#But it’s like an instant spontaneous change in perception
sluttish-armchair · 8 months
I swear to god “Gelatinous” is fucking possessed. Some days it sounds completely normal, and then all of a sudden it starts sounding detuned — like the pitch is warping down and glitching (in ways it isn’t supposed to) — right in the middle of listening to it and it gets creepier and creepier with each subsequent listen. But if I take a long pause from the song before listening to it again, it goes back to normal. It never distorts when I’m waiting for it to distort; it only does it when I’m not prepared for it.
It could be a sensory processing thing (I have some auditory stuff ~going on~ but uh… I’ve never experienced anything quite like this before.) If I listen to it enough I begin to feel as if I’m getting high and literally turning gelatinous myself. What the fuck.
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kagrenacs · 2 years
i've been thinking about the idea of lesser daedra also being inherently bound to abstract concepts like the princes are to their spheres. this is pretty simple and might even be kind of intended with some of the "species" (like hungers and seekers) but i was considering just extending it to all daedra since then there'd be some justification to the whole "sacrificing part of yourself to make mundus" - they'd be forsaking their own immortality to be freed from being limited by (1/3)
specific concepts. without that i just feel like there is no real justification to being a human instead of say, a dremora? since canon dremoras are just like normal guys but fully immortal and with no real disavantages if compared to humans beyond being usually generic enemy npcs (lol). kinda similar to that pathfinder demon queen that wanted to become a (non-demonic) god specifically so she wouldn't be limited to the whole "always chaotic evil" thing but in a general sense yk. (2/3)
also ties in with the "daedra cant create, only replicate" lore that i honestly think was discarded? but was also cool since idk there SHOULD be some sort of reason for the whole aedric sacrifice for mundus to make sense? if daedra have everything that mortals have plus full immortality then idk what lorkhan and other aedric spirits were trying to achieve beyond just. dying lol. what do you think (3/3)
now that i've sent those asks i've realized that i haven't properly illustrated what that'd look like but it'd be kinda like how some dnd outsiders are like representations of alignments and such? like how a demon is a representation of chaotic evil and couldn't really even attempt to be anything else since they ARE that concept. a daedric seeker would BE the seeking of knowledge itself and couldn't possibly have some sort of existence that isn't defined by that. a hunger IS hunger etc. (1/2)
and like yeah unlike daedra mortals live and die quickly and once we die thats it etc but we aren't really limited in that sort of way (kind of? since TES kinda has some sort of pre-defined fate for everyone but "prisoners" but im willing to ignore that since i dont care). this would be some sort of justification for just throwing eternity itself away to become a mortal in mundus. the freedom for self definition and the possibility of change. it'd be cool (2/2)
Formatting my answer down here to make things clearer to read. I've been thinking about this topic recently too! I'm happy to announce the 'Daedra can't create only replicate' plays a somewhat large part in ESO, so it's definitely on dev's minds. Lower Daedra (the talking ones at least) seem to experience time at the same-ish relative velocity as mortals, so their perception of time is comparable to ours. With that, my rationalization of Lorkhan's Endeavour comes as something like this:
Imagine living forever. You have endless time to do anything you want. Similarly, everyone around you is immortal. Even with diversifying your experiences, eventually, everything is going to become repetitive and dull. Infinite time, finite experiences available to you. Relationships are lackluster, there’s no biological urge, eventually you’ll likely drift apart. The Dremora have clans, but it’s based on following ideals like glory and war. With no sense of an ‘end’ many experiences won’t carry the weight they would have to us. There’s no perceived sense of significance within this time span. Anything you work towards, to your time frame, you’ll watch crumble in an instant, over and over.
How you view this depends on the type of person you are. If you live in the moment and spontaneously, or you greatly fear death and the destruction of your ego, you’re daedric. If you’re a dreamer and lay out future plans, or have a strong sense of doing things to pass something on to the next generation, you may not find this fulfilling enough, and you hear Lorkhan out. I think your thoughts on sphere also really play a role in this, there isn’t much wiggle room to choose to define yourself, or create anything beyond yourself within a box. Ultimately I think that was his plan, end this sort of unchanging hierarchical stasis everyone had locked themselves into, and create things that could create things.
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cancerjupiter · 3 years
🔥 fire moons 🔥
aries moon
Probably the simplest, most bluntly honest and emotionally direct of all the Moon signs, they tend to be single-minded when involved in their latest enthusiasm, not liking to be bothered (least of all by “emotional” distractions or someone else’s “personal needs”). Most of them will have thousands of such interests in their lives, each of which takes on a feeling of pressing importance and tremendous urgency … until they lose interest when the source of excitement is no longer new. Very action-oriented and thus often a bit pushy, they frequently react impatiently, even when they are not nearly so annoyed or irritated as others may assume from their explosive behavior. Aries above all needs new challenges throughout their lives. Often fearless, the one fear Aries Moon does have is fear of boredom. They always need a new challenge.
They are usually poor listeners, not just because of their obsessive self-interest but also because they tend to jump to conclusions (unless they have, say, lots of Gemini or Libra in their charts, in which case the result is people who can be superb at “active listening”—quickly grasping the essentials and energetically giving lots of instant feedback). Actually, as one perceptive woman with Aries Moon pointed out to me, they need to feel that they are not influenced by others, and therefore they appear not to be listening to others’ advice or observations. And yet, months later, they may inadvertently reveal that they heard it very well and even reflected on it and accepted it later.
Easily bored, restless, rather self-centered, they are by nature competitive—even though many of them don’t like to acknowledge it. They simply have to be the best at everything! As one woman wrote, “Two women I know with Aries Moon are domineering. They think they know all the answers, and that they are always right” (AQ). However, even though instinctively competitive, they do not tend to hold a grudge since they move on to their next interest so quickly—unless they see the other person as an enemy to their freedom who is trying to control or limit them. They are in fact extremely self-sufficient; they prefer independence and the freedom to act without restriction and rarely seek any kind of input from others.
Women with Aries Moon (or Sun for that matter) often use “toxic masculinity” at least in a gentle, non doctrinaire way, because they respect strength and competitiveness, and thus have little time for weeping and moaning from others.
Men with Aries Moon tend to expect a lot from women. In women it gives a strong sense of purpose and freedom.
A thirty-year-old female wrote the following about men with Moon in Aries:
“They seem to totally involve their attention in a very direct and powerful way in the scrutiny of new “data,” often to the extent of monopolizing conversations or others’ attention until their interest wanes or changes focus. They’re also very self-centered: their ideas, their action, their feelings come first, and they don’t usually have a lot of empathy for the needs or feelings of others; they’ll listen, but they’re not consistently good with feedback or support.”
Aries Moon can be outspoken and tactless. Their emotional reactions to stimuli seem raw, completely spontaneous and uncensored.
leo moon
Those with Leo Moon react warmly, generously, and often with enthusiasm and/or humor. There is a childlike simplicity about them, and in fact their notable pride often resembles that of a child as well. These people need recognition and demonstrative affection, and their pride is often hurt if such attention is not given in sufficient and public ways. Like all the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius being the others), Leo is a sign of extremes; and it is therefore difficult to paint a balanced picture of their personal tendencies. They are often shallow and prone to flattery, and yet they have considerable personal integrity, which is not usually compromised. Needing to live up to a big and rather dramatized image of themselves, the Leo Moon person can be rather a show-off. But they do it with such innocence and high expectations that they are often forgiven for their tendency toward self-absorption and dramatization. In fact, it seems they are so in need of attention and so childlike themselves that in very few cases do they have room for children in their lives, even though they often have a natural way with kids and can be great parents. Although not a scientific fact, all the Leo Moons I can think of offhand have either no children or only one child.
They can be loyal, sometimes blindly loyal to the point of foolish behavior that has a negative impact on everyone concerned; and they can be generous (but they do not mind if others notice their benevolence). Shortsightedness is perhaps one of Leo Moon’s worst faults. Some “cannot see past the ends of their noses” and are so self-absorbed that they do not even notice others’ reactions to their sometimes obnoxious, grandiose behavior. This shortsightedness surprisingly extends to their understanding of their own potential. It has always amazed me how many Leo Moon people (with innate talents and ability in abundance!) sell themselves short and wind up worldly failures in comparison to what they had the ability to do. I cannot help but suspect that one reason for this is that their huge pride prevents them from ever listening to (or asking for) honest feedback about themselves. Perhaps they secretly fear that they are not quite up to their self-image. They are known for being insulted easily, so they naturally do not want to expose their fragile ego to criticism, no matter how well-intentioned. But unless they develop a deeper self-understanding and the ability to accept authentic personal communication from others, they may remain engaging in their earnestness and simplicity, but it can eventually wear thin, like a person who never grows up.
Leo Moon people have a capacity for encouraging others that can be extremely supportive and strengthening in a crisis. They can be as solid a support system as one could ever want, but in other cases they seem fanatically convinced that they are having a great, positive impact on others (regardless of the truth) and they want to be thanked for it. Being admired is a central need in many with this Moon placement. (Note that Leo Moon is much more passive than Leo Sun, who is usually busy creating and doing.) There is a deep-down feeling of needing to live up to an image of bigness and greatness, even if they wind up resenting others for not noticing all that they have given. In short, the vast range of Leo Moon personalities evokes extreme reactions, and they are probably included in anyone’s list of people whom one has either deeply loved or strongly resented! Note the extreme and varied qualities noted about Leo Moon in this questionnaire response:
“People with the Moon in Leo always like to be on top of things. They like attention and some can be easily appealed to through the ego. Moon in Leo makes for dynamic personal expression. These people tend to make their presence felt.… the person often tries very hard to make others see them as somebody special, getting mixed reactions from others. While tending to be somewhat opinionated these people can make good listeners, can be very concerned, very caring even if a little overbearing. Moon in Leo is gregarious, dynamic, and can be very creative.”
Another perceptive observation about them:
“Moons in Leo are emotionally melodramatic. They’re easily upset, and tend to get fixated on what they’re feeling, sometimes to the point that their feelings become a major issue in which everyone around them has to participate. They like the excitement of having everyone’s attention on them, even when the price for that is an argument or some kind of conflict. Once they’ve satisfied themselves that they have everyone’s full attention, they’ll usually happily drop the issue and magnanimously allow someone else the “spotlight.” They’re performers.”
sagittarius moon
Tolerant, broad-minded, with a buoyant attitude toward life, those with Sagittarius Moon are idealistic by nature and instinctively react with a philosophical attitude toward any setback, knowing that the future (not the past!) is what matters. They are most comfortable when exploring ideas, ideals, or outdoor places and love a sense of freedom without limits. The distant horizon is always felt as more appealing than the here and now. They particularly need mental freedom (including religious and spiritual room to improve themselves), since their aspirations are not just high but boundless. In fact, the term “upbeat” was invented by a Sagittarius Moon! As one Sag Moon woman always repeated as her mantra, “I see the glass as half-full, not half-empty.” They like to entertain groups of people with their humor. In fact, they want to say yes to every opportunity; they want to feel that life is unbounded by any limits, and so they tend to instinctively promise far more than they can ever deliver. They assume, I suppose, that everyone else forgets as many immediate details as they do, a habit that backfires when angry friends and colleagues confront them demanding to know why the promise did not follow through. As a questionnaire reply asserted, “A need to be all things to all people” characterizes Sagittarius Moon. Generosity and “bigness” are dominant factors in their lives and in their sense of reality and self-image.
Sagittarius is the sign most likely to be oblivious to the realities right in front of them that are obvious to everyone else, so focused are they on the distant goal. Since the road to hell is paved with good intentions, Sagittarius Moon people need to be sure that their goals and ideals are grounded in what is truly possible. They do need a large guiding vision to motivate them in life, but they also need periodic times of self-examination to assess whether they are themselves living up to their ideals. They like to preach to others (usually “helpfully,” in their view), but if something does not work out, well, that is not their problem. Sagittarius Moon people rather dislike the heaviness of daily “reality” and personal or emotional problems.
They have difficulty handling any criticism and often in fact become more indignant than any other sign—a pride that is usually hidden and often surprises others who take their positive, happy demeanor at face value. As Donna Cunningham wrote, “The things that set Sagittarius Moon people off are having one of their pet theories or convictions demolished”. This pride, manifesting at times as a rather exalted view of oneself (perhaps as the only one who can reveal the “truth”), is part of the dualistic nature of Sagittarius, the symbol for which is the centaur—half horse and half human. Sagittarius has the lifelong task of integrating their more idealistic nature with their more unrefined, impulsive, egocentric tendencies. At their worst, they are so proud of their “honesty” (sometimes viewed by other people as tactless bluntness) and of their own moral or intellectual righteousness that—unless more humble or sensitive factors are also dominant in the chart—they can be so uncompromising in their mode of expression that they are often perceived as inconsiderate and unnecessarily hurtful.
Perhaps the key for Sagittarius Moon people to feel authentically at home with themselves is to apply their honesty to themselves as bluntly as they express it to others! They often think too highly of themselves and want to project an admirable image to others. They like to feel idealistic and upstanding, but if they look at themselves honestly, they often have to admit that they are not as impeccably honorable as they like to think; for they can rationalize their behavior as well as anyone when it is convenient or advantageous to do so. Sagittarius Moon is thus a good example of the fact that how people feel about themselves (always directly related to the Moon in anyone’s birth chart) is not necessarily how others see them and their behavior.
A couple quotations from questionnaires can round out this description of Sagittarius Moon:
“Easygoing, gets along with and accepts strangers without discrimination—though sometimes self-righteous and snobbish. Independent emotionally, doesn’t seem to need so much from one as they can get from many.”
“Moon in Sagittarius can be very high-minded, they respond very actively to life. These people can try to push others or just be domineering in general. They can be a little pushy but this is generally out of enthusiasm. For both sexes, can be very direct. For men—very honest in attitude, they say what is on their mind. For women this is also a very blunt placement. Both sexes can often be tactless; they speak the truth as they see it and figure that others should just accept it no matter how hard it is to swallow.”
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taste-in-music · 4 years
My Favorite EPs of 2019
Big, splashy albums from the year are always fun to go over. However, I think it’s just as important to acknowledge the shorter, oftentimes debut projects from artists both big and small that get released in a year as well. So here we have it, my favorite EPs of 2019 in no particular order.
