#Honestly I use a lot of S shapes in her hair in general and a lot of B shapes in Joel’s. They match!!!
fantasykiri5 · 7 months
lizzie for the drawing/ask game?
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SHE’S DONE!!! Lizzie is always super fun to draw
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
Random mix of characters - sal fisher, alto clef, kondraki, and Ticci Toby - using their s/o’s titties as a pillow and just falling asleep there lmaoo
Sal Fisher, Dr. Clef, Dr. Kondraki, and Toby Falling Asleep on Their SO’s Chest
[GN!Afab reader]
[Warnings: it,,, gets a little suggestive? I mean, not really imo but be warned I do talk about tits. MINORS DNI.]
[AN: I describe ALL titties here (it’s kept very general; I don’t want to leave anyone out!!) but know my love is to those in the IBTC bc I’m biased <3]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Sal Fisher
Whatever’s comfortable is comfortable. Cares more about falling asleep to the sound of your heartbeat rather than the flesh on your chest. That said he has no preference whatsoever. I think Sal is boob guy through and through, loves them all. Literally.
I honestly think he’s a little shy telling you he wants to fall asleep in ‘such an intimate area.’ This doesn’t change if you were amab either! Sal isn’t a terribly bold guy. He’s always so respectful about asking too but doesn’t make it awkward. It’s a very natural thing between you two.
But he finds comfort snuggling up on to her chest and resting there. He’s worried he’ll like, suffocate you somehow? But it becomes to natural after a while he doesn’t even bat an eye. Mostly does this for nap purposes, sometimes for cuddle reasons. He actually prefers your head on his chest when cuddling!
He thinks you’re soft there. That’s all I really have to say on that. That and he gets to head your heartbeat, which makes the naps so enjoyable.
Dr. Clef
He’s a creepy man and makes lots of crude comments about “milkers” because he unfortunately was allowed access to tiktok but he doesn’t give a shit about the actual size. You could wear AAs and he’d still call them milkers.
Anyways yeah he’s gonna be your weighted blanket so buckle up baby. He won’t let you go. He wants a nap? Boom. Head down on your chest, he buries his face in them like he wants to suffocate and sleeps. Knocks right out. He’s also admittedly the most casual when it comes to this as well, using your breasts as a pillow whenever he feels like it.
He thinks that’s the most comfortable part of your body. Purely physically speaking—he does actually love you. Like clef is a pretty decent partner when he wants to be.
He finds it quite relaxing in the sense of de-stressing from the day. He’s kinda bad at coping mechanisms and doesn’t know how ask for help. So, when he wants to take a nap on your chest, and you’re willing, let him. He needs it. Needs you.
Dr. Kondraki
He’s one of those guys that doesn’t care about size but might lean towards medium (whatever that means, what even classifies as medium??). But regardless of size, I don’t think he’s really too crazy about falling asleep on your chest that much.
It’s not really against you, but he’s busy. Like really busy. Doesn’t want to slow down and cuddle that much at all! But on the rare occasion he’s too tired and you’re begging him to rest? Yeah, that’s the first place he’ll rest his head as long as you’re able.
He thinks your heartbeat relaxes him and he honestly enjoys the warmth. You tend to run your fingers through his hair, sometimes braiding it, and it puts him right out. He feels safe just being held by you.
Enjoy it while it lasts the man won’t do this often. It’s just not in him. Sometimes, late at night you’ll get him to crack and he’ll place his head on your chest, getting lost in the softness but most of the times no. So really, enjoy it while it lasts.
Yeah look at him and tell me he doesn’t have an affinity for boobs. I think, purely aesthetically speaking because this is sfw, he likes the shape and well, everything about them. He won’t ever call them milkers but he does call them your chest pillows.
Yes, he is always laying his head on them. Always. You often can’t get him to stop when the two of you are together. He gives you these puppy dog eyes and asks if he can cuddle and it always entails him resting his head on your chest.
He will bury his face in them and eventually pass out. You think it’s due to the lack of oxygen at first but Toby doesn’t care, your boobs are soft and he’s sleeping. Don’t wake him even if it feels like he’s stopped breathing.
The whole thing is kind of a safety thing for him. He feels safe with you like this, and well, he’s comfortable. Your body is soft and comfortable to him. Normally, he feels this weird need to be a protector and provide to prove something but when you let him lay his head down on your chest? It kinda changes. He won’t admit it, but he likes being taken care of that way.
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quinloki · 29 days
Ok so, I shit u not, since u said I could pick who to talk about, I decided to use a number generator to pick for me and it picked my Kid Pirates OC LMAOOOO who was inspired by this, really fantastic fic by @standfucker (if I remember right the title is “Rotations” but don’t quote me on that)(also note that this is the crew I am the LEAST familiar with but the most FASCINATED by atm)
So, let’s get into Zella(he/she), my newest OC (like, literally came up with her in the last couple of weeks)! She is a 5’5”, 22-24 spunky lil shit from the West Blue, who loves her crew and ONLY them, fuck the rest of the world. He’s punk (ofc), usually sporting a cropped deep red and green leather jacket, long fingerless gloves, and black tank top and high waisted pants, with boots (a pair she’s had since before the Kid Pirates and would stab a bitch for as they were a gift). Short dark green hair, with two little white tufts that poke out in front of her ears and frame her face. (Im kinda shooting for like, a hummingbird kinda vibe for her, but not like “cute smol, wants some flowers” and more “I will stab u with my beak if u get near my flower” deal. A colorful chihuahua if u will)
Since Zella is so new I don’t have a lot aside from design vibes, but I have some key things
• as One Piece characters tend to have, his childhood? Fucked up. Got dragged around hopping island to island with their shitty parents until they finally abandoned him. He tried to find comfort and friendship with the local kids and it, didn’t go well. Let’s just say the fingerless gloves r there for more than fashion. Once she managed to leave THAT shitty place, Zella found an island home that, while on paper it’s not a good place, there were few people who actually took her in. Until that too was taken, resulting in Kid Pirate Zella.
• can and has climbed her crewmates like trees to get a better vantage point. It’s usually Wire or Killed, Kid in a knee-jerk reaction threw him overboard. Zella has not let him forget about it since.
• Has the filthiest mouth of my OCs, but is not immune to being flustered into place (which happens more often than she’d like)
• will pick the spiciest food and eat it with no reaction (Dive took a bite thinking she could handle it. She could not)
• very skilled at sewing and has helped her crew with fixing and customizing their clothes on many occasions. Do NOT touch her chaotic corner of supplies, she knows where everything is and somehow always knows if it’s been messed with. A l w a y s.
• has two tattoos (atm, may add more later), one in particular being an under chin tattoo of a red star/flower shaped pattern. Does not remember the night it happened, at all.
• always has a knife hidden somewhere on her person. Full body searched? HA u missed the one between her ass cheeks bitch
And that’s it for rn!!!! I have a lot more I want to develop and figure out for Zella, but I also have to get to know her crew first lmao thanks for letting me ramble!
The 🌷
Holy shit - hey Zen - idk if the tag in an ask will ping you, but I'mma assume yes - Your one-shot birthed an OC for someone!!
And yeah, it's called Rotation - that one and Whiteout whew.
Anyway, we're talking about your Zella and I love him \o/ What you have so far is fantastic, and it's certainly enough for a full fledged OC, so I don't think you have to worry about that.
And it doesn't take much honestly, sometimes character creation is a long long process, and sometimes they come to us all at once. And sometimes real development happens in the parameters of a story, but you've got her down solid already. I love the bullets and the little personal bits here and there with the crew.
If you're fascinated with the Kid Pirate crew, I gotta make sure you're aware of @swampstew - she's got a Meet the Crew series, and yeah it's based on her head canon of them, but it's a great place to start in my opinion. (I imagine you are if you follow me, I love her Kid Pirate passion, and I bet if you're nice and ask for some head canons she'd share as much as me xD ❤️🥰)
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moongothic · 2 months
Honestly the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced OPLA's [random Background Extra at Roger's execution everyone thought was pre-t Crocodile] isn't actually Crocodile.
And just so we're clear; we don't need that Background Extra to be pre-t Crocodile for Crocodile to be trans and/or Luffy's other dad. One Piece already has a fuck ton of material to provide for us to push the Crocodad Agenda and this Extra from OPLA would not and frankly does not tip the scale of Crocodad's plausibility in either direction (as I'm going to attempt to explain). I know a lot of us got kind of attached to the idea that the Extra could be Croc because it added fuel to the fire for the fandom (hell, it is what made me fall down the Crocodad Rabbithole to begin with), and so the fact that I'm now going to try to dismiss it might feel a little bad. I just want you to understand that we don't need that Extra to be Crocodile. We have better evidence for Crocodad elsewhere.
Anyways, yeah, the more I think about the less I think that lady is pre-transition Crocodile (-> going to be she/her'ing her). To be fair, there isn't really much to provide as evidence for either case, since she was just A Background Extra who we saw for a split second. It's just that I don't think it's a "50/50 it could go either way", but more like a "92/8 probably not, though not impossible" Also quick reminder I have not watched OPLA, all I know about this Extra is from screencaps so if I'm missing any helpful context then yeah that's why.
My key reasoning is pretty boring though. It's just that she does not look like Crocodile. As in, she does not have enough of Crocodile's key features (in his character design overall) that help us recognize Crocodile as Crocodile. Yes, we have no idea how he looked during Roger's execution. Yes, he probably did not have his iconic scar nor hook during this time. That's not what I'm talking about. There's more to Crocodile's character design than those two things.
When we saw Crocodile at Roger's execution in Chapter 0, we specifically saw him from behind. We don't know how his face looked nor do we know what he might've been wearing. All we do know is that: He was wearing a furlined (or a full fur) coat. He had his cigars. He wore his hair slicked back, and he had at least one earring.
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And all this Background Extra has going for her is the earring(s). Even her hair, which, sure, IS slicked back, is still quite different from how Crocodile wears his hair, as it seems much longer with braids and seeming to be tied back. And yes I know pre-t Crocodile might had long hair, it's not like we can really see or tell in the panel.
But there's two things I want you to think about here.
1) Oda generally speaking does not change character designs that much through out the series, as the characters get older etc. Like generally speaking, each character has certain traits and features that help us recognize the characters, and while Oda may change some features about the characters, he'll also always go out of his way to ensure they also retain other features, so that they remain recognizable to the readers. Here's a few examples to drive my point
Moria's body changes a lot as he gets older but his facial features remain essentially the same as does his haircut (and his alt fashion style)
Sabo's haircut changes completely as does his face a little bit, but his fashion sense has not changed one bit
Her ⌛️ phase aside (because Oda is a horny bastard), baby Charlotte Linlin has the same big nose, large eyes and huge smile as she does as Big Mom+the rotund body shape in general (and even ⌛️ Linlin, who is otherwise unrecognizable, has Big Mom's iconic pirate hat)
Baby Doflamingo wearing his stupid little glasses even as a kid- we don't know what he looks like without them, but the sunglasses make him weirdly more recognizable that way
Really, I could go on, but the point remains; Oda does not drastically change character designs often, and even when he does, they're still recognizable because they retain certain features. And so the fact that the Background Extra doesn't really have "enough" of those features makes it hard for me to buy that's Crocodile. Because...
2) ...If OPLA did want to include pre-t Crocodile as an easter egg, why make it this vague? Genuinely, they could've given the Extra something slightly more recognizable to us, like given her either a cigar or a furlined coat (maybe not both), and honestly there'd still be a really good level of deniability if Netflix wanted to be cheeky about it. Like OPLA wouldn't have to worry about them confirming Crocodile being trans before Oda, because we don't know how Crocodile looked during this time. Even with the coat or a cigar we'd still have no way to prove or debunk whether or not the Extra really was pre-t Croc (as long as nobody in staff went and blurted it out).
But as the Extra is right now, her resemblance to Crocodile is so non-existant that it feels frankly pointless to me if that really was him, it's too deniable. Where as, imagine if she had a furlined coat on. We'd be having a much more heated discussion about whether or not that really was Crocodile, because then the resemblance would be immidiately much more noticable, but still just vague enough to be deniable -> much more heated debate.
And I know, I know, people can change drastically how they present themselves when transing their gender, so it could be realistic if pre-t Crocodile looked nothing like post-t Croc. But this is a silly comic with a funny rubber boy as the protagonist. This is fucking One Piece, man, you can't get much more unrealistic than OP And again, like. How many characters in OP have dressed nearly the exact same and presented themselves in the exact same style their whole lives? It's not realistic, but that's what OP is like, so frankly it would be much more on-brand for the series if pre-t Crocodile presented himself the exact same as he does now. Because that is how Oda normally does it.
But again. Regardless, there's plenty of material in the manga for trans Crocodile truthers to cling onto. This Extra does not add anything substantial by any stretch of imagination. She just does not matter.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Whohooo, my timer rang, it’s the 7th!🥳🤣 (At least in my country, so I hope, sending my request now is okay?👀)
First off: I wish you so so much fun with your first event. Like I already said, the idea is amazing and I’m looking forward to every single post.🥰 So, here is my soul striptease:
I’m a cisgender woman and therefore I use the pronouns she/her. I‘m bisexual but on a spectrum I tend a little bit more towards men, at least at the moment.
