#Common dog behavior issues
A Tail-Wagging Guide: Unleashing the Power of Dog Health eBook & Dog Owner's Delight eBook
As a new dog owner, I was overwhelmed with information on caring for my furry friend. Sifting through conflicting advice online left me confused. That's when I discovered the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle, and it's been a game-changer for my relationship with my dog.
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Empowering Knowledge for a Healthy Pup
The Dog Health eBook is a comprehensive guide that dives deep into all aspects of canine health. From understanding basic nutrition to recognizing the signs of illness, this eBook provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-understand format. The clear explanations and helpful illustrations empowered me to make informed decisions about my dog's diet, exercise routine, and overall well-being.
Beyond the Physical: Training and Behavioral Insights
The Dog Owner's Delight eBook complements the health focus perfectly. This guide delves into the fascinating world of dog psychology and training techniques. It explores the importance of positive reinforcement and offers practical tips for tackling common behavioural issues like barking, chewing, and leash pulling. Thanks to this eBook, I've been able to build a stronger bond with my dog based on mutual respect and understanding.
A Tailored Approach to Different Dog Breeds
Both eBooks go a step further by acknowledging the unique needs of different dog breeds. They offer valuable insights on breed-specific health concerns and training approaches. This personalized approach ensured that the information I learned was relevant to my dog's specific needs and characteristics.
A Valuable Resource for All Dog Owners
Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a new puppy parent like myself, this eBook bundle offers something valuable. The combination of health and training knowledge provides a well-rounded understanding of canine care. The clear writing style makes the information accessible to everyone, regardless of prior experience.
An Investment in a Happy and Healthy Dog
While the eBooks themselves are a digital product, the knowledge gained is an investment that pays off in a big way. By understanding my dog's health needs and learning effective training techniques, I'm able to provide a happier and healthier life for my furry companion. The wagging tail and those puppy dog eyes say it all!
Overall, the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle is an invaluable resource for any dog owner. It empowers you with the knowledge and tools to create a strong bond with your dog and ensure their overall well-being.
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insipid-drivel · 2 months
Horses: Since There Seems To Be A Knowledge Gap
I'm going to go ahead and preface this with: I comment pretty regularly on clips and photos featuring horses and horseback riding, often answering questions or providing explanations for how or why certain things are done. I was a stable hand and barrel racer growing up, and during my 11 year tenure on tumblr, Professional Horse Commentary is a very niche, yet very necessary, subject that needs filling. Here are some of the literary and creative gaps I've noticed in well meaning (and very good!) creators trying to portray horses and riding realistically that... well, most of you don't seem to even be aware of, because you wouldn't know unless you worked with horses directly!
Some Of The Most Common Horse + Riding Mistakes I See:
-Anybody can ride any horse if you hold on tight enough/have ridden once before.
Nope. No, no, no, no, aaaaaaaand, no. Horseback riding has, historically, been treated as a life skill taught from surprisingly young ages. It wasn't unusual in the pre-vehicular eras to start teaching children as young as 4 to begin to ride, because horses don't come with airbags, and every horse is different. For most adults, it can take months or years of regular lessons to learn to ride well in the saddle, and that's just riding; not working or practicing a sport.
Furthermore, horses often reject riders they don't know. Unless a horse has been trained like a teaching horse, which is taught to tolerate riders of all skill and experience levels, it will take extreme issue with having some random person try to climb on their back. Royalty, nobility, and the knighted classes are commonly associated with the "having a favorite special horse" trope, because it's true! Just like you can have a particularly special bond with a pet or service animal that verges on parental, the same can apply with horses. Happy horses love their owners/riders, and will straight-up do their best to murder anyone that tries to ride them without permission.
-Horses are stupid/have no personality.
There isn't a more dangerous assumption to make than assuming a horse is stupid. Every horse has a unique personality, with traits that can be consistent between breeds (again, like cat and dog breeds often have distinct behavior traits associated with them), but those traits manifest differently from animal to animal.
My mother had an Arabian horse, Zipper, that hated being kicked as a signal to gallop. One day, her mom and stepdad had a particularly unpleasant visitor; an older gentleman that insisted on riding Zipper, but refused to listen to my mother's warnings never to kick him. "Kicking" constitutes hitting the horse's side(s) with your heels, whether you have spurs on or not. Most horses only need a gentle squeeze to know what you want them to do.
Anyway, Zipper made eye-contact with my mom, asking for permission. He understood what she meant when she nodded at him. He proceeded to give this asshole of a rider road rash on the side of the paddock fence and sent him to the emergency room. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't have the permission from the rider he respected, and was intelligent enough to ask, "mind if I teach this guy a lesson?" with his eyes, and understand, "Go for it, buddy," from my mom in return.
-Riding bareback is possible to do if you hold onto the horse's mane really tight.
Riding a horse bareback (with no saddle, stirrups, or traditional harness around the horse's head) is unbelievably difficult to learn, particularly have testicles and value keeping them. Even professional riders and equestrians find ourselves relying on tack (the stuff you put on a horse to ride it) to stay stable on our horses, even if we've been riding that particular horse for years and have a very positive, trusting relationship.
Horses sweat like people do. The more they run, the more their hair saturates with sweat and makes staying seated on them slippery. Hell, an overworked horse can sweat so heavily that the saddle slips off its back. It's also essential to brush and bathe a horse before it's ridden in order to keep it healthier, so their hair is often quite slick from either being very clean or very damp. In order to ride like that, you have to develop the ability to synchronize your entire body's rhythm's with the rhythm of the horse's body beneath you, and quite literally move as one. Without stirrups, most people can't do it, and some people can never master bareback riding no matter how many years they spend trying to learn.
-You can be distracted and make casual conversation while a horse is standing untethered in the middle of a barn or field.
At every barn I've ever worked at, it's been standard practice with every single horse, regardless of age or temperament, to secure their heads while they're being tacked up or tacked down. The secures for doing this are simple ropes with clips that are designed to attach to the horse's halter (the headwear for a horse that isn't being ridden; they have no bit that goes in the horse's mouth, and no reins for a rider to hold) on metal O rings on either side of the horse's head. This is not distressing to the horse, because we give them plenty of slack to turn their heads and look around comfortably.
The problem with trying to tack up an unrestrained horse while chatting with fellow stable hands or riders is that horses know when you're distracted! And they often try to get away with stuff when they know you're not looking! In a barn, a horse often knows where the food is stored, and will often try to tiptoe off to sneak into the feed room.
Horses that get into the feed room are often at a high risk of dying. While extremely intelligent, they don't have the ability to throw up, and they don't have the ability to tell that their stomach is full and should stop eating. Allowing a horse into a feed/grain room WILL allow it to eat itself to death.
Other common woes stable hands and riders deal with when trying to handle a horse with an unrestrained head is getting bitten! Horses express affection between members of their own herd, and those they consider friends and family, through nibbling and surprisingly rough biting. It's not called "horseplay" for nothing, because during my years working with horses out in the pasture, it wasn't uncommon at all for me to find individuals with bloody bite marks on their withers (that high part on the middle of the back of their shoulders most people instinctively reach for when they try to get up), and on their backsides. I've been love-bitten by horses before, and while flattering, they hurt like hell on fleshy human skin.
So, for the safety of the horse, and everybody else, always make a show of somehow controlling the animal's head when hands-on and on the ground with them.
-Big Horse = War Horse
Startlingly, the opposite is usually the case! Draft and carriage horses, like Percherons and Friesians, were never meant to be used in warfare. Draft horses are usually bred to be extremely even-tempered, hard to spook, and trustworthy around small children and animals. Historically, they're the tractors of the farm if you could afford to upgrade from oxen, and were never built to be fast or agile in a battlefield situation.
More importantly, just because a horse is imposing and huge doesn't make it a good candidate for carrying heavy weights. A real thing that I had to be part of enforcing when I worked at a teaching ranch was a weight limit. Yeah, it felt shitty to tell people they couldn't ride because we didn't have any horses strong enough to carry them due to their weight, but it's a matter of the animal's safety. A big/tall/chonky horse is more likely to be built to pull heavy loads, but not carry them flat on their spines. Horses' muscular power is predominantly in their ability to run and pull things, and too heavy a rider can literally break a horse's spine and force us to euthanize it.
Some of the best war horses out there are from the "hot blood" family. Hot blooded horses are often from dry, hot, arid climates, are very small and slight (such as Arabian horses), and are notoriously fickle and flighty. They're also a lot more likely to paw/bite/kick when spooked, and have even sometimes been historically trained to fight alongside their rider if their rider is dismounted in combat; kicking and rearing to keep other soldiers at a distance.
-Any horse can be ridden if it likes you enough.
Just like it can take a lifetime to learn to ride easily, it can take a lifetime of training for a horse to comfortably take to being ridden or taking part in a job, like pulling a carriage. Much like service animals, horses are typically trained from extremely young ages to be reared into the job that's given to them, and an adult horse with no experience carrying a rider is going to be just as scared as a rider who's never actually ridden a horse.
Just as well, the process of tacking up a horse isn't always the most comfortable experience for the horse. To keep the saddle centered on the horse's back when moving at rough or fast paces, it's essential to tighten the belly strap (cinch) of the saddle as tightly as possible around the horse's belly. For the horse, it's like wearing a tight corset, chafes, and even leaves indents in their skin afterward that they love having rinsed with water and scratched. Some horses will learn to inflate their bellies while you're tightening the cinch so you can't get it as tight as it needs to be, and then exhale when they think you're done tightening it.
When you're working with a horse wearing a bridle, especially one with a bit, it can be a shocking sensory experience to a horse that's never used a bit before. While they lack a set of teeth naturally, so the bit doesn't actually hurt them, imagine having a metal rod shoved in your mouth horizontally! Unless you understand why it's important for the person you care about not dying, you'd be pretty pissed about having to keep it in there!
-Horseback riding isn't exercise.
If you're not using every muscle in your body to ride with, you're not doing it right.
Riding requires every ounce of muscle control you have in your entire body - although this doesn't mean it wasn't realistic for people with fat bodies to stay their weight while also being avid riders; it doesn't mean the muscles aren't there. To stay on the horse, you need to learn how it feels when it moves at different gaits (walk, trot, canter, gallop), how to instruct it to switch leads (dominant legs; essential for precise turning and ease of communication between you and the horse), and not falling off. While good riders look like they're barely moving at all, that's only because they're good riders. They know how to move so seamlessly with the horse, feeling their movements like their own, that they can compensate with their legs and waists to not bounce out of the saddle altogether or slide off to one side. I guarantee if you ride a horse longer than 30 minutes for the first time, your legs alone will barely work and feel like rubber.
-Horses aren't affectionate.
Horses are extraordinarily affectionate toward the right people. As prey animals, they're usually wary of people they don't know, or have only recently met. They also - again, like service animals - have a "work mode" and a "casual mode" depending upon what they're doing at the time. Horses will give kisses like puppies, wiggle their upper lips on your hair/arms to groom you, lean into neck-hugs, and even cuddle in their pasture or stall if it's time to nap and you join them by leaning against their sides. If they see you coming up from afar and are excited to see you, they'll whinny and squeal while galloping to meet you at the gate. They'll deliberately swat you with their tails to tease you, and will often follow you around the pasture if they're allowed to regardless of what you're up to.
-Riding crops are cruel.
Only cruel people use riding crops to hurt their horses. Spurs? I personally object to, because any horse that knows you well doesn't need something sharp jabbing them in the side for emphasis when you're trying to tell them where you want them to go. Crops? Are genuinely harmless tools used for signalling a horse.
I mean, think about it. Why would crops be inherently cruel instruments if you need to trust a horse not to be afraid of you and throw you off when you're riding it?
Crops are best used just to lightly tap on the left or right flank of the horse, and aren't universally used with all forms of riding. You'll mainly see crops used with English riding, and they're just tools for communicating with the horse without needing to speak.
-There's only one way to ride a horse.
Not. At. All. At most teaching ranches, you'll get two options: Western, or English, because they tend to be the most popular for shows and also the most common to find equipment for. English riding uses a thinner, smaller saddle, narrower stirrups, and much thinner bridles. I, personally, didn't like English style riding because I never felt very stable in such a thin saddle with such small stirrups, and didn't start learning until my mid teens. English style riding tends to focus more on your posture and deportment in the saddle, and your ability to show off your stability and apparent immovability on the horse. It was generally just a bit too stiff and formal for me.
