#Stronger owner-dog relationship
A Tail-Wagging Guide: Unleashing the Power of Dog Health eBook & Dog Owner's Delight eBook
As a new dog owner, I was overwhelmed with information on caring for my furry friend. Sifting through conflicting advice online left me confused. That's when I discovered the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle, and it's been a game-changer for my relationship with my dog.
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Empowering Knowledge for a Healthy Pup
The Dog Health eBook is a comprehensive guide that dives deep into all aspects of canine health. From understanding basic nutrition to recognizing the signs of illness, this eBook provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-understand format. The clear explanations and helpful illustrations empowered me to make informed decisions about my dog's diet, exercise routine, and overall well-being.
Beyond the Physical: Training and Behavioral Insights
The Dog Owner's Delight eBook complements the health focus perfectly. This guide delves into the fascinating world of dog psychology and training techniques. It explores the importance of positive reinforcement and offers practical tips for tackling common behavioural issues like barking, chewing, and leash pulling. Thanks to this eBook, I've been able to build a stronger bond with my dog based on mutual respect and understanding.
A Tailored Approach to Different Dog Breeds
Both eBooks go a step further by acknowledging the unique needs of different dog breeds. They offer valuable insights on breed-specific health concerns and training approaches. This personalized approach ensured that the information I learned was relevant to my dog's specific needs and characteristics.
A Valuable Resource for All Dog Owners
Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a new puppy parent like myself, this eBook bundle offers something valuable. The combination of health and training knowledge provides a well-rounded understanding of canine care. The clear writing style makes the information accessible to everyone, regardless of prior experience.
An Investment in a Happy and Healthy Dog
While the eBooks themselves are a digital product, the knowledge gained is an investment that pays off in a big way. By understanding my dog's health needs and learning effective training techniques, I'm able to provide a happier and healthier life for my furry companion. The wagging tail and those puppy dog eyes say it all!
Overall, the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle is an invaluable resource for any dog owner. It empowers you with the knowledge and tools to create a strong bond with your dog and ensure their overall well-being.
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probablygayattorneys · 3 months
Congrats on finishing Ghost Trick! How was it?
(More detailed and spoilery review in the tags)
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entername322 · 4 months
Someone like you
Chaewon (ex Izone, Le Sserafim) x Male Reader
Length: 17666 words
TW: Abusive relationship
Next part
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Pain, that's all you can say about yourself. Why does falling in love always have a risk of heartbreak? Sometimes you wonder if the risk outweighs the gains. For your particular case, it doesn't, it never has. “...... and then I came home to see him decorated the whole place with flowers and candles. Isn't he so romantic?” Right, flowers and candles, you know where that was going. “Yeah, that sounds great Chae”, It felt like your heart was being plucked out of your heart and set on fire. Why is your love stronger than your heart, if only your love breaks before your heart does. “He's so romantic sometimes, I love him so much-, Awwww”, Her cries of pain distract you from the twisting feeling your chest feels.
“I'm sorry Chae”, You steady your hands and continue stitching her wounds. “It's fine, thanks for this Pup, I owe you a lot”, You cringed a little hearing her nickname for you. “Chae we're both grown up now can you please stop calling me that?” It's a cute nickname, which only hurts you more realising that this is as far as you can get from being with her. “No, you will always be the cute little puppy”, Yes you are, who's a good puppy? The guy who keeps simping for his crush even after she's been in a relationship for a year now. It's you by the way, you're the good puppy, so loyal to your master. “There, all done, now just the bandages”, A good puppy who has graduated from medical school, hey that means you can take care of your master even better now. “Is it really okay for you to do this for free?” What dog would ask their owner for money? Alright let's lay off the dog jokes, you're still lame by the way.
“It's fine, they're cheap”, Even if they aren't, you wouldn't charge her anything right? “Thank you, I really mean it. I don't know how I can even repay you pup”, Chae grabbed your arm, her warm palm felt like a red hot iron that scorched your skin. “Yeah, it's fine. It's my job to care for people's lives after all”, You tried your best to smile at her, to show her you're doing this out of the goodwill of your heart. “You're just so, kind and stupid sometimes. If only he can be more like you”, She muttered the last part but it was loud enough for you to hear it. It fucking hurts, so fucking painful hearing something so ignorantly brutal. “So, how's work? Everything is fine in the hospital?” If Chaewon noticed your pained smile then she doesn't show it. “Nothing interesting is happening so far, although there's an offer for a transfer. I haven't read much about it but it will be a year long ‘voluntary work’. It's not fully voluntary though because we're gonna get paid decently, and we're gonna be working with a few other volunteers from all over the country”, Chaewon tilted her head curiously, “Are you gonna take it?” You were surprised to hear her words. It caught you off guard so you didn't get to hear a little hint of anxiousness in her words.
“I don't know, it's interesting”, Maybe that's what you need, a time away from your crush. “Oh, I'm sure you'll do great in it”, Chaewon smiles encouragingly, which only hurts you even more. Honestly, what were you expecting? Did you think she would ask you to stay here? Tell you how much she needs her and doesn't want you to leave? Come on bro, she's not like that. “Yeah, I was thinking about taking it”, You didn't really mean that when you say that, however seeing her genuine encouraging smile made you really consider it for real. “Well, I need to go home, thanks again for today pup, I owe you a lot”, Chaewon stood up with a smile on her face ready to leave. “Yeah see you later Chae”, You just sit there watching her leave your place while a storm is brewing in your mind. 
“Fuck”, You muttered to yourself, completely unaware that Chaewon is also cursing herself once she left your house. “Goddamnit pup why do you have to leave. You idiot”, The stinging pain in her arm is gone, covered with the sour mood she felt in her heart. “It's been years already and you're still waiting for me”, Oh, she does notice your feelings it seems. Of course she does, the two of you have known each other for years now. The memory of your meeting plays very differently between you and Chaewon's mind. For her she remembers how clumsy and cute you were, stumbling over your own words, overdosing on teenage hormones because of talking to a girl. For you it was an embarrassing attempt at making a friend on your first day of highschool, something that would keep you up at night with cringe.
“Idiot”, She kicked a can on the road out of frustration, but it's not enough so she started stomping on it with the hope of burying down the guilt that's building inside her. It's not that she wanted to use you, but…… she's just busy, or so she thinks. Her boyfriend, uhhhhh his name is irrelevant, is a hassle to deal with. She loves him, he's kind and caring and honest and cute and kind….. it's just sometimes he loses his tempers. Sometimes he would, lash out and accidentally hurt her, but he never meant to do so. It's getting better now (It's not) his outburst is getting less frequent (Pretty sure the ideal and normal frequency is 0) and he always tries to make it up to her (With empty promises and lies). 
Chaewon stops stomping on the poor can and just stares at the sky, finally realising it won't help erase the guilt she's having. On her defence she wanted to help you get over your crush for her. She cares about you, and she wants what's best for you. She wanted to introduce you to her friends, let you fall in love with someone who will love you back. Sometimes she thinks about a future where you date someone else, then you and her can be platonic friends, a brother from a different mother. It's just that, when her boyfriend got mad, and she got hurt, she can't run to the hospital because they would pester her about it. She can't run to most of her friends or family because they would also pester her, you're the only one who can help her. You were, the only one who would enable her. Young people, they're so dumb sometimes, both you and her included.
“Haaaaa, why can't we just be friends”, Chaewon sighed, she's not blaming you for your feelings, it would be hypocritical for her to judge someone's feelings when she's being chained by her own feelings. When you told her about the project she wanted to say don't take it, she wants you to stay here, to help her. Thankfully she recognises how selfish she is, and encourages you to leave, to get over your own feelings. It hurts, it feels wrong, seeing you break away from your feelings. Perhaps she yearns to have the courage to break free of her own chains. “I'm back”, Chaewon put on a smile as she got back to her place, “Welcome back babe, how was your day”, Of course for now she can only put on a smile and let herself fall deeper into the abyss.
“Are you sure? You know it won't be an easy trip right?” It's been a week since that talk with Chaewon, and today you are finalising your proposal of joining the volunteer work to your boss. “I'm sure sir, beside…… I need some time away from this place”, Is running away considered a solid reason for joining a harsh voluntary work? “Hmmm, well, if your only reason for taking this job is just a getaway from whatever shit you're dealing here, I suggest don't”, You flinched hearing your boss. “I think I can handle the job boss”, You tried to sound tough, “You know, I always pity you”, That's kinda harsh. “You are a good guy, smart and very nice. You're just too nice I sometimes hope you didn't get scammed and used by other people”, Yeah that sounds kinda familiar alright.
“I want to try something new. I think I can handle the work, and it might help me too”, If you say that with a little more conviction it would sound cool you know. “Haaaaa, youngsters with their self-finding journeys”, He shook his head and signed the form, “Comeback here, in one piece”, A smile form on your face before you quickly nod and bow to him. It's odd, you don't exactly feel excited about it, but you don't feel scared or disappointed about leaving everything behind, you're just numb to it. “Stop daydreaming and prepare the other documents you need”, Your boss slammed his hand on the desk waking you up. “Ahhh right, thank you boss”, He shook his head and sighed seeing your awkwardness, “I really hope you didn't get shot out there”, He's joking right?
After submitting the rest of the paperwork you went back home, had a nice call with your mom where she absolutely desecrated you with her words. “Are you insane? You're doing volunteer work in an active warzone?” Holy shit you are? “I'm not working in the warzone itself, I'm just a civilian mom. I'll be at the refugee camp, away from the battlefield”, That's the word you keep repeating to her for hours before she finally calms down. “Just, tell me it's not because of that Chaewon girl”, 2 hours and 16 minutes into the call your mom finally asked the right question. “No, of course not mom”, You can't lie to your mom, she's the one who teaches you how to lie to your dad. “Are you an idiot? Did I spend months carrying you around and 20 years plus feeding and taking care of you just to have you die somewhere because of a heartbreak?” Oooffff, why can't you be more like your mom?
“No mom, it's I think I-”, A knock on your apartment door can be heard, “Hey pup, are you there?” Speak of the devil. “Mom I'll call you later”, Your voice came off shaky and anxious, the time has come to test your resolve of running away. “Yeah, just a second”, Take a deep breath, calm your nerves and try not to lose your composure.
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“What happened?” Come on now, you know what happened, “It's not a big deal, just a scratch”, You reached out and grabbed her face, inspecting her cheek. Chaewon smiles seeing your concerned face, you've always been awkward and shy around her, except when she's injured. When she got a scar you would just disregard your shyness just to make sure she's fine, it's a cute gesture she always likes about you. “I guess, it really is just a scratch”, You sighed relief seeing it wasn't a deep cut, then you realised how you are holding her and immediately let go as your face turns into a tomato. What happened to maintaining your composure?
“So?” Chaewon just tilted her head cutely, “Are you gonna invite me in?” That's a pretty ambiguous question, would you let her in again? “Right come on in”, You're hopeless sometimes. Chaewon sat down at your living room, silently noticing the packed up bag you had in your room. Her heartbeat rises as she realises what it means, some part of her wants to deny it but the other part knows that your leave was inevitable. “Tea?” She smiles and nods as you go and prepare her some of her favourite tea, of course you have her favourite tea at your house. “So, what happened?” You asked after giving her a warm cup of tea, “You know, the usual. He had a stressful day at work, I was also kinda tired from mine and we just clashed”, Usually the ‘clash’ that happens is between her and his fist.
“Well, you know what I want to say right?” Chae shrugged before she stood up and walk towards your cat, “Little Luna is getting fat aren't you?” Chaewon picked her up and started pinching her stomach. “She's gonna cut your face you know that right?” Chaewon laughed and sat back next to you while still holding Luna. “Well, I'm sure you trained her not do that right?” Her smile is such a deadly weapon to your conviction. “It's a cat Chae, you don't train them, they'll train you”, And to hammer this point Luna let out a loud meow and scratched Chaewon's hand. “Luna '', You scolded the fat cat as she jumped off Chaewon's lap, “Hehehe, one day I'll make her enjoy my cuddles”, Chae laughed as you examined her arm.
“We should clean this up”, It's really not that bad, it's just a little cut on the epidermis, “It's really not that deep bro”, You flicked her head and cleaned up her hand as she teases you for over your perfectly reasonable hygiene. “So, can I crash the night here?” Her question made you stop in your tracks, not because it caught you off guard, but because you know she only asked if things really went bad at her place. “Pup?” Chae was taken off guard seeing how quiet you've become, “Chae, I…… can't do this anymore”, She raises her eyebrow hearing you. “Do what?” You sighed and finished cleaning up her hand before sitting in front of her.
“I can't, keep letting you hurt yourself because of-”, You start talking without thinking and Chae immediately bites back, “Stop it, I don't want to hear that from you”, She felt awful for raising her voice but she really doesn't want to hear those things. “Well this might be the last time you ever hear it from me ever again”, You blurted out, making her heart stop for a moment, “What?” Her voice sounds squeaky and vulnerable. “Chae, I'm leaving”, Seeing her suddenly had glassy eyes made you second guess yourself. “For how long?” It's hard for her to accept it, “The volunteer work is one year long, but it might be longer since I'm gonna arrive early to have some field training”, You can't look her in the face, it's painful for you to see her so hurt with the notion of you leaving. 
The two of you sit in silence for a while, Luna moves to your lap and starts purring as if she realised you're having a tough time right now. “Is it-”, Chae’s voice broke and she took a second to calm herself down, “Is it final already?” Yet it still came out all squeaky. You didn't answer for a second, hearing her concern for your leave felt nice. It's a dangerous bait, she's giving a false hope that getting her is actually plausible if you stay here. “Yes”, "Oh you actually didn't take the bait, good job, “I already submitted the required paperwork and they already approved it. My flight is in 3 days”, In your mind, you just think Chaewon is trying to use you.
After all this time you finally opened your eyes and saw that she's out of reach, she was never going to like you the way you like her. Obviously you don't really see the complex feelings she has for you but hey at least you're taking a step in the right direction. “How long were you planning to keep this away from me?” Seeing her being aggressive made you feel bitter, you hate seeing her with this new lens. “I didn't know how to tell you, besides…… I didn't think you would care”, Suddenly Chae grabbed your face forcing you to look at her. 
“You're my best friend, of course I care. Just because I encourage you to go doesn't mean you should just leave without saying anything”, It's painful, finally realising that the person you care the most is inherently toxic. You're not saying that she's in a toxic relationship because she's also toxic, but she has certainly dragged you into one because she is selfish. Chaewon needs you, because you're the only one who would enable her Stockholm syndrome. “It's just…… I don't know if I can face you”, You pull back your head away from her grip and look back at Luna who's acting cute to cheer you up. “What was that supposed to mean? You can't tell your best friend for, 8 or 9 years that you're leaving? And you just want me to accept that suddenly you went missing without saying anything?” 
“Chae….. you know I liked you right”, Silence fills the room, you anxiously wait for her responses, hoping that somehow she can break the new image you had for her. Yet the silence was long and the curiosity you had is too loud to ignore, so you raise your head and look her in the eyes. She wasn't surprised, or confused, or angry, she just had the look of understanding, “I know”, Those words flowed out of her mouth. It was so quiet that it was barely a whisper, yet it echoed through you like a thunderclap. When the ringing subsided the only thing you can hear is the loud crash of your heart breaking into a million pieces. She knew, this whole time she knew about it and never said anything. Had she enjoyed watching you squirm and dance for her while your feelings laid bare like an open wound? Was it some cruel game to her?
Chaewon felt regretful, seeing your heart break right in front of her is tormenting her conscience. It's inevitable, yet she was not prepared for how painful it was for her as well. “I know, and I'm sorry I never said anything-”, Chaewon saw you stand up and stop talking. “I….. god, this whole time?” Tears start to flow down your cheek, “I never meant to use you, I just, don't know what to say to you”, Chae reaches for your hand, her touch sending shivers down your spine, but not the comforting kind like it used to. It feels calculated, manipulative, a stark contrast to the warmth you once associated with it.
Chae sees the disdain you had in your eyes and it made her scared. Scared of losing you, scared of seeing you lose your temper, and worst of all, scared of having to confront the consequences of her actions. “Pup-”, You pull back your hand making her flinch, “Don't call me that. You….. you like seeing me like that didn't you? Being a good puppy, chasing you around, wagging my tail like a loyal dog”, Your words came out as a thunderous roar that made her squirm in her seat. “No, of course not, please I'm sorry, can we talk this out first”, Chaewon reached out to grab your hand again before pulling you to sit back down. “I….. I can't, you're just…….. I….. this whole time…..”, You just keep muttering to yourself. “Please sit down, I'm sorry I messed up okay? Can you please hear me out first?” Chae pleaded as tears also started to pour down her face. Those tears, they're real, but not to you, you think you know better and managed to see through her ‘manipulation tactics’. You grabbed your phone on the table and just stormed off the apartment, running as far away as you can from her.
Chae wanted to stop you, to reach out and grab you, yet her vision is blurred and she can't even see you leave the front door as the floodgates burst open. She can't even hear you slam the front door as she starts to cry her heart out. Her actions can only lead to one outcome, and she knows the longer she stalls the confrontation the worse the fallout is going to be. Unfortunately in her delusion she hopes that one day you'll just let go of your feelings and everything will be good. Your apartment, once a safe haven for her, is now empty and devoid of your warmth. The ‘beautiful friendship’ built upon the unspoken words between the two of you has crumbled like a house of cards by a single gust of wind. Hours passed away before her tears finally dried out. Chaewon lay down on the couch devoid of energy, all she can do right now it's just text you hoping that you'll answer her. 
You on the other hand are being absolutely ripped apart by your mom, “You ran all the way here?” Her voice boomed around the house. “Haaaaa, Haaaa, haaaaa, nooo……” Your whole body is drenched by sweat, your mom's place is like a 30 minute train ride and you just ran there like a mad man. “You idiotic rascal, tell me what you did”, Your mom starts slapping you as you are dying from exhaustion. It took a while for her to calm down and give you a drink. Throughout your recollection of what happens your mom keeps the same expression, it was the ‘I told you so’ expression. Once you finished the two of you just sat there in silence, you wanted to say something but words just couldn't come out of your mouth. “Haaaaaa, go take a shower and get some rest darling, you're all sweaty and smelly”, You nod before going back to your childhood bedroom.
As you finish a long hot shower you see Chaewon has messaged you almost a hundred times already alongside a few missed calls. You just stare at the notification, too scared to open it. In the end your fatigue overtake you and you slowly drift off to sleep without reading her texts. The next day you silently join your mom at breakfast, she sees that you're not ready to talk yet so she just silently acknowledges it before giving you farewell as she went to work. The day passes by slowly,  it doesn't help that you were just laying down on the bed as you rethink what happened last night. Is Chaewon really a toxic bitch, or was she just a product of her environment. Are you seriously trying to give her a pass for what she did? Okay yeah she's your friend for years now and you've seen her slowly turn from this confident and unapologetic girl into a meek abuse victim. However does that excuse her behaviour of leading you on for years? 
No, I need to give her the benefit of the doubt. I need to hear what she has to say at least. One chance, after all I'll be gone soon and I might not be able to see her again for a long time.
Alright, if that's what you want, just know you might lose yourself in her eyes again. “Mom, I need your opinion on something”, That's not exactly a polite way to greet your mom when she gets home. However she nods and follows you to the living room where you recounted your dramatic talk with Chaewon. “Darling, look at me”, Your mom grabbed your hand, “You are being an idiot a hundred percent”, Jeez thanks mom. “But if she is as manipulative as you said she was then it's also not fully your fault. After all, you can't really blame a victim fully for being taken advantage of”, Hey that's not an encouragement for your stupid idea. “Yeah, you're right mom….. I guess a toxic environment would make toxic people right?” Fucking hell you're hopeless. “What? Are you letting this slide already?” Thank fuck your mom wouldn't let such stupidity pass, “No, I just…. I guess I want to understand why she did it. After all I'm gonna be away for a year at least and if I don't get this straight then I might spend the better part of my time being distracted by her”, That's not a convincing argument, at least not for your mom.
“ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? You just said she's a manipulative bitch and now you want to run back to her with the risk of you falling for her trap again?” It felt kinda nice, channelling the pain you're having in your heart with your mom's beating, however you should stop her before she accidentally kills you. “Mom, I just want to leave this place with some peace in mind, okay? Can you just trust me this one time?” The answer is no, but she took a deep breath before she examined you slowly. “I'll trust you just this once, how do you plan to meet her again?” Relief and determination washes over you seeing that your mom has agreed to let you have closure. “I'll text her tonight hopefully we can have lunch before I leave in two days”, Solid plans, surely nothing bad would happen. “Fine, now go order something for dinner, I'm starving”
You: Hey, sorry about yesterday 
Chae: Where are you? Why did you ghost me for the whole day? Do you have any idea how worried I was?
You: No sorry Chae I'm at my mom's house already. Sorry for running off like that yesterday 
Chae: It's fine, are you coming back?
You: Not today, I need some sleep to clear my mind.
Chae: Then, can we talk tomorrow?
You: I hope so. Can we meet up at lunch?
Chae: That would be nice, I'm sorry too.
You: Yeah, guess we were too hot headed last night 
Chae: Yeah, I'll see you back here at your place tomorrow then?
You: You're still there?
Chae: Duhhhh, you left with your keys dangling on your phone, what am I supposed to do? Leave the door unlocked so someone can break in?
You: Oh yeah, I forgot. I'll come by at lunch then, I'll see you tomorrow.
Chaewon has been spending the day with her mind full of anxiety. She's scared that you might do, something drastic. The fact that you didn't answer or even read her text made her think of the worst possibility. However when you finally reply she lets out a sigh of relief knowing that you're fine. Tomorrow, she has to apologise to you, she has to make sure you leave on a high note. If things go wrong and you leave before she can mend this friendship then the two of you would never recover from it. She can't let that happen, after all you're also an important part of her life. Even though it wasn't in the way that you wanted it to be.
You see, the thing about life, it has a humorous side. To whom might the humour cater to? Nobody knows really, but it certainly wasn't aimed at you and Chaewon. “Chae come home now”, Those words are the things Chae feared the most. After every fight her boyfriend has two possible routes he will default too. One, surprise her with gifts and romantic gestures to make sure she remembers how nice he can be. Second, he can double down and try to ‘reason’ with her by making her accept that his outburst is just part of who he is. Unfortunately, today he decided to take the second option, which means if Chaewon didn't comply there's gonna be a second fight. “Can I see you after lunch, I'm-” Her hand is shaking anxiously when she says, “NO, come home now”, And when he interrupts her she almost drops her phone. “Babe please, I have an appointment at lunch”, She pleaded, “Babe…… come home”, He used his cold voice which is the final warning, and Chaewon can only curse her own luck, “Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can”
Chaewon quickly scrambled throughout your apartment, “Fuck me, why the fuck can't anything to right for once”, She glance over the flight ticket you had and memorise the schedule before quickly wrote a note on pen and paper. “Fuck, pup please, for the love of god please understand, I promise I can make it up to you”, She pray, to whomever would listen and grant her wishes. As she writes some tears start to fall down her eyes and stain the paper. It was supposed to be a short note saying how her boyfriend suddenly called and she hopes you can reschedule lunch. However, due to her frustration she ended up writing a long essay saying how much she's sorry and even writing out about the things she wanted to tell you in person. During this she was interrupted with a text message from her boyfriend asking her where she is. Chaewon haphazardly finishes the note before bolting out of the apartment, leaving the door unlocked.
A few hours later you anxiously knock on your apartment door, waiting for her to open the door. Every second felt like an eternity and as time passes your stomach starts to twist making you feel like you want to puke. “Chaewon?” You tried to unlock your door to find it was unlocked, walking inside you call up to Chaewon but the only response you get is Luna purring on the couch. It was clear, she wasn't here, “Fuck”, For the first time in forever you actually yell out your frustration. On the coffee table you find a stack of paper, glancing over it you easily recognise her handwriting. 
This is it? This is how we're parting ways Chae? With a stack of notes?
Take a deep breath, calm your nerves and sit down on the couch, try to read the note with an open mind.
