#Bishop x rook
laytonkinsandedits · 5 months
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The Hastings family AU moodboard inspired by @aquamarineglow
Requested by:n/a
-Mod ernest
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mrsrookhunt · 10 months
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Rook has two older siblings, and three younger, right? That conveniently goes along with the point system in Chess.
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So we can actually guess which sibling is which.
Either King or Queen is the oldest (assuming King)
So anyways enjoy that knowledge.
@neige-leblanche you inspired part two to this. I knew about it earlier but I was keeping it short and sweet lol.
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ernestlaytonpolls · 26 days
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
can you draw chess rook x the guiotine and chess knight x chess bishop from the kings leap
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N’aaww 💖💖 These two are very cute, and the Guillotine lady is adorable- <x]
And- *Gasp* Oh my- 👁️👁️💧
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I’m sorry- I just feel the Bishop would be an asshole BECAUSE HE CERTAINLY WAS AN ASSHOLE TO ME- (Fucking gauntlet- *kicks the floor*)
Still had fun with this though- the gay panic is real- 💀
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
Courting a Salamandrian Update!
Chapter 26: The Utrom's Gift
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Fanfic is also available to read on Wattpad
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lesbian-rook · 1 month
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a couple sketches to wind down from class
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rainbows-fanfics · 5 months
All'inzio (Chapter 19)
Summary: A  soldier-in-training, Valerie hopes to join the Valencian Army to avenge  her father’s death under the wing of General Rooke. But when she happens  to catch the attention of Commander Kane, her plans take a different  turn.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101, where Kane meets his Queen.
Pairing: Kane/Queen
Note: The title translates to “at the beginning”.
The elaborate ceiling staring down at her was the first sight ‘Queen’ woke up to in the morning. The curtains were drawn from the window, allowing the sun to completely fill the room as the birds chirped melodically outside. It was difficult to move from the comfortable pillow, but she eventually peered around the room. When she looked to her left, she noticed an empty space on the mattress again.
‘He must already be awake…’
After having dinner, she and Kane retired to his bedroom last night. But there were more on their minds rather than sleeping. Some considerable time passed since the they shared a similar space, and they celebrated with a small ‘reunion’ of their own. She’d been craving him, and to receive him in the walls of his own home was a privilege she was honored to have. 
It was strange sleeping in such a comfortable bed. The sheets were soft and her pillow was exactly to her liking. It was hard to believe Kane rarely slept in here - she didn't want to leave the blankets as it is! ‘Queen’ noticed her nudity and put on some clothes. She spent this time properly unpacking her things, starting with the dresses, shoes, and jewelry she brought.
After all was said and done, a knock sounded from the door. The taps were so quiet that she almost didn’t hear them. 
“Come in.” She called, holding her mask over her face. 
The doorknob twisted and slowly opened, revealing a tall figure from the other side. She jumped when a plague doctor mask tilted curiously at her. The figure did not step inside the room, though it wasn’t necessary. She recognized him as one of Kane’s sons - a member of the Elite she met yesterday. 
“Kane wants you to join us in the workshop.” Bishop informed her. 
“Workshop?” She repeated, meeting with him at the doorway. “May I ask what for?”
“He will inform you once we are there.” 
She preferred freshening up first, but she didn't want to keep him waiting. She followed Bishop down the hallways. He led her without uttering a word. She exchanged some questions with him during dinner last night. She learned that Bishop worked with Kane and contributed to many of his projects. Judging by the way they spoke passionately to one another over the table that night, they seemed to collaborate a lot on these sorts of things. 
As they carried on, she found it strange that Kane’s home - or rather, mansion - was so quiet. It made little sense, after learning how many people lived here. She didn’t get a chance to question this, as they arrived at a door. She was promptly led inside and the sight took her aback. 
The workshop was a large room in every sense. While the floor they walked on was clean, there wasn't a space empty in here. The countertops and closets were littered with tools and structures. One part of the room appeared to be a small laboratory, as she spotted beakers and equipment laying about. The rest had large machines she did not recognize. ‘Queen’ noticed a chalkboard that sat uncovered in the back - but she couldn’t understand a single thing written on it. 
They found Kane standing in front of a large desk. There were piles of papers and objects strewn about. He was observing one of them until they stepped in his line of sight. His girlfriend was the first one to approach him, a smile lighting up her face.
“I see you’re awake.” He commented. She pulled her mask away to leave a kiss on his lips. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Of course. It was most comfortable.” She looked around. “Bishop said you wanted me here?”
“Indeed. Today will be the start of what I - and the rest of my family - can teach you.” He led her to the middle of the room, where he gestured to their surroundings. “--This is where I primarily work. Bishop shares the space with me, and we conduct most of our research here.” 
“-Do not touch anything.” The tall plague doctor warned her from behind. He retreated to the part of the room that she believed to be a small lab, searching through some cabinets without another word. Kane waved him off in his absence.
“He’s only protective of his work. I doubt you’ll break anything in here.” 
She was looking around with amazement in her eyes. The sight was something she would’ve seen in a movie - filled with so many books, and complex machinery everywhere she looked…She approached one of the structures and looked at it curiously. Kane followed closely. After a moment, she turned to him and pointed at what she was staring at. 
“What is this?”
“A prototype of a weapon Bishop is designing.” The other man looked up from across the room. “-You must be careful.” 
She gave him an odd look before turning around again. There was so much to see. She was nowhere near understanding exactly what Kane does . He explained he was a sort of inventor - but seeing such work in front of her was another experience. With so many prototypes laying about, sketches of designs and notes in different languages scattered on the tables…’Queen’ was absolutely fascinated. 
“So this is where you do everything? Where you invent, design, and build?” He nodded along to her words. “I did not think it was this…. big …” 
“I work for the King. Not only do I design for my army, but for various improvements to Valencia as well. That is not something I can do without all the resources available.” 
She hesitated. “May I look around?”
“Be my guest.” 
She gazed around the room with curious eyes. She went to the tables and inspected the work laying on them, reading everything she could. She kept a respectable amount of space - not laying a hand on anything she saw. Kane watched her intently as she went around the workshop, a gloved finger tapping his chin in interest. Bishop joined his side and eyed the woman with more indifference. 
“I do not like this.” He stated bluntly. “You are exposing her to our plans. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? Some of this information is highly confidential, and she may stumble right upon it.” 
“I’m aware.” At Bishop’s insulted look, he elaborated. “-She is not just anyone to me. I will ask you to remember that.” The plague doctor went quiet. “If she is going to help us, then she will need to see this. We need her assistance.” 
“Do we, really ? You and I work perfectly together. I do not see why we need someone else in the picture.” 
“Believe me.” His blue eyes went over to ‘Queen’. She was attempting to decipher some mathematical equations on the chalkboard in the room. “--I know what I am doing.” 
The rest of the week was spent in Kane and Bishop’s workshop. ‘Queen’ was sent there every day. In that time, she observed them working and listened to the lessons they gave her. They worked out the structure of the Valencian army to her, and elaborated on some things that were not known to the public. Even though she’d been a soldier herself, she received information that even she didn't know - which obliged her to listen carefully. They explained loopholes and unspoken rules within the system. How could she not be interested? 
In this time, Kane was open and answered any of her questions. He was honest, albeit blunt, but she appreciated his truthfulness, nonetheless. Bishop appeared to be another matter - as he avoided talking to her beyond their lessons and would repeatedly remind her not to touch anything in the room. He was defensive and snappy when she was around, so she seldom talked to him. She would offer help if she found him struggling, to which he’d insist he was fine, and that would be it between them. 
