the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
So in this scene:
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Peter is consistently and very pressingly trying to get Miles to hold MayDay, before having a heart to heart with him.
When suddenly his watch says "We got your location, Peter."
Since my first viewing, I believed it was fully intended and that Peter had alerted them that he was with Miles. I always assumed Peter was ratting him out.
But so far two people have told me they see this is accidental. Which shocked me. Do you think it's intentional, or a complete accident?
Here's why I think it was completely intentional:
So of course we begin the scene with Peter being VERY insistent that Miles hold his baby. Like.. uncomfortably consistent. He's deadset on getting Miles to hold Mayday. Insisting that it'll make everything okay.
They end up in a small enclosed area.
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So they're in this enclosed space, and now Miles chances of escape drop dramatically. Going down seriously is the only way he can leave - and he can only do that if both his hands are free.
Peter knows for a fact if Miles is holding MayDay - 1) he can't swing and 2) he would never kidnap her.
I always interperted Peter's insistence not as a weird fatherly thing, but a ploy to get Miles to stay in one place.
In a space like this, Miles can't wallcrawl with a baby in his hands, and there's no place to swing, besides - Miles would never take her from her father anyway.
Plus there's the Lyla thing. Let me go on.
Peter gets down beside him, putting a hand on Miles trying to get his eye contact. And then MayDay attaches herself to Miles' arm. Peter is really close here - like MayDay doesn't have to lean much to cling on to him.
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By the time he says 'And she happened-' MayDay is already on him, Miles just hadn't noticed yet. Peter isn't holding her anymore.
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In one shot, MayDay is on the other side of Peter, then suddenly she's on Miles' arm. I assumed this was Peter putting MayDay on Miles, are at least getting her close enough to cling to him.
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To me it looks like he literally passed her from one arm to the next in order to get her close to Miles.
Now Miles hands are full. He can't go anywhere. Now all Peter has to do is laugh and joke until they can get to him. Peter even judges the way Miles holds her - I assumed this was him trying to coax him into really holding her, calming down and not focus on leaving.
The better Miles grip on her is, the less likely he is too take off.
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Right after this Lyla announces herself - saying "We got your location, Peter."
Now, I always took this as confirmation that yes, he set up Miles.
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Why else would Lyla speak out loud to him if he's hadn't spoken to her first. If Peter didn't KNOW he was being tracked, why would Lyla just announce it to him suddenly? Her natural protocol probably would've been to just tell Miguel.
So I always saw Lyla speaking out loud like this as the sign that Peter spoke to HER first, letting her know to track his location, and believing it was safe to respond out loud, Lyla replied back.
Instead of Lyla just talking suddenly and giving Peter away.
As soon as this happened, I immediately understood why he was SO insistent on Miles holding MayDay and holding her well, and calming down.
Because he was intentionally trying to corner/ground him in time for The Society to get to him.
How else would they even know that he was with Miles - and to track HIM and not Gwen - unless he directly told them 'I have Miles with me.' someway?
From Day 1 I saw this as intentional, but I've seen multiple people now who believe it was an accident.
What do you believe? Cause I don't think Lyla would just speak out loud unprompted in a situation like this. To me I always saw it as her responding to Peter, AFTER Peter ratted Miles out.
I mean, look at Miles' face. He LOOKS betrayed. He LOOKS HURT.
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Peter says he didn't know, but Miles doesn't believe that. Neither do I.
He says "I didn't know, I promise." But I was like-
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Yeah sure, you didn't know the watch you've had for months and the sophisticated ass AI on it can track your location, sure bro.
Sure, Lyla just figured out on her own that you were with Miles and then decided to rat you out. Sure. Her voice recognition picked up Miles being there and she still spoke out loud uh-huh. STFU.
You not making no sense bro CAP. STOP THE CAP!!!!
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Like...... Seriously, how else would Lyla know to ping Peter's location, other than him telling her. It's just him and MILES!!!!!
I don't know. That how I always read the situation.
And Peter using his baby to manipulate and corner Miles like that - It DO NOT sit right with me. It don't matter of face I'm sick to MY STOMACHHHHHHH!!!
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But maybe I'M the one bugging. If I'm reading this wrong but who knows bit if he deadass ratted him out.....guitar. guitar. Hobie, the guitar!!!!
But how do you read this scene, you think he did it on purpose or nah?
Cause Lyla announcing herself like that is mad random unless he spoke to her first. She could have found him and told Miguel, but I feel like she told Peter too because he actively requested he be tracked.
Thoughts, ya'll? We think he did it or nah? Let's hear what the audience thinks fr fr
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mcfuckity · 11 months
You know what? Im breaking my silence. Im TIRED of people missing Jess’ character on purpose. Like, everyone can use context clues and fill in the blanks for every other character but somehow Jess is the only one taken at face value? Jess is being seen as a cold, detached, mean bitch by fans but I cannot determine whether we even watched the same movie.
Let’s address the elephant in the room, because she is a black woman who is NOT a mammy character, people criticize her harsher. Jess was MORE than Miguel’s “lackey”. She had her own thoughts and opinions. She definitely had her own personality and feelings about the entire situation. She lowkey stalled time to give Gwen chances to fix her mistakes.
If Jess was as cold as Miguel and such a “bitch”, she would’ve left Gwen the first time. Let’s not forget that Miguel was fully about to leave Gwen with her own father holding her at gunpoint, JESS vouched to bring Gwen under her name. Jess put her OWN position at risk to help Gwen and it required that she do her job accordingly. Jess made the boundary VERY clear, she is NOT Gwen’s mother. She is NOT her friend. I seen people argue that “Jess’ maternal instincts” should’ve kicked in to protect Gwen” but fully ignoring that Jess HAS A FAMILY! Jess is PREGNANT with her OWN child. Her instincts DID kick in and she chose her dimension with her family in it!
Jess was stuck in a rock and a hard place. She obviously wanted to help Gwen (considering she brought her in at the cost of her own position) but UNFORTUNATELY, GWEN messed up. Gwen saw Miles and that ultimately led to Spot escaping. You can love these characters and acknowledge that every character had their OWN thoughts and motivations that led to fuck ups. It’s not right to try to make Jess sound worse than the man who fuckin replaced his dead self out of grief, was about to leave a teen at gunpoint, and had an entire society of people chase a teenager who wanted to save his dad.
Don’t get me started on the “she’s fighting crime while pregnant argument” because we can accept superpowered people but NOT the possibility that their bodies are more resilient. NOT TO MENTION THAT PETER B HAS A WHOLE BABY ON MISSIONS???? Like, no one is calling him a bad father so what’s different with Jess? Miguel was mean as fuck to Miles upon meeting but Jess doing her JOB is considered being “mean”.
Then the “I didn’t see her enough to connect with her” is fair until everyone can somehow create entire {TERRIBLE} mischaracterizations of Hobie, Pav, and Peni who (arguably) had just about the same amount of screentime. She also shares traits with every other spider person with being snarky and quick-witted while being completely grounded. She’s literally one of the spider people that Miguel fully trusts but somehow the fandom erases her and goes “He loves Peter B and Lego Spidey🤪🤪”
Like, it’s crazy how people find it so easy to erase Jess and Margo (Spiderbyte) in fanworks for things they easily dismiss from other characters and it’s feelin like misogynoir. Like, Margo and Hobie served the same purpose with deciding to go against Miguel for Miles, yet only Hobie and Gwen gets that credit.
AND THEN THE MANY EXCUSES WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING! People keep hating on Jess/Miguel because she’s “obviously pregnant and married” but go right around and ship Miguel with Peter B. Same with Margo/Miles because it’s a bunch of “Miles and Gwen are obviously endgame” ANDDDD???? Since when did every ship HAVE TO be canon in order to be a ship? It’s especially crazy because I BARELY EVER see those comments on Miles/(Peni, Pav, or Hobie) or have no problem with having all the boys huddled around Gwen. The double standard is glaringly obvious.
In conclusion, some of you mfs dont deserve ATSV.
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vanillawurld · 1 year
༊*·˚Not Too Late
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✧.* Pair - Miguel O'hara x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Swearing, a tiny bit of violence, sexual and also little violent choking, implied smut at the end.
✧.* Summary - Miguel knew from the moment he laid eyes on her, she would cause a lot of trouble for him...
✧.* Extra - Reader is a variant of Black Cat. Also I was listening to Not Too Late by Kali Uchis while writing this so... do what you want with that.
✧.* Word Count - 1,012
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Miguel has dealt with many creatures, bad guys, and anti-heroes in his life being in places where they shouldn't, but there was one specific situation that he couldn't get rid of. He was utterly confused as to why he couldn't simply send her home just like the others. According to him, she was annoying, arrogant, sneaky, infuriating, and downright a bitch. Lyla would always tell him to give her the benefit of the doubt, but he always just rolls his eyes whenever the hologram tells him that.
"If you hate Y/N so much, then why don't you send her back home?"
He always hears that question over and over again whenever he unknowingly goes on rants about her. Most of the time Miguel ignores the question or makes up a stupid excuse about her being useful in certain missions. He knew his excuses were bullshit. He would never send Y/N on any missions because he "doesn't trust her".
Yet, that little voice inside his head couldn't help but admire Y/N. She is an insanely strong human being. Good with sneaking around, had excellent vision and balance, had a unique ability to alter bad luck, attractive, plush thighs, plump lips, and soft skin. Miguel hated whenever he would think of something positive about Y/N, but he couldn't help it.
Some would think that Miguel's "hatred" for Y/N was love in disguise. Lyla would poke at him for "secretly being in love with Y/N". No matter how many times he would deny it, the little voice in the back of his head would only laugh at him denying it. There are moments Miguel would think about Y/N; how she would look outside of her tight latex suit, waiting for him in bed, ready for him to fuck her. But no matter how many times he would think of her that way, he would express his feelings of hatred towards her to the public.
