#Didn't feel confident enough to show my face haha
oculusxcaro · 4 months
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Apologies for the excess OOC content lately, work's been kicking my ass and I am kicking it back by getting shit done. Last shift for a couple of days tomorrow though so thought I'd eke in a rare munday. Baby also makes an appearance so you can appreciate how smol he is. 😊
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sehodreams · 3 months
hiya!! first off wanted to say i love ur blog and i enjoy reading all ur content but esp look out for ur toxic!riize headcanons those are fun haha, i was wondering if and only if ur comfortable with it cuz it’s a little weird.. but thoughts or a drabble about like bully! or toxic! sungchan with plus size!reader but he likes to tease her for her size sometimes but it’s really just to hide how attracted he is to every aspect of her.. idk like only if you’ve got some ideas, that’s all… thank you and i hope you have a great day!
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TW and tags: oral sex (f receiving), bully!Sungchan x plus size!reader, bullying (duh), heavy dubcon.
WC: 1.8k
Comment: thank you so much hahaha, I'm happy that you like my silly content, I love toxic!riize too, to be honest, I also want to write a toxic!sungchan x plus size!reader, I have an idea but I've been so busy I haven't been able to write properly in days, still, i hope you like this bully!Sungchan. Pd: please look at that picture, I imagined him looking like that the whole time.
You have a couple of memories from that place, like how good it felt to hug your grandmother before bed, how there was a little stall in front of your school that always had tasty sweets, and how there was a little boy you used to walk home with after classes finished.
There wasn’t much objection once your mother said you would go back and live together in your grandmother's place to not leave the house empty. You had a couple of friends, but it was nothing special, so you said goodbye to them and moved with your mother without problem.
You had to admit you were even kind of happy, perhaps you could eat those sweets again, and you wouldn’t be able to hug your grandmother, but at least you would feel her presence with the old floors and flower decorations that surrounded every room, and especially, you hoped you could see him again.
You should've known by that point in your life that having expectations only leaves you with the sour aftertaste of disappointments.
The stall wasn’t there anymore, your mother changed the whole house, leaving no trace of your grandmother behind, and the sweet boy that used to follow you with a smile now followed you to make fun of you.
It was easy to recognize him, he had the same eyes and shiny smile, and you were elated to see a good old friend now all grown up into a real man, but he wasn’t as happy to see you there, showing you a disgusted face once you told him who you were.
‘’Don’t fucking talk to me’’ he said, and you didn’t understand what you had done wrong, perhaps you were too confident, or your perfume wasn’t to his liking, or your hand was sweating too much when you touched him, you had no idea why he reacted like that, but you understood that, just like his appearance, he had changed, because that sweet boy you used to know would never talk to you that way.
Just that interaction was enough to make you never want to approach him again, and you tried to not even look at him when you recognized his voice, you didn't want to hear that tone ever again, and you did your best, but it was useless, you had become his new favourite thing.
At first, he was all words and no bite, throwing comments every now and then about your physical appearance, comparing you to a pig when you ate your lunch in the cafeteria, or mocking your uniform for being bigger than normal because of your size.
His friends only laughed at his comments, and those who weren’t his friends stayed silent, no one dared to approach you afraid of receiving the same treatment.
Then, he started to touch you.
He pinched your arm, telling you to give him your homework to copy it, then it was your cheeks, telling you to stop eating if you didn’t want to gain weight, and then, one day, when all of them had left for EP class and you were searching for your towel in your seat, from behind, he pinched your waist.
You turned to him, scared, it had hurt a lot more than when he did it to your cheek, and he definitely had done it with the intention of hurting you.
When you looked at his face, his typical grin wasn’t there, replaced by a surprised face and curious eyes, and you felt that something wrong was about to happen, so you pushed him out of the way and walked out of there as soon as you could without caring that you left with empty hands.
‘’Where’s your towel?’’ your professor asked you.
‘’I forgot it’’ you answered, not wanting to go back to the classroom.
Later, Sungchan arrived with your towel in his hand, and you got punished for not bringing all the obligatory material.
He got worse.
if he crossed you in the hallways, he would shamelessly pinch your waist until you hissed, and when he found you in the library, between shelves, he would pinch your ass, grinning from ear to ear at the picture of you biting your lips to not make a sound and get in trouble again.
As if everything he did was an innocent game, he smiled at you after nipping you in different parts of your body, like the side of your ribcage when you decided to walk away, the back of your hand when you tried to push him or your thighs when he sat beside you in the cafeteria or the study room.
‘’Why are you doing this?’’ you whispered, pushing his hand away from prying under your skirt and pinching your upper leg.
‘’Look at all that skin, your body is begging for it’’ he answered, grabbing your round hand with force to stop you from getting away, and then when you tried to do it again, he pinched the space of your boob that your bra didn’t cover, making you whimper of pain, laughing at your hurt expression.
‘’It really hurts!’’ you tried to reason with him, but he was a lost case, and he didn’t care that you were full of little purple and green spots, flinching at the mere sight of him lurking around, he wanted more.
This is going to end at one point, you tried to fool yourself.
He’d get tired and leave you alone when he found a new toy, it was impossible he only focused on you the whole time, and even if it was like that, it was your last year. After that, you’d never see him again.
Everything has an end.
Your house was the only safe space you had, even if it wasn’t anything like the warm memory you had about it, it was a place that had never been tainted by Sungchan, not like your school or the streets you walked to get there.
He would sometimes follow you and murmur insults while pretending he was your good friend walking you home, but once you opened your door and saw that he stayed feet away, you would exhale, relieved of him not trying to follow you inside too.
‘’Your friend is waiting for you in your room, I’ll go and buy something for you to eat later’’ your mother smiled, ‘’He’s become such a handsome boy’’.
She, unlike you, was excited to have him there, and you, trying to breathe properly to not show how the panic was consuming you, nodded.
There was nothing you could do to run away, it was your house, and opening your door, you saw him calmly looking at your stuff.
Your pillow wasn’t where you left it, he had definitely been roaming around for a while, invading your space and doing whatever he wanted, like he always did.
Standing in front of your bookshelf, one of your books open in his hands, he recognized your presence.
‘’Thought you would never come, didn’t know you took so many walks’’ he said and went through the pages of it, as if there was exactly something he was looking for, ‘’it doesn’t explain why you still look like that though’’.
‘’Sungchan… I’ve done nothing to you’’ you sounded as if you begging at that point, ‘’why… I don’t get why’’.
‘’I have my reasons’’ he answered, leaving the book where it was.
You flinched when he showed the intention of getting close to you, your hands becoming fists, alert, ready to run to another room in case he tried to hurt you again.
‘’We were friends’’ you said, lower lip trembling, ‘’please stop, Sungchan, it hurts’’.
He saw you like that, broken, vulnerable, and he beamed with it, walking towards you, and you thought your body would listen to you and escape, but it didn’t. Closing your door behind you, he pressed the little secure, making you finally react with the sound of the click, trembling in your place.
‘’But if I don’t touch you, who else will?’’ he whispered, taking your shaking hand, not pinching it this time, he interlocked his fingers with yours and pulled you closer to him, ‘’if you’re good, I’ll stop being so hard with you, what do you think about that?’’ he offered.
You didn’t understand, being good with what? You stayed still, looking up at him, your chest pressed against him, and his other hand went to rest over the small of your back, the generous curve from your ass to your waist that was the object of so many of his jokes.
You could see where the thing was going, and you felt yourself get nauseous with his aroma flooding your room and his temperature making you hot with almost no distance between your bodies.
‘’My mom will come back in any second…’’ you didn’t know what other excuse to use.
‘’I’ll be quick’’ his tongue poked out and wet his lips, sending a signal to your brain that screamed just be good and finish it.
‘’Will it hurt?’’ your face betrayed you, plainly showing all the fears you had, giving him, once again, the upper hand.
‘’Not anymore’’ he assured you. His hand that used to bring you so much pain suddenly became gentle and trailed up, caressing your arm with multiple marks from him, groping your chest a few times before he cupped your face. You didn’t make a single sound, not the hiss you always left out when he pinched you, or the cry when he was being too much, ‘’well done’’ he praised you when you let him open your thighs with his leg.
He quickly found his place, your pants were somewhere in your room, and his head was between your trembling legs, slurping all the involuntary wetness your body made you drip to accept him and not suffer.
Not being able to say his name properly, you moaned when his palms gripped your meaty thighs a bit too hard and his tongue found your entrance, bumping his nose against your clit between your plump folds, making you squirm at the intense sensation of him eating you out like a hungry man.
Your hands went to his hair, and you don’t know what flooded you, but you felt free to hurt him too, so you pulled his hair and moved your hips to crash his face, using him instead of the way around.
Then it felt good, to hurt him felt really good, and you thought, maybe this is why he does it, because you had never felt so powerful and in control before, especially with him.
Looking down, you two made eye contact even with your chubby stomach prodding out. His eyes had nothing of the mockery they always showed, completely lost instead, and you whimpered when he seemed pleased to have you focusing on him and what he was doing.
Not much after he started fucking you with his tongue the knot in your stomach started to feel so tight you knew it would snap in any second, so closing your large legs around his head, you crushed his head as much as you could while cumming, overflowing over his mouth and nose, asphyxiating him for a few seconds before you relaxed and finished giving him all you had.
He didn’t move away, gulping your juices and then moving his mouth up to leave a loving peck on your clit, as if he was proud you had abused him like that, and before he caught his breath again, he talked. ‘’See? This didn’t hurt’’ he smiled with the lower half of his face glistening with your orgasm.
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teyamsatan · 10 months
My sweet bb Andra 💕 How are you doing love ? 💫
I have a juicy Request and I know you will make its justice 😩🤌🏻
So basically, we have Neteyam and Mate going out for a little time together at the lake, or pond whatever (deep enough 😏😳). Reader decides to draw Neteyam. So he poses for her and well she starts drawing and all. She is all concentrated looking at the paper for a moment and she feels something being thrown at her. She looks at him and well 🥴 We don't need any precisions here :3
Reader is all flustered and Neteyam is just smirking widely. Reader hasn't any time to react because we hear Jake's voice screaming Neteyam's name from afar. Oh ! Guess what ? Neteyam forgot. Yes. He forgot a training with his father (Pls let this poor guy rest a bit 🙂).
And Lo'ak (Otherwise it wouldn't be funny hehe)
Neteyam tries to grab his loincloth but reader is faster and throws it far into the bushes, with a smirk obv. So Neteyam has no choice to jump into the water (I know that Na'vi are less ashamed of nudity... Are they ? Anyways !)
So his brother and father get there, very fastly. Everything that happened before was like in 10 secs.
The rest I leave up to you 😏 We only need some funny dad-Neteyam and brother-Neteyam interactions when he just can't go out of the water, but he's very very late... Then we have Lo'ak that finally understands and just cannot stop laughing, making Jake more than less annoyed than he already was. And we have some intense playfull eye contacts with the reader. She's enjoying it haha.
Yeah... You can end it like you want 😂💖 My brain is a mess sometimes ugh 😥
Okay Imma stop 🙈🌸 I hope this inspired you and no pressure okay ? 🫂
Smooches 🥰
no cause this is so so funny and i hope you enjoyed bestie xx it feels good to be back writing for neteyam :((
pairing: neteyam x human!reader
wc: 1170 words
warnings: smut, fluff, minors do not interact 🔞
na'vi compendium: yawne - beloved, tewng - loincloth, tanhí - bioluminescent freckles
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As a human on Pandora, there wasn't much for you to do, very little your body was inherently made for. You were slow and clumsy, a stark contrast to the Na'vi carrying you on his back like a little doll, all nimble and quiet as he treaded the deep shrubbery, his thumbs massaging your thighs as you rested your chin on his shoulder, humming contently in between peppering kisses to his neck.