Western style riding utilizes heavier bridles, bigger saddles (with the iconic horn on the front), and broader stirrups. Like its name may suggest, Western riding is more about figuring out how to be steady in the saddle while going fast and being mobile with your upper body. Western style riding is generally the style preferred for working-type shows, such as horseback archery, gunning, barrel racing, and even rodeo riding.
-Wealthy horse owners have no relationship with their horses.
This is loosely untrue, but I've seen cases where it is. Basically, horses need to feel like they're working for someone that matters to them in order to behave well with a rider and not get impatient or bored. While it's common for people to board horses at off-property ranches (boarding ranches) for cost and space purposes, it's been historically the truth that having help is usually necessary with horses at some point. What matters is who spends the most time with the animal treating it like a living being, rather than a mode of transport or a tool. There's no harm in stable hands handling the daily upkeep; hay bales and water buckets are heavy, and we're there to profit off the labor you don't want or have the time to do. You get up early to go to work; we get up early to look after your horses. Good owners/boarders visit often and spend as much of their spare time as they can with spending quality work and playtime with their horses. Otherwise, the horses look to the stable hands for emotional support and care.
So, maybe you're writing a knight that doesn't really care much for looking after his horse, but his squire is really dedicated to keeping up with it? There's a better chance of the horse having a more affectionate relationship with the squire thanks to the time the squire spends on looking after it, while the horse is more likely to tolerate the knight that owns it as being a source of discipline if it misbehaves. That doesn't mean the knight is its favorite person. When it comes to horses, their love must be earned, and you can only earn it by spending time with them hands-on.
-Horses can graze anywhere without concern.
This is a mistake that results in a lot of premature deaths! A big part of the cost of owning a horse - even before you buy one - is having the property that will be its pasture assessed for poisonous plants, and having those plants removed from being within the animal's reach. This is an essential part of farm upkeep every year, because horses really can't tell what's toxic and what isn't. One of the reasons it's essential to secure a horse when you aren't riding it is to ensure it only has a very limited range to graze on, and it's your responsibility as the owner/rider to know how to identify dangerous plants and keep your horses away from them.
There's probably more. AMA in my askbox if you have any questions, but that's all for now. Happy writing.
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jasmineiros · 7 months
I wasn't going to post this here due to the somewhat sensitive subject of idolization of celebrities and I actually already vented on Instagram stories, but once the dam breaks out it's useless to even try to contain it. And the only thing that is flooding my mind now is rage.
I already hated millionaires, but after Taylor Swift came to Brazil to that freaking circus people called a concert, I hated them even more.
In case you're not aware, Brazil is dealing incredibly badly with the climate crisis. In Rio they hit the temperature of 60°C (100F, but the sensation was of 140F). It was the highest temperature registered SO FAR. A mix of this unbearable heat and the fact that the staff managing the production of concert used certain materials such as god-damned metal to cover certain structures made several people to get severe burns and 23-year-old die of a heart attack.
Now, that's where the irony comes.
After hearing the news, the best Taylor could ever do was posting a stories saying "how sorry she was and she was so young and she was so beautiful and blablabla" but also very vehemently reinforcing that "due to her grief she wasn't going to say anything about it during the show". I mean, a person who technically loved her, had to get donations to travel across the country and literally died because of this god-damned concert and you can't even make a tiny, small tribute for her. She didn't even mention her name in the stories, which was Ana Clara, btw.
She or the staff never reached out to the family to ask if they needed anything, even though they absolutely had the means to do it. Several years ago, when a Rihanna fan was murdered, she personally paid for the expenses of the funeral, because the family couldn't afford it.
And it gets worse.
She cancelled her next performances due to the climate issues. Being herself is the biggest celebrity CO2e polluter of this year so far. And she got back to the US. In a fucking private jet.
I mean, this combo couldn't be more unbelievable. She not only completely dehumanized an incredibly painful and serious situation, as she, with the 1% of magnates that literally rule this planet, is simply the root cause of the imminent destruction of this planet but it doesn't matter, as long as she still has money being shoved into that white ass of hers.
Or maybe I'm being naive, maybe it's our fault, after all, monkeys are meant to the zoo, not to be in the presence of an untouchable, perfect and almighty nature force such as she, since apparently she can't even breathe the same air we do by just using a freaking common airplane, like a sensitive and sane person would.
The fact that she will just run out and make other concerts with that same innocent angel aura, even though she displays a borderline psychopath behavior, like she still was the 16-year-old girl writing songs about her break ups is absolutely unbelievable to me.
This is just so similar to when that cryptofascist piece of trash of Aurora decided it would be just a good idea to make a shallow and generic discourse about love and acceptance and how everyone is being cancelled nowadays when a member of her band posted and gestured dog whistle supremacy symbols on more than one occasion.
Honestly I wish I could feel anything else right now, but the only thing I can still manage to internalize and express is pure hate.
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bestbeest · 4 months
Service Dogs and Prong Collars
While I personally am a very hippy-dippy +R trainer, and do not use a prong on my dog, I wanted to make a post in response to the common notion that "no real service dog uses a prong collar." I've seen this sentiment several times in the last week or so and it's worth discussing, especially given how harmful 'fake-spotting' can be to service dog teams.
Let's start with some context about the prong, first. Unlike some training tools, it's not an inherently aversive tool, in that if no pressure is applied to it (i.e. the leash is not pulled at all), it doesn't pinch or poke. A certain level of force has to be applied for the prongs to pinch the dog. I am NOT saying that prongs are not typically used aversively or that they do not ever hurt the dog. What I'm saying is that the prong itself is just a magnifying tool, which magnifies small amounts of pressure from the leash by focusing them on very small specific points.
I also want to note that some professional service dog trainers do use prongs as aversive training tools, and while I am personally of the opinion that if your dog is service-dog quality, you should not NEED aversers to train it, other valid professional trainers in the field do use them to turn out well-bshaved effective service dogs. And of course, many unskilled owner-trainers rely on them to bridge the gap between their lack of training experience/skill and the extremely high behavioral standards required of service dogs (yes, you CAN very slowly train a dog not to sniff other people by reinforcing it each time it chooses not to and then fading out treats; you can also just do a quick leash pop when it leans over to sniff someone, and the dog will get the memo much more quickly and without the level of skill at timing needed). So this post is not intended to denigrate balanced trainers who use the prong as an averser, either.
That in mind, here are a few reasons that that service dog you just saw might be perfectly legitimate AND wearing a prong collar!
The dog was initially trained on a prong and now associates it with going into 'work mode.' Service dogs need some kind of cue to tell them when to be extremely professional and serious, and when they're okay to just be a regular old dog. My dog loves going up to people and saying hello, but obviously he can't be doing that kind of thing when he's on duty. Knowing that, I decided from the beginning to teach him that the signal was wearing a certain vest, and being 'naked' meant he could goof off. Other handlers use different signals, and if the dog was initially trained using a prong, that may be its de facto signal to get serious.
The handler's disability gives them hand strength issues and even a very small pull can cause them to drop the leash. In this case the prong provides noticeable pressure much earlier than a flat collar would and reminds the dog to be very gentle with their person.
The handler's disability gives them balance issues and even a very small pull can cause them to fall over. See above.
For some reason (cerebral palsy, wheelchair user, grip strength issues, etc), the handler needs a communication tool that can magnify very small movements of the leash into something the dog can notice and understand. I actually considered using a prong for this reason, so that I could just put a small amount of directional pressure on the leash to signal to my dog that we were turning one way or the other, but ended up going with a different method. Because the prong condenses the total amount of leash pressure into smaller, stronger points, instead of distributing it broadly the way a flat collar does, much smaller or subtler movements of the leash or the handler's hand can communicate a cue to the dog!
This is just one example of why it's so important not to assume that a service dog team is fake because they don't look the way we normally expect service dogs to look. There's an incredibly wide range of disabilities out there that affect people in a myriad of ways, and even more ways they navigate and manage those disabilities. Taking photos of people and posting them online, talking about them behind their back, or even harassing them about their legitimacy in person can be incredibly harmful and can lead to disabled people not getting the support and resources they need. Think about that the next time you see a service dog that doesn't meet your expectations!
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aita for being bitter at my family for keeping their dog that doesn't like me, and for being glad when they had to get rid of the dog?
so i (adult m) live in a small 3bed/2bath home with my family: mom (f40s), dad (m40s), nana (f60s), and my sisters (f17, f12). i was homeless for a while and moved in with them in dec 2019/jan 2020. they had two dogs that they loved for a long time, both dogs had passed years before i moved in. from what i've heard, the dogs were beloved members of the family and their deaths, while expected (because of old age and health issues), were devastating.
our house is small, but i don't really have an issue with that. i spend nearly 100% of my time inside the house because of a surgery i had a while back, and i'm content to nap and watch TV and socialize with my family all day. i require a lot of care and special attention and i'm unable to hold a job (would rather not go into detail), and while occasionally my family will leave me home by myself for a few days for a vacation, this is pretty rare and i'm overall satisfied with the care they are able to provide me. i'd say my life is pretty good.
or it was.
in the last couple of years it has been increasingly obvious that my family (with the exception of my nana) miss having a dog around. they would occasionally talk about a dog up for adoption they saw online, or a friend who was having puppies and how it would be so cool to get a puppy, or looking at videos of dogs and reminiscing about their old dogs and talking about how nice it would be to get a dog. this didn't bother me in and of itself, because it had been happening for a while and they never actually followed through.
... until early last month, when they came home with a dog. this came from out of nowhere (they stopped on the way home from the shelter to buy dog supplies, like food and bowls, toys, etc). no one had told me about this or asked me what i thought, so i was surprised and confused when they brought a strange dog into the home. according to them, they are "fostering" this dog for a few months while she undergoes treatment for a health condition (after which she will be eligible for adoption), but her behavior towards me has erased any sympathy i might have felt for her.
this dog is big (she's almost certainly stronger than i am), unruly, untrained, and she does not like me. i've been avoiding her because her extreme level of energy unnerves me, but every time she sees me she growls at me and tries to lunge or snap at me like i'm the one invading her territory and not the other way around. i have voiced my fears and my strong dislike at having this dog in the house, but i don't think my family really understands what i'm saying.
after a few days, it became clear that allowing the both of us to be in the same room would lead to injury. this was further cemented after an incident where i was sitting on the couch with my mom and my sister came in from walking the dog and the dog lunged at me and i accidentally gave my mom a minor injury in my panic. so my family has decided that the best course of action, until they have time to condition her to my presence, is for me to stay in my room indefinitely.
practically, the space is big enough for me—i don't need much, and i'm not super physically active, the only thing i can't do in here that i can do in the common areas is watch tv—but it's frustrating being confined to a single room in my own home, where i've lived for years, while this dog is granted open access to the rest of the house. my family promised it would be temporary, that they just have to work on training her and correcting her behavior and getting her comfortable with me, but the longer this has dragged on the more i have been forced to accept that this is my life now.
at the end of last month, my sibling (nby20, lived with us until starting college in 2021) came down from their university town to stay with us for a few days for their birthday. during their visit, they spent some time in my room with me, hanging out and empathizing with my situation. they said some things that made me feel more validated in my discomfort over this whole situation.
the week after they went back home, the dog started acting aggressively toward my nana, especially when my nana got close to one of my sisters. it got to the point where my family had to lock her in her crate to keep her from attacking my nana, and even then she would bark and growl at my nana. so my family made the (very difficult for them) decision to stop fostering the dog and return her to the shelter. since she was returned, i have regained my access to the rest of the house.
while i am not stoked about my nana being attacked, i am relieved that the dog is gone and i am no longer a prisoner in my own home. along with this relief are feelings of bitterness—the dog acted aggressively toward me on numerous occasions, but as soon as she displayed that behavior toward my nana, they got rid of her. after the conversation with my oldest sibling, who offered an outside perspective, i have been feeling slighted and as if my comfort was a secondary concern to my family.
my parents and sisters, meanwhile, are devastated by this recent turn of events. they had all grown very attached to the dog (apparently she could be very sweet and loving when she wasn't aggressive), and they had fallen in love with her quirks and the amount of excitement she brought into the home. my parents had spent good money spoiling her with toys and treats that cannot be used now. my sisters, being younger, are especially devastated—my youngest sister has always felt things very deeply and openly, and seeing her this sad is heartbreaking. i've been trying to comfort my family as best i can, but i feel like my presence alone is just another reminder that the dog is gone.
though i acknowledge their attachment to the dog and their sadness at having to give her up, these feelings of bitterness and resentment—that her attacking me wasn't a "good enough" reason to get rid of her—remain. i am also having trouble tampering my relief and excitement at once again being allowed access to the tvs and the common areas. am i an asshole for having these feelings when my family loved this dog and are still upset at having to get rid of her?