She had sex appeal and he couldn't deny it. And if there was a chance, he would fuck her.
Y/N was a one-of-a-kind woman. The moment she laid her eyes on Miguel, she knew she had found the one... to pick at. She loved getting under his skin. Why? According to her, it was hot whenever he looked like he was on the verge of beating the shit out of her. She also loved arguing with him. It didn't matter the topic. She just loved the way he would raise his voice at her.
Y/N knew Miguel had sex appeal. She would do anything to get dicked down by him.
Well, luckily for Y/N, she was stuck in one of the situations where Miguel was mad at her. It all started when Miguel sensed her presence in his working headroom.
"Get out, L/N."
Y/N could only smirk, "Oh, but why would I do that, O'hara?" Y/n walked closer to him and stopped once she was about 2-3 feet away from him. He was looking at whatever boring multiverse task he needed to concentrate on with his back turned to her.
"Because I don't want you in here distracting me. Go bother someone else." He stated with annoyance in his voice.
"Why are you always so miserable, Miguel? The Spiderman on my earth is always open to listen to my jokes and have fun." Y/N said with a hint of teasing in her voice.
Miguel could only roll his eyes, "Then go to that Spiderman and leave me alone."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. She hated whenever he would say something like that because truth be told, she didn't really like hanging out with the other spider-people. Unless it was Jessica, Hobie, Peter B, or Gwen. She always wanted to be around Miguel because she loved messing with him.
Suddenly, she got an idea in her head. An idea that she knew would piss him off.
"I hope you know a lot of the spiders are running around, spreading that you have a little crush on me. And that's the reason why you won't kick me out because you secretly love being around me." Y/N imparted.
Miguel paused what he was doing, and his eyes became slightly wider. His entire world seems to have fallen apart, but why? He pretends to despise her, but does he also have romantic feelings for her that he is unaware of? Why was it so important to him that she told him that? Miguel turned around to look at Y/N.
"From the look on your face, I can see that-"
"Who is spreading this misinformation?" he asked in a demanding tone. Y/N could only smirk.
"Wipe that smug smile off your fucking face and-"
"That doesn't matter," she walked closer to him and started rubbing her fingers up and down his muscular arm, "It's okay to admit you love and need me. I know things could get a little lonely down here and-" but before Y/N could finish her sentence, Miguel grabbed her by the throat and slammed her on his table. (Lyla calls it his working table. ) Not too hard to hurt her, but to force her where she needed to be.
That was the moment he realized he was done hating. He was done ignoring the fact he was attracted to her. He was done ignoring the fact that there was always sexual tension between them. He wanted to shut her up and destroy her. Make her a whimpering and moaning mess because of him. He was finally happy to release all of his sexual frustration and anger on her body.
He got on top of her and started zipping down the zipper to her suit, exposing her tits and the black panties she wore underneath. He started to lower himself to the same level as her pussy and looked up at her with those venomous eyes. He started to slowly remove her panties and smirked at her reaction.
"Maybe this will finally shut you up."
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
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glowstick-cafe · 1 year
♡Across the Spiderverse: Relationship Hc's♡
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Hobie Brown x reader
Genre: Fluff(?)
Warning: Hobie is so cool and he knows it, black peepole(British rizz) being in love, as always reader is gender neutral.
Summary: You actully hated him at first, but the line between hate and love are often blurred.
A/n: You guys liked me being delulu with Pav so imma be delulu with Hobie. Also, leave a comment if you want. :]
You are a part of the spider society, Miguel just picked you up and said, "You're coming with me, kid." And you've just been on it ever since.
Your often aided Margo with her work(not like she minded), mostly because talking to spiders other than her, Miguel, Jessica, and Lyla were scary.
That's when you met Hobie, you truly had no idea what the hell he was saying for a full hour into him talking becauseof his accent, and he probably picked up on that from your constant confused nodding.
Hobie was fine with you not wanting to talk, which you appreciated; the boy was always happy to carry the conversation, and he assumed you wanted to be friends because you've been following him around and listening to him attentively.
Your friendship with Hobie was great, you've even stayed over at his house a few times to watch a movie you never made it through because you always fell asleep.
That was when Gwen came into the picture. You didn't hate her, she was actully really sweet and you had a lot of fun with her, but Hobies' attention began to be more on Gwen rather than you.
When Hobie began to notice how distant you were becoming he confronted you when you both were watching a movie at his house again, for old time sake.
"You've been ignorin' me lately, why?" He asked bluntly, Hobie was laying on your lap looking straight up at you.
"I'm not ignoring you, you have Gwen to talk to, anyway." You quickly realized how you sounded and cursed yourself, you looked down to meet Hobie's gaze only to see him with an amused expression. "A bit jealous, are ye?" He jokingly questioned, then sat up from you lap.
You could feel the heat emanating from your face, "No! Not like that- I just....fuck off!" You retorted, before you could embarrass yourself futher, Hobie placed a finger under your chin and gave you a peck on the lips. "It was never like that with Gwen, you idiot."
Safe to say that you stayed awake for that whole movie.
When you and Hobie started dating, he became more touchy, in the sense that he has to be touching you in some way.
He loves showing you off, it's like Peter B. showing off his kid, he takes offense if they don't wanna see you.
Hobie likes to rest is head on yours, it happens everywhere, standing in a line, washing dishes, it great for him, not so much for your neck though.
He also likes to likes to hug you from behind, but since your a bit jumpy about hugs the alternative is using your head as a pillow, or using your shoulder.
"Mate, wha chu' mean you don't wanna see my partner?"
He's so soft for you, even with he doesn't want to be.
He absolutely melts when you lightly tugg on his pinky finger or his jacket when you want his attention for something.
You love to kiss all of his piercings individually when you notice he's not having a great day.
You can't do cornrows for the life if you, but Hobie got you covered. He sits you down between his legs and does your hair as you watch whatever.
God forbid you touch your cornrows while he's doing them, he will hit your hand with that comb and it will hurt. "Why you tryin' to mess up my work, nah?"
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yandere-wishes · 11 months
I'm considering the idea of a yandere cheater in spiderverse. All after reading your Miles G, I confess. Miguel was the first wave, but Hobie and Miles G, hit like a tsunami behind.
I don't ask you to write it. Just babbling about my favs... although there's also Aaron, Peter B, Noir,... I love everyone.
But, but in your yandere expert opinion, who would have the toughest nerve to become a cheater and on top of that, being a yandere about reader? From all the charas into and across the spiderverse.
ALSO, WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE, KINDA FUCK, MARRY, KILL???, Tell me, tell me *googly eyes*
In my "expert" Yandere knowledge (jk 🤣jk🤣) I'd say that 90% of the Spiderverse cast could be "cheater" if they couldn't physically be with the reader. Or if they thought that they don't deserve the reader.
1610-Miles: would never cheat, he'd just sit around mopping and dreaming about the reader. He'd also never really think about not "deserving" the reader. He's a really lonely boy and would latch onto his crush no matter what. He'd also fully believe that he was a better match for them than anyone else. He's also confident enough that he's sure he could protect them against anything.
Pavitr Prabhakar: Would also never cheat. When he's in love he becomes devoted to said person and would do anything for them. Cares for them too much to ever be with anyone else. Also if that person is in love with someone else then he would respect their choice and bottle up his emotions. Laching onto the hope that one day the reader would realize they love him more than their current partner. He's practically the walking embodiment of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift.
Gwen Stacy: Gwen might cheat on the reader if she's trying to distance herself from them. Make them hate her so they leave. But really it's just to protect them, she's fully convinced that she's cursed. Anyone who get's too close to her ends up hurt. So she'll make them leave. Also if her lover is in another dimension then she might go for a relationship in her own dimension just to distract herself from them.
Hobie Brown: Wouldn't mean to cheat. But he might get tempted into having an affair. Nothing serious just something casual. But he tries to keep it a secret from his one true love. Also if Hobie did end up kidnapping the reader and locking them up somewhere then he may have another relationship with someone else. But that person is like a substitute for the reader. He pretends that they are her and that He and the reader are a real couple, but it's actually the other person. Until he can trust the reader enough to take them outside. Does this make sense? I feel like it doesn't make sense.
42- Miles: Will have some causal flings here and there to get their mind off the reader. But also watches them through their window each night. Like he's obsessed but too prideful to fully admit it. If he does kidnap the reader and sees that she's being incompliant. He'll try to make her jealous by going out on cute dates with some other girl. Then showing her pictures. Show her how easily replaceable she is. He'll obviously break her mind until she's begging him not to go out, not to leave her alone. Why is it that every time I write anything for this guy it gets real dark, real quick?
Miguel O'Hara: YES!! THIS MAN IS NOT EMOTIONALLY STABLE. Like he might just make an AI of his lover, talk to her, program her to love him, and convince himself that this is his real lover. If his lover is in another dimension then maybe he'll date someone with certain similar characteristics to her but then kinda get distracted by his duties. He'll just go back lovingly looking at them through a screen.
Peter B: He might get drunk and cheat by accident. But I think that's more something he would have done in the first movie. If the reader is MayDay's mother then no way he's cheating.
Spider Noir: He's too old-fashioned to cheat. He'll treat his lover like a princess. I can't really see him doing anything like that.
Aaron: He might cheat on the reader if he loves her enough. Like his life as the Prowler is dangerous, he knows this. So he'll distract himself with other people as apposed to getting mixed up with the reader and risking their life.
As for me: (I'll do kiss, marry, kill)
MARRY: MIGUEL O'HARA. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN. He means everything to me😍😍. I just want to be his cute little housewife. Someone he can look forward to coming home to. Plus I'd also try to help him out with his whole Spiderman thing.
KISS: MILES G MORALES (prowler miles) I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! He also gives me lowkey season 4 Eren vibes from AOT lol.
Kill:... Honestly no one. I love everyone so much. Like maybe Miguel so no one can have him but me. But like also Miles G, so you know, no one can have him but me. 😂😂 sorry about that went full yandere for a moment.