As a human on Pandora, you were stuck in a lab most days, with filtered air and fluorescent lights, that did nothing for you, that had a rare talent of making even the most beautiful creature look ghastly and ashen, that gave you a headache, that made you miss the beautiful light peering through the uneven gaps created by the branches of the tall trees of the Omaticayan forest. Stuck as you were, you turned to artistic outlets for your boredom. You loved to draw, and you became very good in time, enough that the entire lab and some of the village were now covered in your landscapes and your portraits. The people loved you, and your talents, and often urged you to draw them or loved ones, as a way to immortalise a face or a moment forever in time, a priceless gift for them, and one that gave you a place amongst the Na'vi, even different, as you were.
As a human on Pandora, you didn't have a lot of choice of entertainment... or men. But you've never felt the lack... not when you had Neteyam. Your best friend, your confidant, he was always up for a challenge, and, let's just say, he always thought of you as one. In the few years since your 18th birthday, a rite of passage of sorts for humans, you were told, Neteyam made it his purpose to show you that you will never have to miss out on anything on Pandora, that he would make it his life's mission to... be there for you, in any and every way you needed, be it to be a shoulder to cry on, or a shoulder to rest your legs on as his head was in between your thighs, Neteyam was always there - ready to help, ready to serve.
You gulped as you reminisced about this morning, about the moans that escaped him as he was lapping at your folds like he was quenching an unquenchable thirst, like eating you out was for his own pleasure, and not your own, or the way he didn't stop until you were so overstimulated you were crying, something he made up for by showering you in soft kisses and quiet whispers of "you did so well for me, yawne. you always take me so well."
"You ok back there... friend?"
"Yes, Teyam. Just tired. Are we almost there yet?"
"Patience, love. You wanted more inspiration for your drawings, right? I told you I found just the place, and you're going love it, I promise. It's just a little further."
Well, he was right. The little meadow created by a small, clear pond, bustling with little fish swimming peacefully, drowned in warm sunlight, was the perfect backdrop for the painting you had in mind. With a small smirk, you pointed at the water and clicked your tongue at your much larger, beautiful, muscular friend.
"Get in, Teyam."
"I've wanted to draw you for a while, I just wanted the perfect background, and now I have it. Now go."
You chuckled to yourself as you heard a loud splashing noise, and settled on removing your pad and pens, placing them on the ground next to you as you thought about what positions would work best for what you had in mind. You gasped loudly when something soft hit you in the face, removing you from your less than innocent reveries - it seemed Neteyam was ahead of you, as you felt for the object that you removed from yourself and realised it was his loincloth. When you looked back at him, your mind shortcircuited at the sight of his naked body, glistening in the sun as the water dripped down every defined muscle, down his chest and abs, down his v-line, down his -
"You like what you see, yawne?"
Although it pained you, you raised your eyes until they met his beautiful features, tanhí shining brightly even in broad daylight, as they always did when he was overtly happy or amused, and by the wild, mischievous grin and crinkles by his eyes, it was a safe assumption he was both.
"I say you forget the painting for now, and come here so I can show you how... grateful I am you thought of me as your next subject."
It was a no-brainer to you, really, but when you heard a voice you knew all too well screaming, the noise echoing through the trees, heightening the sound, your body stilled in place.
"Neteyam! Are you there, boy?"
"Fuck! I forgot I was supposed to meet my dad for training."
"Quick, throw me the tewn-" you screeched as the instruction came too little too late, and in the heat of the moment and much to Neteyam's dismay, frightened by the quickly approaching steps of the Olo'eyktan, you threw the cloth in the opposing direction, somewhere in the bushes.
"Netey- ah, kid. What are you two doing here?"
You just looked at him, panicked, eyes flickering from him to Neteyam's younger brother, who looked at you suspiciously, eye narrowed as they assessed the situation at hand through a lens of youth and misdemeanour Jake couldn't really see, and you were glad.
"Cat got your tongue, kid?" The Sully patriarch's raised eyebrow did very little to will out of the catatonic state you found yourself in, so you remained quiet as he scoffed, turning his attention to his oldest son, instead.
"You were supposed to be in training at 1400 hours, remember?"
"Yes, sir."
"Come on, out. We need to be off and make up for it."
"I-I... can't."
"And why the hell not, boy?"
You felt Jake's eye roll deep in your soul, and you felt like you should take the blame for this since... you threw Neteyam's clothes away in fear, and everything. You should rectify this.
"Jake, I-"
"Oh, my Eywa! He's naked! He's so naked!"
Your mouth dropped in shock, but it was too late. The cat was indeed out of the bag, and as your and Neteyam's eyes met, listening to his dad's groans of disgust, you were a little relieved to see a hint of a smile on his face, the beautiful twinkle of amusement putting your mind at ease, letting you know it was all going to be ok. As long as you were together, and you had him, it was all going to be ok.
Reaching your hand behind your head to scratch the itchy spot at the base of your neck, you laughed awkwardly as you spoke:
"I'm... experimenting with some new artistic techniques?"
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blaxcunicorn · 2 months
hi hi! i saw your post of requests for writing and i wanted to ask for a roronoa zoro one! something about him being acting like he doesn't have feelings for the reader but when a stranger flirts with reader, he gets super jealous and angry. then reader confronts him and he first acts like nothing happened but after a while he finalley confesses his true feelings? idk if it makes sense but anyway thank you!!
also hope you are doing well, have a nice day!! ^^
Hey friend!
I'm well thank you!
Also, thank you so much for the request! I tried my best to write it, but please give me feedback if I missed anything.
This is my first time writing Zoro, I tried my best to capture his character but he is not the romantic type haha.
Word count: 1.1k
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After returning from Whole Cake Island after saving Sanji, you worked as a geisha woman in disguise with Robin in Wano. "I believe Zoro wishes to see you again," Robin said with a smile. You felt the skin on your cheek burn. "W-We have to focus on taking Kaido down…I—" you stopped yourself, knowing that arguing with someone as intellectual as Robin would be a waste of time. "I'll cover up for you, just go and greet him. Besides, he might have collected some valuable information on our customers."
"When you put it like that, I'll go." You say, sneaking out of the house. You feel your stomach growl and decide to take a quick trip to Sanji's new food stand. On your way, you freeze as you hear Zoro talking to Sanji. "Don't you want to see Y/n-swan? She looked gorgeous in her geisha outfit." Sanji drooled. Zoro turned around, blushing, feeling a bit embarrassed. Sanji noticed Zoro's blushing and asked him again if he didn't want to see you. Zoro hesitated for a moment before saying no. You overhear this conversation and feel your heart break into a million pieces. You had been so excited to see Zoro, but now it seemed he didn't want to see you.
Sanji looked at him with confusion. "Why not? I thought you liked her," he said. "I do like her, but I don't want to put her in danger," Zoro explained. "I'm not strong enough to protect her yet. I need to get stronger first." Sanji nodded, understanding Zoro's concerns. "I see what you mean," he said. "But you know, Y/n-Swan is a strong person, too. Maybe you could talk to her about it and see what she thinks." Zoro thought about it for a moment, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to talk to you about his feelings. He knew that you deserved someone strong by your side, but he didn't want to lead you on or hurt you in any way.
He knew that he had to become stronger so that he could protect you and be with you, as the crew had many enemies. He would train harder than ever to become the world's strongest swordsman. He knew it would be a long journey, but he was willing to do whatever it took. The scar on your leg from defending him against Mihawk after their first battle still haunts him.
You quietly walked away, tears streaming down your face. You had been so excited to see Zoro, but now it seemed he didn't want to see you. You didn't hear Zoro's confession to Sanji about his feelings for you, as you had already left.
After your Captain's victory over Kaido, Wano hosted a big banquet party to celebrate their new freedom. You sat next to Nami, confiding in her. Nami listened patiently, his eyes wide with empathy. "Don't worry, Y/n. That idiot loves you. He just doesn't know how to show it sometimes." You smile as you find comfort in Nami's words. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around to see Mr. Kuyama standing there. He was one of your clients during your undercover job as a geisha woman.
He looked at you with admiration and said, "Y/n-chan, you are the most beautiful geisha I have ever seen. I would be honoured if you would consider marrying me." You felt flattered but didn't know how to respond. Nami stared at you in disbelief; there was no way you were going to leave the crew for a marriage. However, if you marry him, you'll be the richest woman in Wano. Nami drooled over the thought of the money your kind heart would gift her. Before she could say anything, Zoro noticed the man's advances and felt a burning sensation in his chest. His grip tightened around his sake bottle as he struggled to contain his rage.He couldn't bear the thought of you being with anyone else but him. Feeling the tension, Luffy stretched his arm, dragged you to him, and stuffed your mount with meat, hoping to help Zoro by observing the situation from a distance. The Captain facepalm himself when he sees Zoro walking up to Kuyama, grabbing his shirt. "Hey, back off. She is not available for marriage." He said between his teeth. "M-My a-apologies Zoro-San", the poor man managed to stutter out before running away. You could swear that he wetted himself a bit.
Zoro turns around and sees your disapproved face, he could tell he messed up. He left in embarrassment, knowing that you'd confront him anytime soon. It'd be better for the two of you to talk in private. You left Luffy's side to follow Zoro, knowing he'd probably want to choose the meeting spot.
You spotted Zoro standing alone outside, staring at the stars. With hesitant yet determined footsteps, you approached him, letting out a heavy sigh. "Zoro," you started, gently yet firm. "Zoro, what happened earlier?"
He turned to face you, his expression guarded as he pretended not to know what you were talking about. "Nothing," he replied sharply, his tone short. Your frustration grew as he dodged her question. "Zoro, please," you urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "I saw how you reacted. Please tell me what's bothering you."
"I just couldn't bear to see you… with him," he mumbled. "Huh?" you said in confusion. "I just couldn't bear to see you with him, okay!" His honest admission softened your heart. You closed the distance between you and gently touched his arm, offering him silent comfort.
"I see, I didn't know as I thought you didn't want to see me." Zoro is now the confused one. "What are you talking about?"
"I overheard you talking to Sanji about not wanting to see me," you mutter, looking down. He gently lifts your chin to look you in the eyes. "It's not that I don't want to see you. Hell, I would rather spend time with you than training. I just wish I was strong enough to protect you. I don't want anyone else to take you away from me." You smiled, feeling a sense of ease by his confession. "You don't have to protect me, Zoro. Just love me."
With those words, Zoro pulled you into his arms and gently kissed you. The rest of the world melted away as you lost yourselves in the moment.
As you pulled away from each other, Zoro looked at you with a newfound sense of confidence. "I'll always protect you, Y/n. No matter what." Since that day, the two of you have been inseparable.
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carcarcraziiv2 · 6 months
Hello!! Just found your blog recently and your bf scenarios of heartsteel members were endearing to read!! Id like to request a scenario of f reader was a childhood friend of kayn and reader always been tbere for him even if he got kicked out of the band multiple times, reader will always support him because hes number 1 in her heart , there can be angst n fluff or whichever, take your time and thank you!!
Thanks so much for your request! I am WAY excited about getting one haha!
This prompt is simply great. I LOVE the idea of Kayn having a ride or die from childhood! Here it goes!
TW- Fluff, angst, kissing, suggestive themes kinda???. Enter at your own risk!
You had always admired Kayn.
Even when he is hot headed, when he lacks in confidence, you were, and always will be, there.
It all started when the two of you were in grade school. Kayn was often getting into little tiffs on the playground, and you made it a personal challenge to engage with him and try to make him a little happier.
