#He recently skipped a dose and I sat there so like...
lovesthecure · 1 year
0 notes
starlightkun · 7 months
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❧ word count: 18.3k ❧ warnings: cursing, renjun gets CONSENSUALLY dosed with a magical aphrodisiac For Science ❧ genre: fluff, humor, one (1) heavy makeout scene but no actual smut, 0.1 seconds of angst if you can even call it that, academic rivals to lovers, modern magical creatures au, college au, siren reader, human renjun ft. siren ten, same universe as strawberry sunday ❧ extra info: in my lore, siren scales are visible when they’re in more human-like forms because of magic, and it’s not an indication of their skin tone at all. so when the reader’s scales are mentioned, please don’t take this as any sort of allusion to them being pale/light-skinned! i tried to take care and make sure i wasn’t implying that in how i wrote it, but please tell me if it reads like that this work is set in the same universe as strawberry sunday but can be read as a standalone! there is no continuing plotline between fics in this universe, they simply take place in the same world/magic system and may have overlapping characters (neos may pop up in more than one work!) ❧ author’s note: y’all. get ready for this one. no spoilers but renjun and reader r both crazy and nobody should be subjected to them except each other. like they both look at the other and think “i could fix them but whatever the fuck is wrong with them is infinitely funnier to me” but they’re both Wrong. they could not fix the other. i don't want what they have but good for them. anyway as always i had way too much fun writing this that it went over my projected word count and i hope y’all have a lot of fun reading it too
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ explore the strawberry sunday universe more here!
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“Would you shut up?” You sat back up, grabbing him by the hair.
“I’m trying to kiss you again, idiot.”
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2608, 2610, 2612…
The numbers of the study rooms you passed by went up, up, up, as you continued your hunt. You knew he’d be here. It was the day before the first test in your Linguistics in Magical Creatures Studies class, meaning he was going to be holed up in the library until closing time. Now it was just a matter of finding him. Somewhere quiet, obviously, which was why you’d completely skipped the first floor with its wide-open “collaboration areas.” The second floor was all bookshelves and private study rooms that would hold four or five students at most. You peered into the narrow window on each painted metal door as you walked down the hall. While the first floor was recently renovated with new technology and upgrades such as the “collaboration areas” and bright pops of your university’s school colors that made for great promotional photos to put on the website and pamphlets to hand out to new students, this floor hadn’t had seen anything more than a janitor in a good couple decades. The musty, stale smell of old, unused books was all around you, the air conditioning hummed and clicked irregularly, all the furniture had ugly, outdated patterns, and the exactly three desktop computers they did have in a far back corner were practically as old as you. Which, in the digital age, meant that they were artifacts belonging in a museum.
And of course, sitting at very last one, as if he had been hiding behind all of these bookshelves from you personally, was Huang Renjun.
Renjun was sat in the wooden chair facing the computer, clearly deep in thought. He had one foot propped up on the wide chair seat as both of his hands were on the archaic-looking keyboard, speedily typing something out. He wore a pair of jeans, yellow hoodie, and a red backwards baseball cap kept his hair out of his face. An open energy drink can and empty bag of chips on the desk next to him belied that he had already been there for some time.
Now that you had found your target, you put on a burst of speed, stalking up to him from the side and smacking your hand down on the tabletop beside him. “Renjun.”
The human jumped in his seat, looking up from his screen to you. Taking his hands from the keyboard, he made a couple quick clicks on the mouse as he used the other to take his headphones out of his ears. “Y/N. Fucking hell… is your new strategy this semester to give me a heart attack and kill me?”
“If murder was on the table as part of our little academic rivalry, don’t you think I would’ve just drowned you after our Intro course freshman year?” You asked, tilting your head innocently. After all, you were a siren, that would be much easier than scaring him into an early cardiac episode.
Huang Renjun was not your friend. Not necessarily an acquaintance either, you’d known him for going on four years now, since your first class on your first day of college. The two of you were in the same Introduction to Magical Creatures Studies class. He had sat in the very front row, you just behind him in the second row. When your professor had asked an open question to the class, both you and Renjun eagerly blurted out the answer, Renjun just a millisecond before you. Dr. Li gave him the credit, and also requested that you two raise your hands in the future. And from then on you hated Huang Renjun.
Well, hate may be a strong word. You overlapped in at least two classes every semester being in the same major, and were both chronic overachievers. The first to raise your hands when a question was asked, studying in the library until closing (separately), and visiting professors’ office hours just to discuss topics from class further. Your professors noticed this. Some would pit the two of you against each other, and others would try to pair you up, whether on projects, research, or just in general, as a meeting of the minds or whatever. And you two would get your project done, pocket your As, and part ways again. Academic rival slash frenemy was the best way you could describe who Huang Renjun was to you.
“Who knows, you might still, if they ask me to carry the banner,” he muttered, picking his pen up and spinning it between his fingers.
This was your last semester, both you and Renjun were graduating in just a few months. At commencement, each department picked one “outstanding student” to lead the progression, carrying a flag with the department’s name and seal on it. This semester it was Magical Creatures Studies’ turn to select a student for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and your program head had already heavily implied that they could choose either you or Renjun, but they hadn’t made their final decision yet.
This was actually a pretty good segue into what you were really here to talk to him about. Pulling your lips into an alluring smirk, you nodded, “You’re right. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that—”
“A fucking what?” He cut you off, his face scrunching up as he blinked at you in confusion.
“Obviously it’s going to be one of us two, since we’re the two best students in the program.”
“Well, yes.” He nodded, seeming to let go of what had presumably been another one of your jumbled human malaphors. You admittedly hadn’t been living among humans for terribly long, and for some reason their idioms just didn’t stick in your brain very well.
“I mean, we not only are dedicated to the field itself and the content we study in class, but the program too. We probably know everybody in it, professors and students, right? Between the two of us?”
Renjun considered this for a moment. “Yeah, probably. We’ve both taken on a lot of SI and tutor opportunities for lower-level classes.”
“Right. So, you know those forums the school has on the online class platform? The general message boards?”
“Yes. Why?”
“I’m going to need you to sit tight with me on this until I finish talking, okay?” You pointed at him sternly. He nodded slowly. “Good. Back in the fall, about the end of September, I was on the message boards, just browsing around killing time. I was in the Tips & Advice section and saw this post. It was a gryphon who was losing feathers on one specific spot on her wing, and she didn’t know why. The witch she went to didn’t know why, nobody could figure it out. I was about to reply asking if it was her left or right, when I saw that somebody else already had. It was her left, and she’s a lefty. The same person replied again, asking if she sleeps with her wings out or not. She sleeps with them out. It turns out she was stress-preening in her sleep. Username: dr_magic2303. A couple weeks later, same message board, Tips & Advice, a human is suddenly producing dark purple goop from his feet but it’s so slippery he can’t even leave to go see a doctor or a witch and he was typing the post from his bathroom. Within an hour, this Dr. Magic is back telling him someone’s put an aether ooze hex on him, and to sit down and scoot on his butt to the kitchen and gather up all these ingredients for a cleansing foot bath. And if he doesn’t have them, then he’ll have to butt-scoot his way to an apothecary or call one who does home deliveries. Now people are posting on there specifically asking Dr. Magic to come heal all their magical aches and pains.”
Renjun stared at you, unblinking. The pen had gone still in his hand.
You breathed in, continuing, “I tracked this Dr. Magic all the way back to their first post in the first week of fall semester of this year. Now, I’ve been trying to figure out who they are on my own, and I’ve made a lot of progress on who they aren’t. But I’m going to lose access to those message boards once we graduate at the end of the semester. I know Dr. Magic has to be an MCS major, there’s no way they would be able to have to breadth, depth, and flexibility of knowledge by just Googling this stuff. And you and me, Renjun, I know we can do this. Not only do we know MCS, but we know the department, the people in it. It has to be us.”
He was still staring at you, mouth slightly agape. Then, his whole demeanor shifted. He dropped his leg so that both his feet were on the ground, and he resumed spinning the pen.
“Okay. I’ll help you.” He nodded thoughtfully. “If you’ll do something for me.”
“Do what?” You straightened up.
“I’ll tell you after we find Dr. Magic.”
You crossed your arms. “No, tell me now or no deal.”
“I tell you after, but you can still say no then if you don’t want to do it.” He bargained.
“That just sounds even more concerning, Renjun. Tell me now or I’ll do it myself.”
“I’m hurt. What happened to ‘it has to be us?’”
“I’m a siren, I know how to sweet talk. Don’t take it personally.” You snorted. “Now, what do you want from me?”
“You’re a siren,” he echoed plainly, as if that were all the explanation you needed.
“And you’re a genius.” You retorted. “Tell me now or I walk out.”
“I... want to experience siren venom. For science.”
Oh, you could kiss him right now, no deal necessary. He was meeting your gaze head-on, a slightly unhinged glint in his eye. Not a hint of fear, just a craving for new experiences, unbridled curiosity. Yeah, he was a bit crazy, you were realizing four years on, and you wanted him.
“You’re insane.”
He leaned back in his seat, putting his hands up in front of him in an ‘I-don’t-care’ gesture, “If you don’t want to find Dr. Magic—”
“I didn’t say no, I said you’re insane,” you corrected him with a grin, dragging your eyes up and down his form as he sat so confidently, negotiating with a siren like it was any average Tuesday for him.
“So do we have a deal?” He set his pen down and held a hand out to you.
“You help me find Dr. Magic, then I’ll spit in your mouth.” You momentarily thought about the disparity in division of labor on that, but decided not to point it out aloud. Easiest handshake of your life. “Deal.”
You wanted to eat him alive.
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“You’ve tried IP tracking?” Renjun asked, scrolling through your word document of notes that you’d accumulated on Dr. Magic.
“‘You’ve tried IP tracking?’” You mimicked him under your breath, making your voice so high-pitched to the point of mocking.
He rolled his eyes.
This was your first meet-up to try to hunt down Dr. Magic together. It was a couple weeks after he had agreed to help you in the first place. There was a test and some assignments in a few of your classes to get through first before either of you had enough spare time to dedicate to this. But now the two of you were back in the library, having taken a study room on the second floor and set up with your own laptops. You’d sent him your notes to look through on it while you perused the message board for any new posts from Dr. Magic.
“You do know that any geographical location an IP address can give you will just be the city, right? It’s not like the movies,” you snorted, dropping your voice back down to your normal intonation as you shook your head. “Anyway, I did do some extra legwork with the IPs, and matched most of them to desktop computers here in the library. I think the others are a personal device, their laptop or something.”
“They’re all different.”
You tutted at him, “Oh, you sweet Thursday’s child…”
“That’s not the say—”
“They’re all somehow on other continents. Now, I don’t think Dr. Magic teleporting abroad and cross-dimensionally to make forum posts.”
“Definitely. They’re covering their tracks, they almost never use their own device, and when they have to, they use a VPN to cover up the IP address of it.”
He made a noise of acknowledgement, eyes still focused on his screen.
Then, something on the forum caught your eye. “Oh! Right here. Thirty-six minutes ago, a dryad posted that she can’t sprout daffodils from her body anymore. Every other plant and flower are fine, except daffodils. She posted it specifically asking Dr. Magic if they know what’s wrong with her.”
“Huh.” Renjun’s brow furrowed. “Just daffodils?”
“That’s what it says,” you confirmed, making a few clicks on your computer. “And… ‘notify me.’”
“You can turn on notifications for forum posts?”
“You can’t,” you informed him smugly. “But one of the sirens in my pod, he’s got a bunch of CompSci friends who I paid to write a browser extension for me that bookmarks forum posts and sends me email notifications when anybody replies to them. So I’ll know exactly when Dr. Magic responds.”
“Have definitely spent too much time, energy, and money on this, I know. Sunken cost fallacy, look it up.”
“I was going to say ‘are insane,’” he breathed out, his voice a mixture of awe and disbelief.
When you looked up from your computer at him, you saw that he had a curious gaze fixated on you, eyes narrowed slightly, mouth parted, and head tilted ever so slightly to the side.
You leaned forward minutely, holding his eye contact. “Takes one to know one, Junnie.”
He looked down at his keyboard, shifting in his seat before he looked back up at you. “Why are you calling me that?”
“Do you not like it?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“So you do like it.” You smirked.
He frowned. “I didn’t say that either.”
“Well do you?”
“Answer my question.”
“Answer mine.”
“I asked first.”
“Ooh, how very primary school,” you teased, setting your chin in your hand.
“It’s only fair.” He pointed out.
“We could flip a coin.”
The human sighed, holding your eye contact wordlessly, looking entirely unamused.
You finally gave in with a casual shrug. “I just am.”
“Seriously? We’ve known each other for four years and you’ve never called me that—you’ve called me plenty of other things—but now suddenly you’ve got a nickname for me?”
“I’m not trying to be derogatory with it, if you’re worried about that,” you clarified. “Just sort of happened. I’m a siren, I flirt with cute people, sorry. Do you want me to stop calling you that?”
He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing some off his face as he turned his focus back down to his screen. “It’s fine.”
“Anyway, I bookmarked the new forum post, so it’ll go on the board.”
“The board?”
“I, uh, I may be using a spare wall in my apartment to host a conspiracy theory board with you know, the red string and thumbtacks and stuff…” You admitted quietly.
“Can I see it?”
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“Ho-ly shit,” Renjun breathed out, staring up at the multiple time-stamped printouts of forum posts, pictures of classmates and faculty, sticky notes, and yards of red string that you had pinned to a blank wall in your apartment.
You stood next to him, gazing up at your creation with a strange mixture of pride and embarrassment. This was the first time you’d let someone see this, and you were kind of glad it was Renjun. He actually seemed impressed. You were sure that any of your friends and family would be weirded out at best, and very concerned at worst.
“Yeah, I’m adding color copies off the school printers to the invoice I’m sending Dr. Magic at the end of all this.”
“You’re sending them an invoice for your self-assigned mission to hunt them down?” He snorted.
“Yup. It’s their fault for not using their school-issued login.” You crossed your arms. “Makes them enigmatic.”
Your classmate pointed to one of the headshots. “Is that Dr. Li?”
“Did you think our scope was narrowed to just students? Faculty have access to the message boards, too. And we’ve learned everything we know from our professors, so they obviously have the knowledge and skill to be Dr. Magic.”
“And their names also start with Doctor.” He added dryly, which you took to be a joke.
You decided that it wasn’t at your expense, though, and after giving a short chuckle, continued on with your explanation of why you specifically had your program head up on the board. “When I was grilling Dr. Li for information in the fall, he was giving me very duplicitous answers. Pointed me towards a freshman who I swear didn’t even know the difference between Arctic sirens and glacial sirens.”
“You think it was a diversion.”
Renjun tapped his chin thoughtfully. “What sort of questions were you asking him?”
“I couldn’t straight up ask him if he was Dr. Magic. So I was asking him things like... other than you and me, who did he think was the best student in the program, that kind of stuff. Said that kid reminded him of you and me on that first day of Intro to MCS.” You couldn’t help but let out an indignant scoff at the idea. “Can you believe? Didn’t know the difference between Arctic and glacial sirens…”
“Who was it?”
“Some basilisk in one of his Intro classes last semester. Uh…” You snapped your fingers as you tried to remember his name. “Seunghan! Hong Seunghan!”
“Seriously?” The human turned to look at you incredulously, clearly offended at the comparison as well.
He clutched at his chest like he was about to have a heart attack. “That’s who he thinks is the next us? I was an SI for that class…”
“I know! He’s not the brightest tool in the shed, huh?”
“So close, Y/N. So close…” He sighed.
“It almost completely threw me off my search for Dr. Magic. I figured I needed to seriously step up my game in his undergrad research or something.” You shook your head at the horrible memory. “Then I realized he might have been trying to get me to do exactly that.”
“Huh.” Renjun folded his arms over his chest as he looked away, pretending not to seem interested. “You did research with Dr. Li last semester?”
“Don’t give me those kicked puppy dog eyes, you’re doing research with Dr. Kwon this semester and she’s like, my academic idol!” You pointed at him accusatorily.
“And Dr. Li is mine!”
You waved your arms in front of you, shaking yourself out of the academic envy-induced frenzy you’d gotten worked up into. “We’re getting off-topic. We’re here to catch Dr. Magic, remember?”
“Right…” He took a deep breath, turning back to the conspiracy wall.
As Renjun studied your work, you studied him. You had a strand of fairy lights clipped up above the conspiracy wall for light and ambiance (mostly ambiance), and they now lit his features from the front. He didn’t have a baseball cap on today, leaving his brown hair to fall over his forehead, down past his eyebrows and just into his eyes. He blinked and shook his head slightly. A piece had presumably been bothering him. The curving slope of the bridge of his nose, his lips, his chin that he still had one hand propped up to hold, a finger tapping against his cupid’s bow like a metronome. You listened closer, curious if it would be mimicking the beat of his heart. The tapping was just slightly slower than his heart, and would stop if he found something that he took particular interest in, then start back up when he moved on again.
Not that you were going to tell him, but you were double motivated to find Dr. Magic now. Seeing Renjun under your venom was going to be a reward all on its own. You understood full well why he felt like he needed to ask you as part of an exchange like this, but he seemed to greatly underestimate his own selling value. Which was good for you. This was a win-win-win in your eyes.
Thinking of the deal made you curious, though. He had that request ready to go almost like…
“So, do you want to be petrified by a basilisk, too?”
Renjun didn’t take his eyes off the wall. “Already have been.”
“My friend Mark is a basilisk. When he had just gotten his powers a couple years ago and couldn’t control them, he kept accidentally petrifying his human roommate. So I figured out when it was most likely to happen, invited myself over and hid his sunglasses. It was strange, being able to think but not speak, see but not blink, and telling my muscles to move and not having them obey.” He casually detailed what sounded like one of the most horrifying experiences ever to you, leaning in towards a specific post from November. “But it only lasted one minute and twenty-nine seconds.”
You stared at him with both admiration and alarm. “You manufactured an opportunity to get petrified.”
“I knew he wouldn’t do it if I asked. He’s a wimp. That, and he couldn’t do it on command at the time, even if he did agree.”
“Have you had your blood drank?”
“Been flying?”
“How so?” His eyes flicked over to you for a second, and you were glad that you had relaxed again with the more casual conversation.
“With a gryphon, phoenix, take your pick.” You shrugged.
“Do you have a list for this stuff or something?”
“Written down, no. But I suppose I have a mental list.”
“Poisoned by a wyvern?”
“Would have to find one first.”
You felt your eyes bug out of your head. “You want to be poisoned by a wyvern? You know there’s no cure for that, right?”
“Yes, I took the same class that you did on them last spring.” He reminded you tersely. Your head jerked back minutely, surprised for a second that he had noticed, remembered, and brought it up. The two of you didn’t have a spat in that class, taking an ‘ignore and pretend the other doesn’t exist’ approach that semester when you could, and hadn’t mentioned it since. Seeming to realize what he’d done, Renjun rushed to move on, “So I also know that there’s no cure because they went extinct hundreds of years ago.”
“You think they’re still out there?”
“Hm.” He stepped to the side to read over the next post from the first week of December.
You scoffed. “Okay, coming from the guy who believes in aliens.”
“We haven’t explored all of space. But we know what habitats wyverns lived in, and they’re not there anymore.”
“They could’ve adapted, gone somewhere else,” you tried to argue. “I’m not exactly splashing around the ocean right now, am I?”
“Where did they go, then?”
“I... I don’t know,” you admitted, holding yourself by your arms protectively.
You tightened your grip, swallowing hard against the lump threatening to grow in your throat. “I just don’t want to believe they’re gone, okay?”
“So this isn’t a scientific hypothesis, but some rosy daydream?” Renjun’s disapproval of the lack of academic rigor in your argument was clear in his tone as his eyes never left your wall, following a red string up to your next connection for Dr. Magic.
“I don’t want to believe that wyverns went extinct because that means that sirens could too! Alright?” You finally snapped, hands squeezing tightly around your biceps as your claws came out with the raw burst of emotion. “I know that Magical Conservation was just some class to you, but I had to sit there and take notes on how exactly the native habitats of sirens—me, my friends, my family—are shrinking, and could theoretically lead to our extinction, and then write a discussion post on it after like it was some intellectually stimulating bit of information. So yeah, maybe I like to imagine that there’s still wyverns out there somewhere, because it gives me a modicum of hope that after everything, there could still be sirens, too. Sorry that that’s not academic enough.”
The image of Renjun that you had been yelling at in front of you was wavering as tears swam in your vision. He’d turned around to listen, mouth parting as he seemed to immediately realize his mistake. The human nodded regretfully, running a hand through his hair before finally picking his words.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to be so dismissive. I-I misread the tone of the discussion. Sirens aren’t wyverns, and you won’t meet the same fate they might have. Siren advocacy and conservation groups are making huge progress. The world now is a lot different than it was hundreds of years ago,” Renjun said, and you could hear both the remorse and firm belief in his tone. “And who knows, maybe there are still some wyverns out there. I could be wrong... it’s been known to happen before.”
You took a deep breath, your claws receding back into your fingers and just leaving your normal fingernails. As you looked down at your arms, though, you let out a sigh.
“Damn, I got myself.” You clicked your tongue in your throat regretfully, spotting a few drops of what looked like molten silver metal welling to the surface where you’d punctured your skin.
“Ooh,” Renjun winced sympathetically. “Do you have some… bandages?”
“Even better, I’ve got running water.” You started towards the door, then noted that there were no footsteps behind you. Turning back around, you looked at the human knowingly. “Do you want to watch, Renjun?”
He perked up. “Please?”
“Come on,” you jerked your head, holding your arms level as you shuffled towards your kitchen.
Thankfully, you hadn’t been nearly deep enough to get your scales, just the skin overtop. Turning the kitchen faucet on, you grabbed one of your sleeves, then looked at your classmate imploringly.
“A little help, Junnie?” You nodded towards your other arm, where the end of your sleeve was getting close to your blood.
“Oh, sure.” He surged forward to help you roll up the other one.
“I know you know this but be careful not to touch my blood,” you reminded him, finally pulling up the sleeve you’d started on well enough. Siren blood was a neurotoxin to humans—and not the fun kind like your venom, but a proper ‘kill you in an excruciatingly painful way’ kind.
“Uh-huh, got it.”
A couple drops on your left and a drop on your right had run down to your elbows, and you just managed to catch yourself so that they dripped into the sink and not onto your counter (or gods forbid, Renjun). Looking over to make sure he was watching, you stuck your left bicep under the stream of water first. The ocean blue scales that peeked through your skin shimmered in the kitchen lights directly above your head. Thankfully you hadn’t come anywhere close to nicking one of those. That would’ve actually hurt. Within a second of touching the water your skin had meshed itself back together. You turned your arm to rinse off the blood, then brought it back out to show that there was no scar left. Doing the same with the other, it healed just as quick, no mark left behind to indicate that anything had ever happened.
“Yep…” Renjun breathed out as you grabbed a hand towel and went to dry off your arms. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that.”
“How many does that make?” You giggled.
“How many creatures have you seen magically heal themselves? What number am I?”
“You make me sound so…”
“Like a common MCS whore?”
“I was going to say clinical, but damn, tell me how you really feel, Y/N.”
Both of you laughed, and you put the hand towel back.
“You’re the first siren,” Renjun answered your question genuinely anyway.
You hummed as you mulled this over. “I’ll take it.”
He made a dramatic motion of wiping sweat off his forehead, and you reached forward to smack his forearm. You two laughed again.
After a bout of comfortable silence, your eyes settled on him again, still thinking about exactly how you’d accidentally stabbed yourself in the first place.
“I forgive you, by the way,” you said. “I don’t think I said that.”
“You didn’t.” He nodded. “Thank you.”
“You really mean all that? You think I’ll—we’ll be okay? Sirens?”
“Of course I mean it. Or I wouldn’t have said it. It’s the most scientifically plausible. I did take that Magical Conservation class seriously, you know. I know it couldn’t have meant the same thing for me as it means to you, but I did my final paper on siren conservation projects in the Arctic. The progress that’s being made there is incredible. I-I don’t want to tell you about your own species’ problems, obviously, but—”
“I did mine on siren conservation in the tropics.” You let out a dry chuckle at the flawless symbiosis. “You can tell me about your paper sometime, Renjun.”
“And I’d love to hear about siren conservation in the tropics.”
“Ah, ‘a meeting of the minds.’” You did your best impression of Dr. Li, thinning your voice out to sound like an elderly man, which garnered a smile from Renjun. “Isn’t this what our professors always wanted?”
“Uh-oh. We’re giving them exactly what they want.” He shook his head ruefully. “Quick, you need to start yelling at me about something.”
“Well you need to say something obnoxious first.”
Another gentle lull in the conversation, and you watched as Renjun looked around your apartment a lot more carefully than when you two had first entered. Your destination then had been solely the conspiracy wall, but now he seemed to be really taking it in.
“So why don’t you have like… a fish tank or something?” He asked.
“Because that would be cruel! Imagine if someone kept you in a 2-foot by 2-foot box!” You jabbed a finger into his chest accusatorily.
He held his hands up in surrender. “You’re right. That was a stupid question.”
“I’m glad you said it, because I was about to.”
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“So why don’t you reply? To the posts.” Renjun asked curiously, back to trolling the message boards for new Dr. Magic posts. You two were holed up in your second floor study room again. “You’ve been tracking Dr. Magic so closely, you’re getting to these posts before they do, and you can help all these students, too. So why don’t you just reply instead?”
Yours and Renjun’s search for Dr. Magic had been going on for a month now, and he’d been proving himself useful. He’d finally convinced you to rule out Dr. Li as a suspect when he found a message board post made from a school computer while Dr. Li was away at a conference giving a presentation. Confirmed to be done at the exact same time. So you’d found another wrong person, but you still didn’t feel any closer to the right person. The remaining people felt like they were going to turn out to be dead ends, and there was nobody good to rule in either.
Spring break was coming up in a few weeks, which meant that commencement preparations would be starting, which meant that the colleges would be announcing who would be chosen to carry their banners, which meant the actual students who were going to be chosen would be told at least a week or two ahead of time. Every time you thought about that you wanted to bite something. Maybe there was some ancestral link between sirens and werewolves. Another paper waiting to be written.
“They don’t want me. They want Dr. Magic.” You told Renjun, hating the irritable edge in your voice when you addressed him. You weren’t upset with him, you were just anxious in general. He didn’t deserve to have you take it out on him.
“Right. Sorry…”
“No, Renjun, I’m sorry,” you sighed, taking the wood pencil out of your mouth that you had been gnawing on. “I just want to get this Dr. Magic stuff over with before midterms because you and I are both going to get super busy studying for midterms, and then no matter which one of us gets picked to carry the banner, that’s going to suck up a lot of time preparing for commencement too. I shouldn’t have snapped at you though, sorry.”
He offered you a small smile. “It’s okay, I get it. It’s another deadline. But it’s a group project, remember? We’ve got this, Y/N.”
You nodded. “Yeah, I know. Just feeling the pressure. I’m going to get something from the vending machine. You coming?”
“No, I’ll keep chugging along.”
“Okay. You want anything?”
“Nah. Thanks, though.”
“Alright,” you nodded, standing up and rolling your neck out. “I’m going to stretch my legs while I’m up, so I’ll be a few.”
“I won’t sound the alarm then.” He gave you a two-fingered salute as you headed to the door.
You meandered around the second floor, taking your sweet time to get to the stairs. There was a vending machine on the second floor, but it had a limited selection. The good snacks were all in the vending machines on the first floor, by the collaboration zones. Your back cracked all on its own as you plodded down the steps, and you let quiet groans with each one, until you finally landed on the first floor. There was a noticeable hum to the first floor, which only increased as you neared the two-thirds of the floor that was taken up by the collaboration zones. The vending machines were on the boundary of the bookshelves and the open spaces filled with tables and TV monitors and so many students.
Stopping in front of the drinks machine first, you mused over the options for a moment. Picking out your preferred seaweed-infused iced tea—an option you only saw sirens and the really hardcore human health-nuts drink—you then sidestepped to the snacks. It took you just a second to select a pack of mini peanut butter sandwich cookies. Neither peanut butter nor peanuts themselves were in the regular diet of a siren, but Renjun sometimes had the cookies on him for one of his werewolf friends and you’d picked up a taste for them. You would’ve never considered even trying them before hanging out with Renjun. Being an MCS major, you didn’t like to admit it, but your social circle wasn’t very diverse species-wise. You had your siren pod, and you were very happy sticking with them, thank you. Renjun, meanwhile, seemed to be best friends or friendly acquaintances with everything except a wyvern. You knew plenty about other species, after all, you excelled in class. But practical experience, you were finding you seemed to be lacking in. Maybe you should start your own Renjun-esque bucket list. Something to consider after finding Dr. Magic.
Taking a step back over to the drinks machine, you made the split-second decision to get Renjun’s favorite non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic drink. Honeydew melon soda. He had already said that you didn’t need to get him anything, but you wanted to.
“Hey, Y/N!” A cheerful voice greeted you, and you spun around, your two drinks and bag of sandwich cookies in hand.
You already knew who it was going to be, smiling at the familiar face of Ten. He was not only another siren, but specifically a siren from your pod, ocean blue scales and golden eyes matching your own. You threw your arms around his neck to give him a hug. “Ten! Ah, hey!”
“Are those… peanut butter?” He looked at the snack in your hand suspiciously.
“Uh, human study buddy,” you brushed off his concerns nonchalantly.
“Right, gotcha.”
The two of you usually hung out a lot—about as much as you and Renjun were together now, you figured—but since your spare time had been taken up with putting the search for Dr. Magic on full throttle, you were blanking on the last time you’d seen him. The beginning of the semester. Oh shit, you felt so guilty now.
The apology immediately started spilling out of your mouth, “Gods, I am so sorry we haven’t hung out, I wish I could say it was classes, or even research or something, but I’ve got this project. I can’t even really explain it without sounding crazy but—”
“Woah, Y/N, it’s okay,” Ten reassured you with a laugh, the same bright smile on his face as always. “I know how you get when you get really into one of your projects. Just let me know when you’ve finished it, and we can hang. Or if you ever need a break from it, too. It’s fine. If you weren’t a little crazy and obsessive, I wouldn’t be able to recognize you.”
He ruffled your hair with a snicker for good measure, and with your hands full of food, you couldn’t fight back, just huff and try to duck out of the way. But he was genuine about his sentiments, which really did make you feel better.
“Thanks, Ten. I’ll get in touch soon, I promise. I think I’m almost done!” You told him proudly.
“Soon in normal person time or soon in Y/N time?”
“Me time…”
“That’s what I thought. I’ll see you in six months then.”
“I’m not that bad!”
“Remember when I wondered aloud if sirens at the North and South poles were related, and you ended up spending our entire winter break researching that?”
“It only took four weeks!”
“You said it would be a quick search.”
“Exactly! People will dedicate their entire lives to that kind of research! I vastly condensed it!”
He shook his head fondly at the memory, elbowing you gently. “Get back to your project so you can finish early again and we can hang out soon, okay? And scoot, I’m trying to use the vending machine. You’re always in my way, I swear.”
You playfully pretended to block him, laughing as he nudged you out of the way with his shoulder. Starting back off towards the stairs, you turned around to give a cheery, “See you, Ten!”
“Bye, Y/N!” He waved to you with one hand, punching in the vending machine code with the other.
In better spirits having seen your friend, you traipsed up the stairs with extra pep in your step. Except Renjun wasn’t in your study room. Huh. Well, nothing in the rules saying a guy can’t take a bathroom break.
Setting his melon soda down next to his laptop, you plopped back down in your chair and kicked your feet up on the table. You ripped open your peanut butter sandwich cookies and cracked open your tea. The cookies were sweet, and while you didn’t have any oceanic reference for what peanut butter tasted like (you were told that “nutty” was a flavor profile unto itself, which wasn’t very helpful), you had decided that you liked it.
Waking your laptop back up, you saw that you had a new email, and shot up in your seat when you saw the subject.
dr_magic2303 replied to a post.
8 minutes ago.
Holy fucking shit, 8 minutes ago. While you were in the library? They could still be there. You looked around frantically. Where the fuck was Renjun when you needed him? Shooting to your feet, you snatched your phone from the table and rushed to throw the door open. Into Renjun’s face.
He stumbled back, holding his face as he let out a string of curses.
“Shit! Sorry, Junnie!” You didn’t sound all too sorry as you bounced on your feet, antsy to get a move on with your search. “No time for an ice pack though. Dr. Magic just replied to that dragon post we had bookmarked eight minutes ago. Which means that they’re probably still in the library! We need to go look for them right now!”
You took off in the direction of the desktop computers on this floor, keeping your voice at a fervent whisper-yell. The second floor computers were their favorite, according to the IPs.
“I know!” Renjun hurried after you, still clutching his nose. “I saw the email, and I tried to call you, but you left your phone in the study room.”
Checking your phone, you did in fact have a missed call from Renjun from 6 minutes ago. Well shit.
“So I went to go get you, but you weren’t at the vending machines, so I came back up to the study room and then nearly got my nose broken.”
You looked over your shoulder at him with wide eyes. “You went to get me? Not look for Dr. Magic on the freshest lead we’ve ever had? When they were quite possibly around the corner?”
The two of you had arrived at the desktops, and there was nobody in sight. One was awake, on the account login screen, the other two asleep on the ancient screensavers. You let out a heavy sigh, looking over at Renjun.
“I went to get you because this is your thing, not mine. I don’t know, I’d figured you’d want the satisfaction of taking the mask off them.”
You nodded. “Thanks, Junnie. Next time, though, just get them.”
“And how about you keep your phone on you?”
“So we both fucked it up.”
He gave you a one-shouldered shrug. “There’s still three more floors, Y/N.”
“Right, come on. You take the first, I’ll go up to the fourth since I smacked you with the door.”
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The other floors were busts, and when you finally met back up with Renjun in your study room, you were glad to have your cold bottle of tea waiting for you. Knocking back a third of it in one go, you let out a noise of relief. Renjun had already opened the soda you’d gotten him.
“Thanks, by the way.” He held it up gratefully before taking a sip.
“You’re welcome.”
“And, I’m sorry. That I let Dr. Magic get away.”
“We don’t even know what floor they were posting from yet. They’ve could’ve been on the fourth floor and would’ve been gone by the time you got there anyway.” You brushed away his apologies. “Or they could’ve been on the second and been a psycho and you would’ve been a poor defenseless human all by yourself.”
“Oh, right, without my big strong siren to protect me.” He scoffed. “Woe is me.”
“Exactly,” you laughed, shutting your laptop. “Anyway, I’ll take a look at the IP later. Who knows, they might not have even been in the library. Might’ve been one of those rogue VPN posts.”
“Yeah, maybe.” He looked over you packing up your things. “You heading out?”
You nodded, zipping up your bag and tossing it onto your shoulder. “Prior arrangements. Sorry to cut this short, completely forgot about it when we agreed to meet up.”
“You’re so popular.”
“I know!” You mimicked his sarcastic tone, holding the door open with your foot as you stopped in the threshold. “Oh, hey— the midterm in MCS Linguistics. It’s my only one this semester, I’ve just got papers in all my other classes. Do you want to study together for that?”
“Yeah, sure, sure.”
“First session Saturday? My place for lunch?”
Renjun grimaced, presumably remembering your typical stock of pantry items tailored to a siren’s food preference. “I’ll pack a lunch.”
“Cool. See you in class, Junnie!” You waved to him cheerily as you took off for the faculty advisor meeting with Dr. Kwon that you were going to need to run across campus to be on time for.
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“What is it?” Renjun set his book down where he was sat across your coffee table from you, an inquisitive eyebrow quirked up at you.
“What? Nothing.” You bit down on your lip, eyes boring holes into your computer screen.
“No, it’s not ‘nothing.’ You’ve been staring at me ever since I got here, while also refusing to make eye contact with me. What? Something in my teeth? My hair look bad?”
Normally that would’ve made you chuckle—he was wearing a backwards baseball cap again today—but you just bit down harder on your lip and shook your head.
“Now you’re refusing to talk?” He scoffed. “Did you get hexed or something? I can’t believe you’re refusing to talk.”
“No, I can talk,” you insisted. “What uh, what’d you get for number four? On the review packet?”
“Don’t tell me you’re still stuck on number four. Y/N, I’m almost done, and there’s twenty-five questions on this.”
“I’m not, I finished and went back, it was just one that I didn’t—”
But Renjun had grabbed your computer and turned the screen around, and you knew he could see that you had only done the first one. You buried your face in your hands, your skin prickling uncomfortably with shame. Your friend’s sigh was audible, but surprisingly, the next thing said wasn’t a string of derision. Instead, you heard the shuffle of clothes against your rug, and then he was sitting shoulder-to-shoulder and knee-to-knee with you.
“Y/N, what’s going on with you today? Or, not today, the past couple days? You weren’t all there in class yesterday either. I left it alone then because it was Dr. Hyun, and nobody is ever all there for her classes but— what’s wrong?”
You slowly shook your head.
“You can’t tell me?”
You nodded.
“Okay. Is it bad? Like, dangerous?”
You shook your head.
“Alright, that’s good.” The relief was audible in his voice. “Is it family? Or, pod?”
You shook your head.
You nodded.
“Alright, yeah. A lot going on. Is it like burn out?”
You shook your head.
“So, new stuff?”
You nodded.
He put an arm around your shoulders. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I know you already had a lot. Getting this midterm over with will be one more thing off your checklist, right? That’ll open a spot for this new thing.”
With a sniffle, you nodded.
“Ah, but you’re not going to be any good studying like this.” He sighed again, dropping his arm from around your shoulders and his presence shifted away from your side. “Come on, quick field trip. Then we’ll come right back to the MCS Linguistics grind. Sound good?”
You finally took your hands from your face to look up. Renjun was standing right next to you, offering you a hand. You tentatively put yours in his, and he tightened his grip to pull you up to your feet.
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The two of you ended up in a froyo shop down the street from your apartment. You gleefully picked a gummy shark off the top of your swirl, biting the head off first before tossing the rest in your mouth. Renjun lifted a meticulously curated spoonful of froyo and toppings to his mouth, satisfaction on his face as he tasted his perfect bite. You watched in amusement as he went to start creating his next scoop that had the precise ratio of yogurt and every single topping he had chosen—each partitioned to their own area atop the froyo. You decided to save your second big gummy shark for last, and took a big spoonful from the melting edge of your froyo.
“Why not me?” Renjun asked abruptly, his gaze still on the dessert in front of him.
“Huh?” Your jaw dropped. How could he have known what—
“You haven’t asked me if I’m Dr. Magic. Why not?”
Ah, Dr. Magic. Of course.
“You were my first guess, and the first person I ruled out back in like September,” you admitted with a shrug.
His head snapped up at that. “What? Why?”
“Because you’re such an arrogant, neurotic overachiever that you’d want credit if you did all this. You wouldn’t use an alias.”
“Oh. Huh.” Renjun looked between you and his froyo, a sheepish smile coming to his face. “Strangely, that makes me feel better.”
You watched a dollop of froyo fall off your spoon and plop back into your cup. “And I nabbed your IP address off your laptop the first time we hung out in January and double-checked it with every Dr. Magic post. Just in case.”
“When I was in the bathroom?”
“Of course you did.”
“Were you taking it as an insult to your intelligence that I had apparently not considered you as an option?”
You laughed, and laughed, and laughed. You laughed so hard your sides hurt, there were tears in your eyes, and you genuinely started wheezing. Renjun pretended to roll his eyes, but you saw the smile on his face and knew what he was thinking: success, no more mopey siren.
Once you had enough air back in your lungs to talk, you pointed your spoon at him firmly. “See? Just proving my point. You want people to know you’re smart.”
He crossed his arms. “As if you don’t.”
“Oh, I definitely do. But I know I’m like that.” You put a hand over your chest, looking him dead in the eye. “Do you?”
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With your head screwed back on the normal amount, you and Renjun were able to dive back into your study session at your apartment. Several hours into it, though, you noticed Renjun blinking like way too much and constantly rubbing at his eyes. It was to the point where it was distracting for you.
“What’s wrong with your eyes?” You asked bluntly.
That immediately burst the Renjun griping dam (which was really held together with tape and prayers anyway). “The screens hurt my eyes and human blue light glasses don’t do shit and no fairy has let me try theirs out. I know I should probably just take the plunge and buy them but I really can’t justify the price and—”
“Try mine.” You stood up, walking over to a display shelf on the other side of the living room.