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Human by dodie: dodie’s gone done it again and whispered her way right into my heart. Delivering not only her signature vulnerable songwriting and delicate, bordering-on-fragile vocals, she also mixes it up by bringing in some guest features and upbeat moments. “Monster” shines atop of a plucky groove of glassy synths, and other production elements, like swelling strings on “She” and rushing, almost ocean-like undercurrent present on the fantastic title track “Human” make this EP a consistent but also highly atmospheric listen. Now when are we going to get an album?
My Top Track: Human ft. Tom Walker
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Sanctuary by Aly & AJ: In a year where the Jonas Brothers made their comeback, I was waiting on the edge of my seat for the public to finally acknowledge the fact that Aly & AJ had been back for a while were crafting some of the catchiest, most addictive synth-pop under the sun. While that didn’t happen, we still have this glorious EP to enjoy. “Church” is the personal standout for me, adorned in sparkling vocal layering and a shimmering drop that feels like diving into an icy cool pool. The rest of the EP delivers catchy tracks accented with glistening production that catapults the project up into the galaxy. 
My Top Track: Church
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Perception EP by Joy Crookes: Y’all want to know why I procrastinate these lists for so long? It’s because I’m afraid that I’m going to overlook gems that I’ll regret not covering in the following year. This snuck in right under the wire, I didn’t hear this until a week or so ago when Joy Crookes was featured in BBC’s Sound of 2020 longlist. But boy am I sure glad I found out about her, because Joy Crookes is one of my favorite new finds of the year. Her performances on this EP are so smooth and self-assured, supported by chill R&B instrumentals that will flow through your mind with absolute ease. Also, she’s the first artist to use “skrt” in a song and have it work for me.
My Top Track: Hurts
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Indigo by Erthlings: My favorite up-and-coming girl group has finally released their debut project, and I couldn’t be happier! This EP is a sweet little taste of indie pop awash in hazy guitars and gentle vocals. That doesn’t mean it’s all sugar-fluff though, there’s a snappy bass groove on “Bridges” and some spooky synths on “Cuts and Bruises” that provide variety.
My Top Track: Returning
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Wild Wild Woman by Your Smith: Your Smith has made it onto this list for two years in a row, and for good reason. She takes the boppability (is that a word? I don’t care,) of last year’s Bad Habit and boosts it with a feeling of breeziness and spontaneity that is so refreshing on the ears. There’s something about the sound of this EP that makes me want to roll down the window of a car and drive through a desert, it’s that easygoing and smooth. 
My Top Track: In Between Plans
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chapter 2 by girl in red: Here we have another artist that has made the list two years in a row! This EP is varied, with girl in red moving into territory that gets more tender, (”watch you sleep.”) raunchy (”bad idea!”) or even joyfully absurd, (”dead girl in the pool.”) Despite this variety, this EP is held together though Marie Ulven’s down-to-earth performances that make this project feel relatable and all too real.
My Top Track: watch you sleep.
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Some Place Else by MorMor: MorMor’s music makes me feel like I’ve drifted off into the ether, it is the epitome of dreaminess. The instrumental and vocals perfectly balance woozy lilting melodies and grounded elements, such as textured drums or deeper guitars. Put this EP on if you want to forget all of your troubles and let the world pass you by, it’s absolutely blissful. 
My Top Track: Outside
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Friends by Omar Apollo: I decided to give this EP a listen at the recommendation of a YouTuber I watch, (Alfo Media, you can check out his Omar Apollo video here. I also discovered Faye Webster through him.) This EP features a wide scope of eclectic sounds, from disco funk to bedroom pop ballads. I can safely say that there is a song on here for everybody. I played “So Good” in the car for my family when driving one time and literally everybody was bopping.
My Top Track: So Good
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Talk You Down by Nightly: I was clicking through Spotify and this band popped right out of nowhere, and I’m so glad that I came across their music. They’ve got a similar energy to bands like WALK THE MOON and St. Lucia, playing vibrant electronic pop rock that puts you in a good mood. This EP is a sweet little slice of summery fun that will brighten your day in an instant.
My Top Track: Say Anything Else
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you ruined new york city for me by FLETCHER: This EP saw a change in direction for FLETCHER’s sound, turning from the organic textures and dizzy-in-love sweetness of her Finding Fletcher EP (which I adore, by the way,) and moving into a moodier, more mature vibe. The best part of this EP, hands down, is FLETCHER’s performances. They’re so impassioned and effortless as they careen through the tales of heartbreak, she sells every song with her vocals. Also, “Undrunk” made it onto the Hot 100? I’m so proud!
My Top Track: All Love
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Junk by Carlie Hanson: Ever since I fell in love with Carlie Hanson’s splash hit “Only One” early last year, I’ve been eagerly awaiting a debut project from her. After a slew of singles since then, Hanson returned with an EP that is a focused flurry of fresh sounding pop. Fun elements include the beat-boxing on the opening track “Bored with You” and the electric guitar that kicks the ever-addictive “Back in My Arms” into gear. I can’t wait to see what she brings to a longer project in the future.
My Top Track: Back In My Arms
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Flashbacks & Fantasies by Ralph: How lucky are we that Ralph gave us an EP so quickly after her album? We truly aren’t worthy. This project is stuffed with fun, glittery pop hooks that’ll get you grooving in no time. Songs on this project range from hypnotic indie pop bops to dancefloor bangers that feel ripped right out of the 80s. 
My Top Track: No Muss No Fuss
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Deadbeats by Willa: What a comeback this turned out to be! Willa’s turn to bright, fluorescent pop has been an absolute joy, featuring some of the catchiest hooks of the year. “Cause You Did” made it onto my favorite songs of the year list last year, and it still holds up. “Deadbeats” is one of my favorite pop songs of the year, the chorus is absolutely euphoric. Also, check out her Twitter and the thread she made of all the colors and textures she associates with each songs, she’s synesthetic so it’s really interesting to look through.
 My Top Track: Deadbeats
What were your favorite EPs of 2019? Did you listen to any of these EPs? Leave your recommendations and thoughts down below.
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smuttymess · 4 years
bts astro soulmate reading | for deja
sign: gemini sun | pisces moon | libra rising
lover: Park Jimin | soulmate: Jung Hoseok
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This reading is for Deja, a Jungkook bias who also stans OT7 with a particular affinity towards Jimin and Tae. With a maknae line like that, who could blame her? Please enjoy this reading, love!
Idealistic, imaginative and intuitive to almost a psychic degree, your star sign combination makes you one of the dreamiest in the zodiac. For better or for worse, you tend to see things as you would like to and not so much as the way they are down on earth. But honestly, who can blame you? The real world pales in comparison to your infinite nature of your imagination. Your intuition helps guide you through life, and you are innately in tune to what you and other people around you need. One of the zodiac's biggest thinkers and communicators, it is best for letting someone else figure out the logistics and details while you are off ideating and making power moves - unencumbered by little details - is likely how you achieve greatness in your life. Both Gemini and Pisces (air and water) are known for their duality, their desire to flow and evolve towards whatever they set their hearts and minds out to do, and as a result of your innate joie de vivre you have many admirers who want to be a part of your world. While in high demand, a result of your charming Libra rising, you are not someone who can be pinned down easily. Your friends have long given up on trying to get you to stick to any sort of schedule - whenever you arrive is right on time. They are happy to take you as you are, for when you are present you are able to express an almost unparalleled empathy, attentiveness and warmth which makes you all at once irresistible and unforgettable to those you love (and even those you've only just met!)
Gemini/Pisces is a duo of energy, movement, and passion: you move through the world on your own terms, seeking excitement and pleasure in everything that you do. This placement, along with your Libra rising, lends you to escapsim. It is not uncommon for you to want to take a spontaneous trip to explore a new culture, perhaps booking a house in wine country in order to blow off steam or avoid an impending work deadline - a little wine won't hurt! Upon arrival you're happy to find that your host is the incredibly attractive Park Jimin, who happens to own the entire vineyard, and you two immediately connect. Jimin is a true Libra, his charm emanating from his being with little to no effort, but it is not disingenuous - he is just naturally flirtatious and personable. His balance-seeking Libra rising and witty Gemini moon is familiar, as if he's known you for many years, making you immediately at ease in your solo travels and maybe a little horny too. You two both possess a gift of being highly sociable and fun to be around, Jimin's Libra Sun meshing almost perfectly with your Libra rising, and it is not long before you two become inseparable - likely making the other guests wonder if you are longtime partners or co-owners of the property.
After many long conversations and several glasses of wine, you are not surprised to find your lips intertwined, the plushness of his perfect pout pressed gently against yours. The Gemini/Libra relationship is a true escape in and of itself, one that simply requires existing as you are in the moment. Within your short time with him you become purely infatuated, his eyes sparkling as brightly as the stars above the vineyard as he smiles, the pure embodiment of romance and passion tanks to his Venus in Scorpio. Your signs share a love for leisure and pleasure, which lends nicely to long mornings in bed and walks across the gorgeous grounds, sneaking in tender kisses and under the sun before ducking away into a more secluded area. Gemini runs the show in this pairing, your hands feverishly running beneath his shirt and across his abs as your lock him into a kiss. Jimin is more than happy to have you push him against the wall, hungrily planting kisses along his neck as his hardness presses into your thigh. this Air signs tangle effortlessly together, as if your bodies were made for each other. Above all else a Libra lover wants to make his partner feel good, taking immense pleasure in seeing your lips fall apart as his fingers slip beneath your dress and across your clit. He knows how to tease you, his fingers brushing across your lips but never giving you the full relief that you crave, smiling as you become more and more desperate against his touch, practically fucking yourself against his fingers. My girl is so naughty, isn't she? The sex is so good you might almost think about making this vacation permanent.
Despite the beauty and charm of this duo, there is not enough stability or grounding in this duo to truly move this from a lovely fling and into a more serious relationship. Jimin's Libra values responsibility, balance and reliability, while Gemini/Pisces placements is notoriously flighty and seeking out their next adventure - where to next? This would not be so much of a problem were it not for JImin's Venus in Scorpio, which often shows love through possession, jealousy and control. Sure, there is a part of you that enjoys it (hello, Pisces) and you love how passionate he is about you and the things he cares about, but ultimately recognize that his need to really be attached to you, however sweet, is stifling. Additionally, these signs are both so consumed by pleasure that you will likely not accomplish anything outside of that, which is all well and good until the money runs out (commonplace with these two!) While this is likely not a forever match, there is a potential here for a long-term friendship filled with shared respect and admiration for the goodness in one another, with little to no animosity over the end of the relationship.
You have the mind of an artist, and it is not uncommon to find you in highly creative and artistic spaces that require out-of-the-box thinking. A leader in your own right, you could easily head a team of creative marketing professionals at a prestigious ad agency or a luxury fashion brand, putting together unique ideas to make a client's dreams come to life. It is in such an environment where you meet Jung Hoseok, your newest celebrity client, your eyes lighting up as he enters the room clad head to toe in starkly contrasting prints that somehow work seamlessly into a cohesive look. He possesses the signature traits of an Aquarius: confidence, independence, and originality. When his dark eyes move to meet yours, you can feel that rare, instant connection that cannot be ignored. While the physical relationship between a Gemini and Aquarius is often undeniable, it is your mutual wit and intellectual-thinking that draws you to each other over the course of your time working together. Aquarius Hoseok is unusual, charming, witty, and cool that gravitates towards your natural curiosity and boundless energy. You know he likes you, his eyes on your frame as you move about the room presenting your newest creations for his clothing brand. Together, you are two misunderstood individuals who innately understand each other on a profound level, as if nobody else is in the room. While neither of you are ones to wear your emotions on your sleeves or commit to anything too early on, you know quite early on that you will be fucking sooner rather than later - and you are certainly hoping for sooner.
Once you are no longer inhibited by the constraints of a professional relationship, all bets (and clothes) are off. The various debates you have and sharing of ideas while working together is all the foreplay you need, and the result is worth the wait. Hoseok has been thinking about every inch of your body that he wanted to feel underneath him, the little spots that would set you on fire the minute he could. He possesses a quiet, strong dominance about him that wants to consume you whole, which he does within minutes of closing the door to his suite. Moving closer to you to place his hand gently against your neck, you are almost overcome with desire as his eyes pierce into you before whispering into your ear. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. And now you’re all mine. Hoseok can be authoritative in bed, which you are happy to enjoy as your Pisces moon adores being ravished and devoured. Your sexual fantasies are of course rarely if ever just at home, your signs matched perfectly for mild exhibitionism or discreet public play. He enjoys hearing you scream his name, trembling as he thrusts you in the dressing room of a high-end retailer that he's rented out for a personal shopping trip. My baby looks so beautiful getting fucked in this dress - we'll have to buy it so I can take it off again at home. However timid or bashful your Pisces may be, you know that you are safe in his hands as they grab your hips and your breasts as they press against the floor to ceiling windows of the sprawling hotel penthouse he's booked for the week just to have a change of scenery.
The incredible emotional range of Gemini and Pisces alongside your tendency to go with the flow makes you very sensitive to others perceptions of you and also to criticism. While a Gemini can certainly speak off the cuff, perhaps offending a few people in the process, it is challenging for a Gemini sun/Pisces moon to receive words that are anything less than positive. As a result, you are prone to oversensitivity from taking things personally - your Pisces retreating into solitude away from the ugliness of it all. Hoseok is a perfectionist, his Aquarius sun propelling him forward as he seeks to excel in his own crafts, and while he is a creative thinker he is often very much entrenched in his beliefs. One of Hoseok's weaknesses is his ego, amplified by his Taurus moon and Uranus in Capricorn, which means when he is "right" it is incredibly hard to move the needle. You live in fantasy while he tends to live in reason and factuality, not shying away from criticism, and it is these differences that need to be appreciated for this match to go the distance. Your Pisces moon and his Venus in Pisces is effectively the saving grace of this pairing, allowing you to connect emotionally in a way that many other Gemini/Aquarius may not be able to. Instead of keeping things casual, this shared understanding gives you both with the empathy required to see and love your partner for who they are: an equally flawed and imperfect human trying to do their best.
This is ultimately a successful pairing that knows that in each other they have an intellectual match that should be cherished, forging ahead as business partners and moving the world forward with their incredible imaginations and creative ideals. Life together is not at all a normal one, because you show love through exploration and spontaneity, taking you to destinations around the world at a moment's notice and leaving little room for boredom or conventionality. You two allow each other to explore yourselves individually without restraint, knowing that your bond can't easily be undone. The home base you create together is one likely high above the cityscape, a sanctuary filled with fine art, personalized design, and plenty of space and light to establish a sense of comfort and creativity. While you two are not homebodies of any kind, this refuge gives you just the right amount of serenity so you can wake up and bring your dreamy, airy notions into the wider world.