She asked Kane why he was like this. He told her he was stubborn and a perfectionist like him. He assured her that his defensiveness was not personal. 
. . .
A few days passed before she was summoned again. This time, it was Deacon on the other end of the door. She’d just gotten out of the shower when he knocked. She didn't want to keep whoever it was waiting, so she hastily opened the door. Although her frame was completely covered by a towel, he averted his eyes the entire time they spoke. She found his respect rather charming. 
“Your training starts today, so please, get ready.” He told her.
She realized she had business with the entire Elite, and not just Kane and Bishop. Rooke and Deacon were going to train her in combat. She prepared as promised. She was led to a small training ground - with targets and weapons prepared beforehand. Rooke was already there, sitting on a crate and polishing the guns innately. When Deacon and ‘Queen’ arrived, he stopped what he was doing and began preparing their setup. 
“We’re going to start out with seeing your progress so far.” Deacon explained as the larger man moved along in the background. “Rooke informed me of your performances in training. I’d like to see that today.” 
“Yes, sir.” She responded confidently.
 As strange as it was, she sort of... missed this process. Of being a ‘promising soldier. It felt so long since she fired a gun or performed on the battlefield. She almost craved it. Rooke equipped her with a vest and a gun, informing her what type it was and how to properly handle it. She was surprised when Deacon offered some earplugs, which she gratefully accepted. All she was instructed to do was hit a target. She took her time aiming and executing her shots, all of which were notably accurate and hit the targets. 
Deacon was impressed. He offered his criticisms on her performance. After following his advice, she was more accurate and thanked him. After he was done teaching her, Rooke took over. She was excited to be taken under his wing once more, as he proved to be an excellent instructor before. He asked to show her performance with physical combat - which was executed with training dummies and mats. 
‘This feels familiar…’ ‘Queen’ thought as she hit these dummies, with full force and focus. 
Rooke was similarly impressed. He had little to mention on improvement, but gave her advice as well. His input was as great as Deacon’s, and with his help, she was able to hit harder and quicker. He informed her he was planning on teaching her various fighting techniques throughout their time together. This was exciting - as she longed for the days of showing what she was capable of, and to be recognized by high figures such as Kane’s Elite was an honor. 
. . . 
The process kept up for the next few days. Deacon would retrieve her in the morning and bring her to the training grounds for her lessons. Rooke met them there and taught her what he could. The two worked so well together. Rarely did she find them butt heads on anything . Rooke moved targets around while she practiced with Deacon, and in return, the spymaster was used as an example when she was being shown fighting moves and strategies. 
She couldn’t help make a remark during their time together. 
“You get along well.” She commented. “I've never seen brothers as close as you two.” 
Deacon and Rooke exchanged glances before returning their eyes on her. It was difficult to say how they reacted - but they seemed intrigued. The taller one looked down at his twin, his tone a mixture of delight and wonder. 
“-That's the first time anyone ever said that. Do you think we work well together, Deacon?” 
His response came quick. “Of course.” 
The General’s spirits were lifted, judging by the way he resumed their lesson with new vigor. ‘Queen’ noticed an appreciative look showing her way from Deacon and smiled at him in return.
A few weeks passed while she spent time with Kane and his Elite. She was learning plenty from Bishop and Kane - who showed her their notes and told her secrets of the army. She was also grateful that her sessions with Deacon and Rooke were getting her back into a normal routine of training. She noticed her muscles were toning again and was finally getting back into the spirit of a soldier - all while understanding the mechanics of it. 
She was learning more than she ever would’ve if she had started her AITs. 
She was so invested in what she learned from this new family, that she forgot about the lessons from someone else. When a knock sounded on her door that morning, she expected either Bishop or Deacon. She was surprised to find a jester on the other side. The bells on his cap jingled as he moved his head, giving her an impatient look from the unmasked part of his face. 
“Well? Are you ready, or not?” Phule asked at her silence. 
She blinked as she held onto the door frame, trying to understand what he was exactly talking about.
“Oh, ah - yes. I’m supposed to learn…. something from you, aren’t I?” She flashed a smile nervously. She felt terrible for not exactly knowing what . 
“Kane told me what you have to learn. So, you're going to join me while I work.” He explained bluntly. 
“And what exactly is that?”
He only laughed in response.
She realized he wasn’t going to answer any of her questions, so she wasted no time following him out. Kane’s eldest son was the one she’s barely spent time with over these weeks. While he was around for dinner and came into the house often, catching sight of him was rare. At least, when he’d be willing to stick around. She can’t recall exchanging any conversations with him before. He kept to himself and would not pass a second glance if he’d caught sight of her. 
If he means ‘work’ , her best assumption would be his jester act. What did she have to learn from that, exactly? Her time will be wasted watching this man pretend to be silly. It was more productive to learn about the army or how to fight. Why would Kane send her out with Phule like this? Questions gathered in her mind by the second as he led her into the heart of Cadiz. 
The higher classes leisurely walked around as few children played in the streets. While Phule strolled around with ease, she carried a slower pace from behind, looking around in uncertainty. She had to admit one thing - he carried a lot of confidence with himself, even though plenty of noblewomen and gentlemen chuckled at his appearance as they passed by. 
“What am I supposed to do?” She asked. 
“Watch, observe. That's what he wants you to do.” 
‘He wants me to watch him perform?’  
She was still confused by the request, but complied anyway. Phule motioned when they approached a small group of women, sitting and talking on a bench. She got the message and allowed him to do his thing. The way his voice changed was natural, and his movements became theatrical in an instant. He jested about their clothes and the way the girls were sitting - which resulted in titters and giggles their way. He told them a few jokes, only which ‘Queen’ found a couple amusing enough to laugh at. 
When he was done, he returned to her side. She couldn’t understand it. He made fun of those women, told a few jokes, and they laughed. At her lost look, he rolled his eyes and continued his way - grabbing some plastic balls from his pocket and juggled as they walked along. She admired how he did this while moving. 
“You're a good jester,” She complimented. She did not get a response. 
A few children laughed and surrounded them while Phule performed. This was when he added more to what he juggled, impressing the little eyes that absorbed him intently. Eventually, a circle was surrounding him, filled with various nobles looking amused and expecting more. ‘Queen’ stepped aside to blend in with the crowd. He took on a showman’s role as he called out to them. He made snarky comments towards their clothes and wealth, done in such poor taste that ‘Queen’ was surprised to hear them laugh. He performed a few card tricks while he was at it. The crowd ate him up in a contagious way. 
He eventually removed himself from the scene and ‘Queen’ followed intently. He stopped to look at her - waiting for a response of some sorts. She still didn't know what to give him. 
“You're talented. But I don't know what it is I should say.” She thought for a moment. “--You’re funny.”
“Of course I am.” He crossed his arms. “But what exactly did I do ?” 
“You performed tricks and acts, then joked with them. It was fun to watch.” 
He sighed. This confused her more. She grew aggravated with his guessing games. “Well, what do you want me to say?” 
“You don’t understand what I do. But...not many people do.” 
As she opened her mouth to inquire, he walked away without a word. He led them to a bench so they could talk properly. As he took a seat, she joined his side, holding her mask in one hand while resting the other in her lap. He had poor posture as he sat there, crossing one leg over the other and humming thoughtfully. 
