simpymf · 7 months
𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀 pt. 1/3
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⌈ UNDERTALE HUMAN!SANS x MONSTER!OC ⌋ (n.) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life
Word count: 4,724 words
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Awh, shii, here we go again.
yup, i'm makin' another fic and it's similar to my previous fic AMATIVE. This fic is considered a "Canon" x OC and not an x Reader, so if yer not into that, I'd suggest skeddaddling now. If you ARE into it... nice.
This is a human!Sans x monster!OC, and the design credit for this human sans belongs to the great @htsan. i know last time i said plz ignore, but y'know what, go crazy wit it this round. maybe i'll become a whore for attention. reblog, like, comment, go ham ig.
please heed the content warnings because the people in this fic are MEAN. and, for the record, the OC does show her side of racism as well, but don't worry. we's fuckin the racism out by the end of this. I've got part 2 finished, but part 3 might take a minute...
That's all I got though! Enjoy part one. Cha cha <3
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“Bold of you to bring me to a restaurant with a bunch of fish tanks surrounding us,” grumbles a black cat, whose voice is tight and churlish.
Sitting across a plump man—whose clean-shaven head proves well to blind passing monsters and humans alike—is a feminine black cat, her radiant golden eyes squinting sharply at his dorky grin. She sits with her slender and furry arms crossed over her chest, rustling her creamy halter strap crop top.
He chuckles, “didn’t want us ta get stuck de-bait-ing where we should eat, so i thought this would be a fin place.”
“...” The black cat monster says nothing, but her acidic squinting quickly evolves into an unimpressed grimace. “...die.”
“pff- don’t be koi now—”
“Quit it.”
“you finally let me reel you out for once—”
“I said stop.”
“and you’re wearin’ a pretty dress for the occasion...”
“...” The man grins, his flabby chin resting on the flats of his palms. “it really made my jaws drop when i first craw you.”
Lune’s gold-tipped ears immediately fold back, her nose twitching. Her features instantly scrunch up, regret over saying “yes” to going out boiling deep within. The cat’s pupils shrink into slender threads as she bores her unimpressed stare on Sans’s smug face, her sleek tail swirling beside the curve of her thigh.
“...” Her expression remains sour.
Isn’t he just adorable?
The tightness on Lune’s face loosens on the spot, her lips almost parting to curl back in disapproval, but she stops herself. Instead of staring at the clean-shaven human with affliction written all over her face, the black-furred cat merely gawks back at him in awe, though something tells Sans it isn’t out of fondness.
“Adorable”? Him?
Mm-hmm! He was oh-so sweet for asking you to come out for the night!
...he wouldn’t stop saying “please”.
He’s very persistent!
Don’t be mean! He’s trying his best!
Lune’s face becomes pointed, her point of focus veering off to the side absentmindedly. Her golden gaze narrows as she gazes at one of the luxurious fish tanks.
He should stop.
I’m sick of bein’ duped.
Hh-He isn’t duping you! He’s genuine!
With shrewd precision, Lune peers at the human sitting across from the corner of her eye, her lids squinting acutely. She watches the naturally weary human trail his cerulean eyes up to the ceiling embellished with intricate carvings—they remind him of the crashing waves on a seashore—before they fly to another group of humans wrapped in laughter and merriment. The vibrissae stretched above Lune’s squinted eyes furrow.
I don’t see what makes this human any different than the others.
She inhales slowly, the glow of her golden gaze dimming as she squeezes her lids shut. In a habitual temperament, Lune’s tail curls in on itself only to unfold before it curls again. The cat monster slightly digs her yellow-ish claws into the wood of the table, tendons threatening to bulge out from beneath her furry exterior until she releases her grip.
Lune always took June for a fool. A tall, wide-eyed fool. A voluptuous fool. Why did she have to be the one in control of their SOUL? June is as helpless as a toddler stuck in the middle of a mall—which, ironically, occurred once.
June found Sans in the middle of a road, where a car was destined to crash right into his pudgy and stunted body—perhaps it would have killed him; Lune likes to think it would have. After many laborious months of running into each other and pursuing “dates”, Sans unwittingly professed his affections for the bunny monster on a night of celebration. Supposedly, the drinks had a death grip on him, and unfortunately loosened his tongue.
Ever since then, the three two of them lived together with nothing but tranquility and love between them. At any given chance, Lune insulted the human from within the recesses of June’s mind. Never were they addressed by the bunny herself, but Lune was always there. Always nagging about the evident flaws the human possessed. Always pointing out his insecurities as attempts to change June’s mind and get rid of him.
Of course... none of it ever worked. June always looked at the bright side. June always chose to usher Lune’s words away and embrace the human. She always chose to press her amative kisses on his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his lips, and his body whenever it offered itself. To say Lune abhorred their boundless affections would be an understatement.
She hated seeing both of them joyous. Didn’t she deserve it, too?
No, she hated seeing June joyous around a human.
What good have humans brought us?
All they do is cheat, lie, and hurt everyone.
Th-That’s just not true!
Lune gradually pivots her ears, flashing their soft pink skin. She glares at Sans.
