#I don't even know how many hours this took. I am very normal I promise
jumpscaregoose · 10 months
I finished the yaoi jacket she's real she's here
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it has 12 patches and 2 pockets I added, including one that can fit books because cartoon characters casually putting books inside jackets had a profound impact on me as a child and I've always wanted one
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! So i hope you don't mind a sorta specific request but can I request a HSR men (Jing Yuan, Gepard, Welt Yang, Dan Heng, Caelus, Luo Cha, and Blade) x s/o who has gotten their Vision taken away from them
So you know in genshin impact, when someone gets there vision taken. They become sorta lifeless.
So how would they react to hearing they're s/o desperately screaming to give their Vision back (similar to how Scaramouche screams at nahida to give the electro gnosis back)
How would they react seeing their s/o look so lifeless ever since they're vision got taken (kinda like this https://twitter.com/kurolee97/status/1418651048151973889 )
And lastly how would they react to seeing they're s/o go back to their usual self after getting their Vision back.
Again apologies for the sorta specific request, hope you have a good day!
A/N: Hello! I thank you for the request! I really love the idea! I however limited the characters to 4, as I have many asks to go through at the moment! I hope, I didn't disappoint you by this and you can still enjoy it!<33
Also a sincere thank you to everyone for 300 followers! I am so glad that people enjoy my work and that just motivates me to do better everyday! Thank you very much!<33
Featured characters: Welt, Jing Yuan, Blade, Gepard
Content: Angst, mentions of reader being lifeless, vision loss, fluff, established relationships
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Welt Yang
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When he hears you screaming for your vision, he'll practically teleport to your side in an instant in worry. If he catches the person who dared hurt, he'll deal with them easily for you. If he doesn't catch them and they get away with your vision, he'll promise to make them pay for what they've done and get it back for you in no time.
He'll be quite heartbroken and frustrated seeing you in your lifeless state, even if he doesn't show it. He'll make sure to take care of you well and that all your needs are met even in his absence by the Astral Express crew. Welt would just be so upset, that he wasn't able to protect you and the guilt would take a while to disappear, even when you're normal again.
Speaking of normal, once he's able to finally get your vision back for you, he'll be clinging at your side in his own way for months after in worry. He's so happy that you're okay again, but the guilt is just killing him. With your reassurance and affection, he'll definitely get back to his usual state too. He's just happy to have you back.
》Jing Yuan
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He most likely only heard what happened through someone telling him during his work hours. He never left work as fast as he did that way and would practically bark orders at his soldiers to find whoever took away your vision. Jing Yuan always put your safety before everything, so his stress levels and frustrations were just heightened at the lifeless sight of you.
He'd be unable to focus at work anymore after seeing the state you were in and therefore would take some time off his duties to stay with you. He takes care of you all day and night at the expense of his own health and promises you, that you'll be okay again soo, even if you can't hear him.
Once the person with your vision was caught and you were turned back to your usual self, he was still very paranoid and worried about you for a couple weeks after. He'll make sure that guards accompany you everywhere you go and that you're never out of his sight for too long. He just never wants to see you like that ever again.
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Hearing your screams of anguish and panic would probably make him go nearly insane. He'd be at your side immediately, sword ready to strike down anyone that dared coax such a horrific sound out of you, until he is met with only your lifeless form and your vision gone.
He'd rip apart the entire universe to find whoever it was that hurt you, yet always returned back home to you after a long day of searching to take care of you. He has a hard time showing his affections, but he'll still make sure your comfortable and that all your needs are met.
Once he finally destroys the person and gets your vision back, he'll stay even closer at your side and not allow anyone to near you. His hand would always protectively be at your waist and he'll glare at absolutely everyone in your vicinity. Deep down, he's unbelievably happy to see you again.
》Gepard Landau
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The moment he hears what had happened to you from the frontlines, he'll immideatly make his way back into the city to see you. Gepard will practically also dispatch an entire army to find the person who stole your vision and will only rest, once he can find them.
Meanwhile, he's absolutely heartbroken and shattered at the sight of your lifeless state. He'll leave you in Serval's care, whilst he searches and makes sure to always come back to take care of you himself. Gepard will make you as comfortable as possible and shower you with love and affection even in your state. He just hopes, that you'll maybe feel it anyways.
The moment you're back to normal, he'll hold you close and apologise for not having been there to protect you. He'll spoil you as an apology and makes sure you're guarded by his soldiers at all times from now on. Gepard won't ever let you get hurt like that again, that's for sure.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the interesting request!<33
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didasgomas · 1 month
Number your prayers
December 6th, 1981 - 5:47 a.m , Edenseye Church, main altar
HO - (Pastor) Hunter Owldust CS - (Priest) Caleb Stone
HO : You'll probably notice the people looking at you a bit weird, but I promise you they'll adapt eventually. It happened to me when I took the role too, so don't worry. It's just that, uh... Father Efrat was here for, like, since my parents were babies, you know?
CS : I understand. I can imagine such a change to be overwhelming.
HO : Yeah, but to be honest, Father Efrat was really needing that retirement...
CS : How old is he, if you don't mind me asking?
HO : Uh... he turned 98 this July. Yeah, I think if you hadn't offered to replace him, he would have chosen me *nervous laughter*
CS : Does the idea of becoming the next Father upset you?
HO : Not really, don't get me wrong. I like to work for the Church, but as just the Pastor I get to spend much more time outside rather than inside, if you get me.
CS : Of course
HO : Now that I remember, you're much older than me, right?
CS : Indeed. I am perhaps what you youth call "old man"
HO : Ah no, goodness! I promise you, no one is going to call you that!
CS : I'm just playing around, don't worry
HO : I mean, you're old enough to be my dad, cause I'm only 46, but no one is going to be disrespectful towards you
CS : I know
HO : Ah, I just remembered something! Come with me!
December 6th, 1981 - 5:52 a.m , Edenseye Church, basement HO : You seeing this thing? Looks like just a very used candle holder on the wall, right? But if you do this...
*sounds of a mechanism activating and a door unlocking*
HO : Boom, you open a secret hidden door
CS : Fascinating...
HO : I know, right? Apparently it was some kind of dungeon when this church was some other building, that's why there's so many cells or whatever they're called
CS : Including the handcuffs?
HO : Yeah, I think
CS : And what about this?
HO : "This" what?
CS : Why is there a recently made steel door in the middle of a decaying old dungeon?
HO : Ah, that. Well, I'm not fully sure, but I think it arrived here from after Saint Mathilde's uh...
CS : Was destroyed?
HO : Yeah... It's a bit of a... "taboo" to talk about it here and the other villages. It was almost as important of a city as the county capital, you know?
CS : Yes, I know
HO : I think it was with the police before. Like, the local prison, you know? That's why there's a little door there on the bottom, it was where they passed the food to the other side. I think.
CS : And why was it just, left on the floor like this?
HO : Honestly, I think Father Efrat was just like "yeah, just leave it there, it's not like anyone knows about the secret entrance anyway" or something along those lines
CS : You're not taking this one bit seriously, are you?
HO : Not really
December 17th, 1981 - 3:30 p.m , Edenseye
HO - (Pastor) Hunter Owldust DI - (Villager) Drew Inshaw
HO : So, you want my help with finding your daughter? DI : Yes, my eldest, Sarah. Please, we need to find her- HO : Okay, okay, calm down, Mr. Inshaw. Can you tell me what happened? DI : It was five days ago. She sometimes runs away to visit her mother in Evermoor, so me and my wife are used to her not being home for two or three days. But she didn't show up back home yesterday at all. My and my wife spent the entire afternoon searching all around the village, but no one had seen her. HO : Not even in Olivecloud? DI : No, not even there. HO : Did you at least talk to her mother? DI : Yes! I went to talk to her face to face this morning, but she told me Sarah had left the day before yesterday! HO : Alright, and what did you do afterwards? DI : I went to the Father just a couple hours ago, I wanted to ask if there was a possibility to start a search for her, but... HO : ...But? DI : But he didn't even know who she was! HO : Well, I think that's normal, he's still meeting everyone and getting used to our village DI : I- I guess. But he did let us look around for her for just a while, and she wasn't in the church. HO : So you want me to help with the search instead? DI : Please Pastor, she's still only a teenager! If she's gone somewhere else outside of here, she could get herself in danger! HO : *sigh* How about this: I'll look around a bit myself, and if I don't find any clues, I'll talk to Father Caleb about opening the search. Does it sound enough? DI : Yes! Oh thank you so much, Hunter! HO : It's my duty to help, isn't it?
December 18th, 1981 - 23:29 p.m , Edenseye Church
HO - (Pastor) Hunter Owldust
HO : (whispering to self) I don't really expect to find anything there, but...
*sounds of stairs creaking*
HO : ... Hair? Why was she down here? *sounds of footsteps* *sounds of a mechanism activating and a door unlocking*
HO : (whispering) Blood...
*sounds of footsteps*
*low growling similar to that of a wild wolf*
*growling gets louder* *sounds of something hitting metal bars*
HO : Can- Can you still hear me?! Who did this to you?!
*sounds of a mechanism activating and a door locking*
HO : Who- Who's there?!
*creaking noise similar to floorboards*
*loud screams before something heavy falls to the ground*
December 19th, 1981 - 9:20 a.m , Olivecloud market square
RM - (Villager) Rita Malyn TQ - (Villager) Theresa Quartermaine
[passing conversation]
TQ : Any news on the Inshaw girl from Edenseye? RM : I heard her father is going to give up searching for her TQ : Because the Pastor is gone now too? RM : Yes. He thinks that she was able to convince the Pastor to let her run away, and that he had his own motives for leaving TQ : Maybe it has to do with his sister RM : Maybe. It's been years since they last saw each other. But why he didn't warn anyone is still so confusing TQ : Maybe he thought everyone would be fine since they have a new Priest RM : Perhaps. But do you think he's ever going to return? TQ : I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe not
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Short-story for my "In Mortality" au of @missr3n3 's cdta story because my creative ass can't keep focused on just one thing at a time
I chose the title because it sounds spooky but also because the first mention of Caleb (the biblical spy) is in Numbers 13
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RNM 4X08
So many people talked about this episode as if it was going to pay back for everything lacking in this season, at least for the Alex and Malex part of it.
People hoped for an Alex centric hour, for flashbacks, for feral Michael. Instead, there wasn't anything like this in the episode. Selling it like an episode for Malex fans was unfair, if not a blatant lie. How can it really be about a couple if they aren't the focus? If everything about them is twisted to be a mirror for someone else? There was so much Echo that it was insane. I know they're the main couple, I'm well aware, but can something not be about them? For once? At least in another character's storyline. But then, I ask myself, why am I surprised? Like always, it's Alex's story but it's not really about him. It's about everyone else. Perceiving him is about Maria and her powers, and keeping secret that he's missing is about Max and Liz's relationship. Not even Michael going feral is strictly about Alex but more about the way he reacts to things. All the promised snapping and going crazy lasted the blink of an eye and then it was all good. Michael got level headed surprisingly fast. I mean, good for him. He's really the pinnacle of emotional maturity this year. He even ends up apologizing to everyone, like he is the one in the wrong. But again, when did RNM allow anyone to be really angry? Never. If a character is lucky, it gets to scream a little bit, throw some punches or a few dirty looks around, and that's it. Unless you're Michael and you're angry at Alex. Then it's going to last two and a half seasons. 
So, no Alex, absolutely no flashback of any kind, and not enough feral Michael IMO. So great for an episode that was "for Malex fans". 4x08 was hyped to be something it was not. It's sad. 
I'm really not capable of considering Alex's ghostly self like it's enough. I don't really know what to do with it, and with that entire music scene. I would love to be moved by it but it doesn't work for me. Great scene for Michael, but for Malex? I want to see them play together, both physically present, not like this, with a scene that's just a cheesy attempt at pleasing Malex fans. I mean, it's an alien show, it's not like I ever expected it to make sense, but I personally draw the line at this level of cheesy. It's just on the wrong side of ridiculous for me. To be fair, the same concept worked wonders for me in "Ghost", but in that case the ghost was visible. So, maybe my problem is that Alex is still nowhere to be seen, so I don't really feel anything for this "presence". Totally my problem, I get it. I was hoping for so much more in this episode, instead the only good thing that came out of it was Michael's return of perspective on the Oasis question Vs his life with Alex (and his final breakdown in Max's arms). Took long enough. 
Everything else was underwhelming for me, even other people's concerns. I didn't fully buy it, but I guess it's normal in a show where these same friendships are nonexistent since season 1. It's a struggle trying to fully believe any of it. And, even so, half of the characters don't really care for Alex, but for what he means for Michael. So, like I said before, it's a great season if you're a Guerin's fan. 
I'm happy for the fans that are enjoying this season, I really am. I envy them. Watching RNM would be so much more pleasant if I was capable of doing the same. Sadly, I'm not, and I watched 8 seasons of Arrow and 7 of Agents of shield, so I'm used to a crazy amount of angst for my favorite characters. I'm even used to not seeing my favorite for a very long time. The point is that RNM did an awful job handling Alex's situation. And I don't want to hear anything more regarding the actor's availability. It doesn't matter when the writers can't come up with a compelling solution, and they didn't here. 
Let's hope for 4x10 now, maybe we will see a glimpse of Alex at least. Or maybe not, who knows. I really hope so, though, even if I don't believe he will have any real importance outside of Malex in the rest of the season. Still, we'll have to cherish that, even be grateful for it, because it will be the only thing with Alex in it. Disappointed is not enough to explain how I feel about this. And I will still feel the same if they end up married. As the saying goes, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey… and I don't think it has been a great journey so far. 
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pcos-uno-reverse · 1 year
Hey pcos, fuck you!!!
Starting this blog (and a tiktok) to document my pcos journey. So here's the beginning, for those who are interested or also struggling:
In eighth grade (2012ish), I woke up for school like normal. Took a shower, did my makeup, etc. After I got up from sitting down, a stabbing pain radiated from my left lower abdomen. I told my mom I feel sick, and laid down. My mom is a nurse, so her immediate thought as I pointed to my right side was that my appendix had ruptured. Every bump we went over in the car had me crying out in pain. She hauled ass to the emergency room.
The doctors also originally thought my appendix had ruptured. Until they did an ultrasound.
I had 3 cysts on one ovary, 4 on the other. One, about 5cm, had ruptured, which is what was causing my pain. It took them 8 hours to figure this out.
At my follow up doctors appointment with my pediatrician, he told my mom I can't possibly have pcos because I don't have hairy nipples. I remember this conversation vividly. This was also the day I got on birth control. Apparently, it could help stop new cysts from forming.
I recieved no education and no diagnosis.
Years later, senior year of high school, debilitating periods were second nature to me. Throwing up, and then passing out on the bathroom floor were regular occurances. That was IF I got my period. Even with the placebo week on birth control, I still had very irregular periods. I just kept being told that it's normal. Switching birth controls. I ended up on depo Provera.
I originally attributed my 80 lb weight gain to the depo. So I switched back to the pill. Lost 0 weight. I eventually found a nurse practitioner who actually listened to me, ran blood work, and diagnosed me with pcos. This doctor has since left my state, so I am once again without anyone who will listen. Searching for a new one as we speak.
I remember being SO angry, because this was something I could've been diagnosed with in 8th grade. The painful periods, the cysts, the weight gain, all might've been able to be prevented if that original doctor knew what he was talking about. I was able to get my medical records about that day. They KNEW. And yet they didn't diagnose me, because my nipples weren't hairy.
Fun fact: you don't need to be showing signs of hirsutism (excessive hair growth) to have pcos. But that doctor didn't care or didn't take the time to research.
So now, I'm 25.
I've been on and off metformin, diagnosed pre-diabetic. I work out, daily, and do not lose weight. 800 calorie diets do not work for me. I've learned that this is very common for those with pcos. I am no longer on birth control. I was able to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy, which resulted in my daughter.
However, I still struggle. The biggest struggle I have is the fatigue, and painful periods. It got worse after having a baby. I was able to go from 250 lbs (post pregnancy) to now about 190ish. I am not certain what the exact number is, because I've given up on the scale (that bitch). I have not lost any weight in the months since then. I think breastfeeding benefited my weight loss more than anything.
The depression and anxiety have also been debilitating. Once again, all things that could've been prevented. I wonder how much different my life could've been if I'd learned about this in 8th grade.
I've also been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder. Caused by dieting or starving too much. I am currently recovering from that, and am now many months binge free. Did you know that if you have pcos, you're far more likely to have an eating disorder? I had no idea.
Well, tomorrow I'm beginning my PCOS journey. I had a 90 minute appointment with a dietician who specializes in pcos. And I'm going to share all that info with you.
I'm tired of finding website after website, promising free help with pcos but then "Hey, spend $300 if you actually want any info"
I pledge here and now that if this works, if I'm able to reverse my symptoms, I will NEVER sell the information. And shame on those who have.
My end goal here is to help people like me, who have struggled for years with no help.
My tiktok is active, search pcos.uno.reverse. The first video will be posted tomorrow (6/20).
Tomorrow, my life changes for the better. Follow along with me.
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fawnandshadows · 2 years
Hey I think I have to get rid of something (or confess XD) about you all wishing people would comment more on your blogs.
I don’t know why but I always feel a bit weird doing it.👀 If i am honest i only have strugle commenting on tumblr i don't know why. Maybe I think it’s because i think I don’t belong in that bubble like on Tumblr you always have blocks with the same interests commenting on your work or posts. This also depends a bit on the way tumblr just works people just in general don't comment much. Why should yourself then? Sometimes you have whole blogs self-talk here you know people read but do not answer.