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ghoulishfrk · 10 months
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〘 Romantic Hobie x Miles Older Sister , Platonic Spiderverse cast x Miles Older Sister | Slight spoilers | ~ .7K words 〙
ੈ ✮ ˳ Lulus Notes :: Repost, set after ASTV
✩°。 Tagging :: @punkologist , @neptunes1nterweb , @honeybleed
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Miles older sister who takes care of him. She’s the one who knows when something is up and is the one always giving advice.
Miles older sister who had a hunch something was up with her lil brother but wasn’t sure what exactly until she caught him red handed. Him still on his suit in his room.
Miles older sister who had to take a minute to process that her little brother was fucking Spider-Man and understood why he didn’t tell her or their parents.
Miles older sister who becomes his girl behind the screen. She tells him whenever a villain is causing chaos and calls the cops to get the villain he apprehended.
Miles older sister who gets her brother out of suspicion and trouble with their parents, always having a convincing excuse.
“Mija, have you seen miles?”
“Oh, he went to the store to buy more ice cream cones since he ate mine.”
Miles older sister who never leaves her brother suffer by himself. Always hearing out whatever is bothering her brother and giving advice only an older sister could.
Miles older sister who gets caught up on the whole multiverse stuff by her little brother and learns of all the other spidermen her brother considers his friends.
Miles older sister who meets Peter B. Parker and Mayday and is immediately in love with her. She always counts on him to take care of Miles and is ok with babysitting Mayday.
Miles Older Sister who, when she meets Miguel, is not the friendliest. She’s not over how he treated her little brother and doesn’t hide it. She later on goes easier on him since she sees how he’s genuinely sorry and embarrassed by how he reacted.
Miles older sister who is a bit doubtful of Jess. She didn’t think someone who was a mother would’ve acted like she did towards a kid. She learns to trust her later on.
Miles older sister who meets the other spider kids closer to Miles age and immediately approves of them. She’s even willing to make sure they don’t get in trouble with their families.
Miles older sister who becomes an older sister to Pavitr, Gwen, and Peni. She listens to them and gives them advice like she does with Miles. She’d go insane if anything or anyone hurt her kids.
Miles older sister who meets Gwen and immediately likes her. She gives her advice on wooing her brother and getting the approval of their parents.
“Miles loves drawing so you can never go wrong with giving him stuff like drawing books and markers. Oh, and you should call our parents by our last name. Mom hates when kids call her Rio.”
“Wait, seriously? Why didn’t Miles tell me?”
“Cuz he was probably too whipped to tell you lmao”
Miles older sister who, when she meets Hobie, clicks with him in a different way than when she meet the others.
Miles older sister who gets flirted by Hobie and responds with flirting back, only to get caught by Miles and seeing his hilarious reaction.
“Seriously? My sister?!”
“Aye, calm down Peter Pan.”
“C’mon man! Why it gotta be my sister?”
“Miles relájate nene.”
“What do you mean relax?! If i hadn’t come in you probably would’ve been eating each others faces!”
Miles older sister who sneaks in Hobie through her window, having to shush him so her parents don’t hear them and have her father storming in.
Miles older sister who gets caught by Rio one day, with her and Hobie having been sitting on her bed talking about random things.
Miles older sister who has to introduce Hobie to her parents. Rio and Jeff are apprehensive at first, Hobies punk appearance not being what they expected for their daughters boyfriend.
Miles older sister who’s glad Hobie gets along with her mom and tries to be civil with her father and tries not to get into politics or fights with them.
“So, Hobie, what do you do for a living?”
“Kick fascists ass and play in my band.”
Just Miles having a nice and caring older sister <3
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© all rights are reserved to @gyal-bunny. Do not steal, modify, copy, and/or repost my works anywhere.
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trashy1turtle · 1 year
You’re my everything (Miguel O’hara x Reader)
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This is my third fanfic ever so sry if it’s bad lmao. I used fem pronouns for this but I will use gender neutral ones at some point. Also sry if the Spanish is bad (I did not use google translate)
Summary: you and Miguel we’re having a meeting but you feel asleep on his desk and he turned into a fucking simp
Warnings: none (only a little cringe)
You and Miguel were going over new tech ideas when he had to go to the bathroom. He came back to find a you sleeping on his desk. He was just admiring you for like 6 minutes (he’s a simp) when a group of certain spider people busted through the door.
“Yo Mr. boss man where you at!” Hobie yelled while walking in with Peter B (without mayday, idk she was taking a nap or something) Pavitr, and Jess 
“Idiotas, la van a despertar!” (You idiots your going to wake her) He whisper yelled 
“Wake who-” Pavitr asked but was cut of by Jess‘s finger
“Shhhhhh (to the group) cmon guys get out of here.” They all left except Jess and Peter B.
“You ok Miguel?” Peter asked, “I mean why not just moving her to her room?” 
“I will… just not right now,” Miguel hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he came back from the bathroom. “ella es mi todo” (she’s my everything) he said barely above a whisper.
Jess and Peter looked at each other and then looked back at Miguel, “I’ll see you two later.” Peter said as he walked out the room with Jess.
Miguel stared at you for the next minute or so before he picked you up bridle style. His heart skipped a beat when you nuzzled your face into his chest. 
“Te amo tanto. No puedo vivir sin ti.” (I love you so much. I can't live without you.) he said as quite as possible as he walked towards your room. 
After he set you down he stood there for a few seconds before he climbed in with you. He was the big spoon (duh this man is huge) he put his face in the crook of your neck his big hands wrapped around your stomach. 
And you can imagine the rest 😊
A/n: idk how I feel about this, this is only the third time I’ve written fanfiction. I am not posting the other two because they are really bad 😭💀 Honestly I do t hate it but I could be better, I’ll probably come back and edit it at some point in the future.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
My beautiful child! PT.2
Summary: Mile’s has a younger sibling who isn’t…human to say. Their a demon who cannot go into the sunlight,his parents knows and make them do online school. When he an his siblings go to a place where all the spider people are at…they decided they want a new child and Y/N is perfect material for them!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Nezuko,Reader is Miles’s younger sibling,Reader can talk they just make Miles say stuff or make him translate their muffled words,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader wears the same muzzle as Nezuko,Reader is not a spider-person,Reader wears skirts and oversized hoodies with leggings because they can get hurt by the sun touching their skin but they still have no gender,The whole family knows about Reader being a demon and having to wear clothes to not allow the sun to touch them,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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Miles and you just ran away…again as Miguel was chasing you both again. “WHY THE FUCK IS A GROWN MAN CHASING TWO TEENAGERS!?” You were unfazed by this as it was pretty normal at this point. You held your muzzle as it kept trying to fall out, you two ended up in a place where Hobie, Gwen, Peter B, and Mayday where. You both fell but you went flying as you were on Miles’s back but you didn’t get to hurt. You ran towards Miles and made sure he was okay.
“Mmhmhmm?!” “I’m okay Y/N, just a tiny scratch that’s all!” “Mmmhmmm!” “I’m fine really, are you okay though? You went FLYING!” “Mhm! Mhmmmhmh!” Miles sighed happily as you two got up but also hid you behind him as Miguel approached you two. “Peter..what the fuck is your friend on!?” “He’s all bark and barely any bite!” Miles looked at him shocked as he and you just witnessed Miguel chased you down while threatening Miles. You glared at Miguel as it was obvious he was the reason Miles was in distress.
Miguel didn’t know why but he hates how you hide behind Miles and glare at him…he doesn’t know why he hates it. “Miguel, you know Miles and his younger sibling Y/N.” Peter B got in front of you and Miles hiding you from Miguel’s vision. Miguel had his usual annoyed face but smelt blood…who was bleeding? It wasn’t any of the spider-people until he looked over Peter’s shoulder to see you biting Miles’s arm. Peter B looked around unfazed. “You okay kid?” “Yeah, Y/N hasn’t been eating as usual so I’m giving some blood” “what…the fuck are they?” “I ain’t su-“ “A demon, originally they were human but now a demon”
Miguel then felt a sudden hit of responsibility. He can relate to having to eat blood for survival but Miles wasn’t a good brother for you, he was a bad influence on you. Miguel needed to be the dad you need. Soon you stop while wrapping bandages of his bitten arm, you were still hungry but Miles is your brother and you don’t wanna hurt him. “Here…” miles was shocked to see Miguel handing you a blood bag but you didn’t care and drank the whole damn thing. “Aww you have a soft spot for little demon!” “Shut it Parker” Peter B rolled his eyes as Miguel began to rant.
You were holding Mayday again as she pretended to be an airplane, you didn’t talk to Gwen…she doesn’t seem like who she used to be anymore but maybe that’s just you being sleepy! Yeah that must be the reason!
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 10 months
Let's Talk Peter B
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@iwasbored777 (Since you ask to be tagged)
Okay! I was on the fence about writing this post, but after doing this response and some encouragement, I decided that fuck it, let’s do this.
While I had seen multiple things about Gwen being a bad friend, a bad person, and other things I don’t want to say because I will start ranting- Peter B for the most part, has come out scotch free.
Don’t get me wrong, I had seen some people address his issues, but it has been a few posts in a sea of him with Mayday and people shipping with Miguel. Which hey, is okay with me, but when you see you a character you love be given the short end of the stick despite the circumstances yet another character that has much less to lose has their mistakes largely been ignored and basically be woobify.
Is not just Gwen, I had also seen people take beef with Jess as a mentor yet somehow leave Peter out of that conversation. Don’t get me wrong Jess is far from perfect (which is something I discussed before,) but again, Peter is far from perfect too.
Does this has to do with Peter being a beloved main character in the first movie? Yes. Does it also has to do with misogynoir and misogyny? Oh I don’t doubt it.
