#I did struggle to find things to write about in this one I won't lie
alicepao13 · 1 month
Blame Orthodox Easter for delaying this post. I wanted to watch again before I wrote this.
It’s amazing how much this season is paralleling S3 in certain aspects. The whump, for example. Or the fact that both finales were flipped, and while I can’t remember now if I liked S03E15 better than the finale (they were possibly equally forgettable cases aside from the storyline about Sarah getting the offer for London), I can say with certainty that S06E15 was a better season finale than S06E16. Honestly, I don’t think that there’s a lot to say about this episode. It’s a solid filler with few character moments.
Director Kevin Hanchard. I think he did a good job. I don’t have anything against the episode, it just wasn’t season finale material and it’s pretty clear it wasn’t shot as such. I enjoyed the BTS stuff about directing, at least they remembered to mention that.
Jesse in this episode:
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Jesse’s first solo case as a detective! Or rather, Jesse’s first solo case until they realize the two cases are connected. But still.
I am a hundred percent sure I’ve seen the husband elsewhere but I’m too lazy to look it up.
There is the kind of mentoring that pretty much most crime shows do, which is something between bullying and tough love on the rookie law enforcement officers (totally unintentional pun, I was thinking of NCIS), and then there’s Charlie’s support and encouragement to Jesse. I know the lack of friction doesn’t do much for tv but it’s nice to see sometimes.
Making fun of the detective who has taken up the case of your fellow band member is totally the right thing to do. Especially if you want to become the prime suspect. Even more so if you are the actual killer.
It made sense in my head at the time but midway through the episode I was sure the drummer had done it. Even though I didn’t pay attention enough to remember who the drummer was.
I liked the takedown scene with Rex throwing the guy on the glass table and breaking it. 
That lady was stone cold. Damn. That’s good casting.
Were there even drugs? Or rock’n’roll?
Hopefully CityTV doesn’t think 100 is a good round number for cancellation. Oh, what am I saying, they don’t even remember we reached a hundred episodes.
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shootingmorningstar · 3 months
[slides on in] well hello there fellow lucifer fanatic
could i request some hcs with luci and an indecisive reader? gn and established relationship!! ex: he asks what they want for dinner and they panic trying to pick something because they feel like they need to decide right then and there or they’ll annoy him.
please and thank you! 🫶
anon, you're just like me fr. i also can never make up my mind and love lucifer. i'd be happy to write this for you .ᐟ
thank you for my first request, by the way ~ .ᐟ now to get to the good part.
Look at this man. This is the man who has piles upon piles of rubber ducks in his workshop. You cannot tell me Lucifer isn't also indecisive, at least when it comes to less serious things.
Seriously. You expect me to believe he hasn't looked at his own work and went 'nope, looks bad. starting over.' .ᐣ
With that being said, I think he would find it an incredibly endearing trait in you. The concentrated face you make when you're stuck between two options .ᐣ Absolutely adorable.
That is, until the unsure and conflicted look on your face morphs into one telling of your anxiety and worry.
Now, I hope you'll excuse the bird pun, but he is absolutely a mother hen type.
The second he sees even a hint of panic on your face .ᐣ He's immediately shifting all of his focus on you -- if it hadn't been already.
He's rushing over to you without you having to so much as ask -- his beloved partner, distressed .ᐣ No matter the reason, that won't do. He won't rest until he sees you smiling again.
Wrapping his arms around you in a hug, likely even his wings, too. He's suffered so many panic attacks before, he knows just how miserable they are.
He wishes you had come into his life earlier so you could of comforted him through the worst of his.
Even if your panic hasn't dissolved into a full blown attack, he is there. His touch is grounding, it helps you calm down and come back to reality.
When your heart's stopped racing and you look as if you're able to talk about it, he'll ask you just what has you so distressed.
Don't even bother trying to lie to him. He can tell when someone's hiding their feelings.
He won't force you to tell him, though. He just wants to know what went wrong so he can help prevent it from happening again.
If you decide to share your worries with him, he wouldn't belittle you in the slightest. Is it time you need .ᐣ You two have all the time in the world.
Would you rather he choose .ᐣ Because he wouldn't mind.
Or if it's something more serious, he offers to sit down with you and discuss the pros and cons of each -- maybe you two can come up with a decision together .ᐣ
His face sort of falls if you decide to tell him part of the reasoning behind your anxiety is a fear that you'll end up annoying him. Did he do something to make you think he'd judge you .ᐣ
Or maybe he got short with you .ᐣ He's so apologetic. He wants you to feel like you can share anything and everything with him.
He won't let himself start feeling overwhelmed with guilt, though. This moment is about you and the reassurance you need, not his guilt issues.
Explain to him that you know he'd never do such a thing and that it's just an irrational thought coming from worry and he's taking your face into his hands, telling you that he would never, ever think less of you, much less get upset over something as silly as struggling to make a choice.
Like he said earlier, let him help you choose. You two are stronger together and this is no exception.
He's always soft to you, but count on him being even more so than usual for the rest of the night. You two can watch your favorite show or movie -- or whatever you'd like to do to destress. ♡
first request finished ~ .ᐟ how'd I do .ᐣ i'd love to hear your thoughts. feedback fuels my writing muse more than anything else .ᐟ
i'm really hoping this formats correctly, i'm used to using the tumblr app && currently stuck on laptop </3
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phantasmiafxndom · 1 year
Hello! I really love your writing! Since the kny requests are open, can I request Kny Pet AU hcs for Hantengu's clones (the main 4) ? It's up to you if you want to add nsfw stuff, i don't mind🌸
I've been issued a challenge, I see. XD I really didn't care about these guys until I started really thinking about their characters, but now I'm getting kind of invested...
(Shout-out to @krystalwithakay, who helped with this one~)
. . .
• In this setting, the four of them are more like brothers than clones; at the very least, the "original" isn't around anymore. They were too much for their original owner to handle, so they wound up locked away in an overcrowded cage and left to fight over whatever minimal scraps of food and care they received. This did not do their mental states any good— before long, they devolved into constant squabbling and competition, to the point where restraints quickly become necessary to prevent further harm.
• By now, all four of them are half-feral and extremely difficult to handle. Nearly impossible to get close to, they're dangerously aggressive with humans, other demons, and each other; and being kept constantly starved, restrained, and agitated has done absolutely nothing to help that. The concept of a better life is always out of reach, leaving all of them hopeless and miserable.
• He's been used in fights before (as one attempt at finding some use for him), and the results are messy. Without enough food and rest to heal properly, Sekido's body is covered in scars and old, poorly healed injuries. The extensive damage results in near-constant pain— and always feeling hurt and threatened only makes him more aggressive. He lashes out like a cornered animal, responding violently to everything because he can only anticipate more pain. A lot of his outward anger is a defensive mechanism.
• All of that rage usually hurts him more than anyone else. Sekido is so tense that it becomes an extra strain on his body; he struggles until he's worn down what little spare energy he had, to begin with, and his unfortunate habit of fighting restraints until he messes up his body too badly to keep going is responsible for a fair amount of his scars. And yet, there's no making himself stop. He's reactive to the point of being unable to control it anymore.
• He's been used for sex before, with a very specific condition to keep him from mauling anyone who tries. Karaku has an odd, unintentional reaction to any kind of physical pleasure— his brain all but shuts off completely, leaving him pliant and non-aggressive until the response wears off. Thus, if he's drugged or handled just enough to make him shut down, he's plenty easy to use. The brief respite from misery, even if it means being put through such unpleasant handling, is too much of a temptation for him to care.
• It's easy for him to grow addicted to anything that makes him feel good, even if the aftermath is worse. Karaku has some highly escapist tendencies, where if he gets any chance to stop thinking and feel something other than pain, he gets desperate for it. He knows by now that most humans won't ever offer that sort of thing, though, and is every bit as aggressive and volatile as the other three until some possibility of pleasure arises.
• In a constant state of misery, he's reached a point of barely being able to do more than lie around and wait for someone to finally decide he's better off dead. By now, Aizetsu doesn't have any hope left for himself (or any of the rest of them), and his naturally pessimistic nature doesn't help that. Crying himself sick only adds to how awful he feels— and he's most often too caught up in his negativity to respond to much of anything. He's the only one who (mostly) stays out of the four's constant fights.
• Aizetsu is prone to semi-accidental self-harm; tearing gashes in his skin from clawing at himself in distress, biting and chewing his fingers until they bleed, and making himself physically ill from sheer stress. However, he's also unconsciously drawn to self-comforting behaviors in any form that he can get. He lacks enough appetite or will to live to make himself fight for whatever scraps they're all given, so his body is weak and wasted away.
• He's way too high-strung for his own good, and far too easily overexcited. Urogi is the one who keeps getting his hopes up over every little sign that anything good might happen... and suffering all the more for it when those hopes are inevitably crushed. He's always agitated and fidgety, and tends to pull at his restraints well past the point of blood just because he can't stay still. Thanks to his utter lack of volume control, he's often kept in a sound-triggered shock collar just so he'll be less of an annoyance.
• Urogi's wings were once cut off as a way of trying to make him easier to contain. They grew back soon enough, but his poor living conditions meant that the regrowth didn't happen how it should. He's incapable of flight in his current state, with near-constant pain from the poorly healed limbs. They only become more unbearably uncomfortable when the feathers molt, which is a process awful enough to put even him in a miserable mood.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
I read your Archons, Ganyu and Xio watching Teen!Reader growing up.
Can I request a silimier story, but the Teen!reader is a Adventure like Bennett and Fischl.
They notice that Teen!Reader been gone for a while and decided to see if they are alright. Only to discover that one of their missions led them to a fight with the Abyss Order, and they were heavily injured. But when they found them, they are alive, even though cover in bandages. And explain happily they survive thanks to the sudden appearance of a Vision silimier to their own or element.
Of course! It turned out quite short since I didn't wanted to write twice something I wrote here but I hope you'll enjoy this either way!
Archons, Ganyu, Xiao with teen!adventurer!reader
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @miya-akane
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⊱ Venti always was scared for your well being, he simply didn't wanted to loose you, especially when you had so much life in front of you
⊱ it'd be a lie to say that he never thought of causing strong winds to make your journey impossible but that'd be taking freedom away from you and he didn't wanted that!
⊱ but you still experienced some stronger winds when you were out but not enough to make it harder on you, quite the opposite
⊱ winds were usually strong enought to help you cause swirl reaction or to swipe some of the enemies away
⊱ but he's also the type to go with you on any kind of journey and make sure by himself that nothing will happen to you
⊱ also is the type to congratulate and celebrate your every found treasure, even if it's one mora
⊱ literally is your mom whenever you're about to leave for adventure, like he'll go after you, make sure you have 20 more things that you don't even need and will hug you like he sees you for the last time you literally need to convince him to not follow you
"Strong yet helpful winds? Sounds like Barbatos has an eye on you! Ah c'mon, don't look at me like that! Maybe it's true, you never know~!"
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⊱ you probably got into exploring and adventuring thanks to all those stories Zhongli told you
⊱ and he was glad that he helped you find something you enjoy so much
⊱ of course he was worried, that's why first few adventures were with him by your side
⊱ he's the type to help you pack yourself, he'll tell you what things are absolutely needed and which ones you won't need at all
⊱ he loves hearing about your journeys and sometimes he may tell you about his own journeys once he realizes you're old enough to finally hear them
⊱ bring him whatever you found in treasures and he'll tell you how much they're worth it and if you found any artifacts, he'll tell you quite a long description
"Not exactly... you see, this artifact is 500 years old and it used to be seen as so called rain bringer. Let me explain..."
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⊱ believe it or not but Raiden was actually a bit worried about you, especially when you decided to go on your first mission
⊱ on the day of your first few missions, thunder actually was a bit stronger but it never hit you, if anything it hit your enemies
⊱ she won't say anything about what your packed unless you asked her about it yourself and she'll actually give you some good advices
⊱ sorry to break it up to you but she actually doesn't care much about what you found but she still listens if you like to ramble about your findings
⊱ literally would send you to Miko if you'd want to know more about some artifact you found on your way
⊱ she's definitely the type to give you some sweets as reward for your adventure, she once tried baking something for you when you come back but it ended on kitchen catching fire so she buys you something instead...
"I did not made thunder stronger today to interrupt your adventure. Let's just say that friend of mine convinced me to give you some extra help"
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⊱ I think you could've expect it but... Nahida is literally a mom
⊱ she'll give you way more things to pack that you actually need, will ask you many stuff to make sure you'll be safe there or will be able to protect yourself and will struggle to actually let you go
⊱ and it's even worse if it's your first mission... you had to convince her to not make you go with Traveler and to not give you whole 3 bags of everything since it's just 3 to 8 hours
⊱ but once you come back, she's the type to welcome you with big hug and many questions making sure you had fun there
⊱ and you better not get any injury because her mom mode will get even more serious... she won't let you out of your bed for first few days and won't let you out of the city untill you heal fully
⊱ what's nice tho is that you get lots of your favorite foods and drinks from her once you come back
⊱ but let's focus on less mom things... if you ever bring any artifact, she'll announce how proud she is from you and if she can, she'll tell you as much as you'd like about what you found
"Are you sure you got everything? What if it'll suddenly rain? Take an umbrella with you, it doesn't matter if you'll be out for just 6 hours. Better be safe than sorry."
