#Carrie Doyle
ghostreviewer · 4 days
The Murder Game by Carrie Doyle
CW: spoilers, mentions of kidnappings
Okay so, this was another book I read a while ago but thought it was really cool! It’s a mystery book following a boy named Luke Chase. He was kidnapped as a child and then escaped, and now he’s at a boarding school and somebody died the night him and his friends went into the woods. It’s pretty fast paced (didn’t take me long at all to read it) and the twist in the end was awesome!
Now I really like mystery books, I like trying to figure out what’s happening and it’s fun to go along with the characters and as you learn things they learn things. And just, the suspense this book gives as time goes on is great. The ending was a bit rushed, but I think there were supposed to be other books(?) but they weren’t published sadly.
Despite the ending, it was a really well written book with really good pacing. Some of the ending made a bunch of sense to be fast paced, somebody was nabbed and Luke was trying to save her. Perfect time to pick up the pace and feel that adrenaline.
In the end, I would recommend this book. It has an interesting mystery (somebody dies, hence the title) and the clues aren’t revealed too quickly. If you like murder mystery books I’d recommend this one, or if you’re just looking for a bit easier read (I found it a bit easier at least, obviously not the case for everyone)
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The Murder Game by Carrie Doyle
Rating: 6/10
Initial Thoughts: It's an alright book. I will say it kept me captivated about what was next for quite a while and I did find enjoyment in reading the characters interpersonal relationships. Especially Luke Chase's (I'm not the only one who thought PJO, right?) relationship with his classmates. I do have a few gripes about it, however. The twist at the end was meh, the message at the end felt entirely contradictory, and it propelled stigmatization against people with Anti Social Personality Disorder(ASPD). That's ignoring the fact that the book title does not match at all with what happened inside the book.
Time to read: 1 1/2 days
Recommended for: Mystery Readers, quick reads, I honestly cannot think of something else this book was so eh.
Not Recommended for: ACAB, people who care about mental disorder stigmatization, and overall people who want to read a heavy hitting book.
Spoilers ahead-
Overview: TMG is a book centering around Luke Chase, a rich boy with a history of having been kidnapped a few years ago. Recently, however,, he attends a boarding school over here in America and is best friends with Oscar (Cannot be bothered to remember his last name). When they sneak out at night one night they become the last people to hear their teacher alive that night as the next day they find out she's murdered. Throughout the entire story, Luke, Oscar, and two girls Pippa and Kelsey (although Kelsey barely helps) wind up uncovering more and more about this mystery, as they don't trust the police to figure it out. And they wind up correct in their assumption when Oscar becomes the lead suspect in the case. It's midway through the book that Oscar has to take a back seat, however, as he's forced to leave the school due to him being mistaken as the murderer. Honestly the beginning and the middle isn't all that bad and I don't mind it too much, the ending, however, is where things get iffy. Luke finds out that the murdered teacher (Mrs. Heckler) was getting cold feet about a man she was having an affair with. Specifically looking into "Psychopaths". And in the end it's found out it's a teacher that Luke trusts quite a bit. the ending involves a chase scene between said teacher and Luke while police come about. The very last chapter ends with the message of how the police are in fact competent in their jobs, and they kept a close eye on Luke. Even though it was not shown at all and the final message is rather confusing in regards to everything stated previously.
Analysis: While I understand the concept of an unreliable narrator, this didn't feel like such a situation. Often when it comes to unreliable narrators, you have hints that something isn't right, that a sense of reality is different or that you don't have all of the facts. This works rather well within mystery books as they expand upon the revealing hints. This... this doesn't feel like a proper unreliable narrator. There's no hints that the police were actually competent and not just faking like they said, there's no proof that they kept an eye on Luke, and the final message appears out of nowhere. And with the murderer turning out to be a "psychopath" it continues to perpetuate a mental disorder as violent and cruel. And while I understand that statistically the best murderers are people diagnosed wish ASPD, there are still many people who have ASPD and aren't killers and vice versa. Overall, for me, it was an ok book. With a solid start and middle, but seems to start fraying near the end.