What are these acronyms?
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robfinancialtip · 2 months
In this training, expert dog trainer Brett Endes guides viewers through effective professional techniques focused on the place command for dogs. Brett demonstrates how to teach your dog place and other essential obedience exercises, such as sit, stay, and down commands. Through place training, Brett addresses common dog behavior issues like separation anxiety and impulse control.
Brett's approach emphasizes the importance of place training as a foundational aspect of dog obedience, helping resolve behavioral challenges such as dog separation anxiety and dog impulse control issues. Utilizing lure and reward training, Brett teaches you how to establish a strong relationship with your dog and integrate place training into your dog's everyday routines.
In addition to offering tips on how to treat separation anxiety in dogs, Brett explains correction and reward techniques to ensure successful dog obedience training without bribing the dog. By following his expert guidance, you can strengthen your dog's focus and patience, paving the way for a well-trained and balanced pet.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
In a Rut
Unhinged Werewolf! Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: HIGHLY Dub-Con, Territorial!Abby, Abby’s aggressive towards anyone who’s interested in you, Possessive behavior, Rutting, Knotting, Biting, Werewolf venom, Breeding, Rough sex, Masochism, Size difference, cervical penetration, talk of murder, Abby threatens Owen, pregnancy, running away
Summary: Your father is the leader of the WLF. Dating has been hard for you with him being so overprotective, so you don’t say anything when you’re crushing on Abby Anderson - his top fighter. Except, things spiral out of control when you go to help a sick Abby… only to find out she’s not exactly sick and you’re the last person who should be there.
Author Note: I use a few veterinary terms in here if you don’t recognize certain words. I’m including the definition of a rut for those who do not know -> Rut - an annual period of sexual activity […] during which the males fight each other for access to the females.
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The barking from the WLF’s dogs greeted you the moment you walked into the kennel. Ever since your father noticed your love for animals, you’ve been the resident dog trainer and veterinary assistant. Your mother passed away during your birth all those years ago, because her body had been too weak to make it through. It was unfortunately common in those first years after the outbreak. Doctors did everything they could for women with high-risk pregnancies, but with the hysteria and stress, there wasn’t much they could do.
You took after your mother in so many ways. The main thing was her love of nature and her sweet personality. Everyone in the WLF loved you and you weren’t short on anything you needed. You have great friends, an attentive crew, and - although overbearing sometimes - you had your father. A lot of people, especially those your age, didn’t have the luxury of saying that.
“Hey, Dixon!” Ruelle waves at you from the other end of the kennel, “You taking one of them out today?”
“Ruelle, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Y/n?” You groan, stopping in front of Poppy’s cage. The female Belgian Malinois was excited to see you standing there, barking and spinning in circles to show that she was ready to come out. You giggle at her antics, widening the neck on your leash so you can grab her.
“Until your father isn’t my boss?” Ruelle stands next to you, a bag of dog food in her hands, “Poppy’s happy to see you, huh?” She questions as you open the cage and leash her. Poppy immediately hops up onto her back legs to give your face a lick.
“It’s nice to see you too, Poppy.” You giggle, ruffling her fur as she drops back down, “I haven’t had the chance to play with her in a few weeks, so I’m just as excited. She is my dog after all. And, please forget that my father is your boss. Treat me like anyone else.”
“See, I can’t do that because you’re too cute. And if I was caught having sex with you, I’d probably be the dog food.”
“Why is sex the first thing you think of?” You snort, walking towards the field.
“It isn’t for you?” Ruelle gives you a playfully confused look, making you laugh, “Anyway, I’ve got to get back to feeding these puppies. Get lunch with me later?”
“You got it!” You wave to her and head out into the morning sun. Poppy is tugging you to her favorite area of the field that you call ‘the stretch’ since it’s a long section for the dogs to run back and forth. You open the cage and let Poppy off of the leash. She sprints down the stretch before circling around and coming back to you. You grin and grab a tennis ball out of the bucket, tossing it in your hand.
“You ready, girl?” You grin at your dog, “You ready?” Poppy barks, spinning in a circle.
“Catch!” You throw the ball, watching her sprint after it. You giggle to yourself as she comes running back, eagerly dropping it at your feet. You continue to play with her for a while, watching her cues to see if she’s tired or having any issues. At some point, you end up running back and forth with her just to have fun. You shriek when she tackles you, licking your face as you laugh and roll away from her.
“You okay there, Y/n?” You hear a very familiar voice call out. Your head snaps up and you see Abby Anderson grinning at you from the other side of the cage.
“Abby! Yeah, I’m- Ack!” You’re knocked over again, your dog whining that you’re not playing with her, “Poppy, sit!” You command her. She listens and sits down, and you get up off of the grass feeling a little embarrassed.
“Sorry!” You laugh flusteredly, approaching the gate, “Yeah, I’m all good. Poppy and I haven’t had time to ourselves in a while since she’s been in the field.”
“That’s good to hear.” The smile she gives you is blinding, “Is it okay for me to come in to say hello to her?”
“Yeah, of course!” You hurriedly, unlatch the gate and let Abby come inside. You had wished to be friends when she first arrived at the compound but your father was very overprotective. You weren’t allowed to talk with her or the others that came with her until your dad knew he could trust them. It didn’t help that you’d been dealing with a crush that started a few months after she got here. So, you were relieved when your dad gave you the all-clear, but you couldn’t because you were too shy. Abby was a really fun person, always making you laugh when you were around her, and it’s a bonus that she’s your age. She knew what it felt like to be a child born just after the end of the world. You admire how much she has done over the years, watching from a distance as she worked out and trained to fight infected and Scars. She only got more attractive as time went on with her gaining her muscular physique and becoming your dad’s top fighter. Although your positions made it hard to hang out, Abby made an effort to stop by and see you when she could.
“Alright, Poppy-!” Your dog is racing over the moment you give her permission to move. She runs around Abby, barking as her tail wags around like crazy. You giggle as she keeps trying to give Abby kisses, jumping up before running around and doing it again.
“Poppy!” Abby laughs, petting her and getting her to calm down, “That’s enough. I get it.”
“She really likes you.” You nudge her, “Are you sure this is your first time interacting with her?”
“Yeah.” Abby nods, watching Poppy run around, “I usually interact with Zeta, Alice, or Bear. Zeta is the one I’m assigned to, and Alice is Owen’s usual partner.”
“How has the field been lately?” You look at her, “I noticed that my dad has been sending you out often. Are things getting worse?”
“No. Things are good. I’ve just been feeling antsy so I go out on runs when I’m not scheduled to. It feels nice to get out of the stadium from time to time.”
“Y/N! It’s time for lunch!” Molly shouts from the kennel area. You bite your lip, not wanting to end your conversation early, but you’re hungry after the exercise. You whistle and Poppy comes trotting over, letting you put her leash on without a fuss.
“Ah, I’ve got to head to lunch and put Poppy back…” You awkwardly motion to the kennel, “We can talk when I’m free?”
“Yeah, I’ll catch you later.” Abby agrees, and you nod. She walks with you back to the kennel and waits while you put Poppy away. You say goodbye to her and head for the cafeteria, wondering what the kitchen crew has made. You’re happy to find out that it’s sandwiches, sliding into the line, greeting the cooks, and asking about their day. Once you get your food, you head over to your regular table where your friends are waiting for you.
“So someone was flirting with Abby today.” Jasmine says loudly while looking at you.
“I was not!” You protest, blushing, “She was asking me about Poppy!”
“Abby hasn’t shown any interest in Y/n romantically.” Aden rolls his eyes, “She’s still interested in Owen. That conversation was nothing but friendly.”
“Were you all watching?” You huff, taking a bite from your sandwich.
“Yup!” They chorus together, making you shake your head.
“We all know you’re crushing on her. It’s okay. A lot of people are but she can’t seem to look past Owen.” Ruelle sighs.
“Am I that obvious?” You pale. ‘Oh god, does she know?!’
“No, we just know you really well.” Jasmine pats your shoulder, “Don’t worry, Abby doesn’t know.”
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The whistling from the Scars makes Abby’s skin itch. The extra missions she’s been doing lately have been to take out any challengers, and what better opportunity than to use the Scars to her advantage? She would lure the Scars toward her target, allowing them to fight and get injured before jumping in and saving them. She tagged along on a run to the edge of WLF territory for one reason, and one reason only. Madeline. Another person who was trying to get closer to Y/n because they have a crush on her. Abby wouldn’t allow anyone to get closer to her girl now that she was single and Abby could move in on her. She had told Madeline to back off and warned her that if she didn’t there’d be consequences, and well… she didn’t.
Abby wasn’t above threatening people. Not when her future mate was involved. So she did what she had to do in order to get these humans to back off. Killing the Scars involved in the situation gave her an outlet for her pent-up frustrations, letting her shift and tear them apart as she forced her need for Y/n down. Her father's death left Abby as the only werewolf remaining from her pack. She thought that Owen had been the mate she was looking for, but she was wrong. When she officially met Y/n, her tail would have been wagging like crazy if she was in her werewolf form. Her scent, her voice, her personality, and the way she was so soft with Abby made her heart skip a beat.
Thanks to her enhanced senses, Abby was well aware of Y/n’s crush on her. The sweet scent that Y/n gave off around her made her head spin and her gums ache. Abby wanted to claim her, to mark her so that everyone knew that Y/n belonged to her, but she had to be patient. She worked hard to get Issac’s favor because of the rumors she heard going around about him disapproving of anyone his daughter dated. All she needed was the confirmation that he didn’t care about her being with his daughter and she’d jump at the chance. If she didn’t get it, well, she’d just have to take Y/n and leave. There was nothing tying her here. Not after the huge argument between her and Owen. Manny was her best friend - the only one outside of Owen who knew about her being a werewolf - but she knew that he’d stay here to look after his father and she respected that. Y/n was all she needed and she’d have her.
Madeline was rushed back to the compound and Abby smirked when the two of them made eye contact. She flashed her eyes at the girl, a horrified look twisting onto her face, and Abby knew she was no longer a worry. ‘Y/n should be working right now. She told me that she was working with the pregnant dogs today. It wouldn’t hurt to drop by and see her.’ Abby hums a happy tune to herself as she checks her weapons in and heads into the kennel. The dogs happily greet her as she strolls past them, overjoyed to see the Alpha back home safely. It put a smile on her face, reminding her of the first time her father showed her how their werewolf side interacted with other canines.
The sound of Y/n’s laughter puts a bounce in her step and she turns a corner to see an adorable sight. Y/n was sitting down with a litter of puppies that were climbing all over her. There was one in particular that she was pulling away from her face that kept trying to lick her. It made Abby’s heart melt and she bites her lip as she watches how tender Y/n is with them.
“Okay! Okay! Hold on!” Y/n giggles, “If you’ll let me get up, I can get your food.” One of the puppies starts nipping at her fingers, making her laugh more. ‘She’s so perfect.’ Abby sighs longingly. Y/n looks up and over at her, making Abby smile and give her a small wave.
“Abby!” Y/n brightens up, her scent immediately getting sweeter, “Could you grab the puppies’ food for me? They won’t let me get up… and I kind of don’t want to.” She coos picking one up and cuddling it. ‘She’s making this so hard on me.’ Abby groans internally but gets the food for the puppies and steps into the pen.
“I thought you were supposed to be with the pregnant ones?” Abby asks, sitting down next to her. The puppies start jumping on her, whining now that they smell the food and their hunger can’t be ignored by excitement.
“Oh! Sunny is whelping! Tilly asked me to take over for her since she’s one of the handlers.” Y/n’s eyes sparkle as she grins at Abby, taking some of the shredded chicken into her hands, “If we’re lucky, there’ll be three new additions...” Abby zones out, too distracted by watching Y/n feed the puppies and seeing how loving she is with them. ‘She’d be an amazing mother.’ Her mind drifts, thoughts of Y/n having her pups swirling around in her mind.
“Abby?” Y/n’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. She shakes her head and notices that Y/n is blushing, clearly flustered about something.