I don’t hate Peter B, far from it, I think he is a great adaptation of our spidey, and while I am not the biggest spiderman fan out there, I did grew up with Peter Parker in movies and cartoons so I do have love for this characters as well as his incarnation in Sony movies.
I will do my best to remain as unbiased and neutral as possible, but not gonna lie this entire thing is annoying me enough that I will say when I am aware of my own biases, as I always try to do.
But if you think liking a character stops me from calling them on their bullshit you are wrong.
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I know this post is more about how Peter is with Miles and his role as a mentor, but I decided to address some other things I had seen people talk about because there is a reason I choose "Let's talk Peter B Parker" as a title.
Believe it or not, I am fine with this. Seriously.
Peter wasn’t here when Miles arrived, and considering they did a small tour and got an empanada on the way, I think wouldn’t be odd to say he wasn’t around when Miles arrived. My theory is that he was taking care of his own stuff, and once he knew that Miles was around, went to get Mayday to present her to Miles.
I think that’s pretty normal all things consider, he loves Miles and wouldn’t had fixed things with MJ and had his daughter without her, of course he would want the two of to met.
The enthusiasm is all things consider pretty sweet, and while I don’t approve of some things he does (like giving her a web shooter while being just a few months old?) Is one of those things that are part of superhero writing that has the children technically doing things that they shouldn’t be doing for their age, so I just let it slide because if I get hung up every time I see something like this, it would not end.
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I’m the only one who is actually mad about this comment?
Yes, is a joke, I get that, and Peter is trying to take as much as steam off Miles by trying to frame him on the light that he messes up, but is just who he is.
It doesn’t make me any less annoyed.
For starters, I feel like I am rereading Percy Jackson again (No I will not explain that reference.) Because despite everyone more or less knowing what’s going on (Hobie said before he didn’t know what Miguel was hiding so how much he knows is unsure,) no one has attempted to explain the situation to Miles.
This is a trope I had seen enough (including WAY too many times in the books I mentioned,) and I really resent when characters act as if the protagonist or someone else is stupid just because they are unaware of something. ESPECIALLY if the characters saying so are aware they don’t know.
They are also letting him believe is a good thing he is in HQ, but that is actually not Peter’s fault. I am mad with Gwen on this one, but also Jessica, and Hobie well, he should have known enough to be able to tell him seeing Miguel is not good news. At least Hobie tries to warn him as subtly as possible.
Sure, Peter just got here, but the fact that he is already accusing Miles of just messing up with the universe carelessly is not something that doesn’t sit well with me. Either he knows that Miles doesn’t know and is making an insulting comment, or thinks Miles is aware of the situation and just acted recklessly. The second one is the best scenario, but I feel Peter is presuming way too much for someone that just came around and should have known better than believe Miles knew all of these details while Miguel basically has a giant banner of “Not Earth-1610 Anomalies allowed.”
Also, sidetrack but what exactly does Miles do that isn’t just your typical spidey behaviour? Yes he doesn’t always have full-formed plans before acting but you can say that about EVERYONE in the room at that moment.
“He wasn’t thinking, is not like he works!” My ass.
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Want my two cents about this moment? Peter has zero business telling this to Miles.
When Miles asks Gwen about her dad, she is crestfallen, she doesn’t like to believe this more than he does; but unlike anyone else in this room, Gwen cannot return to her home dimension. The best case scenario is if she isn’t there, her dad may not die; but that’s the best case scenario, and that involves again, not stepping again in her home dimension ever again. Her best bet is never to see her home, or anyone she knows including her dad, because not only she may end up in prison, her presence may lead to the death of her dad.
And who knows, it may happen regardless; he may be dead already because he is a police officer and she couldn’t be there to give a hand or save him (As she said she did in Into the Spider-verse, by the way.)
Yet at least, she is coming to this with the idea that her life is going to have to SUCK for a few years, things happening or not happening depending on where she is but none of this is pretty or fair.
Peter? As far as we know, he is done.
Considering the age range of the Spidey-characters, chances are Peter already lived the canon events he needed to live, at best they don’t know what’s next, which means he can operate as he feels is the best course of action.
Miles asked him if he would have let his uncle die, but Peter lost his uncle over twenty years ago, he had enough time to grieve, to accept the outcome, and find happiness after it. And to top it all off, HE DIDN’T HAVE THAT MORAL DILEMMA PLACED IN FRONT OF HIM BEFORE IT HAPPENED.
I find Peter’s words hollow because unlike Miles, he was never asked to not intervene in a canon event, he hasn’t needed to deal with someone from his universe dying while he let it play out.
I am not saying he didn't suffer, he did, and a lot; yet he was unaware that this would happen, is way different having someone tell you “Oh those tragedies you lived? It’s the destiny that keeps everything together, it’s rough but it is what it is,” than someone telling you “Oh you are going to live a bunch of different personal tragedies, and you need to suffer with the burden of this knowledge because is this or everyone in every universe dies.”
(How much do you guys bet someone will use this as an example of the trolley problem in a philosophy class.)
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Since we are going in kind of a chronological order, let’s go to something a tad lighter both because it deserves mention, and so I can cool down before I start ranting in Spanish (which is not going to be saying pretty things about B precisely.)
Yes, Peter recognizes this is bad parenting, which is good because it certainly isn’t good; I also have trouble believing he didn’t know AT LEAST ONE spider that could stay behind and watch Mayday while he went to the chase.
However, I do think the chase was never going to be dangerous, nor Peter thought it would be. He has been Spider-man for a quarter of a century, he has been swinging around for so long is second nature to him, I bet he has taken Mayday on “strolls” which is him swinging around.
There is also another screenshot that really encapsulates that Peter didn’t realize how dire the situation is, but that’s for later.
There is also the possibility that he asked Miguel to do this as a way to distract him, but considering this is the only time he does this and is going around him being obsessed with Mayday (Which I think is a bit too much, but I blame more the writers than Peter for that.) I am inclined to believe this is not the case.
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(Sigh) I promise to try to be neutral, so I need to bring this up.
What they were talking about earlier can be lumped to a bit later on, and I decided to bring this instead of talking about it when Miles and Peter saw each other (which is I didn’t bring because what I could say would be the same as this.) Because this is something really beautiful that I didn’t want to leave out.
I think that’s what angers me the most about this, because in a vacuum? I love this.
I am a sucker for found family tropes, I love the idea that Miles would grow to see people like Peter B, Noir, and so forth as a family. I love how Peter says how much Miles means to him and meeting him changed his life for the better.
Peter B loves Miles, he said that in the last movie; I can’t just erase that.
However, is exactly because of this scene, that what happens next makes me so sad.
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Oh, Miles.
I didn’t mention it in the previous image nor did I took detailed screenshots for the sake of my sanity and to not turn this way too long. (Though I may do it in another moment- Ok I need to focus.)
Miles was obviously affected by what Peter said to him, it obviously means a lot because Miles also loves Peter; of all the spiders in the gang he was the one who he spent the most time initially; he wouldn’t be the Spider-man he is today without him.
And it breaks my heart how Miles says this.
Look at the angle, at his posture; Miles can’t even turn to say this to Peter’s face because it hurts so much. He looks so small in that shot, trying to emphasize how he is just a teen, how he really loves them so much, and it breaks his heart to know that they could visit him, and they didn’t.
Let’s remember what he was doing at the beginning of the movie; he was trying to study physics. He is great at it, and he was since the first movie, however, this is clearly not his passion; he loves his art and even if he didn’t know what he wanted to do yet in the first movie, you can see how much he loves what he does.
And he was willing to leave all of that aside, just to see Gwen, Peter and the others again; because as far as he knew there wasn’t any other way. Remember, he was aiming at Princeton; he would need to bleed and work hard to get there, and even after, being in this field it was not going to be a walk in the park; getting to make the dimensional travel work (At least without seeing Miguel’s technology like Hobie seemed to do;) was also going to be hard.
Miles wanted to do all of that for them, and them? They didn’t.
Now; I don’t blame Gwen in this scenario.
I had said this much in this post before, and a bunch of others too. Gwen was stuck with the Spider Society; and yet she risked losing everything, from homelessness to prison, to spend an afternoon with Miles the second she had an excuse.
What is Peter’s excuse?
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He couldn't, he couldn't.
That's what he had to say for himself.
Here is the thing: I am not sure I buy it.
Gwen makes sense to me, Miguel didn't want Gwen to be involved since the beginning and obviously doesn't trust her when is about Miles; Gwen wasn't exactly wrong to fear she would get kicked out if she acted out of line.
Peter? I have my doubts.
We don't know Miguel's and Peter B's relationship (I know some shippers have some ideas, not my cup of tea but I have no problem if people like it.) However, we know that Peter B was there when Miguel's dimension collapsed, later in the movie we saw what Miguel did to Gwen for what happened (believe me, we will get there.)
Even if that was the case; Peter’s situation is much less dire than Gwen’s. Even if Peter could be kicked out of the organization for disobeying Miguel; he would still have his wife, his house, his daughter. He would had been in the same spot he was at the end of the first movie, if not better because now he would had a chance to know both him and Miles would be okay.
I am getting ahead of the post here, but I honestly don’t know how much of Canon BS Peter believes; he clearly doesn’t think Miles is bad for being an anomaly, nor his daughter (technically because Peter wasn’t supposed to meet Miles, he wouldn’t have his daughter. Is certainly a NO in the comics.) Miguel is convinced that Miles’ presence is enough to create more holes in the multiverse; Gwen obviously doesn’t share that view. Peter? I don’t know if he thinks there is actually something to lose for visiting him.
One way or another, he doesn’t really give me a reason here; who knows, maybe when Beyond comes there would be enough information for me to admit Peter did the right thing. For now? No.
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Here, we have Miles telling Peter he wanted to meet them so badly, and even if Peter doesn't have a clue of how literal Miles is; you can hear it in his voice, in his posture, how he still cannot look at Peter because to that point it hurts.
And what's Peter's response to this?