Hey pup, sorry but babe wants to meet me. You know how it is, I don't want to make him mad. I really, really, really, like I mean really feel bad for leaving you this note but I sincerely hope you understand. I know I don't deserve to ask for another chance but I hope we can reschedule our lunch tomorrow. If you don't want to, I get it. It'll hurt but I get it. The thing is pup, I never want to hurt you, I really don't. You're kind, strong and smart, I always admire how mature you are and how you can get your shit together. It's hard for me to say this, but I'm sorry that I never felt any romantic attraction towards you.
I don't want to make this cliche but it's not you, it's just me. I know you're cringing right now but just know that sometimes people just aren't made for each other. I love you, as my friend. Sometimes I dream of a different life for us. One where you and I can stay as friends, one where you're my shy, innocent and diligent little brother and I can be your caring and teasing older sister. I know it's hard for you to read this but just know even though you and I are not meant to be, you still have a special place in my heart. And I'm sorry, I never say anything about this.
I was scared, I was confused and I was distracted. Fuck it sounds so bad but I really wanted to help you get over those feelings pup. It's selfish I know, but I want to fix my relationship with my boyfriend before I start making things up for you. You know I have a lot of friends, I know you've been eyeing Kazuha some times, and I know she is interested in you. Fuck, I really wish things would go a different way. I wish we could be best friends forever, you and I, confiding in each other. I hope it doesn't sound too harsh but you and I are special, it's just, not in the way you hope it would be. 
When you said about this volunteer work I might encourage you, but deep down I was scared. I know one day you'll finally snap and confront me about this weird dynamic between us. When you say about an opportunity to leave and get out of your shell I was scared that you'll leave me and come back as a different person. I was scared, because in this fucked up and chaotic world you were the one who made me feel safe. Someone that would understand my struggle and help me through it. However on the other hand I wanted you to break off your shell. This whole time you've been living for me, for the hope that I'll be yours. I wanted you to find your own path and find yourself, get away from me so that you'll find a way to let go of your feelings.
Now, writing this whole thing I realised, I can't keep being selfish. I hurt you enough, dragging you down to a toxic relationship unintentionally. So, if you're looking for a farewell, I'll give it. Go out there pup, save people's life, realise that you're much more than what you've given yourself credit for. I hope you'll break free of the collar I've put on you this whole time. You're an amazing person, and I hope you can live up to your potential. Maybe one day, once you come back you'll find a reason to forgive me. For the pain I cause you, for all those medical supplies you've spent for me, for ditching our last meeting with these notes. I know I don't deserve to ask anything from you, but this time, I ask you to be happy. I ask you to let me go, and just, find someone who can love you as much as you love me.
Fuck I've been rambling for too long already. Pup, if you do feel like meeting me before you fly away just text me. If you don't, I'll understand. I won't let you go without saying goodbye to your face though. I remember your flight schedule, so if you don't want to meet me again I'll go there and just, wave you goodbye. Stay strong pup, I hope we can meet again.
Chaewon's tears that have stained the paper are almost gone, replaced by your own tears that almost render the paper unreadable. Is this the closure you wanted? Was there some sliver of hope you still hold on to thinking Chae might actually have some form of romantic feelings towards you? It's bittersweet, although the sweetness is nowhere to be found, you know one day you can see this note with fondness. Maybe this note will be the catalyst of your change. But for now, you just had to swallow this bitter pill and move on. Well, cry your heart out first, let the catharsis calm you down after.  “Fuck Chae, I don't know if you'll still be here after I come back though”, Yeah that's a fair point. “Don't die, please don't die while I'm away”
The whole day, and the day after, you just felt this new energy flowing through you. There's still some pain and bitterness there but you understand, it's the first step towards the right direction. Your mom also seems to be pleased with the outcome of this. “Okay, maybe she's not as bad as I expect her to be darling. She's pitiful, that's the best way I can describe her”, Just like how you are attached to Chaewon, your mom also had some attachments toward her. After all, Chaewon was the person who has been keeping you safe from bullies and was one of the only genuine friends that is still in contact with you after all these years. “Mom, can I ask you a favour?” Your mom nodded confidently, she knew what you wanted to ask. “I know darling, I'll take care of Luna while you're away. And I'll make sure that your dear friend will still be in a recognisable state when you come back”, The lady part needs some better wording but that will do.
“Thanks mom, and if she contacts you, can you just give her these?” You hand her a little gift box, “Darling, this isn't a therapy appointment, she won't need this”, Hopefully you can find your mom's sassiness within you in this year long journey. “Just, give it to her okay mom? I'll be off”, She nods and kissed your forehead, “Don't die out there sweetie, I love you”, She smiled at you, a mother's encouraging smile is an over powered buff, “I love you too mom”
Let's move back to Chaewon, she knows it's your departure day and she read your text saying that you won't mind seeing her wave you goodbye at the airport. However, like usual she is being held back by someone. “Chae I need you to stop lying to me okay?” The calm tone her boyfriend is talking in is unnerving. It was like an ice pick that's being stabbed to Chaewon's fresh open wounds. “I'm not lying babe, he really is just a friend”, Chaewon cried, she doesn't want to cry because- “Liar”, He would scream at her, *CRACK* a loud smack echoes throughout the room as he slapped her with all his might. “I wasn't, babe please believe me. He's leaving for a year. I promise I just want to say goodbye to him”, Chaewon cried out as she lay on the ground while her body was screaming with pain. “I know you spent the night with him, Chae, don't lie to me. I let you off this whole time because I know that pussy won't be brave enough to make a move on you. But you, I know you fucking sluttyness knows no bounds. You were giving him a farewell gift, weren't you? You let him have sex with you after years and years of simping for you. Now you want to go there and make him rethink about leaving so you can keep him. I know a fucking bitch like you would keep a side man, a second option”
After a while he just left her in his house. Chae lays down on the floor, face messed up with tears and bruises, her body is exhausted from the mental and physical torture she's been subjected too in the last two days. She lay down there for god knows how long before she finally regained her consciousness. Looking at the time it's already an hour past your departure. Her tears are already dried up so she can't even let out her frustration anymore. “I'm sorry pup, I really do”, Not long she heard a knock on the door, “Hello, anyone in there?” It was a familiar voice but she can't remember who it is. Chaewon tried to stand up but her body could barely move. She wanted to say something but no words came out of her mouth. “Hello, I'm looking for Kim Chaewon, is she here?” Chae realises that whoever's behind that door is trouble, but her voice, Chae could swear she knows her from somewhere.
Chaewon tried to stand up but she failed and just fell down and caused some of the empty beer bottles on the table to fall alongside her and shatter on the floor. “Hello? Is everything alright?” It wasn't, some of the glass shard hit Chae which made her let out a barely audible painful whine. “I'm coming in”, Then a loud slam can be heard from the door before it opens. From the floor Chaewon is laying on she can finally see the person that's looking for her, it was your mom. “Jesus, what happened”, Your mom immediately ran up to Chae, her mind racing with concern, and hatred for Chae's boyfriend. “Ma'am, what are you doing here?” Chae flinched when she felt the older woman's hand examining her wounds. “I'll tell you later, did your boyfriend do this to you?” Chae flinched hearing that question, it's not the first time she heard her ask that. “Fine, don't answer if you don't want to. Let's get you to the hospital”, In one swoop she grabbed Chaewon and just carried her away. Usually she'll refuse this type of help, but now you're no longer there to help you, and she's too weak to refuse so she just let herself get taken away. 
Your mom lay Chaewon in the backseat of her car before she took her radio and contacted the nearest hospital. “Dispatch, this is Unit 23 responding. Requesting immediate medical assistance. One injured victim, multiple bruises, possible head injury and a few lacerations due to glass shard on her arm”, Chaewon struggled to stay awake and ultimately went unconscious again before she even reached the hospital. “Hang in there kid, my son gonna kill me if he come home to find you dead”
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A few hours earlier you were waiting at the airport, hoping for Chaewon to show up and wave you goodbye. However as the time for departure was nearing Chaewon was nowhere to be seen. You text her and she didn't read it and when you finally boarded you ended up calling your mom to check on Chaewon. As you were busy worrying for her, a girl suddenly sat down next to you, “Hello, are you also here for the volunteer work?” Oh shit, Chaewon who? “Oh yes, I'm from Serenity Medical Institute, nice to meet you”, Hey maybe moving on won't be that hard after all. “Nice to meet you too, I'm Minju from the Oasis Regional Hospital”, Minju gave you a weird look when you heard where you came from. 
“Serenity Medical Institute huh, I didn't know they sent anyone for this”, Seating next to a beautiful girl like her made you feel nervous yet somehow she looks more nervous than you. “I am the only one who's going”, You smile a little embarrassed. “Really? That's surprising”, Minju smiled, “Well how many people went from your hospital?” She thinks for a second, “Probably 12?” Is your hospital just very stingy? “That's a lot, I didn't expect so many people would actually be interested in doing these kinds of stuff”, Would sending 12 medical personnel cause some problem in the hospital? Wouldn't it get crippled due to the lack of personnel? “Yeah well, it's not like we're short on people, also doing this will give our hospital some subsidies that would help a lot”, Minju looked at your confused face and got confused herself.
“You get subsidies? I don't think I read that part in the application form”, Do you even read the form though? “Well yeah the form is made asking for international aid. The subsidy is our government's way to encourage the nation’s medical personnel to help”, Did they just send you for the government money? “Although I don't think Serenity would care about that type of stuff”, She was sending some jabs to you but you didn't catch it. “Really? Why do you say that?” Minju furrowed her eyebrows trying to see if you're messing with her, “Well, because it's the rich people hospital”, Your genuine confusion took Minju off guard. “Really? I never knew”, Minju stares at you for a second, “How did you get a job there?” This is a good time to point out how clueless you are at everything.
“Well, after I finished college the owner, well I think he's the owner, came to me to offer me an internship. He said he knew my father and owe him once”, Pretty sure you never met that guy again, also your mom tore you a new hole after you accepted the offer thinking it must be a scam. “See, there's almost no way for people to get in without nepotism. The place has such a service fee that most of its clients are millionaires”, Minju saw you even more confused which frustrated her. “I thought the hospital was the best hospital in the country. I mean, wouldn't that be the reason for the high price?” She clicked her tongue hearing your response.
“Yes, but also because the benefactors and clients are some of the richest people in the country. Most of the people working there have been working there for generations already. It's almost impossible for someone to start working there fresh off college. Any new recruits needs to have at least 10 years of experience in any other prestigious hospital before they have a chance for an examination by them”, You are very clueless about most things. “Huh, I never knew about that”, Minju pinched herself to see if she's hallucinating, there is no way someone is this dumb right? “What's your parents job?” Could it be, you're just a savant in the medical field that attracts their eyes? “Well, my father was a firefighter, and my mom is a cop”, That doesn't sound like a rich person's job.
“Huh, then….. Did your father save someone's life and that person happened to be a very important person?” You shrugged, seemingly not caring about that, “Maybe, I mean he died when I was a kid and mom said he saved a lot of life so maybe he saved someone important and the guy gave me a job out of gratitude?” Minju was baffled with how little shit you're giving about this. “That's…… I'm sorry about your father but do you know how lucky you are? There's people who would die to have a job at your hospital”, This rubs you the wrong way. “Why? What's the difference between your hospital and mine? I mean you and I still both save lives regardless where we work so it wouldn't matter right?” Minju was taken off guard again, you sounded so genuine with your words that she felt embarrassed for forgetting the main job of a doctor.
“You're right, sorry I didn't mean to come out as a materialistic person”, You felt guilty seeing how embarrassed she is, “Oh no don't be, I'm sorry I didn't know most of those things so thank you for telling me this”, Minju smiled at you. “You're just an innocent puppy aren't you?” Eeeehhhh, are you an actual dog? How come two beautiful and completely different girls can see you the same way like that? “I guess”, She laughed seeing you reluctantly accept her nickname. “So, since we'll be working a lot closer from now on I think this would be a perfect time to get to know each other right?” This whole thing feels nostalgic, it's a deja vu for the first time you met Chaewon.
No, I can't keep living in the past. Come on, I'm on this trip to break free of my shell. Be more confident, talk to her. Fuck what if I fall for her and it end up the same way as I did with Chae? Fuck I'm not gonna find anyone if I keep being scared.
“Of course, why don't you start first?” Minju did start first, and she also took the majority of the speaking time because you're too shy to speak up. In the middle of it you got a text from your mom informing you of Chaewon's condition. “You're okay?” Minju said after seeing you turn catatonic for a while, “Oh, yeah just, something came up”, Your voice sounds shaky and you turn around to watch out the window. Minju stays silent after realising that you're not in a talking mood, although she is curious about the situation. Moreover she's curious about you, she finds you to be pretty cute and attractive, and your innocence has some charm to it.
After a while your mom texted back informing you that Chae is stable for now and sent you her medical report. You read through it extensively, the more you read it the more you regret going on this trip. Without you there Chae would probably run back to her boyfriend after being discharged from the hospital. Well, even if you're there you won't be able to stop her from going back to him. It's like you are Sisyphus and she is your boulder, no matter how hard you try, she will always stumble down the hill into her boyfriend's arms. “Hey, you're okay there?” Minju decided to speak up seeing how distraught you've become, “Ahhh no, something came up”, Having someone to talk to would be nice, but would she care to hear a story of a complete stranger? “I don't mind listening you know, if you don't mind sharing of course”, Minju smiles at you, “Well, I have this friend, her name is Chae…….”
“Uggghhh”, A pained groan escapes out of Chaewon's mouth before she even gets to open her eyes. As she tried to sit up a hand stopped her from moving, “Take it easy now kiddo, you're still hurt”, This time she immediately recognised your mother's voice. “Ma'am, I….. where am I?” Chaewon tried to open her eyes but the room was too bright for her so she immediately closed it again. “In the hospital, you were pretty rough when I saw you”, The first thing that came up in her mind was to run, anything involving hospitals is bothersome, from the bills to the questioning she'll get. Thankfully she's well aware that your mom wouldn't let her run so easily, so she just lay back on the bed trying to regain her stamina.
After half an hour or so she is able to open her eyes and sit on the bed, looking around the place she realises where she is right now. “No, my son already left”, A quick reality check from your mom completely buried her hopes of having you delay your departure. “Why……. Why did you come to my place?” It's hard for her to look at your mom in the eyes. Unlike you, your mom has this dominating aura around her that shows she takes no shit from anyone. “My son asked me to check in on you when you didn't show up to his flight”
Oh right, I ghost him again. Fuck how can I keep messing this up?
“Listen kiddo, I never liked you. For years I've already told my clueless son that you're leading him on and he never listens. I would've confronted you but I digress because he always told me not to”, It's really jarring feeling the difference between you and your mom. Her words and piercing gaze made Chaewon shivers in her place. “And worst of all you actually push him to take a dangerous job off country just because you two can't be a grown up and talk about your feelings”, Just for the record, your mom was trying to not be overly hostile, she just came off that way. “I'm sorry”, Chae said weakly, “However, after he came to me with your notes I got a glimpse of your side of the story and, somewhat open to listen to the whole thing. Today, after I see you laying down half dead on that abuser's floor I think I understand enough”
“He's not an abuser”, Chae immediately bites back, as those words left her mouth she immediately flinched and felt scared for going against your mom. “Kiddo, I've been in this line of work for the last 25 years already. I've seen your story play out a thousand times. I promised my son that I'll keep you safe, so I'm taking you away from that whether you like it or not”, That's illegal right? “But he's not, he was just having an episode. Sometimes he just lash out, he can't help it, that's just who he is”, Chae is way too far down in her own hell to realise the exit is right in front of her. “Really? You're blaming this on his mental state?” Your mom wasn't taking any of that, “He's bipolar okay? He can't help having drastic mood swings”, He was never diagnosed, Chae just read some online article and associated him with that disorder to rationalise his sociopathic behaviour. “Blaming that maniac’s behaviour on mental disorders is an insult to the people who actually have mental disorders. Kiddo, I don't think you understand how irredeemable he is. What he did to you today is unacceptable, and if you don't want to fight for your own sake then I'll fight for you by bringing him to court”
Panic starts to set in, Chaewon can't let her do that, “He's not like that, I promise, please just give him a chance”, Seeing how pathetic Chaewon is, your mom wonders how you can enable her behaviour for so long. “Let’s have this talk in the morning. It's late and I need to get some rest. Go get some sleep, I'll be back here tomorrow morning. If I didn't see you here tomorrow morning I'm coming back to your apartment with a warrant for your boyfriend”, It's not your mom's first rodeo, she knows girls like Chae would care about her boyfriend’s feelings over her own well being. “Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow ma'am”, Not even a thank you, so rude.
Fuck why did things got so complicated now. You were always so caring but this is too much pup. Your mom is gonna be the end of me. Fuck how do I convince her to drop this, I can't let her make babe mad. I need to convince her.
How would Chaewon convince her? Well, with a stupid idea, “Are you being serious right now? You want me to talk with your boyfriend?” Downright idiotic honestly. “Please, it's just one talk. You'll see that he's not as bad as you think he is”, Your mom is absolutely flabbergasted with this request, this little girl actually wanted her to have a nice and civil discussion with an abuser? “I don't think you understand, assault and battery isn't just a civil case. The law enforcement such as myself have the right to pursue this case, you know that right?” This also means if she talks to Chaewon's boyfriend and he loses his composure your mom can use his incriminating words against him. 
“Trust me just this once okay? Please?” No way in hell your mom is gonna trust Chaewon, she sees Chae as an even more clueless person than you. She wants to say pathetic but she's not heartless enough to consider her own son pathetic. “I’ll drive you back to your place, I'll ask him about what transpired yesterday and that will be it. That's all the chances he's getting”, Although honestly she does see this as an opportunity to gather more evidence. “What? I need to tell him about this first”, Chae didn't have her phone, he broke it yesterday so she can't contact him, “Tchhh, so you can warn him? No, I'll give him this one chance so I can see him being unfiltered. So get your ass up because we're leaving now”, Despair, that's what Chae feels right now. 
Your mom led her to the receptionist where she signed the paper for discharge. Since you were working there she used her family member card so that Chaewon's hospital bills would be reduced to zero, and that's a good price. Throughout the ride Char can't stop herself from biting her nails, her legs are all jittery and her heartbeat is beating irregularly, she's scared out of her mind. Once they arrived back at her place she was so nervous your mom had to wake her up from her thoughts. “Ahhhhh, oh sorry, you scare me”, Chae tries to calm her breathing down while your mom is staring at her, then the latter gets out of her car prompting Chae to follow her.
Chaewon knocked on the door, after all your mom didn't exactly search around to pick up her personal things such as wallets or keys. “You do know I broke the door yesterday right? The locks haven't been fixed”, Chae blushed hearing this and just opened her door, going inside she called up for her boyfriend but there was no response. “He must be out”, There was some relief in her voice, hopefully your mom would just leave the place so she can brief her boyfriend about what's gonna happen. “That's unfortunate then-”, However Chaewon's dreams were short lived as the older woman's words were interrupted by some ruffling sounds from the bedroom followed by some footsteps. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Really? That's the first thing your mom said in her mind. She's completely baffled that Chaewon would ruin her own life for someone like that. No body shaming of course, the guy was good looking, but he looks like the most generic fuckboy ever imaginable. “I'm here to talk to you, I am Officer Hwang, last night I find…….”, She trailed off letting silence fills the room. The reason for that is because a girl walks out of the bedroom he just came out from. Seeing how minimal their clothing is, it's quite easy to grasp what they were doing. “Who is this?” Chaewon's fear and anxiety is replaced with unbridled rage as if he just crosses the line. “None of your business, and why the fuck did you bring a cop here huh? Hwang? Is it that retard’s mom?” He's so eloquent, no wonder Chaewon fell for him.
“Lady her your clothes and get out”, The random girls immediately sprint back to the bedroom, “Who the fuck is she?” Chaewon screamed at her boyfriend. “Fuck you, who is this? You brought a cop here? Are you insane?” Seeing him refuse to answer, Chaewon raises her hand and slaps him. It is unprofessional to laugh at someone who's getting ‘assaulted’ but your mom can't help but crack open a smile. “Are you crazy, bitch?” The slap has taken him off guard, never in his life did he think that Chaewon would have the balls to do something like that. The random girl came out of the bedroom wearing her pants with some of her underwear being stuffed into her bag. “You were cheating on me?” Chaewon roared, she looked at the random girl and was ready to pounce on her but thankfully your mom swooped in and pulled the girl outside.
“Move, I need to talk to that bitch”, Chaewon tried to push your mom away but the latter hold firm, “I think you should deal with this one first”, She pointed at her boyfriend. “Shit fucker, look at me”, He roughly pull Chaewon's hand making her body ragdoll to the ground. “You think you're hot shit because you have a cop here?” This guy has issues, “You were fucking some random girl? AFTER YOU SNAPPED BECAUSE YOU THINK I WAS CHEATING ON YOU?” Huh, maybe Chaewon's final line is just cheating. It's impressive that he never crosses that line for the last few years. Seeing how Chaewon wasn't being a scaredy cat like usual hurts his pride, so he raises his hand to hurt her in return. 
“You should stop that”, Your badass mom just grab his hand before he can slap Chae, “You fucking disgusting pig, HOW DARE YOU CHEATED ON ME”, But she didn't stop Chaewon from slapping him. “You fucking whores”, His pride really can't take this anymore and he took one of the empty bottle on the table. “I warned you”, With a bored tone your mom pulled out her taser gun and just shot fade him. Immediately he fell to the ground, the bottle thankfully didn't break and cut his skin, despite how much your mom wanted that to happen. “You asshole”, Chaewon walks to him and just kicks him in the ribs, “Alright don't do that, you're gonna get in trouble”, But her words don't reach her like usual. Chaewon tried to kick him again prompting your mom to just drag her out of the house.
“Let me go, I need to kill that bastard”, She was taken off guard seeing how Chaewon just flipped a switch out of nowhere, “Well it's better than before I guess”, She muttered before pushing Chae to her car. “Stay here for a second, I need to clean this mess”, Well at least her menacing glare is enough to stop Chae from struggling. “Here, go busy yourself while I call up the medic”, She shoved a little gift box you prepared for Chae to her lap. Chaewon immediately recognised your writing and opened it, inside is a note and she immediately read it.
Hey Chae, I was writing this note because I feel like that's just gonna be our thing from now. Let me start by saying, it hurts. Reading your notes was painful and really fuck me up. However, I do understand where you're coming from. I can't force you to like me, although I really want to, I realise it's just not possible. I guess we were both an idiot, so caught up in our feelings that we ended up hurting ourselves. I just want to say, I don't hate you, I understand where you're coming from, I really do. I hope one day when I come back home we get to sit down together and talk about this further. I hope once I get back we can have a civil and mature conversation about our friendship and other things.
However, for that to happen, I need you to still be around when I come home. Yes I helped you throughout these years because I loved you. But it would be wrong if I say that was the only reason why I helped you. I was scared for you, this relationship you had with your boyfriend isn't healthy Chae. When we first met you were this badass girl who never backed down from anything. Now you're just this vulnerable girl who is being dragged through hell because you can't let go of your feelings. You know I'm right, all your friends have given up on you already because they can't bear to watch you destroy yourself. You say something about setting me up with Kazuha yet the last time you talked to her was already 2 years ago. Chae, I'm scared, I'm really scared with the idea that you won't be alive by the time I come home. I wrote this note because I want you to let him go.
No, I wasn't saying this because I feel jealous of him, I'm saying this because I care about you. I'm on this “journey” in hope that I can let go of my feelings, in hope to “break my chains” as you put it. Now I'm asking you to break yours as well. I know you're tired of hearing these words but you're sacrificing so much just by staying with that guy. I might sound biassed, but you can get any guy in the world and you're choosing the worst option. I never thought I'd say this, but it's also hurting my pride knowing you prefer staying with an abuser rather than, me. Fuck that sounds so bad, but if you were dating some rich handsome guys I'll have my heartbreak way earlier than this and probably move on. Chaewon, you're a beautiful, talented and strong girl, you can do better than him. It hurts seeing your mental toughness that I always envied are being used just so you can tolerate him. Please, now that I'm gone I can't keep you safe any longer. For the love of god please let him go Chae. I don't want to come back home seeing you six feet underground.