“Sorry.” Abby clears her throat, “What were you saying? I uh… zoned out.”
“Oh, nothing.” Y/n shakes her head, “Do you want to help me around the kennel?”
“There you are, Abby!” Owen’s voice sounds out, making them look up. He had a frown on his face and Y/n awkwardly shuffles her position, no doubt having heard about the fight between the two of them.
“Issac’s calling for you.” Owen crosses his arms, “Said it’s confidential.”
“Oh, that conversation.” Y/n seems to sigh in relief, “He wanted to go over some things with you. He wouldn’t tell me what, as usual, but I guarantee you’re not in trouble. He’s probably going to request that you marry me if you keep making him so proud.” She jokes, but that strikes a chord in Abby’s chest. ‘If only that were true…’
“I’ll come back after if you still want my help?” Abby asks as she stands up.
“I’d like that.” Y/n smiles, “Tell my dad I want you back in one piece.”
“Will do.” Abby nods. She silently walks with Owen out of the kennel and makes her way into the main building. Out of nowhere, Owen shoves Abby into an empty room and slams her into the wall.
“Owen, what the fuck?!” Abby shouts, shoving him off of her.
“No, Abby! What the fuck are you doing?!” Owen shoves her back, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do with Y/n, but this has to stop!” Abby snarls, her eyes glowing as she grabs Owen and slams him into the wall. He chokes as she presses her arm against his throat.
“I’m not doing anything to Y/n, except being nice to her. But, I will hurt you if you come between us.” Abby growls, her body shaking from the force of it, “You and I aren’t friends anymore so, take this as your only warning.” She slams him against the wall one more time before leaving the room. ‘Maybe I will have a talk with Issac.’
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It seemed like Abby showed up at the kennel every free moment she had. You let her join you when you were training the younger dogs or doing things outside of the veterinary clinic. Abby complimented you on your skilled handling of them, saying that they must think of you as the alpha if they listen so well. You had stuttered out something and waved her off because that was too big of a compliment. You just spent a lot of time with them. Abby brought a different perspective to training from someone who’s out in the field with them. You admitted to her that you were impressed with how well the dogs listened to her. Even your more jubilant dogs listened to her commands, and Abby responded that she just understood them. Over time, you started noticing that the way Abby said your name made it sound like honey on her tongue. It sent shivers down your spine and didn’t help with your crush on her. Being in contact with her so often was torturous to your poor little heart. Your fingers would brush against each other when you handed her things or she’d touch your shoulder to get your attention. You’ve even had… intimate dreams about her that have you jumping for the shower first thing in the morning. You wanted to ask her out, but you were too shy to, especially after you heard Owen was with Mel.
Speaking of Owen, he was acting weird around you. Half the time it seemed like he wanted to say something to you, but decided not to last minute. There was one time he caught your friends teasing you about your crush on Abby and he looked like he got hit by a Scar. You felt your heart drop as he ran out of the kennel and it worried you. Especially when the next day, Abby didn’t show up to the kennel. You thought she might be out on a mission for your dad, but when you asked him he said no that Abby was in the compound. You panicked when a week went by and you hadn’t heard a single thing from her. So, when Manny showed up, you jumped at the chance to ask him.
“Y/n! Cómo estás?!” You hear Manny exclaim from the other end of the kennel and you give him a grin. Every time he came to collect a K-9, he had such high energy and made you laugh. The workers loved when he came in and you jokingly fight over who got to help him.
“Bein, Manny. Y tú?” You respond, putting one of the dogs back in its cage.
“Pretty good. I’m going out on a scouting run with Mel and Nora.” Manny chuckles, handing you his K-9 slip, “Your Spanish is getting better.”
“I only know like three words, but thank you.” You giggle, going to Bear’s cage, “Why are Mel and Nora going with you? Are you finally scouting out the other hospital?” You call Bear to the gate and get your leash out of your pocket.
“Yeah, we’re scouting out the hospital at the edge of the territory. The main one has almost been picked clean, but we have the bottom layers of that one to go through. Your dad wants the other one secured before we go down further though.”
“Is um… Is Abby going with you?” You ask, leashing Bear and taking him out.
“Abby? Ay, no.” Manny shakes his head, sighing sadly, “She hasn’t been feeling good this past week. She’s been locked up in our apartment with a fever.”
“Oh. It’s not bad, is it?” You frown, “A week is a long time to be sick with a fever.”
“It happened to her once when we were kids.” Manny shrugs, “Her father wasn’t concerned and she told me not to be, but I am a bit concerned about leaving her alone for three days.” You sign out Bear, waving for Molly to load their car with dog food. ‘Sick and alone for three days? What if she gets worse? What if she needs something and she can’t get it?’ You bite your lip nervously.
“I can check on her.” You offer, handing him Bear’s leash, “I don’t work too late tonight, so I can visit her after and see if her fever broke or if she needs anything.”
“Gracias, Y/n! You’re a real lifesaver!” Manny squeezes you in a hug, making you laugh.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay.” You smile, “I haven’t seen her since she got sick, so I’ve been worried.” You walk with him to the truck.
“Oh, that’s right! Abby has been hanging out with you these past few months.” Manny grins, “You’ve really helped her get over Owen. Not that Owen knows.” He chuckles.
“She’s talked about me to you?” You tilt your head.
“Si. She really enjoyed spending time with you.” You watch as Bear hops into the truck, waving at Nora and Mel, “I think she’d be happy to see you come by.”
“I’ll do that after my shift, then.” You give Manny a side hug, “Stay safe and watch out for those Scars. They’ve been pressing into our area more.” You frown. You were worried about the growing tensions between the two groups. Even your father seemed more out of it as time went on. You were hoping that the groups could come to some form of agreement, but you weren’t sure what your father would do. Abby had been going out a lot, even on unassigned missions, and someone was always coming back horribly injured. The memory of hearing about Madeline’s shattered arm still made you nauseous.
“Don’t worry. They can’t take me out.” Manny winks, hopping into the truck, “I’ll see you in a few days, Y/n!”
“Bye, Manny!” You wave, “Be a good boy, Bear!” You point at the Shepard who woofs in response. You leave and get back to work, still worrying about Abby but calmer than before. ‘I’m not the reason she’s gone. I thought Owen told her about my crush and she found it weird. Now I feel bad for not stopping by her place and checking on her.’ You sigh.
Time seemed to crawl as the day went by. The rest of the morning was spent training, then you had lunch and it was like your shift didn’t want to end. You joined the veterinarians in the clinic and assisted with surgeries, cleaning cages, and fixing up the surgical suite. They joked that you needed to be sedated because you were bouncing from chore to chore in a way to keep yourself busy. You had laughed and told them that you were looking forward to your shift ending. That only made them interested in why and they started throwing out their theories. When someone said you were going to hook up with someone in the compound, you blushed heavily and told them the truth. It didn’t help because that only made them coo at you and say that Abby was lucky she’d have a cute girl attending to her.
When your shift ended, you took your scrubs off and tossed them into the wash bin. You signed out and said goodbye to your team, and made the trek back into the compound. Some of the people hanging around jokingly cat-called you in your tank top and shorts and you stuck your tongue out at them. Being the boss’ daughter meant that people had to be careful with you. Everyone who was here from the beginning knew that he was overprotective, and anyone who dated you had been called into his office at some point. You found it annoying, but there wasn’t anything you could do about it. Sometimes you fantasied leaving Seattle and running away to somewhere else, but that would require you to find someone who wanted to do that with you in the first place. ‘Maybe Abby would want to? Pfft, probably not. She’s my dad’s favorite warrior.’
You stopped by your apartment, greeting Ruelle before showering and getting changed into something more comfortable. You were planning on being there for some time to make sure she ate, so you went with sweats and a comfy t-shirt. With a cheeky grin from Rue and a roll of your eyes, you left the apartment and headed for Abby’s end of the building. Since she was your father’s top runner, she was given a room in one of the more private areas of the compound. When you questioned your dad about it, he said that it was a good way to keep loyalty and reward it. If others see that Abby was getting better space, more access to things, and even your father’s confidence… that would encourage others to do the same. Manny was rooming with her because Abby requested it, and he was taking advantage of it from what you heard. ‘Here it is… and here we go…’ With a deep breath, you knock on the door, “Abby? It’s Y/n.” You wait for what feels like forever before the door opens, Abby partially hiding behind it. Your eyes widen when you see her. Instead of her hair being in its usual braid, it’s cascading down her back in long, messy blonde strands. Her face is flushed, her eyes dilated and slightly foggy, and her lips look swollen as if she’s been biting at them. All she was wearing is a t-shirt and a pair of boxers.
“Y/n.” Abby’s deep, husky voice makes your breath hitch, “I… didn’t expect you to stop by.” She glances down the hallway before making eye contact with you.
“Manny told me you were sick, so I wanted to come to check on you.” You smile at her, “If you’re okay with it, I’d like to hang out until you go to sleep. I want to make sure you have someone here with you in case something happens.” Abby stares at you for a moment, making you swallow nervously. She blinks and shakes her head, hesitantly stepping back into her apartment with an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. It’s not good for you to be here. Thank you for stopping by, but you should go.” Abby rushes out and goes to close the door.
“Wait!” You shout, slamming your hand against the door to stop her, “I don’t want you to be by yourself when you’re sick! Call me stupid, but I care about you and I don’t want you to-!!” You’re yanked into Abby’s apartment, taken by surprises as you’re whirled around and slammed into the door. ‘Holy shit!’
“Abby?!” You gasp, looking at her with wide eyes. She’s got you trapped between her and the door, staring you in the eyes with a hungry look.
“Damn it, Y/n.” Abby growls lowly, “You really want me to fuck you senseless, don’t you?”
“O-Owen told you about my crush?!” You squeak, feeling your face burn. Abby’s lips are on yours without a response, her arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you to her. It takes you a second to realize that she’s kissing you, but you’re kissing her back just as needily as you do. She lifts you off the ground, making you wrap your legs around her and you feel something press against your crotch. You’re carried over to her bed, breaking the kiss briefly so Abby can lay you down, and she’s on top of you the moment you are. You were a little embarrassed that a kiss was making you feel so hot, but her tongue in your mouth and the bulge in her pants rubbing against you was doing it for you.
You feel her hands at your waistband, tugging your pants and panties off at once and leaving you exposed to the cool air. You push her back and take a deep breath to get the air back in your lungs. In that short time, Abby takes off her shirt and has you salivating at the sight of her muscles and abs. She pulls you up and takes your shirt off, growling in appreciation at the sight. You let out a small groan as she rolls your nipples between her fingers, getting another growl from her. When you open your eyes, you gasp at the glowing gold that used to be Abby’s blue irises.
“A-Abby?” You stutter, grabbing her wrists, “What happened to your eyes?”
“I’m a werewolf.” Abby’s voice comes out rumbly, “And you have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about you like this. How long I’ve been trying to get you to mate with me.” She kisses your neck, making you tilt your head back.
“Mate?” Your eyes widen as she hums in response, too busy kissing down your body to give you a proper one, “Abby-” She huffs and looks up at you, making you swallow. Her eyes are dark with lust and you can see her impatience as she takes off her boxers. You’re not sure what sound comes out of your mouth as her penis springs free and you get an eyeful of it. ‘That’s not something a human has.’ You think in shock. Her penis is huge, definitely bigger than a normal human’s, and leaking strands of precum. It’s a soft pink as it pushes out of its sheath and your breath catches in your throat. ‘She wants to put that in me?’ You blush furiously.
You open your mouth to say something but Abby’s back to kissing you. This one was rough and desperate, meant to distract you from the impending intrusion and it almost does. Abby’s cock head is hot and very slick when it touches your slit and you’re aware of every inch as she pushes into you. She’s hot, making your pussy feel warmer than normal while easing the ache you had. A whimper leaves your lips as she stretches you out, moving a little to get a feel for you.
“God.” Abby groans, rotating her hips, “So soft. So wet. So breedable. I need to get my pups into you.” She mumbles by your ear, grabbing your hips in her hands. ‘Pups?!’
“Wait, wait, wait- Abby!” You gasp as Abby thrusts into you and hits your cervix. With a deep growl, Abby starts fucking you like you’re a bitch in heat. Her thrusts are punishing, driven by her instincts, and done with the purpose of breeding you. You couldn’t say that you didn’t like it because you absolutely did. It was pleasurable to you, especially as Abby groans out how you’ll be the best mate and she’ll take care of you and your pups. She had you digging your fingers into her thick muscles to support yourself as she drilled into you.