“Why did you ask for me to go out with you? Got tired of June suckin’ up to ya?” Lune questions him, settling the lengths of her furry arms on the ragged wood of their table.
Sans blinks out of his listless stupor, cerulean eyes quick to latch onto Lune’s pointed expression. He spies the skepticism swirling in her narrowed eyes, but he refuses to draw any offense from her cynical query. Instead, the bald man—who actually decided to wear decent clothing for the night—merely cracks a grin.
“why not? you usually come out at night when e’ryone’s asleep... but you just run around the apartment for... whatever reason...” Sans’s grin slightly stretches, almost appearing thinner to the cat lady across from him. His shoulders rise and fall, lids slowly shutting themselves. “ey, i don’t judge. you do whatever makes ya happy i guess.”
Lune gives him another pointed look before turning her head, mildly irritated at his lack of a straight answer. She hates when he gets all elusive with his responses.
A small grumble reverberates within her vocal cords, “And I’m just supposed to believe you’re genuinely interested in a monster like me and June.”
Lune watches him raise a hairless brow, his hands interlacing each other as they sit on the edge of the table.
“...uh... yeah?” He plainly states.
It appears the bitter monster remains unconvinced. Slowly, her arms slide off the table and return to the height of her chest in order to weave them together. Her tail swishes at her side, brushing off meager speckles of leftover food from—assumably—the previous customers.
“You know I hate humans, right?” Lune bluntly tells him, hardly bothering with maintaining a sugar-coated disposition.
“...and that doesn’t concern you?”
“...should it?”
Lune’s ears veer away from each other before gradually reclining against the top of her head.
“For a long time I wondered why June would pick someone like you,” she grumbles. “You’re not extraordinary. Not conventionally attractive—”
“water y’talkin’ about? i think you should be a little more s-pacific...”
“Kck—” Lune grits her jagged teeth, whiskered brows furrowing as deep as the Mariana trench. “You’re just proving my point-! You got those annoying jokes, and you never take things seriously! How the hell does June put up with you?”
Sans chuckles, utilizing his hands to shrug.
“maybe she’s just not as crabby as you can be,” he answers, his features consumed by another wave of smugness.
A prolonged groan mixed with fatigue rolls over the cat’s golden tongue, her pupils rising to the ceiling, teasing the likelihood of rolling her eyes. She denies herself the satisfaction and merely returns her impassive gaze back to Sans.
“...tch- whatever. Just keep me out of it,” mutters the monster, who reclines into her seat.
Aimlessly kicking his feet under the table, Sans stares back at Lune—who remains persistent in not glancing his way—before he pivots his head entirely to half-heartedly admire the atmosphere. A variety of voices fill the restaurant: loud and indistinct, honeyed and brusque, high-pitched and dull. Most struggle with interlacing each other, fighting in a war of sonority within the building.
The stout human and feline monster entered the scene roughly an hour ago, one bitter and irritated while the other was indifferent to the atmosphere before them. Regardless, Sans thought it would be a great idea if he received his brother’s advice and took Lune out on an o-fish-al date, considering she rarely wanted to pop out when he and June started dating. When she first emerged from June’s subconscious, it... didn’t exactly go the way Sans expected it to.
Immediately, Lune sprung at him and pinned him on the floor, her fangs dripping with an abundance of glossy, sinewy drool. Her unrelenting stare held a malice that practically haunted him for the following nights. He didn’t know he would genuinely fear for his life when facing a monster—he hardly ever had trouble with them before—so he thought Lune wouldn’t be so different.
He regretted his words within a second.
June supposedly fought Lune for the control of the SOUL in that moment, overwhelming her with piercing headaches and numbing every imperceptible nerve in her body. Lune fought desperately to maintain her control. Clawed at her own face and wrestled with herself for the authority of her SOUL, but she inevitably lost to June’s strength and retreated to her subconscious.
“Hhaa-... hhf... hmph...”
June slowly turned to Sans. When he really thought about it... that was the first time he saw her drop her smile out of fear... she dreaded what would happen if she ever let Lune out again.
“...maybe-... maybe we should–” June worriedly lowered her eyes–“postpone... an official meeting... with Lune...” she mumbled, anxiously dropping her head between her shoulders.
Now, after enduring a year and six months of facing Lune on several occasions, the two remain seated across from each other. Lune sits with her arms crossed at her chest, wearing a cream-colored crop top with straps running up her chest, over her collarbones, and behind her neck. Situated around her waist is a dark brown flowy skirt with sunflowers sutured around the edge of the fabric. In Lune’s defense, this was the outfit June begged her to go out in...
Sans, however, unwinds in his seat whilst wearing a simple white button up—multitudes of folds practically carved in the material considering it’s been sitting at the base of his closet for an unspecified amount of time—and a plain gray jacket. His legs are dressed in black slacks that easily pass for a pair of dress pants, not that anyone called him out on them yet.
Lune’s posture slightly caves in, her glowing eyes flitting back to Sans’s ordinary expression. When the man catches her curious gaze, he allows his grin to widen. She grimaces and tears her gaze away.