My favourite fandom is Hunter X Hunter and I would be more than happy about something romantic.
For characters I don‘t want to be paired with, I would say Leorio (I could only teach him some medical stuff but that’s how romantic as it would get) and the more than obvious Tonpa?!😂 And no minors oc because I‘m old.
My personality… I can find humour in everything and like to laugh a lot but at times I can be somewhat melancholic and dark-minded… which I kind of like. I‘m very adventurous and open minded and never actually judge people… each to their own, I like to say. When it comes to friendship I‘m loyal as fuck (honestly I would cover up murder for my friends) buuuut in relationships I tend to get easily bored. My s/o should have high intellect (I hate smalltalk) and somehow needs to excite me… even some drama can be quite entertaining for me from time to time. When it comes to love I’m multilingual: Physical touch, quality time and gifts are my love languages but it’s very rare that I’m verbal about my feelings. Other than that, I‘m hopelessly romantic and - when good entertained - I’m passionate and head over heels. I enjoy art in every shape or form… doesn’t matter if it’s music, visual arts or literature. Generally I just like to look at pretty things (or people) and admire their beauty (sounds kind of creepy, but I’m not a creep, just an aesthete, promise!😐) My hobby’s are singing, writing and painting, even on people’s faces, cause I‘m pretty good when it comes to make up and hair (idk why), which I enjoy doing for others. How I present myself… I have pretty long wavy black hair, light green eyes and I always always always wear black. I’m more short than tall and quite petite. My style is simple but chic, I would say. Sometimes I enjoy wearing heavy make up and statement jewellery - but that depends on my mood. Oh, and I’m the biggest Parfumjunky I know of, so I’m always smelling of at least something. When it comes to how I behave in front of others, I‘m talkative and quite extroverted. When going out or just spending time with others, I’m always the last to call it a night, cause I enjoy deep conversations so much (also, you can sleep when your dead so why taking the risk of missing something exciting?). But there are times where I need to be by myself and I need space. By others I sometimes tend to get received as cold or even arrogant at first sight (resting bitch face going strong) but when they get to know me they’re surprised how chill I actually am (or that’s what they have told me at least 😂). My quirks are definitely that I can be very impulsive (even when it comes to big decisions) and that I’m so so SO impatient. VERY IMPATIENT.🥸 When it comes to music, there’s less that I don’t like: I love metal and rock, dark classical music, sometimes even minimal and house but never ever would I listen to girlpop! (Don’t come at me Taylor 👀) And yeah, that’s that. Thank you so so much for your work und making my evenings more entertaining.♥️🖤
notes💌: hello love! happy valentine's day <333 I am SO HAPPY that you asked for hunter x hunter because it is one of my top animes! Like literally my most nostalgic and literally at the top (dont tell jjba i said that) (and a lot of people dont know that about me lol) but yes! I love this anime and had so much fun reading your matchup and thank you for participating in this event <33333
The character Cupid chooses for you this Valentine's day is...
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i have had a really bad brainrot for this man so thank you for the excuse to geek about him <3
you and him both have a humor that can turn dark and everyone will kinda look at you funny, but neither of you care because that's how you two get along
that's probably how you met
you told some dark joke and the entire room went silent until you saw hisoka chuckling in the corner and from there, you two were inseparable
you're both not very judgemental people and it's perfect that you arent because hisoka is A LOT and that is something that you love about him because he is willing to be a whole lot in a lil package and bring so much pizazz to the relationship
you were both really loyal friends who would do anything for each other (you have hidden bodies for him lmfao and he for you ofc) and because of that, it made your relationship so easy to start
also, i figured i'd put you with hisoka instead of someone like illumi because you will NEVER get board in a relationship with him. NEVER
you two always have something to talk about or do as a couple and you are just never complaining
he doesnt mind that you arent as verbal though because you give him enough of what he needs
but do expect A LOT from him
words, cuddles, flowers, acts of service, ALL OF IT <3
you two are both very romantic people who are head over heels for each other tbh lmaooo
he is definitely a piece of art to admire, that's for sure, so you get to stare at him a lot and he actually loves it. boosts his ego lmao
and he'll do the same, he'll just admire you and tell you how beautiful you are
he will love you even more, which is surprising tbh
you two match all the time, even when being casual
not wearing the same clothes, but having the same aesthetic for the day
sometimes yall even clash cuz it looks awesome
you're just iconic powerhouses
he loves you so so much because you match his energy
you and him are both very much people people, so you get to enjoy A LOT of nights out together partying and just having too much fun
he will definitely give you the space you need, but honestly, he cant be away from you for too long, so he'll just stay with you in silence if you need it
cuddles are a great recharge for the two of you
*cough cough* he thinks its hot that other people think that you are kinda mean. it just means you can protect yourself. your rbf is hot to him
he knows how sweet you are thought and will never ever make you out to be a rude person
he hypes you up always
he can definitely help with the impulses and try to get you to not, but lets be real, he's just as impulsive and sometimes encourages it lmfaooo
he plays girly pop in the house to annoy you lmaoooo
but nonetheless, he loves you with all of his heart and soul and is proud to call you his partner for life <3
💌 How would he ask you to be his valentine??
this man does it in the cheesiest way possible tbh. he would make candy hearts that say will you be my valentine and lay them out on the table with chocolates, a bouquet of roses and 2 teddy bears to look like the two of you! you would come downstairs to a total surprise and hisoka would surprise sneak attack you with a hug and ask you verbally if you want to be his valentine. of course you say yes, so the man attacks you with kisses
💌 Valentine's Day Date
You and Hisoka had spend time with friends all week long and now Valentine's day was your day to spend together. You didn't want to have to go out and about and around other people, you just wanted to spend time together and be in each other's presence. "Are you almost ready, dear?" Hisoka asked, clipping on his earrings. The two of you decided to grab some drinks and then go on a late night walk together. You thought the idea was amazing and very peaceful after a long week. "Yes, I'm ready!" You came out in a black dress that suit you perfectly and Hisoka couldn't help but smile. "Oh, love," he walked over to you and grabbed both of your hands. "You look amazing." "Thank you," you said, pressing a kiss onto Hisoka's cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark. "You look amazing too." "Oh, hush." He gave you a playful smack on the arm and you two walked out the door. --- After you two grabbed a quick drink, you decided to walk around a very empty trail. You two talked for hours, just enjoying each other's company and the fresh air you had been craving all week long. You walked until you couldn't feel your legs and all you were doing was laughing and holding Hisoka's hand. "I have an idea," Hisoka said slyly when he spotted a lone lake. "Do you wanna try something?" You gave Hisoka a skeptical look, but took his hand that he outstretched to you. "Sure, why not?" Hisoka ran over to the lake and stripped down, making you blush. "Hisoka, what are you-" You were immediately covered in water as he cannonballed into the lake. He brushed his wet hair out of his eyes and laughed. "Come on, y/n!" You laughed and followed suit, jumping in the water with him. The two of you splashed around for a while and then, when you got too cold, crawled out, wrapping up in your dry clothes. You laid on the cold dirt together with your hands interlocked and looked at the stars. "I love you, Hisoka." "I love you too. Happy Valentine's day." <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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Oc Info
Legal name: Makula Managold
pronounced (mak/cue/la) (mah/na/gold)
Name meaning : Pearl
Nickname (s): Minty, Mack
Native country:Khaenri’ah
Pronouns: She/They
Reincarnation : 5th stage Acceptance
Ethnicity: Khaenri'ahian- Sumerian descent
Currently living : Mondstadt(Germany)
Age: 21
Vision (Power) : Hydro
Constellation: Hyades
Gender: (she/them)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birthday: 04/04
Family: Elias, Marianne “Créme”, Bay “Blue”
Affiliation: Merchants of Mondstadt
❗️Side job(s): Bard
S/o: Amanita Virosa(teyvattales oc)
Species: Human
Appearance Information
Eye color: Gold with a star symbol engraved as the pupil.
Hair color: dark blue (usually in a red headwrap) :D
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135 lbs
Body: pear shaped
Unique body marks: Two moes at the bottom of their face, scara markings near heart(via hiku’s death)
Personality/Work/ Backstory
About Minty:
Ambivert(Istj) They have no problem starting conversations with others but they really prefer to be alone. Minty tends to hang around others with similar personality traits to them.
Favorite foods: cold treats
Job: Merchant (sells clothes), designs outfits
Business name: Far by the Shore
Positive traits:Good listener, ambitious, hard working
Negative traits: Hot headed, tries to solve things on their own(which isn’t always good), impatient (especially when waiting for letters)
Dislikes: Anything political, beings involved in conflict, having a lot of attention on them.
Hobbies: Sketching, sowing, singing to pass time, plays Lyre, traveling
Fears: Losing family, being alone permanently.
Backstory Information [Locked]
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Backstory unlocked loading…….
Backstory : Makula lived in a small town in Khaenri'ah. At a young age they began working in their parents’ shop. Elias, their father, worked at a food market stall and Marianne (their mother) owned a clothing store. Makula and their sibling would go out and make deliveries to their customers. When Makula and Bay were old enough, they left their home to expand their parents’ business overseas. Their sibling Bay went to Inazuma ,while Makula went to Mondstadt.
Traumatic story unlocking….
Trauma event: When Makula first came to Mondstadt, they asked a man for directions. Instead of being guided, they got jumped by Treasure hoarders. Since Makula didn’t know how to fight, they tried to defend themselves with a stick. With Makula’s back to the corner, they swung the stick trying to scare Men off….(Elaborates on “About Minty”)
About Knights: “They are our best luck of protection in this country, even if some of them aren’t.. so trustworthy.”
About Bards: “Some play beautiful music and have interesting stories to tell.”
Concerns: “I honestly worry about expanding the Business further. I’ve been putting it off since there have been issues lately.”
About Discounts:“If you ever need a discount on food while in Inazuma, you should visit my brother Bay. He sells regular food but also some recipes that other countries don’t use. If you see him, tell him Mack sent you.”
About Friends: While living in Mondstadt they’ve gotten acquainted with some recent customers. Their most recent are some of the teen vision users, some of the Knights and the Traveler.
About Amanita: The Fatui? I don’t know alot about them except this one person. The one that goes by the name Amanita. Why do you mention him? Are they giving you any trouble??
About Angetsushin Hikomi
That woman is my darling Amanita’s 2nd lover. Yes I did not stutter I’m not his only wife. The impression I’ve had from being around her is positive. She’s generally respectful, sh
About Buisness in Mondstadt🔒
About Amanita 2🔒
About traveling🔒
About Fatui 2🔒3
About Jean🔒
About Venti🔒
About Bennett🔒
About Kaeya 🔒
Fighting lines
Joining Party: Let’s be quick about this I have work to do.
Joining party 2: Really right now?!
Joining party 3: I’ll do my best.
Opening Treasure Chest: Damn this is alot!
Opening Treasure Chest 2: I wonder if I can use these?
Opening Treasure Chest 3: A job well done Traveler!
Elemental skill: Hey Hey! Hold this really quick!
Elemental skill 2: Don’t run away now~
Elemental skill 3: Get the fuck out of my way!
Elemental Burts 1: Ready to drown?
Elemental Bursts 2: I’ll make your death painless!
Sprint start 1: We gotta go!
Sprint Start 2: I’m late I’m late!
Low Hp: Good for you, you landed a hit. *sarcastic*
Low Hp 2: I’ll be fine
Low Hp 3: Hang in there Makula
Fallen 1: Wait no!
Fallen 2: Bay.. I’m sorry.
Fallen 3: Manny .. take care.
Story Quest 1: Amata bene: Of Merchants and Bunny boys Chapter 1🔓
More Voicelines will appear the more I write about Minty.
Current picture of Minty for rn Below
Loading Makula Mandagold file ………
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Makula Managold
Nickname: Rea (like Rhea the Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility)
Age: 21
Job: Merchant
???: Deceased, Reincarnated (currently as MInty)
Date of birth: 04-13
Family: error lost a file, Sage Managold (son)
Significant Other: Amanita Virosa
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.Nickname: Amira
age of death: 19
cause of death: poisioned,, killed by a bomb
Job: Tavern bartender
Family: unnamed child, unnamed family
Date of birth: May 07
Body marks: Has burn marks from previous death
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File 3 loading
Nickname : Mina
Personality; keeps to self, introverted.
Age of death- 18
Job: Theif
Partner in crime/ Amanita Virosa
Body marks: Rash on face and other parts from poison
cause of death : ???
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.Nickname: Hoku
Age of death: Fight broken out in Khaenri’ah
Job: Astrologist
Body marks: moon symbol covers body marks. Birthmark is a mole on her head from when she died in the previous life.
