#HBD to my comfort character-
nostalgic90s · 1 year
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The Clown Prince of Gotham is more accurate. I mean c'mon he was clowning around way before Jeremiah 🥳 (and Jeremiah was a maniac long before Jerome snapped)
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hyperfixat · 4 months
hbd to me!!!!!!! here’s a vent fic i wrote a few months ago so proceed with caution; reader attempted suicide, reader continues to have suicidal thoughts/attempts, reader seeks harm onto themself (both from external sources and self inflicted), reader is depressed!!! be sure to evaluate your mental state before reading this fic :3. this also contains a scene that i felt compelled to write for some reason involving assisted hygiene: idk i felt that needed a little acknowledgment..
ik its my birthday fic and it proably should be happy, but theres a bit of hurt comfort to this that i love and i polished it up to share so that hopefully u like it too.. again heed my warnings^
also final note; formatted on my pc, sprry if its funky
The first thing you feel upon waking up is disappointment.  This… you rub your face with your hands.  You can’t do anything right, you sigh.  Waking up is a clear sign of a failure as to your plans.
Although you frown as you observe your surroundings, this isn’t where you would be if someone had caught you attempting to take your life.  You wouldn’t be dumped in the middle of a sunny field.  This isn’t a hospital or ward, in fact there’s no sign of any modern buildings from where you sit.
Just where are you…?
You use shaky arms to lift yourself up, and begin to attempt to find a way home.  Or for something to just kill you.
What luck, you realize morbidly, you spawned on a plateau, and that’s all you allow yourself to think before breaking into a sprint and running both to and over the edge.
You hit the plains with a crack and you wheeze out a pained groan.  Before you can lift yourself up to try again or seek help or check for any witnesses, you feel your body fade away. It’s a weightless feeling as you sink into the earth of Teyvat.
There is not much pain, not as much as you had hoped or expected.  In ways this is a pro, for you are a coward in the face of pain no matter deserved or otherwise.
You fade, but not into the hold of death, at least you don’t think this is death, rather you fade from your spot crumpled on the ground into a sitting position firmly in the arms of an Anemo Statue of Seven.  The marble orb of Barbatos’ lookalike stops you from falling out of the statue’s arms and you heave a sigh.
How unfortunate.  It seems you cannot permanently die here.  Though… what if it was a fluke…?  With another bone deep sigh you fall to the ground and walk back to the ledge and stare down at the fifty foot drop.
Before you work up the courage to take the plunge a high, excited voice calls out for you.  You flinch, opening your eyes to see a youthful bard dressed in Mondstatian green, holding his hands out for you.  Venti is sprinting towards you and you take a step back nervously.  He seems to recognize you… but how could that be?  
His face falls as you back away and his sprint slows when he’s a few yards away from being able to reach out to you.  Venti calls your name again.  He falters, the smile adorning his face slips.
“Wait…” his voice wavers.  “What are you doing, Divine One?”
Why did he call you that…?  Is it some Mondstat greeting of sorts?  You can’t kill yourself in front of him and retraumatize the poor guy, so you allow him to get closer to you, and you don’t stop him when he sweeps his lythe form down into a kneeling bow.
“Hello.”  You greet, unsure of how one is supposed to act when approached by a fictional character.
Venti lifts his gaze from the ground up to your face, looking downright awestruck.
“I, we, have long awaited your descent, Divine One, it is an honor to have you grace the lands of Freedom with your presence first.”  
Uh-oh.  He seems to have confused you with someone else, because you are certainly no one special and definitely not any sort of divine.  How are you gonna break that to him without too much embarrassment on either of your parts?
“Please, come with me to the city, I’m certain the people will be delighted to host the one who shaped the world.”  His voice is high with a musical lilt, and it’s hard to decline him.
“I’m sorry,” your voice comes out dry, and you realize you’re terribly dehydrated.  “I think there’s been a mistake.  I’m not whoever you think I am.”
You take a step back, backing yourself up the hill onto higher ground.
“Whatever do you mean, Divine One?  Your presence is unmistakable.”
You shake your head, stepping further away from the Archon.  Venti reaches his hand out to grasp at the bottom hem of your pajama pants.  “Please!  I’ve waited so long for you.”  He falls onto his knees to beg.
Fuck, his eyes are so pretty when he pleads.  You don’t want to risk angering whatever God he’s mistaking you with, though, “Venti….”  
The blue-green sky of his eyes turns to the color of the ocean as tears well up in his waterline.  His whole body shivers when you utter his chosen name.  “I can keep it a secret from the public.  Surely only Archons and those blessed with a Vision will be able to sense you.  We can keep it quiet, please, Divine One, I beg of you.”
“I’m not this Divine One you speak of,” you kneel and place a hand on his hat.  Venti’s eyes search yours with confusion. As he lifts his head, your hand presses into the curve of his skull, making him lean harder into your touch.
“Th-That’s okay, please just stay in Mondstadt for a night, that’s all I wish.”  He doesn’t believe you, that’s clear, but he seems so eager to appease you.
You pause, looking away from the pathetically begging archon.  His hands clench on your pant fabric.
“Okay.  Just for the night.”  You hope no one else from Mondsat is as strange as Venti is…
“I don’t have any way to pay for this,” you smile at Diluc, placing a hand on the side of the glass to push it back across the counter.
“I wouldn’t dream of making you pay, please drink all you wish.  Let me know if it isn’t to your taste.”
“Does that apply to their guide as well, Master Diluc?”
“A shame,” Venti sighs, taking a deep drink from his glass.
You have to hand it to Venti, he is a good guide.  He’s quick to shut down any vision holder you come across with a quick whisper in their ear, and he truly knows Mondstadt in and out.
The bell above the door jingles as it swings open, and you glance behind you in time to see Rosaria come strolling in with a timid Barbara clutching the back of her cathedral robes.  She must not visit the Angel’s Share much, seeing as the hydro-user looks around with quick, nervous eyes.  When her eyes land on you they widen comically, her small hand darting out to steady herself on Rosaria’s forearm.
“Farewell, my Divinity,” “Safe travels, Divine One,” and “May the wind bless your travels, Your Grace,” follow your retreating form as you make the hike to Dragonspine.  
Honestly you aren’t certain where you’re heading.  If the other nations treat you the same as Mondstadt, that's a no-go.  You won’t know unless you go, though.  Maybe you should head the same route the Traveler would.  That would mean Dragonspine is your next destination.  
Who will you meet there?  Albedo…?  He’s the only one you can think of that stays there.
As you begin the trek you realize; he’s a research-type dude, you hesitate to say scientist, but he does experiments and such.  Perhaps, you can make use of yourself by giving your body up to him to work on.  Surely an undying body would greatly interest the research of life?
After a surprisingly simple search you find him and present your proposition.
“Absolutely not,” Albedo dismisses you without thought.  He doesn’t even bother to spare you a look.  “That is blasphemy of the highest order, I’d suggest giving that attitude up sooner rather than later.”
You flinch back at the words, taking a step back into the chill of Dragonspine.
“I can offer you sanctuary here if you seek it, but I will not harm you.”  
“That’s…” not at all what you want.  “That’s very kind of you to offer, but I must decline.”
His haunting blue eyes follow you down the snowy path to Liyue.  Once you are far too away to hear, he states calmly, “safe travels.”
As you walk down the icy paths lining the gravel streets you think… Albedo had rejected you just like that.  What’s the next step?
You might as well stop by Liyue Harbor, maybe meet some characters before… before maybe heading to Sumeru?  
Ahhah! It hits you then, the harbinger introduced in Sumeru: Il Dottore.  If Albedo had reservations, then Dottore would have none.
Even still, Liyue is a harbor.  You’re sure to find a way to Snezhnaya from there.
You almost get to the docks without drawing any attention to yourself.  Almost.
Your mistake laid in the fact that you passed the Golden House, the weekly Childe Boss fight.  In your defense you didn’t actually think he’d be in there.  And it’s not like you even went in, only going up the steps and around for a detour.  
And it was a quick route until a strangled gasp came from behind you, making you spin around in alarm.  There, Tartaglia stood, with pupils nearly the size of his gray-blue eyes, staring, completely enraptured by your visage.  Your knees buckle and you make to sprint, but your body is no match for a Fatui Harbinger.
In retrospect you’re not entirely sure what drove you to run, perhaps some fight or flight instinct buried inside of you.
His long hand wraps around your forearm, tugging you to a stop, you face him, and your face must portray your panic clearly because Tartaglia’s twists into sorrowful sympathy.
“My Divinity… it is an honor to meet you in the flesh.”
“Let go.”  He does, promptly so. 
“I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself.  May I ask where you are headed, and if you are in need of company?”
“No.  Thank you, Childe.” 
His face shifts into a serious look, nodding.  “Do you need an escort to Liyue then?  Is that where you’re heading?” 
“No.  I know where I’m going, and I much prefer to go alone.” It’s not entirely false, you know where you’re headed, just not how.
“Well… be safe, okay?  I hope to see you again.”
“I will.”  The lie comes out and you cringe, because its delivery falls flat and its so obviously untrue.
“Does Mr Zhongli know you’re here?  Surely you’re here to see Morax?” He strolls to your other side, offering a hand to lead you to the city.  You ignore the hand.
“Goodbye, Tartaglia.”
“I can’t let you leave alone in good conscience…. You don’t seem well.  Let me lead you to the harbor at least.”
Since he is as unmoving as stone, you let him take you to the main city, managing to ditch him before more people can know about your presence.
The boats docked at Liyue Harbor are hopeful.  “Where is this ship headed?” you ask one of the dock workers.  They look up at your voice before glancing at the ship they’re loading up with lumber.
“Snezhnaya.” They say glancing up at the grand vessel.  “Why?  Where’re you tryna go, friend?”  
“Snezhnaya.  How much does the fare cost, one way?”
“News of your travels have reached Snezhnaya, Divine One.”  Dottore starts, fixing his posture from a lean on a surgical table to something more proper.  You shake your head, the weariness you’ve accumulated on your journey weighing down on you.  You’re finally where you deserve to be.
“I’m not the Divine One you speak of, Dottore.”
“Hm?  Do you think so little of my intelligence?  Your presence is unmistakable.”
“No, it’s not that.  But I’m not.  I’m just a regular person.  And I came to you for a reason.”
“Oh?  The Creator themself, seeking me out?  It’s an honor,” the doctor bows to you, smirking at you from beneath his beaklike mask.
“I need you to hurt me.”
“What?”  He pulls himself up with a startled question.  “I’m afraid I misheard you, Divine One.”
“I can’t die, Dottore.  I’m giving myself to you, you…” you heave a sigh as you explain your reasoning.  “You could make use of me.  I’m not whoever you think I am, please just take me.  I don’t care what you do to me.”
“You’re… giving yourself to me?”  
“Do you know what happens to my… patients?”
