#And i find that immensely conforting
synchodai · 2 years
Lately, I've been really anxious about the future. There are these dark thoughts that we've mapped a downhill crash towards our own destruction and society as we know it is doomed.
And I have been cheered up by sci-fi, optimistic, hopepunk stories of collective action, incremental change, and all that promise of hope and messages of "it's not too late!" BUT...
Nothing has comforted me more than the future that Stray presents. Humans ARE gone, most likely destroyed by their own greed and inability to overcome the class divide.
However, music is still played. Love still exists. Cats are still here doing cute cat things.
Instead of telling me, "You can still avert the collapse of humanity!" Stray tells me, "Even if it is too late, beautiful things will still bloom on your grave. Society collapsed, but life will go on."
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caxycreations · 4 months
Hey Dav!! :3 To try and distract you a littlw from the stress, tell me, what does each oc (anyones you pick) do to wind down after a stressful day? Do they have a confort food, a confort place...? I'd love to hear it! <3/p
I needed this, thank you <3/p
Well, let's go down the list.
Ryder, on a stressful day, likes to go to the gym in the strip mall across town. It's got a little of everything (owned by Killian Industries, so of course it's well-furnished) and the sandbags vary from small and basic to heavily-reinforced.
He likes to head over there and wail on a sandbag until the frustration's out of his system. He's a regular, working out there once or twice a week just to keep his reflexes and muscle memory sharp, but when he asks for a bag, the clerk knows it's a rough situation.
They actually keep a few special ones in stock for stronger patrons, and Ryder gets one of their most durable bags: ballistics gel inside six layers of reinforced kevlar, wrapped in a layer of sand, all in a proper sandbag casing. Custom made for the strongest patrons, and still needs replacing regularly due to the level of abuse Ryder and those like him can dole out.
David likes to sit down on the couch, preferably cuddled up to Ryder, Trace, or Davina, and watch Lucky Duke until he passes out. Between the snuggles and the show, he usually forgets his stresses quick.
Davina will usually deal with a stressful day by calling up the pizza place down the road, asking for Kage (one of their delivery guys), and sending Moss to a friend's house for the night. You can guess what she and Kage get up to...
Trace runs. He finds a nice, long stretch of road or buildings and he runs as fast as he possibly can for as long as he's able. Sometimes he'll head out to the abandoned race track and really cut loose by running, jumping, and vaulting his way around the course at top speed for an hour or two.
Moss has a few ways they'll de-stress, but they usually de-stress by writing stories or reading them, usually in some tucked-away place, hidden from the world.
Luka doesn't get stressed, actually. Not even kidding, he just...doesn't. Problems roll off him like water off a duck's back, and he doesn't hold on to negativity long enough for it to turn into stress.
She'll de-stress by talking with Luka. His insights, outlooks, and way of speaking all have a calming effect on her, so she enjoys venting to him because she knows he'll take it in stride and bring her back to level-headed with ease.
He doesn't de-stress, he uses the frustration as fuel.
I can't say how Devon de-stresses.
Kaleb doesn't get stressed, he has people to do that for him.
De-stresses by heading to the graveyard and spending some time with the spirits there. They understand him better than the living anyway.
De-stresses by smithing. He works as a smith in Dornum, and enjoys it immensely. So when he's stressed, he'll smith. He's got all manner of trinkets and baubles he sells as curios on a shelf in his shop for cheap that were made from his frustrations and his stresses, immortalized in iron.
Carlisle de-stresses by practicing his monologues, watching the lowest-performing subordinate test his constructions, and by reading. Mostly the first one though.
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collei from my au? part 1
her and scara know each other how story time !
collei one fatefull night stayed in a tent as cyno was gone to search for wood and edible food for her as she wait for him drawing on the ground she noticed someone walking his arm bleeding panicked she called out to them while running over wich in return made him turn toward her his eyes full of confusion and warmth for some reason she look up to him and bring bandadge and gooze out of her sacoche before sitting down and patting next to her as the man reach for the objects she quickly apply the product to the bandage before speaking worry in her voice as the blood flood out “it’s gonna hurt...” she apply it on the injured arm receiving a small hiss from him he spoke then after hoping to ease the tension “what’s your name little one ?” the small girl continue her work before responding softly “my name is collei and you ?” the man smile and answerd “kuni-i mean scaramouche...what are you doing around here” the liitle girl tighen the bandage making the man flinch “i am travelling to sumeru to help there and become someone better”  she exclaim hoping to prove her point across
the man put a hand on her hand ans spoke “well it’s a good thing but are you travelling alone ?” he asked he could feel something inside her that shift inside as his head made contact she point to the campement “no i’m travelling witth someone that is currently taking there sweet time to bring wood and food for us” he smiled and froze reconizing the aura of archon residue he ask “tell me why is there archons residue around you when mentioning him ?” the girl froze and focus back on the arm before letting a sigh “i suppose you can see element huh ? would you have the time for a story sir ?” scaramouche smiled and humed seating himself confortable on the ground startling the small girl “all the time in the world little collei” collei smile and took a deep breath 
[cinematique kind of stuff]
|the picture show collei in her bed with her parent to her side|
once upon a time was a poor and sick familly was an even sicker daughter unable to walk, they tried everything they could to heal, fruit, water,keeping her warm, making sure said girl was safe from cold yet nothing had work at lest that’s what they though 
|the picture show to see the parent looking down with no further hope untill colei step out of her bed walking to them|
for the first time the girl stood and walk to her parent and spoke with a low and tired voice “dear parent would you please look at me your daughter is standing up behind you !” the parent couldn’t believe there eyes there sweet daughter walking on her own 
|the picture change to see the fatui harbringer the doctor talking with the parent|
yet one day the parent met a “doctor” proposing to fully heal there daughter in exchange of there help the parent look at there still sick daughter and back to themselves and spoke “very well but please heal her we beg of you who accept to heal her” the man laugh and said farewell aproching the shaking and crying child 
|the next image showed a house and a hand on the floor as well as blood as the dotores drag collei away|
the doctor lied and killed the parent taking the child with him back to a laboratory wher countless of horrifying and distgusting experiment happend the man knew sp much that they used the child for there work there “remedy” was torture to the barely 10 child who afterward feared the contact
|the scene show a girl with countless cut bleeding on her body as well as souture point and scale|
the girl hated her apperance so she tried to hide herself wrapping her wound ans scar and scale up with bandages as well as wearing new clothes to help her hide her shape and body bandage to the world she had a plan when one of the guard took her back to her cell she would run away 
|the next scene show her running away|
she didn’t know how long she ran in the cold and  then the forest to find a immense tree casting a shadow over her she fell to the ground exhausted from her escape she falled asleep on the ground hiden from the prying eyes of monster or human
|the imaged showed the statue inside monstad with a cobra around it’s neck strangling the statue she felt someone holding her as her sense came back to her the girl in red smiled and ask question as she answered she spend time with her climbing gliding and meeting other, she even went to lundi harpastum with her and made friend and felt...loved 
|the image show collei’s back with a cobra around her neck whispering on her ears|
but it’s voice was always there making her freeze and unable to react someone in blue made the girl in red left and guide her confiused state of mins somewhere hidden where they attack her piercing her skin freezing her to the core with a beuatifull yet deadly blue ice the snake chant become louder before all she could see was red...she fought back strangling the man before coming back and throwing the snake off stopping the voice but also her attack once she look up one sentence escaped her “please, kill me” the man froze as a bunny explode in front of them as the girl in red took her in her arm and ran away once they arrived the girl argue with the red girl who was completly unfazed but instead grew on her and made her once again felt warm, safe and loved she noticed the girl in red was hugging her like to protect her from something 
|the image chhange to seeing her actual self with the girl in red before her|
she had to leave to not cause further problem to the town of freedom where her “home” would be the snake partlly scealed away to somewhere know as the land of wisdom she travell with someone in that hope to find a cure to the sickness now strongeur than befor that sickness being elezard
|the image vanish|
collei finished bandaging as the man sat there holding the weeping girl close to him running gentle circle on her back scaramouche was first to speak “you aren’t to blame collei...the snake is” the man carried her back to the camp as an oldeer man look around panicked “i’ll watch over you and will travel with you for you healed me and remind me that you and i aren’t so much different and i want to save you from becoming like me” the girl fell asleep holding onto the man
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dozsu · 1 year
Pains and Truths
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Of Endless Blue—Chapter 2
Kova woke up in a chamber she had only seen a couple of times. When you grew as the only daughter of a council member you had few reasons to end up in a hospital room.
She was on a bed made for a regular adult sized dragon. Which meant it was way too big for Kova. She tried to get up and check for any wounds, but froze when she found a shackle on her ankle. The visage brought a flash of memories to Kova. An ember of panic burnt her chest for a moment, but she would overcome any memories. They couldn’t hurt her if she could ignore and forget them.
Her family knew that physical restrains would be useless at this point, so it was either a message that said "don't try to get out of the room" or a decision made by a third party, either of those were troublesome, specially because she couldn't recall what she had done to deserve it.
She recalled teleporting, but she had used her breath and instinct instead of a spell and beacon. But why? She examined the room, searching for some extra info. But maybe it was just a whim of her uncontrolled self. That was the great problem with her curse, it was like a drunkness, all ideas felt the most logical and sensible at the time. Then she would "woke up" and find utter nonsense in her actions.
Explanations would come later, first she had to check herself, her right wing was aching, but didn't seemed like a teleport injury, most likely she rolled and slept over it, which was weird, could she already been growing unfamiliar with her natural body? Kova decided to use her blessing to free herself.
Dragons sometimes were born with special blessings that represented something to be proud of: powerful breaths, sturdier wings, beautiful scales, mighty horns, undisturbable minds, or the innate control of magic and some more.
Most dragons thought of it as destiny, like divine indication to dedicate their lives to something. She always thought it was just a streak of genetic luck, nothing to be really "proud" of. But then, she really found confort in the ability of morphing her body to command.
Scales turned to skin and wings to cloth, horns to hair and claw to nails. Her blessing had grown along with her mastery of the arcane, allowing her to reduce her size and weight. The smaller humanoid form let her pull free of the shackle, then she decided to revert back.
Kova's family wasn't happy with the use she gave to her blessing, that's why she only did it when alone. It was also unpractical to have the size of a wyrmling in the main quarters of the NSC.
Lurking around, Kova found her clinical record. Seems like she actually got injured by a ten meter high fall. She was unconscious, so she couldn't stop herself, and accounting the frail condition she was born with, it was enough to break some stuff inside her.
"But why would i... Oh... Right"—Memories of her ruthless decisions started flowing back at the moment the door opened—"Oh no"
Kova's doom illuminated the room with purple light, her executioner wore a shiny amethyst and silver necklace that matched her scales and wings. Violet looked visibly angry, which meant Kova was in real troubles. 