I don't know maybe i think me as a normal user i don't count much in case of commenting 😅😂.
But lately i often read that you blogger actually wish people would comment more so here am i. Lately I have commented brav even if they were short but sometimes do i still strugle it is wierd idk. 🥲✨️
But in general I am a huge fan of your writings i am always happy when i see you post someting.❤️
Hello Anon!! 🤍
I hope you know that you can talk to me whenever!! And I definitely see where you are coming from. I didn’t interact with any other blogs for about 4 months, in fact it wasn’t until I started posting my fanfics that I started talking with other blogs, and for those four months all I did was lurk. I liked posts and I reblogged and that was about it. So, I completely understand being nervous and thinking that you don’t fit in!
Honestly, I cannot stress enough how important feedback is to content creators. And I promise you that every comment counts!!!
I promise you, hearing from new readers is amazing! It’s great to know my work is reaching a new audience! Some of the first people I talked to when joining the fandom were @nikethestatue and @thefangirlofhp and now they are some of my dearest friends! Elriels are incredibly welcoming and friendly, and I am stunned by how many friends I’ve made from this community. I’ve been in the fandom for a year now, and I don’t know if I would have lasted a year without my friends. Every relationship has to start somewhere, and I hope you get more comfortable interacting in the future. 🤍
I have talked to a few other creators about this, and we are more or less on the same page, but I certainly don’t want to speak for others without their permission. But I know others feel frustrated as well with the lack of feedback.
For myself, I spend can spend hours, days, and even weeks on a fic. I got very busy over this summer, so I could only work on YPMG a little at a time, but the latest chapter took months for me to write….and when you are dedicating so much of your time and effort on a piece of work, it can be very disheartening and discouraging if nobody reads it and/or comments on it.
Especially on tumblr, comments and feedback are the only way I really know that people have actually read my work. I will like a post so I can go back and find it at another time, or I will reblog something to signal boost and make sure that others can see it. If I reblog a fanfiction without having read it, then I’ll tag “tbr” just so the creator knows I haven’t read it yet.
Comments are incredibly encouraging!!! I am very appreciative of everyone who takes time out of their day to read my work, but comments are very special. How do I know what my readers like and don’t like if they don’t tell me? And I always start to spiral if I receive a lack of feedback on my work, and I realize that I get too much in my own head, but if a fic flops, then I just assume that it wasn’t very good and people didn’t like it.
I promise you that comments are always greatly appreciated!! 🤍🤍
Thank you so much for reaching out!! I know that it isn’t always easy to reach out, and I am really grateful that you took the time to write to me 🤍. It makes me incredibly happy to know that you read my work and enjoy it!! I loved hearing from you and I hope you reach out again in the future 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Calendar Shoot (Ed Baldwin x F!Reader x Gordo
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Part of the "Stress Relief" Series
Synopsis: You send the boys their own personal calendars while they are on Jamestown.
Warnings: Suggestive Dialogue, Language, 18+, Explicit Dialogue, Explicit Descriptions, Male Masturbation, innocence kink
"Did you boys get your presents?" You ask, a knowing smirk on your face as they wave their own boxes at the camera.
"Yeah we got them alright. Why did you put them in separate boxes though?" Gordo asks, inspecting the cardboard box as Ed quints his hazel eyes at the screen, noticing a slight giggle escaping your lips.
"Now boys, I don't want you to swap your presents. Your own box is for your eyes only. Meaning, Ed, no peeking at Gordon's and Gordon no peeking at Ed."
"What did you put in here?" Ed asks with a raised eyebrow, wanting to open your neatly wrapped gift.
"It's a surprise, Eddie. Wouldn't want to ruin it for you," you wink at him, a heat surging between your legs as you recount the many hours it took in hair and makeup as well as the actual photography to get Gordo and Ed their own personal calendar. Not to mention all of the scandalous photos you had taken. "Promise me you'll take care of it? It's hand made." Gordo and Ed both look at you in shock.
"You hand made something for us?" Gordo asks in disbelief as you shake your head.
"Yes and no. One thing is hand made, the other thing I had some help with. But it should last you guys for your trip up there."
"Thank you honey, you didn't have to do anything."
"Yeah for real, it's not even any of our birthdays," Gordo comments as you wave them off.
"Don't mention it. Well gentlemen, I am afraid I have to get some sleep, but I'll call back tomorrow. I can't wait to hear what you think of your gifts."
"We look forward to it sweetheart. We love you."
"I love you guys too," you press a kiss to your fingers before placing it on the lens and shutting the camera off, a smile on your face.
"Let's see how they like that."
Meanwhile, Gordo and Ed look at their boxes in speculation, neither really wanting to open it. Gordo shakes it but whatever is in their is either packaged really tight or it's very large. Getting up from his spot on the chair, Ed moves to where a box cutter lays and slides it across the tape, allowing the cardboard to pop open.
"Holy shit," Gordo whips his head over to Ed with confusion. Noticing Ed's frozen face and the growing boner, it's got to be something good.
"What is it buddy?" Gordo tries to peek his head over Ed's shoulders but Ed's broad frame easily blocks his view as he holds the box close to his chest.
"I think, I think imma go to sleep. You should definitely open yours, Stevens," Ed's normal pink skin is amplified by the blush on his cheeks. Never in a thousand years had he imagined you, sweet innocent you, would send something as inappropriate as a lingerie set, let alone a used lingerie set.
By the time Ed gets to his bunk, he pours the contents of the box onto the bed and gulps thickly when he spots a square paper. Grabbing it, he pulls off the plastic and almost faints. There, on the cover, is you laying on the hood of his blue corvette, your legs swinging off the front of his car as your body lays flat against the hood, the white lingerie set you had sent up resting perfectly against your skin, leaving much and little to the imagination.
Thought you could use some photos while you're up there, Ed reads the little note as he flips through the calendar, you in the white one piece and in different poses all on his car has Ed feral as he grabs some tape and tapes the photo part right above the head of his bed.
Taking the box cutter, Gordo hastily opens the box, a scoff escaping. "That dirty little girl," his hands gently grasp the black lace lingerie as he brings it up to the light. "Hot damn," his eyes immediately fall to the white spot resting on the panties, a stark contrast to the black two piece. Bringing the lingerie set to his nose, he sniffs the fabric and suppresses a groan, your own scent mixed with your arousal has his member pressing painfully against his suit pants.
Setting down the lingerie, he carefully pulls out the calendar and almost chokes at the sight. You sit on the hood of his red corvette, your legs spread apart showing your sex peeking through the lacy underwear and around your neck hangs one of his ties, the knot mimicking the one he normally uses on you. Smiling, Gordo brings his present over to his own bunk before peeking over to Ed.
"I know what I'm doing tonight, and tomorrow night, and the night after that." Ed chuckles, tossing Gordo the tape as he climbs into his bunk.
"Yep, way ahead of you there."
Ed's hand roughly grabs into his pants and pulls out his aching cock as he looks at January's picture. Your head hangs off the fender, your hair tumbling over in soft curls that Ed traces with his free hand. Your back is arched off of the car with one leg laying flat while the other is bent, elongating your toned, smooth leg. Ed's eyes trace over your body before falling to your face, a finger tugging gently at your bottom lip while your eyes cloud with lust in a way that says 'come take me.'
Ed's head thumps back as his hand rolls over the head of his cock, smearing the precum down his shaft as he pictures all the things he could do to you. First thing he would do is kiss up those legs with an open mouth, savoring all of you before his mouth would find your covered heat. Ed would press a gentle kiss against your sex, enjoying the way you would squirm at his touch as he pushes your legs apart only to slot his body between.
He then would continue to kiss up your body and take one nipple into his mouth while his other hand plays with your other breast only to switch moments later. After you're panting, he would place a firm kiss on your lips as he grinds against you, desperate to be inside your warmth.
Picturing you under him, it doesn't take long for Ed to make a mess of his hand, wishing it was you he was coming into and not his hand.
Gordo's pants and underwear are the only thing removed as he hastily wraps his hand around his thick shaft and looks at the picture. Unlike Ed, Gordo loves when you're dirty. He loves when you pull him into the bathroom of the Outpost and suck him off before going back out into the crowd. He loves the way you aren't afraid to try new things, and the position you're in for January sure looks new to him.
In your black lingerie and stilettos, your hand braces your self on the hood as your body arches over the engine of his corvette, your ass sticking out as you pretend to fix his car. All over your body are various grease marks and a sheen layer of sweat, your makeup slightly smudged compared to the pristine placement that Ed sees. Gordo swears he could laugh at how ridiculous you look trying to fix the engine if it had not been for the fact that his erection is painful.
Spitting into his hand, Gordo harshly pumps himself as he pictures bending you over the hood and plowing into you from behind, your moans and screams of pleasure only driving him harder and harder until he too cums. After, Gordo is quick to pull back, taking his time to admire the way your eyes haze over as you lightly drool, your body not moving an inch, too sore from all the fucking before you come back to your senses, only to smile at him and kiss his lips.
"Shit," Gordo cusses, not having realized that he was close to coming. Looking at the calendar, he's relieved to see that none of his spend landed on the paper. After all, it was only January and he still has 11 more months of looking at different pictures of you.
Despite both getting different themed calendars, one thing is for certain. You are most certainly getting your brains fucked out by the both of them as soon as they are home.
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @yelenas-lova @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @heart-0n-fire @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @mattymurdocksbitch @katjnordstrom96 @bb-skyrunner @11thstreetvigilante @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @klmurr @madkovacs @wxr-zxne @wtfobiwan @skvatnavle
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Bunny Dance
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pairing: Jungkook x female reader
genre: smut, crack, established relationship au
word count: 5k   | reading time: 30 min
summary: You really didn't think Jungkook was serious when you made those bets- betting a sexy performance to each other because it was funny. Yet here he was, waiting for you to give him a striptease. And being very serious about it. This is definitely going to end the way you think it is. 
warnings: softdom!kook, sub!reader, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, swearing, sexy dance moves (jungkook dancing is a warning on its own!), domestic uwu,  it’s super dorky in the beggining and super intense later
Masterlist  |  Read on AO3
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You heard the door shut, so you assumed your boyfriend was home, and then not two seconds later he burst into your bedroom, making you jump slightly.
"What are you doing?" he asked hastily. You were just lying in bed, scrolling on your phone, you thought that was pretty obvious.
"What am I doing?" you murmured, confused.
"You should be undressing right now!" Jungkook exclaimed, and suddenly loud music was coming from god knows where. But not just any music. It was "You can leave your hat on" by Joe Cocker.
"Excuse me?" you shrieked, throwing your phone away and sitting up to stare at him.
Your boyfriend smirked, swaying his hips and shoulders to the rhythm. "You heard me. You owe me a striptease."
Oh, now he had got to be joking. "Do not!" you argued.
"Yes, you do! Don't try to get out of it, sweetheart. You lost the bet and you know what that means."
Your mouth dropped open and you tried your best to look shocked or mad, but it was getting really hard to keep a straight face when Jungkook was doing one of the silliest dances in front of you. You don't think you had ever seen him this excited before. Pushing the covers away and getting on your feet, you fought through the blush creeping on your cheeks by looking away from his stare and shaking your head in disbelief.
"That was just a joke!"
But Jungkook raised a finger in protest. "No! No way! We shook hands on it, baby! You agreed that if I could shower faster than you, you'd give me a striptease. And I was faster–"
"I didn't actually think–"
"–by a full minute–"
"–that you would do it!"
"–and 43 seconds, baby!" Jungkook kept talking over you. "We made a bet!"
"Yeah, but that was only 'cause you always take an hour in there and we had to hurry!"
He shook his head dramatically. "I don't care! It was a bet!"
"And you have short hair so it's normal that you–"
"Nah, nah, I don't care, baby!" Jungkook interrupted you, moving closer and trying to grab your shirt. "You shouldn't have made the bet if you didn't want to."
You quickly smacked his hands away from you. "You!" You pointed an accusing finger at him. "You lost a bet the other week, but I didn't make you do anything!"
The boy just grinned at you with his teeth in full display, shrugging his shoulders. "Not my fault. You should have asked for your prize if you wanted to."
"Oh!" you laughed. "Then you own me a lap dance, too!"
Jungkook started taking his jacket off, and for a second you thought he got right into it. But he was just laughing at you. "No.…  You can't just do that now. I asked for my striptease." He threw his jacket on the ground and started moving closer to you again, the action seeming way more sexual than it was just because of the music still ringing in the background. You stretched your arms out to make sure you keep a distance while backing up.
"Yeah, but my bet came first. So your lap dance should come first," you tried to use reason in a completely unreasonable situation. When the back of your legs hit the edge of the bed, you jumped on it and stood up, towering over the man that usually was the one on top. You chuckled. Seeing his excited face was amusing all on its own, but the height difference really added to it.  
Jungkook hugged your legs so that you wouldn't move farther away from him, gaining a short, high pitch shriek from you. "You're only asking for that because I asked first. It's not fair."
"What's not fair is you trying to get a sexy show out of me when you have deprived me of mine!" you chuckled, holding onto his shoulders for balance.
"You never asked!" Jungkook insisted, strengthening his grip when he felt you trying to get away.
"I'm asking right now!" you called out, almost falling on him entirely.
Jungkook stared at you through his lashes for a couple of seconds, and then, with a quick shift and a yelp from you, swooped your legs up and let your back crush on the mattress. Within a moment, he had caged you underneath him.
"Alright then," he talked slowly, with a low tone and his voice huskier. His tongue ran over his bottom lip as his eyes ran over your body under him. "I'll give you your lap dance. But you have to give me my striptease first."
You wanted to laugh, just like you had been doing all this time, but your boyfriend's gaze on you made you choke. You would never get used to that, apparently. Finally finding the strength to make your arms work again, you pushed on his chest, trying to get him off.
"I don't even know how to do that..."
"Sure you do. You just take your clothes off, that simple," Jungkook smirked. "Now, stop acting like a child, and let me see your boobs!"
"Oh, I'm acting like a child? Do you even listen to yourself?" But instead of answering, Jungkook just pouted at you. Dirty way to play the game– he knew you could never resist that pout. "Alright," you sighed. "But on one condition: I choose the song I strip to!"
Jungkook immediately pulled away, getting up and freeing you from his strong body. "No, no deal," he rejected. "You're going to choose a stupid one like- like that Lazy Town song!" Your mouth flew right open. And Jungkook's did too. "Oh my god, you were going to choose that, weren't you?"
You screamed out laughing then. "We are number one!" you cackled. You couldn't even hear your boyfriend's repeated displays of utter despair and refusal over your awe of how in sync you had been.
Eventually, you calmed down and looked at him. He was still pouting, this time with some puppy eyes thrown in the mix. You got up and wrapped your arms around his slim waist.
"Okay, okay... You choose any song you like, but I can't promise I'll be serious about it," you said and Jungkook glowed up with excitement again. "But it can't be this one, turn this off, please." And he did, right away, turning the famous striptease song off, that had either been playing on repeat by now or was just a lot longer than you remembered.
He started looking through his song library, humming a reaction to every song he had saved under his sex playlist. He looked so enthusiastic but also casual about it, you wondered how many times he had done this before. The thought alone maybe you cower in your own clothes, twisting the hem of your shirt nervously. What if he was used to getting stuff like these from his previous girlfriends and you let him down? Because you had definitely not done this before.
You cleared your throat yet still didn't get his attention. "So... Do- do I change? Into something, you know, else? Or..." you mumbled under your breath.
Jungkook shook his head without taking his eyes off his phone screen. "No, you're fine."
You looked down at yourself. "But... I'm just in my pajamas."
"Uh-huh," Jungkook hummed, still not looking at you.
You cleared your throat again. "Shouldn't I be wearing something sexier?" you gulped.
Finally, he looked at you. His eyes ran over your body quickly before a smirk appeared on his lips. "You look sexy, baby. Plus, it's not about what you're wearing but about what you're not!" He winked at you and went back to searching for a song.
You felt your cheeks flare up at his words and dared to take a few steps closer to him, feeling more comfortable. "You seem to know a lot about this, Kookie," you said raising your eyebrows and he gifted you a glance to check your expression.
He sighed with a smile. "I don't, but I can't wait to find out tonight, baby. What do you think about Or Nah?"
You scrunched your nose. "Oh, no. Absolutely not."
"Rihanna's Needed me?"
You cocked your head to the side, thinking about it. "I guess?"
But Jungkook gasped. "Oh, I know! Earned it. By the Weeknd." You opened your mouth but before you could say anything, Jungkook hushed you. "I know you love this one, come on, baby." He hit play and dropped the phone away, placing both of his hands on your waist, his palms oddly warm on you even over the clothes. "Let me see your body move to this."
You pulled away, still not feeling entirely ready for this, but just the way your boyfriend was looking at you was enough to get you moving. Your fingers found the top button of your pajama shirt and lingered there. The boy in front of you moved to take a seat on your bed, staring at your eyes with his wide and awaiting ones. You didn't understand why he wanted this, it's not like he had never seen you naked before, but you still unbuttoned that first button.
Jungkook took a breath, his eyes falling to your hands on your chest. You unbuttoned another one. You weren't wearing a bra –because who does that inside the house?– and now that was becoming apparent to your boyfriend, too.
"I- I don't know what to do..." You mumbled to excuse the way you were just standing there, in front of him, undoing your shirt with an unknown nervousness.
"Hmm..." Jungkook growled in the back of his throat, a sound that made your stomach flip. A sound that meant he was enjoying his show, even if you didn't understand how or why. "Just do what you want, baby," he told you.
