#Fantasy To Life
siremasterlawrence · 7 months
Ping! Factory Reset
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Major Hollyoaks StarJamie Lomas has no idea why today of all the days in the world feels so odd to him as he rolls from his side on to his back laying in bed as he takes a deep breath.
He huffs out loud as his wife who is in deep sleep checking him out he tosses on to the floor placing his feet in to the slippers a she rose up and stretches for the morning wake up routine.
He shakes his head vigorously doing all of his effort in ignoring the nagging feeling in his head and he enters the bathroom quietly closing the door as he turns to the mirror he looks up.
The grogginess is very apparent as he bent down a bit switching the knob to let the flow of water run cupping in his hands as he is splashing his flashing with water with a sweet cool effect.
He switch the knobs reaching for the rack across from him wiping his face he places the towel on his neck and stare up in to the mirror he catches his handsome face with a smirk.
He uses his right hand to touch his smooth face gliding down with it as easy as a blade so beautiful done with love he falls for his own body and he completely forgets about his girlfriend.
He can’t stop smiling for some reason he is totally consuming his as his lips spread wide, his teeth show so white and a baffle of giggles exit his mouth filling the room up to the brim.
Unable to turn away from his own imagehe saw a man in the mirror freaking out he spun to the side to see no one is actually there and he once he takes a second look at the mirror.
It’s crazy the strange man places a hand on his shoulder meshing his skin with his as the touch which both frighten and titalating all of his senses into a freaky neurological sensation on a transformational level.
“Who…who are you?”
“I am your new Master”
“What? Fuck no!”
“You have no say in the matter “
“Let me go! Release me”
“Fuck you! You want this”
“I do not want….”
“You want what”
“That is not what I said “
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck yes!”
“So you agree?”
“Ugh! Pathetic “
“Submit “
“I said I do not want”
“What? You do want to submit right?”
“Yes! I do”
“Hah! I knew it”
“How did you do that?”
The man had enough placing the left hand on his shoulder forcing his hands on to the floor in a kneeling position firmly he hand handles him Jamie feels so lost like a young man being handled by a older mature one for sure.
“Listen to me Jaime let go of yourself “
“Release your soul and relinquish “
Ping! A loud excruciating pain clicks in his head swirling through the upper, lower and middle areas of the brain bouncing in pain in the inner chambers of the wall.
“Factory Reset!”
“Good boi!”
“Who am I? What’s my name?”
The end
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daisywords · 8 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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colourmeastonished · 8 months
Body swap movie where one of them has invisible disabilities and when the other one lands in their body they immediately collapse catatonic on the floor from the pain and fatigue and the first one is like 'oh damn guess I don't have to worry that I'm faking it anymore'
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inkcurlsandknives · 4 months
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I'm doing it gang, I've spent stupider gardening money before like when I dropped $300 on shade loving perennial bulbs only to learn they were also plants that rotted with wet feet and all immediately died in my swampy gumbo soil
I'm buying two firefly petunias. I've never grown petunias much because where I live they're a winter annual but fuck it I'll grow them as an indoor plant I certainly have the sun to do it.
They're supposed to ship to me in April, I'll report back on if they immidiately die or this is the coolest thing I own. My biochemical engineering design project was using a similar chemical pathway to modify bacteria to glow in the presence of specific toxins so I absolutely need glowing petunias in my window box
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lavendervirgos · 13 days
A comfy and wholesome relationship 🤝 rough and nasty sex
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minionsunclee · 29 days
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ribbittrobbit · 3 months
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these kids are incredibly stressed out
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people are talking about the fact that kristen still has tracker’s name tattooed on her neck but i’ve never seen anyone mention that fact that ally also has the name of their ex girlfriend tattooed on their neck
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catfayssoux · 2 months
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hamable · 3 months
You’re Ruben Hopclap. You’re a teen rock star headlining a local festival. Your interim principal attempts to kill you multiple times. The elusive crush you wrote all your songs about vanishes with some other kids and returns covered in gore. The most popular guy in school jumps fifteen feet in the air, turns to you with a smirk and says, “I’m actually a huge fan,” and spears said principal through the core. Your crush boards a bus going who knows where. Someone gets on a mic and tells everyone to go home. It’s been four minutes.
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siremasterlawrence · 7 months
Real 3-D
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Real enhanced 3-d dimensional projects are some of the craziest things I have ever seen in my life as I walk in to the room with the printer and projector in one.
It arrives to my apartment with a hard thud in the background as I lift it up and carry it inside the place kicking the door in as I drop it to the floor.
I pick up my box cutter from my storage unit digging into the top of the box I carefully cut the box open and remove the contents which include this.
Reaching in I lift the box on to the wooden desk left specifically for it as I clean it up then plug it in as I turn the device on with electrical output.
I snap my finger fast in mid air as the sound effect clicks as the device turns on as the projector shoots an image of this animated 3-d imagery.
I begin to type in a new code producing this beautiful image made to imitate one of that Tony Stark I flick the image making sure it I not a shocker.
Tapping my finger onto my watch the screen blows up in a while with the colorful beauty projection of this super gorgeous image of a fine man.
The pointer remove device presses play on a device roaring load in a colorful sea of ole blue and the circumference of the area and all things are now bold.
The printer projector takes action beginning to build in his room creating a new man in my life and turning him in to a real man for the first time ever.
In awe of my astonishing play on how things work the machine prints a picture of him in a painting like quality if I say so myself the work is brilliant.
Followed by a birth certificate in white paper branded with gold letters I fill out the last few parts I am his only creator and his name as well.
His name is Lorenzo a creation of my own genius the one who made him by pure accident but brought him to life as he should be.
The ink shape shifting to print in gold the deed is done a shine of ring is added my own take obviously because governments are shit.
The projector gets to action with laser focus he brings to print the final touches pounding away the image now on to a physical form instead of paper.
The wonder now stands a few feet above me he land onto the ground from flight he
is a magnificent to view from h point of view the only one that matters.
“This will be the most amazing experience ever.”
“The schematics are active”
“Such beautiful Kaleidoscope of colors”
“The Blue prints are obvious”
“The skeleton is built”
“The meat is being formulated “
“Such a Godly sight”
“Radiating everywhere “
“My dear”
“Oh My Stars”
“You are heaven”
“Who are you ?”
“Right! I am your creator”
“Wait! How? What?”
“Relax…you feel good”
“Sorry! I am confused “
“It’s my fault the human filter is not ready yet”
“I can rationalize my behavior now typical human one sorry!”
“Thank you Daddy!”
“Supremely perfect “
The end
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wifesarah · 1 month
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ghost-comets · 4 months
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as soon as riz mentioned that thumbs up this was all i could envision for that scene
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hybbart · 7 months
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Slumber party in the void
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lavendervirgos · 29 days
A relationship should be 50/50: I wear the sundress you like and you fuck me silly in it.
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