#But the man is just straight up trying to commit murder most of the time. Often on children
Now that I think about it, whenever Polidori's plan isn't just killing them, but capturing them to "prove their real", I'm not sure how he's actually expecting that to go, once he has them.
Like, my guy, people are skeptical. It's gonna take quite a lot to actually convince them vampires exist.
Best case everyone will be wondering why you're so obsessed with this particularly large bat; worst case they'll see you kidnapped and imprisoned a sickly-looking 13 year old child (or hell, even younger if we look at Klot. Not a soul would believe the little guys a vampire, even if he straight up admitted it)
Paulus, like 8-out-of-10-times, you are going to be charged for a crime, you know that, right?!
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Ann Sothern (A Letter to 3 Wives, The Blue Gardenia)_ Another unsung comedienne of the 30s and 40s, not enough people know about Ann Sothern. She was, along with her bestie Lucille Ball, originally a Goldwyn gal, but was soon a featured star in pictures. She even headlined a series of films, the Maisie movies. And though she was known for her comedies, but I fell in love with her after her dramatic role in A Letter to 3 Wives. I also absolutely love her in the noir murder mystery The Blue Gardenia. She was absolutely stunning, and I am always excited to find a movie of hers to watch. She's high on my list of "Why don't more people talk about her?" actresses
Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ann Sothern:
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She was so beautiful and had great comedic timing!
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Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is.
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I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
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SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
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She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
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Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
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With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
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A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
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general-cyno · 4 months
ehh it's just me musing but. I do find it a little curious that (depending on who likes whom I guess) cora is usually either seen as some saintly flawless goofy figure or a brainwashed cop who got killed because he refused to try and save his brother. I do think his character is not exactly easy to pinpoint, considering he appears for a very short time and in a flashback nonetheless, plus the fact that he's dead means no further fleshing out of his character - broadly speaking - outside of the people who knew him and are willing to provide insight on what he was like, though that'd still be kinda biased.
however I believe there's actually a bunch of things that were straight up shown and some that can be pieced together from what little panel/screen time he had: ie how he's seemingly more bad tempered, impulsive and violent than he's portrayed as in fanon at times, albeit motivated by his own priorities at the moment (trying to kick the shit out of law to stop him from exposing cora to doflamingo) + his sense of what's right and wrong and to whom it applies (punching medical staff and setting hospitals on fire for mistreating law, whom he'd been trying to help).
specifically about the navy and doflamingo part... it irks me a little, tbh. partly because it removes what little agency cora had during the flashbacks and sort of waters down his motivation to stop his brother. it's not just whatever crimes doflamingo was committing or planning to back then and the navy wanting to put a stop to that - the thing is that cora was influenced, at least to an extent, to oppose doflamingo based on their childhood experiences with (ofc) the more negative ones, which include doffy murdering their father right in front of him, overshadowing anything else. as he tells law, cora can't fathom how their kind parents could've borne someone as evil as his brother. and yet. that's the other thing. cora was very much a child, and younger than doflamingo at that, when the elder DQs chose to leave marijoa and all that it entailed after. between all the traumatic events he lived through and later being raised by a marine (sengoku of all people), I'll be the first to say his perception of those events, of their parents and doffy himself is not really the most unbiased or reliable. we don't see him questioning the existence of celestial dragons (beyond warning law he's in danger when cora finds out about the D) nor the nature of the WG/the marines and the antagonistic role they play in OP's universe. we didn't have him long enough for those things to be put to question deeply anyway, especially not wrt to doflamingo, so imo it makes sense that his focus wasn't on "saving" but stopping him.
that said... he does witness the worst of it, kind of. through law. law is the very reason why I don't agree with the idea of cora being simply a brainwashed cop. this guy watched how people (those who should care) mistreated, dehumanized and demonized a sick child over prejudices caused by the lies the nobles and WG itself relied on to sweep their own corruption under the rug. he saw first hand how all those doctors ran to call the WG to kill the child and how they answered to do that. and what did he do? he lied and betrayed the organization he'd been part of (presumably for more than the years he spent undercover) and the man who'd raised him like a son just to save the kid that everyone, even the so called justice, had turned his back on and would've gotten rid of if given the chance. heck, when he first brought up the topic of law with sengoku, the man basically told him not to favor him too much for it could jeopardize his mission.
but perhaps the biggest proof is that he lied to law about being a marine when the latter directly asked if cora was one. as he later admits, cora lied to him about this because he didn't want law to hate him - and knowing all law lived through (flevance), seeing some of it himself (their hospital shenanigans) and what law told him as well, cora knew he had plenty of understandable and justified reasons to hate anyone ever slightly associated with the marines or the WG, including cora. to me, someone who's completely blinded by the navy/WG propaganda and follows their every order to the letter without thought wouldn't have denied his own affiliation nor been so determined to ditch being a marine and make an enemy out of those institutions (even if that also meant betraying his father figure) just to save, protect and do right by a child who'd been clearly failed by them. at no point did cora ever try to argue that Not All Marines, much less express any other sentiments of that sort to law.
on a similar vein, despite insisting doflamingo was evil and an agent of destruction - law is also the proof cora was somewhat aware that his brother (and people like doflamingo) normally don't pop out of nowhere and do Terrible Things just because. that maybe in other (better) circumstances, doffy might've become someone different and/or made different choices. after all, cora is the one who points out the similarities between doflamingo and law, and eventually does his best to turn law's life around so that he won't follow the same path. should he have tried to save doflamingo as well? when? how? would it have worked? who knows. and if you ask me, regardless of their similarities at that moment in time, doffy was already a grown ass man compared to law and cora himself was just an even younger kid when shit hit the fan in their childhood. I'm not sure doflamingo (as an adult) would've been particularly receptive of "help" either, considering his disdain for the kindness in cora and their father that he saw as a weakness. not to mention waaay too many other factors that come into play also (trebol and co's grooming and influence for example). still, one of them did pull the literal trigger in the end and it wasn't cora, so there's that.
all in all, for a character with such a short lived amount of time in the story - cora is quite the complex one and so very compelling. characterizing him as just strictly one thing or the other can be a little reductive but the fact that his character can be explored beyond that in the first place (once more, despite his lil bit of alive and onscreen moments) is what's fun and says a lot about the writing itself.
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midniiights-garden · 4 months
A Porcelain Doll and a Blade [3] - Mizu x Fem!Reader
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Summary: The bar keeper crossed the line. The Beauty has finally decided to commit a murder and the Beast is simply shocked.
Possible TWs!!!: Canon typical violence, blood and gore, period typical sexisim, swearing
After the little scuffle you decide to just keep silent, preparing for the day without turning to the stranger. However, Mizu keeps glancing at you. You can feel her sharp eyes on your back, her gaze digging into your skin as if trying to pierce straight through you.
Getting fed up with her continued gaze you decide to speak.
"...what's your name?" You finally ask.
"It's Mizu," the stranger replies, now attempting to make eye contact with you to no avail.
Mizu. Hm. You think the name suits them. In exchange you tell her your name, still not making eye contact with her. Are you still a little bit miffed from the fight? Yes.
Mizu merely nods as you tell her your name. Of course, neither of you are aware that your stories are inevitably intertwined from this point onwards. The minute the both of you decided to squabble the fates set in, tying you together.
The two of you head down together, still not talking. It was a bit awkward. What is one supposed to say after a fight, after all? You had already apologized as well, there was nothing more to it, right?
At the counter, the bar keeper raises his gaze, a soft snort leaving his chapped lips. The man sneers, looking pointedly between the two of us.
"Better not have stained my sheets," he says.
You are instantly offended all over again. Mizu, on the other hand, just looks mildly irritated. Unfortunately for the both of us, the man can't seem to take a hint and continued to speak.
"Looks like we know why you don't have a husband, huh?" The bar keeper says snidely. "Can't keep your legs shut."
You finally had enough.
Without another word you swing at the man, hitting him square in the jaw with a sickening crack. The man screams, blood pouring out his nose and mouth. You, however, do not relent. Without giving him the time to recover you backhand him. Now his face was bruised and purple, the area of his jaw where you had initially punched him was swollen and most likely broken. His lip was broken, his nose bent to the side.
One last hit. You decide to uppercut him, successfully making the bar keeper pass out, his maggot like body hitting the floor with a dull thud.
Throughout this Mizu just stared in shock. What was she supposed to do anyways? She had never seen another woman besides herself be this upfront or aggressive. She had never seen any woman actually unafraid. But there you were, very much unafraid but very much angry. Like those stories of haunted dolls who killed their owners. Once the man was knocked out all Mizu could was stare. She was both impressed, terrified and annoyed. If someone had heard the man scream the both of them would be in big trouble.
Luckily, it seems no one had. Mizu continues to stare as you simply wipe your hands off with a rag before grabbing some bread and trotting over to a secluded corner to eat. Your anger had subsided once you had knocked some sense into the man and you were now the calmest you had been since arriving.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts Mizu followed you. Why? She didn't actually know herself. But something drew her to you. Perhaps it was because you were beautiful. Or perhaps it was the fact that you just took down a nearly two meter tall man with ease. Who knew? But all Mizu knew was that you'd be useful to her. Or at least, that's how she justified her interest.
"You can fight," she notes.
You raise your eyebrow. "Yes," you reply. "If you're about to insult me then I can show you just how well I am able to."
Mizu merely snorts, amused at your continued stubbornness and fiery spirit. It was... refreshing.
"No need. We already fought earlier, remember?"
At her recollection of your earlier squabble you huff, clearly irritated.
"That doesn't count. I just woke up."
Mizu rolls her eyes, simply taking a sip of the tea she had taken before following after you.
"Sure," she replies dryly.
You can sense she's just trying to rile you up. So you take a deep breath, calming yourself once more.
"Believe what you want," you respond coldly. "I do not need your approval."
Amused yet again, Mizu leans closer, her blue eyes piercing you once again.
"Hm. Interesting. I wonder how you would react..."
Of course, Mizu was thinking about how you react to seeing her eyes. Most people would run, look horrified or disgusted. But you had proven time and time again to be... odd. Whether that was a positive or negative she had no clue yet. But she decided to take a chance. If worst came to worst, Mizu could always silence you with her blade as she had done to countless people before.
With that she takes her orange tinted glasses off, waiting for your reaction.
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reading 'the secret history' by donna tartt for the first time, so here are my thoughts after reading through chapter 2:
— i was absolutely correct in my assumption that bunny actually was straight, but not quite in the way i expected (like good god man i know it was the 80s, but even richard was weirded tf out)
— love miss judy poovey
— also love how everybody outside the greek class is like "yeah they suck" or "yeah something is not right with those people" and richard hears none of it and instead is just ride-or-die for these people
— like he doesn't even fw greek like that
— increasingly cult-core themes
— no seriously "come with us in my convertible, new drunk outsider, to spend a luxurious weekend at one of my family's homes in the countryside" like richard you barley know these people
— "obsession with the picturesque" yeah i can fucking tell by the way you're not listening to a damn word coming out of camilla's mouth
— don't know how much i believe richard's whole "i really didn't think about it too much" thing,, like yeah they were speaking latin or whatevs but like??? you couldn't pick up on any of it??
— so did they like try to slow-kill bunny using "natural remedies" (homemade poison) and when that didn't work they just decided to push him off a cliff or ??
— cause if they did that's fucking hilarious
— "hi-ho, the derry-o!!" girl, you are at the bottom of the food chain rn
— richard is so relatable in some ways, yet so absolutely detestable in others
— back to bunny's murder: i feel like they decided he was too annoying for too long and just wanted to get rid of him like unanimously vote him out of greek class, but henry seems to only be capable of doing things in the most dramatic way possible
— "Consummatum est."