Surprisingly, your orgasm rose steadily and you were moaning out her name as the pressure became unbearable. A few more thrusts resulted in you cumming, your pussy squeezing her cock as tight as it can and making the pleasure spike. You let out a strangled moan it mixing with a shout as a sharp pain burst from within your abdomen. You feel Abby sink in deeper, startling you as something pushes against your slit, stretching you a tad wider than comfortable. The sting lasts for no longer than thirty seconds before whatever it was pops into you. Abby growls, opening her mouth and allowing you to see her large fangs before she’s biting into your shoulder. You scream as the spot where she bit you burns as if you poured hot oil onto your skin. A cool tongue bushes other the area but you thrash around as the burning feeling travels up your arm.
You weren’t sure how long you had blacked out, but when you came to you met Abby’s golden eyes. Your gaze went down to where you and Abby were attached in shock. ‘She knotted me.’ Your mind started racing as a deep blush crossed your cheeks at the realization. Abby intended on getting you pregnant and as you’re able to process what she said, it’s something that she’s been thinking about for months.
“Are you okay, baby?” Abby looks at you in worry, her hands rubbing your hips to get your attention, “You’re quiet.”
“...Why me?” You whisper, “Why mate me?”
“I fell in love with you.” Abby’s eyes soften, “I knew you liked me, but I wanted it to be your decision to approach me. And, honestly, what’s not to love about you?” She starts rambling about everything she likes about you and it has you in awe. The two of you talk for hours, too deep in conversation to realize that it’s okay for the two of you to move apart. You didn’t expect to get with Abby like this, but you talk extensively about what’s going to happen when you get pregnant - because Abby refused to think that you wouldn’t be getting pregnant. What were your plans? What future did you imagine? What kind of parent would you want to be?
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Two weeks later, you were early to the kennel so you could take Poppy out. Abby’s bite had turned you into a werewolf, causing her eyes to go red while yours presented gold. She had taken the time to explain everything and try to help you acclimate to the changes. You were surprised to find out that you could understand the dogs way better. Their whines, barks, growls, and even their silent cues. Poppy had freaked out, knocking you over in her excitement when she realized that you were like her. She did the same thing when Abby showed up and she connected the dots that you were mated. You had dissolved into giggles as she jumped between licking you and your mate and sprinting up and down the stretch. Zeta - Abby’s dog - did the same thing.
Poppy was sitting by the door when you got there and she yipped happily. You smile to yourself, opening the cage and taking her out. You were surprised by how affectionate Poppy was with you, especially when you were sitting down on the grass. She was quietly laying there with her head nuzzled against your stomach. It didn’t even occur to you that she was pointing out that you were pregnant until a week later. You woke up heavily nauseous one morning, too dizzy to get out of bed, and sobbed to Ruelle to help you to the hospital wing. She carefully supported you to the hospital where Nora was the one to receive you.
Nora asks you how you were feeling and you told her. She nods her head and writes it down before starting to question you. You go through them pretty quickly, but freeze when she asks if you’ve been sexually active. You slowly nod your head and she raises an eyebrow at your reaction.
“Y/n…” Nora says cautiously, “Could you be pregnant? When was your last cycle supposed to be?”
“Last week.” You smile sheepishly, “It’s consistent. No irregularities.”
“And you had unprotected sex within the last four weeks?”
“Yeah.” You say, your voice going up in pitch from embarrassment.
“Okay, I’ll have you take a pregnancy test.” She motions to the closed door to your right, “I’ll take a small amount of your blood, and I can test it here. Since you’re still feeling nauseous, you can rest until it’s ready.” You nod and she does what she says. You lay down and end up falling asleep only to be woken up by Nora softly calling your name. Thankfully, as you sit up, your nausea is gone so you’re able to focus.
“Your test result came back positive.” Nora says gently, “Do you know who the father might be?”
“Mother.” You correct her, your heartbeat picking up, “And yes, I do.”
“Who is it?” Nora asks, checking the bandage on your arm.
“...You can’t tell anyone, Nora. Please. Not even my father. Don’t even write this down in my records until it’s necessary.” You stress to her. Nora meets your eyes, concern in them as she puts her pen down.
“Okay. Confidential until you start showing, then.” Nora nods, “Tell me.”
“Abby.” You rub your hands onto your pants, “The mother is Abby.”
“Oh.” Nora blinks, “I can see why you want to keep this confidential… Okay, I can do that.”
“You’re serious?” You smile happily, relief flooding your system.
“I’m serious. Abby is one of my closest friends, and I can misdiagnose someone. Periods can be horrible for a lot of women.” Nora shrugs, winking at you. You grin at her.
When you leave the hospital wing, you pass Mel on the way in and give her a quick smile. She wasn’t your favorite person after some of the things your mate has told you. By the time you’re leaving, it’s almost lunchtime in your area so you head to the cafeteria to eat. You haven’t had anything since you woke up this more so you were starving. ‘I’ll be eating for two. This is… This is surreal.’ You think to yourself as you head down.
“Y/n!” Ruelle exclaims when you come inside. You wave at her and grab your food, pausing when you see Abby’s crew come into the cafeteria. Normally your mate’s scent would help you relax but nervous butterflies swarm your stomach instead. The moment your scent reached her, she’d be able to tell, and her finding out in front of a crowd is not what you planned. So, you rushed over to the table and squished yourself between Ruelle and Jasmine.
“Rue told us about what happened this morning.” Aden frowns, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I was really nauseous and thought I was sick. The nurse that helped me said it was just post-menstrual stuff.”
“Ugh, periods suck.” Molly huffs, “I’m so glad that mine is going to be over tomorrow.”
“Um, Y/n.” Tilly’s eyes widen, “Don’t turn around but Abby is walking this way!”
“What?” You blink, your mate’s scent flooding your nose before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up into her eyes seeing some red starting to creep in as she grins at you.
“Can we talk?” Abby’s eyes sparkle in joy, “Now?”
“Yeah.” You smile, getting up from the bench. Abby grabs your hand and leads you out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and ushers you into the empty music room.
“You’re pregnant!” Abby shouts, wrapping you up in a hug, “Oh, my god you’re pregnant!” She kisses you, rocking your body side to side.
“Surprise?” You giggle, “I found out this morning. I was going to tell you later, but I didn’t expect to see you at lunch today.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Abby bites her lip, “They found him. Joel… The guy who killed my father. He’s living in a town called Jackson in Wyoming.”
“Oh…” You breathe out, nervous once again. You knew about your mate’s quest for revenge but you didn’t expect this to come around so soon. ‘I’m pregnant now. What is she going to do?’
“I’m conflicted now.” Abby sighs, “I’ve been planning for this revenge for years. But, you’re pregnant and now I’ll have a family to look after. If I go and kill this man… who’s to say someone else won't come back for revenge as I did. I just- I need to know why he did it. Why my father? He wasn’t hurting anyone.”
“Why don’t we go?” You grab her hands and look into her eyes, “Instead of the whole murder plan… Why don’t we talk to him and find out what happened? Because you’re right, you will have a family to worry about in nine months. And truthfully, I don’t want to stay here. Tensions between us and the Scars are getting worse, my father is losing his mind, and I don’t want to be here when everything goes to shit.”
“So we just waltz up to their front door and ask for him?” Abby raises an eyebrow.
“What was your plan going to be when you got there? Throw a molotov into the town?” You joke, making your mate roll her eyes.
“Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” Abby brushes your hair back, knitting her eyebrows in concern.
“It is. Besides, I’ll get to shift into my werewolf form and it won’t be in your apartment.” You kiss her cheek, “You deserve answers and I want to get the hell out of here.”
“Okay.” Abby nods, “How are we doing this?”
“Baby… I’m the daughter of leader of the WLF. You let me worry about getting things set up, and you just show up at the places I tell you to.” You smirk, making Abby blink in surprise, “We’re also bringing Poppy and Zeta, I hope you know that.”
“They’re part of the pack.” Abby huffs, “I’d never let you leave them behind.”
“Good.” You kiss her deeply, “Let’s get ready to leave this place.”
True to your word, you took care of it. You gathered everything that you’d need for the trip: med-kit, weapons, food, clothes, and a map. During the night, no one questioned you as you walked around or and you knew where to go to avoid people. The perks of growing up here and being able to see all of your dad’s plans made things easier. You had asked Abby if anyone else knew about where Joel was located and she said no. The informant was an ex-Firefly and she had made sure to kill the person after they told her. You had raised an eyebrow at that and she shrugged saying that she knew they didn’t have anyone else, which is why he was an informant.
You were ready to go in a week and then came the hard part of sneaking out. You gave no hints that you were leaving, and Abby was the first one to leave the compound with Zeta. She hitched a ride with some people going up to the News Station so she’d be close to the meetup point. No one would bat an eye at her heading out randomly, especially not with the high tensions going on. Your father had given her free rein, and you felt a little bad taking advantage of that. But, his mind has been consumed by the Scars. You knew that there’d be a war soon, and you didn’t want to be around when it started. You have a family of your own to protect.
The way you left was carefully planned. There was a group going up to the elementary school to visit the kids. You requested to join, saying that you wanted to bring some cheer with Poppy and they were happy to let you come. You spent the day there, talking with the younger kids and letting them play with your dog. Early in the morning, you pulled your bag from inside the truck - smirking to yourself at their stupidity - and left. The plan was to meet Abby at the highway gate and follow the road out. When you got there, your mate swept you off your feet and kissed you like you’ve been gone for years. She grumbled and complained that she was worried about you and she refused to split up again. You opened the gate as she did, slipping through and watching it fall shut behind you.
“Are you ready?” Abby grabs your hand, gently turning your face from the gate.
“Am I ready to leave my whole life behind to make a new one wherever that may be?” You grin at her, “Yes. I am.” Abby starts walking with you, Poppy and Zeta remaining as close to you as possible since you’re the pregnant one. You were nervous but you were also excited. Unlike Abby, you’ve never left Seattle. All you’ve known is that place while you heard that she’s been all over the country. Perks of being a Firefly when they were still active.
“I hope you know that I’m doing this because I love you.” You kiss Abby’s cheek.
“I know you are.” Abby kisses yours back, “You’ll really get a chance to see what being a werewolf is like. My dad and I used to run through any forests or woods nearby and go crazy. Hunting was the fun part. There’s no thrill like chasing a deer and then- I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
“You are.” You chuckle, “But, it’s cute.”
“Are we really going to Jackson to speak with my father’s murderer?” Abby gives you a look.
“No, I just want to check out the place. I heard that they have great food.” You say seriously, making your mate snort.
“Thank you… for giving me another option. It wasn’t until I realized that I had something to lose that I… figured out revenge might not be the best approach.” Abby sighs.
“Well, now you’ll get the answers you need… and hopefully we’ll have a new place to call our home.” You smile at her.
“So really, what’s the plan?” Abby raises an eyebrow at you.
“Approach the gate and ask for a place to stay.” You shrug, “By the time we get there I’ll be… three months pregnant, maybe four if we go slow. Ask to spend a night or two, you request to talk to Joel and go from there. If we have to leave, there are thousands of houses we can stay in and make a home. Oh! We could have a farm! Let’s get a farm house!”
“A farm house?” Abby smiles in amusement.
“Yeah, you know I’m tired of the city life.” You joke, “We can raise goats or chickens, have a little garden and the girls would be excellent farm dogs.” You pause when you see Abby staring at you.
“What?” You tilt your head.
“Nothing. I’m just thinking how about many people I nearly killed to get to you.” Abby hums.
“We need to talk about that.” You huff.
“Do we?” Abby glances at you.
“Yes!” You poke her.
“It’s a werewolf thing.” Abby shrugs.
“You can’t pass everything off as a werewolf thing!” You whine. Abby stops walking, grabs your chin and kisses you.
“Sorry, baby… it’s a werewolf thing.” She repeats again, making you groan.
