#I KNOW i know the market sucks but it's getting better slowly
thedruidsforest · 1 year
I'm on the home-buying journey now (I'm going to another showing this afternoon) and to be honest, the thing that makes me absolutely the MOST excited about living in a house (instead of my apartment) and gives me butterflies when I think of it is being able to GARDEN
No more crappy patio container gardens that produce nothing...I'm talking full permaculture plots, hand-laden rock pathways, at least 3 fruit trees, digging a little frog pond, going out to the backyard to pick vegetables for dinner.....
Please, it's all I want, and it's so close
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signedkoko · 4 months
Hi, my dog is really sick and he has a huge tumor, I’m going to have to put him down soon and it really sucks, your writing makes life a bit better though so thank you for that! Could I possibly request a Vox x reader with a pet dog? Like how would the two of them interact or would he claim himself as the dogs parent or stuff like that. You don’t have to of course! Please remember to take breaks
Vox X Reader [Comfort]
In which you take in a dog you found on the street without asking Vox beforehand.
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Vox isn't necessarily minimalist, but he is certainly a bit of a neat freak
Things should be organized, clean, not perfect! But not messy
So, animals were never his thing
I mean, the hair, the training, the scratchy nails on the floor, it just sounds like a huge hassle
Besides, he is already busy enough with the company and you, a pet would just be another thing on the list
You, on the other hand, love caring for sick animals
You've brought a smaller creature home before for the evening or taken it to a vet, but nothing for longer than a few hours
But this time was different
The dog was so messy you couldn't even tell the breed, all you knew was that someone had hurt it and it wouldn't last long on its own
So you snuck the puppy into your jacket and headed straight home
Vox comes home to the shower running and you giggling, and he's already worried about whatever strange thing you're onto this time
He sees you, splashed in soap and water, and a dog with muddied water dripping off it into the drain
And it barks at him
And he screams
Right. He is super scared of dogs and hellhounds
Not in a 'these things are scary' way, but in a 'these things are unpredictable and gross and ew.'
When you finish washing the dog and drying it the best you could in a swaddled towel, you'll find him pacing and murmuring
He is frustrated you brought that THING home without asking, but he also wont suggest you abandon it because he knows you won't
Gets a servant to grab some necessities for the dog, because lord knows you didn't plan this out
Just for a few days, right?
Except, a few days turns into a few weeks and into a few months
And slowly your tiny puppy grows into a 100-pound pride dobermann, known for being some of hells largest and most vicious dogs
Despite his size, Vox has already adopted the thing into his life, he stopped asking when you were going to give up the dog on day 15,
Part of the reason he loves it is because of how dangerous the dog looks, as sweet as it actually is, it's very protective of you and he likes that
Originally does not let you out on your own, but now its 'you can go if the dogs with you' because by good fuck that thing could kill a crowd
Expect him to dip into the pet market of devices; tracking collar, pet surveillance, automatic feeding bowls, etc...
All inspired by his want to give your dog a luxurious life
Probably got a custom collar with glowing blue spikes so he and the pup match
Would actually take a few days off work and sit in an armchair with his hands on his head if the dog ever had an emergency trip to the vet
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Author's Note - I saw your second ask, and its totally cool you sent this! Honestly, I always wanted to open emergency requests. Theres no shame in looking for comfort, I can't imagine your pain right no. I hope this helps in any way!
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asliceofzosan · 8 months
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in which Sanji is in Shells Town when Zoro eats the rice ball off the floor
It isn't often that Zeff's plans to get rid of him involve actually making Sanji leave the Baratie on a supply run (mostly because they never work. Sanji always comes back with more produce than the budget allows for which pisses the old geezer even more). But today, he was persistent that he go all the way to Shells Town. Fucking Shells Town. It isn't exactly the first place Sanji would think of when wanting quality ingredients.
However, if there's anything Sanji is, it's that he's stubborn. He'll comb through every market stall if he has to. He's coming back to the Baratie with three kilos of overpriced bluefin tuna if only to raise Zeff's blood sugar out of spite. Zeff raised a brat. So he's going to act like one.
Disembarking off of his boat, he makes a beeline first for a reputable restaurant in town. Cooks know what cooks want. He'd rather shave off time by asking a fellow chef where are the best places to get supplies. A few lovely ladies point him in the direction of a well-loved little restaurant at the edge of town and he each gives them a kiss on the back of their hand as a thank you.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances, my angels." He says with a wink. Both girls only give him blank stares and walk away from him. He still sighs dreamily as they soon fade from view. It's a lot better than getting hit in the head.
He walks ahead to the restaurant, finding it a little crowded with a couple marines. No matter. Sanji isn't exactly known by face around the East Blue. He begrudgingly understands now why Zeff doesn't want to go here and instead forced Sanji onto his sailboat by himself.
With an irritated flick of his hair, he strides into the restaurant, sitting at a table near the window so he could light a quick cigarette before asking for the chef.
"We already have our order—"
"No. More food is better! Gotta feed the brain!"
Sanji's ears pick up the conversation in the table next to him as naturally as he does breathing. With the amount of times Zeff makes him wait tables instead of actually cooking in the kitchen, he's become skilled in the art of being a gossip. Tie him up in the middle of a marine base for admitting that, he doesn't care. There's only so much one can do to keep themselves entertained.
"We have to figure out a way to get inside the base."
"Luffy, I don't think that's a good idea–"
"It's not a good idea because I don't have a plan yet!"
"Well, what's your plan?"
"I'm getting there!"
Sanji chuckles. Whoever this Luffy kid is, he sure sounds interesting.
But before he could get another slice of their conversation, a commotion at the bar piques his interest even more. He uncrosses his legs, sitting up a little straighter, and watches as a blond man in a suit scolds a girl for running into him, calling her stupid and mocking her.
Sanji quirks an eyebrow at him. No matter what, no man should speak to a little girl that way.
"You dropped my food."
This time, a man with green hair catches his attention and with a quick glance, Sanji sees that there is smushed up rice balls on the floor by the blond's feet. Sanji sees red immediately. He's just about to go over there and give the guy a piece of his mind when the green haired man kneels down, grabs a glob of dirty riceball, and puts it into his mouth.
Sanji tunnel visions on the way his lips move, slowly chewing, savoring the otherwise spoiled riceball in his mouth like it's the most delectable piece of food he's ever eaten. The whole restaurant watches with bated breath, but none held tightly in his chest as much as Sanji's is. The man scrapes every grain of rice off of the floor, licking the remaining traces off his fingers.
He doesn't know it yet, but Sanji's heart has spilled out of his chest, and is now in the hands of a dirty green haired swordsman. With each bite he takes of the sullied riceball, the more Sanji's soul is sucked out of his body and placed into a state of near heavenly revelation.
Then the swordsman picks up the plate and offers the other riceball to the irritated blond man across from him.
"Now you eat one and apologize to the girl."
Sanji doesn't know what happens to his heart because the aching in his chest feels like he's out of breath. Maybe he's dying. It feels a lot like it because suddenly Sanji genuinely has forgotten how to breathe in this moment.
It gets even worse when the fight breaks out. The man barely even breaks a sweat. In any other circumstance where there is a fight, Sanji would go right in and make sure none of the dishes fall to the floor. But it seems that even then, Sanji's interference isn't needed.
Because the man's hits are calculated, careful despite the rough and tumble of the fight. He barely even gets his swords out. And he, Sanji notices with a bright smile, makes sure none of the tables get hit. He contains it all in the small space in front of the bar.
The final nail in the coffin is when he takes a giant swig out of his mug, shakes it a bit to see if there's any more drink inside, and casually chucks it at an oncoming marine and knocks him out cold.
Now Sanji is used to falling in love easily with beautiful women. All they have to do is smile at him and he'll be on his knees for them. He has experience in that department.
But what is Sanji supposed to do when a brutish man with a kind heart glances at him briefly before taking the other riceball in his hand and shoving it in his mouth?
Sanji thinks that this is how he falls in love with a man.
His plate is wiped clean before he hands it back to the little girl, who looks up at the man with stars in her eyes.
Sanji figures that maybe the way he's staring at the man isn't too far off from how she's looking at him.
Sanji comes back to the Baratie with no supplies and an earful from Zeff that doesn't register in his brain.
His mind instead is filled with just the memory of the green haired man, his lips pursing ever so slightly around the riceball in his mouth, and the smallest smile he gives the little girl as he thanks her for the food.
Sanji wonders if he'll ever see him again.
He learns how to make different kinds of rice balls in the meantime.
A/N: did somebody say sanji would fall in love with zoro if he saw him eat food off the floor? say no more !!