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⊱ Ganyu is another person to act like a mom but she's not as bad as one archon...
⊱ she tries to not overload you with things you might need but you still will usually carry more than needed unless you tell her you won't carry it and she's not the type to pry
⊱ she won't come to adventure with you but she does walk you off to some spot just to make sure you're safe for some part of your adventure and to spend some more time with you
⊱ when you're away, she really just focuses on her work and wants to get more things done so she can spend some time with you once you're back
⊱ once you're back, she definitely treats you to some restaurant or any other place you might like as reward for your hard work
⊱ she's the type to just listen to you while you talk about your adventures and she might even ask you some questions
⊱ she will try to tell you as much as she can about any artifacts but even tho, she couldn't be more proud of you for finding every treasures
"I'm so glad you're back! Did you had fun? Did you occured any problems on your way? Come on, why won't you tell me everything on our way to Xianglings restaurant?"
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⊱ Xiao acted like he truly didn't care that you're going on some kind of adventure but the truth is that he was so scared over his child companion
⊱ he literally followed you on your first 5 adventures if not more and defeated any monsters on your way
⊱ or just first 3 if he had no other choice but to slay some demos...
⊱ of course he doesn't help you with packing or anything since he doesn't know much about what mortals might need but he will get Traveler if you'd like some help
⊱ after your first adventure, he definitely suggests training you a bit but if you refuse he won't mention that ever again
⊱ he's not the type to welcome you back like it's the best thing that happened to Teyvat but he will show you his softer side especially if you're back from longer adventure
⊱ maybe he won't ask you many questions and you may even think he doesn't care but he does enjoy listening about your journey
⊱ if you ever show him artifact, he'll answer simply in few sentences and will advise you to go ask someone else instead since he's too busy to focus on just explaining
"You're going? Alright. Just remember to stay safe. I wouldn't say I'm being soft... isn't it natural for me to worry since you're a mortal? I- so what if I'm worried?"
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anxious-witch · 3 months
This post specifically goes for my mutuals/followers who have been struggling lately. I see you and I don't always have something encouraging to reply, but if you have been feeling down recently, I hope this will help.
TW for mental health talk, mentions of suicide (this is an encouraging post, but please don't read further if anything of the sort might trigger you. Keeping your mental health intact is more important ❤️)
It's so very easy to get in the spiral of "I am not doing enough, all these people that I love would be better off without me". And convincing yourself those same people would forget you and move on quickly.
It's not true. I understand the sentiment, I really, really do. I used to fully believe that myself. But that's a lie. Mental illness reshapes the way we think and perceive things. And our brain and wired to remember bad things more than good ones. But when you'd write down everything that happened every day, I'd honestly be surprised if all of it was bad. Of course there are bad days, but even then, depression tend to focus on things you did wrong instead of those you did right.
But I am here to talk about the fact that I'd miss you if you were gone, too. Which seems ridiculous. "Rio, you follow 1000 blogs, you wouldn't notice". *loud incorrect buzzer* wrong! I would notice. As long as we ever interacted, as long as you liked and/or reblogged my posts, I'd notice.
When someone gets busy and I don't see them in my notes for over a week, I hope they are okay and just doing something more fun irl. I am not always great at remembering usernames, but as soon as they like one of my posts again I'm like yes!! They are back! I am glad you are okay!
"But I don't even contribute to the fandom!" No? Do you think creating content is the only way to contribute? Even just lurking and liking stuff counts. And I know some of you send really lovely anon messages that have made my day more than once. It DOES matter. Notes help other people as encouragement to keep posting. That absolutely counts.
"We barely post about the same fandom anymore" ah! But I still see you! I have a mutual that I have been following since 2016-2017, I believe. I have no idea what the hell he posts about these days. I can't rven accurately tell you why I originally followed him in the first place, it was either LOTR or Twilight, but fuck if I remember, because neither of hs posts about it!
And I still care. Because his journey ended up helping me. Seeing people's posts about their little achievements always makes my day. And even if you don't feel like you achieved anything in awhile, that doesn't mean you won't in the future. My point is, you are loved more than you know.
And this is only about online stuff. People notice when you walk down the street. Maybe someone likes your hair, or some detail of your outfit. Maybe someone saw you feed a stray and thought how nice you are. Maybe someone takes the same public transport as you every day and takes comfort in the fact you share the same path, if only for a few minutes.
This tumblr post perfectly described it, actually:
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So please, if not for your own sake, for the sake of all the people who love you silently, keep going. It will get better. You might be just a bit further away from getting better. But you won't know unless you keep going.
So let's find out together, shall we?
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qrosewinter · 4 months
Description : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3... To be continued.
Summery: Where a girl from New Zealand goes to brooklyn to live with her Auntie and Uncle, mets a brooklyn boy with secrets and a voice like honey with pretty hazel green eyes.
Where a brooklyn boy mets a girl from New Zealand with an accent he's never heard before, who he can't seem to forget.
And a Polynesian girl struggling to find who she is in the concrete jungle of NYC so far from home.
The start of the most unlikely relationship between two people starts to bloom, between a brooklyn boy who's just a little misunderstood.
Will this relationship bloom or stay untouched? Maybe we should let fate take the lead for this one.
Fic summary: slow burn, obvious to flirting, a little bit of angst, romance, revenge, anger.
WARNINGS ⚠️: Horrible attempts at slang, Horrible attempts at Spanish, Swearing, Weapons, Gore, Drugs, Alcohol, Mature themes, Spelling mistakes.
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Chapter 2: Am I seeing shit again.
Are you hearing voices again? -Unknown
It's been about 3-4 days since I went to Visions and walked right into someone making a damn fool out of myself, but then again, what's new?
Not gonna lie it wasn't one of my best moments how awkward I felt I mean like, why in hells name did I say 'Have a good day' so god dammed awkwardly, why the fuck did I even say it at all!?
Could have said something like, "Well, sorry about that, but I gotta go, see ya. But not you had to go and say".
'Have a good day?', if I could punch myself so hard right now to make myself forget I ever said that I would, in a heartbeat.
But too bad you can't now can you :/
I'll be starting at Visions next week though, so I guess I have more chances to male myself out to be a fool, they did tell me during my little interview thing or whatever you wanna call it.
They didn't have any dormrooms ready for me at the moment.
so I won't be moving to the dorms anytime soon, which is fair.
I did so happen to start up at that school. What? A little past first term or semester, I think they call it here in America?
I don't know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the education system here, and I still don't understand a damn thing.
But anyway, I won't be put in a dorm room yet until they find an either an empty one or someone without a roommate, which I don't think will happen anytime soon.
But the good news is I don't live very far from school. The bad news is I'd have to wake up earlier to get ready and be out the door before school starts, which sucks ass.
But beggers can't be choosers, so I'll take it, means I won't have to share a room with someone I don't know that's a plus, I guess.
Still don't know how I'll handle seeing that guy. It'll be awkward. That's for
《 ○ 》
"Y/N!" My Auntie lily yelled from the kitchen, and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked away from the little notebook I was writing in seated at my desk.
"Yeah?" I called back out to her as I leaned back in my desk chair, tilting my head towards the door and waiting for a response.
But when I didn't get one, I groaned, frustrated, and rolled my eyes.
I hated when people did that. Even when parents did that, call out your name to get your attention, but don't say a damn thing, so you gotta get up to see what they want.
Only to be asked to do the most simplistic things ever, like pass them the TV remote.
But it's right in front of them on the coffee table, or they don't even remember anymore and tell you never mind.
I got up grumbling to myself under my breath as I walked out of my bedroom.
in the simplest outfit of an oversized black hoodie with a small red and white mushroom on the front over my left breast and two bigger ones on the back, with the words 'Let's take a trip' and just some simple army green shorts that used to be pants before I cut them up into shorts.
My hair was pulled back messily into an attempt at a bun before I gave up and left it as is.
I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, my bare feet barely making any sound on the carpet until I got to the kitchen.
And I leaned against the doorframe. "Yeah?" I said to my auntie, lazily raising an eyebrow at her with my hands stuffed into my hoodie pocket.
"Ah there you are, Me haere koe ki te toa maku ki te tiki i etahi mea maku, he rarangi takuKa taea e koe te haere ki te toa maku, ki te tiki etahi mea, he rarangi taku me etahi moni hei tiki." my Auntie said to me as she said to me as she picked up a list she had written out for me and held it out for me to take, along with a few bills to pay for everything on the list.
I groaned tipping my head back "ko te iwa i te po ka hiahia koe kia haere ahau ki te toa ko ahau anake" I said back to her as I dropped my head forward and took the list and money reluctantly.
"Yes, you'll be fine. Just take a knife and put it in your pocket." My Auntie huffed at me, waving my words off as she turned around to finish putting the dishes away.
I grumbled but didn't complain openly at least as I plucked a semi-sharp knife from the knife block and shoved it into my pocket as I turned and walked back to my room to get my jandels (Flip flops for the Americans :) )
I slipped them on, pulled my hood up over my messy hair shoved the list and money into my pocket along with putting my phone in my back pocket and taking just one earbud out of my JBL case and putting it in my ear.
Before I left the apartment, after going down some stairs out of the apartment building.
I tapped the side of my earbud about two times to skip through the songs I didn't want to listen too until I settled on 'Never enough by Six60' a classic song from a band back home.
"Still can't shake the feelin' in my bones, it won't leave me, it won't let me go," I sung under my breath to myself as I kept walking down the dark empty streets to the store about three blocks away.
It was dark besides a few lightposts lining the streets, some flickering others doing just fine. Brooklyn in the daytime was so different compared to the nighttime.
At night, it was dangerous. You had to keep your guard up, and I wasn't stupid. I knew crime ran wild at night in brooklyn.
I'd seen enough of it on TV, hearing people tall about it, and so on. It's the reason this city had a curfew, and why it kept getting early depending on just how bad it kept getting, and so far, it was getting worse before it's ever going to get better.
The once lively streets looked so much darker, like something out of a horror movie, not a sound besides the faint buzzing of streetlights.
feral cats digging through trash, the odd whisper of something in the alleyways and the sound of TV's playing from inside buildings.
But I wasn't completely dumb, I knew as quiet as it was, as empty as everything seemed around me.
I wasn't actually alone out here tonight, there was others out here, none with good intentions and anyone who did.
well, let's just say they wouldn't be there for long.
which is the reason my aunt made me take a knife with me for self-defense.
And what I knew I had to do was keep an eye out so I was, I kept an eye on my surroundings.
but made sure to make myself look relaxed and not all tense knowing that I'll just draw attention to myself if I did.
I glanced up and around me, though the streets were dangerous at night. I couldn't help but find them strangely beautiful too.
The way the stars just barely, peeked through the clouds in the sky under the pollution in the air, the way the street lights cast light on curtain parts of the streets and slowly left the others bathed in darkness.
The way the colours played off of everything around me was just in a strangely weird and beautiful. It's in its own dark twisted kinda way, of course, but still had a certain charm to it.
"There was a time when you would've given me everything that you own, The only thing you left me was alone.." I sung to myself under my breath as I kept my hands in my pocket.
my right hand gripping the handle of the knife loosely judt in case.
I sighed softly, sqinting my eyes as i looked in front of me.
I was tired from not sleeping properly the past few nights.
for some reason staying up until five in the morning then going to sleep, which yes I know is fucking stupid.
But I just couldn't get to sleep, for some stupid reason or another.
But still, I kept walking. I had just 2 more blocks to go before I hit the store to grab a few things, and then I could go home, collapse in bed, and die until tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
~I guess our time is up, I've given you too much, I just need to keep on movin', cause I still crave your touch, why won't you fade to dust?~
~so I can line you up, enough is never enough (ooh-ooh), enough is never enough(ooh-ooh), with every single does (oh-oh-oh), losin' all control (oh-oh-oh), never is never enough(ooh-ooh)~
( Miles's POV)
Meanwhile, with Miles....
~as I walk though the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at myself and realize there's nothin' left, 'cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long that, even my mama thinks that my mind is gone~
Miles hummed along to the music playing in his ears from his earbuds plugged into his phone shoved I his front pocket, as he he slipped on his jacket, a a dark purple nearing black in the low light of his Uncle's apartment.
Just another night as the prowler, and another night of getting his Mami the supplies she needed for the hospital she worked at.
so underfunded sometimes patients who needed their medicine who didn't get it in time, didn't make it.
~but I ain't never crossed a man who didn't deserve it, me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of, you better watch how ya talkin' and where ya walkin'~
Music was one of the ways Miles pumped himself up as he got ready to go out there with hi mask on, on the streets that he remembered used to be so beautiful before the corruption sunk its claws into his city and with it his Dad.
~or you and your homies might be lined in chalk, I really hate to trip but I gotta loc, as they croak, I see myself in pistol smoke, fool, I'm the kind of G that little homies wanna be like, on my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the steertlights~
Miles clenched his jaw and shook his head, rolling his shoulders.
