#But I truly hate their fanon characterisation
sarahkrolokfan · 9 months
I hate fanon-ization of Lily, James, Regulus and Barty (Evan, Dorcas, Marlene etc. are literally only mentioned in the books, there is nothing to mis-characterize)
Lily is side-lined for a non-existent, non-sensical ship (yeah, I hate jegulus), her Muggle origin is overlooked even though it played a MAJOR role in her life (heck the entire Marauders era takes place during the war against a wizard-supremacist, Muggle-hater and his racist followers). Her relationship with Snape and how his words and newly found ideologies affected is completely overlooked when he was her only magical friend during her entire childhood. Her relationship to her son? (yk, that one thing that set the entire series in motion...) - pfft, don't be silly, she is just a surrogate to James and Regulus.
James is portrayed as a ray of sunshine, good boy whose biggest sin was being a bit sarcastic. No, he WAS an arrogant asshole who mercilessly bullied another student simply for his own enjoyment. Yet he was also incredibly loyal man who didn't hesitate to share his home with his friend after he ran away from home and who grew out of his arrogant phase and changed himself for better because of a woman he loved (loved so much he died protecting her and their son later).
Regulus is portrayed as an edgy yet kind-hearted little aristocrat boy whose parents forced him into being a Death Eater - no, he wasn't pressured into becoming anything, Regulus for the longest part of his life WAS a Voldemort supporter. He collected newspaper articles about Voldemort, he talked to Kreacher about how great Voldemort is and how great his ideas were - yes, he realized later he was wrong but it doesn't suddenly mean he was pressured into anything.
Barty is portrayed as a silly little babygirl who has an IQ of goldfish. No, he was one of the smartest characters with multiple talents but was also a mentaly-unstable young man (Azkaban/Dementors have horrific influence on everyone but while other Death Eaters managed to last 10+ years there he was already on his death-bed in a year and started to scream for him mother the same day he was brought in) who went completely insane and evil by the end and craved for father figure so deeply he was ready to become a murderer/torturer to get one. His manipulativeness and sadism? Non-existent in fanon...
In the end... I truly dislike the overall state of "Marauders era" fandom - like, they are a generation impacted by war and ever-changing politics who essentially needed to choose a side while they were still children, some betraying their families and loved ones - and then you try seeing stuff in Marauders fandom and they are turned into edgy teens who all wear crop-tops and black nail polish, listen to Taylor, go to Starbucks and talk in a Tik-Tok slang....
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
Your opinions are sooo correct & sexy! I wanna know what you think about the switch of Roy being Dick's friend to (primarily) Jason's friend. Like in terms of both canon & fanon
(no pressure to answer though, just curious!)
ive talked about this before, so im not being facetious when i say that i don’t think there is anything remotely salvageable in the jason+roy relationship. i hate it.
when u consider current comic canon (that’s more or less tepidly reverted to post-crisis, pre-2011 canon), there is literally no reason why a freshly single father would be besties with his actual best friend’s 12yo brother. it’s profoundly unserious. even removing dick from the equation, in what world would roy be closer to jason than he is to ollie or donna or dinah or wally or jade or connor or mia or grant or vic or grace or literally any of the other titans?
i truly don’t think fans who like their relationship in that capacity care about roy, his history as a character, or his characterisation, because he is reduced to a demeaning, dehumanised depiction of any addict that is so totally divorced from his previous runs. how can u look at the roy harper that exists in rhato canon and not feel insulted that lobdell removed his family, his culture, his teammates, and his daughter in favour of making him swoon over jason? how is this a remotely egalitarian relationship when he exists to facilitate jason’s development and nothing else? how is roy treated with any respect by these fans?
the spiralling fanon vortex pulls everyone around roy in and ruins them by association. think about how unkind these interpretations of ollie are, or jade, or dick. how the actual important people in roy’s life, who love him and lian, are demonised to make room for jason. how unsympathetic the writing is to addicts, and how roy’s own addiction is switched as if different substances are interchangeable? how can u seriously engage with stories about sexual assault that posit roy as a slut-shaming, immature asshole who would seriously blame anyone for their own assault? it makes me so angry.
that’s even ignoring that roy would objectively not be cool with the things jason does, whether it be dealing, murdering people, or attacking roy’s own sister. roy has a moral backbone and isn’t afraid to be loud about it. there’s never been a team he was on pre-reboot where he hadn’t spoken up against shitty leadership or bad decisions — especially with dick. the difference in respect between dick and jason, where roy is allowed to be an adult with the titans and the outsiders and the league but is the team pet of the outlaws who can’t advocate for himself, is very stark.
it’s literally like if they decided to change kon to be damian’s best friend instead of tim’s, ignoring the age difference and their history together and any pre existing relationships. that’s how absurd the change was. that’s how much kon would have to be mischaracterised in order for that relationship to “work.”
jason could exist as an interesting contrast to roy, the same way he does to dick, but that would rely on roy being written well. it would have to mean they weren’t friends, that they weren’t close, and that jason wasn’t an actual part of his life, because that’s the only way they could exist together without roy being thrown on the fire to keep jason warm.
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goatedgreen · 2 months
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Okay lets analyse this one for realsies. Im gonna go through each character in this tweet and go through reasons why i think they either would or would not be crying first, then im gonna put them in order of who survives the roast sesh.... join me on this wonderous journey.
Let's start with Atsumu.... where to even fucking begin. sorry to the Atsumu haters but i truly believe he would not be crying first. First of all he has known Osamu since he was born and while Osamu is the "nice twin" the bar is truly in hell and that motherfucker is mean to one person and one person only and that person is his twin brother Atsumu. This mfer has been conditioned since birth to roast and be roasted. Not only that but this guy was CANONICALLY hated by everyone in his middle school, and his only reaction to that information was "So?" HE DOES NOT CARREEEE. And, I will say, while the other characters shown here are bitchy, they usually target people in petty ways that make fun of their skills (with the exception of Daisho who would probs call Atsumu a single loser but he'd likely just get annoyed by that not cry) and Atsumu knows that his skills are too good for anything they say to hold weight., He has the ego the size of the fucking gym. he's fine.