[edit because i remembered something else i wanted to include but forgot]
— idk for what i think they've got going on with all that disappearing for a while and showing up with injuries all the time, but for now my two theories are:
1.) they're like performing rituals or like offerings to the greek gods cause they were reading about it and wanted to see if it would like do anything for them
2.) bunny went from killer to killed (i.e. they were a murder squad before they murdered him, and they're out there like committing actual homicide)
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
With your tonal language I can’t tell if you are exaggerating or genuinely hating Yakou.
My relationship with Yakou is complicated, in large part because his creator and I have very different sets of values. Yakou is a character designed to be complicated, but to leave you with an ultimately positive feeling towards him. He's a man haunted by his past, but also one with strong enough values and convictions that he can serve as something of a role model nonetheless.
My issue with Yakou is that a lot of the things that are designated as his flaws - his heavy drinking and willingness to murder - are things I don't have a problem with. Meanwhile, the things that are designated as his virtues? Well....
Kazutaka Kodaka is a man with profoundly heteronormative views on gender that come out in his work. He has strong opinions about binary masculinity and femininity, which get expressed in his writing - and his record with trans and non-binary characters is spotty.
With Yakou, this comes out as a sort of inadvertent foot-in-mouth syndrome, where he can become incredibly obnoxious in the moments where he's meant to be likable simply as a consequence of what Kodaka thinks are good values.
Yakou and Desuhiko are the two characters through which Kodaka explores masculinity. Fubuki, Yuma, Kurumi, and Vivia all have genders, but their stories aren't about gender. Halara, meanwhile, has neither a binary gender nor a story about gender. But Yakou and Desuhiko have masculinity itself as a major topic of conversation.
Which. Means. Kodaka, a guy with spotty views on gender, uses these characters to talk about gender. That's. Okay.
Desuhiko is used as a negative portrayal of masculinity. His worst traits are derived from trying too hard to express his masculinity. He's a kid with low self-esteem chafing under the yoke of trying to live up to a cultural standard, to earn respect by Doing The Thing whether he even understands why he's doing it or not.
This leaves him drifting through life constantly exclaiming "HAVE I MENTIONED HOW STRAIGHT AND NORMAL I AM!? OH BOY I SURE DO LOVE WOMEN!" to everyone he meets. He's identified The Womenz as the cure for his insecurity, even though he doesn't actually seem that invested and is honestly surprisingly chaste. He's just performing masculinity, hoping he'll get an A+ grade in Manliness and that maybe that will finally give him value as a person.
For as much as I dunk on Desuhiko, this is a fairly good commentary on what a patriarchal and heteronormative society does to insecure boys.
But then we have Yakou. He offers the counterpoint, as a more positive portrayal of masculinity. But. Like. His central thesis isn't that different from Desuhiko's. He's a romantic at heart who's central thesis is that the true measure of a man is defined by his relationship to a woman.
He's the heteronormative ideal: A man who controls his emotions, loves with all his heart, objectifies women to demonstrate a healthy sexuality but is committed in his heart of hearts to this one woman, who he would give his life for without question. He would be happily married with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids if not for this one asshole who stole his woman from him.
The moments where you're meant to roll your eyes and chuckle at Desuhiko are when he's trying to express masculinity. And the moments where you're meant to like Yakou are, similarly, moments when he's successfully expressing masculinity.
But the values he expresses in those moments? The things that come out of his mouth that are meant to make you appreciate him more? They're things like "Men exist just for women" and "You'd be prettier if you smiled more", confidently asserted in what's supposed to be a touching moment of emotionally connecting with the player character and, by extension, the player.
Most of the time when I'm dunking on Yakou, it's just for fun. He's far from my favorite character but he's harmless, and there are things I do enjoy about him. But the moments Kodaka writes when he's trying to make Yakou look good are the times when I can't fucking stand him at all.
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Here's MY thoughts on the love island the game's seasons, for no reason other than I want to:
Also because the majority of the people following me are here for OM! & I want to drag more people down into the litg hell with me :)
Season 1: why is everyone so bitchy for no reason????? Talia & Jake are okay but other than that it's meh... don't really like the art style either
Season 2: Immaculate. Chef's kiss. They hit a high they never reached again. Somehow managed to balance the drama & the found family aspect and created a dynamic where you can actually believe everyone is friends and having fun even if sometimes they try to kill each other. Characters are flawed but generally decent people who are allowed to grow throughout the season. You get the option to make MC a bi gym-bro who can devour an entire cake in one sitting and bench press her partner. There's a reason this got two sequels.
Season 3: It's fine ig. Short and kind of boring. Nothing much happens. AJ is so cute though she almost makes up for it.
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Season 4: Honestly a close 2nd favourite. We get a lot of character backstory and like s2 it touches on some serious issues. The season with some of the funniest moments/lines of dialogue - multiple moments where I just laughed out loud. I'm still only half way through it but the "villain" is just straight up mean for no reason and doesn't get any character development like the characters in S2 but makes up for it by having some of the funniest interactions with other characters and I was so sad to see her go. Also the season where I desperately wish MC was allowed to be in an open relationship till the very end and finish off the season in a polycule with every other islander who was in the love "triangle"s of the the season because this was the hardest season to pick a LI - Najuma is just all around amazing, Bruno is sweet & funny, Tom is so pathetic* MC & Thabi's friendship is also the best thing? It's great seeing a platonic relationship that is as loving (if not more so) than the romantic relationships. It's literally:
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Season 5: Psychological horror. The producers said 'hey wouldn't it be funny if we torture this woman on national tv' and then committed to the bit. My memories are hazy because even though I only played it earlier this year it upset me so much I did my best to block most of it out but also I'm 100% sure there was actual galighting happening. Don't know why MC stuck around till the end because all she's gonna be able to use the money for is to pay for her therapy. Anyway I think MC should have been allowed to brutally murder everyone, she deserved it <3
Season 6: I liked the concept but I think they should have utilised it more. I'm still right at the very beginning (around ep 9) and I KNOW the general consensus from everyone who has reached the last eps seems to be that Amelia sucks MAJOR ass. But look, this is the first time a game has given me a MC with a canon family member who is also part of the game so in my opinion Amelia could commit war crimes and she's still be the most precious little uwu ever because I'm activating MC's insanely overprotective oblivious to all faults ""big"" sister mode
*I just played more of S4 and holy shit someone needs to get this man away from his parents and also maybe get him some therapy jfc
Edit 2:
** youcef, mc & valentina helping tom figure out he likes flowers and pink and tie-dye clothes and makeup and being complimented and called pretty and getting hugs is getting to me okay his parents better watch the show and see their adult son finally discovering himself and what he likes instead of what they think he should like and finally being able to let loose and have fun without worrying about what others think of him and finally being happy and they better get some sense knocked into them OR he should go to therapy and realise that no matter how much he loves his parents their love and regard being so conditional to the point that he's hidden his entire personality and is now so extremely self-conscious of it whenever it does manage to peak out, that he nearly cries on national tv after a practical stranger compliments those hidden bits is not good. Also the man has some of the most insane repressed queer vibes???? What do you mean he sees a canon nonbinary person wearing a floppy hat and is reminded of the floppy hat he loved as a child that his father threw away and replaced with a baseball cap and then when he "lost" the baseball cap his father bought him the exact same one again
Edit 3:
*** i was 100% sure i was going to get mc to stick with najuma (dorky mischevious goth who is so so bad at flirting hello!!!?) but i got caught by "sad & shy with serious self-worth issues hidden badly behind an overconfident exterior (who blushes & gets flustered easily because he so rarely receives genuine praise/compliments) experiences postive regard for the first time and loses his shit" for the third fucking time
Edit 4:
Okay but why does Dylan get (rightfully) called out by everyone in S4 for all the bullshit he does to MC from blatantly lying to her to not listening when she says "No" But in S5 when Suresh (admittedly, more subtly) pulls off the same shit no one says anything, even MC's "friends" don't believe her.
In S2 when Luke/Henrik gets a little too forceful after MC says no, he gets called out by MC's partner and immediately apologises
In S4 when Dylan does the whole "stop pretending you don't want me" routine after MC rejects him multiple times, the rest of the islanders band together and basically chase him off the island
In S5 when Suresh pulls literally the same thing from the very first episode itself but none of the other islanders believe MC, and Suresh keeps getting to do this until almost the very end while also managing to constantly play hot & cold with MC and chase away all of MCs other romantic interests
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Alright, this is basically me paraphrasing a tiktok made by TikTok user melodieospan, about an issue in Kazakhstan. Please look her up on TikTok and watch her videos on this. For those who do not know; on November 9th, of 2023, the ex-minister of economy of Kazakhstan, Quandyq Beshimbayev, murdered his wife., Saltanat Nukenova, in a restaurant.
Over the past month or so, he had been undergoing a court case, which, so far, can only be described as a fat joke.
All of the screwed up and graphic details of this case, murder, and trial that I know of as of now will be talked about here, so if you can be sensitive to murder stuff, please do look it up elsewhere to find a less graphic discussion. TikTok user melodieospan has some. But I do ask you look into this, it is a problem.
For those of you still here, great. Here we go, prepare yourself.
He had beat his wife, Saltanat, for 8 hours straight, Beshimbayev covered her alive, wheezing body with a blanket, then went back to eating his food like nothing had happened, and he didn't do something so awful.
No ambulance was called. He just ate in the same room as his dying wife. His brother showed up. ALSO did nothing. Except for trying to help Beshimbayev cover up the whole thing.
They took her phone, and drove it around the city for hours, so that no one could look for her.
Saltanat tried leaving her husband multiple times, but always came back, and, according to various sources, Beshimbayev forced her to make a innapropriate video with him, and he used it as blackmail.
All of this has been proved, so it makes you wonder, 'why has there been no punishment yet?'.
That isn't exactly how Kazakhstan works. In order for a murderer to be found guilty of the murder he commited, it also has to be proved that the victim did not DESERVE it.
In this court case, for some reason, they have been discussing every single possible reason for why she deserved to die, like she might've been an alcoholic, she might've been mentally unstable, and Quandyq Beshimbayev is somehow allowed to go off for HOURS on how terrible of a wife she was, and 'oh, how she would raise her hands at him'.
Which, okay. But if she did that, why is she the dead one? And the brother of Saltanat, Aitbek Amangeldy, has been treated so disgustingly by the court.
Just, imagine this:
Losing your sister, one of the people you love the most in the whole entire world, in such a truly terrible way, and then having to stand in front of all these people, who ask such stupid questions, such as;
'What was your sister's preference with her relationships with men?'
'Did she like to dominate them, or did she like when they dominated her?'.
And this man who is grieving cannot show any emotion while answering these questions . Every time he answers with emotion in it, he is reprimanded by the judge, being told that he might just be found guilty for his disrespect to the court.
Aitbek Amangeldy, the brother to the victim, is being treat as if he were the murderer, while the murderer himself is not taking this seriously, because he is laughing and smiling, and passing notes.
It has been five months, Beshimbayev has been proved to be the murderer, and is still referred to as the 'subject', and there has not been a sentence in over five months.
This is sickening, but there are things people can do to help change the Justice system in Kazakhstan, even if you are not a Kazakhstani citizen.
