bookyeom · 1 month
whatever you say, bro - chs
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pairing: vernon x reader word count: 1.2k warnings: kissing, Shrek slander request prompt: "You're cute." "What did you say?" + "are you flirting with me?" "I’ve been trying to do that for three years."
Read Part Two here!
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A/N: Thanks so much for all the support on my 700 follower celebration. You guys rock! I'm doing my best to get through the requests, but there were way more than I anticipated so bear with me!
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Vernonie [8:59pm]: we still on for tomorrow night?
Your heart leaps, like it always does, when Vernon’s name pops up on your screen. 
Y/N [9:01pm]: yeah! see you then, bro
You sigh heavily, throwing your phone down onto the bed beside you and rolling over, pulling your pillow into your chest.
It’s a defense mechanism, you know, but it’s getting a bit ridiculous now. You’ve taken to throwing out the word nervously when he gets too close – which seems to be more often than not lately. You’d been worried that your crush on Vernon was getting disgustingly apparent, and so you'd started with this whole "bro" nonsense. Now, you don’t know how to get out of it.
Every time he catches you looking at him and raises a dramatic brow; every time you’re making plans to hang out just the two of you; every time his hand accidentally brushes yours while he hands over a headphone for you to listen to a song – you find a way to call him 'bro'. So that he knows it’s all strictly platonic. Which it’s not, of course – not for you – but his friendship means more to you than anything in this world, and you’re not going to jeopardize that just because you think he’s hot. And kind. And funny. 
Sure thing, bro. See you tomorrow, bro. I love movie nights with you, bro. I love when you show me new music or video games and your face lights up, bro. I love your eyes and the way you laugh at your own jokes, bro. While we're at it, your smile is pretty nice too, bro. 
You close your eyes with a sigh. 
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"Thumb war."
You’re sitting on the floor in Vernon’s apartment the next day, arguing over which movie to watch. It’s been at least a half hour of back and forth, so you'd decided to take matters into your own hands, and had proposed the most obvious solution.
"Thumb war," you repeat. "Winner gets to pick the movie." 
Vernon eyes you warily. "Fine. You're on." 
As soon as his fingers curl into yours, you can feel your stomach flutter. His touch sends goosebumps across your skin, and you regret the suggestion instantly, but you must carry on. For honour – and for the fact that if he makes you watch Shrek 2 again you might scream.
You square your shoulders and laugh at Vernon’s face, which has instantly turned competitive. You count down, and as your thumbs begin to battle, you feel the competitiveness in yourself grow, too. 
“Yes!” You cry. You have him pinned. 
You’re counting down when Vernon suddenly surges forward, your hands falling apart as you let out an ‘oof’ and fall to the ground. You let out a squeak as your back hits the floor with a soft thud, Vernon landing on top of you. His arms are on either side of your head as he pushes himself up a little, chest hovering above yours, and you can audibly hear the way your breath catches in your throat.
"Just shut up and let me pick a movie," he says breathlessly, and you’re sure you've forgotten how to breathe. His hips are between your knees, his chest pressed to yours, and you can feel every part of him against you.  
"Make me shut up," come your words, and you regret it immediately. His eyebrows raise, just as surprised as you are, and you swear he falters a little. 
"I will," he says back after a pause, and you can’t tear your gaze away from his. "I'll kiss you." 
The blood is rushing to your cheeks before you have time to think. Around now would be the time that you look away, but he’s so close that you can’t. Your heart is nearly pounding out of your chest, and you’re certain he can hear it. Or feel it.
Your head is spinning as you force out a laugh before saying, "Okay, bro."
Vernon’s eyes search your face before meeting your gaze again. His expression is serious, and you hold your breath as you wait for him to react.
But all he does is stand up, holding his hands up in surrender. "You can choose.” 
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For the rest of the night, things feel a bit awkward between you. You don’t comment on it like you normally would, because Vernon hasn’t said anything, which means he’s probably forgotten and it’s just you that’s making it weird now. You make it through your pick, and then he surprises you by picking one of your other favourites to watch as a second movie. It’s sweet, but you’re confused since he'd caused such a fuss earlier. 
As the movie progresses, you begin to relax a little. You can feel Vernon’s eyes on you as you giggle to yourself, and you shoot him a glare.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head. You turn back to the TV, focusing again when you hear him add, quieter, “You’re cute.”
Your head whips back in his direction. He avoids your gaze this time, the only telltale sign he notices you looking shown in the way he fidgets with the remote. 
“What did you say?”
“I said you’re annoying.”
You think ignoring everything that’s just transpired in the last minute is probably for the best. 
“I’m about to be really annoying, then,” you quip – and then you begin to quote line after line. 
It’s one of his biggest pet peeves, and he knows you’re doing it on purpose. You continue, waiting for him to break. It doesn’t take very long.
"Oh my god. Shut up." You can hear the smile in his voice, and you know you aren’t annoying him that much. 
"Make me," you shoot back without thinking, your heart stopping as you quickly remember where those two words had gotten you just a couple of hours before. You think Vernon is holding his breath, too, and you resist the urge to shrink even further back into his couch. Don’t make it weird, it’s fine, you’re just joking, don’t make it –
Vernon’s hand is on your face before you can finish your thought, tilting your chin up towards him – and then he’s kissing you.
When he pulls back, it takes a second for your eyes to flutter open again. And when they do, he’s already looking back at you, unwavering. His thumb brushes against your chin before he smirks and says, eyebrows raised, "I told you I would, bro.”
Your mouth is agape as he drops his hand and turns back to the movie. You feel a bit like your entire brain is resetting as you process what just happened.
“Are you flirting with me?”
“I’ve been trying to do that for like, three years now, so… yeah.”
“You kissed me.”
Vernon looks at you again now, and you absolutely cannot understand how he’s so calm about all of this. Smiling about it, even. “I did. Thoughts?”
Your friend is stoic at the best of times, but his eyes always give him away. When he doesn’t break your gaze, when he just waits while you process, you can see it in the way he’s looking at you — that even if he seems calm on the outside, he’s nervous. Nervous that you’re going to reject him, nervous that he may have overstepped, nervous that you don’t like him back. As if that would even be possible. “I think,” you say slowly, “that the movie can wait a little longer if you wanted to kiss me some more… bro.”
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@wheeboo @tae-bebe @waldau @eoieopda @gyuminusone @minisugakoobies @lvlystars @seohomrwolf @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @christinewithluv @wqnwoos @iluvseokmin
1K notes · View notes
teddybeartoji · 2 months
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on a hunt for supplies, you stumble across someone's belongings. a little bit of theft is fine, right? the cold barrel of a gun at your temple says otherwise.
☆. contains: toji fushiguro x gn!reader; apocalypse au; horror, detailed descriptions of blood and death, slow burn, crack, reader is simultaneously a scaredy-cat and a baddie, toji looks scary oh nooo
☆. word count: 6k
☆. note: the world is based on tlou!!! i am soooo into this fucking concept like i'm officially sucking my own dick here. tagging my beloveds @staryukis & @awearywritersworld bc omfg apocalypse ideas!!!!!! and also @dollsuguru @venusiansilk @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat @mossmurdock i love you guys so so much thank you for all your support<3333333
+ here's the masterlist
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in a world so fucked up – it's easy to get lost in the darkness.
when the infection took over, everything changed. everything. people aren't people anymore – they've become hosts for a type of fungus known as the cordyceps. it grows all over the brain and takes control of the body, turning the person into something they're not.
if anyone were to ask you how many have you killed, infected or not, you'd be devoid of an answer.
it's hard to find your way when just about everything is out to get you. infected or not – there's always something ready to tear you into pieces, to sink their teeth into your soft flesh – that's just the way things are now.
but you're used to it. used to the feeling of adrenaline pumping in your veins as you run from a horde, used to the feeling of a blade at your throat, used to the feeling of a punch, of a slap. used to the constant grumble in your stomach, used to the sore legs and shoulders, used to cleaning off blood from yourself and your clothes, from your weapons. you're used to the gurgling and clicking, the crying and sobbing, the begging and pleading.
but no matter how much you tell yourself that you've grown used to the horrors of the new world, you cannot escape the anxiety that hides under every inch of your skin. it's always with you – holding your clammy hand as it drags you into the depths, into the shadows. you try to fight it but it's hard.
it's hard forcing away the only thing that holds you so tight, the only thing that truly cares for you. it's is a suffocating blanket that hides you from the cruelty of the world, trying its best to shelter you from it all. it's better to stay inside. it's better to stay away. they're going to hurt you. something is here. just stay here with me, under the warm blanket. they're coming. it's going to hurt. let's stay here forever.
don't you want it to stop?
being torn apart by the cold crippling fear and the warm rotting hands – it's getting harder and harder to breathe. but you've learned how to keep them at bay over the years; always in the line of sight, always on your mind. there's no rest for the wicked.
moonlight leads the way as you make your way to a shopping mall. the wind howls in your ears and sends a shiver down your spine. moss and ivy cover the walls of the massive building, swallowing it bit by bit, making it a part of the nature as the time passes.
the axe in your hand feels heavy, but right nonetheless. the handle is stained with blood; it has seeped deep into the wood and now acts as an extra weight to the blade. a small 9mm handgun sits pretty in the holster around your thigh, a knife hides in its leather sheath on your belt, a bow rests on your shoulder and a few arrows peek from your bag.
despite the armory, your bag hasn't been this empty in a while. the blame falls on a group of men you ran into a week or so back. precious ammo and resources were spent on the bastards, and while the blood reward was good - the lack of food and meds is now becoming concerning. your shoulder still hurts from the fall, a big dark bruise transforming your skin into a painting of the midnight sky.
you shake the flashlight on the strap of your backpack and listen to the batteries bounce around inside it. you give it a stronger shake and it turns on. the broken glass shines as you carefully step inside the big atrium and take a look around. your little light forces back the creeping shadows, now showcasing you the infected bodies that lay dead on the ground before you.
pools of blood conflux together and paint the tiles a dark shade of maroon; the ichor flows in between the cracks and disappears under the soles of your boots when you step further inside. they're fresh. light reflects off the liquid as you squat down to take a closer look. none of the three bodies seem to have bullet wounds – one of the runner has a slit throat while the other leaks from a hole in the side of the head and the clicker... it's head has been completely bashed in, making it hard to even recognize it as one.
beating up a clicker is not easy by any means; though the fungus growing on their face and head blinds them, it also acts almost like armor. they can take a bullet to the head and still keep coming – the call of death rippling through their body as they run at you, hands reaching out to grab, to pull, to hold.
the fact that they did this, either with their bare hands or some other blunt object, just means that they're good. it also begs the question whether they didn't have the bullets to spare or they simply decided not to use them. you just hope you won't bump into them.
standing up, you take another look around. a trail of bloody footsteps leads right up the escalators and you decide that you won't be going there yet. there are a few more bodies, two runners, sitting limp against the crumbling walls as you step down one of the hallways. the broken tiles and the glass cracks below your feet and you cringe at the noise.
never letting go of the axe in your hand, you stroll past the first stores seeing as they're completely ran through. with a sigh, you make your way over to one of the clothing stores. it's almost pitch black in there and you almost jump out of your skin when a mannequin suddenly falls at your feet. muttering out a row of whispered curses, you lower your axe with a shaky breath and adjust your flashlight. the shelves are pretty empty but that was expected; still, when you open up a cupboard door under one of the mannequin stands, you find a stack of perfectly fine sweatshirts. you check the other side of the piece of furniture and find... nothing. scoffing to yourself, you just bag the a sweatshirt and a pair of pants from another shelf before moving to the next store.
glass breaks and you hear shuffling – head whipping towards the sounds, fingers tightly gripping the axe, you take a step back and bump right into the shelf behind you. pieces of clothing fall onto the floor and a cloud of dust rises from the impact; you pay it no mind as your eyes are still glued to the counter, to where the noise came from, but when after a few second absolutely nothing jumps at you, you let your shoulders relax a little.
a stalker, maybe? but they don't tend to live in open spaces like malls, or so you think at least. the majority of them you've ran into in places like office floors and a fucked up basements – meaning they like to lurk everywhere where it's extra dark and where there are places to hide behind. yeah, they do that. little shits, taking cover behind desks and walls, playing a game of hide and seek that you never agreed to. you're never forgiving yourself for taking that wretched route.
you peek over the counter and look all around it but find jack shit. it's the darkness – it's what it does to you, to everybody. the shadows start to speak and move, the floors creak and crumble, and the growths on the wall whisper your name, no matter, how much you tell yourself that they aren't actually doing any of that that.
it's just the old building crying out from loneliness, the haunted ghosts simply looking for company as people pass by, as the infected pass by. you have to keep your head straight. faint blood marks stain the floor but it's too hard to tell whether those've been there for years or less.
you hastily knock on your flashlight when it begins to flicker, leaving you in the dark for just a blink but it's enough to have your heart thumping loudly in your ribcage.
making your way out of the store, you scour for your next location and ah-ha!
a pharmacy.
two bottles of antibiotics rattle in your bag but those aren't enough. you'll always need more of those, you'll always need more of gauze, painkillers, of everything – going in there is a must.
a metal roll-up door closed mid way is going to make this harder, but as if that isn't ominous enough – the quiet cries coming from behind it only makes the situation worse. a runner. but luckily, it isn't making too much noise and you make an educated guess of it not moving around. they do that when there's nothing to catch and tear apart, when nothing has caught their attention. they stay in random spots and whimper and cry to themselves. it makes them an easy prey.
the thought of the metal door sliding shut just as you're trying to pass under it, is making your stomach churn. and so is the thought of you making too much noise by accident and attracting the runner when you're still down on the ground. stop being a pussy. there could be emergency kits in there, pills, there could be a feast of medications in there and you're holding back. it's unacceptable.
you slowly kneel down to the cold floor and inhale sharply before lowering yourself further down. the only light in the room is yours and it immediately finds the twitching runner.
it is cowering in the corner.
you're just fucking glad they don't react to light as much as they do to noise, otherwise you'd be fucked already.
you crawl in the dust as quietly as you can, careful to not touch any of the furniture beside you that seems to be holding up the door. the last thing you'd want is to get locked in here. or get cut in half. you clench your teeth and push yourself up and to your knees the second you can do so and take a second, as you wait for him to turn around and lunge at you. but he doesn't. his back is still turned to you as he waits for you, sobs for you; his body trembling, hands folded in front of his chest – almost like he's hugging himself.
quietly holstering the axe, you pull out your knife instead. it's quieter. you grip the handle, fingers molding into the dents that have formed over time. another step and the light goes out. it's complete darkness. you hear your own heartbeat in your ears and the miserable cries of the infected just a few feet away. your eyes widen as you try to focus on your surroundings. your hands grow clammy in a matter of a few seconds and panic seeps into your body.
you shake the flashlight a few times and it turns back on. your breath is still stuck in your throat as you try to compose yourself. stupid old thing. the light paints the runner's shadow onto the wall in front of him, making it look like he's a part of some shadow play.
one more step and you're with him, a breath away. your hand goes around his chest, holding his hands and body in place as you sink your blade into his neck. it sinks into skin and flesh like butter, soaking you in the dark red ichor that hides underneath as he gurgles something at you (a thank you perhaps).
yanking the knife back out, the splattering ichor coats your skin and you immediately wipe it off against your shirt. his body falls with a thud! and another big dust cloud rises from the contact and your nose itches— it's— it itches— achoo!
your eyes are an inch away from escaping your head as you spin around, making sure that nothing is jumping at you for making a noise that loud. but surely enough, nothing seems to be interested. exhaling deeply, you rub your nose and force down the embarrassment that's crawling on your skin before starting your hunt for supplies.
it doesn't go as well as you'd hoped – only bagging a few stitching kits and a bottle of painkillers. better than nothing.
ecstatic to get the fuck out of a closed, pitch black room, you crawl back out from under the metal door and dust off your clothes.
strolling through some more stores, you're met with more dead infected. two clickers and two runners, no bullet holes. ignoring the corpses, you manage to find yourself a few nice t-shirts, a pack of boxers and a box of 9mm handgun ammo from under the cash register.
when you've gone through most of the wrecked stores on the first floor, you finally decide to take a look upstairs. the bloody footprints haven't left your mind but the fact that it's been so quiet, makes you think that maybe they did really just pass through here.
the moon light your way as you drag yourself up the escalator. the stars in the sky are barely visible because of the dirt on the ceiling window and you frown.
in front of you there are two hallways with stores on the sides and in the middle. the prints lead to the left side and towards the a lonely door at the end of the coridor; the signs on the walls don't indicate what room it might be – a security one, maybe? shaking your head, you focus on the stores ahead of you. the shop in the center is a big sports one; most of the mannequins have fallen over and their limbs are scattered all over the floor, pairless sneakers rest on top of each other and the shelves are a push away from collapsing into tiny little pieces.
stepping over the bloody clothes, you view the baseball caps on the rack when your light goes out again. you feed on the faint moonlight that's coming from the hallways as you scramble to shake the thing again. steps, you swear you heard steps. the last standing mannequins stare at you from the shadows, laughing at your misfortune. a hand touches your hip and you can't hold back the yelp that slips from your lips. you turn and bump into another statue. the light flickers three times before it actually turns on and you find yourself inches from an eerie smile. intinctively, you give it a firm push as you take a step back, hands shaking as the panic settles down once more.
no one else is here. you can't see whoever could've made the noise and by now you're sure that if something or someone is really hiding in the dark – it would've already made a move if it wanted to. stalkers don't play for that long and neither do humans.
a row of protein bars hide in a drawer in the staff room of the store and you happily throw them in your bag, along with some weird looking granola bars.
the right side of the second floor only offers you a new lighter, three pairs of socks, a can of soda, a simple necklace and a broken watch. what's the point of it if you can't tell time? it looks cool. no other reason.
heading over to the left side of the building, you keep a keen eye on the door. the remaining shops are forgotten the closer you get to where the prints lead and you officially commit to checking out the place.
the blade of your axe shines in the moonlight, your steps extra light as you creep up on the door. readying your weapon, you press down on the handle and quietly push it open. it swings all the way and thumps against the wall. the room is lit up, the windows letting in the natural light. you're greeted with rows of computer and tv screens on the tables, three black duffel bags and some lockers and cabinets next to the walls.
you check the corners of the room and let out a relieved sigh when you don't find anything hiding. closing the door, you carefully step around the broken glass on the floor. it seems to be originating from what used to be a glass case showcasing various medals. awards for the best security guards. how silly that sounds now.
the lockers have been cleared out, the only things left behind being two lovely couple's phots with hand-drawn hearts above their heads. you leave them there. the cabinets don't have anything good either. you glance back at the door for good measure before kneeling down in front of one of the bags on the ground. you pull the zipper and are met with treasure – multiple bars of chocolate, the same sweatshirt you found from the floor below, various cans of canned food, two water bottles and a small knife.
your eyes glint and the corners of your lips twitch upward, your body has a mind of its own as it immediately reaches for the chocolate. glass breaks and your eyes flick to the now ajar door as you reach for the gun on your thigh but when you feel the cold metal of a gun barrel resting against your temple... you freeze.
your stomach drops, eyes glued to the bag in front of you. the voice is deep and it's rasp, confident and sure of himself; the metal against you doesn't move, it doesn't shake.
you hold your trembling hands out, fingers spread to show that you don't have any intention of grabbing your weapons. a deep breath in and a deep one out. you try to turn your head towards him but he just presses the gun deeper into your skin, forcing your gaze right back down.
his big stature looms over your smaller one and you feel like an ant that's about to be stepped on. he lets you soak in the threatening silence, the only sound being your own racing heartbeat.
"s'rude to steal, y'know."
the man doesn't sound angry, he doesn't sound mad or upset. he sounds... annoyed, if anything.
"i asked you a question."
"i– i wasn't stealing." you stammer out.
he scoffs. "wasn't stealing? just fondling my shit for fun then?"
the teasing tone makes your eyebrows furrow and you try to turn to look at him again, your body slightly raising from your knees but the gun on your head keeps you down. funny, how heavy a piece of metal can suddenly feel.