“You might know my job is to make others laugh and pretend to be silly, isn’t it?” She agreed. “-You’re not entirely wrong. But there's a lot more to it than that. I have what's called 'jester's privilege'. You heard me pointing out those noble’s clothes and riches - and they didn’t bat an eye. If I were a commoner, they would most certainly have been punished for such words.” 
She blinked, listening carefully. 
“--However, we jesters are not expected to be taken seriously. I can tell the King he’s ignorant and he would laugh in my face. We keep everyone honest this way, to point out their selfishness and conceited ways. I’m allowed to manipulate them - and that’s what Kane would like you to do as well.”
Her lips parted in surprise. Now the dots were starting to connect. 
“I don’t know why, but I'm going to be your teacher for this sort of thing.” He tilted his head to the side. “Father is too busy to teach you himself. And my job is the perfect example of manipulation. Those are his words, anyway.” 
“That's a good point, isn’t it?” She agreed. “You tell them their flaws to their own faces, but they don't take you seriously. How do you manage that?” 
“I assume he's taught you a little bit of this already, hasn’t he?” She recalled her time in Florenza, when he told her how to blend in with the nobles. She nodded right away. 
She did not expect to have this type of insightful conversation with a jester. Now it made sense - she learned how to copy others during her time in Florenza. She’ll have to do the same here, but in a more difficult way. These people are of the highest class, and even the royals themselves are here. Learning this will be a useful trick while she's out, if she is to establish her presence as Kane’s girlfriend....
She turned to Phule and smiled. “I have to say that I... admire what you do.” 
He sounded sarcastic. “Really?”
“You know how to do this so well. Lying to them, keeping them honest while also being funny and talented... I've never understood what a jester does until now. Thank you, for teaching me this.” 
He looked surprised at her words. Being this close made her notice that he had two different colored eyes - his right a similar blue to Kane’s, but the left a brown like hers. It was mesmerizing to look at, but then he turned away. He returned to the scornful tone he had earlier. 
“I’m sure this won’t be the last time he asks me to do this with you. So expect this to happen again.” 
She grinned. “I’m sure I will.” 
She retired to the bedroom that evening. Deacon and Rooke attended tonight’s dinner while Bishop and Phule were nowhere to be found. She was getting used to such a thing, so she didn’t find it out of the ordinary. She had a nice time talking with the two about their lessons, informing Kane on how they went. They’ve been giving positive reports about her, and it felt like she was a soldier all over again, wanting to impress her Supreme Commander. 
She was relieved to speak more with his sons, considering their difficult first meeting. Their company was delightful in different ways. She wanted to spend time with them, not only to further learn in their eyes, but to get to know Kane’s family. It meant a lot to her in that aspect, although she was uncertain if Phule or Bishop liked her yet. She'd have to try harder with them as time went on.
She changed into her nightgown and approached the bed, where her boyfriend waited for her. She hopped at his side. He laid a hand on her back as she rested her head on his chest. He hadn’t changed from his clothes yet, but it was still early in the night. He noticed her good mood and quirked an eyebrow when she started humming under her breath. 
“How did it go today with Phule?” He asked.
She never informed him on how it went. She had been busy talking with Deacon and Rooke at the time. “I was confused with what you wanted me to learn from him. I guess he got impatient when I didn’t catch on.”
“It was interesting learning how his job worked. And that it's something similar to what I was already learning.” Her eyes traveled downwards. “I never thought I would learn from a jester. It sounded ridiculous when you first told me, but now I want to know more .” 
“It’s not a humiliating job, you know. Court jesters are looked highly upon, especially ones that work for royalty like he does.” 
“It’s funny - I never met one until you introduced me to Phule.” 
He stared at her for a moment. In a serious tone, he asked, “He did not act out today, did he?” 
“What? No. He was in a bad mood when he got me, but he wasn’t unkind. I found it charming how the children loved watching him juggle.” 
“Good, good....it is normal for him to seem upset, at times. Take no offense when that happens.” He sat up, moving her off in a smooth movement. “-I take it you are learning plenty from my children?”
“Oh, yes...Bishop is as smart as you, and Deacon and Rooke have taught me well with how to fight. I know Phule will help me understand how to act around here - they are all so talented…I’m honored to work with them.”
Kane stood from the bed to start changing into his nightwear. She watched him move around with hungry eyes, eagerly waiting on the blankets. He took off his shirt in an almost teasing pace, pulling it from his shoulders slowly. His words snapped her out of her trance. “-When I have the time, I plan on teaching you how to fence.” 
She couldn’t hide the excitement in her voice. “You’re going to give me fencing lessons?” 
“Of course. As soon as I am caught up with my work, I will begin teaching you the sport of swords.”
She took on a flirtatious tone, sliding her finger on her bottom lip as she eyed him hungrily. “You know, back when I was in those barracks...there were a lot of rumors that you had quite a long sword…”
“My rapier? Yes, I was taught by the finest instructor in Valencia. He crafted me--” Kane’s words stopped when he turned around and found the inviting smile on ‘Queen’s face. When she licked her lips, he realized he misunderstood. “-I see.” 
He gave her an excited smile of his own, pulling off his gloves and meeting with her in the covers of his bed. In their embrace, he thought of how well she was getting along with his family. Rooke and Deacon told him she was a worthy student, but they admired her kindness as well. Even Bishop appreciated her help at times, despite presenting it otherwise. He was sure Phule would learn to come around, as there was no other option. He understood his children - and they liked her.
This will make things more convenient.
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jevilowo · 2 years
So basically the king had an affair with the phone spider from the moonshine mob (the person the spider is always on the phone with is the king: the king won't talk to him anymore) amd the queen found out and got pissy so she decided to marry the rook, who she was also having an affair with and the king found out and got really pissy so he decides to pay hitmen (the cup bros) to get rid of everyone he's mad at: his children (covered up the affair), his knight (also helped cover up the affair), the bishop (married the queen and the rook), the rook and the queen (for obvious reasons) but that doesn't work bc the cup bros don't kill and the ghosts of the pawns just repossessed their bodies so he just keeps getting the cup bros to beat up those guys and eventually the spider phone guy gets through to him and convinces the king to just get an official divorce and split his kingdom with the queen and the rook and they're happy for a while but then discover that the rook's actually in love with the guillotine lady so yeah, everything goes to hell again.
Any questions?
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rocksistaken · 9 months
can you draw chess bishop x chess knight with rook x the guillotine please 🙏
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I honestly don’t know how to draw ship art beside like the grim and Wally one
But my apologies that it’s a sketch ( and the next post )
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weasleyreidstyles · 2 months
a game of wizards chess on a rainy day
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~∞~ i've never written for enzo before but my mutuals (love you all🫶🏼) have slowly been turning me into an enzo girlie 🤭🤭 this if for week three of @thatdammchickennugget's hogmarch challenge!!
pairing: enzo berkshire x fem!slytherin reader, platonic mattheo riddle x reader
prompt: wizards chess/"you filthy cheater, we go again!"
warning(s): none its all fluff!!!
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The weekend's rainy weather brought with it a sense of serenity and peace as it swept across the Scottish highlands like a flurrying storm. The castle grounds were barren of people, everyone making the unanimous decision to avoid the heavy downpour that had steadily been building in a crescendo all week. The corridors were even emptier, avoided by those who wanted to escape the cold, only the odd person running late to a detention, or for a quick stop in the kitchens, could be seen or heard amongst the chattering painting and silently gliding ghosts.
