staggsstarlight · 1 year
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andoutofharm · 1 year
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same genre
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dailyrannells · 9 months
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joshgad: The time has come to say goodbye to our wonderful rehearsal space at @/alvinailey HQ and hello to our beautiful #jamesearljonestheatre as we begin our March toward our first preview next week!!! #gutenbergbway
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cyptic-underground · 7 months
Do you think the idea of mk having a boyfriend is cute?
I think it's cute. I'm definitely all for MK getting a boyfriend, I mean, c'mon! I'm a known spicynoodles shipper for heaven sake! I'd be a hypocrite if I wasn't. However, MK also very much feels ace at the very least, if not acearo in the show to me. And because of that, I would also be very much for him not dating anyone ever. I'd be happy either way. Though, at least what I've noticed, correct me if I'm wrong, but romance isn't a main topic discussed in the show. I'm only finishing season one right now, but besides from the Calabash episode, Spider Queen, and Amnesia Rules, there isn't much mention of romance—past or present ones. Unless the individuals are already involved, like DBK and PIF.
Calabash has a scene where MK and (not)Mei have a date while he's in the calabash. And even then, he doesn't seem interested in the slightest(but that might be due to Mei not seeming like herself, not hating on Goldenshippers rn). Both Spider Queen and Amnesia Rules have one of the crew captured with sort of romance undertones? In the case of Spider Queen, Pigsy was at least interested a little in the beginning until the kidnapping ensued. Tang just stayed for food, which... same. I would've too, plus Scorpion Queen is cute even with her more demon-like features. Aside from maybe the occasional blush, there isn't any evidence of anyone really liking anyone that isn't platonic??? So it probably won't happen. That won't stop me from getting really excited if MK does get a boyfriend tho :)
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orcelito · 2 years
What If I didn't have a brain of a pessimistic squirrel that takes everything out of proportion and can't deal with any thing
#speculation nation#me getting 4 comments 3 of them being long & detailed and wonderful#(which i want to reply to them so baaad but i dont have a brain rn. tomorrow i will)#but i also lost Two bookmarks (gasp!) and i have 4 comments when my average is like 7 or 8 ish. sometimes more.#and my brain is like 'do people not like it? 😭'#trying to beat my brain back with a stick like a: this is a Long Chapter so people will need time to absorb it#and b: even if i dont have a ton of reception i still have 3 very detailed comments that express how much they love it#those comments r the only thing keeping me sane rn ngl.#this is why people say not to rely on reception for satisfaction with ur own work bc it will never be enough#god i really hope andi can recover enough to return to beta reading soon bc i am losing my mind#might also be the sleep deprivation talking. but The Anxiety is easier to ignore if i have someone there to reassure me#prior to posting. so that i know at Least one person enjoys it.#ughhhhhhngg me planning on A Part being included next chapter that is uhhh#kind of a difficult topic to cover. Essential but idk how ppl will feel about it. im gonna include it but i will be anxious about it.#ngl anytime i have smth that is Uhhh taking any kind of stance with anything or making any kind of statement#it makes me so anxious to put that out there. so many little emails to tell people how i view the world...#just currently dealing with smth i thought was good n reasonable n important that has gotten 0 attention and im just like#i hope ppl dont hate it... i hope that's not why im losing bookmarks....#maybe ppl have just lost interest in the game. or maybe ppl hate where im going with the story.#i CANNOT tell and it drives me insane. little hampster beaver brain needs to Not.#maybe its time to sleep. can u tell by this post that i can barely keep my eyes open rn? i think i probably could tell.#discacc shit#sure lol it deals with it enough
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mrschwartz · 2 years
i think it’s pretty funny that andy samberg is seen as one of The millennial icons when being born in 1978 places him bang on in the gen x range, a generation known for being boring and forgotten
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Pros and Cons
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Andy Barber x Female Reader Summary: You weigh out some of the pros and cons of Andy's offer. Word Count: Over 3k Warnings: Slow burn, reader is broke (is that a warning?), sugar daddy offer, t/easing, slight insecurities, inner monologue, Andy Barber (he's a warning, okay?) Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics , Header - yours truly A/N: Welcome back to my Terms and Conditions AU! Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thanks!), but any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️ Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Looking back, you weren't sure how you got through your meal with Andy. Lunch was delicious, as expected from such a top restaurant. The conversation was easier than you thought after his offer, though you didn’t say much more. The quiet moments were more comforting than awkward and he didn’t push for you to speak. But all the while, he kept his attention on you. You had a feeling he was trying to get a read on how you would move forward.
You opted to skip dessert, your stomach still a bit in knots. Andy didn’t appear surprised or upset, quietly paying the check. You weren’t entirely sure you could trust yourself if you stayed longer, his soft, inviting smile urging you to say yes.
Does he already know my answer is going to be yes?
"Are you sure I can't take you back to your place?" he asked when he walked you to the curb, his hand on your lower back as you waited for the cab.
You quickly shook your head, firm in your stance. Andy didn’t need to see the part of town you lived in. You had a feeling he would soon enough, but you weren’t ready for that. Not today.
“Are you sure?”
"I'm sure," you replied as you faced him. Up close, his eyes reminded you of the sea on a stormy day. Has he already swept you away? "I just need the day to think things over and figure out what questions I have."
You wouldn't allow yourself to go into this blindly. The two of you had to have a serious discussion to make sure you were on the same page. The scale already tipped in his favor due to his position in your relationship, if you could even call it that. It didn't mean you would allow him to have complete control of your life.
"So, I'll hear from you tomorrow then,” he said, his gaze still on you as the cab pulled up.
"Maybe sooner, but tomorrow for sure," you smiled, almost wishing you ordered dessert just to stay a few minutes longer. Almost. “Thank you again for lunch.”
Your whole body seemed to respond when he brought his mouth close to your ear, enough for his beard to tickle your skin as you shivered. “It was my pleasure,” he whispered, your eyes shutting as you unconsciously moved closer to him.
Before you could press yourself against him, he stepped away to open the door. The abrupt movement left you cold, aching, and wanting more. The small smile on his face as you opened your eyes was all too proud and knowing. It was exactly why you needed to go home and think things through alone.
But not before I give him a taste of his own medicine.
With more confidence than you expected to have, you brushed your fingers enticingly along his cheek before he helped you into the cab. You took pride in watching his composure slip slightly as he clenched his jaw. Having the ability to command his attention was a feat, but now wasn’t the time to take advantage of it.
“Get her home safely,” Andy told the driver, giving your hand the gentlest of squeezes before he paid the man. “Understood?”
“Sure thing,” he said, whistling when he saw the amount of cash in hand.
"Enjoy the rest of your day," Andy said.
"You, too," you replied, looking at him through the window as the door shut.
"Where to?" the cab driver asked.
You reluctantly tore your gaze away from Andy to answer his question. As the cab pulled away, you kept yourself from looking back. You had a feeling Andy still stood there, watching until you were out of sight. It was strange how the distance made it easier to breathe, but you felt out of your own skin.
Maybe because it isn't every day that someone offers to be my sugar daddy.
As if he sensed he was on your mind, he sent you a message.
"Please let me know once you're home."