"it was empty in here! i didn't know these belonged to anyone! i–i'm sorry! i'll leave, i'll leave!" it's a pathetic slur of words accompanied by a pleading tone and you hope that it'll do the trick.
there are strategies for dealing with people and this is simply one of them.
and it does work because the next thing you know, he's lowering the weapon. you let out a shaky breath before turning to him and fuck.
he's... terrifying.
towering over your kneeling body, he's massive. big chest and broad shoulders, he looks like he could snap your neck with his bare hands. the moonlight is only making him more menacing – his dark hair falls in front of his eyes as he stares down at you; there's a scar on his lips and streaks of blood cover his skin, from his cheek to his jaw and down his neck.
dark clothes and a dark jacket – he looks like he belongs in the shadows. the fact that you didn't hear him until it was already too late is making your skin crawl. he probably only let you hear him. for the fun of it.
the terrified look on other's faces can be addicting. the big eyes and the wobbling lips; how they shake and beg – you're no stranger to it, you've had your moments, too.
other than the gun in his hand, there's a second one holstered around his big thigh just like you do. a serrated knife sits his belt and it keeps winking at you, the flashlight reflecting from it as you pull in big breaths of air.
"you're saying i oughta just let you go?" he scoffs, yanking you from your thoughts.
"please..." your stomach grumbles on cue, helping you look meeker than you really are.
you're sure you just saw him wince as he squats down beside you but the thought is brushed away immediately when the man cocks his head to the side and scratches his temple with the barrel of the gun. his scarred lips stretch into a big wolfish grin, showing off his sharp canines and his eyes glint from behind the black strands of hair, making him even scarier now. the big bad wolf.
he's taking you apart with his eyes, dissecting you and your thoughts with a smug expression while you're fending off the waves of fear and try to look as composed as you can. though you feel like it isn't working at all.
"d'ya find anything good from the pharmacy?"
"why were you stalking me?" your bark comes out sharper than you intended and his eyebrows raise an inch, eyes shining with something teasing.
"kind of hard to miss ya when you're making so much noise, sweetheart. and yer in my spot, anyway." he sigh with an eye-roll.
your lips part in a small gasp. "i was not making that much noise! and– and what do you mean 'your spot'? it's a fucking mall, i need things, too!"
"clearly." he motions to the duffel bag resting at your feet and you swallow your next snarky comment.
"what was that?"
just glaring at him, you hate how amused he seems. the fear in you dissipating fast and something akin to annoyance is starting to grow in it's stead.
"i didn't even fucking take anything!"
body leaning forward, fists balled up and eyes on fire – he's thoroughly entertained by your barking and you immediately purse your lips.
"relax, little lamb, will ya? tell me... what'd you find in there?"
you scrunch your nose at the stupid nickname. despite how non-threatening he's being right now - you're still planning on running. you'll give him whatever he wants and you're getting the fuck out of here.
"nothing much. stitching kits and painkillers."
he's hums disappointedly and you can't help but wonder why. is he looking for something in particular? is he hurt? "what do you need?"
"forget it."
"i have antibiotics, if that's what you need."
at that, his ears perk up. "is that so?"
you nod at him.
"well, c'mon then, show me what ya got."
you stare at him for a moment before peeling off one backpack strap. you pull the bag onto your lap and feel his heavy gaze on you as you dig around the thing. it doesn't take you long to find the right bottle, pulling it out and handing it to him.
the floor creaks and it has you both turning towards the sound in an instant. he has the door in his sights but nothing is there. your heart is hammering in your chest again and you can taste the bitter anxiety in the back of your throat again.
you've never seen anyone hold their gun so steady as he does. no shake, no tremble; he's not even really squeezing the thing, he's just holding it. there's no pressure, no anxiety – it's simply an extension to his body. he's comfortable with it, and he looks good with it. a bead of sweat rolls from his temple and mixes with the drying blood on his skin before disappearing under his clothes.
his breathing is normal, he's calm as he lowers the gun back down and starts observing the bottle in his other hand. your eyes are still on the door, still wary of the ghosts that lurk around.
the man squints his eyes at the miniature text on the bottle in the dark and you hold back a laugh.
"need me to read it for you, old man?"
"watch your mouth." it's playful at best, no real sternness behind it whatsoever and it makes you roll your eyes. you're about to ask what he actually needs the pills for but something in the corner of your eye draws your attention.
a pair of dull, grey eyes. staring right back at you. dark veins run all over her face and neck, her shoulders and her hands and she peeks from behind the doorframe.
one second. no more, no less. your sharp intake of air gets his attention just as the stalker lunges from the dark hallway, but she is met with a hole in her forehead before she can even take a proper step inside.
small pieces of brain splatter onto the wall behind her and she falls limp to the ground just a few feet from you. he's waiting for another one to pop up, his eyes still glued to the door and you know that this is your moment. he has the meds, so he shouldn't chase you down anyway. you have to go now.
scrambling up from your knees, you try to speed past him but immediately choke when the collar of your own sweatshirt sharply cuts into your airways. his grip on the material is strong and he pulls you right back into him, back into his arms. he's mere inches from your face but before he can do anything else – he feels a blade against his throat.
you really aren't the little lamb he thought you were.
he's comparing you to a feral cub in his head – big wild eyes, snarling and showing your teeth, trying to act tougher than you are, but when the sharp edge of your blade sinks deeper into his skin, he realizes that maybe you're not actually in over your head.
he already expected you to run, he was waiting for that but he thought it'd end up with you you crying and begging or something. he didn't see this coming – you're definitely craftier than he thought, faster too.
"now... why would you do that-"
you don't let him finish. "are you gonna hurt me?"
"you're the one with the knife at my throat. i should be asking you that." he rolls his eyes as your knife grazes the soft skin below his adam's apple and you're thinking about actually cutting him just out of annoyance.
"you have the pills, why not let me go?" you bark back.
"you're hungry, aren't ya?" he questions calmly. his gun hand is lowered, he's not pointing it at you but his other hand stays on your back, fingers still digging into your sweatshirt. it's warm, his body is warm.
"so what? you gonna feed me like some stray cat?"
"y'don't want to eat?" he deadpans.
you bite into the soft flesh of your inner cheek. of fucking course, you want to eat.
"y'can take two cans from the bag. i mean, y'were eyeing them anyway."
"for being my entertainment tonight."
the blade on his throat finally draws blood and a drop of it runs down his skin, disappearing under his shirt.
"i oughta kill you for putting a gun at my head."
"yeah?" he cocks his head closer to you, the blade moving with him, making a few more droplets dribble from the tiny wound. "go for it, sweetheart."
his eyes are green. they're green like the leaves that sprout from between the cracks in the asphalt on a sunny day, green like the moss that flourishes on the trees in the forest, green like the ivy that is trying to swallow the world. you feel his heart beat a; calm and steady while yours is amped from the sudden proximity. he sounds so arrogant, like he knows you're not going to hurt him.
(you aren't.)
when you lower the knife to push at his broad chest with a scoff instead, he lets you. his hand falls from you as you take a step back, your face now illuminated by the moonlight. scars litter your skin, bumps and cuts – just like him.
"are you done?"
you hum with a pouty lip and put away your knife, eyes following his figure as he holsters his gun before picking up the fallen pill bottle. when he steps by you, he plucks your flashlight from its place on the backpack strap with way too much ease and proceeds to head over to one of the duffel bags that sits on the table behind you, carefully stepping over the broken glass on the floor.
he shushes you and your fists tighten beside your body. you look at the dead body that lays next to the door with a perfectly centered hole in her forehead. the blood pools around it, soaking her clothes and the ground below her.
you used to think about the infected more, used to ponder about how long they've been like that and whether the person they used to be is still... in there.
it doesn't matter.
you've come across people, who talk about not wanting to kill them – what if they really are still in there? but isn't that exactly why one should kill them? you can't even begin to think about how it'd feel to be stuck inside your own body as the infection takes over, making you into something you're not. how it'd force you to tear your loved ones apart just for the sake of it, how you'd turn into a bigger monster with every passing day, every passing second. you just hope that if you were to get infected, you'd still have the mind to end it. or have somebody do it for you.
you don't want to end up like her.
"i didn't realize there were stalkers here." you mumble to yourself as you tear your eyes from her. "other than you, of course. fucking creep."
he starts digging around in one of the bags and you take the moment to really observe him. his back is almost twice your size and you're sure his one bicep is bigger than your whole head.
the man scoffs. "thought i got them all but... oh, well. should've let ya handle it – was your fault anyway."
"how the fuck was that my fault?" your voice raises at his claim and you regret it, knowing exactly what his response will be.
"you are fucking loud, sweetheart."
"fuck you."
he just hums out a mhmmm. he pulls a piece of paper out of his bag and uses your flashlight to examine the text on it. his eyes. he waves at you over his shoulder. "you know where the cans are."
simply scoffing as a reply, you kneel back down to the bag but his voice cuts in again.
"and don't you dare take that chocolate." he doesn't even turn around, completely focused on comparing the information on the paper to the info on the bottle of pills. you roll your eyes again and curse him under your breath. "i wasn't gonna take your stupid fucking chocolate..."
when you've bagged your goodies, you push yourself up again. the trees dancing in the wind outside catch your eye, they look so carefree. just living from the sun and the moon and the rain, they have nothing to fear. nobody will harm them, no infected, no people. you can't wait for nature to take back everything it deserves. the cities and the buildings; it'll swallow the corpses and the living alike and you're happy for her.
he rustles with the paper, twisting it around a few times and you're about to ask what he's looking for but he cuts you off.
"why not make a run for it earlier?"
you stare at his back with a confused look. "what do you mean?"
"you gave me the pills and then tried to run. antibiotics are hard to find, y'know." he sounds curious. or patronizing.
"i know that... i had to wait for the right moment." you admit, fiddling with your fingers. "i was going to give them to you anyway, old man."
"not a lot going on in that little head of yours, huh?"
you let his audacity waft over you before biting back. "oh, i'm sorry... for... being a... good person?"
he turns around and leans his ass against the table, folding his arms over his big chest as he mocks you with his annoying smug grin. "i pointed a gun at you and you still wanna share your little precious belongs with me? that's cute, i guess."
"yeah. you just look like you fucking need them, alright...."
"so, you agree that you're a fucking idiot?"
your lips part in shock. "hey! look– do you want anything else or can i go now?"
"can i have my flashlight back?"
"wha— " you take a step toward the man and he raises his brows. "but it's mine! how do you expect me to go outside without it?"
"no manners whatsoever."
your jaw drops again. "excuse me? wha– what's that supposed to mean?"
"first, i catch you stealing— "
"i already apologized for that— "
"—then you try to kill poor old little me, and now you're asking for things without the magic word... tsk-tsk-tsk." he closes his eyes and shakes his head in disappointment.
"i'm not gonna fucking beg for my own flashlight back, bitch."
he barks out a laugh.
a loud one, from deep within his stomach. his head falls back and a pout forms on your lips, heat crawls up your neck involuntarily and you avert your gaze. "you're terrible, just terrible, sweetheart."
he takes your prized light and tosses it to you before pulling out his own from behind his back. you flip him off. "funny though, i'll give ya that..."
you grumble a yeah, thanks under your breath as he blinks the light at you twice. "may i go now?"
he stares at you before answering. "yes, you're dismissed."
at that, you knock your heels together and sharply bring your right hand to your temple – imitating a military salutation. "yes, sir!"
something sweet.
he tastes something sweet on his tongue. he wipes the drying blood from his neck and his cheeks hurt.
you're some random feral cub and yet, you've peaked his interest like nothing else. no cries and no wails, no begging and no tears – scared but alive. ready to part with valuable meds just because he apparently looks like he needs them. tch! growling at him even though he's caught you red handed, cutting him even though you weren't in danger anymore.
he hasn't felt this alive in a long time, either.
"don't let me see you again, old man."
playful, at best. you're matching his tone and the corners of his lips are reaching back behind his ears. you bite your inner cheek; despite everything – he's the most normal person you've met since the end of the world. he's not mean nor is he aggressive; everybody points a gun at a stranger these days. he made jokes and he gave you supplies – it's more than anyone has done for you in a while.
you look at the wolf in the shadow and he looks at the lamb in the moonlight. the wolf that offers food and protection and the lamb that cuts and steals.
the wolf that bleeds and the lamb that holds the blade.
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unbearableblog · 5 months
My Christmas gift for you.
Messages (Carmen Berzatto x reader)
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Summary Carmy’s actions towards the reader might eventually lead to consequences.
Word count ~2,8k
Warnings 18+, No use of Y/N (there is rarely a name but it’s just for aesthetics, you are welcome to insert your own name), action set in S2 so possible spoilers, cursing, angst, relationship problems, possible mentions of smut
A/N God this took a lot from me! Legit flew to Copenhagen haha. I am very grateful to each and every one of you who read, liked, commented or reposted and supported this! I would never think that this would happen. I hope you’re not going to crucify me over the plot. Thank you so much for waiting!
Merry Christmas everyone!
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Chapter 1 (the one with departure, Denmark, and desserts)
Things were a little different at the Beef lately.
“Richie, shut the fuck up!”
“You first, child!”
Well, maybe not so different. But they certainly were different with you. Amongst the neverending screaming, cursing, and fighting, you somehow survived getting shot at, losing the power, dealing with the IRS, and everything else that constantly went wrong with this cursed place. The amount of experience you had in this short amount of time has topped anything you've done before. You couldn't catch your breath. But that's what you do for the ones you love, right?
It's been some time since you started helping Carmen with the Beef - serving the customers on a particularly busy day, calming down Carmen, sometimes giving Richie a pep talk when he needed to keep his shit together. But mostly you just chatted with Sydney and sat in the kitchen, doing your college assignments while watching Carmen work. You could never get tired of it - he looked so professional and smart. It was his element. Well, when everything was going well.
The entire time, you were there, talking to Carmen as he prepped for the day, giving him a smile and getting one back, just watching him go on about his day and move so swiftly like a well-oiled machine. Seeing him in an apron drove you wild. You'd have to stop yourself from going up to him and touching his god-given curls or rubbing his back through his white T-shirt (but more often you failed to do so). Most of the days you patiently waited to go home and show him everything that was on your mind all day.
One time he caught you staring, mind far away from the Beef. His voice brought you back.
“Are you thinking about my fingers again?” He said while putting his arms at his hips, almost offended.
You bit your lip and looked at him with a guilty smile.
His hand went up to brush through his curls.
“You’re not gonna get any work done if you keep thinking about that. And with the way you look at me, can say the same thing about myself.”
You whine and playfully pout, not wanting to keep studying.
“Come on, princess,” he comes closer to you and whispers in your ear so that his whole voice goes through your body and his lips brush your ear “And when we get home you can tell me all about it while you sit on my ‘pretty’ cock”
Sometimes he would explain what he was doing or why things weren't going the way they were supposed to, sometimes you would share something you found fascinating in your assignment. He would always listen, even if he didn't fully understand, but you knew he was trying to. It made you feel so special - you got the whole attention of this hot 3 Michelin star chef, covered in tattoos and buff, but he looked at you with such care and softness. His muscular arms touched and wrapped around you with strong tenderness and appreciation. Sometimes you saw the same attention to the details in the food he was making - he really cared.
Everything changed after the Beef closed down.
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Carmen was a little taken aback when you told him you were going to Copenhagen with Marcus. You were at the restaurant, like any other day, figuring out a thousand things that were wrong before the opening, when you heard Denmark being mentioned amongst the guys.
“Someone's going to Denmark?” you asked, turning around on your chair.
“Marcus is,” Carmen brushed off, and continued having his conversation with him.
“Wait, to Copenhagen? Why?” you felt ignored.
“Uhh, to learn everything about desserts,” Marcus answered. Carmen didn't even look in your direction.
“When? Why didn't you tell me?” you sounded excited because you were, but your heart felt like it was placed into an iron cage. Carmen knew how much that city meant to you, and to not even mention that your friend was going there felt neglectful. But maybe you were overreacting - he was probably busy, he doesn't have to tell you everything, and it surely wasn't for long anyway.
Berzatto shrugged his shoulders. “Why? It's just for some time.”
“I was actually thinking about going there too. I haven't seen my sister in a while. Maybe we could fly together? I know everything there,” you were ready to help Marcus as a bonus. You really appreciated him as a friend, and returning the favor for all those delicious pastries he made at your request would be terrific. You could also use a fucking break from Chiberia.
“For real? That would be awesome!” Marcus exclaimed with his arms, his smile releasing your heart from its prison.
“Uhh… yeah-yeah, sure, I guess,” Carmen squinted his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “I- uhhh, have to go out for a minute. Umm,” he swallowed “-meet that rep for me, yeah?”
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An entire work shift of flying has gone by the time you started seeing the bronze-roofed houses sprinkled like decorations on a Red Velvet cake. You made Marcus promise you not to judge the country by its airport, as it usually was surprisingly dirty. Nevertheless, there were hints of what life there was like - a burst of energy, culture, and flavour. You walked what seemed like forever through the endless white halls with blue sections, wondering how many times Carmen had been here and whether you ever crossed paths. You kind of wished he was there. Your excitement rubbed off on your friend - Marcus was beaming with happiness, anticipating your time there. He knew it was going to be life-changing.
The moment you went outside felt like you could breathe again. The weight of The Beef, Carmen, stress, problems problems problems dropped off, was left behind, and never got on the plane. Your chest wasn't encircled by snakes that only pushed until you suffocated. Your mind was clear.
You helped Marcus settle in his awesome boat, and after reading the owner's note to "keep the water in Coco's bowl", searched for the cat for like 20 minutes. Unfortunately, your efforts were fruitless.
Marcus only let you go back alone because you assured him of your safety (you gave him a speech about how it wasn't like Chicago) and experience. Still, he made you text him when you got to your sister's. The two of you were always trying to make your relationship work, but the distance didn't make it easy. That did not mean that you were going to give up - you were used to making a lot of effort for the people you love. She was ecstatic and grateful to see her little sister. The rest of the evening was spent eating, sharing your lives, and talking about your mysterious boyfriend.
“I don’t know, he’s just so… distant. He always leaves somewhere, does god knows what when he knows we don’t have much time! Sometimes it feels like I care about the restaurant more than him. Which is so weird because he was so into it before! He planned the whole thing! And I am so fucking stressed from it all! I never even wanted to work in a restaurant but I was there for him!” you expressed your pain very loudly.
“Have you thought of… breaking up with him?”
You exhale and almost completely give up mentally.
“I don’t know… it feels like we don’t have much of a relationship at all anymore. We don’t go out, all the time is spent on the opening. I swear sometimes I’m there just for our friends and his sister, I can’t just leave them without help while he’s wandering somewhere”.
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You couldn’t sleep because being in bed without Carmy by your side felt plain wrong. You were also jetlagged which meant that the peaceful world of Morpheus was avoiding you like a plague. The same thing happened to Marcus, so you both were just texting about what you were doing.
“idk, i gave up and went to get some tea” you typed, a warm mug in your hand as you cozied up on the couch with a blanket.
“yeah, same shit here. bout time to get ready anyway”
Your whole house was asleep, and probably would be so for a while. It was too dark to go out for your liking. Boredom kind of crept in.
“what is it exactly u're gonna do there?”
“uhhh i wish i knew. make some things from the pics i showed u i guess”
“can i watch?” Was it too much of a request? Who even knows if you'll be allowed there?
“yeah i think so. i'd love to not have to do this alone”
You smile, finish your tea, and get up to find some clothes.
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You finally reached the place and were met by a tall man in an apron. He introduced himself as Luca, and you heard a very sultry voice softened by an accent. You wondered where he was from.
“I'm Chef Marcus. That's Liv. Is it cool if she just hangs around and watches me?”
“Hi,” you smile at him.
“Hello. You could also join in. What kind of a chef are you?”
“Oh I'm not, I'm -”
“Well, with the amount of time Liv spends in our kitchen listening to every word of the CDC, I'd say she might as well be a chef by now,” Marcus only half-jokes. You give him a look anyway.
Luca prepared everything and soon he and Marcus were working. You were sitting on the other side of the table, able to see everything. Only now you were starting to notice how strong he was, you have to be, you thought, if you stay on your feet all day. His arms were also covered in tattoos that didn't seem to make sense, like Carmy's.
“So who are you?” Luca's question doesn't sound rude, just curious.
“I'm his boss' girlfriend,” you nod as you speak.
“Wow,” he seems to be thinking something, but maybe it's just him being focused on putting the peanuts on dessert, “What are you doing here?”
