#But! That could also be me being paranoid and she's just being supportive
brain-rot-central · 2 days
When Astarion asks/implies that Tav is sleeping w Wyll is he just saying that to see her reaction or does he actually not know bc like he has his little spies everywhere right? 👀
He's saying it for two reasons:
1) He's paranoid. He knows she has a close working relationship with Wyll and during their journey against the Absolute, Tav and Wyll shared some brief moments of intimacy (nothing physically sexual, but they did the whole dance thing and kissed). Tav ultimately chose to pursue Astarion, but still, AA remembers and due to he and Tav currently being in questionable territory in terms of their relationship, he's paranoid. Extremely, extremely paranoid that her heart is potentially reaching for an old flame.
2) He and Wyll have a current arrangement worked out. So, again, he's paranoid that Wyll will somehow sabotage him from the outside-in, as in turn Tav against him through the work relationship she has with Wyll. AA doesn't really trust anyone aside from Tav (support coming from his in-game lines of "I'd rather have one person I can trust entirely," and "everything I could ever want is standing right before me"), so to me, it's very true to character for him to have doubts, and even take it a step further into forming a complete paranoid delusion surrounding it.
So, in a way, he's saying it to see her reaction but also trying to figure out if Wyll is making moves behind his back. It's a very "keep your friends close but your enemies closer," kind of thing. He does have spies set up around the city in various locations, but admittedly he finds it a little difficult to spy on Wyll, simply because of how heavily guarded he is at all times (being Grand Duke and all).
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selvepnea · 1 year
How does the perfect opportunity to come out have to happen on my sister's birthday
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
please angsty queen give us “ranting to a close friend/parent about what they're upset about before they make confrontation just to make sure they aren't overreacting” and “why are you looking at me like that” 🫢
more fluffy than angsty, but i still put some in there bestie.
*mcu peter
Dating a superhero was hard. 
Go figure, right? You don’t think anyone would think it’s easy but the big thing, the real problem in dating one, was that you felt like there was no way to bring up your issues without being selfish. Lately, there was no such thing as Peter time. Dates were pushed off or canceled, he would have you come all the way to his just so he can get pulled away, or get halfway to yours and bail. 
For two weeks straight it hasn’t felt like you had a boyfriend. 
But how do you tell him you feel neglected while he’s out there literally saving people? Hey, Pete? Oh yeah, no, no, it’s nothing, just feeling a little left out, can you stop that guy from dying and come cuddle? Yeah, it was hard. 
One side feels bad, the other is shameful. That side says that Peter could take time away, that he couldn’t always save everyone, that sometimes he could just leave things to the police. But that’s a dark side you’d never talk about, ever. 
You just really needed to talk about it, with anyone other than Peter. You couldn’t tell your boyfriend that he was lacking in his department because he was being a hero. 
“MJ, thank god.” She was the best person to talk to, she took no sides and told it how it was. She could also keep a secret, the only time you let a person play a fence is MJ, she knows too much to ever pick a side. 
“Hola,” She snaps a piece of her apple off, and looks down at her book. Your head looks around the lunchroom, curly hair is nowhere to be found, you need to speak quickly. 
“I need your advice,” you lick your lips and lean forward, she dog ears the page she’s on and closes the book, “go on,” paranoid you look around once more. 
“It’s about Peter.” 
MJ flickers her eyes up, a hand is placed on your shoulder, a kiss dropped on the top of your head. 
“What’s about Peter?” 
You freeze, he’s Spider-Man but you swear he’s rubbed a sixth sense onto you, you just knew he’d pop up. 
“Your birthday’s coming up,” he laughs and sits next to you, “no it’s not,” you look to MJ for support, she gives none, you picked a shitty excuse. “It’s like, seven months away, we have to start planning.” 
Peter takes a bite of your sandwich, “now? Who are you inviting, the whole city?” 
You tsk, “there goes the surprise.” 
You reach to steal a fry, he lets you take three. “You’re lying and wanna talk to MJ about me, don’t you, squidward?” 
Your nose scrunches, “is it normal to let the other person know you’re about to shit talk them in a relationship?”
 Peter thinks about it, MJ watches with a smirk, “I don’t think so, it’s normal to vent.” 
“Do you ever shit talk me?” 
He looks into your eyes, you don’t want to know, “I wouldn’t call it shit talk, MJ, would you call it shit talk?” 
She swallows a bite of apple, “nah, you more panic call than anything.” 
Peter hums and looks at you, “five minutes good?” 
You tilt your head, “to do what?” 
Peter nods at MJ, “to shit talk, I’ll leave five minutes before lunch ends, if that’s enough time.” 
You look him up and down trying to figure out his game, he seems sincere. “You seem really okay with this, I don’t trust it.” 
He shrugs, “babe, we’ve been together long enough. I know you’re not mad at me, I can tell, so I don’t think the conversation could be too damaging.” 
You’re still weary, “fine, five minutes.” 
Peter leans to press a kiss to your temple, “deal,” he looks to MJ, “hey, what was that thing Jason whispered to you in class?” 
MJ cackles, “okay, listen to this,” you follow in conversation until Peter looks at his watch, he kisses your cheek, “times up, see you later.” 
He sends a salute to MJ and finds his way to the double doors, pushing out. 
“Yeah, I could see how you’d want to shit talk him.” 
You groan, “he makes it so hard! Like, this is why I need to talk to you, I feel so evil when I think about telling him bad things.” 
“Okay, what’s up then?” 
“I don’t feel like I have a boyfriend anymore, MJ.” Her eyes widened, “oh shit.” You sigh, “he’s constantly running out on me, canceling dates, not replying for hours at a time, and I feel so shitty because I get so annoyed but I know he’s doing it for a good reason.” 
“And you’d feel selfish telling him because you know what he’s doing when he cancels.” 
You point, “ding, ding, ding. I’m just getting to this place where I feel like I’m being neglected. I don’t like feeling like everytime I’m with my boyfriend I’m on borrowed time. MJ, I…” The words burnt your tongue but it’s a thought that's been on your mind, “MJ, I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” 
MJ frowns, she couldn’t imagine you two not being together, you just made sense. 
“Want my opinion?” 
You nod, MJ clears her throat and shuffles forward. Her hands intertwined and rested on the table, “He’s Spider-Man, but he also needs to be Peter Parker. You deserve to have time with your boyfriend, he needs you to tell him that he’s not splitting his time enough. It doesn’t make you selfish to want Peter.” 
“I should tell him, you think?” 
“If you don’t it’ll turn into resentment, then there’s no coming back.” 
You accept her advice, it confirms how you’ve been feeling, you’ll talk to him and he’ll fix it, then it’ll be okay. 
Peter caught you after lunch, his hand wrapped yours and he placed a kiss to the back of it. 
“We should talk.” Peter wouldn’t admit it, but that made his stomach drop. You were talking about him to a friend and then said those words, it didn’t sit well with him, a wave of panic hit him, he didn’t want to talk to you, he was scared of what you would say. 
“Yeah, of course, baby. After school? You can come over, May’s gonna be out all night, we have the place to ourselves.” 
It sounds like a perfect opportunity, if you play your cards right Peter may even spend the whole night home with you. You press up on your feet to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth, “sounds perfect,” it settled his nerves some. 
He felt even better when you sat on his lap during the train ride, your arm wrapped out his neck, his own was wrapped around your waist, sharing headphones you rested your head against his. Peter felt like you were loving up on him, and you were, but mostly because you felt touch starved from him, and this was the first time in a while you had him all by yourself. 
Peter tapped your thigh when his stop came up, you stood with his hand intertwined with yours. They swung the whole walk back, talking about school and May’s new friend from work, throwing in plans for the weekend, it sent a small pang to your heart, you were scared of them failing. 
He tossed his keys on the kitchen counter, his backpack sitting on a bar chair. “What’s up?” 
“I, uh,” you pause to think of the right words, “I’ve been feeling a little-” Peter’s police scanner went off, a bank robbery. You felt the air leave your lungs, you couldn’t even talk about the problem because of the problem. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I need to go.” He dashed to his room, quickly stripping to get his suit on. You couldn’t handle it anymore, you follow him and stop him as he’s pulling his suit up his waist. 
“Peter, I really need to talk to you.” 
His eyes flit to yours, he pulls his arm through a sleeve. “Baby, I gotta go. We can talk later.” 
You feel bold, maybe this is the wrong time but MJ is right, resentment is building. 
“No, Peter, we need to talk.” 
He presses his chest, his suit conforms. You hate the sight of it right now, a thought of hiding it passes by. 
“And we can talk later, there’s nothing pressing. I have to go.” 