Written word wasn't always easy to decipher. It could've read as Andy's need for control, to know where you are at all times. But you felt like it leaned closer to wanting to know you're safe. You hoped it was the latter, as it left a warm feeling inside.
"Just made it. Thanks again for lunch." You messaged back once you got back to your apartment minutes later.
“Thank you for letting me know. It was my pleasure.”
“Pleasure.” The same thing he whispered in my ear.
You blocked out the sounds of the bustling streets outside as you flopped down on the couch. You stayed in that spot for a few minutes and stared at the ceiling. Part of you debated exercising or doing something else to distract you from your thoughts, but your heart wouldn't have been in it. Now was the time to reflect on Andy Barber and his proposal.
"Down to business," you whispered before you got up.
When it came to any area in life that required extra attention, you preferred to write by hand instead of typing. It allowed you to process the thoughts and emotions more since it was a more tedious process as opposed to quickly typing. You also didn't have the advantage of backspacing if you made a mistake or didn't like something. These were your words in the moment and they had to be there for a reason.
Weighing out the pros and cons came easy to you. The obvious major pro was not having to worry about your finances for a short time, which means less stress. And less stress meant better sleep, not dreading work, and more taking care of yourself. A domino effect of positives for you.
On the other hand, minus the few interactions and what you found online, you didn't know Andy very well. What did that mean for your safety when you moved into his building? Or when the two of you traveled? If no one knew about your arrangement and something happened, where did that leave you?
I don't think Andy would hurt me, but someone needs to know what's going on.
You dialed Andy's number, wanting confirmation before moving forward with your list.
"Hi, honey."
You weren't sure you'd ever get used to that warm greeting or the mere sound of his voice, but you liked it. "Hi, Andy. I'm sorry to bother you, but I had a quick question for you and I thought it would be better to call instead of text."
"It isn't a bother. Ask away," he urged.
You tapped your pen against the paper. "Since you and I are still in the beginning stage of getting to know each other, I'd feel a bit more comfortable if one of my friends knew about our…" you tried to find the right word as you took a breath.
"Arrangement?" he mused.
"Yes. That's okay, right?" you asked, not sure why you felt nervous to ask. It may have sounded like you didn't trust Andy, but you couldn't be too careful. Surely he understood that.
"I'm glad you asked. It would surprise me if you didn't want someone privy to our arrangement," he assured you. The man was full of surprises. "Is this friend someone you trust? And will they be discreet?"
You almost flinched when Andy brought up discretion. Of course, he didn't need to broadcast that he planned to pay you for your company. You weren't going to tell a ton of people either. The less people knew that you were a first time sugar baby, the better.
"I trust her and I'll make sure she's discreet," you promised.
"As long as you're comfortable, go right ahead," he said, bringing you instantaneous relief. "Did you have any other questions?"
"What dessert would you have selected at lunch today?" you asked curiously.
He chuckled at your switch in topic. "Why don't I answer that question on our first date?"
"Date?" you smiled, butterflies in your stomach before you came back to reality. A date he was paying you for. "When did I say 'yes'?"
"You didn't,” he said. You heard the smile in his voice. “But my instinct says you're leaning in that direction."
I am.
"I think that's all I need for now. Why don't you hold your breath until I call back? You’ll find out if your instinct was right," you teased,
"Don't leave me hanging too long, honey," he said, taking an exaggerated breath for you to hear.
"Bye, Daddy," you smiled, getting right back to your list once you hung up. Your phone went off seconds later.
"Now you're just teasing me, honey."
You bit your lip as you typed. Maybe you were teasing him. Could he blame you? "I call it building anticipation."
"I want you to remember those exact words down the road." Andy sent back.
Despite the tingling between your thighs at the implication, you had to get back to the task at hand. After jotting a couple of other things down, you realized you were slightly stuck on the last part: the physical aspect. While he implied that you didn’t have to sleep with him, attraction was there. You wouldn’t deny that. Sex itself didn’t have to be complicated, but you had to communicate what you were comfortable with and set boundaries.
And what if either of you caught feelings?
You scoffed at that thought. No way would Andy fall for you. Take care of you? Yes. Trust you? Hopefully yes. But actually want you beyond this deal? Why would he? And what if you wanted more than what he had to give? Was adding your emotional well-being to the list worth it?
You had to protect your heart in this game.
I just hope I won’t lose it along the way.
Not wanting to dwell on that, you messaged Estelle.
“Hey. Are you free to talk? Not an emergency, but still important.”
Estelle was one of your oldest friends. Confidant, beautiful, and well off, many assumed she was stuck up or high maintenance. Truthfully, she had a heart of gold and looked out for the people she cared about. You knew if anyone would keep an eye out for you and not judge you for taking this path, she was it.
“You at home? I can stop by.”
And because she never judged you, you never once minded when she came to visit you in this part of the city.
“Come on over.”
You stared at your list as you waited before the letters blurred together, spots dancing in front of your eyes as you felt a slight headache coming on. Talking with Estelle would help ease any nerves you felt. Besides, weren’t you making the best decision for yourself? Not just for the present, but the future?
“Open up! I brought sustenance!” Estelle called through the front door minutes later.
She would find a way to get into the building without me needing to get her.
Your best friend didn’t have a hair out of place as you let her in, tapping her perfectly manicured nail against a bakery bag. She was almost the type of woman you expected for Andy to have beside him. “Got something for each of us. Important talks means important eats,” she said, arching an eyebrow as she looked you over. “You look nice. Who did you get dressed up for? Oh, my god. Did you have a job interview?!”
“Why do you assume I dressed up for someone?” you asked, even though you did. “And sort of?” you added.
“Because you don’t dress up on your days off,” she pointed out, making herself at home in the living room. She never once looked down her nose at your place. If anything, she loved how you made it your own. “I know I've said this before, but I've always liked that color on you. It’s very…” she trailed off as she set the bag on the coffee table next to your list. “Um. What is this?”
Maybe I shouldn’t have titled it “Pros and Cons to having a Sugar Daddy”.
“Yeah, that’s what I want to talk to you about,” you said as you took a seat on the chair.
“Wait. This isn’t a joke? You’re seriously contemplating getting a sugar daddy?” she asked, picking up the list to give it more of a careful read. Her eyes held no judgement. Only concern. “Okay. Talk.”
Over the next few minutes, you told her about meeting Andy and his offer. She was gracious enough not to ask any questions or interrupt, likely letting it sink in. You were probably one of the last people she expected to go down this road. Life was funny that way.
“So, this Andy Barber,” Estelle said once she was up to speed. “If you agree to be his ‘companion’ or whatever, he’ll wipe out your debt and keep your bank account full until this job opens up for his friend? A legitimate job?”
“Pretty much,” you nodded. Hearing it that way sounded too good to be true. “He said he’d make sure I’m comfortable until I get my first paycheck. And Huffman Enterprises is legitimate.”
“So, a legitimate job offer with this being the only string attached,” she said, showing you a photo of Andy from one of the articles she pulled up online. “I mean, the guy’s hot as hell, so he has that going for him until you start to work again. Bet he’d rock your world.”
“I’m sure he would,” you tried to smile, having no doubt about his skills. He didn’t strike you as a selfish lover. Demanding, maybe, but not selfish or a taker.
