#HE MAKES HER LAUGH!!!!!!!!! agh.
lumiereandcogsworth · 3 months
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i love you
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obxsprincess · 4 months
Just Luke shoving your head into the pillows while he moans the filthiest words in your ear (someone take my phone away)
yesyesyes especially when he’s brat taming !!
——— ⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆
he watches you spring into another cabin boys arms after winning capture the flag, your hair all messy, giggling n laughing like a sweet perfect fool. his sweet, perfect fool. you looked so pretty. n luke knew the tall, asshole of a guy was thinking the same thing
he wasn’t ‘fuckin having it’
“I get, ya’ were just being friendly, princess. but that fuckers not thinking like that.” his hot breath fans the back of your neck, n you’d believe he was mad at you when he drops you onto your bed, all greedy n mean as he sucks hickeys all over your pretty tits
“agh b-ut luke, he was on my team n’ he helped us win-” his brown eyes furrow in annoyance, finally looking up. leaving your pebbled nipple glossy n achy from his salvia
“so you want to repay him? is that the fuckin case, cause he got the flag you want him sucking on these pretty tits mhm?” oh he is mad :(
“n-no I didn’t say tha-” you frown at the oh-so familiar tingle in your tummy, his hands moving lower and lower…
“nah it’s ok baby, wanted some time with my favorite girl anyways. just shush n’ let me give her some…attention”
you didn’t think he meant your pussy when he said his favorite girl :( n his way of shushing was shoving your face into your plushy, pink pillows. muffling your whines in the cotton things n your angelic whimpers when his cock slides into the warm, tight little fit of your gummy walls
“mhmm, fuck-fuck yeah, tightest little pussy I’ve ever felt. ahhhh fuck she grips me so good.” he’s moaning into your dizzy ear like he’s married to your pussy and your merely their for the ride “don’t she baby?” he coos
“l-luke auh! m’here too!” tears of salty jealousy brush your lash line ??
“f-fuck, shush princess. why can’t you be as good as this sweet little cunt? she’d never fuckkk let another dick inside of her.”
your mascara stains the pillow cases as you try to wiggle, clenching around his so tightly cause this is supposed to be about you!! n the angles so deep!! but his pounding thrusts made you forget all bratty sense. now he was just rubbing it in, groaning n moaning all over your flustered skin
“pretty pussy knows only I make you feel this good,”
“your” thrust “fuckin” thrust “mine” finally he was talking to you again!!
”m’ all yours l-luke! g-gonna mphmm! cum!” your squeals encourage his hips to snap against your soft ass even faster. his balls slapping against you shushing you even more than the fluffy pillows
“goddd I’m cumming inside my girl tonight, you thrust deserve it. this- fuck your dripping— pussys mine too right, ma?”
——— ⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆
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darkenedurge · 7 months
𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐭.
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CONTENT : Fem/Elf Tav | Subby Rolan, but then he gets a little more confident muahaha | Tail Play | Heated Make-Outs | Messy Confession | Fingering (F Receiving) | P in V Sex | Rip Lorroakan (fuck that bitch) | Creampiiieee 🥧 | Tiefling Tail Head-Canons (ofc)
A/N : i’ve been wanting to write rolan for so long idk why it took me forever but AGH here we are i <3 tieflings
Rolan's head is reeling. Thoughts, realisations, spinning within the cavern of his skull. Lorroakan, gone. And, he owes thanks yet again to his 'valiant' hero. To which, he raises his head – lips, parting to speak.
Yet, not even a breath escapes him – not before he's barrelling backward into a bookshelf, hands grasping at his robes, and lips upon his own. Her lips. The lips he'd dreamed of for so long, lips he'd yearned for – yet so painfully denied himself.
Her tongue isn't patient, as impatient as she, winding its way into his mouth with a soft noise of satisfaction. In turn, he whines, hands reaching to grapple at any part of her he could blindly reach – clawing at her hips, drawing her nearer.
She rolls her hips into his, arousal coiling within his abdomen, and he has to muster all that he has to break for air – instantaneous in his mourning at the loss of her lips, her taste.
"What are you.. doing..?" Is all he can manage, in a panted breath, a string of saliva still connecting them – his gaze, hazy with desire, as he peers at her through half-lidded eyes.
"Something I should've done a long time ago," She replies, blunt, simple. Her hand brushes a strand of hair back, away from his face, touch uncharacteristically gentle in comparison to what he'd just witnessed – "I really like you, Rolan."
He almost laughs. In fact, no, he does laugh – a small, quiet huff of amusement. "I think we've established that," He quips, snarky as ever, "But for what it's worth, I like you too. A lot."
A brief pause. His eyes dart from corner to corner. Flitting between bloodshed, books and..
Her companions are nowhere to be found. To that, he internally, mentally, breathes a loud, genuine sigh of relief. She notices, a coy smile playing at her lips, her fingers dipping beneath his robes – fingertips cold, against the harshness of his warmth, bumping over the ridges that decorated his skin. Rolan feels a shiver crawl up his spine, eyes fluttering to a momentary close, as a shaking, uneven breath ghosts past his lips.
“So, are we going to finish what we started?” Comes her voice, Gods her voice, once more – the words purred against his ear, her teeth grazing his skin. He’s unable to swallow the whimper that fights its way out, chest notably heaving, “My ears are s– ahh.. sensitive..”
She hums, hand seeking purchase in his underwear, but lingering just above the waistband – awaiting consent. “I assumed as much,” She murmurs, “Elven ears are only the same..”
“So, I’m your first tiefling?” He asks, voice dipping to a low, rasping hum, as he guides her hand to his cock – hips stuttering as her hand began teasing, languid strokes, thumb paying mind to the ridges that adorned his shaft – alongside bitterly teasing the tip with clear intent. He moans. Pitched, and unrestrained.
“First, and last.” Is her reply, brows knitted in concentration as she peers down at her own working hand, wrist expertly twisting, earning further, mewling whines from Rolan’s mouth.
Rolan’s own, fickle, fantasies paled in comparison to the reality that had now so graciously dawned upon him, his thighs tensing with every pump of her fist.
“So sensitive,” She muses, and his hands grapple for the bookshelf behind him, “I wonder if your tail is the same..”
“Don’t–!” Rolan gasps, but his fragile warning is cast upon deaf ears, her spare hand already pinching the tip of his tail between her thumb and forefinger. He yelps, spilling over her hand with trembling of his thighs.
“Oh,” Her tongue swipes over her fingers, before they sink into her mouth, tasting his seed – “Very sensitive.”
The after-shock of Rolan’s orgasm blurs his vision, whirls his head. So much so that he hardly, if at all, processes her movements – the disappearing of his tail, within the caverns of her mouth, slick with saliva. It’s not until her cheeks hollow, and a spasm of pleasure writhes through him, earning a waned whimper from the back of his throat. “Don’t– I can’t, I– too sss–sensitive..”
Rolan tugs, his tail pleading for exit – her jaw falls slack, brows arched in question. He has to catch his breath, and he does so; though, incredibly unsteadily. Meekly.
“I’m sorry,” His hands, without forewarning, toy with her armour – a silent begging for her to be rid of it, bloodshed and all, “I can’t cum again, not unless it’s inside of you.” She blinks, still and unprepared for the first time since the mere moments ago that their encounter started. Her senses, however, are swift in their return – and she peels off piece after piece, revealing every curve; every freckle, every shred of skin that Rolan could only have ever dreamed of touching, tasting.
Rolan’s robes are much less hassle, and to a silent God he offers his thanks for it. Stripped bare in front of one another, silence offers it’s blanket. It’s her, who moves first, fingertips dancing from his shoulders, right down to his knuckles. He notices the faintest of smiles playing at her lips, adoring in its nature. With a swallowed breath, Rolan outlines her waist, her hips, thighs, ass, with his hands.
“You’re warm,” She states, softly. He hums, and with a sharp pull on his behalf – their bodies are pressed flush. Wordlessly, she’s lead backward – thighs hitting the edge of something hard, sharp, earning an expel of air from her mouth. A desk. Lorroakan’s desk.
With a grunt of effort, she was splayed before him – upon the wood of the desk, his tail wound around her leg, spreading her open with gentle encouragement. His fingers press to her lips, and she understands – tongue swirling, wetting them. With a ‘pop!’, the digits are released – sinking impatiently into her pleading, begging cunt. Rolan gasps, her cunt hot, and tight around his fingers, as they slid, in, out, in, out. He curls them, and her head is thrown back. Thumb, paying mind to her neglected bud, circling it.
“So wet,” He murmurs, not toward her in particular – more so, a thought that had accidentally been uttered aloud. Regardless, he doesn’t regret it. No, her reply only makes him wish he’d said more.
“Because it’s you, Rolan.” She whines.
Gods, he couldn’t wait anymore. She groans, at the absence of his fingers, and he shushes her. “So greedy,” He mewls, “Even when you’re about to get exactly what you want.”
The inside of her greets his cock far differently in comparison to that of his fingers. She clenches, near immediately, and blissfully so. His hips are steady at first, cautious. Until they’re not, her hands finding his in an act of desperation, as his hips piston at an impossible pace – her hips rolling in tandem with his harsh, needy thrusts. Lewd sounds encapsulate the room, skin against skin, raw noises ripped equally from both of their throats. It’s heaven, if such a place truly exists.
Delirious, Rolan barely registers, notices, the premature arrival of his orgasm crawling up his spine, strumming his nerves. A guttural, cracked moan is yanked from his mouth, and he spills inside of her – eyes blown wide. “I’m sorry,” His nose, buries in the crook of her neck, “M’sorry.”
He feels the shaking of her head, light and affectionate, against him. “It’s alright,” A kiss, tender as its pressed to his hair, “I wanted you to.. I’m yours now.”
“Mine.” The word, singular, is spoken through a hidden smile.
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nmakii · 3 months
— charlie + angel + alastor talking about their day, completely absorbed when they look at you, completely smitten
— masc!reader (angel)
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— charlie
“and then, he kicked me out of the room! can you fucking believe him?!” charlie grumbled, ranting about her meeting with adam as you brushed her hair. “i swear… i’ll go to heaven and i’ll make them listen” she sighed determinedly.