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willwriteforboots · 1 year
Book Review: "The Murder Game" by Carrie Doyle
It’s time for another book review! Today, I’m bringing you my honest thoughts on book three of my of my reading challenge The Murder Game by Carrie Doyle. *Note there are a few details in this review that may may feel slightly spoilerish. Proceed with caution. So, what is “The Murder Game” about? After becoming famous for surviving a kidnapping back home, boarding school student Luke Chase…
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protagonistspub · 1 year
Death on Windmill Way by Carrie Doyle
Death on Windmill Way by Carrie Doyle was a read courtesy of Poisoned Pen Press when the series giveaway failed to have a winner. The series landed on my bookshelves with the promise that I would pay it forward by donating the series to my library. It is the first in the Hamptons Murder Mystery Series and is a cozy mystery. I admit my expectations were less than stellar after reading her Trouble…
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dollycas · 2 years
Saturday Giveaway - Hamptons Murder Mysteries by Carrie Doyle #Giveaway @KensingtonBooks @carriedoylek
Saturday Giveaway – Hamptons Murder Mysteries by Carrie Doyle #Giveaway @KensingtonBooks @carriedoylek
Welcome To Saturday Giveaway! The giveaway this week is sponsored by Kensington Cozies. Death on Windmill Way: A Cozy Mystery (Hamptons Murder Mysteries Book 1) First book in the Hamptons Murder Mysteries cozy series! Antonia’s looking for some peace and quiet… too bad she moved to the Hamptons! Featuring the quirky chef and amateur sleuth Antonia Bingham, this new mystery book is: Perfect for…
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Leia Organa by Ming Doyle
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no-side-us · 7 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Nov. 3
Shoscombe Old Place, Part 2 of 2
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I like that even though Holmes and Watson aren't actually there to go fishing, they still brought a bunch of fishing equipment to sell the story. I'm also going to imagine they didn't buy anything new and it's all stuff from previous fishing trips.
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Watson, you've seen, met, and grappled with countless murderers of all kinds in your time with Holmes, so why would it be so hard to believe that Norberton here has killed his own sister?
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I feel like this confirms they've been on previous fishing trips before. And I know it's the early 1900s, but I can't help but imagine them in generic fishing gear. I'm talking bucket hats, vests with too many pockets, cargo shorts, etc.
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I love Holmes' appreciation for dogs. Also, I guess this means Lady Beatrice probably has been killed, or imprisoned in some way if she's not actually going out anymore.
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Nevermind. This story reminds me of those people who pretend their deceased relatives are still alive so they can collect on said relatives' pensions or other payments. Admittedly, it is very grim of him to move his sister's dead body and have someone pretend to be her. But hey, he didn't kill anyone, so that's cool.
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I'm surprised that Holmes isn't being more lenient considering he did so with actual murderers before. Maybe the indecency of it all is too much, and Norberton doesn't exactly have a sympathetic reason for anything, he's just in debt.
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And Norberton's fine. Overall, this was a pretty funny story in retrospect, in a morbid sort of way. All the shenanigans of moving a dead body, then hiding it in a crypt (which is pretty smart) but then having another dead body to hide. Having a dog take constant notice, needing an actor to pretend to be the deceased, etc. It's humorous, and I had a good time with it.
Part 1 - Part 2
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antiquatedsimmer · 10 months
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the rest of the household began their preparations to retire for the night, Eddy's footsteps guided him to the weathered shed. Within its dimly lit interior, Silas was once again engrossed in a myriad of projects, his hands deftly manipulating tools and materials.
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Eddy leaned casually against the shed's open doorway, his form casting a faint shadow amidst the workspace. With a subtle throat clearing, he turned his attention to his son.
"Silas, the hour's growin' late, boy. "
(Long Post Warning)
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" I've got somethin' of importance to discuss with you, Let's talk in the parlor."
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At the sound of his father's call, Silas shifted his focus, his interest piqued by the unusual tone in Eddy's words.
"I was just about ready to call it a night myself, I'll be right there. "
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After meticulously stowing his tools, Silas retraced his steps back to the comforting sanctuary of the farmhouse. The fire's gentle dance cast flickering shadows across the room, illuminating his father Eddy, who was settled into a steadfast rocking chair. Its measured creaking wove a rhythmic tapestry against the backdrop of the room's hushed atmosphere.