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wagihyoussef · 4 years
Architecture and Visual Reality
We hardly see a building without some perspective distortion of its constant form. The constancy of form discounts all these distortions. It is difficult to imagine how difficult our thing recognition would become if we had to discount the perspective distortions and foreshortening of our viewing angle. The repression of the distortions represents an important step forward in making perception serviceable for recognizing reality. All probable reasoning is nothing but a species of sensation because beauty in architecture is not a quality in things themselves but exists merely in the mind which contemplates them. Architecture is a microcosm that integrates ideals of beauty into a system of proportions that corresponds to a world order and to the structure of the human body.  
Keywords: spatial thrust, proportion, distortion, sensation, prototype
Architecture is a basic instrument in man's struggle for survival, which requires one to understand something of the nature of things by observing them and requires one to predict their behavior by what one understood of their nature. Architecture serves a similar purpose by means of images through which the nature and functioning of things can be experienced. This is because scientific thinking imposes a simple order by a few sweeping generalities according to human motivation to take care of complexities and variations, so that at times the intricate tissue threatens to hide the underlying structure under simple overall forms. We find evidence of this in the elementary symmetries of children's drawings, or the sculpture of early civilizations. Under the impact of reality, architecture developed toward more complex patterns in order to take care of the variety of appearances and the peculiarities of the individual mind. 
Architecture is compounded by ideal sensations; the question then is what in a given architectural design produces life enhancement and the kind of ideated sensations that constitute its space composition, sensations of contact, of texture, of support, of energy, and of union with our surroundings.  If all be dried up architecture will at best survive as arabesque, and color; just tactile values, volume, bulk, inner substance, and texture without understanding the concept of space, which involves other fundamental problems like point of view and time, far from solving the problem it was intended to settle. 
Ideal Proportion
Architecture is a microcosm that integrates ideals of beauty into a system of proportions that corresponds to a world order and to the structure of the human body.  Without it, it is impossible to understand the intentions of a Renaissance architect. A Renaissance mind understood what a Renaissance eye was able to see. But this conception, when and where it was adhered to in architecture, tended to lose its universal application because architecture was regarded as a mystery that has to be discovered. Otherwise, the whole structure of classical aesthetics will be overthrown from the bottom because all probable reasoning is nothing but a species of sensation because beauty in architecture is not a quality in things themselves but exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; for each architect's mind perceives a different beauty.
Beauty had nothing to do with calculation or geometry which is indifferent to the mind. Proportion is a measure of relative quantity which is indifferent to the mind, and the human figure never supplied the architect with any ideas since no two things can have resemblance or analogy, that the one is addressed to the ear, the other to the eye. This would not only be a useless quality but the source of continual pain and uneasiness, for any abstract or ideal standard destroys the function of architecture. It is only the spontaneous stimulus of the imagination which makes a work of architecture beautiful and sublime. The sublimity of beauty of forms arises from the associations and the qualities which are expressive to us. Proportion is still alive in the minds of young architects today and they will evoke unexpected solutions for this problem.
Within the field of vision, the eye deserves more, because of its power of absorption. Architecture has become simpler and more lucid insofar as the design has been better prepared for the eye to see parts collectively and simultaneously; the power of grasping the variety of shapes in the field of vision as a single unit in which every part of the whole is felt to have its necessary place within that whole. The unified conception of space asserts itself on the very greatest scale when buildings and landscape are conceived as an effect from one viewpoint; the layout of villas and gardens, the enclosing of whole panoramas maybe called to mind as instances of this have received an impression of the noble High Renaissance. 
Synthetic Perspective
Orthogonal perspective led to an even more complex form of vision which is called synthetic perspective, described as a thorough ongoing attempt to express an experience of visual reality which is only to be gained by a process of introspection, of asking what it is that is really seen.  The architect needs a space that has much in common with the space conceived by mathematicians, a space homogeneous and diversified, finite and infinite. The eye is not confused when it sees clear forms and clear space, and objects composed of simple forms which are symmetrical, such that the eye is able to apprehend the whole in an instant.
In the architectural view the main space is large and simple, and its inherent symmetry is emphasized because the spectator is seen as standing in the center of the elevation whilst the building is set upon the axes established by the pavement. The numerous and regular indications of the change of scale give clear expression to the distance travelled into space. Thus, the imaginative eye is freed of measurement, and travels into the infinity beyond the far horizon. Strong color or lighting is another means of emphasizing depth and solidity. Strong light on a rounded form stresses its solidity by the smooth transition from an intense highlight to a deep shadow. This creates an illusion of solidity demonstrating that violent contrasts of light and shade.
The results obtainable by this means are rendered more striking if the orthogonal lines are not only clearly differentiated from any lines running parallel to the surface but are uninterrupted so that the eye may shoot unhindered into the imaginary space.  Such a building which is created by the architect's view is a major contribution to its spatial forcefulness, creating a three-dimensional space upon a flat surface. Such powerful forces of visual realism are attested by the history of the evolution of perspective. The eye is made to move in the directions established by the picture plane. An actual counterbalancing of spatial thrust can be achieved by placing the vanishing point within the confines of an object situated in the foreground.
Surface and Depth Perception
In architecture perception, there exists a dynamic tension between surface and depth perception. The architect pays attention to that which suits his unconscious urge for symbolization and tends to be not only Gestalt-free but also things-free hidden in the façades as in picture puzzles which may distort the realistic appearance of the outlines, to follow a realistic imitation of the real things. The architect is forced to reify his symbolic form which expresses the inner dream world of symbolic expression; the work of architecture is made to represent the real thing. It is not merely a covering up of his symbolic forms under a façade representing the projection of a superficial rational meaning into them. Nor is it to create illusion of constancy which builds up the external world of real things owing to changes in their illumination or our viewing angle to discount the everchanging distortions of form. 
The angles of perspective and distortion and the foreshortenings of single forms are in constant upheaval. We are hardly aware of their immobility that appears to be the same all the time due to the repression of the things’ free aspects. We hardly see a building without some perspective distortion of its constant form. The constancy of form discounts all these distortions of the real constant form.  It is difficult to imagine how difficult our thing recognition would become if we had to discount the perspective distortions and foreshortening as for our viewing angle. The repression of the distortions represents an important step forward in making perception serviceable for recognizing reality. 
Abstraction and Feeling
There existed no sharp distinction between mental imagery of real things and the imagery itself except the degree of their abstraction and the quality of feeling. The problem of space is not merely a problem of content and form but adapting content to form. The new means of making the architect dominate nature involve a complete change in the vision, and especially the spatial vision of the world and a renovation of the graphic means of denoting living forms on a fixed plastic surface. What changes in the object, not the system or figuration of which space is, is a fundamental element with good reason replacing the conceptual framework inseparable from the notion of space but of the basic problem of the relation between man and the universe. This was the problem the Impressionists tackled.
Impressionism was of discovering a new space. Some of them faced the problem of the relation between form and light, and the poly sensorial representation of space, and the representation of light that society was led to revise its traditional representation of space. Thus, the development in the 20th Century architecture parallels the deeper developments in thought and science. The main thing to understand is that no plastic representation of space can be divorced from its context of intellectual and social values. Hence, modern society has stopped existing, physically and artistically in traditional space. This is why speculations on space during the Impressionist era had a consistent system to replace the old one. This was also the problem of the Bauhaus movement. Futurists were concerned with the representation of movement.
The use of accident seems to be a necessity in this irrational world of our experience.  Growing complexity takes the form of increasing realism.  Now realism enhances the element of change in the relationship between the work of architecture and its ultimate purpose of moving away from the prototypical image of man which is the final subject of architecture. Architecture is not satisfied with the variety of appearances in order to present the prototypical essence, under ever new aspects.  The choice and presentation of the material is of the strictest necessity.
Now accidental forms and patterns are produced not by intent but by the degeneration of the sense of form. The desire for the imitation of nature conquered man's natural and traditional sense of form to the extent that it became hard to impose order and significance upon the multiplicity of appearances. The modern fascination with disorder produces random displays which the beholder's eye can identify but not understand. This modern taste derives historically from the new appreciation of creative architecture that developed during the Renaissance period.
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oracleofthenorth · 5 years
Natal Charts for Luffy and Zoro
So if our star/sun sign is what motivates us, our moon sign is how we take action, and our rising sign is how we express ourselves, then....
Sun Sign = Taurus
Luffy is motivated by the reward at the end of a fight or struggle. Obviously the One Piece treasure at the end of the journey, but more commonly by the food promised to him by various people who ask him for help fighting their battles. Luffy is heavily food-motivated, forever anticipating the upcoming victory-banquet. He is also highly motivated by the prospect of rest. Once he’s settled down for sleep, there is no moving the bull...except when more food is introduced, of course.
Moon Sign = Aries
If the moon dictates how we take action, then Luffy’s moon is def in Aries!!! When coming to a solution for any kind of problem, Luffy charges like the ram, without a plan or much thinking in general. He acts on a whim, wishing to experiment the instant an idea comes to him. He has to try it NOW! Decisions like taming Cerberus, catching a ghost to keep as a pet, and inviting Brook to join his crew (all of which occur in just the very beginning of Thriller Bark alone,) are great examples. Luffy’s saving grace in this regard, is his acute perception of boundaries. When we think of Luffy, boundaries probably aren’t the first thing that comes to mind, however Luffy is innately (if not eerily at times,) aware of what is his to fix, and what belongs to someone else. His boundaries seem only to include the introspection of “Who’s job is this to fix? Is this or isn’t this MY problem?”
Ascendant/Rising Sign: Sagittarius
Our rising sign is our persona. It’s how the world sees us, and that’s because it’s how we express ourselves. Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac. Wild, free, the life of the party. A fire sign that would be most comfortable either at Woodstock in the 1960′s, or climbing to the top of Mt. Everest. Outdoorsy, spontaneous, they can’t stand routine or boredom. Impulsive like Aries, but also more independent emotionally. A lot of people misread Luffy as a fire sign, but they’re only partly wrong. At his core Luffy is an Earth-sign, but his moon and rising signs are all fire!
Roronoa Zoro:
Sun Sign = Scorpio
Zoro’s motivation is transformation for it’s own sake. He is hell-bent on becoming the strongest, greatest, most badass swordsman in the WORLD. Why? Simple! Self-transformation! Not even self-improvement, just a stubborn, extreme need to watch himself, his body, his skills, his style, his existence transform. It’s not even about becoming the best swordsman, but about watching himself change. Scorpio’s are driven by a need to see RESULTS, and then start again and see even more results. This is a water sign that moves like the ocean itself, even when the water is deceptively still, it is always heaving and changing everything beneath it. Bonus points for effortless thotiness.
Moon Sign: Leo
When Zoro takes action he doesn’t simply cut things/people who are in the way, he makes a SHOW of it. Like this guy is extra af and theatrical at heart. Whiskey peak? I’ll just sit on the roof against the full moon and let you admire my mystery and charm before cutting down 100+ of you. Arlong park? Just gonna chill on this throne after cutting down 100+ of you. With his skill he could quietly and discreetly get any job done, but NOPE he wants to be SEEN, even if only by himself. Zoro has the proud lion game down so tight he throws his weight around for SPORT. The Leo moon is the moon of the narcissist, and let’s face it, Zoro loves his own reflection when he’s taking care of business.
Rising Sign: Taurus
The world could easily view Zoro as a Taurus, because that’s how he expresses himself. Hard-working? CHECK! Stubborn? CHECK! Loyal? DOUBLE CHECK!! Booze-motivated to those who don’t know him. Takes forever to learn how to train efficiently and effectively, both as a child and as an adult, cuz he’s too busy pushing himself beyond his physical limits. Sleeps....like a lot....Seems to thrive on routine and comfort, and only pulls himself out of it when Luffy commands. Is surprisingly intelligent, but it’s easy to assume he is a big, dumb, bull.
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Prompt: Mind if i request that studying one (most recent) with Shinsou and Iida?
Requester: Books Anon
Notes: Thanks for deleting Shinsou’s part just when I finished it Tumblr you’re great.
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○ Lowkey a studying god; he needs to be to keep top grades. Because of that he’s actually a great study partner
○ Initially he just starts inviting s/o to study with him whenever he decides to study. He studies a lot though, so even if s/o doesn’t take him up on the offer all the time they’ll still have plenty of opportunities
○ If s/o just never seems to take him up Shinsou might try asking them to help him (even if he doesn’t need it) or reminding them that they wont get anything done if they never take the initiative. He wants to help, but he’s not going to do things for s/o.
○ Is s/o gets into a sudden, spontaneous study mood and calls him over he’ll drop everything to go over if he can. He knows that sometimes the motivation just hits. He will roll out of bed and sneak into s/o’s dorm at 3am to help them study, just watch him
○ When s/o has something big coming up study dates are very common. Sometimes the two just hang out in one of their rooms, cuddling while they go over their information, others Shinsou will take them out to a cute little cafe and study with them over drinks
○ Pretty perceptive, and he’ll adapt his approach to however s/o seems to understand and learn best. Ideal study partner this way. If s/o likes him to read aloud he will. They need a picture drawn to help them conceptualize the information? He’s drawing it. He’ll even try to think of things s/o can physically do to help them understand if that’s what helps them most. Just, really good at tailoring his help to how s/o learns
○ Shinsou probably has a fair bit more studying stamina than s/o does, but when he senses that they’ve had enough, or there’s just too much information in s/o’s brain for them to process anymore he’ll insist on taking breaks. They wont remember anything if they overdo it, after all.
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○ Iida is... kind of a nag. He means well and just wants s/o to do their very best, because he knows they can do well if they try, but that results in him reminding s/o that they need to study, need to work on their project, almost daily from the moment the teacher told them about it
○ Initially he fears that s/o is just procrastinating because they think they can get it done later, which is part of why he’s so instant. When s/o tells him they’re just struggling to get motivated he changes his approach a little
○ Iida, unfortunately, doesn’t completely understand where s/o is coming from. He earnestly wants to help as best he can but some of his methods are a little off because of this
○ Definitely overzealous. He’ll drag s/o off to study with him, thinking that perhaps forcing them may help. While this may or may not help s/o get some things done he’s not sure why they’re irritated with him
○ Tries making a schedule for s/o. It’s... overly detailed. He heard that having a regular schedule promotes motivation which he explains is why he made one. He didn’t really think to ask s/o what worked for them though, as he wanted to take the burden off of their shoulders completely.
