#But also in terms of design and concepts I popped off with it
evostrashbin · 11 months
Yeah, that checks out. Also, I wasn’t meaning the mun/admin/whatever it’s called. Though now I want to see your Kiran’s alt outfits. XD
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Here's a little sheet of all the FEH inspired alts I designed for her so far!✨
I love all of them alot and it's one of my greatest enjoyments to design alts for her (and thematically matching ones for Grima) that fit the themes, my personal preferences and also small bits of her overall lore & personality!
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fly-sky-high-arts · 4 months
I know you probably have a ton of requests already, but I thought of this and I thought I’d be interesting. How about an angelic butterfly/moth? And I’m not talking “fluffy wing halo uwu” angelic; I’m talking biblically accurate angels here. Look one up if you need a reference; they’re pretty freaky-looking. They have SO many eyes, you don’t even know.
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Brazen Watcher
Automated Soul Totem that lingers in the air near the holy grounds. Bug made idol that watches and serves its creators who wish to keep their strong order in check.
Hard to escape its eye's detectors and watchful but graceful float. It meets intruders with bell rings that alerts the keepers of the order. The echoes of the bell can stun intruders as well.
In combat, keepers are known to strike it to replenish soul and prepare more spells for combat.
(shape vaguely based off of a plume moth)
If interested in adopting it for 10$ (or more), please contact me via DM! If there is no response in the next three days, I will set it up on ko-fi for adoption.
Now, I also want to explain why I took a slightly different direction with the design:
I remembered awhile back seeing a post explaining why the term "biblically accurate angel" is an issue with the description that is also in this ask
I found several posts when googling and I think it was this one that I remember seeing around (but I also found this reddit post and this other tumblr post)
Given I have never read any religious book in my life and that I am not too familiar with angels in general outside of pop culture references, I figured just making the design religious-esque would be enough and not go too crazy with what seems to be not-angel (but messengers?) horror like descriptions of them
Despite this, I appreciate the ask! It was a fun design~ (also a note for the asker: I do have the axolotl+psychedelic ask still in the inbox but unfortunately I didn't had any good ideas for it yet outside of one concept but if I will see if I'll go back to it. I hope this is alright for now!)
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
Wait, you haven’t done a review of regular pikachu? Will you?
Have you reviewed raichu?
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(Ironically I have literally reviewed every part of the Pikachu line except for Pikachu itself. Review links: Pichu, Raichu, Alolan Raichu, Pichu and Pikachu forms)
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Pikachu is such an iconic design that it's actually hard to approach it from a normal standpoint, given how heavily ingrained it is in both Pokemon as a brand and modern culture. I'm more of a Raichu person myself, but Pikachu is obviously a pretty great 'mon on its own.
Originally, the creators actually intended Clefairy to be the mascot, but I think they made the right choice in going with Pikachu instead. What makes Pikachu work is that it has simple but very clear visuals—those red cheeks and black-tipped ears pop instantly, to the point where only its head can be used as an icon and it will be recognizable. Clefairy doesn't really have a single visual element like that. Pikachu also manages to be cute but not to the point wherein you can't see this thing battling, which is an important balance that i don't think Clefairy achieves as much.
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In terms of said visuals, the lightning-bolt tail helps communicate the typing immediately and is a fun twist on a squirrel's tail (and yes, Pikachu is partially based off a squirrel, as confirmed by its designer Atsuko Nishida.) Likewise, the red cheek pouches pop instantly and play off of the idea of rodents storing food in their cheeks by having it store electricity instead. The brown stripes on its back help to fill the space in the backsprite and keep it from being too plain, and the little :3 face is always a winner as well.
Obviously I wouldn't actually change anything about the design, but if I were to be hyper nitpicky the way I usually am, the brown gradient at the base of the tail might've made more sense as a black tip, to match the ears. (Ironically, apparently a lot of people actually do misremember it being like this, though I'm not one of them). You could even make the brown back stripes black for contrast. But yeah, overall, very effective design even if it wasn't the face of the franchise.
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And no Pikachu review would be complete without talking about the OG fat Pikachu design. Originally Pikachu was supposed to be more of a mochi pastry than a rodent, and some of that roundness was retained in Pikachu's early designs. Over the years, it was slimmed down to make it easier to animate. (It also had a white underbelly, though I actually like dropping this, as it gives more of a sense of progression to Raichu.)
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While I do love the original design, I do think slimming it down a bit doesn't hurt anything, and making the tail shorter and wider makes it stand out more. I think sometimes it can get too slim in modern media, but the official art shown above feels like a good weight.
Thankfully, we get to have our cake and eat it too, as Pikachu's g-max design is a throwback to the original sprite. This is both a clever concept and feels appropriate for the g-max theme of "thing, but really big". There are a few obvious changes—most notably the tail, which has been lengthened far beyond what it originally was and is now all-white with a yellow outline, to look more lightning-y. It also has an extra stripe and bigger cheeks to better balance the space.
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I'm not sure making the tail white adds all that much, but making it longer makes it so the g-max clouds can swirl around it like a storm, and I think that's pretty neat.
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So overall, iconic Pokemon that deserves its status as series mascot. Don't think I need to say any more.
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How does magic work anyways?
For the Thrashwizard Molorov PSA it said that he can make something "conform to Rhythmorzaxian realspace" and that boosts his power. So is it realm/universe linked?
Also, is realm hopping easy? I want to see my alternate universe selves and have a grand old time.
From, New to this here extranormal thing
(p.s. Jenny: I agree)
This is a big question, and thus I turn to our biggest brain: Ambrose Delgado, our local wizard and smartest man on the planet. He'll take it from here.
Ah, hello! This just does speech to text? Good! Good! I'm Ambrose, and Norm said you guys had some really interesting ontological-thaumaturgical questions, and boy I am just itching to draw out my current ontological model in a format that's not some stuffy paper! Hah!
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Pardon my bad drawing and my just awful handwriting, but this is what I'm currently working with. A lot of this is simplified for the, uh, purposes here, translating it to the layman - that's you - and a lot of this is....currently completely hypothetical or the ultimate extrapolation from thaumo-mathmetical models. There's some realm designations I knew off the top of my head, there's a few more we know of, of course. And....some I can't label, just due to their classification.
Imagine the universe as a series of bubbles - that's "us" in the, uh, middle here. And by "us" I mean the entirety of realspace, our galaxy and indeed universe. Though, once you get out to the edges of the universe, realspace starts to get...slippery, ontologically speaking. At least, according to our models, there's some very interesting work being done in France right now regarding how much the edges bleed--
Sorry, yes, the model. Right. So, you have the bubble that is "us" and our realspace, and then the skin of the bubble, a dimensional barrier. That's currently a very hard thing to pierce. It can fail, randomly, and objects or people drift, but that's, you know, incredibly rare. It's hard to punch through and even harder to do so safely. Currently, we can't....consistently do it. At least, not in a way that satisfies modern thaumaturgical standards. A lot of the older wizards insist they used to be able to pop over to Albion Dieselsands or Old Charlie for the weekend, but frankly I don't believe them.
Just going through my labels here - so you have the dimensional barrier, then what's outside it. I know Norm's talked about it, but the colloquial idea of an "alternate universe" is not really something that exists. Many-Worlds is mostly incorrect. Mostly because choices do have the potential to create another "bubble" in our local multiversal map, it's just....very rare. Not every choice or turning point has that potential, and of the ones that do, an exponentially small number seems to actually result in a split, though he's mentioned "quantum potentiality", a concept that I think really hasn't been studied enough. I actually think that--
The model. So, the result is that "alternate universes" are mostly extremely divergent from ours, like our friend Thrashwizard's native Rhythmorzax. The terms "alternate universe" and "realm" are interchangeable. The "similarity gap" label refers to the concept that almost all realms are wildly different than ours, due to the nature of how splits work. We aren't....totally sure how it works, of course - are we the "prime"? Are we a "split"? The model is onto-centric, we aren't actually in the "center." A simplification to help readability. The ultimate answer to your "other you" question is it's extremely, incredibly unlikely that an entity meant to be an "other you" even exists, even if you were to find a realm where they could and breach the barrier.
The other labels. The "noo-drift cloud" refers to the concept that, well, concepts drift to other realms, or are shared - the dimensional barrier is somewhat noospherically permeable. That's why ideas like "metal music" are found on even the otherwise wildly divergent Rhythmorzax. A more accurate diagram would look like a Venn diagram, with noospheric circles overlapping.