EDIT: part two, debt and doing dishes is up!
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kurogane2512 · 4 months
Hello! Can I asked some sfw and nsfw headcanons relationship for cloud retainer, please? (Male reader), if not then, you can ignored this if you like. Have a good day!
Ugh mommy CR my love <3
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) x male!reader (can also read as gn!reader with a cock)
Type: SFW + NSFW hcs
How you met
She met you through Ganyu's relations, you were a human working with the Qixing alongside Ganyu. You were well aware of Ganyu being an Adeptus and that the legendary Cloud Retainer was her mentor. Though, you had never met Cloud Retainer yourself before, you greatly looked up to her.
One day, a mysterious lady by the name of Xianyun came to the Qixing to meet Ganyu. Ganyu instantly recognized it was Cloud Retainer disguised as a human, she was too busy to meet her so she asked you to assist her on her behalf. While you were reluctant to do so since it was the Cloud Retainer, you complied.
And the moment you laid your eyes on her, you were flabbergasted. You didn't expect her to be such a beautiful mature lady, you practically fell in love at first sight. Xianyun too, was impressed by you and considered you reliable enough due to how Ganyu talked about you.
Slowly, you accompanied Xianyun more as she roamed Liyue. She found you to be good company, you listened attentively to her stories about the past and were very curious about her mechanical prowess, often silently watching her invent something new right in front of your eyes. Before long, you were really in love with her but didn't know if Adepti were even open to forming such deep relations with humans.
Dating Experience
Nevertheless, you confessed your feelings to her one fine day, and to your surprise she accepted. She stated her reasoning to be curious about human relations and wanting to experience them, but she was yet to realize she too had fallen for you. Your relationship was unique to say the least, in her Adeptus form she was taller than you and appeared majestic.
She would let you ride her in her Adeptus form and soar the skies together. You even learned some combat skills from her, along with many other things. She was highly knowledgeable, and it seemed after a long time she was excited enough to share her knowledge with someone. She wasn't big on physical affection; she never denied you when you wanted it but didn't ask much herself.
She was big on giving gifts, especially her own handmade inventions. She was very observant of your likes and whenever she noticed you wanted something, she'd end up inventing her own version of it which would be far better than the market one. You also discovered she was quick to get jealous but didn't express it properly. She was too prideful for it.
She has moderate sexual experience, she used to have fun in her younger days with Guizhong but for a long time hasn't indulged in it. She is quite well aware of most things and will take the initiative especially since she finds out it's your first time. Somehow, that gets her fired up. A human's first time with her? You should definitely feel proud.
Amazing blowjob skills, like there's just something about her technique that reduces you to a panting mess as if your life was sucked out. And she savors every moment, watching your cum drip down your cock and lapping it up so well. She wants to be on top mostly, will ride you all night and take in your cum.
She's also very motherly, she loves to have you lay your head on her lap and suck on her boobs while she strokes your cock and relieves you. She knows how tiring the work with the Qixing is, especially having to deal with someone like Ningguang. Will unknowingly pamper you like a baby, she's just used to it so much due to taking care of Ganyu and Shenhe
You eventually discover her more.... daring side. She's into outdoor sex, yes I said it. But she definitely prefers to be hidden. She loves it when you bend her over a tree at Jueyun Karst and pound into her from behind, she knows her fellow Adepti could come anytime but she needs you first.
As your relationship goes deeper, she finds you worthy to give her a child so she will make you breed and impregnate her. A baby between a human and Adeptus will surely be fascinating, but she more so cares about having your seed inside. Centuries later she finally experienced true love, and she will give you her everything.
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princessbrunette · 3 months
I think if you tried to bargain with bounty hunter!rafe by saying you’d do whatever he wants if he’ll just let you go, he’d think about it before getting all serious and looking down at you with a suggestive smirk “whatever I want, huh? ok, kid. lemme putta ring on that finger.. how bout that? how’s being my little housewife sound, huh?”
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
you’re held up in a barn. it wasn’t ideal, lord knows rafe knew that — much used to a finer life back where he lived with his fathers riches on the fat of his land, but for now it had to do. the two of you were laying low — the word being that someone had recognised your face off a missing poster that your father had put out, and now rafe had to make sure the two of you were far from anyone’s sight for a while.
“my fathers still looking for me.” you gaze wistfully out the window. so there was hope, you almost forgot that this could be an option after all this time. you’d grown slightly fond of rafe since he’d taken you, which you knew was wrong — but you couldn’t help it. he was a handsome guy, and he seemed to actually care about your safety. you knew this mentality was likely just a survival technique — you're less likely to go insane if you believe your captor cares for you instead of caring for the condition he delivers you in, but whatever helped soothe you.
"yeah, well…" he bites on his finger nail, leaning against the wall as he looks out the barn door he'd left ajar. "great for you, sucks for me. i do not want to get arrested, believe it or not." he sarks, his own nerves producing quite the attitude.
“you know if you just let me go you wouldn’t go to jail.” you try, and you knew it was a long shot but begging for your escape had become second nature by this point. you swivel, sitting on a hay bale with your legs swinging aimlessly, brushing down the dress he’d purchased you at the market when he decided you needed to change your clothes as to not be recognised.
he chuckles silently, shaking his head before finally turning to face you — arms crossed over his chest.
“yeah? you uh…” he shrugs theatrically. “you think i’d just let you go? just like that.”
“well what do you want?” you whine, huffing as you push yourself to stand, coming right up to him to stare up at him desperately. he stares back down, lips parted, amused. “i’ll do anything. anything you want.”
“anything i- okay.” he shakes his head, pushing his fingers stressfully against his eyelids for a moment as he paces before arriving back infront of you, blinking into thin air and slowly lowering his hand as if he’s had an idea. “anything i want? ‘s what you said, right?” he clarifies, and you falter a little— shrinking in size at the realisation of how broad ‘anything’ is.
“alright so,” his hand strikes out suddenly grabbing a hold of your wrist making you jump, squealing and resisting from habit. “give me that shit.” he grits his teeth and you submit, allowing him to raise your hand, taking a look at your fingers. “yeah…yeah i can see it. i’m gonna put a ring on that little finger.”
“huh?” your eyes widen.
“‘said anything, right? so… so if i marry you, it’ll look like you just ran away with me and he’ll stop looking. god damnit i—” he laughs, rubbing a hand down his mouth.
“what about your boss?” you blink, unsure of this whole thing. he waves you off, walking past you.
“my uh, boss is my dad.” he itches his cheek, perhaps a little embarrassed of the fact. “‘said i could do whatever i wanted with you. your dad pissed my dad off, so— so i took you, right— that parts done, his little girl is gone, my dad wins.” he explains, finally filling you in on why the whole thing happened, you stare intently, following him over to where he rummages through the bags tied to the horse. “i was gonna bring you to my dad to show him… show him that i could do it, and that he could trust me… but this is better, yeah — this is way better.” he mutters, before pulling out a small piece of wire, a souvenir from what he’d originally bound your wrists with.
“yeah, this’ll do.” he speaks to himself before yanking your wrist again, beginning to bend the wire around your finger. “‘til i can get you a real ring, a’ight?” his brows raise and he cups your cheeks in his rough hands, eyes darting between yours. “you are going to make the prettiest little housewife. okay? y’gonna marry me?”
you figured this was better than whatever his boss, well — his dad would have done with you, like sell you or something, so you nod. plus, rafe wasn’t all too bad.
“okay.” you agree just about a whisper.
“okay?” he clarifies and you nod, so he forces his mouth against yours. “this is gonna save us.” he whispers when he pulls away.
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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bitletsanddrabbles · 12 days
Okay, I lied. One last post before I take that much needed mental health break.
A post that I always swore - back before you could turn off reblogs and mute comments and basically make the lives of would be trolls very pointless, because you will never see what they say - I would never be stupid enough to make.
I leave you with my essay on…
Why Sparkly Vampires Make Perfect Sense, Stephanie Meyer Just Went About It All Wrong
Let's face it, humans don't always know what we're looking at. As an example, I was reading a book about poison use in royal courts. In the section on cures, in the subsection on unicorn horn (alicorn, for the technical term), it mentioned how the people who procured this rare substance were somewhat baffled by the fact that at the end of their lives the unicorn (which lived in such places as Africa, Persia, India, etc.) would migrate to the far north to die on the beaches of the arctic sea. Now, in their defense, it's very unlikely that any of these individuals would be well traveled enough to have even the opportunity to see both a live unicorn and a dead one. If they had, they might have had an easier time realizing 'these are two different animals!'. But the point still stands.
Humans don't always know what we're looking at.