“Our relationship is pressing, Peter.” 
His eyes narrow, “are you saying it’s on the line?” 
You look at the window behind him, “it will be if you leave.” 
The scanner bleats in the quiet room, they’re requesting back up. Tension is building, you both are die hard on your stances, neither wanting to bend. 
“I need to go, someone could need me.” 
Your words cry out, like you’re pleading to him, “I need you!” 
Peter breathes in and out, he feels bad but he’s needed elsewhere, you’ll be okay, others might not. 
“You have me, I promise. But, really baby, I need to go.” 
You blink tears in your eyes, you’re telling him you need him and he’s leaving, he’s ignoring, he’s brushing you off, he’s not taking you seriously. 
He pulls his window open, you can’t believe he’s leaving. 
“If you go then I’m leaving, I’m not going to wait around for you. Not anymore.” 
Peter doesn’t know what that means, “promise me you’ll stay here, I’ll come right back, I promise. Then I’m all yours, okay?” 
He doesn’t even give you a chance to respond, swinging off before you could even get words out. It hurt, and he didn’t believe you. He thinks he can just get away with things, that no matter what he did or how long he disappeared you’d be waiting. 
Well, he was wrong. You didn’t need this, not anymore. This time, Peter could come to you, you tried and he refused to listen. If he wanted this relationship then he’d fight for it like he did Spider-Man. 
You packed your things and left, when Peter came home an hour later you were gone without a trace, he tried to call you but all he got was your voicemail. 
The next morning he came, almost, running up to you. “Hey! I tried calling you last night.” You didn’t sound nearly as happy to see him as he was, “I know, I ignored you.” His eyebrows pinched, “why?” You pushed the arm he had around your shoulder off, it was petty but you were proving a point, things weren’t fine and you won’t pretend they were. 
“You didn’t want to talk to me, I didn’t want to talk to you.” 
Peter hated to fight, this was bordering on fight territory, he wanted to avoid that at all costs. 
“Hey, if this is about last night I’m sorry, I really am. Come over later, I promise I’ll listen.” 
You sigh and shake your head, “you know, Peter, I’m really tired of you promising me your time then taking it away.” 
“I’m not doing it on purpose, you saw how it went down yesterday, there was nothing I could do.” 
There was, it was to choose that you were the more important thing at the time.
“Peter, it’s getting really hard to have a boyfriend I can’t rely on.” 
Internal panic hits again. “What does that mean?” 
You look him over, “it means I don’t really want to talk to you today.” And with that, you walk away. 
Peter was in a funk all day, you stayed true to your word and stayed away unless you needed to talk to him. He understood that what you needed to talk to him about was important, so he decided it was important to him too, he also really missed holding your hand all day. 
You weren’t even home for four hours before he was knocking at your door, Peter could deprive himself from you fine, but when he was aware of it he counted every second. Your plan worked. 
“Please talk to me, I miss you.” 
You opened your door and gestured for him to come in, he followed you right to your bedroom. He takes a seat on your bed and looks at you expectantly. You didn’t know how to start, you just tried being honest.
“I feel like you don’t spend time with me anymore.” Your words were small, you feel so selfish. 
“I don’t-” 
“For the past couple weeks I’ve felt like I didn’t have a boyfriend, it feels like everytime we hang out you run out on me for something Spidey related. And I hate telling you this, I’ve been bottling it up but MJ said it would lead to resentment and I don’t want to resent you and ruin the relationship, so even though I feel really selfish I just have to tell you this.” 
He’s waiting on you, he’s letting you speak your mind. 
“I know you’re doing important things, and I know the city needs you but I need Peter. I need my boyfriend, I need to have date nights and personal time and I need to not feel neglected.” 
You’re rambling, you need him to talk. He’s looking at you weird, it’s a new look, you can’t place it. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
Peter feels choked on words, “I’m sorry. I’m just… really sorry.” 
“I don’t know how to tell you without feeling bad. I don’t want you to feel like you have to make a choice, I don’t want you to choose, I just want-” 
“-Me to choose you sometimes.” 
You breathe out, “yeah.” 
“I get it. I may be Spider-Man but you’re dating Peter, and you need him more right now. I can do that, I’ll plan things better. We can do a designated date night, nothing but earth ending situations can break it. And from now on maybe Spidey doesn’t need to go out for every cop call.” 
You nibble on your bottom lip, “really?” 
He reaches forward to grab your hand, “I don’t want you to resent me and I don’t want you to resent Spidey, I just get so caught up in it sometimes, I need you to ground me.” 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
“For needing me and wanting to spend more time with me, your boyfriend? I could never. Let’s make a schedule, we can plan around Spider-Man. I could do a few hours with you after school then do Spidey after you leave? Or if you want I could-” 
You cut him off with a kiss and thirty minutes later he’s on top of you kissing up and down your neck, his lips ground themselves to yours, you can’t remember the last time he’s touched you like this. His hands slide up your shirt and you exhale into his mouth, you jump when his scanner goes off. 
“All units to Goldburg’s Golds and Gems, active robbery and hostage in progress.” The radio scratched the voice of the operator, Peter barley breaks from your mouth, you hold your breath and wait for the apology, the promise of one last time. 
Instead he reaches out to the scanner and turns it off, he returns to kissing you, then trails down your neck. 
“You sure you don’t need to go?” 
Peter’s words vibrate against your collarbone, “let NYPD’s finest handle it, my girl needs me more.” 
With that he tugs your shirt off. 
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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Secret identity
Miss Americana and the heartbreak Prince— Prince Carlos sainz x reader part one
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @ladymarvel27 @darleneslane @csainzoperator @carlossainzwho @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @badassturtle13 @bbtoni @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @faithm120701 @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics @purplephantomwolf @lightdragonrayne @hrts4scarr @nikolaros22
as much as Carlos loved being a prince he also hated it. Soon he’d take over and become king, something that Carlos couldn’t wait for and dreaded. Carlos always saw being the king as soul-sucking and stressful. It wouldn’t be so bad but his mother, his beloved mother, had been going through suitable candidates for a future queen. Carlos didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
That’s how Carlos found himself here in his room packing bags and making arrangements to leave Spain to live a somewhat normal life while he still could.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Carlos’s sister said, sitting on her brother's bed.
“What could possibly go wrong, it's just a couple of weeks” Carlos says.
“Everything could go wrong brother”
“Your paranoid”
“I’m not paranoid where are you even going to go hmm?”
“I found a roommate far away from Spain”
“What are you talking about?”
"Far away? " the sister questioned Carlos with curiosity and suspicion
"America" Carlos responded
"America ? You ? You're crazy you'll never actually be able to fit in there you're royalty "
Carlos let out a small smirk he could already tell why this will be a fun trip
"That's precisely the reason I'm going sister"
"What are you gonna tell our parents ?" his sister asked concerned
"That's the beautiful part" Carlos responded with a smirk
"I'm not telling them"
"You can't just leave and not tell them where you're going" his sister exclaimed
"Oh I think I can..." Carlos replied confidently "and for the record I'm not planning to be gone forever this is just a little break I need "
"You realize you're missing the coronation party and the chance to meet your future Queen" his sister pointed out
"I'm aware sister" was all Carlos could say in reply
"You're not serious right?!?" his sisters eyes widened and mouth dropped
"I'm very serious" Carlos responded
"You do know what's gonna happen when they find out"
"Of course I'm aware " Carlos replied in a calm manner
His mind was made up regardless of the repercussions
"You know that the chance of me actually liking a queen or even just tolerating her is close to none and besides that I just want to live a normal life like everyone else for awhile"
"There's a huge difference between living and existing you know " he added
"You're so stubborn it's ridiculous" the sister stated as she shook her head
"I suppose that's a trait I'll carry forward to the throne" Carlos said in a joking manner
"Yeah right if you ever sit on that throne in the first place. They'll probably throw you to the wolves if not worse" his sister said mockingly
Carlos smiled amused at his sister sarcasm
"Just promise me you won't tell mom and dad where I'm going " Carlos said to his sister
His sister looked at him and let out a sigh
"I promise not to tell them but I'm not lying for you in case they find out about this " she stated
"I'll take that chance" Carlos said and they both knew he would
And so it was settled Carlos was going through with this whether or not his family supported it.
The sister left the room and Carlos continued packing. He had his bags almost filled now as he paused and took one last look around his room
"Just what am i getting myself into" he said to himself
But a little voice in him knew he would be okay. A little adventure was just what he needed to brighten his spirits and clear his head from all that's been bogging it down.
After an entire life spent in the upper echelon of society, being waited on hand and foot by maids and butlers, being given anything and everything he wants, finally Carlos was getting the chance to live a somewhat normal life for a while.