You can see the more alien-less alien "meter" here - it's generally true that the more wildly divergent realms are more alien to us, in a familiarity sense. Heck, 99-Puppet doesn't even have humans or even human-adjacents on it.
This is where your question about magic comes in. See, most realms have a system of magic unique to that realm. When you're trained in one magic system, it's...it's like a language. Language has a huge effect on how your brain works, and so does a system of magic. Going to another realm is like being forced to learn a new dialect or even a new language. It's possible, sure, and might be easier for you because you know magic in the first place, but it can be quite a challenge. Again, our friend the Thrashwizard is already practiced in local thaumaturgical space, and his ability to "ontologically terraform" space temporarily is quite dangerous, as yes, that does put him on more familiar ground, magically-speaking.
Describing how magic works is...tricky if you're not already trained, and witches will have a different answer from wizards, who will have a different answer than warlocks, etc, etc. The way my brain conceptualizes it is...accessing an unimaginably large computer and requesting changes to the world - if you know the language the computer speaks and have the mental energy to send the request, it'll prioritize it to....immediately, really.
The last labels, on the right there - you can see the typical influence range of draconic or angelic/demonic entities. They have a much easier time traveling than we do, of course, though angels and demons seem to have settled on this one for reasons that are currently unclear. Dragons come and go, as they are....wont to do.
Oh, and you can see the....big bubble. It's current prevailing theory that the larger multiverse just....repeats, fractally. There's an unknown number of big bubbles out there, all of them unfathomably alien. IF any of you remember our communications with T!ss, they came from a bubble one or two removed from ours. Further out than that, it's....currently hypothetical. Outsiders, actually, are currently thought to exist in the space between bubbles, but I try not to dwell on what that means.
Hopefully that answered some of your questions!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 2
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: While y/n starts to discuss her vision for the game she finds out that JK was someone she had hoped she would never have to deal with again. Giving up on her game for now she focuses on work and school but Jungkook has other plans for her this semester. Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Word count: 2.4k~ Warnings: Explicit language (a little bit). Idk that's pretty much it for this chapter. A/N: This is heavily based off of the original bl (boy love) and it covers chapters (episodes) 2-12. I've switched around the timeline and got rid of a few scenes here and there so they're not exactly alike but I would like to stick close to the original story so let me know what you think! P.s. If you don't mind spoilers I would highly suggest reading the original story. I read it on the app Manta with the english adaptation being done by Angy and you can also find the Kdrama on Viki :) Read from the beginning
Sitting down with JK and explaining my vision for the project is becoming increasingly annoying, he picks out the flaws in the designs that Hana drew up as well as called my whole concept boring, basically making me want to just start ground ground zero at this point. "Are you sure you'll be able to actually be able to create what I want? In terms of functionality and the coding behind it all on your own?" he asks questioning my abilities. "If you give me a chance I'm sure I'll be able to create a fully functioning 2D application" I say simply, knowing what I'm capable of. 
"You know there are other aspects that you have to think about besides the design factor of it all. Have you figured out how you're going to go about that or would you be needing my help as well?" he asks getting cocky, trying to belittle me. "I am aware and it's your choice what you plan to help with. I just need a character and gaming environment design from you. I'm able to handle the rest if need be" I say plainly stating my intentions. "Well if you want me then I'll work on it with you". We work out the a rough layout of how this will all go and when I feel it''s time to end the meeting I hand him my phone and ask him to put his number in so I will have a ways to contact him to set up future meetings. 
"Looks like you already have my number" he says and I tilt my head curiously, not sure how I would've found myself in a situation where I would need his number. "He calls himself from my phone so he has my contact as well and I see the name Motherfucker pop up on his screen. "Wait you're a girl?" he says clearly as confused as I am. JK = Jungkook, how did I not put that together?!??!?! I snatch my phone out of his grasp and see the contact name I've assigned to his number and my heart drops seeing the name Freeloader 3 on the screen. Grabbing my bag I run out of that study room and don't stop until I've made it home. 
Closing the door behind me I pray I've somehow lost him and that he didn't chase after me to see which way I took to go home. I'm a girl so there's no way that he could cause physical harm to me. Right? He seemed somewhat of an intimidating guy so I guess he could go either way. Guys like him seem like they could get away with murder if they wanted to. I shiver as I feel all of my hairs standing on end praying that that somehow won't be my fate. 
That was a shit way to start off my summer but I hopefully won't have to bump into him ever again since I won't really have any reason to go to campus these days. I'll just focus on working at the PC cafe and save up so I won't have to worry about working when classes are back in session.
My summer is uneventful just as I had hoped for and just when I thought that I had forgotten that disaster none other than Jungkook walks into the the cafe. I keep my head down hoping he won't see me but as soon as I hear a lull in the conversation he was in I knew I was screwed. I look up at him and see that he's clearly staring me down and as soon as he confirms it's me he rolls his eyes and scoffs before he makes his way over to one of the open PCs. Why couldn't he have just turned around and gone somewhere else? There's another perfectly good cafe on the other side of town so why did he have to pick this one? 
Who am I kidding why would he go out of his way to go across town when all we had was a little argument and he's mad at me because he thinks I'm to blame for keeping him from graduating. As soon as I finish restocking the snack bar I get a notification of a customer placing an order and I check the notification and see that low and behold it's from Jungkook.
After retrieving his food from the cook I make my way over to him and place his items down in front of him. He looks me up and down before opening his mouth to say something which I could only assume is utterly irrelevant to me. "Hey we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot, do you think there's a chance that we could just start over? I could even introduce myself since I never really got a chance to do it in the first place. Hello my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm a visual arts major" he says while holding out his hand as a peace offering. 
"And that matters to me why? I don't think we have any reason why we should be interacting anymore since I don't want to work on the game with you anymore. It's best if we just forget it and remain as strangers" I say turning to go so I can get back to work. He follows me over to the front desk where I unfortunately am forced to stay so I'm stuck having to listen to him until he goes away. "I'm not looking for a fight I promise I just want to start over. You seem like a pretty nice girl and I would love to get to know you better" he says flashing me a smile that I'm sure many girls have fallen for before but I don't find it the slightest bit charming. 
"Sounds like you should try to get a bit more creative with your pickup lines, I'm not interested" I say and look through the system begging for someone to give me something to do. "I promise I just want to get to know you, no ulterior motive on my part, but if you wanted to go about things that way then I can't lie that I find you extremely attractive a-" 
"I suggest you go back to your seat unless you would like me to call management to get you permanently banned and file a restraining order for sexual harassment" I say taking care of some emails from out vendors for the next weeks shipment, finally having found something productive to do. "Okay I get it I'll back off, I didn't mean to offend you like that. For what it's worth, I really did want to be your friend" he says and goes back to his seat, finally providing me some peace and quiet.
The first day back at school I fall back into my usual routine. I always get up at a certain time so I have time to exercise and take a shower before class, I get my bike downstairs at 9:16 on the dot and I have my whole route calculated down to the second. I make sure to get to class half an hour early everyday so I don't have to worry about rushing and I have time to mentally prepare myself for the rest of the day. Walking into the lecture hall for my Chinese class I find myself buffering at the sight of a bag on top of the usual seat I sit in. It's the perfect seat that provides me with the best view of the board and allows for next to no distractions. It's kept at a comfortable temperature and it gives me the best route out of the classroom when the lecture is over. 
Glaring down at the bag I'm temped to just move it but decide that I'll just wait until the owner comes back and ask them to switch seats. I'm surprised out of all the seats in this big lecture hall the they picked my exact seat. I brush it off and go through the material we are going to cover today until I'm greeted with the mysterious owner of the bag that has caused me so much turmoil this morning and looking up to make eye contact with them I'm left with the sight of a smug looking smile from the bane of my existence, Jungkook. 
"What are you doing here?" I whisper since more students have started to make their way in. "I'm recruiting for my pyramid scheme. What does it look like I'm doing?" he says while taking a seat. "Switch seats with me" I say standing up expecting him to do as I say. "No this is my seat" he says and starts to get out his class materials. "Just switch me seats" I demand starting to lose my temper. Before he's even able to mumble a response our professor comes in and asks us all to sit down, prohibiting me from trying to get him to give me my seat back. 
"Oh Mr. Jeon what a pleasant surprise, I thought I saw that you signed up to be my TA this semester. Class this is Jungkook, he lived in Beijing for a year so feel free to ask him a lot of questions. You'll also be turning in all of your assignments to him so if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to either of us. Right Mr. Jeon?" she confirms. "Yes I'm here to help" he announces to the class. "And I'll be right there to hold your hand the entire time y/n" he says using my name to address me for the first time. It some how sends a shiver through my spine and I can see from out of the corner of my eye that he's pleased with my response. Why can't my body just cooperate with me just once? He's just a mildly attractive guy that's it, don't let his antics distract you.