Now, if you go through folk lore and mythology, you will, of course, find horrible blood sucking fiends that drain innocents of their life. Vampires. You will also find lots of entities which emit an ethereal luminescence or radiant glow, entities which possess powers beyond mortal understanding, who can be benign or terrible, and who are known to abscond with humans, although we're certain these humans are safe and happy on Olympus or under the green hill, not dead like they'd be with those blood suckers.
No one who had not seen both Apollo, God of the Sun, and the horrible vampire who chowed down on the neighbor two doors down would realize: they're the same entity.
To make it even harder for the poor mortals (and easier for the vampires!), vampires look different in different lighting conditions. After all, something that sparkles in the sunlight will also sparkle in the moonlight, the firelight, etc., it's just a matter of degrees. So some vampires would hang out in moonlit glens, for that 'fairy of the moonlight' feel, while others would set themselves up in temples with a many fires as they could manage. I mean, if you're going to call yourself Apollo, God of the Sun, you had better be all sparkle all of the time! Top all of this off with mind reading ability that lets traveling vampires fit into the local not-vampire-vampire mythos and yeah, the humans don't stand a chance.
It's great! Things are wonderful! Even if someone does see you devour a hapless victim and run screaming 'vampire' in the town, you can always just eat them next. No big deal. Only the stupid and careless are in real danger.
And then…
The head of the Roman Empire, that militant mass of well armed testosterone (and a bunch of less important people), converts to Christianity and proclaims there's only one god who is…not you.
Well shit.
Of course, if you're a lesser known vampire you can pass yourself off as an "Angel of the Lord" in a quick pinch, as long as you're talking to a peasant who's too illiterate to realize you're lacking in the eye and wing department (good news - this is most everyone), but you can't do that too often. And if everyone knows you as Apollo, God of the Sun?
Sucks to be you. You now have a bunch of very militant fundamentalists armed with sharp, pointy implements of destruction chasing after you with cries of 'demon' and 'false god'. Even with your supernatural speed, getting away from them is made far more difficult by the fact they can see you glittering from the other side of the market.
This is where vampires went nocturnal, since moonlight is less sparkle inducing than the sun. Then, since even that gets risky, they slowly moved into caves and cemeteries and the occasional creepy old castle that no sane person would enter without an explicit invitation to dinner, or for a real estate job. Something like that.
The next millennium was pretty dire. The millennium after that was…okay, also pretty dire, until suddenly, at the end of the twentieth century, a miracle! A remarkable shift brought about a change that would once again free vampires from their castles and cemeteries and allow them to walk safely among humans!
But they wouldn't go creeping off to the sun starved, water logged boonies of the Olympic rain forest. Oh hell no! They would go to the cities, to Soho, to Broadway, to places where they could strut proudly down the street to the envious stares of mortals and cries of "Damn, I wish I looked that good in body glitter!"
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rewh0re · 10 months
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700+ words, I was watching sex education and idk I just was itching to write this, I've not written like 20 days pls go easy on me, tbh idk what this is I wrote this in like half an hour fml. Idek if I'll put it in my masterlist we'll see
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Loving Reo came easy. He was lovely in all aspects. He was caring, calm, considerate and over all he treated you like you deserved the world. You felt yourself around him. He made you feel carefree.
Reo was what people would term as the perfect boyfriend. He would be willing to give you a ride to school, invite you over to his house, and make you meet his parents. He would take you out on the best dates known to mankind, starting from a cute french cafe to the bit on the expensive side Italian restaurant downtown. Reo let you choose the movies on date nights where you stayed over, and he watched it all without a complaint. Even if the movie was one he was not quite a huge fan of.
Your parents loved Reo. They called him 'the famous Mikage Reo' because recently all you ever actually talked to them about was him. Introducing your boyfriend to your parents went way better than you expected. Did they embarrass you? Absolutely. Did Reo playfully tease you about it? Also absolutely. Did that make you unhappy though? No. Maybe a bit of faux anger yes but not unhappy. It felt so right. You had never introduced your previous partners to your parents before but introducing Reo to them felt like the correct thing to do. He was charming. An absolute charmer. Your dad could easily converse about the stock market with him and your mom somehow coaxed the fact out that he baked at times. It was a lovely night that, when it ended and your boyfriend had to depart for his own home, made you a tad bit melancholic.
You bid him farewell and he promised to call once he got home. Dear old you and your dear old habit of being concerned.
"Well did you get home safe?" You enquired through the phone, lying down on your bed.
"Yeah. Yeah I did. You know, my driver wouldn't try and kidnap me," Reo chuckled, clearly joking.
"I know that! It's just...... I am just making sure you're okay. What? Can I not worry about my boyfriend anymore," Reo couldn't see you but he felt your embarrassment through the line. He smiled softly.
"Of Course you can," he sighed. It felt good to be cared for by someone, he thought. It felt good to be cared for by you.
"I gotta go now. Need to complete my homework," you chuckled out as you put an arm over your eyes, grinning wide, cheeks a bit hued because Reo always had that effect on you.
"Bye. Sleep on time I'll see you tomorrow," he said quietly and you thought that this was the right time. You had to say it.
"Oh! Oh! Before you cut the call I wanted to say something," you felt the sudden nerves taking over your body, a mix of excitement and a bit of anxiety as you felt the purple haired boy ask you what it was you needed to say.
"Uhm, I love you Reo," you sucked in a breath, grinning wide, excited for him to say it back.
All you could hear was silence. The line went absolutely quiet and your face morphed into confusion before you checked your phone to see if he was still on call. He was.
"Reo?" Your voice turned into one of concern.
"Oh!" Your voice seemed to bring him back to life. "Well that's uhm.....that's uh.....nice to hear y/n. That's really good to hear."
His nervous chuckle dissipated all the previous excitement you felt. You breathed in as if to gather yourself together but slowly, tears started building up in your waterline. He didn't say it back. He didn't fucking say it back.
You quickly cut the call without saying anything in return. You blinked a few times to make the tears go away. So what if he didn't say it back? You thought. It doesn't have to shatter you. But it did. Somehow, somewhere a small part of you broke.
Reo was truly the perfect boyfriend, you believed that with your whole heart. However, maybe he didn't really love you back the same way you loved him.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Real estate in my area is depressing. There’s the usual: unaffordable condos, unaffordable row homes, unaffordable single-family homes. Boring! Where’s the castles? Where are the volcano fortresses? I can scroll the listings all day long and not a single torture pit or giant laser dome will appear before my wondering eyes.
Part of this is no doubt because of economic incentives. Something like a tank full of sharks that you slowly lower spies into is expensive to maintain – we’re talking sharks, shark food, water, water filtering, the occasional liability lawsuit. Not only that, but any realtor worth their salt is gonna tell you to get rid of it, since it makes the room look smaller. In their eyes, most customers are not “shark tank” people, and they may be thrown off by its presence during a walk-through. Better to move it somewhere else, and put out some decorative throw pillows to cover the spot where it used to sit.
This even affects me, a person with no particular bent towards supervillainy. What do I want? A large industrial space for storing cars, car parts, car accessories, and broken cars. And it would be nice to have a place to put a bed, and maybe a toilet. Does the real estate market provide me with such a building? No. Which is why I’m currently taking a shit at the 7-Eleven, because my bathroom is full of moped parts. I know it’s just for staff, Ethan.
Perhaps I should just be grateful. I heard that some big Hollywood star ended up with a castle addiction. They’re expensive to heat, castles. Just couldn’t stop buying them, the community association was soaking him for every red cent. That’s how they get you, you know. Moat fees. Plus the parking sucks.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
could you write one where Edie and venom have a crush and reader who is a famous NASCAR driver and they hook up after meeting
Eddie Brock x Male!reader
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Eddie has been a fan of you for years, he regularly watches Nascar and you were his favorite driver.
It also didn't hurt that you were hot and even Venom had a bit of a crush on you.
You were in San Francisco for a race and Eddie used his connections to get a vip badge so he could meet you.
You were attracted to Eddie the moment you laid eyes on him so him congratulating you for winning the race led to you inviting him out to dinner which led to him now making out with you in your hotel room.
He excused himself to the bathroom before going any further and ran the faucet so you wouldn't hear him talking to Venom who excitedly popped his head out.
"Eddie, you are about to have sex with Y/N Y/L/N," Venom hisses proudly.
"I know Venom so please don't mess this up for me," he whispers.
"How could I mess this up Eddie?" Venom says offended.
"You scared off my last date when you saw a fish market and nearly got me hit by a truck trying to drag me across the street," Eddie says, reminding Venom of that recent disaster where he did not get a second date.
