#I had to condense this so much to make it a gif bc that was the only way to have good quality
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The one time I actually color a piece
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nininikki · 1 year
𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐌𝐑. 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 | eren jaeger x black fem!reader
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I. delightful little laughs and golf excursions
✧ summary! — upon meeting one another, you and governor eren jaeger struggle to deal with the onslaught of mutual attraction that inevitably follows.
✧ warnings! — mentions and consumptions of alcohol, adultery (eren is an aspiring cheater), golfing (🏌🏽), an arranged-ish marriage, age gap—reader is 29 and eren is 40, smut—handjob, heavy petting, making out.
✧ author’s note! — this part is the first of what is hopefully many. updates will be sporadic but hopefully still very entertaining. & i already know what you’re thinking, eren can’t be potus bc he’s german blah blah yeah well eren can’t do much of anything bc he died so let’s just be delulu together. lmk if i missed anything in the warnings.
✧ word count! — 4.7k
the wings of a baby red bird whispered clumsily through the brisk noon air. without thinking, almost reflexively, you blew the bird a bout of kisses. good luck, you’d thought to yourself, hoping to quell the sick feeling curling in your stomach. though, it was only lunch with mikasa, so how much luck would you need?
a secret service agent escorted you to your table, where mikasa was already sitting. her lips, stained with crimson, stretched into a smile so wide her face could’ve cramped. “(y/n), i’m so glad you could make it!”
mikasa stood and enveloped you in a hug, the flowery scent of her perfume nearly making you vomit where you stood. “oh, don’t even mention it. the pleasure was mine.” pulling away from her embrace, you smiled to ebb the sick feeling. “besides, it’s been forever since we had lunch. y’know, with the election and all.”
“well, yes, being the first lady is quite the job.” mikasa…almost giggled. a childish, giddy, schoolgirl giggle that felt out of place coming from her thirty-nine year old mouth. that coupled with the way the diamonds in her glimmering wedding band caught the sunlight and nearly blinded you when she pushed a short lock of hair away from her face. if only she knew how greatly she tormented you without even knowing it.
swallowing the saliva that had pooled at the sides of your tongue, you smile again. “i can only imagine.” and god, if you hadn’t spent a considerable amount of time doing just that.
the moment you both slid back into your seats, a waiter made his way across the lawn and next to your table, a bottle of wine in his hands and ready to be poured into your respective glasses.
“no wine for me, actually.” mikasa said to the waiter, despite keeping her gaze trained on you the entire time. “a sparkling water will do.”
and when he turned to you, “i’ll have what she’s having—the sparkling water. and can you add a lemon slice?”
“of course, ma’am. it’ll be right out.”
“not drinking, huh? that’s…new. i like it.” mikasa joked just as soon as the waiter was out of earshot.
you let the words fall gracefully, naturally off your tongue. not rehearsed or practiced at all. “don’t get your hopes up. i’m trying out the whole method acting thing. fuckin’ sucks, i tell you.”
the waiter was back, setting two glasses of sparkling water on the table. “well, if anyone can do it, it’s you.” you both raised your glasses in a silent toast before taking the first few sips.
it definitely quelled the nausea you were feeling, so you drank and drank and drank until you looked down at the cup and saw there was only ice and dripping condensation left to show for it. “sorry. i haven’t eaten, i guess.” you explained, humiliatingly breathless.
“trust me, i know the feeling. can you get her a refill?” mikasa requested, and the waiter quickly obeyed, taking your glass and heading off again.
for a moment, there was only the sound of leaves whistling through the wind, an occasional singsong of birds, and the fizzing of mikasa’s drink across from you. until she cleared her throat, a loud ahem slicing through the false sense of tranquility you’d trapped yourself in.
“let’s not beat around the bush, (y/n). you know and i know that i didn’t just invite you here for nothing. so let me just be straight with you.” it was all happening too quickly for you. all the words coming from her mouth, all the feelings you were supposed to be feeling—all delayed to make way for numbness more painful than anything. because you knew what she was about to say. it was just a matter of whether or not you could control what would happen after she did. “i know you’re fucking my husband, and i want you to stop.”
look a man straight in the eye when you shake his hand. your mother had always told you that, but you’d never understood the importance of it. up until now.
until you were shaking hands with the governor of california and trying not to crumble under the intensity of his gaze. a gaze so fervent and piercing it was en route to perforating whatever it was that shielded your soul.
“lovely to meet you.” his voice was syrup. soft and smooth and saccharine and dripping into your ears with every word he spoke. “you’re even more beautiful in person.”
so are you, you wanted to say. and it was true. he’d been at the forefront of every news channel and magazine for the past year or so. and up there, he was all pretty eyes and luscious hair and ivy league-educated words. up close…up close, he was different.
as your gaze slid down the thick, almost shiny locks of his hair, you felt your hand—the one currently in the snug grasp of his shake—twitch with the urge to reach out and touch it. to slide the pad of your thumb down a strand, or perhaps thread all of your fingers through the dark mass of waves and revel in that sensation alone.
could he feel the pulse in your wrist begin to pick up speed when you let your eyes roll over the prominent bridge of his nose? or the full, pillowy curves of his lips? of course, you couldn’t stare there for too long. or you’d run the risk of wanting to kiss him, and god only knows what that could lead to.
and did he notice the skin of your palms become sticky with sweat when you finally let yourself look into his eyes? they were a haze of blue-green darkness. hypnotic, oceanic irises growing thinner and thinner as they stretched around the steadily dilating expanse of inky black that were his pupils, making for a sight that—for lack of a better phrase, and because you could actually feel your airways being blocked with unadulterated awe—took your breath away.
if anyone was more beautiful in person, it couldn’t not be him. however, you’d bitten your tongue, settling for, “you’re too sweet, mr. governor.” your voice, a soft peal of laughter that you assured only indicated the utmost professionalism.
“un-unh.” he released your hand from his grip, and you weren’t prepared for the onslaught of goose flesh spreading over your arms when his palms settled over the skin there. “it’s eren. call me eren.” you sure as hell weren’t prepared for him to embrace you in a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek.
you laughed a delightful little laugh. one that surely couldn’t be conveyed as anything but amiable. “only if you call me (y/n).”
“well, (y/n), my wife and i are big fans of your work.”
at the mention of your friend, you took your guilty eyes off him, and let yourself be flung back into reality. back to the party you were currently attending, with its nearly blinding beams of camera flash, sweet drips of champagne spilling past your lips, and wispy tendrils of smoke curling through the air.
the party where you’d originally come to just look pretty and stuff your face with hors d'œuvres, but were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder and a face all too familiar and smiling to be any perfect stranger.
mikasa ackerman—the laidback teacher’s assistant you’d sparked a friendship with your entire senior year at harvard. the girl you considered a very close friend and mentor from the week you met up until the day you graduated, soon after which the two of you lost all contact. but you hadn’t sweated it. you were too busy pursuing your acting career, she was too busy becoming a lawyer. and the governor’s wife, apparently.
“god, i haven’t seen you in ages.” her cheeks were tinted in a cheery blush, mouth turned up in a lopsided grin, an empty champagne flute balanced clumsily between her fingers. “well, not in person at least.” her wide, megawatt smile was the last thing you saw before she hugged you as if you had never stopped being friends. “but you’re in all those big movies, y’know. it’s like every time i turn on the TV, there you are.”
you blinked bashfully down at your feet, a gentle smile playing at your lips. “don’t make me blush.”
“oh, nonsense.” she rocked back and forth on her feet, running her fingers through her dark pixie cut. “y’know, my husband never believes me when i say we used to know each other.”
“when’d you get married?” your mouth picked up in a delighted smile, recalling distant, collegiate memories of mikasa wanting, ‘partnership and a powerful husband, in that order.’
she stood on her tiptoes, beckoning someone over with a fervent wave of her arm. “uh, close to four years ago, maybe. don’t quote me, though. i’ve had one or two.” what you weren’t expecting was for the governor of california to stroll over, a little tipsy and equally disoriented from the crowd he’d just emerged from, his gaze alight with something you couldn’t quite place when it landed on the two of you. mikasa interlocked your arms, her voice an ecstatic slur. “see, baby! i told you i knew her!”
you’d stumbled into your home that night with remnants of the party still stuck to your skin and an invite to lunch at the jaeger’s country club the following week.
“i always knew you were bad at sports, but golf? really?” mikasa chimed, her lips pulled apart in uncontrollable laughter as your golf ball swerved clumsily around the course.
when eren’s husky laugh floated into your ears, you could feel them toasting with embarrassment and shame. because your eyes had taken to feasting themselves upon him at the most inappropriate times.
because just as you were about to swing your club, there your eyes were, trailing over his towering figure. his hair, usually parted and coiffed to perfection, sat a little messier today, perfectly curtaining the gently chiseled edges of his face. his bottom lip, plush and pink, confined between busy teeth, making for a sight that sent a blush down your neck.
all that went without mentioning the sleeves of his oxford tee—rolled neatly up at the elbows and showcasing the perfect definition of his forearm as he leaned over on the handle of his golf club.
you swiped your tongue across your bottom lip in misplaced concentration. the expensive watch glinting around his wrist sending your lips up in a tiny smirk. because he was just your type. so handsome and so kind and so…
a tangible rope of guilt strung itself around your neck as your eyes traced over the gold wedding band on his finger. a symbol of perpetual love and unity that you were practically defacing as you continued to drool over him in the presence of his wife.
so, when it was time for you to swing your club, you’d spooled yourself in a web of distraction and ended up missing horribly.
“must be the wind.” you said, hoping that the bursts of laughter that followed would be enough to distract you from the guilt.
“here, let me help you.” eren offered, purely out of the kindness of his heart. not because of the way you stood there, the golf club perched sweetly in your grip with not a clue in the world how to use it. not because of how pretty you looked today—the delightful hem of your opaque-shaded skirt coming to a halt in the middle of your thighs and contrasting perfectly with the smooth darkness of your black top.
not because of the smile stretching across your face—so beautiful, pearly, and white that it nearly took one of his eyes out. not because of his budding attraction that had sprouted the moment you caught his notice on a silver screen and had only gotten worse when he’d laid eyes on you in the flesh. and certainly not because mikasa, his wife, for god’s sake, had stepped back inside for one reason or another—to powder her nose or something—and inadvertently granted him a moment alone with you for the very first time.
“listen, mr. governor—”
“eren. listen. i may not golf every weekend like you weirdos,” you joked, and he couldn’t help the grin gracing his face. “but i know my way around a club, alright.”
“yeah, sure looked like it.”
you went silent for a moment, tongue clicking around in your mouth while your gaze wandered elsewhere. “fine.” you sighed out, faux exaggerating an eye roll and pout. “show me the reins, or whatever.”
that was how you had gotten here. the callused palms of governor eren jaeger pressed up against the backs of your hands under the guise of helping you swing a golf club. except there was no guise, and the feeling of having his hands on yours again had your mind nestled in delusion.