The common rooms however, were teeming with students, from all year groups. In the Slytherin common room, you and your friends had been some of the lucky few to snag a small grouping of pleated seats, right beside a roaring fire. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that one of said friends was the feared Dark Lord's son, but either way, you were grateful that you could relax by the fire for a few hours, soaking up what little warmth the dungeons could provide in such miserable weather conditions.
Except that you feel anything but relaxed right now. You had somehow found yourself sitting across the small coffee table from Enzo, a fierce game of wizards chess playing out between the two of you. It was common knowledge, between you and your friends, that you absolutely sucked at it, but that didn't stop you from trying, and failing, to beat Enzo at his own favoured game.
You jumped back on your haunches as his bishop savagely destroyed one of your lone pawns and gaped as he jumped up and cheered at his small victory, ignoring the way students around him violently shushed him with scowling faces. Your friends, who only paid sporadic attention to the pair of you, smirked as Enzo sneakily glanced your way, to watch how your face would scrunch in barely restrained irritation.
"And he strikes again!" He says with a cheer, that has Draco glaring at him from over his Potions homework with narrowed eyes. Enzo vehemently ignores him in favour of watching the way your face shifts between a million and one emotions in a split second. "I'm like two moves away from checkmate, sweetheart. Are you sure you can handle losing, again?"
The way he's smirking at you, with mirth painting his face, those brilliantly vibrant eyes of his shining as he stares across the table at you, has a blush fighting it's way up your neck. You scowl at him, menacingly.
"No one likes a show off, Berkshire." You snap, as you move your last remaining rook to take his knight. When Mattheo and Theo snicker from behind you, you turn and rapidly send a glare worthy of one of their own that has them covering their faces to try and hide their laughter from you. Even Draco, who'd been more withdrawn lately, had let out a quiet chuckle.
Sorry love. Mattheo says to you wordlessly and you narrow your glare, solely, on him. But you're not doing a very good job at this.
"Well there's no need to laugh at my misfortune, Matt." You reply and he smirks as he watches the way Enzo looks questioningly between you and him, before he moves another one of his pieces, putting you in checkmate.
You turn towards the table again as you hear the sound of shattering porcelain, watching as your rook is destroyed by his queen, which is now somehow in line with your king piece. You search the board for somewhere you can go, and come up agonisingly empty. You gape at the smug boy across from you.
"You filthy cheater!" You accuse and Enzo sends you a smirk that could bring you to your knees at anytime of the day.
"I did no such thing, sweetheart." He says, but the mischief shining in his russett eyes makes you believe otherwise. "Maybe you should pay attention next time."
His words ignite a challenge within you and you steel yourself as the pair of you become locked into a heated staring contest. In your peripheral, you watch as your friends whisper conspicuously between each other, but you pay them no mind.
Huffing you use your wand to fix and rearrange the pieces to their original positions.
"We go again!" You say resolutely, kneeling closer to the table, as if it would somehow make your wizards chess abilities rise to the surface. But you knew that it was wishful thinking.
Ready to lose again, sweetheart? Enzo speaks to you wordlessly, and your glare intensifies at the way his voice lowers a decibel or two, making it a low rasp in your head. I promise I'll go easy on you. He's smirking to himself as he moves the first piece.
And the cycle continues for another hour, until Blaise lets out an aggrieved sigh and takes your place. You sit beside Pansy huffing as you cross your arms over your chest, casting a look of contempt at Enzo, who does a terrible job of hiding his smug face. After half an hour, their game is a close one, and Blaise only just beats Enzo with a move of pure luck.
The latter comes to sit beside you after that, the game becoming abandoned on the table, an arm reaching across the back of the sofa, hand tracing featherlight patterns against your jumper covered shoulder. He's staring at the side of your face, tracing the way your hair falls in rippling waves as you tilt your head in favour of engrossing yourself in a book instead of focusing on him.
"Still bitter that I won, sweetheart?" He murmurs, leaning in close so that his lips brush the shell of your ear.
The twitch of your lip is the only thing that gives away that you hear him, but you choose to ingore him in favour of finishing the chapter, or at least you try to.
Since Enzo had sat down, you'd read the same sentence at least five times now. He pokes your shoulder with the hand that had been previously caressing it and you turn to him, breath hitching imperceptibly when you realise just how close he is to you.
"I'm only bitter because you cheated. I could've won fair and square." You say, your lips falling into a pout that Enzo desperately wants to kiss away.
"I'm no cheater." He says with enough self assurance that you might be inclined to believe him. "You were the one who turned away from the game."
"Only because Matt distracted me!" You retort, your face moving closer to his on your own accord.
"Perhaps I should put you out of your misery and teach you how to play." He whispers. The tension building between the two of you could be severed by a knife with how palpable the charged atmosphere is.
Said knife appears in the form of Theodore's hushed voice, which sounds fed up as much as it is amused.
"For Salazar's sake, please put us all out of the fucking misery of witnessing this and kiss." It was meant to be a muttered statement between himself and your other friends, but it reaches you nonetheless, causing you to recoil from the close proximity to Enzo, covering your reddening cheeks with your hands.
Enzo doesn't bother to remove his arm from where it practically cradles you into him as he scowls at his best friend. But when you don't move away from his touch, he thanks any god he can think of that you don't shy away from him.
The rest of the afternoon is spent in content silence as you and your friends bask in the murky green glow of the lake, warmed only by the heat of the fire. But you feel heated for a whole other reason, because Enzo's arm is yet to be unwound from your shoulder as you busy yourself with burrowing into his body heat, the position cosy enough for you to settle into finishing your book, and eventually even lulling you to sleep.
Enzo stares down at you with a smile as your book falls limply into his lap. He gingerly picks it up and slides the bookmark, that you'd left on the coffee table, into place before gently putting it on the floor beside your bag. He brings your body closer to his and marvels at the way you instinctively nuzzle your face into his chest, relaxed by the steady beat of his pounding heart.
He places a barely there kiss to the crown of you head and he swears he sees the ghost of a smile gracing your pretty lips.
One day. He'd confess to you one day.
And by the twin looks that he spies on Matt and Theo's faces, that day may come sooner than either of you may think.
A little bonus scene:
"I don't understand how the two of them are so oblivious." Pansy says quietly as she watches the way you berate Enzo with no mutinous ammunition behind your words. "They're so obviously in love with eachother."
"Well they are idiots, bella." Theo says with a laugh. "It'll take it being spelled out for them to realise it."
"We cannot meddle with their love lives." Blaise counters, although his glimmering eyes give away that he wants to do exactly that. Draco looks like he agrees.
"Oh come on, B!" Mattheo retorts, a devilish look overtaking his features. "Where's the fun in that?"
"I'll bet twenty galleons that you can't get them to admit it by the end of the month." Pansy offers with a feline smirk and Mattheo's eyes light up in challenge.
"You have yourself a bet, love. Prepared to lose?" He smirks at his friend who only winks back at him before she settles into Theo's side.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that." She says and they all turn to watch the way Enzo blatently stares at you, eternal love shining in his russett eyes. "Enzo's looks like he's about to burst with it."
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Hear me out.... Steven with a praise kink 👀
You jokingly call him a good boy (because I call him my human golden retriever) and BAM. Confused boner! You take advantage of it and keep teasing him.