"Hey, Kayn, right? It's good to meetcha. I was wondering if you wanted to play tag with me?" You had said, twiddling your thumbs and smiling shyly at him.
The little boy glared at you for a moment. Right as you were about to lose hope and turn away, it appeared something had switched in his brain.
"Sure, but no cheating!"
From that day forward, the two of you were like peas in a pod. Kayn was everchanging, as were you.
Eventually, Kayn developed some kind of alter ego he called Rhaast. You didn't really understand it. All you knew was that when he switched, someone was going to get hurt or something was going to happen.
Kayn was never really a sensitive or open person in a traditional sense. The two of you had off and on flings throughout middle and high school, until Kayn got into the band and party scene. You never gave up on your friendship, though.
There had been a few bands before the most recent. You went to all of their shows, accompanied him when he went to his little (mostly unsuccessful) meet and greets.
He was always so protective of you. If there was ever someone who was coming onto you or making you feel uncomfortable at a show, he would literally get off stage in the middle of a set and teach the person a lesson. You couldn't help but admire the way his dark pink hair brushed across his face as he prowled over to you to face the culprit. It made you blush, thinking of how he handled these situations.
One day, after a busy day at work, you got home to see Kayn sitting on the couch at your apartment looking wholly defeated.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting to see you here," you had said, your brow furrowed as you approached him. "Whatcha up to?"
"I don't want to talk," was all he said as you sat next to him. It was hard to accept that as an answer, so you pushed him just enough to get a reason.
"Well, you're sitting on my couch looking really upset. What happened?"
"I said I don't want to-," he looked at you swiftly, his nostrils flared and eyes angry. You knew Rhaast was close to the surface, but you held strong because you knew Kayn liked it when you stood up for yourself, even to him. He sighed when he saw the determined look in your eye. "Fine, I got kicked out of the band."
"Oh!" You exclaimed, shocked because it seemed like everything had been going really well for him and who you thought were his friends. They had done a couple shows, mostly just hanging out and jamming together. "What happened, Shadow?" He sighed again, a tad bit more dramatically, when you used his nickname. You had called him that ever since middle school when you would find him sulking in dark places like a weirdo.
"Well, apparently the guys don't like pranks. It was out of character for me to pull one, sure, but I didn't think a little 'poop on fire at your door' gag would piss them off so much. Whatever, I don't need them."
You tried and failed to hold back a laugh at his admitted fault. He looked back at you with his mismatched eyes and his lips quirked upward ever so slightly.
"Oh, Kayn, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to laugh but that is honestly really funny! I thought you all were chill; I'm surprised a stupid prank like that got them so riled up." Without realizing it, you reached up to adjust a piece of his hair that had fallen in front of his eyes while you let out another soft chuckle. You quickly snatched your hand away, mouth closing and eyes widening.
Kayn looked at you with a shocked expression for a moment, before he did something that made your heart race just like all the times previously when you two had dated. He leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips.
"Thank you, Y/N, for making me realize how funny I truly am," he smirked, clearly trying to adjust the topic from the kiss that had just happened.
That day, things had been different between the two of you. You weren't sure if it was because it was the first time the two of you had kissed in your adulthood, or if it was because you realized he chose your place to go to when he was feeling down.
It made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Your usual hangouts had turned into you stumbling over your words, blushing when he did anything remotely attractive, and overall, just a little more awkward.
It didn't take long for Kayn to find a new band, after that. You were excited to meet all of his new bandmates; Ezreal, Sett, Aphelios, Yone, and K'Sante. They were all sweethearts, and you couldn't help but think that this might be the band.
They named their band Heartsteel, and you were awestruck at how popular they became and how quickly. With that, of course, came consequences.
Every show, event, even just strolling through stores together, there were paparazzi and fans jumping all over Kayn. Inevitably, this drove a wedge between the two of you. He became so busy all of the time, and it was hard to find a moment for the two of you to see each other.
Back to present, you are working your usual nine to five office job. It's boring, but it pays the bills. You get to see all the fancy magazine articles and covers that Kayn and his band are in. You get to hear all of the stupid annoying girls at your office giggle and talk about how hot they all are.
You huff when one of them walks by your desk, joking about how she'd "do anything to get into Kayn's bed".
I bet you would. You thought. Unbeknownst to her, you had been in Kayn's bed, more than once in fact. Never daring to say anything about your relation to him in fear of being shut down or gaining too much attention, you just did your best to ignore it all.
The day was finally reaching its end when your phone vibrated in your purse. You opened it to see a text from Yone.
Hey, Y/N. It's Yone.
Oh, hey Yone. What's up?
Kayn is having some sort of... well, he's really upset right now, and he just keeps asking to see you. He doesn't sound like himself. Can I come get you and bring you over here?
You raise a brow at the message on your screen. It had been at least a month since the last time the two of you had spoken, as it was like pulling teeth to get Kayn to answer a text or a phone call in the first place, let alone now.
Don't worry about picking me up, I'll head over there now.
You quickly gathered your belongings and let your boss know you were heading out ten minutes early. Bidding your farewells, you left the building and climbed into your car. You took your heels off, adjusting your skirt so that your ass didn't stick to the leather as you flung your purse into the passenger seat.
A million thoughts raced through your mind, but one thing you were certain of. When you got there, that wasn't going to be Kayn.
It was going to be Rhaast.
The drive was about an hour, and when you pulled through the iron gates after inputting your code, Yone and Aphelios were waiting outside looking at their phones.
You put your car in park, put your shoes back on and quickly got out and speed-walked up to them.
"Hey guys, sorry it took me so lo-."
"No time for small talk, let's go," Yone all but dragged you through the door of the house they shared, leading you down a long hallway to the small practice and recording studio they put in. He didn't release your elbow until the two of you were standing right in front of the door, and he turned to look at you.
"I hate to say it but, be careful. He's acting a little...," Yone trailed off, as if trying to find a way to describe it.
"Manic? Crazy? Off the rails? Yeah, don't worry, I got this," You smiled politely at him, pushing him softly out of the way and opening the door to the room.
Contrary to your feigned confidence, your heart was beating out of your chest. What you saw when you entered had it racing even more.
Kayn was standing against the wall with no shirt, his arms crossed, smoking a cigarette. When he looked up and caught your gaze, his mouth turned up in a devilish grin. You hadn't realized it, but your mouth was dangling open as you ogled him.
His hair was damp from sweat, his muscles rigid as he stared back at you.
"Y/N, finally, you're here!" He greeted you, pushing himself off the wall and walking your direction after pinching the cherry off his smoke. Contrary to what you were thinking was going to happen, he walked past you and shut the door.
You blinked in shock when you heard the click of a lock.
"What's going on, Kayn?" your voice trembled as you asked, but you squared your shoulders and raised your chin none the less.
"Tsk tsk tsk, is that how you greet your best friend?" He murmurs, coming up behind you and wrapping his large arms around you. "I've missed you, Y/N."
You shuddered in his grasp before looking around the room with a sigh. "Is that why you trashed the studio? Because you missed me?"
He nuzzled his face into your neck and breathed in deeply, causing goosebumps to raise all over.
"Yes," he stated plainly. You weren't even surprised in his nonchalance about it. "Everything has been so overwhelming, lately. It doesn't take much for me to snap anymore, but when I see you all of those problems seem to melt away...". You were surprised, however, at how open he was being as soon as you got there. Kayn was never one to open up without a fight first. Perhaps the fight had already happened within himself.
You turned around in his arms to face him, looking up at him with a weak smile.
"I've missed you too, Shadow. I've got to admit, I don't like all the attention you're getting from girls either," you sigh. The vulnerability he approached you with must have been rubbing off. You didn't mind though. It was time for you to tell him how you really feel. "Kayn, I- I want to be-".
"Can you just be mine, already?" He interrupts, his eyes locked to yours. "I want you. I want every part of you. Nothing... Nothing feels right when you're not with me. The girls, the shows, none of it. So can you please please be mine?"
"I always have been, Shadow. And I always will be," leaning up, you place a kiss on his mouth. Retreating, you only get a moment before he slams his lips back onto your own, and you let out a little moan in acceptance.
"Always." He growls against your lips, and you know for once in all the time you've been his number one fan, that this time is forever.
The end :3
I kind of just went with the flow on this one. Hope you enjoyed!
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boyfhee · 1 year
⌕ TAKE TWO ━━ 21 : how are you so sure
PRECIS. while riki constantly assured you that him being an idol under a different label wouldn't be an issue in your relationship, you start getting second thoughts when fans start shipping him with his co-mc at music bank.
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w : angst ( 1.7k )
note : haha enjoy my slayers. can u tell i didn't want to write this?
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you and riki are at the bakery again, and this time, it doesn’t feel like a place you used to like ever since you moved to korea. the walls look as if they’re ready to cave in any second, and you’re here suffocating in the silence. 
“you can order something if you want,” he says finally, and they’re not the words you came here for. you’ve been waiting for this moment of truth for weeks and right now, riki can’t even look in your eyes while speaking. 
“if you’re worried about me, it’s fi—” 
“riki,” you sigh, half annoyed. procrastination isn’t what you’re looking for right now. “just tell me,” and you know the two of you have wasted enough time, which hasn’t resulted in anything better. if avoiding the truth had been beneficial, you would’ve won this game long ago. 
“well, what do you want me to tell?” you hate the confidence in his voice. it scares you. his voice is faint but oddly stern, as if he’s scared but not of the truth, not of whatever consequences his actions could bring, but instead, he’s scared of what’s going inside your head. you’re unpredictable, riki never had the luxury of reading you like an open book. it eats him inside out to not know what you’re thinking. the fear that has been replicating inside the marrow of his bone is now diffusing into the blood.  
but the stern look on his face still makes you uneasy. it makes him look right, and that certainly puts you in the wrong. 
“the date with miya?” you say nonchalantly. 
and riki sends you a look of confusion. “what date?” 
“i’m here to hear things from your mouth, riki,” you lean back on the chair, letting your pride play its part. “if i had to answer the questions myself, i wouldn’t have come here,” 
“yeah, well, you are hearing it from me; i don’t know what you’re talking about,” there’s a hint of annoyance in his voice, a pinch of unawareness. and then his mind goes back to the day you saw him at the bakery with miya, and suddenly things start falling into place. “i went to the bakery because she asked to see me. she said she would deny the dating statement and wanted to meet,” 
your hands are getting colder. your face is turning paler, you could feel your heart aching, afraid it would stop beating any minute soon. 
“and the texts about being at the gym?” you hesitate, a little unsure if you really want the answer to that question. 
“i never sent them,” and it’s a response that shows you the depths of the mistakes that you’ve made out of impulse and assumptions. “i went to see miya, to try to convince her to deny the rumours. i went to pay and left my phone on the table. i don’t know how she knew the passcode,” 
“by the time i could explain things to you, i realised it was too late. so, i decided to handle everything on my own,” his first mistake, he registered it in his head. “when i found out what she was doing, i stopped talking to her,”
it honestly didn’t make sense to him. it would be a lie to say riki didn’t trust miya. she was nice, friendly, welcoming, and treated him well. he had hoped for days the three of you would hang out together, but he never understood why you never liked her, or why no one from enhypen ever liked her. it never made sense while he had time in his hands, and when he saw the clearer picture, riki realised that the time had already slipped through the cracks of his hands. 
“i—” as for you, you were busy fighting your own demons. “you could’ve told me, ‘ki,” now that you know the truth, how were you supposed to live on knowing he never did anything wrong? 
how were you going to move on knowing you doubted him for things he didn’t do?