It was a bit scary but also exciting.
He’d finally be able to learn how to do basic tasks, be responsible for himself, and appreciate the simple things in life.
And he had a feeling he may even meet someone special along the way.
He made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare so he spent the next two hours just sitting and watching people walk by.
Some of the people walking by looked completely overwhelmed by the airport's constant noise and hectic atmosphere, and Carlos couldn't blame them, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling a bit nervous himself. All of this was going to be very different from his previous lifestyle.
Finally his boarding time came along which snapped him out of his trance.
He still had a slight sense of uneasiness but it was quickly outweighed by the excitement of starting a new chapter in his life.
Carlos waited in line for his plane and got on board.
At that point he officially had left his old life behind and he was already picturing things playing out in his new one.
This was going to be his new normal for as long as he wanted it to last and he felt strangely content.
Time really flew by during the flight and Carlos spent most of the duration of the flight napping.
When he awoke it was almost time for them to land.
The plane was coming in for its descent and Carlos couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous.
He was only hours away from beginning a new chapter in his life but at that very moment it felt more like a leap of faith.
Soon the plane was safely on the ground and after an uneventful exit Carlos was officially on American soil.
It was a surreal feeling for him, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and optimism for this new chapter of his life to begin.
Carlos just felt that his whole life had been leading up to this moment, and now that he was finally here he was ready to start his new adventure.
And he had no idea what adventures lay ahead of him….
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autismprotocol · 3 months
TMAGP Theory Board (S1 EP 7)
Dang that episode was a RIDE Hope everyone had a relaxing week because after the newest protocol episode I am screaming!! so lets get right to it
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What Happened in Episode 7: Give and Take
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Celia seems to know something about the powers with her references to the buried and the flesh in the opening conversation with Alice
Celia recognizes Chester's voice!! since the introduction of Celia's last episode, I wanted to see how she would react to hearing Chester and Norris and we got that in this episode. It's safe to say that Celia recognized Chester's voice as Jon. This piece of evidence makes me almost 100% sure that this Celia is the same Celia/Lynne from Archives
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Jon is Back!!! after Chester's statement (more on that later) we learn that Sam has been getting emails from someone named Jon. He also mentions it in an internal email. This helps support the theory that Jon and Chester/FR3-d1 are fused somehow which is what I (and a lot of the fandom) have been thinking. This leaves me with a lot of questions how else can Jon communicate through FR3-d1 with the outside world? Are Martin and Jonah sentient as well? Also, my big question is if this is the first time Jon has been able to signal to the OIAR Staff or if he has been trying to get them to listen since he manifested in the world and Sam was the first one to notice him or is this his first attempt to make contact. I'm interested to learn more about how Jon will continue to influence Sam. I think he's either trying to warn Sam about the OIAR's true intention or is he looking for some way to escape FR3-d1 and needs Sam's help.
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This week's statement involved a place called Hilltop Centre branch of the Oxford people's trust. if you were like me and my roommate all your lore alert bells started ringing the moment Hilltop was mentioned. for people who are new to the Magnus Universe Hilltop Road is a major location for avatars (usually web-aligned ones) and also was the childhood home to the desolation avatar Agnes Montague. Hilltop is a big deal in TMA. Hilltop Centre being located in Oxford also lines up nicely with where we know Hilltop Road is located. I'm interested to know if we will hear anything about the house at 105 Hilltop Road being student housing because if that is true then we can connect the statement giver Anya Villette From MAG 114 to being from protocol's world. if that's true there could be a way to get to the Archive Universe through the gap in reality (a wormhole that exists where the house was built) Anyways definitely will have to listen for any more mention of a place called Hilltop in Oxford 
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Gwen was promoted by Lena to external liaison and is officially "In" It's time to learn the OIAR's secrets! after doing some research into the job title of external liaison it seems that Gwen is almost gonna be acting as a messenger between the OIAR and another party which is unclear at this time. my guess is it has something to do with Starkwell which was the private military contractor that was mentioned in Episode 4 but that's just a guess and me trying to fit in pieces that have not found a snug place in the lore yet. could be someone else (I'd love to hear your thoughts)
Remember our Buddy Klaus from Episode 4 who we thought was killed by Lena? turns out Klaus is still alive we learn through Gwen and Lena's conversation, that Lena was paid by someone to kill Klaus but failed.
Colin is more paranoid than ever! could be because of the eye or the institute but he does not want to be near technology right now.
Ooh boy that was a lot I'm still reeling from this episode so I'll leave it there for now. honesty I'm most stoked to hear Jon's back in the story and excited to see what role he'll play in Protocol.
Hope you guys have a wonderful week ask box and comments are always open and I'll be back next week for the episode 8 debrief/theory crafting
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kinopio-writes · 15 days
Hello! I really like the way you write ;) can I see the OCD reader's girlfriend? (she is very paranoid, constantly checking everything, checking the house for hidden cameras, checking things and sometimes throwing tantrums because she thinks she is being watched) characters: Lucifer, Adam
A/N: Thank you. I did a bit of research about OCD, so hopefully I’m not appearing ignorant or anything. I know everyone’s experiences are different, but do tell me if I’m inaccurate.
Also, I know you only specified paranoia, but I added a couple of other things, too. I hope that’s okay. This somehow could all be read platonically.
Warnings: Adam being Adam (he’ll be quite insensitive here and possibly triggering)
Lucifer, and Adam w/ a Reader who has OCD
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• I don’t think Lucifer would even know that the word mental health exists
• wait, no, scratch that—he explicitly said he has depression
• actually, y’know what, maybe he heard the term depression through Lilith or something
• because there is just no way he knows what mental health is
• he’s been a hermit ever since the beginning of humanity (after he got banished)—how would he know?
• but, uh, anyway, back to the headcanons—
• he doesn’t know you specifically have OCD
• he just thinks what you’re doing is pretty normal since he’s also neurodivergent himself, so he relates to some of the things you think or do
• he’s very supportive
• he healthily alleviates your worries
• he never pushes them away or make it seem like you’re overreacting
• but, uh, constantly reassuring you would very much drain him
• Lucifer is also a man who requires many reassurance
• one of many habits you picked up is constantly checking up on the guy since you know he also has issues himself
• it gets worse if Lucifer’s depression takes a massive decline
• you’re constantly knocking at his office door, calling out his name to make sure he didn’t…
• uh, Lucifer usually doesn’t have the energy to respond during those times, so your worry doubles further
• this is unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence
• moving on, you two often try to get the other to come back to bed (you both struggle with sleeping)
• be it because of your compulsive behaviors or him hyper-fixating on finishing his rubber duck projects that you both lose track of time
• so what happens if it happens to the both of you at the same time?
• uh, it’s just not good
• you two will regret it the next morning
• you two are basically barely functioning together, but are trying to be better for each other
• and for Charlie, too
• I don’t think Adam would notice anything at first
• but if you two see each other quite often (maybe living together), he would pick up on some of your quirks
• he would hate how particular you are about many things
• like, what do you mean it needs to be like this? What do you mean this needs to be exactly like that? And what do you mean that has to be like this? Why can’t it just be the way it already is?
• your anxiousness also irks him
• like, why are you like this? You live in Heaven, for fuck’s sake! Why are you so worried?
• he, uh, “reassures” your paranoia not very healthily
• “Oh, that? Pshh, you’re fineee.” “Don’t worry ’bout it.” “Stop being so paranoid.” “Jeez, you’re overreacting.”
• it’s even worse if you’re bothered with things such as messes since Adam definitely does not have cleanliness as a trait
• his home is usually cluttered unless he uses his powers or gets someone to do it for him
• if you have trouble with time management, don’t worry about accidentally waking Adam up late at night ’cause he has a shitty sleep schedule
• you also don’t have to worry about that since he’s probably a heavy sleeper
• actually, he probably either sleeps in until the afternoon or takes afternoon naps after a sleepless night
• those times when he’s awake at ungodly hours are when he notices your habits
• if you don’t want any of the behavior I’ve mentioned, please educate him because he will most definitely not do it himself
• don’t be afraid to speak your mind because he obviously can’t read it
• but he won’t exactly make things easier for you
• unless it’s convenient for him
• he’ll just tone himself down a bit (his words, I mean)
• but he’ll slip up from time to time because he’s just very used to not being mindful of the things he says
• overall, just know that he’ll get annoyed and frustrated with you at times
• ...uh, yeah
• maybe you just shouldn’t be around a guy like him
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sugarsfics · 1 year
King For A Day
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Summary: Eddie’s shirts scores him a date on the girl he has his eye on.  