TSUKISHIMA on the other hand.... dare i say it not the strongest contender ... I dont think FIRST. but this guy is wayyyy more sensitive to criticism than people generally give him credit for. LIKE YES BEFORE YOU JUMP DOWN MY THROAT, he absolutely has the whole "keep booing me it only makes me stronger" thing going on in the Inarizaki game BUT YOU FORGET SO QUICKLY how absolutely insecure this guy is. until yamaguchi kicked his ass into gear in the training camp, he was of the impression that trying to get better at something he enjoyed was fruitless because there was always going to be someone better than him. Someone insightful like Oikawa or Atsumu would def be able to pick up on that insecurity and target him for it. I think his strongest talent is of course provoking people so much that they cant see how much they're affecting him, so he gets a lot of points for pettiness that would keep him from crying first because theres no way he's gonna LOSEEEE to someone like Daisho or Oikawa. BONUS POINTS on his behalf though is he was the only one on the team at the end of season one who WASNT CRYING about their loss. And i think the only one on karasuno who we havent seen cry (as far as i can remember).
Now listen.... fanon Oikawa is for sure crying first because for some bizzare reason people characterise him as a pushover twink. Canon Oikawa told USHIJIMA to remember his worthless pride so he could crush him in the future. like... he's kind of taking names a little. i'll allow him a small slay for his efforts of being a bitch to Ushijima. Oikawa is SMARTTTT and has a lot of emotional intelligence, so can for sure target people's insecurities with pinpoint accuracy. He doesnt get SUPER easily riled up when he's "in the zone" and only lashes out when he's backed into a corner. he hangs out with what is probably a team of people scientifically designed in a lab to HUMBLE HIM DAILY, so he has built up somewhat immunity to being insulted and targeted for bully behaviour. LOSES TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF POINTS for being kind of a sore loser and someone who FOR SURE cries when angry or frustrated.
Daisho.... why is he even here (sorry to those who love him). Listen... this guy is petty, and he lowkey cheats, and he takes immense joy in riling people up for shits and gigs... BUT WHYYY IS HE HERE LMAOOOO. to be honest, i dont think he would cry first purely for the fact that he doesnt know these other guys well enough to really gaf about what theyre saying to him. on the other hand, that makes him kind of an easy target because he's so irrelevant to these other guys lives that they could probably make him feel like shit for that reason only. he gets bonus points for being the only one in a canonical relationship (oikawas girlfriend we never meet that he broke up with doesnt count, in fact it loses him points).
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID. the final order i think is, Oikawa goes out crying first, not because he's upset but because he got sooo fucking mad at Atsumu's unbothered behaviour he had to leave and he was angry crying while doing it. Daisho is next because Tsukishima said some shit like "bro who even are you lmaooo irrelevant ass" and he remembered he sucks at volleyball and got upset, he's okay tho bc his gf is there to comfort him. Atsumu cries next but not because of anything Tsukishima says, he just gets so fucking bored of Tsukishima not giving him interesting reactions to his jabs that he starts doing weird shit like standing on his head and he ends up hurting himself and crying because he is a big baby. Tsukishima is the last one standing .
That is of course assuming that Oikawa doesnt kill them all first with his Super Triple Homo Spin Serve that killed all of Karasuno. People forget so quickly that he is the most diabolical anime villain of all time...
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codename-adler · 7 months
My 2 niche aftg takes are that I love and accept Nora’s extra content, just because they don’t get married or say I love u or any of that stuff, doesn’t mean they are not healing and that they can never truly be healed without those things, it’s just that those are not important to them and that’s valid, their happy ending doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s (I also love and accept Nora’s writing, not a fan of when everyone jokingly bashes her books as if she didn’t capture all our hearts, art is meant to make you feel, and she succeeded in that a lot more than a lot of other ‘good’ writing)
Number two is that I’m not a fan of a lot of the fanon characterisation of Andrew and Neil, I know it’s par for the course in queer media that a fandom will feminise one character and masculinise the other (and make one the ‘bottom’ and one the ‘top’ respectively) , and I even expected it, obviously that’s weird in itself but that’s not even the part that bothers me that much since I knew it would happen, the part that does is that they clearly have done it the wrong way round, because like, if any one of those boys is going to wear a skirt, it’s Andrew, he’s the one that likes fashion and might decide to experiment, not Neil. If anyone is a ‘submissive’ it’s Andrew, the way he acts in the books, he literally does anything neil wants to make him happy, and if anyone gives top energy, it’s Neil josten, and I know this is silly but I guess it made the whole thing a lot more jarring for me when I went on to read fanfic and it felt even more ooc than it usually would. Anyway that’s all.
that damn extra content... Okay. i have barely read any of it.
i've read Wymack's story / Dan's recruitment; me likes. i just love that man. nora knows how to build her men.
i've read Jean's drafts and his abuse at the Nest; me hates. the SA just thrown in there for what? Riko's already dead, it's pointless to further villainize him when the series is over. i hate SA as an afterthought, something that gives character, something being used as a plot device. with the announcement of TSC however? we'll see...
i've read Allison's future; me irks. see previous ask.
andreil stuff, i've read about here and there but not directly from the source; some me laughs, some me don't care. that's literally it. i don't give it much, if any, thought at all.
i've heard of Renee's future in the peace corps and marrying a man; me ew ew ew. she is so queer-coded it's baffling how that was achieved with Renee/Jean in mind. and the peace corps?? that toxic american white savior bullshit?? baby no. there are much better religious orgs and rep out there.
the rest is mystery to me. i'm cumulating more and more reasons to thoroughly read through the EC, but it's not like... an urge. i'll get to it when i get to it. i appreciate nora sakavic for writing it, but also for not pushing it everywhere. she doesn't mind whether one considers it canon or not. i really, really appreciate that of her. SO DO NOT COME FOR HER AND HER WRITING. aftg is GOOD. it was never badly written. it's just so out of left field that it is difficult not to be made to feel ashamed for liking the series by mainstream lit and lit. corps. honestly give me a work of literature that has had a stronger grip on its readers than aftg and that you consider being 'well-written' in comparison. i will never, ever say it's bad. because it isn't. i will not be taking any question.
as for the second part of this ask... i am uncomfortable discussing sexual fanon content, and i simply do not read that kind of stuff very often, again because it's not for me, so i won't be able to add to this. perhaps other mutuals can reach out to you on this?
thank you for your contribution @doctorwhomybae and sorry for the tardiness!
