hamable · 1 month
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hope requests aren't closed. Could I request Gepard, Argenti, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan with a s/o who is an excellent inventor? Toys, machines, they can make anything.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ They weren't when you requested so you're good! Also, I don't write for Argenti so hope you don't mind me changing him for Serval! She just suits here so well and I need more of the girlies so you can say I kinda took the opportunity there~ Anyway, hope it's still up to your liking!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Dan Heng probably knows both a lot and a little about subject of inventing
✧ he read about it and even saw few constructions due to adventuring from planet to planet, but he also never really did it himself
✧ you'll have to introduce him to all the shortcuts while inventing something because he knows just the long and boring way, like instructions said, he'll do the exact steps
✧ he doesn't really mind and find it actually quite interesting to help you around
✧ but if your workshop is loud... he may not be big fan... and if you're trabilazer like him and all the noise is coming from the next room? Yeah, he'd loose it...
"Y/N. How about we go grab some sweets and you finish your work later? I need a break..."
✧ don't get him wrong, he's happy you're working on your skills but he just doesn't like the noise and would much prefer go on a walk while you work
✧ but at least he helps you with cleaning and quieter parts of inventing!
✧ tho if you live on planet and he rarely visits you we it is... he may not mind the noise as much. He's simply more focused on spending some quality time with you than that
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Gepard is honestly happy for your achievements and you probably met each other through Serval
✧ but... let no one ask him who's better inventor... he's not gonna be able to choose between you and his sister so he'll end up with basic answer, simply saying you're both great which he's not lying about
✧ but if we can avoid that, he knows quite a bit about it so he'll often drop by and see how you're doing
✧ and if you need help, he wouldn't mind doing so we long as he's not busy
✧ if he won't know something... he can always ask you or Serval if you'll need some professional advice too!
✧ this boy is so busy and now he also has 2 inventors to help... he often leaves you or Serval mid day to go to another one, so he won't seem like he's playing favorites because he loves you both equally, just in different ways
"Hey love, I'll go see how Serval's doing, okey? I'll come back later so I can help you more since I know you're busy. I'll be back in 1 of 2 hours."
✧ but... Serval often kicks him out to help his partner, she's like tou cupid if you think about it...
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✧ Serval is too!! You guys either met through work and bonded OR became close and just later realized you're both inventors
✧ when you were far enough into relationship, she definitely wanted to combine your two workshops so instead of "competing against each other", you could work together
✧ and lemme tell you... if you do it, your business is going CRAZY since you're both one of the best inventors in Belebog
✧ if you ever struggle with idea, fixing or making something, she's the one you should go for!
✧ she knows you're a bit better than her and will often mention it, not because she had low self-esteem but because she's proud girlfriend and wants to compliment you
"Hehe~ C'mon, you're the best at it! You need to teach me your trick someday, alright? In exchange... I could take you on a date next week! I'll clear my schedule so we can spend entire day with each other."
✧ expect her to be a little flirty from time to time when you work, sneaking little notes between not important machines so you'll wonder why it's not working just to find love letter there, or send some flying little robot with hear or chocolates on it... many can happen when she's in the playful mood!
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✧ Jing Yuan most likely knows every citizen of Xianzhou Luofu, some worse some better... so he definitely knew you even before you got into relationship
✧ but your relationship either developed by him hiring you one day or him getting w little crush and visiting you often
✧ and when you're together, he'll often drop by to see how you're doing and he'll you around
✧ and when he can't come check up on you because of his work... he'll simply send someone to you! It can be either Cloud Knight on patrol or Yanqing passing by
✧ he loves seeing how much you can do with just the idea and materials. So he'll sometimes sit down next to you and watch you work
✧ his favorite thing is to see the project developed all the way from simple scratch to finished product
✧ he'll also remind you of breaks, taking you out for something sweet or to restaurant whenever you finish project you've been working for days
"It looks great, my dear. Now let's go eat something. My treat. Trust me, you deserve it for all the good work you did there."
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Domestic Bliss
2023! B. Kaulitz x GN! reader
Synopsis: just wanted to write some comforting headcanons about 2023 Bill bc he’s just soooo💙💙
Notes: nothing really, fluff, comfort, showers together, ft: Tom, Georg, Gustav & Heidi
A/N: wanted to whip smth up while trying to come up w ideas💀 requests open😭
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- So I’ve been dying to do this so let’s just start off with nightly routines
- After dinner or whatever you both do before bed he makes you both do skincare together
- We all know his skin is as clear asf so he always shows you what he uses and loves to use it on you too
- After you headbutt each other on who gets to brush their teeth first if you only have one sink😭
- I feel generally he likes to be pampered in bed so that means your usually holding him
- But sometimes if he’s feeling especially clingy he’ll be the big spoon
- He’s a early bird
- The exact opposite of when he was a kid it kinda just switched
- His mind is always buzzing and so when he wakes up he is just always moving around
- But when he’s feeling particularly slow like a day after a concert he’ll just watch you sleep or play with your hair
- Admiring you
- When he’s really tired he’s a HEAVY sleeper and so he’ll kick and spread out completely
- One time he shoved you off the bed and felt so bad
- Cradled you like a baby
- It hurt him more than it hurt you honestly💀
- Tried to wrap you in bandages but you had to hold him down to get him to stop😭
- installed the fluffiest carpet after so the impact wouldn’t hurt as much💀💀
- In the morning he loves to cook the most
- Has a shelf dedicated to cook books
- chooses a new dish for you both to try each day
- From different flavored waffles to the most extravagant, tropical meals you could never even think of
- Finds it endearing when you cook with him
- You both just move around each other so effortlessly in the kitchen it’s kinda amazing
- If you somehow wake up before him which is almost impossible and make him breakfast he’s just all over it
- Hugging you while you cook and taking pictures of you
- Always posting you two on Instagram
- Tom and Heidi comment the cutest things on his posts
- @heidiklum Vous êtes beaux tous les deux!! (You both look beautiful)
- @tomkaulitz ❤️
- Naturally you got close to the band because he’s around them the most
- Heidi and you became BEST friends and always surprised the twins with silly things like double dates and mini vacations
- He’s a ‘photos for memories’ guy as we all know and you catch him snapping a pic of you doing minuscule things everyday
- Very affectionate and likes to bring you places you usually wouldn’t go to without him
- Your opinion matters so much to him so he likes taking you with him to go shopping and tries on outfits for you
- asking for your suggestions 24/7
- “Are you sure you like this one Liebchen?”
- “Does this make my butt look small?”
- At home he likes to just lounge around with you
- When showering or taking a bath he’s likes letting you lean against him
- Washes your hair for you even if you don’t ask him too
- Brings you on stage because he likes to show you off
- Fans makes the cutest posters of you guys
- Praising you is his fav activity “Aren’t they so cute guys?! ich liebe dich so sehr”
- Fans love you so much
- They go crazy when you’re randomly pulled on stage during a show
- Leans against you when he’s singing
- Unconsciously gives everyone fan service with how he acts with you onstage
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m0thergoose · 2 months
NOT how I expected this episode to start omg unWELL
I truly have no idea what to expect from this ep holy hell
Rick is passenger princess confirmed
The hand kiss 🫠
Honeymoon take 2 woopwoop
OTP on a scenic road trip I’m in love with this
Look at them looking lovingly at Carl
they found a cabin, they on a real vacation now baby
New people I’m scared I don’t like it
Rick is really at Michonne’s beck and call ‘they look pretty hungry’ INSTANTLY drops his bag to find them food lmaoooo
OHHH DONT try this with Richonne you silly silly people
‘Well how bout you just listen’ 😂😂😂😂😂
That’s right Michonne you take your food back lmaoooo
Rick emptying the bullets into michonnes hand sooooorry I’m unwell
Keep your promise asshole 😂
Us against the world 💖
Toothpaste, booze, what are you up to grimes???? I’m just working with what I got - the necklace 💖 RICK LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH
RIGHT who is this now??? Is this GABE?
FUUUUCKING HELL JADIS WAKING THEM UP, it’s like when Jesus walked in on them their first night lmaoooo but this is 1 million times worse!
Michonne looks so hot rn haha
I actually could give a flying fuck about Jadis, hurry up and kill her richonne lmao
And he’s kept a wedding ring for Rick actually shoot me rn
Gabe is a richonner confirmed 💖
Now I want Gabriel to be the one to kill Jadis because this is sick and twisted from her
okay so they’re gonna kill Jadis and as she’s dying she’ll hand him the ring
And next year same day same place it won’t be Jadis that meets Gabriel, it’ll be richonne
HERE we go fuck her up Michonne
Here Ricky dicky goes, fuck them walkers up
Jadis is scum these people better not help her
HAHAHHAHA Michonne just wants to kill this bitch ‘maybe just maim first’ yeah ok Ricky dicky 😂
Michonne what you gonna do
Michonne has a plan yes
‘You’ve looked better’ sassy Rick lol
I’m stilll hoping Michonne just fucking murders her
side note Rick looks v handsome rn
I’ll see you next year Ann - noooo you’ll see richonne next year gabey baby 🤞
‘We’re gonna do that’ ricks like sure whatever you want baby
I don’t want a proposal in front of jadis save it for when you’re alone Ricky dicky
‘I could never have imagined this but it could only ever have been you’ 🥹🥹🥹🥹
THE PROMO ‘are we crazy’ ‘certifiable’ LMAOOOOOO
ALSO how the fuck are we wrapping this up in one more episode, we deserve MORE dammit
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byhuenii · 7 months
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usually these type of songs arent up chishiya’s style but he has them liked because you enjoy them, and he has grown quite fond of them; something he wont admit. he listens to them so he can hum to them along with you, sing them with you (which is mainly him whispering the lyrics to hear you sing), and maybe even serenade you to sleep on rough days he cant sleep himself. (takes place in the boderlands)
: features fluff and angst. - Chishiya x GN!Reader
(i recommend listening to the songs in this order)
Back on 74 - Jungle.
this song is something that was so welcoming yet so you, when he first listened to it he could imagine you dancing singing this song all across your apartment that he spent so much time at. the comfort of your home that became his comfort. this song reminded him of all the times you guys were having a clean day and the blinds were open and you used the broom as a fake mic doing a fake concert infront of chishiya, dances, singing, even dragging him into it. he hrown to be quite found of it.
Getaway Car - Taylor Swift.
kinda funny because the getaway car the two of you were supposed to get in with ann kuina and them ended up leaving cause of the grenade on the floor. but in seriousness this song was one of the first songs you played when you were chishiya. he wasnt really fan of mainstream pop but this song felt something and done something to him to him that he couldn’t even describe. he would always put this song on whenever he is with you, belting your heart out to this song could always bring a smile to his face. “Think about the first time where you met me” oh he always does and he thanks he went there to that cafe that day. he just wishes you never were here in this hell of a hole with him.
The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes
he never got this song but the more he listened and watched your face light up whenever it came on, holding his hand pulling him closer to you made him understand how great this song was to you. it had such a early morning vibe that this song he would make sure to play to lift your spirits in the morning on his ipod in the boderlands. he made sure to get every song he could remember and that was enough for you to just love him.
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift.
Oh gosh the amount of times you played this to cheer yourself up was unthinkable. you would belt the lyrics to chishiya never breaking eye contact. you can tell he enjoyed it. the harsh games were so draining for the both of you, even when he had the whole plane to betray usagi and arisu. chishiya knew the song but didn’t know it like you do. “Horrified looks from everyone in the room but i’m only looking at you.” was it crazy to say he was only looking at you when he got all the looks from arisu and usagi hell even niragi. oh god maybe he was deeper in love with you than he thought.
Congratulations - Mac Miller
there was something about this song, you didnt have this song in your playlist or anything but he heard it once from your phone and he had to add it. the gracefulness about this song was you, the lyrics was you, the confession was you. when he told tou he loved you for the first time this was the song that played. the song that played before you two were in this hell hole of boderlands was this song, and the song the two will listen to first after getting out is this song. he learned the meaning of love from you and this song.