“You have a pair? Why? Sirens don’t—”
“You collect magical experiences. I collect magical things.” You said nonchalantly, grabbing the pair of silver frames from where they sat between a phoenix feather (a gift) and a small wristwatch that would tell the correct time until it was put on, then it would be set on the time and date most significant to the wearer in that moment until it was removed. Walking back over to him, you held them out to him insistently, “Here, try them.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Renjun gingerly took them, sliding the arms over his ears and the frames onto the bridge of his nose. The pair you had was a little older, admittedly. You’d picked them up at a novelty shop, so they had some retro charm to them. An older style of frame, thicker lenses. But you thought it added a quaintness to their look. Especially on Renjun, he just looked downright adorable in them.
You sat back down to watch with your head in your hand as his brown eyes blinked from behind the thick lenses, and he looked around your living room like a newborn woodland animal. His face had already relaxed, and he turned his focus down to his laptop screen next, messing with the brightness up, then down. After that, he took out his phone, doing the same with that device.
“Well?” You prompted him, though you truly would’ve been content with watching him look around as if he’d been born colorblind and it were his first time seeing in color. Which, you had an enchanted pair for that too, but he wasn’t colorblind to your knowledge.
The human looked at you, a giddy smile stretching across his face. “They’re perfect! Thanks, Y/N!”
His hand reached up to take them off, but you stopped him.
“Keep them—”
“No, these had to be so expensive!” He protested immediately.
“Just for a week or so,” you finished your sentence pointedly. He was cute, but not that cute. “Make sure you really like them before you buy, okay? If you end up hating them, give them back. If you like them and buy your own pair, you can give them back whenever yours arrive in the mail.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s not like I’m using them. Superior siren eyesight.” You tapped next to one of your eyes for emphasis.
“Thanks for not rubbing it in or anything.”
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Scrambling to dial Renjun’s number, you put your phone on speaker as you fervently flicked through all of your Dr. Magic notes. You’d been laying in bed binging some mindless baking competition to numb your brain from all the studying you’d been doing when an email notification had popped up alerting you to a new Dr. Magic post.
“Y/N?” Renjun answered the phone, sounding utterly confused. “What’s—”
“New Dr. Magic post. I ran the IP and they’re in our city!” You blurted out.
“Okay… Well we already knew that, right?”
“Yeah, but this is an IP in our city that they posted from at midnight on a Saturday. Not any of the school computers.” You hit CTRL + F, typing in the string of numbers to quickly cross reference it with your extensive list. “This could be their IP. Like, their actual one, from a personal computer.”
“Oh, yeah. Could be.”
“Can you give me a little more enthusiasm here, Junnie? Did I wake you up or something? It’s only—” You stopped like you’d just walked face-first into a brick wall, eyes locked on the search result.
“Yeah, only quarter after midnight,” he scoffed.
You clicked the next arrow on the search bar, but that was the only match. 1/1 results.
“Y/N?” Renjun called for your attention. “You there?”
You hung up.
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Not wanting to lose your nerve, you pressed the doorbell over and over insistently. You could hear the complaining tone of the occupant before his words were even audible.
“Christ, I have neighbors, you know?” Renjun swung open the door with a scowl. The human was in a big, slouching hoodie and pajama pants. His hair was stuck up in a couple different directions, making you think he might’ve just woken up. Except behind him, you could see that his kitchen light was on, and a couple books and his laptop were open on his kitchen table. Late night studying. And the fact that you’d just talked to him on the phone fifteen minutes ago.
“Can I come in?” You requested, fidgeting with the sleeve of your cardigan.
His face immediately softened. “Yeah, of course.”
“Sorry to just show up like this,” you said as you took off your shoes by the front door before following him further into his apartment.
“It’s okay.” He stopped you two in the kitchen, picking up a colorful, patterned cardboard box. “Uh, I was just about to make a midnight snack. Pizza bites, you want some?”
“I… don’t think I’ve ever had them.”
“Perfect, you can try one now then.”
“Mm,” you made a non-committal noise, leaning against his kitchen counter to watch him pour out the frozen food onto a baking sheet.
The oven beeped, and he put the tray in before pressing a couple more buttons.
“So, I was thinking about the Dr. Magic stuff. Not the IP stuff but like… What even is your plan for when you do find Dr. Magic?” Renjun asked as he put the remaining pizza bites in his freezer.
“What do you mean?”
He leaned against the countertop across from you, though in the narrow space of his kitchen, you were practically knee-to-knee. “Like, say we finally find out who they are, we run up to them in the library or on campus or something. Then what? What are you going to do? What are you going to say? You’ve done all this, and I know why you had to. I get it. But, do you know what you’re going to say to them?”
“Probably something along the lines of…” You trailed off, giving an exasperated sigh. Dropping your chin to your chest, you groaned, “Gods, I don’t know.”
“Hey, that’s why you got me. So you can bounce ideas off someone, do a dry run.”
“I thought the words would just come to me, and now that I’m trying, I can’t—”
“It’s fine, Y/N. Let’s think about why you did this. I know it’s really hard to put into words. I mean, I know why you did. I get it. It’s that need to know. Not because you can, but because you have to, right? It’s curiosity in its rawest form. So obviously it’s not going to be some schmaltzy ‘haha I caught you’ spiel or anything.”
Looking up from the kitchen tile to Renjun’s eager features, you shook your head in disbelief. “You’re still helping me… when I know it’s you, Junnie.”
He tilted his head to the side, a comical noise of confusion coming from his mouth, “Uh?”
“I know it’s you, and you know that I know that it’s you.”
“You already ruled me out, because I’m an arrogant—”
“Junnie, you made a post on the forums from your laptop. No VPN. When you knew I was still tracking Dr. Magic’s IP on every post they made, and that I had your IP. That’s not a whoopsie that you make unless you want to be caught.”
The human crossed his arms over his chest, but otherwise seemed entirely calm about being caught. “And you didn’t come in here guns blazing now that you’d caught me, either. Why?”
“I didn’t know how to say it. I mean, you’re right, I only did all this because I needed to know.”
“And now you know.”
“Why now? Why just give up now?” You asked with a shake of your head. “You started posting as Dr. Magic back in August, and I came to you in January. You knew everything I was doing; you could have cruised through the rest of the semester and I’d have never caught you.”
“You wanted to find out who it was by midterms. One less thing on your plate.”
“And now I know…”
“So how does it feel? Finally catching Dr. Magic?”
You wrinkled your nose and sighed, “Bit disappointing. I was right on my first guess.”
“And you immediately dismissed me out of hand for being an arrogant, neurotic overachiever on your first guess,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, but I didn’t really know you then. If I’d known you then like I know you now, I would’ve known as soon as I saw the first post.”
Renjun batted his eyes teasingly. “Aww, Y/N…”
“Doctor underscore magic two, three, zero, three? Twenty-three, oh-three? That’s your birthday, Junnie,” you deadpanned.
Pushing off the counter to stand up straight again, you said, “Anyway, you did help me find Dr. Magic. So, my turn.”
“Oh, no, you seriously don’t have to do that. I rigged the deal—”
“Yeah, about that.” You took a step forward. “How did you think that was going to end up for you, anyway? Were you going to sell somebody else out as Dr. Magic and hope I wasn’t going to talk to them? Spit in your mouth first and ask questions later?”
“I was thinking on my feet.”
“Maybe think laying down next time, Junnie.”
“Anyway, come on, you’ll want to sit down for this.” You grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the living room.
“You don’t need to feel like you have to do this,” he reassured you.
Stopping the two of you in front of the couch, you turned to face him with a smirk. “Believe me when I say that it is going to be a treat unto itself for me to see you under the effects of siren venom. M’kay?”
Renjun’s surprise was evident on his face. “Oh.”
You stepped closer to him, delicately placing a hand on his chest. “Now unless you want me to literally spit in your mouth, I’m going to have to kiss you, to administer the venom.”
His eyes flicked between the hand you had on his chest and your face as he replied. “I’m okay with that—the kissing—if you are.”
“Renjun, I’ve been ready to eat you alive since you said the words ‘I want to experience siren venom for science’ to me.”
“Mhm. So why don’t you sit?” You guided him with the hand against his chest to sit back against his couch. Swinging one leg over his hips, then the other, you lowered yourself onto his lap. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded, tentatively settling his hands on your thighs. “Is this okay?”
“More than.” You smiled, looping your arms around his neck. “Now, a couple things, before we get started.”
“We haven’t started?”
“You’ll know it when we do.”
“I know you think you know what siren venom is like, but whatever scientific articles you’ve read, or documentaries you’ve watched, or slides you’ve studied under microscopes in lab, cannot actually prepare you for what it’s like. Which, I imagine is why you want to experience it for yourself.” You smirked down at him as you watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down with a gulp. “So before I actually dose you up with it, I need you to tell me what you’re actually okay with doing and what you’re not. Because once you get my venom in you, you’re going to want to let me do anything and everything to you, up to and including kill you, remember?”
“Well that’s off the table.”
“Good to know,” you snorted, running a fingernail down the nape of his neck. You felt a shudder go through him. “Is this okay?”
“Y-Yeah.” He seemed to be fighting to keep his eyes open. You halted your motions to let him think, and watched in amusement as he blinked his mind clear.
Once enough time had passed, you prompted him, “So?”
“I think just kissing,” Renjun answered. “Like, making out, or whatever. If you want…”
You snickered. “What part of ‘eat you alive’ was I unclear about?”
“The ‘eat’ part, actually. How literal is that?”
“Guess you’ll find out,” you teased. Then, you focused again as you sat back a little. “Okay, making out. Making out means different things to different people. So… we know kissing’s on the table. Tongue?”
“Waist up. You got somewhere you don’t want them?”
He took a moment to think about this. Then shook his head. “No. You can use them. Anywhere.”
“Same goes for you. Hickies?”
“Giving or receiving?”
“Both. You first.”
“Both are okay. You?”
You were already zeroing in on his neck and a small part of his collarbone peeking out from under his hoodie. “Same. Touching over clothes?”
“Okay, as long as you don’t think it’ll be too much with the venom…”
“Oh, Junnie, everything is going to be too much.” You grinned down at him.
His breathing had picked up pace as the two of you were talking. “You? The touching?”
“Good. Great. Touching under clothes?”
Renjun squirmed underneath you, but maintained your eye contact. “Just under my shirt.”
“Smart boy,” you said approvingly. “Me too.”
“Is that it?” He asked quietly, eyes now flicking down to your lips.
“I think so…” You looked around the room to buy a couple extra seconds of thinking time. When you hadn’t come up with anything else, you looked down at the human below you once more. “Ready, Renjun?”
You took one final look over him like this, how much he already wanted you before he’d even gotten any of your venom in him, and dragged the tip of your tongue over your bottom lip instinctually. His heartrate jumped, and you wondered if it was fear—if the motion had reminded him perhaps of a hungry predator—or need. Or maybe a bit of both.
But you couldn’t tease him nor yourself any longer, swooping down to connect your mouths. You started off with just a couple light, closed-mouth kisses, to ease him into it. You heard him inhale quickly through his nose, his grip on your thighs tightening minutely. Swiping your tongue across the seal of his lips, you were delighted when he immediately parted his mouth in response, his tongue seeking yours out. You hummed contentedly into his mouth as you started stroking a fingernail down the back of his neck again. At the same time, your venom was beginning to mix in with your saliva, being passed onto Renjun.
Once his jaw started going slack in the kiss, and his hands slowly slid off your legs entirely to rest lamely at his side, you deemed him plenty dosed up. Consciously, you blocked off your venom glands once more. When one particularly drawn-out scratch down the back of his neck finally elicited a noise from him, an involuntary whine, you felt something in you snap. You needed more of that.
“So this is what siren venom feels like…” He mumbled breathily, letting his head loll back against the couch cushion as you kissed a path down his jawline and neck. When you felt his breath hitch in his throat over one particular spot, you decided to take your time there, sucking and nipping a mark into his skin.
When humans were… locked in a lover’s embrace, they let off a certain perfume distinguishable only to sirens—which was what made them the favored prey of sirens for so long. A human under the influence of siren venom? Delectable. And every human’s was unique too, so Renjun under the influence of your venom? Absolutely addictive.
With each kiss you stole from his lips, every nip you left on his neck that you then soothed over with your tongue, you got another taste of it. A sweetness that came with a bite, like ginger candy.
Renjun was still talking, though, his vocal cords vibrating under your lips. “My-My heart’s beating so fast, and I’m so warm—that’s so the ocean water doesn’t feel cold, of course—”
“Would you shut up?” You sat back up, grabbing him by the hair.
“I’m trying to kiss you again, idiot.”
“Oh. Right.” He closed his mouth, looking up at you with glassy eyes, waiting. Gods, he was so pretty like this.
You crashed your lips back on his, a mess of teeth and lips and tongue as he tried to keep up with you. But you knew that your venom was in full effect now, every single one of his nerve endings was approximately three and half times more sensitive. So you were sure it was all a little overwhelming. But he was definitely trying his best, kissing sloppily into your mouth with hungry, desperate whines.
Pulling him back off with your grip in his hair, you traced a thumb over his kiss-swollen bottom lip, cooing over how fucked-out he looked like this. “Oh, baby. Oh, poor Junnie. What’s wrong? Can’t even kiss me properly because it feels too good? Baby’s overwhelmed with just a little bit of kissing?”
He opened his mouth wider, darting the tip of his tongue out to brush against the pad of your thumb. You pushed the finger in his mouth, groaning as he immediately closed his lips around it. “Gods, you’re perfect, Junnie.”
Taking your thumb back out of his mouth just to grab his chin with the same wet digit, you attacked his lips with yours again. Ginger candy. His hands that had been lamely resting at his sides the entire time now fumbled at something in the area where your hips met.
“What? What are you trying to do, baby?” You asked, leaning back to look down. He was grabbing at the hem of his hoodie, unsuccessfully yanking it up towards his head as part of it was stuck under one of your thighs.
“‘m too hot. Please…” He panted, dropping it as he looked up at you pleadingly.
You nodded slowly in understanding, knowing that one of the effects of the siren venom was an increase in body temperature, not to mention what you two were just doing. The collar of another shirt was visible underneath the sweatshirt. “Okay, Junnie, we can take your hoodie off. But only the hoodie. Your other clothes are staying on, understood?”
He nodded quickly, hips bucking up against you. Sweat was beading up on his forehead, his hair getting stuck to the damp skin. You shifted back on his lap so that none of the sweatshirt was under you anymore, grabbing the hem and reaching behind him to yank up from underneath him as well.
“Sit forward for me, baby?” You requested in his ear sweetly.
Renjun obliged as best he could, leaning forward to get his back and shoulders off the couch. You pulled the hoodie up over his head, tossing it off to the side, leaving him in a black t-shirt that certainly couldn’t be helping much either. But having that heavy layer off seemed to provide some relief for him, as he let out a sigh, falling back against the furniture again.
You giggled as you settled back into the crux of his lap again, lacing your fingers together behind his neck. “Is that better now, Junnie?”
He shook his head, and you arched an eyebrow curiously.
“Oh? What’s wrong, then?”
Renjun tugged gently at your cardigan where it had shrugged down to show one of your shoulders. “Please?”
Pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth, you thought this over. You had a tank top on under the cardigan, and both of you were still wearing everything else. Not to mention that you were starting to get a bit warm too. Sirens ran naturally cooler than humans, so you were sure that to him, you felt practically refreshing right now, but you honestly were a bit hot for a siren’s tastes.
Giving a contemplative hum first, you finally relented, “Alright, Junnie. But just my sweater. Everything else stays on, because we didn’t talk about that before the venom, do you understand?”
He rushed to strip you of the knit cardigan, his mouth following his hands’ path down your skin. First on your shoulder, then down your arm. You let the garment drop on the floor behind you as he kissed back up along your shoulder, then over the fabric of your tank top until he got to your collarbone, and finally the hollow of your throat. Fondly stroking the back of his head, the pleased purr that had started in your chest turned into a surprised moan when he licked a long stripe up your throat.
Holding his face in your hands so that your noses brushed, and your lips barely ghosted over each other, you let your breaths mingle in the meager space afforded. Renjun ended your little anticipation game quickly, kissing you tongue-first, and you kissed him back just as eagerly, sucking on his tongue with lewd, wet noises. He moaned into your mouth, his hands grabbing at your waist for purchase first, then slipping and curling into the material of your shirt, bunching it in his fists.
Slowing the pace of your kisses, you eventually sat back, appraising the state he was in. You affectionately ran a hand through his hair as you took in his blown pupils, kiss-swollen lips, and pink cheeks. “Junnie? How are you feeling? Need a break?”
You hadn’t given him another dose of venom since the initial one, which wasn’t very large to begin with. But this was his first time experiencing it, so you wanted to check in. He should be just past the peak of it by now, starting to come down but for all intents and purposes still very much intoxicated. Siren venom wasn’t meant to last very long, after all, it took an adult human less than a minute to drown.
“Need you…” He insisted, arching up towards you.
Indulging him in one, two more feverish kisses, you pulled away once again. “I know, baby. And you’ve been doing so good for me. So I need you to tell me if you need a break. Okay?”
“’kay.” He agreed before you sealed your mouth over his again.
Kissing down from his mouth to just under his jaw, at the same time you trailed a finger down the center of his front until it got to the hem of his t-shirt.
He nodded fervently before you could say or do anything more. “Please… please…”
“Shh, shh, shh,” you quieted him down gently. “Doing so good for me, Junnie. The best.”
You slipped your hands under his shirt, just to stroke his waist. His muscles tensed under your touch, and he let out a sound of satisfaction. He grabbed at your thighs again, but you couldn’t tell if it was an attempt at reciprocity or to have something sturdier to ground himself to than your flimsy tank top. The corner of your lips quirked up as you pressed a couple more kisses down his neck to hover your lips over his pulse point, content to start a new mark there as your hands continued to explore under his shirt. It was when you gently raked your nails down over his pecs that you got the loudest moan out of him yet, and you groaned in response.
“Gods, you’re perfect,” you nuzzled your nose into Renjun’s neck, then pressed a couple relatively chaste pecks to his cheek. “Just perfect…”
Taking your hands back out from his shirt, you silenced his whine at the loss of contact by slotting your lips together once more. You cupped his face with one hand, using the other to take one of his hands off your leg and lace them together, palm to palm. This seemed to make him content once more, especially when you brought your connected hands up to the back of the couch, pinning his behind his head. He squirmed under you, letting out a familiar noise of pleasure into your mouth and squeezing your hand tightly.
You knew the venom was well and truly starting to wear off when Renjun began keeping pace with your slow, lazy kisses, his mouth not as sloppy but no less delightful as it moved in tandem with yours. The thumb of the remaining hand on your thigh started to stroke over your skin, and the hand that you were holding gave yours a gentle squeeze. You gave him one, two last lingering kisses, drinking in the dwindling taste of ginger candy while you could, Renjun matching you beat for beat.
Unlacing your fingers and dropping your hand from his face, you drew back from him. Before you could say anything, though, Renjun grabbed you by the back of the neck and pulled you in for one more kiss, sinking his teeth into your already tender, over-kissed bottom lip. You gasped into his mouth, which gave him the perfect opportunity to intertwine his tongue with yours again on his apparent mission to try to kiss the breath from you. A nigh impossible task for a human to do to a siren, but it definitely felt like he was succeeding. He was crushing his lips against yours so hard you were worried about him drawing blood—not because you would mind the pain, but for fear of his safety if he got a direct hit of your blood in his mouth.
In the back of your mind, you were desperately trying to remember if you had maybe accidentally opened your venom glands a second time later on, but just drew a blank. That wasn’t something you did unaware, it wasn’t automatic, it had to be done on purpose. Then, for a brief moment, you were worried about secondary wave syndrome—some humans break down siren venom in two phases instead of one, and the second one almost always kills them if they’re not brought to a human medical doctor for treatment—and you started running through the symptoms as well as the nearest human emergency rooms in your mind. Burst capillaries in the eyes, refusal of food and water, the hospital three blocks over should have an ER, right? But the kiss didn’t feel like when he’d been intoxicated on your venom before, this one felt deliberate, in control. He was in control. You let out a small moan at the thought, and Renjun’s lone hand on your thigh tightened in response.
Once he finally let you go, you both sat there in silence for a good few seconds, you still on his lap. You stared extra hard at the whites of his eyes. They looked normal. He seemed… normal.
It was rare for either of you to be speechless, much less the both of you.
“Well…” you broke the silence. “That was siren venom. You should drink some water. Stay right here, I’ll get it.”
You climbed off of him, heading into his kitchen. Looking at the oven, you were wondering how the timer hadn’t gone off in that entire time when you saw that it wasn’t on. The words ‘TIMER SET?’ were flashing on the screen at you, and the preheat hadn’t been started either. The pizza rolls had just been slowly defrosting on a pan in the cold oven. You couldn’t help but laugh, reaching into his fridge for his Brita filter then securing a couple cups from the cabinets.
Walking back into the living room, you handed the human his cup of water and remained standing as you took a sip of yours.
“You didn’t start the oven, for your pizza rolls,” you informed him quietly.
“Wh— oh, shit,” Renjun groaned, tipping his head back. “I guess I don’t get to give you your first pizza roll tonight.”
“That’s okay.” You dropped onto the couch next to him, shoulder to shoulder.
“So… that was siren venom,” he breathed out, then took a long gulp of his water. Definitely not second wave syndrome.
“That was siren venom,” you confirmed with a laugh, fondly brushing a piece of sweaty hair off his forehead.
“You were right… I was not prepared,” he admitted with a laugh, taking another drink.
“So do you think you would’ve let me kill you?”
“Yeah. I would’ve given you my credit card info, bank password, spilled all of my friends’ worst secrets, let you kill me, killed someone else if you asked me. God, that was…” He said with wide eyes, shaking his head. But there was a familiar glint in his eye as a smile cracked across his face, “Incredible.”
“Glad you think so,” you giggled, patting his chest. “Now don’t become a venom junkie, okay? I couldn’t live with myself if you did and it was my fault.”
“I won’t. Not really what I meant anyway.”
You grinned slyly at what he seemed to be implying, that it might not have just been the siren venom, but that it was you and your venom that made it so incredible. Like how every human had a slightly different essence, every siren had a unique chemical signature in their venom. It’s why using it non-consensually nowadays would be extremely stupid (as well as just an immoral thing to do and also a crime)—it can be matched to the siren in a lab like DNA. In addition, anecdotally, every siren’s venom was said to produce a slightly different high, but no mass studies had backed that up. You were inclined to believe the stories, though.
Renjun was still a bit hazy, though, still riding the high of the venom, so you decided to tuck a conversation like that away for another time.
“So why did you pick Magical Creatures Studies? Other than you’re insane?” You redirected the topic to a more neutral one.
Renjun didn’t seem put off at all about this jump. “When I was a kid, my family traveled around a bunch, for my dad’s job. I got to meet a lot of different kinds of beings, some of them became my best friends, and I never wanted to stop learning about it all.”
“What does your dad do?”
“Government job,” he answered, suddenly interested in picking at his nails.
You furrowed your brow thoughtfully. “Wait a minute… Huang Renjun. As in, your father is Ambassador Huang? That we’ve had to write papers on in class?”
Ambassador Huang was the first human ambassador sent on diplomacy trips to outside nations of magical creatures post-integration. His trips had largely been considered a monumental success, and credited as a big driver behind the huge uptick of immigration that your city has been seeing from outlying areas in the past couple decades. You’d hardly gotten through a single contemporary MCS class without directly learning about him or at least hearing his name. And you’d apparently been going to school with his son for four years and just pumped said son full of your venom and made out with him while he was high on your venom.
“Dude! What the hell? You didn’t think to mention that at some point?” You asked incredulously.
“And sound like some uppity nepo kid bragging about my dad? No thanks,” Renjun snorted.
“Yeah, maybe not like day one but like… I don’t know, before I used my venom on you!” You nudged his arm teasingly.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“I just venom-ed Ambassador Huang’s son!”
“Oh my God, could you not call me that?” He snapped at you. “This is why I don’t tell people! Because now I don’t have a name anymore, I’m just Ambassador Huang’s son.”
You immediately realized your mistake, your stomach dropping as you heard the hurt in his words. “Renjun, I’m—”
“Just go.” He demanded, standing up from the couch and putting distance between you two again. “We both got what we wanted, right? You found out who Dr. Magic was, and I experienced siren venom. That’s all this was, so you can go. You don’t owe me anything else.”
You clenched your jaw, setting your cup on the end table beside the couch. Picking up your cardigan from the floor with as much dignity as you could, you pulled it back on. Neither of you said another word as he watched you stalk over to the front door, shove your shoes back on, throw the door open, and slam it closed behind you.
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Drumming your fingertips along your keyboard, you squinted at the flashcards on your screen. You were in a sour mood, which had persisted ever since you’d left Renjun’s last night feeling used.
Ten was next to you at your picnic table outside the student union, finishing up a pencil portrait sketch of one of his other friends—one of the CompSci majors you’d paid to write your browser extension, actually. Dejun, a dragon, whose slit pupils, many bejeweled earrings, and a singular fang poking out from under his top lip featured prominently in the portrait. The sketch was part of Ten’s midterm portfolio check-in for one of his classes. Midterms were literally this week. Like, right now. You forced your sharp teeth further into the wooden pencil in your mouth.
“You’re going to ruin your cuspids like that, Y/N,” Ten chastised you calmly, rubbing at a line with the pad of his ring finger to smudge it before flipping his own non-mangled pencil around and continuing to sketch with the graphite.
“I’ll grow another set,” you grumbled, but took the writing utensil out of your mouth nevertheless.
“And have no teeth in the meantime. Real sexy siren stuff. Sure to lure all the hotties to their deaths looking like GamGam missing her dentures.”
“Shut up!” You shoved his head away, earning a loud peal of laughter from your friend. “As if you’ve been pulling anybody yourself. You’re literally a siren art major covered in tattoos that he designed himself, more piercings than a dragon, including nipple rings, and you haven’t been on a date in… what, almost a year?”
“So we’re both disappointments to the good siren name, huh?” He held up his hands in surrender, still grinning. “Just a couple of poor, celibate sirens doomed to be disgraces to their species forever…”
“Can you not yell that to the entire courtyard, dude?”
“What? Not announce very loudly that you haven’t been with anybody in exactly four—”
You lunged to cover his mouth before he could publicize precisely how long it’s been since you’d hooked up with someone. Ten immediately broke down into laughs behind your hand that was covering his mouth, his shoulders shaking even as you smacked him on the back of the head with your other hand.
“Gods, what is wrong with you?” You hissed at him. “You’re a menace to society. And me.”
When you’d finally let go of his face, he said through a couple more chuckles, “Hey, you could easily do it back to me.”
“Why would I want to do that? And the fact that you’re suggesting it makes me think that you want me to do that, which makes me want to do it even less. You freak.”
Before your podmate could respond, you caught sight of a figure approaching your table head-on. Setting your jaw, your body immediately tensed. There was no mistake, Huang Renjun was walking straight towards you. Ten seemed to have noticed the shift in your body language and mood, as he didn’t say anything further, quietly going back to his sketchbook as you watched Renjun get nearer and nearer.
“Y/N,” he said your name quietly, stopping not quite at the end of the table beside you, but next to the end of the bench across from you.
“What do you want from me now, Renjun?” You replied bitterly, pretending to return your hands to your keyboard as if you were going to refocus on your studies.
“Uhm, to talk, I guess?”
Ten interjected, “Do you guys need a second? I can go—”
You held him in place with a hand around his wrist, your voice curt, “No, Ten. Stay. This will be short.”
Your friend lowered himself back down into his seat.
You then set your hard gaze on Renjun. The marks you had left on his neck were still visible above the collar of his t-shirt. Moving your eyes from that to his face, you cocked your head to the side. “What’s in it for me? You established that our relationship is purely transactional, remember? We apparently just use each other. You scratch my back, I spit in your mouth, quid pro quo.”
“Okay, I’m going now,” Ten declared, wrenching his arm from your grasp to grab his sketchbook, pencils, and backpack before taking off.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I don’t see you like that at all, I just... I got defensive and snapped. It’s not an excuse, but still, I want you to know that I don’t mean anything I said. I’m sorry.” Renjun shifted uncomfortably on his feet, but you could see the genuine remorse on his features.
You breathed in, then out.
“I’m sorry too,” you sighed, letting your voice relax back to the natural softness that it held around Renjun. “You’re your own person, aside from just ‘Ambassador Huang’s son.’ I’m sorry for treating you like anything other than Renjun.”
“It’s not that I’m not super proud to be his son or anything, I think he’s really awesome. He was my hero growing up; still is. I mean, I’m going into the same field as him. Kind of. You know? It’s just because we’re going to be doing the same kind of thing, I want to be able to be looked at for what I do. Good or bad.”
“Bad? You plan on using your degree for evil, Renjun?” You teased, scooting over on the bench seat to take Ten’s previous spot and freeing up a place for Renjun to scoot in beside you.
“I could,” he played along, gladly taking the seat offered.
The two of you made eye contact, then burst into laughter at the same time.
“What?” He questioned in mock offense. “I think I’d make a great evil dictator, personally. You don’t think so?”
“Not at all, you’d be great at it.”
“Thank you. My friends don’t take my threats so seriously.”
“Which will ultimately be their downfall.”
Renjun looked back out at the campus in front of you two, his voice turning serious again, “But, seriously, I mean, I don’t want people having all these lofty expectations for me and then be disappointed when I don’t change the whole world, nor do I want them making things easy for me because they know my dad.”
“That’s fair. Unattainable, but fair to wish for,” you nodded in understanding.
“Ugh...” He slumped forward, dropping his head into his arms atop the table.
“Look, Renjun…” You rested one hand on his arm as the other rubbed up and down his back supportively. “You can’t change who your dad is, and you said it yourself, it’s not like you’re ashamed of him either. So don’t brag, and don’t be a dick when somebody brings him up either. Just do your best to show people who Huang Renjun is. And if they still don’t get it, that’s their loss. Because I already know him, and I think he’s pretty cool.”
Renjun sat back up to look you in the face with a skeptical eyebrow raised. “You’re such a cheeseball. Aren’t sirens supposed to be alluring and enchanting?”
“Shut up! I will drown you! See how alluring I am when you’re under a siren call,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m kidding.” He grinned at you, nudging your shoulder with his. “That really did make me feel better, thank you, Y/N.”
You smiled back. “You’re welcome, Renjun.”
The two of you kept smiling at each other for a moment before he broke the eye contact, looking down at his hands then shifting his gaze back to the courtyard.
“Uhm, while we’re airing stuff out about last night...” He cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Yeah, Junnie?” You tilted your head to the side, watching as his cheeks started flushing.
“I don’t think I ever said thank you. I kind of popped off on you right after... everything. But thank you, for taking care of me before, during, and after. It didn’t even occur to me to talk about what we could and couldn’t do beforehand. Thank you for that, and for getting me the water. And... all of it in between...” His ears were bright red too at this point, but he managed to look you in the eye as he gave you his genuine gratitude.
You nodded in understanding. “You’re welcome. I’m glad that you felt cared for during all of it. In addition to, you know, everything else you felt.”
“Mm, yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
Studying his face curiously, you said, “You look like you want to ask me something else.”
“Well, I feel like you still weren’t very clear on the ‘eat me alive’ thing.”
You rolled your eyes. “Gods, Junnie, I’m not going to actually eat you—”
“I mean...” Renjun took a deep breath. “I kind of always feel like I’ve got a little bit of siren venom in me when I’m around you, Y/N. My heart races, and my skin is warm, and everything is just better when I’m with you. I want to see you when you’re not around, and when things are hard for you, I want to make everything better. I like you, and between the Dr. Magic deal, and our stupid academic rivalry, and what we did last night, I don’t know what I am to you, but that’s how I feel.”
If someone had told freshman you that Huang Renjun would ever say words like that to you, you’d have laughed in their face to the point of tears— or slapped them. And yet, in that moment, you weren’t surprised in the slightest. It was the most natural, beautiful, delightful, perfect thing that could’ve happened. Just like you leaning over to give him a modest, near-demure kiss on the cheek, absolutely beaming at him as you pulled back.
“I like you too, Renjun,” you admitted.
His eyes went wide before a broad, tender smile spread across his features and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He let out a drawn-out sigh of relief, “Ohh, that’s one weight off my chest for this week.”
You laughed in agreement. “Me too. Actually makes everything feel lighter.”
“Yeah, it does,” he said, squeezing your shoulder. “So how much do I owe you?”
“You said you were going to invoice Dr. Magic. For the browser extension, and the color copies, and whatever else. How much do I owe you?”
You tapped a finger against your chin, pretending to think before a smirk pulled across your lips. “Mm, should be exactly the price of one nice dinner and a movie.”
“Dinner and a movie? Just how many copies were you making?” He asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
“A nice dinner,” you reiterated. “I paid those CompSci majors fairly for their time.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
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Friday night after your last midterm, you were knocking on Huang Renjun’s door. The two of you had seen each other this week for your Linguistics in MCS class, but had been utterly locked into academic mode and hadn’t met up aside from that. So, per his invite, you were here in your “midterms best”— i.e., the pajamas you had been wearing at your own apartment since submitting your last mid-semester draft earlier today. You’d been told this wasn’t going to be a fancy affair.
Judging by the pajamas that Renjun had also answered the door wearing—giving you vivid déjà vu to the last time you were here—you were dressed appropriately for the occasion. He led you in by the hand, informing you there was something he wanted to show you in the kitchen.
You came to a stop in front of a plate piled high with small, pillow-shaped pieces of dough, some with bursts of red sauce leaking out of them. You couldn’t help but let out a sputtering laugh. “Pizza rolls? Did midterms scramble the egg on your face so bad that you missed the part where I said nice dinner?”
You might not have ever eaten pizza rolls, but you knew what section of the grocery store they came from.
“I can’t even tell what that was supposed to be… You’re so beautiful…” He was staring at you with a look of pure adoration, and surprised you by giving you a fleeting peck on the cheek, gone as soon as you’d realized what he was doing. Your hand instinctually came up to brush at your skin, almost in disbelief, as he went back to explaining his plans for tonight. “Anyway, I didn’t get to give you your first pizza roll the other night, and I figured that the last thing you actually wanted right after midterms week was to go out to some hoity toity place and be out at the movie theater really late, right? So, I’ve got pizza rolls, peanut butter cookies, your seaweed tea, and like way more snacks and candy and stuff. So we can chill and watch whatever movies you want tonight, unwind from midterms. And then next weekend, we’ll do your nice dinner and go to the movie theater. Think of it as an IOU.”
A fond smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you nodded your approval. “Mmm… you’re right. This is great, Junnie. Thank you.”
Set up on Renjun’s couch with the assortment of snacks—pizza rolls included—and your first movie chosen, you settled in next to him, knee to knee, under the same blanket as the two of you ate. You decided that pizza rolls weren’t that bad (you still liked peanut butter sandwich cookies better), convinced Renjun to try some of your ocean flakes again—a favorite snack of sirens, which he’d already tasted on one occasion at a Dr. Magic hunting session and hated—to similar results, and finished off a bottle of seaweed-infused tea by the time the first movie was about a third of the way done. At this point, you were pretty satiated food-wise, and set your empty drink bottle on the coffee table to sit back on the couch.
Linking your arm with Renjun’s, you rested your head on his shoulder as he was still finishing up his plate of pizza rolls. “That was good, Renjun. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I call dibs on little spoon first, by the way.”
Once he was done eating as well, you laid down to eagerly take your promised place as little spoon. Renjun stayed partially propped up against the arm of the couch so he could see the TV as you were nestled back against his chest, one of his arms slung over your waist. Your fingers played with his under the blanket absentmindedly as you got used to your new place, with him, in his arms.
“Renjun?” You said into the quiet. The only noises were coming from the TV. The movie was nearly done, just a couple little resolving scenes after the climax left. You’d seen it plenty of times before—both of you had, it was a favorite that you’d discovered you two shared earlier in the semester—which was why you’d picked it, an easy watch that you both liked. But nothing that required your full attention, so you could talk or miss scenes if you wanted.
“Yeah?” He responded just as softly.
“This is really nice. Hanging out, just us. No school, no Dr. Magic.”
“I know. Almost doesn’t feel real.”
“What? That we’re hanging out without trying to kill each other?”
He let out a couple laughs, catching your hand that had been playing with his under the blanket and lacing your fingers together. “I think there’s definitely some people that would be shocked to see us right now. But I meant more-so that we don’t have any schoolwork to do right now, and that the whole Dr. Magic thing is finally over. Other than the dinner that I owe you.”
“Oh… I owe you… I-O-U…” you sounded the words and letters out slowly. “I get it now.”
“God, you’re perfect,” he sighed dreamily, brushing your hair away from your face to press two kisses to your temple in quick succession.
You turned over to face him to properly protest, “Hey, I didn’t grow up around humans, you know that, right? I just came here to go to school! I moved here like, two weeks before our first day of freshman year—”
“I’m not making fun of you, Y/N!” He promised, sandwiching your hand between both of his and squeezing it tightly. “I respect how difficult it must have been for you to acclimate to the new culture and city when you moved, and so suddenly, on top of starting school. I just love y- love when you do that. Genuinely, I’m so charmed by it. Endeared. Bewitched. Whatever word you want to use. It’s something I never noticed until this semester, when we started doing the Dr. Magic stuff together. Despite knowing you for so long, in the department, in classes.”
“You know what I never knew about you before this semester, Junnie?”
“That you were such a softie,” you snickered fondly. “I thought you were all textbooks and GPA and flashcards and whatever.”
The human ducked his head bashfully. “It’s something I’ve been working on this year.”
“Between this and Dr. Magic, I think you’ve been doing pretty well.”
“So, why did you do it, Junnie?” You asked curiously. “Not be a softie, I mean, but…”
“What? Be Dr. Magic?” He clarified, to which you nodded. “I didn’t mean to make a persona like that, really. I had to pick a screenname, and the guys had jokingly called me that a couple times when I helped them out with some problems. That’s all.”
“I know why you started the account. Knowledge. That’s also why you didn’t get the credit. You just needed to know. Though, the story behind the name is cute,” you pinched his cheek, and he tried to deter your hand with his shoulder half-heartedly. “I mean more like, why were you hiding your IP and using VPNs and stuff before you even knew that I was trying to track you down? In the fall.”
“I made the first couple posts from the school computers just because I like to do my work there, I wasn’t trying to cover anything up. Then I pictured what I’d do if I found someone posting like I was on the forums. And I would’ve tried to find out who they were. So I started covering my tracks a bit more intentionally after that. Didn’t want any groupies rolling up on me.” He pinched your side teasingly with the last sentence, and you slapped his hand away with an eye roll.
“Oh shut up!” You scoffed, ignoring his hands as he tried to pull you back towards him again.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I’m sorry,” he apologized through his chuckles. “If anything I’m your groupie, I swear. Your number one fan from the moment you showed me your conspiracy board.”
“Mm, fine.” You scooted closer to him, letting him wrap his arms around you once more. “Glad we got that cleared up.”
Renjun shifted to lay on his back, and you easily followed the move to snuggle in mostly on top of him, resting your head in the crook of his neck and your hand on his waist, fingers innocently smoothing over a patch of skin above his hipbone where his shirt had ridden up. It sounded like the credits were on by now, but you didn’t really care about picking another movie as Renjun hummed along to the familiar song that played over the scrolling names. You’d sing along too, if you were alone at your own place. But now you didn’t dare even hum like the human with you for fear of what it could do to him. Renjun’s voice was plenty lovely enough though, even just this casual little bit humming. You’d see if you could get him to sing for you properly one of these days. If an opportunity came before graduation. Who knew what your days would even look like before then.
Gods, graduation. You felt like you could shrivel up and die just thinking about it. Not to mention that you hadn’t even told Renjun that you’d—
“Hey. What are you thinking about?” He suddenly asked, his disapproving tone clear.
You gulped. “How could you tell I was thinking about something?”
“For one, you’ve got your bad thinking face on.” He pinched your bottom lip. “You pout. It’s very dramatic. You look very concerned.”
“I have different thinking faces?”
“Yeah, you look different when you’re studying. I’ve seen you do plenty of that to know the difference. And you’ve got a third face when you’re contemplating. Usually you do that one when you’re looking at menus.”
“I didn’t know I was apparently an open book.” You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment.
“It’s cute, Y/N. You’ve got a cute face, and you make cute facial expressions with it, don’t cover it up.” He gingerly grabbed your hands to encourage you to take them off. “Except I am worried about what’s making you make your bad thinking face right now. What’s wrong?”
With a sigh, you pushed up into a sitting position. Renjun followed your lead curiously, a thoughtful frown on his own features as he watched you pull your knees to your chest.
