#Cw bigotry
racefortheironthrone · 2 months
I was reading your yeomen tag and saw the term knave refering to someone bellow a yeoman. But what is a knave?
As I’ve discussed in the past, a lot of our insulting terms for people started out as class signifiers:
a villain was originally a villein (another term for serf).
a knave was a servant (often the "knave" and the "knight" were opposing pairs) but also a low-status and thus dishonorable person.
likewise, "flunky," "minion," "lickspittle" and similar terms all originally were different (mostly insulting) terms for servants.
"vagrants," "vagabonds," and "sturdy beggars" were all descriptions of homeless people, either who were seen as inherently criminal and dangerous because they were disconnected from the feudal system. There is a strong crossover to anti-Romani/anti-Zigany slurs, as well as the "rootless cosmopolitan" variant of anti-semitism, in this category.
similarly, "bumpkins," "yokels," "rubes," "hicks," "rednecks," etc. were all insulting terms for people from rural areas, usually denoting their lack of education, sophistication, and their working in outdoor manual labor.
for some gendered versions, "sluts" and "slatterns" originally had connotations of being dirty, unkempt, and being a low-ranked servant like a scullery or kitchen maid (i.e, they're dirty because they're doing "the dirty work").
upper-class Brits still use "pleb" (plebian) as an insult today.
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bonefall · 4 months
Hey Bones! Sorry if this is a bit random to ask you, but-
Is it ok if you elaborate and/or explain how Millie is ableist towards Briarlight please?
I haven’t really heard much people within the fandom talk about Millie’s treatment of Briarlight and her disability as negative and/or bad compared to Millie not really paying attention to Blossomfall within the books.
So I’m interested what you know and/or have to say about it.
OH boy, I feel like this one is REALLY easy to see if you just pop the book open. It will make your skin crawl once you see these quotes. Millie is an AWFUL mother and SHOCKING in how nasty she is to her disabled child.
I run in some pretty good circles and curate my Tumblr experience well, so I see plenty of people just mentioning it as a fucked up thing the series did casually, but I'll make a compilation of the worst of it.
(CW for some serious ableism, Millie is terrible.)
She's injured in Chapter 11 of OotS Book 2: Fading Echoes, and Millie is obsessive over her until Chapter 9 of OotS Book 3: Night Whispers. She's interfering with Jayfeather's treatments, constantly in the den, shouting at him when he tries to be honest about Briarlight's condition.
But that would be understandable. She's concerned and the prognosis isn't great. Her very young, athletic daughter (basically 17-ish) has suddenly received a life-altering injury that will drastically affect her life. Until Night Whispers Chapter 9, she's just worrying about her daughter.
And then we get this.
(Please note this is happening in front of the entire Clan. The entire social group is watching this.)
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Though Briarlight expressed frustration with her exercises and how painful and difficult recovery was in Fading Echoes, that is not the case in Night Whispers. At this point, it's difficult but Briarlight is recovering well. MILLIE decides that her daughter being alive with a disability is suffering.
Note how in this exchange, Jayfeather is being forced to comfort Briarlight's MOTHER. Not BRIARLIGHT herself, the one with the injury who is looking at a massive upheaval to her life. Though superficially it seems like this is coming from a place of love, Millie is making Briarlight's recovery about herself by doing this, and this exchange is ableist.
Millie: "I want her to do all of these able-bodied things."
Jay: "That will not happen, but life has inherent value."
Millie: "No it doesn't, if you cannot do those able-bodied things, you are suffering."
But it gets worse because it's not even that she's only expressing this in private. Her daughter is within earshot. The newly disabled person is listening to their own fucking mother call her medical treatment "dragging out her suffering."
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BURN this passage into your mind. Having heard her OWN FUCKING MOTHER cry to a crowd of cats that maybe it would be better if she was DEAD, watching several cats drop everything to comfort HER for having a disabled daughter, Briarlight has to drag herself out and act like a cute baby to get her to stop making a public spectacle.