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dogs-have-fallen · 16 days
i am a coydog!!! infodump and kinfirm
a coydog is a mix between a male coyote and a female dog, with a dogote as the counter. for the most part, they’re not super common as in many cases a coyote would rather eat a dog than mate with one, however it does occur! in the wild, it often occurs when a yote is new to an area and cannot find a mate, and so will mate with a domesticated dog. the appearance of the hybrid will depend on the dog mate, but they typically all share an athletic build with the usual yote-like upright, triangular ears with a long snout. they typically have brown eyes and stick to the brown, dense coat of coyotes, though they can also be white or black as well. they have tails similar to coyotes, bushy and downwards. they bark like dogs and howl (scream) like coyotes.
unlike many hybrids, the coydog is capable of reproduction! due to their wild counterparts, while their temperament can be mild and docile, they very often exhibit the wild traits of their coyote parent. they are a very unpredictable breed. coydogs, like coyotes, are not the most sociable and often only form a strong bond with one person and their primary caretaker. however, there have been cases of early socialization and training that makes them loving parts of a family.
coydogs are typically very healthy and strong, and their typical issues only consist of joint problems. they have a lifespan of 5-15 years depending on where they live and how they are(or aren’t) taken care of.
i came across this hybrid last night on tiktok as someone had been discussing their dog that looks a lot like a coyote. a lot of people in the comments went in to describe coydogs in the comments which led me to my own exploration of the mix. after my own digging, mainly looking at photos (the fair and few actual coydog pics, not just dogs bred to look like yotes) and their temperament.
i found that this is is my kintype! i spent almost my whole life (since knowing about otherkinity) identifying myself as a mix between a retriever and a lab, and some unidentified wild candid like a coastal wolf or a coyote. now, surely i still feel very connected to retrievers, i do believe i am a mix between a coyote and a retriever. i share a shorter coat with my coyote side. most of my traits come from my coyote side, with few traits of my domesticated side i can hardly name.
the behavioral traits i have from my coydog kintype is that of a once-wild animal in a domestic environment. i have a very internalized wildness that claws at my ribs to show. i have the skittishness of a wild yote and the loyalty of a retriever
the first two pictures are absolutely coydogs. i look like a mix between the second and third photo. the third period claims to be a coyote x retriever, however i will remain skeptical on what i find online. the final image is from a reddit post asking if it’s possible for a coyote and a dog to breed and a photo of their dog. i share a similar build to the last pic mixed with the third, and many of the patterns of the second pic.
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i hope you enjoyed my ramblings!!
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mayaluvzyou · 11 months
Willow Tree
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Eddie Munson x Childhood bestfriend!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF. Swearing, slightly implied f!reader if you squint, Eddie being a complete dumbass, angry love confession
A/N: this is inspired by another Eddie x reader fic I found on here. The issue is, I'm not sure who made it. Regardless, I give credits to the original creator of the nickname "Trouble"!!!
You can't recall having a crush worse than this. You were undeniably in love with him. The only problem was that this absolute dreamboat of a boy was your best friend of many years. More than half of said years, you'd had the biggest crush on him.
The two of you were out at the park on a picnic "date" as he called it. Only, he thought of it as a friend date. Nothing more. But you craved and yearned for it to be so much more.
Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Your best friend since first grade. You were head over heels for this man and yet he was absolutely oblivious no matter how hard you tried to nonverbally admit it. He was munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before noticing how silent it'd gone, nothing but the subtle breeze of mid July heard.
"Hey, you alright, trouble?" He inquired, eyebrows furrowing a little as he lowered his sandwich from his face.
Trouble. The nickname he'd come up with for you years and years ago when the two of you would go exploring in abandoned houses and whatnot. You'd been a bit more rebellious than usual, and decided to spray paint whatever spots hadn't already been vandalized. So, he ended up calling you trouble- in the most playful way possible, of course. And it stuck.
"I'm fine." Clearly you weren't. Every person ever would say that when it was agonizingly obviously they were NOT fine.
Your off-white sun dress that was scattered with little, dusty pink embroidered flowers fluttered very slightly in the warm breeze.
It seemed like you had too much on your mind. You rarely made eye contact, you barely spoke for the whole "date", and you ate little to nothing.
Something was up.
"Bullshit," Eddie spoke matter-of-factly, dropping his half eaten pb&j onto a paper towel square. "If it were actually nothing, you would've laughed it off by now. So, stop being a shitty liar and tell me what's going on." Very subtly, his expression softened with care. No matter how consistently Eddie teased you, you were always his favorite everything. Favorite person, favorite friend, favorite (and only) person who'd help him after getting beat up by Jason and his goons. You meant everything to him.
"Listen, I already said it's nothing. End of story." Your gaze shifted to meet his with a scowl for a mere millisecond to increase the believability of your annoyance. It didn't work.
"Jesus fucking Christ-" Cutting his mumbles short, Eddie brought a ring clad hand up to his face, rubbing at his eyes in growing irritaion. "If it weren't a big deal, you wouldn't be doing this. Just. Spill. It." His face moved just barely a centimeter with his last three words.
You didn't budge, staying silent as a response. You'd given him the silent treatment once or twice before. NEVER was it a common occurrence in your behavior towards him.
The soft wind blew, causing the branches and leaves of the willow tree you and Eddie used to play under sway.
Some nearby child giggled and squealed with childlike joy as it toyed with the family dog.
One minute passed
A bird stopped a few feet away from you two, hoping a couple times before soaring off into a tree.
A squirrel paused it's scattering run up the willow tree to gaze around for a split second before dashing off.
Another minute.
You couldn't do it anymore. You snapped.
"Fuck it.. I love the way you trip over absolutely nothing and then pretend it never happened. I love the way we'd giggle when your hair got all frizzy from the humidity. I love the way you add just a little more jelly than peanut butter to your stupid sandwiches because of your sweet tooth- so, how? How is it not blatantly obvious that I'm in love with you, Eddie. Horribly head over heels in love with you?" You were near breathless after your sudden ramble of pure emotion. Your annoyed speech of how much you truly loved him seemed to take hours in your mind as your heart rate increased the longer you spewed out words like poetry.
Any expression other than surprise and confusion on Eddie's face had dropped. Whilst you were still trying to catch your breath from gushing about him, he was just sitting. Confused. He opened his mouth a few times as if about to speak, yet, nothing more than a few stuttered letters came out.
"Trouble, I- what? I just- I mean, I love you too- it's just that.. Wha?-" Before he could stumble on any more words, you cut him off with a groan of pure frustration, bunching up the frilly hem of your dress with anger. God damn did you love this man.
"My god, Eddie, you're so damn oblivious and I hate how much I love that. I don't love you, Munson. I'm in love with you. Moronically, irrevocably in love with you and your stupid face..!" To anyone else, the tone in which you barked out your confession sounded like you hated him with every fiber in your being, but your words spoke from an entirely different book.
You hadn't noticed how close you'd gotten to him in your fit of angry adoration. Though, one of the few things that did not go unnoticed was the way his eyes flickered down to your lips for a second. The sight of his gaze going only an inch or two down for a puny second made your breath catch.
"Sweetheart," Eddie began, your mind immediately picking up the sound of his now incredibly calm voice calling you 'sweetheart'. Only on some occasions did he call you that. The last time you can recall him calling you sweetheart was years prior. It was freshman year and Jason had ruined a shirt that Eddie had given you as a gift. You sobbed relentlessly before he found you in a bathroom stall, quickly coming in to comfort you.
"I love you too. I can't imagine not being in love with you- and I have no idea why I didn't say anything." He averted his gaze towards the end of his short ramble, wringing out his hands nervously. You rarely ever saw him nervous. Then it clicked. This was raw emotion. He meant it entirely.
Silently, he dragged his eyes back to yours, that chocolate brown gaze meeting yours. Without another thought, you felt his ringed fingers gently grip your jaw and waist, pulling you towards him. Eddie's lips met yours so perfectly to the point where you swore it was dizzying for a split second. Your arms found their way loosely around the base of his neck. What felt like a millennium had only lasted a solid three seconds. A phenomenal three seconds.
With his hands still in the same positions, he spoke again, his voice coming out much softer than the previous time.
"You're my favorite, trouble. Always and forever."
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hisui555 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Pets 1
(Pets 2 : Vees + Overlords here)
Masterpost here.
"How would they be with a pet ?"
(Yes, the actual animals, sorry to disappoint.)
Because that's the next stage of evolution after kids anyway, right ? Along those vaguely vertebrated, reality defying cell-constructs that take over your life and present odd behavior to a large variety of situations, that also have the strange but well-documented observable ability to have power over some peculiar form of magnetism : attracting trouble. Rumor has it that this particular species is called by the common name of "siblings".
Where was I before I got grossly interrupted by myself ? Ah, yes, pets. Since this is quite long, I'm only putting the Hazbin crew for that one, will do the others later. Mixing some stuff already seen in canon, stuff that's now loosely canon, and own speculations, here we go :
The Hazbin Crew (not forgetting Lucifer this time around) !
Charlie technically has Razzle and Dazzle as familiars (well... Razzle anyway now), though she's not seen interacting with them much, but she does have some small moments with KeeKee. She treats her well and the two are seen to go quite nicely along, surprisingly treating her like a normal pet (and not a substitute child or something), so I think she's one of the ordinary pet owners. She could love soft pets the most (as seen with her excitement to get to pet a koala in Heaven, implying Hell pets aren't that soft or nice usually - which, no wonder, given what we've seen from Helluva Boss' Hellhound adoption center, also with Hell being, y'know, Hell) and love to cuddle them, distractingly give them scritches and strokes with one hand while working on something else. She naturally wouldn't like to see her pet hurt, but would be the type to forget regular check-ins for minor shots and general health-care, not out of malice or anything but just because it's such a small thing (compared to how busy she is with the Hotel) that it simply slipped her mind. Vaggie would probably have to remind her that they better get the hellbies shot soon, and Charlie would drop anything to wrench a timeslot on her busy schedule, wait, maybe next Wednesday...? But I promised Niffty we could go buy new cleaning supplies on that day, oh, jeez, umm, Friday ? No, no, that's Share Your Feelings Day, can't skip that - uhh... until Vaggie simply says that she'll take care of it.
She'll be the owner that actually doesn't overcoddle her pet (contrary to how she behaves with Sinners), and sees it like the animal it is instead of something else. However, she'll also be empathetic, enthusiastic (especially with big-friendly-dog-like energy pets), and always eager to interact with it, whether in a calm (awww, who's up for cuddles ? You ? Why yes we can have cuddles) or energic way (Who's a good boy/girl ? Who wants to go for a walk ? Ready ? Fetch !) given the type of pet. Expect photos of moments she finds endearing or milestone celebrations. Any abandoned kitten in a box found is immediately saved and showered with affection. She will also have a high chance of incorporating them into therapy with Sinners, because "puppy dog kisses" and all. Hurt an animal, especially for sadism, and she will get very pissed. Not violent, but very threatening at least, demon horns and all : animals may be animals, but they're still living beings to be respected and loved.
Vaggie is on the more pragmatic side, getting all appointments ahead of time, has a vaccine planning for the next 20 years, and if the pet requires it, a stern but adapted education plan (in case of specific breeds with dangerous behavioral issues). She's a bit more commanding, but also shows a softer side around her pet, and would see a middle-to-high maintenance one as a challenge. While she doesn't think she'll be able to afford caring for every lost pet, she'll make sure to find them a home. Might co-own a pet with Charlie most likely than having one of her own, but she'll take care, as said above, of anything practical for her - she's a manager after all. She'll be more fussy about flees and shedding than Charlie, but in an annoyed way rather than being a clean freak (that's Niffty). She's also aware of safety problems (don't let a pet unsupervised around a kid), but trust the animal's instincts the most : if it reacts the wrong way to something, then trouble is up. I think they'd have a good companionship, in a sort of busy-owner/sidekick-competent-pet kind of way : it would bring items to Vaggie when she's looking for them, sniff out what she tells it to, and support her emotionally when distressed or frustrated - like said, she's softer around it and would like some nice cuddle session to relieve her stress.
The funny side would come up if the pet is enthusiastic and has trouble understanding commands, winging it through accidental disobedience and just being happy-go-lucky rather than being a spiteful little rat. Vaggie won't have the heart to tell it that it did wrong, just huffing out a smile and resolving to do better next time. Her strong points are training, and physical exercice with the pet. Hurting a pet will make her angry, and hurting her (and/or Charlie's) pet will make her furious enough to pull out her spear.