“Yes, that's why I’m here.  I can’t die, I imagine I would make a good test subject.”
“Is this a test?”  Dottore seems to be speaking to himself more than anything.  He pushes away from the table and paces to the back room of the lab, muttering madly to himself as he does so.  The door swings open with a loud screeching and you catch sight of multiple mops of blue hair and masks.  
His Segments.
You can hear a conversation ongoing between all of the parts of Zandik, it seems he doesn’t want to be rash and take you in too hastily.  You can understand his (their?) hesitancy; if a god offered themselves up to you, you would surely think it was a trap.  But you aren’t a god, so it should be a no brainer for him.  How often does he get consenting test subjects?
It seems this absurd idea of you being a higher power has infiltrated Snezhnaya as well, which is… not good. Everyone is saying you’re more than what you are, you can’t be a god, you barely consider yourself a human.
An older, completely unmasked Segment sticks his head out of the door, frowning once he makes eye contact with you.  There’s gray leaking from his roots into the teal of Dottore’s hair, and visible aging lines on his face; crows feet and tension on his cheekbones.  Glowing red eyes narrow upon meeting your own, mouth pulling into a tight line.
A younger segment, smaller in size and stature, with a nearly full face mask, only showing part of his mouth.  You think that is the one that the Fandom surrounding him dubbed Webttore.  You usually see pictures of him with a wide, jagged-tooth smile, but, like his older part, he looks solemn.
You wonder just how many Segments Il Dottore has, because you can still hear an entire conversation going on without the two.
The conversation seems to be dying down, not ending without a few red eyes peeking out from behind the door at you.  It’s surreal seeing so many versions of the same person at once; the youthful ones, eyes wide, and the older ones with wrinkles built with time and age, all at the same moment in time.
Eventually though, they do seem to come to a verdict: the Omega segment, the one you met upon walking into his lab, exits, closing the door behind him with a click that resonates through the room.
His answer is a simple word.  “No.”
Your heart drops and stomach sinks at the rejection, and based on il Dottore’s reaction it must show.  “Why?” your voice is small and sounds foreign to your own ears.
“I cannot forsake the true god in such a way, whether you acknowledge it or not, you have that power.”
All the turmoil and hardships it took to get here come crashing down, the light at the end of the tunnel is rejecting you.  You hadn’t known this was something that could happen, your… your savior, the one you were looking for is telling you no.  He won’t lay a finger on you, and it’s tearing you apart.  This was the only thing that kept you from burying yourself in the deep forest of Sumeru and letting yourself rot.
“Oh.” It’s shaky and you nod, trying to take it maturely.  “I see.”  Your voice is warbling like you're on the verge of tears.  Blinking rapidly to dispel the water from your eyes, you lower your head and make to scamper out of the lab.
Dottore lets out a heavy sigh, and his leather gloves wrap around your wrist.
“Wait.”  You nervously glance up at his mask.
“You said you would ‘give yourself to me,’ no?”
Your heart pounds heavily in your chest, “yes.”  Has he suddenly changed his mind? You shouldn't get your hopes up.
“I will take you.  I doubt you will appreciate my intentions, but if I were to own you, you wouldn’t be able to complain.  After all, you will have done it to yourself.”
You don’t know what those words mean, but the stinging rejection welling up in your eyes turns to relief. “Thank you,” he doesn’t stop you from dashing to his side and wrapping your arms around his waist.  You press your face into his abdomen, letting his clothes soak up your tears.  A hesitant hand rubs over your spine, an effort to soothe you.
You pull yourself together, sucking in a deep breath of the sterile lab air.  
“Alright,” Dottore says after he deems you put together enough.  “Come.”  His hand covers your wrist, gently tugging you behind him.  You aren’t sure where he is leading you, as he takes you out of the lab.  The halls are tall and gorgeously crafted, intermittent with intricate moldings on the wall.  
It’s a small room you find yourself in, but it is infinitely better than the wilderness.  The size is comparable to an average hotel room.  Dottore instructs you to sit and stay on the bed, which you do obediently.  Nerves swirl inside of you, as to where he has gone and what he will bring back with - when he will return, if at all.
Il Dottore knows.  While he is not well versed on human, much less godly, psychology, he can tell you’re depressed when you first stumbled your way into his workstation. Besides, he’d be hard pressed to deny the rumors from various agents that had been located in places you’d traveled through.
With a small caddy in his hands Dottore kneels next to the nightstand and places a hand on your shoulder to force you to lay down.  “Arm.”  Is what he prompts for you to let him maneuver your arm to lay open and flat over the edge of the bed. 
The scent of alcohol alerts you to the sanitary wipe before you feel the chill of it.  You keep your eyes trained on the ceiling as you feel the slight pinch of a needle  and a clicking as an IV is deposited into your arm.  Out of the corner of your eye you see Dottore set up a drip, but you don’t bother to ask what it is, the excitement of the day catching up with you.
Il Dottore eventually leaves the room in silence after pushing an odd vial of liquid into the drip, not bothering to look behind him as he closes the door and leaves with confident strides.
Although it’s entirely possible it’s simply the Placebo Effect, as the drip spreads throughout your veins you can feel your eyes getting heavier and heavier.  Before long you can no longer keep them open and slip into a dreamless sleep.
You wake up to a Mirror Maiden tidying up the nightstand next to you.  You observe her work, wondering how she can manage to navigate with the blind pulled over her eyes.  She startles when she catches your eyes on her, though returns back to work, quietly disposing of the used needles from earlier.  You wonder what The Doctor has injected you with; wonder if he added more of whatever it is while you were unconscious.
There’s a brisk, impatient knock on the door and the Maiden straightens up, taking hold of everything to discard and striding over to change positions with Tartaglia behind the door.
You stay flat on your back, looking at the ginger in mild surprise.  Last you saw him he was in Liyue and set to stay for quite a while.  Had he heard you gave yourself away to Il Dottore?   Is he here to plead for you to change your mind?
But to your bemusement he stays quiet, walking over to and kneeling next to your bed.  Instead of speaking he merely rests his head on the nightstand, dull blue eyes gazing at you sadly, yet reverently.
You’re unsure of how long you look up at the ceiling, doing your best to ignore Tartaglia’s eyes on you.  His gaze is unwavering, and eventually, you turn your head to the side, meeting his eyes.
“I’m sorry for my behavior in Liyue.  I was too excited to see you, and my manners deserted me.”
“It’s okay.” You croak, throat dry from sleep.  “I was dismissive as well.”
Dottore doesn’t bother to knock when he comes in.
“I see you’re awake and seem to have found a stray harbinger.”
Tartaglia doesn’t react to his entrance, merely moving to the far end of the bed, laying his head on the covers near your feet.  You realize someone has drapped a plain, solid color duvet over your body when you slept. 
“Are you feeling anything out of the ordinary?” Dottore asks, checking the emptied IV bag.  He unclips it and pulls a fresh one from his lab coat pocket.
You take the moment to assess (how do you spell it) your body.  In all honesty you’re feeling much better, the hydration from the drip really made a difference.
“I feel hydrated.”
Dottore hums, he sounds disinterested.  “How’s your appetite? Can you stomach anything for me?”  He clips a new bag onto the pole, screwing it into your IV’s tube. “Stand if you can.” 
Dottore’s eyes watch you intensely behind his mask, observing how you tremble when you put a leg onto the floor.  “Childe, help them and follow me.”
Tartaglia scrambles to steady your arm as you fully get out of the bed, wrapping the one without the needle in it around his shoulder to support you.  You stiffen, but aren’t in any position to be able to get around without him, not with the emptiness of your stomach and the way black fades into your vision when you stand.  “Get them to the restroom, take care of their needs.  I will return with what they will eat.”
“Come on, I got you,” Tartaglia assures as he leads you to the ensuite restroom. It’s nothing too fancy; simply a sink, shower, and toilet.
You eye the toilet, realizing how long it’s been since you’ve relieved yourself.  A shower would also be nice…
“Allow me to assist you, Divine One,” Tartaglia remains stoic and respectful as he shimmies your pants and underwear down your legs, letting you support yourself on his broad shoulders as you step out of the pant holes.  After making sure you get to the toilet safely he turns around and starts the shower faucet.
The sound of the water helps you get over your pee shyness and by the time Tartaglia finishes soaking and preparing a cloth for you, you’ve finished and are ready to bathe.
With weak arms you gather the hem of your shirt in your hands and remove the remainder of your clothes.
Tartaglia helps you get clean with warm, respectful touches, passing you the cloth for you to clean more intimate areas, before helping you out of the shower and wrapping a large, soft towel around your body.  It’s huge, covering the top of your bust to well past mid-calf, looping around your body almost twice.  He tucks the towel tightly with practiced precision. 
“Il Dottore will be back soon, I’ll help you get dressed before he returns.  Do you have any material preferences?”
You sit up in bed, feeling marginally better than the day before.  The day after that, and the day after that all proceed in a similar fashion; each time you feel just a little bit better.  More clear headed, a better appetite, less like a corpse walking.
Only after Dottore deems you well enough to remove the IV do you get your suspicions that it was more than just the proper nutrition making you feel better.  He still stops by your room twice a day for some shots; he encouraged you to choose where he would deposit them (when you said into your brain or through your chest, it did not amuse him).  It feels suspiciously like the antidepressants you’ve been on before.  
It only further confuses you, though.  Does he want you in a proper state of mind for something?  He has no reason other than unfounded faith to help you, you don’t like it.  It’s … uncomfortable receiving this type of care, knowing it’s only because they think you're better than who you really are.
The food they feed you, the clothes they dress you in, it's all much more than you deserve.
“What are you doing to me?”
“Pardon?” Dottore sets the syringe down with a metallic click.  Through his mask you can feel his gaze on you.
“You’re… you’re trying to— to…” the words fail you.
“Mitigate your depressive symptoms?  Yes, I am.  What of it?”  Il Dottore picks the syringe back up, pushing the knob back before stabbing it into the vial in his hand. He pulls the liquid up with ease before removing the needle and pushing to remove the excess air in the syringe.
“Hm?  Why would I not?”  He flicks the syringe and some liquid flies from the point of the needle.
“If I were anyone else you wouldn’t be doing this.”
“Haven’t you realized by now that I’m not who you think I am?  That I’m just a normal human in a horrible situation of being unable to die?”
“That is not so.  Your skin cultures and biopsy results do not share that conclusion.  Even if you continue to deny your god-hood, it changes nothing. I know for certain who you are, and you will remain in my care until you utilize your divine right to revoke such.”
Biopsy? When on Earth — Teyvat? — did that happen?  But there’s more important things to discuss with him for now, not that you care how or when it happened.  You’re more surprised you never noticed, that’s all.
