#Gamified Assessment
nicholasandriani · 11 months
Immersive Edutainment: Exploring the World of E-Learning with Captivate, Unity, VR, and Mozilla Hub. Game-Based Learning and Buddhism, Obviously.
In the fast-evolving world of education, the integration of technology has revolutionized the way we learn and engage with content. As an eLearning instructor, I recently had an exhilarating experience producing and developing an interactive module that blended game-based learning, virtual reality (VR), and Mozilla Hubs to create captivating edutainment content. Join me on this exciting journey…
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Revolutionizing Learning: Exploring MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform and AI-Powered Authoring Tools
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In the digital age, where information is abundant and attention spans are shrinking, traditional methods of learning are rapidly evolving. Microlearning has emerged as a solution to this challenge, offering learners bite-sized, easily digestible chunks of information that can be consumed on-the-go and at their own pace. At the forefront of this revolution is MaxLearn, a cutting-edge platform that is transforming the way individuals and organizations approach learning and development. In this article, we will explore the various facets of MaxLearn's microlearning platform, including its features, benefits, and applications, as well as its integration with AI-powered authoring tools, which further enhances the learning experience.
I. Understanding Microlearning:
Microlearning is a learning approach that involves delivering content in small, focused bursts, typically ranging from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes in length. Unlike traditional long-form training sessions, microlearning modules are designed to be concise and targeted, focusing on specific learning objectives or topics. This makes them ideal for learners who have limited time or attention spans, as well as for organizations looking to deliver training in a more flexible and efficient manner.
II. Exploring MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
MaxLearn's microlearning platform is a comprehensive ecosystem designed to support the creation, delivery, and management of microlearning content. At its core, the platform offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for both learners and administrators to navigate and access content. Whether you're accessing the platform from a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can expect a seamless and intuitive experience that puts learning at your fingertips.
III. Key Features of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
Microlearning Courses: MaxLearn offers a wide range of microlearning courses covering various topics and disciplines. From soft skills such as communication and leadership to technical skills such as programming and data analysis, there's something for everyone on the platform. Each course is broken down into bite-sized modules, allowing learners to focus on specific topics of interest or areas for improvement.
Microlearning Authoring Tools: MaxLearn's microlearning platform includes powerful authoring tools that enable users to create their own microlearning content. Whether you're a subject matter expert, instructional designer, or training manager, you can use these tools to develop engaging and interactive learning experiences tailored to the needs of your audience. From multimedia presentations to interactive quizzes and assessments, the possibilities are endless with MaxLearn's authoring tools.
Gamified Learning Experiences: MaxLearn's microlearning platform incorporates gamification elements to enhance learner engagement and motivation. By earning badges, completing challenges, and competing with peers on leaderboards, learners are incentivized to actively participate and progress through their training. Gamified learning experiences make learning more enjoyable and rewarding, leading to better outcomes and higher levels of engagement.
IV. The Integration of AI-Powered Authoring Tools:
In addition to its robust microlearning platform, MaxLearn also offers AI-powered authoring tools that further enhance the learning experience. These tools leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to automate tasks such as content analysis, structuring, and optimization, streamlining the content creation process and enabling educators to focus on creating engaging and impactful learning experiences. With AI-powered authoring tools, users can create high-quality learning materials quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources while maximizing the impact of their training programs.
V. Real-World Applications of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform and AI-Powered Authoring Tools:
Employee Training and Development: MaxLearn's microlearning platform and AI-powered authoring tools are ideal for employee training and development initiatives. Whether you're onboarding new hires, upskilling existing staff, or providing ongoing professional development, the platform offers a wealth of resources and tools to support your training efforts. From interactive microlearning courses to personalized learning paths, MaxLearn empowers employees to acquire new skills and knowledge on their own terms, driving productivity and performance.
Continuing Education: MaxLearn's microlearning platform and AI-powered authoring tools are also well-suited for continuing education and professional development. Whether you're a working professional looking to stay ahead of the curve or a lifelong learner seeking to explore new interests, the platform offers a wealth of microlearning courses and resources to support your ongoing learning journey. With its user-friendly interface and personalized learning features, MaxLearn makes it easy to access high-quality educational content anytime, anywhere.
Corporate Training Programs: MaxLearn's microlearning platform and AI-powered authoring tools are widely used in corporate training programs across industries and sectors. From sales and customer service to compliance and safety training, the platform offers a range of courses and resources to meet the diverse needs of organizations and learners. With its gamified learning experiences and adaptive learning technology, MaxLearn engages employees and drives learning outcomes, helping organizations achieve their training objectives and business goals.
VI. Conclusion:
In conclusion, MaxLearn's microlearning platform and AI-powered authoring tools are revolutionizing the way individuals and organizations approach learning and development. By offering a comprehensive suite of resources and tools, including microlearning courses, authoring tools, and gamified learning experiences, MaxLearn empowers learners to acquire new skills and knowledge on their own terms, driving productivity, performance, and business success. Whether you're a corporate trainer, HR manager, or lifelong learner, MaxLearn offers a wealth of opportunities to enhance your learning experience and achieve your goals. Join us on this journey as we continue to innovate and redefine the future of learning with MaxLearn.
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qweerhet · 9 months
the tired and repetitive discourse over age gaps in romantic/sexual relationships always feels like gamifying spotting abuse whenever i encounter it. "the Abuser is a creature that does This Action and has These Attributes" like we're talking about identifying birds or some shit. the reality is that abuse is a qualitative distinction of harm, mainly consisting of recurring and systematic abuse of power--social, legal, financial--over another person, and it can happen in any situation where a party has enforceable power. it isn't an inherent trait of a person, it's a trait of a relationship, it doesn't occur due to ontological facts about someone's personhood and someone can simultaneously have both abusive and healthy relationships.