“okay, now, hit it.” he said, the words lowered an octave and trickling with honey as he uttered them into your ear. “aht, aht. remember,” his grip grew a bit tighter on your hands just as you were about to swing. “softly, just like i said. don’t think you’re advanced enough to do it any other way.” a teasing lilt colored his tone.
“i think you’re just holding me back, governor.” at that, you stole your eyes away from the union of your hands and blinked them shyly in his direction.
“eren, please.” if he was saying please, his eyes certainly didn’t convey it. “or i’ll have to start calling you esteemed actress, (y/n) (l/n).”
“you think i’m esteemed? don’t flatter me.”
“you don’t wanna know what i think about you.”
delighted heaps of air passed through your nose and mouth a couple times before you realized you were giggling. giggling like a blushing virgin on her first date over a few simple words. what was he doing to you?
your teeth dug deep into your bottom lip. “are you implying something, eren?”
eren neglected to answer, only staring at you whilst smoothing the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand. “now, on my count, you’re gonna putt it, alright.”
“mhm,” you hummed, forcing yourself to look back down at the ball.
“one, two,” you kept your eye strained on the ball. despite the heady scent of his cologne burning through your nostrils more prominently than ever. despite the very foreign, yet also very very welcome, feeling of his hands on you. “three.”
on his count, you putted the ball just as he’d instructed. was it an exaggeration to say you could feel your pupils dilating? reducing your irises to mere rings of color as they followed the movements of the ball?
it rolled into its intended hole with a satisfactory thunk, and you could feel eren shoot you an i told you so gaze so prominent it felt as though it had grown legs and crawled over your back.
you pursed your lacquered lips. “i could’ve done that in my sleep. just distracted, that’s all.”
as the words left your mouth, you became acutely aware of the distance—or lack thereof—between you and this very married man. sucking a sobering breath through your nose, you detangled your hands from his with as little awkwardness to spare as possible.
“what the hell are you doing in my house?”
peeling your boots off, you padded into the conversation pit where your manager was sitting. chowing down at a subway sandwich with hardly enough time to breathe between bites.
“i’m your manager.” they said, voice muffled with bread and meat and sauce. “what kinda manager would i be if i didn’t make arbitrary visits?”
“the kind that respects my privacy.” you made a seat for yourself beside them, examining the bag to see what they’d gotten you. “and besides, these visits are never arbitrary. you’ve always got a reason.” meaty, cheesy delight filled your nostrils as you pulled your sandwich from the bag. they had delivered your favorite, and that was enough to hear them out. even if… “usually a bad one.”
“i guess i do.” hange sighed, shaking the ice around in their cup of mountain dew. “so, i’m assuming you know why i’m here.”
chewing like a woman starved, you shook your head. “i’ve got no idea. been on my best behavior.”
“oh, really? well, allow me.” hange gingerly wiped their fingers of sandwich remnants and pulled something from their nearby briefcase.
a magazine. one that had your face on it, which wasn’t anything foreign. although for whatever reason your face was on it must’ve been what had hange in this frenzy.
the headline read, HOLLYWOOD HARLOT MOVES ON TO POLITICIANS accompanied by a photo snapped of you and eren meeting for the first time. locked in what page six would probably call, a steamy gaze. although, what other way was there to describe it? if you hadn’t known any better, you looked like a pair of star crossed lovers separated by war. or something.
“eren jaeger? him? him?” hange’s face was more angry than disappointed, which was good enough in its own right. “out of all the politicians, you sleep with the married one who’s running for president?”
you steadfastly defended, “i didn’t sleep with anybody.” although what you actually did wasn’t much better.
“look at this, (y/n)!” hange jabbed a finger at the image before pushing deep breaths through their nose. “he’s looking at you like he’s never seen a woman before.”
you denied, taking a sip of their mountain dew. “he was starstruck, hange.”
“that’s not what they think.” per usual, hange didn't waste a breath dismissing you. “they think you’ve moved on from sleeping with movie producers to politicians. which is really, really bad.”
“yeah, i’m aware, but still. it’s not true.”
“these people don’t know this. don’t care, either.” hange threw the magazine hazardlessly over your coffee table, pushing their glasses over their hairline. a usual indication of their utmost seriousness. “look, with a little threatening—”
“yeah. slander, defamation, whatever charges i could think of. not the point. i got them to scrap the story.”
your head fell atop their shoulder in unimaginable relief, arms releasing tension you didn’t even know was there. “thank—”
“—but, i don’t always know how well that’ll work, so please.”
hange took your hands in a vice grip, probably hoping to squeeze some sense into them. “stop making politicians fall in love with you.”
did you have him under a spell? there was no way to exactly prove that. but eren exhibited all the signs of a man charmed. yes, charmed. there wasn’t a more perfect way to put it than that. you had charmed him. with your dazzling laugh and your perfect hair and all those funny things you said that made him completely forgo the fact he was running for the highest office in the land.
every day following your little golf excursion, you had made dutiful work at setting up shop in the confines of his head. occupying his every passing thought with the sound of your laugh, embedding his psyche with the memory of your hands in his, rendering him completely oblivious to the wedding band on his finger with just a twinkle of your eye.
no, that last part was on him and him alone.
now, he’d be the first to admit that his marriage to mikasa was a strange one. her parents knew his, and when he met her, he could already kind of tell he was going to marry her. and not in the phony, sappy, hallmark greeting card way, no.
but in the way that meant he was thirty-three, still unmarried, and could see this as his parents’ way of throwing a bride at him. the idea wasn’t all that unappealing. mikasa was beautiful, smart, and quick-witted, and eren could see himself falling in love with her. hell, parts of him had. the little naive ones, but still.
but the little spark was gone. y’know the one that ignited in his belly whenever she kissed him on the cheek? or took his hand in hers? or whispered sweet nothings in his ear? it was gone. he guessed that was a side effect of marrying someone you didn’t really like all that much.
they eventually managed to become two people that lived together and occasionally had sex. some of which was pretty good, all of it in an attempt to get mikasa pregnant at some point later in the year. only five presidents had been childless throughout their term, and eren was unlikely to be the sixth. but he couldn’t speak too soon. his approval ratings told a different story.
still, regardless of whether he loved mikasa or not, eren had a respectable amount of resolve. he wouldn’t step out on his wife because a twenty-something-year old looked at him with eyes that were bespeckled with midas’ touch. no matter how beautiful or funny she was.
so, why was he standing here? here being the middle of his bedroom, staring into his eighty inch TV screen as if it contained the cure for cancer or something.
“do you like it when i touch you here?”
oh. that was why. he’d mindlessly turned on the television as he toweled himself off, not even noticing one of your films had been playing until his ears caught the familiar tone of your laugh. given the recent state of his mind, (and how frequently you occupied it) even a simple laugh was enough to have his neck snapping in the direction of the screen. but it wasn’t any simple laugh.
it was nearly identical to the way you’d laughed during your golfing stint the other way. identical in its coquettish cadence. identical in the way it spilled easily out of your lips.
“mmm, yeah.”
except you weren’t playing golf with the man on screen. you were letting him slide his palm up the expanse of your inner thigh until the skirt of your dress began to crumple and bunch around your upper legs.
you were spreading your legs around the movements of his hand and parting your lips so he could slip his tongue into your mouth. you were pulling him forward by the meat of his biceps, and at the same time, he was taking you into his lap and sliding the straps of your dress down your shoulders.
the camera then cut to a single shot of your face, crumpled with unbridled, purely pornographic pleasure. it wasn’t long before eren found himself enraptured with the sight: your lacquered lips parted to make way for an outpouring of contented sighs. the translucent and nearly invisible pearl of sweat beading at your hairline. the unfocused picture of your hands carding through your companion’s hair.
one could nearly call it a vision.
because the next scene was of you again. face sated with contentedness as you stumbled through the throes of slumber, some sort of dream premiering beneath the lids of your eyes.
that was the real vision. a fact eren and his slowly hardening cock could get attested to.
then, mikasa was walking into the room. she glanced at the TV. “isn’t she amazing in this?” she asked, a happy tone accompanying her smile.
“i haven’t really seen it.” eren admitted. he actually had seen a number of your films (three to be exact), but you did have quite a few of them. that wasn’t even including the new one set to premiere in just a couple of weeks. at that thought, eren considered the possibility of calling and congratulating you. an option that was as outlandish as it was stupid.
call you. so he could do…what, exactly? make a fool of himself just for the sake of hearing your voice? though, he wouldn’t consider himself too above that. he had unabashedly flirted with you with his wife less than a mile away. not to mention the erection dimpling the meat of his inner thigh.
and what was more? he was running for president! he wasn’t in his twenties anymore. the days of newborn love and hopeful courting were long behind him and if he planned on being elected, surely it should stay that way.
mikasa slid into bed, her lithe body sheathed in the creamy silk of a nightgown and stretching under the cover of the sheets. ���well, you should. it’s some of her best work.”
you’re telling me.
eren had ventured back into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. as well as rinse the horniness from his system via splashes of brisk water, an attempt so futile he couldn’t help but scoff at himself.
“we should call her.” mikasa suggested upon eren’s return to their bedroom. “y’know, congratulate her on the movie. maybe have her over for dinner after the primary.”
but eren could tell by the spectacles sitting gingerly over mikasa’s nose and the tell-tale scrawling of her pen in her planner that it was no longer a suggestion. the plan had seeded itself within her mind, and therefore bloomed to fruition in reality. “i’ll have floch set it up, yeah?”
“‘m all for it, honey.” eren murmured, stamping her temple with a kiss as he slid into bed next to her.
it was only a few moments later when mikasa set aside her planner and glasses.
“i know how stressful it’s been.” the cold and soft palms of her hands found themselves on eren’s neck, scaling down the planes of his clothed chest and just whispering at the hem of his pants. “with the election and all.”
eren slid a tentative hand around her wrist, head shrouded in rapidly blooming feelings of guilt. “mikasa, what’re you doin’?”
“just wanna help.” she breached past the soft flannel, fingers threading through the soft mount of curls at his base. “will you let me do that, honey?”
mikasa’s fingertips kissed the skin of his inner thigh, and the strangled moan that bubbled from eren’s throat seemed to be affirmative enough for her.
she wrapped her digits around him, breathing out, “see, you’re already so hard. just let me…” a delighted exhale tunneled through her nostrils, eyes brimming with contented triumph as she dealt him that first stroke. “let me make you feel good.”
it had only been a short while when eren let his eyes flutter to a close, and an even shorter while when you began to blanket every thought in his head. he really had no business thinking of you. in fact, that was probably the last thing he needed to do. but god, how he wanted you.
how he wanted you here, sitting above him and handling him just the way he needed. he distantly recalled the way your hands looked the other day—soft and small and barren of any jewelry. how they felt in his hands and how they’d feel around his dick. a hiss whistled through his teeth and the grip he had on mikasa’s hand spasmed.
