#Howard Sasportas
thebeatlescharts · 1 year
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“The First House The first house deals with not only personal identity but the beginning of the self. It also defines the way we approach the beginnings of all things, new endeavors, new phases of life, as well as “the inborn expectations and images we have whenever we have to ‘get something started’. 
Additionally, the first house--often described as the mask we wear, and therefore, how others see us--gives an indication of the effect we have on others when we arrive on the scene.” Howard Sasportas
☀️ John’s Sun is in Paul’s 1st House: John felt that he had found almost a copy of himself in Paul. He felt connected from the start. A strong physical attraction and many things in common with each other. John felt encouraged to be his genuine self. John’s warmth brought out the best in Paul, with John potentially playing the role of a mentor. Egos have to be put aside for a relationship like this to work, since they often want to play the same role. Because of the Sun’s natural rulership of the fifth house and the asc’s rulership of the physical body, there’s a good chance there was physical attraction present in this partnership.
❤️ Paul's Venus in John’s 1st House: Venus falling in a person’s first house makes this person your physical ideal. Paul loved the way John presented himself. This includes his fashion sense, general style, musical preference and all his own quirks and mannerisms. Paul would give John a boost of confidence and pride in himself. Very intense “love at first sight” vibes and strong affection. Paul helped John present himself in a more harmonious manner, and John helped Paul feel more confident in his social and artistic endeavors. 
🧡 John’s Mars falls in Paul’s 1st House: They had a fiesty and firey relationship that outsiders could rarely understand. Though John could not hide how Paul made him feel, he felt inclined to restrict himself when it came to Paul. There was a tug of war for dominance in the relationship. Very sensual and bold vibes to this placement. John kept Paul on his toes. 
💜 John’s Neptune falls in Paul’s 1st House: Points to a more mystical bond and connection. His effect on Paul could often be soothing. 
🌌 John’s Sun, Mars, Neptune and Node all fall in Paul’s 1st House
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sublecturas · 1 year
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"Los dioses del cambio", de Howard Sasportas en la #LíneaD
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impartialspectator · 2 months
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kryovene · 7 months
the 12th house
loosely based on the twelve houses by howard sasportas & liz greene
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surrender, the collective, returning to source, unity
the 12h has an ominous reputation, rightfully so. 12h themes are very difficult for most of us to deal with. the 12h is about our yearning for the safety of the womb, to be surrounded by everything and nothing, to be complete and whole. we suffer the trauma of separation to be born and struggle to find that unity for the rest of our lives. our ego and individuality directly conflicts with this emptiness we subconsciously (usually) want to fill.
we want to be connected and return to source. we want to be bigger than ourselves. but we also are very attached to our identity. this internal struggle especially affects 12h placements. love, sex, drugs, prayer, and power are common things used to deal with this urge of being connected or blurring boundaries.
attachment and identity
most of the things we associate with our identity are external. if we lost everything - family, friends, money, housing - we would still be a person. we do not lose our personhood in losing these external factors. so what is our identity then? what is deeper that is not dependent on our outer world? how much of our inner world is also dependent on our perception of our outer world? does our identity change in losing these things, or was that not our identity in the first place? in the moment of losing them what is your identity? how can it change immediately if identity takes time to develop?
the signs through the 12h
aries 12h brings an unpredictable nature when dealing with these themes. these natives may be unaware of where their urgency comes from.
taurus 12h may not be aware of their need for security. they may try many of the strategies mentioned above to figure out what's missing.
gemini 12h has a lot of mental energy that can be hard to organize. they may not even know what to attach to their identity, but don't feel fully connected to source either.
cancer 12h has a lot of emotional energy to work through. probably very nostalgic. may base their identity on others.
leo 12h has their ego very dominant. they may not know that how they react is because of pride and ego. leans to extremes by either sacrificing only the self or only others. likely to seek power/influence
virgo 12h is very sensitive to the hardships of the collective. They want to help and heal others but they may not know how to do so, and this can cause issues with the self.
libra 12h may struggle a lot with the injustices of the world. they struggle to find their place in it all. they want to do the right thing for others but it's hard for them to know how to do right by themselves.