-Raise Awareness in the International community
Even something as simple as interacting with this post, or anything else out there about this case. Writing comments in ANY and ALL languages, reposting, anything. Talk
-Support Domestic Violence Protection services everywhere you can
Anything you can do to support charities and services that help prevent or stop domestic violence, especially towards women, but just in general as well. A threat to justice anywhere is a threat everywhere.
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
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fuck it, yandere jason
TW: Yandere behaviour (such as kidnapping, controlling behaviour, false imprisonment, stalking), murder, not proof read i’m very tired
if any of these apply to you please scroll and take care of yourself 🤍
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Yandere!Jason Voorhees Headcanons💗🌷
Jason is a much more softer and caring yandere compared to the other slashers
He’ll give you much more freedom than they will once you’ve gained his trust, letting you roam the camp grounds and chill in any cabin of your choice
You do, of course, have to gain quite a lot of his trust first
Doesn’t matter if you’re a boy, girl, neither. If you look or act like his mom, you’re doomed.
When you unknowingly walk past him for the first time hes completely awestruck
When you unknowingly walk past him for the first time hes completely awestruck
Like, totally and completely pulled away from what he was doing so he can focus all his attention on you.
He stands there, weapon in hand, hiding behind a few close ranged trees staring straight at you, his chest heavily yet quickly rising and falling as he carefully observes you
It’ll take him a few days to actually kidnap you, he still has to lay out traps and map out exactly how he’s going to kill your friends and the other counsellors
In those days he spends most of his time stalking you, trying to figure out your daily schedule
he also just really likes looking at you
When the time finally comes, he watches you until you finally retreat to your room, so you’ll be far away enough to be unaware of your friends screams
And then he kills them all.
He makes sure to drag their corpses far away from the cabin youre in, he doesn’t want you being witness to the horrors he commits, nor does he want to risk scarring and potentially breaking you
especially not when hes gonna carry you all the way to his own cabin, he doesn’t want you to be extra terrified of him and fighting him twice as hard
Jason understands he isn’t like, the most approachable man in the world. He has horror stories after him, and he just murdered all your friends. He understands your fear, but it hurts him a lot and he would never want you to believe that he’d hurt you
He also doesn’t want to have to run after you, that could risk you running on bear traps or hurting yourself in some other way.
He comes up with a plan,
Jason wants to trick you, so he doesn’t scare you too much by just barging straight in. He knocks on the front door of your cabin, then silently makes his way to the back door and breaks in as quietly as he can whilst you’re trying to figure out why nobody was there when you answered.
He swiftly comes up behind you and lifts you up in his arms, carrying you as if you weigh absolutely nothing over his shoulder. ignoring your screams and punches against his back
He almost throws you into his makeshift bed, even though he meant to gently put you down.
The poor man doesn’t know his own strength
Then, using one hand, he grabs into your arm to secure you in place, and motions “ssshh!!” with the other
if u don’t shut up he sits you on his lap and covers your mouth until you do, being careful to leave your nostrils out and room to breathe. Occasionally petting your hair to try and calm you
when you’ve calmed down enough his grip on ur arm loosens and he uses his free hand to run his fingers through your hair and stare at you, intensely and silently.
also breathing heavily because hes nervous and because it’s like seeing his mother again
hes so taken aback that he has someone else he cares so strongly for
he doesn’t want you getting out until he’s cleared the corpses away, no way would he risk you running into that during an escape attempt when it took so long to calm you down
he leaves u tied up to the beds headrest so you can’t leave whilst hes clearing away his mess, ensuring the restraints aren’t too tight but are tight enough to keep you in place
IF you actually manage to get away you’d end up hurt, there are bear traps closely scattered all throughout the grounds that have been hidden well.
Not to mention you’d make a lot of noise, running on leaves and crying
Which means he finds you in less than a minute and lifts you up again
his grip is tighter, not because he’s angry with you, but because hes frustrated that you aren’t being as easy as he thought you would be
ties you up much tighter and works almost two times faster now because hes paranoid about you getting out again and getting yourself hurt
unties you when he gets back and sits in front of you, grabbing you when you try to get up or attack him, and placing you right back where you were
he doesn’t want you to be afraid so he gives you that little freedom at first
spends the first night sitting in front of you, trying to sign that hes a “friend” or “harmless”
after an hour he pats his stomach and makes a sign that suggests “hungry?”, when u say nothing he does it again but tilts his head
still nothing? well the fruit cereal bar he stole is in front of you just in case you change your mind:)
if he isn’t trying to communicate with you, he’s sat staring at you, breathing deeply and loudly
It’s very, very creepy
it’s an uncomfortable first night.
Jason wants you to adapt to life with him pretty quickly, so when you’re sleeping he gently ties both of your wrists together and ties that to the headrest, being careful not to wake you, before heading to your previous bedroom and gathering your belongings
clothing, books, rings, deodorant, posters, tapes, etc
he gathers them and brings them back to you, untying you and presenting them beside you in a neat little pile
please be grateful
for the first week he lets you sleep by yourself, he refuses to touch you without consent or make you uncomfortable
the only downside is he watches you the whole time to make sure you aren’t going to run away
Then, when you’re settled enough, he’ll sleep beside you
doesn’t spoon you until you’re asleep so he lays on his back completely still for the most part
likes to take you on walks
holding ur hand a little tighter than he probably should
roams with you until it gets dark, then he lifts you up bridal style and carries u home
He enjoys carrying you because he believes you’re safer in his arms, plus you won’t be injured by the bear traps
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alfred straight up murdering his brother on accident just because he walked too quietly into the room is so fucking funny but how terrifying is alfred to regular humans? If he goes to casually throw some ridicously heavy thing he's working on over to the intern or whoever theyre not gonna get back up on their feet to chew him out for it lol. also... getting shot and squished by bisons still hurts like all hell right? does matthew start to get wary around him or is he just too used to it to be all that bothered?
Lmao right? I very much enjoy using these characters, especially fleshy loony-tune-style horror shows because good fucking god, it's funny. But its also very fun? Alfred javelining people into the water must be so fun. Alfred casually picks up Matt when he's on the sofa because he dropped his keys behind it. He will randomly rip up troublesome trees in someone's fields in the middle of the night. This is not a wholly negative, angsty or even humourous trait.
So for humans... not very as an adult. I think. Generally, Alfred puts his people at ease. He's handsome, funny, intelligent and friendly. Man has that kind of crooked smile and easy charm. The charisma, luck and social skills of the gambler and the grifters and drifters of the old Westerns if not the old West. When he was little and had less control because he'd get excited, I could see him getting himself in trouble and accidentally committing some violence. As an adult, I think he's much more careful around humans, and the only time he tends to bust out the super strength is to prevent accidentally killing humans. Picking up a car in front of someone getting aggressive will contain that person's aggression goddamn fast.
As for if things hurt, yes. Superheroes and Gods are boring for me to write about. I like making these fuckers creepy and overpowered sometimes, but I'm most invested in their humanity. So time to do the math. The average bison is about 816 to 1,088 kg, and the most recent record for a deadlift was 487 kg. So on the lower end of that, 816 divided by 487 is about 1.67; redeploy that as a percentage that's about 160% the strength of what's currently possible. I personally think this is why this dork is always snacking, so it has some effect on his metabolism and his physiology. He's not going to starve to death as fast as he should with that metabolism because there's that nation fuckery there, but my boy is peckish. So now that I've laid that nonsense out, I generally make him about 160% more resilient than the strongest human (yeah, my browser history is fucked, what about it?), but not in all ways because biologically, that would fuck up his brain something fierce cerebellum be whack big and I like my nerdy NASA boy. But I try to keep that 160 in mind, so it might sometimes be consistent? Maybe? But yeah, he's durable and walks away from a lot of things that most people wouldn't, but he can be shot, dropped, smashed, hit, etc. And his pain tolerance is limited because, again, that removes too much vulnerability and why are we invested in this nerd? Lord knows it's not patriotism on my end. Strong, but not indestructible.
Now with the biology and the physical aspect of my stupid brain's explanation of this yankee doodle dumbass (affectionate) articulated, onto the emotional and interpersonal consequences. This is a bit meta, but Alfred's perception of himself and his loved ones can reflect this fandom and canon. I don't know if canon makes them twins, but many people do despite some intrinsic differences in history, progress, culture and values. It's a valid take because who wants to lord over other people or think about being the superpower and the empire? And passport privilege, cultural dominance, and political hegemony are things that only come into play when we're online or in some sort of international situation. The world revolves around the US, but Alfred's 'first amongst equals' with the laurels of power is not his default setting. At home, he just wants to be another person. Abroad, he has to function on a different set of rules, and leadership, and that arrogance only comes out at certain points. He wants to be human, he wants to be loved, he wants to be normal. And it hurts his fucking feelings to be reminded he isn't, that it is lonely at the top, that no matter how similar, the Trudeau quote applies.
Matt's used to him, and Alfred's reasonably careful, but the gulf between them, Alfred's ability to just steamroll him if he wanted to (even if Matt would give him a hell of a fight) does leave its marks. Matt tries as hard not to show it as much as Alfred tries not to crush him. He's overjoyed about something and goes in for a hug, and there go a couple of subluxing ribs as he kind of affectionately slaps Alfred's shoulder like "indoor muscles! Indoor muscles, bud!" And its mainly because Alfred doesn't like thinking about being a weirdo, and Matt doesn't want to remind him. They want to be as equal as possible, but physics is a thing.
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Oh goodness, 84 + David x Patrick, pleeeeease.
Unbeta’d and written while watching Taskmaster.
The prompt is: the key was under the mat.
The rain pounds against David and, most notably, against the phone he’d just accidentally flung into a puddle, his umbrella reduced to a metal stick with the inside-out nylon acting as a flag of surrender.
But Alexis’s brownstone is around the corner—allegedly, because she is the worst with directions—and if he can make it one more New York block, he can make it anywhere. Or whatever that cliche is.
Finally arriving at her steps, he’s forced to root around under the soggy mat which reads: Where Everybody Counts, over a drawing of a calculator. Maybe Alexis liked the font, or something, because it’s truly unfortunate and not at all her vibe.
“We are taking a side trip to IKEA if it kills us,” David announces to the mat and the stoop at large.
He finally locates the key, opens the door, and proceeds to walk directly into a damp, curly-haired man wearing only a pair of dark rinse mid-range denim.
“Well well well, Alexis didn’t tell me she had company.” David surveys the pale sparse hair scattered over the man’s chest, probably doing nothing to hide his leer. At first glance, the stranger is firm and compact and not overly muscular, but he’s not hard to look at, either. Big eyes, big hands, oh, hello, big feet too. “I’m David.”
“I’m Patrick,” he responds, hands planted on his hips, eyes questioning. “Who is Alexis?”
David thought Alexis was past the days of not giving her real name to conquests but New York bars are loud and—wait, Alexis is dating Twyla and it’s fairly serious. David looks around, conjuring up what he’s seen on FaceTime when he and Alexis talk.
He recognizes nothing. No Alexis Rose Communication placards, no floral arrangements, no framed photographs. Everything here is brown and blue and grey, muted.
Patrick, currently half-naked and puzzled, nudges toward the table in his entryway, his hand resting near a large candle that he probably plans to bludgeon David about the head with, in self-defense.
“The key was under the mat!” David shouts, protecting his wet hair and precious skull with his forearms. “Please don’t murder me for breaking and entering because, not to nitpick, it was primarily entering.”
“Not to nitpick either but I think the crime you’re committing might be trespassing. Granted, I am not a lawyer, so don’t quote me.”
“Are you a killer?” David slowly lowers one arm.