“tell me how good it feels.” mikasa cooed, taking her other hand and swiftly maneuvering that same grip over to her breast. and eren wasted no time letting the doughy flesh spill between his fingers, feeling her nipple harden beneath the pad of his thumb as hazily kneaded it.
eren just had to screw his eyes a little shut tighter, and it was you. laying above him, holding him in your hands, whispering all those sweet nothings in his ear as you brought him closer and closer to his peak.
and, oh, was he close. so close that all he had to do was think of the way your mouth formed around your laugh, or how good it felt to touch your hands, or the way your lips formed around the words, “mr. governor.”
sparks bursted behind his eyes as he came. shaky breaths wracking his chest and uncharacteristic noises flying from his lips as he rode out his high. all while holding back the urge to call out your name.
while still trying to feasibly pump breaths through his lungs, mikasa took him in a messy kiss. so messy that it would’ve bordered on lazy if she hadn’t mounted herself atop his dampened lap almost immediately after.
“c’mon, honey.” an ecstatic grin broke across her face as she pulled her tank top over her head. “i think tonight may be the night.”
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© NININIKKI. do not translate, copy, or modify my works in any way shape or form.
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thefrontofmymind · 2 years
ok so i don’t know if you take requests but i love your writing and i had this idea where the reader and joseph’s daughter paints her parents’ nails or gives them a piece of jewelry and they don’t take it off so when they go out to public or a gala or something everyone goes crazy and praise their daughters work just pure fluff!!
Babysitters' Club; Request (Joseph Quinn x costar!Reader)
a/n: hello nonny! thanks for the request, i changed it from daughter to niece bc i thought it would be a bit cuter but trust me, dad!joe content will be coming in the future! mwah!
SYNOPSIS: Reader and Joe babysit Reader's niece together for the first time, and she takes quite a liking to Joe
WARNINGS: kinda more fem!reader than i expected, brief mentions of anxiety, lmk if there's anything i missed!
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Your place was a mess after just an hour of taking care of your five year-old niece with Joe. Of course, you were having fun and you don’t think you’d laughed as much as you did in that short sixty minutes than in the past week or so. It was a great way to take your mind off the current anxiety that plagued you–the looming anticipation of the Emmys was clouding your mind, it kind of felt like when a bathroom mirror gets all steamy after you have a hot shower, even after you wipe it down, you can never really get rid of all the condensation without being forced to wait for it to dry.
Joe knew you were a mess, he was a mess too. It’s not everyday that the show you both star in gets nominated for Outstanding Drama Series, meaning the entire cast becomes required to attend the ceremony, as well as the red carpet beforehand. That’s what you shared your worries over, the carpet. It was neither of your first times being absolutely bombarded by bright, flashing lights and the seemingly hundred of reporters begging to interview you, but that didn’t make it any easier. 
You were glad you didn’t have to think about it the day of–at least not until you had to begin getting ready, but before that, it was babysitting time. Your niece had brought a selection of toys for the three of you to play with that day, from a collection of dolls, to a tub of Lego, and at least a dozen other things you tried to keep track of. Though her favourite was a jewellery making kit, complete with twine, lettered beads, and countless different charms and trinkets. 
It was the early afternoon when she finally asked you and Joe to sit down with her to make some jewellery at the coffee table in your living room. You sat across from her and Joe–who she’d insisted on sitting next to–the three of you cross-legged on the floor. Some cartoon show you’d found on Netflix played on the TV, though it was mostly background noise as you organised the beads so they didn’t end up going everywhere. You couldn’t help but admire the way Joe acted around the pocket rocket. From the way he immediately knelt down to her level when he first met her, to how gently he spoke to her until she was comfortable with him–it gave you butterflies as your mind wandered to what he would be like with your kids, should you ever have them down the track, you simply couldn’t help nurture the idea.
You and Joe mostly watched her as she carefully threaded the beads onto string, only intervening when asked for help with the letters-first her name, then yours, and finally Joe’s. She was being quite secretive, not showing you exactly what she was making, and asking Joe to shield her work from your view with his hands as she focussed, saying, “it’s a surprise, Aunty! Don’t ruin it!”, making you chuckle as you were forced to be patient.
After about five minutes, she asked Joe for help tying up her work and snipping off the ends before turning to you. “Okay, close your eyes and hold out your hand!” she excitedly yelled, holding her creations behind her back.
You did as you were told, but not before protesting. “But what about Joe?”
“He’s already seen it, so I can’t surprise him!” She explained as you felt something slip over your hand and onto your wrist, hearing a joking agreement from the man sat across from you.
After that, you were instructed to open your eyes, seeing a bracelet on your wrist, complete with purple beads and lettering that spelt out your name. You looked to the pair on the other side of the table who had matching regalia–your niece’s in pink, and Joe’s in green.
You quickly enthused about how much you loved it, which pleased their maker–who was due for an afternoon nap, so after tidying and a quick bedtime story, the house was quiet once again.
“D’you really like it?” Joe asked as you both sat down to eat your lunch, which you’d missed in the scuffle of the day. “I only asked because I suggested the purple ones for you…”
You had no hope in fighting the smile on your face. “I love it, babe! You know, you’re really good with her, think I’m no longer the favourite…”
Before you knew it, your sister had come to pick up the little one, and you and Joe were getting ready for the event that you’d been dreading. Between the heels you could barely walk in, and parts of you taped up to create the perfect shape, you knew you were in for a hell of a night. In one moment of peace, yourself, Joe and the whippersnapper were all sat on the sofa right before you were due to leave. She was so enthralled by your makeup and gown–you knew she was going to be a glamorous one when she grew up–and she loved the diamonds that hung from your ears.
“Don’t forget my jewellery!” She exclaimed, handing your and Joe’s bracelets back to you. “Please wear them! And I’ll wear mine at home!”
You couldn’t say no to that face, big eyes and purposefully poked out bottom lip, and neither could Joe, so you agreed and slid them back on.
You didn’t think twice about them until you and Joe were lined up at the edge of the red carpet, hand in hand. You stood with the ‘older kids’ of the Stranger Things cast–Keery, Maya, Charlie, Nat, and Eduardo.
“Hey, what are those?” Maya asked, pointing to your wrists, right next to each other.
“Oh-” Joe gestured to your matching bling. “The niece made them. We’re matching see?”
You both held out your arms, giving the group a view of the letters, which received a chorus of ‘awwww’s and ‘so cute’s.
Without a second’s notice, you were corralled onto the carpet in a row, being blinded by flashes as upwards of twenty men yelled at you to look at their lenses. Though you’d managed to tune them all out, simply by focussing on the warmth spreading up your arm from the hand being held by Joe. You could see him out the corner of your eye as what he said replayed in your mind.
“‘The niece’, hmm? Pretty sure she doesn’t call you ‘Uncle Joe’ just yet?” you teased in a hushed tone.
“Well, maybe I’m planning on making sure she will, as long as her aunt doesn’t mind…” He all but whispered as you were directed to shuffle a bit further down the carpet, a smirk plastered across his face and he stole a quick glance at you. You felt your face getting hot, and you hoped photos didn’t catch your eyes widen as you realised what he was saying. “I think there’s another piece of jewellery I’ll need before that happens.”
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muekyn · 8 months
okay. im going to talk about the fnaf movie.
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overall, i thought it was very good. somehow making a whole series of a video game condensed into 1.5 hrs is not something easy to do. i think with what they were working with, they executed it pretty well. costume design was superb, and the acting from josh hutcherson was amazing.
that being said, i did find some scenes didn't belong. for example the fort scene, though i'm sure many people have pointed that out already.
i felt like they were trying to tow the line between silly/cute and scary/suspenseful, but in my opinion i don't think they needed to do that? i think if they leaned in fully to the horror aspect it would have still been a very enjoyable experience.
the scenes with vanessa disappointed me, just a bit. it felt like she was only there to progress the story/exposition. and the fucking fort scene with her... in that scene, vanessa is like "oh freddy fazbears' is so fun yayayayay" and then literally in the next scene she's telling mike "if you ever come back here IM GOING TO SHOOT YOU" ???????????? like why? what did mike even do?
the old bf made an observation that william afton was just straight up not fleshed out, at least not as much as either one of us had hoped.
i personally think if they had just included like... a 5 minute scene of william afton on his killing spree (without outright showing william afton), it would have done alot for his character. i felt like he was just kind of thrown in there towards the end, which makes me sad bc william afton is such a unique character with sooo much backstory integral to the lore of fnaf, and it just felt like he was alluded to the whole movie? idk.
there were some questionable moments. it was funny how freddy literally just murders the aunt and no one even questions it? mike would have come home to a literal corpse in his house, how does he explain that to the police?
and it made me sad how little they showed of foxy. :( foxy is my all time favorite (i literally brought a giant stuffed foxy plush with me to the movie) and it felt like he was the most forgotten animatronic. bonnie seemed to be the main center of attention tbh, he was in almost every scene where the animatronics were. but it makes sense since scott cawthon thinks bonnie is the creepiest animatronic lol.
those are my main criticisms.
but i still loved it, very much so!
when the matpat cameo came on screen... it was a shocker. i gasped so loud. the people in the movie theater literally laughed at me lol bc i gasped SO LOUD, I COULDNT HELP IT i was so shocked. AND WHEN HE SAID ITS ONLY A THEORY???? i ate it up. idc if it's cheesy, I ATE IT UP.
also i thought it was cool that the movie is (i think but could be wrong) five nights long! a little easter egg that i thought was neat. the old bf pointed this out to me.
another nice touch is in the beginning of the movie when mike is reading that dream theory book. a good callback to matpat's dream theory on fnaf (you know the one). and it's also a good way to tie in what's currently happening to mike with his dreams in the movie.
i really appreciated the subtle little ways they tied in the movie with the games, like the little "it's me" in the mirror during the scene with mike in the security room. and foxy's humming!!!! i loved it i loved it i loved it! the little noises they used from the game made me so happy!
but yeah. i'll stop ranting bc i can go on forever lol. while it had it's flaws, i don't think they affected the overarching storyline.
this is it my gamers. eight years in the making, and this is the end result.
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my score? 4 cupcakes out of 5. :>
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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just-jae · 3 months
I'm convinced that the problem with re-telling the ATLA story is that directors keep relying too much on how the show plays out. It's like they're hoping it'll write itself, so they don't think they need to be creative and think about how they want to execute themes and tell a coherent story.
I personally think An adaptation of Avatar would be neat to be dance oriented, or musically based-- Kinda like how there were scenes in iRobot (will smith) where the characters and action matched up with background music.