...you’re not going to... say anything?
Tch- why should I? He’s just being weird and...
Again, the female monster guides her skeptical eyes to the human across from her. As she suspects, his cerulean eyes remain locked on her facial features, a look of amusement and mirth twinkling across his face.
Blankness quickly takes over Lune’s features, her eyes boring into the fish tank just behind the counter of Sans’s head.
He’s trying to be sweet! He likes you!
Ew... I’d rather... not deal with that.
You used to be super mean when it came to humans, but you’ve gotten better at it!
It’s obvious he’s changed your mind!
Did you forget that kids used to throw sticks and rocks at us for being us?
Did you forget that Caleb can’t see out of his left eye now because of humans?
Humans killed cats and rabbits for generations. Who’s to say we’re not next?
Hh-He’s different, Lune! He wouldn’t hurt a-a fly!
You’re a fool. He could become a threat just like—
Lune blinks out of her acrimonious trance when a distinct shuffling takes place before her, her eyes frantically searching around her as if the culprit is a neighboring table. Soon, however, Lune directs her bemused gaze to the only possible suspect. She stares him down momentarily before batting her eyes down to witness his arm gradually stretching across the table.
The space between her whisker brows decreases, her ears slouching reluctantly, a distinct look of perplexity written all over her furry features. She notices his hand remains plastered atop a square-shaped napkin, further inciting her bemusement.
“...?” Lune stays silent, but her lips momentarily part, as if she means to drop a puzzled comment, though nothing ever leaves her.
Sans’s lids squint with childish glee, eyes locked in on Lune’s twisted features, finding her bewilderment utmost amusing. Quickly, he peels his hand off of the plain white napkin only to recoil his entire posture back to his side of the table.
“...hah?” Is all that Lune manages to utter out.
Opting to ignore the evident glee written on Sans’s face, Lune hesitantly lowers her hand and clasps the napkin. Her yellow finger beans run over the floppy material of the napkin, noticing certain characters are etched into the flatness, a faint note of ink drifting across the pad of her sensitive nose. Upon observing the scent of pen ink, Lune sets her attention onto the napkin itself, creasing the fur between her vibrissae as she concentrates on the written message.
“i’d fuck you silly over this table if nobody else was here.”
Lune reads it again. Then again. Hoping she misread; skipped a few letters, perhaps.
It definitely says “i’d fuck you silly over this table if nobody else was here”.
My... how bold...
Reluctance consumes Lune’s movement as she slowly looks back at the ostensibly grinning man before her, his lids barely hanging. Lune is entirely silent, too starstruck and disturbed to come up with a snarky reply. The napkin remains flopped over the back of her twitching digits, the scribbled words gawking back at Sans although upside down—it almost makes his grin widen.
“...you don’t even have a pen on you,” Lune bluntly states. “...so how the hell did you write this?”
“guess you could say i’d be an ink-credible magician, huh?” Sans snorts, his tubby body gradually leaning forward until he can easily set his elbows on top of the table. “i thought it’d be a pretty fine point gag, y’know.”
“...” She parts her lips before sealing them shut. Seconds later, she peels them open again to speak, “You’re fuckin’ annoying, y’know that?”
“yep. my number one hobby,” he remarks, snapping his fingers before finger gunning the aggravated cat. “eyyyy... when’s our food comin’? i’m kinda hungry. you’d expect them ta bring out some bread, huh? that’s the yeast they could do.”
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
“didn’t you order the egg soup?”
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
“i’m eggs-pectin’ it’ll be out here soon,” Sans chuckles. “if they don’t bring us some food, i’ll just keep makin’ these stupid jokes ‘til you crack up.”
Stiffness takes over Lune’s facial features, her eyes boring themselves into space while her lips are drawn thin. Her right ear flicks at the air repeatedly, as if fencing off a pesky insect attempting to land on her fur. Soon, the cat’s tail curls repeatedly, swishing and twisting at her side like a snake held in a chokehold.
He’s not a threat...
Her eyes slightly widen, wrinkles itching the subtle bridge of her nose and revealing bits of her fangs as she grimaces at the clean-shaven human.
He’s just.
A n n o y i n g.
“i’m actually enjoying myself,” he remarks, kicking his legs with a look of satisfaction across his face. “y’know... yer really not that bad to be around. sure, it’s also pretty fun makin’ you mad and watching you huff and puff like a big bad wolf. but honestly... you’re a nice change of pace. yer honest... yer pretty resolute. ‘n... y’know. yer...” Sans smiles sheepishly, finally averting his gaze for once before reeling his eyes back to Lune’s puzzled expression.
“you’re... also pretty... pretty. you and juney are pretty,” he admits, raising his shoulders. “even when you’re pipin’ mad, i think you’re pretty to look at.”
“Wh—” Lune winces, her raven-black fur tingling at the base of each follicle she possesses until suddenly... she appears poofy to the human.