21 - Gracie Abrams.
“Ill be the love of your life inside your head” you were always his love his life. he always knew you found his soulmate, he knew no matter what he wanted you, he always knew you were perfect for him and how he was perfect for you. the two of you had been together since your 20’s and the fact its called 21 is funny because thats when he really did in fact tell you he loved you. thats when he really did lay down his feelings for you. thats really when he always found himself dreaming and loving you, sometimes he cant help but listen to this song and think of all the ways to get you out of the boderlands safely even if that meant he had to die. “Lights in and its black and white, I couldn’t stay forever”
Let You Break My Heart Again - Laufey.
this was your favorite song. this sing was the song you would always post chishiya and yourself to on social media, though chishiya was never a big social media he had it for you, he did everything he wouldnt do for you. this song wouldve never crossed his mind but for you it did. he hated it. he hated how you corrupted his brain, he hated how you corrupted his music taste. he hated the fact you took the gunshot from niragi. he hated that even in your last breathes you still smiled humming this melody to him hand placed on his cheek creasing it like the two of you were in the real world laying down in bed embracing eachothers presences. all the pain and suffering he went through he hated it, he wished to forget and to forget about your death he did. having to face the truth once he woke up from that crude world into the real empty one without you.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 7 months
OKAY OKAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have/had an amazing day!! I’m chewing on you as a treat :) Love you!! /p 💝💖🩷💞💘
-I know it’s widely accepted that Léon has true man hygiene but I digress, he has an extensive routine with his hair and hair care and spends ages on it to keep it soft
-Luis loves this and can not for the life of him keep his hands out of Leon’s hair
-Luis, for someone of his stature, has a massive appetite and finishes off Leon’s leftovers most of the time too (The typical pointing at his plate; “Are you gonna finish that?”)
-After a while of this happening, Léon starts to realise that Luis has a crazy huge appetite and everytime he’s “not been able to finish his food” was actually a ploy to convince Léon to eat something other than microwave dinners. He never says that he’s caught on.
-Luis struggles to stand long enough in the shower to actually wash himself and his hair without having to take really long breaks and as much as he tries to brush it off, he ends up asking Léon to sit in a bath instead and help him wash his hair
-Leon is an Overboard Gift Giver, he spends hundreds of dollars on gifts, there’s no such thing as a casual gift with him. It goes without saying that he absolutely spoils Luis
-Luis is a more sentimental gift giver, old romantic with roses and chocolates and that one thing Léon lingered on too long at the mall but ended up putting back..
-Leon’s Spanish capabilities greatly improve with Luis, who teaches him how to actually pronounce things too (“Boosco un policía.. veeno arkee” Headass HAHDHEHSH)
-Luis and Ashley are the best of friends, they scream Little Sister/Older Brother duo to me, Luis will do whatever she asks, from cooking dinner to listening to 2000s girly pop music while she does makeup
-Luis Doesn’t Know How to Button His Shirts All the Way Serra
-SOMEONE had a HC that Navarro was his maternal surname and Serra is his paternal last name and I don’t know whether that was you, @/hamartia-grander, @/Geddy-leesbian or someone else BUT I AGREE
-Idc Luis and Ada are actually best friends and Ada listens to Luis gossip about Léon for hours
-He takes a lot of pride in his appearance, it’s one of his only traits that could be attributed to vanity and he spends ages putting together the best outfit for different occasions, Leon has learnt to tell Luis at least an hour in advance when they’re going anywhere
-Leon has also taken to being more openly affectionate, Luis preens under his compliments and lights up for the rest of the day when Léon tells him he’s beautiful
Also the headcannon You’re thinking Of is by @geddy-leesbian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
open up, baby, here's your christmas present.
teddy bear :)
this time you weren't in your home as per usual, of course Natasha was there to see you, your pathetic brother was just an excuse. Even the fact that Tasha could smell your scent that was impregnated in each room of your house, was enough for her to wanting to be there: every little she could get from you, she would have it.
Tasha asked where you were and your mom told her you were out with some friends, she immediately gets jealous and possessive, thinking about every scenario in which someone could even try to take what is hers.
so when everyone is asleep and you still haven't come back, she sneaks into your room with an idea. It doesn't take her much to get her big fat cock hard, her pretty pink tip already leaking pre-cum when she takes it out -- your room is just filled with you, your scent, your clothes, even the toys you use to try to replace her when she isn't around, and all those thoughts get her so fucking hard and big.
She takes the teddy bear that she know you sometimes hump when you are in a need of her (she knows because you've sent her videos). Tasha shamelessly smells it and can smell your juices in it.
oh how pretty you looked while humping that teddy, wearing nothing but a short white top that let your nipples be seen, telling her time and time again that you wished it was her cock you were riding ... the images of you putting your best innocent slutty face while humping a fucking teddy plus the smell of your come just sets her off. And she starts jerking off.
Tasha makes sure to put her phone on recording mode and put it somewhere to record the whole thing.
"look at what you made me do because you aren't around baby, you should be the one taking my cock"
"do you think the whores you are with can give you this? fuck you the way i do? Look at what you're missing baby, it could be your pussy i'm fucking right now if you were here".
"you would take me so well baby, f-fuck i need to be inside you so bad, i need to fill your pussy with my cum, will you let me? maybe then we can take some pretty pictures of how your cunt is dripping with my milk and send it to the whores you're with" "or maybe i'll just cum so many times, i'll get you pregnant, and then they'll know"
But even though Tasha is talking so dirty and acting so tough, she just really wishes it was your pussy, she needs to be inside so badly that the thought always makes her cry .. she is such a needy baby at the end :(
Tasha keeps pumping her cock, she knows she is close.
"f-fuck baby, i'm going to cum, holy shit, you drive me crazy even when you're far ... i'm going to come on your teddy so you don't forget who you belong to"
And she does. many strings of her milk end up in your teddy, some on the poor's toy face and she wishes it was your face she came on.
-- ice bear anon 🐻‍❄️
i keep thinking about this fic every day and every night. no fucking joke. this is one of the best gift ever, IM SO HAPPY TOU SENT THIS DKEHDOEHDIEHWHW
imagine her milk dries up and then when you come back and your teddy is just coated by her cum <3 ugh id never wash it heheh
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fritextramole · 2 months
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the devil divine
part 2 of a Blair Waldorf playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Get What 'Cha Got And Go ~ Loretta Lynn
You think you're the greatest thing in this whole town Oh number one but everyone no one can put you down Every night you go downtown where the go-go's go
Pink Shoe Laces ~ Dodie Stevens
He takes me deep-sea fishing in a submarine We got to drive-in movies in a limousine He's got a whirly-birdy and a twelve-foot yacht Ah, but that's-a not all he's got Ae's got tan shoes with pink shoelaces A polka dot vest and man, oh, man
Fever ~ Peggy Lee
When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear You give me fever When you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight Fever! In the mornin', a-fever all through the night
Big Bad Handsome Man ~ Linda Carone
Got me where he wants me to be With his arms so wide, he pulls me in by his side He's the kind of guy that does it for me
The great big city's a wondrous toy Made for a girl and boy We'll turn Manhattan Into an isle of joy
Idéalisation ~ Cosette
Je vais te faire araignéïser Pour que tu me prennes dans tes filets Je veux t'idéaliser ~ I will make you a spider So that you catch me in your web I want to idealize you
Treat Me Rough ~ Ella Fitzgerald
The cushy sheltered way of life was really no fun From now on, some manhandling must be done
I Belong To You ~ Caro Emerald
The afterglow that's down below Is when I see your smile And in your eyes, true love assigns Forever is a word that cries That I belong to you
Crazy He Calls Me ~ Billie Holiday
The difficult I'll do right now The impossible will take a little while I say I'll care forever And I mean forever
Just me for you And you for me alone Nobody near us To see us or hear us
You Belong To Me ~ Jo Stafford
Send me photographs and souvenirs Just remember When a dream appears You belong to me
Please Mr. Postman ~ The Marvelettes
I've been standin' here waitin' Mister Postman So patiently, for just a card, or just a letter Sayin' he's returnin' home to me
Washing Machine Heart ~ Mitski
Baby will you kiss me already and Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart? Baby, bang it up inside Baby, though I've closed my eyes I know who you pretend I am
Jolene ~ Dolly Parton
You could have your choice of men But I could never love again He's the only one for me
Comme moi ~ Édith Piaf
Peut-être bien encore qu'elle entendra plus fort Son cœur battre et qu'alors Comme moi Elle voudra crier en entendant Monter, un pas dans l'escalier Comme moi ~ Maybe she will hear louder Her heart beating, and then Like me She will want to scream when she hears Going up, a step on the stairs Like me
Darn That Dream ~ Doris Day
Just to change the mood I'm in I'd welcome a nice old nightmare Darn that dream and bless it too Without that dream I never would have you But it haunts me and it won't come true
Maybe I Know ~ Leslie Gore
"He really loves me", that's all I can say Before my tears fall, I just walk away
Graveyard ~ Halsey
You look at me With eyes so dark, don't know how you even see You push right through me
Little White Lies ~ Ella Fitzgerald
The devil was in your heart But heaven was in your eyes The night that you told me those little white lies Who wouldn't believe those lips Whoever could doubt those eyes
I Can’t Stay Mad at You ~ Skeeter Davis
You can run around You can tell me lies But there's nothing I can do I'll never say goodbye 'Cause I can't stay mad at you
Everybody’s Somebody’s Fool ~ Connie Francis
I told myself it's best that I forget you Though I'm a fool, at least I know the score Yet darlin', I'd be twice as blue without you It hurts, but I'd come running back for more
Boys Like You ~ dodie
You thought you could charm me And, damn it, you're right So watch me fall for every damn stereotype
Une chanson brisée ~ Cœur De Pirate
Mais qu'importe, tu m'aimes, oui Ça justifie tous tes oublis Mais qu'importe, le temps joue Une chanson sur mes plaies qui s'entrouvrent ~ But whatever, you love me, yes It justifies all your oversights But whatever, time plays A song about my open wounds
I Just Couldn’t Stand It No More ~ Dinah Washington
My heart is aching, My heart is aching He don't know how much it is a breaking I need somebody, yes I need somebody To take my love and help me to forget him...
I Guess I’ll Have To Change My Plans ~ Annie Ross, Gerry Mulligan Quartet
Before I knew where I was at I found myself upon the shelf, and that was that I tried to reach the moon but when I got there All that I could get was the air My feet are back upon the ground I've lost the one man I found,
Back To Black ~ Amy Winehouse
You went back to what you knew So far removed From all that we went through
Blue ~ Rebecca Black
Two years down the drain A whole life we had made It was ours for the taking
Une complainte dans le vent ~ Cœur De Pirate
Aux chaleurs oubliées À tes doigts longeant mes parures Tu m'aurais à l'usure Mais qu'importe les douleurs du présent Je ne suis plus la même, tu n'es plus un enfant ~ To forgotten warmth To your fingers along my finery You would wear me out But no matter the pains of the present I am no longer the same, you are no longer a child
You ~ The Pretty Reckless
I can't steal you, no Like you stole me
my tears ricochet ~ Taylor Swift
Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day
Le monopole de la douleur ~ Cœur De Pirate
Tu n'entends plus rien Que je m'exprime tout haut, tu n'y vois qu'une maudite fin Et les lignes des épopées de nos nuits racontent leurs histoires Mais j'en ai marre qu'on broie du noir Tu penses que tu es le seul à souffrir Qu'importe que je saigne aussi ~ You don't hear anything anymore That I express myself aloud, you see only a cursed end And the lines of the epics of our nights tell their stories But I'm sick of us brooding You think you're the only one to suffer It doesn't matter that I bleed too
Là, le ciel, pour quelques instants Garde encore de l'or dans ses yeux Une étoile brille au fond de l'étang Pour les amoureux ~ There, the sky, for a few moments Still got gold in her eyes A star shines at the bottom of the pond For lovers
La Nuit N’en Finit Plus ~ Petula Clark
Je voudrais partir au hasard Partir au loin quitter mes souvenirs ~ I would like to leave randomly Go far away leave my memories
Hey There ~ Rosemary Clooney
Better forget him, him with his nose in the air He has you dancin on a string Break it and he won't care
Hard Feelings/Loveless ~ Lorde
I light all the candles Cut flowers for all my rooms I care for myself the way I used to care about you
Heartstrings ~ Leighton Meester
Had to save my own self from all your evil games
Happier Than Ever ~ Billie Eilish
You call me again, drunk in your Benz Driving home under the influence You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath
Cry Me A River ~ Julie London
Remember, I remember all that you said Told me love was too plebeian Told me you were through with me and Now you say you love me Well, just to prove you do Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you
Gonna Get Along Without You Now ~ Skeeter Davis
Got along without you before I met you Gonna get along without you now Gonna find somebody who is twice as cute 'Cause I didn't want you anyhow
Kill My Boyfriend ~ Natalia Kills
And boy I'm so committed, I'm so deep, there's no more digging There's only one thing I can do to solve this mess, come on I gotta kill my boyfriend yeah...