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starrylayle · 1 month
what are your opinions on Severus snape and lily evans, as individual characters and as friends?
oooh thanks for asking!! i love talking abt hp characters and their relationships with each other ajhkasgfi. warning tho, this is very looooooong.
ok let's start with severus first because i feel like my relationship with him has been the most... turbulent lol.
i was pretty neutral on snape's character when i was first reading the series, perhaps leaning more to dislike. It wasn't until DH where it was revealed that snape was in love with lily the whole time 13 year old me was SHOOK. i became the biggest snape stan and snily shipper. I hated both James and sirius (still loved remus tho lol). and i remember watching so many snape youtubers and yeah i would write praragraphs defending this man and how lily should have chosen him. lmao now u all know abt my snapie past.
However, during my next reading, in about 2018, i began to see snape's flaws more. I was also very active on the wattpad hp fandom (yes shhh ik) and a lot of my friends loved the marauders as characters (they were not in the marauders fandoms, they just liked the characters) and a lot of them hated snape. And then i began to hate snape too lol. However, i really enjoyed reading and watching videos that dissected his character. and i still watched videos from snape stans
i then joined the marauders and atyd fandom in 2021 and now was a pro snape hater. like mans was now the definition of pure evil. Made hating snape a personality trait lol. Though he was the worst of the worst.
it wasn't until late 2023/early 2024 when i became fed up with mauraders fandom and how they fanonise everything. especially considering so many of them stan regulus (which the way they characterise him in fanon is how canon kid snape was depicted anyway) and barty and evan and all those fucking death eaters who were wayyyy worse than snape ever was -- but no, snape is sill for some reason the No.1 evil.
now, i feel like snape is a much more interesting character than people give him credit for, and especially as a kid, was not as bad as marauders fans depict him to be. However, I don't really interact with the snape fandom so much because i feel like they either ignore excuse the shittier things he did as an older teen/adult. I am also of the opinion that James and sev were rivals, and it wasn't a bullying situation but yeah. i wish there were more people who enjoyed both the marauders and severus who didn't make either or both to be saints lol
Ok, I'll be honest, Lily's character did not really interest me until I read atyd. To be fair, jkr spent a a lot of time characterising harry's dad and his friends, but we were not given too much info on Lily, and almost no info on if she had any other friends besides severus.
I loved Lily's friendship with Mary and Marlene in atyd, and of course with Remus. and i loved how her personality in that fic to. I don't consider that fic to be canon compliant now and don't agree with a lot of the characterisations but it was still pretty good.
Lily was a bit too sensible in atyd, and whenever we're given descriptions about her from slughorn for instance, or her personality in SWM, she's presented as 'vivacious' and cheeky' so i like to think that she wasn't really a hermione 2.0 but rather more similar to snarky and sassy harry, tho perhaps more popular and well-loved. Her and James were totally academic rivals to lovers omg.
ok now onto what i think u really wanted me to address - sev and lily's relationship.
No, i don't think sev was 'obssessed' with Lily, i think he truly loved her but he was also a selfish person. (however tho, how would sev convince voldy to spare harry,, like that was literally all voldy was after like....)
anyways, as kids, they were very close -- maybe a little codependant. I imagine Lily was always facinated with Sev his talk about magic, and to sev, Lily was an escape from his abusive homelife. I think they both may have had a little crush on each other pre-hogwarts.
As they went to hogwarts, they grew apart as they were placed in different houses. Snape was surroundd by pureblood facists which slowly radicalised him, and Lily began making friends in Gryffindor. A war tensions grew, i can imagine snape and Lily's relationship became more tense and strained, and no one knew why they stuck together. But they knew things about each other that no one else did and understood each other in ways no one else could. However, after SWP, it was clear that they were heading down different paths so lily cut him and that was that.
Lily always felt hurt after their break up, but she had supportive friends to keep her afloat. Snape however, was filled with guilt, bitterness and regret and thus became deeply radicalised. I don't think tho that Snape was very high in the death eater rank until the search for harry/prophecy was on.
anyways still mulling things over but yeah, i think they're both facinating and i'd love to see their relationship explored in complexity in more fics!
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pageofheartdj · 10 months
Hi! Autistic aroace anon here!
Can I say I got all gushy when you said “I love your rants”? I’m not even sure if it was indeed for me but I was all
Also, YEAS!! Exactly!! I dislike, although I get it, how the fandom goes “they only fit in this box”, no! They’re amazing and we’re so involved with them bc they got layers!! I love rottmnt rather than any other tmnt franchise bc THEY. GOT. LAYERS!! (They’re onions, Shrek!)
It’s the first time you CAN’T define them by a word. “Oh Raph’s the violent one, leo’s the leader, Mikey’s the clown and Donnie’s the nerd”. NO! They finally went and showed who’s these characters truly are (also, kinda controversy opinion, but bayverse kinda did that as well, but not as good, they got layers there but still kinda.. not rlly) ((I love that movie but once again hate the sexual-romantic tension btw April and the turtles. Bc its always only that!!! For her to end up with Casey ANYWAY!!!))
•cough• SO! We finally get to see how Raph is still head on on stuff and kinda short fuse, but that’s bc he cares and worries and is overprotective. And with the other brothers as well, you have no idea how HAPPY I was when Donnie got in the fight and wasn’t a helpless nerd whose only trait is computers, like in the others. Yeah, he asks for help (his comedic “help! Help heeeelp!” In the giant bird episode is amazing), but it’s not only him, all of them do at some point.
They finally showed who they are and why they’re like this! So the fandom taking away this important trait of them always makes me go feral.
My memory suck but I think I remember what your asks were, so YA! =3 (Plus I think you are the only one who gives me this long asks?? I think???XD)
Like I get flanderization in fandoms, especially when there is no new material, and fans are playing so much with fanons, they kinda get lost in it too much, so they forget the canon and strip off the characters of some of their traits!