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roscgcld · 3 years
request: can you please do jjk character reaction to you gaining weight? i feel so insecure about it and it would be good to read something like that.. i love ur headcanons :-)
hey again! it's me with the gaining weight request :( i forgot to say that i want gojo's reaction to it :( his reaction to you being insecure of gaining weight and trying to lose it. thank u in advance ily :]
note: excuse me *bops you on the head* you cannot be insecure about something as small as weight. you’re beautiful 😠😠 and if anyone else says otherwise i will start swinging. who doesn’t like a little fluff to hold onto when they cuddle???? you’re perfect, and a little extra weight is not that bad! and i am happy that you like my headcanons love - makes me super happy to hear it from time to time >< i love you and send you positive vibes uwu ~
pronouns: she/her - because it came naturally, but i still love my non-binary readers i send you love and kisses and an apology >< 
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because of your boyfriend’s wicked good looks and his naturally flirty personality, it is no surprise that he is surrounded by a lot of equally beautiful people in your eyes
and even though he entertains them with no more than a charming smile and a few nice comments, that doesn’t make you any less insecure about something as small as your weight 
also adding into your insecurities is his title as a gojo - the strongest sorcerer of the generation, and the next in line to become the head of the gojo clan. his elders are expecting him to marry young and start popping out kids
the women that his elders had sent to him as ‘suitors’ did not help too - they were all what you viewed as the epidemy of a perfect woman. pretty face, amazing body, and a soft spoken and gentle personality; acting and looking almost too fake and doll-like
gojo usually turns them away by giving them some half ass excuse about why he can’t date them, slamming the door in their faces after he pulls you towards him to press a passionate kiss to your lips; hand obviously resting on your ass
and even though that makes you super embarrassed, you just giggle softly against his lips at the offended gasp coming from the door; to which gojo will grin lightly into the kiss before deepening it quite excitely
but that never shuts your demons away - and one day you just found yourself looking yourself over the full length mirror hanging in your shared closet; a frown marring your features
you had always pride yourself on keeping in somewhat shape, but with the constantly on the go lifestyle you live, and the stress that had started to mountain at work; it is natural for you to have gained a little
and recently, as if your mind had decided to spite you, you had realised that gojo is surrounded with more and more people around him - beautiful people around him, to be exact
whether they are fellow super fit sorcerers, another random suitor knocking at the door of your shared apartment, or even just random strangers on the street - you have started to realise that gojo just naturally attracts attractive people like that into his life
people who would look amazing together with him. someone who isn’t you
you were so consumed with your thoughts that you had not heard gojo, who came out from the shower with wet hair and a pair of fitted briefs, looking around your empty bedroom in confusion
tossing the towel he was using to dry up into the laundry basket, he had peeked into the closet of your shared room curiously; only to see you dressed in nothing but a cute white bra and a matching set of underwear
he was about to tease you about it, playfully asking if you ‘trying to make us late for our lunch with the others’ when he noticed the frown on your face as you scanned yourself over; hands resting on your stomach 
wordlessly gojo made his way towards you, your eyes snapping towards his huge frame appearing in the mirror as his arms wrapped themselves around you immediately; bright blue eyes blinking at you from the mirror whilst he rests his chin on your shoulder
“what’s wrong, bunny? you have a frown on your face, and you know that i hate it when you’re frowning~”
at first you felt embarrass to admit what was plaguing your mind, knowing that he was going to tease you about being so insecure about something like this - but gojo is stubborn 
he is going to coax it out of you one way or another, so you better fess up with whatever it is that is bothering you
it took some time for him to coax the question out of you, but eventually you gave in; awkwardly meeting his eyes through the mirror as he raises an eyebrow at you; silently coaxing for you to tell him
“I just...i’ve wanted to ask you for awhile now....am i fat?”
your question actually had gojo freeze as he made the most confused face ever, hand cupping up to gently squish your face between his fingers as he pulled away a little
“who said that? am i going to have to kill someone?” gojo asks too casually, to which you widen your eyes before you wrapped your hands around the wrist holding your face, shaking your head
“n-no! not at all!” you tried to calm him down as he turns your body to face him, an even more confused look appearing on his face - and you know that it’s genuine since he looked like a confused child 
this just made things worse for you as you rubbed your warm cheeks, looking away from his all searching eyes. “i-it’s just...i feel like i’ve gained some...and you’re always around really good looking people...women..”
gojo was genuinely confused as he frowns, to which you just gave him an asperated face. yet before you can say anything he made a noise of confusion; arms wrapped around your waist loosely. “is it bad that i didn’t even notice?”
whatever you wanted to say dried up on your tongue as gojo looks over at you and gave you a soft but genuine smile, hands reaching over to cup your cheeks in his hands
“i didn’t date you because of something so artificial, bunny.” he hummed as he playfully squished your cheeks together. “to be honest, i didn’t notice about that until you brought it up.”
you made a face at him, as if silently asking if he was being serious as he pulled a face on you as well. “i am being serious here, bunny. i really didn’t notice at all.” 
he just pulls you into his chest and hold you close, smushing your face into his firm chest as he coos at you. “you should know better then to think that i care about things as fickled as weight~ i’m dating you because you can make really good onigiri.”
“so you are dating me for my cooking?!” you gasped at him dramatically as you pulled your face away to glare at him, to which he just grinned before he leans forward to press kisses all over your face; your annoyance melting away immediately
after that it sort of just been left forgotten - but gojo never forgot. He can never forget something like that
even before you told him, he could tell that something was bothering you for some time now; but he wanted to wait for you to tell him yourself
and like he said, he really truly did not realise it until you pointed it out; he had never really care about things like physical appearance. since at the end of the day, he only cares about your chemistry together
i think that gojo, even though he is very vain, does not necessarily care about looks when he dates. for him, he wants someone who can handle all sides of him instead of being with him him for face value 
so that is all he cares about - and you were perfect for him. so do forgive him for not giving two shits about something as small as appearance lol
yet he knew that you were still thinking about it - so he went out of his way to make sure that you’re not going to do something that might bring you more harm
when he realises you are eating smaller portions, he might whine and pout at you with puppy eyes; demanding for you to take a few more bites of your food
and no one can really say no to him whenever he shines his beautiful eyes at them; so he always end up getting his way
he always make sure to get the food you like and stock up on the snacks you enjoy to eat; and heck, he will even go out of his way to visit you during your lunch break at work to bring you out on lunch dates whenever he can
he’ll even become more touchy; even more so than he was before. but now he made sure to keep his touches at places where you are the most self conscious about
grabbing your thighs when you two seat together, resting his hands on your love handles whenever he wraps his arms around your waist, resting on your stomach whenever you two cuddle together
he’s always shown his affection through physical touches, since mans will end up insulting you by accident because of his inability to read the room - he might make a very unsavory joke that makes you want to hit him over the head
but he does really care for you, and always goes out of his way to make sure that you’re more than aware that he does care for you; even if it means feeding you food in the middle of a restaurant if you refuse to eat more
when you confront him about it, he just gave you a soft but genuine smile before he rests his hands on your shoulders to shake you gently; as if he is shaking you back into reality
“i just know you well, bunny. and i know that you’re going to try and loose weight because you think that’s what i want.” he sighs dramatically before he tossed his arms around you, pulling you into him with a pout. “but you should know better than to think that i am going to leave you because of your weight.” 
his words caused you to pause as he pulls away a little to press a soft kiss on your forehead, soft lips resting against your hairline for a few more moments as he tightened his arms around you
“plus, i see it as a bonus honestly. more places to mark and more of you to love. also - your ass looks amazing in sweats.”
“i should have known the inner perv will wiggle his way out.” you grumbled shyly as you tried to push your grinning boyfriend away, who just grins in response as he you closer, catching your wrists in his hands. “you know i speak nothing but the truth love~”
and even though gojo adopted such a teasing tone, you knew that he was speaking nothing but the truth. it may not be enough to calm your whispering demons, but it did make you feel a little more confident in yourself 
gojo also continued to shower you in more and more attention, making sure you never forget just how much he loves you. and that you should never care about something as small as your weight
he loves you no matter what, no matter what size you are - as long as you are there to welcome him home after a long day of work with the all love you hold for him, that’s all he needs
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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im not very sure if you're doing abcs for the trio but if u do could u pls maybe do C N O and S for vlad? <3
No worries! I don't see why not, my knowledge is just a little more limited for them is all~
Hope you enjoy these, lovely! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aight y’all it’s time for me to put on my clown shoes as god intended
Though man, what a delightfully rainy day today to write =v=
Fluff ABCs Template here
Cuddling -- How does he like to cuddle?
He is a simple man, with simple needs.
That being said, I think he’s one for a lot of gentle affection. Despite appearances–I mean hell, he literally wears a necklace of thorns–he’s actually a very tender lover. Loves hand-holding, scooting close under umbrellas, making shapes out of the little beauty marks that dot her skin. He will take any excuse to hold her and run with it.
Ideally, I think he prefers privacy above all else, most typically in his room in the castle. This side of him, so soft with his love for her, belongs to her and her alone. He refuses to let anyone else kill his immersion the moment (cue Charles dragging Faust away from doing something disruptive and stupid), or indulge in the sight of her so rosy-cheeked and loving. Loves dropping little kisses to the crown of her head, her shoulders, the backs of her hands. He’s waited so many long years to be able to hold her close like this, to feel the heat of her blush and the tinkle of sweet giggles when he nips and pecks at her pretty skin. All of this, every single second, is beyond value to him…he cherishes each memory close to his heart, crystallized fragments of joy in a life so bereft of it.
His favorite position for cuddling tends to be a kind of side lean. Usually she’ll be lying down (or turned towards him, sometimes) while he’s on his side beside her (usually against a wall or the back of a sofa). He loves that he can gaze at her as much as he likes this way, he really can’t get enough. The person he was searching for all this time, right here, no sign of leaving…
Nightmare -- What is his worst fear?
Oh boyo boy. Oh boy...
Honestly, I really don’t see anything horrifying him as much as losing MC. I don’t think he’s a man above fear. He hates being abandoned, he’s afraid of the world being torn apart by humanity’s indifference.
But nothing compares to the shattering fear of losing MC.
I think he has a very particular intense fear about losing loved ones because of the nature of his life history. He is still deeply affected by his entire clan being wiped out by hunters, leaving him alone to carry the weight of that legacy and loss. While he couldn’t help but give his heart to the woman who saved him, the reality of his terror is undeniable. After so many centuries of searching, after so many years of feeling hollow and alone…Even now, he has never come to terms with the way his family was ripped away from him. To know the gentleness of love again, to finally have a hand to hold only to lose it…
Well, I really can’t imagine the terrifying result of that. I imagine he would be far beyond reason.
Whenever he has bad dreams of the very same fear, he is nigh inconsolable. He holds her very tightly without saying a word (which is unlike him) and she'll know not to let him go for a while. She murmurs calming things, promises of things they'll do together in the future, strokes his hair and rubs his back. They only leave the bed when he's feeling somewhat stabilized again, but even so he'll hold her hand for longer than usual days after. Embraces her more, finds any excuse to hide away.
Oddity -- What is one quirk he has?
I think one part of him that is overlooked is that he is a man very interested in the nature of contradiction, the duality that resides in all things–himself included. Some parts of his preoccupation are more obvious than others. For instance, he loves flowers due to the nature of their ephemeral beauty, but also enjoys trying to preserve them to let their appeal survive. There’s also the fact that flowers can look or smell lovely, but can harbor poisons strong enough to kill grown human beings. (Not unlike him.)
He is a vampire in which the front-end of his operations is a cathedral, and I imagine that was a purposeful move as well. There are so many angles to consider here, namely two obvious ones that come to mind. There is the non-threatening concept of the cathedral: in which people assume it is a safe haven, a place to seek care/assistance/prayer (not entirely so in this case, even if Faust plays priest.) There’s the possibility that vampire hunters are typically supplied by/supported by the church (not sure if this is the case here, but it is a common trope). That would mean Vlad would be using the face of the very human institution that ruined his life to enact revenge, to say nothing of the potential risk of hunters seeking sanctuary only to run into a den of vampires.
There is also wondering whether or not he purposely wears that necklace of thorns ;;;;; (For anyone unaware, there was the whole Jesus wearing a crown of thorns specifically as an extension of humiliation, branding him the “fake king" of the Jewish people.) My contention here would be that he is basically saying “lmao, I’m your suffering saint now.” Or maybe he’s just really into masochistic jewelry, I have no idea.
He appears to have a kind of obsession with subverting norms/conventional expectations, and I have to wonder if it runs with his general underdog theme…
Secrets -- How open is he with her?
Despite his generally guarded nature, with MC he is entirely transparent when they’re in a relationship. Unless he doesn’t want to scare her or simply feels something would be best shared at a later time, he makes no real attempt to hide anything from her. If she asks and he knows the answer, he’ll spill.
(Okay but sometimes it gets hilarious, because say Faust has been trying for years to get info out of him about some stupidly specific thing. And Vlad is always very evasive, dances out of reach, plain ignores him. MC asks and he’s just like “oh yeah, in 1582 I remember–” It’s a wonder Faust never throws hands about it, pisses him off so much LMFAO)
Before their relationship was established he hesitated more, largely because the nature of his existence and his ties to her were a lot to take in at the time. I think he prefers not to overwhelm her whenever possible. It’s very much a kind of “I won’t info drop on you thoughtlessly, but if you ask me a question I’ll do my best to answer with the truth.”
