#Building a strong dog bond
A Tail-Wagging Guide: Unleashing the Power of Dog Health eBook & Dog Owner's Delight eBook
As a new dog owner, I was overwhelmed with information on caring for my furry friend. Sifting through conflicting advice online left me confused. That's when I discovered the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle, and it's been a game-changer for my relationship with my dog.
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Empowering Knowledge for a Healthy Pup
The Dog Health eBook is a comprehensive guide that dives deep into all aspects of canine health. From understanding basic nutrition to recognizing the signs of illness, this eBook provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-understand format. The clear explanations and helpful illustrations empowered me to make informed decisions about my dog's diet, exercise routine, and overall well-being.
Beyond the Physical: Training and Behavioral Insights
The Dog Owner's Delight eBook complements the health focus perfectly. This guide delves into the fascinating world of dog psychology and training techniques. It explores the importance of positive reinforcement and offers practical tips for tackling common behavioural issues like barking, chewing, and leash pulling. Thanks to this eBook, I've been able to build a stronger bond with my dog based on mutual respect and understanding.
A Tailored Approach to Different Dog Breeds
Both eBooks go a step further by acknowledging the unique needs of different dog breeds. They offer valuable insights on breed-specific health concerns and training approaches. This personalized approach ensured that the information I learned was relevant to my dog's specific needs and characteristics.
A Valuable Resource for All Dog Owners
Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a new puppy parent like myself, this eBook bundle offers something valuable. The combination of health and training knowledge provides a well-rounded understanding of canine care. The clear writing style makes the information accessible to everyone, regardless of prior experience.
An Investment in a Happy and Healthy Dog
While the eBooks themselves are a digital product, the knowledge gained is an investment that pays off in a big way. By understanding my dog's health needs and learning effective training techniques, I'm able to provide a happier and healthier life for my furry companion. The wagging tail and those puppy dog eyes say it all!
Overall, the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle is an invaluable resource for any dog owner. It empowers you with the knowledge and tools to create a strong bond with your dog and ensure their overall well-being.
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mikimeiko · 8 months
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Reservation Dogs | Season 3 (2023), Sterlin Harjo and Taika Waititi
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tomorrcwz · 2 months
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[ preview ] Lewis has grown softer, more domestic and slighty more protective of you since knowing you're having a baby, and you're absolutely loving it whenever you shower together or travel to races.
[ tw ] pregnant female reader, showering together (but not sexual!!)
[ req ] hi can I request for lewis. Where y/n is pregnant and him being so protective and domestic and soft with her. No smut if possible just fluff. You may add some angst if u want thank youu
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. previous | masterlist .
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home | the domestic side of him
The day starts off fairly normal as Lewis gets up before you, gently kissing your forehead that causes you to shuffle closer into his touch, and tries to move Roscoe, who's tangled between your arms, to go out for a quick morning jog. Through the dog has other plans, lowly growling at him, a sign that he much rather spend time in your presence — you have always shared a close bond but since falling pregnant, rosc wouldn't leave your side, even before Lewis or you knew of the baby. It's endearing to your partner, seeing you with his first child, all cozy in the family bed.
So Lewis decides to go on a jog alone which doesn't take him more than half an hour. He much prefers more being home with you and he has undertake the task of making you breakfast and shower your hair, something he has never realised could be so romantic and domestic. There was a time you both showered together but it was after having sex or to have a quickie, however it was never with the pure intention of taking a shower to get clean and fresh to start the day. But he loves the change, and he likes to take care of your hair, be it massaging your scalp, de-tangeling or whatsoever. And he's quite serious about styling your hair to whichever style you prefer.
In fact he hopes to get very good at it to do his child hair's, through you say he's already unbelievable fantastic with his fingers and claim that he has the eyes for it. You'll giggle and exclaim happily of his hidden talent, and talk on and on about how he should be a hair stylist after ending his racing career. His response is without a doubt everytime the same. "Get your facts straight, pretty girl, I'll only do your and our children's hair", to which you'll react with a shy smile and an i love you. You truly mean those words. There's no one you've ever met in your life that has captured your heart like him, takes your breath away like him, touches you like him and loves you like him. He's passionate about life and your romance, never backing down when your relationship hits a rough place, is strong willed and loves deeply. Loyalty, trust and communication are the big three in your love bond, and you push each other every day to the best version, to feel confident and appreciated.
The man besides you is your equal and you're his, without a shadow of a doubt.
You can confidently speak of each other as your home because home is not a place but a person and Lewis is your person and father of your unborn child. Its the truest form of love and peace, comforting and warm, healthy and free. With him, there's no pressure, he stands throughout every problem on your path, let it be work or small silly things like a broken flower pot — he'll offer his companionship, idea and listens, doesn't matter if he actually has the time to do so with racing and media stuff going on, he makes the time.
Its funny actually which lengths you go for another without being married — something that irritates your father greatly as he believes you have to put a ring on the finger when you love someone this way. He can't understand how it's working for you and Lewis but he reluctantly respects it. Has to, he has no other choice because Lewis and you are endgame as Charles, your man's future teammate, mumbles whenever he's joining you for lunch or a small getaway. The monegasque has a soft spot in your heart.
Returning home, Lewis is still catching his breath as he steps up the stairs towards your bedroom. You sit there, Roscoe's head on your thight as you turn a page over your newest reading over, eyebrows knitted together in wonder of what's going to happen to the protagonist. A certain calmness flots the room, the lightness of the sun dips you in a glow and Lewis thinks you look like a mystical goddess. He really broke every possible imagination and desire with you, his darling pretty girl.
"Good morning, pretty girl, slept well?", he asks, moving forward to give you a kiss on the lips. You're welcoming it, hands looping around his sweaty shoulders as he sits down next to you, tilting your head to the side to get better access. "Slept very well but missed waking up next to you", you pout after breaking the kiss, "want to shower together, handsome?"
"Thought you'll never ask", he laughs,"up you go." He stretches his hand for you to grab, helping you sit up and then stand on your feet. Then, unexpectedly, one of his bulky arms wrap around your middle and the other under the back of the knees, manhandling you in his arms. You squeek like a little girl but you recover fastly, mushing your face between the space of where his shoulders meet the neck, and nip on the skin playfully. Lewis' grip only tighten, smacking a kiss on the crown of your hair.
In the bathroom, he puts you down with ease, watching you carefully while doing so. "Everything's fine baby, thank you for your service", you mutter sleepily, the corners of your mouth lifted. Wordlessly, he takes the hem of his your t-shirt, waiting for your consent to pull it over your head. It makes your heart flutter — after all this time Lewis is still a gentleman. "Please do it", you consent, arms in the air. He does and he also removes your shorts and underwear before getting nude aswell and taking your hand in his to guide you to the shower.
Said shower is large and has a small seating space, something Lewis insisted on adding when you announced your pregnancy. It's an incredibly good investment and lifts up the shower space.
Lewis takes the showerhead and turns on the water, waiting for it to hit the temperature you like (and doesn't burn him) before rinsing his body hastily and wets your body and roots of your hair. After that he puts the showerhead into the intended holder in a way it waters your head and stands right in front of you, stomachs touching. You look him in the eyes, leaning in. "Give me a kiss", you plea, lips puckering for his to meet yours.
"Only because you asked so nicely", he mumbles, breath fawning over your face, causing heat to creep up your cheeks. Without asking, Lewis takes the shampoo bottle out of your hand. "Let me do it", he says softly, gazing concentrated on the blop of clear shampoo in his hands, which he then rubs in his hands, causing it to bubble.
You peek his cheek, grabbing his body shampoo and massage it into his skin, his broad shoulders first and move on to the abs, only stopping when Lewis fingers work the product in circular movement into your hair.
"Can't wait for breakfast", you sheepishly declare as your stomach rumbles loudly, breaking of the quiet humming you have started since his hair are in your hair. "What's on the menu today, Lew?"
"I made blueberry muffins yesterday—"
"With chocolate on top?", you interrupt him, excitement glistening in your eyes as you drown in his rich brown ones.
"Yes, knew you'd want them like that."
Smile lines draw in the corner of his eyes, and dimples show, and maybe, just maybe, you fall in love with the man in front of you a little bit more — if that is even possible.
"Oh I love you", you hum, feeling the water spray on your head to wash the shampoo away. After, Lewis applies conditioner to the ends of the hair.
"I love you", he sincerely answers, and he truly means it, you can see it in his eyes and body language aswell as the feeling — the whole vibe of the room screams of love. You can't explain it but it is the truth. "And the little one", Lewis continues, hands leaving your scalp as he bends down to kiss your bump, taking away your breath with how loving he is.
Back in 2008 when you first met, Lewis wasn't delicate and even in the beginning of your relationship it lacked, resulting in you feeling not as appreciated as you should've been — the man had been too focused on his job and was wild in a sense that sometimes made you slightly uncomfortable. You in return couldn't communicate openly, scared he'd break your heart in thousand pieces, and let him get his ways. It took you a while for opening up, growing together and fall in love even more. But all the pain and stress paid off, now you can't imagine not walking those milestones of growth hand in hand.
"Might be a house-husband after 2026 and make you stay at home too. We could have more children if you want, and enjoy retirement together with our babies."
Its truly a dream, however you know that this is not going to be your future in a few years yet.
Shaking your head to the side, you signal him your answer. "No baby, you'll race your car to the top and gift our baby the eight championship trophy, alright? You can't just stop your passion, I won't allow it", you firmly share before taking on a much calmer tone . "But I'd like to not work for a while, take care of the babe and visit you whenever we're ready."
"I don't even know if I want to keep racing but you can't definitely stay home and maybe write that book you always wanted to."
"You have enough time to decide, don't pressure yourself, okay?", you hush, relaxing as he untangles the knots in your hair.
A low sigh vibrates in his chest. "Okay."
"How do you even know I write on a book?"
Lewis stiffles a snicker. "I'm your man, of course I know when you're up to something and you have said to the Lilys that you're working on a novel based on formula one. Hope it is inspired by me, pretty girl."
"And if it's inspired by the rising star Ollie Bearman?", you tease, making him laugh.
"Both of us know that the books about me or the technical stuff", he responds in confidence. "Have to say, you really do love that kid, huh?"
"He's a great kid, and so young", you stretch the 'o' of so long, "really want to pinch his cheeks whenever I see him."
"He is and you're such a mum to him."
"Ollie says I'm his grid mum which makes you his grid dad. Ain't that cute?", you tell him, closing your eyes as he rinses the conditioner off and puts body gel all over your body.
Your partner doesn't reply but you know how much he likes the brit, going as far as giving him tips for his f2 season. To you it's another confirmation that he's capable of having children.
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Australia | the protective side of him
After ranting on and on of how you are still allowed to travel by plane, Lewis gave finally, even though he was visibly not alright with it, but he shut his mouth to hinder upsetting you. The pregnancy demands enough of you already and he doesn't want to be the person, who's taking away the fun. Also he's selfish, wants to have you and your unborn child by his side as long as possible.
But in his mind roams the thought of if you would've been better off in England with your families around to keep you company as he races against time, trying to be home as much as his job let him. He despites the many races on the calender that keep him away from his family that consists of you, his lovely girlfriend, the baby inside you and his first child Roscoe. Truly devastating.
Currently you gather everything you need for the day, stuffing a pack of tissues, lip balm and whatnot in your colourful totebag, Lewis had bought you in Mexico last year because he thought it was fitting and now you carried it everywhere you could. Somehow the colours blend quiet nicely with your outfit that considers of a fan made vintage styled shirt with his name, racing number and face on, and a pair of black pants. Between the space of your collarbone rests a necklace with the number 44, something quite possessive — revisiting the memory, Lewis can't help but bite his lips.
Two days before taking you to your first ever red carpet, the fia gala, a rather stupid man had flirted with you as you were waiting for Lewis to finish up business. You had worn a lovely dress, causing his eyes to follow your ever movement as you separated from him to get a drink (he wanted to rip that dress off you later on, too) and then that man came onto you, smirk etched on his face, trying to lure you in a conversation. In that moment Lewis felt incredible jealous and promised himself to mark you somehow — to which you unknowingly agreed as he gifted you a necklace with his number on it. To you the gesture was very lovely, a promise of being each others keeper, but to Lewis the necklace bought him satisfaction and calmed his nerves.
"Don't look at me like that, Lew", you laugh, catching his gaze in the mirror as you put on your earrings.
"Don't know what you mean, pretty girl", he husks, eyes fixed on your butt. Those pants show your curves off and if it wasn't for the time pressure, he'd spend the day in bed, loving you.
"You're a horny bastard", you mutter, catching him stare. "My ass looks great it them pants, no?"
"Sure thing", he mumbles, crossing the room to give you a hug from behind, chest pressing against your back, making you all mushy. He gently lifts your bump and you hum happily. It feels unbelievable good.
"You should do this everyday, baby."
A sigh tumbles in your boyfriend's throat as he sees the time of the clock — you're already behind schedule. "I should. 'M sorry to break it to you but we have to go now, pretty girl."
You moan. "Don't want to, this is so much better."
"I know", is all Lewis says, letting go of your bump before grabbing your chin to face him. You closed your eyes when his lips crash down on yours, the scent of his perfume filling your nostrils. The scent isn't too strong and is fairly new because you can't stomach the old one. "Love this perfume so much", you share after breaking the kiss, foreheads touching.
"Better be, you've chosen it, pretty girl. Let's go, hm?"
"Okay if you insist."
Arriving at the paddock, you're quick to lose Lewis to his engineer for a quick snack, you know the paddock club makes. The walking takes you just under ten minutes, but it's long enough to make you slightly sleepy again, a regular occurrence that started back in the early stages of working full time. The pregnancy only adding a bit to it.
As you stand waiting in line, you strike up a conversation with vcarbs reserve driver liam lawson, a funny guy, and let him vlog your conversation with the promise of him paying for your snack. The talk is all silly, your chest heaving strongly as he cracks another joke.
Though the vibe breaks when a man rushes besides you, shoulder bumbing against yours forcefully and sending your body stumbling into the driver, who's quick reflexes save you from a nasty fall.
Regulating your breath and removing your hand from Liam's arm, your anger comes through. "What a fucking wanker, next time I'll see him he'll fly straight in those bushes." You point to your left where a row of yellow blooming bushes sit in pots.
Liam's booming laugh attracts the attention of a few guests but neither of you care. It takes him a minute or two to stop, however the amusement is still painted on his face.