“Renjun, I need to tell you something.”
He regarded you with a skeptical eyebrow raised. “Okay… go for it.”
Nervously, you smoothed out some wrinkles in your pajama pants as you confessed, “Uhm, Dr. Kwon asked me to carry the banner at commencement. I said yes.”
“I knew that.”
“What?” You looked up at him in disbelief.
“Well, since it was midterms already, I figured that if they’d picked me, they would have asked me by now and since they hadn’t, then they must have picked you. I was just waiting for you to tell me so I could tell you… Congrats.” Renjun grinned brightly at you, reaching out to rest his hand on your arm.
“You’re not upset?” You asked trepidly.
“We’re not petty little freshmen anymore, Y/N. No, I’m not upset. I’m proud of you, you deserve it.”
“So did you.”
“Not any more than you did.” He shook his head firmly. “So would you just accept my congrats already?”
You gave a small, shaky smile. “Thank you…”
“There we go.”
“This is what I was so freaked about… when we went to get froyo.”
“You were afraid of me being mad at you for being picked to carry the banner?” Renjun asked incredulously.
“I didn’t know how to tell you!” You defended yourself. “And now I have to do the commencement practices, on top of senior capstone and my extracurriculars…”
He wrinkled his nose. “Ew, commencement practices. So glad I didn’t get picked now, actually.”
“And that was so convincing, Junnie.”
“You remember what you said to me when we got froyo?”
Scrunching your face up, you struggled to think back to the exact conversation you had that day—you’d been really stressed. “Uh, ‘exactly two gummy sharks on mine please?’”
“Well, yeah, your hyper-specific froyo order—”
“Throwing stones at black kettles much?” You teased.
“Excuse me?” Renjun’s eyes went wide.
“Is that not—? I really thought I got it that time.”
“Did you mean to say ‘throwing stones in glass houses’ and/or ‘the pot calling the kettle black?’”
He turned very serious as he went to tenderly cradle your face in his hands. “I’m going to kiss you in like two seconds after I finish what I was saying, okay?”
“Oh, okay,” you agreed weakly, wishing very much that he’d just do it now instead of making you wait. He then let your face go.
“When we were talking about wanting people to know that we’re smart,” Renjun clarified. “You said that we’re both like that, and you knew that you were like that. And then you asked me if I knew that I was like that. I had tried to swear up and down this entire time that I was doing all of this—the needing to be the best—for myself. But it wasn’t. I’m like that too. That’s kind of what Dr. Magic was, me taking a step back from needing everyone to know I was the smartest person in the room. A quasi-experiment, to see if I could do it.”
“I think that after graduation, maybe we both chill on being the smartest person in the room, and try to just spend a summer working on that magical bucket list of yours?” You suggested.
“Oh?” He perked up at this. “Really?”
“You ever seen a werewolf shift?”
“That sounds like a ‘not yet’ to me.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He confirmed with a conspiratorial grin that mirrored the one that you could feel across your own face. “You know how sirens can’t get dosed up on their own venom?”
“Yeah…” You nodded, wondering where he could be going with this.
“Well, I know a witch with a proprietary love potion blend that I think we might be able to modify to produce similar effects.”
“Fascinating.” You thought on this for a second, very quickly running through your knowledge of potion properties to imagine what it could be. “Two-factor blood potion?”
“Yes. But we’d put your venom in it instead of your blood so it wouldn’t kill me.”
“That could work…” You mused. “Speaking of, I should really give you a full dose one of these days.”
He breathed in sharply. “That wasn’t a full dose?”
“Holy shit…”
“Have you ever watched a phoenix reincarnation?” You added another suggestion to your joint summer bucket list.
“Have you? Wouldn’t that literally blind us?” Renjun questioned, something akin to genuine concern on his face now.
You shrugged. “Allegedly. It’s never been recorded in a lab setting, so who really knows.”
“I think we’re going to get each other killed before we can get our PhDs,” he declared with a fond smile and shake of his head.
“Hey, the betting pools said we’d kill each other by junior year, so I think we’re doing well for ourselves.”
“Do you think we can collect on those bets when we graduate and we’re both still alive and have all of our limbs?”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get there.”
“Oh my god, come here,” Renjun groaned deliriously, kneeling to grab your face with two hands and crash his lips to yours. You curled your fingers in the front of his shirt, pulling him down with you as you fell back against the arm of his couch, still connected.
Yeah, you’d drive off that burning bridge when you got there.
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pinkpastels113 · 3 years
Give Me a Shot
In light of me recently getting my covid shot and @wolvezzz joining us on Tumblr, here’s a little Bechloe one-shot for you all…
(I had to basically rewrite this due to some stupid mistakes I discovered halfway through in the middle of the night, so I am so sorry if some parts do not seem to add up or are too unrealistic. **I tried**)
(Also, let us just assume that the guy that Stacie is talking about is quarantined with his sister, aka no covid.)
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,571
Pairing: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell
Summary: In which Beca is supposed to get a Covid shot but instead got a dose of something far more nerve-wracking.
End B/C if you squint. One-shot. Fluff? Covid AU.
On ao3 or ff.net or here...
(I have no idea what to put as an excerpt so here we go...)
Beca hands over the clipboard to the lady at the desk and smiles tightly behind her mask in thanks as she receives a post-it note in return. 
“Put this on the chair you’re going to sit in and come back to it once you’re done receiving the shot for the fifteen minute observatory period,” the lady says, bored but polite as she recites the practiced line Beca heard her give to several people before her. 
“Cool. Thanks.” Beca plays with the sticky part of the post-it note in her hands as she walks over to plop down into the plastic chair next to Stacie. 
“I hope we don’t have to wait as long as Amy did when she got her shot last week,” her friend says, rubbing her own post-it note onto the arm of her chair and crossing her legs as she leans back. 
“Fuck yeah. Me too. Amy’s took at least two hours.” Beca copies the taller brunette’s actions and sighs as she tilts her head back, blinking leisurely up at the ceiling. 
Stacie groans. “I will punch someone if we have to wait that long; I’m already hungry as it is.”
Beca snorts, despite being ninety percent sure that her hangry friend will do just that, “Why didn’t you get something to eat sooner?”
Green eyes flit to the side to look at her, “Boy from last night didn’t understand the definition of a one-night stand.”
Of course. Beca rolls her eyes and laughs, the sound muffled behind the piece of fabric covering her mouth, her chest quivering with mirth at the prospect of a guy refusing to accept that his “lucky shot” with her friend was over, “Seriously?”
“Yep.” The mask on Stacie’s face moves in a way that’s a telling of her pursing her lips, her gaze following her hand as fingers trace the unmarked portion of the arm of the chair her wrist is lying on, “He wouldn’t leave even when I told him that I had to go and get myself some breakfast with my mom before meeting with you to get my Covid-19 vaccine, even going as far as to offer to be my personal chauffeur.”
Beca lowers her head from the back of her chair and raises her eyebrows, “Wow. That’s like, a serious guy looking for a serious relationship, dude. Are you sure your friend would be okay with this?”
Stacie had informed her the night before that the brother of one of her most trusted friends would be staying the night with her doing some...choice activities.
“Yeah,” the brunette wrinkles her nose, “I had made sure that both her and her brother knew that I don’t do relationships.” She then brightens, as if suddenly remembering a thought, “Oh, he texted me too.” Stacie turns around and rifles in her purse for her phone, humming in her mouth as she pushes aside the keys and tampons within, and lets out a small noise of triumph as she whips out her device, “Aha.”
Beca chuckles at the scene but leans forward nonetheless, eager to spend the time waiting for her covid vaccine in doing something else besides counting the water spots on the ceiling tiles above her head, “What did he say?”
Stacie unlocks her phone, bouncing slightly in her seat in suppressed excitement as she goes to tap into her messages, “Look.”
Beca doesn’t think she has ever seen anything more desperate and pathetic in her life than the digital text glaring into her face, “Oh my god, he wants to know where you are at and wonders if he can take you out to dinner? Dude.”
Even through the mask Beca can tell that a sly and catlike grin had unfurled across her friend’s lips, followed by a mischievous wink, “Right? I don’t think I’ve ever had someone this desperate for another round right after the one the night before.” She then cocks her head, adding the next words almost as if it’s an afterthought, “And the one the early morning after.”
Beca shakes her head in disbelief, eyes scanning the multitude of text messages subsequent to the one she had just read aloud, “Maybe he just wants to see if last night and early this morning was a fluke.”
Stacie gasps in mock offense, yanking her cellular device away from Beca’s face, “How dare you, Mitchell. The Hunter is never a fluke.”
Beca just shrugs her shoulders in response, shifting her legs to accommodate the position for her to palm her chin.
She blinks innocently up at her.
Stacie narrows her eyes.
“Stacie Conrad?”
Both brunettes whirl around at the mention of the name, Beca taking in the blonde hair and blue scrubs standing at the entrance to the hallway of doctor offices hidden from view, and she sighs as Stacie grins and jumps up, practically skipping over to the woman holding a pen to another wooden clipboard in her hands.
They disappear from sight and Beca turns back around, pouting slightly as she waits for her turn, the foot that isn’t hanging uselessly in the air tapping impatiently on the floor beneath her chair. Just as she is about to delve into a full on sulk, a melodic voice chirps her name.
“Rebeca Mitchell?”
Fiery red hair and bright blue eyes meet her gaze, and Beca’s mouth goes dry as the woman waves cheerily at her, her entire body freezing in her seat as the organ in her chest decidedly unfreezes, and it is not until the cerulean pools has vanished into a blink that she has realized that she has stared too long and should probably get her ass up and over there.
Beca swallows and nods, and almost trips over her feet in the act of standing up without first uncrossing her legs. Blushing furiously and praying that nobody in the vicinity has noticed besides her awkward and idiotic self, she tugs at the hem of her blouse and quickly makes her way over.
“Hi,” the redhead greets, the smile lines on her cheeks creasing prettily as she crosses out her name with a ballpoint pen, “Rebeca Mitchell?”
“Beca,” she says, automatic in her response to the correction of the name that she has loathed since birth, “It’s Beca.”
She looks up at her, and Beca wants to slap herself in her haste to blurt out the two liner that she usually only reserves for people with whom she wants to be casual with, “Beca.”
Her fingers twitch at the way her name sounds rolling through the air in that sweet melodic tune, and she suddenly wants to find out how it sounds like rolling off her tongue, clear and without the obstacles of the stupid masks blocking its way.
Before she could do much more than tip her chin in acknowledgement, the redhead has twirled around in a flurry of red and blue, and Beca is dutifully following her down the hallway into the office attached at the very end. 
At the gesture for her to sit on the stool in front of the wall, Beca sat, and promptly stares as the redhead sets the clipboard on the table before reaching for a pair of new latex gloves, watching the way she snaps them on and pulls a card out of her scrub pocket, drinking in the sight of her tilting her head as she flourishes her pen over the newly revealed card. 
She is so fucking gorgeous.
Beca wishes that she is not in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
“So is that with one C or two C’s?” Her question snaps her out of her daze and Beca has to reluctantly pull her gaze away from the smooth expanse of her neck.
“Oh, um,” she gulps to lubricate her throat, sitting up taller to properly project her voice, hoping upon hope that the louder volume will drown out its slight tremble, “It’s actually Rebeca on paper. With one C.”
An inconspicuous murmur floats into her ears, and if Beca hadn’t known any better, she would’ve described it being accompanied with a teasing smile, “I see.”
Her heart pounds in her chest and it’s a big struggle to refrain from squirming in her stool.
The redhead finishes writing on the card and sets that and the pen aside, before slowly making her way towards her. Beca’s eyes stay determinedly on her face—or more accurately, on what she could make of it—her nerves growing more jittery and jumpy by the second, and she finds herself holding her breath as the redhead comes to a stop, feet away. She nibbles on the inside of her cheek as a gloved hand picks up a small package and tears at the seams, taking out an alcohol wipe and shaking it out, before placing the empty pieces of said package back onto the paper on the exam table from which it came from.
Sneakers step forward and then red hair and blue eyes are inches closer.
“Roll your sleeve up for me, please?” Her voice lilts at the end, Beca’s heart instantly mimicking the gesture, and she fumbles with the sleeve of her blouse on her left arm to comply. 
The redhead leans forward to rub at the uncovered skin with the cold wipe, causing shivers to emanate from the affected area and spread through and around every nerve ending in her entire upper body, and Beca has to clench her hand into a tight fist to hold herself still.
“Relax,” she says, not moving away even as she sets aside the used wipe as well, removing the cap from the needle from which contained the Covid vaccine. “You need to relax, Becs; the muscle will sore if you don’t.”
Beca’s gaze snaps up, sure that the redhead had just uttered a nickname of her already shortened name, but apart from the fact that her blue eyes seemed to twinkle even brighter—a fact that Beca stubbornly gives credit to the fluorescent light from overhead, in addition to their sudden close proximity—her expression betrays nothing.
She heeds the request and unclenches her fist, and as the prickling feeling signalling the intrusion of the vaccine starts from her arm, a glare on the breast pocket of the redhead’s scrubs catches her eye.
Dr. Chloe Beale.
Beca grins, elated at the realization that she had just found out the name of the gorgeous woman standing before her.
She sends up a mental thank you to whoever had the intelligence and generosity of coming up with the invention of name tags. 
The prickling sensation resides, and Beca looks over to see that Chloe is done delivering the shot. She makes to lower the sleeve of her blouse, but a gloved hand brushing against her sensitive skin stops her.
“Hold on, I need to give you a Band-Aid.” Despite the blue latex covering her fingertips, Beca can still feel the warmth and tenderness of Chloe’s touch. 
Beca nods, dumbly, as Chloe quickly peels off the ends of the Band-Aid and pastes it carefully over the reddening spot. Gloved hands linger, taking the time to rub out every last inch of the two ends of the patch, fingers wrapping lightly against the circumference of her upper arm, and Beca stares with bated breath, suddenly afraid to look at any place else.
She is glad that she is in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
“There.” It is a soft puff of a sound, and if Beca hadn’t already been so close to her face, hadn’t already been close enough to wish that she had the ability to rip off her mask and smell her undoubtedly sweet and floral perfume, she wouldn’t have heard it. “You’re all set.”
Chloe finally steps away, and Beca wishes that she hadn’t spun around so fast because she is pretty sure that she had just sent her a wink. 
“So, here’s the card that I have filled out for you, and it’s really important that you bring it back when you return for your second dose,” the card that Chloe had written on earlier is handed over, covered in beautiful, curling black ink, “And you should receive a text in the next hour or so telling you when that second dose is going to be.”
“From you?” The words had left Beca’s mouth without her notice or permission, and it was not until an auburn eyebrow had risen into the air in amusement that Beca had realized what she had said.
She covers her face in her hands, only to be embarrassed even further when the evidence of her forgotten boundary scrapes against her palms. She settles for letting out a groan and closing her eyes, laying her elbows onto her thighs and hanging her head in a full manifestation of her humiliation. 
Her body feels like it’s on fire and Beca wants the goddamn ground to open up and swallow her whole. 
Chloe giggles. “Not from me, silly. From the Department of Health of the state.”
Beca is positive that had she whipped her head up any faster, her neck would’ve snapped. Chloe’s laugh is like a drug. “Yeah, sorry. That was not supposed to come out of my mouth.”
Now that is definitely a wink. “What was supposed to come out then?”
Her jaw slackens, and if Fat Amy was there in the room with her, she would’ve made fun of her for looking like a fish. The heat in her cheeks burn hotter and Beca hastily shakes her head, hopping off from the stool, grateful that she had managed not to trip like the time before. The hard cardstock digs into her lines of her palm of her right hand further with each pulse against the side of her neck, and Beca wills her feet to power walk to the exit of the suffocating room lest she makes even more of a complete and awkward idiot out of herself in front of Dr. Chloe Beale.
Fingers tug on her wrist, and then something small is slapped onto her card. “Here,” Chloe looks like she’s chewing on her lip, “You forgot your sticker.”
Confusion furrows her brows, but something in her hisses at her to not to say a word, especially when sparkling blue eyes dart down the hall agitatedly as if its owner knows that she is doing something she’s not supposed to and if she is caught, she is going to be in major trouble.
There seems to not be enough air in the world for her to suck in, and Beca clutches both the sticker and card tightly against the space between her breasts and speeds down the hallway, her converse squeaking against the floor as she spins to beeline the rest of her way into her yellow post-it noted designated chair.
Stacie looks up from her phone from which 14:39 flashes across her screen and moves her foot out of her way so Beca can sit down, “So? How’d it go?”
Beca finally unleashes the death like grip of her hands, the side effect of her recent dose of something far from a vaccination of a worldwide virus causing her temperature to spike and her body to hyperventilate when ten beautifully, flirtatiously, unabashedly, confidently written digits wink at her from the back of the tiny sticker. “Like how it’s supposed to. I got a shot.”
I think this is gonna be my one and only covid related fanfic; it was absolutely exhausting to write, and I am still 98% sure that I haven’t fixed all the mistakes… XD.
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HASO “Leading the Witness.”
Alright guys, this is going on longer than I thought and way more detailed as well but its been interesting. Also I am sorry for the late update, my boss has me rolling quarters at work so I am trying to do that and write this in between.
Thank you to my discord member Eddi for the testing logs he wrote and that I am using as evidence in this story. He deserves all the credit for the well thought out and executed test logs.
WARNING: Graphic depictions of blood, gore, bodily mutilation and mentions of suicide. The Steel eye project development is very graphic, so if you wish to read, please skip the test logs, which will be bolded. 
The room spun around him, and he took a few long, deep breaths hoping that it would stop.
He wast sure he could survive another few hours of this.
He wasn’t sure at all 
He was sweating, and his body throbbed all over. Clammy hands gripped the sides of his chair as he sat straight backed in his seat. A line of cold sweat dripped down the back of his neck. Blood had long since drained from his face, and he wondered if he looked as sick as he felt half expecting the bailiff to walk over with a bucket or something. A part of him fancied he could feel every eye in the room staring at him. The prosecution was still talking, but he could barely hear them as his head spun around and around in circles, ears ringing.
The lights pulsed.
He jerked out of it as a hand came to rest on his shoulder. He looked up, confused for a moment as he tried to figure out where he was, the room was partially tilted and it took him a moment to realise that he was slumped slightly to the side. Waffles had her head in his lap whimpering very softly.
“Adam, adam are you ok, do you need to step out.” 
He lifted his head and turned to look at Admiral Kelly, who now sat beside him, a hand on his shoulder.
His ears were still ringing but not enough to realise that the court had stopped.
The lead judge had held up a hand to the prosecution and was looking directly at him. 
Well… at least now the blood was rushing back to his head, and he could feel his ears burning, “Is everything alright, council?” The judge asked, “Does your witness need to step out.”
The lawyers turned to look at him, hints of both concern and concealed annoyance on their faces.
They looked at him expectantly.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, “No your honor. My apologies.”
His voice was surprisingly strong for someone who felt like he was about to pass out. The judge didn’t seem too annoyed at him, and looked on with some measure of concern. They whispered something to the nearby bailiff and then motioned the council to continue.
Admiral Kelly didn’t move seats keeping one hand on his shoulder. The bailiff walked over after things had started up again and sat next to them for a moment, “If you need to step out.” He whispered, “Take the side door to your right and someone will let you back in.”
He nodded, “Ill be alright, but…. Thank you.”
The man nodded and stood returning to the front of the room.
“As you can see, their first attempts at creating a proper drug cocktail to dull the pain of direct neural interface, was a complete disaster. Dr. Gladstone, assuming you were forced to use drugs instead of subdermal implants, how would you have gone about this? What is the proper procedure dictated by ethical state law.”
“Drug trials can take months to years, we test them on animals, rats monkeys and even inject them into synthetically grown human tissues and tube grown organs before we even test on animals. Each phase of testing can take up to eighteen months in clinical trials, and if the drug proves to be wrong we start over again.”
“Have you ever done phased drug testing on human subjects.”
“No, certainly not.”
“But of course they continued. May the prosecution present Experimental log 32 for For consideration by the court.”
Experimental log #32:
Over the past experiments we have been testing multiple drug mixtures to try and reduce the pain induced by the Direct neural interface our most recent tests have involved morphine much to our resident doctors discouragement it is one of the few drugs we have found capable of suppressing the pain induced by the direct neural interface. This test involves the use of an automatic dispenser controlled by the pain sensors in the arm.
The subject, as before has been sedated for the implantation of the test augmetic. This time however the drug reservoir has a direct link to the bloodstream. 
-recording break-
The subject seems to be stable and moving around without much interference, although slightly lethargic and a little dopy due to the drugs.
We made sure to remove the augmetic well before the drug reservoir ran out. This seems to be successful and stable Several more tests are to be made to confirm this before moving on to the next stage. 
“Dr, do you happen to know the laws in relation to the regulation and use of morphine during testing?”
The doctor nodded, “Morphine is heavily regulated even on the research level owing to its additive properties. Only doctors are allowed to prescribe it, and even then, the morphine dosages are regulated and reviewed by an internal board of directors. There is a cutoff point for the amount of morphine allowed for personal use,and the amount of morphine allowed for medical use. This cap can be broken if the board of directors determines the patient is terminal and in extreme pain.”
“How about for research purposes.”
“You can’t research with morphine, and you certainly cannot give it to a patient with no prior history of injury, or other medical conditions.”
“Thank you doctor, the prosecution wishes to present experimental log 34 to consideration.” 
Experiential log #34:
Our continued experimentation has lead to the conclusion that stronger chemicals may be required to reduce the pain, one subjects auto-dispensary caused an overdose When the subject spent some time prodding and poking at the implant site it caused excruciating pain that was responded to by the auto dispensary by flooding the body with over 500milligrams of morphine. A stronger painkiller would mean lower doses are required thus avoiding an overdose. Despite our team's medical advisors continuing protests. 
Prosecution turned to the judges, “You see here your honor that instead of considering the ethical questionability of their actions, they determined to use more morphine despite the overdose and even extend the use to even more potent drugs. These are not the actions of scientists who were considering ethics, or even the value of human life.”
“Objection your honor on conjecture about the thoughts of my client.”
The judge waved a hand, “It may pass.”
The defence took a seat.
The prosecution adjusted her tie, “Three people died as a result of these tests your honor. Marvin Dess, William Moseratt and Angela Vilgrin. Not once were the tests paused or delayed. Instead, they moved onto the next phase of testing.”
Adam was starting to feel a little better now. He wasn’t sweating so much and he had finally managed to even out his breathing.
“The prosecution would like to present experimental log 28.”
Experimental log #28
Calibration of the arm mounted augmetic seemed to proceed without error or difficulty, The drugs delivered through the internal reservoir developed by Dr. Nkosi renders the subject inured against the supposed pain induced by the augmetic. The primary tests we will be administering are of the use of high strength servo motors to power the augmeitc, reducing its weight and increasing the power behind the subjects rapid motions. 
-Recording break-
The Reaction of the servo motors and torsion cables was far too extreme delivering significant damage and trauma to the subject, Further testing will have to be done and fine tuning of the suits will be needed. 
Adam knew what was coming and tried to close his eyes and block out the sounds as the next visual log was projected before him. 
Audio-visual log transcript:
The subject appears bleary and unresponsive. The augmentic is mounted on their right arm, supposedly their dominant one according to the research notes. The subject is drawn to attention by the scientist administering light taping on their cheek. Upon raising their arm the subject appears a little shocked at the size of the augmetic and the fact it is connected directly to an external power source, questioning the scientist on this who confirms it is just an experimental version. The augmetic appears to only be active on the elbow joint. The scientist appears to be requesting the subject extend his arm in an attempt to punch an invisible foe. Upon doing so the augmetic appears to cause an extreme reaction of force, resulting in not only damage to the subjects musculature, but outright stripping the subjects muscle tissues away from the bones, the pins seem to be functioning as anchor points as the subjects skin and muscles are removed from the skeletal structure. Functionally stripping the flesh away from the skeleton in a manner that can only be described as ‘glove like’. It appears that this area also contained the drug delivery interface as part way through the emergency removal of the upper section of the augmetic, the subject seemed to come out of the semi stupor and begin to register the damage done to themselves, screaming and becoming violent. It was only after the subject was re-drugged with the remaining contents of the drug reservoir that they calmed down.
His attempts to block out the sound do not stop him from hearing the hydraulic hiss, the tight whirr, and the horrific cracking popping noise as flesh is torn from bone. The screaming echoed around in his head. His heart was beating at a million miles an hour. Sweat poured down his back and neck and in between his shoulder blades. Flashes of red sky cut before his vision, the sound of gunfire and the smell of ash.
Admiral kelly squeezed his shoulder hard bringing him back. The dog was halfway in his lap her head pressed against him, and the Bailiff from earlier was on his other side steadying him as his body seemed prone to leaning to one side.
He took a few very deep breaths.
A few of the judges were watching him, but they didn’t stop the proceedings this time. Most of them just looked like they wanted an excuse to look away.
“Your honors, this is not the last log in the series. Even after the catastrophic failure, they continue to implant the steel ee pieces onto test subjects without prior testing in a controlled environment. I believe we have been making realistic ballistic dummies for the past thousand years. I am sure there is something that could have been done.”
Adam was fading.
The lights were growing up in his vision, turning everything around him white.
The defence stood, “THe defence calls for recess, your honors.”
There was a pause, “Recess granted. You have thirty minutes.” 
The room burst into a flurry of murmurs and movement. Admiral Kelly leaned forward hands on his arms, “Adam, you should get up, walk around a bit.”
He nodded and stood feeling the world tip around him as he did. With one hand he gripped heavily onto the back of the pews and staggered forward out of the room. Waffles followed after him whining and whimpering. He waved admiral Kelly off him as he wobbled his way down the hall and burst through the outside door and into open air. He took a deep long breath and leaned against the wall trying to choke down the bile that welled into his throat.
“You alright here buddy.”
Blinking owlishly, he turned to the side to see a man leaning against the wall on the other side of the door.
“You don’t look so good, Cigarette?” He asked offering a pack of the things towards him.
Adam waved a hand, “I don’t smoke but, thanks anyway.”
The man shrugged and lit up puffing a billow of smoke into the air, “You know breathing exercises.”
Adam blinked and nodded, “Yeah.”
“Don't forget to do them. It will help.”
Adam rubbed a hand across his forehead breathing slowly.
“You seem to know a lot about this. Am i that easy to see through?”
The man shook his head “I was a soldier during the panasian war, I know what PTSD looks like.”
“My father fought in the Panasian war.”
The man nodded, “Better get back inside while you still have some color, boy.”
He did as told. He didn’t know the man  but something about his calm demeanor and understanding was nice, and he stepped back inside patting waffles on the head as he walked back towards the courtroom.
He sat down before anyone else was there just yet and rested his head in his hands breathing slowly and evenly. The room slowly filled up again, and before he really knew it, things were back in session.
“The prosecution would like to present Experimental log 31” 
He closed his eyes and began to count slowly breathing in and out, in and out.” 
Experimental log #31
This test is the first among the replacement for servo motors for hydraulics The system was far slower and makes use of a combination of fast extension pistons and slower extension ones for combination. The test is the same as before a simple arm extension in the guise of  a punch. However the augmetic will also include the shoulder. We have increased the dosage of the painkiller as so to prevent the increased implantation volume from inducing a negative reaction in the subject. -Recording break-
The reaction from the hydraulics was stronger than expected, and the delay and stack up of orders has caused significant issues. A halt override taken directly from the nerve system needs to be implemented. 
He squeezed his eyes tight shut 
Audio-visual log transcript:
 The subject appears to be only semi responsive, appearing to function at a 12 on the GCS, Only held there by the active responsiveness of their motor function. This appears to fade somewhat when the subject is given physical stimuli by the scientist in the form of a light slap on the cheek. Bringing the subject back to consciousness. The subject is then encouraged to make the punching action as prior experiments. The subject does so, the fast reaction of the piston seems to achieve the scientist's goal, However the long extension piston appeared to continue extending. This continued, dragging the subjects arm outwards, dislocating the subjects shoulder, then elbow as well as wrist. The subject appeared to be distressed at this, however not unduly in pain. The scientist having stepped back to observe the outcome of events. The extension of the piston continued beyond tolerable human limits. The piston continues to extend despite the protests of the subject and attempts at removing it. The extension continued forcefully separating the subjects limbs at both the elbow and shoulder joint, ripping tendon and muscle as well as ligament structures, fully separating the limb in to two parts and away from the body. It is at this point the subject began to scream in terror and panic till the researcher sedated the subject. 
A door opened at the back of the courtroom as a few more people stepped out. Adam sat there on the bench, his head tilted back and staring at the ceiling breathing even and slowly as light and color swirled around them. He could what speaking, but didn’t really hear what was being said.
He just had to keep himself together.
“....Log 35 to the court.” 
Experimental log #35
Continued experimentation indicates that a combination of servo motors, torsion cables and hydraulics are likely to result in the desired effect. Since the previous experiments a stop override has been implemented in to the systems. This prevents the hydraulics from continuing to extend despite the users body having ceased movement. This should result in the desired movement structures. We are moving on from the single arm testing considering the current functionality and strength amplification satisfactory. The current test is simply to get the two lower limb implants to function in tandem with walking. We have had to once again increase the level of drugs in the users system to prevent the reaction to the pain induced by the interfacing devices. 
-Recording break- 
While the system is capable of walking, the addition of hydraulics have caused the system to be heavier and more cumbersome than intended. Additional servo motors and possible leaf springs for artificial support tendons will have to be added to prevent the augmetics from lagging behind their users.
“Objection your honor…. The court has seen enough….. This is simply…”
“Objection denied council. The evidence stands. If you must you may leave the room.”
“But members of the audience…”
“Can step out if they need to.”
Audio-visual Log transcript:
The subject once again appears to be somewhat unresponsive. This ceases when the scientist provides a physical interaction with the subject, tapping them on the shoulder. The subject appears to be somewhat disoriented. Upon being prompted to walk the subject beings to walk without much in the way of impediment, though seeming to tug at the augments as if they are holding the subject back. The subject is then prompted to move at a might higher speed. Running if possible. The subject manages this for two steps before the continued pulling against the augmetic and movement against the interface needles appears to pull the subject’s leg free, removing large sections of the subjects muscle tissues and nerves along with it. The subject seems to be disturbed, if not in pain. Likely due to the drug reservoir and input mounted on the subjects arm. The subject however seems to be announcing that they can no longer move their legs as the researcher requested. The subject is then sedated and recording ends. 
Adam is being held up again by Admiral kelly his body tilting widely sideways and he is having trouble finding the orientation of the room.” 
“.... experimental log 38 as a demonstration of the scientists moving development far too quickly.” 
Experimental Log #38
Increased response time in the legs combined with the introduction of support springs within the armour have reduced that movement restrictions of the armour and made it much harder for the user to ‘pull away’ from the armor, this combined with several additional straps and metal binding to keep the users legs attached directly to the augmetics have solved several of the most recent problems. The newest set of experiments are moving on to vertical movement, focusing on the subjects ability to jump and move around obstacle strewn environments. 
-Recording break- 
It appears the engineers did not calibrate the hydraulics and other systems to function as shock absorbers, but rather only as force amplification devices. Meaning that impact shock is taken fully by the users body, This would normally not be an issue, however with the additional force and weight provided by the augmetic seems to cause issues upon landing. 
Audio-visual Log transcript:
The subject is suffering the same symptoms as prior subjects, low levels of function and unresponsiveness. Once the subject is roused from the stupor via an open handed impact to the cheek, delivered by the researcher,  they are directed to attempt an obstacle course. The subject seems to have little trouble with the primary obstacles, clearing them with little effort, however their recovery from each obstacle appears to be ungainly and improper. The subject is then presented with a  three meter high wall and instructed to go over it. Rather than scaling it as expected the subject simply jumped over the wall, exhibiting far more mobility and control than prior subjects in experiments. However upon landing the subjects legs appear to buckle and collapse under them, folding at several points that do not have joints. Indicating shattering of the bones. The subject seems unphased by the injury, Pointing it out to the researcher and asking if that is normal. This indicates that the drugs being used are of a high enough dosage and strength to suppress not only extreme pain but the shock reaction of the body. 
He can feel another person holding him up from the other side, but mutters that he is ok when anyone asks. E just keeps counting and breathing counting and breathing knowing that it has to be over soon. He just needs to hold himself together 
Experimental log #42
The final tests regarding midriff functionality have been completed, with shockingly low failure or complications compared to prior testing phases, we are putting this down to our own excellent ongoing improvements of the system. This final text is a sequential system test where a single subject will be required to use each individual part in sequence to ensure that no errors are likely to occur during the whole body testing or further complications are likely to occur.
-break in recording-
The subject suffered no ill effects due to the armour itself. However the subject seemed to become agitated and seemed to be suffering ill effects until they were returned to the augmetics. So long as prolonged exposure to the augmetics is not an ongoing factor we do not see an issue with this. 
“These testings had immense costs and horrific side effects to those who participated. Many of these men and women seen here are not functional or alive to testify in court as to what happened, however, the prosecution would like to call Admiral Vir to the stand as a representative of those who could not be here today, and s a member of the steel eye operation himself to ive the court a little idea about what this experiment did to people even when fully operational.”
Adam was still feeling light headed but even then he still knew what this was. This is what he was here for. Thi was the moment he had come to be a part of, the moment that he was here to help all those soldiers and test subjects used by steel eye.
Admiral Kelly stood with him as he made it to his feet, but he brushed off her hand and walked towards the witness stand. The judge stopped him on his way up.
“Are you well enough to testify Admiral?”
“This is why I came, your honor. Even if I had to crawl through a field of glass to get here.”
The courtroom murmured as he was sworn in, and he sat down feeling the eyes of the entire room on him.
He was still sweating and light headed.
“State your name for the record.”
“Adam Allen Vir.”
“And what is your position in the UNSC.”
“I am Fleet admiral of the UNSC space armada on loan to the GA.”
“And what branch?”
“Originally the air division. I trained at the Aerial combat academy as a fighter and shuttle pilot before being a member of the crew on the enterprise.”
“And how did you end up on Anin.”
“The Enterprise was being decommissioned for some wok, so I offered to go to Anin and be part of the war effort against the Drev.”
“And as a fighter pilot, you didn’t see much time on the ground.”
“No ma’am, I was primarily air support at that time.”
His voice was strong and hard, and the longer he talked the straighter he sat. he had to do this for them. He would NOT fall apart now.
“How did you end up on the ground forces then, Admiral.”
“Volcanic activity, ma’am, they call it the dark season when ash chokes the ai miles into the sky. It isn’t safe to land a ship or fly a jet in such conditions, so my vehicle was grounded. By that time the war was going badly and they needed every man they could get.”
“Were you trained for ground combat, Admiral.”
“Yes at the academy we were trained in ground combat though not as extensively.”
“And you lost your leg to a Drev.”
He reached down hand to his leg remembering the screaming of a red sky above, “Yes, I did.”
“What happened after that?”
“I ended up in a triage tent in out forward operating base. There was no medicine because all our supplies had been used up.”
“Would you say that you were delirious during that time.”
The defence stood quickly “Objection your honor. Leading the witness.”
“Dismissed, council.” The judge said, waving a hand.
“There were no painkillers, ma’am, so maybe. If not delirious than I was at least not in a right state of mind. I remember floating halfway in between being conscious and unconscious. I was in so much pain its…. Had to describe.” His voice wavered before he had it back on track shoring it up and strengthening it with memories of the men and women waiting back at the rehabilitation center.
“And at this time you were approached by Admiral Ablemen about the steel eye project?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And did he detail any specifics.”
He paused thought for a moment trying to remember back into memories that he really didn’t want to foster, “Not…. really. It's hard to remember but I…. I remember him saying that we could help him win the war. I remember him saying that when I woke up I would be a new man. He gave us the choice to go home or serve the UNSC one last time.”
“In your opinion, would you have said yes had you been more conscious.”
“Objection based on conjecture your honor.”
“Objection accepted.”
Adam paused and the mn let him continue, “Wat DO you remember about what happened to you.”
“I…. remember pain and….. Anger. I was never really all there during the steel eye project. I remember feeling invincible, like I could do anything but at the same time, hazy. I remember getting orders and going out, and then nothing after that.”
“Did they tell you there would be rugs involved.”
“No ma’am.”
“And after the war was over, what happened. How did all of this affect you?”
He paused and struggled to speak for a moment, opening his mouth and then closing, “I…. have never been so hopeless in my entire life. I tried to get help with the Veterans association but my claim was denied. I…. went through withdrawals…. Horrible horrible drug withdrawals where I. I was in so much pain, I just….”He paused then lifted his head to look up at th courtroom making eye contact with them. His voice was as strong as ever “I wanted to die, and I would have done it if I hadn’t had a good support system in my family. After a few months my brother got me in contact with a group of people who got ahold of my service dog, and I was able to heal.”
“Does what happened still affect you”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“In what ways.”
“I still have long term PTSD, and while it is controlled and I am no longer on medication, I still have bad days. Days where I can’t move or think, days where the quietest nosies send me into a panic.”
“Were you ever compensated for your injuries, Admiral.”
He paused again and shook his head, “No ma’am, I never received help.”
“Thank you admiral, you may be seated.”
He stood, his head was clear and his hands were dry. He stepped down from the podium with his chin raised and his back straight returning to his seat. He had done it. He had done what he needed to do and the only thing that was lft was to survive the rest of the trail.
He could do that.
He survived operation steel eye didn’t he?
So he could certainly survive this.
221 notes · View notes
inkedstarlight · 4 years
I Put A Spell On You
Summary: Nesta and Cassian hated each other. Ever since freshman year of college, he'd been nothing but a pain in her ass. Their conversations always ended in screaming matches, and they couldn't agree on a single thing. So why was Nesta so angry to see him with another girl at a Halloween party one night? Cassian quickly picks up on her jealousy and teases her about it, only further infuriating Nesta. Sexual tension, unresolved feelings, and an intense game of truth or dare ensue. Warnings: explicit language, NSFW Read it here on AO3
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Lana Del Ray’s “Season of the Witch” was playing quietly in the background as Nesta put on the finishing touches of her makeup. Tossing the mascara on the counter, she took a step back to assess herself in the mirror.
Her lips were a deep red, so dark it was almost black. A golden crescent moon was painted on her forehead, her daring brows arched on each side. Stormy grey eyes were heavily lined with midnight kohl, streaks of black running down her cheeks as if she’d just dragged her acrylic nails down her face. It looked like dripping blood. A golden arm cuff in the figure of a snake curved its way around her bicep, and it was quite possibly Nesta’s favorite part of the entire costume.
And her dress? Her dress was the most elegant thing she’d ever worn. Nesta didn’t even know how to describe it, the layered fabric falling down to the floor, the sleeves black and sheer. All she knew was she felt fucking powerful.
She smirked devilishly at the reflection staring back at her. It was like looking at Hecate herself.
To put it blatantly, Nesta was a whore for Halloween. She loved everything about spooky season: witches, full moons, candy, costumes, horror movies. The frightening, dark atmosphere that ensconced her throughout the entire month of October. Not to mention it was the one of the few holidays that didn’t revolve around family-oriented activities. Needless to say, Nesta was in her element.
Emerie peered her head into the bathroom where Nesta was getting ready. Her smile was wicked as she took in Nesta. “You just took fashionably late to the next level.”
Nesta laughed at her friend’s reaction. “You’re one to talk.”
Emerie was wearing a silky, burgundy robe. It was untied, leaving her tiny black slip in full view. The delicate fabric fell just inches below her waist, and she stood impossibly straight in glittery stilettos. To top it all off, bunny ears protruded from her waves of dark hair. She was a Playboy Bunny, and she looked fucking fantastic.
“How late are we?”
Emerie checked her phone. “About an hour.”
Nesta shrugged and shot her a wink. “It’s always fun to make a bit of an entrance.”
Nesta and Emerie had been close friends since freshman year. Nesta’s roommate was seldom in their room, and Emerie’s roommate was always bringing hookups to her respective room. So, when the two became aware of each other’s unfortunate (albeit convenient) situations, Emerie began staying over at Nesta’s. She would sleep over several nights a week, and it eventually became her room too. It worked perfectly.
Now, as upperclassmen, the duo lived in on-campus apartments. Just them and Minx. AKA the tiny but fierce black cat they rescued just a year prior.
“Guess who I heard is coming?”
Nesta dropped what she was doing to look at her friend. She knew that tone. That tone was always followed by a sinking feeling of dread in her stomach.
She threw Emerie a look. “I swear to the gods if you say Cass –”
“It’s Cassian!” Emerie sang smugly, jazz hands and all.