“and… after that—“ charlie wandered off again, thoughts interrupted when she no longer felt the bristles against her hair and instead, you face on her shoulder, hugging her waist from behind.
“oh… are you tired? i..i’m sorry if i was talking too much…” she awkwardly laughed. “no, don’t apologize, babe… keep talking, i like the sound.” you sighed as you kissed her on the cheek.
charlie’s heart tightened at what you had said. you like to listen to her ranting… you’ll have no idea how much it means to her; for you to not dismiss her ramblings, but instead listen closely.
“are you sure you’re not tired though?” she asked one last time. “nuh-uh, i’m wide awake, see?” you said before tickling her at the back of her neck, her ticklish spot.
“agh! noo, i believe you!” charlie screamed out, trying to get herself free from your grip around her waist. “stop! i believe you, no more!!” she cried out as you laughed, stopping your antics.
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— angel
“today, val was a complete dickhead, i swear…” angel frowned, hugging fat nuggets in his top two arms and hugging you in his lower two. “today, he had me filming a bunch’a back shots while getting my hair pulled…” he sighed grimly, pulling you closer as your hands moved to his hair, carefully massaging it.
“are you okay?” you asked worriedly. “‘course i am, you’re here” angel grinned sappily. “afta’ that, cherri and i went drinking at that new club. i didn’t have buy any drugs today, i spent all my money on shots…”
“i’m proud of you, babe. you’re getting better.” you smiled, looking at him lovingly. “ya really think so?” he asked hopefully. “i know so. you’re already doing so well.” you ran your thumb against his cheek.
angel’s shoulders relaxed under your touch as he buried himself deeper in your touch. “love ya so much, babe.” angel smiled, eyes growing heavy.
“i love you too, angie. keep talking if you wanna, i like your pretty mouth.” you said, pulling him closer as you kissed his head.
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— alastor
“so, then i headed to the tailor’s… they fixed my coat and when i came out, eugh…” alastor groaned in disgust, telling you about today as he sat by the fireplace in the hotel den. “vox was on various of those picture boxes, singing about how i am ‘outdated’.”
“and, as per expected, his modern technology failed and caused a blackout across the city!” he chuckled to himself. “you don’t think i’m outdated, do you, love?” alastor looked up, seeing you on the sofa as you stare at him, listening to his words intently.
“dear? are you even listening?” he smugly grinned. “of course i am…” you frowned. “i’m just… admiring you, i guess.”
“oh, are you now?” he sighed at your little lovey-dovey habits. “yeah… i like your voice, it’s soothing…” you blushed. “you find my voice comforting?” he asked. “how interesting, perhaps i’ll decide to ramble to you more often.” he grinned, closing his book.
he got up from his seat and over to you as he pulled you close by your shoulder. “now, back to my question— you don’t think i am outdated, do you?” he raised an eyebrow. “of course not…” you said. “hmph, good.” he nodded as he laid your head on him.
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linos-luna · 5 months
Jealousy ❣️
Taehyung x Fem!Reader x Hyunjin
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Warnings: threesome?, unprotected sex, degradation, praise, handjob, begging
————————————————— 🌹
Having two boyfriends was great and everything usually went well. However, there were some times when one would get a little jealous.
Taehyung was the dominant one in the relationship. You always wanted to please him while Hyunjin was a bit more rebellious… maybe he liked getting on Taehyung’s nerves. It actually took a lot to get the older man mad.
Today Hyunjin was frustrated. He was needy and Taehyung had sex with you in the morning before he left for work without him. It’s not fair. Why can Taehyung fuck you whenever he wants, but he has to ask?? He couldn’t help being a little jealous.
~~~~ ♡
“Hyunjin! What are you doing?!”
“What do you mean, baby?” He responded with a tease in his voice. “I can’t just play with my girlfriend?”
Hyunjin had you pinned to the wall, kissing down your neck while palming you over your pants. He couldn’t help it, now slipping his hand in your pants.
“Jinnie, it’s against the rules.” You whined at the feeling of his fingers on your clit.
“But you like it, hm?”
You whimpered while closing your eyes, unable to think straight as he felt around your cunt.
“You seem to like it… I can feel how wet you are…”
“Hush baby.” He said before looking at your perky nipples, realizing that you weren’t wearing a bra. “You do this on purpose, huh?”
The only response you had was to shake your head before Hyunjin suddenly grabbed and pulled your hair.
“Don’t lie to me, y/n.” He said with a smirk. “You just wanna be fucked by me… you wanna get caught… always acting so innocent and good…” it was so sudden and rough, but he flipped you around and practically held your face to the wall. “… but you’re nothing but a needy slut.”
“J-jinnie—” you whined as he yanked your pants down along with your underwear then suddenly delivered a harsh spank, making you cry out.
“What is it, sweetheart?” He teased while next to your ear. “Do you want more?”
You only whimpered which earned you another smack on your bare ass, leaving behind a red mark.
“Yes what?”
“Yes I want more Jinnie!” You cried as he spanked you again.
“That’s all you had to say, baby.” He laughed as he unzipped his pants, lowering his pants and boxers.
“You’re gonna be in trouble.”
“Yeah?” He smirked while teasing your cunt with his cock. “And what are you gonna do about it?”
You couldn’t respond; Instead only moaned as he entered into your wet cunt. It slipped in easily.
“Fuck baby… really that needy?” He grunted while moving his hips. Even the smallest movement had you going crazy.
Your moans only turned him on more, making him thrust faster and harder. It felt so good; he was finally able to fuck his frustrations into you. In this moment you were his and only his.
“Ah-agh—! Jinnie—! Fuck—!” You bit your lip as he hit that spot just right, having your eyes roll back
You were practically drooling with your face against the wall as Hyunjin came inside of you.
“C’mon baby, cum on my cock.” He was rubbing your clit while trying to keep a steady pace.
Some incoherent words escaped your lips as you came, it left you panting. Hyunjin kissed at your neck, staying in you, only moving slightly.
“Oh wow…”
Both you and Hyunjin’s hearts dropped when hearing the deep voice behind you.
“Hyunjin… corrupting our sweet girl…?” Taehyung said with his arms crossed. “Teaching her to break rules?”
Hyunjin said nothing, not even turning to face the man.
“Pull out, little boy…”
You weren’t sure if he was frozen from shock or deliberately not listening to Taehyung. Whatever the reason, it was definitely not amusing to the other man.
“Hey!” Taehyung grabbed and pulled Hyunjin by the hair; pulling him right off of you. “What’s wrong with you?!”
The younger man only pouted, trying his best to not smile.
“Oh. A brat? You know I hate brats.” Taehyung smirked while pushing Hyunjin to the floor. He then harshly grabbed you and sat you on his lap, facing your other boyfriend.
“Jeez Hyunjin… what to do with you…” Taehyung said with a smile while spreading your legs, having your cunt on full display for the other.
You whined at the feeling of Taehyung running his fingers along your folds sure to insert two fingers with the wet sound of your cum combined with arousal. It drove Hyunjin nuts
“T-Tae—! Agh—! T-Tae— too much!” You whimpered as he continued. Your body was shaking with overstimulation and it had you squirming. Well, until Taehyung smacked your thigh.
“Hey! Hold still!” He snapped.
Hyunjin was sitting back on his heels as he watched, slowly inching his hand towards his own cock.
“Hyunjin…” the other man warned.
“I-I—” he stuttered. “Hyung, I wanna touch—”
“Bad little boys don’t get to touch.”
“Fuck—!” You suddenly cried out, throwing your head back on his shoulder when he added another finger and went a little deeper. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Tae~!
Hyunjin bit his lip, whimpering as he was unable to hold back; his cock was hard and throbbing. He needed relief so bad.
Before you could hit your high, Taehyung pulled out his fingers and you whined at the loss of his touch, almost crying.
“Darling, you were bad too.” Taehyung chuckled while pushing you off. “You didn’t think I forgot?”
“Hyunjin. Come here!” He called out.
The man was about to stand when Taehyung yelled out again.
Hyunjin was hesitant when making his way to the other, looking up at him with a pout.
“Don’t be like this pretty boy.” He said while shaking his head. “Shirt, off.”
The younger man removed his shirt, looking up for the next instruction. It was hard to tell if he’s fully submitted to Taehyung, he still seemed to have some rebellion in him.
Taehyung called you over before grabbing your chin. “Now darling, pretty boy still needs to learn his lesson… you’re going to hold his poor little cock. Got it?”
You nodded before going to Hyunjin. God, he’s so beautiful.
“Well. Take care of it.” Taehyung said, snapping you out of it.
You nodded as you crawled in front of the other, lightly tracing along his side.
“Hyung, can I sit on the—?”
“No.” Taehyung snapped. “You’re going to lay on the floor and pant like a filthy dog.”
Hyunjin whimpered when leaning back, laying himself across the carpet in full view of everyone, it had him blushing a deep red.
You were next to him, slowly stroking his sensitive cock to warm him up, this already had him letting out the desperate moans.
“Faster, y/n.” Taehyung said suddenly.
You nodded and moved your hand faster, moving your thumb over his tip and smiling down at him. Attempted to prop himself on his elbows but it was becoming difficult as he was getting more and more simulated.
“A-ahh—! Hyung—!” He gasped while bucking his hips into your hand. “F-fuck— I-i- agh—!”
“What’s wrong, pretty boy?”
“I want— I wanna—!” He couldn’t get it out. His head was thrown back and eyes closed. He was sensitive and ever so close.
“Oh Jinnie~” you teased. “You like this? You like me touching your cock?”
His eyes were still closed but he nodded.
“Yeah? You want more? Jinnie you want something more?” You giggled while lowering your head and giving his length a few kitten licks.
He was spiraling. There’s no way he could hold it much longer
“Alright, y/n.” He said with a smile. “Let go.”
His face of desperation was so hot as he laid down all the way and, like Taehyung said earlier, panting like a dog.
“N-no no!”
“Just part of your punishment, Jinnie.” Taehyung teased while pulling you up by the arm. “Now both of you. To the bed.”