Trope: acquaintances to lovers? Modernish  
A/N: While i was working on Eddie x private!school!reader, Virgin!Eddie and a request I was also doing this on and I ended up finishing it first soooooo yeaaa.....This fic has nothing to do with the song title I chose it just seemed fitting because Eddie 100% felt like a king in this......Also I am sad that I wasn’t able to buy tickets for their tour so I am manifesting that a knight in shining leather will save me with tickets so then this fic was born (Sorry for the long a/n)
Warnings: 18+,mention of a wet dream, Cussing, Eddie being a dork, more so of Eddie's pov and thoughts, use of y/n
Word count: 1.5k 
Eddie is currently nursing his beer at a party that he didn’t want to be at. His friend Steve Harrington was having a little house party and told Eddie that he had to come. Eddie and Steve friendship is fairly new, they have been in the same friend group for about a year almost two, but recently have been getting close to call each other a friend, Steve also invited the older members of the Hellfire club they were skeptical but trusted in their DM. They all stayed together on the couch “There’s your girl” Jeff said to Gareth. Gareth’s girlfriend, Liz, walked in “And yours” he nudged Eddie then saw you walked in with Liz. 
6 months ago, Gareth introduced Liz to Hellfire, but Eddie's focused was on you. You were behind them trying to not be seen, only there for moral support, but Eddie saw you it was like a halo and spotlights were on you. The boys found out about his crush on Gareth's birthday, Gareth was having a pool party, of course he invited Liz, but Eddie was shocked when you came, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, not like he couldn’t before, but now you were in a swim suit. That night the boys had a sleepover, or as Gareth told Liz a “hang out that may include sleeping,” with your body on his mind Eddie had a wet dream the boys were woken up by Eddie whimpering and moaning your name. Eddie woke up to them laughing, he was mortified when they told him what happened. Eddie left early the next morning for business, but he was embarrassed, he told them that if they ever spoke on that night again, they will be banished from Hellfire and their characters would die a gruesome death. Gareth has been slowly hyping up Eddie to you and Liz to tell you and it was working.  
You and Liz weren’t from Hawkins, you guys lived in the city close to Hawkins. She met Gareth through one of her online games. You being her best friend was fucking scared for her life meeting a guy online could go horrible in many ways, on their first date you stay in her car hidden, it was something you both did on the first dates, Gareth didn’t kidnap her so he was going pretty good then they became a thing and he wanted her to meet his friends, of course you went because you are paranoid and this whole time it could have been a whole scheme to kidnap her, but the only that was stolen was your heart by a curly haired dork. 
Gareth walked up to you girls greeting you and hugging Liz then bringing you both to the couch. Eddie made eye contact with you, you smiled and waved at him, he was so glad that Steve’s house was dark because he could feel his face heating up with blush.  
You were standing awkwardly next to Liz and Gareth while they were sucking faces. You were looking around when you meet with Eddie’s brown eyes again, he smiled and patted to the seat next to him you looked around the pointed to yourself mouthing “me?” he nodded. “Hi” he said when you sat “Hey thanks for saving me” “Yea I been a victim of third wheeling myself, so I didn’t want a fair maiden like you to be one” smooth he thought. He took a sip of his warm beer and grimace at the warmth “I’m going to grab a drink do you want anything” “Sure water please” “You know you are at an infamous Steve the hair Harrington’s party” “So I have heard but” you looked at Liz “She is on her third drink so that leaves me the driver” “Well then I will be back with you water” he bow Eddie what the fuck was that he mentally smacked his head. He hurried to the coolers outside, grabbed his beer then dug to the bottom of the cooler to grab you the coldest water.  
He felt his heart drop at the sight in front of him, Steve has taken his spot he was flirting with you. Steve did his hair move that Eddie knew too well from watching flirt trying to subtly get tips on how to woo you. He should have known that if you left a pretty girl alone Steve would find them. He walks up to you with his head down “Here is your water y/n” he missed the way your eyes lit up hearing his voice “Thank you Eddie” you scoot over “Here I kept your spot warm” “Oh” he gasped “Thank you” he melted in the seat because of how your scent lingered. Steve started talking to you again which made Eddie quietly groaned “So y/n other than water what do you like to drink” Steve said “Oh um Strawberry Lemonde is my favorite” I CAN’T HAVE ANYTH- “What about you Eddie” he was shocked that you were facing him and talking to him while Steve was in sitting next to you “I-um like Kool-Aid" really Eddie now she is going to think you’re a kid-  “What flavor?” “The red one” “Pretty basic” you joked “What could I say I like the classics”  
Steve left a while ago but you both didn’t notice; shit you didn’t notice how long you guys were talking Eddie forgot that he was at a party till he saw you squirming in your seat. “Are you ok” he asked “Yeah I am fine it is just really humid in here” he had been feeling the stickiness for a while but didn’t want to ruin his moment. “Oh, yea I didn’t even realize that” *lie* “Do you want go outside” “Yes please” he places a hand on your back and guides you outside the warmth of his hand that you definitely want to feel more of. Outside there were still people but not as many, it had a more chill vibe than the inside. “Ah much better” you sighed. The porch light was on so Eddie was able to see your outfit, a grey tee shirt, a skirt with ripped tight and some well-loved black converse, it may have been for the black sweater he was wearing or you, but his body felt like it was on fire. You watched a group of people playing beer pong and saw Eddie moving from the corner of your eye, he was taking off his sweater, you started to watch him struggle out of his sweater then his shirt started to rise and you saw a the patch of hair going to his forbidden area you turned back to watch the beer pong player before you stared for too long. 
Eddie finally got out of his sweater; he was super confused on why it was so hard to get out of it but that is a question for later. “So, tell me more about where you lived” he started you turned to him “Oh well it- *gasp* is that a Pierce The Veil shirt” he looked down at himself “Yes, it is” “The is my favorite band” “What!! Me too” Sorry Sabbath I will make it up later “I was so bummed that I wasn’t able to get tickets since they are playing close” “Well well today might be your lucky day” you looked at him confused “I may have an extra ticket” your eyes widen “What” “Yea my buddy won’t be able to make it I was going to sell it and go by myself but having you be next to me wouldn’t be so bad” smooth Eddie you are on a roll tonight “Are you joking” “No would you like to see Pierce The Veil with me” “YES” you pulled him into a hug “oh my I am sorry I was excited and-” “It was perfectly fine” “How much” “I’m sorry” “How much do I owe you” “For?” “The ticket silly” “Oh nothing” “No I am not going to not pay for the ticket” “I invited you, so you are not paying” “But I must pay you back somehow” “Simple go on a date with me” “A date?” “Yes u-unless you don’t want to go on a date with me then we could go as fri-” you brought your finger to his mouth “I would love to go on a date with you” “Great can I- um" he scratched the back of his neck “Get your number” “Yes” you pulled out a pen from your purse and wrote down your number on his hand. “I-” Eddie was about to speak when Liz came outside with Gareth “Y/n I am ready to go are you” you gave Eddie a sorry look “Yes I will meet you at the car” she nodded her head then went back inside with Gareth “unfortunately I have to go but I had a great time” “Me too I actually had fun for once” “I should probably be home around 1 so call me” you said kissing his cheek “YES *cough* I mean yea sure” you giggled and waved at him leaving him behind to go take care of your bestie.  
Eddie drove home with two things on his mind you and how he was going to find to tickets to a sold out concert.  
tag list: @thefreak0fhawkinshigh
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coldmori · 10 months
❄️ note: this blog contains major spoilers for omori ❄️
dni if: p*do, z**file, pr*shipper, sh*tacon, r*cist, antis*metic, homoph*bic, transph*bic, terf, fatph*bic, p*rn account, above 25 y/o*, etc.
*people over 25 years old can read the comics and view the art but cannot personally interact with me, this includes direct messages, reblogs and comments, you can like posts
this is because i am a minor and i get paranoid about older internet strangers, thank you
my main blog: @i-like-omori
my other au: @bossman-au
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(comics are in chronological order, from furthest back in time to most recent in the coldmori timeline)
stray (1/3)
hypothermia (1/2)
hypothermia (2/2)
you're alive
hospital (1/2)
hospital (2/2)
non-canon comics, character info cards, what is coldmori, omori's diary, support coldmori, character tags
snowball (1/2)
snowball (1.5/2)
a dream
booboo kisses
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link to the cards
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coldmori is an omori au where only one main thing has changed -- it's always cold.
you'd think this wouldn't do much, but the cold has had a domino effect on the cast:
if kel knocked on sunny's door every day, he would now have the added risk of exposure to the cold
aubrey's house has holes in it's roof, so she would also have the risk of cold exposure, and her mother even more so, as alcohol lowers body temperature.
etc, etc.
some things have changed for some characters just to keep the story from being entirely just "what happens in omori but with snow on the ground" but they're kept plausibly deniable, meaning if omocat ever expanded on winter in omori, these would be possible things that could happen.
for example:
basil has cold urticaria (an allergic reaction to the cold)
hero has seasonal depression
and mari's death is now different; themed around the cold
but it's basically taking details from omori and seeing how they would change with the addition of snow and cold, how characters would change, how places would change, how life would be in this town.