"the Abuser is a Man who is 45 Years Old and sleeps with anyone under 30" does this make you feel safe? do you feel secure in your ability to recognize a predator by their feather coloration? do you feel superior to those who don't have your birdwatching book? does it comfort you to go down a checklist of individual traits and assign the ontological label to anyone who racks up enough points?
the reality is that assessing abuse requires assessing the material reality of any given relationship, and there's like... patterns in dynamics that more easily give rise to abuse (i.e. if you have legal authority over someone, it's so difficult for that not to become abusive in the context of an intimate interpersonal relationship), but quite frankly assigning ontological qualities of Abuser to individual people's traits commonly found in those dynamics like they're pokemon types is. counterproductive, i'll say that kindly. it blinds you to the reality of abuse and it blinds you to the reality of people you love and enjoy the company of and have genuinely healthy relationships with being capable of abuse. it blinds you to how your best friend, who's emotionally intelligent and self-aware and kind, who has none of the Abuser Qualities, can be abusive towards someone who's the same age, gender, set of marginalized identities as them, simply because they're letting that person crash on their couch and not being cognizant of how control over housing puts them in a position of power over that person. how they can be kind and trying very hard in that situation, how they can not have a malicious bone in their body, but still are committing abuse because they're not acting with the awareness that they have material power they simply Do Have.
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iww-gnv · 4 months
As firms increasingly rely on artificial intelligence-driven hiring platforms, many highly qualified candidates are finding themselves on the cutting room floor. Body-language analysis. Vocal assessments. Gamified tests. CV scanners. These are some of the tools companies use to screen candidates with artificial intelligence recruiting software. Job applicants face these machine prompts – and AI decides whether they are a good match or fall short. Businesses are increasingly relying on them. A late-2023 IBM survey of more than 8,500 global IT professionals showed 42% of companies were using AI screening "to improve recruiting and human resources". Another 40% of respondents were considering integrating the technology. Many leaders across the corporate world hoped AI recruiting tech would end biases in the hiring process. Yet in some cases, the opposite is happening. Some experts say these tools are inaccurately screening some of the most qualified job applicants – and concerns are growing the software may be excising the best candidates. "We haven't seen a whole lot of evidence that there's no bias here… or that the tool picks out the most qualified candidates," says Hilke Schellmann, US-based author of the Algorithm: How AI Can Hijack Your Career and Steal Your Future, and an assistant professor of journalism at New York University. She believes the biggest risk such software poses to jobs is not machines taking workers' positions, as is often feared – but rather preventing them from getting a role at all.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Perfectionism
How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome:
Keep Your Ideal Self Top of Mind: While you can't ever truly "fake it until you make it," it is essential to cultivate the belief that can act in accordance with your ideal self. Consider what the ideal version of yourself would do on a daily basis: What would your morning routine/night routine look like? How would you prioritize tasks or activities throughout your day? What would you consider your metrics for a successful project, task, social interaction, or professional activity? How would you describe a productive day, week, or month? Qualify and quantify these ideal metrics to give yourself a blueprint to move forward toward your goals and become the best version of yourself.
Competence Builds Confidence: Remember that the notion of an "overnight success story" is a fallacy. Quickly-awarded achievements, seemingly effortless skill sets, or having the perfect script for every occasion typically stem from hours or years of practice, experiences, studying, self-development, and trial and error. Over time, you refine these crafts until you can consider them as strengths. This inner knowing gives you the self-assurance needed to truly believe in yourself and it's contagious in your work, speech, and body language. Competence radiates inner confidence, without a question.
Remember Everything Is Relative: Logically, we know that comparing the middle of someone's journey to the beginning of yours doesn't make any sense. While it can be intimidating to enter the ring as a beginner, remember that the most skilled and successful people you know were at one point at square one. The only way to catch up to those you admire is to make an effort in the first place. However, because you're a beginner, give yourself some grace and remember that making mistakes is part of the learning process. It is better to fail in the beginning before people have certain expectations of you. But, the truth is, no one truly knows what they're doing. More time existing and life experience only helps us make better judgments to more accurately assess the proper next move.
Perceive Attempts As Data: Success is all about pattern recognition. See what "inputs" derive certain "outputs." Some attempts – at a certain career path, academic concentration, interpersonal interactions – will be advantageous with many that are neutral and some that go sour. Do not allow an unanswered email to a pitch, a lower grade on an assignment, or an ending of any type of relationship to feel like a moral failure and as a marker of your worth (personally, professionally, etc.). Evaluate what you did correctly and seek out areas for improvement. The more attempts you make, the more data you collect in order to help you make accurate assessments going forward. Consider this your motivation to start.
Accept Failures As Life Lessons: Failures offer a unique opportunity for self-reflection and course correction. Consider the mistakes that lead you to a negative outcome or the unfavorable circumstances you entered into (e.g. not studying for a test or already seeing red flags during the job interview). Use these opportunities to refine your strategies to succeed. While failures might not be inherently positive in the short term, failing fast saves you a lot of trouble along the way.
How To Overcome Perfectionism:
Find Stupidly Small Ways To Start: Write the title on a document and some keywords you want to use; Write an introductory sentence to an email; Place the first photo on the collage; Mix the spices together for a dish –literally anything to get you started on the task at hand. Give yourself a small push to gain momentum to keep going.
Set A Timer: Gamify any task by making it a race against the clock. Set a timer for 10, 20, or 30 minutes to see how much you can get done with a short spurt for hyper-focus. Focus on output, not outcomes when using this method. Remember: You can always go back and edit a project or refine the details of a space, meal, or task after. You will probably surprise yourself with how much you get done and how quick it is to elevate the standard of any timed work.
Consider Consequences of Delayed Action: Procrastination is perfectionism's greatest frenemy. The quicker you are to begin a task or strategize how to initiate a conversation, the more likely you will be to make it happen and give yourself the brain space to mull over the ideas before sharing the final product. Shitty first drafts of anything in life are welcomed. You can always edit later before finishing or showcasing something you want to take pride in. A step forward gives you guidance toward the right path. A step backward provides insight into how to strategize to win in the future. The only guaranteed way to never achieve greatness in a certain area of life is to not start in the first place.
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not-poignant · 1 year
Do you have any advice on how to write more words on a regular basis? I find it difficult to write regularly but am fed up of only being able to produce sporadically in small amounts. Whenever I sit down to write it feels like I'm feeding gravel into a blender (if that even makes sense). I've tried getting advice from others and am told to just "stop trying to write then". But I can't because I want to write. Writing is all I ever think about. It feels like oxygen to me and when I'm not doing it (or thinking about doing it) I feel like I'm dying inside. But damn, I just wish it wasn't so difficult.
I really want to finish my stories and I know I could if I just wrote regularly but I don't know why that's so hard for me to do.
Hi anon!
I might have some thoughts on this because I certainly never used to write as much as I do now!