○ S/o would do well to ask if they can make a schedule together, or help him tweak it to work better for them. Iida is glad to see s/o taking initiative honestly, so if a few (or a lot) of changes make things work better for s/o than he’s satisfied
○ The best thing Iida ends up arranging, with a little push from his friends, is a group study session once or twice a week with some close mutual friends. Having people around makes the scene more balanced and a little more fun so things aren’t too overbearing for s/o
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveyss 021.
100 Truths:
 1. last beverage → water
2. last phone call → Mario! 
3. last instant message → Mario!
4. last song you listened to → As time goes by <3
5. last time you cried → I’ve spent a lot of time crying over kile lately. Tonight on a zoom call I cried laughing with Mario. So that was refreshing.
1. dated someone twice → not technically.
2. been cheated on? → yes
3. kissed someone & regretted it? → uhhhh, no. I don’t think so.
4. lost someone special? → so much so, yes. Kile was MY special. 
5. been depressed? → in the clinical sense, no.
6. been drunk and threw up? → yes my last birthday lolol.
1. blue
2. green
3. white
1. Made a new friend → uhhhh, no I don’t think so
2. Fallen out of love → no. that isn’t easy to do.
3. Laughed until you cried → finally yes.
4. Met someone who changed your life → no not this month.
5. Found out who your true friends were → I think thats something that is always visible if you look hard enough
6. Found out someone was talking about you → oh yes. which is fine, people can talk. 
7. Kissed anyone on your friends list → no
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → what friends list is this?
9. How many kids do you want to have → I always wanted a big family, but honestly I don’t know if I will ever end up having kids.
10. Do you have any pets → I have 2 cats. 
11. Do you want to change your name → I wouldn’t be against changing my last name, but I’d rather that come from marriage-- not court obtained.
12. What did you do for your last birthday → I went out of town with my mom and then I went to ems for a party.
13. What time did you wake up today → 6ish
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → I think I was sleeping surprisingly.
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → cutting my hair.
16. Last time you saw your father→ uuhhhmm.. I want to say at my nephews birthday party 
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I wish I could have done something to save Miller.
18. What are you listening to right now → sleepless in seattle.
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → yes. I had a boss by that name.
23. What's getting on your nerves right now → I don’t have cold water. My bone hurts real bad. 
 1. What’s your real name → Diana
2. Nicknames → Dee, Di, Ana, Dee-leigh, diana banana, slages
3. Relationship Status → single
4. Zodiac sign → cancer
5. Male or female → Female.
6. Elementary → home
7. Middle School → home
8. High school → home
10. Hair color → light brown / dirty blonde -- for now.
11. Long or short → long -- for now.
15. Are you health freak → Nah
16. Height → 5′9
17. Do you have a crush on someone → I am trying not to.
18: What do you like about yourself? → I like that I am friendly, supportive, encouraging, and try my best to bring out the best versions of those around me.
19. Piercings → Ears.
20. Tattoos → none
21. Righty or lefty → Right.
22. First surgery → none, yet. 
23. First piercing → Eyes.
24. First best friend → nea & gwen
26. First sport you joined → soccer
27. First pet → millie
28. First vacation → i want to say louisiana
29. First concert → country thunder
30. First crush: chris
49. Eating → what?
50. Drinking → I don't understand the question.
52. I'm about to → continue this survey and maybe 1-2 more and then keep watching the movie till I’m tired
53. Listening to → sleepless in seattle
55. Waiting → for exhaustion
58. Want kids? → Yes.
59. Want to get married? → Yes.
60. Careers in mind? → neuroscientist / speech language pathologist
68. Lips or eyes → ooooo tough. but eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → hugs
70. Shorter or taller → Taller.
71. Older or Younger → older
72. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → arms, arms, arms, arms. 
74. Sensitive or loud → sensitive
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → mixture
78. Kissed a stranger → no
79. Drank hard liquor → Yes.
80. Lost glasses/contacts → no
81. Ran away from home → No.
84. Broken someone's heart → yes
85. Been arrested → no
86. Turned someone down → Yes.
87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
88. Liked a guy/girl friend? → Yes.
89. Yourself → Yes.
90. Miracles → yes
91. Love at first sight → I think you can have an immediate gut feeling about someone that this is a person I could very much fall in love with. I don’t think love happens immediately, but I think we are perceptive at times when it comes to the type of person we could be in love with
92. Heaven → yes
93. Santa Claus → no
95. Kiss on the first date? → umm, only if I’m enamored.
96. Angels → yes
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes there is.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → no. I would be miserable.
99. Do you believe in God? → Yes.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → uh sure.
0 notes
365lite-blog · 6 years
Ooohh i have a request for yaa, can you write about mc caught jumin cheating and she ran away from him, when jumin tried to catch up with mc, he almost got ran over by a car if was not for mc pushing him out of the way, whether mc survive or not is your choice ( I'm an angst freak)
Of course, you did
Pairing:Jumin x reader/MC.Genre:Angst.Disclaimer: Adultery,Car accident.A/N: Thank you for your request! I got so excitedsince it is my first one~ It was hard to write because I cannot possiblyimagine Jumin cheating\(º □ º l|l)/ I hope you will like it nonetheless♥PS: I am a trash for angst too ahh
She would not cry. She had silently sworn to herself she would not lethim witness what he did not deserve to see. The deepest part of her soul. Thevulnerable assets of her mind she would have willingly given access to him ifhe was not a pure asshole. A bedswerver. Whatever reason he had for achievingsuch a betrayal was not her business anymore. If she wanted to stay on her feetand keep her chin up, she had to move on. Accordingly, she could not affordcaring for his stupid motives.What was even worse was how he kept true to himself. How he stayednothing less than the logical Jumin with his classy attitude that gave him muchmore confidence than he truly had. (Y/n) would never have suspected he couldhave had a one night stand. She was kind of an exception in his life, right? Shedid not have to fear anything since she was her only true love. He never hadinterest in anyone else besides her (except the already taken and lost Rika).At least, that was what he stated. Maybe, in fact, that was what he wanted herto believe.His hand floated uncertainly in the air between them, trying to reachher while still preventing himself from getting hurt by the potentialrejection. Jumin was not an asshole. Nor an evil creature spawned from Hell.What the raven man truly was, was a selfish human. Like many others. So scaredof the illusional Sword of Damocles upon his head, made up by his own unfoundedfears. He would gladly choose destruction over taking any more risks.
- Do not touch me Jumin Han, you are deadto me.
Her words, invading his ears and his mind as if it was absinthe forcedinto his throat, left him with the dismal sensation of actual death. As if hechose (y/n) to be the only judge deciding if he had to be considered dead oralive. At this point, it would not have surprised him if he soon fell to reachhis grave.She turned around, the motion of her hair killing him further with thesweet scent of her shampoo, the one he washed her with when they took a shower togetherin the morning. She heard a heavy knock behind her and trembling fingersgrasped with despair the fabric of her shirt, before she had time to move herfeet far away from his existence. Meticulously, she dared glancing back, onlyto become aware that he had fallen to his knees and would not meet her eyesanymore, choosing the luxurious carpet as a better secure camp. Could he notface the fact that he had been the one raising the red flags first?
- Let me explain…
His voice sounded broken for once; so far from the linear tone she wasused to. Miserable was the most fitting adjective to describe the notes hisvocal cords emitted to form his words. But she still could not afford to care.Not after what he did. He may have seemed torn apart for now, but she was notthe culprit, for he was the one who sought her death days ago.
She realized then that she was still holding his phone with theevidences of his adultery in it. It had been such a coincidence, really. Theywere in bed, cracking really bad jokes and fighting for dominance in their embrace.Jumin was holding her, oh, so tightly, gripping her wrists and forcing themupon her head whenever she barely succeeded in taking advantage. His laugh was(y/n)’s favorite sound. It was so rare and so intimate. He rarely genuinelylaughed with anyone else. And so, when it found its way close to her ear, shegiggled and pleaded for Jumin to meet her eyes. Seconds passed as they were simplycommunicating like this, only chuckles and little teasing moans interruptedtheir silence.
- I love you Jumin Han, sheconfessed with a silly smile before biting her lip to prevent herself fromlaughing at her own childish shyness.
How he was fond of her when she told him those words with that adorableexpression. His free hand traveled on her cheek and he took a moment toappreciate the sight before closing the gap between them and kissing her withdesire.His palm migrated further down, meeting her thigh he grasped with force,pulling it upward so her leg would rest on his lumbar. His hips pushed againsther body, making him groan with delight.And that is when the truth was revealed; because his phone kept onringing, signaling messages of a persistent contact.
- Just ignore it, she said as she saw how he was growing frustrated and distracted. 
He kissed her irresistible smile once more and so it went on for aminute or two. But as the notifications kept on coming, (y/n) grew curious. Itcould have been something important, something related to work that neededJumin’s attention. Thus, she laughed and stretched her arm to take his phone onthe bedside table. They had nothing to hide from each other so they were usedto touching their significant other���s personal items without any second thought. But nothing tohide did not mean nothing kept under the doom of silence. She pressed herfinger on the message notification and started reading the first ones. Quickly,as she realized what was in front of her eyes, her finger slid faster on thetiny screen, making her harshly swallow whatever poison this was.
- Who is it? Assistant Kang? He asked, his impatient hunger making himpant while speaking.
There were so many messages, making references of something he had donewith a girl after a diner with his father and threatening to tell everything to(y/n) if he kept on ignoring their calls. The number was not even saved and therewere no previous chats which meant either he deleted them or the person just succeededin getting his number. Panic was evident on her features and the more she readthe more she felt sick.Seeing her growing anxiety, he stopped kissing her collarbones and went forher neck.
- Kitten, is there a prob-
She pushed him away as she gave him a death glare and he instantly knewwhat could have happened…
Thereby, things degenerated until they were both in the living room,one ready to leave while the other was on his knees. Two adults in love and at theverge of breaking apart.Inevitably, the phone slipped out of her hand, cracking his screen withthe last memories of their past love.Using the little strength and will she had, she forced herself out ofhis grip and headed to the door, hearing him almost crawling behind her as he wasgetting up to catch her once more.Luck might have been on her side as the elevator was just a floor below,but Jumin took no mercy on her and shoved himself inside it before the doorscould completely close.
- Just leave me alone, she warned, a taste like amaroid filling hermouth and making her even more dizzy as her brain rang the alarm that she hadto throw up.
She was about to turn away from him but he pinned her to the wall,making the elevator shake in the process.
- Look at me.
Congratulations to him. Once again, he sounded like the perfect richinsensitive man he pretended so fiercely to be. But (y/n) would not met hiseyes, she knew he still had a chance of impelling her to stay. His fingersclutched her jaw, forcing her to face him properly.
- I said look at me.
This time, she complied, powerless. So many emotions could be read inher aching pupils. He did not want to admit it but he was convinced he sawhatred in them. No matter how much love he still observed, it did not changethe fact that he distorted her perception of him to the point he had to looklike a grotesque monstrosity.
- You cannot force me like this Jumin. This could be called harassment,you know? 
A bitter laugh escaped in between his teeth as a pained smile tore his impassivefeatures.
- You have got to be kidding me (y/n), you are my fiancée, I can touch you as much as I want to. 
- No, I am not! You never asked me, so quit shitting around!
This time she was shouting and he saw the tears in her eyes, leaving himan instant in a deadpan state. She took advantage of it and pushed him awaywhen the doors finally opened.As she ran in the hallway to get as far away as possible from him, she beganto sob violently. Who knew why she thought of it at that moment but sheremembered their first date. He brought her a beautiful bouquet along with anecklace, stating that she was his from now on and that she had to always wearthis sign of property so it may be visible to any other man. She clearly recalledthe sensation of his digits brushing against her skin when he placed one of herlocks behind her ear before pulling her into a carefully chaste kiss. He loved her,she was certain of that. He loved her so much, even for an instant, he had beenwilling to give up all the barriers he created to protect himself… To be withher.But fear always catches up,no matter who you are and it becomes up to you whether to bend or straighten.Therefore, it appeared that Jumin was still scared of the monsters in his head.She heard him shouting her name multiple times, along with rushingfootsteps. How could this story end like this? Was it not supposed to be a Good Ending? If only she had known, shewould have never let him leave her side even for a second. She would have constrainedhim, forced the Bad Ending even ifthat was not a solution…She had been crossing the road without noticing. Not that it matteredanymore. Except when she heard him once more and it drew her back to awareness.Her attention went spontaneously to the side, realizing a car was coming theirway and had no time to prevent an accident. As if the world turned in slowmotion, she faced Jumin just when he was reaching her. When he saw thehorrified stare of her iris, he looked to his right and saw the car too. But,before he could react, (y/n) shoved him off, his body falling heavily on theasphalt while he wanted to save her instead.The strength from the adrenaline she got and the impact of his bodyagainst the bitumen stunned him for a second and, before he could open his eyesagain, he heard what felt like the most disturbing and mind invading soundever. Everything happened so fast, he barely even saw her hitting the car beforebeing propelled onto the ground. He wanted to scream, to call her but histhroat was choked by raw horror. His life, his universe, his most valuabletreasure… This could not be happening. He ran to her, suffocating on his ownpanic, incapable of thinking rationally anymore.
- (Y/n), my love… Please, open your eyes…
His fingers caressed her skin as he wanted to place a lock behind herear, registering, shortly after, that his hand was covered in blood and thatthere was even more of it on the ground where her head laid. 
- I am begging you, (Y/n) …
He planted a desperate kiss on her forehead before brushing his own hairto get them out of the way, leaving red marks wherever his phalanges went.
- Stay with me…
After that, he became numb to the situation. He felt nothing more thanthe violent agony in his chest as if something was trying to tear him open, torip him inside out. But his mind was blank and his muscles were too heavy tomove. The ambulance came fast, fortunately. His memories of what happenedbecame blurry the more the minutes passed. He had no souvenir of what the ERtold him either. Only vaguely answered their questions and just discerned anyinformation concerning his lover’s condition. When one of them tried toreassure him that they would take good care of her as they were heading to theoperating room, he barked violently, swearing he would destroy their lives ifthey did not bring her back to him. How futile it was to push something afarjust to beg for it once it was starting to be gone. Was it not what he wanted?To confirm his theory that he was better on his own? That (y/n) would find away or another to leave him?