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for animations and possibly comic making streams
youtube channel
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a in-character blog about omori's most secret thoughts
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donate to coldmori via kofi or patreon or support for free by reblogging linked post
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character tags
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What makes the tragedy of Jason's death so goddamn well written is that it is that there were three loopholes to his death prophecy, but for each of these loopholes to work requires people to be out of character.
The Syble tells Jason that if Jason and Piper went to find the emperor one of them would d__.
The first and most obvious way for Jason not to die is to simply not help Apollo and not go after the emperor. Unfortunately Jason is heroic. Even worse he never shirks his duties. He won't be able to overlook Caligula's crimes and turn away. It's not in his nature.
This book somehow, despite Piper and Jason breaking up, sold me on their relationship. Those two are ride or die for each other even if things are rocky right now. They aren't going to run and leave the other to face the emperor alone. Their friend might die anyway. Also Piper also gave me the impression that she believed they wouldn't actually die just like with Leo's death prophecy and the general lack of permeant death in Heroes of Olympus.
Now the third way Jason could have survived. Turning into a dog. You might be laughing but I am dead serious. Apollo, god of prophecy, brought up this possibility and while he might be grasping at straws this could easily work. Turning into a dog would allow Jason to dodge Caligula's blow, and in the confusion he has a chance to escape. This happening is entirely feasible in the pjo universe. It is extraordinary common for gods in myths to turn people into animals. It is confirmed that the gods are watching. It could happen.
Unfortunately, no god is going to interfere. Hera is on thin ice after the stunts she pulled in Hero's of Olympus, Zeus was throwing lighting bolt at her and not the giants he was so angry at her. I got the impression that it could easily be her thrown to earth not Apollo. Hera can't interfere without risking it all.
The minor gods won't disobey Zeus either even if it means losing a priest.
Zeus on the other hand can interfere he just won't. It would be a politically sound decision to save his son. Jason is the former leader of New Rome and current priest for minor gods. By saving Jason Zeus would regain the support from both demigods and minor gods that he is clearly lacking. The Olympian council would support this, this might help Apollo's quest so Artemis is on board, Hera's support goes without saying, Aphrodite daughter is also on the line here, and I can't think of a god that would oppose this. This isn't beyond Zeus's capabilities. He turned Thalia into a tree in similar circumstances. Blatant favoritism. There is a possibility that he just didn't think about it, but I really doubt it. Not only did Apollo bring up this as a loophole Athena is Zeus's advisor she would tell him it's at least a possibility. Zeus has a lot of flaws being an idiot isn't one of them. If he really wanted to save Jason he could have.
So why wouldn't he? Jason disobeyed Zeus standing up for Apollo when he was punished. Zeus really hates being disobeyed especially when it is a son doing it. He gets very paranoid about it in fact. Jupiter gave Jason to Hera/Juno and their only conversation is Jason questioning his father's decision in the coliseum. They do not have a close relationship. They have the least bonding moments of any godly parent beating even Luke and Hermes. Zeus doesn't care about Jason that much. It's not worth justifying the interference especially when his son is rebellious. His paranoia tends to make Zeus shoot himself in the foot.
Besides it's not like Zeus mourned his son's death or lost anything with his inaction. Hera mourned Jason, not Zeus.
The other thing that made Jason's death iconic is how it's effects are handled but that's another post.
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mixelation · 8 months
i've been debating what to do with deidara in reborn au, because i need to give him more but also i don't want to just repeat beats from homemade dynamite
so i was thinking: well, obviously he's doing something with art. and in homemade dynamite, his thing with art is that he's trying to carve his way to true artistic freedom. being a missing-nin means people will always be trying to hunt him down, but being in konoha means he has to dodge around rules and limitations. so his deal with itachi is that itachi will help him leave konoha in a legit way where he's not constantly fighting off hunter-nin, but until then he's trying to figure out what he can do within the village. i could totally give him the exact same goal in mutagenicity, and i don't really have anything against rehashing the same plots/headcanons (look at my 17 AUs about genin karin being kidnapped for her own good), but this doesn't really appeal to me.
then i thought: what if it' the opposite? what if deidara is like, "i want to experiment with a technique that will blow up a whole village" and minato is like, "rad, give me a couple days to find you a space. what do you need?" deidara blows up a bandit's head and kushina tells him she likes his art. they both go :/ at him when he damages village property but then their reactions are "oh, so you need a better outlet.... here, i can find you a mission--"
i think this would actually drive deidara insane in a way he wouldn't even know how to recognize. tori gets paranoid about having supportive mentors because in her past "sudden interest from the boss" means "boss might vivisect you" or "boss might decide you know too much and should die/do something insane." deidara just straight up doesn't know what to do with support. his art (in this au) was crafted as very reactionary-- his interest is in ripping apart the status quo and showing people nothing can last forever and they don't have as much control over deidara the world as they think. it's about disrupting structures and authority. what the FUCK is he supposed to do with actual support???
but also i don't think deidara has fully recognized his antiauthoritarianism as a motivator in his art because he's never been in a situation where it was absent. so when he suddenly doesn't have real issues with the biggest authorities in his life, he losses inspiration, and he doesn't know why.
and then he thinks about leaving konoha because clearly something about it is fucking with his head but, actually, kushina fills out forms to get him free clay and lets him pick missions where he gets to blow stuff up and minato lets him have a training ground to do whatever he wants, and he has his own bed and isn't living as a feral forest child, and he would be insane to leave.
so maybe we DO let tori have a C-rank go wrong because sasori interferes and she comes home and tells deidara about it and he loses his mind. he wants to see sasori because he needs another artist. he needs advice. how fucking dare sasori go after tori.
tori, trying to de-escalate: well i think he only talked to me because i was at the border and there was only one other person with me. it was just more convenient
anyway maybe we then KEEP team 4 having a c rank go hilariously wrong because deidara gets a whiff sasori is in the area and runs off. other things go wrong that don't have anything to do with sasori but because deidara has involved him, the things are now also going wrong AT sasori
and sasori tells him he's stupid and immature and deidara from then forward has to do some serious Self Reflection to figure out his ~art~. and he keeps looking up sasori even though sasori toLD HIM TO LEAVE HIM ALONE
kushina post mission: yeah wheat village tried to make a move for the sharingan but we managed it. sasori of the red sand was.... there....? idek he didn't really help but also he didn't NOT help
minato: what the hell is wheat village
kushina: doesn't matter because it doesn't exist anymore
also im playing with the idea of a deidara-minato vaguely student-mentor relationship (not for technique stuff, per se, but life/career stuff) because Jokes About Being His Bastard Son and also i like the idea of iwa's boogeyman helping iwa's #1 missing-nin
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 (𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚)
(Everything about the younger children I headcannon!)
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Once again feel free to disagree but be respectful my loves!
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Definitely on the schools soccer team, I see Jace as a very popular figure at school but he is very gentleman like, he will carry girls books and bags to class, help teachers move chairs and tables around class and chose the kids that usually don’t get chosen into teams for PE, he has a hair care routine for his curls for sure, is a comic fan I can see it and def is a crackhead for video games, does twitch streams probably, and loves energy drinks especially before his workouts (yeah I kinda headcannon him as a gym rat!) he owns a dog named vermax btw who is a German shepherd (proudest dog dad) academically he is great in English and history, heavy on the history since his family has a huge part in it I mean they were royalty and rode dragons (yes dragons existed and went extinct like dinosaurs and shit let me believe😫) but math is a bit of a hard subject he passes with a c maybe a B if lucky.
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He has not a single bad or intimidating bone in his body, an angel if you will. He is the sweetest human being who is very shy and quiet until you get him to come out of his shell then he is a comedian full on, definitely has beautiful curls, does great in all his classes just to make Rhae proud (momma’s boy) wears a single sliver band ring that Rhaenyra gifted him and he has never taken it off, has a dog named Arrax who’s a beagle, he definitely wears flannels and hoodies and owns a million pairs of converse, he smokes/vapes but not constantly because he is paranoid that his lungs would give out before the age of 30. Definitely does twitch streams and has a PC set up, is in a gaming/coding club at school for sure, probs an anime fan (I don’t know why he just gives off cute dweeb vibes!)