(Marc and Jake would never let him live it down, either)
Ijcioajfidi HELP. THIS. AHHH. I’m not sure why chess playing came into my brain. But here we are, reader likes and plays chess and is pretty good at it.
(Side note: in one typo I wrote ‘chestboard’ instead of ‘chessboard’. You just know my subconscious is thinking about Steven’s boobs.)
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Good Boy
Steven Grant x F!Reader Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: INSTANT BONER, p in v sex, teasing, swearing, typos, rail road sentences, please let me know if I’ve missed a warning!
Word Count: 2147
“So, think about how you would stop me.” You said as you looked from the chessboard to Steven. 
His brow was furrowed in concentration, his glasses pushed high on his nose. A few rough curls dangled over his forehead as he bit softly at his thumb in thought. 
“I could move here?” 
“That’s really good.” You smile. “Excellent move, because you’ve also stopped my bishop.” You point to the piece on the board. 
Steven smiled. He liked chess, played against the computer occasionally. But it wasn’t much more than a way to pass the time. 
However when he found out that you had won some amateur competitions when you were in school, and that you still played regularly, his excitement at the prospect of playing a game with you was so completely heart-warming that you instantly said yes. 
In the first game, you’d been determined to go easy on him. Just to get a feel of Steven as a player. You’d accidentally won in less than ten minutes. 
There had been a small tinge of panic, a worry that, like some of the previous partners you’d had, he would be annoyed. Instead Steven grinned, thrilled that you’d beaten him and sung your praises until you were so positively overwhelmed you had had to kiss him repeatedly to get him to stop. 
This was your second game. He had asked in that delightfully enthusiastic way he had if you could play again, “if it’s not too much trouble love, and you want to of course, don’t want to be annoying, do I? No. But I’d love it if you could teach me some strategies?” 
“So I’m going to move here,” you picked up your knight and moved it slowly. 
Steven frowned. “But then I can take it?” 
“I know.” You grinned. 
He paused and looked at you, unable to stop himself from smiling at your glee and then nodded. “Okie dokie, there’s something I’m not seeing then.” 
“Is there?” Your innocent tone didn’t fool him for a second. 
“There definitely is.” 
You chuckled, looking back to the board. “Good boy. Look, take your time, but don’t worry if you can’t find it, I’ll explain.” 
There was a long pause. You frowned a little and glanced back to him. His eyes were a little wide, his cheeks dusted with pink. He was sitting stiffly now, his hand clenched into a fist with his knuckles pressed against his mouth. 
“Hmm.” The sound was too quick. He didn’t look up from the board.
“You okay?” 
He nodded, a short sharp and very un-Steven-like movement. 
You paused for a second, looking at his features carefully as you wondered if Marc or Jake had fronted suddenly. Though, why they would try to hide it from you, you weren’t sure. 
On further inspection you were pretty sure that it was Steven. 
“You sure you’re okay.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled and swallowed, looking through the board and not seeing it. 
“Okay…” You swallowed, watched him for a moment longer before you pointed at your rook. “If you take my knight, I’m going to take your pawn with my rook and you’ll be in check. You can’t take the rook with your queen because then you’d be in check here. So you’d have to move your king like this, and then I could move my other bishop and you’d be in checkmate.”
You looked up at him, chewing your bottom lip. Had he had enough? Was he bored? Fed up of your explanations? 
“Okay. Right. So I won’t do that, I’ll move here.” He spoke quickly, still not looking at you. 
You nodded, watching his move. “Good, so…”
The moment ‘good’ left your mouth Steven sucked in a breath, shuddering. 
A sound you very much recognised. 
You quickly thought over your previous conversion: move this piece, are you okay, take your time, good boy-
Good boy. That was it. 
A small smile stretched across your lips. Steven was still staring, fixated, at the chessboard and didn’t notice. He moved his piece silently. 
You waited a beat before you spoke. “That’s a great move Steven, good boy.” 
He shivered straight away, his breathing hitched. He tried to cover the sound with his hand as he closed his eyes.  
“What’s wrong Steven?” You teased slowly. 
His eyes snapped up to yours, wide and embarrassed. 
“Don’t you like being called a good boy?”
The smallest groan grumbled in his chest, his muscles tensing. 
“Or, is it that you like it a little too much? Hmm? Being my good boy?” 
His skin flushed with heat as he glared at you. His eyes dark. 
“What?” You bit your lip as you grinned. “A good boy would answer questions when asked.” 
“Please.” He whispered.
“Please what?” 
“Please stop. Marc’s taking the piss.” 
You frowned, the playful tease dropping from your tone. “Why’s Marc taking the piss?” You’d done kinker stuff with all of them, Steven liking being called a ‘good boy’ wasn’t really something to write home about. 
Steven sighed, pouting a little as he closed his eyes and took his hand away from his mouth. “Because I’ve got a hard on.” 
You bit back the giggle that wanted to spill from your chest. Something about him having to close his eyes to say it was just so perfect. “So?”
“It happened the second you said it.” 
“The very second?” 
“Hmm.” Steven kept his eyes closed. Interesting.
“So literally, I said it, instant boner.” 
You couldn’t resist one playful tease. “So, if you’re in a park and you hear some say good boy to their dog, is it bam, erection?”
Steven shifted a little as you said those two words, trying his hardest not to moan. His cock was pressing, painfully hard, against the stiff material of his jeans. “No.”
“It’s never happened before. And now- Marc, shut the fuck up.” His voice was a little needy until it came time to address his alter.
“Marc behave.” You said kindly. “So… it’s only ever happened now?”
“When I said it?”
“What happens when I say it again?” You whispered. 
Steven squirmed a little, even the thought of you saying it getting him hot under the collar. “Feels… nice. Sort of.” He pushed at his throbbing cock with the heel of his hand and opened his eyes, his head slightly drooped. 
“Sort of?” 
“Yeah, like… you know, he jumps to attention every time you say it.” He blinked heavily, his cheeks burning. God, you must think he was a right little freak.
“Good boy.” 
He groaned, unable to stop the sound in time and looked up at you. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t nice that you were making fun of him like Marc and… oh. 
Realisation dawned. You were biting your lip and smiling. You liked it. A lot. 
Steven swallowed audibly. 
Slowly you stood and walked around the table to stand beside him. Steven pushed out his chair a little, angling it so that he was facing you. He went to stand but you gently pressed on his shoulder. He followed your command and stayed sitting down, looking up at you with pleading eyes. 
He played at his jumper sleeve nervously as you watched him. His dick hard and pulsating with need, throbbing in time to his heartbeat. 
He swallowed again. “Love-”
“Good boy.” 
He moaned softly, screwing his face up as his cock twitched at your words. 
You bent down quickly, grabbing hold of his cheeks and kissing him deeply. Using his brief surprise to slip your tongue into his mouth and push him back against the chair. 
Steven whimpered against you, his hands coming up to hold your shoulders and the back of your neck as you ravaged his mouth and robbed him of his breath.
“Good boy.” You muttered between the kisses, swallowing his hushed whimpers and soft moans. Revelling in the way he pulled you tighter, needy and desperate for anything you’d give him. 
You brushed your hand against his groin, squeezing the outline of his cock. 
“Fuck!” Steven hissed, clawing at your top and thrusting up into your touch. The rest of his words were lost as you kissed him hard and lightly bit his bottom lip. 
You trailed your lips down to his jaw and neck, sucking at his pulse point and pushing him even further back into the seat. 
His breathy moans sent a wave of heat along your spine to your core, twisted in your belly and overwhelmed every thought. 