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(Deep breath,) Boy at moments like this I really wish I didn't think so hard about media.
It hurts me, and it angers me, because it is a pretty sweet moment, but when you think hard about it, it just becomes messy.
I could make an entire discussion about how Peter literally ignored Miles’ feelings about not being there, about how he and others (Gwen not really, the others eehhh hard to say;) didn’t try too reach him, which obviously makes him feel like they don’t care about him as he does. And Peter decide to ignored it.
But! I will try to give him the benefit that this is a tense situation, there is hundreds of spiders looking for them, and there only have so much time. I am going to believe, Peter couldn’t address that at the moment because they had other issues.
Yet even if we omit that point, do you guys realize this is literally no different that his entire spiel about Uncle Ben, right?
Because that’s what he is trying to say, “Spider-man has to suffer, but hey sometimes good things can happen anyways.” This entire conversation is about trying to make Miles follow him, do whatever Miguel is trying to do to avoid having Miles go to his dimension (or at least stop him from saving his dad,) and basically let her dad die.
Look, there is nuance to this situation; Peter isn’t saying this to manipulate Miles, he believes this. He truly believes bad things had to happen to keep the universe from falling apart; I am convinced Miguel’s second universe didn’t fall for his Canon theory, yet Peter B was there, I can’t blame the guy for drinking the kool-aid a bit more than the others.
This doesn’t change the fact that this scene has Peter ignoring Miles’ pain, and try to tell him he needs to suffer some more because “is just how the universe works!”
(Sidenote but anyone can’t help to see this and think of a random Christian telling someone after they lived a personal tragedy “Is just G-d’s plan”? Because I saw that a lot.)
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Now, I guess the next question someone may be wondering is, do I believe Peter was being honest with Miles here?
...I don’t know, I really, don’t know.
I had seen this scene multiple times, and I lost count how many times when I was in the theatre, seeing this scene, and thinking “he knew” just for the next moment thinking “he didn’t know.”
If you want my two cents, the part that keeps tripping me over is how he looks at his watch, then Miles, then the watch, it makes me wonder if he is screaming that he doesn’t have his location to Miguel, or to Miles.
I don’t want to believe Peter purposefully drive Miles away so he could get trapped, when he says to Miles “I didn’t know, I promise;” I want to believe him.
The thing is, the outcome he hoped wasn’t that much different, now was it?
He wanted it to be Miles decision, yet again, he was trying to get Miles to not just abandon his morals (as well as the ones every Spider-person should have,) but also try to tell him he needs to suffer for the good of the world.
(I am having SO many flashbacks to things I read about cults, I need to continue working on that post about the Spider Society ffs.)
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This is a small detail, but I gotta say; Peter do you really have nothing on your defense?
Look, feel free to believe I am playing favourites, but unlike many people who had a problem with Gwen, I don't blame her for hiding this.
No, I don't think what she did was right. Let’s not get things twisted. I definitely think Gwen shouldn’t had hide this stuff, yet she in general NEVER, had a good idea of how much to say and how much to keep with anyone she talks to; from her dad to Jess to Miles. Once again this is an aspect I can’t get mad at her because she is sixteen and traumatized with a minimal support network and irresponsible guardians.
Now Peter, what’s YOUR excuse?
Not just for not telling something to Miles earlier, I could believe he would have done it if the situation has calmed down. No, Miles asked them about it, and even a bit later says “That’s why you guys never came to see me;” (Which I think is kind of BS but let’s not get ahead of myself on this one.) The thing is that when he has the teen he mentored being manhandled by his ‘friend,’ and said thing asks them to answer him; Peter just ducks.
Like he cannot even see Miles and admit he shouldn’t have done that.
Gwen’s excuse isn’t much better but at least she is answering and you can see in her face how much she knows she fucked up.
I am going to be honest, this little detail wouldn’t bother me as much if what has happened before and what’s yet to happened didn’t exist, yet it does.
There is a difference in “Well you did a little mistake but I can let slide” vs “There are so many things wrong here that I will call you out even for the tiny ones.” Granted Peter isn’t that bad, but is a nuance I think a lot of people don’t think of.
Could Peter haven't said anything because the scene is trying to focus on Miles and Gwen for this part? Yes; it doesn't stop me from getting annoying.
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Okay, Miles says this, do I believe it? Ehh not sure.
Gwen definitely not the case, if she truly thought him being an anomaly was a problem, she wouldn't have gone to see him directly.
Peter? Again, I have no idea how much of the kool-aid he has been drinking, the fact that he speaks highly of him and his daughter as good things that has happened makes me inclined to believe he doesn't.
We don't have an answer either way, right?
Not that Peter does much to help him feel better here. Yes yes trying to keep focus on certain characters I know.
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(Looks at the camera like is the office.) And now THIS is the time where I wish I wasn’t aware of how writing works.
Okay, I know what the purpose of Peter is, aside of being here as a mentor, he is here kind of as a comic relief. He doesn’t have the same narrative weight as he had in the last movie, and he is here to be cute with his baby for the most part. That’s his purpose at this moment.
He has this recurring joke on the third act about if he is or not a good mentor, and it kind of has to do with the last movie, specially this joke, since at the end he was also talking how he taught him something he definitely didn’t do. Last movie I found it cute, here? Not so much.
I am trying not to be hard here and why I would not address the “son of a mother” moment (which I honestly really hate,) because this is not even Peter B’s fault at this point; the writers were trying very hard to have a way to make the situation a tad lighter while also having an important character be in character. I can’t say is truly out of character, but I’m not appreciating it.
Especially having him insist on being a good mentor after letting down his protege MULTIPLE TIMES.
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Don't you guys love when you see a grown-ass adult go apeshit on a teen, and his friends aren't doing anything to stop him?
Sorry, yeah I understand that for narrative purposes, they have to be stuck to the ground, but after someone pointed this out a few weeks ago, I can't stop thinking of this shot so I needed to bring it out.
(BIG sidenote but, Margo is the biggest MVP here; girl met Miles once and probably has little to no context, yet she is helping him out. Queen behavior.)
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Now let's talk about some bullshit.
I know this is technically not about Peter, considering this is Miguel talking to Gwen, yet I find LAUGHABLE this response.
I will give this to the spider//dad shippers, I would also be inclined to believe Miguel has a thing for Peter B if between the guy who had the "fugitive" in close quarters for a few minutes yet did not attempt to trap him, vs the teen girl who tries to help out her mentor to catch the dude (even if she didn't try too hard,) you decide the teen girl is the problem.
Is funny because really all this scene needs is Miguel saying "If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have come here, he wouldn't had know and the Spot wouldn't have escaped," at least that much couldn't have been said for Peter B.
I think the writers were trying to make Miguel just look less and less reasonable the more we saw on screen; which is why he would go with route.
It doesn't change the fact that Mighel accusing Gwen of not capturing him is laughable.
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(This moment could be addressed individually, but they are basically the same thing and this post is DEFINITELY too long; seriously I had written fics shorter than this wtf.)
Here is my problem with this: He just decides that oh well, what can he do.
Forget the "Oh but he doesn't do this the story-" for a moment; are you seriously telling me that not only this guy knows Miles is in a PRETTY fucked up situation, but also that Gwen is in her home universe where she will be homeless (because there is no way in hell Peter B doesn't know what happened to her,) and you decide to just, go brooding in your dimension?
You know is absolutely amazing how I had heard people grill Miguel and Jess for their behavior with Gwen (which I agree with for the most part,) yet I haven't seen anyone say "Isn't it a bit fucked up that Peter B should have known what would happen to Gwen if she went home and didn't decide to help her?"
Miguel is on Earth 1610 and hellbent on finding Miles, you cannot tell me if Peter B left his daughter with his wife, and then went to fetch Gwen, Miguel would have noticed. At the very least Peter could had try to check on her.
Peter B has known Gwen for longer than Jess and Miguel, even if he couldn't be a proper guardian for her because he was busy with his life, he could have been more present. He definitely could have attempted to defend her better when Miguel was screaming at her, or to look after her when she was kicked to her universe.
Jess is determined to act as if Gwen is more of an employee than a teen, but Peter B should be known better.
But is not his idea to help Miles, is Gwen's; because right now he is too focused on his life and his duty as spiderman to think of the younger generations that are hurting. Just like Miguel and Jess.
Yet not the narrative, nor the fandom, truly recognizes that.
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Let’s wrap this up, you guys have no idea the amount of hours I had spend on this and I would be surprised if someone got this far.
As a small detail, Peter is seen with Mayday, and this time I DO have a problem with it.
I honestly hope Peter isn’t with Mayday in Beyond, I will pretend Peter doesn’t have Mayday during the events on Beyond in my fics for as long as I can; because this is the moment where I feel the joke is being pushed too far.
They don’t know what would happen next, they don’t know in what type of situation they are in, they know whatever universe ended was one with no spiderman so it has to be dangerous; yet he brings the baby because that’s his recurring theme for this movie.
And truly, that’s really the problem with his character here: He was given a small role to do with very limited things to do.
I am not saying this is bad writing; I may not like Peter’s decisions in this movie, and I am really hoping beyond gives a big ass cup of “Adults need to start protecting the younger generations instead of insist they need to toughen up” to all of them. Because more than his role, I am annoyed that neither the movie nor the fandom is addressing the failings of Peter B.
He is not a bad character, I don’t even think he is a bad character in this movie. I like him, and even if writing all of this down made realize I am more bitter about it than I would had liked; I just don’t think is fair.
I want Peter to be better, as a mentor, as a father; and I am really hoping the next movie shows him grow that way too. I do believe the writers can pull it off.
Now, the fandom addressing that?...That I have MUCH less confidence. But not gonna lie this post was made mostly to get this out of my chest rather than expect a reaction out of it.
If anyone made this far, first of, wow; I know some people were interesting in reading this, but even I think I went for a while I put a lot of things that are small details but you guys now me, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do that.