After this class I rushed over to my next class I am greeted with yet another bag on my favorite seat, he couldn't have gotten to this one before me as well right? Is he some kind of super villain that is hell bent on making my life miserable? Maybe it belongs to someone else and I'll actually be able to reason with them this time. As I sit waiting for class to start I see a flash of red show up in my peripheral vision "Oh are you in this class too?" I hear him buzz right in my ear as he sits down next to me yet again. "Jungkook what are you doing here? This class isn't even close to what your major is. It's also one of the more advanced classes so I know that you're here just to annoy me" I say while taking my textbook out. 
"And how do you even know my class schedule?" I ask and widen my eyes as the sight of the notebook I thought I lost a few months ago. "How did you get that" I say reaching for it, which he childishly moves out of my reach. "You left it at the library that one day that you ran away from me. I was going to try to stop you to tell you but by the time I stepped outside the door you were already gone. Was I really that scary?" he says mockingly. "No, you were just unpredictable to me so I didn't feel comfortable being in a closed off room with you, that's all. Now give me my book back!" I demand, trying to reach for it again and as soon as I think I've got a chance at reaching it I hear the professor walk in. 
"Mr. Jeon is it?" he says unamused at the sight he's presented with. "Yes sir" he says while both of us quickly take our seats. "If you plan on taking this class just for the purpose of flirting then I suggest you drop it, especially since it looks like this isn't required for your major" he says clearly already annoyed with the both of us already. Thanks a lot for getting me on his bad side already Jungkook. I think to myself and try my best to control the blush that wants to grow from the embarrassment he has just caused me. "I'm sorry professor it won't happen again" Jungkook says apologizing for both of our behavior. "See that it doesn't" he scolds and starts the lecture.  
He finally gives me my book back and doesn't speak to me again, but he sure as hell still makes his presence know with all the fidgeting he's been doing. As the minutes tick by I feel myself losing more and more of my concentration and as soon as the lecture ends I'm up and out of my seat and head out of the building as fast as I can. I can sense that someone is following me though so I decide to stop and then feel someone bump into me.
"Hey you could've knocked us over!" he says acting like it's my fault. "Well if you hadn't been following me then we wouldn't have had this problem now would we?" I finish crossing my arms. "What is it that you want from me? Or are you just trying to make my life miserable because you failed that class and you feel like it's my fault?" I say genuinely curious as to why he's acting like this. 
"Well I mean I'm willing to put the class thing behind if you just start being nice to me. I'm actually a really nice guy to be around and I really meant it when I said I wanted to be friends. Plus you've got me interested in that game of yours so I was wondering if you would take me back?" he finishes really making an effort to start over just like he said before. "So your way of trying to make amends is by annoying the crap out of me? You're a lot dumber than I thought you were" I say walking away and much to my distaste he ends up following me.
"Come on just think about it, I saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw my portfolio, admit it you need me" he says regaining that cocky attitude. "I don't need anyone, and I especially don't need you. There are plenty of designers out there, you're replaceable" I say and storm off hoping my honest feelings stopped him from wanting to talk to me for the rest of the day.
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cellarspider · 2 months
21/?? Tales from the Crypt
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We return to that movie that the crabs shall dance for when it is done, Prometheus.
This time, the movie decided it needed a zombie mutant in it for some reason. Content warning for half-hearted body horror and gore.
I’m sure maybe half of a person out there was wondering “Hey, what happened to Fifield the geologist?” Well, the crew certainly wasn’t wondering that. They’re quite surprised when his suit camera feed shows up right outside the ship. Janek says it “just popped up” but why the hell would it. Fifield didn’t turn it back on, that much is obvious. Did the plot flip the switch or something?
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In any case, Fifield has taken up a new career since we last saw him. He is now a contortionist.
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This confuses the nameless crew guy. This is a very weird way to announce your new hobby to your coworkers.
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Seriously, like. This is just an extreme backbend. It was probably done with prosthetics since they needed a body for this guy later anyway, but there are people who can just do this. Look, here’s a woman named Anna McNulty, doing this exact pose. It’s way weirder-looking when the person’s in motion! Again: not scary, just weird!
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Contortionists are a thing in horror movies and shows. The explanation given always boils down to “they look uncanny and inhuman when they pretzel themselves, thus they are scary.” That isn’t really the case.
It still takes acting ability to make contortionism scary. Combine that with unsettling effects and you can get something memorably spooky, even when the rest of the movie isn’t that great. Javier Botet’s performance in Mama (2013), for example, was enhanced by his own acting decisions, the costuming, CG, and also practical puppetry of his body so that he could be supported in positions that felt unnaturally weightless.
Even if you’re lacking good direction or acting skills, makeup can still put in a lot of work to get you something freaky. And this makeup is… not their best.
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Not in terms of quality of workmanship, but in terms of the concept itself. The creature department made a whole bunch of draft sculpts that looked way more xeno-y. Those were rejected. Instead, he’s got a big lumpy head. He looks like he wandered out of The Hills Have Eyes: Part II.
[Video description: A trailer for The Hills Have Eyes: Part II (1984). It’s complete schlock, and it’s got a big guy with a big prosthetic forehead in it, and he smashes people. There’s an off-brand Darth Vader breathing noise for some reason.]
Really, this design is straight out of a few sub-genres of horror I could mention: The Hills Have Eyes comes from cannibal and/or hillbilly horror (also called hixploitation), which often features deformed or mutated antagonists. Nuclear, infection, and chemical-scarred mutants are common lumpy monsters in horror, from 50s B-movies to Troma splatter films to modern “torture porn”. Video games tend to follow Resident Evil’s lead and make the lumpiest creatures zombies, while also making them WMD mutants and/or backwoods types, hello Marguerite and Jack Baker.
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Obviously, Fifield’s been mutated by the black goo, adding to the list of things it’s capable of that the movie failed to set up before now. I will attempt to follow the ideas this may be attempting to throw at us, but I want it noted, this takes work.
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This man has been exposed to a biochemical weapon, created by the Engineers. They were stockpiling that weapon here with the intent to use it on Earth. God decided rainbows aren’t a covenant anymore, time for Noah Part 2: Even Drownier.
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But the Engineers are not gods in the christian sense, they aren’t all-powerful, and they are not beings that anyone would assert are omnibenevolent. They are another intelligent, social humanoid species with their own culture and morality. What moral standards do they have that produce a situation where an Engineer will look unsettled by a display of inter-human violence, but also intend to kill every human? Humans are in some ways their descendants. What would be the right thing to do if your children became murderers? 
The movie doesn’t have to answer that, because there is no objectively right answer, but it also doesn’t present the issue very competently when it's having a mutant geologist pull wrestling moves.
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[Video description: A short compilation of Macho Man Randy Savage doing the double axe handle.]
The questions that FIfield’s current state actually brought to me were more like this:
What horror sub-genre are we in? Is this a pastiche? Is it being done on purpose?
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The answers, as far as I can tell, are “all of them,” “yes,” and “I have no idea.” I still don’t know. This is too bizarre a series of decisions to feel unintentional, and yet it’s pulled off with so little grace that it also feels like it can’t be intentional. It is Schrodinger’s Script, suspended in a state of both “hack job” and “competent hack job” until someone observes the movie and forms an opinion.
Speaking of being observed: these crew members. Boy. They sure are here, aren’t they.
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There’s seventeen crew on the Prometheus, and a movie with strong characterization will make it so you can remember that many people, even if their roles are small and unnamed. Fellowship of the Ring (2001) manages to outdo that, for example. Before I started writing this, I could remember less than half the people onboard Prometheus.
So, obviously these guys exist to get destroyed before the miniboss fight is over.
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It isn’t even that much of a scene. Mutated Fifield jumps around and wails on guys, the guys freak out and accidentally kill at least one other guy, and then FIfield gets run over by the transport. When this was originally filmed, it was going to be placed slightly later and Shaw would be the one driving it, but that wouldn’t have improved this any, to be honest.
So, great. We have killed a few more cast members for some reason. It fails as horror, and it fails as bloodsport. Good job everyone.
Next time, the horror anthology continues with our host, the Crypt Keeper.
Oh, sorry, that’s not what happens–I meant to say: “Next time, Peter Weyland wakes up”.