You squeezed his cock again, the heat of him radiating through your hand. “Good boy.” 
The words barely left your lip before Steven answered you with an accompanying groan, his length twitching against your palm. 
You moaned, so dizzily high with the sounds of his pleasure. Without thinking you undo his belt and unzip his jeans, pulling his trousers and boxers down to his calves in a hurried motion with a little help from Steven as he raises his hips. His cock springs free, needy and weeping with need. 
You take him in hand, stroking him twice before pulling his jumper over his head. He whines at the loss, chasing your mouth and kissing you urgently the second the material is off and on the floor. 
With your lips desperately pressed to his you pull down your own trousers and underwear, kicking one leg free and not bothering about the other as you take his length back in your hand and straddle his thighs. 
Him being so worked up, so desperate for you when you hadn’t even touched him is a stronger aphrodisiac that anything you’d ever experienced.
You don’t even give him a second to react before you’re lining him up with your already soaking entrance and slowly sinking down. “Such a good boy Steven,” you breathe, your voice rising in pitch at the end as he inches deeper, his thick cock splitting you so wide. 
He moans headily, pressing his face into your chest and mouthing at the tops of your breast through your top. 
“Love, you’re so wet.” He bites his bottom hip, his fingers pressing against your waist hard enough to leave bruises. 
You pull at the back of his hair slightly, scratching your nails along his scalp as he finally bottoms out. He pulses within you, twitching and aching and so, so close already. 
“You’re my good boy, aren’t you Steven?” 
He whined against you as you rocked your hips, quickly starting to lift yourself up and sink back down, setting a brutal pace as you began to bounce on his cock.
“Such a good boy letting me use you like this.” 
Steven moaned, chasing your hips and thrusting deep. He was drunk on you, needed you. Every moment, every word you said sent waves of pleasure through his body and made his head spin. 
Even in his intoxicated state his muscle memory kicked in, bucking up into you perfectly to make you see stars. Each spot that would break you apart memorised and stored deep within his very soul. 
He fucked up into you harder, growling with his desperate need. His leg kicked out and caught against the table's edge, rocking the chessboard and knocking pieces over. 
The sound just loud enough to register in his mind. “Sorry, I-“
“Doesn’t matter Steven, please,” you moaned. At this angle the head of him constantly pressed so deep, rubbing consistently over that special spot and not even giving you a chance to breathe. No pause or reprieve from the oncoming onslaught of pleasure that threatened to overtake you. 
“Gonna cum, gonna cum,” you whined, your thighs shaking and thrusts growing sloppy. 
Steven growled, grabbing hold of your hips and pistoning upwards, not allowing your pleasure to dip. “Please, please, please, cum on my cock, please love, please. Tell me I’m your-”
“You’re my good boy.” You came dizzyingly hard, your fingers digging into Steven’s shoulders and leaving marks. 
But he didn’t care. Couldn't care as you squeezed and fluttered around him, moaning ‘good boy’, and shaking as you fell apart in ecstasy. 
Steven gasped, the air catching in his throat, the pleasure so potent it was like his heart stopped. He came deep, hot and thick, his hips still thrusting to prolong your high and to fuck his spend deeper into you. 
You held each other tightly as you recovered, breathing hard, sweat sticking to your skin. It was only then that you pulled off your top and bra, discarding them on the floor with the rest of your clothing. 
Steven nuzzled into you, softly kissing along your collarbone as you stroked his hair. 
He chuckled suddenly and you moved back every so slightly to look him in the eyes. 
He grinned, dreamy and love sick, up at you. “Marc’s changed his mind. He’d quite like you to call him ‘good boy’ too.” 
Thank you for reading!
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g0dlyunsub · 11 days
red herring.
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in which spencer can’t stop teasing you about how you constantly try to draw his attention away from your rather flawed board/card game skills.
pairing :: spencer x reader
warnings :: none? some [really slight] sexual tension but it’s mostly spencer being his witty self.
word count :: 1.3k
author’s note :: second post is now up! i’m a sucker for pure fluff that involves constant bickering, especially when it involves spencer’s ginormous brain. mention of his glasses like thrice. i also just realized i missed the opportunity to title this as reid herring, but i'm too lazy to change the cover :3
accompanying song :: show me by mac ayres and chris anderson
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you let out a deep sigh before you can stop yourself, and you instantly try to fake cough to mask your disappointment. spencer’s quick to notice, however, and he flashes a smile at you. his glasses hitch up slightly as his nose lightly crinkles, and you can’t help but look and admire. in comparison, your smile is always turned downwards and you’ve never felt comfortable displaying a wide smile like his. 
you’d find his smile to be refreshing any other day, but right now, it’s more of a nuisance than anything. 
“what, can’t admit that you’ve lost the last seven games of chess?” spencer chuckles playfully and rests his chin on his hand. 
you huff in frustration and tap the table with your index finger. “you’ve been playing this game since like what, when you were a week old? your elo rating is probably well above candidate masters and-”
“so what else do you want to try? i’ve handicapped my queen, my bishop, do you want a rook gone next?” the rim of spencer’s glasses gleams under the lighting as he asks, and you hate how everything seems to be on his side. 
“no,” you pout, and tip over your king to surrender. “i want to play something different.” you fold your arms in front of your chest as you speak and lean back in your chair.
“you know, if it helps, i could explain the strategies i used to counter your plays. these seven- well eight games, we’ve played the italian defense three times, the caro-kann setup twice, the sicilian defense once, which is pretty impress-” you cut spencer short when you clear your throat and raise your eyebrows.
“can we not… talk about chess right now?” you pout once again, and push the chess board to the side of the table.
“well. is there anything else that you want to play?” spencer adjusts his glasses as you scratch the back of your head in contemplation.
“old maid. i’m a natural at that game,” you suggest, and you notice the corner of spencer’s lips tug into a smirk.
“oh, i bet you are. try me.” confidence oozes from his words and your heart beats just a little faster. he’s enjoying this a little too much.
“i’ll deal the cards.” you grab a deck of cards from the drawer of your desk and shuffle the cards in a swift and fluid manner.
“that’s right, in a classic two-player situation for a deck of 1 card to a deck of 51 cards, the latter of which is the standard for a game of old maid, the expected probabilities for the dealer winning are always higher than the non-dealer. if you’re really going for the win, i’d recommend playing with a smaller deck of cards, but the difference is really minimal. you’re looking at a simulated probability of 50.4 percent with 51 cards versus 51.8 percent with 23 cards.” spencer rolls the facts off his tongue like it’s common sense, and you blink rapidly in stunned confusion. he’s playing it off with a goofy smile again. ugh.
the next hour is filled mostly with intense silence, and you could swear a part of your brain was going to short circuit from mental exhaustion any minute. 
“is it… here? hm?” spencer observes your facial expressions for any note of change, but you wouldn’t give it to him. you remain unphased as his fingers trail between your cards and pull the rightmost card from your grip. 
your heart makes an ecstatic turn when he takes the old maid and it takes everything in you to suppress your smile. so much for being a profiler.
your excitement doesn’t last, however, when he slightly cocks his head to the side and starts to shuffle his cards. it’s endgame, and you might be able to come out of this with your first victory. 
you lean in ever so slightly, brushing your fingers atop each card and pausing in between. your eyes lock onto his hazel beads, and neither of you blink. 
“it’s not this card.” you move to the next card, and spencer raises an eyebrow.