Like, 'I like this one trait/I want to explore this trait more', this is liked by many, it gets explored some more and in the end people forget that it wasn't the only trait and it wasn't even that prevalent in the first place. Like Donnie's touch aversion. Some wanted to explore it, cause autism and all that and that's fair. But after some point people forget that he is aversed like 10% of the time. Which is NOT a lot, not the way people write him 'he is in a good mood so he bares his brothers touching him for a few seconds' =/
I won't say other versions didn't explore turtles characters cause I don't remember much xD I just know the basic characterisations. And I LOVE Rises spin on them!! Raph is still hot headed and angry, but he also directs it into aggressive protection and it feels REALLY nice, not just 'I am angry cause I am' xD Like I am sure other versions are protective too, they suppose to care, but I dunno, I don't remeeember if it was explained as well as with Rise Raph x) I like Rise Leo even more cause he is much more different from other versions while still having his core characteristics, like he is smart and observant and strategic, that's so cool!!! But he was not burdened by being a leader so he is a goof, which is kind of similar to 2012 Leo xD Donnie is just. Superb in every way xD He can fight, he LIKES fighting, he LOVES creating his tech for fighting XD Mikey doesn't need to be The funny one, cause they all are <3 So he gets a bit of different role that still feels similar <3 (Can't say much about Bayvesre caaaause I just can't get behind not 2D xD That's why I just couldn't stick with 2012, barely finished S1 xD)
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boyfridged · 1 year
What’s your opinion of fanon Jason? I fucking hate him but I’m curious about what you think since you’ve been posting about him recently. The pit madness stuff with Jason in canon is insanely ableist and reeks of abuse apologism in my opinion. To me, part of the appeal of his character is that him doing all of those awful things is entirely his choice and making so that it isn’t fully his fault is both unfair to him and all the people he hurt.
i’m sorry if any of that comes across as unnecessarily blunt but i talked ab it plenty before and each time i have been misunderstood so i want to be clear.
i guess the general difference in my perception of jason being overly violent while displaying psychotic symptoms (because i believe this is what we are talking about?) versus reaction of most people is that i don’t think it’s primarily an issue of abuse apologia. i get that this sentiment is based on approaching the topic from an angle most of the audience is familiar with. however, i believe if you take the problem of ableism seriously, the excessive abuse should be just taken out too. it makes no sense without that context anyway. what is the reason to claim that he acted violently with no motive and while completely sane if it says nothing about his attitude and the story whatsoever? the idea of him targeting random victims is already rooted in the concept of his delusional state; so just throw it out, or else the readers will go back to the conclusion of clinical insanity. unless you want him to be an inherently cruel person – and that’s just not a type of characterisation that is to my taste (i have too much fondness for his original place in the narrative to entertain it. i’d rather think it’s something learned.)
that is not to say that i think all of his violent acts should be written out; but the specific ones most associated with all the psychosis-esque behaviour (like the so-called titan’s tower incident for example.) this is also not to say i think the motif of “madness” should be completely erased; it can be approached in fiction without using the language and showcasing specific behaviour that point at real symptoms and tie them to aggressive actions.
so, regarding whether or not everything he does is fully his choice– i think it’s a bit of a reductive presumption and question in general. i’m sorry for getting philosophical but most discussions of autonomy in the field presume that the circumstances someone finds themselves in already limit autonomy a fair share. and at the end of the day, jason’s position in the narrative and in the world he finds himself in post-res are so obscure that it is the point that he doesn’t get much choice in how he communicates his grief. and grief and madness are themes that blur into each other too. i think, very much like in hamlet, the question of whether the protagonist is sane or mad doesn’t actually matter much because the extreme circumstances call into question if there’s a “normal” response to this situation at all.
if you want to be realistic about it, you have to ask how much someone who has been raised (in good faith and not fully intentionally) to believe it’s their duty to fight criminals and protect people only to get brutally murdered, resurrected, kidnapped and finally given access to assassin training at 16/17 can be believed to be a fully self-aware and autonomous person.
if you want to think of it in terms of what the story is about, at least the initial stages of it (so the lost days & utrh for example, as well as countdown, if you will) then it doesn’t truly matter that much. this is something that can hold weight if there’s talk of redemption – and in the narrative he’s not alive enough for it as things stand anyway (and sometimes he’s just written as a very much redeemed corpse without any significant build-up leading to it.) to me, a perfect story would address his wrongdoings, but also highlight it's not the core of his personality; but still, this is such thin ice to walk on with all the classism and ableism inherent in his development as a "villain" and "anti-hero."
and as for fanon – i don’t like the takes which justify his actions by “pit madness” etc, and i hate the tag “enemy to caretaker” with my whole heart, but honestly, i also don’t mind when some of these actions are erased (which canon does a lot too, depending on who is behind the portrayal and what they want him to be). this is simply because, again, too many of them are rooted in writing that has been historically full of classist and ableist influence. and to reference one of my recent posts, as much as i enjoy some of the red hood content and the tragic cycle he drives himself into, i do prefer him being softer and kinder. this is who he was meant to be — his story starts in the place of batman’s parents’ murder but the beauty of it is that it’s ia story of hope and compassion that was supposed to overwrite that tragedy.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
Hello, sorry but I just wanted to rant about some things.
Regarding the Hetsuden, I just saw a SNS shipper on Twitter saying that they can’t “defend” Sasuke anymore and that he’s “over”. Other SNS shippers also said that he’s ugly. Why do they need to “defend” Sasuke when the said Sasuke they’re talking about is not even canon. He’s a fanon character from a SS shipper’s fanfic. Like yeah Sakura Hetsuden sucks but it’s annoying to see some SNS stans taking their frustration and hating on Sasuke himself. Like for me I just rather say that’s not Sasuke in the first place(because he isn’t) and will try to stay away from that SS shipper’s fanon version.
I also remembered that up until even before Hetsuden came out, I’ve seen multiple SNS stans hating on Sasuke. Have you seen these types of behaviors too from SNS stans or is it just me?
Hehehe. You know, I saw some tiktoks that were recced to my Insta account and it was hilarious. A lot of fans think Sasuke's character has gone downhill from Shippuden and that he has been totally nerfed and to underline it, they were making comparisons between Shippuden and Retsuden. 🤦
Like that scene where Sasuke struggles to fight the 'dinosaur' (a dinosaur, 😒) was compared with the scene where he fought the hachibi in Shippuden.
But like most casual fans, some underinformed SNS as well, don't categorically know what canon or novel or filler is. Most fans are anime only, so they aren't well versed with the categorizations and differences. All they are concerned with is how Sasuke is shown in anime, and all of it is subject to their judgment of Sasuke's character. You can certainly enlighten them and tell them the difference.
Man like doesn't Retsuden Sasuke have TWO hands? 😑
Most fans don't really pay attention to the details. Or even some of the more overt stuff.