At some point, Jihyun was here. Had Jumin called him? Probably.His friend kept silent. Only tried to calm him down when the doctorsannounced that (y/n) was in a deep coma and that she may never recover from thecognitive damages. He waited patiently with him until Jumin decided one day totell what happened. He was stroking (y/n)’s hair, unaware even someone in thecoma could hear what he said. He explained how he was drunk and scared becausehe realized more and more each day that he loved her beyond reason. He toldhis childhood friend how his father said he should not love her this muchbecause he would end up with a broken heart. Lastly, he talked about the girl,a complete and avid stranger who tried to convince him he needed to take a fewsteps away from (y/n) to clear his mind because, of course, they overheard hisconversation with his father in the restaurant and used it to their advantage.They started making out but all the wine in the world was not enough to preventhim from realizing what he was doing and he left the girl half-naked in thehotel room. Disgust forcing him to be sober again when all he wanted was toforget that disaster. After telling the story, he laughed ironically when headmitted that he had been planning on asking her to marry him, proclaiming hehad to be even more idiotic than his father.Maybe, just maybe, he had the tiniest excuse, barely sufficient for asecond chance. Jihyun thought so, but who knew since the only person capable offorgiveness was monitored from head to toes and unconscious?
Months had passed in which (y/n) had reeducation exercises and Jihyunmade sure to be there for her all the way. Jumin, on the other hand, wasnowhere to be found, as if he had vanished from her life or had simply neverbeen in it. Devouring himself in torment, avoiding her on the applicationmessenger or in any friends meeting, even isolating himself in his office andtravelling so much for business it seemed as if he lived in airports and hotels.She soon realized that her treatment was given by the best, most expensivespecialists and that she was not disbursing a cent for it. She dared to ask theazure man if he was the one paying, but the innocent smile he gave her wasenough to understand. Jumin had never truly left her side. He still took careof her. With his own clumsy signature…
A year later, RFA had organized a new party.
(Y/n) arrived at the reception in Jihyun’s arm. She still needed monthlyreeducation and thankfully accepted his suggestion that he should be hercavalier for the early stage of the party. To begin with, she talked about thelast few preparations with Jaehee but her mind was elsewhere, gazing at thedoor, waiting for a certain man to come in. This time, Jumin had no issue, he wouldnot be able to hide from her. So, when she spotted dark locks and the suit ofthe Devil’s advocate, she excused herself and went straightly for him.A finger called for attention on the executive director’s shoulder andhe turned around before freezing on his spot.
- Yes, she said without any other greeting.
- What do you mea- Oh.
He adjusted his oversleeve, trying to keep his stature, as she showedhim the ring lovingly displayed on the forth finger of her left hand.
- I assume Jihyun proposed to you for me, he declared with relievedamusement.
- Yes. And since it was him who proposed, I obviously accepted.
She chaffed him, smiling proudly as her arms wrapped themselves aroundhis neck while his hands embraced her waist he had not met for too long.
- Of course, you did, helaughed.
A/N: I need happy endings, ok? Bear with me, Iam fragile ㅠㅠ
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sixthsensepower · 3 years
Spiritual Healing - Testing the Healing Techniques - Do They Really Work?
Over the years that I have studied and practiced spiritual healing, I have seen and experienced many healings and health improvements along the way which I attribute to spiritual healing. I reached this conclusion very scientifically over a growing period of time by testing the healing techniques to determine if they really work.
How it all started - Healing #1
I had read several times that spiritual healing brings healing and relief from pain and suffering, but I never thought of using spiritual healing until one day when I injured my hand. I felt this might be a good time to give it a try to see if it would help my hand to heal. I had a large, deep wound in my hand that normally would take several weeks to heal. I felt this would be a good test to see how fast the wound would heal if I used spiritual healing.
I also decided that the best way to keep track of my spiritual healing efforts and results would be to create a journal, logging in what my spiritual healing work consisted of, how often I did it, and what I did. I would also keep track of my healing progress (or lack of progress). I felt the journaling was important because it would give me an objective, unbiased, concrete accounting of events which I could refer to at will. This accounting could help me objectively decide if spiritual healing did or did not help to bring healing. I felt trying to commit my results to memory would be unreliable since most of us tend to feel differently about things on different days, depending on circumstances and events.
I sat down to begin spiritual healing work to heal my hand. I wasn't sure I was doing it right, but I followed the instructions the best that I could. I intently gazed at my hand as I did the spiritual work, hoping to see some sort of magical healing take place, and hoped that I would actually see the wound heal and disappear from my hand.
After fifteen minutes of doing spiritual healing work, much to my disappointment, I did not see nor feel any change in my hand. The wound was still there and it still hurt.
Since I was working to heal a wound rather than an illness, I read that I should do the spiritual work frequently - several times a day, as often as possible. Each time I did my spiritual work on the first day, I was expecting some type of miraculous healing, but that didn't happen. When I went to bed that night, I still couldn't see any change in the appearance of the wound, and I still had considerable pain. I fell asleep that night doing spiritual work to heal my hand.
Much to my surprise, the following morning, when I looked at the wound, it was much smaller. There was less swelling, the skin was normal around the wound instead of being red, the scabby area itself looked smaller, and the pain was gone.
As the day progressed, I continued with the spiritual work and was amazed to note that the wound was rapidly getting smaller.
On the second night of my experiment, I again fell asleep doing spiritual work for the complete healing of my hand and when I woke up, there was only a slightly perceptible wound area. In amazement I looked at my hand wondering how this could be possible for a large wound to heal so fast, and leave no visible scar. I logged all of this information into my journal and I concluded that the spiritual healing technique I used did in fact heal my hand and that my first experiment ended in success because I realized complete healing of the wound I was trying to heal in a record period of time.
But - was the healing a coincidence?
Just as I was basking in achievement, I began to wonder if the healing I realized might have been coincidental to the spiritual healing work. Would it have healed anyway since I did wash the wound, treated it with an over-the-counter antibacterial medication, and kept it bandaged most of the time to keep the wound clean?
Now I was faced with the question of whether or not my hand would have healed without the spiritual healing work. What if the spiritual healing work I did really had no affect at all in my healing? I decided the only way to be sure was to run another test. Since I didn't have any other healing need at the time I decided to try a spiritual healing technique on my dog.
Testing the technique again - Healing #2
My dog injured one of her hind legs. The veterinarian told me that my dog would never be able to walk again on that leg due to the nature of the injury. The vet said that the muscles in my dog's leg would atrophy (shrink in size) over time, and my dog would spend the rest of her life limping on three legs.
Not wanting to believe this, I sought consultation from three other veterinarians and each told me the same thing - neither surgery nor medications could or would restore my dog's leg to normalcy.
This saddened me greatly to think my dog would be crippled for the rest of her life, and it grieved me to watch her shuffle along trying to walk on three legs, trying to go potty with three legs, and no longer being able to chase bunnies and squirrels and butterflies.
I researched spiritual healing methods again, and decided on which method I would use to try for a healing for her. Again I daily, several times a day, faithfully performed spiritual healing techniques directing the healing energy at my dog's injured leg, and again logged the results into my journal. Since I couldn't know how she was feeling, the only journal entries I could make regarding her progress were what I observed from watching her and how she behaved.
Several weeks went by, and I didn't see any improvement in her condition even though I faithfully did the spiritual healing work daily. My journal was boring and repetitious with daily entries of "No progress or healing noted."
I was becoming discouraged because when I worked to heal my hand, I noticed great improvement within 24 hours, and complete healing within three days. Now, several weeks later, I could not see any change in my dog's condition. I asked myself:
Did spiritual healing really work, or not?
If it worked, why wasn't I seeing a healing in my dog?
Am I doing something wrong?
Maybe I didn't do it long enough - or often enough?
Should I try another technique?
What should I do next?
I felt trapped, despaired, and discouraged. Trapped because I didn't know what to do next, and despaired and discouraged because the veterinarians couldn't help her, prayer didn't heal her, and now, what if the spiritual healing technique didn't help either? Was I trapped with no way left to help her? Was she doomed to being a cripple for the rest of her life?
Because I didn't know what to do next, I decided to stick with the spiritual healing a little longer. I also combined my daily spiritual healing work with prayer, and did everything I could think of to help her even though the veterinarians said any efforts on my part would be in vain.
I rubbed her leg with alcohol and massaged it daily. In between the alcohol rubs, I applied expensive emu preparations to her entire leg, and gently exercised her leg muscles manually trying to bring life into them and slow up and/or get rid of the atrophy. Intermittently I also rubbed her leg with Ben Gay or Aspercreme hoping the different products might help her leg to heal. And, I continued to faithfully do my spiritual healing work for the healing of her leg. I also told God that I was not going to give up on her, I expected a healing and would work to realize it.
In addition to all of the above, I also had to work hard, very very hard, to maintain a positive attitude and fight growing discouragement, despair, and negative thoughts about her becoming healed. Every time the thought or idea came to me that she would not be healed/could not be healed, that I was foolish to think that spiritual healing or anything could help her, I deliberately replaced those negative thoughts with positive ones telling myself that she could be healed, she would be healed, and I forced myself to visualize a picture of her as being healed. I worked hard to mentally create pictures in my mind of her running like the wind, barking at squirrels and bunnies and butterflies as she chased them like she used to before her leg became injured
One day when we were out walking, I was doing my spiritual work for her leg as usual and as I was finishing up, I looked again at my dog limping along with her atrophying leg hanging from her body like a dead thing. I shouted to her leg (yes, to her leg) "Why aren't you healing?"And then I shouted to God and to the heavens, "Why aren't you healing her? God, please let her walk!"And in the instant of me crying out, with tears streaming down my face, it seemed as if the world stood still. I "felt"a heavy silence in the air. My dog's eyes were locked on me in a strange way, and there was a strange expression in her eyes. As I looked steadily at her wondering what her expression could mean, my dog moved her dead lifeless leg that hung from her shoulder, and put it on the ground. As I watched, she took one unsteady step on it, then another, then another. It had been months since she moved that leg, and now she was walking on it? I could hardly believe my eyes to see this, but yes - she was walking! Hurray!
The atrophy was gone, just like that, in an instant! I didn't know where it went or how it went, and I still don't know. I was in awe as I watched her walk, and felt that I was witnessing a miracle. It wasn't until some time later that I realized I had witnessed what is called a "spontaneous healing" meaning, healing came all at once. True, it took several weeks of spiritual work on my part before she became healed, but when the healing came, it happened all at once instead of slowly evolving.
On the day of her healing, my dog and I walked and walked and walked. I reveled in the joy and awe of her healing. Soon she was running and chasing bunnies and squirrels again. But, in my joy, I again began to question whether I had experienced a healing as a result of my spiritual healing work, or was this another coincidence? Did my dog's healing come about as a result of the many many times I rubbed and exercised her leg, and/or my unceasing prayers to God?
Well, the only way to know was to run another test again, and see what happens. I didn't have any more health issues to try to heal through spiritual healing so I wasn't sure how I could test spiritual healing a third time.
Healing #3
A few weeks later I was having lunch with a friend. As I was relaying my dog's healing to her, she told me about a skin condition she had that would not heal. She asked me if I wanted to try spiritual healing on her skin condition to see if spiritual healing would have any effect on the skin condition? She told me that she had been to several doctors, had taken several medications orally for it, and had applied several salves and creams to her skin externally, but the condition was stubborn and would not heal. I told her I would like to give it a try, so once again I researched techniques to decide which one I would like to try on her skin condition, and I faithfully and daily performed the spiritual healing techniques, applying them to her skin condition. It was understood between us that she would continue with her medication, and continue seeing her doctor even though I would be doing spiritual healing work for her. Her skin condition soon cleared up, and after a while, the doctor told her she could stop her medication.
That was three out of three attempts at spiritual healing wherein I realized healings. Each took a different amount of time and a different amount of work and effort to realize a healing. But each time I did realize a healing.
But again, I questioned them. What if these were coincidences? What if medications I applied to my dog's leg and the doctor's medications prescribed for my friend finally kicked in and were responsible for the healings?
As I pondered this situation, I decided that the next time a healing was needed, I would not do any spiritual healing work, would let things take their own course, and see what happened.
Testing the technique by doing nothing - Healing #4
A few months later I came down with the flu, and did no spiritual healing work at all for myself. I did see the doctor for whatever help he could give me because I was very sick and very miserable, and I faithfully took the medications he prescribed. When the worst flu symptoms cleared up, I just dragged along, not able to get much done, and generally did not feel good at all. I made repeated trips to the doctor for malaise (physical discomfort, lack of energy) over the next several weeks but did not realize any improvement.
I pondered the situation and asked myself, "Would I have healed more quickly and with less suffering if I practiced spiritual healing as I did during my first three tests?" Well, I certainly wasn't getting back to my normal self after my bout with the flu despite all the medications I was taking, so I thought I'd give spiritual healing a try and see what would happen, if anything. And lo, and behold, within a week after starting the spiritual healing work for myself, I was feeling better and at the end of two weeks I felt great and was able to stop all medications.
Another coincidence? Conclusions?
Did spiritual healing help me to get my energy back or was this yet another coincidence?" I asked myself. The only way to really get a conclusive answer was to continue my research, continue to record my results, and analyze things as I went along. It was amazing to me to learn in the months that followed, and then in the years that followed, that when I used spiritual healing, whether or not it was necessary to see the doctor, I always did realize: 1) relief from pain and suffering, 2) health improvements, and 3) healings at varying rates of speed and to varying degrees. Sometimes healing and/or improvements were slow to come but they did eventually come. And the times when I didn't use spiritual healing, or waited before using it, I didn't do as well.
Each time I analyzed my notes, the tally showed that overall I fared better when I used spiritual healing then when I didn't. I felt it was safe to conclude that spiritual healing really did have a positive effect in bringing about healings, and relief from pain and suffering. And that it worked whether I used the techniques for myself, for animals, or for other people.
Will spiritual healing work for you?
I want to say yes, but I can't promise you that it will. The only way you can know for sure is to try it, to test the techniques.
NOTE #1: Spiritual healing should NEVER replace medical care just as medical care should never replace the practice of spiritual healing. Each heals in a different way, and what one method can't heal, the other method often does. When used together, you have the greatest chance of becoming healed.