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bored-mumma · 3 years
Thor Odinson - Fluff alphabet
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A = Attractive. What do they find attractive about the other?
Thor found your bravery unbelievably attractive. It would never matter who you were up against, you always gave it your all and never ever backed down. He admired that about you. 
B = Baby. Do they want a family? Why/Why not?
He wouldn’t mind children. His entire life he had always yo-yo’d between wanting them or not but he believes now he’s finally made the decision to have them. Having a son or daughter to carry on the family name and to pass on his wisdom, it sounds like a dream.
C = Cuddle. How do they cuddle?
His arm beneath your head, you using it as a pillow. You would cuddle into his side as he uses his other hand to stroke shapes onto your skin. 
D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
Very, very rare. Thor wasn’t particularly keen on actual dates. You would more just spend your evenings together watching the telly or going for walks. Its very simple but rather intimate moments, although not technically dates.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my reason to smile.
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
It took Thor a little while to realise his feelings for you. He would love to admit it was love at first sight but it wasn’t. He always thought you were very good looking, very kind, very intelligent. But it did take Thor nearly a year to realise that he doesn’t just like spending time with you because you’re a good friend of his. He realised he could never stop thinking about you and when you said someone had asked you for a drink, a wave of jealousy went through him - Making him finally realise his love for you.
G = Gentle. Are they gentle? If so, how?
He’s always gentle with you. He knows his strength and will always be careful. Not just physically though but emotionally or verbally too. Even if Thor is extremely angry or upset, he’ll never yell at you. He’ll never speak harshly or say things he may regret. He’s a gentle giant.
H = Holding Hands. How do they like to hold hands?
Gently with your fingers intertwined. 
I = Impression. First impression/s?
He didn’t really notice you much. You were just another Stark employee hired to help the Avengers as much as possible. It wasn’t until the both of you had to work pretty closely for a mission that Thor really started to notice you.
J- Joker. Are they into pulling pranks?
Not particularly. He’ll joke around with you and have fun but actual pranks he’s not too keen. Probably a side effect of growing up with Loki as a brother.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss?
He usually gently holds your chin in his large hands, lifting your face to look at him. He’ll start off gently dragging his lips against yours but will quickly turn more needy.
L = Love. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
You did. You were always the more forward one in this relationship and had no problem admitting you were utterly in love with the God. At first, Thor was taken back at your vocalised love but it only took a moment for him to return it
M = Memory. What’s their favourite memory together?
When he brought you to Asgard to meet his family - more importantly, to meet his mother. He would never admit it but he was desperate for her approval. Which of course, she gave. Watching you and his mother happily chatting, speaking of your mutual admiration of Thor and of each other, made his heart swell with pride. 
N = Nickel. Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
Not so much on Earth as he doesn’t have much money. But when you go to Asgard? oh my god. Everyday is a new outfit for you to wear with matching accessories and shoes. Everyday is a new bath scent for you. Everyday he’ll bring you books, flowers, food, art, jewels. You always try to return the favour but Thor is definitely the God of gift giving.
O = Orange. What colour reminds them of their other half?
Red. His signature colour that you started to wear a lot when you began dating seriously. Thor will always buy you some red roses or red earrings because the view of you wearing his colours is one he’ll dream of with a smile for the rest of his life.
P = Petnames. What petnames do they use?
My dear or my Darling are the most common.
Q = Quaint. What is their favourite non-modern thing?
Horse riding. It’s a very normal thing to do on Asgard  but on Midguard its a little less modern. 
R = Rainy Day
Thor loves the rain! He bought an extra large umbrella to hold for you both when you go for a rainy day walk. He finds them so peaceful and enjoys your company.
S = Sad. How do they cheer themselves/others up?
His sadness tends to turn into anger. When that happens he’ll throw himself into battles and take it out on anyone on the opposite side. You will always try to help him, to get him to talk. But sometimes you just need to allow him to get on with it in the way he deems fit.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
He loves to learn about you and your culture. Not just that but loves just hearing about you in general. Every evening he’ll ask how your day was and unlike most people, he’s honestly interested in what you want to say.
U = Unencumbered. What helps them relax?
Thor adores you playing with his hair. He’ll sit on the floor with you sat on the chair behind him and rest his head on your thighs. Dragging your nails across his scalp, you’ll style, plait and play with it as it relaxes you too.
V = Vaunt. What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
His history. There is nothing he loves more than telling people tales of the glorious battles he’s fought or of the amazing planets he’s visited. Tales you will never get tired of hearing.
W = Wedding. When, how, where do they propose?
He had planned the perfect proposal. He took Clint with him to find a ring - him being the only Avenger with a long, successful marriage. He planned a romantic day of your favourite things only to return home with your living room to be filled with your favourite flowers. That is when he would get down on one knee.
You however had other plans. Three days before the amazing day Thor had planned, you two were cuddling in bed when you looked up at him, saw the love in his eyes and decided right then and there to say. “I think we should get married.” Thors eyes widened as he grinned, a sign that you two were on the same page. “Will you marry me, Thor?”
X = Xylophone. What’s their song?
Falling - Harry Styles. 
Not that Thor will admit to many people he actually really adores that song.
Y = You. You are the ___ to my ___ (e.g. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the thunder to my lightening.
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
Thor might want a cat but he really doesn’t care much. If you want one, go for it but he’ll never ask for one.
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jarofstyles · 4 years
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A/N: We had so much fun writing the last one that we decided to do another one 👉🏼👈🏼This is another prompt from @majorharry​​’s 20k fic celebration! (congrats again cass, we lysm) we used prompt 40 “Cover up, please.” a nice little smutty possessive harry moment for you all in contrast to the last one ✨ - n + d
If you like this, check out our Patreon!
send feedback and requests here
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warning: smut, exhibitionism, daddy kink, spit kink
word count: 3.3k
“Cover up, please.” Harry muttered, clenching his jaw noticing the stares coming over to them. It was to Y/N though. The pool party was a good idea in theory but once he realized people were going to see more of his lover in general, he felt that little (big) possessive head of his rear and he felt feral, a little bit. He didn’t like other people looking. Simply put— she was his. Of course she was her own person. Independent. She didn’t need him, but she chose to be his and that was the best damn thing that has happened for him. Adding in the fact that yes, Y/N was the most beautiful person he had ever experienced, he knew other people could see it too. Most of the time? He loved it. He showed her off to many people. But when she was showing so much skin and people’s minds would wander... he did worry. He didn’t like people imagining what her skin felt like or how it felt to grab his waist or how beautiful her shape really was. Harry took her cover up and scowled, holding it up to her. The roll of her eyes made him whine, pulling her further into his body. “No. Don’t want ‘em staring too much.” His large hands covered her ass, pouting slightly.
“Baby...” Y/N chuckled, looking up at him with her brows raised. She knew he had a tendency to be possessive, but it was something she thought of as no big deal. He was just protective of her, wanted to assert his dominance over anyone who thought about putting the moves on her. But this? She didn’t realize this would cause it to flare up. “We’re at a pool party, what’d you think I was going to wear?” She asked, pushing a few pieces of hair away from his face in an attempt to soothe him. “No one is looking at me.” Y/N pecked his lips a few times, “and if they are, they can clearly see you’re with me, no?” She wiggled her bum a bit in his hands. “Let’s go swim hmm?” She suggested, thinking that if she was in the water then she would be covered up in theory. “It’s way too hot for me to be wearing anything else.”
“Fine. At least in the water they can’t eye you up.” Harry glared at a group of younger guys looking her up with a near snarl on his face. No way in hell. He didn’t know where exactly this type of possessiveness came from. He usually was quite cool and collected, only having his moments sometimes. But today it was ten times as bad. He was truly unsure as to why besides the fact that she looked fucking incredible. He walked with her to the pool and laughed when she decided to jump in without him, Harry following shortly after. This was someone’s fancy house party and they had a sick pool. One with a water fountain and one of those pool bars and shit. But Harry was more focused on getting to a place where he could be with her alone. Before they’d made it to the pool, she had her cover up on and talked to people, Harry’s arm around her shoulder. They’d met up here after a long day of classes and hadn’t seen each other all day.
Y/N pushed her hair back as she came up from underwater, adjusting her bikini top so that nothing was falling out before she swam over to Harry and took his hands. “Come deeper.” She mumbled, pulling him further into the deeper end of the pool where it was less crowded. She’d missed Harry today and though they were at a party, she felt like she could take a few minutes to spend some time with her man. They both worked really hard and whenever they had spare moments they always found ways to make them count. 
Once they were in too deep she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, tangling her hands in his hair to get it wet. Harry looked incredible like this, granted he always did. Y/N couldn’t help but think that part of it was because he was looking at her like she was the last meal on earth. She swore he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since they got here.
“Look so good today. Always look phenomenal but... just have a glow.” Harry commented, feeling a sense of serene come over him while she had pet over his hair and got it wet. Harry moves them to a little shelf in the pool wall, perfect for him to sit on while she clung to him. “Been missin’ you all day, bunny. Wanted to kiss you first thing but, everyone else tries to steal your attention away.” He pouted. It was a needy day, which was pretty rare considering his natal chart, but it happened. Especially because he felt so stable with her. Never had he had an easier relationship. She made everything feel at ease. He really did love this girl. “Want to be selfish with you for a little bit. Can I have my kiss hello before someone comes n’ interrupts us?”
“Thank you, angel..” Y/N felt herself grinning wider and wider. She loved when Harry got like this. She loved seeing him get all soft and sweet and needy for her attention. Y/N knew most of the time I was her bugging him for his attention, but this was a welcomed change. “Mhm...“ She hummed, leaning in to press a sweet and gentle kiss to his lips. It wasn’t long before that one gentle kiss turned into a slow and steamy one. Y/N expected it though, continuing to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. The slight scratch of his facial hair was something that was new, but she didn’t mind. It just reminded her that Harry was growing into this beautiful man that she loved. She pulled back hesitantly, giggling as he chased after her lips and nuzzled her face in his neck. “Missed you...” Y/N mumbled against his skin, “Didn’t mean for people to steal me away... forgive me?” She licked at the most sensitive spot.
“S’okay. You’re just so desirable. Everyone wants to be around you. Don’t blame ‘em. But you’re mine.” Harry felt even more safe with the cover of the water to hold her ass, keep her close to him. The kisses on his neck had him sigh to himself. She loved to kiss and lick at his neck a lot,  thing between them both, something he loved too. He was incredibly sensitive there and he felt good whenever she decided to treat him to some affection there. “Sometimes I don’t like Sharing you with everyone. They know you’re mine but still look at you like you’re available n’ if I was a bit more aggressive I’d probably call ‘em out on it. But I’d rather sit and get kisses from you than get in a fight.” He sighed, leaning his head a bit to the side. “You have a good day otherwise?”
“Yeah?” Y/N smirked to herself, he’d rather get kisses from her than get in a fight. “You’re such a good boy, hmm.” She teased, nipping at his skin just a little bit. “I am yours, don’t have to worry so much. Know I’m only ever going to want you, yeah?” That much was true. She hadn’t even looked at anyone else the way she looked at him. He was everything she could ever want or need from a man and it seemed that he felt the same about her. They’d been together for a few years and yet they hadn’t really left that honeymoon phase. “My day was alright... same old stuff. ‘S better now though.” She hummed, clearly her mind was somewhere else. There was just something about Harry being so possessive and needy that made her feel desired... wanted... Honestly, that’s all a woman really needed to get turned on.
“Good.” Harry took her in and could read her face. It was obvious, because he knew her. She was aroused. Horny. Whatever you chose to call it, she was wanting touches and biting her lip, looking at him with a little bit of a lost look. It was then he decided to swim them over to the waterfall area, letting themselves get wet as they moved through it. Thankfully it was empty, a small area behind it went deeper and he felt the mischief light up in his eyes. 
“You’re shit at hiding when you’re horny.” He chuckled, pressing her against the wall of the faux cave. “Completely shit. You’ve got the drunk eyes and you keep stroking me.” It was making him smug as hell but he knew she wouldn’t really care. “What’s got you all turned on then?” He ran a hand under the water to grip her waist and tug her closer to him, adjusting their stance. “I’d like to know what’s goin’ on in my girls head.”
“Who said I was trying to hide it?” Y/N said as a matter of factly, looking up at him with those ‘fuck me’ eyes that she knew she was horrible at concealing. Wasn’t that the point though? Wasn’t the point for him to know whenever she needed him? He always took good care of it, she never had to touch herself. He was always there to help. She wished she could just strip them both naked in this pool, wished he would make a mess of her and make her feel breathless for the rest of the party. Y/N wasn’t opposed to doing things in public, they’d done it many times before. It was a different kind of rush. One she couldn’t explain. “Like when you get all protective of me..” Y/N told him, “like when you’re needy for me... makes me want to climb you like a tree.” She couldn’t be any closer to him at this point, that familiar throb appearing between her thighs. “‘s fucking hot.”