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It would help add that punch and beauty to bending that's apparently too hard to capture by having a purely martial arts approach. The animated serise was able to make things flow and mesh. And the only way I can think of to do that with alive action version is through dance or musical synching, plus, dancers actually have a sense of timing and aesthetic.
Also, if they're gonna try to condense a story, what better way than by turning it into a song. Like. If I could listen to "Avatar Aang" like I listen to 'Hamilton'. Like-- that would actually be an expansion of ATLA.
The only animate-> live action adaptation I can recall being good was SpeedRacer.
I never watched the cartoon and had no investment in the lore but that was still such a fun movie bc it was visually artistic and embraced being cartoony and ridiculously wild.
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This stuff CAN be good, but not if your idea of being more realistic is having less wonder and room for expression. Netflix's Avatarshow definitely sank deeper into it, but for some reason the people who keep trying to remake this story keep trying to make it dark and serious-- except they like have a very shallow idea of seriousness that doesn't sound like its coming from someone who actually enjoys seriousness-- just someone who wants to be taken seriously.
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mehidktbh · 2 years
Hello!💕 Can I please request Thomas Hewitt, Jason, and RZ Michael x reader where they react to their usually sweet and submissive s/o playfully saying “or else what” when they demand something (like they ask for something silently by pointing or something bc they don’t rly talk and you basically tell them “what if I don’t?”) Like would they take it, chase you, playfully fight you? I’m curious to see what you think! Just fluff please if you’re willing to write this!
I know you have a lot of personal stuff going on so if it’s too stressful then please don’t worry about it and focus on yourself and your physical and mental wellbeing! Thank you for all your writing and know that I’m sending love❤️
A/N: Omg thank you so much, your sweetness didn't go unnoticed and I can't stress how much I loved reading this! I can also completely get behind soft Jason, RZ Michael and Thomas. We love those soft men
Much love xx 🤭
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- Thomas adores your cuteness he can't get enough of it, you always remind him of his mother.
- Where ever you go, he goes. He loves cuddling you after a hard day of work all while you whisper sweet praises into his ear. He always makes time for you and is always happy to help when you need it.
- So when one day you're helping out Luda Mae in the kitchen, she tells you to go help Thomas with moving some boxes around in the basement. You gladly took the opportunity to also get a glass of water for Thomas too, considering how bloody hot it was in that basement.
- You carefully tiptoed down to the basement, a glass of water in hand til you reached the bottom. Thomas was already moving the boxes around, the place was a little dirty, hot and very humid. You always wondered how Thomas could even survive down here, you always couldn't take the smell and dirtiness but you mostly pushed through it.
- Thomas turned around at the sudden appearance of you behind him, "I thought you might need a drink before I help you" You shook the glass of water in hand, the ice clinking together and the wetness of the condensation. You made sure Thomas at least was staying hydrated every once and a while by coming down and spending some time with him, before heading upstairs to finish the rest of your chores.
- Thomas gladly took the drink, sitting the box he had previously in his hands and taking the cup from you, downing the water down in one finish, pretty impressive.
- Thomas instructed you what to do through body language, pointing and grunting to objects and boxes on what needed to be moved where. And about 30 minutes you guys only had a few more to go, you stopped for a second just taking a break and flexing your hands after being so cramped up for a while.
- All this heavy lifting was taking a toll on your back and energy, but looking over to Thomas who had and still is moving boxes around no problem. Thomas pointed to the box in front of you, signalling for you to drop it there in the corner of the room, where some other boxes were stacked up.
- “What if I don’t?” You said trying to hold in your laughter, you always liked to joke around with Thomas every once and a while, I mean there was no harm in it. And it was refreshing to take a break every once and a while to joke around and playfully fight with Thomas, who was always gentle with you and always ended it with you winning.
- Thomas dropped the box he had, but not gently, full-on dropping it with a thud. You looked over to him, maybe you took it too far or maybe he's actually tired and exhausted. Thomas began to slowly walk up to you, you backed up slowly hitting the wall that was hanging tools and different sorts of stuff. When you looked back Thomas was towering over you, his heavy and hot breathing added more to the heat.
- Thomas suddenly pulled you in tightly, kissing all along your neck and face. His arms moved all-around your upper body in an attempt to tickle you. You laughed, breathing out a bunch of pleads and stops, but Thomas wasn't going to take lightly to you this time. He continued to tickle you for what felt like an eternity and soon enough his kiss attack stopped too, along with him tickling you.
- "You win" You heavily breathed out, smiling at Thomas who was now hunched over, even though you couldn't see Thomas smiling most of the time, you knew he was.
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- Your sweetness is something Jason loves! he can't get enough of your cuteness too.
- Your whole personality reminds him of his mother, oh how he adores that, having you here and that you are exactly like her. He loves it! Your sweet and caring personality just matches her, you guys are a match made in heaven!
- The way you guys spend the whole day and night together either snuggling together or taking walks, he enjoys every second.
- Particularly today Jason and you were cuddled under massive amounts of blankets, the snow get getting thicker outside to the point you swore you were going to be locked into your own home. The fire in front of you was dying little by little, and while you didn't seem to mind at the moment, Jason was dying.
- All kinds of thoughts ran through his head on how you were going to die of hyponatremia and the freezing cold, the other day Jason was cutting wood down as you watched him. Halfway you told him that would be enough for tomorrow, not expecting the big snowstorm to roll in at the exact time you need some. The other half of the cut wood was still out there, sure it may not be dry and perfect firewood but you know you could work with it.
- Jason began to slide out under the blankets, "Where you going, hun?" You softly and desperately spoke, missing Jason's warm body against you. Jason pointed to the dying fire, "Could I come?" Jason imminently shook his head, you out in the cold!? NO WAY!
- But by the way, you looked at him, your eyes! oh god that's his weakness 😞 He slowly nodded, and you excitedly jumped off the couch and ran to get your shoes on. Coming back you were met with Jason wearing some gloves, sure Jason didn't really need any extra warm clothes or jackets I mean he is an undead revenant zombie. But he always has extra clothes and jackets for you, mostly stolen.
- The door slowly budged open, the sound of snow scraping against the door meant only one thing. The snow must have been deep and thick, the air was cold with a slight breeze, snow falling down like a shower of rain. Jason and you walked hand in hand to the spot that has the rest of the firewood from yesterday, your breath was cold and you could see the condensation.
- You reached the spot, Jason was digging around in the snow looking for the wood, pieces by pieces Jason was stacking wood up in his hands. He looked over to you, you were standing there "Need a hand?" You asked sticking your hands out, Jason nodded “What if I don’t?” Jason was surprised by this answer, you were never like this you were always so sweet and helpful.
- By the smile on your face Jason knew it was a joke, and he fell for it. Jason dropped the wood with a thud as it hit the thick snow, he began to walk over to your laughing state. "Hey, now- JASON!" You screamed, Jason threw you over his shoulder, you thrashing and laughing a bunch of sorry's and pleads. Jason was not taking your pleads, as he then threw the rest of the wood over his shoulder, starting to head home.
- You were gonna pay when you got home.
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- To be honest, Michael adores you, everything about you is like the final puzzle to his life, the jelly to his peanut butter, the smile to his face, the bubbles to his bath, the-
- You get it now, Michael wants you, he NEEDS you!
- Michael loves hanging around you, even when you guys don't talk and instead your limbs are tangled in each other, or you're just reading books or watching movies. He is still grateful you are here, even when he's out hunting you may or may not have got him a phone, your choice.
- But he loves it, though most of the time he doesn't use it often and when he does he mostly doesn't respond. Instead, he leaves you on read :(
- But anyway back to the story!
- Michael was sitting down on the couch, you sat in his lap as his arms rested upon your thighs. His chest was falling with every breath, as he looked down at you, he could see your eyes trying hard to stay awake.
- He nudged you, "Huh, yeah?" You said coming back down to Earth, he pointed to the bedroom upstairs, "No, no, I'm fine let's just continue this movie" But Michael wasn't having any of that.
- Michael quickly snatched the remote and turned off the TV, "Hey! I was watching that!" You turned around, attempting to grab the remote out of his calloused hand. You groaned and accepted that Michael, wasn't going to turn it back on, so you instead just sat there in silence.
- After a few minutes Michael started to signal for you to get up out of his lap, you shook your head. Michael grabbed a piece of paper from the side table and drew something, handing it to you. "Get up or else" The writing was messy and rushed, but you could perfectly read it.
- "Or else what- HEY!" Michael stood up, grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder, leaving the remote on the couch. "HEY! MICHAEL!!" You punched with your hands on his back, while you thought you were doing something, Michael mostly enjoyed those punches, they were weak and unbothered him, to be honest, it was more like a back massage to him.
- Michael threw you on the bed, and while you started to get up and nearly roll out of the bed. Michael wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest, "Hey I said- mffffph" Michael quickly shoved your face into his chest, silencing you.
- After some squirming, tossing and trying to walk, you gave in to the sleepiness. Michael could finally relax after hearing you calm down, your chest moving up and down and your arms were tucked in. Michael stared down at you for some time, he would be lying if he said how much he loved your sweet personality along with some sassiness.
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verykhaiotic · 2 years
hi hello everyone, sorry this is so late but howdy everyone, i’m kip (they/them) and this is my baby malachi soh, known to most and fans as KAISO. he’s a soloist that used to be in a small up and coming company, he’s  was their only soloist next to a pretty popular group but he became their bread and butter, they chose to join infinite for his benefit rather than their own. bellow you’ll find some info about him but you can find his profile here, his official profile here, his condensed discography here and his pinterest here. if you’re interested in plotting please give this a like !! (you can contact me on discord at choi fucking beomgyu.#5103 as well for plotting!)