Be thankful I don’t talk about micro-expressions in frames or this would truly would had ended up as a novelette.
Second, thank you for reading! Give a like and your opinion if you want; because I am pretty sure this post is doing to have fewer notes.
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
The Punks love Sunflower
(All the Hobies are from those concept art designs from the movie. There's many fan arts of them. One being from drenched-in-sunlight on here. I love their artworks.)
Miles never knew he would get this much attention, in fact he never thought he would be considered attractive. He wasn't handsome like Miguel or cute like Pav or cool like his Hobie. But here he is being swarm by multiple Hobies.
Hobie from Earth 138c having long thick locs with a half up half down hairstyle, he holds Miles' hand being romantic: Hello, gorgeous
Miles merely smile: Hello, I'm Miles from-
Hobie from Earth 138d with blond dies spike hair wearing one purple contacts and another black one: HI, Luv. Fancy meeting you here! -being louder and more cheerful out of the three-
Miles turns to him: H-hi! I'm from Ear-
Hobie Earth 138e having box breads with a red hair ties, his voice much deeper and calmer than the three: Black cat. -he's thinking out loud-
Miles: Huh?
Hobie 138e: Black cat... your cute like one... -he flirted-
Hobie 138c: Luv, are you single?
Hobie 138d: I saw him first!
Miles being handle by Hobies almost being too shy to give them an honest answer: Actually I have-
Hobie 138b, Miles' Hobie: Hey, you blokes! what in bloody hell are you doing? Dats my Sunflower! -He scowls being the jealous one- He's mine! -quickly hugging his boyfriend from behind-
The three Hobies laughs being mischievous: You can't have him all to yourself. You have to share! Right, Sunflower!
Miles: Hobie, it's okay. They are new here. -His boyfriend scowling at the three-
Hobie: How in the hell Mr. Grumps allow these blokes here? -hugging Miles tightly hearing the three mocking and flirting with his Miles-
Hobie 138c: Oy, that's insulting, mate. Right, Sunflower?
Hobie 138d laughs: Yeah, don't be a fucking wanker! Oy, sunflower, how about you show me around- you know, just me and you! -he flirted giving a wink-
Hobie 138e: Sunflower, I really like that name. It's perfect for you. -he stares into Miles' doe like eyes- Yet, you look like a deer. Can I call you, Bambi?
Miles: Huh, what? Me, Bambi? I don't think-
Hobie 138e: Bambi! That'll be your name from me to you -he winks at him-
Hobie scowls almost growling: No! His name is Sunflower!
Then the group was unaware of another Spider-Punk coming into the group: Who da fuck is this? -they all turns being surprised at the figure-
Hobie 138 with black hair and light skinned tone stood with his hands on his hips.
Miles: Oh, you're Hobie 138, huh! Miguel told me, you would arrived today! -his eyes big almost gleaming which caught off Hobie 138 off guard-
Hobie 138 crosses his arms being more of a jerk: Pfft, that's arse. Fuck, him. I got scold because I killed a dump anomaly.
Hobie 138c: Pfft, figures.
Hobie 138 looks at Miles: I'ma call you, Kat.
Miles: Huh?
Hobie scowls at Hobie 138: Da fuck you are. He's mine
Hobie 138's eyes darken: Huh? Are you telling me what to do? -These anarchist never likes being told what to do- I can call him whatever da fuck I want, mate! Right, Kat!
Miles: why Kat?
Hobie 138: Because you look like a cat!
Miles saw Hobie 138e chuckles: So I've been told...
Hobie picks up his Miles: He's mine! You blokes can't have him! -he runs off with Miles. The others follow him-
From afar Peter B. Parker arched his eyebrows at Miguel: I thought you hate Hobie.
Miguel: I don't hate him. He's a pain in the ass. It's good he gets humble. -slurping his milkshake-
Peter: That's why you invited all these punk spider people?
Miguel: Hobie needs to learn. -he slurps his milkshake-
Peter: Huh uh, so... Punk Miguel is part of your plan?
Miguel arched his eyebrow: Who?
Peter points at a younger Miguel dressed in punk fashion: Him!
Miguel: Fuck... -he forgot to double check the invite list-
Hobie runs holding Miles until Punk Miguel pick Miles from his arm: AYE! Who da fuck are you?
Punk Miguel speaking Spanish growing up in Mexico: Oye, este hombre te está molestando? -talking to Miles-
Miles' eyes widen at the tall younger Miguel. 18 year old Miguel O'Hara with a bit darker hair, dark brown eyes and piercings. His skin tone a bit darker than Miguel 2099: No-no, estoy bien!
All the Hobies stop scowling at Punk Miguel: Oy! Who da hell is him? -they already don't like Miguel 2099, now there's another him!-
Punk Miguel: Qué? -not great with English especially British. Hell, he hardly understand them- No entiendo.
Miles: Okay, everyone calm down! Let's be rea-
Hobie 138: Your a fucking poser, mate! Take that shit off! -pointing at Miguel's black leather jacket-
Punk Miguel scowls: Qué dijiste? -He knows what poser is and he hates that fucking word.-
Miles: Hey, guys! How about-
Punk Miguel place a kiss on Miles' cheek, all the Hobies glares harshly at him: Lo quieres? ¡Ven a por él! -he begins running while holding Miles just to pissed them off-
The Hobies chase after that asshole while Miles practically fainted by the drama: I give up!
Peter turns to Miguel 2099: Was this part of your plan?
Miguel sighs: No...
(Part 2)
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Miguel: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Peter B: I’ve been zoned out for the past 2 and a half hours.
Miles: I got distracted halfway through.
Hobie and Bonnie in unison: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Miles: I'm not even sure if Bonnie likes us.
Pavitr: What do you mean? Bonnie would throw herself in front of a moving car for us!
Gwen: No. Bonnie would throw herself in front of a moving car for FUN.
Jess: Hey Bonnie?
Bonni: Yes, Ma’am?
Jess: I know this may come as a shock to you, but you know how you’re unhappy everywhere you go?
Bonnie: …yes?
Miguel, interjecting: We’ve both discovered It’s because you are there. And we know this, because I am experiencing this effect. We are now all unhappy together. But I know how you can fix it.
Bonnie: …
Miguel: You can leave. And then we will be happy again.
Bonnie: …Your collective misery makes me happy. I’m inclined to stay.
Jess: Dammit.
Peni: jellyfish have been living for 600000 years without brains.
Noir: A ray of hope for Hamm.
Bonnie: If we can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think our bodies will shut down. 
Hobie: She’s right, it’s a legit medical condition, we HAVE to do it!
Miguel after meeting Bonnie for the first time: Do you ever just look at someone and get annoyed?
Earth 910 Harry (circa Junior Year of HS): Listen, I know Bonnie is unhinged, responsible for multiple atrocities, and a danger to herself and others. But have you ever considered that she is tiny, sad, and I love her?
Jess: What do you call sabotage and vandalism?
Hobie: A hobby.
Pavitr: ... that we do not engage in.
Hamm about Miguel: Have you ever looked at an authority figure in your life and thought, "Wow, I respect a well-grilled hot dog more than I respect you?"
Bonnie: Hey, uh, I just want you guys to know that, out of everyone I’ve ever met, I hate you all the least.
Miles: We love you too Orbweaver!
Peter B to Miguel and Jess: You think kindness doesn't exist you fucking pathetic nihilists? How about you both look into the big beautiful eyes of my daughter? What do you think now? Assholes!
Miles: You know, I really think we should try a non-violent approach to solve this
Prowler! Miles: I agree. Except replace “non” with “extremely,” and include the phrase “blood murder explosion extraordinaire.”
Bonnie: These children fill my heart with some sort of new emotion I've never felt before. They make me feel warm and want to smile!
Peter B: Bonnie, I think that's happiness.
Gwen: Your task is to piss off an entire room of people. How do you do it? 
Hobie: Show up, usually.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Clarification before I attempt further discussion. Once again,
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Why I ask -
I've been discussing Peter B. Parker a lot lately and the motive behind some of his actions, and notably throughout the post I mentioned Hobie disliking or even hating Peter.
And yeah, that's kind of what I assumed, based on this line.
But some people I've been talking with have expressed the exact opposite - they believe this line shows that he does like Peter, and that he meant it completely as a joke.
And Hobie does joke a lot, he's a warm guy - but why would he call Peter a 'Humbling Reality' - and is that meant as an insult, or a welcome to a friend?
If I'm correct, this line is the ONLY line Hobie ever speaks towards Peter.
So did you think he meant it as an insult? Or a friendly joke?
Here's why I took it as an insult:
'Humbling Reality Spider-man', MayDay, and why I think Hobie and Peter aren't friends at all.
First, Hobie makes no other deprecating jokes AT ALL throughout the movie.
Hobie is a very casual, very laidback guy (most of the time..) - and he's known to joke around with the people he's close with. But when we look back at all his other jokes - NONE of them approach anywhere near as neutral or negative as being a 'Humbling Reality'.
Hobie affectionately calles Gwen 'Gwendy'. And he even calls Miles 'Peter Pan', despite not knowing them. Pav is 'Madlad Pav' etc.
No one else but Peter gets this kind of..I don't know.. backhanded? I never took 'Humbling Reality' as a good thing, I took that as being 'so depressingly average and mundane'.
And being average and mundane is not something Hobie would call someone he's particularly fond of.
Even those he feels neutral on - Miguel and Jess, he doesn't address this was. He just chooses not to engage with them.
Hobie had every chance to walk into Miguel's lair and make a comment like this, but he didn't.
To me that showed that Hobie's feeling towards Peter differs from his feelings towards people like Jess and Miguel as well as Pavi and Gwen.
Hobie calls people pet-names. This doesn't seem like a pet-name
Second, Tone.
I don't know, I always read this tone as unusually dry for Hobie.