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
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canarysage · 2 months
hi... don't know if you're the person to ask but do you have any tips for like. edit composition. (????) thar makes no sense . i apologize
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i’m probably not the right person but fear not i’ll say some bullshit anyway. obligatory preface but i have never taken a graphic design class in my life so take everything i say with a grain of salt, or several, because idk what the fuck i’m doing
a good thing to keep in mind when editing is your focal point—that is to say, whatever it is you wanted people to be focused on. in most cases it’s probably going to be a character, but you might also have text or something else as your focal point. after you’ve picked your focal point, find ways to emphasize it—people usually do this with stroke (outlines) or with things behind the character like splatters, laces, etc. it should be relatively easy to spot a focal point in most people’s edits, even if they didn’t knowingly pick one. if your edits look janky, you probably ended up with too many things your brain is trying to focus on at once—try simplifying it or making one part pop out more than the other! this also comes into play with text. using my pinned as an example:
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(still frames so they’re easier to see) you can see that len and rin are the focal points of this image because they’re outlined and because they’re in front of the text. the text is in the back because i deemed it less important than the characters—i mean, you can read my url without the image anyway.
also, sizing is a pretty big thing in composition. your brain looks at the biggest part of an image first—this is the concept behind newspaper headlines! your brain looks at the big text first, then at the smaller. you can see this reflected in my current header (displayed below, in case i change it at a later date) where “canarysage” is bigger than “resources for editors” because I wanted you to see “canarysage” first
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how you align your elements is important to. generally speaking, you’ll want to keep everything pretty centered, but, as with anything, you can break this rule for the sake of creativity. when you’re making things like this directory graphic:
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it’s cool to do a zig-zag sort of pattern. when making something like this, it’s probably better to do from left to right—that’s the way english-speakers (and speakers of several other languages) read things so that’s how your brain automatically goes. you should also position whatever you want to be read first near the top—in this case, the part that says “one” is in the top left, because that’s where most people’s eyes will go automatically. you can also see the central art is the focal point because of the outlines and the shapes behind it. the buttons are kept separate because they’re a solid color instead of the pattern used on the background shape—and the text stands out because it’s outlined in black, unlike the rest, and it has a pattern. if you use patterned text, outline it so it’s clearly seen and read.
you can also avoid centering things to make your edit more ‘dynamic’ (idk if that’s the right word) like i did with this header:
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both eirika and the text are off center, which makes it look more interesting. also, they’re aligned differently—eirika is aligned to the right while the text is aligned to the left. this helps it seem less empty and is more fun visually
if you’re doing an edit with an even number of characters (like a ship edit) you’ll want to keep any one character out of the center, as this makes them the focal point and can kind of shunt the other off to the side. unless you’re doing matching graphics, in which case you should keep one centered, so it’s clear which is the “main” one in each piece of the set.
sizing is also important in terms of literally how small or big your edit is. headers tend to be pretty large (tumblr uses a 16:9 ratio, and twitter uses a 3:1) but things like icons or stamps are pretty small. especially with stamps, you’ll want to make your character pretty large in the stamp so they’re more easily seen. tumblr icons show up on your dashboard as 128x128, which is pretty small, so you’ll want to make sure your icon is easily discernible from that size.
also, i dont think this is necessarily a hard and fast rule, but when you’re making icons and you have to crop out a portion of the character’s head—crop out the top of the head, not the chin. i can’t tell you WHY i think this is a rule or even if anyone agrees with me, but it’s something to keep in mind. here’s an example of the two different kinds of cropping:
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cropping the chin out just looks goofy, idk
since rentry graphics are just sort of dependent on the user, there’s no real hard and fast rules to composing them. just keep in mind whatever your focal point is and try to keep people’s attention on it, whether by adding random shit or outlining or whatever.
same thing with replycons, really. i like to keep my replycons semi-simple, but if you’re doing a collage-type of replycon, it’s better to keep the collage in the background for the most part, except for one or two focal pieces:
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you can see that most of the collage pieces are behind rin except for the flower stickers, which are off to the corner so they don’t detract from her. the stripey-line things help a lot, too, as they lead your eye to the main part of the reply icon even without being centered—the main part being the character, of course
with moodboards or stimboards, it’s best to keep your character in the exact center—unless you have two, in which case keep them both in the middle so they’re easier to see. there’s no hard and fast rules with moodboards, but i like to keep images with similar composition near but not directly beside each other
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the top middle and bottom middle of this one are both pretty minimalistic, so i kept them adjacent from but not beside each other. as for the rest of it… well i just kind of did whatever
if you’re doing a moodboard or stimboard with two kinds of themes then it’s best to do a checkerboard type of pattern
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you can see that here. the pattern is food-art-food-art-ena-art-food-art-food. like a checkerboard, except ena’s in the middle
i’m being so for real i don’t understand composition at all. it’s really best to just do whatever looks best to you personally and see what happens. i hope this is helpful-ish!
yours truly, canarysage
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s Beomgyu Is Finding Joy Everywhere
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Beomgyu reflects on how TXT has evolved over the years and life in the spotlight
“It’s been a perfect day so far,” Beomgyu announces as he takes his seat in an Osaka, Japan hotel room. It’s a sunny day, near lunchtime, and while the members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER don’t have a concert the day we meet, there’s still plenty on the agenda for the bandmates (this solo interview included) as they prepare for tomorrow’s show.
If the day’s schedule feels daunting at all, Beomgyu, who is essentially the middle child of the five-member group, doesn’t show it. He seems genuinely happy to chat, happy to be on tour, and happy to reflect on the factors that coalesced to get TXT to this point in their career. In fact, the longer the day goes on, the more enthusiasm Beomgyu seems to have.
Beomgyu was known as the “mood maker” of the team for a long time, a phrase mostly used in K-pop to designate a group member who can be counted on to energize everyone around them. “I always think I should pay back all this energy and love,” he says, nodding as he speaks, his shaggy black hair swishing in front of his eyes. “So I try to do that.”
These days, though, he doesn’t feel as much responsibility to set the tone. “The joy that I get the most in my everyday life is my members,” he explains. “Recently, all the members have become mood makers.” Beomgyu notes that his fellow TXT members (Soobin, Yeonjun, Taehyun, and Hueningkai) tend to see each other more often than they see their biological family these days. “I think we were close to being best friends before, but now I think we are a true family,” he says with a smile.
The group is on the road right now for the “ACT: SWEET MIRAGE” tour (secure tickets here), and Beomgyu shares that prior to 2022’s “ACT: LOVE SICK” tour, he didn’t get nervous in the moments right before the band steps onstage, when the crowd’s anticipation reaches thunderous levels. This year, though, the scale has increased: “Now, since the stages got bigger, and the venues got bigger, and I have to fill up a bigger stage, I think there is more pressure. I try to change the pressure into good nerves.”
Like the mood maker aspect of TXT’s group dynamic, the members share responsibilities musically, too; they each sometimes sing and sometimes rap, and all are very strong dancers. Beomgyu’s deeper, huskier voice is easy to identify in the mix. The story goes that when he first appeared on the radar during a talent search, staff members at the former Big Hit Entertainment (now HYBE) were willing to travel to Beomgyu’s hometown of Daegu, South Korea to complete his audition since he was nervous about missing school. They weren’t going to let a talent like this get away, even during exam week.
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There’s a concept in K-pop called “duality,” and Beomgyu is considered a prime embodiment of this phenomenon. The term refers to the switch some artists can pull off between their onstage and offstage personas; Beomgyu’s reputation when spending time with his members is sillier and goofier than the sharp, poised identity he can assume in front of audiences or the camera.
What’s even more fascinating is the way he can transition back and forth between the two: During the concert at the Maruzen Intec Arena in Osaka, Beomgyu sections off part of the crowd near him and leads them in spontaneous choreography with their bright, glittering lightsticks. To an outsider, the audience members appear so coordinated that they might assume Beomgyu had planned this moment ahead of time; in reality, the onlookers are just that locked in when he stands before them. They’d follow him anywhere. Moments later, still giggling as the next song begins, Beomgyu slips back into professional mode without batting an eye.
Beomgyu clearly finds joy onstage, but he also revels in the magic of songwriting. He’s not the sort of creative that keeps a notebook of ideas, he explains, but rather the kind that has to let inspiration strike. “I have to walk the corridors or watch the sunset, and then I go into the studio right away and do all nighters for two or three days,” he shares. “I someday want to write a song that solely has my story and my vibe.”