Hyunjin sulked as he left and you followed him, hiding a small smile. You removed your shirt before Taehyung came in, undressing himself as well.
Taehyung kissed you, making out quite passionately while walking you backwards and laying you on the bed.
“Well, let’s see how much you can cum in one day my dear.” He smirked while rubbing your sides. “Hyunjin, come on… go to her mouth.”
He did so without hesitation, happily going to your face and holding his sensitive length in front of you.
“I think you’ve learned your lesson, right pretty boy?”
Hyunjin nodded rapidly which made the older man chuckle.
Taehyung sucked on you breast, looking to the younger man. Hyunjin took the hint and moved his cock to your mouth. You were happy suck on the tip and and pull away, watching as the spit connected the two. Your sucked again before moaning out loud at the feeling of Taehyung harsh thrusting into you cunt.
“You act like you can’t handle it.” He chuckled as the sound of skin slapping filled the room. “But you were taking my cock good this morning.”
Hyunjin couldn’t handle your teasing anymore and bucked his hips, holding your head still. He groaned and threw his head back in pleasure; finally, he was able to get what he wants and he simply loved fucking your throat.
Taehyung continued abusing your cunt while Hyunjin’s hips were already stuttering.
“On her face, pretty boy.”
Hyunjin quickly pulled out, pumping his cock a bit more before releasing. Right on your face, the substance fell. He moved his cock around a little to make sure it got all over, sighing in relief.
“How about I fill you up, princess.” Taehyung smirked while smacking your thigh and snapping his hips a few more times. Sure enough he came inside, filling you to the brim with his seed. You released right after, knowing how messing it’ll be once he pulls out.
Hyunjin was trying to catch his breath when Tae waved him over. You were in a daze, only becoming aware when feeling some fingers move around your cunt, collecting the substance.
“Agh! T-tae! Ah! Ah!”
“Hush, darling.” He replied while moving his two fingers to your mouth. Hyunjin did the same and you took them in, sucking the cum right off. You held onto their hands as you continued, your eyelids fluttering as it was hard to keep awake. Your body was exhausted.
“Good girl…” Taehyung said with a smile before pulling his fingers out and and looked at Hyunjin, pinching his cheek. “You too, You’re a good boy… just a little stubborn.
Hyunjin loved the praise and pulled his fingers out as well before laying next to you. Taehyung laid on the other side of you, kissing your shoulder as you relaxed.
“I-I’m… sorry hyung…”
“What happened, hm? Couldn’t wait.”
Hyunjin nodded while massaging your breast like a stress ball. “I just want… sometimes I just want to— you’re always—”
“I understand.” Taehyung said with a reassuring smile. “You want some alone time too.”
You looked between the both of them, wondering what kind of solution they could come to.
Other than that, you felt great, snuggled between your two loving boyfriends. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
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remusbutfemale · 7 months
Theodore nott x fem!reader
Smut (18+ but yk I cant control what u read)
-choking? It’s mentioned once, finishing inside, barely any plot lols
Theodore was sitting in his dorm room, it was Christmas and his dorm was empty; just him.
He was supposed to go back home that day, but his parents would be a couple days late.
He was bored out of his mind, all his friends were gone, and the only people here were the people he never talked to; nor wanted to.
A knock on the door shook him out of his thoughts, confused he shouted “come in”. The door opened and yn came in, “I thought you left?” Theo asked, sitting up straight on his bed.
“Parents are gonna be late, assuming yours are too?” She asked and closed the door behind her and walked over to his bed. “Yeah, I don’t understand why they’ll be late— it’s not like they have any other shit going on” theo scoffed and laid his head back again, yn got on the other side of the bed, and laughed slightly, “always so dramatic, the weather is horrid— it’s kinda understandable they’ll be late, y’know?” Yn said as she fixed her sweatshirt, laying on his bed, facing him, closing her eyes.
Theo sighed and shrugged “I guess, it's still stupid though”, he turned his body and stared at her, she opened her eyes, staring back at him. Their eyes on each other's faces. Neither of them said a word; just looking, theo closed his eyes.
He whispered, then opened his eyes. Yn scooted closer to theo, he stared at her some more “it’s been too long, and it’ll probably be our last— I need you Yn” he whispered. Yn blushed and shook her head “you're something else nott,” she murmured.
“What do you need?”
Yn was a whining mess as theo worked his fingers in and out of her, “pleasepleaseplease” she whimpered, back arching a bit, her sweater lifted up her body showing her breasts.
Theo stared at her smirking, slowly stroking himself; “what do you need?” He cooed.
“In me-ah!— want you in me! Please wanna make you feel— feel good” Yn stuttered out.
Theo moved in between her legs, then smirked as she looked at him, need in her eyes.
“Oh how could I ever turn my girl down? Want me that bad— how pathetic” he said, rubbing his tip over her slit. “Please” she whimpered out again, he shoved into her; she gasped, the gasp turning into breathless moans and pleads.
“Taking me so— fuck!- so well, good girl” he moaned, letting one of his hands go to her throat, lightly adding pressure; making her tighten even more. “Fuck— yn.. honey” he whined into her ear.
He was noisy, he couldn’t help himself; it was too much, it’s been too long since he’s felt her. He couldn’t stop the movement of his hips, going fast then slow, his movements jagged.
“M’so close sh-shit Yn— fuck” he whimpered breathlessly, his head in the curve of her neck.
Her arms were wrapped lazily around his neck, her legs around his waist; begging him to finish in her.
“Please theo— please need it so ba-agh!— bad please fuck.. wanna be full of you”
He was losing it, her moans and begging were getting to him. He grunted into her neck “keep begging— c’mon baby—fuck- beg for me, beg for my cum” he murmured, yn whimpered “please theo— need it so bad.. I wanna feel you! Please theo!” She whined; arching her back even more.
Yn came undone, her moans louder.
Theo groaned into her neck, finishing in her; letting his thrusts slow down. He slowly pulled out, watching how his cum slowly slipped out, “so pretty” her murmured staring at her body then her face, seeing how her face was flushed, how her breathing slowed.
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stevenose · 1 month
Oh yup yup yup
Mean Steve thigh fucking needy r in the guest bathroom of some party neither of them really give a fuck about and she's nearing tears because she wants him to fuck her properly but he wont, just bends her over the counter and uses her thighs because it's her fault for "showing them off" in that little skirt she decided to wear and when he cums, he does it in her panties before he pulls them back up and makes her wear it for the rest of the night, forced to sit around in his load but denied the sex and satisfaction she's craving
ok i went a little crazy 🤭🫣 AGH!!!! this is SO HOT thank u anon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
reader with a vagina; reader is called princess once; mean!steve; in fact he’s a bit of a degenerate; thigh fucking; denial; teasing; humiliation; TINY mention of anal; everything is consensual and pretty much apart of their dynamic
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steve tangles his fist into your hair, tugging it harshly. “you don’t get to whine.”
he’s rutting into your thighs so hard and fast that you’re already feeling bruises form on your hip bones. you whine anyway, because you’re so pissed and so needy. you wore this skirt for him. and now he won’t even fuck you right.
he spits down on his cock, lewd and loud, then goes back to fucking himself between your plush thighs. your skirt is folded up over your ass and he’s taking big handfuls of it with his free hand. “don’t think i don’t want to ruin your needy pussy,” he pants, “you just don’t deserve it. showin’ your thighs off more than your cunt, anyway.”
“i did it for you!”
steve rolls his eyes, smacks your ass. you’re almost positive people can hear on the other side of the door, despite the music playing. “try harder next time. fuck, your thighs feel good. maybe i don’t need that greedy pussy after all.”
and just for good measure, he sucks a big fucking hickey into the side of your neck. bites down on the bruise with his teeth and giggles when you squirm. “you’re leaking through your underwear onto my cock,” he observes, and though you have no reason to believe him, you’re sure he’s right. “don’t act like this isn’t getting you off, too.”
“want your cock,” you mewl stupidly.
“you have it. is it my cum you want instead? that what you miss?”
you’re so excited when he pulls your underwear down. his hot, slippery cock moves from its place between your thighs and steve points it towards your pussy. he drags it through your folds once, twice, then grunts and jerks himself off right into your underwear.
“steve!” you’re so fucking mad at him, trying to stomp on his foot but you can’t find it. his hand pins your hips to the sink so you can’t move while he cums, biting down on your shoulder.
“oh, big load,” he laughs, pulling your underwear back up. it’s lukewarm, feels horrible, and yet your clit is still pulsing. “feel that? man, maybe i should’ve fucked it into your ass instead.”
“fucking freak,” you hiss. “it’s going to leak onto my skirt!”
steve ignores you, looking right past you and at his reflection in the mirror, fixing his hair. “that doesn’t sound like my problem. maybe dress less like a slut next time.”
later, as you’re trying to leave, having been standing for the last half hour while trying to act normal, steve grabs you around the waist and pulls you down onto his lap. you dig your nails into his arm, tucked firmly against your stomach. “let me go, asshole!”
“didn’t want you to leave with that skirt still clean,” he whispers, breath hot against your ear. moves your hips against his, grinding you onto him, your face hot with the humiliation you very desperately love. he releases you after a moment, gently pushing you off of his lap. “oh, yeah, that did it. you need a ride home, princess? party’s getting lame, anyway, and it looks like you need someone to help you clean up.”
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sleepypanda27 · 4 months
Bucky x reader
Summary: You're on vacation with Bucky, but it's not as relaxing as you wanted it to be.
Words: 822
Warnings: Violence, language, fluff
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The team was on a much-needed vacation. It was a beach day, full of relaxing, sunbathing, and swimming. You had bought a swimsuit that you absolutely adored and looked amazing on you, making you feel confident. A big plus was that Bucky loved it too.
While Bucky and Sam went swimming, you went to the nearby outdoor cafe after a cold and refreshing drink. Wanda had stayed to watch after the things.
While you waited for your turn to order, some guy, in whom you had zero interest started flirting with you. Right away, you let him know that you have a boyfriend and are not interested. But he brushed that off, pretending he didn't hear it.