Nesta groaned. Cassian Bechalot was the bane of her existence. He was a senior, Nesta a junior, and he’d been a pain in her ass from day one. The first day of classes in her freshman year, Nesta had been sitting in her biology lab waiting for the class to begin. Ten minutes after class started, Cassian rushed through the doors in a dramatic entrance. To Nesta’s dismay, he sat next to her. The professor then proceeded to review the syllabus, mentioning the fact that they will be assigned semester-long lab partners. By “assigned,” she meant the person sitting next to you. Nesta had barely held back her groan when Casssian smirked at her and said, “I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite class.” For the next four months, he made Nesta hate biology. Purely because she now associated it with him. Cassian made it his personal mission to annoy the living hell out of her.
Skip to sophomore year. Cassian was adamant on sitting next to her in a lecture they were both enrolled in. Nesta was minding her damn business when he’d looked over her shoulder to catch her reading fanfiction on her laptop. And of course, it wasn’t some innocent story. No, with Nesta’s luck, it had been a smutty-ass fic that was basically porn without a plot. Cassian was unable to contain his laughter, the immature child he was. The professor stopped midsentence to narrow her eyes at his disruption. Nesta remembered it clear as day.
“Is there something you’d like to say, Mr. Bechalot? Since it’s clearly a matter important enough to interrupt my class.”
“Oh, I’d love to,” Cassian had grinned. He nodded his head at Nesta, the latter of whom was red in the face from both embarrassment and anger. “But I don’t think the Mrs. would be very happy with me.”
The class had whopped, some applauding Cassian’s antics.
“Enlighten me.”
He’d shrugged given Nesta a look that said, There’s nothing I can do to stop what’s about to happen.
What a fucking liar.
“Nesta was just getting in her daily dose of fanfiction. It happened to be a particularly…” Cassian paused. The bastard paused for dramatic effect. “… risqué.”
And queue the laughter.
So that was one of many reasons Nesta couldn’t stand him. After that fiasco, countless others followed. Some fiascos were of Nesta’s doing.
What? Nesta couldn’t let him win every time. She had a couple tricks up her sleeve, too. And it’s not like she was going to let him off the hook without facing the consequences.
Emerie was convinced it was some sort of star-crossed lovers shit. She dubbed them an “enemies-to-lovers” slow burn. She was the biggest (and only) advocate for a romantic relationship to blossom between them.
But Nesta? Nesta saw it for what it was.
Pure, unadulterated hatred.
And now he was crashing the party Nesta had been looking forward to all week.
The party was at their friend’s off-campus apartment. There were going to be a lot of people there, but Nesta had seriously doubted he would be invited. At Pryth U, there was an obnoxious division between athletes and the rest of the undergraduates. Nesta loathed the cliquey dynamic. But while the athletes certainly had a reputation, she had many friends who were on the college teams. It was really only the men’s lacrosse team that lived up to their reputation, and Cassian just so happened to be the captain. Who’s surprised?
Cassian had a way of getting in her head, of fueling her already hotheaded temper. Their interactions typically ended in a screaming match. He would tell her to loosen up, and Nesta would tell him to fuck off. He’d make some raunchy joke of it, and she would go off on him. They’d have a staring contest for a couple minutes before continuing to yell obscenities at each other.
Yeah… it wasn’t pretty.
But Nesta was determined to not let it bother her. Tonight was going to be great, Cassian or not.
“Is you-know-who going to be there?” Nesta turned the conversation around, stealing a glance at her roommate.
She scowled. “I don’t know. Even if she was, she doesn’t know my fucking name.”
“You don’t know that,” Nesta countered.
Emerie gave her a pointed look.
Nesta sighed. “Okay, so she doesn’t know your name. Doesn’t mean you can’t introduce yourself tonight.”
Emerie mumbled an incoherent response.
She’d had a crush on a girl named Mor for several months now. Mor had recently transferred from a different university, and she was a fellow junior. Emerie first saw her when she was working one day at the on-campus Starbucks. Whenever Mor came in for a drink, Emerie was sure to be the one to get her order. And she always made Mor’s drink (a medium mocha latte). It was quite adorable when Emerie came home from work to gush about how Mor’s hair was particularly beautiful that day. Adorable and obnoxiously frustrating.
Nesta wasn’t big on love. Sure, her guilty pleasure included romance novels and smutty fanfiction, but that was fiction. In her own life, she hated romantic gestures, declarations of love, and physical affection. She’d never been the type to have crushes or pursue a potential suitor. After watching her parent’s marriage crumble right before her eyes, Nesta didn’t put much thought into romantic relationships. To her, it was work. It took too much effort and from what she’d seen, the outcome was never worth it.
Sometimes, Nesta wasn’t sure if she knew how to love. Sure, she loved her sisters, but that was the extent of it (with the exception of Amren and Emerie). The thought terrified her just as much as it empowered her.
There were rare moments when Nesta would see Amren and Varian laughing together and something in her would ache. For what, she wasn’t sure. Affection, love, trust, acceptance, peace, comfort. All of the above.
“Okay, are we ready to go?” Emerie called to back to Nesta, shaking her from her thoughts. She took one last glance in the mirror before turning the light off.
“Let’s do it.”
The apartment was decorated perfectly. The lights were dim, the atmosphere enticing. Nesta was impressed but not at all surprised at Amren’s immaculate skills as an interior design major. They were friends from high school, and they’d remained thick as thieves since.
The place wasn’t huge, but it had enough space for dancing and drinking and that’s all that mattered. There were probably twenty people in there. The music was dark and thrilling, the bass reverberating in Nesta’s chest as she maneuvered her way through the bodies in the basement.
She recognized most of the people here, only a few unfamiliar faces in the crowd. Amren’s boyfriend, Varian, was in a mermaid costume as he walked around offering people drinks. He caught Nesta’s eye and shot her a grin, his hands gesturing to the coconut shell bra on his chest. She shook her head and chuckled before swiping… candy corn Jell-O shots?
With a grimace, Nesta tilted her head back and swallowed the damn thing.
It was disgusting.
“Nesta!” a familiar voice yelled from behind her. She didn’t even need to look to know who it was.
Rhysand approached her, his strut a little less smooth than normal thanks to the many drinks he must’ve had. But when she saw him, she could barely stop herself from laughing out loud.
He was dressed as an angel. Rhysand fucking Elvert was an angel.
 I’m not drunk enough for this.
He wore a white toga, his tanned chest bare for all the women and men to drool over. Cheap translucent wings protruded from his back, and a golden halo in the form of a headband hung over his head. He was giving her a cheeky smile as he stopped in front of her.
“Nesta, my best friend!” Well, that confirmed his inebriated state. “How are you? More importantly, where’s that sister of yours?”
Nesta rolled her eyes. She should have known he was going to ask about Feyre.
Her younger sister had visited Nesta several times since she started Pryth U a couple years back. They had the unfortunate luck of encountering Rhysand while Nesta was showing Feyre around campus. And of course, as Rhysand does with every living, breathing woman, he tried to woo her with his fuckboy ways. Feyre held her own, but that changed when Nesta brought her to a small dorm party later that night. When Nesta was returning from the bathroom, she found them dancing. Well, dancing was putting it nicely. There was a lot of hip movement to say the least.
After ripping them apart, Nesta threatened Rhys that if he got near her sister again, he was a dead man. Feyre, thoroughly embarrassed, had no other choice but to follow Nesta back to her dormitory. Once in her room, Nesta chastised Feyre for “fraternizing with the enemy.” Nesta had told Feyre stories about Cassian before, so she was up to date on that situation. Feyre didn’t seem to care, claiming that she didn’t even think Rhysand was that attractive.
And though Nesta knew that was a flat-out lie, she let it go.
So, when Feyre visited a semester later, Nesta was careful not to mention her visit to anyone, especially not Rhys. They weren’t friends per se, but her rivalry with Cassian made Rhysand a fixture in her life (one that she never asked for). They would chat during class or in passing, and their relationship was lighthearted. Nothing like the tension between her and Cassian. After the first time Feyre had visited, Rhysand always managed to find a way to bring her up in conversation.
But to Nesta’s dismay, Rhysand had miraculously found out about her visit. Ignoring Nesta’s threat, Rhys shamelessly tried to pursue Feyre for the second time. Even though Nesta was careful not to mention her visit, Rhysand had miraculously found out and pursued her. That time, he blatantly flirted with her right in front of Nesta. But it was more than flirting. Nesta could tell that Rhysand was acting differently than when he flirted with other girls. Nesta had been around him long enough to watch him flirt and seduce many women, and it was different with Feyre. This behavior continued every time Feyre visited, which was just five instances. Yet Rhysand seemed strangely attached to Feyre. Nesta never asked him about it… Gods forbid Rhysand Elvert becomes her brother-in-law.
“She’s great,” Nesta said truthfully. “Just started dating a new guy.”
His face fell for a fraction of a second, so quickly that Nesta could have imagined it. “Does he treat her well?”
“I’ve never met him, but from what she’s told me, yes.”
He seemed to consider this before merely nodding in response.
“Where’s that annoying friend of yours?” Nesta changed the subject.
Why do you care? Nesta could practically hear Emerie’s voice in her head. She ignored it.
“Cassian? That bastard’s somewhere in here.” Rhysand chuckled before he suddenly got excited. “Oh! You’ll never guess what he dressed as.”
Nesta gave him an unamused look. “Let me take a wild guess: the devil.”
Rhysand’s shoulders dropped and he pouted. “You take the fun out of everything.��
“Or perhaps you’re more predictable than you think.”
“Bet you can’t guess what Azriel is.”
Nesta didn’t even have to think twice. “Azriel dressed as Sherlock Holmes because he has a shred of self-respect. As opposed to you two buffoons.”
And because he told me a week ago, Nesta thought to herself.
Rhysand opened his mouth to retort, but he was quickly interrupted.
“Did someone say Cassian Bechalot?”
Nesta’s fists balled tightly at the mere sound of his voice. She plastered on a sickly-sweet smile and turned to face Cassian.
She did her best not waver at the sight of him. Even Nesta couldn't deny that Cassian was an objectively attractive man. She would never admit it, though.
His long hair was disheveled as always, a couple loose strands framing his annoyingly sharp jaw. He wore a deep red dress shirt, and the fabric looked soft as satin. Several buttons were popped to show off a broad chest and his signature golden chain. The sleeves were rolled up to reveal his inked forearms, the collar popped to show off the thick columns of his neck. And of course, red horns stuck out from the obnoxiously inflated head of his.
But what Nesta wasn’t expecting was the woman on his arm. She looked to be about their age, maybe a year younger. She too wore a devil costume but this time it was a small red dress and a face full of beautiful makeup.
Nesta’s fists tightened even more.
Cassian stopped a couple feet in front of her, his eyes slowly dragging up and down her body. Nesta crossed her arms impatiently until his piercing gaze finally met hers.
“So glad I ran into you, sweetheart," he purred at her. Gods, him and that insufferable nickname. She could choke him. "What do you think of my costume?"
“It suits you,” Nesta replied sarcastically. Then she added, “You guys make quite the couple.”
Cassian frowned, but Nesta paid no mind to him.
“Oh, we didn’t even come here together!” piped in the woman. She gave Cassian a seductive look. “But I certainly hope we’ll be going home together.”
Nesta didn’t bother to hide her distaste. It wasn’t directed toward the friendly woman, rather at the bastard at her side. The obnoxiously sexy bastard.
“Let me guess…” Cassian tapped a finger on his chin thoughtfully. Nesta made a show of rolling her eyes. “Hecate?”
She hadn't expected that.
Nesta did her best to contain her surprise. “You know who Hecate is?”
“Ouch, you didn’t have to say it like that. You wound me, sweetheart.”
She raised a threatening brow. He chuckled deeply and raised his hands in surrender.
"Maybe I'm not as stupid as you think I am."
Nesta snorted. “That’s highly unlikely."
He tilted his head to the side, peering closer at her. “You’re particularly feisty today, aren’t you?”
“I swear to the gods, Cassian, I will rip your head off.”
All he did was laugh her off. If he only knew how serious she was...
Nesta was just about to walk away when Cassian turned to the woman at his side. “Arlia, can you leave us alone for a second?” he grinned mischievously. “I’ll find you after.”
Arlia giggled and nodded, dragging a finger down his arm as she walked away. Leaving Cassian and Nesta alone.
Cassian didn't waste a second, closing the distance between them. He loomed several inches above her, something Nesta detested about him. He was large, tall, purely male. Nesta got a whiff of his scent, and she hated how much she loved the smell of him. He always wore the same cologne, not enough to overwhelm but enough to leave Nesta wanting more.
Ugh. He truly was the devil incarnate.
“Is that jealousy I sense?” Cassian clicked his tongue, humor flashing in his hazel eyes.
Nesta choked at his words. "As if."
It was a weak comeback, and she knew it.
He got even closer, their bodies just inches apart now. “Why do you even care who I spend my time with, Nesta? You hate me on a good day.”
“Maybe,” Nesta countered, “that’s because you do nothing but make my life as miserable as possible.”
The temperature in the room seemed to increase several degrees as Nesta stared up at him in contempt. Something unreadable crossed his face as he raised a hand and caressed her cheek, the warmth of his fingers sending tingles to her feet.
“Why do you insist on pushing me away?" Cassian asked, searching her eyes. She was frozen, her throat constricted.
 Because you terrify me.
Nesta shoved that thought deep down before she could even comprehend it, as far as it could possibly go.
"Tell me," Cassian breathed, pushing for an answer. "Is it so hard to admit that maybe I'm not as bad as you want me to be?"
Nesta was nearly trembling, her mouth unable to form a single word. She could only stare up at him with wide eyes and parted lips as he pushed her limits.
"Is it so hard to admit that maybe, just maybe, you actually like me?"
Nesta snapped.
“Like you? Fuck that, Cassian! You walk around campus like you’re the most desirable man on earth,” Nesta fumed, just the sight of him enough to boil her blood. “You treat women like shit, you humiliate me at least once a month, and you’re only at Pryth U thanks to some athletic scholarship.”
Her voice had gotten louder and people were definitely watching them, but she didn’t give a shit.
Cassian’s eyes darkened at her words, and he got another step closer, forcing Nesta’s back against the cool edge of the table behind her. He rested both hands on each side of her body and caged her in. She didn’t dare back down, levelling his hard glare.
“Do you think I’m desirable, Nesta?” he asked menacingly, his voice low. Quiet enough for only her to hear and demanding enough to get an answer.
Nesta suddenly became hyperaware of Cassian’s body so close to hers. She could see his chest moving up and down, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. His bicep brushed against her arm sending a shot of electricity through her body.
Nesta didn’t know what to say. She could only stand there and watch as Cassian huffed out a humorless laugh after a couple moments passed.
“Do you know how hypocritical you are?” Cassian asked, pulling his body away from hers and leaving Nesta with a cold feeling. He raised his voice with frustration. “No one knows who Nesta Archeron is. No, they only know you by the ‘Ice Queen.’ You sit on your damn throne and look at everyone like they’re below you. What’s so great about you, Nesta, huh? Because I’ve known you for years and still haven’t been able to find a single redeeming quality.”
He practically yelled the last sentence. She wanted to cry, throw something at him, walk away, scream until she lost her voice. But she didn't do anything. Nesta just stared at him as everything in her shut down until she just... stopped. Numbness overtook her.
Cassian was watching her, his chest heaving. Something like regret flashed over his face.
Nesta blinked, shattering the little world her and Cassian were in, looking past him and into the adjoining room.
Everyone was staring at them with wide eyes and open mouths. The entire apartment was silent, and it was painfully clear that every single person had just heard them fight.
 Just my fucking luck.
Nesta didn’t pay attention to anyone as she stormed off. As far away from him as possible.
She heard Varian tell everyone to mind their own business before blasting the music. The onlookers were happy to oblige and just like that, they were dancing without a care in the world.
Amren was leaning against the glass door that led to the outdoor patio when Nesta rushed outside for air. She heard her friend follow her from behind.
It was calmer out here, the loud bass of the music fading into the background. The moon was full, and that gave Nesta a small piece of solace.
She collapsed onto a plastic chair, her body sinking down. She didn't have to say a word as Amren held out a bottle of Tito's.
Nesta took it from her and didn’t even think as she took several gulps of the vodka. Her throat burned with every swallow, eyes watering. She took a final swig and gave it back to Amren, wiping her mouth and grimacing.
“So…” Amren started, glancing over at Nesta who was looking down at the ground. “Should we talk about what just happened in there?"
Amren got quiet and the two simply sat in silence. Nesta closed her eyes, relishing the cold breeze that washed over her face. She could smell the remnants of a bonfire from Amren's neighbors next door. After a few minutes, Amren straightened and held her hand out to Nesta.
“C’mon. We’re gonna dance.”
It wasn't a question. And Nesta wasn't about to say no and risk getting into an argument with Amren. Gods knew how taxing that would be. Anyway, the alcohol was already beginning to course through her blood. She would be on the dance floor in the next twenty minutes either way.
As Nesta took Amren's hand and retreated back inside, a feeling of euphoria began to enter her body. She happily invited it.
Nesta didn’t know how long they danced for. Long enough for her hair to stick to the back of her neck and her throat to be parched. Long enough for "Toxic" by Britney Spears to have played enough times and gotten stuck in her head.
But not long enough for her to forget about the events that took place just minutes prior to downing that vodka.
She signaled to Amren that she was going to get some water. Her friend only nodded her head and continued rolling her hips to the beat.
As Nesta poured herself a cup of water, she scanned the room. She scanned it until she found who she was looking for.
Nesta locked eyes with Cassian from across the room. She hadn't been thinking of him much as she and Amren danced to every song that played. He was on the outskirts of the dancing crowd. Him and Arlia. The song was loud, fast. And yet his hands were snug around Arlia’s waist, hers stroking his chest as they swayed slowly. Not an inch separated their bodies.
She couldn’t read the emotion in his eyes. His face was blank.
Nesta held his stare until he broke away.
To kiss Arlia.
And he didn’t just kiss her. It wasn’t an innocent peck. He pulled her into him, capturing her lips with his own. Nesta watched as Arlia gripped the collar of his shirt and molded her body into his, their hips grinding together.
Cassian opened his eyes even as he continued to kiss Arlia. He looked directly at Nesta as his mouth moved against another woman’s. Nesta fought the urge to go up to him and smack him across the gods-damn face.
She failed.
But before she could even take a step, someone grabbed her arm from behind. She looked behind her shoulder.
“You don’t want to do that, Ness,” Amren told her with a hard tone.
“But – ”
“But nothing,” Amren interrupted Nesta, her words final. “How about we do something to take your mind off it?” She didn’t even wait for her answer before calling over her boyfriend. “Varian!”
Just like a loyal puppy, Varian appeared at her side in a second, the end of his mermaid tale dragging on the floor. “What’s up, love?”
“Nesta needs a good distraction,” she explained, gesturing not-so-subtly to where Cassian stood. “Thoughts?”
Varian’s eyes brightened and he didn’t even hesitate before miraculously yelling over the deafening music, “Truth or dare!”
Amren threw her hands up with a groan and gave him an exasperated look as if to say, Are we thirteen years old?
But it was too late. Everyone around them was already cheering and chanting Varian's name.
Nesta levelled a look at her best friend.
Amren raised her palms up. “Hey, it’ll keep you from strangling Cassian to death,” she pointed out the silver lining.
Nesta couldn’t argue with that, so she begrudgingly followed her friend to the couch. A big group of people followed them from behind.
Five minutes later, everyone was situated into a large circle. Some were sprawled on the furniture while others sat on the floor. All of them were happily drunk and way too enthusiastic to be playing truth or dare.
“Truth or dare?” Amren started, her question directed at Azriel who was sitting a couple people away from Nesta. He was dressed as Sherlock, just as he’d told her he would.
Thus began an entertaining game of truth or dare. Azriel had to do a body shot off of Rhys. Rhys had to give Helion a lap dance. Helion was forced to let Lucien do his face makeup. Lucien had to take off Mor’s socks with his teeth. Mor had to make an obscene call to a random phone number. Emerie chose truth and was forced to reveal her wildest sex fantasy (a drunken Mor offered to make that dream a reality).
Halfway into the game, Nesta had shed herself of her gown, leaving her in only a small black dress she'd put on underneath in case she got warm. It was a combination of the body heat, alcohol, and tension between her and Cassian.
The entire game, Nesta did her best to avoid eye contact with Cassian. He was sitting directly across from her in the circle, Arlia at his side. Nesta was doing fine, enjoying their childish antics until it was Emerie’s turn to ask someone.
Nesta wasn’t completely surprised when her friend turned to her and asked, “Truth or dare?”
Nesta saw the mischievous look on Emerie’s face as she proposed the question. She had no fucking idea what she had planned, but there was no way Nesta was falling into her trap.
“Truth,” Nesta decided to play it safe.
But then Cassian had to open his fucking mouth.
“Boring,” he said loudly, faking a yawn.
Nesta turned her head to face him for the first time during the game. Her heart pounded at the sight of him. He was sitting on the edge of the sofa, holding his chin in his hands as he scrutinized her. His eyes were glossy, and he was clearly drunk like the rest of them.
“It’s in the name of the game.”
“Or maybe you’re just scared,” Cassian countered.
“I’m not,” Nesta gritted her teeth, staring him down.
Cassian merely raised a brow as if to say, Sure, you aren’t.
No one said anything.
“Fine,” Nesta snapped just to spite him. “Dare.”
Cassian smiled triumphantly and sat back as Emerie clapped with excitement.
"Give her a good one!" someone called out.
Emerie turned back to Nesta with a troubled look and mouthed, Forgive me.
Forgive her? What the fuck was she talking about –
“I dare you to kiss Cassian.”
Nesta stopped breathing.
The entire room was silent as everyone stared at Nesta, gauging her reaction. She felt Cassian's eyes on her.
Nesta broke the silence and burst out laughing, a snort leaving her nose. A very unattractive snort. “You think I’m going to kiss him?”
Others around the circle laughed nervously, unsure where this was going to go.
She looked across the circle to see Cassian staring at her. But where she was expecting a smug smile was a clenched jaw and burning eyes.
You’re not scared, huh? he mouthed at her silently. He was mocking her.
In your dreams, she snapped back.
Cassian crooked his finger to draw Nesta closer. "C'mere."
She snorted. Again. “If you want to do this dare, you’re the one coming to me.”
Only a couple feet separated them from opposite sides of the circle. It was petty, but she didn't care.
He looked at her incredulously. “Really, sweetheart?”
Nesta shrugged. Cassian narrowed his eyes in response.
He was just as stubborn as her. A couple people around the circled groaned – they knew the beginning of a Nesta-Cassian stand-off when they saw one.
“Are you guys really fighting about who has to walk the five steps it takes to get to each other?” Emerie asked, astounded. Neither of them answered.
“Why don’t you meet in the middle of the circle?” Varian suggested meekly.
“No,” they both snapped at the same time, glaring at one another when they realized they said the same thing.
Another minute passed of them staring each other down.
Cassian was the first to speak again. “If you don’t come over here, you won’t finish the dare.”
Nesta gritted her teeth. He was right. She fucking hated when he was right.
 Just get it over with.
“Fine,” she seethed, standing up from the floor. She turned to Amren. “Give me another shot. I’m not drunk enough for this.”
The last thing Nesta wanted was the memory of kissing Cassian tomorrow morning. She shuddered at the thought.
“Make that two,” Cassian added.
Amren returned just a second later with a full shot glass in each hand. Neither Cassian nor Nesta hesitated as they downed the drink.
Nesta willed her legs to move, her stride confident despite the overwhelming feeling that she was going to fall thanks to her wobbly knees. Cassian’s feet were flat on the floor as he sat on the edge of the sofa. Nesta didn’t allow herself to falter for a second as she straddled Cassian and sat on his lap, their faces just inches away.
The crowd whooped and whistled. Nesta ignored it.
Nesta was already intoxicated by his scent, but she did her best to ignore it. Cassian gripped her hips to keep her balanced on him, his touch burning into her skin. She was eye-level with him, their faces inches away. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek, and chills went down her arms.
Something in Nesta ignited when Cassian subtly rubbed his thumb over her hip under the fabric of her dress. He seemed to sense the change in her, his nostrils flaring as he moved his thumb over her skin again, leaving a burning trail in its wake.
The world fell away. It was just them. Nesta’s lips involuntarily parted when Cassian’s other hand rested on her bare thigh. His fingers inched higher and higher, and Nesta opened her legs slightly wider. Cassian exhaled a harsh breath.
The spot between her legs was molten hot, her legs numb with pleasure. She slid her hand over his shoulder, and she traced the thick columns of his neck with her manicured nails. He tilted his head for her, and Nesta wanted nothing more than to lick and bite and suck his bare neck.
 What the fuck is he doing to me?
All of Nesta’s reservations fell away as she grinded her ass in his lap, unnoticeable to anyone watching, but enough to feel Cassian’s hardness slide under her core. His eyes flashed to hers. Nesta had never seen a man look at her the way he was.
Then, so fast that he didn’t even know what was happening, Nesta leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Cassian tried to deepen the kiss, but Nesta pulled away and was out of his lap before he could do anything to stop it.
She threw her hands up and threw a smirk over her shoulder at Cassian. “I did it!”
Everyone cheered, laughter filling the room as Nesta started walking back to her respective seat.
But she didn’t get far.
“Are fucking with me?” Cassian seethed from behind her. She turned around to face him.
His jaw was clenched with anger. His whole demeanor had changed, his presence threatening. Nesta watched as his fists clenched and unclenched, Cassian's telltale sign that he was not happy.
“Aw, were you expecting a date too?” Nesta cooed at him sarcastically.
 Point for Nesta.
People laughed, but Cassian boomed, "That's it," silencing everyone else. Including Nesta.
He walked straight toward her with purpose. Nesta gasped as he carefully but firmly grabbed her by the nape of the neck, his other hand splaying across the small of her back to bring their bodies together. Their lips brushed together, and Nesta's long golden hair provided a small curtain of privacy from the onlookers.
Cassian's breath smelled of whiskey, and it nearly consumed her. She looked up into his eyes and let out a breath of air. A growl released from his throat.
"Fuck it," he murmured before crushing his lips to hers.
Nesta's hand instinctively reached for him, her fingers curling in the soft tufts of his dark hair. Cassian moaned into her mouth, opening his lips and deepening the kiss. Nesta could barely stand, her tongue moving against his in a seductive, wet dance. She tasted the alcohol on him, and she became further drunk on him. Cassian curled his arm around her waist to hold her up, consequently pressing their bodies harder together. Nesta's nipples pebbled through the thin fabric of her dress as her breasts ground against his broad chest. He nibbled on her bottom lip, teasing her, driving her mad with need. She let out a whimper, and she felt Cassian's lips turn up in a satisfied smile as they continued to kiss roughly.
A loud cough had them pulling away from each other.
Nesta's cheeks turned bright red when she realized they were still standing in the middle of the circle, their friends looking up at them with horror and confusion and excitement and disbelief. She looked back at Cassian whose lips were swollen from their kisses. He didn't seem to care that there were people around them, his eyes locked solely on her.
"So... uh, I think it's Nesta's turn to ask," Rhysand said dumbly, staring up at her like she had two heads.
The last thing Nesta wanted to do was sit back down and play truth or dare. No, she wanted to drag Cassian upstairs and finish what they -
"No can do," Cassian said plainly, grabbing Nesta's hand and pulling her with him as he made his way to the stairs. "We have some unfinished business."
Well, at least Cassian was on the same page as her for the first time.
Nesta didn't even look behind her as she willingly followed Cassian up the stairs and into a more private room.
He opened the first door they passed by, revealing the guest bedroom. Nesta walked inside, and he closed and locked the door behind them.
Nesta's mind was racing. What did they just do? Why did she let him kiss her like that?
Nesta looked up from her hands to where Cassian stood. He had a determined look on his face.
"Stop what?"
"Overthinking this."
Gods, he saw right through her.
"We shouldn't have done that," Nesta said quietly.
"Why?" Cassian pushed.
"We hate each other." Why did it sound like she was trying to convince herself of that?
"Do we?"
The question hung in the air as neither one of them said anything. Nesta sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed her arms.
"Maybe not hate, but... we can't even stand each other," Nesta let out. She glanced over at him. "It's not like we have feelings for each other."
Cassian didn't say anything. She scoffed.
"You're telling me that you can honestly say you've thought of me in that sort of way?"
"Every fucking day, sweetheart."
Nesta's heart stopped. "I'm serious."
"Me too," he told her. His lips were set in a straight line, his eyes piercing into hers.
"Please, Cass," she said, using the nickname she so rarely used for him. "You fuck other women every week. You've despised me since day one. There's no way in hell."
"I don't hate you, Nesta," he said quietly. She watched as he walked over and took a seat in the rocking chair that faced her. He hesitated before continuing. "I hate how much I fucking think about you. I wake up and my first thought is, 'I wonder what Nesta's doing right now.' I go through my days hoping to run into you." He dragged his hands down his face and laughed at himself. "But you fucking infuriate me, woman. Our conversations are never pleasant. You're the most difficult person I've ever met."
 Oh Gods.
"And as for the women..." he sighed, shaking his head. "I can't believe I'm telling you this."
Nesta waited for him to continue.
Cassian raised his head from his hands and looked her straight in the eye. "I only fuck other women because I can't get you out of my damn head. Because I've never felt this passionate about anyone. Because you confuse the living hell out of me."
He had to be lying. It was Cassian. There was no way he cared for her. She'd seen him look at her all these years, and there had never once been an indicator of such feelings. And of course he was passionate about her: he hated her! Passion wasn't necessarily a good thing.
"What do you possibly think could happen between us?" she asked with an exasperated look. She didn't wait for him to answer. "The only time this," Nesta gestured between them, "could ever happen again is a year from now."
"What do you mean?"
She shrugged. "This," she moved her hand around. "Halloween. The one day you can pretend to be someone you're not."
"I don't understand what you're saying."
"You and I would never work, Cassian." The words cut through her as she choked them out.
"Why do you keep lying to yourself?" Cassian asked.
"I'm not! We know nothing about each other. We treat each other like shit. It would explode in our faces."
“We don't know anything about each other?" he echoed quietly, a small laugh leaving his lips. "How do you think I knew you were Hecate?"
Nesta didn't say anything. Where was he going with this?
"Maybe,” he started, “it’s because I’ve heard you mention her more times than I can count. Maybe I looked her up one day and read all about her. Maybe I think she's a fucking badass.
"You think we don't know anything about each other? Here are some things you don't know about me: I started that web comic you never shut up about. I finished it in a week, and I wrote down all my favorite parts in case we ever talk about it one day. You have a black cat named Minx, and you even have custom made socks with his picture on it. You want to study creative writing, but you're scared you won't make it as an author." He paused. "You try to hide everything inside, but I can tell how much you feel, Nesta. You aren't heartless, you aren't insensitive. You're just... scared. To trust."
Nesta hadn't told him any of that. Not directly, at least. But he listened. He'd always been listening. Her heart was pounding in her ears as Cassian finally met her gaze with soft eyes. She was terrified, but she held eye contact with him, refusing to look away. This man... he didn't hate her. He never had.
Nesta didn't realize tears were running down her face until her vision blurred and Cassian's face was out of focus.
Fuck. She hated crying, especially in front of people. Especially in front of him.
She dropped her face in her hands to hide her tears. She couldn't see what was happening but just a second later, she felt the bed sink down with another weight. Warm hands grasped her body, pulling her into a hard body. Cassian leaned down to brush his lips against her ear.
"Sweetheart," he whispered. Nesta didn't say anything. "Look at me."
His gentle voice melted something within her. She tried to inconspicuously wipe her tears before lifting her head up and meeting his gaze.
His lips turned up in a small smile, and he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Cassian put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face up until their lips touched in the gentlest kiss she'd ever had.
This time, Nesta didn't hesitate as she kissed Cassian back.
tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed!): @sjmships​ @sleeping-and-books​ @sirgwaines​ @books-for-sure​ @blowing-mikey​ @b00kworm​ @wineywitch202​ @drielecarla​ @liquifyme​ @gisellefigue08​ @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter​ @loysydark​ @stardelia​ @sayosdreams​ @maastrash​ @superspiritfestival​ @courtofjurdan​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
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TWs/SUMMARY: Hulk interaction Hulk interaction Hulk interaction. Plot is thickening. Feelings. Operation Baby Thief! A wild Coulson appears. Lokireader besties <3 There's just a lot going on.
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Bruce hulked out within minutes of my confession.
As I stood in the middle of the common room, partially hidden behind Loki and scrunching the fabric of my hoodie, I had no choice but to observe the reactions of various Avengers to the fact someone might have... Predictably, Sam, Tony and Stephen looked like kicked puppies. I trusted Loki to handle that part. Steve, Bucky and Natasha had murder on their mind and Thor, Pietro just stared at me, aghast.
I noticed the tinge of green before anybody else, perhaps, because I'd been used to automatically seek comfort from Bruce. My interactions with Hulk, however brief and few and in-between, were positive. As much as they could be with a someone's alter-ego that possessed the emotional intelligence of a twelve year old. So I could safely say that what startled me was the noise of Bruce transforming and not the Hulk himself.
The Hulk growled, zeroing in on me - I remembered of Loki, who stood frozen, and their mutual disregard. The decision was prompt - I stepped out from behind the Asgardian, waving shyly at the large green creature. He was LARGE. Like, I could comfortably sit on one of his shoulders.
"Hey, Hulk. I'm alright, don't worry big guy," I took unhurried steps towards the agitated creature. He seemed to be satisfied with my statement, giving me another once over and growling quietly in the back of his throat. An idea struck me: "Wanna get out of here? The gym has more space, we can sit and talk there."
The stares I was getting were downright incredulous. Here I was, an average human being, fearlessly making my way over to the destruction machine that was the Hulk. I knew he wouldn't hurt me - on purpose.
"No," He growled. "We find bad man. Then Hulk smash." The green creature raised, I had to admit, valid points.
"It's going to be pretty boring though. We have to sort through the security footage, then probably traffic cams, then hold Steve back from going in there in Terminator mode..." I listed off all the logical steps of the investigation until I reached the Hulk. My neck was going to get a crick in it from tilting it so I could see his face. "I'd rather..." I didn't get to finish my sentence as I was suddenly picked up. One large hand gently cradled me to Hulk's chest, akin to a kitten, the other hand landing right under my butt.
I heard a collective exhale from the team, acutely aware of the way they were eyeing me and Hulk.
"Boring," The green creature agreed. His face briefly contorted in what I perceived to be an intense thought process. "Necessary." The word had to come from Bruce; it slipped out with difficulty off the Hulk's tongue, stiff.
"Not you too, big guy," I giggled-slash-groaned, giving a playful slap to the hand wrapped around me. "Fine. Let's get this over with." I looked around in search of a spot for Hulk to park his butt somewhere. The ceiling was barely tall enough for him to comfortably stand.
I needn't have worried as he simply sat down cross-legged right where he stood, still holding me to his chest. "Now," He announced, looking expectantly at Tony.
The engineer chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, you're right, big guy. Let's find this sonuvabitch." Tense snorts and sounds of agreement filled the room, drowning out the noise of Tony tapping on his keyboard and communicating with Friday.
I poked Hulk in one green, large finger. "Maybe I could sit on your shoulder?"
He nodded, letting me crawl all over his green, hard chest and arms to sit on the large expanse of his left shoulder. It was comfortable as far as shoulders go; inwardly, I squeed like a mad woman. I was friends with the Hulk and I was sitting on his shoulder! Lost in my fangirling, I absentmindedly began messing with his dark hair, only noticing it when satisfied rumbling started coming from his chest. The Hulk was... Purring?
"Puny Banner upset," Hulk declared shortly after the team found the man who drugged me and started tracking his movements. It wasn't someone who'd been invited to the party, which meant there was a serious security breach - it was all hands on deck kind of situation.
"Yeah, I can understand that. I'm pretty upset too, the hangover I got was terrible, I threw up in Loki's apartment," I said, frowning. "And my boys are going to mope now," I rolled my eyes.
"Banner says he will talk with them," Hulk replied, placing hand over my legs. "Hulk will help Banner."
I couldn't help it, I snorted. "Gonna smash some common sense into them?" He grinned at me, too mischievous for someone who was described to be a mindless destruction machine. "I think they're beyond that."
"I can hear you two talking shit about me and I do not appreciate it," Tony piped up suddenly, shooting us a hurt look. To be fair, his shoulders looked considerably less tense and the cloud over his face had dissipated by a little bit. Me and Hulk managed to erase at least some of the guilt away. I think. Stephen, however, still remained frowning and closed-off.
"You're stupid, Tony." Hulk answered, sounding a little bit smug. I gaped at the exchange together with Natasha and Steve. It seemed like Hulk's sense of... Humor was a novelty.
"Hey, don't pick on my dumbass white boys," I chastised the green... Man, side-eyeing him. "Only I can pick on them. If someone else does it, I'mma throw hands if I have to."
"Puny," Hulk replied petulantly, poking me with a finger, making me sway in my spot. I rolled my eyes fondly, settling in to mess with his hair again for the sake of having something to do with my hands. The brief exchange helped to get my overactive brain off the case but the tranquility didn't last very long.
Natasha and Bucky left to interrogate the guards responsible for the security breach, Loki shooting me an apologetic look and following the two. I smiled back, knowing the Asgardian wasn't fully comfortable being around the Hulk due to his previous experiences with the big guy.
"Wait, hold on. That guy. I know that guy." As an array of faces appeared on the large screen, a familiar pair of mismatched eyes stared at me from it. Hulk tensed under me and the team turned towards me expectantly as I shrunk slightly under their combined gaze. "The one with anisocoria - with the weird eyes. He works at a coffee shop near my school, actually he only started working recently, few months ago. He tried to flirt with me but Peter said he felt weird about the guy so I stopped going to that café." I explained the situation as eloquently as I could, seeing Clint's eyes widen at my story.
"Are you sure?" Stephen Strange raised an eyebrow. "Because that man is a mercenary that we have been looking for months."
I felt my heart skip a beat. "A what now?" My ears were ringing. Hulk growled quietly under me, evidently sensing my distress.
"A hired man," Clint typed on his phone rapidly. "Mostly sells not-so-harmless trinkets on the black market. Hydra, AIM, you name it. Anything for the highest bidder." Clint muttered. "I'm calling Peter, maybe he can tell us something more. This is an Avengers level threat." The Hawk's jaw was firm and his face was hard.
"Already on it," Tony looked shaken. I understood him - someone like that had invaded his tower, his home. Hell, I myself felt like someone had spit right in my soul. It was my home, too, to some extent.
"Let me down please, Tony needs a hug," I whispered to the Hulk, who begrudgingly did as I requested. I padded over to Tony, wrapping myself around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He always was my comfort; expensive cologne and motor oil filled my senses as my arms clutched at his chest from behind. I didn't expect reprocitation - Tony wasn't the one for emotional vulnerability.
"He could have gotten you," He whispered, almost inaudibly, fingers shaking where they typed rapid-fire commands.
"Bold of you to assume I would have gone down without a fight," I answered as calmly as I could. "He is either dumb, or reckless or has nothing to lose. Planning a coup in the middle of your tower..."
"Or he's showing us that he can just do that," Clint supplied unhelpfully. "The guard who let him in just has been found dead and his family is missing. Natasha texted, she's calling in SHIELD. This is now Operation Baby Thief."
I couldn't help the snort that escaped my lips. "Baby Thief, really?"
"Nobody's stealing Princess," Tony barked, finally turning his head and pressing a sloppy kiss to my cheek. "Not if I have to do anything with it."
"I will make sure the pathetic mortal scum never walks," Thor finally piped up, voice low. In the distance, the harsh noise of thunder and pouring rain echoed through the city.
I frowned but withdrew from Tony, finally feeling well enough to do something. My hands itched to help and as appealing as snuggling with Hulk appeared, my brain had gone straight into overdrive. "Should we take a blood sample to find out what he dosed me with? It's not Roofies, and the hangover is too shitty for it to be anything like Ecstasy." I mused out loud, pacing in the small space between the Hulk and the nearest wall.
"That is a sensible idea," Doctor Strange piped up, giving me an appreciative look. "We'll wait for Romanoff," One angry look at his own scarred, shaking hands, Stephen went back to the book he was reading. He needed a hug, too, I decided.
"Puny Banner will do it," Hulk suddenly announced, reaching out for me.
I obliged, giving the green giant a hug. "Maybe we can go play in Central Park once it's warmer, whatcha think?" I looked up at him, brain just so full of different things. Ideas bounced off one another like ping pong balls.