The song seemed to be moving so fast, you thought you wouldn't be able to undress before it was over. So you just ripped the rest of the buttons open. And Jungkook took a sharp breath in as your stomach was revealed to him, up until your round tummy under your bellybutton. His reactions, his hungry eyes, the noises he was trying not to make... it all helped you be more confident. Your breasts were still concealed behind the fabric, and before revealing them, you decided to turn around. Your back facing him. And then you slowly let the silk clothing slip from your shoulders.
"Oh, baby..." Jungkook inhaled through his teeth when he realized you were teasing him. Seconds ago you were a shy, awkward mess who didn't want to do this, and now you were giving him a seductive, piercing gaze over your shoulder as your back was getting bare inch by inch. You let the shirt fall completely to the ground. "Turn around, sweetheart," Jungkook said in a raspy voice, which only made you giggle.
Instead of listening to him, you let your head drop back. Back until your hair was falling over your shoulder blades and his eyes could almost see more than your neck. You raked your fingers through your hair, moving it around in what you hoped was a lustful way before you let your hands travel down your body. You felt your breasts, your stomach, your waist, your love handles… You touched all of you the way Jungkook only did. Your fingers slid under your pants and you started pulling them down, slowly, while moving your hips to the rhythm.
Jungkook groaned your name, getting deliciously frustrated. He could see your underwear, some plain black cotton panties covering up half of your ass, and it felt like such an achievement. The moment your pants hit the floor, you stepped out of them and turned a little to the side, allowing him the view of your side profile, the swell of your breast, the bump of your ass.
But the song started fading away and you quickly covered yourself with your arms, turning away from him again.
"Oh, it's over!" you called.
"No!" Jungkook jumped up. "No, no, c'mon. That was such a short song, no, you have to finish!" he objected, again and again.
You shook your head and laughed. "Oh, it's not my fault you chose a short song." The music had moved on to the next sexy song, but you just stayed still.
"Baby, you need to finish," your boyfriend said in the most demanding voice he could muster at that moment, but you were unmoved. You glanced at him over your shoulder- he was pouting, with his eyebrows frowned and his chest swelling. You had to bite your lip. He looked so hot. You let your eyes drop lower, and lower, until they reached his crotch.
"I can't believe that worked..." you mumbled at the sight of a very hard Jungkook, straining through his grey sweatpants. You had barely done anything and yet your boyfriend looked ready to risk it all for you. It astonished you, truly, how easily this boy got turned on by you. He must truly love you, you thought.
"Baby..." he started to say.
"It's my turn now!" you informed him and quickly bent down to grab your shirt. However, Jungkook had different plans.
"Oh, hell no!" he exclaimed as he jumped from the bed, grabbing your body from behind and immobilizing you. "If you're not going to at least finish getting undressed for me, baby, you're not allowed to put anything on."
"Jungkook!" you whined.
The boy just buried his nose behind your ear and planted a soft kiss on your neck. "I'm not taking no for an answer," he whispered in your ear. "If you want me to give you a lap dance, my condition is you stay exactly the way you are right now."
Defeated, you dropped your arms from your breasts and stood straight up again, pressing on his body more while doing so. Feeling just what you had caused down there, flushed on your lower back. A moan was caught on your throat.
"Alright," you whispered back. "Do I choose the song?"
You heard Jungkook sniff your hair before he gave you another kiss on the back of your neck and pulled away. "Sure. Choose whatever you want." It was said in a warm whisper. Then he walked out of the room. You frowned at the open door for a second, wondering where he was going.
You took his phone in your hands, pausing the random song and thinking what you're going to put on for your price. Low-key wanted to just go for the obvious choice: Pony by Ginuwine. If Jungkook was even slightly aware of the famous dance from Magic Mike, you would definitely want to see him do it. But then again, you thought, you wanted something with a slower beat. Get him to go slow so you can savor every second of it. Is there a song like this that also happens to last, say, 10 minutes?
Your boyfriend walked back in with a chair in his hold. "What's this?" you asked.
"If I'm giving you a lap dance, I'm doing it the right way," he explained as he planted that chair in the middle of the room. He looked at you, eyes glistening, glancing at your exposed chest and back at your flustered face. "Did you choose?"
You felt frozen for a moment, paralyzed at the sight of your way too confident and ready-for-this boyfriend. Exactly what was he planning to do? "Uh... Yeah," you said, and you looked at the screen, looking at the first song that was on it. "All Mine, PLAZA." Sure, that's good enough.
Jungkook nodded. He walked to you and took the phone from your hands. "Sit," he ordered.
Without waiting to be told twice, you slid on that chair, holding your hands over your well pressed together lap. You stared at Jungkook examining his phone from the corner of your eye and you gulped. He pushed his hair back with one hand and pressed play with the other. His eyes were immediately on you.
Jungkook dragged his feet through the floor until he was in front of you, grabbing the hem of his black t-shirt and lifting it to reveal half of his torso in a quick tease. He swayed to the music some more, giving you a couple more choreographed moves before he dropped down to a handstand at the first sound of the lyrics. His hands on the floor, as he came down slowly to grind on it, and then thrust a couple of times powerfully. He twisted and slid on the tiles, grabbing the legs of your chair to lift himself, crotch first, until he was towering over your seated form. His eyes found yours and you couldn't help but feel your whole face burn, a moan, or perhaps a prayer of his name, threatening to escape your lungs.
He straddled your lap and you suddenly didn't know what to do with your hands. As if reading your mind, Jungkook grabbed them, intertwining your fingers fast and pushing your hands behind your head, while he started grinding on you. A shaky breath left from your parted lips as his grinds became more aggressive right before he released you and got up. He walked behind you until you couldn't see him. But then you felt him, his hands traveling down your sides, his breath hitting your ear. Suddenly, you yelped as you felt like you were falling backward, and grabbed onto his arms for protection. But Jungkook was the one who pushed your chair back, just like he pushed it back down as he jumped in front of you again, using your hands to pull you close to his body. He grabbed your jaw and brought it close to his, his lips only a breath away from your own, as the rest of his body slowly moved farther away.
With the chorus dropping, Jungkook held the back of your head while he thrust up in the air, his crotch coming dangerously close to your face. And just as fast, he was gone again. You whined as you saw him perform for you from a distance that offered no physical contact. His hands danced under his shirt, riding it up, until it was caught on his head and forcefully thrown across the room. You drooled over your boyfriend's body, over the way his muscles moved along with him. No matter how many times you saw him, you would never get used to this view. That, you could promise.
Your boyfriend got on his knees, crawling fiercely to you. His hands landed on your legs and, without missing a beat, he forced them open.
"Jungkook," you called, but he wouldn't listen. He buried his face right into your center. You moaned loudly as he ground his face on you a couple of times, and then moved higher. His back arched and your hand in his, Jungkook guided you to feel him up, run your fingers down his abs, grab the hem of his sweats, and pull down to reveal the beginning of his pubes. You called him again, but he didn't stop.
He was gone again. Moving to the rhythm of the song you had chosen, his eyes always on your own, his intentions always feral. He was truly giving you the worst he had to offer, in the best way possible. And you couldn't understand how you were the one who asked for this. Or, better yet, how you hadn't asked for this earlier.
Your entire body felt like it was on fire and you couldn't even register everything that was happening. He was there, then he wasn't. Jungkook's hands were on you again, playing with your hair, making you beg. Beg for something not even you were sure what it was. He was grinding on you and thrusting in the small space between you, and all you could do was stare. Until he grabbed both of your arms and pulled you to your feet.
You were terrified, your legs could barely work by then, but Jungkook held you by the waist and moved his hips on yours, making sure you could feel just how hard he was for you. His hands traveled south until he grabbed your ass, squeezing it, and then he pushed.
You gasped as he made you jump, wrapping arms and legs around his body. His face was all over your breasts, grinding and licking. You felt something cold touch your back and you squealed. You were being pressed against the mirror.
"God, Jungkook," you gasped, as he adjusted himself to be able to thrust on you in beat with the song. Your head fell back, your eyes literally rolling up until all you saw was darkness, an animalistic growl roaring out of you. "Oh my god, Jungkook, please just fuck me already!"
You heard a groan, and immediately your back was being released from the mirror and meeting the floor instead, one hand protecting the back of your head from the abrupt collision. Then your wrists were pinned over you, then one leg was pushed up until your knee hit your chest while the other made room for him to grind his dick right on your clothed clit.
"I'd be fucking you already if you had finished getting undressed..."
Your wrists strained against his hold in a pitiful way. "Please..." you begged, and he stopped moving. His eyes examined your burning face with a smirk.
"You enjoying the show?" he asked, out of breath, realizing the song was coming to an end. He lowered his face in your neck and started sucking and biting down on it. 
"Hmm, please..." you murmured again as if it was the only thing you knew how to say, and you raised your hips to grind on him, already addicted to the feeling.
"You gonna take those panties off for me now?" you heard his voice come muffled between the kisses on your collarbone. As a response, you ground harder on him, and Jungkook suddenly pulled away. He looked at you, growled, and grabbed your black panties from the sides. Moving away from your legs, he pulled them down until he could throw them away completely.
"C'mere, babe," he mumbled to himself as he grabbed you by the ankles and pulled you suddenly with force until your naked pussy was flashed against his crotch. Slowly, he moved over you, his hard dick inside his sweatpants poking at your clit on purpose with the most agonizing pace, as he hummed and moaned, watching your desperate form squirm, your unfocused eyes water, your open mouth, your burning skin... Stalling as if he had all the time in the world. "Did you like it, baby? My dance?" he asked and all you could do was moan in response. This wasn't the time to make small talk.
Your nails dug in his bare back. "Please, Kookie... I need you."
"I know you do, baby." Jungkook pulled his hips away and looked down. There was a dark grey stain right on the tip of his dick from your juices. "Fuck..." he groaned. "You're so wet for me, baby." So wet he didn't have to do anything to prep you. You were literally oozing out your want for him to fill you up. With his right hand, he pushed his pants down until he was able to pull out his dick. He wasn't wearing any underwear, had taken it off when he was gone to get the chair.
Jungkook grabbed the side of your neck with one hand, almost half choking you, while he pumped himself a couple of times with the other. He brought the tip to your folds, moving it up and down to coat himself in your wetness, to grind on your clit one more time and gain another moan from your pretty lips, to torture you a for little longer.
"You want me to fuck you raw, baby?"
"Yes, yes!" you exclaimed, anguished. "Just fuck me already!"
He pressed his thump on your neck a bit more, while clicking his tongue disapprovingly. "Such a desperate little slut, aren't you? Careful," he warned.
Finally, he aligned himself with your entrance and pushed inside of you slowly.
"Ohh... Fuck!" you moaned, your nails marking him even further as your head fell back. His hand released your throat to grab your breast and squeeze hard as he started moving. He pulled all the way out, then pushed all the way back in until he bottomed. He ground in there a couple of times, nudging your cervix softly, then pulled all the way back out.
"Faster, Kookie" you whined.
Jungkook stopped. He grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at him. "You don't get to give orders here," he told you. And gave you a hard thrust that made you scream. "I do what I want, yeah?" Another hard thrust.
"Oh! Ohh, yes..."
"If I wanna fuck you hard and slow, that's what I'll do," he added, but in contrast to his words, he started picking up the pace. He buried his face in your neck, his warm, quick breaths tickling your sensitive skin. You moved your hands to his hair and started pulling. His pace kept getting faster and his moans sounded like he was already about to cum, but he didn't falter at all. Your mouth found access to the top of his ear and you bit down on it.
"Shit!" Jungkook exclaimed and pulled away, hovering over your face and staring at you. "Babe..." He mumbled, grabbing the back of your knees and pushing toward your chest. When he thrust inside of you again, you could feel him so much deeper than before.
"Oh my god, Kook," you moaned, trying to move along with him to better hit the part inside you you most needed.
"I- I can feel it," he mumbled, biting his lip and rolling his hips inside of you, instead of pulling out and thrusting back in.
"Ah, yes, baby! Right there, make me come," you asked. Ready to please, Jungkook pushed two fingers inside your mouth for you to wet them, then pressed them on your clit, rubbing slow circles.
"Is that what you wanted, sweetheart?" he asked, leaning down and smirking at you.
You nodded deliriously. "More," you rasped.
With a groan, Jungkook made his thrusts quick and hard, his whole hand pressing down over your clit so much that he could feel himself inside you. He growled at the feeling -at the idea- of him being so deep.
He gave you a little kiss. "Is that enough, baby?"
You had to put so much effort into keeping your eyes on his. "Ah, yes! So good! Baby, you're so good." Your boyfriend smiled at the praise and kissed you again, more deeply. He pushed his tongue against yours aggressively in the exact way he knew you liked, trying to get you to cum. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you were getting so close you had absolutely zero control over your own body.
"Are you about to cum, love?" Jungkook pulled away to ask. "Sh- fuck! I can feel it. Cum- cum for me, baby. Let me make you feel good, yeah?"
The moment you opened your eyes, and you saw how your boyfriend's dark, blown, dangerous eyes were staring at you as if you were the most gorgeous being in the world, expecting to get an orgasm out of you, that was the moment you peaked. And you screamed his name but were silenced by him kissing you to amplify your pleasure. Jungkook picked up his pace, fucking you hard through your high until he couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled out and immediately came all over your tummy.
Your boyfriend fell next to you, facing the ceiling and trying to catch his breath. You turned your head just enough to be able to see him through your peripheral vision because your body was absolutely incapable of doing anything more than that. He looked so beautiful, you noticed. His hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, his eyes shut closed and his nose scrunched up in an expression that seemed almost painful, yet you knew it was because of his orgasm. His Adam's apple bopping up and down every time he swallowed a breath whole.
"I love you so much," you admitted suddenly. "I'm so lucky to have you."
Jungkook chuckled. "Wow, so in sync. I was just thinking that about you." You smiled, flustered by his sweet words. His head turned to your side and he checked you out. "Give me a minute, baby, and I'll clean you up, yeah?" So he also couldn't move.
You bit your lip to stop you from giggling. "So no round two?"
His eyebrows shot up in his forehead. "Oh? Sure, yeah... Are you willing to get on top?"
You both chuckled. You felt like you could finally move your hand a bit, so you raised it to grab his. "You know, that was amazing. Your dancing."
"I liked it," he admitted.
"Honestly, you looked like you've been waiting for this your entire life," you laughed.
"I have, actually!" Jungkook interjected. He stretched slightly. "You definitely know from now on what we'll be betting on all our bets, right?"
You shook your head with a smile. "I could never be as good as you. Did you not see how awkward my striptease was?"
"What are you talking about, that shit was adorable and sexy as fuck!"
You laughed, covering your mouth. You moved closer to him, cuddling his side. "No, but... I definitely don't mind betting lap dances. I mean, I always win, anyway."
"If we end up fucking like that every time, I win even when I don't win!"
You chuckled and gave your boyfriend a small kiss on his cheek. "Yeah, yeah... Anything you say, bunny."
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A Halstead!Sister
'But they don't know. They don't know what it's like to be you. They didn't know what it was like to wake up everyday, to a body you never asked for.
A body nobody wanted.'
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Warnings : eating disorder, body insecurities, body dismorphia
Requested : Yup, by anon , 'could u do a fic where she has an eating disorder? and doesn’t tell jay but then one day she passes out at school and has to tell him?'
Word count : 1.7k
Note : this took too long I don't know why 😭but yall Guess who's thankful that yall bear with my English ? me. :) and ps this is my first request!! And yall please please know that all of you are so freaking beautiful and worth fighting for. Know that you are loved and it is never, ever weak to ask for help.
The constant pain and sleepless nights were paying off. Your eyes sparkled when you saw your new numbers. It was working.
You took your diary, crossing out breakfast on the to do list after eating a banana.
This was going to be simple. check what you eat, check your weight and repeat . You knew that if you tried really hard, you would be the one in control.
Control. That's all you wanted. Such an easy, yet painful thing.
You looked to the mirror, as your hands hovered over your ribs sticking to the skin . You'd never felt so beautiful in your life. But your eyes roamed down to your thighs. The flesh of your legs were touching. It wasn't enough.
It was never enough.
'' Y/n , come on ! Move your ass! I need to get to work!! '' Jay shouted for you, from downstairs.
'' Shut uppp I'm comingg'', you yelled back.
Ever since your mom had died, dad always kept to himself leading you to stay with your brothers. It had become a routine. Jay  would drop you off at school and Annie's mom would give you a ride home.
Lucky for you , Jay was constantly busy with cases. He hadn't noticed your new diet or the mood swings.
Your teacher had started the lesson. And slowly you sensed something wrong. Your head was pounding. God why is she so blurry? You look to Anne sitting next to you and she's Blurry too. You felt your body giving up to the swaying ground.
'' y/n!! '' Annie shreiked as your limp body crashed to the floor.
'' Chuckles!? '' Trudy called out,climbing the stairs to intelligence. "Do I look like a cocktail waitress to you? Where have you been??"
"Morning to you too, sarge" Jay sighed. "and its detective"
" Well , Detective , Y/n fainted at school and wanted you to pick her up"
"What ?" he asked shocked, aldready beginning to pick up his jacket.
"Sarge" he said, looking to Voight for approval, although he would leave nonetheless. "Go."
"Mr. Halstead" the school nurse addressed him, as he entered the clinic.
"Call me jay. Y/n, are you okay? what the hell happened?" he asked you worried.
You had never fainted before and apart from the flu every couple of years, you had a clean bill of health, as far as he knew.
"Jay, I promise I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy, that's all" you answered knowing how overprotective he can get. Now all you could hope for was that he would let this slide.
"I tried getting some food in her but she told me she was fine" the nurse explained to Jay.