Sans flits his attention to her current state, glancing up and down at her fluffiness, unable to resist the knowing grin from spreading across his lips. He rests his fleshy cheeks into the comfort of his palms, practically getting comfortable in his seat while witnessing the feline monster toil with herself after receiving his words of adoration.
“O-Oi-! I’m not... gonna fall for that. You could trick June with that kind of talk, but yy-you won’t get me,” Lune grumbles, firmly crossing her arms over her chest in the manner of a fussy toddler.
“what kinda talk?” Sans hums, gradually letting the weight of his left cheek take over his palm, leading him into cocking his head to the side. “y’mean like... if i told you i love it when your eyes sparkle like the wishing well star cluster... lookin’ at your eyes feels way better than star gazing, too.”
Lune’s SOUL twists, settling deep within the pits of her stomach (if she technically owned one), where it continues to squirm uncomfortably. She shakes slightly, grumbling curses to herself while squeezing her eyes shut and turning her head away.
“Tch-... you just... sound stupid... a-and corny...”
Sans chuckles, “and you sound a little starstruck.”
What the hell is goin’ on? Did he just turn this all on me?
Lune winces when a voice cuts through the atmosphere, her ears instinctively twisting and folding back to protect her sensitive hearing. Her posture adjusts itself while she remains seated, luminous golden eyes quickly searching the room for the source of the voice.
Pivoting her head the instant she catches movement in the corner of her eyes, Lune faces her left, where she witnesses a short-haired human woman with smooth olive skin march up to their table, her steps clearly indicating she means to address Sans. Lune sees the woman is wearing a juniper dress, the fabric hugging the woman’s body and outlining her alluring curves whilst the puffy material sewn across the bosom of her dress allows enough room for the imagination.
The woman has dark brown hair and keeps her hair styled in a soft pixie cut; a means of displaying her innate confidence and authoritative personality. Her dark eyes fall to Sans’s face, recognizing a momentary look of disbelief mixed with a hint of bewilderment.
Much like Lune, Sans flinches upon meeting eyes with the person he did not think he would ever encounter again... his ex-boss. His hairless brows briefly meet at the bridge of his nose before they part once more, discomfort flaring within the confinement of his SOUL. He was looking forward to this date night, too...
“oh...” mumbles the bald man, his lids hanging lethargically.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face to me after what you DID-!” The woman shouts, finally stepping up to Sans’s side and slamming her palm onto the surface of their table. “Do you have ANY idea what you did to me?! You and all those other brainless fucking pigeons!”
Lune blinks before she hardens her gaze, eyeing this human with restricted cynicism as she barks at her date of the night. The feline monster’s tail stills its winding movement, lying lax at her side and dangling off the edge of her chair. Now, a persistent agitation scratches at the back of Lune’s mind... likely originating from the white bunny monster grumbling defensively in her subconscious.
What is this human saying? Those aren’t very nice words!
The human woman firmly stabs the table with her finger, glaring down at Sans, whose expression remains rather composed as he gawks back up at his once-supervisor. Her bulged eyes stare at Sans, miniscule crimson filaments snaking into the whites of her eyes, nostrils flared as she angrily huffs.
“You all think you were some righteous gang of heroic icons for getting me kicked off the executive board? It’s not like that company would’ve hurt without those dollars! Ohh, but you ass-kissing saps couldn’t handle getting your feelings hurt every once in a fucking while. Knowing you, you’d have probably needed those bills just as badly as I did!”
“...i was banking on them to fire you sooner cos of that nasty “charisma” you got there. finding out you were involved in some good ol’ embezzlement, though, was actually a bonus,” Sans responds, his smile stagnant, though a devilish color flashes in his eyes.
As much as she refuses to flatter Sans for his dry yet witty remarks, Lune finds herself blinking dumbly—ears unconsciously flattening against her head—a brief urge to snicker at his words rushes through her. Her tail curls with a lively energy, stirring her raven fur on the side of her thigh.
...that was a little funny.
Doesn’t-... it doesn’t mean anything!
Your SOUL did a little flutterrr...
Sh-Shut up!
“You think this is a fucking joke?! I lost everything because of you and your convoluted friends!” The woman hisses, batting her hands through the air. A disgruntled huff flies past her ear, drawing her venomous gaze to the feline monster, whose radiant golden eyes glare back with the same level of venom. “And, of course, you brought your freak of a girlfriend here. I knew only a fucking monster would wanna date an obese smart-ass like you.”
Sans spies a distinct jerk from the corner of his eye, watching Lune defensively twist her head and upper body to face the bigoted woman. Out of concern over how Lune chooses to retaliate, Sans merely lets out a dry chuckle and rests his cheek on his flattened knuckles, peeking up at his ex-boss with one eye open.
“i’m sure you get lotsa dates with that heavyset attitude of yours,” he remarks, cerulean eye twinkling with an underlying mischief.
The woman’s fair toned face evolves into a deep shade of red, streaks of her dark hair fall out from her once tidied hairstyle, framing her face. Intricate wrinkles are etched above the bridge of her nose, nostrils flaring uncontrollably, and her eyes now stretched as wide as they can be—blood vessels visibly peeping out within the whites of her eyes.