“You’re wrong!”  You wail, tears finally coming for the first time in a while.  You had thrown your head back to speak, but now you collapse in on yourself with your head between your arms and legs.  It’s humid, but saves you from having to look at the doctor and his unreadable bird mask.
“Oh my,” you hear Dottore murmur, then he sets his medical supplies to the side and places a hand on your shoulder. He remains there while you sob, when finally the lack of speech seems to reach the boiling point, he heaves a sigh.  “If it is of any consolation, if it were to come to my attention that you are not in any way godly or divine, I would treat you the same.  I’ve put far too much care into you to just toss you aside..”
That consoles you, if only a little, damn the drugs making you want to continue life to see the future.   But you broke the dam of tears, and it’ll take a while for them to stop; you need to cry out everything that led you here….
Your… attempt that put you in Teyvat, the one you tried right after arrival, the false death, all the eyes and praise that aren’t meant for you.  It’s dysphoric.  
The lurches of your body with your cries, stitches your sides and you sniffle harder into the crevice your body makes, the moisture of the confined body space blending in with your tears.
“There now,” Dottore says, quieter as you get so as well.  “Perhaps some more rest will do you good.  I’ll be at the ready whenever you wake.”
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sitp-recs · 10 months
20 Harry-centric fics to read this month
What better way to celebrate Harry’s birthday than revisiting (or discovering) Harry-centric fics? If you feel like taking a deep dive into his character, here are my suggestions: short and long stories exploring his emotional arc, inner struggles, past trauma, sexual liberation and of course, his feelings about himself and about Draco. I couldn’t resist including some Draco POV fics because I love learning about Harry through his eyes. Pick your comfort food and enjoy Harry’s HBD week!
Still Life, orphaned (M, 3k)
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Snug by @moonflower-rose (E, 6k)
Potter can't keep his hands off himself. Draco can't look away.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (T, 9k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (NR, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
Let's Go Outside by cryptonym (E, 24k)
Harry's done with the sofa, the hall and the kitchen table, baby.
Famous by @fw00shy (E, 24k)
It's a couple of years after the war, and Harry's bored of models now, the same way he's bored of Ron's constant nagging, bored of his Weasley monogram knitwear, bored of the same fucking grin that greets him when he hands his fire-truck red Bugatti over to the valet every night. He wants to find—well, he isn't sure what he wants. Anything but models.
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (E, 35k)
As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
Unseen by @jackvbriefs (T, 47k)
Harry Potter finally has the chance to leave England and its expectations for The Chosen One behind for good. All he has to do is survive one Auror training conference overseas with Draco Sodding Malfoy.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Harry Potter and the elusive day off by pleasebekidding (E, 71k)
Auror Potter needs a fucking break. He is wiped. He is exhausted. He probably didn't intend to put himself into a magical coma but these things happen. And who cares, really? He is comfortable in a house where he has hidden away all the shit he can't deal with.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
where all the veins meet by eight_of_wands (E, 146k)
It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now?
Away Childish Things by lettered (T, 153k)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
Can't Sit Still by wilteddaisy (E, 193k)
Five years after the war, Harry finds himself drawn to Draco Malfoy by memories that aren't his own. Or, in which Harry hates his Auror partner, Draco flips houses, Pansy sleeps around, Hermione is a magical creatures’ justice warrior, Blaise is getting married, and Ron is just along for the ride.
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cyclorose · 7 months
[Day 31 + bday present - HBD Dave]
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I've seen depressive fanarts of him today and I wanted to light up the mood a bit LOL (I enjoy the sad angsty stuff too hehehehe)
ALSO with this drawing the Dogtober is completed !!!! I had a lot of fun doing it despite complaining a lot on insta. I had to make 1-2 drawings a day and this one and Oliver's took longer to make, but it was worth it :D
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DOGTOBER MADE BY @/soapy_dishes & @/dan_vis262 (INSTAGRAM)
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boomhoon · 2 months
Random Sunghoon appreciation post <3
more under the cut!
CW: Mentions of hickies, vampires, kissing, fluff, random thoughts, observations, SFW
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“Moles appear in places where your past lover has kissed you most.” So kiss those moles again and again, finding each hidden mole like a treasure hunt. Draw around them too, like you’re creating another masterpiece on the Mona Lisa. A unique beauty mark that requires no work done. A special constellation only for your eyes, name it after something dear to the heart.
Leaves the viewer stunned and in awe at the sight. A distinctive trait only thought of for Vampires. In the dark glow of the moonlight, hover over your lover, whisper in their ears, watch the way the fangs appear in a smile. Resist the urge to drag your fingers over the sharp ends. But when things get heated, don’t hesitate to push your tongue alongside them, and feel the way they sink onto your skin. A deadly thing. But the contagious laughter that erupts past says otherwise. Only Sunghoon could emit this feeling.
The pure grit, and ambition will never fade. He leaves behind a legacy, memories, and lessons to share. A hard worker, even Sisyphus’s punishment is no match for this character. Sunghoon will push through, succeeding is in the name. You’ll get pushed too. But not over the edge. You’ll get pushed to the stars, to your dreams, to your goals. An attitude is only good if it’s right. But don’t worry, you’re in good hands.
Cold, yet comforting. Long, slender fingers perfect to lead the way and wrap around your own. Hands that has experienced everything in life, but has yet to explore you. His fingers reach for your own to fiddle with- squeezes, pinches, taps, and kisses. Hands that will drag you along the rink, catch your fall, throw snowballs, and boop your cheek. Pesky hands traveling to sensitive places. Pointy nails that stick out obscurely, can’t help but observe them, can’t help but love them.
Careful eyes, and an even more careful mind. Silent when needed, paying attention like the moon in the dead of night. Don’t think you’re not cared for. Even in the most reserved form, his heart will pour out to you and you’ll see every bit of thought through the two windows on his face or through his piercing words.
Pale skin
Fair in-and-out. Radiant in every way. Just like dainty china plates, and blinding fresh snow. Scan for marks, and perfect imperfections— a sign of living, a sign of a past, a sign of a story nobody will ever know of. Pale flesh that turns red after being gripped on, the color will turn a beautiful purple once sucked on. A clean canvas for your creation. Love bites show, and hickies emerge.
Small smiles while trying to hold in laughter, penguin eyes, perseverance, growing confidence by the minute, abstracted mind, a loyal heart, sunset skies, country roads, baby blue love, explosive summers, wet & loving kisses, yearning for affection, the first snow, secret glances, old love that lingers in the mind, exasperated sighs, tired hugs, dazed stares, head pats, striking eyebrows, and endless jokes & teasing.
Taglist: creds to @fairytopea for the divider! @sanasour @mars101
A/N: Cute lil post for my number 1 man 🥰🥰, HBD Jay!!, i love u moonbin, and i have a niki fanfic brewing so hit like and subscribe and click the notification bell for more 😈🙏
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Hi! If you're taking requests, I would love headcanons of how the members of Bells Hells would celebrate their s/o's birthday, as it's my birthday today ^^ thanks 💞
This has a bonus character at the end so keep an eye out for them 👀 enjoy and hbd cutie 💜
~ Poet
Bell's Hells (+bonus member) Celebrating Their S/O's Birthday 🎉
Ashton 💙
It's surprisingly cold out, so they wrap you up in one of their oversized heavy jackets and whisks you away to the market. It's a comforting weight, and it makes you both feel giddy and mischievous for the day ahead. Ashton brings you to a tacky general store full of useless trinkets and unusual items, let's you browse through the aisles to your heart's content. Purchases you one really expensive thing that caught your eye at a better quality shop, and manages to swipe a few cheaper knickknacks from vendors who give you grumpy attitudes on your special day. Holds your hand and kisses you stupid every chance he has, insistent and teasing.
Chetney 💙
You can't seem to find Chet at breakfast, which slightly dampens your mood while the rest of the party chime in and wish you a good birthday. You spend the day indulging yourself as you see fit - snacking on treats and buying that magical item you wanted, but it's a little lonely. That is until you hear a running and a shriek behind you, and the gnome almost knocks you off your feet. He fumbles with something in his hand, nearly dropping it several times due to the splinters at his fingertips, and he spouts apologies of not seeing you earlier and excuses of attempting perfection. You're at a loss when he presents a beautfully carved ring, and can't help but pull him in for a tight hug, his arms curling around your neck.
Dorian 💙
You're woken up to ticklish and energetic kisses being pressed under your eyes and following the shape of your face, the slope of your nose and the apples of your cheeks. Dorian's smile can be heard in his tuneful humming - you don't even have to open your eyes to know that. He helps you dress into something new and a lil bit fancy for the occasion, cooing all about his plans for the day - your favourite dinner, a show, maybe drinks with the rest of the party followed by a stroll about the town, arm in arm with your cheek pressed to his shoulder. He serenades you throughout the day just to see you smile shyly, pulls out your chair and keeps your glass full, and playfully lifts spoonfuls of dessert to your lips only to steal a kiss after.
Fearne 💙
You think you're being smooched awake by a beautiful faun, but when you open your eyes it's in fact Little Mister who is nibbling on your nose with a happy chirp. You laugh and huddle up with the familiar for a little longer until Fearne finds you both and joins the cuddle pile, giving you a proper kiss. She places a crown woven of flowers and ribbons on your head, adjusts it here and there until she deems it perfect before she declares you gorgeous and orders you to get ready for a day of shenanigans. This includes going to fancy boutiques and trying on shirts, dresses, scarves, hats etc. (and casually walking out without paying), sight seeing around town and sharing the most scrumptious and tooth-rottingly sweet cupcakes you can find.
Imogen 💙
She storms into your bedroom at the crack of dawn, gears you up in comfortable trousers and boots. Your eyes are still bleary from sleep and it's dark outside, but you have no choice but to wake up a bit and wrap your arms around Imogen's middle tightly when she commands her horse to take off at a very sudden and fast pace. You find yourself laughing, her hair tickling your face as the world whips by you, the horse ride so invigorating and spontaneous to start your day. Eventually, you settle down with a makeshift picnic-breakfast on a hill under a tree, cuddled up as the sun rises. She has your head in her lap and trails her finger so lightly across your face in little motions that you end up dozing off.
Laudna 💙
She perches at the foot of your bed with an almost nervous energy while you unwrap her present. You smile down at the package and begin to peel the parchment away reverently while she patiently watches. Just as Laudna insists it's nothing special, you softly gasp and lift up the handmade doll from the paper - with woolen hair styled in such a familiar way, and button eyes that match your own, the figure is undoubtedly an imitation of yourself. Scraps of cloth have been lovingly stitched together to resemble your signature armour and robes, and Laudna squeals with happiness when you launch yourself at her and fall to the floor. She scrambles for Pâté and Sashimi, who both greet and promise your doll a fun day is in store their fun-scary friend.
