#Building Balance
observernumber5 · 1 year
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phosphorodiary · 1 year
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inspiringgrowth · 3 months
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His upper body seems well balanced and the amount of muscle is attainable without roids. Although it looks like he has strong legs there seems to be little definition. I wonder how he can improve his legs.
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paper-daisy · 9 months
The funniest moment in 3x07 is when Mabel has a breakthrough with the case, and starts pacing as she's theorising, walking away from Theo - who makes this face -
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This is the 1000 yard stare of a man who has accepted the fact that Mabel will always keep forgetting that he's deaf.
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pangur-and-grim · 1 year
I’m doing 3x a week weightlifting classes, and weirdly enough it’s making me look forward to the future
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dicenete · 3 months
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Currently the limited internet access of my situation has blessed me with energy and time to finish that Licht sketch from the earlier.
Applied quick coloring too :0 Well done me!
Also me half way through Licht's dramatic route and being all sad and suspicious about the things going on there.
Also I forgot to say, but really, thanks for all the kind comments and tags people have written in my ikepri posts. It has given me hope that maybe fandom communities are not as dead as they seem. 🙏
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junotter · 4 months
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and then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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How To Build the Woman You Want to Be - 2
Please go through the first part before doing this. It’s imperative that you understand the basics.
Step Five:
We will use Pinterest to visualise your new life so that you can attain it faster. Create a new board “My Story” and start sourcing the following:
* 3 pictures of your ideal hair
* 3 pictures of your ideal body
* 5 pictures of ideal physical accessories (bags, shoes, nails, jewellery, sunglasses… whatever resonates with you)
* 5 ideal outfits you want to own (casual, underwear, red carpet, brunch, pyjamas)
* 3 ideal hobby pictures (ballet? Horses riding? Reading?
* 5 ideal life pictures (meditating, working out, attending events, getting make up/hair professionally done…. Your ideal lifestyle!)
* 5 free time pictures (how you and your friends would hang out; how you and your S/O would hang out; family, pets…)
* 7 ideal home pictures (what’s your aesthetic - minimal/ Woodsy, what would the bathrooms look like, house or apartment…)
* 3 work life pictures (if you want to work - where would you work, what position, etc)
* 5 pictures of your ideal partner (how they would look, where they would work, dress, etc)
* 3 pictures of how you would relax alone (go for a walk with your pet? Massages? Read alone? You get the gist)
* 7 pictures of your ideal vacation
* 4 pictures of your ideal meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner)
This is your visual diary. Whenever you feel down, not motivated, lazy, go through this board. This board visualises the best version of you. This is your best self (not was, or will be - this is your best self).
If you can print everything out and stick it on your wall - even better. Nothing like seeing exactly who you’re going to be everyday and claiming it!
Step 6:
It’s analysis time. This is probably going to be the most time-consuming part of the work that you have, but also the the first actual building block towards your Ideal Woman.
- Take a look at your New Story.
- As you read it, make a note (maybe write it on a piece of paper) of all the qualities that you see. Written them as keywords as bullet points. Qualities include all things belonging to your ideal personality (respected, kind, decisive…) and ideal skill set (strategic, creative….).
• respected
• kind
• strategic
- Then read the story again and start making a separate note (with bullet points and keywords) about your material life (body type, healthy lifestyle, being clean, attending events, brunches, travelling, your hobbies…)
• Toned body
• Clean space
• Reading
- Now read your two lists again. Put a tick mark next to the ones you think are realistic but attainable in at least 3 months. Put a heart next to the ones you feel will take more time and levelling up.
• respected ❤️
• kind ✔️
• strategic✔️
• toned body ✔️
• clean space ❤️
• reading ✔️
• attending events ✔️
- The tick marked list is the list you will start working on immediately. Choose any 2 qualities and 3 material life from the tick marked list. We won’t work on all of them at once because you need to build that habit.
• Kind
• Strategic
• Toned body
• Reading
• attending events
- For the next 3 months, you will actively work on your 5 to-dos. With your material life - let’s say for example, a certain body type - start working out from tomorrow itself. I don’t care whether it’s YouTube workouts or gym, you’re going to work on that first step. Or if it’s things like attending events - start by attending events and conferences in your industry or what interests you. Look up online for events happening in your city and go for at least one a month. Everything begins with baby steps.