Yeah plenty of SNS hate Sasuke. Some others have a very problematic and skewed understanding of his character. Like no seriously, some SNS maintain that he didn't suffer from trauma or PTSD. Because that would make him weak and he isn't weak. Smh. When the whole manga has consistently and necessarily featured major themes of war and resultant trauma and PTSD where several characters have suffered from it. It's the basis of the isolation and discrimination suffered by many important characters and their arc which contributes majorly to the plot. Like honestly, some fans unfortunately have a very limited and shallow understanding of how trauma and PTSD work. What's problematic is that they spread misinformation about these very significant issues regarding mental health. This needs to be addressed. Some SNS blame Sasuke for when he betrayed Naruto and abandoned Konoha. They only think from Naruto's pov but dismiss Sasuke's own very properly and detailed established pov.
Selective reading. Ignorance.
Lots of SNS don't see or stubbornly stick to their only partially examined theories for a complex character such as Sasuke and most of it is in response to Sasuke stans. Both Naruto stans and Sasuke stans can be silly. It's always this juvenile tussle - Who's better? Sasuke or Naruto? Who did the bad stuff and who did the virtuous stuff and where do they stand on the goodness scale.
These SNS judge them on the basis of easy binaries and keep an embarrassingly simplistic point system to attribute 'virtues and vices' to Sasuke and Naruto's characters and talk morality in just loose, underexamined terms without truly understanding the context. Every one suddenly and righteously becomes a philosopher, psychologist and ethicist in this fandom. Lol.
It's all very silly. It's important to ground these characters in their lived reality and established characterisation and then judge them while being cognizant of their worldbuilding and existing narratives of visible themes and concepts in the manga such as idea of a nation, war, loyalty to the nation, justice, individual vs collective, revenge, systemic oppression, systemic marginalization of a community, systemic bigotry and neglect, corruption, left inclined ideologies, existentialism etc.
If Kishi has featured these themes so visibly and stressfully in the manga, it would be remiss of fans if they simply ignored it by saying ignorant things like - it's just shounen, it's only meant for kids, Kishi isn't that smart, there's no deeper meaning, it's only entertainment, etc etc.
If you don't know about these themes, you wouldn't be able to recognise them. But those who do and have seen them in other works or media, even lots of Japanese media Kishi is influenced by, will identify them. Just a matter of experience, perception and information. Fans will differ in their capacities to identify these themes. If one is truly curious and reasonable, they will imbibe it without personal bias. Those who prefer to live in their echo chambers won't. You can't help those who don't want to be helped.
Yes I know some SNS who are either Sasuke haters and those who are Naruto haters. Both silly. But I don't really interact with them. They are quite visibly biased.
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acewitch-writes · 10 months
Your account is honestly such a breath of fresh air it’s always so nice to find accounts that don’t insist this fanon characterisations of r&s are canon and appreciate the canon characters’ personality bc fanon just takes away all of that interesting stuff and it’s just, I love and appreciate your account 🫶
Thank you!! I appreciate YOU! <3
I just love canon Remus so much. I have always related to him on such a deep level because I'm also chronically ill and disabled and I have always had a hard time making and keeping friends. I know what it's like to feel like a massive burden, to feel unworthy and insecure, to wonder if anyone will ever truly love me when my existence is a hassle on those around me. I was shy and awkward and no matter how hard I tried, I never quite figured out how to be the sort of person that people want to keep around.
Remus embodied all of these traits that I have always hated about myself in such a beautiful, endearing way. He helped me tame the raging self-hatred that consumed me as a teen. He made me feel a little less alone.
But in today's fandom, that Remus has been replaced by an OC that is absolutely nothing like the Remus I have loved since the first time I read HP around 15 years ago. I tried to wait it out, bide my time until the real Remus came back, but I'm starting to worry it's never going to happen. Not when the majority of this fandom insists on using a fanfic as their "canon" source material.
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zeltqz · 1 year
what really got me with the clueless reader troupe was this tr fanfic i read a long time ago where the reader was supposed to be a bimbo and was with one of the characters (dont remember who) and he asked her to show the group how to do certain sexual acts and she didnt know what they meant so he taught her in front of the group while they all watched and she was telling him how it was embarrassing and she felt uncomfortable and he was like "this is whats supposed to happen ur fine" and she was like "oh okay :)" and went through with it and that was where my hatred truly formed for this troupe
Sometimes I rlly fucking hate how ppl portray bonten in fics like yes they’re a criminal organisation that partakes in illegal acts like gambling and prostitution but it doesn’t mean they themselves are r@pists. I swear out of all of the bonten fics I’ve read only two of them had 0 sexual assault in them and were written so well that it felt like I was reading sumn thing straight out of true crime.
I LOVE those fics were they focus more on BONTEN and their plans and all that crap instead of the reader just being taken advantage of, they make me itch those ones I cannot read it.
There’s nothing more I hate than mischaracterisation of characters omg it gets my blood boiling. I’m not talking abt headcannons im talking about those where they spread misinformation about characters on purpose and go against the characters entire idealism and morals
Bonten fics especially love to paint Sanzu as some weird junkie r@pist too like I’m sorry to break it to u Sanzu is a virgin we all know it. That man doesn’t have the charisma or charm in CANON (not fanon) to get multiple girls. I also think he has low self esteem and He’d be super embarrassed about his scars and thinks girls will find them unattractive so he doesn’t bother putting himself out there in the dating scene.
I want to see more of that Sanzu. we all know Sanzu in bonten time line has issues and of course he’s a red flag but not in the sense where he’d SA you if u tried to leave him. He’d just be overly obsesssive to the point it’s suffocating but you won’t be able to leave him because ur scared he’d do something to himself and he knows that you know he will do something which is why he’s confident you won’t leave him.
The fact he’s canonically the clingiest too means SO MUCH to his character and makes sense with the way he was growing up
Sometimes bonten fics can be a hit or miss honestly
Speaking of bonten Sanzu thwres this one fic on ao3 that’s honestly my fave Sanzu fic ever to exist because of the way they characterised him. They made him so anxious and nervous but uses drugs like xanax to cover it up and maintain a front. As much as I despise the druggie Sanzu headcanon they actually made it make sense and I love it so much I read it like every other week when i can
Read this if u have the time💞
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springtrappd · 1 year
what’s your favorite fnaf character :>
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jokes aside yeah it's probably vanny/vanessa (together or separate) tied closely with springtrap (and thus afton)... their respective games may both be utterly scuffed mechanically but at least they can frolick about their nightmarescape worlds together. when i was a kid it was definitely the puppet/marionette, though, and i still have a lot of love for them -- just don't like the direction canon ended up taking for them/most fanon characterisations. i mean, i don't like that for afton, either, but i can least respect the balls to just switch the personality of your main villain whenever you get bored (and he's responsible for all the best parts of the novel trilogy, so) while charlie is............................................... charlie. (can you tell i hate the novels?) and while what we get for vanny might be barebones, she has wormed her way into my brain and is here to stay. so. Cries in less than five minutes of content. the life of a lesbian truly is suffering
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whereismymonsterlover · 12 minutes
Yana toboso is literally a shotacon tf u mean sebaciel isn't canon
Dog it's 2024 I don't want to fill the already rife BB tag with more of this discourse but I just want to give my two cents. Y'all anonymous sebaciel diehards must work overtime to churn out an ask to every damn anti. Anti as a label pisses me off cus I literally just don't want the fucking grown ass man-presenting demon to kiss the 14 year old human. And thank the lord, he doesn't!