'Naw ain't got time to think like that, get your in the game Miles' he thought to himself as he finished suiting up, he took one look at himself in the reflection of the windows in his Uncle's living room and stood a little straighter.
~we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've keep spendin' most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've been spendin' most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise~
'I'm gonna make you proud Dad, swear it' Miles thought as he took his earbuds out and unplugged them from his phone the music of 'Gangsta's paradise by Coolio, L.V' spilling from his phone as his mask smoothly slid over his face.Lookingng back at Miles was the prowler in his reflection.
"Ay Neph time to ,go," Uncle Aaron called out from the door, and Miles nodded.
"On my way, Unc," Miles said to Aaron, his voice distorted by the voice changer in his mask as he made his way to the door.
Long since having paused his music as he put his gloves on with a Sharp click.
~look at the situation they got me facin', I can't live a normal life, i was raised by the stripes, so I gotta be down with the hood team, too much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams, I'm an educated fool with money on my mind, got a ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye~
Miles followed Aaron to the rooftop of the apartment, building his clawed hands clenching and unclenching as he walked.
"You remember the plan?" Aaron said, walking in front of miles looking through his phone at the time, before he tucked his phone back in his pocket
"Mm, I remember get the shit be in be out," Miles muttered to his uncle as they made it to the rooftop, and he looked over the buildings around them.
Some had fires going on top of them, others didn't, but you could see the gleam of neon lights of tall skyscraper buildings in the distance and people moving around under the glow of lights shining though there apartment windows.
~I'm a loc'd out gangsta, set trippin' banger, and my homies is down, so don't arouse my anger, fool, death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away~
"Got yo earpiece?" Aaron asked Miles before he got ready to leave, handing Miles a black backpack.
"Yeah, it's in," Miles replied as he shrugged on the bag, Aaron handed him.
"Eyes sharp," Aaron said to Miles, nodding at him, standing back and tapping his earpiece in his own ear to turn it on.
"Mind steady," Miles said back with a nod before he was off using his grappling hook in hand to swing odd through the city under cover of the night towards the docs where a new shipment of medical supplies were waiting.
~I'm livin' my life do-or-die, uh, what can I say, I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24?, with way things is goin', I don't know, tell me why are we so blind to see, the ones we hurt are you and me~
Miles weaved in and out of alleyways High above on the air, flipping through the air and rolling along the side of buildings to build momentum as he headed for the docs using his titanium claws to grip onto the ledges of buildings to throw himself forward.
~we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise~
(Y/N's POV)
Seeing the store up ahead, I signed in relief.
"Thank fuck man" I grumbled under my breath as I pushed the door open and walked inside taking the list out of my pocket pocket I picked up a basket nearby from the door.
And started on my walk around the store for the items on the list my Auntie gave me.
"Dried chilli's, tortilla's, milk, bread and a juice" I mumbled under my breath reading over the list with a nod to myself as I repeated over and over in my head what was needed as I shoved the list in my pocket.
I walked around the store, throwing what was needed into the basket, and then, lastly, the juice.
I grunted softly, feeling how heavy the basket was now. The juice was in it.
"Damn," I muttered under my breath, gripping the handles of the basket just a little tighter as I walked towards checkout.
I paused, looking down at a shelf with some lollies on it- sorry, correction candies, my bad, I forgot I was in America.
I snorted softly to myself, amused as I picked up an interesting looking candies I'd never seen before or tired.
"Milk duds? Looks interesting, " I muttered to myself, and with a shurg, I dropped the box in the basket, a little treat for myself when I was walking home.
Making it to checkout, I set my basket on the counter.
"Hi, just these, please," I said politely to the casher, who looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here right now.
I shoved my hands in my hoodie pocket, standing there a little awkwardly as she checked them out for me.
'Mood, I feel you, my G', I thought to myself, glancing up at the girl at the counter, checking out my items for me.
She was actually really pretty, dark skinned with cornrows, and really pretty blue eyes that contrasted beautifully with her skin.
"That'll be $36.50, cash or card?" The girl spoke up a little drly, sounding tired, which is fair, so I didn't hold it against her.
"Cash, thank you," I said to her with a small smile as I counted out two $20's from the cash my Auntie gave to me and handed it to her.
"You wanna a bag?" She asked me as she counted out my change, which came to $3.50 as she handed it to me, and I took it, putting the change in my pocket.
"Yes, please," I said to her as she bagged up my items and handed me the bag.
"Thank you, have a good night," I said to her before I left, more in habit really from growing up in New Zealand, anytime.
"Mm," the girl muttered as she went back to playing on her phone, what she had been doing before I got to check out.
And I once more started on my walk home, glancing up at the sky every once in awhile hoping to see stars but only really managing to see planes or helicopters flying around
I frowned in disappointment before shrugging it off with a sigh.
With the bag of stuff in my left hand, I reached into my pocket with my right hand for my phone and used my fingerprint ID to open it.
I scrolled through my playlists, looking for a song to listen to as I walked, something I was in the mood for.
I scrolled for a bit as I walked every once in awhile looking up to make sure I didn't walk into anything, as I kept scrolling not finding a song I was interested in as I switched between another playlist had.
And when I thought I found a song, I heard the rustling of clothes, pained grunts, and low voices speaking coming up ahead from an alleyway.
I kept walking curiosity peeked, even in my tired state. i couldn't help but be nosey.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket, coming to a stop next to the alleyway, and I turned my head to look down it.
And there was a man being pinned to a wall, an arm against his throat making it hard to breathe for the overweight white man, a hand pinned to the wall by metal claws gleaming in the faint moonlight.
And the one holding the overweight man, he was interesting, to say the least.
Purple and black dominating his outfit, from the shoes to the accessories on his clothes, a mask over his face, like pixels on an old ass box TV, the kind before flat screen TVs, but not really as pixilated as yours think.
And two braids running down the back of his head that looked familiar stopping just past his shoulders.
They both seemed to pause after hearing my foot steps and turned to look at me.
But me being tired, overly exhausted, blinked at them lazily and confused, my brows frowned.
"Fuck I need to sleep more I'm starting to hallucinate again" I grumbled to myself my voice echoing a little down the alleyway as I started walking away rubbing at my eyes unimpressed at myself.
Just chalking what I saw up to my imagination fucking with me for not sleeping properly, honestly wouldn't be the first time, always had a shitty sleeping schedule.
Very few times I'd get the maximum eight hours of sleep, I'd either go to bed between 11pm to about 5am, cause I'm that stupid to stay up that late, only to be pissed off and tired the next day.
I shrugged and let my hand drop from my eyes.
I walked slightly hunched and legs feeling heavy, it felt like my legs were gonna give out on me, but well mama didn't raise no bitch, so we keep on going.
I didn't realise when I started daydreaming, or maybe i was dissociating again?, who knows.
But by the time I snapped out of it, I was home, standing in front of my apartment door, before I ever realized where I was.
"Mm," I mumbled to myself, paying it no mind as I opened the door and stepped inside, kicking off my jandels by the side of the door.
"I'm back," I called out as I walked into the kitchen and dropped the bag on the kitchen counter, digging through it for my milk duds I got.
Once I had the box in hand, I shoved it into my pocket and wondered off to my room.
"Any trouble well you were out, bub!" Lily called out from the living room.
"Nah, it was algoods, Auntie!" I called back out to her as I crawled into bed, flinching just a little when I felt something sharp poke my stomach.
Reaching into my hoodie pocket, I dumped out everything that was in it, from my phone, the change and extra cash I was given, my milk duds, and finally, the knife I forgot I had.
"Forgot about that," I mused to myself as I dumped the change and knife on my bedside table, picked up the box of chocolate covered lollies, and opened the box.I dumpedng a few in my hand before popping them on my mouth and chewing.
I scrunched my nose up at the taste. It wasn't the best candy I'd ever had or lollie for that matter, tasted too well fake to me, far too artificial then anything I'd ever tasted before.
So I dropped the box of sweets on my nightstand and picked up my water bottle. I always left on my bedside table and took a swing to wash out my mouth with a small grimace.
"Well that was disappointing" I muttered to myself setting my water bottle back down, as I picked up my phone and slid down more in my bed to get comfortable as I pulled the blankets up to my neck.
Turning it on, I went onto Tiktok and used the automatic scrolling feature, as well as plugged my phone in as I propped my phone up against the wall.
Watching the random videos that played as my eyes grew heavy.
Before sleep finally claimed me, and I was out like a light.
Miles had just gotten home after taking a bit of a detour after dropping off the supplies at his Mami's hospital.
He grunted as he kicked off his shoes, and dropped his jacket on the floor, taking off the black collar around his neck that held his mask and dropped it into a box he kept all his dad's all accessories and his own.
He stripped off the layers of his Prowler suit and replaced it with his own tank top and some sweats before putting on his purple durag that had little gold crowns on it over his braids.
He then picked up the pieces of his suit and dropped them into a box he took aw, y hidden in his closet.
He then dropped onto his bed with a si. Onene had taken behind his head as he picked up his phone to check for any messages from his mami.
He tapped on his Mami's contact after seeing an unread message from her.
'Gonna be working late again tonight, leftovers are in the microwave, Te amo duerme dormido ❤️'
Miles signed softly, another night shift. Made him glad he cleaned the house before heading over to his uncle's.
He pulled his hand out from behind his hand and started to type a message.
'Te amo Mami, no trabajes tan duro ❤️'
He hit send, plugged his phone in, and shifted to pull his blankets over himself as he rolled over to go to sleep.
'That girl again, huh shame I still ain't know her name,' Miles thought to himself amused.
Remembering how those sleepy tired eyes had looked at him tonight, or should he say the prowler.
How she had looked at the prowler had convinced herself what she'd seen was nothing but hallucinations cause she was so tired.
He was sure he'd see her again, and he knew just like the first time, and the second it'll just be as interesting as the first.
Then maybe, just maybe next time he'd know where she was from, know what that accent she had was.
Until then, he'd sleep. He had school tomorrow after all.
So he shut his eyes, got comfortable, and let himself relax enough to maybe, this time, sleep a full night.
And if not, well, he'd deal with it in the morning.
Hi! Sorry for the delay in this chapter, I'm gonna try and write at least two before I post another and work on a schedule to be able to post them.
I try and work on them when I'm not busy at home, and when I'm not busy at work, I'll let you guys know now. Until then, happy reading.
Ka taea e koe te haere ki te toa maku, ki te tiki etahi mea, he rarangi taku me etahi moni hei tiki. = can you go to the shop for me, and get a few things, i have a list and some money to get them.
ko te iwa i te po ka hiahia koe kia haere ahau ki te toa ko ahau anake = it's nine at night and you want me to go to the store by myself
Te amo duerme dormido = I love you, sleep tight.
Te amo Mami, no trabajes tan duro = I love you Mommy, don't work too hard.
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leonsliga · 8 months
there's just no way Leon condones abuse or excuses it cuz "friendship" right? he personally must have some reason to believe Boateng is innocent. There's just no way, Leon, who openly stands up, bravely, against everything wrong in the world, without hesitation, excuses Boateng's behaviour. there's no way. my morals and ethics feel triggered. cuz I don't see a reason yet, not based on his actions and what he's done for the world and the world of football, to stop liking him. idk. What do you think bri?
TW: brief mentions of abuse (i.e. context on the Boateng situation)
I had a feeling the press was gonna ask Leon for his take on the Boateng situation eventually, and truth be told, I'm left feeling a lot like how you described: confused, frustrated, and just all around off. I won't lie, I love Leon; I'm a huge fan of his, that's no secret, and I'm aware that that makes me incredibly biased. That said, his comments left a really bad taste in my mouth.
Ever since the Boateng trial (and even before that), I've found their friendship a really tough pill to swallow. After everything, I struggle to comprehend how he can just...ignore all of that? I mean, surely he's heard all the news surrounding the man. Surely he knows Boateng was convicted. Leon's many things, but he's not oblivious and he's not stupid. It's hard not to feel like he’s making himself out to be a hypocrite, considering everything he stands for and everything he positions himself so clearly against. Maybe he knows something we don't or holds beliefs behind the scenes that we don't know about...I don't know. But I've made a promise to myself in writing this blog that I wouldn't pretend to have the answers when I don't. And I won't pretend. I have no answers. I can speculate, but I have zero clue what was going on in Leon's head when he made these comments, no matter how much I may wish I did.
My morals and ethics feel triggered too, if I'm honest. It's hard for them not to. I feel hurt and I hate that I feel that way, considering he's a man I've never met. I just...I'm really struggling to wrap my head around the possibility that Leon Goretzka, the man who's always advocated strongly for women's rights, could still be friends with a man found guilty of assaulting his girlfriend. I want to believe he's better than that. I get that as human beings we can be prone to blind spots in our values and judgment, but this is a pretty glaring blind spot if it’s true…I think we can all agree. I'm trying my best to process this, but it's hard to process his comments when we don't know what he was thinking when he said them. Pretty much the only context we had going into this was that he and Boateng were close at some point. How close are they now? It's hard to tell, but these comments lead me to assume they're still, at the very least, cordial with one another. I guess it's good he stated that in the end, he respects the club's decision, and recognizes it was a decision they had to make, but it doesn't really do anything to soften the blow of anything he said prior to that.