"What is wrong with you?! Everyone is speaking about the daughter of the new head of the NSC crashing with a ship in the middle of the conference hall"—Violet voice was kept low in a snarl of contempt—“I need an explanation, and i need it now”
“No, it’s just that i, well...“— Kova felt an immense sense of panic and shame that was soonly shut down, this time not by herself. Kova had learned to recognize the touch of Violet over her emotions. It was an awful feeling, and sadly, the best way to keep Kova’s curse on control — “I...got angry“
“Anger?”—Violet made a snarky snort and started checking the shackles—”That is something i would have forgiven to the tiny lady Kova, but you are no longer a Wyrmling. You know the damage you did?”
“I... am sorry“—Kova always thought the Violet only left the shameful and sorrowful emotions, making her speak with weakness in her voice— “I wasn’t expecting to get back so soon, and it all caught me by surprise... I didn’t wanted to make a mess“
“Dont you get it? You will eventually make a mess, that’s why you need to be here, where we can keep you under control“—She had the shackles in her claw—”I know that you are better than this. Or at least you should be...”
Violet’s words went back to her usual soft tone, and that was the worst part, sometimes she thought that Violet truly wanted to protect her. But there was something else, Violet never lost the opportunity to remind Kova the truth.
Among dragonkind there were many ideas and philosphies that tried to explain where the value of a Dragon was found. And Kova was represented in none of them.
She was the only daughter her mother ever had. But born with a frail body and ill of mind, the only ones who didn’t give up on her were her parents. Still, everyone already knew the truth. She wasn’t a daughter to be proud of.
Kova knew the truth, it was carved in her mind as in steel. She had learned to live accepting the truth without pain. But Violet presence made her feel angsty, her words accompanied with her psychic touch had a weird effect, leaving only those sad emotions that weren’t enough strong enough to ignite her curse, but also weren’t weak enough for her to just ignore.
“...anyway, you need to present a formal apology“—Kova had let her mind wander around all the awful things she was feeling, and had already lost half of the lecture Violet was giving her, Kova didn't care anynore — “Are you listening to me? Are you... whWhat are you doing?“
Her family was right, shifting that much had broken her, tears were for humanoids, not for dragons.
"It's nothing, a minor symptom of manual teleport"—Kova steadying her voice as she could—"I'll have the apology later, just... Let me alone, please"
Violet sighed, but she didn't seemed to have the humor to keep tormenting her— "I'll need it in 5 hours, you may leave"
Kova wanted to cry and roll in her bed. She wanted to become tiny, tiny enough to disappear from the world. But emotions had to wait, she had work to do.
And so, she jumped, appearing in a bed she hadn't seen in many years.
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randominagines · 3 years
Could you write one (including Bruce Stephen, Scott, Rhodey, T’Challa, and Clint) the avengers reacting if the reader was a Black Widow?
Thanks for the request!
Pairing: Avengers x fem reader
Warning: fluff, angst
Gifs belong to their creators.
Pt 2 here (Vision, Sam, Pietro, Peter, Bucky, Loki + Bonus: Bruce, Clint and Scott)
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Tony would be pretty surprised, but intrigued. "A Black Widow? I always knew there was something spicy in you, lady Y/l/n." He jokes while raising an eyebrow and you giggle, your hands caressing his chest. "You look quite pleased, Mr. Stark." You provoke him and he shugs. "Well, I already knew you were a badass, but this is the confirmation." He says before immediatelygetting serious. You frown. "What?" You ask and he caresses your cheek. "I just hate the idea of what they have done to you." He adds, suddenly overwhelmed by the awareness of how hart it was for you. You smile at him, your hand taking his. "I'm okay now, with you. I feel safe." You say and he kisses you.
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Steve would be shocked. "Darling, why didn't you tell me?" He asks while crossing his arms over his chest. You look at him and bite your lower lip. "I didn't know if I could trust." You admit. He softens and tenderly caresses your cheek. "I get it, I'm glad you trust me now and I'm sorry you had to suffer. Come here." He concludes and presses a kiss on your forhead, making you feel finally protected.
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Thor would be excited, since he knows nothingabout the horrors of the Red Room. "A Black Widow? Kinda like Natasha?" He asks while looking at you in amazement, you chuckle and noddle. "So you can fucking fight, babe!" He says and laughs, his hands grabbing his own shirt in excitement. He makes your life full of light and lightheadedness, so you decide to spare him the bad side of your training for now. You shake your hands and position your feet. "Want a taste?" You joke raising your fists and he tilts his head. "Of you? Always."
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Natasha understands the atrocities behind the cool fighting skills, so she would be sad. "I'm sorry you had to go through this too." She softly says while caressing your cheek, you nod and look at her. "I've killed many people." You whisper and she shakes her head. "I know you didn't want to. You're doing your best and trying to be more than just a trained killer, this makes you a good person, my love." She conforts you and you nod, watery eyes and lips pressed while she hugs you.
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Wanda would be sorry. "I can only imagine what you've been through. I was a victim of some experiments too and I vaguely remember the horrors. I'm sorry, baby." She says while brushing a lock of your hair behind your ear. You shrug, a nervous smile on your face. "It happened. I'm trying to do better now, even thanks to you. I'm glad to have you by my side." You whisper and she smiles while softly kissing you.
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Stephen knows what they do to the Black Widows, so he immediately caresses your cheek, his soft touch giving you goosebumps. "My Dear, I'm immensely sorry." He whispers while looking at you, his eyes watery. You softly smiles at him, your hands placing on his. "I'm okay now, I'm a grown woman. I obviously remember everything and even if when I was a child some things are still so vivid..." you hesitate, the pain of the training and the sterilization still in your mind. He hugs you, his arms wrapping you into the most comforting hug. "I'm here, I'm here."
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T'Challa would let you explain everything to him. He wants to know what you've been through to become who you are. He carefully listens before finally looking at you, his eyes filled with anger and sadness. "You didn't deserve this." He simply says and you shrug, your hands nervously playing with your own shirt. "I can't have children." You say, knowing how important is legacy in the black Panther culture. He shakes his head and walks to you, his hands cupping your face. "Don't even think for a moment that this will have any effect on the fact that I love you and you're the woman I want to spend my life with." He immediately reassures you and you smile, tears running down your cheeks while you hug him.
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Rhodey would be so angry. "I can't believe what they did to you." He whispers in pure rage while crossing his arms over his chest. You look at him and bite your lips. "I'm glad I'm here now, with you all, trying to be a better person." You confess and look at your own feet. He grabs your hands and caresses the back of them. "Hey, you're not what they wanted you to be, baby." He says and you nod, eyes filled with tears while he kisses your forhead.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Can I ask something like: reader being engaged to someone of the Zen'in clan (not willingly) and discovering that she is pregnant with Getou's child, which she's having a secret relationship. So this would lead to a huge conflict. Feel free to add smut or change anything if you don't feel confortable writing it! Thanks for your work. Lots of love <3<3<3
SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER (who happens to be me)
Arrangements: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.9k
tw: nsfw, angst, mentions of abuse
The priceless china teacup - the only one of its kind in the set of four - drops from your hand and to the dining room floor, where it shatters into a million pieces.
Your father looks at you with concern, as if you had just spoken some foreign language.
"No," you repeat, this time with much more emphasis. Didn't he understand the meaning of the word? Or was "no" not a part of his vocabulary?
"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice, y/n. You and Naoya have been paired together since birth, and it's now time for you to--"
"I said no!" You stand from the table and walk past your father to exit the dining room, pushing the door open with fury. As you stalk away from the arranged marriage to a Zen'in and your father, you feel tears well up in your eyes.
You scrub them away as you push past your bodyguard and into your room, where you lock the door. But the tears come faster than you expect, and you can't help but weep. It isn't until the sun goes down that you stand from your seated position and move to your desk, where the picture of you and your best friend sits, his black eyes glaring at the camera as you pinch his cheeks, smiling at him with glee. You were only five then, but if you knew then what would happen to you fifteen years later, you would have begged to run away with him much sooner.
The 'plink' of a pebble smashing into your window calls you out of your daydream, and you place the picture back down before moving to open your windowpane.
"You really could just knock," you advise Suguru Geto, who stands at your window with a silly grin on his face. "It'd be a lot less annoying."
"But what's the fun in that?" he wonders, climbing inside easily. "Plus, it gives me an excuse to find pebbles around the grounds. You know how I like rocks." You roll your eyes as he leans in, placing a deep kiss on your lips and wrapping his arms around your waist. "Mmm," Suguru hums. "You've been crying. What's new?"
"Nothing," you lie, but he tilts your chin up, examining your face.
"Looks like you've been crying for a while... Did your father say something to you at tea time?" You hold in a sob, lips quivering. "Perhaps a spat over something he sees as trivial, per usual?"
"Stop," you beg, pushing his hand away. "I don't want to talk about it."
Suguru steps back, rifling around in his pockets for something. When he produces the black stone, he hands it to you, letting your fingers drift over the polished texture as you consider opening up to the only man you love. "Here's one of my worry stones. You can rub at it and it'll take the negative feelings away."
You hold it in your hand, making a note to save it with the other pretty things Suguru has given you over the years in the box under your bed. You sit on your bed and he follows suit, laying beside you and sighing.
"Have you ever thought about running away?" you wonder, and Geto bites his lower lip thoughtfully.
"Sometimes. But then I remember that I can't run away from all of my problems, and I'd be leaving you behind."
"Maybe we should run away together." At your proposal, Geto puts his hands underneath his head, staring at the spinning fan.
"I can't condone that. You'd be running away from your problems, y/n."
"And? What does it matter if I only have you? Is that enough?"
"It matters a lot," Suguru mumbles, and you sigh. "I can't ask you to give up your life for one of hardship. I've been working on saving a bit of money, though. When I get enough, I'll buy a ring, come to your dad, and ask him for permission to marry you. Just wait a little while."
"We don't have a little while," you blurt, and he frowns. "My father wants to marry me off to some Zen'in, and--"
"What?" Suguru sits up, black hair falling down his back. "Say that again."
"My father wants to marry me off to some Zen'in," you repeat, and Suguru's eyes widen immensely before squinting.
"No, no, no... that can't be right," he breathes, and you shake your head.
"That's why I've been crying." Shock gives way to a blank look and he stands, running a hand through his hair.
"I have to go."
"Wait!" you cry out, but Suguru is out of your window in a flash, walking across your lawn without turning back.
The look Naoya Zen'in gives you is revolting.
When he strides into the room, your insides melt to nothingness and apprehension takes over. He circles you like prey, smiling at your shape and making lewd comments about your child-rearing abilities.
"Looks like you have a set of hips that are perfect for---"
"Naoya," your father chides, and the man slides his eyes to your father's face.