“Not lately?” Patrick has a nice voice and a straight nose and eyelashes that belong on a Disney princess, so it’s a shame that David might get arrested soon. Another time, another place…
“What if I just slowly back away and we pretend that my sister isn’t an idiot with directions and that I am dry, first and foremost, and that this—“ David gestures between them to encompass the incident, “—this never happened.”
“I don’t think so.” Patrick picks up the cell phone that sits next to the bludgeoning candle and starts to unlock it.
“Or!” David is an excellent negotiator, he can make this work. “Or, can I ask for a one minute head start on the cops? I do not do well with running.”
Patrick’s face changes then, from puzzled to bemused to something that looks like snark, which is blatantly unfair when David is trying desperately to appease him. But then the snark softens, and it catches David off-guard, as geared up as he was for a fight. Or at least a banter. “In the interest of keeping you out of the clink and away from strenuous cardiovascular activities, what if I don’t call the police and instead, call your sister.”
David’s mouth falls open. Is he being propositioned? Is this a sex thing? Should he appalled? Excited? “What for?”
“To help you find her. Since she doesn’t live here.” Patrick seems to be reconsidering his offer, but instead he cocks his head and wiggles his phone in David’s direction. “Or you could call her.”
David accepts Patrick’s phone and dials Alexis’s number. Of course she doesn’t answer, because she has no regard whatsoever for his safety, or his propensity to involve himself in embarrassing situations. He leaves a tense, rambling message that may or may not begin, hi David, this is Alexis, and hangs up with his face burning. “I swear I have a sister, that wasn’t just a line.”
“Sure.” Patrick is back to amused. David is getting tired of not looking at Patrick’s bare chest, so he just brazenly stares at his left nipple for a second to center himself. “Everyone who breaks in here says that.”
“It’s trespassing!” David says to the nipple and Patrick’s phone rings just as Patrick is responding, almost assuredly with something biting.
It’s Alexis, thank fuck, and he gets the correct address and a promise that she will not tell anyone this story for any reason, not even upon threat of death. Or in his inevitable unauthorized biography.
During the conversation, Patrick wanders away to put on a shirt, which is unfortunate, but the turn gives David an opportunity to see the curve of ass under the mid-range jeans, and he’s momentarily mesmerized.
When David hangs up, Patrick is back in a pale blue button-up and brown Oxford shoes. A curl hangs down his forehead and David suddenly wishes they’d met in a bar, or at a gallery, and not as part of his new life of crime.
“Everything good then?” Patrick asks, not taking back the phone that David is trying to hand him. “You have the address? Is it close? I have an umbrella you can borrow, if you want.”
This is too much niceness now, and it makes David nervous. Maybe there’s still time for murder. Who murders who does not matter at this point. “Why?”
“So you don’t get wet?”
David nods in such rapid succession he’s worried his head will roll right off. “Okay, that does make sense now.”
“Or…or I could walk you there in the interest of keeping you from trespassing at my neighbors’ homes, and take you for a cup of coffee. Or something stronger.” Patrick smiles and it’s even brighter than David expects. It’s like turning on a light in a dark room and the impact warms David from his head to his toes. “It’s for everyone’s safety, really, since there seems to be a burglar on the loose.”
“The key was under the mat!”
“Yes, that part was on me.” Patrick grins again, then reaches for his phone so his hand grazes David’s. David wouldn’t call it lightning, but there is a buzz of electricity. “So, up for a walk?”
“Is the umbrella still invited?”
Patrick takes a long handled golf umbrella out of a stand in the corner and hands it to David with a hopeful look on his face. David accepts.
It ends up taking David and Patrick six hours and one slow, sweet kiss goodnight to walk across the street to Alexis’s apartment, trespassing forgiven.
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Thanks to @alysiswriting for the gorgeous art; I can’t choose between them either!
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Points of Origin & Paths to Take (Part 4)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Kazui & Amane: the Absence of Authenticity
“I keep on seeing dreams / I am always indecisive, I can’t be saved”
“Just need to believe / there is no reason to break a promise”
Amane's Trial Two verdict has been decided, so it is once again time for me to babble on. These two were much easier to assign a “lack of” value compared to Shidou and Mahiru. I really do think that authenticity plays a key role in both their music videos, and while it’s more obvious with Kazui, Amane shows it as well. They both deal with their environment rejecting their true selves and build up these idealized versions to act out. Performance is a recurring motif with both of them. Kazui with a play in “Half” and then magic tricks in “Cat” and Amane with her TV show in “Magic” and then the marching band in “Purge March.”
It’s time for me to push my ‘Kazui is Es’s dad’ fringe theory. Just kidding. But you guys are welcome to try and pull that crack theory from my cold, dead hands :)
Unfortunately, I don’t have any cool theories about Kazui’s murder. I think he is a gay man who hid his sexuality to protect himself from harsh discrimination and married Hinako to further protect himself from any accusations (see his ‘marriage is great for social credibility’ response from Trial Two). Sometime before Milgram, stress and/or exhaustion from his lies boiled over, and Kazui confessed to his wife that he didn’t love her (and that he is gay), and then Hinako committed suicide. Based on Hinako’s reaction at the end of “Cat” (when Kazui turns the ring into a cigarette and asks for a break), I think that Hinako wasn’t expecting Kazui to tell her that he didn’t love her and that drove her to suicide. Throughout “Cat” she is almost always looking at Kazui with loving adoration and Kazui seems to return it. With Kazui’s confession, her whole world turned on its head. The man she married, the one that, “loved her more than anything,” does not love her the same way she does. I’d argue that Kazui cares deeply for Hinako, even if he doesn’t love her romantically or sexually, because he is distraught over her death, admits from the get-go that she was dead because of him, and outright states that he should have kept lying, implying that he would have kept lying if he had known the truth would have pushed her over the edge.
In Kazui’s first performance, “Half” the Kazui onstage is clearly a metaphor for him playing the role of a respectable, straight man who is very much in love with his wife. Not exactly a ground-breaking analysis, I know, but I do enjoy some low-lying fruit when I do this stuff. We don’t get to see his wife’s face, and I don’t recall learning that her name was Hinako until the second trial. She’s kind of just there for the most part. In “Half”, Hinako does reach out to caress Kazui’s face only for him to give her a sad look, but otherwise, he is mostly watching her while she’s stationary. She’s more or less a prop in this performance. In “Cat”, Hinako is a bit more active. It seems that she was a coworker of Kazui’s, and we see her steal a glance or two at Kazui, before he realizes and then seemingly asks her on their first date. I do want to note that when we see their feet while they’re walking, Kazui seems to be walking slightly ahead of her (leading her on), and he turns first to offer Hinako the large bouquet of red roses and then switches it for an engagement ring using sleight of hand. She's more of an active participant, but except for the whole stealing a glance thing, she is more or less reactive rather than proactive. Similar to Mahiru, Kazui acknowledges the effect he had on Hinako (labeling it as “victim (Hinako) and perpetrator (Kazui)”) whereas he focused on the effect their relationship had on him in his first trial music video.
I do like how similar to Yuno, Kazui decides to make his second trial music video less palatable, if that makes sense. Magicians rely on sleight of hand to trick their audience. Kazui emphasizes deception in his lyrics along with the many magic tricks he performs during "Cat". He is no longer just playing a role assigned to him, but actively deceiving Hinako. "Cat" is also... let's say more explicit than "Half" was, but not in a sexual way. Let's ignore that poor dove and focus on the apples. If the green apple represents Kazui's homosexuality, or true feelings for Hinako, then the red apples must be heterosexuality, and Hinako's feelings for him. In "Half" we see a fuzzy image of a balcony at sunset and then what looks like shattered, round pieces of red porcelain. It could have been a bowl, but it was probably a red apple. I can't say for sure that it was an apple, because we didn't see it break. When the red apple is destroyed in "Cat", we see Hinako fall this time, and the red apple smashes into the ground in her place. It's not a pleasant thing to look at. It reminds me of when I took a forensics class and got to spend time analyzing blood splatters, and it resembles the high-velocity, high-impact spray pattern. Which is what you'd see if someone had jumped or fallen from a great height.
Similar to Shidou, I think Kazui may have voiced a desire to be found innocent only to help protect the other prisoners if Kotoko, or a different prisoner, rampages while Es sleeps in-between the second and third trial. Were this threat not an issue, I doubt he would have voiced an opinion on which verdict he wanted in his second voice drama and continue to do what he did during his first voice drama: finding out who runs Milgram, why are they doing this, and what is the end-goal. Kotoko's rampage put these questions on the back-burner, and we all know that something is definitely going down between trials to keep them on the backburner. If I was a betting gal, I'd say if there had been nothing to make Kazui worry about other things, he probably would have needled Es on their personal dislike of cheaters to try and get a guilty verdict since the innocent verdict brought him no relief.
I'll be honest, on my first watch of "Magic", I thought that the injured cat was another child in Amane's cult that she had helped until they both were caught and punished for it. And that the other child died during the punishment, and Amane thought it was her fault for helping the other child break the cult's rules. Wow, did "Purge March" annihilate that theory completely. Amane's mother is giving the pedophile killer that Kotoko killed a run for his money for the number one asshole victim spot.
Now, to Amane's two performances: in "Magic" we are treated to a rather cutesy kid's show musical number, and then in "Purge March" we get a terrifying marching band. Honestly, I think we deserved it in response for the Trial One Guilty verdict. I wonder how many near misses she had with Kotoko "I'll throw hands with an eight-year-old! I don't give a fuck!" Yuzuriha in-between Trials One and Two. No wonder she had those scissors on the ready. I just want to get this off my chest, I don’t think the audience was ever going to “win” against her cult teachings by voting one way or the other. It's going to be something Amane sorts out herself. A Trial One Guilty verdict led her to double down on her religious teachings, but there’s no guarantee that a Trial One Innocent verdict would prevented that from happening. It seems that the mental restriction that comes from a Guilty verdict results in said prisoner being overwhelmed with our opinions while they are processing their verdict. All four Trial One Guilty prisoners seemed to have withdrawn socially, and are more focused on themselves than on their existing relationships, (Fuuta doesn't care about watching out for Haruka, Mikoto seems to have holed up in his room and the smoking club was disbanded, Mahiru's social interactions are now limited to her two caretakers, Shidou and Yuno, Amane won't initiate conversations with others).
There may have been a chance that with an Innocent verdict, Amane would have had the freedom of thought to grapple with Shidou's medical treatment of the wounded prisoners in a more healthy way. Kotoko did severely injure two prisoners that she seemed to get along with. Fuuta is immature but doesn't condescend to her and we see Amane tease him in the timeline conversations. Mahiru dotes on her in a way Amane likes (compliments her maturity, asks about her family (who Amane loves), etc.), and the two seem to get along. Shidou treats her the same way he treated his two young sons (who are probably half her age or less), which she hates, and is doing the same thing that got her in massive trouble, but was not punished. She could grow to resent Shidou for not getting punished by Es or anyone else, or she could start to understand what happened to her was immensely cruel, unfair, and wrong. The latter would have done a hell of a lot for getting her out of her cult's teachings.