I might just be beating a dead horse but I hope you can see where I'm coming from. In this box there's my apartment keys. I already pay rent for the next 4 months so you can stay there if you need to. And finally, there's a hospital card here, you can use it in Serenity and get treatment free of charge. I hope you'll never need to use it, but I also hope for a lot of impossible things. Anyway I've been rambling for too long, I hope mom didn't go too hard on you. Stay safe Chae, stay alive. I hope we can meet again once I'm back home. I'll miss you.
It took her almost 30 minutes rereading that note you left her. It all boils down to, “Chaewon your boyfriend is trash, leave him already. Here take my keys”, But she keeps rereading them hoping there's more. She needs more, she needs you to write something, anything that could comfort her. “Fuck pup, why can't I just listen to you”, But alas there's none, after all you never expect this messages to actually change her mind. It technically didn't, her boyfriend's act of crossing her line did but this note is the nail in the coffin. A certain word rings in her mind, “If only he can be more like you”, So fucking cliché, yet sometimes clichés came from real life things.
Why the fuck did I say that? You're so fucking stupid sometimes Chae. Why ask for someone to be like him when he's already available. God what have I done.
No point of crying over spilled milk, but that doesn't stop her from ruining your notes with her tears. Is this your thing now? Sending notes and soaking them with tears. “He’s not a problem anymore, just in case you're wondering”, Chaewon jumped back at her seat when she saw your mom had rejoined her back in the car. “Right”, Chae wiped her tears and put the notes back in the box, “You want to go somewhere or do you want to go back to your house?” Chae glanced back to her house. It was inherited to her after her parent's death a few years ago, it was around the time she started dating that pig. Those beautiful childhood memories, all tainted by his presence. 
“No, can you take me back to your son's apartment?” It's not that your mom wants to snoop around, but she's just curious and has checked the gift before she hands it to Chaewon. “Got it”, Your mom thinks it would be a good idea for Chae to stay away from her house for now, 4 months is a pretty long time to cool down. However Chaewon had different plans, “I'll wait for you to come back pup. I can fix this, I can fix us. I'll wait for you to come back, then we can start over”, Her barely audible whispers float off to the wind. A promise for a better future, no matter what it takes.
“Babe you need to stop dozing off”, You were woken up from your daydream with a gentle touch to your shoulder. “Right, I just feel weird. I can't believe a year passed already”, Yeah, it felt like a year just passed in an instant. “Come on, don't tell me you're thinking about staying here?” Minju wrapped her arm around you, “Of course not, I'm just a little sad that I'll have to go already”, Minju smiled and gave you a kiss. “There, I don't want my little puppy to be sad anymore”, She said teasing you, “Don't call me that, please never call me that in front of other people again”, It's bad enough that she calls you that in front of her coworkers, if she pull that name in front of your friends, or even your mom, you'll die out of embarrassment.
“Heheheheh, I won't promise anything. Now come on I need your big muscular arm to help me out the bags on the truck”, Living with no reception has bore you a lot, which is why you start working out alongside the soldiers that keeps the area secure. So needless to say, you've grown into a Chad, after loading the luggage you sat down with the rest of Minju’s coworkers. “So, what are we eating once we get home?”, Jaehyun, one of Minju's coworkers, asked the group. “I want some junk food, like 10 big macs covered with cheese dips type of junk food”, “No way in hell, we're eating something fresh, I want sushi”, “I don't care what we're eating but we need alcohol. Like a lot of them”, You've been pulled to be part of their friend group, although most of the time you and Minju would just fool around somewhere else. “Let's vote then, what does everyone want?” Voting with friends is such a bad idea, “I'm down for anything”, “Yeah me too, I don't mind”, “I don't really crave anything so I'll just follow what everyone wants”, In the end Minju just pull you to the passenger truck and sit with you at the back while her friends are busy discussing.
“So, we're going to meet your mom once we land?” It's hard to communicate with the people back home, you can only send her a letter every few weeks or so. Well except last week when you were given a satellite phone to arrange yours . “Well she did say she's gonna pick me up, so maybe we can have dinner with her after”, You haven't really told your mom about Minju so you're kinda nervous, “I don't think I'm down for thay babe. It's a 10 hour flight and I would rather go home and have a good long bath. Maybe we can have dinner tomorrow night”, Thankfully she rejected the dinner. “Guess you're right, I'm sure mom also wants to ask me about what I did for the last year”, It would be awkward to tell your mom that you actually got shot here. “Yeah, don't die okay baby”
“I told you you're gonna get shot”, You're like an inch away from getting shot by her out of frustration. “But mommmm, it was just an accident, some stray bullet from the soldier's training”, They even send you money for the inconvenience, or to shut you up. “Haaaaaa, I'm really this close to losing it. You didn't think about telling me in one of those letter you send me?” This is certainly a welcoming party, “ I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you worry”, She sighed and just shook her head. “Mom, where's Luna?” You tried to change the topic, “With Chaewon, that fat fuck want to stay at your apartment over here”, You raised your eyebrow in confusion, “Chae still living at my place?” 
Your mom does send you some update about her in the first few months, most of it just saying how Chae is getting better and has been reconnecting with her friends. “You should go there and talk to her”, Right, the long awaited reunion is due, “I should, tomorrow we're having dinner with Minju so I guess I could come over now”, Time zone difference fuck you up because you left around sunset and arrive back at your home around 8 AM, which isn't fun. “I can drop you off at your place if you get ready right now”, As you took a shower you can't help but feel nervous. For the last year you didn't really try to reach out to Chae and your mom didn't say anything if Chae tried to reach out to you. Going back to the living room you immediately noticed how tight your outfits has become. “That usually happens when you build up muscle darling. You should go and get some new clothes”, You remember Minju said she is a shopaholic so you made a plan to do a shopping run later with Chae. Just as a friendly reunion right? Right?
“Congratulations on your promotion by the way mom”, You pull out a gift for her, “Ohhh? What's this? The bullet that they took out of your body?” Damn that would actually be a pretty good gift for her. “Uhhh no, it's just a knife one of the refugees gave me”, Without hesitation she ripped open the box and pulled out a pristine military knife. “Ohhhh, good job darling, I'll put this on my desk”, She smiles happily before strapping the knife into her waist. “Now come on, I'm gonna be late”
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You stand in front of your door, feeling anxious and nervous. If any of your neighbours see this they're probably gonna be weirded out since you’re just standing there for 5 minutes. Suddenly the front door clicked open and you saw Chaewon. She was going out and she bumped into you, “Sorr-.......” The two of you just stare at each other silently. The first thing you noticed is how healthy she looks, her cheeks are no longer hollow, her skin isn't sagging, she looks better. “Hey Ch-” Chae jumped to hug you before you finished your sentence, “It's you, you're home”, Even her strength is back, enough to suffocate you. “Chae, calm down for a second”, But she doesn't want to calm down, “You're back, you're really back, I miss you so much”, Chae hugged you even harder without any intentions of letting go.
“Chae let's not do this in the hallway”, She suddenly felt your arm wrapped around her body and picked her up with ease. It was at this moment that she noticed you don't feel so scrawny anymore. “You've grown”, She let go of the hug as you closed the door behind you, her eyes travelling all over your body. “Yeah well, I got a lot of free time there”, Your cheeks turn red as Chaewon shamelessly feels up your arms. “Meow”, Luna walked out of the bedroom and the moment she saw you she immediately ran to your leg. “Hey there Luna, did you miss me”, You picked her up and she immediately purred in your familiar embrace again.
“Well come here take a seat. Don't be a stranger in your own apartment”, Chae smiles and pulls you to sit down on the couch. Looking around you notices she has done a few furnishings, the place still looks familiar, yet there's some of her touch painting the whole apartment. “You like it? I don't want to change too much but I feel like your previous decorations were kinda bland”, Is her snarky remark making a return as well? “Well the place does look less grey”, Chaewon sits closer to you, “So, how was your trip? Come on tell me everything”, She leaned towards your arm and rested her head on your shoulder.
“It's a long story, weren't you just leaving to go somewhere?” Bering with Minju for a while you've grown immune to women's advances due to how flirty she was. “I was just about to get some breakfast. Have you eaten anything yet? We can order some food”, Chae notices your lack of embarrassment and it makes her, happy. “Well I ate some airplane food earlier, so I wouldn't mind going out for some actual good food”, Luna let out a growl as if she understands that you're leaving already. “Come on let's just eat here, I want to hear everything that happened to you”, Chae pinched your cheek as she leaned even closer to you. 
“Come on let's go out Chae, I also need some help. I actually gained some weight and my old clothes are getting too tight for me. Can you help me do some clothing runs?”, A date, Chae is ecstatic that you wanted to have a date with her the moment you return. “Yesssss, let's go then”, She stood up and pulled your hand, “Hahahaha, sorry Luna you're gonna have to wait for me again”, Luna let out a protest meow before jumping off your lap. “She's gonna be fine, let's go pup, it's shopping time”, Surely Chaewon won't take the whole day to help you get some new clothes.
“So you were actually shot? Like with a real bullet?” Chae is filled with concern hearing your story, “Yeah, it was just a ricochet so it's not that deep but it still hurts”, Don't cut off the fun part, tell her you cried like a baby as they tried to stop your bleeding. “That's terrible, I swear to god I'll kill that idiot who dares to shoot you”, It pisses her off, she could've lost you because some stupid drill. “It's fine, I was too close to the training yard anyway”, You can't help but smile seeing her angry face. It reminds you of the time when she used to get angry every time someone tried to pick on you. “Tchh, I'm only letting it go because you're safe and you got a cool scar from it”, Chaewon continued looking at your arm, rather, your bicep.
“Yeah, it does look cool”, You trailed off as you checked your messages that Minju had sent you. Chae furrowed her eyebrows seeing you've been busy chatting with someone on your phone throughout this breakfast. She wants to know who's making you smile and what those texts are, but she refrains for now. “Well I hope your feets are ready, we're giving you a makeover”, She'll ask you about those texts later, after all she has all the time in the world with you.
The shopping was hellish, Chaewon keeps pulling you to every clothing store there is and has you tried every single piece of clothing she can find. Then to top it off you had to bring all the luggage yourself. Well you don't have to, but you don't want to make her carry it so you just swallow the pain and move on. “Chae can we stop here? I think this is enough'', Chae does notice your suffering but she can't help herself to dress up her boyfriend. “Alright, let's put it back at our place, we can order some food for lunch”, Our place? You're gonna say something about that? “Our-”, Unfortunately your phone rings before you can ask it. 
“I need to answer this call first, can you order a cab for us?” Now, Chae is not exactly a nosy person, but she feels irritated with how much you were on your phone during this date. “Fine”, She doesn't want to make a scene so she'll just frown as she watches you walk a way to answer your call. “Hey babe , I was thinking that maybe we can grab some lunch? Or are you still dealing with jet lag?” Minju said, “I'm outside right now, having a reunion with Chaewon”, A little slither of guilt can be heard in your voice as you felt bad for refusing your girlfriend’s invitation. “Oh well, did everything go well?” She doesn't mind though, “Yeah, I think we're having a good day so far. I'm kinda happy seeing her revert to her old self. Although I think I would rather have her tone down her occasional jab. Physical jab, she's one of those people who like to playfully punch you and it hurts”, You hear Minju laughed out loud at your complaints. “Oh no, my poor baby can't take a woman's punch? Even with all those muscles?” PSA: Domestic violence is not a joke, please seek professional help if you or someone you know are dealing with one. 
“Hey listen she's not your average girl okay? She used to be the badass tomboy who beat up guys bigger than him. Besides you should see her biceps, they're huge”, Chaewon can't hear you but she is certainly not happy with the smiles that's forming on your face. “I would love to, is this an invitation for me to join your reunion?” Ahhhh shit, what did you just do? “Well”, You look back at Chae and are surprised seeing her hostile glare, “Maybe not today”, You're not sure why she's mad but you think it's best not to ask it for now. “Well, hopefully I can meet her soon. I'll see you tomorrow okay babe? Pick me up for the date please, you can buy some used car with the money they gave you for the bullet wounds”, You can't concentrate on what she's saying and hurriedly end the call before walking to Chaewon.
“The cab will be here soon”, Oh no, she's using her cold angry voice again, “O-okay”, The two of you awkwardly stand there waiting for the cab. Throughout the whole ride Chaewon was looking out the window trying to calm herself down. However the moment she hears you typing on your phone she immediately turns to you and lets out a vicious glare. Feeling your life might be in danger you put down your phone. Anxiousness starts to rise within you, it's not the first time you see her this mad but it's still terrifying.
What the fuck did I do now? Chae only got this mad when I did something stupid and hurt myself. Think Mark, think. Whatever it is, I should try to apologise once we get home.
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The two of you silently walk back to your apartment, as soon as you walk in you hear Chaewon slam the door behind you. “Put it there”, She pointed at the floor, you obediently put down the groceries trying to find words to calm her down and inquire on what you did wrong. “Who was it?” Her voice, cold and piercing just like her eyes, “Who was what?” That's not an answer, so she walks towards you and pushes you to the wall. “Who were you talking to on the phone? The whole day you were busy talking with someone. Throughout our fucking date you were just chatting with someone else. Do you not respect me at all? Your girlfriend is in front of you yet you were busy with whoever it was in your phone”, Alright, what the fuck?
Let's break this down, first she doesn't like you talking to someone, which is understandable since it was pretty rude to be busy with your phone while you're hanging out with someone else. Then she says date, you didn't think it was a date, friendly date possibly but isn't that just a hangout? Lastly, girlfriend, this one actually takes you out of it. Hearing her referring to herself as your girlfriend is not something you ever thought you'll hear. This time, after a year of spiritual journey, you actually don't want to hear her say that.
“Chae?” Seeing that you're not answering she just digs her nails into your arm. “ANSWER ME. Who was it? And don't fucking lie to me”, Her voice echoes throughout the whole room, yet it feels so distant, as if this whole thing is just a dream to you. “That's…. I…. I was talking to my girlfriend”, Chae was about to scream back saying you weren't talking to her enough, then she realised you weren't referring to her. “Your. Girlfriend?” Her face contorted as she spat those words, “I guess I haven't mentioned her yet. Her name is-”, Your words are interrupted by her slap. 
"Girlfriend?" she spat, her voice laced with disbelief that morphed into a chilling possessiveness. "Don't lie to me, babe. You're mine. You've always been.”, Words are stuck on your throat, after years of following her shadow with the hope of getting a whiff of her warmth you managed to get it at the worst possible time. The name ‘babe’ rings like a distant lullaby, those words that you crave from her felt like venom to you now. “Chae when I was there I got close with Minju. We-”, Her hand flies quickly to grab your mouth, silencing your words that's about to break her delusion. “No, that's not right at all babe. I see now, you're confused and tired. Serving there must've been very tiring for you babe. You were just homesick and miss me, yeah let's get you some rest babe”
Chae leaned and kissed your cheek, yet her eyes are challenging you to refute her words. “No, Chae I have-”, The second slap was much more painful than the first one, because this time she put her back on it. “Baby I really think you're just tired, come on let's get you to your bed. You must've missed sleeping on your bed right? I'll accompany you, we can eat lunch later”, Chae grabbed both of your hands, tugging them for you to follow her to the bedroom. “No Chae, she's real. Minju is very lovely you'll like her”, This whole situation was so odd for you that you're also in denial of Chaewon's transformation. 
Chaewon's eyes narrow, trying to pierce through your skull to inspect your mind, then a humourless laugh escapes her mouth. “I see now, you had a rebound girl while you were away. I don't think I appreciate that babe, but for now let's get you to rest. I can punish you after you get some sleep”, The room was silent as if it was waiting in horror to see your next move. “No Chae……. I love her. I love Minju”, Your muscles stiffen, trying to brace for her next slap. Yet it never came, there was only silence.  “Love her?”
Alright, stop denying, you know what's happening right now. “Chae I-”,  You were once again interrupted by her, this time with her lips that aggressively crashed into yours and sealed it shut. This is it, the dream you've always wanted to achieve, a kiss from the girls that has held your heart for years now. Yet the kiss brought a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. On one hand, it ignited a dormant flame within you, a spark of the yearning you'd harboured for Chae for years. The warmth of her lips, the familiar scent of her hair, it all felt like a dream come true, a gift from god for all the good things you've done. On the other hand the sweetness was quickly tainted by the bitter reality. Your heart, now entwined with Minju's, ached with guilt and betrayal. This wasn't supposed to happen. Chae had friend-zoned you, leaving you to move on and build a new life. This sudden shift, this desperate claim of ownership, it sent your mind reeling. 
Is this the Chae you know? The one who has explicitly told you that the two of you can never work? Or was that Chae a fake one? You've never heard those words outside the notes she left you. Perhaps those notes are just her denial of the feelings she actually had for you. Denial that was hidden by the guilt she had for using you all this time? Is this confusion you're having is just a pathetic rationalisation for your own feelings for her? Was Minju truly just a rebound girl? Did you leave your heart here with Chae this whole time and only notice it now that you're back with her?
So many questions yet no answer. You didn't try to think of an answer, after all there's a fight going on within you right now. Your body has been yearning for these moments and responded instinctively. Your heart screaming with protest as it was being torn apart by the guilt you harbour for Minju. Each agonising second felt like an eternity. You wanted to pull away, to break free from this confusing entanglement. Yet with each second passing Chae's grip tightened, her kiss becoming desperate, almost pleading. It was like witnessing a damsel in distress, someone drowning in a sea of their own obsession, and a part of you, the part that once loved her fiercely, wanted to save her.
“Haaaaa”, Finally she broke the kiss, her head pressing against yours, her hand still tightly gripping on to your collar. Her eyes are filled with ecstasy, she's in a trance, for a moment you wonder if this is what you would look like if she kissed you before you left. “You're mine babe, you're mine and mine alone”, A hushed whisper can be heard flowing out of her mouth. The kiss, it was a culmination of all the obsession and longing she has for the last year. Your absence in her life was a hellfire for her loneliness, forging her into this, thing. Day by day her longing got more and more intense until it slowly turned into a need. Now that you're here those feelings only become more intense, like a sword that has finished sharpening and ready to be used.
While she was lost in the vortex of her own emotions you finally connected the dots. Despite her rejection she has explicitly said that she has special feelings for you. A love that was strong in every way but romantically. However it would change once she finally broke free of her chain, of the collar her boyfriend has put on her. Lost, confused, exiled, her only source of hope was you. After all her friend left her the only person she can rely on was you. Yet you were already gone, left to find your own love. Of course, that's why she is still here, living in your apartment with the thought that you two can reconcile after you return. Funny how life works, Chaewon finally has the same feeling you've been ‘hiding’ from her for years just right after you lost those feelings. 
“You know you love me babe. Whoever that Minju girl is, she's irrelevant. We belong together, and I'm so sorry that I hurt you for so long. I promise I'll make it up to you. Just be patient okay babe, after all we have our whole life to be together. Nothing can separate us anymore, I love you”
“I-”, NO! 
Your mind managed to take control of your body before you answered her. “I...” Chaewon smiles thinking you were just too shy to say it back. “Chae, it's too late”, Desperately you tried to bury back those feelings, you can't hurt Minju, and for some reason there's this voice warning you that whatever Chae is feeling right now, it's dangerous. “Baby, you know how much you hurt me by saying that”, Her face formed a disappointed frown as her tone turned sour, her eyes turned glassy as if she was about to burst into tears. “I can't Chae, I'm sorry”, It hurts seeing her like this as well, you never thought you'd make her cry by rejecting her. 
“You don't mean that pup, I can see it in your eyes. You didn't move on and I know it. You have loved me for years already, how can you just let go of all those feelings in just one year”, Her vulnerable tone and pained expression was nothing but a calculated move. Loyalty and charity, those are your two strong suits, and she knows acting hurt and vulnerable would be an easy way to change your mind. “I….. I can't Chae”, She also knows, despite your physical growth, mentally you wouldn't even hurt a fly.
“Why are you lying to me pup? I can feel your body is calling for me”, Her hand slips inside your sweater. As her cold and slender fingers feel up your abs you can't help but feel like the inside of your stomach is twisting. This is all you ever wanted yet it terrifies you. “You've grown pup, I like it”, With inhuman strength she just ripped apart your flimsy sweater. “Chaewon no”, You try to stop her, your mind does,  but your body is much more honest. “Did she do this to you?” Chae pressed her finger towards the hickey you had on your collarbone, “Chae stop this”, You pleaded again, but your words aren't coming through to her. “I'll hide it babe, I'll hide it with my make so you'll forget that whore”, Chae leaned in and bite on your collarbone.
The pain, you're not even sure if it was physical or emotional. Out of all the way that you could have her you never expected that it would be done through, rape. Is this rape? Do you truly hate this? “Who was that?” Your phone buzzed making Chaewon stop her marking session. “I-”, She didn't bother waiting for your answer before rushing through your pocket and finding your phone. The name Minju was written on the screen showing she just texted you something. “Forget about her”, Chae throws away your phone before diving back to your shoulder. 
I don't want this. I don't want this at all.
You pushed her away but it was so weak she barely moved. “Stop doing that”, She mumbles as she continues biting you. “Chae stop this please”, You push her again but this time you managed to put some power into it. She doesn't budge, her teeth still hooked into your flesh refusing to let you go. “Chaewon stop”, Finally raise your voice, she stops biting you yet her body is still pressing you to the wall. “Baby, I need you to stop playing so hard to get okay? I know you want this”, Come on tell her no, tell her she's wrong. “See, you need to stop lying to me”, Her hand caressed your bulge, “I know you more than you know yourself”, She whispered in your ear.
Do I actually want this? Was I overreacting when I call this rape? Chaewon would never do that. She's a kind and loving person. She would never do anything to hurt me. Right?
She fucking gaslight you so easily? “My god, you're so big baby”, You glanced down and realised Chaewon was already kneeling in front of you, your pants already pulled down exposing your cock. “Chae”, She smiles, your tone is much more meek now, she knows she got you by the, well, balls. “It's okay babe, I'll be gentle”, Her slender fingers gently wrapped around your cock as her lips kissed your tip. Your body shivers with the sensation, her gentle touch was enough to make you leak some precum. Chaewon smiles proudly, “I'm flattered babe, you've been missing me too right?” Her tongue sticks out and licks your tip. 
The more she licks the more you leak out. Her hand starts stroking you as she licks your cock like a lollipop, savouring the taste of your precum. Not long after that she kissed your tip again before pushing it into her mouth. “Ohhh fuck”, You moan, her mouth was too small for it and despite her best effort she can only go halfway. Feeling defeated she pulls away before spitting onto your shaft, her hand continues stroking and coats your cock with her saliva. If she can't take all of your length she will be creative. So as her head bobs up and down her hand jerks you off with the lubricant she just applied. Wet sloppy noise echoes throughout the room, accompanied by the sounds of your grunt and moans. 
“Chae, fuck”, Feeling your cock starts to throb she got even more intense. Her hand and head go in sync as she tries to milk you. “Chae, I'm cumming”, Your hips buckled forward forcing Chae to choke on your cock as you unload down her throat. The sensation of your thick and warm cum travelling down her throat gives Chae a sense of victory. Her eyes never leave yours for a second and she watches every single emotion you went through this whole time. She knows, you can't run from her.
“You taste so good babe”, She moaned once she pulled out your cock. Then she just let it rest on top of her small and pale white face, a view so arousing yo8r body starts screaming for round two. “Chae, I-”, It only took five seconds and your guilt already came back, this displeases her. “Come here baby, let's continue this in our bed”, She stood up and grabbed your hand. Now that your mind is clear, the post nut clarity should help you make your decision. Should you run now? Or should you just let yourself fall deeper into this, abyss.
“Come on babe”, Realising you're second guessing yourself, Chaewon grabbed your hand using both of her own while using her cute and innocent face. She hates to do this, she really does, because right now she's using a strategy that her ex used on her. “I……” Yet seeing you falter made her happy, there's always a silver lining in everything. Right now, she won't mind personifying her ex’s attitude if it means she gets to make you stay with her. “Hehehehehe, come on let's do a quick one babe, we can have lunch after this”, With one pull she managed to crumble down your common sense.  So you follow her, right into the dragon's nest. Inside your room you can see it's pretty much the same. The only difference was her makeup and dirty clothes that filled up the room. “I don't want to change too much, after all I want you to go back home to a familiar sight”, She smiles before pushing you to the bed. Chaewon takes off her skirt before jumping on to you. She pushes your erect cock into her stomach, “Look babe, you're gonna split me in half with this monster”
Seeing how quiet you are, Chae just takes off her top before leaning towards you. “Don't be shy babe, I know you've been dreaming for this moment for years now”, Her hand pulls yours into her breast, “Feel it babe”, She whispered in your ear. Overtaken by lust, your hand gently squeezed her tits making her moan, “Yeah baby, just like that. Don't be shy anymore okay? I know you like this as much as I do”, Chae raises her waist and aligns your cock with her wet entrance. “I love you”, And with that she lowers her waist, struggling to take your cock. “Fuck”, You grunted feeling how tight she is, “It hurts so much babe”, She moaned before leaning into your neck. “You're really gonna split me apart”, Her breath has become shaky as she continues pushing more of you into her. 