"Understandbly, call me if it happens, yeah?", he says, moving up to order himself a coffee and your snack. "Can I put this in my vlog?"
"Yes why not", you shrug, sole focus on the vegan treat in your hands.
"Let's go back to Mercedes, y/n, don't want Lewis to rip off my balls if he gets to know this situation."
You agree and guide him to your man's garage, greeting the buzzing flow of employees and fans alike. A smile adores you face as you make your way to Lewis, grasping Liam's arm in the process, causing some people to raise an eyebrow and the kiwi to blush slightly under their stares.
Sliding under Lewis arm to shuffle closely to him, he wordlessly accepts, listening to Bono's rant. He doesn't even notice the blonde kid next to you, way to absorbed into Bono's talk.
Eventually he does greet you, kissing you till a tiny moan escapes your mouth, and looks away from you, eyes falling on the Kiwi, who's side is pressed to yours — right besides him isn't any space left, just the wall and he guesses you must have pushed him into the space. It doesn't make him less dominating, arm pressing you further into his side to create more space between them, and he grabs the necklace to correct the way it lays, so the 44 can catch the attention if anyone is stupid enough to look at your tits in his presence.
The younger man doesn't react to his attics, but he's respectfully keeping his distance.
"Hey man, all good?", greets Lewis, handshake included.
"Nah yeah, fine."
Shallowing your bite of the treat, you bring up his vlogging. "And then he promised to buy me this in turn for vlogging our conversation. Maybe I should do that too, your fans would love it, Lew", you gush.
"We could, but we shouldn't. Want to keep you all for myself, pretty girl of mine", he mutters into your ear, hot breath fawning over the sensitive skin, "won't share what's mine."
Heat creeps up your neck and you're glad your hair isn't styled up today.
"You silly man", you giggle like a school girl, loving how he calls you his.
"I don't want to interrupt you by whatever you have going on but I wanted to tell you Lewis, that some cunt, shouldered her. Nothing happened, I catched her, but you should know", Liam rants, waiting for the older man's reaction while your wide eyes hang on your man's face, which morphs into a harden expression.
"Thanks Liam for telling", he grinds his teeth," because this one", he sends you a pointed look, "wouldn't have told me."
Swallowing, the kiwi presses a no worries mate and steps away, probably going back to his garage. Meanwhile you wait for Lewis' lecture and he doesn't disappoint. "You should've called, y/n, how often do I have to tell you that? If something happens, you instantly call me and I'll answer."
Before he can get really into it, you speak up. "Liam was there, wasn't he? He helped me and I'm not hurt, see?" You move your arms to let him inspect it. There's no sign of bruising.
"He was but next time you'll call, okay? I don't care if anyone is there to help you, you will call me, okay?", he voices his demand. "Don't want anything to happen to neither of you."
"Fine", you huff, face mushing into his muscular chest.
"And don't bring any boys here."
"Not fine", you groan, "he's like a younger brother. Fucking annoying but can't wait to send gifts for the baby and us."
Lewis stays silent, angling his body to hug you fully, and peeking your head.
The loudness of the race weekend suddenly quietness and all he hears is your relaxed breathing, that comforts him like nothing else can.
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onlyhereforthestories · 6 months
No Hay Distancia (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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A fic for you all finally. I'm sorry it's taken so long! It is slightly different to how I normally write so I hope it is okay!
The sun had dipped low on the horizon as a warm, golden glow bathed the city of Barcelona from your place on the balcony. It was a beautiful evening, and for you, it marked the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You had just moved to this vibrant Spanish city from Seattle, leaving behind your time at OL Reign and starting your new one with FC Barcelona Femení. The change had been exhilarating and intimidating, but the one thing that made all the change worthwhile was the anticipation of finally being with the love of your life, Alexia Putellas.
You and Alexia had met three years ago; your connection was ignited by your shared passion for football. Alexia's mesmerizing skills on the field had drawn you to her instantly and had you almost tripping over your own feet mid-match at the beauty she held. Despite living miles apart, you had managed to build a strong and steady bond. It had been a long-distance relationship full of late-night calls, text messages, and fleeting visits whenever either of your busy schedules allowed. You were another world away, playing as part of the OL Reign team, while she was at her home club of Barcelona, and the time difference often felt like a cruel challenge. Not anymore, though.
The evening was drawing to a close, and you had yet to even start to unpack the many suitcases you had with you, not sure where your belongings belonged in your now shared home. Not only did you have what you had brought on the plane with you, but you also had some storage things coming via courier soon. Something you might not have told Alexia about just yet. Your excitement was building as you started on the first case, although unpacking a case was hard to do when a small dog kept jumping in it. You knew the drawing in of the evening meant that Alexia would be finished with training soon and therefore should be coming home for the first official time to your shared home. You kept glancing at your phone, waiting for Alexia to finish her training session, a session you would be joining soon enough. The anticipation was almost unbearable.
Finally, your phone buzzed with a message from Alexia: "Buenas tardes, mi amor. I'm on my way home now. I really can't wait to see you!" You couldn't help the smile and massive bubble of excitement that surged through you at reading that simple message. You had to read the "on my way home" part a couple of times to believe this was your reality.
When you heard the distinct sound of a key scratching into a lock, you practically sprinted to meet her at the door, Nala hot on your heels almost as excited as you were for the woman’s arrival. There she was, Alexia, with her signature smile that could melt anyone's heart but especially yours. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she pulled you into a tight hug. It felt like more than a dream; it felt like a moment you had been waiting for years for was finally happening.
"¡Te extrañé tanto, mi amor!" Alexia whispered, her voice laced with genuine emotion, and you could feel the slight lump in her throat that she swallowed down as she spoke.
"I missed you too, Lex," you replied, tears welling up in your eyes from the memories of saying that countless times over FaceTime or the phone rather than in person. Not only were those tears for that, but they were also for the fact that you wouldn't have to say it that way or as often anymore.
You cherished every second you had right then, soaking her in. This moment felt like your life was finally getting started after being on hold for the few years you had been apart. Your heart ached thinking about the lonely nights you had endured, the longing you had felt when Alexia was on the other side of the world. But now, it was all worth it. The physical proximity made your love feel stronger than ever, making the time spent apart worthwhile.
Over the next few weeks, you explored your new home with Alexia by your side as your very excitable tour guide. You visited famous landmarks, indulged in delicious Spanish cuisine, and shared countless tender moments that you had been waiting to share consistently together for ages. The days of counting the time difference to see what hour of the day your other half was in seemed like a distant memory something you were beyond grateful for.
One evening, after a particularly gruelling training session, Alexia collapses onto the couch completely exhausted. You can't help but smile as you watch her, her passion and dedication to her sport unwavering even on training days.
"Rough day at the office?" You tease knowing full well what her day has been like, yours equally as hard. Although due to you being a defender and her being an attacker, the days of training had been slightly different for each of you.
Alexia chuckles, her voice tinged with fatigue. "You have no idea.” The statement was accompanied by a smirk and a wink one that had you stifling a giggle at her antics. “But it's all worth it when I get to come home with you." The statement has a blush taking over your whole face.
You join her on the couch, snuggling up to her. "I'm proud of you, Lex. You're amazing."
Alexia leans in for a sweet, tender kiss, her lips soft and warm against yours. "And I'm proud of you too. You've adapted to this new life so well."
You smile, feeling a surge of happiness. "It's easy when I have you by my side."
The two of you sat there for a while before you pushed up off her and got to your feet. When you looked back at the woman on the sofa you chuckled at the pout, she was sending your way. “Stop that, someone needs to make dinner and seeing as you almost fell asleep two seconds ago, I think it's going to have to be me.” You sent her a wink before heading to the kitchen.
About 30 minutes later you had plated up the simple chicken and pasta dish into two bowls and wandered back into the living space to give Alexia her bowl. When you walked around the couch you couldn’t help the smile that instantly spread across your face at the sight of the woman sleeping with Nala curled up in the space in front of her chest.
You placed the bowls on the coffee table and gently ran your fingers through the older woman’s hair trying to stir her slowly and gently from her slumber. When that didn’t work and she just sighed contently, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to her hairline brushing a few soft kisses there as you spoke gently but not too quietly. “Come on mi amor time to wake up, you need to eat before we can go to bed properly.”
Alexia's eyes blinked up at you a few times as she slowly came back to the land of the awake. Her legs stretched out as her body shouted at her to get out of the cramped position, this action woke up the sleeping dog who shouted her distaste for being woken up with a sharp bark before leaping off the couch and trotting to her food bowl which you had placed her dinner in before serving your own.
By the time Alexia had sat up, you had both bowls back in your hands and ready to go, your stomach letting Alexia know how ready you were to eat with a rather loud rumble. As she grabbed her plate from you, she teased you the whole evening was very domestic and was one of the first evenings you thought about how far you had come to be here doing just this with the woman.
As the months continue to pass by, your connection with Alexia deepens. You share countless moments that strengthen your bond, from the simple pleasures of waking up together and preparing meals to playing alongside each other on the football pitch. Your love is evolving and growing stronger with each challenge you face and each triumph you achieve together.
Barcelona becomes more than just a city; it becomes your home. Its streets, its people, and its culture all contribute to the love that starts to bloom in your chest when thinking about the city. You explore hidden gems with the people around you, you savour the delicious Spanish cuisine both home-cooked and in restaurants, and you revel in the rich history that surrounds you. You were exploring one of these small gems when Alexia turned to you, her eyes filled with love. "I can't believe you're finally here with me," she said, her voice soft and full of emotion you never thought you would see from the normally strong, stoic woman, not outside of the home anyway.
You smile and take Alexia's hand in yours. "I couldn't be happier here. Being with you is all I ever wanted and I’m so glad we made it work and get to be here in the same place together."
Your lips meet in a sweet, lingering kiss, sealing your love in the city where your dreams have come true. No longer does distance stand between you, for now, you're together, and your love will only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
As the weeks turned into months, you and Alexia settled more into your life together in Barcelona. You found your footing as a new star for the FC Barcelona women’s football team alongside your partner, making connections with your teammates and fitting in perfectly. The routines you and Alexia had created slowly made life in the sunny city run smoothly. If one cooked, the other washed up; if one hoovered, the other did the laundry, and so on. This solidified the decision you made to move thousands of miles away from your original home, making the wonderful connection between you even stronger.
Yet, like any relationship, challenges arose. The demands of your and Alexia's football careers and your joint busy schedules tested your commitment and your time together. The time difference between Barcelona and Seattle had once been a source of frustration, but new challenges required just as much resilience and understanding.
One evening, after a particularly tough practice, Alexia sank into the couch, her face etched with exhaustion. "I can't believe the season is already halfway over. I feel like I have been playing for a year straight already."
You sat down beside her, offering a comforting touch by bringing her into you and letting her rest against your body. "You are doing amazing, Lex. But it is okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes with all the added captain's stress you have going on. I am always here for you."
Alexia leaned into your embrace, her body relaxing against the support. "I know, but it is just so hard. Balancing everything—training, matches, the media, and us. I feel like I have been neglecting our time together because I have a promo deal to complete or do an interview for someone. I know we still get evenings, but I am just so exhausted when it comes to them, and I don’t feel like I’m giving you enough."
Understanding the weight of the responsibilities that came with Alexia's position, you reassured her, "You give me all you can at the time and that will always be okay with me. Any time I get with you is perfect and even when that time is limited or maybe even just snuggling up in bed together, it is still time with you. Not too long ago I was only getting to see your face on a screen and now I get to see it in person all the time. I get to fall asleep at the same time as you and wake up to you. So please don’t worry about us, okay? We have got this and will get through it together. I promise."
A few weeks after Alexias confessed to how she was struggling a bit with commitments and time together another hurdle was thrown your way. Your evening was meant to be spent together having a date night at a restaurant you have both been wanting to try but here you were sat with Alexia on the couch in comfy clothes instead, both of you mentally and physically drained from your respective commitments. "I know it's tough, Lex," you began, "but look at how far we've come. We've tackled challenges together before, and we'll do it again. Your dedication is incredible, and I'm so proud of everything you've achieved."
Alexia's tired eyes met yours, filled with gratitude, care and love. "And I'm proud of you, too. You've always been there for me, no matter what. I couldn't ask for a better partner in this journey."
In those moments, the challenges that once seemed insurmountable become stepping stones on your shared path. Your love remains a constant, a light that guides you through the most challenging times. You both know that no matter what the future holds, you have each other's backs, ready to face any obstacles together. The challenges may be different, but your love remains as strong as ever, a bond that continues to grow with every test it faces.
The season has come to a close and you aren’t far off completing your first year in Barcelona when you find yourself and Alexia on the rooftop of your apartment building, the city's lights stretching out before you like a sea of stars. You lean against the railing, taking in the breathtaking view, and Alexia joins you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder so she can look out too but keep you close.
"This city is incredible," you say, your voice filled with wonder.
"It is, but it's even better with you here," Alexia replies, turning her head slightly to press a small chaste kiss against the side of your neck. This prompts you to want more so you turn to face her, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. The warm night air and the city's enchanting lights create the perfect backdrop for your love to soar. As the kiss deepens, you can't help but marvel at how far you've come since your first meeting, how much you have both overcome to be here and together nonetheless.
The city's lights continue to twinkle below you, a testament to the vibrant life of Barcelona. As you stand there with Alexia, you can't help but think about how much your lives have changed since that first match, the one where you couldn't take your eyes off her mesmerizing skills and beauty. It's been an incredible journey, one filled with love, passion, challenges and unwavering support for each other.
You turn your attention back to the woman who had you wrapped up in her arms, a radiant smile on your face. "You know, I used to watch Barcelona's games on TV back in Seattle, dreaming about being here and playing with you. Now, it's all come true."
Alexia grins, her eyes shining with pride. "Dreams do come true, mi amor. I'm so glad you're living yours and that it matches perfectly with mine."
The night is still young, and the possibilities seem endless. With your hands entwined and resting on your stomach, you both look out at the city knowing that your life together was just beginning. You can’t help but feel grateful for the journey that has brought you to this moment here, for the love you get to experience and for Barcelona that has become the backdrop to the next chapter in your life. A life you know will be filled with love, football, and the promise of a future with the woman you have loved for a long time from afar.
