#Fin Ta Tell
praline1968 · 5 months
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Mon beau Charly,
Mon petit bouchon,
Ma beauté suprême,
Ma petite merveille,
Il y a 1 an aujourd’hui, tu prenais ton envol à 3h40 alors que tu étais dans mes bras.
Tu étais agité, j’ai essayé de t’apaiser mais je n’y suis pas arrivée à mon plus grand désespoir.
Malgré des signes d’affaiblissement que j’avais mis sur le compte d’un début de vieillesse,
Je n’ai pas vu, senti, compris, qu’une tumeur grandissait dans ton ventre depuis des mois.
Le poids des regrets et de la culpabilité me ronge un peu plus chaque jour.
Ton départ est le plus grand malheur de ma vie terrestre, nous étions si fusionnels.
Tu étais ma boussole, tu étais ma lumière, aujourd’hui, sans toi, je suis perdue dans le noir.
J’ai perdu le goût de vivre, plus rien n’a d’intérêt ni de sens dorénavant.
J’attends juste la fin au plus vite en espérant que je pourrai enfin te retrouver.
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🎤 Michel Pépé ~ Le coeur des anges 🎧
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(Petit poème que j’ai écrit pour toi le 24 décembre 2022)
🩵 Mon Charly 🩵
Il y a 9 ans, tu apparaissais et venais combler ma vie,
Tél un don venu du ciel, tu rallumais mes jours et mes nuits,
Pour moi, revenait alors le goût de vivre, l’énergie,
Un vrai bonheur, un éclair de temps et de vie qui déjà s’enfuit,
Et me laisse dans un silence, une solitude et une détresse infinie.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Petit chien de caractère, petit être d’exception,
Tes grands yeux noirs respiraient l’intelligence,
Coquin, joueur, espiègle, bavard et râleur,
Tu t’exprimais toujours avec ferveur,
Florilège d’intonations sonores,
Tu t’affirmais avec assurance, énergie et passion,
T’avoir dans mon existence fut une extraordinaire chance.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Tes mimiques, ta joie de vivre, tes discours, ta drôlerie,
Emplissait la maison de joie, de rires et de fantaisie,
Ta démarche aérienne si gracieuse, telle une élégante danseuse,
Ton majestueux panachon exprimait ton humeur toujours joyeuse,
Ta présence nous inondait d’amour et rayonnait d’une manière inouïe.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Ce si triste et douloureux dernier soir,
Malgré ton hospitalisation, je t’ai ramené dans ta maison, près des tiens,
Je ne voulais pas que tu restes à la clinique sans personne ni rien,
Seul dans cette cage, dans la peur, l’angoisse, le froid et le noir,
Je ne sais pas si ma décision fût la bonne,
J’espère juste que ce choix aurait aussi été le tien.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
La nuit de ce 22 décembre qui a vu s’éteindre ta lumière,
Quand ton souffle s’est subitement arrêté,
Et que ton petit corps dans mes bras a soudain cessé de s’agiter,
J’ai senti ton esprit s’envoler, tu étais enfin libéré.
J’ai alors ressenti cet indescriptible vide abyssal où s’arrête l’univers,
Incommensurable et insupportable déchirure qu’à jamais j’aurai du mal à porter.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
A présent, il me reste les médicaments pour ne pas sombrer,
Pour parvenir à trouver le sommeil et ne plus penser,
Malheureusement, chaque jour, il faut bien se réveiller,
Retrouver et affronter cette terrible réalité,
Cette douleur immense, il faudra beaucoup de temps pour l’effacer 💔
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
A jamais, pour toujours, je t’aime mon Charly 💕 💞
J’espère te retrouver bientôt pour l’éternité dans l’amour infini 🙏🏻
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vivianquill · 7 months
Tango hadn't had this much physical contact with another mer since he'd gotten separated from his pod.
He was pinned against the cold wall of the pool, Jimmy pressed against him and holding him pinned. Everything was just too much, at the moment. He squeezed his eyes shut, just focused on the water pumping over his gills as his heartrate started to finally slow down.
Okay, back up a bit, how did Tango manage to get himself in this situation?
In all truth, he wasn't entirely sure. He'd been swimming around the pool, trying to get used to the way his ripped fins changed his maneuverability, going as fast as he dared in the enclosed space-- probably faster than was advisable.
It was an anxious tick of his, pacing back and forth when he was attempting to work something out. It helped when the problem was something he could inspect with his hands and where another perspective was incredibly helpful. Not so much when the danger was unseen, unheard, and completely out of his control. At least he could pace, here, rather than being stuck in an empty tidepool not much bigger than two body lengths across.
He'd been talking out loud to himself-- just gibberish, really, thinking out loud as he worked the stiffness out of his muscles. Anything to distract from the eerie quiet. The water being this quiet never meant anything good. He was going to go insane if he had to sit here in silence, just waiting to be ambushed. And him being loud wasn't helping. the sorts of predators that made the sea go quiet were the ones you needed to be quiet to avoid.
He felt like he was going mad anyway. There weren't any predators here, not the type that sound would do anything more to attract. But he simply couldn't bring himself to shut up. It was easier to just keep chattering away to himself, because then maybe he would actually have somewhere to point the pent-up jittery sort of borderline panic that was making his scales itch. Maybe then there would be a physical threat to sink his fangs into, instead of this growing dread and certainty that his pod was dead again.
He'd lost his first pod to a silence like this.
Tango hated silence.
It only took a half a second of distraction for Tango to lose focus on his careful balance of speed and water pressure and the way his fins dragged to slow him down for the turn and-- there was movement, something was above the water.
Well, that hurt. Tango shook his head, at least he'd had the awareness to twist, hitting the wall with his back instead of with his head or shoulder or anything that would've snapped with the wrong amount of pressure.
Then there were bodies in the water, humans surrounding him where he lay on the shallow bottom, a mer circling around behind him for the kill--
It was a split-second decision, and a lucky glance of blond hair versus blue that let him tackle the human into the water and take him hostage.
The other two had gills, but this one didn't.
Once he had his back to the wall and the held in front of him like a shield, the other two kept their distance.
It was Jimmy, the mer he'd yelled at before, and the blue-haired half-thing that'd helped steal Tango and maybe-kill Impulse.
The human he was holding hostage was the one who'd maybe-killed Impulse. In that moment, he was incredibly tempted to bleed the human out right here and now. He was a threat.
"Woah-- woah!! just calm down. we can talk about this, right?" Jimmy had his hands out in a placating gesture, "Just-- let Martyn go, alright? He's done nothing to hurt you, mate--"
"Oh? Why don't you ask him about what happened to my human?" Tango snapped, tightening his grip.
"Don't--! You're gonna hurt him--" Jimmy pinned his fins back in a show of submission, backing off.
But the other one was trying to edge around to the side of him. Tango bared his fangs in response, twisting to face him too, "You stay right there-- don't come any closer--"
The half-thing put up his hands, "Let him go, we're not goin-ta hurt you."
"Tell that to the human you killed--" Tango snarled, flaring his fins in threat, "You killed my human, it's only fair that I get to kill yours."
"Killed--" Jimmy twisted to look at the half-thing, "Scott, did you guys kill somebody?"
"No. No, we didn't kill him. We put him to sleep, that's all." The half-thing-- Scott-- shook his head, "Let Martyn go before you hurt him."
They-- hadn't killed Impulse? Oh. That changed a couple things. Maybe. If Impulse was okay.
A moment before Tango was going to let the human go, something sharp bit him in the arm.
Tango recoiled with a shout, shoving Martyn away.
He got tackled a moment later by Scott, everything starting to go out of focus.
They were all liars. All three of them. Liars and cheats and Tango wasn't going to let them get away with this--
He snapped at Scott, managing to get at least one or two solid bites in before the half-thing could really react. A moment later, Jimmy slammed into the two of them, knocking Tango's head spinning and taking the opportunity to pull them apart.
Tango twisted in his grip, shrieking in anger as he attempted to get his fangs into Jimmy too. He wasn't able to get around to anywhere he could do any damage. A moment later, Jimmy shoved him against the wall.
And that's how Tango found himself in this situation.
He gave a half-hearted flick of his tail, flexing against Jimmy's grip. Tango didn't really want him to let go, but he didn't want to just-- give up.
"Alright. Listen here, you." Jimmy hissed into his ear, "You need to hold your seahorses and actually listen for once, instead of just fighting us all the time. Now. Are you done? or are you going to keep trying to bite me?"
Tango shuddered, letting himself go limp as he tipped his head towards the wall. His mouth felt thick and clumsy and stuffed full of pebbles as he answered, "I'm done. . ."
"Moon and stars above, was that really so hard?" Jimmy asked, not letting Tango go, but loosening the death grip on his arms.
Everything was fuzzy, like the way it'd been when he first woken up here. Whatever it was that'd bitten him was nasty. Nastier than the time Etho had accidentally gotten Tango with his spines.
Jimmy did eventually let go of Tango, after Scott had gone back up to the surface to check on the human. Tango still had to lean against the wall, though. He didn't like his chances of staying upright with the way everything seemed tipped ever so slightly to the left.
He had to admit that he was sad about Jimmy swimming off to also check on his human after a little while longer. Even though Martyn hadn't actually killed impulse, Tango couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about almost drowning the man.
Sue him for being homesick, but Tango couldn't help but want the other mer around.
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ivo-oz · 3 months
ℌ𝖊𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖘 : 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖊
〖chapitre 3 〗
Attention, ce texte sera peut-être modifié à l'avenir afin de le perfectionner
Dans un sursaut, mes yeux s'ouvrent dans une salle sombre au mur de pierre. Toujours à genoux, je constate que ma situation n'a nullement changé. Les mains clouées à la froideur de la pierre, le sang s'échappant lentement des plaies béantes, peignant ainsi la pierre en rouge.
C'est drôle, il m'a fallu deux jours pour ne plus y penser.
Les premiers jours se sont remplis de cris et de pleur.
Ridicule !
La futilité de cette douleur me rend tellement honteuse.
Je ne penserai pas que l'humilier devant les représentants du royaume le pousserait à me souhaiter autant de mal. J'aurais préféré garder la mobilité de mes mains. Mais bon, si c'est le prix à payer.
Les blessures que je porte en moi sont plus grandes que ses clous.
Il est vrai que c'est la première fois que je suis confronté à de tels châtiments physiques, mais j'aurais dû me réjouir.
Non, ne crie pas, ce n'est pas de la douleur.
Quelle image de moi j'aurais si je me réabandonne à cette facilité ? J'ai subi plus grave, plus longtemps.
Ce ne sont que des plaies, elles s'effaceront.
Mes vraies blessures, elles n'ont pas cicatrisé et pourtant, je les supporte. Succomber à de telles frivolités serait juste dévalorisant.
La vraie douleur n'aurait plus de sens.
Vous êtes en retard. J'en pouvais plus de lutter contre le sommeil pour m'éviter de m'ouvrir la peau davantage.
Un grincement métallique interrompit ma somnolence.
La porte est ouverte.
J'ai beau être dos à elle, je peux quand même sentir le son des talons frapper la pierre dans ma direction.
Un son grave, puis aigu, grave et encore aigu.
Une paire de bottes désassorties.
Ho, c'est Fides qui a été chargé de me libérer.
Tout en entrant dans mon champ de vision, Fides arrache les clous qui bloquaient mes mains.
J'ai . . .
Je n'ai pas crié,
j'ai pu me contenir haha,
mon sourire partit immédiatement quand je découvris les énormes trous béants que contenaient mes mains dorénavant.
On peut y voir à travers.
C'est répugnant mon dieu.
Mes mains
qu'es que . . . comment . . .
mon dieu.
—Mes excuses, Père Inhonoris a tardé à me donner les clés.
— Vous pouvez me soigner ?
— Je n'ai pas ces compétences, un médecin vous sera assigné dans deux jours.
— Vous vous moquez de moi, mes plaies vont rester ouvertes pendant cinq jours en tout. Je ne pourrai plus jamais écrire.
Un ange passe.
— Vous m'envoyez navrer, mademoiselle.
— Navrée ‽ Vraiment ‽ Ôte-moi ce mot de ta bouche quand tu me parles ! Mais quel genre de soutien hypocrite, tu penses me faire avaler ! Ça ne sert à rien de me mentir si mon état ne t'inspire que de l'indifférence !
Le souvenir de mes mains perforées aurait presque pu être oublié si mon sang ne s'était pas mis à accélérer dans mes veines.
Mon cœur hurle dans ma tête, m'obligeant à me taire.
— Pardonnez-moi Je m'exécute.
—Avez-vous du temps à m'accorder ?
J'aurais besoin de coudre mes plaies.
Bien sûr, je ne voudrais pas abuser de votre gentillesse.
Vous pouvez déléguer le travail à un de vos collègues si c'est trop demandé. J'espère que je n'ai pas manqué de politesse, vous savez, trois jours sans pouvoir pleinement dormir me font perdre pas mal de notions.
Comme la clémence par exemple.
Je sens l'air frais de la pièce effleurer les cavités de mes mains. Le sang a arrêté de couler et fait maintenant place au vertige et à la fatigue.
Toute pressée, elle s'engouffre dans l'ouverture de la porte.
Elle ne m'aide même pas à monter...
Haha, elle doit avoir peur de demander . . .
Haaaa, j'en avais besoin tout de même.
3 minutes plus tard, Fides accourut pour m'éviter un malaise sur les marches et se mit à m'aider à atteindre ma chambre.
Ho, le temps, et puis qu'est-ce que c'est au final ?
Que le soleil finisse couché une fois la fin des escaliers atteint. Alors ainsi soit-il
— N'ayez crainte, nous serons bientôt à vos appartements.
Mes yeux balaient le sol et les murs comme un pendule oscillant entre le conscient et l'inconscient. Un pendule se stoppant net lorsqu'une certaine odeur lui parvient.
Odeur de café . . . de miel.
Cela me sortit de mon vertige.