"Right, well..." the man clears his throat. "I would like to see what she's like by herself if you don't mind." Your father gives you a look that says 'behave' and you plead with him in your head to remain in the room. But he leaves you two alone, and that's when Naoya's face drops its smirk.
"Alright, let's be frank with each other." He leans forward on the table between you, lacing his fingers together. "I'm not in the business of making you feel good about yourself. You have to do that on your own. I'm going to tell you what I need when I need it. If you can't provide it, then you should seriously consider emptying that little head of yours of the idea that I won't remind you of your place."
You recoil at his words, lips curling up in disgust.
"And don't even think about replying with some smart-ass remark. I'm not the Chief of Hei for nothing." Bile rises up in your mouth at the thought of this swine being your betrothed, but you force it down, swallowing hard.
"I understand."
"Good. Now, let me see you turn around and walk out. I want to watch your hips as you walk away."
You rush into your bathroom and lean over the toilet, all of your consumed food coming back up. You vomit until nothing is left in your stomach, and dry heave for the rest of the time you're perched at the toilet bowl.
When it's all said and done, you wipe your mouth and flush, face redder than it was before you started feeling ill.
Your head swivels to the window, and you rush to open it, coming face-to-face with Suguru.
"Babe..." he whispers, face flushed. "I brought you something." When he comes inside and sits on your bed, you consider telling him about the encounter with Naoya, but when he opens a small box, you're stopped in your tracks.
"Su!" You eye the small moonstone ring with curiosity, a smile creeping across your face. "Su, this is gorgeous."
"Solid rose gold and moonstone; your favorite." You slide the ring onto your ring finger and hold it up to the light.
"I love it... I love you." Suguru stands and brings you close to him, holding onto your head carefully.
"I'm going to take it to your father right now and--"
"I really wouldn't recommend you do that," a voice calls out from your doorway and both of you pull apart, startled by Naoya's sudden presence. "I had a feeling you'd be otherwise occupied." Naoya closes the door as he enters, smirking. "I should tell Mr. L/N myself that I've discovered this little tryst, but I think I'll let this poor man off the hook just this once." He turns to Suguru and gives him a deadly glare, crossing the space between them. "Leave. Don't come back here. I don't care how you feel or what you've done. But she's my property now, and no one other than me touches my things." Geto bristles at the threat, eye twitching.
"Make me, you piece of dogshit."
It's apparent that Naoya isn't quick to anger, but his fists clench in defiance. "I see," he breathes, letting go of his fists and running a hair through his light-colored hair. "You'll regret those words." And he leaves you two in the room, closing the door behind him carefully.
You stare at the little bump protruding from your belly in disbelief, fingers quivering over the skin. You try to recall the last time you and Suguru had unprotected sex and realize it was over a month ago, right before Naoya had appeared in your life.
The heavy onyx ring sits on your finger, reminding you of your engagement and the despicable man who had chased your lover away on that dreadful night.
Footsteps approach your room, and you quickly dress in your loose-fitting cotton shift dress, concealing any signs of pregnancy. Naoya throws open your doors and strides in, eyes looking about the room. "I have a little surprise for you, doll," he smiles, holding his hand out for you to take. Without hesitation, you grip it, knowing any delay could mean a swift backhand or a bruised wrist. "You'll enjoy this. I think I'll consider it my wedding present to you."
Naoya half-drags, half-walks you to the courtyard, where many of the townspeople have gathered, their faces somber and uneasy.
And chained to a post at the front is Suguru, his shirt torn and scrapes dragging across his skin.
"Just in time," Naoya chirps, pushing through the crowd and making you stand at the front, where Suguru could see you. His eyes widen, and he mouths something to you, but you shake your head, hands trembling.
"This man has been accused of stealing from the town's jeweler," Naoya calls out, circling around Suguru carefully. "And in his possession, we found a valuable piece of evidence." The accuser holds up a moonstone ring - your moonstone ring - showing it to the crowd proudly. "The punishment for theft is usually loss of a hand. But I feel that he should be delivered a much less barbaric punishment." Your heart leaps out of your chest, and you bite your tongue to keep from crying out.
Nothing Naoya would do would be less than barbaric.
"Fifty lashes are appropriate for the crime," he announces, and a man comes out of the crowd with a whip, standing behind Suguru with authority. Your eyes sting with tears, and you try your best to hold in a scream when the first lash lands across Suguru's back.
His black eyes are trained on you for the first fifteen strikes, but when the sixteenth lash rings out in the crowd, they begin to roll back, and he cries out in pain, voice echoing across the courtyard. Naoya sidles up beside you, gripping your wrist.
"See what happens when you sleep around with thieves?" he hisses, and you begin to weep, your vision blurring with tears. He chuckles and you hide your face behind your hands, sobbing furiously.
By the fortieth lash, you're all cried out, and Suguru's lost consciousness. His eyes are closed and his head lolls forward, hair drooping across his face. And when the man finishes, Suguru is left on the post, his blood and sweat mixing together across his back. You can hear ragged breathing after a minute of waiting, and Naoya goes up to Suguru's body, pulling his head back by his hair.
"Learned not to mess with my things?" he grins, and Suguru drags himself from the edge of consciousness to whisper,
"For y/n? I'd do it all over again."
The look of pure, unadulterated shock on Naoya's face is enough to haunt you every day afterward.
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not-crazy · 3 years
Fuck fuck fuck FUCK
I have lost my favorite fanfic. I took too long to make my ao3 profile, soo i kept it open in my phone, but I must have closed it for mistake, because its NO WHERE. And now I cant even REMEMBER THE NAME
So I come here in despair to ask if some kind soul can help me to find it again
It was the final part of a nandermo series in wich they were fleeing the council, and they do a car travel in United States. In the one i am looking for Nandor and Guillermo were finally happilly together, and they stop in a small country city in some corn harvest festival. They find some homophobic dudes, and Nandor steal a horse, slay them, and then they burn the whole city.
You see, that was my confort fic, if someone could help me with this I would be immensely grateful
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elvish-sky · 3 years
Heyo,,, Could i requested a Thranduil x reader where the reader (she btw) is extremely afraid of spiders like even the very little ones scare her to death but Thrandy doesn't know that causw she was always ashamed to admit that fear and he only finds out her fear when she meets those big forest spiders and basically freaks out completely (then he learns she has a ffear and conforts her and well,,,, basically anything cute you can think of :) i have an awful fear of spiders lol and I always thought what would Thranduil say if he saw me screaming even to a little corner spider 😂
Thank you and i love ur page gurl keep it going :)
Hello! thank you so so much!! i loved this request, as someone who is terrified of spiders i enjoyed writing it immensely. I really hope you like it!
It’s out Here, on Wattpad, and on AO3!
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep calm and go to London.
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Tag list: Here’s the incredible people who showed me support (thank you so much for that) and people who asked me to tag them too ☺️ (I think I will write a few chapters of this story, if you want me to tag you, tell me ☺️ ) @cavillanche​ @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo​   constip8merm8  penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25  @agniavateira​
Trigger warning: talking about depression; low self-stem and body image issues.
Disclaimer: I mentioned “Jared” in the story, because Jared Leto is my former celebrity boyfriend 😂 🤣 , before I found othe much better (sorry Jer) -if you want to think in other celebrity, you can 😁 -
You were in London for a few days. Your excuse was to visit some old friends that you haven't seen in a while, but the truth was that were trying to scape Los Angeles for a while. It's been a month since your breakup with Jared and you recently found out that the same day that you broke up with him, he slept with that woman that he sweared was just a friend. You knew that he did it in purpose just to hurt you for hurting him, but still it was an awful feeling to know that the person you spend the last five years of your live, who hold you while you cry all day in the last few months due to your depression, and who knew exactly how you feel about that woman, would be capable of doing something like that. Last September, during your tour in Latinamerica, you fell into a deep depression. Brian - your manager and best friend- found you a good therapist that agree to see you via videocall. At first, you didn't want anyone to find out -beside Jared, Brian and Beth, your other best friend- but soon enough you decide to make an statement on your Instagram account, explaining what you were going through. You made that desition after you saw lots of comments from your Latino fans complaining that you didn't have the same love for them as you have for the American and European fans, because you didn't laugh and smile as much in the meet and greets and during the concerts. It hurt immensely to know that they felt thay way, so you decide to let them know it was true that you weren't  able to act happy like you did in the other parts of your world tour, but that it had nothing to do with them or that they love them less than your other fans. After your statement, you receive a lot of support and love and you decide to become an advocate for depression and mental health issues; to fight to erase the stigma around them. Another thing that you did, was promise yourself that you were going to get better, not matter what it takes, your going to get through this. What you didn't realize in that moment, something that a part of you knew for a long time but was avoiding at all cost, is that you needed to end your relationship with Jared if you wanted to get better. He was not a bad man, but he was a terrible boyfriend and you knew it, even if you always tried to make it seem like if he was the perfect partner. He had a few good qualities, like he'd cook for you, and sometimes would text you to tell you that he missed you, and he would hug you every night for sleep. But, unfortunately, that didn't compare to his flaws: he was always working or hagging out with his friends -who included lots of skinny models, one of them was a former lover of his and she even told you to your face that she had feelings for him-; you never went into vacations together because he always cancel last minute due to some work related issue -but yet, he will always find time to travel with friends-, you moved into his house, that you didn't like and when you suggested to buy a new house together he opposed. He had a lots of flaws, but the worst one was the fact that he wanted to keep your relationship in secret. For the first two years of your relationship, you agreed to this because you didn't want paparazzi follow you around everywhere you go, or people commenting on your relationship -especially on the fact the he was nineteen years older than you, you knew that people would love to critize that-, but after a few years, you just wanted to have a normal relationship. You wanted to go to coffeeshops, to travel, to go to a restorant with your boyfriend, to go to the premiere of the movie you were in or an award show together, etc. But he wanted the relationship to remain a secret. It wasn't until one day that you finally convince him to take you out to a restorant that people found out because paparazzi took pictures of you two and the next day the were all over the internet. He say that was ok but gave you the silent treatment for a few days. The fact that he was reluctant to the idea of your relationship being public and being seen with you affected you a lot. You grew up with lots of self-steem and body image issues and before started dated him you finded a way to be ok with your body and even feel sexy and confident, but in the last few years you were back in the self-hate train. You could stop yourself from comparing your curvisious body to the bodies of the skinny Victoria Secret's models friends of your boyfriend.  