Hermit the Frog ~ MARINA
Well, I, I wanna tell you a secret You can take your double standard love and keep it I can't help the devil likes to make my heart a double bed And I can't help he sometimes like to come And rest his little head
OKAY OKAY ~ Alessia Cara
My best friend said to me, "I know just what we need A song of yours that we could feel ourselves to" I said it'd be a test, 'cause you know I'm always stressed Come to think of it, I guess I've never cared to She said, "You won't know if you never commit" So here's me convincing myself I'm the shit
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pocketstoriesstore · 8 months
Hey y’all! This is my first story about vampires, which i LOVE! Hope you have fun and forgive y choice of humble words! hahaha
THIS IS A +18 STORY! If you’re minor, get out and DON’T READ!
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The day was darkening. You were just about to go home, after dealing all the traffic, of course.When you saw that guy again: the one all in black, long hair, a gray intense stare. You was only able to feel weird about it, since you couldn’t imagine what’s was actually going on.
You thought he could be a coworker on the same building as you, or a corporate neighbor, so you didn’t feel afraid at all.
Even when that was awkward as a fuck.
You saw him on the market two nights ago, and now he’s on the corner of the street, almost ten o’clock.
You took a cigarette from your purse, looking at him with the corner of the eye, thinking on how could you get to him and finally ask something, start a conversation just to make sure of things and all.
You turned your head down to find a lighter and two seconds after he was in front of you, with the lighter burning in front of your cigarette.
“Hey… thank you so much. Didn’t notice you so close…”
“Sorry, didn’t meant do bother you.”
“Don’t worry, just scared me a little bit. Don’t worry.” You said last, smiling.
He kept looking you intensely, almost eating your eyes with his own.
“You work here, right?” You gave a slow “yes”with your head, worried about your answer, keeping in mind the importance of the confidence about your job, when he kept saying: “It’s really dangerous here around. You should take care.”
“Ok. I… can take care of things, really. Don’t worry. Thanks for the lighter.”
“You’re welcome.”
You wasn’t sure, but he didn’t seem to blink so many as people usually do.
He was beautiful.
His skin looked gray in the light of the moon, you couldn’t let aside…
Bu he was fucking beautiful.
Voice, liquid eyes, hearted lips. Maybe Thirty-eight, Forty. Everything seemed to work.
You were almost in the car’s door, when you heard something weird. Sounded like someone throwing a big peace of fabric against the wind…
And silence again.
Inside the car, you noticed you were right all of the past few days about two things:
Vampires were real, and he was one.
You had all your investigation spread in a table in front of you, when he said: “What were you about to do with this?”
“I-I wasn’t about to tell-“ “Who do you work for?!” You saw the tips of a couple of fangs shining inside his mouth, and couldn’t avoid the stare. He glanced at you, angrily.
“You have to tell me, so I can let you out! Ok? TELL ME!”
He seemed uncomfortable, angry, curious, agonizing for an answer, apologizing with his painful gaze.
“I work for myself. I was fired last week. Here, take my documents and see what you need, if I do have a chance to get out. I know about all of you. Your boss, too. Tell him i’m curious, that’s why i know all about you.”
“They won’t believe this. No way, you’re pretty much dead, girl, you know.”
“I was fired because all of you. Because i- “you scoffed, started to laugh for a second, and then got dark again-“I was trying to proof your existence. They think i’m crazy.”
He dared to get close to you.
He believed you, at all, but there was another big trouble: What if his boss didn’t believe him? He already wanted you dead. You almost showed up their asses for the world, what if someone decided to believe your vampire story? How did you know all of this?
“Ok, hold on, now: Christian told you. Is it so? Chris is a vampire. He told you about my research, he who FIRED ME! NOW IM HERE?!” You felt your ground fall.
Your friend, who fired you, calling you crazy for takin vampires so seriously was a fucking one of them.
“I have to let you alone now. I’ll be back soon.” Stephen told you, unable to look in your eyes as before he did.
“Are you gonna lock me here and…?”
“Don’t worry, nobody’s going to hurt you. I’ll be right back.”
You had your tour on his house, all oh the rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, wardrobes.
You knew it wasn’t right, but you had no choice, no cellphone, just the tv and a Playstation connected to it, and you’ve had enough of playing videogames by yourself in that lonely house already.
Almost five hours later, Steph (a nickname you gave him for no reason) was back home, with a pack of some snacks so you could choose, and died coke.
“Thank you.” “No problem.”
This time he seemed more “colored”, “alive”.
“Did you kill someone? You looked dead earlier, now you are out there, totally alive.”
He laughed:”I didn’t, don’t worry. A friend of mine fed me.” You felt your eyes bigger:
”HOW?! J-just what the fuck?” He laughed more: “She gave me her neck for just a while. Like this:” One second after he was breathing centimeters away from your neck, saying: “We ask people, they give us blood enough to get out safe from our clowns.”
He said, playful but also a little shy. You felt some walls falling between you two.
You were almost sure that this vampire was a little bit as screwed as you. Intuition.
“So, if you wanted a little of blood, why didn’t you ask me?” He stood cold, curious:
“Would you let me? I didn’t mean to freak you out. Thought it could be too much. I just got to know you and all of this…” He passed his fingers through his hair, worried. You interrupted:”Well, let’s consider I was about to die; giving you blood and still staying alive couldn’t be this hard for me.” You both laughed, he gave a pause, uncomfortable again. “What? What’s this weird??” You were starving and excited for information, now. He started: “When we have contact with someone who feed us, things can take a little… intense. It’s a big deal, exceptionally for the feeder.” You blinked, stoned: “You fuck your feeder?” He laughed loud, getting red for the first time, now that he had blood enough in his body. He crossed his big arms, resting his backs on the balconies: “Yes, lady. We fuck. We fuck a lot, blood everywhere, etc.”
“And…Do you need to…get fed everyday?” You was trying to discover how many girls he used to fuck, now. You felt crazy, because you was almost jealous about him and his interesting life. “You wanna know if i’m a pervert? Say it out loud. I’m not gonna hurt you, I told you.” “Stephen, i’m sorry, I didn’t meant to- hey! fuck you, i’m the one stuck in a trap, and am I apologizing? Be nice to me and at least answer my curiousness, i’m have the right.” “Remember being here is kinda your fault? Chill out! I need to rest now. In a bed, not a coffin. Anything else? No? Great! Then, excuse me now! And he left you alone again in the kitchen of the locked big apartment.
You found tea in the kitchen, and drank at least four of them. Alone, you started to reread your own research, missing your cellphone. You hated to feel this alone.
Only when YOU wanted, you enjoyed to be alone. But feeling alone was different.
You slept in the couch. When you woke up, Stephen was in the kitchen using the computer to talk to someone. You felt the scent of fresh coffee taking over the house, and felt a little happier in the middle of all that mess.
“Gmorning, Bloodsucker. I need to take a bath, hope you don’t mind.” “Anything you need. Make yourself home.” His eyes locked in the computer. Almost a hour later you showed up again, using his black clothes. You passed behind his chair to steal a bit of his coffee as if that was your own house, your own life.
He laughed a bit, unbelieving what he was seeing. “How dare you, you human?” He said, playfully. “Luckily I love black clothes. I used your laundry too, and your shampoo. You don’t mind, do you?!” You said with those girly eyes, batting your lashes as a baby dog, getting close to his face so he could smell the sign of his shampoo in your hair. Caught in surprise, he just frozen and close his eyes as he felt the the smell of his shampoo, your skin, your breath and…your blood. When you broke his spell: “Hey, wake up, princess. Is it that good?!” His face became red again, while he rolled his eyes and got back to his “job”, pretending to ignore you.
“I need to go out now. You’re a professional so I don’t have to tell you to stay here, otherwise… Just stay here, please. Ok?”
“You should let me out. You know.”
“I can’t, now. Don’t make things harder, ok? If you go out, you’re dead.”
“Why do you care? You don’t even know me.” “I DO know you a little bit, now. I’ll be back soon.”
“Are you going to… get fed?”
He stoned. You kept saying: “Cuz if it’s the case… I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind if you want to try on me.” He turned to be face to face with you, studied you entirely, confused and… something more than this.
“Yesterday I didn’t take blood enough. We can try, and If you tell me to stop, i’ll stop in no time. Are you feeling rested? Did you sleep well?” “Yes, sure!” You said, locked eyes with his. “Come here.” He took your hand, gently, guiding you to his room.
It was dark and clean, smell of his cologne and some decorations of his travels on the wall. “Please, lay dawn.” “Like this?” You laid on your right ribs, using your elbow to rest your head while exposing your neck so he could take you there as he needed. “Please, relax. Trust me.” As he approached, you started to close your eyes until his mouth was too close of your neck, breathing hot. You shivered in anticipation, until he finally brush his lips on your skin, pushing kindly until he felt comfortable to open your skin. You felt his fangs pressing, and when it finally opened the wounds you couldn’t avoid letting out a hard breath. That wasn’t bad. Thad was so fucking good, and when he sucked the first amount of blood from your skin you couldn’t avoid crying out his name, and when he seemed to worry was to late- he knew that by the way you held his hair tight and pressed his head even more against your neck. The feeling started some electricity on you that was impossible to avoid, to control, and you wanted more. Both of you couldn’t contain the hard breathing, the body trembling, almost shaking. His left hand, at first resting in your cheek, decided to hold your hair trapped on its fingers, while the other one traveled from your waist until your breast under the fabric of his own clothes on your body. Feeling the electricity getting out of your control, you moaned louder, pushing all his body to yours as he guided his bloody mouth from your neck to your lips, taking you in his lap easily as if you where a feather, spreading your legs and pressing his hips on yours, holding tightly behind your knee and your waist.