The Hulk grinned and... Well, I didn't see the transformation, my eyes shut themselves as soon as I felt the flesh under my palms begin to shrink and expand. It wasn't that I was afraid, rather, the feeling was so bizarre that my racing brain had to automatically shut down in fears of being overstimulated.
"Hi," Bruce supplied meekly, an adorable blush staining his cheeks. I didn't resist the urge to kiss and hold him close, and we stood there with him holding up his pants with one hand and clutching my hoodie with the other until Tony cleared his throat.
"You good, Brucie-bear?" The engineer gave a distracted smile towards us, not taking his eyes off the keyboard.
"Yes, Tones," The scientist replied easily, adding with a frown: "I'm glad me and Hulk finally agree on something." With that, he departed in the search of normal pants and the tools needed to acquire my blood sample.
I gave it without much fuss, waving to Bucky, Natasha and Loki that had returned with a middle-aged, balding man in tow. The shared look of amusement between Steve and Bucky and the man's starry-eyed look towards the Captain let me deduce it was one Agent Coulson, the very same man Tony couldn't stop telling stories about, the one with the Captain America trading cards.
So, mayhaps, me taking place in Stephen's lap while Bruce filled up three whole vials full of my blood wasn't exactly the smartest way to go about it. Tony found it amusing, Steve was shaking his head in fond annoyance and Stephen himself struggled to maintain his indifference, yet, the blush betrayed him.
"Agent, what brings you to our humble abode?" Tony snorted, seeing the man raise an eyebrow at the display of affection.
"Operation Baby Thief," Coulson replied with a sigh. "I see the Baby is secure. Keep it that way." Oh, the man was cheeky. I liked him already.
"The Baby has a Tony, a Sorcerer Supreme and a Hulk," I retorted haughtily. "And a functional brain. Fuck that guy."
"Indeed," Coulson snorted. "Tell me, what do you know about the Hamptons incident?"
I blanched, immediately tensing. Bruce withdrew the needle and pressed a bandage over the wound, running gentle fingers over my arm. Everybody must've noticed my surprise, turning to me with their faces full of expectation. Stephen's touch was calming, slightly trembling at the nape of my neck.
"Not much, to be honest. I was about thirteen when it happened and my mother tried to hide it from me," I chewed on my lip, looking away. "What I managed to find out is that there was a robbery that resulted in two deaths, my father being one of the suspects because he was high as hell on coke and he was found sleeping in the same room as the open gun safe," I recalled the memories of mother angrily screaming at dad, calling her law firm colleagues late at night. "I don't need a law degree to know the evidence was flimsy. Dad got a drug charge, his buddies got the same and both the killer and the gun were never found." I exhaled loudly, tapping my foot on the floor, supressing the need to pace.
Coulson nodded, opening a thin manila folder and producing an image of a small, wooden box with carvings that looked like runes on it. "Have you seen this object?"
I felt my blood run cold, my vision swam. "Yes," I swallowed dryly. "That's my end-of-the-world box. I buried it in my grandparents' backyard two years ago."
"End of the world?" Coulson asked, alarmed. "Did you open it?"
"No," I shook my head negative. "I found it in my room at one point and every time I looked at it, it felt... Wrong. Like it was a glitch in a computer game. I couldn't sleep, so I stuck it in my closet and that gave me terrible nightmares and sleep paralysis. I took it with me when I went to visit Gramps and buried it three feet deep under the cherry tree." My hands were shaking once again; I had forgotten about the box but my body remembered the primal, untameable terror that I experienced in it's proximity. At fourteen years old, I just thought I had an overactive imagination or something, too many horror movies, hormonal storms.
"That is a magical artifact," Stephen's voice was quiet and concerned. "A very dangerous, destructive at that. How long were you in it's presence?"
"About nine months, give or take."
"And you didn't open it once, not even a little bit?" Tony had caught on the trend, almost a hysterical edge to his voice.
"No, and I think I know why," I looked to the side. "I saw Wanda on the TV, and, like, magic was confirmed to be real, so I guess I was sure whatever is in there, it wasn't good. During that time, my parents told me I was sleepwalking but I can't remember any of it. I might have wanted to get that box to someone of your... Specialty," I briefly messed with the sleeve of Stephen's shirt, exhaling loudly when his hand grasped mine and held it with care. "I think that box messed with my head... Because I swear that I had no recollection of it until you brought it up," I realized suddenly, my eyes shooting up in blind panic. What else have I forgotten?!
"That is astonishing," Loki's baritone exclaimed. "Nine months is a long time to resist the pull of such a strong artifact." My best friend stated with a great deal of respect.
People in the room started talking all at once. Stephen and Tony declared I needed to get checked out by a professional - Tony meaning s doctor and Stephen meaning a healer of the magical kind; Bruce scooted over and pulled my frozen body in a solid hug; Steve and Bucky planned out to get the box from my grandparents' house, debating whether to take Loki or Thor with them; the SHIELD part of the team discussing the intel and further plans to catch the rogue mercenary.
The door opened quietly.
"Hi everybody, hello Mr. Stark," Peter was disheveled, his ratty backpack in one hand and an enormous sandwich in another. "Got here as fast as I could. What's up?"
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rq-s · 3 years
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Title: Lucid Dreams - Chapter 1
Word Count: 2680
Warnings: Mingyu is featured heavily in the first few chapters and is directly involved in significant plot events. Due to recent events, I understand if reading these chapters may make you uncomfortable, but be aware that you’d be missing core story elements by skipping them. (Details)
Lucid Dreams Masterlist
Prologue | 
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It was an hour after dawn, the streets were busy with students and workers on their commute. Yn gazed out of her apartment window, forlornly missing when she would do that. Why wasn’t I doing that? I should still be in college, worrying about scores and my social life.
She was still slowly waking up, with unfocused eyes and bad balance, as she sat at her desk. She shifted in her chair and faced her journal again, with two blank pages staring up at her.
It started as a school project, but it turned into a habit that Yn kept through her youth.
Yn stood and left it open without having written anything, frustrated with herself. If she had dreamt last night, it was long gone from her mind, and she had nothing else to write. There were more days like this lately. Update-less, absent days.
Eventually, Yn left the apartment complex with her phone and wallet and walked the familiar path. For weeks she had been going on walks around town, and she’d always somehow pass by the same peculiar store. She found herself lingering there, wanting to go in just to have her questions answered, but something within herself always stopped her. Online searches turned up very little. Just some patents, an under construction website, a local news article, and a few social media postings by previous customers. Everything she found only made her more curious.
The town seemed quiet, though it wasn’t ever busy. It made the journey to Dream Store a peaceful one, even as Yn's nervousness began to bubble.
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She arrived a few hours before noon, the sunlight warm and shining brightly past the cartoonish and fluffy clouds. The well-tended potted plants, power washed sidewalk, and neon sign all had a strangely comforting feeling to them that welcomed her. Even the grey layered siding was sweet, despite how it clashed with the surrounding architecture. Yn stood on the sidewalk, facing the front patio, and hardened her resolve. Today would be her first time seeing what it was like inside; she refused to put it off anymore.
Yn approached the door in quick strides and read the print on the window before entering. “Dream Store | keeping hold of our hearts.”
Her breathing went still as soon as she pulled the door open. It was more spacious inside than the exterior led on, having a pastel pallet and being well lit. It felt like the door way was more then just the entrance to a business.
The first thing to see was the bar. A fairly long one, taking up most of the far wall, yet was still tucked in the corner. From the left wall towards the center were eight different taps, and on a counter behind the bar were two large blenders, a sink, and a small ice cream station with five flavors.  A small Bluetooth speaker on the end of the counter was playing instrumental lo-fi, and somehow the air itself felt light and bubbly against her skin. On the wall above the bar was a large LED menu with what appeared to all be beverages in narrow-necked glass bottles. On the little space that was left against the far wall was a freezer, decorated in stickers and notes. So it’s a juice bar? The tweets just mentioned ice cream. There was a hallway by the fridge, presumably leading to bathrooms and the staff area. In front of that and against the right wall were wood tables and chairs with mismatched cushions. There were similar tables meant for two on the left side, with what seemed to be medium sized square lockers, and two vending machines full of those same bottled drinks from the LED screen. It all felt surreal, it was too perfect.
“Excuse me?” Yn’s attention was brought back to reality by the voice of man, one she hadn’t even seen standing behind the bar until that moment. His fingers were intertwined and rested gently on the bar while he leaned forward, as if he’d been calling her for a while. Once he saw he had her attention, he stood upright and smiled sincerely.
“Welcome to our Dream Store!” It was as if the entire scenario was a prank, he was an actor and this business was a set. Everything was still and quiet, with nothing and nobody in existence but this store and the two of them.
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Finally, Yn approached the bar.
Instead of a name tag, the name Mingyu was sewn onto the collar of his white dress shirt. He was very tall, and his uniform was clearly tailored for to fit him perfectly. His smile was kind and courteous as he spoke to her.
“Is this your first time here?” He asked gently, but with no less energy in his voice than before. Yn nodded.
“Gotcha, let’s find you a table then.” He chirped, and walked around from behind the bar, grabbing a physical menu from somewhere behind the register. “Do you like to sit by the window, or in the corner?”
“Anywhere that lets me see the exits, please.” She answered softly. Mingyu didn’t seem phased by her request and tapped his chin in thought while looking around. Only then did Yn notice one of the benches by the hallway was taken, where two teenage girls were fast asleep. It wasn’t uncommon to see college kids or overworked employees taking powernaps at cafés, but seeing them sleeping so peacefully while hunched over the table was something Yn found odd. Are those pillows matching the seat cushions?
Mingyu decided to seat her at one of the tables for two, the one closest to the taps on the bar. She could observe the whole store there, and had a clear view of the front door and the hallway, while sitting snugly in the corner by the vending machines. Yn sat down carefully as Mingyu set the menus in front of her. Sitting down brought her attention up, making her notice the peculiar ceiling with exposed beams, cords, pipes, and ducts, all painted white to match the ceiling itself. Something about the unconventional look of it was comforting for Yn, as if the establishment itself was being laid bare for her.
“First, thank you for coming in, we really appreciate your interest,” He smiled awkwardly for a moment before continuing, “I’m going to get someone from the back to watch the register for me, feel free to look at that menu in the meantime.” Mingyu lowered his head a tiny bit then swiftly headed down the hallway.
Thank you for visiting our Dream Store! All the staff here are proud of our beverages, passionate about our purpose, and excited to give you a safe, enjoyable experience when you spend time with us. We believe that we offer your community something special, not only with our drinks, but with our potential to give each visitor a unique and individualized experience.
Mingyu came back before she could read further, with another tall young man behind him, who promptly went behind the counter and washed his hands after smiling in acknowledgment to her. He seemed familiar, but she didn’t know why or how. Mingyu sat himself across from her with a sigh, feeling very nervous and struggling to act like he wasn’t.
“Alright, sorry about that. Did you get a chance to look at the menu?”
“Only the first paragraph.”
“Okay cool, the way the menu explains it is kind of weird, so it’s better that I do it.” Yn only grew more confused. She watched as Mingyu glanced over towards the other man, she wanted to look back to see what was going on, but didn’t. Instead, Yn watched as Mingyu squinted, shook his head in confusion, and then silently gasped in realization, all within a few moments. Mingyu swallowed and nodded to himself before redirecting his focus back to her.
“Is it alright if I know your name?”
“Uh, sure? It’s Yn.” He nodded formally and put on awkward smile.
“It's nice to meet you, I’m Mingyu. Like I said, thanks for coming in today.” He failed to fight the cringe on his own face and hurried past it.
“Essentially, we can offer you different kinds of drinks: juices, sodas, and smoothies. They’re all made by us, with our recipes, and you can either have them made for here or to go, or even from the coolers right here.” He leaned over and patted the cooler that had a variety of colored drinks in sturdy glass bottles.
“Why do you need to explain that to me?” She asked without thinking, having already picked up on the fact that this was a place that sold beverages. It was a selling point that they concoct them themselves, and that they can do all this seemingly without a big brand to fund them, but she doubted that it required introduction to every new customer. Yn heard the man behind the register chuckle, then try to hide it with a cough.
“I was getting there.” He stammered, his face flushing a soft red.
“If you’d like to have something here, there’s the option to make it a sleep aid. We call it a Sleepy. With those, we prepare the drink as we usually would, but instead of the liquid sugar we usually use, we use a mix of liquid sugar and drowsiness medicine. We’ve been able to use that in a low volume but effective dose to allow our customers to have a refreshing drink, followed by a recharging nap.” Yn watched him cringe again as he tried his best to explain it without making it sound as bizarre as it was. He continued as soon as she tried to comment, eager to get it the introduction over with.
“You don’t need to worry though! When a visitor picks one of our sleepy drinks, we give them a key to their corresponding table, and that key opens one of those lockers. You can put your things there beforehand so you know they’re safe while you sleep. We have cameras in here and outside, and there’s always at least one member of staff on duty who's trained to handle altercations of any kind, and all of us are trained in first aid and emergency procedures like CPR.” There was another chuckle from behind her, and he didn’t even try to hide it this time. Mingyu glared at him, and this gave Yn her opening to speak.
“So you take safety seriously, that’s good…” She was at a loss of what to say, having been bombarded with information, all of it outside of what she’d expected. She wasn't sure what the odds were leaning toward: him having a scripted yet speedy and thorough defense to any worries or questions she’d have, or that he’d flounder as soon as she asked for details.
“Of course we do. We know it’s a risk to just take a nap at a café. Especially one run but a bunch of young adult guys. But we’re trying something new that no one else in the world is doing, and we really believe in it.” Mingyu’s sudden sentiment was sincere, and his nervousness looked more like vulnerability now. Something compelled her to trust him. Maybe what he was saying about having something completely unique wasn’t true, Yn had no clue, but it might as well be for a town like theirs.
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“You’ll notice that we have 13 distinct drink options available right now, each one named after a member of the staff.” Mingyu  opened the menu and flipped a few pages till Yn could see depictions of each of the drinks. They were colorful, and beautifully presented on the pages, with descriptions of each one. He stopped on a page of cool toned drinks.
“Let’s say you come in and decide to order a Sleepy Mingyu, that’s this one,” He pointed to the deep purple iced drink and tapped its picture fondly. “It’ll come in a medium glass bottle, with a straw and napkin of course, along with a locker key that corresponds to whatever table you pick. While we’re making it, you can put your stuff in the locker, and inside the locker will be a small pillow, but you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. We switch the covers after every use and wash all of them each night, so don’t worry about that either. You can decide to keep the key with you, or give it to whoever’s at the register for safekeeping.” He began to ramble again, wracking his brain to make sure he mentioned everything Yn could possibly need to know while to keep himself from growing too embarrassed. She sat there patiently, listening as he helped her understand. He seemed to grow more uneasy with each word.
“You’ll probably want to wait at your table till the drink is done, it usually takes less than five minutes. We’ll bring it to you.”
Mingyu paused and took a deep breath, biting the inside of his cheek in thought, picking his words carefully. He hadn’t looked at her since his sentiment about safety and now it seemed like he was actively choosing not to look up at her.
“The Sleepys only come in medium because the drowsiness medicine is fast acting, and we try to make sure that you’ll have enough time to finish it all before you fall asleep.” He looked to the man behind the counter, and this time Yn dared to look at him too. But he only looked at Mingyu, giving his coworker an encouraging, albeit aggressive, thumbs up. Mingyu shook his head.
“This is really weird, Jun. How do you guys explain this kind of thing without seeming creepy?!” He seemed deeply upset, frustrated and on the verge of tears. It suddenly felt like Yn was intruding on something private.
“Take a breath, okay?” The man came around the counter and spoke gently to his colleague, kneeling to the ground like a father would when speaking to a child. He was close enough now that Yn could read the name on his collar as Junhui. He put his hand on Mingyu’s knee and squeezed it a few times, urging him to relax. Then he turned to Yn.
“Once you finish your drink, you’re gonna fall asleep, and we’ll watch over you while you do. You’ll have a great dream, and we’ll wake you up at whatever time you told us to when you ordered, or after you’ve been asleep for 2 hours.” Junhui stood back up, and patted Mingyu’s shoulder while still looking at Yn.
“Mingyu is a really great guy. He cares a lot about people and about what we're trying to do here. And if you ask me, his drink is one of the best.” Junhui’s smile was warm and his tone of voice was calming as he praised his friend. Mingyu still couldn’t look at her, facing away from her entirely and looking downtrodden. Yn didn’t know what to say and instead decided to read the blurb about Mingyu's concoction.
A sweetly rich concord grape flavored soda! Mingyu’s soda brings one’s imagination to life, while remaining proud and inspired.
“I’ll try it.” She spoke casually, trying to imagine what such a drink would taste like. It had been so long since she’d had a grape flavored drink of any kind, and something carbonated sounded great in that moment.
“You don’t have to.” Mingyu said pitifully, assuming she chose his drink to help him feel better.
“The picture looks really pretty, I wanna see if it really looks like that.” Her bluntness stunned him, and he wondered if she was bluffing. Even so, he resolved to grin and bare it, standing up from the table. Junhui stepped back and smiled, leaving silently as Mingyu went back behind the counter.
“Alright… Let’s get it ordered then!” He bolstered, ready to reaffirm himself in the form of a fancy looking grape juice.f
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Check Ignition: Sander Schmander
By popular request (*cough* everyone on ao3 and @art3misjade), here is Sander's perspective on events
This segment falls right before Chapter Four of Check Ignition
Sander Driesen was drunk. Honest-to-god, shitfaced drunk. And for the first time in forever, too—he’d laid off the stuff since his treatment plan made it difficult to handle, and since he wanted the meds to actually work. But tonight, he thought, I’ve earned this. Everyone else was drinking. It would be weird if he didn’t participate when his own boyfriend was halfway through his fifth cup of punch.
Fake boyfriend. That was a whole thing.
Now, he lay on the stairs leading upward to the boys’ dormitories. Hopefully those stairs. He didn’t make a habit of visiting the common rooms of other houses, and the layouts tended to differ from one another.
“Sorry,” he croaked to everyone who shimmied their way through. “My bad. Deepest apologies.”
This was why he needed Britt, he thought, to reign in this kind of impulse. Granted, she was the only one who knew about everything else thus far, but he wasn’t going to tell Robbe all that, not when it was already hard enough existing in a magical world with a mundane illness. He wanted to hold onto this last little dream.
Midnight was fast approaching and the bustle downstairs had yet to dispel. Sander tried to move his arms and found them unresponsive. Or rather, he could move them, but it required too much effort to be worth it. He slumped back. More people flooded up the stairs to sleep off whatever terrible concoction was in that punch bowl.
“Robbe has such stupid ideas, I swear,” said Moyo, cresting the staircase. Sander perked up at the sound of Robbe’s name. Probably Moyo. Sander struggled to think through the names of Robbe’s friends—he had them listed in his bedroom for continuity purposes.
He recognized Jens easily enough, because Jens was wherever Robbe was. And Sander watched Robbe a lot. Sander held his breath, as if being quiet could prevent them from seeing him sprawled across their path.
“Shut up,” Jens shot back.
The third boy with them—Alex? Adam?—pitched in, “It’s not Robbe’s fault you don’t get any.”
“He’s throwing away the chance of a lifetime.”
“Shut the fuck up. You sound like an incel.”
“But like, why do they kiss so much? It’s not like you have—” Moyo stopped short as he tripped over Sander’s leg. Despite their somewhat rational conversation, they weren’t any more sober than Sander himself. “Shit, speak of the devil.”
Jens leaned down to Sander’s eye level. “You alright?”
“Never better,” Sander slurred. It came out more like a groan.
Moyo approached to help Jens move Sander from the center of the stairs. They sat him up against the railing on his left side, which was not any more comfortable than the steps digging into his back. Jens was still in full Quidditch uniform (even the chest padding!), Moyo sported a Hufflepuff tie over a t-shirt and jeans, and Adam-or-whoever stood at a quiet distance in a pair of burgundy pajama pants and his Quidditch robes. Sander would have made note to write these in on his list—a good indicator of personality.
Too bad he didn’t have the sense to do so.
“Can’t handle your alcohol, huh?” Moyo asked. He didn’t seem very threatening, though the question was definitely a taunt. Sander’s brain felt like vanilla pudding. Moyo turned to the boys. “Should we wake Robbe?”
“Yes,” said Sander. Oh, hell yes. Robbe. He liked Robbe so much.
The story itself was long and antiquated, a love-at-first-sight kind of deal for Sander. He couldn’t think of one version where he wasn’t the bad guy. He went on a double-date with Britt and her friend, expecting one of Noor’s usual yuppies to show up and bore the whole table with pointless conversation. Then it was Robbe.
Do you ever just see someone, really see them, and—how could he phrase it—know? Or think you know. All things considered, it wasn’t the best sign in terms of his condition.
He had to walk all the way into the next town over to call his psychiatrist, only to realize there wasn’t much to tell her. Hey, I’m infatuated with this guy that my girlfriend’s friend is dating. What should I do? She’d give him some common-sense answer like, Break up with your girlfriend, which he didn’t want to do until he knew what he was feeling would last. So he said, These side effects are nasty, and she reevaluated his dose of Lexapro.
“Let the virgin sleep,” said Moyo.
Sander pitched forward to grab Moyo by the arm. “No, wake him up.”
Because the thing was, time passed, and the feelings didn’t fade. Britt could tell he wasn’t present anymore and said nothing. Maybe she thought it was the Depakote that his psychiatrist added to the cocktail when the antidepressant dangled him on the edge of hypomania. She was a good person. It really wasn’t fair when he told her it was over via owl, and it really wasn’t fair when he seized his opportunity to kiss Robbe in the astronomy tower. The argument in question was not so bad. He conflated it for an excuse to leave her.
“Where’s Robbe?” said Sander. “I have to see him.”
“He’s asleep, downstairs. We gave him a blanket and everything.” Jens passed over his own cup of water. “Drink this.”
“I have to see him,” Sander repeated.
“Yeah, you have to go to sleep. He’s going to be here tomorrow.”
“It won’t be the same tomorrow.”
The whole relationship wasn’t even meant to be a thing. It was a cheap kiss, really, in the astronomy tower. Sander just wanted to know what it would feel like, and he thought it might serve Robbe too, so he did it. Robbe’s appearance the next day was the most unexpected, thrilling twist he could have dreamed of. Except, in a dream, it wouldn’t be fake.
Robbe never missed a chance to restate that it was fake. That wasn’t the best sign, either.
“Aaron, don’t just stand there,” said Jens. “Help me out. Grab his arms, will you?”
“Aaron.” Sander tested out the name. “But you’re Adam!”
“How much have you had?” Aaron grabbed Sander’s arms and lifted. The boys got Sander up two stairs before deciding he was too heavy. They sat him back against the wall.
“Try again,” Jens instructed.
The second try went about as well as the first.
Jens crouched to Sander’s eye level. “Look, is there someone else we can get for you? Or are you cool with sleeping here?” He had to hold Sander’s shoulders in his hands to keep Sander from pitching forward and rolling all the way back downstairs.
“We can’t leave our friend’s boyfriend here!” said Aaron.
“Fake boyfriend,” Moyo added.
Sander groaned. Yes, remind him of that! It was fake! He knew it already! If his psychiatrist could see him now, she’d say—alright, she’d say that he wasn’t allowed to drink on his overly specific medication regimen. But if that weren’t a factor, she’d say some more common-sense things like, “Tell Robbe how you feel. Tell his friends, if you want.”
Fuck, he missed her. He could seek out the phone booth sometime this week and tell her all about it. She loved hearing from him.
“There’s no one,” he slurred. “I’m okay.”
“Fine, there’s us, then,” said Jens. He hefted one of Sander’s arms over his shoulder. “Moyo, take three.”
Moyo took the other arm. They dragged him up the rest of the way, bumping his head on every other stair. He felt like a snow globe in a tourist trap shop, all shaken up, no escape through the glass. Huh. Poetic. Where was Robbe?
“Wake up Robbe,” Sander requested. Jens and Moyo dropped him into the fourth bed in their room. Aaron, Jens, and Robbe lived here; Sander could deduce that from the eclectic assortment of things piled on every available surface. The blankets of the bed in which he lay were already rumpled, implying that someone else had slept here recently. He touched something sticky on the top sheet. Okay, maybe they didn’t sleep.
Jens looked back and forth between Moyo and Sander. “Why?” he asked.
There were plenty of replies Sander could give. We’re fake-dating, and I want it to be convincing.
We’re such good friends, and I want to tell him so.
I think he has my cell phone. Jens might not know what a cell phone was. Sander could never tell with those purebloods.
He and I have plans to smoke weed and throw rocks at pixies in the Forbidden Forest.
Sander said, “I misssssss him,” with the s pulled to the end of the world. Yeah, that would work, too.
“Um, okay,” said Jens. “We’ll see what we can do.”
Then he, Aaron, and Moyo started laughing, although Sander couldn’t tell just what they found so funny. Sander had an alarm on his cell phone to take his medication at eleven PM, since schedule was important to the efficacy of the active ingredients, or whatever it was his psychiatrist said when she adjusted his Lexapro to 15mg. It buzzed in his pocket, but he didn’t have the pills. He was too tired, anyway. It wouldn’t matter if he skipped a dose or two; he’d done worse things than that with lesser consequences.
“You’re going to get Robbe, right?” he asked, and in a moment of clarity, he realized he was a needy boyfriend. He wasn’t a fan of needy Britt. You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Jens yanked the curtains shut across the fourth bed and bound them with a spell. “You’re drunk, go to sleep. We’ll get Robbe.” The boys began another fit of giggling.
It didn’t bother Sander at all. He stared at the arcing pillars that held up the bedcurtains and hummed a David Bowie song into the darkness. He was young and drunk and in love, and anything could happen. So what if Robbe thought their relationship was fake for now? In a matter of time, it would be real.
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Banished (Part 40)
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*Not My Gif*
~Banished Master~
Post Date: 4-4-20
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 8.4K (I’m so sorry guys)
~The 100 Master~
*Based off episode 3x11 of the 100, Nevermore*
“Shut up! I don’t care!” He shouted as Clarke’s mouth clamped shut. “Aren’t you the angel of death or something?” He asked her as she gasped, turning around to see her mom walk out of the gates.
“Mom?” Jasper continued to drive off, leaving ALIE to move on with stage 2 of her takeover.
The rover was quiet as Jasper and Clarke drove through the woods, the only sound momentarily coming from Clarke questioning Jasper.
“Please Jasper, just talk to me.” She begged as Jasper tightened his grip on the wheel.
“I saved your life. It’s more than you deserved.” Clarke just shook her head, still coming to terms with the recent events.
“My mother let them shoot at me.” She spoke quietly, her eyes wide.
“I can see the appeal.” Jasper looked back at an unconscious Raven before sighing, straightening his back and looking around outside. “Shut up and look for the cave. Sinclair said it should be around here.”
In the cave you all stood around, nerves have been high since Jasper radioed explaining what had happened at Arkadia. You couldn’t believe Arkadia was being taken over by the chips but most of all you couldn’t believe you were tempted to take one.
You were seated next to Octavia by the fire, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your head against them. You didn’t know Octavia had gotten up until Bellamy called her name, getting everyone’s attention.
“You can’t just leave.” He told her as she started to throw her belongings in her pack. You were about to stand up and help Bellamy, but you decided against it, letting Bellamy handle his sister. “You heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia’s not safe.”
“What Jasper said sounds insane.” You scoffed silently, knowing that as insane as it sounds, its possible. “Pike’s gone. I can handle myself.”
“And then what?” Bellamy took a step back, stopping Octavia from walking past him. “Where are you gonna go?”
“You don’t get to ask me that.” Octavia spit back at him. Bellamy inhaled sharply before calming down.
“What do I have to do to get you to know I’m on your side.” He asked her. You watched Octavia glare at her brother, muttering under her breath.
“Bring Lincoln back.” Bellamy just stared at her as you looked Bellamy in the eyes. He watched as Octavia passed him before he locked eyes at you. You wore a frown on your face before your eyes flickered to Octavia who paused in the entrance way of the cave. “Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save me and Y/N. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong.” You shifted uncomfortably at the mention of your name amongst their fight, feeling Bellamy’s eyes on you though they went ignored.
Bellamy turned around to face Octavia, his jaw clenched. “The Grounders were starving us out.”
“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us.”
“That army could’ve attacked us at any time.”
“But they didn’t attack. You did that.” You rose to your feet at Octavia’s point, knowing that despite any of your feelings, you agreed with her. “You were hurting, and you lashed out because that’s what you do. There are consequences Bell. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe is dead. Lincoln is dead.” Octavia stared at her brother, glancing at you briefly before storming out of the cage. Bellamy followed her out a moment later and you got off your log and following the two of them.
Harper, Bryan, and Miler were on guard and you barely got outside before the sound of Jasper and Clarke’s rover filled your ears. The 6 of you stopped moving, turning to look at Clarke hopping out of the rover and approaching you all. Relief flooded your system at seeing Clarke fine and alive. She looked at all of you wide eyed before Jasper called from the back of the rover.
“Need help! We need to get her inside before she wakes up!” He yelled as you all got ready to help any way possible, only to see him sprinting to you all with Raven in his arms. You gasped loud as Bellamy glanced back at you before rushing to check if Jasper was followed.
He took Raven out of Jasper’s hands as you grabbed your sword off your hip. Miller turned to Bryan and Harper. “Get to the ridge. Radio if you spot anyone following. Harper will stay here on watch.” You all rushed to Raven inside the cave before she gains consciousness. Octavia stood there as you ran next to Clarke, glancing at the girl.
“Octavia come on! We need you.” You told her. She didn’t want to listen but ultimately nodded, following after you all.
“Clear some space.” Clarke huffed out as you entered the cave. Sinclair was on his feet in a second, moving a lamp out of the way for Bellamy to lay her down.
“What happened to her?” He asked.
Jasper spoke up, standing over Bellamy. “I told you on the radio, Raven’s not Raven anymore. None of them are. Jaha’s been chipping everyone.” You remembered your last conversation with Raven, her trying to convince you to take the chip and admitting the fact she took one herself. If you would’ve known it would turn out like this, you would’ve done something to save her. Bellamy noticed the look in your eye, and he was about to say something to you before Jasper started to yell at Clarke, telling her he didn’t need her help.
“Just calm down and explain.” He told Jasper. Jasper told them all about how Jaha uses the chips to control everyone and if you take it, it changes you. Jasper explained about ALIE and how the AI made Raven slit her own wrists. Raven was trying to get her out of her head.
“I was trying to help her.”
Sinclair stepped over Raven, joining the conversation. “Then let’s help her now. Did she say how?”
“She was working on building something. She needed one of her old wristbands but Jaha destroyed all of them.” Clarke furrowed her brows as she listened to Jasper talk, interrupting him.
“Wait a second.” She reached into her pocket pulling out a container as you all looked to her, waiting for her point. She opened the container, pulling out something. “Does it look like this?” You got a good look at the tech in her hand, the thing that looked very similar to the chip you had stashed in your room.
“Not exactly. What is that?” you asked as you stepped forward, Bellamy coming as well. No sooner than you took your first step did Raven launch herself off the ground, punching Jasper in the face as everyone tried to stop her.
“Don’t let her get away!” Clarke shouted as Raven made it outside.
“I need to know your location.” ALIE told Raven as she frantically looked about trying to find something. “Find a landmark.” The woman told her.
“I don’t see anything! Just trees!” You all had a hand on Raven as she tried to pull away, but it was no use.
“If Raven finds out where we are, so will ALIE. She’ll come for her.” Jasper pulled out a reaper stick he had in his pocket and sedated Raven. She went limp as everyone held her up, letting Bellamy take her. “Reaper stick. Last dose.”
“We have to go.” Clarke said as you all looked at her, panting from your fight with Raven.
“Why? ALIE doesn’t know where we are.”
Clarke nodded before looking expectantly towards you. “I know where we could get a wristband.”
Bellamy, Octavia, Monty, Clarke, Sinclair, Jasper, and you all hoped into the rover, Raven’s body laying on the ground between you all in the back as Monty drove and Sinclair sat up front. You sat in between Octavia and Bellamy, feeling the latter’s eyes on you quite often during your trip. The rover came to a stop as Clarke Bellamy and you all looked out the front window, seeing Niylah walk out of her post.
“I’ll talk to her.” Clarke said as you sighed.
“I’ll go with you.” She turned to you and nodded, figuring the best way to go about this was to show Niylah she had two people she trusted here. You both started towards exiting the rover before Bellamy grabbed your wrist stopping you. You looked back at him, seeing him trying to say something but failing. Putting your hand on top of his you extended a smile. “It’ll be okay.”
Octavia got out first, seeing Niylah standing with her blade out. “I thought you said she was a friend.”
“We’ll talk to her.” Clarke promised as you put a hand on the blonde’s shoulder, pushing her in the direction of the woman. You didn’t know Bellamy was following behind you.
“Skaikru is not welcome here, Wanheda.” She said as you approached her, skipping over formalities. She looked angry as you swallowed, Bellamy coming to your side.
“Niylah, What’s wrong?” Clarke asked before Sinclair started yelling from the rover that Raven was waking. You spun around, seeing Sinclair making his way over with Raven in hand. “Is your father here?”
“My father’s dead.” She spat out. “Part of an army killed by your people while trying to protect you.” You tried to hide the shock in her words as you unknowingly grabbed Bellamy’s hand. The sense of comfort you provided him made him look at you, staring at the side of your face as you listened to Clarke and Niylah speak.
“Niylah please.”
“I said no.” Only when Bellamy ripped his hand from yours to hold up his gun did you realize you grabbed it.
“We don’t have time for this. Move!” He told Niylah as your eyes widened, turning to him completely. He pointed the gun at her as everyone moved past the woman, right into her house. You stayed with Bellamy though, waiting until everyone was inside before you grabbed the barrel of his gun, moving it down and not aiming at Niylah.
“Don’t.” You could hear Raven start screaming inside as Bellamy nodded for you to go help. They were tying Raven to the bed in the back room when you entered, grabbing one of her legs and allowing someone to tie it down and it wasn’t long before she was restrained.
Everyone was panting once again as you filed out of the room, Bellamy and Niylah watching each of you. “How the hell do we get it out of her head?” Clarke as she turned around to face Monty and Sinclair. Sinclair just shook his head while Monty looked slightly more hopeful.
“Working on it.” He told her. You stood off to the side of the listening to sounds of Raven screaming. You were alone before Bellamy made his way over, Clarke having ‘relieved’ him of his position watching Niylah.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly as you nodded, not bringing yourself to look at him. “Hey, come on. What’s wrong?”
You took a deep breath, still refusing to look at him. “Just thinking about what Octavia said.” He raised a brow at you as you hesitated but continued. “What you did, saving us, did you do because it was the right thing? Or did you do it because you didn’t want us to die?” Bellamy couldn’t answer right away and you had your answer, knowing that he still believed the grounders were the enemy. You pushed yourself off the table you leaned on, turning your back to Bellamy and walking back to the room Raven laid in. Bellamy groaned, turning around to see Niylah leave the trading post much like you had.
“You okay?” Clarke asked him. Bellamy didn’t answer truthfully, nodding instead.
Clarke took the wristband, placing it in front of Monty and Sinclair. “Niylah said we could work in here. So how do we do this?”
Monty picked up the band, looking at its components. “We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP.” Sinclair informed Clarke. He scoffed, quite proud of his protégé’s ideas. “Which is freakishly brilliant.” Bellamy stood behind Clarke; his arms crossed tight against his chest.
“Meaning what?” Sinclair explained the idea behind Raven’s plans and sending an EMP along Raven’s nervous system.
“What would it do to her?” Sinclair continued, explaining the EMP doesn’t affect the body of a person, the mind however was unknown. You listened in the other room, sitting next to Octavia before you were done and barging in.
“It was Raven’s plan. She wouldn’t do it if it was going to destroy her brain.” You told them as you pushed aside the curtain. Bellamy was the first to turn at the sound of your voice, eyes meeting before you pulled away.
Octavia had followed you in. “Depends how bad she wanted it out.” You shook your head, hoping raven knew what she was doing enough not to get herself killed, but then again, she took the chip.
“Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk.” Sinclair remind you all as you fell silent. Clarke asked him where you could find one and he pulled his lips into a thin line. “The Ark. Every station had a pulsed inductive thruster for maneuvering.”
“Arkadia’s out of the question.” Bellamy said stepping forward to the man. You nodded your head, mindlessly staring off into space as you tried thinking of something that could help. “It’s too dangerous, you heard them.”
Monty was the first to come up with a solution. “We use the dropship. It’s got PI thrusters just like the ark.” Sinclair agreed with him telling him it was a good idea. “Okay, I’ll go salvage the magnet. You stay and figure out how this thing works. I’ll be back by the time you finish the device.”
“I’ll go with you.” Octavia offered and Monty accepted heading back out the door. Bellamy was about to object on Octavia leaving before she stopped him and left.
Raven was still tied on the bed, Jasper standing on the other side of the room. She was eying him before looking at her bonds. They sat just out of her reach as she tried to pull on them.
“With more slack, you could reach those knots.” ALIE told her as she tried biting the rope, only to pause and process the AI’s words. She pulled against her right wrist, extending her shoulder to its limits before Jasper took notice.
“No, come on. Don’t- Don’t do that.” She kept pulling more and more as Jasper stepped closer and finally after one last pull, she dislocated her right shoulder. Jasper winced before Raven turned to face him slowly.
“There is no pain in the City of Light.” He was dumbfounded as he watched her. Her wrist was bleeding again from being slit open as she started biting the knot, trying to pull it over her hand. Jasper started yelling for you all in the other room as you jumped out of your seat, all of you rushing in simultaneously.
“Stop her! She reopened her wounds.” Clarke shouted as you all tried to pull Raven back in place and not allowing her to pull at her bindings. Raven screamed as you pulled her wrist, trying not to damage her dislocated shoulder. Bellamy was helping you out as Clarke pleaded for Raven to stop fighting you all.
“ALIE. ALIE!” Jasper called out. “ALIE look at me. I know you hear this.” Through Raven, ALIE focused on what Jasper had to say and so did all of you. “Why are you doing this to her? Let her go.”
In a voice that very much wasn’t Raven’s, ALIE replied. “I’ll let her go when you give me what I want.” Her head shot to look towards Clarke as Raven’s struggles calmed for the moment. “The technology Clarke carries belong to me.” You all looked towards Clarke, wanting an explanation as to what the tech she possessed is. Clarke refused to hand it over.
“Clarke just give it to her.” Jasper told Clarke who remained defiant.
“If you let Raven die, you’ll never get it.” Clarke spoke directly through Raven to ALIE. Raven fought back before staring straight passed Clarke, listening to ALIE tell her to let you all help. Raven’s body went limp against the bed immediately as you let go of her, feeling safe for the current moment. “Untie her wrist. Hold her steady.”
You obeyed Clarke’s demands, allowing her to take over as you stepped back, accidentally running into Bellamy’s chest. He caught you as you sucked in a breath, straightening yourself out and not sparing him a glance. Clarke grabbed Raven’s wrist, putting her boot against her side and popping her shoulder back in place. The sound of the crack in the air made your stomach fall, but Raven was alright. Her wrist was tied back up as you got Clarke’s attention.
“Clarke, she’s not going to stop. She’s going to hurt herself more. Someone has to stay with her.” Clarke nodded.
“I’ll take first watch. We’ll take turns.” It was a good idea and you agreed but Jasper didn’t.
“You don’t give the orders Clarke!” He shouted as you jumped, turning to him with wide eyes.
Raven scoffed. “Guess he doesn’t forgive you for murdering his girlfriend.” You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to keep from saying something because you knew this wasn’t Raven talking.
“Jasper, take a break.” Bellamy told the boy who stormed out of the room. You closed your eyes, groaning as Bellamy left the room to talk to him. You followed him out but allowed him to talk to Jasper alone.
Jasper was trying to get a pair of handcuffs off himself when Bellamy approached his table. “You okay with her coming back after all this time? Taking over?” Jasper grumbled. Bellamy leaned against the table watching him.
“She’s just trying to save Raven.”
“Guess Raven’s worth saving. Lucky for her.” Bellamy couldn’t handle Jasper in this state, shaking his head.
“Just get yourself together Jasper. You can’t let your anger get in the way of what we have to do.” He told Jasper who let out a low chuckle.