"Do you like him?” she smirked, not letting you avoid her stare. “No one would blame you if you did.”
“I like what I know about him so far,” you said carefully.
“Mmm," she said, not pushing for more. "Not much written on the 'Con' side of the list."
"That's a good thing, right?"
There weren't many cons overall in your eyes. Your safety and maintaining safe boundaries for sex were the major concerns. You wouldn't budge on those things.
"It is." Estelle dug the treats out of the bag, urging you to take one from her hand. “You know, you could just stay with me. And I don’t mind lending you some money. You could still quit the diner.”
“I couldn’t do that,” you said, picking at the pastry before you set it down. You refused to take advantage of your friendship with Estelle. Besides, what if she gave you money and you couldn’t pay her back? How could you come back from that? “I appreciate it though.”
She sighed and you wondered if you hurt her feelings by turning down her generosity. “I get why you want to do this arrangement, I really do, but are you sure it’s safe?”
“That’s why I’m telling you. If I go anywhere with him, you’ll know the details. You’ll basically be my failsafe,” you explained, which seemed to appease her slightly before you felt tears come to your eyes. You allowed yourself to be vulnerable. “I mean, this isn’t exactly where I thought I’d be at this point in my life. I thought I’d be more self-sufficient or better off, but I’m barely keeping my head above water. I’m tired of feeling like I’m going to drown. At least he can keep me afloat for a short time.”
I just want to breathe without feeling a weight on my chest.
“Hey,” she gently said, reaching over to hug you. Somehow the floodgates didn’t open. “I got your back on this, but he better watch his. If he hurts you in any way, shape, or form, I’ll gut him. I don’t care how powerful he thinks he is.”
A watery laugh escaped. You had no doubt Estelle would emasculate him if he crossed a line. “I know you will,” you said, pulling away. “I also know you’re the last person who would judge me for this and understand that this stays between us.”
“Are you kidding? All the shit I’ve done in my life and you never once judged me, I’d never judge you," she said fiercely. She was a good friend. "And no one else knows?"
"Just you."
A soft smile crossed Estelle's face, likely touched that you trusted her with this. "Your secret is safe with me,” she promised, glancing at your list once more. “Just promise me you thought this through and you’ll be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I have,” you told her. You felt better emotionally knowing that Estelle was aware and onboard with the situation. You didn’t feel alone in this. “And I will be careful.”
“Then give it a few minutes and let him know you want to talk,” she winked.
You waited exactly five minutes and typed out a message. Your finger hovered over “send”, asking yourself one last time if this was the right decision. As Andy’s tender smile flashed in your mind, you touched the screen without hesitation.
“I’m ready to discuss our terms.”
It didn’t take long to get a response.
“My office tomorrow. 4pm. I’ll send you the address.”
“Tomorrow it is,” you told Estelle, your stomach light and weightless again. This was really happening.
“Come on. I’m taking you shopping,” she said, pulling you up before you could argue. “If you won’t stay with me or let me help with your bills, at least let me buy you a dress for your meeting. Consider it an early birthday gift.”
“You just want an excuse to go shopping.”
“I don’t need an excuse,” she argued, shoving your purse into your hands. “But I do want you to be a knockout for your meeting. Let him see exactly what he’s agreeing to. And by the end of this, he won’t want to let you go.”
A girl can dream.
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Negotiations are coming! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Andy Barber Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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pinkrelish · 1 year
Do you have any updates on chapter 12 of typ? There’s not been much to read on tumblr recently and I LOVE TYP I can’t wait for the next chapter <3333333
yeah, it's been pretty quiet on here lately 😭 i'm not close enough to the end of the chapter 12 to know when it'll be out, but here's a sfw snippet:
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“—It’ll be ready tomorrow,” you finished in uniform curt. “Listen better, bitch, I don’t have time for—” “Hey!” Eddie’s voice packed the tiled room in an authoritative boom with the same fury he entered, commanding the space, possessing the attention as papers floated to the ground behind him. Shifting in his stance, his heart pounded against the strict discipline he leashed himself to, gaining control of his volume for your sake. Quieting to a loathing seethe, he forced out, “You can’t speak to her that way.” The subject of his ire slid his snakey gaze to him, deducing his long hair, his cheap cassette player, his jumpsuit. Sizing him up. Assessing him. Casting judgements. Holding reign with a steady pupil on his target, Andy straightened himself from the desk. His expression wore neutral, hands pushing himself away from the ledge and rolling his shoulders with casual controlled dominance. His ugly red tie slipped against his white poly-cotton button down shirt at the motion, following his slow turn towards someone he thought so lowly of. “Figures you’d be here,” he said, jaw jutted in a lax chew as if he were sucking on a toothpick. “This the only place that’d hire a scumbag like you? Hm?” Fingers stretched and flexed. Veins coursed with heated blood. Sweaty palms were crushed closed.
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starrylayle · 4 months
My fave marauders ships and dynamics as a multi-shipper !! Ok so, there are certain ships I like to imagine as canon in the canon universe, and there are other ships that I prefer in aus and such but still ship them so much!! So I thought I’d just ramble abt them here lol.
My fave ships that are canon/I think I should be endgame:
First off, Jily ofc. My loves. I’m generally not super excited abt str8 couples but they’re just too cute. My fave dynamic with them is that they’re academic rivals — well at least lily thinks they are, James is just hopelessly in love with her and enjoys competition lol. Lily thinks he’s an idiot, immature and a bit of a bully at first but slowly warms up to him as she sees his kind-heartedness and stance on justice. Plus, she’s always found him a little hot :)
Wolfstar, duh. I don’t think I have to go into detail coz I already do so much on my blog lol.
Dorlene — aaah I love my tragic, angsty lil lesbians. Sucker for the quidditch-rivals-to-lovers trope. Ooh and i headcanon Dorcas as transfem. But yeah if you’ve read ‘the hands that feeds’ by rollercoasterwords that’s basically how I see their dynamic.
Fralice — cuties and did not deserve the ending they got ;((
Rosekiller — ok, ok. I know I’ve ranted abt how I don’t like the fanonization of their characters in fandom,, but I will admit I do like them together. Especially when they’re depicted as the awful people they are lol. I like to think that they’re still hooking up in GoF on nights where barty’s poly juice wears off lmaoo. Also random but I hc Barty to be in ravenclaw.
Pandora x Xenophillius (idk how to spell his name) — I like to imagine Pandora as a goth who runs an underground magical weed business and Xeno as a hippie weirdo and conspiracy theorist. Both are bi/pan tho and have def hooked up with ppl of the same gender before.
Andromeda x Ted Tonks — iconic. Love them. Andy was the og rebellious black family child.
Emmary — love, love this ship. For context, I picture Emmaline as a little older than Mary (maybe 2 or 3 years) and they meet when Em’s at the order. Mary’s a bisexual girlie who’s predominantly been with men at this point, and Em’s a big Butch lesbian who loves Mary so much but isn’t sure if Mary likes her back, at first. Ofc they end up together after the first war but when Em wants to join the second war, Mary oblivates herself and retreats to the muggle world entirely because she cannot bear more pain.