Throughout the “ACT: SWEET MIRAGE” tour, the members have been performing a currently unreleased song called “Blue Spring,” which Beomgyu says “incorporates the stories of all the members.” By the end of the global trek, as audiences continue to familiarize themselves with the song, he’s hopeful that the crowd will be singing the lyrics back at full volume. In the meantime, though, his priorities are set: “I just want to pull off a really perfect show with my members,” he says.
As for what Beomgyu envisions beyond the working world in which the five members are so enmeshed, he’s content taking it day by day. “My goal is living happily and finding small happinesses,” he says before pausing, thinking about a time even further down the road. “Maybe one day I can open my own coffee shop and live quietly.”
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals: A Chance To Fly (Wicked Medley)
You'd be hard pressed to find a Voiceplay arrangement that took more time to create/finish than this one. This was Geoff's creation (he arranged it, came up with the video concept, co-directed it, and collaborated on lighting design), and he apparently worked on this for years. I don't know how long exactly, but I'm fairly certain he vaguely alluded to it in a live Q&A he did on his channel in 2020, when someone asked if Voiceplay was planning to do any Broadway stuff. And based on comments I've read on reaction videos, I believe he's worked on it since sometime in 2019 or so?
But anyway, as spectacular an arrangement as it is, I'm not here to talk about it! I'm here to talk about the video which accompanies it, which was released on the 26th of November, 2021, and features the awesome Emoni Wilkins (in the role of Galinda), and the wonderful Rachel Potter (in the role of Elphaba) (and yes, this is another rare six-vocalist video for Voiceplay, though this time it's 4 members + 2 guests, rather than 5 members + 1 guest). One of the comments says that this is apparently Rachel's 10th collaboration with Voiceplay, though I can only count 7 previous ones (or 8 if you count Just Sing (she was in that too right?)). But regardless, what a veteran!
Anyway, the medley itself clocks in at about 7 and a half minutes, so enough backstory - there's a lot to get through!
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Group shot! Love the giant clock backdrop, very cool (and very accurate/appropriate of course)
(Note that I've never seen Wicked, not even a bootleg, but I've listened to the soundtrack a few times on the odd occasion, and I know how the story goes)
(Also this video really highlights the height difference between Layne and Eli, the tallest and shortest of the group, respectively. Apparently Eli isn't actually even that short - he's like 5"5/165cm (which is about how tall I am) - it's just that everyone else in the group is taller than him, whether by a little (like Cesar), or a lot (like Layne, who's 6"1/~183cm)
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I adore Emoni and Rachel's makeup looks in this one. Shoutout to Rick Underwood for doing amazing things yet again!
(Also that's a super gorgeous necklace that Rachel is wearing and I want it)
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Super massive shoutout and kudos to Geoff and Eli for the lighting on this one! This is top-tier stuff! And so much variety throughout the video in terms of colours and light levels!
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Cute earrings, and also face jewels! (Those things can be an absolute pain in the backside, both in terms of applying and then getting them to stay there! I'm assuming Rick used some special skin-safe "glue" product to make them stay in place, and/or some setting spray afterwards?)
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Get it, Rachel! 🙌👌
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Geoff is handsome as ever, of course
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Firstly, go off, Eli! And second of all, Rachel looks so freaking enamoured by Eli during this part, which obviously would be because he's filling the role of Fiyero, the love interest of Elphaba (whom she's acting/singing as here), but also it's just a little bit amusing too 😁
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"Think of it as personality dialysis!"
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Cesar being adorable 💜
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Layne popped a bubble! (With matching "sound effect" of course) (Also I only just realised earlier while watching this that Layne is wearing a tie, just that it's mostly hidden/tucked in)
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"And with an assist from me, to be who you'll be, instead of dreary who you were- well, are"
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Nothing but respect for my Wonderful Wizard! (He did nothing wrong 😁😝)
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I love him your honour
(Gonna do a Geoff Hair Study for this one too, but won't include it in this post, because frankly this post is long enough ^^;)
(Also just realised that Geoff is also wearing a tie that is mostly hidden, and wait hang on a minute, that means that his shirt is actually fully-buttoned-up? Gasp!)
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I know I'm going quite heavy on screencaps (and we're only halfway through the video, heck), but I had to share these blink-and-you-miss-it shots of Cesar and Rachel 😄
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Geoff (noted bass singer and sometimes sea witch): Uh oh 😬
(Joke stolen from a YouTube comment, but it was too good not to include)
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"Because I knew you," (🥺🥺🥺)
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The urge to take a million screencaps of the Defying Gravity section at the end is strong. It's so good on all levels!
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The quality as an individual screencap is not the best, but still, I'm calling it another "Voiceplay money shot", and such a cool way to end the video!
As I am typing this, the trailer for the Wicked movie (or part 1 at least) has been out for a few days, but I'm yet to even watch it, and I probably won't see the movie, because honestly I don't see how they could make any of the musical numbers better than this. And this was just a medley! And acapella! Re the movie, I'm a little uncertain on how to feel about Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba, and I'm definitely skeptical about Ariana Grande as Galinda. Rachel and Emoni killed it though, as did all of the guys of course! Well done Geoff, this was definitely worth the hard work and the long wait!
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For... hmm, why not Jay and Hyun-Ki?
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Jay: Honestly, I don't remember. I think I might have just sat and thought about his character design and decided that he looked like a Jay.
Hyun-Ki: List of Korean baby boy names.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Jay: An engineer and secret agent.
Hyun-Ki: Lead vocalist in a K-pop band.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Jay: Science! He's practically a genius, and he has dual degrees in chemical and mechanical engineering.
Hyun-Ki: Singing! He has a super unique voice that a lot of other bands are kinda jealous of.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Jay: I needed Siv to have a backup team, like how Barry had Team Flash.
Hyun-Ki: I don't remember. I think I just thought it was a cool character concept?
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Jay: Is on good terms with his family. He loves his parents and little sister, but isn't too fond of his extended family.
Hyun-Ki: While his dad passed while he was under mind control, he's still really close with his mom, and he loved his dad very much while he was alive. He's always been a bit more of a Mama's Boy, though.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Jay: His altruism. Jay's a genuinely good person and I think everyone needs a friend like him around.
Hyun-Ki: His fighting spirit. Even under almost three years of mind control, he still fought to get away every chance he could, when he was lucid enough to know that he wanted to get away.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Jay: Probably not? I mean, definitely in like an AU or something, but Jay definitely survives in the main timeline in order to have a kid and raise xem.
Hyun-Ki: Hasn't he been through enough already? Do I really need to torment him more? (also killing him off would kinda be antithetical to the message of his character arc)
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Jay: Falling. Not really heights per se, but he's not too fond of being near ledges. Also, his friends and family dying.
Hyun-Ki: Is mildly claustrophobic, and develops a fear of having his mind be altered, whether that be by drugs and alcohol or mind control after the whole Jessi debacle.
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reveseke · 1 year
Spontaneous crossover / au time with Spiderverse and Criminal minds about Spiderverse! Reader within Criminal minds ( feat a arcade themed stim board bc i wanted to make one <- TW bright colors & lights + flickering { Glowcore popping balloons } )
(( CW Sooo ~ Rather dark themes, mentions of being a lab rat, kidnapping, possible paranoia at some point even | mention of Jumping spiders ( due to the powers ) | You have been warned, approach at your own risk :3 ( probably didn't get all of it down these were the ones I thought off, if you find more please lemme know! )
Au/tropes — Crossover of Spiderverse × Criminal minds | Sci-fi | scientific super powers | found family (mention/hinted) | Angst(hinted)
Random – concept headcanons | Arcade theme in play
About reader — Masc! Aligned; trans, nonbinary & masc ambiguous friendly ! | He him pronouns used | R instead of y/n or m/n used | teen! reader around sixteen fifteen y.o ? | Hinted to have small amounts of background & a dog! | Tech savvy reader !!
Disclaimer – English is my second language and I'm Dyslexic, grammatical errors are more than going to happen. this is barely proof-read completely, it's just breezed through that's it lol.