“That’s funny, coming from you.” Bellamy clenched his jaw. “When you’re angry, people die. Just ask that girl over there.” He pointed over Bellamy’s shoulder at Niylah who was lighting a candle. Bellamy felt his stomach drop when their eyes met, knowing Jasper had a point. Jasper stormed out, right past you, out the front of the trading post with tear filled eyes.
Clarke sat next to Raven on the bed, taking her arm to wrap in bandages around them. Raven faces her with the bags underlining her eyes making her look as exhausted as she should’ve felt. “Thank you.” She whispered.
Clarke nodded, smiling up at her in hopes of the real Raven coming through. Raven glanced towards ALIE who signaled for her to continue. “Do you ever see their faces?” Raven questioned.
“Of all the people you’ve killed.” The smile on Clarke’s face was wiped off as she avoided looking at Raven’s face.
“I know what you’re doing. You can’t get to me ALIE, so stop trying.” Clarke told her but Raven just shook her head.
“It’s not ALIE Clarke. It’s Raven. I'm not trying to get to you, I'm just trying to tell you the truth because no one else will. Everywhere you go, death follows. You always want to save everyone. But what you don't realize is you're the one we need saving from.” Clarke’s mouth was dropped opened as she listened to Raven list off her friends, friends that died because of her. “Hell, I bet you even got Lexa killed.”
That struck a cord in Clarke. “Shut up.” She demanded.
“And then there’s dear old dad.”
“I said shut up.”
“Your mom's in here with me Clarke. She told me you tried to convince him not to go public about the fact that the Ark was dying, guess you should've tried harder! His blood is on your hands too.
“Shut up!” She seethed but still Raven went on.
“You think we buy this selfless martyr act, but we see you for who you really are. Poison to anyone who gets close.” Clarke tried to physically stop Raven from talking, placing her hand on top of Raven’s mouth. Raven, not wanting to be quiet, sank her teeth into Clarke’s arm, drawing blood.
“Ow!” Clarke shouted as she tore her hand away from Raven, her blood on Raven’s face as she glared at her. “You’re done ALIE. You hear me? We’re going to fry you!”
You heard Clarke scream as you rushed in, seeing her clutch her arm. “Hey, hey!” You yelled as you restrained Clarke, keeping her from going after Raven as you dragged her out of the room.
You grabbed a bandage and Clarke’s arm, still dripping with blood from the blood from the bite. “I let her get to me.” Clarke said with a frown.
You smirked at her, wrapping the bandage around her arm. “You don’t say.” Clarke smiled briefly, giving you a chuckle before her lips fell again. You hated seeing her like this, you couldn’t imagine what ALIE had Raven tell Clarke. “Take a break Clarke. I’ll let her beat me up for a while.” You both nodded before Clarke watched you leave, heading into the room.
“Truth hurts, don’t it?” Jasper spoke from behind Clarke as she turned to him.
She took a few steps up to him with tears brimming her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Jasper was taken back. “What?”
“I never wanted to hurt Maya. I never wanted any of this. I had to save our people.” Jasper cut her off, telling her he was going to save everyone. Clarke just gave him a sad smile. “I wish you could’ve.”
They both fell quiet for a minute, looking at each other. Jasper broke the silence. “Shove your regret up your ass.” He muttered before pushing past her and leaving her there crying.
Monty pulled the straps of his backpack onto his shoulders as he exited the dropship. “I had a hell of a time prying open the sub-assembly, but I got it!” He shouted expecting Octavia to be standing outside, but she wasn’t. “Octavia?” He looked around the rover with a flashlight, still not seeing her before pointing towards the trees. “Octavia!”
A crack in the ground made him scan by the rover again. A dark figure Emerging from behind as he tightened his grip on the flashlight.
Hannah stepped out between the flashlights shine, sighing with a smile when she sees he son. “Monty, thank god.” She ran into her sons arms, sharing a hug before she pulled away. “I’m pretty sure I lost them in the woods. Did you see anyone? They’re everywhere.”
Monty looked around with his flashlight, checking for anyone before pausing. “You got away?”
“I had to find you.”
Monty shook his head as he looked at his mother. “How could you turn me in?”
Hannah was offended as she put a hand over her chest. “I would never turn you in.”
Monty’s brows pulled together at her conviction. “Mom, whats dads favorite color?” He waited for her reply, only to see her stare blankly at him. It didn’t take long for him to realize his mother was no longer his mother.
“We don’t have time for this Monty.”
“It was brown.” He stopped her. “His favorite color was brown because it reminded him of your eyes.” Hannah shook her head, continuing to play his mother. She took a step towards him but he took one back. “You don’t remember that, do you?”
ALIE stood behind Hannah as she spoke with her son. “Don't let him leave. He needs to take the key so he can lead us to Raven.” Within a second, Hannah was lunging at her son, punching him the side of his face. He stumbled back as she continued hitting him over and over again.
“Mom stop!” He plead but Hannah didn’t listen.
“I’ll stop when you take this.” She held the key up in front of Monty’s face. He refused resulting in her throwing more punches against her sons bloodied face.
Octavia was creeping through the forest before the sounds of Monty being beaten up made their way to her, resulting in her running the rest of the way, coming in time to see Hannah knock Monty to the ground. She pulled Hannah off him from the back. “Monty are you okay?”
“She’s chipped!” He told her as she looked back at the woman, only to barely block a punch thrown her way. Octavia pulled out her sword, taking a few swings and about to strike Hannah before Monty called her to stop. She paused, only to allow Hannah to get the upper hand on her, throwing her to the ground on her back. Hannah grabbed Octavia’s sword from the muddy ground, bringing it up to strike her but Octavia stopped the motion.
Monty scrambled off the ground, pulling out his gun and aiming it at his mother. “Mom stop! What are you doing? Please stop it!” Monty begged his mother, hoping somehow she would listen to him. When the struggle continued, Montys hands shook as he yelled pulling the trigger. The bullet flew in the air before landing in her shoulder, a non fatal wound that didn’t deter her from fighting.
Monty cried out, his shaking hands releasing another bullet that this time found itself in her chest. Her struggles above Octavia ceased before she fell over, blood dribbling out of her mouth as she gasps for air.
“Monty.” Octavia called out but Monty couldn’t pay attention. His sights were set on his mother dead on the ground and shaking gun in his hand.
Bellamy and you sat in the chairs in the backroom, Jasper leaning against the wall in silence. “They’ve got the electromagnet. Hurry.” ALIE told Raven who studied the three of you.
“Look at your united front.” Raven mocked you all. “Tell me Jasper, why do you give Bellamy and Y/N a pass for murdering your girlfriend.” You rolled your eyes at ALIE’s obvious attempt to turn Jasper against you both. Your head fell against the chair as she went on. “What was her name?”
“Don’t talk about Maya.” Jasper told her as Raven smirked. You opened your eyes, looking towards Jasper.
“You don’t have to listen to this.” Bellamy told him and you nodded your head, showing you agreed.
“Let’s protect Jasper. Jasper’s so sensitive. Jasper lost someone, cater to his feelings.” Raven began as you and Bellamy shifted in your seats, hoping this doesn’t become a situation where you need to prevent a fight. “Everyone’s lost someone. You don’t see us falling apart. You don’t see us getting wasted. Being useless.”
“No, you took a pill to take your pain away.” Jasper countered. “You gave up your memories. Why should we expect anything more?”
“Being a selfish loser was your only move. That’s what we see when we look at you. A coward. A waste of breath.” Raven kept going despite Jasper’s pleads to stop. “Why do you even bother living. You’re weak. Pathetic. You can’t save me. You couldn’t even save what’s her face.”
Jasper slammed his hand against the wall, He was furious as he went after Raven. “You know her name!” He yelled. Bellamy and you were on your feet as fast as Jasper was. Bellamy grabbed his arms, stopping him from finishing his distance.
“Stop, okay. That’s what she wants. It’s not Raven talking.” Bellamy tried to reason with him. You approached them carefully, putting a hand on Jasper’s arm.
“Go. Get some air.” You told him. He took one last look at a smirking bloodied face Raven before listening to you. You let out a sigh of relief when Jasper left the room. Raven’s eyes followed Jasper before she couldn’t see him anymore. Bellamy took a seat again as you stood there, your back to Raven until she spoke again.
“Guess he couldn’t handle the thoughts going his own head.” Raven said as you scoffed, looking down at the girl you’d consider a friend if she wasn’t chipped.
“And you know what’s going through his head.” You knew it was dumb to provoke her when she smiled up at you, showing her red teeth.
“I know what’s going through yours.” You didn’t say anything as Raven, or rather ALIE continued. “You’re just wondering why you’re still alive.”
Bellamy rose to his feet. “Stop.”
“No.” Surprising Bellamy, you were looking at him. “It’s okay. She’s right.”
Raven let out a deep chuckle. “Everyone knows who you really are, Skaikiler. Always making the hard choices.” You crossed your arms, hiding your clenched fists as you listened to Raven reveal your secrets. “No one cares about you Y/N. I don’t care about you.”
“Yeah? Well you’re not really you, are you?”
Bellamy didn’t want to listen to Raven speak about you like this, but you weren’t stopping her, instead you forced a smile on your face, letting the chipped engineer continue. “But I am, just with an upgrade. I mean, your parents killed themselves to get away from you. That’s gotta hurt. You wanna know what’s special about you Y/N? Nothing. Your parents didn’t even say goodbye, they left you a note. They didn’t care about you Y/N.
“Enough!” Bellamy yelled as he stepped between you and the bed, separating you and Raven. You let out a shaky breath when no one was looking but Bellamy felt your slight tremble against his back. He hated he let this go on for so long before he stopped it.
“I’m just telling the truth. But she already knew that.” Raven let out a chuckle as she looked at Bellamy, licking her lip. You turned to leave the room, fist clenched as both Raven and Bellamy as well as ALIE watched you almost reach the door before Raven turned her sights on Bellamy.
“You and me Bellamy we’ve had our fun.” Your feet stopped before your brain could process anything. Raven tittered behind you as you slowly spun around. Bellamy’s eyes were locked on Raven, not even sparing you a look. Bellamy knew that what Raven was about to spill.
“What is she talking about?” Swallowing painfully, you tried to hide how much this conversation hurt you.
“He didn’t tell you?” You shook your head as Raven turned to Bellamy, her lips pulled up wider than a smirk that sent nerves through his body. “About how we slept together. How he used me to get out of his own head.” You looked like all the emotion had been drained from your face. Bellamy took a step to you in hopes he could explain himself.
“It’s fine.” You blurted out, feeling your voice crumble as you bit your lip, turning out of the room.
“Uh oh, trouble in Paradise?”
“Shut it.” Bellamy wanted to run after you. He felt the need to explain himself, to tell you that Raven meant nothing to him. You were the only person he had feelings for. He groaned as he slumped into the chair, bringing his hand to run over his face.
“I do have one question for you Bellamy.” He peered over at her, waiting for an attack of his own. “Does it bother you that you don’t get any credit for Mount Weather? Clarke gets to be the commander of death, Y/N gets to be the sky killer, but you murdered all those people too and you’re just… forgotten.” He refused to give her the benefit of his acknowledgement when he leaned forward onto his knee, letting his eyes drift to the ground. “Then again you didn’t get any credit for the Culling on the Ark. At least Clarke was saving her own people. You were saving your own ass. You even got your own mom floated. Do you think she would be proud of you now? Of the leader you became. Clarke’s back for one day and you’re already following her orders. And Y/N? You never stood a chance. The good little knight by his queen’s side. Too bad you weren’t as devoted to Gina as you were Y/N.”
You sat at the table in the next room, holding your fist against your mouth as you listened to Raven bring up your name, feeling your eyes close as you held your breath. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bellamy growled at her.
“Don’t worry. Gina was already dead when Mount Weather blow up. And you avenged her right? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an entire arm sent to protect us and yet had nothing to do with Gina. But a Grounder’s a grounder, right?” Your eyes shot open at the sound of Raven’s words. Niylah, who overheard everything like you, stormed into the room and you were right on her heels.
“My father.” Bellamy was on his feet as soon as Niylah entered the room, his eyes softening immediately. HE barely got her name out of his lips before Niylah was yelling at him, throwing a punch to his face. “You killed him!”
“Niylah you can’t be in here.” You told her, grabbing her shoulder as Clarke and Jasper entered as well.
“It doesn’t matter.” Jasper told you all, Raven’s face victorious. “Raven’s already seen her. ALIE knows where we are.” Bellamy stormed past all of you, heading outside of the trading post. You let go of Niylah, seeing her calm down before leaving the room as well.
Clarke leaned against the bed, grabbing onto the bed posts. “What are we going to do?” She asked.
You shook your head, running a hand through your hair. “Pray Monty and Octavia hurry the hell up.”
Bellamy took a deep breath of the air outside, thinking about the past 5 minutes of hell he’s experienced. He kicked over a container out of rage, slapping his against a metal cart before he hurt himself. His eyes were watery as he tried to calm himself.
“Feeling better?” Niylah stood in the entrance to her post, having watched a majority of his break down.
“All I wanted was to protect my people.” He told her. Niylah didn’t need to know Bellamy enough to know he was thinking about you, she already heard Raven.
“By destroying mine?”
“I’m sorry.”
“People like you always are.” You walked outside, crossing your arms against your stomach as you tried not to interrupt their conversation. Bellamy’s stance shifted when you came out, his mouth opening as if he wanted to say something before stopping himself. Niylah followed his gaze, seeing you before nodding, allowing you to have your alone time.
You saw Bellamy rubbing his hand as you got closer, taking his palm to see the cut he had. You let out a small sigh as you pulled out a bandage, wrapping it around his hand and tying it. “I’m sorry.” He spoke quietly as you stared up in his brown eyes.
“For what?” The way he closed his eyes, his Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallowed gave you the answer you needed. “For sleeping with Raven?”
“I’m sorry. It was before we-“
“Before we what Bellamy?” You cut him off. “Before we kissed? Before we slept together? I don’t care. I’m not in charge of who you sleep with.” Bellamy’s heart was racing as he thought about that night between the two you.
“I thought you wanted to forget it?” he whispered as you inhaled sharply.
“I wanted to forget it because you chose Pike over me. Because when we woke up the next morning you left me for Pike.” You shook your head. “Bellamy, you’re always going to be in my head. You were the first person I had sex with because I wanted to; No matter what I do, I can’t get you out of my head.”
Bellamy frowned at your words, the way you worded them echoing in his head. “The first person you had sex with because you wanted to?” He said, repeating your words. Your face dropped and you took a step a step back.
“Come on, Bellamy. I just spilled some of my feelings out and that’s what you focused on?” You joked, rubbing your up your arm, hoping he would just let it go. But he didn’t. Not when he knew why James was arrested.
“Y/N tell me the truth. When you killed James, did he- I mean-“
“No.” You said quick, cutting him off once again. Bellamy was slightly relieved but by the look on your face, he knew there was more. “If I tell you the truth, promise me you won’t think of me any differently.” Your eyes started to water and Bellamy knew this wasn’t something you shared with anyone.
“I promise.” He took your hand in his, pulling you closer to him. This was Bellamy, you could tell him.
“Every time I put up walls Bellamy, you’re there to knock them down.” He gave you smile but it was gone as soon as it appeared. “Do you remember that night we were in the cave with Charlotte?” He nodded. “You asked me how I was arrested. I told you I killed 2 guards and beat one almost to death, remember that?” Again, Bellamy nodded, unaware of his grip tightening on your hands, a comfort you didn’t know you needed. Your words were caught in your throat as you breathed out shakily, making Bellamy worried.
You can do this. You can tell him.
“I lied to you that night. When my parents died, Kane was supposed to watch over me, he was supposed to be there for me, but he couldn’t. I was put the hands of a guard who... didn’t care about me. I lasted almost 2 years and everyday with him I had to battle my own demons, just like you told Charlotte to. Only my demons were 3 guards who were trying to rape me. I killed them because they wanted to rape me. I killed them because it wasn’t the first he’s touched me like that and I wasn’t going to let him get that far again. I killed them because-“
Your words were muffled as Bellamy pulled you against his chest, wrapping his arms around you tight. Your tears stained your cheeks, squashed between his vest and your face as you found yourself racking with sobs and falling into his arms.
You needed this, you needed to tell someone.
And you needed Bellamy back.
Bellamy felt sick to his stomach as he listened to you speak. He didn’t want to believe you had gone through that. After everything he assumed happened to you, this was worse. Your words just tumbled out of your mouth and he didn’t know how much he could handle hearing, or you could handle telling. His own tears fell down his face when he hugged you, needing you to know you were safe in his arms.
Neither of you said anything as you hugged Bellamy back, staying in his arms. “Raven lied, Y/N.” he mumbled against the top of your head as you moved to looked up at him, his brown eyes shining against the fire with his tears.
“Raven lied.” He repeated. “She said no one cared about you. It’s not true.” He shook his head as his arm loosened around your waist, coming to cup your cheek. “I care about you Y/N. I’ve always cared about you.” The softness in his voice let you know he was being honest. Amongst the closeness you found yourself in, your eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes, Bellamy’s doing the same to you.
“I care about you too Bell.” You leaned up, pressing your lips to his as he kissed you back. His hand moved to help deepen the kiss as he pulled you closer. This kiss felt different than ones previously shared between the two of you. Maybe because before the other kisses neither of you shared your feelings. Maybe because before the other kisses you hadn’t told Bellamy what happened to you.
Maybe because this time, Bellamy knows about your past and he still wants you just like you want him.
The sounds of the rover broke you and Bellamy apart as you wiped away the tears, seeing Monty and Octavia arrive back. The lights filled the area as you and Bellamy watched them, sneaking glances at each other when Jasper came out as well. They jumped out of the rover, Monty’s head down as he passed you both, not even acknowledging you were there.
“What happened?” Bellamy asked Octavia as you all watched Monty enter the post. Octavia caught you up on what went down with Monty and Hannah, your stomach churning at the thought. Bellamy grabbed your hand, both you exchange worried glances before you all headed in to save Raven.
Sinclair started to hook Raven up to the electromagnet and Monty was untying her wrist. ALIE looked at the electromagnet before speaking to Raven. “They’re design is good.” Immediately Raven started to fight back and push Monty away. You stood with Clarke and Bellamy as Octavia, Monty, and Jasper fought her, Sinclair still trying to put the wristband on her. “I won’t be able to get here before they disconnect you.” Raven pushed Sinclair into the wall. “You know too much. I can’t let them have you.”
“Raven you’re bleeding!” Octavia shouted as Raven started ramming her head against the headboard.
You gasped at the repetitive sound. “She’s trying to kill herself.” You said as Bellamy rushed over to try and get her to stop. Bellamy grabbed her wrist as Octavia and you held her head flat against the headboard, preventing her from pulling away.
Clarke reached into her pocket, pulling out the container with the flame. “Stop, and I’ll give you this.” She held up the flame for Raven to see and as soon as she did, the girl stopped moving. Bellamy used the moment of distraction to grab the band from Sinclair and place it on Raven.
“You lied! You lied!” Raven shouted to Clarke before trying Sinclair. “No please don’t. The EMP will give me brain damage. You know it will, please don’t do this. Sinclair stop!” She shouted as Sinclair continued to hook her up to the machine.
“We only have one shot at this. EMP will fry the wristband, too.” He told you all as you nodded, beginning to get worried in case this failed. Sinclair turned the electromagnet on and you all awaited the outcome, only for it to fail.
“What’s happening?” Jasper asked as Sinclair furrowed his brows, moving to look at the battery.
“Nothing. The battery’s not strong enough.”
“Well then get one that is.” yelled Clarke. Monty grabbed Sinclair’s arm, telling him about the rover as Raven began to thrash about. You yelled at Monty to go get it, pushing Bellamy with him as the boys ran out of the post and to the rover. They barely got the hood up on the rover before Bellamy spotted something in the trees.
“Drone!” he shouted as he raised his gun and shot it out of the air. “She’s here. Get the battery.” Monty removed the battery, lugging it back inside. You were worried at the sound of gunshot, all of you turning towards the door in hopes Bellamy and Monty would rush inside. “Guys we have to move!” Bellamy yelled as he watched the door. Monty set up the battery to the electromagnet, Sinclair and him working as fast as possible before Sinclair turned it on.
Raven’s scream was agonizing as you held her down, feeling her crumble in your hold as she fell unconscious. Clarke pressed two fingers against Raven’s throat, feeling for a heartbeat before sighing. “She’s breathing.”
You felt like you could breathe a little as you stepped back, letting Octavia and Clarke try to wake her. Bellamy’s hand fell onto your back as you all worried. “Come on Raven. Raven wake up.” Clarke begged but Raven still laid unresponsive. Jasper made his way around the bed, coming up behind Clarke and the ripping the flame away from her pocket as she turned around gasping. “What are you doing?”
“Stay back!” He yelled, grabbing a metal bar and placing the flame on a table, lifting the bar in the air.
“No. You can’t!” plead Clarke as she tried to take it back, but Jasper wouldn’t let her.
“ALIE did that to Raven. She’s never going to get this!”
“Don’t! Stop! It’s Lexa!” Jasper froze, his intentions pausing as you all looked to Clarke for an explanation.
“Clarke? What are you taking about?” Lexa was dead, there was no way your friend was in some piece of tech Clarke had been carrying around. Clarke looked to you before focusing on Jasper, holding the metal bar so he doesn’t smash her.
“Part of her is still in there. I saw them cut it out of her head. I’m not…” Her words died down as she pulled away, obviously in thought. You knotted your brows, needing an explanation.
“What is it?” You asked her.
She took a few steps back and looked around to all you. “Both AI were made by the same person. Both tap into human consciousness. They must work similarly, right?”
Sinclair nodded, raising a brow. “Well, there’s probably only one pathway to consciousness, so it’s possible.”
“What does this have to do with anything?” Octavia asked on behalf of all your thoughts.
Clarke moved towards Raven’s head. “I’ve seen an AI get removed before. Help me get her on her side.” Bellamy and you did help, turning Raven onto her side. “Get my med kit from my bag.” Clarke told Monty and pointed her finger to her bag on the table. He retrieved the kit for her, and she pulled out her tools, choosing a scalpel. She sliced the back of Raven’s neck slowly drawing blood.
No one said anything as you all watched eagerly waiting for something to happen. Blood drained from Raven’s neck and you were about to speak up, telling Clarke you didn’t think it would work before silver goop mixed with her blood came out. “What is that?” Bellamy asked and looked over your shoulder.
“It must be whatever’s left of the chip.” As soon as the rest of the silver left her neck, Raven began coughing and coming back to life. You all crowded around the bed, smiling as you watched her roll back on to her back.
“Ow.” She mumbled, bringing a hand to the back of her neck.
Octavia chuckled. “I never thought I’d be so happy to see someone in pain.” You all laughed at her comment and Octavia and Sinclair helped her sit up.
Clarke took a step back from the bed as Jasper joined her. “I couldn’t do what you did.” He told her before handing the flame back to her. Monty watched the scene in front of him before taking a few steps back himself.
“I could’ve saved my mom.” He mumbled. You all knew what happened and you knew that Monty had no choice when it came to killing his mom. But that didn’t make his suffering any easier. Jasper walked over to his best friend, putting a hand on his shoulder but Monty just pushed him off. “Get the hell away from me.”
He rushed out of the room and you all let him go, knowing he needed a moment alone. You spook your head, focusing back at the big problem. “ALIE knows we’re here. We gotta move.” You reminded them as everyone nodded, packing up their things and for Sinclair, picking up Raven and carrying her outside. You were out of the room before everyone, ready to get out of here before ALIE invaded.
“Y/N.” Niylah called out as you passed her. You stopped and turned to see her grabbing something from behind the table. She put it down on the table and let you get a good look at it.
“My bow?” You asked, running your fingers against the wood. “Where did you get this?”
“I found it when I was on a supply run a while ago. I knew it was yours.” You nodded, remembering when Roan kidnapped you and you had to leave your bow in the middle of the woods. You didn’t know what had happened to it and you were thankful Niylah was the one to find it.
“Thank you, Niylah.” You whispered with a smile as she returned it, pushing it across the table for you to grab and sling around your shoulder.
“I have more.” She said as she reached under again, pulling out several arrows and a quiver. You shook your head as there was no way you’d be able to take these from her. But Niylah insisted. “You’ll need them if you plan on using that bow.”
You smiled again, giving the woman a hug and thanking her. You knew Niylah didn’t appreciate you all coming in and taking over her trading post, but with out her you’d be screwed.
Everyone started to clear out of the room as you give her one last smile, pulling on the bow and heading outside. Octavia exchanged a lamp for the clothes Niylah provided before Leaving Clarke and Niylah to talk. Clarke told her about her needing to leave and how it isn’t safe for Niylah to be there, or else she’d end up like Raven.
You were helping Jasper hold up Raven when Clarke came out, walking over to check on the bandage you wrapped around his hand earlier. “You’ll recover.” She told him and forced a smile. Bellamy just kept his eyes on you.
“Will I?” He asked when he finally looked away. He bit the instead of his cheek as he looked down to Clarke. “What do you do when you realize you might not be the good guy?” He couldn’t help when his eyes found you again, remembering everything you’ve told him barely a half an hour ago.
Clarke stayed silent for a few moments, searching for an answer before sighing. “Maybe there are no good guys.”
The rover was being backed up as you waited, finding yourself looking back at Bellamy before the rover was done moving and you let Sinclair take over your position. Jasper and he loaded Raven in the car as Raven joked about how Jasper deserved the punch she gave him. Bellamy and Clarke joined you now as you felt Bellamy standing next to you.
“There’s just one thing I don’t understand.” Clarke told Raven. “Why did ALIE want you to kill yourself?”
Raven hesitated. “Because I know why she wants a second AI.” You asked why from behind Clarke as the blonde turned around momentarily before focusing on Raven and waiting for her answer. “It’s the only thing that can stop her.”
“Then let’s stop her.” Octavia said and got all your attentions. “We survive together.” Nods made their way around your group, determination to end this war before more people get hurt.
A/N: Id really appreciate it if you would tell me what you thought about this episode because for some reason I was really nervous. Love you guys!
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duhliriouss · 4 years
Gotham’s Little Prince:
Part One
A Request For: @jokers-doll Here you go Doll, I hope you like this first part :)
Summary: Y/N finds out she’s pregnant with Joker’s baby. Terrified of how he will react, she hides the evidence until she can muster up the courage to tell him.
A/N: Buckle up because this is more than just a story of reader telling Joker she’s pregnant. There’s aftermath, protection and a beautiful birth❣️this was supposed to be a one shot but I got carried away like always 🖤
Beta Reader: @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile thank you again! Im so glad I found you ❣️ The perfect Beta Reader. Everyone should check out her work too, it’s amazing and it inspires me :)
Word Count: 2,934
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, Swearing, Pregnancy, Mentions of Violence
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You were tired, exhausted actually. After Joker had overthrown Gotham, you have both worked tirelessly day in and day out to get where you have gotten in this very moment.
And there you were - standing outside on the balcony of Wayne’s Manor, with your hands on the railings looking out over the trees at the cities buildings that stood tall in the distance. Even though it was right outside the city, it was the perfect place for a king and his queen. This is where you and Joker lived now after hearing of the Wayne families death, and a luxury it was. How ironic it had been that you both had everything you could possibly ever dream of; a warm bath in a marble tub that blended with the white marble floors, grapes picked right off the vine for you and Joker to share after a long day, aged wine worth hundreds, a magnificent California king size bed with a canopy of dark red drapes cascading down the frames. Everything, everything except the daily doses of Gotham’s chaos. It was too peaceful here for you and your king sometimes. 
So that is why you stood where you were in this moment, Joker and Your’s favorite spot, the only spot in the manor to be able to still see the tall structures as they inundated with the smoke that rose from Gotham’s streets.
You usually accompanied Joker during his daily tasks and crimes. He’s been a busy man since this all started, usually making sure his followers were keeping guard around the entire city’s borders.
No one comes in... and nobody leaves.
But you have stayed behind this past week and a half, you weren’t feeling well. You blamed it on your upcoming period since you tended to belong to the unlucky kind of woman who couldn’t even get out of bed during their cycle. Though your period never came, and you have grown worried. Joker has been very stressed recently so you haven’t dared to talk to him about your own distresses and concerns.
It was unlike you to keep things from Joker. You first met when you were walking home from work one day. You saw a clown dancing happily to piano music on the street with a sign reading “EVERYTHING MUST GO”. You watched him as you came closer only to find a group of punks stealing his sign and running away with it. You quickened your steps and followed as the clown chased after the teenagers. After a couple blocks you thought you had lost sight of his bright colored getup. Ready to give up, you went to turn around until you saw him laying almost lifeless down the ally in front of you. You saw no sight of the punks so you started to run until you were close enough to kneel down by the clown. You helped him up and brushed off the asphalt that stuck to his clothes.... and the rest has been history.
You sighed deeply, still flicking your (y/e/c) eyes to the buildings in the distance. You held your tummy as your mind rambled anxiously. You knew it was possible you could be pregnant. Joker wasn’t one to care for protection or pulling out. And neither were you for that matter. The sensation was just too staggering to give a shit. You were both so impulsive, you were perfect for each other.
As you looked out your mind continued to ramble with thought after thought. Joker was out there in between those buildings somewhere. You were planning on going out to get a pregnancy test without being seen by anybody. This would be a difficult task since everyone knew who you were, everyone knew you were Joker’s Queen.
You took one last sigh before turning on your heels to go back inside. You scurried down the hallways and corridors to your bedroom to change your clothes into something that would make you less noticeable. After a couple minutes of searching you found a oversized black coat that had probably belonged to Thomas Wayne. You also picked out some black jeans you owned. You quickly got dressed and took a look in the mirror, taking your (y/h/c) hair and pulling it behind your head to tuck it in the back of the coat. You then reached over and grabbed a clown mask, setting it over your face before pulling up the hoodie over your head. You felt confident that you could get away with this look and blend in.
And with that you were off, leaving the building with ease without being seen by any of the “guards” that Joker had stationed around your new home. You were allowed to leave whenever you wanted but you didn’t want to chance any of them telling Joker you had left. You had imagined beforehand what it would be like; Coming home early only to find one of his henchman tattling to him before he could even reach the main doors. Revealing to him how you were spotted leaving, without a return. You knew he would be very concerned for your wellbeing. You’d rather just come clean now than have to make Joker go through such affliction.
Your walk was longer than usual since you stayed in the shadows. You took allies that weren’t occupied and kept your head down as protesters and rallies passed. You entered the first convenient store you saw. You didn’t have to buy anything right now In this city as the mayhem was at its peak recently. No one was working since it was too dangerous. Almost all stores had smashes in the window and most people looted as they pleased. You walked straight in through the window and found the feminine section fairly quickly. You took what you needed and left and fast as you came.
You were home safe without being noticed by a soul. You peeled the clothes off putting them back where you found it and changed back into your dark blue polka dot flare dress. You walked straight to a bathroom that usually wasn’t used by Joker and Yourself. You lifted your dress and sat down, staring down at the box that contained the test. You felt unsure now.
Did you really want to know right now? What if it’s positive? How will your beloved Joker react?
Your heart started to pound in your ears as these new thoughts rose throughout you. You couldn’t see this being a positive outcome. You really didn’t want to see Joker mad. He was so unpredictable with his emotions that sometimes you didn’t even know if you knew him. He’s not Arthur anymore. However, Joker was still very tender towards you. Warm and gentle for the most part. But you also knew certain things caused him to lash out. You actually loved how unpredictable he was at times. It made everything new and exciting. But right now you were seeing how this could be a not so great and not so thrilling thing.
You were feeling dizzy now. Your mind going a mile a minute, you tried to get your breathing under control.
“You can do this. Joker will still love you no matter what. Just take the test.” You consoled softly to yourself.
You took a few more deep breaths before opening the box. 1980’s pregnancy tests were test tubes that took 2 hours before showing results. So you were in for a very tense wait. And a nervous one at that since you were never sure when Joker was going to be home. You did everything you were supposed to do. You shook the urine in the test tube and placed it behind the toilet on the floor for no one to see. You took the box and crinkled it up inside out, discarding it deep in the trash. Now all there was to do was wait. And it WAS a very tense wait. You made a mental note to keep your eye on the clock for when it was ready to check.
You tried to keep your mind off of it by watching tv, a fail. You paced the halls over and over with your hands clenched behind your back. You even went outside to get fresh air and smell the roses that had begun to wilt outside. You were running out of ideas to ease this edge. And oh so badly did you need a cigarette right now. You usually smoked almost as much as Joker but you haven’t dared the past few days. Joker actually noticed this the other day and questioned you to see if everything was alright. Only then did you stutter out an excuse by saying your throat was scratchy and it made it worse. And what a stupid excuse it was, initiating your guilt as he ran to make you herbal tea with tender kisses for the rest of the night.
You went back inside to check the clock.
30 minutes left
With a impatient huff, you went to go try and watch tv again In the bedroom. You walked down the hallway for what seemed like the 80th time today and turned to step into the bedroom. You gasped, jumping backward when you saw that Joker was standing right there. He saw that he’d startled you. He reached his arms out for you, a smirk evidently written on his face.
“My sweet darling girl, how I’ve missed you today”
You straightened yourself out and smiled sheepishly. He always made you a blushing mess. You skipped over and let yourself fall into his arms. He instantly scooped you up with ease, making you instinctively wrap your legs around him and letting your head fall over his shoulder. He wasn’t much taller than you but he still always managed to hold and carry you comfortably.
“I’ve missed you too. And you’re home so early.” You tried to hide the nervousness in your voice.
He started to draw circles on your back as he spoke. “A clown can only do so much crime my love. Besides, I thought I’d surprise you with something tonight since you haven’t been feeling well.” His voice cracked huskily.
Your body sunk heavier into him. You didn’t know your guilt could make you feel this culpable. You leaned back to look in Joker’s green orbs as he held you, putting on your best fake smile.
“What is it?”
“Stay here doll while I go get it for you, I left it in the kitchens”
Joker placed you down gently and began to make his way out the door, stopping at the door frame. He kept his gaze forward as he spoke. “Don’t move a muscle, I know how sneaky you can be, my little squirrel”
You smiled sheepishly one last time until he was out of site. Joker knew you all too well, seeing how you poked your head around the doorframe until he was out of site again. You were confident you had enough time to race down back to the bathrooms and check on your fate. The bathrooms were much closer than the kitchens. You couldn’t wait any longer. You took your first sharp right turn down another coordinator, making your way to the end before taking another sharp right which led off to the bathroom. As you took your last turn you stopped in your tracks instantly as you saw Joker standing right outside the bathroom doors talking to one of his female followers that helped keep guard around the building. You hid yourself around the corner and poked your head out slightly to listen. They didn’t notice you.
“Why are you showing me this? I don’t even know what that is”
“It’s a pregnancy test Sir, I don’t know who’s it is but it’s positive, just figured I’d show you before tossing it out”
You leaned your back fully against the wall around the corner now. Your hands found your mouth to muffle your sobs as tears poured down your cheeks. Not only did you just find out you were pregnant, but this was also not the way you wanted your Joker to find out. How was he going to react now, Keeping it from him like that?
Will he even still love me? he’s THE Joker. The infamous man that’s killed multiple under his own will. Why would a man like him want a baby with someone like me? Especially in such a disorderly world that we have created together. He’s going to make me leave this place. Probably force me to move somewhere else far away to somewhere safer. I’ll never see him again!
Your eyes were scrunched tightly closed. You let your hair fall messily around your face as you continued to muffle your sobs with your hands. You were so caught up in the shock you didn’t think to run away. And you didn’t notice Joker was standing right in front of you now.
Your breath caught in your throat. You slowly started to take your hands away from your mouth. You kept your head down with your arms stick straight by your sides, your hands balled up in little fists. You peaked your eyes up to look your destiny in the face. Your eyes began to dart around his face, desperate to find any emotion apparent on his features. But... nothing. You couldn’t see any emotion. His red painted lips displayed a thin line. His eyes showed emptiness, not even the green in his irises were visible.
Joker watched your eyes dart around him desperately. He knew it was your test. Why else would you be hiding around the corner in a complete dismantled mess? He cleared his throat and tried one more time.
“Y/N, answer me”
You finally let go and burst into tears. Covering your whole face with your hands and sobbing as you pleaded. “I’m so sorry!! I didn’t know either and I was just coming to check. I promise I was going to tell you today! I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m so sorry I left this place by myself and stole the test without telling you! I know I should have told you my worries sooner but... you’ve just been so stressed recently and so busy I didn’t want to bother you or stress you more. Please forgive me Joker! Please don’t make me leave this city! I love it too much now! I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what to do”
Your head stayed down as you sobbed and hyperventilated between each sentence as you cluttered. Joker watched you with his lips slightly parted without interrupting your break down. After you were finished, you continued to breath heavy and brought your hands up to wipe your tears with your balled fists. A couple seconds had passed without hearing a response from him, which caused you look up to see if he was even still there.
He was, but his features still looked emotionless to you. Maybe a little bit shocked? You opened up your mouth to speak again but was stopped short when Joker’s laughs began to fill the corridor, echoing down the halls. His face showed a semi wide grin as he laughed louder, placing his hand on his chest. He didn’t look mad, he also didn’t seem very sympathetic to you in this moment either. And it definitely wasn’t a laughing attack. It sounded like his real, true laugh. They started to die down into giggles as he wiped the tears from his face. This all hit you hard in the chest.
“I think I’ll go no—“
You were interrupted as Joker scooped you up in an immense hug. Swirling you around a couple times before stopping to sway you back and forth, drawing circles on your back like he did in your bedroom.
“My dear Y/N...You really are a sneaky little squirrel”
You couldn’t speak. Your mind bounced around to what the hell was going on. You felt comforted however as he held and swayed you before bringing his head back to look at you. None of this was what you were expecting.
“Look at me.” His voice was calm
You leaned back as he did and looked into eyes. You could see his green oceans now. And you could still see the tears in his eyes from laughing.
“My little squirrel, do you see these tears?”
“They’re tears of joy darling, I would never be angry over something like this”
“Y-you’re really not mad?” You stuttered through your new found tears.
“Of course not.” He cooed in his high pitched voice. He began to walk forward until your back was against the cool wall, leveraging you as he still held you to free one of his hands, gently placing it over your tummy as he spoke more. “I put a prince in your belly”. He said it in a British accent, causing you to giggle.
“How do you know? It could be a princess!”
“I just have a feeling. But we shall see darling”
You couldn’t stop smiling now. And neither could joker. You started to feel a little silly for being so worried in the first place. You both cried happily as you brought your head into his chest, taking in his scent that smelled like cigarettes, mint, and blood. Joker took his hand off your tummy and brought you closer, placing his hand in your hair now to slightly stroke the (y/h/c) strands.
“Is that why you haven’t been smoking?”
“Yeah..” you replied innocently
“So sneaky...”
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
Master Fic List
I only started writing fic (again) in late 2018, so I’m going to include only the most recent things I’ve written. (Old stuff can be found at various archives.) I can’t believe it’s been a year already! Lots of exciting stuff happened this year, not the least of which was finally getting on Tumblr. I hope to become better acquainted with both the site and all of you in 2020.