It's hard to describe to someone who hasn't been in the situation before, but if your parent is making a scene like that, it'll end up falling onto you to "appeal" to their sense of... parental valor, is the best way I can put it. "See? Aren't I getting better? I promise I'll work hard. I'm not hurt it's okay! Everything is fine!" You give them a chance to affirm how good of a parent they are, for helping you, or 'putting up' with you. You have to assure them that your existence isn't so bad.
In essence, it falls onto the child to comfort their parent.
This is specifically a form of a toxic family dynamic called emotional parentification, on top of it being obviously ableist. She is being shoved into a position where she needs to sacrifice her OWN need for support and comfort to coddle her parent, to STOP her from making a scene, while that parent screams that her disabled life is worth less than her siblings' abled ones to a crowd of cats.
Naturally, this affects Briarlight's sense of self-worth. She stops eating.
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Thankfully, Jayfeather is here to have an exchange about how her life has value. For all my issues with Jayf in later arcs, he has some of his best moments here in OotS.
In later books, Briarlight's struggles with self-worth continue. It's all shit that Millie implied about her being less useful because she is unable to do what her siblings can.
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It's every other cat who has to come in and assure Briarlight that she isn't worthless. Not Millie. Millie comes on screen and she's either making Briarlight feel like garbage or barking at Jayfeather for not doctoring hard enough.
She desperately craves independence. This above scene is happening because she wanted to come out into the woods for the first time in forever, and she's being suffocated and bossed around in the camp constantly. It was up to her brother, Bumblestripe, to do anything to help her.
Not her dad. Not her mom. Bumblestripe. (Rare Bumblestripe W)
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I also want to take a brief moment to point out a detail that the fandom often forgets, about Blossomfall. She actually knows full well that her feelings are unreasonable here, and she believes that the fact she isn't feeling "what she is supposed to" is proof that she is a bad person who deserves hell.
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Millie's actions are crushing ALL of her children under its weight. Briarlight is obviously getting the worst of it, but these are YOUNG adults, just out of apprenticeship, and Blossomfall is being told that her sister is in a constant state of "suffering." This means she's not allowed to be frustrated about how Millie is behaving, because hating THAT means you hate your sister, and that makes her an awful person.
What Blossomfall is describing here is the feelings associated with being a glass child.
But no it's not JUST that she's being neglectful to Blossomfall, who yes, is a young adult and can take responsibility for her own actions. Millie is being nasty to Bloss too, directly comparing her to Briarlight and unironically doing the "You should be GRATEFUL you can walk when BRIARLIGHT WOULD DO ANYTHING TO LEGS AROUND."
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Again. I'll state the very obvious from the passage.
"Hey Millie, your other daughter looks kinda upset right now!" = "PERFECT TIME TO SNAP AT HER"
Blossomfall = Wasted her morning when she should be Useful
Useful = Can hunt
"YOUR SISTER wouldn't act like this"
Proper warrior = spends every waking minute in service of the clan
Once again, Millie does this in public, with several people watching her rip into her child. She even gets ANGRY at Brackenfur gently trying to soften the blow. It's freakjob shit to hear, "h-hey, at least they're safe!" and SNARL back "IS IT?"
Millie continues to hover over Briarlight well into Bramblestar's Storm. The closure for these intense, insulting comments, public embarrassments, snapping at and neglecting one child while telling the other one that her life was "suffering" because she can't walk is.....
millie watches her do some pull-ups and is so impressed by them she isn't bigoted anymore :o)
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"my daughter's membership at British Planet Fitness paid off. Look at how big her biceps are now. I guess I was wrong to tell her that her life is inherently suffering because she can't hunt, just look at her gooooo"
So, basically, Millie's a terrible parent. She never gets properly called out for this manipulative, toxic behavior. She says that her own daughter might have been better off dead in public. She makes Briarlight feel like half of a cat because she can't do all the things her siblings do, while her siblings are told that they should be grateful they're not disabled like Briarlight.