Alas, we cannot rewind the clock, so let's go back to a more proper analysis of her two performances. "Magic" is less ominous than "Purge March" in the same way that "Courage the Cowardly Dog" is less ominous "The Shining". Both are meant to make you feel uneasy, but the former has a PG rating. Visually, "Magic" starts out innocently enough. Amane is in what I can only assume is a Magical Girl costume and surrounded by the personification of her cult's four tenets. It reminds me of shows like "High-Five" and "Yo Gabba Gabba". For those not familiar with them, they're both shows meant for children under the age of eight, filled with educational songs and dance numbers with human actors and muppet looking creatures of various sizes. She is educating Es (and us) on the teachings she was brought up on. Each muppet in "Magic" has a gimmick and color. We have Gachata the green robot who encourages healthy habits, like waking up on time, studying, and working hard. There's Yuri, the yellow big brother, who encourages donations and is said to be kind and compassionate. There's Gozake, the blue monk, who leads a choir and seems to be the religious leader teaching Amane and the pets. Then there's Riyome that pink bitch the pink faith healer, who espouses that prayer is the best medicine. Of course, Riyome is the most ominous motherfucker of the four tenets, and instead of having a wholly cutesy scene like the previous three, we watch a spotlight break and fall and then take out that cat with extreme prejudice. Not a hint of shrapnel hits the others. The actual violence is cartoon-ed out with a dust cloud, and the only signs of injury are the faint scratch lines and over the top tears from the cat.
We see Amane sin, and by sin, I mean she gave the poor cat a Band-Aid. She gets caught by the four evil muppets, who then punish her. The stern robot lectures her. The compassionate big bro beats her. The monk bastard waterboards her and then pink bitch tazes her. Granted, the last two are made explicit in "Purge March" whereas they are just cartoon violence with some papery waterfalls and lightning bolts. Not explicit, but concerning nonetheless. After her punishment, Amane picks herself up, goes through a transformation, waves her lightning wand (in hindsight, oh shit), and swears to be a good girl and reaffirms that a promise is a promise.
"Magic" is colorful and fun and light-hearted. Contrast to "Purge March" which is pretty devoid of color, serious, and harsh. "Purge March" reflects her doubling down and taking things seriously. Amane no longer has a colorful outfit. Her marching band costume is almost entirely white, with some black and gold accents. The confetti is about as colorful as the marching band scenes get. We see how strict Amane is with herself for making a mistake (when the one Amane drops the blue vulgarity flag). Instead of cartoon violence, we see Amane condemn one of the flag holding Amanes to drown after dropping the flag, we see her gasp for air after either being drowned in a tub or waterboarded with the shower head, and Amane shrink in fear as her mother readies her damn Taser. As Amane in the real world goes off to confront her mother, the Amanes in the marching band sequence break formation and rush forward to swarm her mother.
This may not matter, but I just want to point out that in both music videos, Amane wears yellow. Her Magical Girl costume is mostly yellow (yes, I am counting that creamy pale yellow as yellow), and then she has gold accents on her marching band outfits. Yellow is associated with our compassionate, physically violent big bro Yuri, whose flag motto is "Tis ordained, thou shall deliver unto those thou believest in." If we look back to "Undercover" we see Amane slam some kind of object into Es's back (hitting just like she was taught) and from what the entire fandom has gathered from her videos, voice dramas, and interrogation question responses, Amane delivered a punishment to a fellow believer who failed to follow their religious doctrine. Just as she was taught.
Also, I only noticed this because other people have pointed out that the "discard vulgarity" blue flag in "Purge March" is the disrespected flag, but in "Magic", there is hardly any blue in Amane's magical girl costume. The majority of her costume (the hat, the bolero jacket, the flower looking overskirt) is that pale yellow/cream color. Underneath the bolero jacket are some pink paneling that becomes pink wings. Amane's hair and eyes are green, which we could count. As for the color blue, there is one underpanel on that flowery overskirt that is blue. The shadows on the marching band Amanes in "Purge March" have a blue tint to them, which is kind of funny, because the whole performance thing falls under vulgarity.
This is getting really long, so let’s wrap it up. The lack of authenticity for these two led to performances that slap so hard, you guys. They both have Innocent verdicts this round, so I think Kazui will go the extra mile to earn condemnation (since our forgiveness does nothing other than allow him to occupy a potential protector role) while Amane could become conflicted over the reversal of verdicts or act out some kind of gravitas for Es finally seeing her point of view. I do think they’ll both be more honest with us. I’m curious as to what kind of performances we’ll see with them next trial.
It would be a nice subversion of expectations if Kazui does drop the facade he keeps up and is completely honest in his performance, but I’m not so sure we’ll get that. We’ll probably get some kind of conman vibes from Kazui. I crave “Catch Me if You Can” vibes goddamnit! I want Amane to have fun. She had her little tv show and then her marching band. Both went hard and were fun. Maybe she’ll go to an amusement park. Or have a little idol concert. Idk. She may roll it back. A school play would be fun, but given her insistence to not be treated like a child, that has a close to zero chance of happening. It will probably resemble a church choir/religious service, but I want the idol concert. I want some Magical Girl fun. What do y’all think? Any heartier predictions than what I got?
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
seen your into rick and morty, i think i have a request up my sleeve ;)
now, a rick prompt of 7. i think it would match him pretty well tbh, and i dont really know what else to request for the show. also make sure not to overwork yourself !
Rick and Morty makes me feral/affectionate. I'd love to. I'm assuming you mean my prompts so I did that. No specific Rick intended.
Sorry for the wrong wait and sorry for making Rick a bit OOC.
Yandere! Rick Sanchez Prompt 7
Pairing: Romantic
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, One night stand mentioned, Age gap, Obsession, Murder, Blood, Slight sadism, Kidnapping implied, Mind break due to trauma of murder, Drinking, You're in your 20s, Drug use mentioned, Disregard for life, Forced relationship.
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Rick, in his age, thought he had given up being attached to anyone. You could say it’s because of his past, he really doesn’t care. Now Rick is used to getting boozed up and taking strange space drugs while driving he and his grandson into danger. 
He had given up finding anyone to fill the empty hole within him. He was content with just having flings and not really committing to any of them. He was one for parties and avoiding responsibility. 
What was the point, anyway? Nothing mattered to him.
Even when he first met you he still had his usual ideals. He had met you at one of the many parties he partakes in. You came with a friend Rick had invited and decided to see what it was like to attend a party with, well, otherworldly creatures.
You weren’t normally one for parties but your friend was adamant on coming to one hosted by Rick. At the time, you gave in and thought you’d have a good time. You had no idea going to a party would cause Rick to reconsider his ideals.
To put it bluntly, you got a bit out of hand. You had met Rick, a much older man, and greeted him. You mostly tried to stick by your friend but they themselves got too caught up in the mass of bodies. Somehow, with a few drinks, you found yourself back to Rick.
You weren’t sure why you came back to him, your mind is still fuzzy on the details. You can barely remember what he said yet you did remember downing some drinks with him. When drunk, he was funny. Strangely… flirty, too. 
You learned from your friend afterwards that’s just how Rick was. He got drunk with other people, had a one night stand with them, then continued on with his life. You recall at first being opposed to his advances, due to the age gap between the two of you. Although… you were in your 20s. What’s wrong with trying something new?
You clearly weren’t thinking straight, the alcohol shutting off your most basic brain functions. However, you faintly remember events of the first night you met Rick. You had given into one of his advances, next thing you know, you were in bed.
Next to him.
You heavily regret what you did that night now. Especially when you find out it leads to your misfortune later on. Before you drank with Rick, you had failed to realize just how dangerous he is. He’s a wanted space criminal, an incredibly intelligent space criminal with access to the strongest technology known and not known to man.
You’d think this would all be one fling. Just one night where you happened to be in bed with a man such as him while drunk. Even Rick himself thought you were just a one time thing.
Then he kept thinking about you. He kept thinking of your warmth and your laughter. Sure, you were both drunk and got a bit frisky. He hates the fact he keeps thinking back to you so frequently….
Loneliness was not a new emotion to him. He felt it all the time. Though when he woke up to you, it’s like it wasn’t even there. Then it hit him again like a ton of bricks when your friend had to drag you out the bed to go home. 
He spent nights thinking of you. He even curses his drunk self for not getting your number at the time. Oh well, he has the means to get it whenever he’s ready to. You want to question it when he eventually does get your number, though you were really out of it that night.
Was it really all that wrong of him to want to see you again? You made him feel something he hasn’t felt in years, ever since the incident with Diane….
The more he thinks of you, the more his obsession grows. He tries to ease his yearning by texting or calling you. You try to keep it short, unfortunately, upsetting him greatly….
“It’s awkward, Rick. Even being friends or just acquaintances is strange after what we did-”
Why did you have to be like this? Even when he said he’d do anything for a chance, you still turned it down. You drive him into a desperate state of mind and refuse him, did you like to watch him suffer?
He hates how you make him feel so whole but neglect giving him another taste. Didn't you say yourself you wanted to try something new? He remembers you did, so why back out now? His mind is twisted with the thought of you.
You drive him insane.
While he may still think life is meaningless and cruel, there’s some things within it that aren’t all that bad. Like you, even if you do torture him by not wishing to take things between you even further. Things like this must take time.
Although, Rick is an impatient man. 
Someone as impatient as him, tend to do irrational things.
Murder was nothing new to Rick. If things went wrong here, who says he can’t just go to another dimension to fix things? He didn’t have to do any of this, though why does it matter? 
Even if it means bloodshed, he’s willing to do anything for you since you make him feel so… anxious and excited.
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
Some sadistic part of him thinks your fear is cute. The fact you stare at him with regret pains him, yet it’ll change soon. You’re just a bit frightened by all the blood. He picked the most brutal weapon to prove a point….
It’s been months since you two first met. You barely talked in person, though texts and calls were frequent. It irritated him how you’d spend more time with the friend that took you to the party instead of him, the guy you spent the night with.
He should be thanking your friend for introducing you, although jealousy does not give you a rational mind. Getting rid of them satiated his jealous thoughts much more than anything else. Plus, it reassured him you’d be alone without him.
“Rick, what is this all about!?”
“Taking you home, baby.”
“Hell no, stay away from me- There’s… so much blood-”
“What did you even see in them, (Y/N)... not like they put up much of a fight.”
“We were together… ONE time, Rick. We partied a bit too hard, that’s all. What has gotten into you? How did you even know where I live!?”
“We can talk about that in time. Look, you’ve made me feel strange these last couple months and it’s made me go crazy. That friend of yours certainly wasn’t helping.”
“Don’t hurt me….”
“Woah- wasn’t planning on it, honey. Honestly… you really should’ve known who you were getting involved with before we did what we did.”
He grins, holstering the weapon he used to kill your friend in front of you with. You were just hanging out…. What have you done?
“Too late to change things now. Now you got me to deal with.”
“Do you think this is funny?”
“I can assure you I’m serious this time.”
You look at him in disbelief, still being defensive. Rick was a madman…. A lunatic who you were a fool enough to engage with.
“(Y/N)... we can do this in a number of ways. You could come willingly, for that I’d at least clean things up and wipe your mind of this memory. Or… you could fight me and I let you keep this memory and just use some other brainwashing technique. There’s really only one option when it comes to me.”
You’re shaking, looking one last time at the body on the floor and back to Rick. The smell of blood is heavy in your nose and your fear increases when it looks like Rick’s impatient. 
Foolishly, months ago, you wanted to try something new….
What choice did you have now?
“... Okay, Rick…”
You keep your gaze on him, standing up. You then feel yourself laugh at the irony of your next sentence, truly losing it at the death of your friend.
“What’s the harm in trying something new?”
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luimnigh · 1 year
Problem is that writers that came after Hastings have the other heroes completely ignore that Gwenpool is a murderer. Like how Hastings had Miles Morales be visibly upset over the fact Gwen tried to kill someone.
Well, there's a few elements to this to be addressed.