He wasted no more time when he pulled your T-shirt off, sucking hard on your breasts, leaving marks and making you scream and moan his name even louder. “Fuck, i told you. Do you understand now, huh?” He said almost groaning in your year, taking his clothes off as fast as it was possible, and finally, your pants. You needed him inside of you as if it was the only way to stay alive. When he threw the last piece of fabric on a corner of his room, he pushed his naked body against yours again. You closed your eyes to feel all his way inside you, but he held your hair hardly, making you face him, while positioning his length on your entrance: ”No, no, you’re going to look at -Ah!- me..Ah! Look- At -My- Face- While - Ah, shit! I fuck- You!” You couldn’t do more than feel the ecstasy fill you up. It took a while with his thrusts until you couldn’t get it anymore. He was strong and his pace was perfect, as if he was made to fit you. Steph-en- Ah! I-ca- n’t - I-Ah!” And you couldn’t say a thing. “Yes, I-Fuc-kin-Know.- Goa-Ah-Head.” He tried to said in his tired husky voice, his eyes locked on yours, the color of your blood in his mouth and breast. “Co-Me-F-Or- Me-Ah!” An you couldn’t stop yourself from screaming his name, until your body stopped trembling, until you feel him to let go all inside of you, breathing your name until the last jolt of your bodies pressing together, when he finally lied his head on your neck again to steal a trail of blood he left behind, kindly adjusting his weight above your body, still holding your thigh around his waist and caressing your skin from the knee to the hip, repeatedly, as the both of you tried to catch the breathing together.
“Do I know you enough to no let you run, now, lady?”
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yourbleedingh3art · 1 year
I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU FOR LEAVING ME I HATE YOU FOR NOT LOVING ME WHEN I LOVE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU OK I DONT HATE YOU I JUST HATE THE WAY YOU HURT MY FEELINGS YOU HURT MY FEELINGS YOU HURT MY FEELINGS ALL THE TIME OKAY YOU DONT HURT MY FEELINGS ALL THE TIME YOU MAKE ME HAPPY A LOT OF THE TIME OKAY ALSO EVERYTIME YOU CALL ME SHE YOU ARE WRONG BEVAUSE I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL ALSO I CAN HEAR YOU TALKING ABOUT ME IN THE OTHER ROOM I CAN HEAR YOU THROUGH THE WALLS I HATE YOU I HATE WHEN TOU CALL ME CRAZY IM FUCKING SORRY I JUST WANT TOU TO LOVE ME I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME DOESNT IT MATTER THAT I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME ! IT MATTERS!!!! :( I know I can’t shout at people I love I know I know I know I know I’m supposed to be myself but only the good parts not the bad parts even though I don’t even know what is right and what is wrong and who decided those things All I know is that I know nothing and I’m confused and I tell you all the time. I hate you because you don’t take pity on me and I hate you because I need your pity. I need you. I need you. I hate you because I need you. I wish I needed nothing. I wish so badly I needed nothing. I wish I was an island unto myself and I could hurt no one, I could give freely, and you would know it was a true gift, since I earned the money to buy the seed to plant the flower to cultivate it in my garden and then give it to you I believe that is special in a way that is different than a grocery store flower I want to grow every flower from the ground up Is that so wrong? Can’t you love me and my crazy ideas about flower gardens? I had the idea for you! I only wanted to plant a garden so you’d have somewhere beautiful to go and visit! I just want to make you happy! I get so insecure every time I fail to do so! I get so scared because it’s my deepest desire to please. I am scared my deepest desire is to please. I am scared I will be manipulated. I am scared I am a liar. I am scared I am crazy like you say I am!!! I wonder why it matters. You sound just as crazy to me as I must sound to you. I want to be myself at any cost - but I want you to love me. Can’t both things happen? Isn’t that just how it should go? I can’t make you understand I believe in God but I want you to ask to pray with me. I dream so badly one day you will ask to pray with me. I love you. Why am I so bad at loving you?! Is it all my fault? I’m sure it’s partly my fault. Is it all my fault?
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nimphontheshore · 11 months
One year meeting. One year of having you in my life. One year of always wanting more.
My doll. I’m sorry you didn’t have your one year text before falling asleep.
I hope you’re resting, soundly. I only wish that after this long day.
I don’t even know where to begin, but what I can say is that I feel really nostalgic right now. Because one year ago, exactly around this hour of the day, we were talking. We kept talking until so Damn late at night. We kept wanting more of each other even though it was our first day even talking en face a face. Believe or not; I would wanna relive this night. I loved discovering you, I still love doing so. You know? Everyday seeing new parts of you, c’est contradictoire, quand on sait tous les deux que je te connais mieux que ma poche. But yeah, from the moment we met, I’ve learned to love you. I feel like I’ve said this many times now, but it’s the truth and nothing but the truth. I really feel like I’ve fallen in love with you at first sight. You know? It makes so much sense to think like that. I really do think so, because it explains so many little things. Notre innocence, that’s one of the thing I like most about us. C’était si naturel, si doux, si right, si fluide. Our love really grew together. Something clicked from the moment I’ve sent you that text. Tbh… it clicked way before. On en parlait y’a quelques jours, the way on était linked together sans même le savoir. Hiding in plain sight. Toi et ton obsession/crush avant l’heure. Le fait que je ne puisse pas m’arrêter de penser à toi quand Yarah te citait, wondering what you were doing, how you looked that day when you name was being quoted, if you had your hair down or up… or if you were to glance at the moon before closing your eyes… I was drawn so drawn to you. And when I finally had you right in front of me, I felt dumb, shy, distracted. I didn’t know what to do, I was overwhelmed, and all of that felt so… not known to my mind, not clearly at least.
It’s magical to have you in my life.
Of course I’m saying this because I’m in love and because you chose me to spend your life with. But also… because you’re such an amazing soul. Everyone should be lucky to be next to you. I’m the luckiest one of them all. I wish everyone could find the one, just like I did, I wish they could all feel what I feel. Be as lucky as I am. It’s so magical. But they can’t ! Sorry ! Because they can’t have you, ever. Because there’s not two people like you. Because what I’m feeling is made for you, because of you.
I love you Nereid, with all my entire heart, I’m yours. Je suis tellement nostalgique, tellement heureux d’avoir passé une année entière avec toi. J’ai vraiment du mal à le réaliser, tu sais ? Un an ça paraît peu, mais un an comme on l’a passé is a lot. Nuits et jours, through everything. On s’est pas quitté une seule seconde, on s’est pas ennuyé, on s’est pas lassé, on s’est pas lâché. Et j’ai tellement hâte des prochaines années à tes côtés. Tellement hâte de tous les prochains mois. But baby. Yeah. One year is crazy. It feels so… reassuring too, you know? It’s all so right. And you know, it prolly won’t make sense but before, je pensais vraiment pas trop au sens de la vie. It sounds so weird but. J’avais pas la notion de regret, je vivais mais je réalisais probablement pas que nos années passées n’étaient pas rattrapables, je ne réalisais pas forcément qu’on avait qu’une seule vie, as dumb as it sounds, qu’on se traçait un seul chemin sans pouvoir retourner en arrière, one love. One future. Now I do… Obviously. Et je me sens tellement lucky d’avoir trouvé mon amour, c’est la chose la plus importante pour moi. I know my path now that I have you, nothing else matters. I ain’t so scared about what’s coming anymore, as long as I got you by my side. I feel so… grateful. Je suis tellement fier de pouvoir call you my only love, one true love. My last one. We have one life and I want to share every moments with you. Right now I have been sharing my entire life with you for the past year. Isn’t that crazy? I gave you my whole year (and my life). This year will always be yours. And the ones coming too.
I loved you from the first day. I learned to love you ever since. I need to love you. I need you. I need you more than I will ever admit to myself.
Happy one year my love, and so much more to come. I can’t wait to spend so many days with you again. I have never enough, you’re my love, my comfort, my peace… my faith. You really are.
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mizumiii · 1 year
II - A promise on yesterday's ashes
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Tou x Fem!Reader x Ou Ki
Warning : Smut 🌶️/🌶️
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The next morning, you were on your horse, ready for battle, your three hundred men behind you. Everyone was listening to the great general's motivational speech before roaring like demons. It made your heart race too, your blood boil, while you screamed the loudest of all. 
Then an oppressive silence fell on the battlefield. The other army was waiting too. You used that time to remember the order you had received a couple of days ago: among the soldiers, there was a specific commander. That man was incredibly strong, he was known as an ogre for his monstrous strength. His reputation alone was enough to drain the morale of his enemies so your mission was to take him down. Even if you were only a mere 300-man commander, the Lord had put his trust in you and that was more than enough to ignite your determination alight. You will not fail. And to give you a last boost, you even dared a quick glimpse toward Tou, he was glaring at the enemy too, certainly with his mission in mind. He looked amazing and it took you everything you got, to not give you away. 
Suddenly, the great general Ou Ki raised his hand, and in a thunder-like, the whole central army charged with loud screams. You led your soldiers, not wanting to stay behind for even a second. Once you reached the battle, you used your bastard sword to slay any enemies on your path, without taking your eyes off your goal. The giant commander was doing the same in front of you, growing closer each second, and for your great pleasure, he seemed to have his eyes set on you too. 
You dove your weapon into another horse-man, not looking for a second at your target, suddenly a violent blast sent you off your saddle to crush roughly on the ground. Groggy, you used your sword to get up, before coughing a handful of blood. It was not wind but the mass of the ogre that you had taken right in the chest!
“Fuck! You spat the last liquid in your mouth. Don’t move!” You ordered your men that tried to come between you and the enemy. “He’s mine!”
“Funny for a tiny woman I just sent flying!” The giant mocked you.
“Don’t worry the tiny woman will settle the score in no time”, you boasted standing straight as if the last blow had not reached you.
Around you, the two armies had circled to see the match to the death between the two commanders. You could not see them, but you knew that Tou and the Lord were close, fighting their own battle, knowing that they needed you to win this one was enough to make you forget about your injury. 
The enemy commander looked at you from his horse, of course, he was not going to get down just to be fair play. 
“Let’s see how long you can keep pretending then.”
Without hesitation, he charged toward you. You scoffed, he really was an ogre, all in strength, nothing in thoughts. You waited until the last second, before rolling skillfully to the side. You heard a loud sound, then a lot of swearing.
“How did you do that wench?!” He roared after his horse had fallen to the ground. 
“As if I was going to tell you”, you shrugged with a smirk. “Now let's begin the real fight.”
With his mount unable to stand up, he seemed warier about you, however not enough. You easily dodged his attacks despite your wound. Ou Ki-dono had not chosen you for anything, your fighting style was perfect against a big brute like that ogre. Each of his wide blows was avoided, then answered with a quick hit with your sword. In no time he was bleeding from a dozen cuts. 
“I won’t lose against a fucking woman!” He suddenly lost it.
His blows were now deadlier, one missed step and you would certainly die on the spot. However, you had another trump card. You waited for him to charge thoughtlessly once again to fastly draw a dagger, in a swift movement you sent it flying directly into his empty head. He stopped immediately, a look of incomprehension fixed on his dead face. Crazy screams shook your soldiers when they saw him fall. You simply took back your dagger, putting it in the secret pocket of your armour before raising your fist in the air.
“For Ou Ki-dono!”
“For Ou Ki-dono!” The whole rest of the army shouted along with you.
Just like that, you resumed your killing until the victory was announced by your army generals. You stopped your bloodshed, now that they had won there was no reason to kill the surrendering adversaries. 
“Now it's time to celebrate!” You sang happily. “Someone get the booze!” 
Most of your men were injured but thankfully they were all alive. They started to happily boast too until you suddenly felt short of breath. You tried to inspire but it was as if you could not take air in, and then black points appeared in your vision. You desperately scratched your throat while falling to your knees. Your men rushed to your sides but it was too late, you lost consciousness in their arms. 
“I have met numerous stupid soldiers with a brain smaller than a nut, but you won that one by far”, a morn voice commented. 
“Do you welcome every wounded person like this or am I special?” You tried to laugh but your sides hurt too much. 
“Don't worry I'm not into favouritism. Next time your armour is rammed to the point of compressing your chest get it off before you keep fighting.” 
“Fair point…”
“Now get out of here, I have work to do.” 
You jumped on your feet way too happy to be freed so easily from the terrible physician witch as she was known in the camp. Once out of the tent, you had to appease your men, which were way too worried over something so little. Once they no longer feared for your life, you followed them to the campfire, dead set on celebrating this victory too. Your shortstop in the infirmary was already forgotten. 
