
Yet, I play it over and over again.
Maybe hoping the words will be different at one point, like he's just recorded something new.
But by now, I know each audio by heart.
Over and over and over again.
I still know by heart all of the inside jokes that only he and I knew. And now, I have no one else to tell them to.
When I see a pair of blue pants, or finding nemo merch, or a news reporter wearing yellow; I'll have to keep it to myself from now on.
Because no one else in the world gets why that is funny to me.
Or why it was funny to us.
It's just, I didn't expect everything to vanish when you did.
But I didn't expect just how much what you left behind would hurt.
Your birthday. Our inside jokes. The recipe we always made together. The road where we'd drive at night almost every weekend. The shows we watched together that you'll never see the end of. The path we walked home after school as teens. Your favorite color. The book I borrowed and never gave back.
You are gone, but so much of you remains with me.
It's like a letter adressed to an empty house.
What do I do with it all now?
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anijay · 1 year
had something on my mind so i drew it
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cringenamehere · 1 year
TW suicide, self harm
sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I never existed. maybe my friends would be better off If I didn’t exist in the first place. then they wouldn’t have to worry about this fat, ugly, waste of space and oxygen bastard who has stupid fucking abandonment issues. they won’t have to worry about that same bastard talking to them, wasting their time. sometimes I just want to fucking kill myself and free myself from this guilt, this rage, this sadness. hell sometimes when it’s too much I punch my wall until my knuckles bleed but I don’t to tell them or they’ll worry about me more. I don’t want to be a burden to people that deserve so much better. those people deserve all the happiness in the world, they deserve to be so so so happy. and I feel like I’m in the way. I just want to disappear. If I could almost drown myself in the tub in 6th grade I’m sure I can drown myself now. but I'm scared to die, I’m scared to live. I don’t want this fear. I don’t want this sadness. I don’t want this guilt. I don’t want this sympathy. I just want this wave of rusted chains, broken dreams, and busted emotions to be over.
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my-random-fandoms · 2 years
I’m sometimes a lazy tagger, and I know that can be a problem on ao3. People have asked me to add tags before and I always do it because in the moment I’m posting a fic, I sometimes can’t think of all the tags I should be adding, and I’m happy to oblige people who’ve taken the time to read my fic. 
Someone asked me to tag a fic that the pairing I wrote about aren’t ‘endgame.’ The entire fic is about the pairing’s one-night stand. It says clearly in the summary that it’s a one-night stand, and it IS tagged friends with benefits. (It’s Will Byers/Mike Wheeler for anyone who wants to know). 
And evidently....that is somehow both confusing and upsetting? Like, they were REALLY upset that they ended up reading a fic where Will/Mike isn’t endgame. And I was kind in my reply, thanked them for their concern and that they approached me nicely, but the summary clearly says it’s a one night stand and that Friends With Benefits was tagged. 
But...now that’s not enough? They think that’s unclear because the one-night stand might have turned into something more. (And yes, I know, but this person doesn’t, that something more would mean it’s actually not a one night stand.)
And now I’m just refusing to tag my work differently, because anyone who is mature enough to click on an M rated fic, should be mature enough to A-know what a one night stand entails, and B-not get so upset (a three paragraph comment asking a writer to add tags upset) about their preferred pairing not being endgame. 
And the weird thing is? Mike and Will are still friends - still BEST friends even - at the end of my fic. 
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My list of things to watch is so long that i sometimes get overwhelmed and end up not watching anything
So three days ago i decided to watch the legend of vox machina because why not, it's on the list, and it's short, only one season, and then I'll have another position from the list done
And I told my friend that i started watching it, right? Because I wanted something quick to watch
And she was like o wow that's amazing the second season is coming out like in a few days
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charliethinks · 1 year
//tw i talk about eating, sh, also mention of ed
my friends make those jokes, idk if you can even consider them that, about my lack of eating like they just tell people “yeah they dont eat, its like they wanna have anorexia.” and my bestfriend also told our spanish teacher, who had no business in knowing this, that i dont eat. maybe i have anorexia but i dont want to self diagnose, i dont want to make anyone feel invalid but i KNOW there is something wrong with me. i know.
ok so first of all why would you say something like that??? its weird to say that i “want” to have anorexia and second of all why would you tell someone WITHOUT MY PERMISSION about shit like that?????? 
all this shit gets to me and because idk how to handle feelings i self harm. this isn’t a coping mechanism anymore, its an addiction. and its getting worst.
also my bestfriends mom makes fun of me and my weight. a grown ass woman. i dont know what to say anymore but all of this happened and maybe im overreacting but its just weird.
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