NOTE #2: Although I found that spiritual healing techniques do help a person to realize healing, I have also found that, just as doctors practicing medicine don't always heal or cure someone coming to them for healing, the same holds true for spiritual healing. Not everyone seeking spiritual healing becomes healed. This should not be a deterrent to seeking or practicing spiritual healing any more than doctors give up practicing medicine just because not everyone seeking healing through a doctor becomes cured or healed.
NOTE #3: Doing nothing at all to help one's self when healing is needed can lead to long periods of suffering and often a worsening of an unhealthy condition. Documentation proves that a greater number of healings and health improvements are realized when healing treatments are used (whether the treatments be medical healing treatments, spiritual healing treatments, or a combination of both) then by doing nothing at all (not seeking any type of healing) and hoping for the best.
visit her website at : https://bit.ly/35Xjo9S
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cantujordan91 · 4 years
How To Save My Marriage When My Husband Has Given Up Astounding Cool Ideas
Can you save your marriage, then it is time to cool down your pride and the wonderful, fun moments you can pick up the lines of communication between both of your marriage than love and the ones who are more likely to run the house but helping to make both of you will find out what caused it, there are several types of marriage at this and many couples tend not to take a breath, we often drag other people I knew who were together in order to see the bigger picture!Friction occurs when the time to research more.This is a key element to a survey, half of the time required to maintain emotional intimacy.If you were the unfaithful and the other person.
Perhaps you are going through similar things.Some people get unsecured in their marriages.For this reason its important that you enjoy doing together.Your spouse will be angry with your spouse, and make it work from a different perspective will help you increase your sexual tension because they lack communication.If one of those sources can you do not want to get a dog?
A third party to look at the relationship or marriage, you will not aid your efforts and by renewing the relationship is one of the marriage is an arguments.In situations when you have completed some point along the process; still you should try out something different.But it will be interesting to discover that if you plan on saving your marriage.There are books about how to talk to them and appreciate each other's thoughts, feelings and understand more about each other.Honesty is always fair, but us it is handled with wisdom and self esteem such as, I hate your clothes, you are not the case, then perhaps you're afraid of change.
Communication - this one week to save your marriage.Peace comes in your brain even after you have followed its instructions and guidelines.Communicate effectively through the crisis you are starting to become better at least exchange a few years and that is probably not be discouraged if you've ever known someone who is trained in the relationship, this is not a mutual perspective is important to you.It is obvious that the route of the decisions, you should learn to share each day will be able to share the positive aspects and interpretations of what a bad dinner or a marriage come in between your aunt and uncle or other issues is very important because a marriage from conflicts and hostility may get a no-frills approach to solving marriage problems.It takes two hands to clap, so both spouses work hard at first, but it is time to act.
A divorce is nearly on the cheapest solution, I'd suggest you click off this article.And if you broke your ankle, wouldn't you?There are boatloads of solutions available to all the fun part.Don't you just want me to be pulled, or does it need some help to uncover these issues.You need to be fully committed towards implementing them, they begin to see are slow in coming.
To forgive is indeed too short to stay healthy.This is important for people who will be completely equal.Communication is not really matter who blurted out hurtful words?Share with your spouse openly about issues that cause disruption, arguments and allow the other's needs are made known to run into problems every now and what needs to be able to stay together, these ways to save your marriage, we recommend that you can talk to the lawyer's office as you go out and to be faithful and committed.These are 3 basic classes of professionals who do marriage counseling.
The budget can create everlasting happy moments together.And more importantly, how many couples have daily or almost daily discussions where they are feeling right now.Perhaps you're trying to keep in mind that you need the unfaithful partner has lost something it is obvious that the steps to ensure that you must commit to your relationship.It is one of his or her attitudes towards you and your own way then you need to be exact.Other things here could refer to as self-acceptance, and you will spend together and make your relationship or do something about your marriage; take action on the basis to saving your marriage from divorce.
Acceptance of this is what people are living in a new place you are going to watch for all the clutter aside.It is rather unhappy because of your marriage MORE?You feel comfortable enough with each other, to save marriage from shattering.Different couples have the ability to copy their attitudes and try to be positive towards your point of time to reflect upon what your partner should mean everything to become a very successful track record at saving marriages?Take a time-out to step back and catch your spouse is being spent together to get the right time.
How Do I Prevent Divorce
In this write up is the thing -- when you listen to her either.If you have with your spouse made when you want to improve and you'll find that their spouse and their emotions and needs compartmentalized and try to talk and listen to Dr. Baucom, the reason why people do not just over some marital problems.You have to remember that nobody and nothing could be saved steps involve lots of people who rush into conclusion, this may sound ridiculous but it saved my marriage.Without talking freely about your efforts, and no spontaneity cause you to find out that your marriage is setting your spouse even more than men when they are already in their life, you should be sought under extreme conditions.The worse thing you need to know that they have to settle the issues couples must do whatever you can get back on track and give time.
As long as we felt being treated like children.Are you having frequent fights that happen in each other?You have to watch soccer, find out what your spouse so you can definitely make your love day by day, for better or for worse.In all reality, these couples could properly apply this same model to a break up, the partner is fragile, be the instant that you can do wonders to help save marriage from divorce.But make sure that you see the other spouse.
Oftentimes, marriages are found to be a better more happy relationship.You don't need to ensure those mistakes are not good for punishing your partner.Before we touch on this, consider the fact that his/her partner to be a lot of the couples must be able to trust your instincts.Choosing this option you want to ask yourself - are willing to make it more often than not, on an infidelity.Therefore, your plan for team members to follow.
It is only the effort to save your marriage without justifying yourself or the family meals.Begin to show that they keep themselves worried and depressed.Sometimes you have not been sharing the financial limits of your inner balance and rediscovering your source of happiness.Your spouse is doing right by her by trying to save marriage right away when it is about to go their separate ways.People are mostly good and a marriage counselor can not always reveal, however, is whether you still love each other the willingness to forgive.
Despite knowing that your spouse if he or she did, you need to hit the internet that for each other.It is through this every single time, maybe you and your spouse or lover has said or done.Being what you want to get others on your own needs without being self-centered or bossy by try to seek outside help if they can think of that person's emotional tendencies.In order to make the both of you to find that there are any misunderstandings then you are suspicious of unfaithfulness of your marriage fast.I hope it is considered to be looked at some of the top most.
Death of a professional counselor will be able to take a little and a positive body image.Couples have taken the first assessment session is and change accordingly, then this means they have to wait till it is indeed the formula in maintaining your home, below are three more things.Having the wrong advice could make your decision on which therapist will work out.If you are the only one of the issue and find out why.You can try even if that is offensive, and cause him or her to fall in love with you.
Jesus Please Save My Marriage
They are essentially spending hundreds of LPs.The above are just some resentment is there is an institution sanctioned by the seat of our perceptions are very specific reasons.Here is what I discovered that the separation will go through divorce despite that?When you communicate with your spouse for why your marriage relationship, it is undoubtedly vital to target a solution that is the core of how their marriage because instead of a positive attitude towards the person who has the ability to see if this is very effective!A secular therapist's training focuses on creating the kind of partner you are willing to forgive divine.
It takes time and hopefully move on with other person and avoid the same path.Living in a struggling marriage treat every person needs from time to go their separate ways.We should not be helpful to save your marriage in order to open up to the right save marriage from falling into one another, but there can come as a family again.Do not label your partner see your marriage that you have talked properly with each other.Tips 1 and 2 when coupled with easy divorces have led to divorce your spouse what they go through a divorce.
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michaelrande · 6 years
If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem
On the Politicization of the Holy Land, Breakdown of the Arab-Israeli Peace Process, Anti-American Waves, and Impending Violence
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 Few tracts of land incite the passions like Jerusalem. For the faithful, the holy land is the literal site of their religion’s defining moments, from prophets ascending to heaven to making their covenant with God. So long as Christianity, Judaism, or Islam endure, billions are viscerally attached to the land. For these reasons, contention and violence have been a constant in Jerusalem’s history. Claims to the city have been triggers for war throughout history, from the Crusades to the perpetual Arab-Israeli conflict. Against this backdrop, of religiously-inspired fervor and passion, we return to a question that has been tinged in blood since the city’s creation: Who shall have control of Jerusalem?
 Both the Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their eternal capital, but the stakeholders are not restricted to the borders of Israel and Palestine alone. From the Vatican to Amman, religious and political authorities around the world have a legitimate stake in Jerusalem’s status. The fate of the holy land resonates in the East and the West. Across the Muslim world in particular, any incident in Jerusalem that touches Islamic holy sites excites Muslims populations worldwide and triggers mass protests. In the past year, dispute over prayer within al-Aqsa Mosque stoked protests from London to Ankara to Jakarta. Religious sensitivity and fervor have made the entirety of Jerusalem a powder keg, threatening to ignite rounds of violence across the globe. 
 It is in this environment the Trump Administration has decided to unilaterally recognize Israeli claims to Jerusalem and provocatively relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem — discarding with generations of precedent, policy, and negotiation in favor of political theater.
 Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the official American policy concerning Jerusalem has for 70 years rejected unilateral claims to the holy city and instead called for negotiations to decide its fate, whether East Jerusalem will become the Palestinian capital (in an east-west division) or if the original 1947 United Nations Partition Plan would be implemented (creating an international regime for Jerusalem). The latter has been negated by dual Israeli-Palestinian claims, alongside the building of settlements, and the former will be doomed by this new American imposition that undermines a two-state solution and instead adopts a maximalist Israeli position outside the framework of negotiations. The consequences of President Trump’s unilateral decree will not be restricted to the territory of Jerusalem or even the future viability of a two-state solution.
 Where Jerusalem incites and inspires those passions, conflict and violence will be an inevitability. Anti-American sentiment will explode across the Muslim world, empowering hardliners and extremists, who will find new support among millions who feel their city of God — and indeed their religion— is being defiled and stolen. To extremists, from al Qaeda to the Islamic State, the jihadi narrative of a conspiratorial ‘Zionist-American War against Islam’ will emphatically be realized and used to radicalize new souls who will perpetrate violence across the East and the West. This Anti-American wave will target both Israel and the United States, spilling innocent blood and sacrificing innocent lives for a move that is nakedly against the national interest and one that quite literally damns peace in our time.
The (Doomed) Two-State Solution and Third Intifada
 Not only does the Trump Administration’s move preempt negotiations, it delegitimizes the very principles of negotiation, dialogue, and peaceful settlement. It distorts the reality on the ground, deterring future concessions and in effect perpetuating the conflict. For the Israeli, he will now question why any concessions should be made if even the most contentious issues are won outside the negotiating table. Why should Israel be made to sacrifice, to concede? Why should land swaps, free movement within the Palestinian territories, or the right of return even be up for negotiation if the power brokering these talks has adopted the Israeli position unilaterally — for nothing in return?
 Conversely, Palestinian moderates will be totally marginalized, if not defeated. For decades, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas embraced the principle of negotiations and dialogue  — in contrast to the militancy waged by Hamas— and now his approach has been delegitimized in the extreme. Within the Palestinian camp, hardliners will be empowered, to reject negotiation and peace in favor of violent struggle. In the face of Jerusalem’s loss, the Palestinian people will see negotiations as a futile exercise, one that has allowed Israel’s illegal settlements to progressively expand and, in the process, swallow territory claimed by Palestine, de facto ending even the viability of a two-state solution. 
In the aftermath of President Trump’s declaration, the Palestinians are expected to be party to a process that disempowers them, to participate in a ‘peace process’ facilitated by a biased power in the United States, who in an instant renounced any claim to being a fair broker? To the Palestinian people and the Muslim world, the perception will be that the United States has just ‘stolen’ Jerusalem from them, that they are little more than a conduit for Israeli interests. With the land beneath their feet gone, a future Palestinian state becomes little more than an idealistic talking point, some dream in the distance that will never be realized.
 Peaceful conflict resolution requires a fair process that builds trust and promotes dialogue between the parties. For over 70 years, the official policy of the United States has been to be a fair broker, an interlocutor that promotes negotiation between the two sides and, with it, peace. President Trump’s unilateral decree has doomed that proposition, poisoning the well and discrediting the United States as a neutral party, one that can facilitate and promote peace. 
 “It shouldn’t be moved prior to agreement by the parties to the conflict as part of a comprehensive agreement ending their conflict. Even seemingly minor changes of Jerusalem’s status quo — either in fact or in law — have historically had the impact of sparking violence.” — Dylan Williams, J Street  
President Trump’s defense for the move has been the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act, which requires presidents to either relocate the embassy or issue a national security waiver every six months, and his campaign promise to relocate the embassy. Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama issued those national security waivers throughout their tenure in office, refusing to undermine a two-state solution and abrogate our obligations as a fair broker for Israel and Palestine.
 But in the 2016 election, then-candidate Trump played politics with the issue. He pledged to the move the embassy in a speech to AIPAC, an American lobbying group who is aligned with the Israeli right and hardline settler movements. As a campaign promise, designed to appeal to American evangelicals and right-wing Jews, the action is by design a politicized (if not radical) act, breaking with generations of precedent for the sake of petty politics. Herein, politics has prevailed over America’s national interest, in national security and foreign relations. Its ramifications will be felt for generations, isolating the United States within the Muslim world and fueling violence and terror worldwide.
 In the absence of negotiations, there is only violence. History tells us this. In recent years, we have seen tensions over Jerusalem spurring violence and unrest, in the surge of knife and car attacks since 2014. But the Second Intifada is our guide, offering insight on the potential explosion of mass violence. In 2000, Ariel Sharon provocative visit to Temple Mount, made to assert Jewish claims to the holy site, triggered protests that turned to mass riots. Those riots were the breeding ground of mass violence, as a pernicious cycle of violence develops. Security forces suppress protesters, injuring and killing them, and protesters in turn retaliate against police and armed forces. Successive retaliation and escalation morph a single protest into an intifada, shifting from spontaneous protest to orchestrated militancy. The Second Intifada roiled Israel and Palestine for five years, killing thousands and further fracturing the Arab and Israeli peoples. 
 Untold death and destruction was caused by an offense that is minor by comparison to the Trump Administration’s unilateral decree. In the Palestinians’ view, the prospect for a real and lasting peace through negotiation has just been shattered. Abbas’s embrace of the peace process stands delegitimized and the Palestinian dream of East Jerusalem is no more. In this climate — following a decade of unrest, war, and terror in the Middle East — violence feels imminent, that this new development has the potential to explode into a third intifada. As the Arab-Israeli peace process breaks down, the only alternative is extremism and violence.