You were barely being intimate in the last few years, which made everything worst because it made you feel undesirable. But luckily, thanks to therapy, you realize what you needed to do. After breaking up with him, you moved out with your best friend Beth, until you decide your next move. You were feeling tired of LA but didn't want to live in New York either, those places were too big and too loud for you; what you were looking for is some peace. London was such a beautiful city. You'd been there before lots of times, but always for work - you were not only a successful actress, but also a famous musician and one of the biggest songwriters and producers in the world- so you never had much time for sightseeing. After a week, you felt a joy that you haven't felt in a while. That city was so magical. And you also got the chance to see some old friends. It felt like if you finally, after so long, you were alive again. That night you were invited by a friend to one of her friends birthday party. He was the actor Simon Pegg and they worked together in the last two Mission Impossible movies, as she told you. She assure you that she asked Simon if he was ok with you coming to the party and he say yes. You were not a party lover, but thought that probably it'd be a great idea to get out of you confort zone for once. You put up a black lace cocktail dress with long sleeves and let your curls free. Put some makeup -you decide to go for more a natural look- and your favourite perfume and went to the party to meet your friend. Once there, you sigh in relive when you saw that the place wasn't too crowded and the music was not too loud. Your friend was waiting for you by the bar, so you went there and after a long hug you two got reaquented. Last time you saw eachother was when you played a concert in London a year ago. You didn't realize how much you missed her until you saw her again. After an hour or so, your friend was looking to her right and notice something. -Come with me. I want to greet some friends.- she said. You followed her and saw her greet a group of gentlemen. Your friend begin to introduce you to the three men. -Y/N, this is Chris; Chris, this is Y/N. - Yes, I know who she is.- Chris replied - It's a pleasure to meet you. -Thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you too. - And he's Edgar.- she continued. - Nice to meet a legend like you-  Edgar said while shaking your hand. - I think that's a bit exagerated...but just a bit- you said smirking. -And he's Henry. - The mighty Witcher - you say in a playful voice as you shake his hand. -The one and only - he said, grinning - It's a real pleasure to meet you. - Same here. - you replied. You felt a tingly sensation; like electicity running down your spine and you weren't sure if it was because of his touch, because of his captivating smile, his piercing eyes or his deep voice; probably the combination of all of those things. Some time went by and Chris excuse himself and went to talk to other people. My friend was talking to Edgar and I was chatting with Henry. I told him that I was a huge fan of the show and it was a shame that I haven't had time to read the books yet or play the games. He was really surprised when a told him that I actually enjoy playing videogames, although I don't do it very often due to lack of time. We chat about our favourite games and books. At some point in the night, my friend and I went to the ladies room and after we made our way back to the group, Edgar started to ask me some questions. -So, Y/N, I heard about your breakup. I'm really sorry - He said. - Not need to be sorry.- I replied -Oh, ok. I wonder, now that you are single again, are you open to date? -Edgar! Are you trying to hook up with my friend? - my friend questioned in a protective way - No! I'm not asking for me. There's some friends -he cleared his troat- that find her really beautiful and I know would love to have the chance to have a date with her and I just wanted to know if she'd open to the idea. This friends are pretty cool guys, I promise. - Yes, I supose - I answered, not entirely sure. The idea of a blind date doens't sound appeling to me. -Great! We'll see later about that.- he said and then he look at Henry, like if the two of them were having a mental conversation and then he asked my friend to go with him to pick up some drinks. I continue to talk with Henry about games and the show and then he told me that he was going to visit the set the next day and asked me if I was interested in going to see it with him and of course that's not something I'd say no to. So we exchanged phone numbers and I decided to head back to the hotel so I could get some rest to be able to enjoy the next day.
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What if ... ?
First, I want to say that I was actually considering to post this on both the wonderbat and the wondertrev tag as some kind of peace offering, some kind of bridge between the two ships, but the more I read their hateful and self decieving posts the less I think they would be able to accept any peace offerings. I would dare to say it must be a young, thus very passionate,  public who discovered Diana Prince through the movie. They are bashing on wonderbat and batman and have no idea that their dreams may actually been crushed to death with Diana Prince killing their beloved Steve Trevor during the movie Flashpoint (that is if the movie makers will dare to use the real comic/animation story). I could tell them to chill down because they are lucky that until Flashpoint Diana was still symbol of hope, compassion and feminism after that ... polygamy with Aquaman, cold blooded murder of his wife, not to mention the whole SuperCheezyWonderThing ... but I can’t find it in myself to deny them the time left until the upcoming Flashpoint movie.
It must be my “Batman” side : staying in the shadows, percieved as the bad guy, the “asshole” or the “dickbag” as they call Bruce Wayne, but still watching over them from the darkness and making sure they don’t get hurt ...
So, only for the Wonderbats and more specifically for those who like “past wondertrev” and “today’s wonderbat”, here it is ...
What if Steve Trevor's eternal soul was mated to Diana's ?
Its a bit sad to see wondertrev bashing so much over wonderbat even if with Diana's immortal life it makes sense. I have the feeling most Wondertrev mix up the face of Chris Pine with Steve Trevor. He is just an actor and the next time someone else could play his role. The fact that some people try to pair her up with Captain Kirk is a sign that they actually ship more Chris Pine then Steve Trevor. Remember William Shatner was James Tiberius Kirk a Hell of a lot longer than Chris Pine. Diana Prince with William Shatner ?
But that's not the point here. Lets use our imagination a bit and look at things with another perspective.
What if Diana's father Zeus decided to ground his Immortal daughter by bonding her with an ever returning mortal's soul ?
Note : a similar concept has been used in DC’s “Dark Days : the Forge”  a prelude to the “Metal” event, except it is the Nth Metal that brings Carter Hall and his mate Princess Sheira into a cycle of contineous re-incarnations from ancient egypt back to the current time.
Zeus could have decided to give his daughter eternal love, but eternal loss as well to remind her the weaknesses of the mortals, to remind her every time that she needs to protect them. Zeus knowing how hard it is some times to keep peace between genders but that if you make it right it can be the most beautiful of relatioships ... He knows himself and Hera aren't the best examples, but he knows someone needs to show the mortal human beings how to do it right so he binds her immortal soul whith the one of a human mortal man that will return only when her loss has been settled and the time has come for her to find a man's love again.
Steve Trevor died a hero in the movie during WWI, and his soul departed that body. Now lets just imagine that 100 Years after this first loss Diana is ready again to open up, so Steve Trevor's soul returns in a new different body. A body that is able to fight at her side the new immense threats that she will face, just like his previous incarnation did during WWI. Maybe some of you have already seen stories with different incarnations of souls ? Then you know the incarnations don't have the same names (they have often the same face because it is easier for people to understand the concept but they actually should have different faces as well ... only the soul is eternal not the body) Lets imagine that, this time Steve Trevor's soul find his incarnation as the boy of a wealty physician. To be up to the task of sharing Diana's upcoming future, the boy gets genious level intelligence and he needs to be the most capable of mortal man in combat. He has to be hardened to face a world where threats are overpowering any other mortal and no matter how broken he gets in the process, Diana will be able to heal him slowly with her love.
Steve Trevor's soul will enable this man to be selfless and sacrifice his own life for others without a second thought. He will save the day even if that means leaving Diana to save the World. this new Steve Trevor will believe in justice, and truth and fight for it without ever backing down. And his new name will be Bruce Wayne.
If you look again at all the movies from BvS to WW and the Justice League with this perspective you get a Hell of a Fantastic Romance:
Imagine Steve Trevor and Bruce Wayne’s Soul is one and the same and then remember the moment they see each other for the first time after a 100 years at Luthor's meeting. The moment their souls recognise each other. The moment he knew he could trust her and share with her the higly sensible data he uncrypted. The way Diana just can't return with her flight to Paris knowing somewhere inside of her, that this man would get killed by Doomsday because he wouldn't run away. The moment she knew she had to uncover herself to the world because he was already trying to save it alone and getting killed by doomsday's heat vision. When they meet later at Clark's burial and she decides to trust him and to tell him where she was all this time. Even when he told her that she would have to fight again she didn't run away. How Bruce Wayne couldn't get over her and had to find that Picture for her knowing deep down this was very important. How confortable he was having her in his most secret place, the batcave. How she felt at home with him. How they were tip toeing around each other still not knowing what to do with each other. Fighting together over guilty feelings but regretting it deeply the second after. Superman “deserved” to rest in peace, and again he shows her "it isn't about deserve it is about what you believe". It is about saving the world again and again. Like in the WW movie when Diana refuses to keep up the fight, he doesn’t back down. She refuses to take the lead, then he does. She refuses to raise superman, he does it anyway. She thinks Superman is gonna kill him, and he prooves her wrong with the love of Lois Lane. But this time, when he decided to “save the day” alone, attracting all the parademons and sacrificing his life to allow her to “save the world”. This time she just wouldn't let him go. Together they build the Justice League. Together they will lead it Diana on the battlefield and Bruce outside of it. They will fight together until one day, fate breaks them up again. Leaving their souls to find each other again and again for eternity ...
How is that not romantic ?
At least untill the dreaded Flashpoint kills “wondertrev” AND “wonderbat” in a row with aquawonder followed by superwonder or whatever other “Justice league member”wonder DC sees fit ... maybe we get lucky and they won’t do to Diana what they did to her in the comics.
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rapha-reads · 6 years
Reading Tag
I was tagged by both @havocinthebluebox and @tasha-lemon ! Good job on this one, dears. ^^ Thank you for thinking of me, reading is my life !
1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading ?
Basically anywhere. I like to sit on the floor, back against a solid wall, in a spot of light. I also like curling up in a sofa or a chair. Or being perched on a bar stool (at my parents’ house), watching over the kitchen while the chocolate cake I’ve just baked is in the oven. I hardly ever read in bed anymore, except when I’m at my parents, because college dorm beds are not the most confortable to read in.
2. Bookmark or a random piece of paper? 
So, I have an extensive collection of bookmarks, because I just buy so many books, but most of the times I just dog-ear the page. And don’t you come telling me that it’s bad ! 
3. Can you stop reading anytime you want or do have to stop at a certain page, chapter, part etc. ?
Stop. Reading ? Whaa ... ? If I’m not finishing the book in one go, I stop at the end of a chapter. And generally a chapter where there are no cliffhangers. Because I just can’t stop reading if there’s a cliffhanger. I can spend hours reading. And after long hours I’ll raise my head, and discover that the sun is going down, my stomach is rumbling and I’ve forgotten where I am, who I am, what I have to do, what day it is ...
4. Do you eat or drink while reading ?
I’m like, constantly snacking, so, yeah. Mostly chocolate and tea, the food of the gods, but sometimes chips or radishes (listen I love radishes don’t judge me), apples or grapes, bread ...
5. Can you read while listening to music/watching tv ?
TV, no. Anyway I don’t have TV so the correct question would be “watching something on your laptop”. Music, yes, but only instrumental. Lyrics are also a story and they tend to drag me out of the book.
