#Eye psychology
tumbler-polls · 7 months
When you picture yourself in your mind, do you imagine yourself precisely how you look in real life, or do you see something else (an alter ego, a person who looks differently, another being, etc.)? When you're visualizing from the first person's pov, whose hands are you seeing? If you have aphantasia, consider "seeing" as a metaphor for the way you think of the concept of yourself.
The main options (we put them here due to the character limit):
🪞: I only imagine myself the way I look like irl.
🪆: I imagine someone/something that represents me.
✨️: I imagine myself in multiple ways: the way I am, as another being, as an abstract concept, you name it.
Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to expand on your answer in the comments / tags!
Credit to @anon (we added a few options).
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tbartist · 2 months
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“All eyes on me”
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equill · 1 month
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Another Otsutsuki?!
we’re messing up the timeline for this one. (I lost this crack idea but then it came back… the abyss stare back and I jumped in.)
anyways, now some kids meeting the new kid
Panel 1: There’s something wrong here.
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Comic 1: Attention.
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they’re both in the same boat
Comic 2: Day Off (with confusion.)
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he just a little insecure,, (kakashi still told him to get it together)
back to the future now
Comic 3: What. (huh?)
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Panel 2: very tiny.
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werepires · 1 year
Fic in which Mary tries extra hard to bond with Cas to show Dean she supports him and their relationship, except that relationship doesn’t exist in the way she thinks it does and because none of them ever use their words Dean is now faced with the horrifying thought Cas might become his stepdad
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thebiscuitlabryinth · 4 months
Here is a secret: Pure Vanilla Cookie had felt like he was being watched for a long, long time.
He can't quite pinpoint when exactly that started, if it was before or after he earned his Soul Jam. He thinks it must have been after, because he thinks he wrote it off as the Light of Truth's presence, but the specifics don't really matter. Either way, the feeling of eyes on him had been so constant that it faded into normalcy, and he hadn't noticed it since.
Until now.
Now, with Shadow Milk Cookie breaching the seal, and crumbling Elder Faerie Cookie, and White Lily Cookie becoming the new Guardian of the Seal, and White Lily Cookie being really and truly back in the first place and– and—
The point is that Pure Vanilla is quickly realising that a lot of his prior assumptions don't hold weight anymore. A lot of things he had believed to be unshakeable truths turned out to be wrong or, even worse... well, lies.
And these realisations aren't all bad, truly. Some are sweet with relief and the familiar scent of lilies. But his feelings on the matter aren't helped by the fact that suddenly, for the first time in years, he can feel those eyes on him again in piercing clarity, burning with a malice he had failed to notice all this time.
Pure Vanilla does his best to leave them be, focusing on the unmistakeable warmth of White Lily at his side, and the determined hearts of the children, and everything that needs to be done. It is uncomfortable, but it is manageable.
Delivering word to Crispia about the situation is no quick business, let alone waiting for word to return back. As such, they are staying in Faeriewood for the foreseeable future, waiting on a response from the Republic or the other Heroes. The Faerie Cookies are lovely and more than welcome to the notion, though that is hardly a surprise with how beloved White Lily is to them, and rightly so.
Pure Vanilla Cookie, to his credit, does his best to relax as they wait, but it is increasingly difficult as time wears on. He cannot bear to go anywhere near the Silver Tree, because the weight of that gaze increases by a tenfold whenever he is anywhere near its vicinity, almost crushing him, as if urging him to- well, it makes navigating the Faerie Kingdom difficult, if he cannot get too close to its centre.
Pure Vanilla sighs from where he is settled gingerly down among the soft pastels of the flowers, nestled carefully beneath the shade of the bending canopy of less dangerous trees. From here, he can see White Lily's radiant figure across the bridges and walkways, roped up in conversation with the Silver Tree Knights and surely discussing her new title and all that may entail. Whatever the case, he is content to have her within his sight, soothing some age-old nerves.
He busies his hands with a flower crown, the repetitive motions helping to distract from the twisting trunks of the trees lingering in the corner of his vision, their silvery bark marred with dozens of squinting eyes, black as shadows with vibrant blue—
No, no, no – but it's too late, Pure Vanilla's hands stumbling on his work and crushing a flower in his clumsiness. Regret instantly soaks into his core, and he hurriedly releases the poor bud, only feeling worse when he sees that some of its nectar and colour has stained his hands. Such delicate beauty, destroyed by his own foolishness. He certainly can't give this crown to White Lily now.
Bitterly unwanted, the thought that Shadow Milk must be laughing at him now flits across his mind, and he drops the flower crown like its petals are dripping poison, lest he ruin it any further.