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🠚 now joining the infinite k-tour is ��MALACHI SOH ! the 23 year old is onboard as the SOLOIST 2. he is known to be very CHARMING but secretly DISQUIETED. also, doesn’t he/ kind of look like CHOI YEONJUN ?
malachi was born to single mother soh jimin (jaime soh) in daegu. she moved to a suburb of chicago before he was even able to talk so he was raised there.
currently 23 years of age
you can call him malachi or kai, though mostly close friends (which he barely has) call him kai
his korean name is soh duri
he has a love/hate relationship with his mom she was very much not a great woman but she tried
they didn’t have a lot of cash and kai had to start working at a young age he excelled in school and this allowed him to go to a nice private school on scholarship, with the extra recourses he was able to really excel in the things he loved (art, poetry, music, etc)
he’s a scorpio (gross i know)
never finished high school in a regular school as he was scouted and debuted when he was 15
a little on his musical career:
kai was scouted at a talent competition with his high school band, along with another band mate and joined a pretty big company
they debuted with a similar concept as say txt, seventeen, bts (hyyh era) and the boys (bloom bloom era)
he was an ace trainee and gained a lot of traction before debut
while the group was super successful his time as a member was short lived, the concept was just not him and he was forced to do a lot of things he wasn’t comfy with
he was diagnosed early into the groups promotions with social anxiety and a panic disorder
his company never really cared and pushed him to be the face of and english communicator of the group and it affected him greatly
in 2018 he left the group and company officially deciding to go a different route and become a soloist, writing, producing and composing his own music like he used to do in high school. he joined a small company that only has one group (who’s pretty successful, think stray kids) on the books, but he liked the freedom their idols got
he re-debuted late 2019 with a new concept, a new sound and something that was unapologetically him
after the original infinite tour, kai’s company actually only decided to participate in the acquisition for kai’s benefit. he was their top earning artist and felt like a bigger company would do him good.
he still likes to refer to himself as a part of PSYC Ent. as the idea of being a part of a bigger company puts a foul taste in his mouth.
he’s excited for the tour again but more weary and anxious given the overall situation
Tidbits of his personality and work ethic.:
If you ever work with kai on a song, it’s going to be a masterpiece. not saying it’s bc of his talent as a writer and producer but he’s super particular about music and how it makes people feel
he’s one of infinites only in house producers who is also an idol and has written, produced and composed at least once for every group except tidal. he works the most with braveheart and indigo as their sound(s) are the closests to his style. he’s also the only producer for FLEUR (Kim Seonhwa) and has worked on/produced a lot of the solo releases for a lot of the idols in the company.
some general aesthetics about him - think of him as, “the feeling of neo soul, marijuana smoke wafting around the studio, the neon lights of the city, bad boy with a heart of gold, 90s-00s r&b”
he’s known in the idol world now that he’s bigger as being a bit dark and mysterious and unapproachable, but he’s deadass just a ball of shy anxiousness.
loves making music, distastes being an idol but takes the fame anyway because he likes what he does
has an extremely close relationship with his fans (think eric nam or namjoon of bts)
he’s the type to be in the studio all night and run off of red bull and cigarettes for the next day
is a pot head and no i’m not sorry about it
if you manage to get close to him he WILL take care of you, always at all times. You well be fed, clothed, and loved through and through
can talk about music all day every day
loves fashion
loves tattoos has drawn all the ones he’s gotten
has produced for a few idol groups and soloists
loves loves art so much
has so much respect for idols before him
quiet boy
give him sweets he’ll become your personal pup
this is all i can think of for right now, but if anyone is interested in plotting for the next stop or at all pls give this a like!
bi-sexual king, loves him some men and some ladies.
motive - kai notices that you’re  getting close to him. he can feel the lingering eyes and notice the soft touches but you’ve always been some sort of loose canon. he can’t tell if this bad boy/girl/person demeanor is real and if it is what are you motives with a shy and quiet being like him? (open to anyone)
first love - kai’s relationship with music is something that can be admired, he gets accolades from interviewers and other artists and thats the thing you bond over. you often find yourselves sharing earphones or in some studio. whether you’re dancing, creating or singing its easy for night to turn into day just in each other’s presence. now your friendship goes beyond music. you’re each others confidants in your most stressful moments.
pretty little fears - he’d grown a crush on you from afar, but after a chance encounter he seems to be infatuated. his shy and bashful demeanor battles with his want to play cool. and he finds himself lost in watching you speak and aching to hold your hand, wanting to sweep you off your feet but...his anxiety just wont allow it just yet. (dae)
midnight sky - malachi and your relationship was one full of electricity. but one thing he couldn’t handle was feeling small. you’re older than him and in the midst of the rendezvous he felt as if he was a baby toddling after you at all times. maybe it was the way you treated him or maybe it was his own insecurities, but sometimes he finds him self missing the security of your arms. breaking up was some form of rebellion in his eyes and he pretends to feel liberated but he’s not sure if his pride got in the way of something good, or if he dodged a controlling bullet.
nonchalant - to say you have a feud in the industry is maybe an overstatement but the boiling blood is still aroused. you’ve been an artist of your caliber for awhile and you think malachi is gimicky. his transfer from being in such a big idol group to kr&b was a large leap and the inkling that he’s riding on old fame with a fake image is a prickle in your mind. kai respects you too much as an artist and often finds himself trying to prove to you that he’s where he should be. even if that means muddling disses into his music. 
other connections bc honestly the ones above are trash and i know they are.
best friend/patonic soulmates (can be plotted) (seungho)
industry friends ( 0/3 would be kind of like a clique of friends that are known in the industry similar to the third gens ‘97 liners )
produced for you/your group
smoke buddies (hanuel & eden)
a friend he often takes care of/babies (ren)
older sibling figure (seonhwa)
old bandmate that he got scouted with (angel)
and literally anything else pls just love him
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
Happy birthday!
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✨Drabble prompts✨:
1. Truly am weak for any tomione that involves time travel
2. Idk if this is a pairing you indulge, but if so: viktor/hermione, post-war?
* I know I know I know
Hermione Granger is more than tired of people assuming she doesn’t like Qudditch. She does. It’s fine. As sports go, it’s not her absolute favourite. It’s not, in her very - specifically - unstated opinion the best designed sport. It puts too much emphasis on one player, for one thing. There should be a Seeker, but any player should be able to catch the Snitch just as in football or rugby any player can score.
She’s never woken up and chosen violence determinedly enough to state this to her best friends. Ginny is a Quidditch player, Harry is engaged to one, and Ron is going out with one and is an up-and-comer in the Department of One Sport and A Few Games if you Count Hippogriff Racing.
She smudges the condensation on her pint glass. She hates this pub. It’s full of Canons fans, who are used to seeing the four - now five - of them, which is why they’re here. It’s still a terrible pub and a terrible team.
That said, the news tonight isn’t not-interesting.
Viktor Krum has signed for the Arrows. Hermione already knows this, but she’s interested to hear their scoops - or rather Ginny’s scoops - on the reaction anyway. Viktor has written to her to tell her. It’s the first letter she’s had from him since he wrote to say he’d seen in the newspapers that she and Ron Weasley had broken up. That had been a year ago, fading out of love and into friendship far more easily than they’d managed anything the other way around.
“They don’t even need a good Seeker,” Harry is saying. “Honestly - and that girl from Hogwarts they’ve got on the bench is fantastic why sign-”
“It’s Krum, Harry,” Ginny counters. “Attendance has been down after their last season. No one thought the Bats would put them out that early and besides they’d have no chance against the Falcons this season without -”
Hermione watches the condensation cluster, then dribble.
“Sorry, are we boring you?” Ron’s girlfriend asks. She’s so overly nice to Hermione, it makes her uncomfortable. But it’s a nightmare situation for Denise so she doesn’t hold it against her. “I know you don’t like Quidditch. You must find us all so basic.”
“No, of course not.”
“Did you know?” Ginny, never a fool, always fifteen steps ahead of the boys, asks.
“Well,” Hermione mutters, “yes actually. Sorry.” Hates herself for apologising. She could hardly have said anything.
“Hermione,” Ginny says. “I could have -”
“If you were leaving the Harpies,” she points out, “I wouldn’t tell him.”
“That’s all very well but he’s not a columnist! Fair enough though, I wouldn’t have told me either even though it is extraordinarily disloyal.”
“You know Krum?” Denise asks. She’s American. She’s stunningly pretty, left-wing Chaser to Ginny’s mid-field. All-American, really, all wheat-blonde hair and cornflower-blue eyes and -
“We’re old friends,” Hermione says as Ron snorts, “Know him, I should say she does.”
“Biblically,” Ginny adds, unhelpfully.
“We dated when we were at school,” Hermione explains. “A very long time ago.”
“Seven years,” Harry adds, showing unprecedented mathematical ability. “Anyway. I don’t know why Viktor would come to the UK, he had an amazing deal at the Sofia Sirens.”
“I wonder if he’ll come to the All Teams Twirl,” Ginny says, slanting a penetrative gaze at Hermione that - given the audience - she meets with blank innocence. No one else notices, and Ginny doesn't push it.
They move on to discussing the ball, in which all the teams make a play at getting along to kick off the season, and which inevitably ends up with more than one in St Mungos for which they are ostensibly raising money, and Hermione makes her excuses to leave.
Three weeks later, she is examining her dress robes in the mirror and waiting for the doorbell.
She isn’t sure it’s a good idea, until it rings and Viktor is there, just as complicatedly handsome-unhandsome-by-turn as she remembers. He’s grown out of his stoop, grown into his nose.
“Hey,” she murmurs. “Come on in.”
The headlines the next day are predictable. What is less so is Ron’s roar of amused laughter when they turn up together, the way Denise relaxes and is - finally - perfectly charming and at ease, the way Hermione feels 25 and 15 all at once as Viktor Krum kisses her behind a pillar on the dance-floor and tells her he’s only moved to the UK for the bad weather and to see if they still have a chance.
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pretty-setter-bois · 4 years
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request; voltron paladins with a crush who’s a waterbender? 🌊🌙she is a healer, and very sweet,caring and kind. so it’s a total suprise when she stands up for the paladin and saves them🥺 💕being a badass, like no one messes with her loved ones you feel?(she totally crushes back, just a bit shy to love)🥺😳
summary; how would the paladins react when their sweet, innocent water-bender crush goes all out to defeat an enemy?
word count; 1109™
warnings; implied violence, some swearing (just me haha) ⁂
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he loves it bc it makes you stand out
he needs someone to help him take care of the problem children, bc sometimes allura n coran can be busy
glad to have someone as level-headed as you are
you’re always checking up on him and everybody else, and it always makes his heart go whoosh
so when he sees one of the troop commanders in front of the two of you, his first instinct is to put you behind him
but when you switch positions so that he’s behind you, he get’s a lil confused.
he tries to move but you hold him back, making him even more confused.
in less than 30 seconds, right in front of his eyes, with nothing but water, you take down the troop commander.
after that happens, the sentries obviously try to charge at you, but with even less effort than last time: you defeat all of them
he’s just standing there like: woah
“(Y/N)... that was amazing...”
then u blush bc u like him & getting compliments from ur crush>>
at first, he thinks you two are polar opposites: he’s fire, you’re water
but you still continue to be kind to him
he’s so confused bc he’s been nothing but short-tempered and fiery, you’re opposites after all
but u still continue to be kind to him
he’s even more confused after he tries to shun you out bc you keep trying again and again
why are you being kind to him?
when you tell him that it’s because you want to get to know him better, he gets all blushy n excuses himself
has a whole existential crisis as to why someone as kind as you would want to befriend someone like him
he starts to pay more attention to you, be kinder, and keep an eye on you especially on missions
on this one mission, you and him are sent to retrieve information for the blade
he’s really happy that it’s just the two of you
and he kind of wants to show off
then out of no where, you get caught
‘the whole thing was a set-up!’
the intruder lunges for keith, but before he could get his hands on him, he’s trapped by water
he’s just stuck their, flailing his body & trying to escape
you condense the water until keith presses the eject button, throwing them out to space
he’s honestly surprised that someone as kind as you could go for an intruder with no hesitation
and lowkey turned on
and when he asks you why, you say
‘why would i want to see you get hurt? i care about you a lot, keith.’
then he gets all blushy-blushy & ‘let’s continue with the mission’
who knew that someone as pristine as you could have a badass side like him
it put him at ease, and as lance says, encouraged him to ‘get the girl’
maybe you weren’t opposites after all
ok, he obviously thinks your water bending is the coolest thing ever
he tries to get you to do cool tricks with it when he’s bored, but its obviously an excuse to try and spend time with you
sometimes her tries to pull puns like
‘wat-er you doing here?’
or even pick-up lines
‘are you going to water-bend your way to my heart?’