Orym 💙
He's planned you a party. Not a grand social event to rival that of lords and princes, but a party nonetheless with your favourite people in attendence. There's food and music and dancing, a roaring fire and friendly faces. Orym somehow managed to get in contact with some of your family and allies from before joining Bell's Hells, and even if they couldn't make it, he has their birthday messages and letters wrapped in a box for you to read once the day is over. He wipes the most delicious cake crumbs and frosting away from the corner of your mouth when he sits down at your side at the head of the table, eyes shining with so much warmth and affection you just about melt.
BONUS: Lord Ariks Eshteross 💙
You wake up in the early hours of the morning to so many wonderful smells oh my god. There's rummaging and clattering of bowls and utensils downstairs that you 100% know is coming from the kitchen, and as you slip out of bed and throw on a robe, you notice a small little present on your bedside table. Lord Ariks spoils you with a hot drink waiting at your table setting, sugary pastries and bitesize cakes, and fondly presses his lips to your knuckles when you join him for breakfast.
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debbydandelion · 2 months
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On this day 21 years ago, April 7, 2003, happy birthday to the best robot boy of all time, Astroboy! 🍰🎉
The best work of Tezuka-sensei. 🌷
One of my favorite comfort characters, luvu Atom. 💕
PS. He and I were born the same year! 🤓☝🏻
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siphoklansan · 11 months
Happy Birthday, Charin! [Scroll down to see Q&A details]🎉
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𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝗺𝗺𝗼𝐧𝐞𝐝: Oh? Now, aren’t you adorable for giving me your wishes…There’s nothing I want more than you by my side, though~
หือ? น่ารักเสียจริงที่ได้มาอวยพรวันเกิดให้กระผม…แต่ไม่มีอะไรที่กระผมอยากได้นอกจากคุณที่มาอยู่เคียงข้างกายนะขอรับ~
𝐒𝐮𝗺𝗺𝗼𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞: Ahahahaha! I didn’t expect so many people to come over. But then again, Kalim did say that he’d invite a whole crowd… *ahem* Anyway, thanks for being here, sweet heart. Let’s get you a slice of cake, shall we?
อะฮ่าฮ่าฮ่าฮ่า! กระผมไม่ได้คิดว่าจะมีคนร่วมงานวันเกิดเยอะขนาดนี้ แต่คาลิมก็ได้บอกนะว่าจะเชิญชวนผู้คนมาเพิ่มขึ้น… *อะเฮิ่ม* ยังไงก็ตามขอบคุณอย่างยิ่งที่ได้มาร่วมงานนะขอรับ ผมขอไปตัดเค้กสักชิ้นสองชิ้นให้คุณก่อนนะครับ~
𝐆𝐫𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼𝐯𝐲!!: [LOCKED]
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞: *Yawn* I think I may have been a little too excited for my birthday last night…
*หาว* สงสัยกระผมคงตื่นเต้นสำหรับวันเกิดมากเกินไปสินะ…
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐥𝐞 1: Siphok told me she made a hand made gift for me, and that I have to open it last. I wonder what she has up her sleeve…*chuckles*
สิบหกได้บอกกระผมว่าเธอตั้งใจทำของขวัญให้กระผมมากับมือและกระผมต้องเปิดของขวัญชิ้นนั้นเป็นอันดับสุดท้าย อยากรู้จริงๆว่าเธอกำลังแอบคิดแอบซ่อนอะไรอยู่นะ~
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐥𝐞 2: Lilia bought me a new shirt! He drew on the patterns himself, wanna see? [Charin shows you a shirt of a merman that looks a little too much like Charin playing heavy metal while surfing]
ลิเลียได้ซื้อเสื้อยืดอันใหม่ให้กระผมด้วยล่ะ! เค้าวาดลวดลายเองด้วยอยากเห็นมั้ย?
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐥𝐞 3: [LOCKED]
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐥𝐞 - 𝐋𝗼𝐠 𝐈𝐧: How’s the party so far, love? Are there any creeps bothering you? Let me know, and I’ll get rid— *ahem* take care of them right away, yeah? Your comfort is my top priority.
สนุกกับงานวันเกิดมั้ยขอครับ? มีใครมาก่อกวนรังแกคุณหรือเปล่า? บอกผมได้เลยนะขอรับไม่ต้องเกรงใจเดี๋ยวผมซัด— *อะแฮ่ม* จัดการพวกมันให้เองขอรับ ความสะดวกสบายของคุณเป็นสิ่งที่สำคัญที่สุดของกระผมขอรับ
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐥𝐞 - 𝐆𝐫𝗼𝗼𝐯𝐲: [LOCKED]
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐩 1: [Shutter Noise] Oh! *sigh* Who took a pic of me again? Are they too shy to ask for a photo or something? This happened thrice already…
[เสียงกล้องถ่ายรูป] อุ้! เห้อ~ ใครแอบถ่ายกระผมอีกแล้ว? เขินผมหรือไง? กระผมโดนมาสามรอบแล้วเนี่ย…
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐩 2: Anan told me to take it easy and not worry about my body guard duties for the day. As if I ever had to worry about it in the beginning…I still wonder why he even needs a body guard.
อนันต์ได้บอกกระผมว่าไม่ต้องห่วงเรื่องหน้าที่บอดี้การ์ดของผมวันนี้ แต่ผมก็ไม่ได้ห่วงเรื่องหน้าที่ของผมตั้งแต่แรกอยู่แล้ว…จนถึงวันนี้ผมยังงงอยู่ว่าทำไมยักษ์อย่างอนันต์ต้องการบอดี้การ์ด
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐩 3: It’s a bit windy outside, take my jacket. Hm? You’re turning red, love! Are you okay?!
ข้างนอกลมแรงอยู่เอาแจ็คเก็ตของผมไปเถอะขอรับ หืม? เอ้ะทำไมหน้าแดงจัง! ไข้ขึ้นหรือครับ?!
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐩 4: [LOCKED]
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐩 5: [LOCKED]
𝐇𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐩 - 𝐆𝐫𝗼𝗼𝐯𝐲: [LOCKED]
[CHARIN]: Siphok…the gift, I…
[SIPHOK]: Don’t get all sappy now! HBD, Rin~
อย่าพึ่งร้องเด้อ! แฮปๆนะรินทร์~
𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐋𝗼𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞: Oh my, I think I’m blushing just from the sight of you in front of my door step! How sweet of you to join my birth party. Tell me, would you mind taking a photo with me? I think we’d look cute together~
เขินจังมีคนน่ารักมาอยู่หน้าประตูหอของผม! น่าเอ็นดูจังเลยที่มาร่วมงานกับผม~ ถ้าไม่รังเกียจมาถ่ายรูปกับกระผมได้มั้ยขอรับ? ผมว่าพวกเราน่าจะดูเข้ากันดีน่ะขอรับ~
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY COMFORT OC, CHARINNN🎉🎉🎂🎂 I love him so much, my dear dear son fr😔🫶 I added a Thai version of his voice-lines so some of you (Thai fans ;__;) can understand his character better!! Charin is always polite to people he’s not close to. But to his close friends (Including Anan)? Bro’s unhinged—
This is a Q&A for Charin’s birthday!! Which means, the asks can only relate to Charin!
Charin will answer those asks— and I can’t guarantee a drawn response!
Please be civil with your questions (no NSFW or controversial asks)
Please follow the rules and have fun~
Q&A starts 17th of July and Ends at 20th of July
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Relationship chart edited by me! Credits to blueberrythan on Twitter!
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ashsturns · 3 months
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Heyyyyy! I’m ash and i’ve been a silent reader for two years on this app (mainly cuz i use wattpad 😈) but I realized that i don’t have the attention span to write a full story without doing something different in between so im breaking my silence 😁
About me:
my name is ash
my pronouns are she/her
i am 21 years old (22 on may 21st so wish me a hbd 😙)
I watch the sturniolo triplets, sam and colby, tara yummy (fan of her since the start 💪🏼), mcu, criminal minds, tvdu, gilmore girls, and other shows and youtubers that i can’t think of right now 🤗
right now i am hyper fixated on the triplets (mostly matt) and i’ve been writing a fic on wattpad but i got bored so now im here!
i started writing in middle school but never posted, i made a new account a year ago (my old drafts were wild)
i’m new to posting on tumblr so i have no idea what i’m doing (please give me tips 🫶🏼)
i like to stay up all night talking to character a.i instead of writing or doing hw
im majoring in psychology
idk what else to put!
Comfort Zone:
if your still reading ily… anyways im going to start writing little stories on here so when i get bored of my fanfics i have something new to write 🤗 im going to try and set up the suggestions thingy but idk how so i’ll look it up on tiktok when i post this.
things i will write:
texts and snaps (send good fake message apps for IOS cuz my normal one isn’t working 😣)
basically anything as long as it isn’t weird
things i won’t write:
basically any weird shit i’m a very vanilla girl when it comes to writing 🙃
(I got the suggestion thingy to work so use it!)
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LGBTQIA+ Raph fics
Based on an Ao3 request; limited to pre-2k18 fics as per specification. You can also find this list and others here. 