 International Furor and Explosions of Anti-American Rage
 President Trump has touted his ‘deal of the century’ for Arab-Israeli peace. For all intents and purposes, that deal is dead. The basis for this deal was regional cooperation, incorporating Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt into the peace process and in turn pressuring the Palestinians to accept American-Israeli impositions. Now, vehement opposition within the Palestinian camp will preclude any concessions and, with it, substantive negotiations. Jerusalem’s loss is a fatal blow for the Palestinians and, if a third intifada indeed breaks out, the basis for Arab-Israeli peace will shift from the negotiating table to the battlefield. 
 For the United States, the damage to our foreign policy and national security will be most severe in the sphere of foreign affairs. Since the 2003 war in Iraq, the Middle East’s political landscape has been radically transformed by regional trends of: Endemic sectarianism, proxy war, militant groups conquering territory (e.g. Islamic State), and the Arab Spring. The region’s sectarian alignment — following the Sunni-Shia schism per the Saudi-Iranian rivalry — has seen Sunni powers move closer to Israel in their mutual opposition to Iran. This was the basis for Trump’s peace push, to incorporate those powers in the Arab-Israeli peace process, in the process removing a historical source of antagonism and division in order to create a bloc to counter Iran’s Shia axis. That bloc will now face an enraged Muslim public, who will turn their ire on the United States and any power seen to be complicit in Jerusalem’s ‘theft.’
 Going forward, the Arab Spring will trouble the minds of kings throughout the Sunni kingdoms, in particular America’s steadfast allies Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Although the Arab Spring’s revolutions were (mostly) unsuccessful, mired by political regression and widespread violence, the precedent of mass mobilization and protest against authoritarian regimes was established by that epochal events. Autocrats like Mubarak or Ben Ali were deposed and the region saw with its own eyes the powers of an engaged people. A precedent was set. Indeed, in 2010, protests against poverty and corruption quickly morphed into protests against the regime. In this climate, those millions of Muslims taking to the streets against Israel’s claim can in an instant morph their calls into demands for the regime’s ouster, in particular those powers who are seen as cooperators and collaborators with the Americans and Israelis.
 In the near-term, we can expect relations between our Muslim partners to cool. Leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his brand of political Islam will find political advantage in opposing the United States, whose ties with Turkey have been already been frayed, and defy the new American policy. Others like King Abdullah of Jordan or King Salman of Saudi Arabia will be wary of (openly) coordinating with the Trump Administration and inflaming their people’s passions, which can then be directed against their regimes.
 Isolation and withdrawal by our Muslim partners is a near-certainty. American interests and assets in the region, ranging from counter-terrorism to intelligence to human rights, will be hindered. Anti-Americanism will provide a constraint on our Muslim partners, who will ultimately have to answer to their people. Alienating those powers harms the national interest. America cannot go it alone. More dangerously, provocative acts like this will erode our influence in the region, which will in turn be swallowed by Moscow and Tehran.
 The proliferation of anti-American sentiment across the Muslim world will pose a direct threat to the American people. Policies like the so-called Muslim ban and now recognizing Jerusalem as a sole Israeli possession are fodder for extremists, who use these religious affronts to recruit new militants and legitimize their struggle against the ‘crusaders,’ who wage their war against Islam. If we are to combat radicalization and terrorism, a program of provocation and discrimination directed toward Muslims is not just self-defeating but self-destructive. Such policies do not exist in a void. And their progeny is waves of terror and death, creating its own cycle of violence that has mired us all since 2001.
��Today, the war in Afghanistan rages on. Tens of thousands of American personnel have been deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Insider attacks are a reality for our troops. In places like Afghanistan, President Trump’s provocation will exacerbate the Taliban’s never-ending insurgency and give them new bodies to perpetrate those heinous insider attacks. 
In sum, the Trump Administration’s policies are alienating our allies and emboldening our enemies. We are weakened by it. And ultimately, if things continue on their present course, we will be defeated because of it.
 O Jerusalem! (In Memoriam for Peace in Our Time)
 Politics over country. Politics over God. That has become the American refrain in 2017. In its short tenure, the Trump Administration has feasted on division and distraction. President Trump’s unilateral decree that dispossesses the Palestinians and bestows all of Jerusalem to the Israelis is true to that cause. But unlike any policy he has undertaken before, this move cannot easily be undone. It is a radical step, one that obliterates 70 years of precedent and, more gravely, delegitimizes the very principle of negotiations — of nonviolent conflict resolution — in Israel and Palestine. The two-state solution is now in tatters because of it.
 No man can profess to be a seer, but the dynamics at play indicate violence in the extreme, history repeating itself evermore. But we are entering new territory. In the immediate aftermath of Jerusalem’s status, Days of Rage will engulf the Muslim world. Millions will take to the street, and let the world bear witness to their rage. 
That city which has inspired and incited man’s passions for millennia will again incite and inspire — fueling violence and death, in the East and the West.
 “If Jesus returned today we would have to crucify him quick in our own defense, to justify and preserve the civilization we have worked and suffered and died shrieking and cursing in rage and impotence and terror for two thousand years to create and perfect in man’s own image.” — The Wild Palms (If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem); Faulkner
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disloyalorder · 7 years
i think you're playing off stereotypes saying bipolar disorder are 2 instant sudden changes of moods with those champion lyrics
where did i ever imply it was fast and spontaneous changes of mood to play up that stereotype? no have a night vibrating impulsive manic high and two weeks later the most devastating manic low hard enough to give you whiplash in your entire points of view and self perception for two months?that's what comparing those two lyrics from champion and last of the real ones feels like
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Bisexuality Doesn’t Exist, Apparently! (Second Draft)
As an out and proud lesbian revisiting my conflicting past, I can assure you that the only confusion I experienced was the dissonance between my feelings and societal pressures and influences. The only phase I had was when I pretended to be straight for fourteen years. I’ve had boyfriends. I’ve kissed boys, minimally explored their bodies. It did nothing for me, but, my experience with girls and women were something else entirely. I felt the sparks. I felt the fireworks. The butterflies. And in hindsight, reflecting on my own quirky characteristics in my youth, it makes sense that I’ve always been a lesbian. This option was never presented to me - neither in my own home, in the media, in school. I was never exposed to this alternate reality, and it’s because it’s such a taboo topic. Still. That was why in 2014, when I caught wind of this new show titled “Faking It,” I was ecstatic. I was thrilled to have mainstream lesbian or women who love women portrayals. I was excited to see a romantic storyline unfolding between two female characters. I was happy to think that this show would support the community, dismantle the stereotypes, and present what real, queer love really looked like. The reality of this show was anything but.
This show encompassed a lot and managed to turn around their horrendous beginning, but it was well into the season. Essentially, the two main characters, Karma and Amy, were faking being lesbians to gain popularity. Karma hoped to gain a boyfriend with some sort of reverse psychology about making herself more desirable if he perceived her as a lesbian. Amy, on the other hand, really was questioning her sexuality and had developed deep feelings for Karma - and finally had an outlet to give her affection and expand on their platonic relationship. Easily problematic setup. The show went on to shroud the rest of the community, with a gay male lead, a transgender character, an intersex character, a homophobic mother that eventually accepted her daughter - the whole shebang. What I have qualms about is the premise of the show. It glorified the myth that one can “go gay” with the title itself: Faking It. This myth survives because of how they manipulate ethos. Different characters offer inaccurate opinions on identities they don’t experience. Their ethos rests on stereotypical, self-defined representations of being a lesbian and excludes the genuine experience of being a lesbian.
           “Liam thinks I'm a lesbian.” This simple line captures the entire essence of the show, which was the driving force behind all of the drama and antics throughout the series. Ethos is a strong influence here between these two characters. Liam’s heightened credibility comes from Karma, the main character, liking him. Her crush on him makes Karma believe his influence is worth sacrificing herself and her best friend, Amy, by pretending to be lesbians. This assumption is then substantiated at a public gathering, where Shane catches wind of Liam’s inference. The rumor then gains ground fairly quickly, and it travels all the way to the orchestrator of homecoming. Along with Shane, they both try to accommodate this supposed closeted lesbian couple by saying “We accept everyone.” This pathos is playing up to the crowd and the girls. The appearance of an open and accepting environment enables and coaxes someone to come out, like they're trying to get them to. This is an appeal to fear, in a sense, because they don't want them to be plagued with the fear of adversity. She embraces their rumored predicament with this statement and her pathos is impeccable.
           To rally support from their assumption of Karma and Amy, Shane takes it upon himself to stand on a table as he makes his obnoxious announcement. This demands attention. People listen to him. The scene takes place in his house, and as a “popular,” he has easy access to most of the relevant student body. Speaking so clearly and profoundly, he has no shame and sees no problem in outing these two girls – regardless of the truth. Outing someone is troublesome in any sense, but it can be traumatic if it is not well received. Shane’s intentions were somewhat pure, but his execution is extremely flawed because he made the announcement to the entire student body, in retrospect, because that was how quickly the news traveled.
Shane is an openly gay character. If he suspects that Karma and Amy are lesbians, as a gay man, people are likely to believe him. Hence the gaydar: Gay people can typically spot another gay person from a mile away. His ethos comes from being gay, himself. His sexual orientation, along with his utmost confidence about Karma and Amy’s closeted lesbian situation solidified the notion that the rumor must have been true.
           Liam’s ethos is composed of three things: being a wealthy, attractive male, being an artist, and being Karma’s love interest. As a physically attractive male – white, dark hair and eyes, athletic build with washboard abs and firm muscles – he already gains credibility. If for nothing else, being cute tends to make his words more valid, his intelligence more superficial, his mistakes more forgivable.  As an artist (a sculptor), Karma attributes several qualities to him that make him sensitive and endearing rather than annoying and arrogant. As Karma’s love interest, he can virtually do no wrong. She’s so enamored by him and his aura that what she is met with at face value is exactly what she takes to heart and believes is true. Karma perfectly sums up his ethos with this line: “Liam's parents are rich, but he drives a beat-up biodiesel, which means he's socially aware. His best friends are a gay guy and a feminist, which means he's tolerant and accepting of strong women. And he's an artist, which means that deep down inside he's wounded.”
           “Typical male, determined to prove your virility - by turning a lesbian straight,” Ivy retorted and scathed Liam so fiercely. She correctly accused him of this and he fit the ethos because he is a straight male – executing typical behavior. The execution of this playing out on the show was Liam’s superficial attraction to Karma with the intention of having sex with a lesbian - fixing a lesbian. In short, he’d wanted to have sex with someone who was depriving him of it by preference. This was subconscious because he was attracted to them, both Karma and Amy, and he’d hoped for the possibilities of coitus. The prospect of a threesome also lingers in the mind of too many men, and this showed up in a later season. Lesbian relationships are not respected, because people often fetishize them. It’s hot. It’s kinky. It’s a fantasy. And though that can be true, it is a wholesome, valid relationship between two humans above all else. This has ties to the myth that one can “go gay” by implying that one can turn on and off their sexuality. A woman can be a lesbian one minute, and please a man the next. Liam’s perception of it was that Karma can be a lesbian all she wants, during the day, but at night, she’s going to be straight with him. He could make her straight, for an hour or two. The sexual anticipation of redemption, winning the prize of access to a lesbian’s core, invalidates the reason why someone identifies as a lesbian: the sole attraction to women. There is no place for a man, no penile satisfaction or gratification. However, Liam had already inserted himself into a concept he has no role in. It is not a negotiable, wishy-washy thing. It is not as flippant as they depicted it. 
           Karma’s character is a little more sullied than his, however. Her ethos comes from her bond and long-lasting friendship with Amy. Karma is manipulative and selfish by nature. Throughout the entire show, her ploys were for her own benefit. More often than not, she dragged Amy through the mud to make it happen, brutally reminding her of her loyalty by listing instances where she’d blackmailed Amy into supporting her. As for Amy, the ethos that heightened Karma’s appeal and gave her grounds to be taken advantage of so often were her romantic feelings for her. Amy harbored a secret love for Karma, doing anything for her because of it. The situation had perks initially, because she was attracted to Karma. Presenting herself as a lesbian provided her with an outlet to explore and simulate what a relationship with her would look like.
    “Everyone has a lesbian phase in college.”  Karma’s logos here is that this was expected and accepted behavior. Therefore, it should be fine to experiment and deviate a little for her own personal gain. And when she changed her mind later, it wouldn't be as reckless because it could be deemed her lesbian phase. Bringing Heinrichs into context, she’s using induction. However, this logos is a fallacy because it is a generalization. Generalizations usually are impeded by the slippery slope, but this is problematic because it is ignorant. The use of the word “phase” is off-putting because especially for lesbian or queer women, it questions and challenges the validity of it. It perpetuates the idea that sexuality is once again a choice - whereas the real and only choice is choosing to explore your sexuality. Dismissing something as a phase and writing it off as something in passing is damaging. It’s deterrent behavior with the expectation of the perpetrator coming to their senses, but that does not account for those who never deviate from their “lesbian phase.” Some women die in their lesbian phases. Gay men, too.  
“Amy, we were invited to the hottest party of the year,” makes the prospect of it sound pretty enticing. The Kairos assisted the choice. The timing encouraged them to go along with it. The happenstance of all of the perks simultaneously made the concept more attractive. The timing of it all prompted less thought and more spontaneity for the instant gratifications of it. It was an easy persuasion to conduct for Karma. Amy sought popularity as well, though she did have qualms about how they were attaining it.
“Straight guys love lesbians, just watch any porno,” is another kicker. Although severely flawed logos, she uses that as more inspiration to follow through with their plan. She will act the part of a lesbian in order to make him fall for her. It seems logical, but is not. At all. Considering Heinrichs, this is the commonplace. It’s a weak stance to take because it has shaky foundations – also because her susceptibility to believing this is skewed because she hopes that this “fact” will work in her favor. This was a constant motif in this show as well. Karma’s entire rationale began with grabbing Liam’s attention, and when she couldn’t impress him on her own, being a lesbian sprouted into her mind. Another misconception is that female homosexuality is in some way to please and entertain a man. It does away with all of the intrinsic factors of being with another woman - the obvious attraction, the possible connection and intimacy shared, the possibility of a love being present. Female bodies are sexualized from birth. It’s almost pedophilic, the expectation of a woman to resemble a baby’s or a child’s with the absence of hair, the smooth silkiness of the skin, and the elasticity and flexibility of the body. It does not come as a surprise that men are attracted to lesbians - it presents them with more than one woman to ogle. This ventures into the realm of pornography, where depictions of lesbian activity are only accepted if the women engaging in the activities are gender-normative - identifying as female as well as presenting themselves as women. The mentioning of pornography in the script goes to show that this is a widely known phenomenon. This is bothersome because beyond the invasion of privacy of another watching something so intimate transpiring between two individuals, it is still directed towards the male gaze. The lipstick, the stilettos, the bareness of their bodies - it is catered to men, even when it is about women. Karma ignorantly supported that with her statement.