To clarify, just because I'm a Leon-focused blog doesn't mean I agree with what Leon said. I wouldn't be happy if Boateng had rejoined the club. I think even considering allowing Boateng to play for the club as Bayern did, even though he was tried and found guilty, is morally reprehensible. I'm just struggling with Leon's statement a lot as a fan of his and I need to write out my thoughts to process things. He's been my comfort person for a long time now, and so I'm finding it really hard to define where I stand beyond fundamentally disagreeing with his comments (and possible support?) towards Boateng.
We play a dangerous game when we throw our support to footballers, I know that. In our unconditional appreciation of them, they can turn around and let us down. And I won't lie, I do feel let down. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I think it's more than ok to feel that way, just like I think it's ok that it'll take us time to process what happened and come to our own conclusions. We care about him, even if it is just a parasocial relationship, and that's not nothing. I can tell you that at the moment, I feel profoundly disappointed, no matter how hard I try to understand—the way we all try to understand when people we support let us down in some way. I want answers that I know I probably won't ever get.
So yeah. There's my very long-winded non-answer. I'm sorry...I wish I had more definitive thoughts on the matter, apart from the initial hurt and disappointment. But this is all I have for now. I’d love to hear what you guys think, but please be kind, ok?
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no one: ...
My brain: hey, what's just the worse AU ever that ends bad for everyone?
Me: well I suppose it would be if Caleb didn't manage to push Evelyn back when the witch hunters attacked, but I don't want to write that...
My brain: 😈😈😈
Me: damnit
TW: hanging, violence, death
Before Caleb could react the mob descended upon him.
“Caleb!” Evelyn leapt forward, reaching out to him. Caleb tried to push her back, but he was too late. The world seemed to slow down while he watched helplessly as Evelyn was tackled to the ground.
“EVELYN!” Caleb screamed, “Get off her!” Flapjack tried to defend her, but the next thing Caleb could see was the palisman smashed underneath a heavy boot. “NO!”
Evelyn screamed. Caleb fought off six men trying to reach her. 
“Leave her alone! Don't hurt her!”
 Something hard hit Caleb in the back of the head stunning him just long enough for someone to gag him. The next time he caught a glimpse of Evelyn she was also gagged. Blood and tears streamed down her face. Her eyes were wide in horror.
Caleb threw his body towards her, he didn't care what happened to himself. But he had to get to her. He had to find a way to get her free. 
They were dragged to the hanging tree in front of the settlement, the bells ringing out loudly to announce their execution. Caleb did not stop fighting. He had to get to her somehow. He had to get her free. Perhaps if he could shake off his assailants and throw himself at hers she could have a chance to run…
People emerged from the settlement. Mr. Fuller amongst them. He saw Caleb and immediately confronted Mr. Archer. Caleb was too preoccupied trying to get to Evelyn to pay attention to their conversation. 
The next thing he knew he was being pulled in the opposite direction, while Evelyn was being pulled towards the hanging tree. Caleb fought harder. Sheer terror filled her green eyes. She knew what was about to happen. They both did. 
No! No! NO!
Caleb didn't stop bucking and kicking and throwing his body in her direction. He held her eye contact until she was ripped away from his view. 
He was dragged to the church, fighting all the while. Even when he was tied up to the pulpit and left alone in the darkness he continued to struggle against his bindings, hoping to loosen them. He only stopped when Mr. Fuller entered the church.
The older man hurried to Caleb and removed the gag from his mouth. 
“You have to save Evelyn!” Caleb cried as soon as he could get the words out. “Please, don't let them hang her!”
Mr. Fuller's face washed over in sympathy. “I'm sorry, son, tis too late.”
The knowledge that she was already gone was more painful than his shattered ribs. Mr. Fuller held Caleb’s face as he wept. There was nothing he could do. Evelyn was dead. She had died alone and terrified. She was dead because of him, because he had failed to protect her, because he was too stupid and too selfish to stay away from her even though he knew the risk. Had she died hating him? As she hung there, the life choking out of her, had she blamed Caleb for her fate?  
“I am sorry, son. Twas all I could do to convince them to allow you to stand trial. There was nothing I could do for her.”
“Tis all my fault.” Caleb sobbed. “I promised to protect her! I promised…I…”
“Breathe, son. I know how bad it hurts. Trust me, I know. But you need to breathe. We need to focus on clearing your name, once you are safe, we can mourn her. But first we need to come up with a plan. Philip is claiming you were bewitched, most people are inclined to believe him. No one can blame you for that, if we say that the enchantment broke when she died…”
“I wasn't bewitched. Evelyn, she…she would never do that. She isn't…she's not evil.”
“I believe you, but the others won't.” Mr. Fuller said, “I'm sorry, Caleb, I truly am.”
“I won't lie.” Caleb said, “I will not slander her, she is…” he could hardly speak. “She was kind and clever and thoughtful and…and good. She was good…and now…” 
…now she was dead…she was dead because of him…
“...I won't say she bewitched me. I won't stand trial. I won't.”
“If you don't they'll hang you.” 
“I know.”
For several long moments Caleb and Mr. Fuller held each other's gaze. 
Mr. Fuller was not Caleb’s father by name or blood but Caleb was his son, there was no doubt about it. Mr. Fuller had worked so hard to keep Caleb alive over the past ten years. Anytime Caleb thought all hope was lost Mr. Fuller would come and pull him through. But this wasn't something Mr. Fuller could pull him through. He had made up his mind. 
Evelyn was dead. Evelyn was dead because Caleb had failed to protect her. He would not betray her. 
Slowly Mr. Fuller closed his eyes and lowered his head. The weight of failure aged him, turning his face into that of a tired old man. 
He turned his head away from Caleb for a moment to regain his composure. He would not cry in front of Caleb. 
Finally, after what seemed like a very long time he nodded.
“You grew into a good man, Caleb. I am proud of you. I will always be proud of you. I only wish there was more I could do.”
“Take care of Philip for me.”
“I will, you don't even have to ask.”
“Do you think they'll allow me a Christian burial?” Dread was coursing through him. He was resolute, but not unafraid.
“I will do what I have to do to assure you are both buried. Your grave may have to be unmarked, but I will make sure the two of you are together.” 
Caleb nodded. 
“I'm scared.” He admitted.
“I know.” Mr. Fuller put his hand on Caleb’s shoulder. “I know.” 
“I can't repent. I can't with any honesty or conviction say I am sorry for the love I feel for Evelyn. If that means burning in Hell…”
“Do you want me to give you last rites?”
Caleb nodded.
Mr. Fuller took out the bottle of whiskey he kept in his pocket. “I know tis supposed to be wine, but this'll have to do.” 
He held the bottle to Caleb's lips so he could drink. Then he made the sign of the cross on Caleb’s forehead and recited the Commendation of the Dying.
“I commend you, my dear brother, to Almighty God, 
and entrust you to your Creator.
May you return to him who formed you from the dust of the earth.
May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints 
come to meet you as you go forth from this life.
May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace.
May Christ who died for you admit you into his garden of paradise.
May Christ, the true Shepherd, acknowledge you as one of his flock.
May he forgive all your sins, and set you among those he has chosen.
“Thank you.” Caleb said, his throat tight and his voice hoarse. 
“Here, drink this, it will…it will dull your senses.'' The older man still did not cry, but it was becoming increasingly obvious how much of an active effort he was making to stay stoic. He helped Caleb drink a tincture of laudnuam. “I will make sure Philip is not there to see.”
“Thank you.”
There was still so much both of them had to say to each other that words could never express. Caleb could never express his gratitude to Mr. Fuller for everything he had done. There were no words to repay the guidance, trust, and understanding that Mr. Fuller had given Caleb throughout the years. Nor were there words that could express the depths of despair felt by a man looking into the eyes of the boy he had raised, knowing that there was nothing else he could do to save him. 
“Goodbye, son.”
“Goodbye. And thank you, for everything.”
With that, Mr. Fuller left. After a long time he returned with the other four men who more or less governed the settlement. Zachariah Archer, George Tilley, Eli Carver, and John Percy. 
“William says you wish to forgo your right to a trial?” Mr. Carver said. 
“He knows he is guilty.” Mr. Archer said, “I must say, Wittebane, I do commend you for choosing to face your actions as a man rather than put everyone through the spectacle of a trial.”
“Is there nothing you wish to say in your defense?” Asked Mr. Carver.
Caleb shook his head, “I was not bewitched. I truly cared for Evelyn and do not believe her to be evil. I believe we have a misunderstanding of witchcraft and that the witches are innocent.”
“Blasphemy!” Mr. Tilley hissed.
“Caleb, think of what it is you are saying.” Advised Mr. Carver. “If you were bewitched we can hardly hold it against you. We could not allow you to remain in this settlement, but you could leave with your life. If you claim such heresy, we cannot allow you to live.” 
“I understand.” Caleb said, somehow he managed to keep his voice steady. “I did not expect you to believe me. And I will accept my fate with dignity. I only request that I am allowed to say goodbye to my little brother, and that he is not punished for my actions.”
“Surely you understand we cannot trust you alone with him while you are claiming such blasphemy.” Mr. Archer said. 
“But you cannot deny brother's their farewells.” Mr. Percy argued. “Not when they are each other's only kin.”
“Very well, fetch Philip, but they may only speak under supervision.” Mr. Archer said. 
Mr. Percy left to get Philip. 
“Have you made your peace with the Lord?” Mr. Carver asked, his eyes full of sympathy. He was a kind man, Elizabeth's companion came from somewhere.
“Mr. Fuller gave me last rites.” Caleb said. 
Mr. Carver nodded, “I shall pray for your soul.”
“Thank you.”
Mr. Percy returned with Philip, who ran straight to his brother. 
“Caleb! I don't understand! What's going on? Why do you refuse to stand trial?”
“Listen to me, Pip, we don't have much time. I need you to be strong for me, okay? You're going to have to take care of yourself now, but you can do it. You are smart, and Mr. Fuller will help you, lean on him if you need to.”
Philip shook his head, tears streaming down his face. “No! The witch is dead, tis okay now! The bewitchment is broken! They can't execute you! They can't!”
“Tis okay, Philip.”
“Philip, please.”
“Tis all my fault.”
“No. I do not blame you for this. I love you, I have always loved you. You're going to be okay.”
Philip squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.
“I need you to promise you won't watch. I don't want you to see. Stay here with Mr. Fuller.”
“Promise me, Pip.”
“Okay…I promise.”
“One more thing.” Caleb leaned close enough to whisper into Philip’s ear. “Promise to stop witch-hunting.”
“I…I promise.”
“You'll be okay.” 
“Time to go.” Mr. Archer said.
“No,” Philip cried, grabbing Caleb's sleeves, “No, no…”
“Tis okay, Pip. I love you. Goodbye.”
Mr. Fuller silently came up behind Philip to hold him back as Mr. Archer and Mr. Tilley roughly pulled Caleb to his feet. Caleb made eye contact with each of them one last time. Philip’s eyes were swimming with tears. Mr. Fuller gave a solemn nod. It was the last bit of strength he could offer. 
Mr. Archer pushed him hard and he stumbled forward. Outside the church a crowd had gathered. Henry Jones and Elizabeth Carver amongst them.
“Father!” Elizabeth cried as soon as Mr. Carver walked out, she ran to him and clung to his arm. “Father, please reconsider!”
“Tis the law of the Lord, Lizzie. He confessed. Tis out of my hands.”
“Tis okay, Lizzie.” Caleb told her. “Go back to Henry.”
Elizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and sobbed. “At least give him a barrel to stand on.” She begged her father. “Please.”
“Very well.” Mr. Carver said. 
“Thank you.” Caleb said, “and thank you for being my friend.” 
Elizabeth threw her arms around him.
“Eli, you would do well to teach your daughter restraint.” Mr. Archer said.
“And you would do well to show some compassion!” Mr. Carver snapped back. “Come now, Lizzie.” 
Mr. Carver pulled Elizabeth back, Henry came forward to comfort her. 
Mr. Archer continued forward, pushing Caleb along. Tears sparkled in Elizabeth's eyes until she turned and buried her face in Henry's chest.
Others came out to witness Caleb’s final walk. People whispered, but Caleb kept walking with his head high until they reached the palisade gate, that was when the hanging tree came into sight. His knees failed him at the sight of Evelyn's body dangling limply from the branches. 
Mr. Archer and Mr. Tilley caught him under his armpits to stop him from hitting the ground. 
“You'll join her in Hell soon enough.” Mr. Tilley growled.
Caleb closed his eyes and looked away, she was dead. She was really dead. Tears rolled down his face. I'm sorry, Evelyn. I'm so, so sorry. 
Mr. Carver called for a barrel and helped Caleb step onto it. He was far more gentle than Mr. Archer or Mr. Tilley. He was a good man.
“I pray your neck snaps quickly.” He said quietly as he slipped the noose around Caleb's throat. “May God have mercy on your soul.”