The Chronicles of Karai Getting Her Shit Together by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - 2012 AU centered around Leorai, but also include Ace!Raph (tw violence, past csa, trauma, underage/rape-noncon, internalized ableism, self-harm, suicide attempt, nonconsensual drug use, torture)
Your Heart's Desire by Werepirechick - Rasey AU about groceries, holy water spray bottles, and the dangerous of summoning while drunk (tw violence)
De Novo by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Slash finds Raph at Northampton and sets about turning his world upside down (tw explicit, past violence)
Call Me What I Am by Kyn - A "surprisingly unsexy" intersex!Raph story where a stomach bug takes on strange new dimensions, and the fallout sends the family reeling (tw gender identity issues, underage rape/noncon, trauma, violence)
vulnerable by coffeeandcream - Raph doesn't know how to deal when Casey is gentle (tw insecurity, sexual content, intimacy issues)
A Collection of Raph & Casey Shit by coffeeandcream - Fluffy little stories about the street punk and the mutant turtle (tw explicit)
Kiss by melismatic - Casey and Raph debate the meaning of a first kiss
resolution by taizi @taizi - Raph welcomes in the New Year with Casey
well suited by taizi @taizi - Casey and Raph make a try at normalcy
Panda Wolves by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Strange dreams force the Hamato to take a dark trip down memory lane; background Rasey (tw underage rape/noncon, csa, gaslighting, child abuse, attempted child murder, trauma, violence, bathroom issues, victim blaming, nonconsensual drug use)
Misdirection by thekumquat - Casey and Raph find revelation through miscommunication (tw light violence)
The Bandana by TMNTFOREVER666 - April discovers a secret; gnc/possibly trans/unclear Raph (tw misgendering)
fowo's TMNT universe by fowo - A series about Raph struggling to figure out his feelings for Casey; includes themes of asexuality (tw awkwardness, discussions of bigotry; the third story includes trauma, major character death, and grief)
Casey Trips and Falls... In Love by coffeeandcream - Casey and Raph's "friends with benefits" relationship takes on new dimensions (tw explicit, awkwardness, relationship angst, insecurity, self-esteem issues)
Winner Takes All by Adoradork for Duz-Machines-1984 - Raph and Casey engage in some rough games (tw explicit)
What Doesn't Kill You by ladycyon - Raph tries to hide his heartbreak at Casey's wedding (tw one-sided relationships, alcohol, unhealthy coping mechanisms)
Mixed Signals by ladycyon - Casey figures out the reason behind one of Raph's less human habits (tw implied sexual content)
"Chapter 3" from TMNT Smut Dump by suthnmeh - A brilliant piece of Rasey art (tw explicit)
Rough and Dirty by orphan_account - Casey and Raph get dirty in multiple ways (tw explicit)
Hobo Au Caseyraph by dragona15 - Art of Raph receiving comfort from an unusual source (tw implied homelessness)
Raph✘Casey | "La La Love" [HBD Justy!!] by Ransy - A magnificent Rasey tribute (tw flashing)
You're Fine by leones @leonsi - Raph visits Casey in the hospital and tries not to crumble (tw sickness, fears of major character death, referenced panic attacks)
Say My Name by LeeontheNeon - Shot of pure Rasey fluff
this art by snuffed - Crack AU where Rasey runs headfirst into the Twilight cover
our love is a forest fire by taizi @taizi - Raph gives Casey a place to rest (tw implied alcoholism, tw past child abuse, injury)
oh, but I'm not bitter. i'm just tired. by leones @leonsi - Leo's brothers help him with a breakup; featuring bi Raph (tw past family dysfunction)
"Alcohol" from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey and Raph celebrate a fight and make a discovery (tw alcohol, past violence)
"Enemy" from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey won't let Raph go again (tw mind control, violence)
"Eulogy" from TMNT ABC IV: Turtles Forever And Ever And Ever by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph's boyfriend and friends help him find some closure with a long-ago loss (tw grief, past homelessness, trauma, past violence, implied ableism)
"Intruder" from TMNT ABC IV: Turtles Forever And Ever And Ever by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph's family learns about a change in his relationship situation (tw violence, nightmares, trauma, implied child abuse, implied sexual content)
"Tastes Like Blood And Tears" from Underground Rainbows by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - 50 sentences about Casey and Raph (tw child abuse, abuse, major character death, blood, violence, sexual content, homophobia, speciesm, trauma, crying, alcoholism, torture, mpreg, amnesia)
Merry Fucking Hangover by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Insight into the turtles and their friends on Christmas morning, including background Rasey (tw implied sexual content, implied family dysfunction, drug and alcohol use)
"Bloody Kisses And Fierce Hearts (Red)" from Covered In The Colors, Pulled Apart At The Seams by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph will do anything to save Casey, even when Casey doesn't ask for it (tw past violence, past gore, past child abuse, sexual content, past homophobia, slut shaming, past underage prostitution, past domestic abuse, mentions of alcoholism, blood)
Fallen Angel by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - AU where Hun brings home a trapped turtle for his criminal gang and equally trapped son (tw child abuse, violence, bigotry, slurs, suicidal thoughts, torture, dehumanization)
"I is for...." from Rainbow Soup by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph breaks the rules to take part in a pro-intersex rights demonstration (tw implied nonconsensual medical procedures, bigotry, fears of violence)
"White bodies naked on the low damp ground" from The Waste Land by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph and Donnie a special kind of heartbreak at the end of the world (tw horror, major character death, violence, apocalypse, grief, trauma, gore, corpse desecration)
"I never promised you an open heart or charity" from The Red Room (The Bloody Chamber) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph remembers a lost love while in the hands of a monster (tw torture, mind control, underage rape/noncon, blood, knives, sexual assault, humiliation, emotional/psychological abuse)
"There are loud toys" from "All are welcome and all have a home in the toybox" of The Red Room (The Bloody Chamber) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey is a dick, as usual (tw explicit)
"In public" from "Embrace" of We All Need Someone To Lean On by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey and Raph work out an awkward, but not-unbearable means of avoiding discovery via cuddles
Yo Woody by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Mikey writes Woody letters from Northampton; features background Rasey (tw implied csa, implied underage rape/noncon, family dysfunction, trauma, past mind control, past violence)
My Flesh To Rule by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey engages in a difficult, but necessary procedure (tw transphobia, harassment, brief slut shaming, abortion, accidental pregnancy, implied sexual content, medical procedures, anti-abortion sentiment from minor characters)
"First Dates" from sweet creature (we're running through the garden) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph and Casey head out on a perfectly normal patrol together
"Red Lipstick" from spice up your life (who would want anything else?) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey dresses up for the night and Raph takes notice
not gonna write you a love song by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters for leones - A story about genderfluid!Raph working out platonic desires and aromanticism with Casey's help (tw sexual content, brief internalized arophobia)
apathy's a tragedy (and boredom is a crime) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - In which Casey, Mona, and Raph deal with memes and bondage (tw explicit)
it's important to hold on (hold on) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Little Mermaid AU where Raph ends up saving a reckless human (tw blood, injury, near death experiences, emotional constipation)
"soulmates" from with friends like these, who needs by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph's an aromantic person with a soulmate, and he and Casey have to deal with that (tw insecurity)
"forbidden/star-crossed romance" from with friends like these, who needs by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph is called to serve in a moment of need
Turtlecest (wasn't sure if this counted for request, included it separately)
Casting Stones at the River by GoblinCatKC @goblincatkc-blog - Raph and his lovers reckon with the passage of time and how it refuses to touch them (tw tcest, explicit, family dysfunction, possible abuse, violence, mental health issues, explosions, apocalypse)
Blackout by Queen_B - The turtle family play a game of hide and seek with steamy stakes (tw explicit)
Past to Present by crabapplered - Raph and his family welcome Donnie home (tw explicit, past violence, internalized ableism, trauma, family dysfunction, past separation)
A Different Path by VenusTheMarvelTurtle - Raph finds his heart dangerously tangled up with that of Leonardo, the Foot clan's most ruthless warrior (tw explicit, torture, past child abuse, child abduction, violence, mental health issues, trauma, suicidal thoughts, torture, rape/noncon, past csa, toxic relationships, alcohol, vomit)
Twisted Autumn by GoblinCatKC - Leo and Raph try to discover who they are together (tw explicit)
Broken Brother by Koalagriton - Leo finds an unconventional way of calling a brainwashed Raph home (tw explicit, alcohol, mind control, identity issues, violence)
Haunted by Kiraynn - Raph does his best to help Leo recover from an ugly experience (tw past rape/noncon, trauma, explicit)
Evolution by Kiraynn - A timeline of Leo and Raph's slowly developing relationship, through the lens of a shared bed (tw explicit, underage/underage)
Hello by Gemi - Raph has an unusual encounter in the jungle (tw guns)
Release by Blackdragon @blackdragon-sama - Leo gives Raph the support he needs at the farmhouse (tw injury, trauma)
Gravid Problems by Gemi for Blackdragon - Raph and Leo try to figure out a sticky new situation (tw mpreg, sexual content)
Push and Pull by orphan_account - Raph has a willful brother to tame (tw explicit)
Abyssal by orphan_account - Raph experiences something awful and Leo tries to help him through (tw explicit, rape/noncon, near-death experiences, trauma)
The Games We Play by babygirl127 for hummerhouse - Raph tempts Donnie into a game (tw explicit)
Usually, Don plus bed plus moaning was always a good thing. by turtlesketches for DashWrites - Raph tries to help Donnie through a difficult time (tw explicit, mpreg)
Focus by babygirl127 - Raph and his brothers teach each other about focus (tw explicit)
Colorful by Anonymous - Raph needs to watch his smart mouth, but Leo doesn't mind (tw sexual content)
Uncover by orphan_account - Raph and Mikey negotiate the rocky new world of spanking (tw explicit)
Running Scales by orphan_account for InkyTurtle (Melodistic) - Dirty little stories about Raph and his brothers (tw explicit)
To Give by orphan_account - Leo and Raph put on a show for their family (tw explicit)
Lick the Bowl by Plastron - Donnie discovers Raph is up for licking a lot of things (tw explicit)
Raphael and Donatello by RomaMarufixx - A collection of sexy Raphtello stories (tw explicit, some fat shaming)
Eggs by squishyturtlefuckfics - Leo pushes Raph's limits (tw explicit)
Handyman by Plastron - Donnie pushes himself too hard and Raph takes advantage (tw explicit)
"The Secret" from The 100 by Alessa_DC - Raph and Donnie reel from a revelation
Raphael/Donatello Mating Drabbles by Plastron - A collection of both steamy and warm-hearted stories (tw explicit, mpreg, dubious consent, body image issues)
Lava Cake by orphan_account - Mikey and Raph figure each other out with food
Fair's Fair by TheAlchemistsDaughter - Leo provides certain services for the family, but Raph wants to give back (tw explicit, insecurity)
Same Coin, Different Faces by orphan_account - Raph and his brothers work out cross-dimensional sexual tensions (tw explicit)
The Red Herring by orphan_account - Raph tries to handle losing Leo, his soulmate (tw family dysfunction, relationship issues, shame, trauma, separation, not-actual character death, grief)