scorpio 12h brings a lot of doubt around the idea of a universal "source". they want to believe in the universe and generally just want to have faith - but life can sometimes beat them down.
sagittarius 12h is no stranger to the pain of the collective, but they don't like to show it. they feel something there but they shift their focus to the self and put surviving first.
capricorn 12h brings a serious attitude to the conflict between source and self. they feel the world's pain and want to work to change it. this may sacrifice their personal attachments.
aquarius 12h understands the importance of being connected to source. however, others may not understand or see them as someone connected, so they may struggle to express their concerns. may be self-sacrificing
pisces 12h is easily influenced by others and may have a changing identity. their ways for coping with being away from source can vary a lot due to impulsivity. this energy is inconsistent and hard to describe
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malachiteclouds · 2 years
🌟natal astrology observations part 1 🌟
✫ every gemini moon I've ever known has a terrible habit of lying completely unprovoked, especially if their mercury is also in an air sign. however, I think it just comes from a place of playfulness and excitement rather than deeper deception or manipulation.
✫ people w chiron conjunct/square/opposite jupiter are unbelievably dogmatic if they don't make a conscious effort not to be. they have this air about them that screams "you will never fully understand a concept unless I am the one to specifically explain it to you".
✫ (tw: dv) every person w chiron conjunct mars that I've met grew up in a HIGH crime neighborhood or had a lot of DV in the home. especially if it is in the 3rd, 4th, or 7th house.
✫ the 12th house represents your experience in the womb. ex: jupiter in 12H probably had a very lovely time in the womb, mom probably ate all the right things, sang to you, and lots of love and warmth. mercury in 12H might've had a mom who was overthinking or maybe very stressed during pregnancy (if you are more interested in this idea, read The Development of the Personality vol 1. by Howard Sasportas).
✫ men with lilith conjunct/square neptune tend to have SUCH a skewed image of women/femininity. they tend to have crazy "post-nut clarity", they'll see women as completely flawless until they get off then they hate them with their whole hearts.
✫ you will 100% know if a person w pluto conjunct venus is in love with you or not. they will go to the ends of the earth to prove their unconditional love. for them, love has to cost something for it to count- there needs to be some type of sacrifice.
✫ sun/ascendant conjunct pluto are polarizing as all hell. you either love them or you hate them, and honestly, that is determined by where the overlay is for your chart- people project on them a lot.
✫ saturn in the 8th or 12th house are the types of people to spend their whole time inebriated/under the influence trying to convince other people they aren't faded. there's this weird need to prove that they have everything under control and can handle their shit. IMO, psychedelics would be pretty rough for them (or at least extremely transformative).
✫ venus opposite saturn feels immense dissatisfaction with indulgence if it has not been worked for. the type to play hooky and regret it the moment they call out.
✫ sagittarius moons are almost always louder about stuff they have no clue about than their area of expertise. always assumes you want their unsolicited advice and get upset when you don't 💀
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numerologica · 28 days
debunking some 12th house placements / stelliums in composite houses? usually ive seen people here say there’s usually an expiry date with those placements but vedic astro has a different say!
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First and foremost: I don't know much about vedic astrology as my personal education is based on western/hellenistic, so I can't tell what vedic astrology has to say with 12H Placements/Stelliums in Composite, but I definitely can tell you what my education & experience taught me.
(¹) Difference Between Western and Vedic Astrology - Saurav Chaturvedi
(²) What's Hellenistic Astrology - Chris Brennan
⎯ A Composite Chart is basically the fusion of two [or 3+ at times] charts together, and it indicates the general energy of a relationship, without taking into account the individuals as synastry does.
⎯ Unlike Synastry that indicates the dynamics of interaction between two [or 3+ at times] people and their general compatibility, Composite Charts kind of show the outcomes of this interaction, it's like a third component to the relationship.
read this: the Composite Chart by the astrologer Liz Greene.