“are you sure? you know, statistically speaking, when one shuffles their deck of-” your hand snakes under his cards and you lay a finger to his lips. 
“shh, i’m trying to concentrate,” you whisper, and everything goes silent. the tension between the two of you hangs suspended in the air and it’s increasingly harder for you to focus on the game. in fact, you’re thinking of everything but the cards in front of you. 
you draw in a deep breath and settle on the card that sits second to last in his right palm. when you turn the card over, a frown instantly overtakes your face. the old maid had instantly made its way back into your set of cards.
the rest of the game is torturous; each turn, spencer discards his pairs one by one, and your disappointment seeps through your loud sighs. 
you set the last card on top of the messy pile of pairs. it’s a loss, again. 
“spence, i’d beat you in any target game like darts.” you lift your head with an exhausted groan.
“you know, phil taylor, a 16-time world darts champion, is often cited to utilize geometry to his strategic advantage since he aims for the triple 20 section, which is one of the highest scoring areas of the board. it takes practice, of course, to nail the angle down, but an estimation of the dart's projectile motion offers great leverage to your precision.” he looks at you as you start to stack up the cards and stuff them back into their case.
after a pause, he continues: “can i not impress my favorite person once in a while?" he reaches for your hand to interlace his fingers with yours. 
his thumb rubs the cave between your thumb and index finger in a circular motion, and you feel your body relax under his touch. you suppress your excitement at the mention of the word favorite by pursing your lips.
“you always impress me, spence. wait – hey, is that a red herring, coming from you?” you question, pulling his hand towards you.
“perhaps. and i’ll actually address mine, unlike a certain someone…” a sly grin spreads across his face.
“but what about that one time you-” you start, raising your other hand to contest. 
“hm. interesting. that’s your first whataboutist reply in two days,” spencer cuts you off short. what an actual jerk.
he breaks into a small fit of laughter before he waves his hand to control himself. you, on the other hand, aren’t impressed. he stands, his figure towering over you as you remain seated.
“come on, let’s grab a cup of coffee before we head out for the weekend. i’ll walk you home.” spencer motions for you to get up, and you reluctantly follow suit. you’re glad you could spend more time with the witty doctor, but you hadn’t expected to accumulate even more stress after work was over. a cup of coffee is exactly what you need to get a moment of relaxation.
he hands you your cup of coffee and turns to face you while stirring his drink with a coffee stick.
“hey, uh, listen. it’s been really nice playing with you today, and if you wanted to play again sometime, talk about strategies, stuff like that…” he trails off, watching you as you take a sip of your hot drink.
“of course, if you’ll ever consider adopting me as your apprentice,” you jokingly respond, and a glimmer surfaces in his eyes. before he can respond, you lean in and embrace him. 
“i’m just kidding. invite me for a card game any time.” you look up so your forehead sits right under his chin. he’s surprised at your sudden move, but he sets his cup down and returns the hug.
“poker next?” 
“oh hell no. get out of here.” you laugh and take his hand as you walk out of the office while he desperately scrambles for his cup with his free hand. both of your laughs echo down the hallway and trail behind as the elevator doors close.
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ernestlaytonpolls · 15 days
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sapphoswh0re · 2 months
A Kuroshitsuji theory about the emerald witch arc
I've never posted something like this and English isn't my main language but I just wanted to share some thoughts with other fans, so please let me know what you think about this :)
We are in the dream in chapters 93-95, and could these scenes hide clues about the future/role of certain characters???
Who are the pieces on the chessboard?
(Maybe a big foreshadowing about the most recent chapters????)
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What pieces are present for each group?
Black: 1 king, 1 horse/knight, 1 rook*, 3 pawns
White: 1 queen, 1 horse/knight, 1 bishop, 1 rook*, 2 pawns
*I'm almost sure it's a rook because it's the only piece left and the other shapes wouldn't really fit.
First, let's include a bit of symbolism for each piece. (Full article: https://chessquestions.com/chess-pieces-symbolism-shape/)
After looking at the various characters that Yana linked to the pieces it was super interesting to re-read their role/symbolism and try to understand the reasons behind those placements.
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Later two mirrored panels appear and they indicate that certain pieces represent certain characters.
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Ok that was easy.
But what about the others?
And we know that Yana doesn't do things randomly, so what could be the reason for certain choices?
Let's see the theory little by little…
▪︎ BISHOP -> Joker
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Doll
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ ROOK -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ QUEEN -> ?
▪︎ ?
▪︎ ROOK -> Vincent
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Madame red
▪︎ KING -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ PAWN 3 -> ?
4 of them are revealed by Yana herself and two more are quite obvious: O!Ciel is the black king and Sebastian the black knight.
These two symbolisms are often used both in the first chapters and in the anime.
Furthermore, it is mentioned in the same chapter:
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O!Ciel is frequently shown as the "black king" but in the chapter we can see him standing in front of the king, he covers part of it and it's as if he is the one wearing the crown.
R!Ciel is leaning on the horse when he says that Ciel is scared to look at the "proof of sin" which is a clear reference to Sebastian. Also, on the chessboard in the first picture, we find the horse close to O!Ciel.
Ok, perfect, now the hypotheses and spoilers for the latest released chapters begin.
I start with two characters who are shown in the chapter but not as chess pieces: Rachel and R!Ciel.
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Rachel is not present in the second picture but is always shown next to Vincent (in this chapter too) so I think she could be the pawn seen in the first photo in the box G8.
For R!Ciel, however, the question is a little different because we actually know which piece he represents even if that piece is not shown on the board.
R!Ciel is the white king, this not only because he's O!Ciel's twin but because it's shown to us by Yana through the way he moves.
This picture is super helpful to understand where the characters are positioned and how they move.
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We can see him (blue dot) standing on C3 in a scene, then he moves until he's on F2 (the X), standing in front of the black horse (G2, red dot).
I found it interesting how the way he moves is almost underlined with zooms and sparkles: first, a single step obliquely (in D2) and then another single step.
We don't actually know if the move was C3->D2->E2->F2 or C3->D2->E3->F2 but the important thing is that he moves in multiple directions but only one step at a time, and this is a main feature of the king in chess.
So what is the situation now?
▪︎ BISHOP -> Joker
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Doll
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ ROOK -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ QUEEN -> ?
▪︎ (KING -> R!Ciel)
▪︎ ROOK -> Vincent
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Madame red
▪︎ KING -> ? (O!Ciel)
▪︎ HORSE -> ? (Sebastian)
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ? (Rachel?)
▪︎ PAWN 3 -> ?
I'm not actually interested in the black pieces at the moment so let's focus on the rest.
Looking at the situation that has been created with the return of the real Ciel and other characters recently, do we perhaps have some clues about the current factions???
Both R!Ciel and Doll returned as bizarre dolls, so could we consider the whites their side or at least a side that is O!Ciel's enemy?
Then we can now guess who the white horse is in my mind.
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Why do I think that Undertaker is the white horse?
He has a somewhat similar role to that of Sebastian for O!Ciel, albeit distorted.
They're both the "knight" to their "kings", someone who stays by their side (white horse in B4, really close to the white king in C3) and provides support and strategy, I don't know but it just made sense to me.
What about the white queen?
OK, now it's going to get a bit crazy.
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Let's look down again where the white queen and black knight are shown, and let's see what is said.
“Nothing will hurt you here” is referred to O!Ciel, so who could be a threat to him?