— Que faites-vous ? Votre chambre se situe dans le couloir gauche.
Il est 11 heures, grand-père doit être dans son bureau.
— Ne me crois pas si bête. Je vais simplement dire bonjour à Papi.
— Vous entendez vous, c'est lui qui vous a châtié. Ne l'humiliez pas davantage, il risquerait de vous bannir.
— Tu n'es pas convaincante, cesse de mentir, bon sang.
Boitant en direction de la porte, je finis ma route en m'affalant sur la poignée de la porte.
Haha, tant pis pour la surprise.
L'iris de ses yeux dilaté, la rigidité qu'adopte son corps. Toute cette attention pour moi. Il s'efforce d'être calme et ça m'est tellement jouissif.
Je pousse la porte en m'aidant difficilement de mon épaule, mes mains étant inutilisables.
Grand-père est juste derrière.
L'encadré de la porte dévoile progressivement son visage et les émotions qui le parcourent quand il découvre le mien.
Finalement, je ne sais que dire, mon esprit m'échappe, des idées, des bribes me viennent, mais les paroles demeurent insaisissables.
Pourquoi est-il aussi surpris ? Pensait-il me soumettre ?
Tu ne me connais pas assez.
Que pense-t-il de moi ? Que penserait Inhonoris Cornecuus ?
Toute sa vie et son existence ont servi à bâtir cet empire, à se hisser au rang de roi. Être à son niveau est la seule motivation qui me pousse à me faire violence dans mes études.
Enfin, avec les blessures, ça va être plus compliqué.
En marchant ou plutôt vacillant vers lui, le sang pulsant dans mes mains m'empêche de continuer.
Aucun de mes muscles actifs ne m'épargne de douleur.
Je lève faiblement ma main et avec un grand sourire, le plus beau que je puisse faire, je le salue avant qu'un voile noir ne mette fin à mon geste.
SUITE (un jour . . . ) PRECEDENT
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selidren · 4 months
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Printemps 1916 - Champs-les-Sims
Mais même en deuil, Constantin reste Constantin. Il côtoie sans doute de nombreux pères au front, qui doivent parler avec nostalgie de leurs enfants et de ce qu'ils auront envie de faire avec eux une fois la guerre finie. Connaissant mon mari, il est fort probable que de telles conversations aient éveillé un sentiment de culpabilité chez lui. Car son absence m'a définitivement fait prendre conscience qu'il ne s'implique pas assez dans la vie de nos enfants. Mais je laisse cette frustration pour la fin des combats. Comment pourrait-il concevoir de telles considérations domestiques alors qu'il craint pour la survie d'Adelphe chaque jour et voit sa propre vie menacée quotidiennement ? Il m'arrive même de me dire, en pensant à vous, que vous avez vécu d'impensables souffrances mais qu'au moins vous êtes en sécurité chez vous.
Dans tous les cas, un inconnu lui a mis en tête l'idée d'embrasser les enfants. Adelphe le fait, mais ce n'est pas aussi général qu'il semble le croire. Sauf que comme la plupart des promiscuités entre un père et ses enfants, il déteste cela, à tel point qu'il rechigne à prendre les petits dans ses bras. Dans son esprit, il s'est donc dit qu'il pourrait faire un effort, et réserver cette marque d'affection à Noé uniquement. Les leçons de sa grand-mère sur l'importance de l'héritage n'ont pas eu que l'effet escompté, car il ne réalise pas à quel point ses deux soeurs en ont été jalouses. Il a ainsi enlacé Noé devant ses soeurs et ensuite refusé de leur offrir la même chose alors que j'étais partie lui chercher ses pantoufles. Cléo a donc fait une immédiate crise de larmes et c'est avec un air offensé et dramatique digne de Sarah Bernhardt qu'elle lui a remis sa carte de voeux au matin de Noël. Sélène a boudé de façon plus discrètes pendant plusieurs jours. Antoine n'a pas montré son émotion, comme c'est de plus en plus commun chez lui, et sa ressemblance avec son père semble alors dépasser le physique.
En tant que mère, comment puis-je expliquer à mes enfants que seule la plus grande reçoit l'affection de leur père ?
Transcription :
Arsinoé « Papa, c’est toi ? Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici ? »
Constantin « J’ai les chaussures si sales que ta mère m’a ordonné de rester ici en attendant qu’elle m’amène mes charentaises. Elle ne veut pas que je souille le tapis du salon. »
Arsinoé « Ce n’est pas ça, mais Maman a dit que tu étais encore à la guerre pour Noël. »
Constantin « Et bien non, je suis ici pour la semaine, nous allons passer les fêtes ensembles.  Tu es contente ? »
Arsinoé « L’institutrice dit que peu d’enfants ont la chance d’avoir leur Papa pour les fêtes. Avec les autres élèves, nous avons rédigé des cartes de voeux pour nos pères courageux qui restent au front pour nous protéger. J’ai de la chance, je vais pouvoir te la donner moi-même. »
Constantin « C’est très gentil. Tu me la donneras au matin de Noël. »
Constantin « Arsinoé, pourquoi n’embrasses-tu pas ton père ? »
Arsinoé « Mais on ne t’a jamais embrassé. »
Constantin « Nous allons changer cela. Un bon père embrasse ses enfants. »
Arsinoé « Cléopâtre et Sélène ont demandé à Maman pourquoi nous n’embrassions qu’elle. Elle a répondu que tu n’aimais pas. »
Constantin « C’est vrai. Mais je ferai une exception pour toi. »
Arsinoé « Pourquoi moi ? »
Constantin « Parce que tu es mon aînée. »
Arsinoé « Et alors ? »
Constantin « Tu es mon aînée et mon héritière, cela fait de toi quelqu’un de plus important. Je dois donc faire une exception pour toi. Maintenant, embrasse ton père. »
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yaggy031910 · 10 months
Aimée’s and Davout’s conversation about Moniteur
While I was researching a specific letter from the Davouts in marshal Davout’s memoir, published by his youngest daughter, Louise Adelaïde d’Eckmühl, in 1879, I found a conversation between our two lovebirds, Aimée Davout and Louis Nicolas Davout, about a interview the marshal supposedly gave.
Btw, thank you, @josefavomjaaga, for mentioning this interaction in one of your reblogs. I recognised these letters because you wrote about reading them in an article once.
Aimée wrote her husband on the 27th of January 1813:
Je n’ai pas reçu de lettres de toi aujourd'hui, mon unique ami; mais j'en ai lu une dans le Moniteur. Je t'avoue que je n'ai pas reconnu ta manière d'écrire accoutumée, qui est claire, énergique et noble, tandis que rien ne l’est moins que cette phrase qui est sûrement tronquée : « Une grande quantité de mes hommes (te fait-on dire) s'est éparpillée pour chercher des refuges contre la rigueur du froid, et beaucoup ont été pris. » Je suis convaincue que tu ne dis jamais mes hommes en parlant des soldates: personne n’honore plus que toi ce titre et tu as bien raison, car, en parlant des hommes on a rarement du bien à en dire, et, en parlant des soldates on sait qu’on parle de gens d’honneur sans jalousie, sans petites passions, et toujours prèts a mourir sous leurs drapeaux. On a toujours un but pour s’écarter de la vérité, et ce serais en vain mon Louis, que tu aurais cherché à dissimuler tes pertes. Chacun sait ici que la majeure parti du [première] corps a été constamment l’auxiliaire de tous les autres, et que ses pertes ont été considérables pendant notre glorieuse marche sur Moscou. Les fatigues, la rigueur de la saison au retour n’ont pas dû le refaire, mais je ne pense pas qu’il te soit arrivé pire qu’aux autres: je crois, au contraire, que la débandade dont on nous à parler dans le vingt-neuvième bulletin n’a dû se manifester parmi les troupes de ton commandment que lorsqu’il y a eu impossibilité absolue de penser à les rallier. Lors de l’ouverture de la campagne, on ne cessait d’en vanter la tenue, la discipline et le bon esprit. On ne perd pas dans un moment une supériorité réelle; mais pour être prisé à sa valeur (surtout dans la carrière des armes), il faut n’avoir pas tout contre soi. Quel que soit le mal, l’injustice est le plus grand mal; néanmoins je suis convaincue qu’elle n’abattra jamais une âme telle que la tienne et que tu n’es pas plus navré qu’un autre: quelque navré que tu sois, tu sais remonter le courage des autres, au lieu de l’abattre. J’ai été trop à même d’en faire la triste experience; et, d’ailleurs, si de pertes plus qu’ordinaires te navrent, je suis convaincue que tu ne mets pas le public dans ta confidence. - La lettre du maréchal Ney, qui est écrite pour lui, est sur un autre ton que je n’aime pas mieux: la fin de la tienne est trop larmoyante, et la sienne un peu fanfaronne… Ne me sais pas mauvais gré, mon unique ami, si je suis sortie de la sphère un peu étroite que les hommes nous ont dévolue, en épiloguant, en commentant et en jugeant; je ne puis être étrangère à ce qui te touche, voilà mon excuse; du reste, je trouve tout bon et bien, ou plutôt je ne m’informe de rien.
English Translation: I haven’t received [any] letters from you today, my unique friend, but I read one in the Moniteur. I have to admit that I didn’t recognise your usual writing style, which is clear, energetic and noble, whereas nothing is less so than this sentence, which is surely truncated: “A large number of my men (you are being told) scattered to seek refuge from the harsh cold, and many were seized.” I am convinced that you never say “my man” while talking about soldiers: No one honours this title more than you do, and you're right to do so, because when we talk about men we rarely have anything good to say about them, and when we talk about soldiers we know that we're talking about people of honour without jealousy, without petty passions, and always ready to die under their flags. One always has a purpose for deviating from the truth, and it would be in vain, my Louis, for you to have sought to conceal your losses. Everyone here knows that the major part of the [first] corps was constantly the aid of all the others, and that its losses were considerable during our glorious march on Moscow. The exertions and the harshness of the season on the retreat may not have done it again, but I don't think that it happened to you any worse than it did to others: I believe, on the contrary, that the stampede of which we were told in the twenty-ninth bulletin must only have manifested itself among the troops of your command when it was absolutely impossible to think of rallying them. At the start of the campaign, they were constantly praising their conduct, discipline and good spirit. One does not lose in a moment […] real superiority; but to be appreciated at its value (especially in the career of arms), you must not have everything against you. Whatever the evil, injustice is the greatest evil; nevertheless, I am convinced that it will never bring down a soul like yours, and that you are no more distressed than anyone else: however distressed you may be, you know how to raise the courage of others, instead of bringing it down. I was too well able to make the sad experience; and, besides, if more than ordinary losses distress you, I am convinced that you do not put the public in your confidence. - Marshal Ney's letter, which is written for him, is in another tone which I do not like any better: the end of yours is too tearful, and his a little boastful… Don't be displeased with me, my unique friend, if I have stepped out of the rather narrow sphere that men have devolved upon us, by epiloguing, commenting and judging; I can't be a stranger to what affects you, that's my excuse; besides, I find everything good and fine, or rather I don't ask about anything.
I have a new found respect for this woman. The way she is aware about the circumstances surrounding her, her husband and the army is just lovely to read.
Now, let’s look into Davout’s answer, shall we? Davout answered his wife’s little monologue in a letter written around two weeks later on the 13th of February 1813:
J’ai éprouvé, mon Aimée, une vive satisfaction en lisant toutes tes réflexions sur la lettre que tu as lue dans le Moniteur: si ton Louis en eût été le rédacteur, tu n’aurais pas été dans le cas de faire ces réflexions. Elle a été fabriquée et insérée pour détruire tous les mensonges, réellement impudents de nos ennemis, qui poussent l’effronterie jusqu’à attribuer à la supériorité de leurs armes ce qui n’est que l’effet des privations, des fatigues et des vingt-quatre degrés de froid que les troupes ont éprouvés depuis leur départ de Moscou. Si j'en eusse été le rédacteur, comme tu l'observes, je ne me serais pas servi de l'expression mes hommes en parlant des soldâtes de mon souverain, ni n’aurais remplacé cette expression par celle de mes soldates: je sçais qu’ils sont les soldates de l’Empereur; aussi je n’emploie jamais ces expressions de: mes soldates, de mon corps d’armée… Enfin, je ne me serais pas servi non plus de cette expression: - que j’étais navré de douleur. Je regrette des soldats que perd l’Empereur […]
The letter itself continues but I am not able to cite them here because the 2 following pages where the rest of this letter would be are just not there… The document jumps from page 269 (where this letter is to be found) to page 272… :(
English translation: It gave me great satisfaction, my Aimée, to read all your thoughts on the letter you read in the Moniteur: If your Louis had been the editor, you would not have been in the position to make these reflections. It has been fabricated and inserted to destroy all the lies, truly impudent by our enemies, who go so far as to attribute to the superiority of their weapons what is only the effect of the hardships, exertions and twenty-four degrees of cold that the troops have experienced since leaving Moscow. If I had been the editor, as you have observed it, I would not have used the expression my men when speaking of my sovereign's soldiers, nor would I have replaced this expression with that of my soldiers: I know that they are the Emperor's soldiers; so I never use these expressions: my soldiers, my army corps… Finally, I wouldn't have used this expression either: - that I was heartbroken. I regret soldiers the Emperor has lost […]
I appreciate these two letters a lot because it shows me how these two lovebirds interacted with one another on a daily basis. It’s a simple conversation about one article which shows so much character from both sides. Davout is such a thoughtful husband, especially considering the era they are living in. Aimée’s attention to details is just impressive and one can see that she is self aware about the hardships she had to suffer in her life and how Davout played a role in lifting her up.
Source: Blocqueville, Louise Adélaide d'Eckmühl, Le maréchal Davout, Vol. 3.