To begin with- the No-Kill Rule is not as strong in Marvel as it is in DC. Most heroes try not to kill, but do accept it is sometimes necessary. There's plenty of Marvel heroes who killled villains in self-defense or defense of others. It's very much a spectrum, with people who are Strongly No-Kill like Spider-Man and Daredevil on one end, and people who are killing on a regular basis but are still accepted in the Superhero community on the other, like Wolverine.
And then there's people like Frank Castle and Deadpool, who straight-up just do murder, that is killing someone not in self-defense, on the regular, which is part of the reason why they're not accepted by the superhero community.
Miles was upset over Gwen trying to kill someone not because of a Strict No-Kill Rule, though he is on Team No-Kill. He was upset because Gwen pulled a gun on his classmate and was about to shoot him.
(Said classmate had committed a bombing, but was no immediate danger at the time.)
The fact that she has murdered people hasn't really come up in her relationships with Superheroes, because most of her murders did not occur in front of heroes.
Going through her adventures, Gwenpool has committed four, technically five murders. She's killed more people than that, but the rest can be argued as self-defense or defense of others.
Those are a corrupt NYPD officer in Howard the Duck (2015) #2, Orto the Sword Guy in Gwenpool Special, MODOK's Unnamed Assassin in The Unbelievable Gwenpool #1, The Seed of Pains in The Unbelievable Gwenpool #2, and MODOK in MODOK: Head Games #3 though she deleted that one from existence, reviving him.
Only one of those occurred in front of a hero: she blew up The Seed of Pains in front of Jane Foster Thor. And Jane was honestly more upset because she was trying to use that villain to save a world from malignant plant-life, and was pacified with an alternative solution.
So yeah, the fact that she's murdered people doesn't really colour her interactions with other Superheroes because most superheroes aren't aware of the murders, and are kinda okay with the killings in self-defense.
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thatforgottenbasilisk · 6 months
Two Quirkless Teens Commit Plagiarism and Vigilantism!
Words: 4705
(AO3 link)
(here's hoping the readmore works)
Izuku knows that this is a really stupid idea.
Being a vigilante is very dangerous business, he knows that, especially when considering that most people who go into it are full adults with quirks, while he's thirteen and quirkless. He doesn't know what other choice he has, though, because he's thirteen and quirkless and he wants to be a hero more than anything. He figures a few years of experience being a vigilante will at least get him past the UA Entrance Exam since his 'quirk' won't, that is, if he doesn't get himself killed in the process.
It's not like he has any better ideas on how to get into UA. The use of support items is so controlled in the Hero Course entrance exam rules that he's surprised that anybody could get through with so much as an extra thread on their clothes; the weight of the academic portion of the exam is small enough that he's seen multiple posts circulating that boast perfect scores on this part met with rejection due to poor physical performance; he doesn't know any current or retired Pros, so a recommendation is functionally impossible; all in all, he's out of luck on anything that doesn't involve blatant, straight-up cheating- which is technically allowed, as long as the applicant in question can get it past all the observing staff and Principal Nedzu before acceptance letters are sent out- so since he's not taking any chances with that, he has to get a leg up somehow.
Thus, technically-not-illegal vigilantism. Vigilante laws don't apply to the quirkless, so he can't be charged for it, but he can still very much get murdered by any criminal that feels like he's a little too annoying.
Izuku weighed all the pros and cons a million times before tonight, and every time, the pros came out on top. That's why he's decked out in all black but for the shoes, standing on the roof of his apartment building, trying to gather the courage to jump to the next roof over. He actually practiced this kind of jump in the school gym, but that was a maximum of ten feet in the air with mats under him, while this is multiple stories above solid concrete.
When he finally gathers his courage, backs up, and takes a running leap off his building, it feels like a grand victory. He makes it to the other side easier than he thought he would, easier even than in the gym, and he only stumbles a little on the landing. He heaves a few big breaths, puts his hands on his knees, and promptly realizes that he's going to have to do this another dozen times tonight if he doesn't want to just be running around on the ground.
The thought is almost enough to make him turn around and jump back to his own apartment building, or else climb down the fire escape and start running around alleyways, but he decides against both of those options. The rooftops are one of the few things that can give him an advantage out here, considering how small he is compared to even others his own age, he needs the element of surprise or something to keep himself from getting stabbed immediately. Izuku remembers that, and holds the thought in his head for a moment before he decides to jump to the next building over.
With every jump, it gets easier, and with every jump he gets further and further away from home. He can still see the general area where his apartment building is, but he can't see the building itself clearly anymore, which he supposes is a good thing; it means that he's less likely to be identified as "the quirkless kid from that building over there."
He's just made another jump when he hears a crash coming from an alleyway below. He runs over towards it and looks down over the lip of the building he's on, to see a big man in a makeshift costume beating up another, smaller man, while the distant clicking of high heels on concrete fades away in the opposite direction.
Izuku wonders if he should wait for the other vigilante to finish doing his thing and then introduce himself, or just run away and look for more he could be doing. It's clear that the other vigilante has it covered, judging by the zipties on the now-unconscious man as well as the phone call on the man's own cell phone, but Izuku's problem now is whether or not to alert the other vigilante to his presence. He's heard of violence happening between vigilantes, it's on the news all the time, but that could easily be exaggerated or outright lies because of the push to discourage this sort of thing.
The big man drops the guy's phone and starts walking off, and that's when Izuku spots his shoes- bright, quirkless red, just like his own. Decision made, Izuku bangs on the fire escape exactly once, making a big metal sound that catches the man's attention easily. He looks up at Izuku, who meets his eyes and waves. While he can't quite hear what the man's saying, he's pretty sure that it's something that Mom wouldn't want said in the house, because it's an indecipherable hiss just before he starts climbing up the fire escape.
"Why the hell are you out here, kid?" Asks the man the moment he gets up onto the roof. Technically, he isn't even on the roof yet, still standing on the metal of the fire escape, but he's still towering over Izuku, which is what counts at the moment.
Izuku shrugs. "I want to be a vigilante."
The man sighs in clear exasperation, and asks with more force, "And why the hell do you want to do that?"
Izuku shrugs again. "I want to help people. Can't exactly do that as a Pro." He kicks his foot out aimlessly for emphasis, and the man seems to get it immediately.
"Okay then. Guess there's no convincing you otherwise, is there? We're the stubbornest bunch of people anyone's ever met."
Izuku nods in agreement, glad that no real argument has taken place. He'd been getting kind of worried, that the vigilante would make him stop this or else make him go home, but he gave up pretty quick once he noticed the shoes.
"Anyway, you thought of a name yet? I'm Frozone, like the guy in that old movie. Pros have a bunch of restrictions on what they can name themselves, but we don't have those problems." The man- Frozone- says conspiratorially, like he's encouraging Izuku to break some kind of hidden rule.
"Isn't that an ice-related name, though? You're quirkless, so why would you go with a themed name like that when you could be Mr. Incredible, or Mr. Fantastic, or- or even Captain Hero, if you want a historical character with a vague name." Izuku lets himself ramble a little, now that he's got someone friendly listening. Frozone laughs in response, and makes an exaggerated movement that might be an attempt to convey a wink through a completely opaque mask.
"That's where the psychological warfare comes in. If someone hears my name is Frozone, then they're gonna come at me with fire quirks and shit, right? But guess what! I'm fireproof!" Frozone then rolls up a sleeve to proudly show off a bunch of massive, puckered burn scars taking up most of his arm. Izuku barely has time to notice that one of them is shaped suspiciously similarly to a hand before Frozone pulls his sleeve back down.
"Scar tissue's thicker than regular skin, so the more burns, the more fireproofing." Frozone concludes, and Izuku's only a little bit horrified.
"That's all from this?" He asks incredulously, and Frozone seems to balk for a moment before he recovers.
He sighs, and tells Izuku soberly, "Most of it? No. I'm not going to lie to try and scare you off like most others would. I do have some fun scars from the job, but a lot of this is from the other side of the mask. I'm sure there are others who are the same, but they'll all tell you it's all from this. They tell me that it's all from this, because they think I'm too young for this job." He says it in a way that brokers no questions, not even to ask for clarification on how old Frozone really is. He seems like an adult, but he's also got his face covered, so Izuku can only guess based on height and build- Frozone's a giant, but that doesn't mean he's an adult, just heavily implies that he's beyond middle school and thus older than Izuku.
There's silence, for a moment, before Frozone laughs loudly and says, "Don't look so serious about it! Shit happens, that's all. I used to work in a kitchen, and one time a whole pot of boiling water got spilled all over me, you can still see it on my chest. It's not all bad, kid, sometimes accidents happen. I'm just... accident-prone." Frozone says accident-prone in the same way that Izuku sometimes says that Kacchan is his best friend. Sometimes Kacchan is his best friend, and sometimes accidents do happen, but that can't be all there is to it. That's never all there is to it.
"I'm accident-prone too, sometimes. Not like that, though. I don't have any scars." Izuku says plainly, and it's not really a lie. He's got scars on his knees from running too fast too many times and hitting too many different parts of the pavement or the road, but that's not what either of them are actually talking about. They're both quirkless, though. They both get it.
Frozone nods in what seems to be approval. "Good. Now, considering you're probably, like, twelve- "
"Thirteen." Izuku interrupts. Frozone waves his hand in the air like he's physically batting Izuku's correction away.
"Whatever. Considering that you're a fetus, do you even know how to throw a punch?" Izuku's a little insulted, but he's short for his age and his voice hasn't cracked a whole lot yet, so he can't blame Frozone for calling him young.
"No." Izuku answers, and Frozone sighs.
"Why'd you even come out here, then? You even pick a name before cutting holes in that sock on your head?" Izuku's mask is not a sock he cut holes out of, thank you very much, it's a balaclava that the store said was one-size-fits-all and apparently wasn't.
He didn't pick a name before coming out here, though. He shrugs sheepishly, and Frozone sighs again. Izuku's beginning to sense a pattern here.
"Okay, that's your homework. If you come back out here, you better have ideas. You will not let the heroes or cops name you, got it? That's how people get stuck with stupid shit." Izuku nods sharply, as though he's a soldier nodding to a drill sergeant, and Frozone crosses his arms, still looking disappointed.
"Cool. Now, I'm not going to let you run around and get the crap beat out of you because you don't know what the hell you're doing, and if you're dumb enough to be out here in the first place, you're probably dumb enough to keep coming back. I'll teach you how to fight, and trust me, it's going to suck. You're a little twig right now, so building that muscle memory's going to hurt like a bitch. I won't blame you if you decide to quit because of this, alright? You're gonna get more banged up out here by me than you will by most criminals later on, so if you're going to back out because of injuries, I suggest you do it now."
Izuku stays standing where he is. He and Frozone stare at each other for a moment or two, before Frozone nods.
"Alright. Here's how you throw a punch."
"Oh, fuck."
Izuku's been doing this for three months, now, and he'd like to say that he's pretty okay at throwing punches, jumping around rooftops, and getting out of fights he can't handle. He can even hold his own when Kacchan doesn't feel like being his best friend, which is nice, especially considering that Kacchan seems to respect him a lot more now that Izuku's given him a black eye that one time.
They exchange nods in the hallways now. Kacchan is acknowledging his existence. In public. Willingly. Izuku feels like he's living in a dream.