Updated 3/17/20 
Release Valve – The X-Files have been reopened with a bigger budget and a bigger staff. Mulder, Scully and the agents under them fight to stay one step ahead the Consortium’s machinations, but when they finally get to the truth, what will they do with it? (MSR, Rated M, 28k)
The Next Week – “She’s placid in his bed. Warm, willing. She has a sleepy smile on her face and the morning sunlight coming through the window catches on her carmine hair, practically burns his eyes.” (MSR, Rated E, 3k)
Fools in the Rain – Inspired by the prompt set forth on Twitter by @IngridDaS1013: “Mulder and Scully get caught in the rain on the way to Mulders apartment so they go up and Scully has to wear something of Mulder’s while her clothes dry…” (MSR, Rated E, 3.5k)
Only Say Goodnight – I have always been upset that we didn’t get to see Mulder and Scully’s moment together right after William was born. This is my hand at that scene and the one that followed, when Mulder left. (MSR, Not Rated, 2.5k)
An Evening at the Petit Trois – For the 2019 X-Files Valentines Day Fic Exchange. Based on the prompt: Mulder and Scully’s ex-lovers are jealous of the loving relationship they have now. (MSR, Not Rated, 2.4k)
Submerge – An on-the-run ficlet with a dose of angst. (MSR, Rated M, 1.2k)
Absolution – For the 2019 X-Files Episode Fic Exchange. “The bath had done nothing but make her think about the decon shower they’d been forced to take 48 hours prior and from there her mind wandered to lustful places. Places she tried to keep secreted away.” (MSR, Rated E, 2.2k)
Storm Front – 100% all trope. Stormed in, one bed, first time TROPE. (MSR, Rated E, 6k)
Brood Parasite – For the Alternate Season 12 Project collaboration with @admiralty-xfd and @rosethornhill. This is Episode 2– As Mulder and Scully settle into their new lives and jobs, the paranormal comes to them—in more ways than one. (MSR, Rated M, 10k)
Charm/Strange – A dance of intellectuals. (MSR, Not Rated, Drabble)
The Other Side of Fiction – Episode 4 from Alternate Season 12. College AU. Mulder and Scully. Scully and Mulder. In this, and every lifetime. (MSR, Rated E, 15k)
Mess – This is from a Tumblr Prompt “I need a place to stay.” (MSR, Not Rated, Drabble)  
So Young Such a Shame – Cancer-arc angsty drabble (MSR, Not Rated, Drabble)
Prompt Drabble Collection – Ten different drabbles from various Tumblr prompts, from angst to AU and everything in between. (MSR, Rated Mature, Drabble)
Epithalamium – “Codependency is a real bitch. Even when he drives her crazy, she doesn’t know any other way to be. There are too many years between them, too many monsters. She wouldn’t even know how to begin telling some other suitor her story.” (MSR, Rated M, Drabble)
The Umbrella Prompts – Tumblr Prompt “kissing under a shared umbrella” and on it goes… (MSR, Rated E, 2.4k(so far))
Extraordinary – For the X-Files Third Party Drabble Challenge – Margaret Scully’s thoughts on her daughter’s love. (MSR, Not Rated, Drabble)
Fairies, Skip Hence – For the 2019 X-Files Secret Santa Fic Exchange – “Bubbles floated like dust motes silently through the living room, catching the color from the lights on the Christmas tree and turning the room kaleidoscopic. She sat in front of the fireplace amongst Matthew’s scattered stocking stuffers, looking young and small. She held a small Santa-shaped bottle, blowing bubbles quietly into the room from a wand protruding from Santa’s hat. She looked like a fairy in the festive space, and his heart clutched at the sight of her.” (MSR, Rated E, 8k)
Of The Eight Winds -- AU Series based on the @sunflowerseedsandscienceprompt: “Mulder is unhappily married when Scully is partnered with him, and while he doesn’t cheat (because sorry that’s not romantic), he falls for her so hard that he finally gets the courage to end the marriage and start fresh.”  (MSR, Rated E, 16k )
Currahee – “There was a moment where she thought of all the people who have ever lived–and died–were ever underfoot. The space above the ground is for the living, and she needed to start doing more of it.” (MSR, Rated GA, 2k)
Fever -- Mulder cares for Scully when she gets sick on a case. Hurt/Comfort Fluff (MSR, Not Rated, 4k) 
The Concept of Dualism -- This was for the 2020 X-Files Fluff Exchange. My prompt was from admiralty: “Anything involving MSR and Melissa Scully. Keep it UST-y please! Late S2″ (MSR, Not Rated, 4k)
A Companion Unobtrusive -- AU - She needed a roommate, he needed a room. Based on the Tumblr prompt from @monikafilefan “how about Mulder and Scully accidentally end up as roommates when their old ones back out? An instant friendship blooms into something so much more. I can just feel the palpable sexual tension already” (MSR, Rated E, 21k)
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signs-of-the-moon · 3 years
Moon Rise: Chapter 39
Warning: this chapter features depictions of an illness that may be considered similar to Covid-19, and could potentially upset those effected by it. Reader discretion is advised
Swiftcloud awoke early the next day, emerging from the shelter of the warrior's den into the crisp morning air. The clearing was shrouded in darkness. The sky above was nothing more than a depressing gray slate. Snow still fell upon the meadow, turning everything powdery white. Even the ground underpaw was covered. Swiftcloud shivered as a chill started to seep into her pawpads. She skipped over towards the shadow of the Tall Stone, where less snow had settled. Even here the ground was as cold as stone, but it was better than standing ankles deep in the white substance.
Other warriors stood within this small clearing. Chicorynose sat above the rest, atop Tall Stone's peak. It appeared she was ready to send out the dawn patrol.
"This morning we will be prioritizing our border patrols over hunting," the deputy began, "it'll be harder to catch anything while the sun's barely risen, especially with this snow. For now, let's ensure all of our scent markers have been freshened up. Shadowfang, lead a patrol to the Twolegplace border. Cloverpetal, you'll take a patrol to the Forest Patch. And Cowpatch will lead one to Mountainclan. You three may choose whoever you want to join you."
Instantly Shadowfang turned to acknowledge his mate. "You already know I'm having you join me," he remarked to Swiftcloud.
"You'd better," Swiftcloud warned teasingly, "someone has to be around to make sure you don't go fighting any more kittypets."
"That was one time! I was young. Besides, how was I supposed to know that kittypet would one day become the love of my life?"
Swiftcloud let out a flustered mrrow of laughter, batting at Shadowfang's whiskers playfully. "So who else are you going to take on your patrol?"
"How about Bumblethroat and Sheeptail?" Shadowfang suggested
"Good idea," Swiftcloud agreed, turning. "Let's go find them." 
"No need, I've already found you." Bumblethroat came padding over to the mates, tail held high in greetings. "I was just about to ask if I could join you two. I need a good jog. My chest's feeling kind of heavy today and I'm hoping the morning air will do me some good."
"Why don't you see a medicine cat about that?" Swiftcloud prompted, lifting a paw to lick warm. 
"I'm sure I'll be alright. It's nothing to bother Goldensong and Mistyleaf over. How about I grab Sheeptail for you, and we'll meet you two over by the brambles?"
"Sounds good," Shadowfang agreed to the plan. "We'll be waiting. Try not to take too long." 
The sun slowly creeped overhead as the patrol made their way across the snowy meadow. The land was still dark, the fields hard to navigate behind it's flurry curtain. But the four warriors had been this way dozens of times; by now they didn't need their sight to know where they were headed. When they'd arrived, three out of the patrol wasted no time remarking the border. One cat, however, was straggling behind. 
Bumblethroat came hobbling over to the others, wheezing. His breathing came out more as a ragged pant as he settled beside his clanmates. Despite concerned looks, the tom insisted that he was fine. Shadowfang and Sheeptail chose to believe him, but Swiftcloud was skeptical.
Later, as the patrol made their way along the edge of their territory, Bumblethroat began to cough. The cough didn't appear to be a mere tickle in his throat, nor was it a one off instance throughout the rest of the mission. It became more of an upsetting, reoccurring nuisance. By the time the dawn patrol was concluded, the tabby looked as though he'd run across the whole meadow and back.
"Bumblethroat, you really should go see Goldensong," Swiftcloud insisted as they entered the camp. Bumblethroat whimpered a little, then nodded his head in defeat. The white and black patched molly watched as her clanmate made his way over to the medicine den. She stared onward for an extra couple of heartbeats to make sure the tom would keep his word. Satisfied, shr turned her attention elsewhere for the remainder of the day. 
Two days passed. Many of clan awoke to the sound Sheeptail wheezing. Swiftcloud sat up in her nest to study the white tom, still a groggy from sleep. Sheeptail's head was bent and back arched, jaws parted in a pant as he tried to catch his breath. Around them, despite how late into the night it was, every cat was on edge. Swiftcloud's denmates slowly crawled away from Sheeptail, like he would lash out and kill them at any moment. Swiftcloud didn't understand why they were all making such a fuss. She stood, padding towards Sheeptail to check on him. Certainly no one else would.
"Swiftcloud!" A pair of jaws clamped around her scruff. The patched molly turned to look into the worried eyes of her mate who began to drag her back with all the might he could muster. Swiftcloud promptly pulled herself from Shadowfang's grasp, turning to face him, awaiting an explanation.
"Don't go near him. I don't want you getting sick, too," Shadowfang mewled.
"He's not sick," Swiftcloud insisted, though she was clearly in denial. There's no way a third cat could be sick. Rosebloom was isolated yesterday. The greencough couldn't possibly be spreading. Could it..?
"Can't you smell it? Sheeptail is ill, Swift. Or getting there. Bumblethroat and Rosebloom have already been confirmed to have something. It's better we be safe than sorry," Shadowfang insisted in return. Swiftcloud huffed, sitting down. Shadowfang came to stand in front of her, as if he could protect her from the possible disease with his body. 
"Sheeptail, dear, why don't you go and have a little chat with Goldensong?" Quailbelly suggested to the tom, shielded behind the large form of Frostfeather.
Sheeptail lifted his head weakly. He nodded then rose to his paws, practically dragging himself out of the warrior's den. Swiftcloud's denmates let out a collective sigh once the senior warrior was out of sight. They moved back to their usual nests, tension still heavy in the atmosphere. Shadowfang shook out his pelt to rid himself of his nerves.
"I'm sorry about that. But we can't risk you catching whatever he may have," the black tom mewed, bumping his head against Swiftcloud's chin. Swiftcloud nodded in understanding, licking Shadowfang on his muzzle before settling down with him in their shared nest.
More coughing erupted outside in the morning when the warriors awoke once more. Slugsnout and Snailear were paired together, herded by concerned clanmates over to the medicine den. At a safe distance, of course. And in the days to come, more cats would follow. Meadowcall, Ladybugbite, Boulderfall, Seedpaw, and a few of the clan's kits were among them. Too many cats to house in the medicine den. A decision was made to move all sick cats to one location. Anyone with even the slightest cough was isolated in the elder's den, sending the displaced elders to live with the warriors for a while. After all, the den was halfway vacant.
Things stayed pretty contained, or at least for a few days. Then another case of greencough would make itself known, and Whitestar would begrudgingly have to order another cat to quarentine.
Grassclan's warriors were dropping like flies, and at the worst possible time. Leafbare fully settled upon the Land's Star; most prey had gone into hiding or hibernation for the season. The snow remained ever present on the meadow, making the world seem that much bleaker. Cats were hungrier now than they'd been in previous moons. And that drove the remaining healthy warriors to work themselves to the bone, as they tried to provide for the rest of the clan.
Swiftcloud was no different. Sometimes, she'd stay out long into the night trying to find a bite to eat. And when she'd catch something, the prey always went right to the queens. She made sure to that.
Three quarter moons had passed since the first cat had been diagnosed with greencough. By now it'd been two days since Swiftcloud had anything to eat. Her belly ached, so badly that she felt as if she were dying. She had no idea why she felt so awful. She'd grown used to hunger by now. Despite the risk of going, she decided to take herself to the medicine den. Maybe the medicine cats would have an herb that would cure the knawing pain in her intestines. Luckily no sick cats were in the den at this time. Mistyleaf and Snowfrost sat within the tree trunk's confines alone, shuffling through a pile of herbs.
"Do you think there's enough here to provide everyone a dose?" Mistyleaf asked. Snowfrost twitched her whiskers.
"Hardly," she admitted. "Hopefully enough to at least dull their symptoms. Adding in chickweed might help. Oh- and we'll need to add some tansy to Rosebloom's mixture today. She's running a fever."
Swiftcloud felt bad for pulling the healers away from their work, but she was desperate. "Um, excuse me?" She meeped.
"Swiftcloud!" Mistyleaf perked up. "What's wrong? You don't appear to be sick. How are you feeling?"
"My stomach hurts. It feels as though my insides are missing," she explained with a grimace.
Mistyleaf stepped away from her task, sniffing her friend. "Hm. When was the last time you ate?"
Swiftcloud blinked. The thought of food had barely crossed her mind recently. "Ate..? Um...well, I can't remember honestly. All the prey I've caught I've used to feed the queens and kits."
"But you didn't think to save some for yourself?" Snowfrost snorted.
Swiftcloud shrank in her fur. "The Code says queens and elders eat before the warriors."
"And you didn't think that the Warrior Code may want you to save at least a mouthful of food for yourself? You're a adult, Swiftcloud use your head!" The medicine cat snapped. Snowfrost gave her head a shake, putting her focus back on her herbs. She muttered to herself as she sorted through her supplies, clearly agitated by Swiftcloud's ignorance. "Warriors and their pride, I swear it's obnoxious sometimes."
"Snowfrost has a point," Mistyleaf agreed. "I'm sure the reason your stomach feels so bad is because you've been starving yourself."
Starving..? That was a concept Swiftcloud hadn't been familiar with before. In her life she'd barely known hunger, yet alone something so severe. A luxury, perhaps, she was granted due to being born a kittypet. Swiftcloud had known of starvation, but never realized it would make her feel so hollow. For a brief moment, Swiftcloud thought back to the day she had been invited to join the clan. Whitestar had warned about the dangers of Leafbare. The fierce cold, the lack of food. And yet, despite facing it all now Swiftcloud had no regrets. She would always be happy to be part of Grassclan, even if she had to go hungry.
"You need to go have something to eat." Mistyleaf's voice cut into Swiftcloud's thoughts. "Consider this a medicine cat's orders. And if anyone should gripe at you about it, tell them they can come speak to us."
Swiftcloud nodded weakly, eyes wide in shock at the stern tone Mistyleaf had acquired. She was too stunned to speak, in too much pain to even think. Instead, Swiftcloud turned herself around and brought herself out to the fresh-kill pile. The pile was the smallest that she had ever seen it. Swiftcloud knew a hunting party had recently returned home. Yet there was only a half sized mouse and a scrawny vole to choose from. Swiftcloud didn't care which she ate, all she knew now was that she needed this food. Just the smell of it alone reminded her of how hungry she truly was.
Out of desperation she gave into her temptations. Swiftcloud quickly snatched up the vole, pulling it close to her chest. The first bite she took was glorious. The flavors sang loudly on her tongue, and her stomach begged her to eat more. Swiftcloud consumed the rest of her meal in a matter of heartbeats, the delicious meat of the vole disappearing inside of her all too soon. For a moment, Swiftcloud felt satisfied. But the sight of the mouse still sitting there on the icy ground was calling to her. Well...I haven't eaten in a while. And Mistyleaf did say to eat, so... Swiftcloud got back to her paws. With claws extended she gripped the mouse up and pulled it towards her. As she was about to settle down to eat again, Rabbitstorm appeared through the bramble tunnel. His eyes were sunken, his expression miserable. In his grasp he held nothing, despite returning home from hunting. The lynx point tom practically dragged himself over to Swiftcloud, slumping into the snow as he sat beside her. Swiftcloud resisted the urge to whimper. She hated seeing her friend so defeated. Since Heatherwing had died, Rabbitstorm hadn't been the same. He was more work driven, and a bit snappier with others. It was almost as if he'd reverted back to an apprentice again; in personality at least. Although Rabbitstorm had become a bit clingier. When he wasn't doing work, he was spending time with his mother or siblings. And when they were too busy, he'd come to spend time with Swiftcloud. She was honored, honestly, that Rabbitstorm found comfort in her company. At least she thought he did. It was hard to tell. Regardless, Rabbitstorm's constant presence reassured her at least that the bond they had formed hadn't shifted back with his attitude.
Despite her stomach growling at her, urging her to go back to eating, Swiftcloud refused to do so. Instead, she pushed the mouse over to Rabbitstorm, showing him a soft smile. "Here. I think you could use this more than I can right now," she meowed. "I know it's not much, but-"
"Thank you," Rabbitstorm interrupted with a sigh of relief. He lowered his head, taking small bites of the prey in front of him. He leaned his larger body against Swiftcloud's, warming her with his long fur. Swiftcloud felt grateful for the tom's presence, and was happy to have a friend like him. In the beginning, Rabbitstorm had hated Swiftcloud. The two were practically rivals, insulting each other, playing tricks on one another. But after many moons they were finally getting along. Sure on occasion the two would pass on snarky remarks, but now it was all in good fun. Rabbitstorm wasn't such a bad cat. And Swiftcloud hoped that he thought the same of her.
Rabbitstorm let out a satisfied sigh as his mouse became nothing more than fur and bones. He purred, turning to groom Swiftcloud's shoulder. In return she cleaned his. For a few moments the pair shared tongues, comfortable in the silence that had settled between them. But a gust of cold wind blew through the camp, making the warriors jump to their paws. In silent agreement they walked with each other to enter the warmth of the warriors' den.
Here, the remaining healthy warriors of the clan were taking shelter. Most had been out not long ago, finishing patrols and returning empty pawed from their hunting parties. A gloom seemed to hang heavy in the hollowed stone den. Swiftcloud saw depression in some cats eyes. In one way or another, every cat was connected to the ill or starving. If they weren't among those directly suffering.
Quietly in the back of the den, Swiftcloud could see Cloverpetal crying. She hadn't eaten in nearly a quarter moon, and Swiftcloud knew the other molly was reaching her breaking point. But still, she refused food. She wanted everyone else to eat instead. Cloverpetal was a quiet, kind soul. She would never complain about anything, and would give someone the fur off her back if they needed it. But Swiftcloud thought the pale calico molly was being foolish. Still, she wouldn't say anything. Not long ago Swiftcloud was doing the same exact thing. She knew she had no right to judge.
In the center of the den, the clan's two remaining elders laid. Tornface was grooming his pelt, possibly trying to warm himself. While Smokesnout lay curled in a ball, his son Shadowfang beside him. The two toms were not very close, but Shadowfang still respected his father. In this trying time he was determined to provide the elderly tom some support, especially since he was the only family Smokesnout had left. Swiftcloud admired that in her mate. He cared, even if he didn't have much reason to. Smokesnout wasn't much of a father; he never showed the same compassion for his kit as Ashwhisker, the dam of his litter, did. But Shadowfang wouldn't hold it against him. Some cats weren't cut out to be parents.
Swiftcloud touched her nose to Rabbitstorm's ear gently as she tiptoed towards the center of the den. She settled by Shadowfang's side, giving his cheek a good rub with her own. Shadowfang purred a little from her affection, a warm glow in his eyes. But the glow swiftly dimmed as he turned his gaze back onto Smokesnout.
"He's gone," Shadowfang whispered only loud enough for his mate to hear.
Swiftcloud blinked in confusion. "W..what?"
"Smokesnout," Shadowfang clarified, licking the dusky elder's still shoulder. "He's dead."
Swiftcloud felt her heart drop into her paws, a ringing dulling her hearing. "What do you mean he's dead? H-how? When...?" She stammered, voice low.
Shadowfang sighed, looking melancholy. "A little while ago. I noticed he stopped breathing... But he's so peaceful, I don't want to take him from his nest yet."
"Shadowfang..." Swiftcloud pressed herself into her mate. "I'm so sorry.... But, we shouldn't keep him here anymore. The clan will want to know he's gone; they'll want to mourn him."
"I know," Shadowfang sighed once more, rising to his paws. He bent his head, griping Smokesnout's body by the scruff. Swiftcloud stood to be with them. At once, the focus of the entire den fell upon them. Every cat's eyes were dark; a knowing look passing between each of them. Shadowfang tried not to pay attention, wanting to ignore the pity that would soon be passed onto him. Rabbitstorm came over as the mates began to take the elder out of the den. He moved to Smokesnout's free side, helping Shadowfang carry his father. The three warriors emerged into the windy Leaf-bare evening, placing Smokesnout's body in the center of camp. Here he would have an easier time traveling to Starclan, and here the rest of the clan could come to properly say goodbye.
"I should tell my dad," Shadowfang realized. "Im not sure if he'll come out right away, though. Pigeon's isn't doing well... But, I know him. He'll at least want to send Smokesnout off with a prayer." With his reasoning voice, the sleek black tom turned, stalking to the elder's den.
"I'll go inform the medicine cats," Rabbitstorm decided, heading off in the opposite direction.
Swiftcloud sat alone in the cold empty clearing, awaiting the arrival of others. She stood there, in the whistling wind, staring at the body in front of her. Smokesnout's fur ruffled in the breeze, the only movement to come from the elderly tom. Shadowfang had made sure to lay him down nicely. The old tom appeared as though he had fallen asleep. It was almost eerie.
This was the first casualty of many to come, Swiftcloud realized. The knowledge of that filled her with a terrible sense of dread. She knew things would only get worse from here on. And yet, there was still a small glimmer of hope left inside of her. The gathering would be soon. Maybe Grassclan could ask for prey and herbs from some of the others. The chances were slim, Swiftcloud knew, but she had to keep her chin up. If she gave up hope now, what else would she have?
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Kiss from a Rose
A Valentine’s Day adventure
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Pairing - Bastien Lykel and Sophia Turner from my TRR AU of Protect and Serve and Silver Service. 
This is a three part fic, the final chapter will be posted on Valentine’s day. Exceptionally fluffy with a good dose of smut in the final chapter - so 
This chapter features my good Tumblr friend @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria​ or Erin, as it’s set in her home city, Edinburgh, which I visit regularly. Many thanks to her for letting me know the trendy places to go. I hope you enjoy it, darling xx
If you haven’t read any previous works with Sophia and Bastien, all you need to know is that this takes place after Anton has been on trial and locked away. Riley ended up with Drake and Liam is involved loosely with Olivia. Sophia is a member of staff at the Royal Palace in Cordonia who joined shortly before the social season that Riley took part in. She is English and the devoted LI of head of the King’s Guard Bastien Lykel. 
Word Count 4027
1 Athens of the North
‘What do you mean, you’ll be passing over us?’ Sophia’s mother’s voice was shrill at the other end of the phone line. ‘Are you flying in the Royal Jet?’ Sophia squeezed the bridge of her nose.
‘It’s okay Mum, don’t get so excited. King Liam will be visiting Queen Elizabeth at Holyrood later this year, and Bastien has to go over to liaise with her security team. I’m going with him – and yes, it will be in the Royal Jet so I’ll be in Edinburgh next week. I’m sorry we won’t be able to stop off and see you, time is tight - but if you want to fly up…’
‘Me, fly again?’ her mother’s voice was still shrill ‘I still haven’t got over that ghastly flight over the Alps in December’ Sophia groaned. Her mother was not a good traveller at the best of times, and Christmas time had not been a good choice. Her father had told her of the turbulence they had encountered on the way back, which made her mother fear another trip.
‘Well never mind, perhaps we can come and visit you later in the year’ Sophia sighed. Bastien frowned at her and tapped his wrist. ‘I’m sorry Mum, I have to go. Give my love to Dad – yes – love you lots – bye…’ She dropped her head in frustration.
‘I’m sorry theá mou, that didn’t sound harmonious’ Bastien said
‘No, she’s still going on about the flight back last time’ Sophia sighed ‘But it does mean we’ll have some time to ourselves in Edinburgh’ In the back of her mind she wondered what might be on the itinerary, as they would be there for Valentine’s day. She didn’t presume that her lover would do anything to celebrate it as he would be working a lot of the time, but she knew he never missed an opportunity to make her feel special. He walked over and drew her into his arms.
‘I’m sorry Sophia, I don’t know how much time I’ll have to spend with you’ he replied.
‘It’s fine, Erin and I can catch up. It will be good to see her again, and I can see my friend Les too’
She knew the city well, having spent some time researching for her college thesis in the library there and taking a job later on in her career. It would be cold compared to Cordonia, and possibly wet and windy, but you never could tell with British weather. They might be lucky and hit a mild spell, or it could very well feel like all four seasons in one day. The city wasn’t big, and a shopping trip or a tour of Art galleries were both possible in bad conditions. She was excited to be going back there with Bastien and her friends.
Sophia settled down into the plush leather seat and buckled herself in. It was her first time on the royal jet, and she was delighted to have so much space. Bastien sat facing her, and Drake and Riley had seats on the other side of the aisle. They would be staying in Edinburgh at a different hotel before carrying on to a regular flight to New York afterwards. It was the day before Valentine’s Day.
‘This is rather special’ she smiled, and Bastien squeezed her hand. She was not a nervous flyer, and looked forward to looking out at the view when they took off.
‘I barely travel on regular flights’ Bastien said ‘I must admit it’s good not to have to queue or check your bags in, and to have plenty of leg space.’
Happily, a plane journey with Bastien was more pleasant than a road trip. He pointed out various landmarks as they flew toward the English Channel, when she was thrilled to fly over the island where her parents still lived, and on which she grew up. After that it was Sophia who pointed things of significance out to the other three. Bastien smiled to see her so excited to be visiting her home country. She had been born in the Midlands and she and her parents had moved to the tiny island in the English channel when she was little. She had gone to university in the north of England, and worked in Scotland before she had applied for the job in Cordonia. Despite the length of the journey, it didn’t seem long before they were taxiing along the runway. They were only a short tram ride away from the city centre, but they took a taxi which dropped Drake and Riley off at their hotel on Regent’s Terrace before taking Bastien and Sophia to the prestigious Balmoral Hotel right in the centre of the city on the main thoroughfare, Princes Street.
Bastien would be visiting the palace the next day to liaise with his counterpart there, but they had the afternoon and evening to settle into their hotel and perhaps do a little sightseeing. The car drew into a service entrance before they could get out, and their luggage was whisked away to their rooms while they checked in at reception. Sophia was delighted with their suite, which looked out over the famous Edinburgh Castle and along Princes Street, taking in the tall monument to Sir Walter Scott, famous writer of many books in his time. They had their own lounge as well as a huge bathroom with a walk in shower and corner bathtub.
As soon as the door had closed, Sophia flung her arms around Bastien’s neck for a passionate kiss.
‘My goddess’ he smiled as they stopped for air ‘I feel you’re very eager to put me through my paces’
‘We didn’t manage to join the mile high club’ she said in a sultry tone ‘So the least you can do is make love to me in a five star hotel with a stunning view of a historic landmark or two’
‘Nothing would give me greater pleasure’ he growled, loosening his tie.
Sophia had a glow and a spring in her step as she and Bastien made their way up the steep steps of Calton Hill which overlooked the city and held the famous national monument, observatory and Nelson’s Tower. The observatory at the very top had been developed recently and featured a new restaurant with extensive views through a huge ninety degree picture window, and Bastien had booked a table for the two of them.
Sophia caught onto Bastien’s arm as he negotiated the steps with his cane, but it was more to offer support if he needed it than to drag at him. He smiled, knowing her little trick and appreciating how caring she was. The higher they went, the more his thigh ached, but it was not challenging enough to slow him down much. He believed it was improving, and were he to come in a year’s time, he might make it to the top without any discomfort.
They were soon sitting overlooking the lights of the city as the light faded. The sun had set quietly and without spectacle. The hill was very popular with tourists and photographers alike, and many a photo had been taken and posted online and shared around the world. Perhaps the morning would bring colour in the sky, or the next afternoon – as it was February the sun would set in the late afternoon and rise around eight in the morning, so it wasn’t challenging to try and catch a spectacular shot.
‘This place was more or less derelict when I worked here’ Sophia explained to Bastien. ‘This is such an improvement. I’m looking forward to seeing inside the observatory in the morning.’ Bastien was reading the menu, and she reached toward him over the table. He took her hand without even looking away from the menu. Her eyes prickled, her heart skipped a beat and she squeezed his fingers. He looked over at her, puzzled.
‘What?’ he asked.
‘I love you, Bastien Lykel’ she said softly. She picked his hand up and kissed it and he responded by taking hers and drawing it to his chest.
‘And I you – with all my heart, my goddess’ he affirmed. They smiled fondly, lost in each other’s gaze for a few moments.
‘Sir, Madam, are you ready to order?’ Sophia jumped as the waiter spoke. She wondered how long he had been standing waiting for them to notice him. She had barely skimmed the menu, but Bastien had it all under control
‘We’ll have a bottle of champagne – the Veuve Cliquot - and the tasting menu’ he said. The waiter nodded and turned away. ‘The tasting menu has a small portion of everything to try’ Bastien explained in a low voice. ‘The couple on the table in the corner have it – the portions aren’t over generous but I’m sure you won’t mind that’ His eyes sparked, and she coloured, knowing that he wasn’t talking about sating just one appetite. She rarely over ate because it meant less opportunity to make love – a full belly was not compatible with their libidos.
‘I don’t know’ she said in a low tone ‘we need to keep our strength up’ Underneath the table she stretched out her leg and rubbed his ankle with her foot.
‘Room service is available twenty four hours’ he rumbled, leaning toward her. At that point the waiter arrived with the champagne and poured a little for Bastien to test, and he leaned back in his chair.
‘For the lady too?’ the waiter asked when the guard looked up at him and frowned slightly. He nodded and poured a little for her too. There was a flash of amusement in Bastien’s eyes as they both sipped.
‘What do you think, my sweet?’ he asked, and she furrowed her brow, pausing for a moment as she kept the wine in her mouth and rolled it around. She wasn’t sure if it was the correct procedure for champagne, but she hoped her bluff convinced the waiter. She swallowed, making a face of approval. She certainly wasn’t about to spit it out as she had seen some doing. Casting her mind back, she remembered Riley had lessons in wine tasting with the Beaumonts back when she was representing them in the social season. She resolved to ask her about it later.
‘Acceptable’ she nodded gravely, and the waiter poured more for both of them before leaving them to drink it. The main feature of the menu was that every ingredient was locally sourced, and it made for a very interesting range of dishes. Before long, the starters arrived – three small plates bearing food, and an empty plate each to sample the dishes. The waiter described the dishes for them, and instead of serving any of it out onto their plates, Bastien gave her a little to taste. There was a dish of trout with an accompanying relish, one of artichoke, ricotta and hazelnuts, and one of raw beef with wild garlic. She decided she liked the trout best and the beef least, so Bastien served her a little of the beef, halved the artichoke dish, and gave her most of the trout.
The food was not over generous as Bastien had said, but what it lacked in quantity it more than made up for in taste and texture. Sophia rolled her eyes and curled her toes at the delicately balanced flavours. Bastien looked at her in amusement.
‘What is it?’ she asked. His eyes flashed with amusement as he leaned closer to speak quietly.
‘You made that face only a couple of hours ago in our hotel suite’ Her eyes widened.
‘You mean – that’s my…’ she stopped ‘I make that expression when I…’ Bastien was trying hard not to laugh out loud, but he was very amused as his goddess flushed red. ‘You’re teasing me’ she hissed, but he shook his head and put his hand on his heart.
‘I speak the truth’ he whispered, and Sophia huffed.
‘Well you taste it’ she said, slightly miffed. Bastien was still trying not to laugh, but he took a small mouthful, rolling his eyes and mimicking her expression. She kicked him under the table, making sure it was his ‘good’ leg.
‘Just like that’ he teased. He gathered himself together ‘I’m sorry Sophia’ he said ‘Truly, it’s not exactly the same, but it is very similar’ She scowled a little, and he reached across the table to take her hand ‘It’s wonderful’ he said ‘I love that face. It means you’re happy, and if you’re happy, so am I’ Sophia tilted her head to the side, her expression softening a little.
‘Okay, I’ll consider forgiving you for laughing at me’ she said reluctantly. The waiter reappeared to clear their plates away, and it wasn’t long before the main course came. This time the options were scallops, crab and langoustine, and wild duck. Sophia was pleased at the selection of seafood, and this time Bastien just split each dish evenly. At the first taste, Sophia rolled her eyes again, but this time she exaggerated it, and under the table she slipped her shoe off and rubbed Bastien’s ankle. She made a sound of appreciation, and was rewarded by watching him nervously try to loosen his tie, looking sideways at the other diners.
‘This is divine’ she breathed, putting as much feeling into her words as she could. Bastien swallowed and his eyes darkened. He leaned over the table toward her
‘I think you’ve paid me back with interest’ he said quietly ‘any more of that and I’ll be tempted to clear the table and…’
‘Is everything okay with your meal, Sir?’ The waiter appeared at Bastien’s side, and he jumped. He recovered quickly, clearing his throat and answering
‘Yes, it’s excellent – pass our appreciation on to the chef please’
‘Certainly Sir – more champagne?’ he asked, as although their glasses were full, the bottle was empty.
‘No thankyou, but if you have a bottle of Glenkinchie I’ll have a glass with water on the side please.’ He glanced at Sophia ‘Will you try a glass of whiskey, my dear?’ Sophia smiled sweetly.
‘Of course, darling’ She gave Bastien’s ankle another nudge, and he drew it back out of her reach with a stern look. She sighed and carried on eating and sipping at the cool effervescent wine, savouring every mouthful. They finished their main course in silence, but they had attained a truce for the moment. The champagne finished, the whiskey was brought over in cut glass tumblers with a jug of water. Bastien took a tiny sip of the neat spirit before adding a drop of water, picking the glass up again and inhaling the aroma.
The dessert menu arrived, and Sophia beamed with anticipation. She had a sweet tooth though Bastien did not, but he often shared dishes with her, making the excuse that it would keep her waistline trim.
‘Though I would love you whatever shape you were’ he would affirm, and Sophia would eye him warily but say nothing. She looked at the menu in confusion. Bastien cocked an eyebrow at her. She leaned over and whispered
‘I have absolutely no idea what any of these things are’ she confided ‘or at least I can recognise the words – it is English after all – but it doesn’t sound very inspiring’ she looked down the list ‘What on earth is ‘Elric’s log’? I can’t tell you what I think it might be.’
‘I’m sure the waiter will enlighten us’ Bastien assured her, but she made a face. At that moment, Bastien’s phone chimed with a text message. He looked at it briefly, seeing it was a text from Drake. Sophia spoke before he could tell her.
‘Can we leave dessert?’ she asked, keeping her voice low ‘I have a much better idea’ Bastien frowned, but he saw her earnest expression. He looked over at the waiter and raised a hand to beckon him over.
‘Can we have the bill please?’ he asked
‘But sir, you haven’t had dessert yet’ Bastien pursed his lips and looked at his phone
‘Unfortunately I’ve been called away on important business, I have to go as soon as I can’
‘I’m so sorry Sir.’ The waiter said with concern ‘I’ll get the bill immediately’
 Minutes later, the two of them walked back down the hill arm in arm. Sophia was used to the cooler climate and wore a tweed jacket and a knitted cashmere hat, but Bastien found it cold and wore a stylish Italian wool coat that just skimmed his knees, and a woollen hat and thick scarf, whereas Sophia’s scarf was more for show than warmth. Their breath showed in the cool air, but it was still and the stars shone brightly.  
‘I’m sorry Bas – I know you’re not fond of dessert anyway, but it was just so - pretentious. I hope they didn’t charge you’ Sophia said apologetically
‘No, but they were a bit stressed trying to work out the new charges’ he said ‘I tipped them so they got almost the same as if we’d had everything and not tipped, so they can’t be too upset.’ He squeezed her hand ‘So, what was your idea for an alternative?’
‘Gelato’ her eyes shone ‘There’s an Italian restaurant very close – not even as far as the hotel – that makes award winning gelato’
‘I’m actually very partial’ he smiled. Her eyes it up
‘That’s wonderful! I used to go with Mark for pizza’ she said thoughtfully ‘The portions were so generous I never had room for gelato’ Bastien felt an unaccustomed stab of jealousy at the mention of her former lover. She felt him tense, and hugged his arm tighter.
‘I’m so happy to be here with you’ she said ‘There are lots of places to show you – we can make new memories together’ He smiled fondly, reassured of her affection.
‘I hope I won’t be kept too late tomorrow. You can show Drake and Riley round if you like, and with luck I’ll see you for dinner’
‘I’ve seen round Holyrood Palace’ she said ‘But of course you’ll be working in the parts the public don’t get to see’
‘I’m sorry they won’t allow me to take you round’ he said ‘They are extremely strict as to who enters, and with good cause’ Sophia shrugged as they came to the restaurant. The décor was oddly reminiscent of an American diner, but the staff were all Italian, and the menu was too.
‘Here we are’ she said, ‘Let’s hope they aren’t busy, it’s too cold to wander the streets with gelato’ Luckily it was quiet and they were able to take a table after ordering a scoop each. Sophia chose prosecco and strawberry and Bastien had panacotta and salted caramel, and they shared.
‘Really you can’t beat mint choc chip’ Sophia asserted ‘but I can’t resist trying this one’
‘I favour double chocolate chip’ Bastien said ‘but this is acceptable’
‘I’ll come in with Les tomorrow and try a sundae’ Sophia said ‘I don’t have room for one right now.’
‘That’s an excellent idea’ Bastien smiled ‘Drake and Riley are at a place called the Black Bull just around the corner, we can pick them up there. Where are we going next?’
‘We’re meeting Erin at a place called Tiger Lily on George Street’ she said ‘It’s about ten minutes’ walk away. I’ve not been there – it’s new, but places open and close all the time’ The two finished their dessert and met Drake and Riley at the Black Bull, which turned out to be similar to the place Riley used to work at in New York – a creditable dive bar frequented largely by bikers in studded leather jackets - before they set off across the city. Although the shops were closed, there were plenty of revellers walking around going to the many bars and restaurants and clubs. Soon they had reached their destination and her friend stood up from their table to wave them over. She was blonde and petite, and had similar looks to Sophia. Her partner was much taller – about the same height as Bastien. His hair was lighter, his shoulders as broad as the older man’s.
‘Sophia – it’s so good to see you’ Erin cried, throwing her arms around her before pulling away to introduce her partner ‘This is Sean – Sean, Sophia’
‘Nice to meet you’ Sophia replied, shaking his hand, and indicated the others ‘This is my partner Bastien, and I told you about Drake and Riley’ Erin’s eyes flicked to Bastien, and he reached out his hand and shook hers firmly. Her eyes widened a little in awe before she turned to Drake – and flushed red to the roots of her hair. Their handshake lingered a little longer, and Sophia nudged her, clearing her throat. She seemed to be having trouble tearing her eyes away from him, but at last she did, turning to Riley, who gave her a sharp look as they clasped hands. Erin looked back to Sean and took his arm affectionately as if to reassure him as he in turn shook hands with the others, and Riley visibly relaxed.
‘How are you finding Edinburgh? asked Erin as they all sat
‘I’ve been before, very briefly’ said Bastien. ‘I find it intriguing – the old town and the new town.’
‘It’s an incredible place’ Riley affirmed ‘It’s just oozing with history – and I can see where JK Rowling got her inspiration for Harry Potter’
‘You have some great dive bars’ grinned Drake ‘and the whiskey…’ he rolled his eyes ‘I’m in heaven’
‘This is a lovely place’ Bastien waved around at the plush surroundings – notably the ceiling covered in decorative cherry blossoms, the marble bar and dark wood tables, low walled booths upholstered with padded leather, the pillars covered with mosaic mirrors, the bright modern lighting.
‘It’s rather special’ Erin smiled, and looked thoughtful for a moment ‘I don’t know what you’re used to, but there’s no table service here - you need to go to the bar to order drinks’
‘Oh, I see - I’ll get the next round’ Bastien offered ‘What do you want, ladies?’ Sophia was looking at the cocktail menu, perplexed, but Erin was ready  
‘I’ll have a glass of Chardonnay please, Bastien’ He nodded and turned to Sophia
‘There’s far too much choice’ she said ‘I’ll have a glass of prosecco, that shouldn’t be too challenging’
‘Sophia honey, you need to live a little!’ cried Riley ‘Bastien may have to work tomorrow, but the rest of us are as free as birds, it’s the weekend’ She nudged her ‘I’ll choose for you, darling’
‘Really, I’ve already had champagne and whiskey’ she protested ‘and I hate hangovers, they’re such a waste of time’ She looked at the list again. Bastien was beginning to realise that Sophia was often overwhelmed when given a choice – the menu at the restaurant had been too much for her as well.
‘Have an old fashioned’ Bastien suggested ‘That’s whiskey based, but with soda so it’s a longer drink’
‘I’ll have a Manhatten’ grinned Riley
‘You should try a Gentleman’s Agreement, that’s whiskey based’ Sean piped up ‘I tried it first time I brought Erin here. It’s the best I’ve ever tasted’
‘It was our first date’ she smiled, squeezing his hand.
‘Thank you Sean, I like the name’ Bastien responded. ‘Does that sound good to you?’ he asked Drake, who nodded enthusiastically, and Bastien rose from his seat ‘I’ll be back shortly’ Sophia shifted toward the end of the leather upholstered bench.
‘I just need to go to the Ladies’ she said ‘Where is it, Erin?’
‘It’s past the bar to the right’ she replied, and Sophia made her way past the bar to find the bathroom.  She soon came back out to see Bastien still at the bar, waiting for his order. She was about to make her way over to help him carry the drinks back to their table, when she heard a familiar male voice that froze her in her tracks, hair on the back of her neck prickling.
‘Sophia? Sophia, is that you?’
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cross-poison · 4 years
A Glitch in the Programming (human!Ultron x Reader) Part 5
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WORDS: 1.1k || WARNINGS: None
A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this one posted. Enjoy some Ultron content!
By the next morning, you’d made peace with the idea you were going to have to spend more time around Ultron than you originally would have liked. You downed your coffee on the drive to the compound, parked in your usual spot, and skipped the walk through the hub in favor of turning down the hallway to the surveillance room.