6. One book at the time of several at once ?
SEVERAL, oh my gods, you have no idea. These past three or four years, I have bought a lot (A LOT) of books, but I’ve also been in college and studying a lot, so I don’t read as much as I used to do. I tend to start a book, read a few chapters, then get bored with it, or interested in a new genre, story, or college is being a bitch and killing me, and I stop reading for a while. Consequence, I have a good fifty books started and yet to finish them, and it’s been so long that I have forgotten most of them. But I have always read several books at once. Nine on my desk right now, and I’ve just got back the boxes containing all my other books, so add a good twenty or thirty to that.
7. Reading at home or everywhere ?
EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE. At home, in the train, the subway, in class, climbing stairs, walking on the campus ... The only places I can’t read are the car and the plane (motion sickness). When I was in middle/high school, I would get out my book as soon as class was over and read while walking from classroom to classroom, in the stairs, the corridors ... Some particularly obtuse teachers who don’t know that you don’t talk to someone who is reading would sometimes laugh at me and say things like “Careful not to fall in the stairs” (yes, thank you, I didn’t think of that myself), or “Another one again ? How many is it this week ?” (First who asked you, and second maybe if people and classes were more interesting I would read less) or even “Reading again ? You should try something else” (*thousand volt killing glare*).
8. Reading out loud or silently in your head ?
Depends. Usually, in my head. When I am alone and enjoying the book immensely, and find it beautifully written, I read to myself aloud. Beautiful quotes, dialogues, descriptions, outloud. The thing is, and yeah, it’s a bit throwing myself under the bus to confess that, I speak to myself outloud a lot. When I’m alone, of course, though sometimes when my thoughts are really exciting or something is making me violently react, I tend to forget when people are around and I start talking outloud (family and friends think it’s cute ; strangers look at me as if I’m crazy). So, reading outloud to myself is just normal. When you’ve been living on your self  for a number of years, talking to yourself is just filling the silence.
9. Do you read ahead or skip pages ?
I skip pages. Huge blocks of exposition, dialogues that don’t add anything new, boring descriptions (hi, Victor Hugo, hi, Alexandre Dumas, hi, Proust, hi Tolkien), my mind goes wandering, so I skip til I get to more interesting topics. I used to be, still am, tbh, a really fast reader. 
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new ?
I had to google this, because, uh, I’m a bit dumb sometimes. To answer, yes, I break the spine. I believe that to fully appreciate, understand love a book, you need to appreciate its physicality, its materiality. A book is not only food for the mind. It’s a lifeline, a shield, you can hold it, hug it, smell it, make it yours in any way possible. I push my books in my pockets, I wear them in the waistband of my trousers against my skin, I walk with them, eat with them, I wouldn’t go anywhere without a book. As such, the book is my friend, my constant companion, the one true constant of my life. One of my favourite book ever is called Comme un roman (Like a novel) by Daniel Pennac, and in it, you can find the 10 imprescriptible rules of the reader. And I live by those rules (translations by yours truly) :
1 - Le droit de ne pas lire - The right to not read. 2 - Le droit de sauter des pages - The right to skip pages. 3 - Le droit de ne pas finir un livre - The right to not finish a book. 4 - Le droit de relire - The right to reread. 5 - Le droit de lire n’importe quoi - The right to read anything and everything. 6 - Le droit au bovarysme - The right to bovarysm  (remember Emma Bovary, Flaubert’s heroin, addicted to novels, wanting to live so much in a romantic novel she ended up destroying her life ? Bovarysme is way more complicated than that but if you haven’t read the book it’s hard to explain, and I’m not going to remember my high school literature lessons right now). 7 - Le droit de lire n’importe où - The right to read anywhere and everywhere. 8 - Le droit de grappiller - The right to start the book at any page you want. 9 - Le droit de lire à haute voix - The right to read out loud. 10 - Le droit de nous taire - The right to keep silent (about our emotions, or reading experience).
I don’t know if the book has been translated in English, but if you find it, do read it. It’s part essay, part novel, and for me as a reader, it was transcendental.
11. Do you write in books ?
Books I have to study, yes. Books I read for my pleasure, no. I don’t have time to take notes when I’m engrossed in the story.
Sorry. I didn’t mean for it to be so long. Proves that when it comes to reading and books, I just can’t shut up ... PLEASE ask me questions about books. 
Tagging my love @tinyrubywolf, @misslazuli, @marloviandevil and anyone else who wants to give it a go, just tag me at the beginning.
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not-crazy · 2 years
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I posted 926 times in 2021
7 posts created (1%)
919 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 131.3 posts.
I added 24 tags in 2021
#wwdits - 4 posts
#nandermo - 4 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 3 posts
#the hobbit - 3 posts
#fic rec - 2 posts
#queerbaiting - 2 posts
#bagginshield - 2 posts
#nandor x guillermo - 2 posts
#nationality - 1 posts
#tauriel - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 55 characters
#and that the roterists have had a good shipper instinct
My Top Posts in 2021
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0 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 18:24:54 GMT
1 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 01:15:51 GMT
2 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 22:20:17 GMT
Fuck fuck fuck FUCK
I have lost my favorite fanfic. I took too long to make my ao3 profile, soo i kept it open in my phone, but I must have closed it for mistake, because its NO WHERE. And now I cant even REMEMBER THE NAME
So I come here in despair to ask if some kind soul can help me to find it again
It was the final part of a nandermo series in wich they were fleeing the council, and they do a car travel in United States. In the one i am looking for Nandor and Guillermo were finally happilly together, and they stop in a small country city in some corn harvest festival. They find some homophobic dudes, and Nandor steal a horse, slay them, and then they burn the whole city.
You see, that was my confort fic, if someone could help me with this I would be immensely grateful
27 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 23:10:20 GMT
Oh Goddess, I've just read a shit that shredded my sad wednesday night one little joy. It is, the one I got from watching WWDITS. You must have already saw it.
It is a interview, specificaly that fucking little excerpt that i quote:
"You look at his relationship with Nandor," Guillén continued. "Are they close? Does he see him as a brother? You're walking a tightrope and can't lean too much into this or that and let the audience [take] what they're going to take... I love that they're two males that are together and it doesn't have to be sexual and we love that tightrope because, at that moment, it can be nothing or everything at the same time."
I mean, we all know what that red flag is, I just wasnt expecting that low blow from WWDITS.
Anyway, I dont think we should be angry at Guillén for reproducing that "male friendship" discourse. Actualy it sounds like a warning, so, for the first time in my life, I am going to take that warning. So shatter your hopes with me before we turn out to hate the series (thats still a really good one).
They dont intend to make Nandermo canon. Ever. Not even if we ask a lot, and nicely. The hints that Nandor and Guillermo might feel something for each other has only comical purposes, its just a joke. Please, dont belive it.
I learnt my damn lesson the last time.
44 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 04:30:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bloonstuff · 7 years
hey! i just love what you just posted and i have a request: elias conforts yousef after the discussion he just had with sana.
we need to talk
Yousef read the textover multiple times, each time he gave Elias’ voice in his head adifferent tone. No matter how he read the four words, he couldn’tlet go of the unease in his gut.
Eventually Yousef bitthe bullet and shot a text back to Elias.
come to mine. I’mhome atm
Yousef paced his roomas he waited for the knock on his door. He and Elias had been friendslong enough for his parents to send him on up to his room when hearrived. Elias hadn’t replied to the text but he’d gotten a readreceipt, so Yousef knew it was only a matter of time before Elias gotthere. The not knowing when he’d turn up or what they needed to talkabout was making the minutes drag by. He was almost running out ofsteam, walking back and forth, when the knock finally came.
Yousef opened the doorto find a tense Elias on the other side. His hands were balled intofists, cheeks flushed and his eyes dark and intense. Yousef couldn’tremember a time when he’d seen Elias like this, let alone had thelook turned on him.
“Come in,” Yousefsaid, lowly. He didn’t recognise his own voice. It was almost timid.Elias didn’t move.
“She’s my sister,man,” was all he bit out. His voice had a hard edge but it soundedlike it was more made up of hurt than anger. “My baby sister.”Elias put an emphasis on the word baby.
Yousef glanced behindElias, checking for his parents before he replied, “Elias, come inand let me close the door. I know we need to talk but I’d rather itbe in private.”
Elias hesitated for amoment before a low grunt escaped him and he made his way into thebedroom. He looked around and it was like he was seeing the place forthe first time. Everything felt so unfamiliar. It felt like he wastalking to a stranger, in a strange place. This wasn’t Yousef, hisbest friend. This was a guy that was messing with his sister’s heartand that wasn’t okay. Not for a minute.
A moment later, Eliasturned on Yousef and Yousef took a step back. Elias wasn’t sure whatYousef saw in his expression but it was obvious he didn’t like it. “Italked you up, man. She was having doubts and I f- I talked you up.”He’d almost swore but he was trying to kick that habit and Yousefsure wasn’t going to make Elias break the effort he’d made,especially on Ramadan.
“I don’t know-”Yousef began but Elias cut him off.
“Don’t play dumbwith me, Yousef,” Elias said through clenched teeth and he sawYousef’s shoulders slumped, defeated. “I know you’ve had feelingsfor Sana, for a long time now and I was fine with that. I mean, it’snot ideal, but I thought you were a good guy. I figured you couldmake her happy. That’s all I wanted. I thought I could trust you.”
“You can trust me!”Yousef pleaded, now taking a step towards Elias with his hands spreadout in front of him.
“Then explainto me why I’m the last to find out about you and Noora? Why I have tohear that from the guys, when it’s mysister you’ve been leading on? I could have prepared her, Yousef. Shedidn’t need to find out like that.” It was Elias’ turn to pace now,unable to bring himself to look at Yousef as the words spilled fromhim. Emotions warred on his handsome features.
“I didn’t leadher on,” Yousef replied, his eyes cast down. His eyes stung withregret.  “I really care about her. I think I might even love her,given half the chance but I just-”
“What?” Eliasasked as he stopped pacing and looked at Yousef.
“I don’t knowwhat happened. One minute I was talking to Noora, she seemed upsetand the next we were kissing,” Yousef ran shaking hands through hishair, his brows drawn together as if the memory pained him but theexcuse sounded weak, even to his own ears. “I didn’t plan it. Ididn’t even want it. I hadn’t thought twice about Noora before then.”
“And now you’redating her? Because of one kiss?” Elias asked incredulously.
“Wait, what?Dating?” Yousef’s head jerked up and shook his head, processingElias’ accusation. “Who said we’re dating?”
“It doesn’tmatter, man, but you need to talk to my sister. You need to put thisright. Explain everythingto her. You can’t let your eyes do the talking and hope sheunderstands. Life doesn’t work that way. I don’t want to have to holdmy sister while she cries, ever again. And especially not because ofsomeone I consider a brother.”