Everyone was laughing and even dancing for the braver. The Lord had been generous, giving them all good alcohol to drink with tender meat. 
You went to your tent only really late that night. The battle today had marked the end of the  Yu kingdom, tomorrow they would just have to go and pacify the rest of the small country. Of course, nobody could ever be sure, but clearly, everybody was feeling way lighter now that the head general enemy had died. 
However, you had only started to undress when you froze. There was someone in front of your tent, you were sure of it. You waited a couple of seconds before losing patience.
“It's not really proper for a man to stand in front of a woman's tent like this”, you joke at Tou's stoic face.
“A proper woman would not go out only wearing her underwear”, he fully noted. 
“Thaaat’s a good point, damn why does everyone always get the last word with me today?” You grumbled before gesturing to him to enter. “So what has been decided?”
While everyone was celebrating, the lieutenants and the great general had been planning for the rest of the conquest, you knew it very well since you had done it too once. You finished undressing, turning your back to Tou to fold your clothes on the ground. You had no furniture, you even slept on a carpet; which was why you usually would go to his tent rather than yours.
“We have decided to walk into their main castle tomorrow, with the emperor dead, the country will be ours”, he exposed.
You nodded, it was simple but efficient. There was no reason to take any detour.  However, the moment you turned again to face your lover, he suddenly grabbed you by the hair and kissed you roughly. You answered with the same passion, hungry for the taste of his mouth, to feel his tongue possess yours. It was uncommon for him to be so eager, but you were not going to complain!
You suddenly felt as if you had not been able to touch him for a decade, you needed to caress him, bite him, and mark him. The alcohol added with the fallout of the battle did a nice work on your enthusiasm.  In a matter of seconds, he was as naked as you, and you were both lying on the carpet. Tou did not bother with foreplay, he quickly took possession of your whole body, dominating you with strong and ravenous movements. You accompanied him as much as you could, not even trying to hold on to your moans. Either way, they were swallowed by your lover's mouth and tongue, since he had not let go of your hair since the beginning. His other hand was busy holding your leg against your torso. Like this, he was always able to drive deeper in your pussy. The position was hurting you, but far from protesting, you whined for more, little tears of bliss gathering in the corner of your eyes. Tou abruptly let go of your leg to play with your clit, he then let out a deep grunt and the both of you came hard.
Tou did not move, pressing you with his whole body, so you simply basked in his smell and warmth. You closed your eyes, the world was disappearing outside of his arms. It made you remember the first time you had met him. At that moment, you did not even know his name, but now you could not have kept living without it. 
A moment later, while you were both falling asleep, Tou in your back, holding you in his arms, you noticed that he was keeping his hand on your hip. It took you a moment to realise it was at the exact same place you still had the mark Ou Ki-dono had given you. 
“Is there something wrong Tou?” You asked him, putting one hand on his. 
“Why? Are you feeling unwell?”
You back down instantly, the last thing you wanted was to talk about your injury. If he had nothing to say, nothing should be wrong. You will never have his heart. That was what Tou had told you the first time you had presented your bold request. At that time you had shrugged it off, but now it was bugging you. Of course, you would never have Ou Ki-dono’s heart! After all, it was not what you were after…
Sleep strangely came to you. You felt as if you were mixing dreams with reality. You smelled fired and heard screaming. You suffocated. Then it was laughter, vivid colours passing too quickly in front of your eyes.  You were suffocating. The voice of the cherished one. If you want to live, fight! You tried to answer but something was crushing you. A heavy burden on your torso was preventing you from taking any air in. My Lord? You called out, desperate. You were falling into another frantic nightmare. Hunger. Fear. Humiliation. Then a frenetic need for air…
Tou woke up suddenly because of a strange sound that had succeeded in reaching him through his sleep. He stared at the whole tent but there was nothing else than you in his arms. He pressed you a bit more against his torso. Then realised that you were the one making the sound. A strange difficult whistle as if the air was hardly coming into your throat. He quickly turned you to him: your face was terribly pale with your lips turning a disturbing blue. 
“Wake up!” He yelled at you without thinking.
However, no matter how many times he tried, you never woke up.
“The injury is inside”, that sentence was enough to allow anyone to understand how bad it was. 
The infirmary tent was mostly empty, the battle had ended a day ago, and most of the injuries had been taken care of. However, a bed was still occupied. You were laying on it, a blanket allowing you a bit of intimacy. Even if for now you could not care less since you were unconscious. 
Momiji glared at the two men waiting for her to develop her explanation. She could totally understand why Lieutenant Tou was here, after all, she was aware of your secretive romance with him, but why would the great general Ou Ki-dono come here for a mere 300-men commander? He behaved as usual, but she noticed something really unpleasant in his eyes. A deep anguish she had already witnessed in him, and she was not ready to face it again.
“She's not going to die”, she heard herself proclaim. “I will do everything. I'm not a master physician for nothing.”
“Kokoko, such enthusiasm, I'll entrust my precious commander to you then, isn't it Tou?” Ou Ki-dono accepted his tone far more serious than his laugh. 
“Indeed, my Lord. After all, she is a master physician.” 
Momiji sighed in front of their little spectacle. There was no shame in being aware of her own skills. Unlike you, when she had been offered a post up to her talent by the great general in his army she had not declined. 
“Great, if everyone is on the same page, I'll politely ask you to go find someone else to bother!”
And without even a little effort for decorum, she rudely sent them on their way, earning only another laughter from the general and an intense silence from his Lieutenant. The physician finally got back to you, sighing dramatically. Really, she had already lost one of you, she would not tolerate losing another…
You left the burning smell behind you, keeping on walking. Even when you were sold to a master. You did everything you were told. No matter the difficulty. No matter the humiliation. No matter the hunger, the thirst, the fatigue… Until one day you realised that your master’s eyes were no longer looking at you the same way. The humiliation changed into a growing uneasiness. You succeeded in never being alone with him, for another year. That day, when faced with the despicable lust, with the uninvented hands, you did not think. You fought with all your strength, then fled as far as possible. But a ten-year girl can not survive alone for long. The same thing happened again. Only that time, you were not strong enough. You screamed, and you struggled as hard as you could, hoping for one of your blows to land. However, it was he who knocked you down, and in a daze, you heard your clothes being torn down. You could not look, your eyes staring at the sky. Suddenly, an iron helmet appeared.
“Fight if you want to live”, you heard.
At that time you did not even know that the metallic object was a sword, you grabbed it anyway and dug it into the man in front of you. You screamed so hard, so desperately that you lost your voice on the spot. Blood dripping from the blade, you stared at the general on his horse and fell to your knees. 
Momiji glared at the silent blond man sitting at your side. He was there since dawn, making her work difficult. She knew him for a long time but never had the opportunity to talk to him much more than asking him where he was hurt when he would occasionally get a serious injury.  
“Did you not have a conquest to finish?” She ended up asking in the hope to remind him of his obligations.
“We're leaving tonight”, Tou answered. “We'll take the emperor's head tomorrow.” 
Suddenly, it was as if you had heard them: you opened feverish eyes, gasping for air.
“How's the war?” You asked without looking at anyone. “How's the great general?”
Momiji realised instantly that you were still delirious, inquiring only out of sheer will about the well-being of the campaign. 
“Everything is fine, just focus on getting better”, the witch ordered since Tou was not saying anything.
Your lips moved without a word, and then you fell back into the bed, unconscious again. In the same motion, the Lieutenant stood up.
“I'm counting on you physician”, he proclaimed with dignity. 
“Yes, yes…”
How's Tou? The question died on your lips. Who's Tou? Where are you? The sounds of battle, the smell of blood, for years you knew only that. No injury could put you down. But was it really living? You pushed your luck every day, taking on the worst fight, never backing down no matter the opponent. In battle nobody could follow you, everyone thought that one day you would not come back from your crazy stunts. You did not listen to any of them, only set on living through your sword. Until one day you found yourself alone, circled by enemies. The feeling of loneliness and despair almost crushed you. But you did not give up, you cut and pierced, not letting any blow put you down. Slowly, you succeeded in lowering the number of soldiers, however, it was obvious you would never be able to kill them all. Your grip loosen up, what have you been doing? 
At the last moment, you heard a clamour coming from behind the group, there were shouts of pain and fear, followed by blood splashing in the air. It was as if a terrible rotating machine had been put in motion, and in a matter of seconds, it reached you as if the soldiers were nothing in front of his powerful skill. He stood in front of you, you did not exactly remember his words but his expression at this moment stayed engraved in your memory: proud fierceness. Without thinking, you followed him, finally getting out of your grave. The next thing you remembered was asking his name: Tou. And as if he had not done enough already, he even gave you the words you did not know you needed. 
“Your Lord has given you the means to live, but it is up to you to use it in the most commendable way for him.” 
“It was time”, Momiji grumbled when noticing your eyes open.
You tried to talk but your throat was too dry. 
“Here, drink.”
You thirst awake when saying the water, you gulp it precipitately. Then, it was your hunger that made your stomach grumble. 
“Here, eat.” 
“W-wait, how’s the campaign?” You succeeded in asking what was eating you.
“You don’t need to bother with anything, we’re back at the Ou's castle. Now focus on getting back your strength”, the witch ordered you.
“One other question please, how’s the great general?”
It would really have been all for nothing if he had lost his life while you were uselessly on the bed. You could not have handled it to lose another one the same way. Or it would have confirmed that you were truly at fault…
“As if the Lord could lose in some easy battle like this, you need to set your priority right”, Momiji bitched while forcing a plate into your hands. 
Defeated, you kept your last question to yourself, hoping she would answer you if you obliged her for a bit. You were really exhausted, your body felt so weak that you wondered what had happened. But one glimpse at Momiji was enough to understand she would not tell you anything until you had obeyed her. 
After eating and drinking enough, the physician checked your body. 
“Everything looks fine… Your injury had hurt you inside”, she finally explained, I could not do much more than potion and patience. “Thankfully idiots are always the more resilient.” 
“Thanks… I guess? How long have I been like this?” You dared to ask.
“Almost a month.”
Your heart fell in your feet, that long? You had looked weak for that long! It made you nauseous. The physician did not miss the change in your attitude, however, she did not say anything. This was a fight, you will have to win by yourself. 
You found yourself free faster than you had expected, around a day after you had woken up. But as soon as you had taken a step outside, your whole unit fell on you, their mouth full of words of relief and congratulations. You could not make sense of most of it and did not find the courage to remind them that you disliked hearing any allusion to any injury you could have sustained. Without you noticing, they lead you to a specific room. You realised that you had been playing when you faced Ou Ki-dono and his lieutenants. The rest of the soldiers, including yours, were standing in the courtyard, while the commanders were overlooking them from the top of the stairs. Meanwhile, you were in front of the last ones, trying your hardest not to stare at Tou, you felt as if it had been a year since you had last seen him, so you focused on the Lord who was already laughing behind his hand. 
“So now that the main guest is here, we can start the award ceremony”, Roku O Mi announced with a strong voice. 
You almost choke on your saliva, they still had not done it after that long? You noticed a couple of other lesser commanders like you, waiting silently on the side. 
“For successfully killing Gyu Ko and allowing our victory in this campaign, the 300-men Gou Ken unit is promoted to a 1000-men unit!”
A deep silence then a roar of proud and joyful exclamations. Your unit and yourself have been promoted thanks to your hard work! You could not hold back your joy and shout with your men, your fit high in the air. Roku’s black eyes reminded you that you had missed the most important thing.
“Thank you, great general Ou Ki-dono!” You brought your hands together, bowing your head while your men were putting their knees on the ground.
“Nfufufu, keep working hard”, he simply answered. 