God No. the the salad she offered you had so many calories.  you had made too much progress nothing was going to stop you especially a simple fainting episode. It was a minor setback but you were sure you could continue your weight loss diet.
" What, WHY? " he questioned, but just  as you were thinking of a better reply " You know what, I'm gonna take her home." he interrupted your thoughts as he spoke to the nurse.
" Only if you are sure, you're good"
" I am Jay. One hundred percent." you replied, happy to skip the rest of the school day.
It's not like you've been paying attention any ways. You'd zone out a lot during class and  your constant hunger and cramps didn't help either. But you drowned these feelings away with small sips of water and occasional slices of cucumbers.
You Craved the Emptiness. the feeling of being lighter. The feeling of being....... perfect. It was intoxicating.
Taking your school bag, Jay wrapped a study arm around your shoulders , guiding you through the school corridors and towards his truck.
"God, I can't wait to go to bed", You said climbing the truck and fastening your seat belt.
"Yeah right. I'm taking you to med" he stated. "WHAT? Jay, what the hell ? I told you, I'm fine!!"
You knew Will was working and didn't want either of your brothers to know about your new diet or how much weight you had lost. It was too late to quit. The disgusting image in the mirror was slowly getting better..... getting thinner, prettier.
"You've never fainted before Y/n, and I promise I'll get Will to run the exams and do all the tests" he assured you.
"Y/n, I thought I told you I never wanted to see you here again.", Maggie greeted, pointing a finger at you.
"Awwww  but I missed you", you pouted, " No don't do that. your brother's waiting in treatment room 3 so you better get going." she instructed and you dropped your school bag near the nurses station.
You and Jay enter the room, to a very worried Will. "Y/n, what happened?" he asked , gesturing you to sit on the bed.
"did you hit your head when you fell? Did you fall in the bathroom or something like that?", he continued, not giving you time to answer.
"what did the nurses say? are you stressed about school?" " Will-", you interrupted his rambling " I'm fine, just..... got a little dizzy."
You watched , as he took his pen light to your eyes. "Ah! Will, stop!!" You said, trying and failing to refrain him.
"You know, it'll be easier if you stop squirming" Jay commented with a smug smile. "Your not going anywhere"
"Shut up" you groaned.
You need to get out of here. What if they gave you food. What if they found out you were hungry all the time. They'd never stop making fun of you. They'd tell you that you were overreacting and that all this was so unnecessary.
But they didn't know. They didn't know what it was like to be you. They didn't have floppy arms or fleshy thighs. They didn't know what it was like to wake up everyday, to a body you never asked for. A body nobody wanted.
"Jay" Will called out, seeing him outside your room. It had been a couple of hours since you were bought in.
Will had ordered some tests, being the ass he was.
Wonderful. You just hoped that all the tests would be normal and you could get the hell out of there.
"yeah man? just needed to text Hailey, Why, what's wrong?" Jay asked, studying the worried expression on his brother's face
"It's Y/n. "
You were fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt when your brother's walked in, staring at you, as if you were a ghost.
"Y/n," Jay croaked out his voice laced with dread, "how long?"
No. No. No. This can't be happening. God, you knew that they were going to hate you forever.
"what the are you talking about?" you needed to try to get them to back away."Is something wrong?"
They were standing on either side of your bed. Jay came closer and sat down on your right the beside your knees, eyes never leaving yours.
"Your tests-" Will started, "They came back showing you have severe deficiencies. That your body is struggling to survive. That it's not getting enough food." he broke away from your gaze.
"We um-" Jay, as if almost on queue, continued."We looked through your school bag and found your diary. "
You sucked in a sharp breath and shook your head. No. He knew. They knew.
All your calorie counts, the amount of calories you can have in a day, your research on diets, workouts, to do lists, hell, even your Period Tracker was written down. (although you barely had it anymore)
That book was the reason you were finally becoming happy with yourself. Your body.
'I'm sorry', you mouthed "I'm so, so sorry" This was it. Your voice hitched, as tears flowed down your cheeks. "I was finally happy"
In an instant, your brothers were by your side.
Jay engulfed you into his chest, your words circling his mind. 'Finally?' God, you lived together! You were his sister! His baby sister! How could he have let this happen to you? How could he not have noticed that you were drowning? That you were starving yourself. What kind of brother was he?
Will rubbed your back, until your sobs became quieter. He was a doctor. A damn doctor! God knows how long this has been going on, but at the end of the day.... he failed. He failed to be there,..... when you needed him.
"Y/n, you don't have to do this. You're beautiful Y/n. You really are. And I'm sorry that anyone else has convinced in otherwise" Jay breathed out, hoping you heard him, in his embrace.
"It felt good, Jay" your voice was muffled by his shirt, but to your brothers, your voice was loud and clear.
"Did it?" You turned to Will, "Did the hunger feel good?" his heart broke saying the words out loud.
'Yes', you wanted to answer. Of course it felt good. You were getting so many compliments from your friends at school. Boys started acknowledging you now.
It was like you finally existed. You felt...... worthy.
But with all the strength you could muster up, you couldn't get the words out. Because there was always one voice that told you to quit. The voice you'd been drowning out for so long. The voice that told you, that you were in fact, beautiful.
Your mother's.
"No" you said, realizing that Will had tears in his eyes as well.
But you couldn't find a hint of shame in them, no matter how much you searched. Instead, you were met with the immense worry and guilt of your brother.
"We can help, Y/n" Will said, as he took your hand in his, "We will help and we'll be there every step of the way."
"Every step" Jay assured and you turned to him. "All you need to do, is let us in"
You weren't prepared for this. You had no idea what to say.
You didn't want to feel tired all the time, always craving for food. But the idea of going back - back to all that shame - that's what scared you.
"Y/n," Will spoke up, seeing as you were struggling to answer, "I promise you, we are going to make you feel better...... and we'll fight those thoughts of yours together."
You took a shaky breath.
Your thoughts.
You had let them consume you for a long time now. Too long. maybe..... Maybe the right voice to follow, was your mothers'. "okay-" you sobbed, "okay", and once again you found yourself in Jay's arms.
You, clinging to him like your life depended on it and him holding you tight, because it did. His hand rested on your head, tangled with your hair.
Will saw a tear make its way down his brothers cheek, something he hasn't witnessed often.
Your brothers sat silently, listening to you cry. Taking in the conversation, only having a glimpse of the pain you were in.
You had a long, long road ahead but as you sat in your brother arms, you felt a sense of peace, comfort maybe.
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gothhisoka · 3 years
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕 (𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖝 𝕱𝖊𝖒𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)
Title: Worship
Pairing: Chrollo x Femreader
Warnings: Smut, minors DNI, 18+, explicit content
Word Count: 3116 (I promise it is worth it. Oh god is it worth it)
Note: This is from my cross-published fanfic called Hunter University! It is available if you click here on Wattpad and AO3. My fanfic is x OC, but I upload x Reader versions of some chapters here on Tumblr. In short, it is a dark academia college AU with Chrollo as the main love interest.
Background: You are an artist in college and Chrollo is your fellow classmate. You just returned from a night out at a ball, drunk. Chrollo appeared at the door to your dorm room as he promised he would after you danced with one another at the ball.
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Chrollo was surprised you looked so intact. He was sure you would come waddling to the door in pajamas as you did the last time he visited your room. Although it had been an hour since the ball ended, your makeup hadn't smudged a bit. Sure, it was faded, and your hair was significantly messier, but overall you looked as remarkable as you did at the start of the ball.
Your tired eyes widened with surprise at the sight of him. He was just as unimpaired as you were. Though now he was missing his suit jacket. His hair had become slightly disheveled, losing its styled waves. He still had on those signature silver rings and little cross earrings.
You attempt to soak in his sight with your intoxicated brain. He looked even more captivating in this particular state.
“Hi…” was all you could utter.
“Can I come in?”
You realized he was waiting for your permission. He didn’t need it.
You stepped aside to let him in and shut the door. Your room was the same as the last time he saw it, with your drawings hung on the walls and lights strung above the desk. Their small bulbs reflected against the night-stained window.
Upon shutting the door, the tension noticeably rose. It was dark in the small space and you were alone. Chrollo took his black dress shoes off near the door, placing them neatly side by side.
So he plans on staying. You tried to hide a smile. The hour of his visit was surely suspicious. There could be only one thing on his mind.
"So what're you doing here?" you spoke nonchalantly, acting like you didn't just fantasize about what could happen in the next few minutes.
Chrollo opened and shut his mouth, his response escaping him. He turned back to you and used his eyes to convey a craving far deeper than any words could admit.
"I said I would come to find you, didn't I?" He said lowly.
He had begun to walk around the room, absentmindedly stopping at a piece of art from time to time. You were too tired to care. The collection included nature scenes, portraits of people he didn't recognize, anatomy studies, and...
He paused, noticing a drawing on the wall behind the place where the door would otherwise be covering.
It was a full-body anatomy study of yourself. To be specific, it would fit further in the category of a glorified nude. It was on a miniature piece of parchment sketched in charcoal. It was obviously you: the woman had your (hair color) hair and distinct mouth and nose. The paper was hardly noticeable amongst the scatter of papers. You wouldn't see it unless you had a careful eye such as that of Chrollo.
You hardly noticed when he reached the particular spot on your wall. Your tiredness had waned significantly with Chrollo's entrance, but it still fogged your mind.
Additionally, you had long forgotten about your secret behind-the-door location for your drawings that were not meant to be seen by a single soul.
Chrollo attempted to hide a mysterious smile. He turned to you, “You draw wonderfully.”
“Thanks?” you reply, with more question in your tone than you hoped to show.
The heat in the room shot through the roof. You were sure if you checked the temperature it would be well above its normal chilly state. Perhaps it was the heat in your cheeks that was causing such a change.
“So…” he began.
“So,” you replied, trying to avoid eye contact. Please, just let it happen already.
You thought you had a good idea of why he had come to your room at one o'clock in the morning after a night of drinking and questionably close dancing. You couldn't be certain, though, because that was just how he was: unpredictable and exceedingly complicated.
You didn’t think him so complicated as to not be able to admit why he was at your room, though.
You waited as he thought about what to say next. This is taking too damn long.
Luckily, you prepared an excuse. You never failed to come ready for something you could expect. And this, the direction in which your encounter is headed, is inevitable. You had been rehearsing the line in your head for the duration of their conversation like reviewing terms for a test.
This was the only way to test if your assumptions are correct.
Blame it on the champagne if I am wrong. But I really hope I'm right.
You look directly at him. Time to be daring.
You took a breath and did your best to look directly at him, "Well, I actually do need some help. You see, this dress is quite difficult to take off by myself..."
Walking towards him, you place a hand at the hem of your dress. Your delicate fingers wrap around its lacy fabric.
Chrollo looked amused. He sizes you up, looking from your hand holding the hem of your dress to your unfazed expression. Unfazed, yet your cheeks were slowly turning a shade of scarlet. Nice try, Chrollo thought.
He gestured, "Turn around."
You obeyed. You desired something far more than the unzipping of your dress, but you were not presumptuous enough to say it. The expression on Chrollo's face told you that he was hoping for the same thing. He hid many emotions well, but being turned on wasn't one of them.
Chrollo brushed your hair away from the zipper, delicately placing it over your shoulder. His fingers purposefully grazed your back as he did this, causing your breath to hitch slightly.
His hands moved to the zipper, carefully pulling it down. It went past the clasp of your bra to your lower back. There was complete silence. Both of you were still. Are we still hesitating?
Chrollo was the first to move. He pulled you close to him so that your back was touching him. His left arm wrapped across your chest possessively, holding you in a tight embrace. With his other hand, he brushed your hair back from your ear. He smelt of sweet alcohol. Clearly, he was slightly drunk as well, for the next words he said couldn't be uttered by a sober man.
His whispered breath tickled your neck, husky with the threat of sleep, "I want you so bad right now."
You tensed with a sudden surge of desire. Your impression had been right. He let his strong arm remain around you, patiently waiting for a response.
You choked out your reply, "The feelings' mutual."
Under his touch, your streak of audacity from earlier dissolved into compliance. You suddenly wanted nothing more than to submit to his words.
With complete control, Chrollo took your shoulder and turned you around. Your dress was now loose on your shoulders. He placed his hands around your hips firmly. He looked at you under his thick eyelashes and slowly leaned in. The pressure was growing to an unbearable level, but he still wouldn't go all the way.
Then his lips crashed against yours with the force of weeks of pent-up desire. This kiss didn't speak of courtesy, of patience. This was raw passion. It was furious and messy. you preferred this to sensitive steps around the intensity they both craved.
"You must still be drunk," you said playfully as you both pulled away to catch your breath. You held your hand to Chrollo's chest. His heart was beating surprisingly fast.
"If I'm drunk, then what are you?" Chrollo said with a lazy smirk.
"I'm drunk as well."
Chrollo threaded his hands through your hair, pulling the long strands through his fingers. He pulled you in close again with his hand at the back of your head.
You opened your mouth to allow for Chrollo's tongue to slip in. He lessened the intensity and slowly moved his tongue against your own tongue and lips. You couldn't help but let out soft moans that made Chrollo weak at the knees.
He pushed you against the wall to deepen your kiss. Drawings fluttered down, becoming detached with the sudden movement. Including that drawing.
Chrollo pulled away, much to your shock. You were left panting with reddened cheeks. Please don't let this end now.
He displayed a shit-eating grin. Even with his ego, in the current moment, his expression made you melt. His face was inches from yours, looking down into your (eye color) eyes.
He shifted his gaze down to the floor and said, "Nice drawing you have there."
You finally noticed what he had been so smug about. Shit. Your face flushed ten different shades of scarlet.
Chrollo leaned in as he did before and murmured in your ear, "I wish I could see the real thing."
You failed to not show your excitement. The way your eyes lit up exposed you. "I can arrange that."
At that, Chrollo leaned in again, this time moving to your neck. His lips fluttered down your throat to your collarbone. You leaned your head back and tried to control your uneven breath.
His lips reached the edge of the neckline on your dress. He raised his eyes to meet yours, asking for permission to go further.
You let out a breathy, "Yes. Please."
What you wanted to say was, Please, take me now.
It could be too soon for him. But based on how this was going, you expected it was leading to something more. Whatever that was, you wished you could know right now. The growing tension between your thighs began to ache.
Chrollo slipped his hand across your skin to the hemline of your dress, moving it completely off of your shoulder and down your arms. Your black see-through bra was now in full view. Your nipples grew hard at the sudden exposure.
At least I went with my fancy bra. You suddenly grew very shy. The last time you went even this far was years ago.
He evidently liked the lingerie for his hands immediately traveled to your breast to caress it as he continued to kiss you.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered against your neck. Your heart fluttered at his words.
Chrollo then moved his lips progressively further down as he slipped your dress off of your body. Soon your underwear came into view, then your feet. He helped your step out of the dress.
"Your turn," you said, unbuttoning his shirt. All the while he continued to distractingly leave lazy kisses upon your face, one on your forehead, your cheek, your lips.
After an agonizingly long time, you pulled off his shirt. Fuck.
You knew he would be defined. But him, this boy standing in front of you, resembled more of a greek statue than an actual human. It looked like his body had been sculpted by the finest stone on earth. He had a six-pack, defined pectoral muscles, and prominent collarbones. His biceps flexed as he leaned his hand against the wall, bracing himself. It was you who needed to brace yourself. Your breath hitched again at the sight of him.
You ran a hand up his firm body as you planted your lips upon his once again. This time Chrollo put his hands beneath your thighs, his fingers pressing into your soft skin. He picked you up easily.
You wrapped your legs around him as he brought you to the bed, kissing him all the while.
He dropped you down gently, releasing his grip off of your thighs. You took this time to look up at him and admire the beauty of his aroused state. He had a dangerous and wild look, with tousled hair and a constant smile playing at his lips. His heavy-lidded eyes were lazily focused upon you.
You continued to make out on the bed, its white silk sheets creating an angelic halo around you. Chrollo couldn't stand looking at you like this, underneath him. It was far too much power for one man to hold.
You reached to your back to undo the clasp of your bra. You threw it to the ground. Chrollo immediately began to touch your naked tits in a way that made you want to dissolve. He moved in circles around your nipples first, watching as they grew harder under his expert touch. Then he moved his mouth to the sensitive area, playing with you and biting slightly. You audibly moaned at the gesture. Damn the neighbors.
Chrollo sensed your desire to take it further. He looked up, grey eyes filled with lust, "Y/n...let me pleasure you."
It wasn't the suggestion you were expecting, but you were satisfied nonetheless. You didn't care about anything in the world besides what he could do to you at this moment, whatever it may be.
"If you say my name like that you can do anything you want to me," you said breathily. It was exactly what he needed to hear.
Chrollo smirked and moved to take off your soaking underwear. Under his pants, his dick grew visibly harder. He threw the underwear onto the floor.
Gently placing his finger at your throbbing core, he began to stroke. Upon receiving his touch your back arched involuntarily. You were beyond eager.
"Fuck... Chrollo..."
This served as encouragement for him to insert his finger deeper into you, curling it slightly. It hit your g-spot repeatedly, eliciting ungodly sounds from you.
As he was doing this, he slowly positioned himself on top of you, grabbing onto the bed frame with his spare hand. He just wanted to look at your face as you opened your mouth in delight.
He inserted one more finger which caused your arousal to heighten. God, he really knows how to do this.
Just as you felt the heat in your core escalating, he slid his finger out. You whimpered in protest.
Chrollo looked down at you with a wicked smile. "Beg for it."
Oh fuck.
You gladly would. It was more your instincts speaking than any coherent thought.
"Please... Chrollo..." you said between breaths.
You wanted to not only plead for him, you wanted to worship him.