‘are you water? because you’re entirely refreshing!’
ik those r ass i just came up with them like rn
you always cheer him up when he’s feeling sad
bby needs someone like you
one time you’re both on a mission, pidge wanted you to get something from a warehouse
the creature she’d supposedly wanted had already been loose, and was currently trying to attack the two of you
lance tried to shoot at it multiple times, but nothing happened
at the last moment, you water-bended to stop it from attacking the two of you
it was trapped in water, struggling to be free
once lance activated the small trap invention pidge supplied you with, you dropped it in
he was so... in awe
you’re usually so kind to creatures, even a little to the ones that are bad
‘hey (Y/N)... why’d you trap it with your water-bending?’
‘i didn’t want you to get hurt.’
that goofy-ass ‘:3′ smile on his face the entire way home
he thinks it’s really cool
you two get along well because you’re already kind-hearted
he loves baking with you, because your water bending comes in handy
also an excuse to hang out w/ u... hehe
you two are so wholesome together, and everyone calls you ‘the sunshine couple’
to which the both of you sheepishly and awkwardly deny, then continue to obliviously prove your past statement incorrect
all of you were sent on a mission once, trying to take down an important post
you and hunk were paired up together, and the sentries kept piling up
one was about to lunge at him, but before it could, you used your water-bending to tear it apart
you continued to do so after that, having taken down the whole hallway in less than a minute
he’s confused because after that one sentry, you started fighting with so much more,,,, fire
‘ah, you’re probably wondering why i didn’t  give it my all from the start?’
‘just a little...’
‘well, i didn’t really want to hurt them, but one was right after you. i coudn’t hold back after that.’
gets all awestruck and starts fantasizing after that hehe
she’s a tech wiz and you’re a kind soul... ofc u get along
you usually spend your time helping her with inventions
everyone knows that the way to pidge is thru u, and vice versa
you usually only go on missions when it’s with her, bc ur role is to retrieve information and keep her safe while she hacks
one time the system failed during an under cover mission
your cover was so close to being blown because a few sentries had spotted you
without further ado, you water-bended your way through the circuits of the sentries, deeming them all destroyed
pidge was so in awe she had to look up for a second
woah, they did all of that without a second thought
‘hey, (Y/N), we could’ve just disabled them, you know.’
‘yeah, but it’s my job to keep you safe’
you offer her a closed eyed smile n she almost stops functioning
‘hey, tech wiz, get back to work!’
and she does as told... bc it’s you, after all.
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reversecreek · 3 years
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pops hip n winks at the dash. haaaaiiii. me again. i’ve honestly missed playing lana fr a while she’s one of. my most treasured muses bc she’s jst a silly n vivacious ball of sunshine or alternatively? a train wreck depending on which way u turn her in the light..... i actually hv two playlists made fr her n one is rly old bt it’s more like. songs that Remind me of her which u can find here n then here is more like. stuff u’ll most often catch her blasting on her record player as she dances around in her underwear w the curtains open. OH and here is her pinterest 🍓⚡
* kristine froseth, cis female + she/her  | you know lana jameson, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, a few hours? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to play that funky music by wild cherry like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole cherry red gym socks worn with nothing else, doodling penises in the condensation of a stranger’s car window, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘scrappy doo is a filthy slut’ thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is june 2nd, so they’re a gemini, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt, she/her  )
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like… a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his wealthy best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n vic ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him.
(DRUGS TW) anyway so jameson records repped a few rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much… grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. real characters who wld kind of… b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in. more zoo than home. more shaken snow globe than resting place. (END OF TW)
(ABORTION REFERENCE) her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt… quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana ws a kid she asked her why she’s so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door (END OF REFERENCE)
(DISSOCIATION TW) bc of the intensity of her parents ignoring her growing up lana adopted this sense of like…. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost bc she gt this strange outside feeling. she’d jst sort of… drift around the halls w no-one acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family. (END OF TW) her imagination festered an explanation out of smthn she didn’t understand essentially. lana used her imagination to do this a lot growing up. it ws kind of like the band aid she slapped over everything. after all she wasn’t alone if she was sword fighting imaginary pirates dwn the hallway with a poker from the fireplace. 
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. he’s the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door bt was always over bc he had very strict parents tht he found suffocating)
(ARMY MENTION) SO when tommy announced tht he’d signed up to the army (bc of pressures from tommy’s military dad to fulfil some kind of stupid “legacy” tommy didn’t even care abt) n caleb said he was going with him lana ws understandably…….. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving n was kind of like “wtf why are u doing this like what do u even think this is gna solve” etc n begged caleb not to leave her there on her own n jst to not sign up in general bc tommy had to bt he didn’t listen. 
ERM i won’t go into it but it didn’t turn out well as u can probably imagine bc the army is a terrible industry n caleb had to return home without tommy. he wasn’t the same after that. (END OF MENTION)
what’d been a rly close relationship before where he ws basically like a surrogate father figure to lana was Not there any more. he ws rly withdrawn n always pushing her away n snapping at her for the sake of getting her to leave him alone. on top of this lana had a lot of shit go down while he was away n rly just shouldn’t have been a kid alone in tht house. regardless lana thought if she kept grinning as wide as she cld she’d convince caleb to join in too. maybe if she seemed fine n happy he’d take the lead. maybe she’d believe it too n start to feel it n everything could go bk to how it was before her world became so different. lana liked the way the sky flipped when she tipped her head back on the swings bt this was different. everything was upside down bt this didn’t make her belly feel like she’d swallowed a butterfly and it wasn’t funny bt still, she kept laughing. always desperate to find something to laugh at n if she couldn’t find it she invented it. as long as ur laughing the world can’t b that bad.
she ws always well liked in school bc she jst tended to treat everyone like they were bffs no matter who like u cld have literally bumped shoulders w her once in the corridor n she’d be like OMG HAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII let’s kiss<3 n like she ws a huge notorious flirt w any n all as well as incredibly impulsive n jst. wild honestly to put it simply too bt things like. changed a bit frm 16 onwards. (HYPERSEXUALITY & IMPLIED TRAUMA TW) she jst became far more reckless honestly n like....... jst didn’t rly seem to care after a certain point abt herself too much.... got herself in a bunch of bad situations.......... kind of jst flung herself to the wolves numerous times without any caution abt the way they’d bite. formed a lot of self destructive habits one of which ws cruising craigslist personals fr random hook-ups n like. she literally cld have wound up in a ditch somewhere honestly it’s a shock she hasn’t. despite various dips n inclines in her journey navigating this side of her it’s very much still present in her life to this day n she struggles to kno hw to control herself at points. sometimes she feels like a melting candle tht needs moulding by thumbs until it can form a person again. sometimes she’s only sure she’s real when she’s being touched. (END OF TW)
ANYWAY. laughs nervously. went to college to study dance bc she’s always loved dance in general bt specifically ballet (despite definitely not hving the discipline for it) n honestly this was both good n bad fr her. had a whole string of terrible heartbreaking relationships bc she tends to fall into those hard n fast n they were w a lot of bad people fr like 98% of the time. she kind of learned more abt what love is during her time there tho which is a gd thing bt she still isn’t very good at knowing hw to believe she deserves it so it’s a process. she hd fun tho. threw 498572598475 outrageous n elaborately themed parties. ws friends w pretty much everyone on campus. 
despite a strained relationship w her brother n having to go home to visit n check on him whenever he got rly bad it ws the first time it actually felt like she’d found a home in a lot of rly loving n genuine friendships n lana will never forget hw much that experience meant to her even if she definitely struggled there too. college felt like a place she belonged n then suddenly she couldn’t belong there any more n there was a big sense of floundering in that. like where do u go now when u’ve never known home elsewhere? how do u happily go out into the world if it means leaving ur world behind?
she applied to a dance company in LA n fell in w a pretentious art scene there full of wannabe andy warhols n the like. became a makeshift edie sedgwick to some guy w dyed white hair n the idea his every concept was revolutionary when rly he jst shot her dancing barely clothed splashing around in a random fountain in his friend’s mansion on an ancient film camera. she’d spend her days floating around on lilo’s and prancing in feather boas and racing with glitter leftover frm last night in her leotard w smudges of faint red lipstick to barely make her job on time. always a sexy train wreck bt this time? make it hollywood. 
(IMPLIED ALCOHOLISM TW) i won’t lie to u lana hs always partied way too hard bt then partying way too hard turned into slurping merlot thru a crazy straw shaped like a flamingo at 4 in the afternoon wearing penis novelty sunglasses n it wasn’t quite so much of a party when u were doing it on ur own. this rly snowballed into place in college bt carried on n wound up getting her fired from the dance company bc she turned up to rehearsals drunk one too many times n they didn’t allow fr sloppiness like tht. it was a “professional operation” that didn’t “accept that kind of behaviour” bt lana was jst like ummmmmmmmm that’s totally dramatic btw way to spank me in the town square like i’m gale w a raw ass n back in the hunger games bt ok sure i’m out ig. BOOP! (literally booped the director on the nose before leaving) (END OF TW)
honestly hd no idea what to do w herself after her job fell thru in LA n was pretty embarrassed actually upon sobering up the nxt day. cldn’t bring herself to tell her friends for a hot minute bc she felt like a failure or smthn n she was meant to be living this glamorous life out there being the classic wild n silly n fun Lana Jameson. cldn’t figure out how to repackage it into a funny story tht wouldn’t worry ppl. eventually wound up jst caving n telling her closest besties (shoutout freya n rosa) bc she ws hving a weird time dating losers n randomly living in LA even tho she didn’t kno why she was there any more after losing the job n they were jst like. fk it then. jst come here. we’re in irving. and so? mizz jameson packed her bags....
always smells vaguely of wild cherries or strawberry starburst or jst the candy aisle in general. if she ws a vinyl record she’d b this one n she’d only play good vibrations by the beach boys, dancing on my own by robyn, play that funky music by wild cherry, femme fatale by the velvet underground n (i can’t get no) satisfaction by the rolling stones
the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed a bit of an instagram following #nepotism bt also fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects. lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, bright red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights, holographic stickers of planets on her cheek n glitter used like highlight, 90% of the time a red lip) n bc she’s not gna make ur eyes bleed to look at or anything let’s b real
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once.
deliberately puts on tht kind of Magnetic Alluring Act tht femme fatales wear in movies w most ppl. kind of…. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. hates being sad n always wnts to be happy / making ppl happy. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out. sometimes gets glimpses n feels the urge to close her eyes.