“She cried?”Yousef asked, swallowing thickly. That unease that had been a ball inhis gut was now a spike lodged there, causing him immense pain at thethought of Sana shedding any amount of tears over him. Over somethinghe had done. Over his carelessness with her heart.
“If you’redating Noora, then fine. I mean it sucks you had to go for her bestfriend but fine, at least be grown up enough to be straight withSana. You can’t pretend you didn’t realise she had feelings for youand you know she deserves better than this.”
Yousef didn’t tryto defend himself. Didn’t confirm or deny Elias’ thoughts about himdating Noora. It wasn’t important. Not in regards to Elias anyway.What was important was that he talked to Sana as soon as possible.Set the record straight and stop hiding behind all the things he wastoo frightened to say. Sana deserved better than that.
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Pop-ups. Week 1 - Amazon
Topic 1
Write in your journal, and share in discussion if you wish: What company/business is having the greatest impact in the world today, either positive or negative? Explain your response.
 As is it known, companies have one of the greatest impact on the world. With advertisements, influencers, and such, big companies have transformed the way we live and how society works. I believe that Amazon is having the greatest impact right now. 
Amazon is an online shop, where you can find a great range of items, from clothing to toys and technology, generally cheaper than on the stores and from the confort of our homes. 
The positives aspects of Amazon is how useful and fast it is. In a couple of minutes, sitting on your couch, you can order almost whatever you desire, without having to leave and look in different stores. Moreover, the product will arrive at your house fairly fast. 
The downside of this platform is its environental impact. Not only does the production of the products has a great carbon footprint itself, but the shipping of the item polutes immensely.
In conclusion, Amazon is a company with growing popularity, and if there are more positive or negative aspects are depending on each point of view. Personally, the negative aspects should be given more importance.
0 notes
arriyire · 7 years
Learn to Fly - A Fairy Tail Fic Ch. 12
Summary: The world is split into two realms - the mortal and the spirit. In this world, demons attack humans and the winged protect them. When Levy gets shoved headfirst into the spirit realm, she will have to adjust her whole way of living and learn to deal with a moody dragon winged Gajeel. AU vaguely based on the manga plot.
Rated: T
Chapter 12
The next few days flew by in a blur, between Mira, Lucy and her team, and, Jet and Droy; Levy barely had a moment alone. Constantly being introduced to the guilds many members, learning all about their magic and personalities - she was being invited to many jobs/days out despite the fact she hadn’t even joined the guild fully yet. As such she had sought some quite peace one afternoon to get her head straight.
Honestly the whole premise of the spirit realm fascinated Levy, she had devoured the history book provided by Lucy and promptly hunted for more information from anyone willing to give it. Even though she was completely overwhelmed during the day, consumed by her research; during the quiet nights she still felt alone. The bluenette had been given a temporary room in fairy hills and while it was beautifully confortable it seemed barren compared to her book fort of a home in the mortal realm. It was during these nights her thoughts also wondered back to Gajeel, he hadn’t been seen since she died and he dropped her here. She hadn’t thanked him for taking her flying, trying to save her or even for bringing her here when she had died. While she did want to express her gratitude Levy also craved the answered surrounding how she had died; her memory never fully recovered past her throwing rocks at the magnet demon to try and help Gajeel. The only thing she remembered was the pain in her stomach and her collapsing, she tried to recall if she had realised she was dying but to no avail.
Unfortunately Gajeel was avidly avoiding the guild since her death according to Lilly. So levy had to choice but to try and get by without her guardian angel providing the answers she wanted. Thus justifying her in depth analysis of the world around her; not only had she learnt about the guild she also learnt more about the fundamentals of the world. The two laws of the winged and how Gajeel had broken them by saving her from being run over, causing her to be able to see the spirit world (This was the accepted theory at least). She learnt all about the history of the winged and how they came to be and what made a winged, well a winged.
Levy spent a day reflecting upon herself determining that she must of become winged due to her intellect and knowledge of languages – after all that was one of her most defining personality features.  This brought about one big doubt in Levy’s mind, the winged fought demons, she’d even seen these battles first hand; how on earth was she going to fight like that?! Lucy and Mira had told her not to worry about magic or flying yet, the transfer from mortal to spirit took a long time and it could be weeks until her magic showed its self. Suddenly this immense pressure to join the guild, learn magic and to fight, take jobs all seemed too much, Levy always wanted a fantasy adventure but she had never taken into account the pressure the hero of the story must of felt.
Mira had explained when new winged came to be they we’re looked after until they had gained control of their magic and flying capabilities. Levy would then be given a choice; join Fairy Tail or find another guild that she could join. It seemed going alone was not a good idea, such winged were easy targets for demons or even became demons themselves.
Her book-less flat become too much to handle so Levy walked to the guild hoping that speaking to its members might distract her. She was immediately greeted by Jet and Droy who invited her to their table the moment her toes stepped on the guilds floor. Their constant prise, made her feel more at ease ad quickly she slipped into casual conversation about nothing in particular. Just was she had settled back into a calm mind-set, Levy caught sight of Lilly flying by – as she went to wave she caught sight of a certain dark studded dragon stomping in behind him. Finally seeing her opportunity to get her answers Levy moved to stand but was blocked gently by Jet who regarded Gajeel with a fierce and cold stare alongside Droy.
“You don’t want to be involved with him, Levy. He’s bad news.” The speedster stated as if it was an obvious fact; Droy nodded in agreement.
“Guys, He tried to save me and bought me here, I know he looks really intimidating but he is kind I can tell!” Levy smiled confident in her reasoning while Jet and Droy looked at her with shock and mild hurt in their eyes.
“Levy…” Droy muttered “He attacked this guild, destroyed our building, he battered several members like Lucy!” He was almost yelling now, but corrected himself when he remembered certain ears were more sensitive. “If Natsu hadn’t taken them all down…”
“I bet he’s responsible for your death too.” Jet added disgusted.
Levy on the other hand couldn’t believe her ears; this can’t be the same man who she had met? Jet and Droy had no reason to lie to her and the hatred in their eyes were as clear as the sun in the sky. Recalling Gajeel story, Levy felt pangs of fear and panic, he had told her he was a half demon. He spoke little of what he had done, but it didn’t take much imagination to think of what destruction such a man could cause. Her gaze flicked between Gajeel and Lucy, what had he done to her newest friend…
She was scared to find her answers now.
Jet took the panic on her face as confirmation of his statement. Regarding the woman in front of him, who had walked straight into his heart, Jet decided he wasn’t going to get Gajeel get away with he had done to her. Looking to his best friend Droy nodded in whole hearted agreement and the two left the table to confront the half-demon dragon.
Levy didn’t even notice them leaving; still wrapped up in her thoughts. She didn’t hear their footsteps fading as they cornered the dragon, nor the hushed accusations they pointed at him. She didn’t hear Gajeel’s clear irritation with the two men nor did she hear the growls which were held under his breath. She did however notice when the three men moved outside with a clear intent of doing some harm to each other, while her brain was unsure her feet knew what they wanted to do and followed them.
Once outside she saw the pair square up to Gajeel who looked reserved for someone about to fight.
“You really want to do this?” He asked, offering the men a chance to back out.
Levy opened her mouth to stop this ridiculous vendetta they were carrying out on her behalf only to be silenced by the announcements of the first attacks. Jet’s wings launched him full speed into Gajeel knocking him down and allowing Droy to plant several offensive vines which trashed against his fallen form. Levy watched as Gajeel took blow after blow, no scales or using his wings to defend himself; he wasn’t even fighting! This was a one-sided beat-down; no amount of doubt in Levy’s memories justified this.
“Jet, Droy, Stop!” Her words were drowned out as another hit knocked Gajeel back down. Helplessly she watched as Gajeel got on his hands and knee’s coughing hard. Droy threw a ‘plant bomb’ which landed and threw Gajeel even further across the field they fought in. Her feet moved to get to the man and help him somehow but were blocked by her friends, who continued to sneer at the fallen man.
“Is this all you’ve got?” Jet asked, bouncing on the heels of his feet ready to tackle the iron dragon again.
“STOP.” Levy felt her body move with the word, spelling it out with her hands. Her desperate need to make the word real awoke her soul. Her wings spread open, with the individual words glowing brightly; Levy felt her veins hum with power, her magic left her fingertips as the word she spoke aloud become solid object flying toward at Jet. The minute it made contact the man was frozen unable to unleash his next attack. The effect didn’t last long as Levy stumbled under the exertion of the spell but it had done the job and stopped the fighting. Three pairs of stunned eyes gawped at the newest winged’s display of magic. Smiling lightly and breathing heavy Levy tried to speak again. “It’s Alr…”
“What’s this? You being picked on?” A crackle filled the air as Jet and Droy rushed to Levy’s side to support her Gajeel stumbled to his feet battered and bruised. He turned to see a large man dressed quite outrageously with pale gold wings move towards them. To the untrained eye they appeared draconic but lacked the characteristic talon/spikes which the other dragon like members had and they were not shaped the exact same either, arcing more than the signature straight and broad wingspan of the others.
Laxus looked with disgusted at the scene before him, what a pathetic attack to stop the fight. But the fight it’s self was more disgraceful, the Iron dragon being beaten down by two weakling’s. Make no mistake Laxus held no love for the metal bastard and had actually been itching to take him on himself. Oh he had heard the rumours of the guy who almost destroyed Fairy Tail coming to join; redeem himself they said. Pitiful. Kicking Gajeel back down and hearing a slight pained breath did nothing to make him feel better. Lightning crackled around his body as he summoned a bolt through Gajeel watching the man writhe as his body conducted the electricity.
The trio stood afraid of the sight before them, getting revenge was one thing but this looked like sadistic torture. Levy found her breath one for time and cried for this stupid affair to stop. “Please leave him alone!” She stood shaking as Jet and Droy hung their heads ashamed for their previous actions now it was clear Gajeel didn’t retaliate on purpose. She would deal with their guilt later right now she had to stop this man hurting Gajeel. What should have been relieve, as the electricity left Gajeel motionless on the ground, turned to panic when Laxus turned his focus to Levy.
“You’re not even in this guild! You want to tell ME to leave this pathetic demon alone!” The grin on this man face unnerved everyone as he pointed a finger directly at the bluenette. “I won’t be spoken to by weaklings like you!” The bolt was released before the sentence was finished aiming straight for Levy; she had no time to try and summon whatever magic she had displayed before and Jet and Droy stood helplessly at her sides. Once again time slowed down as she considered she may die for good this time – as she moved to pathetically block the attack she saw a shadow cast over her eyes. Gajeel stood, barely, catching the attack on his chest. Levy stood dumbfound as the man in front of her saved her life again, his red eyes caught hers over his shoulder as he made sure this time she was fine.
