#High-Pain Tolerance
2sw · 20 days
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It's not my first time on the rack.
#samweek2024 Day Six Autonomy | Abuse | Trauma
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I relate to Will Graham because I too am being gutted (period cramps) and I too am crying on the floor bleeding out.
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echosong971 · 7 months
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might make a more dramatic sketch of him losing a legion arm but for now have this
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gideonisms · 7 months
Babs dick tattoo, thoughts?
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sleepy-bear-tm · 5 months
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Can you even feel the sting of a blade after so much?
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kirby-the-gorb · 4 months
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erebosblue · 26 days
I 100% believe Dick should have the most insane pain tolerance known to man.
it’s not even a trained thing, he’s just been through some shit.
I need him to scare the shit out of people with it too. with villains it’s on purpose. other heroes he just forgets he’s absolutely insane.
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kujakumai · 8 months
Marik is going to get so many cool biker tattoos the moment he's old enough. Going to run out of arm space. All "It's MY body and this time I get to choose what marks it irrevocably." etc. Anyway imagine being an innocent tattoo artist and a guy walks in with some of the most extensive and detailed scarification you've ever seen and you're like "oh wow this guy must be INTENSE that's his whole back with actual knives that's insane-tier bodymodding this guy is on fucking advanced mode what does he want from me" and he just asks for a little wrist thing to start off with because he's never been to one of these places but it's his birthday :)
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It’s always interesting when the whumpees have a high pain tolerance. Specifically when they still feel pain the exact same but can go much longer without passing out, for example, or even crying out in pain. If they have a personality which tells them to just grin and bear it, it provides a lot of opportunities for interesting storylines and characters. Especially if the caretaker has to watch them be hurt yet accepting of their pain, only wincing at maximum, and they are appalled as to how Whumpee could take that and it’s not normal to take that much pain and someone help Whumpee before they allow themself to be drastically hurt with nothing more than a pained hiss and an “I’ve had worse.”
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ollies-moving-castle · 6 months
I really like the headcanon the Bernard has like a crazy high tolerance for alcohol because of the cult and their wine stuff
like the tabloids would see him drink like 32 cups of wine or champagne and a gala and start speculating why meanwhile the batfam is experimenting and making bets on who they think Bernard could out drink and who could out drink Bernard
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
I'll just drop a little art here, keep doing what you're doing, you're doing amazing! You write so well and I can only imagine the effort it takes to pull out these chapters, so please take care of yourself too!! I've already absolutely word-vomited how much I love your work and hyukin I'll do it again-
The way that all of the brothers react to Leo is just so believable and heart-wrenching and oh my goodness poor Raph give the poor boy a break- The recovery arc that hopefully will come is gonna be a long journey (Probably more Dr. Delicate touch than Dr. Feelings slapping some of that self-sacrifice out of Leo-). Also, the sibling sense needed to make both of the climatic scenes in your fics during the Thanksgiving parade is just great, I swear it's like that sometimes though.
At the start of chapter 22 he isn't Void he's Leo. He is coping with these events as Leo. Only when he realizes that it's all real does he slip back into the Void mask. We as readers can see the literal struggle between Leo and Void through his ninpo, as it seems like (correct me if I'm wrong, or don't lol) it burns the krang infection, it seems like the only thing that can actually hurt the infection. Leo is extremely damage-resistant to the point that even nonconsensual amputation isn't really an issue to him but ninpo seems like the only thing that can genuinely hurt him. Even if I'm completely off with this whole rant, it's so cool to see how the story unfolds, trying to figure out the limits of your universe is an amazing experience.
Every time you update I feel so glad that I can see the story unfold in real time. I can't wait for the next update, but don't feel like you need to push yourself for this fic, you're doing great, especially with the quality of what you write! Maybe it's a little repetitive at this point, but really I find it absolutely unbelievable what you are able to do and I admire your ability to write such convincing narratives.
Anyways, please take the silly boi :D
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THANK YOU YOU'RE SO SWEET!!!! it makes me so so so happy to hear that you're enjoying both perspectives, because it's very fun to write and i love to explore what everyone might be feeling ;w; and i'm having a LOT of fun exploring Ninpo. I'm a little sad we didn't get more of since the show ended right after the Shredder fight, but I like to think that there's nothing like it-- something unique just for them 🩵
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sidereon-spaceace · 4 months
torn between wanting to make all my ocs Specialest Little Guys and overpowered VS. the fact I just finished watching all three extended editions of Lord of the Rings and am deeply moved by the struggles and worth of the common man
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apollos-boyfriend · 11 days
admittedly i'm not a doctor nor do i have any issues with chronic pain but this conversation about house being "addicted" to his pain meds feels fucking crazy 😭 like yeah.... obviously he's going to be dependent on them. that's what makes his leg stop killing him. the point of the pain medication is for him to take when he's in pain. why are we berating him for doing the thing they're prescribed to him for
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thenixkat · 2 months
Reconstituted Falin is probably the strongest being in Dungeon Meshi. She hit Laios once and man crumpled and was out and stayed out till those orc painkillers kicked in.
Like Laios was able to hang on for a while while getting/after getting his leg bitten off. Kept trucking after getting some broken ribs and healing those broken ribs during the dragon gauntlet. Was still able to act while getting sliced up and eaten alive by his clones.
Falin took his ass out with one solid hit to the chest. We know she broke some stuff in him.
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Doc totally just ignores his own injuries until after things settle and he’s made his rounds especially if they’re something minor. He doesn’t exactly hide them, but he never actually goes out of his way to tell anyone when he got hit by something as meager as shrapnel. Like if they need stitches he’ll just do it himself.
And so maybe one of the boys jumps on his back or squeezes his shoulder or they initiate some light roughhousing that ends up popping said stitches. Of course he lets out a small yelp or hiss or grunt of pain that has all the other boys in vicinity immediately frozen in place with wide eyes and gaped mouths because they’re high-key freaking out on the inside. Literally the absolute last thing they need is for their Doc Roe to be hurt and if he’s hurt becuase of one of them?? Yikes.
And they just watch transfixed as he cuts a slit in his pants (ones he’d only just gotten to replace the ones he’d had to cut through the first time gosh darn it) and undoes the stitches and fixes up the newly bleeding gash so quickly that they don’t even have time to process wtf he’s doing.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
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