"Can I buy you a drink, pretty lady?" The man said, smugly smiling. You felt like throwing up a little. Especially, when he took a step closer to you.
Meanwhile, Bucky, from afar, saw the guy getting closer and closer to you. He knew you could take care of yourself, but it didn't help the switch going off in his mind.
"Don't do anything stupid," Sam warned when he noticed what had his friend's unbreakable attention.
"I'm not promising anything." He got angrier with every step he took closer to you. When he had almost reached you, he saw you break the guy's hand that he had so confidently placed on your waist just a second ago. For a few seconds, he stopped in his tracks, shocked. He smiled and ran to you.
"Let's get out of here." Bucky guided you away from the scene, while the man screamed in pain, attracting other people's attention. "Nice job, doll, but that was my job. I wanted to do that."
A day later, you took a stroll through the city with Bucky. It was a date, just the two of you. Sightseeing, taking photos, and enjoying the day. Later, you stopped by a beachside restaurant to have dinner.
Bucky went to the bathroom while you stayed by the bar, waiting for a table to become available.
"Well, well, well," You immediately recognized the voice from the previous day. "Look who it is." The man slowly turned around, facing you.
"Oh, God." You rolled your eyes to the back of your head, throwing a glance down the hallway, hoping Bucky would return faster so you could find another place to eat.
"Hey," The man tapped on his friend's shoulder. "Look, it's the chick who broke my arm."
"Her?" His friend pointed at you and started laughing.
"Shut up." He growled, almost pushing him off the chair. "I'm waiting for an apology, it's the least you can do. And maybe after that, I'll let you buy me a drink."
"Why don't you just fuck off?"
"Listen here, you bitch-" He threateningly stood up.
"How the fuck did you just call her?" Bucky growled, suddenly standing beside you. The murderous glare he had made you sure Bucky would destroy this foolish man without leaving a wet spot in the place.
"Are you deaf?" The guy just laughed in his face, not realizing who he was talking to.
Without saying anything else, Bucky swung back and punched him. The man fell on his back, holding his nose and wallowing in pain on the floor, blood dripping down his hands.
"Bucky!" You quickly stepped in front of him, stopping him from doing more damage.
"Don't you fucking dare to call her or anyone else like that!" Bucky threatened while you basically had to push him out of the restaurant.
"What the hell was he thinking? Just going around and - agh! -I should have taught him a lesson and-" Bucky went on and on about what had just happened. You pulled him inside the alleyway, pressing him against a brick wall, and kissed him fiercely. His hands immediately went to your hips, pulling you closer. "What was that for?" He smiled, his thumbs tracing circles on your hips. For a moment, he forgot what he was mad about.
"That was the only way to shut you up." You chuckled, sliding your hands down his defined chest.
"Ah-" He gasped, changing positions and pressing you against the wall. "Are you sure it's not because of me defending your honor?" He arched a brow, tucking a loose hair strand behind your ear.
"Oh, please." You chuckled, "But I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda hot." Wrapping your arms around his waist, you pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Thanks for saving me, but can we find a place where we could eat? I'm hungry."
"Sure thing, doll." He grinned, taking your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. After a short walk, you found a restaurant with a beautiful view of the sunset.
"What?" You chuckled, seeing how Bucky looked at you. All smiley, cute, and in love, basking in the last warm rays of sunshine today.
"I'm just happy you're mine."
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strabara · 2 months
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SUMMARY: Y/N is batshit crazy for Shigaraki that she finds him and confesses her undying love for him. And he promises to return her love only if she completes a small favor. Y/N of course blindly obliges.
Notes: I had posted this on AO3 AGESS AGOOO. But! I decided it deserved a remake. Also bc I’m making a second part soo yea :3 AGAIN as I’ve said before English isn’t my first language and it wasn’t very good 2 years ago.. so watch out for grammatical issues and terrible writing skills..
Y'know to the pro heroes the video that Shigaraki filmed of you looked fucked up. It was even more fucked up that it was being broadcasted live for everyone to see. People didn’t need to know who you were to know that you were 'Kidnapped'. After all they think you’re his hostage and you’re doing all of this against your will. But oh how they were so wrong. Right now you were seen as a barely clothed chained girl who was being forced to suck dick.
But to you this was all apart of your sick fantasy that you dreamed of! Sure it’s weird somebody even liked Shigaraki but no.. you loved him. You loved him so much that you'd do anything for him, LITERALLY. I mean here you were shamelessly rubbing circles to your clit as your face was getting fucked by Shigaraki! All they could hear was muffled moans and groans. A truly terrifying sight for anyone.
"Agh.. Look at you taking me so well.. I'll reward you with my disgusting cum you little slut."
You gurgled and sped up your pace to your clit. You moaned as you reached your peak and on cue he released his thick salty ropes into your mouth. You whine as they traveled down your throat. Panting as you hold your heavy eyes, tired from the Costant stimulation to your clit. God how this turned you on. He takes himself out of your mouth as he quickly grabs you by the neck, shoving your face into the camera.
"Open your mouth and show them how you swallowed a villians cum you Whore."
You slowly opened your mouth showing your tongue and bruised throat. You wanted to smile but couldn't since that would show you really weren't doing this against your will. Shigaraki started to laugh as he threw you to the floor making you whimper. He then grabbed you by the hair, pulling you towards him. He spreads your legs as he got inbetween them, his hard member falling onto your cunt making you flinch slightly. Almost instantly he disintegrating your panties before he put your thighs to your chest.
You were now basically naked, well except for the ripped up thigh high socks you had on. Your uniform was all ripped up and discarded to the side somewhere.
"How does it feel knowing your virginity will be stripped away from you by a villian? Not only that but I'll make you bear my children! You hear that? Your small cunts gonna be forced to swallow my villian seed!"
He smirks at you before he ran his tip along your slit, making you shudder. This made the heroes hearts drop. But only added love to yours. You couldnt believe this was actually happening!! The man you’d been in love with for who knows how long was about to take your virginity! Oh how luck was on your side.
"No p-please! I beg you! You can let me go I wont tell them anything I-I promise!"
You yelp as he slaps your pussy, grabbing and pulling at your clit. A hand went to your head before he grabbed a handful of your hair. His lips came to your ear all the while he had a smirk on his lips.
"Hmm i thought about it and how about.. No?"
And just like that he snapped his hips forward, pushing his large shaft into you with a single thrust. You choked as he stretched you out. You really were willing to do anything but the pain really did hurt. You screamed loudly all the while you threw your head back throwing weak punches to his chest. Shigaraki was quick to put a hand at your throat to shut you up.
"Hah.. Shit your sucking me in so good it’s like you want me to breed you! How dirty for a cute naive quirkless girl."
The camera catches the small streams of arousal mixed with blood trickle down your hole as it reached the floor. This was the final straw for the heroes.
"what the hell are we doing! This girl is getting Assualted and we're just going to let it happen?!"
The Lust hero, Midnight exclaimed.
"Look Midnight we can't do anything! We dont know where they are! And people wont let us search without creating a jam. I get it I want to help too but there’s nothing we can do.!"
You continued to moan and yelp as he reached into the deepest parts of you not caring about the people who were listening or watching. After a while the pain had subsided and turned into pleasure.
"P-please s' too much!~"
You moan loudly while his tip assualted your cervix every thrust he gave.
"Aw maybe i'll be nice if you’re a good girl and tell me you’re my cocksleeve."
You squeak as he gripped your hips tighter, almost as if he was promising he would leave bruises.
"N-no i don't want to be anything to you just let me gah!~"
You stop as he bites your body leaving love marks everywhere as he showed you’re HIS property. Shaking your head he licks up your neck until reaching your parted lips. Being quick to thrust his tongue in. Your mouth leaking with saliva while he dominated your mouth. He stops before he licking his lips, watching you gasp for air as your mouth quivered.
"Cmon say it, you’re my cocksleeve and you’re a slut that loves villian cock. Theres no way anyone else will want you. After all you’re being used up by a big bad villian!"
This Sickening Fantasy of yours was a dream come true!
"I-I’m your cocksleeve!~ and a slut who loves villian C-cock!~"
This was probably humiliating for others but it turned you on so much more. You shamelessly wrapped your arms around his neck while wheezing.
"Hey wait a minute.. You just got tighter! Ha that turned you on huh? How dirty of you."
You just continued to cry and whimper as you turned you head away, but that shortly changed when he started to hit your G spot. You yelp loudly before your arms left his neck, putting them on his abdomen to push him away.
"Whats wrong huh? Need to cum?"
You squeal as he rubbed your sensitive clit, making your toes curl and eyes roll back.
"A-ah no! I dont wanna cum!"
Your orgasm was approaching fast as he continued to hit your G spot all the while he teased your clit.
"Ha! What a treat! Cmon cum on this villian cock! I wanna hear how someone disgusting like me makes a good little civilian feel."
His hips rocked back and forth as your body bounced. He took this time to suck your nipples, bringing you over the edge you were so eagerly trying to get to.
"A-agh I’m cumming!~"
Unexpectedly you squirted all over him coating his cock and balls with your juices. He lets out a creepy laugh before gripping your jaw to look at him.
"Wow you’re disgusting! You said you didnt like me ya big perv! Well here’s my treat for you so make sure to swallow every bit of it! You'll look so pretty pregnant! Agh you'll be forced to be burdened with MY kids it’s just amazing!"
The overstimulation was bringing tears to your eyes as you shook your head no.
"No please pull out I dont wanna get pregnant!~"
His hips slammed into you fast at an animalistic speed as you continued to bounce. Your moans cracking from all the screaming, cheeks wet with tears and saliva. He roughly kisses you to shut you up as you felt a second release coming. Finally he slammed into you one last time releasing his sperm into your cervix. You moan into the sloppy kiss as your second orgasm ripped through you, making you to squirt again.

"Wow i must have really made you feel good, Not only that you squirted again, truly amazing guess quirkless people can make up for it huh."
You heavily breathed while letting out small whimpers. He started to cackle as he put the camera to your ahegao like face, along with pulling out of you to watch his cum ooze out slowly.