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robfinancialtip · 4 months
Join Paula, a digital nomad and travel writer, as she shares her experience with the innovative Halo Collar. Working from home in a small condo with a tiny yard, Paula faces the challenge of fostering dogs and cats from the local animal shelter. Thanks to the Halo Collar, she can provide her furry friends with a sense of well-being and safety during their short stay.
In this video, Paula explores the numerous features of the Halo Collar, expressing gratitude to the company for sending her the product. Living in close proximity to neighbors, Paula uses the collar's GPS-enabled virtual fence to set boundaries for the dogs, ensuring they stay safe and respecting her neighbors' spaces.
Paula highlights the ease of use of the Halo Collar, especially praising its association with renowned dog behavior expert Cesar Millan. She demonstrates how to put on the dog collar and discusses its vital features, including GPS tracking and the virtual fence. The collar's impact on fostering dogs becomes evident as Paula emphasizes the importance of building strong bonds and creating a sense of safety and security for the animals.
The Halo Collar 3, described as the perfect blend of innovative technology and understanding dog behavior, proves effective for dogs of various personalities. Paula appreciates the included dog training features, allowing her to spend more quality time with the dogs and increasing their chances of being adopted into forever homes.
For Paula, the Halo Collar 3 has been a lifesaver, enabling her to continue fostering dogs in her small condo and providing peace of mind. She encourages viewers to share their stories and feedback, emphasizing the potential positive impact on countless wonderful dogs out there. Subscribe to Paula's channel for more insights and to be part of her journey with the Halo Collar 3.
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femoso-seben · 5 months
Livestock AU pt. 2
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- Kangal! Price and Llama! Alejandro are very proud of their land and territory. Alejandro only lets in a few dogs Price of course they’re old friends and Border Collie! Gaz, on one condition, Alejandro does the discipline.
- The ewes hybrid finds Alejandro very handsome and he always gets the treats the farmer gives the sheep. The small Lambs will scream and cry if they get lost and Alejandro will go rescue them.
- When rams are introduced into the herd Alejandro has to give the poor ram hybrid a long list of Dos and Don’ts (mostly don’t). Alejandro is highly protective of his ewes and will not take disrespect towards them.
- the heard of sheep is renounced for their wool production so theirs about 6,000 sheep Gaz is the only heard dog working there (because Al can not stand anyone else than agreeable Gaz)
- Gaz has befriended most of the Ewes and has a good rapport with most of the Ewes there is one older one, who gives him shit and calls him Sonny, Honey, and Sweetpea while not moving.
- Gaz does a lot of bearding of the sheep walking the parameter and reporting back to Alejandro. Alejandro spends most of his time with the Lambs or pregnant Ewes who walk the field. He chooses to be in the center of the herd.
- Price speaks with the head farmer often with Laswell to protect the farm better, then spread out to tell their underlings.
- Kangel! Ghost mostly walks around the perimeter of the farm’s land marking his territory and scenting the area to keep pesty coyotes and wolves away. Usually Barn Cat! Roach follows after Ghost
- Ghost struggles to socialize with the other dogs and sees all herds as his true family. The Farmers had to socialize with him and Ghost bonded with Price first, shadowing him before branching off
- Ghost have the deepest scariest bark and the first time all the herd animals heard it they ran for it hiding behind their guardian.
- Ghost also prefers the cats for their quietness (except for Roach who can have a one-way conversation with himself) Ghost tried to snide Laswell once got the smacking of his life (Laswell has his most respect besides Price)
- Great Pyrenees! Soap was added before Gaz but after Ghost. When the fowls were added they were too noisy for either Price or Ghost. So soap was brought in. Sociable and talkative will know all the inside bird drama from the duck, chicken, and Goose Hybrids.
- Soap spends most of his move getting the birds into their fields and feeding them before walking the inner area looking to help anyone who needs it. Usually ends up Chilling with Rudy since Al forbids him in the sheep acres (gets very sad when Gaz has to lead to do his job and not chat with him. Have tried begging Alejandro still refuses. Did cry himself asleep he really wanted to hug the fluffy ewes and lambs)
- Soap sometimes shadows Ghost and slowly his happy calmish demeanor rubs off on Soap and becomes his second bonded friend. After the morning recon, they explore the scents to see if theirs any threats, and then Soap runs off to tell Price and gather the boys
- Soap is a strong guardian dog once the fowl were moved to a field and a building was erect Soap ends up fighting off the Coyotes often at night who try to snatch one of his gossiping birdies. Ghost does Join since that’s where the action is.
- Coyote! Valeria and Soap have the most enemies-to-lover vibes while having the gayest vibes too. They flirt but in like a hateful way. Valeria has a mate somewhere and goes after the fowls mainly when she and her mate are having pups or to piss off Soap.
- Barn Cat! Laswell was gotten before any of the livestock and when both Alejandro and Price were added she instantly put them in their place. Al and Price like having her import and her inner network of barn cats from other barns do a lot of inter-barn cat political activities.
- Roach and Laswell sometimes go off for a few days to the cat conference and come back with knowledge! Once Rat! Makarov invaded and wreak other barns Laswell was very adamant about catching that criminal
- Laswell needed more men and told the Farmer she needed more soldiers that’s where Barn Cat! Farah and Alex were added and they have been waging war
- Makarov and his forces once trapped Alex and got his leg caught onset some debris. He has a permanent limp but still works as a Barn cat.
- Makarov and Konni forces live under the dirt and in tight spots spying.
- the farmers got so annoyed they gathered SpecGru hunting association (hunting dogs ready to hunt rats) they got a lot of Makarov’s forces but rats reproduce quickly so they came back
- lastly added to the man Guardian and the farm were the Goats (mostly use to make Goat cheese) was Alpaca! Rudy. A very pretty hybrid that Al instantly was attracted to. Rudy is a good alarm system but isn’t likely to fight but will.
- Alejandro saw Rudy in another field and thought about jumping the fence to chat but Gaz put him in his place
- the first-time livestock guardian 141! Ran into Wolf! Graves his shadow company pack were stalking a Goat and Rudy alerted everyone.
- a tense stand-off between Ghost, Price, and Soap. They had to use intimidation to scare off the wolves.
- German Shepard! Nik is the Farmer's personal pet and likes to come around to collect the chicken eggs and sometimes tell wild stories to the young guardian dogs (Gaz and Soap haven't decided of his tails are real or not)
- Young Barn Cat! Reader tends to follow Laswell around and sit in the garden and sunbathe, stalk the chicks, and get chased off by Soap.
- Kitten! Reader and Makarov got beef after the giant ass Rat Makarov popped up next to Kitten! Reader. 141 are now on the lookout for the giant rat.
- soon once Cat! Reader grows up they will join the fight against Makarov and Konni group
Any request for this AU is welcomed!
inspired a little by @tacticalanklebiter3000 and @frogchiro
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ryukatters · 9 months
Ok so imagine:
Gojo is pretty emotionally disconnected from most, refuses to let himself get attached most of the time after everything thats happened to him.
And then you show up
He doesn’t want to slip up. He doesnt want to form another bond like that. But its like he can’t stop it. Maybe you just remind him of what he’s lost, maybe it’s the way you see him as him rather than “the strongest,” an annoyance, or something shallow. It happens slow, so slow he barely even picks it up, but the feelings bloom. You just enrapture him. And he remembers everything that happened last time he got so close to another person, and he’s terrified to accept it but terrified to turn it away and loose the last chance he might have at a relationship like that.
so he takes it, tries to claim you in every sense of the word. You’re weaker than him, possibly even an underling, so there’s definitely a power dynamic that makes it easier for him to keep control. Maybe he tries to keep you hidden, but maybe he likes to drag you around like a dog, only loaning you off to somebody else when it gets too dangerous. Either way, it’s not like you can run because he’d definitely find you. He is absolutely NOT going to lose something so important to him, not again. He’d do whatever it takes, even if it meant making himself look like the bad guy in your eyes because you understand him so well, so he’s sure he can turn your relationship back to the positive side with just a little explanation and coercion
(idk if this may be a bit ooc but… its been rotting in my brain ty for letting me dump it here)
trigger warnings/content: yandere, stalking, power dynamics, obsession, Gojo is a few years older than reader, no smut, just word vomit
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It starts off small. You’re a budding sorcerer, a few years Gojo’s junior, and also a new teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High, trying to adjust to your new job. Gojo takes it upon himself to mentor you. You don’t think anything of it, other than the fact that it’s a little intimidating to have the strongest sorcerer of the era to serve as your guide.
You’re strong, he can see. You’re hardened by a few rough years of working in the field, but even despite barely meeting you, your facade cracks and he can see the goodness underneath.
Gojo’s impenetrable most days. To a lot of people, he might be a loud, annoying nuisance, but to you, you see a broken man who tries to keep everyone at arm’s length at the expense of his pride and reputation as a formidable sorcerer.
Gojo’s extremely intelligent, and uses it to play his cards wisely. It took him years to build a persona that’ll prevent outsiders from ever looking in. You manage to unravel him day by day, and it almost frustrates him.
Until he realizes there’s no point in fighting the inevitable— he’ll have to let you in eventually.
There’s a fear in Gojo’s eyes when he sees you. It’s like all tomorrows appear in a blink. Your entire essence, so good, so innocent about the cruelty of the world. It reminds him of innocence he once had in his youth. Something about you is so magnetizing, and no matter how much Gojo wants to fight it, he can’t help but be pulled in.
He wants you. And he wants you to want him. Need him. Desire him carnally in the way he does you.
Slowly, he lets you see parts of him that no one else has ever seen. His love is so overwhelming, and because it’s Satoru— with his sweet words and seemingly good intentions— he manages to have you fall for him too. And when he finally, officially has you (because let’s face it, he decided you were his long before that point), he manages to keep you under lock and key.
For your safety, he reasons.
After all— is he really the strongest if he doesn’t do what he can to keep you safe?
The rose colored glasses seem to wear off over time, and you start to see Gojo for the monster he really is.
It takes a few months of garnering courage to even attempt to begin planning your escape from him. You do it slowly, but carefully, calculating every step to make sure you don’t leave a trail behind.
You get one of the auxiliary managers to buy you a back up phone, set up a whole new bank account overseas, and eventually *secretly* book a ticket to a whole different country— one far from the grasp of Satoru Gojo.
Fate, by some miracle, seems to be on your side. Yaga calls both of you in for an emergency meeting. Gojo is being sent away on a week long mission abroad to snuff out a new curse user group that has connections to one here in Japan. You— a local mission to check out disappearances in a nearby town.
You can feel the hostility radiating from the man standing next to you. You dare to take a peek, and you see nothing but an airy smile. “Yaga, I’ll take care of their mission. It should be quick for me—“
“No, Satoru. They haven’t been on a mission in months, thanks to you being greedy and taking on everything. Being a good mentor means letting them take calculated risks.”
With that, both of you sign off on paperwork and begin to prepare for your respective missions. The atmosphere is tense in Gojo’s home— the same one he made you move into just a few months prior (“So you don’t have to worry about commuting so far. ‘Sides, there’s a lot of creeps lurking around out there, and I’m not talking about curses.”)
Gojo refuses to leave you until he makes sure that you’ll be safe. Borderline threatens Ijichi to keep a close eye on you, and the poor man is nothing short of pissing his pants.
He pulls you aside before Ijichi starts preparing the veil. One hand rests on your waist, squeezing almost a little bit too tightly, like he’s afraid you’ll vanish if he lets go, while the other tilts your chin up so you can meet his gaze.
He has his blindfold on, but you know all of his attention is on you. “I know you won’t have service inside the veil, but the second it gets lifted you’re going to call me.”
You nod, and listen like the good girl he likes you to be. With that, he gives you a kiss on the forehead before he leaves.
You manage to locate the missing victims and exorcise the curse in less than 48 hours. You do as you’re told and call Gojo. He picks up after the first ring, and you think you can hear a shuddered sigh of relief on the other line upon hearing your voice. He tells you he has to go, only because duty calls, and that he’ll talk to you soon. Be good. Update him. Don’t leave without permission.
As usual, you appease him.
You make it back home in record time, tell Ijichi to wait outside because you need him to take you somewhere.
You leave your phone behind— the one that Gojo has the location of— and shut the door with nothing but a small suitcase in tow.
Ijichi stammers, you want to go where? Alone? Does Gojo know about this?
You tell him there’s no time for questions and to start driving.
He drops you off at Narita, in the international terminal. He’s visibly sweating, no doubt fearing for both his life and yours once a certain white haired sorcerer gets back from his mission. You give him an easy smile and thank him, and he speeds off, probably to go into hiding as well.
Your hands are shaky as you hand the boarding pass to the flight crew, and the tremors don’t stop even as you take a seat inside the plane. Even when you arrive at your destination, lay down in your bed in what’s going to be your temporary home for who knows how long, does your anxiety fail to cease.
Gojo knows something is off. He’s blown up your phone with endless calls and texts, called Ijichi countless times, and even asked Yaga about your whereabouts. Nothing. Your radio silence confirms his intuition. He finishes up his mission quickly, before the one week allotment is up. The first thing he does when he steps foot in Japan is immediately teleport back home.
He’s met with silence, and hardly any trace of your cursed energy residuals to be seen. You’ve been gone for a few days, he deduces.
Anxiety starts to prickle the back of his neck, he doesn’t remember the last time he’s ever felt this much concern for anyone. Are you hurt? He tries calling you again, until he hears it. The slight buzzing sound emanating from your shared bedroom.
He picks up the device and sees the log of notifications. You really were gone.
Satoru looks through your phone— messages, emails, camera roll, bank statements— anything, anything to give him a hint as to what you were up to. Nothing. That’s okay, onto the next plan, which is honestly what he should’ve done first.
Being the strongest sorcerer had its perks, but none of them were greater than his privilege to investigate into people’s background history.
You know deep down there really was no escape from Satoru Gojo. That no matter the distance, he’d find a way back to you.
So when you see Gojo sitting on your bed in your hotel room, a part of you isn’t that surprised. The rest of you is paralyzed with anxiety of what comes next. You want to run, but you can’t. Your eyes begin to shift towards the still open door, trying to assess your options, but you’re hardly given a chance to finish your thought before Gojo is in front of you, closing the door. Effectively shut away from the outside world.
He’s not wearing his blindfold, you noticed. Which means he’s probably been tracking the flow of your cursed energy the moment you stepped foot into the lobby.
His stormy gaze meets yours, and he smiles. Your stomach drops.
“So…” he starts, voice sinfully low, “thought you could get away, hm?” He’s backed you up against the door, his strong frame pressed against yours.