“Uhh, visiting my sister? It was time and I thought Marcus here could use someone to show him around. As for here, I was really jetlagged and bored.”
Luca was amazing. The way he coached Marcus even when he made mistakes was consistently calm, stern, and leading. Not once did any of you feel berated or hear his voice go louder, all you knew was to just try again. His entire presence excreted stability and equilibrium.
After an extensive lesson, it was Marcus' turn to try. All of you leaned closer to the dessert in hopes of seeing more. You held your breath as you watched Marcus carefully place a tiny piece in the clockwise direction of the dessert when in the blurred background of your vision you felt something change. Instinctively, you looked up from the dish, and your eyes met the gaze of your friend's teacher. There he was, almost lying on the table, looking at you. As if he wasn't busy right now. As if the dessert didn't matter. Hypnotized. “Got it!” Marcus smiled and stood straight up. “Great job, chef,” Luca switched back to Marcus.
Suddenly a firework of spice embraced you in its scent, making your head go round from the all-encompassing desire to taste it.
“Oh my god, are those cinnamon buns?” you had to put your hands on the counter to keep yourself up. “Yeah,” Luca stood straight. “You like them?” “They smell amazing!” you could swear you saw a quick prideful smile brush Luca's lips.
“They are her favourite. And she's very specific about'em too,” Marcus threw you under the bus.
Luca seems interested. “In what way?”
“I'm not, okay? I just believe that cinnamon buns should have a lot of sugar and cinnamon, or else they're just buns. There was this place near the park, and the pastry they sold was like 90% dough. I didn't like that at all” you defend yourself, and Marcus scoffs, having heard you rant about it many times at The Beef.
“Abomination,” Luca shakes his head.
“Exactly! I love it when there is so much sugar that it's oozing out, that's how it'd supposed to be.”
Your lighthearted banter somehow led to Luca opening up and talking about his life and experience. He also shared a couple of stories about determination, his acceptance of not being the best, and some of his failures. Soon all of you were joking around and laughing at your pasts. You felt your heart warm up to him and thought that leaving the house was a good idea.
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Marcus stepped outside to check on his mom. He called her sitter as often as he could, and every time you hoped that everything would be alright. Luca was silently doing his work, kneading some dough. It was a demanding process, but so meditative, and you couldn't help but float away watching his big hands grab and squeeze the smooth dough, throwing it back onto the table occasionally, his long fingers dug into it, leaving an impression. “So where is he now?” you ask. “Who?” “The chef who was better than you. Where is he now?” you wondered if Carmen knew him or told you about him. “Well, you tell me. Apparently, opening up a new restaurant,” the chef said, as he threw a careless nod in your direction. Huh? Your heart drops. What? You let out a nervous scoff. “You're saying it was… Carmen??” Your question was met with a simple nod as he kept working. “Carmen Berzatto, the chef that was better than you at everything?” you almost spell out. Luca just takes his eyes off the dough and watches your reaction. He is also confused. “God, he really is the best?” the question sounds more like an exhale. “People keep saying it, but I guess I didn't realize” you sit down, defeated, and stare off. Your mind keeps pacing - what happened to Carmen? How did he go from being the best to being a yelling mess of chaos? Why is someone who looked up to him so calm and collected but still successful? Why can't he be like that? “You sound surprised. What, he doesn't feel like it?” He asks while kneading the dough, this time slower and a little softer. You look at him, then shake your head away and look down. You want to tell him everything about the way Carmen treats you, and how different that is from what your beginning used to be, how he doesn't appreciate you even though you spent so much time in and on The Beef, and how unfair that is, and have his deep voice tell you the answer, but you can't. That would be weird. Luca notices your hesitation. “You know, when we worked together, he would often be… difficult,” there is a pause after he says it because he is reading your face, trying to understand if he's walking on thin ice. He isn't, so he continues. “Partly why I didn't become better than him was because he wouldn't let me.” “Yeah, he shared something like that.” His brows went a little higher, and his grip on the dough hardened and stayed there. “My point is, being with a person like that can't be easy. Man, we only worked together and I already wanted to smother him, can't imagine being in a bloody relationship,” his smile makes you laugh and for a second you forget every bad thing in the world.
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Later that day you wanted to call Carmen. “Carm, you free?” You wished to tell him everything - how much you loved the city, how nice his friend was, the fun you were having, and how good this was for you. Kinda wanted to beat his ass for being so mean to Luca too. “not rn, Liv, busy”
Of course.
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“Olivia! Come here!” your sister screamed to get your attention. You noticed she was standing at the door, talking to somebody, so you got up and approached her. “What's up?” you asked. She closed the door and turned to you, holding something in her hands. “It's a gift from your boyfriend,” she said in a teasing tone, and you could swear that the last time you saw her that giddy was in high school. “What? How do you know?” A drop of hope celebrated its birth in your chest. “The delivery guy said it's from a chef,” the last word she playfully stretched out, so it came out a little funny, like Tina says it. You couldn't believe it. There it was, a white box carefully tied with a red ribbon. Finally Carmen realised how distracted he was and decided to apologize. Obviously, you were gone, so he missed you. Your heart filled with warmth and you smiled to yourself - you knew things would get better. You take the hefty precious gift from your sister's hands, sit on the couch, and open it with anticipation. Inside, 9 breathtaking gourmet cinnamon rolls with caramelized sugar barely fitting, leaking out of the mouthwatering, well-kneaded dough. And a note.
"You deserve all the best in the world - Luca"
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I hope you enjoyed it! Part 2 might come quicker if you comment how you liked it
Snippet from the next chapters
🏷️ Tagged everyone in the comments! If you want to be excluded, just let me know♥️ @carma-fanficaddict @eternallyvenus @sia2raw @helloheyhihowdyheya @soursopsista @m1dnightsnackz @custarrds
Dividers by @saradika
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withleeknow · 11 days
Helloooo! I’ve never done a request before so I hope this comes off okay :)
I love the song “flower line” by om shankar, it makes me smile every time. So, I was wondering if you could do a drabble based that.
If not, maybe the prompt: “real smooth, tripping over air”
If you take this request, thank you so much but if not I completely understand 🫶
call it what you want.
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pairing: hyunjin x f!reader genre/warnings: strangers to lovers, college au, fluff; some light cursing, very unedited i am half asleep rn lol, italics indicate flashbacks word count: 1.4k note: hi anon! thank you for the request hehehhee. i decided to go with the prompt and also you didn't specify a member so i went with hyunjin, i hope that's okay :) happy reading <33
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
main masterlist / request masterlist / ko-fi
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"real smooth, tripping over air."
hyunjin came back to the table and set down two coffees, the content of seungmin's plastic cup spilling over the rim just a little bit when hyunjin pushed the beverage toward him rather aggressively.
"shut up," hyunjin grumbled, covering his face with his hands as he wallowed in his misery. "literally shut the fuck up."
it was burnt into hyunjin's subconscious, the feeling of utter embarrassment when he had quite literally scrambled to stand up after you called out his order number and stumbled as he made his way over to the counter.
this was the fifth time that seungmin had been dragged to the campus cafe where you worked part-time as a barista, just to provide emotional support while hyunjin tried not to chicken out of chatting you up. every time, hyunjin swore today's the day, and every time, he went home with his tail between his legs and a brain that was wiped clean the very second you smiled at him.
seungmin only laughed despite losing a few drops of his coffee to hyunjin's dramatic ass. it was entertaining to see his friend like this, panties all twisted in a bunch over a crush on a cute girl whose number he couldn't even muster up the courage to ask for.
"you're such a pussy," seungmin tutted, shaking his head in disapproving amusement and taking a sip of americano as he looked at hyunjin who seemed like he could have a mental breakdown if even a gust of wind were to breeze past him right now. "it's not like you've never asked for a girl's number before. just do it."
"do you want to broadcast my shame to everyone here? keep your loud ass voice down." hyunjin removed his hands from his face and hunched forward to scold his friend in a half-whisper, even though the cafe was busy that day and it was almost impossible for you to hear him from all the way in the corner and over the lively chatter of the other students filtering in and out of the place. "you don't know what it's like. she might be the prettiest girl i've seen in my entire life. i go stupid every time i look at her."
"to be fair, you go stupid pretty often," seungmin said, which only earned him another murderous glare from across the table. "for real, why am i wasting my time here with you if you're just not gonna do anything? you're not even paying for my coffee. i could be in my room sleeping and saving money right now."
a pathetic whine slipped from hyunjin's lips before he sneaks a glance in your direction, where you were focused on writing down some guy's order by the register. "i don't know what to say!" he groaned, "it's so hard. ughhh."
he remembered the first time he saw you, and it wasn't in this cafe. it was at some lame party that he was forced to attend, where the drinks were shitty and the music was even shittier. he was sipping on cheap beer when he spotted you talking to another girl in the corner of the room, both of whom he'd never seen on campus before. what caught his attention was your easygoing smile and how your mere presence just seemed to pull him in despite the roomful of people separating you. he couldn't look away, and as if you could sense his stare on you, you'd turned your head and met his eyes. you'd sent that same charming smile his way, and hyunjin was enamored for the rest of that evening.
he lost sight of you soon after though, and none of his friends knew who you were. that was that; you were a pretty girl that he saw at a party once, whose name he didn't even know but whose smile he had memorized.
then three weeks later, as though the universe had given him a second chance, he saw you again when he came to the cafe for a quick bite before class. you'd smiled at him the same way you did at the party, and he was tongue tied.
fast forward another month and here he was, with his head in his hands as he agonized for the nth time over what to say to you other than "hi," "one iced americano please," and "thanks."
"just tell her you think she's cute and you'd like her number," seungmin said. "it literally doesn't get more straightforward than that. the worst thing she can say is no."
this was how their last four visits to the cafe went, the conversation always ending with hyunjin neglecting his friend's advice in favor of sneaky glances and a mouth shut tight when he failed to hype himself up enough to utter a few words to you.
"if you don't do it today, you're on your own," seungmin told him when he was only met with silence from hyunjin's end. "i'm not coming back with you again. the coffee isn't even good."
"wait, come on, dude. just... wait. i need to think."
"stop thinking. nothing in that brain of yours is going to help."
"are you gonna do it or not?"
"hold on, i need a plan."
seungmin rolled his eyes before he downed the remaining few sips of his coffee. "you know what? if you don't ask for her number, maybe i'll just do it myself." then he was already coolly standing up and heading in your direction without even looking to see if hyunjin heard him correctly.
"seungmin!" hyunjin called, hurriedly gathering his phone and wallet and scrambling to catch up with his friend in a panic. they both stopped in front of the register, where it was thankfully empty now and no one nearby had to watch hyunjin burn himself to a crisp with embarrassment.
"how can i help you?" you asked, looking at them curiously when hyunjin's eyes flit between you and seungmin in a panic.
"uhm... i.... uh..."
"this is hyunjin." seungmin was the coherent one between the two of them as he clasped a hand on his friend's shoulder with a sly grin. "he thinks you're cute and wants to get your number."
"the end," hyunjin says flatly. "the rest was history. you were there, you know what happened."
"come on, please?" you pout, tugging on his arm as you lean closer to nudge your nose against his cheek. "i've only ever heard it from seungmin and he doesn't tell it like you do."
he glances at you from the side. "what do you want me to tell you? that in that moment i considered running out the door and not stopping until i found the nearest ditch to fall into?"
you laugh, all light and airy and it still makes hyunjin as smitten as he was that afternoon in the cafe. "no, the other part."
"the part where i actually did kinda try to run away and bumped into someone and spilled coffee all over myself? and you had to take me to the backroom to let me borrow someone's shirt?"
this draws another giggle out of you as you recall the moment, when you had been so endeared by him that it was hard to let him go home afterward without your number saved in his phone. "yeah," you say, utter fondness dripping from your voice. "that part."
"that was the most embarrassing day of my life. i made a complete fool of myself."
"you were adorable. it's my core memory of you."
"i'm glad you found my humiliation entertaining."
you roll your eyes half-heartedly before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek to appease his faux sulk. "we wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for your dramatic overthinking ass that day, would we? unless... you'd rather take it all back."
hyunjin softens in an instance, huffing out a breath as he mumbles bashfully, "i didn't say that..."
"you big baby," you tell him with your lips still ghosting the side of his face. you're so close like this, so tightly pressed up against each other on your couch that you can feel the warmth of his body and the thumps of his heart when you slide your hand over his chest. you give him another peck on the cheek, then you smile against his skin. "happy six-month anniversary."
there's a light blush that rises from his neck until it covers his face in the most beautiful rosy shade. a shy grin, his eyes turning into little crescent moons from the happiness that spreads from his head down to his toes, then hyunjin is smoothly turning over so he could pin you underneath him, where he presses his lips against yours so your smiles could meet.
"happy six months, baby."
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.05.2024]
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iluvmattsbeard · 1 month
on the phone (c.s)
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chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: nothing! just a little angst.
preview: you knew with Chris being famous there would be constant obstacles in the way of your guys relationship. recently, you’ve been having doubts with your relationship since Chris and his brothers left for tour. you wouldn’t be able to see him for almost two months. you couldn’t handle the distance but Chris reassures you everything will be okay.
a/n: big time rush + chris sturniolo. my two favorites at once. masterpiece. - L 🤍
you stand there as you watch the boys load the bus with their luggage. they were leaving for their first tour ever. it was a bitter sweet moment. as happy as you were for the boys, you couldn't help but feel sad at the same time. you and Chris haven't been separated for so long. now he's going to be gone for almost two whole months. Chris asked if you wanted to come along, but you were so busy with college. you and Chris have been dating since high school. so him gaining so much popularity to the point people are paying to see him, has you feeling proud and worried.
you snap out of your thoughts when you hear Nick speak, "well, that was the last bag." you pout slightly as he embraces you in a hug. "I hope you have fun Nick." you say rubbing his back. it was also bitter sweet for you to see Nick and Matt gain so much attention as well. Nick and Matt were like the siblings you never had. you basically grew up with them. "thank you y/n. we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." he says with a smile, pulling away. you were always there by their side no matter what, supporting them. you gave them ideas for videos and you helped film them. when they were doubting themselves, you were there to encourage them to keep pushing. now look, they finally got the recognition they deserve.
Matt embraces you in a hug as he speaks, "we'll update you okay?" you nod and smile. now, the moment you've been dreading. you pull away from Matt when you meet eyes with Chris. you cover your mouth slightly as you try to hold in your tears with a smile. he walks up to you and pulls you in for a big hug, holding you. "hey, don't cry okay? I'll be back soon." he says with his face in the crook of your neck. you sniffle with a soft laugh before speaking, "I know. i’m just so proud of you three." he pulls away a bit still holding onto you. he looks into your eyes as he wipes your tears away. "i'll be fine!" you say with a weak smile. "I'll text and call you every day okay?" he says reassuringly. you nod as he holds your face, bringing you both into a soft passionate kiss. "I love you y/n." he whispers after pulling away. "I love you too Chris." you say wiping your left over tears. you hug one last time before he turns around and gets on the bus.
you stand there as you see the three of them look out the window towards you. you laugh softly as you wave good bye, with them doing the same. when they leave, you walk to your car and sit in there bawling your eyes out right away. you really hoped Chris would keep his words.
the next day, you wake up to seeing a text from Chris.
hey baby! we're preparing for our show today. can't stop thinking about you already!
you smile before texting back.
hi handsome! I hope you have a good show. I know you'll do amazing!
thank you! you're my motivation.
you let out a small laugh as you get up and start off your day. day 1 without him starts now. you do your morning routine and head to your kitchen. you made yourself a bowl of cereal and sat down scrolling on your phone. when on Twitter, you were seeing fans of the triplets talk about how excited they were to see them. you saw some fans talk about how attractive Chris was and how even more attractive he would look in person. your heart tightens a bit at the comments. you knew you were all his but, sometimes you couldn't help but imagine all these girls all over him. you just shrug off the thoughts that popped up into your head.
as it got later in the day, you continued to scroll through Twitter again as you see the meet and greet pics fans posted. it was weird seeing Chris have his hands on some other girl. but what did you expect? you sigh as a call comes through. it was Chris. you pick it up and answer, "hey Chris" "hey baby. we just got finished with the first show! as nervous as I was, it actually went great. everyone was so nice!" he says happily. "that's awesome Chris. i've seen many meet and greet pics already." you say. "what's wrong y/n?" he asks. your eyes widen a bit as you respond, "what? nothing. why do you think something is wrong?" you say lying through your teeth.
he lets out a small chuckle before responding, "i'm pretty sure I know you. we've been together for how long now? I think I know the way you act." you stay quiet for a bit. he wasn’t wrong. "okay fine, i'm just being a little jealous. you look so cute posing with the fans. a little too cute." you respond. "you? jealous?" he questions with a soft laugh, "well i’ll have you know, you’re all i’m thinking about the whole time." he says. you smile a bit before responding, "okay well still! they get to be in your arms while I have to sit here and suffer." "well like I said, we'll be together after and you'll have me all to yourself when all of this is over okay?" he reassures you. "okay i'm sorry. I know this is your big moment. i don’t want to spoil it by being like this." you say letting out a small nervous laugh. "yeah but your feelings are valid baby." he says.
you both talk for the rest of the night before falling asleep on the phone. as time goes by, it's already the 7th show of the tour. Chris has been progressively getting busier and you had to focus on school. so, your conversations were kept short recently. it was late in the night already as you laid there sniffling. you were left on delivered for a while. yeah you knew he was busy but, this is what you were afraid of. your biggest fear was Chris getting caught up in the limelight that he just has no time for you. you shut your eyes and cry yourself to sleep.
hey baby! I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. I was so tired out.
all you did was look at it and not respond. you didn't want him to think he had to text you or call you. he should just focus on himself you thought. you didn't want him to think you wanted to be his number 1 priority. you just shut your phone and start off your daily routine.
hey what are you up to? show is about to start. the weather is nice here in St Louis. I miss you.
you read the text but don't respond again. you were too caught up in your studying to send back a text anyways. you just needed to be distracted.
later in the night, you laid in bed as you see another text.
is everything okay? are you mad at me?
again, you shut off your phone and drifted off to sleep. after about a hour, your phone buzzes. you groan and pick it up to read the contact name. it was Chris again. you answer and talk tiredly, "hello Chris?" you hear him sniffle before talking, "hey y/n. did I wake you up?" his voice sound raspy. was he crying? "yes but it's okay. what's wrong?" you say sitting up in your bed. "I just missed your voice that's all. I'm sorry I can't be able to talk as much and when shows are over, I just get so tired out." he says. "that's alright." you say feeling terrible. you were so caught up in your feelings that you didn't realize Chris felt the same way. "I know this is all hard right now. just know i'm thinking about you everywhere I go. when I go from city to city, you're always on my mind and there's nothing more that I want but to have you here with me." he says making a tear drop slide down your face.
"I just didn't realize it would be this hard." you say wiping your tear away, letting out a soft laugh. "trust me, I know. we just have to be strong okay?" he says. "soon we'll be together." he adds on. you smile at his words as you whisper, "I love you" "I love you too beautiful." he says. but you still couldn’t shake off the thought. he’s only getting more famous. next thing you know, he’ll just be even busier. it had you doubting everything.
*time skip*
a few days later, you came home from work bawling your eyes out. you were feeling overwhelmed by everything. you have a terrible boss and he would use his power against everybody. you laid down on your bed with your dirty clothes as you pick up your phone to call Chris. there was no answer. you threw your phone across the bed as you pressed your face against your mattress crying some more. is this how it'll be from now on? when you need him, he's too busy? you felt selfish thinking that. Chris worked hard for where he's at now. but what about you?
you just shut your eyes and drifted off to sleep. you felt like everyday was just a constant replay. nothing was new. you were either at home doing school, actually going to school to take exams, or at work being treated terribly. while Chris was having the time of his life.
*time skip*
even though Chris reassured you everything will be fine, you couldn't help but feel disappointed still. when you called, he wouldn't answer. when you texted, he texted hours later. it was making you more upset. you only asked for one thing. it was for him to communicate, but he didn't. you always felt like he was leaving you hanging. you scroll on your phone as you see posts from the tour and sigh.