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand ridiculously absurd n chaotic stories. she’s like oh ya this one time this guy made me ride him with a daddy saddle like i was woody and he was bullseye. he literally made me call him bullseye. or she’s like. oh ya once i had to run barefoot thru a cabbage patch bc this one farmer wanted to have a threeway w me n my friend tht we met off craigslist n every framed photo in his house was a pig dressed up in cosplay bt honestly they were kind of cute n he was sexy aside frm the murderous vibes n the fact he kept calling me babe which i’m pretty sure means he wanted to dress me up next bt like whatever honestly.... she tells jst the most batshit stuff n the person she’s telling it to is left blinking like. wtf.
uncontrollably flirty. insanely confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n will try. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine.
likes to roller skate n hs a red pair she’ll glide around in at night lit up by amber street lamps breath sticky w the taste of wine n lollipops probably heading to a random hookups. who needs ubers?
always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. honestly likes dangling her whole body halfway out too. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops.
luvs bowie (ONLY aesthetically) n prince (wholeheartedly) n madonna (completely) n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think.
daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. honestly it’s like a burning train wreck but u can’t quite tear ur eyes away. often the heart of many sordid gossip scandals.
TBA bc she’s only jst arrived in town i won’t lie to u all but i’m gna whip things up on here anyway n link in chat w updates at some point........ that said? lana is insatiable n it isn’t rly unlikely tht she cld’ve bumped into ur muse in a grocery store aisle n somehow a wild spontaneous adventure spawned frm that alone.......... if u have any immediate ideas we can discuss 😋
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semperlitluv · 3 years
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#i don't know which one of us is rebecca and which is keeley but i know we're having as much fun as they are in this gif
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Oh the fact that it’s just one more day!!!!
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Am I ready?! I don’t know!! Are you ready??
42 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 22:49:32 GMT
sorry about your ankle! what about person a accidentally spills their drink all over person b for the prompt?
Thank you, darling! @winterrose527 also sent this prompt. Enjoy this extra fluffy Jonsa moment that kinda has no ending... Oops.
Pop! goes the champagne cork, but rather than her usual giggle, Sansa gasps.
Jon had planned this day carefully.
He knew Sansa wouldn’t be that surprised, that she’d likely pick up what was happening as the day went on. They’d discussed marriage more than once beforehand. At first in the careful way of gauging each other’s seriousness, then
Breakfast in bed? One of them would surprise the other occasionally with the tray -- gifted by his mother when they moved in together -- piled with treats, coffee, and maybe a kiss or three.
Lunch at her favorite restaurant? Just as easily assumed to be in celebration of her recent promotion as anything else. (The fact that they were sat at the coveted balcony table with a postcard-perfect view of the city’s eponymous White Harbor? Well, Jon could have explained that he’d planned for her promotion weeks ago when she’d first applied for it, if she’d asked.)
An afternoon in the park, throwing a tennis ball for Lady and Ghost and trading half-finished books because they “just had to read this part”? A standard, happy Sunday.
The sun begins to drop, and Sansa starts to head out of the park. Jon grabs her hand and gives a gentle tug.
“We’re going this way,” he says, with a half-smile at her look. Equal parts uncertainty and hope, and altogether lovely.
Jon faces ahead, knowing that if he looks at Sansa, he won’t be able to wait to ask his question.
They enter the covered botanic garden at the far end of the park. A woman wearing a polo with a White Harbor City logo takes Ghost and Lady’s leashes from Jon silently but smiling.
“Jon,” Sansa murmurs, as they stop in the center atrium. It’s humid inside. The champagne bottle on the iron table is covered in condensation. Jon reaches out a hand. Good, he thinks, it’s still cold. “What’s all this for?”
He pulls the box from his pocket, offers her a ring and asks to share her future with words she’ll remember clearly but decline to repeat, preferring to cherish his speech privately when they tell this story later on. Hugs, kisses, and Jon grabs the champagne to make a toast.
Pop! goes the champagne cork, but rather than her usual giggle, Sansa gasps.
She’s dripping with champagne. They stare at each other for a moment, shocked, and then she bursts into laughter.
See the full post
51 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 19:10:07 GMT
Chenford Fic Week 2021 - Day One
Prompt: “You’re comfier than a pillow.” 
Read below or here on Ao3.
Dedicated to @earnmysong , who introduced me to The Rookie and got me hooked on Chenford. In a delightful coincidence, it’s also her birthday today! Happiest of Birthdays, Erin. Hope you enjoy this!
“Lucy,” a hand was shaking her shoulder. Maybe she should wake up, but it had been such a long week and she was so tired and her lap was so warm and…
Lucy cracks open an eye, fixing it first on Jackson crouching next to her, then opening both eyes when she realizes what (or really, who) is draped across her lower half. “What in the actual heck is happening right now?” Jackson whispers, face fixed with a look somewhere between gleeful and manic.
Lucy goes to rub her hands over her face, but only one can make the journey. Her left hand is otherwise occupied, cradling the sleeping head of one Tim Bradford.
Tim’s made himself quite comfortable, it seems. His head is pillowed in her hand; face tucked tight against the band of her uniform pants -- luckily, it seems they both returned their firearms and put away their duty belts before napping. On the floor of the breakroom. At the station. What the actual heck, indeed, Lucy thinks.
“Go away, Jackson.”
Tim’s voice is muffled -- because his face in is your lap , her brain unhelpfully squeals, sounding suspiciously like Angela -- but he makes no moves to sit up. Lucy isn’t sure what else to do, so she starts talking.
“We had mandatory callbacks, and you know how understaffed we’ve been since those transfers went to North Hollywood, and I guess we just got tired, and really, it’s terrifically comfortable on the floor in here. I recommend trying it sometime yourself, Jackson.” Jackson nods, smirking, “Okay, Lucy. I’m going to clock in, but it looks like your on-call shift is over, so I would recommend taking whatever this is,” he waves over her and Tim, still tucked together on the floor, “somewhere else. There are a bunch of people in the locker rooms right now, and their next stop will be this room.”
Jackson stands, mouthing to Lucy, “Talk later?” as he exits the break room. She’s not getting out of that conversation, but first, she needs to get out of this room.
“Is he gone?” Tim says, and Lucy jumps, almost forgetting that he’s awake. How long has she been stroking her hand through his hair? “Um, yeah,” she stutters, “He’s gone. Jackson’s gone. He went to clock in. There are people? In the locker rooms.”
“Breathe, Luce,” Tim says, sitting up and giving his spine a little twist in each direction. He stays on the floor, facing her. “This isn’t the first time that a few officers have fallen asleep in the breakroom.”
“Do they usually cuddle ?” she hisses, whispering as someone passes by the breakroom doorway. The side of Tim’s mouth raises in that annoyingly attractive half-smile.
“Probably not. Sucks for them,” Tim says as he stands and puts an arm out to help Lucy up from the floor, “You’re comfier than a pillow.”
52 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 15:35:42 GMT
sorry about your ankle, friend! i hope you're fully mended quickly! for the prompt request? lucy/tim | anythinggggg hurt/comforty (sick!fic, accidental breakage of one's person, wherever the wind may blowww)!
Thank you, my sweet! Ankle is at 90% after a week of rest and a fantastically overpriced new pair of shoes. I hope you enjoy this little piece — my first Tim/Lucy EVER!
Also, I’m on mobile, so please excuse the weird spacing and lack of a “read more” line!
“Don’t say it,” Tim says quietly as Lucy rushes over to where he’s leaning against the counter in the break room.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Lucy exclaims in a hushed tone, pulling him to sit at the nearby table and grabbing the bag of ice from his hand. He flexes, rubbing his frozen palm down the leg of his department-issued sweatpants to regain feeling. It’s not that successful.
Or maybe it is, but he’s too distracted by Lucy’s gentle hand holding his chin so her other fingers can tap lightly around the stitched cut over his eyebrow, bruise blossoming on his temple and cheek.
It looks worse than it is, and he knows she heard the radio when they’d called in that his rookie managed to hit a fire hydrant during what should have been a routine traffic stop. It’d been a few years since Tim had written up a blue page — since he’d taken the Mid-Wilshire command from retiring Sergeant Grey, he’d hardly had any opportunities to take a patrol shift, really.
“I let you go on one patrol with a rookie,” Lucy teases, lips tilting in that smirk of hers.
“Well, take it up with Nolan for running off for the week to see his grandkid,” Tim replies. He and Lucy try not to be too affectionate during work hours, but her hands are warm, so he doesn’t pull away when she grabs both his hands in hers. She always feels like sunshine to Tim anyway.
They sit together for a few more moments, hands clasped, chatting about picking up dog food for Kojo after their shifts and what to bring to the Lopez-Evers barbecue that upcoming weekend. The kind of domestic necessities that Tim thought was lost to him after Isobel. The minutiae of life that Lucy manages to make fun and sweet and so many other words that normally have no place in the Bradford vocabulary.
Lucy’s radio buzzes to life with a request for her unit to respond, and she begins to leave, dropping a kiss on Tim’s uninjured cheek as she goes.
“By the way, Tim,” she says, half out the doorway, “I’m definitely still your best ever rookie!”
63 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 20:49:12 GMT
Thank you, @woodswit for the prompt! I know you’re not a fluff reader, but I couldn’t find another angle for this prompt in my back pocket. I hope you enjoy this! Warning: the dialogue includes some wildly run-on sentences.
Jon’s pulled from his midday doze by an insistent tapping on his folded arms.
“What do you…”
His last word trails off as he pushes up his sunglasses to better view the redhead standing by his hip. And what a view.
She’s tall and the sun is casting a glow around her that’s only overshadowed by the look on her face. That scowl would probably be impressive aimed elsewhere, but it’s terrifying facing him directly.
“I need to use this hammock,” she demands, hands clutching her backpack in front of her body so tightly, her knuckles are white.
Jon glances around the courtyard. He naps in this small pocket garden between two dorm buildings to avoid his fellow students for a few hours. This disruption might be a pretty one (try gorgeous, or a goddess, his brain supplies), but that doesn’t mean he’s willing to interrupt his precious quiet time any further.
“There are two other empty hammocks right there.” Jon points towards them and slides his sunglasses back down, aiming to end the conversation quickly.
He doesn’t close his eyes, so he can see that the woman is shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously. He sighs.
“Could you… maybe, would you mind moving to one of those empty hammocks?”