"Join me, boy," Eddy's voice held authority, inviting Silas to settle in.
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As Silas settled into the room's ambiance, a thick tension wrapped around him, impossible to ignore. The air was charged with a sense of déjà vu as if he was treading a familiar path, a well-worn trail of past conversations. His father's penetrating gaze bore into him, adding weight to the already expectant atmosphere.
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Silas steeled himself, knowing all too well what might lie ahead - a discourse he had grown accustomed to, a lecture on the primacy of farm duties over his own creative pursuits. Eddy's comments, like the insistent ticking of a clock, had consistently interwoven themselves with Silas' ventures, a persistent reminder that the farm's obligations must always take precedence.
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"You know me, Silas. I've never been one to dance around matters, so I'll speak plainly. "
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" I've arrived at a decision."
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Silas's breath caught, the impending storm of emotions threatening to surface as he clenched his jaw, determined to keep his temper in check.
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"Before winter sets in, you'll be wed to Josephine Coombes," Eddy's declaration landed with weight, the words reverberating in the room.
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A surge of disbelief and shock coursed through Silas, extinguishing the flames of brewing argument as swiftly as they ignited. "Married? To Josephine Coombes, the social pariah?" his inner thoughts were a jumble of confusion.
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Eddy's demeanor remained unwavering, his voice resolute as he held the reins of the conversation firmly. "Starting tomorrow, we'll join forces with a hired group of men, both Coombes and myself. Together, we'll set the land straight, preparing it for a home where you and Josephine can live happily together."
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Silas erupted from his seat, his demeanor giving way to a boiling rage. "Pa, you can't be serious! I hardly even know that woman. She's been off at that fancy finishing school for years, and now you're foistin' their burden onto me?"
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Eddy's face remained steadfast, his silence a command as unyielding as an oak tree. His stern gaze bore into Silas as he rose from his seat. "Sit yourself back down this instant and speak like a man, not a sulkin' youngster. This union's been in the cards for a while now. You and Josephine, neither of ya got your hearts elsewhere. Considerin' the circumstances, I figure it's the right path."
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Silas continued, "She's squandered every blessed chance her family gave her by acting a fool! She's older than me, damn it!"
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" This isn't a union it's a damn punishment! " he shouted
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Eddy's voice rumbled, his tone sharper now, his patience wearing thin. "AND BECAUSE YOU'VE DONE NOTHIN' BUT FIDDLE WITH METAL CONTRAPTIONS IS HOW YOU'VE WASTED YOURS. "
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" You're nearly on 19, Silas, and ain't got much to show for it. If you'd put a mite more effort into your duties, you might've managed to make something of yourself and meet someone along the way! "
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"But no, you've frittered away your time, avoidin' responsibility, leavin' me to make the decisions for you again!"
Silas gritted his teeth as Eddy pressed on, his tone simmering with a mix of irritation and control.
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"Count yourself lucky, boy. Josephine comes from wealth, she's got ties to the family. She's made her mistakes, but She'll treat you right. "
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Eddy's arms locked across his chest, his gaze drilling into Silas like steel daggers. "Your time's run out, boy, and I ain't got no more patience left waitin' for you to grow into a man. "
" This is MY land, I am your Father, as long as I live you will always listen to ME. You will marry Josephine and you will be happy. "
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Silas stood there, muscles coiled like a spring about to snap, his voice a quiet release amidst the tension. "Yes, Father."
"Good. Now, rest up, 'cause tomorrow's gonna be a long day. Lots of work waitin' for us."
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Eddy's eyes tracked his son as he left the parlor.
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In his bedroom, Silas had changed into his nightwear, yet his mind remained ablaze with the echoes of the heated confrontation downstairs. "How can he claim the right to govern my life?" Silas fumed inwardly, bitterness coursing through his thoughts. "Shouldn't tending to the farm and pursuing my own path be enough for him?"
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His fingers gripped the weathered edges of the desk before him with a force that threatened to splinter the wood.
"I must break free from this constricting grip. I shall not subject myself to a life dictated by him. "
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My abilities and intellect extend beyond this place. I need to get out, I could get a train ticket and leave for a better city that'll recognize my intellect!"