"Are you ever going to let that go?" Venom huffs.
"Be on your best behavior and I will get you whatever you want to eat afterwards, deal?"
"Ooh deal," Venom says, retracting back into Eddie.
Eddie takes a deep breath and turns the sink off, returning to the main part of the hotel room where you are laying on the bed smiling at him.
"Everything good?" You ask him.
"All good," he says approaching the bed and climbing on top of you, "now where were we."
He kisses you and you begin fumbling with the buttons of your shirt.
"Can I take this off?" You mutter into the kiss.
"God yes," he groans and then his shirt is gone.
Your own soon follows and you roll him over, his back hitting the mattress but your lips never detaching from one another.
Eddie sighs in discontent when you pull away but it's replaced with a moan as soon as you start kissing down his neck.
His hips roll up into yours when your hand palms his chest, nipples getting hard from your touch.
Your lips move further down, tongue flicking over one of his nipples before sucking it into your mouth while your fingers pinch the other.
He looks for friction against your thigh that's placed in between his legs, moaning as his cock is straining under the material of his pants.
"Fuck I need you so bad," he grunts.
"That's what I like to hear," you smirk, taking your attention away from his chest so you could get the both of you out of the rest of your clothes.
Eddie's spread out across the bed and his cock is standing tall now that it isn't being confined by his pants.
"Do you want me inside you Eddie?" You ask with a grin, running your hands over his massive thighs.
"Please," he begs.
You stick two fingers in your mouth, lathering them before teasing his hole.
Eddie gasps as you insert one finger stretching him out and then the second finger follows.
Your cocks rub together as you toy with Eddie and a string of pre cum leaks out of him.
When you feel he's ready for you you remove your fingers, quickly easing your cock inside him as neither of you could wait for this any longer.
"Holy shit," Eddie cries out as you slowly thrust your hips.
"Does this feel okay?" You question.
"Fuck it feels so good, please go faster," he replies.
That was all you needed to hear, you throw Eddie's legs up around your waist, giving you a better angle as you move your lower half faster.
Eddie grips the sheets under him, intently watching sweat drip down your stomach as you fuck him.
You dig your nails into his hips, his chest arched in the air and he begins playing with his own nipples for more stimulation.
Eddie is a moaning mess for the next several minutes and he's getting close.
"I'm gonna cum," he groans so he reaches down and quickly strokes himself until he's cumming all over his chest.
He's moaning your name as he cums, his orgasm feeling like it's going to last forever as your hips never stop moving.
Suddenly your movements falter and he feels you filling him up telling him that your own orgasm hit.
"Fuck Eddie," you say when you eventually slow your hips all together after your release subsides.
"That was amazing," Eddie says breathing heavily.
"It really was," you chuckle.
Your heart rate returns to normal and you gently pull out of him, cum dripping out of his hole.
You get up from the bed and head to the bathroom, grabbing some towels to clean up the mess you made.
"You know, when we met earlier at the race track I intended on this just being a one night stand but I uh, actually really like you," you confess on your way back from the bathroom, handing him a towel.
"I really like you too Y/N," Eddie smiles, sitting up and wiping off his cum on his chest.
"So can I give you my number? Maybe I can fly you out to my race in Dallas next week?" You suggest.
"I'd love that," he happily replies.
You wish he could stay the night but you had an important flight very early the next morning and if Eddie stayed you would surely miss it.
Once you get all cleaned up you kiss Eddie goodnight and when he gets to the hallway Venom pops up again.
"That was so hot Eddie," Venom tells him.
"You're telling me buddy," Eddie laughs.
"If you go to see him in Dallas next week does that mean he's your boyfriend?" Venom asks.
"Okay slow down we have to work our way up to that," Eddie responds.
Eddie's phone dings and he looks to see you had texted him.
'Miss you already' it says which makes him smile.
"Yeah he's your boyfriend," Venom says reading the message over his shoulder.
"Shut up Venom," Eddie scoffs.
One night together and both of you already had it down bad.
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marvelobsessed134 · 9 months
Can you do a current day Nikki sixx smut
Where the reader meets Nikki in town in Wyoming they hit it off and end up on a dirt road getting it on in the back of his truck
Thank you
Small-town romance
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Pairings: Current!Nikki Sixx x Fem!reader
Warnings: smut, age gap (Nikki is 63 reader is 25), daddy kink because of course, dom!nikki, sub!reader, semi public sex, and I think that’s it. Let me know if I missed any warnings.
A/n: I’ve never even been close to Wyoming so I’m sorry if the descriptions are inaccurate I’m just gonna assume it’s a small rural state. Also in almost all my Nikki fics he is single.
Summary: you meet a handsome older rockstar in town.
The farmers market.
It’s very crowded this Sunday because it always is. Always is crowded. Everything is the same here, you just want something different. Something fresh and new. And well, that something happened to bump into you.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry!” You hissed apologetically.
The man laughed, “Nah it’s fine. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You noticed how he was looking you up and down and it made you a little nervous but very turned on. Because he was none other than Nikki Sixx. Yep. Who knew the bassist for Mötley Crüe would find home in the middle of nowhere?
Of course you’ve heard gossip about it, how there’s a sexy old rockstar living in the mountains but you didn’t pay it any mind.
“Well, sorry for um running into you I better get going.” You said nervously before attempting to walk past the older man. However you were stopped by him grabbing your forearm.
“How about we take a ride in my truck?” Fuck, the offer was too good to pass up. You stood there for a moment contemplating before saying, “Sure.”
And that’s how you found yourself listening to heavy metal in Nikki Sixx’s truck driving down a deserted dirt road.
Then, the bassist unexpectedly pulled over.
You looked at him with concern in your eyes, “What’s wrong?”
He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned towards you, his hand creeping up your thigh as his other went to your cheek.
“Goddamn you’re so pretty.” He murmured before pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes widened in shock but you instantly melted into the kiss. “Mmm Nikki.” You moaned against his lips. You felt your pussy getting wetter and wetter.
“What is it babygirl?”
Fuck, that nickname. You about passed away.
“I…I…” come on Y/n, find the words!
Nikki pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “You can say it, I won’t judge.” He whispered lowly in your ear and you shivered.
“I need you.” You sounded desperate but you didn’t care. The older man seemed to really like it, kissing you rougher and more passionate before moving down to your neck and collarbone. You moaned and threw your head back in ecstasy. The two of you ended up in the back of his truck, he ripped your buttoned shirt open and unclasped your bra, immediately brining a nipple into his mouth.
You threw your head back and moaned as he played with your tits.
“God damn baby these are some of the best tits I’ve ever seen.” He groaned lowly. You grinded against his hard cock, and tugged on his shirt which he then removed.
“You want my cock pretty girl?” He asked with a smile. You nodded with an excited expression. You got down on your knees, squeezing in between the front seats and unbuckled Nikki’s belt. His hard cock sprang free you widened your eyes before licking the bottom and then taking him in your mouth. The bassist threw his head back and closed his eyes as he moaned in pleasure. “Fuck yes, so good for me. Such a good girl fuck you’re so good at that.” Praises were spewing from his mouth as you continued to suck him.
Then, he pulled you up by your hair and took your panties off from under your skirt. You straddled him and slowly pushed down. You moaned at the feeling of him stretching you.
“Oh yeah, that’s right. Ride daddy sweetheart.” You moaned at the name he gave himself. You began to bounce up and down, quickening your pace.
“Mmmm, daddy it feels so good.” You moaned.
“Yeah? Your tight pussy makes me want to shoot my load into you. Will you let me do that sweet girl?”
“Mhm! Yes daddy you can cum inside me.”
“Fucking hell.” He murmured in pleasure.
Before you knew it, you were clenching around him, crying out while you came. It wasn’t long before Nikki shot his hot, sweet cum inside of you painting your walls.
You collapsed next to him in the backseat. “Mind if I take you on a date sometime?” He asked calmly as if his cum wasn’t leaking out of you right now.
“Yes, I’d love that a lot…daddy.”
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alesyira · 6 months
'tis but a scratch
this spoilery bit of content happens much later on in villain, and by the time we actually get there, that whole story will have been revised a ton to correctly align with the prequel content i've been working on lately.
I'm quite mad that i cannot figure out how to format this like i want to, so extra spaces it is.
With all the destruction i'm writing this week with Mirio's prequel oneshots, there was a joke about how he'd need to retire and run off to hawaii when he eventually gets rid of OfA, and I made the offhanded comment that he'd better run before Hitoshi catches him after Mirio hurts Izuku ...
look if you've seen half of the painful content i've been shoving at the server you'd totally understand why people were like OH NO IZUKU
look, here, he's fine(ish)
The beginning of the end, for Izuku, occurs on a sunny afternoon. 