This is what you had been missing out on all those weeks. And oh god, did you eat it up.
"FUCK please do that again," you exclaimed.
It was enough to convince him. Chrollo moved his face towards your slickened pussy.
Is he about to...
He pushed his hair back out of his face with his clean hand, his forehead tattoo revealed. For only a second, he raised his eyes to gaze into yours. You fell for him all over again at that simple glance.
Then he entered you. His tongue made you want to weep. He devoured your insides, soaking up the salty juices. You couldn't help but hold his head, pulling it closer to your body. You ran your hand through his soft black hair. There was so much heat between them that you were both perspiring.
You began to shudder." I'm going to... oh... fuck," you gasped.
You felt the sweet release of cum spread below you onto the sheets and Chrollo himself. You felt self-conscious for a moment. That is until Chrollo began to lick up your juices. He ran his tongue up your soft thighs.
"You taste so fucking good, darling."
Chrollo looked at you like he had fallen all over again as well. You grinned back at him. Your cheeks grew even redder, if possible. Your heart screamed to continue but you were too physically exhausted to move. Still, wouldn't Chrollo want his turn?
You laid there, naked and panting on the silk sheets. Chrollo flopped next to you, unaffected beside his flushed cheeks and a wide grin.
The lights were still low in the little room. Looking out the window, you saw that the sun had yet to rise. This was a positive fact because the only thing you needed to do now was to sleep. And preferably, cuddling with the boy next to you. You hoped he would stay. It was more than hope, really. Your body couldn't spend any more time away from him after that.
Damn. He was good. He was really, really fucking good.
He knew his way with words, to begin with. He said exactly what needed to be said to escalate your arousal. You wanted to worship those fingers, the way he so expertly felt around you like he had memorized a map. And his tongue was even more worthy of revere.
You flipped over to your elbows. Your breasts brushed against the bedding, noticeably making Chrollo gulp. You boldly reached to touch the front of his pants.
"You don't want a turn?" you smirked.
"This was more than enough for me."
He stared into your eyes as if he was calculating a complex math problem rather than looking at the person who just received the best head of their life.
You yawned, despite yourself. Your body ached with all the action of the night.
"Go to bed, sweetheart. I'll be here."
Those were the last words you heard before your eyes drifted shut. Exhaustion stilled your naked body. Chrollo reached over you to turn off the bedside lamp.
He wasn't nearly as tired. He could've gone for a couple more rounds, perhaps take it a step further if you so desired. But he knew you needed the sleep. Most of your makeup had rubbed off, displaying the dark circles under your eyes.
He slipped off his pants and threw them onto the floor with the rest of the clothes. He found the soft sheets and pulled them across you and himself. The bed was small but cozy. His strong chest was flush against your back.
Your (hair color) hair smelt of a summer day, like sunlight and wildflowers. He took this opportunity to feel up the rest of your glorious body. He ran his hand lightly from your shoulder to your hips, to your thighs. All of it was angelic to him.
He moved you closer with his arm, protectively wrapping it across your front. Somehow holding you like this felt far more intimate than any sexual activity. The way the moonlight graced your skin was majestic.
How had he fallen so hard, so fast? It was unlike him to act with such recklessness.
Through it all, he still had his mind. you had no way to tell the extent of his feelings. He made sure of this. His libido could act one way, that was clear from tonight. But he was an expert at controlling his outward emotions. You would never know. If you did, it would be over for him. All the planning will be for naught.
He closed his eyes before he could fall upon any more worries. He had already pondered the issue for many sleepless nights.
He fell into a dreamless slumber with you safe in his arms. You both slept soundly until the sun peeked through the window.
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levisgirll · 3 years
How about one where levi comforts his s/o on her birthday? She maybe doesn't feel as important or not good enough? My bday is actually coming up and im a bit anxious for it and i tend to cry on my birthdays for no reason, but now im feeling as if i have a reason to cry? idk but i just would like some fluff/comfort with levi bc i love him sm. Thank you!
𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐲 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: hello anon!! First of all thank you so much for your lovely request I would gladly write this up for you 🥺💕 and second HAPPY EARLY/LATE BIRTHDAY <3 I hope I am not too late and you get to see this post either on your birthday or before :,) I hope you have a lovely day filled with love and laughter cause everyone deserves that on their birthday 🥰 and also I hope this post somehow helps you go through with your bday and makes u feel perhaps less anxious or sad! I kind of felt like this on my last birthday but I went to read some fanfics and they kind of helped me out and made me smile so I hope that is the same case with you when you read what I wrote for you :,) also i made this modern au ahhhh
synopsis: it’s y/n’s birthday! He tries to make this day special as it is since he wants his s/o to realize that! Later he finds out that his s/o feels on this very day not that important and also tears up. As Levi discovers that, he does and says things only on your birthday that really made you surprised and on this day you felt extremely good and special y/n cries happy tears instead <3
comfort fluff, bit angst, a little bit suggestive (?), modern au ♡ —
Today is the day, and not any day but Levi's s/o birthday! He woke up extremely early for this day. He had already planned out what to do coming from a man who is pretty much organized and ahead of things you weren’t shocked to see him getting up quite early.
“Levi..?” Y/N said in such a soft and tired tone, it really warmed his heart. “Love...Happy birthday.” He would go near your ear and whisper that, then gave you a kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn't mean to wake you up...Go back to sleep.” He would say as he pushed your hair back gently that was laying on your face. You felt his warm fingertips brush against your cheek and you open your eyes slightly to look at your man, Levi that was up and putting his shirt on. You got up a bit reached out and pulled on the his shirt “Wait...don’t leave.”
He turned around quickly and looked at you, ‘Why does she sound uneasy....?’ He would wonder as he came closer to you and kissed on top of your head. “Silly, I’m not leaving or going anywhere. I’ll be in the kitchen so just rest a bit and I’ll wake you up later on, Hm?” Levi said with a smile, after the war and when you both left Paradise to start a life in the outside world, Levi started to smile more, laugh and be even more affectionate towards you and this warmed your heart. He promised you that he would protect you till the last days even if there was no war anymore and also....promised you to show you more love cause he deiced to spend the rest of his life with you, and he was in progress in doing that!
After a couple of hours, you felt a small rub on your shoulders. “Time to wake up birthday girl” He gave you a warm smile and helped you get out of your shared bed. You felt how gentle, and careful he was for you...he truly did cherish you and loved you a lot, you meant the world to Levi.
As you were brushing your teeth, Levi was brushing your hair and when he was done he would put his arms around your waist and kept kissing your neck until you were done and ready.
Your cheeks were red now and you had a shy look on your face. “Ha, Don't be shy with me Love, it’s just us alone.” He would say and softly rub your arms. “Let’s go then?” and you give him a nod and held on his hand.
When you both went downstairs, you gasped and was taken aback by what you saw. A beautiful breakfast that was set up and prepared for the both of you, a sack of pancakes with fruits that was cut by him, your favorite fruit juice, and there was a vase with a bouquet and you could see a card that was hidden in the beautiful flowers he picked out for you and it was written ‘Happy Birthday my Dearest’
“Wow, you did this for...me?” You would say while giving him a sad expression that almost broke his heart. “Who else?” He said with a sarcastic tone and pulled your hand towards the table. You and Levi enjoyed the breakfast and you both had a good morning filled with laughter.
“Sit down, I’m gonna clean the dishes” you nodded and went to sit on the coach. You then started to feel...a bit anxious? Y/N wondered how the rest of the day would go and you started to think if what Levi did was all worth it?
“Love, what's wrong?” Levi was quick to read your vibe, he approached you from behind, and sensed you were feeling perhaps down. “Nothing...”
“Yea I’m not gonna buy that, tell me....What’s wrong?” Y/N stood up slowly and was looking down, her hair was covering her face and that made Levi quickly go in front of her and held on her shoulders. Tears then started to roll down from your cheeks and Levi pulled you to his chest for a hug. “I-I don’t know why I’m tearing up! But I am feeling as if I have a reason to cry and I usually cry on my birthdays Levi...I’m sorry, it’s probably for nothing.”
“Why are you apologizing?” He hugged you tighter and then proceed to stroke your hair. “These feelings are completely normal, why apologize for it? But it’s okay you don’t need to explain why you are crying love.” Levi waited for y/n to calm down as he caressed her hair, and Y/N pulled her face away from his muscular chest and looked up at him. He gave a small smile to her and wiped her tears “Let’s....make those tears not for ‘nothing’ or for ‘no reason’ to be wasted, but instead let me make those tears a reason for you today. A reason that caused you to smile and laugh today.”
Levi was now looking at you in such a loving way, you could feel all his love, emotions, the way he caressed you, hugged you, touched your hair gently and now holding both of your hands, it warmed your heart. He was indeed a man who was really mature, and has a great deal of empathy towards Y/N. Levi understood your feelings cause of the deep love he had for you. “You are important to me, okay? So, let me make those tears....happy tears instead.”
After a while, Levi told you to get dressed up and ready because he was going to take you somewhere. You both left your apartment that you both shared at the moment and walked down the street, while Levi tightly holding your hand and on the other hand he was carrying a brown paper carrier bag which had something in it. “What’s inside?” “A surprise.”
Later did you know, you both reached a huge garden park and you saw a group of people that you recognized. Your friends! “Everyone!”
As soon as Hanji hear you, Hanji came running towards you and hugged you tightly which was then followed by Jean, Mikasa, Armin and the rest all wishing you a happy birthday!
You then spotted Onyankopn, Falco and Gabi preparing the huge picnic filled with a variety of delicious food and then Levi brought out the cake which he designed and baked just for you.
The whole afternoon was spent with your loved one, friends and you all had such a great time, playing some card games, tennis which Jean and Connie that they brought along with them. You were packed with so many gifts too, and Levi was holding on to your waist and hand the whole time and would sneak in some kisses on your cheek when no one would look. Hanji then talked about how your relationship was going and Levi would suddenly talk really highly of you, and pamper about you then he would mention all of the times you meant a lot to him and he cherished.
The sun started to set and everyone was heading to leave, and Levi held on your hand and you both went to see the sunset while sitting on the bench. You found the sunset really beautiful, but to Levi he thought you were more prettier. He held on your hand and then said while focusing on your eyes “You know...When you are not around, I always crave for your touch. You just make me feel good so I always find myself a chance to hold your hand constantly.” Before you could say anything, he gave you a box that was wrapped with a ribbon. “Open it.” Your eyes widen when you saw the gift, it was Rose Gold Watch and it looked rather expensive but extremely charming. He went closer to you and brought your wrist closer and wore the watch for you. “I knew this would suit you.” Levi smiled again and looked at you, tears were now forming on your eyes but this time...it was happy tears and you gave him a big smile that really warmed his heart. “Thank you Levi, I really love you...” He went closer to you and kissed your cheek which washed away the tears that was rolling down. “I love you more....And didn't I say I would make that happy tears today, Hm? But we aren’t done, your birthday did not end yet”
After you both reached home, you both went to the bedroom and you started to change into your comfy silk nightgown, while Levi took of his shirt and was only...wearing his joggers? ‘Wait...He would only do that if he is in the mood’ You thought as you started to blush slightly.
“Lev-” Your words were taken aback when Levi suddenly embraced you and kept his face in your neck while bring his arms around your waist. “Can...I make you feel good tonight? I want to make your birthday memorable....just for today.”  It was more of a whisper when he said it, and you managed to hear it all even though you could feel his heart beating fast.
Your face was now red, you could feel his back muscle tense up and the detail of it as you caressed his back. You nodded, which Levi sensed and acknowledged, but asked again. “I need to hear your answer love.” He was now looking at you and he held on your shoulders, waiting for a response and he would not let you go until you answered. “Yes Love” You said with certainty and looked back at him which he suddenly blushed with you how you responded. Levi did had a tough and strong personality from the outside, but when it came to moments like these he was really soft and usually shy but tonight he wanted to try his best for you, cause you meant the world to him.
He picked you up and you could feel his biceps around you which you held on as he gently laid you on top of the bed, with Levi being on top of you. He leaned in closer and gave you a kiss on your forehead. “Oi! I can be romantic…So why are you giving me that look?” He said with a smirk and that made you laugh. “Hmm...Prove it then.” You challenged him and that made his ego boost up. He proceeded to kiss all over your face which made you giggle as some of them tickled, and then he stopped and reached the edge of your lips which made both of you open your eyes and gazed into each other, both feeling the affection and attraction. “Shit...it drives me crazy when you look at me that way.” He went and kissed your lips, it was soft, slow and very passionate...you could feel all of his love in that kiss as you held on his biceps while his arms where between you for support.
“Where....else do you want me to kiss you?” He moved closer to you as he whispered near your ear, you felt his hot breathe which made you shiver. “A-Anywhere..” You were a blushing mess right now, but you weren't alone your boyfriend Levi’s face was redder than yours.
“O-Okay....Y/N I’m gonna make sure tonight you feel loved tonight, and I want you to focus right now how good you are and how wonderful you are.” As he said that, your face was burning up, ‘what made Levi say this all?’ you wondered.
He came closer to your neck, and was kissing it...you held on to him and hugged his chest, and he was doing it gently. This then left a small hickey on your neck and he was surprised as it was kind of dark.
“I will leave this mark on you so you can remember my love tonight, and know that you are always in my thoughts Y/N” He brought his hand and caressed your cheek which you held on, “And...when its gone, I’m here to give you another one.”
Perhaps, in the days you cry, there would be sad days, but today was a special day which was your birthday, and that not only gave you any tears but instead happy tears which was cause of Levi giving you the warmest/sweetest comfort and love throughout the whole day and especially the whole evening. You really did love Levi Ackerman.
well i hope you enjoyed this! I tried something new and I really see levi doing this for his s/o especially in days where he wants to make them feel loved and he really tries his best to comfort them <3 I hope you loved this anon and you get to see this and also if anyone else did please leave a like or a reblog! ♡
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maxburnett · 3 years
Epilogue to Summer Heat, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
-(fem!reader x Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers)
Summary: A glimpse of the months following Steve leaving Reader for Peggy. This is a part 2/sequel/epilogue of this fic for @syntheticavenger's 5K Follower Challenge
Warnings: This is mild! Mostly Fluff with slight Angst. There's a hint at Bucky eating out his very pregnant girlfriend if you squint. Bucky is soft. Steve is an idiot. Bucky really loves reader. (I stuck at these I apologize. Contains very minor Loki spoilers. I wrote this in like a hour on my phone so I apologize for any typos etc)
Please reblog/share and comment. I love to read your reviews!
Word Count: 2,060
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It had been nearly 5 months since you had found out that you were pregnant. You and Bucky were letting everything fall into place as you were getting ready for the birth of your baby. He had talked you into finding out the sex when it was born, despite you wanting to hurry up and find out. You closed your eyes as you sat on the couch, your legs propped onto a pillow as you rubbed your stomach as your baby kicked.
"He's good," he says with a smile. "God, you're so beautiful," he says, and you chuckle.
"I'm a whale, Buck," you say and throw a blueberry at him, which he catches with his mouth. "There's nothing beautiful about me," you snort, and he glares at you.
"I'm a whale, Buck," you say and throw a blueberry at him, which he catches with his mouth. "There's nothing beautiful about me," you snort, and he glares at you.
"Baby, how many times do I have to tell you that you're beautiful?" He asks, and you sigh. You just feel so fat and unattractive, but Bucky still stares at you the same way he did before he made the first move and kissed you all those months ago.
"I don't deserve you, Buck," you smile and move, so you are sitting beside him. "I honestly don't deserve everything you've done for the baby and me-" he cuts you off as he wraps an arm around you and pulls you gently into him, kissing your lips with a softness that made you get goosebumps every time.
"Our baby," he says into your lips.
"Our baby," you whisper back and smile as he stands up and takes your empty bowl to the sink, and comes back to lean down to kiss your chin where you had some chocolate. His lips move up to his, and you run your hands into his hair pulling him closer as he gently devours your lips with his own.
"Need to taste you," he says in a rough tone before pulling away. His hands reach down, taking both of yours. He helps you off of the couch and walks you back to the bedroom.
~ 2 Months Later~
You woke up one morning hearing the birds chirping outside of your window and smiled as Bucky came in, bringing you some toast with avocados and eggs on it. You eat the toast as he leans and kisses your stomach, softly singing his favorite song with his head gently lying on your huge tummy.
You giggle as you listen to him singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as you close your eyes and remember your first kiss during "The Wizard of Oz" all of those months ago. You play with his hair, looking down at him, wondering how you got so lucky to have a guy like Bucky. Your eyes close for a moment. You can't help but think of Steve. You hate that he left you, you hate that he chose to be with another woman; but why couldn't you hate him?
If he had known you were pregnant, you know he would've stayed. Wouldn't he?
"Hey doll, you okay?" You heard Bucky ask, and you looked down at him. You smile as you nod your head down at him. You take a deep breath.
"I was just thinking about Steve ... not necessarily the bad stuff. I just ..." you couldn't find the words. "He just would have been a good father," you say softly.
"You're right," he smiles and looks up at you. "He was a good man," he whispers and closes his eyes. "I just ... wish he would've handled all of this differently. He should've talked to you," he said, his fingers gently moving over your tummy. You smile. His singing was always something that could calm the baby's kicking down.
When he moves to lay down beside you, pulling you as close as he could as he rested his head on your shoulder and his hand on your stomach. He closed his eyes for a moment and bit at his lip.
"At the funeral, he asked me if I liked you," Bucky whispered. He'd never talked to you about this before. "He said he saw something about the way we looked at each other. He wanted to know if I had feelings for you,"
You bit your lip as you listened to Bucky, and you placed your hand over his.