Sans’s smug smile drops, his fist falling down onto the surface of their table. For a moment, he panics, witnessing the woman promptly turn. He expected a punch or a slap at first... having winced the second she moved. Instead, Sans’s panic magnifies when his attention is caught by the sight of her digits curling around a cool glass of water—beads of liquid garnishing the circumference of the cup. With a wall sitting directly beside Sans, the human male realizes his fate is doomed by a frigid glass of clear water mixed with hints of lemon, raising a hand to his face to brace for the shock.
Keeping his eyes squeezed shut, Sans holds his breath in suspense, knowing he is bound for an impromptu shower... though not a drop of water hits him. Astounded gasps and murmurs crash over the atmosphere like a wave, further perplexing the clean-shaven human, who reluctantly guides his hand away from his face.
“hh-... huh?”
Standing in front of Sans, and effectively taking the cold splash of the water, is Lune. Water seeps into the fabric of her top and skirt, gradually clinging onto her fur, which is now just as soaked. Her fur—saturated with ice-cold water—shines beneath the azure brilliancy of the restaurant, unable to cling onto the descending drops of fluid. Lune’s furry cheeks now sag with an abundance of water adhering to each strand of hair on her face.
Lune’s ears slowly unfold, turning in order to reveal their soft pink skin to the red-faced woman, the golden hue garnishing the tips dramatically dimmed along with her eyes.
Sans’s eyes widen, shock flowing through him and sending him into a state of pure silence. His lips remain parted, but no sound ever escapes him. He cannot summon a single thought. Seeing Lune standing before him, drenched in the water that was intended to hit him, stupefies Sans. He was so convinced she loathed everything about him. Loathed him.
Why take this onslaught for him?
“...” Lune blankly stares at the enraged woman, confining any signs of discomfort within her SOUL. She feels water trickle down every thread of fur on her face until every drop congregates at the apex of her chin, plummeting down to soak into her cream-colored shirt.
“Wh—” The woman stands tall, lowering the glass she tightly clasps in her hand.
Sans shimmies himself closer to the outer edge of his seat, hoping to reach his hand out to Lune. He worriedly lifts his gaze, aiming his focus onto the back of her head.
“lu... -ne...?” He tests his voice.
She slightly turns her head, glancing down at Sans from the corner of her eye.
“...still wondering why I hate humans?” Lune utters, paws now dangling at her sides.
Parting his lips, Sans promptly attempts to give Lune a response, though he quickly finds nothing comes to him at the moment. He merely gawks up at her with wide cerulean eyes, awe written all over his face and deeming him silent. His hand hovers in the air. A pitiful attempt to help Lune despite the fact he wields nothing appropriate to help dry her off.
With disappointment flashing across her eyes, Lune turns away and starts treading on a path to the exit, abandoning Sans and an eerily silent crowd. Her tail dangles behind her, brushing against the rough texture of the black and blue carpet settled beneath her. Nothing the stout human male at the table says behind her breaks her pace out of the restaurant. Every desperate yell of her name or stuttered “waits” goes unheard by the time she pulls the door open and strolls out into the dark streets.
“oof-!” Sans exclaims as he stumbles out of his seat, practically shoving the culprit of this entire fiasco out of his way only to tread the same path Lune took to leave the building. “ll-lune! w-wait!”
“Wh-?! I wasn’t done-!” The woman yells, stomping her foot as she pivots her entire body on one heel. She curls her digits tightly around the glass, its contents now emptied out.
“That was a disaster...”
“Yeah... and that woman was being totally disrespectful...”
“Hmph... honestly, I would’ve been embarrassed if I were her.”
“Ruining an innocent couple’s dinner.”
“What...” The woman hesitantly turns her head, eyeing the numerous tables of monsters and humans alike. She spies several distasteful looks from neighboring tables, unable to understand why her hands now shake at her sides. “What are you—”
“Not only did you harass them, but you practically assaulted that poor woman!”
“Sh-She’s not a woman! She’s- she’s just a-... a stupid mm-monster! Are you people serious?”
“You should be ashamed of yourself...”
“Ma’am, we’re going to have to ask you to leave the premises. You’ve been causing a disturbance and compelled our customers to leave our restaurant. Please, come with me.”
“WH-?! I didn’t do anything wrong! I was entitled to finishing my personal business! Wh-?! Hh-Hey-! Don’t fucking touch me! Wh-?!” The woman shrieks as two waiters extend their arms behind her and gently guide her to the exit of the restaurant, where she happens to match eyes with Sans, who has a gentle smile spread across his face whilst he gives the restaurant one last glance.
“YOU-! You’ll fucking pay for this! YOU’LL FUCKING PAY, I SWEAR TO YOU-!” The short-haired woman promptly shouts, hysterically thrashing between the waiters meticulously restraining her.
Sans lingers in silence for a moment, observing how furiously his ex-boss flails about between the crowd of people attempting to calm her down. He stares before allowing a smile to stretch across his lips.
“guess you got served anyway, huh?” The short man remarks, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket. With a suave mannerism he rarely ever possesses, Sans turns away and approaches the exit.
𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝… (1/3)
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wkngsnds · 8 months
“We’ll be trapped! Dragged down into his subconscious forever!”
I’m still kind fucked up from the fact that both Willow and Belos inner selves tried to kill someone who ‘betrayed them’ but for entirely different reasons.
One was pushed to the point of murder due to years of torment at the hands of a person who had also completely messed up her psyche. And said person only stopped tormenting her, because an entirely different person finally stood up to her and called her out. I’m sure she looked at that and had her own grief about it that the viewer wasn’t shown.
The other was caught in a cycle of grief and strife trying to get his brother with no absolutely respect to the autonomy of the people he created. Or maybe he only registered their independence when they decided to “betray” him, which counted as his own failure and a reminder that he’d never truly get Caleb back.
“After all, out of sight out of mind.”
“What a shame. Out of all the grimwalkers, you looked the most like him.”
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hinderr · 9 months
Good morning the role swap is immediately on my brain what are we thinking for grogu's morak equivalent
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poelya · 3 days
you know ahead of its release I kept thinking to myself "acolyte is giving me the same energy as tlj for some reason and that's really making me excited", and having seen the first two episodes and reading a lil bit on what the cast has said, I think it's because they have one theme in common: you can't put people on pedestals.
people have flaws and follies and make mistakes; the point of life is to take accountability and do better. and I think it says so much that everytime star wars says, "you cannot idolize people, not even your heroes, because at the end of the day they are people too, and in order to do better yourself, you need to recognize and accept that", the fandom backlash is so swift and vicious and frankly unnecessary.
It's an organic conclusion to purity culture - if our heroes have flaws, if the Jedi individually have flaws, then that means Lucasfilm is saying that the institution/religion of the Jedi was evil, and that they deserved to die. Like when your take away from "they're flawed" is "that means you're excusing what happened to them/they deserve to die" I think that says more about how much of the purity culture juice you've been drinking, than the actual story Lucasfilm is trying to tell time and time again - and I don't think it's a coincidence this is the theme that gets so much pushback when this fandom has the irritating quality of ignoring the flaws of whatever media they have put on a pedestal for nostalgic reasons so they can put down other titles in the franchise.
it is an astoundingly aggravatingly ignorant take for a franchise which consistently tells and shows us that even the most flawed, even the most heinous people, can have the capability to do good. Even if it's just one act of compassion or kindness, among other atrocities. Because they are people too.
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
I saw the cutest Kalluzeb idea in a TikTok comment that I am 100% stealing, sorry random Tiktok commenter!!!!
So, the idea was just that when they get married, they use pieces of the Bahryn meteorite for their rings. Which idk how realistic that is(Can you set meteorite in rings) but 1000% it's possible. For my verse:
Which it's not the OG meteorite, that was lost when Kallus left the Empire, but they return to Bahryn after they agree to get engaged(Remember: An engagement should never be a shock. The proposal should be a surprise, but you should discuss engagement). Jump back into that crater, remembering about the first time they landed in it.
How they hated everything the other was. How that night, they stripped all that away and sat as just Zeb and Kallus, two beings. How in the dawn light, they laid in a tangle and Zeb woke up thinking My Warrior and how they were prophesized from so long ago.
And here they are. Looking for that same incandescent meteorite. Only when they find it and Zeb climbs them back to the surface, Kallus jokes, for old time's sake "The goal is not to fall," Zeb says well, they've failed badly at it and Kallus laughs into his neck. As a dutiful student whose first serious relationship was an alien professor in university, he's never tried to fail at a goal, but he's so thankful he's failed at that one. That he fell for the one who, at first, kept him warm on his coldest night, and then the memory of that night lit up his darkest nights when he wondered if he could be strong, like the lasat.
Unlike the first time, when they reach the surface, they go to a warm ship and they fill it with the sound of lovers whose lives before the first time they landed on this ice moon doesn't exist for an hour. Chopper grumbles that this was not why he kept the ship warm, and Zeb ignores him as he watches Kallus cradle the meteorite like it's the most precious jewel the galaxy has ever known. For Kallus, it's his entire life.
Zeb crafts the jewelry himself. A ring for his lover and whatever lasats wear as a form of proof they are taken. They don't have a proposal but a formal exchange because their agreement is that they'll only marry when-if- they get Ezra back.
They are very well aware they could only wear these the rest of their lives. Neither need anything more, because their commitment is solid. But they want a proper ceremony with their family. It'll never be completely full again-both have lost so much. Kallus' first love will always be a death he can never fully heal from, it led to losing a best friend in an argument where things were never forgiven. Lasan. Kanan. But they have a family, that is theirs, warm and loving and full except for Ezra even if it's not complete. They want to celebrate with them and their closest friends.
They keep the meteorite in hopes of fancier rings and trinkets, pray to it silently. Bring him home to us. And one day, Ahsoka and Sabine does. Older and battered, but it's Ezra. And he's ecstatic they waited for him.
The wedding jewelry is fancier, but neither gives up their engagement ones, fashioned from the second meteorite. Both are a commitment and a reminder of that very first night.