" When we are looking at a composite chart, we are not exploring what two people activate in each other or feel about each other. We are interpreting the energy field they generate between them. The composite chart is like a child, a third entity which carries the genetic imprints of both parents but combines these imprints in an entirely new way and exists independently of either of them. "
~ Liz Greene, The Composite Chart
(³) The 12th House - AstroTwins
All I'm writing below is based on these books from professional, experienced and reliable astrologers: Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan, The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas, Ancient Astrology by Demetra George and The Contemporary Astrologer's Handbook by Sue Tompkins.
⎯ it is about the unconscious, behind the scenes activity, secrets, spirituality, hiding, secret enemies, hidden things, mystery, mysticism, psychic abilities, restricted spaces such as hospitals and jails, grief, healing, enlightenment, transcendence, dreams, confusion and at times even illusion, altered perception of things/reality, hypnosis, magic, self-undoing/self-destruction/self-healing, addiction, sacrifice, dependency over things/people, escapism, the holistic world, enigmas, sorrowful experiences, things that don't seem real, seclusion, loneliness, confinement, charity.
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doesn't matter how romanticized these placements may be by tiktok/pop astrologers, it is astrologically and realistically more correct to say that 12H Placements in Composite Charts especially Stelliums could be a bit hard to handle due to the complex nature of the 12H and also potentially the complex nature of the planets involved (ex. Mars/Pluto/Saturn/Uranus). Is this relationship destined to be a disaster? Not necessarily. Is it destined to fail? Not necessarily.
[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER : the entire chart must be analyzed as well, always.
⎯ Having a secret relationship or having a lot of secrets while in a relationship
⎯ Being very devoted to each other to the point of having a mystical/spiritual relationship
⎯ Being overly sacrificing, both or one of the partners involved may give more than take and find him/her/themselves frustrated because of it
⎯ Refusing to see your partner's flaws or face your relationship problems for the sake of keeping the "perfect and unconditional love"
⎯ Having an idealised view of each other, or one having an idealised view of the other partner. This can result either in deep admiration or a toxic "I put you on a pedestal" thing
⎯ Having a lot of unresolved karma together, maybe from past relationships or past situations
⎯ Cheating (I know it's a hard pill to swallow but it can happen), due to secrets/idealisation of the partner to the point of possibly overlooking his/her/their behaviour and actions.
⎯ Being "addicted" to one another, both positively or negatively
⎯ Healing together, having a religious relationship where you both practice the same form of spiritual activities or religion
⎯ Deep, intimate and exclusively private bond with someone who's able to see your darkest side, your "hidden world", almost telepathic connection
⎯ Issues with communicating or communicating emotions
⎯ Feeling alone, restricted or imprisoned in the relationship
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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Pluto in Third house
Those with Pluto in the 3rd are powerful on the mental plane and if they hold a certain attitude towards another person, they can ‘box’ the person in to such a degree that he or she inevitably acts out the projection. Therefore if they want someone’s behaviour to change, they might try altering the context in which they are viewing that person. It is a basic fact of life that attention carries energy.
- Howard Sasportas 🪄
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silversnake888 · 2 years
The Self-Identity of Every 1st house Placement
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Planets in the 1st house can seem deeply woven into your self-identity as if it is unconscious. It is your automatic reaction when meeting new people, and putting yourself out into the world. It is the house of self-identity, but the house of self-discovery too. You will face the complicated world with these energies, but any planet within your 1st house can change its energy from immaturity to maturity. Howard Sasportas says, "...the sign on the Ascendant colors our view of existence. If we have red glasses, the world looks red and we will act accordingly." So, the planets in this house will color the outlook of your life too.
Sun is an intertwining planet with the Ascendant. Howard Sasportas says, "The Ascendant may be the way we hatch but what we grow into is the Sun sign. In other words, the Ascendant is the path leading to the Sun." So, your sun sign inside this house means you greatly identify with your outward projection. Of course, chart systems can make you a Virgo sun with a Libra Rising but how you identify yourself is still heavily based on a mix of Virgo and Libra. The sun can never go retrograde, so it shines quite bright here. The only problem is identifying with the other parts of your chart like your 12th house. You may feel absolutely separated from the ruling sign of your 12th house (and any planets in this house) because you are so focused on your outward image. You love self-discovery, but the self-discovery that pertains to the image you project to others. You want to shine brightly before others. Unless you have Chiron, Pluto, Moon, or Saturn in this house you may find yourself identifying with the hidden parts of yourself (the identity that separates you from your outer image like the 4th house) much later in life.