Looking back to Laxus, Gajeel tried to keep his body upright. “We done here?” He asked with a surprising sturdiness to his voice. Waiting for no reply he put one foot in front of the other and swayed as he left the clearing. Deciding he just needed somewhere quite to sleep off the beating he just took.
Levy watched in awe as he walked away, faintly she heard wing beats as Laxus now bored with toying with them moved onto the guild. Jet and Droy looked lost in thought.
“He protected her...”
Levy didn’t care what they had to say, Gajeel wasn’t avoiding her anymore. Speedy little legs took off after the man as she left behind the two winged to berate themselves.
Gajeel collapsed under a tree in a nearby field; body aching and slightly bleeding, he knew he needed to patch himself up, but lacked the energy to even look at where to begin. He deserved this anyway those two lapdogs had quickly made that clear - naming themselves levy’s protectors and that he had to pay for what he did. Gajeel grunted to no-one in particular ‘wonder if they would have kept her safe from the Element 4?’ the question wasn’t even worth debating; they didn’t even try and protect Levy from Laxus. Speaking of which that was his first interaction with a lightning winged, seemed the rumours about his brutish nature were true – heck he might even be close to the level Gajeel was at.
The guilt came back – he’d been flying from it for the last few days, destroying dark guilds and hunting demons to make himself feel better and to settle his debt with karma. No matter what he did the feeling wouldn’t leave him, even letting those bastards wail on him hadn’t helped.  Faint footsteps caught his ears and he opened his eyes to see the cause of all of the guilt kneeling nearby looking stupidly worried. This woman was going to kill him.
Wordlessly Levy took her headband out of her blue locks and began to wipe down Gajeel’s bleeding wounds; she was surprised may of them had already begun to scab which lead her to wonder if it was a part of his dragon like appearance. She wanted to say a million things to him get the answers she wanted, but seeing the state of hurt his was in promptly caused the questions to be tucked in the back on her brain.
“Thank you, for saving me again” She finally said looking up to see his red eyes watching her intently.
A grunted response came after an awkward pause, he spoke no words just a raspy ‘uh huh’, his eyes showed her the guilt he was feeling. Again the sound of breathing filled the space between them. Gajeel hated conversation but this silence was torture “Look shrimp, about that night…” What was he even going to say? Sorry I killed you?
“It was an accident I know. You told me to run and I didn’t.” The statement caught him off guard, unsure if he should add anything or let the facts stay as they were. When it was clear Levy wasn’t going to push for more, he let the subject drop.
“Thanks for patching me up” Gajeel strained himself to stand, his joints seizing as he leaned against the tree. Instantly Levy tried to support him and while he wanted to shrug her away it was damn clear he wasn’t going anywhere without help.
“I’ll get you back to the guild, maybe Lilly or Mira can help?” Gajeel again grunted wordlessly in response, resting his arm over the tiny bookworm the pair awkwardly limped back towards the guild.
Full fic here - I own nothing except a vague plot, feel free to review/ask/be inspired and share with me anything you find :)
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rideup · 7 years
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Quelques heures avant le départ j’ai retrouvé le crew As de Paz au complet dans l’appartement “1303″ de Tlatelolco. Je me suis chargé de revues pour les distribuer aux quatre coins de la république. Dernier Chill, dernière session et dernière line filmée par “El Francés” (voir l’extrait photo argentique 35mm ci-dessus by Omar Martinez).
A few hours before leaving I joined my friends from the As de Paz crew in the ”1303″ flat an pick up a good amount of fanzin’ named after it, to distribute it around the country during my Journey. Last chill, last session in Tlatelolco Bowl and final line filmed by “El Francés” (see the 35 mm silver photgraphy by Omar Martinez above)
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Friends, skateboarding, beers, salsa and cameras. Carlos “Colo” Y Omar  “Omm”.
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View over Mexico from the highest point of Tlatelolco: “El depa 1303″
Après quatre mois à Mexico, j'étais impatient de débuter le trip final qui devait m'emmener à travers tout le pays depuis Mexico jusque dans le Yucatan puis de la côte pacifique du Chiapas à l’État de Colima.
After four month in Mexico City; I was really impatient to begin the final trip that was supposed to get me across the whole country, descovering what was left of the Pacific coast line and the principals archeologicals Maya sites.
Parti le 24 avril après avoir pu négocier mon départ anticipé d'une semaine avec mon établissement scolaire, je décide d'emprunter les compagnies de bus les moins chères, celles qui n'utilisent pas les gares routières et sont surnommées compagnies "pirates". Le départ se fait dans les quartiers populaires du centre de Mexico à côté de l’arène de “licha libre”. Il en existe également une dans le quartier de Tepito, célèbre pour son "tianguis", immense marché où on peut trouver toutes sortes de marchandises, énormément de contre-façon, mais aussi des originaux souvent issus de la contre-bande. D'où le dicton "si tu ne le trouves pas à Tepito c'est que ça n'existe pas".
I left the 24 th of April after negociating my anticipate departure from the highschool where I was working. I decided to take the cheapest bus company, no to spend all my money in the first days. Those "Pirates" companies are not using the bus centrals and the departure are in the populars neighbourhood of Mexico: Downtown next to the “Lucha Libre” Arena but also in Tepito, famous for it's big market "tianguis", where you can find all kind of mechandises, a lot of imitations but also original products with really low prices. As they say "If you don't find it in Tepito, then it doesn't exist".  
J'embarque dans le bus à destination de Villahermosa Tabasco, d'où je suis supposé prendre une correspondance pour Campeche, ville éponyme de l'Etat. Je ne m'étonne presque plus de voir affluer de nombreux vendeurs ambulants à bord du bus, proposant de la nourritures, des remèdes médicinales ou des accessoires destinés à rendre le long voyage plus confortable. En effet, ce qu’on appelle communément le «Distrito Federal» ou familièrement «el defectuoso», (même si la réforme de la ville l'a modifié et que le nom officiel est maintenant Ciudad de Mexico), regorge de vendeur ambulants et de stands installés de manière éparse dans l'immensité de son agglomération. L'un des ces vendeurs propose pour 10 pesos des crèmes à base d'arnica avec bien d'autres ingrédients, appelée crema Azteca et apparemment remède miracle contre toute sortes de douleurs articulaires, musculaires et autres hématomes et entorses. Un des passagers me vante également les mérites de cette crème et je décide d'en faire l'acquisition. Elle a été mon plus fidèle compagnon durant mes périples et m’a soulagée plus d'une fois. En effet, mon corps a été mis à rude épreuve durant ces trois mois composés de voyages en bus, nuits en tente et hamac, sessions de skate et de surf et souvent, de longues marches avec un équipement plutôt encombrant.
I took my sit in the bus to Villahermosa, Tabasco, from where I was supposed to take a connection to Campeche city eponymous from the state. I no longer got surprised by the affluence of hawkers on board: food, medecins, accesory for travelling more comfortably... One of those seller was proposing for ten pesos a cream with arnica and lot more ingredients called "Crema Azteca", apparently miracle remedy to all kind of pain from muscles to articulations. I decided to try it, and finally regretted not to have bought more... It has been really helpful during my long trip composed by hard bus travelling, nights in tent and hamoc, lot of skate & surf sessions and often long walks with heavy equipments.
Arrivé à Villahermosa  le lendemain matin dans une centrale défraîchie dont le parking est fait de terre battue, je prends mon mal en patience en attendant ma correspondance. L'atmosphère de ce début de matinée est déjà rendu pesante par la chaleur et la moiteur de l'air. Au bout de deux heures d'attente le "crieur/baggagiste" m'appelle et me dit de monter dans un bus cens�� me conduire à Campeche. Je m'installe à l'arrière du bus à côté d'une vieille dame et lui demande si ce bus est bien à destination de Campeche. Elle me répond qu'il ne va que jusqu'à Emiliano Zapata, bourgade à la frontière de l'Etat du Chiapas, Tabasco et Campeche, bordée par le Rio Usumacinta. La centrale d'autobus se trouve juste sur la rive. L'employé chargé de vendre les tickets de bus demande à la vieille dame quinze pesos de plus que d'habitude, elle rechigne car cela représente pour elle une certaine somme. Elle me confie qu'elle à de la famille a une heure et demi de route de chez elle mais qu'elle ne s'y rend jamais, faute de moyen. Malgré tout, elle fait preuve de générosité en m'offrant de la banane séchée et partage avec moi sa bonne humeur et son optimisme qui m'ont accompagnés jusqu'à mon arrivée à Campeche.
Arrived next morning in Villahermosa in an old fashion bus central with a parking made of dirt and dust I had to wait patiently for my connection. The morning atmosphere was already really heavy because of the heat and humidity. After two hours the man in charge of the boarding told me that a bus was going to Campeche. I got into this bus, took place at the back next to an old lady, started to wonder about the destination of this bus and finally asked her. She answered that it only goes to Emiliano Zapata small "pueblo" at the boarder of the states of Chiapas, Campeche and Tabasco along the river Usumacinta.
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Reading “1303″ between Chiapas, Campeche and Tabasco!
A Emiliano Zapata, je profite d’un interval de quatre heures pour découvrir le paysage: plantations de bananiers et faune sauvage bordent le fleuve. Je fais la rencontre de Mexicains venus pêcher. Trois générations sont réunies, un homme d'une quarantaine d'années, un jeune de dix-neuf ans et un enfant d'à peine dix ans. Je discute avec le plus vieux d'entre eux, qui tente de m'indiquer un iguane dans l'arbre juste au dessus de notre tête, mais son parfait camouflage le rend presque invisible à mes yeux de néophytes. Nous continuons notre discussion et j'apprends que le cadet de la bande est un skateur. Je décide de lui offrir une revue "1303", imprimée juste avant mon départ. Je décide d'immortaliser ce moment, mais le jeune skateur quelque peu intimidé refuse d'apparaître sur la photo.
In Emiliano Zapata, I took advantage of a long connection to Campeche to discover the landscape lining the river compounded of plantations of banana trees and wildlife. I met some Mexican guys chilling and fishing on the shore. Three generations were gathered, a man of about forty years, a 19-20-year-old young person and a child  10 years old. I discuss with the oldest of them and told him i had seen iguanas, he tries to indicate me a specimen in the tree above our head but its perfect camouflage, makes it almost invisible my neophytes eyes. We continued our discussion and I learned that the younger of the band is a skateboarder. I decided to offer him a magazine "1303", printed just before my departure by my friends of the crew Az de Paz. I decide to immortalize this moment, but the youngster is intimidated  and refuses to appear on the photo.