My fave ships that I like to think are semi-canon, as in their unrequited, or right person wrong time, or both have feelings that the other doesn’t know — they just don’t workout for some reason:
First off, Marylene — my absolute fave, right person, wrong time ship. Love the whole, ‘Marlene loved her too early, Mary loved her too late idea’. I’m a sucker for best friends to lovers ahhh. I imagine that Marls had crush on Mary since they were eleven and came out to her later, and although Mary was supportive she didn’t like her back at that point. Then Marls got with Dorcas and maybe Mary got a tad bit jealous. And then Marlene was killed ofc so Mary moved on and went with Emmaline, but she never really stopped loving Marlene.
Nobleflower — bi narcissa and Alice rights!! I like to think that they had a bit of a homoerotic friendship back in their hogwarts years, but the fact that they were on opposite sides eventually pulled them apart. And so Alice gets with Frank and Narcissa with Malfoy. Aaah so tragic I love them
Lily x Remus — I like to think Lily had a little crush on Remus when they were younger but she got over it and they became besties !!
Bellatrix / Lady Zabini — Toxic murder comphet lesbians!! Tho I imagine they ‘broke up’ their fling coz Bellatrix was murdering with pure blood fascism in mind,,, and lady Zabini was just like,, why can’t we just kill ppl for the sake of killing them?? 🥺🥺
Jegulus — ok so I don’t like jegulus as a canon(ish) ship, buuut I love me some unrequited jegulus, specifically from Regulus’ side coz sorry I just personally don’t see James ever liking Reg in canon. I imagine Reg goes into hogwarts wanting to hate the guy who stole his brother but ends up falling for him just the same. He has internalised homophobia and hates the fact that he’s gay, esp for someone like James lol.
Bartylus — My hc is that neither of them liked each other romantically, but they settled and got off each other to pass time. It’s transactional, at least it’s starts off being..maybe barty’s a little more into it than reg thinks they are.
Peter/Bertha Jorkins — I like to imagine they dated for awhile during hogwarts — until Bertha got bored of him and dumped him. Peter never really got over it and was still bitter.
Peter/Sybil — oooh I remember this one was trending on marauders tik tok awhile back but I’m still not over it. Happens after Bertha/Peter. Sybil breaks up with Peter maybe coz she gets a prophecy that he becomes evil. Peter is confused and heartbroken.
Snily — ok hear me out!! I don’t care for their portrayals in a lot of fics coz I think the pro / anti Snape bias is always there — but I would be open to exploring the complexity of their dynamic in a fic when snapes actions aren’t justified or excused, but he’s not portrayed as a one dimensional bad guy. And I think it would be interesting to explore more of Lily’s character and why she stuck by him so long.
Ok, now onto ships that I only enjoy in aus:
Marylily/macevans — by far my fave ship in aus. Best friends to lovers >>>> also half the marauders edits saved on my phone are marylily edits lmaoo they’re just so cute!!
Jegulus — requited this time!! If it’s an au and James is not reduced to a generic sunshine people pleasing character, then they’re a little cute I’ll admit. Not the biggest fan of the 'best friend's brother' trope but the drama is entertaining at least.
Mary/Dorcas — I don’t think they’re a very popular on here but I personally like it. In a way they’re opposites but they’re motivations are a lot more similar than they realise.
Pandalily — so, so cute. Fanart is spectacular
Dorlily — so academic rivals to lovers coded
Prongsfoot — specifically in aus where James and Sirius are on opposing sides, for example, slytherin!Sirius au
Wolfstarbucks — James and sirius share everything!! Including their lovers apparently. Mostly enjoy it as a crack ship tho.
Well this was fun!! I love multi-shipping <33
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hypnotisedfireflies · 9 months
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I can't stop looking at this amazing artwork by @be-an-echo of Tess and Joel from my Driftersverse fic series! This came from a conversation between Andy and @bumblepony and captures this chapter 4 scene in Drifter's Dawn:
"She could feel Joel’s steady breath on her neck, his hand on her hip as he corrected her stance. Two days ago her shirt had lifted and his fingertips had pressed against her bare skin. She squeezed the trigger and her body bucked back into his. His hand tightened on her hip and she was sure she heard his breath catch."
I love both versions so much. (my Tess Joel is friendly to whichever interpretation of the characters you prefer, game or show, and when I started writing I was definitely picturing both!) Thank you both for making this happen and I'm just going to lie prone and cry now. 😂
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prongsiess · 2 months
I think we don’t pay enough attention to the tragedy of the Black sisters. So, here’s my take on their relationship and how it soured with time. For context, I hc Bella as being born November 1952 (a sagittarius), Andy as being born is February 1954 (an aquarius), and Cissa as being born in March 1956 (a pisces). This puts Bella and Andy roughly 1 1/2 years apart, and Andy and Cissa roughly 2 years apart, with Bella and Cissa being 3 1/2 years apart. So when Cissa was in 1st year, Andy was in 3rd year, and Bella was in 5th year.
Bella and Andy were always too close in age and too different to agree on anything. They were both stubborn, independent free-spirits in an incompatible way. Andy wanted a big sister who didn't make her feel second best for being foolish and childish. Bella always felt resentful for being a little girl meant to fill shoes designed for a male heir, never quite being good enough, and felt suffocated by her family and jealous of Andy, who never had that imposed on her. They were so similar, and it made them polar opposites in all the worst ways, and their temper and opposing political stances were the eventual downfall of their sisterhood. Andy was in 5th year, in love with a muggle-born, living authentically for the first time, refuting her family values and burning bridges to gain freedom from her parents and their twisted customs. Bella was in 7th year, in the midst of a toxic on-again-off-again affair with Rita and being promised off to Rodolphus Lestrange, leaning further into the Black family legacy to fit in and be seen as an adult and become the perfect heir she always wanted to be and get out from under her parent's thumb. They were chasing the same goal, but taking different paths, and it ruined their relationship.
On the flip side, they were both very close with Cissa. In Bella’s case, the 3 1/2 year age gap between her and Cissa made Bella lean more into the nurturing older sister role. Cissa was the antithesis of Andy and Bella. She was soft and agreeable, and Bella always thought she was too delicate for their family and kept a very close tab on her as a kid. When Bella left for Hogwarts, Cissa grew up, but never in her mind. She always stayed that delicate little flower who needed protecting. Bella was almost like a tiny mother to Cissa. Her sister was the one to read her bedtime stories and braid her hair. She was just a little girl when she saw her strong and protective sister become a shell of herself, suffocated by their family, chasing the next high. So, Cissa became small and agreeable. Because if she didn’t dispute her parent’s expectations, she could keep that spark safe and hidden within herself. By the time she got to Hogwarts, Bella was already in 5th year and falling into the wrong crowd, chasing ruthless power, filthy glory, and all the things a Black woman was not to chase but a Black heir must possess. Cissa was the one who saw Bella drunk and stumbling to her room, murmuring something about just wanting to be loved without sacrificing anything in return. As Cissa grew up, she became a formidable woman, all without upsetting her family and the expectations placed upon her, learning how to play the game and thread that fine line where she got to have her cake and eat it too. In 7th year, Lucius courted her, so she did all the right things at the right time. At 18, she was married. By 26, she had a baby boy, a lavish home and a new identity, far removed from her parent’s grasp. But Bella, who still kept a close tab on her baby sister, never missed the tensed shoulders and impassive look of rehearsed indifference that appeared on Cissa’s face when someone mentioned that one Gryffindor prefect who was in her year in school, Alice Fortescue. It was the same look she saw in the mirror every time Rita Skeeter, now a dirty journalist, was brought up. So Bella, broken and sloppily glued back together by her own drunken hands, stayed close to Cissa, just in case her baby sister would someday slip up, and that delicate flower of a child would show up again. On Cissa’s end, she was now an adult and saw the price Bella paid for freedom and her poorly curated facade of strength and prowess. Cissa saw her sister’s power and glory, loveless marriage, lack of an heir, and how her determination to gain freedom drove her into another prison cell. And then, she couldn’t help but feel like the mother, as Bella, always looming around Malfoy Manor, fell into her guest room bed, where she braided her older sister’s hair and listened to her sleepily and drunkenly slur about how she’d make it, someday, somehow, she’d make it out. In those moments, Cissa couldn’t help but feel like she was the mother now. So she kept Bella close in case she needed a pair of arms to fall into after another night out, masquerading as a fearsome man while wearing a sequin gown with blood-red lips.