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A queen through and through! I see her being a human/equal/animal rights activist and a feminist for sure, idk she just seems like a supportive human who people would instantly love! She def would wear pretty vibrant colors, her hair would be lovely as well (wasn’t a big fan of the wigs in the show she and phoebe basically all of house Velaryon could have had better!) I see Baela with short silver coils even a gorgeous Afro and she might even enjoy dying her hair (maybe not) but she definitely would keep her hair healthy and beautiful! I have a feeling that she would be in some sort of sport but I cannot pinpoint which one! Owns a beautiful horse (a Friesian horse) named Moondancr, she would enjoy hobbies like horse back riding, going on hikes, surfing probably, rock climbing, she also loves doing crazy daredevil stuff (gives poor Laena a heart attack but Daemon is proud) she will stand her ground and speak her mind!
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She is so graceful, Rhaena is so kind and sweet therefore everyone was always so comfortable in her presence, she is a academic genius looking into becoming a dance/ballet instructor due to being in the dancing field her whole life, it was something she enjoyed and felt at peace doing. Has a beautiful white Birman cat named Morning, her collar and supplies are all pink and bright, Rhaena herself wears light pinks and whites even mix it up with other pastel colors, cute knitted sweaters as well. Beautiful silver hair that she would have in gorgeous braids or let her natural coils (like Laena’s) be but either way she would look gorgeous! She is close with Baela and Luke more than anybody else!
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Totally see him being the Lily Pritchett of his family, he would constantly gag everybody (especially Aegon!) An iPad kid through and through with his YouTube and games on full volume but he would keep his hands and iPad clean for sure, does Fortnite dances idk I just vision it, gets away with everything because in Rhae’s eyes he can do no wrong, he has a dog named tyraxes (he believes in the dog distribution system as much as the cat one and randomly walked inside the house with a small flea infested pup that Rhaenyra paid a fat vet bill for) is the most honest one in the family he don’t give a fuck about anyone’s feelings you asked for the truth he’ll give it to you upfront. He has a personal vendetta against Aegon which started when he forgot him in a car when he was a baby (Aegon is paranoid and believes that is the sole reason Joffrey is against him and he may be right) He’s smart in all categories I mean good grades and is great at social situations
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Aegon and Viserys
Both are attached to the hip since they are close in age, in the show I kinda don’t see much of them so to me I cannot read what they could be like. Cute kids though.
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Now since she doesn’t quite exist I headcannon that Rhaenyra gets to have her, everything about her is headcannon since yk she wasn’t alive in the show. I see her being a clone of Rhaenyra, a spoiled princess gets everything she wants (as she should) is in the best ballet school with the best instructors, her wardrobe is definitely professional made princess gowns, like she names a princess and Rhaenyra is on the phone getting it made, she has thick silver hair which she has her mommy braid just like hers, she owns millions of stuffed animals it is outrageous. Def owns a white Pomeranian pup named silverwing or Meraxes.
Okay this was fun to do! I love this whole Modern Au and I do hope you all enjoyed this read and comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but not required just as long as you enjoy the read💗
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seireitonin · 6 months
Some Jane hcs?
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🖤Yes :3 luv her 🖤 (will be going off Jane R, the canon one not Jane A. I love the lesbian representation Jane R is! :) Also some of these are gonna be canon)
Jane was a woman with a normal life
The two suburban parents, normal school life, normal love life
Just normal and happy
Her and Mary met in high school
Mary was a cheerleader and Jane being her best friend at the time watched and supported her
Jane didn’t realize she was a lesbian till she saw Mary with a boyfriend in high school and got extremely jealous and didn’t understand why
And Jane never liked a boy before but she knew she felt something for Mary
When Mary and her boyfriend broke up Jane and her cuddled as Jane comforted her and they shared their first kiss
They stayed together ever since then
Even though it was the 90s/ 2000s when they started dating most people accepted them
Jane’s parents included
They got married as soon as they were able to
Jane’s normal life continued with Mary until her parents were killed by an at the time 19 year old Jeff
Jane was absolutely devastated and wracked with grief
She stayed in bed not moving for months
Some days she just cried and screamed and nothing else
She also got paranoid
What if he tried to hurt Mary next?
How could Jane let that happen?
She couldn’t
So she did research on Jeff like crazy
It was really unhealthy
Also took self defense classes and made Mary take some too
But with all Jane read about this guy, she knew that still wouldn’t be enough
She wanted to avenge her parents, the police were useless in helping
She wanted to protect Mary, Jane can’t bare to loose the love of her life
So what’s the answer to those problems?
Take a risky government observed and produced experimental drug called Liquid Hate of course!
She went into the facility blank faced, telling them they could experiment on her
Inject her with as much as they needed
Make her stronger and she would do anything for them
She was willing to throw away her old life completely for revenge
Jane didn’t care. In her mind any chance she had at a “normal life” died with her parents
She would be too afraid, too full of grief and pain and paranoia to live a normal life and move on
So she would become a weapon to protect the one person that matters to her. Mary.
It’s all she could do
And that’s exactly what happened
Her transformation was slow and painful
Pre transition she had dark hazel eyes and really dark brown hair
Now she has all black eyes and lips, pale skin and black hair
When she was injected with it it’s like all her anger came out full force for 2 minutes and she lost all control of herself
She destroyed everything in the room, lashed out at the scientists, injuring a lot of them
They had to sedate her and strap her down
When she came to, she apologized and is more or less acts like her normal self
She looked in the mirror
Her old life was truly gone
They told Jane all about her new powers which include
Enhanced strength and speed, vocal mimicking, shape shifting, healing, regeneration and regeneration of limbs, drug and alcohol tolerance and almost infinite stamina (this is canon btw)
Jane was now an assassin for the CIA and FBIs Justice Department (also canon)
And she didn’t even tell Mary
Jane went home and Mary screamed until Jane calmed her down
“Mary, it’s me! I-“
“What the fuck did you do?!”
“What I had to do to keep you safe.”
“And that is?!”
Jane explained everything
“I know it’s jarring okay? But it’s still…me. I understand if you can’t love me because I look like this. I understand if you want to go. But just know I truly did do this for you and for myself. I have to protect you and avenge my parents.”
“You are so impulsive and stupid! But you’re still as beautiful as ever. You know I’m never going anywhere.”
They shared a kiss in the kitchen
Jane was so lucky to have Mary
Jane takes out any criminal asked of her and ones not asked of her too
Rapists, serial killers, p3d0s, abusers
Anyone that society doesn’t need
But her ultimate goal is to kill the man that killed her parents
Jeff the killer
She won’t stop until that happens
Jane doesn’t kill or hurt innocent people
She wouldn’t dream of it
Why be like the man she hates?
Jane’s actually really nice despite everything
She can be very sarcastic and snarky too though but can you blame her?
She’s still violent towards criminals though
Like extremely violent
They remind her of Jeff and she calls it “practice” for when she finally gets her hands on him
His death will be slow and painful
Jane has a sister and other surviving family members that she hasn’t seen in a while (how could she even begin to explain her life now)
Jane is 38 years old
Born September 1st 1985
Jane is Wasian (white and Asian, Japanese specifically) but looks more Japanese
She kinda looks like a type of vengeful Japanese spirit called the Onryō and has come to like it
people think she is one sometimes
Especially when she makes weird ass noises to freak out her victims/ mess with them
Jane really relates to Onryō due to the stuff that happened in her life
Her mother would often tell her stories about the Onryō especially around Halloween
Jane finds it ironic that she kinda looks like one with her pale skin, tall stature and long black hair
Especially when she wears white since Onryō are often depicted in white burial kimonos
She especially feels like one when she comes out of the darkness, quietly and slowly as if she’s floating her black eyes looking at her victim through the dark
She specifically relates to some parts of the story of Lady Owia. A man ruining Jane’s life, “killing” her old self and the life she knew, making her a vengeful person and leaving her “disfigured” and looking like an Onryō
Sometimes she still gets upset and will scream and cry at night in the middle of nowhere, making her look and sound like a spirit in pain
Despite the fact she’s still alive she sometimes feels like she died with her parents
Maybe she is just an Onryō in a humans body
She can speak fluent Japanese thanks to her mom
Jane understands Kagekao fully
Both of them being gay Japanese people who have pale skin and are good fighters is really coincidental
Kagekao thought Jane was a spirit or something supernatural due to the grief and vengeance coming off her
But to his disappointment she’s just a cool looking human
Jane really doesn’t like him
He’s a serial killer who kills people for shits and giggles like Jeff and she can’t stand that
Jane knows he’s a demon because he told her and Kagekao thought Jane wouldn’t understand him
They both also have voice mimicking powers and they use it against each other all the time
Jane is jealous of his parkour skills though, she wants to get better at it
When Jane is in a violent mood or in a fight black veins will appear all over her body, but it’s most noticeable oh her face and especially on her temples and forehead leading into her eyes as the veins pump and bulge with blood. Very unsettling to look at.