“Oh? Didn’t know you were so hard for me when I got possessive over you.” Harry smirked. It probably was because it was rare that he got so openly needy or annoyed at the attention she got because he wanted all of it. “M’glad you think it’s hot.” He found himself at her neck, returning the favor of kissing her neck. “But I can’t leave you all horny n’ not take care of you. What kind of boyfriend would I be?” He cooed. 
“A bad one...” Y/N hummed in response, letting out a happy sigh as he kissed at her neck. “but you’re the best...” She told him, leaning into him as his hands began to move. 
His fingers wandered south, finding the bit of swimsuit covering her cunt, smirking when he could hear her let out a shaky gasp. The water from the waterfall and the music and commotion from outside the party was loud enough that he wasn’t worried as long as they kept it down a decent amount. “Mm. That’s my girl, s’what I want. Do you want to cum?” He questioned, nipping a bit harshly at the joint of her jaw and neck.
“Yes. I want to cum. Please.” She pleaded in a whiny tone. “So bad, please... can I?” Y/N huffed, gripping a little tighter at his hair and feeling another shaky breath escaping her. She wanted relief. She knew he would give it to her, but how? Her free hand rested against his shoulder, that little bit of height difference making her quiver. There was just something about him looking down at her, all wet and hungry for her. His fingers tucked so perfectly between her folds. Even the slightest shift had her wanting to whimper. They were in public though, she needed to be quieter.
“Course you can, baby. M’not gonna let you suffer like this.” Harry murmured, pressing his fingers against her to rub a bit. Get her warmed up. To be honest, public shit got them both off. It did, and it was hot. He had taken her in the car, fingered her in a taxi (making sure to tip well), in many club or pub restrooms, as well as various other places. It was the rush. 
“Gonna let me make you cum in the pool? In front of all these people? Such a naughty little thing.” Harry chuckled under his breath. “Love when you get all dirty for me. Can’t even wait till we get home, jus’ wanna cum all over my fingers.” He rubbed over her clit a bit harder, licking over her jaw.
A squeak of pleasure came from her, her hips jolting forward to get more but he knew just what to do. Slow and steady, perfectly pressured movements against her most clit. It was perfect, but she became ravenous once she had a taste. “Thank you, daddy.” She breathed out, her hips starting to move in sync with his fingers. “Yes!” She squeaked out once again, giggling knowingly when he said he loved when she got all dirty. He had given her the nickname bunny for that reason. Y/N fucked like one. Hard and fast and needy. It was good for the both of them, he liked to tame and she liked to be tamed. “Wanna cum all over your fingers daddy, want to make a mess for you, like a good girl.” Y/N told him, biting down on her lip to hold back a moan. She was looking up at him, keeping eye contact as he moved his fingers and felt his cock begin to harden against her stomach. 
“Daddy...” She whined, brushing her front up against him just enough. Y/N felt overwhelmed with need, his fingers felt so good. She looked up at him and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue just enough. He knew what it meant.
“Oh? My dirty lil’slut.” Harry grinned before he leaned over, spitting into her mouth. They didn’t do it every time, but it was an immediate cock tease when she wanted it. He loved her so much, especially because of how damn compatible they were. “Wanting me to spit into your pretty mouth n’ finger your cunt when all these people are around. Getting all wet because m’needy?” He let out a chuckle. “Course. You’re just my dirty girl. I love it so much.” He gripped her chin, opening her mouth again to see her eager tongue before he spit into her mouth again. She clenched and he could feel how hot it got her, pressing one finger in. A harsh whine came from her mouth, eyes closing, which had his attention. “Shhhh. Do you want them all to hear how much of a slut you are for me?” He asked, a bit condescending— he knew it made her wet— waiting for her to respond.
“No, daddy, I’ll be good.” Y/N whimpered quietly, feeling her cunt pulse at Harry’s words and actions. He always got her this riled up, it was never just a little bit. No, they were very much all or nothing but that made things extremely fun. “Please— don’t stop.” She whimpered out thrusting her hips forward. Y/N loved whenever he spat in her mouth. She felt like it was an unspoken dominance thing and it never failed to have her sopping wet. Of course they were in the water, but there was a clear difference between the water and her slick. Harry’s fingers moved so well, she knew she couldn’t have gotten any more soaked than she was. Another moan threatened to escape her but her own hand flew up to cover her mouth, biting down on the skin in an attempt to muffle the noise. She kept eye contact with Harry, feeling her knees growing weaker with every brush against that sweet sweet spot.
“Mmm.. I don’t know.” Harry cooed lowly. “I think you do get off on it. I think it makes you wet to think about everyone knowin’ how dirty you are.” He grinned, feeling her clench around his fingers again. Oh, yes. She absolutely did. They’d been together long enough for him to know exactly what she liked. “C’mon.” He breathed against her mouth as he fucked his fingers into her. “Admit it. Tell me how much you want them to know how dirty you are.” He was taunting her for sure but she seemed to like it, her soft little whine and whimper against his mouth as her hips bucked into his hand. When she hesitated, Harry let out a tut and shook his head, sliding another finger into her. “M’not asking again, baby. Tell me.” 
Her hand moved from her mouth to grip at his bicep for stability. Y/N whimpered against his lips, feeling the orgasm building within her stomach. Harry was doing it on purpose, he loved the power he held over her, knew that he had her in the palm of his hands all desperate for relief. Y/N was too scared to speak, she knew she couldn’t keep quiet for much longer especially with how perfectly his fingers were moving inside of her. She looked up at him blankly, letting out a pathetic closed mouth whine. 
“Yes, daddy! I do want them to know! I want them to know I’m a dirty slut for you!” She gasped at the feeling of now three fingers inside of her. “Make me feel so good, want everyone to know! Want everyone to know because they can’t have you! You’re mine.” Y/N was damn near tears at this point, bouncing in sync with his movements, begging to cum. “I’m so close daddy, please?”
“That’s my girl.” Harry grinned smugly. Harry loved making her admit those things, loved having her give in to him. A kink, maybe. Whatever that would be. “Cum for me. Let go.” He nipped are her skin, thrusting his fingers harder into her cunt and felt as she finally let go. His hand coming underneath her ass, holding her up as her body trembled and she let out the prettiest whine. There was nothing prettier than watching his girl cum. Nothing. “That’s it baby.” He continued thrusting his fingers in, curling them a bit to make her shudder. Keeping the orgasms going was the best thing ever, feeling her lose it on him.
Y/N felt like she couldn’t see straight, had proper stars in her eyes. Nothing could ever explain the true feeling of bliss that came after a release so sweet. She was panting, out of breath, trembling under his touch. Her eyes slowly closed as she attempted to catch her breath, fully leaning on him for stability. It was silent for a few moments, only the sounds of her heavy breathing, the water falling down, and the sound of the music. Y/N couldn’t have imagined it to have gone any better. She pressed soft kisses to his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling herself relax. 
“That was so good...” She mumbled against his skin, “so fucking good.” She let out a chuckle and moved her hands up to cup his cheeks, pressing a sweet and loving kiss to his lips.
“Mm. I love you, sweetheart.” Harry murmured, pulling his fingers from her and gently adjusting the bathing suit bottoms so she was covered again. There wouldn’t be much clean up thanks to the water. “Now.. how about we go off and grab some drinks? Yeah? Can sit in my lap while we dry off by the bonfire.” He suggested, brushing a bit of the wet hair from her face away. 
God, did he love her. Who knew having a bit of possessiveness would get them this far?
A/N: This was very fun to write! we did get some requests to write some filthier stuff so consider this the beginning 😅and again, congrats to cass!! - n + d
let us know what you think!
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makeste · 3 years
so let’s talk about the new bak-u-go stuff
hey guys, so long story short, I took all of the bak-u-go stuff out of my weekly liveblog/recap post, and put it into its own separate post so that it didn’t take over the recap completely. so this is my big “all of my thoughts about the second OFA user’s vestige in chapter 304” post, basically.
my opinion going into the chapter
okay so without mincing words, my very controversial stance on this theory going in was more or less, “yes, I do think that maybe that Bakugou-shaped shadow who looks exactly like Bakugou could, in fact, be Bakugou.” not only that, but it strikes me as much more feasible than the alternatives, “Bakugou’s ancestor who looks exactly like him was the second user of OFA for some reason, and Horikoshi keeps hiding his face because... we don’t really know”, or “this is just some random guy with spiky hair, and again his face is being hidden just because.”
like, there is some reason we’re not allowed to know what he looks like, especially at this point. and writing-wise, there are really only three possible explanations for this. (1) it’s a red herring meant to trick us for some reason, (2) his character design hasn’t been completed yet, or (3) something about this character’s appearance is a spoiler, and the reveal is supposed to be a surprise.
regarding (1), I actually think this is the case with the Third. clearly he is not Kirishima as some had speculated. he doesn’t appear to be familiar at all. so if that’s the case, why is his face also being hidden? my theory is that it’s simply to lampshade the fact that the Second is being hidden as well. if Second was the only vestige whose face we couldn’t see, it would be beyond obvious at that point that he was someone familiar to us. having another vestige doing the same weird stuff makes him stand out slightly less.
anyways though, as far as Second himself being a red herring, I guess he could be. but a red herring for what? not to say it isn’t possible, but I don’t really see what the purpose would be.
regarding (2), this is a remote possibility, but imo it would be pretty uncharacteristic of Horikoshi. plus by this point he’s had more than enough time to flesh the design out. all of the other vestige character designs are completed, and we’ve seen all of Second and Third except their fronts and faces by this point. so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this isn’t the reason.
which leaves (3): this character’s identity is important in some way, and is being purposely kept secret. this to me implies that it must be someone we know (because otherwise it wouldn’t be a spoiler). which basically means that no matter what, the possibilities are about to get weird.
my thoughts on the new “evidence” in the chapter
first off, my biggest impression is that there really isn’t much new evidence at all either way lol. but okay, let’s review what we got.
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I’m ignoring Third at this point because I honestly have no idea who he is. he may very well be someone we haven’t met yet, so I don’t think there’s much point in speculating. so let’s focus on Second instead.
the hair
first off, his hair isn’t quite right to be Bakugou’s. it’s darker than Bakugou’s hair usually is, at least in the close-up, and also the hair on the nape of his neck doesn’t quite look right; it’s got more of an undercut vibe than Bakugou’s usually does. Bakugou’s hair is usually more out-of-control dandelion puff from the back.
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so yeah, I’m not sold by this image. though on the other hand, I will say that as far as the argument that his hair is too dark, that’s undermined by the wide angle panel right before the close-up in which his hair isn’t colored in at all.
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so yeah, it could just be something about the lighting in the close-up. also, the RHA scan seems to have upped the contrast a bit more than the original image.
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here it doesn’t seem to be quite as dark compared to the wall he’s standing against. I could be wrong, though; we’ll get a better idea when the official version is released in a couple days.
but overall the style of the hair seems more off to me than the color. on the whole, I’m not really convinced either way here, so I’ll move on.
the rest of him
okay so first off, obviously this is not Bakugou’s current hero costume in any way, shape or form. honestly my first thought was “what is Shippuuden-era Naruto doing here in the OFA Mystical Space Land” lol. so yeah, no idea what that’s all about.
however he does have gauntlets! so this is definitely someone with some sort of arm or hands-related quirk. and Kacchan does have a new gauntlet design that we’ll see in movie 3, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that these could be another new design along those lines. that said, these are clearly not his current big ugly grenade-style gauntlets.
last but not least, this person seems older than Bakugou, which for me makes me considerably less enthused about the possibilities here, since I’m a weirdo who likes the idea of a timeskip even less than most people seem to like the idea of time travel, lol. then again there really isn’t much here to support that “he seems older” statement; that’s just the general vibe I get from him, idk.
I will say though that he has Kacchan’s same triangle-shaped torso with the same broad shoulders and upper back tapering down into a more slender build. that stuck out to me right away when I looked at this image. but he really does give off Naruto vibes as well lol, like I can’t unsee it sob.
anyway, and last but not least,
the hidden faces
because so far most of the attention seems to be on their appearances. but those aside, this chapter introduces a very interesting question that this mystery will have to address one way or the other. namely, why are these two vestiges turned around and not interacting with the others?
“so that we can’t see their faces, duh” -- no, I get that, lol. but let’s talk in-story explanation now. why are they huddled in the time-out corner not moving or speaking? what could possibly be the reason for that. we can see them clearly enough, so we know that they’re “unlocked” and fully formed in that sense. All Might’s vestige is the only one that’s not yet visible, and supposedly that’s because he was quirkless?? and so he didn’t have a quirk factor that could be passed down through OFA initially. though I didn’t quite understand all of that part tbh.
but so then what’s the deal with these two losers? are they just antisocial or what? OFA First says that the vestige souls which were chilling out inside of OFA gradually gained the ability to take a physical form as OFA grew more powerful. and these two clearly have taken a physical form. so then why don’t they talk? there are only a few explanations for this that I can see.