Montage by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Sexy stories about Raph and his brothers (tw explicit)
Stolen Time by GoblinCatKC @goblincatkc-blog - Leo has a strange request for Raph (tw shame, mature/explicit)
Libido in Question by Bad_WolfGirl - Raph and Donnie team up to prove the strength of Raph's libido (tw sexual content)
Drawing the Short Straw by squishyturtlefuckfics - Raph and his brothers play a game (tw explicit)
Kink-Off by Stegosaur - A collection of Kinktober stories, many of them starring Raph (tw explicit)
Primordial Monsters Get Good Coverage by orphan_account - Casey gets caught up in Leo and Raph's game (tw explicit, possible dubcon)
To Succumb by orphan_account - Mikey helps Raph test his limits (tw explicit)
Unwanted Bonds by Blackdragon @blackdragon-sama - Raph is brought him with heavy scars (tw explicit, trauma, child death, forced pregnancy, PTSD, depression, medical torture)
Forever is a Long Time by DuzMachines1984 (orphan_account - A collection of interwoven stories about Leo and Raph's relationship (tw explicit, trauma, dubcon, rape/noncon, abuse)
Party Time by orphan_account - Raphael is offered up at a party (tw explicit, alcohol)
The three times Raphael swore he was being stalked by Languidly - What it says on the tin, to the tune of Leo and Raph's developing relationship (tw nonconsensual stalking)
Burning Alive by spaze_cat - Raph and Donnie through interlinked stories about fire (tw injury, mentioned explosions, implied sexual content)
He Doesn't Scream by GoblinCatKC @goblincaveofficial - Leo and Raph's relationship takes a strange term (tw explicit, dubcon)
Someone Has a Choking Kink by glitch0_0 (orphan_account) - Raph lends Leo a helping hand (tw explicit, consent issues due to heat)
The Hots by Languidly - Raph can't keep his eyes off of Leo (tw explicit)
"Honor and Courage" from Everybody Wants Leo by Alessa_DC - Art of Leo and Raph together (tw very explicit)
Send Your Lifeboats Out For Me by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Raph, Mikey, and Donnie try to figure out one of Leo's secrets (tw rape/noncon not between main characters, child abuse, victim blaming, genital mutilation, torture, trauma, violence, explicit)
The Driver's Seat by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Raph and Leo fight over who gets taken for a ride (tw explicit, dubcon)
At Odds by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Donnie tries to figure out his warring brothers; chapters 1 and 4 are particularly Raph-centric (tw explicit)
Doctor Donnie by PrincessFreak - Donnie pushes his brothers' medical limits; chapters 1, 4, and 7 are Raph-centric (tw explicit, dubcon)
Aggressive Empathy in the Abyss (AEITA) by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12), PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Pieces of Leo and Raph's relationship unfolding in the shape of something awful (tw past underage rape/noncon, consensual underage, trauma, explicit, unhealthy coping mechanisms, flashbacks, psychological trauma, recreational drug use, PTSD)
Good as His Word by hummerhouse for NeatTea @neattea-ruby - Raph finds himself losing a high-stakes bargain with Leo (tw explicit)
Three Days Later by what_should_i_post_here - Donnie finds his place in Leo and Raph's relationship (tw explicit)
Hindsight is Twenty-Twenty by Crapapplered - Leo and Raph wage a war with Donnie serving as the battlefield (tw explicit)
Drabbles and Slash by her_silhouette - A collection of drabbles frequently centered around Donnie/Raph (tw explicit, relationship issues, shame, mind control, mpreg)
Full Throttle by Dorkjitsu - Donnie and Raph find new uses for Raph's motorcycle (tw explicit)
Erogenous by Kiraynn - Raph won't leave Leo in peace (tw explicit)
Heart to Heart by Crapapplered - Leo helps Raph when he worries about taking advantage of Donnie (tw mature/explicit)
Stairway to Heaven by Crapapplered - Casey, Raph, and Don share something special (tw explicit)
Rope by Crapapplered - Donnie is caught off guard by what Raph, Mikey, and Leo are up to behind his back (tw explicit)
TLC by Crapapplered - An injured Raph receives a very special kind of comfort from Donnie (tw injury, explicit)
Christmas Shopping by Crapapplered - Raph and Donnie go shopping together
Nara Black: Mirror's Shadow In My Skin by crabapplered, GoblinCatKC @goblincatkc-blog - Raph and his brothers desperately try to outrun a curse (tw violence)
Punishing Raphael by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Raph gets punished for coming home late (tw explicit, dubcon)
12: Raph and Leo dirty talk HCs. Someone had to ask. <3 by Blackdragon Sama - An insight into Leo and Raph's sex life (tw explicit, mock-possessive behavior)
Raph 18 by Blackdragon-sama @blackdragon-sama - Further insights into Raph's desires (tw explicit, dubcon)
Broken words - Leonardo, with this, this, and this related art by blackdragonsama @blackdragon-sama - Leo and Raph form a dark pact (tw sexual content, blood, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, intense self-harm imagery, mental health issues)
Black Swan by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Raph and Donnie's relationship takes a strange turn during a harrowing captivity, complicated by the presence of Agent Bishop (tw imprisonment, threatens of torture, molestation, rape/noncon, dubcon)
Knock Off by PrincessFreak - Raph struggles with his feelings for Donnie (tw internalized homophobia, misogyny, toxic masculinity, sexuality crisis, gender roles)
Leoweek RxL by NeiNing - A fan comic about Raph helping Leo out during his heat (tw dubcon, very explicit)
Trust by Kamefootninja (Kame630) - Raph learns to let Leo take over (tw explicit, phobia mention)
Show Time by Caroaimezoe - Raph witnesses something odd and it has reverberations through his relationship with Leo (tw explicit, relationship angst, insecurity)
The guilt you dont deserve [comic] by Traitmill - Raph comforts Leo after a painful experience (tw trauma, gore, explicit, guilt, blood)
Midnight Bargain by GreenElphaba - Leo and Raph find a kind of balance in their seemingly endless power struggle (tw explicit)
The Toll of Hours by GreenElphaba - Raph sits up by Leo's side and tries not to fall apart (tw injury, blood, trauma)
Let's go hunting by NeatTea @neattea-ruby - Sequel to Donny needs some love (that story has some dubcon); Leo and Raph share a special experience in a lake (tw explicit, mild near-drowning)
Losing All Control by renk3r - Raph tries to figure out what exactly irritates him about Leo (tw sexual content, mature)
Do you feel it? by Riu_wiu - Raph helps Leo come to terms with his guilt over their relationship (tw shame, relationship angst)
Self-Control by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Raph doesn't want to be patient anymore, much to Leo's chagrin (tw explicit)
Chocolate by Kiraynn - Leo is the center of a mystery that Raph wants to solve
An Eggplant Among Pickles by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - The turtle brothers test each other's limits (tw explicit, dubcon)
"Raph" from I Routed a Labyrinth To Your Lap by orphan_account - Mikey gives Raph a special gift (tw explicit)
Quotes by what_should_i_post_here - Drabble collections from various turtle pairings (tw relationship angst, grief, loss, trauma, separation, explicit)
Bonsai by crabapplered - Leo works to change Donnie's role in the family, and Mikey and Raph take notice (tw explicit, grief, objectification)
You Are Shellarious by PrincessFreak - Raph has a strange reaction to his brothers' colorful language (tw sexual content)
Secondborn by SuuriSakara - Raph has his own way of dealing with Leo's return from Japan (tw explicit)
On the Fence by GoblinCatKC @goblincatkc-blog - Mikey gives Raph a very strange gift (tw extreme dubcon, sexual content)
Tmnt Exchange Art by Kitsune1818 for Caroaimezoe - Leo and Raph walk a dark path together (tw blood, injury, implied sexual content)
A Bet's a Bet by PrincessFreak - Raph owns up after losing a bet with Mikey (tw explicit, mild dubcon, homophobia, misogyny)
"Day 1 - Mikey/Raph - Rimming" from Taste Our Sins by squishyturtlefuckfics - Mikey irritates Raph by drawing things out (tw explicit)
My Good Girl (I) and My Good Girl (II) by squishyturtlefuckfics - Raph loves to play Leo's games (tw explicit, mpreg mention)
My own worst enemy by Caroaimezoe - Raph is determined to teach Leo a lesson (tw explicit, dubcon)
Kalamari by GoblinCatKC @goblincatkc-blog - Leo and Raph get very creative escaping a dangerous situation (tw sexual content, captivity, dirty jokes, threats of violence)
Notes on the Fridge by Geaven - Donnie, Raph, and their extended work things out over the fridge (tw sexual humor)
By Your Side by Kiraynn - Raph gives Leo the support he needs at Northampton (tw trauma, past violence)
Jungle Fever by Elphaba-Rose - 2007 AU where Leo and Raph end up in the jungle together and matters take a vastly different turn (tw explicit, violence, injury, savior complexes, mild dysfunction, blood, brief references to rape that doesn't involve either character)
Raphael x Leonardo drabble set by Goblin Cat KC @goblincatkc-blog - Raph tests Leo's limits after winning a late-night battle (tw mature, sexual content, possible dubcon)
story about SO3E01 by @ringingt - Leo awakens from his coma in a surprising way (tw surprise kissing, mild near-drowning)
yay! headcanons unite! by @blackdragon-sama - Headcanons about Raph being intersex; a possibly better term for this specific content might be dualsex, I'm not sure (tw sexual content, accidental voyeurism, inadvertent coming out)
come back for us by @blackdragon-sama - Raph tries to call Leo home (tw implied sexual content, mpreg, mind control)
Play Pretend by @blackdragon-sama, Elphaba-Fae - Leo and Raph try to find each other in the shadow of terrible things (tw explicit/mature, underage rape/noncon, csa, mutual dubcon, torture, emotional manipulation, painful sex, trauma, victim blaming, child abuse, blood, imprisonment)
meditation session by Spicyturtles - A comic about how Raph won't let Leo meditate in peace (tw explicit, possible dubcon)
Never Have I Ever by what_should_i_post_here - Secrets are unspooled during a drinking game (tw alcohol, implied sexual content)
30daysOTP SlashRaph by dragona15 - A collection of beautiful and steamy art (tw explicit)
Calm down. .Just Relax. by @ringingt - Raph and Leo on a rooftop (tw implied sexual content, possible dubcon)
We Care For You by Seigaku - Art where Raph's family shows him a special kind of support (tw explicit, background angst)
Mikey's first time by anomalae - The turtle family takes the virginity of one of their own (tw explicit)
luv ya bro by P-Jo Art - Comic where alcohol loosens Raph's tongue in the most awkward way (tw alcohol, underage drinking, homophobic language, possible internalized homophobia)
RRR/L by Navia - Art of a multidimensional Leoraph tryst (tw explicit)
Raph x Mike - Tight by EnclosureOfFish - Art of Mikey and Raph together (tw mature/explicit)
tmnt SxR hoboRaphau by dragona15 - Art of Raph having a highly charged encounter with Slash (tw explicit, implied homelessness)
Your argument is invalid by P-Jo Art - Comic where Raph goes to unusual lengths to get Leo to shut up (tw surprise kissing)
This art by languorous-sky - Raph and Leo mess around with rope (tw explicit, choking)
let me help you by Spicyturtles - Fan comic where Donnie gives Raph an offer in the shower (tw explicit)
Summer Home by spaze_cat - Leo and Raph come to an understanding on a trip to the seashore (tw light relationship angst, mentions of pregnancy)
kink sketches by @blackdragon-sama - Collection of Leoraph art (tw explicit)
those eggs by @blackdragon-sama - Art of Raph being disciplined and undone (tw explicit)
Beyond Our Control by SadoraNortica - The turtles get stuck in the past and have to deal with oncoming mating season (tw fears of child loss, explicit, consent issues due to heats)
Somewhat by Gemi - Raph and Donnie find their way towards perfection (tw injury)
Worth It by Kaliopeee - Leo catches Raph off guard (tw explicit)
I never had you down as... by @blackdragon-sama - Raph gets roped into the family entertainment (tw explicit, dubcon)
Close Shave by squishyturtlefuckfics - Mikey and Raph take advantage of surviving a dangerous situation (tw explicit)
Lure Rebound by Various - A magnificent Leoraph art collection (tw explicit, angst, separation, blood, dysfunctional relationships)