Moon in the 1st house makes you understand how your self-identity is fickle. It is changing with the moon cycles it seems, but I describe this planet as swaying with the waves in the sea. It may get crazy, but you normally keep a tight grip on making sure you try to project the best image you can. Simply, your outward projection will change how you feel and the people around you. If you feel like you can be yourself, then you will act the way you desire to be seen the most. You will project a slightly false image when uncomfortable, but this still is the image you want to project. You just may feel disconnected from that self-projection when you aren't feeling comfortable, confident, etc. I can imagine this placement making people feel like posers and fake when meeting new people, but you will adopt the persona that protects you first.
Mercury gives you the ability to relate to how you talk, communicate over text or any other form than literally talking, and your intellect. How you use your Mercurial skills and talents is how you identify, and you place heavy emphasis on improving this aspect of yourself. You may approach people using your intelligence first because that is what you identify with. This placement makes you enjoy deep-diving into deep topics, and having deep conversations with others feels gratifying for you. This planet will morph differently based on the sign plus close aspects. Any tight orbs like 3 degrees will greatly modify how you interact with the world. If you have a lot of air interacting with this planet then you will act accordingly to Mercury's energy, but if it's fire then you may be very impulsive with your speech and actions.
Venus is a beneficial planet because it gives you great outer beauty, but the focus is on all beauty too. Venus is not shallow by any means. This planet appreciates all beauty and wants it to flourish. So, your sense of beauty will flourish throughout your life. Simply, we as humans can be the shallow ones. You may feel deeply connected to putting on clothes and/or accessories as a young child to make yourself feel good, but you may not show this side of yourself until you feel comfortable (aspects and other planets will affect how willingly you are to beautify yourself when young). However, your life will be intertwined with your sense of beauty and how to fulfill it. You may go through many phases trying to find the way you feel most beautiful, and these phases may never stop too. You are sensual, caring, and appreciative of all the fine things in life.
Mars feels at home here due to this being the house of Aries. However, the pure Martian energy is intense. You are assertive and independent. You relate to chasing after what you want whenever you want and don't listen to many. You might not enjoy unsolicited advice or comments when you didn't ask. Unless badly aspected you may be sexually active and have intense sexual desires too. Looking sexy may be a huge part of your confidence. You see the world through a lens of possibilities and excitingly jump head-first into life. You are so intensely interested in the self-discovery of who you are too. You may enjoy refining yourself physically, or how you meet new people. Your identity is a constant thing that you continue to discover and refine with joy.
Jupiter might be the one planet that consistently shows up in your appearance in this house. It rules the calves/thighs, and you may be quite athletic. However, Jupiter expands everything it touches so conjuncting planets will be affected too. You probably enjoy food and any pleasures similarly to the Venus in 1st house native. You may love adventure, and exploring places and/or higher knowledge. The thirst for new experiences is strong in this placement. No matter what you will approach the world with optimism.
Saturn gives a heaviness to the pursuit of self-discovery, because you may be bogged down by the sign of your Saturn. If your Saturn is in Aries for example, then you will have issues with impulsiveness and anger as a very young child. However, the benefit to Saturn is the obstacles and barriers are met immediately (no matter the house). You can work on it steadily as a young child until adulthood, and get a good grasp on how to deal with your shortcomings and how to cope with them. Saturn gives the 1st house native a seriousness to how they approach the world, and they are quite cautious. You put forth a polished version of yourself, and you desire to control heavily how you're perceived. Since Saturn is your inherent flaw, then you will do everything you can to mitigate your flaw in first impressions.