“i know,” 
“then, why didn’t you?”you notice the way his eyes widen in disbelief when you raise your voice. “you knew things were getting out of hand yet and you still didn’t try to explain it to me. i don’t know what to make out of this,”  
“i didn’t try to explain, and you? were you willing to listen, yn?” and now, he was raising his voice. you didn’t mind, it made the two of you equal. you like the sound of that, being equal and being equally responsible. “did you not outright ignore me everytime i told you that we needed to talk?” 
“don’t put this on me,” 
“you talk about all of our problems with jungwon and jay and everyone else, but me. you could’ve texted me instead of jungwon every time you had doubts, but you didn’t.” you want to talk back, your first instinct is to prove him wrong, but can you really? 
and, how were you going to live knowing you made the same mistake that you’ve been hoping he wouldn’t make?
the truth can be avoided but only for so long. somewhere inside, you knew talking to riki would solve every problem the two of you were having, but insecurities got the best of you, and you were never the bravest one in the crowd. confrontations were scary, you had jungwon. it seemed like the perfect excuse to not talk to riki and solve things on your own.
“did you do it?” but maybe, it was time for you to ask the questions that have been cluttering your mind for quite a few days now. 
“do what?” 
“i don’t want to say it,” a pause, and then : “you know what i’m talking about,” maybe, it’s your way of making yourself feel better. your version of ignorance and avoiding problems. while you’re sitting here with every possibility in your hand pointing against the assumptions you had made about riki, a part of you tells you that your instincts were never all wrong. 
“yn,” he whispers in disbelief. 
“just answer me riki, did you date miya behind my back or not?” and riki doesn’t know but it hurts you more to have this conversation with him. 
riki couldn’t believe your words for a brief moment. maybe, he’s hearing things, perhaps it’s the lack of sleep getting to him. sure, his relationship was on the verge of tearing apart, but never in his nightmares did he even expect to see a day where you would ask this question. you had the right, of course, he knew you had your doubts. he knew a day like this would come, but hearing you say it feels like taking a dagger to his heart. “i didn’t, god, i can’t even think of doing that, not even in my dreams, never.” 
“how are you so sure?”
“because i love you,” he doesn’t wait a second before answering. “you’re the one i’m in love with and i can’t picture myself with someone else,” for some reason, you don’t know, his words don’t feel genuine anymore. you remember all the times he has told you the same words and the effect they had on you. you remember the nights you couldn’t sleep after reading the sweet nothing he sent you over text, the days you were out of your mind because of him. that is the kind of love you have experienced. so, anything less doesn’t feel real. words that don’t make you feel the same way don’t sound genuine anymore. 
you take your time. a minute, another, and then another, and with every second passing in silence, it gets harder for him to breathe. you think it’s fine, you’ve been through this and you know he has too. had it been some other day, you would’ve trusted his words. if he had said it to you anytime sooner, you would’ve believed him. you think you still do, just not enough, not the way you would’ve if he had told those words before the very moment you were drowning in. 
“i trust you,” a despairing sigh leaves your mouth. “i think i do,” 
“are we okay?” and his words are full of hope. 
“i don’t know,” it’s a clear-cut reply, no doubts, no questions. you aren’t certain of anything at this point. you see blue, fear creeping on your skin, finger tips dripping with guilt. there’s a question you’ve been wearing on your sleeves for months now. “riki, was there a point when you had feelings for miya?” 
“what are you even—”
“yes or no?” you are sort of hoping he’d say yes. it would make the two of you equally responsible if your relationship falls apart, but that would be worse. you don’t think you can handle hearing that, because right now, you’re holding back your tears, the look in his eyes resembles a certain emotion. it’s guilt, and in his silence, you get your answer. 
you aren’t in the right here. you’re not the only victim. the damages incurred are for both of you to handle, the responsibility is shared, but it feels like you’re paying a higher cost, because now that you know riki had feelings for miya while dating you, everything feels like a lie. every word, every hug, every kiss, it reminds you of the mere possibility that he was thinking about her while making promises with you that he knew were supposed to be broken. 
the love he gave suddenly doesn’t feel like yours to keep anymore. and the thought of it is making you suffocate. 
and, you realise leaving is better for the both of you.
is this the end of you two? maybe, maybe not. you had imagined how it would be— tears, apologies, anger. not like this, not in confusion and regret, not with the fear of everything being a lie rotting your flesh inside. he cheated but he also didn’t, you cheated but without having feelings for jungwon.
so, you ask yourself again, is this really the end?
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rosquinn · 19 days
Very very disorganized X thoughts
Based on mostly voicelines
His incoming lines make me think a lot, honestly
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X is a liar, as it's stated several times in-game. He hides in his Goldberg machines and creates his own reality for fun, and quite possibly to feel safe from the external world. All of his confidence shows in times where he knows he has the full control of the situation ("Haha... I got you! I won't let you go, unless you agree to join my experiment!"). He likes to push people into his own world, but he's also dependent on them; he needs people to show them his machines, no matter how much he tries to satisfy his own desires with his creations, if there's nobody to test them on or show them to, what's the point?
"Try my new inventions... Ah! I had never prepared for a plan B in your absence..."
"Can I borrow you tonight? I really need your help for my new machine... please?"
"It's so nice to meet you! I've been waiting for so long!"
So, despite the confident and self sufficient facade he likes to put on, X is constantly referencing and asking for the attention of those around him ("Please live up to my expectations, colleagues!" "Ah, I seem to have grown a bit taller recently. Can you tell?"). If he ever takes an "imposing" role, it's when he's 100% sure he has enough power to enforce it, and he does want to have that power and confidence permanently and don't depend on other people and the external world anymore ("The day I've waited for has finally come. Welcome to my world."; Bottom of Insight line).
He reaffirms everyone likes him although of his eyes, something that caused a lot of rejection from people his age ("My eyes.. a little scary, aren't they? Kids new to the orphanage were a little afraid of them, but in the end everyone likes me."), and possibly the adults in charge of them themselves. He's dealt with a lot of rejection and mistreatment since he was a kid, and he looks for validation constantly, hiding under fake confidence and acting rebellious and chaotic on purpose to reaffirm said facade. He references his orphanage quite often in his voicelines, only when he's talking to Vertin, a friend he presumably can trust.
Going back to his Incoming voicelines, the first one really sticks out. They're both completely different reactions to the same threat, and one if them is most likely an act. My point is: considering X's facade mostly consists on appearing capable of anything, in control and smarter and more powerful than other people I don't know why he'd pretend to be scared.
Given how he talks about the orphanage, being a place where kids weren't even fed enough, didn't have winter clothes, weren't even allowed to exit the building, how much he liked to cause trouble, even trying to scape once, and how orphanages were in that period of time, it's highly possible kids faced physical violence from the adults in charge of them. Imo, the first line is genuine. He's recognized a threat, he knows he lacks enough power to face it, and he's scared of getting hurt. The second one is just another attempt at looking like he's in control of the situation. As I've said before, these lines are specially interesting to me because he is in battle, where he isn't in perfect control of everything, that's not his world completely and he can't drag people into it like he does at Laplace, so it makes perfect sense that he drops the facade for a moment facing a real threat.
Maybe this was all really obvious but whatever. I like him a lot
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doodlebat33 · 8 months
Hey can you do a netflix monkey king x reader? like where it’s the idea that opposites attract? Like since monkey king is very hesitant to show his feelings or express them. The reader expresses their feelings a lot and likes to sort things out by talking to each other and solving the problem. just feel like Monkey king didn’t like it at first it. But then he does later on as he gets to know us. I loved your fic about Netflix monkey king x reader. That made me twirl my hair and kick my feet❤️❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 thank you for feeding my hyperfixation whatever it’s called🙏🏼🙏🏼
Absolutely yes and thank you!
I think I've got a pretty good scenario depicting this in short or really how it would begin
Going to be writing this and any Y/n interactions in a more modern au/sort of Isekai take (Monkey King wakes up from mediation in a completely new cave and y/n finds him there and takes him home) Mainly because I am a sucker for the fish-out-of-water trope, that's the good stuff!
Y/n is sitting on large bean bag in their room, watching some videos on their phone. Monkey King walks in he looks to them
"Whatcha doin?"
Y/n looks up at him and says they're just watching some stuff and he's welcome to watch with them if he'd like. He shrugs
"Nah I'll pass."
Monkey King sits on the very very edge of the bean bag, tending to stick and giving it a few twirls. He looks over to Y/n's phone out of curiosity. Y/n looks over to him, and they ask him why he is sitting so far away from them. Monkey King rolls his eyes,
"I'm just getting some buffs outta stick. Don't wanna intrude on, whatever it is you're doing."
Y/n says that they don't bite and he can sit closer if he wants to. Monkey King huffs a bit and reluctantly sits a little bit closer. As time goes on, he puts Stick down and inches closer and closer in order to see what y/n is watching. Soon enough, and he hardly even notices it, he gets so close to the point that his head is practically resting on y/n's shoulder. Y/n chuckles a bit and playfully nuzzles his face. Monkey King recoils and gives y/n a rather perturbed expression.
"OK then! Like I said, didn't wanna get in your space."
Y/n looks back at him and apologizes, they just thought it was funny how close he was and jokingly say that he's so close that he's practically snuggling up to them. Monkey King immediately retracts and starts to huff and puff with a sarcastic tone,
"Well, I'm sure if I knew what that meant I would be super offended!"
Y/n's happy expression swiftly turns to confusion and asks if he knows what snuggling is. Monkey King shakes his head, Y/n asks about cuddling, and Monkey King shakes his head, they ask about Nuzzling? Monkey King thinks for a second, kind of shrugs but still shakes his head. Y/n is of course completely baffled by this new information.
They put their phone down, turn to him, and start to explain it. After the explanations, Monkey King simply raises an eyebrow and retracts his head back. He doesn't know how to feel about this, part of him is very intrigued by it but the other part of him, the whole "this monkey hero's alone", pushes the feeling away. He stifles a laugh and just kind of shrugs it off,
"Pfft, sound's pretty sappy! I don't think that's happening anytime soon, definitely not what I was going for, sorry to get your hopes up haha!"
Y/n shrugs it off and picks their phone back up continuing to watch the video they were watching. After a bit of time, y/n remembers that they could hear Monkey King stirring a lot in his sleep, sometimes even growling or snapping his teeth. They ask him if he's been having nightmares. Monkey King sort of tenses up but quickly rolls the feeling off his shoulders.
"Nah! Just dreaming about kicking demon butt! Nothing can shake me up, need I remind you I took on a dragon king and heaven all in the same day? You think a little nightmare can rile me up? Hah! think again." He turns away from y/n and picks Stick back up. His confidence fades from his face.
Y/n suggests that, if he ever were to have nightmares he is more than welcome to tell them. Y/n says whenever they have nightmares, they tend to snuggle either their stuffed animals or pillows that they have and that tends to help a lot. Monkey King shakes his head, still avoiding eye contact, his voice a bit defensive
"I can take care of myself. I've done it for this long, not gonna stop now."
Later on, in the dead of the night, Monkey King wakes up from another nightmare. He sits up on the large bean bag and tries to keep his labored breathing to himself so as not to wake up Y/n. He manages to somewhat calm down but, he's still on edge. He remembers what y/n had mentioned earlier that day. But, he didn't want to feel weak, to feel like he needed to depend on someone. He's taken care of himself for so long, he should be able to manage this himself. He looks at of y/n's stuffed animals and thinks to himself,
"Well… I mean, they're asleep, They'll never know."
Reluctantly, he plucks up one of y/n's stuffed animals and grips it tightly. But of course, to no avail this is help at all, it only makes his desperation stronger. He tosses the stuffed animal to the side and looks at y/n, still fast asleep with their arm wrapped around a large pillow. He quietly walks over to Y/n's bed, a quiet grumble in his throat. He sticks his tongue out and softly bites it as he tries to think. How can he get close without them waking up? He gets an idea and puts it into action. He grabs the pillow y/n is holding and tries to slowly take it from them.