Chris I don't know if I could do this.
what are you talking about baby?
this. I can't stand this. I know this is your first tour but, now I can't even imagine more in the future.
again, you felt guilty for feeling this way. you see him type but eventually it stops. you suddenly get an incoming call from him. you pick up about to speak but he cuts you off, "y/n please. listen to me." "this tour will be over soon. once it's over, we'll pick up right where we left off. I know it's hard but, you're not alone. do you think i just let you slip off my mind?" he says. "Chris, I understand you feel the same and trust me I feel terrible even feeling this way but, you're only getting more noticed. who knows how many more tours you'll be on. what am I supposed to do? because even when you are here, you're so caught up with You tube and I just don't want to get in between that." you say. "and when I needed you? you didn't answer me. then you didn't even apologize the next day for it."
Chris stays quiet as he gulps. "I don't know Chris. how will this all work out if this is what you do? this is your job, and I just don't fit in." you finish. "well i'm not the only one whose said this, my brothers also agree that I wouldn't even be here with these opportunities if it weren't for you. all I ask is for you to support me no matter where I am. just because we aren't near each other, doesn't mean this won't work. you do fit in my life. just because I have all this recognition, doesn't mean i'm just going to give up on us. you're the only one who truly knows. you knew me from the start. you do fit in." he says as you let out a sigh, "I can't do this i'm sorry." you say before hanging up.
Chris was left standing there slowly pulling his phone away from his ear. you shut off your phone while hugging one of the stuffed animals Chris got you back in high school. you look at it as you thought to yourself. you missed how simple things use to be.
Chris POV
it's been a while ever since I last heard from y/n. every show has been a struggle for me. we were slowly getting towards the end, but was it worth it? was this all worth it without y/n? our Boston show is our last stop. that was coming up in a few days.
we can work this out.
i've been texting her and all she does is read them. why couldn't she realize this was hard for me too? "Chris?" I hear Nick call out for me. all I do is look up at him. "we have to set up for today." he says. "yeah i'll be there." I respond looking back at my phone. "Chris, everything will be okay. she'll come around." he says putting a hand on my shoulder. I sigh before responding, "I understand where she comes from. this is all so new. but even when we aren't touring, we let filming get in the way too." "well, don't think about it too hard. I know she'll come around." Nick says before walking away. I really hope so. my heart aches every time i think about her.
End of Chris POV
time passes by as it's now the last show. the triplets finally arrive back to Boston and the first thing Chris wants to do is see you.
y/n we just got to Boston. please let me see you.
please i’m back. this is what we’ve been waiting for.
Chris puts his face into his hands as he groans. "come on Chris. lets go stop by the house and say hi to mom and dad." Matt says patting his back. Chris sits up, “have you heard from y/n?” he asks. Matt just looks at him and shakes his head, “nope.” Chris just sighs and nods, “well if she texts, tell her to answer me.” he says.
later during the day, after visiting their parents, the triplets finally arrive at the venue. Chris was washing his face real quick before putting on his outfit. he looks in the mirror shaking his head, "here we go." he whispers out. the time comes and the crowd can be heard chanting. the triplets come out running onto stage as the crowd cheers louder. their show then starts. the show was hilarious. it was obvious the triplets were meant to be up on stage. the fans were really loving them.
after a bit, something catches Chris' eyes. it was a big sign that read 'I love Chris!". "that's a pretty big sign." Chris says into the mic. "is that even allowed?" he continues with a small laugh. "you’re right. nobody else has signs." Matt says joining with a laugh.
"show yourself!" Nick shouts out into the mic. the sign moves revealing a face. "i'm sorry! I didn't get the memo!" you shout out. Chris locks eyes with you as his mouth is left agape in shock. you smile at him as you hear the crowd cheer. the fans obviously knew about you from the start. they adored your guys' relationship.
"hello y/n!" Nick shouts out with a smile. "surprise!" Matt says shaking Chris. Chris then gets off the stage as he pushes through the crowd to get to you. you drop the sign onto the ground as he embraces you in a hug, nearly lifting you up.
"you scared me y/n." he says hiding his face in the crook of your neck. the crowd was going crazy. Marylou and Jimmy were standing there next to you guys, clapping and smiling. you pull away from him as you look into his eyes, "I'm sorry for ever doubting us." you say. he shakes his head before responding, "don't even apologize y/n. i'm just happy you're here." you let out a small laugh as you push him away softly, "okay we'll talk after the show! get back up there." he nods as he kisses you on the cheek, running back up onto stage.
when the show ends, you meet Chris backstage and he embraces you in the same big hug from earlier. "I can't handle another goodbye." Chris whispers. "next time, you're coming with me you understand?" he says. you let out a giggle and kiss his cheek, "okay I will.” you say. “we have lots to talk about.” he says pulling away, planting a soft kiss on your lips. you smile and nod as you both sit down with him talking about the whole experience. even though you doubted this whole thing, you don't regret being in this moment right now. you'll go through what you went through over again if it means you'll be in his arms in the end. no matter what, world wide.
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a/n: if you know the iconic sign scene from the show, you know what’s up. LIKES AND REBLOGS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED! THANK YOU! - L 🤍
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vettelsvee · 21 days
... READY FOR IT? | Charles Leclerc
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charles leclerc x reader ⋆ smau
summary: y/n finally decides she’s ready to make her relationship with charles public even people just hate her so much for her past dating other f1 drivers. 
taglist: [@celemilii @theseerbetweenus @anniee-mr @stelena-klayley @lozzamez3 @0710khj @afterg1ows @vincentvanshoe @coco-loco-nut @minkyungseokie @lemon-lav @stinkyjax @seokjinkismet @c-losur3 @annewithaneofthegreengable @khaylin27] thanks to all of you who wanted to be tagged! don't forget you can join my taglist by commenting or telling me through dm <3
a/n: i was supposed to start posting this on june 1st, but since we reached 500 followers here i wanted to start posting as a "celebration". i really don't like thinking about thing kind of things BUT i thought this was a special occasion, especially since you've received me really well here. thank you so much to you all who take time to read my works! i've never thought someone would read what i write tbh this is my very first smau so sorry if it's a little bit crap, i promise to improve for the next ones 🙏
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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y/n just posted
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y/n we're sooooo back on track (for the third time, yes! idgaf what you all have to say 🥰)
liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 376193 others
user1 wait wasn't she dating mick schumacher? what is she doing in the ferrari garage?
user2 that was during 2021 season. she broke up with him and then started dating lando back in july 2022 if i remember correctly
f1gossip yep! in 2021 she dated mick, in 2022, lando, and now seems like she put her eyes on one of the ferrari guys 👀
user3 what a bitch. she's fucking everyone to get fame or...?
yourbestfriend go on girlie! show your amour your support 😌
y/n yourbestfriend what a stupid action... fuck you
user4 y/n are you going home? because that's what you should be doing lol
user5 guys I know that y/n might not be a piece of cake for everyone, but PLEASE, respect her
user7 exactly this!
charles_leclerc ❤️
user10 charles explain?
user11 wdym A READ HEART
user12 she might be dating charles omg
carlossainz55 happy to have you finally here! ❤️🙌🏻
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y/n just posted
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y/n since you seem so interested, yep: i'm on the ferrari garage f1 are you spilling the tea? cos I'm not. xoxo, your friendly neighborhood wag
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y/n just posted
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y/n i was scared af to tell you that french dude and i've been dating for the past seven months. you can call me whore or whatever you want because at this point i don't really care about anything. it's been a wild ride with me feeling soooo uncomfortable with you commenting every now and then about my past relationships. i love mick and i love lando, but sometimes things don't work out, and you don't seem to understand that. anyways, all I have to say is that charles makes me the happiest woman on earth, and that we don't apologize for winning ❤️💋
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charles_leclerc just posted
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charles_leclerc life in these past seven months has been insane. y/n, bet your ready for more but... are you ready for it?
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shinestarhwaa · 4 months
Hi Hi!! could i request ateez members reaction to s/o blushing during sex or being shy? thank you <33 (love your work btw 🤭)
Ofcourse u can!! Thank u so much for the support my darling <3
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This man would sadistically laugh at you while pinning down your arms next to your head so you cannot hide your face for him as he pounds into you.
Seonghwa would smile at you and think you're so precious and would definitely not hold back. He'd also encourage you to come out of your shell more bit by bit.
Yunho would laugh at how cute you're being and it only gets him riled up even more so don't be surprised if he casually folds you up in half and ravishes you.
It depends a little on the setting cause he'll either be gentle and sweet with you and asking if things feel good OR he'll have no mercy and use you just how he likes it anyway.
San loves cute things so he might be obsessed with fucking you when he realizes you get shy. He will not hold back and he might even make you watch yourself in a mirror while he fucks you from behind👀.
He wouldn't know what to do with himself ohmy he NEEDS to have you every moment of the day just to see your flustered face again as you bounce in his lap.
Wooyoung will laugh at you just like Hongjoong and will wreck you SO hard and will try to make you even more shy by the most vulgar talk you've ever heard in your life.
Oh this guy luvvvvss it. Jongho will smirk as he provokes you little by little and he will be a huge tease about it believe me.
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630
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sunbitesworld · 8 months
Omg Hello!! Hope you are doing well!!
Anyways, may I please request the Yanderes (specifically John Doe, Peter Dunbar, Sunny Day Jack + Joseph, and Alan Orion. You don’t have to do them all but those are the preferred Yanderes. You can also added more if you want! Whatever you’re comfortable with!) with a Y/N who is an extreme night owl? Like a Y/N who loves like energy drinks and candy and stuff like that? Thank you so much!! I love your fanfics so much!!!
Hi darling, I am SO sorry for being late to answering this! Thank you for the support, it's very much appreciated!! <3 I hope you don't mind me adding Bo <3
WARNINGS: Slight manipulation?
JACK isn't happy about you being a night owl, to say the least. He wants to make sure you're sleeping properly! All those energy drinks and candies are bad for your health. He would sit you down and talk to you about it - knowing that energy drinks can become addicting.
"Sunshine, I'm worried for you... This isn't healthy - and with you being so hyper and not sleeping, how can we cuddle?"
JOSEPH doesn't really care you're a night owl. He himself is addicted to coffee - needing the energy as an actor. Though, he is slightly worried about you, he knows it's a very unhealthy lifestyle. If he notices that it's getting out of hand, he'll try to convince you to cut back on the sugar for a little bit.
"Don't ya think you should get some sleep, Doll? You can lay your head on my lap, gotta go over my lines still..."
BO his puppy isn't sleeping? He's alone during the day while you're asleep? He isn't getting cuddles at night? He HATES it. He will find a way to make you sleep, otherwise he might die from lack of attention. He's coming up with a plan he's sure will work, it HAS to! Next time he sees you up so late at night, he's laying right on top of you and getting all comfy.
"Puppy... Please cuddle with me. I miss you so much! You've been sleeping all day and staying up all night - you're leaving me all alone..."
ALAN is a night owl himself, so he doesn't mind. He loves energy drinks and candy just as much as his doe eyes does! Maybe you guys can stay up and look at the stars together more often? Or go on walks through the forest! He's happy you can keep him company at night, and share your snacks with him.
"... It's nice having someone to watch the stars with almost every night. Thank you for keeping me company, Doe Eyes."
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 11 months
jealousy, jealousy || Chan x f!reader
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Summary: You can feel Chan's eyes on you from across the room. If you're honest, you're enjoying the attention a little more than you should. Sure, technically there's nothing about the little 'arrangement' between the two of you that justifies it, but if you're being honest, what you have with him has been about more than sex for quite some time now.
Word count: 5k
Genres: college AU, friends with benefits AU, smut
Warnings & Tags: jealousy, swearing, mentioned slut shaming (not in a sexy way), smut [oral sex (f receiving), fingering, vaginal sex], unprotected sex, reader has commitment issues
series masterlist
A/N: final piece in this series! I hope you've enjoyed the ride with me, even if it took way longer than anticipated~ Thank you for the love and support!
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Ask anyone on campus, and they’ll tell you how wonderful of a person Bang Chan is. Sweet, kind, involved in campus life, somehow juggling being captain of the swim team with being producer-singer-songwriter for the rising group 3RACHA, he’s loved by everyone and their mother — literally, since he’s the ideal son-in-law.
Ask anyone on campus, and they’ll say you’re a bitch.
Well, maybe not a bitch, but the word that comes back about half the time when talking about you is messy.
To be fair, it’s not a reputation you’ve done anything to counter, or something that you’d say isn’t true about you. ‘Homewrecker’, that you disagree with. You don’t keep tabs on people, and if guys happen to have girlfriends when they hook up with you, you don’t think it says anything about you. ‘Slut’ also gets thrown around every now and then. You don’t feel any type of way about it. Yeah, you like to have fun, no shame in that. Part of you is amused by the word, thinks that the second it gets dropped in a conversation, you know to stop giving a fuck about the person using it. The other’s somewhat annoyed by it. No one’s saying that about Seo Changbin, even if there’s a different girl in his bed every other day. No, he’s a lady’s man, a charmer, but you’re a Jezebel, even though— Ah, forget it. You don’t have to justify any of your actions.
You know your reputation leads to you being easily approached by dudes, specifically when you’re at a party on campus. Guys think it means you’re more likely to sleep with them, when the truth is, you’re very picky with a large number of people to chose from, and no reason to go for the bottom of the barrel.
The thing is, though, that you like having fun at parties. Dancing around, laughing with people, maybe a little bit of harmless flirting that doesn’t have to lead anywhere, that’s just part of it for you. The guys who approach you, however, have a tendency to take that as an indication that you want to fuck them. Which leaves you in the uncomfortable position of having to strike a balance between having fun, not leading people on, and not being mean to them if you’re not interested. Except you regularly do have to be mean to them.
Hence the ‘bitch’ reputation.
Tonight’s not any different on that front. You’re having fun with some guy you have no intention of fucking, laughing at his jokes, all without getting too close. It wouldn’t bother you to do that, even without doing anything with him later on, but you don’t want to deal with that much drama tonight.
What’s new — though it’s become increasingly familiar to you lately — is Chan’s attention on you, which you can feel radiating towards you from across the room. You’ve caught him staring three times in the last hour, shooting him a knowing grin when he didn’t look away fast enough, daring him to come over, if it bothered him that much. He hasn’t moved so far. But he’s been glaring for a while.
It's not like he's not busy, too. He’s surrounded by people, several of whom are talking to him. They get his attention every now and then, and he’s pretty good at pretending. He just keeps on coming back to you, like a butterfly drawn to an incandescent lightbulb.
That’s a game you don’t mind playing, but you’re starting to get bored of the conversation you’re having and, well, you’re not trying to upset Chan, even if he’s cute when he’s angry.
“I’m gonna go get some fresh air,” you say, smile turning polite, as you uncross your legs and start to get up. That works, sometimes. People let you go, and take the hint when you don’t come back.
“I’ll come with you,” the guy says, mimicking your movement immediately.
That isn’t rare either. Just means you’ll have to work a little harder to shake him off.
Though the weather’s been warm lately, a reminder that summer is just around the corner, the air outside still feels cold, compared to how hot it was inside. It would be the perfect change of pace, if it wasn’t for the presence still hovering right beside you. You’re figuring the right way of getting rid of him when he puts his sweaty, clammy arms around your shoulders, and you can’t stop yourself from jumping out of his reach, the feeling supremely unpleasant.
Oops. So much for tact.
“Look,” you say as he’s staring at you with surprise, “I’ve had fun, but I think it’s time we go our separate ways.”
Smooth. There was definitely a better way of phrasing this.
At least you didn’t tell him he’d been boring you for the past twenty minutes?
You don’t get much time to feel bad though, because his face contorts in anger — not disappointment, sadness, or even embarrassment, but anger — and then he goes “Are you for real? You’ve been fucking teasing—”
“Hey,” a stern voice comes from behind him. “I think she wants you to leave her alone.”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your fucking business,” he snaps, turning around, and then freezing when he’s met with Chan, who’s folded his arms over his chest in his best impression of a displeased dad. “Chan, I, uh—”
It takes one look from Chan for the guy to vanish without adding another word. No one wants to cross him, all too aware of the fact that he can ruin someone’s life by even implying that he doesn’t like them — ‘cause Chan’s so nice, why wouldn’t he like you? It’s pretty suspicious of you, to be disliked by this one dude, who’s never asked anyone to take his opinion as gospel.
“My knight in shining armor,” you purr, taking one step towards Chan, mostly just so you can enjoy hearing him clear his throat and watch him averting his eyes. You both know you’re his biggest weakness, after all. “You know I was going to be fine, right?”
That brings back the frown on his face.
“He couldn’t take you telling him you weren’t interested. That shouldn’t be your problem to deal with.”
He has a point. You think. Maybe. You can’t tell for sure, because this is just so normal for you. These days, every other interaction with guys goes like this, and you’ve sometimes had to grapple with the uncomfortable question of whether it’s your reputation doing the work for you, or if you are making people think you’re interested. You know what you do when you’re trying to get into someone’s bed, know that you didn’t pull any of it with that guy, but clearly you’re not being perceived that way.
In the end, you shrug.
“I mean, I was having a good time before this. I just wasn’t going to fuck him.”
It’s always fun to see Chan react to how blunt you are. You know for a fact that he’s capable of swearing like sailor — like he does when he’s inside you — but he always seems taken aback by you being this direct.
You get another step closer. Now, you’d just have to push a little to steal a kiss from him, and his plump lips sure are looking awfully tempting.
“Were you bored without me?” you ask, mischief dancing in your eyes.
“I was—” He clears his throat, not quite looking at you. There was a time when this behavior would have annoyed him, which you also found to be fun, but these days are far behind you now. “—busy.”
You hum in amusement, not fooled by the answer whatsoever — and a little insulted he’d even try that excuse when you know he’s been staring, and he knows you know he’s been staring — but there’s still a tiny little bit of concern poking through.
“Aw,” you say, not dropping the teasing, “even at a party you can’t get a break?” And then, leaning even closer, “Want me to help you relieve some of that stress?”
The tip of his ears goes red, but this time he meets your eyes, and you think he’s going to give in, when a voice calls his name.
From behind him, in appears Mido, and you raise an eyebrow at her. One of the top students in her field, she’s also super involved in campus life. Lately, she’s been busy planning a music festival — you think, you haven’t been paying much attention — which has led her to hang around Chan a lot. She’s pretty high-strung and a workaholic in the making, but she’s kinda cute in her determination. She’s also very into Chan, which, really, who isn’t?
But that makes her, uh, not your biggest fan. You suspect that she’s caught on to some of what’s been going between you and Chan, and it’s clear that she’s not super happy about it. You can’t really blame her. You probably wouldn’t want yourself hanging around Chan that much, if you were a friend of his — not even out of jealousy, but out of fear that you’d break his heart.
“I’ve been looking for you,” she says, somewhat out of breath, “I’ve been working on changing the program, like we’ve discussed, and I was hoping you could take a look at what I’ve got done.”
And there goes your sympathy, replaced with annoyance in the span of a minute.
Maybe you’re like Tinkerbell, not enough space within you for more than one emotion at any given time.
You’re speaking before Chan’s gotten the time to opine and get to work again.
“Seriously?” you say. “It’s a Saturday night. It’s— Fuck, it’s almost two a.m. Can’t he get a break?”
You get a surprised look from Chan, while Mido rolls her eyes like she’d expected that reaction from you and came prepared.
“I realize that you don’t understand the concept of responsibilities, but some of us have stuff to do.”
You almost want to laugh.
“The faculty isn’t going to collapse in on itself if Chan takes a night off.”
“It’s work that’s going to accumulate and make it worse on him as it goes on—”
“Then it sounds like you need to learn to delegate more efficiently, because there is no way that he’d have to be working these hours if that was handled better.”
Mido’s turning very red now, opening and closing her mouth as she looks for a retort. You suppose that the jab at her abilities, something she probably values a lot, wasn’t that nice, but also, fuck, you mean this. Unpleasant opinions have a tendency to slip out of you without you having much control over it, but it’s not like you can take them back when you very much thought ever word you said.
“Hey, how about we calm down,” Chan says, putting a hand on your shoulder, and you know that he has a point, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to snap ‘why should I calm down’ at him. You hold back just enough to get to see him turn around towards Mido with a polite smile. “I’ll look at the schedule first thing tomorrow,” he promises her, and she’s clearly boiling, but she’s more in control of herself than you are, so she doesn’t say anything.
“Sure,” she answers, sounding like she’s stopping herself from screaming. “I’ll email it to you.”