Lucifer, as seen with KeeKee, has a massive case of cuteness proximity. He has at least 4 full photo albums on his phone from a pet at all angles, and this is KeeKee slightly to the left, and this is KeeKee slightly more to the left, and... he'll be the one to treat it like a fuzzy animal-child that just happens to have four legs and a different diet, putting it in different costumes, and just gush over it all day. That doesn't mean he'll excuse misbehavior, but he'll downplay it some bit. Might also be petty enough to let the pet be a little jackass to people he doesn't like (ie, Alastor) and play it up as if baby is incapable of hurting anyone, I dunno what you're talking about. If it's a bird, he migh train it to redecorate Alastor's furniture in the latest artistic guano trend (to the sound of Drop It Like It's Hot. Sorry not sorry. It was that or a joke about "polka dots"). While his life doesn't revolve around the pet, he'll sure spend a lot of his day just goofying around or look at it, poking and booping it then giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush on the math teacher, to the incomprehension of everyone else. The pet is allowed to go everywhere (unless it's dangerous), but there are moments when Lucifer is more serious and needs comfort, which he'll look for in his animal companion, and calmer moments when it's just simply him at his workshop with his pet on his lap.
He might be more fond of birds, cats or bird/cat-like pets than dogs or reptiles (I know, missed opportunity about snakes, but he seems more to be into waterfowls, and snakes might bring up some unpleasant memories - but I can see him adopt pretty much everything though), but curiously enough I can also see him being a fan of vivarium pets (like beetles or butterflies), because he'll make them the best vivarium ever - and the decor changes so often the poor tykes don't know where they dug their house anymore. Nevermind the thing also being the size of a whole room, and having to be shower-sprinkled every damn five minutes to keep up humidity. But my bet is that he's more into fuzzy, fun-sized cute pets (or his own metric of cute, which everyone else could be finding questionable at best). Don't bring him to the vet with the pet, he'll cry at the same time as the thing even if he's not the one receiving the shot. Might try to pull the "swivel in the chair with the pet on lap and stroking it in an evil overlordish way", only the effect is ruined because that's a cross-eyed aadvark or something.
Angel Dust, as seen with his hellpig Fat Nuggets (given to him by Valentino of all people - no, really), is the type to utterly adore and spoil his pet, but not to a completely unreasonable degree. He deeply cares about it and keeps it in his room, and seems to be the type to gravitate towards comfort pets as companions than maintenance pets, decorative/competition/status pets or friend pets. Fat Nuggets is part of the family, plain and simple, but while baby-talking, Angel wouldn't treat it like a pseudo-child either. He's fond of carrying it around under one arm while doing something else, bringing it along with him, as a comforting weight and source of affection. Doesn't mind sleeping with Fat Nuggets next to him I bet, and goes to hug it on particularly bad days. Hurt the little piggy and you get gunned down. I don't think he'll have many pets at once, just one by one (unlike my household where we have 3 cats, a mom and her two daughters, all adults, and hellbent on never letting anyone sleep a full night), so he can give them his full attention. But he'll be also fond to giving them ironic names (like "Fat Nuggets" to a pig) and adoring nicknames overall. Forgets to go to the vet, but knows it's necessary and if reminded (and having his schedule free), he'll go. Has a lot of photos, mostly for cuteness points and personal enjoyment, but won't film himself making silly dances with his pet like Lucifer would do.
Husk would do best with a low-maintenance pet, and har har fuckers, yes I know I'm a cat in Hell, never heard that one. He might not naturally gravitate to them, but like Vaggie when he finds one in need, he won't have the heart to turn it down. Independent, free-roaming pets are the best match for him : he doesn't have to keep an eye on it all the time, it can gather food for itself, and go through the day with the bare minimum of his intervention. But having something to scratch and nuzzle with on the counter at the end of a hard day at the bar is always a plus. He might also carry one-sided conversations just for the need to vent out when nobody's looking, and when somebody's looking, just exchanging a deadpan did you see that shit ? glance does it for him too. He might also keep it around for the benefit of keeping drunk or drinking people from going overboard, turning some violent alcoholics into crying softies at the sight of the pet - indirectly using it as a therapy pet, more or less consciously (he'll never admit it). Will aslo put up a sign : "Watch your drink, the pet is an asshole." with said pet being drawn knocking it off the counter. He'll let someone else take care of the vet thing, no this problem, tyker can take care of itself. Maybe doesn't name it, because what's the point, it's not like he owns something that decides to butt in and sit on his bar counter, but likes it for its free spirit.
Niffty would be... a clean freak. She might get the idea of plucking every strand of hair off the pet so that it'll never shed again, and do things borderlining animal cruelty out of a misguided attempt to "make things simpler". Hairless animals would work best for her, and there might be a kindred spirit if it's as psychotic as her. She'll be quite strange with affections, because licking and climbing on her are not advised (keeping things clean, and also she zips around like a squirrel in traffic on caffeine), but she'll give it words of praise and quick pats on the head if it's well-behaved. Feeding time will be on the dot, she might teach it tricks for her own amusement (and then everyone shudders at the thought of what "tricks" might mean for Niffty), and probably transform it into a cleaning sidekick just as bugfuck crazy as her. Others often have to intervene because No, Niffty, you can't do that !! but the beastie will, somehow, learn to use knives despite everyone's best efforts and not having arms at all. One of the safest ways for Niffty to have pets is fishes : they are well-cared of, don't risk much, and sometimes you'll find her on a break gazing calmly at the colorful dancing and shimmering in the waters, almost looking normal for once, lovingly feeding them and the whole looking adorable. If you forget that they're pirhanas ripping some poor sentient dust bunny to shreds.
Now Alastor. I can't see him having a pet (no the Egg Bois don't count), but for the sake of this thing, let's pretend he does. Dogs are ruled out though, given his manner of death, he'll despise them. He might like something silent, clean, autonomous, obedient yet with its own spirit but that doesn't steal the attention from him (all cats of the world, you can go back to where you come from). A sort of hype-man pet, that he'll thoroughly train with precise discipline, that looks like a shadow to his own shadow and gives emphasis to what he does or says - if there was a cool, hellish version of a radio parrot, it'll be it. Absolutely would use it to prank or freak out people, and put it to use to get information. Will use the full overlordish-status potential of having such a dangerous but tamed-at-his-command pet, letting people wonder how that came to be in his possession, and how threatening he can be with it. Will also talk to his pet like to a butler, with full sentences and gentlemanly inflections (So who shall we visit now, my fine, fuzzy fellow ?), monologues at it a lot with faux-dialoguing on its expressions (You're right, my friend, this is a pile of rubbish) and loves to terrorize the vet with it. The only one who likes it as he does is Rosie.
Sir Pentious (and again, the Egg Bois don't count. The blimp even less) on his side will try to pull the overlordish evil pet stroke, but he's actually a big softie that, if even saddled with and cuddled by a pet (as seen when KeeKee goes to nest on his lap) will feel chosen and emotional. Expect huge nuzzles to the point of disturbing the pet in whatever it does, at all times, but also spoiling it in material ways : best food, best toys, best bed, he might even build most of it himself. The end result might look like a pet-house that doubles as a tank so it can defend itself should anyone attack, and assist Pentious in his conqueering endeavors. He might be fond of stuff like hamsters or bunnies, building it their rolling ball so that the thing can go around and spy for him - but unlike Alastor, this fails completely, as it doesn't possess the intellectual capacity to process anything beyond "lettuce". Pentious might also do extensive research on every little thing about the pet, and ask his minions to hold a pet-journal, Karl Lagerfeld style. If the critter looses three hairs it's the end of the world. Every trip to the vet is treated like treading into the battlefield, the atrocious march to the gallows, we might not come out of here alive, men, it was a honor flying with you...! and alright, sir, the nail-clipping is done, you can stop fainting now.
Cherri would be more into robust, strong pets that can keep up with her and not afraid of bombs. Her lifestyle makes it so that she realistically might not be able to afford a pet, nor does want one, but again, like Alastor, let's pretend she can - so either a resilient big pet, or a small one she can carry around. Maybe even a preferrence for something that could act like Hell's answer to a zippo Pokémon or something, so let's say something reptile-like, a pocket dragon of sorts. A dangerous, but cute critter, that no one in their right mind would try taming, but Cherri is going at it and loving every second. If her pseudo-Charmander grows big and impressive as an adult, even better ! No mad bomber likes it more than to drop it from a flying beast like the new atomic bomb carrying plane. She might cuddle with it for sleeping, and is fond of patting gestures and dynamic exercises with it, getting her thrills flying around. The only problem (that matters to her) ? It keeps trying to eat Fat Nuggets, so anything looking vaguely pork-ish tends to distract it from its course. Because obviously, it has the attention span of a spastic monkey - which would be her second choice : it can climb around, carry and hand her stuff, and escape just as fast out of a sticky situation along with her.
Stay tuned for the rest.
(Pets 2 (Vees + Overlords) here)
Again, Masterpost here.
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peeetlovers · 1 day
What Do Dogs Usually Do Before They Die? What Are the Signs?
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As pet owners, it's crucial to understand the signs and behaviors that indicate a dog might be nearing the end of its life. This knowledge helps us provide the best possible care and make informed decisions during these difficult times. Below, we explore the common signs that a dog is dying, focusing on physical, behavioral, and emotional changes.
1. Changes in Appetite and Thirst
A noticeable decline in a dog’s appetite and water intake is one of the most common signs that they are nearing the end of their life. Dogs may refuse food and water altogether or eat and drink in significantly reduced amounts. This change is often due to a lack of energy and a decline in the body’s ability to process food and fluids.
2. Decreased Mobility and Weakness
As dogs age or become seriously ill, they often experience a marked decrease in mobility. They might have difficulty standing up, walking, or climbing stairs. Muscle weakness and a lack of coordination can make even the simplest tasks challenging. This reduction in mobility is usually due to pain, discomfort, or severe fatigue.
3. Incontinence
Incontinence is a common sign of a dog nearing the end of life. Dogs may lose control of their bladder and bowels due to weakness or a lack of awareness. This can be distressing for both the pet and the owner but is often an unavoidable part of the process.
4. Breathing Difficulties
Changes in breathing patterns are also common in dying dogs. You might notice labored breathing, shallow breaths, or irregularities such as rapid or very slow breathing. These changes are often due to organ failure, which can affect the respiratory system.
5. Behavioral Changes
Behavioral changes can indicate that a dog is nearing the end of its life. Some dogs may become unusually clingy and seek constant companionship, while others may become withdrawn and isolate themselves. These behaviors are often a reflection of discomfort, confusion, or the need for reassurance.
6. Disinterest in Surroundings
A dog nearing the end of its life may show little to no interest in their surroundings or activities they once enjoyed. They may ignore toys, other pets, or people and might not respond to their name or favorite treats. This lack of interest is often due to physical discomfort or mental exhaustion.
7. Extreme Fatigue and Lethargy
Lethargy is a common symptom in dogs that are close to death. They may sleep much more than usual and have little to no energy for physical activities. This extreme fatigue can be attributed to the body shutting down and conserving energy.
8. Pain and Discomfort
Many dogs experience pain and discomfort as they near the end of life. Signs of pain include whining, whimpering, restlessness, and changes in posture. They might also exhibit defensive behavior when touched or handled. Pain management is crucial to ensure a dog’s comfort during this time.
9. Changes in Gum Color
Pale or bluish gums can indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood, which is a sign of severe health issues such as organ failure. Checking a dog’s gums can provide insight into their overall health status.
10. Weight Loss
Significant weight loss is common in dying dogs, often due to a combination of decreased appetite, muscle wasting, and the body’s declining ability to absorb nutrients. This weight loss can be rapid and pronounced.
11. Vomiting and Diarrhea
Frequent vomiting and diarrhea can occur in dogs that are nearing death. These symptoms may be a result of digestive system failure or the body’s inability to process food and liquids properly.
12. Seeking Solitude
Some dogs instinctively seek solitude when they are dying. This behavior is thought to be an instinctual response to protect themselves from potential threats during their vulnerable state. A dog may hide under furniture, in closets, or seek out quiet, isolated spots.
Understanding these signs can help pet owners recognize when their beloved dog is nearing the end of its life. It is essential to consult with a veterinarian to provide the best care and make informed decisions. Providing comfort, managing pain, and offering love and companionship are crucial during this difficult time. Recognizing and acknowledging these signs allows for a more compassionate and prepared approach to saying goodbye to our loyal companions.
Remember, every dog is unique, and the signs may vary. Pay close attention to your dog's behavior and consult with your veterinarian to ensure you are providing the best care possible in their final days.