Jane is usually 5’10 but if she wants to look more intimidating in a fight she will make herself taller like 6’3-6’5
Jane is romantic/ trad goth and listens to the music since she was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s it’s nostalgic for her
Jane wears black everyday because she thinks all other colors look bad on her
She wears white to sleep though
Jane’s eyes are pitch black so you have no idea where she’s looking or what she’s looking at
It’s kinda scary when she looks at you especially if it’s dark
But she’s pretty so it’s okay
Loves Japanese comfort foods and will cook them a lot like really good ramen, mochi ice cream, udon, kastu curry, tempura and hot pot
It reminds her of her mom
Jane’s kinda happy that she has long shiny black hair like her mom now
If you were ever gonna run into a Creepypasta and live, Jane’s definitely your best bet
Likes to shapeshift to look normal to take Mary on dates
Wears black dresses when she’s not fighting but when she is, jeans and a sweater all black of course
Sounds like Amy Lee from Evanescence when she sings
A smooth soothing voice when she talks
Lived with Mary in their home till she got roped in with all the other pastas (but that’s a completely different hc list completely)
Since Jane works for the government she’s rich. Like really rich
So she’s always clean and put together
Can walk in heels like a pro
Jane’s a queen and I love her
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This isn’t proofread I made this at 3 am sorry lol
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written-with-blue-ink · 7 months
Could we get headcanons of different pets the Genshin men would have and how they would interact with them or their personalities? Especially Diluc and Alhaitham. I love men with animals, the biggest green flag
I got you, boo! I honestly couldn't stop once I started so added a few other characters
Alhaitham, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Cyno TW: neglected animals in Cyno's
Pet Headcanons
She showed up in a previous post but I think he would have a cat
An Egyptian Mau to be precise, her name would be Asal (Persian for honey) after her golden/bronze coat
She would 100% be a curious and very intelligent kitten who loves to run around and play
Type of cat who just climbs up fabric/clothes and will sit on your shoulder or around your neck
Will bite and pull on your ear if you oversleep and don’t feed her
Literally embodiment of “Ray of Sunshine”
Absolutely loves Kaveh for some reason (totally not because he spoils her rotten)
“Kaveh, stop feeding her so much, she’s getting fat. I don’t want two spoiled lazy cats”
“Excuse you, she’s perfect and skinny as is… Wait did you insult me too?!”
Does tricks! she knows how to sit, shake, tap (where she taps her nose to your finger/thumb) and is learning more
A big dog man
I could see him with rottweilers, german shepherds or bernese mountain dogs with a name like “Bear” or “Beau”, short, bold, and simple.
Originally gotten as guard dogs for a paranoid Ragnvindr who has many enemies and just got back from a murder spree in Snezhnaya, they now work more as emotional support dogs for him and others
He also still has his childhood tortoise (because those things live forever) which he named ‘Clip’ as a child
He’s very mellow, the dogs treat him as one of their own
They also cuddle and sleep together, two dogs wrapped around a tortoise who rests his head on the dog’s neck
When he and Kaeya were in their older teens, Crepus got them both large Clydesdale horses when they both joined the Knight’s Cavalry. 
He named his horse Skinfaxi and Kaeya has Hrímfaxi (named after the sun and moon horses from Norse mythos)
Skinfaxi is one hell of a mare, it took Diluc a lot of time, energy, and patience to get her to behave (though she still has a playful streak)
Would buck him off during training but she was the fastest horse in the Cavalry
He would take her on long rides at night through the woods and around Dawn Winery just to get her to trust him
Obviously, Hrímfaxi, who, unlike his sister, was much more timid.
They both got along really well, with no issues, unlike their siblings.
The two riding are almost like one being, completely in synch
With the cavalry gone, Mondstadt City doesn’t have a lot of space for a horse so he stays with his sister at Dawn Winery
Kaeya comes by whenever he can to ride him
But besides her he would take care of the stray cats around Mondstadt City, refilling food and water bowls around the city while on patrol
One day, after a long night, Kaeya woke up to clawing and meowing at the door and saw his favorite cat, a Calico named Lucky, wandered inside and flopped on his rug in pain, crying as he noticed the giant lump coming from her stomach
By sunrise, he now had a mother of three kittens refusing to leave his house.
Two girls (One Calico like her mom and the other orange) and a boy (A black cat with faint stripes)
He lets Klee name them: Sunny (Orange), Cloudy (Calico) and Stormy (the black cat)
The girls are definitely headstrong while Stormy is shy and tends to hide behind his big sisters
(as a kaeya kinnie with three stray/outdoor cats, he gets them too)
From a family with lots of big dogs, like Great Pyrenees, Samoyed, and Tibetan Mastiffs
When he moved to Liyue for deployment and got super lonely, his subordinates weren’t super close to him and locals didn’t trust him as a Harbinger, he grew rather lonely
Till he went into the countryside to deal with some Treasure Hoarders and saw them using weasels and ferrets to carry contraband and money around without notice
What really sold him was watching a little kid in the camp playing with one and rubbing noses with it
The next day Ajax had two ferrets running around his apartment with the most expensive ferret setup money could buy
They are the most playful, feral things who love running around and play-fighting each other
Named Jayson and Lila, a pair of twins
(totally didn't name them after the stoats from Burrow’s End)
Loves them so much and plays with them throughout all of his free time
Leaves them to his assistant whenever he is away or is busy (who proceeds to give her hell)
They love it when he wears big coats/parkas so they can climb in and snuggle
Didn’t have pets growing up
His first pet was on a mission as General Mahamatra, arrested some guy, went through his house for evidence, and found a severely malnourished and neglected Leopard Gecko
Some of his claws had fallen off to nubs due to layers of sheaded skin build up and he was cold to the touch from lack of heating. 
The lizard curls up into his warm hands and it immediately melts the General Mahamatra’s heart
Immediately putting him back and picking up the cage, he leaves the rest of the investigation to his coworkers before rushing to Gandharva Ville
Scared Tighnari and Collei with how quickly he rushed in through the door with a giant glass terrarium.
Looks calm and collected but is sitting in the corner with Collei just staring at Tighnari and the lizard, internal panic on the inside
Once Tighnari gives an analysis, Cyno asks Nari to watch the lizard for a few days and he will come back for it
Proceeds to spend two days straight researching Leopard geckos and how to take care of them
Also blows a good portion of his paycheck on supplies for the gecko, a larger tank, lights, and heating pads, etc. 
Picks him up and takes him home as soon as the terrarium is set up
Names him something dumb like “Geck” or a combo of his and Tighnari’s names like “Tighno” 
Most people don’t know besides Tighnari and Collei that the gecko exists, and why would they? Who’s gonna believe that the General Mahamatra has a tiny lizard as a pet
When Alhaitham and Kaveh find out Cyno has a pet, Cyno immediately pulls out pictures from his wallet like a proud dad
Whenever he is away for a while, he has Collei house sit and take care of the lizard, pays her generously
Will just sit on top of Cyno’s head or shoulder and chill
Loves to chirp and make little noises for fun/comfort
(also a leopard gecko parent and my gecko is a rescue with all these attributes from being mishandled)
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jackalopetrope · 3 months
I'm experiencing The Locked Tomb again, and the Second Reading (or listening in my case, I'm doing audio books this time), is absolutely DELICIOUS. It's like, a whole different book. Littered with details that couldn't possibly be enjoyed without having read the subsequent story beforehand!!
I've had to pause and jot some things down just because they make me feel ways (this is obviously full of spoilers):
In Chapter 6:
1) Aiglamene is teaching Gideon how to wield a rapier and tells her, her hands "Shouldn't be twins, but sisters", that they have different roles, but should be aware and support each other or something. And I was, Tamsyn are you sending me secret messages about the Third?
2) Harrow is speaking to the congregation and Gideon is thinking about how full of shit she is, but then Harrow says something like how no one will ever love the Ninth like she does, that "her heart is interred here", and Gideon is like well actually that bit sounded sincere. Oh boy. It sure is Harrow. Sounds like Ninth Poetic Gothic Nonsense, but in Hindsight, really quite literal. Well done Muir.