Andy and Cissa’s relationship was wildly different from their relationship with Bella. Andy had roughly the same age gap with Bella as with Cissa, but without the burden of fulfilling familial duties, they simply enjoyed being girls together. Andy was always a bit loud, boisterous and opinionated. Since she rarely received positive attention from her parents, she acted out, hoping this would make her parents pay attention to her. Andy was always making a mess and prancing around, with Cissa close on her heels, walking cautiously behind. When they were behind closed doors, Andy had no one to perform to, and Cissa had no one to hide from, so they were just two little girls playing pirates and fairies and imagining their life in far-off gardens where they were the rulers of their own life. When Bella went to Hogwarts, they grew even closer. Since Andy had no one to feel constantly compared to, she grew tamer and calmer in front of peering eyes and kept all that energy and rowdiness for the back of the garden and closed doors where she and Cissa went off into far-off lands. When Andy went to Hogwarts, it broke Cissa’s heart to see her sister share that wonder and adventure with others, something meant to be theirs alone. Andy grew popular, brave, strong, and loving and finally got to experience unconditional love and the feeling of not being afraid of her own shadow. She let her free spirit roam, grow, and flourish, and when Cissa finally came to Hogwarts, she wanted Cissa to follow in her footsteps and realize they were free at Hogwarts. But Cissa, who had been home alone for two years with mostly her parents for company, knew Hogwarts was not the haven her sister thought it to be. Every time Andy got detention, talked to a muggle-born or laughed too loudly in the halls, her wrongdoings made their way to their parents' ears. So she pushed away Andy’s hand, asking her to join her adventures and free-spiritedness, and she kept that side of herself hidden, but this time from everyone, including Andy. Andy tried reaching out and relating to her sister and meeting her halfway, but Cissa firmly refused to be associated with her anywhere they could be seen together. She knew her family’s opinion of Andy and feared her parents' wrath if she followed her sister’s path. Because her parents may be able to erase one daughter, but they weren’t as eager to erase 2 of them. So they grew apart. Andy left home, married a muggle-born, and had a beautiful daughter in a quaint, loving home. It broke Cissa’s heart to watch from afar, but at this point, she had already cemented herself in high society, with a wealthy family, good prospects and a lavish home. She couldn’t justify risking her son’s future to reconnect with her sister. It almost killed Andy to leave, but she couldn’t keep trudging alone, so she found herself a place where she could roam and raise her daughter where adventure and wonder didn’t have to stay behind closed doors. She watched Cissa from afar, seeing her portray the image of the picture-perfect Black daughter with straight shoulders and neat hair, and, at some point, she stopped peering at her sister’s life through keyholes. If she couldn’t have Cissa as her sister today, she could keep those memories of their closeness and sisterhood close to her heart, hidden away, where no one can ruin them.
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grimaider · 5 months
The Coffin of Elfen and Leyley: Incest and Questionable Consent in 2000s Media.
WARNING: This blog post mentions numerous sensitive subjects such as incest, questionable consent, murder, cannibalism, sexually explicit material, and real-life criminal cases. If any of the following is bothersome, I would highly suggest scrolling past this post. Thank you.
ANOTHER WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Elfen Lied and The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. If you wish to avoid spoilers, I would highly suggest clicking off this post and come back once you have finished both. Thank you.
Hello (again), it's grim.
I wanted to discuss an interesting phenomenon that I've taken note of over the past couple of years that seems to always cause internet controversy: The rise of taboo subjects found in modern media.
Now, I want to clarify that I hold very libertarian beliefs when it comes to media. If you can think it, it can be written, regardless of how inappropriate the content is. However, I also believe that there should be consequences to such writings depending on the substance.
The two topics I'll be talking about today are The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and Elfen Lied. These are both pieces of media that I have consumed in the past 2 years, and have noticed a trend between taboo subjects and how their respective authors and/or fanbases have used their taboo nature to repurpose characters and relationships for inappropriate media.
While I believe these pieces of media can be criticized in any manner due to their taboo nature, I would argue in defense of their conception since there is no exact promotion of the taboo nature represented throughout the mentioned medias. I believe this is important to state, for I solely disagree with the creation of media that promotes a taboo and/or illegal act rather than just the representation of such acts.
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Images of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (left) and Elfen Lied (right)
To make this analysis and opinionated piece easier to read, I will be going through my opinions and personal experiences with both of these medias separately. To do this, I will be separating taboo into two subsections:
Illegal Taboo
Questionable Taboo
While I would argue that there is probably some grey area between the two of these, I am simply dividing the taboos into two separate categories because my stance on illegal and questionable taboo slightly changes. Furthermore, the taboos in TCOAAL and Elfen Lied are very different. I believe it would be unfair to compare incest and questionable consent content. Both are taboo, both have been countlessly debated for and against, but incest has stable, concrete laws set against it (at least in the United States) while the other doesn't.
Let's get into the analysis.
Illegal Taboo (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley)
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Screenshot from the love/incest route of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Oh boy, where do I start. I wasn't entirely sure what I was getting myself into when I first stumbled upon this game. I saw the art style of the game in a YouTube video where the uploader had referred to the siblings as "lovers," which gave me the impression that the main characters of the game were not blood relatives. By the time I had seen the controversy plastered all over Twitter and Reddit about the TCOAAL's "questionable" content, I had already bought the game, which put me in a tough dilemma: Do I immediately refund the game or do I give it a chance?
I bet you can guess which one I picked.
Me being the curious individual that I am, I decided to keep the game. I had a million thoughts rush through my mind about the decision I had just made. What if the game actually has illegal content? People must be exaggerating the situation. I'm sure that the incest claims are probably just false. If it does have a plot that revolves around such content, maybe its just a small tidbit of the game. No biggie. These thoughts did not stop, and I wasn't sure what to do next.
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One of the only screenshots from Episode 2 of TCOAAL that isn't horrendous
For a month or so, I avoided the game like the plague. I held off on installing it, I avoided it on Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram as best as I could (for both spoilers and online biases), and I refused to talk about the game with anyone that I knew. I planned to play the game, but I wanted all the controversy to die off first so I could play it without too much backlash. Unfortunately in this world, outrage has become the people's first emotion to anything, so even if your reasoning for such an action is rational and fair, you might still be attacked for simply touching new media without an initial bias.