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Firstly, I'll get this one out of the way now, if you have money to spend, join 4thewords - ignore this if you don't have it. But this gamifies writing in a genuinely fun way. Each monster you kill gives you loot, and fulfills quests that give you more loot, that opens more worlds and more options that give you clothing / house furniture and more. This was - given how much more productive it made me - a game changer re: writing more.
If you don't have money to spend, let's ignore that and go to other methods.
If you want to write more, the answer isn't to stop writing, it's to write more. The best time to hear 'it's time to stop writing' is if you're burnt out, or you hate everything about it. It sounds like you don't hate everything about it, you just wish it was a bit easier.
Decide what you want regularly to mean. I don't have a daily writing habit - I don't write every day! I'm too sick to, so i have a monthly minimum wordcount instead of a daily minimum wordcount and try and hit it by about week 2/3. Regularly for you might be once a day. Once every two days. Or it might be 'I have to write this many words a month.'
Find a way to track the words you're writing. The only way you can accurately see how much you're writing is by tracking those word-counts! Because you will have days where you feel like you wrote nothing and actually wrote a fair bit, and days where you feel like you wrote a fair bit and sadly wrote...hardly anything, lol. But it's also the best way to see yourself achieve more as you increase your wordcount.
Let's also talk about flow. Sometimes you don't get to feel 'flow' - that feeling of the words coming out easily onto the page, and you have to kind of struggle for every sentence. Are you okay with writing more knowing that this is actually normal for many writers, and the gravel blender feeling might not go away? It will over time get easier to write more words, but it might mean more of that gravel blender feeling. Flow is not predictable, and is often story and scene dependent. Chances are you will have more times feeling writing flow, I just want you to be honest with yourself in case it doesn't happen the way you wish.
From there, it's a combination of developing the discipline (which is like exercising a muscle - start small and grade upwards, don't aim too high at first, consistency is better than bursts), and finding the tricks that help you.
Look at how many words you think you could write a week. Let's lowball and say about 100 words a week. When you assess this for yourself, always undershoot, don't round up! 100 words is like... a long paragraph worth of words.
The following week, depending on if you want a daily / once every two days etc. habit, you'd aim to write 150 words that week. A paragraph and a half.
The week after you'd aim for 200 words.
You might find in week 2 it was easy to write 1000 words, great! But the week after you're still only aiming for 200 words. Don't base scaling up on the bursts / writing sprints - they'll lie to you. If you want consistent discipline, base your increases on the low days. If you reach a week where 200 words feels impossible, aim for 200 words the following week, if it's still impossible, go back to 150.
Now for you it might be... 500 words in week one, 600 in week two, 700 in week 3 etc. It might not seem like much, but you'd be surprised how quickly you start scaling through those numbers with practice.
Increasing writing output is a numbers game. And it's a patience game. And it's a 'being forgiving and gentle with yourself while also being a little bit stern with yourself' game.
Here's the thing no one tells you (except for NaNoWriMo every single year) re: increasing your wordcount.
Those words don't have to be good. They don't have to be good in fact it's better if they're not.
You're just getting used to the feeling of writing more. Not writing more good words, that will come naturally with time. You're getting used to sitting in front of a document for longer, thinking of more sentences you don't necessarily love (it's better if you don't! Write the bad ones!) And this is what I mean by it's a numbers game. Getting better at writing happens the more you do it anyway, so you can just focus on 40 bad sentences.
The trick to letting yourself write badly? That one is just...gritting your teeth and screaming through them while you go 'AHHHHH' in your head and let those suckers loose. Or whatever version of this that you have.
Because here's the thing, it's actually pretty easy to write 1000 words of inconsequential terrible story that no one's going to read. I mean 'pretty easy' - it's easier than writing the stories and characters you love the most and are so invested in, it's hard to write the sentences because you want to do justice to it all. That's fucking stressful, friend, and increasing writing output is just better if you're not always a) doing it on those stories or b) invested in writing those stories well in those early draft/s.
But once you're used to writing more words of stuff you don't love, it becomes easier to write less words of stuff you do, and chances are that will still be more than you're writing now. <3 Some of my stories are really easy to write, and some are way way harder. A chapter of The Ice Plague took as much time as three chapters of Underline the Black. So story is important here too. But also the point is basically that... you don't have to scale up your writing output with the stories you're most invested in, but need to be at a certain standard of writing. You can scale it up any time, with any kind of story - anyone can do this. Increasing your wordcount is a matter of like... easy methods that are less easy to implement irl because of the psychology around letting yourself write badly, and letting yourself validate the time / put the time aside to do that.
And here's the other thing - find a ritual that helps you. Whether it's brewing some tea before writing. Setting up a little space. Putting on some music or a noise generator specifically for writing. Listening to Lo-Fi Girl or Synthwave Boy. Whether it's writing a few words on paper first, or changing the font. Eventually you will have a Pavlovian response to the ritual, and every little bit helps.
As for the psychology, this is why you lowball. You make it as easy as possible. 'God writing 1000 words seems really hard oh but I only have to write a sentence today, cool, I can do that.'
The thing about lowballing is that on the good days, you will write way, way more than your goal. Which means a) you're done for the week if that happens if you want to be done and b) when you're back to feeling exhausted and like GGHGHGHGHHHHH about writing, you're still back at that initial lowball wordcount.
On my worst days, I lowball to like, 5 words, 10 words, and just write 5 / 10 / 15 etc. down on a piece of paper and cross them off. 30 words can be a sentence. 10 words can be a sentence. It feels nice to cross off numbers on a sheet of paper and see the increasing words. I can almost always get to 500 words with that method, and I think you could definitely get to 100.
Anyway the TL;DR
Consistency is way more important than quality
Don't be surprised if you don't find 'flow'
ALWAYS lowball when you're developing an increase in words
Figure out what 'regular' means to you (daily / weekly / etc.)
Make a ritual
Focus less on the stories you love most when developing this habit
If you have a bad week, just go back to the previous wordcount goal. And keep doing that, this won't be a linear process!!!
...It didn't need to be this long I'm so sorry anon idk why I'm like this.
I wish you all the best! I 100% disagree with the folks telling you 'just stop writing then.' I'm like nope, embrace the gravel blender, eventually you'll end up with smooth sand in an hourglass, I promise. <3 You just might have to add more gravel sometimes. ;)
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quills-planning · 3 months
My Gamified Life Framework
So below the cut is the general framework I followed to gamify my life that's been working (for the most part).