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dolphin1812 · 11 months
"Courfeyrac, to whom he confided nothing,—it was his nature,—but who made some little guess at everything,—that was his nature,—had begun by congratulating him on being in love, though he was amazed at it; then, seeing Marius fall into this melancholy state, he ended by saying to him: “I see that you have been simply an animal. Here, come to the Chaumière.”"
Unfortunately for Marius, I'm enjoying this chapter because the friendship between him and Courfeyrac here is so sweet (and seeing Courfeyrac's social intuition on display is impressive!).
It's interesting that Marius is compared to both a dog ("lost dog") and a wolf ("wolf in the trap") in this chapter. Dogs have been linked to authority, most notably through Javert. It's an implicit reminder that Marius' own perceived connection to authority - the suspicion that he was a police spy - contributed to his own ruin here, making even the porter distrust him. Of course, it also holds its more common metaphorical meaning: he's loyal to this girl and doesn't know what to do without her.
Wolves, on the other hand, have been tied to criminality (again with Javert, who is the son of a wolf: a criminal). Hugo's sympathetic to Marius, but such a comparison does suggest that he went too far in his behaviors (even if that excess is embraced because of the heightened emotions of Romanticism).
It's an intriguing comparison in relation to loneliness as well. Marius isolates himself after "losing" Mlle Lanoire, just as a wolf would be separated from its group if trapped. Wolves are considered social animals, so the stress of that separation would worsen the pain. Marius is certainly stressed by his separation from this girl, but his pain is likely made worse because he doesn't share it; Courfeyrac has guessed it, but he doesn't feel comfortable actually discussing it with his friends even if they suspect his predicament. The issue of community, then, returns again. Technically, Marius is connected this time. His friends do try to distract him from his sadness (he has friends to do this!). Still, the literal presence of people doesn't negate that Marius continues to struggle with connecting to others, and it's both what got him in this situation in the first place (creepy stalking instead of clear conversation) and what keeps him from bettering his circumstances (he can't will Mlle Lanoire back, but maybe he'd feel a bit better if he could talk about her).
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dovesndecay · 7 months
hey i was wondering if u had any advice on outfitting a reactive dog for safety when walking? weve been having issues with other ppls dogs and its a good idea to look into like a vest and muzzle combo but i dont really know where to start
Bro, I gotchu.
I highly recommend the Muzzle Up Project! They were suggested to me for Aengus when I took him in to his current vet. It's a fantastic resource for the process of muzzle training, including videos!!
I did a fair bit of shopping around for what kind of muzzle would be best for Aengus, so make sure you look into potential breed-specific needs (like how Greyhounds need a specialized kind of collar because of the shape of their necks), but I picked him up a Baskerville, which is one of the most common muzzles. It's easy to clean peanut butter off of while still being sturdy and lightweight. Most importantly: it doesn't totally break the bank.
I've got Aengus an "Ignore Me; I'm Scared" vest from this Etsy shop, but they have a number of options that you can get beyond that if that doesn't work for your pup. In addition, I also grabbed him a leash-wrap that says "Needs Space" -- my only gripe about this is that the one I have doesn't flip the text on both sides so it's only easily read from one side, but definitely still something I'd suggest as an additional flag.
Desensitization can also help, if you have the ability to sort of take them out into an area where there are other dogs and people, while keeping them separated, and giving LOTS of treats for good behavior.
Reactive dogs are a lot of work, and being disabled while trying to deal with it is exhausting, no matter how much we love our pets. Massive solidarity, friend. <3
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bluedalahorse · 2 months
Here’s a random Young Royals ask:
What career do you think Sara will have in the future? Or what do you think her dream job would be?
I hope your day is lovely and amazing!!
Thank you! I hope your day is lovely and amazing too.
This is a great ask, and one where you might get more than you asked for. In part because I’ve thought about it a lot. I have not only a dream job in mind for Sara, but also some nightmare jobs as well. (Don’t worry, it’s all related to fanfic plots living in my head, and I promise they end in a good place.)
Is it okay if I start with Sara’s nightmare job? This one sort of popped into my head as I was envisioning what a Second Chance Romance could look like between Sara and August, maybe a decade after canon where August has done a lot of work and made various restitutions to Simon and gotten much more of his shit together.
As for that story… I thought it might be interesting, as far as like, what generates a plot and character arc, to put Sara at a job that’s taking advantage of her compassion and desire for justice. In my experience it’s pretty common for younger people to end up in situations like that in their first jobs, and I think it’d be interesting if Sara was in a place where she won’t deal with that in a romantic partner anymore, but she hasn’t learned to recognize it in a work situation yet. (This is pretty common in growing up—you tackle one issue in one part of one’s life and it sneakily migrates to another part.) So she’s working this nightmare job for an autism charity I’ve sneakily called PuzzleChildren (it’s a reference, shout if you get it!) which is trying to rehabilitate its image after news breaks that they haven’t really hired any actually autistic people. Sara’s hired by them, and they sound sincere at first so she’s trying her best to make things work with her coworkers and bosses, but over time she just kind of realizes that this place is shit and has no intention of changing. And then she moves into a line of work that’s much more fulfilling for her.
And what might that be? Well, I’m still deciding, but there’s a few career paths where I can see Sara being particularly happy:
Some sort of career in Environmental or Disability Justice. I’m not exactly sure why. It’s just vibes. I do think Sara is a person who cares deeply about people and causes, and both of those are areas where I can see her learning more at university and just finding a place that makes sense for her.
Helping people, especially other neurodivergent people, using some kind of animal therapy. Doesn’t have to be horses! Or maybe Sara will train service dogs or something. It’s possible Sara’s affinity for horses could translate over to other animals, and she could find a career path in that general direction.
Graphic novelist or picture book writer. We see Sara drawing in one scene in season 1, and for that reason, she’s always been someone who likes to draw in my head. We also know she’s a keen observer of human behavior and could have some interesting insights if she ever decided to write a story. I can see her doing memoir graphic novels with a similar tone to like, stuff by Marjane Satrapi or Maggie Thrash. Of course if the monarchy’s still around they might want to sue her for her honesty. But they shouldn’t.
What do you think? I can see lots of possibilities for Sara in the future!
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duckyfruitbat · 6 months
The Illuminatii YouTube Situation
The word of the day is allegedly.
Note: All people mentioned have made statements of their own on their YouTube channels, I recommend checking them out if you haven't.
The story so far, the you tuber the Illuminatii has a channel built off of weekly documentary videos up to an hour long meant to expose shady companies and public personalities. She was a part of the collaboration channel called Sad Milk with fellow creators, Oz Media, Wonder struck guy, The Click, One Topic at a Time, and Salty the Alien. By the end of 2020 half the "Milkmen" left do to various interpersonal reasons and the channel would eventually fall apart. Fast forward to today where allegedly the channel fell apart because of her being manipulative, vile, vindictive, and completely unyielding.
The situation only truly started when she decided to accuse Legal Eagle of stealing her teams editing style. The style being a highlighting effect and a torn piece of paper to display text. Two things that are so common with their video format that I'm 70% sure they copied it from 60 minutes. In response to a backlash she received from this, as well as the milkmen deciding to post some of their experiences with her on the podcast she decided to post a video addressing everything. The information she put in the video was sometimes debunked with the same screenshot.
According to the Click she tried to turn a situation with a sex offender in his discord server into a reason to push him away from everyone. He provided receipts that proved that the whole discord situation began and was resolved while he was asleep at 3 AM. The Click also had to point out some hypocracy on her part involving a certain word that he hasn't used in years and that she allegedly still uses. Speaking of allegedly, she had an alt account called doobyshmertz that would harrass Click and One Topic.
Wonderstruck had to tackle a hell of a lot more as he was accussed of being a lazy worker, neglectful towards his dog, being a squatter, and destroying the car he was buying off of illuminatii. According to Wonderstruck though, he was hardly given any work, Oz Media confirmed that he actually spoils the hell out of his dog, was living rent free because Oz who owned the house at the time allowed it and he actively did what he could to earn his keep. Also the car situation, the damage was minor at worst, and the mess was because he was living in the car because of how toxic things got in the house for him.
Oz went through hell. He's currently working on what might be the biggest and most damning video on the matter. Illuminatii seems to be scared of something in it because of the legal issues she's putting him through. What we do know is that they dated and while living together she turned his house into a dump, emotionally and fiscally abused him and put him into such a dire situation that she can snap her fingers and ruin his life. Which allegedly she's working on just that. She currently has the ability to foreclose on his own house due to a legal situation that he was coerced into doing. Ethically it is horrible, but legally she's in the clear and is looking to foreclose just before Christmas this year. He is very much in the thick of it and the situation is very much taking its toll on him.
Now about the state of her channel. During this whole thing she briefly tried to rally her fans in a sort of cult of personality sort of way. Here's the issue though, her videos gave her an audience that is critical of this sort of behavior and also sensitive to the methods she's used over the years. All resulting in her views dropping and her channel just silently uploading new videos while she pretends nothing is wrong. As of right now her videos are struggling to break 20k views while previously they regularly got over 100k and her most popular getting millions. She was even forced out of a different podcast called the Leftist Mafia because they started finding the milkmen's videos.
To make things clear, it was all the original milkmen who came out against Illuminatii, all corroborating each other's claims, all with consistency. The only one who hasn't made a video on the matter is Salty the Alien, but he was in One Topic's video on the situation. Even former employees are coming out against her. In an effort to silence them, she started filing lawsuits that were made public. In her efforts to defeat her enemies she failed to realize that she set her own fields on fire.
Now for the opinion section. I feel very much inclined to believe everyone except Illuminatii. During this situation old dramas she was involved in started showing their ugly heads, including when she tried to send a mob against a pregnant woman, her abuse towards another ex boyfriend, as well as with a different collaboration channel that she was a part of.
I remember seeing her Illuminatii exposed video when this started. I thought that something just wasn't right. My suspicion was proven right as everything started rolling in. I once respected what I perceived as her journalistic integrity, her tenacity to go for the truth and to expose corporations and people as they truly were. She built up this persona of being a respectable person who stuck to her morals, only to show that she wasn't too different from the people who made it onto her channel.
Now I was originally going to end this article here but as I was writing it I found an update. In an effort to gather funds in order to avoid getting foreclosed, Oz Media started a stream accepting donations with a goal of $10K. It only took twenty minutes for him to meet his goal, he was sent so much money and love from his audience that he was sobbing on camera in relief and joy with the comfort of knowing that he could keep his house. He was speechless for an hour. A bit of good news at the end of all this.
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thunderwetter · 3 months
I'm not a big fan of regular heats on robots bc I dislike the concept of sexual reproduction
I like to make up shit, heats can be sexy and I'm headcannoning that there's a condition called "Racer's heat"
It's most prominent and was first discovered in racers (hence the name), however it's generally quite common for any speed-focused vehicle, fliers and beastformers.
Racer's heat is an issue that happens when the aforementioned types of Transformers are not able to satisfy their need for physical stimulation. It's essentially caused by (sports) cars not getting to drive, fliers not able to fly and beastformers being unable to move freely in general (for example by being leashed/caged, forced to sit still etc. A dog who doesn't get his walkies so to speak.)
The symptoms of Racer's heat vary from bot to bot, however it's most commonly recognized by any of these indicators: - increased body temperature - glitching in their vocalizer or optics - static running along their frame (imagine touching an old TV) - restless machinery (whirring fans, idling engine, spinning wheels, ...) - increased emotional responses (can be anything from bad temper to easy amusement or a general weepiness and sensitivity) - unusual avoidance or craving of physical contact and social interaction - lowered ability to focus on their task at hand - difficulty relaxing and a lack of enjoyment for anything - in bad cases even self-destructive behavior (picture a bird plucking their feathers)
It's not a dangerous thing most of the time and it's quite easy to treat by any kind of physical exercise (Driving, flying, running, sticky interfacing, fighting,...), however it can be quite bothersome for anyone involved because the affected bot is not able to work properly and the ones around them will have to be extra careful or else they might trigger some unpleasant responses.
I think among the more well-known bots the most affected are general high-energy bots like Blurr or Hot Rod, stressed and ill-tempered bots like Prowl or Starscream and those that were built for physical labor like Megatron or Rumble and Frenzy.
The cassettes in general can all be very unpleasant if Soundwave has them in his chest for too long I imagine, but that's a different topic.
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