Uranus is a planet of chaos, but necessary chaos (like Pluto). Pluto rips everything away to make room for new and better things, but Uranus just throws everything around and expects you to deal with it. So, you might feel quite awkward with your outer projection. You may not relate to it easily, because you may act totally different than how look on the outside. However, as you reach independence as an adult you may use your physical appearance as experimentation. Piercing, tattoos, and bright hair colors might entice you as an adult, and even if you don't like those things you will want to try them out at least once. Your physical appearance is a great way to figure out who you are, and you'll find the people you surround yourself with may change your outlook on life. Despite Uranus being a rebellious planet you may not relate to that rebellion as a young child. You may desperately fit in because Uranus energy isn't often revered in many societies. I suggest trying to be authentic as possible when you feel safe and comfortable doing so.
Neptune gives you an elusiveness to your appearance and demeanor. Like Uranus and Saturn, you may feel confused about how to project the real you. It seems so hard to grasp because you recognize how utterly complex you are. That's why I think in general Neptune energy isn't celebrated because we instinctively categorize people. This is not the only way the world must act, but we do. So, recognizing you are a complex being with multiple hobbies, capabilities, and interests will help your self-identity. It's okay to dress like a different person every day because it might help you discover yourself even better. You are a creative and imaginative person, so you enjoy letting that part of you shine when meeting new people.
Pluto is an interesting placement due to its ties to the birth-death-rebirth cycle. Now, this is touching the house of your self-identity. Your rising (especially the sign ruling it) can heavily influence your physical appearance, but your self-identity is the biggest thing constantly transforming. Similar to the moon you may find it is hard to explain who you are. After huge milestones, and particularly trauma, your self-identity is thrown into a whirlwind. Who you are is a huge question for you, and you keep getting mixed signals with every revelation. You tend to be a loner, and seek independence. You are self-sufficient but may feel the 'weight of the world' on your shoulders. If you're in the Sagittarius Pluto generation then the thirst for experiences can be intense. It may feel hypnotic in how much you want new experiences, or if badly aspected you may fear the outside world. You may feel like it's hard to be vulnerable with people because you feel like you are too intense to handle. When you get used to your ever-changing identity and embrace the chaos you will find how liberating Pluto is. My Masterpost
Feel free to reply/reblog saying if you agree/disagree with my observations. Similarly, my inbox is always open for you to send your birth chart in for my Q&A birth chart analyses! Check my pinned post to see how to do that. :)
Source: The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope by Howard Sasportas.
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
Plz.suggest some good books on western astrology🙂🙏
I have been reading Astrology books for the past 8 years and I cannot really pick one single favourite. Some have better explanation on Houses, some on aspects, etc. However if you are new to Astrology and want to learn more, I answered this question a year ago and I will copy my answer here:
"As a beginner, I liked Linda Goodman’s books. Searching  about a placement, then reading about it on every blog that showed up in the first few pages of Google search also helped a lot. Mars in different signs, Venus in the houses, etc. Different interpretations, explanations help you understand the overall meaning. I don’t recommend reading just one blog, even if you like their way of writing the best. Same for Tumblr. The search bar is helpful because it shows a variety of explanations for the topic or placement you are interested in.
Then, forums. The Linda Goodman forum is great, you can ask questions there and you’ll get many answers most of the time. There are many topics that have been discussed - aspects, overlays, rulers of houses in natal chart,synastry, pretty much anything you can think of. Transits are greatly covered too. I think it’s a great place to interact with others interested in astrology and see different perspectives, different analysis about the same thing. What I find incredible about astrology is that everyone can share their own idea of a certain topic.
In general, I don’t think that sitting and reading just one book, no matter how much it covers, helps you understand as much as constantly reading from different sources. You shouldn’t force yourself to learn everything at once, you just have to be curious, focus on a subject at a time and then try to see how you personally understand the information you received.
Now for books. I used  Openlibrary as it has a variety of astrology books that are free to borrow and some other websites. There aren’t many foreign astrology books available in my country and I don’t want to read about astrology in a language other than English. 