DNI — Fudanashis/Fujodashis, fem-aligned, basic DNI criteria(ableists, racists, sexists etc), Maps(+other related terms), Pedophiles, transmeds, TERFS ( + other related terms ), antisemetics, proship/profic, kink/nude/18+ blogs, sh/pro-ana/Ed blogs, blank blogs
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Gif ID. Three gifs in upper row; a gif showcasing the 90s arcade mat designs with varying colors and shapes, second gif of a bundle of cables with small flashing RGB lights in between the cables, third gif of cyan and magenta glitters being stirred.
three more gifts row down; a gif of glow in the dark stars if varying colors being thrown down, a gif of two balloons filled with green and orange glowing liquid Uber a black light being driven over by a car popping them, third gif of three arcade machines against a wall flashing lights and active. Gif ID end
Credits — 👑|👑|👑 — 👑|👑|👑
What if spiderman! Au, masc!reader being something similiar to Spider-Man, a teenager and gets to work for the government when he's caught. Of course suffering through the court etc -> as in assault charges that can be linked to him even if it was against bad guys. Y'know lol .
Also bad guys just being criminals most of the time. And actually being normal people. Ofc there can be an alternative of serums etc etc.
If they were serumed up then there would be more chaos tbh.
But I'm still thinking wether or not it be the known sci-fi type with differences to the actual Spider-Man powers. Also bc i personally love jumping spiders, i think the powers will circle them specifically. ( So the suit design descriped wouldn't be the one Spider-Man actually wears bc originality if i ever continue on this concept lol )
R just swinging around and avoiding cops and agents as he starts to realise he's being chased / targeted.
His powers are seen as something pricy and unique, one could say people may be interested in seeing him fighting in a rink.
I think he would be a lab rat if caught by anybody who has the proper or improper equipment and skill(s) to be used.
I think the first time he'd use his powers would be after being attacked or scared and having the fight or flight response activated.
Most likely panicked and absolutely bat shit scared.
At some point may have had something to do with a murder or being an accessory in it. Koff Koff. Or maybe just do something with a murder of somebody in general bc of not knowing how much power he actually has.
:0 Vigilante good guy misinterpreted to be a bad guy bc his powers went haywire.
Oh yeah heh mentioned jumping spiders above, think about ultraviolet vision as something R would be able to access.
Also bc of 15-16 y.o R he would be in highschool during these times. ( Think about it being the present)
Getting a dog for his own protection, company and to combat the possible paranoia the shit underneath may have caused and is spoke of.
Yes I'm kinda just portraying this origin of Reader to be close to the original spider-man origin. Thinking of ways he could get his powers; i don't like the origin how that ended, bc angst i need angst and the Reader being a full lab rat by being kidnapped for tests with other people. Either they survived it or died during the testing. ( I think he could have been a bit younger when this happened. )
Also kinda wanna include Survivalist intuition(link) to the mix in a way, not only for thee possible danger intuition that will be part of the myriad of things the testing may have given him.
Having a friend group that somewhat knows what's up with the reader and tries to help him as much as they can. Which includes possible not talking to the cops or FBI if being questioned at one point bc the fbi found possible lead to the reader after seeing him appearing around newspapers and the streets of Virginia mainly.
If the reader does have parents they are spoken with aswell, if he does not then he's basically taken in as the shared child of the BAU team in time lmao .
If he does not have parents as in they aren't really there in his life that much.
Finding out he's a student, a minor in general surprises them a little, especially after connecting dots and finding out what may or may not have happened to him when he was younger.
After being caught he's held accountable for the crimes he's committed. And doesn't exactly deny them either. But he's also offered a possible job bc they could actually use someone like him in the forces due to his powers.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what if more sci-fi type of shit is going on and the technology is a little more advanced from the 2000- 2018 (i think?) Technology evolution. And the reader was tech savvy and build his own equipment and instead of actual webs or chemically composed webs it's just wires?? Like grappling hooks but small and study as fuck ¿¿ Lmao
So like in a way he's not smart in chemistry way, but in technology & physics way if you will lol ??
And if the reader liked a more colorful arcade-ish designs ?? :0
The fanfiction would be a crossover obviously, but idk if there would a specific world to be put in. Bc spider verse! Reader sounds really cool. Especially arcade-aesthetic style/ tech savvy(kinda like Peni from Spiderverse, but not completely y'know?) version would be really cool.
AAAAAAAAAAA— just thinking about a case where spiderverse! Reader is already part of BAU and is sent to go undercover in a school campus bc there's a killer and nobody knows anything and he's the only one that could easily without raising any suspicious'
Also how he's secretive about being hurt and sucking it up to bandages himself home bc that's basically what he's been doing. The amount of scars and wounds he has and how's he not dead yet ?? The teams shook lol .
Oh also JJ's basic maternal instinct; he's basically if put to work with the BAU department under Hotch as a trainee also under her, Emily and Penny's gaze. Also Hotch and Derek lol imo would look after the reader a little if they're assigned with him.
Also Derek will absolutely if the Reader is energetic and speaks alot pretend to be annoyed before actually being annoyed bc he can't catch a break off of you ( in this situation he'd voice it out politely. Instead of ignoring R completely lol ) . Also teasing how much of a motor mouth R can be.
With Reid he can absolutely talk about the most random things that come to mind and if he doesn't know what R's on about R can actually educate him on it !
Also i actually think especially if the Reader is neurodivergent Reid would absolutely be the best person to talk about hyperfixations and specials interests. In other seriousness you could pour your interests and likes to him and you'd get a good conversation out of it :³ .
Also mama hen Rossi content. You cannot convince me this man does not hen over the team in general. I have seen too many headcanons and hints off of this, + the show let's it up as well in some episodes and I am headcanoning it myself lmao. He's really caring tbh.
Can you already tell I'm hip deep in found family trope content with the old BAU team lol ?
Absolutely think once Penny gets a sniff at something R's interested in she's going to get him something related to that to keep his mind off of the dark things the job forces him into. She's absolutely the one you could just pour out and she's ready to help, care and possible be doting ;; .
Also just randomly thinking about those roof-top chase scenes where reader would be the dominant one bc he could catch up faster with the target especially if it's jumping roof top to roof top. Bc naturally much stronger and longer leaps than a human can do and more stamina. ( Bc of having a jumping spider specific powers )
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nothorses · 10 months
Sorry you’re getting all this nonsense. I was wondering if you had any advice for homeschooling well and for getting social opportunities for a homeschooled child. My partner and I don’t have children yet, but the school in this town is notoriously awful to nd and queer children (we’re both autistic so if we have a kid they probably will be too, and we don’t want them mistreated because we’re queer either), and the only other option is catholic school (absolutely not), so we’ve talked about homeschooling when it comes time, but I want to make sure to do what’s best. I know you’re not a homeschooling expert but I do value your opinions.
Oooh, this is a good question!
I think the first thing might just be some imagining: what's your philosophy of education? What do you think the goal of education, or of your teaching specifically, should be?
You don't need to have a clear or singular answer here, but you should consider this enough that you can identify when something aligns or contradicts with what you think is important (it's also good to keep this relatively open-ended; I've written three separate papers on this and taken two classes dedicated to it specifically, and my philosophy of ed still shifts around).
Then the groundwork. I'd see if you can find some resources and connections in your area:
Other people who are homeschooling & who's goals align with yours
Educational resources like one-off classes, day camps, afterschool care and extracurriculars, museums/activity centers, libraries, etc.
Various experts you can connect with; both people who know education generally and can help you long-term, and people who just… know stuff that they could potentially teach your kid(s) directly.
Coming up with a structure for it is probably not something you want to prioritize right away, and I honestly don't have a lot of homeschool-specific info for you there, either. But I would start with looking into the regulations & what's required, and connecting with folks who have more experience.
I imagine that fighting isolation is gonna be a constant thing, and I would just... really encourage you not to try to do this alone. You don't need to be everything, know everything, or do everything, and it'll be actively worse for everyone if you try. (I assume you won't bc you're already reaching out for info, but I think it's important to say anyway!)
One of the things public school really has going for it is the community and social aspect- and yes, you wanna make sure your kid gets social opportunities, but the teachers and adults there benefit from it too. Good teachers have big networks of materials and people to learn from and collaborate with, and they're always learning & evolving their practice.
And to that end, I recommend reading (or just skimming, if that's all you have time for):
Bellous, 2001, Should We Teach Students to Resist?
Simpson, The Relationship of Educational Theory, Practice, and Research
Bai, Cultivating Democratic Citizenship: Towards Intersubjectivity
Sharp, The Community of Inquiry: Education for Democracy
Rogoff, 2016, The Organization of Informal Learning
Russel, et. al., 2013, Informal learning organizations as part of an educational ecology
And you're welcome to the rest of the ed library, though I know the size can be kinda overwhelming. Honestly, I'd suggest just throwing a keyword in that interests you, and then skimming whatever pops out. It's all gonna be "meta"- about teaching rather than any actual material to teach- but that stuff is arguably more important when you're planning. (ex: philosophy, informal, democracy, disability, indigenous, white supremacy, etc.)