You were overjoyed when meeting up with your men after the ceremony. They would not stop boasting about the promotion, talking about it and their new opportunity until late that night. You refused any alcohol, Momiji had forbidden you to drink any, and you were not suicidal enough to dare go against her order. You tried your best to keep up with your men’s endurance, hoping to hide how exhausted you were. As soon as one of them called it a night, you jumped on the occasion to leave too. 
You did not even see the silent and empty corridors, walking arduously to your room. That was one of the only things you had accepted when joining Ou Ki-dono, the privilege to have a bedroom for yourself. You had never been happier to have agreed to that. Just a couple of steps more… Your vision was blurry, your breath short and your chest painful. A dreadful sensation made you fear that your injury could suddenly come back and finish you. Your feet slipped on a stair, and unable to hold you, you fell. 
Just before your face hit the ground, two muscular arms grabbed you from behind. 
“Easy, I’ll help you.”
Panting, you recognized Tou’s voice, thus a soft smile bloomed on your face. You let him support you until your room, even opening its door for you. You were too tired to care about someone spotting the both of you. However, as soon as you were safe and sound in your room, sitting on your bed, you saw your lover turn his back, walking to leave without a word.
“W-wait, Tou? You’re leaving?”
“You need rest,” he imposed after a silence. 
“I want to rest with you…”, you disliked how fragile you sounded.
It was so unusual for you to let your weakness be seen that Tou could simply not ignore it. He turned back towards you, his round eyes shaking under an emotion you did not understand. He opened and closed his mouth, looking for his words.
“I can’t stay, I won’t be of good company…”
��I can't fathom a better company than you”, you insisted, at a loss in front of his unwillingness.
Something was clearly wrong. Now that you were sitting on your bed, you had caught up on your breath and were thinking more sharply. If you could be honest, something was wrong even before you had fallen from your injury. 
“What are you not telling me?” You inquired in front of his determined silence.  
“I told you that you would never have his heart”, Tou finally said with a tightened sigh, which didn't even sound like a reproach. 
“Are you worried about me?” You finally understood his words. 
“How could I not?” 
He eventually looked at you, his face was still void of emotion, however, his pupils were slightly shaking. The euphoria from your promotion vanished instantly at this sight. 
“You wanted so desperately to have intercourse with him, then you risked your life as you used to, and finally, you inquired about him even when you were severely wounded!”
You winced, really could everyone stop bringing back your injury? You already felt so ashamed about it… Still, it was not about you right now. Tou needed you. 
“I messed up, you finally admitted closing your eyes for a second. I thought you'd understand… I mean you have known me for so long. Of course, I know I would never have Ou Ki-dono's heart, I know even better than you that it already belongs to someone else. How could you think that I would ever want to undermine that?”
It was painful for you to talk about the past, nonetheless, you would not spare any difficulty if it could make Tou feel better.  
“And if it's not enough to prove my sincerity to you then…”, you stuttered, “know that I already gave my heart to someone else so you do not need to worry… I just hope that I have his too…”
“Someone else? Not Ou Ki-dono? Or Ryo?” 
You blinked a couple of times, he really wasn't going to make you spell it right? His eyes looked so lost that you knew that yes, you'll have to say it clearly if you wanted to clear up for good that misunderstanding. You stood up again to walk toward Tou. You realised at that moment that it was really easier to fight an overpowerful opponent than to reveal what was laying at the bottom of your heart. 
“I already stated my thoughts about our Lord, as for Ryo… He was like a brother to me…”, you took a deep inspiration, “it’s you who took my heart”, you whispered while your hands reached his face to gently caress it, “you conquered me so easily that day, at the end of Ty’s bloodshed. I realise now that I should have told you sooner, but I was too scared you would not reciprocate my feelings, I was too scared to lose you… Instead, I made you suffer, and for that, I am truly sorry.”
It took you all the courage you could muster to stay like this, to keep your eyes on his, to stand tall in front of your exposed emotions. If Tou was to reject you now, it would undoubtedly harm you beyond everything you could imagine. Still, it would be better than knowing you were hurting him. Everything else ceased to exist around the both of you.
“Since Ty?” He repeated in awe. “I could not take my eyes away from you since the first time I saw you. You were like a moth, lured by the battlefield, unable to withdraw even before death… You were mesmerising, and you still are.” 
Like this, you reached the limit of what you could hear: you quickly hid your face in the crook of his neck, unable to listen to him any longer. How could he say such things with such a straight face? You wondered, fighting between deep embarrassment and light joy. 
“I love you too”, he concluded while delicately taking your chin in his hand, raising your face to his. “It’s the first time I see you that embarrassed…” he added smugly
“Please can you stop making it worse?” You pleaded, your cheeks so red you were sure Tou was burning his fingers on it. 
“I am not sure I want it to stop… I think I enjoy it.” 
Desperate to make him shut up, you kissed him, grabbing his hair in your hands. He was not that much taller than you, still, you had to tiptoe to be able to hug him tightly. One of his hands supported you at the end of your back, while the other was not letting go of your face. The air around the both of you was so clear, it allowed you to truly enjoy what you were doing. For the first time, there was no longer second-guessing everything. It was just Tou, you and the incredible feelings you were lucky to see reciprocated. 
A couple of steps backwards while embracing was enough to make you fall back on the bed. You looked at Tou with wide eyes, his face had never been so red either, and his eyes were full of life. It was as if you had awakened something in him, something he did not know he had. He quickly got rid of his clothes while eating you with his gaze (he knew better than to bring back your wound and try to go easy on you). 
You realised with a delay that you were staring at him without moving, your mouth open. But before you could do anything he had already taken care of your tunic and was consuming you with his lips all over your body. His teeth pulled out of you small gasps of pain, your hands grasping his soft hair, desperate to get him to put back his mouth on yours. Which he did once satisfied with your dishevelled state. Each bite was irradiating pain and warm directly to your pulsing womanhood, making you needily rub his right leg between yours. Far from complaining, he used his tongue to stifle your moans and pressed even harder his thigh against your intimate part. 
You let go of his head, grabbing his buttocks to help you masturbate against him. You had no regard for your state, you could only think about answering to the incredible heat. However, it was never totally right, exactly enough. Tou knew it. He let you grow frustrated on purpose, alternating kissing you and biting you on the neck. 
“Tou please”, you finally begged, too frustrated to even care about your pride. 
“What do you want?” He asked in your ear, making you shiver from the wish and fear of him biting it too. 
“Please… fuck me!”
As you anticipated, he suddenly and repetitively bit the soft skin of your ear making you hiss. At the same time, he freed your entrance, put his hand on your legs to spread them and pushed hard in it. That time a strangled cry of satisfaction came out of your mouth, followed by a sigh of pleasure that was quickly taken back when met with a rough, determinate pace. Half raised, Tou was using all his weight to pin you on the bed and stare at you. His eyes were enough to take your breath away, but his red cheeks, laborious breath and incredible work were more than enough to set you over. Your hands only could reach him, so you took care to caress, scratch, and pinch him all over, repeating on the spots he would whine making your inside twist; all in between his hard thrust in your pussy. He made you shake every time he moved, hitting at the right spot and sending you flashes in your whole body.  
Your hands were now too heavy, you could only grab desperately on your sheets, pleading for Tou to allow you the release you so badly wished for. Seeing you in that state, the blond man stuttered in his movements, he shakily used one of his hands to caress you, earning the sweetest song from you. He played with you, holding on to his own climax, grunting brainlessly until you wet his hands and thighs. He then buried his length one fierce time, fulfilling you with his hot semen. 
You curled yourself against Tou, under the blanket. He was gently stroking your hair, easing you into a soft rest. However, you could still guess some unanswered questions lingering around. You were trying to figure out how to get on it when your lover started to talk.
“I will not come back on my words. If you want to have intercourse with our Lord and me, I will agree.” 
“Thank you, you whispered”, waiting for what was to come.
“Will you tell me why you want it?”
“I…m not ready… It's a bit painful and awkward… At least I can assure you I have no other feelings for Ou Ki-dono than admiration and loyalty. But I want to be honest with you, I enjoyed our experience a lot, and I would be a liar if I said that our Lord's looks were leaving me indifferent.” 
You had not moved but you could hear Tou's heartbeat in his chest, while your blood was pumping loudly. 
“Now, I'll only follow your lead, I don't want to hurt you anymore”, you added. 
“I'll think about it then”, he nodded, “kissing your forehead. Let's sleep for now.”
You hummed, it was as if suddenly all your worry had lifted. You let Tou's caresses guide you in slumber. 
Next part
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akane171 · 2 years
You definitely don't have to worry bout that😂🙈
Yeah, I don't get why it did that in the first place...It's been doing that with my "asks" to LW too and I still don't get why it would do it either there or here🙈😅
I was exaggerating but there are definitely A LOT more people where I live compared to your 12k😅 But lol, 35 People? That IS kinda just two streets😉🤣🤣😶 The peace and quiet sounds very nice tho🙈
Yup, they do😅
Ahh, right, the priests 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sorry, I half-forgot about those already, what, with the whole message didn't get through thing🙈🙈😅
Cakes are REALLY awesome and same, I want some, too😅🤤
HAHAHAHAHAHA well, that escalated quickly, tho rap-song-writer!you sounds like it could be funny af🤣🤣😉
Yeah, okay, that really sucks if they only reused older "scenes" and didn't care to give characters their own "twist"🙈🙈🙈
...Putting feelings into boxes? Oh god, that sounds so unhealthy, I'm actually kinda glad I have seen barely anything after Season 3😅😅🙈🙈
Jup, agreed, her story would have been awesome like that and a nice little message for everyone watching, too🙈😅
Hmm, good point🤔😂 Okay, so Lex as the headmaster🤣 Ohh, imagine Lillian and Rhea being on the School Board/Comittee/Board of Education🤔🤔😰😅 
But wouldn't Max be able to deduce that because he's brilliant?🤔 Tho I imagine he'd clearly not be impressed, tho I doubt anything involving Kara impresses him😅😅🙈
🙈🙈🙈 Still, sorry!
PS2: Exactly!☺🤗
Ohh, well, my condolensces then?😅🙈 *hands over a few boxes of tissues*
Thanks, you too and happy Monday!😉😊
Problem sooooolved then xD
Who knows, tumblr is a void and eats the messages?
It's exactly two streets, one hidden behind a forest xD
It is nice. Minus the fucking birds at 5 am sitting on your balcony and screaming HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO like madmen.
On the other hand I can go to the forest and theoretically scream too, so.
Our talks are so messy I'm still not sure why you murdered kangaroos :P
Yeah, day later I still didn't eat it. But I had pancakes for the dinner, so I guess it's good too and well, KARAMEL ALL THE WAY!
...no, thank you.
I mean there for sure were some original cute scenes, whatever, but I was already annoyed and didn't care.
SEE? You didn't even watch and you know how stupid it sounds! And here we had Lobotomizer, the genius of the series, corrupting idiots with her ideology. I fucking hate it. I fucking hate it, how they made her look sympathetic, made her say half ass sorry, how they didn't make her pay a single thing for her horrible actions and she is "redempted" just like that. Because she is pretty white privileged powerful woman. Fucking show for a kids. Giving them this message. *throws up*
Sorry, but this shit annoys me like hell.
But I guess it would be soooo difficult to write, right? And would take away screen time from Lobotomizer and her sister, right???? And who needs a powerful, well written mine character to shine and be simply awe and some, right?????
That would be heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. All tou know, maybe we would not need dramas and no villains, just making them a little crazy and annoying. Like Lex being a lazy headmaster, cool and not giving a fuck, Lillian and Rhea being intense competitors in the WHO IS THE BEST MEMBER OF THE COMITTEEEEEEE etc xD And Lobotomizer could die in some explosive experiment or something
I think his brain woul dprotect him from mentally imaginating what the fuck (pun intended) happened there, involving his little naked brother wrapped in completly naked krypotnian :P
LET'S JUST STOP APOLOGIZING TO EAHC OTHER! But not like karamel, but really xD
PS HE WON, so it was a happy cry xD thanks :D
Have a nice... evening? night? day? sleep?