Usually when making jokes so deadpan, he's speaking about a situation, not a person ("It's a metaphor for capitalism." / "A bit much, innit?"). And even when speaking to Jess, his tone is more casual than this line to Peter.
We see how Hobie approaches someone like Pav, which clear excitement, warmth and proximity. But this is completely absent towards Peter.
Hobie makes no attempt to move towards Peter or further greet him in anyway.
Third, Peter's Reaction.
Hobie says that line LOUD. You hear the echo.
And Peter just ignores him. He doesn't laugh, he doesn't look at Hobie, he doesn't mention him at all in the scene.
And that's not to say 'oh, Peter secretly hates Hobie and wants to ignore him' -
I just think that Peter didn't take that as a full-on joke. Or rather he didn't expect a warm welcome from Hobie. Because they aren't close.
Throughout the whole scene Peter ONLY addresses Gwen and Miles.
While Hobie says one line to Peter - one that isn't even clearly that friendly - Peter says nothing to him, not even stopping to pat his shoulder.
Based on the fact that Hobie and Peter are BOTH touchy, I feel like that in itself shows that they aren't friends. Both of them are the type to greet their friends when they enter a room, but neither do. Not properly anyway.
They seem to be acquaintances at best - or with my assumption that this was an insult, less than that.
I mean, Hobie is still a teen, he's still a friend of Gwen's. Peter has every reason to treat him warmly, or openly greet him.
But Peter makes no attempt at all to be like "Hey Hobie, what's going on."
Whether or not you think Hobie hates him is one thing, but I feel like Peter's reaction, and how he disregarded the comment without being shocked or responding in any way shows:
Hobie has said stuff like this to him before, and it's not too shocking
Him and Hobie aren't nearly as close as him and Gwen, and they aren't friends enough to greet each other.
Hobie & MayDay
I've also seen it mentioned that Hobie's connection with MayDay shows that him and Peter are friends.
And I can absolutely see where that conclusion comes from, and it holds weight. I just..kinda have to disagree on the basis that even if Hobie openly disliked Peter, that dislike wouldn't extend to MayDay
Even moreso, If Hobie didn't like Peter, but took good care of MayDay, and MayDay very clearly liked Hobie - which she does (she jumps into his arms, Hobie doesn't pick her up) - then Peter does not seem like the type of father to separate them.
Notice how every time Miguel or Miles is holding MayDay, Peter is talking to them, commenting on how they're holding her, showing them stuff. But when Hobie is with MayDay...nothing. He says nothing to him.
It even goes farther.
When Peter is showing Miguel, Gwen, and Miles photos of MayDay, he makes no attempt to show Hobie.
We know Hobie loves MayDay, but Peter doesn't show him photos of her. Despite showing Gwen, Miles, and Miguel, quite excitedly.
Because I'm assuming him and Hobie are NOT close like that. And/or Peter knows Hobie would not appreciate him getting close to him and shoving a phone in his face.
Miguel is clearly annoyed and Peter even shows him, while not approaching Hobie - who is clearly in a good mood.
Once again, I think that shows that Peter and Hobie are not friends, even if Hobie likes interacting with MayDay and does it well.
I assumed that Peter lets her be around Hobie because he trusts Hobie, not that they were friends.
And the final nail in the coffin Peter isn't enthusiastic about MayDay going to Hobie
This is something I JUST realized on a rewatch, but it lines up so well.
So this scene: Peter is getting ready to change MayDay. We see Hobie standing on MayDay's left and Peter on her right.
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MayDay swings towards the right of the screen, aka her LEFT - the direction of Hobie. We as the audience don't see what she's attaching her web to. But she has to attach it to something and she's going towards him.
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And Peter pulls her back. Doesn't really say anything or look at Hobie, he just pulls her back.
Then, MayDay goes again, this time bouncing herself into Hobie's arms. MayDay chose to go to Hobie - and like I said before, Peter isn't gonna separate them, if that's what May wants.
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But that's not the thing - regardless of whether you think MayDay was going towards Hobie or not - in the shot we see Peter puts his hands on his hips, watching Hobie, and he shakes his head at him.
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You can go back to the scene and check, because it really is so subtle and I genuinely only caught it while employing my autistic Hobie sight and staring at them intently.
But he does shake his head, letting Hobie have her. I suggest you go watch it back for yourself, but in my eyes Peter's slow headshake doesn't really seem like the 'Oh, you!' type.
In the next shot we see of Miles, Gwen, Hobie and Peter, MayDay is back in Peter's hands and that's the end of the interaction. We don't actually see them speak, only trade off MayDay.
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If they did say anything, I'd KILL to know what they're saying cause like...
idk for both of their characters it feels like such an odd interaction to me
The whole scene, both him and Hobie interact with the people around them, except each other.
And it's only after MayDay literally LAUNCHES herself into Hobie's arms that Hobie and Peter even approach or look at each other.
I've spoken at length about why I think Hobie would hate Peter - mainly for his open neglect of Gwen and his failure to step up as her mentor, his betrayal towards Miles, or the fact HE RATTED MILES OUT TO LYLA (how else would she have know to look for his location? That's one analysis I'll STAND on.)
But whether or not you believe Hobie hates him or whether Hobie has the capability to openly hate someone like that (he does.) I feel like everything I said here is a clear indicator that they are not friends or close.
The one on-screen line between them is vague on Hobie's end and completely ignored by Peter. Peter leaves Hobie out of his activities when showing photos. He shakes his head when MayDay fights her way to Hobie, and only looks at him when Hobie is giving MayDay back.
From my first watch, that kinda made me assume that they're just not close - despite them having Gwen in common.
And combining that with the 'Humbling Reality' comment, I took that as a sign that it's not that they don't know each other. They just don't talk like that.
And that made me ask why. Which led to all my other speculations.
But that's just me.
Did ya'll take the 'Humbling Reality Spider-man' thing as joke? Do you think they're friends, or no? (Not if Hobie hates him - just if you think they're friends/close)
What do you think the situation is?
I'm curious. Let's open the floor.
Is they beefin or nah I gotta know cause that would be funny as hell
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13keithxpidge13 · 11 months
First I ADORE YOUR WRITING!! Your punkflower family AU is soo cute! Could you do a snippet of how it went when Miles found out he was pregnant and Hobie's reaction? Any funny scenarios you had in mind on Hobie caring for Miles during his pregnancy? You are amazing have a nice day 😊❤❤
(just a little side note, Miles and Noir have a scene together and there is a mention of, y'know, N@zi's, it's just the single word but I don't want to trigger anyone, haha. Enjoy!)
Having his senses buzz every second was unusual. Normally, when his senses buzzed it meant that a villain would be coming to punch his lights out in the next millisecond but, there was no villain to be found when his spider-instincts triggered.
He had talked to his husband about it and Hobie was just as confused. In their puzzlement, Hobie suggested perhaps going to see some of the other Spider's to get some advice? He hated asking for help but, it was important that they find out what was going on with him, Hobie told him.
So, Miles did just that and first, went to talk to Peter B.
"That's...odd, yeah, kid, I'm not sure," Peter B told him sadly as he settled Mayday into her crib for her afternoon nap. It had taken forever to get her down for the afternoon. "Maybe ask Noir? Maybe he knows."
And so, Miles did, and received more or less the same answer.
"Sorry, Miles," Noir apologized as he punched a thug straight in the jaw. "I don't really have any idea. But, perhaps Peni knows. She's smart. She knew what color was on my Rubik's cube before I could figure it out the other day."
Miles laughed at him and reassured him it was alright, waving goodbye but, before the portal could close, he watched as Noir grabbed the thug by the collar before chucking him in a dumpster. Served the bastard right. Fucking N@zi's.
Miles feels even more frustrated though when even Peni doesn't have an answer for him.
"That's never happened to well, any of us before, I don't think," She said while fixing up her robot friend. "I'm so sorry I can't be of more help. But, maybe you should ask Jess? Or Miguel? They've been in the game longer than us."
Miles shudders just thinking of asking Miguel.
Guess Jess is the next best option.
"Your senses are going off all the time?" Jess looked up at him, eyes blinking behind her goggles as she sat next to her bike, a wrench in hand. "Like, all the time."
Miles nodded, sighing as he already sensed he'd come up empty here too. "Yeah...it's nonstop, like, just before I walked in here they started chirping again."
Jess blinked at him for a moment before muttering something underneath her breath and Miles tilted his head.
"...do you know something?" He asked. "Anything?"
"Not sure," Jess licked her lips. "Just...go see a doctor. Okay?"
"What?" Miles straightened. "A doctor? But-I can't tell them-"
"Yeah, I know," She told him, nodding. "Go see one of our doctors, tell them what's going on. They'll know what's up."
Miles blinked at her largely. "That...I don't know why I didn't think of that."
Jess laughed and he ran from her in a hurry, face darkening with every single bout of laughter that escaped her lips.
He met up with the doctors only a few hours later, settling in the office easily before being led into one of the many rooms inside. Turns out, there are a lot of doctor Spider-man variants lying around and they all help Miguel out by doing their jobs in HQ.
"Sooo," Dr. Spider began, holding onto a clipboard and Miles has to hold in his laughter at the sight of a Spider-man dressed in a lab coat with only his mask on his face. "Your senses are going off twenty-four seven?"
Miles swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, basically."
"Hm," Dr. Spider stood up. "That means that there's something going on inside of you. Unless, of course, you have a stalker."
Miles deadpanned.
"Welp, an ultrasound it is, then," He told him and Miles blinks rapidly.
"Wait, an ultrasound?"
"Yep," Dr. Spider said. "It's likely you're pregnant, due to being an omega but, this is also just procedure. So, just hang tight for a minute, kay? I'll be back in a moment."
Miles can't get another word in before he's leaving, shutting the door behind him and Miles is left shocked beyond compare.
He could be pregnant.
Oh god.
He comes home late that night, shutting their apartment floor door as quietly as possible.