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x-heesy · 5 months
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𝚆𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚌𝚛𝚢 😭
Du haut de notre duo
Des hauts, des bas
De nos débats
Poursuivons ensemble l'intelligible
Dans cette ivresse qui vient la nuit
Lorsque le soleil se cache
Nous marchons vers une fin certaine
Elle se vengera enfin
De s'être faite souillée
Toutes ces années
Lorsque le soleil se cache
Elle a raison
Elle cessera enfin
De fermer les yeux
Dévores nous somptueuse merveille
Tu balaieras ensuite
D'un coup de vent
D'un coup de pluie
Nos restes et nos débris
Ta place est partout
Attendrir les rebords
Immoler les remords
Et ce son toujours qui se glisse
A nos oreilles
Il est là
Cette grâce, cette aura
Fermons les yeux
Pour le sentir plus fort
Il est pleinement là
Femmes de ce monde
L'heure est venue
Etre ici, c'est ma place
C'est la tienne, faisons hurler nos voix
Pour que crève les meurtriers
Faiseurs de génocides
Humains et animals
Nous ne pouvons plus fermer les yeux
L'heure est venue
Immolons les remords
Dans un avenir meilleur, il n'y en a plus
Mais cet avenir meilleur, dis moi
Que son heure est venue
Car c'est presque triste
Mais je n'y crois presque plus
From the top of our duo
Ups, downs
From our debates
Let's pursue the intelligible together
In this intoxication that comes at night
When the sun hides
We are marching towards a certain end
She will finally get revenge
For being soiled
All these years
When the sun hides
She's right
It will finally stop
To close your eyes
Devour us sumptuous wonder
You will then sweep
In a gust of wind
With a splash of rain
Our remains and our debris
Your place is everywhere
Soften the edges
Immolate remorse
And this sound always slips
In our ears
He's there
This grace, this aura
Let's close our eyes
To feel it stronger
He is fully there
Women of this world
The time has come
Being here is my place
It's yours, let's make our voices scream
So that the murderers die
Genocide perpetrators
Humans and animals
We can no longer close our eyes
The time has come
Let us immolate remorse
In a better future, there are no more
But this better future, tell me
That his time has come
Because it's almost sad
But I almost don't believe it anymore
@len0r @dakota-283 @luna--zylum @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bigbonzo @edgarmoser 🇫🇷 😭
L'intelligible by Potochkine v10 ❤️‍🔥
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Joachim: Guys, I've missed our evenings
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Grégoire: You're quite sentimental, Jo' Joachim: Hey, isn't that right?
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Napoléon V: Don't worry, I wasn't planning to put an end to it, even once I was Emperor Grégoire: Aren't you going to be accused of having your own little circle of rich and noble friends? Napoléon V, laughs: Laura is with us now! Joachim: It seems that little by little, she is putting up with people like us
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Joachim: When you think about it, she's pretty cute. What do you think Grégoire?
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Grégoire: Oh my God no, I'll leave her to you. Marianne is more to my taste. Napoléon V: My cousin? You're only telling me now? Grégoire: Hey, I haven't tried anything yet!
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Joachim, mocking: And you Louis? Where is the future empress? Napoléon V: Shut up
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Grégoire: You still haven't talked to Charlotte?
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Napoléon V: I don't know how to do it! And the latest events have not helped... Joachim: You're the Emperor, Louis, wake up!
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Grégoire: Are you kidding? All women dream that you approach them Joachim: You think too much, Louis
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Napoléon V: Probably… Joachim: Let's go back to the others, you can talk with her
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Napoléon V: Hortense thinks that we should make this kind of choice with caution, and… Joachim: Let yourself go a little, you need to treat yourself once in a while
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Napoléon V : Charlotte ?
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Hôtel Beauharnais, 1 Floréal An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Joachim : Les gars, cela m'avait manqué, nos soirées
Grégoire : Te voilà bien sentimental Jo Joachim : Hé, ce n'est pas vrai ?
Napoléon V : Ne vous en faites pas, je ne comptais pas y mettre fin, même une fois Empereur Grégoire : Ne va-t-on pas t'accuser d'avoir ton petit cercle d'amis riches et nobles ? Napoléon V, rit : Laura est avec nous désormais ! Joachim : On dirait que petit à petit, elle supporte les gens comme nous
Joachim : Avec le recul, elle est même plutôt charmante. T'en penses quoi Grégoire ?
Grégoire : Oh mon Dieu non, je te la laisse. Marianne est plus à mon goût. Napoléon V : Ma cousine ? Tu ne me le dis que maintenant ? Grégoire : Hé! Je n'ai rien tenté encore.
Joachim, taquine : Et toi Louis ? Où est la future impératrice ? Napoléon V : Ta gueule
Grégoire : Tu n'as toujours pas parlé à Charlotte ?
Napoléon V : Je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre! Et les derniers événements n'ont pas aidé Joachim : Tu es l'Empereur, Louis, réveille-toi
Grégoire : Tu plaisantes ? Toutes les femmes rêvent que tu les abordes Joachim : Tu réfléchis trop mon vieux
Napoléon V : Probablement... Joachim : Retournons près des autres, tu pourras discuter avec elle
Napoléon V : Hortense pense que nous devons faire ce genre de choix avec prudence, et... Joachim : Lâche-toi un peu, tu as besoin de te faire plaisir de temps en temps
Napoléon V : Charlotte ?
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yumenoame · 6 days
My love,
The breeze, with its timid fingers, caresses your jet-black hair that I know is so soft.
My sun,
The curtain has fallen on the ballet of your pretty tawny pupils. These make me see all the colors.
My heart,
Do you feel my gaze brushing against your silky skin while your daydreams keep you far from me, from my desires?
My sweet Baby,
Can I admit how much I struggle to restrain my mischievous fingers, eager to capture the intoxicating ardor of your lips?
My love,
When you come back to me, at the end of your sleep, I will stand very close to you, happy to see your angelic smile again.
My beautiful Sun,
As the waves lap the beach near us, your comforting palm opens towards me.
My pretty Heart,
Gently, I grasp it: it cherishes me with its tender warmth when your long, slender fingers cover mine.
My delicate Baby,
There you are looking at me. I am moved and trembling. No words are necessary as you enchant me.
Your fragrant breath brushes my lips,
The much-desired kiss doesn't come, no:
You stand there, a few millimeters away and wait.
Are you playing?
Your smile bright like a thousand suns on the surface of the ocean
Stirs me up, knocks me down, disturbs me.
You don't dare to kiss me… or you pretend not to dare.
My love,
The breeze, with its timid fingers, caresses your jet-black hair that I know is so soft. Behind the locks that have fallen over your eyes, you hide.
My sun,
You are my light, the star around which my whole life revolves.
My heart,
You pretend not to dare… but feeling you there so close to my lips is cooking me.
My baby,
In my chest, a little bird flaps its wings the second your mouth finally brushes against mine.
My fingers then run through your pretty black hair.
Our gazes intertwine in silence.
You pretend not to dare…
Dare, my Love, dare! Bring me !
My lips try to capture you… but you escape.
Your tender hand caresses my neck…
You pretend not to dare.
Like a blanket in winter, your arms embrace me.
Like a good campfire, your embrace reassures me.
Will your lips dare ?
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Mon Amour,
La brise, avec ses doigts timides, caresse ton cheveu de jais que je sais si doux.
Mon Soleil,
Le rideau est tombé sur le ballet de tes jolies pupilles fauves. Celles-là m'en font voir de toutes les couleurs.
Mon Coeur,
Sens-tu mon regard effleurer ta peau si soyeuse tandis que tes rêveries te retiennent loin de moi, de mes désirs ?
Mon doux Bébé,
Puis-je avouer combien je peine à retenir mes doigts espiègles, pressés de capter l'enivrante ardeur de tes lèvres ?
Mon Amour,
Quand tu me reviendras, au bout de ton sommeil, je me tiendrai tout près de toi, heureux de revoir ton sourire angélique.
Mon beau Soleil,
Comme les vagues lèchent la plage tout près de nous, ta paume si réconfortante s'ouvre vers moi.
Mon joli Coeur,
Doucement, je la saisis : elle me chérit de sa tendre chaleur lorsque tes longs doigts fins recouvrent la mienne.
Mon délicat Bébé,
Voilà que tu me regardes. J'en suis ému et tout tremblant. Aucun mot n'est nécessaire tant tu m'enchantes.
Ton haleine parfumée frôle mes lèvres,
Le baiser tant désiré ne vient pas, non :
Tu te maintiens là, à quelques millimètres et attends.
Joues-tu ?
Ton sourire éclatant comme mille soleils à la surface de l'océan
M'attise, me renverse, me trouble.
Tu n'oses pas m'embrasser… ou tu feins ne pas oser.
Mon Amour,
La brise, avec ses doigts timides, caresse ton cheveu de jais que je sais si doux. Derrière les mèches tombées sur tes yeux, tu te caches.
Mon Soleil,
Tu es ma lumière, l'astre autour duquel toute ma vie tournoie.
Mon Coeur,
Tu feins de ne pas oser… mais te sentir là tout près de mes lèvres me cuit.
Mon Bébé,
Dans ma poitrine, un petit oiseau bat des ailes à la seconde où, enfin, ta bouche frise la mienne.
Mes doigts filent alors dans ta jolie chevelure noire.
Nos regards s'enlacent en silence.
Tu feins ne pas oser…
Ose, mon Amour, ose ! Emporte-moi !
Mes lèvres tentent de te capturer… mais tu t'échappes.
Ta main tendre caresse mon cou…
Tu feins de ne pas oser.
Telle une couverture en hier, tes bras m'enlacent.
Tel un bon feu de camp, ton étreinte me rassure.
Tes lèvres oseront-elles ?
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paulysson1 · 7 days
De la couleur encrée dans ton cœur
Habitant des étoiles installé sur terre,
École brutale,
Tu ère ici-bas,
Et tu recherche jusqu'à la fin ce qui te régale.
Pulsion de métamorphose à chaque chapitre de ta vie, et l'envie te lapide d'Être, Telle les météorites qui éclates la terre.
Cauchemar lorsque tu ignore que beaucoup ont besoin de toi, de ton corps si doux,
Dessin imaginé par un esprit désorganisé,
Ton image est bien pâle comparé à la réalité,
En constance approbation de tes pulsions, j'aime me balader dans les sillons de ton Être, devenir chimère et m'imprimer dans ton songes,
T'apporter le repos du soir et la chaleur du doux matin,
Je te dirais peut-être à demain ?
Jolie chagrin ❤️
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lesdamesmures · 2 months
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Scène 13 "Une femme mure sur la plage"
C’était Titouan qui attendait sur son vélo derrière le portail. Julie apparu sur la terrasse, de loin elle lui faisait
- Entre Titouan ! c’est ouvert, tu peux poser ton vélo dans le jardin ! Elle restait sur la terrasse vêtue de sa robe portefeuille bleu foncée, ses bras croisés sous la poitrine
Titouan marquait un temps d’arrêt en la découvrant avant de refermer le portail derrière lui et la rejoindre
- Viens Titouan ! tu as mis une chemise blanche, ça te va bien tu es beau ! Ajoutait Julie en le voyant se diriger vers elle
- Merci Julie ! vous êtes belle aussi, cette robe est très jolie elle vous va bien ! Répondait Titouan surpris de voir Julie dans cette petite robe qui dévoilait presque profondément le sillon de sa poitrine et ses jambes à mi-cuisses
Pour la première fois, il voyait Julie dans une tenue assez moulante qui mettait en valeur ses formes, sa poitrine paraissait plus volumineuse et ses jambes donnaient envie de découvrir ses cuisses. Elle avait mis des escarpins beiges clair, un sourire radieux illuminait son visage
- Merci mon prince c’est gentil ! Reprenait Julie en ajustant machinalement sa robe pour lui donner quelques centimètres de plus avant de lui tendre la main pour l’inviter à rentrer
Titouan montait les 3 marches qui menaient à la terrasse, mettait son sac sur son épaule avant de prendre la main accueillante de Julie
Il était rassuré de retrouver Julie telle qu’elle était en la quittant. Il craignait toujours que sa raison reprenne le dessus, qu’elle lui annonce qu’elle ne pouvait pas se permettre une relation avec un homme de son âge, ou une quelconque décision qu’il n’aurait pu contester. Depuis cette soirée à échanger des sms et leurs échanges réguliers, il avait du mal à réaliser ce qui lui arrivait, encore plus après cette journée à la plage, cette intimité partagée, ces caresses intimes il avait la sensation d’un rêve éveillé et se demandait ce qu’elle pouvait ressentir pour lui.
Avant de prendre la main tendue de Julie, Titouan sortait la bouteille de champagne de son sac en lui tendant le gâteau 
- Je voulais pas venir les mains vides quand même ! C’est votre anniversaire
- Oh c’est gentil, ça me touche beaucoup. Entre Titouan
Elle prenait le gâteau d’une main et prenait celle de Titouan de l’autre en le précédent. Titouan se laissait entrainer derrière Julie, main dans la main il admirait Julie qui ondulait dans sa petite robe, ses fesses paraissant plus charnues et larges qu’en maillot. Il découvrait son intérieur, une grande pièce ouverte sur la terrasse et le jardin avec le salon et la cuisine derrière un muret séparant les 2 espaces. Au fond de la pièce, un escalier en bois blanc montait à l’étage, derrière un couloir avec probablement d’autres pièces au rez de chaussé. L’ensemble était coquet et chaleureux malgré la lumière de fin de journée provenant du jardin, un rayon de soleil traversait la pièce de part en part
En passant devant le canapé, Julie me lâcha la main en m’invitant à m’assoir pendant qu’elle se dirigeait vers la cuisine. Sur la table basse, elle avait préparé 2 flûtes de champagne et de quoi grignoter en buvant
Assieds toi mon prince ! Je vais mettre ta bouteille au frais. Ca nous en fera 2, j’en ai une dans le frigidaire, j’ai hâte de trinquer j’adore le champagne ! Disait-elle en traversant la pièce pour rejoindre la cuisine ouverte
Oui avec plaisir Julie ! Je la regardais se déplacer, la bouteille à la main et profitait d’une légère transparence de sa robe quand elle traversait le rayon de soleil qui inondait toute la partie cuisine
J’en profitais pour poser un petit galet en forme de coeur sur la table basse. Je l’avais trouvé sur la plage il y a quelques jours lorsque j’étais allé sur la plage des blockhaus. J’avais été pris de cours pour acheter un cadeau et l’idée que Julie garde précieusement ce galet me plaisait, comme un secret entre nous qui lui rappelait notre relation singulière.