"I didn't lie to him. I told him the truth. I'm sorry if me telling him that caused him to leave," he said, and you place your finger over his lips.
"Bucky, even if I do miss him sometimes ... even if I do still love him. There's nothing like the love I have for you," you whisper and run your fingers through his hair. "This baby was made with Steve ... and even tho we told each other 'I Love You,' It is fate that you and I go through this with our baby."
Bucky looked up at you, his blue eyes beginning to tear up, and you smile as you run your fingers gently into his hair before you wiped at his face with your fingers.
"I love you so much," you say down to him.
"I love you," he says back as he kisses your stomach and looks up at you with his head resting against your tummy again.
"Let's get married," he says, and you look down at him about to say something. He smiles up at you. "I know it's not an ideal proposal," he chuckles. "But I don't want to wait, and I don't even have a ring ... but I can get one. I just want to marry you, and I want to grow old with you and our baby,"
"Let's get married," you say back with a smile. "We can just do it in the courthouse... I don't need anything but you, Buck. Maybe we can get Sam to come," you say, and he smiles as he pulls away and moves his dog tags from his neck to yours.
"Let's get married," he says again and kisses your lips.
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Steve had promised Peggy that he would stop by the grocery store he walked out of the store with his paper bags and looked around as things began to freeze in time. He looked around strangely as everything began to move in slow motion. Holographic doors began to show around him, and three guards came out with guns and walked towards him.
One of them stepped towards him and looked down at something in their hand.
"Steve Rogers, on behalf of the Time Variance Authority. I hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline."
Before he had a chance to speak, he was zapped away with the strange people and was put on trial. He honestly thought this was some kind of joke. How had he messed with the timeline?
"You must be Captain America," a voice said from behind him. He was holding a file and stood to walk towards him. "I'm Mobius," he said.
"Why am I here?"
"You messed up the Timeline by going back in time to be with Peggy Carter," Mobius replied. "We figured we would give you the chance to fix things. Follow me," he said, and Steve sighed, following after the man.
He stopped at an area, and Steve turned towards a vast place with darkness, but soon the darkness lit up. He saw you and Bucky in front of him.
He saw how the two of you had fallen in love, and something inside him twitched as he saw how you looked at Bucky. It was a way she never looked at him before. Then he watched the night she had called him asking him to pick something up for her, and he gasped.
"I wouldn't have left if I had known," Steve finally spoke.
Mobius looked over at the blonde and shook his head. Then looked back at the screen.
"You need to make a decision. But know one thing, them falling in love was always supposed to happen. It would have happened if you would've stayed," he said, causing Steve to look at the screen. "We normally don't do this, but we will give you time to figure out what you want. You can stay here ... you can let them live their lives. Or you can finally man up and admit that going back into time to be with a woman you only kissed once was a stupid thing to do,"
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Bucky smiled as he kissed your head as your 6-week old baby girl, Isabella Rose rested on your chest. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and you didn't look any better.
"I still can't believe she's here," he smiled, looking down at the sleeping baby. "Here, let me take her. I want you to get some sleep," he said as he softly took her and stood up from the bed and walked her to her nursery, and laid her down.
"Hey sweet pea," Bucky says as he winds up the mobile and Isabella glances up at him and he swore she smiled before looking at the mobile. "All of this is new to me. But I promise I'm going to take care of you and mommy. It's going to be the three of us to the end of the line," he whispered and looked up at the mobile where he and you had hung Steve's dog tags that he had left behind. "Your daddy would love you so much. I miss him and I know mommy misses him too. You have his eyes and his hair. But hopefully, you aren't as hardheaded," he smiles and runs his fingers through her blond hair. "Go to sleep sweet pea,"
He came back into the bedroom and smirked, seeing you were already asleep, and he laid beside you and wrapped an arm around you.
He woke up a few hours later; Isabella was crying. He headed into the room and picked her up, comforting her with a smile.
"Daddy's here," he said as she wrapped her hand around his ring finger, and he smiled seeing her little fingers close to his wedding band. "Daddy's always gonna be here," he said, rocking her softly. He heard a knock on the door and carried Isabella carefully towards the door and opened it slowly.
Steve stood behind the door. He had a hand on the back of his neck as he looked out at his best friend holding his daughter just as you walked into the room.
"Buck, who's at the door?" You ask before you freeze as Bucky moves to the side, and Steve is standing there looking from you to Bucky and down at the little blonde-haired girl in Bucky's arms.
"Bucky, turn around," you say, and he backs away from you and turns his back, and holds Isabella close.
"How dare you!" You say as you slap Steve once and then again. "You left!" You say, and he reaches his hands out to grab ahold of yours. It's when he sees the rings on your finger.
"Y/N. I'm sorry. If I would've known, I wouldn't have left," he says, and you feel the tears building in your eyes.
"But you left Steve ... you left. You said you loved me, and you left," you shook your head. "I loved you, and you left," you said as you began to hit his chest before collapsing into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he said as he held you close against his chest. "I came back ... I came back," he said against your head. "I know you and Bucky are together ... but I have to be here for her," he said, and you look up at him and feel his fingers wiping your eyes.
"Can I hold her?" Steve asks, his voice slightly cracking.
"Yes," you whisper and have him sit down on the couch as you motion for Bucky to take Isabella over to Steve. He hands Isabella over carefully, and she looks up at the strange man and wiggles a little in his arms as tears roll from Steve's blue eyes down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry I left you, little Angel, but daddy's never leaving you again," Steve said as he leaned and kissed her head and took in the smell of his daughter for the very first time.
@syntheticavenger @bitchassbucky @belladonnabarnes @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd @onceuponabarnes @fairyevans @balenciagabucky @honeysucklesteve @faeryloki @fuckandfluff @bibbidibobbidibucky @buckyblues @bloomingbucky @buckyssimp @mickey-henry @fluffycutecevans @midnightf @fallinforevans @buckys-blue-eyes @lokiscollar
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stopbeingrude · 3 years
Hi guys , how are you doing ? I hope you had at least a decent day. I was really surprised by how many people were interested in my story. (blush) Im so glad As promised, here's chapter 2 ,, I like the rain, it always seemed like the only thing that was like me…" Chapter 2. ,,Thank you for being here" Juvia looked at the object in her hands that she found while packing for their trip to Tempeville. A tiny umbrella , white with smiling suns printed on it .She remembered vividly the exact moment Jerry had handed it to her. - "Here, this is for you, I couldn't bear to hear you whining anymore,"- said the golden-haired man, handing the little girl his gift. -'' I've told you many times, that in time you would be able to control the rain around you. It's normal for water to behave strangely around water mages, and I had a problem with it too….- said Jerry. The man thought for a moment, then added. -..I'm pretty sure I told you how I nearly drowned my ex girlfriend….I told you, right?.. "- little girl nodded-"...Of course I did…haha..If only you could see that bitc...yh...lady's face….Where was I at again?............Oh right!... If only you were just a bit more patient, little froggy.." -"I told you not to call me that, you dummy! "- shouted the seemingly angry Juvia. It was obvious that she wasn't angry, but if those were supposed to be birthday wishes , then that this old slacker could have tried a little harder. -''Oi! Brat....I'm trying my best to wish you a happy birthday and you act like this? -" What kind of birthday wishes are these supposed to be!?- the girl exclaimed. -..Unbelievable! Young people these days are so ungrateful….Ugh .."- he complained, but eventually gave up. -" Heh... Alright….Im sorry... Happy Birthday Juju…- he said with a grin. He couldn't stay angry with his baby for too long. - "...I wish you happiness, health,...I hope you'll grow up to be a decent and intelligent woman ... because remember this..., it's not how you look that counts, it's what's in your head…. - the man poked her forehead lightly, causing the girl to giggle. Despite the tough character of her ..guardian ...? I guess you could call him that… despite his difficult sense of humour and his biting remarks, she knew that she was important to him, just as he was important to her. He just had a strange way of showing affection... Juvia laughed lightly despite a few tears that flowed from her sapphire eyes. It was for moments like this , she's been able to endure the bullying of other children , she knew that every sad experience ended with a visit from Jerry. Every visit ended with one of his strange ideas that always put a smile back on her face, like that one time he took her out for hot dogs at 10pm. Juvia was never able to forget the look on the orphanage ladies' faces when Jerry walked her back at 1 am. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when her fiancé appeared in their bedroom. -" I've never seen this one…"- he pointed at the umbrella- ''.. I'm guessing it's a special one then" -he stated, handing her tea. - "Thank you... "- she took a sip-"...Yes you're right... actually it was a present for my birthday. HE gave it to me…" After packing the last things, they both sat down on the bed. Neither of them was quite sure how to start a conversation. Gray didn't like the strange atmosphere that had prevailed in their apartment since yesterday. But most of all he did not like how distant Juvia seemed to be. That wasn't his Juvia. Devil Slayer rested his head on her shoulder. When Blue-haired woman began to gently stroke his hair, he immediately relaxed . He missed that... After what for him felt like ages , she decided to speak. -"Juvia is sorry that she didn't tell you anything...Juv….. I was just trying to forget about it... it's not like I don't trust you....Please don't be angry…"-she said in an uncertain voice. -"I'm not angry at you….I'm just a little disappointed...I thought you felt comfortable enough with me to tell me everything…"- he admitted. It was silly to admit , but he didn't
like the fact that Juvia wouldn't tell him something. He knew that everyone had the right to have their own secrets, but his desire to find out what was in her head was much stronger. After a while he decided to ask her more - "Is there anything else you haven't told me about yourself?" He needed to know. -" No. Everything else is true…About my childhood, about Phantom Lord...and mostly about my parents..." …………………………. -".........What happened to your parents...?"- he asked quietly. He contemplated for a moment whether he should ask her this question. After all, he didn't know what kind of reaction this would cause.. -" My mother died when I was about 2 years old.... I don't know who my father was... Jerry said he never met him…about my mother.."- Juvia looked as if she was thinking very hard about something, and after a moment she added-"..Jerry once told me that even she couldn't remember who he exactly was….not that she cared about it or about being pregnant …"- said Juvia weirdly. Wait , what? -"..L-let me get this straight…...you're trying to tell me….that she didn't really care that she got pregnant...and that she wasn't even trying to look for your father? ' Wait, what !?' -….ymm... that's....." - the man persistently tried to choose the right words. He did not want to offend his fiancée's mother by any means (If not for her , Juvia wouldn't be there in the first place, so she obviously deserved to be at least respected)....But everything Juvia had mentioned sounded...How to put it?...Concerning? -" It's not normal... I know... you don't have to hold back Darling- she said with a slight smile- "Her name was Eliana and apparently she was always like...that..., she was...well DIFFERENT.."- that's how Jerry would always describe her-"....She didn't really care about anything, she didn't talk too much, she rarely showed any kind of emotion....She was one big secret, even for him. Juvia never fully got it. Why would she be like that with the person she supposedly was…… ..ymm…..Close.?"- he didn't miss the way she said the last word, but he kept quiet about it. After all ,the relationship between two strangers wasn't his business. Gray decided to change the subject a bit. -"You know..., I think it's really great of him to take care of both of you.…"-despite the fact that the night before Gray had felt a lot of anger towards the aforementioned man, right now he was grateful that he had taken both ladies under his care.- "He must have been an amazing person. It really sounds like you are telling me about some hero or saint"- ice mage smiled - "He was "- said blunette with a smile - "I will always be grateful to him...But Saint ? No, no ,no...That's probably too much of an exaggeration." - she added with a giggle. Gray was glad that she was laughing again, he couldn't help but laugh a little too. They are slowly returning to normalcy... - "He was the laziest, most stubborn man you could find on this planet….He was untactful , brutally honest and worst of all, sometimes he could be so awfully mean and grumpy , especially when it was Tuesday...Juvia never got that...why Tuesday?….Dear God , he could be so unbearable...."- Juvia stopped for a moment, then smiled playfully.- "Honestly you two are pretty similar in that case" - "Ekhem....So.. you're suggesting that I'm mean and grumpy ? Oh ..Alright... I'll remember that when you want something from me..."- Gray said, pretending to be offended and trying hard not to smile. Juvia laughed loudly, then wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. After Jerry disappeared, she was sure she would never get attached to anyone again. She didn't want to suffer more. But as we all know, life likes to surprise us, and "never" is not eternal. First she met Gajeel , with whom, by some strange coincidence, she found a connection. Funny, considering how different they were. Even then a quiet voice in her head, similar to Jerry's, whispered to her to not get too attached….that it didn't make sense. On that day, for the first time in her
life, she decided to ignore it, and thanks to that, she gained a wonderful friend. The same situation happened again after she met Gray and Fairy tail. The insistent voice kept reminding her of the past. 'Just because you've miraculously found a friend who hasn't left you, doesn't mean that it will happen again...' 'So what if he stopped your rain, one day you'd be able to deal with it by yourself…..Besides, don't you remember what happened the last time you felt something for a guy? It's just stupid, meaningless crush, just get over it....' But as time passed and she became more and more attached to the guild mates, more and more in love with Gray..... The voice in her head gradually faded and after a while the only sound she heard was the laughter of her loved ones. Despite the suffering of the past, Juvia no longer regretted anything. She would go through it even 100 more times, just to be happy with her new family. -"Oi ! - she felt Gray lightly tap her nose- Juvs don't fall asleep, we have a train in about two hours….. Remember? "- he asked amused - "You're right! Juvia's sorry, she got lost in her thoughts…" ****************************************** - "Are you going on a mission ?" asked Mira Jane cheerfully, as the couple informed her of their departure. Gray didn't necessarily want to share with her the reason for their trip. After all, it was a rather sensitive topic. - "Yyyy it's more like..... a..vacation...?...Right Juvia?"- he turned to his fiancée - "Oh!....Yes, yes..."- nodded the woman. The barmaid looked at them with a huge smile. She still couldn't quite believe that these two were finally together.… - "In that case I wish you a wonderful time, lovebirds" - she giggled as she saw them both turning red. - "Ooh vacation? That's awesome, wish you a great time guys." -they heard Lucy's voice behind them. - "They are such a beautiful couple."- added Erza proudly-" I can't believe that our Gray has grown so much..I hope you'll have an amazing vacation." - '"I also wish you an amazing time'' -said Wendy happily. -Ohhh..young love…- sang Happy, flying over their heads. - " And where are you two going anyway?"- asked Natsu curiously while finishing his lunch. - "We decided to visit my hometown,"- said Juvia. Her friends didn't need to know more... - "Oh cool..Where is it?" -continued Natsu. He never really thought much about where his guild-mate came from.. -" I don't think that's your business Flame-brain. Besides you probably wouldn't know where it is anyway." -said Gray, slightly annoyed. He was slowly starting to get on his nerves. Why does Natsu always have to meddle in things that are not his own? - "I asked Juvia ,not you Icy-pants" said Natsu teasingly. Jeez what's wrong with Droopy eyes today , he just asked a simple question. - "Calm down both of you "- said Lucy. She didn't like where this conversation was going. -'' Lucy is right, there is no point in arguing....Natsu if you really want to know, Juvia was born in the town of Tempeville, in the south - said Juvia, trying to calm down quickly. - "Oh, I've never heard of that place," Natsu said, surprised. Looks like there's a lot of towns he didn't know about. - "See, I told you so,"- said Gray. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have a train to catch. So let's get going… - "Hey Lucy, Happy, let's go with them...I'd like to see what that place is like "- said Natsu suddenly, dragging the blonde with him. His girlfriend looked at him in horror. 'Natsu, what are you thinking? Are you trying to ruin their trip?' - "The hell?! "- shouted Gray. And then he thought that everything was going well…'Please no….' - "Natsu, that's their private vacation! "- exclaimed Lucy, knowing very well that they should leave the couple alone- "Besides, they said they have a train coming soon!" -"Then let's go , we have to get ready quickly…...!" "LEAVE US ALONE !!' - desperate Gray shouted as loud as he could, unintentionally focusing the attention of practically the entire guild. They all looked at him, disapproval clearly written on
their faces. - "Gee..Buddy..you don't have to be so rude," - said Max. - "My God… what's with you?- whispered Lisanna - "Exactly Gray, what kind of behavior is that? "- Erza asked in a stern tone- "If you don't want Natsu to come with you, just tell him politely. The Devil Slayer wanted to disappear... It wasn't supposed to be like this. He turned his gaze towards his fiancée, silently asking for any kind of rescue. However, he was met with the same horrified gaze. After a moment, the girl bowed her head slightly and said to the rest of the guild. -"Everyone , please forgive us, especially Gray. I don't know what's going on with him lately...." - ' Huh ?'- Gray must have heard that wrong….There is no way... -"....He's been very tired and stressed lately, probably because of work, that's why we decided to go on vacation…..Juvia didn't know what to do...." said Juvia, brilliantly pretending to be distraught. 'Stop making me out to be some kind of aggressive freak,' Gray shouted in his mind 'Juvia is sorry but this is kinda your fault'- thought blunette , while taking a look at her lover. - "Relax Juvia, you don't have to apologize to us... To be honest Natsu tried to force his way into your trip" - said Lucy, looking at her partner with an annoyance. - Sorry Juvia….-said the pink haired boy meekly-"...but the ice princess can kiss my ass. I won't apologize to him.." -he added quietly. - "It honestly sounds like an excuse to leave you alone so you can shag in peace" -said Cana under her breath. She wanted to add something else but then she felt a murderous gaze of the black-haired man and decided to shut up. -"True!"- added Gajeel, receiving a look full of indignation from his best friend. -"That's so MANLY" - "How could you blame them though….." -laughed Macao. -"GOODBYE !" - shouted Fullbuster blushing furiously ,as he headed straight to the door, dragging his equally embarrassed lover with him. As they walked towards the train station, dragging their suitcases behind them, blunette suddenly asked… - "Did you really do this...to be all alone with me....?" asked Juvia innocently. Oh how she loved teasing him like that... -"JUVIA ?! "- At this point Gray was close to having a heart attack. A very amused girl could not stop laughing for a while , until they got on the train and they sat down in one of the wagons. Their journey has just begun. ****************************************** Very random/ unnecessary bonus . Remember this, Lovelies! Never doodle under the influence of alcohol, you will get wierd ideas lol. ,, Do you see this sh*t Juvia? People are fighting over fictional characters… Humanity really is getting dumber and dumber...."