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As his thoughts whirled like a spinning wheel, sudden clarity pierced through the fog of uncertainty.
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"Daniel Coombes," Silas contemplated, a subtle smirk dancing upon his lips. "Josephine's father is a man of influence and connections...Our union could help me get what my technology needs to succeed, supporters. "
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The tension that had gripped his shoulders began to melt away as realization took hold, and with a renewed sense of purpose, Silas eased himself onto his bed, the weight of his father's words diminishing in the wake of the myriad opportunities now dancing before him.
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motownfiction · 3 months
the boy who was always there
Charlie thinks he probably knew he was going to marry Carrie Sullivan well before he ever figured out he was in love with her. It just made sense. They always sat next to each other in classes, walked the mile together in P.E. while everyone else ran around like crazy, hung out on the weekends, traded desserts at lunch. All that good stuff was theirs. It was tradition before it was love. It was the expectation before it was the passion.
And there was passion, once. More than once, actually. If it hadn’t been for the passion, they would have been divorced a very long time ago. Charlie can still remember times when he’d run home just to wrap Carrie around himself like a scarf. Comfortable. Knitted for him personally. But perfect. Suited. Something he was freezing until he could take on … and off. That was Carrie, and she was wonderful. She is wonderful. It’s just that it’s different now.
When they were kids, Charlie was just around. The boy who was always there. He never really planned on following Carrie wherever she went, but things were better when she was around. It was like she saw the world under different lights. How Charlie loved those lights. How Charlie loved her. He never stopped. Not when Sam died. Not when Carrie made him live at the Red Roof Inn. Not when he was also falling for Elenore. Not when the carousel of younger women begged for his touch after his sets. Carrie was always what love looked like.
But that wasn’t enough. It never was. And before Charlie could explain himself, the boy who was always there turned into the man who never was.
He’s sorry for it now. It’s not enough to get Carrie back, but that’s … OK.
She has other places to be.
Better places.
Charlie only hopes he can hear the stories at Cordelia and Cal’s parties one of these days. He’s pretty sure they’re fabulous.
(part of @nosebleedclub march challenge -- day 8!)
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kitthew · 1 year
ben doyle
he’s my best friend he’s my pal he’s my homeboy my rotten soldier he’s my sweet cheese my good time boy
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emotional-algebra · 2 years
If our goal is to be tolerant of people who are different than we are… then we really are aiming quite low. Traffic jams are to be tolerated. People are to be celebrated.
Glennon Doyle Melton
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on-this-day-btvs · 6 months
November 30, 1999
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Hero aired for ATS season 1, episode 9. This was the last appearance of Doyle, whose full name is Allen Francis Doyle. Doyle is an Irishman who receives prophetic visions. Doyle is played by Glenn Quinn. Doyle is in nine episodes of ATS, all in season 1. (Later appearances used archived footage.)
Glenn Quinn's full name is Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn. Quinn was allowed to use his native Irish accent for Doyle and said: "I've been hiding it for so long that it's amazing to have some freedom. It was like putting on an old pair of shoes. It's bringing my soul back to life." Doyle advised Angel and after Cordelia joined them, the three formed Angel Investigations.
PSA: Glenn Quinn died of an accidental heroin overdose in 2002. Opioids include heroin, fentanyl, OxyContin, and others. Narcan - generic name Naloxone - can be given to people in opioid overdose through injection or nasal spray. Narcan / Naloxone is FDA approved and available over-the-counter.
(image credit to buffyversefans) (Glenn Quinn quote via wikipedia) (narcan / naloxone - more information)
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lovf00lish · 2 years
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The von Bach royal family was one of the most prominent and second to the royal family to famous during The Gilded age. History tracing back before the Renessaince was filled with dignity and value. The von Bach family known as "The King's right eye"has been the British royal family's most loyal servant, starting from the king's distant cousin, climbing the ladder of prosperity over the decades. Driven by the motto "aut Caesar aut nihil" (Either Caesar or nothing), the members by marrying to the royal family, have been awarded with lands, castles and titles, landing even to be the King's counsellor.