Je la regardais se baisser devant le frigidaire, son postérieur tourné vers moi je ne pouvais m’empêcher de l’admirer comme si je le voyais pour la 1ère fois. Je profitais de cet instant furtif en découvrant sa robe glisser sur son fessier et voir sa cuisse se dévoiler
Elle se redressait, passant sa main sur sa hanche pour réajuster sa robe avant de revenir vers moi avec la bouteille de champagne
- Tu veux bien l’ouvrir Titouan, j’ai envie de fêter cette journée mémorable ! Elle me tendait la bouteille et s’asseyait sur le canapé à ma gauche
Je prenais la bouteille, elle était assise tout proche je pouvais sentir une odeur agréable et parfumée qui enveloppait notre espace, ses jambes serrées l’une contre l’autre laissaient remonter sa robe à mi-cuisses et son décolleté mettait en valeur sa poitrine pigeonnante formant un sillon encore plus large qu’avec son maillot. Elle replaçait soigneusement le pan de sa robe portefeuille avant de poser ses mains sur ses genoux, elle se tenait droite sans s’adosser assise sur le bord du canapé sa flûte à la main, impatiente d’être remplie.
Quelques secondes plus tard et un long pschittt de gaz, nous trinquions avec enthousiasme en nous souriant 
- Joyeux anniversaire Julie, si j’avais su plus tôt que votre anniversaire était aujourd’hui, j’aurai aimé vous offrir un cadeau mais j’espère que ce petit galet symbolisera ces derniers jours et qu’il vous portera bonheur ! Ajoutais-je en prenant le galet qu’elle n’avait pas remarqué, lui tendant comme un bijou précieux pour le poser dans sa main
Elle regardait le galet attentivement en le caressant avec son pouce tout en le gardant dans sa main, elle semblait étonnée comme si elle ne revenait pas de sa forme en coeur
- Oh merci mon prince ! Tu es trop mignon c’est touchant ! Elle réagissait, surprise par ce cadeau qui n’avait comme valeur que notre relation secrète
Elle se penchait vers moi, posant sa main sur ma cuisse et tendant ses lèvres comme si elle m’invitait à les embrasser
- Il a l’air naturel, où l’as tu trouvé mon prince ? Demandait-elle en laissant sa main affectueusement sur ma cuisse tout en regardant à nouveau le galet
Je lui expliquais timidement que je l’avais trouvé le jour où j’avais été sur la plage des blockhaus pour m’aérer. J’étais sur cette plage quand elle m’avait envoyé pour la 1ère fois un sms pour me proposer de nous retrouver à la plage en fin de journée. Elle réfléchissait un court moment
- Ah oui ! Ce fameux jour où je t’ai fais passer pour mon fils à cause de ce type qui me collait ? Demandait-elle avec un air faussement embarrassé  
Je me rappelais de tout dans les moindres détails et confirmais d’un signe de la tête avec un sourire amusé. Elle serrait son galet dans la main, hésitante avant de m’interroger sur ce que j’avais ressenti quand elle m’avait fait passer pour son fils.
Je sentais qu’elle avait envie de parle, de ce que je ressentais. Elle semblait curieuse et étonnée quand j’évoquais ce galet que j’avais ramassé en pensant à elle.
- Je ne m’y attendais pas, ça m’a fait bizarre de passer pour votre fils pour vous débarrasser de cet homme mais je comprend, c’était peut-être la meilleure chose à faire !
- Ca ne t’a pas trop vexé ? Elle prenait un air désolée en imaginant que ça aurait pu me contrarier
- Non Julie ! Ca m’a surpris sur le coup c’est vrai mais j’ai pris ça plutôt pour de la connivence et j’étais assez fier de vous servir d’alibi
Elle m’adressait un sourire bienveillant tout en caressant ma cuisse d’un geste plein de tendresse
- Et vous Julie qu’avez-vous ressenti ?
Elle prenait une gorgée de champagne en levant les yeux au ciel comme si elle se replongeait dans l’instant
- Et bien si tu veux savoir, je me suis dis que tu étais très conciliant et attentionné et que tu ferais un bon fils ! Reprenait t’elle après un moment, comme une pirouette et puis elle ajoutait plus sérieusement
- J’ai réalisé à ce moment que ta présence m’était précieuse et je me souviens aussi de ce détail quand je me suis arrêtée pour remettre ma tunique
- Quel détail Julie ?
- Ton expression quand j’ai réajusté mon maillot en replaçant ma poitrine, tu avais l’air de quelqu’un qui n’avait jamais vu une femme remettre ses seins en place. A ce moment j’ai compris que je te troublais même si je me demandais ce que tu pouvais trouver à une femme de mon âge mais depuis j’ai compris je crois
- C’est vrai Julie, je crois que vous m’avez troublé dès que je vous ai vu aller vous baigner le 1er jour
- Tu m’observais de loin ? Tu regardais mes fesses ? Ajoutait-elle naturellement comme si elle parlait avec quelqu’un d’intime
- Vous m’en voulez Julie ? Me contentais-je de répondre
- Si je t’en voulais je n’aurai pas continué à te voir Titouan mais je ne sais pas ce que je représente pour toi ? As-tu déjà eu une relation avec une femme mure ou c’est par curiosité ou peut-être un fantasme ?
Sa manière de parler aussi directement me déstabilisait, me renvoyant une image de moi que je n’aimais pas mais elle avait raison, notre échange était intime et sincère
- Non jamais Julie ! Je suis désolé si je vous ai paru incorrect mais je vous trouve belle, vous êtes douce et ça me trouble énormément. Je sais que ça peut vous paraitre idiot, même immature peut-être mais je vous me fascinez, je me sens bien en votre compagnie
- Tu ne réponds pas tout à fait ! Tu sais Titouan, je ne suis pas le genre de femme à avoir des aventures. Jusqu’à présent j’avais des croyances et des principes que je pensais solides même immuables mais depuis cet épisode sur la plage, je me sens perturbée par le regard que tu me renvois. J’avoue que c’est agréable même flatteur et en même temps j’ai eu du mal à imaginer que notre relation puisse devenir aussi intime, pourtant ces moments à la plage l’étaient
- Je vous ai choqué Julie ? Je sais que j’ai été au delà du raisonnable et dépassé votre « un peu » mais c’était difficile de résister et encore plus quand on s’est baigné nus. Je ne veux pas me vanter mais … ! J’hésitais à poursuivre ne voulant pas être maladroit en parlant de mon éjaculation rapide
- Je crois que je n’ai jamais autant excité, je ne pensais pas jouir aussi vite ! En disant ça je commençais à sentir l’effet que me faisait notre échange sur nos ressentis. Je n’avais pas l’habitude de parler aussi franchement et ouvertement de mes ressentis mais c’était peut-être la maturité et la différence avec les filles de mon âge
- Tu veux bien nous resservir du champagne mon prince ? Ca va peut être nous faire tourner la tête mais j’ai envie de profiter de ce moment et si ça peut te faire déculpabiliser j’étais aussi très excitée même si je sentais bien que tu avais besoin de te libérer depuis le temps que tu étais à l’étroit dans ton short
- Vous êtes merveilleuse Julie, vous me faites énormément d’effet je n’ai jamais été aussi troublé et sensible à une femme ! Je ressentais un soulagement, cet échange direct et l’effet du champagne commençait à me désinhiber
Je remplissais notre 2ème verre tout en repensant à ce moment qu’on évoquait, quand elle masturbait mon sexe contre ses fesses. Nnous étions intime mais je ressentais cette retenue érotique et sensuelle. Je découvrais pour la 1ère fois l’intimité avec une femme mure, une femme d’expérience qui sait donner du plaisir sans faix semblant, sans jeu ni calcul
- Tu sais Titouan, je ne me serai jamais cru capable de faire ça mais parfois le désir amène à se surprendre soi-même ! Concluait-elle en me remerciant avant d’entamer sa 2ème flûte de champagne
Je la regardais, son décolleté dévoilait le sillon profond de sa poitrine, sa robe marquait ses hanches, ses cuisses dévoilées, ses bras potelés et son visage plein de charme et de douceur, je sentais mon sexe réagir et se comprimer dans mon jean. Même si c’était moins visible qu’en short je ne m’inquiétais pas, je savais qu’elle devait s’en douter et ne s’en offusquerait pas. Je la regardais sans détour, on buvait silencieusement, le désir nous enveloppait, nos regards se croisaient, un sourire attendrissant sur ses lèvres me laissait comprendre son envie. Elle se bougeait sans changer de position, je me rendais compte moi aussi de ces mouvements que l’excitation me provoquait
Julie reposa sa flûte, elle s’avançait vers la table, sans rien dire enleva ses escarpins avant de replier ses jambes sur le canapé, laissant sa robe découvrir naturellement le haut de ses cuisses. En me regardant elle tendit le bras vers moi en disant 
- Viens !
Sans répondre je posais mon verre à mon tour et attrapais sa main. Elle m’attirait vers elle en accompagnant ma tête dans le creux de son ventre. Je me laissais faire sans résistance et posait me posait sur ses cuisses contre son ventre douillet, laissant mes jambes repliées sur le bord du canapé
- Installe toi bien Titouan, tu peux poser les pieds sur le canapé ne t’inquiète pas si tu veux enlever tes chaussures aussi tu seras mieux ! Ajoutait-elle de sa voix douce
Je quittais à regret son ventre douillet juste le temps d’enlever mes chaussures et revenir me pelote dans ce nid douillet qu’elle m’offrait
- Tu es bien comme ça mon bébé ! Disait-elle en me regardant contre son ventre, commençant à caresser mes cheveux
- Oh oui Julie je suis trop bien ! Répondais-je en levant les yeux vers elle tout en passant mon bras autour de sa hanche. Elle ria légèrement en m’entendant en reprenant ses caresses sur mon crâne
Mes doigts pouvaient sentir la couture de sa culotte sous sa robe et les douces rondeurs de ses formes. Elle me parlait la tête penchée vers moi, chuchotant presque mais j’entendais sa voix qui me disait
- J’ai envie de rester comme ça un moment, de te regarder en caressant ton visage mon bébé, te sentir contre mon ventre
Je ne disais rien, je fermais les yeux en savourant ses caresses plus maternelles que sexuelles, ses doigts se faufilant dans mes cheveux. Je vivais l’instant, laissant ma main caresser sa hanche, sentant la douceur de sa robe qui couvrait son corps. Elle se pencha pour m’embrasser le crâne, je posais sentir sa poitrine venir se comprimer contre ma tête. Ma main la caressait au même rythme que la sienne, je sentais sa cuisse se découvrir au fur et à mesure de mes caresses
Je fermais les yeux, ses caresses se faisaient plus insistantes, plus appuyées, allant de mon crâne jusqu’à mon cou. Son index suivait l’intérieur de mon col de chemise finissant par se faufiler petit à petit dans l’ouverture. Sa main retrouvait son index pour venir caresser ma peau par l’ouverture de ma chemise, après quelques aller-retour, ses doigts se recroquevillaient sur le premier bouton fermé, cherchant à l’ouvrir pour descendre sur mon torse et caresser mon pectorau. Ses mains étaient douces, ses caresses lentes, progressives, et si sensuelles qu’elles me provoquaient des frissons faisant pointer mes tétons. 
Ma main suivait le cadencent de ses caresses, posée sur sa hanche, s’allongeant jusqu’au galbe de sa fesse. Sa robe glissait sur sa peau au fur et mesure des passages entre sa hanche et sa fesse, mes caresses descendaient sur sa cuisse découverte, ma main se hasardait sur sa peau douce, tout comme la sienne à l’intérieur de ma chemise. Le bout de mes doigts s’insinuaient sous le tissus jusqu’à rencontrer l’élastique de sa lingerie. Mon doigt suivait  la frontière jusqu’à sentir ses fesses couvertes par le fin tissus, se perdant sur l’arrière de ses cuisses pour longer sa culotte et remonter sur son autre fesse. Mes doigts dessinaient ce chemin de bout en bout, lentement, sensuellemment en même que les siens allant de mon torse à mon épaule  
Elle déboutonnait un autre bouton pour glisser sa main jusqu’à mon ventre, remontant en massant mes pectoraux l’un après l’autre, écartant délicatement le tissus en polissant l’arrondi de mon épaule. Je gardais mes yeux fermés, je ne la voyais plus, je la sentais si proche, si fusionelle, aucun son ni paroles superflues ne venaient troubler ce moment d’intimité, on entendait distinctement  le bruissement de nos caresses et le frottement de nos vêtements sur nos mains. On s’offrait ce mélange enivrant de tendresse révérencieuse et d’intimité retenue, chez elle, sur son canapé sans crainte d’être dérangés par quiconque. Nos caresses gardaient une réserve, pour ma part le respect de son âge et la découverte de sa maturité, pour elle, je devinais sa retenue pour ce que je représentais à ses yeux, un jeune homme ayant l’âge d’être son fils. Je ressentais l’harmonie de nos pensées, de nos caresses explorant les recoins encore inexplorés. Nous savourions ensemble l’érotisme de l’instant, comme si nous voulions d’un comme accord le faire durer
Je remontais sur sa hanche, sentant le bout de mon majeur glisser sous l’élastique de sa culotte, rejoins par mes doigts, ma main remontait sous sa culotte pour sentir sa peau, descendre sur sa fesse jusqu’à rencontrer le sillon de ses fesses. De sa main, elle écartait ma chemise, comme pour laisser plus d’espace à ses caresses qui parcouraient mon torse, allant jusqu’à mon aisselle où ses doigts s’attardaient. Mes doigts s’arrêtaient sur sa raie des fesses, la dessinant du bout des doigts jusqu’à cette petite grotte sombre qui se formait au bas de son sillon. Mes doigts palpaient avec curiosité et délicatesse cet endroit si intime où je sentais ses poils pubiens qui remontaient à l’intérieur de sa raie.