Or is it the end of the beginning?
With his hand tucked into the crook of Hitoshi's elbow, he hangs on with a quiet sort of joy at being escorted to the market for groceries. The tail end of his capture weapon clings to the back of his neck and trails beneath his shirt, smoothing over his skin in a slow pattern that never stills. They are in the middle of a quiet discussion about what they might make for dinner when Izuku notices the scent of ozone. 
And then,
He isn't usually lucid for these strange daydreams. 
snips of screaming
overlapping voices
hey, look
come with us
When he rouses from his moment, it turns out it wasn't a moment. He aches from head to toe. His mouth is like a desert, parched and dry. There's a vague coppery taste in the back of his throat. His eyes feel like they've been glued shut.
He has no idea where he is. Things are fuzzy around the edges. There's a quiet beeping from his left, and on his right...
the warm slide of Hitoshi's capture weapon drifts along his arm. His hand twitches, wanting to grasp something that he knows is safe. If that's here, then-
"Izuku," Hitoshi whispers. 
The knot of stress in his chest loosens minutely. He's here. 
"Stay still. I've got you."
He'd really like to know where he is and what's going on, but Hitoshi's fingers pressing against his palm will suffice for now. 
"You were nearly crushed by a hero crash-landing right next to you."
He quirks an eyebrow. Hitoshi correctly interprets it as a request for more information. "Hero's okay, probably. At least, they're fine from that impact. Whatever's wrong with them otherwise is a different story."
His brows scrunch low. His lips twitch into a frown. 
The word is enough to make him choke on his next breath. The last time he'd seen that hero in person had been a terrifying day. 
Twice now, though.  Twice he'd had an encounter with the hero, and twice he'd had - well... apparently a rough day. 
His lips part. He wants to ask for water, but no sound escapes. 
What the hell happened to me?
An ice chip sweeps slowly across his lower lip.
"Ah, don't cry," he hears Hitoshi gently admonish. "You're already dehydrated enough." 
Water drips between his lips, terribly slow. He wants to suck down an entire gallon of water, but he doesn't think he'd be able to lift a cup, let alone swallow right now.
"You've got an IV in with some fluids. It should help."
Where the hell am I?
He manages to crack open his right eye, but his vision is blurry. 
Gentle whispers echo in the farthest corners of the room, so vague he's not sure he's understanding the words.
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sabakos · 10 months
🔥 something about food (you've mentioned that you cook a lot but you don't foodpost that much)
I do need to foodpost more. Especially recipes, which I almost never remember to write down after I come up with them. Maybe I'll make up for lost mileage here on the rest.
The problem is it's hard to "Post" post about food because 100% of food snobbery is bullshit. When I dunk on New York pizza and say New Jersey's is better there's no more substance to it than when I make fun of the way Manhattanites say "bodega," I'm just being neighborly. Few people who e.g. decry pre-jarred minced garlic can tell the difference, most people who snob just like to seem like they're in on something.
The truth is that most people aren't bad at cooking, and it isn't really something you can be "bad" at. There's no great secret to it except the knowledge that all of the barriers that people have to getting "good" at cooking are psychological, and the faith that these barriers will be easily overcome with repetition.
You just have to do it more, by making a habit of it, and slowly work your way out of your comfort zone. Yes, I won't sugarcoat it, if you do take way too big a risk and fuck up a big fancy dish that's above your skill level that took hours of work, yes it will suck and if you're like me you will then order pizza or chinese food when you can afford to so that you'll be crying eating something other than a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. Yes, these things do happen, but much less often than you think. The real skill you develop in cooking is learning how to not take on more than you personally can handle, everything else is vocabulary and muscle memory.
This is why the most important thing is to start out simple as you build a habit of cooking and reprogram your brain first to believe that it feeds itself by making things not by scavenging them. You need to pick something where you are less likely to stress out about whether you will fuck it up and not eat dinner. If you like eggs, fry a lot of eggs until you can do it easily. I ate a Gaston number of eggs as a teenager. They're hard to master, (which you don't need to do) but also hard to render inedible after the first few tries. If you don't like or can't eat eggs there are other foods like this that are good to start out with, and generally soups, stews and chilis are also easy and a good way to ingratiate yourself with your roommates. You don't need to make the mother sauces or push yourself to do anything else french in order to make the other people around you happy, in fact I've seen no evidence that it even helps.
As you cook more, learn to take the easy way out when you can, e.g. buy a rice cooker if you believe it will mean you cook rice more often, but otherwise don't. If that sounds unhelpful to you now, know that a lot of this is as much self-knowledge as general cooking knowledge - i.e. what sort of things are you going to be lazy about? As you get more practice, you can focus on how to structure recipes in your head that work with your worst impulses. For me, I can't put up with more than a few minutes of chopping vegetables on most days, so I've started throwing raw onions, garlic, and other aromatics in a blender whenever they're going to fully cook down anyway. Some people apparently find chopping vegetables relaxing, and others might not feel comfortable deviating this much from a recipe at first, so they might not do this. But it's not a life hack, it's a personal idiosyncrasy. My setup works for me, etc.
As far as materials, it's also mostly all marketing bullshit. Don't go to reddit buyitforlife for product recommendations, you don't need a $200 chef's knife to cut tomatoes for a sandwich and you don't need anything with copper or cast iron in it. Get a good stainless steel saute pan, a sheet pan or two for the oven, and a heavy bottomed soup pot, if you don't already have them. Don't buy anything that costs more than $50. If you're worried about burning your house down, buy a fire extinguisher and keep it in your kitchen. If you're not worried about burning your house down, buy two of them, because you're the type of person who might burn their house down. If you're still worried, don't deep fry anything, keep a lid near your pan while cooking as a saftey blanket and learn what the word "saute" means and you'll do just fine.
tl;dr: it's not complicated
(but in all seriousness this is mostly a pep talk)
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dooplissss · 23 days
Long time lurker, saw your tag, go off about emmett and his gf im nosy.
thank you beloved i am kissing you if you so desire
ok. god. where do i start. ok so my oc Emmett is my newest dnd pc, he's. his life sucks so much.
my beautiful little guy had this lovely life on top of a mountain in the town of Annona, a quaint colorful place that is a bit of a tourist destination. His dad died about 8 years ago, right before his family adopted his little brother Eliseo, and so Emmett and Eliseo are really close to their mom Jazmin. They run a small restaurant together and importantly Emmett's dad was essentially the spiritual leader for the town for their goddess Mama Pallay (pal-lay), so losing him put the whole town in a bit of a tizzy. It wasn't said outloud that Emmett had to take his place but it certainly was implied, he just wasn't ready to take it up yet. Maybe someday, just not now.
Cue Marasmus, a little mushroom on the hillside that was plucked and sold at the farmers market, where Jazmin picked him up and served him to Emmett for dinner. She didn't know what would happen next, she really didn't and she's gonna seem like a bad guy but she isn't. Emmett ate this mushroom and it began to eat him alive, putting Emmett to sleep and walking and talking in his place until Emmett was barely conscious for months at a time.
Then one night at a congregation Emmett was about to feed a mushroom to his brother and it Woke Him Up, he wasn't asleep inside his body anymore. And he ran, he went home and packed his things as fast as he could only for his mom to block his way. And she knew that voice in his head, Marasmus, by name, begged Emmett to stay. Emmett escaped her grasped and ran away from home as far as he could, all while this voice in his head is yelling at him to turn back.
And he's been running ever since, while this awful thing possessing him tears him down and tells him he should feed people mushrooms that he doesn't understand the purpose of. He's done some dangerous things to get rid of this thing but nothing works, it always brings him back to life with more and more rot every time. So now he's a Pact of the Undead Warlock and hates every second of it
Then comes Yulissa, this lovely 6'6 deer firbolg who is so sweet to him. They run an errand together where she accidentally gets dunked into the ocean and Emmett offers her his gloves and she's immediately like. Oh. This man is so sweet. I think I'm a little in love with him. and Emmett (and me) is completely oblivious to this until later on he divulges some of his story and Yulissa promises she's here for him, he's not alone anymore, and he instantly falls in love against his better judgement. he has nothing he can give to her but she doesn't ask for anything other than to like her, not even love her just tolerate her and he can't help being head over heels for her
And now it turns out Yulissa is supposed to be a human sacrifice and over his already dead body will that happen, he's gone from so woe-is-me to I need to save her and I'll do anything it takes to get there, we will get our happy ending, I need her to see her worth just as she sees the worth in me. also they are purple and yellow bc i love complementary couples so much and they just AUGH
like he's basically a shambling corpse thats slowly rotting away and this person sees him and says 'I'm going to protect you, you've been through enough, let me help you' when all he's heard in his ear is consume consume consume i'm. i'm crazy about them. i could go on and on and on and i sure have i'm just having such a fun time with them. and it helps that the friend i'm playing in the space with is so fun and always has such brilliant ideas about them and we're just circling each other around this sweet little ship that could and i'm just having blast ok post over
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daisies-daydreams · 7 months
The Found Voyager - Chapter 2 (OP!OC Lilian x Shanks - Platonic)
Pairing: Lilian x Shanks (Platonic) Category: Fluff/Angst Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Mugging, Descriptions of Cuts/Bruises/Blood Word Count: TBA
Summary: Lilian shares her past with Shanks. The next morning, she decides to go out and buy gifts for the crew...only to find herself in a dire situation (Part 2 of a request from @shadytidalwavehideout).