In the end, no matter how much he pushes it aside, his thoughts always swing back to the same dreadful realisation. If Shadow Milk has been watching him all along - and deep down, Pure Vanilla knows it to be true, even though he hates it - then he must have seen everything. Every moment he was vulnerable, every moment he was hiding, every moment he thought was private.
It's terrifying. His mind keeps reeling at the mere idea, flicking through his lowest moments with the aching, sickening knowledge that he had seen it all. It feels unfathomably invasive, almost as much as Shadow Milk's voice burrowing into his head like it belongs there. Nothing Pure Vanilla has experienced has been solely his own, and it seems like it never was.
Pure Vanilla is saved from his own sinking thoughts by the gentle warble of birdsong, and grateful for the distraction, he looks up to find a small bird descending from the canopy. Admittedly, it is different from the blue birds he is used to, looking to be a spore variant of some sort, but he smiles at it just as cheerfully.
"Hello, chickadee. How are you today?" He greets affectionately, voice warming as he holds out a hand for the spore bird to land on. It does with a chirped greeting back, and for the briefest, most blissful moment, Pure Vanilla feels light with the simplest happiness.
And then the bird looks up at him, with not two, or four, but countless eyes opening across its entire body, inky black and mockingly blue.
Pure Vanilla startles fiercely, jolting back and shutting his eyes tightly on instinct, and the movement is more than enough to scare the bird away, but he is too occupied with fumbling for his staff in the grass beside him to pay it any mind.
Finally, his fingers find purchase, and he hastily lifts the staff upright, half-leaning against it as he looks through its eye. The pupil darts around until it lands on the bird once more, where it has fled back to a perch among the branches.
It looks normal, or as normal as a spore variant can be. It certainly doesn't have a hundred knowing eyes.
The trees don't have eyes either, for that matter.
Pure Vanilla presses his forehead against his staff, desperately tempted to keep his eyes closed forever, to rely solely on his staff so he doesn't have to risk seeing anything unreal. It's a dangerous, guilty thought, but it persists even when he gathers the strength to crack his own eyes open once more.
He blinks once, twice, hesitantly looking around.
There are no eyes. Just a spooked spore bird in the canopy, a half-crushed flower crown hanging off his lap, and White Lily in the distance, now joined by an energetic Gingerbrave and his friends.
Pure Vanilla watches for a moment, waiting. When everything remains as it is, he sighs again, heavily, wearily, and sinks back into the bed of flowers, holding his staff to his chest in a loose grip, even as he lays down.
He thinks he hears a mean giggle chime faintly in his ears, but what does he know? That's probably a lie too.
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outletcrash · 2 months
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little doodles of my rouges designs. these are more-or-less set in stone, since i actually understand these characters this time around.
my joker, two face and penguin designs are in the workshop rn keep your eyes peeled
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Abusive parents teach you to hide and be ashamed of your problems so heavily that by the time you get trauma symptoms, it doesn't even cross your mind that this is something serious that you should tell someone and ask for help with. All that crosses your mind is 'fuck, how do I hide this from everyone.'
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mishapen-dear · 4 months
i love it when bad is very specifically a good roleplayer by giving other people good prompts. like casually bringing up wilbur now to tallulah. or when he put missa in the petting zoo. or all those times he Tormented the Lesbians so they could protect each other from him. its just so !!!! I love watching roleplayers be considerate of other roleplayers and gleefully hand over something they Know the other person's character can react to. i've seen cellbit do it, too (that time he handed his knife to bbh. oh my god). it's not a rare thing, and it's possible to be a good roleplayer without keeping that sort of considerate back and forth in mind, but its one of my favourite things to notice. foolish does it too, sometimes- i haven't watched him much, but i did take note of when he Made Sure to bring jaiden along with him on a cucurucho quest. and basically every interaction he had with bad when the eggs were missing. its just so so good
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pennielane · 1 year
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GET BACK, PART III — Ringo doesn't talk much, but when he says he's not going abroad, they are not going abroad. And when he says "I wanna go on the roof", they're going on the roof. (x)
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elysianaut · 11 months
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"Wake up"
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"And remember our promise"
I'll be thinking about this one for a long time, incredible stuff. Signalis © Rose-Engine
Edit: have the timelapse as well!
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frostinepac3 · 5 months
Realistic werepep isn't real, he can't hurt you.
Realistic werepep:
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Just realizing that the fact that there exists an “Angel Eyes” Eclipse implies the existence of either a more foreboding or comically innocent version of him called “Devil Eyes”
oh, Lumi, you just unleashed something devasting
As entertaining as a detective Eclipse would be, innocent and way in over his head when it comes to dealing with a mob boss Y/N who just so happens to find him devilishly handsome and too clever for his own good, I'm thinking of something worse than a mob boss.