When I finally got around to playing the game, I was genuinely pleased. Episode 1 has nothing over-the-top, and the incest that people were talking about was yet to be seen. So I didn't think anything of it. I scrolled through my social media and just continued assuming that people were hating on TCOAAL simply for being a new trend.
Then Episode 2 came around.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet: There is incestuous acts and behaviors littered throughout the game, and people online were certainly right.
Below, I have a handful of screenshots that I took showcasing the romantic and sexual tension and acts between the two siblings. There's a bit of it.
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(I'm not kidding, all of these are in the game)
Now, I will give TCOAAL fans this, the vast majority (9 of the 10 images) of the incestuous content above is NOT easy to come across. There are very specific routes that you must past through in Episode 2 to come across these screenshots. So it's not as "obvious" as people online made it out to be. In fact, it took me roughly 3 hours of additional gameplay to reach all the different endings for Episode 2, so it certainly is time consuming.
For the sake of time and my sanity, I will NOT be showing how to reach these scenarios. I will only say that you will know if you stumble across the lover/incest route because the NARRATOR THEMSELF warns you NOT to continue down the route.
While I don't think that the incestuous undertones of the story should be the entire definition of the series, I can understand why people dislike it. What is so genius about giving Leyley a romantic and sexual interest in Andrew is that it does one simple thing that the creator wanted to hit home: It makes people uncomfortable. It simply does what every other piece of horror/thriller media tries to do, and it does it well. I don't see it as any more or less uncomfortable as the barbwire scene from Saw I, and the fact that the creator could pull that off just by making Leyley an incestuous, manipulative creep is stunning.
Furthermore, TCOAAL acts as an interesting question for psychology: Does social deprivation, abandonment, isolation, hopelessness, and manipulation play a role in one's moral compass? We see that Andrew's behavior towards Leyley dramatically changes throughout Episode 2 depending on whether you choose to trust and sympathize with Leyley. In addition to a change in behavior, we also see that (most notably the incest route) Andrew accepts his nickname "Andy" again, which he hates due to its connection with a murder that he committed with his sister in Episode 1 (not going into too much detail). It is also noted that Andrew's ex-girlfriend Julia had trouble with Leyley's dominating presence in Andrew's life, which would lead her to stop communicating with him. His degree of whether he cares or not changes based on his sympathy towards Leyley, highlighting how relationships in Andrew's life highly changes based on how much he lets Leyley abuse his existence.
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Backstory that showcases Andrew's love interest that abandons him in Episode 1
In short, TCOAAL has many more layers than the internet made it out to be, but the incestuous routes and behaviors between Andrew and Leyley can be seen as concerning. I'll come back to this shortly.
Questionable Taboo (Elfen Lied)
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Famous cover art for Elfen Lied showcasing Lucy in the nude.
Now, I watched Elfen Lied in 2022, so I'm just putting it out here that it has been a while since I have watched the anime. Furthermore, I have not read the manga, so my observations are SOLELY off the anime adaptation of Elfen Lied.
Just like TCOAAL, I do NOT think that the story of Elfen Lied is overly terrible. While I do think that TCOAAL has a more sound story line, I do think that Elfen Lied did an okay job at showcasing the selfishness and cruelty of humanity. However, there has always been a part of the show that doesn't sit right with me and many other viewers, and that is Kouta's (the main male protagonist) relationships with Yuka and Lucy.
Throughout the entirety of the show, Kouta partakes in relationships that are considered extremely taboo, especially in the western world. For one, he marries and supposedly procreates with his cousin Yuka at the end of the anime and manga, which is gross and highly disturbing to me, and I am certainly not the only one who feels that way. Almost any search through r/elfenlied would show the outrage and confusion that many people hold towards such a decision. Below are just a couple of what can be found about Kouta and Yuka's relationship (which is also ironically incestuous):
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However, one thing that I do not see talked about a ton is Kouta's HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE relationship with Lucy. While Lucy is not human and is considered to be a Diclonius (some sort of humanoid), some of the scenes and plot points feel as if the author wanted to bank off of questionable consent. Many scenes throughout the anime highlight that Lucy is "sexually curious," which makes perfect sense in theory, but is implemented horribly into the anime. Scenes like Kouta observing Lucy's private parts and random butt shots of Lucy just make the entire show uncomfortable, and I would even argue it normalizes taking advantage of the mentally immature for sexual purposes, which could be considered sexual abuse and/or rape (especially since Elfen Lied is a fan service ecchi).
I understand that mangakas and Japanese culture call for the normalization of nudity, but Elfen Lied fails horribly at making a good case. Elfen Lied could have looked over to other medias such as Ghost in the Shell and Imouto Sae Ireba Ii do a much better job at implementing casual and artistic nudity in their shows while still offering tidbits of fan service to the horny. But, I digress.
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Nudity is showcased in both Imouto Sae Ireba Ii and Ghost in the Shell and don't face the same criticism as Elfen Lied
Regardless of how I feel about the previously mentioned, I will give the mangaka of Elfen Lied this: They did a great job making the viewers uncomfortable. I would even argue that Lynn Okamoto did a better job making me feel so unbelievably uncomfortable compared to The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, and it's been two years since I last saw Elfen Lied, so props to Okamoto!
My Personal Take on Taboos in Media
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(Now that I scroll through images of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and Elfen Lied, there really are a ton of similarities...)
In short, I do not think that these taboos make The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and Elfen Lied "bad." Distasteful? Sure. Gross? Most definitely. But, my concern for these medias stems from the fact that modern media has failed to hit home the ideas that these might be inappropriate taboos to normalize in modern internet culture. Simply going through tags such as "gravecest" and "coffincest" on Tumblr showcases the questionably deranged behaviors hardcore TCOAAL fans have towards the story's incest plot.
I was fairly surprised to find out the Elfen Lied has not been overly sexualized over the years. While I am thankful for that, I do believe that Okamoto was wrong for writing up a manga and anime that focused on a humanoid character solely for the purpose of being sexually taken advantage of. She could've done a much better job at handling the fan service without making Elfen Lied look like a promotion for sexual and mental abuse.
I believe all that really matters and what can be taken away from this analysis is that taboo subjects can be used in media as long as the intent and the targeted audience work together. For instance, I believe that The Coffin of Andy and Leyley's questionable use of incest as a story principle is okay since the author does not call for the promotion of incest in the story nor does the entire story revolve around the incestuous behaviors of the two main characters. BUT, rule 34 content of the game that showcases such explicit, incestuous acts between the siblings should be criticized since R34 content is solely made for pornographic purposes with no substance to the story's canon. I am also okay with Okamoto's usage of incest and questionable consent in Elfen Lied since it plays into the storyline and theme of the anime, but the fan service showcased in the show should be criticized since it was easily used as a lazy way to throw borderline pornography into the anime, therefore ruining the point of "artistic" and "normalized" nudity.
In short: I don't think using taboos in media should be illegal unless the media in question is a direct reflection of a real-life scenario (like the 2019 Shadman incident), but public criticism is certainly understandable on a case-by-case basis.