Après ces belles rencontres je poursuis mon trajet dans un bus ultra-bondé. Au moment où je me prépare mentalement à passer ces cinq nouvelles heures de trajet debout ou assis par terre, une jeune femme: Alexandra, décide de prendre sa petite fille sur ses genoux et de me laisser une place. Une fois encore mon trajet est égaillé par les personnes qui m'entourent et leur curiosité à mon égard. Je montre mes photos à Alexandra et sa fille et nous improvisons un jeux avec pour but de retrouver les iguanes. Toutes deux s'étonnent de ma manie de prendre en photo ces animaux très communs dans ces régions du Mexique. Pour elles cela revient à prendre les pigeons en photo. Je leurs explique alors qu'en France il n'y en a pas dans la nature.
After these beautiful meetings I pursued my route in an ultra-crowded bus. At the moment I got mentaly ready to make those five new hours standing, a young woman decides to take her girl on her knees and to leave me a sit, once more my route was cheered up  by the people surrounding and their curiosity towards me. I showed my photos to Alexandra and her daughter and we improvised a games with for purpose to find iguanas. Both wonder of my mania to take these very common animals in these regions of Mexico. It is as absurd as photographing pigeons in France. I explained them that in France there is none in the nature.
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Alexandra and her daugher “mis compañeras de viaje”. 
Arrivé à Campeche après vingt-quatre heures de voyages, je rejoins enfin ma soeur Claire et son copain Cyril. je profite de la chambre d'hôtel pour passer une bonne nuit de repos avant de continuer le road trip. Le lendemain, nous allons louer un véhicule afin de découvrir le plus de chose possible dans la péninsule du Yucatan car nous n'avons qu'une semaine avant de devoir rejoindre Cancun pour leur départ et l'arrivée d'une amie qui m'accompagnera durant la moitié de mon trip de trois mois. Nous visitons la ville de Campeche et ses alentours et reprenons la route menant au site archéologique d’ Etzna.
Arrived in Campeche after twenty-four hours of journey I finally join my sister Claire and her boyfriend Cyril. I enjoyed the hotel room to catch on my sleep before continuing the road-trip. The next day we rented a vehicle to discover as most as possible in the peninsula of Yucatán. We had only one week before reaching Cancún for their departure and the arrival of a friend  joining me during half of my trip of three month. We visited Campeche area enjoyed the wildlife, been disappointed by beaches of jetties, ruff sand and concret and headed to the road leading to the archeological site of Etzna.
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Un “motmot” où “Toh” Chez les maya, oiseau sacré qui à la particularité de vivre dans le grotte et donc souvent les cenotes.
A “Toh” sacred bird in the maya culture, as the particularity to live in caves, thus many times in cenotes. 
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Un “Altamira Oriole” photographié au même endroit.
En allant récupérer un accessoire pour la voiture à l'aéroport de Campeche, nous croisons un groupe de mormons à l'apparence germanique et nous nous interrogeons sur la raison de leur présence dans cette région du Mexique.
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Big Mother Nature is watching you... Don’t throw garbage!
Après avoir visité le site d'archéologique d'Etzna nous nous sommes arrêtés dans une exploitation agricole. Cyril, ingénieur dans ce domaine voulait se renseigner sur les pratiques agricoles de la région. A l'entrée nous demandons aux ouvriers à qui nous devons nous adresser pour visiter l'exploitation, ils nous répondent de nous arrêter à la première maison et de demander à parler a "Jacob" ou "Jacobo", ce que nous faisons. Je frappe à la porte et une femme aux antipodes d'une mexicaine se présente à la porte. Elle est grande, blonde avec un foulard dans les cheveux et me dévisage de la manière la plus méfiante qu'il soit. Elle appelle un enfant en allemand et celui-ci nous conduit vers un homme au comportement encore plus étrange. Nous lui disons que nous souhaitons visiter la ferme mais il feint de ne parler ni anglais, ni espagnol et dit parler uniquement le "Low-german". Quelques instant plus tard, un homme aux allures de Cow-Boy des temps modernes arrive sur une moto-cross et s'adresse à nous en anglais. Cyril lui pose quelques questions qu'il contourne plus ou moins habilement. Quand on le questionne sur l'utilisation d'ogm il nous répond ne pas savoir de quoi il s'agît . Nous nous sentons très mal-à-l'aise et décidons de partir de cet endroit le plus rapidement possible. Perturbé par cette aventure nous effectuons quelques recherche sur le sujet avec le peu d'informations glanées lors de notre passage dans cette exploitation.  Ce sont en fait des chrétiens mennonites venus acheter des terres dans plusieurs endroit d’Amérique Latine et spécialisés dans l’agriculture intensive.
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Etzna, Campeche empty of tourists. 
Picking up an accessory for the car at Campeche’s airport, we met a group of Mormons in the Germanic appearance and we wondered about the reason of their presence in this region of Mexico. After visiting the site of archaeological of Etzna we stopped in a farm, because cyril, engineer in this domain wanted to inquire about the Mexican way of cultivating. In the entrance we asked a group of Mexicans to whom we had to address to visit the exploitation, they answered to stop at the first house and to explain to "Jacob" or "Jacobo", what we were doing. I knocked at the door and a woman at the antipodes of a mexican woman opened. She was tall, fair, with a scarf in her hairs and stared at me in the most suspicious way. She called a child in German and ask him to leads us towards an even stranger man. We told him that we wished to visit the farm but he pretended to speak neither English nor Spanish. A moment later, a man in cowboy of modern times look, arrived on a motocross, he was blond too and addressed us in English. Cyril asked him some question which he by-passes more or less skillfully and when we questioned him about the use of GMO’s he faint not to understand the topic. We felt very uncomfortable and decided to leave this place as fast as possible. Disrupted by this adventure we made some research on the subject with the few informations gleaned during our passage in this explotation. They are in fact Christians menonites immigrated from the U.S in the 1980s in several places of Latin America and dedicated to the intensive farming of corn genetically modified.
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Advertising GMO’s...
Accablé par la chaleur étouffante, nous nous mettons en quête d'un cénote pour pouvoir se rafraîchir un peu avant de continuer la route vers Merida, Capitale du Yucatan. L'attente nous à paru interminable et une frustration s’est fait ressentir de la part de Claire et Cyril qui ne sont pas encore habitués aux indications à la Mexicaine… Un conseil, si vous veniez à vous perdre au Mexique toujours demander à plusieurs personnes et vérifier régulièrement que vous êtes sur la bonne route. Nous touchons presque au but et je décide d'aller demander dans une maison la localisation exacte du cénote. Un jeune homme sort et me dit qu'on aura beaucoup de mal à le trouver et qu'il va m'y conduire à moto. Je monte avec lui et la voiture nous suit. Une fois sur place, je remercie notre guide et lui donne quelques pesos. Il me prévient qu'un voleur rôde dans les parages et fracture systématiquement les véhicules garés en amont du cénote. Une vieille dame de passage nous propose de garder la voiture et nous commençons la descente. Nous sommes plutôt déçus par dette première expérience puisque le cénote est jonché de déchets: bières vides, emballages de chips... Apparemment les gens des villages avoisinants en seraient responsables et enlèveraient même l'écriteau interdisant de laisser des ordures. Le tonneau servant de poubelle à même été attaché après avoir été volé à plusieurs reprises... Malgré cela l'eau reste d'un bleu azure et abrite de nombreux petits poissons chats typiques de ces endroits. La grotte sert de refuge à des nuées de colibri recherchant la fraicheur. Nous comprenons pourquoi les maya considèrent ces endroits comme sacrés. Tout un écosystème s’est développé autour de ses points d’eau défiant le climat aride de la région.  
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Wild Cenote.
Swamped by the smothering heat, we put ourselves in search of a cenote to be able to cool a little before continuing the road towards Mérida, Capital of the Yucatán. The wait seemed endless and some frustration was felt on behalf of Claire and Cyril which are not used to the mexican road indications... Arrived near a cenote, we decided to go ask in a house for the exact location. A young man showed up  and told me that we shall have difficulties finding it and that he was going to lead us there with his motorcycle. I rode with him and the car followed us. Once there, I thank our guide and gave him a few pesos for the gas. He warned me that a thief roams in the area and breaks systematically the vehicle parked upstream of the cenote. An old lady passing by told us that she was looking out for the car and we began the descent towards the cenote. We were a bit disappointed by our first experience because the cenote free of access is sprinkled with waste: empty beers, packagings of potato chips ... Apparently people of the neighboring villages would be responsible for it and would even remove the placard forbidding to leave garbage. Nevertheless the water stays of an azure blue and shelters numerous small catfishes typical of these places  and also host a lot of hummingbird looking for freshness.
Après un passage éclair à Merida où nous avons visité l'incroyable musée des civilisations maya, nous faisons route vers Valladolid charmante petite ville de cent mille habitants, et faisons un arrêt dans un cénote touristique beaucoup plus propre et impressionnant. Inconsciemment et avec l'accord du "salva vida" nous nous jetons du point haut du cénote une petite vingtaines de mètres et par chance, nous nous en sortons presque indemnes (quelques douleurs au dos pour Cyril et aux genoux pour Claire et moi). Nous rejoignons ensuite Tulum où nous profitons des incroyables plages des Caraïbes et nageons avec les tortues. Puis vient le moment du départ de Claire et Cyril et de l'arrivée D'Elisa à Cancun.
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Really cool cenote ten minutes away from Valladolid center. 
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Jumping from the highest point!
De retour une fois de plus à l’aéroport international de Cancun, je fais mes « adieux » à Claire et Cyril et me dirige vers le terminal 2 pour accueillir Elisa. Au bout d’un certain temps je me décide à me renseigner auprès des chauffeurs de taxis qui racolent les touristes à la sortie. Il y a apparemment une queue de plusieurs heures à la « migracion » passage obligé pour tous voyageurs entrant sur le territoire Mexicain. Nous sommes un samedi et qui dit samedi dit weekend, dit personnel réduit dans les administrations. Résultat seulement une poignée de guichets ouverts pour accueillir des milliers de personnes…
We stopped in Mérida for a night in a guesthouse where we had the pleasure to meet a really nice venezulian expatriate that shared with us a typical breakfast  from his country and a different view about the world and the situation over there: USA=Freedom, order and organisation. The fact that the socialist government took everything from him could explain his way of thinking. We visited the Museum of civilisation in Merida that I highly recommend, it is one of the best I ever visited and would have liked to spend more time there particularly in the «myth of civilisations ». On the road to Valladolid we stopped in a more touristy but also more attractive cenote and after a few jumps we decided to jump from the highest point, about twenty meters by luck we almost didn’t hurt ourselves. We finally ended our trip enjoying the incredible Caribbean beaches and swimming with turtles.
It was time to return to Cancun leave my sister and here boyfriend and welcome Elisa. I had to wait for her all the afternoon because it was saturday and on saturday it’s week end, that means few administrative personnel and as a result, really few “migracion” desks are open and a loooot of people are arriving...
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