Y/n adjusts themselves in their sleep and Monkey acts faster. He snatches the pillow from them, crawls under their arm, and lays down with his back turned to them. His ear flicks to see if y/n has woken up from any of that. They sigh in their sleep and wrap their arms around Monkey King, holding him close. Monkey's whole body stiffens up as his fur bristles to their soft touch. Is this, are they snuggling? His mind starts to race with a never-ending barrage of worries:
"Does this make me a wuss? They'll never let me live this down if they find out! What am I doing?! This was a horrible idea!"
Just before his worries his their peak, he gains clarity again by y/n softly nuzzling his back. His muscles start to relax as he faintly sighs, maybe, just for tonight. One night. His eyes start to feel more heavy and he quickly drifts off to sleep.
Monkey king x reader Masterpost
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jaylleoo14 · 6 months
Slightly suggestive!
okay okay so I was sitting on the floor thinking of stupid little Azul (love that man (っ´Ι`)っ)and working on the Amnesia Drabble I had of him which soon led me to thinking of Ruggie and how it'd be so cute to go on dates with him (Ahhhh! Hes so precious!) and then suddenly my mind drifted onto Leona and then some books I wanted to read.
Rivals to lovers or enemies to lovers is such a juicy and titillating trope for him omg! Like I can imagine it so vividly, like yessssssss. Imagine being a strong woman (Doesnt have to be physically of course) that of course he respects but will absolutely do his best to still try to one up you. Of course you reciprocate that and you always go all out whenever he's on the field with his team. Or maybe even though it isn't seen to be entirely fitting, think about being Academic Rivals with him! Literally anything between you two is a competition haha^^
Aside from your sex though, he wont go easy on you just cus of that factor. No, it's because he acknowledges your capabilities. Your passion and your spirit. Your witty and snarky remarks, which is always seemingly having him stay on his toes. Of course he carries respect for you, that is obvious. And honestly, even though he doesn't show it- it does excite him. You give him something to look forward to and you entertain the prince well.
"You could be my new personal jester with how much you like to entertain me, Herbivore."
"I bet that's all you ever dream about when you sleep. I'm a little touched to know you think of me so much~"
"Tch. Whatever your delusional ass self thinks."
But he's not denying it. Hes not denying it! Secretly, just secretly when all you think about is the competition, he's here not only trying to win the little rivalry you two share but your heart as well! Ah but he's such a big wuss>< Sometimes when you arent even looking the classmates behind him would see his tail wagging from side to side like a satisfied dog (Ironic since lions are from the feline tree).
When he sees you do better than him on a test by a mark or two, maybe even three! He cant help but just let out an unamused huff, turning his head as if he didn't care. And while you think it's just cus he's sucking it up or maybe acting like he doesnt care, he only turns his head to hide his face from you so you dont see the little smirk he has. God he loves seeing your prideful self, the way you so confidently and happily brag at how much better you did. But of course, he can always one up you anytime if he so wished too.
Before he knows it, he's up thinking about you. Shit, what kind of feelings are these? Before he only strived to do well in these kinds of things to only try and beat you, to see you grit your teeth in annoyance as he prides himself with his athletic abilities or his test scores. Now you have him staying up late and irritated, he should be asleep by now. You must've have done something, Something to have set him off. It drives Ruggie wonders that sometimes he'd actually try and study for some tests. You really managed to switch him up...
It was only until you were being chased by a group of guys from the same dorm all for swiping some food (but your reasoning was that you were hungry okay-). Running in a hurry you see Leona up ahead, walking at a good pace. Determined to just run passed him to run away from the crowd, you speed up your pace to turn the corner just as how he also turns the corner. When you make the turn you're caught off guard greatly, as his arms catch you with great force to the point you almost let go of your sandwich in your hands. He pulls you over to a nearby bush, one that was big enough to hide you both perfectly. Even better was that the bush was big enough to mask your guys scent. It was perfect.
"Leona what are you-!"
"Shh. Quiet." He leans his head a little lower with a stern look on his face, his green jeweled eyes angular as he looks on over you. The crowd continues running ahead with their haughty shouts and displeasure. Soon passing you both with no second thoughts.
"i'm doing you a solid. You should be thankful ya little thief."
You're caged in between his arms, lying under him on the grass. The sun pierces through the long blade of leaves and shines on his sea of brown hair beautifully as if running cacao simmered down. "I didn't ask for your help you know. I would've been perfectly fine without you." His body shadows over you, as if blanketing you under him.
He gives you a grin, leaning down a bit more as he eyes the sandwich crushed in your hands. "Really now? Because that sandwich sure isnt in the best condition."
You peer down, not knowing that the sandwich was squeezed and squashed in your grip. It was completely ruined.
With the crowd gone, there was just silence between the two of you. Only getting conscious now of how literally close you two were. There was that feeling again simmering up from his chest. It felt like he was a kettle starting to slowly boil up. Now it makes sense. He understands these feelings, now that he has you under him like this. Being so close to you so discreetly as if you two were rebel teenagers hiding away from your guys parents.
"You're so annoying you know that?" He suddenly states. It definitely catches you off guard but you're quick to answer. You're annoying in the way that you're on his mind with the constant want of him being next to you like this.
"Huh? Where'd that come from all of a sudden? You're the one who put us in this position in the first place!"
You're starting to squirm around, getting irritated that you're in this situation with your competitor. But he goes on to firmly hold you still.
"Hey, stop that. You're gonna get all the sauce on me. I'm gonna smell." He says in a bit more firm tone.
"Then get off of me, I'm gonna go get me another sandwich." You say rather harshly. You reciprocate the firm look on his face as you slightly push yourself up, the leaves hitting your face a little.
"You mean steal another one? I'll pay for it. So stop causing trouble around."
You're a bit caught off guard. Leona seemed rather more... Whats the word. Gentle with you? You two have never been this intimate before, its a rather new feeling. He liked it.
"Hmm how about this. You accompany me to go get something to eat and I pay for it. Sounds like a pretty good deal dont you think?"
The way he says it so casually with that little smirk of his, his eyes looking so focused on you as if reading what you were thinking. His hand on your wrist as he hovers over you. It kinda sounds like he was asking you out on a-
Huh. What. WAIT WHAT. You didn't mean to say that out loud! Oh no, you're face is getting hot, your heart is speeding up, your expression is pulled back into one of shock. "W-wait don't get me wrong! It just kinda sounded like a date! Argh what am I even saying?! God this is just so-"
"Yea, why not. Lets go out on a date." He brings your hand up to his mouth, licking the sauce off your hand as the crumpled up sandwich lays on the grass next to you. You're silenced as he his lips get into contact with you fingers, nibbling it against his canines ever so slightly as he laps up the dewy and runny substances. His eyes switching them up to meet yours.
"Just the two of us, i'll make sure to get you a better sandwich than that cheap one." He seems to love the look on your face, the way you're just taking all of this in. The way your face is an indescribable red. He's practically relishing himself in your quite yet loud reaction.
"relax, I aint gonna force you if you dont want to. I can take a reje-"
As he brings your hand down, before he could finish his sentence you go in and angle your head to the side. His ears perk up, so do his tail. You lean in forward, licking the side of his lips. When you pull back you're met with a surprised lion.
"Hehe, I wouldn't mind that. A little date with my competitor, I wonder how that'll go" You lean yourself back, your elbow helping you stay propped up. My god are you just so perfect. The way you just make his heart skip beats, he can finally admit it now. As much as he wanted to beat you in certain subjects and fields, he wanted to be yours all the more. He's always known. You're rivalry just being an excuse for him to keep having you close to his side like this. He's always liked you. But is it too early to say that he loved you? No, definitely not. He loves every part of you. He's already seen the more dirtier and flawed parts of you, and you've seen his. If you both have accepted each other doesn't that already prove much how much you two are willing to be with one another? That just gives you more time and more reason to find more of the beauties hidden within you both, all the more to love you and all the more for you to love him.
A strong smile is plastered on his face as the shade of the leaves hover over him, covering the both of you like a dome. "Hmm, how convenient for the both of us then." He leans in till your heads are almost touching, that is until his ears perk up and he turns his head away. You're caught off guard by this as you watch him look back and let out an irritated stare.
"Rook get your ass out of here damn it." He says it in such a bad and sour mood. Leona gets off of you and shifts his body towards where Rook seemingly was.
"Oh how utterly splendid indeed! I have always been so marveled by your ultra senses Roi du Lion! Sincerest apologies, I wasn't trying to soil the mood or interrupt you two. But I couldn't help but watch the beauty of love unfold right in front of my eyes! Such a fierce lion showing such tenderness towards his lioness! Ahhh such beauté! It drives me to tears!"
"Ah..." Well, this is embarrassing really. To think the two of you got caught like this. You really felt like a rebel teenager getting caught by your parents, who were oddly... Supportive? Regardless, it was still embarrassing. As Leona drives Rooks persistent self away, with full success he comes back to you and crouches down to help you up.
You two have a date to head to now. People have always known about your guys rivalry, but what a true shocker it'll be when people start finding out when you two start going out. I mean, every king needs his queen eventually. And you fit the throne to his heart perfectly. <3
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hysteriaww · 6 months
Favorite bonkai moment?
Wow it's been a while since I got one of these haha! MM I'd say my answer to this changes pretty often but rn I think it's the 6x05 scene when Bonnie challenges Kai to siphon her in the woods in front of Damon *just* to prove Kai doesn't actually know the spell to get them out of 1994. I enjoyed how Bonkai were so wrapped up in their petty power struggle that Damon ended up feeling like a third wheel with nothing to do there xD It showed that Bonnie and Kai were on a similar mental wavelength, somehow able to sense what the other was thinking/hiding, whereas Damon was left feeling lost and out of touch with their battle of wits. Also, I appreciated Bonnie being confident enough in her own intuition and skills as a witch to take a giant risk with Kai and be proven right!
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That being said, this scene was also the first time Bonnie ever murdered another character in canon, and I wish the show had.. emphasized that more?? She remorselessly kills Kai with no idea that he'll respawn and yes, Kai deserved it, but how did neither Damon nor Bonnie discuss the fact that Kai was her first kill ever?? That's huge! Ofc tvd had lost a lot of their care for continuity by that point so they prob didn't even realize Bonnie had never killed anyone before Kai when they wrote that scene but STILL.
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But yea, as of now, that's currently my fav Bonkai scene! It was also one of the first times their sexual tension was so absurdly LOUD to me and in-your-face that I had to pause the scene and wonder if it was intentional or not.. bc I thought "SURELY it can't be ambiguous subtext anymore if it's THAT overt, right??" As a fan of many shows, have I been guilty of reading too much into innocent scenes to find underlying meaning that isn't there or wasn't intended by the creators? Eh, sure. But with scenes like THIS, there's no way the vibe wasn't there!!! You'd have to be willfully blind not to see it!
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What would happen if Mc baked their LI a cake as a birthday surprise, but it turned out to be the foulest cake out there because MC just sucks at cooking
Haha let's see...
At E takes a bite of the cake, their face phases through several expressions before settling with a forced smile, "I-It's, uh..."
You're excitement slowly fades, "Is it...not good?"
"N-No, no! It's good! Er...great? Y-Yeah?"
You look incredulous, "Why does it sound like a question?"
E shakes their head vehemently, "I-I was just surprised! I love it! Really! I-It's...the best cake...because you made it for me..."
E begins shoveling the near inedible slice of cake into their mouth. It made you happy in the moment, even if you could hear them puking up their food poisoning an hour later.