Caleb wanted to thank him for his tiny kindnesses, but he didn't think he could speak. His heart was racing in his chest, desperate to get as many beats out as it could before it stopped forever. At least the laudanum had been given a chance to work, causing the world to blur and sway a bit, but dulling the pain of Caleb's broken ribs. 
Mr. Archer addressed the crowd.
“Caleb Wittebane stands before you, having confessed to consorting with witches. We now condemn him to face God's divine judgment.”
The next moment the barrel was kicked out from underneath Caleb’s feet. 
William Fuller waited in the church as once again one of his children was taken from him. In spite of what some people said, he had never seen Caleb and Philip as replacements for his own children. The loss of his brave David, sweet little Felicity, and their mother would forever be a hole in his heart that nothing could ever heal. But when he found Caleb and Philip, they had started building around the hole. He had needed them as much as they needed him. They had given him a reason to carry on living even after he felt like his heart had died. 
Caleb had grown into exactly the type of man William had hoped he would be: curious, open-minded, noble…those traits that had drawn William to him as a child, the traits that made him who he was, those were the traits that led him to his death. 
Young Elizabeth Carver was praying at the pulpit, with Caleb’s buddy Henry Jones beside her. Philip was still clinging to William like a child might cling to their mother. 
Finally, Eli Carver returned. Everyone looked up, his daughter stood as if hoping her father had come to deliver news of a miracle.
“It is done.” He said simply. A new hole ripped wide open in William's heart. Elizabeth crumbled, Henry caught her and lowered her gently to the floor. Eli crossed the room to stand before William.
“William…I…” his eyes were full of sympathy.
“Tis not your fault, Caleb had made his decision, not even I could talk him out of it.”
Eli nodded, “His neck snapped. I thought you should know that. Twas over quickly.”
Philip let out a sob. William put a hand on his head to comfort him. He didn't suffer, that was a small mercy. 
“Thank you.”
“I presume that I need not remind you that giving a Christian burial to one accused of witchcraft goes against the King's laws.”
“I am aware.”
“I also presume that you have every intention of burying that boy.”
“You presume correctly. Are you going to arrest me?”
“No,” said Eli, “I will aid you.”
“Thank you, my friend.”
William exited his bedroom to see Philip dressed and ready to go in the main room. The younger boy had come home with William, unable to face the idea of returning to the empty Wittebane house. 
“You're not coming with.” William told him.
“You can’t stop me.”
“Caleb asked me to keep you safe. I'm not going to immediately go against that promise by bringing you out to break the law.”
“He's my brother.”
“I know.”
“I'm never going to see him again.”
“I know. But your last memory of him should not be seeing him like that.”
“I've seen plenty of hangings, nothing will be worse than what I am already imagining.”
William sighed. With both himself and Eli complicit in this crime, the likelihood of any serious consequences was low. How could he deny Philip the chance to see his brother laid to rest?
“Carry the blankets and for the love of God, keep quiet.”
Philip nodded and obeyed, William shouldered a shovel and led the way through the darkened settlement. 
Eli and Henry were both waiting at the gates to the settlement.
“Let us make haste.” Eli said. 
They approached the tree with the two bodies dangling in the dark. 
“Cut him down, Henry.” William ordered. He and Eli got into position to guide the body to the ground. It looked like Eli had been telling the truth. While Caleb’s neck lobbed at an unnatural angle, his face was absent of the telltale bloating that came with strangulation. Philip could hardly contain himself. He held his brother's corpse to his chest and sobbed. 
“You must pull yourself together.” Eli said.
“Give him a moment to grieve while we cut her down.” 
“Surely you aren't serious!” Eli said. “Tis one thing to bury Caleb, but the witch? Have you gone mad?”
“She is but a girl,” William replied, “By looks younger than your own daughter.”
“She is the one who led Caleb to his fate.” 
“As he led her. Believe what you will, but Caleb loved her, enough that he would rather die than sully her name. I will not leave her here to rot.”
Eli sighed, “Cut her down, Henry.”
Carefully, William guided the girl's body down. She was not as lucky as Caleb. It was clear from the red spots on her skin and her swollen lips that she had not died quickly.
He thought about all the stories Caleb had told about her. She liked exploring and watching animals. She had a little sister and an older brother. She loved to tell riddles and snorted when she laughed. She had hopes and dreams for the future. She was just a kid. They were both just kids. 
“I'm sorry I couldn't have gotten to know you.” William whispered. “I hope you find peace.”
Carefully, William shrouded her in one of the blankets while Henry and Eli wrapped Caleb in the other. 
“There is a clearing by the river where the ground is soft.” Henry said, “Tis out of the way enough that I don't think anyone would disturb it or notice fresh turned soil.”
“Lead the way, then.” 
William lifted Evelyn’s body into his arms, Eli carried Caleb's. Philip trailed along with the shoves, shaking hard. 
Henry had been right, the earth in the spot he suggested was soft and it did not take long to dig an adequate grave. William lay the two bodies side by side. Eli helped him climb out. 
“Heavenly Father,” William prayed. “Look down in mercy upon these two children whom we offer now to thy care. Forgive them their trespasses and cleanse them with thy holy light. Grant them everlasting life in your kingdom. Let them know no more pain or sorrow. For you are the most holy. In your name, Amen.”
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munnaitorei · 1 year
Hey, can I get Chuuya x Reader? The reader is female and has some girl thing, u know (period). I started my period, and I think it's the worse period I have ever had this time because my college and organization are stressing me out :(
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I need to rest sometime, y'know?!
pairing: Chuuya x Reader
genre: comfort, fluff
cw/tw: none (period cramp maybe)
summary: you have some problems that also collide with your period cramps, making you lose motivation to do.
Note: I hope you feel better soon, and thank you for requesting the first anonymous. I also experienced the same thing. So let me write that so that you can feel better :)
BSD Masterlist
The period just started, and today was day three of your killing. You admitted that day two and three was the worst pain, according to people. So now, you were lying without no motivation today. Your college was killing you, with homework and exams you had to finish. Not only that, but your organization was calling you to do this and do that.
"Fuck you, period!" you cursed. "Why do I, as a female, suffer this and male don't!"
Moody, as always, since the period was like a drug controlling your entire body. Yet, you still dare to chat with your organization friend about your work. But after that, you lie down again, but this time in the bean bag that Chuuya bought for both of you to relax.
"Baby, I'm home," a man called your pet name. "Where are you, hon?"
As Chuuya walked into the place, he found you lying on the stuff with your pouted face. Well, he wasn't stupid; you also told him that you have some period. A few days ago, you were busy finding your favorite shabby sheets. This confused him because as much as Koyo taught him, he never knew this.
"What was that for?"
"Uhm, sorry for putting the shabby sheet on your bed," you scratch your head nervously. "But it's for preventing me from making a mess in your bed."
"You know," you shyly said. "B-Blood."
After that, Chuuya understood what you were struggling with right now. He also understood that you didn't like to use tampons, but you enjoyed using pads. And another thing, last night he caught your sleeping at 3 AM, overthinking about your college.
"Babe, c'mon," he said, brushing your shoulder to give you a sign. "You need to rest. You can think and do about it tomorrow. For now, let's get you to sleep, yeah?."
And, of course, you complied with his request, which ended today. Chuuya let you sleep until 11 AM because he knew you needed a good nap. The good thing was that you don't have a class today too.
"Hey," he walked to your side. "Did you take a good sleep?"
Then you tried to get up from the bean bag as you groaned.
"Do you need help?"
"No, Chuuya," you pushed him away. "I can do it by myself."
Chuuya didn't push you further and instead observed you from afar. He saw that you looked like a sloth, very different from your usual self. The moment he saw you try to work again was when he lectured at you like a mom.
"Y/N, can you please stop for one day?" he said. "You can just think about your college and organization, but you also need to think about your body."
"Chuuya, can you just please not be a mom for once?!"
"What the hell are you shouting at me?!" Chuuya snapped. "I was only trying to help you!"
You feel guilty, and so you hide your face from him. "I-I'm so sorry, everything is so hard for me."
"Y/N, take a rest for once," Chuuya said. "I'll take you everywhere. Just say the word: the park, the museum, the library, whatever. I just want to spend time with you so you won't be burned out with your college thingy.
And then, you broke down by crying at his words for you. Last month, you remember that you had this period colliding with some stuff too. However, you felt so overwhelmed, but no one was there to support you. You know that your people were busy doing their stuff instead listening to your problem.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Chuuya quickly rushed to your side as he held your body. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you!"
"No, no, no," you said as you cried. "I just remembered last year."
"What about it?"
"Last year, I had nobody to care for me," you said as you wiped your tears away. "I was in no good condition, yet I had to fight my way even though I need someone to lean on.
So you tried to explain to him what was happening with your life. Your college, your friend, your organization, your life, and also your pain has collided at the same. And that results in you having a mental breakdown right now telling that you don't deserve this beautiful life too.
"Baby..." he hugged you tightly.
"I was the one who should say I'm sorry for snapping at you because of my mood swing."
"Hmm, you don't need to apologize," Chuuya said as he put his head on his head. "I know what's going on. Anyway baby, I know what we should do to make you feel motivated."
"You do?"
"Yeah, let's have our time together," Chuuya said as he saw you smile a bit. "Eat ice cream together as we cuddle and watch a funny movie that will cher you up, alright baby?"
You nodded happily as he kissed your cheeks.
NOTE AGAIN: I hope you like it, and I am also not in a good situation right now. But let's fight this pain together; you are not alone :)
Anyways, I really wish I had a boyfriend like Chuuya :')
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nicosraf · 1 year
i am sorry if this is stupid but lucifer “singing” in the church to god was not him singing right? I genuinely at first understood it as him singing and the first time I thought worship is used in any sexual context is with Michael later once lucifer starts to create sin, im sorry if this is dumb but this has been stuck on my mind trying to understand especially because i wont lie i went through some mental stuff seeing thats how others perceived it. if this is true i would love to hear (if you are open) then why you chose these sequences of events
Hello! You're not dumb!!! This isn't a stupid question!! It's actually one I've been expecting for a bit now aha, so thank you for having the bravery to ask.
I'm gonna discuss that scene and then get a little broader if that's okay.
CW: discussion of SA, including that in the Bible
It's interesting people have interpreted the cathedral scene that way. A while ago, I said I'm a "dead author" person, so I don't think my convoluted intentions matter. And I still think that! I wouldn't write so metaphorically and vaguely if I weren't okay with interpretations – (not that I look at reviews, but I follow the ABM tag on most social media and sometimes things find me.) So I've seen some people upset by this scene, and it doesn't really bother me (until they insist on it and assume my intentions and think badly of me as a person.)
But if you want to know what I intended – no, I didn't write God appearing in the cathedral and sexually assaulting Lucifer. It's Lucifer singing and God telling him to continue. That's what I wrote. But I know the language I used, and I know the parallels I was drawing.
Here's the thing – ABM follows Lucifer struggling to have some sort of autonomy over his body. In the cathedral, he's having it be violated. He wants to stop singing, God won't let him. Is this scene rape? I guess it depends on what your definition of what rape is. I don't want to be philosophical and annoying, but well, I'm serious. To me, the scene is about a will being imposed on Lucifer, about his body being used in a way he doesn't want.
(On that note, worship always had a sexuality to it. This doesn't mean worship was performing sexual favors, (definitely not what I intend to imply), but just that there's always been something sexual about the practice of complete submission and praise. I remember wondering what God derived from being worshipped all day by angels, as the Bible seems to say. Did he get pleasure from it? It almost felt fetishistic to me.)
And God does "actually" assault Lucifer, later. In Eden, the last sentences of Chapter 29. (I'll save the "what does sex even mean in this book" post for another day). A part of me wants to apologize because that's upsetting, but it's supposed to be upsetting. This book is supposed to be upsetting. And I'm not just saying that because it's my trauma dump book haha. Sometimes books are uncomfortable and ugly.
But why would I write something this awful and (allegedly) blasphemous? Maybe I'm trying to say something about authorities in the Church and impressionable young people, maybe I'm trying to say something about Christianity and bodily autonomy, maybe it's about me and conversion therapy. Who cares about my intentions.
But I want to share a Bible story that I discovered a little before I wrote ABM. I was reading Ezekiel 28, this passage a lot of Christians associate with Lucifer, the epigraph of ABM:
Your heart became proud     on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom     because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth;     I made a spectacle of you... Ezekiel 28:17 (NIV)
In Ezekiel 28, God addresses the fallen cherub angel, who had been in Eden, who had been adorned with every precious stone, who had been perfect in beauty and wisdom. He's angry the cherub became proud on account of his beauty.
I started reading the rest of Ezekiel, which I'd done before but never closely. I found Ezekiel 16.
In Ezekiel 16, God tells the story of Jerusalem, who is personified. First, he sees her as an infant, and, in God's own words: "I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew and developed and entered puberty. Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown, yet you were stark naked." He comes by her again, later, then decides she's "old enough for love" and clothes her. He adorns her, in jewelry. He says she becomes beautiful. He says, "And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect."
But then, God says, Jerusalem, "you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his." It doesn't say who his is. "You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places, where you carried on your prostitution. You went to him, and he possessed your beauty."