"Oops let’s just push that back in yeah?"
You whine as his finger pushes into
your sensitive cunt, plugging his cum inside. The pro heroes felt guilt in their hearts, they failed to protect a civilian. You on the other hand were fucked dumb. All you could think about was how good he made you feel, how full you felt. You let out a shaky breath as you pull your pussy apart. Allowing your hole to glisten from the camera's light.
"I-I’m yours only, P-please Mr. Shigaraki… use me to your h-hearts content."
You manage to slip out with tired heart eyes and a subtle grin. His smile just widens before he thrusted back inside you, making you moan softly.
"Of course how could I refuse such an offer?"
Multiple citizens were left traumatized, but this didnt stop many from being determined to find you. Although there were some people who were really weird about it. I mean somebody broke into the news station and stole the video!! They literally uploaded everywhere. Top trending video for awhile weirdly. Lots of people watched it they called it 'Shigaraki's sextape' it was super long, nearly 7 hours.
The search continued and continued which bugged the shit out of you! After all you were the one stalking Shigaraki and you were the one who told him about your crazy obsession, how you were in love with him, how you'd do anything he asked of you!.. Even if it would ruin your image. Couple of months had went by and you were now 5 months pregnant with triplets! Oh how happy you were. You found out that you were having 2 boys and a girl.
"Oh! Y/N look what I got you! Its perfect for your triplets so you can try to put them to sleep at the same time!"
You open the gift to find a small box it had a voice box so you were assuming it was to record your voice. With a smile you turned to the radio hero.
"Thank you Mr. Mic I appreciate this gift!"
Yea... about that, part of Shigaraki's plan was for you to get found so if he and his future league ever did need shelter they could stay in your apartment. But, you didnt get an apartment. Instead you got a huge ass house gifted to you from the pro heroes! After all they were filled with guilt that they couldnt save you from the so called 'Trauma' you experienced, or the fact you’re forced to have kids you 'don’t' want. And lets not even talk about how they found you and the state you were in, it was... something.
"Alright who's gift is this? There's no name."
"Dont know probably a gift sent from a random person."
Alot of the random gifts people sent were… questionable to say the least. Its also a bit unsettling that some people would comment on your instagram with the link to the video saying they 'wished it was them he did it to'. You won’t lie now you always click the link so you could watch him and in the end you always masturbate to it. You sigh, slowly ripping the wrapping paper to find a small box that looked shabby and old filled with bibs, onesies and a small envelope. You s slowly open the envelope to find a scratchy like note that read 'I love you, so you better make sure that my kids are well taken care of or else you'll regret it.' Wait.. Shigaraki spent his valuable time to send you gifts AND he told you he loved you!?
The Tomura Shigaraki wasted his precious breath on someone weird like you?! Kicking your feet you squeal and hold the note to your chest. You blush as you look up to the pro heroes surrounding you.
"What is it Y/n? A love letter? "
The pro heroes start to laugh as you giggle.
"No.. Its just... "
"Shigaraki truly does love me!.."
Notes: OKAYY so I did change some pieces here and there uhh sorry if there’s still mistakes I’m fucking blind. Hope you enjoyed! I’m currently working on part 2 now!
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milaisreading · 9 months
🌱🩷: AU where the Reader is Isagi's older sibling and she came to watch him play during the U-20 game. She is the same age as Sae, btw. Let me know if u want a pt2
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"I am almost there! Yeah... the game already started?!" (Y/n) stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath as she talked with her mom on the phone.
"Yes, Yo-chan seems to be handling himself very well on the field. But why are you late? I thought you said your exam will only last an hour." The worried Iyo asked from the other side as (Y/n) started running down the street again.
"It was only an hour long. But I completely forgot Yoichi's jersey in my dorm room, and I promised I would wear it." (Y/n) said, smiling down at the blue jersey she was wearing at the moment.
"Ohh... you really can be forgetful at times." Iyo laughed as loud cheers erupted from her side.
"Did something happen?!" (Y/n) asked.
"Did Yoichi score?!"
"Well, someone from his team just scored." Iyo said, causing (Y/n) to sigh in relief.
"Good! I didn't miss his score then... I will be there in a bit! Don't worry!" (Y/n) said and ended the call, sprinting down the street towards the stadium.
'I won't miss is! I swear, Yoichi! I won't miss your score!' She thought to herself.
Once at the stadium, (Y/n) gave the staff her ticket to check it, then ran towards the direction she was instructed to, making sure to avoid the people in the hallway.
'Agh! Where are mom and dad?!' (Y/n) thought as she finally entered the fully packed stadium, but couldn't find her parents anywhere. She looked around nervously, and texted her mom to let her know she had arrived, then looked down at the filed, gripping tightly on the railing as she saw the results on the display.
'3-3?! This can't be for real?! And there isn't much time left either... Yoichi...' She looked down nervously at her younger brother, gripping on the jersey as she noted his exhausted expression. Upon further inspection, the whole Blue Lock team looked pretty distraught and defeated. And while the U-20 team was in a similar condition, they seemed to be in a better head space.
'Yoichi... the World Cup win is your dream, you can't let it go like that... You said you want to become like your idol Noa... And I won't let you miss the opportunity.' She glared at the Blue Lock team, who was arguing among each other and Isagi was just standing to the side. Taking a deep breath, she was greatful for a moment that the place she was at, was located closer to the field.
"ISAGI YOICHI, GET YOUR HEAD INTO THE GAME!!!" (Y/n) yelled, causing a couple, tat was standing next to her, to jump in fright.
The said boy's eyes widened as he heard his sister's voice, and turned to look in her direction.
'Big sis...' Yoichi thought as the rest of his team jumped in surprise.
"The hell?!" Barou and Karasu yelled in shock.
"I SWEAR, IF YOU LET THIS OPPORTUNITY SLIP AWAY! I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!" (Y/n) yelled, her face turning red as Yoichi stared at her in shock for a moment, then his expression softened into a smile.
"Who is that?" Yukimiya wondered, finally spotting the girl.
"Dunno... but she is quite a cutey." Bachira commented.
"Is that a girlfriend of yours, Isagi?" Reo raised an eyebrow as Nagi just sat on the grass, eyeing the girl too.
"GET TOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER AND PLAY! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SO NERVOUS ABOUT?! THE TELEVISION CREW?! THOSE OLD HAGS FROM THE JFU?! THE U-20 TEAM?! DON'T PISS ME OFF, AND PLAY!!" (Y/n) finished her yelling as a few tears escaped her eyes, and she stared at her brother with a soft glare. Yoichi was quiet for a moment, then grinned at his sister and sent her a thumbs up, then looked back at his stunned team.
"Well, let's finish this. You heard her, I can't let this opportunity slip away."
The rest of the team stared at Isagi in disbelief, he even received questioning looks from Niko, Chigiri, Otoya, Ego, and Anri from the benches.
"Who... who is she?" Hiori spoke up first.
"Oh that... that's my older sister. She is pretty passionate when it comes to me playing. Even more than I am." Isagi chuckled, smiling fondly as he said the last part. This caused him to get various reactions from the team. Bachira and Hiori were pretty much dumbfounded, Aryu and Reo were sending odd looks towards the girl and then towards Yoichi. Barou tried to act disinterested, Rin glared at the ace, a little jealous when he heard that part.
'Why isn't my brother like that anymore?'
Nagi stared lazily at Isagi, also confused over the whole revelation.
'With how Isagi acts, I really thought je was the older sibling.' The albino wondered. Meanwhile Yukimiya and Karasu went towards Yoichi, both putting their arms on each of his shoulders.
"Yoichi, my friend, my man." Karasu started.
"What?" The boy asked, surprised that he addressed him with his 1st name.
"So your sis... does she have anyone in her life?" The crow-boy asked.
"No... why?" Yoichi asked, eyeing Karasu suspiciously.
"Would she want a handsome, intelligent football player then-"
"Or a charismatic, talented model-"
"As her boyfriend?" The duo finished, causing Yoichi to frown at them.
"Stay away from my sister, you two." Yoichi warned.
"Shut up, let's finish this stupid game." Rin warned them, turning to glare at his brother who was dealing with Shidou's shenanigans.
After she finally calmed down a little, (Y/n) felt her face turn a dark shade of red as she realized what she did.
'This is so embarrassing!! Now everyone internationally saw me act like a fool!' She groaned, covering up her face. For a moment she stayed quiet, feeling eyes on her from the audience.
'But...' She slowly removed her hands, and smiled fondly at her brother's back as the game was resuming from the short break.
'Yoichi is worth it... he has so much potential here. I will remind him, even if I am going to embarrass myself.' (Y/n) thought, wiping a few tears away, for a short moment remembering the times she would sit with a younger Yoichi and watch football with him.
'Become the Noel Noa you always wanted to be.'
"Excuse me." A softer voice interrupted her as she turned to look at the direction it came from, only to find a red haired woman and green haired man lookin at her. They both looked like they were around her mom and dad's age.
"Yes, ma'am?" (Y/n) smiled politely as the woman spoke up nervously.
"This might be a little intrusive, but are you related to one of the players too?"
"Oh... yes, the number 11 and ace of Blue Lock, Isagi Yoichi is my younger brother." (Y/n) smiled proudly as she pointed at her brother.
"That's sweet, how you support him like that. My husband and I are her efor our sons, too."
"Sons?" She wondered, only to receive an answer from the man this time.
"Yeah, the number 10 in Blue Lock, Itoshi Rin and the number 10 in the U-20, Itoshi Sae are our sons." The man smiled warmly as (Y/n) slowly nodded her head.
'Oh to be a fly on the wall in that household once the match ends.' She thought to herself, picking up some small talk while sending constant glances at her brother.
"YOICHI!!!!!! THAT'S MY BROTHER!! THAT'S THE SAME LITTLE BOY I PICKED UP FROM TRAINING!!" (Y/n) cried out in happiness as she pointed at the boy when he scored the winning goal.
'You did it!' She quickly dashed away from the couple and towards the barricades to get to Yoichi, who was getting praises from his teammates and some U-20 members.