And just to end off, because it's relevant, the BRAND NEW writing team then killed off Briarlight in an incredibly stupid, insulting way. She catches fucking Greencough in AVoS so that they can have a very sad funeral for a couple of chapters, before moving on to Jayfeather being a shithead to Alderheart for being friends with Velvet.
Then they wrote a line in Squirrelflight's Hope where Squilf's mother begs her to stay dead in heaven, because if she goes back to life, she might be disabled like Briarlight and her mate Bramblestar won't want her anymore. The line was so bad the authors promised that it wouldn't be there in reprints; the reprint still has not come.
normal series.
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victoriadallonfan · 2 months
Sometimes I can’t insult anyone because their stupidity does the work for me
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pileofpawns · 3 months
Is there queerphobia in the sonic universe
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girlbreeder-bunnygirl · 2 months
just a reminder that while this is a kink blog... that doesn't mean i am cool with followers who are genocide deniers, zionists, transmisogynists or transmisandrist, terfs, and fascist of any kind. if you are any of the following i suggest you leave!
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catatonic-chaos-climax · 10 months
I'm happy for her rule
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Hey just saying, but if you disqualify aot and (in your words) media with too many problematic properties, you should also disqualify harry potter, hetalia and south park. I get that this is a poll for controversial characters, but imo there's very much a line between "this character is controversial because they are a bad person or badly written in an otherwise okay media which you can enjoy critically" and "this character is controversial because the writers project their own bigoted views onto them and are openly right-leaning shit heads whose media or current presentation reflects this too"
There is a discourse tag, you can read what I’ve already said about this. But I’ll summarize a few for you here anyways. There are specific reasons I removed the things I removed and allowed the things I allowed. Here they are, in roughly increasing order. Under a cut so people who don’t wanna see this/are uncomfortable with it don’t have to.
I tag everything appropriately, so if you don’t want to see something I allowed, block the tag or unfollow me. I promise I won’t be offended if you unfollow.
If a character is controversial for being bigoted or from a bigoted media, they’re obviously not gonna advance to further rounds because hate will sweep. So they will not advance and will be gone democratically, and they will certainly not win.
Even if they DID win, this poll would not be “promoting” these medias anyways because this is not a “best” character competition. It is for the most controversial. I am not presenting these medias in any positive light, let alone the characters from them. This is why these SAME medias (and others) ARE banned from my two other tournaments that try to find the “best” thing.
I CAN’T meaningfully promote these medias anyways when they are worth billions of dollars and I have like, under a thousand followers on tumblr.
There are certain medias I think are bigoted and I don’t like them. Harry Potter and South Park are two of them (I don’t know anything about Hetalia). The difference between these and Attack On Titan are, from what I’ve been told, Attack On Titan is bigoted on purpose to push a specific agenda. This is not true for the others. OBVIOUSLY I’m not gonna allow racist propaganda, for the same reason I wouldn’t allow, like, idk anything else that actively seeks to radicalize its audience towards a bigoted end goal
The purpose of removing things is to prevent harm, not to make the controversial character tournament uncontroversial. Because if you remember, I actually DID remove a Harry Potter! Because she is a racist caricature and it would harm people to see racist imagery, language, or propaganda all over my blog. It does not harm anyone to read the words “Ron Weasley” or whatever. It’s not like I’m including a list of every slur the author has ever said underneath each character post. If I’m wrong about some character and their image IS bigoted, let me know! I’m more than happy to make this blog into a safer space for people in that way. But I’m not removing it for being controversial in a way where the actual post content is non-harmful and tag-blockable.
If you still disagree, you can send this ask again off anon and then we can talk and I’ll listen. But I’m not taking orders from some anon saying what I should and should not do.
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sparkedblaze · 9 months
Hi this is Blaze's fucked up lil Refuge hc
Emphasis on fucked up
Please read at your own risk
Thank you @noxexistant for checking over my t/w and making sure I had everything I needed for it
T/W: Homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, period-typical attitudes/bigotry, implied s/a
So technically the Refuge is an orphanage. It’s also a jail.
And a conversion camp.