"You baked me a cake?" R's eyes widen in surprise, "You didn't have to do all that. My birthday isn't...that...uh..." Rs voice slowly tapers off as they see you bringing over the 'cake'.
It looks like someone mixed the cake batter with bits of gravel and threw in a pipe bomb during the baking process for good measure. You somehow managed to sear the top into a black charcoal while keeping the bottom a doughy undercooked lump.
R's voice sounds almost apologetic and pleading, "You really didn't have to...I don't deserve this..."
L looks down at their plate for a long while, eventually finding their voice after a moment of contemplation, "Um...uh...I-I am not too familiar with the culinary practices, but, well, is it...supposed to look like this?"
"Like what? It looks like cake, right?" You say with complete confidence.
L looks nearly perturbed as they return their eyes back down at the food, "O-Oh, this is cake? W-Well, yes, I suppose I can see a...resemblance...somewhere...a little?" They would feel too bad telling you that they thought it was a completely different dish entirely.
V has to take a slight pause as they taste the food, the fork still stuck in their mouth for a moment before they reach for another bite.
"...it's good."
"Really?!" You celebrate, happy that you finally made a good cake. It's true that V enjoys the taste, but your excitement clouds you from the reality that relying on the opinion of someone that eats grass mulch and bugs isn't the best decision for your culinary development.
It doesn't stop you from savoring the victory now, though.
P knows better than to judge something before they taste it. That being said, once they taste the 'cake', it immediately becomes 'garbage' as they toss the entire tray in the can, along with the dishes and any utensils you used to make it. They've become angry enough that they've popped something and doubled back to being calm.
"I've never seen this in my fucking life...How the fuck did you manage to undercook and overcook batter? I am genuinely impressed at the level of stupid you managed to show me today. You're actually the first person I've ever thought to say this to, but I really wish you could've been born smarter so you could realize and contemplate how extraordinary of a fuck up you made."
M takes a small, tentative bite of the abomination before quickly spitting it out. As you're about to take your own bite, M's hand darts across the table to stop you. It's the fastest you've ever seen M move, and you could barely even register the blur before M's hand knocks the fork out of your hand and across the room.
They slowly recede back into their seat, dabbing their mouth with a napkin and giving you a gentle smile, "It's...not...good..."
"O-Oh...you could've just said that instead..."
"You were...in danger...so I...got a little...scared..."
You look down guiltily, "H-Hey, come on, it couldn't have been that serious..."
"It's...very...not...good..." M emphasizes.
Raven stares at the cake for a moment before digging in happily. You look down at them expectantly as they wolf down the food.
"Is it good?"
"No!" Raven replies honestly, giving you a bright, wide smile, "But...that's alright! Because I treasure everything you give to me..."
Your expression drops into a guilty one, "You don't have to keep eating if it's bad..."
"It's really bad! I can't lie to you about it...but you wanted me to enjoy it, didn't you? So I'll enjoy it even if it's bad, because I can enjoy anything if I know it makes you happy..." Raven continues eating the cake despite the flavor, a wide smile plastered on their face as they seem genuinely contented in their choices.
S takes a small bite of the cake before their entire body revolts and rejects it, spasming in its attempt to spit it back onto the place and throw the plate away.
They take a moment of silence to recollect themselves before facing you, "Hey, so uh...sorry 'bout this, but I don't think ya should be doin' the whole...cookin' thing. Did you uh...make anything else for today? No?"
There's a visible sigh of relief throughout S's entire body, and you think you can see them thanking some divine for their benevolence. They quickly return to their cheery self.
"Well, now that we got that out of the way, let's make sure no one else eats...Oh, shit, no! Everyone already took a slice!
F's nose upturns in clear disgust when you present the slice of cake to them.
"...Are you insulting me?"
"I-It's your birthday cake..." you murmur.
"Yes, I very well understand what it is attempting to represent..."
You glance away, slightly insulted, "You could at least taste it first...
F prods the inedible mass with their fork before collecting a bite and holding it up to you with a menacing smile, "You are confident enough in your own creation, yes? You will not be leaving until you clean both my plate and your own... and afterward, you can tell me all about how it tastes. I will take your word..."
Thank you for the ask haha, I enjoyed it
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ya-what--ya-erster · 27 days
Goodbye Don't Last Forever
Javey. Kind of funny ngl. Enjoy.
David Jacobs was eighteen and newly graduated when his girlfriend, Francis Sullivan, left for Santa Fe, leaving no goodbye and no way to contact her.
David went crazy when she left. He loved her and she left without a word to him. He made some stupid (but not too regrettable) decisions in the time after. Dyed his dirty blonde hair a dark shade of brown. Started wearing his glasses again. Went outside only when required (as in almost never). Stopped talking to many of his friends.
Only two of the habits died, and fortunately it was those last two. He found himself to be pretty fine within a few months of her being gone.
Six years later, David Jacobs was 24 years old and getting a new roommate.
"Hi, are you David?" A confident voice came from behind him.
He turned to face- woah he's hot- the person asking the question.
"Yeah, yes, that's me. David Jacobs. Hi."
The man smiled and held out a hand to shake.
"Jack Kelly."
Those eyes... that handshake. So familiar. But the familiarity was out of reach in David's mind.
So he stood up a little straighter, smiled back, and said, "Nice to meet you in person finally. I mean I trusted Albert enough to not find me a serial killer roommate but... I feel very assured now, haha..."
"I won't kill ya, Davey."
"Good to know. Same here. Do you need help taking anything up?"
Jack shook his head. "All I's got is this." He nodded to a moderately sized suitcase that he was gripping.
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't-"
"It's nothing, Dave. I just had to leave kinda quickly and didn't have much anyways."
"Well, uh. Let me uh... I guess, follow me?"
David was down bad for his roommate. And, down bad as in like, Taylor Swift "if I can't have him/I might just die it would make no difference."
Something about him, Jack, felt so familiar in all the most wonderful ways. His smile was a smile David felt like he had seen dozens of times.
David wanted to know why. He wanted to know why this boy felt so natural in the environment. Why he seemed to be the missing piece in David's life.
He was going to find out.
Not today though, he decided, when Jack entered the apartment looking like he was about to burst into tears.
"Hey, are you okay?" David asked slowly.
Jack nodded stiffly, putting his head down and throwing his bag and coat to the floor.
"Jack, you look sad."
"I'm fine."
"I ain't- you don't gotta be all in my business." Jack was heading to his tiny bedroom, so David grabbed his arm to stop him.
"You can tell me, you know?"
Jack leaned forward, hugging David, beginning to cry.
"Woah, hey. Hey, it's alright, let it out..." David wished Jack would hug him more often, and not while crying.
Jack continued to cry for maybe three minutes, David didn't know exactly. What David did know is that when Jack made eye contact with him, he looked like he had done something horrible.
"I ain't a real boy, Dave."
David's heart could have shattered just then, hearing Jack sound so broken.
"What do you mean, you aren't a real boy?"
"I wasn't- I'm not- I am a boy. I know and promise that I am but I just- wasn't born that way and I feel like a fraud and I get sad sometimes."
"That's okay to be sad, Jack. But you're a boy, I know you are. If you say you're a boy, you're a boy. No, how old are you?"
"Okay, Jack Kelly, you are no boy, you're a freakin' man."
Jack smiled a little, wiping his eyes dry.
"Thank ya, Davey."
David was having none of this "stay up until 3 AM painting" bullshit.
"Jack Kelly, you will start going to bed at a decent time or so help me-"
"I'm fine, Dave!" Jack defended himself.
"You drank four coffees today and three energy drinks. I don't even know how you're still alive!"
"Fine, fine. I will be in bed no later than midnight."
"Is that the best I'm gonna get?"
David sighed, deciding to give in.
"At least show me what you've been working on into the ungodly hours of the night?"
"Maybe someday." Jack smiled mysteriously and disappeared once again into his room.
David was not staring at his fine ass as he retreated. He wasn't.
"Davey, do you got any food?"
David was regretting getting a roommate but also enjoyed having someone around. He didn't appreciate having to buy random shit every other week because Jack had a craving and pretty much no money. (He spent his money on rent and art supplies, which David didn't mind because his apartment was cheaper and Jack's art was amazing.)
"We have fruit snacks and spaghetti-o's if that qualifies as food. We might also have a banana."
Jack strolled into the kitchen area after David's previous statement and pulled out a packet of fruit snacks, a can of spaghetti-o's, and the blender.
"What the fuck are you doing?" David asked, shocked and amused all at once.
"I'm making me some dinner, you want some?"
"Jack, there is no way in Hell you are going to eat- drink spaghetti-o's and fruit snacks put through the blender. It's gonna be terrible."
"Actually, no it isn't. My old friend dared me to do it and it actually tastes good."
David had a brief memory flash through his mind.
"Francis! I dare you to put the two most different things you can think of in the blender and then drink it." Race shouted.
"Okay, I'll do it." Francis smiled that daredevil smile of hers and got started. Spaghetti-o's and fruit snacks.
When it was complete, Francis took a long drink.
"Wow. That's actually not terrible."
"Davey, you good?"
David nodded. "Sorry, just. You just reminded me of something."
"Yeah. Ex-girlfriend."
"Thought you said you're gay?"
"She kind of helped me out on discovering that."
"Well. That's nice of her. How so?"
"Uh. It's a long story."
"I bet I can handle it. Besides, I have an abomination to drink. I'll listen."
"Oh. Okay. Well. Basically, she decided she was going to Santa Fe and wasn't going to, you know, say goodbye to me or anyone. And I spent a long time angry and then realized I didn't really miss her romantically at all and just was pissed, and then me and my friend Albert accidentally fucked when we were drunk and I was like 'wow that's allowed?' and anyways uh Al and I aren't and weren't interested in each other at all, we were just drunk like I said, but then it all made sense why I wasn't like, sad over the 'love of my life' leaving because it was just a high school girlfriend and I'm not even into girls. So I'm not even mad at her anymore really I'm just gay and confused and I've talked a lot now sorry."
David looked up at Jack for a reaction. He was wearing this face... David could not name the emotion.
"What was her name?"
Huh. Weird question.
"Well, I was just wonderin' if maybe I met her, since I's come here from Santa Fe and all."
"Oh. Yeah, uh. Her name's Francis Sullivan."
"Have a picture?"
"Yeah, one sec." David scrolled through his phone's camera roll until he found her. "Here."
The picture made Jack frown, and David kind of would have done anything to make him smile again.
"You know her?" David asked.
"Yeah, uh. I knew her."
David's heart sped up.
"Really? Is she doing okay? Is she alright? Do you know where she lives, cause I might need to go-"
"Davey. Stop."
"You can't exactly go visit her."
"Why not?"
Jack seemed to be looking inside himself instead of at David when he spoke.
"She was... the real depressed type, Dave. Always sad. She never smiled, I don't think. She was in a real bad state of mind."
"What're you-"
"She ain't alive no more."
Everything stopped in David's head.
"I'm real sorry, Dave. She just ain't... But I'm here."
"What's that supposed to mean? 'You're here?'"
Jack hesitated before opening his mouth. "She didn't exactly... die the way you're thinking. She, uh. She just... more... changed? She ain't Francis anymore. She cut her hair and went on T and got top surgery and goes by a boy's name now, and he/him. So, uh, tellin' ya she died was probably not the brightest idea but that was an in-the-moment decision."
"Good for him. What does that have to do with you being here?"
Jack made absolute eye contact with David, wondering how he could be so fucking stupid, and held it. Held it as he crossed the room and held it up until the moment he pulled David into a hug.
"I'm sorry for leavin' you. I just had ta get away."
David jerked away from Jack in a quick movement.