I love the idea of them returning to Bahryn so much????? Why did I never think of it before.
(EDIT: Apparently the idea belongs to @iftheresaproblem-whatever. It made my night when I was terrified to go home(I was overreacting from a stressful situation with my sister), you're a genius. I really hope you don't mind me taking it over/adding to it? If so I apologize/can delete???)
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inkgeeky · 4 months
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Picrew / Quiz
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aeonianadipose · 2 years
Going to give him different colored tuxedos different flavors for him to wear and then doubtlessly be stripped out of? Or maybe to revive back wearing.
Ooooo~ th0se are s0me excellent ideas an0n. Ill definitely have t0 try them 0ut! 0u0
Sh0uld it be a caste play thing 0r m0re f00d play thing?
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shibalatte · 23 days
people are getting mad at a thirst trap of a middle aged man </3
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jpitha · 6 months
"Come on, let's go here!" Rach strode purposefully towards the bar off the side of the promenade.
"Rach, that's not a human bar, can we even go in there?" Penny followed behind a few steps. Rach was fun to hang out with, but she was was more adventitious than Penny. She supposed that's why she would follow Rach around when she got an idea. That and to help keep her from getting arrested.
"Don't be speciest. It's a bar! It's where people go to meet and drink and hang out. I would like to drink and hang out, and I've already met you. Seems to me like we've met the requirement." Rach stood at the entrance with her hands on her hips, looking in. Sure enough, there were no humans in the bar. Penny peered around her, and saw the telltale furred feathers of the Tylan.
"Rach, it's an Tylan bar. They don't even drink alcohol.
"They don't drink alcohol? Penny that's the craziest thing I've ever heard. They have to have something to relax and take the edge off. Come on, let's go find out! It never hurts being friendly." Rach squared her shoulders can entered the bar. Penny dithered a moment and realizing Rach wasn't going to be stopped, followed after her.
The moment they entered the bar, the noise inside clattered to a halt. Rach stood at the entrance, framed by the bright lights of the promenade and headed to the long bar along the side of the room. The bar was dimly lit and decorated like dive bars everywhere. Cheap seats, cheap tables, advertisements pasted up on the walls, screens showing games, and tables in the back for regulars. The air handler rumbled quietly overhead and a lightly scented breeze blew around the room.
Rach found an empty seat at the bar and sat down, smiling with her mouth closed. Immediately a Tylan sitting next to her stood and moved to another seat.
Penny followed behind, her head swiveling back and forth, seeing the darting eyes of the Tylans watching them. She sat next to Rach in the newly open seat, and winced. The chairs were made for their bodies, and had lumps and ridges in the seat which were uncomfortable for humans. Rach didn't seem to mind.
The bartender walked over and ruffled their feathers. The noise was loud in the silent bar. "Friends, are you sure you're in the right place?" They spoke Tralang, but with a thick accent and some of the fricatives were lost with their hard beak. Still, Penny caught the unanswered declaration. 'Please leave before there is trouble.'
Rach nodded and looked around. "This is a bar, isn't it? I'd like a drink." Penny's eyes went wide and she tried to sink out of sight in her seat.
The bartender shook their head rapidly back and forth. A nod? "This is a Tylan bar, yes. Tylans drink here." The bartender's beak clacked sharply. Penny knew they were being patient, but also knew enough about Tylan physiology that the bartender was more than slightly annoyed.
"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine. After all, our money's yellow, isn't it? Rach reached into a coat pocket and slapped a note down on the bar. "What's a Tylan specialty that you can get for me and my friends?"
Without moving their head, the bartender flicked their eyes to the note. Rach had put down a 500 Star note, enough to buy everyone in the bar a drink. Or two or three. Penny's mouth opened slightly. Maybe she wasn't so oblivious after all? "In fact-" Rach continued "-how about something for everyone in the bar? To celebrate friendship?"
At that, the timbre of the bar changed instantly. Penny could feel the temperature of the room rise, could see feathers smooth, could hear people's tone of voice change. After all, the humans were known to be boisterous and friendly. If they're going to spend money anyway, why not let them buy the Tylans some drinks?
The bartender's eyes flcked to the crowd, and then back to Rach. They moved their wing-arms in a complicated gesture - probably their version of a shrug - and scooped up the note. "Okay friend. I'll make you a Melitam Smash. It's popular here."
"Wonderful! Make sure everyone else gets one of what they're drinking too" Rach beamed at the crowd.
After a moment, the bartender slid two crockery cups towards them and then turned to bustle filling everyone else's drink order. The drink steamed slightly - it was served warm - and smelled spicy. Penny took a sip. It was citrusy and spicy and hot and didn't taste alcoholic at all.
Rach took a big gulp of the hot drink and blinked. "This is amazing! what's that citrus note? I can't place it."
The bartender turned back while pouring drinks from a pitcher. "It's the Greblem. It's an insect that is muddled into the drink."
"Oh! That makes sense. I'm tasting the formic acid then." Rach nodded and took another sip. Is it intoxicating?"