My Nightlight by squishyturtlefuckfics - Raph gives Mikey some much-needed comfort
Summer Blow Out Sale by Winnychan, xkingofgamesx - Donnie and Raph navigate the harrowing world of online shopping
How could he not? by ItsMickeyYouAss - Raph can't keep his eyes off of Leo
Visions: One Word Prompts by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12) @princessgemma12 - A collection of 50 sentences from different AUs, with heavy Leoraph throughout (tw implied rape/noncon, implied incest, teen pregnancy, identity issues, addiction, food insecurity, animal cruelty, blood, child abuse, implied underage rape/noncon, implied csa, gun violence, trauma)
Slave by Spicyturtles - A Raph/Donnie comic with heavy BDSM (tw explicit)
The Violence in These Delights by Sundayeyes - Raph and Donnie make a discovery about what they're both capable of (tw explicit, choking)
Jinkyo by Caroaimezoe - Raph races to save his brother from an ugly transformation (tw violence, rape/noncon, consent issues, mind wipes, identity issues, possession, blood)
[title unknown] by buttmagoo and nicecentrifuge - Raph can't get away from Mikey right now, and doesn't really want to (tw sexual content, mature/explicit)
According to deviantArt, it’s buttmagoo’s birthday. by @nicecentrifugre - Some sexy art based on sexy fics I, unfortunately, haven't been able to find (tw mature explicit, discipline)
Mikey/Raph, an AU where one of them is physically a girl and the other one finds out. by @nicecentrifuge - A trans!Raph AU where Mikey stumbles onto his secret (tw menstruation, accidental outing)
Fortress by @nicecentrifuge - Raph and his brothers try to survive the end of everything they've fought for (tw torture, mutilation, rape/noncon, underage rape/noncon, abuse, emotional manipulation, unhealthy relationships, nonconsensual drug use, trauma, family dysfunction, blood and gore, medical issues, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mental health issues, possible Stockholm Syndrome, grief, trauma)
UrotsukiLeo (Half-Shell Hentai) by meh_guh for aliassmith, Cthonical (Nellie) - Raph deals with his brothers' transformation (tw explicit, dubcon)
Tonight by cndrow - Raph and Leo negotiate the moments when people is hard to come by (tw relationship angst, dysfunction)
Old Fears, New Need by orphan_account - Raph and Donnie keep each other together (tw blood, injury, sexual content)
Quality Time by Kiraynn - Leo and Raph take a few early-morning moments together (tw explicit)
Lost and Found by Kamefootninja (Kame630), NaruButt - Raph and his brothers find a long-lost sibling named Donatello (tw past rape/noncon, past csa, past sexual slavery, trauma, miscommunication, violence, grief, possible consent issues)
2012 turtles nsfw head canons by orphan_account - Includes a section with Raph (tw explicit)
This animation by Hammytoy - Raph and Mikey quite simply go for it (tw explicit)
U R Beautiful by Caroaimezoe - Raph is jealous of Leo's attention (tw explicit, knives)
Halloween party - Gift for Katii-kee by RenegadeBleat - Leo and Raph at Halloween (tw explicit)
Steel by Plastron - Donnie and Raph experiment with Raph's san (tw explicit, discussions of violence)
Warm by DashWrites for Sakycchan - Leo needs Raph's help to deal with the chill (tw explicit, mpreg)
Claiming and being Claimed by DarkxKitsune - Raph and Mikey need some help with their heats (tw explicit, mild dubcon due to heats)
"Young Lovers With Their Legs Tied Up In Knots" from My Ghost, Where'd You Go? by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12), PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Raph and Leo explore the occult and a hayloft (tw explicit, shame)
Is This Where You Want To Be? by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 for This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Westworld AU where Raph visits a brothel and has a strange encounter (tw dehumanization, possible consent issues, discussions of fetishization, objectification, explicit)
Auto-Robotic-Erotic 2: Electric Boogaloo by squishyturtlefuckfics - Raph learns one of Donnie's more peculiar secrets (tw explicit)
Kissed By The Whip by Lisa_Frank - For once, Raph wants Leo to control him (tw explicit)
Natural Sub by GoblinCatKC @goblincatkc-blog - Raph and his brothers discover Leo's secret (tw explicit, discussions of dubcon but consent is strong here)
OT4 by Queen_B - A sweet, steamy series about Raph and his brothers (tw explicit)
Aphrodisia by Kiraynn - Leo is a scion of the Foot Clan, and Raph can't look away (tw violence, explicit)
Art by FaRaDo-Age - Raph and Donnie with some new getup (tw sexual content, mature)
Inspired by the dream I had last night. by nei-ning - Raph seeks comfort from Leo after a bad dream (tw nightmares)
and maybe it'll be clear when we get there by @leonsi leones for This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A collection of polyamory-themed stories, a lot of them including Raph; specific pairings are in the summary they were angelic enough to create (tw past abuse, self-harm, trauma, migraines, self-doubt, secret relationships, implied rape/noncon, implied csa, mental health issues/illness, vomiting, insecurity, self-hatred)
Colors by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Multiamory March about a TMNT OT8 of Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Casey, Karai, April, and Shini (tw implied rape/noncon, pregnancy scares, implied violence, teen pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, parent/child incest, csa, underage rape/noncon, abortion)
Walk Me Home by DarkxKitsune - Mikey trades letters with a prisoner (tw jail, discussions of molestation, potentially unhealthy relationships)
Raph is a Femboy by PrincessFreak - Raph's family discovers his secret (tw outing, dubcon, humiliation)
Call Me By Your Name by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Leo and Raph try to figure out a mind swap (tw explicit, self-esteem issues)
I Keep Telling Myself This Might Be Nothing by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Raph and his family stumble into a relationship (cw underage/underage sex, underage masturbation; tw identity issues, shame, loneliness, relationship difficulties)
This by Anonymous - Raph struggles not to be jealous, but Mikey makes it nearly impossible (tw possessive behavior, jealousy, potentially unhealthy)
“i was an island / before you came along.” - I Was an Island, John-Allison Weiss by lonescove - A magnificent art piece about Leo and Raph (tw implied sexual content)
Cliché (it was too late for me) by leones @leonsi - Story with Leo/April focus, but strong background Raph/Donnie (tw mild homophobia, speciesm, trauma, eating disorders, anxiety)
Did somebody say threesome? No? Oh well. 2007!Leo, 2012!Leo and 2007!Raph <3 by reosexuals - A multiverse-spanning art piece (tw explicit)
it's not revolutionary by leones @leonsi - Raph does his best to support the turtle he loves (tw mentions of self-harm, self-hatred)
Almost Home by cndrow - Raph and Donnie make up for lost time (tw explicit, implied character death, separation, grief, trauma, stress)
Cussing fetish? by RiusTcestCave - Comic about Raph's unusual kink (tw explicit)
Just Practice by ninjazure - A comic about Leo and Raph's attempt to practice kissing, and how it slips out of control (tw implied sexual content, accidental voyeurism)
Art by nise - Leo and Raph share a kiss
Art by えんらい - Raph and Leo in bed together (tw explicit)
Art by 82 - Raph and Leo celebrate Halloween
Art by ninjazure - Leo taking Raph apart (tw blood, sharp objects, very explicit)
Yeahh, have some tcest on flying pillows~ by sakycchan - Leo and Raph give Donnie some tender love (tw implied sexual content)
The Benefits of Not Shutting the Fuck Up by Floozdooz @floozdooz - Donnie is determined to shut Raph up (tw underage/underage, explicit, dubcon)
Raphael / Donatello tcest by cndrow - A series of stories about the genius and the brawler (tw explicit)
Strange Little Shadows by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - 50 sentences about Karai, Raph, and Leo (tw implied sexual content, mind control, injury, choking, trauma, major character death, grief)
The things that we could be by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo, Raph, and Karai camp out under the stars (tw explicit)
"But I'm brighter when you make me fade" from Red-Light District by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo and Raph have their own ways of connecting as a couple (tw explicit, BDSM)
"Dance with me (Mon amour)" from The House Of The Rising Sun by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Mikey is a born showman and Raph is just along for the ride (tw explicit)
Say you'll never let me go by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Donnie and Raph comfort Casey during his period (tw mild dysphoria, explicit, menstruation, pain)
"The Confession" from sweet creature (we're running through the garden) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph lets something slip during a squabble with Leo (tw canon-typical violence)
"Teddy Bears" from sweet creature (we're running through the garden) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph and Mikey go bear hunting at the carnival
"Grey Memorial" from i'm bitter (you're still in my head) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph comes to terms with his feelings for Leo far too late (tw grief, major character death, heartbreak, suicide attempt)
"The Embrace" from spice up your life (who would want anything else?) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph gets creative making Donnie take a break (tw implied sexual content)
"Fluffy Cuffs" from spice up your life (who would want anything else?) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph is tempted into letting Mikey take over for a while (tw mature/explicit)
Ripples In Dark Water by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A poem about Raph and his brothers, based on Casting Stones at the River by GoblinCatKC (tw violence)
"my eyes are glazed, 'cause they dug my grave" from you say I'm callous and I'm numb by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph struggles with all of the things he can't control after Leo's abduction (tw implied csa, implied underage rape/noncon, self-loathing, guilt, trauma, helplessness, violence, mind control)
wave your hands in the air if you feel fine by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters for PrincessGemma12 - The Hamato family celebrated living another day (tw implied past abuse, past violence)
under the water i'll be sharpening my knife by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Murder on the Orient Express through a lens of TMNT and polyamory (tw violence, blood and gore, revenge)
come on, come around (i've been feeling down) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The kids who survived the apocalypse finds their relationships changed in the aftermath (tw trauma, apocalypse, guilt, grief, implied sexual content, mental health issues)
light in the crack that's separating your thighs by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph, Mikey, and Donnie express their affection for Leo (tw explicit)
i promise that you'll breathe again by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - SAINW AU where Leo, Raph, and Mikey deal with the fact of surviving (tw alcohol, implied sexual content, trauma, past alcoholism)
feeling like a boulder hurtling by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The Foot's newest warrior has particular trouble with two enemies (tw violence, rape/noncon, mind control, emotional manipulation, identity issues)
gonna pop some tags by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Brothers and lovers through the lens of thrifting (tw implied sexual content, trauma)
there is love inside this madness (we are walking on the moon) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - After leaving their timeline, Raph and his family have to forge new lives together (tw memory issues, identity issues, sexual content, grief)
just gettin' started, don't you tiptoe, tiptoe (ah) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph and Usagi take Leo apart (tw explicit)
we'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Four brothers write letters to their daughter (tw surprise parenting, implied sexual content, implied medical experimentation, grief, sick kids, trauma)
"Red (Life)" from Kaleidoscope Snapshots by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Casey and Raph try to reorient themselves after a close call (tw blood and gore, injury, past violence)