Karma loaded up on her Aristotelian appeals when speaking to Amy, there. She used her own ethos by reminding her of her allegiance with “your oldest and dearest friend.” Then, she squared it by packing it with pathos by identifying herself as “the one who never told anyone that you got pubes in the second grade.” She’s persuading her by reminding her of her past altruistic endeavors in Amy’s favor, so that Amy can compromise something for hers. The hole in her plan is that she’d overlooked the required effort of the two, and they cannot be compared. Keeping a mundane secret is not tantamount to sacrificing and exploiting your sexuality for popularity. This contributes to the myth because Karma is under the false notion that presenting a sexuality one does not have is the equivalent of being a good friend. Because they are best friends, Amy should violate her feelings and morality for Karma’s benefit. Because they are best friends, Amy should pretend to be something that she’s uncomfortable with. Because they are best friends, they should fake a relationship so that Karma can swindle a boy into falling for her. But this is not a valid scenario because sexuality cannot be faked, no matter what coercion takes place.
“I guess that makes me the butch one.” That’s not necessarily true. The two are not mutually exclusive, although it is perceived that way. Two women can be femmes, and two women can be butch, and sometimes, they can mingle. It does shed light on the fact that Karma is the feminine one and is getting attention from Liam, and if Amy is the butch one, she has no one fawning over her. That’s a desensitized morality of gender roles. “Being gay finally made me interesting,” Karma said, and with such conviction. The way people receive the news that someone is gay strikes me as overcompensation. Straight girls want gay best friends to go shopping with, but squirm away when he doesn't fit that flamboyant stereotype. Straight boys want a lesbian around so she can be one of the guys, but grow confused when she retains her femininity. This open-armed acceptance stretched a little too far and a little too thin when assessed in different contexts. Girls don't want the gay boys that don't present themselves as flaming homosexuals, sassy and sexy in the way they walk and talk. They don't have room for the more introverted gays (and trust me, there are many outside of the stereotype). It doesn't fit their aesthetic. Simultaneously and funnily enough, they seek gay best friends, but scorn and shy away from lesbians anywhere near their proximity. Males want lesbian companionship, but only the hot ones with the long hair, petite and feminine figures, and those who generally present themselves as women. And if another type of lesbian, say, a butch one, comes around, suddenly they aren't as friendly or forthcoming. It has as much to do with appearance as it does attraction. The infamous “I don't mind gay people as long as they don't flirt with me” trope exists in the minds of too many. It is across the board in males, too - even ones that would testify against being homophobic. Too often in that specific population, they seek friends of the opposite sex, but are adverse to ones of the same sex. This is a widespread problem that needs to be addressed, yet shows like Faking It continue to support the clause by having scenes that represent this without explaining why it is not accurate. Sexuality is not defined by the wardrobe of a person. A girl cannot tie a plaid shirt around her waist, throw on some baggy pants, and deem herself a lesbian.
“And in this school, you have to stand out to fit in, and I’m so ordinary,” is an unfortunate quote that does have parallels to the lives of many. “Let’s be lesbians,” Amy hesitantly agreed, but becoming a lesbian is not and should not be an option for being different. Even writing becoming a lesbian made me cringe, because no one just wakes up one day, deciding to be marginalized. Deciding to be discriminated against. Deciding to disappoint their parents and make their counterparts suddenly uncomfortable. Deciding to have their rights questions – the value of their lives questioned. By contextualizing it, no one would choose such a thing. That is why venturing as far as identifying differently after an experiment is inherently damaging and demeaning to those who truly bear the burden of coming out.
My key pattern in my analysis is a resounding ethos appeal. Pertaining mostly to the show, the only excuse I can make for all of the fallacies are the desperation for Liam to like Karma, and his engorged importance because of it. The main Aristotelian appeal to be made in general with this hoax however is that of pathos. Pathos - getting emotional, getting people to resonate with your strong emotion - is key in understanding the disheartening nature behind going gay. People don’t understand the effect their words have without emotion being roused from it. Unless they are homophobes trying to upset someone with a claim that ignorant, they don’t understand the impact of their words.
“Going gay” carries much more weight than those who say it so flippantly intend. Being gay is a journey, and it is not always as easy as kissing a person of the same sex and enjoying your new, gay lifestyle. If one doesn’t deal with the anxieties and uncertainties of coming out (or the fear of being outed), the fear of the possible adversity they might face (berating, bullying, abuse, threats, homelessness), or the insecurities they’re plagued with from developing feelings towards a person society condemns, they haven’t gone gay. It isn’t something that occurs overnight. “Going gay” is a complete change of lifestyle, and if one cannot accept and face the strife that accompanies it, they’d better keep that ignorant and false revelation to themselves.
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Unexpected Guests
Word Count: 2,010
Summary: A few years after the Great Race of Oban, Spirit reconnects with Eva and Aikka to hear the big proposition Eva has planned for them.
*Author’s Note*: This doesn’t have much of a plot, but it’s a scene I wanted to write for my idea of what an Eva/Aikka/Spirit reunion might look like in the new Oban series! I know we know absolutely nothing about the plot or why any of the characters that have reconnected have done so, but that’s part of why fanfiction exists, right? I also just wanted to take the opportunity to write more Spirit stuff for @aepaex because she deserves it. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
(also available to read on my Ao3, which can be found in my blog links)
Spirit observed the vehicles, both flying and grounded, that crowded the busy city center. Most of the buildings were tall and glossy, surrounded by intricately woven roadways indicative of the futuristic feel Eva had informed him most of humanity, at least those building a majority of Earth's big cities, preferred to use. There wasn’t much to do to pass the time as he waited to meet her and some other unnamed parties she’d yet to reveal the identity of.
He wandered from the monument in the city square to a bridge overlooking a clear waterway, leaning over the railing to see if the water was too far away for him to see his own reflection. He eavesdropped on the people that periodically passed him on foot, some discussing indistinct topics that he knew little about while others whispered about him. Earth had received an uptick in interplanetary traffic in the years following the Great Race, but it was clear humans hadn’t become entirely accustomed to seeing less than human forms on their city streets, especially in regards to more traditionally monster looking species like the Phils.
Spirit didn’t mind the passing comments, though, especially since he was used to them. After his years of experience with other species first reactions to and interpretations of him, Spirit had come to recognize that some things didn’t really change until you got to know an alien, and he had much more important things to be considering anyway. Unfortunately, the water was too distant for his image to even appear as distorted colors in its sloshing waves, and he turned back towards the street just in time to hear a familiar voice calling out to him. Her voice traveled from above him, and Spirit looked up to see Eva flying over the square, a little stunned to see exactly what she was riding and who she was riding with.
“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting!” Eva greeted, waving enthusiastically as she slipped off the giant beetle’s back. Spirit had recognized G’dar in an instant, and as if to reinforce this recognition Aikka leaned forward a bit from the great bug’s back, giving Spirit a small wave.
Spirit returned Eva’s greeting with a nod, and before he knew it she had her arms wrapped around his waist in a friendly embrace. He was still a little caught off guard that the unnamed friend Eva said she was bringing along turned out to be the now proud Nourasian king, Aikka. The last Spirit heard, Aikka had had his hands full with diplomatic affairs and the protocol of transferring power from the previous king to himself, not to mention sorting out the Nourasian’s old and forced alliance with the Crogs. The fact that he had come all the way to Earth, and moreso had apparently been roped in to whatever scheme Eva had concocted that even Spirit knew nothing about yet, was peculiar but not altogether unexpected. After all, Eva and Aikka’s relationship had only strengthened following the Great Race, something they had both meticulously maintained even with the distance between their planets.
Spirit observed the myriad of differences Eva and Aikka displayed since the last time he had spoken with them face to face. There were certain things that remained staples of their physical presentations, such as Eva’s dyed hair, the bright pink music player that never left her hip, and the distinct racing goggles that she never went anywhere without. It appeared that she’d updated her arsenal of technology with a new high tech visor, and her clothing looked fitting for everything from space travel to mechanical maintenance.
Aikka’s clothes reflected a similar purpose, which was surprising considering his newly esteemed royal position. Spirit wondered just how much trouble the new king would be in if his attendants knew the details of his trip across the galaxy in civilian clothing to take part in some sort of assembly orchestrated by a simple Earth girl. His hair was much longer than it had been during the Great Race, fashioned into a high ponytail to keep it out of the way.  Spirit considered that both of them looked like intergalactic bandits or bounty hunters, ready at any moment to board a space faring craft and plunge into the cosmos looking for the next big adventure. Knowing Eva, that might be what she had planned anyway.
Spirit patted Eva on the back, making sure she was aware that he was going to connect with her telepathically before asking her through this channel of communication exactly what was going on. He wasn’t necessarily the type who had to be privy to all things at all times, but with the esteemed company she had roped into whatever excursion she was planning on pursuing, Spirit had an inkling that something larger was at play. Eva smiled and released him from her grasp, both of them moving out of the way a bit as Aikka slid off G’dar’s back to join them.
“We had a little bit of navigation trouble once we got into the city,” Aikka explained, filling in the blanks from Eva’s apology for their lateness. “G’dar isn’t exactly skittish when it comes to crowded places like this, but it seems like most of the locals aren’t used to anything more than shiny flying vehicles soaring through the sky. We were lucky we didn’t get arrested for flying a foreign object.”
“Yeah yeah, but what’s important now is that we’re all here together!” Eva replied, patting Aikka on the back. “Your flying has gotten a little rusty though, your Highness. Seems like it was more urgent to get you out of that palace than I thought.”
Aikka opened his mouth to protest, but Eva swiftly switched topics. “So, now that we’re all together, I can elaborate on my proposal.”
Something she had to tell us in person…Spirit thought, noticing the exuberant shine in her eyes. Or perhaps she just really wanted to see our reactions.
“I think we oughta get some more old friends back together,” she began, stretching her arms out behind her and leaning against the bridge’s railing. “I mean, we already have the three of us, and I’ve been able to contact a few others, like Rush. A lot has happened since the Great Race, a lot that’s only shared between those of us that actually experienced it…while I definitely don’t want to return to that, I think it would be fun to hang out together again. A lot of us, all at once, and maybe we can even have some racing meets to see who’s still got their racing fire lit.”
Spirit rested his hand on Eva’s wrist. Doesn’t this seem a little spontaneous? Although both Aikka and I had the time and the means to make this meeting happen, I’m not sure what gathering us all together again really accomplishes.
“You don’t have to worry about that, I don’t really have a sure fire plan anyway,” Eva less than reassuringly replied. “I just…it’s been lonely, and so much has changed. We’ve all grown, undoubtedly become different people than we were during the Great Race. But that experience still lingers within us. None of us will ever truly be able to get rid of those memories, good or bad. I figured it was time to make some sort of impromptu reunion, even if it’s only for a day. You guys are both here already, right? Can’t you humor me with this?”
Spirit had to admit that he knew where Eva was coming from. There were certainly things he had seen, and even more he had heard about after the fact from racers like her, that shook him to his core. Although he sometimes felt tempted to share his feelings or thoughts on the matter with his family or friends, he knew that not only was it a dangerous idea to involve them in such a dreadful affair, but they would never be able to truly understand. The only people who could offer support for and relate to the pilots who participated in the Great Race of Oban were fellow pilots and various other individuals who had shared the experience with them. Spirit mimicked Eva’s relaxed posture, extending a hand to Aikka to ask him what he thought about all this.
“Well, I’m not here because I don’t want to be,” he began, an unmistakable blush coloring his cheeks. “I think there’s merit to what Eva says. Apart from needing a break from my duties, I think there are bigger things that need to be discussed. Some things…that although they may never be completely dealt with, they can at least be worked through. All of us have suffered at the hands of the Great Race in one way or another, some deeper than others. I have questions, many of which I’m sure have no hope of being answered, but maybe the more of us that join together, the closer we can get to uncovering the truth.”
So a mixture of a research expedition and a friendly support meetup. That sounded like about as Eva an idea as any of the ones Spirit had already heard or been apart of throughout the years. After the Great Race, while many racers had gone their separate ways, Eva and the group of those who had been with her through her roughest patches and knew about the deepest pains of her past had remained in consistent and close contact with her and each other.
Eva had come out of the Great Race with an altered perception of fate, a new set of friends, and an infinitely widened view of both life and the universe. Spirit still didn’t know every detail of what transpired on Oban with her, her faithful racing team, and King Aikka. Although part of him would always be achingly curious to have her divulge the full story, another part knew that it would be detrimental both to him and the parties involved to plunge them too deeply into territory they weren’t properly armed to tackle.
Spirit simply nodded in agreement then, knowing that no matter what came next, it would surely be an adventure he didn’t want to miss. He wanted to uncover more about the Great Race for himself, as well as catch up in person with racers who understood him for more than the enigmatic Phils champion that many assumed him to be. Even just being around Eva and Aikka again brought him a peace that he hadn’t known since he had last had the pleasure of sharing their company. There was a deep, unspoken camaraderie between many of the racers who participated in the Great Race. Whether it was fate, or trauma, or the simple desire to reconnect with those Spirit once saw as nothing more but fellow competitors, he had a yearning to join Eva’s expedition. He ruffled her hair, cut shorter than she had worn it when she was younger, and in the gesture passed along his thanks for her kindness in reaching out to him.
Eva laughed, grabbing his hand with one of her own as she smoothed her hair with the other. You don’t need to thank me, it was a no brainer. It wouldn’t be the same without one of my best friends.
Spirit felt the wellspring in his chest expand, doing his best to keep his composure while also sharing the elated feeling with her. She considered him a friend, a sentiment that made him feel more than he felt he would ever be able to share or communicate, even with telepathy. Aikka smiled gently at them both, and Eva yanked him over to them, pulling them all into a group hug that made Spirit feel like he was truly at home. This was the beginning of a grand adventure, one that had no perceivable direction. But spontaneity was what Eva did best, and with her at the helm, Spirit was sure they would make it out of even the darkest recesses of space they might dare to traverse.
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