“Chae”, You whispered, “Yeah baby? Do you like it?” She bites your ear, “Take it slow” Oh no. “Hehehehehe, I'm not fragile you know”, Hearing your submission gave her a new source of energy. Her lips crashed on to yours as both of her hands hugged your head, not letting you move. As she managed to take your full length she didn't bother to rest a little and start moving. “I'll get used to this babe, I promise. We're made for each other, you and I”, She moans while her lower body is screaming in agony, but she couldn't care less. Her mind was already overtaken by lust, all those sleepless nights from missing you has caused her to have so much pent up stress. “Fuck Chae, calm down for a second”, You moaned feeling how aggressive she has become.
“No baby, you have no idea how much I miss you”, Chae presses her head against yours, you can see her eyes are filled with nothing but madness. “Those sleepless nights, all those times I woke up in the middle of the night, dreaming that you'll be there with me on our bed. Now you're back baby, and I will show you, just how much I've been missing you, how much I needed you”, She rode you even faster, making you let out a moan. “Yeah, do you like it baby? Do you like my pussy”, Chae whispered in your ears, “Grab my ass baby, I know you've always liked them”, She said before she started kissing you again.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Your hand reached down to grab her ass cheek. The first thing you noticed was how soft and smooth her skin feels, and as you squeeze them you find yourself enjoying the firmness of it. “Do you like it baby?” Chaewon moaned, “I….. do”, Chae smiled hearing your words. “Well don't be shy, use me however you like babe”, Her words are way too potent for you, “Fuck, Chae I'm about to-” Feeling your cock throbbing inside her Chae closed your mouth with her hand. “No baby, you need to hold it in”, Your eyes give her a protesting glare as Chae continues riding you. “I know it's your first time, baby, but I need you to be strong”, She loves seeing your panicked face thinking that you are having a hard time holding it in, but then you open your mouth. “It's not my first time”, Her waist sits on you as she stops moving, her eyes clearly filled with hatred.
“My baby, my innocent baby boy was corrupted by that WHORE?” Chae wanted to scream at you, to slap you for allowing yourself to get used by some whore. “Haaaaa, that bitch, I won't let her get close to you ever again”, But then she continued moving again, “Chae?” You on the other hand are struggling to hold your ejaculation, god knows what she's gonna do if you fail to follow her commands. “I guess it would be selfish for me if I wanted you to stay virgin. But that's okay right babe? Even if it's not our first time, what matters is that from now on we will only do this with each other”, Chae finds her rhythm back, riding you aggressively. Slowly the feelings turns into torture for you, “Chae I really need to-, Fuck”, Everytime you begged her she would just bite your chest, “You can hold om just a little more right babe? I want to finish with you so wait for me a little more baby”, Chae gives you a cute pouting expression, completely contrasting how her lower body is riding you like an animal. 
“Fuck Chae, please?” You whined again, this time you lost control of your face making it contort into a pathetic pleading expression. “Haaaaa, you look so cute like that”, Of course this whole thing is about the power play with Chae. She loves seeing you struggle and suffer just so you can please her. “Chae please?” you whined, “Call me babe”, Chae feels her orgasm is building up as well. “Babe, let me cum please?” Oh yeah, she's awakening a new kink right now, “Tell me you love me”, She whispered in your ears. “I love you babe”, You can feel Chae start shaking, “Tell me you'll leave that whore for me”, Last change bucko, will your rational mind return? “I will leave her for you babe, I love you”, Guess not.
“Haaaaa, then cum baby, cum inside me. Fill me up with your love please”, Hearing your total submission sends her over the edge. As your cum starts to shoot inside her, Chae kisses you again, desperately biting onto your lips as she's also having her orgasm. Your mind went blank for a moment as it short-circuited. “Haaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa, welcome back baby, I love you”, Chae kissed your cheeks as the two of you were catching your breath. “Can you, get off me Chae?” She shakes her head, “Call me babe okay? I'm your girlfriend now so I need you to call me your baby from now on”, On top of that she kinda likes having your dick inside her. “Baby, can you get off me?” But of course, being the perfect girlfriend she will do anything to please you.
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You tried to stand up when she got off of you but her hand immediately grabbed onto yours. “Where are you going?” Her voice filled with annoyance and a tiny hint of threat. “I need to wash up”, Her smile came back as she stood up with you, “Then let's have a shower together, I'll clean you babe”, She wrapped her arm around yours and pulled you to the bathroom. Once the two of you finished the shower Chae pulled you back to the bathroom and cuddled up with you. Her head rests on top of your shoulder as her finger is drawing around on your chest.
Now, how do you deal with this situation? Would you pick her over Minju? Or would you come clean to Minju that you just cheated on her. Your mind wanders around to the countless times you spend the night with Minju. Her warmth, her smile, her….. love, do they feel the same as what Chaewon is doing to you? Those memories hit you like a truck, alongside it are the guilt that just tearing you apart. Looking down at Chae, you see her smile at you before moving on to caress your hair. It really does feel like a fever dream, having her like this with you. Maybe it was a sign, Chaewon is just a dream and Minju is the reality? 
Your conflicted expression doesn't escape Chae, she knows that you're having second thoughts again. It pisses her off, but she doesn't want to push you too much, after all her ex tends to use a much more delicate approach when she's being, defiant. “Baby, I feel so tired right now. You really did a number on me you know?” She wrapped her arm around you, caressing your cheek and pulling your head closer to hers so she can kiss the other one. It feels wrong, her touch, this all feels so, artificial. You stay quiet, trying to organise your mind. Chae sighed before she cuddled up closer to you, “Let's get some rest baby. You said you just got off the plane this morning right? Get some sleep baby, I'll order us food for later”, Her leg wrapped around your waist. You of course managed to read between the lines, “You are not leaving here”
“Meow”, Luna? Where did that little shit throughout all this? “Come here Luna”, Chae said, Luna jumps up onto your bed and comfortably snuggles into Chaewon's torso. Huh, that's weird, is this an omen? Chae looks at your bewildered face and starts letting Luna, “I told you I'll make her enjoy my cuddles” And I'll do the same to you, babe.
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loveywon · 1 year
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pairing: ex!sunghoon x gn!reader
wc: 3.5k+
synopsis: it’s hard to turn away a park sunghoon who looks like an abandoned puppy, waiting at your front door, when he is only supposed to be a memory that you wish to forget. ib memories by conan gray
warnings: umm angst haha…, ex’s to errr lovers maybe haha……., cursing, mentions of sunghoon being under the influence, maybe one suggestive joke?? i dont really know, reader is emotional but under good reason, sunghoon isn’t an asshole but he’s selfish, kinda fluff if it makes you feel better, not proofread of course
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you’re starting to finally heal. you’re starting to build up your friendships again, becoming more stable in your job, and your relationship with your parents are starting to become healthy! so why are you opening the door, three in the morning, to an obviously drunk and high sunghoon?
you know better than to open the door. you blocked his number, blocked him on every single social media platform you could think of, and cut off all mutual friends you two shared. the sight, the mere thought of anything that could possibly remind you of park sunghoon, makes you want to hurl. you don’t want to be reminded of him, and you were doing exceptionally well. until now, where your shaky hand is reaching for the door knob, well knowing that sunghoon is outside your door. your hand finally meets the door knob, but you don’t turn it. you can’t. you shouldn’t. you bite back a pathetic laugh, your head hanging down in disappointment for yourself. you’re stronger than this, you’re a smart person. but park sunghoon makes you stupid. stupidly in love.
sunghoon can feel your presence on the other side of the door. his forehead meets with the hardwood of your door. the thud breaks you out of your thoughts, a loud and exasperated sigh leaving your lips. you really can’t deal with this, but when you take a small peek through your peephole, you think he looks like a stray wet dog with no owner, just looking for some shelter. you’ve been sunghoon’s shelter long enough, you think, so what’s one more night?
you scoff to yourself, and sunghoon hears it. he plants a hand on your door, softly patting it in his drunken state. “y/n…” he lazily drags out your name. you’ve worked so hard to move on. and you have finally found peace with yourself. are you really about to ruin all your progress? you suppose so when you finally crack open the door. you don’t dare to look at him. you haven’t seen his face, you haven’t even heard his name in months. you really hate yourself for opening the door, but you hate sunghoon even more when you look up to see a sleazy smirk resting on his ridiculously attractive face. you don’t say a word. you grab his wrist, (harshly) pulling him inside your apartment before slamming the door shut. “sit,” you gesture over to the couch. you have a spare room, and sure, you can offer him the room to sleep in for the night. but you’re petty and bitter, so you think he deserves to have back pain when he wakes up the next morning.
sunghoon trudges to your couch, flopping onto it as he did a few months ago. it feels weird to see him in your home, and it’s the same weird feeling when you wouldn’t see your home. you purse your lips as sunghoon rolls around on your loveseat but he abruptly sits up, looking at you dead in the eye. “did you change your couch?” he asks, as if changing the couch offended him (it did). he literally cannot be serious, and judging by the way he looked at you, he was, and it pissed you off even more. you scoff again, shaking your head in disbelief as you walk over to your kitchen. as you pour him a glass of water, you feel sunghoon’s eyes following your every move. “why did you change your couch?” he presses again, but you ignore him again.
he rolls his eyes when you don’t answer him, and for a moment you forgot that he doesn’t like not having answers. “y/n, answer me. why’d you change it?” he’s more firm on his question now, and you almost want to chuck the glass cup filled with water at him. you walk over to him, handing him the glass of water but his eyes only stay on your face, awaiting for your answer. you sigh dramatically, “i swear to god, just drink the water, or i will not hesitate to dump you outside again.” you’re just as firm as him, and you swear you saw his eyebrow twitch in agitation but he takes the glass anyway, downing it in one drink. setting the glass on your coffee table, his eyes harden once more and you already know he’s going to ask you again. he’ll ask and ask until he gets an answer. “y/n–” he starts again, and you feel queasy from hearing his voice. you stand up, turning your back on him. “shut up. i changed it because it didn’t match my apartment furniture. that’s all,” you finally answer him, but both of you know that it is far from the real reason why you changed your couch.
sunghoon spent too much time on the old couch, and seeing it every time in the center of your apartment made you sick to the stomach, so you changed it. now, you think, you’ll have to change it again after seeing him on your new couch. he slowly lays back down on your couch, but his head is slightly tilted up as he keeps his eyes on you. “well i think your old couch matched your apartment just fine. i guess i’m just sad that all our memories on that couch are gone now,” he shrugs lightly, speaking casually as if you two didn’t have the nastiest breakups in the history of breakups. you have to bite the inside of your cheek so you don’t lash out on him (even though he deserves it), but you lose your cool when he sits back up and you feel his presence behind you. he takes your hand in his which makes you sharply slap his hand away.
he has to be playing some sick joke, you think. the fact that he has the guts to even mention the past makes you want to run to the bathroom and throw up. “i think that’s the point. you’re supposed to stay a memory, so you should actually just leave because you seem to have sobered up,” you say through gritted teeth, but you know well enough he actually isn’t totally sober yet as his eyes droop occasionally and he stumbles on his feet a bit even if he is just standing still. and unfortunately, sunghoon knows that you’re not a cruel human being so you won’t kick him out when he is still under the influence.
“i don’t wanna leave. i want to stay here forever,” he whines as he flops back onto the couch like a child. if you two were still together, you would’ve thought it was cute, but you don’t now, and you want him out of your apartment as soon as possible. “well you’re not staying here forever. you’re lucky i am a decent human being, but you better be gone when i wake up tomorrow,” you grumble as you fold your arms across your chest, “please sober up more. i don’t want to smell throw up in the morning and even if you do, you’re cleaning it up or else i will haunt you for the rest of your life,” you threaten, and sunghoon merely gives you a weak grin, looking as if he’s about to fall asleep during your mid-rant.
“you already haunt my mind every day,” the boy mumbles, but you heard what he said, and it’s enough for you to click your tongue and leave him in your living room with no pillows or blankets. you loudly shut your bedroom door for him to hear that you do not want to be bothered before making yourself comfy on the bed. a peaceful fifteen minutes pass, and you’re close to dozing off to a slumber when you hear your door knob click open, followed by heavy footsteps that you recognize all too well. you don’t need to open your eyes to know it’s sunghoon, so you pretend that you’ve already fallen asleep in hopes of him giving up and leaving.
but you know sunghoon better than that, and you know that he’s incredibly hard headed and is a company type of guy. he’s always had trouble sleeping if you weren’t next to him in bed, and at the very least if you were apart then he’d facetime you. he would always find a way to be with you before he sleeps, and you suppose he hasn’t broken his habit yet when you feel the corner of your mattress dip slightly. you peek an eye open as subtly as you can, seeing a messy brown head of hair facing you with the rest of his body sat on the floor at an uncomfortable angle. you shut your eyes tightly once more as if the more force you put into your eyes squeezed shut would make him disappear.
you hear a loud, exasperated sigh come from him, and you still don’t budge. you then feel his head shake a little, then a quiet and choked sob leave his lips. you bite on your lower lip to suppress any noise, trying to maintain your even breathing. a part of you feels bad; you didn’t know he was this affected, especially when he was the one who broke up with you. you then give yourself a mental slap for ever feeling bad for the man who stomped on your heart. he is clearly still not in the right state of mind and is just feeling emotional, you think, but you still let him stay beside you. you argue in your mind that, as long as he’s gone when you wake up, you can return to your normal routine and pretend he never existed in your life.
if only that’s what really happened.
your eyes shoot open at loud clanking from your kitchen area, mind almost immediately going into panic mode until you remember sunghoon from last night. you groan audibly, hopefully loud enough for him to hear but your bedroom door is shut still. you turn over to your side, seeing a lost strand of brown hair that had to belong to sunghoon. you grimace, swiping it off your bed sheets as if it was a spider before rolling out of bed. angrily stomping to your kitchen where you see sunghoon messing with your kitchen pots, you lean against the wall until he decides to acknowledge your appearance.
“oh, good morning y/n. did you sleep well?” he asks as he struggles with cracking an egg into the pan. you roll your eyes before walking over, only to shove him to the side and take the egg out of his hand. “could have been better if someone didn’t decide to sneak into my room,” you mutter in absolute despise as you crack the egg with ease into the pan. he chuckles awkwardly as he watches you from behind.
“this kinda brings back memories, no?” he says casually, and you immediately look over your shoulder with venomous eyes that makes sunghoon purse his lips into a tight line. “you are supposed to be gone,” you only say in return and you get a shrug as a response from the boy. you wonder how you even dealt with him when you two were together, but you don’t remember him being this insufferable before.
“didn’t feel like it,” he grins, canines peeking proudly that you can see from the corner of your eye when he tries to get you to look at him. despite your disliking of his pestering habits, you can’t help but recall when the two of you used to cook breakfast together (it was more you than him). fighting off a smile that dared to appear on your face, you roll your eyes before putting the cooked eggs onto a plate and shoving it into his chest. “eat, and then leave. that will also be two dollars for the eggs. inflation is crazy these days,” you mutter, sighing as you run a hand exasperatedly through your hair and walking over lazily to the couch.
“oh, is this your excuse for me to contact you again. i knew you wanted me back, y/n,” he sighs happily, ever so touched by your words even if he did it in a dramatic manner. he took a bite of your cooked eggs, and he almost wants to physically melt. no one has ever made eggs for him like you do, even if you just sprinkle some salt and pepper. it’s not the same if it’s not you, he thinks.
sunghoon happily plops down next to your slumped figure on the couch, enjoying his eggs as if it was a normal sunday morning. you wish it could be a normal sunday morning, if only he didn’t absolutely spit on your heart and stomped on it after. “no. and get away from me. i literally do not want to see you any more. just please, leave,” you say almost desperately as sunghoon swallows his last bite of your eggs. a frown makes its way onto his lips when you move away from him, pressing your side against the armrest of the couch. “y/n,” he starts but you squeeze your eyes shut when his voice reaches your ears.
“no! no, just get out of my life, sunghoon. seriously, i mean it. you can’t just come back into my life like nothing happened and be all boyfriend again like this. it’s been months, get over it!” you snap at him, head turning to shoot a glare at him but his eyes are wide and his brows are furrowed as if he’s confused, but he really has no reason to be confused and it only makes you even more mad.
he looks like a lost puppy, you think, but you can’t let yourself fall for it again. no, you refuse to. you were already weak earlier, but you can’t be caught slipping anymore. you snag the plate off of his lap, giving him a sharp glare before stomping off into the kitchen and furiously scrubbing soap on the plate that wasn’t even that dirty to begin with. the water that spills out of the faucet is loud, and you don’t even notice a few tears have fallen from your eyes until sunghoon swipes your cheek.
you drop the plate into the sink, resulting in a loud clank but neither of you flinch at the sound when you’re swatting his hand away from you, wiping harshly at your cheeks to dry your face but it’s no use when the tears keep leaving your eyes. “please don’t cry, it hurts me to see you like this, y/n,” sunghoon whispers quietly as he stares at your tearful face that he pities so much.
you scoff, but then you break into a laugh. you know he probably thinks you’re a maniac for suddenly laughing, but his words put you in so much shock that it’s unbelievable you actually wanted to marry him one day. “it hurts you…” you mumble underneath your breath, and sunghoon barely catches what you say. “what–” he asks, confused, but is cut off when you let out another breathless laugh. “oh, you’re actually sick. you are so, so sick, park sunghoon,” you say so blankly as your eyes bore into his, and sunghoon almost falters back at your sudden change of attitude.
“i don’t–” he sputters out, in a rush to try and stop you but you feel like you’ve gone delirious. and it’s all because of sunghoon. stupid sunghoon and his stupid, stupid face that makes you want to kneel down and apologize for what is about to spill from your lips.
you look away for a split second, as if your mind was subconsciously thinking twice but you’re off the rails, too angry to even stop the finger that jabs at his shoulder roughly. “we broke up for a reason. what was it that you used to say…?” you feign ponder, “oh! the past is in the past, so we should move on from it, right? you, are the past. you are just a memory that i can forget! and i’ve already moved on, so why are you still in my fucking apartment?” you spit out, finger constantly jabbing at his shoulder blade while he sits on the couch, jaw slightly agape and brows furrowed.
“you moved on? to who?” he asks, almost like he’s angry but he has absolutely no right to be angry. and it only makes you even more furious that you ‘moving on’-- which was an absolute lie– was the only part that he focused on. your finger that is lingering still on his shoulder blade is taken off by sunghoon, his hand wrapped around your wrist as he pulls you closer to him.
you’re taken off guard, eyes widening a bit from his sudden action. “answer me,” his brows furrow even more, but his face isn’t angry anymore. he’s pleading, you realize. it really bothered him so much that you moved on. so you laugh in his face again. you laugh hard, so hard that you lose your balance from where you’re standing with sunghoon’s leg in between yours. you fall forwards, forehead meeting his shoulder as you continue to laugh.
you calm down, short breaths leaving your lips as sunghoon’s grip slowly releases your wrist. then, you pound his chest. it’s definitely not enough to hurt him, so you think that repeating it will at least do some damage. he only sits there and takes it. “you’re so pathetic, park,” you whisper into his shoulder, eyes squeezed shut when your fist stops hitting his chest.
“i’m only pathetic because you make me desperate,” he responds so casually, like it’s a normal everyday thing to say to an ex. he sits still, even with your whole body leaned against him and your legs tangled up with his. “hug me,” you mumble, the fist on his chest now squeezing his shirt tightly. he hesitates for a moment, but he could never ever say no to you, so he wraps his arms around you. “i’m not going to disappear out of thin air, you don’t have to hold onto me that tight,” he tries a joke, but then your body starts shaking and you’re crying once again.
“oh, oh god. i’m so sorry, i didn’t think it was that bad of a joke, please don’t cry,” he pleads, rubbing your back soothingly as you rub your eyes against his shirt fabric on his shoulder. he’s got more to worry about than a tear-stained shirt. “you are really so fucking stupid, i think my head is starting to hurt,” you mutter out through gritted teeth because you really can’t believe you’re letting him hold you like this again, when just a few months ago you were hugging yourself in your bedroom alone, crying hysterically because you missed his hugs.
he clicks his tongue, “it’s only hurting so much because you can’t stop thinking about kissing me,” he tries for another joke, again, and you really stop crying and stare at him blankly again. “you are only supposed to be a memory,” you mumble out again, and his face turns into confusion. “but–” he wants to fight for you, but you don’t let him.
“i can’t hold you back from finding your real lover,” you frown, eyes still watery from tears that are building up once again, “and you can’t hold me back either. you already know how this is going to end, don’t you, sunghoon? i don’t think i can deal with the aftermath, again,” you whisper almost desperately to try to get him to understand but he only shakes his head. “so you’re saying you don’t want me in your life?”
you bite your bottom lip, brows scrunching as you look away from him. “being your friend or your lover will hurt in the end. i can’t do it,” you reply, voice shaky as more tears threaten to spill out of your eyes and you swear, when you spare him a glance, his eyes are also glossy.
he frowns deeply, opting to say nothing because maybe, just maybe, you’ll let him stay a little longer and relish your warmth against him before he’s forced to grab his things that he’s left for you in your apartment and leave, for good. he brings you in closer again in his embrace, and you think you will also relish in this moment again before you repeat the healing process over again when he leaves.
you hate every part about park sunghoon, with the way his cologne still lingers on your shirts no matter how much you wash it, and the way almost every piece of furniture in your own apartment reminds you of him that you had to change your couch so that he would stop sticking to you like glue. but you always know that no matter how pathetic you think he is, you are too, if not more, pathetic than him.
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
MK1 fanfiction
EDIT: now all chapters will be collected under the title of Cracked mirror of black, cold soul
No one asked for it, but as I did not get enough Bi-Han & Shang Tsung interaction, I was forced to write about them myself. The first part is at least done, we will see if I managed to finish the second. Mainly written as a character study of MK1!Shang Tsung, a bit about his relationship with Damashi, General Shao and potential partnership with Sub-Zero post story-mode.
There was a time when Shang Tsung was nothing more than just a pitiful loser clinging to an even more pathetic life. All he could do to survive was to pretend to be someone else, someone better, wiser; someone worthy of trust, someone people like and listen to. Lying to people was easy. Lying to himself anyone would care if he died came much harder and harder with each passing day. 
Then came Damashi and offered him not only power but also kindness, a praise for making progress, be it for fulfilling her plans or for his own growing skills. He would gladly burn the world just to earn her smile, a good word, anything really. She made him for the first time in a long long time feel valued, appreciated, even liked despite who he was under all the polite words and charming smiles.
But that was a lie too. A lie he foolishly fell for, like a stray, hungry dog falls for a kind pat on the head and a little treat before the new owner will kick it for fun.
Shang Tsung was many things but definitely not a dog to be kicked, be it by Liu Kang or his Titan self. If none of the gods cared for him, he wouldn't care for them either. And now, after he ran away from prison and a terrifying storm washed him ashore on a deserted island full of magic secrets to unlock, he had time and means to repay each of his pursuers, to make all the realms if not respect his skills then fear them.
Since Damashi’s - his own Titan self’s - betrayal many days and nights have passed and with each Shang Tsung’s mastery of magic grew stronger, his knowledge deepened, his confidence restored and strengthened. He claimed the island as his new home, the impregnable fortress secured by the most wicked, devilish and brilliant traps he could think about and for the first time in ages, he finally felt like belonging to the right place.