Elle se pencha sur moi, je sentais ses lèvres se poser sur ma tempe et venir s’ouvrirent dans le creux de mon oreille, je contractais mes épaules en savourant ses petits baisers qui s’interrompaient pour l’entendre à mon oreille
- Tu veux qu’on aille dans ma chambre mon Titouan ?
J’ouvrais les yeux en tournant mon regard vers elle, abasourdi comme je ne revenais pas de ce qu’elle me soufflait à l’oreille. Elle répétait tout bas en s’approchant de ma bouche 
- J’ai envie qu’on aille dans ma chambre mon bébé ! Et déposait un baiser sur mes lèvres
J’étais circonspect et sans voix en l’entendant me répéter son envie, d’un air embrumé par nos caresses je répondais à son baiser à mon tour en disant 
- Oui j’ai envie Julie, vous me faites vivre un vrai fantasme Julie ! Elle souriait en soupirant avant d’ajouter
- Je crois que tu m’as entrainé dans ce fantasme Titouan ! Se contentait-elle de rajouter en se redressant laissant sa main posée sur ma tempe. Mon coeur battait fort en l’entendant, je vivais des émotions plus que fortes ces derniers jours mais l’entendre me dire ça, me faisait littéralement chavirer !
Elle déplia ses jambes en prenant ma main qui restait collée à ses fesses, m’incitant à la suivre
- On prend le champagne avec nous ? Elle attrapait sa flûte au passage sans attendre ma réponse
Je prenais la mienne, lâchait sa main pour m’emparer de la bouteille avant qu’elle prenne mon bras en se dirigeant d’abord vers la terrasse. Elle s’arrêta au niveau de la baie en me tendant son verre
- Je vais fermer la baie vitrée quand même, personne ne vient mais on sait jamais
Je la regardais dans sa robe tout en remplissant sa flûte puis la mienne. 
- A nous mon prince, à notre rencontre et ces moments de douceur, tu me dévergondes tu sais ! Enchainait-elle en levant sa flûte pour la faire tinter contre la mienne
- A nous Julie, à votre anniversaire et ces inoubliables moments en votre compagnie
- Peut-être que tu me tutoyer maintenant Titouan tu ne crois pas ? je me sentirai moins décalée par rapport à toi
- C’est comme vous … pardon ! comme tu préfères Julie, je risque de me mélanger mais je vais essayer
-  Tu fais comme tu as envie Titouan, je trouve ça charmant aussi ce vouvoiement alors reste naturel
Nous restions sur le pas de la terrasse en buvant notre 3ème flûte, la bouteille était pratiquement vide. Nos regards se portaient alternativement sur l’extérieur et des oeillades en se souriant, chacun dans nos pensées on dégustait l’instant quand elle me posa la question naïvement 
- Tu penses à quoi Titouan ? 
Instantanément je répondais
- Je pense à ce moment présent et ces derniers jours où je vous connaissais pas encore, tout ce que vous représentez pour moi … arfff ! Tout ce que tu représentes pour moi ! Me reprenais-je, ayant du mal à la tutoyer
- Ne t’embêtes pas à me tutoyer si tu n’as pas l’habitude, ça viendra peut-être quand nous .. nous serons plus intimes ! Elle hésitait cherchant la manière de dire les choses mais j’avais compris le sens de ce qu’elle voulait dire
- D’accord Julie, vous avez raison ça viendra mais je me sens plus à l’aise en vous vouvoyant ne m’en voulez pas
- Ca ne me dérange pas Titouan je trouve ça troublant même pour tout te dire ! Elle me regardait en mimant une posture hautaine et se mettait à rire en voyant ma réaction
Je lui souriais sans rien répondre, voyant sa flûte presque vide, je finissais la bouteille en partageant le reste de champagne
- Oh je vais être pompette Titouan, une bouteille à 2 ça me tourne la tête mais tant pis je passe un moment délicieux mon prince et puis c’est mon anniversaire !
- Moi aussi je crois j’ai pas l’habitude de boire du champagne à cette heure mais c’est votre … ton anniversaire … Oh et puis zut ! j’abandonne le tutoiement, vous m’en voudrez pas ? moi aussi ça me trouble et encore plus que vous Julie
Elle me regardait d’un air amusé, ses yeux brillait je la sentais taquine, coquine même. Elle se collait à moi comme si elle me cherchait, je la sentais joueuse et presque autant excitée que moi. Elle baissait le regard en m’inspectant presque avant d’ajouter de but en blanc
- Mes fesses te font toujours autant d’effet j’ai l’impression ! Ses yeux restaient fixés sur mon jean, elle pouvait bien évidemment constater la bosse qui me compressait
- Comment avez-vous deviné Julie ! Je rentrais dans son jeu en confirmant d’un air penaud ce qu’elle me disait avec tant de légèreté
- Alors tu as toujours envie que je te montre ma chambre mon prince ? Sans attendre ma réponse, elle rentrait dans la maison en attendant que je passe pour refermer la baie vitrée
Je m’exécutais sans broncher, terriblement excité par cette complicité qui s’installait, je savais que le moment qui suivrait me laisserait des souvenirs qui resteraient pour toujours et que je sortirai grandi de cette soirée d’anniversaire chez Julie
Julie me prenait la main en se dirigeant vers les escaliers, nos flûtes étaient vides et nous avions déjà assez bu. Arrivée au pied de l’escalier elle s’arrêta un moment, je la sentais hésitante et sans dire plus elle se pencha passant ses mains sous sa robe en faisant glisser sa culotte jusqu’à ses chevilles et finir par la retirer devant moi. Je restais médusé, ravalant ma salive je la regardais
- Je crois que tu fantasmes beaucoup sur mes fesses non ?! Osait-elle dire avec sa culotte dans la main
- Oh oui Julie ! Enfin pas que vos fesses mais depuis le 1er jour sur la plage oui elles me font fantasmer
Elle me souriait d’un air conciliant et tendre comme si elle avait envie de découvrir mes fantasmes pour les réaliser
- Suis moi mon prince, ma chambre est là-haut ! Elle m’emboitait le pas commençant à monter les premières marches en attendant que je la suive
Après quelques marches, elle passa ses mains sur ses fesses et souleva sa robe sachant que j’étais à 2 marches derrière, elle m’offrait son fessier mature et charnu qui ondulait langoureusement en montant les escaliers jusqu'à sa chambre ...
A suivre ... (Scène 14 le 2 avril 2024 à 6h00)
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simpymf · 6 months
𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀 pt. 1/3
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⌈ UNDERTALE HUMAN!SANS x MONSTER!OC ⌋ (n.) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life
Word count: 4,724 words
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Awh, shii, here we go again.
yup, i'm makin' another fic and it's similar to my previous fic AMATIVE. This fic is considered a "Canon" x OC and not an x Reader, so if yer not into that, I'd suggest skeddaddling now. If you ARE into it... nice.
This is a human!Sans x monster!OC, and the design credit for this human sans belongs to the great @htsan. i know last time i said plz ignore, but y'know what, go crazy wit it this round. maybe i'll become a whore for attention. reblog, like, comment, go ham ig.
please heed the content warnings because the people in this fic are MEAN. and, for the record, the OC does show her side of racism as well, but don't worry. we's fuckin the racism out by the end of this. I've got part 2 finished, but part 3 might take a minute...
That's all I got though! Enjoy part one. Cha cha <3
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“Bold of you to bring me to a restaurant with a bunch of fish tanks surrounding us,” grumbles a black cat, whose voice is tight and churlish.
Sitting across a plump man—whose clean-shaven head proves well to blind passing monsters and humans alike—is a feminine black cat, her radiant golden eyes squinting sharply at his dorky grin. She sits with her slender and furry arms crossed over her chest, rustling her creamy halter strap crop top.
He chuckles, “didn’t want us ta get stuck de-bait-ing where we should eat, so i thought this would be a fin place.”
“...” The black cat monster says nothing, but her acidic squinting quickly evolves into an unimpressed grimace. “...die.”
“pff- don’t be koi now—”
“Quit it.”
“you finally let me reel you out for once—”
“I said stop.”
“and you’re wearin’ a pretty dress for the occasion...”
“...” The man grins, his flabby chin resting on the flats of his palms. “it really made my jaws drop when i first craw you.”
Lune’s gold-tipped ears immediately fold back, her nose twitching. Her features instantly scrunch up, regret over saying “yes” to going out boiling deep within. The cat’s pupils shrink into slender threads as she bores her unimpressed stare on Sans’s smug face, her sleek tail swirling beside the curve of her thigh.
“...” Her expression remains sour.
Isn’t he just adorable?
The tightness on Lune’s face loosens on the spot, her lips almost parting to curl back in disapproval, but she stops herself. Instead of staring at the clean-shaven human with affliction written all over her face, the black-furred cat merely gawks back at him in awe, though something tells Sans it isn’t out of fondness.
“Adorable”? Him?
Mm-hmm! He was oh-so sweet for asking you to come out for the night!
...he wouldn’t stop saying “please”.
He’s very persistent!
Don’t be mean! He’s trying his best!
Lune’s face becomes pointed, her point of focus veering off to the side absentmindedly. Her golden gaze narrows as she gazes at one of the luxurious fish tanks.
He should stop.
I’m sick of bein’ duped.
Hh-He isn’t duping you! He’s genuine!
With shrewd precision, Lune peers at the human sitting across from the corner of her eye, her lids squinting acutely. She watches the naturally weary human trail his cerulean eyes up to the ceiling embellished with intricate carvings—they remind him of the crashing waves on a seashore—before they fly to another group of humans wrapped in laughter and merriment. The vibrissae stretched above Lune’s squinted eyes furrow.
I don’t see what makes this human any different than the others.
She inhales slowly, the glow of her golden gaze dimming as she squeezes her lids shut. In a habitual temperament, Lune’s tail curls in on itself only to unfold before it curls again. The cat monster slightly digs her yellow-ish claws into the wood of the table, tendons threatening to bulge out from beneath her furry exterior until she releases her grip.
Lune always took June for a fool. A tall, wide-eyed fool. A voluptuous fool. Why did she have to be the one in control of their SOUL? June is as helpless as a toddler stuck in the middle of a mall—which, ironically, occurred once.
June found Sans in the middle of a road, where a car was destined to crash right into his pudgy and stunted body—perhaps it would have killed him; Lune likes to think it would have. After many laborious months of running into each other and pursuing “dates”, Sans unwittingly professed his affections for the bunny monster on a night of celebration. Supposedly, the drinks had a death grip on him, and unfortunately loosened his tongue.
Ever since then, the three two of them lived together with nothing but tranquility and love between them. At any given chance, Lune insulted the human from within the recesses of June’s mind. Never were they addressed by the bunny herself, but Lune was always there. Always nagging about the evident flaws the human possessed. Always pointing out his insecurities as attempts to change June’s mind and get rid of him.
Of course... none of it ever worked. June always looked at the bright side. June always chose to usher Lune’s words away and embrace the human. She always chose to press her amative kisses on his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his lips, and his body whenever it offered itself. To say Lune abhorred their boundless affections would be an understatement.
She hated seeing both of them joyous. Didn’t she deserve it, too?
No, she hated seeing June joyous around a human.
What good have humans brought us?
All they do is cheat, lie, and hurt everyone.
Th-That’s just not true!
Lune gradually pivots her ears, flashing their soft pink skin. She glares at Sans.
“Why did you ask for me to go out with you? Got tired of June suckin’ up to ya?” Lune questions him, settling the lengths of her furry arms on the ragged wood of their table.
Sans blinks out of his listless stupor, cerulean eyes quick to latch onto Lune’s pointed expression. He spies the skepticism swirling in her narrowed eyes, but he refuses to draw any offense from her cynical query. Instead, the bald man—who actually decided to wear decent clothing for the night—merely cracks a grin.
“why not? you usually come out at night when e’ryone’s asleep... but you just run around the apartment for... whatever reason...” Sans’s grin slightly stretches, almost appearing thinner to the cat lady across from him. His shoulders rise and fall, lids slowly shutting themselves. “ey, i don’t judge. you do whatever makes ya happy i guess.”
Lune gives him another pointed look before turning her head, mildly irritated at his lack of a straight answer. She hates when he gets all elusive with his responses.
A small grumble reverberates within her vocal cords, “And I’m just supposed to believe you’re genuinely interested in a monster like me and June.”
Lune watches him raise a hairless brow, his hands interlacing each other as they sit on the edge of the table.
“...uh... yeah?” He plainly states.
It appears the bitter monster remains unconvinced. Slowly, her arms slide off the table and return to the height of her chest in order to weave them together. Her tail swishes at her side, brushing off meager speckles of leftover food from—assumably—the previous customers.
“You know I hate humans, right?” Lune bluntly tells him, hardly bothering with maintaining a sugar-coated disposition.
“...and that doesn’t concern you?”
“...should it?”
Lune’s ears veer away from each other before gradually reclining against the top of her head.
“For a long time I wondered why June would pick someone like you,” she grumbles. “You’re not extraordinary. Not conventionally attractive—”
“water y’talkin’ about? i think you should be a little more s-pacific...”
“Kck—” Lune grits her jagged teeth, whiskered brows furrowing as deep as the Mariana trench. “You’re just proving my point-! You got those annoying jokes, and you never take things seriously! How the hell does June put up with you?”
Sans chuckles, utilizing his hands to shrug.
“maybe she’s just not as crabby as you can be,” he answers, his features consumed by another wave of smugness.