Frozone is a constant, and though Izuku's pretty sure he hasn't figured out where he lives, he's consistently in the same areas of town at the same times of night, even though before Izuku started being a vigilante he never saw Frozone around these parts of town at these times of night. He still hasn't thought of a name for himself, but that's not for lack of trying- his current favorite is the one that was stuck on him by another vigilante, a woman called Electrode with very intense mom energy, who had actually seen the movie that Frozone stole his name from, and summarily dubbed Izuku as 'Mr. Incredible.' He likes it, especially since it makes him and Frozone more obviously a unit, and because it's vague and gives no hints about his quirk or lack thereof.
All that said, he has never heard the sheer panic and dread come from Frozone that he just heard in that single utterance alone. Izuku looks around worriedly, but he doesn't see anyone around them; before he has the chance to look up, however, Frozone places a single huge hand on top of Izuku's head.
"Do not look up, kid. That's how he'll know we've noticed him." Frozone's voice is quiet and serious, and Izuku's growing more and more confused as Frozone starts looking for an exit to the alleyway that they are currently in.
"That's how who will notice? Who are we running from?" Izuku whispers urgently, and Frozone just shushes him.
"Eraserhead," he hisses in a half-reverent whisper. Izuku's never heard of the name before, but it must belong to someone pretty important on the vigilante scene for his presence to cause this kind of reaction in the up-to-now cool and unbothered Frozone. He removes his hand from the top of Izuku's head and immediately places it on Izuku's shoulder, in order to steer them both out of the alleyway in a way that is obviously pretending to be casual, at a pace that can best be described as the closest a powerwalk can possibly come to a dead sprint.
"Is he a criminal? A vigilante? A hero? Who exactly are we avoiding, here?" Izuku mumbles under his breath, knowing that Frozone is just close enough to be able to hear him. A name offers only questions and no real answers, and Izuku would like to know exactly how scared he should be- is he running away from a night in jail, or from getting decapitated?
"He's one of those underground heroes, the kind that's chill with people like us. Thing is, he's a teacher, so he's real protective of kids and I do not want him trying to arrest me for child endangerment." Frozone hurriedly explains as they continue their powerwalk through the back alleys behind what's a popular shopping district in the daytime, and criminal hotspot at night. There are a few soft noises above them, quiet enough that Izuku wouldn't have noticed if he weren't specifically paying attention to anything coming from the rooftops, and he'd bet good money that Frozone's glancing up every so often through his mask.
"How would he arrest you for child endangerment? I'm not your responsibility, you're not my real dad." Izuku asks, and then quips, hoping to lighten the mood at least a little. Frozone doesn't respond for a moment, and then Izuku suddenly notices the homeless-looking guy who just dropped in front of them from the fucking sky.
... He's been spending too much time with Frozone lately.
"Hello, Frozone. Long time no see." The man says cordially, and Frozone's grip on Izuku's shoulder grows marginally tighter. He's got the same icy faux-polite tone as a teacher that's about to assign him several detentions, and Izuku knows that this must be Eraserhead. Nobody could pull off that tone without several years' worth of interactions in teaching children.
"Evening, Eraser. Changed my routes, you know how it is." Frozone says conversationally, in the tone of a child who's just been caught with his hand in the teacher's desk drawer. Eraserhead narrows his eyes at Izuku, who is doing a really quite admirable job of standing still and not shaking in fear. Eraserhead seems like a scary teacher. He probably doesn't teach kindergarten.
"Right. And who would your associate be? I haven't seen you around before." Eraserhead directs the last statement directly at Izuku, as though he's giving him the benefit of the doubt and giving him the chance to prove that he's just a really short adult. Izuku cannot prove this, though, and discretely kicks Frozone in the shin in lieu of answering. Frozone seems to understand the message immediately, and after a moment's hesitation, he and Izuku both start running at full speed in opposite directions.
He'd never expected to be able to outrun or even escape a pro hero, and for a fleeting moment, he imagines that he could defy his own beliefs about himself, and have another wild story that he wishes he could tell Kacchan. Unfortunately, this hope is brutally murdered in a matter of seconds, when he and Frozone are both tangled in what appears to be a bright white scarf, but feels like the stuff that rope climbing harnesses are made of mixed with some kind of metal.
"So it seems the rumors are true. It's not enough that you're out here running around and trying to get killed, you had to bring a kid into this, too. Trying to look cool for your brother or something, Frozone?" Eraserhead asks coldly, mostly just addressing Frozone, who was also caught up in Eraserhead's scarf-thing in the same matter of seconds as Izuku. No wonder this guy's a pro, he's got his own unique weapon and mastery of it, too.
"Hey! He didn't tell me to do anything, I'm a feral gremlin child! I don't even know who he is under the mask!" Izuku shouts in Frozone's defense, echoing Frozone's own exasperated nicknames for him to boot. The both of them stare incredulously over at him- Eraserhead's got it written all over his face, and he's learned to read Frozone's expressions even without seeing his actual face.
"... Yeah. What he said." Frozone echoes in a mystified voice, and Eraserhead glares at the both of them.
"Kid, I hate to do this to you, but I'm going to have to call your parents. At least wait until middle school to get into vigilantism." Eraserhead says drily, finally actually addressing Izuku himself. Izuku, for his part, is mostly insulted about the extreme lowball on his age- he is not that short- and nearly reveals personal information before thinking better of it. Of course, he's still going to reveal personal information, but he's not about to go blurting out his year or age to a guy that's about to arrest Frozone for something he's not actually responsible for. Izuku can make his own decisions, thank you.
"I'm in middle school, for your information, so by your own words I'm all clear. Also, my mom's on night shift and good luck getting a hold of my dad, so I honestly think it would be easier for everyone involved if you'd let me go." Yeah, he's definitely spending way too much time with Frozone. He would not have been this mouthy three months ago, but it's kind of late and he's not taking any of it back.
Eraserhead pinches the bridge of his nose, while Frozone quietly snickers beside him. If Izuku could free one of his hands, he'd give him a fist bump.
"Be that as it may," Eraserhead begins, obviously aggravated, "I'm still going to have to arrest you, Frozone. You've been letting him hang around you while actively getting into dangerous situations. That constitutes a violation of child endangerment laws. You know I can't control what you do with your own life, but there is a line, and you were supposed to respect that."
Frozone is silent, for a moment, before he sighs in seeming defeat. "Here goes my trump card and all semblance of peace..." he mutters to himself, just barely loud enough for Izuku to hear him, and clears his throat to speak.
"Unfortunately, Eraser, you cannot arrest a minor for child endangerment." Frozone solemnly intones, and Izuku and Eraserhead both stare at him in naked disbelief. It's so silent that Izuku swears he can hear the rats scurrying away a few buildings over, and after a moment, Frozone clearly sees the need to continue.
"I'm seventeen," he clarifies, as if that makes it any better.
"You're a child." Eraserhead echoes in obvious shock. They've clearly known each other for a while, so Izuku supposes that Eraserhead's caught off guard by this development far more than Izuku is.
"Technically speaking." Frozone replies.
"... For how long?" Eraserhead asks, before making a face like he's just realized exactly what he's asked.
"My whole life." Frozone shoots back, because he, too, is a smart-ass. Izuku definitely picked it up from somewhere.
"You know what I mean. How long have you been hiding it from me? We met two years ago!" Eraserhead looks like he's about two seconds away from pulling at his own hair in frustration, the same way that Izuku sometimes does when it gets too long and a little too easy to grab.
"Well I'm sorry that I was a particularly tall fifteen-year-old! I didn't exactly hide anything, I thought everyone knew!" Frozone shouts back in increasing exasperation, and Izuku fights the growing urge to laugh. It seems like Frozone had the opposite problem to Izuku, and simply used- is still using- it to his advantage.
"Well, this certainly is a situation! Personally, I think we could all process this development a lot better if nobody was tied up! Don't you agree, Frozone?" Izuku exclaims cheerfully, and Frozone starts nodding along.
"... I have to call both your parents." Eraserhead says, with no small amount of dread in his voice, and Frozone immediately starts shouting in protest.
"Hey! No! Fuck that, no way in hell, you're not gonna get me killed because I go out and do the same shit you do!" Frozone straight out starts screaming, and Izuku knows he's not the only one taken aback. "Most of those 'kitchen accidents' aren't from that restaurant job I talked about, you know! I only worked there for a couple months, and my only real injury was the boiling water thing! You think my old man would have a problem putting me in the ground permanently? News flash, he fucking won't! Let me the fuck out, Eraserhead!"
Frozone's thrashing around in the scarf-thing, and Eraserhead's grip on it must have slackened just enough in his shock that Frozone manages to get free. Before Eraserhead manages to get the scarf in a grip that would allow him to throw it at Frozone again, he's already gone, leaving Izuku alone with the guilty-looking pro hero.
"... Just go home, kid. Keep yourselves out of trouble." Eraserhead says in the most defeated tone that Izuku's ever heard from an adult, especially one in authority, but he doesn't need to be told twice. Izuku runs home earlier than usual that night, and realizes that while he could technically be angry at Frozone for leaving him there, he really, really isn't.
The next time Izuku sees Frozone is two weeks later.
Honestly, he'd thought that Frozone was avoiding him. He still kind of thinks that, considering that he doesn't see him in any of their usual meetup spots, but instead behind a dumpster where Frozone is kind of bleeding out.
He's probably not actually bleeding out, the logical part of Izuku's brain says, but that part is mostly drowned out by his internal screaming. There's a massive piece of glass stuck in Frozone's side, and the broken windows of the restaurant that Frozone is leaning against tell him where it came from. Izuku's not too sure about what to do in case of a stab wound, only that he shouldn't pull out the thing that the person was stabbed with.
"Hey, hey Frozone, can you hear me?" Izuku asks, not touching anywhere near the wound in fear of aggravating it.
"Yeah," Frozone responds quietly, after a moment of coughing. "I hear you, kid. Sorry you had to see me like this."
"No, it's fine, not your fault someone got you." Izuku immediately reassures, hands still hovering around the shard of glass, unsure of what to do.
"Didn't see the bastard coming. It's fine, though. There's, uh, there's a burner phone in my pocket, go ahead and grab that, alright? You're gonna call that number, and you're gonna tell the person on the other end of the line that Natsuo's just escaped another ransom attempt. Then give 'em this address. Got that?" Frozone says, very businesslike, and Izuku hates that Frozone's real name is probably Natsuo, and that he didn't get to tell him on his own terms.
Izuku nods, and grabs the burner phone. He dials the only contact, and Frozone takes his mask off and tosses it into the dumpster above them.
"This is Endeavor Agency's emergency line." A gruff voice immediately picks up on the other end, and Izuku nearly chokes in surprise. How did Frozone get this kind of connection? Why does he have Endeavor's emergency phone line in his pocket?
Still, he's got a job to do. "H- Hi, um, we're on the corner of 5th and Main, in the alleyway behind the dumpster, um. N- Natsuo just escaped another ransom attempt? That's what he told me to tell you, I'm sorry, sir, I just- I just got here, I don't know what's happened- " He cuts himself off as the dial tone drones loudly into his ear, and he snaps the phone shut. His stutter's gotten a lot better recently, but this is an entirely new situation, and he's still sort of reeling from the idea that Frozone isn't as infallible and strong as he's always seemed. Even when he was yelling at Eraserhead, there was a sort of defiance to it, but now he's laying in a pool of his own blood- not dying, Izuku feels like he'd know if Frozone was dying- and looking pretty pale.
"He hung up on you, right?" Frozone asks, and Izuku doesn't like that he can now see the exhaustion in his face, rather than reading it from his mask, voice, and body language.
Izuku nods, and hands the burner back to Frozone.