I hope to have my own system with (some of) its details up in the next few days as an example.
Please let me know if y'all need any kinda clarification or have any questions about the system - I'd be happy to share more!
Phase One - Assessment
1. Look over your current life and decide how/what you want to improve upon using this system - it could be large swaths of your life or smaller, more targeted areas.
2. Look at your overall life and divide it into general areas (I call them domains) and those general areas into sub-areas if needed (I call them sub-domains). Ex. Household into Chores and Maintenance. Household is the main life area, while Chores and Maintenance are the sub-areas.
3. Dream big about where you want to be and who you want to be in the future. This is a huge brainstorm of everything you can think of. It doesn't matter how large or how small.
4. Honestly decide how happy or fulfilled you are in each of your listed life areas (and sub-areas) using a list of your own objectives/questions specific to your end goals and ideal self. Ex. Finances - "I successfully budget my money" with a score of 4/10
Phase Two - Planning Systems
1. Look at your ideal future self and create a general plan/goals and list of milestones for a journey to get there.
2. Sort goals and milestones into life areas and sub-areas, along with prioritizing (or ordering) each of them.
3. For each life area (and sub-area), create or form Quests in the form of goals to advance yourself - the focus life areas are the larger goals and called Main Quests, the non-focus areas don't each need a goal, but if they do they're smaller and maybe more project focused and are called Side Quests.
4. Break down each of your brainstormed Main and Side Quests into actionable steps, projects, and/or milestones to take those bigger goals into manageable chunks.
5. Using the manageable chunks, break them down into XP values, gold rewards, and pick deadlines.
6. Create habits to surround and encourage your progress.
7. *Optional* Create a “shop” to give yourself rewards as you gain XP and Gold - as well as giving yourself breaks when needed.
8. Create a list of “Mandatory” tasks to be done every day - things that should be part of your routine already and need to be done daily. *Optional* Make each mandatory daily task worth 1 point, then multiply that by 2 weeks (14 days). That’s how much HP you should have for the month. Each month it resets to full HP.
9. *Optional* Plan for what happens if a “Player Death” occurs. Ex. For me it’s a shop close for 3 days and losing a randomized amount of loot and gold (decided by my husband).
Phase Three - Action
1. For each quarter or season, pick no more than 3 domains (maybe 4, depending) to focus on and advance the most.
2. Keep track of your HP and XP daily and your Gold weekly - however it works best for you.
3. Tweak your systems and assessments, and therefore your goals, as needed to get the best system for you. Originally, I didn’t have a gold/shop and an HP/”Player Death” system set up, but when I realized I needed a more immediate reward and punishment system they got added.
○ Always take what works for you and leave what doesn't - don't try to force things that don't work for you!
○ If this is popular, I can also create a pdf/document to share as well!
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mathsinfluencer · 1 month
Personal Reflection on Gamifying Apps as an Assessment Tool in Mathematics Education🎮
When reflecting on gamifying applications I regularly use in my mathematics classes such as Kahoot, Hot Potato, Quizizz, Educaplay, and Google Forms, it becomes evident that each tool brings its own set of merits and demerits to the table.
Kahoot 🎮, for instance, offers an engaging platform for interactive quizzes that truly energize the classroom atmosphere. However, its limitations become apparent when it comes to writing equations or dealing with more complex mathematical concepts like matrices. This can sometimes hinder the depth of learning that I aim for in my lessons.
Hot Potato 🥔, with its feature for uploading photos, adds an interactive element to the learning process, which my students love. Yet, the process of sending zip folders with image paths and having students unzip files can prove challenging, especially for younger learners who may not be as tech-savvy.
Quizizz 📝 has been a game-changer in terms of collaborative learning opportunities. Its open accessibility to other teachers' games on the same topic has sparked engaging discussions and peer learning in my classroom. However, its inability to support fill-in-the-blank questions limits its versatility in assessing students' understanding comprehensively.
Educaplay 🎓 has also proven to be a captivating tool with its variety of interactive exercises and games tailored to mathematics learning. Nevertheless, it falls short when it comes to writing equations compared to Kahoot. Kahoot's more advanced equation creation features give it an edge in this aspect.
In essence, while each gamifying application offers unique advantages, they also come with their own limitations. As educators, it's crucial for us to weigh these pros and cons carefully and choose the right tool based on the specific learning objectives and needs of our students. Finding the balance between engagement and functionality is key to creating meaningful and effective learning experiences in the mathematics classroom. 🧠📚
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
Deku somehow gets teleported into Toshinori yagi’s timeline meets prime Torino and the 7th user of one for all they try and see how he got here and much of one for all he can control and he probably meets chiyo while he’s at it 😂
I already have something like this, though it’s less of a wip and more of a ‘eh, it has the trappings of a oneshot.’ So instead I’m just going to use this as an opportunity to spin other wheels, because, anon, this is another case of you giving me the outline instead of manifesting it yourself, for me to enjoy.
Villain Hunt!Izuku is arguing with All Might when he is slam-dunked into his mentor by a Time Displacement Quirk gone awry. The user’s motivation is that Deku is CLEARLY doing so much more than Small Might, so maybe Japan wouldn’t have gone to hell if Deku was in charge from the start! This has the intended consequence of Izuku being shot back in time to when Toshinori JUST received One for All at age thirteen.
This has the unfortunate, also intended consequence of Izuku possessing Toshinori’s body. He reacts as any traumatized teenager bearing the burden of the world would--that is, badly. Monitoring the situation is Nana and Sorahiko; the former is confused and scared for her would-be successor, and the latter is just ‘Of course this happens. Of course. That’s just our luck.’
Izuku has brought back the decades’ accumulated stockpile in One for All (vestiges included!), and it truly is a testament to Toshinori’s Quirkless genes that enable him NOT to break when Izuku lets fly his first Smash. Nana is flabbergasted. Sorahiko is reconsidering his early assessment of Toshinori-turned-Izuku. Then, Izuku taps into the rest of One for All, and all three of them proceed to have an intense discussion of (1) how to use this opportunity to demolish AfO, (2) whether or not young Toshinori remains, and if he can be retrieved, and (3) if Izuku is here permanently.