He’s not usually so short, but Jon spent the night trying to keep his drunk housemates from killing themselves and he had planned on utilizing every moment of this break between class and going to work for a bit of sleep.
“Unless your name is on this thing somewhere or the university started requiring reservations, I’m comfortable here, thanks.”
Her reply explodes out, and she looks shocked even as she rambles, “I have to use this hammock. I’ve studied in this exact hammock before every single one of Maester Aemon’s exams and I’ve passed them by the skin of my teeth and if I don’t get at least eighty percent then I won’t pass the class and I’ll have to drop out in shame and I won’t go to law school and I’m going to be the only person in my family who is a lawyer because my siblings won’t do it so if I’m not a lawyer then my parents will have to close the practice and disown me and I’ll never see my family again!”
Jon’s on his feet, hands raised in supplication before he realizes what he’s doing.
“Woah, it’s okay,” he says, aiming for a soothing tone. He’s half-planning how to get away quickly. There’s a gap between those bushes…
She drops her hands from covering her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I’ve had the worst semester on the planet, and today my douchebag ex stormed into my morning class and caused a total scene, and I’m already having roommate drama since he decided to date her instead — and I was really, really looking forward to studying here, where no one would come bother me.”
She flings her arms out, “and now I’ve been absolutely rude to the cutest boy I’ve seen in months, and hopefully, the ground can just open up beneath me now?” She’s looking down bashfully and Jon’s never found the top of someone’s head so compelling.
“That sounds really awful,” he says, “Aemon’s class is rough. And if it matters that much to you, the hammock is yours,” she starts to reply so he raises a hand, “I just have one condition.”
She’s a little wary, he can tell, but she says, “and what is that condition?”
“I’d like to know your name.”
“Oh! I’m Sansa. Sansa Stark.”
He reaches a hand out and they shake, exchanging shy smiles.
“I’m Jon Snow,” he says, “first, you’re the cutest woman I’ve seen in months, if that helps. Second, the hammock is yours.” He winks — knowing that it’s a disaster — and she giggles.
“Thank you!” Sansa croons, hugging him so swiftly that he can’t react. She hops into the hammock and pulls out her textbook. He watches her settle in, realizes that’s kind of creepy, and drops into the next hammock over to finish his nap.
“Hey, Jon?” She calls, and he pops his head up.
“Maybe we can share a hammock next time?”
His grin is cheek-straining wide.
“It’s a date, Sansa.”
110 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 02:30:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lesbianologist · 3 years
Hi love, I reread some of your work just to be able to give you concrete feedback on it, so here goes. Let me start by saying that I absolutely adore your writing and I check for updates daily. The first piece I read was A Touch of Sunlight on AO3 (Farah x Reader). I loved it so much the first time I read it that I still go back to it sometimes. (It might also have something to do with Eve Best... Just saying). It just feels like you know the characters really well, the plot is very well-structured and your actual writing has me feeling everything all at once (in a good way).
Regarding The Predicament and A Ballot of Affection as a whole, I’m really into the idea and plot of it! It has been a while since I saw Homeland, so sometimes the plot part can be a little dense, especially with all the minor characters involved. However, it is 100% clear that the stakes of their relationship are high and the reader is unsure of her trust in Keane and what Keane will do with that. As a lover of angst, I was so keen to read the last chapter and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Idk, I feel like I’m rambling, but just to finish this up: please don’t feel insecure about your writing. It is so wonderful and you should be proud of how well you write these characters and how you portray their feelings and inner thoughts in such a subtle way.
Sending you love and a hug! 🥰🌸 (Also really hoping this ask will go through normally because Tumblr’s been glitching lol)
for some reason it works on desktop, not mobile, smh.
anyway hiya back atcha love. this is gonna be under a readmore bc length obv
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i appreciate that so much and i suuuper appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback, especially as lengthy as this one is. ATOS will eventually get an update. i've had a lot of eager folks message me about it and i promise it's one that i'm still going to update. i'm just mostly struggling with where to go with it. also wow omg, that makes me genuinely tear up knowing it was good enough that anyone goes back to it.
re: characterization: i definitely try my best to get a grasp on any/all characters before writing them, hence why it can take awhile for me to publish anything as i want it to fit cohesively into the timeline/canon as possible, or, if an AU, at least make sense with the character re their choices/words/mannerisms. and i'm suuuuuper grateful to hear the plot is very well-structured makes you feel everything all at once and in a good way!!!
yeah, gah, that's the worst part about homeland. it's why i've tried to condense each minor interaction, though important, into a somewhat relevant conversation with yn given that yn will eventually be chief of staff. yes, that was another intention of mine; to continue a similar dynamic of unease between the two, at least perceptable on yn's end, and then abandon canon once shit hits the fan, as you probably vaguely remember. yn (carrie in canon) isn't exactly treated kindly by keane post-BS, and things quickly go to hell in a hand basket for carrie. i wanted to abandon that altogether and go for something different while still keeping that palpable angst and keep the stakes high.
i totally enjoy rambling, so no worries, and—
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i'm going to try moving forward... tHANK YOU. this made me legitimately tear up so much.
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sending you love/a hug right back atcha and thank you sooooooooooo much. and yes, it went through, i just had to answer on desktop instead of mobile kdjslgfkajl.
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kotsume · 7 years
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here’s an updated tutorial on how i make my gifs!
featuring: oikawa tooru from haikyuu!!
warning: picture heavy
what i will be using:
- photoshop CC 2017 - handbrake (x) - a media player (i use vlc and that’s what i will be referring to)
note: i’m on windows 10 so if you have a mac, the interface may look different.
1. i would like to thank sue for introducing me to handbreak bc it makes my life a whole lot easier :)
2.  this may contain grammatical errors as i made this tutorial  at 12am (if you added me on snapchat you’d know). i have no idea why 12am out of all times…
okay, now on to the tutorial :)
using: vlc media player and handbrake
so here i have my video in vlc media player (haikyuu!! - s2 ep 6)
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i’m just going to the exact scene that i want, making note of the timestamp near the play button.
after i’ve found my scene, i open up handbrake and choose “file” as my source selection. you want to pick the same video file you used for vlc media player.
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now that i have my file selected and it’s the right one, i can insert the time of the start of the scene and the time at the end of the scene here:
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tip: record a few seconds before and after the scene you want to isolate. this ensures the you have the full scene intact and you aren’t missing any frames.
tip: make sure the scene is under 5 minutes or else it will take a while to download. i think that 30 seconds is enough to completely capture a scene.
when you are saving a file in handbrake, you need to create a destination path. mine is just located in my kmplayer capture folder (bc that’s where all my old psds are), but you can determine where you want to put yours on your own. make sure to give the file a name as you are saving. 
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you can also do that in the destination bar.
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now we are at the output settings. here are my settings that i use:
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you want to save all your files as an mp4 file because that will definitely work on photoshop as i will be using convert video frames to layers (photoshop is not compatible with mkv files, a format that is abundant among anime)
you want the quality to be lossless because that produces the highest quality video.
i know there is a subtitle tab, but i’ve never had any issues with my videos (with subtitles) having subs after it’s been encoded, so i wouldn’t bother messing with it.
even if your video is already in an mp4 format, you want to use this to get the scene you want. if you go into photoshop with a 24 minute long episode, you will find it harder to get the exact scenes you want with photoshop’s crappy sliders.
i know there is another way of getting clips via vlc media player’s record function, but i tried to do it and couldn’t get it to work. for me, handbrake is the easiest way to isolate scenes.
okay! we can finally download our video file!
up at the top, there is a bar highlighted in blue.
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start encode: begins to convert/process your new video file. if there is nothing in the queue, press this button.
add to queue: when you’re currently encoding something, “start encode” will transform into a “stop encode” so you use “add to queue”  when there are more scenes you want to encode. once the preceding file is done being encoded, the next one will start.
show queue: displays everything that needs to be encoded or is currently being encoded
when your file is done, go to where you saved the video and it will be there!
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using: photoshop
go to file > import > video frames to layers.
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then load the video file you created in handbrake.
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as i said before, you want to have bit of the scene before and after the actual scene you want to gif.
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if photoshop brings you this pop-up:
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do not click continue. press cancel and use the 2 trim controls to condense the range. remember to include frames from before and after the scene you want to gif. you can also limit it to every 2 frames as this will get rid of duplicates and reduce the frame count.
btw: this is from kimi no na wa. the haikyuu video wasn’t long enough lol.
after clicking okay, photoshop will look something like this:
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basically, you will have a frame animation with the timing already set for you.
now i will just delete excess frames, layers, and crop my gif to be 540px.
i know it’s not important to delete layers you aren’t using, but it makes file saving so much faster, which is why i highly suggest you delete anything you wont be using.
here is what i have now:
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please please PLEASE make sure to save your files!!! especially if it’s something you know you’ll be working on later. this just allows for reediting and if you accidentally mess something up, you can always go back into the psd and fix it.
so that’s basically it for making the gif! now i’m just going to
color my gif
add my watermark
convert my frames to a timeline animation
select all my layers and convert them to a smart object (select them, then right-click for convert to smart object)
apply my sharpening and blur filters
save for web
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i always group my adjustment layers so that my layers panel looks neater.
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now it’s time to save the file as a gif by going to file > save for web.
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sometimes i use diffusion, other times i use pattern; it really depends on what the gif looks like. if there’s a noticeable gradient in the gif (x), then i will use pattern over diffusion as the banding will not be as noticeable and everything will look smooth. 
if you want a comparison between the 2, in this tutorial, the very first gif is saved with diffusion while the very last gif is saved with pattern. there’s truly not much of a difference (the pattern gif may be a little darker) except this:
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the file size is wayyy lower. this won’t always be the case in using pattern over diffusion so don’t automatically choose pattern over diffusion.
always go preview your gif in save for web to see what it would look like after it’s saved if you’re unsure about the timing of the gif. just go to save for web and click on the preview option. that will give you a good idea of how your gif will run when it’s finished. i recommend doing this after you’ve converted the frame animation to a timeline animation.
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and now you’re done :)
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i would highly recommend you make actions out of processes you do often (like cropping) and give them a keyboard shortcut.
keep your gifs under 3mb
always crop to tumblr’s current width dimensions (x). height is not a big deal, but if you find that your gif is over 3mb, cropping the height will lessen the file size.
if you have a very long scene, or one with lots of movement, consider limiting the frame capturing to every 2 frames. this just gets rid of duplicates and lessens the amount of frames you have, thereby reducing the gif’s file size (i’m sure i said it up there somewhere).
keep in mind that blurring reduces a file size and sharpening increases a file size. you may want to change your settings if you are just over the size limit.
have fun making gifs!! i’m hoping that i didn’t forget anything and if you have any questions or want more tutorials, feel free to send me an ask :)
if you found this helpful, please give it a like/reblog <3
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