I really don't like shota straight up. I find it disturbing that people enjoy it and Yana is openly a shotacon but as black butler stands, it is not a BL story. Whilst very few and far between, I overlook the suggestive panels of Ciel + other underage characters cus I don't derive any pleasure from them and they make me cringe out of my mind knowing the true undertones. But the other 98% of the manga is my jam! From my interpretations of the characters using the canon material, there is nothing that suggests that Sebastian wants to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with this kid. The concept of Ciel presenting sexual feelings towards Sebastian as a response to his own sexual trauma is for sure an interesting idea! And I do not hate people that have this headcanon and explore it in a way that makes it clear it is not a cute sexy thing!! I find it disturbing seeing people who sexualise Ciel (Toboso included, I'm aware. However, it does not swamp the narrative of the story outside of his sexual trauma which is villainized!) that get off to the pairing and call it canon. I wouldn't be here were that true. HOWEVER, Ciel does not present this behaviour towards Sebastian in the actual media. The kid is sexualised but it's either played off as a joke (the dreaded corset scene from LITERALLY the first volumes) or its villainised (Kelvin, Druitt, the cult members). It is not forbidden to explore underage sexual abuse so long as it is made clear that it is inappropriate.
Sebastian is not a pedophile for Christ's sake. I love demon lore so much and knowing how to manipulate and tempt humans with words and sexuality or whatever it may cost is the nature of a demon. That is, if it is needed. In my eyes, if Ciel were to one day command Sebastian to fuck him, he would - he is bound by contract to do as his master tells him and if that's what will get him a meal then so be it. If Ciel one day commanded Sebastian to truly love him, in ANY capacity, it is up to the reader to decide how deep Sebastian's humanity goes past "me hungry" to fundamentally enable him to love in the first place. Because the manga characterises Sebastian does not characterise him as actually having any love sexual or platonic towards Ciel outside of the protection he displays within the rules of the contract.
But thankfully for me, Ciel has never ordered Sebastian to fuck him because NO WHERE do we see him actually want that. There are even moments where Ciel is distraught at the idea of Sebastian simply tucking him into bed to calm him back to sleep after waking from a nightmare. The fact I have to explain the sexual motives of a 14 year old boy makes me sick to my stomach, do you people not see how foul that is?
So when you tell me Yana Toboso is a shotacon - that is a lot different to Black Butler being a BL beyond the undertones of a wee few panels, and a fanon, out-of-character interpretation of their fucked up power dynamic riding off the fact that Sebastian's hunger could transpire a moral depravity i've no interest in. Good day.
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hxlda-hxlda · 6 months
Okay so I have just finished reading the last chapter that u just uploaded and if u dont mind im gonna rant about It .
First of all Remus and Sirius being paired Up was soo unexpected but im totally here for It . And the pure silence is seriously making me suffer I totally understand why Sirius was being dramatic cause i cant handle awkward silence , It will be the death of me i swear.
Secondly I loved the dorcas and Sirius interactions , well the whole slytherin skittles dynamic tbh .
And the way that Sirius and James hate each other more than Remus and Sirius ...
Thats soo weird and different but for some reason I really like It and am pretty interested in seeing more interactions between them .
Welpp thats all , to lazy to write more .
Cant wait for the next one
thanks for reading dearest!!!!! i do not mind at ALL nothing is more fun than ppl talking to me abt my own self-induced brainrot, so rant away (as i’m now going to)!!!!!
it’s shocking to me it was a surprising turn of events. but then again it was one of the first things i KNEW was going to happen in this fic when i came up with the idea over two months ago, so it’s been rattling around my brain for a while. a lot of this fic is going to be based around those prefect rounds, which i am so thrilled to have play out.
and YES, the awkward looks and silences are everything to me!!! for me high school drama was a lot of just,,, i don’t want to talk to you,,, so i’m gonna sit here in bitter silence,,,, and it will be so fuckin weird,,,, and i love forcing that onto sirius and rem (and all of you) bc ugh. it truly is PAINFUL.
cas and sirius have become one of my favourite dynamics so unexpectedly, but i actually adore them with my whole soul - writing them is so easy and fun.
same with all our skittles. rejoining the marauders fandom after years of absence as i did, the concept of the skittles is something i’ve been discovering slowly (as it fully was not around when i was) and i was in no way expecting to write something so them-centric, but i’m enjoying how my characterisations are turning out (even if they’re a bit different from fanon)!!!!
good god i have so much to say abt sirius, james and remus in this fic. at the end of the day i’m going for this kind of mirror to fanon/canon where sirius and james are THE relationship (obvs they hate each other rn, but it is still a defining duo) and remus feels kind of on the outs as a result, seeing himself as something seperate and perhaps less of a priority as a result.
i could write a whole character study on james just for this fic. one of my main writing considerations is a sirius without a james who has shown him unconditional love. sirius in gryffindor is so different bc of JAMES, the first person to love him so overtly. when he doesn’t have that (even in his skittles in this fic, not in a way that isn’t attached to his family identity (at least in his own mind)), where does that leave sirius? bc then it also means, how do james and sirius develop a relationship when it doesn’t start with a foundation of ‘i chose you as my best mate in yr 1’, yk??? they hate each other already, where do they go from there in the future??? just. ugh. platonic prongsfoot. kills me every fucking time.
cannot wait for the next one as well, she’s a big one!!!! i’ll tell you that.