It was as good a life as it could be. Not perfect, as Shang Tsung still needed to figure out how to secure his food supplies before he would tame the wild land, unused for years and maybe the animals lurking in the shadows could be useful too. A domestic cattle would be a great addition for sure, as it was the only type of animal he had any skill to maintain but then again, there was no way he would engage in tedious farming. He had no time nor patience for that kind of work yet he did not want any stranger on his island either. All he could do for now was to eat the catched fishes and some plucked from tree fruits while bringing all the needed ingredients and supplies from a quick trip to the land. Using magic portals was a tricky solution - magic brought unwanted attention and once used, always left some traits to follow but after the last storm he did not feel safe on a boat sailing through the open sea. On the land, he did run into some of his former allies, exchanged important news and some secrets here and there, never truly betraying where he was hiding. The General and his men treated Shang Tsung with suspicion, always demanding more than he offered. On the other hand, he and Quan Chi worked well in the past, but after the last betrayal, Shang Tsung couldn’t trust anyone anymore. Everyone blamed him for his Titan self’s lies, like he was the one lying to them all. The Royal Family wanted his head, the Earthrealm Champions hunted him too. It was a mess, amusing and irritating at the same time. 
He was going to deal with that matter too, when the right time came. For now, Shang Tsung enjoyed the new found magic - the power awaiting for those who will dare to reach out for it. A power he didn’t need to share with anyone.  
Everything would feel much better though if Sub-Zero didn’t somehow find a way to break into his new home like all the deviously set up traps meant nothing.
Shang Tsung should know something was off the moment he felt coldness creeping into his bones, but in all fairness, it was always cold here. He did not have yet an idea how to heat the interior of an abandoned fortress and as much as he liked to not freeze in his own sleep, luxury like that was not on his priority list. He should be more cautious, more focused on the change in the air about him than walking straight into his own room and then be dumstocked at the sight of Sub-Zero looking through his books as if he had lived here forever and Shang Tsung was the unwanted guest.
“Your security is shitty” was all he got as a greeting. Cold, sharp, uncaring words judging him as an incompetent idiot. The bastard did not even bother to look at him, just kept rummaging through the books like it was the only thing worth this attention.
Shang Tsung wasn’t sure what offended him more - being ignored or watching as his precious belongings were touched without his permission. He liked books way more than he liked people. 
In the last few years he killed people for less than that yet he smiled his most charming smile, the gears in his head working fast and furious on how to turn the unpleasant situation for his own advantage. The fact that Sub-Zero allowed him to see himself in the open instead of lurking in the shadows to cut his throat gave Shang Tsung a reason for a bit of optimism. As far as he heard from his former, maybe-still-maybe-not allies, Lin Kuei rejected Liu Kang’s authority and were on their own. It of course did not mean that Sub-Zero was his friend or ally nor that he wouldn't murder Shang Tsung at the end of day, either to reconcile with Fire Lord or to bribe the god to let the Lin Kuei be in peace.
Shang Tsung couldn’t blame Bi-Han for that - in this cruel world, everyone was looking after their own best interest, but the vision of losing his life did not sit well with him at all. He wasn’t afraid of fighting and he did beat down great Champions in the last battle, but out of all opponents, it was Sub-Zero's ice axe that was the closest to beheading him for good.
He did not plan to forget that anytime soon.
“What an unexpected surprise,” he said, all the soft, so sweet smile, velvet voice and sharp eyes analyzing the danger standing before him. “What can I do for you, my friend? Or did you just miss my humble company?”
He teased with feigned innocence because men hated when he said ridiculous stuff like that. Shang Tsung hated it himself, because he knew no one would miss him at all.  
“For one, drop the false politeness” came Sub-Zero’s cold reply, a mix of disapproval and command that Shang Tsung was so used to, because this was how people treated him, the real him, all his life. “We are not friends.”
There was a flare of anger in Shang Tsung now, the desire to prove himself the superior, not a pitiful dog anyone could kick and command - but he knew better than to allow this fire to burn inside him. Emotions were a weakness he couldn’t afford. Did the man even know how much he provoked the sorcerer with his cold disdain? Shang Tsung had no idea. He heard a lot of stories about Lin Kuei; even in the backwater hole from which he crawled out everyone heard the terrifying tales of Fire Lord’s secret army. Of the ice demons stealthier than shadows and more deadly than night itself and for a long time Shang Tsung did not think of them as living beings from this world.
Still… Sub-Zero was mortal, wasn’t he? A special one no doubt, with control over ice yet he could bleed too. Shang Tsung wondered for a moment what he could find under the fine, cold skin if he ever had a chance to look for the answer. An ice demon, human or hybrid of both?
“But we are still allies, aren’t we?” he asked, still polite and careful, yet walking up to the other man with his typical swagger. Not close enough to be in arm reach, but close enough to show he wasn’t that easily intimidated. 
The great military hero of Edenia always looked down on his movements; how he fought, how he gesticulated, how he walked. No self-respecting soldier would walk like some pleased prostitute after a well-paid job, the General said not once nor twice and all Shang Tsung could do then was to smile the brightest smile and thank him, like his disdain was the best praise he heard that day. The only thing they really have in common, beside the desire to take down Sindel’s regime, was being self-made men for both worked hard to be who they were. Yet General came from an old, aristocratic family with even older military tradition and everything that did not fit his narrow-minded idea of the world was treated with hostility and contempt. 
Shang Tsung’s skinny body, swagger, shrewdness, curiosity and wordiness unsurprisingly annoyed the great warrior and to say he took no pleasure in that fact would be a blatant lie. Even if it was childish and unproductive pleasure, it amused him to know how little effort he needed to test the patience of such a stern and manly man. 
Sub-Zero reminded him a lot of Shao and he suspected it was the soldier thing; the body built for fight and hardship, no-nonse attitude and the way both men moved - with deadly precision and confidence only a person that in fact killed an enemy in battle could muster. Even the way they spoke sounded similar, a barked command that everyone around instinctively wanted to obey, either out of respect or fear.
For that similarity alone, Shang Tsung expected the Lin Kuei Grandmaster to snarl at him some nasty remark about how his Titan self betrayed them all and thus how little he himself was worth of anyone’s trust. Anything to put the sorcerer down even a bit, to remind him what a failure he was.
“That is yet to be seen” was all the Grandmaster said, finally glancing from the book to Shang Tsung. 
It was hard to read anything from the man’s face, as half of it was hidden behind that damned Lin Kuei mask. All he could do was to rely on the move of a brew and the incantation of voice, each syllable, a moment of pause. It was a hard task, as the man showed no emotions and spoke so little so far. But the sorcerer knew there was anger, always lurking in each word spoken by Sub-Zero, but also… an excitement at finally being free of Liu Kang’s control. As Damashi foretold.
Shang Tsung couldn’t help but to think there was something much deeper about Damashi's interest in breaking Lin Kuei from Fire Lord than he ever suspected before. Back then the choice sounded logical - every action that would deprive Liu Kang of the advantage was worth taking so he did not question his benefactor. How could he, really? Now though? The truth burned him to the core and he learned the hard way that each of Damashi’s words had a hidden meaning, each action served a different goal than was promised; the victory he was in fact never part of. Yet… even the deepest shade of lie had a grain of truth. He knew that one well, for he lied all his life.
His Titan self for some reason wanted not so much the Lin Kuei itself as the Sub-Zero specifically on his side. Maybe more than Titan Shang Tsung even wanted his own younger self, corrupted by Liu Kang. 
The mere thought made him want to curse all gods alike. There was no difference for him between Liu Kang and his Titan-self, as both played him like some pawn, not even an important figure. Just pawn, to hold away from power, to sacrifice it when times would come. 
But there was more to it than just jealous anger and the never ending feeling of never being good enough. If Sub-Zero meant so much, if not in the grand scheme of things itself then just for personal satisfaction of Titan, then maybe he could be important to Shang Tsung’s own plans. Allies were hard to come by and these days he could use some, well, not protection really, he was done with living under someone else's wing but he wouldn’t say no to some partnership or at least casual support. The little favor here and there where things were still thick and troublesome to deal on your own. After all, freedom always came at some cost. 
Maybe Sub-Zero came to the same conclusion and his unexpected visit was just a reconnaissance. They were more alike than one would think, as similar desires drove them into this madness of Titans. To prove their own might and skills to all those that looked down on them their whole life. But above everything else, to be free and powerful enough to keep that freedom.
To his own surprise, Shang Tsung took comfort in that thought.
If they were meant to stay allies - or as close two stubborn outcasts with grudge against gods could rely on each other, some sacrifices were to be made. Shang Tsung did something he rarely did - he dropped the false politeness under which he hid himself for years.
“How did you find me?” he asked Sub-Zero directly, raising his chin challengingly. He was not afraid of Lin Kuei, just curious.
“You are not as careful as you think you are” Bi-Han answered with no less challenging stare, yet the flick of an amusement in his eyes was unmistakable. Shang Tsung knew the man was smirking under that damned mask and that thought alone made him puff in anger. 
The brown eyes shone even more.
Sub-Zero moved from his place, slowly walking from one bookshelf to another. His fingers traced books, never stopping at any particular volume, but always touching the book spines, like there was something interesting in their textures. The man did not pay attention to Shang Tsung and not really to books either. He was studying the room itself. The sorcerer couldn’t place why it bothered him so much but he knew better than to allow Sub-Zero to learn even the most trivial things about himself or his fortress. 
Damashi warned him against that the first day when she spoke about Lin Kuei. They are thieves, the mysterious being said, all grace and patience and praise for the unwanted Shang Tsung who drank in her words like the wisdom of gods, who will steal your fortune, life and secrets. Always be on your guard around them, especially around the one named Sub-Zero. If only he was smarter back then, less in need to please his generous benefactor, maybe he could hear in her sweet voice the longing for something, someone, that was not anymore. For the old partnership that was broken and defiled by Liu Kang’s peaceful vision of the world. But he was a fool who thought her yearning was for him alone. 
Shang Tsung was done with being played like a fool.
“Who told you about my island?” he demanded, voice still quiet yet no less burning with an old anger. He would get his answers, whatever kindly or by force.
A long sigh escaped Sub-Zero’s lips and frankly it took him out by surprise. Shang Tsung - or rather his Titan self -  knew the man was running on frustration for years, but that sounded as a whole new level of annoyance.
“I heard about it from Havik, who heard that from Rain, who heard that from Reiko, who heard that from Shao, who heard about it from Quan Chi. But the whole Sun Do is full of similar gossip.”
For a moment none of them spoke. Shang Tsung stared at Sub-Zero’s impassive, half-hidden face that still somehow emanated his disgust at their maybe-allies-maybe-not-but-definitely-idiots who apparently couldn’t keep a secret to save their own life. The feeling was mutual, because this was the reason why the sorcerer hated working with others. No one apparently could keep their mouth shut down if you didn’t help make that permanently. 
He closed eyes and rubbed his forehead, like that could ward off all the bad thoughts assaulting his mind right now.  His fingers were cold, too cold for his liking, unpleasantly stiff and numb. He did not like how the mere presence of a cryomancer affected his body, how it made him shiver and weak. He was an Edenian for fuck’s sake, and Edenia did not even know what winter cold was. He did not know that himself, until Damashi led him to a snow-covered fortress and he almost freezed there the first night. 
It took him a moment to realize something bad was happening. He couldn’t focus, all his senses dulled, body so clumsy and weak. As if his energy suddenly dropped to zero and fatigue was taking over. A flash of panic crossed his mind, but he was too tired, too cold to even be afraid for his life.
He had no idea how long he remained in the grip of this piercing soul frost. A few seconds? Days? He couldn’t even say. What mattered was that once the control of his senses came back, he was still alive and Sub-Zero gone.
And the fact the bastard stole a few of his precious scrolls and books.
The books showed up on his desk a few days later. There was no thank you or sorry about that note, not even the fuck you, loser. Shang Tsung both admired the man's boldness and hated him for it. Still he appreciated the books were returned in a good condition, as there was not a single scratch on any of them, not even a new page crease. He had no idea if that was some sort of weird Lin Kuei’s way to test him, disrespect or Sub-Zero took the books simply because he wanted to read them but he was a bastard with no sense of social politeness to just ask as any normal human being would. Damashi mentioned cryomancers were naturally difficult like that.
Shang Tsung had better things to do than to wonder what the check was wrong with Sub-Zero yet he was too curious for his own sake. Sadly, the titles alone did not say anything useful on the matter and even though he read each book just in case, there was hardly anything worth the time it took to finish them. No grand secrets revealed, no magic or military knowledge, not even historical value. Just some technical nonsense that bore him to death and if Sub-Zero was into stuff like that then no wonder the man lacked any social grace. 
The Grandmaster of Lin Kuei so far did not try to kill him and returned the books so Shang Tsung decided to give him the benefit of doubt and so he did not cross out the man from the list of potential allies. It did not stop him however from improving the traps just in case the man decided to return solely to steal again.
The scrolls showed up on his desk three days later. Their appearance actually worried Shang Tsung, not just because the trap again turned out to be useless. He was not worried even by the possibility Sub-Zero found some secret entrance he did not know about yet. No, what worried him was the fact he spent the whole morning in his chamber and walked out for like twenty minutes at best and when he returned, the scrolls WERE. THERE. 
That actually unnerved him much more than he wanted to admit. 
The scrolls turned out to be written in a language Shang Tsung did not even know and the implication that Lin Kuei could read it only added to the feeling of cold unease. There was however a note left on the scrolls; a small paper with only Royal Army searching the coast written in Shang Tsung’s own language. 
He was not afraid of empress Mileena’s army but he did appreciate the warning. Of course, the warning could be a fraud, a means to build trust only to betray him. The common sense advised caution yet there was a weird sense of peace within Shang Tsung. A hope or hunch, he did not know, but deep in his heart he felt everything was alright.
All he could do for now was wait to see if Sub-Zero will lead the enemy to his fortress or not. So he waited.
(The fact that another book disappeared with Sub-Zero did not surprise him much. Irritated, yes, but not worried. For some reason he felt everything was like it should be, like some almost forgotten memory of past life came back to him and the sense of deja vu was weirdly comforting.)
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romancemedia · 3 months
Balto and Jenna's Love Story Clarity
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I'm feeling in the mood to watch Balto tonight and while I'm at it, I feel in the mood to clarify a few things about the movie. All the time, I read about how people have different views and ideas about the circumstances about Balto and Jenna's relationship in the movie, but I think the situation itself it pretty clear.
Fans of the movie often wonder/believe Balto and Jenna first met each other at the start of the film and fall in love right afterwards, the typical root of a movie love story, but that's not it. Balto and Jenna already know each other at the start of the film. They are friends and at that point, they are already in love with each other. Balto is well known around town as the wolfdog that nobody likes or trusts from both humans and dogs, so how could Jenna not know about him?
Jenna is one of the only dogs in Nome that is friends with Balto, alongside her owner, Rosy and as it shows when Balto retrieved Rosy's hat, they are already well acquainted with each other.
By the time the film had begun, Balto and Jenna were already friends and already smitten with each other. Like any other couple, they are simply just shy and nervous in expressing their feelings.
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And as it shows, although Balto and Jenna maybe shy in admitting how they really feel about each other, it's obvious everyone else... especially to Rosy, Boris and Steele! Both Rosy and Boris are supporters of Balto and Jenna's romance, teasing and encouraging them to be together.
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On the other hand, Steele is against their blossoming relationship! Although Steele is a pure husky and is beloved by all the humans and dogs in town, he is jealous of Balto! Balto is the faster dog since he outran Steele at the beginning of the movie and Jenna, the most beautiful dog in town is in love with him.
Steele is aware that Jenna loves Balto and makes a remark about her feelings for the wolfdog early in the film after his failed attempt to ask her on a date.
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Steele prides himself. He is the town hero dog, who is the best, most popular and supposedly to be the fastest dog. He has it all and because of that, he believes he should be with Jenna. He has it all and wants it all. Those are Steele's beliefs that he is better, proving what Jenna said was true, Steele is a glory hound who can't handle when he doesn't get his own way or what he wants. This results in Steele bullying Balto, sabotaging his efforts to join the sled team and tries to steal Jenna away.
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Balto and Jenna become closer and their feelings stronger after the boiler room scene and that's when things take a shift: Balto and Jenna begin to express and be more open about their feelings! The key moment to prove it is when Jenna's friends confront her about the event and Jenna practically admits her feelings!
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Even better, Jenna cheers for Balto during the race to determine which dogs will be joining the sled team!
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Gradually the events of the movie continue to bring them closer than ever before as both are amazed by the other. Jenna is moved by Balto's efforts to retrieve the medicine to help Rosy and the children while Balto is in awe of Jenna's bravery; Not only did she follow him, but she fought to protect him from the grizzly bear.
The ending is what is especially sweet and heartfelt. Jenna continues to have faith in Balto's return by seeing through Steele's lies and uses a special trick Balto previously taught her to help lead him and the sled team home... which Balto happily sees and lights up!
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And by the end of the movie, Balto and Jenna are reunited and FINALLY Get Together!!!
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purplelupins · 1 year
Unholy Piety
|Midnight Mass|
Dark!Father Paul Hill X werewolf!fem!reader
Summery: You hated him. He had taken you as a pet, and you hated every moment with him. So what happens when you go into heat and he’s the one person to help you?
Warnings: established relationship, Father Paul is mean, owner/pet(prisoner) relationship, SMUT, BREEDING, reader is in heat and needs help, priest kink, innocence kink, abuse, unhealthy relationship, fingering, multiple orgasms, semi-forced, cockwarming(vaginal) mentions of past blowjobs, orgasms, lots of cum, light pain kink.
Notes: this is a commission for @mandowifey
This is filthy.
There was only one word that could describe Crockett Island. That minuscule pin-prick of an island off the coast of Maine.
It was very, very slow. The people, the life, the storms, the animals.
After only being on the island for a matter of weeks, you knew that your opinion would never change, even if the big rock did happen to grow on you.
“You take care now.”
Father Paul cast one more small, friendly wave to Sarah Gunning as he stepped down onto the road from the house. Your head perked up from its relaxed positions between your paws as you had been waiting idle for the Monsignor to finish his rounds on the island. As he came to your side, and you stood to your full height, his hand fell absentmindedly to your head; a comfortable gesture he had taken to doing after having you fall into step beside him each time he left the rectory.
That day was just like many others. One where rain hung in the air, and another day where you walked obediently beside Father Paul Hill. You knew people stared at the two of you more often than not, and while you didn’t blame them one bit, you would have thought they had gotten used to the two of you and the strange image you presented. However, there were perks to the unease you created- namely the things you heard them whisper about you.
Hound dog.
Devil dog.
Hell hound.
Though you had to blame most of those on Beverly. She had a true talent for her imagination. And while you detested the leech…those names made you laugh.
“You must be hungry, hm?” You heard Father Paul beside you, then felt his large hand stroke your ear, and you reflexively shook him off, earning you a deep chuckle, “Someone’s in a mood…guess you’re not that hungry then. Too bad…I think I-“ he paused to wave at someone passing by, a forced smile making its way onto his handsome face like you had seen so many times…the same one you had fallen for mistakenly, “-I still have some of that casserole from Annie…I know how much you liked it.” He spoke so softly to you, glancing down at your massive form, stroking a bothersome finger down your thick fur as he taunted you.
“Father! Father Paul!”
As if in practised synchronicity, both you and the priest turned your heads to the female voice that called out to him. You saw the apprehension in Dolly Scarborough’s face when she took inventory of your ever-present form beside Father Paul since his arrival.
Whether you wanted it to or not, a low growl formed in the back of your throat as she got closer and closer until she was within arms reach of the Father. If you had been able to take your eyes off the woman, you would have seen the traitorous, knowing smirk that pinched at the falsely holy man’s perfect Cupid’s bow. But you weren’t listening as Dolly prattled on about something to do with a town meeting and how Leeza was doing- if you weren’t in this form, you probably would have given anything to go with Dolly to have a cup of tea…anything to get away from Father Paul and his iron grip on you. But as your situation would have it, your primal instinct to protect what your canine brain staked as your territory was stronger than you could manage.
And your territory happened to be the 6’5 priest with kind brown eyes that stood beside you.
Her arm was too close to him, practically brushing against his grey cardigan; your sharp eyes were fixated on that point where they nearly joined. Your massive jaws were starting to ache from the need to snap at her arm.
Frighten her.
Put her in her place.
Make her go away.
This was your area.
Your territory.
The control you had began to slip, and you could feel your muscles tense as you prepared to pounce. Then, just as you were about to give in, Father Paul laughed at something she said, and put a hand on your head again, and it all stopped. Normally, you hated him touching you…breathing near you, existing in general, but in that moment you needed that connection to reassure you.
Calm you.
You loathed that you needed it.
Needed him.
As you found solace in his touch, Dolly said her goodbyes, including one to you, and walked down the dirt road away from the two of you.
“It’s alright…I’m not going anywhere.” He cooed to you, turning on his heel to continue the path home.
He must have heard the low rumble that vibrated in your chest when you had been staring at Dolly’s arm, and didn’t feel like cleaning up a mess. Your eye twitched and you ‘accidentally’ almost stepped one of your huge paws on the father’s foot.
Stupid…puppy looking self-righteous prick.
Perfect hearing ass-hat.
It wasn’t as if you wanted to be where you were; the personal pet for Father Paul… or whatever his name was. You would have gone to hell and back if you had had the choice to be anywhere but there- but nothing could have prepared you for being carted away to a remote island like an artefact. How could you have known that the strange man with the soothing voice and careful smile would turn out to be a devil incarnation? That when he had cooed to you about your condition when he found you, that he had had a hand behind his back with a silver knife to trap you.
You hated that you couldn’t snap at him in your current form…what you wouldn’t give to sink your huge teeth into his arm as it swung beside you…but you knew it would only do more bad than good once he healed.
You sighed and shook your heavy head.
He breathed out a laugh as if he could read your mind as you came up the hill to the Rectory. Then he cast a look around to ensure that you were both alone and leaned down to your soft ear and growled out, “You’d better behave.” Before he gave your fur an unnecessarily hard tug to pull you towards his small home…and your cell.
Inside, it was admittedly a very cozy home. Comfortable and modest. And you were certain that in any other situation, you might have looked forward to seeing it everyday, but given the fact that as soon as the door shut, the house was more akin to a prison than anything else. Once you transformed back into your far less furry form, the ‘nice’ Father was already buckling your collar around your neck; his eyes passive and bored when the chain attached to it clinked.
“Feeling a little precarious today with our emotions?” Came that purr of a voice as you kept your eyes closed to pretend you were anywhere else.
Your face twitched. “Didn’t know we shared emotions…are you going to braid my hair and sing Kumbaya too?” Your sharp reply earned you an equally sharp tug on the leather collar.
“So ill-tempered for such a pretty little thing…” he hummed to himself from behind you, “Now are you going to be a good puppy for me or are you going to insist on fasting again?” He murmured, warm breath fanning down your bare neck; he loved his thinly veiled threats.
Your eye twitched and you bit your tongue to keep in a shiver, “Its cold in here.”
The Monsignor sighed and nodded, making no show of hiding the fact that he was staring down at your bare body, “It is…I suppose a good puppy should live by divine example from their owner…here.” He grabbed a sweater and a pair of your panties that had been thrown off you the night previous.
Just as you went to take them, he held them out of your grasp, and you cursed how small you were in this form.
“Say “Please, Father Paul.”…you know better.” He murmured with a tsk as he turned you to face him.
Your eye twitched again. “Eat shit father P-“
His hand left a red mark on your cheek, but his expression remained steady as ever.
“Manners.” He said flatly.
You swore you would break your own jaw by how tightly you were grinding your molars.
“Please Father Paul can I please have some clothes please?” You managed to get out all sickly sweet, staring up into his dead eyes.
It seemed that while your sarcastic reply was blatant, he basked in the fact that you did as he said. Paul grinned and handed you the clothes like he was handing you a gift from God, “You see? Good comes to good people, sweet thing.” His black eyes were trained on you as you dressed yourself so fast you swore you’d have rashes later.
Having a barrier between you and him was more than welcomed. It was needed. On more than one occasion he had made you sit there on the floor with nothing but your skin and the collar chained to the wall…especially in the early days.
Just another routine.
Another routine in your life was one you particularly hated. Feared, almost. Not that it happened regularly…but when it did, it made a pit of dread fill your stomach, especially now that you were confined to a small island.