A prolonged groan mixed with fatigue rolls over the cat’s golden tongue, her pupils rising to the ceiling, teasing the likelihood of rolling her eyes. She denies herself the satisfaction and merely returns her impassive gaze back to Sans.
“...tch- whatever. Just keep me out of it,” mutters the monster, who reclines into her seat.
Aimlessly kicking his feet under the table, Sans stares back at Lune—who remains persistent in not glancing his way—before he pivots his head entirely to half-heartedly admire the atmosphere. A variety of voices fill the restaurant: loud and indistinct, honeyed and brusque, high-pitched and dull. Most struggle with interlacing each other, fighting in a war of sonority within the building.
The stout human and feline monster entered the scene roughly an hour ago, one bitter and irritated while the other was indifferent to the atmosphere before them. Regardless, Sans thought it would be a great idea if he received his brother’s advice and took Lune out on an o-fish-al date, considering she rarely wanted to pop out when he and June started dating. When she first emerged from June’s subconscious, it... didn’t exactly go the way Sans expected it to.
Immediately, Lune sprung at him and pinned him on the floor, her fangs dripping with an abundance of glossy, sinewy drool. Her unrelenting stare held a malice that practically haunted him for the following nights. He didn’t know he would genuinely fear for his life when facing a monster—he hardly ever had trouble with them before—so he thought Lune wouldn’t be so different.
He regretted his words within a second.
June supposedly fought Lune for the control of the SOUL in that moment, overwhelming her with piercing headaches and numbing every imperceptible nerve in her body. Lune fought desperately to maintain her control. Clawed at her own face and wrestled with herself for the authority of her SOUL, but she inevitably lost to June’s strength and retreated to her subconscious.
“Hhaa-... hhf... hmph...”
June slowly turned to Sans. When he really thought about it... that was the first time he saw her drop her smile out of fear... she dreaded what would happen if she ever let Lune out again.
“...maybe-... maybe we should–” June worriedly lowered her eyes–“postpone... an official meeting... with Lune...” she mumbled, anxiously dropping her head between her shoulders.
Now, after enduring a year and six months of facing Lune on several occasions, the two remain seated across from each other. Lune sits with her arms crossed at her chest, wearing a cream-colored crop top with straps running up her chest, over her collarbones, and behind her neck. Situated around her waist is a dark brown flowy skirt with sunflowers sutured around the edge of the fabric. In Lune’s defense, this was the outfit June begged her to go out in...
Sans, however, unwinds in his seat whilst wearing a simple white button up—multitudes of folds practically carved in the material considering it’s been sitting at the base of his closet for an unspecified amount of time—and a plain gray jacket. His legs are dressed in black slacks that easily pass for a pair of dress pants, not that anyone called him out on them yet.
Lune’s posture slightly caves in, her glowing eyes flitting back to Sans’s ordinary expression. When the man catches her curious gaze, he allows his grin to widen. She grimaces and tears her gaze away.
...you’re not going to... say anything?
Tch- why should I? He’s just being weird and...
Again, the female monster guides her skeptical eyes to the human across from her. As she suspects, his cerulean eyes remain locked on her facial features, a look of amusement and mirth twinkling across his face.
Blankness quickly takes over Lune’s features, her eyes boring into the fish tank just behind the counter of Sans’s head.
He’s trying to be sweet! He likes you!
Ew... I’d rather... not deal with that.
You used to be super mean when it came to humans, but you’ve gotten better at it!
It’s obvious he’s changed your mind!
Did you forget that kids used to throw sticks and rocks at us for being us?
Did you forget that Caleb can’t see out of his left eye now because of humans?
Humans killed cats and rabbits for generations. Who’s to say we’re not next?
Hh-He’s different, Lune! He wouldn’t hurt a-a fly!
You’re a fool. He could become a threat just like—
Lune blinks out of her acrimonious trance when a distinct shuffling takes place before her, her eyes frantically searching around her as if the culprit is a neighboring table. Soon, however, Lune directs her bemused gaze to the only possible suspect. She stares him down momentarily before batting her eyes down to witness his arm gradually stretching across the table.
The space between her whisker brows decreases, her ears slouching reluctantly, a distinct look of perplexity written all over her furry features. She notices his hand remains plastered atop a square-shaped napkin, further inciting her bemusement.
“...?” Lune stays silent, but her lips momentarily part, as if she means to drop a puzzled comment, though nothing ever leaves her.
Sans’s lids squint with childish glee, eyes locked in on Lune’s twisted features, finding her bewilderment utmost amusing. Quickly, he peels his hand off of the plain white napkin only to recoil his entire posture back to his side of the table.
“...hah?” Is all that Lune manages to utter out.
Opting to ignore the evident glee written on Sans’s face, Lune hesitantly lowers her hand and clasps the napkin. Her yellow finger beans run over the floppy material of the napkin, noticing certain characters are etched into the flatness, a faint note of ink drifting across the pad of her sensitive nose. Upon observing the scent of pen ink, Lune sets her attention onto the napkin itself, creasing the fur between her vibrissae as she concentrates on the written message.
“i’d fuck you silly over this table if nobody else was here.”
Lune reads it again. Then again. Hoping she misread; skipped a few letters, perhaps.
It definitely says “i’d fuck you silly over this table if nobody else was here”.
My... how bold...
Reluctance consumes Lune’s movement as she slowly looks back at the ostensibly grinning man before her, his lids barely hanging. Lune is entirely silent, too starstruck and disturbed to come up with a snarky reply. The napkin remains flopped over the back of her twitching digits, the scribbled words gawking back at Sans although upside down—it almost makes his grin widen.
“...you don’t even have a pen on you,” Lune bluntly states. “...so how the hell did you write this?”
“guess you could say i’d be an ink-credible magician, huh?” Sans snorts, his tubby body gradually leaning forward until he can easily set his elbows on top of the table. “i thought it’d be a pretty fine point gag, y’know.”
“...” She parts her lips before sealing them shut. Seconds later, she peels them open again to speak, “You’re fuckin’ annoying, y’know that?”
“yep. my number one hobby,” he remarks, snapping his fingers before finger gunning the aggravated cat. “eyyyy... when’s our food comin’? i’m kinda hungry. you’d expect them ta bring out some bread, huh? that’s the yeast they could do.”
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
“didn’t you order the egg soup?”
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
“i’m eggs-pectin’ it’ll be out here soon,” Sans chuckles. “if they don’t bring us some food, i’ll just keep makin’ these stupid jokes ‘til you crack up.”
Stiffness takes over Lune’s facial features, her eyes boring themselves into space while her lips are drawn thin. Her right ear flicks at the air repeatedly, as if fencing off a pesky insect attempting to land on her fur. Soon, the cat’s tail curls repeatedly, swishing and twisting at her side like a snake held in a chokehold.
He’s not a threat...
Her eyes slightly widen, wrinkles itching the subtle bridge of her nose and revealing bits of her fangs as she grimaces at the clean-shaven human.
He’s just.
A n n o y i n g.
“i’m actually enjoying myself,” he remarks, kicking his legs with a look of satisfaction across his face. “y’know... yer really not that bad to be around. sure, it’s also pretty fun makin’ you mad and watching you huff and puff like a big bad wolf. but honestly... you’re a nice change of pace. yer honest... yer pretty resolute. ‘n... y’know. yer...” Sans smiles sheepishly, finally averting his gaze for once before reeling his eyes back to Lune’s puzzled expression.
“you’re... also pretty... pretty. you and juney are pretty,” he admits, raising his shoulders. “even when you’re pipin’ mad, i think you’re pretty to look at.”
“Wh—” Lune winces, her raven-black fur tingling at the base of each follicle she possesses until suddenly... she appears poofy to the human.
Sans flits his attention to her current state, glancing up and down at her fluffiness, unable to resist the knowing grin from spreading across his lips. He rests his fleshy cheeks into the comfort of his palms, practically getting comfortable in his seat while witnessing the feline monster toil with herself after receiving his words of adoration.
“O-Oi-! I’m not... gonna fall for that. You could trick June with that kind of talk, but yy-you won’t get me,” Lune grumbles, firmly crossing her arms over her chest in the manner of a fussy toddler.
“what kinda talk?” Sans hums, gradually letting the weight of his left cheek take over his palm, leading him into cocking his head to the side. “y’mean like... if i told you i love it when your eyes sparkle like the wishing well star cluster... lookin’ at your eyes feels way better than star gazing, too.”
Lune’s SOUL twists, settling deep within the pits of her stomach (if she technically owned one), where it continues to squirm uncomfortably. She shakes slightly, grumbling curses to herself while squeezing her eyes shut and turning her head away.
“Tch-... you just... sound stupid... a-and corny...”
Sans chuckles, “and you sound a little starstruck.”
What the hell is goin’ on? Did he just turn this all on me?
Lune winces when a voice cuts through the atmosphere, her ears instinctively twisting and folding back to protect her sensitive hearing. Her posture adjusts itself while she remains seated, luminous golden eyes quickly searching the room for the source of the voice.
Pivoting her head the instant she catches movement in the corner of her eyes, Lune faces her left, where she witnesses a short-haired human woman with smooth olive skin march up to their table, her steps clearly indicating she means to address Sans. Lune sees the woman is wearing a juniper dress, the fabric hugging the woman’s body and outlining her alluring curves whilst the puffy material sewn across the bosom of her dress allows enough room for the imagination.
The woman has dark brown hair and keeps her hair styled in a soft pixie cut; a means of displaying her innate confidence and authoritative personality. Her dark eyes fall to Sans’s face, recognizing a momentary look of disbelief mixed with a hint of bewilderment.
Much like Lune, Sans flinches upon meeting eyes with the person he did not think he would ever encounter again... his ex-boss. His hairless brows briefly meet at the bridge of his nose before they part once more, discomfort flaring within the confinement of his SOUL. He was looking forward to this date night, too...
“oh...” mumbles the bald man, his lids hanging lethargically.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face to me after what you DID-!” The woman shouts, finally stepping up to Sans’s side and slamming her palm onto the surface of their table. “Do you have ANY idea what you did to me?! You and all those other brainless fucking pigeons!”
Lune blinks before she hardens her gaze, eyeing this human with restricted cynicism as she barks at her date of the night. The feline monster’s tail stills its winding movement, lying lax at her side and dangling off the edge of her chair. Now, a persistent agitation scratches at the back of Lune’s mind... likely originating from the white bunny monster grumbling defensively in her subconscious.
What is this human saying? Those aren’t very nice words!
The human woman firmly stabs the table with her finger, glaring down at Sans, whose expression remains rather composed as he gawks back up at his once-supervisor. Her bulged eyes stare at Sans, miniscule crimson filaments snaking into the whites of her eyes, nostrils flared as she angrily huffs.
“You all think you were some righteous gang of heroic icons for getting me kicked off the executive board? It’s not like that company would’ve hurt without those dollars! Ohh, but you ass-kissing saps couldn’t handle getting your feelings hurt every once in a fucking while. Knowing you, you’d have probably needed those bills just as badly as I did!”
“...i was banking on them to fire you sooner cos of that nasty “charisma” you got there. finding out you were involved in some good ol’ embezzlement, though, was actually a bonus,” Sans responds, his smile stagnant, though a devilish color flashes in his eyes.
As much as she refuses to flatter Sans for his dry yet witty remarks, Lune finds herself blinking dumbly—ears unconsciously flattening against her head—a brief urge to snicker at his words rushes through her. Her tail curls with a lively energy, stirring her raven fur on the side of her thigh.
...that was a little funny.
Doesn’t-... it doesn’t mean anything!
Your SOUL did a little flutterrr...
Sh-Shut up!
“You think this is a fucking joke?! I lost everything because of you and your convoluted friends!” The woman hisses, batting her hands through the air. A disgruntled huff flies past her ear, drawing her venomous gaze to the feline monster, whose radiant golden eyes glare back with the same level of venom. “And, of course, you brought your freak of a girlfriend here. I knew only a fucking monster would wanna date an obese smart-ass like you.”
Sans spies a distinct jerk from the corner of his eye, watching Lune defensively twist her head and upper body to face the bigoted woman. Out of concern over how Lune chooses to retaliate, Sans merely lets out a dry chuckle and rests his cheek on his flattened knuckles, peeking up at his ex-boss with one eye open.
“i’m sure you get lotsa dates with that heavyset attitude of yours,” he remarks, cerulean eye twinkling with an underlying mischief.
The woman’s fair toned face evolves into a deep shade of red, streaks of her dark hair fall out from her once tidied hairstyle, framing her face. Intricate wrinkles are etched above the bridge of her nose, nostrils flaring uncontrollably, and her eyes now stretched as wide as they can be—blood vessels visibly peeping out within the whites of her eyes.
Sans’s smug smile drops, his fist falling down onto the surface of their table. For a moment, he panics, witnessing the woman promptly turn. He expected a punch or a slap at first... having winced the second she moved. Instead, Sans’s panic magnifies when his attention is caught by the sight of her digits curling around a cool glass of water—beads of liquid garnishing the circumference of the cup. With a wall sitting directly beside Sans, the human male realizes his fate is doomed by a frigid glass of clear water mixed with hints of lemon, raising a hand to his face to brace for the shock.
Keeping his eyes squeezed shut, Sans holds his breath in suspense, knowing he is bound for an impromptu shower... though not a drop of water hits him. Astounded gasps and murmurs crash over the atmosphere like a wave, further perplexing the clean-shaven human, who reluctantly guides his hand away from his face.
“hh-... huh?”
Standing in front of Sans, and effectively taking the cold splash of the water, is Lune. Water seeps into the fabric of her top and skirt, gradually clinging onto her fur, which is now just as soaked. Her fur—saturated with ice-cold water—shines beneath the azure brilliancy of the restaurant, unable to cling onto the descending drops of fluid. Lune’s furry cheeks now sag with an abundance of water adhering to each strand of hair on her face.