Words bubble up your throat but die as they reach the tip of your tongue. You don’t want to set him off. You’ve only been given small glimpses into Gojo’s more sadistic, domineering side, which he does on purpose to serve as warning. You’re not like anyone else, so I’ll be good to you. In return, you must be good for me.
You start to tremble, legs beginning to fail you— but Satoru’s there to hold you steady. He uses one hand to grip your face, squishing both of your cheeks until your lips are pursed. He watches with deep adoration and fascination at how pliant the flesh is between his fingers. It’s like you were made for him.
“I’m willing to forget that you did this,” he hums, placing a quick peck to the tip of your nose before he presses his forehead against yours. “If you promise to get in that bed with me until I’ve decided you’re forgiven.”
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Work belongs to @ryukatters. Please do not repost, recommend, or translate my writing on TikTok or Twitter.
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odesofmeddea · 3 months
trying on an argument why sam and dean were in factual canonical enmeshment: their bond presumes the absence of nuclear family or any long-term partner in the lives of either; the very formulation of this rigid condition - me or her, - is telling, overtly so, how their relationships are rooted bog-deep in the belief in its crucial self-sufficiency. the bond between related people devoid of such an incestuous tilt generally endorses that a relative builds and commits to a family of his own and puts not a stipulation of choice. that is, ‘it is fine if my brother marries - how and why would that affect our connection?’ - is not fine with sam and dean. if it was so, sam would've kept dating ruby, amelia, etc., etc., without dean putting him under the exigency of picking, without the uncontrollable invasion of his sexual and general privacy by dean (‘did you have sex with her? first madison then ruby now cara then lilith’, dean eavesdropping on sam's calls and going through his phone, or interrogating him concerning his whereabouts, if there's a woman he doesn't know about), and, moreover, without sam feeling an unspelt obligation of either concealing (why, right?) or rescinding these side hook-ups. oh, also it's him or benny. same with lisa, who knew the fact of her secondariness when competing with sam and that the existence of one naturally excluded that of the other. why can't they all be a big family performing roles socially allotted to them?.. because sam fills in all the roles. because dean and sam want to live in one room and they brush their teeth together and share one car and invariably solve cases together and own a dog and coparent jack and even their afterlife is a shared homoheaven bereft of other love interests. where a woman is to put herself between, in what inextant interstice? ultimately she is reduced to a blur in the background while sammy raises his kid, dean ii, and she is not addressed, not once, in the script, her only definition is of a nemo-womb sam cohabits with to conceive a replica of dean he can nurture as a solace during his lifelong premeditation of reunion with his brother, his nóstos - this is an awful lot of all women and possible partners of have been and to be. one would say that's rather too much. were sam and dean a girl and a boy conforming to gender binarism & heteronormativity the ambiguity of their relation would've been acknowledged more widely, the incestuous codependency interpreted more obscene. but since they're not and also are very uneasy with the innuendo (‘the most troubling question is why they keep assuming we're gay? - we're just brothers!’), it's very convenient to diminish it to just a strong fraternal love. which it is. but not only that.
the potentiality of erotic subtext inside of their greedy proximity seems scary and stupid and is eschewed by both - how are they to subvert and subsume their relationship into non-brother categorization when it's just their life, just the only thing they've known, being this close? still, the only affairs permitted are the ones that are treated as and are simple, emotionally untethered one-night-stands because sam and dean are not sexually available to each other. nor they're resolute into directly consummating their relationship - the need to is either lacking or suppressed and is to be interpreted variously because covert incest is not primarily about coition but miscellanea of things, more often than not of un/subconscious genesis and procession. sam and dean know their relationship is bonkers. they don't necessarily have to know or admit they're a couple. what else they know, though, is they can't have sex. they cannot consciously translate their enmeshment into overt eroticism. that's why the siren episode is titled ‘sex and violence’ - there the mutual violence unleashed onto each other (along with the symbolic penetration through knife and breaking of the door) serves as a surrogate for sex. that, along with impulsive hugs, is the only form of lingering physical contact they usually have. but the yearning, although not experienced in one concreteness, compensates and provides for itself in a safer realm of sam and dean's emotional spaces. they can't have sex but they can fall into possession of each other's feelings. that's why once the personal attachment to anyone else is developed it is construed as betrayal by either. if you need another person, if you feel something for them that you're supposed to feel only with me (intimacy, trust, love, loyalty, belonging) - that's when you abandon me because we can't coexist with others.
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Roman Reigns: Breaking News (Part II to Don't Forget the Strawberries and Whipped Cream.)
Author's Note: Didn't expect to make a Part II, but I couldn't resist after the positive feedback from Part I. Also, I do not own the image used in this. As always, enjoy!
Warnings: Strong language, mentions of death
Two Months Later
“Yes girl, I almost cussed that woman out. Talking to me like she stupid.” You laugh with your work bestie, Vallerie, on the phone while relaxing on the living room couch. You had a bowl of popcorn in your lap as you prepared for movie night with your husband, who should return home in a few minutes. He went out to get some dinner being that you both lacked the motivation to cook. However, with a storm now brewing outside, and your favorite Panda Express restaurant being thirty minutes away, he was a little late. You called his phone, but it went straight to voicemail. You rolled your eyes, having remembered telling your hardheaded husband to charge his phone which was at 10% earlier that day. No worries though, he was a safe driver, so you knew he’d be home shortly.
Lately, life has been great. Your newborn baby girl arrived on time, bringing joy to you and your husband’s life. 
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He’s been a great support, always making sure he’s doing what he’s supposed to do as a new father. Your daughter was a complete daddy’s girl from the time she exited the womb. The bond between her and her father was heartwarming. You continue to reminisce as you flip through channels, trying to find a good horror movie, but stumbling upon the news instead.
Now, normally, you weren’t a person to watch the news as there was always something bad on it. And not surprisingly, tonight was no different. You look intensely at the TV as the news reporter starts reporting on yet another woman’s body being found in a local abandoned house. You shake your head, turning the volume up, but not too loud, you didn’t want to wake your baby girl who was lying in her bassinet next to the couch.
Good evening everyone, it is yet again another brutal murder victim found in this abandoned house that you all see behind me. The victim, currently referred to as Jane Doe, has yet to be identified as her body was found burned beyond recognition. Authorities say they received a call from a distraught man who’d been walking his dog along the sidewalk when his dog got loose and ran inside the abandoned building upon calling and calling for his dog, the dog finally returned with what appeared to be a hand in its mouth. That’s when the witness immediately called 911 informing authorities of what his dog discovered. Again, the victim has not been identified yet, but upon an autopsy, authorities are hoping to identify the victim and get the answers they need. As you know this is the 15th body that has been discovered in the past four months. Authorities are saying this victim is somehow connected to the previous murders. However, they will need to dig deeper to know for sure what it is, or most importantly, who it is that they’re dealing with. They have advised young women between the ages of 25 to 30 to stay indoors between the time range of 9 to 11 pm as it appears this killer or killers are targeting that age range between that time range. Furthermore………….
You gasp as the new reporter goes on just as your husband comes strolling through the front entrance, whistling to himself. You momentarily turn your head to look at your husband taking off his drenched raincoat.
“Hey baby, sorry I’m late. Weather was crazy out there, but anyways I got our food.” He chuckles lowly, holding up the slightly wet grocery bag that contained your food.
“I’m just glad you’re home safely. You had me worried when you didn’t answer your phone.” You say softly as he takes his shoes off and walks into the living room, placing the food on the coffee table.
“Baby girl,” He says bending down to plant soft kisses to your lips before his eyes flicker to the TV.
“Hmmm…..another murder? What the hell is going on?” he says, shaking his head as he walks over to your sleeping daughter.
“I swear, it’s getting worse and worse. They say this is the 15th murder in the past four months. It’s getting scary out here.” You sigh as you watch him bend down to your daughter’s sleeping form and kiss her cheeks. She stirs in her sleep, a small smile on her face before she stills peacefully. He then walks back over to you and sits next to you, opening your meals.
“Mmm this looks good.” You say as you say a quick prayer before diving into your food.
You were devouring your food, but you looked over and your husband was staring intensely at the TV. You scrunch your eyebrows as you glance at the TV as the reporter is now talking of the 14 women who have been killed in the past four months. You shake your head not even imagining being in their shoes or those of their families. Who could do such horrible things to these women? It damn near made you scared to go outside, but then again, you couldn’t allow yourself to become paranoid.
After all, not only did you need to enjoy life, but you also had a job to fulfill. You were currently a registered nurse working at the local hospital. This job required a lot of you, but you thoroughly enjoyed it as you loved helping people, as cliché as it sounds. You’d be returning to work soon in another two weeks or so as your supervisor wanted you to take some time until you can get settled in as a new parent. Lord knows you loved your baby girl but dammit if she didn’t keep you and your husband up at all times of the night.
You turn your attention back to your husband and again, he’s staring blankly at the tv. You snap your fingers in his face, snapping him out of Lala land.
“You okay baby?” you question, rubbing his shoulder.
He nods his head, smiling over at you.
“Yeah, it’s just…..seeing horrible shit like this just makes me think of you and how crazy I’d go if something ever happened to me. It makes me wanna protect you even more…..people are crazy out here.” He says taking your hands into his and kissing them.
You smile at him planting a kiss on his lips, “Well, if anyone ever tried me, I know I have 6 foot 3, 265-pound wild Samoan to whip their ass.” You tease.
“You know it. Hahaha Let’s change the channel and watch a movie. Smile?” he grins, grabbing the remote.
“Ugh….I heard that movie was creepy.” You frown playfully.
“Don’t worry princess, you can cuddle with me.” Joe teases, as he flips through Netflix.
Two Weeks Later
You’ve finally returned to work after what felt like forever, every staff member greeting you with a warm welcome, having missed you just as much as you missed them. You’d just walked through the doors when your work bestie, Vallerie, greeted you with a bouquet of red roses and chocolate. You giggle, this girl was always spoiling you.
“Hey, my favorite baby mama! How’s my niece and bro-in-law?” she says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, and walking alongside you.
“Girl they’re doing good. He’s actually off this week so he’ll be watching the little one until we can hire a babysitter.” You say as you both walk to the elevator to get onto the second floor in which you both worked. You were ecstatic that you’d be working nightshift with Vallerie because she always knew how to entertain you and make a long, boring shift go by.
“Girl I’m so glad we work together. We ‘bout to have some fun running off of Starbucks and adrenaline.” She giggles as you playfully roll your eyes at her.
“Chileeee, hopefully, there are no shenanigans tonight. I ain’t got time for these patient's attitudes tonight.” You say just as you two get on the elevator and you press the “2” button.
“Girl bye. Imma let ‘em know right now, don’t ask me for shit. I’m still a little hungover too.” She says, leaning her head against your shoulder.
“V, I’ve already told you about drinking before you get to work. One day they gon’ catch you and fire your ass.” You say sternly.
“And as soon as they do, I’m opening me an Only Fans account and selling feet pics to all the lonely weirdos.” She teases you as you both step off the elevator and onto the medical-surgical unit.
“Alright now…one day you gone get what you ask for. Ouch!” You grin pointing your finger at her as she bites it.
“I hope I do!” she laughs, as you both walk to the nurse’s desk immediately hearing call lights and bed alarms go off.
“Please tell me tonight is gonna be a good night. If not, I’m going back home.” You joke with the charge nurse, Carmen, who was tapping away at her computer.
She glances over at you before her eyes stretch in excitement.
“Heeey boo! We missed you so much! But unfortunately, I have some bad news.” She says pulling you into a hug as you playfully roll your eyes.
“Girl don’t tell me you’re giving me a bunch of mental patients.” You tease as she releases you.
“Naaah but it is gonna be a long and boring shift. Vallerie, you have seven patients already, all of them are pretty good, not requiring much. Y/n, you’re gonna be a sitter for one patient tonight.” Carmen says as Vallerie groans.
“Now how is it she come back and get only one patient?” Vallerie groans, rubbing her head.
“Calm down, V. She’s sitting with this patient as she’s good with the assault victims that we admit here,” Carmen says as she hands Vallerie her assignment charts.
“Oooh okay. Yeah, I think she’s more fit to do that than I am. But yeah, baby mama I’ll catch you in a minute, lemme see what these patients are about.” Vallerie says strolling off down the hall.
“Details.” You say as Carmen walks you down the opposite hall in which all the assault and mental patients are located.
“Yes, so she’s a 27-year-old female, African American admitted this afternoon after she was discovered unconscious behind a dumpster. She’s got slight bruising scattered all over her body, but she’s got a large bruise wrapped around her neck from where she was strangled. She’s very shaken up and was very uncooperative when she came to about an hour ago. The police were here about thirty minutes ago to investigate, but she would tell them anything. Listen, she’s very frightened, but I know you’ll take great care of her.” Carmen says as you nod your head.
“Girl so much is going on around here, makes me a little terrified.” You sigh as you stop in front of a room in which the nurse from the previous shift was watching the patient.
“She’s in here. Layla, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Layla. She’s one of the new nurses here. I’ll let you two do the shift report, so I’ll leave you to it. If you have any questions, lemme know.” Carmen says before strolling down the hall.
“Alright Layla, give me the run down. What am I dealing with?” You say as she smiles at you, pulling a chair next to her for you to sit.
“Okay so……”
She gives you the report on your patient and you couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor woman. She was a young woman with no family, going in and out of foster homes which led her to being homeless. She then started prostituting for money. Now she’s known as a streetwalker. According to Layla, she’d read that she was a familiar face with the law, having been arrested several times in the past. She sounded like she was a handful. However, it wasn’t an unfamiliar task for you. Being a nurse for so long, you were used to all types of personalities and attitudes in the hospital. The more you read about her the more familiar she sounded. You swear you might have gone to school with her. Maybe you could ask, but of course, you didn’t want to stress her by asking unnecessary questions. You finished reading up on her chart before you decided to introduce yourself to her.
You knock on her door, making sure to approach slowly, not wanting to alarm her.
“C-come in.” you hear a tiny voice say as you walk into the dimly lit room.
“Hi….my name is Y/n, I’ll be your nurse for tonight, okay? Do you need anything right now?” you ask softly as you stand at the foot of the bed to see the woman curled up into a ball like an unborn child in the womb. You couldn’t help but notice she was shaking like a leaf. It made your heart crumble.