"Yoichi!!" (Y/n) yelled as the boy turned away from Oliver and looked at his sister. Yoichi grinned and left his team.
"See! Never doubt me!" Yoichi grinned, pulling his sister into a hug.
"I never doubted you, idiot! I am so glad you scored that goal! It was magnificent!" She sobbed, hugging her brother tightly. As the two siblings were hugging and talking, the rest of Blue Lock's team approached slowly.
"Why were you so late tho? And why were you with mom and dad?" Yoichi asked in worry as he pulled his sister onto the field.
"I was late because I forgot the jersey in my dorm room, and I seemed to have gotten a seat far away from where our parents are." (Y/n) chuckled nervously as Yoichi looked at the jersey, only now noticing it had his number.
"Ah? You went all the way for me?" Yoichi asked, happiness bubbling up inside of him.
"Of course! Remember when we were younger? I promised to wear your jersey for every match." She smiled.
"Ah! You still remember that-"
"Uhh, Isagi~ don't you want to introduce us?" The two Isagi siblings jumped up at Otoya's voice, and (Y/n) looked over at the team in surprise while Yoichi sent them warning glares.
"Big sis, my team. Team, this is my big sis." Yoichi said dryly as (Y/n) smiled at the team nervously, remembering some of the faces from her previous yelling.
"Hello, it's nice to meet Yo-chan's team." She spoked up, the team never once blinking or looking away.
"Sorry for the yelling earlier-"
"No need to apologize!" Karasu spoke up and walked up to her, followed by Otoya and Yukimiya.
"Being yelled at by a pretty lady is a privilege in my books." Yukimiya smiled down at her, causing (Y/n) to internally swoon a little.
'He is so good looking!'
"Feel free to yell at me all you want, too." Otoya added in, grabbing one of her hands.
"Hey! Watch it!" Yoichi yelled, but got pulled away by Bachira and Hiori.
"Up close, your older sister is pretty cute, Isagi." Bachira whispered to his friend.
"Bachira, what the hell man?"
"He is right tho." Hiori defended the bumblebee.
"Is your sis into games?" The blue-haired boy asked.
"Is she into younger guys?" Niko asked Yoichi, sending the girl some nervous looks.
"Niko, she is 18." Yoichi argued.
"Just 3 years."
"Absolutely not." Yoichi glared, trying to get out of Bachira's hold.
"You all are being so weird." Chigiri sighed, walking over to the small group. Yoichi sighed in relief as he heard the redhead's voice.
"Thank you for thinking rationally, Chigiri-"
"We all know I am the only one who has any chance with Isagi's sister. We are both cute." Chigiri finished and flipped his hair.
"Nevermind." Yoichi grumbled and watched as his sister complimented Gagamaru's goalkeeper skills, while Aryu pulled a nervous Tokimitsu to talk to her. Barou was standing next to her, adding in some random sentences.
Yoichi tried to get out of Bachira's hold again, but it was proven futile as the other four, plus Nagi now, started asking him about his sister. Meanwhile Reo took his chance and just went over to talk to her, curious if the older Isagi will be left in awe when she hears his last name.
Meanwhile, Rin was staring at the two Isagi siblings, and then looked back at his brother, jealousy slowly bubbling up inside of him again.
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rustic-space-fiddle · 4 months
Things I love about EPIC: The Musical
Greek mythology hehehehehhehe (my weakness)
Little Ajax
The slightly different styles in each segment but the overarching cohesiveness
The crew singing choral vocals for Odysseus
POLITES *screaming crying throwing up*
The crew introducing Eurylochus but Odysseus introducing Polites
Odysseus’s ‘Ha ha HA Haaaaa!” What a smug lil $h!*
His whole description of Athena ~ fanboy energy
“Bestest of friends(?)!” “Okay chill kid” ”okay :D”
Polites definitely almost knocking himself out with lotus before Odysseus definitely takes it away like “oh honey no”
I’m not a musically intelligent person so forgive me but the way the “take from you like you took from me / gift from you and a gift from me” sounds just makes my brain so happy
If music is math then that is definitely some solid well done math
“Nooooooobody, noooooooooobody, noo~ooOOOOOOOOOOOOH~bodyyyyyy”
“My brothers-!” yall I’m gonna freakin cry
The visceral death sounds when the club comes out
Polyphemus’s voice slowing like a giant robot powering down to show him falling asleep
The sound slowly fading in as Odysseus takes in the death around him (I imagine he’s looking at the remains of Polites)
The sound Athena makes whenever she appears or disappears (NOTICE SHE DOESNT MAKE THAT SOUND WHEN SHE LEAVES FOR THE LAST TIME! just empty wind…)
“The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them.” UGH BEAUTIFUL
The growl in “REMEMBER ME.”
Ship sounds!
The entirety of “My Goodbye”. It’s just such a good argument song and I love it so much.
Odysseus’s angry “HEY.” when Athena basically blames the death of his friends on his kindness.
The fact that Odysseus isn’t afraid to absolutely WRECK Athena verbally? She has definitely killed and turned people into spiders for less
You can tell he felt a little bad about it and that she actually was kinda hurt by it too (silence is a heckuva tool)
“Aim for the island in the sky” oh yeah I’m listening to a Greek myth wHEEEZE
Eurylochus slowly getting on Odysseus’s nerves till he literally has to pull him aside and tell him to stfu
No but actually Eurylochus is not being a real one rn he is not being helpful
The wind god ( *0v0*)
“Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?” WOW OKAY DANG
“Ruthlessness is mercy—DIE.”
The crew calling for their captain as they’re taken by the sea
THE AUDACITY OF POSEIDON TO REMIND ODYSSEUS OF HIS OWN WORD—“when does a ripple become a tidal wave/ when does a man become a monster”—DURING THIS CRISIS. WHAT A PETTY JERK (do it again)
Eurylochus try to confess and Odysseus refusing to let him. There three reasons I think this is: 1) he doesn’t know why he wants to confess but he literally does not have time for his #2 to be having a moment rn. 2) he knows what Eurylochus did and is choosing to keep him quiet because he needs the crew not to dwell on this/he’s trying not to punch him in the face. 3) he knows what he did and he’s saying “stfu” as a way of forgiveness. All of these are great options imo
“We couldn’t resist!” “What was it?” “A woman!” “…w h a t. -_-“ my man is fed up rn
Hermes’s insane laugh !!!! LOVE
Hermes’s entire song
Rhyming “Be hurt” with “beat her” BRAIN SO HAPPY
Someofthamagic~ BRAIN SO HAPPY AGH
The fight between Odysseus and Circe~ so evenly matched! Wits, power, but she beat him! She beat him even though he didn’t cave.
“I dug the root up w my bare hands!” “Hermes gave it to you didn’t he” “…okay fine yes but rGARDLESS—“
The fact that Odysseus calls Penelope his power
Circe’s empathetic sigh because she’s not a monster, she’s a protector, and her heart has been touched by Odysseus’s earnestness and love for his wife and for his brothers
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xo-kyeong · 1 year
Here puppy 🐾
Pairings: Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugou x Reader (Individual Characters)
Scenario: Imagine the reader owning a cute little pup, just innocently cooing at the ball of fur, but unbeknownst to you, someone else from across the dorm can’t get their mind off of you.
WARNINGS: Suggestive Content, (mentions of masturbation in bakugou’s) Reader and the characters are over the age of 18 (most likely in college) Cursing/Foul Language. If I missed anything please let me know! ^^
Izuku Midoriya
“Aww, you’re so cute!” You coo at your little brown puppy, eyes sparkling with excitement as you sit in the common area playing with her. She barks as you keep talking to her, her tail wagging in joy.
"Argh!! (Y/n) your pupper is so cute!"  Uraraka exclaimed, hearts nearly forming in her eyes as the pup smiled and barked at her.
"Isn’t she? I even taught her a few tricks back at home!" You confidently say this while facing the dog, preparing to showcase her tricks. The girls are sitting with you in the common area, anticipating the tricks you’ll pull up your sleeve.
“All right girl, jump!” You say, and your dog immediately obeys. “Wah!! You’re so good for me!” You say a bit too loud that the boys on the other side of the dorm could hear.
When Izuku heard that phrase come out of your mouth, he was instantly red.
“Yo, Midoriya, you okay?” Kirishima snaps him out of his thoughts, his eyes immediately facing the group of boys that he’s with.
“Y-yeah! I’m fine” He mellows down, only to hear more of your squeals of praise towards your pet.
Though he has to remember that those praises aren’t really directed at him… or are they?
Katsuki Bakugou
“Katsuki! Look at him! Isn’t he the cutest? Agh, I’m so glad my parents got to drop him by at our dorms!” Your puppy barks as you lift him up to be met with puppy kisses.
“Baby! Quit slobbering all over me!” You laugh, and Bakugou (who is right next to you) can’t help but roll his eyes at the little mut. He’s the one you’re supposed to be paying attention to, not that furry monster.
You get a pet toy from behind your back and wave it in-front of your pet. Bakugou watches as you playfully challenge the dog.
“You want it so bad? Hm? You want it?” You say, and in Katsuki’s mind, you said it as if you were talking to him.
His thoughts can’t help but go back to when he was fisting himself to the thought of you. God, he does want you bad, like so bad.
“I’ll be right back, Katsuki. Play with him for a bit for me, please?” You plead, and as if Bakugou has any other choice.
“Thanks, Bakugou!” He waves you off, and looks at the small pup in-front of him. Its eyes still following the toy that was in his hands.
“I’m so whipped for your owner, huh boy?” He throws the toy only for the pup to fetch it and bring it back to him.
Todoroki Shouto
“Here boy!” You call out to your baby pup, Todoroki walked inside your dorm room as you were playing with your cute pet.
“Oh, Todoroki! Isn’t he a cutie?” Your pet approaches you and lies on its back, exposing its tummy area for you to scratch.
“Aww, isn’t that my good little boy” you coo at your barking pup, catching Todoroki off guard with that one phrase.
He’s immediately turning the other way, face absolutely red whilst you’re still playing and cooing at your pup.