"I'll tell you the full story at some point. Once I'm medically cleared from this, probably. Sorry to spring all that shit on you with Eraserhead, and now with this..." Frozone huffs to himself. "This isn't how I'd have liked to tell you any of that personal shit. I'll be fine, I don't think this hurt anything vital, it just hurts like a bitch."
There's silence between them, for a moment, before Frozone quietly says, "That is my name, you know. Natsuo. You can call me that if no one's around, I don't really care. You know enough about me already, may as well, right?"
There's silence for another few moments. Natsuo finally says, even quieter than before, just barely above a whisper, "Hey. You're scaring me, kid."
Izuku jolts a little bit, and starts twisting his hands together nervously. "I'm... I'm sorry. I don't- "
Whatever he was about to say- unbeknownst to even himself, really- is drowned out by the approaching roar of fire coming from above the rooftops, followed by sirens off in the distance. Natsuo starts pushing Izuku away, and he gets the message and starts running.
He doesn't want to be caught by Endeavor.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Mutiny on the Bounty, and the Enterprise, and the Voyager, and the…
By Ames
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Don’t trust your first officer as far as you can throw them. Especially in space because the lack of gravity probably means you can throw them very far! This week on A Star to Steer Her By, we’re all mutinying against our corrupt captains, our possessed or mind-controlled captains, and sometimes our captains that just aren’t corrupt enough for our liking!
We see it on just about every ship, whether Starfleet or alien, whether justified or not. So grab your favorite melee weapon, stand guard at the brig, and scroll down and/or listen to this week’s podcast episode (discussion at 55:37) for our full list of mutinies in Star Trek! Just don’t get any bright ideas…
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
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“The Menagerie”
The first time we see a crewmember usurping control of the ship in all of Trek, we also see the comeuppance right away. In trying to bring Captain Pike to Talos IV, Spock neckpinches several crewmen, kidnaps a disabled man, straight up steals the Enterprise, lies to a whole bunch of officers, and probably eats someone else’s sandwich too. Was it all a worthy cause? Well, it meant the show didn’t have to film new content for half an episode, so I’m gonna say yes.
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“This Side of Paradise”
Sure, everyone in this episode was under the influence of mind-altering spores at the time, but that doesn’t prevent it from being mutiny when these lotus eaters go against captain’s orders, sabotage the Enterprise, abandon the ship, and even get into a fistfight with Kirk! Screw happiness and fall in line!
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“Amok Time”
Yet another example in which Spock’s not in his right mind and goes straight to mutiny occurs in “Amok Time.” Sure, the memorable parts of the episode are all about gladiatorial combat and killing Kirk (he got better), but remember that Spock also kept rerouting the Enterprise toward Vulcan without realizing it because his pon farr was affecting his thinking so much.
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“Mirror, Mirror”
Finally, someone other than Spock mutinying! Mutiny is just a daily occurrence in the mirror universe, as it seems pretty much everyone is vying for a promotion by murdering whoever’s above them. Chekov and Sulu give it the old college try but can’t manage to overthrow Captain Kirk. The more, the mutinier!
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“Whom Gods Destroy”
This one’s in the backstory of Garth of Izar, whose crew mutinied when they couldn’t stand by while he committed war crimes. This one’s definitely a justifiable mutiny since Garth’s actions were not the Starfleet way. That and the guy was entirely unstable, so his crew had grounds all over the place to take over from him.
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“Turnabout Intruder”
The final episode of The Original Series is problematic as hell. It’s also yet another example of Spock mutinying. That pointy-eared hobgoblin freakin’ loves mutinying. He was ready to mutiny before he even figured out that it was Janice Lester in Kirk’s body. On top of that, Scotty and McCoy also blatantly plan to mutiny before Lester catches them as well and threatens the death penalty. And that’s why we can’t have lady captains in TOS.
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The Final Frontier
Most of the crew has their minds tampered with in Star Trek V, similar to when everyone was mind altered in “This Side of Paradise” above, and that makes mutinying come that much more naturally! Everyone whose pain Sybok heals basically bends over backwards to help him take over the Enterprise-A from Kirk because he's such a nice guy.
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“The Battle”
This early TNG episode is one of those interesting cases in which the crew is unhappy with how their leader isn’t acting corruptly enough for their liking! In this case and with some strong nudges from Riker, the Ferengi crew removes Daimon Bok from power because he was trying to return property to the Federation not for profit but for his own personal revenge plot. How much more un-Ferengi can you get?!
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Like in “Turnabout Intruder” in TOS, the Enterprise-D crew are ready to unknowingly mutiny against their captain who isn’t actually their captain. There’s just something weird about how Picard is acting, and though no one’s mindmelded him or has any substantial proof, the senior staff is prepared to face the consequences. Luckily for them, there aren’t any.
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Proving to be one of the weirder dads in space, Noonian Soong calls his boy home by hacking into his system and making him usurp the whole bridge. I’d say it’s a bad idea to give so much power to an android who can be reprogrammed to take over the ship whenever is convenient, but frankly you can do that to biological beings as well, as we’ll see lower in this list…
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Picards calls out the actions of the three little twerps whom he rescued in the turbolift in “Disaster” as committing mutiny. To be fair, all they did was refuse to leave him to die as he ordered, so there may be some grey area in there. But Ro was definitely a centimeter away from mutinying against the de facto officer in charge of the bridge because nearly anyone could have done a better job than Troi in that situation.
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“Power Play”
So Data mutinied in “Brothers” because he’s an android. Then what’re O’Brien and Troi’s excuses for doing the same thing in “Power Play”? Oh right, they were possessed by space jerks who wanted freedom from their prison planet and were using the bodies of Starfleet crewmembers to take over the Enterprise to do it. That’s a decent excuse, I guess.
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“The Pegasus”
One more from Next Gen, and it’s another for which the cited mutiny is in the backstory of our guest star. Like Garth of Izar’s crew noted above, the Pegasus crew notably mutinied against Eric Pressman when he was going around pissing on Federation rules and regulations. In this case, violating the “no using cloaks” treaty with the Romulans. But those mutineers are all dead now because their phased cloak tech was just as bad as they thought it was! Joke’s on them!
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“Dramatis Personae”
Here’s another episode in which everyone who’s mutinying is actually possessed and acting out a military coup that happened in some alien society, but screw it – it still counts! Possessed Kira riles up a group of folks fully ready to mutiny and it’s unclear if everyone’s possessed or if Bajorans just really love violence. Let’s face it, it’s probably both.
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“To the Death”
The Vorta have their work cut out for them keeping the Jem’Hadar from mutinying every minute of every day, and they mostly succeed! It’s usually through the use of debilitating drug addiction, but they succeed. Except in this season 4 episode in which, at the end of so many minutes of battle, First Omet'iklan and friends rise up and straight up murder our first Weyoun. And it won’t be the last either!
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“Worst Case Scenario”
What starts as a fictional mutiny in the holodeck escalates quickly into an actual crisis that nearly destroys the Voyager. Leave it to Seska to have a scheme with so many layers only a Cardassian could have carried it out. Even the hologram of Seska is ready to mutiny at the drop of a hat, leaving us to wish all the more that the show did more interesting stuff like this in early seasons with the Maquis.
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“Year of Hell”
Obrist has enough of Annorax’s shit at one point in “Year of Hell, Part 2” after who knows how many years of attempting to alter the timeline. With some gentle nudges from Paris, our Krenim friend colludes with the captured Starfleet officers, takes down the timeship’s temporal core, and beams the prisoners away. It begs the question: if your mutiny resets the timeline, did you really mutiny?
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Here’s an interesting little example of a sort of reverse mutiny. A little like the instance with the children in “Disaster,” the captain orders the crew to leave her to die, and everyone refuses. So instead of mutinying to take over the ship, it’s more like a mutiny to keep the captain being in charge. It’s a sweet little sentiment.
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Captain’s Ransom’s crew of the Equinox was quick to mutiny the moment he started showing the least bit of mercy. This is one of those examples of people mutinying when their leader isn’t corrupt enough for them, and Burke and company pounce at the opportunity when Ransom shows his soft underbelly to the Voyager. They all get what’s coming to them though.
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In yet another instance of the crew having their minds manipulated, the Maquis crew mutinies like whoa in this season seven episode. It’s a little odd that we’re dredging up the tension with the Maquis again so late in the series when we really never got to see it explored early on, but it’s even odder that it’s a Maquis mutiny scheme that Seska wasn’t even involved with!
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There may be a reason forever-ensign Harry Kim never gets a promotion throughout all the years that we’ve known him, and that’s that he barely seems able to handle any more command than that. When he’s given the honorary captaincy of the Nightingale, the very first thing the Kraylor crewmembers do is mutiny. That’s a pretty bad track record, Harry.
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Where do I even start with this rage-inducing episode? Captain Archer is actually showing compassion for the unhatched offspring of some Xindi Insectoids, and the rest of the crew is appalled that he’s not committing war crimes or anything! But then it turns out everyone else is right to mutiny because Archer’s mind was corrupted into caring for babies, so who is the real monster here? The babies? Clearly the babies.
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“In a Mirror, Darkly”
If you’re not mutinying in a mirror universe episode, are you even in the mirror universe? As usual, the slightly evil counterparts of all our Enterprise friends spend most of this late-series two-parter scheming, getting tortured, scheming, and overthrowing everyone who takes power. Oh, and scheming. Archer does it. T’Pol does it. Sato does it. Hell, Porthos probably mutinies with the best of them.
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Star Trek (2009)
Kirk was way out of line when he started screaming at Spock after the destruction of Vulcan in the first of the Kelvin movies. Spock, in his own logical way, was still piecing together that this movie just created a new timeline just for fun, and he’s stuck with this pissant attacking people and being a general dick. Now, was Spock also out of line marooning Kirk on a planet instead of throwing him in the brig? You decide. No, screw that; I’ll decide. They were both out of line!
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“The Vulcan Hello”
Michael Burnham gets a lot of flak for knocking out Captain Georgiou, lying to the bridge crew, and doing her own little Vulcan Hello. And for good reason! She did get a whole lot of people killed and sparked a war with the Klingons that gets even more people killed! What a way to make an entrance into the franchise.
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“Will You Take My Hand?”
But boy does Burnham make up for that little mutiny by the end of season one with… well, yet another mutiny! But this one for very good cause. Emperor Georgiou is about to destroy the hell out Q’onos, and the rest of Starfleet has their tail between their legs when Michael pulls one of many heartfelt speeches about doing the right thing, and the Starfleet way, and not committing genocide all the time. Hear, hear!
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“Ask Not”
I really miss the Short Treks, though the idea of Captain Pike mutinying (spoilers) that was presented in this one was (more spoilers) obviously a fabrication from the word go (sorry, not sorry). So it’s all a little test to put a cadet through her paces by placing her in a stressful situation, making her confront trauma, and asking how far she’d follow her captain if it’s not in Starfleet’s best interests. It’s a little messed up, isn’t it?
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“The Serene Squall”
Last one of the blogpost, and it’s a very recent one from season one of Strange New Worlds. The crew of the pirate ship Serene Squall is already a stubbed toe away from mutiny at any given time, so it’s barely an inconvenience for the captured Enterprise crew to push them all the way. “The Serene Squall” is one of those episodes that tries to balance comedy and… more comedy, and it’s indeed a very silly mutiny.
— Aaaaaand, we’ve been court-martialed. Thanks for mutinying with us, folks. Keep your eyes here for more when we’re out of the brig, and follow along the rest of our voyage through Voyager over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also scheme with us on Facebook and Twitter, and keep a close eye on that wily Spock. That guy's always a step away from mutinying.
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