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Lilian woke up to the feeling of the golden sun warming her face. She blinked slowly and nearly fell out of her bunk when she realized she wasn't in her bedroom. The young woman placed a hand over her heart when she saw her new crew mates snoring peacefully in their beds. She quietly slipped down the ladder and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Lilian hummed softly as she made her way to the upper deck. Shanks was already awake and leaning on the side of the ship, his eyes trained on the sun peeking over the horizon as he puffed at his pipe. He turned when he heard a board creak behind him.
"Didn't think anyone else would be awake at this hour," he grinned. Lilian giggled as she clutched her handbag.
"I'm just off to pick up a few things,” she explained. Shanks hummed as he blew a trail of smoke out of his nostrils.
"Would you like me to come with you?" he asked as he stepped forward. Lilian shook her head as she gripped the strap of her bag.
"No, thank you. It's a rather...secret mission," she whispered. Shanks chuckled as he sucked in another deep breath.
"Alright. Just make sure you're back in a couple of hours or else I'll send a search party after ya," he winked. Lilian giggled and nodded.
"I'll make sure!" she said before taking off with a wave.
The market was already crowded, people bustling in and out of the various stands and shops. She hummed to herself as she strolled through the rows of vendors, keeping her eyes peeled for anything that might interest her crewmates. The pink-haired woman nearly squealed when she laid eyes on a bottle of Shank’s favorite rum he was telling her about last night.
“Excuse me, how much for a bottle?” she asked the bearded shopkeeper.
“It’ll be three-hundred Berries,” the thin, blonde man replied. Lilian frowned.
“Oh, I only have a five-hundred,” she sighed.
“How about I throw in a small flask of whisky as well?” he grinned. Lilian returned his smile as they exchanged the money and alcohol. “Thank you and come again soon!” he waved. The young woman nodded and waved back before continuing her journey. By the time she had collected gifts for almost all of her new crewmates, the sun hung high above the clock tower at the center of town. Lilian gasped.
“I better get back soon,” she muttered to herself. Lilian quickly rounded the corner, only to bump into a large man. She gasped and stumbled against a wall as three men surrounded her.
“I’m so sorry, sir! I didn’t see you there,” Lilian apologized.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he grinned, a few of his teeth missing from his mouth. Lilian looked at each and every man: the large man bald with a scar across his face, the other one with long, greasy hair and an eye-patch, and the last tall and hulking.
“Are you all lost? I’m sorry, but I can’t provide any directions for-” her eyes widened when the one-eyed man pulled out a knife and held it to her chest.
“Give us all the money you’ve got on ya,” he sneered. Lilian swallowed a lump in her throat.
“I-I don’t-” she squeaked when the large man kept her pinned to the wall, his breath reeking of mead and cigar smoke.
“We heard you mention all the money your jewelry was worth in Minerva’s shop yesterday," he cackled. Lilian’s jaw dropped. She winced as the gangly man pressed the tip of his dagger closer to her throat.
“Hey, c’mon now cutie. Won’t you be nice to give us some cash… huh?” he lilted as he licked his chapped lips. You saw the third man crack his knuckles. Her blue tattoo began to glow blue as she readied her fingertips.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t really know you. So please, leave me-”
Shanks furrowed his brows as he scanned the market from the dock of his ship.
"She still hasn't come back?" Benny grunted. The Chief sighed and shook his head, his heart sinking into the pit of his stomach.
"What's going on?" Hongo asked. Benny and Shanks turned to their crewmember, only to see the rest come up behind him.
"Lilian's been gone for hours," Shanks said as he marched over to his quarters. He soon returned with a cutlass on his hip. The crewmembers' faces grew pale. "I'm going to search for her. You're all welcome to come with me," he said gruffly before marching towards the ramp. Every man looked at each other before walking behind their Chief.
The next time Lilian woke up, her head was throbbing with a dull ache. She winced as she slowly opened her eyes, her vision blurry and head relentlessly spinning. Lilian released a sharp cry as she tried to steady herself, her arms shaking and covered in crimson scrapes and indigo bruises. She blinked a few times before falling back onto the cobblestone. The young woman hissed in pain before she felt something sticky against her cheek. A cold chill ran down her spine as she dreaded to see what was below her. She pulled herself up again, finding stability on her palms as she balanced on her scratched knees.
She nearly screamed as she backed away and saw a pool of thick, scarlet blood right where her head was resting. Lilian turned her head but whimpered as a sharp pain shot through her skull.
“Where are they?” she thought as her mind raced. She gasped when she couldn’t find her bag of gifts.
“No,” she whispered as hot tears rushed down her cheeks. All that time picking out the gifts she thought they’d loved were gone. She scraped her fingernails against the pavement as she gritted her teeth. She shot up with a sudden rush of adrenaline, catching herself against the wall as she shivered. Lilian puffed through her flared nostrils as she wobbled on her bruised legs. She clutched her side and coughed violently. A group of people gasped as she flopped onto the street, thankfully catching herself on her hands again.
“Someone get a Marine!” a man called. Lilian shook as blood flowed from the gash on her forehead.
“It’s all my fault, I didn’t act fast enough…I-I should’ve use my magic,” she thought as blood and tears trickled onto the pavement below. She felt a pair of hands on her back as her vision began to fade.
“Ma’am, I need you to stay with me…" a muffled voice said. She crawled forward on her hands and knees, her eyes lingering on the red plus-sign in front of her.
"Need to get…there," she slurred before collapsing onto the ground.
Lilian gasped and lurched forward. She hissed when her ribs felt like they were about to pop, her head still throbbing with a dull ache. She glanced around and found herself in a hospital room. The events that recently transpired hit her like a ton of bricks. She clutched her aching side and sniffled before sobbing into her knees.
“I’m telling you, I need to see her!” Shanks bellowed down the hall. Lilian perked her head up as she heard a woman scoff.
“There’s no way I’m letting a crowd like you take one more step inside our clinic,” she huffed.
“But ma’am, I’m a doctor! Surely you can make an exception,” Hongo chimed in.
“No way!” she replied with an angry snort. Lilian turned her head to the door as auguring broke out amongst the crowd. Her eyes widened when she realized the entire crew was in the lobby.
"Sir! I can't let you back there! Sir!" the woman snapped. Lilian flinched when the door swung open. Shanks' eyes widened before his face twisted with rage.
“Shanks,” Lilian called in an exhausted voice. The other crew members filed in behind him to the chagrin of the receptionist. “Benny…Limmy…you’re all here,” she choked. Shanks rushed to her side and quickly kissed her cheek. She sniffed as he dropped to his knees and squeezed her hand.
“I thought we’d lost you,” the Chief said in a shaky voice. Lilian frowned as her throat tightened.
“I-I’m sorry,” she sobbed. Shanks gripped her hand even tighter.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, kid,” he reassured her. The rest of the crew quietly filed in, their expressions mirroring their Chief’s as they gave her space.
“Y-Yes there is. I should’ve had someone come with me, should’ve brought a weapon along, should-” she paused when Shanks pressed another kiss to her cheek, his warm lips lingering for a bit longer than usual. He brushed his fingers over her knuckles as his eyes glossed over.
“I’m just glad you’re still here,” he choked. Lilian sniffed before she went to wrap her arms around Shanks, only to cry out in pain.
“I knew I never should’ve left Fairygod Island,” she sighed. All of the men gave her a perplexed look.
“Where the hell is that?” Yassop asked before someone smacked him upside the head. Lilian’s eyes widened as she gripped her blanket. All eyes were on her now as she remained stiff as a board. She nervously looked over at Shanks who gave her a reassuring nod. Lilian took a deep breath.