“N-no. Umm…actually, may I have some water, please? M-my throat is a little dry.” She whispers finally looking over at you. Her eyebrows scrunch up.
“Of course. I’ll be right back. Just a moment.” You say quietly walking out of there as the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. You were used to this though. Usually, patients are a little timid and quiet upon first meeting you, but then they slowly warm up to you once they are reassured you are there to help and not harm them.
You quickly grabbed her a cup of water and began your journey back to her room as your phone buzzed. You stop walking momentarily to pull your phone from your pocket. It’s a text message from your husband.
Hey baby, don’t mean to disturb you but I wanted to check on you.
You smile to yourself as you quickly text him back.
Work is fine so far. How’s my little nugget?
A minute later you get a text back,
She’s actually with my mom. She wanted to see her grandchild, so I just dropped her off. I’m just cruising around the city.
You giggle, shaking your head at your mother-in-law. She loved her new granddaughter and every chance she got; she’d spend time with her. It didn’t matter about the time or place.
Well enjoy yourself, and be safe okay? I love you. See you at 7 tomorrow morning. You text back.
Always, love you. Goodnight. <3
You get back to her room and give her the cup of water. You sit next to her bed as she quietly sips on her water. She kept looking down at her water and then back to you as if to study your face. She looked as if she wanted to ask you something but was too scared to do so. Maybe if you started a conversation, she’d warm up to you. She finished her cup of water before relaxing back in her bed.
“So…….” You say as your voice travels off.
“You look so familiar,” she says quietly.
You smile at her, “I was just saying the same thing about you.”
“What is your name again?” she asks as you answer her, “Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.”
“D-did you go to Sapphire Hills High School?” she inquires, tilting her head at you.
“Why yes I did, did you?” you ask, getting comfortable in your chair.
“Yes, actually. Wait……you were a straight-A student. Very popular. Cheerleader, right? And….and you used to date the most popular boy in school. He was on the football team. Joe Anoa’i, right?” she says, sitting upright in her bed as if she cracked the code to the most precious puzzle.
“Haha Yes. Married him too.” You giggle holding up your hand to show her your ring delicately placed on your finger.
She pauses, looking a little surprised at this revelation. Married him? Surely, she hadn’t heard that right. You put your hand down, giving her a small smile. Had you said something wrong?
“Oh…..didn’t know he was married. But, I’m not surprised….you two were a cute couple in school. The talk of the whole school. So, ……how long have you two been married?” she asks, her shoulders slumping slightly which went unnoticed by you.
“Six years. Well, we’ll be celebrating six years next week.” You smile looking down at the ring he had specially made for you.
“Wow…that’s a very long time. A-any kids?” she asks as you nod your head, pulling out your phone to show her a picture of your baby girl.
“Yes, actually. Gave birth to her not long ago. She’s so precious.” You giggle, showing her a photo of your baby girl asleep.
“She’s so pretty…..” she says barely above a whisper.
“Thanks. She’s a daddy’s girl already. Got her dad wrapped around her tiny finger.” You grin, putting your phone back in your pocket.
“Haha yeah……” she says lowly, looking down at her fingers.
It grows silent before you cough slightly, wanting to continue the conversation.
“So…what about you? Married? Single? Kids?” you question, crossing your legs.
“Married? No. Kids? I do. A little girl………She’s three years old….. I miss her. Child protective services took her when they deemed me an unfit parent and her father not being a part of her life since I ran away from him…….” She answers, looking away at the window, her eyes seeming to water.
“Are you okay? Did I say something wrong? I’m so sorry. I-“she cuts you off.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to get a little rest, please.” She says laying down in her bed and pulling the covers over her head as she turns her back to you.
You quietly nod your head and stand to your feet to exit her room. You hadn’t meant to upset her at all. You inwardly sigh as you exit her room to your little nurse’s station. You slump in your chair, feeling a headache form already. The last thing you wanted was to make a patient’s night worse than it already was. Minutes later Vallerie approaches you, her smile turning into a frown seeing the look on your face.
“Rough night already?” she says, taking a seat next to you.
“Girl….it’s gonna be a looooong night.” You say, rubbing your temples.
“Want some Doritos to get you through the night?” she says, opening a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
“Yeah…gimme some of those.” You sigh grabbing some of the delicious snack to soothe you.
Well…….that was unexpected…………………
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falmerbrook · 3 months
Snow Elf culture?
*pulls up a chair*
A wee disclaimer that I'm not particularly good or creative with developing cultures or societies, but my brain has just latched on to the snow elves in a way where I can't stop myself. But anyway
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I developed a lot of this because of a big ass draft for a fic I've been writing on and off about Gelebor and Vyrthur, so a lot of my headcanons are religion heavy. I'll start there:
Gelebor seems to place Auri-El and the Chantry of Auri-El as having significant importance to the Snow Elves over the other gods/temples. He's probably got a bit of bias in that regard since he's devoted his life to Auri-El, but in order to differentiate their religion from the other elven ones I like to think that their religion in general worshipped Auri-El as not even just as the figure head of their pantheon, but almost monotheistical, while the other gods (Trinimac, Syrabane, Jephre and Phynaster according to Gelebor) were like minor divine figures or just legendary heroes even more than in Altmer myth, depending on the interpretation. My idea is that if their culture had been allowed to continue on, it would've eventually become monotheistic, but by the arrival of the Nords they were in a bit of an awkward transition period with it.
I also like to lean into the sun motif with Auri-El that they established in Dawnguard and with Auriel's Bow, partially because it's another thing to make their depiction of him more unique, and in part because it makes some very juicy irony for Vyrthur. Some ideas include:
- The more religious folk tend to pray at noon when the sun is at it's highest. - The two biggest snow elf festivals happen on the summer and winter solstices. As far north as they are, the summer solstice is during a time of year where the sun barely sets and the winter one is during a time of year where it barely rises. The summer one is more jovial and celebratory, with a grand feast. With almost 24 hours of daylight, the festivities last up to three days straight, with folks commonly staying awake for over 24 hours. Most of it is spent outside, with the celebration being focused on making the most of the weather and daylight hours to spend as much time in the sun and the light of Auri-El as possible. The winter festival is as large scale but lasts longer and is lower-key. It also involves a feast but features more winter foods and meat and alcohol. It is more pensive. At this point in the year, there is no full daylight, and so this season is seen as a test of one’s faith and mental fortitude. This festival acts as a break from this trying time, taking time to relax, build community (a strong community will allow them to make it through the winter and strengthen their minds), and bond with family and friends. It is about a weeklong break, where leading up to the festival everyone works harder to prepare for it and allow themselves to have the break. There are activities and festivities, but they remain indoors for the most part and are smaller. - I've referenced this before, but with long winters with little sunlight (due to harsh weather and short days), they see that time of year as a reflective test of will and faith.
Due to their proximity to dragons, it was hard to miss the connection between Auri-El (/Akatosh) and dragons, and so their depiction of Auri-El is either much more influenced by the iconography of dragons, or is a dragon (although their depiction of dragon Auri-El is much more benevolent than the Nord/Atmoran one). I got the idea for this one from this Reddit post (i know I dog on Reddit a lot but this one has got some fun stuff in it, even if it's a bit out there)
^On that note, later in the timeline (post Dragon War (the timeline is very fuzzy on when this and the Night of Tear happens. They are both sometime vaguely in the late Merethic Era I believe, but it's unclear which happens first or how long each conflict is)) some Snow Elves see a sort of unreturned, unofficial comradery with dragons, seeing themselves as both on the receiving end of the Nord's/Atmoran's brutality (disregarding whether it was warranted or not in the context of the Dragon War).
Ok here's some more general cultural ones:
I mentioned my reasoning for this in this post, but I like to think their general settlements were not as permanent, with a larger focus on wood and building into the sides of hills (good for warmth), while their temples tended to be made of stone and much more permanent. This is why there are so few identifiable Snow Elf ruins across Skyrim. Their cities and towns were easy to wipe out, scavenged for resources, or were in good places for Nordic cities (perhaps Bromjunaar was originally the site of a Snow Elf city?), and their temples were either very hidden (e.g. the Chantry of Auri-El) or eventually converted to Nordic temples.
I love this journal in general for gleaning ideas for Snow Elf headcanons for, but one interesting this is the use of "Old Ones" and "Young One". They're treated like established titles. From that I like to think they place a lot of emphasis on the respect of those older than you. The social hierarchy and whose opinions are most valued is heavily influenced by age. Folks call anyone older or more revered “Old Ones” as a term of respect, and anyone younger than them “Young Ones”. Old One is almost never used in a demeaning way, but Young One can be (not always). Typically, “Old Ones” is used in the third person (e.g. you wouldn’t refer to someone directly as “old one”) whole “Young One(s)” can be used as an epithet for someone directly or in third person.
When thinking about death/"burial" customs (needed for some scenes in the fic I'm planning), you have to consider that there probably wasn't a lot of land in a place like Skyrim where someone can be buried. Nords intern their dead in crypts or burn them to get around this, and I like to think Snow Elves participated in something akin to sky burials (at least sometimes). After preparation, the departed's body is left outside on a ledge, cliff, or the temple balcony to be scavenged by birds. This is seen as a metaphorical return to Aetherius, while their soul literally returns to it. They do this even in poor weather or deep winter. If it doesn’t thaw and rot/be scavenged until months later, so be it. The length it takes to rot is considered indicative of how long it takes for the spirit to let go and move on (not in a bad way though. It’s interpreted more in the way of the soul or body grieving). It's seen as if they may wish to wait until spring to finally rot if they want to experience one more warm, sunny day.
Food (I mostly wrote this in my notes in the context of the Forgotten Vale and Chantry of Auri-El, but I think it could work elsewhere as well to an extent): Plant-based food is grown in gardens in the spring and summer, and that that is able to be stored is carefully preserved through the fall and winter. Winter foods include some nuts, dried vegetables, and dried and preserved/fermented grains (like wheat, barely). These foods must be eaten slowly throughout the winter to last, and winter diets are more meat based. Summer foods include apples, cabbage/lettuce, leeks, tomatoes etc. Snowberries can be found in the wild out of season of most other fruits, and provide fruit in very early spring. Occasionally, fungus from caves is harvested, but this is seen as a delicacy (foreshadowing).
Ok, that's it for now. I gotta go to bed. Thanks for the ask!!!! :D
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
SxF Light Novel: Family Portrait Translation Mission 4: Portrait of the Forger Family!? (Part 1)
Read Mission 3: Franky's New Love!? Here. DO NOT REPOST
PART 2>>
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“Go fetch it, Bond!”
“Anya, Bond, don’t go off too far!
“Don’t worry, Yor. I’m also watching them”
Under the clear blue sky, a large picnic sheet was laid out on the park lawn, homemade sandwiches, fruit salad, baked goods for dessert were laid out, and a friendly couple watched their beloved daughter play with their dog with a frisbee. 
This is perfect.
Loid Forger, a.k.a “Twilight”, was extremely satisfied with their appearance, as if they were a model of a happy family. 
With this, no matter how you look at it, it won’t look like a fake family to anyone. 
Spies are easily tripped up by the slightest suspicion or distrust of those around them. Therefore, Loid regularly showed off his family’s harmonious relationship to those around him. Since this morning, they’ve run into several families who live in the same apartment building, and they have exchanged greetings and small conversations. 
It was worth taking a time out of his busy mission schedules. 
“I’m glad it’s sunny, but the wind is a little cold, isn’t it?”
“I thought something like this might happen, so I brought you a blanket, please use it if you’d like.”
As Loid and Yor were talking harmoniously, Anya, who had been running around the lawn, returned with Bond.
“What’s wrong, Anya?”
Loid, in the manner of a loving father, held his child in his arms as she came running towards him with great vigor. 
“Are you hungry? We have sandwiches here.”
When he said that, Anya answered, “No, I’m not hungry yet,” and pointed to her back.
“That person said he wanted to talk to you, Papa.”
“That person?”
Loid raised his eyebrows and looked up to see a young man standing a short distance away, dressed in worn-out trainers, faded denim, and tattered sneakers. Overall, he’s a long, thin man. With a huge cloth bag hanging from his shoulder and a folding easel in his left hand, Loid saw that his trainers, denim, and even his sneakers were all covered in colorful paints.
He is too young to be a painter. Judging from his appearance, Loid guessed that he was an art student. 
I’m sure the organization’s contact person did not give any indication of a contact request…
In the first place, even if it’s a disguise, contacting the agent in front of his family directly, is such a careless act for a contact person. He’s sure it has nothing to do with the organization. However, he must remain vigilant. Although he doesn’t feel any murderous intent, it still could be an enemy agent. 
As he was quickly thinking about this, the young man approached him. Loid stood up, smiled a harmless smile and asked the young man,
“Can I help you? Was my daughter bothering you, by any chance?”
“No, nothing like that. Um, I’m painting something.”
Although the way the young man spoke sounded somewhat flat, his voice was pleasant to listen to.
“But lately, I have been having a hard time figuring out what to draw or what I want to draw….something is missing in my drawings, but I couldn’t figure it out…. So I was in what I call a slump. Today, too, I couldn’t come up with anything at all, so I was about to go home because I had no other choice when I finally thought, “This is it.”.”
After saying that, the young man bowed his head in a perked up manner. 
“Please, please be a model for my painting. Please.”
“Huh? A model?”
Loid made a surprised expression, but inwardly raised an eyebrow. 
What’s this guy talking about? 
Could it be that he’s really an agent of an enemy organization and he’s after something? However, there is not the slightest indication that the young man was lying. Due to his occupation, Loid is good at seeing through people’s lies. The young man in front of him had none of the characteristics of a liar. 
“You will be famous, Papa?”
Anya, who clasped her hands to her chest, suddenly got excited. 
At that, the young man shook his head, saying, “No.”. At that moment, a strong turpentine smell came out of his matte black hair. Looking closely, there was oil paint stuck in his hair as well.
“Not only your father, I want to draw your whole family.”
“Bond too?”
“Yes, the doggy too, of course.”
“Oh, this one is very polite, isn’t he? Nice to meet you.”
The young man bowed his head to Bond as if he were a human, and reverently held his proffered paw.
Apparently, he’s really just a good painter in origin. However, it’s still a troublesome offer. Loid hesitated, wondering what to do now. 
As a spy, it would be a bad idea to leave traces of “Loid Forger” carelessly, even as a model for a painting…..