Thanks for reading, I am extremely tired.
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tarabyte3 · 2 months
Fic Updates
It's been a while soo....
I Want You to Show Me Weak — As I've stated before, there are only 2 chapters left in the entire fic. I'm going to be finishing both of them before I post chapter 26. Then I'll be posting chapter 27 the next day. Gonna end the fic with a bang 😏 I have everything outlined and thought out, I just have to finish writing it (I'm very excited about what I have planned/written for the final chapter, which includes the ending). Though I will admit, it's been difficult to write knowing I'll be saying goodbye to this story. I'll miss my boys SO much 😭, as well as this version of Kino x Reader, but I want to finish it for myself and for all of you! Besides, there's always the possibility of oneshots set in this universe in the future AND I'm not done writing for Kino. Not even close! I have no date estimate at the moment, but I'm trying to give this one my full attention so 🤞
The Devil Makes Us Sin — Once Show Me Weak is done, I'm going to give this one my full attention for a while. (Though, to be honest, even though I'm trying to focus on finishing Kino first, I still keep this document open and regularly pop in to write a paragraph or two. What can I say, David is VERY fun to write for 😏, I love him, and I must follow the serotonin). The next few chapters will be shorter so they should go quickly, and I already have around the next 4 of them half written (I actually have about ~25k of future stuff written last time I checked, including parts of chapters MUCH further down the road 😅).
Other Wips
While my focus has been on my ongoing stories, I do have a few other WIPs I have actual content written for! So here's an update on those as well. For fun.
Personal Trainer!Kino x Reader Modern AU — I have the beginning of this story and a few scenes written, and SO many notes for it. (My relationship with my trainer is fantastic. He's 50% big brother energy, 50% wingman energy, but he says THE most out of pocket shit so I immediately write it down after my sessions. Because him saying it does nothing for me, but imagining Kino saying it?? 😵‍💫🫠🥵) It will probably end up ~5 chapters total. Probably.
And Your Heart, Love, Has Such Darkness (David x Reader smutty Oneshot) — I started this one a year ago because I wrote something for TDMUS that didn't quite fit, but I liked it enough to keep it and make it its own thing. It's over half done right now, so it will likely be the next oneshot I post.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You, but You're Pretty When You Cry (Dark!David x Reader) — I think this one will end up about 3 chapters long and will contain a lot of content warnings. It's going to be more horror focused (with splashes of dark humor because I cannot help myself). I adore the opening chunk I've written. It gave me goosebumps.
Secret Andy Blorbo x Reader Oneshot — This one started as a joke on Discord about an Andy blorbo that is not only incredibly niche/unknown, but is actively not attractive (one of the very rare times Andy Serkis does nothing for me. In fact, when I see him, my vagina makes the windows shutdown noise). Except I made the mistake of saying, "I want to try to write for this character as a fun challenge just so I can sexually confuse everyone." And it, uh, spiraled from there and made me rethink my entire stance on this character (thank you for not only indulging me, Hannah, but encouraging me and giving me more ideas 💖 I loved [redacted] thirst day in TNBF)
Halsin x Tav — That's right, I'm writing for the sexy druid. It'll be 2 chapters, and it's about a third of the way finished. This Tav will be a human fighter, but is otherwise written more like a Reader Insert. (Side note: going back to 3rd person POV after writing a lot of 2nd person POV is harder than I imagined 🙃)
Paz Vizsla x Mando!Reader Oneshot — That's right, I'm also writing for the big Mandalorian. It's about a third of the way finished as well. (These last 2 are actually a little intimidating because the fandoms are MUCH larger, but I need to get them out sooo fuck it, it's happening.)
So as you can see, even though I haven't posted very much outside of Liam Black, I'm still writing a lot. Apparently I just have commitment issues and a lot of ✨thots✨ 😌💖
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“Proship is genuinely my guiltiest pleasure”
“My favorite ships are in fact proship”
Ships can’t be proship! Because proship isn’t short for “problematic ship” and anyone who insists it is is an anti lying to you. The prefix pro- means “for/in favor of” like pro-choice (for/in favor of the right to choose), pro-gun (for/in favor of the right to bear arms), pro-lgbt+. Otherwise to be pro-choice would be “problematic-choice” and that doesn’t make sense. To be proship is a stance and only applies to people. It’s for/in favor of the right to ship.
You’re thinking of comship, which is short for complex/complicated ship, and can be used to describe ships!
Hope that helps! /gen
thank you for the clarification but yeah my favorite ship is andy and leyley and they are so bad for each other but also so good for each other and i love them for it
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angelsarrm · 6 months
Sorry but I’ve been having soooooo many thoughts about Merlin au I’m just going to throw them all in here. Details like Patrick’s magic being tied to music. There are so many mediums for magic (spells, potions, runes, etc) and Patrick’s is singing. He starts drumming when he’s younger, just generally with his hands and later with actual sticks, because it’s a version of music that doesn’t do magic outside of his control, so drumming is freeing bc he can just make music without risking getting caught. And everything has a different sound when you drum it, so it’s like hearing the heartbeat of the world and echoing it back like that’s how Patrick comes to learn magic at first. He goes to Camelot to learn to control the rest bc there has to be a use for it and he wants to be able to make music but it’s dangerous. Pete at some point hears him singing and later when they’re in the prince/manservant roles he’s constantly trying to get Patrick to sing for him, teasing him about being a bard, about how he won’t let anyone else sing about his heroic deeds it has to be Patrick so Patrick’s trying to avoid doing that or at least channel it into magic that won’t be noticed. And I keep thinking about the poisoned chalice story. Pete being in a rough place mentally, but having to act fine for a delegation coming from another kingdom for a peace treaty. But then there’s this chaos about poison and Patrick’s in the middle of it and they’re about to try and make him drink it so Pete grabs it and drinks it before they can. Patrick and Andy trying to find the antidote. Andy as a knight who likes being able to help people but hates the rules around knighthood and being at the mercy of orders from the king, and uses his position to try and help undermine things that are unfair, help people with magic escape etc. Joe as Lancelot, Andy helps him fake his seal of nobility so he can join. Pete finding out about Patrick’s magic way earlier in the story than in the actual show, but being against the kings stance on magic and so then the four of them are working to change things together. Sorry, I’ve lost my entire mind. Love your art!
OH NY GODDDD I LOVE THIS DUMP SO MUCH THANK YOU????? and yes i see them all going pn adventures together and at first andy finds out about his magic, but is in support of patrick and promises not to tell, joe being the next to find out because patrick saved him in a fight (cough Gryffindor).
for the big merthur reveal i imagine it goes the same, pete is wounded but not fatally and is mad about patrick keeping secrets from him. patrick DOES get him to the lake in time and . conclusion except theyre all happy yayyy
alternatively canon merlin ending of arthur dying: pete isnt scared of patrick's magic and wants to see it willingly before kicking the bucket and so patrick sings to him as a last moment of their prince/manservant. patrick must live for ages until the moment the king returns (IMMORTALITY)🤕🤕🤕🤕
the guys are all reincarnated in pop punk's greatest time of need... thus the creation of fall out boy . patrick hides his true age. they don't need to know the full story of him not being reincarnated and is actually the original patrick. GOD
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willowrites · 1 year
Omg yayyy thank you 😭❤️
So I have two ideas, feel free to pick one of you want!