A couple of other concepts I would look into, which should be a little more practical:
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Project-Based Learning
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Place-Based Learning
And last note: if there's an environmental ed camp anywhere near you, I really urge you to look into it & consider sending your kids there, if you're able! I'm a little biased, but honestly it's one of the most important (and fun) education experiences anyone gets to have, and it's a bummer that homeschooled kids tend to miss out on that.
Best of luck!! And feel free to hit me up again if you have any other questions or want any more recs, this is absolutely my jam.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
This might be a bit of a big ask but what are your thoughts on the rest of the Gen 9 cross-gen evos that weren't revealed before release (Annihilape, Clodsire, Dudunsparce and Kingambit)?
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I think a lot of people kind of missed the point of Dudunsparce. Dunsparce is a tsuchinoko, a rare Japanese cryptid known for being completely useless and stealing your booze. It's supposed to be a joke, kind of like Magikarp but without becoming anything useful. Ergo, having a low-effort evo that just becomes a slightly longer Dunsparce makes perfect sense, much more so than it suddenly becoming a dragon or something.
Dudunsparce also comes in two forms, a two- and three-segment version. Not much to say about these, other than they continue the joke of it being rare but useless (given the low odds of getting a three-segment form).
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Visually, one nice thing about Dudunspace is that its wings and segments are numbered 1 and 2 (and sometimes 3 depending on form). It's subtle, but it's a clever visual twist to an otherwise plain design.
However, I have to admit, there is something about Dudunsparce that bugs me a bit. I think it's just that Dunsparce has such a good design that a lot of the stuff Dudunsparce does just lessens it. For example, having the head be separate from the first body segment just doesn't look good, and neither does the tail being on a straight rod connector instead of naturally flowing into the body. I also dislike the random purple rings on the underside, which add nothing to the design and are way too low-contrast. Overall, it's a silly joke 'mon, but one that could've maybe been a little stronger design-wise.
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Annihilape is a long-overdue evo for Primeape, and I gotta say, the entire thing is a brilliant reference. Specifically, to this one entry in Pokemon Sun:
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Taking that 'dex entry to its logical extreme and making a ghost-type evo for Primeape is brilliant, and makes for a great concept and visual twist on the original design. The wispy hair works perfectly, the red eyes and pink nose pop nicely, and the broken shackle on the arms is a perfect visual nod to Primeape. I also love the eerie, infuriated expression.
(Part of me wonders if it wouldn't have made more sense for it to be mellow given the entry its referencing, but then again it's not actually dead yet and sheer rage is kind of this line's thing.)
I guess the only real problem with it is that it feels a bit out of place due to the sudden color shift—but at the same time I get why they did that, as it reflects the new ghost-typing and overall looks cool, so I can't really complain.
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Finally we have Kingambit, my personal favorite out of all the new evos this gen. First, I'm always a sucker for cool humanoid 'mons, and Kingambit is the perfect mix of human-ish while also looking like a cool monster.
More importantly, Kingambit fits with the rest of the line perfectly. It is very, very hard to introduce an evo to a three-stage line and have it look like it actually belongs to that line (just look at Rhyperior). But Kingambit? The visuals are distinct, yet blend in so seamlessly with the rest of the line that you'd probably never guess they were generations apart if you weren't familiar with the line already. For example, the golden gloves are extended from Bisharp's hands as is the blade on the head, the shoulder pads are extensions of Bisharp's, the goat-like feet are kept, the middle blades have been extended, etc. It's masterfully done.
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In terms of the design, I love the silly giant mustache blades and how they provide a focal point to draw attention to the otherwise small face. The body design is appropriately samurai-like, and the gold accents are much better used here than on Bisharp due to being more prominent in the design.
My only real issue with it is that the hair-throne is pushing it a bit. I get that it's based off of the popular samurai squat/sitting pose, you know, this one:
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But having it just awkwardly scooting around when it moves feels incredibly forced and unnatural, making it harder to see as a living creature. The bottom of the hair under the legs also doesn't look great. I would've happily accepted it squatting in its default pose with the hair stopping at the legs, and it getting up to stand when following in the overworld and whatnot.
I'm also not big on the blades sticking out from the middle of the body. I get they were playing off of Bisharp's middle blades, but they look very fragile and really don't add much to the design. I feel like just having the metal rings around the middle to represent a samurai uniform would have been more than enough.
I also feel like the grey Vs on the knees weren't needed or could've at least been gold to make them pop more, though that's not terribly important overall. The top blade could've also maybe come down like 20%, just so its not competing with the mustache as much.
Anyway, overall, I think Gen 9 might have some of the strongest cross-gen evos of any game. Girafarig (already discussed in a previous review) is perfect, Dudunsparce is funny and fits the line's theme, Annihilape is a great lore reference, and Kingambit fits with the rest of its line absolutely perfectly and has strong theme. I gotta say, I'm impressed.
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misty-wisp · 2 years
I got asked about this theory I got about Morgana being connected to Persona 3...
...so here we go. Heavy Persona 5 AND Persona 3 spoilers ahead. This is gonna be a long post too, btw.
So, let’s lay some groundwork first. We all know Morgana, the cognitive cat made by Lavenza and/or Igor themselves, yeah? All we know is that he was created by them. So...what was he made from? Did he just pop in out of thin air, or was some kind of material used in the process.
If you played P4A/P4AU (or if you played Persona 3 and paid a whole lot of attention to its lore), the Plumes of Dusk comes to mind. As a good chunk of us know, they were used to give Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons such as Aigis and Labrys their respective personas, and by extension, personalities.
And after you finish a certain request in P3, Elizabeth gifts you a Plume, implying that she (and possibly other Velvet Room residents) may have more on hand. So it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to imagine that Morgana was created from a Plume of Dusk, given that he still has his own personality and persona despite being a mere cat/cognitive being, right?
However, Plumes of Dusk are confirmed to be parts of Nyx that were shed upon her fusion with the moon, meaning that if Morgana was made from what’s essentially a part of Nyx, he also has some form of connection with her.
Here’s where my theory comes into place: Morgana is a reincarnated Ryoji Mochizuki.
You’re probably really confused now. And weirded out. You might be asking, “Misty, are you high right now?” No, I’m not, as I am not from Colorado. That aside, I do wholeheartedly believe this statement.
First off, let’s get into visual similarities.
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Pretty simple things: They both have blue eyes, and a yellow scarf, along with the rest being a plain black and white color scheme with little exception. And while Soejima had designed Morgana the same way he did with other mascots by using the "toy" set of colors (red, blue, and yellow), you can't deny that these two have pretty similar vibes in terms of the use of color.
One thing in particular I want to point out, however, is their eyes.
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(My apologies for the slightly low quality of the image on the right. It's...difficult to find high quality official artwork of someone who hasn't gotten major relevance since around 2006 or 2015.)
Their eyes have almost the exact same colors, with the exact same way they are colored—A dark blue with a lighter blue surrounding it.
(Interestingly, Morgana's false human form found in Persona 5 Royal does this the opposite way, switching the colors around.)
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(This appears to indicate that what you see is not his true "human" form, and that is proven true. Food for thought.)
These visual similarities can easily be proven coincidence however, so take this all with a grain of salt.
Up next is details I gathered from Persona 5, mostly Morgana's social link.
One thing Morgana wouldn't let you forget throughout the game is that he is not a cat, but rather, a human being. He acts quite adamant about that statement and never lets it go, until the false reality he is given in Third Semester is shattered, forcing him to admit that he was a cat all along, and I won't deny that he is. My theory merely states that he was human in a past life.
It starts with rank 1 of Morgana's social link: He states that wandering throughout the Metaverse caused him to lose both his memories and his true form. But as of the end of the game, the concept of Morgana even having a supposed "true" form is thrown away, which I find kind of...wrong. Yes, his supposed memories of being human had come from witnessing those jailed in the Depths of Mementos, but what if they also came from fainter memories from a past life where he was indeed human for a time?
Another thing: Throughout the events of his social link, Morgana has nightmares about actually being a shadow, or being created from shadows. You can easily connect this to Ryoji. How so, you may ask? Ryoji's true form, the Arcana shadow of Death (which by design is Thanatos, so I should remind you of the fact that personas are essentially tamed shadows), is spoken of, and I am very much paraphrasing by going off of memory here, as the "shadow that was not meant to be."