The bartender shook their head rapidly side to side again. Definitely a nod. "Mildly, to us." They turned back to their work. Finally Penny couldn't take it anymore.
"Rach, did you know this was going to work?"
"What was?"
"Walking in all bold, and buying everyone a drink? I thought Tylans don't like humans?" Tylans were part of the coalition that made contact with the humans decades ago, but weren't in the initial group. Rumor is they didn't want to accept humanity's entry into the coalition.
"Everyone likes a big spender, Penny. Being friendly and learning about each other is one of the best ways to mend fences and build friendships. Now come on." She picked up her drink and looked towards the back of the bar "They're playing a game, let's go see if we can play too."
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sir-fluffbutts · 7 months
had a crush on latte until i remembered acab and then had to induce my own heartbreak 💔 😔👊
oh nah nah though, he fully understands and also thinks the big part system with the people who contributes in it needs to be changed
especially he canonly have a racist (speciest?) senior that kinda despise him
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wkngsnds · 1 year
okay don't @ me, but like
belos and terra??
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lapseinart · 1 year
Okay but like Rocket and Nebula were clearly in communication with the Avengers during the Blip period right?? Like they were in that conference call and shit. Do all the Terrans think that Rocket is from an alien race of raccoon like species?? Like obviously is anyone called Rocket a raccoon he was like “I’m not a raccoon!”
And the Avengers/Terrans were like “my bad, that’s racist, or speciest, to call someone an animal/lower life form. Clearly he’s from an alien planet, we can’t impose our standards/perceptions onto him”
They’re probably out there thinking “funny how convergent evolution works out to create analogous structures for organisms that look so similar but are completely different species, huh? Space is wild”
But no
Rocket is a raccoon. He was taken from Earth/Terra when he was little. He has cybernetic modifications. I want to 1000% believe that none of the Avengers/Terrans know this. They think he’s an alien that coincidentally looks like a raccoon.
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blackwoolncrown · 1 month
Shit I've been right about, just too early so ppl tried to play me or call me an ecof4scist:
Veganism isn't inherently morally superior. Animals die in mass harvests, plants are fucking sentient*, the idea that all animal consumption is cruel is anti-indigenous, and farmworkers are constantly suffering so no, it's not 'cruelty free'.
*Plants are sentient, feel pain, and many can probably see. Demanding that this isn't true is just as 'speciest' as the argument about eating cows but not dogs. Death is part of life, deal with it.
Polyamory isn't inherently morally superior to monoamory and some of y'all actually needed hobbies and therapy bc polyamory was being used as an excuse to serial date w a dysfunctional attachment style. Ppl IN the scene are now admitting this themselves.
Black cat x Golden Retriever sucks bc a golden retriever bf is a people pleaser w poor boundaries. I suggested Wildcat x Wolfdog but whatever; trend of the day is now black cat x german shepherd. As I predicted, it's mostly WOC doing this- my original rebuttal also came from the fact that being the 'tough, aloof' one while your bf is 'just a silly goofy guy' is exhausting to WOC who actually want to be protected FOR ONCE or at least not have to be the strong one in the pair.
There is literally NO possible 'eco-friendly' way to continue our relationship to technology and convenient consumption bc it's all dependent on finite rare earth mining by fucked up companies to the violent detriment of the environment and indigenous communities.
No, we do not need central air and central air is not the only cooling tech. It's not even that efficient. Now mainstream outlets and readers are picking up on what has been known for centuries- that in all of the hottest places, there's an architectural culture around using smart biophilic design to cool spaces.
Moral of the story sometimes cognitive dissonance be beating y'all ass and making you attack rational arguments just bc they make you think in ways you don't want to or challenge your lifestyle
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sweebat · 4 months
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Most likely characters to be speciest and say a slur tbh
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artsybug0 · 1 year
I don’t know why, but I thought drawing this would be funny. Who is she gonna kill? Who knows! Maybe someone stole her chocolate covered strawberries again! Maybe someone was being racist against puppets! (Or would that be speciest??)
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sp00kywrites · 4 months
Are you a sans and papyrus simp???
Are you pangender/genderfulid??
Then you'll love "Teeth leave dents on bones" a fanfic that I'm working on! A short summary of the plot is you, a werewolf, are a body gaurd that recently got fired from your only client surprisingly gets hired by rich skeletons to protect them against speciest and general attackers!
Skeletons included:
Classic brothers
Underfell brothers
Underlust brothers
Swapfell brothers
Fellswap gold brothers
Horrortale brothers
And finally underswap brothers!
So check it out, chapter 1 is almost finished and I promise I drop wont drop this randomly.
(Please do not interact with my account or fanfic if you ship frans/fontcest/papara or try to justify sexualizing frisk/monster kid/chara/flowy or asriel)
Plus some fanart I made of reader! (What I perceive reader to look like)
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This fanfic in the works is inspired by!!
@battlemaiden13 "house next door"
@timeofjuly "resiting the current"
@theragingprophet "Make the world afraid"
And finally @racoonsinqueen "6 skeletons one maid"
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