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helloalycia · 3 years
worth the wait [five] // daisy johnson
summary: the longer Daisy spends with you, the more you realise that maybe nine years isn't enough time to get over her.
warning/s: mentions of PTSD.
author's note: this is the final part, but it was a little long so i’ve put it into two posts. hopefully the daisy stans appreciated it 😊
part one | part two | part three | part four | part six | masterlist | wattpad
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I woke with a start, immediately feeling my hair sticking to the nape of my neck and the need to shake off my duvet.
The fear of my nightmare still implanted in the pit of my stomach made me reach for my bedside lamp. I half expected someone to grab my hand in the dark, my imagination working overtime to scare the living hell out of me, but nothing happened except for the lamp turning on.
I sat up in bed and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. It was just a dream, nothing real. And I knew that, logically, since I was in my childhood bedroom instead of a dark torture chamber. Yet I couldn't stop crying and imagining the worst.
It was getting worse – the nightmares, the anxiety, the nausea. Ever since Daisy and my mum had told me to see a therapist, I knew it was getting worse, but I still hadn't done anything about it. Clearly, things had to change.
Barely thinking about, I found myself grabbing my phone and dialling Daisy's number. I hadn't spoken to her since she came over, and it was my fault things had been left on a bad note. That was only last week and I felt like an idiot as I heard the phone ringing.
"Hello?" her groggy voice came through, and I immediately felt bad.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to silence my heavy breathing. "Hey, Daisy. It's, er, it's Y/N. I'm sorry, I– I didn't mean to wake you. I–"
"Y/N?" she asked, voice laced with fatigue and confusion. "Are you okay? What is it? Where are you?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you," I said quickly, trying to maintain my shakiness. I brought my legs up to my chest and wrapped an arm around them tightly. "I'm at home. I just–" I flinched, closing my eyes. "I'm sorry, did I wake you? My parents gave me your number and I– I didn't know what else to do–"
"You don't need to apologise," she cut me off, wakening up a little by the sounds of it. "I'm glad you called. What's wrong?"
I smiled dryly, wiping away at my tears. "I, er, you were right about me. I should have–" I breathed out deeply. "I need to talk to someone about... yeah. But right now I... I can't go back to sleep."
"Do you want me to come over? I'm not far and–"
"No, no!" I said quickly, slightly embarrassed. "You don't need to– it's the middle of the night. I just– I don't know what I was expecting. I just didn't want to be alone and I didn't wanna wake my parents and worry them."
"Of course," she said reassuringly. "It's okay. I won't come, but I can stay on the phone with you if you'd like? We can talk. Or we can just stay silent. Anything you want."
I sniffled and put my head between my legs, feeling my shoulders relax a little. The last thing I wanted was to be a bother to her.
"Thanks," I muttered, and I wasn't even sure if she heard it. "I'm sorry for how I acted last week... with this."
"We don't need to talk about it," she said softly, her voice raspy as she'd just woken up. "I just want you to be okay."
I closed my eyes, breathing out quietly. I wasn't sure what to say, but the sound of her voice was instantly reassuring.
It was quiet between us, for at least another minute or so, and all I could hear was her breathing on the other side. As much as I appreciated the company, I knew it was unfair of me to keep her on the phone.
Swallowing hard, I said, "Daisy?"
"Yeah? Are you okay?"
I rubbed the bridge of my nose, knowing I wasn't. "I don't think–" I sighed awkwardly. "I won't be falling asleep any time soon and I– er, you should go. I don't want to keep you on here for no reason."
"It's not for no reason," she reassured. "I'll stay on until you fall asleep, Y/N. You'll get tired eventually."
"But if I don't–"
"I'll stay on."
I nodded, despite her being unable to see me. "Thank you..."
It went quiet again, and I felt my heart rate returning to its normal pace as I distracted myself with the sound of Daisy's breathing. It wasn't hard to tire myself to the sound, as I was already exhausted, just scared. But when I closed my eyes and let her breathing comfort me, it almost felt like she was right next to me, and my fear slowly faded away.
When I woke up the next morning, I was drooling on my phone screen as the sun streamed through my curtains. When I wiped my mouth, a yawn escaped my lips and I moved my phone from my pillow, confused to why it was there. But then I remembered the early hours of that morning and felt my face flush with embarrassment. I checked the screen, seeing the call wasn't still on, but there was a text from Daisy.
Daisy: hey, Y/N, I hope you feel better in the morning. I figured you wouldn't want to wake up to me on the phone, so I hung up. Please don't be angry, but I'm on my way over to see you. I just want to make sure you're okay.
That message was sent fifteen minutes ago, so I wouldn't put it past Daisy to already be outside. It was embarrassing, don't get me wrong, but I appreciated that she cared enough to check on me, even after I'd treated her disrespectfully.
I'd just managed to brush my teeth when Daisy arrived. My mum called me downstairs, claiming it was for me, and I tried not to fidget in my pyjamas as I descended the stairs and saw Daisy waiting by the front door. When she saw me, a relieved smile was on her lips.
"Hey," she began quietly, hesitant to say more in case I was mad.
I exhaled slowly, shoulders relaxing at the sight of her. She'd helped me more than she'd known, and with that thought in my mind, I moved forward and hugged her gratefully.
"Thank you," I whispered into her shoulder, closing my eyes as my arms laced around her neck.
She returned the hug and I sensed her surprise.
"Anytime, Y/N," she replied with a squeeze. "I just want you to be okay."
I nodded, lingering for a moment longer than I probably should have, before pulling away. She searched my eyes with a hint of concern and I subconsciously grabbed her hand and kept ahold of it.
"I'm gonna book an appointment with a therapist," I told her, the thought terrifying me in itself, but I knew it was the right thing to do. "And I wanted to ask if you... would you..." I swallowed hard, suddenly unable to meet her eyes. "Will you please come with me?"
"Of course I will," she promised, squeezing my hand and earning my attention. "I'll be with you whenever you want." She blinked, clearing her throat with realisation. "I mean, for the appointments, obviously."
Thankfully, her messy words brought a smile to my face and reassured me about the whole therapy thing.
"Thank you," I said, finding it cute how she was the one to avoid my eyes now. "Since you're here, you may as well stay for breakfast. If you're not busy, that is."
"Breakfast. Sure. I'd love to."
I didn't let go of her hand as I tugged her towards the kitchen to join me.
Having Daisy back in my life was probably the best thing to happen to me in a long time.
Not only had she literally saved my life as Quake, but she was also saving my life every day after. Whether it was accompanying me to my therapist appointments or hospital appointments, or hanging out with me way more than she needed to, she was more present in my life. I didn't ask her to – it only began when I'd asked her to come to my first therapist appointment – but she'd chosen to. And I didn't want to question it because I'd missed her more than I cared to admit.
My parents took her in as family like no time had passed and I was accepting her back into my life, too, but I didn't want to get too attached. She had a job to do at the end of the day, and knowing Daisy, she wouldn't stay for too long. I guess, in the back of my head, there was still that expectation of her picking up and leaving, just like she used to. Which was silly, since that was years ago, but still...
Despite her presence in my life again, we'd been avoiding talking about what we'd missed in each other's lives. The specifics anyway. I knew she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and found her family, and she knew I became an investigative journalist and did many news packages on different topics, but I didn't know anything more and neither did she. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or if we just avoided it without thinking, but I knew we had to face the music soon.
We were getting coffee after she picked me up from one of my therapy sessions when I brought it up.
"So, my therapist has been helping me with some stuff," I began, staring at my coffee as we walked back to my house. "Stuff outside of my PTSD, that is."
"Oh?" Daisy asked, and I could see her looking at me in the corner of my eyes. "Like what?" 
I took a sip of my coffee, trying not to feel embarrassed as I answered, "Well, we obviously talk about my life. And what happens in it. Who I'm with..."
"Yeah..." Daisy was grinning now.
I rolled my eyes, wishing my face wasn't as warm as it felt. "She noticed you've been dropping me off and picking me up and... you may have come up in conversation."
"Ah, so you talk about me," she said slowly, trying very hard not to laugh. "Did you tell her how amazing I am? Or how beautiful, charming and funny I am?"
I sighed, finally lifting my eyes to look at her. Brown eyes twinkled with amusement as she gave me her usual teasing smile, making me shove her in the shoulder gently. Laughter spilled from her lips and I hated the butterflies in my stomach at the sound.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said, falling into step with me again. "You were saying. Go on."
Looking back ahead as we walked, I said, "Yes, well, we talked about you. And then she recommended that I try to catch up with you more. You know? Because we both talk so much about the good old days and even now, but not the in between. Not the parts that we weren't there for."
I looked back to Daisy when I finished, and she thankfully lost her amusement as she nodded in agreement. I half expected her to take the piss, but she was supportive as she glanced at me.
"I like the sound of that," she said, easing the nerves in my stomach. "So. What do you want to know?"
I cleared my throat, taking another sip of my drink and thinking of where to start. "Okay, erm... why don't we start with your S.H.I.E.L.D. friends? They're your family and I would love to get to know them better. What are they like?"
She nodded thoughtfully, sipping her coffee. "S.H.I.E.L.D., okay. Well, you met Jemma. She's basically my sister. Her and Fitz – I think I mentioned him before?" I nodded, recalling her throwing in the name in one of her stories. "They're together and they've been with me since I was recruited a few years ago. We've been through a lot together, but they've got my backs and I've got theirs."
I smiled at the carefree expression on her face. Just talking about them put her at ease and I felt a little better knowing that her time after high school wasn't completely terrible like I imagined.
"Then there's Coulson, of course," she continued, glancing at me every now and then to see if I was listening. "He's basically our dad. He's the reason I'm even with S.H.I.E.L.D. and he's always looking out for me, even when I'm doing stupid stuff."
"So, regularly then."
She nudged me in the arm at my comment, making me chuckle.
"He was how I learnt about my family," she explained. "There for me when I found them. When I got my powers. When I lost my family... he's been there through it all. I'd do anything for him."
I watched her carefully. "He sounds important to you."
Her lips curved into a small smile as brown eyes met mine. "He is."
She continued to tell me about the rest of her team and what everything was like at work, and the whole time she did, she was smiling.
"I'd love for you to meet them all," she finished, and I was surprised at the hint of nervousness in her voice. I didn't think she ever got nervous. "I mean, you've met Jemma, but the others– you should meet them, too. If you want to, that is."
"I'd like that," I said instantly, appreciating the way her eyes lit up and she tried very hard to hide her smile.
She cleared her throat, distracting from the pink spreading on her face, before asking, "So, you basically know about everything interesting that's happened to me these past nine or so years. What about you? Anything life-changing occur for you?" I opened my mouth to answer, and she added, "Apart from travelling around the world and being an investigative journalist?"
I feigned offence. "I hardly think that's fair. That's like me asking you not to talk about working for S.H.I.E.L.D. or being Quake."
Rolling her eyes playfully, she said, "Go on. Tell me something different."
I looked away from her in thought, thinking back to the past nine years. "I guess... oh, I know. I was almost married."
Her jaw dropped. "You were what?"
A laugh escaped my lips at her intrigued expression. She shook her head with disbelief.
"I have to know more," she insisted, before raising her brows. "You? Almost married?"
"It does sound strange," I agreed with amusement, before recalling the event. "It was about two years ago. I was with this guy who worked at the same paper I did. We'd been together for about a year and–"
"–and you realised he had a second family in the Bahamas?" she finished with a roguish grin.
"Very funny." I narrowed my eyes jokingly. "But no. I just realised I didn't love him. Well, I wasn't in love with him."
"Ouch indeed." I paused, remembering the poor guy's face when I broke the news to him. "It was a month into the engagement when I told him the truth. He was very understanding, but–"
"–but you broke his poor little heart," she concluded, before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and tugging me closer. "Dear Y/N. The heartbreaker."
"Fuck off."
She laughed when she saw me attempting to fight a smile from my lips. Though eventually, one appeared anyway. Daisy always had the ability to bring out the best in me like that – I'd missed it.
"How about you anyway?" I asked, hoping for an opportunity to tease her in return. "Any boyfriends or girlfriends I should know about? Crazy exes, maybe?"
She snorted, swallowing her coffee before giving me a knowing look. "You're gonna need to brace yourself for this one. I doubt you'll believe me when it comes to this."
I rose an eyebrow with curiosity. "Damn, you've got me hooked, Johnson. Proceed."
And of course, that was the first and last time I heard about Agent Grant Ward. An interestingly dark tale of a dickhead of a man whose existence I was glad was no more.
"...so, do I win?" Daisy asked once she finished talking about him.
"Win what?"
She stared like it was obvious. "The best ex story, duh!"
"Wow." I snickered, shaking my head. "I guess you do."
Fist-pumping like an idiot, she said, "Knew it. Nothing ever beats homicidal psychopath almost-boyfriend."
"You need help."
"No, no I don't. I have you."
"Love you, too." 
Three months passed since returning from Myanmar and I was finally in a place where I could return to work. Even though I'd been putting together my research and interviews into a coherent news story at home, I hadn't physically been back to the newsroom in about a year.
My therapist had been helping me to treat my PTSD, my physical therapy was helping me get back function in my shoulder and arm, and the injury itself was almost healed, though I still had to wear a cast. Everything was actually beginning to look up.
I'd even sent off the complete news series about what I'd discovered in Myanmar to my editor which got published just before I returned to work. So, of course, as soon as I got there, that was the first thing everybody congratulated me on.
"Views have been going through the roof," Taylor, my colleague and closest friend at work, said as soon as he spotted me walking to my desk. "Your story is all anybody has been talking about!"
"Good to see you, too," I joked, an attempt to disguise my embarrassment at all the attention. "It's only been a year since we last saw each other."
He gave me a grin. "You know I missed you, Y/L/N, get over here."
I rolled my eyes playfully but accepted his hug, being careful of my shoulder. He squeezed me gently before letting go and perching himself on the edge of my desk as I took a seat. It felt strange to be back, but a good strange.
"I still can't believe you're actually here in the flesh," he said after a moment, eyeing me suspiciously. "I've been so used to quick calls and texts where I try to convince you not to do stupid stuff."
Chuckling, I shot him an appreciative smile. "You know I'm grateful for that. Even if I didn't listen."
"You not listening helped you get the best story though," he countered. "I bet you didn't expect S.H.I.E.L.D. to make the bust in the end though."
I sighed, shaking my head. "Definitely not. But I owe them a lot. They saved my life."
His expression softened. "That's another thing... thanks for not dying on me."
"You're welcome," I returned, though appreciated what he meant. "Now. Catch me up on everything I missed. Gossip an' all."
That was enough for him to pull up a seat and remind me of everything I'd missed whilst being away. We'd spoke many times whilst I was gone, but nothing quite beat a good bitching session in person.
Eventually though, our editor ended up interrupting and asked to see me in her office. I wasn't worried in the slightest, but there was still that tiny part of me that imagined the worst.
"You can stop holding your breath, y'know," Karla told me when I stopped before her desk. She seemed amused as she added, "I wanted to congratulate you on the human trafficking story."
Relaxing my shoulders, I raised my brows. "Oh. I– thank you. I'm glad you liked it."
"You put a lot on the line to get the results you did, but it shows," she continued proudly. "You've made an excellent name for yourself and done your fellow journalists proud."
"I didn't do it for that," I said politely, "but thank you. I just wanted to help those people in Myanmar the best I could."
She smiled. "And you did."
"Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. did."
"But you shared the truth, didn't you?" she reminded me. "Don't belittle this achievement."
I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet and watched as she took a seat at her desk chair.
"I heard that it was Quake who saved you back there," she said curiously. "You know, we've never actually gotten an interview with her. Nobody has."
Oh, so that's what she actually wanted.
"I thought, well, since you know her, you could get us an exclusive?" she asked.
I chewed on my lip. "Erm..."
"You don't have to," she added, noticing my reluctance. "But it could be good for everyone. The city can get to know its hero, you can get a great interview under your belt. And our paper gets all the views. What d'you say?"
I was beginning to regret putting that one quote from Daisy in my article now... I should have known Karla would want more. That was the thing with editors – you give them one taste and they want to eat the whole thing.
"I'll ask," I decided, which she seemed to love. "No harm in asking, but I can't promise anything."
Karla leaned back in her seat, nodding. "Very true. Thank you for understanding. I'll let you settle back into work now. Remember to take it easy, yeah? Don't want to lose my best journalist from overworking herself."
I smiled awkwardly as she laughed, before nodding in response and leaving her office.
It wasn't that I didn't want to interview Daisy, but I didn't want to ruin what we had by asking for a favour. Everything between us was going well, even if it was probably temporary and she'd have to leave soon. I assumed that anyway. And on top of that, I was certain I was falling in love with her again, just like I had nine years ago.
Could you blame me? It was impossible to just remain friends with her when she went through all this extra effort to make sure I was okay. Her kind, considerate, supportive self was always on my mind whether I liked it or not. A girl could dream, right?