Sebastian, of course (in that same moment in the manga he was trying/considering eating him, his goal is to devour Ciel's soul at the end) but is also shown the white queen???
A queen who could hurt him?
Yeah so I think it represents Queen Victoria. Why?
My theory is that on the chessboard she is part of O!Ciel's enemy faction (she is not R!Ciel's ally at the moment and she wasn't involved with the blue cult arc since Undertaker despises her lol) because she could be connected with the events of the twins’ tenth birthday.
There are too many coincidences about 14 of December: Prince Albert's death, the twins’ birth, the attack. A lot of theories here on tumblr explain it really well.
And the other pieces? I don't think it's too crazy to assume that all 4 stars may be present on the board: Sirius, Vega, Canopus and Polaris.
2 of them are already there-> Sirius (both Ciel) and Canopus (Doll).
We now know that Vega is Layla, so she could be PAWN 2 or the ROOK based on her future role/importance(??)
Polaris has yet to be revealed but I believe it could be Joker who is already the white BISHOP, an important piece who is however not linked to the royal court but to a different master, who in his case is Baron Kelvin.
For my first post, it got waaay too long, so maybe I should explain in different posts all my theories on the queen's role, Polaris' identity, etc.
I hope it wasn't too chaotic 😅
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mewje4ns · 9 months
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How to chess? - Spencer Reid
Playing chess with Spencer Reid. The catch is… you don’t know how the fuck to play chess.
Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Knock Knock
The sound of my fist sound against Spencer door after I got a text from him saying ‘my house. ASAP.’ I obviously panicked thinking the worst, so now I stand in front of his door in an oversized shirt and sleeping shorts. Spencer door opens to find a wide smile boy. “Sweets!” His hand grabs mine and drags me into his home. “Look what I got.” It was a chessboard. A chessboard?
“A chessboard?” I turn to Spencer and give him the most confused look he’s probably ever received. “That’s what I needed to come over ASAP for?”
“A hand carved chessboard.” Spencer cheeses at me with his hand’s fidgeting in front of him. “Four hundred dollar-”
“Four hundred bucks!” I turn to the boy with my jaw on the floor. “They have these at Target for like 20 bucks Spencer!” He shakes his head and laughs.
“It’s black walnut and sugar maple wood.” He’s fingers tap each other as he stares at the board. “The pieces themselves are incredible. Look at them!” The boy is the happiest I have ever seen him as he grabs my hand and pulls it toward the board then pulls one of the pieces up to show me in detail.
“They are beautiful Spence.” I smile at him and he sits down on his coffee table and motions for me to sit across from him.
“Wanna play?” Spencer cheeses once again and I can’t say no. So I sit across from him and smile nervously. “You’re nervous? Why?” His face scrunches up in genuine confusion.
“I’ve never played chess Spencer.” I give the boy an ‘sorry I’m an idiot’ smile and shrug. “I’m not exactly smart enough to pay attention in this game.”
Spencer smile widens, if that’s even possible. “I’ll teach you.” He leans his head on his shoulders and it tilts as he takes in my face. Those stupid beautiful eyes dance around my features as if he’s memorising each eyelash or flaw. Not that he would ever call them that. “I’ll go easy on you, promise.”
I stick my pinky out and give him a pointed look. “Promise?” He wraps his thumb around mine and nods. “Then okay.” Spencer’s eyes practically light up, like the ambers of a fire floating into the sky. Warm and fuzzy feelings fill my stomach making my hands sweaty. “Don’t get to excited. I’m definitely not a worthy competitor of the glorious Spencer Reid.” I bow down to him while mutter ‘my lord.’
“Okay, these are pawns.” His slim finger points to the knobby looking ones. “Rook,” the castle. “bishops,” the fancier knobby one’s, “knights,” horse “king,” crown “and finally queen,” pointy crown. He smiles at me and I nod in confirmation that I understood what he said.
“The pawn can move two spaces forward if they’ve never moved. They can move diagonally capture other pieces and if they reach the opposite side of the board they can become other pieces like a queen, knight, bishop, or rook.”
“Rook can only move in straight lines.” Simple enough. “Bishops can only move diagonally and the two pieces are always placed on opposite square colors.” I nod and watch his face light up as he explains the game. “Knight can only move in ‘L’s. Like this.” He grabs the horse head and moves it over one spot and up two. “But they can move back unlike the pawns. Same with pretty much every piece.” I hum in understand and he puts the head back in its spot.
“Queens are the most powerful piece.” He picks up the queen piece but is cut off by my god awful joke.
“Girl power.” I raise my fist up and immediately after the joke is blurted out of my mouth I shake my head and throw my hand back into my lap. Spencer thought this joke was hilarious. “Sorry.”
“No, no you are totally right. Girl power.” He snorts, he can’t even try to hide his laughter. “She can move all directs. Diagonally and vertical. The king can only move any which way by one place. The whole point of the game is to corner the king in a way that makes it impossible for him to move without getting caught.”
“Checkmate?” I look at him with furrowed brows as I try to absorb all of his words.
“Yes, checkmate.” His praise lit up my body. I understood chess and Spencer was proud of me? I’m dying a happy woman. “Good job sweets.” I tried to ignore the heat building in my chest but he was just so… ugh. There’s no word in the dictionary to describe the man in front of me. He’s perfect yes, but he’s more than that too. He’s everything. Spencer makes my heart bear and slow down. He makes me hot while being as refreshing as a cold glass of water. His symmetrical smile and stupid face. “Let’s play.”
The game begins, he moves a piece and I try to counter it. Not even 7 minutes later he says “checkmate.” My jaw drops as I study the board.
“What the hell?” I look up at the boy who smiles at me. His eyes scrunch with the smile, my favorite smile of his. “I didn’t even- how did you- Spencer I thought you said you were going to go easy?” He smirks and shrugs.
“I was. You’re just bad.” I shake my head and then he offers a bet. “Loser has to do whatever the other wants.” I nod immediately. “Okay if I win you have to… write ‘Lost to Reid’ on your forehead.”
“Okay if I win, you have to kiss me.” Spencer pauses and the nods with his cheeks flushed pink. He’s only agreeing because he knows I’ll lose.
The second game begins. This one is longer at 24 minutes. “Checkmate?”
“It is checkmate, yes.” Spencer smiles at me. “You won sweets.”
“I won?” I look up at Spence confused. “I win?” Spencer nods and laughs. How did I-
“Guess I gotta pay my side of the deal.” Before I can comprehend what’s going on Spencer pushes his $400 chessboard to the side nearly knocking it off the table and leans over it. His hands grab my face and pull me up to meet him halfway over the table to kiss him. His lips are soft, softer than I had expected from him. His fingers hold my jaw as his head tilts to kiss me deeper. “Good job Sweets.”
“You let me win.” He smiles and watches my face before nodding.
“I let you win.” He kisses me again, his hands slide down toward my neck and pulls me up closer while a quiet groan in the back of his throat. “Needed to lose, I mean I won in a different area.” He smirks a stupid smug smirk that has me pouting at him.
“You fucker.” I shake my head at him. “I thought you were just gonna go easy not cheat.”
“I did go easy, so easy that I set you up for success.” He smiles at me, a stupidly beautiful smile. ���Can we kiss more or do I have to lose to you again?”
“We don’t have to play to kiss.”
“Good.” Spencer’s eyes sparkle more than when he was talking about the chessboard.
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lesbian-rook · 3 months
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