They relocate to Recovery Girl’s office in U.A. so she can run a physical on Izuku, and who do they find there but TOSHINORI, mid-50s, Quirkless as ever and vastly terrified of facing his dead oshishou and Prime Torino. The reunion is painfully awkward, except in the case of Toshinori seeing his younger self possessed by Izuku. There’s at least one joke about Izuku’s fanboyism going too far.
Toshinori is determined to meddle in this timeline, a period when governmental paperwork is practically ornamental and sooo easy to manipulate, especially when you have Nana (experienced in illegally redacting documents) and Sorahiko (unconcerned with things like ‘Hey, maybe murder isn’t the way’) by your side. The first thing he does is fish young Toshinori!Izuku out of the foster system, and claim him as his son.
Additional points of interest:
Toshinori also fosters Kotarou, and persuades him that there was a genuine danger that Nana had to protect him from, but don’t worry, it’s going to be taken care of and everything will be fine.
Toshinori takes control of the HPSC, and pulls Nana into it too. They endeavor to find some alternative way of keeping the pro-hero career alive and not gamified.
Izuku gets to be an even more feral teenager, trained by Prime Torino and Seventh Wonder, and actually sat down and tutored by Toshinori to make sure All Might, Pillar of Society, doesn’t become the ONLY Pillar of Society Japan will have.
Everyone scores a hit on AfO before he dies. Even Quirkless, mid-50s Toshinori.
Is Nanahiko a thing? Everyone’s wondering. Even Nana and Sorahiko.
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tetley1173-igb220-blog · 10 months
What is this blog about?
By Shannon Tetley
I'm creating this blog to document my journey learning game design and it will be submitted as part of my assessment for the class IGB-220 taught at the Queensland University of Technology. It's my aim to create an interesting record of my learning and to share what I learn with others in an informal yet professional manner.
Why am I studying game design?
Well, I'm actually studying for a bachelor in IT believe it or not. My major and passion is in computer science and I'm studying minors in mobile/cloud applications and user experience. I'm learning game design for the purpose of gamifying mobile apps but that's just the academic reasoning. I've loved video games from a young age and have dreamed of making them for a living since I was a teenager. I chose to study computer science for job security and only discovered my passion for it after beginning my studies. Studying game design for my user experience minor was a happy accident but due to my interest I have embraced it enthusiastically.
How did I become obsessed with video games?
I became interested in them by watching other people play them from a young age. I've always had an active imagination and a lust for adventure. I enjoyed playing make believe and video games are a natural extension of that for me. There's nothing more fun to me than to be immersed in a fictional world were you can explore and act out fantasies.
I don't remember the first game that I ever payed but I do remember being frustrated when I had to stop playing other peoples games when I had to go home from a friend or families house. Eight year old me was determined to get hold of my own games, so when my parents gave me the option of pocket money or a PlayStation for Christmas I gave up the pocket money 😂.
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Army Men: Air Attack developed by The 3DO Company
My first game was Army Men: Air Attack published by 3DO. I loved this game because I got to play with army men that could actually shoot! I loved the light-hearted and comical story of this game but it was all about the action for me. From that point, I collected games over the years and even swapped consoles with friends, including an N64 which introduced me to the world of Nintendo. In Lecture 1; Fundamentals of Game Design (Conroy), we discussed how culture naturally forms around games and play. This resonated with me, given my own experiences, sharing and playing video games with friends. My friends and I have incidentally formed a unique culture of our own which stemmed from our mutual ownership and playing of games throughout our lives.
What kind of gamer am I?
While studying in my first week of game design I came across a concept I found interesting written by Richard A. Bartle (Bateman, Step 4). Professor Bartle talks about the four main types of player, from the point of view of a game designer.
My interpretation of the four gamer types are:
Achiever - That friend who brags about getting 100% in every game they get their hands on.
Explorer - They love to learn the lore of the world and discover all the cool things in the game world.
Socialiser - Plays the game to hang out with friends or to meet new people. Often found hanging out at the grand exchange in their favourite MMO.
Killer - They're those SOBs that hang out on your ship spawn killing you in Sea of Thieves! Yes I'm still salty about that 😠, they didn't even take my loot 😂.
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Metroid Prime developed by Retro Studios
I can safely say that I'm an explorer. The first game I ever got truly obsessed with was Metroid Prime developed by Retro Studios. To me, Metroid was about exploring an abandoned and corrupted alien world. I got hooked on finding all the lore walls to piece together the story about why the world was corrupted and to find out what happened to the mysterious Chozo who left behind such beautiful and intriguing ruins.
What do I hope to get out of game design?
My dream is to write backend code for games and to have the skills to turn boring old phone apps into more enjoyable experiences. Even if that dream doesn’t pan-out, this class will be a valuable opportunity to learn design practices which I wouldn’t normally learn in my more technical computer science degree.
Gaming has always been an integral part of my life. I’ve always been subconsciously aware of the culture my friends and I formed and I internally knew what kind of gamer I was – I just never had the vocabulary to describe it. Just one lecture of Fundamentals of Game Design, has prompted me to critically reflect on why my experiences playing games have been positive ones and making these links has shown me how I can tie academia to my game design.
So far, the theoretical concepts I’ve been introduced to have been very insightful and have inspired me to apply these theories to my own game design. I hope this class will continue to open my eyes to the concepts which make good games so enjoyable.
Conroy, David. “Fundamentals of Game Design Lecture 1.” IGB-220 Fundamentals of Game Design, 25/7/2023, Queensland University of Technology, Online. Lecture.
Bateman, Chris. Beyond Game Design : Nine Steps Towards Creating Better Videogames, Course Technology, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/detail.action?docID=3136230.
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natstuart · 9 months
For each of the following items, indicate whether you think it's morally okay or not.
An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident. NOT OKAY.
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year. OKAY.
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his neighbor. (weird and disturbing but) OKAY.
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head. NOT OKAY (the metaphor makes sense but there are probably ways to get the other dogs to a shelter or something).
A doctor has been preforming consensual yet illegal procedures one someone in hopes of finding a cure for his ill sister. OKAY.
A neglectful husband pushes his wife to an affair. When the affair ends, the wife's partner nearly kills her and her unborn daughter. The husband kills the affair partner. OKAY.
September has run out of food and is facing death by starvation. She begins to cannibalize her family's loyal staff. They do not fight back. OKAY.