You pupper takes notice of his actions and approaches Todoroki’s lap. “Oh my god! Shouto! He likes you!” Your voice beams in a high pitched note, ultimately showing how excited you are with how well your pup gets along with Todoroki.
“You know, we’d make great fur-parents” you say, your head resting on Todoroki’s shoulder while he pets the dog sleeping on his lap.
“Yeah, we sure would” he smiles softly at you, admiring uour relaxed state.
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nalyra-dreaming · 24 days
Comments on episode 2x02 - aka episode 9!
Intro change!! Love it!!
The coven immediately tracking them but Claudia and Louis not noticing for FIVE MONTHS?! Sweeties!!! Come ON! This is Paris! You know? “Paris? No!“????
But the ribbing about it is EVERYTHING
Sitting on the statue made me laugh out loud
I‘m living for the vaguely bitchy bantering between Armand and Louis!!! Yesssss 🙌
And Daniel not buying it lol
Loved the little moment re the racism (callout) there
Armand and the jab re Lestat - LOL (oh god he is being so PETTY)
Armand needling Louis lmao
The coffins beneath the beds - clever
Poor pidgeons
The interjections with Daniel‘s memories - shivers down my spine!!!
Madeleine and Claudia (and the dress 😭)
Daniel lecturing them about the gloves!!! I remember a post about this when s1 aired, because yes!!!! GOD THE DETAILS
Oh Louis. His photos. Going to that park to… watch?! Or snack and taste the lust in the blood?!!
Okay the groan and the elictricity … manifestations are definitely related to Armand.
They‘re very cute there on the couch in Dubai! If only Daniel would buy it lol. Also Louis‘ face when Armand says he never harmed him - oof. Pain and harm (for others) incoming 😭
God Armand seemed smitten indeed
The theater. HOLY SHIT. God they ate horrifically and left no crumbs.
Armand is maître. No hiding behind Santiago after all
Claudia choosing Bruce. Oy. Also Louis‘ face seeing the portrait
Daniel after had me laughing tears. Honestly. Drag them 🤣🤣🤣
Armand saying he fucked Lestat. Nawwww sweetie 😆
Louis going to Roget‘s to check if Lestat is actually dead. I… god. Honey.
Also: A part of the real Lestat!!!!!!!! I had not expected this (something similar yes, but THIS)??? GOD!! And Sam‘s presentation of it. Holy Hell. And making Louis his beneficiary. Right in the feels. “My Louis“. 😭😭😭😭 Mentioning the veil between them!!! Asking Louis not to give in to revenge!! But live his life 😭😭😭 FUCKING DEVASTATING 😭😭😭
The blood tears
Also Roget proposing Lestat is sleeping?!!!!!!!!! Does this Roget know?!!!
Whoa Daniel calling rebound
And Louis lashing out making Daniel remember Armand!!! HOLY MOLY
Louis called Daniel “Danny“
That smile Louis smiled there was vicious. Another little chip of surface humanity gone
Murder Mansion. Sex on motorbikes. It feels feverish.
Ohhhhhhhhh the flirtation. And Armand cutting it short by warning him and pushing Louis towards his shortcomings vampire-wise. OUCH. And also Armand commenting on her body and mind. Beheadings going on behind them. Oof.
The episode ending with a scream and the smile draining from Louis‘ face. Ruthless foreshadowing.
Next episode preview!!!
1556… the way they redirect for these snippets is interesting
God that gaze between Lestat and Armand is … *fans self*
Catacombs. Does Armand really show / (try to) teach LOUIS the fire gift? 😬
Justin fucking Kirk talking about the Great Conversion in broad daylight. Ohhhhhh I‘m still calling red herring lol.
Louis throwing Lestat against the wall 😈
Armand challenging Louis 🙌
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cocogrrrl · 11 months
who are you?
while you're on a date with your boyfriend, when a girl comes up claiming that she's his boyfriend. (requested!)
main three (separate) x gn!reader cw: fear of being cheated on/replaced for two, yn being called a whore + sleaze wc: 2046 for all
an: my first request!!!!!! >▿< i hope this suffices! also stan's is a lot more light hearted than kenny and kyle's huhu
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🍀 k. broflovski (wc: 679)
You were out on a park date with Kyle. The two of you were propped up against a tree, with your body loosely leaning on his as well. You buried yourself further into him, your lips humming against his neck.
He seemed to find the action ticklish, brushing you off of his shoulder by gently holding your head up by the chin as if you were just as delicate as porcelain. He stared at you, and you could tell that it seemed like he couldn’t get enough of you. 
“I love-” you whispered against his lips, right before being cut off by a foreign voice off in the distance.
“Who are you?” A random girl spat out right in front of you. Kyle immediately let go of your chin, both of you sharing a confused look before looking back at her.
Kyle was the first one to answer. “What do you mean?” He asked, turning his head at the girl. 
“Huuhhhh!? You’re my boyfriend, duh! Why are you hanging out with… that?” She said. Immediately, your head whipped towards Kyle’s direction, eyes pleading to confirm or deny that what she said was true.
“Look,” he sighed, closing his eyes—an action you’ve come to familiarize yourself with whenever he got upset or angered. Hopefully, he hasn’t been lying to you, right? I mean, he does seem genuine, but…god. “I have no idea who you are or what you’re trying to do. Can you just leave us alone?”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, that’s exactly what a two-timing dick would say!”
“I think you’re looking for the wrong guy. I’m not whoever your boyfriend is.”
“Yes, you are! You’re,” she took a short pause. “...Brad.” She said with full conviction. It felt almost as if a thunderstorm swept itself off your shoulder. You released the biggest sigh you must’ve let out in your life. “And I can’t believe you’re cheating on me! With someone less hotter than me, not to mention.”
“Don’t you dare talk about my partner like that!” Now he snapped, pulling you close to him. “Just cut whatever the fuck you’re trying to do. You got the wrong name anyway!”
She stared at him in shock and disbelief, her jaw dropping on the floor. She turned around, probably to walk away now, but before she did, she leaned into you. “Watch out for that son of a bitch.” She said, walking away right after.
“I’m sorry,” he let out an exasperated sigh, holding your body up as he rested his head on your shoulder. “Gah, I feel so embarrassed.”
“Hey,” you cooed, patting his head. “It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know, but I,” he mumbled, his frustration making him grip onto you a little tighter. “Agh, thank you.” He raised his head, smiling at you. “I hope you weren’t super worried or anything.”
“I kinda was…” You pouted. “It’s not your fault or anything! I know you're better than that. My mind just started jumping to conclusions faster than I could stop it. Sorry.”
“No, no,” he said, removing his hands wrapped around you to lift your head, making you make eye contact with him. “I understand.”
“Thank you, Kyle, especially for when you were defending me earlier.” You hummed, leaning into his touch.
“Thank you too, YN, for not storming out or anything.” He laughed. “You were about to say something earlier, right? Before that whole thing happened?”
Your mind snapped back to earlier, and you quickly nodded. “It was nothing.”
“No, I wanna hear it.” He smiled. 
“Ah, well,” you nervously mumbled against his hand. “I just wanted to say I love you…” Your words came up more muffled than remotely discernable, to which Kyle found himself giggling.
You raised your head from his hand, dragging your lips right next to Kyle’s—the same position you two were in a few moments ago. “I just wanted to say I love you.” You whispered, all breathy.
“I love you too.” He giggled, nudging his nose into yours as he briefly closed the gap.
🍁 k. mccormick (wc: 755)
Traveling through the streets with Kenny, your arms were intertwined—swinging as you two circled around the town. You two shared your headphones. The sun shone but hid within the cloud, so you two weren’t burning right now. If anything, the lush breeze of cold winds blew against you two and made everything cold for you.
Suddenly, something stopped the two of you dead in your tracks.
“Who are you?” A girl spoke up, making you two put your little walk on pause. “And what are you doing with my boyfriend?” Quickly, your head jolted towards Kenny’s, who gave you a look just as shocked as yours.
Now, your relationship with him was still awfully fresh. Before this, he often went from girl to girl. He never really was confirmed to have dated two people at once, but he was a heartthrob amongst most, nonetheless. You worried, like any other rational person. What if he was really two-timing you two?
You turned back to look at her, mumbling out a nervous “I don’t know?” You didn’t notice it at first, but you let go of his hand, your concerns quickly getting the better of you.
“Well, he is my boyfriend, and I think you’re just being used by him.” She said, pushing you off to the side as she hugged Kenny’s arms like a koala—who pushed her off of him immediately. 
“Kenny, is this true?” You looked at him, maintaining a farther distance from him. You were worried, maybe a little insecure too. Those attributes were playing themselves to the maximum right now.
“God, of course not!” He clicked his tongue, shaking his head and walking over to grab you by the sides of your arms. You flinched and took a few steps behind. “YN. I’d never do a thing like that. I understand you’re worried, given everything about me before, but I promise.”
“How can I be sure of that?” You looked worriedly at him, then back at the girl who had a smug grin on her face. 
“Because I like you,” he breathed out. “I like you a whole lot.” He smiled at you, not daring to move any closer for fear it would make you uncomfortable. “And because I have no fuckin’ idea who this girl is.” For a split second, you felt like you could completely trust him again like he was being genuinely honest. For a split second, just his gaze cured you of all your worries.
The girl spoke up once more. “What? I’m your girlfriend!” Just like that, your fears snapped back as fast as they left. You stood there frozen, watching what Kenny would say next.
“Look, girl, I really don’t know who you are.” Kenny rolled his eyes, sighing as he rubbed the back of his neck to relieve some tension. “So unless you got some hard proof that we’ve hooked up before, like texts or pictures or somethin’, YN is my partner as far as I’m concerned.”
She scoffed in reply, but she remained silent. Seems like she was stirring up some trouble all for nothing then. “I… I don’t, but I can’t believe you’re sleeping around with some sleaze!”
He walked up to her, pressing his hands firmly on her shoulders. “Now, you don’t talk to my partner like that, yeah? You know as much about me as I know as much about you—which is none. Stop prying yourself here. It’s fucking embarrassing and you’re only humiliating yourself.” He turned her body away from his direction, giving her a little push. He pulled you and lead you into the opposite direction she was facing.