Loid did not show it in his expression, but he casually explored his surroundings with just a glance. Just as he thought, the curious eyes of people around them were focused on them. A couple relaxing on a picnic sheet nearby are watching them with amusement.
“What was that?”
“Something about being a model for a painting. Isn’t that some kind of art student assignment?”
In order to complete the mission without a delay, he cannot afford to be the center of attention here. On the other hand, it would also be outwardly offensive to refuse a diligent student’s request without any hesitation. 
I don’t know where or who is watching us. If the gossipy housewife across the apartment saw this, I'd be in trouble….
“Hey, listen. Mr. Forger was asked by an art student to be a model for a painting and he refused without any hesitation.”
“Oh my, that family was surprisingly cold.”
“They could’ve at least let him paint them. It’s not like they’ll die from it.”
“Oh, maybe there is something wrong with being drawn?”
Loid could easily imagine such a conversation happening. 
As an ordinary and good family, should we do our part in nurturing the young man with a bright future? No, today is a holiday, after all. It would be reasonable to refuse, I could say that we want to cherish our family time alone. 
Loid, who quickly concluded, said, 
“I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve been working a lot these days, and today is the only time I finally got to spend time with my family so….”
When he tried to softly refused the offer, Anya suddenly shouted in a strange voice,
“What’s wrong? You suddenly just…”
“Th-That patch..”
Anya pointed to the back of the young man’s cloth bag with a trembling hand. 
“Oh, this?”
When the young man flipped the bag over, there was a glittering round patch on the bottom left corner, and in the center, Anya’s beloved cartoon character “Bondman” was drawn. 
“It was a bonus for a Bondman chocolate. I thought it would be a nice marker for my bag.”
“It’s super rare, the mythical bonus.”
Anya muttered in a shaky voice. 
For Anya, who loves bonuses and Bondman, it must be a very coveted item. 
Loid had a bad feeling about this, and said,
“If it’s Bondman Chocolate, I’ll buy you one on our way home.”
He put his hand on Anya’s small shoulder to calm her down as she stared at the patch, the young man then said nonchalantly, 
“If you don’t mind, can I give it to you?”
Anya’s face shone brightly.
“I glued it on, so I'll give you the whole bag instead. I can’t give you the things inside of it, so I’ll find a garbage bag somewhere and put it in.”
Loid then hurriedly stopped the young man who was about to go looking for a garbage bag as he said,
“No, there’s no reason for you to do such a thing…”
“But she seems to like this very much. I would be very happy if she keeps it.”
After saying it as a matter-of-factly, the young man went to a mobile van parked nearby and returned with a black garbage bag. 
Without any hesitation, he put what’s inside the cloth bag into the garbage bag and said,
“Here you go.”
“Fank you very much.”
Anya was so pleased that she was almost jumping for joy when she was handed the bag with a rare Bondman patch. 
Ugh….what’s with this guy? 
It’s very difficult to deal with someone who doesn’t offer exchange conditions, such as accepting being a model for the painting in exchange for the patch. If that’s the case, then Loid can just do whatever he wants, but people with nothing but best intentions at heart are the most difficult to deal with. 
It can’t be helped…
With that, Loid made up his mind. 
It was not that he was going to be painted by a famous painter. He told himself that there would be no problem as long as he was painted by an art student. 
“Thank you for doing that for my daughter’s sake. If it’s okay with my wife, we’ll be happy to be a model. Is that okay, Yor?”
When he asked Yor, who was sitting on a picnic sheet watching them, for her consent, his good-natured wife gave him a flustered smile. 
“Yes, Anya was very happy too, so it would be nice if we could at least help him.”
She responded with a soft smile. 
The young man was puzzled and asked, 
“Um, did I do something to be thanked like that…?”
He was honestly very happy to have them model for his painting as he said, “Thank you.”. He bent down deeply and bowed his head and held out his right hand, which was stained with paint, to Loid.
“My name is Felix Curtis.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m….”
Loid, who reflexively grabbed the right hand of the young man named Felix, almost introduced himself briefly and then he stopped. 
Felix Curtis? 
Felix Curtis is one of the most popular painters of their time. He is a rather eccentric artist who rarely appears on the stage, so his face is almost unknown to most people, but Loid just read a newspaper article of him recently that his painting was sold for an amazing price. 
Don’t tell me it’s him? No, I believe Felix was in his mid-thirties…
However, the man in front of him looked like a teenager, no matter how he looked at him. 
Even though he thought that the man in front of him was completely different from what he had read in the article, Loid regained his composure and continued to speak. 
“Pardon me, I’m Loid Forger. I was a bit surprised, you share the same name as Felix, the painter?”
“Yes. I’m the person himself.”
Loid was absolutely at loss for words by the matter-of-fact response. 
….Oh my god.
His expression was almost tense, as expected, but he quickly changed it to a surprised one and said,
“I didn’t expect it to be you.”
“Do you know him, Papa?”
Anya tugged on Loid’s jacket. 
“No, but he’s a very famous painter.”
As Loid hid his inner turmoil and answered Anya’s question, Felix began to set up his easel on the lawn and said,
“Well then, I will start the preparations, you guys are free to do whatever you want.”
Anya peered at Felix and asked, 
“This frail and slender guy is very famous?”
She even gave him a rude nickname without permission. 
“Nothing like that, just a normal one.”
“Are you a billionaire?”
“No. Most of the money I receive is donated to art schools and other organizations. Painting costs money after all. I want many young people to paint freely without worrying about money.”
Felix answered each of Anya’s questions in a very serious manner. 
He was a wonderful spirit. If that is true, then this man named Felix is a man of considerable virtue. Moreover, If Loid refuses the offer he once accepted, the Forger family could quickly gain a bad reputation. 
As Loid was thinking that his retreat was even more cut off, Yor spoke to him in a whisper,
“......Um, Loid, is Mr.Felix really that famous? I thought he was just a student.”
Loid also responded in a whisper. 
“He is what you might call a man of the moment. He is a rare artist known for his use of transparent paints to create photorealistic paintings that look like photographs. I’ve seen his works in museums, and they are astonishingly elaborate. A certain art critic once said in admiration, “He turns every canvas into a camera lens.”.”
As he was explaining to Yor, Loid also chewed over the details himself. 
That’s right. That’s the problem.
What if the painting of their family, which at first glance looked exactly like a photograph, were to be mistakenly displayed in an art museum? 
This is a worst-case scenario….
As Loid was thinking that he had to avoid that at all cost, he heard Yor said,
“It’s amazing, he looks like he’s the same age as Yuri.”
She was smiling and admiring him, but then she suddenly frowned. She then asked nervously, 
“Um…..no matter how famous of an artist he is, it’s not ….likely that a painting of us as models will be displayed in an art museum, is it?”
“If he was an average painter…then no?”
Loid responded cautiously.
“In his case, there are a lot of people who want even a rough sketch from him. And when it comes to full-scale work…”
As he told her this, the blood drained from Yor’s face. Because, as you know, Loid has no way of knowing--- that she is an assassin with the code name of “Thorn Princess”. 
So far, no one has ever seen the face of the Thorn Princess and survived. ----But, there can be one in a million.
If there was someone who she failed to kill and by mistake sees Felix’s painting in an art museum and finds out that the Thorn Princess has a husband and a daughter, there is no guarantee that Loid or Anya will not be in danger. 
Thinking that, she turned pale. 
Wh-What should I do? But, it’s unnatural to refuse an offer that we have once accepted unless I can tell them the real reason… You must avoid having your face painted at all cost, Yor!
After desperately squeezing out all the wisdom that she had, Yor came to this conclusion….
“Yor? Is something wrong?”
Loid, unaware of Yor’s situation, was worried about her, who had suddenly gone pale and silent. He called out to her in a concerned manner. 
“Are you feeling sick?”
“No, I’m quite full of energy!”
Yor’s smile was clearly strained as she answered him with a smile.
“But aren’t you sweating a lot?”
“Uh…u-um..because it’s really hot.”
Saying that, Yor took off the blanket she was wearing. But unfortunately, under it was a thin sleeveless shirt. The wind that blew on her was unexpectedly cold, and Yor sneezed loudly. 
“If anything, the wind feels chilly… you also expected it, so I brought you a blanket, right, Yor?”
“No, I was wrong. It’s actually very hot today!”
He was afraid to pursue the matter any further with Yor, who was still shaking stiffly as she responded with a firm smile. 
“What’s wrong with you, Yor?”
Loid was puzzled by his wife’s sudden suspicious behavior. 
“Based on the conversation earlier, I guess she was okay to be a model for a student’s painting, but perhaps she doesn’t want it to be displayed in an art museum.” 
If that’s the case, then it’s the same with Loid but….
“Unlike me, who’s a spy, there should be no reason for Yor to be so reluctant about it. No, wait. Yor work at a tight-knit city hall.”
Certainly, it would be troublesome for her if she became a model for a famous painter and had her face to be known. It’s possible that some people might even say absurd things like she is paid by the taxpayers and she’s being frivolous.
At the very least, it will draw unwanted scorn from her co-workers. Maybe she was worried about that. 
“Yor’s relationship with her co-workers are like that after all…. I see, so that’s how it is.”
Loid found himself nodding as he realized the reason for Yor’s inexplicable behavior, and Anya, who had been looking up at him for some time, blurted out before she even knew it,
“You’re way off, Papa.”
As usual, she suddenly said something he didn't understand.
Loid raised an eyebrow and asked, 
“What’s wrong? What’s I’m way off about?”
Saying that, Anya responded somewhat flustered, 
“It’s nothing.”
As Loid tilted his head at his daughter, inexplicable as usual, Felix finished setting up his easel and said, 
“Well then, let’s start soon.”
At that, Yor timidly raised her hand and asked, 
“Would it be alright if I go to the restroom over there for a bit?”
“Of course, please go ahead.”
As soon as Felix gave his approval, Yor rushed to the restroom at a tremendous speed. 
Overwhelmed by her momentum, the three of them looked off in stunned disbelief at Yor’s back.
“Is your mother an athlete or something?”
“My mama is an..as..as…a someone who works in the public sector.”
“Works in the public sector? You sure know difficult words. Smart kid.”
Loid was distracted listening to Anya’s conversation out of the corner of his ear.
“Oh, so she was just holding herself up for the restroom..”
Maybe the comment about not wanting to be painted was simple my own overthinking, and Yor was just cold because she was out here for a long time. 
As Loid was thinking about whether he should casually put a jacket on Yor once she gets back, or if a blanket would be better, Anya was looking at him again. Moreover, her eyes seemed to be warm and somewhat compassionate, and when Loid turned to look at her, she was already working with Felix trimming Bond’s fur. 
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Blanket Nest | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,840 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Season/Series 08, Wingfic, Nesting, Angel Culture & Customs (Supernatural), Wing Grooming, Fluff, Light Angst, First Kiss, Grace-Soul Bonding (Supernatural), Interspecies Romance Summary: Dean sits on the bed and Castiel repositions to make room for him. Strong, careful fingers begin combing his plumage and he immediately fluffs up slightly in response, which is something he can’t control. Castiel has been refusing to acknowledge for years how strong their bond has become, and he ignored it further in purgatory because their lives were constantly under threat, but now… now, in the safety of the bunker, Dean’s new home, he’s losing the struggle to not finally address it.
Wet Hot American Hunter | @blessyourhondahurley
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3,055 Main Tags/Warnings: First Kiss, First Time, Wing Grooming, Wing Kink, Rutting, Massage, Coming In Pants, POV Alternating Summary: Dean and Cas take a nice hike together on a sunny day. An unexpected development on their excursion results in some long-overdue changes to their relationship status. TL;DR: Cas's wings pop out, so Dean and Cas fuck a little.
Un-Simple Miracles | @aaronthe8thdemon
Rating: Mature Word Count: 4,122 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Season/Series 15, Heavy Angst, Castiel Out of the Empty (Supernatural), Winged Castiel (Supernatural), Suicidal Dean Winchester, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Miscommunication, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Animal Death, Angel Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: It’s so stupid. Dean doesn’t even fucking like dogs.
Fractis Alis | @unanimous-anonymous
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7,669 Main Tags/Warnings: Wing Kink, Wing Grooming, Hurt/Comfort, First Time Confessions, Internalized Homophobia, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has Anger Issues, Pushy Bottoms, Loss of Virginity, Happy Ending, Post-Leviathans Summary: [This fic takes place after Leviathan!Cas when tensions are high and Cas's guilt is thick. Cas appears in Dean's motel room, injured after an altercation with the angels. Dean plays nursemaid.] “Uh, Cas,” Dean cleared his throat. "How come I can still see your wings? I usually never see them for more than a couple’a seconds at a time.” Dean peered over Cas’s shoulder, letting the washcloth lag over his collarbone as curiosity got the better of him. Cas took in a sharp breath and retreated just slightly from Dean’s proximity. “I seem to be having trouble stowing them away entirely. My apologies, they became slightly damaged in the altercation.” Dean furrowed his brow. “What do you mean, ‘entirely?’” “What you see is only their shadow; not their physical form. I keep them in a different plane of existence, but when they need tending to it becomes… more difficult to keep them hidden.” Cas’s body language was steely, as usual, and hard to read. “You mean what I’ve been seeing is just some heavenly jacked-up angel-juice projection? You have actual, physical wings, like with feathers and crap?” Dean raised his eyebrows in amazement, but Cas seemed tense.
Wish Upon a star | @malicmalic
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 10,000 Main Tags/Warnings: WingFic, BlanketForts, Nesting, FallenAngel Castiel, Angel/Human relationship, Human AU, meet cute Summary: Prompts: - wingfic (wing grooming is especially a bonus) - snow fort building OR blanket fort building after a day in the snow. basically: forts and comfort - nightmares and h/c - picnic (cloud watching, homemade food, etc etc) but honestly i’m not picky - as long as it’s destiel, i’ll devour it hahah Or the one where MalicMalic decided to write ALL the prompts.
Flight Back to You | @sunshine-zenith
Rating: General Word Count: 11,924 Main Tags/Warnings: Resurrection; Fallen Angels; Exes to Lovers (Dean and Cas); Supportive Sam; past minor character death; past Amelia Novak/Castiel; Castiel/Michael and Jimmy/Dean in a way but not really Summary: Dean's exhausted, wracked with strange dreams that bring back memories of a teenage fling he had years ago. While on the way to check out a potential case with his brother, his exhaustion catches up with him, nearly sending both him and Sam over a cliff's ledge. Luckily, a familiar face from Dean's past comes at the perfect moment to provide them shelter for the night. The thing is, as it turns out, they actually have a lot more history than Dean initially remembers. And all three of them apparently have a lot more feathers than Dean is comfortable with.