“It’s an island in the sky,” she said. Everyone muttered as they gave her uneasy looks.
“I thought the sky islands were just a myth,” Limmy whispered. Lilian sighed.
“I know it hard to believe, but it’s true,” she hesitated to tell the next part of her story. The crew waited with bated breath as the young woman squeezed her hands. “And my parents…they’re the King and Queen of Fairygod Island,” she explained. Everyone’s eyes widened as their jaws dropped.
“Are you serious?!” Lucky screeched.
“Yes,” she silently glanced down at her lap. “They were terribly cruel people, never letting me walk about the towns nearby and only bringing me out when I needed to make an appearance for one of their many lavish parties,” the princess sighed. “That’s why my butler Kumo helped me escape,” Lilian explained. Everyone had an uneasy expression written on their face when she finished her story.
“I know it’s hard to believe, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all right away. I just…I didn’t want you to see me any differently just because I’m royalty,” she sighed. Lilian’s eyes widened as Shanks squeezed her hand.
“It’s okay, Lilian. We believe you,” the red-haired man stated. Everyone nodded, though some seemed more convinced than others. Lilian gave a small, warm smile.
“Thank you,” she breathed. Shanks nodded.
“If you're not too shaken up, could you tell us what happened earlier today?” he asked.
“More importantly, who the hell did this to you?” Benny asked as he drummed his fingers against his sword, his voice laced with venom. Lilian sighed as Shanks wiped at her swollen cheeks.
“I-It was a group of three men. One was thin and gangly, one big and muscular, and the other…well, he was about in between,” she sniffed. “Th-They all looked different-but the biggest one had a horizontal scar across his face and a red bandana on his head,” Lilian explained. Benny clenched his jaw as he gripped his sword.
"Those bastards," he gritted his teeth before he spun on his heel. The man paused before turning back around and kissing Lilian on the cheek.
“Limmy, Gab, you’re with me,” he barked. The two other men kissed Lilian’s cheek before heading out, readying their weapons.
“No weapons in the building!” the receptionist screeched. Lilian couldn’t help but giggle a little before her side ached. Shanks patted the side of her face as he kept her hand in his.
“It’ll be okay, Lilian,” he reassured her with a warm smile. Lilian felt her heart swell as the rest of the crew lined up behind him, each taking their turn giving her a soft kiss on her cheeks. Hongo stepped forward, his brows knitted together as he wore a deep frown. He barely ghosted his fingers over the wrap on her head. Tears welled in his eyes.
“Look at what those bastards did to you,” he sucked in a sharp breath. Lilian sighed as he cupped her cheek with his large palm.
“Wish I could’ve gone on that damn hunt,” Lucky said as he curled his fist. The young woman sniffed, making all of the men turn their attention to her.
“I-I’m sorry. I j-just never had anyone care about me like this,” she cried as she wiped her eyes. The room fell into a heavy silence as she sobbed into her hands.
“Of course we care about you, Lilian,” Shanks said.
“Yeah, you’re our girl!” Yasopp piped up. Lilian’s eyes widened before she cried even harder. Shanks cooed as he gently wrapped his arms around her and stroked her back.
“Thank you, thank you everyone,” she smiled as tears streamed down her face.
Lilian perked her head up when a pouch was tossed onto her bed. She glanced up to see Benny standing with his arms crossed, a few strands of blood crossing his outfit.
“Sorry we couldn’t bring you back the full amount. Damn thieves made off with almost half of what was in your bag,” he said. Limmy and Gab stepped up behind him, their faces grim and worn. Lilian gently took the pouch and placed it on her bedside table.
“Thank you,” she said with a weak smile. Benny grunted and looked down at the Chief still holding her hand even as he snored against the side of her bed.
“He hasn’t moved an inch,” Lilian whispered.
“Well, that’s Shanks for ya,” Limmy said with a nod. The rest of the crew were all asleep, their loud snores echoing inside the small room as they lay slumped against the wall or in a chair. Lilian sighed.
“I’m still upset that I couldn’t give you guys your gifts,” she said as she gripped her blanket.
“Gifts?” Benny asked. Lilian nodded, her heart feeling too heavy inside her chest.
“That’s why I went out today-to buy gifts for all of you,” she replied. Gab’s bottom lip trembled as he sniffed and wiped at his eye.
“Aw Gab, you big softie,” Limmy jested.
“It’s been forever since I’ve gotten a gift,” he sniffled. Lilian frowned as she held up her hands.
“I’m so sorry. You would’ve had it by now if-”
“It’s not your fault,” Benny cut in. Lilian shrank in her bed.
“I-I know,” she sighed as she twiddled her thumbs. Benny shifted in place.
“How about this: two of us go out shopping with you tomorrow. We can split the difference between us,” he said.
“Absolutely not,” Hongo muttered nearby. The three of them flinched.
“I thought you were asleep!” Limmy whispered loudly. Hongo yawned.
“I was. But like I said-Lilian should stay here and heal for a few days before she goes out again,” the doctor stated. Lilian’s heart sank as she sighed.
“He’s right,” she said before yawning and blinking slowly. Hongo cooed.
“Get some rest, Lilian,” he whispered. The young woman nodded before drifting off to a much needed, deep sleep.
A bird chirped right outside Lilian’s window as the sun seeped through the cracks of the blinds. She yawned and stretched, only to grimace at her sore arms. Lilian gasped when she saw a bounty of packages set in front of her. Her crew stood in the doorway behind Shanks.
“What’s all this?” she asked as she looked at the pile. The Chief stepped inside and kissed her cheek.
“Benny told me your little plan from yesterday,” he grinned. You glanced over at the man who wore a small smile. “So, the crew and I went out and decided to return the favor,” Shanks continued. Lilian’s throat tightened as she smiled ear to ear.
“Do you like it?” Lucky asked. She nodded as she placed her hands over her mouth.
“I love it! Thank you all so much!” the young woman beamed. They all nodded, their smiles just as wide as hers. Lilian thanked each and every one of them as she opened her gifts. Her heart has never felt fuller as she looked around at her new crew: she was finally home.
Thank you for reading! 💖
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
“i know this may be hard to believe but i’m on your side” with jack? id be really interested to see what you write with this prompt, it could even be paired with “You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here.” ?? idk but i’m starved for jack russel content i need more of your writing 🫶🫶
There really isn't as much Jack Russell content out here, anon. You're totally right on that. And it makes me really happy to hear you're enjoying my writing that much 💙
Stop Right There
Send me a quote and a character and I'll write a small reader drabble
tags: meet cute (kinda?) | Ted got locked up (again) | security guard!reader | gn!reader
ships: Jack Russell/Reader
Edit: added AO3 link
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"I know this may be hard to believe but I am on your side." + "You've got thirty seconds to explain to me what you're doing here."
These parties usually were pretty boring. When people think about the 1% partying they usually imagine the wildest shit from orgies to black market auctions. You've acted as security for more than your fair share of eccentric parties and it never was anything remarkable. The most exciting thing to happen is some over-eager heir getting too drunk too quickly and rushing to the nearest bathroom to empty their stomach. 
This time was different. 
You were tasked to guard the highlight of the party, some strange creature the host had acquired recently. You hadn't seen it, just heard some of the noises from inside the room it was kept in. 
You stood guard outside the room alone. Apparently the host thought their new pet wasn't as valuable as to require any more security. A low groan filters through the door, an inhuman, almost mournful sound, and you grit your teeth. This is your job. It sucks but you can't let sad animal noises distract you from your purpose here. 
A sudden noise, like metal banging against metal, catches your attention. You turn towards the door. Something was happening inside. 
You grab the handle and open the door, your curiosity getting the better of you. As you walk inside the sparsly decorated room you see a giant metal cage containing what you could describe as a huge bipedal creature covered in foliage with red glowing eyes. This must be the creature the host had been talking about. 
In front of the cage stands a man. 
You immediately raise your weapon at the stranger. 
"You've got thirty seconds to explain to me what you're doing here."
The man in front of you startles and turns towards you. He's wearing a dark green suit, intricate patterns woven into the fabric. What catches your eye is his face - this man is beautiful. His stunning eyes regard you, not like you're a threat, which is what you're used to, but like an equal. He smiles awkwardly and clears his throat. 
"Ah, hello. I am- well I was looking at this uh- specimen."
God, this man was a bad lier. 
"Nobody is supposed to be here. How did you even get in here?", you ask, feeling a little bit offended that somebody managed to sneak past you. Maybe all those boring parties really have made you let your guard down more than you should. 
The flutter of curtains catches your attention and you look over the wide open window. Did he…?