“Thanks,” Chan nods.
He only turns to look at you once she’s left the balcony, marching back inside, no doubt beelining for her friends in order to complain about you.
“Can’t you just play nice?” Chan asks you. He sounds tired rather than pissed.
“I would if you played less nice,” you say. You know that he’s going to have something to retort to that, because he’d probably drop dead if he put himself first for one fucking time in his life, and you don’t want to play into that. So instead, you hook two of your fingers into his belt, pulling him closer to you.
“What do you say we make good use of your hard-earned freedom?”
He swallows, and you know you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, even if it only lasts until morning.
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You’re already entangled with Chan by the time you push him through his door. His back hits the wall, and he lets out a delightful groan into your mouth. He’s kept his hands gentlemanly on your waist, but you know for a fact that the gentleman act never lasts that long when he’s with you. It’s just a matter of getting him to snap, and these past few months have given you all the opportunities you needed to master that skill.
“You sure Changbin isn’t here tonight?” you ask against his lips. “We could give him a show.” Then, with a grin, “Or we could ask him to join.”
And sure enough, that gets to him. His kiss turns more demanding, he bites at your bottom lip, and, fucking finally, he grabs a handful of your ass. You hear yourself letting out an undignified yelp.
“No way,” he growls, giving you another one of his glares, eyes dark and filled with desire.
“Hmmm, I really like you jealous,” you can’t help but tease him, pushing your hips against him where you can feel him, already half hard. You’d bet he gets off on the idea of showing you that you’re his.
But the comment seems to throw him off a little and he ducks his head sheepishly.
“I’m sorry,” he says, the gentleman in him getting back on top when all you want is for him to rail you unceremoniously. “About earlier.”
He hasn’t let go of you, but he looks like he wants to get this off his chest before you can go with the festivities, so you humor him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you listen to him. If your nails graze against the nape of his neck, it sure isn’t in an attempt to get him to focus back on you.
“You were defending me,” you say with a shrug, mostly to give him in an out.
“No, I was, but—” Ugh, he’s not going to take it. “I was jealous. And I know I— I have no right to be.”
Aw. It’s kinda cute, though you wish he’d stop with the self-flagellation.
“It’s all good,” you find yourself whispering, tone soft, genuinely trying to comfort him rather than just wanting to get it over with. “I didn’t mind.”
The kiss that follows is sweet, soft. When his tongue brushes against yours, it sends shivers all the way down your spine. You’ve long known that Chan has that kind of effect on you.
You’re just not quite ready to grapple with that right now.
“I mean, we both know we can fuck whoever we want,” you add with a vague shrug. “Doesn’t mean I like seeing you being around Mido all the time either.”
“Um,” Chan says, “I don’t— I mean I’m not—”
Fuck it. He’s just too cute. The way he blushes, the way his ears turn red… You just cannot resist the urge to push yourself on your toes to bite gently at the lobe, enjoying the way his whole body shakes at the sensation, before pressing a kiss against his temple.
“Right,” you purr. “You’re only fucking me.”
You might take a little too much pleasure when you say it, if you’re being honest. It’s not purely sexual, too, but you’re choosing not to unpack that right now either. Instead, you find Chan’s mouth, press yourself closer to him, let your tongue run over his lips before he eagerly meets it with his. His left hand comes up to tilt your head back, calloused fingers pushing against your jaw. Despite yourself — because the gesture’s too gentle, too intimate — you raise a hand to cover his, entangling your fingers with his.
His following exhale sounds ragged, painful maybe.
Then he’s grabbing strongly at your waist and suddenly you’re the one with your back against the wall, and he’s pushing his thigh between your legs, spreading them open.
“Fuck,” you hiss.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?”
Gosh, you need him to worry a little less and to start taking responsibility for what he’s doing to you.
“Need you inside me,” is your answer. “Now.”
And that asshole has the gall to shoot you a grin, lifting only one corner of his mouth.
“I might as well make this last, right? Since I’m only fucking you.”
You want to pout, but it’s really fucking hard to keep control over your facial features when he flexes his thigh and it takes all of your willpower to resist rolling your hips and starting to ride him. You will not be giving him the satisfaction.
…not just yet anyway.
Since two can play that game, however, you trace your fingers up his muscular thigh, watch his expression shift from amusement to anticipation as you get closer and closer to his hard cock, now clearly outlined through his pants.
“C’mon, Chan,” you plead, something you’re not above doing, as you easily unbutton his jeans, “you know you want it too.”
Your lips ghost over his neck as your hand makes its way past the band of his boxers and wraps around him, with a little satisfaction coming from the fact that he’s not just hard, he’s also already dripping precum. He groans at your touch, and you grin — though, if you were thinking about previous encounters with him right now, you’d know it’s still too early to claim victory. Your grip remains light, your hand movement slow, tantalizing but nowhere near enough to bring him release.
“I really, really,” you press your thumb against the tip of his cock, rubbing it gently, with more intensity, just so he knows what you could do if he just let himself give in, “want you inside me.” This time it’s more of a whine that he lets out, his breath coming out in tense huffs as he rests his head on your shoulder, and you think you’ve got him right where you want him.
But then he lifts his head and meets your eyes, and you immediately know you’re going to have to wait.
“Where would the fun be in that now, love?”
It’s not the pet name that sets your heart in a frenzy. It’s not. It’s his tone, how warm his eyes are, the anticipation of the pleasure that’s to come.
It’s not the pet name.
“Think you keep standing for me?” he asks you, voice low and rumbling. You blink at him.
Then he drops to his knees.
“C’mon, love. When have I ever let you down?”
Ohhh. You think you’re going to really, really enjoy what he’s planning for you.
He takes his sweet time getting on with the program, though. His hands start on your calves, slowly making their way up your legs, and it takes everything for you not to plead with him, again, to get moving. You’re dripping wet for him by now. Your legs are starting to feel weak under you, but it’s too early to give in.
Chan’s large hands reach your thighs, his touch setting your skin on fire with every brush. When he presses a wet kiss against the inside of your thigh, so close to where you actually need him, you let out a whine. You feel him grin against you, but he keeps going, slow and steady, inching closer and closer. He easily lifts your dress up, pushing it up over your stomach so it’s out of the way. By then, you can actually feel his breath against your pussy, and you’re so fucking sensitive in that area right now, you think you’d kill to feel his tongue on you.
But he’s not done yet, no, that would be too easy. He slides your ruined panties down your legs, even when you whine for him to just leave it, it’s fine, and wraps a hand around your ankle to make you step out of them.
Then he kisses the inside of your thigh, again, and your patience runs out. Threading your fingers through his hair, you pull on it, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to remind him of where his attention should be.
That asshole has the nerve to laugh at that.
He gives you what you want right after that, though. He closes his mouth around your clit, and you throw your head back, loud moans spilling from your lips. You’ve never been one to believe in restraint, and if anything, Chan loves how vocal you get. You’re rewarded by the feeling of his warm, wet tongue on you, and all you can do is hold on to him for dear life, your other hand trying to find something to brace yourself on and coming up empty.
“Fuck, Chan,” you whimper.
“If that’s too much for you,” he says, pulling away, “I can always—”
You guide him right back between your legs. And he gets back to work.
If there’s one thing you have to give to him, it’s that he never half-asses anything. His tongue dances sinfully on your skin, his teeth graze against your folds, tantalizing, and you’re reduced to moans, whines, and desperate pleas for more — you have no idea what it is you want, but Chan knows exactly what you need. He’s already got you crying out his name in a broken litany when he pushes two fingers into you. They slide right in, and you gasp for air, briefly falling quiet at the pleasure.
Your knees give in under you, and Chan catches you just in time.
“You’re all good, love,” he praises you as he lifts one of your legs. “Just hold on a little longer for me, alright?”
There’s something about him talking to you like that, about the kind warmth of his words, that turns your insides into jelly. So all you do is nod as he helps you hook your leg over his shoulder.
“You okay?” he asks you, still taking the time to check up on you even though he should know by now that he’s the best lay you’ve ever had.
As an answer, you use your heel to push him back into you. Once you’ve got his mouth and his fingers back on you and in you, you let yourself drown into the pleasure. Because, fuck, having Chan’s undivided attention, having him eating you out like a starved man while his fingers curl inside of you, sliding in and out with a slow rhythm — if this isn’t what heaven feels like, you don’t think you want it.
Your legs start to shake as your orgasm approaches. By the time you cum, with a loud, high-pitched cry, Chan’s hand under your ass and the leg you have over his shoulder are really the only things keeping you upright. He doesn’t let you go for one second, allowing you to move your hips to ride the wave of your orgasm, even if it’s just little jerks of your hips, because you have zero control of your body right now.
You’d hate that on any other occasion.
Right now, you don’t mind.
You feel yourself slide to the floor as you slowly regain your brain cells. Chan’s still all around you, his heat, his arms, cradling you while you come back to your senses. He rubs your back, mumbling praises into your ear, and it’s good, it’s so fucking perfect, but you need— you can’t let this go that route, not just yet. He already knows you get a little cheesy towards the end of the night, so that’s fine, but it’s too early to succumb to that.
“Wanna move this to the room, or do you also want to fuck me against the wall?” you ask him, turning your head so you’re facing him.
His nose brushes against yours. It’s funny, after everything he’s just done to you, that this still gets him to blush.
“R—” He clears his throat. “Room. I’ve got— I’ve got condoms in there.”
He gets up and pulls you back up to your feet with ease, which, damn, you know he lifts, but it’s still impressive. You let yourself fall into his arms, enjoying a nice squeeze of his biceps while you get the chance. You need to get him out of his shirt, you remind yourself, and you immediately get to work on the buttons, tracing his skin with every inch you uncover. Goosebumps form under your nails, and a jerk of his hips when you brush over his nipple reminds you that he has yet to be taken care of.
Aw. You just can’t have that now, can you?
“Hm, I’ve been thinking we could try without that,” you say. Your voice comes out light, but you know that it’s not as nonchalant as you’re trying to make it sound. Chan tenses against you. Clearly, he realizes it as well.
“I mean I— I’d love to, but it’s—” His eyes are wide as he searches yours. You wonder if he thinks that was a throwaway line, something you said just to say something. Surely he knows that’s not the case. You’ve always been adamant about protection.
“I’m on the pill, I’m clean, I’ve gotten tested,” you shrug. “Are you clean?”
“Yeah, I am,” he nods, and it’s adorable how eager he is, “just— when— have you—”
It’s so obvious that he’s trying not to hurt your feelings. He should know that these conversations would never do that. That doesn’t stop a pit from forming in your stomach. What you’ll say next will change things. Maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but it’s been a long time coming. Maybe since the first time Chan gave in to his desires against his better judgment, maybe since the first time your eyes met.
“It’s all good, I haven’t been with anyone else for a couple months,” you say.
Chan freezes. You can only imagine what’s going on through his mind right now, but you— can’t have that. Not right now. So, of course, you have to defuse the situation. You grab his chin, smile seductively at him.
“Why would I when I have the best right here?”
All you know is that after that, you crash through the door to Chan’s room, and he throws you onto his bed while he practically rips off his shirt and pants. You push yourself up on your elbows, but you don’t have the time to take off your heels or your dress before he’s kneeling between your legs, spreading them open. He’s not playing games anymore, there’s no playfulness in his eyes, just hunger — and maybe the tiniest speck of uncertainty.
So you reach for his face to kiss it away, soft and gentle, and for a second, he melts into you. As you move away, you keep your forehead pressed against his, and he exhales a trembling breath.
Neither of you says a word. The moment passes.
A second later, he plunges into you with one harsh movement of the hips and you fall onto your back with a cry, arching against him. Feeling him for the first time without anything between you is… different, for sure, but it’s a good different, fuck, it’s so perfect that you don't think you’ll be able to go back on that. You have no way of knowing what’s going on in his mind, but you do hear him moan once, loud and without restraint, before he falls into your arms as his hips start moving with an animalistic pace. You grab onto him, nails digging into his back — this is going to leave a mark for sure, but you kind of like the idea, so. Now you regret not having taken off your dress, because you’d love to feel him against you. There isn't much space in your brain for those thoughts though, not when the pleasure is so overwhelming.
You’re still all sensitive from your orgasm, and Chan’s fast thrusts into you only heighten the sensations. Soon, warmth is building up into you again, but Chan’s showing no signs of slowing down. His head’s buried in your neck, his hands clutching the sheets on either side of you. When your legs start shaking with a second orgasm, all you can do is let out desperate moans while he keeps fucking into you.
“You feel so fucking good,” he moans again, which is uncharacteristically vocal of him — and fucking hot, by the way. “So good for me.”
“All for you,” you whimper in response. “Just for you.”
You reach for his face, kiss him, tongue messily intertwining with him.
He comes inside of you without a warning, just with a long, low groan, before collapsing on top of you without even pulling out.
“Shit, sorry,” he mumbles after long, blissful seconds. “Did you not want me to—”
“You’re good,” you interrupt him before he can start freaking out. “Just— Think you can carry me to the bathroom?”
“Of course,” he replies. Then, voice lower, barely above a whisper, “Anything for you.”
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You used to have this rule against staying the night after sleeping with a guy. Felt it made them act all territorial, and you liked doing the walk of shame in the middle of the night better than at dawn, if you had to choose. But it’s different with Chan. It’s always been different with him, no matter how hard you try to deny it.
You slip back into the bed after cleaning yourself up, and he wraps himself around you, body slotted together perfectly.
“That my shirt?” he asks as he presses a kiss against your neck.
“And your boxers,” you inform him. “You mind?”
“Nah. It’s kinda hot, that’s all.”
You grin, twisting yourself around so you can get another kiss from him, and he indulges you, not leaving you to wait for even a second. Neither of you adds anything, and you settle yourself comfortably for sleep.
It’s obvious what’s going on between the two of you, what this is all leading up to, even with you not putting words on it just yet.
All in due time, as long as you’re by his side.
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Last part of this, and another one where the couple is one I've had in mind for a while lol. I'd headcanon that in the morning, the reader joins the commity that's organizing the festival and is weirdly good at it bc she actually goes to a lot of festivals (she's mostly doing it to ensure that Chan isn't overworked tho). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the series, if you want to give feedback, reblog or comment, I'd be super grateful, and I'll see you for future works!
Taglist: @lethallyprotected @jisuperboard
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serverusslaype · 8 months
Shameless, pt. 8
Severus Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
omg hi guys.............
i'm so sorry for leaving it this long, i just literally could not write anything, my brain was absolutely fogged up - probably because i had covid unknowingly lmao. this is another long chapter so i hope this makes up for it! <3
thank you for reading and for all your kind messages and support, i appreciate you all so much. i know i say this constantly but i really mean it. stay safe and keep healthy, guys!! love you :')
let's get this train on the ROAD!!!
The summer of '93 was an interesting feat, to say the least. Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban, and you'd found yourself dating someone you never thought you would.
You had not expected yourself to be caught up in a whirlwind type of romance, especially not by someone you'd despised back in school. Yet, here you were, arm in arm with none other than school menace, Benjamin Bluewater. The two of you were currently strolling through Hogsmeade, wide smiles spread across your rosy-cheeked, cold faces. The snow crunched beneath your feet as Ben wrapped an affectionate arm around your waist, pulling you close against him. You failed horribly at trying to hide the bashful smile that picked at the corners of your shivering lips.
"I'm gonna miss seeing you every other day." Ben said, giving you a squeeze.
"Yeah," you hummed happily, glancing up, "this summer has been very..." You trailed off, struggling to find the words. Ben glanced down at you, a lazy half-smile reaching his lips.
"Unexpected?" He chuckled, finishing your sentence for you.
A grin broke out on your face and Ben leant down to plant a soft kiss against your smiling mouth. "Definitely." You replied against his lips, nodding softly, letting your eyes fall back to the powdery-white trail in front of you as he pulled away. "You can visit me if it gets too hard." You teased, nudging him playfully with your elbow. It'd only been a month and a bit of seeing Ben, but he really had you hooked. Each time you saw him, the agonising thought of you and Snape melted away from your mind a little bit more. You felt like you'd finally got control - he was no longer dictating how you felt. However, you did feel a tad bit guilty. At times it felt like you were using Ben to get over the broody Potions Master. You didn't dare tell him about it either, you were pretty sure that he wouldn't take it well - in fact, you were certain he wouldn't. How would he believe that you'd fallen for the man that used to cause the pair of you grief in school? For starters, he used to be your teacher all those years ago, and secondly, in Ben's mind, he considered Snape an ugly old git.
"I think you'll be the first to crack, Y/N." Ben nudged you back, prompting a playful scoff to fall from your mouth. Ben's lips broke into a grin, pleased with your reaction.
"As if," You choked. "Wait, who was it again that turned up at my door the day after our first date? Oh yeah, you." You scrunched your nose up at him and poked out your tongue, though, your attention was soon hooked by the flash of what looked like a figure dressed in all-black. Your breath caught in your throat as your head snapped to the left, eyes flicking desperately between the forest of pine trees, searching  for what you thought you had seen. Ben picked up on your change in behaviour almost immediately.
It couldn't be, you thought, heart suddenly beginning to race.
"You okay?" His bushy brows furrowed at your unusual skittish demeanour, clearly worried about you. Ben's alarmed voice did not compute in your head. "Hey," His hand slipped from your arm and fell to your wrist, tugging it at it to pull you from your thoughts, inducing a soft gasp from you as you spun on your heel to face Ben. It looked as if you had just seen a ghost of some sort.
"What?" You questioned softly, blinking. Ben stared at you.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost, Y/N." He said, concerned. You swallowed and wet your lips, looking down at the ground as he brushed his thumb tenderly against your wrist.
"I'm alright." You looked back up at Ben, placing a forced smile upon your lips. He didn't seem convinced, though he didn't press you. He gave you the benefit of the doubt. "Just, err, just a little on edge, you know with, erm, the whole Sirius Black thing." You lied, a nervous chuckle leaving your throat.
"I don't think the mass murderer known as Sirius Black would bother himself with a place such as Hogsmeade, Y/N." Ben smiled, almost amusedly at you. You stayed silent, not sure what to say. Ben let his blue eyes to flick between yours, almost like he was attempting to read your mind. You broke the connection and glanced away, an uncomfortable feeling creeping up your spine. Ben sighed gently and looked ahead of the two of you. The town of Hogsmeade was settled in the distance, shrouded in a cloudy mist. An idea popped in his mind. "Would a tea or a hot beverage of some sort make you feel a little better?"
"Um, yes, I could go for a tea." You nodded lightly, looking back to Ben. A small smile graced his features as he let his warm hand slip into yours. The corners of your lips tugged upwards a little. Ben felt at ease once more as your pretty face was lit up with that bright smile of yours. He couldn't resist placing another sweet kiss upon your lips.
"Alright. Let's go, I know just the place."
You laid on your bed in your quarters at Hogwarts, the pale sunlight peeking through your curtains was slowly ceasing as the evening began to set in. Your mind was constantly reeling back to yesterday afternoon. You continuously replayed the memory of the flash of black in your mind, attempting to put a name to what it was. A sigh of frustration left your lips, leading into a groan. You refused to acknowledge who you thought it was. There was just no way.
All those feelings and thoughts that you'd buried and hidden away with the idea of Ben started to creep back out of it's cage and it frightened you. Perhaps it was foolish of you to think that you'd move on so quickly. A month and a bit was definitely not enough time to heal. Yes, you were unquestionably foolish to think that forty-three days was a satisfactory amount of time to rid yourself of the thought of someone you had been near almost every day for a year.
Whatever, you thought. It'll pass. It will... won't it?
Gods, now you were doubting yourself. You knew you still felt deeply for Snape, of course you did, you spent almost a whole year in his presence, but you thought dating someone else in the meantime would have solved some of that. Jesus, that's messed up. Were you just using Ben to get over Snape? This was so wrong on so many levels. You liked Ben, truly you did, but you always found yourself comparing him to Severus. The way he spoke, the way he moved... your mind was plagued with him, and you were an idiot to think that locking away the thought of Severus would do anything but help yourself. You did this to yourself, and now you deserved to deal with the consequences. You just had to act like your feelings for him didn't exist, maybe that would help. …Maybe it wouldn't, but that was the best idea you had right now.