The Twelve Houses ( Howard Sasportas), Lunar Nodes (Celeste Teal),  Hayden’s Book of Synastry, Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, Saturn: A new look at an old devil - this is the book that made Saturn my favourite planet to learn about. There are many books and one thing I recommend is searching for what you’re interested in learning about, then going to the Books part of Google search and seeing the books that cover it.
The order of learning I’d recommend for those starting now:  Signs, Planets, Houses, Aspects, then rulers of houses, asteroids and everything else. Honestly, understaning the basics makes it easier to understand everything that comes after. 
For Vedic Astrology. I don’t specialize in it, even though I used to be very interested in learning about it. If you know the basics in Western astrology, it will be easier for you. I admit that for it I used Youtube as a main source for information: KRSchannel and Joni Patry."
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taurussoulastrology · 5 months
"People tend to be afraid of Pluto transits, and they have the right to be, for we are dealing here with the god of death, whose domain is the dark and shadowy underworld. Transitting Pluto often brings us painfully into contact with death. In some cases this can mean a literal death - our own or that of someone close to us - but more usually these transits correspond to psychological deaths or 'ego-deaths': the death of a part of us, the death of ourselves as we know ourselves."
By Howard Sasportas
God's of Change - Pain, Crisis, and Transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
#Quotes #HowardSasportas #GodsofChange #Astrology #AstrologyCommunity
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elminx · 2 years
Have you ever done a “top astrology books/blogs/sources” recommendation? If not, this is me kindly asking ❤️✨
You know, I tried to write this a while ago and I have a hard time recommending astrology resources because most of the really good ones are dated in certain ways and every author is problematic in the end...
So I want to trigger warning every single book which gets complicated and it overwhelms my ADHD brain so that I can't start.
But also:
What do you want to learn about astrology? It's a huge topic and depending on where you are on your journey, different books will be helpful or overwhelming. So be aware that I am not vetting these resources currently for being up to date on language, gender issues, etc.
If you are at the very beginning of your journey and need to know the most basic things: what are the signs, what are the aspects, what are the houses etc. you can't go wrong with The Only Astrology Book That You Will Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. It's definitely NOT the only astrology book that you will ever need (lol) but it does break down the basics of creating a natal birth chart very well.
If you're a little bit more advanced and know the basics of birth charts but want to know what it all means, I'd check out Stephen Arroyo's Chart Interpretation Handbook.
Bonus books for learning about the difference in the individual signs include Sexual Astrology by Martine though I wouldn't recommend that to anybody who is sex or kink repulsed in any fashion. Also, keep in mind that most astrology books still focus on the male/female binary which people who are more genderqueer may find troubling.
Inner Planets: Building Blocks of Personal Reality by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas is okaayyyyyy....I was personally pretty offended by Liz Greene's take on Venus energy (she seems obsessed with the Electra complex with is just a bit vom to me). The rest is really good though - especially the section on Mercury.
If you are ready to look into Synastry, you can move on to Person-to-Person Astrology: Energy Factors in Love, Sex, and Compatability by Stephen Arroyo which is A++++++.
From there astrology books start to get very specialized. I could recommend a bunch but it would be very dependent on your wanting to deep dive on something super specific.
Feel free to reach out and specify if I didn't cover what you were looking for. As for blogs or other things, I mostly don't follow those anymore so I can't recommend much for you there.
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chrisadew · 2 years
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To my Mars in the 8H people ♂
🔑 The 8H is what is shared between two people, it’s where we merge; and while Mars can be kinda happy here in the house associated with Scorpio, it’s important to remember that Mars is still the planet aligned with the actions of ‘one’…Libra Mars, hello 👀
🔑 So your own actions have the potential to make or break you, and it’s for this reason that you need to deeply assess the things and people that you take up for. And this doesn’t necessarily have to be a lengthy process (since speed is a Mars thing too) it’s reliant on trusting yourself - this house opposes the 2H of security and value.
🔑 Speaking of speed…rushing into things without a good level of deliberation??? Whew…please…😩 the 8H holds our crises; the wrong fight (personal or contractual) could quickly bring the kind of endings that deeply affect your sense of direction. Be wary of placing the blame elsewhere when things don’t go your way! Deep assessment, remember?