My Soul Whispers Your Name | @casblackfeathers
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15,933 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent, winged Dean, wing kink, wing grooming, soul and grace bond, fluff, hand jobs, blow jobs, bunker, domestic, happy ending, mutual pining, jealous Castiel, protective Castiel, sweet Dean, getting together, hurt and comfort Summary: When Amara tells Dean that she will give him what he needs most, the last thing he's expecting is to sprout fucking wings and to be able to sense what his own soul — and heart — really want, making it impossible for him to ignore all the feelings he's been harboring for Cas over the years. It’s no shock that Dean’s soul is drawn to Cas like gravity and now that Dean can perceive Cas’ grace all the time, he’s constantly reminded how stupidly breathtaking it is. He had been a goner since the second he laid eyes on Cas, and this just seals the deal. Now that he’s stuck like this, he might as well pull his head out of his ass, give it a shot, and finally get what he always wanted.
Cupid in Love | Destielshipper4Cas (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 18,285 Main Tags/Warnings: Strangers to Lovers, Pining, Retired Hunter Dean, Angel Castiel, Oil Gland Kink, Wingfic, Bottom Cas, Top Dean, Omega Cas, Alpha Dean, Happy Ending Summary: Castiel’s success rate for matching humans who stay together for the rest of their lives is the best among his kind. Enter Dean Winchester, an alpha who breaks up with the perfect match Castiel found for him not once, but twice. If he wants to save his reputation as a cupid, Castiel has no other choice than to go to Earth in order to find out what this alpha’s issues are. It is supposed to be a quick trip. But things don’t always go as planned…
We're Butter off Together | @whichstiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 27,207 Main Tags/Warnings: Butter sculptures, Bed sharing, Magic, True love's kiss, Bed and breakfast Summary: Set immediately after the Season Five episode “The End” this canon-divergent story begins with Dean and Sam heading to the Wisconsin State Fair to check out a butter sculpture of an angel that sounds awfully similar to Castiel. Sure enough, when they arrive the incomplete sculpture looks a lot like Cas - enough so that the Winchesters call in the angel himself to help investigate it. Castiel, upon arrival, is mistaken as Dean’s partner - as in “life partner” - and they’re forced to share a room at a local B&B during the investigation. When Cas falls prey to the dark powers at work, Dean must confront his feelings in order to save Castiel.
Calming the Weather | @seidenapfel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 35,490 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post 15x18 – Despair, the finale never happened, Angel Dean Winchester, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Angel Wings, Repressed Dean, Internalized Homophobia, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Dean Winchester in Denial About Sexuality, Dean Winchester Has Sexuality Realizations, Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eventual Smut, Kid Jack Kline, Minor Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester Use Their Words, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Angelic Grace (Supernatural), Castiel's True Form (Supernatural), Castiel/Dean Winchester Wing Kink, Wing Kink, Mild Smut, Angel Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: Rescued from the Empty, Cas is fully human, and miserable. So, rather than acknowledge what happened in the dungeon, Dean searches for a way to change that. He finds it in a simple spell. The spell gives ordinary humans a limited dose of angelic powers. Too afraid it might harm Cas, Dean tests it on himself. But it backfires. Thanks to a piece of Grace bound to his soul, Dean wakes up fully powered, wings and all. With their roles reversed, it is up to Castiel to teach Dean how to wield angelic powers, and for Dean to share the peaks and lows of humanity with Castiel. Misconceptions come to light as they learn from each other. Meanwhile, a storm is brewing. In order to stop it, Dean not only has to get a hold on his emotions, but he must face a revelation about himself, one he had repressed all his life.
The Angel's Widower (WIP) | @pray4jensen
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 60,416 Main Tags/Warnings: top!cas, bottom!dean, soul bond, mating rituals, wing kink, enemies to lovers, s12 canon divergent, angst with a happy ending Summary: After Castiel dies, a portal to another world opens and obliterates the universe that Sam and Dean know. A world with new rules and new consequences, a world where humans live in camps enclosed by high walls to keep angels out, where angels will do anything and everything to seduce and lure humans away. Why and to where beyond the wall, no one knows. But then one night, on the other side of the wall, in the middle of a snowy blizzard and under the cover of darkness, an angel with beautiful black wings and a familiar face appears. His name is Castiel. And he asks Dean to go with him.
Dangerous Temptation | trenchcoat_paradigm (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 101,143 Main Tags/Warnings: Curse Breaking, Mutual Pining, Dreamsharing, dream walking, Castiel Gets Wings Back (Supernatural), Wing Kink, Dean Winchester Can See Castiel's Wings, Mutual Pining, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Smut Summary: “The fuck is that?” Dean grabbed his wrist before fingers could make contact with his forehead. The gold talisman swings wildly with the sudden and fierce motion from Castiel’s clutched fist. Dean’s posture slumped in discontent as green eyes met his stare. “Damnit, Cas.” -------- When a childhood fairy tale comes to life, Team Free Will 2.0 is left with the challenge of finding and destroying an enchanted talisman known as the ‘Crown of Luck’. A mystical medallion so powerful that it is said to grant the wearers' most deep-seated desire. But the boys know all too well from past experience how detrimental that can be. However, Castiel is oblivious to its true power, (even if it managed to fully reconstruct his wings) he already knows the one thing his heart truly desires is something he can never have. Dean thinks he’s going crazy, he’s always had a little crush on his best friend, a ‘look but don’t touch’ kind of thing. But with his head giving him ideas, dreams shared with his favourite angel (and with him flaunting those damn wings all the time!) it’s making his little infatuation harder to ignore.
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dogs-have-fallen · 8 days
i am a coydog!!! infodump and kinfirm
a coydog is a mix between a male coyote and a female dog, with a dogote as the counter. for the most part, they’re not super common as in many cases a coyote would rather eat a dog than mate with one, however it does occur! in the wild, it often occurs when a yote is new to an area and cannot find a mate, and so will mate with a domesticated dog. the appearance of the hybrid will depend on the dog mate, but they typically all share an athletic build with the usual yote-like upright, triangular ears with a long snout. they typically have brown eyes and stick to the brown, dense coat of coyotes, though they can also be white or black as well. they have tails similar to coyotes, bushy and downwards. they bark like dogs and howl (scream) like coyotes.
unlike many hybrids, the coydog is capable of reproduction! due to their wild counterparts, while their temperament can be mild and docile, they very often exhibit the wild traits of their coyote parent. they are a very unpredictable breed. coydogs, like coyotes, are not the most sociable and often only form a strong bond with one person and their primary caretaker. however, there have been cases of early socialization and training that makes them loving parts of a family.
coydogs are typically very healthy and strong, and their typical issues only consist of joint problems. they have a lifespan of 5-15 years depending on where they live and how they are(or aren’t) taken care of.
i came across this hybrid last night on tiktok as someone had been discussing their dog that looks a lot like a coyote. a lot of people in the comments went in to describe coydogs in the comments which led me to my own exploration of the mix. after my own digging, mainly looking at photos (the fair and few actual coydog pics, not just dogs bred to look like yotes) and their temperament.
i found that this is is my kintype! i spent almost my whole life (since knowing about otherkinity) identifying myself as a mix between a retriever and a lab, and some unidentified wild candid like a coastal wolf or a coyote. now, surely i still feel very connected to retrievers, i do believe i am a mix between a coyote and a retriever. i share a shorter coat with my coyote side. most of my traits come from my coyote side, with few traits of my domesticated side i can hardly name.
the behavioral traits i have from my coydog kintype is that of a once-wild animal in a domestic environment. i have a very internalized wildness that claws at my ribs to show. i have the skittishness of a wild yote and the loyalty of a retriever
the first two pictures are absolutely coydogs. i look like a mix between the second and third photo. the third period claims to be a coyote x retriever, however i will remain skeptical on what i find online. the final image is from a reddit post asking if it’s possible for a coyote and a dog to breed and a photo of their dog. i share a similar build to the last pic mixed with the third, and many of the patterns of the second pic.
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i hope you enjoyed my ramblings!!
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Laigan oneshot
(I’m just having fun with these ship names now)
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Ashlyn stepped to the front and clapped her hands. “Ok, so.. my parents have been saying that in order for us to survive, we need to work as a.. team.”
Taylor tilted her head. “Don’t we already?”
“Apparently bonds formed only from trauma aren’t strong enough.”
This seemed to blow everyone’s minds as they all said, “They aren’t?”
Ashlyn shook her head. “No.. so, I’ve decided we are going to split into teams of two by having three people draw one name from a hat.” 
Ashlyn turned and picked up a baseball cap filled with torn papers. 
“So, who will be drawing names?”
Taylor, Aiden, and Ben all rose their hands. 
Aiden jumped from the bus seat bounded forward excitedly as he drew out a name. 
“Let’s see.. LOGAN!”
Logan damn near fell out of his seat as he exclaimed, “HUH?!”
Aiden plopped himself right next to Logan and Logan tried to make himself as small as possible in his seat. 
Why did it have to be Aiden?
Logan would’ve taken Ashlyn, or Ben, or Taylor, or even Tyler’s aggressive attitude!
He slowly turned to face him and give him a friendly smile. 
Aiden smiled back and Logan felt his blood run cold and he quickly turned away again. 
Why is he so creepy?! he thought anxiously. 
“So, uh, Ashlyn!” Logan blurted out. “What sort of team building exercises are we going to do?” 
“Well.. my dad said that in his time in the military, the best way to form bonds is helping each other in life or death situations, and having heart to heart conversations. And, well, we already have the first one down.”
Everyone looked a little confused. “How are we supposed to have those just.. casually?” Tyler asked as he sat next to Ben. 
“I don’t know!” Ashlyn exclaimed. “That’s just what he said!”
Everyone looked awkwardly at their partner. Well, except Aiden. Logan was pretty sure it was impossible for Aiden to feel awkward. 
“So, um.. Aiden.. you like.. dangerous stuff?” Logan asked, trying his hardest to keep himself from freaking out. 
“Ya! Haha, one time I jumped off a ski lift. The way my ankle snapped was so weird, but also funny, haha!”
“Oh, um.. ya.. haha..” Is he purposefully trying to freak me out?! What the hell?! Someone help me!!! “Um.. well.. one time I was on a hike with my family with our dog and he ate some oleanders.. that was pretty messed.. haha..”
“Oleanders?” Aiden asked, suddenly seeming genuinely interested. 
“Oh.. um.. they’re these really toxic flowers. They can cause irregular heartbeats. And seizures. My dog had a really, really bad seizure after eating it. He just kind of.. flopped around before he dropped dead.. haha..”
Aiden’s eyes widened and he cleared his throat after a moment. “Descriptive..”
“Huh? Oh! Uh, I’m sorry! I, um.. I didn’t really think about it!”
“Ha, it’s fine, man, don’t worry about it!” Aiden said, wrapping his arm around Logan’s shoulder. “You got any more stories to tell?”
“Oh.. uh.. oh! So, my aunt works at a hospital and one time she was babysitting me and I had to go to her work. And this patient had burst into the hospital, vomiting everywhere and passing out. He had eaten a death cap!”
“A death cap?! That sounds so cool, what is that!”
Logan wasn’t even aware of the proximity of them, or the fact that he was talking to Aiden. He was just excited to talk about things that interest him. 
“They’re these very poisonous mushrooms. They cause nausea, low blood pressure, and vomiting. The mortality rate for eating them is at 30%!”
Aiden seemed a little let down by that number. “30%? Really? What’s the most poisonous mushroom, then?”
“Oh, um.. the death caps are..”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? That’s it? Man, that’s just so low..”
“You.. want more people to die??”
“Well, no. But it just makes it more interesting, doesn’t it? Kind of like the same morbid interest of watching true crime..”
“I guess I understand?”
There was a moment of silence between them. 
“Do you know all these plant facts because your grandparents are florists?” Aiden asks. 
“Oh, ya..”
Aiden smirks. “Kind of like how they got us access to drugs?”
Logan’s shoulders jerk up and he quickly gets defensive. “H-hold on, it’s not what you think! They were just able to get the drugs because they have poppy flowers which are used to make opioids! N-NOT THAT THEY MAKE OPIOIDS OFTEN, OR EVER!”
Aiden burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as he fell out of his seat. “Oh! Oh my gosh! Your face! Haha!!”
Logan’s face went red and everyone turned to look at them, curious. 
“Ummm, A-Aiden.. it wasn’t that funny.. haaaa..” He grabbed Aiden’s arm and pulled him back into the seat. “Quit being so loud!” he said quickly, his face bright red. 
“You quit being so embarrassed all the time!” Aiden countered. 
“I-! Ughh.. Aiden..” he whimpered, covering his face. 
“Pfff.. cmon, Logan. Keep rattling on random facts about deadly plants!”
He still seemed hesitant before saying, “Have you heard about the Sandbox tree?”
“Oh? No, I haven’t!”
Logan smiled, knowing this would be right up Aiden’s alley. “Their seeds.. explode!”
Aiden gasped. “No way!”
“How dangerous is it?”
“Pretty dangerous. It can severely hurt humans. Not to mention that it’s poisonous all over.”
Aiden burst out laughing and pat Logan’s back. “You know what I like!”
Logan laughed along with him as he rattled off more plant facts. Eventually plant facts moved facts about how deadly space is. 
“They actually have no idea how black holes function?! Movies lied to me!” 
Logan snickered and nodded. “Same here!”
“What do you think happens? When you enter a black hole?”
“Hmm..” Logan thought for a moment before saying. 
“You’re lost in a void. There’s no up, there’s no down. There’s no escape. Only fear and loneliness and existentialism as you stay there forever. Your cells won’t age or change.. so for eternity, you’re stuck there, never able to achieve freedom…”
He looked up at Aiden, who seemed very, very surprised. 
“O-OR, UM… maybe you just come out on the other side! I-I dunno, haha!”
Aiden chuckled and shook his head. “You have some pretty dark thoughts. Just different from my kind of dark. I like it, though.”
“Y..You do?”
“Ya! You should say more stuff like that. It’s really interesting!”
“All right everyone!” Ashlyn exclaimed. “It’s getting late. Cmon, we don’t wanna fall asleep on the bus.”