You needed to clear your head, and badly. Your buzzing thoughts were starting to drown you. You quickly slipped out of your bed and headed out of your room, quietly shutting the door behind you. Just as you were about to turn around to walk down the hallway, a tall, shabby looking man stood in your way. He had light brown hair with flecks of grey in it, a fluffy moustache and a rather painful looking scar was scraped across the middle of his handsome face.
"Oh- hello," You said in surprise, confusion evident in your tone. The man smiled at you jovially, his eyes crinkling at the edges. He looked rather tired and pale. You tilted your head at him, furrowing your brows.
"I apologise for scaring you," The man pursed his lips as he attempted a light-hearted joke, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I'm Remus, err, Remus Lupin, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor." He added, his eyebrows raising a tad.
"Oh, yes, of course!" You instantly smiled, your cheeks turning a little red out of embarrassment. Lupin found it rather endearing. You scolded yourself for forgetting soemthing so important - Dumbledore had mentioned this the day before you left for Summer break. "I'm so sorry, it had totally slipped my mind. My name is Y/N L/N," Your smile widened as you held out a friendly hand for him to shake. "I'm the professor of Herbology here at Hogwarts."
"Ah," He nodded, returning your smile and shaking your hand. His grip was firm. "Lovely to meet you. I hope we get along well, Professor L/N." Remus said trustingly, his hands returning to his pockets. You clasped yours together, resting them against your hips out of habit.
"I'm sure we will, and please, call me Y/N." You grinned. Remus gave you a curt nod. "Is this your first day here?"
"Teaching yes, but in regards to having been here before? No." He replied.
"I attended Hogwarts as a small boy, so it's a little nostalgic walking round the place again." Remus explained, earning a surprised look from you.
"It seems as though every single teacher here also used to be a student here." You laughed lightly, inducing an amused smile from the new professor.
"It seems that way, yes." Remus nodded.
"Well, I hope to see you around, Remus." You smiled politely at him, noticing the way he slumped slightly in posture, almost like he was trying to hide himself. Remus returned your smile and dismissed you with a nod, continuing past you with a slow gait. You let yourself think for a moment. Those scars looked pretty horrific, they looked rather... deep. A grimace twisted your facial features as your mind raced with quite gruesome and morbid theories on how Lupin had acquired those wounds. You shook your head rather vigorously as if to relieve your mind of the grisly images that were popping in and out of it.
The hallways and corridors of Hogwarts were peacefully empty once again. Students, old and new, were still back at home preparing for the next school year that began in just a couple days. Goosebumps erupted on your body out of anticipation as you thought about what the year could hold - though, you were mainly excited to get back to teaching your beloved subject. In fact, you'd missed it a lot over the summer. More than you expected to, despite the distraction called Ben.
A tiny smile flickered on your lips at the thought of him, your eyes glued to the floor in front of you as your feet carried you forwards, a cool chill wrapping itself around your bare shoulders. You were wearing a thick-ish, buttercup-yellow night dress; the sleeves reached your wrists, but it was a little baggy up top, causing the wide neckline to slip partially off your shoulder. The chill made you quickly pull it up with your fingers, enveloping yourself with your arms.
Bumping into Professor Lupin outside your room had caught you off-guard. The thought of grabbing a coat of some sort had slipped from your mind the second your curious and confused eyes fell onto him. You shivered slightly, cursing yourself for being so forgetful sometimes. It might have been late August, but Scotland's freezing climate left no survivors.
"Did you not think it unwise to go around strolling in such... poorly thought out attire, Professor L/N? It is almost as cold as the arctic." That deep voice that had caused you so much grief and heartache shot through your head like a stray bullet. You froze in your position, your breath hitching as you refused to turn around to acknowledge the man that spoke with such articulated words it seemed laughable. You felt like you couldn't move. Like you were in a glue trap, like a little mouse.
Eventually, you thawed. "I'm not cold." You replied shortly, reluctantly turning around to face Snape. Your heart instantly sped into a gallop as your eyes fell onto his tall, brooding figure. Then and there, thought of Ben entered your mind as you stared at the Potions Master, immediately comparing the two. You knew Ben didn't make your heart race like he did. Your shoulders suddenly slumped with guilt. You shouldn't be thinking any of this. Ben was good for you, he treated you with kindness and respect, and most of all, he actually liked you.
"Your trembling figure says otherwise." Snape tilted his head at you, scrutinising you. Right then you wanted to shrink down into nothingness. You couldn't bear to feel so vulnerable underneath his eyes. Somehow, Snape looked better than the last time you saw him. And you hated that. You were sure you looked utterly terrible right now.
"I'm fine." You said sternly, dragging out the syllables as you fought back the bitter glare that was itching to break out onto your face.
"Fine, hm..." Snape drawled, almost mocking and sarcastic, letting his dark eyes drop down your figure, studying your improper outfit. You hugged yourself tighter at the sight, cheeks suddenly burning as you felt rather self-conscious. His brows knitted together suddenly, like something had just clicked in his mind. "Why aren't you wearing a coat?"
You hesitated. "I forgot to grab one." Snape's brow arched at you disapprovingly. You fought the urge to groan at him. "I bumped into the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin, outside my door." You explained, tone flat. "It's not like you care whether I freeze to death or not anyway." You added, rather bitterly. Snape narrowed his eyes at you, glaring. He did care, but he would never show it. Not right now, at least.
"Lupin?" He repeated, ignoring your last comment as his jaw ticked out of irritation. You frowned at his odd reaction. "I suggest you stay away from him, Professor L/N. For your own..." Snape trailed off, pondering on his words as he let his eyes sweep over you in a patronising manner. "...good." He uttered, almost like a warning. You were completely and utterly confused. Why did Snape seem so unwelcoming towards Lupin, he'd just joined Hogwarts, unless there was... history between them? Was there?
"What's wrong with Remus?" You asked, eyes narrowing in curiosity and suspicion about his feelings regarding the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Snape's jaw clenched at the sound of Lupin's first name, almost like he flinched. "He seemed perfectly kind and pleasant earlier."
Snape didn't reply. A harsh, exasperated sigh fell through your nose as you rolled your eyes at the enigmatic man before you, growing tired of his games. Why did he always act so cryptic? What was the problem with telling you the truth? Would it be so bad?
Before you could protest and poke at his mind, Snape began to stalk away from you, prompting a curt scoff to leave your lips. Your teeth were gritted out of frustration as you stared at the back of his head. Christ, he really hadn't changed - he was still pissing you off at an almighty rate. At this point, it was impressive.
"Hey!" You exclaimed, forcing Snape to halt in his tracks. He turned his head to the left, silently encouraging you to continue. "Would you just answer me?"
"I don't owe you anything." Snape said rather coldly. You clenched your jaw rather angrily at his rude reply. Jesus, will this guy ever just bite the bullet for once and give in?
"When you tell me to 'avoid' Professor Lupin, I think that demands an explanation as to why I should, Snape," You said, shaking your head at him like he was daft. "You must be delusional to think otherwise!" That must have struck a nerve within the Potions Master, as he swiftly spun around, his cloak turning with him dramatically like a bat, making you shrink in regret. He stormed over to you, footsteps heavy and determined. You backed yourself up, a little unnerved by his sudden and intense approach towards you. Snape got right up in your face and you could feel his hot breath dance across your skin, sending anxious goosebumps down your spine. It felt like your heart was about to fall out of your chest from the high gear it had suddenly kicked into. 
How could- no, why was your body still reacting so fiercely to Snape? Weren't you meant to be focusing on Ben?
"Lupin is not who you think he is, Y/N." Snape warned, snapping you out of your thoughts. It nearly sounded like there was a hint of concern in his voice, like he was worried about you. You had to laugh at that, as if Snape - the man who had pretended like you didn't exist for half a year - cared for you. He'd never stoop to such a pathetic ideal. You brushed the hurtful lie under a dusty rug in your mind, averting your attention back to the pair of deep, obsidian-coloured eyes that sat mere inches away from your own.
"And how do you know that?" You challenged, a hint of venom in your voice as you mocked his serious tone. Snape sneered at you, leaning back from your face, like he was disgusted.
"Your ignorance is blinding." He replied bitterly, still refusing to explain anything to you. At this point he seemed like a child to you. From his the way he glared at you, and reeled back from your agitated little form, Snape seemed to be disappointed in you. You didn't think he had a leg to stand on with that idea.
And so, that was your last straw, you couldn't hold in your frustration anymore; it felt like all the pressure that had been building up beneath your skin was coming to a rise and it had finally burst at the seams. "Jesus, Snape!" You cried out, infuriated, your hands flying up to pull helplessly at your hair. "Why is it so hard for you to answer me?! Are you so incapable of that?!"
Snape seemed a little taken aback by your outburst as the ill feeling of deja vu began to seep into his bones. This felt a little too familiar: it reminded him of that night he found you drunk. Yet, right now, you were stone-cold sober, and still shouting the same things at him. In regards to your outburst, he truly hadn't seen it coming, and yet, he was almost always aware of how you were feeling. He could read you so easily. To him, you were like a book he'd read almost a thousand times. He remained quiet again, unsure of how to reply to your instantaneous combustion; a briefly-lived feeling of worry that he'd add more fuel to the fire.
He couldn't reveal the reason to you. He'd given Dumbledore his word that he would not speak of Lupin's condition. In fact, Snape had doubted Dumbledore's usually-wise judgement when he mentioned that he'd hired Lupin. The Potions Master thought the Headmaster had gone mad for openly inviting a werewolf into Hogwarts, let alone allowing him to teach classes full of children. And then, he'd found himself roped into producing the Wolfsbane potion so Lupin could keep his wretched condition of Lycanthropy at bay. Snape still doubted the whole idea. He knew it was doomed from the very beginning. Balancing the safety of Hogwarts on the constant, perfect production of a potion and the hope that Lupin was competent enough to remember to take it each day of the preceding week of a full moon?
Doomed, Snape thought.
Despite your best efforts of attempting to force the answer out of Snape, he knew you'd figure it out sooner or later once you noticed which ingredients he'd be borrowing from you. He had faith that you were smart enough to work it out. So, he stood straighter in front of you, wordlessly giving you his answer as he turned around to walk away from you.
"A warm, warm welcome back to you all!" Dumbledore's raspy voice boomed through the Great Hall, the applause from students and staff alike to quickly quietening down. You were seated comfortably between McGonagall and Hagrid, and it felt awfully similar to last year. Just a year ago, you had no idea what you were strapping yourself in for. "Before we indulge ourselves in this delectable feast, I'd like to welcome Professor RJ Lupin, who will be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore said, turning around to gesture to Lupin with eccentric, wrinkly hands. The professor stood up goofily with anxiously-clasped hands, giving a grateful nod to the Hall as they applauded him. He caught your eye, and you sent him an encouraging smile, ignoring Snape's distasteful face beside Lupin.
"Good luck, professor! Now, our teacher for the Care of Magical Creatures for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken than none other than our own, Rubeus Hagrid!" The Headmaster announced as he spun around to gesture to the half-man-half-giant sat happily beside you, a genial smile spreading across the Dumbledore's face. Applause and whoops erupted in the Hall once more as Hagrid gave a short nod and a cheerful smile to the hooting crowd. You rolled your eyes and elbowed him, prompting him to stand up, his large belly shoving the table forwards with a sharp screech; a handful of glass goblets falling over and smashing. McGonagall looked up at the newly-appointed professor rather disappointedly before eyes her goblet that now laid shattered before her.
"Finally, on a more describing note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the dementors of Azkaban, until such a time Sirius Black is captured." Dumbledore said, a stern and serious tone taking place of his usual reserved one. Gods, how could you have forgotten? Mass murderer Sirius Black was still on the loose. Apparently the thought of Snape was enough to distract you from a highly important news article. And now, one of the most feared creatures of the Wizarding World was going to be lingering around Hogwarts? This was not what you signed up for. Your teeth started to chew against the inside of your bottom lip anxiously.
"Will they be on the school grounds?" You whispered to Minerva beside you, failing miserably at trying to hide the shaky fear within your voice. She instantly looked at you, smiling softly. You'd always had a phobia of dementors, and now the fact that they were going to be lurking around the school had put you on edge. Merlin, can this year get any worse?
"I'm not sure, my dear." Minerva replied to you quietly, subtly noticing the fear swimming in your eyes. The older witch placed a hand upon yours in an attempt to soothe your anxiety. "There's nothing to worry about, I assure you." You merely nodded at her, unbelieving. Nothing to worry about, sure. It's not like some savage, minacious murderer is on the loose.
"The dementors willl be stationed at every entrance to the grounds." There goes your sanity. "Now, whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities, a word of caution: dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt, and the one who gets in their way." You hated the way that Dumbledore spoke of the dementors, and it hardly settled your trembling and anxious mind. No, in fact, it bloody well worsened it. The old man was basically saying if you get in their way, it's a death sentence. They have no sense to decide whether you're a threat or not, or they just don't care.
Either way, you were screwed. You could not produce a Patronus charm, let alone a corporeal one, and it was something that played on your mind a lot. You could never find the right memory to do so. Every happy memory you flicked through in your mind, it just wasn't happy enough. So, if you came into contact with a dementor, you were, let's say, royally fucked. Was your life that sad?
"Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you, give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But, you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light." The Headmaster finished with a cryptic riddle, making you sigh a little heavier than expected, catching an intrigued look from Hagrid. Sorry, but what the fuck does that even mean, Dumbledore? You were well aware that Dumbledore was undoubtedly an ingenious and powerful wizard, but sometimes, the things that came out of his mouth just sounded like nonsense. Maybe he just said those random things to keep up his mysterious act.
As you looked up from the nervous, fidgeting fingers in your lap, your eyes locked with that same pair of black, emotionless ones that were staring so deeply into yours just last night. Immediately, you looked away, your cheeks flushing red out of embarrassment, and perhaps, suppressed affection. There was that weighty feeling of guilt again, finding your shoulders once more. Ben's smiling face materialised in your mind as you shut your eyes, attempting to rid yourself of the buzzing feeling that Snape had awakened within you. With just one look into his eyes, you were melting back into your old ways.
You heard the creaking of a chair shift beside you as a gentle mass poked your side. "A'right down there?" Hagrid questioned quietly, noticing your subtle change in demeanour. You were suddenly stiff in your seat.
"Yeah, yeah, fine thanks, Hagrid." You cleared your throat, avoiding those two addicting pools of inky-black.
"Hmm." Hagrid hummed beside you, obviously skeptical about your curt response. He let his eyes flick to where you were previously looking, his stomach sinking as he spotted the broody cause of your sudden mood change. Hagrid didn't bother pressing you for answers, he knew you had enough on your plate, and he would rather you come to him. The last time you spoke about your problems regarding Snape, you were in tears, or you would burst into tears, there wasn't really an inbetween.
Silently, you were thankful that the newly-appointed professor beside you chose to keep shtum.
As you glanced back to where Snape sat, he was completely avoiding your eyes too, however, as you continued looking over in his direction, the wave of a hand beside the Potions Master caught your eye. Flicking your gaze to the right, you noticed it was Lupin waving sheepishly at you, a kind smile tugging at his scarred lips. You returned his smile and waved back, turning to the professors beside you as he glanced away from you.
"Professor Lupin seems to be a kind soul." You commented outloud, a genial smile upon your lips. McGonagall glanced at you, eyeing your curiously.
"Yes," She agreed slowly, her eyes gently dissecting you. "Have you met before?"
"No, I just bumped into him a couple nights ago, by my door."
"Yer' door?" Hagrid repeated in an octave higher than usual, intrigued.
"He just happened to be there when I walked out." You frowned, wide eyes looking up at the gigantic man, trying to understand what he was insinuating.
"Right, right." Hagrid quickly said, almost awkwardly as his cheeks reddened a tad, averting his eyes from your suspicious ones. Minerva's lips quirked into a small, amused smirk as she glanced between you and Hagrid. "Well, this food looks delicious, ay?" He cleared his throat, raising his brows as he glanced down at your plates that were now burdened with a generous amount of steaming hot meat and vegetables. You couldn't help but laugh softly to yourself at Hagrid's awkwardness. It was sweet to you.
Before you let yourself indulge in the plate full of food in front of you, you dared to look in the direction of a certain gloomy individual. Snape had already begun to eat, which surprised you. He usually takes a few bites and retires to his office, but this time, he'd stayed. You frowned to yourself as you stared at him, observing the glum way he kept to himself, avoiding any kind of conversation. Once more, you found yourself yearning for him. And yet again, your heart and mind were telling you two different things.
"Isn't that a Mimbulus Mimbletonia plant, professor?" Came Neville Longbottom's curious voice, his inquisitive eyes dragging over the plant you held cautiously in your arms. A cheery smile graced your lips as you nodded at the boy.
"Yes, indeed it is, Mr Longbottom." You said proudly, inducing a thrilled smile from Neville. "Can anyone tell me what it's uses are?" You asked, glancing around your greenhouse at mostly confused faces. You had an inkling that none of them would know the answer, perhaps apart from Hermione or Neville, who you noticed seemed to excel in Herbology. Though, Hermione wasn't in your class this morning. So to you, it was all down to Neville.
"Stinksap, right?" Neville answered quickly, his bunny-like teeth sticking out from underneath his top lip as he stared at you, awaiting your reply.
"Correct, and what can we use stinksap for?" You questioned, your smile widening at Neville. A sense of accomplishment suddenly tickled your body - maybe your students were listening to you and learning. You were a little worried that you hadn't exactly made an impact on them. As you got lost in your fretting thoughts, a light voice you weren't familiar with caught your attention. You turned towards the dark-haired girl, her deep blue eyes lighting up with confidence as she retrieved you from the abyss that you unfortunately called your mind.
"Stinksap can be used in certain potions as it contains very good healing properties," Alisa Arumina spoke up, earning a tilt of your head. You nodded at her, encouraging the girl to continue. "However, you have to be extra cautious when handling such a plant as this one since it will squirt out rather rancid smelling sap. Hence the name, stinksap." She finished, a sheepish smile upon her lips. You grinned proudly at her.
"Yes, lovely! Ten points to Ravenclaw, Miss Arumina." You carefully placed the plant down upon the table you were all gathered around. Before you could continue on to explain how to care for it, a distraught sounding voice called from behind you, at the door to your greenhouse.
"Professor L/N," Madam Pomfrey called out, her voice shaky. Immediately, you spun around with a worried frown upon your face. She sighed. "There's been an accident, do you have any mature Mandrakes ready for use? A Wiggenweld potion is required at once." Madam Pomfrey's eyes looked afraid. This must be serious, what the hell happened? You thought as your heart began to anxiously pick up in pace.
"Err," You stumbled over your words, blinking quickly. "Yes, yes, of course. I'll have them delivered to you immediately." You nodded in a poor attempt to assure the terrified look upon Madam Pomfrey's face. It didn't work.
"I'm afraid Professor Snape has asked for you to go to him right away." She said regretfully. Of course he fucking did, you groaned inwardly. 
"Is it so hard for you to come and retrieve the Mandrakes yourself?" You demanded as you burst through Snape's classroom door, your irked eyes finding Snape's startled ones. Though, just as quickly as he had looked startled by your sudden entry to his room, he had returned back to his usual angry glare, shooting it directly at you.
"Is it so hard for you to knock before entering?" Snape grunted at you, rubbing his fingers in circles against his temples. He lifted a hand and patted the empty space on his desk beside him. "Place the mandrakes here." You scrunched up your nose at him in disgust,
"I'll put them there once you tell me what the hell is going on."
"Your dear friend, Professor Rubeus Hagrid, thought it wise to introduce the children to a hippogriff on their first lesson together." Snape sneered as he rose from his desk in a slow and intimidating manner, his hands splayed out across the deeply grooved, dark wood surface. "I knew he was an oaf, but I at least thought he had retained some form ofhuman intelligence. Perhaps even common sense!" He exclaimed, his brows glued together in fury. Your brows mirrored his own as he insulted your friend. "A student was injured, Professor L/N, a student of my house." Ah, so that's why he's so upset. "Draco Malfoy." Riiight, it's adding up now, you thought, your anger simmering down slightly at the utterance of a student being injured.
You knew Hagrid wasn't incompetent, he was smart enough to not put students in the way of danger, but maybe this was a very big mistake. Perhaps he was too... eager. A hippogriff is a highly dangerous animal, especially if the students are not taught how to approach one beforehand. A strained sigh left your nostrils as you clenched your jaw, averting your eyes from a fuming Snape.