His footsteps can't even be heard, perks of having the abilities that he does. He walks into their kitchen, making sure to be as quiet as possible so he can grab a drink of water and a pack of fruit snacks to calm his nerves.
Then, he's stalking into their living room, walking past the couches to hopefully get in their shared bedroom without waking Hobie and-
The light switches on and Miles freezes.
Hobie's sitting on one of the couches, an eyebrow raised.
They stare at each other and Miles swallows.
"Hey," He croaks.
"Hi, love," Hobie greets and tilts his head. "Ya've been gone all day. Weren't answerin' my texts and calls."
Miles licks his lips. "Was busy."
Hobie stands from the chair and walks over to him and immediately, Miles is turning away to hide his sniffles and he wipes at his watery eyes. Of course, this doesn't go unnoticed by his mate and Hobie gently grabs ahold of his wrist, his hand dwarfing his arm by a mile like it had always done.
"Love," Hobie whispers. "What's happened? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just-" Miles twitches. "It's just been a long day...I'm fine."
"Yer cryin'," Hobie argues. "Yer not fine. Jess told me ya' went ta' the doctors in HQ, what'd they say?"
Miles curses Jess and his teeth grind.
"Are ya' hurt?"
"Are ya' sick?"
"Then, Jesus God, Miles what the hell-?"
Miles shakily reaches into the pocket of his hoodie and pulls out the crumpled picture in his hands. Hobie pauses and watches as he holds it up in the light to him.
His brows furrow.
"I got an ultrasound," Miles tells him and Hobie gently grabs onto the photo.
He stares.
Miles sniffles and wipes a hand down his face.
"I'm so sorry, Hobie. I-I don't know how it happened," He cries, unable to stop his tears. "I didn't-I was so stupid. I didn't even realize that I forgot to take my pill during my last heat. I'm so, so, sorry. Please, please don't leave me, I-"
"Leave you?" Hobie breathes and glances down at him, their eyes meeting and Miles' breath hitches as he sees tears glistening in Hobie's mismatched orbs. "Miles, baby, leave ya'? This is-I would never, especially not...yer pregnant?"
Miles sobs and nods pitifully. "I'm sorry."
Hobie exhales loudly and looks back to stare at the photo where an obvious outline of a babe is printed onto.
He glances back down at Miles' stomach. He's hardly showing but-
Hobie gently caresses him tummy and Miles twitches, whirling up to look at him with wide, teary, caramel eyes.
"...Hobie?" He breathes.
"Yer pregnant," Hobie whispers, astonished. "Ya'...ya' want to keep the babe?"
"I-" Miles hesitates. "...yeah. I do."
Hobie licks his lips and nods. "Aight, then," He says. "Then, I guess we're havin' a baby, love."
Miles breaks down and sobs.
"Re-really?" He cries, reaching for him and grabbing onto him so tightly, like Hobie is his only lifeline, like he'll fall apart without him. "Really? We are? You'll stay?"
"Gods, Miles," Hobie laughs breathily. "Of course I'll stay. We didn't plan this but I always figured it'd be in the cards fo' us one day. Kinda scary that we didn't plan any of this, yeah but, we'll make it work, babe. Spider-man always makes it work."
Miles laughs wetly and immediately hugs him tight and Hobie returns the gesture, kissing his head and rocking them back and forth as Miles cries and cries into his chest.
"Oh, my darlin'," Hobie coos, rubbing up and down his back. "I love ya'."
Miles sniffles and nods. "Love-love you too, Hobie," He sobs. "I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited, I'm-we're gonna have a baby-"
"With yer eyes," Hobie grins.
"With your smile," Miles laughs right back.
Hobie kisses his temple and Miles stands on tip toes to catch his lips in his own.
Days later, the printed ultrasound photo can be seen hanging from their fridge and they begin counting down the days until they can meet their baby boy.
Eight months later, Aaron Morales is welcomed into the world.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Okay so i'm thinking about punkness in Atsv and i'm gonna be so real,i can't help but believe they faked out with making Gwen punk like they did Hobie-By which i mean they just gave her the aesthetic and interests but not the mentality and certain actions too.Like yes,she's got the side shave that's partially dyed an unnatural color and eyebrow piercing,the swag costume,the civillian outfits,the being a drummer in a rock band,the snark,the respectfully cheeky flirty attitude to her crushes,the tragic backstoryTM,the rebellion,all that's great and i love her so much for it!!!But at the same time,i wish they'd gone full force with it,again,like they did Hobie,especially because they're literally best friends who're heavily implied to have blooming romantic feelings for eachother and act like a couple already,including living together????I know the last bit is due to George kicking her out but A)that makes Gwen x Hobie even more of a punk x punk love story and B)should've realistically given her motivation to take part in activism like charity events and protests and to HATE COPS.That's legit the whole reason her dad's abusive,that he prioritizes the force over her but she was forced to forgive him instead of giving trans kids an incredibly important lesson that you're under no obligation to love your parents if they treat you badly because that's not what a REAL parent does
For fuck's sake,Peter B was more belivable as her dad in Itsv than George was in Atsv and looking back on it this was probably an accident but notice how not ONCE does Gwen bring up her home life!!Hm,wonder why that is considering what happens only a few months later!It feels ooc for Gwen too because in the comics,she was brutal as SHIT and it was GOOD.She was an anti-hero!!She could even qualify as a Red Hood equivalent more than B*cky B*rnes does!And i get it,they had to make her more kid friendly for a pg audience but they deadass had Hobie use the word 'fascists' onscreen and all but outright saying he killed his canon event cop via the blue laces + 'Yeah,what of it?' combo so they didn't need to take pretty much ALL her edge away other than the death subplot!She dosen't even need to kill,i would've been fine with scenes of her being a bully beater in those flashbacks and peeks into Earth 65 and some offhanded references of her and Hobie doing activism together!
Plus her and Margo not even being friends?????Complete horseshit,bonds between black girls and trans girls are basically inherent and i'm speaking from experience and Margo also deserved as much screentime as Hobs and Pav!And Hobie would NOT fucking date someone without radicalizing them,that's not my son!!!!!I finally get a canon pastel punk trans femme in a franchise i was already into only for her writers not to put their whole pussy into it to make her palpable and quirky for whites instead.Can't have shit in the multiverse
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ahndor · 1 year
spiderverse thoughts under the cut cause. holy fuck. spoilers abviously
• one of the best movies i have ever seen. legitimately. having a hard time forming coherent thoughts about it right now
• shameik moore’s voice acting is phenomenal. out of this world. you can feel every ounce of miles’s emotions through his performance
• SO MANY REFERENCES!!! off the top of my head: andrew garfield’s spiderman, toby maguire’s spiderman, donald glover as the prowler, ps4 spiderman, animated tasm spiderman, PS2 SPIDERMAN!!!!!
• about the love triangle. it wasnt as big of a thing as everyone was afraid it was gonna be (thank god) and it seemed like hobie had no interest in gwen at all really?? (in fact he seemed more interested in miles but i DIGRESS—) like he really just seemed like a friend to her but because miles is 15 and like. in love he overthinks things. small win for the love triangle hater community (me)
• on that note. hobie. fucking. brown. the way he’s animated was nuts, he was so unique yet he fit right in with the rest of the cast. his characterization, the anarchism, his lil quips, him and mayday?? and the way he helped miles go against miguel and eventually helped gwen too?? i cannot WAIT to see him in beyond the spiderverse
• miles being the original anomaly omg. it makes so much sense but i NEVER would have guessed that’s part of why everyone hates him (also i KNEW the hunt for miles would have something to do with jefferson’s death. i have receipts that i predicted that MONTHS AGO!!!!)
• they knew what they were doing when they designed miguel ohhhhhmygod. also i hope we get to see more of his vampire qualities in beyond the spiderverse
• THE BEYOND THE SPIDERVERSE SQUAD IS SO SICK. gwen, peter b (and mayday), pavitr, hobie, spider-byte, spider-noir, spider-ham, and peni!!!!! THE COOLEST SPIDER PEOPLE
• literally cant wait for beyond the spiderverse. it might kill me to wait for beyond the spiderverse
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tigressaofkanjis · 10 months
Some of the audio clips used over clips of Miguel O'hara and Peter B. Parker on Twitter (Sorry...X...???) being a couple are throwing me into a loop. I think I found my new favorite ship ever.
I find the ship to be a little intentional on the writers and producers parts in Across the Spiderverse because some of their behavior is really tame for Miguel "not tolerating" Peter.
"I've had just the right amount of you" - Miguel as he leaves Peter and Mayday behind to chase after Miles.
Who the fuck says that? That's not even a degenerate comment compared to the others whom he lashed out at like Gwen and Hobie. That's like the middle between "I haven't had enough of you" (good) and "I've had enough of you" (bad) so that tells me conflict in their relationship but even though Peter tried to help Miles, he doesn't necessarily hate him for it.
Another thing is that Parker apparently has access to Miguel's private hub and was one of the first Spiders he befriended, becoming trusted enough with Mayday and tries to tell him he's having an "adult conversation" so they've talked a lot over the years.
I think when Beyond the Spiderverse comes around, Mayday will play an important role in Miguel's character development and possible redemption for his mistake. Maybe Peter too. Since Peter was there when Miguel accidentally destroyed a universe with his daughter's counterpart in it and saved him from collapsing with it, Miguel may return the favor if Mayday is put into danger by Spot or any other villain that may appear. Now, I'm not saying their relationship as Spiderdads will be canon but I can imagine Mayday will be Miguel's biggest test along with Miles, two people who are considered Peter's children and dear family. That's what it kind of seems to be setting up for how Miguel may change his opinion entirely on Miles, recuperating his friendship with Peter (assuming that's all it's supposed to be in canon). I think that's why they implied how close Peter is to Miguel, while not a romantic relationship as us Spiderdad nerds want, is because it will have meaning later on.
Or I could be completely wrong...but there are so many universes and so many canon events though...
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