3) This one is a little less direct but when Gideon realizes she may never return to the Ninth and thinking that that somehow makes it seem fragile, that by turning her back on it, not looking at it, it might fall apart. Likes she's destroying it... Omg 😰 Just sort of rang like a precursor to how she felt about Harrow "turning her back on her" with the lobotomy y'know?
4) So Harrow and Gideon are getting on to the shuttle to Canaan and tension is high, they are not happy with each other and Harrow says "I want to watch you die", and Gideon, just super hyped to finally be escaping, smugly saying "Well you won't do it here." (Here being the ninth) 😭 Tamsynnn
Chapter 9:
When Ianthe catches Gideon hiding in dark, listening in on the third, she refers to "the necromancer of the third house", necromancer SINGULAR. Nice little drop there.
Chapter 14:
Harrow says "I'm not equipped to deal with a spirit attached to a live nervous system, you're so noisy!", implying Harrow is equipped to deal with spirits NOT attached to live nervous systems, like say, a bunch of dead kids haunting you???
Chapter 15:
Harrow says "She never liked that cursed thing anyway" in regards to Gideons longsword, said she always felt it was "judging her". Which is a weird thing to say about a sword Harrow
Also my current crazy theories that may debunked during this book or the next two because I don't remember all the lore:
1) Teacher is John? The colorful belts and the bracelets mentioned on Ianthe and Kiriona are like... Control belts or something. John needed a way to "be" on that planet without going to the system. John got hyper paranoid after all his Lyctors betrayed him, and wanted security measures on his Princes?? Like clearly he isn't aware of what they doing all the time, but maybe he can, remote in? Idk. Crazy theory.
2) Cytherea is the only reason Gideon made it through the aversion trial. Or Harrow rather, because I'm not convinced Gideons body didn't die. (Or do her escape death trick). During that sequence Gideon starts throwing up blood and seems like it's going to end very quickly then Dulcinea is like No! And the blood dries up, and the soul sucking pain is described as moving around Gideons body... I don't think Harrow would be experienced enough to adjust her siphoning like that. Also Dulcinea was clearly very intent on that key. At first I thought in half memory of the scene that maybe she was just interested in seeing if Gideon COULD survive the trial. But I don't think she cared who got her that key really.
Idk! I'm only on Chapter 20 of Gideon. I've gone completely nuts about these books.
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nyashykyunnie · 1 year
MY TIME HAS ARRIVED!! Here another simp present from daddy Sung Jin woo.... Ahhhh!! Well my application has the yandere element because I'm addicted to this genre, sorry if it bothers you (you can remove it even though my application would lose meaning) Well then, I'm sorry for my shitty memory and stuff, since I read the manhwa 3 years ago and barely I remember a potato. So, could you make a yandere request Sung Jinwoo where he is slowly falling into his obsession and more as he rises through the ranks as a hunter until almost reaching shadow monarch? You see, the reader was his friend (sorry I'll use the feminine term) She always supported him and gave him love, however behind all those smiles and joy, (Y/N)/Reader had other problems (it's not anguish) Basically it's sung Jinwoo being a big baby trying to protect his beloved from everything hahahaha.... incidentally killing bad people and monsters as well as possessiveness involved. I'm sorry if this bothers you, to compensate I leave a drawing of denji made by me... it's not the best, bye!!
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Yandere! Sung Jinwoo x Gn! Reader
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ .
It was enough points when your are a friend. But the fact that you've seen Jinwoo way before he transcended as the Shadow Monarch and the world? Oh his obsession is much more concerning
Unlike the typical yanderes that looses control every once in a while, Jinwoo has great control over his emotions.
His obsession is quiet, as if it was poison.
The stronger he gets, the more manipulative he gets.
Do you notice? No. Of course you dont.
Jinwoo is so nice after all.
The best way to manipulate someone is to make them believe you're harmless.
His way of manipulating you is simple.
Jinwoo makes you rely on him. Solely on Him only.
No one else but him. Just him alone.
Perhaps he purposely puts you in danger. Not really in danger-danger.
Just... Shaking you up a little by letting monsters go your way and he swoops in the moment you're absolutely frightened like the knight in shining armor he is.
He'll comfort you. Cooing at you gently, letting you know he's just there for you.
You're fine...You're fine... Your Jinwoo is here, he'll protect you no matter what.
Don't be scared. He's here. Don't be scared.
He'll use this method. Over and over again until you are paranoid without his presence.
He's the type of obsessive lover that wants you to solely rely on him and him only.
Just him.
You know that he only wants the best for you, right? There, there.
He'l slowly put that venom into you, until you're nothing more than a paranoid, sweet little thing who only seeks to be in his loving arms.
Jinwoo isn't the direct type after all.
He'll just play you like a doll.
You know that he's only doing for you anyway.
It's for your own good.
Oh, but of course he's not only does he manipulate you.
He can be quite jealous too.
Jinwoo isn't vocal about this though. He'll just continously glare at the person who is talking to you.
He'll give them three warnings.
The First Time: He'll let them off
The Second Time: He'll start paying more attention.
The Third Time: They better enjoy their last meal.
After all, they won't be waking up tomorrow anymore
After that, he'll be a bit pouty. He'll be cuddling you gently as his mind goes dark on trying to figure out ways to make people stop approaching you.
He ponders deeply as he held you in his arms
Oh well.
He'll just has to figure that out soon.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
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Go Wilfred! Love their shirt!
Hi there! Well, I did see this post of Georgia's yesterday, and there is a lot happening in this picture/post, of which Wilf's shirt is just one small part, and I definitely have a lot of opinions. Full disclosure, however, before I delve deeper: I am an only child, and my parents have been married for over 50 years, so I am by no means an expert on sibling relationships or blended families. What follows are only thoughts based on my own observations.
For those who didn't see Georgia's post (and I was a bit delayed in seeing it myself, due to the holiday here this week), she posted the photo below of her and David in the DW era, one of her as Jenny, and the family photo above, in that order. This was then followed by the below Insta story of a picture of Ty inside a Dalek:
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What really struck me about this post is that Georgia posted that family photo and wrote the caption about Doctor Who giving her a family...and yet Ty is not in the picture. She very, very easily could have chosen a picture that Ty was in, but seemingly purposely chose not to, and the optics of that alone are questionable. It is my understanding that, in many blended families, the stepchild (in this case, Ty) is sometimes treated differently than the "biological" children, for any number of reasons. Yet David has never once treated Ty as anything other than his own, never once referred to him as his "stepson"--only as his son. So the impression that this post gives is that Georgia thinks of her family as the one she had with David, and Ty somehow "doesn't count" because he was from a previous relationship ("new" family vs. "old").
As I mentioned before, I am not at all an expert on blended families, but I feel as though my impression of this post was further bolstered by what we see in your screenshot @kime11e--Ty commenting asking where he is, and Georgia calling him "needy," followed by her posting that photo in an Insta story as almost an afterthought. I'm just very confused by what kind of mother calls her own child "needy" for wanting to know why he's not in a family photo, because it seems rather cold and heartless on her part. Could this be some sort of inside joke/banter between Georgia and Ty that I am entirely missing? Absolutely. But as we know, in jokes are only funny if we're in on the joke, and the fact is, we have seen Georgia make similar comments about her other children (calling Birdie a drunken accident, lest we forget) so that, to me, suggests this isn't a one-off occurrence.
Which then brings me to Wilf and their shirt in this picture. It is definitely a great shirt, to be sure. And I truly do love that Wilf seems to be so supported and accepted by their parents for exactly who they are. What I keep thinking about, though, is that Wilf is 10 years old, and is starting to or about to start going through puberty and that journey of finding out who they are. I remember how difficult and painful and scary that journey was, navigating the turmoil that was happening inside my body and my mind. The difference, however, is that I went through all of this in private, but Georgia is putting Wilf's journey out on Instagram for the world to see.
What also seems strange is that none of the other kids are wearing shirts that advertise their sexual orientations. Again, this is not about shame, or saying that Wilf should have to hide who they are--and I cannot overstate how beautiful it is that they have such a loving family and a safe place to be themselves, especially at such a young age. It's about the fact that David has been/is being targeted by lunatic homophobic and transphobic bigots in the UK calling him a "groomer" and all sorts of foul and disgusting insults, and I just worry that singling Wilf out in this particular way could have unintended negative consequences. I know folks will say that that seems ridiculous or paranoid and that Wilf of course has people who are looking out for them...but their own parent is the one who posted this on Instagram. And once something is on the Internet--pictures or any personal information--it's out there forever.
So, yes. Those are my (not at all intended to be controversial) thoughts on this new post from Georgia. I know I could be completely off and misinterpreting all this, so I welcome comments from my followers with their thoughts and impressions about all of the above...
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