Lune’s ears slowly unfold, turning in order to reveal their soft pink skin to the red-faced woman, the golden hue garnishing the tips dramatically dimmed along with her eyes.
Sans’s eyes widen, shock flowing through him and sending him into a state of pure silence. His lips remain parted, but no sound ever escapes him. He cannot summon a single thought. Seeing Lune standing before him, drenched in the water that was intended to hit him, stupefies Sans. He was so convinced she loathed everything about him. Loathed him.
Why take this onslaught for him?
“...” Lune blankly stares at the enraged woman, confining any signs of discomfort within her SOUL. She feels water trickle down every thread of fur on her face until every drop congregates at the apex of her chin, plummeting down to soak into her cream-colored shirt.
“Wh—” The woman stands tall, lowering the glass she tightly clasps in her hand.
Sans shimmies himself closer to the outer edge of his seat, hoping to reach his hand out to Lune. He worriedly lifts his gaze, aiming his focus onto the back of her head.
“lu... -ne...?” He tests his voice.
She slightly turns her head, glancing down at Sans from the corner of her eye.
“...still wondering why I hate humans?” Lune utters, paws now dangling at her sides.
Parting his lips, Sans promptly attempts to give Lune a response, though he quickly finds nothing comes to him at the moment. He merely gawks up at her with wide cerulean eyes, awe written all over his face and deeming him silent. His hand hovers in the air. A pitiful attempt to help Lune despite the fact he wields nothing appropriate to help dry her off.
With disappointment flashing across her eyes, Lune turns away and starts treading on a path to the exit, abandoning Sans and an eerily silent crowd. Her tail dangles behind her, brushing against the rough texture of the black and blue carpet settled beneath her. Nothing the stout human male at the table says behind her breaks her pace out of the restaurant. Every desperate yell of her name or stuttered “waits” goes unheard by the time she pulls the door open and strolls out into the dark streets.
“oof-!” Sans exclaims as he stumbles out of his seat, practically shoving the culprit of this entire fiasco out of his way only to tread the same path Lune took to leave the building. “ll-lune! w-wait!”
“Wh-?! I wasn’t done-!” The woman yells, stomping her foot as she pivots her entire body on one heel. She curls her digits tightly around the glass, its contents now emptied out.
“That was a disaster...”
“Yeah... and that woman was being totally disrespectful...”
“Hmph... honestly, I would’ve been embarrassed if I were her.”
“Ruining an innocent couple’s dinner.”
“What...” The woman hesitantly turns her head, eyeing the numerous tables of monsters and humans alike. She spies several distasteful looks from neighboring tables, unable to understand why her hands now shake at her sides. “What are you—”
“Not only did you harass them, but you practically assaulted that poor woman!”
“Sh-She’s not a woman! She’s- she’s just a-... a stupid mm-monster! Are you people serious?”
“You should be ashamed of yourself...”
“Ma’am, we’re going to have to ask you to leave the premises. You’ve been causing a disturbance and compelled our customers to leave our restaurant. Please, come with me.”
“WH-?! I didn’t do anything wrong! I was entitled to finishing my personal business! Wh-?! Hh-Hey-! Don’t fucking touch me! Wh-?!” The woman shrieks as two waiters extend their arms behind her and gently guide her to the exit of the restaurant, where she happens to match eyes with Sans, who has a gentle smile spread across his face whilst he gives the restaurant one last glance.
“YOU-! You’ll fucking pay for this! YOU’LL FUCKING PAY, I SWEAR TO YOU-!” The short-haired woman promptly shouts, hysterically thrashing between the waiters meticulously restraining her.
Sans lingers in silence for a moment, observing how furiously his ex-boss flails about between the crowd of people attempting to calm her down. He stares before allowing a smile to stretch across his lips.
“guess you got served anyway, huh?” The short man remarks, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket. With a suave mannerism he rarely ever possesses, Sans turns away and approaches the exit.
𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝… (1/3)
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jeanchrisosme · 6 months
Je sais que ça fait mal, je sais que la douleur est insupportable, je sais que ton coeur veut exploser, je sais que tu te demandes pourquoi toujours toi? Je sais que tout seul ou toute seule dans ton coin une fois la nuit tombée tu te perds dans tes pensées, Les regrets, les manques et puis tes larmes coulent telle une triste rivière que personne ne visite, Je sais que tu reves d'être aussi heureuse ou heureux dans les bras d'une personne un jour, Je sais que tu pries de pouvoir rencontrer une personne qui se fera du soucie pour toi comme tu le fais en retour mais ne recois jamais rien, Je sais que tu veux juste une personne qui t'aimera malgré tout et avec qui tu avanceras, une personne pour qui tu feras des efforts pour changer , Une personne qui tiendra ta main, une personne que tu supporteras et qui te supportera en retour. Mais en fin de compte je veux juste que tu saches que la vie est belle et mérite être vécue malgré Les blessures et Les difficultées. Sourit dès à present, s’il te plaît sourit à la vie car la tristesse ne doit pas definir ta personne , et garde espoir que tout ira bien. Personne n’est la raison de ton bonheur toi seule compte
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Habits of the Heart Ch 1
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Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cheating, some anxiety.
“5’s are in, Benson said we’re good ta go.” Sonny spoke, you glanced up at your partner from your desk, “Ya wanna grab a drink?” You gave a weary sigh, pushing back from your desk as you stood,
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” It had been one hell of a long couple of weeks, the case you’d just closed being more than you’d ever wanted to deal with. On top of all of it, your A.D.A. decided that sex crimes wasn’t cutting it and left back to D.C. meaning you’d have to deal with yet another useless lawyer who didn’t know what they had coming for the first few weeks before they finally got it. You’d been with SVU since you’d graduated the academy, partnered briefly with Fin while he showed you the ropes until Olivia had moved you and Carisi together. The two of you worked together seamlessly, from the way you complimented each other when it came to putting clues together to the way you broke a perp in interrogation, you were simply flawless. It helped that you clicked so much personally, often spending evenings after work together, you’d grab drinks, he’d made you dinner a few times, you spent more time with him than anyone else from the squad.
You arrived at your go to spot within a few blocks, it was close to the precinct and about halfway between your apartments. Ordering your usual drinks, you fell into an easy flow of conversation, Sonny told you all about his most recent visit with his adorable niece, mentioning that Bella wanted to see you again soon. You talked about how annoying your baby brother was being, constantly pestering you for ‘cool cop stories’ that he could tell his friends. A few hours passed before you even realized how long you’d been at the bar. When the bartender asked if you needed another round, you checked your phone, realizing how late it was, knowing you should probably get home, it was still a weekday. Carisi was kind enough to pay the tab, walking you out of the pub, 
“I’ll walk ya home Doll.”
“Sonny, you really don’t need to…” You briefly stopped, turning to face him, leaning against the brick wall of the bar, “I live less than five minutes from here.”
“I know…but a lot can happen in a few blocks.” His voice was low, and he was unbearably close to you, you could nearly feel his breath on your face, “Besides…” Before you could even imagine, his lips were against yours, meeting you in a gentle and soft kiss, his hand coming up to stroke your cheek. You nearly sunk into it for a moment before you gently tugged him off of you, 
“Sonny…” His face turned to concern, hands instinctively flying off you.
“Sorry…I just…I thought—”
“No..hey, it’s okay, nothing needs to be weird, I’m just not…into…it…” You could see his face fall, reaching out to stroke his arm you spoke again, “Hey…Dominick you’re absolutely amazing! You’re going to make the luckiest girl in the world incredibly happy one day, there’s no doubt in my brain you’d be the absolute best husband and an even better father…trust me..” He gave you a confused look, 
“You’re just not my type…”
 “What..you prefer jerks like Amaro?” You barked laughed at that, 
“Sonny…I’m gay…” His face scrunched, you’d shared so many personal facts over the last few years, yet you’d never mentioned anything about something like this.
“Oh God! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean ta—“ You cut him off with a hand over his mouth, flashing him a smile.
“It’s fine, most people don’t know anyways.” You linked your arm into his elbow, “You were walking me home right?” You gave him a smirk as the two of you moved through the streets of New York, he spoke after a few blocks.
“So…what is your type?”
“You ever watch Grey’s Anatomy?” He scoffed,
“I have three sisters, of course I’ve seen it.”
“Addison fucking Montgomery,”  You practically groaned, Sonny laughing at your response.
“Tall redheads with sultry voices, I’ll keep that in mind.” You free hand smacked his chest gently as you pulled up to your apartment, a smirk on your lips. 
“Thanks for the walk home.” You pulled him into a hug, willingly accepting the kiss into your hair, “Text me when you get home okay?” He nodded before moving down the street as you made you way into your apartment.
The following week rolled around faster than you wanted it to, you were at your desk attempting to hammer out details on a case when Olivia approached you a pile of files in her hands.
“Can you take these down to the D.A’s office for me?” You glanced up, 
“Yeah, ‘course. You know who I’m looking for?” She sighed heavily, running a hand over her face, 
“No. I guess just go up to the main office where Barba was, they should be there, no one gave me a name. Carisi was in court today, I told him to meet you down there.”
“Okay, thanks Cap.” You quickly grabbed your things together, tossing on your blazer before leaving the precinct. Always glad for the excuse to leave the office as you moved through the streets of Manhattan. Though the break wasn’t long before you were approaching Hogan Place, you found Carisi at the entrance to the building, greeting him as you moved inside to the elevator.
“Y/N, I’ve got a fuckin present for you.”
“Really?” You smirked, “I don’t see a coffee in your hands..” He scoffed at that, 
“I’ll buy ya one on the way out, geeze.” He rolled his eyes as the elevator dinged signalling your floor. “This present’s more of a person than a thing…” He smirked. Rolling your eyes you both moved easily though the hallway, you briefly knocked on the door of the A.D.A’s office, not noticing Sonny’s smirk as you pulled the files out of your bag, your head down.
“Hey, Captain Benson’s asking for search warrants for Hiller’s house, phone and computer, we’ve got the cause here.” It was when your head glanced up to actually see her that your heart practically stopped. You could practically feel Carisi’s grin oozing through the room.
“..Detective Summers….didn’t realize you were working Manhattan…” Casey’s voice was unsure, a hint of hesitancy shaking through it as she moved to take the files from you.
“I..didn’t know you’d taken over for our A.D.A…” Your voice trailed off, Sonny spoke from beside you, noticing that his surprise of Casey to you wasn’t going as planned,
“You two know each other?” You both quickly nodded out a ‘yeah’ barely looking at each other before Casey spoke again, 
“This is good, I’ll have your warrants sent over by the end of the day.” You muttered a thanks before nearly dragging Carisi away from the office and into the elevator, heart thundering in your chest, feelings completely overwhelming you.
“Doll what the hell was that?” He questioned, a hand on your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“That..”You began, attempting to hold all the tears and emotion back. “Was my fucking ex…” You knew that you ran in similar career fields but you didn’t think you’d actually end up working together, last you heard Casey had been working white collar crimes. 
“The one that cheated on you?” Carisi took your distress knowingly, if you were this rattled it clearly wasn’t cause you happily broke up with someone. You nodded your head as he pulled you into his arms, thankful for the empty elevator, “It’s okay Y/N, we don’t need to worry about her.” You pulled away sharply, he was surprised to find there weren’t tears in your eyes, 
“She’s our A.D.A., I think it’s something we have to worry about.” You rolled your eyes, “I can’t fucking believe this…” When the elevator dinged at the main floor Sonny couldn’t stop you, you’d left the files with him as you’d stormed off, wanting to be anywhere but near the DA’s office. 
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selidren · 7 months
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Il est heureux que vos enfants soient eux mêmes trop jeunes pour se lancer de leur plein grès dans une telle folie. Quelque part, votre arrivée imminente m'emplit d'espoir, car avec de bons renforts, peut-être pourront nous renvoyer l'ennemi de l'autre côté des frontières et cette guerre prendra fin. Ainsi, mon fils sera de nouveau en sécurité et, si Dieu le veut, n'aura pas été trop abimé par ce qu'il a vécu.
J'ai des nouvelles bien sur, mais sporadiques et atrocement vagues. Il me cache beaucoup de ses pensées et de ses peurs (je le connais trop bien pour ne pas m'en rendre compte), et parfois ses lettres me parviennent toutes raturées de noir, ce qui augmente ma frustration. Il est certain qu'il ne veut pas m'inquiéter (lui aussi me connait trop bien ignorer ma peur) ni inquiéter sa mère et ses soeurs. Il aura bientôt une permission, ainsi je pourrai respirer sans l'étau qui me serre la gorge. Il reverra sa mère qui saura s'occuper de lui, et ira rendre visite à sa chère Yvonne (son amoureuse, comme vous l'aurez deviné). Je ne lui souhaite rien d'autre. Parfois, mon esprit torturé en vient presque à lui souhaiter une blessure quelconque, afin qu'ils le renvoient à la maison. Vous devez me juger monstrueux d'avoir de telles pensées mais ce sont les miennes depuis trop longtemps pour qu'elles en viennent à me choquer.
Transcription :
Constantin : Adelphe, tu m'as toujours dit que les rêves étaient les rêves, ils ne sont pas la réalité. Alexandre va bien, j'en suis sur !
Adelphe : Je n'en peux plus, tu comprends ? A bruit sourd ou fracas, je vois dans ma tête son corps sans vue. Je m'imagine le ramenant à la maison dans une housse mortuaire, le mettre dans un cercueil pour l'enterrement. Et je n'y peux rien... Je suis mort de peur. Que ferai-je si cela devait arriver ? Je ne pourrai pas... je ne pourrai pas continuer je crois...
Constantin : Adelphe, je... pardonne moi.
Adelphe : Ce n'est pas ta faute, bien au contraire. Tu as eu raison de me pousser à dire ce que j'avais sur le coeur, cela m'a fait du bien je crois.
Constantin : Tu n'as plus peur ?
Adelphe : Si, mais tu m'as rappelé que j'ai la chance d'avoir mon Tintin avec moi pour me soutenir, et ça, ce n'est pas rien.