Along with that, early on, Morgana wonders about the possibility of actually being a malevolent being, which can be connected to how Ryoji wound up being the Appriser of the Fall. That's merely more food for thought more than anything, though.
Some extra tidbits:
In Akihabara, if you interact with one of the claw machines in the arcade, Morgana states that he feels like he's seen it before, possibly referencing the claw machine you can play with in Paulownia Mall.
A Mementos line from Haru says that Morgana would be "exceedingly" popular with the girls at Shujin if he were to attend. Whether this is merely her being nice, pointing out the fact that everyone loves cats, or referencing how Ryoji was extremely popular and flirtatious around girls in Gekkoukan, who knows. Probably the former two if we're thinking realistically, but we're not, so I'm going with the latter.
An unused Mementos line (for Royal, not vanilla P5) has Ann stating, "Mona's surprisingly stylish. Especially that yellow scarf!" This may or may not reference how recognizable Ryoji is with his yellow scarf. Probably not, but I don't really care, lmao
In conclusion, Morgana and Ryoji are likely to have some sort of connection, if you believe the basis of Morgana's creation coming from a Plume of Dusk. Whether they are the same person reincarnated, or connected in some other way, is more up to you than anything. Feel free to add onto this or smack me in the face and call me wrong. Actually, don't smack me in the face and call me wrong. I'll cry.
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citytrialost · 4 months
random game superlatives for 2023
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I just wanted a space to talk about the games that were special to me. I'll be updating it now and then, and even when finished will not be removing my Geocities Under Construction gifs.
game of the year - Pizza Tower, and it's not even close. I can't believe we got just a blisteringly fast platformer with this level of animation and such an incredible soundtrack. It is one of the best handling platformers I've ever played and it just lends itself to wanting to master the gameplay like nothing else.
mod of the year - Archipelago! Archipelago hosts cross-game randomizers for you and your friends. Want to play Pokemon Emerald while your friend plays Kingdom Hearts 2? Great! Instead of a gym badge, Norman gives Donald the ability to shoot lightning out of his ass (I don't play KH2) while your Surf HM is in some random treasure chest in their game. It really is incredible being able to play your favorite single player games with the goal of helping your friends progress. The game list is still growing, too, so definitely worth keeping tabs on.
weird game that heals my soul in the way that only something like Katamari could manage of the year - HUMANITY. Not a surprise coming from the devs of Tetris Effect, HUMANITY is just a fun, surreal experience where you play a shiba that tries to guide a crowd of people that at best behave like liquid and have a propensity for running off cliffs. I haven't finished the game yet, but it's been a beautiful experience that I've been saving for whenever life gets too stressful.
genre twist of the year - Your Only Move is Hustle (FKA YOMI Hustle). A turn-based fighting game experience that emulates fighting games so well I still panic at the exact same spots in the neutral whether it is YOMI or a traditional fighter. It's a time consuming and stressful experience, but still very rewarding when you have a good friend to play with. Also a decent Discord scene from what I hear. Also fuck it, YOMI gets fighting game of the year.
Spiritfall gets honorable mention here as a platform fighter roguelike. Honestly feels like a decent blend of floaty platform fighting and Hades. A lot of fun, and the dev team have been both openly communicating and updating the game frequently.
best character of the year - AKI (Street Fighter 6). Fighting games have such little room to add personality, but Capcom stepped their game up with SF6. AKI is just as weird and quirky as FANG (SFV), but a lot more sadistic. The added quirk of idolizing FANG goes a long way to giving her some fun flavor. I'm already biased towards characters with a poison archetype, but AKI is just fun in a "this character is delusional beyond saving" sort of way.
best game released from early access of the year - 30XX. It is a great roguelike that builds on 20XX in just about every way possible. It's improved graphically, in terms of gameplay, challenge, overall design. If 20XX asks "what if Mega Man was a roguelike?" then 30XX confidently tells you "Mega Man works as a roguelike." Fun solo, way better with co-op.
best 7/10 of the year - Exoprimal. Saw this concept trending and I think it's a great way to highlight an overlooked title this year. Among huge Capcom news like SF6 and a newly announced Monster Hunter, "what if Dino Crisis but it's a co-op hero shooter with muddled PvPvE and PvP modes" really doesn't stand out. Maybe it would have as a budget title, given how much it popped off on Game Pass. Regardless, the game was a lot of fun. I finished it's campaign, did a few of the challenge maps, found characters and archetypes I liked, and even had the familiar/classic TF2 "our team has four snipers, would somebody like to play a different class" conundrum. I'm glad I spent as much time on it as I did, and I hope I feel motivated to give it another run while it's still active.
best return to form - Armored Core VI. I honestly never thought we'd get another one of these. Waited a decade, and after the runaway success of the Souls series I never thought I'd get a new one. Some things have changed, but from the first mission I felt like I was a kid with a PS2 playing Silent Line all over again. Honestly got emotional from the nostalgia. Still need to finish the game, but I waited eleven years to play it so the game can wait a few months for me to get through it.
game that refuses to die award - Grim Dawn. Normally this game has a fixed statue of Terraria in its place, but after a huge community patch and the reveal of an entire expansion one or two years after claiming the game was dead, Crate Entertainment have given a seven year old game something new to look forward to.
Runner up goes to Killer Instinct. So happy for the sickos in the community that wouldn't let it stay dead, and even a balance patch is more than I expected. Had so much fun getting to see it at Evo. Fuck Rash lmao
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When you came up with these mikus did you have a particular song/irl producer in mind for each/any? (If not, is it ok to share headcanons..?)
kind of, yeah! i didn’t want to do any 1-to-1s, but ill share my inspirations. i’d love to hear your headcanons, though!! i aimed to make designs that could have a wide range of interpretations so it’d make me happy to share what kinds of songs you think each miku would sing :)
for the most part though, i tried to make mikus that reflected the popular miku songs in 2017-2018! some of them (esp starting out) ended up being based more on idol-anime-character-tropes or aesthetics though lol... details under the cut
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ngl she was the first one i designed before i had the thought of “oh i should be aiming these towards like specific producers or song or genres” and i just really wanted to make a catgirl
that said, i think she’d sing fun and high-energy songs, or songs with a mischievous energy. catwalk envy-type, really 
i just wanted to make a catgirl
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, i could see her singing Recollection Endroll, Taiyoukei Disco, or  Murder Monster
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ngl 2: i was looking at figurines. she’s based off the mlp bishoujo figurine.
that said, i think she’d sing adult songs (like hiragi kirai) and ballads
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, i could see her singing Near, Propose and Cantabile × Passione
had other songs like deep-sea girl and tsugihagi in mind when designing her though
just wanted an onee-san...
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wanted an ultra-cutesy feel!! very pop, very cute
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, i could see her singing Narcissism Kawaism or House of Songs
i had songs closer to We Are Pop Candy and shake it! in mind when designing her, though!
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“how close can I get to pinnochioP miku”
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, she was mostly based of pinnochioP songs like Yozurina and Apple dot com, but I could also see her singing Bakemono Dance Floor and Ghost in the Hell
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went for an electro/hip-hop feel, a really cool miku!
producers like giga, hachiouji, and yunosuke in mind
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, i could see her singing Bitter Majesty, Violence Trigger, and Break It
definitely had songs like hibikase in mind when designing her though
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probably the miku i had the strongest vision for- cute, soft songs
producers like harumaki gohan and mimi in mind
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, she was mostly based off songs like Marshmary, Quiet Room, and Melty Land Nightmare
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splitting up the rock genre was kinda hard but bright is for what i call “bright rock” which is not a real term but it makes sense to me. like rock songs that sound more determined than defeated
i also ended up realizing i was basically going for leo/need miku lol.
producers like deco, DIVELA, omoi 
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, she was mostly based off Hibana, Ai Kotoba and Teo, and I could also see her singing songs like BEAT SYNCER and Dither Tune
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on the flipside, Null started as “dark rock” (also not a real term) but ended up veering more towards “unhinged rock”. a catch-all for all the edgy cryptic songs really
producers like kairiki bear, syudou, utsu
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, she was mostly based off songs like 404: False Image, Baka,  Teresuto Teresu,  Sekai Saishinkou Tokku
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sunshine was split off of Null’s initial concept of “dark rock”, this time veering on the sad side- rock/light rock songs that sound more defeated than determined.
producers like eve, picon, hachi
out of the 1M+ songs from 2017-2018, she was mostly based off songs like Hated By Life Itself, Airhead, Tokyo Ghetto, Deathly Loneliness Attacks  though i could also see her singing songs like Flos and Quiet Room
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