"Is he alright?" You asked, hesitating. "Hopefully he didn't lose a limb..." You muttered whilst perching yourself down upon a stool to your right.
"By the grace of the gods, Malfoy's arm was merely scratched," Snape seethed, clearly still very angry. Maybe it'd be best if you just left now, you did leave your class unsupervised for this visit. The thought of being a hypocrite niggled at your mind as you thought back to the time you'd chastised Lockhart for doing the same thing. But, this wasn't the same thing right? This was urgent, his was... whatever, you're better than that babbling, bumbling baboon anyway.
"So, it wasn't even a big injury...?" You repeated, frowning. "A little... scratch and you're almost losing your hair over it?"
"I think you're missing the point, Professor L/N, as always," Snape scoffed at you, earning a resentful glare from your eyes. "Hagrid has proved himself to be incapable of handling a class safely. I mean, a student injured and sent to the hospital on the very first lesson? Seems like a bad omen, if I do say so myself."
"Oh, please, Snape," A frustrated, heavy sigh left your nostrils again as you glanced to the side. "It's his first day!" You laughed incredulously, defending your friend. Sure, Hagrid might have misjudged this lesson by a smidge, however, you knew he would never put students in harms way.
"His first day, and his incompetency has resulted in injury!" Snape replied bitterly. He clearly didn't like Hagrid, and it was very obvious. He only ever spoke bad about the man, and it angered you. Hagrid was more than just an... 'oaf'. "Those... beasts... should have never been allowed at Hogwarts, regardless." Snape's nose crinkled in disgust.
"Give him the benefit of the doubt!" You cried out at Snape hopelessly. "And Buckbeak is a perfectly good hippogriff, you have no idea what you're talking about."
"How would you know that?" Snape's lips curled up into a distasteful sneer once again. Your cheeks ran hot as rage boiled beneath them at his comment.
"Because I know Buckbeak, Snape," You seethed at him with your fists balled, "Buckbeak would never do such a thing unless he felt threatened or insulted!" A hand flew up to wipe at your face, your breathing becoming ragged and hopeless. As you glanced back at Snape, he paused for a moment, his lips curling into an amused, incredulous smirk at your words. He couldn't believe what had just fallen from your mouth. Did he hear you correctly? Were you truly so delusional?
"You 'know' Buckbeak? Don't be absurd, Y/N." Snape huffed at you, his eyes narrowing as the corners of his lips tugged downwards disdainfully. "Buckbeak is a wild creature, it is hopelessly foolish of you to believe you can understand, much less, tame one!" He said, strained, his knuckles turning white from the aggressive, vice-like grip he had on his desk.
"These creatures are deeper than you think, Snape," you frowned, eyes stormy and reckless, unknowingly searching for trouble. His long fingers flew up to massage the bridge of his nose, clearly growing more fed up by the second. "Perhaps you'd understand if you had a heart within that empty chest of yours." A curt, exasperated sigh tore from your nostrils. Though, before you could take back your words, a blanket of regret wrapped itself around your seething body, your once-stormy eyes widening a tad as the realisation of what you had just uttered began to seep in. The sudden silence in the room was unbearably thick.
Snape's eyebrow twitched as he raised his head. Slowly, he fixed you with a dark, scrutinising gaze, rendering you speechless. Your body froze. "Bold, today, are we?" Snape's deep, stinging voice cut through the quietness like razors, reaching your ears like a thousand sharp pins.
You didn't answer him, fearing you might provoke him further. You'd never seen him like this. Dark, unnerved, fervent. It was terrifying to you. Perhaps you did cross the line. Gods, what had you done? Couldn't you have just brought the Mandrakes and sodded off? Jesus.
Snape marched towards you without a word, his cloak billowing out behind him like a flag. You couldn't help but notice the fury emanating from every single inch of his body, prompting your cheeks to flare up in a wild, raging blush. You had no time to defend yourself from Snape's long, cold and slender fingers as they clutched your jaw in force, shooting a frightening yet delicious shiver down your spine. A soft surprised gasp escaped your throat as he pushed you off of the stool you were sat on, a loud bang breaking through the silence as it clattered to the floor. Your back was instantaneously pressed against the table behind you as Snape shoved your backwards from the hold of your jaw, your eyes pooling with sudden panic as his fingers tightened against your skin, bound to leave marks. Fearfully, the palms of your hands flew to steady yourself against the edge of the table he'd rammed you against; your back arched painfully as he leaned right into your face, a spine-chilling scowl adopting his features.
The two of you were mere inches away from each other. Snape bared his teeth at you in a sneer, almost like he was revolted by your presence. He let his thumb slip upwards from your chin to the skin just beneath your bottom lip, pressing it against your teeth. Your eyes were forced to stare into his, his ones cold and penetrating in a way that only Snape's could be. Your heart was pounding so loud in your ears that at this point that you were afraid you'd go deaf. 
Both of your chests heaved laboriously, leaning against one another, like you'd just sprinted for a mile without stopping for a break. As you stared into Snape's threatening eyes, you felt your body numb, his signature scent of sweet wine, books and smoke invading your nose like it was nothing. Against your will, your body welcomed it and you felt yourself relapsing from the addicting smell. With wild eyes locked together, you saw something else swimming in his wicked, black eyes. They almost looked pained, helpless, maybe even like they were... yearning? Your eyes flicked over his face gradually, slowly drinking him in. Whilst the two of you stared at each other, trapped between one another's body, a fluttering sensation slowly materialised in your gut, prompting your eyes to fall to Snape's angry, quivering lips. The undeniable urge to press your lips against his own was scratching at you like a desperate caged animal. You inhaled sharply and blinked, averting your hungry eyes back to his own, distracting yourself from such thoughts. Again, you found yourself lost in him.
Before you even had a chance to look deeper, Snape's bone-chilling voice tore you from your thoughts. You felt as if he'd noticed you spotting something deeper lingering within him.
"Get. Out." Snape spat, roughly releasing you from his grip, your hand flying up to soothe your aching jaw. You stood there, your arched back and splayed out hands against the edge of the wooden table, flabbergasted. Snape stalked back to his desk acting like the previous minute did not just happen. For once, you obliged and stood up straight, your feet immediately rushing forwards to carry yourself out of Snape's classroom in absolute silence, face blank with shock. As you shut the door behind you, you paused in your footsteps for a moment, eyes locked absentmindedly on the cobblestone ground in front of you.
What the fuck had just happened? Can the two of you no longer have normal interactions? You always have to be at each other's throats each time?
Your fingers lifted up to your face and traced where Snape's fingertips had been pressed into the skin on your jaw, a dull soreness emitting from the area as you touched it. That's definitely going to leave a mark.
You just hoped Ben didn't visit you for another week or so. There was absolutely no way you could explain this without it seeming super fucking suspicious. Oh jeez, Ben. How were you meant to face him when you'd just been on the verge of kissing Snape? It was just in the heat of the moment, obviously... Was it? Did he feel it too? No, of course he didn't, he looked like he wanted to kill you.
A frustrated groan bubbled in your throat as you stomped away from Snape's classroom door, heading back to your class.
Merlin, were you fucked.
Part 9!
hey guys.... i hope you enjoyed this part, i apologise again for how long it took me omfg. i'm ashamed. :( i just couldn't get the creative juices flowing, then i got covid (which im still battling). like bruh give me a BREAK PLEASE.
anyway, i already have part 9 planned out so i'm hoping it wont be as long to type up!! <3 love you guys.
please let me know what you thought!! also what are your patronuses if you have one?! mine is a snowy owl :)
taglist: (i hope i haven't missed anyone or added anyone by accidient!! if i have i'm sorry and please tell me!!)
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jaeyunluvr · 4 months
love you, unconditionally (part 1)
synopsis best friends jake and sunghoon comfort reader who can't get over her ex. sunghoon is in love with the reader. pt.2
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'hey guys, you busy? can you both come over?' that one text was all it took for jaeyun and sunghoon to rush to your apartment with all the comfort they had in the world, to offer it to you. they were your best friends ever since you knew life. they sensed you weren't okay. and you weren't the one to ask help for little struggles. they were your moral support and the only people you trusted with all your heart. they cried with you in your sorrow, they laughed with you in your joy, they fought your difficulties like it were their own nemesis. and you did the same to them. it's said to be two peas in a pod, but you three have managed to accommodate another one.
"y/n?" jaeyun knocked your door softly, his tone laced with concern as him and sunghoon waited patiently for you to open the door.
there were tears dripping down your chin and your eyes red with all the sobbing. you frantically wiped your tears, not wanting to worry your friends much, even thought it would be obvious by just looking at your face that you have been crying for a long time. you dragged yourself to the main door of your little apartment, and paused.
now all of sudden you didn't feel like facing them. you felt pathetic for crying over a guy that left you long ago, that you left long ago, both on good terms. just this one fact that your heart never stopped loving him despite everything that he did wrong to you (which you would never point out), despite being warned and despite being hurt more than once.
well now that you've called them here, you had to face them. so you opened the door and found both of them panting lightly, faces filled with absolute worry.
you looked them in the eye, and suddenly you felt thankful for having them, all the emotions came rushing through your veins once again as tears started brimming in your eyes. your lips turned into a pout and you started crying badly again.
jaeyun sighed with concern and held you by the shoulders and brought you inside, as sunghoon closed the door. jaeyun bent a little to look at your face and seeing you cry hurt him so bad. he was an emotional guy, he couldn't handle to see his best friend cry like that, so he wrapped his arms around your figure, dropping his head to the crook of your neck as he engulfed you into the warmest hug ever. sunghoon wrapped his arm around jaeyun's shoulders as he patted your head in order to give you comfort.
after a little bit of crying, three of you gathered on the couch, both of them sitting on your either side, all ready to listen to you rant.
you didn't say a word. you didn't know what to say. being honest even you questioned yourself. why does it hurt this much? why were you crying now? why can't you move on? why were you not ready to let anyone else love you?
sunghoon cleared his throat and proceeded to start a conversation.
"we know the reason you're crying right now. but why did it trigger you all of sudden, y/n?" his tone was sweet, like it was made of honey. he spoke very carefully knowing you were fully sensitive right now and every word could they said could effect you.
"i don't know hoon. i don't know what triggered me but... this feeling i have for him. i don't how to erase it. i'm not even ready to let him go, even if everything is in my head. it's like i'm gonna leave a piece of me with him, a very precious part of me." your voice started wavering, and a lump formed in your throat once again.
jaeyun grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, with his other hand on top of yours. and you continued to speak, inhaling sharply.
"i don't think i can ever love somebody like i love him, even if he doesn't love me back, even if he has hurt me. i can never say anything to him and i just cannot bring myself to blame him. my love for him, it's unconditional. even now, if he came back to me after all this time, i would still run into his arms like nothing ever happened."
jaeyun sighed, "y/n that's not-"
"i know. i know that's not how it's supposed to be. i know i have to let him go, i need to move on. i know i would find somebody who would treat me better than him. rationally, i understand all these things. but it's quite difficult to push my heart out of this mess. i have tried so many different ways, i just can't. i don't think loving someone like i love him will be possible to anyone else. i would literally do anything for him."
sunghoon didn't know what to say, because he understood every word you said. he related to each and every word. he loved you unconditionally too, he was not ready to let you go too, he would literally do anything for you too. he didn't know the solution, just as you didn't. it hurt him to see you speak of another man like this, but there was nothing he could do, because he knew what exactly you felt.
he sensed you might start crying again, because you cried every time you had to speak your heavy heart out like this.
"i'll go get something for you to eat, we just rushed here so we didn't have time to grab something on the way." sunghoon spoke as he got up and walked to your front door, carefully shutting it close behind him.
jaeyun was not having this. he couldn't see both of his best friends hurt like this, not when there was a way.
"y/n. it's been what? 7 months since you broke up with your ex. you have to move on because we know for a fact that he isn't coming back. and we know for a fact that he can never give you back the love that you gave him all this time. see you have to get yourself together and do it yourself. nobody can get into your head and change things for you. even if you have to force yourself, you have to forget him, it's for the good. only you, can change these depressing days you have, these uncertain emotions that you feel. only you can help yourself."
you nodded as you listened to him. he was right.
"how long will you continue to be like this? all this time, you've never put yourself and your well being first. now it's high time you do that. because again, in the end only you can make yourself happy. and uhh i don't know if this is the right piece of advice but, give sunghoon a chance."
you raised your brow at him. what the hell was he saying?
"sunghoon likes you. you know it too. like hell he loves you. do you know why he doesn't get jealous or angry when you talk about your ex in front of him? because he knows. he knows how it is like to love someone when they don't love you back the same way. he knows how it is like to love someone unconditionally. he's trying to accept the truth that you won't even love him back the same. he's wrong. if you think the same, then you're wrong too. you're just not giving yourself a chance. and that asshole is just suppressing his feelings without even trying."
everything he said was right. you were not willing to let your ex go. you were not willing to give yourself a chance. you unknowingly let yourself get stuck in time, where nothing was going good for you. you realised what jaeyun meant when he said 'it is only you who can repair yourself.'
you knew sunghoon liked you. but you didn't know it was this bad. he never showed it to you of course. but listening to what jaeyun had to say, you have to reconsider your thoughts. you had to let him go. you had to move forward, you had to put yourself first.
just then a door click sound was heard, as sunghoon walked in with lots of food and drinks in his hands. he smiled at you both as he proudly walked in, kicking the door close with his foot. jaeyun being the excited pup he is, realized it was time to flip the mood over and rushed to check the food out.
"there is no way you brought us THIS much ramyeon, hoon." jaeyun gasped dramatically, not even trying to hide his happiness at the amount of food. he rushed to the kitchen bringing out the ramyeon pot as he started boiling the water.
sunghoon walked to you with a little smile, as he noticed you seemed a little better than when they walked in through that door of your apartment.
"you feeling better?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, looking down at you oh so lovingly.
it hurt him a lot, seeing you like this. he knows he can treat you better than anyone else on this planet. he knows what you deserve. you deserve the world and he's so ready to place in the palm of your hand. but it were your feelings that mattered. no matter what he does, there is no point if you didn't love him back the same way.
he's had sleepless nights and restless days because of this fact. but before he loved you, he was your best friend. he would always be there for you, even if it meant he had to erase the love he had for you.
you nodded as you looked up at him with your lips curving into a smile. he gently pulled you into a hug as you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head into his chest.
sunghoon couldn't hold back at the sight of you finding comfort in him, and left a warm little kiss on the top of your head, ruffling your hair as he pulled away from the hug.
he smiled at you again as he held your hand, dragging you to the kitched to join jaeyun, as they proceeded to make your day better.
maybe, just maybe, giving sunghoon a chance was not a bad idea.
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saturnicos · 4 months
can i have a headcanon for lucifer morningstar with elder sister! reader? I am just in desperate need for family stuff. Like elder sister! reader is nto weak and as powerful as lucifer (maybe a tiny bit stronger since th eboth of them are archangel).
Like elder sister!reader decided to follow her younger brother lucifer to hell by becoming a fallen angel too because she is very worried for him. (even knowing the punishment are brutal and harsh but she does not care) I would love if you make the dynamic between the two where reader is the more sterner, fiercer and scary one (like maybe she used to be a commander of an angel army before) and then lucifer is just a little guy who loves ducks (he can beat ass too lol) thanks for reading and i will appreciate a lot if you start writing my ideas! take care!
Of course!! I like sm that type of dynamic despite not have worked a lot with it
I'm not very used to writing family headcanons, so I'm sorry if this does not correspond to what you would like (I'm also finishing this sick, so maybe I messed some things up), feel free to order again if you wish! <3
Lucifer with an elder sister !reader before the fall
Ps:: female pronouns used and platonic reading
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You both are created almost the same time, only a few years of difference, since they wanted to keep a visual representation of a man and a woman in the heaven, like an example of family and brotherhood.
Despite the same creation, you both are extremely different. Lucifer was a lively dreamer, wanting to expand his ideas and dreams in the creation. You, by other side, have seen yourself in other dynamic of power, joining in the heaven's army, being the leader of army in no much time.
As being the commander, you've to base your personality in a more cold and recluse on, thinking about the success and progress of the angelic army corporation, taking the stance of a leader.
However, this doesn't make Lucifer have bad impressions about you. On the contrary, he actually were so happy for you and was ever talking of how much well you was going with your job. He had ever supported your dreams and desires, since was something that he ever appreciated. And, of course, from time to time he came to you with some ideas to you implement in the army, since were about the training or the cloths.
One day, Lucifer looked more happy than usual, what was particularly strange due to frequent oppression by elders.
He told you that he had meet the first human woman, Lilith, in the Garden of Eden after that she leaves Adam.
You saw he was talking about she in a lovely way every day, praising she every time; he was clearly and totally in love with she and, by what he said, looks like that's mutual.
You were so much happy for him, of course. See your younger brother happy after all the oppression and limitations that the heaven imposed on him was a good feeling; see his happiness was something that filled your heart with hope and compassion.
Even in a place so unfair with him dreams, he was so happy with someone who seems to like him so much mutually. Deep down, your greatest joy was seeing your brother happy.
This, however, was until a certain point. A few weeks after, Lucifer started to talk a lot about free will and how the humanity could use it. He, actually, ever liked the concept of free will, but in the lasts times that was a subject much more frequently between your conversations.
When you asked him why that suddenly become a current subject, he just said that it was pure curiosity since it was something debated in the angelic council last week. Mostly you felt it wasn't a pure truth, just nodded in acceptance.
A few days later, you saw a commotion in the angels' cabinet. As leader of army of angels, Sera quickly contacted you, asking for your presence at the next meeting.
On the appointed day, you attended the assembly, which was particularly fuller than you had imagined. You, indeed, were not often called to the council of angels, so there wasn't much certainty as to how many members usually showed up, but it definitely felt busier and more commotion than meetings in general.
Passing through the council entrance, you were assigned to one of the high benches, close to the high heavenly echelon, which consisted more of Sera, although the presence of God was also there.
Confused, you asked Sera the reason for being summoned to the council since everything was going well with the army and freedom in heaven in recent times.
It was then that you saw Lucifer enter the council, sitting in the stands of indicted. Before you could question him, a golden document was conjured in front of you, which you quickly picked it up and read it.
Incredulous would be the best word to describe his emotions. The document named Lucifer as a criminal who had induced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and spread free will on Earth, opening evils.
You looked dumbfounded at Sera, who was looking at you with regret and pity. The document proposed the expulsion of both Lilith and Lucifer to a new concept of place - the hell. A place for those who committed sins were doomed to horror, both of them being its first residents.
From above your bleachers, you looked at Lucifer who was showing an expression of indifference towards the advice, despite that you could very well see a spark of concern emerging on his face.
Sera was ready to hit the hammer and announce their definitive expulsion from paradise, collecting the document that floated in front of him and soon dissolved into light.
Light. You thought. Light, that's what Lucifer was. Even though he was prevented from implementing his ideas and dreams, even the most innovative and incredible in all creation, he was still light in your life. Even though he was tried as a criminal before the court, he was still light for you, after all, he was your brother forever, the most important person in your life, the source of light that held you together.
You jumped out of your stand, flying in front of Sera, shouting insults and questioning why Lucifer always had his ideas oppressed, arguing that he would never have encouraged Eve if heaven had given his ideas a chance.
You looked at Lucifer. He looked back at you, dumbfounded and with slightly widened eyes. From lip-reading, you could tell he was trying to whisper a few things like "no" and "why..?", but the growing anger in your head made it a complicated activity.
Sera watched as you slowly descended to your brother, standing still and firm next to him. She conjured the document again, using a feather pen to add some extra paragraph; the advice was taken in quick murmurs, those who angels feared you and your authority, now they had an expression of growing disgust and hatred as they looked at you.
When Sera finished, she made the document disappear into light again, standing up from the grandstand and flying in the center of the assembly. The murmurs quickly stopped, the angels now paying attention to what she had to say.
She began to talk about the accusations of crimes that Lucifer committed in the Garden of Eden and the consequences of his actions that generated evils and triggered diseases on Earth. She ended up with the penalty he and Lilith would receive - expulsion from heaven. However, there was an addendum: you were also sentenced to expulsion, accused of being an accomplice and justifying an unforgivable criminal act.