"You? You're... You- I can't-" David's brain was moving too quickly and all he could think to do was punch Jack in the face as hard as humanly possible.
Which he did.
"Son of a bitch- Dave! I only told ya cause I thought you said ya weren't mad anymore!"
"Yeah, well. Now I am, asshole. You... You deep friend burnt-ass dino nugget dickhead. You absolute.... I can't even. How dare you? I fucking loved you, yes even if I'm gay now, and you, you just ran the fuck off and never bothered contacting me for six years. I would have understood if you needed to leave, needed to leave me, needed... whatever. I would have given you your space. I hate you."
Jack looked hurt. It made David feel good. All that pain he went through and it was being passed on.
"Right, sorry. David. I'm really sorry. I don't- I never meant ta hurt you. To be honest, I thought you'd be glad if I left and never came back."
David felt less good.
"I just- I wanted to feel like I could be free. It didn't really... go as planned. Because I just realized I wanted to come back. Mostly for you."
David didn't stop to think. David just kissed Jack like he was hungry for it.
"I fucking hate you." He said, pulling away.
"No you don't."
"Don't test your luck."
A small moment of touching silence passed.
"So..." Jack started. "You slept with Al?"
"Now I actually do hate you. Get out, I'm calling him. Maybe he'll be nice to me."
"Davey... I love you. I always did."
"I'm... good to know. I can't- I'm still mad, bitch."
Jack just laughed, and he knew right then that it would all be fine.
A/N: hope y'all liked it :) It'll be on ao3 asap
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emsvertigo · 1 year
Money Power Glory
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image not mine, found on pinterest
summary & genre — angst & slight nsfw. after the death of a gang member you take a moment to reflect in your tent. however with dutch standing so close you confide in him, which leads to a rare moment between the two of you. takes place in chapter 4 of rdr2.
warnings — touchy reader!!, canon typical violence mentioned, smoking, sensitive conversation topics, major character death.
character & pairing — dutch van der linde x fem!reader (red dead redemption 2. 2018)
word count — 2.2k
a/n — it’s finals season and i’m dying but i’m kinda obsessed with rdr2 rn cause i’m playing it for the first time (ahhh!!) i’m currently on the epilogue but i’m missing arthur’s story with the gang, especially dutch haha, so i decided to write this. obviously once again it is really self insert but i don’t care. if you’re reading this i love you and really hope you enjoy!
also!! don’t worry i’m still writing for ryan! i’ve got a draft in the works!
major spoilers for chapters 1-3 of rdr2!!
find my old fics here! ✿
From outside the tent, hearty singing could be heard, ringing out into the night breeze, a rare occasion for the camp as of late. The notes performed on guitar signified health and victory, however not everything that day brought had been pleasant. The death of a member of the gang had always been celebrated with memory and tales, yet the member who lay was not old enough to carry a lasting legacy. Sean’s death had been greatly overshadowed by the retrieval of Jack. Cheers echoed throughout the camp, yet there was a falseness to the smiles, which didn't quite reach the wearer's eyes.
Not that you didn't love Jack, of course, you did, just like every other member of the gang. His face lighting up with a smile was a blessing, and the only pain you wanted to witness him feel was a full stomach from eating too much. Of course, you wanted nothing but the best for the small child, but a young man had been killed only hours before. A young man that meant more to the gang than they dared realise.
You had passed Karen on your way to your tent, her head in her hand, beer beside her foot, swaying and swearing under her breath. You could never understand her pain, but you could understand the worry and apprehension of a loved one leaving for a mission. Someone who you adored so much that they were a piece of you, who could be taken in an instant. You had feared this moment would come to you, seeing as your lover was reckless, but never to someone as young and treasured as Sean.
You had tried to have a word with her and attempted to offer her comfort in her time of need, but she had shooed you away, drunkenly pointed to your tent, betrothed standing outside. She had slurred something about focusing on your problems and returned to the bottle.
It felt wrong to think of your own life and stupid measly controversies and bickering quarrels when Sean’s brains lay splattered across the ground in Rhodes. But he would have wanted your life to continue, and to think about the present and not the past. Although that didn't stop you from taking the time now to sit unattended, far from the party.
You played with your fingernails, chipping away at the red tint which matched Dutch’s waistcoat. Another way to establish your bond with him, to show that it was you that the infamous gang leader became soft and melted around. How a vicious man became putty in your hands a few years ago and every day since. Yet the days had drawn cold, and his stares distant, his kisses hurried and hasty. His voice always sang praise but never the words you wanted to hear, the poetry he had spoken years previous had turned sour.
With his back to you now, amber firelight illuminating his bloody maroon waistcoat, you observed the muscles in his arms tense as he surveyed the camp. A cigar was placed in his firm grip, blowing clouds of smoke into the air, his hat tilted to cover his eyes. His jaw was tight, small specs of stubble tracing his chin. The look of an elusive and feared leader. But you always could tell when your other half was tormented, and this was one of those times.
You let out a sigh. Just being able to be this close to a man that feared was enough to make you come undone, but his demeanour was not an invitation to show him affection. You believed him to be tired of you, and more interested in the youthful women within the camp. Not that you reprimanded them of course with their flowing hair and high-pitched laughs, any man would swoon at the sight of them. But Dutch? Dutch was your lover, and you couldn't bare to catch a glimpse of his eyes lingering on Mary Beth for a second longer. You wanted him to yearn for you again, to be satisfied with your touch.
But it appeared that he wasn't satisfied with anyone, not even those closest to him, since Blackwater.
“Dutch.” You called out to him, your breath was airy and welcoming. His shoulders tightened, and he took another long drag of his pipe, the amber light illuminating his face for a fleeting moment.
“Dutch.” You repeated, this time in a sing-song voice, trying to gather his attention. You wished to have him wrapped around your pinky yet again. But when he didn't respond and his position stayed intact, you decided to stand and make your way towards him.
You placed your hands over his back, running them up and around his neck, carefully tracing your fingertips along his throat. Dutch startled for a second, but calmed into your touch.
“Didn’t hear you comin’.” He whispered, turning his head towards you for a moment before returning his gaze to his family. He took a final drag of his cigar and dropped it, crushing it below his feet into the ground.
“I called but you didn't answer.” You smiled into his neck, holding him close to you. A gesture that used to be so frequent between you both, but had now become tiresome and unwanted. When Dutch remained silent, you spoke again - worry evident on your lips. “What’s on your mind?”
You noticed his eyebrows furl as he grimaced at his reflection. He sighed before replying, a pause between each statement. “Sean. Jack. John. Micah. Sometimes even Arthur and Hosea.”
As of late it wasn’t commonplace for Dutch to confide in you, and as you smelled the alcohol on his tongue you understood how much he needed comfort.
“I can’t stop thinking about Sean.” You sighed, nuzzling your cheek further into the crevis between his jaw and shoulder. “I know I didn't see it, but I keep picturing him laying there.”
“I know,” Dutch replied, an uneasy tone across his lips, “I feel as though I’m responsible for his death.”
You retreated from his shoulder at this remark. How could his mind twist his goals into acts of brutality? He had always been a good man, and you understood that more than anyone.
“Dutch..” You gently grasped his hands in yours, pulling him closer to you. “Don’t blame yourself for something you weren't there to prevent.”
His head dipped, hat sliding down his forehead as he did. You reached one hand up to grasp the hem of his hat and removed it from his head, dropping it to the side of your leg. The same hand then arose to cup the side of his face, running fingertips across his jaw. Your fingers danced into his sideburns and fiddled with the short hair growing there.
“This whole gang is fallin’ apart,” He paused, soaking in the emotion in your eyes. “Nobody has any goddamn faith anymore!” He spoke.
The silence that followed that statement was only heard by you, blood pumping in your ears as you thought back to every time you had been by Dutch’s side. How long you had been with him, and how much you had been through.
“Except for me.”
He lingered, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder. “Yes. Except for you.”
Moments like this were so hard to come by. Dutch had been so occupied recently, going out scoring for the gang, all the while his conscience was plaguing him with ideologies and problems. Problems that were causing him to completely forget his old, loving, self. Beats like this one had to be shared with complete tranquillity. It didn't matter that Dutch had been eyeing other women, the only woman he could have at any moment was you, and sometimes you wished he would take advantage of that gift.
“I’m here for you, Dutch.” You whispered, his hands coming to find your hips and walking you back into the tent. “I'll always be by your side.”
“I know.” His reply solidified his tough exterior, but you knew that it meant a hell of a lot more to him that you had vocalised your trust in him, and the faith he so desperately clung to. “Just as I am to you, my sweet.”
The saccharine words dripping from his tongue sent you spiralling, but you knew of his silver tongue personality and understood he would use it to get whatever he wanted. He used it with the men, so why wouldn’t he use it to make your brain melt away? But as compliments fell from his mouth, you allowed yourself to be caught like a fish into his lure.
The music playing outside seemed to fade away, muffled by the intense stare Dutch was delivering. His eyelids were slightly heavy from the drink, and in close proximity, you saw his eyelashes flutter. One of his hands trapped yours in a gentle clutch, rubbing circles over the skin there. Your hand cupped his face, sliding your thumb against the stubble. You had hoped to discuss the issue surrounding his loyalty to you, but with his breath fanning your face with hot air you couldn't bare to let the moment disappear.
“Don’t worry, Dutch.” You exhaled, lips almost locking with your own. “You always think of something.”
Dutch reached his hand up from your hip and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His golden rings brushed against your cheek, which sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine. Looking back down at you he confessed;
“Right now I can’t think of anything but you.”
A small smile formed on your face as he leaned forwards and connected your lips in a tender kiss. A sigh escaped his lips as you drew your other hand up to cup the opposite cheek and tug him closer to you, closing your eyes as his chest met yours. His arms snaked slowly around your waist, placing themselves flat on the small of your back, cupping the material that sat there. The hair from his moustache tickled your upper lip and left you smiling into the kiss. His lips danced carefully around yours, making sure to keep the steady tempo of hearts melting into one. The souls of two individuals becoming a singular feeling.
Dutch dipped his tongue into your mouth, running his way along your bottom lip and encouraging your mouth to open and invite him inside. A small groan escaped his lips as the kiss became more heated, his hands lowering to grab at the bottom of your ass. The taste of smoke and whiskey was overwhelming in your throat as his tongue traced your teeth, and both your breaths met in the slim space between your starving bodies.
Dutch mumbled your name across your mouth, a noise that created a large arousal in you. Your hands reached down and glided slowly along the front of his waistcoat and down his chest. Your lips then disconnected when your hands found his gun belt, tugging at the rough leather found there. The buckle under your fingers, cool against your skin as his golden chains bounced onto your knuckles. His forehead connected with yours, breath tumbling from his lips.
“Darlin’...” He groaned, bucking his hips as your hand fell further onto his clothed crotch, feeling him beneath your touch. You spoke his name like a prayer, running over his lips with furious kisses. Your shawl fell to the ground, as his hands moved around your neck, your hand still pressing further into his most sensitive spot.
A moan escaped your lips as he jerked his hips forward, melting into your touch, pleading that you please him and rid him of this dreadful tension building up underneath our palm.
Suddenly there was a shout at the mouth of the tent and a wolf whistle to accompany it. Breaking your intimate moment, your cheeks burned red and Dutch turned to the entrance to confront the intruder, panting hard.
“Look at you!” The voice shouted, words slurred into one another, the stench of alcohol flowing through the air. You'd recognise that disgusting drawl anywhere. Micah. You could've cursed Dutch for allowing him to join the gang, let alone wasting this private moment.