Sadly most of the family's pictures have been burned down after the Great Feuer in 1700s. The source of it, unknown. But moon has its dark side. The rumours around the origin of the family has been going around for centuries. All women sharing similar features between in terms of dark hair, bright eyes and celestial sharp nose, a very rare features for the time. Many members has been declared insane or suffering from depression, obsession, anger issues and paranoia. The legends says that Aldo "the Founder" von Bach had angered the gods, thus cursing him to not produce firstborn son. Another legends declares Arkadia von Bach, the wife of Aldo "The Founder"von Bach, known to have prophetic abilities, to predict the fall of the family. By speaking these last words "This family has come from impurity and shall end in impurity"thus indicating incest in between some of the members.
Their glory has become quieter inbetween the end of 17th century till the middle of 19th, with the lead of the matriarch Allegra von Bach.
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protagonistspub · 1 year
Girl with the Dragonfruit Tattoo by Carrie Doyle
The Girl with the Dragonfruit Tattoo by Carrie Doyle was an Advanced Reader’s Copy from Poisoned Pen Press. It is the third installment in the Trouble in Paradise series. It is a cozy mystery and releases on 31 January 2023. I will give credit where credit is dues, Carrie Doyle avoided Jessice Fletcher syndrome in this installment by having the murder occur on a yacht anchored far enough…
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theartofangirling · 8 months
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part 2 of the 2023 version of this post: young adult books!
part 1: middle grade books | part 3: adult books
this is a very incomplete list, as these are only books I've read and enjoyed. not all books are going to be for all readers, so I'd recommend looking up synopses and content warnings. feel free to message me with any questions about specific representation!
list of books under the cut ⬇️
aces wild by amanda dewitt
the chandler legacies by abdi nazemian
bruised by tanya boteju
juliet takes a breath by gabby rivera
picture us in the light by kelly loy gilbert
when we were magic by sarah gailey
iron widow by xiran jay zhao
the rise of kyoshi by f.c. yee
jane unlimited by kristin cashore
summer of salt by katrina leno
the wicker king by k. ancrum
the dead and the dark by courtney gould
wilder girls by rory power
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
her royal highness by rachel hawkins
tell me how you really feel by aminah mae safi
the weight of the stars by k. ancrum
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson
last night at the telegraph club by malinda lo
the grief keeper by alexandra villasante
crier's war by nina varela
how to excavate a heart by jake maia arlow
imogen, obviously by becky albertalli
in other lands by sarah rees brennan
carry on by rainbow rowell
cemetery boys by aiden thomas
felix ever after by kacen callendar
i wish you all the best by mason deaver
little thieves by margaret owen
technically you started it by lana wood johnson
the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee
the infinite noise by lauren shippen
bonds of brass by emily skrutskie
the darkness outside us by eliot schrefer
simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda by becky albertalli
what if it's us by becky albertalli and adam silvera
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire sáenz
like a love story by abdi nazemian
different for boys by patrick ness
history is all you left me by adam silvera
twelfth grade night by molly horton booth, stephanie kate strohm, and jamie green
across a field of starlight by blue delliquanti
heartstopper by alice oseman
check, please! by ngozi ukazu
bloom by kevin panetta and savanna ganucheau
laura dean keeps breaking up with me by mariko tamaki and rosemary valero-o'connell
the princess and the grilled cheese sandwich by deya muniz
if you'll have me by eunnie
on a sunbeam by tillie walden
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag
always human by ari north
rust in the root by justina ireland
dread nation by justina ireland
pet by awkwaeke emezi
the darkest part of the forest by holly black
elatsoe by darcie little badger
i was born for this by alice oseman
loveless by alice oseman
i hate everyone but you by gaby dunn and allison raskin
you know me well by nina lacour and david levithan
the black flamingo by dean atta
spinning by tillie walden
dreadnought by april daniels
a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
all the bad apples by moira fowley-doyle
clap when you land by elizabeth acevedo
summer bird blue by akemi dawn bowman
the miseducation of cameron post by emily m. danforth
we are okay by nina lacour
radio silence by alice oseman
we used to be friends by amy spalding
a neon darkness by lauren shippen
i hope you get this message by farah naz rishi
are you listening? by tillie walden
alone in space by tillie walden
all out edited by saundra mitchell
out now edited by saundra mitchell
out there edited by saundra mitchell
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Princess Leia by Ming Doyle
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