Constantin : ...
Adelphe : Qu'y a-t-il ?
Constantin : Tu penses vraiment ce que tu disais ? Tu vas... Tu pourrai te tuer ?
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I tried redesigning Lagoona Blue from the 2022 Monster High live action movie
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(they couldn’t even make the quirky blurb sound right. “the bestie with a bite” sounds better 🙄)
so. when I first saw the trailer for Monster High: The Movie (2022), I had trouble trying to find Lagoona. then I searched out promos and YouTube reviews, and was horrified to discover her movie design. compared to other characters—where they at least tried to make them look like their original counterparts—she looked so unlike herself I wouldn’t even begin to think it was her if you told me.
a human skin tone instead of greenish blue, barely noticeable fins—a general lack of obvious sea monster features, and the features that are there are immediately toned down by the fact she looks too human, which is completely not the point of being a sea monster. the outfit they chose for her also makes her look like an Instagram influencer? I can tell what they were going for, but they failed because they seemed to be too scared of accessorizing her more fittingly and made her sorta “normie-fied”. they probably thought going all out would be outdated and cringe or something.
I was devastated. so I took matters into my own hands—I decided I wanted to fix Lagoona Blue’s movie design. she’s one of my favorites, if not my top favorite nowadays because I really love sea monsters. there are so many different ways to design sea monsters, and they did this? lackluster, to say the least!
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ta daaaa! before I break it down I feel like I need to pardon myself for being shamefully unaware of many modern fashion trends, but I tried to style her best I could to what’s sorta trendy with da kids these days.
now, if I allowed myself free range, I would’ve designed Lagoona a completely different way. but I decided to challenge myself a little—I wanted to redesign her based on the specific aesthetic the movie wanted, and tried to make it somewhat reasonable enough for a Nickelodeon musical budget.
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(above: mood board of collected references, below: breakdown of how I wanted to portray Lagoona)
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I’ll start with her outfit. instead of the sporty but stylish beach vibe Lagoona usually has, the movie seemed to gear towards a shiny rainbow appearance, still with a bit of sportiness. I think they want her design to evoke whimsical bubbles and pearls, which they almost achieved, but they simply did not have enough to get that across. I’ve seen several people say how she looks like she’d be the daughter of the unicorn, not a sea monster. in my redesign, I stuck to the pearly pastel mermaid aesthetic but added more things that would make the vibe a little clearer: holographic tank top, pearls and pearlescent jewelry, holo platform sandals, holo hair tie, iridescent lip gloss, pearly rhinestones on iridescent makeup, and pastel “mermaid hair”. I probably could’ve eased up on the holo, but you can tell they wanted her to be colorful. these things at least all evoke whimsical pearliness, when all she used to have were a rainbow mesh shirt, drop earrings, silvery scale short tights, metal octopus bracelet, some other kinda chunky bracelet, and see-through iridescent boots. I love a metal octopus bracelet as much as the next guy but it feels like they threw things together.
the next thing to tackle was adding back more sea monster features. I’m not entirely sure why they didn’t want to paint her skin like other characters. even Frankie got to be greenish blue. maybe they were afraid it wouldn’t fit their new aesthetic for Lagoona? they did give her some features, I’ll give them that. she has purple nails made to look like claws, back leg fins, ear fins (though I didn’t actually notice these for the longest time), and at one point in the trailer she got to show off some CGI monster teeth. but the fins are small and blended into her human skin tone, making them hard to see and honestly kind of ill-fitting. of course, I remedied much of the issues here by giving her back her bluish green color and arm fins. I don’t know if she has sea monster teeth for the whole movie or just the CGI scenes, but if she doesn’t I made sure to show off my version. I also gave her webbed fingers, but honestly I’d let those slip—I can imagine giving someone special FX webbed fingers is probably frustrating and limiting, especially on a lower budget. as a final touch, I added little patches of scales. I figure they could maybe pull this off with just makeup like this:
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anyway, I guess that’s it then! I’m no fashion designer nor a costume designer, I just wished they were a little more inspired with Lagoona’s appearance (and everybody really, but I had to do my girl Lagoona a little justice). I understand if some things are unreasonable, things can be mixed and matched—like, if you don’t wanna paint her skin then maybe just the faint scales on certain areas. anything to still show that she is a sea monster, at a monster high school.
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ase-trollplays · 3 months
When We Were Kids (Part Two)
There, d'y'all feel better now that yer big strong moirail's gotcha in her arms-- Er, arm. Fuckin' hell, this is gon' take forever ta get used ta.
...yeah... i feel a little better... ...what about you though?... ...i know it hurt to adjust yourself...
Yeh, but it ain't nothin' I couldn't handle. Y'all just heard what I been through, an' that was when I was a wriggler. I'm built warship tough.
...hehehe... s-sure you are...
Are y'all laughin' at yer moirail? Ya don't believe I'm tough as they come?
...its a little hard to believe when a few pokes can take you out...
Yeh, well I ain't gon' be this sore ferever. Matter a fact, I think I'm already on the mend.
...s-so you can s-suplex dantli through the floor when he gets back?...
Gimme another night'r two an' I'll be judo flippin' him out a window. I'll do it with one arm.
...just clean up the glass afterwards... ...i dont want mom or any of us getting cut on it...
Yeh, yeh, I know. ... So, since we're sharin' wrigglerhood stories, I'd love ta hear what yer growin' sweeps were like.
...compared to what you told me... my childhood was completely wonderful... ...i cant complain about anything...
This ain't a game a trauma poker where we gotta one-up who grew up worse. No one with a perfect childhood grows up ta be a depressed adult who hates everythin' about herself. Y'ain't gotta tell me shit if ya don't wanna. I know yer not the kinda person who likes talkin' about herself.
...no... no... its fine... ...you told me everything about yourself... s-so its only fair i tell you what growing up was like for me too...
...i was always s-small and not very s-strong... ...im pretty s-sure i was a runt when i was a grub... and i wasnt much better after i pupated... ...i dont remember the trials... but what i do remember is being completely terrified... ...i probably just barely made it out...
...i was s-so s-scared of other people... ...it didnt even matter what caste... ...lower castes could kill me with their psionics... and higher castes are just plain s-stronger than me... and s-some like purples and cobalts have psychic powers... ...on top of that... if one of them killed me it would be justified because im lower on the s-spectrum than them...
...mom went with me everywhere when i left my hive... ...s-she was s-scared for my s-safety because i would be s-so easy to kill... ...s-she always told me to run if i got into trouble because im too weak to put up a fight... ...in hindsight... s-she s-shouldnt have been s-so coddling... ...it only hurt me in the end... but its not her fault... ...s-she was s-scared just like i was... and s-she wanted me to be s-safe more than anything... ...s-she just did what s-she thought was best...
Sounds like ya coulda used a lusus like my pa. He's a hardass who don't coddle'r or baby anyone. My first fights growin' up were with him cuz he didn't want me ta grow up weak an' defenseless. Bein' the lowest a the low castes, I couldn't afford not ta be if I wanted ta survive.
Ah fuck, sorry, I didn't mean ta interrupt.
...your fine... dont worry...
...anyways... when i was three s-sweeps old... i met s-sonja... ...he tried to... ...he tried to kill himself jumping off the cliff my hive's built into... but it wasnt high enough for the impact to kill him... ...he got injured very badly... and he managed to find the hatch leading into the maze and climbed in...
...i dont know how long he was there before i found him that night... but when i s-saw him... i was pale at first s-sight... ...at least... i thought i was... ...looking back on it... it was just s-strong platonic pity...
...he was a mess... hes only a s-sweep older than me... but he was s-suffering s-so much... ...his personality was s-splitting... and it ruined the few friendships he had... ...he was having trouble coping with basically becoming two different people... and having to go through it all alone... s-so he tried to end it... ...when he s-saw me... he demanded i finish the job and kill him... ...he s-said i had to do it because hes a highblood... s-so i have to do whatever he s-says...
...obviously i refused... but i s-stayed with him and talked to him until he calmed down... ...after that... i s-started taking care of him... ...it felt like my responsibility s-since he didnt have anyone else other than his lusus... and im s-supposed to always help highbloods because im just a midblood...
...once he was healed... he insisted that we were meant to be together... and it was no accident that we found each other... ...our meeting was pure fate... just like moirails are meant to be 'fated allies'... ...i admitted that i wanted to keep him company and keep helping him s-since he was all alone... and i was afraid that he would try to kill himself again if i left... ...s-so we agreed to be moirails...
...he was incredibly doting and s-sweet... ...both halves of him were... ...he went out of his way to s-spoil me and protect me... and i was s-someone he could confide in and trust and rely on for s-support... ...honestly... if i didn't have his protection growing up... i dont think i would have s-survived to adulthood... ...at his insistence... i never went anywhere without him just in case things went wrong... and he s-saved me a lot...
...we were happy... but we were terrible for each other in reality... ...just like my lusus... he reinforced that im helpless and weak and fragile... s-so i didnt learn how to defend myself much and become more independent... ...at the s-same time... i was too coddling of him and never reinforced boundaries... s-so he got used to always being my priority and having all of my attention at a moment's notice... ...we were only four and three s-sweeps and too immature to be in a relationship... but we didnt know that at the time... and we both ended up worse for it...
...i internalized that i cant do anything on my own... and i felt even worse about being s-such a 'bad' troll and the complete opposite of how were taught to be... ...i felt worthless... but helping s-sonja gave me a purpose and made me feel like i was doing s-something important... ...which turned into the depression i have now... ...im not s-sure he even noticed how i felt...
Prolly cuz he was so damn obsessed with himself and his own feelin's that he wasn't payin' attention ta yers, cuz that's the kinda impression I'm gettin' a this guy.
...yeah... i know that now... but back then i just s-shrugged it off...
...once we were about eight and nine s-sweeps... he s-started depending on me a little bit less... and i was finally able to make my own friends outside of him...
Wait, y'all didn't have no friends that whole time?? Fer five sweeps!? He hogged all a yer attention fer that long!!? An' that didn't set off red flags??
...like i s-said... i didnt know any better... ...i thought that was just part of being s-someones moirail... ...even once i s-started making my own friends... he had to be my priority at all times... and i accepted that because that had been my normal for s-so long... s-so it didnt s-seem problematic...
...it didnt become a problem until i met dantli... and we s-started to become flushed... ...now i had s-someone else that was a priority in my life... and i couldnt always drop everything to run to s-sonja whenever he called anymore... ...i wouldnt s-say he was livid... but he didnt take having to s-share me well at all... ...he would get incredibly jealous... which made him clingier and more demanding... which in turn made dantli upset... and he would get jealous and clingy too...
...i was constantly caught in the middle of them... which only made my anxiety and depression worse... ...it finally came to a head when i was badly injured when i was nine... and they both insisted on taking care of me... ...they were constantly at each others throats and competing with each other over who was the better caretaker... ...eventually enough was enough... and i had to make a choice...
...at this point... id been telling s-sonja for at least half a s-sweep that his overdependence on me was making me uncomfortable... ...after developing healthy friendships with other people and s-seeing how a good relationship is s-supposed to work... i realized what i had with him was deeply unhealthy... ...however... he kept making excuses and trying to justify his behavior... s-sometimes even going s-so far as to s-say his life wouldnt mean anything if i wasnt in it... and that s-scared me... ...but i just couldnt do it anymore... s-so i broke up with him...
Surprised he didn't do somethin' stupid like kidnappin' ya or tryin' ta kill Dan an' gettin' squashed fer his troubles. Seems like the type that ain't gon' take bein' dumped with dignity, 'specially if he was attached ta y'all at the goddamn hip like he was.
...i actually got lucky... ...we had a mutual friend who was vacillating flush and pale for him... ...after i broke up with him... he went straight to her...
Hmph. Sounds like she was plannin' on bein' a li'l hivewrecker. She saw things was goin' sour an' was just bidin' her time 'til y'all broke up so she could swoop in an' take him fer herself.
...i dont think it was like that... but i was just relieved he had s-someone who would be able to keep an eye on him...
An' yet he's still bummin' around ya. Why're ya even givin' him the time a night still after he spent yer whole childhood abusin' ya?
...its complicated... ...and he wasnt abusing me... ...we were just two kids who didnt know what we were doing and ended up hurting each other...
He manipulated ya, kept ya isolated fer sweeps, constantly put ya down an' made ya feel helpless an' worthless, an' then threatened ta off himself if ya didn't stay. He. Abused. You. Y'ain't gotta make excuses fer him. He's an abuser.
...kamava s-said the s-same thing...
Exactly. So why're ya still entertainin' him? 'Specially after he was stalkin' ya last sweep?
...that was the other one... ...the one ive been s-seeing is more mature and rational... and he goes out of his way to never hurt or be a threat to me... ...he always makes s-sure i have complete control and make the final decisions...
Uh huh. An' y'all believe him?
...yes... ...i cant trust the other half of him... and i know he s-still hates me for leaving him... but the good half of him is completely trustworthy and reliable...
I'll believe it when I see it. I'd say I don't trust him far as I can throw him, but seein' as he's a shrimp, I bet I could chuck him pretty dang far. If he starts givin' ya trouble again--
...no... corali... ...youve done enough trying to hurt people on my behalf...
Yeah, but he ain't fleet, so I ain't in any danger. ... He ain't fleet, right?
...no... but that doesnt matter... ...i dont want you... or danny... or anyone else getting involved... ...just trust me...
I do trust y'all. it's him I don't trust. Ya sure ya can handle him if he decides ta fuck around? Y'ain't immune ta mental bullshit like I am. If he decides ta voodoo yer brain, can ya defend yerself?
That silence ain't assurin'. I ain't telling ya ta never ever see him again if yer sure about this. Just. If shit goes sideways, let one a us know the second it does.
... ...okay...
Ya promise?
...i promise...
Good. I love ya. <>
...i love you too... <>
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