In punishment, God decides, "I will deliver you into the hands of your lovers, and they will tear down your mounds and destroy your lofty shrines. They will strip you of your clothes and take your fine jewelry and leave you stark naked. They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with their swords."
(In ABM, God says "Shall I deliver you to the hands of the angels, so that they strip you of your clothes, jewelry, and leave you without flesh? Shall I command a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with swords?”)
In Jeremiah 13, God addresses Jerusalem again. He says, first, "I will weep in secret because of your pride." Then, he gets angry and says: "Because you have forgotten me and trusted in false gods. I will pull up your skirts over your face–"
I remember being really fascinated by this Jerusalem, who God seemed to have groomed, who became proud on account of her beauty, who went on to love someone else, who God decided had to be hurt by everyone, who God eventually assaulted.
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mutantthedark · 4 months
If you're new here, let me introduce myself. I'm Mutant, a Lithuanian Digital artist and draws a lot to improve my art skills~ I'm a spring baby, born in April 27th. I'm always tired, sleepy and anxious... so please, bare with me.
I'm on Cara too. ---> Cara
Halia "Sigma" Connors introduction. ✈️
Halia "Sigma" Connors mwiii gears ✈️
Halia "Sigma" Connors playlist ✈️
Sigma x Soap playlist ✈️🧼
Sigma x Soap all things ✈️🧼
My interests Are :
Kingdom Hearts
Call Of Duty
Sonic the hedgehog
The Walking dead (Telltale series)
Life is Strange
The Last Of Us
Half Life
Star Wars
1. What program do you use to draw and what tablet?
I use Paint tool Sai 2 and tablet I use is Veikk A15 pro.
2. How old are you?
I'm 19 y.o
3. Did you get into a art school?
Never. I wanted to draw and learn everything by myself.
4. Do you open commissions, requests, collabs, art trades, etc?
I sometimes take art requests, but I only draw for my friends and mutuals who I trust the most. I'll NEVER open art commissions and for collabs... Well, if you have any ideas, then sure, I'll collab, but if I have more time. Art trades are open.
5. Can I use your art as icons and pfp?
Sure, go ahead! but please, credit me in your bio.
6. Why are putting signatures on your drawings? You're ruining your atwork!
The signature means I don't allow for you to repost my artworks and claim as yours.
7. Can I print your art?
I'm deeply honored if you love my art, then sure, I'll allow you to. But if you want a better quality to print, you need to giveme ONLY your discord username so I can send it to you!
8. Can I draw your ocs and cosplay them?
You don't need my permission to ask, go ahead! I would love to see your fanart! And yes, you can cosplay!
9. How did you come up with character design, story, etc?
I use references and inspirations to find more ideas.
10. What is your favourite thing to draw?
Hair, gloves and shoes, although I'm always struggling...
11. How many hours does it take to draw one art?
It depends on the time when I take breaks and shade details or when I'm busy with some real life stuff too.
Easy - 30 minutes
Normal - 1 hours
Medium - 2 days
Hard - 5 days
Very hard - a week or two
But if I create references for my ocs they take me to draw 2 weeks or a month.
12. Can I write a fanfic of your oc?
Sure, go ahead! But please, don't use my character for Sigma x reader.
13. Can I draw NSFW of your characters?
Ask first, only grown up characters. If you're a minor, I won't let you do it. BUT IF YOU LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE, YOU'LL BE BLOCKED.
Haters and negativity. (If you send some nonsense and that shit messages, I'll block you, and I won't answer it.)
If you have any questions, don't afraid to contact me!
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helloalycia · 1 year
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green-eyed monster [one] // alicia clark
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summary: you're living at the stadium and have befriended Alicia, but that friendship gets rocky when a new girl joins and Alicia doesn't trust her.
warning/s: mentions of loss
author's note: it's been so long since i last shared anything i wrote and for that i apologise! happy new year firstly, legit cannot believe it's 2023. I've been working on a bunch of different stuff and never seem to finish any of it, hence why this is the first thing i'm sharing for a few months – i just happened to finally finish it!
for anybody who cares, i'm working on a several part lexa imagine (or short story depending on how long it ends up lol what can i say, i miss her), and i've almost finished writing my first lesbian fiction story which is exciting! i cannot wait to share more details on that with you closer to the time, but for now, thanks for being patient with me and i hope you enjoy part 1 of 2 to this alicia imagine because i miss her :))
part two / masterlist / wattpad
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"You know how to ruin a girl's self esteem, you know that?"
"Oh, shut up. Stop being dramatic." Alicia rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh.
"What? Maybe I wanted to–"
"Start walking around the stadium with a safari hat on your head? Yeah, I'm sure you did."
I gave her a knowing look, doing all I could not to let my smile take over. "You know it looks good."
She held my stare, as if to make me see sense, but all it did was finally make her laugh. It was a good feeling, I won't lie, hearing her laughter and watching the twinkle in her eyes when she did.
"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you by wearing it," I assured her with an amused smile, removing the hat from my head. "But I know you secretly love it."
She grinned. "You're so annoying, d'you know that?"
I shrugged carelessly, smiling nonetheless. Hanging out with Alicia was always my favourite thing, even if it meant frustrating her to no end (AKA my favourite hobby). Ever since her and her family invited me to stay with them at their settlement – an old baseball stadium – I felt like me again. I'd been convinced I would spend the rest of my life struggling to find food and running from infected forever, but they changed that.
It was easy to befriend Alicia since she was around my age, one of the only ones here who was. But that was a few months ago, back when they were starting this place up. Now, it was different, but the 'damage' had been done and Alicia was stuck with me whether she liked it or not.
"We really need to sort these clothes out, so stop fooling around," she warned me with a stifled smile.
"Yeah, yeah..."
We were sorting through some clothes that had been picked up on recent supply runs, separating the unusable ones from the ones we could definitely wash and share out between everyone. But as always with Alicia, it was easy to get distracted.
As we continued to go through everything, neatening the piles of clothes up on the table, we were interrupted by Madison, Alicia's mum.
"...and this is my daughter, Alicia, who I was telling you about," she was saying, and I noticed she was showing somebody new around. "This is her friend, Y/N."
Alicia and I exchanged glances before stopping what we were doing. Madison and the stranger looked to us with smiles.
"Girls, this is Jade," Madison introduced the newbie. "She's going to be joining us here from today. We bumped into her on the latest supply run."
"I don't know if I'll be staying yet," Jade said with a friendly smile, giving Madison a knowing look as if referencing a prior conversation, "but Madison was kind enough to bring me along. It's great to meet you both."
"Trust me, you'll wanna stay," I said jokingly, knowing that exact mentality because it was the same one I had when I first arrived. "It's nice to meet you, Jade."
"Yeah, it's nice having you here," Alicia added with her signature smile, enough to make anyone weak in the knees, or maybe just me. "The more the merrier."
"I'm just showing her around the place to let her have a feel for how things are," Madison explained, before noticing what we were doing and looking to Jade. "The girls are just sorting through our findings, clothes-wise. Kind of like shopping but without the money."
"Without the money but with the mean comments," I corrected, giving Alicia a knowing glance, and she rolled her eyes with amusement.
"It was a stupid hat, Y/N, you know it was."
Alicia's smile widened before she looked to her mum. "I don't mind finishing up the tour if you want. I know you have a lot to do."
"You sure, hon?"
"Y/N an' I will both do it," she said, nudging me in the side when she mentioned my name.
"I guess we will," I said when Madison and Jade looked to me expectantly.
"Great," Madison said with a relieved smile. To Jade, she added, "I leave you in their capable hands."
"Fine by me," Jade said with a chuckle.
And so that was how I found myself giving a tour to the new girl with Alicia. It wasn't too bad since it was a nice change of pace from the usual daily chores, and it was also fun to get to know somebody who was similar in age and wasn't Alicia (not that I didn't love hanging out with her). Jade was chill, funny and laidback. Very confident with herself, which could be a little intimidating sometimes, and a little flirtier than I expected, but she seemed lovely.
Alicia and I showed her around the place – the cattle we had, the irrigation system that was rigged up, the rooms we were building – with hopes of subtly convincing her to stay. As Alicia said, the more that joined us, the merrier it was.
From what little Jade revealed, she didn't have any family or a group to rely on, she was just alone, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to have her start over here.
"You don't need to make any decisions now, or even today," Alicia said to her at the end of our tour. "Stay the night, catch up on your sleep, and then decide. But it could be a fresh start is all."
Jade nodded gratefully.
"It doesn't seem real, but it is," I added with a small smile. "It was the fresh start I was looking for. Could be yours, too."
"Thanks, both of you," Jade said, looking between us. "You've been amazing tour guides. Certainly gave me a lot to consider."
"Don't forget to leave us a five star review on Yelp," I joked, barely getting to add more before Alicia slapped me on the back of the head.
"Ignore her, she's just an idiot," she said to Jade when I frowned.
Jade laughed as I shot Alicia a sideways glare.
"Come on, we finished just in time to grab some dinner," Alicia said, ignoring me.
Even when she was annoyed at me, she still had my attention, I wouldn't lie.
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So, Jade decided to stay.
It didn't take much convincing, and the next day, she'd already made up her mind. Naturally, she began to hang around with Alicia and I since we were the only people she knew and the only ones similar to her age. That's when I discovered that her overly-friendly and flirty nature wasn't a one-off, but rather something she kept up the longer we got to know each other.
It was always little compliments she'd throw my way, or certain times I'd catch her staring at me and she'd completely own it rather than looking away. At first I was flustered considering I hadn't been on the receiving end of someone's interest in a long time, but then I began to enjoy it for the same reason. I hadn't been involved with anybody romantically for a while, so it was – dare I say it – fun to have the attention. Besides, it wasn't anything serious, so why not enjoy it?
Funnily enough, as I began to like having Jade around, Alicia was the opposite. Whereas I appreciated her friendliness, Alicia began to become suspicious of it. It wasn't entirely obvious, but I'd come to know the green-eyed girl very well. Enough to read her curious expressions whenever Jade was within her vicinity. She even approached me about it once, shortly after Jade lent me one of her books because she knew I wanted something new to check out.
"Don't you think Jade is a bit too nice sometimes?" she asked me with a raised brow, eyes following the girl in question as she walked away.
I tried not to laugh. "What do you mean? How can someone be too nice?"
"You know... she's just always listening and being thoughtful and hasn't started any arguments since being here." Her eyes were still on Jade's retreating figure, leaving me suspicious.
"I mean, do you want her to start an argument? Isn't it a good thing that she's settling in?" When she didn't answer, I tilted my head forward so she would look at me. "Alicia?"
Finally looking my way, Alicia straightened up. "I don't know. I just think it's worth keeping an eye on her. Something feels off about her."
I couldn't understand what Alicia saw – Jade was getting on with everybody perfectly. She'd settled in this past week splendidly, falling into place like she'd always belonged. The only explanation I could think of was jealousy, which made me smile teasingly.
"It sounds like somebody's jealous that I've got a new friend," I joked, putting my arm around her shoulder, making her cross her arms and scoff in response. "Alicia, you know there's nothing wrong with Jade. It's okay to be jealous."
"You're being so stupid," she defended weakly. "I'm not jealous. I'm serious."
"Look, you'll always be my favourite," I continued to tease her, finding so much amusement in it. "Alicia Clark is irreplaceable. Even if she is a green-eyed monster right now."
If it was jealousy that was changing her opinion on Jade, it was unnecessary. If she knew that I'd already fallen head over heels for her, she definitely wouldn't doubt a thing.
"Forget it," Alicia mumbled, nudging my arm off her shoulder and walking the other way.
"Always my favourite!" I called after her with a laugh. "Don't forget it!"
She flipped me off without turning around before storming off.
I'd like to say it ended at that point and Alicia got over it the longer Jade stayed around, but she didn't. It was as if whenever Jade happened to be about, Alicia would get irrationally annoyed.
There was one time when I was eating dinner with Alicia and everything was going fine, as usual, in the sense that she wasn't previously annoyed for any reason. That was until Jade approached the table with a smile on her face. She looked between us before settling on me.
"Are you ready?"
It took me a minute to realise what she was on about before I straightened up. "Oh, yeah! One second."
As I finished my last bite quickly, Alicia quirked a brow. "Ready for what?"
Realising I hadn't told her, I said, "Jade is pretty good at building stuff, so she said she'd help me with the broken bookshelf in my room. Cool, right?"
Alicia didn't reply, instead clenching her jaw slightly as she glanced up at Jade.
"Well, I wasn't going to leave it how I saw it last time," Jade said with amusement. "Pretty girls need pretty things, right?"
I breathed out slowly through my nose, looking down at my plate and feeling my face heat up.
"I'm happy to help you, too, Alicia," Jade said, thankfully directing the remainder of the conversation to Alicia instead of me. "If you need anything fixing or anything."
I glanced up, watching Alicia roll her eyes rudely. She found mine, so I gave her a disapproving look because it wasn't necessary and all she'd done is make Jade uncomfortable.
"I'll, er, wait over there for you, Y/N," Jade finished, pointing over her shoulder.