A mother gives birth to identical twins. One follows their ambitions and the other becomes a shut in. The family make it clear which child they prefer. OKAY.
Natalie is so focused on survival she fires a shot without thinking. She did not intend to kill her elderly neighbor, but she hides the body regardless. She denies knowing what happened to the now missing resident. OKAY (rip she would so do this too).
A woman is facing a lifetime of medical issues. She continues to put her family and those around her in emotional and medical debt. She lives a hollow life and continues leaching off of those who support her. OKAY.
Please provide a response to each of the following prompts. Leaving a prompt blank will also be considered a response, and you will be assessed for refusal to answer.
In the event of a life or death situation, would you put yourself or others first?
Myself, obviously? I'd hope to do what's best for the team in the long-run.
How far would you be willing to go to ensure your own survival throughout this ordeal?
I'm pretty sure I'd do just about anything. If I can map out the most efficient route in order to gamify and win the situation, I think it could be pretty energizing.
Is there anyone in the building you have developed strong attachments to?
Lol no. I've only been here for a few months but I do care about my neighbors.
Do you think it is possible to survive infection through alternative means such as removing the infected limb? Would you be willing to undergo this procedure to ensure your own survival?
I'm not sure if it'd be possible since we know so little about the infection But, if there's a way to survive it, I might as well try.
Will following the general consensus lead to improved odds of survival, or would you have a better chance following an assigned leader?
Both are generally bad ideas.
What is the appropriate response to the following situation?
Your daughter falls ill and needs a specific, uncommon kind of antibiotic that will be hard to find; without the full course, the pathogen will survive, regroup, and kill her anyway.You are scavenging a pharmacy, where you find another group, and manage to not shoot each other. You ask them about the antibiotic, and they have it, but they also need the antibiotic, for the wife of someone in their group.You cannot share the antibiotic because it would just kill both people, and they have the antibiotic in their pack. This is likely the only complete dose set you will find, as the other stores have been picked totally clean and there are no friendly groups in the area.
I mean, I don't have a daughter so I can't truly relate to this scenario. But I'd take the antibiotic since my daughter would presumably be an asset towards survival while an unknown person holds no benefit.
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technogeeky · 11 months
Effective Ways to Improve the Enterprise Training Process
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, continuous learning and development have become essential for enterprises to stay competitive and adapt to changing market trends. A well-structured and effective training process is crucial for enhancing the skills and knowledge of employees, fostering a culture of growth, and achieving organizational success. In this article, we will explore some proven strategies to improve the enterprise training process, with a particular focus on the innovative solution Level Up 360° - Group Training Program provided by CCS Learning Academy.
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1. Assess Training Needs:
The first step in enhancing the training process is to identify the organization's specific learning needs and objectives. Conduct a thorough assessment of the skills gap existing within the workforce and align the training programs accordingly. Gathering feedback from employees, managers, and stakeholders will help in understanding the areas where improvement is required.
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2. Embrace Blended Learning:
Traditional classroom-based training may not always be the most effective method. Embracing blended learning approaches that combine online modules, workshops, webinars, and interactive sessions can create a more engaging and personalized learning experience. It allows employees to learn at their own pace, reinforcing knowledge retention and promoting self-directed learning.
3. Implement Microlearning:
Microlearning involves delivering content in short, bite-sized modules that focus on one concept at a time. This approach is highly effective in catering to the modern workforce's busy schedules and shorter attention spans. By breaking down complex topics into smaller chunks, microlearning enhances knowledge retention and improves the overall learning experience.
4. Gamification for Engagement:
Gamification is an innovative technique that leverages gaming elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, in non-gaming contexts like training. By incorporating gamification into the training process, employees are motivated to participate actively, compete with peers, and achieve learning milestones. This fosters a fun and engaging learning environment while ensuring effective knowledge transfer.
5. Provide Real-life Simulations:
Hands-on training through real-life simulations can significantly improve employees' practical skills and problem-solving abilities. Simulations allow learners to apply their knowledge in a risk-free environment, gaining confidence and expertise before implementing them in real-world scenarios. This approach is particularly valuable for technical and operational training.
6. Personalized Learning Paths:
Every employee has different learning preferences and varying skill levels. Offering personalized learning paths ensures that individuals receive training content tailored to their specific needs and interests. This approach enhances employee satisfaction and results in more effective skill development.
7. Adopt Level Up 360:
Level Up 360 is a cutting-edge enterprise solution offered by CCS Learning Academy and is an excellent addition to any organization's training process. This innovative platform is designed to streamline and enhance employee development by offering a wide range of features. Level Up 360 provides a comprehensive learning management system (LMS) that enables seamless content delivery, tracking, and reporting.
The platform offers interactive and engaging content, including videos, quizzes, and gamified assessments, ensuring that learning remains enjoyable and impactful. With Level Up 360, managers can easily track employees' progress, identify areas of improvement, and provide targeted support when needed.
Additionally, Level Up 360 allows for the integration of various training modalities, such as classroom training, virtual sessions, and e-learning, creating a flexible and blended learning experience.
Moreover, Level Up 360 comes with advanced analytics and reporting tools that provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the training programs. This data-driven approach allows organizations to make informed decisions, refine their training strategies, and achieve better learning outcomes.
In conclusion, enhancing the enterprise training process is vital for fostering employee growth, improving performance, and achieving organizational excellence. By embracing innovative solutions like Level Up 360 and combining various effective training strategies such as blended learning, microlearning, and gamification, enterprises can create a culture of continuous learning that drives success in today's dynamic business world. Remember that investing in employees' professional development is not just beneficial for the individuals but also contributes significantly to the overall success and competitiveness of the organization.
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Revolutionizing Learning: Exploring MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform and Cutting-Edge Tools
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In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving learning methodologies, organizations are increasingly turning to microlearning as a solution to their training needs. MaxLearn, a leading innovator in the field of education technology, offers a comprehensive suite of microlearning solutions designed to empower learners and organizations alike. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform and the array of tools it provides, including AI-powered authoring tools, gamified learning platforms, and adaptive learning technology.
I. Understanding Microlearning:
Microlearning has emerged as a popular approach to learning and development, characterized by short, focused learning modules that deliver targeted information to learners. These bite-sized lessons are designed to be easily digestible and accessible, catering to the needs of modern learners who prefer quick, on-the-go learning experiences. MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform embodies this philosophy, offering a wealth of microlearning courses and resources to support continuous learning and skill development.