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carrotkicks · 2 years
I am still catching up with the comics but i do read fanfic and it is a very common thing to have Tim admire Robin!Jason, but you said thats not really canon so do you have any ideas where that bit of Fanon might have come from in canon? Or do you think it is just one of those fanon things that just happened and everyone ran with it? Mostly I'm just curious on your thoughts of that take/characterisation of Tim and Jason, since it would give Tim more reason to want to help Bruce by being Robin if he also cared strongly about Jason as well. (This ask is by no means meant to be spicy, I am truly just interested in what you think of it since you always have fascinating ways of seeing the relationships between the characters. Love it, hate it, indifferent to it, I'm just curious.)
Personally i think that fanon came from the New 52 Teen Titans retcon by Scott Lobdell (the worst writer ever who incidently wrote RHatO) where he made Tim an asshole and also really respectful of Jason to point where he wanted to honor his legacy by NOT being Robin and instead be Red Robin from the start... its. Something. Also he and Jay act super buddy-buddy for no reason (despite it still being canon that Jason has still tried to murder Tim multiple times) throughout the new 52.
But okok im thinking. IMO. The concept of Tim and Jason having a prior relationship (even as a admiration-based parasocial relationship) before Jason dies isnt a terrible idea at all. In the context of Tim's origin story, it adds to his motivation to becoming a hero from a sense of justice and moral code by layering motivations based on personal reasons.
HOWEVER, the concept does lessen the value of Tim really just being Some Kid who just had strong virtues and wanted to help Gotham through the one way he figured would work: getting Batman a Robin. Also, sometimes things dont NEED to be so narratively intertwined, after all he's already wormed his way into Dick Grayson's past lol.
Now, just in general. I think personally its cooler to have Tim and Jay in a more adverse relationship (both pre and post ressurection) where they regard the other with some level of respect, but also resent for what the others existance means to their own.
IDK how to explain it. I really like when they strongly dislike/ begrudgingly respect each other. Good tea, spicy drama~
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
let's talk about lily evans. she's an interesting character—or rather, the case surrounding her character is quite interesting.
i honestly don't know if i can say i dislike her. by all means, she should be a fan favourite, and she is... but for some rather intriguing reasons.
for one thing, due to the fact she's hardly expanded on in the series, certain parts of the fandom have been forced to either take the few qualities that she displays canonically and amplify them to the extreme (eg. immediate righteous anger at the slightest hint of injustice in fic) or create an entirely new personality (eg. no, i didn't actually disapprove of your pranks, it was just sexual tension). of course, the option of creating a new personality is much more tempting when you can just add amplified canon traits on the side.
for another, her relationship with james sometimes seems likes it's being weaponized against snape and his fans. i've seen arguments that go like "haha, snape just wanted to fuck lily, but james got her in the end anyway, sucks to be you", and not only does it entirely reduce her to an object, it feels like they don't even care about the relationship, the dynamics or the characters. she's basically a plot device.
and thirdly, half of her characterisation in fic is to be a peter stand-in. we don't like the rat man, so let's take the pretty girl and put her in place of the guy who was canonically a member of the marauders, even up until he was named secret keeper. suddenly, she's a prankster and an enabler.
but, snek, you may say, all of that is fanon lily, tho. you just explained that people seem to like her because they just put any personality they want into her as long as she's at least vaguely a good person. you would be right.
let's look at canon lily. she's described as the brightest witch of her age, most everyone speaks favourably of her. in fact, the only people we see actively disliking/being upset with her are petunia, out of jealousy and the invasion of privacy concerning her letter, severus, who lashed out and used a slur that also applied to him in a moment of serious distress and apologised after, and well, pureblood supremacists by virtue of her being muggleborn. interestingly enough, even this dislike manages to develop everyone's character more than it does her own.
as a teenage girl myself, let's look at her actions as a teenage girl. not necessarily in chronological order because I'm writing this at 2am and my memory is already mediocre at best.
1. she's done well enough in school to be considered trustworthy and responsible enough to be a prefect.
okay, i can respect that. a good few of the prefects at my school were really just appointed based on how much the teachers liked you, but at hogwarts, there's so few of them that they must put at least a little effort into it, so i'll move on.
2. she does not press for details when informed that her best friend's life needed to be saved by someone who has been publicly tormenting him for years
now, see, there's no reason why she needs to play therapist. it's not her job, she's just a girl, and we know that snape wasn't supposed to talk about the incident, so he would've been stuck if she had asked for an explanation. however, i also feel like she doesn't seem particularly concerned about his wellbeing, and when he brings up his concerns about lupin, rather than ask for proof, she dismisses it. which, fair enough, i would hate to listen to someone talk about the same thing over and over and over, but, i also feel like the fixation on a theory like that would be cause for concern.
3. she dismisses the actions of a group known to play tricks that harm people and have specifically been tormenting her best friend on the basis that they don't use dark magic
first, i'm going to establish what i usually assume dark magic refers to. aside from jinxes, hexes and curses, i also include anything that produces an effect similar to any of the unforgivables (takes away your life, your free will or your ability to feel safe in your own body, such as when you're in excruciating pain), and magic that would require a sacrifice of some sort.
when snape tries to point out the danger in what the marauders do, she insists that they don't use dark magic. and they don't... but they do use illegal magic. she then argues against the company that snape keeps, which, again, to be fair, is justified considering mulciber's done something to mary macdonald... it's also not a particularly realistic ask. snape probably shares a dorm with these guys, and he's a poor half-blood so he's already on the outs. as far as he knows, any dissent will be met with him getting hexed in his sleep. but, i digress.
given that the marauders have been shown to be doing extremely dangerous with little regards to anyone's safety, and actively tormenting her best friend, i disagree with her choice here. on the other hand, she's made her own friends in gryffindor and perhaps she sees a nicer side of them that we don't get to. she's justified in her actions, but i still disagree.
4. she intervenes when her best friend is hung upside down by a spell of his own invention at the wands of the people who have tormenting him for years
she does object to the marauders' treatment of him, and she does try to get them to let him down. if i were in her position, i would absolutely do the same. i respect the decision to stand up for her friend.
5. she does not seriously attempt to help him or punish the marauders
i do not respect how she handled it. at any point, she could have drawn her wand. but, snek, you say, perhaps she didn't want to get involved physically. she wanted to follow the rules. in that case, at any point, she could taken points, assigned detention, or sent someone to get a member of staff. she does none of those things and i viscerally disagree. if we were ever friends and someone tried to hurt you, i can assure you that i would try to at least see to it that they'd be punished, even if it wasn't immediate or by my own hand. lily, however, chooses to argue rather than take action.