I nodded and watched her leave, making sure she was out of earshot, before staring at Alicia with disbelief. "Seriously?"
"Fixing stuff?" she said, pulling a disgusted face. "Really? It's amazing how she seems to be good at everything, don't you think?"
"That's not fair, Alicia," I scolded her. "She's just being friendly."
"That's a little more than friendly...," Alicia mumbled under her breath, making me frown.
"So what?" I retorted, more frustrated than I realised. "Is that a bad thing?"
Alicia met my eyes, gaze softening apologetically. "Just be careful, Y/N. There's something strange about her."
Embarrassed, I said, "If the strange thing is that she might actually like me, then yeah, very strange."
She reached out her hand, but I pulled mine away. She frowned, saying, "I didn't mean it like that."
I avoided her eyes, stupidly flustered. "It doesn't matter. Just stop being rude to Jade. It's not fair on her."
She didn't respond straight away and I didn't stay to hear her opinion. I only hoped she would listen to me.
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I'd love to say that after that awkward conversation with Alicia, she finally dropped her random grudge and got over herself, but she didn't. Instead, she decided to keep it up and take it one step further.
We were eating dinner together another night, though this time it was Alicia, Madison, Nick – Alicia's brother – and his girlfriend, Luciana, along with myself and Jade. Everything was going fine and it was supposed to be a normal dinner, until Alicia decided to ruin it.
"I would like to say something," Alicia announced suddenly, making everyone cease their conversation.
"What is it, sweetie?" Madison asked with concern.
I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, wondering what she wanted to say, until I realised her eyes were dead set on Jade sat beside me.
"You've been acting very weird lately, Jade," she came outright with it, making me squeeze my fork with annoyance.
"Alicia," I warned, but she ignored me.
"I followed you," she continued.
"What?" Jade asked with surprise.
"What?" I also said, raising my eyebrows with disbelief.
Alicia licked her lips, glancing at me with apologetic eyes, before staring at Jade with accusation. "Yeah, because I noticed you keep sneaking away into the stands every afternoon with a radio."
"Alicia, what's happening right now?" Madison asked with confusion, glancing between her and Jade. "What are you doing?"
"No, the question is what is she doing?" Alicia asked, glaring at Jade. "What are you hiding, Jade?"
Nick began to chuckle quietly, finding the whole thing amusing, whilst Luciana tried to tell him to be quiet and not interrupt. Meanwhile Madison scolded Alicia for overstepping and invading Jade's privacy. Alicia ignored her mother and kept her gaze focused on a nervous looking Jade.
"Why couldn't you just listen to me?" I said to Alicia, trying to earn her attention, but she wasn't listening. "Alicia!"
"Well?" she pressed Jade further, acting as if I wasn't there.
Jade swallowed hard before nodding slowly. "Fine." Everybody fell silent, and I looked to my right to hear her out. She continued, "Alicia is right. Sometimes I go to the stands to be alone."
"And the radio?" Alicia prodded, quirking a brow. "Who are you talking to, Jade?"
Jade paused, frowning slightly, before reaching into her satchel that she always wore and pulling out a radio, one I'd never seen before in my life. I didn't even know she had a radio. Nobody really carried them around the stadium unless it was on a supply run. And newbies especially weren't allowed them in case they tried to contact the wrong sorts of people. Why did Jade have one?
"It's old," Jade said, practically reading my mind. She looked around at everyone, eyes lingering on mine, before she opened the back of the radio. "It doesn't work. No batteries. See?"
She showed us the empty back, absent of batteries and therefore rendering it useless. With each word she uttered, Alicia's face drained.
"It's the last thing I have from my sister," Jade continued reluctantly. "We used to talk all the time with it. It's– it's just a keepsake, that's all... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be suspicious. I just wasn't ready to share that history with everyone."
Nobody was smiling now, the air filled with an uncomfortable tension. I frowned, watching Jade clumsily put the back cover back on her radio and into her bag.
"Jade, I... I'm so sorry for my daughter's behaviour," Madison began guiltily, when Alicia said and did nothing except stare with surprise.
"It's okay," Jade said with a forced smile. "She was just looking out for you all, for this place you've built. But I... if you'll excuse me..."
Before anybody could stop her, she slid off the bench and left in a hurry, upset and hurt and everything else that came with talking about your dead sister. I couldn't just watch her leave and be by herself in that state, so I got up, too, but not before glaring at Alicia.
"You happy now?" I asked her rhetorically, before running after Jade.
I caught up to her as she was crossing the stadium, probably making her way back to her room.
"Jade, wait up," I called, finally stopping before her before she could get further. "I'm so sorry Alicia did that and you had to say all of that. It wasn't fair."
She smiled dryly, avoiding my eyes. "I had my suspicions that Alicia didn't like me, but that was..."
I frowned, trying to find her eyes. "She's not usually like this. I think she's just adjusting to having someone else around. It was always just the two of us and... I'm sorry."
It felt stupid to defend Alicia after pulling something like this, but I had to. This wasn't her, she was better than this. Jade had to know that.
"It's okay," Jade assured me with a nod, before tilting her head and staring at me. "It's sweet that you're defending her. You're too sweet for your own good, Y/N."
I swallowed thickly, unsure what else to say. She raised her hand, touching my cheek tenderly and making me freeze at the contact.
"Thanks for coming to check on me," she said, dropping her hand, "but I just want to be alone if that's okay."
I cleared my throat, nodding. "Of course."
She smiled weakly before walking away. I exhaled deeply before turning around to head back to the others. I expected to find Alicia there, but I was told she'd gone back to her room, so I stormed over there myself, anger building up once more. As soon as I knocked on her door, she opened it guiltily, about to speak, but I didn't let her get a breath in before I unloaded.
"What the hell was that, Alicia?!" I shouted, looking between her eyes, searching for an answer. "You did the complete opposite of what I asked! I told you to drop it and now – what? You've dredged up Jade's past? You satisfied, Alicia?"
When I was finished, she pressed her lips together and breathed out through her nose. With a calm voice, she said, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't know that– I had to be sure it wasn't anything strange. It looked weird, her sneaking away to radio someone. Can't you agree?"
"No, because I didn't have any doubts!" I fired back with disapproval.
"I don't trust her," she said, shaking her head.
"You only had to trust me."
Her gaze flickered between my eyes, an apology hiding behind hers. I hated that with a simple look she already had me loosening up, willing to get over it.
"I'm sorry," she repeated earnestly. "I'll apologise to Jade, too."
I looked down at my shoes, frowning. Never had Alicia and I argued like this before, especially over something so silly.
"Are we good?" she asked softly, shoe kicking the tip of mine reluctantly, making me look at them.
I rubbed my hands over my face, sighing, before nodding and looking at her. "Yeah, we are. I'm just... a bit annoyed at you right now."
She chewed on her bottom lip, guilt forcing her to look away.
"I'm gonna go," I said awkwardly. "I just hope this pettiness stops now, Alicia."
She nodded in agreement and I left it at that.
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Following the incident at dinner, Alicia kept to her promise and dialled her attitude back whenever it came to Jade. She wasn't best friends with her, but the death glares and confrontations were kept to a minimum which was all I could have asked for. There was the occasional eye roll of course, but if I pretended it wasn't there then it didn't bother me.
"Just take off the dead leaves," I told Alicia with a stifled smile. "Why does everything have to be so difficult?"
"Because I wasn't supposed to be on gardening duty today," she retorted, scowling at the plants.
"Don't act like you don't love spending time with me," I teased, and she merely nudged me in the side, making me catch myself with my arm before I fell sideways from my sat down position.
We were both sat on the soil, cleaning up the vegetable patches as part of our chores, but Alicia's chore was changed from guard duty to this for today, so she wasn't particularly loving it.
"With guard duty, I only have to sit and keep watch," she muttered as she picked off the dead leaves.
"That's boring," I said with a shake of my head.
"Well, it wouldn't be if you traded jobs and did it with me," she said, glancing at me with a hopeful smile.
I mirrored her stance, making fun of her. "Or you could trade jobs and do this with me."
She lost her smile, straightening up, and I laughed at the sudden change of expression.
"It's not even that bad," I told her, before scooting over slightly to move onto the next plant.
She muttered in disagreement, making my smile widen, before a quiet fell upon us.
"Y/N, Alicia, hey!"
I looked up at the sound of my name, as did Alicia, only to see Jade approaching us with a friendly smile. Alicia's eye roll didn't go unnoticed when Jade kneeled before us. Just like that, the air around us changed.
"Hey, Jade," I greeted for the both of us, offering her a smile. "How are you?"
"Doing good, yeah," she said, returning my smile. "Just finished washing the breakfast dishes. Thought I'd stop by and see if you ladies needed a hand."
I glanced at Alicia, expecting a sarky comment of some sort, but she surprisingly stayed quiet and had her eyes glued to the plants.
"You don't have to," I said politely, looking back to Jade. "I think Alicia and I got it. Besides, it's our chores, not yours."
"Oh, I don't mind," she insisted. "I have nothing else to do anyway."
Not having any other reason to decline, I shrugged. "Okay, sure. We're just cleaning up the vegetable patch. So removing any dead leaves and giving everything a water after. Knock yourself out."
She hummed in agreement before sitting cross-legged opposite us and beginning to pluck the dead leaves from the plants. It was quiet once again, as the three of us worked silently, but I felt Jade's eyes on me and glanced up at her.
"What?" I asked, suddenly nervous because I hated attention like that.
She smiled, eyes looking me up and down. "Nothing, sorry."
I quirked a brow. "Seriously?"
Chuckling, she shook her head. "I just– you look good today, that's all."
I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was an awkward breath before I looked away. My face started to heat up when she began to laugh.
"You're cute when you're nervous," she added, only making me want the Earth to swallow me up there and then.
"I just realised I have to go help mom with something," Alicia suddenly said, before I could say anything.
I looked over to her, recovering from my embarrassment. "What? What about this?"
She tensed her jaw slightly, avoiding my eyes. "Jade's helping, right? I gotta go."
"Alicia," I said, furrowing my brows because something was clearly up.
She ignored me and stood up, not even bothering to dust the soil from her jeans before walking away. I watched after her, confused, before looking back to Jade when she spoke up.
"You and Alicia," she started curiously, "has that ever been a thing?"
Still thinking about the green-eyed girl in question, I only half listened. "A thing?"
"You know," she said like it was obvious, "a couple. The two of you."
I almost choked on my own spit when I realised what she was asking, and I was certain my face was permanently on fire at this point.
"What? I– no. Nothing like–" I cleared my throat uncomfortably, just the thought of Alicia and I being a couple sounding insane. Not because I didn't want that, but because she'd never feel the same way. "Nothing like that. We're just friends."
She laughed at my expression. "Okay, relax! I was just checking if I had any competition is all."
I looked away, wondering if I'd heard her correctly, but I was too afraid to follow up and check so I merely stayed quiet and kept on working. The flirting was certainly taking its toll.
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"You ready to go?" Alicia asked me as she was looking in her backpack, probably double checking she had everything she needed.
"Uh-huh." I patted my waist, feeling for my pistol, knife and radio. "You got the map?"
She paused, hands rooting around her bag before pulling it out and giving me a nod. I waited for her to finish up and threw my own backpack into the back of the pickup truck. We were going on a supply run together, specifically hoping to pick up some extra gardening supplies.
"Y/N, Alicia, wait up!"
The two of us turned around when we saw Jade jogging over to us.
"I'm so glad I caught you," she said breathlessly when she stopped before us. "Madison told me you were going on a supply run."
"We are," Alicia confirmed, although it was defensively as she crossed her arms and glanced over her.
"I wanted to ask if I could come with you," she said hopefully, looking to me, before adding to Alicia, "And you could have a break, Alicia."
"Maybe next time," Alicia answered before I could even acknowledge her words. Her eyes fell to me, darkening. "Come on, Y/N. We should go."
"I just want to help," Jade said with a frown. "I know things are still weird between us, Alicia, and I just want to make things right. Do something nice for everyone, even if it's just getting more gardening supplies. And giving you a break, too. You work so hard... you could relax and consider this a thank you from me."
Jade was lovely, but she was still relatively new to the stadium, having been here barely a month. We didn't really let newbies go out on supply runs for security reasons, and also because they never preferred to anyway. Despite this, I didn't see a huge reason why she couldn't go instead of Alicia. It was nice of her to offer since not many people did.
"I also thought it would be an added bonus that we could spend some more time together, Y/N," Jade added, eyes falling to me.
"Like I said, maybe next time," Alicia repeated firmly, before giving me an impatient look that screamed for me to get a move on. But I wasn't so sure.
"She's saving you a task," I tried to reason with Alicia. "Come on. You're always saying you need a break. Why not?"
She quirked a brow, questioning me without speaking. But I gave her a pleading look in return, hoping she'd reciprocate the effort that Jade was making. After what felt like a year-long staring match, Alicia gave in reluctantly.
"Fine," she said with a clenched jaw, making Jade smile.
"Thank you, Alicia," Jade said to her gratefully. "I won't let you down."
Alicia said nothing as she squeezed her hands into fists by her side.