Lucifer looked at you with a bitter taste for being the reason for your expulsion from paradise to a completely unknown location. You, however, just held his hand and squeezed it lightly, saying you didn't care about any consequences as long as you managed to defend his ideals and be close to him. After all, he was your brother, and you would do anything for him.
You could see his eyes slightly teary when he let go of your hand and pulled you into a hug to which you reciprocated, closing your eyes heavily as you felt the feeling of falling into the void, without knowing what the place you would go would be like, but the feeling of having the person who cares most around you, as safe as possible, it already made the fall more acceptable and tolerable.
You didn't regret defending your brother at all, and would never think of going back on your decision. Things may not be better than before being in hell, but you will adapt like a family, happy to be able to see your brother and Lilith well.
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I'm not very used to writing family headcanons, but I hope it was an enjoyable read! Anyway, thank you very much for reading.
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rabbit-or-rib · 2 months
Rubbing my hands together evily again
Wondering if I could make another request of it's alright
Tim, Brian, and Evan (I have favorites hehe) with a gn or Afab s/o whos an artist and sees them as a muse
(could be sfw could be nsfw whatevers more fun)
Tyty and your works are great :3!!
hi !! glad to see you're taking requests for evan :) I was wondering if you could do some hcs for Evan with a reader who draws/sketches a bunch?? like they always use evan for inspo in drawings and they draw things they do in their relationship?? maybe something about how evan catches them looking and drawing him when they think he's not looking.. and maybe if you'd like you could include habit and his reaction to it as well.. I hope this makes sense and isn't too much!! if it is feel free to ignore 🫶
i decided to combine these two just to make it easier for navigation and all that, i hope that's okay !! thank you both soso much :) <333
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🚬📹☠️🐇 Tim Wright / Brian Thomas / Evan Myers / HABIT x artist!reader
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Tim :
he hates to pry. he really does.
but he wants to see EVERYTHING
he's trying to sneak peaks going behind the couch when your drawing in the living room, oh-so-conveniently needing to be in your guys' room when you're working on something at your desk- he thinks he's being very covert
he's an awkward and easily embarrassed man, he doesn't think to just ask to see no matter how many times you tell him he can
he is thoroughly thrown through a loop when he sees you drawing him
he has some. not great self esteem regarding all of the things he's been through and been told, and he has good reason to be anxious about most things- especially someone important leaving him
him getting reassurance that you actually do like how he looks and that you love him so much he's stuck in your mind when he's gone means so, so much more than he could ever comfortably express.
he does try to, though
through embarrassed and deeper mumbled praise, some red tinted cheeks and his finger nervously rubbing at the edge of the page
he asks if he can keep a smaller doodle on him :)
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Brian :
he's hyping you up however he knows possible
he was a theater and film kid, there's no way he didn't meet a couple art kids in there
he'll get a real good look at whatever it is you show him before he points out things like the shading in a particular area looks really good, the line art flows really well, things like that
as a former (short term lol) actor, he knows how frustrating it can be to just hear a "that looks great!" when you've worked really hard on something
if you draw HIM?? he's beyond flattered
and a little taken aback by how much you remember of him
Brian's big on trying to figure out other people, understand what makes them the way they are, what they're gonna do- so much so i think that he can forget how much other people soak him in, too
so when you showcase all of your focus and love for him through your art, it fixes up his worldview a little bit
he has a big burst of that "this is why i love you" feeling and he looks at you with the biggest dopiest smile
if you let him keep any of the work you do he'll try to find a way to keep at least one of them on him at all times
in his wallet, phone case, jean pocket, something like that
he just wants a little bit of you wherever he goes :)
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Evan :
little doodles on the grocery list, scribbles on the corner of a reminders list, drawing on his hand when you get bored; you name it and he's gonna cherish it
he thinks it's the cutest thing when you think he can't see you looking up at him every now and then while you're buried in your sketchbook across the couch
you have an entire page that's getting decorated with scattered snapshots of your life together
the two of you with your foreheads pressed together laughing at each other from when he was trying to butter you up to try and get you to go to a specific place for dinner, how he looked at you when you cut your finger making lunch and he decided he hand to kiss all over your hand for good measure- so many small moments that meant the world in both of your hearts and, eventually, you end up wanting to show him what you've been working on
and he may or may not have gotten a little bit very emotional about it
you just mean so much to him
this poor man has been through and lost so much
he's so grateful for you, and to know that you're so grateful for him as well? and enough to cherish the same moments he does and immortalize the two of you like that? he's gone
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you couldn't hide a crumb from him
he's known you've been drawing him since the first time you did it because he is a little SPY
he can be so quiet when he feels like it, and he wants to see eeeeverything you draw
the process intrigues him
if he caught you looking up and back down to your sketchbook at him, i can see him doing two things
going over and seeing how the drawing looks already because he wants to know what you think he looks like
OR rapidly switching positions for you to draw him in, "is this my good side? make sure you get my face. can you draw me with blood? i want blood-"
he is very proud to be your muse, though
he'll hang up any finished pieces you let him have
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Steve x Wednesday!reader and the gang really didn’t expect Steve to end up w someone so different from all his exs but also low-key think she’s way out of his league??? Found your fics and your writing is sick 😋😋😋😋
Thanks for your request sweetheart! I haven't written wednesday!reader before so idk if this was too much? Or too little? Anyway, I hope you like it, mwah <3
Steve Harrington x Wednesday!reader ♡ 698 words
You hadn't been at all nervous to meet Steve's friends. Really, they probably should have been more nervous about meeting you.
You could be a bit off-putting at first, with your impassive stare and clipped, to-the-point manner of speaking. The few other girlfriends Steve had introduced to his friends had greeted them with smiles and nervous laughter, and Steve had caught Dustin and Mike whispering about just that when you'd gone to the bathroom.
Overall, though, Steve thinks this is going pretty well. Nancy had liked your giant combat boots, Eddie loved that you had the same taste in music, and when the kids found out how much you knew about mages and battle strategy, they'd grilled you for a solid twenty minutes before Steve had called them off, complaining that he was going to dream about their nerd jargon that night if they didn't shut up.
Now, Eddie and the boys are discussing the edition of their nerd game they'll be playing next week (how it even changes from week to week, Steve can never figure out), and you seem to be listening with mild interest when you turn towards him suddenly.
"I have to go home," you say, in your matter-of-fact way. "I left a potion on the stove, and its six hours are almost up."
Steve blinks at you. He should be used to this by now, but sometimes your hobbies still take him by surprise. "Alright," he says after a moment. "What's the potion for?"
Impossibly, your expression darkens. "Something ate my venus fly traps, and I intend to find out what."
Steve declines to ask what you plan to do when you do find them, or how whatever you're brewing will accomplish that. "Okay," he stands, looking for where he left his keys. "I'll drive."
"No, you can stay," you say, as if it makes no difference to you. "I want to cut through the woods to find some belladonna on my way."
He's not going to ask what you want with the poisonous berries, either. "You sure, honey?" You nod, and Steve sits back down. He knows better than to bother arguing with you once you've made up your mind. "Okay, be safe, alright? Text me when you're home."
He tilts his chin up, and you lean down to peck him on the lips, a brief, chaste thing compared to what you prefer behind closed doors.
"Bye, Y/N!" Eddie calls, and a chorus of goodbyes follow you out. As soon as the door closes behind you, every eye in the room turns on Steve.
"Steve, what the hell? She's so cool." Dustin says, sounding almost shocked.
"Yeah," Eddie chimes in. "Where the hell have you been hiding her, Harrington?"
Steve grins proudly. He known they liked you, but it doesn't hurt to hear it out loud. "Yeah?"
"Um, yeah," Max says. "She's hilarious."
Robin nods enthusiastically. "She is! She's so funny, and smart, too. Honestly, Steve, it's a good thing you're nice, because she's, like, way out of your league."
Steve blinks. Okay, ouch. This compliment session seems to be taking an unexpected turn. Up until today, no one was out of Steve Harrington's league. "You really think so?"
"Duh." Robin looks around for support, but only Dustin is nodding, everyone else having fallen unusually silent. "Oh, you guys are cowards. She's gorgeous."
"I know that," Steve says defensively.
"She does have better hair than you," Nancy says, somewhat apologetically, "and that's kind of your thing, so."
Steve blows out an exasperated breath, slouching back in his seat. He thinks you have better hair than him, but he didn't know everyone else would think that. And of course you're far too good for him, but aren't these supposed to be his friends? Any modicum of loyalty they'd had between them seems to have vanished.
"Whatever," Steve says. "You guys are just jealous."
Eddie sighs, his eyes sparkling with exaggerated infatuation. "I know I am. Don't let her get away from you, Harrington, or I might take her for myself."
Steve rolls his eyes. As if he'd be dumb enough to let that happen. He's happy to be your charity case forever.
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retrobr · 5 months
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Well, it's almost a new year in my country, which means it's time to make the final post of this year. I hope you'll pay some attention to this post, because most of it is dedicated to you guys
I'd like to start with the most important part of this post: gratitude to y’all!
Thank you, !344 people!, for staying with me all this time, supporting my art and watching my posts. I've never had so many followers in my life, and I never thought I'd get this far in just a year and a half! But all of this is thanks to you, so I'm giving you all a virtual hug.
Thanks to a wonderful NatM fandom that has given me so many good memories and emotions. You are all very talented and kind people, and I'm so glad to be here with you for such a long time; your amazing artwork and fanfics make me feel so much emotion, keep up the good work and do what you enjoy! And thank you for supporting my ramblings about my favorite characters and praising my silly drawings with my beloved sillies!!!!
Thank you to my dear friends; gosh, I don't have enough words to express my HUGE happiness that I was finally able to find you! I've been a pretty lonely person for the past year (and still am a little bit), but with you guys in my life, my sadness has become much rarer, and I have absolutely no idea where I would be without you right now. And yeah I don't have that many friends, but I still love and appreciate you all so much, and every notification of your messages to me makes me so happy that I feel like the luckiest and happiest person in the world!!!! You all are one of the few best things that have happened to me this year <3
At the end of this post I just want to wish you more good things in your guys lives; considering the times we live in, everyone needs it now. Be happy and healthy, take better care of yourself and be kind to yourself! 🥺
I sincerely hope to fulfill my big dream in the new year: to make more friends and get rid of my stupid loneliness. I'm not asking for much; that's basically all I want as a gift for 2024
Remember: I appreciate each and every one of you, and a huge thank you if you've read my stupid rambling to the end; it means so much to me that you can't even imagine it <3
Happy New Year everyone!!! 🎉
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ittodori · 1 year
⌗ looks like you've captured arataki itto's heart !! what ... ? you have no idea !!?? what is he to do !!??
ʚ ͡ 💌 : @foodiegoogie ! thank you bff for giving me this wonderful idea <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> i think i may have gotten a bit carried away and my soft spot for itto is a bit too obvious, but ... oh well !
☆ requests are open ᵎᵎ
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There are three things that will go down in Inazuma's history: the terrible Vision Hunt Decree, the infamous traveler’s battle with the Electro Archon, and The One and Oni’s Massively Huge Crush On You.
If they’re being honest, the citizens don’t quite know if they should consider you the luckiest of them all or pity the fact that you’ve (sadly) captured Arataki Itto’s heart. One of the words people would use to describe such a man like him is endearing. Well, you just have to look past his extensive criminal record, a list of offenses for the most ridiculous reasons, to realize that it’s just his … charm. Somehow. He’s quite endearing in his own way, and people tend to forgive him for that. Most of the time.
You’re a lot like him in many ways, except much softer and much much more a receiver of the most genuine of smiles that greet you every morning. Shouldering the chores of the elderly and baking sweets for the children has earned you the title of resident sweetheart, adored by many. And Itto, who can't be caught never by your side, has no idea that he has already won your neighbors’ approval for the “boyfriend spot” from the very start. Because everyone can agree that Arataki Itto is nothing but the epitome of kindness, and it surrounds him wherever he goes. So, it would be him and no one else.
Unfortunately, you're too much of a sweetheart. They can’t help but pity you sometimes because the other (and the first) word they would use to describe him is loud. Arataki Itto is as loud as his heart, and somehow, it doesn’t make you want to bang your head against the wall. They have no idea how you manage to keep up with the chaos he brings to your doorstep. You even encourage it, much to their displeasure, and it wouldn’t be a surprise to know if the nations outside Inazuma have heard of your blossoming love story.
But really, they pity the man himself more than anything; because even with Arataki Itto yelling at the top of his lungs about how you're the most beautiful human he's ever met in his entire life at the roof of Tenshukaku, you just won't get it. 
"This one's for you, (Y/N)!"
The sun has just begun to set when the sweet melody of a song from Mondstadt drifts along the gentle wind, and it’s almost beautiful — until the singer starts to trail off and stutter with his words, miserably failing to save himself by reading off a piece of paper.
Everyone sighs (affectionately).
You step out to your porch, drawn by the harmony of the instruments that make up for the questionable vocals. Owner of said vocals completely loses the tune when he catches the sight of you, raising his arms above his head and flailing them wildly as if he hasn’t seen you in years (he just helped you with your groceries this morning).
Half the population of Inazuma has collectively decided to support “Operation: Oni Heart Attack” because of this little predicament. Yes, it sounds lame, childish, and stupid—and it is—but consider how dedicated Itto has become since they successfully convinced him that No ... (Y/N) isn't dating you, boss.
“Weren’t we about to kiss last night?”
“You were too busy staring at them because they had sauce on their cheek. You couldn't even wipe it off.”
Operation: Oni Heart Attack it is! 
Plan A: woo you into jumping into his big (note: beefy) arms by serenading you with the cheesiest love song known to man. That’s the most swoon-worthy thing a guy could ever do for their (soon to be) lover, right? It’s impossible you wouldn’t kiss him then! He isn’t one to brag — being the humblest guy there is — but who can resist his sweet charming sexy voice?
Don’t get the Arataki Gang wrong! They love the man as if he were their own blood, but even that bond isn't strong enough to keep them from wincing and wanting to rip their ears off. Shouldn't it be enough that they applauded him as if their lives depended on it after his week or two of practice? He doesn’t sound like he’s singing. At all. But who has the guts to tell him that?
And for some reason, you don’t know that either. Or you could just be trying to spare Itto’s feelings. But you’re humming along to the lyre being played by the guy beside him with a smile that reaches your eyes with no hints of amusement or pity or anything that would make him ashamed. You’re treating them like they’re Mondstadt bards, not someone who’s serenading you to win your heart.
“Oh wow, Itto! I didn’t know you could sing!”
"The one and oni can do anything! Want another one?"
No, you didn't jump into his big beefy arms. Instead, you spent at least two hours complimenting his voice so, of course, he'd put on one show after another. The people of Inazuma now feel pity for themselves.
(Itto forgot why they were there in the first place. Both of you even started dancing in the middle of the street like maniacs, but oh well, it’s endearing.)
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Okay, so plan A didn’t exactly work out as expected. But at least Itto got to serenade you like those charming male leads in the romance novels everyone’s been reading, so there’s no way you didn’t find it a little romantic yourself.
“But boss, you’re still not dating.”
“What did I teach you boys about lying?”
Enter Plan B!
"I'm sooo bored," he whines into your ears, as he always does. "I have nothing to do and everything is getting boring....if only there was someone out there who would go to the festival with me....ooooh, but the gang are all sooo busy......"
“Oh! I’ll come with you!”
Mikawa Flower Festival, proudly managed by the great Arataki Itto, is something you never expected to see. No one knows how he did it, but the lively booths with their games and food and music with the heart of the yokai at the center of it all show the dedication and respect Itto poured into it. Everyone appears to be having the time of their lives, and you couldn’t be any prouder.
Sadly, you can’t quite see the dedication he has for you.
“This one wasn’t so easy to set up but,” he crosses his arms across his chest, looking down at the children playing with the balloons floating on a pool of water, “you know me.”
He means he spent at least an hour blowing air into those balloons without the help of anyone because he’s great like that (an hour because he kept blowing them a little too big but you get it).
Plan B: hold your tiny human hand … which he has done several times when he drags you around Inazuma in search of onikabuto beetles. But apparently, people prefer fingers intertwining with each other nowadays because it has a higher chance of making the other person kiss you or something. Probably. What does the gang know?
They know that you’re running around the place, clapping your hands for kids winning a stuffed toy or a piece of candy, and pointing your finger at the nth snack that catches your eye. They know that normally, their boss would be the one acting like a hyperactive child while you follow around to make sure he doesn’t trip on air. They know that watching The Great Arataki Itto trying so so hard to just hold your hand is depressing because wow, when did he become so patient?
“Let’s go there next — wait, what is that?”
As if on cue, the Arataki Gang groans and curses in the background. 
This is just sad.
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Somehow, being loud and annoying isn’t enough for you to see his undying (it’s starting to get pathetic) love — but if there’s one thing Itto is good at, it’s onikabuto battles.
“O-Oh…that’s the trick, my sweet (Y/N),” he flashes you a wavering grin right after witnessing his beloved onikabuto get absolutely annihilated by his opponent (a twelve-year-old boy). “You have to pretend you’re all weak and helpless to catch them off guard at the last second.”
Good at losing, that is.
Plan C! Show you his super sweet beetle trainer skills so you can finally jump into his big (beefy) arms and tell him he’s the greatest oni in the world.
(Yes, they haven’t given up on the whole jumping thing.)
“Come on, you can take ‘em, little guy!”
You don’t have the heart to tell him that the beetle you helped select doesn’t really seem like that good of a fighter. It’s not even trying to fight, actually.
“...I think it’s gonna win—”
Alas, the opponent’s beetle flips Itto’s at its back, who screams right in your ear as if it died a horrible death. “No!” he drops to his knees to the beetle struggling on the ground, “my little nimble ninja!”
When the Arataki Gang eagerly asked him later that day if he finally made you jump, Itto could only tilt his head in confusion. Because 1.) he was admittedly blinded by the thought of victory and therefore, forgetting once again the reason for his battles and 2.) he admittedly almost jumped into your arms when you effortlessly won the next battle just to save his honor. 
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Who would have seen it coming? About the Arataki Gang having enough of their boss’ silliness and finally ceasing all “Operation: Oni Heart Attack” plans?
Itto thinks nothing would really change, anyway.
Sure, you might still be clueless despite him calling you disgustingly sweet pet names normal friends definitely don’t call each other, or him carrying you on his back while also carrying your bags of groceries when you complained about your feet hurting, or giving you large bouquets of poorly arranged flowers that he and the gang picked from the forest just because he felt like it, or when he—
Woah, he gets what they're all saying now. 
But really, does it matter? He thinks it's cute how devastatingly oblivious you are, and he thinks your puzzled little looks and your amused little giggles every time the Arataki Gang howls whenever you merely brush against his skin make you even more endearing. It does something to his chest, and he's more than content with it.
You're rambling and rambling about this game you learned from the neighborhood kids that Itto doesn't understand a thing about, flailing your arms around as you laugh in apology for hitting him twice in the face. You don’t look sorry enough, but it’s not like he felt it, anyway. But his laughter that could silence all the noise in the world doesn’t come, because why would he want to disturb your own that could rival his? Arataki Itto thinks that all of this is enough. 
He wants to listen, really, he does; he swears he will the next time. But for now, he can only watch your eyes sparkle in delight and your skin glow in the setting sun you're in love with. And all of it is enough. So, does it really matter if you knew? 
But then you stop, turning to look at him when you notice he’s gone awfully quiet. You could almost gasp in horror when you realize that the word quiet definitely isn’t something Arataki Itto is familiar with. So you raise your brow, hands dropping to your sides, nearly placing your palm on his forehead to check if he’s still capable of breathing.
Huh. He looks different, you think. Has he always looked at you this way? It feels a little bit personal — like something you’re forbidden to see. But you can’t look away, not right now, not when he’s unveiling something in front of you. Not when the flashing smile that lit up his face had softened and gradually spread into his features. Not when the eager eyes with the vivid intensity now held a quiet sentiment in them. It's light and gentle — everything Arataki Itto has always been.
“I’m listening,” Itto is mumbling, with his chin resting on his palm, and looking at you in a way you’ve never seen before (like some lovesick fool … Oh my, you’re finally realizing it all).
Has he always looked this beautiful?
And that’s when you start to stutter for the very first time.
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