0 notes
player-tag · 3 years
little "headcannons" about my own hermit!tommy au i guess? i don't know just have it cuz i lost my previous draft and i kind of wanna cry.
-tommy loves redstone, although he has learnt little to nothing about it. he just adores the fact that you can give your mega base a heart and life that requires feeding, he loves the fact that you can use redstone to create a minigame, he loves that you can use redstone for almost anything.
-tommy trusts scar and xisuma the least, though he begins to trust them more when they try their best. he doesn't trust xisuma because he's a server admin (and we know what happened with dream and everything) and scar because he's a mayor (and sort of lawful neutral, maybe even lawful evil)
-his first "build" is a hobbit hole with a bench facing the sunset nearby. he says it reminds him of more "innocent and peaceful" days. the hermits decide not to bother him about it too much.
-his favourite base is etho's. he loves its chaotic energy and how it's such an organised mess. of course he loves the other bases too, but etho's just... reminds him of the chaotic energy of the dsmp but like, in a good way.
-he calls grian and mumbo "big g" and "big m" (respectively) but calls pretty much everyone else "big man". no one really minds.
-he spars with false a lot. the things he loves is that he doesn't die at the end of every match. false is proud of the amount of improvement he's made.
-his first gift was a red shulker box full to the brim with cobblestone and and mossy cobblestone (let's be honest, he needs some variety in his builds) which was a gift from grian when tommy expressed his love of cobblestone and the fact that he's never had a shulker box.
-tommy hates the shopping district at first. he says it's too crowded and full of little spaces where people can hide and then jump out and kill him. soon enough, he's the one hiding and jumping out and attacking people, with eggs, mostly (him and grian love this sorta pranks)
-tommy and iskall form a very brotherly bond. they jokingly argue all the time, but would murder anyone who hurts the other. tommy constantly makes joking comments about how iskall's omega tree lacks cobblestone, and iskall constantly replies back with how tommy's builds lack looking good.
-tommy only wears dream's broken mask for a little while for when he first arrives (he doesn't even know how he got it, it was the only thing in his inventory when he first spawned into the world). he gets rid of it when he realises it reminds him of bad memories.
-tommy is in awe at how rich the hermits are. like they have a totem of undying shop that sells ToUs for 1 diamond each?! they have secret bases made of diamonds! keralis' office is literally made of diamonds?! cub has two mega walls made of ancient debri??? it's crazy to him.
-his first shop is a cobblestone shop that does fantastically. he thinks it's pity, but when he sees that people genuinely use a lot of cobblestone and every shop that sells it runs out fast, he becomes proud of himself.
-he loves using elytra and the end in general. he never got to experience it before, so he just loves to go endbusting with grian, mumbo, scar, anyone. the hermits know he adores it, so when ever they go to the end, they invite him.
-although he loves elytra, he hates using fireworks to fly. he says they remind him of "not pog memories with them stupid boom boom sticks". the hermits are confused, but let him have his privacy.
that's all for now lmao. maybe i'll do more i donno know.
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hartigays · 3 years
Rafebarry from the POV of outsiders like the pouges and kooks who notice their relationship develop<3
doing this one out of order bc it called to me <3 the following povs include: jj, pope, kie, topper, and sarah!
side/minor pairings are jjpope and sarahkie
fic under the cut :-)
the sun is hot on jj’s forehead as he sits in the passenger’s seat of luke’s truck, idling in front of barry’s trailer.
he hates these days. it’s never been jj’s favorite activity, coming along with his dad while he buys drugs with money they should be spending on food.
not to mention, it takes for-fucking-ever. luke tends to get real chatty after his first high of the day, and barry is the type of dealer who’s always just fucked up enough to allow it.
today, however, jj’s forehead is only mildly burnt when luke exits the trailer.
actually, he’s being ushered out by barry, who looks irritated in a way that jj has never seen before. though, to be fair, the only times jj has been around him are when barry’s high or when they’re trying to mutually kick each other’s asses.
luke is grumbling to himself as he climbs into the driver’s seat, fumbling with his keys. obviously already fucked up.
jj eyes him warily, before flickering his gaze back towards the trailer. he’s only a little surprised to see rafe cameron suddenly standing in the doorway with barry, looking like they’re arguing about something.
okay, maybe jj is a lot surprised to see the scene playing out before him. because despite the seemingly heated tone of their conversation, barry has a hand resting on one of rafe’s elbows. it’s almost a tender gesture, and jj has to look away, suddenly feeling like he’s intruding on something.
barry touches rafe the way jj touches pope. and that’s… that’s a bit much to take in, to be honest. because jj sure as hell doesn’t touch pope the way friends are technically supposed to touch each other.
it’s an information overload, and he has no idea what to do with it. jj decides to file the racing thoughts away for later, when he inevitably spills his guts to pope about just exactly what he’s seen at barry’s today.
luke finally gets the truck started, pulling off of barry’s property without even noticing the moment unfolding before them.
jj takes one last look at rafe and barry, crowded in the doorway of the trailer while looking at each other like everything around them has fallen away, like it’s just the two of them left in the world.
it’s a sunday afternoon when they come in.
they’re arguing about something, barry looking thrilled by it whereas rafe just looks like he wants to smash his head through the nearest window.
“you ain’t really fished, country club,” pope hears barry saying when they’re close enough, “not til’ you caught a gator.”
pope suppresses a snort. there isn’t a soul in the OBX who’s caught a gator and didn’t come away with a chunk of themselves missing, and typically always empty-handed.
not like he’s going to tell two dickheads like barry or rafe that. if they want to go get chomped to bits by alligators, by all means.
pope is curious about the nature of their relationship, though. it’s interesting, and interesting things never cease to draw him in. (see: jj maybank).
jj had mentioned a few days ago that barry and rafe have seemed… different, recently. ever since then, pope has wondered about it. it’s a curious relationship, so he doesn’t think it’s that weird that he’s been desperately trying to understand it from all angles.
pope also just wants to know if jj is right. if barry and rafe really do have a thing going on. because like he’d told jj, he’ll believe it when he sees it.
it’s not like jj needs to know that he’s been secretly agonizing over it for absolutely no reason for the last three days.
pope stays seated quietly behind the counter, casually flipping through a magazine without really reading it, glancing up every now and then to spy on barry and rafe.
they’re standing by the bait selection, quietly conversing back and forth. pope can’t make out what they’re saying, but based on their expressions, they’re probably just talking about bait.
that is, until rafe passes barry a certain kind of bait with a questioning glance, and barry accepts it with a proud smile. rafe’s cheeks turn bright pink, and when their fingers brush as rafe passes off the bait, his face takes on a nearly scarlet hue.
so, okay, yeah. jj was definitely on the mark. it still makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever, but at the same time, they seem to operate in sync. it’s almost natural, whatever flows between them.
pope watches them walk up to the counter, feigning wariness to hide his curiosity, internally noting that he has a lot of homework to do later.
the wreck is unusually slow tonight. it’s a thursday evening, and usually more patrons show up, pre-gaming their friday night bash with a thursday kickoff.
there are only three families and a few scattered couples seated here and there.
that is, until they walk in.
kie can’t really say that she hasn’t been expecting this. she wishes she could say that, to be quite honest, but jj and pope have made it their personal mission to torment her with information about barry and rafe that she truly never needed or wanted to know.
not that they’re more than likely gay as hell - kiara doesn’t care about that. she’d be a bit of a hypocrite if she did, if she’s being honest. it’s the fact that they’re rafe and barry.
two people who’s fates the cosmos should never have aligned. if what pope and jj say is true, anyway.
somehow, kie hasn’t come up with any reason to doubt it. rafe is crazy, barry is pure chaos in physical form. she imagines they’re like a nuclear bomb waiting to go off, but she also sees how it works.
kie really, really hates that she can see how it works.
there’s another waitress working tonight, and she’s the one to seat the couple. or pair. or whatever they are. kie can’t remember her name - she’s only here for the summer, anyway. nevertheless, she has the inexplicable desire to drag the poor girl away when she attempts to flirt with rafe.
not only because rafe is liable to stab her in a parking lot or something, but also because rafe and barry are clearly on some sort of date.
she doesn’t know why, but after the waitress finally walks away, kiara keeps waiting on bated breath for more people to show up and join rafe and barry’s party. despite the fact that they’ve been seated at a table for two.
no one else shows up.
they spend the evening conversing quietly back and forth, their voices occasionally raising when they get into a little spat about something.
which happens about every ten seconds, if kie has been accurately keeping track.
not that she’s watching them, necessarily. it’s just a bit of a shock, seeing what jj and pope have been telling her for days play out right in front of her, in real time.
they don’t operate like the other couples in the restaurant, that’s for sure. or any sort of couple kie has ever seen before in her entire life. but pope was right, whatever flows between them is freakishly natural.
and that’s why kiara can’t stop watching. she can’t stop honing in on every movement - the way they steadily shift closer throughout the evening, first putting their elbows on the quaint table, scooting them closer and closer until they’re nearly touching, leaning into each other like they’re being pulled together by some magnetic force, unable to stay apart.
it’s like when kie knocks on sarah’s window and watches her come close, pressing into the glass as if she’s being sucked in by some invisible force, the same one that drives sarah across the room towards her, pulling her into her orbit.
kiara shakes her head, trying to shake off the thoughts. she really doesn’t need to be going around equating her relationship with sarah with whatever the fuck is going on between rafe and barry.
whatever it is, though, kie can’t help but note that it’s something light rather than dark. something almost like happiness - something she never actually thought rafe was capable of feeling.
but with the way rafe is looking at barry, their hands now linked together beneath the table where they think no one else can see, kie is starting to rethink just about everything she knows about rafe cameron.
well, maybe not everything. but some things. enough that her head will be full for the foreseeable future. all because of barry and rafe fucking cameron of all people.
what the fuck.
“you’ve been gone for like, weeks, dude,” topper says, eyeing rafe from across the table.
they’re at the figure eight country club, having drinks (on topper, of course) and a light lunch. it’d been topper’s idea. rafe had merely reluctantly agreed, claiming he had nothing else going on today.
he’d sounded almost like he was pouting about something. now that he’s seated across from topper, he can clearly see that rafe is definitely pouting about something.
which isn’t unusual, per se. but it is unusual that rafe isn’t bitching about whatever it is.
to be fair, rafe has been different these days. topper doesn’t really know what’s going on with him at all, their lives having suddenly and unexpectedly diverged for reasons topper still doesn’t understand.
it’s not like rafe was his best friend or anything - the guy’s a dick more often than not. but they had been friends at least, and confided in one another from time to time. guy to guy.
topper still wonders what happened, to this day. he doesn’t think rafe will ever tell him, though. not fully. and that’s okay, topper isn’t, like, desperately interested or anything, but a bit of an explanation would be nice. even a half-assed one.
“i’ve had shit going on,” rafe finally answers, as vague as can be.
topper rolls his eyes. “obviously. come on, man. i just want to know what’s been up with you lately.”
“you mean you want to know what’s been up with sarah,” rafe corrects, taking a long sip of his beer.
and okay, yeah, maybe topper’s desire to get back in touch with rafe has a little something to do with wanting to know what sarah’s been up to. but he does want to know whats been going on with rafe, too. that wasn’t a lie. he’d just omitted some details, sue him.