🔑 Everything you do has the tendency to bring you closer to a discovery of what really makes you tick (and what really pisses you tf off 😅); the deepest parts of you can be met through your passion, and a *healthy* competitive spirit; with the exchanging nature of this house, you must be ready to acknowledge that some things will need to be exposed to you through another person, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean that your personal drive is broken, or that your independence is being compromised (but still, caution Mars).
*Side note: imo this is one house where I feel like Libra Mars could actually have an easier time in some respects, especially being receptive to the natural ‘sharing’ energy here - but it’s still important not to get toooooo lost in another, or in the things that come to test you. Balance is key!*
🔑 Howard Sasportas said that people with Mars in the 8H “come alive in joint enterprises where they can give and receive all they can” and yes, this can be applied to the sex and relational aspect of the 8H too. The 8H naturally squares the 5H because sex and relationships in themselves can be transformative in multiple ways (outside of procreation). Name one significant relationship in your life that hasn’t been a catalyst for change…for better or worse. You see it.
🔑 Whichever houses your 8H Mars rules are the areas of life where you may find that people are either intrigued, attracted or repelled by what you do - more time because the 8H is also known to be one of secrets, so your actions in these areas can be determined by others as being shady (by omission), combative or even unintentionally alluring from the outside looking in.
🔑 Mars in this house is ultimately about your energy - what you’re prepared to trade for it, how you use it to cleanse and regenerate, and what others meet in you through intimacy. The sign your Mars is in will help you recognise exactly what within you is resourceful and powerful. 💎
© 2022 chrisadew. All rights reserved
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bibiamor · 8 months
Moon in 4th natal
Stephanie Camilleri:
The Moon in the fourth house gives a great hunger for emotional security. People with this position will pour all their emotional energies into securing the steady, protective maternal kind of love that they must have in order to go out and achieve something. Love relationships are dangerous for them because they do not play around and can be wounded to the depths of their being by the apparent treachery of loved ones whose emotional needs are not as deep as their own. This attitude can be repressive to others. They are the children who required an official 'best friend'. If they feel secure in the love at home, they can rise to great heights of accomplishment as they have a deep instinct for people and business, and their need for security is a powerful driving force. If the Moon is in an Earth sign, physical security is also very important to them, and they will do whatever it takes to own land and have a substantial savings account.
In some cases, their standards of devotion are so high that they can turn aside from all long-term emotional commitments out of fear of being hurt. Also, if betrayed, their love can turn to hate, and they will bear grudges and be exceedingly vindictive towards former loved ones.
Howard Sasportas:
Whereas the Sun in the 4th struggles to free itself from too great an identification with the family, the Moon in the 4th finds security and a sense of belonging within this structure. Refuge from life's battles is sought by withdrawing back into the home. Even when they have a family of their own, those with this placement may pack their bags and run back to the family of origin when difficulties arise. THey need the home to be a kind of retreat and sanctuary, and therefore they are highly attuned to the undercurrents and changes of atmosphere in that environment. Nonetheless, they may not always make their own feelings obvious to others. Often they regress into their early childhood behavior patterns when the struggles of life become too much. I know one person with this placement who whenever he is upset has an intense craving for chocolate chip cookies because that is what his mother gave him to make him feel better as a child. It is as if there is a mechanism in the psyche which says 'All right, I've had enough growing up for now; I'm going backwards for a while'.
A child normally looks to its mother for security and containment; but with the Moon in the 4th it is possible that the father emanated a safer feeling than the mother. Some with this placement may still be searching for a father to make life secure for them. In the long run, the parent needs to be found on an archetypal level from within the self. Depending on the aspects to the Moon in this house, qualities of caring and nurturance might have been learned from the father rather than the mother.
Sometimes the 4th house Moon wanders restlessly in search of the home or even the coutnry in which it feels the most safe or has the greatest sense of belonging. Sometimes it is the conditions within the home itself which fluctuate. Often there is an interest in family lineage, real estate or archaeology, and perhaps a strong desire to live by water. The conditions surrounding the end of life may be shown by the aspects to the Moon in this house.