Snyder would use the typical methods of ‘straightening kids out’. The stimulants, the nausea inductions, the violence. He’d also use more… unorthodox methods.  If someone was suspected of participating in sodomy, and the usual methods didn’t work, he’d start trying to beat them into submission. If someone was suspected of cross-dressing, depending on who they were he would try and… coerce them back into the proper clothes.
I personally hc Tommy Boy and Bumlets to both be transmasc, so they’re who are currently living at the forefront of my brain with it.
Bumlets was the first to be caught. He would be dragged to Snyder’s office, kicking and screaming, trying to get away. He’d come back changed. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. He’d come back dressed to the nines in skirts and frills and whatever the hell else Snyder decided.  And he’d play the part inside the Refuge. Small, helpless girl, shying away from the boys.  Out on the streets? He’d kick their asses with ease. 
Tommy Boy was slow to catch on. Couldn’t figure out why Bumlets would say that he was a girl when he was in the Refuge. Couldn’t figure out why he would throw away the thing that connected them and built the foundation of their friendship.  And then, he was taken to Snyder’s office, just like Bumlets had been.  He didn’t come back the same kind of changed.  He was jumpier, scared of anyone and everyone. He’d gotten quieter.  The only person he trusted was Bumlets, but that was only when he was living as himself, instead of how Snyder was trying to parade him around. If Bumlets was letting Snyder control him, Tommy trusted no one.  He stayed to the side, was dragged back to Snyder’s office on nearly nightly basis, but he stayed true to himself.  He was showing everyone that it couldn’t be a crime for him to live as himself. And that he wasn’t letting anyone take that away from him. No matter how often Snyder tried to tear him down.
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strangertheories · 1 year
Just read an article ranking the top ten most hated characters in Stranger Things and it is so bad oh my god. I'm not going to touch on Mike being in the list because Byler isn't confirmed either way yet so I can't say whether they're wrong or not (regardless, he's nowhere near as awful as so many on that list as he's just a traumatized teenage boy dealing with his shit). HOWEVER. Look at what they said about Will:
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You can't just say a character's trauma isn't that bad because someone has it worse? Trauma isn't a competition and different people react differently to experiences regardless of which one you decided was worse and Will desperately trying not to grow up is how he reacts to his. They act as though he's being horrible to his friends and whiny when he's a traumatized child trying to reclaim his innocence after going through a horrific experience. The worst thing he does is want to play D&D with his friends or needing to be saved? Really?
It's frustrating because El also messes up with the people in her life and gets into fights with them and yet she's not being demonised like Will is because he's just tagging along, ignoring his role in the mystery due to his connection to the mind flayer. And sure he doesn't have superpowers but trauma doesn't always make people stronger, in fact it usually doesn't. Just because he's not using his baggage to be a hero or because he's apparently mistreating the people in his life (ignoring how he constantly sacrifices his own wellbeing so others can be happy) doesn't mean he's deserving of being hated?
The article also has some other great highlights such as saying that Johnathan is worse than Angela and also says he doesn't care about Will and El because he did drugs while they were being bullied. Ignoring how the drugs are cleadly a coping mechanism, what the hell was he meant to do? And Mike and Will should not be on this list period. Overall I find it a bit crazy that people on this list are there for trauma responses whilst others are on it for bullying, bigotry and abuse.
I'm aware this is one article and dumb to be getting annoyed over but I'm sick of people saying that the show doesn't explore x trauma enough and then villainizing characters who actually express their trauma in a way that isn't screaming with magical powers.
TL;DR: please never rate again ❤️
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busydrinkingdrnut · 7 months
Being Jewish in America and talking to non-Jews when Israel comes up is such a bizarre experience.
(This rant got a little long. CW for mentions of bigotry, violence, genocide, occupation, the Gaza conflict)
The average moderate or moderate liberal, someone who might otherwise be entirely disengaged with politics, gets really cagey about Israel. The people who treat politics as some paltry, insignificant thing, the people who talk about politics like it's a sport they're disinterested in, suddenly have to pretend to care. They bend over backwards to avoid even appearing critical of Israel. Of course, they tend not to know anything about Israel (or Palestine, or apartheid, or Judaism for that matter). At least for me, they either express unwaivering support or just tip-toe around the topic entirely with meaningless platitudes about violence or something.