(1) it could be that these guys are still alive, just like All Might (who doesn’t seem to be able to speak either, although the other vestiges can communicate with him in other ways).
(2) or, these guys are purposely hiding from Deku for some reason. (or at least, hiding as best as they can in this weird little rock slab floating in space.)
that’s it. if anyone else can think of more possibilities let me know because I’ve been sitting here racking my brain lol. this is all I can come up with. and honestly, either of these explanations would be suspicious as hell, theory-wise. if these two vestiges are still alive, that almost guarantees time travel right there. and if it’s simply that they’re hiding themselves from Deku, then that begs the question of why. which, again, leads us back to “they’re familiar, and Deku would recognize them.” (though that last bit goes against what I was saying earlier about the Third, doesn’t it. honestly I’m just spitballing here now, I haven’t really thought this all out too thoroughly.)
soooo... yeah. that’s pretty much where I’m at. nothing about this seems to make any more sense than it did a chapter ago tbh. though I will end this post by addressing one more thing, just cuz.
“this theory is dumb and makes no sense”
the correct statement to make here isn’t “this makes no sense”; it’s “we don’t know what’s going on yet.” if and when we finally get an explanation, then we can start making judgments about how much sense it does or doesn’t make. but until then we have nothing to base that verdict on.
same thing with “it’s dumb” -- look, “I hate time travel plots because they rarely work” is a valid opinion. but “rarely” isn’t the same thing as “never.” there are good time travel plots out there. idk why everyone keeps rolling with the assumption that this is going to be some cliche plot hole-filled science fiction bs narrative with a tragic ending. we have literally nothing to base that on. we have no answers and a whole lot of questions, is what we have.
maybe it will be disproven! or maybe it won’t, and it will be exactly as awful as everyone thinks and it will ruin the manga entirely. or maybe it will actually be really cool. we don’t know yet. that’s my one and only conclusion here -- that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. but then again I guess it wouldn’t be BnHA fandom if we didn’t. anyway so thus concludes my post.
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A handy guide to recognizing characters from The Magnus Archives
Ever wonder how to spot who’s who in fanart when there aren’t many physical descriptors given in cannon? Well no worries, here’s a handy-dandy guide to spot your fave archival staff members (and friends!) at a glance, across the multitudes of gorgeous art out there:
Jonathan Sims: If Cecil from Night Vale didn’t sleep for a month and then got run over by a bus. Twice. Thinner than tracing paper. Feral, but fragile. Associated item: Tape recorder. Or twenty.
Martin Blackwood: Sweaters Jumpers and circles! Is he wearing a sweater jumper? Is he drawn entirely using round shapes and soft edges? Do you want to hug him on sight? It’s Martin. The definition of “shaped like a friend”.  Associated item: Mug of tea. (It’s for John. Even when it’s not, it is.)
Tim Stoker: Hot. He has finger guns and he’s not afraid to use them. Associated item: An axe, or the aforementioned guns.
Melanie King: Blindfolded. Usually short, usually angry (mood). May be wearing her own merch.  Associated item: There’s a knife on her somewhere. In hand, as a tattoo, at her hip - sometimes all three.
Georgie Barker: She’s got style. The rest of these motherfuckers wear clothes to function but Georgie’s put to-fucking-gether. I don’t know who decided it, but they’re right. May be wearing her own merch. Associated item: She’s usually got really dope earrings.  
Basira Hussein: Stoic as a sphinx and probably twice as knowledgeable. Often in a police uniform, generally in a hijab. Merely glancing at her image will convey her ruthless competence.  Associated item: A book
Alice ‘Daisy’ Tonner: Lean, mean, hunting machine. Many scars. Often in a police uniform. She will beat you up. Alternately: some sort of terrifying wolf monster Basira is comforting. Associated item: Raw butch energy. 
“Elias Bouchard”: Smug DILF.  Associated item: Length of pipe. Or sex toys (you know who you are)
Peter Lukas: Classic sea captain aesthetic. Healthy beard, cheap whistle around the neck. Seen most often in monochrome. Associated item: Elias’ ass (you know who you are).
Jane Prentiss: O, worm? Associated item: See above.
Nikola Orsinov: Uncanny valley...but make it sexy.  Associated item: Circus regalia
Michael: Lots o’ colours. Flowing blond hair from a L’Oreal commercial plus Freddy Kruger hands.  Associated item: Doors
Helen: Lots o’ colours. Powerful 80′s business woman vibes plus Freddy Kruger hands. Associated item: Also doors.
Gerard Keay: The gothest goth to ever goth. Lives at Goth street in Goth city, and takes the goth train every morning to work at Goth Ltd. And honestly? Good for him. He deserves to be able to pursue his interests. Associated item: A Leitner
Gertrude Robinson: The world’s most intimidating grandmother. Associated item: Your corpse, underfoot. She dealt with you before you even realized what was happening. While you were reading this very post, in fact. Now you’re going in the skin book. 
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
just curious, what’s your favorite and least favorite character design? my least fav for sure has got to be female byleth for reasons i don’t want to get in to yep ok have a good day 😁
IOops this accidentally became a rant, sorry
Okay so, to preface this all, I’m not a character designer and I’m actually pretty bad at it, but my rule of thumb with really unappealing or fan-service outfits is whether or not it makes sense character-wise and how much it tells the player about the character. For example, I think we can all agree that there’s quite a bit of fan-service elements in Hilda’s design. Boob window. However, it’s not unrealistic to imagine Hilda picking out those clothes for herself. Her costume tells you almost everything you need to know about her character on a visual level. She’s confident, pretty, attention-grabbing, and high maintenance while the gloves and laced girdle give a nod to her Viking-maiden roots.
Taking it to female Byleth, I don’t think that her outfit works on either front. Her design is definitely my least favorite and it’s not helped by the fact that you have to look at her at all times. Whatever. The huge, solid mass of boobs, the buttoned bib, the big eyes, the feather hair, the bellybutton, the ripped tights, the booty shorts. She’s a merc out in life and death situations with an accessible, pale, tacky 2000′s “stab me” stomach cut out and a wedgie. Which could be excusable if, like Hilda, there was reason to believe that that her costume was character choice. But she doesn’t really have much character, and what there is gives the impression of a very stoic, dry, blunt person. I have no idea why they’d have gone that route when the sexual appeal of more “utilitarian” costuming (aka, form fitting armor that at least pretends to be functional) for characters like her is scientifically proven AND would say more about the singular personality trait she possesses. Okay, well, I know why they didn’t do that and I think it’s lame. This dysfunction of “character designer wanted a sexy girl but it’s kinda random and just shoved in the game without any thought” actually reminds me a lot of Xenoblade 2′s leading ladies, Hikari and Pyra. Although considering that their bad designs led to a lot of people hating the game for superficial reasons while accepting female Byleth’s design, I guess I’m just bitter. Jumping to a different comparison, then, look at 2B from Nier Automata. Her design is fine as hell which is kinda hypocritical of me considering that it's explicitly fan-service, but I think it also shows the most damning thing for female Byleth. Her whole look, despite having a dozen different element thrown in, is boring. Maybe it’s the colors (dressing her in all black and white would have been really interesting considering the colors of the three lords are so heavily emphasized as a part of their characters) or maybe it’s just the way the desperate elements come together. But, like I said, I'm not even slightly knowledgeable about character design and I know that despite Three Houses being mostly separate, they had to appeal to a larger aesthetic brand to which I have little experience with. And, ultimately, a lot of people find her cute or sexy which...To each their own, I suppose. I don’t pretend that fan-service doesn’t work on me (2B... Cloud’s arms in the remake... Seph's shirtless Smash skin...) but when it’s this obviously inserted in by the character designers rather than feeling organic in any way AND looks bad I'm just not super interested.
The other worst designs for me would be all four of the Ashen Wolves post timeskip. I don't think it's controversial to say that they didn't try with the clothes, even if I love their designs from the neck up (Yes, even Balthus. He looks like the type of guy that would let you sit on his shoulders at a rock concert so you could see the stage). While there are other designs I think are unappealing, those are for purely aesthetic reasons and so I can't maintain the opinion that they're actively bad or that I even truly dislike them.
As for favorite looks... I actually have a few so sorry you're getting all of them because despite the shit I'm talking, I actually really really love the character designs in Three Houses. 
Ferdinand's post timeskip is one of my favorite designs, if not my favorite. The hair, the coat, the armor, the spurs, the colors. You know exactly who Ferdinand von Aegir is just by looking at him. He’s wealthy, handsome, confident in his appearance, a hero, a princely type character, his battle form is mounted combat which is traditionally aesthetically reserved for nobility and leaders... I love it. The only reason I cannot say he IS my favorite is because of the three Lords. But before them, my honorable mentions include post timeskip Hilda, Dorothea, Lorenz, Felix, and Hubert. Granted, I could make a case for why I like almost all of the student’s post timeskip looks.
For the Lords, I obviously have to start with colors because, weirdly enough, Persona didn’t invent primary colors but are actually used as shorthand. Blue is the color of honor, loyalty, sincerity, sadness, and depression. Something I’ve always found very interesting is that blue is very rarely found in nature. To me, that’s always made it seem more lonely which, at least in this case, is thematically relevant. People call Dimitri boring pre timeskip and while I won’t defend his hairstyle (okay, actually, I probably would because he tucks it behind his ears and idk why but that’s one of the cutest things ever) I really like how unassuming he is. Bland. He’s supposed to be the plain shortbread cookie to caramel deLite Claude and strawberry meringue Edelgard. It is not in his character to draw attention to himself or stand out. To me, he kinda looks like an old Barbie prince, like he should have been named Dominic. Also I love the blue eyes/blonde hair thing and his more angular features. It really helps to sell him as the fakeout chivalrous prince type. Post timeskip, Dimitri's black armor is amazing. I love the fact that it’s a lot more intricate up-close with the different little shell-like pieces and the fact that his boots are furry. I love the big cape and the black and white fur around his shoulders. It’s really cool how they used his costume to change the shape of his in-game model to match the bodily proportions of the character art. It’s easier to see when you change his costume into the DLC ones, but the fur and cape build up his shoulders and chest look more broad while keeping that tiny little waist. The choice to give Dimitri an eyepatch is probably my favorite thing about this design. It’s genuinely inspired. Such a simple detail yet it tells the player everything they need to know about adult Dimitri when they see him post timeskip, in one frame the player can begin to understand the extent of his loss over the past five years. The subtle shadow under his eye in the first few Azure Moon chapters and the messy long-ish hair really help to sell the feral prince aesthetic as well, as it’s from those small cues the player gets that he’s exhausted (in more ways than one) and doesn’t maintain himself. None of these things are intentional choices by Dimtiri, they’re the result of what his character has been through.
Yellow is an intense, energetic color. Mostly, people think of it as being warm and inviting, the color of the sun and positivity. That intensity can be overwhelming, though, too visually demanding when compared to its primary counterparts. Don’t stare at the sun too long. Buuuut, it’s okay to stare at Claude. Claude not wanting to wear tight pants in either of his costumes is not only a mood, it is iconic. Pre timeskip, the softer lines of his silhouette makes him look kinda slouchy, kinda lazy. Like he’s not too concerned with appearances. But those adorably messy curls, the little braid, the clearly tended eyebrows, and earring make it clear that he DOES care about appearances and is very aware of his allure. And that’s before he even starts winking. It is honestly so in character that as many people picked him first on the basis of being thirsty, that feels like an intentionally Claude thing even if it was inserted by the designers. The contrast of his complexion with his seagreen eyes is gorgeous and instantly adds a kind of mystery and intrigue to him considering the setting... but it’s sf funny that nobody looked at bronze god Claude among a sea of white faces and thought something was up. Post timeskip, they used the same trick like they did with Dimitri to change Claude’s in-game model to match his canon appearance. The way they designed his uniform makes him not look as twink-ish, like he’s actually muscular and imposing and has the strength he’d need to shoot a war bow with a 120lbs draw weight. Also like Dimitri, you can instantly tell what Claude’s been up to. Like, he was very pretty pre timeskip but when he shows up in the Goddess Tower after those five years in all that gold, he demands your attention. Like a gentleman general with the excessive aesthetic ideals of the Alliance and details to imply his heritage. The quilted pants are amazing from both an aesthetic and practical standpoint. He’s a mounted unit riding a creature with scales, of course he’d want something on his legs for protection. And the chinstrap. I love that so much, it definitely makes him look more adult. He’s got such a cute soft baby face, it’s fun imagining him experimenting with different styles during the five years to get the most desired physical reaction to him as a leader. 