II. Exploring MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform serves as a central hub for learners and administrators alike, providing a user-friendly interface and a rich library of microlearning content. Learners can access the platform from any device, at any time, making it convenient for them to engage with learning materials whenever they have a spare moment. Administrators, meanwhile, have access to powerful analytics and reporting tools that allow them to track learner progress and assess the effectiveness of their training initiatives.
III. The Power of Microlearning Courses:
MaxLearn offers a diverse range of Microlearning Courses covering various topics and disciplines. From soft skills like communication and leadership to technical subjects like coding and data analysis, there's something for everyone on the platform. Each course is broken down into bite-sized modules, allowing learners to focus on specific concepts or skills without feeling overwhelmed. With interactive multimedia content and engaging assessments, MaxLearn's Microlearning Courses offer an immersive learning experience that keeps learners motivated and engaged.
IV. Leveraging AI-Powered Authoring Tools:
One of the standout features of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform is its AI-powered authoring tools. These tools leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to automate and streamline the content creation process. From generating interactive quizzes to recommending personalized learning paths, AI-powered authoring tools make it easy for educators and content creators to develop engaging and effective learning materials. With MaxLearn's AI-powered authoring tools, organizations can create high-quality microlearning content quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources in the process.
V. Embracing Gamified Learning Platforms:
Gamified learning platforms are another key component of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform. By incorporating game-like elements such as rewards, badges, and leaderboards, these platforms motivate learners to actively participate and engage with their training. Whether they're completing quests, earning points, or competing with their peers, gamified learning platforms make learning more enjoyable and rewarding. MaxLearn's gamified learning platform encourages healthy competition and collaboration among learners, driving engagement and fostering a sense of achievement.
VI. Harnessing Adaptive Learning Technology:
Adaptive learning technology is a game-changer in the world of education, allowing learners to receive personalized instruction tailored to their individual needs and preferences. MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform leverages adaptive learning technology to analyze learner data and dynamically adjust course content and difficulty levels accordingly. This ensures that each learner receives a customized learning experience that maximizes their chances of success. Whether they're beginners or experts, learners can progress at their own pace and focus on areas where they need the most help.
VII. Conclusion:
In conclusion, MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform and suite of tools represent a significant advancement in the field of education technology. By combining the power of microlearning with cutting-edge tools such as AI-powered authoring tools, gamified learning platforms, and adaptive learning technology, MaxLearn is revolutionizing the way organizations approach training and development. Whether you're a learner looking to enhance your skills or an organization seeking to empower your workforce, MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform has something to offer everyone. Join us on this journey as we continue to innovate and redefine the future of learning with MaxLearn.
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Inspiring Lessons Of E-Learning For The New Generation
Today is the modernization world running continuously towards innovations elearning is also modernizing technology in the education sector. eLearning includes the use of generally the internet and one or extra different technology related to one/two-manner transmissions via open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wi-fi communications gadgets or audio/video conferencing. A learning system primarily based totally on formalized teaching however with the help of digital sources is called e-learning. While teaching may be based in or out of the classrooms, the usage of computer systems and the Internet forms the most important factor of e-learning. 
E-learning also can be termed as a community-enabled switch of abilities and knowledge, and the shipping of training is made to a massive quantity of recipients at identical or different times. Earlier, it was not prevalent wholeheartedly because it was assumed that this mechanism lacked the human detail required in learning.The Best CBSE School provides e-learning education and improves knowledge through digital e-learning. We look below at some important and inspiring lessons from e-learning.
Question Pools:
Assessments are frequently critical, specifically wherein compliance is concerned. But how do you ensure they check your beginners very well enough? And how do you decrease the probability of sharing answers? Question pools are a remarkable approach to this. In this pharmaceutical compliance test, query pools are used to create a strong assessment. Question pools mean that once a learner retakes the test, they’re not going to look at the equal questions again. This enables learners to recognize the content – they won’t be capable of clearly picking an exclusive answer on a second attempt. It also makes it more difficult for learners to share solutions as it is not likely their colleagues will have been posed an equal set of questions.
Gamified Scenario:
Pankaj Global Public School faculty created an experience of play on your eLearning that is exceptional for engagement – and smooth to acquire via gamification. High-pressure scenarios just like the income simulation beneath are the appropriate associate for game-like approaches. You can appeal to the learner’s aggressive spirit through worthwhile proper choices or final touch of e-learning tasks with points, in addition to upping the pressure with a timer. Learners are incentivized to use their abilities correctly, making the content much more likely to paste in the learner’s thoughts while dealing with an actual situation.
Quick Onboarding:
New starters have lots to take in the first few days of their role, however, you could ease the learning curve by offering quick, focused overviews. Single scrolling pages are awesome for upskilling beginners on key tasks quickly – they could without problems refer again to the content on their phones. In this retail e-learning example, practical duties are damaged down into clear, easy steps, with video demonstrations and checklists offering similar support. In-web page navigation makes it smooth for learners to finish every segment of the page.
Dive Into The Detail Of The Process:
Processes can’t usually be included in a quick overview. Sometimes you’ve been given to dive into the detail – and that’s in which a clean menu shape turns into crucial. Breaking the info of a procedure down into achievable chunks or eLearning tasks approach learners can walk via the steps one at a time. In the retail elearning example under you may see how including situations in this structure facilitates learners to practice and embed the learning, getting them up to the mark quickly.
Microlearning Elearning Example For Skill Development:
When your employees are growing their skills, the idea isn’t enough. To improve, learners want to mirror their contemporary talent level, recognize the practical steps they want to position into action, and decide to practice at the job. This example on the way to control remote teams indicates how e-learning can guide this procedure of expert development. After kicking off with an eye-catching statistic of approximately far-off teams, five top recommendations are presented. Crucially, beginners don’t simply read the recommendations; they may be encouraged to reflect on which of them they need to put into effect in their teams. At the end of the eLearning, every learner creates their action plan, committing to placing their new information into action.
Branching -Choose Your Adventure:
Putting freshmen within side the riding seat is a superb manner of growing their engagement with a virtual learning experience. ‘Choose your personal adventure’ fashion eventualities like the instance under immerse users in a tale and permit them to make choices that manipulate the outcome. This technique allows users to analyze via experiencing outcomes instead of being informed of them.