As a young rookie cop, you are attempting to put out so many fires in the city. The crime rate is abysmal. The politicians are running on fumes and bribes. The police force is barely hanging on through constant corruption. Animatronics are still considered inhuman, unalive, objects to be owned and used, and disposed of. You're hoping that the laws declaring animatronic rights will pass soon.
Murders happen every single day in a city racked with gangs, crime lords, and thieves. You and a few other officers are tasked with dealing with a particular crime scene. It's not unusual for a politician to get assassinated, but there's something particularly brutal about the killing that sits in your stomach wrong—there was blood everywhere.
Then another important person gets knocked off, the carnage grisly and crimson, then another, and another. You can't shake how savage the murders are.
High-ranking officials start having you and other cops stand as bodyguards, taking them where they need to go, standing outside their meeting doors and on the street of their homes at night.
The killings keep happening. You learn of police officers who were standing watch were gutted, too. Slained just as well as the intended target.
You do your job, but you don't like it. You became a cop to help the city. This wasn't what you had in mind, much less babysitting powerful and possibly corrupted individuals that you despise.
That's how you confront him.
Late one evening, sitting in a squad car with a fellow policeman, you two keep each other awake with small talk until you hear the faintest scream. You both take off, and you take the back of the house. When you enter the gauche kitchen, there's a cook animatronic knocked to the ground. You stop to speak to the poor robot, her optics fuzzy until you offer a helping hand and get her back onto her wheels.
Before you can send her somewhere safe, a cold shudder rolls down your spine, as if someone were walking on your grave. You whirl around to find a towering figure at the far end of the room, dark and threatening. Black optics with pinpricks of electric yellow peer at you in judgment. The devilish eyes startle your soul.
You yell out commands to stop but the animatronic—you realize—doesn't head and disappears deeper into the house.
You give chase. You hear a gunshot upstairs and a shout from your partner. When you reach the second landing, you lift your gun to take aim, but a large fist clamp around your own. You fire once, hitting nothing. You're thrown against the wall, dangling by the wrists under the looming killer. Sharp rays, burgundy and royal blue, circle his face plate, splattered in bright blood.
It's too late. It's too late for the politician, it's too late for your partner, and it's too late for you.
He takes your gun and drops it far away. His staggering height gives no hope that you can fight him off, and already, he has you pinned. You simply hope that it will be quick, painless, but your heart sinks when he lifts a hand to your throat. His optics glint. You close your eyes.
A cold, slick finger tilts your chin up. He commands you to look at him, and you aversely obey. The optics scan your face. You wonder if he takes a sick pleasure from causing harm. You loathe that he most likely finds fear in your eyes but you are determined to not make a sound.
"Officer," he says in a cold, dark voice that spears your heart. He studies the badge on your chest, reading your last name etched in brass. You clench your fists, still suspended by his one large hand.
"Who are you?" you demand.
He doesn't answer. He cocks his head with a flash of sharp teeth in a metallic grin. When he drops you, you nearly crumple to the ground. You're aware of the blood underneath your chin where he had touched you. When you try to reach for your handcuffs, he's already down the stairs and out the door, fleeing the murders. Trembling, you fumble for your gun, but you find the clip gone.
The killer animatronic left you alive.
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vorpx · 3 months
she’s actually really based i dont see any problems with her going to the underground government catacombs
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tumbler-polls · 6 months
An autostereogram is a two-dimensional (2D) image that can create the optical illusion of a three-dimensional (3D) scene. 
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atbussysparks · 6 days
Red guy: the cycle of death and rebirth boring as hell 💀 [family guy clips]
Yellow guy: I just snorted shoe polish remover
The duck:
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deerspherestudios · 6 months
To say I was squealing every time I saw Mycheal (so the whole game) would be a lie, GOOD JOB ON DAY 2!!
Now question :>. So I know Mycheal’s power works better with direct eye contact, so What if MC’s vision was obscured? I'm thinking of hair covering their eyes, wearing sunglasses, bad vision, ect. Would he still be able to use it or would it be nullified? <3
Oh good question! He's still able to influence you even without looking into your eyes (like when his bangs covered his eyes in the beginning of Day 1). There's some tingling in the back of your head; you can choose to ignore it or follow through as if it's your own thoughts. The eye contact is just a booster.
Physical barriers like hair in the way of your eyes to the point of obscured vision (you can't see him looking at you) or blurry eyesight would help in resisting. Things like glasses and sunglasses would not.
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