6. she smiles when severus gets hung upside down
chances are, it was more than likely an involuntary reaction, like laughing when your friend has fallen over. however, the fact that it was intentionally written in seems like it's mean to be an indicator that the friendship was already falling apart.
7. she comments on her best friend's poverty and uses a name that's been used to make fun of him after he calls her a slur that also applies to him
she was 100% within her rights to be upset by being called a slur. it is never okay to use slurs. the only situation in which a slur could possibly ever be appropriate would be if you were an oppressed group attempting to reclaim said slur which is not at all what snape was doing here. he was experiencing cruelty, being humiliated, publicly, for no reason beyond existing and he was in distress, choking on soap and upside down. it was damaging to his pride, especially when james suggests that he needs lily to fight his battles for him (paraphrasing) which is an emasculating statement to make, especially to a teenage boy. so, snape lashes out with the most hurtful word he could think of, which happened to be a slur that also applies to him. lily was 100% justified in being upset about this, and she retaliated in kind. she was very much allowed to say what she said. i understand that she was hurt and angry and i respect that, especially as i can't guarantee that i would not have been just as upset in that situation.
8. even when the threat of sexual harassment is made, she still does nothing
i get it, at this point, she's hurt, she's mad, she wants him to suffer since she's a teenage girl and teenage girls hold grudges like it's nobody's business, but... i definitely couldn't just stand by and watch it happen. she basically just let them go through with it.
9. she does not accept her best friend's apology for calling her a slur that also applies to him, effectively burying the friendship
she is, by no means, obligated to continue being friends with him. however, if i were in that position, and the apology was sincere, i would take the friend back.
10. she goes on to date and eventually marry the guy who bullied her former best friend for his entire school life
no. i disagree. but, snek, you say, james changed. no. he didn't. we know, that at this point, james was still going after snape behind lily's back. you can say that she didn't know, but that means that she would have allowed james to lie to her and that doesn't sit right with me bc a relationship built on lies is a relationship that is going to fall apart, especially when your partner has been disappointed by your actions before. you can say that she did know, and that proves that she simply didn't take her responsibilities as head girl seriously enough to stop the head boy from harassing people when she explicitly told him not to. the point is, no. there is no way that this would have worked out as a long term relationship. james is too comfortable lying to her. i can't even say she was justified. there is no circumstance where i personally see this as okay for anybody involved.
alright, so, essentially teenage lily was justified in (most of) her actions, even if i find them questionable.
adult lily dies at 21, while saving her son, but her death also helps save the wizarding world. good job. she, as expected, did what any good mother would.
and that's canon lily.
my thoughts: she's a perfect example of why writing tips are so adamant on making sure people try to show and not tell. we were told that lily is meant to be good and pure and lovely, but the author never bothered to actually prove that, so what we're left with a dissonance between what we see and what we know.
as a result, i still don't know if i truly dislike her. her actions are justified, but they don't match with what we've been told, and we don't have any other information to go off of. at best, i can say for certain that i disagree with many of her choices, despite understanding why she would have made them (except for marrying james potter, uggghh, the only good thing to come out of that was harry and the saving of the wizarding world by extension, ig).
thanks for reading all that, btw! hope it made sense :)
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fayoftheforest · 3 years
i just read your tweek/kenny fanfic on a whim and it is SO GOOD!! your characterization is so accurate and interesting considering these two don't interact much in canon. again, really loved it!!
(This ask is about my "The Craig Tucker Hate Club" fic on AO3 and Wattpad)
Aw, thank you dude! It was also written somewhat on a whim--or, at least, the idea was formed on a whim, after seeing a lot of sweet fan art of the pairing. The actual fic was busted out in a couple very long and very intense writing sessions, haha. I hope you don’t mind me taking the opportunity to explain my characterisation process :)
In this fic, Kenny's character was based around the way he is portrayed in canon as more mature than the other kids. Not mature as in responsible, but as in having more "adult" interests. (We've all seen Major Boobage...)
Popular fanon seems to presume this hypersexuality would last into adolescence/adulthood, but for this fic, I chose to read it as just a kid who had hit puberty super early and had the mind and desires like most other teenage boys, whilst all his friends were still talking about truck and barbie's and cooties, and yelled "Gross!" at the concept of k*ssing anyone.
Then it was just a matter of asking "What long lasting psychological effects would a childhood like this have on a person?" Would they grow up feeling alienated from their peers? Would they carry that sense of shame around their romantic or sexual attractions into later life? Would they hold onto those formative moments of rejection as "proof" that they would always be rejected? How would their preconceived notions of their ‘perversion’ and unworthiness influence how they react when their friends start getting crushes and relationships? Etc, etc. 
I usually try to boil my protagonists down into their main desire and main misbelief, so that I can really get a grasp of their internal conflict. So, in Kenny’s case, his desire was to be loved, and his misbelief was that he was impossible to love. After that, Kenny pretty much wrote himself! I think his desire and misbelief made him more relatable as a character, because  deep down, doesn’t everyone have a little voice which asks What if I’m truly just unlovable?
What’s that? Just me? Ooookay then, moving on... <(._.)> 
Tweek was defined through a similar process, though his character didn’t come as easily. At the beginning of the planning stages of the fic, all I knew was that I didn’t want his main personality trait to be “I have anxiety~ OwO.” Mostly because I’d already written two fics which explored this aspect of his character. But also because I think a lot of the fandom (and perhaps the showrunners, to a certain extent) limit his character to this one “personality trait” (term used loosely because it’s debatable whether mental illness can even be considered as a personality trait). In my opinion, mental illness is rarely ever the soul defining feature of a person.
But if you take away Tweek’s anxiety, what does he have left? I’ll admit, I was a bit apprehensive as to whether I’d have much to go on at first, and so I approached his character in the same way I approached Kenny’s: “What long lasting psychological effects would a childhood like his have on a person?” But in this case, I wanted Tweek to act as a foil to Kenny, and so I stuck him in an unhealthy long term relationship from the age of 14. And then took that away, five years later >:) As you can imagine, this gave me a lot of interesting things to play with when it came to Kenny and Tweek’s dynamic.
And as for Craig’s character? Well, I took the “Craig Tucker being an asshole” dial and turned it alllll the way up to 100%. Like with all of my antagonist characters, I asked myself “What’s the worst thing someone could say or do in this situation?” and then I made him do it.
Anyway, enough of my rambling, and thank you again for your kind message. As you can see, I had a lot of fun writing this fic, so I’m glad that you had fun reading it, too! :))
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