1. I love the scene where Elvis looks through the window at Lansky's. So what if reader is Mr Lansky's daughter and he sees her instead of BB King and is just instantly smitten
2. Reader could be the sister of one of the guys in his apartment complex who make fun of him, a little drama maybe 🤭
If you don't want to write either that's fine as well, just figured I'd ask since your stuff is so amazing 🥰
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forbidden attraction
summary: your older brother took a liking in picking on one of the boys that just moved into your complex. although you never really cared what your brother did, you did now and made it known too
pairings: elvis x reader
warnings: profanity, violence, some cuteness
authors note: hi thank you for this request this was really fun to write!! it's a bit short but i hope you like it. this is kind of proofread? i skimmed it but i hope it’s what you wanted! you may picture elvis as austin if you’d like
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
“Look at that kid.” Your brother scoffed. “Thinks he’s the shit. Ain’t no one wanna lay eyes on a guy like him.”
You turned your head towards the window your brother and his buddy were staring at. You saw a man getting out of a truck around your age looks a bit older than you. He had jet-black hair and was wearing a greenish jacket and driving.
“Who is he?” You asked curiously. You saw him carrying a guitar over his shoulder out of the truck he’s gotten out of. “I ain’t ever seen him around before.”
“He’s this kid whose record went big and now he thinks he’s all high and mighty. C’mon Andy. Let’s go see who this guy is. C’mon.” Your brother hops up off the table and starts heading towards the door of your apartment.
“Don't cause any trouble now, honey.” Your mom tells your brother. You stand up heading towards the window to get a better look at the man. He’s making his way up to the entrance of the complex and you see him avoiding eye contact with anybody outside the complex.
“Elviiisss.” You hear girls squeal but in a mocking way.
You can’t figure out why he’s so popular. You acknowledged that he did dress quite odd but you didn’t find it odd in a bad way. You found it quite attractive.
You heard the door slam and before you realized it you headed towards the door opened it and walked out closing it softer than your brother who previously exited.
You hurried down the staircase and into the apartment lobby. You saw your brother and his buddy barely exiting the lobby. You ran out and followed them and hear your brother start his bullshit.
“Oh look here, Andy.” Your brother laughs. “This guy all dolled up. Who are you going to see bud? Your boyfriend?”
Your teeth clenched. You couldn’t understand why. You walked closer to them to hear more of the conversation.
“Yeah who are you going to see huh?” Your brother's friend laughs.
Elvis as you’ve heard is trying to get past your brother and his friend but they aren’t budging.
“Now where you goin’?” Your brother shows Elvis back making him stumble a little bit. Elvis's jaw clenched and his fists tightened around his guitar. This won't end well if your brother keeps antagonizing him. You thought.
“Tommy stop.” You didn’t know why you were getting involved to help a guy you barely knew but you did. “He didn’t do anything okay? Leave him alone.”
“Y/n get upstairs stop bugging.” He brushes you off. The way he just disregarded your comment had you clenching your fists.
“Fuck off Tommy you’re the one bugging.” You roll your eyes.
“Y/n. Just shut the fuck up.” Your brother says.
“You’re really gonna talk to your own girl like that?” Elvis tells your brother. Ew.
“Fuck off weirdo she, 's not my girl she's my sister.” Tommy immediately gets grossed out
“Well, regardless you shouldn’t be” Elvis starts but Tommy starts heading toward him in an attacking stance.
“Tommy stop!” You pull his arm away trying to stop him from completely clocking the poor boy.
Elvis gets in a defensive position but you pull Tommy away just in time.
“You can never let that fact that you’re insecure go right? You always have to beat someone down to make yourself feel better.” You angrily tell your brother whose hands are fists. “You’re pathetic.” You grab Elvis’s hand pulling him inside the complex. “I’m really sorry about my dumb brother.”
After you apologized to him you turned around to actually get a good look at his face without seeing red and it’s like your heart stopped. He sure was cute.
“Uh…thank you?” He smiled lightly. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n.” You found yourself getting hot under his gaze. “Again... I'm really sorry about my brother. He’s an asshole. Doesn’t know when to shut his mouth.” You were uncontrollably smiling and you didn’t understand why.
“No worries mama we’re cool. Well, we’re,” He stops to point and both you and him. “cool. Don’t worry about it.” He laughs. His laugh was so cute. You couldn’t stop staring at him.
“U-um did you just move in here?” You asked him. You hoped he just did. Seeing him every day would be a blessing.
“Yeah…just did actually.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Look, I was just about to go eat dinner with my family, I'm sure they’d love to have you especially since you saved me. I know I’d love to have you.” You felt that he exaggerated a little but you found yourself flattered by his invitation.
“I’d love to go.” You agreed.
Fast forward you didn’t know netting Elvis would ultimately change your life.
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2 months later.
“Elvis shush. You gotta be quiet.” You giggle. You had just snuck out your front door to spend time with Elvis. These past two months have been great. After dinner, you and Elvis started to hang out a lot more. You two got really close. You enjoyed his company and he enjoyed yours.
“Then c’mon then honey. Gotta hurry before my boys wake up and ask why I’m gone.” He grabbed your hand as you guys ran down the stairs and outside into Elvis’s truck. Then he drove off.
“Where are we going?” You asked confused.
“Just wait.” He said.
So you wait.
Suddenly you get to a sort of field with only grass. You’re confused as to why you’re here. “Elvis there's nothing here what are we doing.”
“Just come on.” He opens his side of the truck climbing out before hurrying towards your side to open your door. You climb out of the truck and take a look around where you guys are at. “Follow me.”
You’re following him and you notice he’s carrying a basket of stuff.
He stops walking and sets the basket down. He sets up a blanket and sets the basket on top of the blanket then sits down. “Thought we could have a nice night away from the chaos back home.
You smile at his gesture. Believe it or not. Both of you haven’t made a move yet. Not even one.
You wanted to make the first move but you were too scared to.
You sat down on the blanket trying to keep your heart from beating out of your chest.
He brought out some food and you both ate while talking about random things like music, style, and all.
When you were both finished you were both laying down looking at the sky. Your eyes felt droopy as you were counting the stars.
“Y/n?” You heard Elvis say.
“Yeah?” You responded.”
“Do you ever feel like, however much you do for people… it's not enough to please ‘em?” He asks. It was a deep question and if you wanted to be honest. You never quite felt that way.
“No…I haven’t.” You turned your head to look at him. When you turned your head he was already looking at you. You didn’t notice how close you both were. You practically felt his body heat. “But I do know how it feels to not be appreciated and I’m sorry if you ever ever felt that way.”
He smiled and his eyes flickered down to your lips then back up. His hand made its way to the side of your face softly. He then lifted up your head by your chin with his pointer finger and leaned down and all of a sudden his lips touched yours.
He held onto your face in the softness way possible as his lips moved with yours. He pulled back for a few seconds then rests his hands on your waist and attempts to pull you closer. You smile against his lips.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” He pecks your lips again.
“I’ve wanted you to do that for a long time too.” You were so happy it finally happened, but now all you could think about was how your family would react.
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