Before you can ask the man speaks up: "Listen, my name is Jack. And you seem like a nice person. I mean you haven't shot me yet so…"
He looks nervously towards the gun you have still pointed at him. Slowly you point your weapon downwards and Jack's shoulders slump with a sigh.  
"I will explain myself. See, this fine gentleman-" He points to the creature trapped in the metal cage, "He's my friend. I am here to get him out. Again."
You blink owlishly at him, not sure about what you're hearing. 
"That's your friend?" 
"Yes. His name is Ted."
You look over to the creature and it waves at you. Without really thinking about it you hesitantly wave back. 
This is the weirdest night of your life. 
"I won't ask you to help me but could you just…look the other way? We'll be out of your hair in no time."
The creature - Ted - looks at you and you'd never thought that red glowing eyes could look sad. This mournful, heart-breaking moan escapes him once again and without the door between you it's even harder to ignore how much it affects you. 
You grit your teeth and shake your head. Fuck it. The host of this whole thing was an asshole anyways.
"I know this may be hard to believe but I am on your side.", you look at both Jack and Ted and put your weapon back in your holster. 
With careful steps you walk closer to them, making sure not to startle any of them any more than you already had. 
"How can I help?" 
Jack's eyes widen in surprise and there is a spark there, this small glimmer of hope. Ted hums thoughtfully at you and you feel this deep sense of calm, like you already know you've made the right decision. 
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Hello! If it's alright, I would like to put in a request for a fic > Zhang Ping x Lan Jue. The prompt is they had a big fight and Zhang Ping went home looking like a kicked puppy. Lan Jue after a few days decided to coax and apologize to Zhang Ping because he realized they might break-up the longer their fight goes. The rest is up to you!
Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day!
"A hotheaded fool..."
"Of course, Daren."
"Would these be enough or should I empty out the stores again?" Xu Dong flourishes his hand. Peizhi snaps his mouth shut and flicks his sleeves back.
There are five baskets of produce, two bolts of fabric suitable for Zhang Ping and someone in his station, three jars of fine southern wine, a new set of ivory-handled writing brushes, two boxes of rare books from Lan Jue's own personal collection, and perhaps most importantly, a custom made set of cooking knives.
Frowning, he purses his lips. "Go to the chestnut seller and buy a pack of freshly roasted ones."
Peizhi thinks he sees Xu Dong's left eye twitch at his order, even as he bows and leaves to carry out his errand. "A donkey," He mutters, pouring out a fresh cup of tea. "I'm in love with an absolute donkey."
Zhang Ping is living in better conditions these days, which, for Lan Jue is still not as good as having him actually stay in Lan Manor. It isn't as if he hasn't offered him a place, if anything he had to practically tie him down just to get him to stay during those nights their discussions and meandering thoughts take a deeper, more physical touch.
Of course, when he complains about this, Mowen merely laughs at him and his woes.
"You made your bed," Mowen had managed between bouts of roaring laughter. "You can lay in it too."
This is to say, no one can understand why he is so truly determined to keep Zhang Ping by his side in the scant few months before he has to leave for Yiping County.
Peizhi tries not to think about how hurt Zhang Ping had looked when he rebutted something he said with a scoffed, "Of course you wouldn't know where your home is, you don't have one!"
That had been that. Zhang Ping had sucked in a breath, asking with a quiet voice and brown eyes that are sheened over with an emotion that was more than sadness, "Is that what you truly believe?"
And a good week has passed since he last saw Zhang Ping. Not a hair nor sight of his harried tail for one good week.
One whole week wasted being apart when they could just be...
The ache in his stomach returns with a twist, tugging in deep. Tamping down his annoyance at himself, he exhales slowly, gritting his teeth.
Looking up, he can spy the golden tops of the imperial palace glimmering in the noonday sun. Urgency burns bright in his bones. Wasting time, they're all just wasting time, and there is nothing Peizhi can do to stop the turning of the hours.
Helplessness bleeds through. Sinking its claws into his chest. He, Lan Jue, won't beg for anything from anyone but the thought that this ego could be the reason they could part without a second glance or another word, even as friends, even as strangers...
The ache in his core hollows him out and he gasps, gripping the corner of his table as a wave of lightheadedness washes over him.
Someone pushes him to a more relaxed position, and distantly Peizhi hears a familiar, gentle sigh next to his ear. "What have you been working yourself up on again?"
"Zhang Ping?"
His lover casts him a look from the corner of his eyes. Peizhi is so engrossed with drinking in the sight of him, the warmth of his body so close to him, the way he smells like the market and home all at once, that he completely misses the steaming bowl of noodles being placed in front of him.
"You haven't been eating. Xu Dong told me."
Someone is getting his pay docked next month.
"He's been telling tall tales," Peizhi grumbles, but not refusing the pair of chopsticks being pressed into his hand. Quickly, his other hand darts out to grab Zhang Ping by the wrist, refusing to let him go too far. "Don't..."
He snaps his mouth shut, turning his face away. But before he can let go, Zhang Ping turns his hand, sliding their palms together. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."
Peizhi lets him fuss, serving him tea until he took his first bite of the food Zhang Ping brought with him. "Lan-daren, I want you to listen to me," Zhang Ping says after a moment of silence. "Alright?"
"Zhang Ping..."
"I know you have me in your heart, that's why you've been restless these last few weeks," Zhang Ping starts with a small smile. "You keep begging me to stay, you've tried every means in your book to keep me by your side every time. I know that you have been anxious about my impending departure for Yiping County, but Daren, I am too."
Peizhi sets his chopstick down, reaching for Zhang Ping's hand. "If you knew, if you feel the same way, then why...?"
"Because I thought that if I could still keep this small distance, if I could just... Keep you at a distance, then maybe, when we have to part, it won't..."
"It won't?"
Zhang Ping leans in, knocking their brows together. "It won't hurt as bad as I know it will."
Peizhi surrenders, then. Leans in and wraps himself around Zhang Ping. Lets strong arms hold him tightly and clings on. "I won't tell you to stay, you know that."
"I do."
"I won't do anything that will impede your ambitions."
Zhang Ping's soft huff of amusement tickles at the curve of his jaw. "I know that."
"But until you have to leave, can you please just stay?" Peizhi whispers, tilting his head, brushing his lips to the bare skin of Zhang Ping's neck. "Please. For me, just do this for me."
Zhang Ping's quiet, "Mn" is everything encapsulated into a singular syllable. And with that, a knot in his heart seems to unravel. Burying himself tighter against Zhang Ping, Peizhi hides the joy he feels, pressing his smile onto a clothed shoulder.
Later, and later still, when all that covers their bare skins is the wash of silver moonlight and the warm night air, Peizhi luxuriates in the feeling of Zhang Ping's fingers carding through his hair.
"I'm sorry for what I said."
"Which part?" Zhang Ping teases, grunting a burst of laughter when Peizhi bites at his arm in retaliation.
Pulling him back to his side, Zhang Ping runs his clever fingers down the line of his spine.
"If you mean to be apologising for what you said the other day about me not having a home, then I should also apologise."
Puzzled, Peizhi shifts himself to look into Zhang Ping's warm and fond eyes, waiting for him to continue. "I was hurt, yes. But more than that, I was disappointed in myself."
"Disappointed, yes." His beloved smiles wryly. Gentle fingertips brush over Peizhi's cheek, settling his touch on the side of his head. "Disappointed in me that I ever made you doubt that you are my home."
A wave of sudden affection cinches itself around his throat, leaving Peizhi breathless, struck dumb at the confession.
Zhang Ping shuffles closer, snuggling into Peizhi. "I know you haven't promised me anything, but in a few years, once the roots of the Empress Dowager's influence have been cleared out, I'll come back to you. And when I do, let's live together. In a house with two studies and a room for both our books. We can have a garden and a place where we can keep a few fish. At night, we can watch the moon together on the veranda. We can be together."
With a hand to Peizhi's chest, he whispers, "Alright?"
Quickly turning his face into the pillow, Peizhi breathes in deep over the prickle of emotion clogging his throat. Not that there was any doubt in the wet sniffles colouring the night silence between them, but Zhang Ping allows him this, moving in for gentle kisses to his temple.
"Have you been eating candies? Since when did your mouth become so sweet?" Peizhi grouses. Pulling Zhang Ping tightly to him, he nods, cheek to warm skin. "A gentleman never goes back on his promise. So you must remember this."
Zhang Ping's laughter in his ear is as good as the sweetest melodies plucked by the most talented musicians. Tangling their bodies together once more, Peizhi smiles when Zhang Ping says, "Of course. I'll need to come home to you after all."
[send me an ALoN prompt!]
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