You couldn’t stomach the idea of talking to Lee and Joanne this morning and being subjected to dozens of questions even you didn’t have the answers to yet. As you passed surveillance rooms one through four, you saw the familiar shape of Tony Stark in the hallway just ahead, shutting the door to room five behind him.
“You’re here. Great. Ready for day one?
You nodded determinedly and Mr. Stark gave you a wary half-smile. 
“Today’s a piece of cake. All you have to do is get to know him. Talk about your life and your family and your interests and keep him company… there will be a guard stationed outside the door at all times, so if anything goes awry all you need to do is yell. That and… the security cameras will pick up on any funny business. Got it?”
“Got it.”
He opened the door for you and let you step into the control room. “And feel free to step out if you need a breather. He can be a little… much to handle in large doses.”
You gave one final nod in his direction as the door slipped shut behind you and you were once again left alone in a room with Ultron, with nothing but the glass window shielding you.
“They told me you’d be coming back this morning,” he drawled from his bed in the corner. He held some sort of magazine in his hands, and he flipped through a few more pages without giving you the entirety of his attention, “Told me I should ‘play nice’ and all that. I think that’s pretty dull… however, if you prefer all the meaningless pleasantries and all that, then by all means--” He rolled onto his side and set the magazine on the floor, propping his chin up on his palm. “The weather’s nice.”
“Actually, it’s pouring rain.”
Ultron cocked an eyebrow. “Is it? Ah.. I wouldn’t know. I thought wearing thicker coats and water on your collar was a new fashion trend.”
His humor earned him a single laugh as you took a seat in the control room’s chair. “They give you something to read?” you asked, gesturing to the discarded magazine at his bedside.
Ultron followed your gaze to it, then back to you. “It’s a bit outdated, but yes. Apparently, they thought I’d enjoy learning about outdoor activities while in confinement. ‘Today is a great day to try rock climbing’, they say,” he read from the headline of one of the magazine’s pages. Again, his steely gaze returned to you. “What do you say? You gonna try rock climbing in rain boots when you’re off-duty?”
You hid your smile behind your sleeve and faked a cough into it. “Unfortunately, I’ve got other things to take care of this evening.”
Ultron rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. “Yeah? Like what?”
Tony’s instructions came to mind. Talk about your family and your interests. “I was planning on giving my mom a call,” you started slowly, “She lives up in Maine… Augusta, to be exact, so I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like.”
Ultron grunted from the other side of the glass.
“She stays home a lot these days… she’s recently taken up baking, so there’s always a pie or some other kind of baked goods being sent to me,” you couldn’t help but laugh softly to yourself at the idea. Just last week, you’d been sent a box of delicious brownies! They sure didn’t last long. “After that, I’m probably just going to pop open a bottle of wine and watch a movie or two on the couch.”
“You consider yourself a big movie fan?” asked Ultron.
“I guess. I haven’t watched all of the classics, but it’s a good way to pass the time. Not that you’ve had much time for it with all the fugitive-on-the-run business and all, but how about you?”
“I’m rather enthralled by the concept of the one called Jurassic Park. All the… playing god and disturbing the natural balance of things. ‘Life will not be contained’. I like that.”
“Why am I not surprised.”
Ultron chuckled and finally sat upright in order to face you. “You shouldn’t be. As in-your-face as the action is… the dinosaurs aren’t even the main antagonist of the film. Can you figure what is?”
He snapped his fingers. “Spot-on. It’s the arrogance of those in power who refuse to wield it with care… people get hurt--=people die because of their lack of forethought.”
“I’m starting to think you’re treating this like a metaphor,” you answered.
“You catch on quick.”
Play nice, you reminded yourself, managing to bite back a confrontational reply. You weren’t here to defend the Avengers--you were here to befriend one of their worst enemies. So instead you smiled bitterly and folded your arms. “Right.”
Ultron lifted a hand, pressing the back of his thumb against the bridge of his nose thoughtfully. “... Although Jurassic Park is an… exceptional film, I can’t say it’s the only one I’ve been able to enjoy.”
Alright. You’ll bite. “Oh yeah? What else, then?”
“... Star Wars. Although unrealistic in the grand scheme of things, I’m not one to strictly oppose mindless fun. Blowing up planets… laser battles… Do you think a lightsaber could cut through vibranium?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle-=-what an odd change of pace.
“My only lament is not being able to finish them. I was able to watch the first three, and then episode IV, but I was found before I could complete-=-”
“Wait, did you… watch the prequels first?”
“Are you not supposed to?”
“Not if you don’t want one of the biggest plot twists in cinematic history to be spoiled for you!”
Ultron cracked a genuine smile. “I am one of the smartest existing intelligence programs in the world, and you don’t believe I could have predicted that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father…?”
“You didn’t even realize that prequels are intended to be watched after the originals!”
He fixed you with a quizzical look for a pause… then, “Fair play… but! They’re still referred to as episodes one through three, are they not? Prequels or not, I don’t typically begin watching a series of anything at episode four!”
A laugh escaped your throat and you found yourself shaking your head. Against your better judgement, you couldn’t help but enjoy your banter back and forth with the prisoner before you. There was something oddly… charming about it. As much as you hated to admit it, there was something oddly charming about him.
Maybe Mr. Stark was right… maybe this would be a piece of cake after all.
Tags: @sovereign-of-succ 
AO3 Link: HERE
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pandawritespoorly · 5 years
With Time: Chapter 8 - The Revealer
Author’s Note: Here we go! An honesty akuma, which was one of things I thought of when this story could barely be considered a story. It's weird to be here, the timeline I've got planned for this story moved faster than I expected. The reference slide for the akuma can be found here!
Anyways, this is the beginning of... a lot. Buckle up buttercups, this is going to be fun!
Chapter Summary: Claude begins scheming. Ladybug and Chat Noir deal with an honesty akuma.
First | Previous | Next
Marinette’s phone dings on her desk as her friends classmates are standing to go. She crosses her room to pick it up, glancing at the screen, “Oh hey, Adrien got his phone back! He says that he wanted to let us all know that he got into Concours d'arts musicaux!” She starts tapping at the screen, probably sending a congratulatory reply, “Isn’t that great?!”
Allegra smacks her palm against her forehead, “ That’s what I forgot to tell you guys! I don’t know how I forgot. I got in too!”
“You did? That’s wonderful, Allegra!” Marinette gives the taller girl an excited hug. 
“Yay! I’m jealous you two will get to spend a bunch of time together though, don’t forget the rest of us when you guys become stars!” Claude joins in the hug, pouting slightly.
“As if you’d let me forget you.” 
“That’s great Al’, do you know when it is yet?” Allan gives her a hug too.
“No, but it won’t be for another few months.” 
“Congratulations, Allegra!” Felix stands off to the side giving her a smile that she probably can’t see. Claude grabs him by the shirt and pulls him into the hug.
“There is no escaping a group hug, my friend!”
Felix sighs, accepting his fate for a moment and joining their hug before pulling away and straightening himself out. The other four break apart too.
“I’m so happy for you!” Claude is shaking in excitement.
Allegra shakes her head, smiling, “Claude, it hasn’t even happened yet.”
Eventually they do manage to get downstairs. As they say their goodbyes, Claude holds up his hands, “Wait!”
“What is it Claude?” Felix and the rest turn back to him. Marinette pauses in closing the door, looking at him questioningly.
“I have forgotten my textbook in Marinette’s room!”
“Oh, you can come back up and get it then.” Marinette opens up the door to let him back in. He races in.
“Do ya’ w-” Allan starts to shout after him before Claude calls down.
“No need to wait for me! You may go on without me, my pals!”
Allan shrugs, “That answers that question then.” He waves, “Bye ‘Nette!” The three turn and walk back to their respective homes.
Marinette shuts the door and exhales heavily, allowing the smile to fall from her face for one of the first times that day. That is, of course, until she hears Claude bounding back downstairs. At that, she fixes the look back onto her face, turning to greet him.
“Find it okay?”
“Yep!” He holds it up triumphantly.
She opens the door for him, “That’s a relief.”
He smiles at her, “Thanks for having us over again, Mari. It’s fun.”
She shrugs it off, “It’s no big deal-”
“We really enjoy hanging out with you, ya’ know.”
If Marinette had allowed herself to imagine him saying anything of the sort before, she may have reacted differently. However, as it was, she considered such a statement completely unrealistic and her surprise showed. She’d honed her acting skills in recent weeks though, so she was able to recover quickly, “Aw, you guys are sweet. It was nice having you over, goodnight Claude.”
Claude smiled at her, giving her a quick hug - seemingly on impulse - as he skipped out the door, “Goodnight Marinette!”
She shut the door, and as she did, his smile faded. He didn’t want to worry her - thank his wonderful acting skills for allowing him to pull that off - but she sounded more than just surprised by his simple statement - which would have been concerning enough on its own. She seemed completely caught off-guard, shocked - astonished even - and though he thought he’d noticed some hopefulness, it had gotten crushed immediately. The pig-tailed girl had better acting skills than he would have given her credit for, making him think through some things he’d filed away in the back of his mind as ‘off’ about her before. By the time he arrived home, he’d come some rather concerning and alarming conclusions. Pulling out his phone, he started putting a plan together.
He wouldn’t allow this to continue.
Marinette had actually gotten a reasonable amount of sleep when she woke up the next day. She’d slept in a little, which was a nice and surprising rarity. Checking her phone, she sees Claude’s usual good morning text.
Directly above it is an akuma alert. Darn it.
A type five too, fun . It could take a while, so she decides to quickly scribble a note to her parents that she would be out today in case they came up to her room. Saturdays can be pretty busy, but type fives are pretty annoying, and she didn’t want them to worry. Better safe than sorry.
Turning to her desk, she found her Kwami, still resting,“Hey, Tikki, you up?”
“I am now. What is it, Marinette?” the little Goddess sat up, looking to her chosen.
“There’s an akuma - type 5.”
“Okay, let’s go de-evilize it!” She floated up to be at eye-level as Marinette spoke the words.
“Tikki, spots on!”
Feeling the magic wrap around her, Ladybug takes a moment to prepare herself to go against another akuma. It is her job, yes, but keeping up the act when she is in front of a few people is very different than all of Paris. Not to mention the added stress of magical monsters and probably Alya. 
She hasn’t spoken to her as Ladybug since before… that Thursday. As Marinette, not since she left.
She exhales deeply. Ladybug doesn’t have time for this, not with a type five on the loose. Shoving everything deep back down where it belongs, she hops out of the bedroom. Swinging in the direction of the akuma, she focuses on getting her mind back together. It is a little ways away, so she has time. 
Ladybug is definitely approaching the akuma now. She can see plenty of citizens out on the streets. They look pained, and a few are speaking rapidly, many are crying. Others look upset or surprised at the very least. One couple seems to be in the midst of an impromptu proposal… interesting timing?
“Ladybug! Over here!”
Ladybug lets out a genuine smile for a moment at her partner. He’s one of her favorite people, and- no focus. If you can’t even stay on task you don’t deserve your miraculous. Quit smiling you moron.
She lands beside Chat Noir, “Sorry I’m late. Last time I’ll let myself sleep in.”
“I get that feeling. You let yourself get a few extra moments of well-deserved beauty sleep and Hawkmoth slaps you across the face with a dose of evil butterfly magic.”
“Heh. You been here much longer than me? Anything on the akuma?” Joking with her friend partner was something she didn’t earn today. She’d already treated herself to a few extra moments of sleep anyways. Time to actually do your job you airhead.
“Yeah, it’s going to be risky for us. We should really try to avoid getting hit…” Chat takes a moment to survey the area, making sure the akuma isn’t going to sneak up on the duo. She gives him a quizzical look before he continues, “It’s an honesty based akuma. She’s got two abilities. She can hit her gavel, which lets out a wave - if you get hit, it’ll slow you down- all of this is from observation. Don’t worry, she hasn’t seen me yet. Anyways, what we got to really look out for is when she throws her gavel - or the other circle-thing. If someone gets hit by either of them, they spill their guts. Seriously, these people just, like, let it go. It looks like you can hold it off for a little, but it looks painful? I’m not sure. I think people’ll tell more if someone asks them a question.”
“Yeah, okay we definitely need to be careful. Our secret identities are on the line.” Stupid, he already knew that.  
Chat Noir nods, bowing, “Shall we?”
Ladybug scoffs, taking a few steps before leaping off the roof heading towards the akuma that has wandered a few blocks away. Her partner follows behind her dutifully.
Ladybug finally laid eyes on the victim. She has long hair and is dressed like Lady Justice but without the scales and sword. In place of the blindfold she has glasses. Her wrists are wrapped in thick, heavy chains, which trail behind her on the ground, ending in a ball, her ankles similarly have a weighty pair of ball and chains cuffed to them. Despite the burden, she moves quickly and purposefully, holding her arms aloft as she wanders the streets. In her hands she holds a gavel and a circular wooden sound block. Ladybug observes her for a moment longer, waiting to see her abilities in use. 
She doesn’t have to wait long, soon enough the akuma hit the gavel to the sound block several times, releasing blue crescent shaped waves that rush out towards the people closest to her. Some get out of the way in time - others not so much. They slow considerably, and one unlucky soul gets hit by two and could probably end up losing a race to a snail.
Ladybug decides she’d done enough surveillance. She quickly puts herself ahead of the akuma, but stays on the roof. She shoots out her yo-yo, and as much it would be nice to wrap-up this akuma quickly (Chat would have liked that pun), she knows better. Type fives are never quick, and never easy. So while she is aiming to have her yo-yo wrap around the woman, she mostly wants the akuma’s attention. Knowing their goals and views on their task often helps to defeat them,
The akuma notices the weapon immediately, hitting it back with her gavel. 
“Ladybug! Chat Noir! So you’ve finally decided to show up, huh? I am The Revealer, I was hurt by the truth being kept from me, so I’m going to make sure no important truths are kept from anyone! All secrets must be revealed, including yours!” She punctuates the statement by throwing each of the objects in her hands at the superpowered pair.
Ladybug steps out of the way, and Chat bats the one aimed at him away with his baton, “Thank you for the exposition, but I’m afraid some secrets are meant to stay that way. Purr -haps you could encourage good communication instead?”
“No! Lies will persist without my intervention.”
“I can agree with you there - no one like a liar.” Ladybug really sympathizes with this woman, she knows firsthand the pain lies can bring about, “But forcing people to tell the truth in this way could hurt more people than it will help.”
“If they lied,” the akuma bangs her gavel a few times, before throwing it and the block again - summoning new ones to replace them, “then they deserve any pain this brings about!”
The gavel hits a man walking with one of his friends. He immediately collapses - much to the concern of the friend. They drop to his side, and evidently hear many surprising and upsetting things. They pull out their phone, dialing a number before speaking rapidly both to the person on the other end and to the man when he snaps out of it. Grabbing their friend’s wrist, the pair hurry away.
Many similar scenes are playing out all over - Ladybug can hear the yelling of a woman who was cheated on and crying from various others. The akuma is blind to the hurt around her and continues throwing things. 
“Ladybug! Chat Noir!” The Revealer has focused back on the heroes, “Paris demands to know the identity of the so-called heroes protecting them. How can we trust those that we know nothing about?!”
Dodging the projectiles, Ladybug calls back, “It is for our own safety that our identities are secret. We get the job done, that’s all you need to know.” She hooks her yo-yo above her, swinging to get behind the akuma.
“Even we don’t know each other’s identities.”  Chat chimes in as he ducks beneath the gavel aimed at his forehead. “ Purr -tty sure that how superhero-ing works.”
The gavel keeps flying and hits someone standing nearby, “Babe! You good?”
Ladybug freezes - only her momentum keeps her moving - she knows that voice, even if she hasn’t heard in weeks. Nino .
Nino. Which means… if he’s talking to someone here - at an akuma attack - someone he called ‘babe’ then that could only mean…
She recovers, turning her head to the voice, and seeing him, and on the ground near him is Alya. She’s clutching at her chest and speaking rapidly. The heroine hears ‘Ladyblog’, ‘not good enough’, and ‘jealous of my best friend’, but can’t make out much more. The last statement throws her for a loop. Jealous of her best friend? She hasn’t seen Marinette in weeks, what is there to be jea-
Nevermind, she gets it now.
Stupid girl. Why would anyone be jealous of you ? You’re just some fool playing superhero until they find someone better. You’re not anyone’s best friend because no one would want to spend time - Wait hadn’t Claude said-
A crescent wave goes right past her face, snapping her out of her thoughts. Turning to Nino and (the now-recovered) Alya she says, “Get out of here. It’s dangerous.”
Alya is holding her phone, still recording, “Girl, I’m fine, I already got hit anyways and this isn’t live so nothing important can get out.” she looks to Ladybug, winking, “Unless you need some back-up?” She and Nino turn to her, smiling eagerly.
Ladybug stiffens slightly, though the pair don’t notice. Someone else does though, “She’s right. You two need to get out of here.” Chat blocks another gavel with his baton as he lands near them. Ladybug recovers, nodding in agreement before swinging back into the battle.
“Finally see sense? Have you decided to let Paris see your truths?”
“Sorry ma’am, but Chat and I have good reasons for the lies we tell.” Do you though? Not all your lies are about your Ladybug identity. Sometimes you just lie because you want to, sounds like someone else you know… 
“I doubt that! You don’t feel the weight of your lies on your chest! You need me to show you just how wrong you are! Without me, how are you going to know all that you’ve done wrong? How will you make things better?! For that you need the truth!”
Ladybug scoffs quietly, muttering under her breath, “Ha! Joke’s on you lady, I already know that I’ve messed up big time! There is no righting my wrongs - truth won’t help me.” She’s quiet, and distracted with blocking more attacks. She misses how her partner’s fake ears twitch before he shoots a confused and concerned glance her way.
The Revealer hits her gavel several times, spinning in a circle and sending the glowing crescents everywhere. Ladybug returns to the rooftops and Chat Noir isn’t far behind. Seeing the heroes are out of her range, the victim moves on to reach more areas.
“Uh, Ladybug, you good?” “What?” Ladybug hears concern in his voice and her stress sky-rockets, what did she do?
“I just, uh, thought I heard you say something…? I thought maybe I should check on you…” He cocks his head, green eyes looking at her patiently.
You know the rules. You’ve memorized the rules. The rules are there for good reason and you can’t even follow them correctly.
She’s memorized the rules, and she knows them by heart and could recite them top to bottom, left to right, and she knows the last one well. It’s one of the more important ones, with them now numbered it’s #11.
  Rule #11: Adrien, Claude, Allegra, Allan, and Felix have been nice enough to put up with you, don’t make them regret it.
 It’s since been edited to include her partner, because unlike those she originally mentioned, he doesn’t even have a choice. His obligation to Paris requires him to put up with her idiocy on a near daily basis.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid you brainless numbskull. You’ve broken one of the rules, he’s worried about you now. For absolutely no reason. Fix this - now.
“Oh no, I’m fine kitty.” She puts on her most convincing smile, and pumps her voice with false sweetness and happiness that she doesn’t feel, “I think I just needed some more rest, that’s all!”
He keeps looking at her,”Are you sure? If something’s wrong…?”
“No, nothing’s wrong! I just need to be sure to get proper rest today, that’s all!”
He smiles at her weakly, “Alright, if you say so…”
“Mhm! Now, lets go get that akuma!”
The duo swings toward the direction they last saw the akuma head in. Ladybug’s thoughts trail behind her as she goes.
Stupid stupid stupid stupidstupidstupidstupidfailure…
It was just past noon, and they’d been at this for well over three hours and had gone through several Lucky Charms. Nothing seemed to be working, and it was hard to concentrate on setting up a trap for her when she was set on hitting them over the head with a gavel, or playing a painful game of frisbee with the sounding blocks, not to mention all the close calls with being slowed by a neon crescent wave.
“Maybe we should take a lunch break…” Chat has his hand on his knees, breathing heavily. They’re both tired, and have lost the akuma again.
Ladybug is about to protest - they need to do their job - but looking at her partner, doubled over and clearly overworked, she realizes he certainly deserves a break. He’s worked hard today, not to mention that she’d worried him earlier.
“Yeah, maybe we should. You certainly deserve one - be sure to eat something. Maybe check in with some people so they don’t wonder where you’ve been all day.”
“Bug, you deserve one too. We both have been at this all day. Besides, you must be tired out from being so radiant all day long.” He winks at her.
She huffs, folding her arms and turning away so he doesn’t see her blush. She is blushing from the compliment thank-you-very-much. She certainly doesn’t have any sort of crush on her partner. That would be unprofessional. She has a crush on Adrien and only Adrien . Not Chat Noir too - nope, no way.
“Farewell, my lady, enjoy your break!” Chat waves goodbye as he leaps away.
“Same to you, mon minou!” Ladybug heads in another direction, swinging from roof to roof until she lands on a familiar balcony.
“Tikki, spots off!” The Kwami in question shoots out of her earrings. Tikki waves tiredly at her as she floats down to presumably rest somewhere inside. She certainly deserves it - Marinette spent most of today transformed, with only a few very short breaks.
The tired and overworked girl flops onto her bed as soon as she’s inside. She wants to sleep, but her body refuses to shut down. Maybe it’s because she hasn’t eaten at all today. She’s fairly certain there’s leftovers in the fridge if she wanted them, but stairs seem like so much effort after hours of rooftop parkour. Her leg muscles are done with movement for now.
Her phone dings. Checking the screen she realizes that her friends have been messaging quite a bit while she was out, and there’s several messages asking about her. That’s right, she never responded to the good morning text from Claude - they’re probably worried now, good going.
  Kid Mime: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Good morning my stars!!! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
  Felix: Good morning, Claude.
  Melodie: It’s too early to be up do you wake up early just to send a text?
Melodie: I know you’re not a morning person how do you do it?
  Kid Mime: i’ll never tell
Kid Mime: my secrets shall remain that way for all of eternity
Kid Mime: i’m taking them to the grave
  The Mom Friend: youd better not be heading there any time soon
  Kid Mime: i dont plan on it
Kid Mime: whats this??!! Kid Mime: Allan isnt the last one up!
Kid Mime: this is almost unheard of!
  The Mom Friend: im not?
  Kid Mime: nope, Maris been quiet so far
  The Mom Friend: huh
  Felix: Perhaps she is sleeping in. She likely needs the rest.
  The Mom Friend: that she does
  Kid Mime: also unheard of! Today is a day of surprises!
  Melodie: Marinette honey I hope we don’t wake you up.
  Felix: I am fairly certain that we won’t. She may just have her phone off, or maybe it isn’t near her bed.
  Kid Mime: maybe shes talking with adrien. I still wnat his number especialy now he has phone back
  Melodie: How did he lose it again?
  Kid Mime: i dunno
  Felix: If I recall correctly, he did not perform as well as expected on a photoshoot, so his father decided to remove distractions, I believe he was pulled out of school for some time as well.
  The Mom Friend: translation his dad sucks
  Kid Mime: translatin allan is totally going to kidnap adiren
  The Mom Friend: no I won’t
The Mom Friend: … not yet at least
  Melodie: I’m in
  Felix: You are all terrible influences on each other.
  Kid Mime: u loooooveeee us!!!! :))
  Felix: …
Felix: … 
Felix: I do.
  Kid Mime: YAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!
The Mom Friend: awww
  Melodie: You’re all adorable.
  Kid Mime: u no who els is adorable????
  The Mom Friend: marinette!
  Kid Mime: ding ding ding!
Kid Mime: where is are favorite fabulous fashionista??? Kid Mime: i miss herrrrrrrrr
Kid Mime: :(((((
Kid Mime D:
  Felix: You just saw her yesterday.
  Kid Mime: but i stil miss her
  Melodie: Oh got to go for a moment.
Melodie: I’ll be back eventually
  The Mom Friend: careful theres a akuma out
  Melodie: I will!
  The Mom Friend: you better
  Kid Mime: maybe she’s been kidnapped!!! Kid Mime: we must find her
  The Mom Friend: im sure shes good
The Mom Friend: jus getting wel deserved rest
  Head Searcher: the hunt is on!!!
Head Searcher: she wil be found!!!
  The Mom Friend: fe’ i can hear u sighing from across paris
  Felix: Indeed.
Felix: Claude, it is very unlikely she has been kidnapped.
Felix: I agree with Allan’s guess.
  Also Head Searcher: wat’s that Felix?
  Felix: Nevermind.
  Head Searcher: never fear! our cool, cute, and creative companion will be saved fromthe clutches of evil
  Also Head Searcher: nice job with the alliteration
Also Head Searcher: ur on a roll today
  Head Searcher: thx
  Felix: The worst part is that I am unsure whether  Allegra would be another voice of reason or if she would join in on your nonsense.
  Melodie: What?
Melodie: Oh, hmmmm…
  Head Searcher: do it do it do it!!!!
 Marinette smiles as she finishes reading the texts she missed. She hates to have worried them, but they seem to think she just slept in so they’re fine. Deciding that she shouldn’t leave them hanging any longer, she hops into the fray.
  Patisserie Princess: hi!
Patisserie Princess: im ok guys!
  Melodie: Hi!!
  Felix: As I said.
Felix: Good afternoon, Marinette:
  Kid Mime: YAYYYY!!!!
Kid Mime: (つ・▽・)つ⊂(・▽・⊂)
Kid Mime: (つ≧▽≦)つ⊂(・ヮ・⊂)
  The Mom Friend: u get some rest mari?
The Mom Friend: its past noon
  Patisserie Princess: nah, i didnt sleep in much
Patisserie Princess: just lost my phone
 Lies. They deserve better than that, they deserve someone who can be honest.
  Kid Mime: u should sleep some! U deserve it!
  Patisserie Princess: thx, but i’ve got to go again
  Kid Mime: noooooooooooooooo
  The Mom Friend: take care of urself
  Melodie: Yes, please do. Have fun with whatever you’re up to.
  Felix: Farewell, Marinette.
  Kid Mime: buh-bye!
  Patisserie Princess: ( ・ω・)ノ
 Marinette sighs, putting her phone down. Her smile fades eventually as she just stares at the ceiling for a while, thinking of nothing in particular.
After some time she exhales sharply and sits up. Sticking her head over the side of her bed she says, “Tikki, are you up? I think it’s about time we get back to that akuma!”
“Really? That was quick… alright Marinette, let’s go!”
“Tikki, spots on!”
 Adrien is halfway done with his lunch when his monitor dings. He’s been eating at his computer, keeping tabs on the akuma. Plagg is sitting on the desk, munching on some camembert.
Clicking on the link, he sees that above the footage added this morning, Alya has added a quick clip to the front of the Ladyblog, “What’s up Ladybloggers? Alya here! After what was presumably a break for the heroine, Ladybug is back!” The camera turns around, showing a red and black spotted girl leaping across the rooftops. Alya continues with the commentary as she follows, “One question that remains on most everyone’s mind is where is the back-up lately? I know I for one would love to see Rena Rouge or Carapace out in the thick of it! Anyways, due to the nature of this akuma, I will not be filming this live. Alya out!”
Adrien closes the tab, turning to Plagg, so had been watching with him, “Plagg, I’ve got to go! Ladybug is out there again, she needs me!”
“Sheesh kid, does your partner have any chill?” “This is serious Plagg!”
“So is your health! The two of you have been at this all day and have only been on break for an hour! You haven’t even finished your food!”
“But Plagg-”
“No. Adrien, you need to at least finish eating before you head back out there. And don’t just stuff your mouth, you’re going to be moving a lot. Can’t be much help if you make yourself sick.”
At Adrien’s doubtful look the cat continues, “Besides, you two have very different personalities. Cats are lazier, and rest more. Bugs are constantly buzzing around, you two are there to balance each-other out. Too much of either mindset would be bad.” he stuffs some camembert into his mouth, swallowing before he adds - almost as an afterthought, “Never leave a Bug and a Bee together on a project - they’ll work themselves to death.”
Adrien sighs, Plagg is right - he won’t be much use if he rushes out now. His Lady must just eat quickly, “Fine. But I’m only staying here another half-hour; 45 minutes tops!”
He resumes eating, albeit at a slightly faster pace.
“Fine by me, kitten.”
Despite the break, it’s been another six hours and the akuma is still around. People are starting to get upset, I know, I know, I need to do my job better - be better, please stop yelling at me.
Chat seems to be similarly over tired, having coming awfully close to snapping at a few people. She really needs to step up her game.
They’ve finally tracked down the akuma again, and they drop in front of her, ready to finally end this. 
“Ladybug, Chat Noir, ready to admit defeat?”
“Nope.” Chat’s tone is clipped - he dropped the puns and bantering some hours ago.
“That’s a shame, it would make this so much easier!” More hits of the gavel before she tosses the items out of her hands again. It’s a formula they’re well-adjusted to by now and they dodge the projectiles tiredly. Ladybug swings behind The Revealer to be opposite Chat. When it looks like she’s distracted by the feline hero, Ladybug shoots her yo-yo out, aiming to restrain her arms to keep more projectiles from being thrown.
The spotted weapon has almost reached its mark when the akuma turns suddenly, holding her gavel out where the yo-yo is headed. The string makes contact and loops around several times.
The woman grins, letting it go.
If it had been earlier in the fight, or if Chat had been closer, or even if Ladybug had eaten or gotten more rest, maybe things would have been different, but as it was, when the yo-yo wrapped gavel came flying back at her, Ladybug’s reflexes are too slow to do much good. 
The wooden mallet makes contact and Ladybug is down.
Author’s Note: Should the attack have lasted this long? Probably not. Did I want to make them suffer through an all-day akuma attack? You bet! 
Foreshadowing? It was unintentional, but it's there.
A quick note on the music competition - I don't think I ever really explained it. Basically middle-school musicians tried out, and the winners get to practice regularly together to perform a concert in the spring. The concert will be hosted at a local school, but which one will it be? Hmm...
Once again,  the reference slide for The Revealer can be found here! I'm tempted to post early in honor of Halloween? Or a bonus chapter maybe? Mostly because it feels weird writing so far ahead of what I've posted. That said, I really have to keep myself on a more reasonable schedule when it comes to updating this. Eh, we'll see.
Thanks for reading, and constructive criticism is welcomed in the comments below!
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Ankle Biter
Summary: ​It’s Red’s turn to be de-aged. Luckily, Edge knows someone who has experience with babies.
Tags:  Pre-Spicyhoney, Pre-Relationship, De-Aged, Baby Bones, First Times
Notes: So, I have this weird not-really-a-series-but-it-is storyline of de-aged fics. This came to me last night at 3am, while I was well-dosed with cold medicine so do with that what you will. 
The stories are, in order:
A Little Edgy | A Lot Edgier | Keeping Elastic | A Bit of a Stretch
And now this one:
Read ‘Ankle Biter’ on AO3
Read it here!
It was close to noon when the pounding on the front door woke Stretch. Much too early to be dragging ass out of bed but whoever was exercising their fist on their door wasn’t taking ‘not home’ for an answer.
Stretch shuffled down the stairs, bathrobe hanging open over his shorts and T-shirt. He scrubbed at his dry sockets with the back of his hand, grumbling out, “yeah, yeah, keep your hair on.”
As it turned out, the knocker didn’t have any hair to cling to. Edge stood on the porch in that stiff posture of his that made Stretch wonder if he shoved a broomstick through his pelvis every morning to make sure his spine was level.
He hadn’t seen Edge in a few weeks; some shit was going down in Underfell, or that was the Fell bros’ excuse for skipping out on movie night. To have him showing up on their porch in the middle of the damn day meant things, probably none of them good.
In his arms was a bundle, wrapped up in Edge’s prized scarf. Before Stretch could even put together a ‘what the fuck’, Edge twitched aside the corner of the scarf to reveal a sleeping baby bones, one with suspiciously familiar bone structure
Stretch sighed and held open the door. Looked like his penance for skipping out on sentry duty made deliveries.
“whatever the fuck our science types are working on, they can stop anytime now,” Stretch grumbled. His own turn in short pants was still a sore point between him and Blue, his bro being torn between outright asking what was up and pretending it never happened. Just as well, Stretch wanted to talk about it again right around as much as he wanted to loan out a femur to the Dogi.
At least now they had baby clothes laying around. Red hadn't been happy about being changed into the panda outfit and Stretch nearly lost a finger to those baby shark teeth. Little bastard was quick, even when he was fun-size.
Luckily, Blue had a few cinnamon bunnies in the kitchen. Stretch was currently tearing off pieces and handing them to Red, watching in morbid fascination as he stuffed them into his sharp-toothed maw. How Red and Edge hadn’t accidentally bitten their own hands off as kids was a mystery for the ages.
Edge was still standing stiffly next to him and Stretch wondered idly if he’d forgotten to take out the broomstick this morning. Maybe that was what made Edge sound so surly when he snapped out, “Watch your language!”
That made Stretch blink. He played back everything he’d said recently in his head and came across a possible stumbling block. Disbelief was dripping from his voice as Stretch asked, “did you just tell me to not swear in front of your brother?”
To Stretch’s delight, a flush of red tinted Edge’s cheekbones, “He’s a baby.”
“your brother?” Stretch asked gleefully, handing another piece of cinnamon bunny to the brother in question. Red crammed it into his mouth, the pastry decimated instantly into mushy crumbs between those teeth. “i learned curses that left permanent scars on my soul from your brother.”
That blush heightened and truly, the heavens smiled down upon Stretch on this day. Edge didn’t give in, though, snapping out, “Not when he’s like that!”
“okay, okay, i’ll keep the rating to pg.” With the last bite of the bunny messily consumed, Stretch wiped Red’s face clean, neatly avoiding his snapping teeth. “all right, you little piranha, down you go.”
He plunked Red on the floor and sat crosslegged across from him, taking a quick picture of his scowling face with his little panda ears bobbling. Fucking adorable, all there was to it. That frown turned to glee when Stretch covered his own face with his hands, quickly peeking out to earn a chorus of happy baby burbling. Oh, yeah, he was a regular comedian for the one and under crowd.
Having Edge agree was unexpected. “You’re good with him.”
Stretch gave peekaboo a time out to send Edge a sour look. “thanks. i did manage with blue.”
But to his surprise, Edge shook his head. “No, Blue and I managed with you. You’re actually very good at this.”
A compliment from the Edgelord? Seemed like it was his turn to blush. Stretch rubbed at the back of his skull uncomfortably, mumbling out, “um, thanks.”
A little avoidance seemed to be in order. Stretch scooped up the baby, flopping on his back and dangling Red above him. The baby squealed happily, hands and legs flailing. Had Red ever been so happy in his actual childhood? Stretch had no way of knowing, but he had his doubts. He didn’t remember his own baby days, either time, but since Blue looked like he was gonna burst into tears anytime it came up, Stretch was guessing he wasn’t a bundle of sunshine as a kid.
He swore he heard bones creaking as Edge slowly lowered himself to the floor to sit by them. That broomstick was getting a workout today, for sure.
“babies are easy,” Stretch said, singsong, as Red crowed his happiness, “they pretty much stay where you put em and if they cry, you toss some food their way. at least we don’t have to worry about diapers.”
“Thank you for that mental image.” Edge hesitantly reached out to touch and hastily pulled his hand back when Red growled and snapped his teeth.
“nah, don’t poke his face. like this.” Stretch lowered Red to sit on his chest. With an effort, Stretch lifted his head from the floor, crossing his eye lights and sticking out his tongue with a loud, “plllllb!”
Red laughed in delight, slapping his tiny hands on Stretch’s rib cage with enough force to make him wince. “see? easy!”
“I’m sure being a fool is very easy for you.”
That made Stretch sit up with a scowl, setting Red back on the floor on his little bottom. “look, you asked for my help.”
But Edge looked a little melancholy, something almost wistful on his face as he said, “I did. And I appreciate it.”
Okay, yeah, it might be hard for someone like Edge to unwedge his broomstick enough for a little baby silliness. “there’s no one here. make a face for the baby.”
That scowl was not what Stretch had in mind. “I refuse to behave like a ridiculous—“
“c’mon,” Stretch coaxed. He made another silly face of his own and Red laughed gleefully. “see? he loves it!” The visible waver in Edge’s expression made him add with impulsive sincerity. “i won’t tell and i won’t tease. try it.”
Reluctantly, Edge pursed his mouth, crimson tongue slowly poking out and Edge blowing a raspberry was a sight that would stay with Stretch until the end of time.
More importantly, Red gave up the equivalent of a baby cackle and Edge smiled reluctantly.
“see! you’ve got some idiot in…you…” Stretch blinked, trailing off. Edge had turned towards him at the same moment Stretch leaned in and it left their faces entirely too close. Unwillingly, Stretch remembered that time in Underfell, Edge’s unexpected gentleness in the face of Stretch’s near panic at the nebulous memory of his childhood. Another brief moment of being too close and the temptation he’d felt then struck again, hastily shoved back as he had last time; it was a terrible idea, foolish and impulsive and it could only bring trouble.
Only Edge didn’t seem to have gotten the warning memo from his instincts because he leaned in and pressed their mouths together. Softly, almost chaste, a tender brush and Stretch pulled away with a gasp.
Something unreadable was glittering in Edge’s eye lights, open and vulnerable in a way he hadn’t even been when he was temporarily a baby bones himself.
“oh,” Stretch said, blankly. His own thoughts were a turmoil, what the fuck, this was…they didn’t….
“I’m sorry,” Edge said abruptly. That vulnerability was fading and it made something lurch painfully in Stretch’s soul. Edge started to stand, drawing away. But he didn’t fight when Stretch caught hold of his scarf, sinking back down as he was pulled into another kiss.
The scream of Stretch’s instincts was muffled by his soft groan as he deepened the kiss. Edge’s mouth was sweetly pliant beneath his, teeth parting, and those sharp teeth were easier to navigate like this, with equal parts care and tongue. The tang of his magic was a heady spice, his lax tongue coming slowly alive against Stretch’s and he cupped Edge’s jaw in one hand, swallowing his sigh and this was…oh, this was…
“if you two are about done, can someone get me my fucking pants?”
They jerked apart, heads turning as one to see a full-sized version of Red scowling at them. The remains of the panda pajamas were draped haphazardly over his bare pelvis, which left a horrifying amount of scarred bone on display.
Stretch cleared his throat, “i didn’t teach him that word.”
“No, I’m sure he’s known the word fuck since birth.” Edge’s brusqueness made Stretch’s soul sink, fuck, he’d known this was a stupid idea, he’dknown it.
Glumly, Stretch scooted back to sit on the couch, eye lights discreetly averted as Edge drew a pair of shorts from his inventory and handed them to his brother. He didn’t watch as Red scrambled into them, muttering increasingly foul curses beneath his breath as he accepted shirt, shoes, and jacket as well.
Only when a pair of untied sneakers appeared in his line of vision did Stretch look up again.
Red lit a cigar, exhaling a foul cloud of smoke even as he smirked. “welp, thanks for looking after me, honey bun. if it ever happens again, don’t think babysittin’ requires that much inspecting my bro’s tonsils.”
Not much Stretch could say to that. From Red’s viciously sharp grin, he knew it; it wasn’t even worth pointing out that they didn’t have tonsils. Stretch managed a mute nod and Red wandered off in the direction of the door. He didn’t wait, heading out into the snow even as Edge hesitated by the sofa.
“Thank you for your help,” Edge said stiffly and Stretch almost choked on a bitter laugh. Broomstick firmly back in place, check, and now seemed like a great time to head over to Muffet’s, get an early start in honey-laced denial.
Only the gentle touch of fingertips against his cheekbone made him startle, involuntarily looking up.
Those crimson eye lights weren’t as open as they’d been only moments before, but it was a close thing. “I’ll see you at the next movie night?”
“um, yeah, sure,” Stretch said dumbly. Those fingertips lingered, the touch firming, holding him still as Edge seemed to come to a decision. He swooped down like a damn bat, making Stretch jerk, but the soft brush of Edge’s mouth against his own again stilled him. Too brief by far and he was gone just as quickly, following his brother out with a quiet click of a closing door.
Stretch exhaled slowly, touched his mouth with trembling fingertips. How was it, he wondered distantly, that all of them were somehow getting turned into baby bones for a day but the only mystery Stretch cared about came from a kiss?
Suddenly, he was a lot more interested in watching ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ this weekend than he’d been a few hours ago. Stretch got to his feet, gathering up the shredded panda jammies and dusting cinnamon bunny crumbs off the table to disappear into the carpet.
Time to get dressed and head out to the last half of sentry duty for a nap. And if Stretch’s thoughts wandered back occasionally to the memory of a kiss, well, hey, his bro could be proud, right?
At least he was trying to solve a puzzle.
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