You knew the signs. Your smell changed, your temperature skyrocketed, you had a desperate need to form a nest, and worst but strongest of all was of course your unquenchable need to mate. To be bred.
You hadn’t experienced your heat since he took you…and while it used to be horrible, now you knew it would be even worse with him there.
How you loathed it. You were so weak. Your own body and mind betrayed you, making you so docile and feeble.
You hated it.
You were sat in the bedroom of the rectory, a mass of blankets and pillows gathered around you as you rode out another extreme wave of arousing pain that set your skin on fire and left your clit pulsing desperately. If there was a hell, this would be hell on earth. It was as if any extreme emotion that the human body was capable of had been dialled up to 100 and injected into you.
It was just after midnight when you heard voices from the church as mass ended. You were surprised more people didn’t question this change…you knew a few people had come by after Father Paul’s “disappearance”…but aside from that you hadn’t noticed anyone making much of a fuss.
With his new pointy disposition, you were affectively stuck inside with him all day. He loved it -being in your company-but now he smelled more unappetizing than those dead cats that had “washed” up month ago.
You put a pillow to your face you as let out a scream of frustration. This was true torture.
An inferno on earth. How poetic.
You wanted to vomit.
Heat made your hearing so sensitive- every little creak and shuffle inside and outside put you on edge. Your head began to pound as you listened to the few people leaving the white building after they had gobbled up that priest’s bullshit. You wondered how they couldn’t see his god-complex; though you supposed they just wanted something to believe it.
Desperation pushed people to do desperate things after all.
This was a statement that ring all too true to you in that moment; when the door to the humble home opened, and you heard the gentle voice of Father Paul call out for you, your body screamed at you in exactly that: desperation.
The Monsignor called your name again.
God you hated how you wanted to run to him. Be held by him. You could feel your legs twitching to get you up- to bend you over to be bred.
Paul slowly walked into the bedroom, and leaned against the door frame that was too small for his height; tilting his head to the side as he tsked at your form.
All curled up on his bed.
He could see the clear stains on the sheets from your slick cunt making a mess.
“How’s my little puppy?” He murmured, rolling up his sleeves. The fact that he took a long inhale did not escape you; it wasn’t his fault that you smelled so tantalising.
“Fuck off.” Came your muffled reply as you held onto the blankets for dear life.
Father Paul exhaled sharply. You knew he hated your fowl mouth. He had reminded you on numerous occasions with his legs spread wide as he read biblical verses to you as your throat ached from his cock being forced down it. Though it was better than when he made you sit there for hours impaled on him with that silver knife in his free hand in case you tried to move.
“In another mood, are we? You know you don’t look well, little thing. Feeling…warm?” He cooed, making a point to stroke down your bare leg that stuck out from your spot. That man knew damn well what was going on. He might have been a sadistic monster, but he was intelligent.
He knew you were in heat.
He could smell you from the pulpit during his service. Could practically taste you…he had never been so thankful for the Chasuble to hide his erection.
“Go away Paul.” You said his name venomously, raising your head slightly.
He chuckled again.
“Is that what you really want, puppy?” He purred, leaning over your form, taunting you with his presence. It was like having a drug you craved put in front of you just out of reach.
You whined, and he hummed- a low rumble in his chest that made your insides pulse with need.
Different species or not, he was another predator in his own nature and your body craved him; needed to be dominated.
“The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves…” he quoted that god forsaken book, and you made a gagging sound, “The more you lie, the more sin will attach to you…surround you…engulf your soul.” He ran his hand through your messy hair.
Heat be damned, there was a little bit of fight left in you; the Monsignor gave you such a perfect opportunity being so close and vulnerable, and you took it. Your teeth were in his forearm faster than you usually could move, and his blood was swimming into your mouth. Another gag formed at the back of your throat at the fowl liquid, but it felt so good to release your anger.
Paul sighed pitifully, and grabbed a fist full of your hair at the base of your scull and pulled.
You hated how much it hurt.
That he knew it hurt you.
The hold you had on him loosened, and your teeth came away from his arm; mouth covered in crimson.
“Now look at what you did…” he tsked you and shook his head as he still held you firm and inspected his wound that was already stitching itself together.
You spat out the blood, and felt each of your senses go into overdrive. “Just back off.” You ground out, another surge of need coursing through you- it took everything in your power to keep him from seeing how much pain you were in. “Can’t stand your fucking smell you musty old bible.”
One of his brows rose at the statement, not that it was anything new. He was well aware that you smelled far more divine to him than he did to you.
“Suit yourself.” Paul hummed, and the sound vibrated through your bones like a massage; just his voice made you feel weak.
You glared at him as he stood, towering over you like your were but a small child. It was written all over his face that he saw you as something akin to exactly that- something tiny and in need of guidance.
Once his tall frame finally disappeared from the room, you wished you could find it in yourself to sigh out of relief, but if anything the horrid anguish that wrecked every atom in your poor body was only aggravated. A scream built inside your throat, anything to get that humanoid priest to come back into the room and end your suffering.
So you bit a pillow.
Shredded it really.
Feathers floated down around you in some sort of sick imitation of a halo, and you swatted them away. As fate would have it, Father Paul strode past the door just as you did so, his gaze catching you and the onslaught of white fluff. He chuckled again, and shook his head as he continued his path to the small couch, a cup of tea in hand; not that he cared for the taste any more. It was just a soothing routine.
Another hour passed by in dead silence…save for your moans of agony echoing through the rectory every so often.
Father Paul was sat still on the couch, a book in hand and cup lazily left beside him. At each of your little whines and groans, he would smile secretly to himself; he knew it was only a matter of time. Not that he had been with you through a heat, but he knew the sound of despair.
And he was right.
First came the sound of the chain that kept you confined to the far half of the home, then came the soft sound of your bare feet on the cold, old floor. Then your heavy panting that you tried so pathetically to mask. He heard your breath catch in your sweet throat when your urges pounded at your insides, and your bitten whimpers when you almost gave in.
There was a soft thud from behind him, where you had fallen to your knees from a particularly harsh surge inside you.
“Is my pup having a difficult time?” He called, barely raising his eyes from his page.
“Peachy.” You forced out.
The Monsignor breathed out a short, soundless laugh to himself. You were always one for short and smart retorts; not that they were always particularly of high intelligence or wit, but he found you amusing when you do blatantly refused your own nature. When you were hungry and he offered you food, when you were tired and he offered you a bed, when he offered you care and you turned up your nose.
You would be shown the way, Paul was certain of it. It would just take time, and in that time he would be tested by his lord; a true testament of his faith.
It was only a few minutes that had passed when Father Paul was brought out of his thoughts by you; the sound of you pulling at your collar and chain. Finally, he turned around, folding his book neatly in his lap, and watched as you sunk even further to the floor by the door frame; clutching at your torso like it might fly away, and toes curling; chain completely strained.
You were the complete image of human suffering.
If the holy man could only imagine wings sheltering you, you would have resembled an angel fallen down to God’s green earth.
He slowly stood, and your ears caught every movement from his body; his shirt scratching against itself, his pants adjusting, his socks slipping down slightly. A long shadow cast over you from his exceedingly tall fame, and while you refused to give him the satisfaction of having you gaze up at him like his followers did at Mass…his affect on you remained the same.
You felt small.
And pathetic.
And hopeless.
Not that you’d tell that monster any of that. Hell would freeze over and those bullshit pearly gates would go rusty before he heard a full confession of how tight his grip on you was.
“What did I tell you about lying, hmm?”
A cold hand slipped along your back, and you could feel your scorching body heat grow cool as he absorbed it. You hated that a small whimper escaped you- having some of the feverish heat relieved was simply divine.
You bet having the rest of him touch you would-
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit horny ass brain. This is an undead monster playing the part of a holy man for fucksake.
“Let me help you, little one…”
That hand on you slid into your hair, and petted your scalp. Again, you felt your shoulders relax, but then your wits came back to you so fast you almost got whiplash from how fast you tried to lunge at the man before you. However, just as you should have expected by then, the icy touch of metal against your neck froze every muscle in your body.
While your body would not move, your eyes did; they were wide and held a fear there that wasn’t shown often. The satisfaction it gave Father Paul to see you staring up at him as such was so strong he felt a sense of regret; sinful was how it felt. Addictive.
“Didn’t I tell you to mind your manners?” He murmured- the light behind him made the shadows on his handsome face darken until he resembled something closer to what he really was- a monster.
A predator.
A demon.
A devil.
In fact he was exactly that: a devil. He had become what he most feared as a man of god. His cheeks looked hollow and his eyes held no light- the bags under them only adding weight to his features like he might drag you down with him into the fiery bowels where his soul now lay.
While you knew you would hate yourself for it by the time the sun rose, in that moment you could not contain the whimper that spilled from your bitten lips. He held you there in that position for as long as he liked, tilting his head every once and a while as he regarded your immobilized form.
Death was not something that you had to worry about unless something silver was being pointed at you; at that moment, however, you had exactly that being held against the column of your throat- a perfectly sharpened silver knife. You still counted that cursed thing as a particularly nasty “Fuck you” from whatever god or gods there were. The fact that the Monsignor had just so happened to have purchased one on his travels, and had it in his possession when he encountered you that first time beyond coincidence; ever since then that blade had become a thorn in your side. The ever-present reminder that you now belonged to Father Paul Hill, and of the circumstances that would befall you should you disobey him.
You watched as his chest deflated- a long sigh from him fanning across your skin.
“I thought you were past this level of hostility, y/n…” his deep tenor vibrated in your ears, and curled your toes. Hypnotic. “…was I wrong?” He added so quietly you thought he might be talking to himself, but then you felt the knife press harder against you and you fought to not squirm, “I said- Was. I. Wrong?” Father Paul spoke dangerously. An edge to his tone made you flinch, and your eyes darted around the room frantically as you wondered if he might actually snap. Slit your throat and be done with you…
“…tell me I wasn’t wrong…”
The voice that you now heard was akin to a punch to your diaphragm. Your lungs felt tight as you tried to breathe. His words- his plea made you look up at his crouched form. He wasn’t even looking at you, his gaze instead on where the silver blade was sat against your jugular.
You could feel your normal mind far back in the dark reaches of your brain screaming at you to fight him- tell him to shove the knife where the sun don’t shine…but that part of your psyche was very small in that moment. The rest was begging you to roll onto your back and beg for forgiveness, tell him you’d never leave him that you needed him…so you opted for something in the middle while you still could.
“No…you weren’t wrong.” The words were heavy on your tongue, and tasted as horrible as he smelled. But you weren’t ready to have the life fade from you just yet, and so in favour of living through the night, and perhaps with some reprieve from the awful disposition you had at that moment…you submitted to him. Your shoulders sank, and your face went lax, save for the odd flinch and wince from the pain and extreme arousal that punished you.
“Will you let me help you?” Father Paul repeated his statement from what felt like hours ago.
A tear broke away from your glassy eyes. Traitor.
You didn’t nod, or give any indication that you would let him do anything, but your lack of resistance was more than enough for him to move forward. Father Paul slowly let the blade slip away from your throat, and he placed it on the counter; there was a light threat to having it remain there.
Large hands encircled your arms, and lifted you up easily to stand on already shaky legs.
“Up, up, up…there you go.” He muttered out so gently you almost laughed; the speed at which that man could go from being an otherworldly predator with a lust for blood to being a soft spoken man who only wanted the best was unmatched. Father Paul lifted you into his arms, and carried you back into the comfort of the bedroom where he laid you down on the makeshift nest you had created hours before.
As soon as you were back in your haven, your hands acted on their own; reaching out to the Monsignor who gazed at you with those deep, rich brown eyes you usually would detest…but something about their soulfulness then made your mind go soft. He watched as you grasped his hand, and almost chuckled at how you could only hold a few of his fingers. Such a little thing you were to him.
You didn’t know if you wanted to pull him closer like your mind begged you to or to toss him from the room like your common sense knew you should; you stared up at him, your hips rocking of their own volition against the blanket there. In the darkness, Father Paul’s eyes flashed from the little light, and your mind remembered that you were indeed dealing with a nocturnal predator…not that the pain under your skin paid that fact any mind.
The rate at which you felt yourself submitting to his supremacy was pathetic, but you couldn’t help it any longer. “P-please…” you whimpered, brows scrunched in despair.
“Tell me what you need, little one.” He shifted closer to you, those soft eyes of his replaced with onyx. But his face was so sincere that you nearly wept.
Sweat had begun to gather at the nape of your neck, and your hands felt too warm, and your head was dizzy and heavy.
“I ne-need you…” you panted, trying to pull him closer.
Father Paul nodded, and brought your forehead to his lips so as to press a kiss there. You might have slapped him for that if this was any other time, but you could only mewl and try to coax him closer.
“Lay down for me, princess…” he murmured, rolling up his sleeves after they had fallen- like a gentleman.
And while you did as he said, you shook your head, “No…I need-“ you gasped, clutching at your stomach like someone had stomped their full weight onto it.
“Shh…deep breaths, sweetheart. Alright? Focus on my voice…can you take a deep breath for me?” He cooed, stroking the skin of your legs and he tried to soothe you.
You did focus on his voice, but your body only screamed with more need…not that you were shocked- that man could charm the panties off a nun with just a few words…the bastard.
You felt his hands on your thighs, and you knew what he thought you needed. And while this might have excited anyone else, you felt tears in your eyes. “No…not…no-“ you breathed out.
Paul looked up at you then, halting his path, “What do you mean?” He asked, then added cheekily, “You’ve never complained about my hands before.”
A lie.
…a half lie.
You rolled your eyes, and sat up; his little smile deepened like he thought he was right.
“I need you to cum inside me.” You said bluntly, and evidently it was blunt enough as you were given the gift of seeing Father Paul Hill, or whatever his name was, look taken aback. It was only fair though, this was a senior citizen given a chance at life again- and a man of the cloth. You were fairly certain no one had told him he had to cum in them for…well…ever.
“You need…” he started, the smile he had been dawning dropped into a pensive line; eyes flickering from where his hands were up to where your sweater barely covered your panties then to his own hardening cock as he beat your statement through his own brain.
You cried out again; bringing your knees up to your chest as your body did anything to alleviate this cursed time that you were forced through. Your back hit the bed, and any care you had about him having a full view of your throbbing cunt went straight out the old window beside you.
“I- please! Just- I can’t…” you begged, forcing your eyes open, “Don’t- fuck…don’t think I would ask this if I didn’t need to.” You gritted out, still determined for him to know that this wasn’t you metaphorically rolling over for him from here on out.
The sounds of your pleas were music to his ears; a small smile tugged at his beautiful but shocked mouth for a moment before he seemed to collect himself. Father Paul blinked a few times before he let his gaze drop down to your thighs once more, now receiving a full view of what an absolute mess you were. Your panties were saturated, as were your thighs and the bed under you. He could smell the sickly sweetness of your heat…intoxicating.
“Tell me again.” He said, a little more command to his tone now that he knew exactly what you needed…and just how pathetically desperate you were in need for it.
Your eyes went wide at his audacity, but the closer he was, and the longer he didn’t touch you, the more violent the spasms became. “I ne- fuck… I need you to c-cum in me-“ you managed to get out, “Please…” tears fell from your eyes, “It’s the- the only thing that’ll make it stop.”
The Monsignor leaned over to where your legs were bent up to your stomach, and let his fingers graze your calve, “You need me?”
His touch sent your brain into overdrive but your mouth was still faithful. “I need someone to fucking cum in me! If you don’t do it then I’ll- fuck…I’ll be more than h-happy to go find that nice Sheriff down the r-road!”
Your statement gave Paul pause. His gaze went from soaking up your condition and words to holding your stare like he might hurt you. Father Paul’s hands clenched and unclenched as he let your words sink in.
No you were going to need him.
Not just someone.
And he was going to make sure you knew it.
“I’d like to see you attempt that journey, little one.” He sighed, but while his tone was still as infuriatingly even and calm as it settled in your sensitive ears, those predatory eyes of his were locked on your every minute detail. His feather-light stroking turned into his huge hands wrapping around your calve and gently pulling it down and away from your torso so that your feet lay flat but your knees were still bent; repeating the action for the other leg, “I’ll even remove that collar around your neck if you wish to leave and find your pleasure in another man besides myself.”
You watched his every movement, scared that if you breathed too hard he would snap…and whatever that might entail. His skin against yours continued to make every nerve in you throb, you didn’t care that he was barely alive and stank of musty wood.
When you didn’t speak, Father Paul tilted his head to the side, and reached up to where the leather was fastened around your neck. The buckle came undone easily enough for him; his dark eyes held yours as he did so, silently daring you to go.
The collar landed with a thud on the floor, and with nothing keeping you there, you suddenly felt very small.
The Monsignor sucked in a breath, “I could be wrong, but I think you were lying…weren’t you?” He murmured, easing a hand down your thigh as they remained spread for him, “I have no doubt that you might be able to find what you require in another male, but I don’t think you want to…do you?”
Your eye twitched as they flicked between his slowly descending hand and his heavy gaze. Your core was positively throbbing, and you couldn’t deny now painfully excited your body was as his hand crept closer and closer to where it needed attention.
You felt completely and utterly pathetic.
And you knew you looked it too because there was that god damned pitiful look in those big puppy dog eyes of his…you wondered if he had worked on that wet-dog look for his whole life.
Not that you had any time to dwell on the idiotic thought as he kissed your knee gently; his hand was at the elastic of your saturated panties, just stroking the edge. Coaxing an answer out of you.
“You don’t want to go, do you?” His low voice became a purr that vibrated inside you. Father Paul gripped your panties and dragged them down your legs before laying them neatly on the mattress.
With the cold air against you now, you shivered, and unconsciously rolled your hips against nothing. Your mind began to go hazy again, but you were snapped back to the room around you when there was a harsh smack to your thigh.
“Manners, little one.” He said, staring at you expectantly.
You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of an answer, so you pursed your lips and stared back.
He sighed and shook his head before stuffing two of his long fingers inside you without warning, and you gasped loudly. “I asked you if you really wanted to go. I expect an-“ he curled them just right the hit the spongy patch inside you,”- answer.” But the only thing he received was a scream from you as you arched your back and tears streamed down your cheeks at the stimulation.
Knowing he would get nowhere with giving you what you needed until you answered him, he withdrew his hand and sucked your slick from his fingers, and he sat back patiently.
Your hips bucked and tried to follow him, desperate to have something inside you, but he folded his hands carefully in his lap and stared at you passively.
It felt like your blood and every possible emotion inside you welled up from your toes all the way to your mouth, and your eyes; hot, fresh tears cascaded down your flushed cheeks.
“No- no I don’t- plea-please I just need…I’ll stay!” You babbled, mind completely snapped.
Father Paul tilted his head like he might to a child not having its way. A tantrum if you will.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me then? We don’t want you misbehaving do we?” He chided you.
You shook your head, though it looked more akin to thrashing. “I’ll be g-good!” You cried.
The Monsignor grinned and patted your leg.
“That wasn’t so hard now was it? Spread those legs for me.” He purred, shifting closer to kneel by your feet. His eyes were trained on you once again, as he slowly and deliberately unbuckled his belt. You did as he asked, and spread your legs even further to accommodate his size, but his calculated movements to open his pants were so slow that you started to cry even harder.
This truly was pure torture.
Without thinking, you sat up and looked up at the Monsignor for permission to finish the job. He gazed down at you fondly, and nodded encouragingly to you like you had seen him do to newcomers at the church when they first took communion. Not that any of that mattered. Your hands shook, but you still managed to pull the zipper down and go to reach for him before his hand was wrapped around your wrist with a startling speed.
“Lay back, Little one.” Father Paul muttered, nodding to the pillows behind you.
You fell back with a thud and rubbed your knees together as he drew himself out and held your stare. Your mouth watered at the sight of his cock as it sat heavy in his hand.
Father Paul held himself back for a few moments, just basking in the heavy scent of your need, your shining face, glassy eyes and swollen lips…you truly were a work of art in every way down to your soft curves. He knew you were begging him, he heard you, but that moment was something he would remember for a very, very long time, and he wasn’t about to let it be ruined by anything so trivial as impatience and greed. The man stroked himself to the sight of you.
“Please- ah…please Father…”
His trance was snipped away when he heard those words from you. You. You had just said that.
It seemed you were both a little lost from your plea, but he was quick to hold that moment; Father Paul blinked, then before you could beg him further, his weight was holding you down. His free hand was around your throat, and his hips were heavy against yours. “Again.” He purred, running his nose down your cheek.
A hot blush warmed your cheeks.
“Please father…” you whispered out, legs trying to lock around him. There was something addictive about the way your vision was marked with stars from the little air he was allowing you to have.
“Louder.” He said, more commanding.
“Please father.” You cried out, “Please please please!”
“There she is…that’s it little one…beg for your father.” Father Paul grinned and ran the head of his cock through the thick layer of slick that coated your needy pussy; you nearly screamed with need at the feeling. He took one last look at you, catching your eyes with his before he stuffed the swollen tip of his long cock inside you.
A silent scream opened your mouth as he fucked himself into you; he cooed to you, telling you how well you were doing when he paused for a moment. You were tightening around him and pulsing and twitching and…you were coming. He wasn’t even fully inside you, let alone thrusting into you, and your tight, little pussy was coming on his cock like a virgin.
“That’s it…it just felt too good didn’t it?” He murmured, kissing down your shoulder until your sweater didn’t allow him to. It seemed you read his mind, as you were struggling to get the fabric off of your body the next second, needing to feel more of him. Father Paul chuckled, still rolling his hips into you until he was flush with your body.
At his words, you nodded unabashedly as you rode out your high. Your entire body was shaking under him, and Father Paul found it strangely addictive. He stored each detail in the back of his clear mind for another time, savouring it; he almost teased you right there about coming so fast for him…but he’d rather not taint such a special time. Having you completely at his mercy, and begging him for his attention was all he wanted…carnally.
Having your tight heat envelope him all at once was nearly too much for him to handle. Father Paul felt as if his restraint might completely snap in two if he didn’t reel himself in; focus on the famous self control that he so loathed but admired in himself.
Your hands were digging into his shoulders as you tried to pull him even closer, his chest weighing down on you and hips barely pulling away from you as he thrust into you so evenly. So patient.
But it wasn’t enough.
Having him inside you wasn’t enough.
Having his skin against yours wasn’t enough.
Having his cock jutting against your cervix wasn’t enough.
You needed more, so much more.
“Har-harder-“ you squeaked out, humping your hips against him as he rocked into you like a lover might.
Paul pulled away from your chest where he had been kissing gently, and bumped your nose with his- his breath fanning across your face. “What was that?” He said.
“I need-need it harder…please- I can’t…i need you to - anything I’ll do anything just-“ your words lost their coherency as his cock stretched you and stroked you so perfectly…you hated how perfect it felt. If nature allowed it you would have him just do that all day- at least that was what your in-heat mind told you.
“You need it harder, little one?” He cooed, the condescension not lost on you but you were too far gone to care, so you nodded. He breathed out through his nose like you had just confirmed something he had been waiting for, and he took a moment before he nodded with you.
He waited until you almost asked him again before he snapped his hips against yours harshly, and your scream was intoxicating. Father Paul continued his brutal pace, and as he felt you grow tighter again, he felt his restraint slip. He pulled away from leaning over you to grasp your thighs that had locks around his waist and bring them to meet your chest, bending you in half; he shifted to lock them in place, moving his legs on either side of your hips, making sure you stayed open for him whether you liked it or not.
The Monsignor could feel himself getting closer as he gazed down at your dazed face- a silent moan on your lips. He watched the bulge in your navel each time he thrust into you, his cock threatening to burst through your cervix. You needed him to breed you? He was going to breed you.
He picked up his pace, only the sound of his skin on yours and panting in the air around you. God he could practically taste you on his tongue-
You reached up at grabbed his shoulder again before pressing your lips against his, kissing him so sloppily but desperately. Teeth clanking against eachother and lips bruising but fuck you needed it.
As he rutted into you, you humped his cock back, seeking out any friction as your second orgasm mounted even harder than the first.
You felt his cock pulse strongly inside you, and he pushed inside you as hard as he could as he fucked himself inside your dripping cunt; the tip of his cock pressed painfully against your cervix until you swore if might go inside, then you felt it. A tiny wave of relief. Father Paul shuttered and moaned almost as desperately as you; his cock flooding your insides with his cum. Hot spurts of warmth filled your womb, and you felt all tingly.