“yeah, okay,” topper agrees, not bothering with lying. “but i’ve also been wondering about you, man. you just kinda. disappeared.”
rafe picks at his burger, before pushing it away with a sigh. “shit happens, top.”
it’s so far from an explanation that topper kind of wants to throttle him all of a sudden, but rafe doesn’t give him the chance. his phone starts ringing, and he pulls it out with a triumphant smile, like he’s just won something.
something he’s definitely very, very smug about.
topper thinks he hears something along the lines of ‘m fuckin’ outside you little shithead brat coming from the person on the other end of the line.
rafe just smiles wider, putting on an innocent look even though whoever he’s talking to can’t see him. “coming!”
listen. listen. rafe fucking sing-songs it. topper feels like he’s been punched directly in the solar plexus. his mind reels.
topper is nowhere close to catching up, but rafe is already standing up and excusing himself, saying he has somewhere to be and thanking topper for the lunch half-heartedly, not contributing anything towards the bill.
typical rafe.
topper latches onto that familiarity to get his brain working again, shoving himself back from the table and racing out of the club, tossing a few too many bills on the table as he runs out. he practically chases rafe down, tumbling out the front doors as rafe is crossing the parking lot.
rafe comes to a stop next to some guy on a motorcycle, and neither of them have seen topper yet, clearly. because in the next moment rafe is pulling off the guy’s helmet and kissing barry the fucking coke dealer right on the mouth, tongue and all.
topper almost blacks out on the steps.
instead, he steadies himself on the railing of the staircase, shouting across the parking lot, “what the fuck, rafe?”
the reaction topper gets is not the one he was expecting. rafe just grins like a shark, then climbs on the back of barry’s bike. he wraps his arms around barry’s waist, then he taps barry twice, and they’re speeding out of the parking lot.
“we are so fucking talking about this!” topper yells after them, his head still spinning.
the roar of the motorcycle drowns out the noise.
she isn’t sure what wakes her up at first.
for a moment, sarah thinks kie is at her window. she frowns in confusion, still half-asleep, wondering why kie would be here without texting or calling first.
they always text or call first.
when sarah sits up and looks over at her window, there’s nothing there. but she knows she heard something, something that roused her from her peaceful slumber.
there it is again. it sounds like a squeaking noise, like an old window or a screen door opening. a moment later, quiet voices, drifting through the vent in her bedroom.
sarah wonders if it’s ward, if he’s having some secret meeting that would be truly invaluable to overhear.
she scrambles out of bed, tip-toeing to her air vent and sinking down to her knees. she leans closer, then closer still. all she can here are soft voices - she can’t make out any words. whatever the conversation is about, it’s interspersed with giggles and gasps.
oh. oh my god. ward is cheating, he has to be. and wouldn’t that be such sweet justice? catching ward in the act of something he can’t deny? something that could potentially keep rose from continuing to feed his endless greed?
sarah stands up and races across her room as quietly as she can, poking her head out the door and looking around before creeping into the hallway. she quietly makes her way to ward’s office, stopping just outside and leaning close to listen.
if they’re done already, that’s pretty pathetic on ward’s part, sarah thinks. but then she hears it again, the soft cacophony of sounds, only louder this time.
sarah follows the noise, her curiosity getting to the better of her. it leads her straight to rafe’s bedroom.
she really should’ve known better than to open the door.
“oh my god! oh my god? oh my god.” sarah slaps her hands over her eyes, already trying to scrub the image of barry on top of her brother from her mind.
she just walked in on rafe. having sex. with barry.
sarah feels a little faint.
“jesus christ, sarah, would you get the fuck out?” sarah hears rafe snap, and she fumbles for the doorknob, slamming the door shut quickly.
she backs away in horror, practically bolting back to her room and flinging herself onto her bed. sarah grabs her phone, firing off a few texts to the group chat.
sarah: SOS!!! walked in on barry and rafe…
sarah: oh god
sarah: i can’t even say it
jj: were they? y’know
jj: like
jj: brokeback mountain style or
pope: jesus christ jj
pope: that’s disgusting
pope: ………
pope: but for real though were they?
john b: i’d also like to know
kie: you know what count me in too
sarah: oh my god.
sarah: i hate all of you.
sarah has the most useless friends on the planet, and the drug dealer is fucking her brother. frankly, she’s had enough for one night.
sarah tosses her phone onto the floor and puts a pillow over her face, drifting back into her blissful state of unconsciousness. she’s not awake to hear rafe and barry start up again.
thank fucking god for small mercies.
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movedbl0g · 3 years
stray kids - reacting to you being an artist
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
🖤requested by @tayatubby
-> I hope you like it!!
(Gifs also belong to their original owners)
Bang Chan:
Chan finally got a day off, he was spending the last days in his studio, busy with working on new music. So when you finally could meet again, you decided to go on a picnic date, bringing cinnamonrolls and a lot of other stuff with you.
After you ate, Chan laud down, his head pointing up while resting on your thigh, slowly drifting to sleep. You softly stroked his hair, when u had an idea. You grabbed your sketchbook from the bag besides you and you started to draw the peacefully sleeping man in front of you.
You were almost finished, just a few little details missed, so you were looking at Chan, appreciating his features in order to draw them right. All of the sudden, a little “hey! You’re staring!”, brought you back to earth, as you were completely zoning out. “Oh- I I’m sorry I just-“ , you stumbled nervously, but after your eyes met Chans , you both laughed it off.
Then, Chans eyes fell into your sketchbook. “What are you drawing?”, he curiously asked trying to peak on the page. You tried the close the sketchbook as fast as possible, but Chans fast reflexes already kicked in and he grabbed the book before you could close it.
As he saw your drawing, he immediately blushed and let out a small chuckle. “I didn’t know that you can draw that well y/n! This looks really amazing!! Why am I only seeing this now?? Please,,can tou draw something for me??”
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Lee Know:
You were sitting on the couch in the large dance practice room,the room filled with the sound of music and Minho’s steps. He has been practicing for a while now, while you carefully watch every movement he makes.
After a while you decided to draw a little, you always had a sketchbook and a pencil with you (just in case), so you pulled it out of your beg and opened a free page.You started to sketch the different movements Minho did, analyzing his anatomy and emotions, trying to include them in your sketches.
Once you had the base of several movements and poses in the paper, you started working on the little details. You were so caught up in drawing, that you didn’t notice that the music suddenly stopped and that Minho walked up to you.
“I didn’t know that you could draw that well, y/n!”, he said and you clearly heard the amazement in his voice. “Thank you”, you said while your cheeks flushed red. “But no matter how good my drawing skills are”, you continued,” the drawings will never look as handsome as you do in real life”.
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Finals week were coming up soon, but you just couldn’t concentrate on the school stuff in front of you. You tried listening to calm music and asmr, but nothing seemed to help. Your mind just kept swaying to other things or well...Changbin.
You started to mindlessly scribble on your notes,but after a while you started to draw an actual portrait from Changbin on your notes, trying to bring in all the details, like the sparkle in his eyes and cute dimples.
“I thought you wanted to study”, a voice behind you said, causing you to jump. You blushed and tried to cover the drawing on your notes but Changbin already laud his eyes on it. “Is- is that me??”, he asked,you were not able to tell if he liked it or if he thought that it looked horrible.
You hid your face in your hands, trying to hide the embarrassed look an your face. “Yes...maybe....”, you said slowly, waiting for a clear reaction. Changbin started to giggle, blushing from your cuteness “it really looks amazing, you could definitely sell this!”
You both started to giggle. “Well, maybe you should draw another one tho, because these math equations kinda kill the vibe”, he added,giving you a small peck before walking into the bathroom.
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“You really think that you can draw better than me?”, Hyunjin asked teasingly. “I mean we could do a drawing contest and let the other members decide who won”, you answered confidently,raising an eyebrow at him.
What Hyunjin didn’t know,is that you always were good in arts and you even studied it for a while, before you decided to concentrate on other things. After you both agreed on a theme you both started drawing, a wall of arts supplies blocking you both from looking at the other’s artwork.
Time flew by quickly, you were both silent for the most time, concentrating on the drawing in front of you. “I’m finished!”, Hyunjin suddenly screamed, confidence written in his face and you can’t help but let out a small giggle.
Hyunjin eyed you offended “so you’re thinking your winning, huh”, he stated in a teasing voice, “then show me your drawing fir-“. He stopped in the middle of his sentence, as you turned around your artwork to him, causing him to gasp out loud. “Nooooo”, he whined dramatically,” how was I supposed to know that you’re THAT good at drawing....this is not fairrrrr”
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It was the first time that you two went to your apartment. You had been together for a few months now, but you always met at different places and mostly the dorm.
The two of you had bags filled with groceries in your hand,since you were planning on cooking together this evening.After a little bit of struggle you opened your apartment door and held the door open for Jisung, letting him walk in, while his eyes explored your apartment.
As you put down the groceries in your kitchen, Jisungs eyes fell on the colorful wall in your apartment, it was filled with little drawing, landscapes, forms and a lit of different things, but somehow it all harmonized to one big picture.
As you catched your boyfriend staring at the wall, you walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his chest while pulling him close “Do you like it?”, you asked. “Are you kidding me??”, he answered, his voice excited while his eyes were still lingering on the wall, “this is one of the most amazing and beautiful things I’ve ever seen...I can really be happy to have such an talented partner like you, y/n”
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“Do you want to help me decorate this cake??”, Felix yelled from the kitchen,while you were busy scrolling on your phone in the living room. “Sure,,I’m on my way!!”, you screamed back, putting your phone down and making your way into the kitchen.
“The cake smells totally amazing!!”, you complimented as you pulled Felix into a tight back hug. The boy giggled,putting both of his hands on yours.”what theme do we want to go for?”, he asked while turning around, so that he can face you. “what about if we try to recreate the latest album cover and draw a group photo on it?”, you suggested.
“But isn’t that kinda complicated?”, Felix asked worried, but you gave him a reassuring smile. “ I mean yeah, it’s not very easy, but if we mess up we just have to eat the cake as quick as possible, so no one sees it” you said jokingly, turning to the cake to star decorating it.
After some time you were finished with decorating, the kitchen was a really big mess, but the cake turned better out than you expected. “Woahhhhh”, Felix let out as he saw the cake. “You’re talent is crazy...like wowww look at that.....”, he immediately pulled out his phone to take a picture of the beautiful decorated cake. “Now i really don’t want to eat that cake, because this artwork of yours is more than amazing”
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You were sick today, so you stayed at home to rest and get healthy again as soon as possible.But as time went by,you started to get really bored, so you decided to look up pictures from your boyfriend and decided to draw him.
Your bed was quickly filled with art supplies, your sketchbook on your thighs as you started to draw. You started with a simple sketch, but it soon turned into a detailed fanart and you even incorporated colors (what you usually don’t do).
After the piece was finally finished, you had to go to the toilet, so you put down the drawing on your bed and rushed into the bathroom. While you were away, Seungmin returned home, bringing your favorite take out food with him.
As he entered your bedroom, he saw the drawing of him on your bed and looked at it for a while. “Why did you print out a picture from me?”, Seungmin asked as you came back. “Huh...what?” You asked confused, until he pointed out your drawing. Your cheeks turned red and you started to giggle. “Minnie, that’s a drawing...”
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You came home from work and found your boyfriend in the living room drawing while talking to his fans in vlive. You gave him a small smile as a greeting and he immediately smiled back at you.
“Do you wanna draw with me?”, he asked while holding up a blank paper. You hesitated at first, but after he gave you a pouting-puppy-stare you gave in and took the paper from his hand, sitting dien behind the camera, facing Jeongin.
He continued to talk with his fans, peeking over to your drawing a few times, but he couldn’t really see what you were doing. Your mind was totally focused on drawing, you haven’t done that in a while,but now that you are drawing again, you remembered how much you loved it and how stress relieving it was.
“I’m done!”,you shout out after a while, holding your paper up to Jeongin, so that he can finally see your drawing,while waiting for his reaction. His jaw dropped open as he looked at the drawing. “Omg look guys!”, he stated while taking the paper from your hands and showing it to the fans,”I didn’t know that you could draw that well!!”. His eyes lingered over the drawing, appreciating every single detail in your drawing,while you were blushing at the cute reaction of your boyfriend.
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