- With your qualities, let’s say you want to be a good conversationalist. Start researching on the tactics of being a good conversationalist. Also search the opposite - how to recognise a bad conversationalist. Read articles, books, journals and scholarly articles. Practice on strangers when you go grocery shopping or at work. You need to put in the work.
- Not only will you work on your 5 to-dos, but you will set monthly goals for them. You will note down everything - in a journal or your notes app or maybe by taking pictures, however you feel comfortable- you need to quantify your progress.
This Month’s Goals:
• Kind - tell my friends that I love them and that they deserve all the love
• Strategic - play brain games like chess to improve myself - play at least 2 times a week online
• toned body- work out for 20 days this month
• attending events - go to 2 conferences this month that are happening in my city or online
• Reading - finish one book this month.
- Every month you will check yourself. Only when you’ve accomplished at least 85% of the tasks will you add a new item from the tick marked list or remove an existing item that you finished.
- Every three months you need to go back to the New Story and your Pinterest board with greater detail. How close are you to your goal? If you think you’ve achieved something, give yourself a pat on the back!
The last and final part of this series will be uploaded after two days.
Part 3
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ganondoodle · 7 months
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so, its pretty rough and by far not complete but this is a rough layout for the map of destiny (my zelda fancomic), i mainly took it after skyward sword but added parts of botw into it (like lanayru street, the twin mountains that were one mountain until ch3, the gerudo highlands, akkala ref; among more general map overlap)
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this ones with some super rough chapter markers and some descriptions, the circle doesnt mean the chapter doesnt go to multiple places but the main happening of it is there, its again, pretty rough and lacks the correct order yet too, ill prob add that with time as i write out the scripts for the next chapters, so far i got the order until chapter 6 (chapter 4 is mostly at hylias temple and since there are alot of chapters happening there its not marked seperately)
chapter 1: demon (complete)
chapter 2: a dance of ice and fire (script done)
chapter 3: moving mountains (name not final)
chapter 4: starry night
chapter 5: a wound for a wound (placeholder name)
chapter 6: curiosity (possibly placeholder name, forgot to mark it on the map even tho i know where it goes)
most other chapters i know where and whats happening but i cant remember the exact order, i gotta make a structured chapter chart soon so i dont have to think over everything every single time i need the order
this is probably not very interesting but, even tho it is just a rough layout more for myself than anything else, i thought id share anyway, i know my handwriting when i write fast and tired is hard to read but uh .. feel free to send me an ask about it if theres anything youd like to know (do mention if you are ok with spoilers for the story)
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moonlit-tulip · 3 months
A gimmick which I think would be interesting in a visual novel: small variation in the visual designs of the sprites and backgrounds based on who's narrating a given scene. Not large variations, mostly—buildings are going to have generally the same architecture, people are going to have generally the same outfits, et cetera—but lots of details shifting around on the margins, showing the texture of the characters' thought-processes through the visual design of the world as they see it, rather than only through the text of their narration.
So, for example, one could have one viewpoint character be unusually faceblind, and portray this by having all the sprites have Same-Face Syndrome when viewed from their perspective, even as they hold onto more variation face-wise in everyone else's perspectives. One could have one viewpoint character who's unusually conscious of the fine details of their physical environment, and portray this by drawing the environment-art with much more fiddly detail when in their perspective, showing wood-grain and electrical wiring and other such things which are abstracted away in others' perspectives of the same areas. Et cetera.
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valyrfia · 2 months
I have to way I'm a bit surprised by all the hate charles gets and all the support carlos gets
I used to think charles was more popular
I guess when it comes to Fandom he does have a bigger one, but I think general audiences seems to support carlos more
Maybe it's underdog narrative idk. Like charles is constantly called spoiled, brat, whiny etc whenever he says ANYTHING that isn't super nice, while carlos can bitch as much as he want and barely gets called out
Fandom is always a bubble. I'd say the top two drivers in fandom are probably Charles, Max, and Lando because they're the ones that are popular with younger audiences. It's certainly not true outside. Sure, there's an RPF to fandom, but I think it's also worth noting as well if you're in F1 fandom, you're probably a more avid viewer of the sport than most casual fans, so things like Max's current domination are made more interesting by knowing the ins and outs of his journey, and it's easier to reject anti-Charles viewpoints because when you watch a drive like Suzuka in real time and look at the data afterwards, you understand why the past four WDCs think him generational, and why Carlos is a GOOD driver, indisputably, but has a deficit of skill in comparison to Charles which is masked with luck.