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daydreamsigh · 2 years
Helloo, what are your favorite books on astrology?
I like Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins, Chart Interpretation Handbook by Stephen Arroyo, The 12 Houses by Howard Sasportas, The Astrological Houses by Dane Rudhyar, Cosmic Love by Jan Spillar, A Cosmic Science by Isabel Hickey, Exploring Jupiter by Stephen Arroyo, The Book of Pluto by Stephen Forrest to name a few.. I also like most things from astrologer Liz Greene
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numerologica · 13 days
hello i apologize for asking a few questions in a row but i was curious on what the best method to determine career based on astrology is, i’ve seen stuff from using the industria asteroid persona chart as well as the mc and its persona chart, to the 6th house and to the 11th house due to financial gains. what do you consider?
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
This article will be a short guide on where and how to spot career/job in your birth chart, I won't talk about Asteroid Industria as I never use it much and I prefer to use other methods in my practice.
QUICK TIP : never use asteroids before an analysis of your own birth chart first, asteroids have lesser weight than your natal planets so they have to be secondarily added to the analysis.
[ ⚠ ] Bear in mind that a few placements alone won't tell the whole story, career readings are birth chart readings, not MC or 11H analysis alone. To spot your career you'll need to see the whole chart.
The information on this article is based on these books by professional astrologers:
(¹) Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process - Noel Tyl
(²) Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling - Brian Clark
(³) The Twelve Houses - Howard Sasportas
(⁴) The Houses: Temples of the Sky - Deborah Houlding
(⁵) The Astrology of Success - Jan Spiller
(⁶) Forces at Work: Astrology and Career - Amy Shapiro
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● These ones are the fundamentals to analyze when trying to spot career, as they are referred as "The Work Houses"
⎯ first of all the signs on their cusps
⎯ second of all the planets inside them (if any)
⎯ third of all their rulers and their placements
⎯ fourth of all the aspects to the MC
● Additionally the 11H is the house of salaries, so your income and profits from your job can be seen there.
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↑ "Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling" - Bryan Clark
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● Often overlooked but very important: Saturn in the birth chart can indicate your job as it represents obligations, resposabilites, long term achievements and duties, as I said in this post of mine talking about Social Planets.
● The Nodes (North Node and South Node) represent your calling, your soul purpose, and almost like the MC they represent your aspirations and life goals, playing a big role in what can be your job/career.
(¹) North and South Node in Astrology - AstroStyle
(²) Saturn in Astrology - AstroStyle
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate it, please don't calculate this chart if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● This chart is extremely important as it represents your public image, your job and your major life aspirations, so be careful when reading it.
● After the first analysis of your "Work Houses" and MC you'll already have some potential career paths in your mind, only after this you'll be able to switch to the MC Persona Chart which will eventually confirm your theories or even suggest new ones to add to the list.
⎯ pay special attention to the dominant energies of the chart
⎯ pay special attention to the MC and angular planets (if there's any)
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate them, please don't calculate these if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● ASC/MC MIDPOINT is an indication of how your identity relates to your public image, at the same time it can indicate your ideal job that makes your natural expression shine the most. The balance between yourself and your job.
● VENUS/MC MIDPOINT could quite literally indicate "the job you may love doing", indicating things you like to do and activities you enjoy doing.
⎯ all MC MIDPOINTS are important, but to me these two are the top ones
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● for those using Hermetic Lots, this one is particularly indicated to spot career as it indicates (along with the Nodes) your purpose and direction, what brings natural joy to your spirit, what we're capable of, what we wish to do in our lifetime.
(¹) The Lot of Fortune and Spirit in Astrology - The Astrology Podcast
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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luisbond · 1 year
“Hasta cierto punto podemos educar y controlar, o por lo menos, encauzar de manera constructiva aquello de lo que tenemos conciencia en nosotros mismos. Pero si somos inconscientes de algo, tarde o temprano ese algo terminará por encontrar la manera de dominarnos y controlarnos” - Liz Greene y Howard Sasportas, “La dinámica del inconsciente”
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