After my first day back, Daisy picked me up outside. She insisted when she rang me at lunchtime to make sure I was okay, wanting to know everything about how my first day went. I couldn't find it in myself to say no, so I eventually found her sat on a chair in the lobby when I came downstairs after work.
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daisiesandshakes · 3 years
Fanfic (William Shakespeare & reader)
Warning: light smut
Also warning: english is not my native language, but I hope you enjoy!
Words: about 2000 (wow... I am surprised by myself)
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One step closer
It was a bad day.  In your opinion it couldn't have been worse. Since nearly three weeks now you're helping Shakespeare with his new play. Your task was to take care of the costumes, stopping by for cleaning or darning them. But after a few days an actress catched a bad flue and William asked you to take her place.
You happily agreed to his wish. First everything went smooth, it was challenging but also fun. You liked to work with the other actors right away, enjoying their open and caring personalities, but the most important thing: You are able to spend time with Shakespeare.
At first you were only curious about him, you wanted to know more about the great mysterious William Shakespeare, who has left the mansion, and for sure you wanted to find out more about his work. The more time passed by, the more you could see your feelings change.
By this time it is impossible for you to face his glare without trembling legs or hundreds of butterflies in your stomach. William Shakespeare- the perfect gentleman, always treating you with respect and a gentleness that borders on adoration. Plus he is an extremly hard worker, fully dedicated to his plays, he is considerate and charming, he's got a fine sense of humor always making you smile, and his voice... oh you could spend hours only listening to him. In one or two rare moments you were even able to notice a softer, almost shy side at him and at that rare moments you knew you were lost. Helpless to his force of attraction like a planet to the force of gravity from a black hole.
You're really trying hard to hide that you're in love with him.
Who are you at all? Only a normal young woman who fell in love with one of history's greatest men. He deserves better than you. William deserves a woman who is as much talented and captivate as him. So you decided to admire and love him in secrecy.
But unfortunately those secret feelings for him happened to be the reason for your desaster today.
First William adjusted your new costume over and over again. You could feel his hands moving over your body and as he corrected the ribbons of your corset you were at your limit. You sensed his breath in your neck and there was no way to hide the tremble that rushed through your form. "Are you okay? Do you need something?" His enticing voice next to your ear... You almost blurted out 'You!"
With shaky words you explained you only forgot to eat proper this morning. He hummed at your words, then promised to offer after rehearse everything to you what you desire. Ah... Your mind spun.
Later he took place for one of his actors to show how the scene should look like. That ment he held you in his arms and whispered lovingly lines while looking straight into your eyes. You weren't able to remember your part anymore, you barely managed to stutter an excuse and asked embarressed for a small break. Not waiting for the answer you broke from the embrace and hurried off the stage - when the next drama happened.
You lost balance as your long dress stuck to the rail und you fell down the last stair. One of the actors helped you up and you assured quickly to be okay while realising the beautiful costume is ruined. Tearing up you fled the scene without looking back.
And now you're sitting on the chaise in the changing area, desperate, full of shame and tired of yourself.
Hot tears of frustration are spurting out as Shakespeare opens the door slightly. " May I come in?" He asks with a soft voice. A sobb leaves your lips and you try to wipe your tears away as soon as possible."Sure, William". He sits down next to you, trying to meet your gaze. But you are feeling ashamed, looking down, avoiding his eyes. "I.. I am so sorry for ruining the rehearse and the beautiful dress..." another tear rolls down your cheek. With two fingers under your chin Will lifts your head.
"There is no need to apologize, my brave maiden", he whispers and let you drown in his enchanting, mismatched eyes. You can't help it - more tears are spilling out and his other hand reaches up to wipe them away affectionaly. Will's face is so close to yours, you can feel his breath on your skin. He cups your face. "Tis is all my fault and my heart is bleeding with sorrow, knowing I did this to you". You frown. "I don't understand William... Why should my clumpsiness be your fault?"
Staring in your eyes, he sighs. "I know what your heart desires, my fair maiden. Now I know it for sure." His thumbs caress softly  your cheeks. "The past days I could see a change in your glare when you looked at me.. and when you thought I wouldn't notice that your eyes are following me". In shock you're holding your breath and you could feel the heat rising in your face.
The playwright shows a small, almost shy smile "But.. I wasn't sure at first, you left me wondering what brought up tis change in your behavior. Mayhap I divined it and I only was afraid to let your very soul whisper to the solidified heart of mine, which didn't know how to respond anymore after so many lonely centuries."  Will swollows hard "Sometimes I felt a bit confused about you..." he confesses.
"When I made a move upon you, you made a move backwards. Sometimes you took two steps. Then again I thought to glimpse the truth demand of your heart in your eyes. And the thought that it could be me what your heart desires made me weak."
At this point you're questioning reality and your eyes grow wide in disbelieve. Are you fantasizing? Could it be...?
"Yes, I am weak for you my fair maiden..." He continues in a whisper as if he can read your mind. He leans a bit closer, his forehead touching yours. "Tis weakness frightened me" his lips graces your eyebrows, then your cheekbones, a shiver runs down your spine. His lips feel so warm and soft... A whimper leaves your lips and you close your eyes.
"But at sudden my soul obtained greater fears to me." William's lips travel down, brushing your jaw. You inhale the scent of his silken hair and his shaving water. Your mind goes blank and your heart is beating so fast and hard now, you're afraid he can hear it.
"Not to see tis very expression in your eyes because of me anymore. Not having you around me anymore. Never being able to touch you..." Now he whispers in your ear, his lips touching your earlobe ever so slightly and you can't supress a moan. "As I knew my true fears and my deepest longing, I decided to force you to a reaction... And though I feel ashamed for doing tis to you... " William murmurs between tender butterfly kisses he places along your jawline. Shouldn't you be angry now with Shakespeare?  But your mind wasn't able to create a reasonable thought and his alluring sing-song voice hypnotizes you. Forgetting everything else, you only want his touch and get lost in your love for him.
"Your oh so sweet, passionate reactions brought tis insecure heart of mine more joy I could ever  imagine. For now there is no turning back... Nor for me, nor for you fair maiden."
He stops moving his mouth over your face and with a seductive voice he pleads "Look at me."
With intermittently breath you open your eyes to meet his stare and your heart flutters over the desperate, wanting  glance.
"Would you forgive tis poor, troublesome sinner?" Barely able to speak you manage somehow to whisper:"How can I not forgive you, Will? I love you so much."
Moving his fingers through your hair he grabs the back of your head, his eyes now dark and full of pleasure. " To grace me with those words.. they make me dizzy with desire..."
Again Shakespeare leans in closer, his burning eyes glued to your mouth. "And would you allow tis poor sinner who loves you insanely, wildly and infinitely to taste your lips...?"
Your heart misses a beat. Maybe two. This time you skip the answer, pulling him at his collar into a kiss.
William lets out a moan of surprise, throwing his arms around you, pressing your body against his. The kiss grows fast deeper as you feel his tongue flickering against your lips, begging for entrance. Obeying his wish, you let his tongue slip inside and the world around you stops existing.There was nothing you could do but moan into his kiss helplessly. Feeling his demanding tongue pushing in deep, then teasingly intertwinning with yours, while his hands endlessly caress the curves of your body, ruins  every yet existing rest of reason. The uprising heat in your veins burns to a point of hurt and starts a raging fire from your belly down to your inner thighs.
Suddenly William breaks the kiss, pulling your head to his chest, where you can hear his speeding heartbeat. "We should stop here my fair temptress, or else I won't be able to hold myself back anymore."
What? No no no... now that you've got a hint of the taste of everything you were craving for the last days, you have no intention to stop so soon. Your body still humming with pleasure you cling to his shoulders and leave a trail of small kisses from his collarbone up to his neck. Rubbing his cheek against yours he whines "Ah my godess, my temptress... " burrying his face at your neck he inhales your scent "You can't imagine how much I crave for your blood... it's calling me, singing alluring to me like a Sirene..."
As his tongue laves over your neck your form trembles and a lewd moan escapes your lips. He found one of your most sensitive spots.  His grip at your body tightens. He brushes his soft lips over the spot again with a flickering of his tongue. You can feel your hips bucking at this sensation and you gasp.
"I can't... stand it, I can't resist.." Shakespeare's voice - so needy and trembling with passion.
"Bite me Will!" You blurt out.  "I beg you, please bite me!" Does this desperate voice really  belong to you?
William hesitates only a brief second, then he pushes your body down, then let his fangs sink into your delicate skin with a groan.
After a sharp but short prick waves of burning, unearthly passion roll through you over and over again.
This passion cannot be human, it sets your entire body immediatly on fire and your core clenches. You can hear Shakespeare crying out as loud as you, pressing his hips against yours. Crying and moaning you start to pass out, repeating his name like a mantra.
As you open your eyes again, William fondles with your hair, observing you with a glance so concerning and lovingly, it almost makes you cry.
"I am so, so sorry... I was too greedy.."
You smile at him. "Don't feel sorry Will, I am doing fine and... " You inhale sharp "and by all the gods,  it was.. intense..."
You can feel your desire rising up again only by the thought of what happened before.
Shakespeare watches you with an intense stare, swallowing every reaction your body shows. His fingertips brush lightly over your lips before kissing you fiercly and senseless.
Then he pulls himself away.
He pants, placing a tender kiss on top of your head "I wish to seduce my godess in an adequate ambiance. So I'll take you now home with me, making sure I fulfill every wish and dream you can imagine... " he whispers seductively as he nuzzles his face in your hair. You both hold still for a few minutes, trying to calm down again, just enjoying to embrace each other. Unable to stop smiling, tears sting in your eyes. You can't remember that you felt happier anytime in your life.
Thank you for reading! 💝
Part 2
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shelby-love · 3 years
Skeletons and Whatnot.
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warning(s): none
Author’s note: I feel like this is rubbish, but I also feel like it’s not. 50/50 (1.6K words - might come back to edit it tomorrow)
Also you can see how tired I am (it's 4:30AM) I mean what is this title??? GOOD NIGHT.
"That's not possible. Check again."
"But I already did! Like a million times!"
"Adam, I swear to God-"
"Alright, alright…" Your colleague mumbled, turning on his chair to run the data yet again.
While he sat on the chair, looking through files he didn't have a clue about, you were leaning against the wall and shaking in your boots. Your heart hammered and your palms felt clammy.
Not possible. I killed him.
"No look it says right there," Adam declared; proud of himself for being able to gather information like this on his own. "Some girl named Lucy Riggs pawned a gun she got off some guy named Jon Prescott.
You squinted your eyes at the information that made no sense. "Get to the point."
Adam visibly swallowed, "Turns out the guy's name isn't Jon. Shocker. It's actually Parker Torres."
Your blood ran cold at his words. A million thoughts raced through your head. You wondered where he was, what he was doing… The questions that evaded your mind are usually normal, but here, when you thought about the dark man of your past, the questions seemed to be anything but normal.
"What about the gun?"
Adam clicked away until a picture of a metallic gun popped out. "Smith & Wesson Model 64 revolver."
Next thing you knew, a chain of vulgar profanities escaped your mouth, and you couldn't stop them. Ruzek's eyes widened ever so slightly at your lack of composure. "Mind telling me what this all about?"
You took a deep breath. "My skeleton escaped the closet."
The lack of information you found within the last couple of days was mind blowing. The only lead you had was the gun that wasn't even in your possession, having gotten lost in a misfit of undocumented sales.
Lucy wasn't of help either. The poor girl just wanted to get rid of her husband's gun, saying everything but useful information along the way. "If he wants a gun, then he better get a good one… A new one too! I don't want that piece of garbage in my house. God only knows who used that gun!" Lucy told you, just 48 hours ago. Those exact same words.
She was right about one thing.
That dammed gun went through so many hands and took double more lives.
And you didn't even have a lead.
"You look like crap," Kevin Atwater teased, handing you a steaming cup of coffee.
You didn't even manage to smile, looking at him through your shades that were, so far, doing a great job at concealing the bags under your eyes from the world.
"Rough night?"
Kevin didn't know that you no longer lived with Kelly. The temporary solution to your problems turned out to be moving back to your own place. Putting Kelly in harm's way, no matter how much he thought otherwise, was something you didn't want to do. The comfort of his bed and body were replaced by a thin blanked and an uncomfortable dining chair.
Dozens of glass decorations were laid out all over your apartment. On every window still, next to every door… On every surface, really. You slept on the dining chair 5 yards from your front door with a pistol strapped to your back, a shotgun under the chair and a rifle wrapped around your two arms, acting as a teddy bear for every time you dozed off.
Friends from Interpol would call here and there, with nothing more than sad news.
Hank Voight was pulling out every contact from his little notebook, but not even they could solve your years long case.
You wanted to throw up.
"Hey Kev."
"What's up?"
"You still friends with that FBI agent?"
"Second floor clear," The grip on your radio loosened after the second you needed to inform your team about your situation had passed and you moved on upstairs. You could hear them respond in the same matter as you held your gun with both hands and carefully climbed up the stairs.
You didn't let a sound slip your lips as you trekked the stairs up to the very last floor, save for the attic. For a drug house, everything was eerily quiet. It didn't feel like someone left in a hasty hurry.
It felt like as though there was no one there in the first place.
Your need to report that to your Sergeant faded away quickly once you saw smoke. It seized your full attention within a few seconds.
Smoke grenade was your first guess. Nasty things but nothing new.
That was, until you took several steps closer and the smell of the source journeyed through your nostrils. It clicked in your head immediately. Three years of being a squad lieutenant's girlfriend can do that to you. The scent of fire is nauseating and sweet, putrid and steaky, or something like leather being tanned over a flame. The smell  of it can be so thick and rich that it's almost a taste. Kelly's words rung in your head, and  you pulled your radio to your mouth.
"Call CFD! There's a fire on the third floor!" You informed, shielding your eyes. "Stand down! I repeat –"
Things went black after those words.
"We have a detective trapped on the third floor," Voight informed the first responders. "That's where the fire started."
Wallace nodded, "Squad 3, take the third floor."
Unlike Wallace, who had found his source of information in Voight, Kelly Severide had found it in Jay, who stood on the street visibly stressed. "Jay where's Y/N?"
Jay frowned, "She went to scope ahead. She was on the third floor when the whole place just blew up…"
"She could be unconscious right now," Kelly muttered. "Squad 3 let's go!"
Kelly Severide was already in the burning building when Chief Boden found out just who was trapped upstairs. "Dammit."
Kelly's patience was thinning by the second. Knowing that his time is limited and that the place could blow in a stronger matter at any moment, he paced toward your unconscious body expeditiously.
Noticing the angry streak of blood that came from your nose had his heart in his throat. You were twisted in a way not normal for a human body to be in, catching him off guard the moment he laid his eyes on you.
Despite all that, Kelly still swooped in to grasp your limp body in his arms.
The stress of the last few days he went through didn't come close to a match with this very moment. "I'm coming down chief!"
For a moment Wallace wanted to bark back, but he bit his tongue. Love makes people do crazy things.
He knew that better than anyone.
"Get the hoses ready!" Boden announced and turned to the Intelligence.
"She'll be okay."
You were okay.
Maybe even better than you thought possible.
"Kelly wake up."
You smiled cheekily at doctor Mannig, who stood by your hospital bed, waiting for Kelly to wake up with the same thin line of patience as you.
You woke him up with a slap to his shoulder.
Natalie was beaming, her eyes sparkled despite the fact that she was the doctor to the most heavily guarded patient in the whole city of Chicago. "I think congratulations are in order."
"What do you mean?"
She winked before handing you the tablet, "You're 11 weeks along Y/N. Congratulations you two."
You shook your head wildly and pressed a palm to your mouth, acting out what your defense mechanism wanted you to do. "Oh God…"
"Really?" Kelly asked next to you. He had already grabbed your hand and gripped it tightly, holding you to the ground of your new reality. "Are you for real?"
She nodded, "The tests don't lie. I'm so happy for you two."
Natalie hugged you both closely before disappearing back into the crowded ER.
"Hey," Kelly murmured, grasping your chin with his index finger and thumb. "What's wrong? You're not happy? I thought…"
You shook your head immediately, stopping him from saying something that was untrue. "No, Kelly… I'm really happy."
Two heartbeats within one body. Your body.
A child that was going to take after you and the man you loved most in this world…
You felt so incredibly lucky at that moment.
Yet so guilty.
"Our baby could've died today…"
Fresh onset of tears attacked your eyes, pushing through until the moisture was dripping down your face, and you tried to muffle the hiccups with your hands. Everything started to make sense.
"Baby you didn't know…" He tried to calm you.
You shook your head violently, dropping his attempts into the water. "I should've known better. We didn't use protection... Then I felt so sick last week."
"But I was so obsessed with Parker Torres that-" You couldn't even finish the sentence because the guilt turned into anger. "God I'm so stupid!"
"Babe, look at me," Kelly's voice hardened yet the hands with which he cupped your face were gentle and comforting. "You didn't know, so none of this is your fault. If you knowingly went in there that's when it would have been your fault."
He kissed your tears away and gave you the softest smile ever. "Do you want to have this baby with me? Because if you don't, we can…"
You stopped him with a kiss.
You were venerable in the moment of the kiss, yet you never felt more at home. In this kiss is the promise of years of love and the sweetness of life. No one mattered at that moment. Not Parker… Not anyone. Only you two and the vow you just shared.
The next few weeks will be hard, that much you knew. You were introduced to a new reality and priorities shifted. The hunt for your skeleton will continue in the hands of the people you trust most and as months go by the light will greet the darkness of your tunnel.
But the next few years, you see nothing but light and happiness.
No skeletons to torture your life, but a baby and a soulmate to make it better.
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