Also ultimately, it's a difference in what type of PR sells to different generations as well. Charles has carefully cultivated quite a strong parasocial relationship with a very loyal fanbase mainly comprising of the countries of Italy and Monaco and younger fans–he does this through playing into inside jokes online with his fans, making us feel like we have a 'special' understanding with him by liking certain tweets, or using certain emojis, or using pictures for his instagram that sneakily reflect a piece of online discourse that happened on a race weekend. Carlos has gone for the more traditional media approach of an underdog narrative to gain sympathy, but he doesn't have the same legion of loyal fans as Charles and makes no effort to build the same fan backchannels that Charles does, which is why I think that Charles, ultimately, will win the PR game. The support of traditional media is fickle, but the lecfosi would follow Charles into hell if asked. It's why Charles knows ventures like LEC or his music will succeed, wheras can the same be said for Carlos outside of Spain?
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omaano · 1 month
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"Cassian's face is a brittle thing, no person's eyes should shine as painfully tearful as his. Kino offers his hand and Cassian - bright as the sun, steady as a roc, fluid as water Cassian - accepts it with shaking fingers. He tells Kino everything."
Art for we're spitting off the edge of the world by Xenomorphic for the 2024 Star Wars Big Bang @swbigbang. It is an amazing Canon Divergence Fix-it fic from one of the most memorable moments of Andor onwards, with beautiful prose that fits the mood of the show so so well and will make you feel just as deeply for these characters. Please give it a read and heap some love on my team's amazing and hardworking author, they were such a delight to work with!❤️
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
this is probably one of the last few blogs that centers around the familial bond that sams/laes focused on. please don't ever change. everyone else is so ship-brained, just talking about ships to the point of erasing family statuses just to make their ships work
Aw thank you i mean like i thrive on that more or less lol, plus like... itS SWEET AND SHOW NEVER GIVES IT TO US (the fact they bring solar back was great but ah the pain of like lunar being afriad of him for that while). Ships can be fun but like not ... a lot to go on in this show tbh (liek the most developed ship thats very sweet and natural feeling at least is monty and earth.) but its not centered on it either which is nice! Plus we have yn/robo content once in a while here. SAMS Fam time i do love, Lots to explore with it! Esp with other dimensions yess
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Out of the tf141 who does reader like the most?
It's hard to say.
I'm not sure the reader does like any of them more than the other? I mean, the reader's naturally inclined to be closer to Price and Gaz because of them being Price's bonded omega. But, that doesn't mean they like Soap any less. Of course Ghost is kind of a touchy subject after Chapter 8, but he's working on it.
I mean, I think reader is trying not to like any of them more than the others. They're all a pack so...you kind of want to like all of them. It definitely makes things better.
Of course, though, there's the natural inclinations to be more attached to others, but in this universe that doesn't really count because they can't control that.
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comixandco · 2 years
ik that taako’s voice in the first episode was because justin was still figuring out his character but i like to imagine that before joining bob taako put on fake accents to avoid being recognised, since he was wanted for the whole poisoning incident, but also for the bit
and then kravitz changes accents mid-fight in crystal kingdom and then drops them during their date at the chug ‘n’ squeeze and taako’s like oh 😳 same hat 😳
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
I’m glad I sat on the book for a bit, because now I’m like 👀 parts of this worldbuilding exist in my head, but are never explicitly stated, and so will seem like massive glaring holes to anyone reading. I’m going full geek now and making a map with all the divided territories etc, so I can go through in one last juicy editing spree and solidify this world.
people like opening a book and immediately seeing a map, right? what kind of half assed fantasy doesnt have a map?
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