calling all the monsters - A modern AU with the Hamato family starring as a collection of queer horrors (tw bigotry, implied violence, implied torture, implied bigotry, unreliable narrator for the second, implied abuse, implied sexual content)
the music fills me good and it gets me every time by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A-spec!Donnie finds his place in his brother's relationship (tw explicit)
i'll be there to hold you (don't be afraid of the dark) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A series about Casey and the monsters who live in his skin (tw possession, explicit, dubocn, sexual content, mpreg, past suicidal thoughts, past abuse, violence, gore, potentially unhealthy relationships)
i don't like anyone better than you, it's true by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph, Casey, and Donnie deal with the fallout from an encounter with unusual flora in the woods (tw explicit, dubcon due to sex pollen)
i've been searching all night (light the fuse and let me take flight) by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters for braeburns - Raph and Mikey deals with changes good and bad as they wreak a little havoc on the streets of New York (tw explosions, post Roe V. Wade life, implied sexual content)
green hearts raw and beating by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A story about the beings who live in the woods beyond a small town (tw implied violence, implied rape/noncon not involving main characters, mentions of abortion, mentioned nonconsensual bodily modification of a bad guy, curses)
just want a way of keeping you inside by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A polyamorous love story written in tattoos (tw implied sexual content, sexual content, past abuse, trauma)
darling, are you ready for more? by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters for PrincessGemma12 - Kinktober drabbles about Leo and Raph (tw explicit, insecurity, trauma, flashbacks)
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Holy shit bestie it’s Kiyo day
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I was randomly scrolling through my phone and JUST realized today was his birthday
Anyways hbd to my first comfort character
BWNSNNWSMWMSNMS YESH! Happy birthday to the boy, Korekiyo! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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sesamestreep · 2 years
hello I would like to inquire about “sometimes characters …that aren’t narrators…are better” and also “hbd zainab 2022” if I am allowed a second one
“sometimes characters …that aren’t narrators… are better”
this is my google doc dumping ground for all my random Raphael POV versions of scenes from The Bedlam Stacks (the title is a joke and means no disrespect towards actual narrator Merrick Tremayne, who is my baby boy forever). There’s only two entries in there now. One is a scene from before Merrick and Clem arrive in Peru, between Inti and Raphael at church. The other is Raphael’s POV on the Tent Scene™️, because duh. Here’s an excerpt from the second one:
“As he shifts on the ground, trying to get comfortable, some stray motes illuminate the scars on Merrick’s back, pulled taut as he sleeps curled in on himself.  Without realizing, Raphael has stretched out his hand to bring his fingers close enough to trace the marks. He stops himself at the last possible moment, his fingertip hovering just above the skin. If Merrick had been awake, it would have been close enough to feel, but thankfully, he isn’t and Raphael is spared the embarrassment of having to explain himself. He’s not sure he could have even if he wanted to. Merrick was casual enough about the scars that day by the river, but Raphael doesn’t like the reminder that they exist. He doesn’t like to think of Merrick in pain, of all the different ways the world tried to beat him into shape and turn him into a weapon against somebody somewhere. He doesn’t like the reminder of Markham, now dead and buried in the Bedlam churchyard, the last place on earth he probably expected to end up. Merrick said he was important, from a good family, which means there’s probably a fancy mausoleum somewhere in England that will always be emptier than it’s supposed to be. Beyond that piece of information, Merrick has hardly talked about Markham since Martel showed up, but Raphael can’t imagine the death of his friend, no matter how complicated the circumstances, isn’t weighing on him.”
“hbd zainab 2022”
Can’t believe you ranked this one second in your priorities, but okay. So, my original plan for your birthday fic was not the prompt fill I ended up posting, but instead it was Modern AU for Rogue One where the gang is playing in a DnD campaign run by Bodhi, who’s getting practice as a DM before he plays the game with his students. Definitely not based on anyone I know or anything ;) I didn’t get very far with it, but here’s a bit from the beginning:
“I was hoping you’d be willing to play,” Bodhi says. “Oh, Bodhi, I—I wouldn’t be any good at that! It’s like…nerd shit.” He gives her an unimpressed look at that. “Jyn, you love Tolkien and T.H. White and Le Guin and all that shit. You love video games. You have a Twitch, for God’s sake. You love nerd shit!” “Yeah, but I mostly have a Twitch so I can get into fights with lonely, stupid men on the internet,” she says. “Besides, I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons before!” “Which means you’ll be in the same boat as most of my students,” Bodhi points out. “And therefore your input will be very valuable to me.” “You can’t find anyone else to be your newbie?” “Well, Chirrut insists he’s never played before, but Baze insists he actually has. Either way, it was the 80s, so the rules have changed a lot since then, so he will basically be a new player. And it’s been a while for Baze too, but I know he watches Critical Role sometimes, so he’s more current on the rules and everything. And Cassian’s played a lot and been a DM plenty of times before, so he has a lot of experience—”
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: HBD 21st Birthday Mieko
Hello! I made this artwork for my good ol' friend, Mieko (formerly named "MiekoKoruka"). 🎂🥳
BTW: Yes, yes. It's been 2 years since I drawn Mieko's characters.
In which Mieko & QQ are throw a birthday party with one of my OCs wearing their owned Mieko's clothes, including QQ. And not just that, but also a large pillow bed stuffed with Mieko's clothes for an extra snuggle & fun!🥰🤗
Riya 🐰🏎️(wearing Mieko's Clothes): Man, his clothes look comfortable in our fur!🥰🤗
Spot 🐶🏎️ (wearing Mieko's Clothes): Yeah, yeah! Mine too!😁 I'm snuggling with this big pillow!
Cude 🐰🤖, MuruKir 🔵⭐ & Miya 🐰🐻🔋(wearing Mieko's Clothes): Us, too! 🥰🤗
Speedster Twins 🐶🐰🏎️, Cude 🐰🤖, MuruKir 🔵⭐ & Miya 🐰🐻🔋 (wearing Mieko's clothes): Happy Birthday, Mieko! 🎂🥳🎁
Well, that's all for now!😃
MuruKir, Cude, and the Speedster Trio are owned by ME!
Mieko, his clothes & QQ are owned by Mieko (formerly named "MiekoKoruka")
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sitp-recs · 10 months
15 21 fics where Draco takes care of Harry
Happy Weekend folks! The last reclist for this self-indulgent HBD Harry celebration week brings the trope we all love and deserve: Harry being taken care of! Let 👏🏻 that 👏🏻 boy 👏🏻 be happy! I’m really soft for this trope because it delivers delicious character development and emotional payoff. Harry deserves all the nice things and I love seeing Draco willing to provide it, whether in the form of physical comfort, protection, shelter, medical care or just good old diq. I wanted to follow the previous lists format but ended up with 20 fics which means I left a bunch out (my first draft had around 30 🤡). As usual I tried to include both classics and hidden gems, and especially some that aren’t in the other lists. Enjoy!
Ceremonials by @jackvbriefs (NR, 4k)
“What are you doing here?” Harry said. This Malfoy blinked up at him, then lifted the bottle of tequila. “I’m teaching you how to make a drink.”
Is This Love? By @phdmama (E, 4k)
Draco wouldn’t call himself a tender man. He fights the forces of evil for a living, trying his best to pay penance for the evil he’s done. He’s fought and killed in the name of duty, and when he’s not on duty, he tends either to play hard or retreat alone. He doesn’t lean on anyone, and he knows he’s not the first person anyone goes to when they need care. Comfort. That all changes tonight.
It Never Occurred to Me That I Would Fall in Love With a Frenchman by lamerezouille (T, 6k)
Harry kisses Draco in a public place. All hell breaks loose.
Unseen by astolat (M, 11k)
When he wasn’t wearing it, he got jumpy, always waiting for someone to come at him wanting something—and now they did it even more urgently, if they ever saw him, because most of the time, nobody did.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Lusimeles by spqr (E, 23k)
“You’re not special, Potter,” Kingsley informs him, not looking up from his work. “But I’ve already done Occlumency training!” Harry splutters, indignant. “And it’s Malfoy.”
just tell me when it’s alright by M0stlyVoid (E, 23k)
Harry’s been fighting tooth and nail for any bit of normalcy he can get his hands on. He’s sick of feeling like something’s wrong with him, tired of feeling different. He thinks he’s finally gotten to the root of it, and has settled into a routine that makes him happy. Naturally, that’s when Draco Malfoy walks back into his life and upends it once again. Has Harry bitten off more than he can chew with his former rival?
The Green Vial by @eidheann (E, 31k)
After months of seeing Harry Potter walk into his Apothecary disappointed and hopeless, Draco offers to carry the baby that Harry can't. Now he's just got to hide the fact that he's been half in love with Harry for years.
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (E, 35k)
Harry Potter is the most sought after celebrity in wizarding Britain. His every movement is scrutinised, his relationships questioned and his photographs plastered over every paper. Harry's used to everyone thinking he’s a hero and has had plenty of time to learn how to keep his biggest secrets hidden from the press. As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
(Un)wanted by @aibidil (E, 36k)
Ginny's pregnant, then she's not and Harry's single. Harry, again with no family, doesn't know what to do with this turn of events, or how to find a new life—post-war, post-Ginny, post-abortion—in which he belongs. He doesn't expect that life to include dancing to the Backstreet Boys with Hermione and Draco Malfoy. A story of finding belonging in the unexpected.
Breathe In (and Feel No Hurt) by Constance1 (T, 38k)
A tale of love, loss, and of finding hope again. Or the story of how Draco turned into a house-cat in order to secretly bother a depressed Harry Potter until he was no longer feeling sorry for himself.
Chocolate and Pastry by agentmoppet, anemonen (E, 50k)
When Pansy bets Draco that there is no chance he and Harry could carry out a genuine romantic relationship, he and Harry form a plan. But as their fake relationship progresses, Draco sees a side of Harry he never expected. Harry is struggling with something, pushing it far down inside him where he doesn't have to acknowledge its existence. Draco starts to worry, and then he starts to care, and then... horribly... he starts to fall in love.
Sweeten to Taste by @saintgarbanzo and @babooshkart (E, 51k)
It starts with Draco's buckwheat crepes with honeyed oranges. Or maybe it starts with his porridge with toasted walnuts and homemade apple butter. Or perhaps it starts with the cinnamon buns Draco made from scratch with mascarpone icing. Harry just knows he's hungry for more.
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki (M, 100k)
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter. Hiding out with a taciturn Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be.
Any Instrument by @dictacontrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 300k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
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kitsuanne · 2 years
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happy birthday to the hottest hatrack and my comfort character ♡
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orchaic · 2 years
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I was going to draw Jyushi chibi as a late birthday thing but ended up drawing Jyushi!cat instead
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