"You can wait in the front," I told Jade, nodding to the truck. "I'll be right with you."
Jade nodded and went to the passenger's seat of the truck. Meanwhile, I gave Alicia a grateful smile, stepping closer to her.
"Thank you for trying," I said appreciatively, meeting her eyes. "It means a lot."
"Just be careful," she said seriously, bright eyes flickering between mine and momentarily leaving me breathless.
All I could manage was a nod before hugging her quickly. She squeezed me tight, leaving me smiling to myself, before letting go. After giving me her knife and backpack, I got in the truck.
"Here you go," I said to Jade, passing her Alicia's knife. "There's one gun and I've got it. We should try to avoid contact with infected if we can. You okay with that?"
Jade smiled. "You got it."
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nofoundboy · 2 years
Okie, first of all: Trigger Warning - Mention of Eating Disorder!
You sure? Okie! Don't worry, I won't go much into detail about it!
I was wondering if you are willing to write about Thomas Hewitt with a S/O who is undereating due to stress and they are becoming increasingly thinner? They also struggle to fall sleep, specially when Tommy is working late
Thank you! <3
I'm so sorry for the delay. I have a big block 😔
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Tw: eating disorders, stress, insomnio
It started in small portions.
You dared not arouse Hoyt's anger or Luda Mae's worry, so you disguised it by putting your portions as part of Thomas's meal, for it was never too much to give him strength.
Sometimes you skipped meals with the excuse that you had to help with the many duties in the Hewitt household. If any intruders arrived, no one thought too much about it.
Thomas didn't notice your weight loss right away, but you did look pale with those pronounced dark circles under your eyes. Many times he would run into you, your eyes staring at him as he came into the room after a hard day's work, when you were supposed to be sleeping.
He would quickly shake his head as he turned off the light and shed his clothes as quickly as possible to lie down next to you, wrap you in his arms and make sure you slept.
For your sake, you pretended to do so until finally, hours later, sleep came.
Your appearance became more and more like that of one who, without a doubt, does not eat enough.
You were exhausted all the time, your pallor was evident to everyone's eyes, as well as the lack of strength to perform the simplest tasks.
In a quiet moment when Thomas was finally able to rest, as he laid you down next to him, he timidly ran his hands over your hips, feeling your bones, something that was not possible before. He paid the attention that tiredness did not allow him, and examined your face observing your faded countenance.
His eyes showed the terrible concern he now felt for you, regretting not having paid attention earlier.
"It's all right, Tommy, I just need to get more rest" you would try to play it down, but Thomas would insist on being present every time mealtime came around, watching to make sure you ate enough.
He would ask Luda Mae to send you to bed early and make sure you had tea beforehand to help you fall asleep.
It would be a difficult recovery process, as you had been doing it for quite some time already, however, Thomas would go out of his way to help you get back to health, and would even find a way for him to sleep properly as well to set an example for you.
You are the most important thing to him, so he will be on you for a while, until your health is restored.
He expects to let you know at all times that you are his priority, that he loves you and is always looking out for your best, even when things in the Hewitt household are difficult, he will be there for you.
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yukidragon · 1 year
Oh my goodness! I completely understand if you don’t immediately want to write more about Alice having Ian’s baby au, but the next time you would like to I would love to hear more about it! Your au’s and ideas are always so well crafted! I can’t get enough of your writing or Sunny Day Jack ideas!!! :)
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Thank you so much for your sweet praise. It really means a lot for me to hear. I'm glad you enjoy my writing and headcanons!
I'm really glad this pretty dark AU has been entertaining for you and others despite some of the heavy topics in it. I appreciate that you want to hear more, but I think I'll want to take a bit of a break before I dig deep into it again given how heavy it is, especially since I just did a follow up of sorts discussing Ian's more problematic traits when it comes to his relationship with MC. It might be a good idea to focus on something a little lighter next as a palette cleanser, hahaha.
Though maybe I could think of a couple bright spots for that particular AU. Hmm...
Alice's family, at least those still living at the King house, do all chip in to help her take care of Lily. This is good since her health took a hard hit from the pregnancy and she would struggle otherwise. This allows her to have more time to rest and recover.
This also allows Jack more time to talk to Alice one on one despite the presence of a newborn demanding mommy's attention. Granted, a lot of time is spent just resting in the guestroom or outside in the garden when she's not taking care of the baby, but Jack does his best to keep Alice entertained while she's recovering, and he's the absolute best at being a cuddly teddy bear for her when she has to lie down.
The King house still has plenty of baby stuff in storage, so they're well prepared to help Alice out with the baby. It's more reason why mama Lycoris wants Alice to just move back home for good. Their house is big and she won't mind, nor will papa Zephyr.
Yup, papa King has a name now too. Guess this AU is oddly helping me with picking out names, huh?
Jack is really good with children, and whenever Lily starts crying, he just has a knack for getting her to calm down. It's almost like magic how he can just radiate calm emotions and help her understand that there's nothing to fear. Alice can't help but feel the same way about Jack really. He's just such a wonderful presence in her life after things have gotten so hard on her. He's been invaluable to help Alice take care of Lily and minimizing her stress.
Jack's empathy cheat and connection to both Alice and Lily really comes in handy at this point doesn't it?
While Alice is going to need more time than in Sunshine in Hell to even think about being in another romantic relationship, she does grow really close to Jack very quickly. Although... he's not the only guy crushing on her who wants to help out.
When Shaun comes back in town, he would have crashed with Alice for a while, but since she's a guest at her family's place, that's not doable. He does, however, get a nice bed and breakfast nearby until he finds a new place to settle down in, and he stops by as often as possible, much to Jack's annoyance. Alice is grateful for his visits and he never fails to make her laugh, which is also to Jack's annoyance.
Shaun even brings Moonpie over to visit Alice, and he mock fights with her over whose baby is cuter. Alice and Shaun eventually concede on a draw of a vote of one vs one... until Jack acts as tiebreaker and throws in his vote for Lily. That will probably be how Alice decides to try introducing Jack's existence to Shaun, though it's possible Alice will tell one or more of her family members about Jack before that. Coraline would just be thrilled to meet a ghost after all.
Needless to say, Shaun is both excited to meet Jack and a bit wary given Alice is in a vulnerable state. Still, she does insist Jack helped her, especially when Ian kept trying to see her, so that does give Jack some brownie points in Shaun's book.
Not that the feeling will necessarily be mutual from Jack. Shaun is yet another obstacle between Jack and his sunshine after all. Who knows though, maybe they'll bond over their mutual disdain for Ian and desire to protect Alice here too.
Huh. This got longer than I expected it to. I guess there are some more bright spots even in this dark AU than I thought. Then again I'm always a sucker for thoughts about my OTP being cuddly and sweet. I'll leave this post on that note with the image of Jack spooning Alice from behind while she nurses Lily, being this big protective teddy bear to his beloved sunshine and little sunspot.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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papayas-yum · 1 year
A Review of Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Just about every time there was a woman introduced in this novel, I felt more and more disappointed. It just reminded that men view women in a different light; it's almost like women aren't even people, what with the way that these female characters were all presented/portrayed.
I didn't like the unnatural dependency that all of these women had to the protagonist. To me, Naoko, one of the lead female characters, didn't serve much of a purpose because of the fact that the majority of her storyline was still clinging to Toru (protagonist). I felt like almost no part of her was separate from the male protagonist, and in some ways, I got the feeling that she wasn't really a character, but something of an object to Toru.
Midori wasn't her own character either, because throughout the entire she was just sexualized to the point where I can't even pick out a discernable personality trait of Midori herself. Her only dialogues are about sex and her body, there's one scene where she basically begs Toru to think of her while he does jerks off. There's a scene where she tells Toru about getting naked in front of a shrine of her recently deceased father, that I thought was unnecessary (or at least, I couldn't find a purpose for it). She's not her own person; she also has an odd fixation with Toru, like Naoko; whenever I think of either her or Midori, I also have to think of Toru because I felt like they were so intertwined (and not in a good way).
Reiko, the only other relevant character, is a character I was initially interested in when reading NW, and I wish that there was more exploration to her. The one thing I didn't really like was that her SA was explained in detail, which I found kind of unnecessary. I feel like there's no good reason to graphically explain or describe SA. And she too was weirdly attached to Toru. (and the last scene she was in with Toru threw me so off guard because I didn't see the point in it).
Mieko Kawakami (author) pointed out in this interview to Murakami that women in his novels seem to be stuck into an overtly sexual role, no matter what sort of character they're supposed to be. I haven't read other Murakami books, so I can't say that much on them, but it looks like the portrayal of women isn't too different from NW. And while it's true that Naoko and Midori and Reiko each have their own internal turmoils that are mentioned in NW, but I can't help but notice that those struggles are overshadowed by their sexualization and attachment to Toru.
I guess it really sounds like I hated NW, and to some extent, I did, but I guess "disliked some aspects of it" works better. I did really like the writing, and how this was a sort of exploration of loss and grief and depression and the character's inner struggles, but I can't just overlook the way these women were written. It was so odd, and I won't lie, it grossed me out.
NOTE: I'm not good at reviewing; in fact, I'm kind of bad at it. I just wanted to talk about how I feel about books I read because it's fun lols, so take this with grain of salt (or many).
quote I liked lols: "I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it—to be fed so much love I couldn't take anymore. Just once."
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
So… hi yall. Wanted to do a little post to check in and explain myself. The past 24 hours I have received many anons/messages asking if I deleted my posts and ao3. Short answer… yes. Yesterday I had what can only be described as an absolute mental breakdown. I hit my breaking point and I hit it hard. So amidst a full on hyperventilating panic attack I clicked a few buttons and poof- it was all gone. I'm sorry for not responding about this until now, but I wanted to wait until I was in a better state of mind to answer your questions and make some decisions. So I will explain some more and then do a Q&A from my inbox. 
I struggle a lot with mental health as is, I have frequent ups and downs, and writing and being a part of this fandom seemed to help a lot. I genuinely loved writing and finding you all. I've made some great friends and shared some great stories. But I found myself getting too immersed in my blog and in rdr2. It was unhealthy, and the more I leaned into it the worse I started to do in other aspects of my life. It started to stress me out. And although I loved writing and posting and interacting, I started recognizing more and more that my obsession was absolutely unhealthy. 
(I also want to add that I am strictly talking about my own experiences here. This was unhealthy for me. But I'm not suggesting that it's bad for everyone)
So yesterday happened to be the unfortunate day that the straw broke the camel's back… I snapped and it's gone. But don't worry, i'm not just abandoning everything, here's some answers to FAQs from my inbox today: 
Q: Did you delete ao3? Will we be able to read your fics again?? 
A: Yes, I deleted my ao3, including all of my fics. But they are saved in my Google drive. So I'm in the process of making a new ao3 account, reposting the fics you guys want and then orphaning the account. This way you guys will still have access to all my fics, but I won't be tasked with keeping up with the account. If there is a fic of mine that you would like me to upload to the new ao3 (or multiple) just submit it into my inbox and I will add it. Any fics that are not submitted into my inbox won't be posted to the ao3. You can remain anonymous if you like. A list of my fics and their summaries is provided at the bottom of this post.
Q: Are you okay? 
A: Genuinely? No. I've been trying not to lie about my feelings as of late, which is damn hard for me. I don't like talking about these things, but bottling it up sure as shit hasn't helped either. I'm not okay, but that's normal, and it's okay to not be okay. I'll be alright, I always am. Just gotta get things straightened out. 
Q: what about tfiye??
A: Oh my sweet series. This one has been weighing on my heart. I have it planned out really far and I don't think I have the heart to abandon it. As of right now, I will keep writing it and posting it to the new ao3 (once the acc has been approved and activated by ao3). I won't be posting every week like I was, but I plan on being pretty consistent with it. 
Conclusion: submit the fics you want to keep into my inbox, watch this account in about a week i'll post a link to the ao3. Again, I'm so sorry about this, loves. This information is subject to change, everything is fluid and constantly changing but for now this is the plan. Lastly, I beg you to be kind. I'm struggling and made a decision in a moment where I wasn't capable of reasoning with myself. I do not regret what i did, but I wasn't in a good frame of mind
 So please be kind, and remember i'm human too. Love you all.
Signing off- Bea
List of fics: just the more recent ones, and not including my series which is mentioned above
[  ] Aesthete: arthur x fem!reader (Arthur has a lack of inspiration and you offer yourself as a blank canvas, [nsfw])
[  ] Sleepless nights: Dutch x fem reader (Dutch helps you warm up in Colter + jealous Arthur snippet at the end [nsfw])
[  ] Princess: Dutch x fem reader (Dutch gives you the princess treatment after a rough day, modern au [nsfw])
[  ] On watch: Arthur x fem reader (Arthur is on watch and you attempt to distract him from his shift [nsfw])
[  ] Hush: arthur x fem reader (Arthur tries to keep you quiet [nsfw])
[  ] Crimson: Arthur x fem reader (Arthur helps you when your time of the month strikes at an unfortunate hour)
*if there are fics not mentioned here that you want to see, go ahead and submit them too, the name or a description of what happened in the fic will do just fine*
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