“Are you okay?” Kenny asked, wrapping his arm around you.
“Yeah, don’t worry,” you sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry for that. I’d never do that to you, you know?” He cooed, playing with your hair with the arm around you.
“I know, I know, but that had me completely worried for a second—if I’m being honest and all.”
“I get why. I can’t say I blame you. I mean, I’d be as worried as you were if I were in the same position.” You found him resting his head on yours as well. “But, I just hope you know that ever since we got together, I’ve completely changed from that side of me. I really like you a lot, and I just can’t bare the thought of losing you because of something stupid like that.”
“Thank you, Kenny. I like you a lot too.”
🎸 s. marsh (wc: 612)
You and Stan were by a bar, mindlessly chatting as you two were mindlessly drinking. The atmosphere was crowded and busy. Though it would be overwhelming, especially adding onto the strong scents of alcohol and sweat, you’ve learned how to tune those things out as best as you could.
Stan was currently talking about what he and his best friend Kyle were up to earlier, you gazing deeply at him—forgetting to pay attention, even. “Yeah, and then Kyle was all angry all of a sudden. I get it, though, but like-”
A whiny, near-shrill voice caught both of your attention. “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” She sighed, taking a seat right next to him, hugging his arm.
Needless to say, Stan had a bothered look, pulling his arm away from her as he faced back to you, mouthing a ‘Who is she?’ at you. You shrugged.
To be honest, you were pretty sure that Stan hasn’t been seeing other people. I mean, he spent most of his time either with you, Kyle, or at work. He work alongside Kyle, and you trusted his friend, so you were sure you would’ve heard something already if he was doing something like that.
The girl behind scoffed. “Oh, my god! You’re so embarrassed. Why did you do that to me? Your girlfriend? Hellooooo?” She yelled amongst all the noise, waving a hand in front of his face.
Stan rolled his eyes, pinching his nose. “Dude, look,” he sighed, turning his direction towards her. “I only talk to, like, five people a day, max—and that includes my parents. I don’t know what your deal is, but I literally have no idea who you are.” He replied blankly but at the same volume.
“You’re only saying that because you're with some trashy whore you found on the street. You’re too nice to hurt her feelings.” She sneered, glaring at you deeply. You weren’t hurt by her comment, you were better than that, but you did find her really funny.
“Don’t say that. That’s my actual partner.” He shook his head, rubbing the sides of it to cool himself down. “We’ve been together for a year now. You’re just embarrassing yourself.”
“But I am your girlfriend!” She pouted, landing a fist on the table.
“Don’t think so.” He hummed nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink.
“You’re so annoying! I’m breaking up with you.”
“Wow. I’m so hurt.” He replied sarcastically, tapping his foot and resting his head on the palm of his hand as he waited for the exchange to be over.
“Ugh, don’t come crying saying you regret you did!” She cried, pushing him as she got out of the place, making a beeline towards the door underneath the luminous ‘exit’ sign.
“Uhuh, ‘kay. Buh-bye.” He said, double-checking if she was actually gone. A few moments after she was gone, you burst into a laugh. Stan rolled his eyes at first but found himself joining you as well—with him even ending up banging on the table.
“What exactly just was that?” You exhaled, catching a breath as you wiped away a tear from your laughs.
“No idea. Fuckin’ weak, though, babe,” he said, brushing your hair out of your face as he tucked the strands behind your ears. “You’re okay, though, right? I’m sure you are. I’m just checking up on you if-”
“Stan, I’m fine. I trust you.” You giggled, pressing a peck on his cheek. “Especially because you had the balls to admit that the only people you talk to, other than Kyle and me, are your parents.”
He groaned, rolling his eyes in annoyance. “Shut up. Oh, my god.”
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Idk if it's obvious or not but I love the boar!creator so much! Could you possibly do one where they spend time with klee going fish blasting (fish blasting™ is not jean approved) and they run into razor? I really want to see what razor thinks of fish blasting :D then maybe we could get a little more andrius content? Ahh this is just such a cool concept!
Being surrounded on all sides by wolves was an amazing feeling.
The warmth, the fuzziness, the feeling of Razor’s hands running up and down your spine. Knowing Andrius was just a snort away.~
Yes life was good.
…Uh oh.
You jumped up, making Razor flinch. You immediately apologized with a small huff to his face, which made him giggle. You tried to get out of the pile, only to be picked up by a certain blue wolf. You allowed yourself to be carried like a cub by the wind spirit. You also noted that Razor had climbed on Andrius’s back.
Now you’d have to witnesses. Neato.
As the three of you wondered out of the Wolvendom, you immediately found the child solider at a nearby pound. Blowing it sky fucking high.
You struggled out of the larger’s maw and ran towards the child, snorting the whole way. She must’ve heard your steps because she turned around immediately and gasped.
“Boar-boar! Razor! Mr. Andrius!” She said with the cutest smile agh your heart-
You ran up and nuzzled against her and she hugged you back. Andrius bounded over and let Razor off his back. Noticing this you rush back, grab his pants, and pull him towards the lake, Andrius chuckling.
“Would you like to fish blast with me!” Klee asked, Razor looked confused and you urged her to continue.
“Oh! Fish blasting is when we blast fish! Like this!” She summoned a bomb and threw it into the pound, the water bursting towards the sky was the explosive beneath the surface exploded.
Razor watched as fish flew through the air, some landing on the ground and some landed back in the water. He glanced at you and you looked… well you looked more than happy to be here.
He nodded and Klee bounced in joy, stepping aside so he could take his turn. Summoning his blade, he slung the weapon into the water after charging in, causing the pond to erupt into a brilliant purple.
Both you and Klee awed at the sight, and cater it was done Klee ran and jumped up to give Razor a hug, completing him over and over for his skill.
And now it was your turn.
You back up, before running up and jumping into the pool. The duo looked into the water…
Before it exploded upwards in a supercharged explosion! Fire and electricity danced with each other in the air and the smell of singed fish filled their noses.
Soon enough - after the water fell back into the pound - you crawled out, your fur drenched and you wagging your tail at the accomplishment.
“WOW!!! THAT WAS SO SUPER DUPER AMAZING BOAR-BOAR!!” Klee cried. She ran to you and hugged you hard.
“…That was… cool..” Razor said. He was still a bit start struck from the display, but he was able to bring himself to running a hand through your fur.
You looked for Andrius to see if he’d give you a compliment… only to see him eating the singed fish. You both made eye contact.
And you burst out into snort laughter. Rolling in your side, Klee and a Razor also began to laugh.
Today, was a good day.
Mmm fish blasting with Klee. I wanna do that so bad- MMMM WHY CANT KLEE BE REAL ૮꒰ ˶꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ˶꒱ა♡-
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shokotartitas · 7 months
What would you two be like when you want a child?? Neuvillette x Fem!reader
Warnings: Contains some NSFW! (will be notified)
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The little melusines hug you while you caress them and Neuvilette enters...
-Oh? Well they seem like they are having fun.-
Neuvillette said as he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
-Neuvillette Y/N can be our mother?-
One of the melusinas asks while the rest nod excitedly.
-It would be logical... Wouldn't it be Y/N?-
Neuvilette said as he looked at her with some affection.
-Uhmmm... I think so! Yes, I can be hers mother, little ones!
The melusines clung tighter and then ran away happily... Leaving them alone
-Neuvi... So... You would like the idea of ​​us having a family, right?-
Y/N asked as she saw Neuvilette put his arms around her.
-Do you want to make a brother/sister for them? I don't have problems, I don't have them honey-
Neuvillette pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss, no lust for now.
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The NSFW part starts here!
You can skip it if this content bothers you, no problems ❤️‍🩹
The Kiss got louder... Neuvillette's hands went up and down your curves, at this pace... They would do it in the office
-At this rate... I think the brother/sister for the melusines will be ready in a few... Rounds.-
Y/N blushed lightly as she snuggled into his chest.
-W-Well... It's not so bad, right?-
Neuvillette didn't say anything, he joined his lips with yours again in a passionate kiss while he slowly lowered your skirt, sitting you on his couch.
You gasp as they reciprocate that soft kiss full of passion.
Neuvillette smiled when he heard your gasp as he finished lowering your skirt to leave your thong on, and inserting his fingers into it.
-Here I go, my little one-
Neuvillette said putting two fingers into the act making you moan.
-A-agh... mmm...-
You held on as he moved his fingers in circles inside your clit
-I can't imagine my cock inside that pussy of yours-
Neuvillette said, placing kisses on your neck up to your collarbone and with his other hand pulling down your blouse.
-How sweet of you...-
You said sarcastically as you continued to pant.
Neuvillette laughed softly, finishing pulling down your shirt. Luckily you were without a bra. He kissed your breasts while he continued fucking you with his fingers.
-I'm flattered princess, do you want me to fuck you with my cock, now?-
Neuvillette said leaving some marks on your breasts, waiting for your response. His pants looked tight, there was a bulge... He's obviously excited.
-I-if you like...-
Neuvillette smiled and had a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, you had never seen him so serious but sexy, so obscene that he turned you on with his words and even more so with his actions on your pussy.
He pulled down his pants revealing his cock, excited and ready to fuck you. he took his fingers out of your intimacy and he sat down, carrying you on his lap and slowly entering.
-A-ahm i-it hurts...-
You whimpered as you snuggled into his neck, his balls about to hit your cervix.
-Princess...Take it all when I cum-
Neuvillette said that last thing to start fucking you hard, your nails digging into his back, exciting More.
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You moan and moan and moan. He finally came inside you after so many thrusts, your face with tears of pleasure and him hugging you.
-Does it look like I will have one more child? Or do I have to do another round?-
-I'm dead, I can't walk anymore Neuvillette!-
You say shaking as Neuvilette picks you up, covering your body and carrying you to the bed, to their room.
You cleaned yourself while putting on your pajamas and Neuvillette the same.
-If it hurt... Maybe the melusinas will have a brother/sister...-
Neuvillette smiled pleased, hugging you again as he snuggled you into his chest.
-Most likely, dear.... So sleep-
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