Finally, he slowed, but when he went to pull from you, you mewled and broke your filthy kiss to shake your head, “No! No-nonono please don’t it- it still h-hurts…need more…please.” You babbled.
The Monsignor panted, but did as you asked and stayed inside you. He leaned down to your lips again, taking full advantage of your need for him; he slipped his tongue inside, and moaned when he felt yours caress his until you were licking his canines. A low groan escaped him then, the feeling of you touching those sensitive teeth sent shockwaves down his spine to his groin.
Never would he have thought that he could get erect again so fast, but there he was already feeling himself swell inside your tight little cum-soaked pussy.
“Yes! Yes please again, pleasepleaseplease!” You whimpered, already rocking your hips greedily like you were trying to jerk him to full erection with your cunt.
At this point you didn’t care if you came- you just needed him to. You needed to feel your womb swell with his sticky cum so badly you cried.
Father Paul absentmindedly began to roll his hips again as he took your hands in his and pinned them against the bed to completely immobilize you- and you let him.
“How’s my little patient doing, hm?” He hummed, kissing down your cheek to your neck. Anywhere he could reach to feel your blood pumping through your veins under his lips.
“I need m-more…still hu-hur -hurts. Please…” You tilted your head to give him better access to your skin.
He hummed again, now feeling his cock growing painfully hard from the slow thrusts inside you.
“Father Paul please…” you whimpered so pathetically, “Breed me- need your cum…ple- ah! Please!”
“Such a greedy thing aren’t you?”
You didn’t care. You nodded and met his thrusts as they grew harsher until the bed was being shoved into the wall.
“Whatever shall I do with you? Hm? I don’t think being bred is going to do anything is it? You’ll come crawling back to me begging for more…” he grinned devilishly at the thought.
You just nodded, aching your back up into him. You could barely even make out words anymore- it was all just an seductive, low hum that make your brain dizzy with need. You had wondered idly before if you could come from the man’s voice alone…and you were about halfway there already in your weakened state.
You were about to murmur out so more nonsense, but the air was knocked out of your lungs when he thrust in you particularly hard. If it weren’t for your heat, you would have screamed in pain, but in that moment it was euphoric.
“More!” You cried, turning your head to the side.
Seeing your throat so exposed made something stir in Father Paul. He could sense your warm blood, like it was teasing him. He ran his tongue along your jugular, and heeded your pleas; driving the tip of his cock as deep inside you as he could over and over.
It all became too much, and Father Paul pulled out, flipped you over and stuffed himself back inside you before you could even gasp. The intrusion made your back arch as you came without warning as soon as he was inside you again. You sobbed as your walls constricted around him, making it even harder for him to thrust into your vice-like pussy. The overstimulation was too much, but the pain was worse, so you bit into another pillow and let him continue to do exactly as you had asked.
The Monsignor lifted your hips high to match his and pushed your upper body further into the pillows, leaving you to grasp at whatever material you could like a lifeline. The Monsignor’s massive hand gripped your hips so tightly as he abused your insides harder and harder, that you could feel bruises already forming.
In this position, your eyes rolled back as he had his way with you, and you knew you were drooling; taking everything he gave you as your mind was completely fucked out. Every nerve in your body was on fire, but now with so much agonizing pleasure that you thought you would black out.
Father Paul let go of one of your hips momentarily to reach into the pocket of his ruined jeans; a slight smirk on his face as he produced his rosary.
“That’s it, little one…that’s my good girl.” He panted- dark curls falling completely down onto his forehead, and clothes tight with sweat as he smoothed his rosary-wrapped hand down your bare back until his fingers were curling around your throat. The beads of the holy item cut into your skin as his palm tightened around your neck- the metal surly leaving deep marks and light cuts that you would later curse him for. But in that moment you might have begged him to wrap you in a bed of thorns.
The Monsignor’s cock was overwhelmingly stroking your sensitive spots as he filled you so well, and you knew you were going to cum again whether you liked it or not. You babbled incoherently to try and tell him, but nothing understandable came out between your lose tongue and his grip on your throat. Paul breathed out a laugh, and grinned at you; a fucked-out mess or not, you were beautiful. Your face twisted in pleasure, and soft body on display for him-
“F-fuuuck- I’m…Father I’m g-go-onna I’m cu-“ you cried out into the pillow below your cheek with what little breath you could get.
Seeing you fall apart from such a submissive position did not prepare the Father for how much pleasure it would bring him- as you gripped his cock again, he couldn’t help but fuck into you even harder- forcing you to take him no matter how tight you were.
But as you clenched and drenched him with your slickness again, he felt himself come undone faster than he could comprehend. It seemed you could feel every pulse of his cock as soon as he did, because you were thrusting your hips to meet his, albeit feebly, and you began your incomprehensible speech again.
Not that Father Paul needed you to tell him what to do. He couldn’t stand to pull out more than an inch as he chased after his high until he was emptying himself inside you again. He leaned fully over you, removing his hand from your neck and placing both palms over yours as your belly swelled further, greedily swallowing everything he gave you.
“Such a good girl…my good girl…you-you’re doing so well.” He murmured into your back, and you whined at the praise as it only added to your need to please him and preen in his adoration, “Glory be…glory be, sweet girl.”
As you both came down from your highs, the air was thick. Both of you panted, and groaned and your bodies still shook from pleasure; your fingers ached from gripping the bedsheets so tightly, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care as the agony under your skin had begun to diminish. Father Paul slowly released your hands, and sat up before gently pulling himself from you and helping you to lay on the bed.
“N-no I need y…you to st-ay inside…” you murmured, not able to put up any kind of fight.
“Shh…I know…just rest for a moment princess.” He cooed to you as he placed a pillow under your hips to keep you sufficiently full of his cum.
You nodded lazily and laid there, limp
Father Paul watched you- your heavy breathing, the roll of a bead of sweat on your stomach, your relaxed muscles, the beat of your heart that made your body pulse.
If only you weren’t so complacent and volatile everyday, and instead opted for more…domestication.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” He purred, laying down beside you. He kissed your shoulder, and petted your sweaty hair out of your face; his touch was beyond welcome, and you couldn’t help nuzzling into his palm excitedly.
A content sigh was the only noise you could make for a moment, then your tried your hoarse throat, “Mmm….b…bet-tter…s-still sore…but nice..’n full.” You breathed out.
Father Paul smiled briefly, and nodded, then traced the marks his rosary had left on your neck- little red dots that were quickly darkening. He sighed and let his fingers wander down to your breasts, to your stomach, back up along your ribs which made you twitch. The scent you emitted was still so delicious to him, especially now with the smell of both of your pleasure heavy in the air. He could practically taste it.
While the Monsignor was not one to take without permission usually, the temptation to sink his teeth into your neck as you lay limp was all too strong.
He was hungry…painfully hungry. While his lust was sated, the itch in the back of his throat made him thirst.
The more he thought of it, the further he felt his control slip away, deeper and deeper into his mind. His breathing grew heavier until he was panting to smell you, and his hands wandered across your bruised skin greedily. But when he expected you to push him away and call him a self-righteous fraud or something similar, you only mewled and moved closer into his grasp.
“My…I need…” he panted, losing his thoughts to his need.
You nodded and rolled your hips as his fingers dipped inside the mess between your thighs. Not that you knew what he was really talking about, but so long as he was the one making your pain go away and touching you, you would do anything to make sure he didn’t stop.
“Will…will you let m-me-….please…” Father Paul ran his mouth along your shoulder, and curled his fingers inside you, stroking you so carefully.
“A-anyth-ing.” You replied, just as desperate as your weak thighs began to shake and your pussy tightened around his fingers.
He breathed out a sigh of relief- a sudden rush of air against your skin that made you shiver- your nipples painfully pert and goosebumps popping up all across your body.
“Such a…good girl…my good girl..”his rich voice dipped into a low rumble in his chest as he neared your neck- his hearing going quiet bit by bit until all he could hear was the pulsing of your blood. That sweetness he so craved…had craved since he first laid eyes on you. His free hand came up to stroke your jaw and turn your face away from him so he could run his nose along your artery, thumb caressing your chin.
“F-father P-“
His sharp canines entered your neck like a knife through butter.
If it had been possible for your to scream, you would have, but the simple fact was that he had brought you to another climax just as he bit into you…and your exhausted body could not summon more than a breathy moan.
Evidently the noise you made was echoed by the Monsignor as he stroked you through your orgasm, and drank from you greedily. You were the best vessel he had had…the weight and taste of your blood was like no other. Sweet and pungent that make his mind so clear.
He groaned and hummed against your skin as he slowed, and drew his canines from you; gently lapping at the skin there. Then came the kisses, and the soft murmurs that you couldn’t make sense of in your daze but you knew were sweet by the way he wildre his fingers from you and stroked your stomach.
Everything felt so disorienting and off kilter but in a way that might have made you giggle if you weren’t so tired.
Then you felt movement beside you and you managed to turn your head to watch Father Paul almost carelessly remove his white collar and unbutton his shirt. Your fingers itched to rip the garment off of him and burn it, but you opted instead to whistle weakly. It earned you a low chuckle and shake of his head.
You watched him remove piece by piece of his clothes until he was just as bare as you. Then, he gently picked you up like a doll and sat with you in his lap- you hadn’t even registered that he get gotten hard until he eased you down onto him. This time, your mouth released a long, very audible moan; having him back inside you was pure bliss. Father Paul brought your arms up to his shoulders for you, knowing you would likely lull onto his torso if you had nothing to brace yourself with. And then when you stared up at him, you didn’t stop yourself from kissing him when your brain told you to.
He sighed gently against your lips, and took your hips in hand to guide you up and down his length. He could feel your cum-drenched thighs as some began to leak out of you; so perfectly bred.
You mewled into the kiss as you stretched around him, and let him use you. Your little pussy sufficiently abused.
“That feels good doesn’t it? Right there…I’ve got you…” he cooed to you, kissing tears that fell.
When his lips came back to yours, you captured them, kissing him greedily. It was a mess, but you couldn’t get enough. Your tongues lapped at each other, and his teeth caught your lips as you rocked your hips in a desperate need to feel him inside you. His thrusts were so much more gentle, and while you had been sobbing for as much brutality as possible earlier…the tenderness made tears fall from your eyes for different reasons. It was a gentleness you hadn’t felt before in your life…having not had anyone to come to your aid during your heat before, and no one to warm your bed at all…having Paul hold you and kiss you like he needed you as much as you needed him, if only for that moment, was euphoric.
“Please- ah…please father-“ You gasped against his lips as you felt him already twitching inside you. His entire body was pulsing, and you knew he was close. The Monsignor was just as overstimulated as you, and now with your wrapped around him like he always wanted, he couldn’t fight his desires. He had been fighting his orgasm off, but hearing you pant out his title so sweetly sounded more like a lullaby from an angel rather than the sinful need of a young woman.
She didn’t care if she came this last time, she could barely tell if she was or wasn’t anymore with such ecstasy washing through her. But once she uttered those words, and she felt his thrusts stutter again, she found whatever strength she had in her to help him through it; rolling and grinding against him desperately.
“T-thats it…that’s it- Christ that’s it…my perfect girl…” he groaned unabashedly now, holding you to him as he came inside you. With one last thrust, he pushed his cock deep against your cervix just has he had each time, and you sighed as the final bits of pain washed away, and left you feeling full, warm, and more tired that you ever had been.
You slumped against him, completely boneless.
Your heart beat aggressively against his chest as you nestled into his embrace and placed your face in the crook of his neck. He panted softly, and wrapped his arms around you to keep you there.
“Are you alright, my sweet?” He murmured into your ear. The low rumble of it warmed you.
“Mhmm…” you mumbled; vision going blurry and dark as sleep began to set in.
“Rest.” He said, kissing your head, and lifting one of your wrists to his lips as well.
You disliked listening to Father Paul, but your fight had left hours ago. And as he cradled you, and wrapped you in safety, you couldn’t protest.
Sleep took you seconds later, and Paul grinned to himself. He knew you would go back to hating him in the morning when you awoke; it wouldn’t matter that he took you and laid you on the couch as he cleaned and re-made the bed with fresh sheets and new pillows.
Or that he washed you as best as he could without waking you.
Or that he placed you in said bed all wrapped in a blanket with a towel under you.
It wouldn’t matter.
And he was alright with that.
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nimdreams · 3 months
What do I mean when I say I am a summon? What kind of feelings and experiences are behind that? Here's some rambly thoughts of mine on the subject.
Very simply put, a summon is a very strong magical being, that can be bound to a sapient humanoid being. I have a feeling I can be bound by different races such as humans and elves. Probably a lot more fantasy races can bind me, but these are the two I feel the strongest connection to.
I came into contact with summons at a young age, playing Final Fantasy IX. I have questioned being a non-canonical Eidolon from FF IX multiple times. Eidolons are this FF's version of summoned beings. I think maybe every single FF has a summoner class or a character able to do summons. These summons aren't always called by the same name, different versions use different names for them such as Esper, Aeon or Primals/Eikons. As a child I mostly found the Eidolons fascinating and beautiful. I felt a strong connection to one of the summoners in the game immediately. It is with time that it clicked for me that I wanted to be her Eidolon.
My feelings toward being a summon are also why I try to link mew on and off, as it is a very similar experience. A pokémon as powerful as mew can still be caught in a pokéball by a teenager. A pokémon like mew, with a trainer, that it will only listen to if the trainer is strong enough.
So I guess pokékin who identify as having trainers can quite understand what it feels like to be bound. A relationship between a dog and their owner can mirror this too somewhat, except in such a relationship it is probably the owner who takes care of the dog mostly, and the dog is free to go and leave, whereas with a pokémon/trainer and summon/summoner relationship, it is the one who is bound who is the stronger, yet subservient one. I don't really like using the term subservient for this, because in any good case the relationship is a mutual respectful one and the goals and desires of both align. Yet I know a pokémon or summon in most cases will still obey a command given that goes against their will and nature if the trainer or summoner is strong enough to impose their will.
I think that's about my thoughts on this subject for now. As always, if you have any questions for me about identifying as a summon feel free to ask them.
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r26yz · 6 months
Rambles incoming :D
idk, i just... I FREAKING LOVE the dazaku writers in pixiv and lofter. I am not fluent in japanese or chinese, heck im not even fluent in english, i read them using google translate (i want to thank google for dazai obama) and its wonky af but THE FEELS!? It hurt, it grabbed me in the lungs and heart. The translation is off but damn the emotions are conveyed perfectly.
And... hm.. i noticed that, how hopeful they are about dazaku relationship? Yeah, they are not good-ish, kinda, sorta abusive. But like, there's hope? You understand? By no means there are lot of writers that don't hesitate to dunk on dazai for what he did to akutagawa. But the things, there's still something.
Im thinking how to say this.
Akutagawa's hate.
Dazai's taunts.
Akutagawa's want for approval.
Dazai withholding that approval.
If dazai don't like akutagawa that much, shouldn't he just gave him that approval and be done with? I know he already acknowledge him way before. He even gush on him to odasaku. akutagawa would probably wont bother him again. But then he doubled down on him, Atsushi is better than you ;). Why taunt him with Atsushi? Atsushi is his coworker, not a student specificaly (something that a lot of writers emphasize, very neat).
Why dazai? do you need him to go crazy for you :D bahahaha loser. Is it because akutagawa the first thing you own that is actually yours? yours that you got to choose yourself? you freaking gave him a mating offer by killing his friends' murders. you idiot. you sad man. what a sad little man. do you want akutagawa to kill you someday so its still considerd suicide by your own hand/creation? you sad sad wet man? you really think that he'd hate you enought to kill you? really? you, the man who gave the akutagawa sibling a home and warm meal? really? hmm? hmm?
see, that's why... call it shallow, but i don't think akutagawa could ever really hate dazai? ish? kinda? the man did save him, even though then he got thrown to another kind of hell on earth. He gave him home, meal, and hope. The meaning of life. Hahahah indeed he's like a dog. that makes dazai that type of dog owners who made a shitty job at taking care of their puppies. the kind that was excited first and (sorta, kinda, idk) neglect/abuse them when they don't do their tricks properly.
i only know games bcs i watch rtgame's youtube, and when he played "Slay the Princess" and then proceed to search about them on tumblr, yeah. "The opposite of love is not hate, but indiference" and yeah, i believe that it also true to dazaku. because in a way, they are in this two person tango of chasing, taunting, i need you to be my eyes, you've become stronger, can you give me the meaning of life. Hate is really visible and the love is so between the lines. But they are not really indifferent to each other.
The love is there! the love is there. yeah, the love is there.
i'm not sure how i came into this conclusion but, "akutagawa doesn't need dazai, but dazai need akutagwa" and yeah, maybe their bsd counterpart is reversed from their real life, but the essential part is still there? Thats my delusion is. I just wanna said that in the end.
if you manage to reach this part. Uh, thank you for reading. Sorry for the typo. I hope its understandable. suffer with meeeee!
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aliennazero · 11 months
No CSM Tuesday effects finally hit me, so today I will propose theories of why *I think* relationship between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa would have significant impact in the future (in short, they will be a some sort of trio).
Source? I have no source. This post absolutely has no valid basis. Just me and my feelings, my own delulus, my own mess. It's all just in my head. And I decided to do an insane amount of reaching and stretching to the point I and my friends start to question my own sanity.
Let's just say... I have contract with Fanfiction Devil. All these theories below are the waste products of my contract (I sold half of my soul and sanity). So I hope you guys didn't take this as leaks or valid predictions or something. This is purely my own madness (even if it doesn't happen, I still have that Fanfiction Devil contract, I could fix them).
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So, what are those "YoshiDenAsa trio will happen" theories? Well, allow me to elaborate further then. Please buckle up your seat and prepare your ibuprofens because this journey will be a long and confusing one.
#1 - Animals and Habitats Representation Theory
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Asa's last name, Mitaka (三鷹) literally means Three Hawks. Asa represent bird, the sky. Just like how hawk observes from the sky before attempting a strike, that's what Asa's narratives roles *I think* would be. She's meant to be an observant at first before surprise attack. We've seen that before and I think we will see more of it as I believe she would become stronger as the time goes.
Denji's devil heart represent dog, the land. It's 100% obvious that Pochita is treated as a dog, there's no doubt. And just like that, it also represent Denji's roles in the narratives. The thing is, Denji is not an ordinary dog no more, he's the feral ones. To control and to "tame" him now will be no easy task as his previous owner who successfully "claim" him (Makima) is already dead.
(Hawks could pick up and eat dogs btw, just like how Yoru in the past could defeat Chainsaw Man so many times before her fall. It does fit the narratives when we think about it hard enough)
And lastly... Yoshida, he represent octopus, the sea. Just like how octopus is solitary animal, both of them said to prefer living alone. Octopus is also very smart, and could camouflage to its surrounding. Which suit very well with common Yoshida's character interpretation that's usually interpret him as this very mysterious knowledgeful being.
However the truth is, Yoshida is a human, just like the rest. And octopus is just a part of bigger animal kingdom, just like the dog and the bird. Now we just wait until that little octopus get tired of pretending to be a dog (to Public Safety) and finally break free, like many of "octopus jail break" cases in real life.
In conclusion, I think these three different animals symbolism will be connected to each other somehow in some way. It's too much of a coincidences for it to just be a mere coincidences and not Fujimoto's writing choices IMO.
#2 - Three Horsemen × Three Birds Theory
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As you can see in this poorly written image, this theory will try to debunk the connection between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa with their respective Horsemen Devils counterpart.
"Why are you so sure that three birds imagery will be very important?"
"Mi" in "Mitaka" means three. Asa is the new main character, her name have symbolism just like how Denji's name come from Tenshi (Angel). Also we already get introduced to three Horsemen Devils who will deliver major impact in this part.
It's a messy dots right now BUT when you try to connect it, things started to make more sense. So, about their connections to their respective Horsemen Devil counterpart/parallel...
Asa is connected to Yoru (she literally use Asa's body as her vessel), the War Devil. Just like how she has constant war within herself and with society as a teenage girl. War Devil fits Asa so much.
Denji is connected to Makima and Nayuta, the Control Devil. Because he's very persistent to keep fighting for his freedom over people who try to abuse him and control him in his entire life.
Yoshida is connected to AND supposedly opposes Kiga/Fami, the Famine Devil. His last name, Yoshida (吉田) literally means "Lucky Ricefield" (and rice is the most common staple food in Asia). He's really built and made to oppose her. Though he did shows signs of social starvation.
Back to three birds imagery. If we read the same manga, you'll notice how birds is used a lot in part 2 and also used by Makima to keep an eye to her surroundings and her enemies (remember Katana Man Arc).
It's hard for me to come up with paragraphs of explanation so I will just show you this image on how I connected the dots.
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++ Bonus delusions: Chapter 99 is titled "Two Birds", probably to reference both Asa and Yoru. But the three birds imagery there still bother me. To the point, I think it's actually for Yoshida. So by "Two Birds", it's maybe means Yoshida and Asa rather than Yoru and Asa (or them three, YoshiAsaYoru because it looks very deliberate to have double meanings (the three birds is not for YoshiAsaYuko sadly🥲)).
In conclusion, three birds symbolism in part two IMO stand for three human (Asa, Denji, Yoshida) and three horsemen (War, Control, Famine). I'm very positive that their 2x3 groupies will have deeper meaning and connection in the future.
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#3 - Chapters Title Theory
Now we come to the last theory I have for YoshiDenAsa trio possibilities. I can't put image in this section because I already hit the limit so let's use our imagination a little bit.
This one is kinda fanfic-esque and I did the most of my far stretching here so I recommend you to drink that ibuprofen you brought right now before entering this insanity trip.
First, let's take a look for where Yoshida, Asa, and Denji are in the same chapter:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 109 with title "The Easy Way to Stop Bullying"
- Chapter 114 with title "Endless Aquarium"
- Chapter 115 with title "High Schoolers These Days"
- Chapter 117 with title "Penguin and Weapon"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
- Chapter 121 with title "Theory of Happiness"
- Chapter 132 with title "Protection"
Second, let's take another look to which chapter where their interractions to each other was the main focus:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 115 with title "Highschoolers These Days"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
This is actually a signs for their weird love interest triangle. Trust me. Hear me out. There's something more in these chapters title, I just know it. Based on what? My feelings. Maybe it will be like how chapter 102 ("Save The Cat") was a foreshadowing for chapter 127 ("Save The Asa").
I just could feel it in my soul. These chapters title will be more relevant in the future. TRUST.
That's all for now. Big thanks to my moots @mimsynotpog for encouraging me to write this LOL. Anyway, I'm always open for discussion! Lemme know your thoughts on this one!
Do you guys think Yoshida, Denji, and Asa trio is possible? The answer is obvious big YES from me. We still have time. We're just 30+ chapters in! I won't lose hope yet!
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
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More pet owners seeking a relationship should view themselves as single parents. My ex gf had the sweetest blue nose pitty and ion even like dogs like that but me and that we was like that 🤞 by the end. That's my daughter right there. So honestly they should be more careful because that bond is fucking real, even if that sounds silly.
Yes! Thank you. Dubois was my stepdaughter and I love her so much! Our bond was getting stronger every day. I miss snuggling up with her and calling her my pretty girl. I would do anything to see her again.
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Hello, I must say before getting into details that I really enjoy your blog, and your opinions on things, even tho sometimes I don’t agree, but I think you have valid opinions and points. And I very much enjoy your readings :)
I have been following you for a while, and I have witnessed you changing your opinions on NV and that relationship. Although, I don’t agree with you, nor I think these people deserve giving them the benefit of the doubt, I never thought of you as evil or easily manipulated. In matter of fact, I find you one of the few people who are rational on this app. 
But I want to share some of the things that have been observed, that literally proves the concept of privacy is not implemented there. 
Of course, this is your blog, it is up to you to post this or not, but I will ask you to be fair, please. 
Regarding the house they both posted a picture of the dogs from, it was a confirmation that the purchase was correct. They want people to know that he bought a mansion, and obviously to start a  family at. They are engaged for sure, they will announce it very soon. But how exactly this house been shared by her fans, who are supposed to be fan accounts of her because she’s brilliant, know about this purchase? They shared the link months ago, and know this was bought by Henry. The website states it has been sold, but no website states the name of the new owner. If that’s not suspicious, I don’t know what is! 