Dutch shot Micah a glare and turned his body to cover you, flashing the silver pistol in its holster towards Micah. A loud and clear threat of death if Micah was not going to leave. But at this display of powerful rage, he backed off, grasping the bottle in his hand and throwing it into the swamp.
Dutch kicked a tent pole which caused the entrance of your makeshift home to close, excluding the rest of the world from your sanctuary. Another firm non-verbal to Micah, or anyone else in the gang, that you were his and no one could disturb you.
Dutch’s mouth was soon at your ear, tickling your skin with his moustache once again.
“Now, where were we?” He cooed, bringing your attention back to him. He placed one hand on either side of your hips and walked you back into the tent, seating you on the edge of your cot.
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flayote · 1 year
I'm just starting out tanning and I currently cut the heads and feet off of my pelts because I'm afraid I'll mess up skinning them. And I fully intended to wait until I have more experience to try it, but.
I just got a possum in perfect condition and I've gotten super attached to him and I really want to keep his full pelt. I've been really happy with my tanning attempts so far, but am I overconfident? If I try to tan his full pelt will I ruin him? I know this is a bit of a strange ask haha but what would you advise? Should I just stick him in the freezer and wait until I know I won't mess it up? Exactly how tricky are faces and feet to skin, flesh, and tan?
go for it!! you may not skin the face and feet out perfectly the first time, i sure didn't, but if you're careful and take your time it's pretty unlikely that you'll totally ruin them. those parts are indeed a little more tricky to skin than the rest of the body but i wouldn't say they're super difficult in general. once you've done a few sets of heads and feet and learn the basic principles, it comes as naturally as the rest.
go slow, keep tension on the skin, and keep your cuts close to the bone. i have a skinning tutorial here that covers skinning the head and paws, and another tutorial here on skinning squirrel paws with more tips on handling those smaller, longer toes. also have a video here skinning out mink toes. i will say opossum toes are some of the more difficult ones, i still have a bit of trouble with them sometimes myself because they need a lot of force to pull the skin down which can lead to tearing if you're not super careful. and the final joint where you separate the claw from the rest of the toe at the end isn't as obvious as with other animals. usually what i do is, when i know i'm reaching that last joint, i'll take my little pliers and grip that last toe bone as close to the joint as i can, holding the end of the toe/claw firmly with my other hand, and twist it off rather than trying to cut in between the joint. that said, if you find yourself struggling with the toes, you don't have to skin them out all the way down to the claw. opossum feet are small enough that they'll preserve just fine if you leave the toe bones in. you just want to make sure you skin down the palm, to at least the first joint of the toes, so that you can flesh out the fatty foot pads.
as for the face, i have a tutorial for face prep here, and a video here. for opossums, don't worry about turning the ears all the way out to the edge, just go far enough that you can flesh off the excess tissue on the base of the ear. the face is a bit more difficult to flesh since you can't just scrape the tissue off like you can on the body, you need to slice it away with a sharp blade, but most of it can be done after pickling so you can really take your time. here is a tutorial by stardusttaxidermy that shows fleshing the face with a scalpel. i personally find a skife to be super helpful when cleaning up the face, but it does take some getting used to. whatever tool you use, it helps to keep your fingers of your other hand on the fur side, pressing up against the spot you're fleshing so you can better feel how much pressure you're applying with the blade and reduce the chances of going too deep and cutting a hole.
if you have your heart set on this opossum turning out perfect, i'd say keep him in the freezer while you practice with other animals you're not as attached to until you feel confident. but i don't think you will totally ruin him if you give it a shot; holes can be sewn, and if you're not going to mount him then it's no big deal if the face isn't perfect taxidermy quality. honestly i think he'll give you more trouble when it comes to degreasing than skinning his head and feet lol, at least that's how it was for me. good luck!
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tarmac-rat · 11 months
Then and Now
I saw a few people in the fandom doing this and I was a bit hesitant to put this together because I started screenshotting comparably late through my timeline-- I didn't have the confidence to attempt it until 1.5, and in some cases I still am a bit resistant to sharing-- but I thought "meh, I haven't talked about Riley and I still have all my old files, let's go back in time". So here's a bit more of an in-depth look into my V's evolution from launch until now:
Click images for better quality.
Version 1-- V1.0 - 1.2
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This is probably the most radically different version of Riley I've made. I used different scarring, different facial cyberware, and different eye makeup, though I believe her body, eye, freckle, and earring presets have always been the same. Her chin is squarer and her face is a bit more angled, but back in the day I really enjoyed what I had come up with even if I never took her out for photographing.
The blue hair was darker than I really wanted it to be, but back in 1.0 it was pretty much the only option for light blue so I stuck with it lol. I ended up using the bob solely because I didn't really like 95% of the hairstyles and this was one of the only ones I could tolerate, but I honestly grew to dislike it for her after a while. I hated that it covered up her ears and I never found it really photographed that well because it hung in her eyes.
I actually still really like this facial build-- it doesn't suit Riley but I like how mean it looks, like a built in RBF-- and honestly I would probably try to reuse it for a different OC if I ever made one.
Version 2-- V1.2 - 1.4
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This was the new version I built for another run-through on 1.2 and serves as the bridge between the original Riley and the current Riley. I switched the scars and the facial cyberware out to what I would eventually end up sticking with, but I still stubbornly stuck with the bob and somehow I made her face....softer? That wasn't my intention but her whole face has lost the bite it originally had-- I always refer to this version as my "Valley Girl" preset because idk I just always imagine that drawl coming out of this face.
Looking back on it I hate her lip preset on this face. IDK why they look so pink bc I don't have lip makeup on (I literally checked when taking the photos) but UGH they're just not a good fit for her they make her look too...is it mean of me to say "too happy"?
Yeah this one in hindsight is my least favorite it just doesn't look good on her based on what was I going for. Feel like I missed the mark big time.
I don't know why I added that neck tattoo lol it was spur of the moment.
Version 3-- V1.5 - 1.6
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Current Riley! Remade during 1.5 when 1) I wanted to finally make a V I could screenshot and 2) we got the new cosmetics and finally got light electric-blue hair I always envisioned her having.
Finally buckled down and spent more than 15 minutes in the character creator. oven so I could properly sculpt her face. Got rid of the softness, gave her a bit more angles and a bigger nose, lightened her freckles a bit, gave her thicker eyebrows. AND I DITCHED THE BOB. BYE BOB GET OUTTA HERE.
Also finally got the chance to show off her ears-- bronze was another new preset added into 1.5 so that's what I chose, but I believe before that update all her piercings had been silver.
The one thing I wished I had done was give her a bit of a broader nose, but overall I'm pretty happy with this design and I've used it for over a year now.
I've always claimed that my V is about 55-60% accurate to how I imagined her because there's just so much I can't add in vanilla basegame, but this is probably as close as we can get with what I've been given haha.
Bonus: Below are first ever photos I took when I finally mustered the confidence to use my XBone screenshotter around the 1.5 drop. Vanilla definitely has it's limits, but I can at least say I've improved from my starting point-- definitely enough to know what decent lighting is:
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meowww-ffxiv · 4 months
Up until 6.0 where Ptolemy was bodily-- uh, well, soul-ly pulled to the First and had neither frailty to worry about nor a choice to stay home and let Liios n Friends do their Scions thing, Liios had been... well, not LYING lying to Ptolemy about how dangerous things had been for him, but had been downplaying it a lot.
He had a heart condition. There was no point in telling him about terrible things that he couldn't change, Liios thought. So what if Liios almost died a few more times. So what if the cruelty he'd witnessed in Ala Mhigo and Doma kept him from sleep at night. The universe was unfeeling, and people could be cruel. Hadn't Ptolemy known that already, in all the years they'd both lived? Why would Liios put more of the same on him?
Then they had their "adventures" on the First, and as was habit, Liios brushed off the Scions' concern with his usual mad sort of confidence. As was habit, they were convinced.
Ptolemy was not.
They argued explosively and bitterly about it. They screamed and shouted and pointed fingers. The primordial light was already excruciating, but in front of Ptolemy's anger it was like some kind of dam had broken. Liios shouted until he was hoarse. Isn't it enough that I am here, he said. Can't you afford me at least the dignity of minding my wounds in peace?
"You are proud, and you are stupid," Ptolemy said, incensed. "There is no dignity in whimpering like a dog with a broken leg behind closed doors. I, we, aren't acquaintances for you to coddle. At the very least, I am your family. For the sake of our relation, can you not find it in yourself to be honest with me?"
"I am honest with you," Liios bit back. "About things that matter."
"You matter to me," Ptolemy replied. "How you feel and how you are matter to me. So why don't you please do as you claim?"
It was like giving medicine to a vicious cat, but, yes. After the whole thing on the First was over, Liios really started to try putting his actions where his mouth was. He still didn't tell any of the Scions a damn thing. They found out he had this or that problem when he collapsed in front of them. But Ptolemy, he did tell. Because there was a responsibility there and Liios couldn't stand being accused of being neglectful of it.
It was striking, and it was sad, how little Ptolemy knew of Liios's various "adventures" then. How many obstacles he faced in silence, or how much he hurt about this or that, or how many things he had encountered that left him shaken and unsure. How cornered and alone he felt because of things Liios wasn't sure how to... how to put into words, or who to tell, but the words did pour out of him.
And punctuating every new, hesitant morsel of vulnerability, Liios said, "Sorry." Sorry for putting this on you. Sorry for interrupting your night, or whatever you were doing. Sorry about, you know, me. Haha.
Ptolemy let him get away with the almost habitual apologies twice before he pointed it out. And Liios said, "Well, it's not pleasant, is it. To know about these things."
"And so?" Ptolemy replied. "We all live with them. You live with them, as do I, in my course of caring for people disabled and crippled by these 'not pleasant' things." Because Ptolemy had been a doctor for fifty years, had spent the better part of three decades specifically caring for those with such long-lasting disabilities, which he knew that Liios knew.
He wondered if Liios would be offended at being called, tacitly, an obtuse person. Liios was not in fact a proud person. He hid behind labels such as dignity and pride when he thought people would be more worried about offending him and would stay away instead of pushing him to show them where he hurt. It did not matter, really, that he bled. This was undisputed fact. But Liios needed very badly for people to look away when he did, and Ptolemy could not understand why.
There was no offense taken, because ruffled feathers would be a pretension and Liios at this point in time was too tired, and also not allowed, to do such things to Ptolemy.
Instead he said, "I'm sorry."
"Can you tell me why you are sorry? Or at least, what about?"
"Generally, I suppose," Liios said, not looking at Ptolemy or at anyone else. Then, "I never imagined I would spend so many bullets to kill so many people, you know. And still, it is not enough. Ascian machinations aside, this star is full of bastards who'd tread on the backs and necks of others and call it the 'spoils of the strong'. I don't know what to tell their victims I didn't save in time except sorry."
"I am not one of them, though. You do not have to apologize to me."
"You almost were," Liios said tiredly.
There was something both humbling and terribly heavy, in knowing you were so important to someone that every choice they made, they made it with you in mind. Ptolemy had lived with the simple fact of Liios's various sacrifices for him since he was five years old; this was no different.
"I will stop, if you would like," Liios said. "Saying sorry, I mean. You are right; it is irritating and unproductive. Guilt is unproductive."
"Guilt is human, and normal," Ptolemy reminded him.
"I asked you to not harbor any over what I've left behind to keep you safe, and to save your life," Liios shook his head. "In all these years, you've kept your promise. You never told me you were sorry about what I had to do. And it was a great relief for me, to know you were able to put our exile aside and keep on living. I will do the same for you."
He peered at him. "Does it help? For me to... to tell you things like these?"
"Yes," Ptolemy said. "Please."
"Alright," Liios agreed.
He, too, had kept this promise since.
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