Aiden stood up and held out a hand to Logan. “Cmon.”
Logan was surprised by Aiden’s genuine friendliness before smiling back at him and letting him help him up. 
“I think today was really a smart idea, Ashlyn,” Aiden said to her. 
Ashlyn nodded. “Glad to hear it. My dad will be proud of us, I think.”
Logan smiled at that. Proud of him…
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bluberryfields · 2 months
My friend recommending a show she loves...
Her: So it's this British show about these two beautiful people from different backgrounds
Me: Ok
Her: And they meet at a significant point in their lives that changes their perspectives on the world
Me: Uh huh
Her: And they keep encountering each other over the years, sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose, and build up this really strong bond
Me: Oh yeah?
Her: Like they change and grow, they fight and flirt, hurting and supporting each other in a way that they kinda become two halves of one person
Me: Nice
Her: Oh yeah, they're super in love, but they either don't realize it or can't do anything about it because of personal bullshit
Me: Oof that sucks
Her: It does! They eventually figure it out tho, which is great, but then something happens that will shatter your heart and maybe make you hate me?
Me: I'm in! What's the show?
Her: One Day on Netflix
Me: Great! I'll watch it immediately. Now let me tell you about a little show called Good Omens...
For real, One Day is legit super good and super heartbreaking, and my friend has promised to watch Good Omens in return (her little kids take up way less time than my little dog).
For the sake of transparency, she did not actually warn me of the heartbreak, so I did not warn her. All's fair in the Final Fifteen
Also, part of our respective recommendations are the very pretty men involved in each show. One look at Leo Woodall and I was sunk, and she about fell out of her chair at Crowley
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rebelrian · 10 months
The Chasms We Cross - Spy x Family Twiyor One Shot
Biding my time until Chapter 86 releases on Sunday - we don’t know if Endo will resolve this arc in the next chapter so I’m putting this out here first as my speculation of how Twilight and Yor will reunite!!
More than gripes, Twilight fears resentment will grow between him and Yor.
Picks up from Chapter 85 of the manga. Some characters’ fates are just speculated at and this fic may be completely way off from what Endo has in mind…but we’ll only find out when the chapter drops. More personal notes below the cut, only available to read on Tumblr for now.
Spy x Family manga spoilers ahead. For general audiences. Enjoy reading this fanfic!
The Chasms We Cross
by rebelrian
Between his front porch and the door to his apartment, Twilight felt a chasm had formed. Once he crosses the threshold, he would have no choice but to put on his mask as Loid Forger. To be Loid Forger would be to face Yor and Anya as an upstanding, even-tempered family man; a psychiatrist beloved by his colleagues and patients. After the events of that day, Twilight couldn’t say he deserved to be that man, let alone be welcomed in the space the Forgers called their home.
The bullet wound left by Yuri burned fresh on Twilight’s arm.
Ironically, Twilight had Yuri and Nightfall to thank for his escape from the SSS. Yuri, who would have not hesitated to end him if he was faster, even more resilient; Nightfall, who may never recover from the damage she inflicted on her own body trying to save Twilight.
A flash. A bloodied Yuri. “Yor…I’m so…sorry…”
Nightfall, bones breaking, still standing. “…But I’m not afraid. I believe in that man.”
“It’s what makes me strong.”
Twilight heard it all. Wheeler made sure he knew Nightfall’s words even if he hadn’t. In the eye of his adversary, Twilight tapped on the strengths of Yuri and Nightfall who had fallen before him. People who were unafraid to lean on others and be their support in return. He thought of Bond, leaping into a burning building for a stranger’s dog; Anya saving a drowning boy twice her height; Anya braving a full scale hostage attempt; Anya running into Yor’s arms after. Yor.
Yor chasing after a pickpocket; Yor stroking Anya’s hair, ever generous with her embraces; Yor singing a lullaby to him on a park bench, rustling leaves providing soft accompaniment. An autumn night’s breeze. His mother.
With that, he silenced Wheeler once and for all.
The damage done to WISE and Operation Strix is still unknown. He’ll hear more about it from Handler in time to come, but he’s doubtful the SSS lost all the intel with Wheeler. No matter how he looked at it, WISE is definitely compromised, with more agents down to boot.
So where does that leave him and the Forgers? “Lay low,” said Handler. “Carry on with your daily routines until we can ascertain the damage to our operations in Ostania. We got this far…it would be a pity to retreat at this stage.”
Even in disguise, Handler’s hooded gaze remained the same. Unreadable. “Set your family’s hearts at ease.” Those were her last words to Twilight before dismissing him.
He reached their front door. The man paused, unsure whether to enter. Would anyone be waiting for him at this late hour? Surely Anya would be asleep by now, no doubt dreaming of pandas and penguins. But Yor…would she wait for him like he does for her? Would she have had her dinner yet? Thinking back on how they parted earlier this morning, it’s possible she may not be so considerate of him. Could he blame her? If you can do one thing right today Twilight, it’s to not let Yor down anymore tonight. If she’s behind that door, you owe it to her to finish the morning’s conversation.
The man let go of the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and regained composure.
The white light of their living room flooded his vision as the door creaked open. Sure enough, Loid’s wife was perched on the sofa, twirling her hair. Pensive.
Ruby eyes widened at the sound of footsteps and darted to the tall figure that was her husband. The first thing Yor noticed was the bandage wrapped around his head. Her hands flew to her mouth.
“Loid! What happened?”
Loid Forger gave an apologetic grimace, like it didn’t hurt at all. “Oh, today’s emergency patient was quite the challenge. But it’s nothing that won’t heal.”
In truth, his whole body was screaming to collapse; he was beaten, starving and thirsty. But this was important. This felt larger than him, or even Operation Strix. He owed it to this pure, beautiful woman to set her heart at ease, knowing he will only continue to hurt her once she finds out she almost lost her only living family today. Twilight mustered the last bits of energy and clarity for the day’s last mission.
Yor wasn’t too sure a blow to the head counted as a minor injury and kept a watchful gaze on her husband. Nevertheless, the tangled tension that wrecked her the whole day slowly unravelled and her body relaxed finally seeing Loid home safe and sound.
“O-oh…I suppose that’s why you’re back so late today.” She tugged at the sleeves of her red sweater nervously. Of course Yuri was wrong. Loid wouldn’t be out cheating on me…why do I always let other people doubt my trust in Loid?
Loid hung his hat and coat by the doorway and closed the distance between them in long strides. “I’m sorry I couldn’t call in the day and left you so abruptly this morning…a lot has happened since we…” Argued. If what happened counted as arguing. Twilight still couldn’t make sense of their morning predicament. Yor remained unusually stoic. In that moment, she almost looked…unfeeling.
He suddenly felt self-conscious and ran a hand through the tuft of hair left exposed on his head.
Yor finally responded. “It’s ok Loid, these things happen,” she said quietly.
A beat. A twin ache. Both lonely figures stood in the middle of their living room, appraising each other.
The lady took the first steps; she was now close enough to rest her hand on the man’s shoulder. He inhaled.
“Welcome home, Loid,” she said, standing on the tip of her toes. Ruby eyes met steel eyes, a question forming in the latter pair. But for the first time, Yor did not waver in front of her handsome, perfect husband.
She closed her eyes and kissed him.
Twilight was stunned. The last thing he expected was to be greeted with warmth. He kept his eyes open to see if it was true; that Yor Forger’s plush and soft lips were on his; that her cheeks were not flushed and her breathing was measured. She was not drunk. She was calm and her sincerity was as clear as day. His heart ached at this intimate gesture and he tentatively kissed her back.
When they pulled apart, Yor’s hand still rested on Loid’s shoulder, her other hand held close to her heart. Loid’s steel eyes softened, one hand hovering over her waist.
And that one syllable did it. The only thing Twilight could do today was falter and falter. His knees gave way and the only thing that stopped him from hitting the ground was Yor’s iron grip. The last thing he saw was a halo shining above her.
Twilight woke up to the waft of tomatoes. He was bundled on the sofa and there on the coffee table, was a serving of Yor’s signature southern stew complete with cute chunks of misshapen potatoes. Strips of stubborn potato skin clung sparsely. A first aid box sat waiting in the wings of the accompanying jug of water and plate of warm loaf bread.
Just as Loid sat up, Yor returned to the living room with their tea and took a seat beside him.
“It’s nothing new and not nearly as good as any of your dishes…but you look like you haven’t eaten the whole day, Loid.” Yor’s brow was furrowed.
“I never get tired of your stew, Yor.” It was the truth.
After the first sip, Loid ate the rest of his meal ravenously. He took a bite of the loaf and groaned appreciatively. Yor giggled in spite of herself. She had never seen her husband so unrestrained. So relaxed.
With his appetite satiated, the man’s senses slowly came back to him. Here he was, enjoying food prepared by Loid Forger’s wife even when he abandoned her without a satisfactory explanation. Despite that, Yor Forger took a courageous leap and kissed him for the first time. Welcomed him home. Not knowing Yuri could have died by his hands if he didn’t stop himself. Twilight was starting to feel sick; he didn’t deserve any of it.
“Yor, we need to talk about what happened this morning.”
Yor’s fists were balled and resting on her knees. She seemed a bit stiff, but prepared.
“I-I’m sorry for confusing you earlier, Loid. The truth is…I was finding gripes with you because the girls said it was normal for couples to have them…”
Yor could feel the heat flush up her neck but she forced herself to continue.
“It was foolish of me picking a fight when you’ve been nothing short of perfect, Loid. I’m…actually the happiest I’ve ever been, married to you.”
She didn’t dare meet his eyes as she finished the sentence, so she couldn’t see the tender gaze Loid had for her with each admission. What she did see was his hand closing over one of her fists, his thumb making deep circles, coaxing her fist to unfurl. She flattened her palm on her thigh and let it be blanketed by his warmth. Slowly, she willed herself to meet his gaze.
“Yor, I’m nowhere near perfect.”
Loid looked unrecognizable to her in that moment. He was still…him, but there was a deep melancholy pushing through the surface. Just as sincere as whenever he told her she was already doing her best as his wife. She couldn’t help but tear. Is that really you, Loid? You look like a man who’s lost everything.
He gave a sad smile. “By gripes, do you mean not spending enough time at home with you, Anya and Bond?”
“Well…it could even be…unsweetened omelettes…” She wished a hole would open up beneath her and swallow her whole.
Loid gave a soft chuckle and brought his other hand to her hair, pushing away locks of hair from her eyes. “Bland omelettes and family time are things that can easily be resolved as long as we’re a team, Yor.”
“But if you ever resented me…I would definitely lose all of you. You…Anya…Bond…this home.” Again, the man rose to the surface.
“I’m not sure I’m prepared for that, Yor.”
When he willed himself to remember, the man was no stranger to discord in families. It was a reality he witnessed everyday in his childhood home. His parents wasted no breath firing ammunition at each other whenever they were together. Their words mentioned school, mollycoddling, awful dinner, but even as a boy, he knew his parents were stoking at a deeper ember. One that would never burn out. In the end, their resentment for each other manifested in chasms between all three of them; as fate would have it, his father was gone first; his mother followed after; the boy left alone, marooned on this damned Earth.
Until now.
Yor clasped both of Loid’s hands and mimicked the way his thumbs caressed hers. Her eyes were a different kind of ember, ones that beckoned and drew him in. Yet, he was afraid to approach her.
She spoke in hushed tones, but she did not stutter.
“Loid, I don’t regret being a Forger.”
“We were complete strangers when we first met…and yet you let me into your home and entrusted Anya with me. I’m sure I must have befuddled you many times before, but you never stopped trying to understand me. I never knew a place where I belonged before you and Anya. Both of you have always accepted me as I am.”
What Yor said next surprised him. “This resentment you speak of…I’m not afraid of it. I don’t believe in it.”
“For as long as I want to protect this peace we have together, I’ll never stop trying to understand you, Loid. Even if it’s selfish…I don’t want to leave the Forger family.”
Twilight let her words steep.
To protect this peace we have together…
”But what if you misjudged me, Yor? What if…I let you and Anya down?”
Yor considered this and something retreated in her; the empty stare teased at the coals of her ruby eyes once again.
“It’s possible you have misjudged me too, Loid.”
Her next words took all the bravery she could muster. “But would that stop you from being with me?”
Twilight looked at the lovely stranger before him. She, who always doubted how normal she passed off as when it was really her unfailing honesty and trust that dulled everyone else in comparison. She, a transparent soul that also hinted at an infinity of trick mirrors.
Perhaps she was like him too.
Perhaps there was hope for them still.
Perhaps the man could be selfish in indulging in Loid Forger’s cast.
Perhaps this doesn’t change the way Twilight can be, anymore than what has already changed in his last months as a Forger.
Loid pulled Yor closer to him until she almost fell into his lap. His eyes shone as clear as day, the fog cleared.
“No. I want to stay with you, Yor Forger. If you’ll let me.”
Their faces were inches apart, their breaths tickling each other. There was no more tentativeness. In that moment, they both saw each other. Yor’s words were a whisper before they were lost in the pull of their lips.
“I do.”
I could be very wrong but I think Wheeler could be killed off soon. The man is too formidable a foil to Twilight and him surviving is danger on all fronts to all characters!! We still don’t know what info he stole!!!!
For weeks since this arc started getting stressful, I was so worried Loid would spiral after the whole incident and distance himself from his family, or even riddle himself with guilt over Nightfall. But after Chapter 85…I held onto a glimmer of hope that Twilight will be a bit more honest and more willing to change his views on relying on others as a spy.
Will Twilight and Yor kiss?? This fic says yes but my guess is as good as any. I’m not familiar with Endo’s other narratives or approaches to romance, but I doubt it’s as slow burn/ambiguous as Rumiko Takahashi (a personal observation since I’m more familiar with her romantic comedy dynamics in shonen stories). I have a feeling Endo might let Twiyor progress a bit and that Twilight will be more forgiving of the contradictions of his role earlier than expected.
Is Yor’s speech supposed to mirror Donovan Desmond? Yes. Could she be the answer to world peace? Probably (I kid). Though while we’re on the topic, wouldn’t it be wild if Melinda Desmond hires Garden to assassinate her own husband in later arcs? And instead of Twilight meeting the final boss first in the final showdown…it’s Thorn Princess.
I have so many feelings and I just can’t wait for Twilight and Yor to reunite!!!!
Perhaps I’ll get on AO3 once I receive the invitation email.
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