Frenchfries, meet forehead. No, actually, Edelgard’s design is really fantastic. Claude and Dimitri both have realistically colored eyes and hair and then there’s Edelgard. Dimitri shrugs off attention physically and Claude shirks it with a wink but Edelgard commands the players attention from the very start. Although I’m sure there’s a lot of things to associate with white hair and purple eyes, my first thought was Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Otherworldly beautiful by with an edge. Red, of course, is The power color. Strong emotions, love and hate. Red is also associated strongly with blood, which is very important to Edelgard’s plot. Granted, I think the red and black association is even more powerful than JUST red and red is the cheapest play to make in regards to displaying villainy (I mean, there are some pretty universally recognized associations with red and black and it led to people making some unfair comparisons between Edelgard and a famous dictator) but I think it was effective and well used and I genuinely enjoy its use in her case. Anyway, if I had a major complaint about her design it would be the weird ashy color of her hair whereas Lysithea’s hair is pure white. Which doesn’t even matter with the AMAZING hair horns. Ram horns can actually symbolize quite a few things, but their association with power and strength is pretty universal I think. They’re also used in demonic imagery. I love that THIS was her alternative to a crown. Edelgard views herself as a force of war and power before she thinks of herself as royalty. She also mentions that she isn’t super vain, but she loves to do her hair, so the hair being the most elaborate part of her look is entirely in-character. Edelgard’s ensemble is, like Claude, very militaristic. I love that they kept her in a dress that embraces femininity without showing skin as that wouldn’t really suit her Also, again, Edelgard demands your attention. She’s dressed all in bright bright red waving around a giant axe. She is a symbol as much as she is a combatant, someone to follow. I didn’t really mention their secondary lord costumes, but a girl in sexy armor is literally everything and I love that they had the balls to put their main sexy waifu girl in full body armor.
Okay I’m sorry I realize this was excessive and probably didn’t need explaining and I’m not sure I even articulated my thoughts properly but anyway I love their designs so here is the positivity I’ll put into the world.
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
The Arcana | Little Romantic Gestures Headcannons
A lot of Asra’s little romantic gestures are aimed at getting you to smile, he spent so long watching you struggle after he brought you back that all he wants is to see you happy.
Ever since he started travelling Asra has always brought souvenirs from his trips. Things he thinks you’ll like. Although he knows you so well that what he brings you never fails to make you happy at how thoughtful he is. It’s only after the whole ‘saving the world thing’ that you realise this was a gesture of his affection for you all those years.
Tied in with bringing you souvenirs Asra loves to spoil you every once in a while with a outfit tailored to you. Clothes that make you look stunning in the most modest of ways, leading to everyone else complimenting you. Asra has a critical eye when it comes to fashion and making the love of his life look good.
His goofiest gesture is probably making heart shaped foods for you, this only began after his confession of love (before then he made little animals and flowers from the food he gave you). Its an intricate process, but Asra definitely has the patience.
Once every-so-often Asra will ask if you want to bathe together, there is generally no other reason than he wants to pamper you/feel you close to him. Asra will draw a bath and cradle you in the water, and you’ll both just talk and give each other soft kisses.
When the night is waning and the candles burn low Asra will ask to cuddle in close with yo u and puts his head against your chest listening to the beating of your heart. He doesn’t consider it his anymore, he gave it to you, therefore it is yours. But he hopes the connection between your hearts will always be this strong.
Julian can be a little distracted when if comes to romantic gestures, big ones get lost in his planning for them. The little romantic gestures Julian gives you have no plans, just him and his complete adoration for you.
It’s like clockwork. Julian is awake as soon as the sun rises and quickly brings you morning coffee/tea/or whatever you favourite morning wake up beverage is. It’s simple and maybe you do or don’t notice it, but it’s always fresh, like he knows exactly when you’ll wake up and makes it just before you do. If you manage to catch him after he leaves it on your bedside table you give him a good morning kiss (he deserves it).
If either of you are out and separated from each other for the day Julianhides lovely little notes in your pockets. Poems, quotes, even simple ‘I love you’’s. One is always there, you save each and every one in a box under your bed and look through them while he’s gone. You plan to one day stuff them all in his coat as both a prank and a grand romantic gesture. He has the same idea, so right now it’s a waiting game to see who gets to it first.
He doesn’t necessarily do it on purpose or even in your presence, but Julian absentmindedly sketches little portraits of you in the margins of his books/scrolls/whatever paper is on hand. He’s committed you to memory and when he realises Julian gets flustered, is it weird that he just does that? After you discover a whole sketchbook of you, you pretend not to know even though you secretly love it. He can show you when he’s ready.
If he’s drunk or sober Julian will shamelessly flirt with you when he knows you need some love. He loves it when you do so back. Most of it is PG, but if you want him to Julian will most certainly compliment you on your finest assets *wink, wink*.  
Anywhere and anytime Julian will just stop, look into your eyes, smile and honestly tell you how much he loves you. It’s probably the most beautiful gesture of love you can think of, its just that pure. 
The moments spent with Nadia would usually be considered mundane to most, but that’s what makes them so pleasant. As a countess and former princess, Nadia doesn’t usually get to enjoy ‘normal’ so the moments spent with you are the best sense of normality that she can get.
Nadia is such a busy bee that by the time you wake up she’s off doing her morning duties, so she (like Julian) leaves you little love notes, usually accompanied by breakfast. The notes are always written in her hand, on scented paper and laid with a beautiful flower. On more than a few occasions her notes have made up mini scavenger hunts, just to keep you on your feet and lead you to where she is in the castle at a later time.
If she can avoid morning duties Nadia will spend time helping you with hair and makeup, she likes making you feel beautiful/handsome/gorgeous and just looking at your face brings a smile to her lips. Her skills always seem to make you look better and you wonder how she’s so good at it.
As anyone would Nadia finds your magical abilities fascinating and loves to watch you work on spells and the like, she also asks about things genuinely interested in what you are doing and how you do it. She thinks possessing such a skill as magic is like an extension of you yourself and she loves all of you (therefore she loves your magic). Given the chance Nadia could watch you work all day, alas palace duties call but she always asks you later in the day how that spell you had been working on went. 
Nadia is forever inviting you on long walks through the palace grounds at the end of her day. There’s nothing more relaxing than walking though the palace grounds and just talking about each other’s days. She’ll always let you talk about your day first, no matter how dull it may have been. She likes to find things out, figure out ways to entertain you while she is busy and plan out activities the two of you can try out together. She also just really likes listening to you, she’s had people talking AT her all day. It’s a nice change of pace to actually have a person to talk to about everything.
Tied in with doing your hair Nadia can’t help but play with your hair,she only usually does it in the privacy of your room but when she does you’re on cloud nine. Something about her hands trailing though your hair is so soothing that it sends you to sleep, which isn’t a problem in itself. The problem is; you fall asleep on her, and Nadia hates waking you up. So she just lies there and accepts her fate with a smile. 
Muriel doesn’t necessarily realise he’s making his little romantic gestures, to him they just feel like a normal part of his day but he’s glad to do them. They make him feel close to you and make him more comfortable with being in a relationship.
Muriel can cook, but he’s spent so long making meals that just state his hunger he forgot food could taste good. Since living with you and learning about you Muriel has discovered he quite likes making your favourite meals, not only because they are tasty but it’s nice seeing the smile on your face when you realise he made the meal just for you. Also you seem to like his way of making your favourites rather than your own.
It’s normal for Muriel to do his own chores around and out of the hut, and although you usually tell him to leave your own messes for you to clean up later Muriel can’t help but get itchy fingers. Doing your chores for you, he thinks he might as well, what’s more he wants to. You’re so busy running the shop, buying nice things for him and just making his life brighter, its only fair to lighten the load.
Even Muriel knows people like flowers, and what’s more you give flowers to the people you love. So Muriel finds flowers everyday and gives them to you, it might just be a single rose or a bundle of forget-me-nott’s but each flower he picks out is carefully chosen and perfect. It took him some time but Muriel soon figured out the perfect combinations of flowers to give to you, sometimes they say things better than he can.
Being the big shy boi he is Muriel remains pretty quiet when the two of you are out and about among other people. Even among your friends he can get pretty uncomfortable when trying to love and dote on you, therefore it’s not uncommon for Muriel to pull you aside to compliment you. It’s easier getting words out when it’s just the two of you and he wants you to know that he does notice things. Like how shiny your hair looks and how well your clothes suit you, it’s not just physical things either. He might mention how kind you are after helping a lost child find their parents or that he just really likes being with you. 
Once he’s gotten used to them being enveloped in a Muriel hug is probably always a great feeling.You don’t actually notice at first but he holds you in that embrace for a little longer than a normal hug (especially when you’re leaving to go on an errand, etc...), when your arms loosen his own take a little longer to do so. He gives you a gentle squeeze and sighs in his head, he wants to hold you longer. Forever, maybe. He’s too afraid to ask though, but when you finally do notice his hesitance and think back on all the times he was the last to let go, it clicks. You can be late opening the shop, as long as Muriel knows that you love him as much as he does you. You both hug each other a little longer. 
Portia romantic gestures almost make it seem as if you are married already, her little gestures are comforting and you’re always aware she does them because she always states; ‘I’m doing this because I love you!’ She needs to make sure you know because she loves love, and loves you.
A good meal never goes amiss when it’s with Portia, you know how a lot of people leave the best thing on their plate till last? That’s what Portia does. However she always offers the last bite of her food to you, even if you’re eating the same meal. If you’re in the same room, eating at the same time Portia will lift her fork to your mouth and offer it to you. It’s usually quite funny because she kids around, making silly noises as she puts in your mouth or teasing you by holding it just out of reach.She’s a good cook, Portia’s peach cakes are to die for. 
She’s aware of how much you like her cooking, so when you’re off to work in the shop for the day she will pack you a hearty lunch and send you on your way with a kiss on the cheek. She want’s to make sure you have a balanced meal ready for you when you need it, it helps that she makes it because it’s irresistible! The first time you made a packed lunch for her (because damn this girl works hard, and how does she make the time?) she burst out crying saying how happy she was that you loved her enough to make her lunch. You figured out that that was one of Portia’s romantic gestures that day, now you make packed lunches together. 
Days off with Portia are full of sunshine and relaxation, most of which is spent in her veracious garden tending to the plants and chatting away about your week so far. It’s a peaceful pastime, when the sun is highest in the sky and it becomes too hot to work you and Portia take up residence beneath the maple tree she has growing on the fringes of the garden. There the two of you lay back and feed each other berries/fruit/veg from garden, there’s always something ripe and fresh that tastes like sunshine and rain. It’s got to the point where it’s become a part of your day, where Portia and you just flirt and kiss and enjoy the mundane parts of your lives. It’s her favourite thing to do.
She wouldn’t be Julian’s sister if Portia wasn’t a shameless flirt, she’ll do it anytime, anywhere and in front of anyone. She gets a certain kick out of seeing your cheeks redden, but she’s careful to keep it at a comfortable level for the situation. You wouldn’t think a simple ‘I love you’ could sound so... flirtatious but Portia may just be better at this than her brother.
Even Portia doesn’t realise she’s rubbing your back for no reason until she’s actually doing it. It’s not always a situational thing, but it often happens when your uncomfortable/scared, or when you’re relaxing. It makes the both of you feel better, you’re both together standing by each others side and figuring things out together. She’s glad the two of you can be there together, but she’s still not sure why she does it. After mentioning it to Julian, he says something about how their mother used to do it to the two of them when they were upset. Their mother had always whispered ‘I love you’ as she did so, Portia figured out it was her subconscious way of saying ‘I love you’. It was a strange time when you did it back, because for a moment she felt like she had her mother back. For a moment you made her feel complete. 
Lucio’s extravagant, and so are his ‘little’ romantic gestures (it scares you to think what his big romantic gestures must look like). But whatever he does it’s with good intentions that become skewered when he goes over the top. You’re his king/queen, he intends to treat you as such.
One day Lucio, left alone as you tend the shop, thinks back to your conversation about favourite meals. He remembers you saying about a dish you loved but could never find a certain ingredient, so a scheme forms in the back of his mind. How better to express his love for his dearest by making their favourite meal. He debates getting the servants to make it, but... When you come back Lucio is nowhere to be found, you search everywhere and almost pass by the kitchens. There are audible crashes and some swearing, when you step in you find Lucio covered in flour. He’s very embarrassed, but explains that he found the ingredients and wanted to make it himself. He got confused and ended up making a mess instead, you can’t laugh because it’s almost too sweet that he tried. The next day you spend together is teaching Lucio to cook the dish and enjoying the fruits of your labour.
Lucio just so happens to like your face a lot, so he brings in an artist and commissions a portrait of you you. Only problem is he want’s it to be a surprise, but the artist can only paint what he can see and you’re not there. The end result is a culmination of his terribly drawn doodles and the vague descriptions he gave the artist. You’re horrified when you find it in your room. Lucio instantly throws it out and begs you to pose for the artist this time, he just wanted a really nice portrait of you so that even when you’re gone he can see your beautiful face. You insist that he poses with you and you get a much better portrait of you and Lucio.
You often humour Lucio while listening to his stories time and again, and he’s kind of aware that he’s probably told you a story before. He does about 90% of the talking in this relationship, but when you tell him stories he hangs on every word. While you let him ramble non-stop Lucio is always politely asking you to elaborate on things because he wants to hear more! No matter what Lucio has never once told you that he’s 'heard that story before'.He’d be fine with you saying it to him, but he could never do so to you. All he wants is to hang on your every word and see your face shift into different expressions, happiness, sadness, excitement and disgust. He wants to see it all because knowing every part of you as a person makes him happy and love you all the more.