...Until the exact second they realize you don't support genocide.
Then they suddenly become experts on the topic. Suddenly you don't know what you're talking about. Suddenly the topic too complicated. Suddenly you're playing up attacks from the IDF, or it's actually Hamas killing all those people.
It is shocking how fast goyim will try to shift the focus from Israel to you. Thinking genocide, ethnostates, or apartheid are bad instantly becomes a conversation about what's wrong with you, whats wrong with your brain, rather than Israel. The shit they'll spout at you is insane. They'll assume you want Israeli citizens to be slaughtered/enslaved/tortured/etc. They'll think you support ISIS. They'll tell you that you obviously hate [whichever minority they thought of first] because bigotry exists in Palestine.
Hell, they don't just become experts on Israel, they'll call your Jewish-ness into question. Not supporting Israel means, to Western zionists, that maybe you're not really Jewish. I've had my own Jewish identity questioned multiple times in these spaces. My heritage, the way I embrace it, my feelings on being Jewish, it suddenly takes a back seat for Israel. The validity of my identity hinges exclusively on Israel, an illegitimate apartheid state. There's something really horrifying, that there are goyim who think they get to have the final say in whether or not you're "actually" Jewish, and that they use your support for Israel as the scale. Disgusting.
Let's make it clear: If you look for a reason to justify genocide, if you try to "well actually" IDF violence and pretend like it's anything but genocide, if you frame it as an equal conflict, if you treat Palestinians as a hivemind of bigotry, if you respond to the topic with "I'm against violence on both sides," if you act like it's not a big deal, you are a bad person.
Innocents are being slaughtered for the crime of being born on land that Israel wants. If you make excuses for that, I'm going to assume you're doing it out of malice. Too many people are suffering to extend the kindness of assuming you're just stupid. You are stupid if you do this, but you're also a monster. It would genuinely be less unethical to just be an uninformed dumbass.
You don't need permission to hate apartheid, genocide, or military occupation. These things are fundamentally wrong, it does not matter who is doing it. It doesn't matter if the perpetrator of oppressive violence is themselves a target of someone else's oppression, it is still wrong. Do not trip over yourself wondering if one's identity justifies their actions. They don't.
Free Palestine.
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fucky-oureyes · 25 days
not to get too political / discoursey but in every fandom there will be misogyny. and homophobia. and transphobia. and every type of bigotry ever. bigotry is a societal norm ingrained in all of us, and it WILL be present in both the media you consume and the spaces made to discuss said media. it doesn't make you bad for engaging with these spaces and / or media, but it is something you need to keep in mind when engaging with them if you want to try to avoid externalizing bigotry
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redd956 · 2 months
A really good thought provoking point about an ongoing bigotry, moral, and or political problem
The comments
Someone random guy pinning the problem on "wokeness", clicking on blog reveals a very obviously and unapologetically fascist blog
Extremists calling for deaths against the supossed and usually immoral group
Wrong time, wrong place devil's advocate
An argument that takes up half the comment section
An antisemitic comment
A transphobic comment
A sexist comment
People who completely took the post the entirely wrong way because this site has no reading comprehension
Two people arguing over something completely unrelated to the post
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possumsarenice · 5 months
I’m just blasted Christian music Tally Hall songs to drown out the red-pill ass news shit my dad is listening to how y’all’s queer Christian experience going?
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historyandarthijinks · 6 months
I feel so bad for members of Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Islam, or Judaism who have to watch these crazy extremists groups (Evangelicals, JWs, Radical Islam, Zionist, etc.) from their religion soil everything for them
Like I can barely contain myself over radfems while being a cis woman
I cannot imagine what it would be like
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kataari · 1 year
Reddit is so so normal
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vibrantchaozz · 6 months
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op should be ashamed /srs
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