Henry never used to post pictures of houses he was at, at least not showing distinctive parts. And today she posted the fountain that is obviously shown in that link as well. I am sorry, but being private does not include trying to show to the world that you are happy and together still all the time. He asked people to FO and not speculate about his love life, but the last post, from the captions to the pictures, screams that we are strong and together, and “moving on”. 
How exactly are they private, when a lot of people know about this purchase before he confirmed it, and the exact location of it? How are they private when she’s been messing with her instagram location to show she is with him when he travels? I guarantee you, when he goes filming in Spain in September, she will change it, even tho she bagged him literally, she will still use these techniques. Why I know this? Because that’s what she always does, and that is a woman in her mid 30’s. 
Look, I somehow agree with you regarding of what happened to Meat, to a certain point. Yes, he was already old, and people want to be with their pets all the time, especially at that age. But, even tho he was living "the best life" ever on "private jets", that’s still dangerous, this is a literal medical fact, not my opinion. And the fact that the vet said he was in the hospital the entire duration she was there as well when she followed Henry speaks volumes. Poor guy stepped out of the private jet and straight to an oxygen box. Maybe you would never change your opinion on this matter, but they could have made better arrangements. Since Henry himself does not take Kal everywhere he goes because it is not safe, and Akitas are a stronger breed. 
Yes, he was old, and I find it funny and sneaky that Henry mentioned his age in the post, like he was old already, it was his time. But don’t you think it would have been more peaceful and caring if he spent the last month of his life resting, instead of being in an oxygen box. Btw, there are pictures of him in the box, and the vet again confirmed he was there for a month or more. Some of the sneaky pictures at the vet, the CCTV and another video, not the smiling ones, were sent from someone who worked at the vet to a fan account that supports her. The fan account has her name stated and Henry’s, not only his name. 
Again, why send it to them? The demon squad, they call themselves! 
She posted a picture from the hotel room, and immediately the usual suspects of fans figured out the hotel name and the location of it. From a beige curtain! 
Now how would a “fan account for the girlfriend of a celebrity” know all of these things, and they’re not quiet about it either, they keep hinting and bragging. It’s like their life purpose to support this relationship and prove it’s real. their lives depends on her, that is not normal!
Getting back to her social media, that should be private by the way because she does not use it for her job, instead it is a verified fan account of Henry. She literally stopped accepting tags for months, which was good, yet opened it just before the EH premiere. Yeah, she is not looking for attention at all. 
I am sorry, but this situation is way fucked up than it looks. It is obvious that they are planning to a deepen the commitment because that’s how relationships work. 
But I have to ask, after all of these points, do they still deserve the praise and the acceptance, benefit of the doubt, whatever you want to call it? 
She is not a good person, she’s been seeking clout since the chess post, nor Henry is a good person. 
As I said before, I am not attacking you at all, and I truly respect your opinions, but on this matter, I cannot agree with you at all. And sometimes, I get irritated that you of all people changed your mind about this. And I am not going to lie, his post yesterday and his sneaky hints made me sad and depressed. You might think I am jealous, vile, whatever, you might even think I am silly and pathetic, but those feelings still mater. Honestly, the thought of him marrying that woman makes me sad! Not because the Henry Cavill is getting married and starting a family, nor I want to be in her place, but because he chose THAT woman! God knows I tried to accept her, even like her, it did not work. 
There are many other examples of how they’re not private and how this entire relationship they use for show is a sham. 
I am not jealous, but I expected better from Henry and his chosen partner, that’s it! I keep saying this, because even you started using this language, and that made me even more sad. 
I guess that is one of life’s lessons, everything is a facade, even people. 
This relationship showed who the real Henry is, it is just so sad that he always talked about having a family and about his “dream woman” and he ends this chapter like this! 
Again, it is up to you to post this or not. But I hope you find some valid points here and consider them, because I find them valid. And I hope you don’t find my feelings about this whole thing and Henry silly and pathetic. Her crazy fans are already spamming social media with their vile behaviour. 
I wish you well! 
From now on I won't be sharing asks this long if the topic is not something really serious, socially, economically historically etc. This is the last time, but I wanted to answer this for multiple reasons.
First of all, thanks for the kind words and the time you take to send me this opinion. I feel you are way too invested in this topic and maybe you should step back for a little. You mentioned very old and insignificant moments from their relationship which shouldn't worry you after so many years. You take their relationship too personally. It's no reason to cry, be sad or depressed about that they probably will marry or they are together. This is not affecting our lives in any way. If she is truly as horrible as you think you should stop following both at least for a while because it obviously bothers you too much.
You have so many unpacked negative feelings toward this situation it was draining to read. Maybe you think those were not noticeable but I am literally feeling your sadness and desperation from your words. You are asking me questions that I don't know the answer and tbh I don't care. If she is baiting the fans it is possible because the fans let themself be bothered by her. She can post about that house if she wants, especially if he bought it for themselves. That is her home now. She doesn't need to ask anyone's permission. Why is this important? They are not that public with their lives like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively or some Kardashian. They are sometimes posting together and attending events. If you think all she wants is attention, don't give her.
And let's get to the part about me: Again, I appreciate your kind words, truly. I will continue to keep information private if I feel I am not comfortable sharing those. I don't mind different opinions, I think they are great. I don't mind if you disagree but you should not expect me to express opinions you agree with all the time. If my different opinion or changing mind irritates you, I am sorry, but I cannot help. You have to learn to deal with different opinions. Online and in real life too. I don't really change my mind about her, I just know she is not that important to me ( I mean she is not important at all) to keep alive the negative feelings I had in the beginning. I still don't like her but I won't keep spending my time hating on her when she is totally insignificant for my life and my personal happiness. You said all of the feelings you feel matter and you are right, but they are pointless if you feel towards Harry or NV, because they are not real life for us. That's why you need to step back from them. For your own emotional and mental health.
"I am not jealous, but I expected better from Henry and his chosen partner, that’s it! I keep saying this because even you started using this language, and that made me even more sad."
I don't know what this means because I've literally been saying for years that he is no better. He is not better than NV, they are the same, peas and carrots, they are made for each other. And he was always like this people just liked to turn a blind eye and blame the women.
I am saying this with the biggest love but if you think a celebrity having a questionable relationship is a life lesson, you clearly have many experiences ahead of you.
Please be more careful who you give your devotion, affection to and be sad about. Your emotions and feeling are your most valuable, powerful possessions, don't waste on people who do not deserve them.
I wish you well.
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berryzworld · 2 months
Cat Training 101: 5 Fun Hacks for Smarter, Happier Felines
They may seem independent, but cats are surprisingly intelligent creatures! Unlike their canine counterparts, cat training often gets a reputation for being difficult or impossible. But with the right approach, you can unlock your feline friend's potential and create a stronger bond in the process.
This guide explores five fun and effective cat training hacks that utilize positive reinforcement to teach good behavior, strengthen your connection, and even make learning a game!
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Many pet owners associate clicker training with dogs, but it's a fantastic tool for cats as well. A clicker is a small handheld device that makes a distinct clicking sound. By consistently pairing the click with a reward (like a treat or praise) immediately after your cat exhibits a desired behavior, you create a positive association. This association strengthens the behavior and makes it more likely your cat will repeat it in the future.
Getting Started with Clicker Training:
Load Up on Treats: Find small, high-value treats your cat loves.
Charge the Clicker: Pair the click with a treat several times so your cat associates the sound with something positive.
Start Simple: Begin with an easy behavior, like sitting. When your cat sits naturally, click and reward immediately. Gradually introduce a verbal cue like "sit" before the click.
Patience is Key: Short, frequent training sessions are best for cats. Keep them engaged and end on a positive note.
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Cats are natural-born hunters, and target training taps into that instinct. This method uses a target stick with a toy or treat attached to lure your cat to touch it with their paw. Click and reward the touch, gradually increasing the difficulty by moving the target in different directions. Target training is a great way to teach tricks, provide mental stimulation, and strengthen the bond with your cat.
Treat Time! Positive Reinforcement with Yummy Rewards
Positive reinforcement with treats is a cornerstone of effective cat training. The key is to reward your cat immediately after they exhibit the desired behavior. This creates a positive association and encourages them to repeat the action.
Treat Training Tips:
Small Rewards are Key: Use tiny, bite-sized treats to avoid overfeeding.
Variety is the Spice of Life: Rotate treats to keep your cat engaged.
Be Consistent: Always reward the desired behavior for successful training.
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Having a designated bed provides your cat with a safe and secure space to relax. Here's how to train your cat to use their own bed:
Make it Inviting: Choose a comfortable bed in a quiet location.
Lure with Treats: Place treats inside the bed to entice your cat to explore.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cat with praise or treats when they enter the bed.
Patience is Key: Training may take time, consistency is crucial.
Building a Stronger Bond: The Power of Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement training goes beyond just teaching tricks. It fosters a trusting and happy relationship with your cat. By rewarding good behavior, you create a positive association with you and encourage a more well-behaved feline friend.
Ready to Get Started?
These five fun and effective training hacks are just the beginning! With patience, positive reinforcement, and a little creativity, you can unlock your cat's intelligence, strengthen your bond, and create a happier household for everyone.
Looking for more in-depth training resources? Check out our additional resources below:
Do you have any questions about cat training? Leave a comment below!
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wifebread · 2 years
Obsessed | Pt.6
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Pairing: Stalker!Min Yoongi x Original female character
Tags: Forced relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Manipulations, Mentions of cruelty, Mentions of deaths, Mentions of drugs, Murders, Original female character,  Out of character, Stalking, Unhealthy relationships, Violence.
Summary: She wasn't afraid of this man, didn't take threats seriously, blaming everything on the fact that it was just to attract attention. However, she did’t know what he was capable of.
word count: 2,6k
I do not condone the actions described in the story, this is all fiction and does not relate to the real members of the BTS in any way. If you are uncomfortable with tags, please do not read!! Or read at your own risk.
a/n: Thanks to the wonderful author who allowed me to translate this work! Please keep in mind that English is not my native language, so if you notice any mistakes, point them out to me! I can also edit the chapter after I publish it, so don't be surprised if you see some strange moments (it means I haven't corrected them yet). Thank you.
source: https://ficbook.net/readfic/12255891
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 ,Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8
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Italics — the inner voice, in quotes — the thoughts of the heroine
“Why would you do that?”
"You are his priority"
These words echo in Song’s head, who continues to follow V. The guy is taller than the girl by a head, and stronger in build, therefore he almost completely covers her with himself.
The ground floor is having all the fun, almost forgetting that Suga's dogs are around them. Kook and Chim didn’t touch alcohol, still referring to the fact that this is "cheap swill" that only teenagers drink, because they simply don’t have money for a normal drink. Hope, on the other hand, watched the guys so that they didn't get into a fight or make trouble.
The guys are sitting on the couch waddling and talking about something of their own, sometimes chuckling. But as soon as they notice V, they become serious, get up from their seats and approach him.
“I'll take the little lady on myself," the dark-haired man said, nodding his head back, as if to say, "she's behind."
“The jerk is on you. Will 10 minutes be enough to sort everything out?” Kook and Chim, after exchanging glances, begin to grin, nodding. “Let's go,” taking Percy gently by the elbow, V added, taking Song with him.
“Maybe we could walk?”  Percy asked, looking first at the car and then at its owner.
“Listen, little lady,” the guy began with a heavy sigh. “I have a task: to take you home. We are waiting for kindergarten and leaving,” by saying "kindergarten", V meant the three that remained in the house.
“Can you tell me at least something about... what's his name? Su... Su...”
“Suga,” taking a cigarette out of the pack, said V, leaning back against the car. “I can only say that he is very angry now.” shifting his gaze from the sky to the girl, the guy continued. “Tell me, what were you thinking when you were alone in the room with a guy who was clearly wasted?”
Percy's eyes snapped from the guy to the lantern and, slowly approaching him, she squatted down next to him.
"I got too distracted away and didn't notice him," Song replied quietly, staring blankly at one point. “And when I realized what he was going to do, it was too late.” chuckling, the girl continued, rubbing her palms.
“Hey, little lady, don't worry so much.”  V said, throwing up his hands. “You got out,” the guy grinned.
“Don't worry...” Percy repeated the words of the dark-haired, continuing to look at one point.
Now she could feel safe and not think about the bad, but…
Thoughts were swarming in her head, and they were all about how worthless and stupid she was.
No one would have come to the rescue if he hadn't loved her and watched her all the time. And... who Percy is  in principle?
“What are you thinking about, little lady?” V asked, squatting down in front of the girl and putting out his cigarette.
“Hm?” Percy seemed to come out of a trance and looked at the guy, trying to focus her eyes.
“What are you thinking about?”  V repeated his question, to which he received only silence.
Percy just couldn't think of any answer to make it sound plausible. And V seemed to understand what Song was thinking about. The guy was the only one Suga had told almost completely everything about her. Hope, Chim and Kook, of course, knew about Percy's existence, even had to look after her sometimes, at his request. But he trusted no one more than V. Hence the dark-haired man knew a lot about her, though not everything.
“Listen," V began, interrupting the girl's thoughts. “I'm not a seer, so I don't know what exactly you're thinking. But if you worry about the past, you will miss the present.”  Song looked at the guy, pursing her lips. "And now," V continued, extending his hand to the girl. “squeeze your butt and get up. Kindergarten is on the horizon.”
And Percy, without thinking twice, accepted V's help. Getting up from her squats, the girl went to the car. She could hear behind her the enthusiastic shouts of the guys who were running to the car. There were stains on their clothes that had been clean before. Percy guessed what it could be, but decided not to look, so as not to get on her nerves once again by confirming the assumptions.
When Song got into the car, V closed the door and waited for the guys. They didn’t take long to wait, literally flying up to the car in a couple of moments.
“Have you done everything?”  V's tone changed in an instant. If he tried to speak softly when talking to Percy, now his voice had cooled and sounded quite intimidating, and his gaze didn’t seem so kind.
“Yes,” Chim replied, grinning. "It's been a long time since we've had so much fun," he added, exhaling contentedly and closing his eyes.
“Well done," V said with a smirk. “He'll deal with the girl himself. We need to take the little lady home, so take off your stained clothes.”
The guys obeyed V and began to take off their light jackets, on which blood stains were clearly visible in the vicinity. What did they do to the guy there? Well... we'll find out from the news.
Sabrina was nervously biting her lips and was afraid to leave the bathroom. The girl closed herself there about 15 minutes ago and was terrified to even stick her nose out. She knew perfectly well that she had screwed up.
The phone rang, causing Sabrina to jump, almost falling off the toilet lid. The girl decided not to worsen the situation, so she picked up the phone right away.
“Hello?” she asked almost in a whisper.
“Tell me, you fucking creature,” a slightly hoarse voice was heard on the other side, which made Sabrina's heart sink. “why are you ignoring all my words?”  the girl was afraid to breathe, let alone to answer. But he didn't demand it now. Sabrina should listen to the end and not interrupt until he finishes. "What's that, 'Today we both have a great chance to meet someone'?"
"You said yourself that I should stick to the role and behave as I always do..." Sabrina replied intermittently.
“Yes, that's what I said," Suga replied with a grin. “but you fucked up anyway. You seem to be a smart girl; you deceived her parents so many times, but couldn't resist twisting her ass in front of them.”  Sabrina bit her lower lip, listening to the guy. “Have you forgotten where I pulled you out of?” the voice turned cold in a moment, thereby scaring the girl even more.
"I haven't forgotten," Sabrina said, swallowing. Images with memories flashed before her eyes, making her heart shrink.
“Next time,” Suga began abruptly. "I'm going to take you back to a place much worse than the one I pulled you out of." Remember that you don't have a chance to fuck up anymore. Even my angelic patience tends to run out."
"I got it," Sabrina whispered, looking at herself in the mirror and gathering her thoughts. “I won't let you down anymore.”
“I have no doubt,” Suga literally growled, and then he dropped the call, leaving the girl alone with her fears and thoughts.
The guys and Song drove in silence, Chim and Kook occasionally singing along to songs from the radio. Percy was looking out the window, thinking about her own. What bothered her most was what Suga would text her.
"V said he was angry," thought Song, almost not paying attention to anything around. "And even sent these men to "sort it out""
“Hey, little lady," V called the girl, waving his hand as if to attract attention. Percy nodded questioningly, looking at the guy. “Turn off the airplane mode.” hinting that Suga wants to get in touch with her, V added.
The girl sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. Turning off the airplane mode, Percy was preparing for the fact that he wrote her a bunch of furious messages.
However, there wasn’t a single notification from Suga. The guy seemed to... lose interest in her? At least, that's what Percy herself thought. Since she almost slept with a stranger, even if not of her own volition, he should have been disappointed in her and not molest her anymore.
Song didn't notice how they arrived, because she was staring at the screen all the time.
“See you again,” Kook said, bowing politely, almost laughing.
"We will miss you madly," Chim said, kissing the girl's palm, and then stood next to Kook.
"Ignore them, they always behave like that," Hope said, nodding goodbye, after that he stood next to a couple of clowns and gave both of them head slaps.
V was the last to approach Song, and showed with his whole appearance that he was clearly not happy that it was time to say goodbye.
“We are not mafiosi, don't think so,” from these words Percy almost choked on air, and the guy smiled. "And now seriously," V continued, exhaling. “You don't have and won't have my contacts,” the guy purposely highlighted the last words.  “Don't go to questionable parties, keep your phone with you and...” the guy barely noticeably looked around, then approached Percy. “Don't trust anyone but yourself.”
"Even you?"  Chuckling and raising one eyebrow, Song asked, "You don't look like him or like a bad guy." V, hearing this, broke into a smile and an evil light appeared in his eyes.
"Still waters run deep," he said, nodding goodbye.
Percy stood there until Suga's entourage disappeared around the corner. She wasn't going to go home, because it was too early for that. When the parents return home from work, they will swear and ask where Sabrina is. Percy herself would like to know about the second one, because they separated after coming to Jiwon.
The girl decided to climb over the fence into the backyard, where the windows of her room overlook.
"Ribs, my ribs," Song croaked softly, falling on her side from the fence. "It would be better if it was my spine," Percy whispered, getting up from the grass, brushing the dust off her clothes.
Sitting on the swing, which is clearly not intended for such a big child, the girl took her phone out of her pocket again.
“Why are you silent?”  Percy asked, shaking the phone in her hand and whimpering. “Talk to me,” it looked at least strange, but the girl didn't care. All she cared about was that Suga was silent and didn't text anything, which was not typical of him. “Please say something, I can't. As soon as I close my eyes, I see only that animal and his hands on me.” but even after these words, not a single message came. Percy gave up and lay back down on the grass.
“How stupid it was to think that I was special to someone,” the girl whispered with a scoff. Shifting her gaze to the sky, she didn't dare finish her thought out loud.
"Huh, special? Honey, you're not even important to your parents, so why would friends or Suga suddenly love you?”
“Because I always support them, help them and just because I am their close person?”
“Don't deceive yourself. If you don't text, no one will remember you. Nothing, that's who you are. You took the exam 4 times, and your own mother didn’t believe that you would pass in the end. And still doesn’t believe that you will get somewhere and find a job. What does your father do? Always supports your mother, but not you.”
“Dad always supports me if I'm right. When the truth is on Mom's side, then, of course, he is for her.”
“Do you believe it yourself? Remember all your screw-ups, mistakes, quarrels with loved ones, their attitude towards you, quibbles. Just accept the fact that the world would be a better place without you.”
"The world would be a better place," and this time she agreed with her inner voice.
Percy didn't remember climbing over the fence again, walking across the street and coming upon a park with a river next to it. Thoughts that: "the world would be a better place without you" completely engulfed her consciousness, leaving a little space only for the most unpleasant memories.
There were practically no people in the park; after all it was not childish time. And if anyone was walking, it was one or two couples or birds. No one even noticed Percy, who was strolling towards the pier.
Standing a step away from the edge of the pier, the girl looked at the water for a long time and looked at the fish, which, for some reason, she was afraid of to hell.
 "There are fish... there are big fish."
“And what? Think about it, if you drown, you won't worry about the fish anymore, you won't care about them! Besides, they are afraid of you more than you are"
“They are afraid of you more, they are afraid of you more,” like a mantra, repeated Song, rocking on the spot. “It won't matter anymore, it won't matter.”
Strange, though. Percy is not afraid to die, but she is afraid of fish, which are completely harmless.
“I don't care!” swinging for the last time, the girl exclaimed, scaring the poor fish with one sound, from which they hid.
The next moment, Percy jumped into the water, trying not to open her eyes and not help herself to swim out with her hands. It was only at this moment that she allowed her accumulated emotions to come out. The girl screamed in the water, letting the air out of her lungs and throwing out all the pain, but nothing was heard. Tears, of course, weren’t possible to see or feel, but they were.
And so, when it came time to inhale ... instead of the usual air, the lungs began to fill with water. The instinct of self-preservation worked too late, as consciousness began to leave her, that’s why there was no strength to swim to the surface.
Panic was growing inside her, from which Percy was floundering under the water and trying to cling to something, just to float up.
When Song finally calmed down and resigned herself, she felt someone's hands on her body. Someone gently and carefully, as if Percy was made of porcelain, pressed her to his chest and pushed off from the bottom of the river to float up.
Climbing onto the pier, the unknown man put Percy on it, removing the girl's hair from her face. Song abruptly rolled over on her side, clearing her throat and getting rid of the liquid.
Barely catching her breath, the girl was breathing convulsively, tearing the skin on her neck and chest with her nails, trying to drown out a similar pain inside because of the water. Percy's body went cold, she was shaking, and her lips were trembling.
“Little girl,” taking the girl's right hand in his and bringing it to his lips, the unknown began. “why would you do that?”
"You're not... not V," Percy said, continuing to breathe convulsively and weakly pulling her hand out of his. “Who are you?”
When the unknown person said "little girl", Song immediately thought of V. It was as if he had been watching her and had come save her. There's just one thing. The guy called her "little lady", not "little girl".
“Stay down, don't strain yourself,” the unknown did not answer Percy's question, while not allowing her to turn around to face him.
to be continued...
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satanfemme · 2 years
re: that post I reblogged yesterday(?) about how dogs can be/are dangerous, and my tags saying they aren't human babies. I'm thinking about that still cause, honestly imo, soooo many problems with how people treat dogs seems related to the fact that most people see them as a 1:1 equivalent to a small human child. infantalizing them to a cartoonish degree. cause it's like, yes they need so much help navigating human society, and it's our job to care for them either way -- that's literally the evolutionary relationship our two species have. but an adult dog is still gonna be a fully autonomous living thing exactly the same as you are as an adult human. different social rules/'types' of intelligence/evolutionary niches doesn't negate the existence of a dog's internal world, thoughts, wants, and opinions. u might not be able to fully relate to those thought processes or understand them, but your understanding isn't what gives them worth.
(ntm it's entirely possible to better understand dog behavior with simple practice/research, but maybe that's just my personal "inclined to understand dogs better than other humans" neurodivergence talking idk lol)
obv example, but that's all why small dogs (who are easier to physically control, and therefor easier to physically treat like a toy/baby) are so frequently reactive -- their autonomy isn't respected otherwise. meanwhile in a lot of cases (tho nowhere near all unfortunately), large dogs can more easily demand respect before resorting to reactivity. and that's why we have to bribe the dogs at work so constantly lol. if a guy who's stronger than me doesn't want to follow me somewhere or go into a kennel for me or whatever, I simply can't force him even if I try. he will just stand there, and no one can stop him. so instead we need to work together to reach a mutual agreement; it's two-way communication. in the same vein: one of the first things I was trained on at work is how to respect dogs' consent/ask for their consent with things whenever possible. these considerations are super important in treating dogs right... and yet how frequently are they ignored/not-considered by humans cause a dog is seen as unthinking or lesser?
anyway this is just an incomplete thought tangent that doesn't even touch upon the way human children are wrongfully denied autonomy as well, or how worth isn't remotely tied to intelligence anyway. but u know. just something I've been thinking about while dealing with bad dog owners/potential-owners every day & while contemplating "hecking pupper furbaby" culture
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