Lucio believes the most romantic thing ever is people dancing together (at a point he thought it was fighting together, but the two are close enough), the way he saw people at his masquerades dance together made him long for the perfect partner. Although Nadia was always a good dancer it never felt natural with her, when you came along he found his true partner. There have since been many times where he has led you into and impromptu slow dance. No matter when, where or who is present, its like a natural part of your lives, Lucio loves it. Twirling and dipping you and making you feel like the centre of the solar system, because to him he is just a planet and you are his radiant sun.
I had a lot of fun writing this, but what I really want is you lovely people to send in requests to my ask box! Don’t be shy, I accept any type of request (fluff, angst, smut, etc...) for any of the main six. Anonymous is on, but if you’d like to request with your handle that would be great!
Lots of love! XOXO 
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szynkaaa · 4 years
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I more or less watched The Boy!!! And by watching, I mean I skipped more or less through the jump scare parts because I cannot do horror movies at all. I haven’t watched one since 2015 and The Boy was like the first horror movie after five years
Full disclosure, the ONLY reason I started watching the movie was because someone posted a gif of Greta standing close to Brahms who was all sweaty and breathing heavily n I was like “oh shit who dat he hot” and here I am 
Can anyone explain the sandwich scene to me? So Greta was scared shitless and locked herself in her room, but why did Brahms make her favorite sandwich for her?
I did some digging for interviews and generally what people have been saying about the movie, took some screenshots from youtube to put my thoughts and musing together too! 
Can anyone explain the sandwich scene to me? So Greta was scared shitless and locked herself in her room, but why did Brahms make her favorite sandwich for her? 
So first of all, let’s start with a low resolution photo I found on IG of James Russell without mask:
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which brings me to my first musing/thought/question? 
It’s all under the cut, very screenshot and text heavy, you can find more Brahms drawing at the bottom though  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So at the end of the movie, we are shown a Brahms with a broken mask and his face being burned, indicating that he was in fact in the fire.
I assumed first that the fire was created by the parents to fake their sons death and then he had to live hidden inside the walls? 
But I’ve also heard apparently it was Brahms who set the fire to fake his own death or maybe an eight years old kid really was trying to burn himself down?? 
My other theory is that his parents made the fire and tried to kill Brahms and it did burn him but he survived, and the parents didn’t wanna go to jail sooo to hide everything they made their son live in the walls
i mean the responsible thing would be to turn their kid in and have him treated and stuff;;; listened to a murder podcast about two cases where kids murdered enough kids and how they are doing now interesting read Brahms made me think of those two cases 
I also do not think that the previous nannies were killed. Like, c’mon. You’d report a person missing and sooner or later it would go back to the Heelshire mansion and if the body counts piles up? Can’t look good and I doubt that the Heelshire wants the police investigating them close up. 
Also, when the mom was like “He’s chosen you if you’ll have him” to Greta? Is it just me or the wording or does it sound like a marriage proposal/arrangement xD 
Brahms is a brat and he sees the people around him as his possession or to toy around. But I also do think that he has some abandonment issues but not in the sad tragic kind of way lmao. Even if he was the one controlling and manipulating his parents from behind-the-scene (quite literally I suppose?), he was still told as a kid to live in hiding and that no one can know he is alive. I don’t know much about the human brain, but I can imagine how damaging that must be to his mental growth and set him back in some way? We don’t know too much about his relationship with his parents - but I assume that he must have still loved them in his own twisted way. Can’t imagine that he would have been indifferent about his parents suicide. 
The scene before Greta manages to back out - first he uses the child voice to beg her to come back and promises he will be good. That’s his manipulating Greta, but when that doesn’t work and she tries harder to open the door, he becomes more desperate to keep her there and then completely loses his temper and threatens to kill Malcolm if she doesn’t return. I’m pretty sure homeboy would have killed him anyway. And then later when she returns and he is all heavy breathing and smelling her hair and then jumps up when she shouts Brahms? Idk I def think there is some sort of abandonment issue going on. 
I don’t think he is a child stuck in a man’s body or manchild or whatever. I think that he does know how to take care of himself - but he just chooses to manipulate people with the facade of a kid to do his bidding and cater to his needs. 
Anywhomst, but clearly Brahms is also a very manipulative and controlling person based, based on how the mother was reacting on the destroyed bedroom, she really seemed to be at the end of her wits and just breaking down with her “you promised you’d be good”. It was very heartbreaking to watch and also scary because it really makes you realize just how much power Brahms holds over them?? idk maybe it was just me.
Next point: the CGI mask  + the burns 
So according to some interviews with the director stated that at the first test streaming, people weren’t really scared of Brahms because he was too handsome so they had to slap a mask over his face. The face was done after everything was filmed. I’m thinking the face burns were also added post-production when they were adding the cgi mask. Otherwise, James would have needed to go through the makeup department for some wicked face burns and it would have been visible during the filming and test screening too? Which would imply that at first the fire was supposed to be just  a cover story that their son is dead and it was changed later
Observation/thoughts on Brahms Heelshire
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Love how he stands there with his hands behind his back and then nods when Greta tells him to go under the cover
James Russell is 191cm tall. So like. Brahms is really fucking tall. But I notice that most of the time he stands with a slight hunch. Could be due to him crawling through the walls and crawling out of places that requires him to do a lot of crouching. His bed in his hideout made me really sad, I’ll get to it later. 
Since James didn’t get many lines in the ten minutes that he appeared, I do think that his eyes did all the acting. They stand out even more with the mask on, there is just this crazy look on it. I also noticed during my rewatch that he doesn’t seem to blink much or at all. 
Oh yeah, he also peeped on Greta and Malcolm making out on the bed and then cockblocked them. We been knowing that he made a Greta doll and very likely jerked off to it. We also been knowing that he very very very likely wanted to bone Greta at the goodnight kiss scene still waiting for the maskeless kiss scene gimme gimme. I also highly doubt that Brahms has much first-hand experience with kissing n stuff. High key thinking he was trying to do copy Malcolm and do what he observed lmao
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When I first watched the scene, I assumed that the hole behind the mirror has always been and it’s just another one of the hidden passages Brahms to slip in and out, but now that I’m looking at the shape of the holes, it seems to me more like the mirror and brick wall were broken at the same time?? If that is the case holy shit boy is s t  r o n g. I mean, he also punched through the closet door like no big deal so really what have the parents been feeding him. 
I’m also leaning toward the fact that he ran there because Greta screamed loudly. I don’t think he was in the room as them when everything went down there, it seemed more like he heard the scream and had to nyoomed over and then punched a way through to get out of the wall. And then went on to attack Cole. He must have known that Greta wanted Cole gone, since that what she whispered to the doll before going to bed. 
Tbh, I fully expected him to murder Cole in his sleep, but Brahms wrote a warning message in blood to tell him to get out soooooo like. Cole you were warned and now you gotta live with the consequences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Brahm’s sleeping corner
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This scene was shown at the end after Greta and Malcolm escaped. We also see them briefly during the part where Greta and Malcolm are trying to find a way out and stumbled into Brahms’ hideout. I’m not sure why the rules are slapped on the walls. It seems to me that Brahms is very very very set on that the rules / routine should be followed. In the movie, he called Greta and suggested to her that she should follow the rules, to which she then started doing it.
I headcanon that that’s the routine that he grew up with as a kid and it’s just very very very very very hard to break out of it - not that he is trying to break the routine. 
I’m failing to find a good way to put my thoughts into words, but I guess the rules and routine is sort of his coping mechanism? 
I suppose if you had an OC that you ship Brahms with and want to change stuff around the house, the OC would have to very slowly introduce new rules and routines. Baby steps, yknow.
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Brahms has a violin hanging there! Honestly I would be surprised if Brahms didn’t know how to play at least one instrument. The family also has an old ass piano/clavichord (?) and Brahms loves classical music soo yeah. Love me a boy who appreciates classical musical hehe
I suppose the egg boxes are there to soundproof the room more - maybe so he can play the violin? 
There’s also music sheets hung around his attics, it’s not clear on the screenshots but when you rewatch the scene and shove your face close to the screen. Some are hanging next to the violin and there are some taped on the wall next to his bed and porn too
nice to see he has a fridge and microwave, I was concerned that he wasn’t well fed and that leftovers might not be enough, but then again. Dude is 191 cm so clearly he has been drinking his milk
Didn’t take a screenshot of his vanity, but there is a crocodile magnet stuck to the mirror hehe. I do think that he shaves and stuff, otherwise his beard would be much longer??
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We can see more music sheets stuck to a pillar on the right. 
Loving the christmas lights that he has hanging there above his bed. It’s cute. 
On the shelf he has a bunch of tupperware and empty bowls. Most of hte things are neatly organized. We can also see some books and a pen
There’s some sunlight streaming inside - I do hope that Brahmsy stays warm during winters.
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Here we can see more of the food that he has there - there is also a sink but I didn’t snatch a screenshot of it. I think those are potatoes in the pot? Maybe he does know how to cook some basic stuff, I do wonder if he has a functioning kitchen up there. Probably not for fire safety reasons lol
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Yall see that thing on the note sheet covered pillar? Ngl, that’s a whole ass aesthetic right there.
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He got a few potted plants up there. Took a closer look at them and it seems like they were healthy. So he knows how to take care of plants, which is nice to know I suppose?
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Yes, we all know what he was doing with the doll and what the tissue balled up tissue implies. However, has anyone noticed the size of the bed??? 
If you scroll up a bit to the screenshot of Greta seeing the doll, it looks t i n y. The make shift doll takes up more than half of the space. 
Yall. this breaks my heart. Dude is a beanstalk. I’m pretty sure the bed is from when he was a kid shoved by his parents to live inside the wall, does he have to sleep there in his adulthood too??? 
Even though Brahms strikes me as someone who probably doesn’t sleep much or during normal times, that bed must be so tiny for him. He must be sleeping with his knees bend and shit unable to stretch out :((( 
Brahms: is a psychopath that smashed the skull of a girl and very abusive tormented his parents and then Greta Me: omg he needs a bigger bed that poor thing :(((
Brahms’ DIY corner 
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Ah yes, Brahm’s little DIY/creative corner. 
Homeboy got lot of animal traps, cages and taxidermies hanging around, pointing strongly toward that it’s a hobby of it? 
Also at the end where we see him fixing up the doll, we can get a better shot at his desk, and I gotta say the threads and stuff are all very nicely organized. Brahms’s table looks more organized than mine does lmao. 
So we know he is a crafty boy. Not sure how difficult taxidermy is but I imagine it does take a lot of time to learn? Well he had all the time in the world anyway.
So yeah, that’s a wrap. Congrats if you made it to the bottom of my incoherent thoughts and ramblings, have a bonus drawing of Brahms wearing different masks: 
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wiisagi-maiingan · 4 years
I see a lot of posts talking about the issues with defining whether or not somebody is indigenous by blood quantum, but then I also see a lot of posts making fun of the people who say they're "1/16th Cherokee". It confuses me a lot. Is it because a lot of the time those people don't actually have indigenous ancestry? Or is it because they don't actually care about or respect the culture of their ancestor(s)? Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask.
The blood quantum aspect is part of the joke actually, because you’re going to meet very few Native people who tell you their ethnic identity in pieces. So when we encounter someone who starts dropping percentages and the like to “prove” that they’re Native, it’s a huge red flag and often a strong indication that that person’s ideas on Native identity are shaped through secondhand information made and shared by settlers instead of firsthand experience as a Native person in Native communities.
There are more aspects to it though. A lot of the time, it is honestly just bullshit. Until pretty recently (I think it went on until the mid-19th/early 20th centuries?), it was SUPER trendy to claim to be part Native. It was a fun little thing to drop at dinner parties, a way to make yourself look exotic and interesting, and it carried on through generations. A white woman would casually make up some “Indian grandmother” to explain where she got her beautiful straight hair, and now that is part of the family history with no actual evidence.
And then there’s the other aspect that you brought up, with people who have Native ancestors but aren’t Native themselves. These are the sort of people who took a DNA test or whatever and now they use it to base their identity around or as a shield for shitty internet discourse. They either don’t know or don’t care that that isn’t what being Native is, that you can’t assign a number to how much “Native American blood” you have.
So basically when Native people make fun of that shit, we’re mocking the ignorance that those claims represent. We’re mocking how people start dropping percentages into conversations, especially ones where they’re trying to act as an authority on something, without realizing that doing so just proves how absolutely disconnected they are from actual Native identity and communities.
But, let me be clear, this explanation only applies to criticisms MADE BY NATIVE PEOPLE. People who aren’t Native, or indigenous in another way, do not have the context needed to make those sorts of jokes and when they try to police Native identity, all they do is hurt our communities. The vast majority of those people DO see low blood quantum as a sign that someone isn’t actually Native. So just like. Keep that in mind.
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