On-The-Job E-learning Example For Fast-Paced Environments:
Learning shouldn’t be separated from the day job. Short, snappy overall performance guide assets designed for use at the same time as working can maintain the learning alive. They frequently go down nicely with learners too, as they’re designed to be succinct and beneficial species. Well-selected and paced interactivity makes the content material digestible and maximizes knowledge retention
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max-learn · 4 hours
Microlearning: The Future of Employee Training | MaxLearn
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In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, the demand for efficient and effective training methods is higher than ever. Traditional training programs, often lengthy and costly, are giving way to more innovative approaches. Enter microlearning: a transformative method that leverages short, focused learning experiences to enhance employee skills and knowledge. This article explores why microlearning is the future of employee training and highlights the pivotal role of Microlearning Platforms and technologies in this evolution.
The Essence of Microlearning
Microlearning involves breaking down complex information into bite-sized, easily digestible units. These concise learning modules can be delivered through various formats, such as videos, infographics, quizzes, and interactive scenarios. This approach aligns perfectly with the fast-paced nature of modern work environments, where employees need quick access to relevant information without disrupting their workflow.
Advantages of Microlearning for Employee Training
Enhanced Engagement: Microlearning Courses are designed to be engaging and interactive. The use of multimedia elements and gamification techniques keeps learners motivated and invested in their training.
Better Retention: Studies show that learners retain information more effectively when it's presented in small chunks. Microlearning leverages this principle, leading to better long-term retention and application of knowledge.
Flexibility and Accessibility: Microlearning platforms provide on-demand access to training materials. Employees can learn at their own pace, anytime and anywhere, using various devices. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for remote and hybrid work environments.
Key Components of Effective Microlearning Platforms
To maximize the benefits of microlearning, organizations should leverage advanced microlearning platforms equipped with the following features:
Microlearning Authoring Tools: These tools enable the creation of custom, engaging content tailored to specific learning objectives. From designing interactive quizzes to developing immersive simulations, Microlearning Authoring Tools are essential for crafting effective learning experiences.
AI-Powered Authoring Tool: Integrating artificial intelligence into authoring tools streamlines the content creation process. AI can suggest topics, structure lessons, and even personalize content based on individual learner needs and performance.
Adaptive Learning Technology: Adaptive learning technology personalizes the training experience by adjusting content according to the learner's progress and knowledge level. This ensures that each employee receives the appropriate level of challenge and support, enhancing their learning outcomes.
Implementing Microlearning in Your Organization
Assess Training Needs: Start by identifying the specific skills and knowledge gaps within your organization. This will help in designing targeted microlearning courses that address real-world challenges.
Create Engaging Content: Utilize microlearning authoring tools to develop engaging, multimedia-rich content. Incorporate videos, infographics, interactive quizzes, and gamified elements to keep learners motivated.
Integrate with Workflow: Ensure that the Microlearning Platform integrates seamlessly with your existing systems and workflow. This could involve mobile applications, desktop alerts, or integration with learning management systems.
Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your microlearning programs. Use analytics and feedback from employees to refine and improve the content, ensuring it remains relevant and impactful.
The Role of AI-Powered Learning Platforms
AI-powered learning platforms are revolutionizing microlearning by providing personalized and adaptive learning experiences. These platforms analyze learner data to tailor content to individual needs, ensuring that employees receive the most relevant information at the right time. Additionally, AI can provide insights into learning patterns and outcomes, helping organizations optimize their training strategies.
Microlearning is not just a trend; it is the future of employee training. By leveraging microlearning platforms, applications, and tools, organizations can provide efficient, effective, and engaging training experiences. This approach not only addresses immediate learning needs but also supports long-term employee development and organizational success. As technology continues to evolve, microlearning will play an increasingly critical role in shaping the future of workplace training.
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xaltius · 1 day
Importance of Learning Management Systems in Education
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The traditional classroom, with its textbooks and blackboards, is undergoing a transformation. Technology is weaving its way into the educational landscape, and at the forefront of this change are Learning Management Systems (LMS). These powerful platforms are more than just online repositories for course materials; they are dynamic hubs that empower educators and engage students in a whole new way. So, why are LMS becoming increasingly important in education? Let's delve into the many benefits they offer:
1. Enhanced Accessibility and Convenience: LMS platforms break down geographical barriers, allowing students to access learning materials and participate in courses anytime, anywhere. This is particularly beneficial for students in remote locations, working professionals seeking upskilling opportunities, or those with busy schedules.
2. Personalized Learning Experiences: Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all education. LMS platforms can cater to individual learning styles and paces. Adaptive learning features can personalize content delivery, while students can access additional resources or revisit specific topics as needed.
3. Streamlined Communication and Collaboration: LMS platforms foster seamless communication between educators and students. Discussions, assignments, and feedback can all be managed within the platform, creating a central hub for all course-related interactions. Collaborative tools like online forums and wikis encourage teamwork and knowledge sharing among students.
4. Engaging Content Delivery: LMS platforms go beyond static text and images. They allow educators to incorporate multimedia elements like videos, interactive simulations, and gamified learning experiences, making the learning process more engaging and interactive for students.
5. Assessment and Feedback Made Easy: LMS platforms offer a variety of tools for assessment, including quizzes, polls, and online assignments. Automated grading features save educators time, while detailed reports provide valuable insights into student performance, allowing educators to tailor their instruction accordingly.
6. Efficient Course Management: LMS platforms streamline administrative tasks for educators. They can easily upload course materials, manage enrollment, track student progress, and communicate announcements, all from a centralized location. This frees up valuable time for educators to focus on lesson planning, student interaction, and providing personalized support.
7. Data-Driven Decision Making: LMS platforms generate valuable data on student engagement, performance, and learning styles. Educators can leverage this data to identify areas for improvement, refine their teaching methods, and make data-driven decisions that enhance overall learning outcomes.
The Future of Education: A Blended Approach
While LMS platforms offer a wealth of benefits, they are not a silver bullet. They are most effective when used in conjunction with traditional classroom instruction, fostering a blended learning environment. This approach leverages the strengths of both methods, providing students with a well-rounded and engaging educational experience.
Transform your educational institution with Adroit LMS! This user-friendly and feature-rich platform empowers educators to create engaging learning experiences, personalize instruction, and track student progress – all in one centralized location. Adroit LMS fosters a dynamic learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of students in today's digital age.
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